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Name: 20091015_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2009
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to take your phone calls throughout this hour, and Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, the founder of it, is with us.
He was an aide to Congressman Ron Paul.
He was a paratrooper in the Army.
He decided to start Oath Keepers, which has really taken off.
All over the nation, on the streets, not even when I'm at events.
But I see people handing out Oath Keeper material.
I see people handing out flyers about the carbon tax and world government.
I went to Dutch Roll Shell last week to pay for some gas in Austin, and there on the counter were Anti-Federal Reserve flyers.
And I said to the guy behind the counter, I said, where did this come from?
And he said, oh, the owner of this gas station, not the franchise itself, but the franchise owner of that particular shell put those out.
And so everywhere you're seeing activism, and it's transcending the controlled left-right paradigm.
And Oath Keepers is getting the military to say, we will follow our oath to protect and defend the Constitution and to not violate our oath, to not put Americans in FEMA camps, to not confiscate their guns.
Now, big national media have written scores of articles attacking myself and Stuart Rhodes.
They always include me into Oath Keepers, even though I'm not a military veteran.
And they say, this group wants to overthrow the President.
This group wants to have a war.
This group, when Oath Keepers, is about saying, we're not going to let criminals in government overthrow our country, and we are peacefully speaking out against violence.
So there's a real attempt here to distort what's really happening.
And we're seeing a lot of goading on the forums, a lot of pushing, and it's come out countless times.
A big court case just got lost by a government employee in Canada, where it turned out that by day, he was a hate crime fighter, arresting people that
Criticize any group in any way, or fining them, or feeing them, or... But by night, he was a Nazi actually out doing the events.
This is how they work.
Like they bombed Oklahoma City to blame it on the Patriot Movement.
And that's all the evidence is there.
I've had police on that investigated it.
The bombs in the building.
You know, the whole story.
The way the New World Order is going to operate is, they're going to attack their own police and military to then get them to attack the American people and launch this war.
We're trying to stop that from happening.
We're going to talk about that today with Stuart Rose.
We're going to talk about Oath Keepers.
It's going to be linking up with 9-12 that Glenn Beck is one of the progenitors of.
But the people in it are good.
And I understand that a lot of people don't want to bash Glenn Beck.
I guess we could have a moratorium on Beck and say, okay, Beck, if you ever come back and say there aren't FEMA camps again, or that maybe the veterans are dangerous and crazy, or maybe we should use troops against the American people, or Ron Paul's bad.
You know, I've seen him at key junctures do this, and if you don't think the establishment doesn't want to lead our movement against the New World Order, you've got another thing coming.
It's like the NRA authored the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Did you know that?
It's actually a pro-gun control group.
It's members aren't, so I'm really concerned about that, but I think it's great to have our people not infiltrate, but go in with the true message in the 9-12.
I think Oath Keepers are just fabulous, as long as they keep their code of not going along with martial law, police state, and the ten, you know, the ten points that they
Swear that they're going to uphold.
So a very, very complex issue here, but I'm glad that our audience has embraced Stewart Rhodes and Oath Keepers from its embryonic phase.
I'm very honored to see Oath Keepers from its maiden voyage expand out into what it is today.
There is an extra 20-minute extra in Fall of the Republic that is the Oath Keepers.
They're also going to be in Fall of the Republic 2, but the extra in Fall of the Republic is a
Well, we went to Lysington Green, interviewed Stewart and many others.
It's very, very powerful.
Let's now go to Stewart Rhodes.
Stewart, good to have you here with us today.
Thank you, sir.
Honored to be here again.
Appreciate it.
I'm going to touch on the 9-12 thing real quickly.
Whatever the involvement of Beck was, I talked to the national coordinator for 9-12, and in fact, she'll be, her name is Ida Davis, and Patrick Jenkins, founder of 9-12, is going to be at our convention this next weekend in Las Vegas, October 24th and 25th, as the first Goalkeeper convention.
But I got a good sense from talking to her that her, she really is grassroots driven,
Listen, I want to be clear.
I hope you go on Glenn Beck.
I hope Glenn Beck, like
Saul of Tarsus gets knocked off his horse and wakes up and becomes a good guy.
He just won't be on air very long, at least the level he is.
I just know he's an operative, and I know he's there to get everybody's confidence and betray everyone, because he's proven it.
And I've listened to him and watched him with great detail.
Overall, I think some of what he's doing is positive, but he's only doing that so he can double back later.
So I don't want to just get into this here and say, how dare the 9-12 Project get involved.
This is good.
This is the true patriots.
Beck tried to take over what we started.
Now we're going back and taking over what is rightfully ours.
The tea parties, 9-12, everything else.
And I think, you know, on the surface we should be friendly towards Beck.
And I didn't even mean to get off into that.
You just told me off air that it looks like you guys are going to be part of the next big 9-12 event.
And so I think that's very, very important.
Well, what they approached me about was that they want to do a big summit of all the different liberty leaders to come together, and all the different organizations, and they're targeting April for that, April 15th or 19th.
But I just talked to her again and encouraged her to think about doing one a lot sooner, because we're running out of time.
And so I propose that we do one on December 15th and 16th, which is Bill of Rights Day, and the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
Hold a symposium of national liberty leaders, everybody.
It doesn't make a difference who they are, just come together and talk and plan.
Not just come together to protest, but get together to plan and coordinate.
It's high time we do that.
I know other folks have tried to do that.
Bob Schultz of We the People, having his condo in Congress.
But the more we get together like this, the better.
So I encourage any Liberty Organization leaders, and also you,
Well, I was invited to that.
I didn't go because I was too busy working on the film.
And I think it's a fine idea.
Just having only a select coterie of leaders together, I don't think is the way I would go.
To have a huge throng of different people together, as long as... But see, 9-12 is setting it up.
They're going to direct it, I guess.
No, she's open to having my input.
It's not going to be just a certain elite.
It's everyone from across the country, all different grass roots.
No, I know.
I'm just saying, I hope that the big event is directed
I don't know.
Hey, regardless, we need to get together and I absolutely agree with you.
That's exciting.
Let's shift gears now into all the attack pieces.
There's so many, I don't even read them all now when I see the headlines, but I notice you and I are being attacked together.
You'll have like a 5, 10, some cases ADL, 15 page report, Southern Poverty Law Center, George Soros groups, and they always put you and I together.
They think associating with you scares me.
And vice versa.
I guess they think that's some kind of a plus.
But it works in our favor, I think.
Sure, but they're also trying to imply that we're calling for revolution and violence.
Meanwhile, they've got their operatives out trying to stir up violence.
They're kind of in a 1990s model.
I don't see this working today.
I think people are looking right through them.
Well, and also the message of Oath Keepers is that you do not have to violate the Constitution to save it.
And this is what's different between us and other countries, like Nazi Germany, where the oath was to the Fuhrer.
Their only chance of ever saving Germany would be to rebel against their oath and violate their own oath and kill Hitler.
We're good to go.
Then we win.
But how can they do it without?
They'd have to bring in foreign troops.
Well, sure, sure.
I mean, to boil it down, somebody's got to say it's wrong to train to confiscate guns, it's wrong to build FEMA camps, that's all admitted now.
It's wrong to put military on the streets of America for regular police actions and not just emergencies.
All of this is clearly authoritarian, un-American.
History shows it's bad.
We know the federal government's been hijacked by foreign banks.
And just shake our heads, kind of wake ourselves up, put our heads in a bucket of ice water, and go, wait a minute, foreign offshore banks run by people like Ken Lay and Madoff have come in, taken over, and are engaged in crime, and now the criminals are trying to direct the military and police to break their oaths
To protect the corrupt elite?
Just follow the Constitution!
Start saying no!
But the establishment, by increments, trains police and military to violate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, a little bit by a little bit, but before they know it, they've been completely twisted.
Right, and defenders standing on the streets and dispersing people, protesters and using sound cameras on them.
So that's the whole point of our message is to counteract that and to teach them about the Constitution and get them back to square one of being defenders of the Constitution.
But there's that powerful peer pressure mode.
I mean, I would imagine of the thousands of police and military batoning women running for no reason, having police dogs bite old women.
I mean, there's video of this.
Driving through empty neighborhoods, sound canoning a kid as they walked out their front door with a football.
I mean, just, you're not allowed on the streets of Pittsburgh or Oakland, Pennsylvania.
We come back, I want to talk about that because I'm sure some of those troops and police were good people, but in that mass psychology of war,
And with all the psychological brainwashing they've gone through, the hypnotic suggestions of their training, when the time came, I mean, they were looking for blood.
They wanted the blood of the American people.
We'll talk about that with Stuart Rose, the founder of Oathkeeper, straight ahead.
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Stuart Rhodes is our guest.
You can also go to the Oath Keepers website, OathKeepers.org.
We'll tell you about the big Las Vegas event, their first annual meeting.
You'll want to be there.
Stuart's a founder and director of Oath Keepers.
He served as a U.S.
Army paratrooper until he disabled.
And a rough terrain parachuting accident during a night jump.
He is a former firearms instructor and former member representative of Ron Paul's D.C.
Stewart currently writes the monthly Enemy at the Gates column for SWAT Magazine.
So they're reaching out to those people.
Stewart graduated from Yale Law School.
Where his paper, Solving the Puzzle of Enemy Combatant Status, won Yale's Miller Prize for Best Paper on the Bill of Rights.
He assisted teaching U.S.
military history at Yale, was a Yale research scholar, and is writing a book on the dangers of applying the laws of war to the American people.
And he's a great leader, and we're honored to have men of his caliber fighting the globalist takeover.
And he's another testament to taking action.
What, Oath Keeper's been around how long?
And it's, I mean, it's everywhere now.
It's exploding.
So it's less than a year old?
Oh yeah, yeah.
We're in our baby infancy stage, but it's growing like wildfire.
We have directors now in about half the states, and our goal is to have strong Oath Keeper chapters in every county.
Because we've got to protect the country from the county up.
Well Stuart, I'm going to be honest with you, and I'm not telling you to get into politics, because what you're doing is more important than the grassroots right now, but I'm not impressed with some of the people running under the Ron Paul banner.
I'm not impressed with how they compromise.
I'm not talking about Ron Paul himself, but some of the people kind of running on his coattails.
You are the type of person, that's what's good about Oath Keepers, we'll find more high caliber people who we should run for Congress.
Well, I don't think I've ever worked for office because I think I'm much better at going and finding folks.
And for example, there's a candidate in Orange County for Sheriff there, Bill Hunt, who we're putting our
We're getting behind.
And I think he's a pretty committed patriot in the lines of Sheriff Mack.
And that's where I would start as a sheriff, race to the county.
And Kent Harris up in Uniquay County, Tennessee, we were just there.
In fact, Chuck Walton was there, too.
And his son, Tim Walton, were there for a patriot rally up in Uniquay County in the northeastern corner of Tennessee.
And that's a pretty squared away sheriff, too.
And there was a bunch of folks there open carrying.
And the Sheriff endorsed and supported that.
He wants people to do that.
He wants to exercise their rights.
So, those are all good signs.
Yeah, the open carry is really going to defeat the gun grabbers, because as you know, they advertise all over TV that owning guns is illegal.
And they base all those TV shows in New York where they are.
And so, all over the country, people are getting the... I mean, have you seen the John Elway Homeland Security video?
They're showing citizens where he's... Yeah, I've seen that, yeah.
Well, for those that don't know, they show gold and say terrorists in their home may have gold or they may have firearms.
Call the police if you see firearms.
I mean, we've got to start wearing our guns openly to just educate the sheeple that guns aren't illegal.
Yeah, but they don't even know that open carry is legal in most states.
And that's why folks are doing that, is to put the point across that, hey, I'm not violating any code.
I'm not violating any statute by standing here with a safely holstered sidearm.
Stewart, I can't stress enough how much your organization is scaring the globalists.
I mean, they admit they are scared of the police and military being recruited by the patriots and just learning what it is to be an American, rediscovering that.
We're going to go to break, and I want to come back and let you have the floor and then take some calls, but you started getting into G20.
Watching the videos of police dogs biting old women coming out of shops with bags, sound canoning peaceful neighborhoods, going into the university at night saying you can't be out, chasing women down, Billy clubbing them.
I mean, that is tyranny.
Well, it's kind of like having Katrina.
You had police brought in from all over the country.
I think so.
It's like having a hammer.
All you have is a hammer, and everything looks like a nail.
And so once you're in that riot mode, it's hard to get them out of that.
Well, exactly.
You get macho men, warriors who are designed to go charging into other men with swords and axes, hacking each other.
That normal part of the brain kicks in, but it's college kids.
They have a few hired anarchists throw a few things, and then they go on a police rampage.
They are being psychologically manipulated.
Exactly, and that's why, I mean, like with Luke Rudowsky's attempt to talk about the road, it's necessary to do that, but by that point it's oftentimes too late because they're locked into that mode.
You gotta reach them, you gotta reach them before they get to that point.
And you gotta talk to them about how it's not proper to go from L.A.
or wherever they're from and go to another city and become nationalized.
That's the first line right there.
They shouldn't be doing that.
Long segment coming up.
I want to speak about how they bring these swarms of police from all over the nation to New Orleans or to Pittsburgh or to other areas and then G20 private security in police uniforms grabbing citizens off the street into unmarked cars.
We'll get Stuart Rhodes' take on that straight ahead.
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Stuart Rhodes is our guest.
Your phone calls, Ronnie, Scott, Karen, Mark, Bob and others are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Stuart, I was making the point as we went to break about how they're clearly turning the military and the police loose on the people.
They're clearly training them that it's macho and cool to do all of this.
That's why Oath Keepers is here, to go out and reach out to them.
And I also want to get your take just on all the other announcements we're seeing and all the different reports of urban warfare drills and the military coming out on the streets and running checkpoints.
What are the military sources you have saying?
Are they really starting to get upset about this?
Are your military sources getting upset about the deployment of military forces on the streets?
Oh, you bet!
Here's the thing though, that's a powerful, as powerful as any conditioning that's been attempted on the military has been done to them, and it's been going on for decades.
That was the whole point of Lieutenant Commander Cunningham's survey.
I'm good to go.
Um, you know, the founders are no dummies.
They put it there for a good reason.
They remind them of their oath, and an old white book goes up over their heads, and they're like, oh yeah, but what does that mean?
That means I have to read the Constitution to understand it, and then once I understand what the lines are drawn, I have to stand.
And so that's the thing that's grabbing them.
And it's working.
That's what we saw.
Yeah, we're losing your phone.
Are you on a Skype phone or voice over IP phone, Stuart?
Yeah, we might need to just cancel ever doing Skype phone systems.
Or maybe our system.
That's what ours is.
But we'll try to get him back on the show today.
That's why he obviously couldn't hear me earlier.
I also wanted to talk about a story
Written last Thursday, titled, Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama.
And this is being pushed.
That's why
We need to become aware of what's being said and what's being done, because the establishment itself is talking about a military coup in America, and normally when you have a military coup, to get out of one tyranny, it only creates another tyranny.
And the article is, former White House speechwriter suggests military coup could oust Obama.
Former White House speechwriter John L. Perry has courted controversy by suggesting that the U.S.
military uphold their oath to defend the Constitution against enemies, against domestic enemies, could stage a bloodless coup to oust President Obama.
That continues the illusion that Barack Obama is running anything.
Barack Obama is a corporate lawyer
Who has proven himself to be one of the biggest puppets in modern history in any nation.
He reads off a teleprompter.
So it's always this illusion that it's Obama violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And if we could just get rid of Obama, everything would be okay.
We've got to audit the Federal Reserve and then abolish it and arrest the bankers.
If you don't get rid of them,
Things only get worse.
Going back to Stuart Rhodes.
Stuart, lost you there.
I was bringing up the article Paul Watson wrote about Newsmax's story with the former White House speechwriter John L. Perry, saying that in an article originally posted at Newsmax, website Perry wrote, there's a remote, although gaining possibility, America's military will intervene in a last resort to resolve the Obama problem.
Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.
Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for fundamental change towards a Marxist state is inviting upon America a coup, and it's not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible, writes Perry.
They're trying to spin these type of articles as if this is something Oath Keepers wants, when meanwhile it's former Bush people that are actually talking about this.
And doesn't that reinforce the myth that Obama actually runs anything, when instead Ron Paul
is running a counter-coup with the In The Fed movement to remove the illegitimate corporate dictatorship.
That's who we need to be talking about kicking out, but through legal parameters, once we educate the public that they're a bunch of criminal Kinlay Madoff types.
Right, well the Newsmax article didn't mention a few of them in particular, but here's the problem, is that what it's proposing is a false solution.
You don't violate the Constitution to say that a military coup would be as wildly unconstitutional as anything any president could do.
And so that's not the way to go.
If the people themselves, if anyone's going to revolt or overthrow a corrupt, cabal government, it's the people, not the military.
And so that's our answer to that, is that the oath is to the Constitution, and nowhere in the Constitution of the military is some general in sunglasses authorized to get upon himself to scrap the civil government and assume military command of the country.
It doesn't exist.
And so we're writing rebuttals to that piece that'll be on our website.
In 1775, 1776, for those that don't know, they went and got the elected representatives
Of course.
And I've studied it in depth.
We already have a military coup, as Thomas Barnett writes, but it's a good one, they think, where the global corporations now control our military through the National Security Council.
And so, you don't replace one military coup with another military coup.
You point out how it's illegal and illegitimate, and we remove the coup of the Federal Reserve.
Well, back to what you said about the founding generation.
I mean, look at the Death Wisher independence.
You don't see George Washington's name on there, or any of his officers.
He didn't call the shots.
He was a humble servant.
In fact, he signed off on every correspondence to Congress.
Humble servant.
You're a humble servant.
So, he put himself under the command of the civil leaders of the revolution, and so that's where we have to follow the same model.
You don't have the military as soon as power is in control.
But you're right, it's also that if you do a military coup, that could be falling right into the hands of people who would love to disrupt the Constitution.
I think so.
Again, Stuart Rhodes obviously in a busy office today as we speak with him.
I've thrown out a lot of issues I want to discuss, and I've got some calls that I want to go to, but you're going to write a rebuttal to the article written by the former White House speechwriter John L. Perry for Newsmax.
We'd love to publish that at Infowars.com as soon as we get that, Stuart Rhodes.
But other issues that you're looking at right now, the military.
What is their mood?
What are the police saying?
When you write these articles about the New World Order for SWAT Magazine, what are the paramilitary local police saying?
Well, overwhelmingly, we get a positive response.
Of course, we're getting the people who like our message the most, but I think quite a few people in rank-and-file military and police are waking up.
And I've even heard from the grapevine that some generals who are behind what we're doing are aware of those keepers and are in agreement.
It's all about waking them up to what's going on in the big picture.
And once they see it, most of them are meant of honor and they'll be on our side.
And so that's why you shouldn't think, folks should not think that, oh, they're all going to follow orders, they're all going to do these things.
They're waking up now.
Of course, we get folks who write in after G20 and say, what about that?
If you're all going to keep it open, why did that happen?
Well, it's because we haven't reached those offices yet.
We just started.
You've got to give us a little bit of time.
You've got to help.
Don't just criticize us and say, well, that shows you're failing.
Go out and reach them before they get to the G20, before they get nationalized and sent someplace else across the country.
Well, Stuart, we also know that, and this has come out in COINTELPRO documents from the 60s and 70s, it's come out with Hal Turner running around saying, go after the feds when he wasn't.
The FBI admits it worked for them.
That there are people always calling for violence and always pushing violence and always saying, we're wimps, we're bad.
Ron Paul isn't doing enough.
Alex Jones isn't doing enough.
Stuart Rose isn't doing enough.
A lot of those people, it's turned out, are operatives paid to be online and to call into radio to just get everyone dissenting instead of saying, in less than a year, look how far Oath Keepers has gone.
In the last few years, look how the Ron Paul revolution's gone, towards auditing the Fed, identifying the real shadow government.
I mean, we are having huge victories, and this is basic military psychology, where the establishment's telling us we're losing, we have no hope, oh you're pathetic, or you're an agent, you're an agent.
They're just doing all of this to get people to hesitate.
Yeah, well, and also we have people who claim to be on our side who just don't understand the Constitution.
I've had people that, you know, email and say, when are you going to have a military march on Washington to stop, you know, vaccination of children?
You know, as though we have the authority to go do that.
You know, the mess, here's the thing, is that we are in a mess because the American people were stuck at the switch for decades.
And it's not up to the military and police to fix that.
Folks out there are going to have to get off the couch and go out and do it themselves.
If the average person would quit bitching at us for not doing enough, and they would get up off their fat asses, and I'm sorry to talk like that, and get out there and engage the New World Order, our problems would be over very quickly!
That's right, well it's already working though.
You've got people now, nurses refusing the shot, you've got people who are refusing it because they realize it's dangerous.
And that's because we have the internet, we have YouTube, you know, we have your show.
It's already helping, but you're right.
The answer is to get out there and spread the message and help, not to criticize.
You know, criticize me for not doing enough, you know, or you.
You know, you're right.
But I'm telling you, nine times out of ten, we've tracked their IP addresses and stuff and test.
Most of these people are paid.
They're working for big foundations, or they're working for the government.
The Pentagon admits they're on the web, and they know how to get us fighting, and their best way to operate is to pose as, quote, conspiracy theorists, to get us in fighting with each other.
I mean, it's right out of the COINTELPRO playbook.
You know, I saw a thread on Daily Kos, in fact, where one guy was saying that he was advising other readers there to go to conservative sites and pretend they're a conservative and then use racist language.
Yeah, no, no, they do it.
They've been caught.
I mean, you see these ridiculous comments like, like, yeah, blacks are all scum and filth, and then the person still leaves their handle and you go find their MySpace account and it's a black guy.
And, you know, he's a big Obama supporter.
You're absolutely right.
They're doing that.
How do we counter that?
How do we counter that type of deception?
Well, I think, you know, sunlight's the best antidote, the best antiseptic.
You just expose it, like we're doing right now.
And folks shouldn't buy into it.
They should look with a jaundiced eye at anybody who's calling for violence.
That's how you pick the agent provocateur out.
That's the old joke.
It's the guy who's trying to get you to do something illegal.
Well they've caught agent provocateurs in Denver last year and Canada.
Mainstream news admits the police go and attack their own police for the news cameras and then no one goes to jail.
Shouldn't the commanders that gave those orders get in big trouble for ordering police to engage in false flag operations?
Well, I think so.
I think it's entrapment at the very least, you know.
But, as we know, it's been watered down.
The rules have been, the lines have been blurred and watered down for so long, we're going to have to try to counteract that bit by bit and officer by officer.
In fact, what the police commanders say when they get caught doing this from Canada to Australia to the United States, England, you name it, Italy,
They got caught in Greece this year.
I'm sure you probably saw those newscasts where mainstream news admitted the police were dressed up as anarchists, being ordered by police in alleyways, it was caught on video, in uniform, to go bash out windows of cars and businesses to demonize the mainline protesters.
And the police said, oh, that was just a drill.
And so now when they go attack other cops on camera, for the news cameras, so they can attack the peaceful crowd, they go, oh that was just a drill.
That was just an exercise.
Well, I think the best thing you can do is that when you have that happen in a local police department, it's time for a new chief of police.
And if the mayor won't do that, then it's time to get rid of the mayor of the town.
You know, kind of let him out of office.
Obama was this great savior.
He was
He was going to save the Earth.
And it doesn't matter if they make him head of the United Nations Security Council.
It doesn't matter if they give him all these awards to be the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
It seems the whole world is starting to really get wise that Obama's a fraud.
Well, it's like with the G20.
You know, that's where you saw the puppet masters coming together.
And, you know, frankly, everyone that protested at 9-12 in D.C.
should have been at G20.
That's who's really pulling the strings.
It's going to take a little bit of time to wake people up.
Of course, we're running out of time.
But the more they understand, it doesn't make a difference who's in office.
What counts is what agenda they're pushing.
If they're pushing the same agenda, it doesn't make a difference.
But you notice that the D.C.
Well, they said they were part of that multi-jurisdictional security force.
I believe those were police officers.
Yeah, G20 said they were part of their private security force, but so they're secret police.
I mean, what do you think that was about?
Well, I mean, what was it about to just grab a guy off the street like that?
Intimidation is one point.
If you black bag someone off the street, it makes everybody else on the street go, wow, I shouldn't be out here, you know.
So, but again, I was in D.C.
for the 9-12 protest, and the contrast between that and G20 is striking.
And then, of course, one problem is you have rock-throwing, you know, so-called anarchists at the G20, and that causes trouble for the other protesters.
But the answer, of course, for the police is to arrest the rock-throwers, not to pepper-spray and sound-canon everybody.
You got ten Foundation-funded brats out there throwing rocks.
You go arrest them, not the 2,000 peaceful people.
But the cops know that.
Those guys work for them.
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I'm good.
We're good to go.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I think so.
You look like an angel.
Walk like an angel.
Talk like an angel.
I've got time next hour.
I'm going to play it.
Ron Paul slams Neocon Graham for angry white guy attack.
Neocon Lindsey Graham resorted to race pimping the other night when he attacked Congressman Ron Paul for representing angry white men, to which Paul responded on CNN by pointing out that Graham represents the exact opposite of true conservatism.
He's pro-carbon tax, pro-Sonia Sotomayor,
I mean, the Republican leadership are sickening criminals.
They're violating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And they're getting more and more desperate.
Stuart Rhodes is our guest.
I do want to take some of your phone calls in this segment and the next.
And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is going to be joining us.
We're going to go to Ronnie Scott and Karen here in just a moment.
But you do have your event coming up in Las Vegas, the first big annual event out there.
Tell us about that.
It's the first Oath Keepers National Convention, and we'll be having Sheriff Max speak, and we'll be having Lieutenant Commander Guy Cunningham hopefully speaking as well, and we're having a class on command structure by Action 50 Navy Lieutenant Commander David Gilley.
But the main point is to get together Oath Keeper leadership and those who are interested in helping with Oath Keepers and spreading the message.
It's pretty short notice, but if folks want to come, if you don't want to have a meal, all you want to do is attend the speakers events, it's only 50 bucks for the whole weekend.
So it's this next weekend, October 24th and 25th in Las Vegas at the Texas Station Hotel.
Oathkeepers.org to find out more.
And you don't have to be former military to be part of it, right?
No, you can go before military or police to help us spread the message.
You can be an associate member of Vote Keepers, or you don't even have to join.
Just come and learn about what we're doing and help us spread the message.
You bet.
You don't have to spend a dime if you don't want to.
Very, very exciting.
Let's talk to Ronnie in Texas.
Ronnie, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, sir.
I'm honored to follow or concurrently we're with Mr. Rhodes of Vote Keepers.
And because I'm here now because I'm able to be here now, because I'm in effect banned from today's Austin City Council, which is totally counter to our First Amendment and these flip-flopping power-driven traitors at City Hall.
Sir, do you have a question or comment for Mr. Rhodes?
It's about Afghanistan and the blood of our troops overseas and our cops here at home.
The Afghanis have grown supposedly most of the world's opium, so our brave troops are now guarding those poppies, so as to show our nation's collective preference for one group of illegal drug thugs over some other group of illegal drug thugs.
And that's kind of my comment, but the comment is that, of course, that's the blood of our soldiers watering those crops.
But instead, my suggestion is, overnight, Obama could really earn this Nobel Peace Prize by unilaterally
First, he'd have to defy a couple problematic treaties about drugs, but by declaring absolute freedom for farmers right here at home.
Think of it.
Suddenly, all illegal drug thugs worldwide will totally lose power and influence.
Ronnie, I hear you.
Listen, I'm going to let you go, because I wanted to go through the calls and the people that were for Stuart Rhodes, okay?
Not about legalizing hemp.
We talk about that all the time, and I appreciate your call.
God help us.
Let's talk to Scott in Arizona.
Scott, you're on the air.
Alex Stewart, thanks a lot.
Good day to you.
By the way, one quick insertion along with my question for Stewart.
You had a guy call earlier, was asking about prevention for problems, or if you've already had the flu shot.
Dr. Blalock put out an article on what to do if you've received the shot.
So that guy can go look that up online.
I think it's even on Mercola.
Also, I have spoken to the chief of police here in our town and
He stated that, yes, he'd be open for receiving information, such as a lot of the stuff that's been put on your site, Alex, regarding the flu.
He has basically... I got a break.
I got a break.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is coming up, former editor of Wall Street Journal, former head of policy, Department of Treasury, to talk about the death of the dollar.
What is really happening right now?
Stuart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, is our guest, and I'm attempting to take people's phone calls here for him.
Scott in Arizona, do you have a question for our guest?
Yeah, I do.
I would like for him to address possibly how to maybe take it a step further when it comes to
The Chief of Police, maybe even, and also for whatever it's worth, I know the Chief of Police here talks a lot with the head of the Fire Department, too, and how he might suggest some in-routes to bring more awareness regarding violations of the Constitution, the flu issue, and one last thing to add to that, Alex, I think this would be an excellent, excellent way
For people to get the word out, whether it be copy your DVDs to give them out, or even do like the Sherry Tenpenny flyers.
I've handed them out at our school, but the other thing is, besides handing it out at your schools, Halloween!
Put a copy in every kid's basket and send it home and let the parents pick it out and read it and find it.
It's a national holiday.
We can expose this massively if people will go make the copies and put it in every single pumpkin that they get at their front door.
So, but extrapolate if you would please a little further on the Chief of Police and you know, talking to the Chief of Police about this.
I didn't know they were handing pumpkins out of people's doors.
Got kids dragging giant bags of pumpkins.
No, I mean you can give them the...
On our website you can go and find
Free PDF downloads of our brochures and push cards, and just print them up on your home computer and hand them out.
And our DVD, we're going to start selling on our website too, but you can also get it through $1 DVD Project.
You'll get a DVD you can buy and burn it.
Take it home and burn it, copy it, and send it out.
We don't care about you copying our stuff.
Go for it.
And spread it around everywhere.
Let them know about Oath Keepers.
That's the best thing to do is get them to our website.
We're good to go.
And call it a tea party.
Call it whatever name you want, so it's what it is.
Patriotic and mainline.
Call it Veterans Appreciation Day or whatever, but invite the police and the firefighters to come together with the veterans.
Call it what you want.
Yeah, we're the real patriots.
Stop letting the offshore bankers and their little crooked groups, like the Southern Poverty Law Center and others, run around and say they're the patriots, and that because we're pro-America, we're the bad people.
No, we're the real Americans.
And I go back to Ron Paul earlier this year at CPAC, the big Republican convention, and Rush Limbaugh is the keynote speaker.
Ron Paul is one of the other key speakers.
And Ron Paul gets up and says, Republicans are anti-war, this war is a fraud.
He got a standing ovation.
Republicans, by and large, aren't a bunch of warmongers either.
I mean, that's the issue is, we have to take America back.
Stop waiting for someone else to do it.
So, you know, in your own local community, get up and do it.
Go do a big party in a local park.
Start some kind of event like that.
But the best way to do it, I think, is to first get them together and get them to understand that you're not their enemy.
And then after that, start talking to them.
Don't just come out of the blue, you know, to an average cop of the New World Order.
The best way to do it is to, you know, hold a soft sell up front.
It usually works better.
Well, I found it's also good, you know, just the carpet-bombing effect of just handing them DVDs, you know, just giving them to everybody.
The Obama Deception, Endgame, Terror Storm, that can break their conditioning as well.
Stuart Rhodes, keep it up, my friend.
The establishment looks like fools trying to demonize you because your organization is absolutely just
Cut 100% to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and we appreciate you and keep it up.
Thank you.
Hey Alex, one last thing.
We're doing a big drive for the troops, care packages for the troops, starting November 11th.
We'll have you back on then.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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I'm Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
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They've run the system, the whole economic system of the world for the last two and a half hundred years.
So why shouldn't they also run the economic system for the next few hundred years?
So is this some sort of a new world order, which Gordon Brown kind of alluded to?
I think the new world order is emerging.
We have to stand up to preserve a republic here and a rule of law, which is under dire threat.
For a couple of hours, you could say Mr. Obama was president of the world.
Obama has made it quite clear by his actions, never mind his words, his actions, as to who owns him, who he works for, and who he serves, and it's not the American people.
Just as George W. Bush betrayed his foolish followers, so must Obama, because his only allegiance is to his offshore masters.
Summers tells Obama what to do.
Summers tells Geithner what to do.
So we had Snow, we had Paulson, now we have Geithner.
All these people cut from the same bowl of cloth.
All you folks don't even realize that you're helping people that you're associated with and should be recusing yourself.
Uh, I...
You know, I behaved with the, uh... You don't think you should have recused yourself?
Every time in history when a group of banks, in conjunction with the government, was given the power to expand the money supply at will, those economic systems always collapsed.
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The destiny of humanity is in our hands.
October 21st, 2009.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
That is the fourth trailer in the series.
We'll have one more on Monday.
Wednesday is the release of Fall of the Republic.
You can pre-order it now.
The orders will ship out on the order they receive.
My newest and best film, Fall of the Republic.
We are joined until 45 after by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Former head of policy, Department of Treasury under Ronald Reagan, best-selling author, former Wall Street Journal editor, and also a great patriot fighting just the corporate looting that's going on.
He's very critical of George W. Bush.
He hoped Obama would be better.
Obviously, he's now pointed out that Obama has already, in many cases, surpassed the tyranny of George Bush.
Now the outrage of Obama being given the Peace Prize when he's actually sent tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan.
Continuing the torture, the secret arrest.
We'll talk about that, the deterioration in the dollar, where all of this is going.
Is the headline correct in major newspapers that I read earlier saying that already government central banks are moving to the majority in buying euros and other currencies as the reserve?
We are joined by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Doc, it's good to have you here with us today.
Hey Alex!
So much is happening.
Let's get into Obama and where he's going and the Peace Prize and your take on that.
Well, they gave the Peace Prize to a warmonger, didn't they?
This is the guy who started a new war in Pakistan and who has increased
The war in Afghanistan.
In fact, today there's a report on Antiwar.com that he's told the British he was going to send in 45,000 more Americans.
And this was part of his guarantee to them to get them to send a few hundred more troops.
You know, I wrote a column about it and said that it took longer than George Orwell thought to reach his version of 1984, but we've now reached it.
We've given the Peace Prize to the warmonger.
Now, the Noble Committee claims that, well, they made this decision two weeks after his election because of his rhetoric.
He was talking differently.
From Bush.
So they were hopeful that they could somehow give him the Peace Prize and make it harder for him to be a war monger.
That could work, but I think most likely all it's done is to make the slogan that Orwell has in 1984, War is Peace.
The reality for us, so now war is peace.
But it has seemed to have blown up in the Nobel Committee's face, and making him the head on the rotating board of the UN Security Council, trying to push him as this global peacemaker, when clearly he's continuing the exact agenda that we had under George W. Bush.
I mean, I think this is one of the straws that broke the camel's back, and I've seen that the Nobel Committee, as you mentioned,
Is now starting to backtrack and apologize.
And so, I guess this gives new meaning to the word, you know, words over actions, because we've got Code Pink now endorsing the war, Huffington Post just endorsed more war, and so now it's the liberal thing to do to go into the place that no army's ever defeated.
And of course, you know,
The worst part about it is all the people there who will be killed.
We seldom kill any of the fighters.
Not that we have any right to kill them, because we've invaded them.
They haven't done anything to us.
But we mainly kill women and children and village elders.
It's just sort of a crazed act of murder.
That's all it is, like it was in Iraq.
If you count the displaced and the dead, they lost a fifth of the population and allegedly we did this to benefit them.
Well, how do you benefit people when you bring nothing but death and destruction?
What is the agenda?
What is the agenda?
Why are they expanding into Pakistan?
Is it to encircle Iran and China?
Is it to control the opium?
Is it for weapon sales?
The UNICOL pipelines?
They even admit, I saw CNN with a general admit there was a staged election.
I mean, I have to pinch myself every day.
What is the point?
More troops in Afghanistan means more targets.
Those warlords are always fighting with each other over the opium money.
It's never going to end.
That place has been in war for 2,300 years.
Why are we there?
Well, I can't say I know for sure.
We're there because of 9-11.
Which you and I regard as an inside job.
That was an excuse to start a war over there, but they really weren't mainly interested in Afghanistan.
They wanted to invade Iraq.
And so it was kind of a beginning of a war that they could spread where they really wanted it.
Now, of course, while we're staying there, probably the Israelis want us involved.
If we pull out of Afghanistan, then we might not attack Iran, or we may pull out of Iraq.
The whole thing that they stirred up with the neoconservatives, you know, would simply pass away and be for naught.
So I think the Israelis want to keep us there.
And, of course, the military itself does, because wartime is when you get the most rapid promotions.
Officers get promoted rapidly.
When they retire, they get much larger pensions.
The higher up they can get promoted, the better their chances to be consultants to the defense industries, to the Pentagon itself.
And so it serves the interest of the officer corps and, of course, the munitions.
I mean, a lot of people can get rich, can get promoted, can retire and hire.
Higher pensions, and also you see the government, there's a lot of momentum now, and how do you back out?
How do you stop?
They can't claim a victory.
There's nothing they can claim.
They don't want to defeat.
If Obama pulls out, we know exactly what the right-wing crazies will do.
And the neocons, they'll say, see, he's a Muslim.
He sold out the country to the Muslims.
He's turned Afghanistan back to al-Qaeda.
So all those just basic political things play in.
But once you make a serious error like going in there, you get so many interest groups and politics that it makes it hard
To get out.
So I think probably we'll just expire there.
It's just going to be continual occupation of Central Asia for the foreseeable future.
You're right.
They're talking about a decade more.
That's 18 years.
It's like Germany.
We've been there since 45.
Never leaving.
Been in Korea for 50 years.
Never leaving.
More than 50 years.
And we pay for it.
And meanwhile, the weapons manufacturers make a bunch of money.
Our troops get killed.
But generals get to pin more ribbons on their chest.
We'll talk about the dollar.
And the death of the empire.
The fall of the republic.
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We're good.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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The guys are laughing because during the breaks I do three and four minute radio interviews.
Just did one on 1360 AM in Dallas.
There is no doubt I'm the hardest working man in radio.
And one of the hardest working writers and researchers out there, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Always honored to have him.
We've got him in this segment and the next.
This is a short segment.
Dr. Roberts, let's get into the dollar.
You know, I got the New York Post saying, dollar loses world reserve status and then says, chose the numbers that governments and central banks, even our own central banks, are converting away from the dollar being the main reserve, though they're still buying treasuries at record pace.
And I kind of ignore the New York Post, but then I see it in the Associated Press.
It appears the establishment is trying to kill the dollar while pushing us under the water, saying, oh, I don't want to kill it.
Here, I'm going to push you under.
You're an expert on this.
I can't think of a better expert, you know, running the Treasury Department, doing a great job when you did do it, about where we're going in all of this.
The banks are reporting record profits on the bailout money.
Main Street is evaporating before our eyes, and they're calling this a jobless recovery.
What is really going on, Dr. Roberts?
Okay, well, a whole bunch of things.
But first, for the dollar, what's going on is that since the spring, like in the last six months, it's been rapidly losing value.
And this is independent of any words that any central banker or policymaker would say.
Have you ever heard of the Botswana Pula?
The Pula is the currency of Botswana.
And in the last six months, it has gained 14% in value against the dollar, the currency of the hegemonic superpower.
Did you know that Brazil's real has gained 22% against the dollar?
Or, to turn it around, the dollar has fallen 22% against the Brazilian currency?
Fallen 14% against the Botswana?
We've fallen 11% against the Russian ruble.
And why is this happening?
It's happening because the accumulation of massive trade deficits over so many years has flooded the world with dollar assets.
And now the world is confronted with very large, massive
Uh, federal budget deficits for this year, for next year.
Indeed, for the next 10 years, according to the latest CBO forecast.
And there's no way to finance those deficits.
In the past, we've financed our deficits by having our trading partners, who earn trade surpluses from our imports, recycling the dollars to buy the Treasury bonds.
The deficits now are much larger than our trade deficit, and so there's no source of financing.
We're getting some help from the fact that all the money we gave to the banks in the bailout, that some of this is being used to buy the Treasury bonds, but the world, for the most part, sees that the
Federal Reserve is going to have to buy the bonds.
That means it has to monetize the debt.
It has to take the Treasury bonds and create checking accounts.
So the hyperinflation, in a nutshell, where is it going?
I mean, they've always talked about killing the dollar.
Now they're talking about how it's dying.
I mean, is this the beginning of the end?
Is there any pulling out?
I don't think they're going to be able to avoid the
The decline of the dollar's value, it's already happening.
Look, it's approaching a parity with the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar.
Anytime the dollar loses 14% against the Botswana Pula, you know that the writing is on the wall.
So, I think, right now, we're still undergoing deflation from
The collapse of real estate values and commercial real estate values and a lot of just failed small businesses.
But you cannot monetize debt without the inflation rate turning up.
So I think next year we'll probably see the beginnings of inflation.
More pressure will come on the dollar because people will say, hey, I don't want to buy those bonds.
They're not paying anything.
They've got inflation.
And at some point, the Fed is going to be really trapped.
How can they raise interest rates to attract borrowers?
Doctors, stay there.
We got a break.
Tell us about it when we get back.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
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Things are happening that are so big right now that I've been, lately, pointing out to listeners, I'm in above my head.
The good news is, I was in LAX, had police come over that were fans again yesterday, leaving Austin, TSA that were fans again, people on the streets of LA, fans everywhere, listeners are saying they talked to their neighbors, they're already listening or have seen my films, and I'm just one little
Gage, Weathervane, and all of this.
And I'm getting so much coverage and so much attention that it's quite humbling, actually.
I'm going to be honest, I don't like it.
I like having an effect against the globalists, but the responsibility, and I'm not cracking under it, I'm just trying to grow up a little bit, because I mean, I never intended
To be, you know, globally getting as big as Ron Paul.
It's very, very humbling, and then I'm trying to make sure I'm accurate, I do a good job.
But I guess in what I'm saying here, and I want Dr. Roberts' comment on this and we'll get back into the dollar, is people are waking up everywhere.
I'm on a bunch of big European radio stations today, U.S.
radio stations, hundreds of interviews coming in a week, I can't even do a tenth of them.
I know Dr. Roberts is in demand everywhere.
I know he's seeing a big awakening.
But at the same time, it doesn't matter if everybody's waking up.
To a certain extent, the establishment is going hell-bent for leather and are committed, and no matter what, it looks like they're going to kill the dollar.
As he said, it's already happening.
Folks, do you know what this is going to look like?
When not just we have inflation, but we can't buy foreign goods anymore because nobody wants our cruddy dollars, and we don't have any industry left, and we've got a police state arrogantly stomping around
Dr. Roberts, I'm ranting here, but can you extract something from what I've said and give me your take on it?
I mean, I'm just, I'm getting to the point where I feel overwhelmed.
Yeah, well, all those things you mentioned, or the paths we're going down, I think they're going to get, you know, in this next year, something is going to happen to push up interest rates.
Either domestic inflation from money creation,
Or the inability of the Treasury to borrow at these extremely low interest rates.
And when that happens, then the economy, which is already suffering despite practically zero interest rates, will suffer more.
And the unemployment rate measured the way it was measured when I was in the Treasury is now 21%.
So, it can go a lot higher.
In the meantime, the corporations are continuing to offshore jobs, they're continuing to bring in foreigners on work visas, and the high rates of legal immigration continue, so that there are more and more people competing for fewer jobs.
So, this has to bring even more pressure on the American people.
Well, they're already suffering.
Look, you see, today or yesterday, it was reported that the investment banks are making so much money, they're back to those massive bonuses.
And it says that Goldman Sachs is going to give an average payout of 500,000 pounds, British pounds.
That's $800,000.
To each of its 5,500 London staff.
The senior executives are going to get bonuses of several million pounds, and the top one's 10 million pounds.
That's $16 million.
So they're paying out these kinds of bonuses while New York City, for example, now has record homelessness with 16,000 kids and homeless
Shelters, it's so bad, the city's giving free one-way airline tickets, trying to get the homeless to fly out the city.
Detroit is completely collapsing.
But look, here is the telltale sign.
New York's 5th Avenue.
One of the most famous shopping meccas in the world.
It's now got a 15.3% vacancy rate.
On 5th Avenue in prime commercial real estate, John Williams reported today that when you look at retail sales adjusted for inflation, currently they are at the level of 10 years ago.
He says that 10 years worth of retail sales growth has been destroyed.
And he, you know, and I agree with him that this
The crisis is just starting.
It's not really even well underway.
Is or is it going to come quicker?
And what are the people going to do as New York State has passed 84 new taxes I was reading last week in the last year?
The government just keeps growing.
The government keeps adding people.
Everybody I know is having really, you know, seeing cuts in pay or losing their jobs.
And the media is saying the economy is recovered.
I mean, where is this going?
You know, we don't have, you know as well as I do, we don't have a media.
The media serves as the ministry of truth, or the ministry of propaganda, you know.
And whatever it says is unbelievable.
Other than the trouble of the dollar, which is in oversupply, we have another amazing fact, and that is, for all of this decade, they kept the economy going by growing consumer debt.
We've talked about this before.
Well, now the consumers are all drowning in debt, and they can't take on any more.
So, there's no way to expand consumer spending.
You know, in the old days, consumer spending grew with the productivity of the workforce, but we still had industry and jobs here.
So, people would be more productive, their real incomes would go up, they could spend more.
That was the source of economic growth.
For all the 21st century, the source of growth was driving the consumers deeper into debt, so they would borrow the money to keep the spending going.
They would max out the credit cards.
They took out home equity loans and spent the equity, and now that's stopped, so there's no way to get the consumer economy going except for the bankers, who are going to get these huge bonuses, of course, the armaments industries.
Except the super-rich, the Americans don't have any income growth.
And now they're faced, like you said, with more taxes.
Because the states are broke, the counties are broke, the cities are broke, and the federal government is broke.
So they're going to be forced into lower standards of living.
And it's going to be really hard on the very poor.
But it's going to be hard on everybody, and I don't know whether it will radicalize the people or whether the government will succeed in blaming Al Qaeda or terrorists or Iranians or Russians or whoever.
I don't know what capacity the people have to realize what's being done to them.
Well, that was my next question.
Is the media now saying Iran is killing the dollar?
I'm sure you've seen that.
I mean, you just mentioned it.
And they're saying the Russians and Chinese are doing it.
But I read what the Russians and Chinese and the Arabs are saying and the Persians are saying.
They're going, look, all these countries, we keep buying your dollars.
We're losing 10 percent on this in the last year.
Your central banks have engaged in the policies that are doing this.
Please stop.
And then, meanwhile, the Federal Reserve comes out and blames them when they're the very group doing it.
See, I don't think anybody's trying to kill the dollar on purpose.
I think the dollar's being killed because of the hubris and stupidity of the American policymakers.
And the rest of the world sits there and watches this and says, well, look, they're going to kill it.
They won't listen.
There's nothing we can do.
So let's be prepared and have something to use when they succeed.
And through hubris and stupidity and killing the currency.
That's what they're saying.
They're saying when America goes down, it's going to be like a hydrogen bomb, devastating all the other economies.
It's just we're going to be in the middle of the smoldering crater in the worst position.
Doctor, what will this look like?
Being a top economist, one of the top economists out there in the world, recognized.
I mean, we've seen this in other countries, other permutations.
What's the best guess timeline on where this is going?
Because, you know, two years ago you hoped they would pull out.
They're clearly, it looks like you're saying, aren't going to.
So what's the trajectory and what do you expect this to look like in two years?
Well, I think it's going to be the hardest on the Americans.
Because, as you said, we won't be able to pay for the imports.
And we're very import dependent.
Not just on energy, but on manufactured goods and advanced technology products.
And if you can't pay
For your energy imports, then that disrupts food deliveries and people's ability to get to the jobs.
You know, we have this sort of urban-suburban culture where people drive for an hour one way to jobs and back, and so it's all kinds of problems brewing there.
I think it won't be all that terrible for other countries.
China, of course, may lose a lot of its
Uh, the value of a lot of its foreign exchange reserves, which are in dollars, but I don't know that that will particularly hurt them because they've got the technology, they've got the industry, the paper isn't that important to them.
And so you may know that Robert Fisk reported from Lebanon last week that China, Russia, including Japan and France and the Gulf
Arab oil interests are already devising a substitute for the dollar when it goes.
Now, when it goes, no one really knows.
This gives a timeline of nine years.
I myself don't see how the dollar could possibly survive as a world reserve currency for nine more years.
What is going to happen when the dollar loses its status, it's going to put a brake on the ability of the United States to conduct wars.
And so, we may actually get some peace as a payoff from the collapse of the dollar, because American power will collapse with it.
And I think that's what the rest of the world sees, and I think that's why
They're not particularly disturbed by the decline in the dollar, because what they are disturbed by is the American way of being a bully, of being hegemonic, of ordering people around, of purchasing the leaders of foreign countries so that the leaders represent us rather than their own people.
People are tired of that.
You know, all the threats that we are always issuing to everybody, not just to Iran, but to everybody.
Well, look at how they're trying to use the military.
Look at the G20.
Look at how they're openly deploying.
Now the Pentagon wants 379,000 troops domestically.
And in closing here, Doctor, I want to say bye to you in the break because I have a question for you off air.
The establishment is certainly full of hubris, the private banking establishment running all these Ponzi schemes, but at the same time they're gearing up the prisons.
They're telling local police get ready for riots.
They've been doing this the last couple years.
They're clearly getting the infrastructure ready for the implosion in the United States.
So I think that shows there's a method to the madness.
And that they've got some tricks up their sleeves, as the Rand Corporation document said last year.
Start a big new world war.
Somehow they've got a trick.
The Anglo-American establishment, allied with Israel, has tricks up their sleeves.
And it looks like that's going to be war or giant false flags.
Your take on that?
Well, the only way they can have war is if the foreigners left to finance it.
We can't finance it with no money.
I mean, the current budget is 50% in the red.
So, I think, you know, I do agree with you that they've got SWAT teams everywhere domestically.
I see them even in these small mountain towns in North Georgia.
They've got SWAT teams, which they don't need for any real reason.
And so, I do think they expect that things are going to
Get rough for them.
And, you know, Gerald Solanti and others are predicting that there are going to be riots and there's going to be a revolution.
And I think if the unemployment continues to rise, which I think it will do next year, there's going to be a lot of unrest and gangs and looting.
Because people are going to be so hard-pressed, you know.
In the old days, the Depression, when people lost their jobs, prices were falling.
It's different.
If you lose your job, prices are rising.
And so I think they've managed to fix a situation, a critical situation, that's too big for them to handle.
And I'm not sure they can handle
The American population, look, just remember they could not successively occupy Baghdad.
The United States is a big place.
It's a lot bigger than Afghanistan.
That's why they're trying to recruit the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to spy on people right now.
But I agree, it's not going to go well and it's a disaster.
It's like watching a train wreck as it's starting and we're watching it derail and cars are flipping over and people are flying out and the general public's still in a trance.
I think a lot of them are starting to wake up, as I talked about earlier.
Uh, but people are waking up, but they don't know what to do, and I don't know what to do, because we know what the establishment's done, we know what they're setting up, and they don't care.
They're just committed.
Well, it could well be.
We'll find ourselves ruled by the IMF.
We'll be under an IMF austerity plan.
Forcing us to balance our exports and imports.
Forcing us to balance our budgets.
The sort of thing that we've done to lesser developed countries for decades.
So this may be what we face in the future.
The world may say we've had enough of you and your stupidity and all the trouble you've caused everybody.
And now, you're going to do as we say.
Or you're not going to have any gas nor oil.
So that may be our future.
They may put us into the box that we belong in.
He's a best-selling author of... Tell us about the newest version of your book, Doctor.
I just had a second printing, so it's still available.
And it will explain to them how the government has turned law
Away from being a shield of the people into a weapon against the people.
All the things you talk about.
And it's the tyranny of good intentions.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Watch me!
Look, this doesn't have to happen.
We don't have to live under this tyranny.
We can wake up, we can say no.
I know the average person in government isn't evil.
I know the average American out on the street isn't a bad person.
But you've got to get as knowledgeable about the geopolitical things that are happening, the international finance developments, as you are about football and baseball and acting cool.
Believe me, I like going to a football game.
If I start watching sports, I get into it within days and then I'm addicted.
But I have to be addicted with real issues, folks.
We're gonna get hurt real bad.
We're being hurt real bad right now.
But I mean, stuff that makes the Great Depression look tame.
90% of this country was agrarian.
90% of this nation was rural.
In 1929 to 1940 during the Great Depression, 90% lived in the country and the majority of them were self-sufficient.
Around 80% were self-sufficient.
The studies I've seen, 90% lived in the country, 10% in the cities.
Ninety percent now, or right at eighty-nine, there's actually been a flight to the country by some smart people, but eighty-nine percent, if you want to get technical on last year's numbers, the latest, now live in the cities.
Eighty-nine percent.
Eleven percent live in the country, but only about half of that eleven percent, five and a half percent, are self-sufficient.
Now, what do you think's going to happen if society collapses like the Great Depression?
People are not as moral as they were then?
People will steal you blind in a minute.
The government isn't going to be there to help you.
If you've got money and land and two pennies rubbed together, the cops are going to have you by the ankles shaking the change out of your pockets.
I mean, that's what they're doing now.
This is not a game.
I keep stressing that and stressing that and stressing it and stressing it.
And I want you to have a sense of urgency.
I mean, I'm totally exhausted.
I got home at 3.30 last night, got in bed at 4, got up at 8 after a hard shoot yesterday with Jesse Ventura.
I'm not complaining, but I'm here.
Four hours.
And then I'm doing two hours of radio after this today.
Two hours of radio.
And I feel guilty when I don't take... Literally, lately, it's been ten interviews a day we're turning down.
I mean, it's just massive.
I'm only the biggest.
I am exhausted.
I want to go to bed right now.
I want to go eat dinner and see my family.
I'm not going to.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not going to have it said that I didn't do everything I could.
Now, you don't have to save the world by yourself.
But you better put some flyers up.
You better talk to your neighbors.
You better call in the local talk radio, or start your own show, or do an access show.
Because the people are ready to hear the truth now, but most of them don't know.
Most Americans are so passive, they don't even know who movie stars are, much less sports people, much less their politicians, much less what fractional reserve banking is.
Folks, total collapse of society.
It's guaranteed now that there's basically no way to even get out of it.
All we can hope to do is warn everybody we can about who did it, because these globalists are going to use the crisis they created to bring even more tyranny in.
This is a hot tyranny they've set up.
I mean, a bloody one.
It's a bad one.
We're trying to just save this country and save the dollar.
I'm going to ask you as listeners, please pre-order Fall of the Republic.
Please buy DVD burners.
Please make copies of it.
Pre-order it now.
It will ship out to you first.
It's coming out next Wednesday, six days away.
Six days away from Fall of the Republic.
FalloftheRepublic.com, InfoWars.com.
You'll be able to watch it first at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality.
Burn it to DivX.
Give it to people.
Because if we don't cause a massive awakening, and it's starting to happen, that makes it even more frustrating because we can really win and beat these people if you take action now.
Call the Republic.
Pre-order today.
Don't wait.
Spread the word about the show.
Keep warning folks.
We're having a big effect.
Great job, crew.
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