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Name: 20091013_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 13, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Tuesday, the 13th day of October 2009.
Halfway point.
Point of no return here on this live Tuesday edition.
We're going to blitz through your calls.
Teresa, Mike, Roy, Earl, Saul, and others.
Saul, 1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
Dollar reaches breaking point as bank shift reserves.
Gold hits record close at $1,064.
Bunch of swine flu developments.
Serious news with Israel and Iran.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's go to Teresa in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, thank you so much for taking my call and first I want to say I thank you.
I thank God every day for you being there.
What a strength of encouragement you've been and the information is totally life-saving.
The reason I called is I live in a little town in North Carolina where not more than, I mean the township itself only has about a thousand people, but the 97th Brigade from
Fort Bragg contacted the political officials here in our little town, you know, the mayor, the sheriff, the city planner, and a couple commissioners.
They got together and they wanted to do a training exercise here.
And I begged them, I begged our officials, please don't let them do this.
We have no reason to have them here.
But they came up and, you know,
Give them all kind of reasons why they should, and they agreed to let them do it.
And I'm just beside myself.
I don't know what this means.
Well, let me tell you, ma'am.
They've been doing it for 20 years.
Before, they would just march through the town.
Now they'll covertly lease some buildings and blow them up.
They won't tell you when they're going to do it.
They'll have helicopters fly over houses, knock over
That's the whole point of this.
So that when they really do come to your town, everybody is acclimated and prepared.
This is being done to teach you that it's going to be okay to have troops in the streets.
Oh, they're helping at a checkpoint.
Oh, they're helping with drunk drivers.
Oh, they're helping with car wrecks, as they put regular Army Marines.
But, if you want to stop it in the town, six years ago, Fort Bragg did drills in two towns
Didn't tell one group of police and in one drill, two separate special forces candidates, it was their final training, tried to disarm police officers and were both shot and killed.
And Delta Force crashed and killed some people in Houston a few years ago.
They shot in an all-night restaurant in Miami.
They tried to bribe the police chief in San Antonio.
We stopped that.
They did cause a heart attack at Casa Ricarta, attacking an empty building, a former police station that police just moved out of that week.
In Kingsville, Texas in 99.
This is about acclimation.
You can print off Brigade Homeland.
That's the Army Times from a year ago.
You can also print off Mainstream News.
379,000 regular Army to patrol America.
You can see regular Army at the Kentucky Derby doing security.
So this is all about training us to just accept military occupation.
We always said that.
Now it's publicly admitted.
And so we need people in your town to go to the county commissioners after this is over and point out you were just conditioned for occupation.
You were just conditioned for this.
And you can print off the articles and show them what's been done and show the Pentagon admitting that that's what this is for.
Also, people locally in your town need to go out and videotape what they're doing.
Because a lot of times they'll go ahead and set up real checkpoints and start policing you.
This is high treason that you're witnessing.
Teresa, stay there.
We'll briefly come back to you if you want to give us the name of the town so people can be on the lookout for this.
But yeah, it's going on in every state.
With foreign troops as well in many cases.
NLE09 was the latest.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Teresa's in North Carolina.
And I'm sure if we search engine it right now, in fact guys just search army to conduct drills North Carolina or army to conduct urban drills in city and you'll get probably 20, 30 maybe more
In fact, we'll see it maybe in the hundreds.
Arkansas, Texas, California, Iowa.
And we've had the colonels on the show that run it, and it's in the local paper.
You know, they announced in Arcadia, oh, we're going to run checkpoints, and we're going to practice locking the town down and looking for illegal guns, and we're going to go door to door and ask citizens if we mind, if we search, it's only a drill.
But then simultaneously, all over the country, including Dallas, Texas, for now three years, the Dallas Morning News reports like it's a good thing.
See, we get a lot, most of our information from mainstream news, but they spin it.
They go, isn't it good in Dallas that they come to even the wealthy neighborhoods?
My point is, people say, oh, that's for the poor, dangerous folks.
No, it's for everybody.
And they knock, and they say, we're doing a knock and talk.
May I have a look at your firearms, make sure they're legal?
And they do it, and now in Boston they force their way in without a warrant.
Chicago's doing it.
Arnold, who has a 27 point approval rating, the lowest of any California governor ever.
I have that.
He doesn't care.
He doesn't care.
He just passed a law that basically all ammo, they say it's just handgun ammo, but the way it's written it's basically all ammo because they have rifles that handgun ammo can shoot in, so that's how they manipulate it.
And he just says, you're going to biometrically scan, we're going to register you to buy ammo.
Now they want to pass another law already announcing, as we knew they would do, to make it illegal to have out-of-state ammo.
California sets the precedent for the rest of the country.
California has fallen.
Many people say they're glad they moved to the United States, moving out of California.
Going back to Teresa.
Teresa, what town are you in that they're planning on occupying for three or four days, I would guess?
That's exactly what they said.
They said they'll be here three or four days.
They just want to make sure that if New York has some kind of catastrophe that we could handle the influx.
How crazy is that?
Oh, excuse me.
Let me stop you.
See, I'm getting key intel.
In January, we had emergency managers from Indiana and other states on, and then later mainstream news confirmed it.
They said a big flu's coming, martial law, millions dead.
We need to be able to lock down your small towns in Indiana if Chicago collapses.
So see, they're definitely doing infrastructure takeover.
Now they're not just saying, oh, this is for Afghanistan or Iraq.
They're admitting this is for America.
Tell us what they're saying, tell us what the news is saying, tell us what the City Council is saying, and tell us the town.
The town is Warrington.
It's a little town north.
We're only about 20 miles south of Virginia in North Carolina.
And the news hasn't said anything.
I mean, I got my information personally from a friend here who went to the meeting and
He was overthrown, but he tried his best to say, we don't need you here.
We can take care of our own.
You know, we don't need this kind of.
Oh, but the regular army wants to help now.
Yeah, exactly.
And also Alex, I've noticed just have been recently, uh, that they started revamping the old armory here.
Oh yeah.
And, and of course, you know, where, where my mind took me there.
I thought, Oh my goodness.
Everywhere, everywhere they're taking the armories of the old bases.
There's legislation in Congress, but they're just doing it without legislation.
Kind of like they spy without the legislation, without warrants.
And they call them fusion centers, threat integration centers.
Matrix integration centers is the real federal name.
The matrix system is what they call it.
That was in the Miami Papers, but the point is that
They are merging the police, the locals, everything into it, and it's the total takeover of your town.
So what else did they say about the meeting?
Well, they just said they want to come up and do some urban training, and it's like this commissioner friend I have said, you know, we don't need you here.
We don't work like that.
Y'all need to go train in Mexico or someplace, but we don't have any
Any reason for you to be here to train us or to use our little town?
This is nothing like you'd be going, you know, overseas or wherever.
He said, go to someplace more like where you're supposed to be shipped later.
Well, ma'am, I'll tell you how to beat the program.
It was in... What's the... I'm having one of those moments.
What's the major town right outside of Fort Bragg?
Yes, exactly.
Okay, it just popped in my head, literally.
The Fayetteville paper, as well as the AP, I want to say six, maybe seven years ago, ran the article where they told one department they were going to train with the military.
And these are always drills to take over the city and the county.
I mean, I've been to many of them myself.
And had troops march up in America and tell me, turn my camera off.
That's in my police state films.
It's happened to other people that we've had out there with cameras.
But the issue here is, they sent out special forces cadets who were about to graduate, they said it was their last test, and they went up to police
on the side of the road and would come out of the woods and try to tackle them and disarm them and the cops thought they were under attack and killed two of them.
Now this was in one mishap and a large percentage of the time people get killed or get hurt during these drills because they get hotter and hotter more and more real.
I would
Find those articles, print those off, and I would bring those to the City Council.
And I would speak in the City Council, but thank you so much for calling.
Now there, I said I would go to calls quickly, but I just spent ten minutes with her because that subject is so important.
Mike in Israel.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello, sir.
Thank you for having me, and I wanted to wish you a lot of luck on your upcoming film.
I know a lot of us are going to be out there watching it.
Anxiously waiting.
I wanted to bring up a couple of points here today.
Earlier you were talking about violence in today's society as well as video games and so forth and I just wanted to reflect as someone born here in the mid-80s that I think more and more in today's society the violence is becoming so socialized and so accepted that young people are going around playing games where they openly kill each other online and how they have the joy and pleasure of doing this in the
How it really does affect society is they're thinking to make people accept the things that are coming in the near future by passively showing these images and styles of violence to people to subconsciously make them accept that.
So I just wanted to tell you that I do definitely see that in my generation and younger generations as well coming out.
And my second point that I wanted to bring up to you would be
About what you think, being with the elites out there and the global people behind the scenes, how they have such a depth of control in our everyday lives, such as capitalism and corporatism.
If their reach wouldn't be farther than that, I know that in hot times like this, a lot of people reach out to alternative means of faith and keeping the hope up, especially
A religion, but have you dwelled into the thought that a religion may also be controlled or a tool of the elite to kind of keep the people in their place?
For example, my views on this would be to say that previous kings and monarchs, and especially Europe in the past days, used the idea that God had given the right and the rulership to these kings to be able to control the people for their best interests and so forth.
Yeah, that's the distortion of Romans 13.
That's one of the establishment's favorite little tricks they use.
Look, I'm a Christian.
But I don't beat people over the head with it, and I don't sit around judging everybody.
I judge people on their actions and their fruits.
Because I see so much evil coming out of the Muslims, out of the Christians, out of the Jews, out of the Hindus.
What you have is, out of the atheist, out of the animist, you have evil people in control of all the major religious groups and organizations.
I mean, I haven't found one major international group that isn't controlled.
And at the top,
The controllers are these eugenicists who believe that they are God and that it's their right to make the world in their image, which is a nightmare world.
And so I just talk about love and standing up for what's right and standing up to big centralized government.
Because big centralized government, as George Washington said,
Government is not eloquence, it is force.
It is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
And so if we can reduce the size of government, reduce the size of corporate welfare, get local control, then even if your local area is a tyranny, you can run somewhere else.
But if you have a global tyranny over all nations, all regions, all states, all counties, all cities, a standardized tyranny, that's a very hard tyranny to beat.
And so I, number one, I'm just trying to get people to realize there's a bigger world out there, a larger agenda, a larger operation taking place.
To not believe exactly what I'm saying, but to just discover the wider world for themselves, and to question, and to research, and to then stand up and get involved and get active.
But yes, the fake Christian Church, both Catholic and Protestant, but especially Protestant, and I'm from a Protestant background, teach people, lay it out, it's the end of the world, you can't stand up to evil, you know, praise God it's getting worse, that means we'll be teleported out of here by Captain Kirk or by Scotty.
That is not going to happen.
History shows that.
And we've got to stand up now, even if it is the end of the world.
It's our responsibility to say no to evil, and this is the great time to awaken people and to reach out to people.
This is the time that people are ready to wake up and really see the larger paradigm.
Mike, good to hear from you from Israel.
Hope you call back again.
Roy, Earl, Saul, and others, your calls are straight ahead.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website where Fall of the Republic will be premiering next Wednesday.
We're good to go!
I think so.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Roy in Minnesota.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, I really appreciate what you're doing.
And I've been praying for you.
And to give you a little background to who I am, my wife and I have done ministry in Russia for six or seven years now.
And it's amazing to me traveling around the world, seeing different people.
That a lot of what you're talking about is common knowledge around the world, but here you go into your average church and everybody seems to be so blinded and so frustrating to me coming back to America after being overseas to see these people that just wash themselves in the Fox News network or whatever side they're on, MSNBC, Fox News, you know?
This summer we just returned from a short term trip and I learned that one of the best sellers in Russia right now is a book called Project Russia.
It's a three book series and it's being told that people are being told that they have to read this book, this series of books.
And when you read these books, they talk about the Federal Reserve, they talk about 9-11,
They talk about all these things that have happened to America, and it's common knowledge to these people.
Well, let me break that down.
The microcosm is like Hardin, Montana.
A con artist shows up with other criminals.
They start patrolling in police cars.
They take over the prison that they were going to use to hold Guantanamo Bay detainees, basically.
All of this is going on.
Then the local constabulary says, we're making it up.
He's not a felon, he's not a criminal.
Now that's all come out that we were right, but still they say we don't care, we still want the deal.
And the American people said there's no world government, there's no private federal reserve, the vaccines are good, trans fats are good for you.
Mercury in shots are good.
CPS taking your kids with no warrant is good.
And so we have accepted pure evil.
And people aren't going to go back and say they were wrong.
They are going to continue down the course like an alcoholic.
You know, I've known people that drunk themselves to death, that drank themselves to death, and people are telling them, you better not drink a whole bottle of vodka every day, it's going to kill you, and it kills them!
I've known 35, 45, you know, people in their 30s and their 40s that have died, people I went to high school with who died.
Drinking themselves to death.
And I remember telling one of them, I saw him at a get-together with old friends, and he was drinking and had a big bottle of vodka.
And I said, do you drink that every day?
And he said, that's going to kill you.
He was dead two years later.
And it's the same thing.
They're like, with a big old bottle of vodka going, shut up!
It's not going to hurt me.
And we're telling them, look, that's going to kill you.
And you're right.
You go to Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic, or you go to Japan, InfoWars stickers everywhere, people posted the videos on YouTube, all over the place.
We're much bigger, and I'm just a microcosm myself, but it's a good yardstick or bellwether or test.
I mean, I can be in Latin America, I can be in Europe, large numbers of people come up to me now.
Years ago, it was just a few on the street.
And the thing, it's happening here now too, but yes, Americans are under the most modern mind control, along with the British, that there is, and they're either awakening or they're getting deeper into the psychosis.
Go ahead.
These books, government officials, okay, were telling their staff that they had to read these books, okay?
School teachers were told they had to read these books, and it's the type of system there, you know?
They were told they had to vote for Putin, so what did they do?
They voted for him, you know?
That's the type of system in Russia.
And yet, you read this book, and I want to email this to you, okay?
Because they interpret it into English.
And there's so much truth in this.
And you know, I sit in church on my Sunday morning, and I'm sitting beside people that advocate war.
They talk about how Jesus is love.
They talk about how Jesus is peace.
And they're sitting there talking about how great war is, talking about how good this is.
And I'm like, come on, we need to wake up.
Okay, we call ourselves Christians.
We need to wake up.
You know, I'm so sad, and I don't know how you've done it for this long without getting so frustrated, Alex.
And just want to walk away.
I really don't.
I've been involved in this, you know, with information like what you've been doing, you know, since 2003 when I came back after 9-11, you know.
It's funny, when I went to Russia the first time, it was on July 4th of 2000.
Look, I'm going to let you briefly finish on the other side.
We're continuing with phone calls straight ahead with Earl, Saul, Sheila, Lex, and others.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, we're back live here.
Talking to Roy in Minnesota.
Okay, Roy, real fast.
You were going to finish up your point.
Well, basically what I was going to say was, when I went into Russia in 2000, okay, I witnessed what a police state looks like, okay?
I came back in the summer of 2001 to America, and I saw the same guns pointed at me that I saw in Russia, okay?
After 9-11 happened.
In 2003, I watched one of your videos, and you really woke me up about what was going on, and I appreciate what you're doing, okay?
But the thing that just gets me so frustrated is because it's not just the conspiracy people that are talking about the stuff we're talking about right now.
This stuff is common knowledge.
Sir, sir, listen, I appreciate your call.
They write hit pieces on me every two days in major publications now.
And they say Alex Jones is dangerous and insane.
I mean, I could read these to you right now.
I've got six or seven of them here.
I meant to get to them yesterday.
In fact, later in the show, I'll have time, I will.
Jones thinks there's a plan to devalue the dollar.
Jones thinks there's a plan for a global carbon tax.
Jones thinks there's a plan for a new Bank of the World.
I mean, I'm reporting what's in the news!
So, that's mind control.
They're saying, we're setting up world government, we're doing all of this, but it doesn't exist if you criticize it and don't want to go along with it.
It's double-think.
It is Orwellian to the max.
Let's talk to Earl in Texas.
Earl and Saul, Sheila and others.
Earl, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
And thanks for the stand that you're taking for us as American people.
And I just wanted to let you know we received a letter from my daughter's high school the other day.
And they're holding a town meeting on October the 20th at the high school about the flu shots.
And they're wanting to better school us.
As parents, to let us know what they think is best for our children.
Yeah, they're going to brainwash you, they're going to have change agents, and this has now been admitted, it's been videoed, Obama handing out lab coats to people to pose as doctors, some of them weren't doctors, in Houston, putting fake doctors into crowds, and that's who they're going to go to.
I think it's great, I'll die if I don't take it.
I like the Federal Reserve.
I think Homeland Security should make it mandatory
You need to go to the event with the inserts.
You can just go to any drugstore or go online.
We've got them on InfoWars and Prison Planet in the flu section.
And you can go in with printups of the insert, circled or highlighted, but go to Kinko's.
You'll make copies.
Go to a copying place.
Now I guess it's FedEx something.
I forget the new name.
And just hand those out, and you may have cops in America walk over and go, see that town hall is supposed to be about you speaking, but in America you don't speak!
So don't be surprised if the local deputy comes over and goes, you got a problem with what you're doing, hand those out, boy you got authorization, this is Soviet Russia, this is Nazi Germany.
And then you gotta be calm and say it's a town hall, I'm allowed to hand out the inserts of what's in this, would you like one?
But you're probably
And we need everybody to start videotaping this.
Little hidden camera pins, or they've got little clip-ons you can put on, and then put it on YouTube, showing them.
Because other people go to town halls, they go to school events, and they're staged.
If you actually try to get up and ask a real question, they'll swarm you, they'll have their people up by the microphone, they'll tell you, get out of here!
Because the locals have been told, you go along this, you're going to get a piece of it.
Just like Hardin, Montana, or anywhere else.
And yeah, they're going to call you in.
The schools are meant to take over the community.
And then you're going to be told.
And Obama's going to be on the TV set, telling the kids what they've got to do.
The Department of Education with daily announcements that was always planned with Channel One, where they show them 15 minutes in the second period.
And again, this is the state taking over your community.
Tell me more.
Well, what they don't understand is, though, Alex, where I'm from, it's eye for an eye.
And when they swarm me and tell me I can't have my freedom of speech, which is in the Constitution, I'm going to the event and I am taking my video camera.
And I'm going to take a stand for what I think is right for my child.
Nobody knows my child better than me and her mom.
And I will not stand not one second for anybody telling me what my child has to do, except for me.
And when they tell me I can't have my freedom of speech, I'm gonna get louder.
Good, but also bring a few of your friends and family.
Try to do some flyering beforehand with the truth about the flu vaccine, a few bullet points.
That way more people are upset.
You should call into local talk radio.
Say you're an upset parent.
Get the phones going.
And because believe me, more people, I'll guarantee you.
Where are you calling from in Texas, Earl?
I'm calling from Bernie.
Burnett is just full of patriots.
And so, you guys, they call it a town hall, you go take that event over.
We can do that.
Anything else, Earl?
Well, another thing that really bothers me, Alex, here in the last few weeks, of course you know Burnett's in the Hill Country, and there's been an awful lot of flyovers
Right over the top of my house.
I mean, yesterday they were flying over in their helicopters so low it was vibrating the windows in my house.
That's always been going on in Burnett.
Did you see those national TV pieces I was in in 98 when even local police said, yeah, we saw helicopters go over and spray the town and then everybody got sick?
Do you remember that?
And what really bothers me, though, is in the last, I'd say the last month, they have doubled in number.
As far as flyovers, usually used to there be just like one helicopter every day.
Now there's five, six to ten helicopters every day.
Are they Army, state police or local police?
They are Army helicopters.
And I know that Fort Hood is probably about an hour and a half drive from me.
Still that many flyovers in one day?
I just, I don't understand that.
Well they might be doing drills or something, but we know if they have pods on the bottom, that they're scanning your house.
And don't feel bad, everybody gets scanned.
And uh, that's all part of being slaves.
Well Alex, if there's ever anything I can do to help you, I'm here for you.
Well, God bless you.
I'm here for you, too.
I appreciate the call, Roy.
We just talked to Roy.
Let's talk to Saul, or Saul, excuse me.
I keep mispronouncing it.
Saul in California.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thank you.
Thank you.
I just, number one, want to say, man, you're doing a brilliant job of getting this news out there to everybody.
I have all of my friends.
I'm in my mid-twenties.
All of my friends are waking up.
People are just
Totally realizing what is happening and I really have you to thank for that because I'm not religious or anything but I just know you're listening to whatever positive force is within you and the truth and that is a great job.
But I really wanted to talk about
How I just don't think that we are ever getting to solutions.
I mean, we point out a lot of problems.
We know that there's a lot of things going on, a lot of corrupt mind control and manipulation with the currency and the military gaining more control by the day.
And things are just starting to look like they're going to go haywire soon.
So I just wanted to maybe throw some ideas out there that I've had as far as like an approach we can have towards a solution.
Sure, tell us your solutions, but then I'm going to differ with you at the end.
All we talk about here is solutions.
Okay, okay.
No, it's true, it's true.
But this is one that I don't think has been put out there very often, which is, you know, one approach is I went to the We Are Change LA meeting maybe about a month ago.
And, you know, I came in, I started meeting all the people there, and I started realizing, you know what?
We're all just going to jump in our cars, pump a full of gas, go eat our junk food at McDonald's or whatever it is, stay alive, and go spend dollars.
So we're still keeping the system going every day, even though we're fighting.
And I just think it's, you know, people are getting laid off left and right.
Like, why don't we embrace that and just detach from the system that way?
Don't go to our jobs.
Don't use their money anymore.
You know, stay on our properties.
You know, fight for our rights here.
You know, if we fight violently or anything, we end up fighting alone.
So that's why I think we should just combine our efforts and not use their money anymore and just start something new in our country, because this is our land, not theirs.
I appreciate your call.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, that's pretty much it.
I just wanted to throw that out there.
But thanks again for doing such a great job, Alex.
Thank you.
I think a lot of what you're saying is true in that
We shouldn't patronize groups and organizations we know are pro-New World Order.
Like, I know United Way and American Red Cross got caught after 9-11 keeping about half the money they swore would go to first responders, and they used a lot of that money for anti-gun groups, anti-Second Amendment groups.
Where's the solution?
I identify them to people as bad guys.
They get the best of us to think we're doing good, and then we go and give our money to them, and then they use it against us.
You have to identify, you know, you can't just try to do good.
You have to do the research to know that what you're doing is hitting the mark.
That's like Glenn Beck.
I don't enjoy getting up here and bashing Glenn Beck.
I don't enjoy spending time on him.
I don't spend my other time bashing people in the media a lot because they're just puppets.
But Glenn Beck is in a key position to be a Benedict Arnold, a Judas goat.
To lead us to the slaughter.
He's attacked Ron Paul.
He's attacked myself.
He's attacked the Liberty Movement at key junctures.
He says the FEMA camps don't exist, even though it's mainstream media they exist.
He's there to pacify.
I've got clips of him at tea parties, bad-mouthing the tea parties, going, you guys are nuts, don't do anything violent.
For the news cameras.
He acts like a clown on purpose.
He's taken my passion, what I do, and turned it into a shtick.
It's widely admitted the guy tries to mimic me, but only for coloration, only for veneer of camouflage.
He's co-opting our movement.
Now it's not gonna work.
People are seeing through him.
But... And a lot of people won't see through him till more betrayals.
But I'm planting the seeds now, so people will see his betrayals down the line.
Now that sounds like I'm going off in another direction.
You know, you mentioned solutions, and I say solutions are not being conned and let down the Primrose Prath.
But one of the favorite memes or maxims or slogans used against me is, Alex Jones just gives gloom and doom.
Alex Jones doesn't give solutions.
And the COINTELPRO parrot that, and then weak-minded people pick it up and regurgitate it and mockingbird it themselves.
Why am I attacked by mainstream media?
Why am I attacked by the left and the right?
Why am I attacked by the State Department?
Why am I attacked?
Why am I on the White House enemies list?
Because folks, I'm hitting on all cylinders.
I'm not perfect.
But I know who the enemy is.
I know what their game plan is.
I know what their operation is.
Because I have read thousands of government documents and white papers and hundreds of their books.
Like Ecoscience by the White House Science Center.
I mean, I know who they are.
It's like I'm the coach of a football team who sends scouts out to spy on the other football team when they're practicing.
I mean, I know what their plays are.
I know what their moves are.
They don't like it.
And they know that most intelligent people who can figure this out decide to go join the system because they get scared and they say,
I can't beat them, I'll join them, I'll just go serve the system.
And that's what the elites say.
They say, oh, you understand it, so you're one of us.
Don't, you know, those idiots scum down there, they won't want your help anyways.
And in many respects, that's true.
But I still morally have to make the right decision.
I can't just turn myself over to evil.
But we started, my listeners and I, the movement to get states to declare sovereignty, which is really effective and puts that idea out there.
And it's a process.
I started the movement, put the idea out, people ran with it, to have cities, counties, and states, 800 plus cities, six, seven states, I forget, I know it was above six, maybe eight states, said no to the Patriot Act.
We pointed out that torture was wrong.
The media first came out, the government first came out and said, yeah, we're torturing people, including their children.
That's in the Washington Post.
I put it in Road to Tyranny, released February 2002.
Then when people found out about the torture, they said, oh, we don't like it, and the government said, oh, we're not really torturing, only a little bit.
See, first they tried to sell you, then you didn't like it, so they backed off, but they took two steps, we pushed them a step back.
They took three steps, we pushed them two steps back.
They took four steps, we pushed them three and a half steps back.
The good news is, they're still making gains on us, but every time we're pushing back further.
We're getting close to pushing them back.
Where they take two steps, we push them back two and a half steps.
They take five steps, we push them back six steps.
I mean, you know, the first five or six, seven, eight fights I got in when older kids would beat me up,
I got my butt whooped.
But let me tell you, the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th time, that didn't happen, folks.
And when I would come home with black eyes and a bloody nose, my parents didn't call the police and nanny and freak out.
My dad would say, well, you'll just have to kick their ass harder next time.
And my dad wasn't some big, tough, you know, guy going around.
He's very mild-mannered.
But that was just common sense for somebody from Texas.
And you know what?
Now I'm not afraid of somebody.
I'm not looking for trouble.
But if somebody wants to pull a knife on me or club or wants to attack me, I'm going to beat the living hell out of them.
I'm probably going to kill them.
And that's what fighting is.
You fight the tyranny.
You grow the muscles.
You engage.
You get involved.
You go out to events.
You get to where you're nervous the first time you go to a public event and speak out.
But the tenth time you do it, you're not nervous and you've got a hunger to do it.
It's that simple, ladies and gentlemen.
All we talk about is, we've got to defeat this bill that attacks our free speech.
We've got to defeat this anti-gun bill.
Oh, we don't care, that's California.
That sets the precedent for the whole country.
You know, we've got to call for the bankers' arrest.
They've arrested some of them.
We've got to call for auditing the Fed.
Ron Paul has been trying to audit the Fed since the early 1980s.
More than 25 years and now, we're not going to get it this year, maybe not even next.
But the Fed is fighting it like it's going to kill them, because it will!
You audit the Fed, it's over!
We talk about getting involved, getting involved in community, not fighting with your husbands and wives, teaching your kids about the New World Order, not taking vaccines.
The Gardasil shot may end up getting cancelled.
70% of people are refusing the flu shot.
All we talk about is solutions, how to get active.
Guy called in earlier about the school function, he's going down there to confront them.
You know, we are doing it.
We are talking about solutions.
But what about instead of like trying to bankrupt yourself and not be part of the system, which they don't really care about that, what if we try to build ourselves up?
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You have been warned.
We're good.
I think so.
I think so.
You see,
If the government and the media come out and say, we're going to regulate every facet of your life, we're going to have year-round school, we're going to take most of your children from you, we're going to sterilize you, you would get angry and say no.
So instead, Schwarzenegger said a week ago, he said, I'm not going to sign this bill to start registering everybody to buy ammo and biometrically thumbprinting it.
And I said last Wednesday before I went out of town, I said, Schwarzenegger will sign this bill.
Because they've gone into a complete military mode of how does he kill opposition?
He just says, I'm not going to do it.
Then he signs it.
They say this bill does not have amnesty for illegal aliens.
It's in the bill.
They say this doesn't have death panels and ration care.
And it is a government takeover.
It's in the bills.
They say the dollar's not losing value, as it's losing value.
I mean, they just ball-faced lie, or they come out and say, yeah, the army patrolling America is great!
They either throw it in your face or deny it.
And they're just following psychological warfare manuals on the public.
The establishment knows exactly what they are doing.
They understand to a T.
That's what they're doing.
Now, as long as we argue with the false left paradigm and argue with this false projection they put up of a bunch of distractions and diversions, they're invincible.
But the minute you go, this is a bunch of fancy phlegm phlegm, you're a bunch of criminal liars using psychological techniques to manipulate, I want you arrested, I want my Bill of Rights back, you know, just no, no, no, no, no.
You say no.
And they're going to go ahead and try all this, but then it's going to blow up in their face.
And that's how this works, ladies and gentlemen.
And you want a solution, look right directly into the mirror.
If you want a solution, it is staring at you in the mirror.
Hollywood and the corporate media has this archetypal image of a hero, one guy with a silver bullet who fixes it all.
That doesn't exist.
It's everybody getting involved, speaking out, getting a buzz going, saying no.
I don't care if you live in East Texas, or Alabama, or New York, or Florida, or California, or Oregon, or Montana, or Wyoming, or Colorado, or New Mexico, or Nevada, or Arizona, or Oklahoma, or Indiana, or Iowa, or Ohio, or Nebraska, or Hawaii, or Alaska.
It doesn't matter.
Go down to your city council.
Speak out on these issues.
Go down everywhere.
Hold up the articles going, the banks, they admit have issued tens of trillions of money.
They're buying up real assets and then leaving us with the bill and devaluing our dollar.
Here's Bloomberg.
The feds are criminal.
And just get the buzz going.
And also use the knowledge you know about the New World Order.
To inform others.
Information is the key so the people know what they're facing and know what they're dealing with.
I'm going to continue with Sheila, Lex, William, Steve, Joe and others straight ahead in the fourth hour.
Big news blitz.
I am going to get to the premiere of the fourth trailer.
We'll be live at PrisonPlanet.tv coming up as well.
Or the new film, Fall of the Republic.
Pre-order Fall of the Republic now.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Sheila in Indiana.
Sheila, you're on the air.
I just, I live in Northwest Indiana.
I was at work last week and I have a fellow co-worker who tells me she, I won't believe what she got in the mail, it's a letter from the government.
Wanting to know why her son hadn't had his 18 month vaccinations and that they would be going door to door.
Asking people why in general.
I told her to bring me the letter so I could Xerox it and send it to you.
Um, I had heard you talk about it, um, previously on a show about a couple weeks ago, maybe?
I listened to yours on YouTube, and I about passed out on the floor at work when she told me this, because even though I hear it, to hear it from the mouth of somebody who works with me was just unbelievable.
So, that's what I called in to tell you.
I've been waiting to tell you this all day.
Um, what, what do we do when we get the, when I get the letter?
I decided not to vaccinate my children any further than I've already damaged them.
So I probably should be getting a letter soon because my son has not gotten his two-year shot.
Well ma'am, they're gonna, again it's all cholera law, but yes, all over the country, and this has been in mainstream news the last couple years,
Really creepy bureaucrats in like fake police uniforms.
It's normally a private contractor through the city health department or state health department with a federal grant and they show up in these weird vans and they come and threaten you in many cases.
Like if you open the door and go, what are you doing here?
They'll kind of grovel and leave.
But if you act like the average American, you know, you see a uniform, you start groveling, they'll start intimidating.
They write reports for CPS if they see any dog hair on the floor, any clothes on the floor, which is normal.
And they'll say, you're going to be arrested if you don't take the shots.
And they get bounties on your kids, and they'll shoot them up right there.
And yeah, no, no, I mean Obama said he wanted his 13 million volunteers, only a million showed up, thank God.
But they don't care, they're getting trained.
They go door-to-door and intimidate and say, why don't you support health care?
Why don't you support this?
And again, it's not just Obama.
They're setting the precedent.
When a Republican gets in, it'll just shift to other issues.
But they're building the infrastructure.
And yes, do you have the letter?
Because I would like to show people that.
I would definitely.
The girl that I talked to, she said she'd be bringing it in today.
I work tonight.
And I just told her to scratch out her name and any personal information and that I could Xerox them.
And send at least a couple to you or one to you.
Do I just go on your InfoWars, go to your email and just...
Yeah, the problem is my guys all work real hard, but our email system, it's good, it just gets 10,000 a day or something, so it gets all scrambled.
Let me put you on hold and give you the Hoosiers email, and then keep your eyes open for that.
You can also, it's always smart to cc it to Aaron at InfoWars.com, cc it to Watson, cc it to Kurt.
If something's really important, just send it to everybody and hopefully we'll get it.
And then call back or email us if you don't see us cover it.
But we're kind of getting desensitized ourselves.
We get so many letters with them taking people's kids for no reason.
So many letters with them taking people's kids because the neighbor sees them yell at them.
There's no law you can't yell at them, but they still take them.
The family courts violate the 7th Amendment, totally criminal.
But it's just hell is out there.
But people aren't aware of it because the mainstream media doesn't... Everybody's being abused in isolated ways.
How long do you think they're going to bust down the door?
Do I just don't answer it?
Because I don't think I'm going to answer the door if some men in uniform come to my door.
Well, that's why we have... In every other country, I make the point that
Hundreds of nations fell in the last century to tyranny alone.
Most nations fall to tyranny.
99% of the time, literally.
And that's why the Founding Fathers said, if you want to come to my house and talk to me, you better have a warrant.
But they're just slowly, through practice, through color of law criminality, getting rid of it.
You don't answer the door for the local thugs when they come with their injectors.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's a new way to talk radio.
You open your mic up live and just cough right in the microphone.
I'm working during every break on other projects.
My whole life is just a blur of New World Order corruption.
The last lady, Sheila in Indiana, called in for those that just joined us and she was talking about how she heard on the show that these weird hired contractors, sometimes city workers, sometimes CPS or health department, send you threatening letters.
This has been in the news.
I've been hearing about this for years, but the last few months I've seen it in the news.
And they say, we show your child's not vaccinated.
Especially in Northern California, where in some areas over 65% of the children, the news reports it with horror, aren't vaccinating.
In some of the most highly educated, affluent cities.
Because the parents aren't stupid.
I mean, I have AP, Reuters, London Telegraph here.
We're Homeland Security and NHS workers in England.
Not just here, but will not take the shot.
I mean, these are doctors, won't take it.
But, the government then sends you threatening letters, we're coming to your house, finding out why you haven't taken all these dozens of different vaccines.
And then their excuse is, I hear Dr. Dina Dell almost every week when I tune in, because I just happen to be in the car driving to work when that's on, they re-air it locally on Sundays here, so I hear it driving into the office, as my show comes on after that here locally, and syndicated, as well.
But the point is,
Is that I'm driving and I hear him say, I think it's just terrible people won't vaccinate their children.
They're endangering your children.
And so they need to be arrested and they need to be charged and they need to be sued.
With this government's history of chemical, biological, radiological testing on troops and foster kids and black people and killing people.
I mean, all the thousands of declassified cases of irradiating foster children to death.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
I always just throw out the few well-known examples.
Releasing biologicals on the New York subway, 68.
Killed a bunch of people, but that remains classified.
They admit they killed people and had army doctors posing as regular doctors in local hospitals to test the progress of the disease.
No, that was really to test whether they had doctors that were cold-blooded to kill, so they could then advance them up to put psychopaths in higher rooms to start larger cadre groups under them.
That's how this works.
So all of that is going on.
But the reason I wanted to talk a little bit more about what she was discussing is, it wasn't real for her till it happened to her co-worker.
Till her co-worker got the letter saying, we're coming to your house to ask why you hadn't taken the shots.
It's intimidation.
Just like they tell the parents, the schools, we're gonna have a town hall to get you straight.
We run the community now.
We're the boss now.
We're the federal node into the police department and the schools.
We run your town now.
We're going to tell you, mommy and daddy, what you're going to do.
We're going to keep your kids 12 months out of the year.
10 hours a day, not 8 hours a day.
That's just for starters.
It worked in China and Russia.
We're doing it here.
But notice it didn't hit her when she heard it on the show until it actually happened to her in her own life.
Now, I understand what she's going through.
When I was in Hardin, Montana, and then the last night I went up to Billings to stay in the local hotel, and that morning, going down to get some coffee, on the first floor for some reason the doors opened on the third floor and there were all these
Girl Scouts and the door started closing again but I noticed police so I hit the button again and stepped out and then actually and I know I've told the story repeatedly but it's just it's so important and I thought should I go get a camera and I just looked at the cops and I looked at Homeland Security and I looked at them getting off on indoctrinating the kids and
Then there's issues of taping, you know, children.
And I thought, well, I can sneak up here with a camera, this whole one through my head in a split second, and kind of shoot them from the back so it doesn't show their faces.
That's what CNN did when they reported how great it was that Girl Scouts will be spying on you.
You know, they showed kids from the back or blurred their faces.
And I just did what everybody else did.
I said, I can't handle this crap anymore.
I just got in the elevator, closed it, and then left, left Montana.
None of us are perfect.
I mean, you know, the great Alex Jones, the big fighter of the New World Order, I wasn't expecting it.
And that's how tyranny works.
You don't expect CPS at your door.
You don't expect your daughter gets a bruise on her knee in gym class so they come strip search her in Hays County and try to take her away from you and don't tell the parents, violate the state law, they did it.
And then they lie about it and say they didn't.
And then later admit they did.
You know, you don't expect lying and criminality and evil.
Because you're not evil.
At least you're not overtly, wantonly evil.
Given over to evil.
And so, I mean, I'm getting to the point the same way.
I mean, it's even overwhelming me where I'm just like, I'm like, my God, what's coming next?
You know?
I mean, it's bad enough to know they're training Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to spy on their parents.
But then to get emails from Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders going, it is true we get a badge for preparedness and to help Homeland Security, but it's not like you say.
And then I've got their own literature, and I've seen them training them, and I've... And, well, you know, it's not as bad as you say with the Boy Scouts.
It's only one group of Boy Scouts, only one division.
And they list the name of it, you know, one that trains to help police and go after, you know, veterans and gun owners.
They just find any reason to, let me tell you, it's un-American to open a door up and there's hundreds of little girls with police and homeland security.
I mean, let me tell you, that isn't America.
And if you don't know that that isn't America and that that is dangerous as hell, I don't know what to say to you anymore.
Folks, we know where this road goes.
We're almost there.
Here's an analogy.
It's like you're a kid.
Your parents put you in the back of the car.
You go, where are we going, Mom and Dad?
We're going to the carnival.
We're going to the fair.
And you kind of don't believe it.
You're so excited because, you know, it's a surprise.
And you're like, really?
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
And then finally, you see the Ferris wheel at night off in the distance.
And you're like, oh, we really are going to the fair.
I mean, my parents always surprised me.
I don't know if you have those similar memories, but the point is that I'm here with a pair of binoculars going, World Government, New World Order, Global Corporate Takeover.
Here's their own documents.
And it's not on the news, so people go, oh, you're a liar.
Now we're arriving at the New World Order.
It isn't a fun Ferris wheel.
It's a slaughterhouse.
And you can smell the stench, you can hear the braying sheep, and still people are in denial.
Okay, you have been warned.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lex in Ohio.
Lex, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks Alex.
Great show today.
Awesome guest, the doctor earlier, and I really appreciated Sheila's call.
I also want to talk about some Prison Planet-inspired research about vaccines and the flu that I've been doing.
But first, I wanted to tell you how I actually found your show in the first place, which was totally by accident.
I was on Justin.tv last November trying to watch football for free like a macho tough guy and through looking for things in Texas found you and I was instantly hooked, man.
You're all over Justin.tv with movies and clips and fans.
It's really inspiring, but also the downside was finding out how hard it is to be your fan because in these times, you know, liberty and truth and
Hero worship, hero vilification, disinformation.
It's pretty brutal.
So I encourage people to find online forums and places like JustinTV.
I'm in a room a lot called Verbal Militia TV and we show your movies, encourage people to do their own research just like you do.
We try to tell people to focus more on the message and not the messenger.
But the reason I called is to tell you I followed your and Dr. Tenpenny's advice.
I think it saved my daughter's life.
She's six months old today.
We did not vaccinate her and have no intentions to.
She's a picture of health.
Our friends that have had kids right around the same time, you know, I've got friends with eight months old and four months old, earaches, runny noses, the kids don't sleep, they're grouchy, they're fussy, but you know, our kid, honestly, a perfect six months to the day.
Um, so since I've, you know, kind of fell into your bandwagon and Dr. Tenpenny's bandwagon, I've started following her.
She's from Ohio like me.
Um, not only did I download all the PDF inserts like you guys recommended from FDA.gov, it's really easy to do, I read each and every one of them and found it.
And hopefully you can help me out here, because I want to make sure, you know, I'm not a doctor, and I know you're not either, but maybe you can help me understand this, but... No, it says it doesn't protect you from the flu, it can sterilize you and give you cancer.
So all the flu shots this year, not just the H1N1 specific vaccines contain... They all have it.
All contain H1N1, as they did last year, and the year before that, and the year before that.
H1N1 is the most common strain of type A influenza on the planet, so it always kills more people worldwide,
No, it's all lies.
I mean, literally, it's all a giant fraud and a hoax.
It's the adjuvants they're adding that are really going to screw people up.
But going back to what you talked about, getting involved and reaching out on the trolls, they don't even hide it anymore.
I don't spend a lot of time on this because I'm too busy, but we should do a big report on it.
At least 60% of the time on YouTube I will notice the same people keep commenting in hundreds of my videos every day like it's their job.
I mean I can go to hundreds of my videos and the same guys are there saying the same thing.
You go to their YouTube channels and they're in Iraq with machine guns and they admit they work for the U.S.
government and they're taking over.
I mean, these are absolute traitors.
Stay there.
Remain in your houses.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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Don't want no shackles.
Look at Jimmy Vaughn.
Double Trouble, Fabulous Thunderbirds, all those other great top blues rock and roll bands.
He goes to events all over the country for Ron Paul and others.
He makes great music speaking out against the New World Order and Big Brother.
And he sings about
I don't want any chains on my family.
Look at Muse, one of the number one rock and roll bands in the world right now.
Big fans of this show, endorse this show, wear Info Wars and Terror Storm shirts on international TV, speak out against the New World Order.
Glenn Beck endorses them and says that he loves them.
They send him a letter and a phone call saying, do not endorse us, we know your New World Order.
And maybe we can keep Glenn Beck in line.
Because he says all the right things up to the point he betrays you.
And I hate to have to keep going back to Glenn Beck.
I just watched some of him yesterday and it's really scary what he's doing.
Same thing with Limbaugh and all these guys.
They're exposing Obama, but they're not exposing the Republicans, which are controlled by the same group.
And if we don't get past the distractions of the left and right, it's over.
But getting back to
Cointelpro, the FBI program that's declassified of how they try to discredit leaders.
The system knows that when national TV and print attacks me, that people don't trust the mainstream media, so for most people that's a badge of honor, a badge of certification that I'm bona fide.
But when they have people attack me and lie, and there's hundreds of them.
I'm a Scientologist.
No, I'm not.
Never have been.
I work for the Vatican.
I'm not bashing Catholics, but my whole family's Protestant.
The Ayers family and others helped found Texas.
We're famous Protestants.
We came here for the Protestant religion, pushing it in Texas.
That's not true.
Trying to get Catholics and Protestants to fight with each other.
That we're owned by ABC.
ABC does not own any of Genesis, owns nothing we're doing, no affiliation other than years ago we leased a satellite, a radio satellite, and of course station owners are laughing at this because they know the number one satellite receiver was an ABC Starguy.
Before that it was owned by another company.
It's the same satellite.
Now it's Chancellor or something else.
The point is we go lease a satellite.
Like I have phone service with AT&T.
I'm not owned by AT&T.
They say that.
They lie and say some Saudi Arabian guy owns us because there's some other company called Genesis.
And they know full well that's not true.
They can go read the incorporation papers of Genesis Communications in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
They don't care because they're operatives.
And it's one thing to know they're operatives.
In your gut and to recognize it.
But it's another thing to just over time you see a commenter and they give their handle and you go to their MySpace and they're in psych warfare, they're in the military or they work for the ADL or they work for a big government group.
And now on YouTube, they don't even hide it.
They have websites about what online brigade they are, countering disinfo.
And the Pentagon admits they're doing this, and they're there in their uniforms, and they even do broadcasts in their uniforms with camo behind them saying, I'm a liar and a traitor.
And then I find they have dummy accounts, though, that they'll have linked that look like other people, and they're, I mean, eight, ten hours a day, you'll see them posting in every video.
And it, I mean, it really hits you like a punch in the stomach.
Man, the military really is targeting me.
I mean, they really are that bad.
I don't mean the whole military or our troops, but the system.
They really have people who think that's freedom to be out there lying about me.
And they don't care.
They notice like a fishing bait.
Oh, a purple worm with a yellow tail is catching black bass right now.
Or it's not catching them, I'll go to a black worm with a red tail.
Or a green worm with a pink tail.
You know, they'll say, I'm an anti-Semite.
Or they'll say, I know I work for Israel.
Or they'll say that I said there were space aliens in the Hardin, Montana detention center.
And mustard gas.
I never said that.
But they just go and say it everywhere.
And then people say, you've got to respond, you've got to talk about this.
What is there to talk about?
The establishment wants to keep me
From covering issues and warning people about the flu shot and the Gardasil shot and the plunging dollar and the police state and the New World Order.
Instead of... See, I'm not taxing you.
I'm not taking over your bank account.
I'm not enslaving you.
I'm not injecting you.
The elites are.
But they want us all to invite with each other instead of ever focusing on them.
It's unbelievable and it's getting worse.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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Best MZ.
Yesterday on air, I talked about how I'm in over my head.
And I got a lot of emails and even saw some comments saying, Alex, you know, if you can't handle the pressure, take some time off.
People misunderstood what I was saying.
It was a point of strength, a point of growth, which I already consciously recognize that I can't save the world.
None of us can individually.
But just to say to myself, it's in God's hands and I'm gonna do the best job I can, but to also realize I am in over my head and I can't do it all.
Now, that's a far cry from the average person who just says, I don't care and smiles and laughs about the state of the world.
And just doesn't care and is so selfish, they don't realize that by being selfish, they destroy their own society, their own future.
We're going to take William, Steve, and Joe's calls.
That's all I have time for with calls, because I do have a news blitz I want to cover, and we're going to have the world premiere of trailer number four of Follow the Republic in T-minus seven minutes.
But right now, I want to go to Marty Schachter, who joins us once a month, because solutions are symbiotic.
Doing things that are good for the consumer, good for the radio show that gets the message out,
Good for the company that makes it.
Because by supporting a true, organic, high quality, but very low price, value, like the Calvin Pierce Soap Company, we grow the infrastructure.
Just like ten years ago you couldn't find organic food, non-GMO in stores, now it's half the food in stores, displacing the big agribusiness and they're getting mad.
Just like the Second Amendment culture is growing.
In polls, less Americans want to restrict the Second Amendment now.
Twenty-five years ago, you look at the polls, the majority of Americans were pro-abortion.
Now it's flipped.
The vast majority are against it.
We're winning!
That's why they're going from the velvet glove of tyranny to taking the velvet glove off and saying, okay, you are in a tyranny.
They're getting rid of that pretense.
That makes them weaker.
The point is, I like having Marty up once a month because I discovered his pure soap because the sales manager at Genesis was a big fan of it.
I think so.
Chemical weapons.
Notice that the new detergents were chemical weapons, basically.
So he said, where's all the soap?
It's all gone.
And he and his father, now he runs it with his son, 62 years, 63 years almost, running the Cal Bend Pure Soap Company out of Oakland, California.
Factory direct, to your door, whether you want a little tote bag or your supply, they got it all.
This is how you fight the New World Order.
One little way is patronizing, consuming, supporting people that give you a high-quality product that's good for your family.
And we also educate people about what's in the detergents and in the fake soaps.
Marty, good to have you here with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure talking to you and you're listening.
Well number one, we're
We feel that we want to give to your listeners freedom of choice.
They don't have it now.
Procter & Gamble dominates the chemical industry.
They did last year $65 billion worth of business.
Spent 10% of that on TV advertisement to brainwash and hypnotize the consumer to get their junk science chemicals.
And we feel that we could do better than that.
Twice as good as that.
Three times as good as that with pure soap, which they don't make anymore.
And we're very proud of that.
We not only have the soap in individual little bottles and packages, but we do something no one else does.
We do it in bulk.
We've got a 1 to 5 year bulk packages, which they can get with our free catalog, complete details of what we're talking about.
And we're talking about an expense of $2 to $3 a week for all their bath soap, air soap, dish soap, laundry soap, cleaning accessories in their home, unconditionally guaranteed, twice to three times better than anything that's available in a marketplace, anything that they've ever used.
I'm good.
Uh, it's a low-cost leader.
It's $20 plus shipping.
It's got bath soap, air soap, dish soap, laundry soap, cleaning accessories, book of instructions, all put together.
Once you use it, you'll never use anything else ever again.
For your bathing, for your hair, for your laundry, for your dishes, for your floors, for your windows, for your all-purpose cleaning, everything.
This is what we offer.
No one else does.
And we do it special for Alex Jones listeners.
It was Genesis that brought Calvin soap to the public because before and still you sell to finer hotels, hospitals, because the establishment, the corporates know how to save money.
They don't want to wash their hands with chemical weapons and wash their hair and breathe all the toxic fumes they call perfumes.
They get Calvin pure soap.
So you get better quality, none of the distillates of the oil industry that they dump in your food and in the fake soaps.
You get much less expensive, delivered to your home, high quality, and save money.
So you pay to be enslaved.
You pay to be killed.
It's like mothers pay $900 for the three-shot regimen of the Gardasil that names and kills their daughters openly.
Because the TV says it, they keep marching forward like lemmings off a cliff.
It's time to stop that.
5starsoap.com, the operators, the family, the workers, that's who you talk to, you're talking to the place where they're making the soap, the real soap at 5starsoap.com.
Give them a call, get the sampler tote bag, or get a brochure, or get a year's supply, don't wait.
Save money.
I really feel good promoting a product like this.
Marty, give them the number.
That's 1-800-340-7091.
We're here waiting.
My whole family is waiting here.
We're not a big corporation.
We're a small, family-owned business.
My son is my manager.
My daughter is my secretary.
We've got family working here.
But one goal in mind, the satisfaction of the consumer, especially the Alex Jones consumer.
Well, everybody says they want to support Made in America, they want to support family businesses, and you save money, and it's organic, California certified, highest certification, 5starsoap.com, and we'll put that number back on screen, it's 800-340-7091, 800-340-7091.
Don't wait, folks.
Marty, give us a limerick.
I got a good limerick here for you.
Have we got time for a Columbus story?
Well, everybody knows Columbus, what he's done.
Yesterday was a major federal holiday for Columbus.
There's a guy that went to Queen Isabella in 1492, got the money from the Queen to rent out, he went to Hertz to rent a boat, and he got the three boats.
He got the Obama, the Hillary, and the
What was the other?
Oh, the Pelosi.
That was the lead vote.
And he went over to find a new world, came on back, the Queen called him to her office and said, OK, Chris, what'd you find out?
Is the world flat?
And says, Your Majesty, the world is not flat.
The world is not round.
The world is crooked.
Oh my gosh.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Thanks for joining us.
Here's the limerick.
You ready?
There once was a man from Australia who painted his ass like a dagger.
The color was fine.
Likewise, the design.
But the aroma!
Oh, that was a failure!
Alright, Marty Schachter.
Always good to have you.
Take care, buddy.
We'll talk to you again next month.
Thank you, Alex.
Oh boy.
That kind of livened up the splitting headache I have today.
You know, I've had an allergy attack in months and months and months, because I've been drinking a lot more water and pretty much trying to only eat organic food.
But I have got one hell of a headache going right now.
I'm just announcing that.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I want to go to William, Steve, Joe, and a few others here and hit some final news.
But here is the fourth and next to final.
Next Monday we're going to have the Police State trailer from the Police State section of Fall the Republic.
Here is the fourth trailer.
This is the financial trailer.
And all told, we've had over 300,000 views on the last three trailers we put out.
That's just counting the YouTube channel.
We know it's a lot more than that.
I want this film to be seen.
I want it to spell out who's destroying our country, who is behind it, what their game plan is, and how to stop them.
And the film details who the bankers are, how they carried out the financial crises, what their next step is to bankrupt the dollar, to bring in the new bank of the world, how they're going to set up the domestic police state, how they're using the TV to mind control people, the sports, all of it.
I mean, this is a whole new level in film production for me.
And it's a whole new budget level as well, so pre-order it at InfoWars.com.
We're going to be shipping the DVDs out on the 20th and 21st, so we're going to ship these out in the order that the orders are received.
And so be the first to get Fall of the Republic, Volume 1, The Presidency of Barack H. Obama.
Order it today at InfoWars.com.
The DVD, or call toll-free to get the DVD, 888-253-3139.
You can also look on the website or ask when you call about combo deals.
We've got t-shirts as low as $5.95.
That's basically a cost.
Cost is like four bucks.
I just want to get the shirts out there with the Gadsden flag and Don't Tread on Me.
There's a bunch of great shirts we've had made, over 50 of them now, on InfoWars.com.
We've got combo specials where you can get the Obama Deception half price, where you can get Camp FEMA half price, when you order it with Fall of the Republic.
So be sure and check out those combos and specials.
For Fall the Republic at InfoWars.com or you can call 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And please get the trailer that we're about to be posting up on InfoWars and Prison Planet, the latest trailer, or whichever of the four you think is the best, and send that out to your email list.
Give it to your friends and family.
Show it to them.
So that they get an inkling of what's happening.
People are getting angry right now, but they're being led by Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, these fake patriots, down a rat hole.
We need to show them the full picture of how both parties are controlled and the big overarching agenda.
Not enough for Sean Hannity to admit the New World Order is real now, after a decade of saying it didn't exist.
It's not enough for Beck, after denying it existed.
And I used to listen to him when he first got on the radio.
I mean, 2000-2001, I would hear Beck when he was first getting syndicated.
Because local group of radio stations that had me on were owned by Mormon folks, and they were nice, they put me on.
But he was Mormon, so they put him on immediately.
The point is, is that I've been listening to this guy since day one, and he is a complete flip-flopper.
You better watch your butt with him.
Alright, here's the trailer.
They've run the system, the whole economic system of the world for the last two and a half hundred years.
So why shouldn't they also run the economic system for the next few hundred years?
So is this some sort of a new world order, which Gordon Brown kind of alluded to?
I think the new world order is emerging.
We have to stand up to preserve a republic here and a rule of law, which is under dire threat.
For a couple of hours, you could say Mr. Obama was president of the world.
Obama has made it quite clear by his actions, never mind his words, his actions, as to who owns him, who he works for, and who he serves, and it's not the American people.
Just as George W. Bush betrayed his foolish followers, so must Obama, because his only allegiance is to his offshore masters.
Summers tells Obama what to do.
Summers tells Geithner what to do.
So we had Snow, we had Paulson, now we have Geithner.
All these people cut from the same bowl of cloth.
All you folks don't even realize that you're helping people that you're associated with and you should be recusing yourself.
Uh, I...
You know, I behaved with the, uh... You don't think you should have recused yourself?
Every time in history when a group of banks, in conjunction with the government, was given the power to expand the money supply at will, those economic systems always collapsed.
If they make a mistake, they get bailed out.
If everyone else makes a mistake, they get put in jail, called a terrorist.
The tune of $23,700,000,000,000 worth of taxpayer exposure for the bailouts is quite striking.
This is, by probably an order of magnitude, the biggest fraud in history.
Why would you need international bankers?
Why would any government agree to use them?
It's nothing more than a private, hostile, corporate takeover of every sovereign nation on Earth.
So for the first time in history, we really have this new form of an empire.
Fall of the Republic.
Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, the destiny of humanity is in our hands.
And when you come to the realization of that, none of this crap matters.
Acting cool, being tough.
If your hair's falling out, you got wrinkles.
All the vain women, all the tough guy men.
The Republic is really falling.
It's the Republic that made this country so great and so wealthy and so happy.
People died.
A lot of people died on bloody fields in this nation.
So you'd have a little bit of freedom and get a little bit of respect from your government.
Now that hedge of protection is being pulled away right now.
Our shields are dropping.
They're going down right now.
The New World Order is locked on with its guns.
All the bad stuff you've seen is just the vanguard, the front line.
There are scouts going over us.
They are boiling all around us, lined up around us like an enemy army massing on our border.
And I'm in here on the radio going, I'm Alex Jones, wartime broadcaster, Republic under attack, broadcasting from occupied United States.
This is serious.
And it almost lessens the seriousness of it that I do it in a commercial format with sponsors and ads.
We gotta fund ourselves.
Because I'm kind of, myself, calmly here covering it.
But believe me, I just had the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
Do you know what happens when tyranny comes in?
And they're setting it up to be worse than Nazi Germany.
Worse than Maoist China.
Worse than Communist Russia.
Worse than Pol Pot's Cambodia.
Worse than Caesar's Rome.
Your call, straight ahead.
Final segment.
Stay the course.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
An inside job.
How dare you?
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Take some final calls here.
Just a heads up because every time I go out of town people flip out wondering where I am.
I've got to go do one more shoot with Jesse Ventura tomorrow in Los Angeles but I'll be back tomorrow night.
So tomorrow we got a great rebroadcast lined up for you and I'll be here live Thursday.
Friday and Sunday show.
We've got a very important guest coming up this week on a host of issues.
Let's go to William in New Jersey.
William, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, how are you today except for that headache?
Pretty good.
I just wanted to comment on something that one of your callers had mentioned earlier.
He said that he had been involved in an overseas ministry and was surprised and disappointed when he came back to the States.
To see the level of apathy in the churches concerning church promotion of the war, the typical religious right spiel that comes from most churches.
You know, the reason for that is really, it's so blatantly obvious.
And you know, Christians go to church every Sunday and they sit in the pews and they look
Dead on at this thing and they don't even know what they're looking at.
It's kind of like, you know, not being able to see the forest for the trees.
But the reason why the church is in the pitiful state of affairs in America that it is, is because the church is really not a church.
It's a corporate entity.
It is a corporate entity that has entered into an unholy alliance
It's 501c3, and they did it just like they did with the vaccines in the fifties.
They said, oh, just sign this form.
It's your tax waiver, not knowing it was waiving all their First Amendment rights that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And by signing that tax exemption form, they became a charity under federal control, not a church under the First Amendment.
And it's now the same thing.
With the premises ID and animal ID waiving rights to your property.
The saddest thing about it is the fact that the people have bought this thing hook, line, and sinker.
And instead of being vigilant and instead of believing the scriptures, they have instead bought hook, line, and sinker, what the leaders have told them.
I hear you.
I gotta jump.
It's great points, William.
Steve in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
I called to talk about a couple, a few weeks ago, you had Dr. Sherry Tenpenny on, and then you had to break because you had your crew calling in from the fiasco there in Pittsburgh.
And Dr. Tenpenny asked you a question.
You were talking about the flu.
What can we do, Alex?
I wanted to give some pointers about that.
First of all, okay, and the doctor you had on earlier, he alluded to this.
I think so.
But I was going to say, it's a matter of keeping up your resistance by keeping up your immune system, and that involves, you know, proper eating with your diet, nutrition, organic foods, and... Sunlight, vitamin D, colloidal silver.
We covered it repeatedly today, but I appreciate your call.
Joe in North Carolina, take us out.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
You need to know what kind of sidearm you're packing so I can send you those several bullets.
A couple things real quick.
I heard a woman earlier talking about Fayetteville and Fort Bragg.
They do a, it's actually once a year and they've been doing it for quite a few years, called Robin Stage.
Look, we're out of time.
You'll have to call me back Thursday.
God bless you all.
Pray for me.
I'll pray for you.
Great job, crew.
Rebroadcast starts now.
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