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Name: 20091011_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 11, 2009
1489 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Got a guest coming up later in the hour.
We're going to start simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv in T-minus seven and a half minutes.
Not allowed to homeschool.
Not allowed to have children or your neighbors over for breakfast.
Not allowed to babysit without government licenses.
It's total control.
Not allowed to have a farm or ranch without government license.
Total control.
You want to be a slave?
You're all being criminalized so they can lock your butts up.
Let's take calls here.
Robert in West Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good, sir.
I'd like to talk to you about the carbon taxes.
I'm a rural West Virginian.
I'm a blacksmith.
This deals with everything I do, along with the premises ID and animal ID and all that stuff.
I tried to study the bill real good because it has a lot to do with my daily life.
Unlike most people that live in the cities, my daily life is different.
You know?
And what it does for those that don't know, we cover this in Follow the Republic and I want you to speak to it, it says that 35 agencies have unlimited power to write whatever rules they want on any carbon dioxide or other gas.
That's right.
That's right.
And they're already, for the last year, been regulating coal up here for private purchase.
For individuals, you're only allowed two tons of coal a year.
And that's why the oil companies, if you study, are the main funders.
And the left attacks you and says, oh, you're for the oil companies, you're against the global tax.
No, the oil companies, ExxonMobil and Shell, the biggest funders, they want to shut down coal because we've got all this clean coal with clean scrubbers.
They point cameras at smokestacks and show water vapor coming out and tell the idiot public that it's soot.
It's all a complete lie because we got
Thousands of years of coal and they want to shut it off.
Half our power comes from coal.
That's right.
And I'll tell you something else.
They're raising our power bills up here by the team of 15% while idling the coal power plants to create an artificial scarcity.
Same thing, Enron got caught, their own documents came out in court, and I said this at the time, they would shut power off for an hour a day to freak everybody out, and their internal memo said, by shutting off power, it creates the perception it's not there.
And they're going to do it with water, with energy, they are going to rape us!
Go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, I live in the Ohio Valley, where most of the coal goes down the river, where we have all these coal-powered power plants.
And I watch them, and I run a lot.
And they keep increasing our power rates.
I've lived here for the last 10 years and my power bills have went up by about 300 percent.
For folks that don't know what idling is, if it's a cold day and you don't see water vapor shooting out of every smokestack, and you just barely see, because it's hard to turn them off and on, they have to go through a whole procedure, so when they switch off, they still keep them heating a little bit, you'll just see a little bit of vapor coming out.
That's right.
And there's something else I wanted to talk to you about as far as the climate bill goes.
I don't know if you saw it.
I read both the 1,000 page and the 300 page addendum that they made that they actually set up a regulatory body
Uh, giving them the authority to provide permits for solar panels as if they own the sun.
No, no, that's it, sir, sir.
Yes, I scanned the bill.
I went over the cheat sheets that showed the key sections.
It is worse than the Soviet Union.
And Obama said, remember two years ago, he said, I'm going to quote, shut down coal in America.
Ladies and gentlemen, 51% of our power comes from coal.
That's right.
That's right.
And I live, in this state, West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the country.
You won't believe the amount of unemployment up here.
Yeah, five or six.
Well, we can't have that!
The U.N.
and Maury Strong, he said at the 92 Rio de Janeiro Summit, he said our job is to destroy U.S.
industry, and they've done it with NAFTA and GATT.
Now they're going to shut our power off, and Grandma's going to freeze to death, but they don't care, because they're a bunch of scum.
I appreciate your call.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
They mean business.
This is siege.
This is eugenics.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've got a MSNBC article.
Mom ordered to stop babysitting friends' kids a few times a week for 30-40 minutes before they caught the school bus when it was cold outside.
She lets them inside to wait for school bus.
State calls it unlawful daycare.
You know, growing up in Dallas, Texas, once or twice a week I'd go to my neighbor's house to eat.
Breakfast, I'd be invited over.
We'd wait when it was cold to run out the school bus.
My mom would have them over for breakfast.
This nice lady wasn't even doing that.
She's friends with the neighbors.
Let the kids wait 10, 15, 20 minutes in the foyer of her house when it's cold in Michigan.
You're not allowed to do that anymore.
You don't have free association in America.
Here is a London Mirror story.
Are UK children laws too strict?
It says you're not even allowed to talk to your neighbor's kids.
You're not allowed to babysit them or have them come over in the morning before they get on the government training center bus.
Now, this dovetails with Obama saying he wants year-round school.
President Obama and year-round school.
School is forever.
Obama would curtail summer vacation.
That's Associated Press right here.
This is why he wants the televised announcements to the kids.
This is the federal government.
I've read their policy reports on air.
We've had the former head, number two position, Department of Education on Charlotte Isserby.
Let's set her back up about this.
They told her in the 80s.
That's why she left.
They said, we're going to take over the family through the school.
We're going to outlaw the family.
Now remember, $15 million fine the second time you have a garage sale that's unauthorized or you sell any recalled products.
The animal ID, the premises ID, government documents to be able to have a solar panel.
We just talked about that last segment.
Let's go to her right now in Michigan, Lisa Schneider in this 1984 world.
Lisa, thank you for joining us.
Thank you for having me.
Okay, you've been on the national news, but just sound bites.
You've got the floor for the next ten minutes or so.
Tell folks what happened.
Break down what you're facing.
But first, you just heard my breakdown of government taking over society.
Were you aware of that angle?
No, I was not.
What do you think of the statements I just made?
It's stupid.
It's bad, and yeah, the government doesn't need to stick their nose where it doesn't belong.
Okay, tell us how this started, how you became a 1984 criminal.
Actually, my law was 1973.
The law that they say I was breaking, it's the Act No.
116 of 1973.
But the point is they're now trying to enforce this similarly worldwide.
The CPS, who tattled on you?
I mean, break it down for us.
My house is a bus stop for the children of our neighborhood.
And I have an older son and my friends have older children that now, our youngest ones don't ride the bus anymore.
They all rode together, but now the older ones go off and the younger ones are left behind.
So, my daughter did not want to get on the bus by herself, so we just thought it was a great idea to get the kids together, to get on the bus together, so that they were, um, they felt safe.
Two of them are five, two of them are seven.
Of course, you know, they don't have, um, they just feel scared.
So, we planned this two days into it.
I received, it was, the letter that I received was September 11th, but I didn't receive it until the following week, that I was providing care for unrelated children in my home.
So I called the DHS and said, I don't understand this.
I am not doing anything wrong.
There is a bus stop.
They do come in.
If it's cold outside, if it's raining, we live in Michigan, the weather can be sunny one minute and snowing the next.
And I said, you know this, you live in Michigan, and she said, I said, what do you want me to do when it's raining outside?
And she told me to tell their parents to buy them an umbrella.
So they're now your God.
I mean, they're now going to tell you that you can't have neighbor's kids wait in your front room when it's cold outside.
These are our new Soviet minders.
I mean, I want this to really hit people that the Amish are having their kids taken.
They're not letting people sell eggs and watermelons on the side of the highway anymore across the country.
They're SWAT teaming them, having undercovers come buy watermelons and then SWAT team them.
I mean, the government
He has run out of real criminals to feed on.
We're now dinner.
So what happened next?
So I just kept talking to her and saying, okay, can they at least be in my garage?
No, because the garage is a part of the house.
I can't even do that.
So I just got really angry and I told her that I had to stop talking.
I mean, what she was saying did not make sense.
So then my friend wrote to Brian Kelly and he jumped aboard immediately and said, this is ridiculous.
It's such a broad
I don't know.
No ma'am, come on!
You've got to ask permission if you take your daughter and her little friend to McDonald's to have a Happy Meal.
Look, are you Al Qaeda or something?
I mean, airport security.
America is now secure.
They want to put metal detectors in shopping malls.
You need to ask CPS permission to go have a hamburger.
Yeah, well, no.
I have to ask them to have my kids have Playdates.
That's freedom.
Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, the veterans fought and died so that you wouldn't have permission to take the neighbor's child for hamburger.
You've got to get government permission, not the parents.
But see, I'm going to stop being sarcastic.
So you've got a state rep involved trying to pass a law because they passed a previous law they're now implementing saying you can't have a playdate with the neighbors.
Yeah, well, and then the governor is on board, too, because she did not know, I guess she must not have realized that this was going on, and now she has jumped aboard and wants this taken care of immediately, because it is ridiculous.
It's the dumbest wall that's out there.
We, as Americans, live in the free world.
We should be able to
To who watches our children, we should be able to do what we want.
But ma'am, ma'am, they built giant CPS centers.
They built giant detention centers.
We've got more prisoners than anybody in the world.
They've got, they're only building more.
They've got to criminalize us.
Do you understand that's our new economy?
Yeah, no.
So, I mean, it doesn't matter if you're a good mother when it's freezing cold and gets below zero, trying to let neighborhood kids duck in for a few minutes.
You're not allowed.
You think this is America or something?
So, what is the slimy CPS doing?
Did you find out who reported you to the Bureau of Family Destruction?
I did not, no.
I mean, have you asked the... Ma'am, did you know how CPS was set up?
Do I?
Well, let me just tell you, because you're influential, you're talking to a lot of folks.
Family court was set up to carry out eugenics, the sterilization.
You know, Hitler got his eugenics from us.
I made a film about it called Endgame.
And so that's why these family courts are outside of the regular courts and due process.
And that's why their agents can get away with all this, because 80, 90 years ago, or even in the 30s, 75, 80 years ago, these were the people that would come grab you and your kid and go sterilize you.
Had you ever heard about that?
No, I haven't.
Well, listen, I know that sounds crazy, but if you just Google endgame eugenics, you can watch the actual government film clips where they had the movie reels teaching parents that this was OK.
So we have this vestigial, you know, leftover Hitlerian system.
Well, I mean, here's an example for you.
How is there even a spy network to know that you had neighbor kids over before they caught the bus?
I have no idea.
I mean, does that sound like Nazi Germany?
Well, no.
It's just a nosy neighbor that, um... I guess that... We don't know which neighbor, but I just think that someone must be very unhappy, or I don't know, thought that they would get... I don't know what they thought, actually.
It's just a sad, sad, um...
I mean, the government is saying they own us.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
We really appreciate you joining us.
An amazing lady standing up to Big Brother.
Most people submit.
They're telling people here in Austin they can't have neighbors of them.
We're all prisoners.
That's right.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media.
Well, he is a best-selling author, former BBC presenter, former champion goalie, and
He's an icon of getting people to expand their awareness, to expand their horizons, to question little bubbles that the social engineers, the mind controllers try to keep us in.
He is David Icke.
Now, he's going to be on with us for a full hour, maybe even a little bit longer, next Monday.
He's on a tour in the U.S., but I wanted to get him on today for just 30 minutes.
To talk about the plunging dollar, the bringing in of the global currency, which is going to be an SDR, bank to bank, that he wrote about more than 12 years ago.
What Obama is doing, what he's bringing in, how they announced the Internet's being turned over to a private global corporation, the dollar's being shut down, Obama's now the head of the United Nations Security Council, the real body with power.
All these things are happening, and the great change is upon us as they expand the tyranny.
But, in the middle of the darkness, the awakening is exponential.
I'm seeing that, everyone I talk to is seeing it, but David Icke's seeing it around the world.
And a real focal point of this, and we salute him.
David Icke, thank you for coming on.
Thanks for having me.
Okay, this is a quick segment.
You've got the floor.
I would imagine you'd like to talk about the dollar first, then we'll get into the larger clash of the titans, the clash of liberty and tyranny that we're beginning to see happen.
Yeah, well, the crash of the dollar has been planned for a long, long, long, long time.
It's all part of what I've been talking about for many, many years, which is how they're using America to destroy America.
The idea was for America to be pulled into overseas wars that stretches them militarily, stretches them financially, crash the economy, because
If you're a superpower and you have the military and financial might to say no to a world government, then the world government's not a tyranny across the world.
It wants every single country subjugated.
Therefore, any superpower with financial and military might
We're good.
I think so.
The Arab countries starting to really move towards disconnecting the dollar from being the oil currency and the reserve currency.
And, you know, the American economy, like the British one, actually, it reminds me of
You know in those cartoons when there's a chase going on, and eventually all the people in the chase run over the edge of the cliff, and for a while they keep running because they don't realize they've run out of land.
And then someone looks down, realizes the land is gone, and then that awareness just, and they all fall and crash down into the ravine.
And if people just looked at what the British and the American economy are,
Standing on at this time.
It's fresh air.
It's simple Illusion if there's nothing there that's holding it together and I've been saying Alex since September when they crashed it first of all that there's a three-stage process here and
Recap, David, the controlled implosion of the dollar that you've been writing about for over a decade.
The globalists have bragged that to make way for world government, and I hear them brag about this on NPR, that we can't have a high standard of living, that that hurts the environment to have more than one child, our carbon footprint, babies are bad.
And at the UN Climate Summit in 92, Maurice Strong said, we must destroy industrial society.
So they always said they wanted to have a fiat banking system, get everybody so in debt that there's more debt than there is real tangible assets in the world.
And now they've got conservatively, according to economists we've had on, between 500 and 1,000 times more fiat debt they've made that the banks use to buy things than there are real assets in all the world at their highest value.
So, this is a complete fraud.
A total Ponzi scheme.
And here's AFP, Agency French Press.
economic decline forges new world order.
Hundreds of other headlines about how good the new world order is, how America's now going to get it, how the Arabs and Russia and China are teaming up.
But meanwhile, the same central banks that own them, the global controllers, they're orchestrating all this.
So, David, break down the three phases you talk about.
Starting last year with a controlled banking implosion, stealing the $23.7 trillion, saying that it was going into the secret coffers, never spending it on the mortgages, and now where we're going from here?
Yeah, well, like I say, it's planned to be in three stages and they're becoming, you know, blatant to crash the economy in September 2009 so that everyone sees there's a problem and it's a problem to address.
So the way they address it is stage two, which is hosing
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
That they're going to use to cause Stage 3 and crash Stage 3.
And the idea is to destroy America, militarily and financially, so that it is subjugated, it comes down to its knees, and then has to go cap in hand with the Beggar Bowl to people like China and these other countries that are conspiring now to bring an end to America as we know it.
And then they will do what they're told, so they will be absorbed into the world system and absorbed into the North American Union, absorbed into a new currency.
This is all part of it, because it's simple.
If something's working, you ain't going to justify changing it.
If you want to change something, you've got to destroy it.
You've got to make sure it's not working, so you open people's minds to accepting, hey, we've got no choice.
That's what it's all about.
Uh, Britain declared war on Germany in 1939.
There was eight months when nothing happened.
It became known to history as the Phony War.
Well, the Phony War, in terms of this conspiracy, is over.
We're now at a point...
Where we're going to need to start engaging this, and with swine flu and the economy and all the rest of it, it's all coming together.
The idea is to throw everything at us in a short period of time, short period of years, to bring about this global change very quickly because...
Humanity is just exhausted, frightened, terrified.
Do something!
Do something!
And that's the idea.
That's why we must stay strong and we must not be subjugated by this and not fall to fear and give our power away as a result.
Stage two is to empty the barrels of government in terms of having any response.
David Icke, stay there!
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultra-violent light sterilization techniques.
That's right, clean water.
We're good.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
Coast to coast and in your face.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Well, David, I want you to walk through that step-by-step, and I totally agree with you on the time we have left with you today, but I want to go back and just point out, you eloquently laid out what's happening, but this is not your opinion.
This is all in IMF, World Bank documents.
It's openly stated.
We told people at the time that they would steal the tens of trillions, hoard it, use it to buy up the economy,
That they were vertically integrating.
They cut off credit, then they hoard the money, then they go out and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar.
That's why they say it's the new economy, where you're homeless, or don't have a job, or take a cut and pay.
It's the jobless recovery, because everything is gauged by the fiat money changers consolidating global power, but that's only part of it.
Demonizing the US and England's name worldwide with wars, putting our troops under UN control, DHS reports, demonizing gun owners, conservatives, those that don't like the new world order or want to end the feds.
Suddenly they have Stasi TV ads, spy on your neighbor.
Suddenly they've enlisted, gotten the Girl Scouts to spy.
Suddenly the Boy Scouts.
I mean everything, as you said, is a quickening.
It has gone a quantum level leap.
into into malice level hell.
They are definitely launching their operations.
So go through that, go through the flu, go through what David Icke sees happening, but also as the tyranny comes in like a flood, liberty is coming in, the mass awakening you're witnessing.
The thing is that it's a simple equation.
The more you centralize power, the more power you have to centralize even quicker.
And that's why the process of centralization has got faster and faster and faster through the 20th century, eventually reaching the point where it was so blatant it was given a name, globalization.
And that's gone on and on and on.
And as more and more power has been centralized, it's had the power to centralize quicker.
So the whole thing is getting faster and faster.
And the other thing, I mean, we've only got half an hour today, Alex, but
You know, it's something that I've been writing about and I'm getting much, much deeper and more understanding about as the days pass now.
You know, when people look at the speed and all those things you absolutely rightly detail there, you look at the speed in which all this is coming in, in all these different areas of our lives, in all the different fine detail of our lives, and it's coming in in a coordinated way to a coordinated time scale.
This is not people sitting around a table saying, what's our next move, guys?
This is much deeper.
The rabbit hole is much deeper than this.
And it's in finding the source, if you like, of the rabbit hole, that's what's going to bring the system down.
And we're going to do that in the next few years, no question.
It is coming down.
Well, David, I want to talk about that.
David, I want you to get into that kind of a brief overview.
We'll cover it more on Monday and talk about your new book and some of the events coming up.
A point you just made about how this is coordinated.
They are banning homeschooling in Australia, England, the U.S., or attempting to, simultaneously with the same PR, with the word-for-word same scripts, and I see it in the local news, they are banning neighbors, including police officers, keeping each other's children
They are banning garage sales.
They are banning people selling corner fruit stands in the countryside simultaneously worldwide.
It is all admittedly coordinated by this private corporate borg.
Break that down and what is the endgame?
How does the flu tie into it?
Well, the way they can do this, Alex, is a simple structure.
It has to be simple.
It looks complex.
Well, you know when it's all happening as you're talking about it now?
It looks complex.
How do they do this?
But actually, it's a very simple structure.
It's like a transnational corporation.
You've got their headquarters, which is overwhelmingly in Europe, and then you've got the
We're good to go.
You have a subsidiary network of secret societies controlled by the bloodline families, and their job is to introduce the centrally dictated global agenda in their sphere of influence by controlling that country's banking, media ownership, the corporations, the cartels, etc.
And so this is how they can do it globally, as you rightly described in this coordination, because in each country these
Subsidiary networks of secret societies are introducing the centrally dictated agenda.
So, of course, because they're all doing it, it's happening in every country at the same time.
This is how it's possible.
And the idea is to subjugate humanity on a scale that would make all world wins.
There's one area, Alex, that really does need a lot of focus on, because I've been seeing so much around the world at different aspects of this, and that's how the state
I don't know.
And called for children to spend more time at school and to school holidays to be shortened, etc.
Because we have to do this for America.
No, no, Mr. Obama.
You have to do this for the agenda of the masters that you dance to the tune of.
Because it's about taking more time away from children
With their parents taking away more parental influence, more individuality influence, so the state all-encompassing blob mine program can get more access to their mines for longer.
And that is why in Britain, I'm sure it's happening in America too, I'm sure you'll confirm this, but in Britain we're having
I don't know.
When the social services came round after the child was born, just a very, very small baby, the mother joked that the birth had ruined her figure, just to laugh.
They took her children away, and they're still taking her children away.
And then what the social services say is, if you want to see your children at all, like once a month or so, then you must not challenge our decision, otherwise you're never going to see them again.
And you must pay them!
It's not kind of here and there, one time
In a million, it's becoming more and more constant, more and more common, and it's... And David, let me throw this out, let me throw this out.
It is all scientifically, I've had Charlotte Isserby, the former head of the Department of Education Policy, that was the plan in the 80s, was to end the family, it's all on record, that's what they say in eco-science, end the family, raise everybody in dormitories, sterilize us through the water supply, through the vaccines, and yes, simultaneously,
Now if you yell at your child, don't run out on the road, that's abuse.
They take your children, no judge, no jury, no due process, and we know the family courts were set up as eugenics courts in England, Germany, and the US.
And absolutely, they're now saying you can't babysit your neighbor's kids, you can't talk to your neighbor's kids unless you have a government license, and I talk to people that live in England, it's happened to me when I've been there, they come up to you and ask, why are you walking your dog?
Are you a criminal?
And so everyone's being trained to answer questions.
The secret police are everywhere.
And now in Europe, England, and the U.S., they go into the schools.
And I saw this in Billings, Montana when I was there last week at the hotel.
A whole hotel full of Girl Scouts being trained by Homeland Security to spy.
I wasn't reading this in the AP.
It was in the news.
I was witnessing it without even looking, David.
Give us, in the last minute we've got, David, where you're speaking and what you think the time frame is on this whole implosion.
Well, I'm speaking in Santa Fe.
All details on my website davidlike.com.
Just go into the site and it's right in front of your eyes.
It's this Sunday for eight hours.
And then I'm speaking in Phoenix, which will probably be the last time I speak in America for a while because of the way things are going in my life and circumstances.
That's on the 17th of October, the Saturday, week on Saturday.
And again, I'll be speaking for eight hours.
Details on the website.
I'll tell you what my timescale is.
The next few years we're going to see this move on and move on and we're going to think there's no hope.
By 2015, 2016, this is coming down.
It's coming down and it's coming down in an extraordinary way.
We've got to end it.
Let me say bye to you there in the bright.
Max Keiser is coming up.
David will be on with us for a full hour next Monday.
I'm Alex Jones.
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One last time, it's here'swhatyoudo.net.
Direct from Austin, coast to coast, and in your face!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Let's go to Max Keiser.
Let's talk about dollar tumbles on report of its demise.
You're in Paris.
You've got some inside info.
Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
You've got the floor.
Tell us what's happening right now.
Well, you know, Alex, Robert Fisk had a great story on the Independent in the UK this week.
And he was talking about
The oil producing nations in the world, they want to get out of pricing oil in dollars.
They want to start pricing oil in a new currency, a basket of currencies, anything but the dollar.
Because the dollar gives the U.S.
a really unfair advantage in the world markets.
Any country that wants to buy oil, they first have to buy dollars.
Because oil only trades in dollars.
And this is a very unfair advantage that the U.S.
And what these countries are noticing, countries like China, Russia, Iran, is that the U.S.
is using the profits that they're making from this monopoly pricing power of the dollar and the price of oil.
And what's called seniorage, which is they basically get a commission on all the dollars that they're producing.
They're using the profits to, you know, fund their wars, to fund the Pentagon, to fund the invasion of Iraq, or the invasion of Afghanistan, or now, you know, looks like the invasion of Iran.
And the thing about Iran is that Iran and China signed, China signed an $8 billion deal for oil.
With Iran.
So China is thinking, even though they are heavily connected to the dollar and their economy has grown as a result of tying their currency to the dollar, they're thinking that now it's time to divorce themselves from the dollar.
It's time to kick America to the curb.
And it's time for these other countries to stretch their wings and take over in terms of the new superpowers.
And Robert Fisk basically makes that point in his independent article, and I can confirm
That's pretty much what he's been saying, and it's the same thing I'm hearing here in Paris and my contacts in the Mideast.
That, in fact, a new currency is being formulated, a new currency that will be represented by a basket of currencies.
The only couple of things that Robert Fisk mentioned that I would add is that he mentioned that gold would be one of the components of the new currency.
But what I'm hearing is that gold could represent as much as 50% of the basket in the new currency.
And this is what's driving gold higher now, because banks and, you know, central banks have stopped selling their gold.
Max, I want to hear your inside info.
You hinted at that yesterday on international television.
I'd like you to, because I know you don't make stuff up, give us entree into your inside info.
We'd really appreciate it.
All those investors and people out there that want to know what's happening, because you are there in that major crossroads of Paris.
But before we get to that,
There's something larger going on here.
I read Club of Rome and UN documents and Rockefeller documents 15 years ago.
That they'd written years before that, you know, 20 years ago, that they plan to use the U.S., use us as a military to set up world government, then blame everything on us, implode the dollar, and bring in a new bank-to-bank currency, and then have regional currencies.
They don't want to have one global currency, but they manipulate and play the markets on a global scale, so there's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and that now Russia and China are basically owned and controlled by these interests, and that the U.S.
is just having all the debt piled on it and that they're preparing to kind of seal the deal or swap spit or become blood brothers by torturing the U.S.
into third world-dom.
And so that China and Russia and the Middle East shouldn't be celebrating so much.
Sure, the U.S.
is the drunk husband that comes home every night and cold cocks them, but they're getting out of bed with the U.S.
and getting in bed with Beelzebub.
Well, I mean, break it down very simply.
It's very simple to put it in the following terms.
75% of all the transactions in the world take place in U.S.
It is the world's reserve currency.
And that's the way it's been since the end of World War II, and it is the basis of America's hegemony around the world.
And it's, you know, America has a soft empire.
I mean, they have, of course, their embassies and they have their facilities all over the world, but the dollar has really been the means by which they have the major influence around the world.
You know, what these countries like Russia and China and Iran, of course, signed the Shanghai Cooperative Organization.
The SCO, if you look that up on Google, you'll find out all about it.
They have a mutual defense pact.
If America hits Iran,
China and Russia have pledged to side with Iran and strike back, basically.
So, it's just economics.
China has a deal with Iran for $8 billion in oil, and America seems addicted to war to feed their machine.
You know, last year, 2008, Alex, the U.S.
collected about $2.5 trillion in taxes, and 100% of that money went to two places, bailouts on Wall Street and the defense contractors.
That's an incredible statistic.
100% of all income tax collected last year, $2.5 trillion, went to either bailouts or military.
There's no money going anywhere else.
And this is just setting up the dollar as really the leper with the most fingers.
Or I should say it's the leper with the least fingers.
It's a currency that nobody wants anymore, and they're putting in place these other
currencies and they're looking at gold because gold is the only way that they can have any accountability and that they can have any way of hoping to escape all of the debt-meisters there on Wall Street.
Yeah, not being shy-stood by the money-changers that are always creating tens of trillions in fiat money and then using it as weapons, economic and military weapons, against them.
Now, the vampires of central banking, the best, the dirtiest are out of Europe and the U.S., obviously,
China and other people play their games.
The Arabs have their own system of banging, but they don't allow the usury.
We're up to 30% loan-sharking rates here in the U.S.
now with the credit card population.
So much so that people are kicking the habit and going to debit cards.
Debit cards for Visa this week finally passed more use than credit cards, so that's something healthy out of all this.
But will the Goldman Sachs vampires just move on after they've eaten the bones off of the United States, or are they dependent?
I mean, is this their Transylvanian Earth?
Is England, Israel, the United States, Germany, France, is that Count Dracula's Earth that he can go anywhere but he's got to haul those caskets around?
I mean, is there any way to kill the vampire?
With a silver spike.
A spike made of silver.
In other words, the thing that Goldman Sachs and these guys on Wall Street hate is gold and silver because...
It's the opposite of a fiat money system.
You know, I've told people for years now, if they want to kill Goldman Sachs deader than a hammer, as you might say, if everyone bought one ounce of gold bullion, and the price traded immediately up to its inflation-adjusted normal price of $2,000 an ounce, it would remove 90% of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan's ability to spin cotton-candy derivatives out of, you know, pulling it out of their backsides.
And claiming that this has some validity in the market.
And that's why they just hate gold.
And that's why they've done everything since Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner.
All their rhetoric, all their white papers, all their doctoral dissertations have all been about the greatness of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking and why gold is dead.
Now what's happening, now let me get into this, what's happening is that these countries that are gold
That our petroleum exporters are saying, enough is enough, we don't care what the risks are at this point, because we're sick of America's wars, we're sick of all the market manipulation, we're sick of Goldman Sachs manipulating the COMEX and the NYMEX, we're just going to introduce our own basket, our own currency, we're going to put gold in there, it'll be the first gold-backed currency since 1971, when the U.S.
dollar still had some tenuous connection to gold, but there really hasn't been a gold-
The last time they did that the globalists blew the hell out of Iraq saying they had WMDs.
Now the Arabs are getting ready to do it again and notice they found secret reactors that the Easter Bunny laid.
Well, yeah, of course.
You know, Iraq said that they wanted to start trading oil in Euros, and the next thing you know, we're shocking off.
And then Iran started saying, we want to trade our oil in Euros, and suddenly, you know, the game was moved over to Iran.
But here's what I'm hearing, and this is kind of the interesting story, if you will.
Stacy Herbert and I made a really interesting film a couple years ago about gold, and we interviewed folks over at the Bundesbank in Germany.
And at that time, it was revealed to us, anyway, that there are 3,000 tons of gold.
Much of it was held outside of Germany and held, in fact, in the United States.
What I'm hearing now, Alex, is that Germany, like France did back in the 60s, they're gonna demand their gold bullion delivered to them.
The physical gold.
You know, back in the 60s, De Gaulle sent ships, warships, to New York and forced America to put their gold, France's gold, onto a ship.
Stay there!
Stay there, and he wouldn't let NATO in his country either, but now they just let NATO back in.
Stay there, Max Keiser.
Amazing inside info, directly from Paris, straight ahead with Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, this is a short five-minute segment.
We got a 13-minute segment with Max coming up, and then he's gone.
So I'm gonna try to shut up here, because the breaks keep breaking things up.
We have a lot of breaks at the end of the hour and the start of the hour.
That's the standard radio clock.
Don't tell me it doesn't make any sense, but...
The point is, Max, you were trying to get into the gold, demanding the gold.
A year or two ago, you broke that there was missing gold.
Now that's mainstream media.
You talked about defaults.
You're going on with gold producers.
That's now happening.
Kind of a train wreck as demand spikes.
Then let's get into that inside info that you keep trying to get into about the dollar and more of what's really going on with the Arabs.
And you're saying a faster timetable than the one we've been hearing about of five years.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, okay, you know, getting back to the Gulf, in the 60s, over there in France, you know, France demanded that the U.S.
return the gold that was held on deposit in New York, and they forced the U.S.
to do so, and then Britain, because France was very nervous about the way that the U.S.
was going in heavily into debt to pay for the Vietnam War.
And so then Britain was next in line to start demanding their gold, and then at that point, 1971, Nixon said, no, no, we're going to close the gold window.
And this was the beginning, really, of the era of fiat currencies, and the beginning, really, of the era of derivatives, because shortly thereafter in Chicago, they started trading options based on the black and shawl option derivative volatility formula.
And you have now the modern era of derivatives, which is an era of making money from transactions and not making money from actually doing anything like it would resemble business.
And this has led to incredible booms and incredible busts that we've had ever since then.
You've got just a flash forward to modern times.
You have the dot-com boom, the real estate crash, the real estate boom and crash, and now the banking boom and crash.
And now these countries that are emerging like Russia, China, Iran are saying, we know what's going on here.
The U.S.
is simply printing up lots of phony baloney money to pay for their debts.
And this is not what we're going to be on board for because we're using all this money also to finance your wars.
So the one way we're going to stop you from financing wars... It's basically the way that Iran, China, and Russia are going to stop America from invading Iran is they're going to crash the dollar.
I mean, it's global financial warfare.
They don't have to fire a shot.
They don't have to fire a missile.
They're going to crash the dollar.
And that's going to put American military and America out of business.
That's the game plan.
And Germany knows this.
And Germany is very nervous because they've got something like 3,000, up to 3,000 tons of their gold held in New York.
But didn't they just ask for that?
Didn't they just start asking for the gold a few months ago?
They're starting to make rumors.
They're starting to make these requests.
They're putting out a feeler to see how the U.S.
is going to respond.
It's suicide for the U.S.
to attack Iran because it's going to employ the dollar and it's going to force countries like Germany to demand all their gold bullion back from New York.
Jim Geiger's old bank, the New York Fed.
And they're going to show up, and they're going to demand their gold bullion, and gold bullion is going to skyrocket, and all these banks are going to be completely put out of their fiat currency, money-spinning games, and they're going to have another huge down leg in markets, but this is... Well, Max, I have a quick question.
That's what Robert Fisk is talking about.
Robert Fisk in his article for The Independent, you know, Robert Fisk is a great journalist.
He's talking about the gold-producing countries are now, I'm sorry, the oil-producing exporting countries are going to start trading oil in dollars.
And what I would add to that is you've got now Germany in response to the chaos that's going to result in terms of the dollar.
It's going to demand, and we talked, you know, we made that film, Alex, it's on the web, and I forget what the name of the film is.
You see me in the Bundesbank in Berlin.
I'm talking to officials inside the Bundesbank and we have like a hidden camera.
And they're saying to us things that they, you know, revealed.
Things that were quite revealing in terms of who owns the gold, where's the gold.
Max, stay there!
Got a break, we'll come back, talk about...
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I think we should know what the New World Order really is.
It's a non-democratic system.
A world to be ruled by experts and professionals from all different sciences, including all the social sciences, they go under the term of world peace.
And that sounds nice and fuzzy to most people, but when you break down in their own writings, from their own writings, what they mean by world peace, it literally is a form of totalitarianism from birth to grave.
Uh, to do with, uh, in fact, they wanted to separate the children completely from parents so they wouldn't be contaminated with old-fashioned values and ideas.
Uh, but they've found with scientific indoctrination, uh, kindergarten onwards, uh, any parental input is made null and void.
Uh, so they've pretty well reached that stage.
They can really program, uh, the generations every, with every intake, every year of kindergarten upgrade incrementally from what they will experience in their lifetime.
I think?
They believe in Darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest.
They believe that we are the old man.
All the old types that used to work in factories, the blue-collar workers, are now obsolete with the emergence of science and robots and genetic technology.
They can create new types of better servants and not as many as they have now.
All of this is coming down the pipe, as we see.
Even the move, as you say, to stop neighbours from looking after your child for a couple of hours when they run off for some groceries is forbidden across the board in all the countries at the same time, as you say.
And that is also to stop contamination and bonding to other people in your little locality with old-fashioned ideas.
It's OK to put them into a recommended state-approved daycare place for a day because they get the correct
And simultaneously, Europe and the US and England and Canada announced they want year-round school, and the internal documents 20 years ago said to break up the families entirely.
They've got the men and women working overtime so they can't spend time with their kids, and then if you want to use the neighbor... In fact, it even said in England, BBC, two groups of police officers aren't allowed to watch their own kids.
And the thing was, wow, even the godlike police aren't allowed to watch their kids.
And then now 20,000 homes in England, they have cameras watching the kids that they go to bed on time, eat what they're supposed to.
This is Orwell.
Now Alan, I want to bring up a key point here and I want you to speak to this, studying their operations.
At the heart of it, they are social Darwinists.
They're saying if we kill a billion people, since we are in the positions of power, that means genetically we got the power because we were the best, and so we're helping the earth by killing you.
They're testing soft kill weapons, sterilization, as the White House science czar spoke about.
I want to go over this with you today.
But, more than that, they get the general public to adopt the eugenics ideas, but they don't even consciously know why.
Yeah, humans are a parasite.
Yeah, there's too many of us.
We don't have art and literature and spacecraft.
We can't do incredible things, which we actually are an incredible species, a wonderful species, a self-aware species.
The elites believe they're gods, they believe they're wonderful, and they want to control the future, and so they only sell the public on lowering their survival instinct so they will accept and make it a religious sacrament, dying for their carbon footprint, or not having children, or being sacrificed to the earth.
So this idea that man is crud, man is crap, they sell this and sell this and say you have no rights, you're just an animal, it's a mind game, it's a huckster scam to say you can make no decisions, you're just programmed.
But then, oh, the elites have to have their rights, they have to have their bodyguards, oh, they're free, they write all this sick, dark, nihilistic poetry about how they control everything and they'll destroy everything if they want to.
So inherently, these are very sick, evil control pricks.
There's no doubt about it at all.
It's a religion with them.
It fulfills all the criteria of a religious belief system and superior genetic
Basically, a hereditary genetic stock.
That's what they believe in.
They're from it.
They believe that we are the leftover junk genes at the bottom.
Otherwise, we would be up at the top.
That's the simple reasoning that they have.
And they believe in power.
Total power is the main key to survival.
Therefore, they're the ones at the top with the total power.
And they do plan to exercise it.
They are exercising it now.
I just went through stuff that was released from the World Health Organization, from some of its meetings that have never disclosed to the public before, and they admit during their own discussions, their internal debates, that most of these vaccines, all of the vaccines in fact, the vast bulk of the contaminants in them, including genetic contaminants and viruses, are unknown to them.
Sometimes 90% of every inoculation and polio still
I don't know.
Now, Alan, stop.
This is mind-blowing, and we're on the same page.
This is admitted in hundreds of government textbooks, like Ecoscience or The White House Science Czar.
We now have bought over 10 books he authored, all saying the same sickening stuff about how they would do this, inject us with cancer viruses that would trigger, as soon as our hormone levels lowered in men and women between 45 and 65.
We now see that happening.
The boldness, what do you call the boldness of where they openly say they're killing us, where they openly admit the first 10 million people in Canada and the U.S.
to get the nasal live flu virus, they admit it's going to mutate it and spread it.
So in plain view, they admit it has cancer viruses in the major German and British news.
We're shooting cancer viruses live into our nostrils.
They admit the Gardasil's killing the girls and mutating.
It's own inventor came out and said don't take it.
I'm sure they'll kill her or something.
The point is, is that
What do you call that?
Because I see them testing the ambient murder.
They're now just killing us right out in the open and just setting the precedent to do it and then everyone's dropping dead or dying and it's like no big deal.
That's right.
In fact, even admits from the World Health Organization that they're doing a massive campaign
To train the public, train the public to accept that masses of people die all the time from strokes and heart attacks and cancers, so don't relate it to the vaccine that you're getting.
This is the present propaganda blitz that's out right now.
So they're training the victim to accept his own death and put it down to coincidence.
It's amazing that they understand what they can do to the public, because they've lied so many times in the past.
They know the formulas, the techniques, and they know how we respond.
If there's 1% of credibility in their arguments, the public will want to believe them, rather than cross the line and say, these guys are killing us.
Because the average person, just like in Hardin, Montana when I caught
That's correct.
And these are all eugenicists, and they talk about, they go, it's sad we have to kill everyone, but it's for the Earth.
Everybody out there, you gotta warn everybody you can.
They're implanting you and your family with cancer viruses.
These also spread.
It's not just a shot.
Have you ever wanted to generate your own supply of electrical power?
If so, this is going to be the most important message you will ever hear.
Solar power generators are now available from Solutions from Science in Thompson, Illinois.
These emergency backup systems provide life-saving electrical power when you need it most, unlike gas generators.
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It's like having an electric power plant running quietly in your own home.
Run sump pumps, shortwave radios, computers, and even keep food from spoiling.
Whether it's hurricanes, ice storms, brownouts, or blackouts, you'll never have to suffer through painful power outages again.
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Don't wait, call today!
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Inner Health Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Inner Food with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
I love their Nutri-Cafe, great organic coffee infused with herbal extracts to boost your immune system.
Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now, 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light sterilization techniques.
That's right!
Coast to coast and in your face!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now!
Alright, I want to open the phones up next hour for Alan Watts, specifically on eugenics, the master plan, how to stop them, what they're doing.
He can talk about any issue, but please address your questions to Alan Watts.
I don't want to talk about a tractor you got for sale, or two Bacabras in your attic.
And I'm not being mean, I just... Sometimes people do that.
Especially if we have a guest, it's like they will not address anything to them.
Kind of like Piggly Wiggly gets to the head of the line and then nobody else gets to get on.
So, 1-800-259-9231.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Alan, we were just talking during the break about social control.
It's just like the Aztecs, one of the dominant Mesoamerican Mayan cultures.
And in their own writings, and in what the Spanish observed,
Mothers would beg to have their healthiest, best, because you wanted to have the best sacrifice, 10-year-old only son cut up in pieces and then sold as meat by the priest class.
That's how they made their money, to the locals.
And the mothers would gobble their children with pleasure.
We have major news out of Seoul, Korea and China.
This is mainstream baby soup, not a hoax, eating babies.
People get upset if they see a dog killed by Marines, but not if they see a kid killed by Marines.
We've been trained to see human life as bad.
And through mind control, just through cultural mind control, Aztecs would kill their sons and daughters and wives and husbands with pleasure.
The Druids would do this.
And it's the same thing now.
We just give our kids to the state.
Because our guest said earlier, in England, a mother said, yeah, it was really hard to lose the weight, ruined my figure.
They said that was a symbol of depression.
So they took the baby from the family with no due process.
The criminal state is here.
Go ahead.
Yes, again, too interesting to look at the old video.
I think it's still up maybe on YouTube, I don't know.
I can't watch it because of my slow speed.
They punish me for using ExploreNet.
But there was a Julian Huxley up there, an Aldo Huxley.
And these guys went into this whole thing, and Aldo Huxley himself, who attended all the world meetings, he also worked at Tavistock Institute.
He thought that the scientific dictatorship would be just sort of wonderful when it came in, and the people would be trained to love their servitude.
But he also talked about the only obstacle they had at that time, back in the 50s, was the remnants of a powerful, or almost post-powerful, Christianity.
That ties in with what his brother Julian said, the first CEO of UNESCO.
He said we'll have to train the people to devaluate human life in order to bring through mass abortions and eventually genetic selection and sterilization.
So, this is the plan unfolding now.
These guys were part of the big world meetings of their day.
They set their agendas, they set their timetables, they set it for the end of the millennium into the new, that's now.
And that's why they call this the Century of Change.
And they never alter their plans.
Their plans are like long-term business plans set in stone, with 10-year plans for one part, 50 for another, 100 for another.
We see this same type of plan cropping up in the declassified information put out by the top think tanks for the military going up to the year 2050 and beyond, and the kind of world that will be then, and society will have then.
And we have, of course, the Rockefellers trotting around the world still pushing the depopulation plan, eugenics plan, if it is to survive, the rest should get sterilized, and the unwanted should simply be killed off by various means.
Alan, we were talking again about how they train us to feed on ourselves, they domesticate us, they train us not to notice what's happening, and this whole agenda's rushing forward.
Well, going into the writings again of some of the biggest players who did publish lots of their work, we find their techniques, because they explained their techniques, and they were so assured of them working,
That can only be done because of previous experimentation on populations.
I'm going back to the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s.
The Huxleys, for instance, talked about people loving their servitude and they often used the term domestication.
Domesticate the public.
What they meant was, and they even said this, that the only true survivors that are fit to survive are wild animals that retain all of the survival capabilities.
In order to rule all the lesser types, the inferior humans who haven't made it to the top, it has to domesticate them.
That meant to eradicate their instincts for self-preservation.
Train them that experts were looking after everything that they should look after by themselves.
And even to the extent where they couldn't do anything without expert advice.
Well, we've had a massive campaign since about the 50s onwards.
Listen to the experts all through magazines, TVs, even in news breaks or even weather breaks.
You get experts coming on telling you how to dress for the rain.
This is a form of domestication.
It's meant to make you think that you know nothing.
You're too stupid to understand.
And just accept it.
Except there are better types of people above you taking care of all the big problems that you should be taking care of.
And your job is to simply play as much as you can play and enjoy yourself and don't become involved in the big problems in life to do with politics, policies or anything else.
That's called domestication.
Just accept it.
Until you literally have no self-preservation instincts left.
When that happens, you're now ready for extermination.
And then they can even train you, as you say, they're training the children to volunteer for sterilization, to save the world.
And of course, this new religion of ecology is a religion.
As Gorbachev said, we are creating a new religion based on a form of earth worship.
But of course, it's got its own high priests that decide who should procreate and who should not procreate.
And that's not fast enough for them.
They want to start killing us off even faster.
We're not breeding enough in the West to tell us that we're almost sterile, and hence the emigration levels are massive.
However, we're not dying fast enough across the world, so they want to speed up the process.
And you can't tell the children, so you mustn't tell them any truth.
You must say, it's all so strange that these cancers are affecting everyone and everyone's dying.
And that'll be taught.
It's just a new happening.
Well, they're saying that.
They're saying you're all just going to die of cancer and you're all just going to die of diabetes and doesn't matter what you do, just take your shot and you're going to die and there's going to be lots of deaths and yeah, it's a live virus and yeah, you're going to die, but it wasn't the vaccine, but it does say on the insert, it may kill you.
And this Gardasil is going to kill you, but it doesn't protect you from the cancer, but it will give you cancer, but everything's fine.
And they just throw it all out there, and it's like the public really is in a trance.
Now, more and more of them are starting to wake up, so the establishment's program is to shock us even more and pile on, hoping people just give up.
Yeah, it's a technique.
They give you the dialectical process, the pros and the cons, they get you into a punch-drunk state, and you simply give up.
And then you say, well, they can't be doing this for negative reasons to kill us, so I'll just go along with the rest of the public.
That's how simple it is.
People look around for a hero to follow, and if there's no heroes, they simply go along with the rest of the public and do what they do.
That's the Huxley phenomenon.
Now let's talk about in the short term what their program is, long term, but also solutions.
How you think this battle is going to shake out and what things will look like if they win.
Any other important angles Alan Watt wants to cover.
And then your phone calls.
That'll take us in lots of interesting, random directions.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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That's hereiswhatyoudo.net.
One last time, it's hereiswhatyoudo.net.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultra-violent light sterilization techniques.
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That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit A Cola Blue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
That's acolablue.com.
Direct from Austin, coast to coast, and in your face, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Most people still today think that all entertainment to do with movies, drama, is therefore nothing more than their entertainment.
It never ever was that case.
Throughout history, social engineers have refined techniques designed to control large populations.
It is bringing entertainment to thousands of people.
Right in the comfort of our own home.
You're actually in and out of states being completely downloaded with new ideas.
A cult of personality can be manufactured to influence the masses.
Nobody will question what he's doing.
They'll be so preoccupied with where he is or what he's wearing.
Yes we can!
The idea of making him into a celebrity.
Eventually, he said, they will expect the media to do all their thinking and reasoning for them.
That's happened today.
The scientific dictatorship understands what makes human beings tick, and they're using it against us.
These cells are scanned by a stream of electrons, completing 30 pictures a second.
It's hard for people like that to take a serious interest in what their elected officials are doing.
They've been programmed.
It's Obama's role to front for the International Banking Syndicate.
Barack Obama is a puppet of the New World Order.
Is this some sort of New World Order?
The New World Order is emerging.
For the first time in history, we really have this new form of an empire.
The average man and woman is in a trance.
They get home from work, they don't even talk to their children.
And they let those corporate messages set the agenda in their lives.
You've got time to watch baseball, you've got time to entertain yourself, but a knowledgeable public we're losing.
Kill your television, or at least turn it off a few hours a day.
The children aren't even playing in your front yards anymore.
We don't want to live under a world government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.
Volume 1.
The Presidency of Barack Obama.
Obama is the latest version of 21st Century Mass Mind Control.
Available on DVD at InfoWars.com and online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
October 21st, 2009.
So there is the third trailer, fourth coming out next week, and the fifth the day before it comes out.
We've got some special sneak peeks too for folks just at PrisonPlanet.tv.
All right, Alan, I'm going to shut up for the rest of this segment before we go to calls.
Getting into what their current operation is, what you think is happening with the flu, those new World Health Organization documents you have, they're up on CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
Well, I think the people first have to understand that they're not dealing with democratic institutions.
You're dealing with people with an agenda, who are all pre-chosen before they get into politics,
into their roles and they're all on board with this agenda so technically there's no negotiation with them to be honest with you.
The only thing that's left outside of outright revolution is for large groups of people to literally hit them economically.
For instance, as an example, the nurses of New York State have been told that they're going to be fired if they don't take this swine flu shot.
My suggestion to them is for them to walk off en masse and just walk out the hospital en masse for a day or two and you'll see the howls and the screams as those guys want to bring you to the negotiating table that these are the only kinds of strategies left for people outside revolution.
And the boys at the top know this because they've been setting up internal armies and securities for 20 years for this particular time that we're going through now.
They knew this time would come.
So, to be honest, there's no easy way out of this.
This is life or death situations that we're going through right now.
They have their depopulation program.
The World Health Organization at their meeting in 2006, their world meeting, stated that if they can get the public to accept mandatory inoculation for one thing,
And Alan, continuing on the flu front, they're now ordering kids to go to school to take it.
No law, they just do it.
We're seeing the real tyranny and they're bragging that they're setting the precedent to force over 56 vaccine boosters, so that's now in the hundreds.
Every couple years of meningitis shots, hepatitis shots, the AIDS vaccine.
And Bill Gates has now bragged, and it's in the Associated Press, oh, when he laughs, when he gives a speech, oh, I found out we're giving people polio with the new vaccine.
It happens to be live.
And then the little elite clubs, they all giggle because the local good old boys, they're in on the fun.
That's Nigeria.
Nigeria has now got a new evolved type of polio that they admit now the World Health Organization came from the particular vaccine they were giving the people there.
It's evolved into a new hyper polio that's rampaging through the public.
It came from the vaccine
And now they admit in the mainstream literature that the live nasal vaccine is going to create hundreds of mutations and is what's spreading H1N1.
So out in the open, they hit us with all the fools that are shooting it up their kid's nose, sneezing on everybody, and the public is so dumbed down they can't even understand it.
Again, they've been trained that experts don't lie, and we've had 50 years of training into this new type of system.
The public can't believe.
As I say, you can get off the ladder, but until you literally cross the last rung and stand on it, you won't see the big picture.
And the last rung is difficult.
It's difficult to cross and say, they're not just talking about killing us, they have been killing us, and they want to kill more of us.
When you really understand that, it's true.
You'll see everything completely different from then on as to what you can do.
So you can't negotiate with tyranny.
Well the key here is they're not negotiating, they're not stopping, it's a power cult.
And we have to admit they're testing the soft kill now.
And I want to talk some about solutions here.
But everything you bring up, just literally flags come up because it's all so accurate.
You know, dealing with all of this and watching them kill us, and then all these little petty power people who don't even care if they're being killed themselves, as long as they can kill people under them.
It's very sick.
And again, too, the testidola that at Stanford is the big player, and it's all the universities have their specialized areas in creating vaccines or bacteria or viruses for warfare purposes.
But they're also into the social science and psychology.
And Stanford is one of the prime universities for mass control, basically.
They did the old Milgaard experiments on testing people's obedience to authority by shocking people.
He's training people that they're actually shocking a victim on the other side of the glass.
Yeah, 90%!
You can take a farm boy and make him a cop.
Six months later, 90% in the Stanford research will put a gun to their mother's head and blow her brains across the room if someone in a uniform orders them to do it.
Yes, and it's true.
These are all techniques that we understood by the high sciences and occult guys and masonry and so on at the top.
You find in the riots of New York in the 1800s that
The mayor, at the time of the whole riots, he said that we can always hire half the poor to kill the other half.
That's what he said.
They understand this.
Money is the key.
I can survive, I get money, I'll go on the winning side, they'll leave me alone.
That's what they think, until their usefulness is over, and then they're eliminated too.
Alan, let's do this.
Let's come back and take calls, and then at the end of the last segment, let's get into a little bit of solutions, but we're going to have you back up for more of that as well.
But I guess what you're saying is the big solution is becoming aware of this matrix of propaganda and social engineering, and really getting upset about it, and really talking human to human about the ruling elite and their program for humanity, and ask the public, do you like being controlled?
Do you like being poisoned?
Do you like everybody being blubbery and bleached skin and unhealthy and zits all over the place?
I mean, do you like being poisoned?
Do you like half the kids in your neighborhood dead or dying of diseases or cancer?
I mean, is this what?
Because it's only going to get worse.
I mean, is it fun?
I mean, the cops out there, is the petty power, the petty manhood rituals, is it fun?
Do you like being used?
Are you going to serve this?
Ninety percent of you will.
Unless you were conscious of the manipulation.
We'll be right back with Alan White.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Solar power generators are now available from Solutions from Science in Thompson, Illinois.
These emergency backup systems provide life-saving electrical power when you need it most, unlike gas generators.
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It's like having an electric power plant running quietly in your own home.
Run sump pumps, shortwave radios, computers, and even keep food from spoiling.
Whether it's hurricanes, ice storms, brownouts, or blackouts, you'll never have to suffer through painful power outages again.
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That's MySolarBackup.com or call 877-327-0365.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Interhealth Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Interfood with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
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Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now, 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big John!
Big John!
Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew you didn't give no lift to Big John.
Alright, I didn't mean to go off into a rant.
I was just talking to one of my producers, one of the radio guys, Rob Dew, about how they, and his wife's in education, how they tried for months to get the exemption form.
They would laugh and say it doesn't exist.
Up until a month ago, you could always just print it off online.
Now I guess they make you get one from them.
They're real bastards.
Uh, but, uh, going back to Alan Watt before we continue with calls.
Yeah, there's always these little ring-around-the-rosie games.
It's in the Dallas Morning News.
They're kicking kids out if they don't take the regular shot, seasonal flu, and the new one.
I mean, I showed Dallas Morning News yesterday.
Austin's announcing it, but there's no law.
They're saying, you don't have to, but you have to.
And then you say, well, I want an exemption form, and they laugh at you and say, you don't have to, honey.
I mean, this is just so sick!
And these locals, they always get like a little piggy face, a little demonic smile.
What is that programming where they revel in abusing people?
They revel in lying?
Yeah, what you've got, truly, is what has been said about the Soviet system and the hero worship of the man at the top.
The same with the Nazi regime in Germany.
What they found was that all the officers down below are sadomasochists.
And this is how power works.
It's a sadomasochistic thing that attracts psychopathic types into those positions.
In fact, you're generally the only ones who go into them.
And they worship the person above them with power and they despise the person beneath them who has less power than themselves.
That's how simply it works with sadomasochism.
And you'll always have this strange sadomasochistic authoritarianism when you get into politics and right down to local politics even.
Any authority.
This is the very thing that Carl Jung warned the public about back in the 50s.
He talked about the Iron Curtain across Germany, but he also said, he says, I see an Iron Curtain of massive bureaucracies building up with governmental agencies stifling and strangling the freedom of the whole planet.
He understood what was coming down the pike back then.
Many of his generation did, in fact, because they were involved in meeting high-level people.
And he knew that the world we're bringing in would be one of tyranny by force.
And that's what you've got.
One of the criteria of tyranny is when you're forced into a position by authorities without any escape routes.
In other words, you have no choice.
That is tyranny, when you have no choice in any situation.
Well, you're absolutely right.
Since they don't have a choice, they learn to love it and love to defend it.
And so when you say, hey, the banks just stole $23.7 trillion, we've got to pay it back with interest, they just laugh and will say, I'm part of the power structure.
And it's almost like a five-year-old dressing up like they're
Luke Skywalker dressing up like they're some hero.
It's like the public are eternal children and they imagine things.
They're delusional.
And I never had a view of myself as something special or wonderful or good.
I'm just a person that has my instincts intact.
And, you know, having a bunch of psychos writing books about how they're killing me with vaccines and stuff in the water, and then I can see the evidence they're doing it?
I mean, if they write hundreds of books about how they're killing us and how it's a scientific dictatorship, wouldn't there be something wrong with me if I didn't, as a red-blooded male, not stand up for my species against a power-tripping group that's playing God?
And part of the key of obedience, as I say, Stanford and other universities are into these experiments all the time, are on obedience, so are the CIA involved with them, obviously.
And what they find is, with the more power they accumulate in any agency,
I don't think so.
I've always said it's like a farmer breaking the legs of a cow.
It falls to the ground, then he starts kicking it because it can't get up.
That is the very system that's in play today with the sadomasochistic total power structure that's set up.
This is a hell on earth opinion, and it's up to us to fight it utterly with every means that we have.
Well, I think that one of the most effective ways to attack it is to just show people the matrix of false reality and reach out to police, military, bureaucrats and go, you know, your little cousin just died of cancer at 22.
That's not normal.
Here's some statistics.
Do you know what's in the water?
Do you know what's in the shots?
Here's AP admitting they're giving everyone polio with the polio vaccine and
You're not going to listen now because you have defenses up, but deep down in your instincts, you know, I'm telling you the truth.
You're being manipulated.
And I found that six months down the road, a year down the road, they then wake up and just showing them how they're not in the power structure like they think they are, how they're being attacked as well.
It was interesting too, is this new world order.
It's been through a series of changes, including the riot phase for 30 odd years as they bring down the food supply, and then the United Nations takes over the distribution of food to all the different regions, as they call these sections of the world.
And they say in their own writings, and the United Nations, that they'll gradually reduce this ration to each area.
Uh, every year, and it's up to you to bring your population down to accommodate and use the resources that are given to you.
This is all their plan, and this is hell on earth they're bringing in step by step.
And of course, the reduction of population via mass, uh, literally, it's, um, we're being killed off by inoculations, and they know this.
And that's all stated, and they all brag about it, and you'll tell some mom, and she'll arrogantly laugh at you, take her kid who already looks like a zombie.
And just shoot them up with some more, and then they'll look at you with pleasure.
You crazy nut!
It doesn't matter if you just quoted State Department Miranda 200.
It doesn't matter if you're quoting UN documents.
It doesn't matter.
They don't care.
And then when their kid dies, they'll wear a little cancer ribbon and cry, and it's like a celebrity thing.
Oh, your kid died too!
You know, because it's all about euthanizing everybody.
That's what this is all about.
It is euthanasia, and it's bacterial warfare, it's viral warfare, it's bio-warfare, carefully designed, and all this stuff has been released recently from the internal meetings at the World Health Organization.
They admit that all of these particles of
DNA and RNA and so on recombine within the body and infect the cells of the person and cause cancers down the road.
They understand it.
Well, they grow it in the exact type of monkeys and fetal tissue that have the cancer virus that's most deadly in it.
Well actually, they've said now, they've stated now, that they're actually using, especially for this new swine flu, rather than use the eggs, chicken eggs and so on, for doing so, which also contains thousands of foreign viruses.
They're using cancer virus instead of the dead baby retinas, or the green monkey kidneys, or the other growth mediums.
You're right, they're using cancer virus.
That's what they say, because the cancer virus is a survivor, so they're using that as a
Isn't that sweet?
I'm going to move the calls quickly now.
Mark in Oregon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex and Alan.
Honored to speak with you.
Thank you for your great information.
Thank you for your great wisdom, even.
Alex, on Monday's show, you had mentioned that there were 10 million doses of the flu mask being sent out into the country on Monday.
They will have arrived, or probably have arrived, at the destination by now, I'm sure.
Destinations that it's arriving to are the Walmart stores.
Well, let me be clear.
They said last Friday that 200,000 were going to Tennessee, Indiana, and Texas.
You also reported, Alex, the Mayo Clinic has come out and said that the flu mist will be much more contagious to other people.
It takes 10 to 20 days, as I understand it at this point, for the actual symptoms to manifest in someone who has received an injected or a flu mist vaccination.
Now, I think the time clock has already started on this, and that the actual mass murder genocide that this operation consists of, and it is not a drill.
Absolutely not a drill.
It's set in motion now as to where it's going to follow through with the actual sickness itself.
And people are going to become so sick and weak that they're going to accept martial law.
And I think this is the first stage of the operation.
Well, I know this.
We're going to find out.
By the end of October, early November, whether it's meant to mutate and really be deadly, or if this is just setting the precedent for us to go under World Health Organization rules and to set the precedent to take the shots as they've stated.
We're out of time.
I appreciate your call, Cheryl and Steve and others.
Call me back tomorrow and then, of course, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Alan, great job in Fall of the Republic.
Great job in everything you're doing.
Folks should support you over there at CuttingTheMatrix.com.
We'll talk to you again real soon.
Yes, thanks for having me on, Alex.
You bet.
And I want to thank all of our wonderful sponsors, as well, that have made the show possible.
I want to thank the crew in there, Nihart, Hartman, Harmon.
Everybody else that is in there doing a great job.
The new trailer, the TV Mind Control trailer for Fall of the Republic is live at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Be sure and check it out.
God bless you all.
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