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Name: 20091009_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2009
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Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Bernanke, I'm looking at the report that you handed out this morning, and I was wondering if you could take your copy and turn to page 26.
There's a table on page 26 which consists of your balance sheet, and one of the entries on the balance sheet is, under assets, central bank liquidity swaps.
Which shows an increase from the end of 2007 from $24 billion to $553 billion in change at the end of 2008.
What's that?
Those are swaps that were done with foreign central banks.
Many, um, many foreign banks are short dollars and send to our markets looking for dollars and drive up interest rates and create volatility in our markets.
What we have done is
With a number of major central banks, like European Central Bank for example, we swap our currency, dollars for their currency, euros.
They take the dollars, lend it out to the banks in their jurisdiction.
That helps bring down interest rates in the global market for dollars.
And meanwhile, we're not lending to those banks, we're lending to the central bank.
The central bank is responsible for repaying us.
So who got the money?
To financial institutions in Europe and other countries.
Which ones?
I don't know.
Half a trillion dollars, and you don't know who got the money?
The loans go to the central banks, and they then put them out to their institutions to try to bring down short-term interest rates in dollar markets around the world.
Well, let's start with which central banks got the money.
There are 14 of them, which are listed in our... I'm sure they're listed in here somewhere.
Alright, so who actually made that decision to hand out a trillion dollars that way?
Half a trillion dollars.
Who made that decision?
The Federal Open Market Committee.
Okay, and was it done at one time or in a series of meetings?
A series of meetings.
And under what legal authority?
We have a long-standing legal authority to do swaps with other central banks.
It's not an emergency authority of any kind.
Anything specific about it?
My counsel says Section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act.
All right, we actually looked at one of the arrangements, and one of the arrangements is $9 billion for New Zealand.
That works out to $3,000 for every single person who lives in New Zealand.
Seriously, wouldn't it have been better to extend that kind of credit to Americans rather than New Zealanders?
It's not costing Americans anything.
We're getting interest back, and it comes back.
It's not at the cost of any American credit.
We are extending credit to Americans.
Well, wouldn't it necessarily affect the credit markets if you extend half a trillion dollars in credit to anybody?
We are lending to all U.S.
financial institutions in exactly the same way.
Well, look at the next page.
The very next page has the U.S.
dollar nominal exchange rate, which shows a 20% increase in the U.S.
dollar nominal exchange rate.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it is October 9, 2009, on this Friday edition.
I'm joining you from the road again.
This is Alex Jones.
And you were just hearing Congressman Greeson talking to the private banker boys as they were denying that the dollar was being devalued.
Of course, we all know the facts.
The dollar is devalued currently.
I'm going to get to a landline several times during the show today and cover the latest news, so please stay with us for that.
It seems like every time I go on vacation, Murphy's Law, huge news develops.
But obviously,
The outrage has occurred.
Barack Obama has been given a Nobel Prize.
Not just a Nobel Prize, a Nobel Peace Prize.
This is the guy going back on all his promises, expanding the wars.
This is the individual deploying Brigade Homeland here in the U.S.
We're going to be covering it all today.
And the latest with what's happening with the economy as well.
This is like giving Hitler the Peace Prize, or Stalin.
But, it's all a big joke to them.
It's all part of the funniness.
And there's a big attack piece out against me.
In a major publication, The New Republic.
We'll cover that today as well.
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I'm looking at the latest headlines at PrisonPlanet.com and the featured news section.
Swine flu document lists sports arena and mass vaccination centers.
We told you that was in all the previous documents.
Now it's being openly announced.
Also, Obama will bypass Congress and detain suspects indefinitely.
Poll, only 14% of Americans.
Believe Bush allowed 9-1-1 to happen, 8% unsure.
That is the complete opposite of all of the other polls that have showed 84% believing they allowed it to happen.
I mean, this poll is just an absolute fraud.
We need to point that out if we post an article, some of the older polls.
That is just the public policy polling.
I mean, that poll flies at the opposite of all other polls.
Absolute fraud.
Unbelievable how they're now putting out fake polls to counter all the hundreds of other real polls.
Ladies and gentlemen, we had Congressman Ron Paul on.
We had Congressman Alan Grayson on.
That was the best interview that I have ever done today with Ron Paul.
I will tell you that.
I'm very, very proud of the information that was covered there.
And that rebroadcast is coming up in an hour and 50 minutes.
We'll have Ron Paul and the Congressman Alan Grayson interview coming
Back up as well.
For the rest of this hour and the next hour, we're getting reports live from the G20, the open announcement of world government, and they're planning on the deal to start shutting down the dollar.
All we have left is the dollar in our economy.
That's all we produce is the fiat currency.
This is curtains.
As Ron Paul said, it's going to be the worst thing we've ever seen financially.
This is... They staged the implosion last year to get everybody to go along with a handover of power to them.
It's unspeakable.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is a member of the prestigious National Speakers Association.
Dr. Tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in health care.
Dr. Tenpenny is a board-certified emergency medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine.
Prior to her career in alternative medicine, Dr. Tenpenny served as director of the emergency department of Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in Findlay, Ohio in 1996.
Dr. Tenpenny founded
The Osteomed 2, expanding her practice and her vision of combining the best of conventional and alternative medicine.
DrTinPenny.com is her website and her book is a bestseller.
Foul, bird flu, it's not what you think.
Which is updated for the swine flu and explains the scam, what the shots do, what the adjuvants do, what the mercury does.
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I hope everybody gets it.
You can also go to DrTimPenney.com to get it.
I want to put that out there for folks that want to actually be experts on this.
This was compiled by the expert.
She's seen by many as the expert on just the wide spectrum analysis
Of what is... of the wide spectrum of what's happening.
Let's go to Dr. Sherry J. Tenpenny.
Doctor, great to have you here with us.
Thanks so much, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
You bet.
It's good to have you here.
You know, instead of me throwing out a bunch of questions about what do you think of the fear-mongering, what do you think of the adjuvants, what do you think of the announcements of sports stadiums, trying to force medical workers quietly to take it through color of law,
Just what do you think is most important right now?
And give us a report on what you think is key.
What I think is key is to do whatever you have to do to keep yourself healthy.
And I've always been a big proponent, you know Alex, you and I have talked about this before, in terms of health is from the inside out.
And what's happening externally in terms of the bug, there's not a big reason to be afraid of that.
But you have to keep yourself healthy from the inside out.
One of the problems though is that the FDA is going to make it increasingly more difficult for you to keep yourself healthy.
They've been sending out letters since May of this year for any sort of vitamin and supplement company that is putting out supplements that says that it can protect you and boost your immune system against the flu.
And if they've mentioned the H1N1 flu virus in any of their products, the FDA is sending them warning letters
That are actually, could potentially cause them to, and threatening criminal prosecution of these people.
So it seems to me that they're trying to eliminate the competition and make it harder and harder for people to stay healthy and take care of themselves if they do get sick.
There was a, in the, they had a final ruling that came out today also about colloidal silver.
I mean, I know that, or it came out last week, I know that a lot of the
People that I get a lot of emails from, and I'm sure you do too, they ask, you know, why don't I talk a lot about colloidal silver?
Well, I've seen this coming down the road and that the FDA was going to say it's not generally recommended as safe and that they're taking regulatory action against the product that's marketed as a dietary supplement unless it's labeled in a very specific way and it's marketed in a very specific way.
And that it cannot be protected by the DSHEA Supplement Act if it has a topical gel or anything that's used on the skin.
They've had this out there for a while.
It's been out there since 1997, but the final ruling on this just came down last week.
On August... It's just last Thursday, as a matter of fact, and it was listed in the Federal Register.
That all over-the-counter drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients or silver salts are used for external use, are not generally recognized as safe and effective, and are misbranded.
So, it makes me nervous that it seems as though all of the products that we in the natural health community have used safely for years and have seen great results with it, whether it be vitamins, supplements, herbs, colloidal silver, it seems as though those products may be taken away from us.
Well, you know, I've got colloidal silver generator, and I've got some I've bought, but I need to remind my wife to buy a whole bunch of the better products that are out there as they shut down this tool.
You're a medical doctor, and I've had medical doctor after medical doctor after medical doctor on, in many cases, who aren't even involved in promoting it, and they say, no, it's a very strong antiviral and antibacterial, and in a lot of studies, and I'm going to ask you if this is correct,
It shows it's a lot better than Tamiflu or other things they're making all this money off of, but I guess they're saying as a doctor you're not allowed to practice medicine and say that... I mean, what do we know from the studies?
I mean, what does Cloyl Silver do?
I mean... Well, what they're saying in this FDA ruling, and this really comes right off of the FDA website, and the ruling went into effect September 16th, so this is really kind of hot off the presses, and what it says is that anything that people have seen, that there's no information about
Strength, quality, purity, and potency.
And there was a lot of people who sent in and gave testimonials about different types of things.
And they said that it was all anecdotal evidence, that nobody had submitted anything that proved anything to any kind of a drug quality standard.
But they've known for thousands of years that silver is a strong antibiotic.
Right, and they're not allowing it to be grandfathered in.
They are very clear in that.
That without evidence, and I'm reading right from the report, Alex, where it says, without evidence that the composition and labeling has not changed since 1938 or 1962, the products cannot qualify for either grandfather exemption.
So that means specifically as a doctor?
Oh no, we use it in our practice, we've used it for years.
I mean, what does it do?
Explain to people why micro-silver kills bacteria and viruses, when antibiotics only kill bacteria, antivirals only weaken viruses, and then it looks obvious to me that right as everybody's realizing this is something that the evidence has shown in the past has some good effects against flu and things, that they're now saying, you better not use this, you better not have it.
And you better not use certain vitamins and you better not use certain herbals like medicinal mushrooms and things like that that boost up your own resistance to external microbes.
Back to your question, I mean, the way that it's understood that how the silver particles work is that they go in and they cause the metabolism of the bug to stop working and they stop the replication of viruses and it lysis the cell membrane of bacteria and fungus.
And I'm not an expert on the physiology of that, Alex, and I think there might be some loopholes for some of the manufacturers, but I have seen FDA warning letters that went out a while ago for people who are manufacturers of this.
And I guess my point, when you asked me what did I think was important, is that we have a lot of tools in the natural health community to not only get us well after we've been sick so that we can avoid things like Tamiflu,
But that we can build up our own resistance and build up our own internal strength against these microbes.
And it looks as though at every turn, not only are they promoting this vaccine and everybody has to be vaccinated, and I know you've talked about this a lot, and a lot of the writings and the radio I've been on, too, has been a lot about the vaccine.
But it's like, what else can we do to keep ourselves healthy?
It's concerning to me that it looks like a lot of these tools are being shut down by the FDA and FDA also.
Well, it's outrageous.
I mean, I've read the reports.
We've had medical doctor after medical doctor on, and I have gone back and seen studies over the last hundred years about tiny silver particles just shredding viruses and bacteria.
It's like holy water to a vampire.
I mean, I've got it for my family.
I've seen the studies that elderberry might be bad because it could actually cause a hemorrhagic immune response and jack up your immune system and trigger something.
I don't understand all the properties of that, so we're not going to use that.
And then I guess in America, they could come after you.
I'm not even allowed to ask you a medical doctor.
I mean, I guess get sun, because vitamin D helps, especially the type that the skin produces.
I guess I'm not allowed to ask you if that's good.
I guess I'm not allowed to ask if getting a lot of sleep is good and being healthy.
I guess I'm not allowed.
I mean, what are you doing for yourself?
Well, we're doing things like alcohol and water, and lots of vitamin C, lots of vitamin D, vitamin A, trying to get fresh air.
You know, all the things that I talk about.
Exercise, sleep, fresh air, fresh water, good food, try to eat organic as much as we can, try to get some little bit of exercise, get out of the chair and away from the computer and do some exercise.
And I think that that's what's really, really important.
And the other thing is a lot of, you know, our emotions play a big role in what happens to our bodies also.
And if you live in that state of fear, that big fear factor, what that does is it suppresses your cortisol levels and it makes, or it increases your cortisol levels and makes you more susceptible to illness and disease.
So, my husband and I, we just don't live in a fear-based place about all this stuff.
We sort of look at it and say, I'm not going to get the vaccine, I'm not going to do it, and whatever happens is going to happen, and if I have to self-quarantine and pull up in my house with food and vitamins and water, that's what I'm going to do.
While you can still get vitamins.
While you can still get it.
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, stay there.
I want to get into
The fact that Dr. Monteith has a flu report from the CDC saying it's going to peak the middle of next month, right when all the vaccine injections get going.
I want to get into adverse reactions in Europe from the vaccine and other vaccines.
The forced inoculation.
Stay with us.
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Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is our guest.
Sherry, I want to get into the open announcements trying to force police, firefighters, military, medical workers to take the shots, threatening to fire them.
But also just the vaccine manufacturing process, the adjuvants, the fact that Dr. Monteith, medical doctor, was on with us yesterday and he talked in detail.
And we went to the CDC's own website and they admitted that upwards of 37% of people they've tested in the US and also in Australia
Have been found to have the H1N1 and didn't even get sick from it.
And it appears to be very mild.
And this whole thing, we know they've been secretly preparing for it since January.
Give us your take on that.
Well, it's not that much different than what was happening with the bird flu with H5N1, Alex, three years ago.
And that they were saying that there were tens of thousands more people in Southeast Asia and China and in that part of the world
Thank you.
But the truth is that if 100 people went to the hospital and there were 10 or 20,000 people who were sick enough to not even, or who weren't even sick enough to go to the doctor, that changes the denominator and makes the death rate, you know, some infinitesimally small number.
And I don't think it's any different now with the swine flu.
I mean, they've said that they thought that by flu season this year, almost a third of the general population in the U.S.
Would have either been exposed or would have been sick by the H1N1 virus.
So what is the big deal?
They say it's highly infective, but it has a low virulence, which means a lot of people can get it, a lot of people can spread it around, but not very many people get sick from it.
Continue breaking that down.
In terms of?
What do you mean?
Why are they hyping it then if it's no big deal?
They really want us to get this vaccine for one reason or another.
And one of the things that I've said for a while is that this is either phase three.
This is like when you're in the Navy and you have to do all of these final checks before you launch a ship out to the ocean.
This is either the final test to make sure that all of the implementation things are in place before they pull the big trigger in the final one.
Because it's looking less and less like this is going to be it.
You know, we've had three trial runs.
We've had SARS, we've had H5N1, and now we've had this one, the H1N1.
They're talking about it.
Is it going to ramp up this winter?
And wouldn't it be a coincidence if it ramped up right around October 15th when the vaccine was supposed to be delivered?
And, you know, they've got these emergency utilization authorizations that are sitting back in the backdrop, the EUAs, which have been put into place by the 2006 PrEP Act.
I think so.
Let me stop you.
I want to go through that, but you're saying pull the trigger on the big event, all these little events, dry runs to set up the medical tyranny infrastructure.
Ron Paul talked about that last hour.
Are you saying they may release something else or try to do a forced inoculation?
What is the big event?
Well, either that, the virus gets suddenly worse, either something is released.
It seems so weird, Alex, that if something was really made in nature, which they're trying to make us believe, would suddenly have a ramp up, and particularly since everything coming out of South America and the Southern Hemisphere says that it didn't ramp up at all down there.
So, could it be that they're going to have another test tube made virus
That could be released at some major event in the winter.
You know, we've got the Winter Olympics that are coming up this winter, and it makes me nervous to think that there'll be people that will be going to Vancouver from all over the world, and in the middle of the wintertime, and is that a point in time where the virus may be contracted, be worse, and be spread by just the humans going back home?
Doctor, we're about to break, but I want to spend time on this in the next segment.
I want to flesh this out, because this is what every other medical doctor I have on says they believe is being set up, and my dad called me Sunday night and said, check your email, and I didn't see it, and I need to call him and find out what he was talking about.
He said he got a CDC report.
I've read a little bit of that, but I haven't perhaps read as much specific as
That's what you have.
But that's exactly what you're saying, because we see this massive buildup.
Troops suddenly popping up on the streets all over the US and Europe.
Stay there.
Let's talk about how this may unfold, because we've never seen such a buildup at this level.
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny is our guest.
DrTinpenny.com is her website.
Stay with us.
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Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is our guest.
Doctor, continuing along the line that you've gotten into about all the evidence showing pointing towards them releasing something more deadly or knowing it's going to mutate.
The CDC report saying it may mutate into something extremely deadly.
I read a report, I think it was a couple of days ago, and I just skimmed it.
I didn't really read at the details of it, but it was talking about the H1N1 morphing into something and being a different subtype.
And I thought, well, isn't that just interesting?
We've just spent $10 billion manufacturing a vaccine by five different companies and bottling it all up, and even their stuff isn't going to work.
You know if this is really true that the virus is going to going to morph and they claim that in order for the vaccine to work it needs to be an exact match except of course Nancy Cox who once in a while has said and I talked about it in my book Fowl where she said well you know sometimes if it's a close match it'll be okay.
So how close is close enough?
You know, is the vaccine going to be, even in their own mind, is it going to be good enough to protect against this morphed, very much stronger, more virulent virus?
Because at that point it won't match the virus that's in the vaccine anyway.
What about, for the last month, all these nursing associations and nurses and their husbands and wives have been calling me, sending me letters now, we've posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, where they're told
Three different things in different letters.
You take the shot or you're fired.
You take the shot or you wear a mask for six months or you're fired.
Or we'd like you to take the shot.
But it's all three.
And then now at schools they're not even asking.
They're just telling parents you've got to do it.
They're now making the nurses take the regular seasonal flu shot.
This is confirmed.
It's now come out in mainstream news weeks after we covered it.
And Obama does this military tactic of denying so everybody kind of stands down so our opposition can't articulate what's happening and build to resist.
The polls show the majority of people don't want to be forced to take it and don't want to take it.
But there's this whole kind of quiet, under-the-radar program.
And I've talked to nurse after nurse and firefighter after firefighter.
They tell them,
You gotta take this.
Many have already been forced to take it at Seton Hospitals here in Austin.
And don't tell anybody we made you do this or you're fired.
I mean, it's like a huge curtain of tyranny.
And oppression is lowering over us.
I certainly hope that a lot of those people that heard that will be brave enough to maybe partner with several other people who were told the same thing and come forward and expose that.
Because now we're talking about American against American and neighbor against neighbor.
And even friend against friend doing these sorts of things?
This really is tyrannical, those sorts of things.
And people have got to be brave enough to be able to stand up and step out and say, and expose the people that are saying this, and that they can expose the persons who told them to say that, because then finally we'll go far enough down into the rat hole, we'll find the rat.
And who's giving these sort of orders and making this be that we have to take this medication and have one American have to be forcing, forcibly giving it to another.
I have studied the Rockefellers deeply and I know you have as well, but so has Dr. Blaylock and every researcher we have on has the same intel because we're just researching our own statements.
The big private corporation that manages New York City that the Rockefellers set up, tied into 9-11, tied into the big vaccine makers, tied into all the key players, and I read Horowitz's affidavit
Remember, he predicted the anthrax attacks before they happened, and then with precision said who did it and how.
So, you know, sometimes you take, I take what he does as kind of, whoa, that's extreme, but then he's proven right down the road, so I've got to look at his affidavit, and then I've done my own research, reading the affidavit, where he's going to the FBI saying, here are the criminals, they did it.
Very bold.
Have you, A, read his affidavit, and what do you think of this whole racketeering operation that he says is going on?
I have read the, um, the exaffidavit.
I have to say that I haven't studied it.
And I haven't really connected all the dots.
I do know that when I was reading through it, it seemed as though I did have questions of saying there seemed to be some gaps in some of the connections there.
And that's my opinion.
And again, I didn't go through and study every single one of those line item things.
But I do believe that there's enough evidence there.
There's enough evidence that somebody who is on our side of the equation, on our table, needs to sit up and take notice and follow through with some of the things that he's talking about.
I mean, in any sort of a lawsuit of any kind, even if it's a car accident, there are certainly elements that have little missing links and some assumptions that can be made.
And I do believe that there's things there that do need to be investigated, no doubt.
I want to open the phones up specifically for questions on the flu, the level 6 pandemic declared when it's really not a pandemic according to medical doctors we've talked to.
They've changed the scale to call it a pandemic when it's not.
I'd like you to speak to that, but I want to take calls.
But only on the flu and the whole martial law situation.
But doctor, specifically,
And Ron Paul agrees.
This is a medical tyranny.
First, they say we're taking your rights for shadowy people in turbines in Central Asia, in Afghanistan.
Then they go, oh, well, really, DHS and Homeland Security and NORTHCOM are for the American people, and yeah, the Patriot Act is being used and non-terror related, and we don't need warrants anymore to take your blood at checkpoints or bust in your house.
You know, but that's not even good enough.
It's perfect to then say everybody can have the flu.
Everybody could be carrying it.
And it's just a perfect excuse to further expand under U.N.
control the takeover of nation states.
And under Level 6, we are under U.N.
control right now.
I mean, do you get what I'm saying here?
That flu is the perfect thing to create the ultimate boogeyman?
Oh, absolutely.
And I'm in total agreement, Alex, with everything that you just said.
Because one thing has led to another, and the thing that bothers me about all of this is that, you know, somebody's out there making those FEMA camps.
Somebody's hammering nail into wood.
Somebody is making those shots and giving them to people.
Somebody is putting documents in place and signing their names.
And who those somebody's are, are our neighbors, our friends, people we go to church with, people that are in our schools, our soccer teams.
Why is it that people who are doing those things can't see what's happening and stop and let's all band together and it's really us Americans.
There's 300 million of us and 550 of them.
We've got the resistance.
We've got the power of the people here.
We've got numbers.
But yet we have allowed that, them, that small set of 554 of them down in Washington, D.C.
to pull all this wool over our eyes.
I think it's really time that we all stand up
Well, you're absolutely right.
Doctor, what about adverse reactions from the flu trials?
We've had nurses calling in saying that when they get the shots, everybody's arm basically becomes paralyzed.
We have the internal CDC report about neurological problems linked to previous vaccines and possibly to this one.
What's the intel on that now?
Well, I heard a report out of, um, it was just, um, it was a rumored report, but it was a report that came out of Oklahoma that said that there was a small hospital where the doctors all got together and said they weren't going to take it and neither were the nurses and they weren't going to give it to anybody because they had heard the same sort of thing, that out of these clinical trials that there was a lot of adverse reactions that were not being reported at all.
And, you know, that's another thing.
If there's anybody out there that's been forced to take this by a nurse or paramedics or first responders,
They need to be very vocal about it and let everybody else know the type of reactions that they had because it's not going to be reported by the CDC.
And, you know, with YouTube that we have now and blogs and the internet, there are ways that we can make our voice be heard.
So I really think there's going to be a lot of problems with this.
Now the CDC has already loaded their side of the deck on that though, Alex.
They've already put up PowerPoint presentations and had other speakers who are from the CDC say, yes, yes, yes, of course.
Because we're going to have so many people vaccinated at the same time, the percentage risk of vaccination injury is going to go up.
So we expect that and that's going to be acceptable.
Well, it's not acceptable.
Well, I've got a report here at InfoWars.net from Steve Watson's Swine Flu Document List Sports Arena as Max Vaccination Center.
And we've always known that was the plan.
People ask, where are the FEMA camps?
And Congress admits, and the New York Times admits, they've built certain FEMA camps, six big ones across the country, for millions of Americans.
But they have, they admit the sports stadiums, the local schools, these are the places they can roll barbed wire in hours, or they already have it, and lock everybody down.
They're training the military for forced quarantine under Level 6, but they're saying, well, we're not sure if we're going to implement that.
I don't
Uh, where you have to take a chip to prove you've had it.
That's AP reporting that.
I mean, this is 1984, what we're seeing.
Alex, that's exactly what I've been saying for the last six months.
That I really don't think that the government at any level, whether it's state or local, has quite the power in this big country that's spread out across everywhere to make everybody show up at a certain place and force them to get a vaccine.
But they can make it really, really hard to refuse it.
And the really hard to refuse it is that list of things that you already said.
You know, you can't go to places where there's large congregations, which could be church, could be the grocery store, could be if you have a place of employment that has more than 30 or 40 people, that they would hire a security guard at the door and you have to either show your digital chip or your card that looks like a driver's license, or a bracelet, or anything like that.
Um, and, you know, I'm just this doctor out here in Cleveland, Ohio, and if I can think of that, and you can think of that, certainly those who would be making those sorts of tools could be thinking of that.
No, they're saying that's what they're going to do under Level 6.
I know, and I've been saying it for six months, but that was probably, I was very suspicious that that was coming down the road.
So now it's just coming out as a full view, and the playbook is being opened up, and more and more people are hearing about it.
You're right.
We're a 90% urban society.
When we had the Great Depression, we were 20% urban.
We're totally dependent on government.
The highways were designed by the Pentagon and President Eisenhower, and the Pentagon brags.
This is how they control our society.
They control the resources.
They control our currency.
The UN, Maury Strong, the head of their program in 92 at the Rio de Janeiro Summit, we have his quotes in the new film, said they were going to de-industrialize us to make us go into their control for eugenics.
And this may be the big final giant beta test to then launch the main attack in the next two to three years or this could be it.
I think they're gauging, testing the public, testing our response and have it in between
Red light and green light.
They are looking and I believe in the next week or two are going to make the decision.
And I've really learned how to guess what they're going to do.
They're making the decision whether this is the final beta test or if they're going to go live right now.
And God help us.
You know there was a report that came out from a meeting that happened in Washington just a couple weeks ago.
And one of the people from the autism community from Safe Minds wrote a report about what was happening at that meeting.
And they were talking about what level the insider, the flu vaccine people who were all there, there were only two people who were non-government and CDC employee insiders at this meeting and it was an invitation only meeting.
And Barbara Lowe Fisher, and I'm sorry I can't remember the other woman's name, but she's from Safe Minds, was at this meeting and she wrote a report.
And said that, you know, most people, when they went out and did those town hall meetings, that the vast majority of people said they needed to go slow.
Either very slow, intermediate, or fast.
And it was the government officials who said, we need to take this at the highest level, and we need to vaccinate everybody.
It was 55% of them.
Well, let me confirm what you're saying.
We had Wayne Madsen, who went to that big, international, somewhat government-run swine flu symposium three weeks ago in D.C., and we got their internal
Program and the cover that we broke that it was originally happening as a listener in DC Senate to us And then we covered it all and know that was discussed openly And then one of the government people said kick the media out of here turn off recording devices And the whole thing was about what will the public accept and now we broke at prison planet comm last week an article in
That had the government document in it.
They're sending to business owners, even small ones.
And the question is, they're saying, will you forcibly inoculate your employees?
Will you do what you're told?
Will you go to quarantine centers?
So it's confirmed the feds are testing with their antennae.
Alex, what's the solution here?
How do we mobilize people to make a decision of what they're going to do to protect their families and their communities?
What's the how-to?
We send out a lot of information.
You give information hour after hour every day.
I do a lot of radio.
I'm on the internet a lot.
I write a lot of articles.
And the bottom line is people say, okay, this is great.
I'm hearing what you're saying, but what should I do?
What's my how-to?
Well, we can't tell you to get Sunshine and get Colloidal Silver.
I mean, we're telling you they're going to set up checkpoints and they decide to drop the hammer.
All I can do is try to reach as many people as I can and spend most of my time trying to fund my operation.
I mean, it's not a powerlessness.
We know we're reaching more people than ever, but it doesn't look like it's enough soon enough.
I don't know.
What are the solutions, doctor?
I mean, all I can do is sit here and go, okay, Bayer knowingly put HIV and hepatitis in all these shots and killed all these people, MSNBC.
Okay, they nerve gas troops in Project Shad.
Okay, they radiated foster children, 4,300 of them.
I wouldn't trust anything this government does.
Okay, the White House science czar.
He wrote a 1,100-page government textbook saying they want to poison us and sterilize us through vaccines and water, and the UN's declassified that in tetanus shots they sterilized Asian, African, and Latin American women.
I mean, we know they're a bunch of lunatic Nazi killers, and they just keep killing us.
It's like I live in Nazi Germany, and I'm going,
Hitler's bad!
Hitler's bad!
Hitler's bad!
And I send my guys to Pennsylvania.
They go up and ask to speak to the military liaison officer.
The police come and say they're terrorists and put them on terror list.
I mean, it's just insanity!
So, is there any hope?
I mean, what do we do?
I mean, you're absolutely right, and nobody can refute your research or your data or anything that you say.
But all politics is local and all protection happens within the confines of your own town.
So we have to get people to not be afraid of their neighbors.
To go and talk to other people.
Let them know, to go to Prison Planet and to InfoWars and read the material and listen to your show.
And listen to what I have to say.
Go to PandemicFluOnline and download those flyers and hand them out to everybody that they know.
And let everybody in their neighborhood know that when they start coming to your door, this is what's going to happen.
And if you take the shot, this is what might happen.
And you better know that a shot they're trying to make you take is bad.
I mean, their history, when they try to pour something, this is the hot needle.
Dr. Timpani, stay there.
I want to come back and take some calls with you.
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Dr. Sherry Ginpenny has graciously agreed to stay with us 20 minutes in the next hour so we're going to start going to your calls immediately when we start the fourth hour.
The last 30 minutes, Rob Dew, Jason Douglas, Jason Burmess from the G20 openly announcing the end of the dollar in the next couple years, openly announcing global government.
So much is happening and they need this crisis of the flu.
The UN bragged a couple months ago this was great for world government.
Everybody was following the World Health Organization orders.
Is it immoral?
So I tell people not to do anything illegal, but now they're making everything illegal.
That people around the country are going to Walgreens in spring, a flu shot is poison, squalene mercury on the side of Walgreens.
I don't think you should do that, but you probably should, you know, put up basic facts, hand out flyers, go to Sherry Tenpenny's website, hand those out to people, that's your First Amendment right.
But if the flu shot causes Gillian Beret's, with anybody,
If it causes neurological problems, if this has happened in the past, is it more immoral to not warn people and let them die or get sick?
Or is it more immoral to spray paint on the side of Walgreens?
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Well, I don't know about immoral, but it certainly could be illegal.
I think that there's other ways.
I mean, I saw your report on that and I saw the letters and I saw what you wrote underneath there and I agree, you know, nobody's condoning
People will go out and do vandalism and do that.
But, you know, on the other hand, you know, good for them that they were brave enough to do it.
Because I think that we've been so indoctrinated with fear for so long, fear from so many different areas, that we're afraid to stand up and say, and go hand out flyers.
You know, I keep, when I go to, if you go to PandemicFluOnline.com or you go to DrTenPenny.com and you download the flyers that says the truth about the flu shot,
There's another one on Pandemic Flu Online that's about the Raggedy Ann doll and it tells you the whole history of what the mandatory vaccination is about.
I keep a stack of those in the back of my car.
And when I go into restaurants or I go into places like Macy's or Walmart or any place like that, I just take a handful of them and I just walk down the aisle and I just say, here's something you might want to look at.
I don't engage in conversation.
I don't want to debate.
And I don't really much care if they just throw them in the trash.
But you never know where those might go.
That person may take those and make 500 copies and hand them out to everybody in
I think what you're saying is resistance is victory.
You have the truth, you resist.
Banner hangs on highways, posters, signs, city council.
We are the people.
If the listeners start, which they've done, that's why the show is so powerful because of you, the listeners and viewers.
If you go out and take action, spread links of this video, this audio to everybody you know.
If you tell people about drtimpenny.com.
If you just get involved, we're unstoppable.
But if you sit there in fear,
That's why they're now telling people, protest the government, you're going to be put on a no-fly list.
If we get into that, they win.
I mean, that is ultimate tyranny to say, no judge, no jury.
We just put you on a secret list.
Did you know that that just happened to my people in Pittsburgh?
No, I didn't.
I talked to the police.
They were bragging about it.
They called the rental car place off our license plate and said, you're trying to talk to the military.
You're a terrorist.
We're putting you on a list, and I'm going to have to probably sue them.
We just lost Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
We're gonna call her back.
Yeah, that phone system drops.
We may have to go to a regular landline system.
But, or whatever happened.
But we'll get her back on.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on and on and on.
What these people do.
And they just, totally immoral.
They think of us as not even human.
Frame somebody, lie about somebody, set somebody up.
Saying my guys ran from the military.
Total lies.
I was on the cell phone when we went up to talk to the troops.
Said we want to talk to your public information officer.
They said, ah, come back tomorrow.
And then they call the police and say, guys, we're at the perimeter.
They ran.
They're terrorists.
Get them.
I mean, you know, this is the insanity.
I'm surprised my guys aren't on the news in shackles.
We caught al-Qaeda.
We caught them.
We caught them.
We caught them.
You know?
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, stay there.
We're back in one minute.
We're going to go to calls.
And talk a lot more about this issue in the next 20 minutes with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
Infowars.com is our website.
DrTenpenny.com is hers.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We're having trouble getting a hold of my crew in the middle of a demonstration in Pittsburgh, VA for the G20.
I hope they'll be here in 30 minutes.
Stay with us for that.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, are you ready to go to calls?
I am.
Let's talk to Aaron in Utah.
Aaron, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
How are you?
What's on your mind?
Hey, just real quick question for you.
I was listening to your show and another show, you know, RBN with Dr. Chua, and he just released some information from Bob Chapman saying that the, uh, there's a naval vessel somewhere off the coast that's been fully quarantined now because the ship's captain and petty officer and many others have died from swine flu injections.
Well, that's amazing.
We'll check that.
Email it to ridersandinfowars.com.
But that's, you know, always with the 1918, 1976, 77, it always, the deadly thing only happens on a base, and then, and then they try to force inoculation.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, comments on that?
Well, that would be pretty interesting to track that down to find out if that's true.
But, you know, I think they're suspecting those things, Alex.
I'm sure you reported a couple of days ago when the Canadian government sent swine flu vaccine and syringes in body bags to the Indians in northern Manitoba.
The Indian Reservation's up there.
So, was that the message that if you die from the flu, here's your body bags?
Or was that the message, if you get your flu shots, you're going to die, you're going to die and here's your body bags?
Yeah, that was in the National Post newspaper, just off the charts, bizarre, and there's been body bag purchases, the British News reports and the U.S.
News, and all those plastic FEMA coffins, they admit, were purchased by the CDC that are kept in Georgia, Alabama, Colorado, California.
And Oklahoma.
Thank you so much for that tip, Aaron.
Tom in California.
Tom, you're on the air.
Alex, thank you for your work and for having me on.
I had some information from Professor Garth Nicholson that's written hundreds of peer-reviewed medical journal articles.
Yes, he used to work at the MD Anderson facility.
We've had him on.
In fact, it's a good idea to get Nicholson on about the microplasm incognitus.
Go ahead.
Well, some of his videos I posted on my MySpace pages.
MySpace.com slant toxic reverend.
I'm an environmental technologist.
But next to my icon, which is a red skull and bones, is a little link to his videos.
You click on that and he has two.
I posted two of his videos on the dangers of vaccines and another one
And the biological weapons experiments on the American public.
Yeah, he's a scientific medical doctor.
Very prestigious.
And one of the things he talked about was how they don't screen for these mycoplasmas.
They're now incapacitating agents, non-lethal bioweapons.
Well, that's why all the studies in rats show vaccines are causing in rodents just incredible arthritis.
I appreciate your call.
Dr. Tenpenny, can you comment on the RNA, the viruses, the German news reporting cancer viruses in the shots?
Well, yes I can.
On two points.
One is just to acknowledge what the caller said.
We've known for years that at least 6% of all vaccines, and these are also childhood vaccines, up to 6% of vaccines have mycoplasma in them.
They're not screened out for that.
So that's not even the swine flu and the regular flu.
So mycoplasma has been getting into the population for a long time.
And describe to people who don't know what that is.
So mycoplasma is an organism that kind of lives somewhere between a virus and a bacteria is the best way to explain it.
It's susceptible to antibiotics, but it hides inside of your cells, so the antibiotics aren't always effective.
And when it goes inside the cells, it acts more like a virus in terms of replication.
And it's a very nasty bug, and it can cause a lot of problems and a lot of health problems, a lot of different health problems.
And there's a whole host of different types of Mycoplasma, too.
Just a big breaking news.
I'm going to get Kurt Nemo and Paul Watson to post this right now, but you can just Google it.
Navy ships under swine flu quarantine.
A group of Navy ships under quarantine after several dozen sailors and Marines on board tested positive for swine flu.
So they're just fear-mongering over that.
Doesn't look like anybody died.
Health officials say at least 69 people have been confirmed with the virus.
So they make much ado about nothing when 37% of the population already has it and aren't even sick.
And all of them have since recovered.
So, nobody's dead.
Key point there.
Everyone's recovered.
There's the key point.
Nobody's dead on the USS Boxer.
Navy officials say they now quarantine an undetermined number of crew members with flu-like symptoms on four ships that are part of the USS Boxer Amphibious Ready Group.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is breaking news!
Do you know why my crew is not live with us right now?
Why they're out of contact?
They are under sustained LRAD sound cannon attack.
You know they roll these out
At tea parties in California and other places.
First time I saw them was 2004 in New York.
They have the National Guard engaging American citizens right now with deadly acoustic weapons that damage the middle ear.
They might just talk to them all.
In fact, get Mike Nelson in here right now.
And they go, we can't hear you.
It's painful.
And we're text messaging him, telling him just to call in right now.
But it's blindingly loud.
Get Mike in here right now.
Mike heard it.
This is happening right now in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, while the G20 and mainstream news is getting rid of the dollar, bringing in world government against everybody right now.
Mike Nelson just talked to
He said that they can't hear anything that I'm saying because they're under sound weapon
I don't know.
And then I hear a voice every so often.
A voice saying, get back, get back!
To leave the area.
But you, you... Holy mackerel!
Put on CNN right now!
But I can't hear... I'll guarantee you this is going to be on the news.
We've got reporters in the zone right now in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the bastard bankers totally take everything over.
Are they texting you back?
I mean, we've got to get them on now!
No one's texted me back.
Oh, man!
We should have had the operating procedure that if they got hit with a sound weapon, immediately call in.
Tell them in the text, get out of the area, and then call in.
Well, no doubt they've got video of this incredible event.
Oh, man!
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny, I tell you, this brings new meaning to the word info war.
Wow, Alex, that's pretty scary, isn't it?
I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I mean, my life is like a Twilight Zone episode.
Alex, do you know, have you heard reports from other parts of the world, I mean other than the U.S., are these sorts of things, these sound wave technologies, these mandatory vaccines, the FEMA camps, all this other stuff, in other countries are these the same?
The Air Force said, well, we can't use this in Iraq in 2004 until we use it in America.
So they started using it here, then saying it was no big deal.
Now they're rolling out microwave guns.
We've gotten confirmed reports, and I saw this in Denver, but it was in a police area.
When they saw me videoing it, they brought it in a garage.
They have microwave guns.
Big, big, mounted on Humvees.
Listen, this is such a police state there that they tried to talk to the military and talk to a spokesman last night.
Defense Link put a press release out and they said, no, we're not going to talk to you, get out of here.
Then they got their license number, had the police pose as Alamo rental car people from the county there, Allegheny County in Pennsylvania.
They called them.
And said, oh, your car's got no brakes.
Bring it in.
And they said, well, we're in the coordinate G20.
We're news reporters.
We can't get out till tomorrow.
And they said, well, that's fine, because I'm a police officer with the Army and FBI, and you've all been put on terror list, and your life's over, boy.
And we know you're a terrorist, and you were sneaking around the military base and ran.
All lies, Sherry.
Just, I mean, and they just think of us as dirt.
Well, and here's the thing, Alex, is that you say, they just think of us.
They are our neighbors.
They are people who live in our communities.
Their job is working for the other side.
We have to get through to these people that, wait a minute, I'm your friend.
I'm your neighbor.
I'm an American.
I vote for presidents and people just like you do.
Why are you doing this?
I mean, there has to be a way.
We have to learn from history.
That, you know, when Nazi people, when Germans started assaulting fellow Germans, I mean, all the Jews that they dragged away were all Germans.
And that they hurt other Germans.
I mean, we've got to let people, get true to them.
Stand there and say, wait a minute, you're in America, why are you doing this?
And I think that passive resistance, handing out flyers and trying to, when you're standing there in the gap, if it comes to that, to remember that, to remind these people that, hey, we're on the same team.
It should be us against the people that are telling you what to do, not you against me.
We should be doing this differently.
Why are you doing this?
And I think that we have got to start
Using those passive-resistance tools.
We have to use all the mind games that they try to play on us and turn the tables around and get people to understand that we're all Americans.
And if who's ever giving those orders against Americans, that's the enemy.
Not the person standing in front of you.
And somehow, I don't have all the answers, Alex, and I know you don't either, but we've got to come up with some solutions for people who may be standing in the gap of what can they do in that moment in terms of resistance other than violence.
What else can they do?
Well, I want to say this.
Approximately eight minutes ago, we got on the phone with Douglas and he said, I can hear nothing.
They're using sound weapons.
They're telling us to disperse.
Mike Nelson heard the wah and the troops stopping every 30 seconds, you know, saying disperse, disperse.
We've got them.
Let's go to live now.
Here they are from Pittsburgh.
G20 under attack.
Wait, Mike just said they had them.
Put them on the system.
That's why we punch them up.
Can you hear me, Alex?
Yes, yes.
Is this Rob Dood?
Yeah, we're on 33rd and Liberty in kind of a downtown part of Pittsburgh.
We just passed a, they had a block, a tree blocked off and they were using a sonic weapon on us.
They were using it to broadcast and then they would ramp up the signal for a brief second to let them know that they could, you know, blow some eardrums out.
It got pretty loud.
And, uh, people were crouching down behind, uh... Who were they using this on?
Was this on a protest, or just you?
No, this was a protest.
This was a protest.
We were walking with the protesters downtown, and, um... Tell me you've got video of this, the first time U.S.
military uses weapons on the U.S.
since, like, Kent State.
You're telling me you guys had camera rolling under attack?
We had camera rolling while the sonic weapons were going off.
Oh my god, you gotta send somebody back up to grab it, upload it to YouTube.
Did we get, oh my god.
You guys are definitely getting hazard pay for this.
You have definitely earned stripes in the Info War that I've never even gotten.
You got a medal on your chest that I haven't gotten, I'm envious.
It's pretty wild.
It seems like everybody dispersed though.
It's pretty wild right now.
And I saw it happen and one group, the largest group, went through an alleyway.
Well, why don't you go back and film the troops with pleasure up there with their gun?
I mean, listen, do whatever you want.
All right.
They're dropping right past me right now.
With the gun.
Get them on tape.
There were two of them.
They were using them to broadcast messages in Spanish and English.
That's the engine right now.
You can hear it pass to me.
And there's a guy sitting on top, and they were broadcasting a message from the chief of police that we were in an unlawful, uh, march, and they said, don't arrest anybody.
It doesn't matter if you're press or not.
And they didn't disperse, and then they started, like, launching the, uh, the weapon.
So, people don't have a permit at March, violating the First Amendment, you don't need to have a permit.
What was the March doing when you were attacked, and was it National Guard or police?
It was police.
Everybody has police on their chest.
I haven't seen... I do see...
There weren't dark outfits, you know, the Darth Vader looking outfits, and then they have the camo.
But the news is reporting, and you guys say you talked to National Guard this morning, you were saying they're together, and the National Guard are in like a police uniform.
The National Guard was not armed at all in terms of with billy clubs or anything, but they were working with police to cordon off areas.
And they had Humvees.
Right now, I'm looking at a line of police stretched on there in full riot gear, too.
The police I'm seeing now are in full riot gear.
Are they the police, though, wearing the National Guard bottoms?
No, they're all wearing dark, although there are some.
They look like Border Patrol.
I've seen Border Patrol here, too.
They have the dark green Border Patrol uniforms.
So, federal police in the middle of Pennsylvania.
Again, and Dr. Sherry Timpeny, I'm going to come back to you in the next segment, okay?
Okay, we'll put you on hold for five minutes.
Okay, I'm gonna shut up.
Give me a complete report of what happened to you.
Okay, we were walking down Liberty Street, and right as we were getting to 34th, they had the street blocked off, and they were talking to us through the little sound cannon thing, and then they would press them, you know, just into a beep, and we'd be like, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, but it would get really loud for a split second, and then they would turn it down, and then bring it back up again, and then turn it down, just to let you know that they could do that.
You know, it was definitely a show of force, and there's probably, I'm looking at about 300 military right now.
And Douglas said it was painful.
Was it painful?
Um, it got loud.
It didn't get loud to where it was painful, but it got loud.
And you know they could turn it up louder.
They were throwing it up at us just to let us know when people started crouching down behind cars and mailboxes because they thought they were going to do the real thing on us.
What were they?
I think they did do the real thing on you, buddy.
That's what Douglas said, but do always as a cheerful person.
Uh, do, uh, whatever.
The point is, uh, Rob, specifically, what were they broadcasting in English?
Uh, and I have that on tape.
Basically what they're saying is that we're in an unlawful assembly and the chief police orders to disperse and if we don't disperse, you'll be arrested and they may use non-lethal means.
Non-lethal means?
Hey, I want to be clear about this.
They were shooting you guys with this.
Douglas was saying it was hurting.
What was this like?
The decibel level was very, very high.
One moment, I was covering the front of the protest.
The next moment, my eardrums were blasting.
And as that happened, I basically turned around, saw about 40 riot police assisted by military, and I ran up and I got all the footage I could.
Every once in a while, I'd have to take a few steps back.
There you go.
Assisted by military.
So this is the military attacking the American people.
Because in every news article I see, they're together.
So that's key for the article Watson's doing.
The military was with them.
I mean, they were in military fatigue.
Yeah, absolutely.
SWAT is also here.
I got a good shot of one of the military personnel who was at the top of the sound decibel thing on top of the Pittsburgh paddy wagon.
There's no doubt that there's military here, Alex.
Earlier today, me and Rob Duke filmed a convoy of about seven to eight trucks and vans with National Guard logos on them.
I approached some military earlier today.
Stay there!
Stay there!
We're coming back to you in just a moment.
It's Dr. Sherry Tinpenny.
I want to talk to Burmas when we get back.
Stay there.
I'm going to talk to you during the break, Burmas.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, we just went live, cutting out a break.
Go back to Jason, listen to this.
Go back to him, we just had the sirens.
Jason, are you there?
What on earth just happened?
It was total bedlam, riot police, tear gas masks, they were closing in on... Jason!
Well, where on earth did he just go?
We just heard blaring sirens and riot police coming at him.
Sherry Tenpenny, you were on hold.
You heard all that.
Did you hear that total bedlam?
I did.
They're closing in.
Text message them all.
Get out of there.
They're going to arrest everybody.
Get out of there.
Send the message.
Evacuate immediately.
Get out of there with the video.
Get out of there right now.
This has happened to me in New York and other places.
Get out.
I told Bermas to get out.
Bermas, are you there?
Okay, hang up and let's try one more time to talk to him and then let's, let's... Jason, are you there?
Put his, put his phone live on air to see if it's still live.
No, there's no way it was... Dr. Tenpenny, what did you hear right before his phone went dead as we went live?
I heard him say that everybody had their gas masks on and they were asking everybody to leave the area.
It sounded like they were going to start using gas there.
And the police, he said, at the last thing, were coming from three ways, blocking a man.
That's what they do.
They corner you and then attack.
Is that Burmese's phone?
It's still connected?
He must have jumped into a business or something.
That's smart.
Okay, call Douglas, call Du, call their, call, call, call Douglas' phone.
Don't go, guys, I'm talking now.
If you want to call me, you have to call me on my phone.
Burmese, I can hear you!
Alright, thanks, man.
Burmese, we're here!
Okay, the DoPhone went dead, but it's not dead.
We're on it right now.
Tell him to talk to us.
I'm doing well, man.
They don't know that they're on air.
We're transferring them right now.
We'll keep this phone live in case we lose them.
Dr. Tempeni, I apologize.
This is all happening the day you're on with us.
Oh, that's fine, Alex.
I mean, breaking news is breaking news.
What do you think of this?
I think it's really... I think it's really scary.
I'm in, Alex.
You can hear me.
Okay, Burmess, your phone was still connected.
You just couldn't hear audio from us.
Well, the battery went dead on dues.
I tried to make a call back.
You said they were coming down the streets from three ways and there was blaring sirens and then it went dead.
What happened?
That was a convoy of police officers.
I started to film them.
They went down the one street.
They're now gone.
We still have, it looks like four or five streets filled up with police officers.
Listen to me carefully.
Do you have Due and Douglas with you?
No, they've already gone down about three blocks.
I want you to leave until I get in contact with them.
Get out of there with the video.
They will take our cameras, take the video, and then break them.
They always give them back broken.
It's happened to me twice.
Get out of there.
I want you to get out of the area at least five blocks away and duck in to get a cup of coffee or something, acting normal.
They've trained locals to spy on people and tattle.
This has happened to me in Brooksville, in California, in Florida, and other places.
So just nonchalantly,
Go in, get a cup of coffee and wait somewhere or a sub shop or something.
Get out of there, go in a restaurant, order a beer, whatever you gotta do.
Just go into a bar, go sit down somewhere because they are going to lock down it.
You were saying that you saw them at the ends of all the streets, correct?
Oh, they're all around me on each side, in the middle of the street.
I am surrounded by people.
Listen, I'm going to keep you on hold on this line.
We'll keep coming back to you to make sure you get out of there.
So if they attack you or rubber bullet you, it'll all happen on record.
But do you hear me?
They're criminal activities.
Don't act suspicious.
Don't act suspicious.
Act like a mindless mainline reporter.
Get the hell out of there now.
I'm going to put you on hold.
We're going to monitor your situation from here.
I'm going to call... You're saying your phone's working.
Dues is bad or is Douglas's?
Who should we call now?
Dues's battery is now dead.
Okay, so we got a text message, Jason Douglas, to get the hell out of there now.
They are going to arrest them, guaranteed.
I have been in the middle of this over and over again at the RNC, you name it.
Get out of there.
Get out of there now.
Don't disconnect the phone.
Just keep it with you and get out of there.
Listen, Burmese, don't go towards the big street with cops.
Go down an alley or a side road, okay?
All right, good, good.
All right, good.
We got that problem handled.
The other two guys, though, are going down towards the police.
Lord knows what'll happen to them.
I don't want my guys being through this anymore.
Because once I heard they were blocking off streets, that means they're going in on them.
They don't care if people disperse.
It's about drawing blood, first blood on the American people.
It's about attacking us.
These audio and microwave weapons are about training the police.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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And folks, if you don't think the military won't come after your guns, if you don't think the military doesn't want to disarm you, if you don't think they aren't spoiling for a fight with us, I don't care what they say.
We've proven it.
They are ready.
Look at Kent State.
And our military's been taken over.
You have G20 global leaders meeting openly in mainstream news to get rid of the dollar and bring in, quote, global governance.
This is the end of our country and the police and the military are acting like people that don't like it are pure scum and terrorists because the DHS has trained them to do that.
Mermis, what's happening now?
Um, I am, uh, backing off, but, uh, a good majority of the protesters, mostly anarchists and black and brown, are making it down.
You can probably hear them right now.
Then this is probably a staged event and they're with the police.
They're probably gonna go to a normal protest and then try to claim the... Get out of there!
Are you getting away from them?
How far away are you from them?
Probably about 1-200 feet away.
And so the LRAD is further away, and what, drove them back?
Yeah, what they've been doing is, as the police now in certain areas, they'll take certain side streets, because we're outside of the main city of Pittsburgh.
This started in Lawrence, about a mile and a half away, and originally in the park, where riot police had gathered.
They decided that they would go the other direction.
There were no riot police set up there at first.
Then the police cordoned them off where the sound weapons were.
They then moved to the right-hand side.
By the time I had turned around to cover the protesters, the majority of them were already gone.
This is the first time since then that I've been around them, but I can already tell that they've been able to disperse the crowd by
At least three-fifths.
I mean, this crowd was much larger than it was before.
And Jason, just to be clear, just to be clear, don't stay at the head of them, go down to Side Street, get out of there right now, okay?
I am on Side Street right now and they're passing me, Alex.
No police are on me at this point.
They have not caught up.
You're going to see the police following them later.
They'll be hungry for blood and to engage their enemy, the American people.
And so, they may corner you in that alley or side street.
Here come the anarchist staging.
Here they come right now.
They just grabbed a dumpster.
They're flipping it over.
Video it!
I got it.
I got it on tape right now.
I don't want to put you in danger, Jason, but if you follow that stinking fed, is it a big guy?
It was three people, and of course they had masks on, Alex.
I earlier followed a couple people that I caught spray painting, a couple that were throwing eggs.
I mean, I am, you know, I am desperately trying to cover this the best that I can.
You are kicking butt, my friend.
So the operatives... The operatives are... Recap, so we have a record.
You did see military with the LRAD police, and you've talked to military today.
Yes, I talked to the military earlier today.
They were at a, uh, there were five people outside of a Humvee.
Basically, most of the Humvees in the military were coordinating off at checkpoints on Main Street in the main city of Pittsburgh.
I approached them.
I asked them what their mission was, they said it was to assist the police.
I asked them what they would have to say to their critics, that this was a violation of posse comitatus, and of course none of them knew what that was.
I then had to explain to them that that was the separation of military and police, and it was the standard boilerplate answer of, you know, we're just following orders.
Now, you did see troops, National Guard or Army, with the police with the LRAD cannon?
Yes, like I said, they were in full military fatigues.
I mean, these weren't just the pants, they were the tops.
Yesterday at the Clean Air Concert, although when I approached them and asked them whether they were military or police, they told me they were police.
However, they had no police numbers, no identification as police, and they were wearing the American flag backwards, in green, in full military and riot gear.
So I think they were lying to me as well.
Well of course, that's what they do to their enemy, the American people.
Um, Burmese, briefly, and then we're going to go to Sherry Timpenny.
Briefly, tell folks about last night.
You guys pulled up to the gate, you asked to talk to the public information officer, they called the police and lied and said that you were sneaking around, you ran from them.
Is that true?
Absolutely not.
You know, we went up to the main gate.
We asked the officer if he could discuss what the 2,500 troops would be doing in Pittsburgh tomorrow.
He said he couldn't.
He then told us that he could get a representative that could, or a phone number.
We then pulled off to the side of the road where they instructed us to.
We waited around 15 or 20 minutes.
Our representative came back.
Immediately, he was hostile towards us.
He did not like our credentials.
He said he would not answer our questions.
Yeah, I heard him.
I was on cell phone with him.
Go ahead.
Exactly, and we tried to get as much information as we could.
He refused to answer our questions, so then Rob asked him for his information and where we could contact him tomorrow if we could get a word with him.
He then gave it, and we left.
We didn't run away from anything.
By the time that we had left, turned around, and exited the main military facility, there was another car parked on the other side of the road, waited for us to pass, followed us for an exit, then got off, and then we were shot.
When Douglas got a call trying to entrap him and have us go return our rental car for quote-unquote two more free days.
When we didn't call for that, he then came clean and said he was actually military personnel and he wanted to know whether or not we were terrorists, Alex.
And then he told Douglas, you're on a list now, pal, for the rest of your life.
Yeah, he did.
With pleasure.
And they'll take your houses, they'll take your guns, they'll take your wives.
They do it all over the world.
They want to do it here.
They'd love to kill 10 million Americans.
A million Iraqis isn't enough.
God help him.
It is unbelievable.
I'm glad to say I saw Cindy Sheehan out here.
She has a presence.
I've talked to some other people with InfoWars banners, Investigate911 t-shirts.
Not everybody here is under the spell of the provocative and the anarchist.
I'm going to put a call out.
We know their foundation.
I'm turning around right now.
Let him finish.
Let him finish, Burmese.
Video tape it.
Where is he?
They're about, I would say, about 60 yards in front of me.
All of the protesters are now turning around.
They've cordoned that area off.
Here it comes again.
That's what the sound blast sounds like.
Burmese, did you say that the protesters are turned around because they're blocked in?
Yes, they are blocked in.
I told you!
Get out!
Go down the side street, get the hell out of there or they're going to get you!
Get out of there right now!
I told you!
Get the hell out of there!
Stop videoing!
Get out of there now!
Are you leaving?
Yes, yes, I'm turning left-hand corner right now.
Okay, yeah, let the little feds, they're all getting paid to do this, let them have their little staged event.
This is going to later be packaged for the news.
They'll say it happened later today, and then they're going to attack any other peaceful protest.
I need all Info Warriors, anyone in the Northeast, anybody in the Midwest, to go to Pittsburgh now with video cameras.
The troops are bought and paid for by offshore banks.
The republic is falling right now.
They are openly destroying our precious republic right now.
They are openly bringing in martial law.
They have troops deploying in every major city.
This is just another beta test.
And we need everybody to go to Pittsburgh who loves this country.
Veterans, everybody that want to truly have a chance to stand for America.
You're going to see more and more of this happen.
Come with cameras, radio hosts, everybody needs to get there and needs to expose these people.
And we need people to follow the anarchist.
And expose that they're going to go back and get controlled by the feds.
They're going to go back to military installations.
It's happened in every case.
We've proved it in Denver.
We've proved it in Ottawa.
We've proved it in Seattle.
We've proved it in London.
We've proved it in Genoa.
We've proved it every time.
Burmese, what's happening now?
Well, I'm down the street.
I can see the street where the main protesters are going.
They're going in the opposite direction, it looks like.
I hung a left, they're hanging a right.
But see, what the cops do is, they make the protesters think they're in control and only block certain streets, and they will herd them to a dead end where all the cops are waiting with tear gas and rubber bullets.
And I got video, and they'll walk up to an old lady, and with every bit of force with a club, go, just with dead
But again, they'll let the anarchists go, they'll pick out a few old ladies, they love weak people, like wolves.
Wolves love weak animals.
And they will just, I mean, I got video in Police Station at the Takeover, you've seen it Burmese, where that old lady's just in a neighborhood, and the police come up and start stomping her, or the military, excuse me, with full power.
And then she's at city council with all these broken bones the next week.
They just, they hate America.
They are just demonic entities.
I just can't believe how scum-filled they are.
Well, they're on to the teeth, Alex.
Well, they're on to the teeth.
I mean, these guys have shotguns.
They look like, like I said, while I was talking to you initially, they all put on the tear gas mask.
I got out of that vicinity.
I don't know if they let any of those off.
But, I mean, these guys are in full garb.
I got some really great shots.
No, they want the guns, they want the money, they will put us in dirt pits and shoot us.
We've seen this in every other country.
They are training them on blood, training them to attack us.
They're like attack dogs being trained, you know, on baby kittens, how to kill them.
I mean, that's all that's happening is death training.
I can't disagree, Alex.
It's pretty wild, man.
Hey, you've seen the videos of the troops and contractors shooting families in their cars, driving down Baghdad highways and laughing.
Children being filled full of holes is just a celebration of love.
It's just that they're into how they murder innocents.
These people are pure evil.
I'm sorry, I'm so out of breath.
I've been running around so much.
Where are you now?
I am on 5th Street.
Actually, Cindy Sheehan's right next to me.
She just walked down here.
But I'm on Calm Street.
There's nobody around.
Let me say hi to Cindy Sheehan.
Put Cindy Sheehan on.
Alright, hold on one second.
Let me get her on the phone.
Alex Jones, on air.
We'd like to talk to you really quickly.
Hey Alex!
Cindy, you've now been hit by the army and police.
This is like Kent State with sound weapons.
This is huge news and it's nowhere on TV.
Cindy, tell us what happened.
Well, you know, we've just been trying to get lawfully assemble and peaceably march.
But we were just in a place where there was like 600 cops in full riot gear.
And they do have the sound weapons, and they do have the microwave weapons, so... Oh wait, you saw the microwave gun?
Oh heck yeah!
Oh my God, those things can kill you on high beam!
And we were really close too.
Yeah, this is America, Alex.
This is the country my son died for.
Where you can't even exercise your First Amendment rights.
Cindy Sheehan, give us a quick report.
What have you seen with the LRAD and the microwave guns?
Well, they have them and that's how they're using it.
I don't think that they've turned them on or they haven't turned them on where I've been, but there is LRAD here.
And they're warning us.
No, no, no.
They've turned them on.
They've turned them on.
Oh my gosh.
We've heard it.
I wasn't aware of that.
We're just trying to get to downtown so we can exercise our freedom of speech, Alex.
And, you know, they're blocking peaceful protesters.
We don't have any weapons.
They're blocking us with the most disastrous, horrible weapons that they can think of.
And so, yeah, it's just really awful down here.
And they've also learned how to get around vinegar.
If you soak your bandana in vinegar, it's supposed to stop the tear gas.
But they've put baking soda in their tear gas, so it'll make the bandana even more dangerous.
This is just incredible, and here you are constantly fighting in Martha's Vineyard in Crawford, Texas.
Cindy, did you know they're openly announcing the formation of a world government at this meeting?
Yes, I know they are.
Yes, I do.
The head of the EU even spoke out against it, Kloss, at the UN yesterday, and they're openly announcing the end of the dollar.
Those troops don't know that their whole savings and their whole family future is gone, and there they are with pleasure, guarding the very government that is illegitimate and criminal.
Well, I tried to lead a battalion of them to the G20 so we can arrest the people who are really our enemies.
The troops are out here.
There are brothers and sisters.
There are sons and daughters.
And there are mothers and fathers.
And they're turning their guns on us.
They're turning their weapons on us.
We really should be marching to the G20 and arresting those guys.
Those guys are planning nothing but
Destruction, you know, on this planet, on our economy.
They're the bankers that engineered it all and now they're announcing a new global currency and the end of the dollar which will destroy our economy and the police... Here they come again with their LRAD, Alex.
You see it?
Well, I hear it.
They always announce it on a loudspeaker before they bring it, so they're coming with it.
They have us locked in.
There's no room for us.
CNN is finally covering it.
They're only covering a few anarchists.
That's Fox, excuse me.
Listen, I want to get a report from you tomorrow, Cindy.
We have your cell phone number, don't we?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do.
God bless you Cindy Sheehan.
You see the best people together in one spot.
Burmess, what's happening now?
Um, right now, like I said, we're on this side street.
We just did get a couple thumbs up from some of the firefighters that obviously don't want to be a part of this.
They saw Cindy and, you know, they obviously are fans of what she does.
Uh, I heard that LRAD, again, it was over to the right and maybe two blocks up.
I can't really see any of the protesters at this point.
Uh, we're on train tracks.
And you can kind of glare into the city, down the train tracks.
I can see a couple of officers and vehicles, but nothing to the extent of where they're cornering people.
I mean, when they're cornering people, you're talking hundreds of riot cops.
No, I know, but that was going on deeper in the area you can't see.
Get out of there.
Call the guys.
Burmese, just look, just get out of there so we know at least one camera gets out, okay?
And they've got all the world leaders landing on TV.
Alright, you got it, sir.
Yes, sir, to you.
You're doing a great job.
Just call, call... Did we ever get a hold of Jason Douglas?
I still haven't because I'm still on this phone here.
I've got to... Yeah, because that's what I said 30 minutes ago.
I want to keep calling Jason Douglas' phone.
Oh, those guys are calling Jason Douglas' phone.
Okay, Mike Nelson's been calling over and over again and he's not answering.
Text Douglas and tell him, tell him he's done enough.
Get out of there.
Okay, I will do that.
Okay, I will do that.
Yeah, Burmish, you tell him where you want to meet.
Just, just like... Oh my God.
Alright, good job, Jason.
We're going to keep you on hold until you, uh... Well, we'll call you back in five minutes.
Sounds great, Alex.
Thank you.
Sherry Tenpenny, what do you think of this?
I'm speechless, Alex.
I'm just speechless.
It's like it is here.
It is here.
I want to come back with you in the final segment and get some final comments from you and any new developments here.
All the scumbag bankers that are robbing our country are arriving live right now, while our police and military, bought off and brainwashed by them, are having their way with people.
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This is all about training you that you're not supposed to protest and demonstrate.
That's why the police pose as anarchists in every case.
They've been caught over and over again.
That's why they're using sound guns, microwave weapons.
We know they use the sound guns.
The microwave guns are there.
Amazing to have Burmese and Cindy Sheehan and all these people together.
They're standing and turning.
She lost her son.
And the military will follow orders, and that's all this is.
And there are the bankers openly setting up world government, bankrupting us by design.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, this is how the Republic falls, with the stormtroopers in the streets and the world leaders coming to our country to sell it out and the mainstream news reporting it.
Yes, um, Alex, why are they in Pittsburgh?
Of all the cities in America, why Pittsburgh?
Because it's got a lot of draconian laws in Pennsylvania.
From what we've seen, they have a local Patriot Act, a state Patriot Act, and they chose it because they like cities that have tyranny, like London and D.C.
and places like that.
And they've chosen it to come here and kill the dollar in America.
It's a big joke to them.
I mean, it's all over the news.
World government, end of the dollar.
And Ron Paul earlier, he's an economist, not as a medical doctor, he said this will just, it'll be worse than the Great Depression if they kill the dollar.
And they are doing it.
Well, you know what, Alex?
It's things that you and I have been talking about, and other people have been talking about for weeks, months, and years, and it looks like it's here.
Well, at least we can expose the flu shot, at least we can get the flyers, the materials, and educate people, and speak out at our city councils.
This is all at the local level.
This takeover is happening through the Federal, International, and everybody just better become Infowarriors and get involved today, because what everybody just heard, and as this develops, I may do a special live broadcast and just listen to the Infowar streams, Ron Paul and
Congressman Grayson and everybody are coming back up on the restreams at Infowars.com and AM and FM stations where you hear the show.
But as stuff develops tonight, we'll post at Infowars.
And we're about to go live, and we'll go live on the internet only at PrisonPlanet.tv and Infowars.com.
I'm here finishing my film, Fall of the Republic, today.
I'm finishing, it's done today.
We're just doing some final things with the DVD menu and adding a few more documents.
It is happening.
It's really scary, Alex.
It is.
I mean, it's really kind of frightening to see this stuff happening in real time.
Now, I'm sitting at home in my living room
And they did have a little bit of a snip on CNN and on Fox News, but nothing like what you guys on the streets have captured.
Well, here's the Examiner newspaper reporting on these sound weapons at the tea parties.
It says, both town halls took place without incident, however the use of military device concerned
San Diegans, the LRAD crowd control is primarily used in Iraq to control insurgents and can cause serious and lasting harm to humans, and they admit this.
I mean, this is just outrageous.
Well, it'll be interesting to see what unfolds for the rest of the evening, and it'll be very interesting tomorrow to see what's been posted on Prison Planet and what sort of news clips that you've actually been able to put together.
Thank you for all the work you do, Alex.
Thank you very much.
Well, thank you, doctor.
The website is drtenpenny.com.
And what's the other one for the flyers to educate people and to leave at drugstores?
Click on the toolbox and everything there's for you.
God bless you, doctor.
We'll talk to you again soon.
All right.
Take care.
This unfolds.
We're going to rebroadcast right now, but I could go live the next 20 minutes again only on the Infowars.com streams and presentplanet.tv video, so watch this space.
We won't be on the AM and FM until tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time, 12 noon Eastern on the AM and FM and the shortwave.
WWCR doing a great job.
Pray for my guys.
Pray for everybody there.
Pray for Cindy Sheehan.
Great job, crew.
Great job, Genesis and everybody that makes this show possible.
We will continue to defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
The Republic is being brought down right.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's Friday, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones here, breaking in with a live report.
I'll also be on for a little bit longer at the end of the radio show today.
Obviously, everyone is reeling right now, and I've been reading the preliminary reports coming out, even from a lot of mainstream media, especially foreign press.
All of this Obama worship is falling flat on its face.
They made him the first U.S.
President to be the sitting head of the U.N.
Security Council, which holds all of the power in the United Nations, the world government set up by the Anglo-American establishment, publicly to establish world government.
That's why the International Olympic Committee, even though it has a lot of globalists on it, didn't give it to Obama because the whole world is sick and tired of them selling him as the savior, the second coming of Jesus, to this planet.
So that's certainly a blow up in their face.
Now they've given him, not just the Nobel Prize, but a Nobel Peace Prize.
When he has expanded the war in Afghanistan, continued the war in Iraq, gone back on his promises there, and of course he's engaged in all sorts of police state activities worldwide, and delivered the biggest defense budget in U.S.
history, over one trillion dollars, and that's before special supplemental funding for the war effort, the actual combat.
So this guy is a complete fraud, and look, the Nobel Prize,
Early on, of course, Nobel invented dynamite.
It saved tens of thousands of miners whose explosives were very, very dangerous.
They still are, obviously, but a lot less with dynamite compared to the more primitive systems they had.
And the Nobel Prize has been given to some good people.
But now, in the last 20 years or so, it's a complete fraud, a complete joke.
They gave Al Gore one for his global warming garbage and his call for a world tax.
They've now given one to this lawyer, a slick
Good lookin' lawyer who can read off a teleprompter, uh, who lies about everything.
They've given it to a lawyer who was in the U.S.
Senate for four years, and it just totally cheapens it and it's a joke.
But, remember,
That, uh, the Watson gentleman who discovered the double helix, uh, in DNA, he won an award from these guys, and he's the guy that says black people, uh, are not human beings, and had to step down from the Cold Springs Harbor IBM eugenics death lab at Cold Springs Harbor.
So that's just a bunch of elitist scum giving themselves an award, trying to prop Obama up, trying to sell him as the savior.
It turns out they made this decision when he'd only been in office two weeks, so, uh, they were
Setting him up to be our world government savior, to bring the United States into world government, to bring the rest of the planet into world government.
Two weeks ago, as you know, they handed the United Nations over to, uh, they, they,
Thank you.
is now announcing that they're getting rid of the dollar or preparing to phase it out.
Notice, everything is happening right now.
And this is only the beginning of going down the slide.
But we're now going down the slide and we're only accelerating the total tyranny in world government.
Meanwhile, Paul Watson is doing a detailed report about this huge, vicious hit piece that is in the New Republic, which is the official mouthpiece of the establishment eugenics left.
We're good to go.
By all these other big establishment organs coming out and attacking me.
So we're definitely drawing blood on the New World Order.
We're definitely targeting the real elite, bypassing their puppet front men.
And they are not happy, so let's continue to expose the bankers and the true planetary government bringing in total tyranny.
We'll be right back with more analysis.
Please stay with us.
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I was just listening to the ad that ran.
It's a local, so a lot of stations probably didn't hear it, but it's the eFoods Direct ad that I cut a year and a half ago.
And I said, will you have storable foods, or will you be forced to go to the inoculation centers?
Now, how did I make an ad a year and a half ago saying they would be trying to forcibly inoculate you with inoculation centers, now being announced?
Now as they ease it out there.
Because we got the secret FEMA training manuals three years ago, a year and a half before it was declassified, of the tens of thousands of clergy being secretly hired by FEMA, and the training manual said, tell them it's of God to turn your guns in.
It's of God to go to the FEMA camp and be inoculated, to submit.
It's of God to do all of this.
And so we then knew that was one of their main battle plans.
Then, in January, we saw them telling local police, get ready for martial law, the flu's coming.
That's why we knew in January, rolled into April, and then it came out, we knew it was level 6 three months before it became mainstream news.
And we've warned so many people about what's happening, that it's going to be hard for the globalists to carry this out.
We're going to go to Dr. Stan Monteith in one moment, but finishing up with Luca and Bridget from Mojave County Minute Men and Mojave County Oath Keepers.
Alex, I want to say one thing.
We need to be proactive, as you know, as you say.
Information is the first weapon, and then we need also start to make this information active in the community.
Otherwise, if we keep it to ourselves, it's not the only thing.
One important thing we're doing this Saturday and Sunday, and this is part of the knowledge we must know.
Pray for the best, but
You know, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
And just what, for me, it's just like Lucas said, I'm going to do apple seed.
You know, we're aware.
We open our mouths.
We ask questions.
We're not afraid.
We learn to shoot.
We don't shut up.
We're learning everything we can.
We're spreading the word.
And if the New World Order thinks that they're going to be able to take us over without a fight,
I think they miscalculated that there's too many people just like us from coast to coast.
They're going to have a big fat fight on their hands if they want to.
Well, they're going to stage events, though.
They're going to kill their own troops and blame it on us.
They're going to bomb federal buildings and blame it on us.
We're going into a very dark time, but remember,
We know they did it, just like Hitler with Klyowitz and Reichstag.
We know they're staging the events.
We know they've released the flu.
We know they're staging all of this.
This is only another big drill, in my opinion.
God bless you.
We'll continue to check in with you as things develop.
Take care of yourselves.
We love you, Alex.
We love you, Alex.
We love you taking action as well.
And folks, go to city councils, go to county commissioners.
I remember in 1999,
The SWAT team came in and threatened me at a county commissioner's meeting not to speak.
It was on video, on TV.
I said, I'm going to speak.
Then after the SWAT team commander, who was in the same county commissioner building, asked me, was actually across the street, he said, please come to my office.
He said, look, I'm a Vietnam vet.
There's not going to be troops in Austin.
There's no martial law coming.
He said, I would never allow that.
Lieutenant Beck,
They later got mad at him and ran him out, because he said things like this.
And I said, listen to me.
They're paying off police chiefs.
And I gave him videos of it.
Police chiefs I interviewed, they tried to pay off.
San Antonio police chief.
And I said, Delta Force will visit you.
They're visiting all the major cities now.
Austin was about 700,000 people then.
I said, they're going to come to you soon.
He laughed at me.
A couple months later, he calls up and says, can you come to my office?
He goes, here's Delta Force's card.
He said, everything you said is true.
Tell me more.
And then he said, how do you know all this being so young?
So I was like 24 or something.
I don't remember how old I was.
Yeah, about 24, 25.
I looked really young and he said, who are you with?
Are you with the government?
Is this a thing in the government fighting each other?
And I said, no, I'm with the American people.
I mean, they just can't believe that citizens would be involved and informed in running counterintelligence against this global corporate takeover.
Look, somebody's got to do it!
I never claim to have all the answers or be the best at this.
We're just a ragtag group going toe-to-toe with the New World Order and their PSYOPs.
But if you just start understanding, everything they say is the opposite.
Everything they say is a lie or a distortion.
I've got mainstream news, we're going to cover with Dr. Monteith, admitting that they chose a plastic, of thousands of plastic formulas, for worldwide adoption in the 60s, that sterilizes the men.
The White House science czar admits they're putting the stuff in the water.
Folks, the military and the police, I'm not your enemy.
I don't have some macho, head up thing, fantasy of having war with you.
I hate what you do, though.
I hate your ignorance.
I hate your denial.
I just wish you'd research.
This is important!
This is real!
Let's go to Dr. Stan Monteith.
He's led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association for 10 years.
He's led the battle with an organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic.
This is an old bio.
He's a talk show host on Genesis, written a bunch of best-selling books, made videos, made films.
He's a medical doctor, been doing this for over 40 years, fighting the new world order, an expert on the eugenics, an expert on AIDS being engineered.
And an expert on what's happening with this flu.
For the Balance of the Hour, Dr. Stan Monteith joins us.
Doctor, it's good to have you on with us.
It's great to be with you, Alex.
And this is an exciting time because, you know, I'm getting all sorts of emails from people in the healthcare industry who are saying, look, they're threatening to take away my job.
They're threatening to take away my pension if I won't take this vaccine.
And I say, do not take it.
Just tell them you're going to sue them.
Get the other people
Dr. Monteith?
Alright, we just lost his phone line.
Yes, they've denied the last month that they're ordering people to take shots and it's forced.
Now they're having to admit it slowly.
But again, they deny it to the last minute so we can't build opposition.
If an army's about to attack you, they want to sneak up.
They don't want you to know they're coming.
And this is what they're doing.
While we're getting Dr. Monteith back on the line, MAAC organizes Pittsburgh security for G20.
It says the FBI and Secret Service are running it along with the Army.
Now, we saw this in 99, in Seattle.
When I knew the Army was running this two weeks before, I said they're going to stage riots.
And then it came out, the police had to admit later, 50 anarchists were flown in, funded by a big foundation.
This is all in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover, that we released in 2000.
You want to see the documentation?
And they flew them in.
And they had them attack police before the news cameras to then set the pretext to attack everybody.
Delta Force ran that as well.
That was in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Times.
It was in all three of the papers in Seattle.
Seattle Times, Post-Intelligencer, and the other one.
That's all in Police State 2.
The takeover.
This is the takeover.
And they know incremental is hard to beat.
It's like a frog in cold water.
He won't jump out.
You turn it up slowly, he'll boil to death.
You throw him in hot water, he'll jump out.
That old analogy.
And the troops are brainwashed, the police are brainwashed, the public's brainwashed.
And I told you over a decade ago, the big takeover would come when they fully bankrupted the economy.
Dr. Monteith, we lost you there, and your phone's real low.
Can you speak up?
Okay, how is that?
Is that good enough?
Good, good.
Start over.
You're saying an exciting time to be alive.
Well, it certainly is.
But, you know, really with this whole thing on the swine flu,
Everybody, most people have missed this article.
It appeared in the New York Times on the 12th of September and they quote a number of leading epidemiologists who have said that, you know, that they got a great vaccine, but the problem is the epidemic is going to be over.
It's going to be peaked out before the vaccine is available in the middle of next month.
And that really is true.
In fact, I emailed or just talked to Mr. Hartman and hopefully he'll have those figures on the CDC webpage.
You can see that it's already peaked at its highest level.
They call it widespread level 5 in almost 20 states as of about two weeks ago.
It's already peaked and declining.
The incidence of the new infections in California
This disease is so mild that most people who get it don't even know they've been ill.
What they've done is a bait and switch on the vaccine.
The article that they utilized to demonstrate that the vaccine was effective was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the 10th of September.
It's called A Trial of Influenza.
H1N1 2009 monovalent adjuvanted vaccine.
In other words, they used an adjuvanted vaccine in Australia to prove that the vaccine works, but they're not going to give an adjuvanted vaccine in the United States at least.
They're afraid to because they know there's so much opposition to it and because it's not licensed in the United States.
So, they used one vaccine and said, gee, look how great it works!
And then, of course, they're going to use a different vaccine in the United States.
Well, Doctor, I want to walk through all this with you, but also, from your years of researching this Eugenics Order of Darkness, Brotherhood of Darkness, as your book title states it, what do you think the master plan here?
Is this just a giant drill for federalization and nation-states to go under UN Level 6 control?
Or could this be something bigger?
It may be a trial.
It may be an effort to make 40 billion dollars for the pharmaceutical industry.
Certainly they're going to do tremendous damage to a large segment of our population because the CDC is mandating that this vaccine or at least
We're good to go.
The CDC is saying it ought to be given to all children starting at two years of age.
The manufacturers are saying don't give it to children less than four years of age.
They get into all sorts of problems with it.
And they don't want to give us one shot of the vaccine.
They want to give two shots of the swine flu vaccine and two shots of the influenza vaccine.
Because that's the seasonal, regular.
You're a medical doctor, an expert on eugenics.
Well, stay there.
I want to get into their larger master plan as well and take phone calls.
Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty, his ministry, joins us today.
We'll be right back.
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Medical doctor, Dr. Stan Monteith, joins us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to take some of your phone calls on the swine flu, your questions, your comments.
When we open the phones up, Doctor, unlimited amounts, as many as we can take, nurses and husbands and wives of nurses being ordered to take it or they're fired.
Nurses who've been fired.
We're going to have a lady on the day, but she kind of chickened out.
I don't blame her.
But we have the letters where they're being threatened.
It's in the news.
They're now being fired.
But there's not even a law.
They're using regulations and Obama's lying, saying they're not trying to make this mandatory.
Open discussions on CNN and Fox about using the military to forcibly inoculate us.
But you gave us the CDC, Center for Disease Control map.
We'll put that up on screen.
They admit it's supposed to peak middle of next month.
It's basically already peaked.
It doesn't even go up much.
This is a very mild flu, as you said.
So why do they want us to take this vaccine so bad?
Because it contains mercury, and mercury is toxic.
It destroys the fertility.
It destroys the mind.
The endocrine system, there is no safe dose of mercury and yet they're going to give it.
They want everybody to take a swine flu shot with a full dose of mercury, a regular flu shot with a regular dose of mercury.
They want every pregnant woman to take these shots.
They want to give two shots.
Of swine flu and two shots of the regular influenza vaccine to every child less than 10 years of age.
Is this not precedent setting where they're ordering medical workers to take the standard flu shot?
Oh, it absolutely is.
I don't know about the standard flu shot.
They've always recommended that.
No, no, they're ordering that.
I've got the letters.
I've got the letters from major hospital chains.
They are firing people that don't take it.
Well, basically, of course, this is going to produce terrible damage, first of all, because it does contain the mercury.
A lot of people never have gotten the flu until they take a flu shot.
They've been recommending for years that medical personnel take the seasonal flu.
Now, that's not the H1N1.
It's the seasonal, and most people won't take it because they know it makes them sick and it doesn't do any good.
The vast majority of doctors in this country do not believe in influenza.
I took the flu shot and almost died.
I mean, my mother, that happened to her.
Everybody I know has their horrible flu shot story.
And of course, this promotes Gilead Ray Disease.
It produces all sorts of medical problems.
And they've been trying to sell it to the American people, and yet so many people have been crippled or have permanent damage to their immunity.
You have to understand that the whole idea of vaccines is to stimulate the immune system.
And so, and then of course, you have to understand, we could start with simply an alphabetical approach to this.
A, that you get asthma, and you get allergies, and you get autoimmune disease.
Do you realize that in the United States today, one in nine children has asthma?
You don't see this in the Amish children, because they aren't required to take their vaccines, or they just refuse to take their vaccines.
There's been an explosion of autoimmune disease.
There's an explosion of eczema and asthma, as you point out.
And then, of course, the mercury in the vaccine attacks the brain.
This is why, today, in the United States, one in six children, according to the CDC, their own figures, one in six children has either a learning disability or a neurodevelopmental abnormality.
One in six American children.
You don't see this in children who don't take the vaccine.
They're destroying the minds and lives of our children.
Which is what the top eugenicists like H.G.
Wells and Bertrand Russell and John P. Holdren said they would do.
In fact, if you read, and we have the book, people can get it, it's called The Impact of Science on Society, written by Bertrand Russell.
Any comment there?
By diet, injections, and injunctions.
We will so alter the mind of the child that they will not be able to differ from the things that they were taught by their schoolmaster.
By diet, injections, and injunctions.
What are they going to put in the diet?
Aspartame in the diet has an impact on the mind, but we could talk for hours on that because it's cancer.
But then they put the mercury that they're giving our kids in the injection.
They know that this destroys the mind.
Do you realize that today in America, we have 5 million people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and all of China with four times our population.
They've only got below 5.5 million people.
And it gets worse than that.
Stay there, Dr. Long's segment coming up.
It gets worse than that.
Our diabetes level, everything.
We're going to talk about that with medical doctor, Dr. Stan Monteith, on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You've got someone to blame You said one love
Mike, Chris, Susan, Dan, Mark.
Dan's calling from the Philippines.
Really, you're calling for Dr. Monteith here in a few minutes.
We're going to have him back up next week if he can do it to get more into eugenics with us.
Doctor, separately from the whole flu situation,
I mean, you mentioned Alzheimer's.
They now have this early onset of it when you're 35, 40 years old.
You mentioned that we have more brain disorders than people in China and more Alzheimer's.
I mean, they're killing us.
We know it's designed.
They stated they would do it.
They write giant textbooks on it like eco-science bragging about it.
How do we defeat this?
They control the main churches.
They control the corporations.
They don't just want a world government.
That's the means to the end, as John P. Holder in White House Science Hour says, as he states, a planetary government, a planetary regime.
Dr. Pianka says it.
Peter Singer says it.
They all say it.
Ehrlich says it.
George Bush Senior's advisor.
They're going to have a world government to carry out our orderly extermination, testing soft kill weapons.
As we die, they train as it's normal, they pose as the saviors, they have marches and marathons to fund research, which is actually funding how to kill us.
You're a medical doctor who discovered this decades ago.
It appears, all the evidence shows, they're expanding their eugenics operations to more of a hot kill, fast kill now.
And the Reuters has got a big article out saying, oh, there'll be millions of deaths this year.
People will think they take the shot and die.
But no, there'll be no adverse reactions.
It's impossible.
They're telling doctors if someone dies after they take it or becomes paralyzed, the shot didn't do it.
It appears they're preemptively studying how to roll this out successfully, just like Gardasil, and kill and maim us and sterilize us, and then get away with it.
Well, I think that probably the vaccine that they're going to give in Europe will be more dangerous than the one that they're going to give here, because the one they're going to use in Europe is a squalene, one that's licensed to give to people over 65.
They're going to give it to the whole population.
And then, of course, there was an article in Global Research, which is usually very, very reliable, and they're talking about the nanoparticles that they put in there to so-called turbocharge the European vaccine.
Now, I just hope and pray that they haven't snuck it into our vaccine.
Because you can't trust them.
You don't know what's going to be in the vaccine.
It may very well be, but you see, we can't trust them.
Because they have put things into the vaccines in the past.
Well, we didn't know it was there.
Well, they can say that.
But when they did know it was there, they continued to distribute it.
And I'm talking about specifically the polio vaccine, the original polio vaccine.
And when they found out it had a cancer virus in it, they continued disseminating it.
They've contaminated the whole population of the world, about 30% of our population today.
Still carries that cancer vaccine, that's cancer virus that was in the original polio vaccine.
One reason why the incidence of bone cancer and brain cancer and lymphoma and mesothelioma.
And no doubt by design, German news is reporting that they're growing it again in the same monkeys that have the SV40 for the virus stock in the European vaccines.
Supposedly, the American vaccine is going to be grown in the yolk of eggs, but then we get the chicken viruses.
That's the frightening thing about this.
And they've introduced so many viruses from so many animals.
God gave us an immune system that allows us to fight off animal viruses that can't get to our bodies unless you inject them with a needle.
Well what about how for five years the FDA approved it's now in wide use?
Not just a radiation of the meat, but they're now spraying in Latin, I can't pronounce it, that means bacteria eating virus.
They grow it in giant vaccine tanks with other viruses and RNA and are now spraying it on most meats we get at the store.
Well I'm very confused.
I don't know.
Chickens are a lot smarter than people.
Chickens won't eat it.
We know that it actually causes infertility in pigs.
We know that studies have been done in Russia that shows it causes genetically modified corn actually creates infertility in animals in Russia.
And the people wanted to get the information out.
We're told you can't disseminate the information.
It's all about population control.
We know that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at Monsanto have a similar very large genetic modification company over in Switzerland are spending
Hundreds of millions of dollars to store seeds in vast vaults up above the Arctic Circle on a little island there.
And nobody's asked, why are they storing all these seeds for corn and for wheat and for all the other vegetables and things, you know, in these vaults where they'll be permanently frozen?
And it should be very obvious.
All of these people are dedicated to population control.
And they want the seeds for when they start all over again.
They've stated this.
In fact, the MI6 officer, he was OSS, who wrote the James Bond novels that were made into movies, he wrote Moonraker.
And in that, the global elite and this head banker want to kill everybody on Earth.
They, the eugenics pure, go to a space station.
While they kill everybody on Earth, they're going to come back.
But in the real government documents, they're not going to space.
They've got the underground bases.
And I saw a Reuters article two weeks ago.
In fact, we can pull that up.
UN chief or UN head visits Seed Vault.
And it's this photo of the big armored mountain and the troops guarding the ark.
And then you read the transhumanists.
They admit, which are the eugenicists, that they do plan to kill us.
And they're putting in the police state grid to then carry out the medical mayhem and murder.
I want the troops and military to know something.
I know this is probably going to go ahead and go to fruition.
Just know you're going to be judged at your own hand.
The bastards you've served for are going to murder you and your family as well.
Go ahead and laugh.
Just remember as you're dying with your family years from now.
You asked for it.
You were warned.
You wanted to be part of it.
Dr. Monteith?
Men and women become accomplices to the evils they fail to oppose.
And the people within the military who are carrying out the orders of our leaders who have killed... I don't know if you've ever read the article by the shoe thrower, or the man, of course, who threw the shoe at George Bush.
He talks about the million Iraqis who were killed.
He talks about the million widows there.
He talks about the five million orphans in Iraq today.
He talks about the suffering of the people, how they've turned the Arabs against one another.
One time, the Sudanese, the Shias, the Christians got along well together, but since the Americans came in, the Christians have been
Driven out, and of course, everybody has everybody else's throat, and we are sending in Asian provocateurs to commit acts of terrorism to maintain this division.
But this is all because the American people haven't had the courage to stand up.
Oh, they voted for Barack Obama, who is, of course, expanding the war in Afghanistan today, because he is a servant of the elite.
And we're talking about the tryout for commission, as you do as well.
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, is financially led by David Rockefeller, who has a different worldview, because he worships a different god.
And until people understand that there is a powerful spiritual force, a Luciferian force behind everything going on today, and they really hate humanity, and that's why they're storing the seeds.
Well, there are videos of Maurice Strong, as you know, saying we're going to destroy the entire industrial base through the world government.
I mean, they're doing it now.
Doctor, I remember when I was first on your show back in 99 when I was out there covering Operation Urban Warrior in Oakland with the Marines trying to confiscate our guns on video.
Look how much has happened now.
Everywhere they've got troops on the streets.
I mean, the reports, it's just intensifying incrementally.
Well, on the other hand, you know, more and more Americans are beginning to know what's going on.
I think that the other side is frightened.
I think they're going to start moving very, very rapidly.
I think that this
March that we had in Washington, D.C.
I think it was the 12th of September, and it's probably between a million and a million and a half people were there.
I think that this really has been disturbed because this was an amazing thing.
In fact, there would have been a lot more people there if they hadn't turned back the buses and the cars and people trying to come and join in that demonstration.
You are waking up an awful lot of people, you and certainly a few of the others.
Well, absolutely.
Well, he's as phony as a $3 bill.
He would not... Everybody has to understand that Glenn Beck would not be on national television if he was telling the truth.
So, basically he's going to say some things that are absolutely right and you agree with, but that's the old bait and switch technique.
He gets in there, he gets your confidence, and then he gives you a lot of information that is frankly not true.
And that's why I think people, you know, look to you for leadership.
They look to you for reliable information.
I appreciate so much you're getting that information out, and you must be ruffling a lot of feathers because you're getting so much opposition.
People are saying you've got to get that guy off the air.
They're saying that locally here in Santa Cruz.
Hopefully our station manager is going to have the courage to keep you off.
People are beginning to wake up.
I've been at this for 47 years.
And we are seeing more people upset now and especially when they're threatening our health care workers being fired.
And let me say to the health care workers who are there, just tell them that you fire me and I'm going to sue you and I will tell any of them.
I'll come back and testify to you.
First of all, you do not need to take the shot because by the time they have the vaccine for the H1N1,
We're good to go.
10 years of age, they want to give them not one, but two swine flu shots.
Doctor, absolutely, and the key point you make here from the CDC's own website is it's now going to be peaking in the next couple weeks.
Why then for something incredibly mild are they doing this?
They're just fear-mongering this event to be able to expand their control, but going back to radio stations, plug the local station I'm on.
Uh, it's Komy, K-O-M-Y here in the Monterey Bay area.
And you're doing a great job of getting your information out.
And I hear very, very few people object to it.
Most people really appreciate what you're saying.
Well, I know that MZ, the owner of those stations, has had me on two different ones.
And I know it's been very popular, but he has said there are people viciously, a minority, saying, get me off.
I want to explain something to those people.
Ten years ago, or about nine years ago, I was offered a national radio slot.
I was told I would be the next Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck wasn't on the scene yet.
They said, we need a young Rush Limbaugh, no more New World Order, no more fellow reserve.
You reach out and grab people on the radio.
And of course, as a journalist, they said, this is a private meeting.
You're not going to discuss this, non-disclosure, but this is the offer.
And then I had some other offers along the road.
And if I wanted to be on 500, 600 radio stations and be making...
Fifty million dollars a year like Glenn Becker, Rush Limbaugh, I could have done it.
The money means nothing.
When you know they're putting cancer viruses in vaccines, when you know they've designed the plastics to leach estrogen mimickers on record, that's BBC today, to sterilize you, when you know you have no future, why would I take fifty million dollars and go live in a mansion and sit there and lie to people all day?
The truth is what matters.
We have no future.
This is a cold-blooded killing machine.
This isn't just some boss hog offering me 50 million to hang out with him and Roscoe Pico train.
This is, there's no survival.
This is making a deal with the devil.
You know, Darryl Rundas, a friend of mine, Dr. Monteith, always gives the analogy of
Absolutely not.
Not even for a million dollars.
Nothing, because freedom is the most important thing we have.
It hurts me a level of wanting to reach new people to warn them for all those women listening who can go Google Gardasil deaths and find out how many people it's killing so they don't kill their daughter or maim them.
So when you try to take me off the air, it is on you murdering those young girls.
And if you want that on your soul, my God, just be forewarned.
So I want to make that clear, that there's nothing I'd like better, Dr. Monteith, than to quit this show and stop doing this.
This is a burden.
Well, I admire what you do, Alex.
You do it so well.
You do it better than anybody else I know because you speak with such intensity.
People have to understand, as Alex said,
First of all, the H1N1 infection swine flu is a very mild disease.
In fact, in the initial study that they did over in Australia, where they actually, this is the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the 10th of September, and this is the
The vaccine trial that they're using to justify using the vaccine in the United States, only they tested an entirely different vaccine in Australia, the one that had the adjuvant in it, the squalene adjuvant.
But what was really so interesting about the study, although they didn't plan it out, was that they got all these people recruited, they wanted to get these studies done as quickly as they could, so they tested all of them ahead of time to see if they had antibodies to the
I don't think so.
Stay there, got a break!
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We're going to talk to Mike in Mass, Chris in Maryland, Dan in the Philippines.
We'll go to Dan here in just a moment for the next two segments, then I'm going to get into a host of other issues in the next hour.
What Dr. Monteith keeps trying to point out here while I'm interrupting is, there's so many facets that are popping into my mind here, is what I've already read in the mainstream news, it's admitted.
Well, I've never seen in all the 40, 70 years I've had this such a dramatic coordinated campaign
By every means of communication to convince us we've got to take this H1N1 vaccine.
So, obviously for anybody out there in the listening audience, you can realize the control they have.
They control literally almost every major media outlet in the United States.
I mean, why would they be talking about this?
This is such a mild disease that, as Alex says, most people don't even know they've had the disease in the study, which is what they use to justify giving the vaccine.
It's a giant hoax and that other agenda is clearly eugenics.
And you have the internal CDC report admitting it's going to cause and has caused in the past similar vaccines, neurological disorders.
Let's talk to Dan in the Philippines.
You're on the air with Dr. Stan Monteith.
Go ahead.
Hello, hello.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
Hello, just wanted to look, you know, I just wanted to call to let the audience know about a new, or not new, it's a tool for the internet to, you know, when they talk to their friends, you know, if everything, everyone says they're connected, they say how.
You know, there's some things out there called NNDB.com, like no name database or however you want to say it.
NNDB.com and Muckety.com, M-U-C-K-E-T-Y.com.
And they provide a vast resource of how everyone is connected.
I heard, I only can hear, you know, previous days of your shows, because I get them from the day after, but when I was hearing about Partnership for New York, I'm sorry, it's the most diabolical partnership I've ever seen.
You know, Rockefeller, Carbis, crazy people connected in there.
You can see... Yeah, for folks that don't know, Dr. Horowitz has filed an affidavit with the FBI
Showing a criminal racketeering conspiracy with a partnership from New York and the Rockefellers behind this whole inoculation hoax.
I appreciate your call.
Dr. Monteith, the Rockefellers, I mean, eugenics, every time we turn over some evil rock, the Rockefellers are under it.
They certainly are, and first they've been at it for, you know, about a part of a century.
And it goes all the way back, first old John T. and then his son.
And these people, you know, at the beginning of the 20th century, in the early 1900s, were already funding the laboratory at Cold Harbor.
I think so.
A quarter of the population of the world?
I have the writings of Barbara Marks Hubbard, who is deeply involved in Luciferianism, who wrote a book called The Revelation, the book of co-creation.
She didn't write it.
It was channeled to her by a demonic spirit, which she said, we're going to kill a quarter of the population of the world, but that is not your job.
That is ours, my dear, because we are the writers of Pale Horse Death.
Then they have the Earth First Battalion in the military.
They've got a whitewash coming out.
Men Who Stare at Goats with George Clooney about it.
We'll be right back in one minute with more calls.
Dr. Stan Monteith, I'm Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live.
I'm going to break down.
Coming up, our maximum alert dealing with the troops being deployed all over the United States.
What's happening with the flu, your calls, and a lot more.
Dr. Stan Monteith of Radioliberty.com is our guest.
A lot of great books and videos and materials available at Radioliberty.com.
We're very thankful for him joining us.
I want to get him back up about eugenics in the near future.
In fact, Doc, I keep meaning to come out and interview you for a new eugenics film I'm working on.
We need to set that up.
I'm also interviewing Dr. Blaylock for it.
Let's talk to Mike in Mass.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Doc.
How are you doing?
I'm doing fine.
That's good.
I'm a nursing student in Massachusetts, and I brought up to my dean the first day of classes on the Massachusetts Bill 2020 about forced inoculations.
And she advised me that it would be wise if I didn't tell the other students about this bill and the effects of it.
Yeah, well they have the bill to come in your home and forcibly take your children and inoculate you.
That's on mainstream news and you're not supposed to talk about it though?
Because in America you're not allowed to?
Exactly, but I took the liberty upon myself to take the video that was posted on your site
I'm with the judge yesterday, and I went on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, all those globalism websites, and used it against them, and started spreading the word, and I call all Massachusetts residents to do the same.
We have to use this technology.
But hold on, who told you you're not supposed to talk to people?
The dean of my department, of the nursing program.
And in America, you can't talk about what's on the news, or what's being debated in the newspaper.
That's the new freedom.
That's the freedom.
I went against her orders, as a true patriot does.
I mean, who are Dr. Monteith?
Who are all these people that just gleefully serve evil?
Well, unfortunately, a lot of them just want to go along and get along, but they think that, you know, well, if they just go along, that this is not going to affect them.
They don't understand that if they serve these evil forces, eventually, they themselves will be destroyed.
And I saw Germany.
I was a military officer, medical officer, and I was in Germany after the Second World War.
I saw their cities in rubble.
I mean, total destruction of many of the major cities over there because the good people did nothing.
And that old adage is so true, all that's necessary for evil to triumph is the good people do nothing.
But we have to be involved and we have to be involved now.
And there is a growing awareness across the country, I know you sense it, I sense it, of the people who are on the front lines of this.
What's going on?
And they're putting on special seminars.
How are we going to convince the people who are health care workers to take this vaccine?
Because they don't want to take it.
How are we going to get them to do something they don't want to do?
Here's what you do, and they lay out a whole plan for them.
Well, doctor, hold on.
You said you could stay.
Can you do one more long segment to finish up telling us about that?
And then take some more calls?
Again, I see this more and more as we're winning.
People are waking up to vaccines, so they're trying through fear to push it on us.
I see this almost as a failing forward or fleeing forward.
I think that this is the greatest issue from our point of view because now suddenly this is not what's going on over in Iraq.
I agree with you.
This is not the genocide that's being carried out over in Africa.
This is going to affect people in this country and you know there's nothing to get your attention more than when your own ox gets gored.
And I think a lot of healthcare workers are going to be up in arms about this, and I'm just... Oh, they are!
I've got an article about big demonstrations forming around the country of healthcare workers.
Anything else, Mike and Nass?
Yeah, I just wanted to end with, if they do pass this bill in Massachusetts and police officers do house-to-house or business-to-business, there will be, you could say, a second shot heard around the world that's referring to the original American Revolution.
Yeah, well that's the thing.
If 1% of citizens don't take the shot and fight back, that's 3 million people firing weapons at police.
We don't want this to happen.
Because the new order wants to start this war.
And I hope police and military know they're being marched in up against the spirit of 1776.
And they're going to be crushed.
But that's part of the plan.
I'll explain when we get back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Monteith, we're going to continue with phone calls.
But I wanted to ask you,
If we know Bayer and Baxter knowingly shipped out HIV, hepatitis blood in their own documents in court, MSNBC has reported it, knowing it would kill the hemophiliacs and others that took the Factor VIII product.
This was basically a matter of eugenics.
You see, wouldn't the world, if you are a eugenicist, who believe in eugenics, wouldn't the world be better off if there weren't any hemophiliacs?
Because then we wouldn't have the disease.
They set out to kill the hemophiliacs.
They killed almost half of them in the United States.
They shipped factor A that they knew would kill the hemophiliacs to Canada, to France... I want you to elaborate on that, but just to finish the full question.
If we know they did that, and other companies have done thousands of other things, why do we then trust any vaccines they come out with, anything they say?
Bayer worked with Hitler.
It's all these companies.
I mean, it's so elementary, and then they admit this flu isn't dangerous.
I mean, compared to regular flu, 30-some percent of people already have it, didn't even get sick.
I mean, just how we... I mean, how is it... Why aren't people waking up quicker?
Well, what we need to do is simply keep talking and talking about it.
I'm sure you're well aware of the fact that Baxter says, you know, that's just a massive batch of influenza vaccine to Europe that actually contains the deadly H1N5 or H5N1 avian flu viruses.
Our bodies would fight this off if we don't get infected by it unless they inject it into you.
And they were going to give it to millions of people if it hadn't been for the Czechoslovakians who tested the vaccine before it was given and proudly killed all the ferrets that then checked the vaccine.
They would have killed millions of people and I'm talking within the last several months.
This happened and Baxter said, oh gee, we just have no idea how the deadly virus got in our flu vaccine.
Let me ask you this.
This is why I think we're moving towards the climax in history.
That would have been the greatest criminal act of all time, would have dwarfed anything that Adolf Hitler ever did.
And we would have heard on the news that it was a muted
Mutated bird flu killing everybody and we would have never known it was Baxter.
But by the grace of God, a lab technician discovered it.
And basically, this was in the last couple of months.
If anybody can check these facts out.
Fortunately, we have access to the internet.
As you go to your search engine, simply put in Baxter, the avian flu.
Well, let me go further, Doctor.
Then it came out in a London Telegraph that of a hundred homeless that were given this shot, a bird flu vaccine, and told that it was regular flu vaccine, the city, one city in Poland, paid them.
This happened all over Europe.
21 of the 100 that were tested died.
So this is a deadly weapon.
And then no one from the vaccine makers got in trouble.
They arrested the city officials.
Well, I think it's about time the American people... I honestly believe that the one that they're going to give in Europe is going to be much more deadly than the one they give here in the United States.
But I'm not certain of that, and you shouldn't take it anyway because it contains mercury.
But you do not know what is in this.
I mean, we can go back to the history of vaccines.
We can start back, certainly, back in 1942 when they gave our military yellow fever vaccines.
But they forgot to test it ahead of time, and of course they got yellow jaundice because it had hepatitis B. And actually about 300,000 American troops got the virus.
Fortunately, only about 28,000 came down with the disease.
I don't know how many of them died, but... Only 28,000 had their liver eaten!
How nice of the government!
But what people do not know, and this is one of the most carefully kept secrets of modern times,
Is that there are, and you can go to the World Health Organization website and get the information, 2 billion people, that is not million, that's 2 billion people have been infected with Hepatitis B throughout the world.
How did they get it?
The vast majority of them got from the World Health Organization vaccine immunization program where they just accidentally used dirty needles.
Of course, that's their spin.
I saw the BBC article about four years ago where it said in one African country, we don't know why forty-some percent of the women all have HIV and we've had medical tests.
A lot of these little 10-year-old girls have never had sexual intercourse.
You know, they still have their hymen in place.
And then the BBC said, oh, they must have used dirty needles, the UN inoculators.
As you know, doctor, it's very hard to get HIV from a first needle stick.
This was clearly, the researchers believe, injected into them in the different vaccines they were being given.
Unfortunately, I think you're true both here in the United States
You know, basically, they gave an experimental hepatitis B vaccine.
It was about 1976 or 77.
Two cohorts of homosexuals have volunteered for this.
This was a hepatitis B trial, you know, to see if the vaccine worked in New York, in San Francisco, and in Los Angeles.
And a few years later, all the homosexuals there started, or most of them, started coming down with a strange new disease that turned out to be AIDS.
In San Francisco, and we have the figures for it, 75% of the young homosexuals, idealistic people who are trying to stop the spread of Hepatitis B in their
And why did the government use them?
Because they were very sexually promiscuous and it was perfect to use them as the seed vector to spread it.
It was also meant to launch the global fear-mongering!
This virus is designed to kill black.
And in the United States today, almost half of the AIDS cases are in black.
And almost half of the people who've died of AIDS are black in the United States.
And as you said, doctor, they've done the studies.
My dad's shown me these in medical journals.
He's a physician.
That you'll take a black that is less promiscuous in these average actuaries than whites.
With the test subjects, they have a much higher rate of getting it, and they found in the studies, we can tell us about that, we'll keep you longer, we'll take some calls, that it's easier for blacks to get HIV.
They know how to create diseases that are race-specific.
In other words, if you want to infect blacks, they have slightly different genetic makeup, and you can actually engineer a disease, and this is an engineered disease.
How do we know it was engineered?
Because one of the fellows who was part of the engineering came forward.
He was dying of pancreatic cancer, and he told a man named Gary Glum the story.
We're good to go.
I want to say this, I was listening to XM Left today, the liberal XM channel, I heard two black soldiers
In a 20 minute drive into work, calling up the liberal talk show host, defending collateral damage in the million dead Iraqis.
And it came to my mind, I said, here are these black soldiers serving the new world order, thinking they're fighting for America, and meanwhile Tuskegee experiment, AIDS, this government wants to murder them, and they will go to the grave loving their murderers.
And of course the thing is that they have targeted the blacks, that's of course why they put the abortion clinics into the black communities.
Look at Obama taking the funding block off for abortions in Africa!
People find it difficult to believe that there is a genocidal program, first for the blacks, but next to the whites, and now they're getting around to the white part.
And you go into countries like, say, Zimbabwe and Africa today,
And the average age of a black man, you know, the average man would die at 64.
Today, the average age of a black man who dies is 34.
They have the life, they've done this intentionally, with AIDS, with other programs that they have that kill off the blacks.
And sir, that's another point, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I've had other medical doctors on and folks that study statistics.
Before, around 40% of children would die before the age of 5 or 6, and so that would show that the average life expectancy was 55 years old in frontier days.
But if you lived past 5 or 6, people actually were living longer, 80, 90 in many cases on average.
You go to old graveyards, you see half the graves are for 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, 5-year-olds, 2-year-olds.
But now if you take out the infant mortality rate,
Being lower today than it was 150 years ago, our life expectancy has plunged.
So has the Russians, the Africans, every country that takes vaccines.
Absolutely, and the thing is, this is why Bill and Melinda Gates, who are totally dedicated to population control, are simply funding putting the seeds up above the Arctic Circle.
That's why they're funding giving the vaccines to all those black children.
Stay there!
Let's talk about them.
I'll just go ahead and keep you for another 20 minutes if you can do it, because I want to go to Chris, John, Steve, Mark, and Rob, and everybody else.
Let's talk about Bill and Melinda Gates, the ghouls of Planned Parenthood.
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Ladies and gentlemen, when you discover that there's a technological enslavement system, a scientific dictatorship in place, and we have stacks of their textbooks here in the office, we show them to you daily on air, where they're talking about how we're stupid and how they control us, and they laugh about how they're killing us, it angers you.
And then to see the poverty pimps, the liberals, Margaret Sanger, hired by the Rockefellers, 90-something years ago, and I sent off to the universities and got her actual copies of her letters, not just quotes in books, calling blacks subhuman, garbage, weeds that have to be killed.
She came as a liberal lover to the blacks.
Du Bois, they hired him to go out.
And they've destroyed their family with the welfare, paid the women not to have men in the house.
They've done it to everybody else's community now.
Blacks were the test.
They sold the narcotics in their communities.
They put the Planned Parenthood in their communities.
And then the liberals on TV, Chris Matthews says, if you don't agree with Obama, you're a racist.
So the real eugenicists, the real hardcore people that hate blacks,
I've documented, they're the ones that pose as the liberals.
You see, blacks, you don't have to worry about the FBI-controlled Ku Klux Klan wearing the sheets.
The real killers are the liberals.
The so-called liberals.
They're not liberal.
They got all these well-meaning idiots under them that don't understand what they're part of.
But Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill Gates is part of Planned Parenthood.
He's given over $80 billion with Warren Buffett to their foundation.
I have the article somewhere in the stack.
Guys, pull it up on screen.
Times of London, Rich Meat, secret meeting for population control in New York four months ago.
Dr. Monteith, short segment.
We're going to come back and talk to Chris, John, Steve, Mark, and Rob, and then let you go.
But you're an expert on eugenics.
You were talking about this before I was born.
I'm 35 years old.
I've been doing this for over 40.
Explain to them what his global vaccine program is.
He wants to release mosquitoes that have vaccines in them.
Explain to people how his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood, who we're dealing with.
Well, Bill indicates that the foundation is funding all sorts of terrible things.
One of the worst things, of course, is this massive vaccine program for Africa.
Now, of course, here in the United States, why they've taken the mercury out of childhood vaccines, the vaccines that are given for childhood diseases, unfortunately they've left it in the vaccines that are given to children.
Uh, what a clever study.
In fact, now they've mandated that children as young as six months of age start getting regular influenza shots with a full dose of mercury.
Now with the swine flu vaccine, they're going to be able to get them four times as much because they want two shots of regular
Seasonal vaccine, two shots of swine vaccine, starting at six months of age, but through the maximum amount of damage as far as the mercury.
And they know about it because we have their study.
It's called the Southwood Study.
It was actually before there was a meeting that was held.
We're good to go.
Because if they knew this, they wouldn't take our vaccine.
So we know that they know what they're doing.
They destroyed the lives of our children between 1 in 60 and 1 in 90 American boys is now autistic, and their lives are destroyed, and they know what they're doing.
But Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,
Our funding, the vaccine programs in Africa, and we left the mercury and the vaccines we're giving to the African children.
Now that not only destroy their minds, they destroy their fertility.
And their fertility is destroyed in this generation and in subsequent generations.
And not just this generation, they destroy fertility, but you know, in their children and their children's children.
One of the most persistent, horrible,
Yeah, that's 1 plus 1 equals 100.
It doesn't make sense.
In fact, put that article back up.
Secret meeting with the Rockefellers, the Gateses, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner.
Ted Turner who calls us useless eaters and feeders.
Millionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation.
And they said a secret meeting of how to carry this out.
Don't forget George Soros was there.
Go ahead.
Basically, you have to try to say, why would rational people do this?
Well, these are not rational people.
They're people who've gone over to the dark side.
And basically, there is an organization in the United States, they have a newsletter, they have offices in New York City, in Geneva, in London, they're very well funded.
Some of the richest people in the world fund them.
And of course, they're called the Lucius Trust.
Tell us about Lucius Trust in phone calls straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I harp on eugenics every day.
How could you talk about anything else?
We have a global government being set up openly for the stated purpose of exterminating us.
They're testing different poisons and toxins in the food and vaccines.
They're bragging about it.
And the general public still only cares about football and is it racist to criticize Obama when he's just a black face on their killing machine.
I mean, I almost...
Broke down and cried.
A week and a half ago, my kids are playing out in the front yard, in the neighbor's yard, and two different groups of neighborhood kids out of four groups, you know, four different groups of kids from different parents in the neighborhood, I know all their parents, were coming up showing me their flu shot bandages on their arms, and these are sweet little smart little kids, and, uh,
I don't know.
Then they're over at my house, playing in the backyard, and one of their mothers calls and says, tell her son's name to come home in 20 minutes for dinner.
And she goes, I go, how are you doing?
How you been doing?
To the lady three doors down.
And she goes, oh, I'm good.
I just got both, you know, both my kids flu shots today.
And I just didn't even say anything to her.
I know I was supposed to.
Well, you call it denial, is the term.
But the truth of the matter is,
Alex, it is so hard to believe that the doctor who you know and you trust would give something to your child that would be harmful to them.
But what you must understand, I don't know if you've ever seen the DVD or heard the talk put out by Dr. Blaylock, and I know he doesn't know Russell, but he has a talk on vaccines and brain development pointing out that the vaccines actually stunt
The younger they're given, why of course the younger the child is, the more damage they do.
But every time you take a vaccine, why, it triggers off not only the immune response of the body, but the immune response of the brain.
And that's why those children were a little groggy, they weren't quite themselves, you know, they weren't thinking clearly.
When do you get the flu?
You know, your mind is sort of, sort of
Rocky, I find it crazy, but the same thing happens when you take the vaccine.
But you do this repeatedly and you produce chronic inflammation in the brain.
of an older person, and that's why so many of them get demented, but you do this to the child, it prevents the normal development of the brain of the child.
This is criminal activity, and to give them, they want to give several of these vaccine shots at the same time, knowing that it will do the maximum amount of damage that way.
The average doctor has no idea, because he's never allowed to hear this information.
That's why we need to educate your audience
Yeah, they're compartmentalized.
We need to educate our city councils, our health departments, our police, our doctors.
Most of them, they don't know!
Well, I think that an awful lot of people at least have the suspicion something's going on, and I think there's a growing awareness that there's something seriously wrong.
But they have to understand that it is not simply the mercury in the vaccines, although this is toxic to the brain, it is the aluminum that is in the vaccines.
Now, fortunately, as far as we know, they are not going to have aluminum in the swine flu vaccine, but it is in the regular seasonal vaccines.
They can't think!
I mean, this is what the globalists call for in their documents, is brain-damaging everybody through the food, water, and vaccines.
And so you see, people say it's like the public's retarded.
They are!
And Dr. Blaylock points that out, that they have major studies that people that are 20 now on average have the memory of a 65 year old.
They're just going to turn it into a business, advertise it, and say it's normal to have an A.D.I.Q., it's normal to drool, you know, geniuses won't have 140 IQ, they'll have 100, and if somebody can tie their shoelaces, they'll be a genius, and then the elite's just laughing.
And I know there's brain-damaged people listening right now, but even with a retarded child, you can get through to them and talk to them.
To the police officers, you've been brain-damaged.
You've been brainwashed.
The sodium fluoride isn't good for you.
The vaccines aren't good.
Bad man giving you shot.
Bad, you know, bad system hurt your brain.
Brain is what you think with.
It's in your... I'm not being sarcastic here.
Sometimes I think I should talk to the general public like that because I just... What are you... Look, I want to take a few final calls here with you, Dr. Monteith, but one last question before we take a few of those.
Quickly, the time we have left here, because I've got other news for listeners I'm going to hit.
We appreciate your time.
I got Blaylock on several times in the last month and he pointed out that mercury, aluminum, not just squalene, are adjuvants themselves and cause the autoimmune response and swelling, not just in the brain but in other glands and organs.
Well, I think he's absolutely right.
And remember what Bertrand Russell said in his book,
On page 53, the impact of science on society by diet, injections, and injunctions will alter the brain pattern of our children.
That's exactly what it was about.
He was one of the leaders.
He made it all up.
But we can't let the people know there really are evil people who want to harm their children.
All right, let's take a call.
I'm going to give you calls quickly now.
Chris in Maryland, you're on the air with Dr. Stan Monteith.
Go ahead.
Hey, doctor.
It's an honor to talk to you.
I was a combat lifesaver in the Army years ago, and one of the things that we were taught is to give vaccines for the flu.
And during the course, the instructor had said, now these actual flu vaccines are from last year's strain.
And I questioned him, I asked, why are we getting last year's strain?
Because of
If it's this year that we're living in, what good is last year's strain gonna be?
And it makes sense now with all these nanoparticles, these adjuvants, such as mercury, uh, the other stuff- Yeah, you're not giving the shot to take care of the flu, you're giving it to brain- be brain damaged.
And now I understand why I've got these medical disabilities such as, uh, damn, IBS and, uh, and, um, autoimmune, uh, system, uh, infection where I'm, it's attacking my own body.
Makes perfect sense.
Uh, were you in during the Gulf War, during the first Gulf War?
Unfortunately, yes.
Well, that's because that's when they use the experimental vaccine, so-called vaccine A, with the squalene in it.
And over, you know, almost 80,000 of the 690,000 troops we sent are dead already.
And of course, they're monitoring this very closely.
Yeah, the Army admits it was the squalene.
You're lucky you're not dead.
You're lucky you're not.
I mean, the Army admits you've been soft killed and I'm sorry they tried to murder you.
Just be glad you're not dead and warn as many people as you can before they continue the murders.
Well, I just got out of the hospital because of it.
I had some bleeding and the only good thing I got out of it was the morphine.
That's about the only good thing that I got out of the whole incident.
Well, they hit you hard and I'm sorry they didn't.
See, they hate you.
As somebody that believes they're patriotic, they hate you.
They hate their servants.
Yeah, and this reminds me, the Christianity in this country is not the Christianity that Jesus taught back in his day.
I know it.
Because the churches are teaching people to pray for your leaders, pray for your country.
Why would I want to pray for a country that wants to kill me for first?
It's not your country, it's a criminal corporate group.
Look, if hijackers hijack a plane, does everybody bow down because they put the captain cap on?
You know it's illegitimate.
It's a hijacking.
It's a global corporate takeover.
They wrap themselves in the flag and then carry out their operations.
Dr. Monti, if you wanted to comment.
Can't say it better than that.
It is not our country.
Our country has been taken over.
We have a visible government.
We have an invisible government, which I call the Brotherhood of Darkness.
People need to understand that.
They want to destroy the majority of the people of the world.
And by the way, I know there are new military people who aren't veterans yet, a lot of police listening.
Most of you don't laugh, some do.
Go ahead, take all the shots, get diabetes when you're 35, let your kid get cancer when they're 10, and then you won't be laughing.
This isn't a game.
I'm not up here risking my life to tell you about this stuff.
They've killed a lot of people.
And I appreciate your call, Chris.
I'm sorry they did that to you.
Dr. Monteith, I'm sure you saw the ABC News article from three or four months ago with the headline that Merck, quote, sent out hit teams to doctors' homes.
And in court documents that came out, they said, oh, we've got to seek and destroy, take them out, hit them, anyone that criticizes our drugs and vaccines.
And then when Merck got caught in federal court with these internal corporate documents, they said, oh, we just meant that as a joke, saying hit teams.
Well, this is nothing funny about what's going on.
The number of people who've been killed, the number of children whose lives have been destroyed forever.
One in every 60 to 90 boys in the United States is autistic, and they did it on purpose.
That's what's so uncomfortable.
They call autism the range of brain damage caused from the chemical weapon and biological weapons in the vaccines.
The thing is that basically probably every child has been injured to some greater or lesser extent.
And now they're coming out with pharmacological crops that have the vaccines in them.
Oh, so basically the GMO food is a disaster.
That's why they're storing the seeds up above the Arctic Circle, so that they will have them there when they start in all over again.
John in North Carolina, you're on the air worldwide.
Uh, thank you.
I appreciate the opportunity.
I know your time is short.
Uh, just, um, a couple things.
Uh, we have black helicopters directly over our house just the day before yesterday.
I was trying to get in with you.
They were scanning you?
Well, I mean, they were right over our house looking in our windows.
I mean, within a hundred feet.
Yeah, they do that.
Everybody gets those visits.
It's all part of being a slave.
The thing is, we have no criminal history at all.
That's why!
If you were a criminal, they'd like you.
They don't like producing good red-blooded Americans.
The MIAC report, Homeland Security, says you are the enemy.
Right, and they were definitely showing that.
I've been talking to people around here and showing them the 800 FEMA camps.
And yesterday I was at the Hertford Chamber of Commerce and got the pandemic flu and you, which is to be given to the, this is a checklist for the employers.
And right down in there, and I take and I show this right along with the detention, anyway, concentration camps under 1.2 plan for the, it says plan for the impact of a
I'm good.
Yeah, send that to us.
We've seen that in the news, but it's always good.
Send it to writers at InfoWars.com.
God bless you, sir.
I've got to move quick because we're almost out of time, but we just put up on screen, Vioxx maker Merck and co-drew up Dr. Hit List, an international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be neutralized or discredited because they criticized their anti-arthritis drug, the pharmacological giant produced,
And it goes on to say, neutralize, neutralize.
We're seeking to destroy teams.
Go to where they live.
Destroy them where they live.
Go to their homes.
They mean business.
This is a hardcore savage group.
And of course what they do is they demonize them, they marginalize them, they get them in front of a group of doctors, and they laugh at them, and it takes a lot of courage to stand up against them and say, why are you doing things that are going to damage and kill people?
And as you said earlier, they have training manuals of how the head doctors call you in a group, they laugh, knowing the average fluoride head will laugh too, and again it's all psychology, all dog training.
Well, I tell you what, I was in the House of Delegates of the California Medical Society for ten years.
I finally brought the whole House of Delegates behind me, got a standing ovation, and the leaders of organized medicine still refuse to address the AIDS epidemic and to stop the unnecessary deaths.
We've killed over a half a million people in America unnecessarily.
Another million are infected, and they're going to die.
But people think most are black.
They're just going to put a red ribbon on and go to a dinner and feel good.
So the globalists are also good at creating movements of charities around the black ops they're running to then act like they're the saviors while they do it.
It's so sick.
I know it really is.
But one day Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are going to have to stand before the Lord and answer for what they've done and the betrayal of the black people.
We're going to have you back up soon about the whole HIV situation.
I hear you.
John, is it John of North Carolina next, or is it Steve?
Steven in Texas.
You're on the air with Dr. Stan Monteith.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Hey, Dr. Monteith, good to talk to you.
As a Bible-believing Christian, I'm sure you've heard of Jonathan Edwards, who preached the most well-known sermon in American history, hit sinners in the hands of an angry God.
I don't know if you're aware of how he died.
Uh, but in, and this relates to vaccines and I have something else I want to bring up if you have time, but in, uh, 1758 he was given the smallpox vaccine and that's what killed him.
Well, I wish we had John, Jonathan Edwards back again because he led the great awakening in 1730 that saved America.
Well, what we need is a great revival today.
Short of that, I don't think we have any possibility of survival.
And the other thing I wanted to ask is, have you ever heard of a book called Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated that was published in 1920?
Yeah, and I had sent a copy of that to Alex, but I just wanted to give you real quick some quotes right at the beginning.
It's real short.
Dr. James J. Garth Wilkinson in 1876 said this, this amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession.
This is blood assassination.
Yeah, let me stop you.
For those that don't know, vaccination's over 300 years old, and I did get the PDF.
We need to get a link to that up on the site.
We have limited personnel and just can't do everything.
I'm trying to finish a film today.
It has to be done.
Follow the Republic, but I appreciate your call.
That's why everybody else should start radio shows, websites, get the word out.
Great books, videos, materials at RadioLiberty.com.
Dr. Monteith, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
It's always a pleasure.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you.
Straight ahead, more key news on the economy as we wrap up this transmission.
I'll have to spend more time tomorrow on the overall troop takeover of America.
Stay with us.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time and the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
Alright we have Alex Jones on vacation enjoying the beach and I am Ted Anderson in case you're wondering if you don't already recognize my voice Alex called me up today he says man he says you've got to let these people know what's going on in the gold market everything's so hot and he's right man I just can't believe
What I'm seeing and watching the economy just sort of melt down in front of my eyes.
Alex and I have been talking about this on air.
I've been in the gold market for 30 years.
And, you know, I've always known that because of the fact that we have a deficit-based currency, the way that money comes into supply is by debt, that there's a flaw in the system and it's by design that it's going to destroy our economy and send us into a world-type economy and that'll be destroyed as well.
You just simply cannot expect to take on more debt and not have the compounding interest consume you.
And that's what's going on with the United States of America right now.
And it's just sad to watch it happen.
But on the other side of it, we've been talking to people about buying gold for years and years and years.
And most everybody that has picked up gold, other than the people that have just picked it up recently, are up three, four, even in some cases 500% in their gold and silver positions.
And I just need to say that that is just so wonderful.
And the very fact that they bought that gold and silver from us is the reason why you have the opportunity today to listen to the Alex Jones Show, ironically enough.
So the people that were supported the show by buying the gold and silver are now able to laugh their way to the bank while all the yuppies and the government institutions and the globalists are
Are watching the whole thing melt apart and thinking that they're getting their teeth into the citizens by stripping away their wealth.
The people that are listening to this show and taking advantage of the gold and silver offers are now looking at four, five, six hundred percent.
I suppose five hundred percent is realistic.
Just because we're looking at three dollars silver.
Right now silver is almost eighteen dollars.
I guess you could say six hundred percent.
But it has been a really long and fruitful ride, I must say.
But the bad side of it is that the United States of America has got to take the hit.
It bothers me to no end, now knowing that I've got grandchildren that will have to live through this, and Alex has kids.
You know darn well that the future is not bright, and we need to fight
And we need to fight for our liberty more than ever before.
So, you know, I guess one of the best ways to get started is pick up that last video of Alex Jones's and start making copies.
I mean, it explains the monetary system better than anything that I can think of out there, and it's a motivator.
Get it out there.
A lot of really highfalutin people that are making some really solid points on that.
If you can just somehow educate the people, enough of them, to stand up and actually fight, we'll actually get our liberty back and get back to constitutional and the rule of law.
But anyways, what's going on in the gold market today?
Gold had jumped up to $1,053 today.
Right now it's trading at about $1,050.
We have some of the older $10 gold pieces and the silver walking liberty halves still at the lower price.
And I would call us at 1-800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237 to take advantage of those specials.
And another thing that you might want to remember right now, if you go to InfoWars.com, this show right now, this one that's ending, will be starting again.
And you can pick up on what happened at the very first part of the show.
They're always so informative.
You certainly don't want to miss a single one.
Just go to Infowars.com for that.
Or if you want to call Midas, it's 1-800-686-2237.
And thanks for listening.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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