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Name: 20090925_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 25, 2009
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That is the sounds of the march.
We estimate to be more than 2,000 people in Pittsburgh marching from the University to the Convention Center where the G20 is meeting.
Jason Bermas is there at the head of the march.
At the end of the march is Rob Dew.
And Jason Douglas will be going to all of them.
I'll be recapping all the big developments that have happened.
They are using sound cannons even in neighborhoods on children and people on their front porches.
They go into even small side streets and announce no one allowed on the streets basically of Pittsburgh.
They invoke the state's Patriot Act that they have.
It's very draconian.
It has been confirmed they're using sound cannons.
Even CNN admits that.
But neocon sites are denying it exists.
Because they're basically pentagon run.
That's a military tactic.
They're still saying there's no New World Order.
They're still saying there's no Bank of the World.
They're still saying there's no global carbon tax in the media.
As they simultaneously announce it.
That's a psychological warfare tactic.
To say, we're not assaulting you while they're assaulting.
Mindless neocons claim G20 abduction video was fake.
It is clearly not fake.
These are real military officers and a real police crown vic jumping out and grabbing a protester and dragging him away.
I'm saying that it could be staged in that it's real military, we know that, but that they could be staging snatch and grabs as we know they did in Ottawa.
The Royal Mounted Police have admitted last year that they staged an attack on their own police, then had to fake arrest the anarchist.
Put them into police cars.
That's admitted Toronto Sun.
But of course, the neocon websites are not going to admit that.
They're just going to keep saying nothing's happening, there's no sound cannons, none of this is going on, stand down, this is not an assault, classic Pentagon operation.
They're also, of course, saying that the video of sound cannons and police in black uniforms and the army sound cannoning people, including children, is fake.
It's all admitted, but they're going to make it about a debate of whether it's real or not.
So we never psychologically have a debate on whether it's good to have the military sound canoning children and saying no protest allowed.
They may even say Pittsburgh doesn't exist.
They may even say Pennsylvania doesn't exist.
So you will then debate with them that Pennsylvania exists.
There are over 8,000 news articles today on Google News if you put the term New World Order in.
Over 8,000.
Openly announcing it's a global government, global tax, that the U.S.
is going down, that Obama's great for being the new president of the world, chairing the U.N.
Security Council.
The U.N.
Security Council exists.
Obama exists.
All of this exists.
But if they can just keep saying it doesn't exist while they say it exists and it's good, then when you say I don't like it, they then say it doesn't exist.
Burmas, that is classical psychological warfare.
Jason Burmas reporting from the head of the march in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Yes, sir.
Right now, it looks like a little over 2,000 people.
They are condensed into one street.
There seems to be much less of a police presence at this march, at least at the moment.
We're not really anywhere near downtown Pittsburgh yet.
So we'll see what happens as we approach it if they let us go over into the downtown area.
I highly doubt it.
The downtown area is where you see the heaviest concentration of military.
Right now I'm taping, and this is more of an eclectic group.
Yesterday I didn't see any of the Iraqi war veterans against the war.
Here I'm seeing dozens if not hundreds.
I'm seeing around 100, 150 free to protestors.
It seems like, you know, although there is an anarchist element here, they're somewhere towards the middle of the crowd and we can only hope that they won't be able to provocateur the event today as they
Well, what they're going to do is they're going to wait until you get to the place where the police are masked in front and to the sides.
Then once you get into the trap, police will come from behind.
Then the anarchists for the news media will then come out of the middle, go to the front,
They'll probably stage it with the police on a hill so they can roll a garbage dumpster at them for dramatic effect like it did yesterday.
They'll then open fire with rubber bullets, pepper spray, and sound cannons on the 2000 so the media can replay yesterday and every other big event we've seen.
Here's the key, Burmas.
Jason Burmas reporting from Pittsburgh.
We're going to play this video which the neocons are saying is fake.
They're saying it's not real military.
It's clearly real military.
They're clearly wearing the real badge.
It's a plastic clear badge with a white badge for the police to recognize in the arm.
It's clearly an unmarked Crown Vic.
You can look.
It's military.
They're well conditioned.
They're in good shape.
They're big military police cops.
You see the classic hired informant types giving hand signals.
When you watch the video, they're giving hand signals to the police.
Uh, and, and they, the guy is smiling and laughing, and the cops are, just like the urban warfare drills they do, they then do the drills live action, but don't tell people they're drills.
I'm almost sure, watching this video, as they throw him in, he's laughing, then the guy with him gives a hand signal to police, they drive off into tear gas.
This is a PSYOP to sell people on the idea that the military pulls up and grabs you into a car, and that's how they protect their people that have just engaged in some type of violence.
We didn't see that on the video, but the video is very short.
That may have happened earlier for the police to have a pretext to crack down on people.
Jason Bermas.
We're good to go.
Of course, we saw the chaos yesterday, and you know, I'm prepared for anything.
Hopefully I'm going to get to be able to talk to some of these protesters when we get down to the downtown area.
But I am seeing a lot of signs that are really busting through the left-right paradigm.
A few people have an amalgamation of both Barack Obama and George Bush as one being.
They get it.
They understand this war is not over.
This war is not ending.
The economy is only getting worse.
We are moving towards global governance.
Of course you have a lot of well-meaning idiots out here as well, but we can only hope to reach them, Alex.
Well, we're playing video right now of last night at the university with police and military and military and riot gear with shotguns with rubber bullets that will kill you if they shoot you from five, ten feet away in many cases.
There's been a lot of that.
And they come up with a billy club and attack an innocent woman and tackle her for absolutely no reason.
Well, yesterday when I was able to catch the local news after everything had died down and basically we had been warded into a corner where we couldn't go anywhere for about an hour.
They wouldn't let us over a bridge, even on foot.
I saw this one girl, she must have been, you know, 100 pounds.
I had interviewed her earlier in the day because she had a very provocative sign.
She had a sign that said, smack an anarchist.
And when I went and talked to her about it, she said, look, I'm all about free speech.
I'm all about protesting.
But when you get dressed up in black and you put a black mask on and you're here to destroy property, what is that going to accomplish?
And I was like, right on.
You know, you're dead right.
You know, we have our freedom of speech, but those people aren't helping.
And that's the girl they arrest.
This girl with a sign who is out there on her own trying to exercise her free speech and enlighten people to the fact that, listen,
You don't need to, you know, dress in all black and think you're a tough guy and follow along with the tourists.
For instance, Wendy Sheehan actually went to the anarchist meeting the night before last, before yesterday's protest, and was kicked out.
They didn't want her there.
They don't want legitimate voices amongst them because they know they control the idiot masses.
Well, I'm watching the video of the guy that was arrested by the police after the military grabbed the one guy, and this looks fake to me.
Clearly, with the other guy, it is fake.
But if this person isn't an operative, he needs to later contact us and explain to us what happened.
But talking to Douglas, talking to you, Bermas, Douglas has said it clearly looks staged with what he's seen.
What do you think of these anarchists?
Well, you know, I think a lot of them are just well-meaning idiots.
However, the people in charge, the people that are directing them, obviously have an agenda.
You know, I got an interview with about 20 of the anarchists yesterday, prior to the march, and I mean, they were just, it was idiocy.
I'm like,
Well, what your group is called, Blotten, they were like, Team Spacebag.
And I'm like, what does Team Spacebag even mean?
And no one could tell me.
They all just gave me a dumb look.
They're just like, you're anarchy!
You're anarchy!
And they said some other vulgar things, but none of the issues were being discussed.
They had no other objective other than to be there and try to rebel against something they know nothing about.
Well, that's how it works, is that we've been in the Fed protests and other places, and these anarchists will come in who are well-spoken, in good shape, and they'll say, come on, let's cause trouble, let's do something bad.
And then in the Fed protestors have caught them later going, yeah, we can't get these people to even jaywalk.
What are we going to do?
And over and over again, the Feds have been caught provocateuring, state police have been caught going into meetings and getting maybe one out of a thousand people in a warehouse to say they'll do something violent, and then they raid the whole facility.
And again, we hope that doesn't happen again.
I am seeing about a presence of about a hundred or so anarchists in the middle of the march in a concentrated area.
Again, Alex, we'll see when we get down there.
Right now, the police presence is very, very slim.
The guards are not armed to the teeth as they were yesterday.
I have yet to see any military.
Really, the biggest concentration of riot police was at the university on the way in.
Of course, this protest took place as
But Burmas, this is how it always works.
They want the march concentrated because it's easier to block in.
Once you near your destination, that's when, watch, they're going to come out and block the street, then come in on the sides, let you fill up the pincer movement, and then they're going to close the gate on the back of you.
And there's been a lot of tear gassing going on, a lot of microwave gunning going on, I mean a lot of sound cannoning going on, and meanwhile the neocons are denying on their websites that any of this is even happening.
Well, it's just incredible, Alex.
I mean, I don't know how the mainstream media is going to cover this, but this is at least 2,000 people.
This may be on the brink of 3,000.
You know, just milling my way to the front of the line took me about 15, 20 minutes.
Barmus, do we know why they attacked... I'm gonna ask this when we come back.
I'm gonna ask Douglas as well.
Stay there, Jason Douglas.
Also in another area of the March.
Why did they attack the university last night?
I mean, I've got video of them attacking frat kids.
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Alright, we're now going to Jason Douglas who's with Rob Due in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in another area of the 2,000 plus people that we estimate are marching right now from Pitt, there in Pittsburgh, into another area of the city.
Where again are you guys marching, Jason Douglas?
Right now we are at Seneca Street and 5th Avenue.
We're in between the Convention Center and UPenn.
Usually they attack on the first official day because they want to set the precedent that protesting is bad and you're violent and bad.
But I think you're going to see even more tonight coming up.
Um, basically I have a feeling that they're funneling us into someplace, so then they'll start to splinter us off, and then they'll close the gate, just like they did yesterday.
Yeah, that's the standard operating procedure.
They may do something else.
Uh, you've said on air, but can you elaborate that these people, these anarchists, act and behave like feds, the few engaged in violence?
Right, well, basically you have a large group of people dressed in black with black masks and, you know, all thing anarchist type stuff.
You can tell that the larger group
You know, it's people that just want something else besides what we have right now, and are looking to anything.
But then you have these capos that are basically in control of the larger group, and they're doing paramilitary stuff, where, you know, they're basically funneling people, they're obviously working in coordination, and then they do these spurts of violence.
It's just provocation.
I'm watching video from Pitt last night with the sound cannons hitting people.
It's just unbelievably hardcore for the radio listeners.
You can go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and watch all these scores of videos we have posted to give you different snapshots of what happened.
We're also streaming this live at PrisonPlanet.tv right now, the video.
Jason, I want these night time shots.
The Darth Vader element of it is incredibly cinematic to get the point across in the next film.
The Darth Vader... We were actually out last night.
We drove right by the area that they said all the violence took place.
And we were thinking we were just there.
So if an event happened, it was a coordinated event with the police and with the military.
Because it happened in 15 minutes.
Yeah, how they're treating us is
And the cops love bugging their eyes out at everybody with pure hatred.
I mean, they've really been trained to hate the citizenry of this nation.
And he said, you better get that camera out of my face.
I've actually caught behind the lines, like just the guys, once they become guys and they just start talking to each other, they're questioning their orders.
They're actually, I heard some people saying something like, you know, these people are just, you know, want to be heard.
Why can't, why can't they just let them speak?
So there is dissension in the race.
Um, we are having an effect out here.
Well, the cops usually figure out later that there were provocateurs hired by the feds in there.
Yet it's happened all over the nation.
People that aren't aware of that.
The latest incident was the Denver Post reported on what happened last year at the DNC in Denver.
The police were posing as anarchists attacking other police.
They also hire informants, federal informants, state informants.
We've got Bob Chapman coming up for 30 minutes to break down what's happening with the economy and what the G20 is announcing they want to do with the economy.
But I want to check back in with you guys in the last hour today, 3 o'clock Eastern, 2 o'clock Central Standard Time.
And I also want to talk to Rob Dew at that time and check back in with Burmess.
Thank you so much, Jason Douglas.
Call us if any new developments happen or if they start closing the gap on you.
Before three o'clock, if anything happens, which probably will, call in and we'll preempt programming to bring you up, okay?
Okay, I'm going to head to the head of the line and see if I can... Well, hold on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't hang up though.
I need to talk to Rob Due because he set up our next guest and we're having some conflicting issues here and it's been hard to get a hold of him.
So I need you to get Rob Due so I can talk to him on the phone during this three-minute break, okay?
Okay, I will try to find him.
There's a lot of people here and we separated to do coverage.
Oh, man.
And we can't get him to answer his phone.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on with his phone.
My phone's having a lot of problems, too.
It seems like Pittsburgh only has one carrier, and so everybody else that's not on that carrier is having problems receiving calls.
Well, the feds are known to jam them, too, at demonstrations.
All right, I'll talk to you during the break.
He's normally radio producing, doing some of that here, and we'll try to figure that out, as well.
I'm trying to get a hold of him since 9 o'clock this morning.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen with our live coverage of the G20.
Bob Chapman for the next 30 minutes is going to be joining us, maybe a little bit longer.
The International Forecaster as we break down the economic side of what's happening with the New World Order.
But before we go to Bob Chapman, Jason Bermas in the protest, more than 2,000 people marching to the Convention Center from Pitt, from the University.
They have been using sound cannons yesterday, video after video of them attacking young women, sound cannoning nine-year-old, ten-year-old boys in their front yards, bizarre videos of armored vehicles with sound cannons.
There's got to be dozens and dozens of these units.
We've got videos of five or six sound cannons together at one intersection firing at people that actually can damage the middle ear.
It bypasses the eardrums, goes right to the bones in your ear, vibrating them violently.
Very, very painful.
Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie.
These are used in Iraq.
Military police are getting out of cars, running up and snatching and grabbing people and cramming them into police cars.
I mean, it is something out of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany or Maoist China.
This is all off the charts.
The USA Today, Obama set stage for New World Order.
Other papers reporting he's now president of the world.
CNN reporting he's now chairing the true body that runs the UN, the 15-member Security Council that has all the power.
The General Assembly has no power.
One member of the Security Council can veto the other 180-plus members.
All of this is happening.
They're openly announcing to get rid of the dollar, a new global currency, which will just be cashless, and the private banks
This new bank of the world will be the world government.
They're now admitting that.
They're going to pay a carbon tax to private banks, a Tobin tax.
We're going to talk to Bob Chapman in one moment.
Jason Burmas, InfoWars reporter, you'll be back live Sunday.
Six to nine here, with your own show, giving your own first-hand account.
We'll have incredible video, never-before-seen, of stuff from rooftops, of Luke Rodowski bullhorning them as they hit him with sound cannons, people fleeing, just off the charts.
But anything else, Jason Burmess?
No, really Alex, I just had a group of Mariah Police pass me with a couple of dogs.
They seem to be now in a formation following protesters down.
I really can't see that far ahead of me whether or not they're going to be warding off the streets.
We are approaching the city.
I'd say we're probably one, maybe two miles away from the downtown area.
Again, the downtown area has been nothing but restricted access.
They have not let protesters in.
I'm waiting to see, just along with the rest of us, what's going to happen when we get down there.
Well, I'll tell you right now, these police officers are guarding the private bankers that are openly stealing them blind.
$23.7 trillion stolen in the last 10 months.
They are openly aiding and abetting treason.
And they're destroying their own future, so they're going to punish themselves.
The videos we've seen, Burmese, of them beating young women for no reason, hitting small children in neighborhoods, and you said you saw this yesterday.
Jason Douglas confirmed, we need to get a headline up, that he saw them rolling through neighborhoods, hitting people on their front porches, announcing no one's even allowed outside their homes, they don't care what your business is, not even one person now can walk
Clearly they're hurting you.
They're going to block off the streets soon, block you in front, then the sides, then in back, and then attack you.
Get out!
As soon as you see them starting to close the net, get out so you can shoot video from the outside.
Jason Burmas, great job.
We salute your courage.
Alright, thank you Alex.
I'll call in later with a report if I have anything.
Absolutely, yeah.
You know, I've been to more than 20 of these events over the years and filmed similar things happening, but never seen them use the sound cannons.
I saw them having them in New York and other places and running mopeds and horses into people and tear-gassing and rubber-bulleting and arresting innocent people and provocateurs and... I've had the military pull guns on us once in San Antonio.
But I have never seen something of this magnitude going on.
Let's go to Bob Chapman.
Former stockbroker, former gold broker, at one time ran the biggest private newsletter out there, came back out of retirement with the International Forecaster, also worked in military intelligence.
Always great to have him on with us.
We were off last Friday, so we skipped our meeting with him, but it's good to have him here.
Bob, quite a momentous occasion.
They're openly announcing Obama as President of the World, openly announcing he's the head of the UN Security Council, the real power position in the UN, the chairmanship.
Openly announcing world government and an end of the dollar.
This is amazing.
Well, it was expected.
We didn't know when, but it was expected and it's happening.
It's still going to take them a long time to try to implement this.
They're going to get all kinds of heat from the American public and the public of other countries as well.
And I think their pronouncements
Regarding cutting back on the amount of money in credit and the amount of money being issued by central banks to keep banks within their systems functioning.
All of that is a smokescreen.
They cannot cut back.
If they cut back, the whole system collapses.
Now, it all depends on when they want to collapse the system, too.
But I figure they'll try to keep it going
For about a year and a half to two more years and then I think they're going to pull the plug.
And what I mean by that is they'll stop inundating the world economy with money and credit and shut it down.
It will go into a deflationary depression.
They'll probably accompany it by biological warfare against everybody in the world.
And then I think they'll make their move for world government.
I think that this meeting is really a facade for something more important that they've got planned down the road.
They really didn't go deeply into anything except each country auditing one another to make sure that they weren't getting themselves into any further financial trouble.
And that would be overlooked by the IMF.
And that's a new development.
They also want world regulation of all securities transactions.
They also want to tax it as well, incidentally.
And they're openly announcing in Times of London, BBC, AP Reuters, everything we've broken down they would do because we're reading their own documents for decades.
It's no surprise, but for the public it is, who was denying what we were saying.
But the very same private banks that created the derivatives bubble are now going to be the world regulators and it's going to be a private bank of the world that we pay our taxes to and then the UN just serves as their military enforcer along with NATO and the United States and Obama said in speeches, America must serve the New World Order.
And the media is praising him, saying, oh, he admits America isn't powerful anymore.
I mean, this is unbelievable treason, Bob, and to see him chair the U.N.
Security Council, something no president would do before on the rotating council, because it's unconstitutional, Article 1, Section 9.
Speak to that.
Well, you're absolutely right.
But to these people, the Constitution doesn't mean anything.
They are the ultimate law.
They do what they want to do.
And they're going to continue to do that as long as we let them.
And that's why your program and programs like it and the publications such as the Forecaster are so important.
And believe me, we discussed this before, we are reaching the public.
They are waking up.
And the military knows exactly what's going on at all of the medium to lower levels.
They know what the government's pulling.
What they're doing.
You know, I have them on every week on one of the programs and the information that comes in is incredible.
In fact, we just got a heads up on, and I don't know if you've heard about this, but there were three ships which were out of San Diego and one of them, I guess, off the coast of Spain.
Yeah, that's in the Associated Press.
But I've got the information from
Or some of the wives of these people.
And so it'll be in tomorrow's issue as to the fact that two of the senior officers of one of the ships died with this experiment that they pulled using American military people as guinea pigs.
Wait, are you saying Project Shad or something similar has been reignited?
In fact, I will send you a copy of what I'm putting out as soon as we get off the program.
I just sent a piece to Bill Diegel, who had requested I send it to him when I get the information, and I'll give it to you as soon as I get off the air.
I can't do it at this very moment.
Is it okay if we link to it at that point, or do you want us to wait until tomorrow?
No, you do anything you want.
All right.
This is public information.
Okay, good.
We'll get it up.
Now, I just want to be sure, Bob.
A separate issue.
Then I want to talk about the police state going on in the G20, the suspension of the First Amendment publicly by the police, literally hitting children with sound cannons on video, in photos.
I wanted to bring this up to you.
Classic MO, like we've seen in all the other cases, where they provocateur some mentally ill person, or it's an informant patsy they set up
They admit in Dallas and in Illinois, they wanted to bomb a 60-story skyscraper in Dallas, where I'm from, the big pyramid building.
They wanted to bomb a federal building in Illinois, and in each case it says the feds made a bomb where the person's commander, they thought their Al-Qaeda commander, gave it to them to go carry it out, and these guys are both
Out of prisons, which is where they always recruit them out of, and it's the same story every time, where they go, even CNN goes, oh yeah, the FBI went and found the guy, let him, gave him the truck bomb, what he thought was a truck bomb, gave him the other bomb, totally staged at the same time, now being blamed on Iran, as they openly say Iran now has hidden nukes, just like they said with Iraq, the WMDs that didn't exist, and that Israel may hit Iran.
Can you speak to that?
Well, it's all a fallacy as we know, and it's a setup, and they may be looking to attack Iran.
And they're using the same script, they're just changing the last letter from Iraq to Iran, a Q to an N. We've had a lot of experts and former CIA analysts on, they're saying if Iran is hit, any one of the three scenarios is going to be devastating.
That's right, because I'm sure that Russia and then China will get involved on the other side.
And it'll be nuclear warfare.
There's no doubt in my mind.
And all I can say to you is, listeners, go and look at some of the pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a few days after the bomb was dropped.
You want to look at it.
There was nothing left standing virtually.
Well, I'll tell you why I believe it may have been green-lighted.
Benjamin Netanyahu says it is.
Medvedev, the puppet president of Russia, saying, oh, we're going to go ahead and put sanctions on Iran.
This came two weeks after Netanyahu, Jerusalem Post reported, as well as Moscow Times, traveled to Moscow in a secret meeting to get the green light to hit him.
And then suddenly Obama announced they're not going to do the missile system now.
As a tit for tat, it looks like Russia may have gotten on board.
It's possible, but I was told by my informants that they are now able to accomplish the same thing via submarine as they could have with the missile emplacements in Poland and the radar in Czechoslovakia.
And I was told that Netanyahu was virtually thrown out of the office because he demanded that Russia stay out of it.
If Israel went after Iran, and there was a big argument, and that's, you know, I have to treat it as rumor inasmuch as you never know how good intelligence is.
I had that in the publication on Wednesday, I believe, but one of my people wrote in and I just actually published it the way it was.
But, you know, it's hard to say here what they're going to do because there's so much misinformation and there's so much information that we don't get.
This is a big thing.
I do know that they're planning on putting 500,000 troops and mercenaries in Afghanistan and they've got about 160 now.
Yes, that's now been leaked from the Pentagon.
500,000 trips.
Boy, what a piece Nick Obama is.
Let me shift gears here, Bob.
I want to get your take on this.
Microwave guns.
We have video.
We've been playing it, driving through neighborhoods.
No one's even on the street.
People are videotaping out their windows.
And there's photos we've got.
I was looking at it last night.
Aaron's still asleep because he was up until 5 a.m., I'm told.
I left at 2 a.m.
after I was on coast-to-coast AM and did some work here.
I should have printed that off, but it was photos and videos on his computer, I can go check during a break and try to find it, of like little kids just walking down the street or in their front yard, no one's... and they got a ball.
It's the classic shot, and here comes an armored vehicle hitting them with LRAD.
I mean, this is... these cops are just mad dogs, like mad dogs that have tasted blood in a feeding frenzy.
I mean, little kids are bad now?
And because they're saying, no one's allowed on the streets.
No one!
Go in your houses!
You know, hitting the... I mean, what is that, Bob?
All I can tell them is we better start taking names.
There's going to be retribution for stuff like that.
But, I mean, why would police drive through neighborhoods where there are no protesters?
You can see on the videos, the cameras panning, and the photos we've got of separate incidents, and you've got families on their front porches, and doing them, say they have this video, but they're too busy to try to upload it because they're running on the streets.
And their laptop was crapping out last night.
They stayed up late trying to do it.
But the point is, is that they're running, is that, is that they've got video, they say, of people on their front porches.
Douglas has this.
Just, just, just literally being hit with the LRAD going, why?
I mean, I mean, now in America you can't be on your porch?
Well, this is one of two reasons.
They either want to stir up an uprising by attacking people in this way.
Or are they just plain demented?
Well, I think it's like a bully likes to sit on top of you and spit in your face and punch you.
And I just think it's, you know, they've been told, let them know they're serfs.
Let them know you're in charge.
They admit the black uniforms and masks are for intimidation.
Well, that's true.
But how can a real man, and I'm not saying I'm some tough guy or something, but I would be ashamed of messing with weak people.
You know, I mean, I don't, I would be ashamed.
My instincts are leave weak people alone.
But boy, some big guy starts something with me.
I mean, that gets me fired up.
Like, I mean, isn't that how you're supposed to be?
That a warrior wants to fight other warriors, not go around messing with nine-year-old kids and 95-pound women?
And you're right.
That's normality.
That's the way normal people would react to that.
And people will pick on children.
Well, they're out of their minds is what they are.
I mean, this is insane!
By the way, Dave Mustaine is on.
Rob is the producer that handled that.
He left town on short notice, didn't get Dave Mustaine's
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Patman is our guest.
Bob, I'll just ask you live here on air.
We got Dave Mustaine coming on.
I don't know what your schedule is today, but I want to finish up with you on where the economy's going, what the G20 is doing from your analysis.
You want to come up with us in about an hour and a half again for another 30?
Or do you just want to pop in next Friday?
We can cover it then.
No, I can come back.
I'm free in an hour and a half.
An hour and a half, my friend.
We're going to get a report at the start of the hour from my guys at the G20.
The timing should be it's going to get hot and heavy by then.
My little nose tells me.
But they'll be popping in.
But yes, I'd like to have you the last 30 minutes of the show.
T-minus one hour, 30 minutes from now, my friend.
Okay, and Judy just sent you the information on those ships and the casualties on your email, which starts wave two.
Okay, good.
We will have it now.
All right.
Thank you, Bob.
We'll get into the economy for a full 30 minutes because people really are concerned about that, your take on the flu, and a lot more coming up.
God bless you.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I did want to spend some time here
Today, telling you about the new film we're carrying that I'm in, and that I also consulted on.
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When these shirts are sold out, we're not going to make any more of the Obama Joker posters, uh, shirts.
So that's available at Infowars.com and your purchase not only gives you a shirt to get the word out, high-quality video to educate your friends and family about the real FEMA camps, how they really operate, all the rumors in, the documentation begins with Camp FEMA, but you can also get the t-shirt for $5.95.
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We don't care.
We just want to get the information out to people.
That's all available at Infowars.com.
Also, in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
But we've got Dave Mustaine coming on with his new album, Endgame.
We're going to be putting that on screen for all the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
To be clear, we're simulcast on AM, FM, Global, Shortwave, Satellite, and The Friday Show re-airs Saturdays on XM.
But please get Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Thank you.
So vital at InfoWars.com on the online video bookstore or call toll free 888-253-3139.
That number again to call and ask questions or ask about combos and specials or to get the mailing address 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com is the easiest and best way.
And we're simulcasting the radio show visually as a television program as well at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Dave Mustaine.
Founder and lead guitarist of Magadeth.
Joining us straight ahead about his new album, Endgame.
It's got the FEMA coffins on the cover to give you an idea of what it's about.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to continue to cover the G20.
Open world government being announced.
Barack Obama is the first U.S.
President to sit as the
Chairman of the United Nations Security Council, the 15-member, that's the only group that can really vote and has power.
The General Assembly has no power.
CNN called him President of the World.
And he was shaking when he gaveled it in two days ago.
Shaking with pleasure.
Ambassador Rice behind him was shaking.
Henry Kissinger was shaking in the audience.
This is the New World Order, the Eugenics World Government, now coming into fruition.
We are joined by Dave Mustaine, the founder and lead guitarist and lead singer of Megadeth.
Guitarist, lead singer of Megadeth, Megadeth.com.
The new album is in game, and I just want to say that growing up, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 today, I have always loved Megadeth because the lyrics
I didn't even really understand him when I was 12, 14, 15 years old, 20 years old, but then as I learned about the new world order, the eugenics, the master plan, it really did influence me.
I didn't even realize how much it did.
A man way before his time understanding what was coming.
Most of their covers are about the UN and world government, and now it's all happening.
Dave Mustaine, joining us.
Thank you so much, sir.
You're welcome, Alex.
What do you think about what's happening?
World government being announced.
It's pretty frightening.
It's pretty frightening.
I have to be really careful when I do my interviews and talk about a lot of stuff because, you know, you have to be objective and you have to give people the right to think out of the box.
But I think you and I agree on a lot of things.
And especially, I want to tell you thanks for inspiring me to look into the whole Endgame film.
And I actually had discovered this document through watching an inspirational video and then, you know, I know we've spoken before and that was a privilege for me because I believe you're a patriot and I think that our country needs more people like you.
And as far as having our record called Endgame, you know, I think the best way to thank somebody is to, you know,
Great credit where credit's due, so thanks.
Now we just need one big boob.
Well, I tell you, I mean, my wife is freaked out because she researches all this and she says, it's happening.
It's world government, world taxes, world carbon taxes.
We're going to go to break in a moment and some stations join us, but Dave, tell us about the new record that's already, from what I've seen in the news, exploding up the charts in-game.
Well, the new record we have recorded in a studio that I own in San Marcos, California.
I moved back to San Diego after the lawsuit with Ellison.
I just didn't want to be in the same city with him, so we moved.
And then when I started doing this record, of course, I have a real free world kind of thinking.
With my lyrics and stuff, so it was just going to be more of the same with this record, just continuing my idea to raise awareness and to help people think.
I may not be right, but I'm certainly right to inspire people to question.
And this record has a lot of topics in it.
It talks about the collapse of the financial institutions.
I went to school and I got licensed by the state and federal government to work on Wall Street as a stockbroker.
I figured being in the music business, most people in the music business aren't very smart when it comes to their money, so I wanted to be smart and educate myself about that.
And along the way, you learn so much.
The more that you're willing to exercise your brain, the more that
Dave, we've got a break.
We've got a break.
The satellite makes us break.
Stay right there.
We'll be right back with Dave Mustaine, the founder of Megadeth.
Stay with us.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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How much do you want?
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How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're good.
I'm going to start head-banging here in a minute.
Dave, I listened to that song.
What did that come out in the early 1990s?
Yeah, that was Countdown to Extinction.
Now you watch as the president is the head of the UN Security Council and the president and they're openly announcing world government.
How did you know all of this 15 years ago?
I don't know.
They're lucky guess maybe.
Paying attention to the news, listening to people like yourself, other people who are thinking for themselves and they're not being led off the slaughter like mindless sheep.
Some stations just joined us.
Dave Mustaine, the founder and guitarist and lead singer of Megadeth.
Megadeth.com is the website.
A lot about the band, what's happening, what's going on.
But you got interrupted by the break.
Let's get back into what influenced your new, very popular, out-of-the-gates, just-released album, Endgame.
And you were getting into how they try to call us conspiracy theorists, but it's all now being announced.
Dave Mustaine.
It's really easy for people, whenever you talk about things that are controversial in nature, for people to sit on the sidelines and point their fingers.
So, when anybody says anything that's controversial in nature, especially stuff that has to do with our government or any of the administration, whether they say it's anti-patriotic or they say that you're just a nut job to be even more insulting.
You know, our nation was founded on people who think outside of the box, people who questioned authority, people who looked at things and said, you know, I don't agree with this.
Well, it certainly was.
The cover of Endgame, a lot of people have emailed me saying, what is it?
And I go, well, it's totally clear.
It's a bunch of, and tell me if I'm wrong, like zombie slaves in concentration camp uniforms being marched off towards a pyramidal light.
And there's stacks of the FEMA coffins that have been deployed all over the country at depots.
And there's a bunch of flies basically feeding on the death surrounding it.
Is that an accurate breakdown of the cover?
That's really, really, really close.
Everything that you said is accurate.
There's a little bit more symbology there that you might not have noticed.
A lot of the biblical stuff, like with the parting of the Red Sea and the people going through, there's also the barcode that's on their heads.
If you look closely inside the
Album cover has a larger picture, but if you look closely on the cover, there's what appears to be a mohawk going up the back of his guy's head.
That's not what it is.
When you get inside of the cover and you look at it, it's the barcode, because, you know, they say nothing can be bought or sold without the mark, and it's going to be on your hand, your forehead, but nobody said it's going to go, you know, left to right.
How about if it's, you know, fashionable like a mohawk?
And then the thing with the flies on the outside and the way that they're just waiting, that was one of the plagues.
That's right.
Well there you have it from Dave Mustaine and am I right to say that it kind of nexuses at a paramount point like the eye of Lucifer or the eye of Satan that is energizing the scene?
Wow, that's pretty heavy.
No, we didn't, I didn't go that deep with that particular part of it.
There is a light that they're heading to at the end, but it was more kind of like a, I don't know, if the Eye of Oris or whatever, you know, that kind of whole Stargate kind of thing where you're, stay away from the light, you know what I mean?
It was just something that they were walking to, and it was just something that we, in blind faith, are walking to, and we don't even realize what we're walking through.
Wow, what a heavy cover.
And I've seen, you know, doing some research for this interview, and also checking the album out, all these people speculating what it is, and I looked at it immediately and said, yeah, those are people marching to their death.
Tell us about some of the songs in the album.
Okay, the album starts off with a classic guitar duel.
I think a lot of your listeners will really dig the lyrics on this record, but there's also a lot of great guitar work.
Guitar players have become very sophisticated because of heavy metal in America.
It peaked in the 90s when all the hair bands came out and it lost its integrity to a lot of people.
And it went underground and now it's making a resurgence.
They came through a period where they weren't even doing guitar solos.
This guitar, this record is full of guitar solos.
And we start off with an instrumental that's just, you know, lobbying guitar solos back and forth to each other, or volleying them back and forth with me and another guitar player.
And the next song is called This Day We Fight, which is influenced by the
The war speech that Aragon gave, or whatever his name was, in Lord of the Rings.
You know, saying that, hey man, we may die tomorrow, but we're not going to die today, because this day we're going to fight, and we're going to kick butt, and we're going to take down names.
And that's how it's been for us.
You know, we've really had to fight an uphill battle, but it really seems like the worm's turned.
Websites like Blabbermouth that have hated me since the day that they started gave us some 8.5 on our new record, and they said that it's time for them to pay attention to Professor Dave, and I'm thinking,
You know, this is a website that whenever I would say anything, they would post a story about it and slam me.
So it's amazing the way that everything is turned around right now for us, for me, for just sticking to my guns too.
There was a period where a lot of heavy metal bands reinvented themselves.
We go into different songs like 1320, the song about drag racing, and the National Hot Rod Association loves the song.
We've got a song called 44 Minutes, which is about the North Hollywood bank robbery that happened back in the 90s.
Of course, the title track, which is about the document that I discovered that our former president had signed.
It was brought to my attention by searching the web, knowing who you are, and also seeing the part that you posted about Lou Dobbs, because I really respect that guy.
There's just something really wrong about this, and I looked into it and I thought, that's it.
I'm going to sing a song about this because it's perfect.
It completely predicts, because I read 1984 when I was just a kid, and I've got so many songs about this, like Hook Your Mouth was about that.
There's just a whole bunch of stuff that talks about this future world that we're just blindly marching into.
Well, we certainly are blindly marching in.
We have video and photos of neighborhoods with no one even protesting, with the Pittsburgh police in Pennsylvania saying for the G20, no one's allowed to congregate, no one's allowed to be on the street.
They say, flee!
And then they turn on the sound cannons.
They hit my employees with it.
We've got video of them walking up to women and Billy clubbing them in the head.
Video... Pardon me?
Oh no, it's incredible.
We've got video, and we'll play some of it in the background for people watching at PrisonPlanet.tv, not just on the radio, of the military pulling up and grabbing peaceful protesters, snatching and grabbing, cramming them into unmarked police cars.
The military!
I mean, so they're not only announcing the world government and the world tax, and Obama is now a dual president in the U.N.
and the U.S.
as the chairman of the Security Council, but now the military's... I mean, it's like they want us to know
That they're in control?
Yeah, I think so, huh?
That's so sad.
I guess you take a mortal man, you put him in control.
Watch him become a god.
That's right.
And these things, you know, I've been talking about them forever.
As long as I can write music, I've been talking about stuff like this.
It didn't really get to a point where people would
You don't really take anything that I said seriously.
I mean, imagine what it's like for these poor guys that sing songs about dragons.
Well, exactly.
But I mean, again, I've gone over the years and read your lyrics again, and it just rung true when I was 20 years ago.
I mean, I've been listening to Megadeth since it started when I was about 12.
and uh... when you started it uh... and and and i was like i don't know it was always probably my favorite if not my favorite uh... you have a metal bag like the speed mail and everything on the mix in the different and i like the fact that you're not fake you've never changed i mean expanded and and grown but but it's never change you're not changing your hairstyle or acting silly or or trying to you know this is yet i mean you're doing what you want to do being authentic and i think that really
Well, I think that's a very American way, too, to be true to yourself and stand up for what you believe in.
It's hard for people to really stand up for what they believe in anymore, because if you do something like that, they'll vilify you if you're doing anything that isn't status quo.
Yeah, it was hard in the very beginning to be open about my life, the problems I had, and to be open about, you know, the band and problems we had.
And, you know, people were not responding to that very well.
But now, at this point, I can always say that, you know, I've been sincere since the beginning.
You see these other guys that do these image makeovers and go from one band where they're dressed like, you know, they're the big fun man for Change Addiction, and then the next band they're in, they're, you know, in some, like, biker band.
And it's like, how can you convince, how can you sell that?
How can you convince your fans of the following?
That one day you can be an androgynous space queen and the next day you can be, you know, the spawn of the big red machine, you know?
Well, again, you have been anti-New World Order, anti-global government.
How long has Megadeth been around?
21 years?
Yeah, it's been close to 25 years.
When we started, it took a little time until we got the first lineup and went into the studio to record.
That happens a lot.
Stay there, Dave.
Gotta break again.
Sorry to cut you off.
We'll be right back.
Dave Mustaine.
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I woke up and I fly to see my boss
We're good.
Wake up, people!
So much.
Hear the whole song, the whole album, at Megadeth.com.
M-E-G-A-D-E-T-H dot com.
Or just Google Megadeth, the term endgame, get it at iTunes, get the CD, get it all at Megadeth.com.
We need to support this type of message.
Megadeth is up there at the very top of heavy metal, ladies and gentlemen.
And these folks have packed stadiums across the planet.
We need this anti-New World Order message now more than ever to warn people.
Whatever's going to happen with the New World Order, whatever this global system's going to do, we have to stand and resist it.
And the clergy response teams have been hired by the feds to tell their flocks to not stand up and not resist.
They're going to be raptured out.
Ladies and gentlemen...
That is unbelievable.
Dave Mustaine, I tell you, every time I hear that song since it came out last week, it just blows me away and the lyrics just get even more hard-hitting.
The RFID, the New World Order, the President, and then we played in the first hour audio of armored vehicles with sound cannons saying almost the same thing you've got in that intro.
I mean, talk about unbelievable!
Well, I'm a real American.
Hell yeah you are, and let me tell you, tens of millions of Megadeth fans worldwide are now going to finally understand, they're always, why does he have the UN on the cover of his, you say my film Endgame influenced your album Endgame, this cover that I designed, I told the graphics person what to make, was influenced by a Megadeth cover.
Did you notice that when you saw the Endgame DVD cover, that it was similar to that one where you have the UN and the flagless flagpoles?
You know what?
I know exactly what you're talking about.
I never saw the correlation.
That's amazing.
But it's just crazy that you influence me and I'm influencing you.
Well, that's what I believe good ideas when people share stuff like that.
It's a grassroots kind of thing and people, they benefit from it in a huge way when they share the truth.
Because the truth is undeniable.
In fact, that was from Peace Sells.
Peace Sells, but who's buying?
That's awesome!
That was actually something that I saw.
I got that song title from a Reader's Digest magazine.
I was living with this girl, and she went to work, and I was a lazy musician, so I stayed back at her place.
Um, there was the Reader's Digest there.
That's why I make fun of the magazine and the song Sweating Bullets, why I say, nice story, tell it to Reader's Digest.
Well, yeah, because I actually read that magazine for a little while after I got the lyric, I mean the title for it.
He sells out of it.
Interesting little book, but not something that's really modern anymore, I guess.
What did you think of my film, Endgame itself, specifically?
I loved it.
I thought it was great.
I mean, you're very brave to go and get in the face of people like this.
I guess we all have our calling.
Dave, we're about to break in a minute.
Long segment coming up.
In fact, we'll probably pull up P-Cells and play some of that, but some of the new album as well.
How do folks, what's the best way, where's the best place to get your new album in-game and to support what you're doing?
Well, I would say through Amazon or through iTunes.
You know, you can listen to the music in many, many places right now.
MySpace and iTunes really support it.
I think so.
Number one in the USA.
Number one.
And they're going on tour.
We'll tell you about that.
We'll talk more about the New World Order as well with Dave Mustaine, the founder, guitarist, and lead singer.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Dialectic Chaos, Megadeth!
Gotta control myself not to do air guitar.
Crank it up!
So that's Dialectic Chaos from Endgame.
That sounds like old school but with a somewhat of a new edge to it.
That sounds like old school heavy metal, speed metal almost.
Yeah, well that's what we're trying to do.
We're trying to stick with our roots and do what we know is what we do best.
There was a period during the beginning of the millennium where
Bands were really forced to go and change themselves.
Not only change their image, change the way they look and stuff like that, but also change the way that they make their living, their music.
Everybody needed to be like Nirvana.
I'm sorry, that was not my cup of tea.
We struggled through a lot of stuff and right now it's probably the most liberated that we've been with our careers and our music.
So keeping it pure, you've got a new book coming out.
Tell us about that.
Right, it's called Hello Me, Meet the Real Me, which is a lyric from Sweating Bullets.
It had to be called that, you know that.
And it's basically me, the person.
It's not just me, a musician.
Because, you know, they've written everything that can be written about me as a musician from their point of view.
And some of it's true, some of it's not, some of it's folklore, some of it makes me a lot cooler than I really am, so I just let them continue to think that way.
But with the book itself, when I got to the last page and I closed the book, I looked up, I actually was so satiated, I was so content that they finally have got my life into a book so far, and that I read it and I went, you know what, I get it.
This is it.
This is it.
This is who I am.
I explained everything perfectly.
And the best part about it, I think, at the end of every chapter, it's like, God, you know, he did a lot of really rotten things.
But at the end of every chapter, it tells how, you know, all those things have been made amends for, if possible.
And the people that we had all these hardships with, we've gone back and worked on things.
Some people were in the band that I'm friends with still.
Some people were in the band in the past, and I'm not friends with them.
Well, I tell you, I'm excited to read the new book when it comes out.
Tell us about your new radio show you're launching.
You're really going wild here.
Well, you know, I mean, you've got a great platform here for you to be able to share your heart with the American people and to educate them, which is, I think, one of the highest
I think so.
And I loved it, so that's one of the things that I really enjoy doing.
And much in the way that the whole music industry has kind of eaten itself and changed it, you know, with the whole digital download thing now, you've got to be really clever.
So I really try my very best right now to participate with our fans as much as possible.
What they're talking about, what affects them.
You know, it's hard for me to really know what it's like to have food stamps now, but you know what?
I did.
I lived in a car when I was a teenager, and I was homeless.
My mom was a maid, so I know all of these things that you have to go through to get by in life, and I think that's one of the things that most rock stars, they try and forget.
Well, I agree.
I see people's arrogance and their haughtiness.
And I've been arrogant in my life at certain points, but I kind of flash back and forth.
But I realize you get so much more strength and discernment when you are humble and realize how transitory this life is.
And you know, the best thing about it at the end of the day is you feel good about yourself when you've done something cool for somebody else, even if it's just enlightening them and educating them.
You know, right now my son's almost 18, so we're going through a lot of life lessons right now.
And yeah, he's making a lot of really costly mistakes, but nothing is... He hasn't been dismembered or disfigured yet, so everything's okay.
But, you know, I see this and I'm thinking, like, God, I want to interrupt and I want to rescue him and I want to, I want to, I want to.
But that's why most of the kids in America right now are having so many problems, because all this false praise these kids are getting.
You know what?
Little Johnny ain't perfect.
You're such a great kid!
Well, the establishment, the controllers know that.
They tell us we've got to be perfect.
Madison Avenue tells us we've got to be perfect.
So we all feel inadequate.
So we've got to buy this death culture the New World Order is selling.
And so, oh yeah, your kid got in a fight.
Oh, your kid's depressed because they're going into puberty.
Oh, they need a bunch of mind-altering, government-issued drugs.
Yeah, yeah.
That, or isolate them, or single them out in front of everybody.
Or give him electroshock therapy.
Now, you were telling me during the break, I don't know if you want to say this on air, but you're going on tour, and you were telling me there's some disinfo going on out there about the tour.
About the tour?
Which part?
Oh, the Big Four?
Yeah, there's rumors going around.
In the beginning of heavy metal in the United States, there were four bands known as the Big Four, and that was Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, and Anthrax.
And, you know, it's funny.
Whenever I have a new record coming out or anything like that, there's always something like this that perks up to kind of distract the interviews away from my interviews to something other than that.
So this is nothing more than a rumor.
People are saying that the four bands are going to get together and tour.
We haven't heard anything about this other than just rumor and conjecture.
So we are out with Slayer, which is fantastic.
And, you know, we're trying really, really hard right now to
Men's Broken Fences and just, you know, do the right thing with these guys because the fans love Megadeth and Slayer.
The idea of us playing together, they're just losing their minds.
We went to Canada, it was just over the top medal euphoria for these kids.
We're going down to Australia.
I'm leaving on the 2nd down there to New Zealand, Australia, then Japan and then we're coming back.
We're going into Canada and God willing, you know, we'll be bringing this package into the States someday.
And people can find out the tour dates around the globe at Megadeth.com.
Death with an E, ladies and gentlemen.
Dave Mustaine joins us, ladies and gentlemen, and we're very honored to have him.
Dave, getting back into the whole global system, the whole New World Order, in a nutshell, if you feel like it, give us your worldview on the power structure.
You seem to be doing a lot of research on it, and where you believe the planet is going, and what the endgame really is.
Wow, that's a heavy question there to do all that.
I'll try my best.
Okay, I was brought up as a little kid.
I got baptized at four as a Lutheran, and then I was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness.
Then I revolted and got into witchcraft and black magic, and then spent subsequent almost a dozen years, or the following 12 years or so, trying to
Get rid of the demonic oppression I got by putting hexes on people, and then I became a Christian.
So, I mean, I've been brought up around so much different religiosity.
I'm kind of like Sybil, you know what I mean?
And when it comes down to me thinking about how things are going towards the end, I have a very distorted view of it because I've been just brainwashed by the Jehovah's Witnesses.
So, you know, when Christmas time comes around, I'm thinking, well,
Geez, what's the tree?
What's all this crap?
So, anyways, when it comes down to it, my understanding is that there's going to be a final war at the end, and the whole way that the Antichrist plays out.
This may alienate some of your listeners and stuff.
I don't mean to make anybody feel bad or alienated.
Are you allowed to have your view?
Tell us!
Right, right.
The problem is that I've just been cautious about the sounds because there's so many people that say they're Christian and they come off telling people that they're not doing stuff right and I don't want to do that because I'm a different kind of person.
We want to know your view.
You're not preaching, tell us.
Right, okay, good.
I just need to say that because I just don't want to miss out.
No, it's an important preface.
So, what I think right now, I'm watching
The President, what you just said about him becoming the President of the UN, and I'm watching all these other things happen, like to say that one of the prophecies that came true in the Bible came from when Israel became a country again.
And that was a prophecy.
It was said that Israel would become a nation again.
Well, it's a nation again.
That happened back in the 60s.
But it happened.
So, you know, my belief is that there's going to be a new world order.
There's going to be one guy that's going to run the world.
There's going to be one currency that's around everywhere.
They're going to try and get you to take the RFID chip.
That's the mark of the beast that they're going to use to buy and sell things.
And like you had brought up so brilliantly in your movie about Rockefeller, saying that if they don't like you, they're just going to turn your chip off.
So, I mean, all of this stuff is mind-boggling, because you don't really hear about all the technology and stuff like that in the Bible, but the Bible's the basic text that I try to live my life by, and I still have a dirty mouth, and I still look at women and have kind of terrible thoughts sometimes.
You're not a Pharisee.
I mean, look who Jesus hung out with.
He didn't hang out with the Pharisees saying how great they were.
He hung out with people who were trying to have a pure heart.
I mean, look at David.
Look at David.
You know, had people killed so he could have their women, but he repented, and so God said, that is a man after my own heart.
Well, I just don't want people to try and find holes in what I'm saying because, you know, they've heard me say something in the past that was terrible, and I know I've done that.
That's one of the things that I'm working on with the whole Slayer Tour is that, you know, 19 years ago, 19 years ago, Alex, I said something, but people are still holding on to it, and they keep bringing it up, and it keeps causing problems.
I think so.
Yeah, there are people in it that are terrible, but I'm not.
Well, it's very diverse, but Dave, I interrupted you when you were getting into your worldview.
What do you think about the rapture?
Because I've read the Old Testament, and it clearly says the beast will wage war against the saints and overcome them.
How, overall, raptured out beforehand, can the beast wage war?
How can he force people to take chips if everybody's submitting?
And this is only a 150-year-old, 140-year-old doctrine of the pre-rapture.
And so because everybody believes, I talked to these phony Christians, they won't fight any evil.
They say, praise God, it's getting more evil.
That means I'll be teleported out.
I don't think Captain Kirk is going to teleport them off the surface.
Well, I don't believe in the Rapture.
I don't know enough about it to even know what it is, and the fact that, you know, all of a sudden I'm going to be here and then I'm going to be someplace else.
My understanding is that I'm going to be witness to, you know, the great Armageddon.
So, you know, I don't know this particular part because that's a little bit more cerebral than I've gotten into it because I've only been a Christian for a little while, but certainly good fodder.
Well that's amazing.
You know I will tell you I grew up in Dallas and saw a lot of occult stuff and it was like an occult empire.
I never really got into it but you know I'd date this super good-looking girl who was a couple years older than me and you know and go to her parents house giant mansion and find out they were Satanist and I would go out I would go out with this
But I wasn't because I have love in my heart.
But I think seeing evil and not being perfect and then changing allows you to understand things and have discernment that people that have had a sheltered life or never experienced the power of the satanic empire, I believe that once you've been a little bit on the other side of it, it almost gives you an advantage because now I've been on both sides of the coin.
Right, and that's basically what I was saying in the beginning about being able to have the credentials to talk to these fans, to be able to meet them where they're at.
There's nothing worse than being lectured to.
If someone wants to know something, as human beings we have, most of us, when we're curious about something, they can take it to, they can get unhuman strength and be able to sit up for hours studying things.
You know, if they're interested in it, you know.
For me, if I'm not interested, I can be asleep within 30 seconds.
So, uh... But because you've been into the occult, you can actually, if people ask you, explain, this wasn't fun for me, and they wouldn't listen to some preacher, but they'd listen to Dave Mustaine of Megadeth.
Yeah, they would.
And that's the great thing about all of this, because I'm not misusing my celebrity to
Well, Dave,
I mean, this is incredibly powerful, what you're saying here today, and I know you're going to be a really great vessel for waking people up, but you say you've just now recently become a Christian.
I think God's seal, the creator of the universe's seal, was on your heart from the beginning, because the fruits, you were the only heavy metal band that really didn't have that Satanism running through it, and everything you've done really was speaking against that system.
And you said you didn't even understand what you were writing at the time.
I think you were one of the lost sheep or the prodigal son.
I think you've just come back home where you were always meant to be, but not in the false church, but in the real church that's in your heart.
Well, thanks.
I'll accept that.
I've always felt that there was something cool that there's a much deeper meaning to what I was doing, playing on stage, because
I don't practice, Alex.
I pick the guitar up about three days before we go on tour and I have to learn the songs again.
And then we got on stage and played.
And I don't know how that happened, it just happened.
I know that my sister played piano when I was a kid and she asked me to play guitar with her and I thought, absolutely, anything to drown out that noise.
And I started learning how to play guitar and I would put it down and I wouldn't even look at it.
I've lived in this new apartment here since my wife and I are separated.
I've been here for almost a month.
There's a guitar here, I haven't touched it.
It's really weird because you would think that it would be something that would be an extension of my body, you know?
Well, I mean, I think you're such a natural and that it's something that you pick up when you, you know, go out there to perform and just let it flow through you.
We've got a final segment with Dave Mustaine.
I know he's got some other stuff coming up.
We'll see if I can twist his arm into five, ten minutes more because I want to be able to play a few more clips of his songs.
But if he's got to leave us in about ten minutes, I would imagine, Dave, that you'll join us again when you get back from Australia.
I would love to do that.
Again, Megadeth.com.
Dave Mustaine.
We have links to it up on InfoWars.com.
The album is out.
Number one record in the country.
Out of the gates right now on Amazon.com.
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I think so.
I think.
By the way, the site is almost done.
I'm going to go ahead and launch it today.
It is falloftherepublic.com.
We're building some of the subpages right now, but the new film is coming out October 21st, Fall of the Republic.
And on Sunday's show, I'm going to show you the cover of the film, but the website is similar, falltherepublic.com.
Megadeth.com is Dave Mustaine's band site.
He's the founder, guitarist, and lead singer.
The album is number one on many charts, number one on Amazon right now.
They're going on tour.
His new book is coming out.
Find out about it all at megadeth.com.
And you just heard the intro to Peace Sells There.
Dave, we've got about five minutes left.
I've asked a lot of questions.
What's on Dave Mustangs mind?
Right now, I'm just preparing for the new tour coming up.
I have something that was wrong with my neck and my back, so I've been doing a lot of physical therapy for that.
All the headbanging over all the years and just working on myself, trying to work out things with my kids and my marriage and stuff.
Just looking at my life in general and what do I do?
What's my role?
How can I help people?
You've got another interview coming up, but Dave's going to be back on with us in November when his next tour gets ready to kick off.
We'll have a lot more to talk about, but let me just tell you from my perspective, we're getting calls, emails, huge comments on our message board, in the comment sections.
People love
And I'm talking about Serious Death fans, Serious Megadeth fans.
They love the new album and I think it's going to be one of your biggest and greatest.
I guess, I mean, out of the gates it's already happening.
And I just think this is a really exciting direction you're going in.
I mean, you're still going in the same direction, but you've kind of kicked it up a notch in intensity.
Are you getting the same feedback?
Well, we've got a lot of great reviews.
You know, by no means is anything over yet.
And this band would be really blessed if we were able to gain
Yeah, I think so.
Man, that is awesome.
Or I'll come out whenever I'm out in your neck of the woods.
Maybe we can hook up for some barbecue.
But it is better.
It is better here.
You're out in California.
I guess they got good sushi there.
Everybody says they've got good sushi out here, and you know what?
You go into one of these places with one of these idiots, and it's like, I didn't know tuna was green.
So, anyways, back to what we were talking about before.
You know, it would be really great to invite you and your crew down to our concert, too, if you want to bring a film crew down there, and we can talk some more there and show you a little bit about what I do.
Absolutely killer!
Well, Dave, we'll stay in touch with you and your management.
And you are really trailblazing with your record label.
People should support it.
It is independent.
It is Maverick.
It is original and authentic.
Dave Mustaine, founder of Megadeth, thank you so much for joining us.
The new album is In Game.
Dave, thank you so much.
You're welcome, Alex.
Take care.
All right, we'll talk to you again soon.
Well, that is exciting.
There goes Dave.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, and Muse is doing interviews saying 9-11's an inside job.
They've been on the show.
Bellamy, it's one of the number one bands right now.
If I told you some of the other music icons I've talked to or that I know or that I know through other people that are aware of the New World Order, you wouldn't believe it.
The Hollywood people, you wouldn't believe it.
There is an awakening.
The general public doesn't want world government, world tyranny.
That's why at the G20, they've got to have the police come out.
In fact, I meant when Dave was on to play that armored vehicle audio and video where they're saying, you are not allowed to assemble.
In fact, we'll come back with that after this break, and then we'll come in with the music after that, John, and then we're going to get a report from the G20 from our reporters on the ground, and then Bob Chapman pops back in.
Stay with us!
Thank you for listening to GCS.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
What do you mean I don't support your system?
I go to court when I have to.
What do you mean I can't get to work on time?
I've got nothing better to do.
What do you mean I don't pay my bills?
What do you think I'm broke?
If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line.
What do you mean I hurt your feelings?
I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean I ain't kind?
I'm just not your kind.
What do you mean I couldn't be the President of the United States of America?
Tell me something.
It's still we, the people, right?
This time... Peace sells!
Peace sells!
I love that end part.
It's coming up.
Break it up, baby!
We're taking over the New World Order!
Let them see your war face!
We used to go to meet people from school, high school, that wanted to get in a fight.
We'd pull into a field, this cranking up, slide out of the car, just start going wild.
But you know what?
I put all that energy into fighting the New World Order now.
Crank it up!
There it is!
Man, that is rockin', baby!
Control of demonstrations and non-lethal ammunition, which can cause the risk of injury to those who remain.
That's a sound weapon.
By order of the City of Pittsburgh Chief Police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
By order of the City of Pittsburgh Chief Police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
You must leave the immediate vicinity.
If you remain in this immediate vicinity, you will be in violation of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.
I'll tell you what, I'm working.
That's what these police are doing.
There's the crime.
That's a great point Jaron just made.
The thing that looks like a crime is those ring wreaths and those black outfits.
That's the true evil.
Posing is good.
You see, they look foul and they are foul.
Some of us look foul but feel fair.
Others look fair but feel foul.
Trust your gut.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going directly live to the G20 with world government being announced straight ahead.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Folks, launching the Charlie Sheen 9-11 offensive against the Globalist.
Finishing the film, which is now officially done.
They sent off the mass-produced so we can have it before it starts shipping October 21st follow the Republic We've got one trailer out there.
We're gonna have other incredible trailers the next few weeks.
It's gonna go on presale tomorrow at InfoWars.com when you order first
That means that in the orders, it ships out first.
And we're probably going to, just like with Camp FEMA, probably going to start shipping this a few days before October 21st on that Wednesday.
We're going to shoot to start shipping Monday.
With UPS, everybody gets it within three days.
Most people in the U.S., depending on where you live, within two days.
So a lot of people get it on the 21st of October, pre-order today at InfoWars.com.
In fact, I meant to get in this morning and tell them to go ahead and get it up on the shopping cart.
We haven't done that.
Kurt Nemo is finishing up the Fall of the Republic sub-pages, because we've all been racing with other work.
In fact, can we put falltherepublic.com up on screen for folks?
Now, this isn't the video cover, but we'll show you the video cover coming up this weekend.
It'll be posted on infowars.com.
We'll probably, even this afternoon, get it up for pre-sale.
Friday afternoon, Friday evening.
Now, almost every new film I make, I say, this is my greatest film ever.
Because each film gets better.
I mean, you saw what we went from, you know, America Destroyed by Design, to Police State 2000, to Police State 2 The Takeover, right through Police State 3, Matrix of Evil, Road to Tyranny, Martial Law,
And all the other documentaries like Terror Storm, and The Order of Death, and Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, and American Dictators, and Endgame was a whole other level.
Information-wise, it's the total combo that really gives you a good view on everything.
The Obama Deception, the biggest film we've ever released, the most viral, the most successful, the most DVDs handed out people have made copies of and given it to people, the biggest film we've had.
Conservatively, over 100 million people have seen my films free online.
I mean, it's got to be over 25 million now, just with Obama deception.
And of course, I executive produce, loose change, final cut, seen by millions.
The point is, is that when I tell you that Fall of the Republic blows everything we've ever made away, believe me, my most expensive film was about $120,000 to make.
That was endgame.
Obama deception, because we rushed the making of it, and it's really good, was only about 80 grand.
This film, for me, it sounds like nothing to people that are, you know, big, huge movie makers.
$200,000 budget, to give you an idea.
And six months making it, I mean, I'm up here until 1, 2 at night, 6, 7 days a week.
This thing is unbelievable.
I mean, and oh, here's another big announcement about it.
It's Fall of the Republic Vol. 1.
We ended up, about a month ago, with a four-hour film, all this new info coming in, and I said, there's no way, I can't make, now the film is two hours, 22 minutes long, no, 24 minutes, I added, I made everybody shoot some more stuff last night, on some other issues, we just added it, but that was why it was finally done this morning.
That's why Aaron's not here, he was up all night.
Fall of the Republic is 224 minutes long,
It has 19 interviews, but also footage on the ground, voiceover, documents, I mean video clips, the research that went into it.
No film I've ever made has as much research, and it's part one.
It covers how the banks did the takeover, the derivatives, the scam, their world government plan.
It gets into the eugenics, TV, mind control, how they control society, the citizen spy networks, just
Ladies and gentlemen, it's got Jesse Ventura, Max Keiser, Bob Bowman, Webster Tarpley, George Humphrey.
I mean, the list just goes on and on.
But I've got to get a full list of that.
19 interviews.
I put people on 17 airplanes to fly to Canada and California and Florida.
John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
I mean, the list goes on and on and on.
Oath Keepers.
We went to 10 cities in California.
17 missions.
We flew two groups of people here to be interviewed.
I'm in the film.
And the voiceover is the best boiled-down script of key information.
The analysis, again, it's going on sale this afternoon or tomorrow.
The next few weeks we've got two big trailers coming out that'll give you a sneak peek at it.
Start pre-ordering tonight or tomorrow when it goes up.
That says infowars.com Fall of the Republic.
The main site's not up?
So people can just go to falloftherepublic.com and get it?
Okay, good.
Yeah, so the actual URL is falloftherepublic.com.
I'm just looking at InfoWars.
URL subpage version of it there on screen.
But the point is they've denied world government was here.
They've denied world government was happening.
They've denied world government was a reality.
And then now they've had to admit it's all real and we go back over their history, everything.
I'm telling you.
I was watching this film last night at about 1.30 in the morning after I got off Coast to Coast AM.
Been working on it before and then after.
And I said to Aaron and to Rob Jacobson, who really deserve as much credit as myself or anybody else in this film, and I couldn't do it without these two men and their dedication.
Because you can get more people on it, but if you have something like this, it has to be a small number.
I'm not comparing myself to Stanley Kubrick, but people said you'd go to his sets, there'd be ten people on them.
You go to a regular Hollywood set, there'd be hundreds or thousands.
It's the same thing here.
It's just a very small, knit group.
Burmese has worked on it, Rob Dew, Jason Douglas, Mike McWhorter, Mr. Dill, everybody who was involved in this.
The guys that did the music, Derek Einkauf, Craig, Will Jones, all the guys are such great musicians, because we've got three guys that work here that are in the same band here in Austin, that the music is title track in a major motion picture good.
Mr. Reynolds, who we've used in other films, and he's great, and he's gotten orchestras together for it.
We shouldn't have the time to do that, but this turned out just as good, and different.
So, Rob Jacobson made some of the music.
I mean, it is just, it is a out-of-the-park success.
This is going to be devastating to the New World Order, and all the glory goes to God.
I tell ya,
To bust your butt like this, to get black circles around your eyes, to accelerate your aging, you know, working so hard, your hair falling out.
I don't care.
I love just spending myself on a worthy cause, to know those dedications, those passions, to be able to make something like Fall of the Republic.
It's volume one.
Volume two is going to be eugenics, mind control, the concentration camps, and how to defeat them.
There's a lot of solutions in this film as well.
Gerald Salente's in it.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
The point is, this is heads above.
Before, the films were a little better than the ones before.
This is a whole quantum leap.
And we have better computers and more research, and we're better at what we do now.
It is a quantum leap.
A whole nother level above any film I have ever produced.
It is a quantum leap.
The IT guys helping us with the systems to get it done.
And you the listeners that have supported us.
You especially need credit for your financial support.
Buying the other books and videos and t-shirts and materials and supporting our sponsors.
You have made this possible where we have the financing to send 17 crews out.
At around $5,000 per trip.
I don't know what 17 times 5,000.
I've done the math and the total budget of this thing.
The graphics.
It's just so fulfilling to be on the right side of history.
It's so fulfilling to know the truth.
It's so fulfilling to be proven right.
It's so fulfilling when we get the death threats and the COINTELPRO and the lies and the attacks, each one worse than the next, to know they're attacking us because we are doing good, because we are having an effect in history.
We do matter with this species.
And the way the film ends, I'm going to leave that as a surprise.
Follow the Republic.
I'm going to quit waxing here eloquent about it, but it is just...
Follow the Republic.
Goes on pre-sale tonight or tomorrow.
I'm not sure when.
We've got to get it up all properly at InfoWars.com.
You can start writing to us.
It's $19.95.
You can start writing to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Of course, we're not really using that address anymore.
It's better to send it to InfoWars, PO Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760 or InfoWars.com.
And of course, October 21st it will debut in super high quality.
We're even trying to put it out on the web in actual high def.
I think we're going to be able to do that.
It's close to high def right now in the highest quality, but we're having a bunch of versions at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, I got my guys holding.
Let's go to Jason Burmas and then Jason Douglas also on the phone from the middle of the crowd.
What's happened since an hour and a half ago when I talked to you?
Well, now we're on mobile, Alex.
The police force has a much greater presence as we reach downtown.
I told you you're going to march in.
They're going to surround you.
It's very possible.
I'm not sure where this is ending right now, but, you know, I've got video of hundreds of police officers now masked at the blocks, many of them in riot gear.
Many of them a little overzealous.
I mean, some people are throwing the peace sign up, but, you know, a young lady, again,
Not weighing more than 105 pounds, dared to put one of her feet on the sidewalk next to me, and she was threatening to baton it.
I got it on video.
I mean, come on!
You know, I just keep running into Cindy Sheehan and the masses of thousands of people, and Cindy was standing next to her.
She couldn't believe that he even raised her baton.
I couldn't believe it.
Yeah, it's a little bit of controlled madness right now, Alex.
It's pretty crazy.
We automobile, yet again, stopped at the Capitol for a while while there was some sort of a concert going on.
And right now, I can see, I believe it's the 7th Street or Clemente Bridge.
I'm not sure which one.
I can tell you I'm at the corner of 6th Avenue and it may be 6th and
Yeah, that's it.
They're getting ready to lock down the main protest.
You guys need to split up.
Somebody at the front, somebody at the back with a plan to get out of there quick if they start closing it down.
Stay there, Jason.
I want more from you and Jason Douglas as well.
Jason Douglas, Jason Burmess, Rob Doo doing a great job.
Pray for him.
On the ground at the G20.
Open world government being announced.
What an insane show today.
Dave Mustaine on the heels of Congressman Ron Paul and Congressman Grayson yesterday.
More huge guests coming up in the next few weeks.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
By order of the City of Pittsburgh Chief Police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
By order of the City of Pittsburgh Chief Police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
This is yesterday in Pittsburgh.
Same thing's going on now.
This is not a flashback to Police State 2000 shot in 1999 with the Marines drilling to take over U.S.
City saying the same thing.
This is what the military, NORTHCOM, Homeland Security is for.
It is for you.
Mainstream news announcing Obama's President of the World, bringing us into the New World Order.
Those are the headlines.
8,000 plus articles in Google News with the term New World Order in them.
Jason Burmess, what is it like to see this actually unfolding?
Honestly, it's extremely encouraging, Alex.
This protest has gone much better than the one yesterday.
Again, I'm not hoping for disaster at the end.
We are currently crossing the bridge by the thousands.
When you see a helicopter aerial shot of this, you will be astounded.
Again, thousands of people trying to get their message out.
Riot police lining the streets.
I don't know what's going to be in store for us on the other side of the bridge.
As I said, as we approach this, the riot gear police
And the military presence became much, much greater.
Jason, you're going to be live Sunday, 6 to 9 p.m., but I want to have you, Rob Dew, and Jason Douglas in studio in the first hour, Sunday, when you're back.
And if you guys can come in and get a few of the key video clips, like what Douglas says he has of them sound canoning people on their front porch and little kids, we'll play some clips of that on the radio and at PrisonPlanet.tv on Sunday, ahead of your show.
I know they've got to get back to their families, they've been gone all week.
But make sure the guys know that I want them here Sunday if they can do it.
If not, you can come in and have the... As soon as I get off that plane, I will start capturing video.
This is just too important not to get out to the masses as soon as possible.
Yeah, we should have probably sent another just web person you could hand the stuff off to to do it, but then we didn't send the right equipment, but that's okay.
You know, we're not professional soldiers in the Info War here.
We're professional amateurs doing the best we can to fight the New World Order.
Let's go to Jason Douglas.
Stay there, Burmess, but I want to go back to Jason Douglas.
Two Jasons here.
Douglas, what have you been seeing happening?
Well, right now I'm at 6th Avenue and Wood Street,
And basically what they're doing is, as we move block by block, they collapse, you know, the group of police officers.
And right now it's about a hundred foot deep of police officers basically pushing the marchers to some undisclosed location, I guess.
So as I said, as I said, they've now gotten behind you.
They're going to be waiting in front and block you off all at one spot.
That is exactly what they're doing.
Every time I get to a new block, there's another collapse of soldiers.
And, um, yeah, trying to... Yeah, Burmas said that there are army there.
Have you, obviously we haven't seen it, have you seen the video of snatch and grab teams grabbing peaceful demonstrators and shoving them in police cars with the army driving them and driving them away?
I haven't seen any video of it.
I've seen paddy wagons.
I've seen them, you know, zoom away through the crowd.
Well, obviously you're on the ground so you can't see the video.
What I'm telling you is we're here seeing it all.
That's why I stayed here at the command center so we can kind of coordinate.
You know, there's got to be a general here in our little operation.
I wish I was there with you.
Like I said, I've seen the paddy wagons come in and then zoom away, but I haven't seen, you know, with my own eyes and been able to capture it on video.
Varmus is saying he has seen them, Billy Club people, threaten the Billy Club people.
Yep, well I was standing in front of the line in between the anarchists, or supposed anarchists, and the military line, and they all had rifles, and then for some reason, I can't figure out what it was, they just started pointing the rifles right in our face.
I had a tear gas, you know, two inches from my face.
You're telling me that they were pointing
They look like shotguns?
Yeah, you know, it looked bigger than a shotgun.
It looked like a grenade launcher is what it looked like.
That's probably a big tear gas launcher, but those can kill you up close.
Remember the Red Sox?
They killed some girl, walked out of a bar, and they shot her at 10 feet in the eye, and it pushed her eye back in her brain.
You have video of them, just for no reason, aiming the weapons at you.
You know, I don't know what I got exactly, because I was right in the middle of changing tapes when that happened.
And I slammed the cape in and I pressed record as fast as I could, but I also wet myself a little bit, so... It was pretty intense.
Did you really bite yourself, Douglas?
No, not really.
I mean, figuratively.
You know, all of a sudden they got very aggressive and started moving towards us and pointing weapons.
And I personally have never had anything that big.
Well, that's what Burma said.
He said just some woman stepped up on the sidewalk and the guy took a billy club and said, I'll smash your teeth in, whore.
You know, basically, uh, and we've seen videos of that, but we can't play it here.
We're playing them without audio, because it's cops cussing, citizens cussing, people just are videotaping a cop, and you see him, the cop goes, I'm about to beat the hell out of you, bitch.
You know, it is, and he adds a few things we can't say on air.
Stay there.
Final report from you, straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good.
We've got our people on the ground.
Rob Dew, Jason Douglas, Jason Bermas.
They're coming back tomorrow.
Full report for you in studio Sunday with exclusive video as well that our team has shot.
We've never had Dew on these days except for when the military tried to set you guys up Wednesday night.
But he was saying he was up on a rooftop while Luke Radowski was bullhorning him.
Then they hit the crowd yesterday with a sound weapon and Luke tried to hold his ground for a while, did a great job, then everybody dispersed.
I mean, this is like out of a science fiction
Dystopic novel, Douglas.
Oh, I hear the sound weapon.
Douglas, this is like something out of a science fiction movie.
That's exactly what this is.
I mean, there was a band playing the Imperial song, the Imperial Stormtrooper song, and it was so apropos.
That's exactly what this is.
The only thing that's not the same is that they're all in different uniforms.
It's people from all over the country, police from all over the country, and National Guard.
But, you know, they all look like stormtroopers.
And Border Patrol?
And Border Patrol, Homeland Security, I mean, there's too many to even name.
Well, it's incredible.
Any closing thoughts?
You know, I just can't believe that this is happening.
It's like, they give us five seconds to talk, and then they push us, and then they corral us onto this bridge right now.
I'm just not sure about the state of this country anymore.
Was it you or Burmese that said that they had one permitted march yesterday and they wouldn't even allow them to march?
The permitted march was on the 20th.
And they didn't allow it to go all the way down to the convention center.
This is the closest we've gotten to the convention center.
I can see it right now.
It's about a block and a half away.
Of course, there's about six metal fences and about 500 tubes in between us and the convention center.
Okay, I'm going to be here all day.
If anything happens, call us.
We'll go live on the video audio streams at InfoWars.com, not on the full radio show.
Wish we could, but we can't.
Stations, affiliates only have us at set times, obviously, for the way radio programming works.
But we'll go live.
People, just watch InfoWars for that.
If that happens, we may even put the PrisonPlanet.tv stream out for free.
We can't afford that for more than a day or so, but we'll put the video stream out if things continue to develop.
Thank you so much, Jason Douglas, for the great job you're doing.
Keep it up.
Be careful.
Get out of there if they start attacking everybody.
The mission is get the video out and stay safe.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Let's go to a final comment.
We're going to Bob Chapman for the balance of the hour with more economic news on the global government announcing world tax and the end of the dollar.
Varmus, any closing comments?
You know, Alex, I'm really just throwing in the thick of it.
We were able to get our
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Well, Jason, you know they're using those dogs like in South Africa or Nazi Germany for intimidation.
They bring them into schools and have them snap at kids and bite at them as they did in Goose Creek, North Carolina, famously.
Look for an exit out of there.
Why don't you get out of the crowd before they lock down and rubber bullet and sound cannon everybody because they have a bloodlust for the American people.
I mean, we've got, as you said, photos and videos.
We just sent Rob to get Aaron out of bed.
He worked too late last night.
Aaron has it last night.
I saw it.
So we can try to get it at the end of the show.
But if they're rolling around, well you said you saw this too yesterday, them just going through empty neighborhoods sound canoning, broadcasting that nobody's allowed to be on the streets.
Well yeah, you know, they were, again, they did such a great job of dispersing people.
There would literally be 15 or 20 people coming down the street, you know, and then there'd be 10 or 15 people just down on their porches who want nothing to do with this protest, and that doesn't stop them from using the LRAD.
It's unbelievable, it's inconceivable, yet it's true.
It's really starting to get loud now, Alex.
They're consolidating us big time.
I'm sure you can hear it.
Harmes, I'm going to keep you on hold and come back to you in five minutes as this develops, okay?
You got it!
Just put your phone in your pocket.
Well, I don't want to hang up and lose you.
Just keep it with you and I'll come back to you in five minutes, okay?
Alright, sounds good.
Boy, that is crazy.
In fact, maybe we from time to time just fade up the background while Bob Chapman's talking so people can hear this.
Bob Chapman, you fought the communists in Europe in military intelligence in Berlin.
We have a video that we broke a month ago that's finally made national news.
It's all over Fox, CNN.
In fact, cue that up with the little kids worshipping Obama.
And they said this line about, instead of Jesus loves all the little children, they say this poem and then they sing another song about red, yellow, black, and white, they are all equal in his sight.
Well, they say they're all equal in Obama's sight, then they sing the song.
This is directly out of North Korea.
This is worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, worse than Mao.
Paul Watson's girlfriend, who was born in China, she got really freaked out when she saw this, because she's a patriot.
And she said that's what we had to do to Mal when I was a little girl, was worship him and sing songs about him.
I mean, this is getting really sick, Bob Chapman.
Well, I think the program is accelerating and the reason it is, is because we've accelerated and we have informed the public and more and more people are catching on and so that's why they're doing what they're doing.
I think what's going to come out of this
Uh, G20 meeting, more than anything else, is things that they're not talking about.
And, uh, that is, uh, setting the government, uh, and the financial system up for a fall.
It's hard to tell what date they're gonna pick.
It could be in three months, it could be in a year and a half.
Uh, you know, they have their own schedule.
Yeah, they're meeting, scheming to engineer an even bigger implosion, as they've admitted in the past, that then poses the saviors, saying, give us even more power or we'll have martial law.
You know, if they have martial law, I don't know who's going to do it, because the lower and the middle echelons of the military all know what's going on.
Bob, I don't know, though.
I know a lot of them are awake, evidenced by Ron Paul getting more contributions than any other political candidate in 2008, but these cops and military seem to enjoy beating the hell out of women, especially, for no reason, and L-ratting small children.
I mean, it seems like they want to destroy their country.
Well, I'm sure there's always some who will.
And perhaps they were chosen to do the work that they're doing because of their viciousness.
I don't know.
I know that the average military person does not want to go around beating people up, particularly women, and doing things which are unlawful.
And I think we're going to get a lot of support from the military, and I think this may end up as a military coup.
Well, Bob, let's, and then I'm going to play this Children Worshipping Obama clip.
I played it a month ago, but again, now it's national news.
People are emailing saying, why aren't you covering it?
Uh, because we broke it.
Like, I get emails saying, why haven't you covered MYAC?
Uh, we broke it.
I'm not bragging, it's just that that's an example of how this radio show, pretty much more than any other outlet now, but with a lot of other great folks as well, is now driving the news.
What we break and cover, weeks later, months later, is then covered by the mainstream media.
That shows the power of this audience.
It certainly does.
And it is a powerful audience and it's up to them to keep on doing what they're doing and getting to everybody in America and informing them who the enemy of all the people is.
Not some political party.
We have to all come together.
And that's in every country because everybody is experiencing the same thing in countries throughout the world.
And so, we've got to make this thing stick.
And the more people who know who the enemy is, the least chance that they have of being successful.
Believe me, I do not believe that the military are going to work against the American people.
But we saw these two-stage terror stings where the FBI cooked the bomb, the fake bombs in both cases, and found one lone nut idiot.
It's probably informants.
They're probably setting them up.
We know they've done that in the past.
Or it could just be a mental patient.
In the case of 93, World Trade Center, where the FBI cooking the bomb, training the drivers, and ordering their informants to stand down and let it happen.
I think if they stage terror attacks and things, though, it might help.
Well, you're always going to find people who are pliable for that.
I mean, when they did the tests and the surveys some 20 years ago, they found that there were 10 to 15 percent of the military who would do heinous things.
And you're always going to find, just like we have, criminals in society.
Or, if you have 15 hired anarchists run up and throw some bottles at the cops, then the cops will go ahead and open up with rubber bullets.
Well, I have a question about that, Alex.
And the question is, do you believe that the anarchists, the supposed anarchists,
Are being trained and put into the positions they are by the people who control our government?
Here's the answer.
In hindsight, in every case it's been proven, mainstream, Toronto Star, National Post, Denver Post, Seattle Times, Genoa, England G20 this year, killing the paper delivery guy.
In every case it's come out, confirmed, the police, the FBI or hired foundation people
Are doing it and so but we don't know yet.
We rarely catch him right at the time, but it always comes out later.
In Canada, people followed the police car and saw him let him out a block away and were taking their outfits off and they had police boots on and the Royal Mountain Police had to admit it.
But yes, I've watched the video.
And you'll have a bunch of idiot meth-head kids who are with him, maybe one-tenth of one percent of the total crowd, a few morons, because the feds go and recruit patsies, but you see it.
These are cops and informants and state police officers that are doing this.
And their argument is, we neutralize a dangerous crowd by creating the pretext.
You know, it's kind of like you put out an oil well fire with a stick of dynamite.
They say, well, we're knocking this out.
These protests are dangerous.
The terror threat is real.
Men, we've got to go out and stage an event to keep everybody safe.
And there are those elements that will always do that.
We have elements that society will always, you know, do those kind of things.
And so we have to expect it.
And I, you know, I've listened to you talk about this before, but I wanted to bring that fact out.
To put it in people's minds up front, if you hadn't mentioned it earlier, and I don't know whether you had.
No, I don't think I have.
The point is, we gotta know that this, the public has gotta know that this anarchist reaction that you see all over the media right now, they're not calling them terrorists anymore, they're anarchists, it's all planned that way.
It's all propaganda.
Well, the police heard everybody to a certain spot, then the anarchists come out then,
Turn over a trash can, throw a rock, and then the anarchists always pull back, the police wait, you'll even see anarchists, and we've caught this on tape, they'll do a hand signal, and then they move back and the cops open fire.
That's right.
So we want the public to know that, that this is all planned.
It's planned by the power behind our government.
Well they want to delegitimize all these tens of thousands of peaceful people, they do it with a handful of scum.
It's just, what would the police and the corrupt system do without the anarchist thugs?
They would have to attack people that had done nothing, and then Hitler staged an attack on his own base to attack Poland.
Operation Northwoods, the same deal.
Operation Glywoods.
Operation Ajax.
It's declassified.
I want to play this worship piece of Obama.
Then I want to come back and get into a little bit on the economy, what you see happening in the next few months and the year with the G20.
And why they're announcing their world government.
But here is one of many videos, the kids are wearing uniforms in some videos, chanting, city year in military outfits, red and black uniforms, climate cops, Boy Scouts trained to spy on their parents in a quote, take on disgruntled veterans, New York Times, it's all happening.
But here are the children literally worshipping Obama like we're North Korea.
Barack Hussein Obama, he said we all must lend a hand to make this country strong again.
Barack Hussein Obama, he said a country fair today, equal work means equal pay.
We're back in the state of Oklahoma.
He said everyone can take a chance and make sure everyone gets a chance.
We're back in the state of Oklahoma.
He said we're back in the state of Oklahoma.
Did you hear that?
Hit pause.
Did you hear that quote?
From Jesus Loves All the Little Children, then they do Battle Hymn of the Republic, but then and now it's Obama comes marching on.
See, when Obama said he wants to start speaking to the kids on telescreens, on big TV screens, the original curriculum said to teach them to serve him and work with him.
Then he backed off and said it'll just be an anti-drug speech.
This is the Sovietization of America, Bob Chapman.
It's mind-boggling and it's mind-washing.
What do we do about this?
All we can do is expose it.
I mean, Congress won't do anything.
The Senate won't do anything.
And we'll have to do the best we can until the die is cast.
And when that happens, the whole thing is going to blow sky high.
And it won't only be in America.
It's going to happen all over the world.
Well, I mean, this is classical tyranny.
They're hitting on all cylinders, secret police, militarized police, saying you can't march or demonstrate, attacking people, provocateurs, open world government, foreign banks looting us.
Bob Chapman, I mean, there are openly 8,000 plus articles today in Google News.
Today, 8,000 newspapers are reporting world government is here and how wonderful it is, and that Obama is now president of the planet.
And that will continue.
Because they own the media, and we're fighting them from the other side, and it's not going to stop.
Briefly, Bob, we're going to... And you know, it's just like with the financial thing.
We don't know when they're going to pull the plug, but they're going to pull it.
We also know that they're going to use biological warfare
That's right, it's a perfect soft kill operation to make everybody stand down.
For the police and military that don't know what the new order means for them, they are always the most preyed upon group once the takeover has happened.
Well, just to go back to what Henry Kissinger said, generally paraphrasing him, they're dumb animals, you know?
They're cannon fodder.
Yeah, he said military men are dumb animals and published it!
Well, I just showed you the disdain and arrogance that they have.
You know, let me tell you something.
No matter what happens to people, they're not going to make it.
The people behind the scenes who are causing this.
It's just that we're going to pay a terrible price as humanity because we wouldn't listen, generally speaking.
And they're going to lose.
Because there are certain people, and all we need is 5-10% of the population, who refuse to live on their knees.
We're going to go out with a battle hymn of the republic, with the children worshipping Obama, with his name in place of the republic.
We'll come back with Bob Chapman on the economy.
We're good to go.
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Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble so hard.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble so
It's the G20 World Government being announced.
I'll be live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
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That is Fall of the Republic.
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It's all going up in the online shopping cart at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com the next hour.
We'll have links over to the shopping cart as well from the website with the trailer up there.
That's Falloftherepublic.com.
Bob Chapman, in closing, the economy.
Things aren't going well.
They're starting to drop their takeover of health care.
Their entire agenda is stalling.
Do you think they're going to stage terror attacks?
What is the establishment going to do?
And what do you see happening in the economy?
Well, they have the problems that you just mentioned, cap and trade as well, which they're pushing very hard now with the President's speech, as well as Clinton getting up there and running around on his hind legs.
Next, we've got the turmoil that's going to occur during the month of October from this swine flu situation.
I hope you got my email.
And also, we're going to have the dollar down at around 71.18 in the USDX.
It's currently around 77.
And what's going to happen is that they're going to tell you, and they are in the process of doing so,
That they're going to start removing all of this money and credit that they have injected into the system and that cannot happen without the entire economy collapsing.
And so I don't think they're ready yet.
To go for it.
It's going to happen, and probably in the next year and a half.
I don't know when, but I don't think it quite will.
So it's kind of like the hesitation at the edge of a 200 foot cliff about to jump into the water.
They're kind of hesitating, getting everybody ready, sending up trial balloons.
Tell people what it will look like if the dollar is dumped.
There will be an official devaluation.
Probably one new one for three old ones.
There will be a default on debt.
That will be coordinated entirely by a meeting such as the Smithsonian and then later in the 80s the Plaza Accords and they will revalue and devalue all currencies against one another and they will probably chop off two-thirds of the debt and the debtors will pay back one-third.
How that will affect individuals within individual economies, I don't know.
I know what the logical thing to do is
But goodness knows they may not use the logical thing, which is to reduce debt by the same amount domestically.
And that's what we got coming as far as money and credit is concerned.
How do you protect yourself?
You gotta be in gold.
It's the only place.
Gold and silver.
But what you said is key for laymen that don't understand.
Institutions and big globalist groups are going to have their debt forgiven and a devaluation of currency.
But they're probably going to keep all the maximum debts on us, keep increasing taxes and just Billy Club it out of us like the Sheriff of Nottingham in the days of Robin Hood.
That's probably the way they'll go.
And the people are in for it, and the police are being brainwashed like attack dogs against us right now.
TheInternationalForecaster.com will link to this big breaking news at PrisonPlanet.com on the flu that Bob was just telling you about.
Bob Chapman, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you for having me, and thank everybody for listening.
You bet.
You can go to TheInternationalForecaster.com and get a free copy of his newsletter.
It's excellent.
Please, go pre-order Fall of the Republic.
It's going up in the next hour at InfoWars.com.
See you back live this Sunday.
Retransmission with Dave Mustaine and a lot more coming up right now at InfoWars.com.
Great job, crew.
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