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Name: 20090923_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2009
1745 lines.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, here's a video clip.
We're going live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Just real curious, why is the National Guard out here?
We're just helping with security and traffic and stuff for the races.
Are you out of the city?
Are you working for the city right now?
Are you working for the city?
Are you under the control of the police?
I have no idea actually.
I just do what I'm told.
I don't know, but we'll call you that.
You're a surgeon?
That's cool.
Thank you.
Have you ever done anything like this before?
A fare?
A National Guard?
Five dollar change?
This is the way it is, you know?
This is not for civil... I mean, you're operating in a civilian environment.
There's a possible coming to us as well.
The Army or the National Guard shouldn't be here unless there's an emergency.
You know?
Anyway, thank you.
I won't get into that.
Not a good thing.
I'm not against you, but it's not a good thing what's happening in this country when the military is teaming up with local police.
We're not liking this at all.
Nothing with you.
Yeah, nothing with you.
Thank you.
We're not that connected at all.
Is it gone?
Is it gone?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
Oh, stick to it, Violet.
Hold on.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, now we just showed you a video clip of National Guard in Arizona at these checkpoints.
And earlier in the show, we were playing the audio, the video's up on InfoWars.com, we'll play some of that in the background, of We Are Change Ohio in Kentucky.
Just at a community event all over the downtown city, blocking bridges, pointing machine guns at people off the tops of their Humvees.
And the military were asked, they said, would you confiscate our guns?
If you're ordered to do so and they said, well, we'll sneeze there on air.
That's a radio rarity.
They will follow the orders if they're told to.
So all of this is going on.
All of this is happening.
And for more than 20 years that we've confirmed this has been covertly going on.
Now NORTHCOM admits they want to put 378,000 regular army troops on the streets of America, not just National Guard.
They're putting local military liaison officers in.
This is part of the global corporate takeover.
This is incremental martial law.
We have the report, maximum alert, US troops now occupying America.
PrisonPlanet.com article from Paul Watson that boils all this down.
It's essential that you go to your city councils, your county commissioners.
And you point out that the Feds are federalizing those areas, and you're aware of it.
Schenectady, New York, mayor has asked for quote, martial law.
That's his quote.
And for troops.
The mayor of Birmingham has called for this.
The Feds are giving him grants.
The Feds are giving local police grants to take blood at checkpoints warrantlessly.
Regular Marines are running checkpoints in California with the state police.
In Tennessee, the military is running checkpoints with Homeland Security.
Regular Army.
This is really happening, and they're totally converting our society from a free society to a police state.
With us until 8 after, when Dr. Shan Monteith joins us for the rest of this segment, the next two, is Luca and Bridget, we'll just use their first names, from Mojave County Minute Men and Mojave County Oath Keepers.
They shot the video we just played.
Hi Alex, thank you.
Hi Alex, my honor.
Uh, were you just driving along and saw this, or did you hear about this?
Oh, we were just doing our little drive to the post office, and we were just doing our daily route there, and we were driving through.
They were having a hot rod car show that they have every year, and we're just driving down Andy Devine.
You know, if it wasn't for our keen senses from the past few years from your show, I don't even know I would have ever paid attention.
But here were National Guard guys, you know, on the street in their uniform waving the flags, and we just said, my God, it's really even happening here.
Yeah, they had traffic directing flags.
So we just, we flipped the UE as it shows in our video, we had our trusty little pen, and I'm sorry it didn't come out so good, but we were just, it was just fast.
And we just flipped around.
No, I think it's a pretty good video.
No, no, it's great.
And we flipped around and we just asked the question that you saw on the video, you know, what were they doing here?
And they just say, oh, we're just helping.
And then notice all the way over in Kentucky, it's traffic control checkpoints.
But then they say, we do assist officers if they need help arresting somebody.
We just heard that.
And the interesting thing also, after we came back, we left because we were still in the car.
We couldn't hold up traffic.
So we parked and we walked back about 20 minutes later, and the part that isn't on the clip, we had spoken to the regular traffic guy, and boy, he gave us—we were laughing—he gave us the regular line that you always give about, don't you love the truth, boys?
I mean, he started going into that.
He got very hostile.
If you love the troops, you let them search your car.
America's about checkpoints and troops on street corners.
You're some kind of comic.
You don't want to turn your gun in?
Yes, he got very ugly with us and I asked him about Posse Comitatus and he just, he said, well that, I said it was illegal what they were doing according to Posse Comitatus.
And he said, well that's your opinion.
That's your opinion.
We run this nation now.
Every country in history falls to their own military.
And that's now happening.
They've occupied all these other countless nations.
We're now being occupied.
And they've got them everywhere with guns.
In many cases, just training us that we're absolute slaves and training them to accept all this.
Stay with us.
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I don't know.
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Not this police department.
Chain of command, they do interact with them and they get mission briefings.
Yeah, so like, we noticed that there's a difference.
You guys are traffic control and then there's rover control or something like that.
The guys with the big guns like chillin' with the Humvees down there.
Same thing.
It's the exact same job.
All we are here to do is to reinforce the Newport Police Department.
Right, so do you have any police powers as far as like arrests?
We do not arrest.
Not unless asked to do so by Newport Police Department.
Do you hear that military tactic?
We don't arrest unless asked to by police.
We're here to reinforce the police.
We're talking to Luca and Bridget from Mojave County Minutemen.
And their website, of course, you can check that out.
We've got it up on screen for you here in a moment.
Luca and Bridget, you've got the floor.
I just discovered you're listeners to the show.
No surprise that our great listeners are out there taking action.
We need everybody to get little digital hidden recorders or pens or whatever and start documenting this because it's coming in from all over the country and Europe and England and Canada.
Canada's announced they're going to have regular army patrolling the streets.
This is a takeover.
Alex, I would like to say something.
I have other videos that I'm uploading, very disturbing, never happened before.
One is on the YouTube channel that we have.
Bottom line, for the first time on the valley where we live, we live in Mojave County, between Bullhead and Kingman, there were a few days ago military choppers flying low altitude.
Well, they have NLEO-9 focused on several states, but mainly Arizona, troops from 14 different nations to, quote, fight American terrorists, foreign troops.
Yes, I believe so.
And there is another video, very disturbing, of 60 seconds that I took with a digger pen, and the quality is much better.
It was done almost three weeks ago, and bottom line, at the gas station in Kingman, there was a huge armored vehicle that with no insignia.
I went around, and I was looking for some sort of a flag.
There was no flag, and I was quite shocked.
It was 8.30 in the morning.
And now all this starts to connect the dots, and I start to think we have some sort of hotspot around here.
I think we are a hot spot and Alex, just like you said, if people must realize this, what you were just saying, the acclimation operation, I mean, how much more obvious does it have to get?
You know, when it hits your own town, when you see the National Guard reinforcing the local police department, and if you ask a question
We were treated like, you know, they were going to arrest us or that we were from, you know, some domestic terrorists.
I mean, we were treated just terribly.
And just to let you know too, we just, right before we got on the show today, I just, I told Paul, I just called the National Guard.
I've got the number.
I called the National Guard.
Yeah, we listened to the audio.
You're clear.
They're kind of garbled, but we can barely, so we're not going to air it, but we will link it up in a story.
We're going to give it to Paul Watson to put in the overall article.
Okay, what a shame because I was clear, but this lady was so irritated with me for calling and asking a question.
She was so, and she ended up hanging up on me because she didn't want to talk about posse comitatus.
She just didn't want to talk to me.
Well, slaves aren't allowed to ask questions in America.
And how dare you?
But you watch all these troop videos from around the country.
A lot of places they're searching bags, searching cars.
They sit there on the street corners as families walk by going like it's cobras slithering by.
They're just like, terrorists, terrorists.
It's like being in an airport with just the troops just looking at you like you're about to attack them.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with our guest, the great folks from the Mojave County Minutemen and Mojave County Oath Keepers.
This is just like an army massing on your border.
In 1939, the Germans began to mass on the Polish border.
The Poles said, why are you going to attack us?
Hitler said, I'm not going to attack.
Then Hitler staged a terror attack against his own military base on the Polish border.
Gleiwitz blamed it on the Poles and invaded.
That's now declassified in public.
And just all these years, secret military operations, paying off county commissioners, paying off mayors, the army coming with satchels, in some cases up to a million bucks, buying off mayors.
And I went, why would the army be doing that?
And I found out they'd done that in third world countries, mainly Latin America and Middle East and Africa, before they would overall take them over.
And so I just, and then I talked to military people, got declassified documents, talked to congressmen, talked to JAG officers, retired judge advocate generals, agreeing with me that this was preparation for martial law, and now suddenly troops all over, open announcements, we were right.
It's totally criminal, but they're going to do acclimation drills that look reasonable.
Oh, we're helping search people going in the football stadium.
Oh, we're helping with the Kentucky Derby.
Oh, we're helping on the subways.
Oh, we're helping in your small town.
Oh, the Army is helping the local police.
Oh, they're helping the local high school.
Oh, they're helping the local charity.
And the local green
Assessment group in Austin that's going to control the carbon system.
It's a former Black Ops commander from the Army runs Austin.
And he said, this is our mission in Austin.
I mean, they're everywhere.
They are taking over America.
And the higher-ups know what they're doing.
The low levels don't.
In closing comments, Luca and Bridget.
Okay, I want to say one thing.
First of all, uh, I have no problem to say my first and last name.
All I want is to spell it out right.
My name is Luca Zanna.
Z as in Zebra, A as in America, and N as in Nancy-Nancy-America.
Because the best thing we can do here, let them know that we are not afraid.
Okay, we are not afraid.
We're going to expose them.
Because if we feel like we're going to, if they think that we're afraid, it's like a dog.
It nips you in the butt, then it's going to go for the throat.
What did the sheriff say to you, Luca?
Well, I'm sure he's a nice man.
I must admit that he's a good guy.
We have a good report.
But now it's not what it says, it's what it's going to do.
Because, you know, he said pretty much he agrees with me.
I asked him about if there's anything missing, parts about an exception in the Poste Comitatus, why the National Guard could be used.
We have to point out, just like they use marines at the mass shooting in Alabama, we have to point out that this is wrong or they'll set the precedent.
It's right and I agree with you.
We've got to go to city councils everywhere preemptively because notice all these mayors are saying they want martial law.
Arkansas, New York, it's happening.
Alex, can I give the number because it's just shocking how I was treated.
Can I get that number out?
Yes, give their number and say you may be ignorant and not know you're engaged in treason and an acclimation operation, but be polite, but say we are going to stand for the Republic.
Yes, give out.
Exactly, because that's exactly what was going on.
The number is 928-773-3161.
Give it again.
That's the Kingman, Arizona National Guard.
And folks should call Camp Mabry.
I know they're involved in all sorts of black ops here in town.
I've got that confirmed.
Let them know we know what they're doing.
We're not stupid.
And you know what Alex?
One last thing.
That is so important.
We were, I hate to say this, but we were kind of stupid until about four years ago, until we found you.
And I know everybody says this, but you've kind of saved our lives.
We've completely changed our lives in the last four years.
And these people, like the woman who answers the phone at the National Guard, she was shocked to hear a citizen calling and using the words like Monte Comitatus.
People need to do it.
Let me say body on the other side, and we're going to go to Dr. Stan Monteith.
We'll go ahead and get him online now.
Stay with us.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children
I'm Alex Jones.
I was just listening to the ad that ran
It's a local, so a lot of stations probably didn't hear it, but it's the eFoods Direct ad that I cut a year and a half ago.
And I said, will you have storable foods or will you be forced to go to the inoculation centers?
Now how did I make an ad a year and a half ago saying they would be trying to forcibly inoculate you with inoculation centers now being announced?
Now as they ease it out there?
Because we got the secret FEMA training manuals three years ago, a year and a half before it was declassified, of the tens of thousands of clergy being secretly hired by FEMA, and the training manual said, tell them it's of God to turn your guns in.
It's of God to go to the FEMA camp and be inoculated, to submit.
It's of God to do all of this.
And so we then knew that was one of their main battle plans.
Then, in January, we saw them telling local police, get ready for martial law, the flu's coming.
That's why we knew in January, rolled into April, and then it came out, we knew it was level six, three months before it became mainstream news.
And we've warned so many people about what's happening, that it's going to be hard for the globalists to carry this out.
We're going to go to Dr. Stan Monteith in one moment, but finishing up with Luca and Bridget from Mojave County Minute Men and Mojave County Oath Keepers.
Final comments from both of you.
Alex, I want to say one thing.
We need to be proactive, as you know, as you say.
Information is the first weapon, and then we need also start to make this information active in the community.
Otherwise, if we keep it to ourselves, it's not the only thing.
One important thing we're doing this Saturday and Sunday, and this is part of the knowledge we must know.
We have apple seed coming in Cayman.
It's free class of a clinic, how to become a rifleman.
Pray for the best, but hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Exactly, and just what, for me, it's just like Luca said, I'm going to do apple seed, you know, we're aware, we open our mouths, we ask questions, we're not afraid, we learn to shoot, we don't shut up, we're learning everything we can, we're spreading the word, and if the New World Order thinks that they're going to be able to take us over without a fight,
I think they miscalculated that there's too many people just like us from coast to coast.
They're going to have a big fat fight on their hands if they want to.
Well, they're going to stage events though.
They're going to kill their own troops and blame it on us.
They're going to bomb federal buildings and blame it on us.
We're going into a very dark time, but remember...
We know they did it, just like Hitler with Klyowitz and Reichstag.
We know they're staging the events.
We know they've released the flu.
We know they're staging all of this.
This is only another big drill, in my opinion.
God bless you.
We'll continue to check in with you as things develop.
Take care of yourselves.
We love you, Alex.
We love you, Alex.
We love you taking action as well.
And folks, go to city councils, go to county commissioners.
I remember in 1999,
The SWAT team came in and threatened me at a county commissioner's meeting not to speak.
It was on video, on TV.
I said, I'm going to speak.
Then after the SWAT team commander, who was in the same county commissioner building, asked me, was actually across the street, he said, please come to my office.
He said, look, I'm a Vietnam vet.
There's not going to be troops in Austin.
There's no martial law coming.
He said, I would never allow that.
Lieutenant Beck.
They later got mad at him and ran him out, because he said things like this.
And I said, listen to me.
They're paying off police chiefs.
And I gave him videos of it.
Police chiefs I interviewed, they tried to pay off.
San Antonio police chief.
And I said, Delta Force will visit you.
They're visiting all the major cities now.
Austin was about 700,000 people then.
I said, they're going to come to you soon.
He laughed at me.
A couple months later, he calls up and says, can you come to my office?
He goes, here's Delta Force's card.
He said, everything you said is true.
Tell me more.
And then he said, how do you know all this being so young?
So I was like 24 or something.
I don't remember how old I was.
Yeah, about 24, 25.
I looked really young and he said, who are you with?
Are you with the government?
Is this a thing in the government fighting each other?
And I said, no, I'm with the American people.
I mean, they just can't believe that citizens would be involved and informed in running counterintelligence against this global corporate takeover.
Look, somebody's got to do it!
I never claim to have all the answers or be the best at this.
We're just a ragtag group going toe-to-toe with the New World Order and their PSYOPs.
But if you just start understanding, everything they say is the opposite.
Everything they say is a lie or a distortion.
I've got mainstream news we're going to cover with Dr. Monteith admitting that they chose a plastic of thousands of plastic formulas for worldwide adoption in the 60s that sterilizes the men.
The White House science czar admits they're putting the stuff in the water.
Folks, the military and the police, I'm not your enemy.
I don't have some macho, head-up thing, fantasy of having war with you.
I hate what you do, though.
I hate your ignorance.
I hate your denial.
I just wish you'd research.
This is important!
This is real!
Let's go to Dr. Stan Monteith.
He's led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association for 10 years.
He's led the battle with an organized medicine in California to address the AIDS epidemic.
This is an old bio.
He's a talk show host on Genesis, written a bunch of best-selling books, made videos, made films.
He's a medical doctor, been doing this for over 40 years, fighting the New World Order, an expert on the eugenics, an expert on AIDS being engineered.
And an expert on what's happening with this flu.
For the Balance of the Hour, Dr. Stan Monteith joins us.
Doctor, it's good to have you on with us.
It's great to be with you, Alex, and this is an exciting time because, you know, I'm getting all sorts of emails from people in the healthcare industry who are saying, look, they're threatening to take away my job.
They're threatening to take away my pension if I won't take this vaccine.
And I say, do not take it.
Just tell them you're going to sue them, get the other people
Dr. Monteith?
All right, we just lost his phone line.
Yes, they've denied the last month that they're ordering people to take shots and it's forced.
Now they're having to admit it slowly.
But again, they deny it to the last minute so we can't build opposition.
If an army's about to attack you, they want to sneak up.
They don't want you to know they're coming.
And this is what they're doing.
While we're getting Dr. Monteith back on the line, NAAC organizes Pittsburgh security for G20.
It says the FBI and Secret Service are running it along with the Army.
Now we saw this in 99, in Seattle.
When I knew the Army was running this two weeks before, I said they're going to stage riots.
And then it came out, the police had to admit later, 50 anarchists were flown in, funded by a big foundation.
This is all in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover, that we released in 2000.
You want to see the documentation?
And they flew them in.
And they had them attack police before the news cameras to then set the pretext to attack everybody.
Delta Force ran that as well.
That was in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Times.
It was in all three of the papers in Seattle.
Seattle Times, Post-Intelligencer, and the other one.
That's all in Police State 2.
The takeover.
This is the takeover.
And they know incremental is hard to beat.
It's like a frog in cold water.
He won't jump out.
You turn it up slowly, he'll boil to death.
You throw him in hot water, he'll jump out.
That old analogy.
And the troops are brainwashed, the police are brainwashed, the public's brainwashed.
And I told you over a decade ago, the big takeover would come when they fully bankrupted the economy.
Dr. Monteith, we lost you there, and your phone's real low.
Can you speak up?
Okay, how is that?
Is that good enough?
Start over.
You're saying an exciting time to be alive.
Well, it certainly is.
But, you know, really with this whole thing on this swine flu,
Everybody, most people have missed this article.
It appeared in the New York Times on the 12th of September, and they quote a number of leading epidemiologists who have said that, you know, they got a great vaccine, but the problem is the epidemic is going to be over.
It's going to be peaked out before the vaccine is available in the middle of next month.
And that really is true.
In fact, I emailed or just talked to Mr. Hartman and hopefully he'll have those figures off the CDC webpage.
You can see that it's already peaked at its highest level.
They call it widespread level 5 in almost 20 states as of about two weeks ago.
It's already peaked and declining.
The incidence of the new infections in California
This disease is so mild that most people who get it don't even know they've been ill.
What they've done is a bait-and-switch on the vaccine.
The article that they utilized to demonstrate that the vaccine was effective was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the 10th of September.
It's called, A Trial of Influenza A H1N1 2009 Monovalent Adjuvanted Vaccine.
In other words, they used an adjuvanted vaccine in Australia to prove that the vaccine works, but they're not going to give an adjuvanted vaccine in the United States, at least.
They're afraid to, because they know there's so much opposition to it, and because it's not licensed in the United States.
So, they used one vaccine and said, gee, look how great it works!
And then, of course, they're going to use a different vaccine in the United States.
Well, Doctor, I want to walk through all this with you, but also, from your years of researching this eugenics order of darkness, Brotherhood of Darkness, as your book title states it, what do you think the master plan here is?
Is this just a giant drill for federalization and nation-states to go under UN Level 6 control?
Or could this be something bigger?
It may be a trial, it may be an effort to make $40 billion for the pharmaceutical industry.
Certainly they're going to do tremendous damage to a large segment of our population.
Because the CDC is mandating that this vaccine, or at least suggesting the vaccine, be given to every pregnant woman.
Whereas if you read the material from the manufacturers of the vaccine here in the United States and throughout the world, they say don't give it to pregnant women.
The CDC is saying it ought to be given to all children starting at two years of age.
The manufacturers are saying don't give it to children less than four years of age.
They get into all sorts of problems with it.
And they don't want to give us one shot of the vaccine, they want to give two shots of the swine flu vaccine, and two shots of the influenza vaccine, so that's the regular.
Well, stay there.
You're a medical doctor, an expert on eugenics.
I want to get into their larger master plan as well, and take phone calls.
Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty, his ministry, joins us today.
We'll be right back.
You worry.
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Medical doctor Dr. Stan Monteith joins us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to take some of your phone calls on the swine flu, your questions, your comments.
When we open the phones up, Doctor, unlimited amounts, as many as we can take, nurses and husbands and wives of nurses being ordered to take it or they're fired.
Nurses who've been fired.
We're going to have a lady on the day, but she kind of chickened out.
I don't blame her.
But we have the letters where they're being threatened.
It's in the news they're now being fired.
But there's not even a law.
They're using regulations and Obama's lying, saying they're not trying to make this mandatory.
Open discussions on CNN and Fox about using the military to forcibly inoculate us.
But you gave us the CDC's Center for Disease Control map.
We'll put that up on screen.
They admit it's supposed to peak middle of next month.
It's basically already peaked.
It doesn't even go up much.
This is a very mild flu, as you said.
So why do they want us to take this vaccine so bad?
Because it contains mercury, and mercury is toxic.
It destroys the fertility.
It destroys the mind.
The endocrine system, there is no safe dose of mercury, yet they're going to give it.
They want everybody to take a swine flu shot with a full dose of mercury, a regular flu shot with a regular dose of mercury.
They want every pregnant woman to take these shots.
They want to give two shots
Of swine flu and two shots of the regular influenza vaccine to every child less than 10 years of age.
Is this not precedent setting where they're ordering medical workers to take the standard flu shot?
Oh, it absolutely is.
I don't know about the standard flu shot.
They've always recommended that.
No, no, they're ordering that.
I've got the letters.
I've got the letters from major hospital chains.
They are firing people that don't take it.
Well, basically, of course, this is going to produce terrible damage, first of all, because it does contain the mercury.
A lot of people never have gotten the flu until they take a flu shot.
They've been recommending for years that medical personnel take the seasonal flu.
Now, that's not the H1N1.
It's the seasonal, and most people won't take it because they know it makes them sick and it doesn't do any good.
The vast majority of doctors in this country do not believe in influenza.
And that's in national polls, and everybody mouth-to-mouth, person-to-person, knows that I took the flu shot and almost died.
I mean, my mother, that happened to her.
Everybody I know has their horrible flu shot story.
And of course, this promotes Gilead Ray Disease.
It produces all sorts of medical problems.
I think so.
And this is one reason why we have so much autoimmune disease in America.
We're talking about rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjogren's disease, certain types of thyroiditis, chronic bowel symptoms.
It's because they've overstimulated the immune system.
And so, and then of course, you have to understand, we could start with simply an alphabetical approach to this.
A, that you get asthma, and you get allergies, and you get autoimmune disease.
Do you realize that in the United States today, one in nine children has asthma?
You don't see this in the Amish children, because they aren't required to take the vaccines, or they just refuse to take the vaccine.
There's been an explosion of autoimmune disease.
There's an explosion of asthma, as you point out.
Mercury in the vaccine attacks the brain.
This is why today in the United States, one in six children, according to the CDC, their own figures, one in six children has either a learning disability or a neurodevelopmental abnormality.
One in six American children.
You don't see this in children who don't take their vaccines.
They're destroying the minds and lives of our children.
Which is what the top eugenicists like H.G.
Wells and Bertrand Russell and John P. Holdren said they would do.
In fact, if you read, and we have the book, people can get it, it's called The Impact of Science on Society, written by Bertrand Russell.
Any comments there?
By diet, injections, and injunctions.
We will so alter the mind of the child that they will not be able to differ from the things that they were taught by the schoolmaster.
By diet, injections, and injunctions.
What are they going to put in the diet?
Aspartame in the diet that has impact on the mind, but we could talk for hours on that, produces cancer, but then they put the mercury that they're giving our kids in the injection.
They know that this destroys the mind.
Do you realize that today in America, we have five million people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and all of China with four times our population, they've only got a little over five and a half million.
And it gets worse than that.
Stay there, doctor.
Long segment coming up.
It gets worse than that.
Our diabetes level.
We're going to talk about that with medical doctor, Dr. Stan Monteith.
On the other side.
Stay with us.
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You've got someone to blame You said one love
Mike, Chris, Susan, Dan, Mark.
Dan's calling from the Philippines.
We're going to go to your calls with Dr. Monteith here in a few minutes.
We're going to have him back up next week if he can do it to get more into eugenics with us.
Doctor, separately from the whole flu situation,
I mean, you mentioned Alzheimer's.
They now have this early onset of it when you're 35, 40 years old.
You mentioned that we have more brain disorders than people in China and more Alzheimer's.
I mean, they're killing us.
We know it's designed.
They stated they would do it.
They write giant textbooks on it like eco-science bragging about it.
How do we defeat this?
They control the main churches.
They control the corporations.
They don't just want a world government.
That's the means to the end, as John P. Holder in White House Science Hour says, as he states, a planetary government, a planetary regime.
Dr. Pianka says it.
Peter Singer says it.
They all say it.
Ehrlich says it.
George Bush Sr.'
's advisor.
They're going to have a world government to carry out our orderly extermination, testing soft kill weapons.
As we die, they train as it's normal, they pose as the saviors, they have marches and marathons to fund research, which is actually funding how to kill us.
You're a medical doctor who discovered this decades ago.
It appears, all the evidence shows, they're expanding their eugenics operations to more of a hot kill, fast kill now.
And the Reuters has got a big article out saying, oh, there'll be millions of deaths this year.
People will think they take the shot and die.
But no, there'll be no adverse reactions.
It's impossible.
They're telling doctors if someone dies after they take it or becomes paralyzed, the shot didn't do it.
It appears they're preemptively studying how to roll this out successfully, just like Gardasil, and kill and maim us and sterilize us, and then get away with it.
Well, I think that probably the vaccine that they're going to give in Europe will be more dangerous than the one that they're going to give here, because the one they're going to use in Europe is a squalene, one that's licensed to give to people over 65.
They're going to give it to the whole population.
And then, of course, there's an article in Global Research, which is usually very, very
Very good.
Well, we've had medical workers at the vaccine companies call in, and I've seen reports that, no, there's different versions, but, no, they have the Indralucan, or whatever it's called, that Dr. Horowitz saw yesterday.
They're saying that it is in the vaccines, or at least some of them.
It may very well be.
We can't trust them, because they have put things into the vaccines in the past.
Well, they will say, well, we didn't know it was there.
Well, they can say that.
But when they did know it was there, they continued to distribute it.
And I'm talking about specifically the polio vaccine, the original polio vaccine.
And when they found out it had a cancer virus in it, they continued disseminating it.
They've contaminated the whole population of the world, about 30% of our population today.
No, I'm good.
When they biopsy them, they find evidence of this cancer-producing virus that was introduced into our population through the original polio vaccine.
And no doubt by design, German news is reporting that they're growing it again in the same monkeys that have the SV40 for the virus stock in the European vaccines.
Well, God help those people over there, supposedly.
And all we know is what they tell us, Alex.
Supposedly the American vaccine is going to be grown in the yolk of eggs, but then we get the chicken viruses.
That's the frightening thing about this.
And they've introduced so many viruses from so many animals.
God gave us an immune system that allows us to fight off animal viruses that can't get into our bodies unless you ingest them.
Well, what about how for five years the FDA approved it's now in wide use?
Not just a radiation of the meat, but they're now spraying in Latin, I can't pronounce it, that means bacteria eating virus.
They grow it in giant vaccine tanks with other viruses and RNA and are now spraying it on most meats we get at the store.
Well, I'm very concerned that so much of what they're doing to our food supply, it will lead to terrible problems.
Certainly we know that the genetically modified corn that they have introduced across America and appreciate it is contaminating our entire corn supply here.
Chickens are a lot smarter than people.
Chickens won't eat it.
We know that it actually causes infertility in pigs.
We know that studies have been done in Russia that shows it causes
We're good to go.
Hundreds of millions of dollars to store seeds in vast vaults up above the Arctic Circle on a little island there.
And nobody's asked, why are they storing all these seeds for corn and for wheat and for all the other vegetables and things, you know, in these vaults where they'll be permanently frozen?
And it should be very obvious.
All of these people are dedicated to population control.
And they want the seeds for when they start all over again.
They've stated this, in fact...
The MI6 officer, he was OSS, who wrote the James Bond novels that were made into movies, he wrote Moonraker.
And in that, the global elite and this head banker want to kill everybody on Earth.
They, the eugenics pure, go to a space station.
While they kill everybody on Earth, they're going to come back.
But in the real government documents, they're not going to space.
They've got the underground bases.
And I saw a Reuters article two weeks ago.
In fact, we can pull that up.
chief or U.N.
head visits Seedvault.
And it's this photo of the big armored mountain and the troops guarding the ark.
And then you read the transhumanists.
They admit, which are the eugenicists, that they do plan to kill us.
And they're putting in the police state grid to then carry out the medical mayhem and murder.
And I want the troops and military to know something.
I know this is probably going to go ahead and go to fruition.
Just know, you're going to be judged at your own hand.
The bastards you've served for are going to murder you and your family as well.
Go ahead and laugh!
Just remember, as you're dying with your family years from now, you asked for it, you were warned, you wanted to be part of it.
Dr. Monteith?
Men and women become accomplices to the evils they fail to oppose.
And the people within the military who are carrying out the orders of our leaders who have killed... I don't know if you've read the article by the shoe thrower, or the man, of course, who threw the shoes at George Bush.
He talked about the million Iraqis who were killed.
He talked about the million widows there.
He talked about the five million orphans in Iraq today.
He talks about the suffering of the people, how they've turned the Arabs against one another.
One time, the Sunnis and the Shias and the Christians got along well together, but since the Americans came in, the Christians have been driven out, and of course, everybody is everybody else's throat, and we are sending in Asian provocateurs to commit acts of terrorism to maintain this division.
But this is all because the American people
I haven't had the courage to stand up.
Oh, they voted for Barack Obama, who is, of course, expanding the war in Afghanistan today, because he is a servant of the elite.
And we're talking about the Trilateral Commission, as you do as well, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, this financial elite led by David Rockefeller, who has a different worldview, because he worships a different god.
But until people understand that there is a powerful spiritual force named Luciferian force behind everything going on today and they really hate humanity and that's why they're storing the seeds.
So they will have them there?
There are videos of Maury Strong, as you know, saying we're going to destroy the entire industrial base through the world government.
I mean, they're doing it now.
Doctor, I remember when I was first on your show back in 99 when I was out there covering Operation Urban Warrior in Oakland with the Marines trying to confiscate our guns on video.
Look how much has happened now.
Everywhere they've got troops on the streets.
I mean, the reports, it's just intensifying incrementally.
Well, but on the other hand, you know, more and more Americans are beginning to know what's going on.
I think that the other side is frightened.
I think they're going to start moving very, very rapidly.
I think that this march that we had in Washington, D.C., I think it was the 12th of September, and probably between a million and a million and a half people were there.
I think that this really has been disturbed because this was an amazing thing.
In fact, there would have been a lot more people there if they hadn't turned back the buses and the cars and people trying to come and join in that demonstration.
You are waking up an awful lot of people, you and certainly a few of the others.
Yeah, but the problem is they then put the operative Glenn Beck in there to lead them.
We wake the people up, and then we turn them over to Glenn Beck.
Well, he's as phony as a $3 bill.
He would not... Everybody has to understand that Glenn Beck would not be on national television if he was telling the truth.
So, basically he's going to say some things that are absolutely right, you agree with, but that's the old
We're good to go.
Thank you.
We're good to go.
Why, the epidemic is going to be just about over.
It's already peaking out as we speak today.
But they've got 195 million doses of the vaccine.
What are they going to do with it?
They've got to give it to the people.
That's why they want to double up on the amount of mercury they're going to give to our children.
Every child less than
10 years of AIDS, they want to give them not one, but two swine flu shots.
Doctor, absolutely.
And the key point you make here from the CDC's own website is it's now going to be peaking in the next couple weeks.
Why then for something incredibly mild are they doing this?
They're just fear-mongering this event to be able to expand their control.
But going back to radio stations, plug the local station I'm on.
It's KOMY, K-O-M-Y, here in the Monterey Bay area, and they're doing a great job of getting your information out, and I hear it.
But very, very few people object to it.
Most people really appreciate what you're saying.
Well, I know that MZ, the owner of those stations, has had me on two different ones, and I know it's been very popular, but he has said there are people viciously, a minority, saying, get me off.
I want to explain something to those people.
Ten years ago, or about nine years ago, I was offered a national radio slot.
I was told I would be the next Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck wasn't on the scene yet.
They said, we need a young Rush Limbaugh, no more New World Order, no more fellow reserve.
You reach out and grab people on the radio.
And of course, as a journalist, they said, this is a private meeting.
You're not going to discuss this, non-disclosure, but this is the offer.
And then I had some other offers along the road.
And if I wanted to be on 500, 600 radio stations and be making 50 million dollars a year like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, I could have done it.
The money means nothing.
When you know they're putting cancer viruses in vaccines, when you know they've designed the plastics to leach,
uh... injured uh... estrogen mimickers on record as bbc today to sterilize you when you know you have no future out what why would i take fifty million dollars and go live in a mansion and sit there a lot of people all day the truth is what matters we have no future this is a cold-blooded killing machine this isn't just some boss hogg offering me fifty million to hang out with him in roscoe pico train this is there's no survival this is making a deal with the devil
Absolutely not.
Not even for a million dollars.
No, because freedom is the most important thing we have.
It hurts me at a level of wanting to reach new people to warn them for all those women listening who can go Google Gardasil deaths and find out how many people it's killing so they don't kill their daughter or maim them.
So when you try to take me off the air...
It is on you, murdering those young girls.
And if you want that on your soul, my God, just be forewarned.
So I want to make that clear.
That there's nothing I'd like better, Dr. Monteith, than to quit this show and stop doing this.
This is a burden.
And so people who think they get me by attacking me or lying about me or doing that,
And they attack the station owners that have courage to put me on.
You folks don't even know where I'm coming from, and so I just feel sorry for you.
Dr. Monteith, go ahead.
Well, I admire what you do, Alex.
You do it so well.
You do it better than anybody else I know, because you speak with such intensity.
People have to understand, as Alex said, first of all, the H1N1 infection is a very mild disease.
In fact, in the initial study that they did over in
In Australia, where they actually, this is the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the 10th of September, and this is the vaccine trial that they're using to justify using the vaccine in the United States, only it tested an entirely different vaccine in Australia, one that had the adjuvant in it, the squalene adjuvant.
But what was really so interesting about the study, although they didn't play it up,
14% of one group already been infected and 39% of another group had already been infected.
In other words, they were already immune to the disease and all they could accomplish by giving them the vaccine.
Stay there, gotta break!
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We're good.
We're going to talk to Mike and Mads Christian, Maryland.
Dan in the Philippines, but we'll go to Dan here in just a moment for the next two segments and I'm going to get into a host of other issues in the next hour.
What Dr. Monteith keeps trying to point out here while I'm interrupting is, there's just so many facets that are popping into my mind here, is what I've already read in the mainstream news, it's admitted that
Upwards of 30% of people where they test for the antibodies already have it, in many nations.
It's very mild.
So what is this all about?
Well, if they want to have a scare, they have to monger for months.
And so clearly, this is a way to just sell vaccines, set the precedent to make people take them, and get everybody into this medicalized tyranny.
Dr. Monteith?
Well, I've never seen in all those 47 years I've headed this, such a dramatic, coordinated campaign.
By every means of communication to convince us we've got to take this H1N1 vaccine.
So obviously for anybody out there in the listening audience, you can realize the control they have.
They control literally almost every major media outlet in the United States.
I mean, why would they be talking about this?
This is such a mild disease that, as Alex says, most people don't even know they've had the disease in the study, which they used to justify giving the vaccine.
I think so.
Hello, hello.
Yeah, yeah.
Hello, just wanted to let you know, I just wanted to call the audience to know about a new, or not new, it's a tool for the internet to, you know, when they talk to their friends, you know, if everyone says they're connected, they say, how?
You know, there's some things out there called NNDB.com, like no name database or however you want to say it.
NNDB.com and Muckety.com, M-U-C-K-E-T-Y.com.
I don't
Crazy people connected in there.
You can see... Yeah, for folks that don't know, Dr. Horowitz has filed an affidavit with the FBI showing a criminal racketeering conspiracy with a partnership from New York and the Rockefellers behind this whole inoculation hoax.
I appreciate your call.
Dr. Monteith, the Rockefellers, I mean, eugenics, every time we turn over some evil rock, the Rockefellers are under it.
They certainly are, and of course they've been at it for, you know, a better part of a century.
And it goes all the way back, first old John D., and then his son.
And these people, at the beginning of the 20th century, in the early 1900s, were already funding the laboratory at Cold Harbor, which was busy creating new diseases at that time.
They always have wanted to eliminate the majority of the people in the world, and of course
Basically, all one has to do is read the scriptures and find out that the rider of the pale horse is going to kill a quarter of the population of the world.
I have the writings of Barbara Marks Hubbard, who is deeply involved in Luciferianism, who wrote a book called The Revelation, the book of co-creation.
She didn't write it, it was channeled to her by the demonic spirit, which she said, we're going to kill a quarter of the population of the world, but that is not your job.
That is ours, my dear, because we are the writers of the tale of our death.
Then they have the Earth First Battalion in the military, they've got a whitewash coming out, Men Who Stare at Goats with George Clooney about it.
We'll be right back in one minute with more calls.
Dr. Stan Monteef, I'm Alex Jones.
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We're here live.
I'm going to break down.
Coming up, our maximum alert dealing with the troops being deployed all over the United States, what's happening with the flu, your calls, and a lot more.
Dr. Stan Monteef of Radioliberty.com is our guest.
A lot of great books and videos and materials available at Radioliberty.com.
We're very thankful for him joining us.
I want to get him back up about eugenics in the near future.
In fact, Doc, I keep meaning to come out and interview you for a new eugenics film I'm working on.
We need to set that up.
I'm also interviewing Dr. Blalock for it.
Let's talk to Mike in Mass.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Doc.
How are you doing?
I'm doing fine.
That's good.
I'm a nursing student in Massachusetts, and I brought up to my team the first day of classes on the Massachusetts Bill 2020 about forced inoculations.
And she advised me that it'd be wise if I didn't tell the other students about this bill and the effects of it.
Yeah, well they have the bill to come in your home and forcibly take your children and inoculate you.
That's on mainstream news and you're not supposed to talk about it though?
Because in America you're not allowed to?
Exactly, but I took the liberty upon myself to take the video that was posted on your site
I'm with the judge yesterday and I went on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, all those globalism websites and used it against them and started spreading the word and I call all Massachusetts residents to do the same.
We have to use this technology.
But hold on, who told you you're not supposed to talk to people?
The dean of my department of the nursing program.
And you're just not, in America you can't talk about what's on the news or what's being debated in the newspaper.
That's the new freedom.
That's the freedom.
I went against her orders, as a true patriot does.
Who are Dr. Monteith?
Who are all these people that just gleefully serve evil?
Well, unfortunately, a lot of them just want to go along and get along, but they think that, you know, well, if they just go along and this is not going to affect them, they don't understand that if they serve these evil forces, eventually they themselves will be destroyed.
And I saw Germany.
I was a military officer, medical officer, and I was in Germany after the Second World War.
I saw their cities in rubble.
I mean, total destruction of many of the major cities over there because the good people did nothing.
And that old adage is so true, all that's necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing.
But we have to be involved, and we have to be involved now.
And there is a growing awareness across the country.
I know you sense it, and I sense it, and the people who are on the front lines of this, what's going on, sense it.
And I think a lot of people in the medical profession
I don't know.
Well, Doctor, hold on.
You said you could stay.
Can you do one more long segment to finish up telling us about that, and then take some more calls?
Again, I see this more and more as we're winning.
People are waking up to vaccines, so they're trying through fear to push it on us.
I see this almost as a failing forward or fleeing forward.
I agree with you.
I think that this is the greatest issue from our point of view, because now suddenly this is not what's going on over in Iraq.
This is not the genocide that's being carried out over in Africa.
This is going to affect people in this country.
And you know there's nothing that gets your attention more than when your own dogs get scored.
And I think a lot of health care workers are going to be up in arms about this, and I'm just... Oh, they are!
I've got an article about big demonstrations forming around the country of health care workers.
Anything else, Mike and Mass?
Yeah, I just wanted to end with, if they do pass this bill in Massachusetts and police officers do house-to-house or business-to-business, there will be, you could say, a second shot heard around the world that's referring to their original American membership.
Yeah, well that's the thing.
If 1% of citizens don't take the shot and fight back, that's 3 million people firing weapons at police.
We don't want this to happen.
Because the new order wants to start this war.
And I hope police and military know they're being marched in up against the spirit of 1776.
And they're going to be crushed.
But that's part of the plan.
I'll explain when we get back.
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I think?
I think so.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Monteith, we're going to continue with phone calls.
But I wanted to ask you,
This was basically a matter of eugenics.
You see, wouldn't the world, if you are a eugenicist, who believe in eugenics, wouldn't the world be better off if there weren't any hemophiliacs?
Because then we wouldn't have the disease.
They set out to kill the hemophiliacs.
They killed almost half of them in the United States.
They shipped factor A that they knew would kill the hemophiliacs to Canada, to France, to Japan.
Well, I want you to elaborate on that, but just to finish the full question.
If we know they did that and other companies have done thousands of other things, why do we then trust any vaccines they come out with, anything they say?
Bayer worked with Hitler.
It's all these companies.
I mean, it's so elementary, and then they admit this flu isn't dangerous, compared to regular flu, thirty-some percent of people already have it, didn't even get sick.
I mean, just how... I mean, how is it... Why aren't people waking up quicker?
Well, what we need to do is simply keep talking and talking about it.
I'm sure you're well aware of the fact that Baxter says, you know, batches, a massive batch of
We're good to go.
They would have killed millions of people, and I'm talking within the last several months.
This happened, and Baxter said, oh gee, we just have no idea how the deadly virus got in our flu vaccine.
Let me ask you this.
This is why I think we're moving towards the climax in history.
That would have been the greatest criminal act of all time, would have dwarfed anything that Adolf Hitler ever did.
And we would have heard on the news that it was a muted, mutated bird flu killing everybody, and we would have never known it was Baxter.
But by the grace of God, a lab technician discovered it.
And basically, this was in the last couple of months, and anybody can check these facts out.
Fortunately, we have access to the internet, and you can go to your search engine and simply put in Baxter, the avian
Well, let me go further, Doctor.
21 of the hundred that were tested died.
So this is a deadly weapon.
And then no one from the vaccine makers got in trouble.
They arrested the city officials.
Well, I think it's about time the American people... I honestly believe that the one that they're going to give in Europe is going to be much more deadly than the one they give here in the United States.
But I'm not certain of that, and you shouldn't take it anyway because it contains mercury.
But you do not know what is in this.
I mean, we can go back to the history of vaccines.
We can start back, excuse me, back in 1942 when they gave our military yellow fever vaccine.
But they forgot to test it ahead of time, and of course, they got yellow jaundice because it had the hepatitis B. And actually, about 300,000 American troops got the virus.
Fortunately, only about 28,000 came down with the disease, and I don't know how many of them died, but... Only 28,000 had their liver eaten.
How nice of the government.
But what people do not know, and this is one of the most carefully kept secrets of modern times,
Is that there are, and you can go to the World Health Organization website and get the information, 2 billion people, that is not million, that's 2 billion people have been infected with hepatitis B throughout the world.
How did they get it?
The vast majority of them got from the World Health Organization Vaccine Immunization Program, where they just accidentally used dirty needles.
Of course that's their spin.
I saw the BBC article about four years ago where it said in one African country, we don't know why forty-some percent of the women all have HIV and we've had medical tests.
A lot of these little ten-year-old girls have never had sexual intercourse.
Unfortunately, I think you're true both here and in the United States.
You know, basically, they gave an experimental hepatitis B vaccine.
It was about 1976 or 77.
Two cohorts of homosexuals have volunteered for this.
This was a hepatitis B trial, you know, to see if the vaccine worked in New York, in San Francisco, and in Los Angeles.
And a few years later, all the homosexuals there started, or most of them, started coming down with a strange new disease that turned out to be AIDS.
In San Francisco, and we have the figures for it, 75% of the young homosexuals, idealistic people who are trying to stop the spread of hepatitis B in their community, 75-77% of them came down
With AIDS, and they're almost all dead today.
And why did the government use them?
Because they were very sexually promiscuous, and it was perfect to use them as the seed vector to spread it.
And this is the cover.
You say, oh, well, it's their private security that's doing that.
And so basically, of course, we thought, well, and I will have to admit, I was, I could not believe this initially.
I thought that, you know, as it had gone to 77% of the homosexuals, you know, who had taken this vaccine, obviously it was going to just explode in the rest of the homosexual population.
It was going to get to the heterosexual population, which is equally promiscuous, and it really didn't do it.
It was also meant to launch the global fear-mongering.
This virus is designed to kill blacks, and in the United States today,
Almost half of the AIDS cases are in black, and almost half of the people who've died of AIDS are black in the United States.
And as you said, doctor, they've done the studies.
My dad's shown me these in medical journals.
He's a physician.
That you'll take a black that is less promiscuous in these average actuaries than whites.
They know how to create diseases that are race specific.
In other words, if you want to infect blacks, they have slightly different genetic makeup and you can actually engineer a disease.
And this is an engineered disease.
How do we know it was engineered?
Because one of the fellows who was part of the engineering came forward.
He was dying of pancreatic cancer and he told a man named Gary Glum the story.
And actually the book is called Full Disclosure.
In fact, you can go to my website and we actually have the front of the book there and yet all of the links have been disconnected.
They don't want you to read the book.
But the book is called Full Disclosure.
You can probably get a copy.
To be on the Amazon, someplace like that.
And here's a fellow who's part of this whole thing, he's dying, he tells the whole story, and totally blacked out by the controlled media.
Because it's too horrible for people to believe that they would target blacks to kill off the black population.
And I want to say this, I was listening to XM Left today, the liberal XM channel, I heard two black soldiers
In a 20 minute drive into work, calling up the liberal talk show host, defending collateral damage in the million dead Iraqis, and it came to my mind, I said, here are these black soldiers serving the new world order, thinking they're fighting for America, and meanwhile, Tuskegee experiment, AIDS, this government wants to murder them, and they will go to the grave loving their murderers.
Look at Obama taking the funding block off for abortions in Africa!
I mean, people find it difficult to believe that there is a genocidal program, first for the blacks, but next for the whites, and now they're getting around to the white part.
You go into countries like, say, Zimbabwe in Africa today, and the average age of a black man, you know, the average man would die at 64.
Today, the average age of a black man who dies is 34.
They have the life.
They've done this intentionally.
They've done it with AIDS.
They've done it with other programs that they have that kill off the blacks.
And sir, that's another point, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I've had other medical doctors on and folks that study statistics.
Before, around 40% of children
would would would die before the age of five or six and so that would show that the average life expectancy was fifty five years old in frontier days but if you lived past five or six people actually were living longer eighty ninety in many cases on average you go to old graveyards you see half the graves are for three-year-olds four-year-olds five-year-olds two-year-olds but now if you take out the infant mortality rate
Being lower today than it was 150 years ago, our life expectancy has plunged.
So has the Russians, the Africans, every country that takes vaccines.
And the thing is, this is why Bill and Melinda Gates, who are totally dedicated to population control, are putting the seeds up above the Arctic Circle.
That's why they're funding giving the vaccines to all those black children.
So stay there.
Let's talk about them.
I'll just go ahead and keep you for another 20 minutes if you can do it, because I want to go to Chris, John, Steve, Mark, and Rob, and everybody else.
Let's talk about Bill and Melinda Gates, the ghouls of Planned Parenthood.
They run it.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time.
In the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you discover that there's a technological enslavement system, a scientific dictatorship in place, and we have stacks of their textbooks here in the office, we show them to you daily on air, where they're talking about how we're stupid and how they control us and they laugh about how they're killing us, it angers you.
And then to see the poverty pimps, the liberals, Margaret Sanger, hired by the Rockefellers,
Ninety-something years ago, and I sent off to the universities and got her actual copies of her letters, not just quotes in books, calling blacks subhuman, garbage, weeds that have to be killed.
She came as a liberal lover to the blacks.
Du Bois, they hired him to go out.
And they've destroyed their family with the welfare, paid the women not to have men in the house.
They've done it to everybody else's community now.
Blacks were the test.
They sold the narcotics in their communities.
They put the Planned Parenthood in their communities.
And then the liberals on TV, Chris Matthews says, if you don't agree with Obama, you're a racist.
So the real eugenicists, the real hardcore people that hate blacks,
I've documented, they're the ones that pose as the liberals, you see.
Blacks, you don't have to worry about the FBI-controlled Ku Klux Klan wearing the sheets.
The real killers are the liberals.
The so-called liberals.
They're not liberal.
They got all these well-meaning idiots under them that don't understand what they're part of.
But Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill Gates is part of Planned Parenthood.
He's given over $80 billion with Warren Buffett to their foundation.
I have the article somewhere in the stack.
Guys, pull it up on screen.
Times of London, Rich Meat, secret meeting for population control in New York four months ago.
Dr. Monteith, short segment.
We're going to come back and talk to Chris, John, Steve, Mark, and Rob, and then let you go.
But you're an expert on eugenics.
You were talking about this before I was born.
I'm 35 years old.
I've been doing this for over 40.
Explain to them what his global vaccine program is.
He wants to release mosquitoes that have vaccines in them.
Explain to people how his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood, who we're dealing with.
Well, Bill and Melinda Gates' foundation is funding all sorts of terrible things.
One of the worst things, of course, is the massive vaccine program for African-Americans.
Of course, here in the United States, while they've taken the mercury out of childhood vaccines, unfortunately they've left it in the vaccines that are given to children.
What a clever study.
I think so.
Seasonal vaccine, two shots, a swine vaccine, starting at six months of age, but through the maximum amount of damage as far as the mercury.
And they know about it because we have their study.
It's called the Southwood Study.
It was actually a report.
It was a meeting that was held in the year 2000 with people from the CDC and the World Health Organization.
The vaccine manufacturers got together at a place called Simpsonwood.
It's the Simpsonwood Report.
I think so.
A 90 American boy is now autistic and their lives are destroyed and they know what they're doing.
But Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are funding the vaccine programs in Africa and we left the mercury of the vaccines we're giving to the African children.
Now that not only destroyed their minds, they destroyed their fertility.
And their fertility is destroyed in this generation and in subsequent generations.
And not just this generation, they destroyed fertility, but their children and their children's children.
One of the most vicious and horrible things that has ever been done, and is being done by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Now, you have to ask yourself, why would they do that?
First of all, why would people who are dedicated to population control want to save the lives of little African children?
And they don't want to save their lives, they want to destroy them.
Yeah, that's 1 plus 1 equals 100.
It doesn't make sense.
In fact, put that article back up.
Secret meeting with the Rockefellers, the Gateses, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner.
Ted Turner, who calls us useless eaters and feeders.
Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation.
And they said a secret meeting of how to carry this out.
Go ahead.
And don't forget George Soros was there.
Basically, you have to try to say, why would rational people do this?
Well, these are not rational people.
There are people who've gone over to the dark side.
And basically, there is an organization in the United States.
They have a newsletter.
They have offices in New York City, in Geneva, in London.
They're very well funded.
Some of the richest people in the world fund them.
And of course, they're called the Lucius Trust.
Tell us about Lucius Trust and phone calls straight ahead.
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I know I harp on eugenics every day.
How could you talk about anything else?
We have a global government being set up openly for the stated purpose of exterminating us.
They're testing different poisons and toxins in the food and vaccines.
They're bragging about it.
And the general public still only cares about football and is it racist to criticize Obama when he's just a black face on their killing machine.
I mean, I almost
Broke down and cried.
A week and a half ago, my kids are playing out in the front yard, in the neighbor's yard, and two different groups of neighborhood kids out of four groups, you know, four different groups of kids from different parents in the neighborhood, I know all their parents, were coming up showing me their flu shot bandages on their arms, and these are sweet little smart little kids, and, uh,
I've known him for about a year and a half as we live in this neighborhood and I don't know if it was placebo mentally or whatever but it was they seemed like dumbed down and kind of look at my where I got a shot and one of them was kind of like he was drunk and maybe it was something else that was making him act like that but
Then they're over at my house, playing in the backyard, and one of their mothers calls and says, tell her son's name to come home in 20 minutes for dinner.
And she goes, I go, how are you doing?
How you been doing?
To the lady three doors down.
And she goes, oh, I'm good.
I just got both, you know, both my kids' flu shots today.
And I just didn't even say anything to her.
I know I was supposed to.
But she was so proud of herself.
And you know, once a mother's hurt their child, it's like a woman, once she's had an abortion, she rarely wants to say it was wrong.
They get into it, oh it was right, it was good, it wasn't a human.
But Dr. Monteith, we're going to take some calls, what do you call that psychology, and then get into the Lucius Trust, where once they've done something wrong or been wrong, they can never admit they're wrong?
Well you call it denial is the term.
But the truth of the matter is, Alex, it is so hard to believe.
The doctor who you know and you trust would give something to your child that would be harmful to them.
But what you must understand, and I don't know if you've ever seen the DVD or heard the talk put out by Dr. Blalock, and I know you don't know Russell, but he has a talk on vaccines and brain development, pointing out that the vaccines actually stunt brain development.
The younger they're given, why of course the younger the child is, the more damage they do
But every time you take a vaccine, it triggers off not only the immune response of the body, but the immune response of the brain.
And that's why those children were a little groggy.
They weren't quite themselves.
You know, they weren't thinking clearly.
Well, when you get the flu, you know, your mind is sort of groggy.
But of course, the same thing happens when you take the vaccine.
But you do this repeatedly and you produce chronic inflammation in the brain of an older person.
And that's why so many of them get demented.
But you do this in the child.
It prevents the normal development of the brain in the child.
This is criminal activity.
And to give them, they want to give several of these vaccine shots at the same time, knowing that it will do the maximum amount of damage that way.
The average doctor has no idea because he's never allowed to hear this information.
That's why we need to educate your audience.
They've got to go to the doctor.
Yeah, they're compartmentalized.
We need to educate our city councils, our health departments, our police, our doctors.
Most of them, they don't know!
Well, I think that an awful lot of people at least have a suspicion something's going on, and I think there's a growing awareness that there's something seriously wrong.
But they have to understand that it is not simply the mercury in the vaccines, although this is toxic to the brain, it is the aluminum that is in the vaccines.
Now, unfortunately, as far as we know,
I don't know.
Oh, they can't think.
I mean, this is what the globalists call for in their documents is brain damaging everybody through the food, water and vaccines.
And so you see it.
People say it's like the public's retarded.
They are.
And Dr. Blaylock points that out, that they have major studies that people that are 20 now on average have the memory of a 65 year old and literally
They're just going to turn it into a business, advertise it, and say it's normal to have an A.D.I.Q., it's normal to drool, you know, geniuses won't have 140 IQ, they'll have 100, and if somebody can tie their shoelaces, they'll be a genius, and then the elite's just laughing
And I know there's brain-damaged people listening right now, but even with a retarded child, you can get through to them and talk to them.
To the police officers, you've been brain-damaged.
You've been brainwashed.
The sodium fluoride isn't good for you.
The vaccines aren't good.
Bad man giving you shot.
Bad, you know, bad system hurt your brain.
Brain is what you think with.
It's in your... I'm not being sarcastic here.
Sometimes I think I should talk to the general public like that because... Look, I want to take a few final calls here with you, Dr. Monteith, but one last question before we take a few of those quickly.
The time we have left here, because I've got other news for listeners I'm going to hit.
We appreciate your time.
I talked to Waylock on several times in the last month, and he pointed out that mercury, aluminum, not just squalene, are adjuvants themselves and cause the autoimmune response and swelling, not just in the brain, but in other glands and organs, and that that's where most of the damage is coming from, not just the cancer viruses, not just the neurological damage of the mercury itself.
What's your intel on that as a medical doctor?
Well, I think he's absolutely right.
And remember what Bertrand Russell said in his book on page 53, The Impact of Science on Society?
By diet, injection, and injunction will alter the brain pattern of our children.
That's exactly what it was about.
He was one of the leaders.
He made it all out.
But we can't let the people know.
There really are evil people who want harm.
Alright, let's take a call.
I'm going to give you calls quickly now.
Chris in Maryland, you're on the air with Dr. Stan Monteith.
Go ahead.
Hey, doctor.
It's an honor to talk to you.
I was a combat lifesaver in the Army years ago.
And one of the things that we were taught is to give vaccines for the flu.
And during the course, the instructor had said, now this and this, these actual flu vaccines are from last year's strain.
And I questioned my ass.
Uh, why are we getting last year's strain?
Because of, if it's this year that we're living in, what good is last year's strain going to be?
And it makes sense now with all these nanoparticles, these adjuvants, such as mercury, uh, the other stuff.
Yeah, you're not given the shot to take care of the flu, you're given it to brain, be brain damaged.
And now I understand why I've got these medical disabilities such as, uh,
Damn IBS and autoimmune system infection where it's attacking my own body.
It makes perfect sense.
Were you in during the Gulf War?
During the first Gulf War?
Unfortunately, yes.
Because that's when they use the experimental vaccine, so-called vaccine A, with the squalene in it.
And over, you know, almost 80,000 of the 690,000 troops we sent are dead already.
And of course they're monitoring this very closely.
Yeah, the Army admits it was the squalene.
You're lucky you're not dead.
You're lucky you're not.
I mean, the Army admits you've been soft killed and I'm sorry they tried to murder you.
Just be glad you're not dead and warn as many people as you can before they continue the murders.
Well, I just got out of the hospital because of it.
I had some bleeding and the only good thing I got out of it was the morphine.
That's about the only good thing that I got out of the whole thing.
Well, they hit you hard and I'm sorry they didn't.
See, they hate you.
As somebody that believes they're patriotic, they hate you.
They hate their servants.
Yeah, and this reminds me, the Christianity in this country is not the Christianity that Jesus taught back in his day.
I know it, because the churches...
Are teaching people to, you know, pray for your leaders, pray for your country.
Why would I want to pray for a country that wants to kill me for first?
Well, it's not your country.
It's a criminal corporate group.
Look, if hijackers hijack a plane, does everybody bow down because they put the captain cap on?
You know it's illegitimate.
It's a hijacking.
It's a global corporate takeover.
They wrap themselves in the flag and then carry out their operations.
Dr. Montee, if you wanted to comment.
Can't say it better than that.
It is not our country.
Our country has been taken over.
We have a visible government.
We have an invisible government, which I call the Brotherhood of Darkness.
People need to understand that.
They want to destroy the majority of the people of
And by the way, I know there are new military people who aren't veterans yet, a lot of police listening.
Most of you don't laugh, some do.
Go ahead, take all the shots, get diabetes when you're 35, let your kid get cancer when they're 10, and then you won't be laughing.
This isn't a game.
I'm not up here risking my life to tell you about this stuff.
They've killed a lot of people.
And I appreciate your call, Chris.
I'm sorry they did that to you.
Dr. Monteith, I'm sure you saw the ABC News article from three or four months ago with the headline that Merck, quote, sent out hit teams to doctors' homes.
And in court documents that came out, they said, oh, we've got to seek and destroy, take them out, hit them, anyone that criticizes our drugs and vaccines.
And then when Merck got caught in federal court with these internal corporate documents, they said, oh, we just meant that as a joke, saying hit teams.
Well, this is nothing funny about what's going on.
The number of people who've been killed, the number of children whose lives have been destroyed forever.
One in every 60 to 90 boys in the United States is autistic, and they did it on purpose.
They call autism the range of brain damage caused from the chemical weapon and biological weapons in the vaccines.
The thing is that basically probably every child has been injured to a greater or lesser extent.
And now they're coming out with pharmacological crops that have the vaccines in them.
Oh, so the GMO food is a disaster.
That's why they're storing the seeds up above the Arctic Circle, so that they will have them there when they start in all over again.
John in North Carolina, you're on the air worldwide.
Thank you.
I appreciate the opportunity.
I know your time is short.
Just a couple of things.
We had black helicopters directly over our house just the day before yesterday.
I was trying to get in with you.
They were scanning you.
Well, I mean, they were right over our house, looking in our windows.
I mean, within a hundred feet.
Yeah, they do that.
Everybody gets those visits.
It's all part of being a slave.
The thing is, we have no criminal history at all.
That's why!
If you were a criminal, they'd like you.
They don't like producing good, red-blooded Americans.
The MIAC report, Homeland Security, says you are the enemy.
Right, and they were definitely showing that.
I've been talking to people around here and showing them the 800 FEMA camps, and yesterday I was at the Hertford Chamber of Commerce and got the pandemic flu in you, which is to be given to the, this is a checklist for the employers.
And right down in there, and I take and I show this right along with the detention, anyway, concentration camps.
Under 1.2, it says, plan for the impact of a pandemic on your employees and customers.
And it says, forecast and allow for employee's absence during a pandemic due to factors such as personal illness, family illness, and here's where it is, community containment measures and quarantine.
Yeah, send that to us.
We've seen that in the news, but it's always good.
Send it to writers at InfoWars.com.
God bless you, sir.
I've got to move quick because we're almost out of time, but we just put up on screen Vioxx maker Merck and co-director Dr. Hitlist.
An international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be neutralized or discredited because they criticized their anti-arthritis drug, the pharmacological giant produced.
And it goes on to say, neutralize, neutralize.
Seek and destroy teams.
Go to where they live.
Destroy them where they live.
Go to their homes.
They mean business.
This is a hardcore, savage group.
And of course what they do is they demonize them, they marginalize them, they get them in front of a group of doctors, and they laugh at them, and it takes a lot of courage to stand up against them and say, why are you doing things that are going to damage and kill people?
And as you said earlier, they have training manuals of how the head doctors call you in a group, they laugh, knowing the average fluoride head will laugh too, and again it's all psychology, all dog training.
Well, I tell you what, I was in the House of Delegates of the California Medical Society for ten years.
I finally brought the whole House of Delegates behind me, got a standing ovation, and the leaders of organized medicine still refuse to address the AIDS epidemic and to stop the unnecessary deaths.
We've killed over a half a million people in America unnecessarily.
Another million are infected, and they're going to die.
But people say, well, most are black.
They're just going to put a red ribbon on and go to a dinner and feel good.
So the globalists are also good at creating movements of charities around the black ops they're running to then act like they're the saviors while they do it.
It's so sick.
I know it really is.
I mean, but one day Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Farrakhan are going to have to stand before the Lord and answer for what they've done and the betrayal of the black people.
I hear you.
We're going to have you back up soon about the whole HIV situation.
John, is it John in North Carolina next or is it Steve?
Steven in Texas.
You're on the air with Dr. Stan Monteith.
Dr. Monti, it's good to talk to you.
As a Bible-believing Christian, I'm sure you've heard of Jonathan Edwards, who preached the most well-known sermon in American history, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.
I don't know if you're aware of how he died, and this relates to vaccines, and I have something else I want to bring up if you have time, but in 1758, he was given the smallpox vaccine.
And that's what killed him.
Well, I wish we had Jonathan Edwards back again, because he led the Great Awakening in 1730 that saved America.
What we need is a great revival today.
Short of that, I don't think we have any possibility of survival.
And the other thing I wanted to ask is, have you ever heard of a book called Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and illustrated that was published in 1920?
Yeah, I've got a copy right here on my right hand.
Yeah, and I had sent a copy of that to Alex, but I just wanted to give you real quick some quotes right at the beginning.
It's real short.
Dr. James J. Garth Wilkinson in 1876 said this, this amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession.
This is blood assassination.
And then another one.
Vaccination is not always a harmless procedure.
It must be looked upon as the production of an acute, infectious disease.
Dr. Milton J. Roussenau, 1914.
And then finally, this is the kicker.
Vaccination is a delusion.
It's penal enforcement, a crime.
Professor Alfred Russell Wallace, in the wonderful century, 1899.
Yeah, let me stop you.
For those that don't know, vaccination's over 300 years old.
And I did get the PDF.
We need to get a link to that up on the site.
We have limited personnel and just can't do everything.
I'm trying to finish a film today.
It has to be done.
Follow the Republic, but I appreciate your call.
That's why everybody else should start radio shows, websites, get the word out.
Great books, videos, materials at RadioLiberty.com.
Dr. Monteith, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
It's always a pleasure.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you.
Straight ahead, more key news on the economy as we wrap up this transmission.
I'd like to spend more time tomorrow on the overall troop takeover of America.
Stay with us.
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We're here live.
Dr. Ron Paul's on the show tomorrow.
Dr. Sherry Tinpenny's on the radio show tomorrow.
We've got Dave Mustaine from Megadeth with his new album, In Game.
The people in mass graves and plastic coffins.
Guess who influenced that?
So he'll be joining us.
And a lot of other big guests.
Dave Mustaine's tomorrow, right?
Friday, excuse me.
A bunch of big guests this week.
Charlie Sheen is on next week with another big announcement.
I'll just leave it at that.
Phase 2 of our operation.
And yes, I know I've dropped the ball.
I've bitten off more than I can chew.
I know I'm like a week late announcing the winner of the last contest.
When I got off air today, because there were hundreds of videos to watch, I watched a bunch last week, watched them again, couldn't decide, showed them to guys, because I really take this serious, and then noticed that one of the people
Had won last time, and I'm... There are no contest rules.
It's whoever I want to win.
I'm thinking, I guess the best man win, or maybe they'll get second place.
I'm not sure.
I'm trying to watch them all.
I'm going to try to announce it tomorrow, but it'll get announced.
And we have the other big Charlie Sheen contest coming up.
It's $13,000 plus dollars.
$10,000 up for taxes.
We want this to be $10,000 you actually get.
I'm going to have that up by next week, but I'm finishing Fall of the Republic.
And the whole Charlie Sheen thing got me behind a couple weeks on the film doing that whole thing.
And just bear with us, because I'm just, I'm not whining, but I'm just overwhelmed here.
The harvest of exposing corruption is so big.
We've got three minutes left in the show.
I just want to beg listeners, all I want to do is reach more people.
And I want to thank you for supporting us by buying the books and videos we sell at Infowars.com, like Camp FEMA.
I want to thank all the listeners that are PrisonPlanet.tv members and watch the live show, 15 cents a day.
I want to thank all the sponsors.
And I want to ask you to spread the word.
Anybody can listen on the internet.
If you don't have an AM and FM in your area, everybody can listen on the free podcast and the listen page.
Everybody can listen on the free streams.
Spread the word about the show.
I think we're telling it like it is, like nobody else.
We have the most informative guest.
The last three minutes, Ted Anderson.
You bought gold when it was well below $1,000.
You've almost run out of that gold.
It's up at $1,200.
I mean, $1,012, $1,020 today, back and forth.
Silver, you're running out of it at that lower price.
This will probably be the last time at the lower price you can offer it.
We've done this a few times where it was $9,011 what you bought it at when it was at $990-something.
Now it's $1,000-something.
Ted, tell folks about the special today.
Yeah, Alex, right now we're still working on those Walking Liberty halves.
They're at $8.69 or $173 per roll of 20.
And $10 Liberties that are at $8.18.
Both of those coins are going to go up.
I've had my brokers come to me and they say, wait a minute, what am I going to tell people?
I've got the regular price here.
It's so much higher than what these are.
And I just said, well, you're just going to have to hold on and let them know that this is an Alex Jones special, and that's what we're doing.
All I can say, Alex, is that gold has been holding over $1,000 an ounce, silver has been trading at that $17 level, and it isn't getting weaker.
I wish it would.
I wish I had another opportunity to buy in low.
I mean, what I could do with gold at $9.11 again is just unbelievable, but I just... Let's be clear.
You're selling silver at below spot.
Well, I mean, just to make it clear, when you're buying Walking Liberty halves, you're never going to buy them at less than spot, but that coin contains just short of an ounce of silver, so you multiply by two.
Well, Ted, I'm confused.
If it's a half ounce for eight dollars and what?
Eight dollars and sixty-nine cents.
So two times that, two times that is a little above, a little bit above seventeen.
Well, I mean, compare it to this.
Try to buy a U.S.
But wait a minute, that's not below spot?
Spot 716, so I mean it's right at that particular level.
But you can't buy it at this in any market conditions.
800, so it's right at spot.
Insane deals on gold and silver.
Tell them the Alex Jones Specials.
How long can you hold this, Ted?
Well, we're holding this until midnight and we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Take advantage of it now.
Do not procrastinate.
The brokers are there until midnight.
Thank you, Ted.
Thanks, Alex.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission with tons of info starts now.
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