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Name: 20090921_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 21, 2009
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
Okay ladies and gentlemen, for the next hour we are joined by Dr. Lynn Horowitz, Harvard educated.
And I have his detailed, lengthy affidavit linked up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, TheFluScam.com, his website.
Affidavit of Leonard G. Horowitz.
He's filed this with the FBI.
Now, he's only done this one other time that I know of, months before 9-11, and then right after 9-11, he came out and he said they're going to launch an anthrax attack through the mail.
Because he noticed that they'd done a congressional study of mailing weaponized anthrax to the mail in the year before 9-11.
He had some other pieces of evidence.
He filed that in his affidavit.
They ignored it for six months.
Then it was in the news that they showed up at his house saying he was a suspect because how could he know this was going to happen to the mail?
And of course, no laboratories, no nothing, no proof.
Later they tried to pin it on a couple people.
Turned out it was super weaponized, like he said.
They tried to burn Patsy's.
Are they going to try to say now he's behind the flu as it comes out it's weaponized?
So that's how close to these issues he is.
That's how informed he is.
And he makes that point in his affidavit.
I feel bad because I'm so focused on making Fall the Republic.
I'm so focused on all those other issues that Dr. Horowitz has been trying to get a hold of me for a week and a half.
That's how busy I've been with the whole Charlie Sheen 9-11 operation, exposing that we've launched.
Every phone call last week to Michael Chertoff on C-SPAN was saying it was an inside job.
Totally, the whole cover-up's imploding there.
But I apologize, Dr. Horowitz, and I'm very honored that you tried to reach out to us first for this.
I'm going to have to give you my personal cell, Doc.
I'm sorry.
But I said in the first hour, this is the bravest thing I've ever seen, what you're doing.
Because I know you go through tremendous hell to do something like this and to lay out this detailed scientific
Affidavit that it doesn't have page numbers.
What is it?
Looks like 45, 50 pages long when we printed it out.
And I just salute your courage.
It's this type of maverick courage and this type of piercing discernment and understanding that may save humanity.
And I have no doubt the Creator is working through you, Dr. Horowitz.
And we're all praying for you right now, sir, and your team.
Well, thank you.
I so much love you, what you do, and love you and greatly appreciate what you're doing and have been doing.
And I think that it's time that we come together as a family to simply stop the genocide, stop the insanity, the hypocrisy, the lunacy that's operating under the guise of public health and national security.
And I think we're starting to win, I'm telling you, because the doctors out there who are
They are not going to take the flu vaccines, and they're not going to give it to their patients.
And I think what we're going to start together, and continue together, is a whole evolution in consciousness towards what true healthcare reform should reflect, not this poisoning of the population.
Okay, sir, I want to start before we get to the new bombshell info and new developments you're saying are going to come out Wednesday.
I hope we can break that here.
You told me you've sent me the info.
It's now in my email.
But as much as you can tell us about that today, what's coming up on Wednesday.
But first, let's walk through the anthrax, detailed, precise prediction that you made on public record.
What's currently happening with the current H1N1 vaccine, the virus itself, where that's going, and then now your affidavit and the bombshell info and then the new info that's coming out.
Well, you know, I think the title of InfoWars and InfoWars.com really says it all.
My area of expertise primarily, besides I'm very, very knowledgeable in infectious diseases, I'm very knowledgeable in genetics and the whole concept I would love to have everybody understand is electrogenetics and bioenergetics and how we can free ourselves from pharmaceutical intoxication and evolve our planet into some sane semblance of what real healthcare
It's really about not disease care, not disease induction through vaccination, intoxication, and chemical poisoning.
We've got to stop that.
But the bottom line is info wars.
That's really what this is about.
Behavioral science, believe it or not, is the most powerful of all the sciences.
My Harvard master's in public health is in behavioral science.
Media, health education, health promotion, persuasion, technologies, research, and development.
That was my principal training.
I published in the scientific literature in that field.
And so, when I watch TV, and when I watch the news, I pick up stuff that most people don't.
And that's what primarily gives me an indication of what I should be investigating.
Because you were trained, I guess with a degree, to be one of their propagandists.
You understand their program.
Well, I was trained not to be one of their propagandists.
I was trained in the art of propaganda.
I was trained in the art of... That's what I mean.
You went to the best school they've got in this whole medical system for the whole thought system.
I can tell you my training is really excellent.
I'm very thankful for the professors that I had and the opportunities that I've had by the grace of the Creator.
But I can tell you that when I was able to discern and predict the anthrax scam by watching the news, I literally watched in stunning
You know, awe at how the Bear Corporation that was on the verge of bankruptcy was wielding the mainstream media, and there were some powerful political forces working to engage the media that work now within Fluscam.com, on the website Fluscam.com, the affidavit that you mentioned, and you've linked it to Infowars.com.
Thank you.
Because this now is exposing the heart of the global beast.
It is a trust that wields the mainstream media.
And whether you're talking about 9-11,
With your talking about the inside job of 9-11, and who pulled the buildings, and how it was arranged, and who then manipulated the media and the mass mind following 9-11, or whether you're currently talking about healthcare reform, and how it's all being manipulated through the mainstream media.
And then you bring it into the domain of the flu and the swine flu, where these viruses came from, who's making the money, who's manipulating the mass mind.
That's what the affidavit is all about.
And that's what the expose is all about, using hard, cold, documented facts.
And essentially, I think it's not just been filed.
By me now.
I've been so busy over the last 48 hours preparing notarized copies for people all over the United States to be filing this affidavit on behalf of their efforts.
And again, there are many, many discrepancies between the attorneys.
One says one thing, one recommends something else.
You know, the sad reality is that we have such a system of injustice and
There's a dysfunction within our judicial system that really goes to the very heart of where your civil suits and your federal suits are blocked because it's so dysfunctional.
We can't even get a consensus among a team of attorneys.
We're working with the top constitutional attorneys in the United States and they're just delaying, delaying, delaying because they don't know what to do.
Well, at any rate, we the people have got to get the message out whatever way possible
And the affidavit is simply my best effort to support everybody out there that's trying to get an injunction against the FDA, against the health authorities in the various states.
Tomorrow here in Laguna Beach we're confronting the health department as well as the school administrators.
The sad reality is currently where I'm sitting right now
I have a daughter in a public school, and the Parent-Teachers Association is meeting tomorrow night in an effort to advance the Homeland Security, the Biopreparedness Administration.
In other words, the parents are now being engaged in the administration of vaccinations and or quarantines.
The entire population is being co-opted and I've now confirmed Applied Digital Solutions, we're going to cover this in a few minutes, has now gotten the patent for, quote, implanting people who've been triaged or vaccinated.
So they decide not to treat you, you get an implantable chip.
Or if you've had the vaccine, you get a chip to prove
That you've gone along with this.
That is in my stack here.
So this is just amazing.
But I want to get into that coming up.
Dr. Horowitz, let's go back to those four points, though, in detail.
First off, give us the play-by-play with the anthrax prediction and the FBI visiting you and what you said at your home and office to them about here's who did it.
And then later your evidence was proven correct.
Well, what happened was, again, I was sitting home watching
The news is it was two weeks following 9-11, and I was watching Peter Jennings on ABC, and he ended his Wednesday night broadcast saying, quote, tomorrow we're going to study anthrax.
No, tomorrow we're going to have a look at anthrax.
We're going through your fears one by one, day by day.
Good night.
And so I go, oh man, I've got to tune into this because I've been studying anthrax for about three years.
And so the next night was an infomercial.
A half an hour infomercial for Bayer Corporation's Cipro.
Cipro was a totally toxic drug.
It was the only drug speciously selected by the FDA.
So you were saying the pre-advertising for the attack that was coming, a huge promotion of this helps you with anthrax, and you're going, why would anybody need that?
That's pretty obvious.
Yeah, because literally you could go to Italian food restaurants, eat a lot of garlic, and be protected against anthrax.
You didn't need to take Cipro at a cost of $700 for a 60-day supply that was neurotoxic, and it was obvious that it had never been tested.
And you said it was neurotoxic at the time.
That's now admitted in Japan's Bandit.
Well, exactly.
I mean, this is the same thing we see over and over and over again.
Look at Limerick.
Look at the Lyme vaccine.
It was totally toxic.
We knew it was going to cause 25-26% of the people that got it was going to suffer from Lyme disease after getting it.
We saw the same thing coming with Vioxx.
Hideously toxic.
And the same thing right now with the squalene and the adjuvant additives within the flu vaccine.
Totally untested.
The reports are coming in.
The governments are issuing reports to neurologists saying be on the lookout for tremendously increased cases of case loads of Guillain-Barré neurological impairments and autoimmune diseases following the flu vaccine.
So we're really
We know what's going to happen.
You've got to be an absolute idiot not to know how toxic these vaccines are.
And we're going to get into the vaccines, but specifically I want to go through those four points.
We've got you for another 45 minutes.
Dr. Horowitz, then the FBI doesn't listen to you at the time though when you first try to warn them.
Then they show up months later.
Yeah, I mean, it's total hypocrisy because they were advertising a million dollar reward for anybody that would give them the information necessary to apprehend the varmints.
And what I did was I led them to the Battelle Memorial Institute in West Jefferson, Ohio, which is a one-stop shopping mall for anything military and biological weapons.
I also led them
To the anthrax ace, William Patrick III, CIA operative, number one bioweapons developer for anthrax, and the Russian dissident defector, Alibakov, Ken Alibak, alias.
He was working with the CIA, and the CIA's project was called Clear Vision.
All of that came out, ultimately,
Mostly by my prodding.
William Broad of the New York Times did us a favor.
I pounded him to expose the Battelle Memorial Institute.
So even in the New York Times,
He came out with Clear Vision being the CIA operation by which the anthrax that was totally unique just like this H1N1 is completely unique.
I'm telling you there's no possible way that it was anything but a laboratory creation and any fool would know.
How else could you possibly get an Asian chicken
Virus recombined with a Mexican swine pig virus Recombined with a dead corpse from 1918 Spanish flu virus Recombined with what's going on right now with a normal flu into the population have it infect two children initially in Southern California living a hundred miles apart and
Well sir, what about foot and mouth in 2001?
It pops up in over 30 locations from Scotland to Cornwall, from the south of England to the north, in the same two-day period, and there's laboratory people there, part of Porton Down as part of an anti-zoological bioterrorism drill.
We said clearly they planted it, they used it to kill 4 million cows, 8 million sheep that didn't even have it, bring in biological tyranny and control, and then two years later they admitted, okay, the government accidentally released it from Porton Down bioweapons lab, then they killed Dr. David Kelly to shut him up about it.
Right, and then most of the public don't know, when I published the book, Death in the Air, Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare, three months before 9-11, and I showed you that the Tyson Corporation was operating using biological weapons in order to literally conduct industrial espionage and sabotage.
They were literally infecting the chickens in Asia with H1N1.
That's the first time
The world learned about H1N1.
We know the CIA over and over again will release bacteria, viruses, and insects even in the 50s in places like Guatemala.
That's declassified.
Absolutely, yeah.
So, you know, what we've done is we've exposed the heart of the beast with hard-cold documents that really are compelling, and that we ask everybody to go to the FluScam.com website, read the affidavit, make copies of it.
If you have people that can bring injunctions and or lawsuits against
Those who are perpetrating this fraud and literal genocide.
It is definitely not a term that we use sensationally.
If you look up the word, what does genocide mean?
And it's such a sad thing that we, in America, we don't want to talk about the genocide that's happening here.
Give people the definition.
The definition is, quote, the mass killing or enslaving of people for profit.
And or ideology.
End quote.
Webster's Dictionary.
So this is what's going on.
You've got all three.
You've got, number one, you've got money being made by the drug industrials.
We're going to talk about, and like the affidavit, shares with you and shows you.
Hard document proves the Rockefeller cartel from the partnership from New York City is engaged in a global cartel that is wielding the mass media.
All right, stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
I'm going to sit back, go through your affidavit in detail.
When I read your affidavit, it was all clicking because it was the same Rockefeller partnership with New York that controlled the Port Authority and the towers that leased it to Silverstein.
And then when I got to the end of your affidavit, you made that point.
So we were on the same page.
As I was reading it last night, I knew what was going to be next because I knew the information.
And that's when you know something's accurate, is when you can separately verify it because you already know it.
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Okay, Dr. Horowitz, continuing, sir, with the points you were making to me during the break.
Let's get into your affidavit in detail, the proof, the facts.
You've got the history of the Rockefellers.
They're always involved in this.
And then, where we go from there.
Go ahead.
Again, the heart of the beast is in New York City, and the Rockefeller Trust is engaged with the world's most powerful men on Wall Street and especially the media.
The people that wield the media and the mass mind are heavily engaged in the trust that is the most powerful biotechnology trust in the world.
It's really the... These are the people that literally make
The markets for healthcare, they make and break markets.
These are the people that are suppressing the alternative natural remedies, the Codex Elementarius legislation.
These are the people that have created the markets.
Of course, you've seen the security market after 9-11 and all this terrorism.
How they operate to create the markets to advance their financial as well as political agendas.
So, who are they?
Well, now they have some names.
And in terms of the politicians that are involved, gee whiz, you've got obviously John Holdren, who's calling for depopulation through vaccinations in his early book.
Where he's working with Barack Obama.
And so the question becomes, alright, you've been talking about council on foreign relations and those
Members of that, you've been talking about Henry Kissinger, the connections to Nelson Rockefeller.
Well, here is, for the first time, really hard-cold documents that show the intimate relationships between Rockefeller cronies and literally this H1N1 swine flu fright, which is a complete fraud.
So I can go, I mean, like you say, it's an extremely lengthy affidavit.
Well down the basics of how you put this together, who the key players are.
Well, honestly, by the grace of the Creator, it all came together.
The main players are, first of all, in the UK.
So much of it is coming through Britain.
You have to understand that most of the mainstream media, cable vision, is Rupert Murdoch.
People don't know, but we're now exposing.
For example, Murdoch's mother, a 100-year-old lady, is intimately connected with the Queen of England.
His daughter and his mother is actually still running right now the place where H1N1 swine flu vaccines are being tested right now on babies and children and pregnant women.
And his daughter, likewise, is running this in Australia.
So we have a lot of people in Australia right now, as the Australian government and the English-British government and the United States.
And Canada are advancing this genocide under the guise of public health and protection against H1N1.
What you've got is media mogul Rupert Murdoch piteously engaged, intimately, his entire family is engaged in the vaccine development and research itself.
That's a stunning revelation.
He, Rupert Murdoch, is co-
I'm sorry, co-director.
He is a co-director.
David Rockefeller founded the Partnership for New York City, which is this trust that's conducting genocide.
Rupert Murdoch is a co-director of that.
And when you start to research that, that's when everything started to unravel.
If you start to go into Partnership for New York City and you see the biotechnology companies and the vaccine industrialists that are engaged with them, man oh man, it's like the who's who of Wall Street and mainstream media intimately engaged in this process of healthcare reform.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Before Dr. Horowitz leaves us in 30 minutes, he'll be back with us later this week with more information.
Look at the cover of Newsweek, the case for killing Granny.
And then it's this very sick story selling how it's a wonderful right to die, and how the government's keeping people from being able to die when that's what they want, is to euthanize people.
And then sickening article after article worshipping bankers,
and how they're like celebrities now because they've created tens of trillions in fiat and bought everything up and the rest of this news week is drug ads.
I mean, it's one big incestuous disgusting group of scum.
Dr. Horowitz, continuing with your affidavit.
Yeah, so, again, the British plagues.
I mean, you've got to realize also when you do the history... Dr. Horowitz, do we have you on speakerphone?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Alex.
You know, the same thing, when you start to look at the partnership for the city of New York, the connection to the royalty of Europe, I mean, literally the organization was chartered by the British royalty.
And so you begin to realize, wow, it's no accident that John Robertson, who's in the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in the UK,
He told the World Health Organization as the chief supplier of viruses for influenza and influenza vaccines and the chief tester for the World Health Organization of people who have been vaccinated with H1N1 vaccines that the deal in America is far better to advance this agenda.
He also said, this is John Robertson,
I'm sorry, James Robertson and Dr. John Wood, who are partners in the world's leading experts in this field, and that they stated clearly that they would prime the populations with H1N1 or whatever pandemic flu was coming, they would prime them in advance, and so that's what we are looking at with
The Mexican flu outbreak and the H1N1 that circulated, it was a laboratory-sourced virus, and that's not unusual in history.
In 1977, the swine flu that broke out, and then also, that was one year after the mysterious, probably military experiment at Fort Dix, which again led to the initial swine flu fright and the hideous Gillian-Barre
And I want to spend more time on this because you said this three months ago on the show.
It's since come out in UN documents we covered last week.
Where they said, so that people get better immunity when we give them the vaccine, we'll release these simulant viruses into the population.
What does that mean?
It means that they have genetically engineered viruses, such as what we've talked about, a combination of swine flu from 1918.
I'm sorry, yes, it was the Spanish flu from 1918 with a swine flu with a genetic sequence of the avian flu from Asia.
But they just calmly announced, like it's no big deal on the WHO's own website, the UN, that they're releasing this stuff.
Yes, and that was made clear additionally in a recent World Health Organization release, a press release, to gain publicity to help allegedly ensure people that these vaccines are safe.
They actually said the same thing, that they're releasing new mock-up files, they call it.
They don't even call them viruses anymore.
They don't want people to be alarmed, so they call them new names, the new terminology for viruses, laboratory mutated.
Hybridized combinations, recombinants, are mock-up files, biosimilars,
These are the types of words that they're using that basically keeps people ignorant about what they're really doing.
And they just do it right out in the open, so if they ever get caught, they say, yeah, we admitted we did.
It's like Silverstein says, yeah, we pulled Building 7, gave the order and watched the building come down, and then no one's supposed to discuss it.
Stay there, Dr. Horowitz.
Let's continue.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to clear the phone board.
I apologize to those that were holding from earlier.
You can call back in, go to the front of the line when we clear the board again later.
I want to clear the board for five questions, five callers for Dr. Lynn Horowitz.
Only on the flu.
That's coming up in about 10 minutes.
We're having backup throughout the week.
We've got Dr. Blaylock coming on, Dr. Tenpenny coming back on, Steve Quayle coming back on.
We're going to be covering this intensely as the attempts at forced inoculations begin.
And so Dr. Horowitz is just touching on key points here, key points there.
Go to FluScam.com.
We have it also mirrored up at InfoWars.com, the PDF and links to his site.
Go read the entire close to 50 page affidavit for yourself if you care about your family.
Look at the points he's making because
They began the fear-mongering in January.
We had emergency managers and journalists on saying the government's getting ready for mass graves, martial law, in the fall for flu.
And we said, folks, we've never seen so much military personnel being put in place.
I believe they wanted to use this in the fall to pass their health care agenda, their eugenics agenda, their banking agenda, and to use it as a political cover.
Then in April, we learned it was really at a level 6 when the first scare started.
I got secret documents from the state of Texas, posted those.
Months later, it was confirmed I was right.
Dr. Horowitz separately confirmed they were going to level 6 in May, early May.
That was later confirmed two months later.
And so what we know is when we see them line up, prepare, get ready, already start the vaccine lines of these genetically engineered cloned viruses and virus hybrids, that's the telltale sign.
Just like when Dr. Horowitz saw congressional studies of mailing weaponized anthrax through the mail two years before 9-11, he started saying they're going to launch an anthrax attack.
Because once you study, big operations have to be prepared, and even if they're secret, the physical manifestation, the build-up of the petrochemical, pharmacological, military industrial complex system is manifest in front of you, and if you're watching it, you can see it.
Dr. Horowitz, continuing, sir.
Well, you gotta look at the companies that are involved here.
All of the six companies that are producing the vaccinations have intimate connections to the principals, the chief suspects, the chief genocidalists, Rockefeller.
You're looking at Zuckerman.
You're looking at, as I mentioned before, the connections to the royalty of Europe.
You're looking at Michael Greenberg, who is the clinical research developer for vaccines at CFL Corporation.
The people also, he was with SmithKline.
These are the organizations that are advancing now the research with Rupert Murdoch's organization in Australia and advancing these vaccinations that so sadly contain these not just
We're good.
This piece of incredible information is that America's chief AIDS czar, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, that's your premier infectious disease organization in the United States, Dr. Fauci has been the principal promoter of people getting the flu vaccine.
He is intimately connected with these organizations.
He's on the take profiteering.
He's got a co-patent.
He's a co-patent holder on the ingredient Interleukin-2, IL-2, within the MF59 adjuvant.
It is, again, linked.
We're good to go.
Why the European governments have primarily used Baxter for their vaccines is absolutely malfeasant.
It is absolutely criminal.
And expanding, Dr. Tenpenny says that some of this flu vaccine is being grown on dead baby retinas?
That may be.
I don't have that document to say that, but I definitely have the document that shows that they're using Vero cells.
In fact, I did an interview following a Baxter representative in Spain yesterday, and that they admitted using Vero cells, which is the African green monkey, that Dr. Hilleman on the internet, I posted a YouTube segment where the
Dr. Maurice Hilleman from the Merck Pharmaceutical Company, and that company is hideously implicated also in this global scam.
Let me stop you.
I've got a lot of Nexus points I want to throw at you here.
It's clear we're going to have to do more interviews in the next two days.
This is so big.
Baxter separately mixed the weaponized bird flu, quote, by accident at 14 different labs in Europe.
There was then, the London Telegraph reported, a secret company.
They've indicted all the government officials that were involved in Poland.
A large percentage of the homeless they gave it to, saying it was a regular flu vaccine and paid them to take it, died.
That's London Telegraph.
But when I talked to you last time, you're saying you don't believe it's Baxter that did that.
It was another
Uh, uh, uh, company.
I mean, this just goes on and on.
Then we have Gardasil, and now they're having to admit what you said three years ago, that in the trials it was killing young girls that took it.
And on top of that, Build.de, the biggest newspaper in Germany, is reporting what top scientists, in an article titled, Does Virus Vaccine Increase the Risk of Cancer?
And it has top scientists in Germany, virologists, saying that it has live cancer viruses in it because it was grown in monkeys.
Exactly right.
And Baxter is heavily implicated.
The company that I was referring to in the United States issue was Novavax, which now has been bought out by one of the other major large H1N1 flu vaccine manufacturers called Novartis.
And so yeah, but when you get to the heart of the beast and you see literally all of the fingers of the octopus emanating from New York City in this partnership, this trust that David Rockefeller and the Royalty of Europe control through their main money managers and media manipulators, Rupert Murdoch on down, you begin to see what we're really facing here, a total scam
The whole thing shall fall apart as everyone, if everyone were simply to take this information, to read the affidavit, send the affidavit to law enforcement, to begin advancing the objections and the injunctions that are basically now obviously needed.
You believe this is the path to victory, you told me privately, that it will just educate everyone about what's happening so the establishment may not move with this operation if they know the jig is up?
Well, here's what I'm going to predict.
I'm going to stick my neck out and I pray that I'm not right.
I pray that I'm wrong.
But you see, they're so heavily invested and they already have lost.
Because it just came out in PubMed.
I just posted it on FluScam.com on the latest news page.
You can read it.
You can link right to PubMed and see the study.
Only 47% of doctors surveyed, that's medical doctors surveyed, would take the vaccine because the rest of them, the vast majority, are not going to allow it because of what you and I, what our colleagues all over, Dr. Ken Penny, Russell Blalock, all of these heroes out there have been telling the truth and the doctors now are picking up enough of the information to say, hey, I don't trust this for my family, myself, or my patients.
So we've already won the majority.
Now what I fear is that because they are so heavily invested in population reduction, population manipulation, and this whole investment in biotech, what they're going to do is just like they did with 9-11, they're going to pull it.
They're going to probably, if, again, my hunch is right, their only option is to loose
Something that's going to cause a local outbreak in a city such as L.A.
or potentially even New York.
And the mass media is going to jump on it.
They're going to say we've got to issue mandatory vaccinations now.
Sorry, folks.
I know I said Barack Obama's going to say sorry.
I know I said it was going to be voluntary.
But under the circumstances now of this urgency and people dying, we've got to make it mandatory.
Now you've got all the other pieces of evidence
Well they're already telling medical workers in New York and Europe and places they've got to take it and they've already are trying to pass federal and state laws saying for quarantines under level 6 we're going to have forced inoculations.
They've been drilling the military and police the last few years for that.
Well, that's exactly right.
And this is the intelligence that you're receiving.
I'm confirming.
Others are confirming.
So, we're really looking at, again, the urgency is we'd like to be able to not have anybody show up to get vaccinated.
But, again, that's not their agenda.
Their agenda is to intoxicate and enslave humanity to drugs.
It's very clear, simply if you watch the indoctrination taking place.
Tell me if I'm correct from your perspective.
They knew Gardasil would kill people in the trials, they put it out, wanting to set the precedent that people die and nobody gets in trouble, and we just accept it, and they know the flu shot's gonna kill in Maine, their own CDC documents say that, and then the, uh...
Reuters had an article saying, yeah, millions are going to die, but people are going to say it's the vaccine, but it's not going to be the vaccine.
So they're really just testing soft kill weapons out in the open, seeing if they can get away with it.
And they're also totally suppressing all the alters, total gross negligence.
They could be recommending vitamin C. They could be recommending vitamin D. They could be recommending the silver hydrosols.
Oxysilver is a perfect example.
Total suppression.
Instead of heralding the natural things that are low cost, no risk, highly effective alternatives to all of these hideous toxic wastes that they're administering.
They could be advancing true health care reform.
By the way, that's not just you.
I've had scores of medical doctors on that just say 30 minutes of sun every day is way more powerful than any antiviral or vaccine.
They just want to poison us and make money off of humanity's suffering.
Well, we're designed to be in the sun, just like a plant.
I mean, we need sun.
Correct, Doctor?
And I don't believe in sunblocks.
I never use it myself.
Well, it's pure aluminum.
We'll be right back with Dr. Len Horowitz and your calls.
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Dr. Horowitz has big breaking news either tomorrow on the show or Thursday, but he'll be with us at noon central tomorrow for another hour to get more into his affidavit and new developments.
Right now, let's take some calls in this segment and the next.
Then I have a guest coming on for about 10 minutes about government taking blood at warrantless checkpoints.
That's coming up.
Then I'm going to spend the whole last hour with your calls on the flu and the police state.
Charlie in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Len Horowitz.
Go ahead.
Thank you, gentlemen.
I was only calling to inform you that here are
In Texas, actually, the Seton Network.
Maybe I shouldn't say that.
I happen to know someone... Seton Network of Hospitals.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I know someone that's being forced to take both shots that they're going to have available, or three shots, or whatever it is, or lose her job.
Yeah, they're quietly all over the country, and it's even been in some newspapers, ordering him to take it with no law.
Dr. Horowitz?
You have a religious and spiritual exemption.
One of the attorneys we're working with is Alan Phillips.
If you go to FluScam.com, you'll see a banner of his book, Vaccination Exemptions.
His principal support now and instruction, and it's been hours.
You know, I've been advancing the only ministry in the United States that's
Well look, and he needs to demand the law.
There isn't one.
They corner them quietly.
They make them take it.
It's absolute tyranny.
They can tell their boss, look, just squirt that in the trash can then.
Look, Obama's saying nobody has to take it, but all over they're telling police, firemen, and medical workers that they have to take it.
Again, more lies.
Yeah, well again, it's official malfeasance if you have an administrator in a higher position that is compelling you to violate the United States Constitution, the First and the Fifth Amendments.
You have freedom of religion, and it says both in Old and New Testament.
In fact,
Here's what I would recommend.
On the publisher's website, tetrahedron.org, Alex, you might want to link to two files.
They're to be stapled and attached to your vaccination exemption form that you must demand from all of these administrators, from the docs, from the hospitals, from the school administrators, whoever is demanding that you get vaccinated.
Yes sir, I do, and as a matter of fact,
One of the reasons I called her, it doesn't look like she's going to be able to get out of it.
She's been here for 15 years, but... Well, I was going to ask the doctor... But, I mean, how did they just order her like a slave to take something?
I don't know.
I mean, can't she say, well, Obama says I don't have to take it.
Can't she go in there on a DVD with a video of the President?
Well, possibly the reason I was calling her, if she can't get out of it, what can she do after the fact that made
If you have to take the shot, is there anything you can do to, I don't know, expel it from your body or help?
Yeah, the best detox.
Yeah, you're talking about now detoxification.
We urge people not to get there, but if you have to, if you're forced to, the best detoxification remedies, I would highly recommend you check out what's on HealthyWorldStore.com.
HealthyWorldStore.com has a product called Zeolite, not zeolite.
It's a far advanced generation beyond Zeolife, which is the standard medical chelation therapy.
You want Zeolife, Z-E-O-L-I-F-E dot net is the website.
If you use that as the best all-around detoxification agent, and if you also use what's been standard, the Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser, the alkalinization of the blood, the bentonite clay to remove heavy metals,
These are the types, and then the homeopathics, great homeopathics now, good homeopaths have been developing to help purge the toxins out of your body.
So, then there's the bioenergetics, the approaches that have been suppressed, like oxysilver.com has been suppressed.
They're after all of these alternatives, and they don't want you to have them because they want you to be poisoned.
Dr. Horowitz, the caller's trying to pop in with one final comment.
We're going to come back and jam in a few final calls.
We've got to let Dr. Horowitz go.
But what are you trying to say, Charlie?
I was only trying to say is I'm a long time listener and I do have some silver solution, but I can't give it to you.
That's good to have.
Everybody should.
Let me just say this, because we've got a break.
Though Obama says you don't have to take it, he does that to make you feel good.
And behind the scenes, they're telling school kids, they're telling teachers, they're telling police, they're telling firemen, they're telling nurses, you gotta take it or you're fired.
It's criminal, it's color of law, and for God's sakes, it sounds like your wife's already taken it.
But God bless you, sir.
We'll be right back.
Final segment with Dr. Horowitz.
Stay with us.
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We're gonna have Dr. Horowitz back up for an hour with us tomorrow.
We got another guest coming up in five minutes.
I want to quickly go to Craig, Tim, WC, and Bryant, then he'll be back with us tomorrow to talk more about what we know the flu vaccine is doing to people and more on his affidavit calling for criminal investigation.
Just an amazing thing that Dr. Horowitz has done.
Craig in New York, you're on the air.
The swine flu killed about 10 people in America up until May.
You know what the count is now?
Close to 1,000.
In America?
They're saying on the media that a couple days ago I saw the number of 800 and something.
Doc, what's the best number you've got on that?
I think it's certainly less than 800, but I don't believe any of it.
Quite frankly, the flu itself
You can't... How can you say that this particular thing caused this person to die?
What about all of the immune suppressants that they were on?
What about their lifestyle?
What about all the co-factors associated with someone dying?
It's almost always people that are in bad shape.
All the babies and stuff dying have been on heart machines, have been almost dead, old people that are almost dead.
They even admit that 36,000 number every year that die of regular flu is totally blown out of proportion.
So it's really a complete, spacious report.
And who's it coming from?
Rupert Murdoch?
Rockefeller cronies who control the mainstream media?
So you can't trust it.
I would forget it.
I don't worry about stuff like that.
Not if you've got all of the alternatives.
Sir, do you have any other points, Craig?
Well, it's just that it was 10, according to MSNBC, and the Gardasil vaccine killed 32 and made over 700 seriously ill.
You know, that's a lie.
It was much, much more than that.
The Gardasil is killing these poor little girls who were taken, and now they're going to give it to boys.
We knew that it would cause cancer, and the other thing is, like, the swine flu vaccine.
Think about this.
They've only got six weeks to test it.
Well, what about all the autoimmune diseases and the cancer?
They're going to say the mega flu outbreak was caused by flu when it's going to be the vaccine.
The vaccines are what's going to be killing people.
It's always been this way as long as I've been studying it for 15 years.
Vaccinations are the number one genocidal weapon being used for population reduction by Rockefeller et al.
By the way, I didn't get to this with you, but tomorrow we're going to cover it.
The Times of London Billionaire Club in bid to curb overpopulation.
A secret meeting of Rockefeller, Gates, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, and others involved, including people from News Corp.
Meeting in secret to decide on a plan to reduce world population.
And it's the same corporation in New York that funded this meeting.
And this was in May 24th of this year.
Thank you so much.
One more call, then I'll get to WC and Brian.
Everybody else, flu calls after our next guest leaves us in about 15 minutes, who's holding right now.
Let's talk to Tim in Texas.
You're on the air with Dr. Len Horowitz.
Yeah, hello, Alex and Doc.
Back in 1976, I remember getting a flu shot.
It was the first time something like that had come out, and they obviously didn't know what they know now about the stuff.
A few days after that shot, I got so sick with the flu, I don't even remember 10 days of my life.
Ever since then, I don't remember having the flu.
I know for a fact in the last 15 years, I have not had the flu and it has been all around me.
Have I built up a resistance to it thanks to that shot back then?
No, actually you should praise God for the fact that you're still alive.
I would say first of all 65 maybe 70 percent of the people who get the flu shot get horrible flu and so it's actually causing what it is that's supposed to be preventing.
My mother never got the flu and was sick for months when she took it about a decade ago.
Your mother, didn't your mother die from a flu shot?
Yes, my mom passed away from Guillain-Barre, which the governments of the U.S.
and the U.K.
have just alerted the neurologists from these countries that they should be aware of skyrocketing cases.
And then, meanwhile, Reuters, in a story Friday, says, oh, there's going to be millions of regular deaths after you take the flu.
The flu shot didn't do it.
Reuters is mass diagnosing everyone, saying there are going to be millions of deaths.
But did you see that article, Dr. Horowitz?
I haven't seen that Reuters new one.
But see, again, Reuters is controlled by the same people.
I'm telling you.
The British?
But Glosier, Thomas Glosier, check him out.
He's one of the Rockefeller partners in the New York Times.
We'll talk about this more tomorrow.
And after the next guest is off, folks, I'm going to go back into that Reuters story.
They're getting everybody ready for deaths and saying it's going to be no big deal.
Thank you so much, caller.
Dr. Horowitz, we'll talk to you tomorrow at noon Central, 10 Pacific.
God bless you.
Everybody should read your affidavit at FluScam.com.
We also have it linked up on Infowars.com.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Okay, there he goes.
And I apologize to Andrew B. Einhorn.
We had him earlier set for the start of the show, but this big flu thing getting bigger and bigger in the news and the talk of forced inoculations.
You heard people calling in with their nurse wife being told she has to take it or she's fired.
That has kind of taken over the news here.
I'll be covering that exclusively next hour and continuing with your phone calls.
But right now, Andrew B. Einhorn, an expert in the field of statistics,
And strategic communications, environmental management, public health.
And I saw him in a piece in Russia Today, headline, road police blood test are an act of rape.
Texas passed a law where they don't even need warrants to take your blood.
The feds paid the state to do this.
And I wanted to get his take on this.
I mean, imagine in World War II, the Nazis would have had roadside checkpoints taking people's blood under the guise of DWI with no warrant.
This is getting insane.
Mr. Einhorn, thanks for coming on with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I appreciate the time.
You bet.
In your research of this, what was it like to discover this was going on?
It was pretty mind-blowing.
I thought we were past the sort of error of big government, if you will, at least of invasive practices of big government.
I should amend that.
And as I mentioned in my editorial on OhMyGov, it seems like this is a clear violation of a number of our amendments.
But it's for the good.
We've got to stop drunk drivers, even though Prozac drivers are twice as dangerous and texting drivers are twice as dangerous.
But again, oh, we've got to get rid of the Fourth Amendment and have $15 million fines for garage sales that sell a recalled toy or desk.
It's just all about getting the average... But again, tell us what's happening around the country from your research, how the feds are financing this, what's going on.
It's a pilot program that started about three weeks ago, run by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
What they're doing
Is there training police officers in lobotomy and being able to take blood draws and doing it at the station and in mobile blood units?
They can call to the scene of a suspected DUI.
Total federalization right there is a total violation of the Tenth Amendment.
You know, I think a lot of lawyers would definitely argue that it goes against any self-incrimination law and a deprivation of property without due process of law.
Property being your blood in this particular instance.
Did you know that if you read the real documents, the older ones, this is a plan for a national DNA registry just to train you to have the idea of police out taking blood?
I did not.
I was not aware of that.
Anyways, go ahead.
So the feds are training the locals to take blood.
Go ahead.
So the two programs that are happening are taking place in Idaho and Texas, and although a similar program has been going on for about 14 years in Arizona, and believe it or not, two weeks ago, the Arizona State Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional, yet the Fed is going ahead with their pilot program in other states where the state constitution
Basically, according to the law.
That's right.
I first remember seeing this on the air when I first got on air 13 years ago in Tucson, the Daily Star, and my listeners couldn't believe that police were taking blood at checkpoints.
Go ahead.
No, I mean, it's absolutely crazy.
I mean, if you just think about the implications of this just merely from a health perspective.
I can make your hair on your back stand up in terms of using unsafe needles, potentially
Forcibly taking blood, meaning that you have a potential suspect who's thrashing around in their seat, and the officer also being potentially exposed to any blood-borne pathogen, as well as the suspect who, you know, and I use that term suspect to mean someone who either may or may not have had any alcohol at that point.
This is really up to the officer's whim to determine what probable cause really means, because they do not need a court order to draw your blood.
Again, completely unconstitutional.
Here in Texas... In fact, let's just play that clip real fast.
Here is a clip of local news saying, yeah, you don't need a warrant anymore.
You don't need a warrant anymore to take blood.
But it's only if a kid's in the car.
It's only if you've had a DWI before.
It's only... But a year ago, it was, we're going to have fake rubber stamp warrants.
Now it's no warrants.
A year from now, it'll be, oh, it's just DNA we're taking, just like they do in England.
Here it is.
Our top story here on the Nightbeat.
A little-known law which goes into effect in less than two weeks will allow a lot more blood draws across Texas.
The Nightbeat's Shelton Green is live on North Mopac with details.
Tyler, starting September the 1st, police across Texas won't need a search warrant to draw blood from people involved in one of three situations after a crash.
Number one, if you injure someone in that crash, or number two, if you have prior DWIs, or number three, if you have a child in your car at the time of the crash.
So, in other words, blood can be drawn even if you're not suspected of driving drunk.
Alright, that's enough.
No more warrants in America, and it's just a positive piece for it.
And the feds are financing this, a total violation of state law.
Go ahead, Mr. Einhorn.
I absolutely agree on this one.
I think it's, as I mentioned before, a clear disconnect between what people are really wanting and hoping to do, and that's getting drunk drivers off the road, and the reality of the situation, and how a program would be executed, and all the potential for problems.
You know, outside, of course, of simply the legal argument that it's illegal.
And I can't imagine that this will go on for too long.
I think if we all do our jobs as journalists, it shouldn't.
But, you know, it's sort of one of those unbelievable scratch-your-head type cases where you're thinking.
And, you know, if you go and there's a really long account on OhMyGov that they responded to the editorial from someone who responds traumatized and texted.
And they give the account where, you know, September 4th, they went through this whole process and it was a woman talking about how she had one glass of wine that night and watched as all her personal rights were stripped from her and she was put in prison and she was grabbed and forcibly stuck with a needle all without knowing what was going on and horrified as eight police officers and staff sat around and laughed and thought that it was funny.
Well, and this is training police to be medical officers for forced inoculations, for quarantines, for extracting DNA.
Did you know for 36 years in the United States, England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, it's an international secret agreement now declassified.
It's been in the Austin American Statesman.
Blood is taken secretly at birth from babies and put in a DNA database.
I guess they're guilty of drunk driving too?
I haven't heard that.
I'd love to read something about it.
This is a larger program to get medicalized police out there at checkpoints and now you've got your kids with you.
Now they take you to jail for not wearing seatbelts in Austin and in surrounding areas and CPS your kids for you not wearing a seatbelt even if it's in your neighborhood and then they take your kids on the spot and then try to keep them.
That's news to me.
No, I haven't yet.
A government news provider that sort of exposes the good and bad that's happening within the federal workforce and the federal government.
We have a very specific focus of trying to find the things that work and the things that are broken.
This particular story obviously fits into the latter category of things that are broken.
And we have a little bit of a humorous bent to keep things moving along at a slightly faster pace, but some of the issues that we come across are certainly
Less than 20, and I think this one fits that category.
Well, where is this going?
I mean, from your research and perspective, are they... I predict they won't even stop taking blood warrantlessly at checkpoints, because I've seen other state rulings in Arizona previously over the years, and they don't stop, and they've expanded taking blood.
Well, I think the problem, or the core of the problem, goes back to 1966, which was the Supreme Court ruling.
We're good.
The problem is all those things are really pushed to the envelope of their definition.
What is a medically approved manner?
And the doctors and nurses have been refusing to take the blood without a warrant, and so how can be medically approved?
Is a police officer now a medically degreed MD?
Of course not.
They go through a week and a half of training for this.
Anyone who's been to the hospital or even a doctor's office
I think so.
On all the different procedures, on the latest techniques, and keeping the needles clean, and properly labeling your blood samples, then when it goes off to the lab, comes back for analysis.
Well, it might be cheaper if the federal government is funding it, right?
Ah, Mr. Einhorn.
Here's the article.
New government policy imposes strict standards on garage sales.
Violators caught selling anything on the enormous list face fines of up to $100,000 per infraction, up to $15 million for a related series of infractions, two years in prison.
How's that sound?
No, it sounds terrible.
It's sort of more of the same, you know, the same token here.
The stuff keeps coming out and I think, I sort of wonder where it originates.
Well, Mr. Einhorn, we appreciate your work at OhMyGov.com.
Anytime you got anything you think is interesting, email us or send your story over.
We'll link to it.
We appreciate you going on Russia Today and speaking out against this.
The Russians are more free than us in many respects now.
But the good news is, I think the people are starting to really wake up that we're in trouble and that a serious police state is being set up by the feds and the private corporations that have taken over the federal government.
Do you see people starting to wake up or what's your take on that?
I certainly see a lot more people getting involved in government and getting more active
Following and tracking the various stories that are happening, but I think that there's still a degree of naivete among people that they don't really realize that sometimes people's personal interests are not put to the same level as those interests on the national level or political interest.
And despite scandal after scandal, we see a lot of faith that remains in the hands of those with the power.
And sometimes, if that power is unchecked, problems will arise.
Yeah, it certainly would.
So we better get fired up and serious about it.
Andrew Einhorn, thanks for joining us.
I appreciate your time.
You bet.
Take care, buddy.
All right.
I'm going to cover flu.
I want to hear from police.
I want to hear from military.
I want to hear from that fellow whose wife's a nurse here in Texas, at Seton, saying, you've got to take the shot or you're fired.
I thought Lord Obama said nobody has to take it.
If he tells you one thing, it's the other.
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Day after day Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him, they can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer, but the fool under him sees the sun.
When I start the next hour, I'm taking one call after the other.
You're police, military, nurses, being told about quarantines, how you've got to take the shot.
That's in the news, we're getting calls, that's happening.
But then Obama is separately saying, don't worry, you don't have to take the shot.
Everything he's ever said is a complete lie.
Bill Clinton was a big liar, but nothing like this.
George Bush didn't really... He lied about a lot of stuff, but more often than not, just threw it in your face.
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Thank you so much for joining us, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to go to Brian, Sue, Michael, Ruth, Andy, and many others.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
Got a lot of other flu news I'm going to be going over.
I want to hear specifically from you about if your nurses or doctors or medical workers or police, different areas, we're getting the calls, they're being ordered to take it.
Some cities and hospitals have ordered their employees to take it but with no law.
Can they order you if you work there to take the shots?
This is really criminal what's happening.
Let's go to Brian in New York.
You're on the air, Brian.
Hi, how's it going, Alex?
Actually, I'm in Montreal.
Okay, well go ahead.
I just wanted to mention a few things.
First, I'm very thankful that Dr. Horowitz came out with his affidavit, because when he talked with you in April, I recorded that, and I went and did my research afterwards, and in May, on the site 12160, I posted the article, Vaccines, The Who, Dr. Robertson, and the World's Collective Death Sentence.
Now that Dr. Robertson has come out with his affidavit, he's backed up everything I had in my article.
So all the doubters and all the people that were laughing at me and thought that I was insane and had the wrong idea, now they're gonna have to take their foots out of their mouth.
Brian, I hear you, but I don't even really remember what you're talking about, so I certainly don't remember the article.
Sometimes we don't link to things early on, even if we think it may be true, if we can't prove it.
Now that more and more is coming out about this, and as we have more and more evidence, and as major German newspapers report on a lot of this, we can cover it.
I mean, I have to be careful what we do and don't cover here, but I appreciate you, Brian.
Sue in Florida, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, it's good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
I'm not one of the workers that you said, but I do have advice for people who may feel that they have to go along with shots.
My understanding from some research is that if people do consent rather than exercise their right to refuse, they should request single-dose vials that have no mercury in them of the vaccine.
Do not accept a vaccine that comes from multi-dose vials.
Well, a lot of people have been demanding the non-thimerosal, non-adjuvant shots, and they're being told they don't exist.
Well, they do exist, and a person can get online, AskDrSears.com, or other sites I'm sure, to find out which companies offer which vaccines.
AskDrSears for sure has that information.
He uses vaccines.
Of course, we also recommend Dr. Tenpenny's site, who does not
Recommend vaccines.
All very excellent information and concerns expressed on both sites.
Ironically, some of the concerns are the same about mass vaccination and so on.
But people do need to insist that they have the single dose.
Also, there's an interesting fact on government websites regarding their purchasing in May and July.
700 million dollars worth or so of adjuvant was ordered.
And yet, if you visit the CDC website question and answer section,
Will adjuvant be in our vaccines?
The answer is no.
So I'm concerned for our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.
Also coming up, Verichip granted exclusive license for patients used in virus triage detention system H1N1 virus.
I'm going to cover this when we come back briefly, then I'm going to just rapid-fire through your calls with Michelle, Ruth, Andy, Steve, and others.
Now, our phone system here takes unlimited calls.
We can take hundreds.
The Genesis system has six lines.
What I may do
We got somebody in there to take calls and screen them, because I am going to screen them today to make sure not your content other than what you're calling about.
Are you a whistleblower?
Let us know and we'll put you ahead of the line is what I'm saying.
That number, we're opening the phones up right now, is 888-201-2244.
We'll take them from Genesis and out of our studios in Austin, Texas, in beautiful, sunny South Austin.
That line
...is only for whistleblowers or people who are being ordered to take shots.
That's the hotline, 888-201-2244.
You can call whatever you want on the Genesis line.
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...in Santa Cruz, California, who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
He got laid off from a job he loved many years ago.
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Since you are the boss, nobody can fire you.
So MZ has been his own boss for over 37 years and he is passionate about turning other people on to the joys and benefits of working for themselves and not for others.
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Applied Digital Solutions, the Verichip company, has now weighed into all of this.
They've tried to get legislation passed in states to make Alzheimer patients take
The chip.
They did a deal with the Bureau of Prisons in California to chip prisoners and parolees.
That was in Reuters about seven years ago.
People got really upset and that got canceled.
They've done deals with upscale nightclubs to get into the VIP champagne rooms with the women.
You've got to take a chip.
They've done everything they can to push this and their stock is up over a hundred percent.
It's more than doubled today on this news.
Verichip Corporation, Nasdaq Chip is their name, the Nasdaq name, and its developer partner, Receptors LLC, announced today that Verichip has been granted an exclusive license to Receptors Patent No.
We're good to go.
We're good.
This is the medical tyranny where everybody's going to have to have a chip and that's in one of the four health care bills.
To make people on government health care and have the federal government finance people having a medical chip that accesses and has your history on it and also accesses bigger, more detailed medical histories.
And this is the new medical tyranny, the new martial law tyranny.
First they stage terror attacks, blaming on right-wing domestic patriots in 95 to set up their grid.
Then they stage 9-11 to say it's, oh, just men in a cave.
We're going to set up homeland security and put troops on the streets to stop them.
Then their internal reports come out and they say, oh, this is really for the American people.
This is really for gun owners, conservatives, anti-federal reserve protesters.
This whole police state grid is for the American people.
And now, triage means, in fact, let's pull up the definition of triage.
Definition of triage.
But, a paraphrase of the definition, we'll see if I'm completely accurate.
Is the practice of cutting losses.
The practice is saying we got a thousand people that are hurt.
We've only got the medical systems to help 500.
We're just going to completely not treat the other 500 and give everything to the 500 we choose.
This is the basic shift from the Hippocratic Oath of Do No Harm that they haven't given in more than 12 years to medical students that are graduating as doctors and health care providers of Hippocrates.
They are now shifting from that to the new bioethics eugenical system, of where the medical system and the government decides who gets care, and they decide that they're going to ration the care.
Just like the cover of Newsweek, the case for killing Granny.
Here's the definition of triage.
The sorting and allocation of treatment to patients and especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors.
The sorting of patients as an emergency room according to the urgency of their need for care.
But when they talk about triage in the case of flu, it means don't treat these people, treat those.
That's in the World Health Organization definition.
The assisting a priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and other resources can be best used and are most needed and are most likely to achieve success.
So there's your definition of triage.
So this is a triage, Chip, deciding if you're in good with the globalists, are you going to be given treatment or are you not going to be given treatment?
What does Reflections and Warnings, my new film with Aaron Russo, cover?
How Nick Rockefeller told him, the elites will have a chip, get out of jail, free card, above the law, now 900, almost a million, it's 900,000 two years ago, I'm sure it's over a million now, get special license plates, government workers, police, in California where they can run toll roads, the police can't run their plates, they get let go from DWIs, this is Orange County Register, this is mainstream news.
It's the same thing as the chip with the license plate reading systems.
They can't read the private plates of government, state, federal, and local workers.
So that's what this is going to be.
A chip proving you're a good globalist.
A chip proving you're allowed to buy and sell.
They're saying under Homeland Security, if you haven't paid your taxes or have bad debts, you're going to be put on the no-fly, no-gun-buy list.
So no judge, no jury.
You're just put on list.
You've got to take a chip to prove you're good.
And if your chip doesn't work, they just turn it off.
How would they sell giving us a chip?
For more than a decade, I've told you, through medical emergencies and pandemics, and now their stock has doubled today.
In fact, they probably brought it in to me because I asked for it.
Do print me the NASDAQ, because everybody ran in here and was showing it to me.
Let's pull up NASDAQ and go into the listing of stocks under NASDAQ Chip.
Chip is the name of the product.
Chip is what Verichip goes under on the NASDAQ.
Because I'm told it's over 100%, but I want to... There it is!
There's Chip.
Yes, look at it.
Look at it today.
It has gone from an open of $1.75 to $3.26 or a 200%.
It says it's an increase of $2.
What were you saying, Jaren?
183% increase.
There you go.
Okay, that was more than 100.
Excuse me, it was worse than I said.
180 plus percent increase in value right there on your screen for the chip.
Alright, I'm going to your phone calls and I want to explain something.
We have the Genesis phone lines and then we have our phone lines.
In fact, I've got... Pardon me?
John in Virginia, you're up first, and Michael, Ruth, Steve, Julio, Joe, and others.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, sir.
Hey, yeah, my wife is a nurse here in Richmond, Virginia.
She's been a nurse for 18 years now.
She's actually a supervisor now of pretty much a whole ER department, and she's been in the, you know, actually in the meetings when they
Well, a month ago we saw articles in New York where they were ordering nurses to take it and the headline was 50 plus percent say no to the vaccine.
But Obama is saying you don't have to take it, and that that's a lie, that people are lying.
Just like we're lying that he hired lobbyists, or we're lying he's increasing tribs, or we're lying.
No, he's lying.
Well, she's not a taker.
She's found a way around it.
Luckily, like I said,
She's a supervisor and she's found kind of a way around it.
They've done the same thing, but she's found a way to...
Because it's fraudulent color of law.
Of course, if she stands her ground, they know they're going to have a lawsuit on their hands if they force her to do it.
I mean, sir, do you see the outrageous precedent?
They're saying you've got to take the flu shot now.
You've got to take the other shot now.
This is getting ready to make everybody take it.
And it's not only just the nurses.
I'm a former professional firefighter.
Luckily, I'm out of it now.
I'm out on the road driving a truck.
I listen to you all the time, by the way.
But the local fire departments in Richmond, Virginia, all the... Richmond and all the surrounding areas have all received basically the same marching orders.
They've all made the blue shot this year mandatory.
And again, just like I said, as soon as they get the H1N1, they're making that mandatory as well.
I've still got a ton of friends in the fire department, and they've all told me the same thing.
Well, we've talked to police and they've said they've been told not to tell anybody, but that they are being told they're going to have to take it and they're probably going to quote, make the public take it.
Under level six, we're already under this official UN edict that we have to take it if they decide we do.
And the troops are training for quarantines, you name it.
This doesn't look good.
And they were told not to tell anybody also.
So there you go, the government engaging in sneaky evil, with Obama saying, everything's alright, you don't have to take it, while they're gearing up.
That's right.
Well, thank you for your time, I just wanted to let you know, I mean, and the people that don't believe it, it is going on.
Sir, can you get your wife, without her name, just to write up, and every other nurse, to writers at InfoWars.com, I'll make sure my guys get that, give it to Kurt, Nemo, and Paul,
Yeah, I can definitely do it.
And she actually found out about it, I want to say three weeks
Yeah, that's when the feds started having them quietly do it.
God bless you, sir.
Anything else?
No, sir.
Have a great day, Alex.
Thank you.
Alright, we've got Joe in Long Island whose wife's a nurse on the Genesis phone system.
We're going to come back to Joe.
I'm going to get a clear...
List for the callers on our end.
And we're going to continue.
I mean, this is incredible.
But do you see the military tactic of Obama and the media?
This is what they always do.
As they were burning Waco down in 93, ramming it with tanks and had troops firing into it on FLIR footage.
They were broadcasting on bullhorns.
We're not assaulting.
Come out with your hands up.
When they come out, they'd shoot them.
As they're firing, we're not assaulting.
This is not an assault as they're shooting people.
That's the same thing.
We're not making you take the shot.
It's a conspiracy theory.
Nobody's got to take it.
We're not making nurses take it.
And then meanwhile, it's happening.
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Now, I know these calls are going to be incredibly important, like that firefighter slash truck driver whose wife's in Virginia, told they gotta take the shot, but don't tell the public.
See, they want to keep all this secret, just like their secret CDC documents admit it's giving people neurological disorders.
That's mainstream news now, secret government documents.
I mean, this is crazy!
I know these calls are going to be important, but I've got to move through them quick, because I want to get to more people here.
We're going to continue, day after day, taking your calls, proving they're doing forced inoculations, and that there's a media blackout on it, except for a few articles in New York and Boston.
England's admitting it, France, Greece are admitting it, but not in the US.
Because if we could admit they're forcibly inoculating and plan to do it for us, people stand up and say no.
But if they just keep coming to the school going, you gotta take it.
Coming to the nurse, you gotta take it.
People will be isolated individually and can be cornered.
This is diabolical.
This is how the tyranny works.
But if we wake up, it fails.
It is essential to get the word out that the vaccinations are forcible and have begun through color of law and fraud.
We're going to go to Tom in Costa Rica, Joe in Long Island, Michael, everybody.
Let's go to Joe in Long Island, wife is a nurse, then to Costa Rica.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'll get right to the point.
My wife is a nurse for 25 years at North Shore Long Island, Jewish Long Island, which is a conglomerate that owns all the major hospitals in the area.
And she carpools with her supervisor, and she dropped the bomb on her the other day.
They have to get a mandatory vaccination, and if they refuse, they will have one week paid administrative leave, and then after that week, you're put on a list.
So basically, they're threatening to make you lose your job, but the intel we've got from 2002 with the smallpox forced to knock, and this one, is if you say, fine, I'm going to court, they back off.
You know, I would ask her over the last few weeks, couple of months, you know, have you heard anything?
Have you heard anything?
And then she mentioned it the other day, and I guess it makes perfect sense.
We're really waiting until the last second.
I don't
Deluded, uh, uh, rebellion things amongst the nurses in the hospital.
Well, we'll sign a, you know, under protest, or I'm like, you have to just not take the shot, you know?
Look, look, any shot they try to make you take, guaranteed's got bad stuff in it.
The adjuvant alone, we've had medical doctor on after medical doctor.
They admit when they gave conservatively half this much adjuvant in the anthrax shots, the army admits it killed a bunch of the troops and paralyzed a bunch of them.
I mean, there is no... Did you hear the caller, the lady yesterday, who's talking about the nurses who took the shot and their arms are paralyzed?
Yes, I did.
And I would show my wife all the pertinent videos and articles to back everything up.
And it's like she hasn't been listening to me for the last couple of years, and now all of a sudden the light goes on overhead.
Well, why isn't this on, you know, mainstream news?
And, you know, that's how far out of the loop she is.
Because it's a black op!
It's a black op, this whole thing.
Folks, I was a normal mainline libertarian talk show host till black helicopters started attacking cities in Texas and bribing police chiefs.
And then when I spoke out against it, I got attacked in the media because there's giant black ops going on all over the place, all around us.
I don't have all the answers.
I'm just telling listeners, we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
Yeah, I'm surprised no one's really called up, you know, because it's been out there for a few weeks now from the Long Island, you know, this major hospital, you know, because it's... I have a friend... It's every hospital... Look, I've got family in medical care, and they won't go on record.
They're all being told in Austin this.
We're getting calls from Austin.
It's totally criminal.
Don't tell anybody.
Don't stand up for yourself.
But we're going to forcibly inject you with the regular flu and the new one and with whatever else we say in the future.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Have your wife on her day off call into the show.
Let's go to a caller in Costa Rica.
Tom, what's your intel?
Hi Alex, thanks for your broadcast and educating everyone.
My daughter is a nurse in San Fernando Valley, West Hills Hospital, run by HCA Corporation out of Texas, one of the larger hospital operators.
Last Thursday, the nurse came in with the regular flu shot to give to everyone.
They were provided with a paper to fill out, one side to consent to and receive the shot, the other was to sign refusal, and at the bottom it said by October 1st.
We'll see, that's what the news is reporting, is that they're allowed to refuse, but then we keep getting intel that they're being told they'll be fired.
Well, they are, and this was at you... Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, they told her she'd be fired?
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh, yeah, and if you... Okay, I'm gonna shut up.
You tell me what she said, then.
I misunderstood.
I was hoping that they were... I sent your guys... I documented this and sent the letter that she gave me.
I've educated my children for 15 years about this stuff.
When did you send it and to what email?
I sent it to Showtips at Infowars last Friday.
Can you send it again right now?
I will.
Hold on, hold on.
I want to talk to you during the break.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
We're going to give you an email.
We're on the march.
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Okay, we got Tom in Costa Rica.
His daughter is in California.
I have been sent these letters before.
We've got a bunch of these letters coming in.
Send them to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Send it to AaronInfoWars.com.
I'll have everybody go back through.
If you sent them and you didn't see us post them, send them again.
We have limited personnel.
We're doing the best we can.
The crew is working their butts off.
I need Paul Watson and
Steve Watson and Kurt Nemo to do separate stories.
The big news is, this is all hidden in plain view.
They are ordering medical workers, people that carry out the trash at these facilities, I've confirmed in Austin as well, at hospitals, anybody that works at a hospital, to take the regular flu shot and the H1N1 and maybe more, they're telling them.
Setting a whole precedent under Level 6 World Health Organization rules.
With the U.N., they say they can have checkpoints, lockdowns.
They've got a microchip they want to implant.
It says, for the flu pandemic, to prove you've had it.
We've aired an Army officer last week who's training with the chips in California.
We confirmed the Army secretly training in checkpoints.
So has the Marine Corps months ago.
We didn't know exactly why.
We've confirmed that to lockdown cities and forced inoculations.
Let me make it very clear to everybody.
If we don't expose the danger of the vaccine, the illegalness of it, how it's a scam, and how they're lying about launching it, they're going to get away with launching this program against us.
So, a multi-pronged attack.
Getting Horowitz's letter out is important, paramount, but also of paramount, peak importance.
He is exposing with the video clip of Obama.
You can just YouTube it.
Obama says you won't have to take vaccine.
In fact, we ought to pull that up later.
I may even go into overdrive, but I've got so much to do today.
Finishing up with Tom, and I'm going to try to run to all these other callers.
Tom, you've sent us the letter from your daughter in her hospital.
I guess you want us to black her name out, obviously.
Uh, because how dare her not want to take the shot.
And so, so specifically, they told her... She didn't take the shot.
No, no, I'm saying... She didn't take the shot.
They were giving them to everybody else on the staff.
Those people weren't even asking whether it was H1N1 or the regular flu shot.
They asked no questions.
They just didn't want to lose their job by October 1st.
And she was exposed two months ago, the hospital told her.
They told her she would be tested and checked.
Nothing has occurred since then, and she told them that at this inoculation on Thursday, and said, what about your testing?
I may already have it.
What is going on?
What are you doing?
Well, you'll have to talk to Human Resources.
And we don't have all the information yet, but by October 1st, you take this, or you must wear a mask.
And if you don't wear the mask, she asks questions like, well, what are the parameters for wearing the mask?
Do I have to wear it when I go to the bathroom?
Are the doctors going to be required to take shots?
Are visitors going to be required to take shots?
We don't know.
We'll have to ask Home Human Resources later.
We don't have the policy for that.
And yet they're giving shots last Thursday to everybody on their staff in West Hills, California.
Well, they're telling other people they're going to be fired if they don't take it.
You just heard them.
Well, she was threatened.
On the back of that document that I told you they presented to her, it said, if you don't comply, you will voluntarily be terminated.
You will voluntarily resign.
It's in the letter that I sent you.
Now, Tom, we've got the email from you.
We don't have the letter.
We don't have the hospital letter.
It was her letter to me explaining what she went through on Thursday.
But can you get us a copy of the original letter?
Oh, of the document, sure.
I'll have to get that from her.
She's at work today.
Okay, I know these are everywhere.
Sir, we're having call after call about this.
In the news admitted a month ago in New York, they were ordering the same thing.
So we know this is going on.
We just need the proof.
So everybody send it.
Whoever's got it, send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com and AaronAtInfoWars.com.
Thank you so much, sir.
Before I go to Michael in Chicago, here is the hotline number specifically
If you were told you'd be fired if you didn't take the shot, and specifically on top of it, if you have a letter, you can send us 888-201-2244.
Here it is.
Because if we can prove this is going on, which we know it is, everybody's calling in, whether it happened to their wives and husbands and other people, then we can have a united front by admitting this is going on.
Let's talk to Michael in Chicago.
Michael, you're on the air.
Thanks, Alex.
A couple of quick items.
My sister-in-law is a nurse in Northern California and they've consistently tried to have her take the normal flu shots and she's consistently refused.
So I'll be in touch with her shortly to see, because we were trying to work on a strategy because we knew that, you know, they'd be pushing really hard, if not mandatory, for her to get the H1N1 shot.
So I'll get that information from her.
Second item, and I'm former military.
This is in the Chicago breaking news deal, so something weird is going on here.
Down here at the University of Chicago, and I'm in the area and affiliated with a lot of the medical folks down there, a professor just died due to a plague, some sort of plague deal that he was working on.
Very suspicious story here.
It indicates that he was a geneticist and that this exposure, this weakened strain of Yersinia pestis,
Uh, somehow became dangerous in that it, uh, somehow, uh, targeted his genetic making.
Yeah, let me tell you what's going on with that.
They've built 36 level 4 bioweapons labs in level 2, no big deal containment, at major universities across the country, from UT at Austin to the University of Chicago, all over the country, and that's what's going on here.
I didn't see the particular article, though.
What's the headline?
Chicago Department of Public Health plagued death, not a threat to public health.
So now they're giving antibiotics to family, friends, and co-workers of this guy.
And they don't know what the, you know, they're downplaying it, but if you read the article, there's a lot of unanswered questions here.
If I could jump, just the other day, we were at our daycare, and again, I'm in the University of Chicago, so everyone's, you know, medical, whatever.
One of the doctors hopped up, her child is in the class with us, and she gave this huge pitch.
You know, she's been in touch with the Department of Public Health, you name it, and it is imperative that, you know, get the kids vaccinated, you get vaccinated when, you know, when the vaccine becomes available.
Yeah, they're brainwashing.
Walgreens give mothers stickers in Austin that say, I vaccinated my child, I care.
So it's like a cult of pro-vaccine people marching around, arrogantly writing editorials in everybody's face.
Yeah, they're absolutely nuts with it down here, including the woman who told us that we want to give vitamins to our daughter, which turned out to be fluoride for her teeth.
God bless you, sir.
I want to bring Paul Watson up briefly.
And then specifically, guys, I'm having trouble with my call list computer in here.
If you'll handwrite me, Bob, any key whistleblower calls on our hotline, I'll be able to get it up.
We're going to go to Steve, Ron, Alan, Jonathan here in just a moment with key info.
But I wanted to bring Watson up.
Watson, what's the best email?
For people to get into, I know you have several, for you to scan for letters that nurses and doctors are being given, ordering them to take the shot or they're fired, because we can break the hoax that Obama's put out saying nobody's got to take it.
We've confirmed they're doing this, but we need the letters, not just people calling in.
The best email and
If you send it to this one, both myself and Kurt will get it at the same time, because we've both got access.
It's writers at infowars.com.
That goes direct to me, in my personal email as well.
I think that...
They're definitely preparing for a mass vaccination campaign.
I don't think it's going to be enforced at gunpoint, but as we've discussed before, it's going to be about threatening people's jobs and taking people's rights away if they don't take it.
So if you live in a cave, you know, up in the mountains or something, then yeah, you don't have to take it without your life being affected.
For any of us who travel, or any of us who have jobs, or use any services connected to the state, then they're going to make you have it, and they're going to force people to take it by taking it along right away.
Have you seen, exactly, have you seen Verichip for a triage system where you take an implantable chip to prove you've had the shot?
Yeah, their stock's gone up 200% on a day when, you know, stock market's flat.
So that's soaring up there.
The story I put out a couple of hours ago is somebody who's a CEO, and they got sent a survey by the University of Virginia Health Department, and in that survey there's 81 questions.
Some of which are about if there's a swine flu outbreak, you know, if it returns deadlier than ever, as we've been promised, will they follow the government's orders?
Will they obey the authorities?
And will they take the vaccine if it's, quote, delivered to them by the authorities?
So they're testing for martial law through the InfraGard to see if they'll follow orders.
What is the name of this incredible article?
It's Will Americans Obey Government Orders During a Swine Flu Pandemic and it's this survey sponsored by a group that's specifically looking at what happens when people stop trusting authorities and it's clear that they're gauging the response that Americans will have to
Um, the authorities going out and trying to inoculate people and generally, you know, imposing quarantines or telling them to stay in their own homes.
Clearly, Paul, they're using this as a cover for martial law, whether it's a deadly flu or not.
We are in deep crap.
Thank you so much.
Thanks, Alex.
My head is just spinning at this point.
Um... Let's go to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
Um, yeah, actually I work... I work for, um...
Sure, so we know they're getting you ready with the regular flu.
Next week with the official H1N1.
This is confirmed.
Everybody's calling in.
Nurses, husbands of nurses, wives of nurses.
Doctors, and then Obama's on TV saying you don't have to take it.
What authority did they cite to make you take a deadly medical procedure to keep your job?
Um, I really, I have no idea.
I mean, that's just what they're telling us right now.
Um, we actually can be terminated if we don't take the regular flu shot.
Did they give you a letter?
Uh, yeah.
Actually, I got it pulled up now.
I'm trying to send it to my other email address, but I don't send it from the actual hospital.
Listen, listen.
We'll block it out.
Yeah, no, I understand.
Don't send it from the hospital one, because they'll... Okay, well, will you please?
I'm going to put you on hold.
I'm going to give you a secret email so we get this.
Will you please?
Get that to me immediately, because when we can show there's a giant secret operation going on, this is going to be so important to defeating this.
How soon can you get us that email?
I'm working on it right now.
I just need the email, I guess.
We'll put him on hold, ladies and gentlemen.
Get Dan in Illinois' info and get this sent to the secret email right now.
Oh, man.
Oh, my God.
Because even if you're for the flu shot, they're lying on TV saying nobody has to take it, and I'm taking call after call from nurses and medical workers, I gotta take it!
Steve in Washington, you're on the air.
Steve, go ahead.
Hello Alex, just calling.
Right now I'm in the military, and we just got an email about a week ago telling us to get ready to take the regular seasonal flu shot upcoming here in a couple of weeks.
I think so.
It really hasn't had much of an effect on the people who've been having it, you know?
There really hasn't been any death caused by it.
Well, I've got Reuters saying flu experts gear up for pandemic vaccine worry, admitting it's going to hurt all these people, but saying if you get hurt, we're not even going to look at it being the vaccine.
And then another Reuters saying swine flu death rates similar to seasonal flu experts says no big deal.
Yeah, but you know, the precedent that they're using from this is really, in my opinion,
Completely inaccurate, based on the fact that there's been such a little effect it's been having on people.
Well, Steve, never forget that the White House science czars said they want to put sterilants in vaccines and your water to sterilize you.
God bless you.
The book's Ecoscience.
John P. Holdren.
All right, we've got Ron in New York.
Wife is being forced to take vaccine.
Ron, you're on the air.
Oh, it's a pleasure.
Yeah, my wife actually was
Terminated because she refused it.
I've got to have her on.
I've got to have her on, sir.
You've got such a lawsuit.
I'm working away from my house right now, so... No, no, I'm saying maybe we should get your number.
Would your wife come on?
Not sure.
I'd have to talk to her.
So they fired her.
Tell us what happened.
Well, basically, they started with a memo saying that there may be a mandatory vaccination.
Then, about two weeks later, the nurse left to go get a bunch of antibiotics, whatever, the group, and told her straight out that either you take the shot or you don't have a job.
And her and five of her co-workers stood up and refused the shot, and all six of them lost their jobs.
That's Nazi Germany.
But meanwhile, Obama's on TV saying it's a conspiracy theory.
Nobody's got to take the shot.
I've come to, last year that I've been enlightened by you, I've come to not believe much that comes out of anybody's mouth.
Well, more than that, normally if they say something, it's 180 degrees.
So, but yeah, like I said, she, she actually, and then they told her, well, you're, the remainder of your career in the medical field will be a jeopardy if you don't take these shots.
My God, she's got, and they terminated her for what?
Because she refused.
And there's no way to get your wife on?
She doesn't want to talk?
Well, I just heard you talking about it today, wanted to make the call, and I haven't even talked to her.
Look, we won't pressure you, but can I put you on hold and get your name and number?
Or can we give you our number, the producer's number, so you can call us?
I'll give her a call and talk to her and see if I can get her to call.
Okay, John Harmon, please give him our producer number here, and Ron, call us.
It's important your wife come on and fight this.
She has nothing else to lose.
But good job saying no.
Thank you.
God bless you, sir.
Oh, man.
And then these bastards on TV say none of this is happening.
Caller after caller after caller after caller.
And I can take hundreds.
We'll do it tomorrow.
Let's talk to Alan in Kansas.
Mom works for Health Department.
Go ahead, Alan.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, my mom was saying that the swine flu vaccines are on their way and that they don't have to take it mandatory.
But it's kind of like if you don't take it,
You really can't work here because you're around a bunch of people.
So it's mainly fear to take it.
And that's about all I really got from her.
I asked her for a letter, but she hasn't got anything like that.
Okay, I gotta stop you.
This is off the charts what Paul Hartman just gave me.
Off the charts, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll finish your point.
I'll cover it when we come back.
I can't believe what I was just given.
Go ahead.
Yeah, anything else, sir?
Yeah, actually, something kind of for everybody to look at your hand.
You know what?
This is too big.
I'm skipping the break.
I'm skipping the break.
Finish your point, sir, and then I've got it.
I've got it.
The Navy admits they're preparing for martial law for forced inoculation.
This is navy.mil, off the charts, mega huge.
These bastards!
We've got to say no to this.
I'm sorry.
It's all coming in fast now.
Man, I tell you what, nobody's giving me or my wife or my kids any damn shots.
I've had enough of you eugenics scum, you murdering bastards, you Hitlerian pieces of trash.
We're on to you, and I want them brought to justice.
They're trying to break our back and train us to take whatever poison they put in us.
Go ahead and finish your point, sir.
Yes, everybody to look at your hands, and if you have an X in the center, or directly above it, it means that your genes have been mutated by vaccine.
And now you get X-Men, how X-Men have mutated genes.
Oh yeah, listen, I appreciate your call.
So we're talking about serious issues here.
It is true that mercury in vaccines can mutate the DNA and mutate babies in the womb and genetically from the zygote level.
Alright, let's get serious here.
This is from navy.mil, official website of the United States Navy.
You see that?
Official website of the United States Navy.
When I broke the MIAC and DHS reports, people didn't believe me and said they were a hoax.
None of this is a hoax.
This is navy.mil, red alert, red alert.
It's up on infowars.com, saved in case they take it down.
Red alert, ladies and gentlemen.
Panamax 2009 U.S.
military exercises to train soldiers to impose pandemic martial law.
Editors note, military exercises designed to train soldiers to stop people from going to work and school, according to U.S.
And the U.S.
Navy announces in the article that that is the case, confirming what the Army soldier said in the YouTube video last week, working with the CHIP, California Highway Patrol, in California.
Confirming everything we saw start in January when I told you I believe they were going to launch pandemic, flu, or at least the fear of the flu, for martial law in the fall to pass the government health care, the banking takeover by offshore banks, the hate crime, hate speech laws, their whole agenda this fall, this winter.
This is it, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the absolute final piece of the puzzle.
Red level.
I've got to go in and finish Fall of the Republic and I've got to go in and work on this all day or I'd go into overdrive.
But we will be live 11 a.m.
tomorrow to cover this in detail.
And tell everybody you know to tune in tomorrow 11 a.m.
because there will be a detailed report on the full spectrum of what we're dealing with here.
Representatives of 10 U.S.
government agencies are holding a two-day tabletop exercise in cooperation with the government of Panama to assist in responding to any future influenza pandemic.
September 16th, the agency representatives are in Panama in conjunction.
This already happened.
I think
I think
Commerce, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.
Agency for International Development, Department of Health and Human Services, U.S.
Army, U.S.
Coast Guard, and Navy.
Since the severity of the flu outbreaks, it's difficult to predict.
The U.S.
agencies are sharing tools and information to help Panama combat any level of influenza outbreak.
Influenza usually starts suddenly and symptoms include and goes on.
Navy is working with the Panamanian government and other agencies to build a preventative plan to fight against disease, not just the flu.
The same thing is going on here in the U.S.
According to U.S.
Coast Guard,
Head of the Coast Guard's Environment Division Plan, Navy Coast Guard Vessels, to play an important role.
Coast Guard to work diligently, provide maritime support, and a role to help people of Panama.
And it goes on to talk about largest multinational training exercise in the world.
They did this earlier, two months ago, landing in Florida for a practice takeover of the U.S.
They had FEMA, NLE09, with 14 nations domestically for a takeover of the U.S.
I forgot about that.
The 2009 is the largest multinational training exercise.
More than 20 vessels and a dozen aircraft are involved in the exercise.
Participants are focusing on a variety of response to any request from the government to protect and guarantee safe passage through traffic, ensure its neutrality, and respect national sovereignty.
And it goes on.
So U.S.
forces run out of Fort Sam, San Antonio, Texas to practice taking over Panama for that.
But that's confirmed going on in the United States as well under level six.
They said they may have quarantines and lockdowns.
That's been done in the dark winter drills.
Looking at smallpox, anthrax, and an avian or other type super flu scenario.
We got a bunch of callers calling in here.
Reps came to his school about the flu shot.
Jonathan Arkansas, tell us quickly.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Oh yeah, sure.
Yeah, I'm not doing too good and I'm sorry.
I'm ITT Tech and like two days ago, like last week, our state representative comes to our school and starts talking to us about the flu shots and how important it is for us to get them and then he goes into this long speech about our amendment rights and how we can tear down a government that's not for us and everything.
So after his little speech, I come to him and I say,
Why is our government trying to disarm us?
And he's like, what do you mean?
I said, there's a shortage of ammunition for us to protect ourselves and everything like that.
And he says, I have no idea what you're talking about, because right when I said that, his eyes went big, and he was like, almost ready to get out of there.
You know what I mean?
Because he hasn't run into any kind of students or whatever like that, that haven't spoken to him like that, or he wouldn't expect us to know about that sort of thing.
You know what I mean, Alex?
Absolutely, so how did it end?
Well, I continued talking with him and he left and a police officer that had came there with him had pulled me aside and said you need to watch what you say and everything like that.
Oh yeah, in America you don't dare talk to a congressman.
See, I mean the police have been turned into nothing but secret police.
And here in Arkansas, I remember hearing a gentleman on the phone saying about, unless you're in a cave or you can escape it, you really can't escape it.
Because I have family from southern Arkansas, Dermot, Arkansas, McGee, Arkansas, out there in those rural areas and everything like that, they're putting it in their heads like, hey, we're out here to save you and everything.
Come get this free flu shot and everything like that.
You know what I mean?
We're here to
God bless you, sir.
I'm out of time.
Yes, they're brainwashing.
Here's the bottom line.
They're taking over the banks.
They're taking over our society.
They're plunging the dollar.
They're bringing in tyranny.
They need this flu as a pretext to clamp down with martial law during the fall of the republic.
And this next three, four months is the most important time in history up until this point.
It'll probably just get more serious after that.
This is a key test for humanity to spread the word about how this flu is a hoax and nothing but a takeover cover.
Retransmission starts now with Key Info.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz coming up at Infowars.com on the streams.
Great job, crew.
Back live, 11 a.m.
Tell your friends and family to tune in for Key Info.
The revolution starts here.
Have you ever wanted to generate your own supply of electrical power?
If so, this is going to be the most important message you will ever hear.
Solar power generators are now available from Solutions from Science in Thompson, Illinois.
These emergency backup systems provide life-saving electrical power when you need it most, unlike gas generators.
A solar generator runs quietly, emits no fumes, and produces electricity for free.
It's like having an electric power plant running quietly in your own home.
Run sump pumps, shortwave radios, computers, and even keep food from spoiling.
Whether it's hurricanes, ice storms, brownouts, or blackouts.