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Name: 20090917_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 17, 2009
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Director of Political Talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is Thursday, September 17, 2009.
We're simulcasting the last hour and 52 minutes as we do daily at PrisonPlanet.tv.
So we're now in the visual, not just on the radio.
Thank you so much for joining us.
So for this segment, we've got Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Report on with us.
He's been trying to get into the flu conferences.
He's been beating the pavement in D.C.
and Maryland.
With intel about what they're planning with the flu.
Now they're announcing body bags in the US, in Canada with the flu shipments.
Under level 6 flu pandemic they admit they can set up checkpoints, have martial law under UN treaty.
That's in the news.
We are getting reports from military and police.
In one case at an event that Joyce Rowley was at with a police officer.
I think
Running reports about kidnapped kids and Alzheimer patients.
They're not just on the big government billboards now.
So they're testing that takeover grid.
Is this just a cover to get the health care bill passed, to get the quote, financial reform bill passed, giving the banks more power?
Is it a political cover?
Is it a federalization drill?
We've confirmed people getting the flu shot are being put in a database that they've had it.
That's the beginning of in this case or in the future.
Creating a database of who's had it and who has for quarantines.
Police in major states are lobbying and states are passing laws to go along with the feds for forced inoculation, arresting people, going in homes.
That's the basic intel on that.
Wayne Madsen, what are you hearing along those lines?
Well, I'll tell you, the fact is, I've been looking at where this flu came from and I can report on your show for the first time that while the United States government won't look into this, part of the funding for this research into this
That's right.
A woman who died of a 1918 flu in Alaska, and how this was basically constructed in a laboratory.
The word I get from the research community, definitely this did not happen naturally.
This was manufactured in a laboratory environment.
Wayne, specifically, we talked to you a few weeks ago.
You were going to try to get into that secretive flu symposium.
We got the cover sheet for it saying mass graves, fatalities, quarantine.
One of our people got in.
We've now got the documents.
They're printing them off for me.
The details of the meeting, but he was kicked out.
Were you able to get into that flu conference?
I was able to get into the flu conference.
There was one anomaly.
There was an individual who was there from the city of New York, the medical examiner's office, who headed up some sort of special investigation unit for 9-11, believe it or not, and when he found out that the press was invited to this conference, he basically pitched a fit and said,
You know, I don't want my comments recorded.
He had his presentation on a thumb drive, his PowerPoint, he plugged it in, he took it out, there were no handouts, nothing from his presentation.
So this guy's...
Wayne, what's the big picture here?
What do you think is really going on?
Well, you know, I have to say we've been through this before.
We had the anthrax case.
Of course, anthrax is a bacteria.
It's not spread from person to person.
But we never had a full investigation of that.
And we know that the strain came out of Fort Detrick.
Now we know with this particular H1N1 that it was a recombinant of two forms of human flu, two forms of swine flu, and one form of avian flu, and that it was constructed in a laboratory.
There's obvious involvement by the Armed Forces Pathology Institute in Rockville, Maryland, very likely also Fort Detrick, and two particular research centers were heavily involved, the University of Wisconsin at Madison and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
So, there's a lot of information out there from the research community that this was a man-made violence.
The question is, to what intent?
And was this a way to enrich these four vaccine manufacturers because the vaccine was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
And if that's what it is, this is a potential major criminal case.
Now Dick Armey, and I'm no fan of Dick Armey of the Bush years, but he's come out in the Dallas Morning News and said this may be used as a cover to get government health care and to get other legislation passed during the hysteria.
If they almost brought the country to its knees for a few dozen deaths in April from the H1N1, what is going to happen as normal deaths happen by the tens of thousands this flu season that's now kicked off?
Do you see this being used as a political cover?
Actually, it's going to take so long to implement any sort of healthcare program.
This is very similar to the 1918 virus.
The 1918 virus actually, like this one, there was a bit of a surge in the spring of 1918.
Then, at the end of September and October, it peaked in a very big way, killing millions of people around the world.
It spread.
There was one individual at the Swine Flu Conference here who was the Director of Emergency Services for Oklahoma.
It was very interesting what he had to say.
He went back to the city archives in Oklahoma City.
And look at how this was spread back then.
At first there were reports out of Philadelphia, Boston, and New York.
Troops were coming back from World War I from the front.
They were heading back to the West Coast by train going through Oklahoma City.
And that's how it spread.
And it killed thousands of people in Oklahoma City.
When they first had people get the flu, the city fathers of Oklahoma City said, oh, it's just a bad case of hay fever, until they realized how bad this was.
So is it just to make money for the vaccine makers?
Is it a federalization drill?
We've got reports and they say under level six they can run checkpoints, force quarantine.
They are keeping records of who gets the shot to create that database for who's complied and who hasn't.
Bottom line, what do you see happening?
Well, there were two themes at the Swine Flu Conference.
One theme was from the medical professionals.
Their big thing was educate the public, let them know what the deal is.
Then there were these FEMA types and the military types and the emergency services people.
And their theme was, you know, we have to be prepared for riots at the vaccination stations, forced quarantines.
They did talk about checkpoints at various travel hubs.
So, two things.
The medical professionals certainly didn't seem like they were buying off on all that business.
But the FEMA types, the Homeland Security types, they were all present by the way.
Yeah, they were excited.
I have to say they were jumping at the bit, you know, saying, well, you know, if we have rioting at the vaccination stations, you know, and all this business, they were talking about invoking their quote-unquote protocols for this type of thing.
Were you able to get out of the conference with this?
The internal
A report from the Swine Flu Secretive Conference.
I sat in several of the presentations and took notes.
The only one, as I said, where there was opposition to the press being there was this guy from New York City who was discussing mass fatality management, who apparently dealt with the 9-11.
Yeah, our guy William said that he saw him there and was thrown out.
We now have the YouTube video of our reporter, or a fellow there doing reporting for us, getting thrown out.
Did you see that happen?
I didn't see it, but I did talk to one of the conference organizers.
By the way, the company that organizes conferences is an Arab owned company.
They're based apparently out of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
The reaction even by the organizers to this guy from New York City was, you know, they said that was very peculiar.
Interrex, Interject Systems, and others.
Here's the internal document, folks.
We're going to be going over all of this.
Well, Wayne, as this unfolds, we'll continue to check in with you at WayneMadsenReport.com and link it up at InfoWars.com.
Anything else you've got to add?
Uh, well, we're expecting this to peak as it did in 1918 in October.
Probably the first week it'll peak, but we're already seeing surges in places like Minnesota, Washington State, college campuses... And you're saying the intel is this is man-made and being done by design?
This was man-made, absolutely.
This is coming from a top virologist who spent the last... since he first showed up in Mexico, has been spending all of the time... Stay there, stay there, stay there.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, we're going to go to Dr. Conrad in Utah, Dr. Darren in Kansas, Bill in Los Angeles, Matt in the UK, Ronnie in Texas.
We're needing your intel, what you're hearing about forced inoculations, quarantines.
It's all in the executive order.
The government says they may implement it.
We're looking for signs that they are going to or are they not going to.
This whole thing is staged.
That much is clear.
The question is, what is the full extent of that?
And I have two video clips we're going to play before we go to those calls, but everybody stay there because I want to talk to you.
But I've got to get to these clips now.
And that's a video clip, after we talked to Wayne Madsen, of a lady who says she's in the military training with the CHIPS in California for quarantines and checkpoints.
We checked out all her info, we're trying to get her on, but the transponder tracker she talks about, those have been issued.
The Army and Marine Corps working with CHIPS in checkpoints, we confirmed that four months ago.
We didn't know why.
Very illegal.
And so that's what's so scary.
Then we have a Texas peace officer saying the same thing from a month and a half ago in a video.
So those are coming up.
First her clip, then the calls, then to the other clip.
Let's go ahead and go back to Wayne Madsen.
Wayne, you went to the conference, you got there, you saw this, you confirmed a lot of what our other reporter was saying who was there and then got kicked out.
Well, from what I understand from a person in the research community,
We're good to go.
I think so.
We're good to go.
Those tissue samples were taken to the Armed Forces Pathology Institute in Rockville, Maryland.
And, I mean, this is the ground zero.
It's that little Inuit village.
Apparently the village elders, at first, when they went up there to get samples, they also went to Spitsbergen in Norway, but they didn't find anything there.
So they were actually looking for samples of the 1918 flu.
They brought this dead virus back to life.
And we've been talking about that for a decade.
A lot of people have really been concerned about that.
And the virologist, as you said, the genetic engineers are saying it looks like it was engineered from that.
What's the goal then?
Do they want to release something that kills a billion people so that they can reduce population?
What's the point of this?
Well, I mean, if you look at this from a purely criminal investigation standpoint, you've got
Uh, the company's planning to make a bundle of money on the vaccines.
Uh, obviously, you know, you've got, uh, wrongful death, uh, you know, issues here, uh, being that this is man-made.
So, where, where is the investigation?
And now that I've found out that part of the research was funded by the Japanese government, hopefully the new Prime Minister, who's not, believe me, this is the first
Yeah, the number three guy in the Japanese government's been on this show now, and he believes 9-11's an inside job.
That's right.
This is the Democratic Party of Japan.
It's a left of center government.
They don't buy into the U.S.
And being that there is a Japanese link to this, I think they stand a much better chance to look at this from their end because there was money that went into this research from the Japanese government.
But it appears this flu is not that deadly.
So if it's connected to the old super flu, again, something's weird here.
Well, deadly for some and not for others.
I mean, what was it last week?
An 11-year-old girl came home from school on a Thursday, sick.
She was dead on Sunday.
No pre-existing conditions.
That's another protocol I think they're putting in place.
Well, yeah.
No, no.
The flu of 1918, as you know, killed young, healthy people with a hemorrhagic autoimmune response in the lungs.
Well, Wayne Madsen, thank you so much for spending time with us.
We appreciate your great insight.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Our sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're going to come back out of break.
We're going to play this lady in the military's clip about checkpoints.
Then we're going to come back and play the other clip after that from a Texas peace officer saying something similar.
Then Dr. Conrad, Dr. Darin, and many others that want to comment on what's happening.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hey everybody.
I want to say hello to all my subscribers and my friends.
I finally got myself situated in our new home.
And I'm back online now.
And everything's A-OK.
There's something I need to put out this morning and I've been praying about it now for a couple days because I wasn't sure if the Lord wanted me to put it out and if He did and I didn't know if I should send it to someone else and have them put it out and I've contacted a few of you and gave you this kind of stuff hoping that you would put this stuff out but I haven't seen it so I don't think that I can wait any longer.
I was reading from Proverbs 15 today
And it happened to mention in there about, um, putting some sort of knowledge out.
I can't quote it right now.
My Bible's in the other room.
So, well, let's go.
I'm just gonna tell you.
So, here's the thing, guys.
Am I nervous about putting this information out?
Do I think that it might
Call some harm to me?
These are one of those situations where you must ask God and pray about it really hard.
Should I do this or should I not?
But if I don't do it, some lives could be lost and I really don't want to see that happen.
You can't see my heart right now, but it's beating a thousand times a minute.
I went away this weekend for a drill and found out some interesting information.
Some of the guys that drilled with me happened to be CHP officers, LA County sheriffs, and LAPD.
And some of the stuff that they were putting out to us, or at least to my friend, he was putting out some things about
How they're training right now on running roadblocks.
And there's a video that was out recently that talked about shackles.
That it's actually a bracelet that you get to put on your right hand and somehow pinned into your hand and it's meant to stay there forever.
And it tells them
That you've taken the swine flu vaccine.
And if you don't have a bracelet, you'll be given the opportunity at the checkpoint to take the swine flu vaccine.
And if you don't take it, you'll be boarded onto a bus to a concentration camp.
What bothers me is a good number of the people are unaware of this.
And the people that
Some of the people that I spoke to isn't really concerned.
They'll just go ahead and take the swine flu vaccine.
I don't know why the information is not getting out to everybody.
Somehow they think that by taking the swine flu vaccine they could avoid going to these camps.
They could avoid any harsh penalties.
But I'm telling you now, you take the swine flu vaccine, then you have already condemned yourself.
We're gonna play the rest of it next hour.
It's up on Infowars.com.
But I'm not just going off what this lady's saying.
With the military training with police.
It's separately in all these other news articles that they are training for quarantines, checkpoints, lockdowns, bracelets.
I don't know about this thing about it being attached to you.
I think the point is, if you don't have that, you go to the prison camp.
Look at this, this is out of the Scotsman, the big paper in Scotland.
Scottish government prepares thousands of cardboard coffins for pandemic mass graves.
National Post, out of Canada yesterday.
Body bags with flu vaccine shipments.
There's the National Post right there.
CBS has this propaganda piece where the talking head gets her toxic vaccination live on TV.
I'm going to play this four-minute clip of a Texas police officer at a public event.
Joyce Riley's there.
Greg Evenson.
Talking about it.
Then we're going to go to the next clip after that.
I'm just going to play these back-to-back and we're going to go to the callers.
With CBS, a little two-minute clip where they're doing the stunt of the anchor getting the shot live on TV.
So they're really gearing up.
And if we don't gear up and speak out against this, they may go ahead and go forward with martial law.
And congressmen are talking about this happening as well.
So let's go ahead and go to the next clip.
You wrote an article this last July 29th, I will never forget it, and there was an excerpt in the article that alarmed me, and not much surprises me anymore, regarding the swine flu and the military, implementing the military to help out, and in the article, I know you
Unfortunately, I believe in one among several plans.
That's right.
Nor will you be able to really go anywhere without proof that you have had the vaccination at the point that the government mandates that certain levels of the population take the inoculation.
When that happens, I have been told by state troopers across the country that there are plans ready to be implemented that would include roadblocks at choke points, as we call them, major interstate junctions,
We're good to go.
In the case of a medical specialist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who told me that they had observed a semi-tractor trailer being unloaded at the hospital loading dock.
Pallets and pallets, scores of cases of metal bracelets that once put on would slip into a place and be either pegged in there with some kind of device to hold it in place, but the band was meant to be
On top is a chip.
That chip will include all kinds of information about you and the fact that you have been inoculated.
Now, this is one of several plans.
It has not yet seen the light of day, but it is there.
It's in readiness.
You choose the poison.
It's either slow homicide or slow suicide.
They're either going to kill you with the injection, or if you go up and say, sure, I just want to be able to go wherever I want to go, and you take it, to me that's virtual suicide.
Slow motion suicide.
So we've all talked about not getting the vaccination, that's clear.
But you may not have a choice.
I am told that the plans include buses that will be standing by for people at roadblocks that refuse to take the inoculation.
The people will then be escorted to the buses and taken, as I was told in the state I was in at that time when I was speaking to the troopers, you're going to get a free ride to a nice warm bunk at Fort Riley.
Well, it's one of several plans.
We can't know until they're implemented, but I assure you that those plans are in place and law enforcement is going to be pulled in.
In one of the articles I wrote, I said the law enforcement community will enforce the New World Order.
There will be many that will not, and that's good news for us.
But I believe it's still a majority that will be standing in line saying,
Get your shot, or get on the bus.
That's what's coming.
In this morning's Flu Watch, it seems like everyone's talking about the H1N1 virus lately, but the regular flu season fast approaching, and our Dr. Jennifer Ashton is about to get her annual vaccination right here.
Good morning.
Good morning, Harry.
All right.
Still waiting for the H1N1 vaccine to become available mid to late October.
This is not that.
This is the regular flu vaccine.
Regular flu vaccine, which started to come out a couple of weeks ago, it will be gradually being made available in pharmacies, hospitals, doctors' offices.
Very important for us to remember, the seasonal flu kills about 36,000 Americans every year.
90% of those or so are older people, those with chronic medical conditions.
And now, because of this flu season being so important,
Certain states, including our state, New York State, are actually making it mandatory for health care workers to get vaccinated against both seasonal flu and H1N1.
So, Anna Oliveira is here.
She's my medical assistant in my office and she's going to give me the flu shot.
And a couple of things that are important for people to know.
First of all, it does not contain live virus, so you cannot get the flu from getting the flu shot.
It does take for this flu shot to be effective about two weeks.
Until you get the antibody protection.
She's very good.
And it is very, very important, especially for health care workers, because traditionally only about 40% of health care workers get vaccinated.
And we are excellent, Anna.
We are the vectors of spread for this virus.
In addition, you don't want your doctor himself or herself to be sick.
So very important for health care workers.
We should strive for close to 100% compliance.
There you go.
Anna, did you get your shot yet?
That's okay.
You guys are covered.
You guys are covered.
Very impressed.
Way to go.
And this is the regular flu shot.
Regular flu shot.
You can get your pharmacy, your doctor's office, hospital.
There you go.
And we'll talk more about H1N1 when it becomes available next month.
Jennifer Ashton, thanks so much.
That's next Tuesday, September 22nd, here on the show.
So that is the brainwashing that is going on out there.
As people run out and get last year's flu shot,
Getting ready to get the new flu shot.
And Reuters is putting out propaganda saying, oh, there'll be a bunch of deaths every year.
One million heart attacks, 700,000 strokes, 900,000 miscarriages.
Yet this year, they know a significant number will be blamed on H1N1 vaccine, which will roll out within weeks, and they're struggling to be ready.
They expect an avalanche of so-called adverse event reports, which are a report of deaths, illnesses, or other health trauma that occur within weeks of receiving treatment.
In one case, in this case, the swine flu vaccine.
So they're preemptively saying, if you have a bad reaction, we're just going to say it wasn't caused by the vaccine.
This is an amazing level of mind control.
Let's go to Dr. Conrad in Utah.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
One of the reasons why we're in such a dire situation right now is even if the powers that be get a kind of a feel that there might be too much of a public backlash against some of these extreme measures, such as martial law or involuntary incarceration,
The fact of the matter is that so many of the people are propagandized to the extent that they believe that vaccines are the intelligent thing to do and they're just going to roll up their sleeve and it's going to be devastating for so very, very many people.
I'm not sure if Rob got some information through to you yet today.
He said he was going to.
He actually emailed me and asked me to call into the show.
I've been working with Rob for a while on a tool to help viralize the truth about vaccinations
And, you know, the problem is, I think that a good portion of your listeners, Alex, probably know the truth about vaccination just from listening to your show.
But the problem is, is that it is so difficult.
And I know from 20 plus years of experience, I've known for 20 plus years that vaccinations are a fraud, that they don't work, and that they're dangerous.
But I also know how difficult it is for the average person to be able to quickly convince their friend about that, because they are so indoctrinated.
So I came up with a simple tool that is very powerful and effective that can quickly convince someone of the truth.
Okay, what is it?
Tell us.
It's an article that was published on Infowars.com August 18th called, They Want to Inject My Kid with What?
And if people want to go to YouTube and do a search for
No, no, we actually posted it.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's dozens of links.
I guess you put this together.
It's great.
They want to inject my kids with what?
Here it is.
We'll zoom in on that.
Then it says video presentation by Barbara Lowe Fisher, President, NVIC, National Vaccine Information Center.
And then it just has clip after clip of all the admissions about how deadly they are.
Uh, and all the different cancer cells that are in it, how it's made from dead baby parts.
Yes, this is an amazing data page.
Did you put this together, or did one of our guys do this?
Yeah, so I, no I did it, and uh, it was published August 18th, but then it kind of got buried in the archives section.
What my idea was, was for there to be a little link to it on InfoWars.com, and the Prism Planet, I guess would be good.
We're good.
The vaccines don't work anyway.
We have millions of listeners and hundreds of thousands of people on the site every day.
And yes, I was marveling over how good this was, how well put together.
They want to inject my kids with what?
Four pages of links and documents from the CDC, all the admissions, the mercury, the squalene, what it does.
They want to inject my kids with what?
Just search engine that, and it's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And thank you for putting this page together.
Yeah, the thing about it is, Alex, is if people just go to a general website, they're so overwhelmed with information, they just get bogged down and it's tedious and they kind of give up a lot.
I hear you.
We've got to work on getting you on again later.
It's a great idea.
I do want to move on because I want to get medical workers, police, military.
That's why we open the phones up at 1-800-259-9231.
I want them to call in and are you getting ready for checkpoints?
Are you getting ready for quarantines?
We know the feds say they have that option on the table, but are you being told it's going to happen like this woman in the army training with the chips?
Because we know that's going on.
How widespread is this?
Dr. Darren calling from Kansas.
Go ahead, Dr. Darren.
Hey Alex, I'd like to first thank you for waking me up a few months ago.
I've been in healthcare for about 20 years now and I want to share a personal experience I had in the military in 1990 when they came out with some of these crazy shots containing squalene.
I had a reaction to one and it will definitely cause you problems later on, not a separate from a rash for a minute.
I had to go to the hospital and everything.
By the way, as you know, the military admits the squalene and the anthrax shots caused horrible problems.
That's not debated.
Definitely, definitely.
And, you know, now I have a lupus-type rash when I go out in the sun.
It's real strange.
I'm Native American.
I have kind of a brown skin, but, yeah, I get this really real rash on my body, my arms, everywhere.
Even the heat from the shower causes it now.
You know, it's been 20 years ago, so this stuff will stay in your body.
You can't wash it out.
There's no way.
I haven't suffered any neurological effects from it or anything like that, but
My point was the day I was calling, and I was getting some passport photos a few days ago called Walgreens to see, you know, what they could do.
Of course, they give them, and the first thing they will ask is, you know, this is Walgreens.
Can we set you up for your flu shot today?
And I was like, dude, no.
Do you know what's in those flu shots?
And of course, the person on the phone says, well, no, I don't.
So I begin to tell them about, you know,
I don't know.
Stay there.
I want to hear more about this on the other side.
Then we're going to get to other eyewitnesses.
Stay with us.
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I had three guests set up today that weren't flu-related, and I realize this is just coming down on us right now, and I want to open the phones up specifically for military, specifically for police, specifically for medical workers with any intel on preparations for possible quarantines, checkpoints, lockdowns.
Now, Waylon Jennings' son, who's a great musician in his own right,
Uh, is a fan of the show, a patriot.
He's on the road, he'll just pop in about 20-30 minutes to the next hour.
But the last 20-30 minutes of the show, I'm just taking calls, not just for medical doctors or people who are against the flu shot.
Specifically for whistleblowers on that issue.
So be ready for that.
Alright, Dr. Darren in Kansas, finish up the point.
You call Walgreens, you're trying to explain to the person on the other line what's in the shots, go ahead.
Well, they seem, you know, a little evasive at first.
Like I said before, a little bit receptive to it.
When I just asked them point blank, I said, you know, mercury is a poison, heavy metal.
It can kill you.
You know, you touch it, it can absorb whatever.
You would inject that in your body?
Would you let your child drink that?
No, but you'd inject this in your body.
And the thing is, Walgreens has pushed this for a couple of weeks now.
They've already vaccinated over a million folks already.
And, you know, they only did 1.2 million according, you know...
Sir, S-U-R-C-H-U-R is a website I found, and it just gives some statistics over that.
But they've already done almost what they've done in the entire season last year.
So what are they getting out of this, and why are they pushing it?
You know, this is something that's not right.
And this was just an out-of-the-blue thing that, you know, raised this red flag with me.
And yes, they do put your information in a database.
I asked them, blank, blank.
They do that.
And that's the first step towards having... And that's crazy.
That's the first step towards quarantines, knowing who has and who hasn't had the shot.
And what's their business?
What's the government's business with what you do with your health, period?
This is a private thing between you and your doctor.
They're trying to federalize and micromanage every bit of our lives, from child support to vaccinations.
It's crazy.
We need to stop this somehow.
We need to let them know.
We have to... Absolutely.
Dr. Darin, continue to call in as things develop.
God bless you.
I'm going to try to hurry now through some more calls.
We've got a short segment coming up before Shooter Jennings joins us.
Specifically, and then after he leaves us, for people that have any info on the quarantines or the mass arrest,
We know they're putting it in databases.
We know the government's admitting they may do quarantines and checkpoints.
The question is, police, are they telling you that they think they're going to do this?
Or are they training you right now?
Give us the information.
All our lives depends on this.
So 1-800-259-9231.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Okay, let's go to Bill in Los Angeles.
He may have some info on what's happening with the flu.
Bill, what's going on today?
Okay, John, you're giving me a new list then.
Who specifically is first up in this new call list?
Sean in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Can you hear me?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I have a question.
I was in the military from 1992 to 1996, United States Navy, and my concern is that when we were in boot camp, when you first get there the first week, and anybody that's been in the military knows what I'm talking about, when you first get there and you go to medical, they line you up and they shoot you up with a bunch of different shots with air guns,
And nobody knows what these things are.
So I'm wondering, I'm really concerned, I got a nephew going in.
Well let me tell you, they have put troops in chambers, murdered them with nerve gas, Project Shad and others.
They have injected you with cancer viruses, other experimental vaccines that use you like white lab rats.
And so you're concerned about it, yes.
That's the main reason you can't join the military, because they test eugenics, soft kill weapons on you.
Does that answer your question?
Well, the Pentagon is not supposed to give you experimental shots unless you consent.
Even if you're in the military, you have the right to refuse experimental shots.
That's illegal.
It's also a violation of the Geneva Convention.
But they don't care.
They still give you experimental shots illegally and won't tell you what you're being given.
But it always leaks because then they order the base physicians
The MDs to take it, and they're the ones that always lead the revolts against the anthrax, the smallpox.
They admit the smallpox and anthrax were killing and maiming the troops.
But no, if you're not a medical doctor, they just ignore you.
One more question I had, Alex.
Just saying, you know, the president signed executive orders to force us to get the swine flu vaccination or any flu vaccination.
I mean, those of us that have families, a lot of us, what are we actually supposed to do?
I mean, if we say no, they're gonna
You know, I guess we have the option to say no, but... Well, sir, they've already signed the executive order and implemented it under Level 6 for forced inoculation and quarantine.
That is, in effect, the question... It's like taking a safety off on a gun.
The question is, they're already saying they...
So I mean, basically, we say no, period, point blank, we're going to jail.
Well, you notice they try to come up and say, oh, don't you want to take it, you need to take it, because they know what they're doing is unconstitutional.
Look, I appreciate your call.
We're going to discuss it more.
I'm not taking any more calls unless people specifically have info about the police being trained with the military for checkpoints and quarantines and lockdowns.
I want to hear from everybody your take on the flu, and we'll cover that in the next few days.
But I want to leave the phones open.
So that specific military and police and firemen and nurses and medical workers who are being told they've got to take it, we know that's going on.
All color of law.
The executive order's there, but they say under the executive order, they can force you.
But they say they're not forcing you now, but they're still ordering medical workers to take it.
That's in the news.
So I want to hear specifically from police about whether you're going to take it, firemen, whether you're going to take it, or if you have intel on drills.
I've confirmed with emergency managers in January, before this stuff even started, they were getting ready for quarantines, lockdowns, checkpoints.
We just played a lady from the Army, saying she was training with the local state police in California, the CHIPS.
I've confirmed the Army and Marines are doing secret training.
But they won't say for what.
And they are putting liaison officers in Oregon, in Texas, in California, and other states.
Regular army in the police department.
So, we know a lot of this is going on.
We want specifics.
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Well, we have the immortal Waylon Jennings' son, a great musician in his own right, Shooter Jennings, joining us for the next 30 minutes or so.
Then I'm going to take specific calls only on intel from police, military, and medical workers about forced inoculations and quarantine that's starting to come out in the news.
What are you being told behind the scenes?
That's coming up.
Uh, and we're gonna get Shooter next time he's in Austin, Texas in studio for a full hour with us.
You know, I'm a big Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings fan.
I love the Highwomen.
Grew up listening to Waylon Jennings.
And, uh, we got a world exclusive today.
Shooter's album isn't out yet.
And, uh, the new song...
Is called Wake Up.
We're going to be telling you a little bit about that coming up before he leaves us and playing a few of these new tracks off of his new album that's coming up.
But we found out that Shooter is a fan of the show.
We're a fan of his work and his dad's work.
And so we thought we'd get him on here, talk about his music, talk about the New World Order, and talk about what his dad would think today looking at the politics going on in this world.
Because Waylon Jennings did pioneer outlaw country music.
So it's good to have you here, Shooter.
Man, it is great to be here, Alex.
It's nice to meet you.
Like I said, I'm a fan of yours and when I was doing this new album that I'm going to play this song off of here, when I was doing this record, I did a lot of research into your world and what you do and people like David Icke and all these different writers and the whole, everything going on.
And one thing that I, me and my girl, Dre, that we have,
My fiancé, we're like big fans.
We've gone through all the stuff, and we watched Dark Secrets and Titanian Grove, because that was a big part of my kind of research and what I was going to write into this album.
And I was looking at that, and that must have been, that was a trip, man.
And I have to say, I have to get your approval, because I actually used the sound clip of some of the sounds with the crickets and everything that were going on in the background and used them on the song on the record.
Sure you did!
I'm honored!
I'm honored, Shudder!
Well, you know, it was just one of those things that when that funeral pyre and that whole thing was going on, it was a trip, man.
I mean, I literally watched it probably ten times.
It was so freaky.
You must have been freaked out being there.
Well, I mean, at first I wasn't freaked out until I saw the old men getting really upset and excited and they were taking it very serious.
And I realized, my God, I'm really in the middle of an eyes wide shut type meeting.
So I'm honored that you did that.
Of course, Shooter was born Waylon Albright Jennings, was born Roland, the only child of Waylon Jennings and Jesse Coulter.
He lived his first few years in the crib on his parents' tour bus.
He said, I thought everybody's family was like mine, he remembers.
Again, it's great to have you here.
When did you start waking up to this whole global system, and what would your dad think of the world today?
Well, you know, it's interesting you ask that, because my dad was a very individual
He had a very individual political view, because he didn't really ever support anybody that was in office, but he could recognize when things were done right and wrong.
But I think if he were to see what's going on now, he would agree with us 100%.
I mean, there's a farce going on, and the world is changing, and it's getting closer and closer to being in the grip of the United Nations and everything that's going on.
It's scary.
Well, you know, we know we've got Willie Nelson against the New World Order.
He comes on the show.
And so it's great to hear from Waylon Jennings' son that Waylon would have been on board against this.
But I mean, what else would he do?
He was a great guy and a great patriot.
So getting back to you, Shooter, when did you start to figure out there was a bigger pitcher?
Really, my kind of awakening to all of this was in the last three years.
I really didn't pay as much attention to what was going on, and I'm a real big fan of Coast to Coast AM, and I've been listening to that for about 15 years, since I was in high school.
And I have to attribute part of it to David Icke, because even though his philosophy is pretty nuts at the end of it,
You know, his message is ideally the true message.
When I heard him on the air, it completely made me start digging.
And I had known about you, but then I started watching all your episodes.
I mean, I watched all your stuff on the swine flu, and that first broke.
And your interview with Ike, and then I, you know, Bohemian Grove and really dug into that world.
I mean Ike is a visionary and has certainly woken up tens of millions of people and his idea of the mind revolution, breaking free of the control paradigms is just absolutely powerful.
So we're blessed to have David.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I know.
I agree.
But for me, after I absorbed all of it, it made me look at the world differently.
The reason I started caring is because I just had a daughter, and she's going to be two in November.
Yeah, I think so.
I had to dig, and I had to find all the answers myself, and I studied, you know, the Masons, and went deep into all these different sects, and I have all these books, everything from the occult to the editing.
I just familiarized myself with what was going on, and the terminology, and everything, and it really brought me to this completely—I feel like a completely different person when I see the world, and I see how much of it is just right there in front of our faces.
We're good.
And that's what's so exciting about the awakening that's happening across the board.
That's why the controllers are trying to bring all these different control mechanisms in.
Your website is shooterjennings.com and we'll put that up on screen.
All it has is tour dates.
You know, I'm actually playing tonight with Willie in New Kirk, Oklahoma.
I saw that.
Tell folks about some of your tour dates coming up.
You're playing with Willie tonight.
Yeah, we're playing tonight, and tomorrow we're playing in Abilene, Texas, and then we had a show with Cross Canadian in Lubbock the next day, but it got cancelled because of this Texas Tech stuff, so we're all going home, and then we're launching a tour with this band, J.J.
Gray and Moe Ferrero.
So you can, you know, we're just kind of out there preparing for this album to come out, and then when it comes out, we're going to
I think so, yeah.
In fact, we've got your website on screen right now.
It looks like crap.
It looks like crap.
No, no, it looks great.
Stop it.
No, but it's got an alarm clock, and it's flashing in green, Wake Up.
And we're going to go to break here in a moment.
We're going to come back in with a world exclusive here on the air, Shooter, and I appreciate you doing that, of your new title track, Wake Up.
And so, I'm excited to have that here.
There's no better forum for this song, and I knew that it was the opportunity for the first piece of music to be heard would be right here, and with this song, it's perfect.
Well, that's exciting, and obviously Willie likes it, because you're playing with him tonight.
Say hi to Willie for me.
I haven't called him in the last few months, and I need to stay in touch with him.
We all get so busy.
Months and months just flip by, but tell Willie I said hi when you see him tonight.
He's no stranger to that, neither is any of us, so I absolutely will, buddy.
We know what he'll be doing on the bus this evening.
Reading books.
Yeah, yeah, reading books and, uh... Oh my God.
You know, it was fun being with Jesse Ventura and Willie on the bus.
Oh man, I bet that was insane.
Oh, that was insane.
That was insane.
I hope they're playing chess with Willie, too.
It's always fun at his house.
Okay, Shooter, we're gonna go to break here in just a few minutes.
Tell me about some of the other songs on the album.
You say one of them's got some kind of background stuff from the Bohemian Grove in it.
Yeah, that's a song called Summer of Rage that I have on the album that kind of deals with the coming police state to some degree, which you're no stranger to.
I mean, you've got all those movies you've made about it, and it's like kind of dealing with, you know, it actually deals with them building the mass grave in the state and things like that.
I mean, it's a pretty heavy song, but the whole album, it doesn't all deal with this.
It's like there's moments that touch on this, but it touches
A lot on the truth and love in your heart and the importance of that and the importance of two people being that like two people in a, you know, two points connecting is like the most important thing on the planet.
So it deals with basically all these things, you know?
Well, it's like that Don Henley song, Inside Job.
We're going to change the world individually, one person at a time.
When we stop watching so much TV, when we stop fighting with each other, when we start really getting centered and not being as materialistic, that's when we can actually see the wider universe and not be completely controlled by Madison Avenue.
You couldn't have said it better, man.
That's the truth.
You know, and that's a lot of the focus on this, and I'm really proud that we've worked over a year on this record, and I feel like it's going to be something that, if anything, will express the importance of truth, you know?
When is the record coming out?
I know this is a never-before-heard song we're about to hear, but when is it coming out officially?
It's going to come out sometime in early 2010.
We're aiming in February, but we don't have a firm date yet.
We will soon.
But we were originally going to put it out in November and we pushed it back because we're kind of working on some other components to make it a little bit better and bigger and more of an experience.
Yeah, you will sell no wine until it's time, so you're crafting it.
Well, it's a great song.
We're going to come back after this quick break and play it.
And we're also going to play a song where you guys did the music and your father, Waylon Jennings, is singing.
And of course, I guess you're Waylon II, but you go by Shooter.
There's also the myspace.com forward slash
Shooter Jennings, so people can also check out your MySpace, or just Google MySpace Shooter Jennings, and you'll find it.
That's a cool name.
If I have another son, I can name him Shooter.
I never thought of him that cool.
All right, Shooter.
Shooter, stay there.
We're going to come right back to you after this quick break.
Again, it's MySpace.com forward slash Shooter Jennings, or just Shooter Jennings dot com, son of the legendary Waylon Jennings.
We'll be right back.
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They say good fences make good neighbors.
For you, my friend, this might be true.
But you still gotta put boards on the window to the soul inside of you.
We're good to go.
That TV in the corner That's their greatest tool They poison your mind with your child With their fear and their guilt and their blues
They teach you that you're just a number As they program you in school So by the time you're out in the world on your own You've been trained not to bite the hand of the crew
Well, that is part of Wake Up and there's a bunch of other tracks.
Boy, I tell you, Shooter, that is just awesome music.
It sounds like a mix of a whole bunch of stuff.
A little bit of a Pink Floyd sound.
What would you say the main influences on your music are?
Man, it's all over the place.
I'm a radio DJ as well.
On a serious station, I do.
I just play a lot of different music from rock to country, blues, funky.
I'm kind of all over the place, so inspiration for me comes from everything.
I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan, and I'm a huge, you know, Willie Nelson fan.
I'm a huge Nine Inch Nails fan.
I'm a huge, you know, Vagabellic fan.
It doesn't matter.
I kind of go across the board, so it's all over the place.
It's kind of a stew.
Well, that was only half of the song in the time we have today.
We're going to play some more coming back, some of the other tunes, but if it's cool, I'll play the whole thing tomorrow.
Yeah, you go for it, man.
I'd love for it, because I really feel like it's kind of an anthem for the people that listen to your show and things like that.
I do believe in it like that, so I would love for you to.
I'll tell you, it's got a huge sound.
I mean, this needs to be a big hit.
Well, we'll see.
You know, radio don't really play me, but I feel like that, you know, if you play me, that's the target audience more than telling either a country or a rock justification.
I feel like it's about just getting the people.
So I'm happy if you play me.
Well, I'm happy having you here with us.
When we come back, well, we'll get into some of the lyrics.
Those are really powerful, revolutionary lyrics.
I mean, you're absolutely right.
It certainly fits on this show.
Thank you very much.
Well, I mean, you know, that's it's kind of saying that that you don't have to pay attention to these these kind of barriers that that the world and sets up for you when you're you know, that's what they're doing and they're setting it up.
So they got you in a box and it's like just you got to wake up and start living, you know.
Well, the biggest thing is getting outside.
The little fear box, these little bubbles we're in, and the social engineers close the bubbles down smaller and smaller, where everybody's just scared to death that they don't dress just right and look just right and say the politically correct thing, whether it's liberal or conservative, that their friends and neighbors won't like them.
Oh, I know, man, and there's nothing worse than that, because you're just a sheep if you live like that.
Shooter Jennings, son of Waylon Jennings, is our guest.
We're going to come back, play some more tracks off his new album.
Also a piece that he did with his father, Waylon Jennings, on the other side.
Then I'm going to your calls.
Kerry in Alabama is a police officer, and Navy folks, and a nurse on the flu.
Stay there.
We're going to your calls after Shooter.
We're on the march.
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I look for trouble in the bounded sun.
Straight down the barrel of a lawman's gun.
I like to run but I don't think I can.
You make one move and you're a dead man.
That's Waylon Jennings in the album released last year by his son, Shooter Jennings.
That's Wailing Forever is the name of that album.
I had never heard that.
Boy, that is some great stuff with your dad.
Thanks, man.
You know, what actually happened was, when I was 16, my dad and I went and cut this album.
And the music was, I was doing all the music, and it was on keyboards and drum machines and stuff.
And I basically took those tracks that never got released
And HeroFant is the name of the new band that you head up?
Yeah, Hierophant, it's like the tarot card for the Hierophant is basically the character that's supposed to devote their life to bringing the truth and God's message to the people.
And so it's like kind of a protector of ancient wisdom and things like that.
So with the new album, we're going by Hierophant and I got a couple new dudes in the band and we were like going out there attacking this message.
No, that's a great name.
I mean, that's just awesome.
So it means truth.
Man, that is exciting.
Thank you.
You've got another song, not from your new album that people just heard, a world exclusive from the song Wake Up.
I'm going to play it in its entirety tomorrow.
We're almost out of time here, but you're going to be coming to town, too, in Austin in November to play at Stubbs, and we're going to have you here in studio the day before you play.
I can't wait, man.
We're going to have a good time.
Do you have that date in November yet in front of you?
I don't have it confirmed yet, but it soon will be.
It'll be up on our website on ShooterJourneys.com, and I'll coordinate with Rob over there with you.
Okay, we're going to play one more song, or part of another song, but while we've got you here talking about the New World Order, then we're going to the phone calls from police and others about the flu situation.
Anything else, Shooter, you'd like to add to the audience?
Man, I just want to say that I love what you're doing, and everybody out there, truth seekers of the world.
Yeah, if you dig, you'll find the truth, and it'll set you free.
Okay, you want to play Gone to Carolina?
You got it.
It's an electric rodeo, and this is one that maybe some people out there have heard, so I figured we'd throw them a Southern Rock Jam.
Alright, this is Shooter Jennings.
Here we go.
Every time I think I smell that sweet southern rain It takes me to a station on the long black train I wanna hear the wind blow and feel the earth move below me In spite of all the good times I gotta rest my soul So I'm gone
Yes, I'm gone.
Yes, I'm gone.
We're good.
That's Gone to Carolina with Shooter Jennings, son of Waylon Jennings.
And we're definitely going to have him in studio when he swings through Austin.
It's great to know that he's traveling along the same path as us, looking for truth and exposing the corrupt New World Order.
That song, Wake Up, was getting into eugenics and how the globalists want to kill everybody so they can fill their fat, bleeping bellies.
And look what Rob Jacobson walked in with.
Newsweek, the case for killing Granny.
With an image of a plug pulled out of the wall.
Teaching everybody in the socialist system that people have to die so others can do well.
He's playing with Willie Nelson tonight.
The First Council Casino in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
So you can catch him there this evening.
If you're an Okie from Muskokie, you can definitely get on over there and more tour dates at the website ShooterJennings.com.
Shooter, it's been great having you on, brother.
It's been great to be on, buddy, and I hope to see you soon.
God bless you, my friend.
What do you think, in closing, of this flu situation?
Oh, God, dude, don't even get me started about the vaccine.
That's the thing, is that, you know, they're going to keep vaccinating everybody, and they're going to keep changing.
Having another excuse, the donkey flu will be next, man.
I'm just waiting on it.
I can't.
Shooter, God bless you, and it's
It's just been great having you here, and we love your dad.
Well, I appreciate it, man, and I love you guys, and keep doing what you're doing.
You're inspiring a lot of people, including me out here.
Take care.
There goes Shooter Jennings, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, I'm looking at that call board, and TJ says he's an eyewitness to military checkpoints and drills for martial law, and he hung up.
Keep the phones open for TJ.
TJ, you call back in right now.
And tomorrow and Sunday, we're going all flu all the time, covering this, going over it.
I'm going to recap that in the last two minutes of the show today, but I want to go to calls now.
Carrie in Alabama, who's a police officer.
Mr. from Minnesota, retired Navy.
Glenn, a nurse.
Dr. Laura, Illinois.
I wonder if that's up to Laura Schlesinger.
Kerry in Alabama, police officer, thanks for holding while Shooter Jennings was on.
Tell us what you know about the quarantine talk.
Well, I haven't heard anything about quarantine here in this city yet, but I know they said they were going to shut all the schools down if they reach 20%.
Right now it's at 9% here throughout the county.
We had like six cases of the swine flu that was actually here, but that I know some of those people, they did survive, they were students though, but it's going around the schools at this time.
And they're telling you 9% have it now?
Yeah, it was 9% throughout the whole county.
It was 9% here.
Not the actual swine flu, they only had like 6 cases of it here.
But the total county, total county reach for it, like just flu period, or kids get sick at 20% they're gonna shut down all the schools.
What do you think's going on?
I mean, this flu's hardly killing anybody.
It's weak.
Why are they talking about forced inoculations and checkpoints in some areas of the country?
I don't know, but I will say this.
Earlier during the summer, FEMA did give a class for the local authorities here throughout the county for federal emergency management assistance going to other cities and states like that.
And they did, that I know of, last year, our department
They forced everybody.
We had to go get a bio suit for either biohazard or nuclear.
Some nuclear.
I mean, I asked the question.
I mean, the red flag went off in my head, but I didn't really see a thing about it.
I mean, really thinking it up.
What do you think's going on and what do the other officers think?
Well, I'm trying to get them turned on to another.
Like I said, I woke up to it two months ago.
And like I said, I've just been watching you and doing my own research and it's nuts, man.
This is crazy.
Well, a lot of police in New York are trying to order the police and nurses to take it.
They're saying no.
If they order you guys in Alabama to take it, what do you think is going to happen?
Probably pure hell.
It's going to be chaos.
I know right now they're not forcing it here.
I do have some people, some friends in the medical field, they say it's voluntary at this time.
They can take it if they want, but they don't have to take it.
It's not mandatory at this time.
But more likely, it's probably going to exceed to mandatory if something does happen.
All right, Kerry in Alabama, keep our number, stay in touch, God bless you.
There goes Kerry.
Let's go to Mr. in Minnesota, retired Navy.
He says he has some info.
Go ahead.
Hey, God bless, Alex.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I joined the Navy back in 98.
Got diagnosed with colon cancer in 99, so that changed everything in my Naval career.
Became a Master at Arms, which is Naval law enforcement.
In 2000.
Then, as we know, September 11th came in.
And why is a young person getting colon cancer?
Sorry, go ahead.
That's a good question.
I had that for myself and that was the reason why I was medically retired from it, from the discharged.
Yes, sir.
What's your info on this?
Okay, here we go.
So, my main billet was marine cadre and that would involve direct integration
With whatever base that I was located at and taking whatever security duty section was on at that time.
And if the word came down to directly integrate with the civilian law enforcement quadrant in our local area.
So you're talking about the Marines and the Navy integrating with local police?
Now at any naval base there's a military law enforcement division.
And that division has the authority to go, if given, to go out into the civilian population.
And that's the point I've made, that we discovered this in the late 80s going on illegally.
Now they're just now announcing it to the public.
This has been a long-term program.
And that was what I was directly involved with.
If the word came down, say, if 9-11 didn't go the way that they may have planned and revolt happened,
So, as a person in the military, was it Marines or was it Navy?
Where I was at was Navy because we had the manpower.
Did you have, were you trained at these checkpoints to open up on crowds if they tried to overrun you?
Oh yes, we did several drills in fact in the pre-September 11th, months leading up to September 11th, excuse me, of crowd demonstrations and also I participated in a force on porch drill where I basically infiltrated the HSL squadron and
Planet simulation explosives throughout the squadron area.
Yeah, the military's training for the American people to attack them.
Now they've taken that military training down to the smallest towns, teaching them that gun owners are going to be the terrorists.
And at the time, I was completely brainwashed.
Like I said, longtime listener, first time caller.
And at the time, there's people that are probably just as bad as I was, where they're so involved and so ingrained and so entrenched
In the camaraderie, the spirit of the court, that they forget about, you know, human and civil liberties.
Well listen, I'm going to do at least once a week now where we open it up for police, military and insiders.
Call me back again tomorrow or Sunday or next week.
I'm going to do this more and more because I get these emails from folks like yourself who can never get through.
We're going to have more people come on and blow the whistle.
Thank you so much.
God bless you, sir.
And TJ says he's an eyewitness to all this, but then he hung up.
TJ, 1-800.
We're keeping that phone open unless it's another whistleblower about the checkpoints and quarantine info.
Let's go to Glenn in PA, a nurse.
Go ahead, Glenn.
Hello, Alex.
I'm a registered nurse in Pennsylvania in the suburbs of Philadelphia.
I do private duty home care work through an agency and I inquired of my boss the other week
And she knew anything about this vaccination being made mandatory and she said she was going to a meeting and get back to me.
I spoke to her today and she said it was really sort of a de-emphasis.
One thing she said is they're changing the protocol.
Instead of calling for two swine flu shots, they're changing the protocol to be only one swine flu shot.
So I guess instead of three shots, it's a total of two.
One for the regular flu and one for the swine flu.
Because apparently she claims that they found that the one shot was effective.
So that's the only information they have about that.
But it's not... It'll be cutting down the number of shots.
And they're saying they took a real de-emphasis on the idea of it being mandatory.
They just... I don't work in an institutional setting like the guy from UCSD Medical Center did or anything like that.
But she claims there's no indication at the moment that it would be mandatory.
Are they trying to make medical workers take it like they're doing in New York?
I can't speak for the institutions in the area, but again, I work in home care.
I understand you get dispatched out to people.
Well, continue to keep our number as this develops.
We know under level 6 they have quarantine, forced inoculation.
We know they've been drilling for it.
We're trying to find out if this is just a federalization drill to practice federal and U.N.
control, or if they're really getting ready to go with this.
So thank you.
That's encouraging.
The evidence I see is that the people aren't buying it, so they're backing off a bit.
Is that what you're saying?
Either that or they're trying to create a temporary de-emphasis and then they'll whip it out later and say, oh no, it is mandatory.
They're trying to play down the inquiries.
So that the hysteria can grow and then people beg for it.
The case for killing Granny!
Why not?
We'll be right back.
I mean these eugenicists are just right out in the open.
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Final segment.
More key calls straight ahead.
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Alright, let's move quickly to Shane in Tennessee.
He says they have copies of medical emails.
Shane, give us details please.
Shane, give us quickly details, and I'm going to Dr. Laura.
Oh, yes, sir.
I just want to tell you thank you for all your help in fighting the New World Order, Alex.
Thank you.
I got an email this morning from a friend that works at West Tennessee Healthcare here in Jackson, Tennessee.
And on this coming Monday and Tuesday, they are preparing for a mass vaccination of all employees.
Yeah, see, that's how they do it.
In California, some areas, and in New York City, it's in the news.
They're just ordering everybody to take it, but they're not saying there's not a law.
I mean, does the email say they're going to make people take it?
It says, we just received flu vaccine and are implementing a mass vaccination for all of West Tennessee healthcare employees, with Monday and Tuesday being peak distribution days.
This is coming from the Health and Wellness Services from the local hospital here in Jackson.
And this is the H1N1 supposed pig flu?
Can you send me copies of that and black out the headers or we'll do it.
Just tell us if you want it blacked out.
Everybody's intel.
Send it to Hartman at InfoWars.com.
CC it to Kurt at InfoWars because we're going to go full time now covering the flu here.
Okay, we can do that.
I just want to tell you thank you so much for all that you're doing.
Thank you, Shane.
And I'm going to jump because I want to get to everybody.
But yes, we'll continue to take calls.
Thank you, Shane.
I don't mean to be short.
We just want to cram everybody in here.
Dr. Laura in Illinois, what's your intel, doctor?
Yeah, hi.
I'm Chamberlain, not Schlesinger.
And, um, okay, I just wanted to let you know I've been talking to the Cook County, uh, officials here, the elected officials and the city officials, and they are, they're not aware of any forced vaccination going on here at all.
What we're looking for is preparations, drilling the police and military to carry out quarantines.
Yeah, no, they're, they're not aware of it.
They're looking at me, they kind of have this blank stare like, huh?
And when I tell them that, you know, this is becoming quite an issue across the country.
Like, people are arming themselves over this issue.
They're very, they just are very...
They just are assuring me that they have no orders.
Well, that's good news then.
It may just be they're telling some military and police units, which is in the Level 6 material, to train for this in case, but that they're not getting ready to go with it.
That's what I wanted to get to the bottom of.
I don't think we've gotten all the way to the bottom, but if you're up in Illinois and near Chicago and they haven't heard about this, then that's a good sign.
That's exactly right.
Now, I do want to let people know, Dr. Russell Blaylock and Dr. Bill Beagle have about an hour-long YouTube called the Nutri-Medical Report.
I've had them both on the show and I had Dr. Blaylock on last week.
Yes, we're familiar with them.
They talk about what to do if you are, in fact, forced to somehow have the vaccination.
There's a whole list of things that they recommend.
So, go on YouTube and find that out.
That's great.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Thank you.
Doc, I got to jump because we're out of time.
Again, tomorrow, Sunday show, Monday, we're going to be spending a lot of time.
We'll have some other guests on about the economy and health care, and we're not going to get diverted completely by Kanye West or whatever his name is and the jackass comment.
We're going to talk about real issues that actually affect you and your family here.
And we covered it in the last four hours, so if you missed any of it, I broke down the big picture, what I think is happening.
In the first hour, so retransmission at InfoWars.com.
And the audio stream is coming up.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
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