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Name: 20090914_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 14, 2009
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Thank you for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.
We were just playing a clip of MSNBC implying that there's no Tenth Amendment right in this country and that the federal government can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, however it wants.
We are continuing with your phone calls.
Well, a host of issues.
Coming up in about 25 minutes, I've got a personal message to Glenn Beck.
An open letter to Glenn Beck.
Where I'm going to break down his real record and ask him to think twice about being a Benedict Arnold.
And is he really happy?
Is the $50 million to sell out the Patriot movement worth it?
For what he's doing?
So, that's coming up.
In the next hour, I'm going to break down in great detail the complete takeover of the economy through the quote, financial reform package.
In light of President Obama's speech he gave to Wall Street, from Wall Street, this morning.
And we're going to continue with open phones.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Chris in Ohio, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I just wanted to say, you know, I want to thank you and the team for everything you guys do, and I stand by you guys until the very end.
You know, with everything that's going on, I think that, going back, I never listen to a word the guy says.
I never listen to a word Obama says either.
It's all a bunch of lies, and I think when Obama's coming out saying that all the banks are going to get more power, I think it's ridiculous.
I think if you give the Federal Reserve more power, they're just going to continue to inflate the money.
You know, so I'm totally against it, and I think that people are waking up, and I think that the media coming out and lying about the numbers on the streets really just shows how desperate they're actually getting.
So, you know, I just hope you guys keep it up, because I get all my news from InfoWars, I never watch, I cancel my media, or my mainstream TV, never turn that stuff on, it makes me sick, so I'm just hoping that we win this fight, and I stand by you guys, so thanks for everything you do.
Well, thank you, sir.
I would still challenge you to not just only get your news at mfallwars.com and prisonplanet.com, but to go to the government documents, to go to the legislation we list, to look at everything we're covering.
Because we're not 100% perfect.
We try to be accurate.
We try to tell the truth.
We're about 97% accurate.
Normally, when we're wrong, it's worse than we said.
And that's why we encourage people to research.
Most of what we come up with is sent to us by you.
You'll say, hey, look at this magazine, look at this trade publication, look at this subsection in the legislation.
You are where the credit comes in.
And we're posting more and more reader-generated articles.
I'm trying to hire a couple more editors and webmasters so they can just go through all the great stuff you send us and all the great stuff that's posted on the Prison Planet Forum, so we can then link to it on the main websites or put it in article form.
But you can submit your own articles, your own stories that we'll look over and see if they are documented, and then post.
Writers at Infowars.com, let us know it's an article you've written that you're submitting for us to publish.
I want to create an area that's just
Listener and viewer commentary.
We should create a whole section on InfoWars and Prison Planet on that just for people's opinions so we can basically put everything you send us there and then have some of that material that's more news articles or investigative reports published as main articles on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But as Ronald Reagan said, trust but verify.
Because sometimes you do show us when we're wrong about something.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to James in Texas.
James, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call and I appreciate what you're doing.
I don't trust that big Republican demonstration they just had in Washington.
That was led by Dick Armey and Glenn Beck.
I think they're paid and backed by the big drug companies and the big insurance companies, and those are the people that want to see Obama fail in his health initiative, and I think we need the public health option.
You know, if Jefferson was here today, he'd be a liberal, he'd be a Democrat, he'd be
It'd be pushing for benefits to the people like this health...
Well, I don't think it's fair for you to put words in Jefferson's mouth.
I've actually read several of the books written by Thomas Jefferson in his incredibly complex and detailed prose.
I have read hundreds of news articles, editorials written by him in major papers.
I have read over a hundred books on the Founding Fathers alone.
And if you actually knew who Thomas Jefferson was, who swore eternal resistance
On the altar of God, against all forms of tyranny over the minds of men, you would have known he was against big government and big largess and the distortion of Article 1 of the Constitution of the General Welfare.
The General Welfare is enumerated in issuing the money so there's not inflation, defending the borders, and negotiating trade disputes between the states.
That's it!
The federal government has no business running our schools, running our lives.
The insurance companies, sir, are actually funding Obama.
He got more money than them than McCain did.
They're actually, just like British Petroleum is funding the global greenhouse movement.
That's admitted, but the news says big oil companies are against it.
Sir, do you know what eugenics is?
Do you understand that Tom Daschle did write a book?
I think you're a little bit too paranoid on that, Hal.
Hold on.
James in Texas, are you a new listener to the show?
Sir, I've been listening to you for probably over ten years.
Okay, then you know I'm not a big Republican like they're saying I am now.
You know I went after Bush.
I just tell the truth as best as I can find it.
What's the solution, Hal?
We can't just
We're going to wind up... Sir, don't you understand they control both parties?
Can't you understand they create these fake fights between Republican and Democrat, and then there's really not a hair breadth of difference between the two parties in reality?
No, that's where you're wrong, how there is some difference, and I realize some of the Democrats are just about as bad as the Republicans, but the Republicans, too, a man, supported Bush, and
There were at least 35 Senators, Democrat Senators in the... Listen, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Sir, Obama took 50,000 troops out of Iraq and put 50,000 contractors in and sent the 50,000 troops to Afghanistan.
He increased the troops.
But because he acts liberal, you think the war is okay now?
I mean, you're telling me there's a difference and there's only a difference in rhetoric.
And Obama can read off a teleprompter better.
It's so elementary.
Listen to me, buddy boy.
Obama supported everything Bush has done and he has expanded it.
To a T. To a T. And Obama is meant to not give you the public option.
He's meant to give you some corporate write-off scam
Where the insurance companies get government liability protection and the government gets to now get a piece of our paychecks to quote give people government subsidized health care.
You're not getting it free.
Don't you understand nothing's free?
There's no free lunch, pal.
Don't you understand that
I mean, I have two people that work for me that live in England.
Okay, they're coming here for healthcare.
Canadians come here.
I watch the House of Commons on C-SPAN.
They do make you wait 18 months for brain surgery, when if you don't get it in two months, you die.
I've seen Tony Blair admit that.
It isn't rhetoric, okay?
We need government out of healthcare.
Government has screwed up healthcare.
The welfare state has brought the 30 million illegal ins to suck off the breast of this thing.
I'm sick of it!
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Next hour, I'm going to break down the total takeover of our economy by offshore banks.
Through the next part of Obama's agenda, the banker reorganization bill, the financial reform bill.
Notice how I told you they'd phrase it, oh look, we fixed the economy.
It's a jobless recovery, record job losses, home prices plunging, factories shutting down, but big banks are showing record profits.
Off all the money they've stolen, so our economy's better.
And if you don't give us this new takeover power, the whole economy's gonna die.
It's very elementary.
And so now, in the fall, it'll be part two of what we saw last October.
You don't give them the total banking takeover power, they're gonna come in and drop the stock market by 2,000 points.
And then they're just going to keep doing it until we wake up homeless on the continent our forefathers conquered, in the words of Thomas Jefferson.
Going back to Kevin in Mass.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
That last caller was a bit over the top.
I mean, the guy doesn't understand the difference between rhetoric and reality.
But two things I did want to mention to you.
Number one, I was listening to you yesterday.
And prior to listening to you, I downloaded two articles on the Tea Party stuff going on in D.C.
One was the Wall Street Journal, which said tens of thousands of people.
The next one I downloaded was the British paper, the Daily Mail.
And bang, they said two million.
If you want to see an illustration of press distortion, there it is.
Well, let's be clear.
The Wall Street Journal, and I didn't see that, went with the same party line.
New York Times said thousands, and that part of them were Obama supporters, total distortion, as if it was two groups out there, when it clearly wasn't.
I mean, maybe 1 out of 100, 1 out of 20, who knows, but it was a very small minority for government-run healthcare.
And look at that distortion when the Park Service and Homeland Security said upwards of two million, our own media just can't get it right.
So see, even the Wall Street Journal is trying to dampen the grassroots movement because the big banks, the big money, they all have piled on
I agree with you 100%.
And point two here, Alex, I listened to an interview the other day and it looks like it's disappeared into the rat hole.
And that was, I listened to Trafficant, Jim Trafficant, the other night with Greta Van Susteren, and he basically took a shot at AIPAC, so I think we're never going to probably hear from him again, but I was kind of surprised.
Did you see that interview?
I have been really busy launching the whole 9-11 Charlie Sheen thing.
I have been really busy with everything else.
I finally, last night, after the show, at like 9 o'clock at night, one of the guys said, have you seen this?
And I walked over and watched it and that was on my list.
In fact, will you pull that, it was like two parts, wasn't it?
Pull that up because I want to play parts of that later, the James Traficant.
Will knows.
Will's the one that showed it to me.
So who's, ask him.
He's in the other, yeah.
Yes, sir.
I did see that last night.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, hey, excellent, Alex.
I thought he brought us some good points.
And like I said, I noticed, like, I've been all over the place and I've seen virtually no further, no mention of it whatsoever since he gave it.
And like, I'll finish up with this thought.
I believe the mainstream media, the corporate media, whatever you want to call them, Fox, I call the controlled opposition.
Um, basically they do a disappearing thing.
I remember, like, Pat Buchanan largely has run afoul of certain interest groups, and we don't hear anywhere near as much from him as we did, say, 15 years ago.
And I'm just kind of curious if they're going to do the disappearing act on Jim Traficant.
And with that, Alex, I want to thank you very much for taking my call.
Well, I want to be clear.
Pat Buchanan worked for Nixon.
I've seen him do some baiting and switching.
You know, becoming pro-war briefly in 2003, when he knew it was political suicide to be against it.
Then he came out against it later.
But Pat Buchanan is a lot better than Glenn Beck.
I mean, Pat Buchanan actually believes a lot of what he's saying.
And then plays politics a little.
With Glenn Beck, it's all done on purpose.
To be manipulative and deceptive.
And it's right out of the government playbook, and he's dangerous.
He's dangerous.
So I'm going to talk about that when we get back on a host of issues, but I'm going to try to reach out to him straight ahead after this break.
And I've been getting emails saying, why haven't you had James Traficant on?
We've been calling James Traficant for two weeks since he got out of prison.
Paul Hartman and Jaron have talked to his wife over and over again, and she keeps very nicely saying, I'm giving Jim your message.
So, we're trying to get Traficant on.
We were against him going to prison.
We're on the march.
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We're good to go.
I'm going to speak about the Glenn Beck situation and reach out to him in just a moment.
There's a lot of videos online made by real conservatives and libertarians about how disingenuous Glenn Beck is.
But one I saw last week really boiled it down well, demonizing Ron Paul,
Pushing for the banker bailout takeover bill, which he now claims he's against.
And just other disingenuous things he's done.
So I think this sets the stage for some of you that may not remember all of his deception, for what I'm going to cover when we come back.
But here's the video.
Glenn Beck is a neocon, not a libertarian.
I'm a dope, I'm a rodeo clown, I'm a recovering alcoholic!
I believe so deeply in our Constitution.
I was for the Patriot Act.
You know that I am actually a libertarian at heart.
I think the bailout is the right thing to do.
I believe so deeply in our Constitution.
I was for the Patriot Act.
You know that I am actually a libertarian at heart.
The 700 billion dollars that you're hearing about now is not only, I believe, necessary, it is also not nearly enough.
There was one guy last year that was Ron Paul.
When you were on CNN, you would act like he was kind of a crazy, kooky guy.
I still act like he's crazy, kooky guy.
The Ron Paul Revolution.
I think it's meant to be a catchy slogan, but I fear some of his fringe supporters are taking the word revolution too literally.
Hey Glenn, real quick, how did you and your network benefit from associating Ron Paul supporters with domestic terrorism?
When you were escorted out after asking him your question, Glenn Beck stopped, turned to the crowd, and started applauding.
What you're about to hear is the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
This is the Glenn Beck Program.
The man has total credence when it comes to the economy.
The man does not necessarily have credence when it comes to the war on terror.
And Tim there suggests that we think of the economy, but not in foreign policy.
You can't do that.
They're one and the same.
That's where all the money's going.
Have you seen any of the, uh, the stuff that Glenn Beck has been doing?
He is, uh, you know, on occasion is a Democrat.
To religious fanatics that are incapacitating people!
Does Hitler come to mind?
For the love of our children!
And they are preparing a holocaust.
Uh, the second holocaust.
He has been, uh, pretty discourteous.
You're about to hear his diffusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
Earlier today, I had the opportunity to sit down in the Oval Office with the President of the United States.
President Bush is a man who personally feels the pain of every lost soldier.
I can tell you that the President has incredible passion and resolve.
Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere.
That is the real story tonight.
Back in a minute.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I don't think Lou Dobbs is perfect, but I respect him and I think he's for real and believes in what he's doing.
I understand that Pat Buchanan sometimes plays politics, is suddenly pro-war and then against the war, but he's not there to be
A controlled opposition meant to be a Pied Piper to lead the Patriot movement astray.
And that's the issue with Glenn Beck is that I know his history and I've seen the dangerous
dangerous scripts that he's reading from over the last two two-and-a-half years as coming directly from the bowels of the pentagon and the psyop machine and that is what concerns me so much about glenn beck is that he is clearly being
Put forward as more than just the heir apparent to Rush Limbaugh.
He is being set up as the leader of the opposition against all things Obama.
So that he can lead the opposition astray when the time comes.
And we know that's the case because he's done that time and time again in the past.
The establishment isn't stupid.
They know that government takeover of healthcare is going to be unpopular.
They know that youth brigades and National Compulsory Service, which has been introduced as legislation and called for by the White House Chief of Staff and called for by the President, compulsory service in a new domestic military.
They know that's going to be unpopular.
So they are putting Glenn Beck up there as the leader of that opposition.
So that at key points, he can lead people astray.
But, I'm going to go over the evidence of that in a moment.
I first want to speak to Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck, you brag that you've got a $50 million contract.
And I think that's great for you.
And I want to be clear here.
I'm not attacking you because you're well-known on TV and because you have a big paycheck.
You are a very talented radio host.
I don't know how you do three hours a day and then go get ready for that big TV show.
I mean, I know it must be exhausting.
And you pull it off very well and I admire your talent.
But being somewhat of a novice of history, I also admire the talent of Benedict Arnold, one of our better generals in the Revolutionary War.
And I don't attack people lightly.
Even though I disagree with a lot of things Michael Savage does, I defend his right to say it, and when he was getting censored, I stood up for him.
When Van Jones was calling for your firing, Glenn, I stood up for you.
When people have tried to pull down Rush Limbaugh as a symbol of free speech talk radio.
I've defended Limbaugh.
Even though I know he's a drug-addled, arrogant deceiver who has led conservatives astray.
Because I understand the part you're playing.
You're meant to discredit true conservatism and libertarianism.
And you're meant to be a ringer in this fight as the global corporate state
Socializes the wealth in this country so they can more easily extract it offshore.
But Glenn, I want to talk directly to you right now.
And I want to tell you that history is what matters and being on the right side of history is what is important.
And you don't want your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to look back on you as a Benedict Arnold, as a traitor.
You don't want people to look back on you as a media whore.
You don't want people to look back on what you're doing now as being loyal opposition.
I understand you were hired because you're a slick presenter.
I understand you were hired because of your slick dual message to discredit and polarize the conservative movement for the left, to dress up in lederhosen and clearly fake cry and then admit you're fake crying to further convince the left that the right is insane.
But at the same time, you are there to lead conservatives and libertarians and people that were waking up from my show and waking up to the full global system, the world government, the New World Order.
You're meant to talk about just enough of that.
To get them to then feel like their revolutionary energies against this tyranny are being expressed so they spend their time and energy on your 9-12 project instead of really going out and taking this country back.
Your whole 9-12 project is about remembering 9-12 and remembering the police state and how good the Patriot Act is and remembering how giving up our liberties is good.
And remembering how good it was to believe the lie that Saddam had WMDs and yellow cake.
It's about following that neocon agenda, which Obama is continuing.
You know, Glenn Beck attacks Obama and says he's pulling our troops out of the Middle East.
He wants Al Qaeda to attack us, giving him left cover.
The truth is, Obama has taken 50,000
troops out of Iraq and moved them to Afghanistan and then move 50,000 plus more contractors into Iraq, boosting the total number of troops.
So when you come out and call him a communist, he's not a communist.
He got four times the money John McCain did.
Because John McCain wasn't the heir apparent.
He wasn't the corporate slick Harvard person.
And I'm not saying vote for John McCain.
I'm saying we didn't really have a choice.
The media hyped Coca-Cola president.
The media president was Barack H. Obama.
And so he was the heir apparent.
He is the corporate president.
But see, Glenn Beck is meant to make conservatives not shift out of the left-right paradigm.
He's meant to keep them in that paradigm and to see Obama as this big leftist, when really he's just a statist looting us for offshore banks.
$23.7 trillion has been stolen by the bipartisan group under Bush and Obama to offshore banks.
They're using that money to come in and buy up our economy and the smaller banks and insurance companies and credit unions.
The new reform plan of Obama will give total dictatorial power to a new private board of banks over every part of our economy, from a hot dog stand, to a hair salon, to a factory, to a car dealership.
And the truth is, a bipartisan group wants that power.
Glenn Beck, we played the clip earlier of you saying we've got to support the banker bailout.
Rush Limbaugh wasn't supporting it.
Pat Buchanan wasn't supporting it.
Lou Dobbs wasn't supporting it.
Say what you want about them.
1,000 to 1 phone calls into Congress against that banker bailout.
The polls, 99 plus percent against it.
But you went on TV and supported it.
And I predict you're going to end up, when they plunge the economy again in the next year, you're going to end up supporting Obama on the new Bank of the World.
The new regulatory system over our currency, over the interest rates, and over our tax rates.
I saw you read from the MIAC report.
I'd seen earlier versions a year and a half ago.
The DHS report.
I said on air, before that stuff was even public, I said, he's reading from federal reports when he says, Ron Paul wants to bomb us with a money bomb.
He's dangerous.
His followers want to blow things up.
Knowing full well money bomb meant a big effect in the info war, a term I coined.
You knew what that meant.
When Ron Paul had a real chance of winning, and when the media did hit pieces on him, you waded in with the most vicious attacks.
You are controlled opposition, and you're to ensure those Tea Parties are under control.
Those Tea Parties started with 9-11 Truth six years ago in Boston, and then the current political type started two years ago in Austin, Texas, against the banker Takeover.
Almost two years ago.
A year and nine months ago.
That happened with 9-11 Truth and We Are Change in Austin.
And he came in and he co-opted that entire thing.
Glenn Beck, I'm here to tell you, you're not fulfilled.
I look in your eyes, you're not a happy person.
Because I know you were poor and ate ramen noodle and were an alcoholic and lived in a cockroach apartment, like you tell people.
And then now you got $50 million and $10 million from your book and all this.
Great, man!
But you even admit you almost died a year ago from an ailment.
Really, wouldn't you rather at the end of your life, whenever that comes, next year or 30 years from now, be able to sit back and really know that you stood up for liberty and freedom?
Isn't that more valuable than $50 million?
I mean, once you got a few million, isn't that enough for you to be comfortable?
But see, it's about the status, and it's about being a winner, and it's about being competitive, and it's about showing all those people that didn't believe in you that you are a success.
I understand that.
I understand that.
I understand the road to the dark side, being overly competitive.
When I was approached ten years ago to sell out and be what you are today, the new Rush Limbaugh, but no private Federal Reserve, no New World Order was to be talked about, I was told you could be a star or be on this crusade that's going nowhere.
I chose the crusade, and I thank God every day I did the right thing.
Glenn, I know you signed a contract.
I know the stuff's written for you on the teleprompter.
I know this is a Pentagon PSYOP.
I knew what you do with the concentration camps right down to what fake camp you would show as a straw man.
I know you.
I study the people controlling you.
And you are smart enough to know they plan on destroying you in the end.
You're smart enough to know that they're going to build you up and then destroy you in the end.
That's their plan.
You're even a willing participant in it.
Then they'll build you up again later.
Glenn, think twice about what you're doing.
Think twice about what you're a part of right now.
I'm not asking you because I know you can't go all the way to be a real patriot like Judge Napolitano.
That's why you keep him in the basement.
He comes out once a month on your show.
That's why he's on the internet.
And then they use Brian on there to be the frothing neocon as the counterbalance.
Judge Napolitano tells the truth.
This banking takeover is a complete takeover of our whole economy.
Why don't you have him on more?
Why don't you at least not enthusiastically attack Ron Paul when the time comes?
Because I know right now you're acting like you're buddy-buddy so you have everybody on your side so you can stab them in the back later.
I know that's the game some big talk show host play with me.
Wasn't more than yesterday.
But the issue here is
Just try to do whatever you can to redeem yourself, and don't be a Benedict Arnold in the end.
We're going to write a more detailed letter to you, showing all the bad things you've done, and then showing you these tens of millions of people that are counting on you.
You are now the leader.
And I know it's all a big joke.
You see it as hurting and managing these people, but they've got their trust in you.
And I know you work for Fox News, I know you work for News Corp, and I know that you signed the contract.
But just don't do it with so much enjoyment in your eyes when you mislead people.
And just do what you can to not be pure evil.
Because I look at you, I study you, I think you're a talented actor, and I want you to really think twice about what you're doing.
May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet from the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a state, it wasn't engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFO?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
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All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
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All the gold in the hills, all the palaces, all the power, all the fame, is nothing compared to being honorable, and being truthful, and standing up for the innocent.
The crimes of this world government are legion.
And if people really face the facts, there's no other choice but to resist this tyranny.
Going back to the Glenn Beck situation, we're going to come back in the next hour and take calls and get into the whole financial reform takeover that is happening right now.
It's simple.
They know there's a massive revolution against world government, Open Bank of the World being set up, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, liberal media, New York Times, said we were kooks, none of it existed, it wasn't real, there wasn't a plan for a carbon tax, we were insane, and then now they're announcing it all, after the financial implosion they engineered, just as we said, we were reading their own white papers that were published, going, please Rush Limbaugh, please Glenn Beck, read these,
Now Glenn Beck can come out and say, I'm the opposition to this.
Yes, it's a world government.
And we beat it by passing the banker bailout.
And we beat it by having the army go after Ron Paul supporters.
They're calling for bombings.
Glenn, you now have stepped into history.
You're not just some pundit on Fox, you're leading the 9-12 movement.
You claim you're anti-New World Order, while you openly are for the New World Order.
A lot of people are wise to you.
A lot of people are upset.
And I'm just upset that we couldn't have somebody like you on our side.
And to watch you treacherously stabbing people in the back is upsetting!
I got three children, Glenn.
I know you've got a family.
And I know this, you're gonna be judged in this life for what you're doing, pal.
You are one treacherous creature.
And I want you to turn around.
I want everybody to pray for Glenn Beck that God humbles him.
I know God's humbled me.
And I'm going to try to be more humbled.
Because my discernment's much greater when I am humbled.
None of us are perfect.
The more I'm humbled, the more I realize it's wrong to viciously attack O'Reilly or Limbaugh or any of these people, because they're really just sad people.
It's better just to talk about what they're doing that's wrong.
I'm very sad for Glenn.
But we can't just be sad for Glenn.
When you go to these tea parties, you hand out the Obama deception.
When you go to these tea parties, you hand out 9-11 truth.
When you go to these tea parties, go burn on disc Glenn Beck being for the banker bailout and demonizing Ron Paul.
Because you mark my words, at key junctures, when we need him, and he's at the head of our movement, he's gonna stab us in the back.
He's gonna hurt us.
He's a Judas Iscariot.
He's a Benedict Arnold.
And it's such a horrible position to be a Benedict Arnold.
It's such a horrible position to be a Judas.
It's the most horrible card you can draw in life.
And those 30 pieces of silver, he's been paid.
You know, in the time of Judas's day, 2000...
Nine years ago, you could buy a very nice house and live for a few decades on 20 ounces of silver.
And so Glenn really got bought off for more like 10,000 pieces of silver.
But just with my perspective, knowing what I know,
How on God's green earth could you sell out for any amount of money?
I mean, it's fine to have money and live comfortably.
That's a good thing.
I want everybody to be like that.
I enjoy people doing well.
It's not the wealth I'm concerned with.
It's selling yourself out for the wealth.
It's putting wealth at the top and doing it for that.
It's just... I pity people like him, but we've gotta stay on Glenn Beck.
We've gotta expose his lies.
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Big Brother.
I'm going to run through
Your phone calls here in a moment for the next two segments, then I'm going to spend the last 40 minutes of this hour detailing the banking takeover.
I know I harped on this in January, February, March, April, May, and then they withdrew the financial reform plan and went for the health care takeover of 20% of the economy.
But now they're back!
And so we're going to go over this in great detail, but first I want to take your calls.
In summation on Glenn Beck, though, the very fact that the establishment has tried to put him at the head of the anti-New World Order, libertarian, true conservative, slash classical liberal movement, the awakening, people that the majority of the population that don't like left or right.
I saw close-up photos.
It was blacks, whites, Hispanics, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, anti-New World Order.
Our Joker posters, Infowars.com.
I'd say about a third of the people were our listeners.
A third or more were Glenn Beck's people, and the rest were just mainline Republicans and Libertarians.
But they wouldn't be putting Glenn Beck out there as the leader.
They wouldn't be playing this dangerous game of even trying to get at the head of this movement if they didn't know massive revolution and resistance was mounting to their New World Order.
That's why they put a Judas goat
at the front of this.
A Judas goat, for those that don't know, a lot of sheep operations that produce mutton don't just shear the sheep and sell their wool, they kill a large portion of them every year, particularly the younger, fatter, plumper, juicier ones.
A certain amount get cut out for mutton.
And the ram is the leader.
And, you know, the male sheep, he is the leader, the Judas sheep, or the Judas goat in the case of goats, and he will lead the goats or the sheep into the pen for the slaughter, and he goes out the other end and the others don't.
There's no doubt Glenn Beck's a Judas goat, and I just want to mark the chart, just like we're out on the ocean, and I'm marking a place I found submerged rocks, and I ran my boat over it, and I'm just putting a buoy out,
And I'm marking the chart, saying there is a big ol' rock, one foot under the water, it's definitely a rock, and watch out.
And you can ignore me, and drive your boat right over it, but, and I'm not saying don't go to the tea parties, I'm not saying, no, go to them and take them over.
Use their gamble to try to take over our movement to take over their movement.
The problem is when Fox News with tens of millions of viewers got involved, they got control of it.
And it's always been Pentagon run.
I mean, Glenn, you have talked about this briefly.
About how the White House science czar called to put poisons in our water and sterilizes.
But then you also get up on your TV show and said the DHS report was good, that there are right-wing extremists.
You were apologetically in support of it.
You were 60-40, 60% in support of the DHS and had milquetoast guests on that supported the DHS report saying veterans are the number one threat and gun owners are the number one threat to homeland security.
So, just give us a break.
I mean, I want to believe in you.
I know Pat Buchanan isn't perfect.
I know Lou Dobbs aren't perfect, but I'm not up here bashing them.
I don't want to be associated with all those timid souls who attack anybody that puts their head up.
With the people that have created a cottage industry just out of attacking me.
I'm not asking folks to do that.
To just go out and attack you and make stuff up about you.
But for people to go, look at your record, pal!
You supported the Banker Bailout when almost no one else did.
You go to the White House over and over again to get marching orders from Bush.
You attack 9-11 truth.
And Glenn Beck's a smart guy, folks.
He's been sent the evidence.
He knows the FEMA camps are real.
He knows 9-11's an inside job.
Glenn, look at what you've done!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Why did I spend the last 30 minutes talking about Glenn Beck?
Because, mark my words, he is at a key juncture and is a key man in the New World Order's plan in this country.
He is getting your confidence so that when he betrays you, when he slits our collective throats, we won't struggle, but will look up at him like a Labrador Retriever when you slit his throat with sadness.
Like our own father has just shot us between the eyes.
And I just can't believe how gullible people are.
Absolutely gullible.
But that's just like people support Obama.
It's the same cult of personality, same thing.
He lies, he's disingenuous, it's obviously a corporate scam.
The evidence is clear.
It doesn't matter.
They like being deceived.
Because they've been raised, from the time they were in diapers,
Sitting in front of television sets.
Okay, let's take a bunch of phone calls and I'm going to get into what's happening with the economy.
And this is very important, what's coming up.
Please call your friends and family and neighbors.
Tell them to tune in.
Whether you're listening to us on the local AM and FM station, internet, global short waiver, satellite.
WC in Texas.
WC, you're on the air.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
Thanks for taking my call.
Although, on the way you worded all that, there's no doubt that
I don't see how he could not respond to that.
It was very tastefully worded.
I'd like to make three key points, if I may, sir.
One, I'm sure you and your listeners know that they've just released the new Bin Laden Tony Bologna tape, so it's obvious they're going to still continue to try to ride that swayback dead horse.
So we've got to guard ourselves against that.
Two, as I was flipping back and forth this Saturday from watching the Cougars whip up on OSU, I tuned into their Glenn Beck deal.
They showed a guy wearing a maturity response shirt, so I think that's really, really good.
And thirdly, sir, I heard Glenn mention, and I mentioned it on your show last time I called in, about the black triangle over his shoulder.
Well, he didn't speak to that specifically.
He referred to the piece behind him at that desk, which is a red stripe with a flag.
He said, quote, I wish I could take the damn thing down.
So I think
He is a very tormented man because nobody can prowl a queue like that.
He's obviously struggling with some demons and hopefully good energy will overcome the dark energy.
I hear you and God bless you.
Going back to your Bin Laden comment, that was one of our top stories I haven't even gotten to.
Paul Watson's written a detailed report that's up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The Intel Center, the two directors of it, formerly worked for Rumsfeld at the Pentagon and the other one as the head of Black Ops Psychological Operations, PsyOps, at the CIA.
I mean, you've got two top spooks in psychological warfare running the Intel Center.
And three years ago, Wired Magazine, at a big computer symposium, we'd already done this at our office,
Uh, and covered it.
Because you learn this.
When you put graphics up in one video layer, and then especially if you grab that video layer off the web, you can see the layers when you blow it up on a computer screen.
You can see the pixels.
I mean, it's 100%.
It was a different...
Video Layer, but it wasn't.
The Intel Center puts their name, their logo, in the same video format in the original layer with the Adam Gadon and Bin Laden tapes.
Adam Gadon is the Pearlman, the former, well not the former, he's the grandson of the former head of the ADL.
Who was arrested in Mosque repeatedly beating up Muslims.
He hates Muslims so much.
And they said, look kid, you want to get the Muslims?
Become the face of Al-Qaeda.
Then we can go in there and blow the hell out of these people, take over their countries.
You're going into black ops.
And it's so despicable.
And then the Intel Center arrogantly uploads these videos.
And the new one, I haven't had time to blow it up and look at it, but we've done this in the past.
But I don't have a certification or a degree in this, so we didn't run with it.
But we were looking at these videos back when I was making Terror Storm three and a half years ago.
And on the big screen Plasma TV, because we work with video, I blew it up.
And I was going, look at that!
You have the same pixel shapes and the same pixel distribution in those layers.
That was put in at the same time.
Because we work with video.
We deal with trying to take web video and other things and make it look okay, blowing it up.
We deal with this.
And I could look at it and go, and then I do have tech guys that are experts on pixel shapes and uploads and downloads and conversions and what this does and what that does and this number and that number and we're there studying on a big plasma screen.
looking at it and it's there's there's no video layers.
When you blow video up you see video layers if stuff's been added.
When Fox News plays somebody else's video and puts their bottom third on there, it's crisp and clear.
The other video has got a different pixel and it deals with the conversions.
These are the same video.
This thing is clear all the way across.
But then Wired Magazine interviewed a top computer expert with degrees in this
And he said, yeah, it's the same video layer.
I mean, you think it's fun to go on the radio and stand up against these people?
These are hardcore soldiers.
They know what they're doing.
These guys go to work every day knowing they're putting out fake Al-Qaeda videos.
Fake Al Qaeda audio!
They've gone mainly to audio because major universities and major computer scientists and major special effects experts from France to England to the United States and Canada were on the news saying that isn't bin Laden.
Then they did a voice print of the real bin Laden, voice printed it on him, it wasn't him again.
Then they had linguists listen, it wasn't even somebody from Saudi Arabia!
It was someone from the West, Arab, from probably Jordan or Israel.
For somebody that speaks Arabic as an expert linguist, they can tell that guy's from Texas, that guy's from Southern Alabama, that guy's from Northern California, that guy's from North Dakota.
There's a whole specialty to this.
Major university heads in Canada and France went and listened and said, yeah, not only is the bin Laden not the same voice print,
And clearly it wasn't even, it was a guy that weighed 100 pounds more with a bigger nose.
It wasn't even the same dialect.
It was an American.
Somebody who had lived in the West, probably America, who was born in Israel or Jordan.
I mean, this is creepy, folks!
They really did it!
The Feds really carried out 9-11.
You think I like messing with these people?
But I never back down from bullying in my life, folks, and you know, maybe I'm dumb.
Maybe I should just go drink the tap water that the White House admits they're spiking with stuff to sterilize my family.
Maybe I should just let my kids drink out of the number six plastics that they admit cause breast cancer, testicular cancer.
I mean, what the hell?
How in the world am I supposed to just sit here?
You think I like all this?
You think I like being the big leader fighting this?
No, I'm way past that, folks.
In the past, I did it because I love liberty at my foundation.
But I also did it because I was arrogant and aggressive and have a lot of bravado.
And also down the road, a lot of people tried to stop me from being successful.
But I don't have any pleasure in being successful.
I don't have any pleasure in being arrogant.
All of that's basically gone now.
And I'm a better man because of it.
But you know why?
Getting situated, getting familiar with death or imprisonment or torture will do that to you.
But it's a great blessing.
I have stepped into what it is to be a real man.
I've stepped into guarding the innocent, facing down the steamroller of the New World Order, and the point of no return was passed a decade ago for me, and I just thank God I'm in this position.
But I'll tell all of you out there that have made it a cottage industry to attack me and lie about me and twist and distort.
I love you, and I feel sorry for you.
I hate the evil you're involved in, but I realize that it's part of the blight, the spiritual blight that's on our society.
And I asked God in the last few months to just give me an answer or to comfort me against the lies, the distortions, the attacks, and now they don't even hurt me anymore.
God healed my heart of that.
It didn't hurt me much, but it made me kind of evil and aggressive and, you know, screw them.
I didn't want to have that attitude.
And I ask God to change my heart, and God has changed my heart, and given me something deeper and more true, but also more painful.
I feel sorry for Glenn Beck.
I feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh.
I feel sorry for Barack Obama.
I feel sorry for the people that lie about me.
I feel sorry for Adam Gadahn, who knows he goes in and does videos posing as Al Qaeda, and thinks that being involved in 9-11
You know, uh, with Israel and the U.S.
is a good thing, because in the end it'll help America beat the Muslims, and the Muslims are evil, and we have to get America and Israel's heads screwed on straight to face this and all this crap.
Injustifies the means, Machiavelli and Bull.
I just am sad for our species.
I just want something better for our species as a whole.
But the good news is the people are waking up.
Paul Watson's got an article up right now.
Scientific poll.
29% of Americans trust mainstream media.
That's a key report from Paul Watson.
And I said I'd take calls.
We're just going to take calls until I'm done with at least George, Kevin, Dave, Sandy, and Chris.
I'm going to try to go to you quickly.
Then I'm going to cover the financial news.
By probably 45 after or so.
It's the most important news of the day.
But you got me off on that whole Bin Laden thing.
God, think of the special forces guys they had below those towers.
They really... They really burned their souls up on that day.
And it's painful to see people destroy in their spiritual futures.
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We're good.
Could the West, being in Afghanistan and Iraq, eight years later, if it wasn't for Bin Laden tapes that are released from the CIA-run Intel Center publicly, doled out every anniversary?
It's not working anymore.
Even the Mail Online, usually a pretty conservative newspaper, has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years?
And are the US and Britain covering it up to continue the war on terror?
We'll give you a close shot of that on the document cam for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Let's go to George in Pennsylvania.
George, you're on the air.
The three really important things, they'll all just take a minute.
The H1N1 vaccine is going to be given out by private physicians.
I think everybody should line up, go to their doctor, ask them to squirt it in the trash and record that they got it, just in case it comes to forced vaccination later.
Number two, I went to the Cook Islands with my kids.
There's only 20,000 people that live there.
We talked with at least 1,000 people and I don't think they're there.
I think maybe the people that really have the big money
They may have been registered there because the Cook Islands was the last place in the world to have unnumbered bank accounts, and they're closing a loophole now.
So they may have been registered there.
They're not there.
We've searched everywhere.
Number three.
One of my kids got a book to read on the way, A History of the People of the United States, Volume 2, and it looks like it was written by you.
It talks about banker control and banker takeover of the financial system and the Illuminati
It was written in 1897, and it was from the first parts of the country.
Yeah, that was republished under the name, The Coming Battle.
The Treasury Department, when Jefferson took over, was questioning where the money had gone to.
Interestingly, there was a fire, just when they were getting ready to look into this, and the Treasury was consumed.
Yeah, you give private interest the power to issue all the currency and credit they want.
They're going to bankrupt everything and you're going to wake up homeless on the continent your forefathers conquered.
I just wonder if this might give us an indication of where the next big attack might come for our country now.
Oh yes, the terrorists.
Well, they don't even need to do that.
You know, back then people would get mad so they'd burn down the records.
Now they just steal it right in front of us and say, if you don't like it, SWAT teams will come machine gun you and your family.
And, you know, they're using two different pincers.
They're using the fake terror and the fake environmentalism to make humans the enemy, and so the state can capture us.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, George.
Kevin in Canada.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
Anyone that's been listening to you for a month knows that you're bipartisan.
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If after ten years you don't know that, you're a lost cause.
Anyone that does need to get a Prison Planet membership, though, that's a great thing that you guys have available.
Yeah, I haven't plugged anything yet today because I just, I'm intending to totally get my mind off the videos and books and materials and not only are they great things to wake people up, that's how we fund our operation and our revenue has fallen way down the last few months because I just really don't plug things like I used to, so thanks for plugging it for me.
No problem.
My local newspaper has been carrying many articles linking the internet to teaching the criminals to be criminals, basically.
Yeah, that's the new thing, is that they demonize it.
An InfoWars and Jones report on major government systems and private systems are listed as criminal knowledge, criminal skills websites, where the browsers tell you not to go there.
Yeah, they've got this ex-cop who's testifying that he learned how to be a biker on the internet.
Um, like he can't learn to be a biker somewhere else.
As if being a biker is criminal?
Well, some of these bikers are, of course, but they're running all these demonizing pieces about basically free speech on the internet, readying us all for the internet, too.
Yeah, they've announced internet, too.
Cybersecurity command in the President's own words, so they can shut the web down for all our safety.
Jay Rockefeller says we'd be better off without it.
And I keep warning people, it's here!
You know, I want to beat these people, and I want to fight.
But in a sick way, if they lock me up or shut me down, I want to do this every day.
Because, I mean, look, I know we're reaching a lot of people.
I know it's really positive.
It's just, I'm so sick of looking at the New World Order people.
I'm so sick of their enjoyment of evil.
I'm so sick of... Hey, great call.
Anything else, Kevin?
Yeah, I was surfing some Joe Rogan comedy after watching him on Burmese's show, and I noticed that on this other show that he was on, they had video call-ins.
I don't believe Joe Rogan was on Jason Burmese's show, but you can finish up on the other side.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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The people are waking up.
So the establishment is giving them fake alternatives.
Judas Goats.
Controlled opposition.
But if you stand on ideas and stand on the Bill of Rights and Constitution, it doesn't matter what those Judas Goats try, the people will be victorious.
And I'm telling you, Glenn Beck's already stabbed us in the back dozens of times.
He's gonna do it again.
And they're building him up as the leader.
And that's very dangerous.
That's why I reached out to him in the last hour.
Paul Watson's doing a detailed report either tonight or tomorrow on that subject.
My public letter to Glenn Beck.
Encapsulating the points I made.
Talked to the caller, he got it confused.
Joe Rogan has been on my show, not on Burma's, as we call Burma's in here to check.
But you were going to bring up something else, caller, about video call-ins from listeners.
Yes, I do want my producers to start talking to more of our guests we have on, not just Rivero and a few filmmakers we've had on, to have more people on as guests via video link for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
And yes, I did think about a phone line where people can call and leave 30 second messages.
In fact, I want to implement this now.
Let's make it one minute messages.
A line people call where we can listen to the messages every day, the producers can, but leave them to one minute.
And the best rants or the best points, the guys can grab 10 or 15 of those a day and have it part of the show.
Can we implement that today?
All right, good.
We will launch that.
Can we set a box up today?
At the end of the show, I'll give you the number.
And then every day, no matter how many guests we've got on, we'll air at least five calls.
So that's something exciting we're going to add.
And you can disagree on the phone line.
You can agree.
You can bring up points.
The most interesting stuff, we'll edit it together, say five minutes every day.
How's that sound, guys?
The five best calls.
And then maybe we can do something like take the other better ones and have an area where we just post them on InfoWars.com.
Pretty exciting, huh?
Do something like that.
You know, the daily best calls of the day.
Okay, and yes, the caller, are you still there, Kevin?
Yes, I am.
You were talking about having PrisonPlanet.tv members be able to open it up to a few video calls every day so people can call in on video via Skype and be on TV with us.
I think it's a great idea.
Go ahead and tell us about it.
Well, there's some other people that are doing it.
I just think it'd be really interesting.
It would increase the amount of subscriptions that you get at Prison Planet.
I think everybody should get their Prison Planet membership if they don't have one.
It'd be a lot of fun for us.
And I just think you guys should keep up the great work.
Ideas are bulletproof.
You can't change the laws of physics, and 9-11 was an inside job.
All right, God bless you.
I appreciate the call.
And two hours and 37 minutes into this broadcast, I will take some time out to ask listeners for support today.
And we ask you to contribute in a symbiotic fashion, where you get high-quality books, videos, t-shirts,
The best research materials out there we found bar none.
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Check out the combo deals, the specials.
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Whether you're a professor, an instructor, or going to school, resistance is victory.
You can also call toll-free and ask about the combos and specials.
There's also PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Fifteen cents a day, $5.95 a month, get a yearly membership, you get three months free.
But just go get a trial membership today.
All my films in super high quality.
Fall of the Republic coming out October 21st.
It'll be there first, then shipping out on DVD that day.
My book, Paul Watson's book, a lot of other great films we've posted there, been authorized to post there.
My live TV show every day.
Posted as an archive.
Watch when you want, how you want.
The live stream of the show.
The audio archives of the radio show.
Not in 32-bit, but in 64-bit.
Correct, it's 64-bit?
For President Blinden, I always get the bit rates wrong.
People are like, you said 62!
It's 64, liar!
Okay, whatever, 60-something.
64, okay.
It's a conspiracy!
64 is an encoded message of 62!
Anyways, the point is,
Is that PrisonPlanet.tv is there and we're expanding what we're doing.
I've been waiting three months for the city to give us permits to build our new studio.
Maybe I should give the permit office's number out.
I mean, I tell you, the government just makes me sick.
You can't get contractors coming here without a permit.
Holding me up on what I'm doing.
The point is, side issue, it comes out in
Three days.
Three and a half days.
Camp FEMA that I consulted on, that I'm one of the main contributors on, is an out-of-the-park documentary film.
And it is available right now at InfoWars.com.
Get your order in or mail to us.
It's $19.95, two-hour film, a lot of extras.
Camp FEMA, now available at InfoWars.com by William Lewis.
And the toll-free number to order it as well is 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me at InfoWars at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Again, that's P.O.
Box 19549.
Austin, Texas, 78760.
I want to go back to your calls and get into the financial news.
I want to do that.
But while I'm at it plugging things that make the show possible, I'm going to tell you about Diginet.net.
They have these great little, very inexpensive, hidden memory stick
This is
Yes, sir.
Or people starting stuff with you in parking lots, whatever.
It's great to carry these on you.
D-I-G-A-N-E-T dot net.
Definitely check them out today.
In fact, put that back up on screen.
I want to give folks their number as well.
Or 888-344-6681.
I don't know.
Well, that's where I choose to get my storable foods.
That's where I think you should get them.
That's eFoodsDirect.com.
Or as I said, eFoodsDirect.com.
Let's now go back one minute apiece, because I've got to get into the financial news here, and talk to Dave in Florida.
Dave, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
I've been watching the Weather Channel over the past few days.
Just a quick point here.
The Weather Channel is now having a report on where they admit that sunspots are causing short-term global warming.
But they're saying it's only temporary.
It's a respite from man-made global warming as soon as the sunspots come back.
The Global Warming is going to come right back on, and then they come on with their ten-point list of how we can change our lives for the better.
And the founder of the Weather Channel came out, who's a meteorologist, and said it's all a huge stinking fraud.
They laugh.
They know it's about taxing.
Carbon dioxide is not dirty carbon.
It's not carbon.
Carbon's a solid.
Carbon dioxide's a gas.
Or when it's condensed to liquid, and they know that.
And local car washes in Austin say, don't wash your car at home, it's illegal.
It hurts the carbon footprint.
Come to our car wash, we use less.
I mean, it's just all total Soviet takeover.
Go ahead.
Yeah, they want you to go around your house and unplug all your devices now and plug your TV when you're not watching.
And they're going to make that a crime.
They're going to make that a crime and you're going to have monthly home inspections.
Yeah, another another point here.
I just wanted to bring up here.
This is something that just a question for you actually in regards to the fluoride in the water and everywhere else.
Have you seen any evidence to the fact that if you stop taking in the fluoride that the damage itself will reverse itself, or are you pretty much stuck with whatever you've already taken into your body over the years?
Okay, I'm not a medical doctor or a toxicologist, but I've interviewed the head toxicologist for the EPA, who got over 90% of their scientists to sign a letter saying, take this out of the water.
We had him on last year, but we should have him back on.
He's the head toxicologist and the head of the EPA Union.
Because he said, yeah, 20 years ago in school I was for calcium fluoride in the water a little bit.
That's good for your teeth and bones.
I didn't know that it wasn't just sodium fluoride that's deadly poison.
It's a catch-all term for, depending on the system, 130 to over 300 chemicals.
Austin, it's hundreds and hundreds.
They take the toxic waste from nuclear weapons production, from fertilizer production, and from aluminum production, and they dump it right in your water.
And fluoride poisoning is cumulative.
And it precipitates in the bones and glands.
It's proven to cause hundreds of cancers, just right now in front of everybody.
Search it out, folks.
Or Google, or whatever.
You can go to it.
And type in fluoride cancer.
And it's just absolutely admitted.
But that's just sodium fluoride.
Not the catch-all term, even worse.
They know that if you get off of it, it reverses some of the damage, because the cumulative gets worse and worse, and some of it reverses, but not all of it.
And it depends on the host organism, and your age, and how long you were on it.
They know that fluoride has double the effects
On the young, developing brains.
That's why it says fluoride just for babies at all the grocery stores, and the mothers buy it greedily with pleasure, and wonder why their kid's completely brain-dead, drooling in the corner, watching TV.
Because they love their children, and 80 plus percent of advertising targets women, because they're trusting.
They're not stupid, they're just trusting.
of anything that's in their environment.
They're not trusting of men.
They've been taught to not trust men.
But they trust the New World Order technocrat men.
And if it's for their baby, they do it.
Even though the American Medical Association, American Dental Association for three years have said, don't give babies fluoride water, don't give them toothpaste, it causes cancer and bone fractures and dental fluorosis.
The mothers don't care.
And they put levels, conservatively from the reports I've read, a hundred times stronger in the fluoride water for kids than what is in the water one part per million.
They put mega brain damaging.
And those mothers give them Pedialyte with Aspartame with pleasure.
The convulsions, the brain damage, it's a religion to do it.
It's a sick
Munchausen by proxy that the whole government does to children with pleasure.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, thanks very much, Alex.
And they love it.
Oh, there's Reuters.
Another study links fluoride to bone cancer.
Oh, would you like more?
Would you like to see more?
We could just go for hours with these studies.
Oh, I'm not playing games.
We have just been incrementally eased into the warm water, and then they turn the scalding water on, and we're just boiling, and they're going, there, there, there.
You drink your water.
Yes, your testicles are shriveling up.
Oh, suddenly the male sperm counts down by 87%.
Oh, London Guardian.
Fluoride water causes cancer, especially in boys' testicles and bones.
Oh, we wonder why the boys are like girls now.
The chemical weapon hit their fast-growing cells, and nothing grows faster than sperm.
But you produce millions of a month.
But now they don't have tails, and now they can't swim.
The chemical weapon did good!
The military and police and the boys that planted the bombs in the towers?
Did the government tell you not to feed your kids fluoride?
Did the government tell you not to take the mercury shots?
Oh, you didn't get a warning!
You're being soft killed!
But at least you had the power to blow up those towers.
You little pyromaniac bomb bugs.
And so you don't care.
It's kind of fun.
Your masters are killing you.
It's kind of fun.
Yeah, you like it.
At least it's nasty and feels good, huh?
Feels good?
Feels good, doesn't it?
Feels good to have that five-year-old that's retarded?
Even though they don't have any chromosome problems?
Feels good everybody around you is semi-retarded now?
Feels good, doesn't it?
Yeah, feels good.
Death feels good for you.
Don't worry.
Death will come soon enough for all of us.
I mean, I can't even hardly do this show anymore.
It's not that I don't want to fight.
It's not that it's not a great honor to fight.
It's that it's so ridiculously obvious.
I mean, this whole world government is just out in the open.
And I know I don't even do the best job exposing it.
Where are all you clean-cut yuppies I see riding up 360, up hills, perfect shape, getting out of the hike and bike trail out of your brand-new BMWs, your cars are totally clean, you're totally well-spoken, you got your crap together, you know, your wife looks absolutely perfect, your kids are all well-behaved.
I mean, why don't you care enough to find out about all this?
Because you socially, it's not kosher to talk about this.
And so you go along with it.
But you drink filtered water.
You eat non-GMO.
And I talk to these yuppies and they kind of go, yeah, but the underclass is always eating poison.
And they're just kind of like they're part of the system.
Where is your humanity?
Where is your humanity?
You can't just write off humanity and then not write yourself off.
Don't you understand that when you become a servant, and none of us are perfect.
I'm out on some high horse here.
That when you supplicate your will into the greater stream of human species development, that you unlock things in your mind and soul and become truly human.
I'm just sad for you that you're not taking part in humanity's struggle to be free.
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We are being forcibly medicated through the food supply and water supply.
It's now been declassified.
They are chemtrailing us and terraforming the planet, geoengineering it.
God only knows what else we're not aware of.
The top genetic engineers we've had on have confirmed that they are adding sterolins through the genetic makeup of the cross-species food crops we're eating.
And we can't even come together as a people against the New World Order.
We're just going to let these people do this to us and write textbooks about how they're doing it.
They're assaulting your children.
They're assaulting you.
People thank me for fighting and thank me for being involved.
Why are you thanking me?
It's completely normal to stand up and do whatever you can
To fight against the tyranny.
And I've never seen a tyranny this wicked, this systematic.
Let's go back to calls, and then coming up at 8 after, I'm going directly into the financial analysis, and this is important.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sandy in Utah.
Sandy, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's good to talk to you.
It's good to talk to you.
I want you to know I really appreciate you.
And Charlie.
I appreciate you.
And I have gotten a lot of your movies and things, and I've given them out to people to watch.
And I also just want to talk about a couple of things.
First off, my son went into the Marines in the early 90s, and he took that arms survey.
And he put on there he didn't agree with anything about the U.N.
and on that last question,
He indicated, he said to them, hell no, I will join with the U.S.
I will not take their guns away.
And for those that don't know, they gave Marines, now they give them publicly, surveys.
Will you fire on Americans under NORTHCOM?
Now they're getting ready for it.
Your son said no.
Okay, go ahead.
Shortly after that, he received a bunch of vaccinations.
Shortly after that, he became ill.
So they gave him a medical discharge, and I believe, of course, that they were trying to weed out all those that would stay true to the law.
No, no, no, we've confirmed.
They give soft kill, this is confirmed, soft kill shots to people, to the 75%, and it usually is meant to kick in about five years after you're out.
Because then, as Homeland Security says, the number one threat to their New World Order.
Homeland Security's here for the corporate criminal takeover.
They're the criminal enforcer to take care of the gang raping of America.
Their number one threat is returning vets and gun owners.
And that's what they're training the Boy Scouts for.
To take on the veterans.
The new Hitler youth.
And, uh... God, I'm sorry they did that to your son.
You know, there's some detoxes he can do.
Some other things he can do.
Yeah, he's been using a lot of different herbs and things, but he's battled this thing ever since then.
What's he have, like arthritis and things?
Well, it's colitis is what it is.
Yeah, a lot of times it attacks Crohn's-like type diseases, totally confirmed.
It attacks the entire intestine.
Yeah, it does.
But he's been really, he's a brilliant kid and he's studied the militaries of all the countries and he knows a lot.
Anyway, he's a year younger than you, Alex.
And the other thing is, well,
Back then too, just before he went into the Marines, they told our kids in the 8th and 11th grade that they had to have vaccines.
And so we called the superintendent up and we said, okay, what are the vaccines for?
What's in them?
And why did I have to have them?
And his reply was, well, the government told me to do it.
And we said, well, don't you think you better be finding out?
Tell me more about how that ended when we come back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to take a few more calls right now.
Then at the 8 after, I'm going to spend a couple segments breaking down the financial reform legislation that Obama is pushing and how that fits into this whole world government system.
And all the headlines we've been seeing about UN wants new world reserve currency to replace the dollar.
Remember that headline?
Last week.
We're going to be going over all of that coming up.
But Sandy, Chris, Chris, Josh, Ryan, others, we're going to get to you as well.
Sandy, so, they ended up getting your son later with the vaccines in the military, but in school they said, we don't know what it is, the government just says you've got to take these shots.
How did that end?
The 8th and 11th graders had to get these shots because the government said so.
Well, we said, well, our kids aren't getting them.
So we went and got some waivers for them.
And we made copies.
And so they didn't get them, you know, at the time.
But I know, I've never cared for vaccines for a long time.
And I, at the age of eleven and a half when Jeff K was killed, I knew I wasn't getting the truth.
And I was determined to find out what it was.
And I did.
The other thing is, I was watching Glenn Beck the other day.
On Saturday.
And they were switching back and forth.
And they switched to him at one point, and it looked to me like he was in a trance.
And it hit me.
I thought, he has been hypnotized.
And he's probably on psychotropic drugs.
And I think that he joined the Mormon Church to bring them down.
And he's... I got a message for him.
If he thinks he's going to bring down the Patriots in America and the Mormon Church, he's got another thing coming.
Because he will have to face the Lord.
Alright, Sandy, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, no, he does act... I mean, everybody screws around and has some fun when you do a long show every day, but he constantly just acts crazy.
And goofy and fruity.
He's not like a George Washington.
I mean, he just is really...
And he's bad news.
Look, I care about my children's future.
I'm not here bashing him because, you know, he's a bigger talk show host than me and I don't like it.
Because so many people do that to me that I almost don't like to talk bad about Beck or anybody else because it like lowers you to do that.
But you've got to talk about
I was just calling because I completely agree with your assessment about Glenn Beck.
It's like, because he comes off like, like how Stephen Colbert does it, his character, but he's like serious about it.
And he's crying and stuff.
And he's bringing, like, real facts, but he's, you know, you know, like, his past, so it's like... Well, it's meant to discredit him.
I mean, look at how he supported the banker bailout bill.
And then says he's fighting the New World Order.
And then he said arrest Ron Paul supporters.
When Ron Paul had a chance to win.
So, see, he shows who he is.
Right when we're getting headway, he'll go, there's no FEMA camps, there's no government corruption, we need to support the Patriot Act.
We need to arrest Ron Paul's supporters.
Ron Paul's dangerous.
Oh, we need this banker bailout, Bill.
I mean, with friends like this, who needs enemies?
Yeah, and also, it's the same thing with Barack Obama, except for he's playing a role, like when he talks, to me, he reminds me of a preacher, like a black preacher or something like that.
When he talks, when he gives his speech, it's more like he's preaching.
That's how I get the feeling.
It's like, it's kind of weird.
No, that's about it.
Thank you, though.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Chris.
All right, Chris in Maryland, Josh in California, Ryan in Indiana, and others.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
And we're going to come back and break down what's really happening with the economy straight ahead on the one, the only GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm going to break down the big fight we're facing that frankly dwarfs the seriousness of government-run, government-hijacked healthcare 20% of the economy.
As important as that is, it is nothing compared to open world government run for
And buy a private inner group of central banks.
I couldn't believe it.
I was watching CNN this morning on the treadmill.
And they were admitting, yeah, the dollar may die, like Argentina.
And we need to have a new world reserve currency the UN's calling for.
But don't believe me.
Just Google the term UN calls for replacing the dollar with new currency.
And you'll see AP Reuters.
We cover that in the Obama deception that's been out for six months.
And when we released the Obama deception, they were hot and heavy, not on the health care takeover, but on the banking reform.
Now, six months ago, they'd only stolen about $10 trillion.
In six months.
Now they've stolen $23.7 trillion.
Seven trillion, ten and a half months into the bailout.
And look at that headline, London Telegraph, UN wants new global currency to replace dollar.
I just want to put that up there for people that are still in denial, because the media for decades called anybody a lunatic kook.
If you read UN documents, if you read Club of Rome documents, if you read CFR documents, if you read articles out of Money magazine where they were calling for it, it didn't exist, you were a liar.
Well now they're announcing it on CNN,
And saying, look, we got to have this next banking reform or we're going to have another bubble and you'll lose your 401k.
What did I tell you in the Obama deception?
What did I tell you last year when they had the October 3rd banker takeover?
I said, they're going to plunge the market, pump it back up with the tens of trillions they steal.
The banks are making record profits, but Main Street is dying.
The layoffs, the job losses, the stores closing, the real economy Main Street is dying.
Vertical integration is happening.
Only a handful of central banks, there's only really seven big ones, are consolidating all the small banks, the infrastructures, bankrupting the states, bankrupting individuals and consolidating everything.
And they had the financial expert
On CNN this morning, the ball-headed guy wearing a pinstriped suit, whatever his name is, admitting everything, but like it was good!
Oh, the big banks are consolidating and buying everything up with the money they have, and they're going to fix it, and we're going to have a new Bank of the World, and I was sitting there watching it while I was jogging, and just couldn't believe it!
So everything we told you about has now come true.
And Obama gave his speech earlier in the first hour.
We played some clips of it live.
Some excerpts.
We went to it live several times.
He's saying they're going to get tough on the banks and stop derivatives ever happening again, when in truth, Geithner was the head of the New York Fed, the real federal branch of the private Federal Reserve that actually has power in New York.
Bernanke was Fed Chairman over the entire system.
They told Bush exactly what to do, and there was complete coordination between
Geithner and Bernanke and Bush and then Obama and then Obama appointed people even closer to the scam than Bush had had.
But it's kind of like Obama's people are the lead bank robber and Bush was in the getaway car.
I mean, you know, I'm not being partisan saying who was more guilty.
They're all total puppets robbing the bank for the mob boss down the road living in his palace.
That's the New World Order.
I mean, this is complete fraud.
Complete, total fraud.
The exact Clinton bankers that made the rule changes, Bush then protected them while they were looting for eight years.
Again, seamless integration between Clinton, Bush, Obama.
Totally on the same team.
Total coordination.
They even testified in Congress on this.
No difference!
Except they knew Obama would be a better person to sell it to the American people, so he got four times the Wall Street Journal, the Wall Street money from Wall Street brokerage firms and banks, according to the Wall Street Journal, than Obama did.
Again, Obama got four times more than McCain.
And that was because they knew he could sell the fraud.
Not that McCain was good.
They were loading an arrow in their crossbow, saying, which arrow is the most vicious I've got?
Which one will take down America the best?
Which one can con these suckers?
All right, this is the one.
Let me load it.
Powerful crossbow.
Let me load Obama into the groove.
All right, here comes that dumbass public.
And I mean, it's just like, wham!
In fact, pull up a video of a deer getting shot by a crossbow.
You can go to YouTube and say, deer hunting with crossbow.
And the deer hunters, the New World Order, Obama's the arrow, David Rockefeller, the big new Brzezinski, and Jay Rockefeller, and the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, it's all a big joke to them, the Rothschilds as well.
They are the hunter.
And they got a crossbow that's our government.
They've built the government to be big and powerful, to be able to knock the Republic down, and they load a Bush in and they shoot it into us, they load an Obama in.
That's all they are, is a weapon.
But before we go to that, I wanted to play a short clip of Glenn Beck endorsing the banker bailout bill.
Here it is.
I think the bailout is the right thing to do.
I believe so deeply in our Constitution.
I was for the Patriot Act.
You know that I am actually a libertarian at heart.
The 700 billion dollars that you're hearing about now is not only, I believe, necessary, it is also not nearly enough.
There was one guy last year that was Ron Paul.
And then he demonizes Ron Paul.
That's enough.
There's nothing worse than two faces.
So, there's your savior that's leading your movement.
They put him there and made him the leader so he can lead you off, is the point.
Now, let's play somebody from Fox who they keep in the basement on internet TV.
And most of the public is so dumbed down they don't know this is internet only.
I've been on his show once, not again, even though he liked it.
I know the higher-ups put the kibosh on that.
But it doesn't matter.
The point is,
Judge Napolitano.
He's not perfect, but he is definitely not a Benedict Arnold.
Now, what did he say about the bailout, and more importantly, Obama's new regulatory reform?
He said this a few months ago, literally a week after we published this article.
Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
And I said from a hot dog stand to a car dealership, it states in the legislation Obama introduced that the private banking consortium gives the Federal Reserve control over every facet of the economy.
That's what the bill read.
Napolitano told the truth, and here is that piece.
I'm Judge Andrew Napolitano and the verdict is coming on President Barack Obama's historic plan to overhaul and regulate our financial institutions.
Here's the question.
What is left out of this proposal is, and what we deserve to know is, who will regulate the Federal Reserve?
What will become of clauses in the Constitution that prohibit the very type of regulation the President wants?
And what is now the meaning of the word free in free market?
Here are the facts.
The bias of the drafters of this proposal is that the government knows best.
The Constitution should not be an obstacle to the egalitarian goals of the government, and no private behavior is beyond the government's reach of its huge hand.
The essence of the proposal is to give the Federal Reserve the authority to regulate any aspect of any firms that in its discretion, its sole discretion, could adversely affect the economy if they fail.
The Fed would thus be the only unregulated private entity on the planet.
This private, super-secret bank, half of whose board is appointed by the President, is the most secret aspect in all of the government.
Think about it.
The job of the CIA is to steal and to keep secrets.
But we know more about the CIA than we do the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is a private, completely unregulated bank, into which the Obama administration proposes to repose all regulatory authority.
From the compensation of executives, to the investments companies make, to the location of their franchises, are you ready for this?
To the amount of fat in McDonald's cheeseburgers.
Without appeal, and without stating reasons for the regulations.
All grouped investments, even if the investors own the group, like hedge funds, like you and your neighbors getting together to buy a house, will be subject to the Fed's new rules.
All state-chartered banks will now be subject to the Fed.
All businesses, whether financial in nature or not, that are owned by any financial institutions, shall be subject to the Fed.
Even mom-and-pop shops and stores, if in the Fed's opinion could fail and thus produce systemic harm to the economy, shall be subject to the rule of the Fed.
The Fed shall have the authority to require lawyers and accountants to report data to the Fed that even the IRS presently lacks.
There appears to be no limit to the private human behavior that the Fed will not be able to find a way to regulate under this proposal.
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More of your calls coming up in the next segment.
We've got Rob Dube popping in, one of the producers, to give us some reports on what's in the new flu shot.
We've got some more guests coming up this week and next week on that subject as they get ready to try to push forced inoculations in this country.
But I just played what Napolitano said.
And his producers have told me they listen to the show, they like the show, they picked up on our analysis and went and looked at the bill.
We're glad they did that.
But Glenn Beck is going to be supporting the banker takeover bill, you better believe it.
And that's how the media is going to phrase this.
Look, we stopped the depression with what the banks just did.
In truth, the banks hoarded all the money and are killing Main Street right now.
But the banks are doing good, so they call that a good economy.
The jobless recovery.
You live in soup kitchens, and you lose your job, or you take a cut in pay, and the bankers make trillions off your back in tax money, and then they set up FEMA camps.
That's the new economy.
So that's what they're pushing, that's what they're setting up.
And they're gonna say now, okay, the depression's gonna get worse if you don't do this.
We're gonna kill the economy if you don't submit to us.
It's like in Blazing Saddles where the sheriff's surrounded and he says, drop your guns or I'll shoot myself.
But they're not really gonna shoot themselves, they're gonna shoot our country in the head.
These are criminals feeding on the planet.
Now this story, written by Paul Watson and Steve Watson,
From my breakdown of the facts is key.
Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
And I'm asking everybody to go get this article from June 18th, three, four months ago, and to get it out to everybody again, along with the Napolitano video that we just played.
I'm asking everybody to go and get this, so people understand what's about to happen.
Because if the foreign offshore banks get a total dictatorial power in the country, it's going to be rough.
Either we abolish the Fed and arrest the bankers, or they're going to keep growing like a cancer.
President Obama's plan to give the private-owned and unaccountable Federal Reserve complete regulatory oversight across the entire U.S.
economy, which is likely to be enacted before the end of the year, now they're trying it, will officially herald the beginning of a new form of government in the United States, an ultra-powerful banking dictatorship controlled by a small gaggle of shadowy and corrupt elitists.
The new rules would see the Fed given the authority to regulate any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.
Yeah, but see, this is the group threatening the markets.
This is the group that's done this.
This is the group that did the derivatives.
But now they're given, oh, total power to save us!
That goes a step further than the centrally planned economies of the Soviet Union or Communist China, in that the Federal Reserve is not even accountable to the U.S.
It is a private entity that, according to the former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, is accountable to no one but the banking families that own it.
And he said that on Laird NewsHour.
Obama's regulatory reform plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be...
Abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Federal Reserve.
And it goes on for page after page after page after page of detailed analysis.
I'm going to read a little bit more here, but the issue is either we say no to the government takeover of health care.
That's just a new tax to the banks.
They're just going to take over health care, water it down, take 20% of your paycheck extra.
You're not going to get jack crap back.
There's that, there's this banking takeover, there's the expansion of the wars, there's the Cyber Security Act taking over the internet, there's the Cyber Bullying Act, free speech ending, hate bills pass the house, openly says
You don't even have to call for anything criminal.
You still get arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's all happening.
It's all 180 degrees away from freedom.
In fact, cut to a close shot for me real fast right here.
Okay, here is the political system.
Okay, here is the political system symbolized as a circle.
When we come back, I'm going to get into it for everybody.
But here is the political system symbolized as a circle.
And I'll show you tyranny versus liberty when we get back after this quick break.
On the other side.
Again, the websites are infowars.com, prisonplanet.tv.
And we're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We don't have the big New World Order media promoting us.
We reach new listeners one person at a time by you telling your neighbors, your friends, your family, your email list about this radio show.
So keep spreading the word.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The establishment gets you obsessed with left and right.
Those are two wings on the same bird of prey.
How about focusing on the bird's head?
On its mind?
On what controls those wings?
We didn't have a left-right system until a hundred years ago, roughly, in this country and in the world.
It was liberty versus tyranny.
Populism versus elitism.
Who that person worked for.
What that person stood for.
And governments generally used wars to suppress their own domestic populations.
There are even articles, letters written 500, 600, 700 years ago by different British royals to their French cousins saying, yes, we're having rebellions here, we need to start a new war.
Okay, how about next spring?
Then it'll be nice weather for me to ride out and meet you.
It was elites killing their own populations.
They were one family in France, the Norman, that had already conquered England.
And they were just out there killing their enemy, the people, in the staged war.
They wrote books about it.
But here is the modern fraudulent system.
There's different ways to explain this, but the left-right paradigm.
So this circle symbolizes the total political system within the control paradigm.
And you have tyranny on one side of the spectrum, and you have freedom or liberty on the other.
And then you have the left on one side and the right on the other.
Now, the right can be pushed by the people, because it's only a term, to manifest towards freedom.
Or it can be pushed to manifest towards tyranny.
The left can be influenced by the people to push
For freedom?
Or for tyranny?
And so they confuse you.
And generally, when the left is out of power under George Bush for eight years, they can be against the Patriot Act and wars and secret arrest.
But as soon as they're in power, they're suddenly for it all.
Just like Republicans under Bill Clinton could be against the police state and Patriot Act type legislation.
John Ashcroft was against it.
But as soon as he's in power, now they go for
The tyranny.
And so while they're confusing us, getting us to fight with each other over left and right, we're not involved within this system with the real debate of is it freedom or is it tyranny?
Because this whole left-right system, as they move back and forth towards tyranny or towards freedom and liberty, is just something to confuse the people.
So let's see where Glenn Beck is.
Glenn Beck was for the banker bailout.
Glenn Beck was for the Patriot Act.
Glenn Beck was for the war.
He's for tyranny.
Okay, so he's supposedly on the right, and he's for all these things.
Now what is Obama for?
For the war.
For the Patriot Act.
For warrantless wiretapping.
For the banker bailout.
When you actually look at real issues,
These guys are 100% the same.
But they'll throw a Van Jones to the Lions in the left-right gladiatorial arena.
That's all this is.
They'll have Van Jones, the little gladiator, get hacked up by Glenn Beck
The bigger gladiator, who's got the big sword, he'll hack Van Jones up and give you a whole left-right show.
You guys are laughing.
Is this a good analogy?
Because if you look, that's all this is, is an arena.
I'm asking people to get outside the box.
And to have a larger debate about tyranny and freedom.
Tyranny and liberty.
Which side you're on.
Oppression and freedom.
Okay, there's my analogy.
Brought to you by InfoWars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
And we'll give them a cigarette to smoke.
There we go.
Or something else.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
There's the boil down.
But I do challenge everybody to go get this article.
Titled, Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship in the United States.
I want to challenge all of you to get this out to everybody, because while we're diverted and distracted by healthcare, they've decided for now to pull that off the front burner.
They may try to sneak it through on the budget, but that's pretty much a dead issue right now.
They're going to go now for the banking takeover.
That's the big enchilada.
They tried four or five months ago.
It failed.
They're coming back again.
Just like they do with amnesty.
So, that's the bottom line.
We'll cover it more.
But Glenn Beck and others are going to be focusing in on firing different czars or things.
They all want you to focus on the puppet Obama.
By the way, conversely, they don't just have Glenn Beck crushing the smaller gladiator.
of Van Jones.
See, this is Beck, this is Jones.
Obama then, later, he gets to be a bigger gladiator and a puppet, and he gets to crush Beck.
And then later, a phony Republican leader, he gets to come along and crush Beck.
He has to come along and crush Obama, who crushed Beck, and then there'll be another Democratic leader that crushes him.
This is all a diversion while you're in the bleachers watching your liberty be destroyed inside the gladiatorial system.
That is an incredibly good picture right there.
Alright, that's enough.
Let's bring Rob Dew in.
Rob is coming in.
It'll take him a moment to get situated.
Yes, we're going to do a bunch of flu shows.
We've done a bunch of flu shows.
We're going to cover a bunch of flu news coming up this week and next week with a bunch of other medical doctors and Chen Penny.
Quayle, who's not a doctor, but Horowitz and others are going to be coming on to go over all of this.
But yes, there's mercury in it.
Yes, it's causing all sorts of illnesses in the trials.
Yes, they're planning on forced inoculations.
Tell folks, Rob, what this particular document is here you have.
Alright, I got a document sent to us.
It's entitled H1N1 Panavax Swine Flu Vaccine.
And this was given out to healthcare workers in Australia, mainly.
And it's to train them on how to administer the vaccine, the schedules.
It's the same one, H1N1 Panavax.
Show folks, there's the PDF that Government of Western Australia.
And we got the same, this is all a carbon copy just with local rules of the level 6 UN document we've covered on air.
Right, exactly.
Oh, and look what the witches are making.
Right, slide 16 is a pretty interesting one.
It's got the witches' brew and it says what's in it.
And it lists the stuff that's in there, and on slide 18 it admits that there's thimerosal, and that it can be toxic after it reaches certain levels in the body.
And it said, but there's no evidence that it'll cause neurological developments or abnormalities.
Yeah, they just admit that mercury does it.
It's toxic.
But it won't cause these specific things.
It's not going to cause ADHD or autism.
And then they made changes.
Basically, they want to give the younger kids two doses of the vaccine.
If you're 10 or older, they only want to give you one dose.
Well, here it's three, Dr. Obama says.
And again, we're not saying there's going to be quarantines and forced inoculations.
The government is saying they're preparing for it.
We're trying to politically get the word out so the enforcers, the nurses, the doctors, the police say no, so the whole program falls through.
And that's now starting to happen, but we're not out of the woods yet.
We're in the fight, but we're not out of the woods yet here.
Yeah, so we're going to put this document up online.
Kurt's going to... I sent it to him with a little article on the slides that I thought were more interesting, you know, for people to look at and educate themselves.
So take a look at it.
It's about 80 pages long, but it's a quick read.
It's a slideshow, basically, from a company called CSL.
They're one of the biggest manufacturers of the vaccine in the Southern Hemisphere.
So they stand to make a lot of money, of course.
We're now going into full-swing flu season.
It's killed not even a thousand people yet in the U.S.
Regular flu kills 30-something thou.
Why are we taking a vaccine for this?
Well, we know they've been caught before adding cancer viruses and sterilants to them.
And the White House science czar, in his own book, Ecoscience, calls for it.
What does that sound like to you?
Sounds like eugenics.
Let's roll our sleeves.
No, let's drink the fluoride.
I mean, you know, it only causes bone cancer and brain damage.
I mean, let's trust them.
Come on.
Yeah, and they even list pregnant women, indigenous people, health care workers.
Oh, they needed it especially, those indigenous people.
I thought that was interesting that they just put indigenous people on there.
And by the way, the autoimmune disorders that vaccines cause when a woman is pregnant, you're never supposed to take vaccines when you're pregnant.
And what do you think of my artwork?
Yeah, it's awesome.
Do you go to the Art Institute?
It is, it's nice.
It really illustrates the paradigm of the squared circle.
Maybe somebody like one of the great directors out there like Nuff Respect will take it and turn it into an animation.
Like he did with my Left Right Paradigm one before.
Where I described it as a pillar instead of as a gladiatorial arena.
That would be interesting and then just take shots of gladiator people getting hacked to death.
Anyway, that's going to be up.
Kurt's going to post that.
Hey, look at this.
Even the Mail Online, big newspaper, says, has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years and are U.S.
and Britain covering it up to continue the war on terror?
I mean, even mainstream news is talking like us now.
And the Intel Center, known CIA run, is uploading new ones.
I mean, there's just no end to it.
Well, they're going to keep using them until... I mean, I think even if we had
Physical proof that he was dead.
They'd say, oh, that's just a fake imposter.
The real bin Laden's making tapes and sending them in.
I don't think they'll ever... Will our great-grandchildren on the Mars base... Be scared of Osama bin Laden?
It'll be like the boogeyman.
Look out, bin Laden's under your bed and people will believe it.
He was seen, a man with a turban was seen on the Mars base.
We gotta take the shots, you know.
But we're not going to Mars.
We're just going to die right here with a eugenicist running around in an orgy of death and killing.
Yeah, it's a shame.
Because Mars probably, well I hear it has a blue sunset anyway.
Get your ass to Mars!
Alright, that's all I have.
Alright, thank you so much for popping in with us there.
By the way, John, just while I'm on here, will you run, Ted?
I want a two-minute report at the end of the show from him on the latest on the economy.
But I want to go to calls right now.
Chris in Maryland.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm doing all right, brother.
Okay, hey, I don't know if it was from you or if it was from me, because I sent you an article from Forbes.com that said that the dollar had actually collapsed, stating that gold was selling at $1,000 an ounce.
But I also sent you an article about how an executive for CNN as far back as 1999 admitted to having military psyops as interns at CNN and I sent it to you.
You know, that was the Washington Post.
It's all Pentagon-run.
Fox is meant to be cartoonish and silly.
CNN's the global arm of U.S.
media, and it's completely... Gore Vidal admitted he was there for 9-11, and there were full-bird colonels and generals telling the producers what to do.
And, no, I mean, I have the Army follows me.
They follow Ron Paul.
Yeah, there's Forbes.
It's the dollars coming collapse is the headline.
Inflation fears have many predicting a large dollar drop.
One federalized portfolio manager is prepared.
And so, yes, Chris, very, very serious times we're in.
One last thing.
I was talking to my dad about this because I turned him on to your show and now he loves your show like better than anything else.
I was downtown in Washington, D.C.
over the weekend during that protest, and I was shouting out to people to check your website out.
Infowars.com, check out the Obama deception film you put out, the Endgame, the global enslavement, all of your films.
So if you get hits on your website more than ever, hopefully it's from some of these protesters.
No, I know that...
I heard there were tyranny response team shirts there with InfoWars.
I heard there were a lot of our Obama and New World Order signs there.
Did you see any of those?
Yes, I saw a lot of them.
And people, they were on the scale from, you know, one guy had a sign that said, with a man's butt saying, butt out of my healthcare, to impeach Obama and basically
The country's waking up.
There had to have been between a million and a half to two million people there.
Yeah, well, no, the Park Service says two million.
So the New York Times says two thousand.
Thank you, Chris.
Josh in California.
Josh, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
Good, bro.
I have a couple of criticisms for you, if you can.
If you're open to that.
Yeah, yeah, I'm ready for your criticisms, but what are we going to do about the New World Order?
I'm not the one taxing you.
I'm not the one putting fluoride in your water.
I'm not the one bringing in world government.
I know everybody spends about half their time about me, and overall that's actually good for us.
It gets us more listeners.
But I don't care about me.
I'm sick of it being about me.
But go ahead.
Well, you talk a lot about the gold solution and getting back to a gold standard.
And I just wanted to debate that on us.
No, I really don't do that.
I say we need to get off the private fellow reserve system and we should debate a gold back or a partially gold back or a fiat system.
And I've had people on both sides of that, Ron Paul included.
So misrepresentation, straw man again.
What I would suggest is something a little different, which hasn't really been tried out, but it has to do with the idea that we have a common credit system that's not controlled by the central banking system like the credit system currently is, but that, kind of like an eBay feedback system for people individually, where you'll have credit based on your own issuance of your own promissory notes, which is what we're doing right now,
But we need the ability to expand the credit and contract it to be able to create the goods and the economy and the services.
Which is one of the benefits of having the system that we have right now with commercial credit.
I hear you.
Why don't you write up the idea and send it to writers and infowars.com.
I'm just tired of straw man attacks.
99% of the time when I see something on the internet about me, it's something I've not said or not done or it's distorted.
I had the writer and editor and voiceover person for the Money Masters on over and over again that has a fiat money solution fix.
I've had Cook, let's get Cook back on, the economist, who writes for Global Research, who wants a fiat system.
Walter Burian and others on about the fiat system solution.
And then I've had Ron Paul on who has his system.
Man, I'm so, you know, I resented for you that it's a religion, an entire cottage industry of distorting what I say and what I stand for.
And it's just very, I mean it's hard to take you seriously with your monetary plan when you say you disagree with me on something I haven't even said.
Yes, the gold standard, we can't go back to it because the central banks know it's real money and they've hoarded the hell out of it.
And so then you would be right back to square one with them fractionally reserved, loaning stuff out on that.
I understand that.
I understand that.
But if we'd have stayed on that system, it would have been a hell of a lot better than what we got now.
So, let's just not have the bankers take over right now, completely, over the whole economy.
And then after we have indicted them, and arrested them, and brought them to justice, then we can have a national debate about what we want.
But it isn't about Alex Jones.
I mean, the ship's sinking here, and I'm getting bitched at, trying to lower lifeboats over.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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Final segment, I wanted to get some financial news from Ted Anderson.
But crank that song back up.
Gotta hear that one part.
And there's beer in Texarkana.
All right.
But the rebroadcast was jam-packed with key info, so the retransmission starts in a few minutes at InfoWars.com.
I wanted to get Ted on briefly, because yeah, Forbes, AP, Reuters, every day I see a whole bunch of articles
Just saying that the dollar's dead.
Now, they may just be hyping that to drive things down again, to fearmonger people into the bank of the world taking over, then they'll jack it back up again.
But the dollar's days are numbered in this incarnation.
They're bringing in a world currency that's probably going to be somewhat dollar-backed, but a basket.
Regardless, when you get $23.7 trillion, over $50 trillion globally, stolen from nations by the private banking families, now coming back in the market to buy stocks, to buy real estate, to buy infrastructure, to buy media, and to buy commodities, you're going to see inflation.
And all the commodities are going up.
Look at gold, right at $1,000.
Ted Anderson, I heard there were some defaults, too, by gold companies.
Yeah, American Barrack had to pull out.
They've been hedging their position that they have in the ground.
They've been selling short to sell forward their position that they haven't even pulled out of the ground yet.
They don't have enough gold in production to support those short contracts.
So last Friday, American Barrack defaulted on some, and they're doing what they can to settle up with others.
It's not a very bright scene, but that's the hedging game.
So all the squirreliness to manipulate and keep gold prices down isn't working.
Briefly, Ted, tell folks about the coin offers you've got left at that $944 level with gold at $1,000.
Gigantic discount, but this is the end.
You've sold off of most of it.
Yeah, this is the end, my friend.
The $10 Liberty right now at $8.18.50 is the same price as it was when gold was down there at that $9.45 level.
The Franks are currently right now at $2.33.
They're going to be edging up British Sovereigns, too.
Really, in silver, again, is the best buy that I have, hands down, $8.69 for Walking Liberties, when the spot price of silver currently right now is at $16.58.
If you figure out that Walking Liberty, you know, multiply it by two, and it gives you an idea, you know, compare it to the silver dollar price, it's like about a $6.00, $7.00 discount off of that.
So, yeah, it's really a good buy.
Sorry, Ted, forgot to hit my cough button there.
No, that's okay.
I mean, just Alex, right now the market is just so hot and it's reminding me of a year and a half ago when even bags of junk silver became unavailable.
Krugerrands, you couldn't get them.
Maple Leafs.
You've got gold and silver at the lowest price people are going to find anywhere.
It's almost running out.
You're having trouble getting more supplies, even at the higher number.
Folks need to move on this now.
The brokers will be there at Genesis at Midas Resources until midnight tonight, Central, 1-800-686-2237. 800.
So you've got the Franks and the Sovereigns.
What else do you have in silver, Ted?
Franks, Sovereigns, Walking Liberty halves into silver.
I would suggest those hands down.
Although that Lakota coin is going to be pushing up again.
They're at $22.30.
There's a good variety of things.
Just call us.
What's your half dollar at?
Look, half dollars at $8.69, you can't beat that.
That's below spot.
That's below spot.
I know, I know.
Ted Anderson standing by to take your call or answer your questions.
One coin, a hundred coins.
They're happy to talk to you.
No pressure.
Thank you so much for the report, Ted.
Yeah, you bet, Alex.
Great job crew today.
Out of the park for Jaron Hartman, Bill, Matt, everybody.
God bless you.
Retransmission starts now.
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