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Name: 20090902_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 2, 2009
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for joining us today.
We're an hour and eight minutes into my syndicated radio show, but we've now begun today's simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
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Coming up in about 45 minutes before Max Keiser joins us from Paris to break down the latest economic developments and also the police state developments and Obama's sliding approval numbers that continue to fall at record rates.
I'm going to cover this story.
Out of psychology today, the house organ of the priest class that are pushing all of their drug ads on us and that want to drug, according to the New Freedom Initiative's internal documents, 50% of school children, saying half are mentally ill at least, they're making everything a mental illness so that they can be the priest class that drug us and run our lives.
And so we're going to break down this amazingly distorted hit piece coming up.
And it's so shoddily done.
Do you see this photo here for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers?
My sister took this photo.
We had so much media a few months ago asking for photos.
I said, why don't I get a professional photographer in here?
My sister is one.
You got a, you know, college degree in that.
And, or she will in like a couple months when she graduates.
She's in her last semester.
And so she came by and took some photos.
And I said, yeah, you can have the photos, because you're so lazy they wouldn't send somebody to get one.
But you got to put her name under the caption.
Give credit.
Look where they gave photo credit.
Way down at the bottom corner.
They couldn't even get their computer formatting right.
Much less proofread it.
I mean, and the whole story, you know, they kind of imply in here I'm crazy when I said that I've been visited by the FBI but I couldn't talk about it.
I was under a federal subpoena gag.
Now it's in the Associated Press and Wired Magazine why I was under that gag.
And other media said I was just making it up.
They were never here!
Oh really?
Well now their names are public and part of the court record.
That they were here because some idiot made threats against police by name and where they lived in my message board.
I wasn't in trouble.
That idiot was in trouble.
People are like, why did you give it to them?
They subpoenaed it.
They came here.
They got those names.
Okay, so that's what happened.
But the side issue, that's delusional in here, yes!
But see, showing how full of crap this guy is, back at the time I said, I can't tell you, it's a, it's a subpoena, I'm under a federal subpoena saying not talk about it.
The court ordered that.
And the son of a bitch didn't believe that, excuse me.
I mean, I just,
There's just no end to these people.
I mean, I don't lie about anything, okay?
I occasionally get something wrong, and when we do, we come here and tell you, because all that matters is our credibility with you.
All we want is to be truthful.
I want to be a moral good person.
I apologize to Representative Guest for being un-Genteel.
Representative Jim Guest of Missouri, a Republican, represents DeKalb County and parts of Clinton, Buchanan, and Gentry Counties, District 5, and the Missouri House of Representatives.
He was elected to the House in November 2002.
He's on several committees, and he is now sitting in the committee to hear public testimony on the MIAC report that we broke.
I had TV news here.
And it was a conspiracy theory that we broke the MIAC report.
No, we broke it.
Kansas City Star admits that, and I don't care about the credit, but I made the Obama deception.
I did get the report from two different state police officers, one in California, one in Missouri.
We did break the DHS report.
We did break the InfraGard.
We did break the clergy response teams.
We did break the FEMA camps.
We did... I mean, you know, I'm just tired of everybody attacking me, saying I'm a liar, when I'm not.
But see, they are trying to lie to you.
They think you're stupid.
And they think that if they just say, everything I'm saying is a lie, that we'll all get tied up in arguing about whether I'm a liar or not.
Instead of, it's like this, the executive order.
Then we're going to represent Jim Guest.
Just Google for everybody on screen at PrisonPlanet.tv and on the radio, type this in.
Executive Order Quarantine.
Now the first link that comes up under Google Web, Executive Order Quarantine.
Is CBS News, with the executive order, with a link to it, that openly states that... I got distracted by what they had up on screen there.
What was the search I was telling you?
That openly states quarantines and lockdowns of cities.
Now, then we have a debate whether that's true or not.
The executive order says it.
It didn't come up at StartPage.com.
Do it in Google.
StartPage is a great search engine, but to get that response, you need to do it in Google.
Alright, let's go to Representative Jim Guest here right now.
Representative Guest, good to have you here with us, sir.
Alex, it's good to be here and it's good to be on your show and continue to fight for the sovereignty and the freedom and the rights of the people of this country, which continually are being challenged, that's for sure.
Well, sir, you were the first person to be nationally interviewed, if memory serves, when the Mayak Report broke.
Did Infowars.com break the Mayak Report?
I think I got a...somebody sent me a copy of the email that morning, and I kind of questioned whether it was true or not.
Shortly after that, you called me, and I think we did an interview that afternoon.
So, you were the...yes, you broke the story.
You're the first one that I knew about it from, yes.
And again, I just, this is what the establishment does, and I have to respond to some of it, but if I spend all my time, it's like responding to the media about whether or not they're setting up a bank of the world for global governance, when it's in all the federal documents, all over the news, they'll simultaneously say they're doing it, but then if you say you don't want world government, they say you're a liar.
So true, yes.
You know, I think the last few years more and more people are realizing this One World Government, what's going on.
They can see the influences of it out there.
They can see the indicators and they can see the trend that we're going to.
So I think more and more people are realizing what you and others have been forecasting or warning people about are coming true here now.
Well, sir, we've got you here because you and others called for hearings.
You first called for hearings.
Some of the state officials got disciplined.
The Lieutenant Governor came out and had press conferences against it, and it became a national issue.
Representative Guest, can you recap what's in MIAC, what happened, and now the new discoveries coming out in the committee that the anarchists appeared to be government provocateurs.
They've been caught in other states and cities, like Denver last year, confirmed as provocateurs.
Denver Post, provocateurs in the Fed Rally, is the PrisonPlanet.com headline.
Can you tell us what the committee is finding?
Yeah, we've had three hearings.
The first one basically was in the state capitol and at that point we had the highway patrol, the MIAC people there, and they kind of obviously defended the program.
They told about how it came about and what they were using it for.
Ironically, in all the description when they told about how the MIAC was functioning, they never listed
Terrorism or potential terrorists that they were using it for.
They were using it for sharing of information within the state on thefts and stuff like that that was going on.
You know, they do have to have a sharing of information, but I thought it was ironic that they didn't talk about what report that came out, which is the modern militia movement that tended to gloss over, ignore that.
Well, that's it.
Everything's a lie.
In fact, I saw them on Missouri News online.
They came out and said, we're just trying to stop bank robbers.
When the whole issue is about their report, written by the feds, distributed by them, first they said it wasn't real.
Then they come and say it's about bank robbers.
No, it's about Ron Paul bumper stickers and people getting pulled over.
In Missouri, people with Ron Paul material being frisked.
That's true, and like I said, that's what most of us, we had a couple citizens that testified at that point.
The next one was in St.
Charles, just outside of St.
Louis, and we had a lot of
Citizen commentary, input, testimony there.
They started asking some pointed questions.
We had somebody from the Illinois, I think what they call theirs, not DIAC, and I was rather disturbed to listen to what they were giving us there.
Because basically we asked the question, you know, if you gather information on citizens when you make a stop, can you find out if your information, if your name's on that list, and basically through the Sunshine Law, Freedom of Information, or some other
I think so.
Well, sir, I received from inside the FBI their training videos that they give their officers, their agents, and they're giving to local police, and it says if somebody's got binoculars or a cell phone, or sleeping bags, or maps, to go ahead and put them in the terror database for life.
And this is designed, just like England, to put everybody on a list so they can claim probable cause on you.
If they stopped me at some point and asked to search my car and I said no because they had no reason to, for some reason they did, I would be on that list because they might find a shotgun in my trunk, they might find a box of shotgun shells or something like that, which any sportsman or anybody that can legally carry that should do.
And by the way, Mr. Guest, Representative Guest, we're going to break.
You're not joking.
If you have a gun, if you have a map, if you have a cell phone, it's so wide it's meant to put everybody in secret police databases that go to the federal level.
And we have the internal FBI training videos on this.
We played it yesterday.
We need a huge report at InfoWars.com very soon on this.
Stay with us, Representative Guest.
We really appreciate you.
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Representative Jim Guest of Missouri is with us.
He's the guy that really blew the whistle on Mayak and his state and called the state police and confirmed it was real.
For a week or so, the media just said I was making it up and put out a fake report.
Look at this socialism sauce.
We just got mailed this with Obama on it.
I guess we'll be putting a terrorist database because of this.
But I don't want to just glaze over this, what the representative is telling you.
We have the training manuals, we have the training videos, we know.
And two years ago, a head federal marshal in Denver came out and said that they were ordered to put families, children, they had a quota to put innocent people on a terror database for the rest of their lives.
So that they can go back to Congress and Homeland Security and say, look, we've put this many people on the database.
And that meant a little kid taking a photo out the airplane window.
That meant someone ordering a vegetarian lunch at one of the kiosks.
There's just secret police all over.
And this is the core of secret police.
And they use it and sell it.
In the name of fighting, uh, you know, foreign terrorism.
But now they flipped the whole deal to say it's for the American people.
And that's what the MIAC report and the Homeland Security... Remember day one I said, that's a Homeland Security report regurgitated by the state.
They have to to get their federal money.
And then the DHS report came out and it was word for word.
So, this is the secret police putting you in a database for literally no reason to create the perception that there are terrorists everywhere.
Representative Guess, continue with what happened in these hearings.
Okay, thank you.
We, like I said, we had our hearing in St.
Charles, just outside of St.
There were several pointed questions and testimonies by individual citizens who wanted answers.
The chairman of the committee tried to tell us at the beginning of these hearings that we're not supposed to dwell on the modern militia movement.
Well, that's what prompted all of this, so obviously a large number of people were very concerned.
Those who had been almost pointed out that our hearing in Kansas City
Uh, Darrell Cassa, who was the vice presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, was actually there because he was second to Chuck Baldwin and very much involved in being pointed out there.
And he gave some very good testimony of why he thought it was dangerous and the danger to that.
So, we, and there was a couple of law enforcers from Kansas City tried to justify
Yeah, but let's be clear.
It's saying Libertarian bumper stickers, Ron Paul bumper stickers, anti-UN stickers.
Stop them.
Put them in a database.
List them as, like, Jews in Nazi Germany to later be picked up.
That's what this is.
This is the police being turned into federalized political police, like right out of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
Yeah, but when we asked him what the, in Kansas City, the law enforcement there, what they did with this, he said, well, you know, he did send it down to people to review in his command.
I said, you know, what did you see in there?
That prompted you to do this.
Who did you think was dangerous in there?
Of course, he could not answer that.
So, it's again, he was going through his training to send it down and compile this list of so-called terrorists.
What you're talking about says common malicious symbols.
And underneath it says political and anti-government rhetoric.
And below that is the political paraphernalia, which included the Libertarian Party, there is no doubt.
We'll continue to have one more hearing here.
The citizens are coming out and asking some very pointed questions.
And we'll have probably in about three weeks, I think, the report will come out with our suggestions on this.
A large number of people have said
All the way from disbanding the MIAC to an obvious oversight committee.
And what I want to know is, my question, which I haven't gotten an answer from yet, can anybody in Missouri or any other state find out if they're on the watch list, if they're in the data file, for whatever reason, why they have been stopped?
You know, I think any citizen in this country needs to know whether they've been bombed.
Just like our watch list and our no-fly list.
They've got, what, hundreds of thousands of people on there, and people who shouldn't be on there, and they have a common name.
They're on there.
The same thing is going to happen in this list here that's coming out of this MIAC thing, or this huge database that exists.
Let's be clear.
We just discovered this at the Missouri level.
It's come out in Virginia and Tennessee and California.
It's all the same in general terms.
Some are even worse.
They just list everybody.
We've got to dig up that article from two years ago in the Denver Post.
The Federal Marshals went public, the Air Marshals, saying we've been ordered to put innocent people on Databases for Life for quotas.
Stay with us, Representative.
We're on the march.
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Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
We are back live.
We're going to be going to Tony Pacheco here in just a moment.
Freelance writer.
We want to get his perspective.
He's been at these hearings on the MIAC report in Missouri.
A window into the secret police world of
Every local police department, state police, totally federalized spying.
We showed you internal FBI training videos where they say cell phones.
In fact, cue it up to that.
Cell phones, video cameras, sleeping bags, maps.
And of course, this has all separately come out that the Texas report that we also broke years ago.
But 2004, written by the Feds, said if somebody's wearing blue jeans, they could be a terrorist.
So it's basically everybody's a terrorist, but the government, the real terrorist, staging the terror attacks.
I want to go to Tony here in just a minute, and I want to keep Representative Guest on with him.
But Representative Guest, it came out in testimony, and we have a story written on this with links to it.
That there were provocateurs at the Fed rally, and they were overheard saying, yeah, we can't even get them to jaywalk, we're not going to be able to arrest them.
And in Denver last year, the police had to admit they did stage attacks on themselves.
The Canadian rollout of police got caught at the SPP meeting doing this.
Can you tell us about provocateurs, anarchists at the, in the Fed rallies, and now confirmed at the Tea Parties?
I guess they must be.
I speak of one, so I must be one of them.
I asked that question at those end of the Fed rallies there in Kansas City, because I spoke of them.
I asked the people, I said, do you watch these, infiltrate them?
And they said, no, we're not of concern to them.
However, I have trouble believing that, because we see some people at those rallies that we do not recognize, and they just don't fit in.
We, that's our concern, is that there will be those provocateurs, somebody to stir some up, create an incident to justify taking action against these people, protesting the Federal Reserve, or protesting what these MIAC reports have done.
So, at some point, I think we're, I'm concerned, afraid that that's what's going to happen to justify this.
And the other problem we have is the Department of Homeland Security has an interest in putting money into it.
And I think they have undue influence on what's going on.
The people in these MIAC groups say that, you know, they deny that, say that's not the case.
But then they do say, you know, well, they are a source of funding to us to keep some of our organizations going.
Well, that's what these threat fusion centers are, is where they're moving, generally in former federal buildings or former National Guard armories all over the country, they move the county, the city, multiple counties and cities into one roof.
The feds give them cars, helicopters, armored vehicles, dial in to the systems that track cell phones real time, to the federal cameras, the face scanning, the license plate reading cameras.
And they're just totally federalizing police.
They send them out to spy on everybody and then report people back into these databases that are just full of made-up enemies list and innuendo.
My dad got pulled over a couple years ago in East Texas driving back from our family ranch.
I don't know.
Flagged as Alex Jones because I had an old car that I'd sold him.
My dad will never buy a new car, so I at least sold him one of my old cars.
It's not that he's a penny pincher, he just doesn't like to, he's just from the country, he doesn't buy things.
He's got shoes with holes in them and everything else.
So I sold him this car for next to nothing, so it had my name on it.
And they pulled him over and they got, and they said, are you Alex Jones?
You know, I've got you in the database.
This said, proceed with extreme caution.
And my dad said, how do you know that?
And they said, well, we have this whole database on you now that the feds gave us.
So my daddy gets to get interrogated because of me.
I mean, that's, this country's Nazi Germany!
There's somebody looking over your shoulder at all points, and my question I had here in Missouri is why is the MIAC headquarters, which is supposed to be under the direction of Highway Patrol, located on a military base?
I haven't got an answer back to that question yet.
It's just amazing that all of this is...
is going on and obviously it's by military base because you can pull up in fact guys google this for everybody or startpage.com for everybody uh... if you can the term army liaison officers or or army officers and local police departments and you'll get hundreds of heads where they go all the army's just part of our department now representative guest have you heard
The new report that's come out out of the Hill newspaper and out of the Progressive, that now the Army wants 400,000 troops on the streets of America to quote, deal with domestic extremists.
400,000 troops!
I mean, this is really happening!
Yes, our fear is that we'll have martial law declared and we'll already have these federal troops in place around here and no longer will your local law enforcement be in control, but it'll be the military.
So, that's just one step towards going enough to that point.
Representative, I want to bring up Tony, who is a freelance writer.
Thank you Mr. Jones.
Hello Mr. Guest.
How are you?
I'm fine.
Tell folks, just from your perspective, what you've seen at these hearings.
Well, it's pretty interesting.
Obviously, the majority of the time was spent on the MIAC reports themselves, but it was pretty interesting what came out with Dr. Sissy Spraggan's testimony.
And I got ahold of her last night and got her to elaborate a little bit more on what happened.
So if you don't mind, I could go into that for just a minute.
And Tony, I want to get this right.
Is it Pacheco or Pacheco?
It's Pacheco.
Pacheco, great.
Please continue.
Tell folks this breaking information.
Oh, sure.
And just to be clear, she's under the impression that they were harmless, but her story, in my opinion, will kind of say otherwise.
She basically said that they were trying to recruit them to cause trouble, and then she went on to say that
You know, there's four or five of them, rather young, and that they were trying to get them to basically go and disrupt traffic.
And that was one of the four things that that Army Defense report on Indefed, you know, to go out and spy in, that was one of the four things that said that they were trying to avoid.
Yeah, and then that's always the blueprint.
The Army says these may be terrorists and they try to block traffic.
They're terrorists.
That's a violation of infrastructure protection.
Then the Army can get involved.
And we wrote a big story with all the declassified examples of the feds and the states doing this.
We've got to have people at every event who
Basically stake out these events to surveil the people who are surveilling or counter intelligence because if we just expose the police and the feds a few more times and start demanding some jail time because it's criminal to try to go out either with provocateurs or with feds themselves or agents themselves and try to get people to commit crimes that is a crime that is not just entrapment
That is criminal.
Representative Guest, I mean, it's one thing to ask somebody, hey, you want to buy some drugs?
And, you know, courts have said that's bad, but not really illegal.
But to go out and try to get people to commit crimes and try to lead people into crimes at political events so you can crack down on free speech, this is high treason.
It is, and I was just looking at my notes here.
I don't know.
They are.
Anybody that protests anything out there, as we've said all along, goes on the list of terrorists.
See, that's my point.
Two weeks ago it came out that the Justice Department in a document says all protest is low-level terrorism.
That's an actual quote that they're teaching police, military, and feds.
And people who accuse us of exaggerating how bad it is, how much worse does it get?
It's worse than we even remember.
In fact, guys, you can Google that, protesting low-level terror, or startpage.com, that, another great search engine, and pull that up for people, because folks need to see this for themselves.
Go ahead.
My point was, I think I asked her, I said, all these people protesting these rallies, the national health care plan, are they being classified as low-level terrorists?
Basically, it's getting to the point that anybody who talks against the federal government or who protests or voices their displeasure in it are being classified as a terrorist or a threat to this nation or a threat to their government.
And that's absolutely false.
You know, we're supposed to have a country that was based upon the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression without having any retribution taken against you.
But that's not the case.
We're being classified as a potential threat.
Tony, as a reporter at these events, continue with the provocateur angle or any other key tidbits you'd like to relay to folks.
Well, if you don't mind, could I tag on to what Mr. Guest was saying about... No, whatever you want, sir.
Say whatever you want.
Yeah, it all, you know, really picked up steam back after 9-11 when Bush said, you're either with us or you're with the terrorists.
And from then on, they kind of had an exclusive
You know, deal with public opinion, and anybody who said anything outside of that was with the terrorists.
And then now, unfortunately, President Obama has taken the hand off of Bush, and now anybody that's against their policies, you know, are racist or otherwise.
But it's starting to backfire.
You know, that's the point, is people can see how bad these
Hit pieces are, and then they go and look otherwise.
So I think it's kind of blowing up in our face.
One thing that we're not getting was I was hoping the way these hearings would get more.
Obviously, Alex, you're doing a great job here, but some of our local news media are not picking up on this.
And I guess that's probably not too surprising that they don't want to.
I don't want to put too much visibility on what we're doing here in the investigation, and the testimony is taking place, but I was hoping we would see more media, TV coverage, even newsprint coverage of these hearings that's going on.
But it depends on whether they're told to cover it up and not make it public or not.
But certainly, I and others that believe in the threat that's here are going to make it public.
Yes sir, we appreciate you.
And Tony, there's a reason.
In fact, there's the article.
DOD training manual describes protest as low-level terrorism.
We have a link to it, and the ACLU's also got a link to it covering it.
So yes, it's real.
Protesting is an act of terror.
Because we have terrorists running our country.
But of course, these are secret.
It's secret they've turned the police into secret police.
It's secret they're all reporting back to the Feds.
It's secret that they're saying gun owners and veterans are the number one threat.
And they don't want us to know that Homeland Security and NORTHCOM is for us.
The Feds are controlled by the offshore banks, period.
They're fraudulently taking us into receivership.
And if we're aware of the fraud they're perpetrating, they won't be able to get away with it.
So, it is essential.
Mr. Jones, may I comment about the media coverage?
Um, yeah, I believe I was pretty much it.
I mean, I showed up, you know, and some of my family said, well, do you think any of the media will be there?
And, you know, I said, well, you know, there should be maybe a camera or two, you know, and I show up and I drove past the building because I didn't see any hoopla.
And then it turns out that I was at the right place.
I go in there, you know, I watch the hearings, I go home, do the report, and then when I wake up in the morning, you know, I see a couple letters in my email box wanting to know more information about the hearing because I was the only one that wrote an article about it, and that's, you know, the majority of the public fits in the categories of that report, and the only reason I went
I wanted to go to these hearings, but I didn't know when they were, but thankfully you guys posted it on your InfoWars website last week, so I was able to go.
I took a vacation day from my 9-to-5 job, went out there, covered it, and I'm glad to get the word out.
Well, good job, sir, and we'll continue to watch the reports you're doing, and feel free to write great reports, to file reports for InfoWars.com.
Just send those in to writers at InfoWars.com if you want us to publish your fine work.
And, Representative Guest, as this continues, we'll keep checking in with you, but this isn't just a report demonizing patriots.
This is about the federalization of police.
Representative Charles Key of course of Oklahoma and others that I've had on from Oklahoma, when they just try to have state sovereignty declaration or when they say they're not they're going to follow the Bill of Rights, the state police, the local police show up
And change the subject and say, don't you want to stop bank robberies?
You've got to spy on your neighbors.
They always change the subject.
They have already been federalized.
Most of them, most of the police chiefs are CIA or FBI.
That's on record.
And so we have to understand that we need to start removing these police chiefs and sheriffs and other people that are singing to the wrong sheet of music.
We're the people.
We run this country.
And we're tired of the banking cartel coming in with a corporate takeover.
And so, when you've got the police trying to come in and muscle the state representatives, that's called treason.
That's pretty heavy-handed, and the next hearing is going to be on September 9th in the southwest corner of the state of Missouri.
It's going to be at Springfield.
I don't have the exact location.
We had people that drove from Oklahoma to testify there in Kansas City, so if people want to become a part of it and provide their testimony, that'll be their next, in that part of the
Absolutely, and call all the newspapers all over the country and say, why aren't you covering the secret police and the federalization?
And the fact that the federal marshals say they're ordered to put innocent people in the databases under quotas, and there's no judge, no jury.
Now they say no fly, you won't be able to buy a gun.
This is all, I mean, we're all being put on list, folks, and if we let them have a chilling effect and shut us down, and cower us into shutting up, they win!
That's why they're coming out and saying to criticize government is now racism.
To say you don't want socialism is racism.
I think I saw a new clip on the Alex Jones Channel this morning on YouTube of Chris Matthews.
I don't
Strawberry ice cream, not vanilla.
That's racist.
I think I like black shirts, not white shirts.
That's racist.
I think, you know, I like the swimming pool at 85 degrees, not 75.
I like blue skies.
You know, I like to breathe air.
Basically, you have no thoughts.
Just the high priest of mind control and political correctness just saying, shut up, do what we say or we'll call you racist.
Representative Guest, and of course the writer also, we appreciate both of you for joining us.
God bless you and take care.
Okay, thank you Alex.
Thank you.
You bet.
Take care, gentlemen.
We'll be right back with Psychology Today's hit piece on me.
Stay with us.
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Then we're going to come back.
For about 10 minutes, I'm going to debunk the psychology today.
Then we've got Max Keiser coming up.
Later in the week, I'll do a bigger one.
It's just, there's so many lies in it.
And I've got all these guests coming up, I don't want to spend too much time on it.
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Or I could do it in a Max Keiser voice.
I love Max.
Hey, he's getting interviewed for the Ventura Show.
Recommended that, I'm excited about that.
Alex, I really appreciate it.
Alright, stop it.
You know what it is?
Jaren's always doing Max Keiser.
He loves Max Keiser.
I know Max is listening right now.
Max, we'll get you on about 15 after next hour.
So now the whole back office does the board hopping and producing in the Max Keiser voice.
I'm not kidding.
We should have a camera out there with audio.
We can flip on for like little shots and you can see him and Hartman going, really?
You think we should do that?
Alright, anyways, that's coming up.
Love Max Keiser.
You can make fun of me.
Whatever, Alex.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Max Keiser coming up in the next segment.
I want us to spend some time now on this.
There's an article called Dark Minds.
Field Guide to Conspiracy Theorists, and they've made hundreds and hundreds of new psychological designations.
Don't like big government, don't like corruption, don't like Nazi Germany, don't like Soviet Russia, you're mentally ill.
And Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany had psychiatrists, you know, were the first groups out having people detained and grabbed.
And notice right next to it is another mood disorder or
You know, another drug ad is right next to the story, hit piece on me.
I mean, this whole thing is drug ads.
And I'm somebody that criticizes that 20% of our kids and 18% of adults, and now the government wants, under drug company lobbying, to have 50%!
New Freedom Initiative!
And this guy just says, Jones makes things up, Jones, uh... You know, I almost can't even get into this because there's so much disinformation here.
You know, Jones thinks there's FEMA camps.
Jones thinks Halliburton's involved in child kidnapping.
And that was all over the news.
Chicago Tribune, you name it.
I mean, it's come out about Blackwater and the child prostitutes.
I mean, it's come out about the U.N.
And he would, when I would say that, he'd go, really, what's your proof?
And I'd go, well, just search engine, U.N.
child kidnapping, Halliburton.
And he just would laugh at me.
I mean, it's not funny, you smart-ass, smug little bastard.
I mean, this stuff isn't funny!
And he says, Jones just gets irate when you challenge him on his made-up stuff.
I'm not making any of this up, and you know it!
And it just goes on here in the article.
It says, we're all conspiracy theorists to some degree.
We've all hardwired to find patterns of threat.
Yes, like the Bengal tiger in the bushes in Central Asia.
Or the lion on the African savannah.
To see patterns.
I mean, what?
They're openly announcing world government, but he says that's a crazy conspiracy theory I have.
They're openly announcing a new Bank of the World to carry out global governance in Newsweek, Time Magazine, you name it.
And I sent him all this.
He didn't want it.
He just wanted to write an article to fill in the pages between drug ads.
But the really sick part is the end where he says,
That I'm basically calling for violence, but here we go.
In his 1954 classic, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, historian Richard Hofstantner
Hypothesize that conspiracy thinking is fueled by underlying feelings of alienation and helplessness.
Well, why do the police have hundreds of thousands of charges of conspiracy every year?
Conspiracy just means two people get together and have an agreed-upon plan.
Government and corporations don't do that.
Recent research supports his theory.
Oh, yes, from other psychologists.
New Mexico State University psychologist Maria
Albanonia Papa has found that people who endorse conspiracy theories are especially likely to feel angry, mistrustful, alienated from society, and helpless over larger forces controlling their lives.
Yeah, if you're awake and your kid got shot in the back by police or CPS took your kid, you know, you're going to be pissed off!
You're going to be alienated!
And then, I mean, you heard the representative when they tried to have hearings about the MIAC report, they would go, we're not talking about the MIAC report.
We're going to talk about stopping bank robbery.
Let's not talk about conspiracy theories.
I had the reporter in here yesterday and she said, I can't find the MIAC report about Ron Paul and Bubberspeakers.
I flipped it open and said, right there, oh I didn't see that before.
And she was thinking I hadn't read it or looked at it.
I mean, you know, just because you say it isn't there, just because you say the moon is made of cheese doesn't make it so, folks.
So I'll come back and finish up with this, but the end part.
I mean, it's just, basically I am the new Helter Skelter.
I'm the new
You know, evil Charles Manson with an army of killers.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, tomorrow I'll do a more thorough debunking of this.
But I mean, there's really... Really not much to say about this.
I mean, it's just, it's a trashy, trashy article that just says I'm a liar and that I'm making stuff up.
Historian Richard Hofstetter had a hypothesis that conspiracy thinking is fueled by underlying feelings of alienation.
And it goes on to say, Jones insists he had a leave-it-to-beaver childhood.
Now see, that's taken out of context.
I said I had great parents that were like leave-it-to-beaver parents and were really nice.
Yes, how were your parents?
Parents were really nice.
Maybe a little too lenient sometimes, now that I'm a parent and look back on it.
And just great parents.
I had no idea how great my parents were.
I've always talked about that.
And it's just impossible to this guy that I had a great life.
I mean, I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood on a golf course, and I, you know, dated cheerleaders and just went on camping trips.
Other than getting a lot of fistfights and seeing a lot of weird stuff growing up, seeing the police being drug dealers, and that was on record, that the sheriff went to jail for it, I had a great childhood.
But no, it's just a lie!
Because I wouldn't give this little bastard, because once I got into the interview, I could tell this was slimy.
And a hit piece.
This is exactly what I thought it would be.
He said, I want your parents' number.
My parents have told me, we do not want to be interviewed.
I said, my parents don't want to be interviewed.
They're private.
They're private, huh?
Problems with your parents?
I go over to my parents every week or so.
We get along great.
Oh, what's wrong?
You hiding something with your parents, you know?
And so psychology today is saying I have a bad childhood.
I mean, just, it's made up crap.
Is there no end to these people?
Jones insists he had a Liebert to Beaver childhood.
I couldn't confirm such an idyllic past.
When I asked if I could interview his family or childhood friends, he insists his family were very private.
Very... I said, they're very private.
They don't want to talk to the media.
And he had not kept in touch with a single friend.
Now, I said, I know who some of my friends are, but they're, like, all off now with families.
I haven't talked to some of them in years.
One of my high school friends died.
And he said, can I have their names and numbers?
And I said, no, I'm not going to put my friends in a hit piece.
He didn't put that in here, though.
When I asked if I might look them up, he became irritated.
He doubted he could spell their names.
And besides, well, no, I was thinking of the Raceler brothers, who I was really good friends with in Austin, who I lifted weights with three days a week and went deep-sea fishing with and camping.
One of them is an engineer, the other is a... In fact, let's look up online right now, in front of everybody.
Look up Nate, Nathan Racler.
It's spelled like Roachler.
And Roger Racler was a UT football player.
He was two years younger.
I mean, here, let's look him up.
I said, I said, well, there's the Ressler Brothers, and he goes, how do you spell that?
And I said, oh, I could look it up.
And he goes, no, that's all right.
Because he didn't want that.
He just wanted to make it sound like, oh, with any of my friends, I couldn't spell their names.
See how this is, this is crazy mind games from flim-flam men who just want to, oh, look, the Chicago Business School, where the neocons came from.
There's only drug ads in here except for a Chicago Business School ad.
With a Straussian view of... And it goes on to say, uh... When I asked if I might look them up, he became irritated.
He doubted he could spell their names.
And besides, I'd already taken up too much of his time.
I turned down 50 or 60 requests for interviews this week, which was true.
The Obama deception had just come out.
Usually we turn down
I don't know, Deuce said three today, probably four or five more will come in by tomorrow, so let's say five a day.
Five a day in a week is, uh, twenty-five, thirty, so I mean, do the math, what's seven times five?
We're talking about thirty-five interviews.
But back then, with the Obama deception peaking, yeah, it was... See, he doesn't understand that.
He was saying I was lying about millions of views of the Obama deception until I made him go online
See, that's what I mean.
I mean, it's just they constantly spew their propaganda, which always turns out to be bull.
We tell the truth and then we're getting attacked.
Listen to this.
The number sounded wildly inflated.
He doubted he could spell their names.
Besides, I'd already taken up too much of his time.
I turned down 50 or 60 requests for interviews this week.
He wanted me to know.
The number sounded wildly inflated.
Conspiracy theorists have a grandiose view of themselves as heroes, manning the barricades of civilization.
At an urgent turning point in history, the psychologist held, Jones has a messiah complex.
Black contends.
Now, Black's the fake name of the pot-bellied Austin Chronicle guy who writes editorials saying that Sintra isn't a foreign-owned company taking over Texas roads.
Go to Sintra.
It's in Spanish.
Sintra is a Spanish company.
But they don't care!
They have such contempt for you, they will tell you it's American-owned!
Black contends that I have a messiah complex.
Grandiosity is one of the defenses against underlying feelings of powerlessness.
No, all I'm talking about is how powerful human beings are.
Even well-grounded skeptics are prone to connect disparate dots when they feel disempowerment.
I sent this guy link after link to government documents and UN documents on population reduction.
I mean, here's eco-science calling for drugging the water, taking children at birth, reducing the world population written by the White House science czar.
I mean, everybody knows about this.
This was in the Associated Press.
I sent him a whole bunch of stuff just like this.
He doesn't care.
He says, I'm making it up.
Look, I'll spend 30 minutes on this properly tomorrow.
Watson's doing one.
The worst thing is at the end, it says, uh, indeed there are no coincidences in Jones' world.
In a scene from the Obama deception, Jones dives into the belly of the beast.
The hotel where purported conspirators will be meeting.
See, he's, he wouldn't agree with me over the phone that I was really at Milderberg and really covered it.
Or that they didn't pull the fire alarm.
Or that we were being followed.
And I said, no, we were really being followed.
And he just said, oh, you were imagining you were being followed.
And I said, look, buddy, I had FBI guys come in and sit down to me next, at the hotel I was staying at, and ask if I wanted to attack the State Department.
He went, oh, sure you did.
I mean, you know, this is the type, I mean, it's just, this is what's crazy.
This, but it's not crazy.
It's crazy like a fox.
This is a drug ad.
Hundreds of billions of dollars a year in this crap.
That's all this is about, is them defending the takeover of our society.
Indeed, there are no coincidences in Jones' world.
And I talked to this guy.
He believed I was just having a schizophrenic episode in an imaginary hotel.
You know, just insanely thinking people were following me.
Used to, they would just say Bilderberg didn't even exist.
As he begins a telephone interview, the alarm bell goes off.
The bastards have set this up, he says.
Which, I had security walk up to me as I'm walking up from the restaurant eating, and they go, we don't like people setting off fire alarms.
You go to prison if you do that.
Said that to me and Rob Jacobson.
And we went, we're not pulling fire alarms, thank you.
Yeah, people try to rob the place.
And we were like... And so I go up to my room, close the door, coast-to-coast AM calls.
I pick the phone up and the fire alarm goes off.
I go downstairs and the head of security with Bilderberg Security walks up and goes, I'm gonna F and take you out, Jones.
I can call Jacobson's in here, he's a witness to it.
But see, I live in the real world.
It was all over the Canadian news, I got arrested in Canada.
I brought that up to him.
Not real.
I didn't go to Canada, didn't get arrested, wasn't in the front page of all their papers.
You know, just dozens of the top papers.
National Post, Toronto Star, all over the news.
And I've got my film.
Don't say that's grandiosity.
I have my film with the newspaper headlines.
That film is real, buddy!
But see, it's good they're denying everything to this level because it's so asinine when they say none of this exists and then people find out it does.
Just like Obama's people are saying there's no call for national compulsory service.
George Soros funded Media Matters is attacking me saying it's not real.
People then click on my site and see the video of Obama calling for it, and Rahm Emanuel calling for it.
Jones says that he's even been visited by the FBI and Secret Service, but can't discuss the interviews.
Well, since I did this interview three months ago, I now am not under federal gag order, and you can read the AP and Wired Magazine that the FBI and Secret Service were here for threats against government officials and police, and they subpoenaed the IP addresses and arrested the people.
So see, little jackass, it's real.
Stick that in your stupid pipe and smoke it.
You're a fool!
But then he has it both ways.
He says it may be that federal agents, in fact, wanted to evaluate whether he is a threat to the President.
No, they were here wanting me as a witness in the trial, and I quashed the subpoena for that one.
That's in the news, jackass!
There's no reason to believe he is, but the same can't be said of his listeners.
In 2002, Richard McCaslin, carrying an arsenal of weapons, entered the Bohemian Grove, a camping ground in California that annually hosts a meeting of the political and business elite.
He told authorities he had been planning his commando raid for a year after he says hearing Jones claim that the ritual infant sacrifice was taking place there.
He asked me about this and I said my film is on record that it's an effigy of a child and we've never said they're killing a real person.
I gave him the video, he didn't care.
He implies I'm saying it.
I explained McCaslin had been in the Marine Corps in Force Recon and was obviously out of his gourd and sending me weird hand-drawn comic books and that he'd worked at Six Flags playing the part of Spider-Man.
And that he'd tried to come around and I'd refused to meet with him.
He then moved out to California in what looked like a staged event in the middle of winter, dressed up with a bunch of weapons and went out there and set fire to a trash can and then waited for the police.
Looks like a staged event.
But see, that's all distortion.
He knows you don't have all that background, so this guy can manipulate you.
He wants to be a psychologist so he can have power over people.
How many psychologists have been caught doing weird stuff to their patients?
The war continues.
In a video promoting Obama deception, Jones urges, we know who they are, we know what they are, we know what has to be done.
Implying I'm calling for violence, when I was calling for political, peaceful action right after that in the film.
A total deception from this piece of trash!
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I think so.
It's Max Keiser.
Max, of course, is the inventor of the Hollywood Stock Exchange System.
He's also a TV host on BBC, Russia Today, Press TV, three different TV shows this year, weekly TV shows.
He also has a radio show in London, and he is a frequent guest here at
Good old Infowars.com and on the radio show and I'm excited that Jesse Ventura's crew is also interviewing him coming up soon for the new TV show Conspiracy Theory that I'm also in and a consultant on.
Show a lot going on and I'm glad I've been introduced to Max Keiser's big international audience and I'm excited to introduce him to our audience.
I think it's a great event that's happening.
This is a short segment, we'll come back in a long one and cover a lot of other issues, but commodities starting to go up, gold exploding, the media lying, saying the economy's good, underwear sales are up for men, they say that's always an indicator of an economy going up.
What do you really see happening with this economy?
I see the tens of trillions of dollars the banks have hoarded.
The reason underwear sales are up for men is because a lot of men are making doo-doo in their pants because the economy is so bad.
I was going to say that.
They got no job, they got no prospects, and they're incontinent.
So they get out of the store and they buy some fresh underwear, but they can't keep in stock because the economy is so bad.
You got a president who thinks he's starring in the West Wing Part II.
We don't even think he knows he's the president.
I think he's trying to get an Emmy Award.
In four years' time, they're going to give him an Emmy Award.
He won't even know he was in the White House.
It's a complete joke!
You've got the capitalism is failing, you've got systemic collapse, so naturally gold is pushing $1,000 again.
And let's talk about gold for a second, Alex Jones, because I was in Germany making a film about gold at the Bundesbank, which is the central bank of Germany, which acts more or less as the central bank of Europe.
We went in there, we talked to them about gold, and they told us that
And I mentioned to them, I asked them, where is most of your gold?
And they said, well, you know, our gold is held in New York.
And this created a huge international uproar, which got the attention of a lot of gold.
Exactly, I saw that.
And again, that's just you as a real journalist asking a real question.
Then you ask New York, and they say Germany's got our gold.
Right, well, what's come out, and if you go to sites like the Gold Action Trust Action Committee and other sites that track the gold markets, Germany has been complicit in this scheme to keep the gold price down.
And them, along with the Wall Street banks, they lease out or lend gold to be sold in the open market with a wink and a nod, and they, because they know that they're going to keep selling this market, this gold into the market, to force the price down to give these banks
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
So, once again, the public is being hoodwinked.
Max, you said months ago, Bob Chapman said months ago, Ron Paul said months ago, all our experts here said the same thing.
In fact, six months ago, people like Bob Chapman wrote it on record that
That they would first run the market down to $6,000, then run it back up to $10,000, $11,000, $12,000, or even higher as a sucker's rally, and that they would do that by the big central banks, dumping all the money they'd stolen from taxpayers into the market, and that it was completely rigged, and that they would then plunge it even further.
Is the plunging we're seeing the start of that, or is this just a hiccup?
Will it continue to go up before they really rape the slaves?
Look, the people are on the short end of the stick, and on your show, Alex, I have talked about the casino gulag economy, about the only way that they're going to keep these suckers rolling is to introduce more gambling in the United States, and sure enough, in Kansas,
The Heartland of America just announced that they're going to start introducing gambling.
Because there's no other way to stimulate the economy than vice.
You know, the mafia makes tons of money selling gambling, sex, and money laundering and other, you know, murder for hire and these other activities.
This is what the local government, the municipal government, the federal government knows.
The only way to raise money is to get into the gambling business.
So now Kansas is going to go gambling.
Yeah, that's right.
Not only will the state now, as you predicted, allow gambling, they're going to own it.
That's the Associated Press.
Revenue Hungry Kansas will be owner of new casinos.
Max Keiser, MaxKeiser.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and we'll be right back with Max Keiser, the one, the only.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Yeah, when I saw this morning, Max had emailed it to me, and I appreciate that, Max.
The Associated Press, and he sent me a bunch of other stories where everything's happening, now major states are going to own the casinos themselves.
I mean, it's, or the government, same thing with Russia.
The government is now just going to own all the vice.
That's why they've always had laws against vice, so they can tax it and regulate it and control it.
A license is something
Is an authorization to do something that would be illegal.
So owning a gun is illegal, having a car is illegal, if they make you get a license.
That turns it into something illegal.
But we're shifting towards this and continue Max Keiser.
Yeah, in 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, and Yeltsin, who was then in charge, gave away all the industries to the Russian oligarchs.
Now, in the United States, when the Glass-Steagall Wall came down, separating the banks and brokers, it took a few years, but now we see the results, plus a couple of other deregulatory moves that happened since then.
But in effect, it's the same plan.
The nation's wealth is being given away to the nation's oligarchs.
The American economy is run by oligarchs.
And this was done in a premeditated fashion, and they put the police state in place beforehand to now try to use it to suppress people.
Go ahead.
I mean, you say the roads in Texas are run by a Spanish company.
Of course the roads in Texas are run by a Spanish company.
All the toll booth roads, all the bridges,
We're good.
We're good to go.
And now Americans have to pay through the nose to be on their own property, to pay on their own roads.
They're going to be paying foreign creditors.
And that deal in Texas for the Texas roads is just one example of a trend going coast to coast.
In California, the economy is technically bankrupt and they're giving away and selling huge portions of that economy to foreign creditors.
I'm good to go.
Because basically it pits two forces in the American economy against each other.
There are those in the economy that want to charge monopoly pricing for healthcare.
That's the oligarchs, which include the insurance company.
And then the other side of the coin is, well, there's the possibility of paying competitive
We're good to go.
I'm putting a challenge to you, your listeners, and anyone listening.
I'm talking to the same people I talked to a couple years ago in London when we were putting together our hedge fund.
I'm trying to organize right now a million dollar payout to Americans, a million dollar payout to the victims of the U.S.
health insurance industry.
All we need to do is get the price of Whole Foods stock.
Remember the CEO of Whole Foods recently came out.
I think.
We're good to go.
Max, let me stop you here.
Because what the establishment does is they always have false debates about issues that don't even resemble reality.
And so I agree with you to a point here, but I want to be specific and find out exactly what you're saying.
Yes, we have more and more a monopoly health care where big insurance companies and big mega health care businesses.
Doctors are paid about half what they were per capita for inflation in the 1970s.
They're certainly being squeezed.
The people are getting less.
The 30 million illegal aliens have bankrupt a lot of the state and county and city systems.
That's another factor.
So when we hear this healthcare debate, all Obama's doing is trying to give liability protection to insurance companies, HPOs, and big medical firms, and has nothing to do with even socialized healthcare, whether you're for that or against it.
So then the left all piles on.
Supporting the single payer when we're not even debating that.
The question is why do Americans pay three times when anybody else does for drugs?
Why are we known as the moron schmucks that get charged more for health care when we did have the best health care in the world?
So I don't think the British socialists wait two years for a brain tumor surgery.
And I've seen Tony Blair admit they do that on the House floor, on the Commons floor.
I know it goes on.
So we're not talking about that system.
None of us want that.
But the issue is big corporations have come in.
Here's an example.
My dad's a dentist.
Most of these big dental offices now that are big chains only take what they call capitation.
And that means that big companies come in and pay a company millions of dollars to say they'll take people on their plan, but then you get reduced care when you come in for it.
So Max Keiser, what I'm trying to say here to you, and my question is, what are we dealing with here?
I mean, what are you saying?
Because the healthcare debate... Okay, let me connect the dots, okay?
Let me connect the dots.
We know that America's energy policies
Exactly, so the reform we hear we're getting, either way, the Republican version is one monopoly, the Democratic version is another monopoly.
Either way, no matter what you call for, it's going to be written by the lobbyists and going to be something completely different.
That's why I say we want nothing out of government.
We ought to pay him just to stop writing laws!
Okay, so listen, if we're saying that soliciting the government and petitioning the government is a waste of time, then, you know, we can agree that that's probably true, and what I'm suggesting is that anyone in the country, in the United States, who wants to push back in a meaningful way,
That means they'll all get $1 apiece.
Well, first of all, it shows that the people have the ability to push back.
Okay, well, Max, flesh this out here, because you've never done anything like this on my show before.
I've got to be honest with you.
The owner of Whole Foods is a listener of this show.
He lives in Austin.
We have confirmed it.
Isn't it possible, Max, that he just disagreed with the government takeover, and that certainly was in the bill, of healthcare?
And he's saying people should just be healthier.
I mean, and we should eat healthier food, which I think is important.
I mean, I agree with you on a lot of stuff, but I'm not sure where this is going.
I mean, if they're able to bully, because the same George Soros outfits that are bullying, you know, everybody else about free speech and saying, if you disagree with Obama, you're a racist.
The same crew is saying, destroy whole foods.
Yeah, but why parse our words?
We know that corporations, they're all connected to the banking industry, including Whole Foods, it's a $4 billion company.
He's out there trying to parse his words and play both sides of the fence, and he's playing to an institutional investor audience, he's also playing to a retail audience.
I'm saying that we can agree that the government is not there, who's going to step up to the plate for the people.
The people have the ability to
Okay, he's probably listening right now.
Okay, he's probably listening right now.
Well, I'll tell you this.
I have confirmed he's a listener every week.
And I told my guys just last week I want to get Mackey on.
Have him come on my show!
I want him to tell the world why he thinks Americans shouldn't have decent health care.
Tell the world!
And he'll be laughed!
He's going to be laughed in his face!
But is that what he said in the Wall Street Journal?
I mean, he was saying he didn't like this Obama plan that was written by special interests.
Well, I'm saying you have to pay me on my show, okay?
I don't want to put you in the middle, okay?
Have him come on my show, and I'll play him.
I'll rip him apart, you know, verbally, on my show.
And, you know, that's enough on that.
But I'm saying that if the people out there want to push back against what they consider to be a corporate-controlled policy, that they're the victim of.
They're getting no savings.
They've got no pensions.
They've got no jobs.
Wages are going down.
The economy's going into the mud.
And the people are saying, what do we do?
What do we do?
I'm giving you a possibility.
We got this company down to the stock below a dollar share.
I've got a million dollars that I'm trying to raise in London to give to victims of the American healthcare industry and move it that way.
And I did this, I had a campaign like this in London two or three years ago.
It became international news.
We were talking about Coca-Cola and the hedge fund, talking about Coca-Cola.
And there was a legal opinion written about it.
They said this is an absolute legal method.
I'm not here attacking you.
I don't have a dog in the fight with Whole Foods.
I shop there sometimes and read what the guy said and I see this bullying going on where
I have media matters saying I'm a liar, there is no plan for forced national service.
Now, you're an informed guy, you know they've introduced the bills, you know Rahm Emanuel's called for that.
And here's what I'm talking about.
Here's a short clip of Chris Manning.
They're just playing for time.
All they're doing is they're just trying to play out the clock.
They want to get rid of Obama and bring in, you know, God forbid, who knows, Dick Cheney again.
They're just trying to marginalize Obama for as long as they possibly can.
And the United States people need to realize this is probably the last 36 months they'll have, you know, as your film talks about fall of the republic.
It's not a stretch.
This is it.
This is the last 36 months.
Do you want to stand up and you want to fight for your economic freedom against corporate jihadists?
Or do you want to die in the mud?
Now that's a simple question.
No, I know.
I'm trying to understand here.
What would you do with health care then?
Well, the healthcare is obvious.
It's like any other business.
You want to get the best price for your healthcare.
There's nothing mysterious about it.
Drugs cost money.
Doctors cost money.
But that's not a free market to have Obama want to live.
You want the wholesale price?
Or do you want the retail price?
Do you want to pay the Tiffany prices and get crappy health care?
Or do you want to pay Walmart prices and get health care that works for you?
It's just a matter of pricing.
You know, health care is up in the mysteries about it.
You know, they talk about European health system and they talk about the system in Britain and the system in France.
Basically, it boils down to this.
You pay a low yearly amount of money when you break it all down and you don't have to think about health care.
People in France don't even think about health care because it's not even an issue because
I don't want to fly to New York!
I don't want to fly to Calcutta!
Do you think I want to go to that third world cesspool?
Talk to me by satellite!
I don't want to go to that ugly place!
I live in France, man!
They have a quality of life here!
Now Max, Max, Max, there are a lot of Canadians and Brits that do fly over here to get their healthcare.
I'm glad you love us so much.
Hey, anyways, it is kind of becoming like Mexico or a third world country here with the police and things.
But I want to play you Chris Matthews involved in social terrorism.
Here it is.
This is Chris Matthews.
People willing to allow Barack Obama and his stars to tax us into bankruptcy while Michelle Obama and her 26 aides live it up on our dime.
Wow, let me go to Jonathan Martin on this.
It seems to me, when I hear people going after the First Lady and the number of staff people they have, it sounds racist to me.
It sounds like people are mad we have a black First Lady.
That's what it sounds like.
There's no question that that is, Chris, part of it, with a certain element in the conservative base in Texas.
Just the fact that we have a black First Lady... Alright, that's enough.
So, there you go.
You're like, why are we letting them frame the debate?
Why are we letting the major media frame the debate?
No, I know!
No, no, no, no, no.
Why do we care if the mainstream is framing this debate or the insurance industry is framing the debate?
I understand Whole Foods, okay, they've got an interest in some of the media properties in Texas, okay?
They're marketing in Texas.
That's another story.
That's why I'm saying come onto my show, CEO of Whole Foods.
I talk to an international audience.
You try to justify your comment to the Wall Street Journal to an international audience, you're going to be laughed out of the show.
No one's going to buy your...
They're an advertiser, right?
He was saying that.
No, no.
They're not an advertiser.
I misunderstood.
I thought you said they're an advertiser and I respect that.
No, they're not.
No, no, no.
I said I live in Austin.
It's where Whole Foods started.
There's a couple Whole Foods in Austin.
I was saying I don't have a dog in the fight.
I'm not connected to Whole Foods or the Saudi Arabians or ABC.
Or Scientology, or anything else, or the Catholic Church, or anything.
I'm an independent person.
So before the new rumor starts that I am Mackey, and I pull a rubber mask off at night, or that I'm Bill Hicks, have you seen that one?
Or that I'm the guy that... Well, Alex, I mean, a comparison of Bill Hicks is a compliment.
I mean, Bill Hicks is a brilliant social commentator.
He was more than just a comedian.
He really understood what was happening in the U.S.
and during the first Bush administration.
I mean, to be compared to Bill Hicks, who I believe is also from Texas, is a huge compliment.
No, they say I am him!
They say I am Bill Hicks, that I staged my death.
Well, now you know who thinks he's Bill Hicks is that guy Dennis Leary.
He thinks he's Bill Hicks, and that guy should be, you know, he stole Bill Hicks' act.
Yeah, well Dennis Leary really is a sack of crap.
Yeah, I agree on that!
We agree on that!
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Better take action.
I think a storm's coming.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm looking at the Fall of the Republic article that Paul Watson wrote.
It says personalities will appear in the movie.
Gerald Cilente, Alan Watt, Jesse Ventura, climatologist Tim Ball, economist John Perkins, Oath Keepers, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Webster Darbly, Bob Bowman, Wayne Madsen, George Humphrey.
We need Max Keiser in there, so please ask him to add Max Keiser.
And there's a bunch of other people, too, who are in the film, and so yes, Max is in the
Max is in the trailer.
He's a big part of the film.
Where's the love for Max?
Kaiser, have you had a lot of coffee today?
I want to do a shout out to your crew.
Your crew is the hardest working crew in radio.
We were talking on the break what you need to do to show your gratitude.
You've got to show your crew some gratitude by what we discussed during the break.
So anyway, listen, Alex, we've got to talk about this Pirate My Film thing.
Tell me about it.
Yes, please.
Okay, PirateMyFilm.com.
I was on your show last time and I mentioned the site and I want you to go on the site
And open an account, it takes 30 seconds, and you list a movie that you're trying to raise money for from the pirates.
This is the pirate futures exchange.
So, you say, let's say you need $50,000 for a film, you get people to give you $5 today, and then when you go make your film, you deliver a copy of the film.
But not only do they get a copy of the film, but you cut them in to any advertising that you might get from your film.
It's called a pirate yield.
So the idea is, for example... It's like sharing the booty!
Yeah, it's sharing the booty.
So your film, For All the Republic, which is coming out on October 21, which I'll be talking about on international markets and various outlets all over the world, you know, that film is going to get 20, 30, 40 million views.
That means advertising.
Now, if you all had shared in the financing of that film with your listeners, they would get some of that advertising money back to them at piratemyfilm.com.
I realize it might not be as sexy as a garden at a camp, but it's the joint!
You gotta check it out!
Oh, Kaiser, you're out of control.
I'll have to look at that.
I noticed somebody already made a dummy Alex Jones account.
That is not my account on there, but I will look into piratemygardeninthecan.com.
It only takes 30 seconds.
You start a film, you say the Alex Jones Untitled.
How do your crew do it?
Untitled Alex Jones film.
Okay, whatever the budget is.
How much is your last film?
You know, by the way, also, let me make this point about
You, is that you're entirely financed by cash, and you don't actually use any debt financing.
So when people come against Alex Jones, they've got to realize that because you're honest about the banking system, you know, you can't go down to Wall Street and get a $10 or $15 or $20 million loan to build a movie studio.
You've got to do it the old school way.
You've got to get listers one by one by one, cash, money bombs, any way you can do it.
That's the Texas way.
That's the Alex Jones way.
That's the real way!
Well, I've been told it's strange, but no, we have no debt.
Everything is paid for.
Because they're not going to lend you any money!
Because you're a pariah!
You think Citibank or JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs are going to loan Alex Jones $50 million to make movies with what we say about them on your show?
So you've got to go to the public.
So PirateMyFilm.com, it says, to hell with the studio financing, to hell
Well, something you talk about is, we could pre-sell product placement in our films, but then we couldn't sell very much.
We have to sell it for a lot, you know, for what it cost us, because we do implant in the web versions some ads to try to get some of the money back.
Yeah, well the reason we have had success is our great listeners buy the videos, buy the books at InfoWars.com, and they're pretty low budget.
I mean, my biggest budget film, which is Fall of the Republic, is going to be about $160,000, $170,000, and most films cost $100,000.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
All right, Max Keiser is our guest for another 15 minutes.
Then we've got Wayne Madsen coming on.
Max, I wanted to get into some other subjects here.
You heard me, when you were on hold for a few minutes, getting into psychology today, attacking me.
And, I mean, it is whole cloth baloney.
It implies I'm estranged from my parents, that I know no one, that I'm a liar, that I'm delusional, that I'm calling for people to carry out acts of violence.
I mean, the system, don't they understand they're discrediting themselves just with their wholesale lying?
Well, you know, psychiatrists, remember Hannibal Lecter was a psychiatrist, so that's about as credible a representation of that industry as you're going to find.
Anybody who listens to the psychiatry industry might as well be going on a date with Hannibal Lecter.
Well, I mean, this whole thing is an ad for mind-altering drugs.
The editor's note, the editor looks like she's had her soul sucked out here.
I just get amazed by people this deceptive.
Just a crew of, talk about piratical people.
Do you agree with me that it really has become just a ruling class that wants to say everybody's mentally ill so they can manage their lives and force drug us in a THX113A, 1138 system?
Look, the oligarchy we talked about before, and it extends to these right industries, and the health industry and the drug industry is an industry that's being allowed to write policies for their own benefit.
And if they've got psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, remember, in the torture in Guantanamo Bay and these other areas in Iraq and Afghanistan,
The American Psychiatric Association was actually having people there oversee the torture.
They were actually witnessing the torture.
Is that the role of a doctor?
To oversee torture?
So they're totally out of bounds in their industry.
They've been discredited by their participation in torture in these places.
And no one should listen to them.
And obviously they have an interest in selling drugs and to keep people as mentally unstable and as, you know,
Incapable of forming rational thought and opinions as possible.
So, you know, to be, again, to be criticized by them, it only means you're doing the right thing.
Of course you're going to attract attention from that industry, because what you're saying is going to possibly take people off drugs, and that would cut into their profits.
So, of course you're going to be attacked.
I mean, I don't know why you spend more than five seconds on it.
Those people are just front men and pitch men for the drug industry.
If someone's listening to this show, they're not on mind-altering substances,
It's because you have shown them the way toward a free thought environment that doesn't need to be told by the drug industry what to think.
You're cutting into their profits.
Anytime you cut into the industry's profits, you're going to be targeted by that industry.
If you come out and say that the banking industry is holding Congress hostage for a bailout, then the banking industry is going to come out and smear you publicly.
When I last time I did this campaign against Coca-Cola two years ago, the one I just described to you with Whole Foods, we got this guy
All over America, they wrote a smear campaign.
If you look it up, Coca-Cola, Hedge Fund, you'll see that they were calling me all kinds of vicious names because I was actually threatening their profit centers.
If you threaten their profit centers, and their profit centers are all based on monopoly profits and oligarchical profits, they're going to come after you.
It's night follows day.
But as long as you people are supporting cash on cash,
Yeah, it's just creepy to have George Soros and the Republicans and Psychology Today and the Wall Street Journal and just all attacking me, and I know it's because we're having success.
It's just, it's creepy.
Pure hedge fund.
He's a pure hedge fund.
And hedge funds are a free-floating force in the financial universe.
They will go wherever they make money.
And that's my point.
In other words, if enough people boycotted Whole Foods to drive the stock price down, George Soros would be selling short Whole Foods for us.
Because he's a political atheist.
He'll just, a total pragmatist.
So why don't we use hedge funds to leverage our ideas instead of having the government use hedge funds to leverage their ideas?
Alright, final segment.
Stay with us.
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Max, we're trying to get on your Pirate My Film site.
It's crashed.
So a lot of the listeners are checking that out.
Well, it's in beta.
So, you know, I figured it would crash.
Yeah, it's in beta.
Sorry about that.
But, you know, it's going to... As I said, the point is that people can... It's the Pirate Futures market.
You can raise money for independent films.
And you can do so by sharing the revenues of pirate yield, pirate sales, as we were just talking about, with the people who are helping you finance the film.
So you're bypassing Hollywood.
You know, Hollywood is another monopoly in America that is not doing anybody any good.
Yeah, the only problem with your model is all these weasels out there will say they're part of your film now.
That's why I couldn't be part of something like that, at least in your early stages, because people would come invest in it just to claim they had a stake in it to mess it up.
I mean, have you ever dealt with infiltration, Max?
Oh yeah, but let me explain something to you.
First of all, these are not investments, okay?
People are pre-buying a copy.
They are pre-buying a copy.
So anyone who wants to buy a copy is giving you the order to buy the copy and giving you the money for the copy today, okay?
So they're going to get a copy of the film.
So it's like going to Amazon and getting something.
Now, the fact is, you can share as part of the revenues with those people who pre-bought a copy.
I think.
So it's almost like a political action or supporting alternative film outside the existing corporate model.
Now I understand what you're doing.
That makes a lot of sense.
Very good idea, Max.
Okay, in the few minutes we've got left with you, briefly, because I respect your opinion on this, what do you see happening in the next month, two months, five months, six months, a year, with the economy, as people see that Main Street is still collapsing at an accelerated rate, while the media says Green shoots, Valhalla,
Stock market up!
I mean, where do you see this going?
The deleveraging is the word to keep in mind.
Deleveraging is the term used to describe banks that need to get rid of their bad assets.
And the banks have many, many more trillions of dollars worth of bad assets than the trillions of dollars that the government is throwing at the banks.
Now, in 2008, for example,
You had a lot of people on your show who talked about inflation, because they said that the government was going to throw trillions and trillions of dollars at these bad banks, and that trillions of dollars were going to enter the economy in the form of price inflation.
Well, it didn't happen.
Because the amount of trillions of dollars that have been thrown at the banks is not as great as the many, many trillions of dollars of bad, toxic debt that have yet to be revealed.
The net result of that is actually, in 2008, had been
Deflation, you know, shockingly enough.
The good news about deflation, by the way, is that gold bullion does well in both
We're good to go.
And bad debt.
And the fact that simply by Obama putting a few band-aids over the situation, the Cash for Clunkers scheme, all that does is defer the problem.
You know, people who owned a car outright for cash now have a monthly car payment.
So all they did was increase the debt.
They tried to solve that by increasing the debt.
So the debt payment is still very high.
The global creditors are still looking to America.
I think the trend for Americans
But then meanwhile...
Cintra came in through its Zachary Australian arm and bought up over a hundred, it was 144, local newspapers on the Trans-Texas Corridor routes to shut them down from criticizing.
That's how much money they've got.
They spent hundreds of millions doing that behind these little papers.
Then they have the Austin Chronicle write hoax articles saying it's not Spanish owned.
The policies for media are, again, written by the media industry.
You know, here's a hot-button topic for you.
This hot-button topic is, what the hell was it described?
What was it called?
Not equal access, but there was a law a while ago, balance-access or equal access, you probably know the phrase, what I'm trying to think of.
It's when both, you know, they got rid of it under Reagan, when both sides were given the chance to comment on a topic, and then
Let me make another point.
How come you're not getting subsidies and payments from guys like Glenn Beck, who simply take your emotion
That you have demonstrated that you can have on a public media platform and then use it to sell his agenda.
He should be paying you a monthly residual on basically what you pioneered, which is this very on-the-sleeve, overt, emotional type of presentation that Glenn Beck simply has stolen, and he uses it to put forward the Fox News agenda.
And that's outrageous!
He should be paying you every month.
He should be paying all your light bills, all your parking bills.
He should be paying you Alex Jones because he's a piece of fake copy!
He's a moron!
Well I tell you this in closing Max and I can't wait to get you back up with us and also be on your new TV show that I have talked to people at Fox and they admit that they are imitating us they are copying us on their internet shows they're even using the same video backgrounds we use it's very bizarre and Beck does do a copy of me but then he twists it
Yeah, exactly, because they, in other words, you pioneered this entire space of user-supported films and documentaries that go on the internet.
Now everybody's doing it.
You invented it.
You have a way of doing your show, which Glenn Beck tries to imitate, but push the Fox agenda, which is completely dubious and false and counter to what you're talking about.
They even use the same video filter for guests that we first used.
It's actually scary.
You can sue Glenn Beck for defamation or for whipping you off from trying to quote
You know, the guys should be paying you cloning fees every month.
You know, the boxers want to get their own shows and their own presenters.
Why do they have to rip off Alex Jones?
Murdoch doesn't have any money.
He can't hire regular presenters.
He can't hire real talent.
He's got to hire these bozos.
You know, it's shocking.
And, you know, Jesse Ventura, let's face it, his new show, it's going to be a great show, I'm sure, but who pioneered the way for that show?
Alex Jones!
You know, I mean, you're redefining media in America.
And, you know, the mainstream media keeps saying, oh, it's not going to work.
Well, Max, you don't know how right you are.
I was talking to Ventura about six months ago.
No, it was almost a year ago.
It was last October when he was here.
And he said, yeah, I'm doing a new show called American Conspiracy.
And then on air, I said, that's funny, Jesse.
Watch this.
And I showed him the trailer for a TV show that was pitched two years before for me called American Conspiracy.
So they changed the name.
He didn't know that.
He didn't know he'd been pitched my show.
Uh, they pitched him a new show, uh, and they changed the name to Conspiracy Theory, and now they have changed it the way Jesse had the idea of he'll go out and judge Conspiracy Theory.
So, it's not really, but the zenith of it was that.
And that's what's scary, is to realize that I have trailblazed and pioneered unknowingly.
So much of what's happened, but you've also pioneered a lot of media activism and ideas in your own right.
I think that's a message to everybody else that they can pioneer new ideas and new thoughts by just getting out there and doing it.
Yeah, well the pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their back.
You know, the Pioneers, they go across the country and they open it up to trailblazers for the rest of the country.
You know, they're the ones that get the arrows in the back.
They're the ones that die on the trail, you know.
And then the people who come later say, oh, this is great.
What a fantastic trail.
But unfortunately, as a Pioneer,
I have no choice and I can't, I just can't stay static and watch these lame mimics and clowns and ne'er-do-wells over there at Fox News and these other media outlets continue to rip people off and serve it up with their monopoly pricing schemes and they infiltrate the news, they don't give any kind of balanced reporting whatsoever.
They are responsible for the health catastrophe and the war catastrophe and the banking catastrophe.
CNBC has got to be held responsible.
James Cramer!
It's gotta be held responsible!
This guy is a financial terrorist, James Kramer!
Think of all the money he's blown out of people's accounts, going on TV every day, dancing and... When I was a stockbroker in 1982, okay?
It was illegal to put a color photograph in a perspective, because they thought it was too enticing.
Here we are, 2009, and James Kramer's practically doing a strip team.
No, no, he gets you all emotional and it's mad money, but it's like it's Crazy Eddie or something.
But let me ask you this in closing, and then we've got Wayne Madsen coming up with some breaking news on the CIA, always breaking big news.
When do you see the sucker rally ending, then, if it is a sucker rally?
It's not tradable.
Don't trade this rally thinking you're going to get in and out.
Just stick to your core positions, which are gold bullion.
Gold bullion has been averaging 20% a year for 5 or 6 years now.
Last year it was up 5% even during the catastrophe of 2008.
And what, you have an article with the details of what you're talking about at MaxKaiser.com?
It'll be, it's a, basically it's the same thing I did two years ago with Coca-Cola.
If you look up Max Keiser Coca-Cola and the Carna Bank Hedge Fund.
So you haven't even put this out in press release yet.
You're talking about it here first?
I'm breaking it on your show!
Hey Max, let me see you by the theater in the break.
We got Wayne Madsen coming up with a lot of key news straight ahead right here on GCN Radio Network.
There's a guy named MZ in Santa Cruz, California who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
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Wayne Madsen is our guest for the rest of the hour.
He's on the street in DC.
He just came out of an international TV interview.
Wayne Madsen worked with the National Security Agency.
A lot of times when you're watching C-SPAN, they're having an NSA hearing or CIA hearing.
You'll see him in the audience reporting.
He's just broken so many big news stories here on this show.
And he said he's been in the CIA government archives the last few days.
He had something big for us today.
But I originally wanted to get him on when we called him.
I don't
So, Wayne Madsen joins us now.
Should we get into the flu thing first?
Or the latest Blackwater torture?
Those hearings and Blackwater killings.
I should have said Blackwater and torture hearings.
I was watching yesterday.
Where should we start, Wayne?
Well, we can certainly go with the flu first because that's going to start to rear its ugly head at the end of this month now.
We're already in September.
Amazing that it's September 2nd, and they're now talking about quarantines, lockdowns of cities, mainstream news.
They're talking about implementing executive orders for this.
Do you think they're going to go with that, or has their fear-mongering not taken hold like they wanted?
Well, it's hard to say.
We're seeing directives coming out of various state governments, for example, that are talking exactly about things like forced quarantines and forced vaccinations.
We had Governor Schwarzenegger basically
Sounded very dire warning about the number one in four people in California could get this flu and the chief epidemiologist for the state of Minnesota is talking about similar numbers in Minnesota and so now we have state officials
Sounding this very severe alarm bell.
So, where is this all going?
I guess we won't know.
We saw President Obama urge people to get the H1N1 vaccine.
I think it would be interesting to find out if he is going to take it and he's going to have it administered to his two girls and Michelle.
Yeah, will his two girls get all three of the shots that Dr. Obama wants us to take?
Well, listen, if there was anyone in the White House press corps that had any you-know-what, they would ask that question.
But don't hold your breath on that because this White House press corps has shown itself to be totally compliant with all their puffball questions.
You're talking about a huevos free environment?
Well, I'll tell you that what I'm hearing about the vaccine, and this actually is coming, in one case somebody who was very instrumental in developing the smallpox vaccine is saying that he's not going to take this particular vaccine.
He's urging his family and his friends not to take it either.
Break that down for us.
Well, I mean, what we've got in vaccines, and I know that even NBC's Dateline, the other night, ran a story on the danger of vaccines, especially with the issue of autism, with this ingredient called thimerosal, which is one-half mercury, and also these
These are what's thought to have caused the Gulf War syndrome in the troops during Desert Storm who were administered vaccines, I would say.
I would note also against their will, of course, if you're in the military, they say they own you 24 hours a day, and we saw that appear terribly in the ailments of some of our returning troops from Desert Storm.
Now, under Level 6, and previously Level 6 was the highest, now it's 6.2.
It's like their spinal tap.
They're going from 10 to 11.
A new level of fear-mongering, or on the red color code, some color above it, purple, for even worse.
But under the executive order that CBS News is reporting on, it allows quarantines, forced inoculations, all of this.
Originally out in April in CBS News, but we'll zoom in on this article there for people at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And yeah, it's now in Iowa and in Massachusetts.
They're preparing to come in your house without warrants, forced injections.
And then Texas passed a law where they're going to take blood now at checkpoints without warrants.
I mean, just any excuse to get in our bodies.
And also I saw a directive from the state of Tennessee that talks about maybe having to close banks down.
That the banks would be allowed to close for business if they're concerned about people transmitting the flu in banks.
So we're seeing a lot of this stuff now coming out from various state and local governments.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
Long segment coming up with Wayne Madsen.
We're going to cover a whole host of issues and where he sees the economy going.
Stay with us.
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Paul Watson has a counterpiece to Psychology Today's hit piece on me.
But I want Paul to also add the history of psychiatry and psychology with Hitler, the Soviets, and of course the Communist Chinese.
And I want to put in there what Kaiser mentioned about how it was psychologists and psychiatrists that ran the torture, including in the Army's report, raping the children.
So let's make sure that we show that this system works for the globalists.
I mean, it's nothing but a group of high priests that
What do you think of this move to list, and that's what they do, psychology today, hit piece labels, conspiracy thinking as psychotic illness, talks about how we're potentially violent and dangerous, says right here that it's dopamine levels, that we're borderline schizophrenic.
You know, we're so insane we're hearing choo-choo trains in the background.
I can tell Madsen's by a train.
I mean, this is really a juvenile trick
He says there's no world population reduction numbers.
None of that's real.
There's no Bank of the World.
There's no global banking cartel.
It's just madsen.
We are completely mad.
Well, I ran a story not long ago about the National Security Agency, and I've been writing about how people that work there have been subjected to psychological and psychiatric abuse by the medical department there as a way to basically pull their clearances if they're considered not to be working within the system.
And recently I found out that the NSA security, which is called the Q Group,
And NSA Medical are working together now prescribing what they call Happy Pills.
This is Prozac and Zoloft for employees who show that they're not toeing the line.
So here we have another example of what can only be described as how the Soviet Union handled dissidents.
They had these psychushka psychiatric hospitals.
If you were against the Soviet system, they thought you were crazy and they would put you in a psychiatric hospital.
No, we see that happening here within some of our own intelligence agencies.
And reading history books about Nazi Germany, most of the tyranny from 33 to 38, before they really started the big official camps, was psychiatry, and it was merged with eugenics, and they were the ones that would come and take your kids and raise them in government dorms.
They were the ones that would come take your kid who had a problem and then euthanize them.
And I would bring this up, I mean I brought up the famous inventor of lobotomies, how he would do public lobotomies with an ice pick, and he just said that's not true, and I...
In fact, search engine startpage.com or Google or whatever for people right now on screen.
Lobotomy with an ice pick.
And you'll have mainstream news.
And I even gave this to him and he would just giggle and say I was crazy on the other end of the phone.
I mean, who are these people, Wayne Madsen?
Are they like on power trips and they love going in and having women come into them and lay down, you have mental illness, I'll help you.
It sounds just like a Svengali con artist guild.
Well, when we look at this CIA report on how they treated the detainees with prolonged diapering, extended nudity, you have to wonder what kind of perverts, and I think that's where this investigation is going.
I've written about Dick Cheney.
I've written about Scooter Libby.
When you look at what these two individuals, I won't call them gentlemen because they're not gentlemen by any stretch, but when you look at what these two individuals were involved in, Libby writing a novel about turn-of-the-century Japan in the early 20th century where there's references to bestiality and pedophilia, and we know about, you know, Dick Cheney had a predilection for some of the
I think we're getting to the actual crux of what the last administration was all about.
Well, absolutely.
Here's NPR.
We just search engine lobotomy with ice pick, and you can click on it and watch photos and videos of him ramming the ice pick into the corner of the eye, into the skull with pleasure.
And I was sending this NPR article, NPR, and he just laughed.
Man, it's funny.
I mean, it's funny that they're this psychotic guild out enjoying itself, having its way with everyone, and the New Freedom Initiative wants to drug half of the school children in America.
I mean, that came out in mainstream news, and I would bring that up and he would just laugh.
I mean, it's not funny.
And I don't think they realize their mind games aren't working with us anymore, Wayne.
No, definitely not, and I think, you know, that's why I think what we're seeing now, stuff come out of the White House talking about shutting down the Internet if there's a national emergency.
Obviously, there's no interest in having information available when you've got people like this with their agendas running the show.
Well, Wayne, let's get into some other issues here.
I digress.
What do you call it where the mainstream media will say we're setting up a world government to be run by private banks and it's going to be a planetary regime and we're going to drug your water and then we read it and then they write articles saying we're insane it doesn't exist in sometimes the same publications a month later.
I mean is that double speak, double think?
I mean what is that?
Well, I think it's a second approach to creating conflict, creating chaos, constant chaos.
When you have constant chaos, of course, people can take advantage of that situation.
And we've seen that happen time and time again.
I'm actually sitting across
From the CBS News Bureau here in Washington right now, that's why you're hearing the traffic noise.
But I mean, if you talk to these journalists individually, those who are left, who haven't been laid off with this downturn in the economy and this extreme change in how news is covered in the United States, you talk to them individually, they know these things, but they'll never get it through the producers and the editors to get it on the air on the major news networks.
Yeah, all that's left now is a really seedy guild of mercenary media people who will just do whatever they're told.
And I think that's only going to accelerate the discrediting of them quicker.
Because these are such lazy hit pieces they do on the freedom movement.
I mean, don't they understand this is only confirming to everyone just how scum-filled they are?
Well, I think it gets to this whole idea of the elitism.
You've got all the major networks now controlled by big corporations, and it's this ivory tower approach.
I cover the news inside the Beltway, but the term inside the Beltway has always been used to describe this sort of incestuous relationship
Politicians, journalists, and others, what they call quote-unquote movers and shakers, have in this town.
And obviously if you're reading from something that isn't part of the official script, you're always criticized and made fun of and intimidated.
Well, I'm also seeing this drumbeat against myself and other activists that were violent and were calling for violence, even though I'm calling for the opposite.
That's in psychology today.
Within hours of Poplowski doing what he did, the Southern Poverty Law Center said it was my fault.
Some of the Soros people now coming out and saying Obama is not calling for national service and I'm a dangerous liar.
Why am I, because I know this happens to you too, but I mean really it's happening bad now and I'm wondering if in your expertise you think they're building up to something.
Because in my experience, they demonize you just to demonize you and discredit you, or they demonize you in preparation for something else, and I hope that's not what it is.
False charges, my murder, whatever the case may be.
And whatever the case is, I'm ready for it, and this is the path I'm on, and it's an honor to fight these people.
But why do you think they're really coming after me right now?
Well, as I say, we've always had an element of this in the past, where journalists who didn't fall into line were criticized, and certainly Jack Anderson faced a lot of that criticism.
IF Stone, as he's known, faced that criticism, and others.
But now we're seeing, with this conglomeration of the media, the corporate media having a lot more power.
We're good to go.
I haven't done all the research, but the research should be conducted and we should have, you know, an independent verification by professionals as to whether these vaccines are in fact safe.
Well, that's the thing is they're now admitting Gardasil's killing a bunch of people and that in flu vaccine trials in Europe, it's killed a bunch of people.
I got that wrong and flipped it to Texas.
They were worried in Texas, but the deaths are in Europe.
We showed those articles.
I mean, I'm just wondering where all this is going, because there seems to be a crisis in confidence, and instead of the establishment being more truthful, they're now more and more just intensifying the lying, or they're talking out of both sides of their mouths, almost like they're committing suicide politically in front of us.
Well, as I say, the poop will be in the pudding.
If the people who are suggesting that we all take the vaccine for H1N1, if they really feel that way, let's see them be the first in line when these vaccines are available and are being administered.
Let's see whether Schwarzenegger is the first one to get the vaccine in Sacramento and whether President Obama is on.
We're good.
Well, Wayne, I don't believe anything they say.
They could take a shot of saline solution.
They've been caught doing similar stunts in the past.
I believe nothing they say.
And I think that's what the establishment hasn't quite yet figured out.
And the longer it takes for them to figure it out, the better.
Because, you know, if they get more sophisticated, they'll be harder to beat.
Just their bald-faced lying about everything is really helping us awaken everybody.
But shifting gears, I've got to toot your horn again.
That's why I really respect you, Wayne Madsen.
And by the way, you're in the upcoming film, Fall of the Republic, with Max Keiser and many others.
I don't know.
Blackwater's running hit teams.
Delta Force is involved.
They're killing political enemies.
Then I tied that into UPI, AP, Jerusalem Post, 2003, Israel bragging, we got hit teams even in America.
So a lot of this is from the hit teams themselves.
And then Merck putting out in federal documents that they have hit teams, quote, liquidating doctors in a seek-and-destroy program.
And then Merck says, oh, that's just a joke we give to these mercenaries.
You were one of the first people to break this.
A, what was your intel on that if you can tell us?
And then B, it appears we just uncovered like the very tip of the iceberg and it's this huge archipelago or constellation of murder gangs.
And I was watching congressional hearings yesterday with all this starting to come out.
I mean, my God, it looks like it was worse than we even thought.
I'll tell you one thing that surprised me.
I never thought that Blackwater was as close to the CIA as we now know it was, that they got these sole-source contracts that, first of all, engage in covert actions around the world, that they were using foreign mercenaries to conduct
I think so.
And the person in charge of the Counterterrorism Center at CIA, Cooper Black, who by the way then went, after he attended the State Department, he went to work for Blackwater's intelligence gathering arm, the Total Information Systems.
Now we see with Buzzy Cronegard, the Executive Director at the CIA, leaves the CIA and winds up on the advisory board for Blackwater.
His brother, Cookie Cronegard, is the Inspector General of the State Department, basically covering up
All the Blackwater contracts in the Malpies in that state.
We know that other CIA officials went to work for Blackwater.
I guess the biggest surprise was the initial reports were that there was this schism between the Pentagon and the CIA, but now we know that that was probably just a mere turf battle.
It had nothing to do with the use of Blackwater whatsoever.
So, so how much murdering is going on?
Because they admit it was Cheney's enemies, not just, quote, Al-Cieda.
I mean, who are they killing?
Well, when I first heard about George Tenet's attack matrix, worldwide attack matrix, I was looking and I was told by sources close to the CIA that they said, look, it's not just Iraq and Yemen and Afghanistan are targeting people.
They told me about politicians in Lebanon being targeted, people with various human rights movements and successionist movements from Indonesia to
I think so.
And when you've got a sociopath like Dick Cheney sitting there basically calling the shots, it was get-even time, obviously, for him and his closest advisors.
Let me ask you this.
From the MO we've got, from when Rumsfeld brought in Cheney during Ford, as you know, that it's really Rumsfeld is the one, even through the last administration, that was really the real president.
People say it was Cheney
But in that weird relationship, do you agree that Rumsfeld was actually above him?
Well, this was a mentoring type relationship that they had.
These two individuals are like, you know, frick and frack when it comes to modern American politics.
And certainly, you know, it was Cheney that was very upset when
But is Rumsfeld at the top of the Cheney Pyramid or is Cheney there?
I think you'd have to separate these two guys with a crowbar.
I think basically they're almost like brothers in arms.
Certainly Rumsfeld in the Ford administration was the Chief of Staff, went on to become the Secretary of Defense, and then of course Cheney moved up to become Chief of Staff for Ford.
But their whole purpose
In fact, they expanded it.
They wrote the current COG that the National Security Council is using for the NORTHCOM takeover.
And now the Pentagon, as you know, Wayne, wants 400,000 troops.
A year ago it was 20,000.
Now it's 400,000 on the streets of America?
That's right, that's right.
And certainly we know that they were the ones behind the CIA, you know, getting rid of Bill Colby as CIA director.
Bill Colby was trying to come clean on a lot of these issues, including assassinations, Allende in Chile, and other things that came out.
Stay there, final segment.
I want to ask you what the big CIA news is.
You said you were in the archives, got something breaking.
Stay with us.
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This is the end of the radio transmission.
We are in the final five minutes.
We're going to go back to Wayne with some breaking news.
He'll have more for us.
He's going to be back in the CIA archives.
He'll be with us next week.
Really appreciate him joining us.
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In closing, Wayne Madsen.
You were getting into Blackwater and the sex slave children.
We talked about that years ago with Halliburton and DynCorp.
Congressional hearings.
Chicago Tribune.
Psychology Today makes jokes about it.
I mean, we're not schizophrenic.
It's in congressional hearings about this now.
You've got some more intel on that with them tied into Thailand.
Well, just in the last couple days, under a new Justice Department program called Twisted Traveler, they busted, for the first time under this program, three Americans in Cambodia for engaging in sex with kids there.
The problem is that the State Department was said to have been involved with this investigation through the Diplomatic Security Service.
I haven't checked this out.
I mean, the U.S.
embassies in Southeast Asia are rife with pedophiles.
They're diplomats.
I've actually discovered that they provide, in some cases, child prostitutes for visiting U.S.
VIPs, including members of Congress.
I've been trying to get a list of all the congressional delegations that have been down there since the 1990s, specifically 96 to the present time.
When these guys get caught,
Instead of prosecuting them, sending them back to the United States, they simply transfer them to another embassy in Southeast Asia where they're allowed to continue these decadent practices.
So it's fine the Justice Department is looking at it.
They're getting the low-hanging fruit here, though they're not going after the diplomats, the CIA stations that are involved in this, especially for blackmail purposes, everything from local businessmen
Well, Wayne, in closing, every time I'm researching globalism, I'm not even looking for it, and you run into pedophiles.
From your research, is it a pedophile guild at all levels of government in key man positions that are really running things?
Well, I have to say that in the State Department, it's one of the worst case scenarios for this type of thing.
The State, as I say, the diplomatic corps in Southeast Asia, including ambassadors, either are involved with this or give a wink and a nod to it.
Consular officials do the same thing.
We're talking about an underground cult that basically looks out for one another.
Well, that's what we find even in state investigations.
I mean, it's just, we kick open the doors and it's always satanic pedophiles and weirdos and scum and it just... God help us with these people!
That's the New World Order.
Wayne, when you can get on a landline in the next few days, I want you to be back on, on this subject specifically.
WayneMadsonReport.com, WayneMadsonReport.com or TheWayneMadsonReport.com.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Good to be with you, Alex.
All right, there he goes.
We'll be back tomorrow, live, 11 to 3 p.m.
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