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Name: 20090804_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 4, 2009
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We're good.
We are simulcasting for the last three and a half hours of this four hour radio show today at PrisonPlanet.TV.
I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.TV members out there for their support that helped turn this radio show into a radio slash TV show.
That's so important because I can show the video clips, I can show the documents, I can actually hold up the New York Times, I can actually hold up the White House Science Czar's own book
Ecoscience where he calls for putting sterilants in the water, taking all children at birth to raise them in government dormitories, eradicating the family, sterilizing, force-drugging the population.
I can actually hold this up and put the pages and quotes on screen.
And that is having a devastating effect because everybody then
Grabs the videos that they get to watch live at PrisonPlanet.TV as members and that are also archived, along with my book, Paul Watson's book, all of my films, special expanded extras from all my films, many other films and books we've been authorized to post at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Then they rip it to hundreds of file-sharing networks and YouTube and Google.
And we have one of the biggest, if not the biggest, political YouTube channel.
It's bigger than the President's channel.
It has more members and more hits.
Very, very exciting.
Just what we're doing on YouTube.
So I want to commend and thank everybody out there for the fine work they're doing.
By the way, later this afternoon we're going to post at the Alex Jones Channel a little YouTube video I shot yesterday thanking you for spreading the word about the Obama deception.
Whether you buy it on DVD in the high quality at InfoWars.com and make copies and give it out to people or have viewing parties, or whether you spread the free online versions of it around, this film is only getting bigger and bigger exponentially.
At the current rate, it appears to have eclipsed all my films together previously in just five months of being out.
And it certainly is going to eclipse them over time.
Just amazing.
And my other films, some of them are the most viral out there ever.
There is no doubt that at its current rate, The Obama Deception will dwarf loose change and will become the most downloaded, most viewed film in history.
And I know the Wall Street Journal and other media are looking at those numbers.
That's supposedly going to be in the Wall Street Journal coming up later this week, Thursday or Friday, we'll finally see this big report.
But, again, I don't care about winning a NASCAR trophy or a boxing trophy or a trophy for, you know, winning the best painting.
Uh, you know, at some local event.
I don't care about... I don't have trophies on my wall, even though I won some swimming and, you know, football and stuff like that, and soccer.
And I'm not saying trophies are bad.
I'm just saying I'm not into things like that.
I'm not into being patted on the head.
But the trophy I do want is to have the most downloaded, most viewed film in history.
Because it's about changing minds.
I believe in people's minds and intellects, and I want to unlock minds.
That is what gives me passion.
That's what fuels me, is beating these bullies, bringing the globalists to justice, and empowering the human dynamic spirit.
That's what drives me.
That makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up right now.
That gives me
Chills right now.
I'm not after women.
I'm not after power.
I'm not after glory.
I'm not after big houses.
I'm not after any of that.
I'm after humanity and communing with my fellow
Man, with our minds, with our intellects, with our intellectual debate and reaching out towards the future to future progeny as an example for them to stand up against tyranny, them to stand up against challenges and threats to the species and dehumanization.
I have a love affair with humanity and a love affair with the incredible art and creativity and the love and the innocence and the goodness and the strength and the courage and the honor.
And to know that we are just one more little example of a small group of individuals together, exerting ourselves against overwhelming odds, and the corrupt government, and the scientific dictatorship, and engaging them at their level.
I love the underdog, especially when the underdog is in the right.
And make no mistake, that is happening today.
So I commend all of you for what you've done.
Please get the Obama Deception on DVD, get it out to everybody, go insane.
I talked to the folks at the University of Arizona, they're in Phoenix, and they've given out over 30,000 copies in the last five months of the Obama Deception.
Just a group of students, first four or five of them.
Uh, then 10 or 15, then they, 10 or 15 or so, they said 12 or 15, handed out 15,000 when Obama came to town.
And then since then, other students picked it up and they, they know more than 15,000 additional have been handed out.
So when I say, this has been in a local newspaper, when I say 30,000, that's conservative.
That's when I talked to them a few weeks ago.
See, it's exponential.
Other universities, thousands of copies.
I mean, it's, it's incalculable what you've done!
Ha ha ha!
I salute you!
So, we're going to post, in this new video we're posting today, and links on InfoWards and Prison Planet tomorrow, to the best free online version.
There's hundreds.
The best ENCODE we've seen.
He knows how to do it better than we do.
The fellow has a channel called Change.Channel.
Popular site in its own right.
We've had him on Burmese's show.
3 million views.
3 million views right now at time of this show.
Right at 3 million.
And we should crest that by this evening.
It's right below that.
It's 2,900,000-something thousand.
And there's hundreds of versions on YouTube and Google alone.
But the point is we want to send that to 10 million in the next few months.
Forget it just growing to 3 or 4 or 5 million.
How about 10 million on just that one two-hour film?
There's nothing else.
There's no other films on YouTube.
People watch one minute videos with their attention span and they get 3 million views.
It's already one of the biggest videos.
I want it to have 10, 20, 30 million.
I want everybody to see it.
I mean, you talk about a solution, there's a solution right there!
Just the Obama deception.
Republicans will watch it because they hate Obama.
Then they find out that it's really about exposing George Bush as a New World Order puppet, and shattering the left-right paradigm, and showing Obama as a puppet.
It's deprogramming people!
Praise God!
This is exciting!
I mean, no wonder I got the Secret Service and FBI showing up here and I got the Pentagon following me around and what's been declassified mainstream news.
But people inside the Army sent me the secret document.
That's how it ended up being mainstream news because the people in the Army are patriots and don't like having to follow me around all day.
Follow me to the grocery store and follow me home and all this crap.
I mean, we're having an effect!
We're engaging the New World Order!
This is incredible success to have them on my butt.
To have them on my... six.
When they're on your tail, man, that means that when you got bogeys, that means you're doing a good job.
And, you know, they killed JFK, they killed Martin Luther King, they killed a lot of other people.
The good news is I'm nothing near that level, but I've always tried to make it about the activist, about the listener, about you, the info warriors, in the lone wolves and in wolf packs against the enemy.
Because they can't stop us if it's an idea.
I've always said that an idea is eternal.
Ideas can't be stopped when they're based on the truth.
And of course, that's an eternal truth.
Many philosophers have said that.
I don't want to say the Wachowski brothers, who I know are reportedly fans of the show, I don't agree with all their philosophy, but I've talked to folks in Hollywood, they are fans of the show.
Clearly, you know, I'm not saying I invented that idea, because that idea is thousands of years old, that ideas are, you can kill the messenger, but you can't kill the message.
And so, people have sent me emails saying, are you ripping off ideas or bulletproof?
No, and they're not ripping me off either.
Because I got that idea from other philosophers.
But ideas are bulletproof.
And that's what's so successful and so exciting and so good and so wholesome about this.
Now, I told everybody to tune in because I am now going to end this controversy with facts and proof and evidence.
ABC News, Fox News, CNN.
I have heard and seen them all.
And Paul Hartman, one of my producers, has seen the local news.
Rob Dew, one of our great producers, has seen the local newscast.
I'm sure you've all seen it as well.
But I'm in Austin, Texas, where this story finally got national attention.
And I say this story.
Congressman Castle, in the East,
Got shouted down and booed over the birther issue.
When he said he believes Obama was born here and that his birth certificate receipt is real, he spontaneously got booed and shouted down.
Now whether you believe in the birther issue or not,
I'm not a birther.
I'm just looking at the issue.
I think it should be investigated.
Because government lies so much and he does have some questionable past and background and fake aliases and Barry Sitaro and other things.
He needs to be looked at.
I mean, his dad was a Muslim communist and his mother was this big foundation minion of Geithner's dad.
So, very spooky group.
Very, very sneaky.
But the point is, he probably was born in Hawaii.
I mean, I don't know.
The point is, we're looking at that.
But regardless of what you think of that story, I talked to William, he doesn't want his full name on air, who shot the video.
Turned out William, who shot the video that we're about to play, he was there.
It was spontaneous.
He's sending us the raw video.
It went on and on with them chanting and booing and yelling and following him outside.
So William's sending me the raw video right now.
We're very, very appreciative of that.
Then, Saturday, it's on local news.
I'm driving in the car.
At 5 o'clock, I spent part of the day with my family.
I'm driving back into the office to work on the new Obama film.
I'll soon reveal the name.
Gotta get on it.
So busy making the film, I haven't got the website up yet or, you know, the promotional material, which is a problem.
But side issue.
Here's the bottom line.
The national media has been saying that Senator
Specter getting shouted down over the weekend is fake, and was Republican operatives.
They're saying it's fake with Congressman Doggett being shouted down, and that that's staged, that the people were sent by Republicans.
They are saying that the Congressman Castle thing was staged by the Birthers, and that happened weeks ago.
Oh really?
Was it stage?
In fact, pull this up, I forgot to tell you.
When Senator Cornyn at a Republican supposed Tea Party got booed off the stage and all Republicans got booed off?
No, they're booing Republicans and Democrats off, but notice the mainstream media wants to make this partisan.
Because as long as they keep you in the left-right paradigm, as long as they make it about Republicans versus Democrats, or Democrats versus Republicans, their whole system, the two parties that prop each other up, the two parties are owned by the same interest.
But as long as they alternate power and keep fooling us, we wake up to Bush, put Obama in.
We wake up to Obama, put a Republican in.
We wake up to that Republican, you know, in 2016, put a Democrat in.
As long as that cycle, that stage cycle... I mean, there may have been two different parties in the past.
There were certainly in Andrew Jackson's time, but there are not now.
He may have a few good members, like Dennis Kucinich and the Democrats, and Ron Paul and the Republicans, but the parties themselves, it's a total show.
Same thing with Tory and Labour in England.
And the people in the polls show are finally realizing it's the Bank of England.
It's the private Federal Reserve.
They're getting past the puppets to the actual controllers.
This is huge!
And so this story is so important today because it's multifaceted on a whole bunch of different levels.
That's why Paul Watson's going to write a report on the facts I'm laying out here right now with these video clips that prove this.
So here's the answer.
I have eyewitnesses, my neighbor and one of my dad's employees.
I live in South Austin.
Now, I shop sometimes at the Randalls that they're talking about off Brody.
I used to live a mile from there or less.
Now I live a little bit further.
Point is, my neighbor, talked to him this morning, wouldn't come on the show, and obviously, you know, people don't want to be public, but he was there.
I also talked to one of my dad's employees.
The neighbor was shopping there, was not even part of it, but stopped and stayed about 30 minutes and saw it happen.
Then I heard multiple callers to Rod Balin on News Radio 590 today.
And News Radio 590's been reporting only what Doggett said, that basically it was staged by Republicans.
Doggett with no proof.
But the callers were calling in going, no, no, I'm a Democrat.
I was sent a mailing.
I went to it.
He wouldn't listen to me.
He wouldn't
You know, he kept telling us whether we liked it or not, they were going to give us this health care.
He kept saying it didn't socialize things.
There was a lady there who had a thousand page bill in a binder.
We had copies of it.
And so, that's what's happening is people have now read over the pages and the subsections.
We were just doing that yesterday on the show.
We were doing that last Friday on the show.
And so I've now found out from emails, we're going to get some of these people on the show in the next few days.
I've now discovered that a lot of our listeners were there who've been registered Democrats in the past.
South Austin, only registered Democrats were mailed a mailer by Doggett.
These were Democrats that were there.
And he was talking down at them, and so there's 30 minutes of footage before this, and we're getting the raw footage right now.
We've contacted the fellow that shot it, the video that has like 400,000 views right now.
It's gone mega-viral that we're about to play.
And the issue is, I've talked to the fellow with Congressman Castle.
In the East, who was there, all spontaneous.
These were his supporters booing him and yelling at him because they believe nothing the government says.
I've talked to somebody who was there at the Big Spectre event and they said it was totally spontaneous.
And I've talked to people who were at this event and it was totally spontaneous.
And I've heard the callers to local news radio going, no, this was spontaneous.
Of course it's spontaneous.
The media is acting like it's only Democrats getting booed.
No, no, no.
I've seen Tea Party video from San Antonio, from Austin, from Dallas, from South Carolina.
I mean, I see these videos every day where Republicans are being booed off the stage!
You see?
These are Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans at these events, these Tea Parties.
The media says they're only Republican.
Republican Congressmen and Senators are being booed off the stage!
It's all of them!
So it isn't just the media's lying.
And we've seen Fox News, CNN, nationally, locally, we even have local CNN, News 8, they're lying and saying it's all staged.
It is not staged!
None of it is staged!
The people are on the verge of total revolt!
And let the establishment lie to themselves and say this is all staged.
This is not staged.
I live here.
I go to some of these events.
I have friends that shot video that you see posted of Cornyn.
Everywhere, Republicans and Democrats show up.
Rick Perry got booed off the stage at another event!
They're all, Rick Perry, Senator Cornyn, everybody.
Republicans, Democrats, Lloyd Doggett, it doesn't matter.
In fact, let's bring in, first,
Come on in, studio.
Let's go ahead and bring you in first, Rob Dew.
Rob, come on in here.
We don't have much time.
Your wife is a Democrat, so she got mailed the mailer for Doggett.
You were laughing, saying you filled it out in the Fed and things like that.
But just confirming with you, your wife's a Democrat.
She got sent the flyer inviting her to it.
Yeah, I opened it up and I was reading it and it had a list of things that you think are important and multiple choice.
And I wrote in Audit the Fed on everyone and mailed it back to him.
But it also said he was going to be at Randall's on, I think from 10 to 11.30 was the time scheduled for.
And I was actually going to go to it, but we ended up going to Ohio that day.
But I was going to go to it and just, you know.
I was planning on going.
Wait a minute!
A week ago, when that came in, I remember you mentioning in meetings, hey Doggett's coming, should we go to that?
Man, but I sent you... We were scheduled to leave already.
Yeah, but you did great.
We sent you to interview Tenpenny.
That's why we gotta get some more camera guys.
Well, you did a great job.
I mean, the bottom line, though, was this was spontaneous.
I mean, it was not going out to Republicans.
I didn't see it anywhere else advertised except, you know, through those channels of direct mailing.
And he's direct mailing just his voters.
So it definitely wasn't staged?
Well, I don't know about that, but I... Stay there!
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Before you slip into unconsciousness... Okay, we slammed into that break, Rob Doob.
You were making the point that you can't guarantee there wasn't a Republican there, but you made the excellent point off-air that he's all over news saying this was staged by Republicans and the Libertarians, and that it was a minority.
You watch the video, it is the majority.
Oh yeah, exactly.
He was on the news, he did a news report that night of it saying, oh well, you know, this is a small group that was going in and creating this disturbance.
And I mean, you can clearly see everybody shouting him down because they don't want this.
And then the media spin it and also say, it's wrong to yell.
It's, it's un-American.
No, that's what the Founding Fathers did as the Sons of Liberty for 15 years before they had to get more serious.
It's totally American because now we find out he'd been there talking them down, telling them they were stupid, saying, in fact, on record, and I heard a lady on Kelby Jay this morning, one of the witnesses being interviewed, she said, no, I'm a Democrat, but it was when he's, we said, even if we're against this, you're going to vote for it, and he said, yes, and tries to push past.
Well, you can see that
You can't hear everything that's being said, but you can see him trying to get out when that begins.
And it's as he's leaving, they start voicing and chanting that this was happening.
But my issue is, I heard Rock Howard, a friend of mine, we're calling him right now, I heard Rock Howard, head of the Travis County Libertarian Party, on 590 AM saying, we didn't even know about this.
This was some internal mail-out that went.
Which you confirmed through your wife, saying we wish we would have known about it.
We would have sent people.
And the Republicans have said the same thing.
So again, they're acting like it's bad to say we don't want this, we don't want this, to chant just say no as he's leaving.
It's wrong to speak now.
It's un-American.
They're actually saying this all over the news, that it's evil and aggressive and kind of terroristic, kind of scary.
I heard local talk show host saying that today.
And then they go further
And they're trying to say that this was all staged by Republicans and Democrats.
The Libertarians are on record, so are the Republicans, saying no.
But we have the proof, because it's not Democrats or Libertarians staging people, booing Perry and Senator Cornyn at these Tea Parties.
They're being booed everywhere, but the media is desperate to make this partisan.
Because if the people find out that everybody hates the government, and that it's universal, their little party's over, Bubba!
And it's a redress of grievances, and it's our right to do that.
And if they can't take it, get out of office.
If you don't like it.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
If you read about the first 200 years of this country, it's total Americana to chant at these bastards.
But oh no, now you're not supposed to do that.
In fact, you know, you ask Senator Perry a question, Senator Kerry a question, you get tasered.
Don't tase me, bro.
He wasn't even resisting, but they tased him as punishment.
I guess this is a new syndrome that people are developing.
Spontaneous Anti-Government Response Syndrome.
Well, don't give them ideas.
The American Psychological Association has made over 20, in the last decade, new psychological designations.
If you believe in a new world order, even though Al Gore is announcing world government, it doesn't exist, you're mentally ill.
So I guess now, if you believe people are spontaneously booing socialized healthcare, booing open borders, booing cap and trade,
If you don't believe their conspiracy theory, that it's staged, with no proof!
They just make this up!
This is a national news story, that this was staged, here in Austin.
And it was not staged!
I mean, my neighbor was there shopping and saw it!
We have the video!
This was his supporters!
This was a mailer to his people!
Specter gets shouted down.
Congressman Castle gets shouted down.
Senator Cornyn gets shouted down.
See, I want the Politico to report this is happening to everybody.
I mean, this is revolt that's happening.
But no, they want to say it's some staged political activity.
The citizens aren't out protesting.
See, they're the conspiracy theorists, Rob.
I agree.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
They just can't take it when they're wrong, and they know they're wrong.
Well, we're here breaking it to everybody right now.
We're here breaking this to you right now.
We have eyewitnesses with Congressman Castle, Senator Specter, and the Austin event that happened a mile and a half from where I sit.
This was not staged.
It was totally spontaneous!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mike Rivera is coming up in the next hour and a half or so today.
We're going to get into the whole birther issue.
Is it a hoax to discredit real research and real exposés of Obama's activities, his lying on every front, or is it real?
Then we've got, in the last hour coming up, we'll get into eugenics with Webster Tarpley, who's now scanned over the book, written by the White House, science czar calling for forced sterilization, drugging of the water supply, all children being taken at birth by the government, and raised in government dormitories.
These quotes are all in the book, Ecoscience, by John P. Holdren.
That's coming up.
But for stations that just joined us, major national controversy.
ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, CNBC, Politico, Wall Street Journal.
This is one of the biggest stories in the country right now.
The videos had millions of views.
The original versions had over 400,000 views and growing.
break for august recess looking like a bad trip and saying angry protesters everywhere are besieging the democrats but then the democrats spin machine goes into overdrive and says it's all staged when congressman castle it's mood and heckled over obama support he says it's staged by the whole crowd moving and yelling we happen to have a we are changer
No, it's an Oath Keeper who's a fan, William, who shot the video, and he's sending us now the raw footage of that viral video that Drudge and others linked two weeks ago.
And the Democrats said that was staged Republicans, though the Congressman later had to admit that was actually his constituents locally, and they sent a letter out.
Then, with this situation with Congressman Lloyd Doggett, he's got an hour and a half meeting, only sent the Democrats, robbed his wife, a Democrat,
Uh, was sent the letter.
Rob was gonna go, but we forgot about it because he had to go to another shoot, uh, with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny.
I mean, this happened a few miles from my office.
I'm in South Austin with this Lloyd Doggett situation.
You know, I know Lloyd Doggett.
I've been to Lloyd Doggett's house when I was a senior in high school with his nephew.
I mean, the point is, I live here.
My neighbor was at the grocery store and saw this and said it was spontaneous.
This is where this happened, at a Randall's grocery store.
One of my dad's employees I talked to was there at the event, here in South Austin, said it was totally spontaneous.
Local news that was first only reporting what Lloyd Doggett said, NewsRadio 590, has now had guests and witnesses that are
Registered Democrats on air who were there with the bill saying this does socialize, this does penalize people, this is a really, you know, stop lying, and Doggett told them they were idiots and said I don't care if you're against it, I'm still gonna pass it.
Which is one of his favorite statements.
In fact, we have this on video.
Because we were taping it live at the time, during the Cap-and-Trade debates, that last day a few weeks ago.
He said, I don't care if my constituents are against this.
This is good and I'm going to vote for it.
So that's one of his arrogant statements is, I don't care if I'm getting a bunch of calls against this.
I'm doing it.
Well, he said that, started trying to leave, and they stopped him.
And you can see it on the video.
We've sent a message to the local guy who shot the video, who has the YouTube channel, asking him to come in studio, play the raw footage.
So the media is saying this is staged when it's not, and they're saying it's only Democrats getting heckled.
We're going to play you the video coming up in this hour of Senator Cornyn being booed and heckled.
Governor Rick Perry being booed and heckled.
At Tea Party events, they organized that they tried to hijack.
See, they had some last year and earlier this year, got really popular.
The Tea Party started in Austin with the Ron Paul and 9-11 Truth and We Are Change.
That's on record.
The first Tea Party was in Austin.
Going after the banks.
The first before that was in Boston by We Are Change and 9-11 Truth four years ago.
Throwing the 9-11 Commission report in the harbor.
So then the next generation started here.
So understand, they're booing Republicans, they're booing Democrats, but the media wants to make it a partisan issue to keep us in the left-right paradigm instead of the people all waking up and taking these guys to justice.
Because both parties are bought and paid for by foreign special interests.
The public's looking past the puppets now for the first time to the actual controllers.
Mike Rivero coming up with his take.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am 110% committed to defeating the social engineers, the collectivists,
The big international banks that are financing governments to take over their populations and domesticate them and enslave them to the planned economy.
Both parties, Republican and Democrat, are bought and paid for.
Tory, Labour and England, same thing in Europe.
Now there have been multiple parties in the past, but now there is only one party that has two heads.
Or it's like an eagle that has two wings, or a vulture.
Now I know
Through a twist of fate, one of our listeners shot the video of Congressman Castle on the birther issue.
Now whether you believe that or not, the point is, his constituents so mistrust Obama and the government as a manifestation of their distrust, that they booed him off the stage and wouldn't shut up.
Mainly a bunch of retired people.
Then, Congressman Lloyd Doggett, in a mailer to only his constituents, because one of my employees' wives is a Democrat, he got one.
It only came to Democrats.
Totally spontaneous.
My neighbor was there shopping and stopped and saw it.
One of my dad's employees I talked to was there actually at the event, because they've been a Democrat in the past, and they got the message.
And now all these eyewitnesses are calling in to talk radio and TV in Austin, Fox News and others saying, how dare you in News 8 Austin, the local Time Warner, we have local CNN here, I think only six cities have it, and saying, stop saying it was staged!
We're all Democrats!
And the people I've talked to are all Democrats that went there and were angry.
And my neighbor is
Apolitical is best I know.
They were just there shopping.
But the issue is Doggett was trying to leave and told them, I don't care if you're against it, I'm voting for it.
He does that on the floor all the time.
During Cap-and-Trade I saw him.
The reason I'm so excited is the whole left-right paradigm is collapsing.
The 11% approval rating of Congress is showing.
The 9% for Cheney.
Obama's gone from 84 when he got elected to by the time he got in office it was 68.
And then now it's below 50, depending on the poll, 44 to 49 and plunging.
He's lost five points of his core constituency.
He had 51 percent.
Depending on the poll, more than five points.
But we've got to make sure it isn't all about Obama and just blaming him now and dumping all the sins on him.
We had to politically
Expose Obama and wreck him so we couldn't bring in the cap-and-trade, the open borders, the anti-gun bills, new wars, the socialized health care.
But now that he is politically grinding to a halt, we gotta go, wait a minute, you're a part of it too, and here's the key.
We're gonna show you these video clips.
Everywhere across the country, Republicans get booed offstage by their people.
Democrats are getting booed offstage by their people.
It's their own constituents doing it.
A Tea Party is mainly Libertarian Republican.
It is.
They're booing them off here, in Tennessee, in Arizona, in New York, in Florida.
I see these videos every day!
We play them here all the time.
So the media's desperate to say, A, it's staged and fake, that's Republicans and Libertarian operatives, and B,
They're then saying that it's only partisan.
He'll be with us for 20 minutes in the next hour.
He joins us via video connection from Hawaii.
He's Genesis Talk Show host, Mike Rivera, WhatReallyHappened.com.
We link to his stories routinely at InfoWars.com.
Mike, this is what you talk about every day.
It's what I talk about.
The establishment is setting up Northcom, the police state, the flu as a cover if they need it to lock down.
The establishment realizes that they have lost all credibility.
Now this cover-up of the fact that this is spontaneous booing everywhere, that cover-up is imploding.
Mike, what do you say to all this?
Well, you know, this reminds me of way back when the Clintons were in office and they responded to all of their criticism by blaming it on the vast right-wing conspiracy.
And this was a way of dismissing the protests without having to actually deal with the criticisms themselves.
It was all part of a vast
Right-wing conspiracy, and we're seeing so much of the Obama administration replay the tactics and propaganda and spin from the Clinton administration.
For example, the reliance on the Dow Jones as the public indicator of the state of the economy, when we all know that the Dow is really very disconnected from Main Street America right now.
But all of this spontaneous booing that we're seeing all across the country, it's not just Democrats, there are Republicans up there and Republican politicians are starting to feel the same thing.
And this all ties in with this little program that we're trying to put together over here.
And we haven't worked out all the details, but in a nutshell, what we're planning on doing is we're going to pay every American $4,500 to scrap their clunker federal government and replace it with something up-to-date and more cost-efficient.
Mike, maybe I'm ignorant, but obviously you're exposing their stupid program and tying it into them.
Absolutely, we should scrap the bad government and trade it in.
So, cash for bad governments or cash for tyrants, what do you call it?
Well, cash for clunker government is what we're working on right now.
It took me a minute to get it because I was too busy literally getting excited.
Is the hair on the back of your neck standing up though to realize that... Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm not trying to look like Don King deliberately here.
This is just sort of happening as time goes on.
And it does... On a more serious note, I do get a strong sense of panic coming out of various personal agendas, private agendas.
Certainly right now, looking at what's been going on in the media from, for example, this whole situation getting into the birth certificate,
What's her name?
Orly Tate's going ballistic on MSNBC yesterday, and the new video that just surfaced in reaction to this corruption scandal going on in New Jersey, where people are just screaming at the reporters to get away.
It just feels like the facade is slipping, the cracks are showing, and everybody in positions of power knows it and understands it.
They're not sure what to do about it.
Let me go one further.
I'm sure you saw the CNBC story.
We'll put that up on screen for folks watching at PrisonPlanet.tv as we simulcast the radio here today, that Geithner is blowing up and screaming and cussing in meetings with the Federal Reserve Chairman and others and flipping out, panicking over the audit of the Fed.
See, they've lost their facade.
Toto pulled the curtain back
And there's no putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, even if they block this audit or the next.
The momentum has shifted, and once the facade of the left-right paradigm even has a little hole in it, it's all over!
I mean, they're going to stage nuke attacks, they're going to launch wars, they're going to release bioweapons.
But in the end, everybody's going to know they did that, too!
I can tell you, fundamentally, in my gut, in my intellect, in my spirit, Mike Rivera, we're going to defeat the New World Order.
The only problem we face is the fake churches telling folks it's the end of the world, it's a foregone conclusion, you gotta go along with it, evil can't be beaten, you're supposed to basically, you know, suck its toes or something.
If we get past that, we're gonna win this thing with God's help.
Well, I think absolutely.
You know, we used to have this saying around here, the fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everybody can see it.
And this whole issue of attempting to block an audit of the Federal Reserve, even if they succeed, the political and public damage from simply having done that.
is going to be very devastating uh... to to the people because remember government very much is like a church it relies on the faith and trust and belief of the masses to continue when you have a population which openly distrust the government as they do on the economy on the swine flu vaccine on all of this this is a government that has lost the ability to function effectively and it's just marking time looking for a place to collapse into
Well, reading this article from the Wall Street Journal, there's another one from CNBC, the headline, Today's Outrage, Geithner Goes Ballistic.
He's in a meeting with the private Fed chiefs and the Fed Chairman Bernanke, which is just, of course, the holding company for stealing the $23.7 trillion in the last 10 months, and they're losing control.
All their member banks are just stealing the money.
They're not having any composure.
Most of these elites, I'm tracking them, are leaving the country right now.
They realize they have gang raped us so bad and screwed us over so bad that it's all going to collapse.
That's why they're now kind of going, OK, everything's fine.
The economy's fine.
Before they were saying it was in trouble to scare us to go along with their theft.
Now, because the Chinese stopped buying T-bills last week, they're now in panic mode.
My God, I smell blood.
I smell panic.
I mean, they're going crazy.
Geithner's screaming and yelling.
He never does that.
They're frothing, fighting with each other.
It's coming out in the news.
They're losing control.
Well, you know, there's an axiom about both show business and politics, which is never let the public see you sweat when they get to that spot where they're losing it in public.
You know things are really, really bad.
I personally feel we're at the luthenation stage in this country's history.
They know they can't save it.
They know they can't fix it.
They're not even trying.
It's basically grabbing the money, shoving it in their pocket, and skedaddling for the border.
And this is why we're seeing all these arrests and all these reckless
Tax evasion things and using the names of prisoners and all the rest of this stuff going on.
Everybody knows it's coming to an end.
They're grabbing the silverware and heading for the fire exits.
Absolutely, which I'm saying this is positive.
It's better than them getting their system through.
But when it collapses, we want to ensure they don't build something worse on top of the ashes.
That's absolutely correct.
What we, the American people, need to be doing right now, very seriously, is deciding what kind of a nation we're going to want in the next chapter of the history of the North American continent.
There are going to be all kinds of carpetbaggers walking around here saying,
I've got a ready-made solution, a brand new government.
Just plug it in and everything will be fine.
And you know that they'll be plugging in something that will serve their interest and not that of the people.
And you just know there's going to be people walking around saying, well, you know, you are all honor-bound to honor the debts of the previous government.
No, we're not.
It's all an onerous debt anyway.
The whole point of having one government collapse and starting a new one is everybody gets a clean start.
It's like the ancient Roman jubilee.
All debts are wiped out.
Everybody gets to start.
The crazy thing, Mike, is they've set up Northcom and the police state, and Thomas Barnett and others at the Pentagon admit that this whole thing is to extract the money from us.
Money we don't owe to these banks!
They just made all these derivatives up!
I don't think Northcom's going to carry it out, no matter how many flus they stage, how many terror attacks they stage.
I don't see this working.
We got Rock Howard, the chairman of the Travis County Libertarian Party, coming up.
Mike, stay there.
We're going to talk to him briefly about this staged event.
The media is saying it's staged, which it wasn't staged.
They tried to blame the Libertarians for it.
Stay with us.
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I'm going to play the video clips of Senator Cornyn being booed off the stage, Rick Perry being booed.
I could play clip after clip of Republicans being booed at Tea Parties.
Because the people know they support open borders, socialized health care, all this control.
So the media is lying and saying these booing events are staged, A. Then B, they're lying.
And saying that it's partisan.
It's across the board.
Now, Austin Campaign for Liberty, local Ron Paul group, they did send a few people out there.
But you watch the crowd of hundreds.
And my neighbor was there.
Almost all of them are chanting and booing and chasing him out.
When he told the crowd, this is confirmed on local news, I don't care what you want, I'm going to pass the health care.
And so Mike Rivero riding shotgun with us with a video connection on the radio at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Rock Howard joining us for this segment and a little bit of the next in those video clips are coming up.
Rock Howard, Chairman of the Travis Libertarian Party, it's great to have you on with us.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
I heard Saturday night, you were being blamed by Lloyd Doggett, the Libertarians, of staging this.
I heard you on NewsRadio 590 AM, one of our local affiliates, last night saying, nobody called us, we didn't put an email out.
So they're desperate to say that citizens don't spontaneously boo, and this has become a national story.
Rock Howard, did the Libertarian Party stage this?
Alex, we did not.
We did not discuss this event.
Well, isn't that the other big issue?
The media, I don't know if you've seen the same reports I've seen nationally and locally, they keep acting like it's dirty to shout and chant, just say no as Doggett's leaving.
I thought that's as American as baseball and apple pie.
Well, I tend to agree.
I mean, if Doggett doesn't want to be a representative and listen to all the voices, then he can certainly resign.
That's what it means to be a representative, is to listen to all your constituents.
It sounds like he's having a tough time doing that.
Well, he only mailed this out to constituents because Rob Deum, my producer, his wife is a Democrat, registered Democrat, and they filled it out and said, we disagree with everything you're doing in the Fed, we don't want socialist health care, and mailed it in to him.
I almost sent cameras but didn't have the crews, because my two crews were in different parts of the country filming for a movie we're making, a film we're making.
But, Rock Howard, to you, what does this signify in America that Congressman Castles booed off the stage?
Senators Spectors booed off the stage.
I mean, Republicans and Democrats.
I mean, have you seen the video of Cornyn being booed off the stage at the Tea Party?
I mean, this is bipartisan!
They want to make it a partisan issue.
Are they trying to prop up the political facade?
Well, I can't speak to that, but I can say that, yes, I've seen the events with Cornyn.
I had close friends and members of our party were at both the Cornyn event and this latest event with Doggett.
And we don't see it as
A partisan thing.
We see it as the citizens trying to take action.
And I think what I'm hoping that might be behind this, and people might get the idea, is, you know, maybe it's time in America we did like George Washington suggested, and just get away from political parties.
Because it's not proving to be helpful for anything we need to accomplish.
Yeah, we need to get away from parties and get into issues, and until
You know, the first few Presidents, it wasn't a party issue, and then it becomes this Coke vs. Pepsi, Chevy vs. Ford, instead of going, hey, the same guy owns both factories.
It's like Don King boxing with these two parties.
We need to get rid of Don King.
Stop talking about Republican vs. Democrat, and talk about the manager of the fight.
That, of course, is the exact reason that we released our statement.
If the Libertarian Party is just simply not interested in getting into those Coke vs.
I don't know.
And I see that undercurrent in the media all over, but that seems to be the Democratic response to a lot of these events.
You know, that is such a big issue and so obvious that I psychologically have kind of ignored it because it's so asinine.
I don't want to live under socialism.
I don't want open borders.
I don't want to turn my guns in.
I don't want a cap-and-trade only on the U.S.
that will admittedly double our energy prices on electricity alone.
And I've been on Democratic radio stations, and they go, are you a racist?
And I'm going, what is this about?
I don't want these policies.
Rock Howard, do a few more minutes with us.
I want Mike Rivero to pop in and comment on that.
I don't think this is going to work, though.
Shouting people down as racist if they don't want to turn their guns in.
We'll be right back with Rock Howard, chairman of the Travis Libertarian Party.
Mike Rivero, whatwillheppen.com.
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Mike Rivero riding shotgun with us into the next hour.
We're going to open the phones up on the collapse of the establishment.
Both parties propping each other up, trying to divert the population with this Cowboys versus Redskins, Steelers versus the Giants distraction.
And that's all that's happening here.
Rock Howard, you were bringing up this race issue, and you're right.
I go on Air America type stations in L.A., in Dallas, in New York, and I'll be on talking about the cap and trade and how bad it is for industry, and they say, caller after caller says, why do you hate black people?
Why are you a racist?
And I always say, well, I'm not on about that.
I mean, this is like some type of cult or something.
I've never heard it this crazy.
Is the Libertarian Party getting accused of this?
I haven't seen that particular accusation, but we've been lumped in with a lot of other people they want to attack, like conservatives and so forth.
And the presumption just seems to be, they seem to have a talking point right now, that anybody who disagrees with us is a racist.
And that's a pretty difficult thing to overcome, but you know, it's pretty standard political practice.
But I also see it backfiring.
I mean, anybody with half a brain is going to get sick of that, and by overusing the term racist, I think in a lot of ways it's actually legitimizing a lot of real racists, because people are just sick of it.
I mean, I think they're really...
I'm crying wolf on this.
I've got one more question for you in a moment, Rock, and I want to fire up the Libertarian Party Travis County site and the national site as well, but I wanted to go back to Mike Rivera.
We've got the head of the Libertarian Party here in Austin on dealing with this.
Do you have any questions for him, Mike Rivera?
Well, I don't have a question, but I do have a comment, and you're absolutely right.
This thing about screaming racism when any comment or criticism is directed at Obama's policies is going to backfire, mostly because, to use another example, Israel has for decades, anytime you comment or criticize their actions in Palestine or Lebanon, they come back and they say, oh, you just hate the Jewish people, you're anti-Semite, blah blah blah, and they've so burned it out that it's not effective anymore.
And people are recognizing that it was just another way of dodging the argument and trying to demonize critics.
And because of that prior experience, I think the lifespan of using this tactic of screaming racism to critics of Barack Obama's administration, I think the lifespan can be clocked with an egg timer.
I think it's already starting to come apart.
People are seeing past that tactic and say, okay, they don't want to deal with the issues.
What are they hiding?
All right, thank you, Mike.
We're going to go back to you in a moment.
We let Rock Howard go here in just a second.
Rock, overall, summing this up, do you think it's going to backfire on the establishment when they, A, try to say these spontaneous
Showing, you know, the public showing their disapproval?
And B, do you think it's going to backfire when they keep trying to make it a partisan issue?
I mean, as the people get more and more unhappy with this system, isn't the establishment going to have to be forced to admit that no, actually the American people are against this whole big government agenda?
Because the polls show the American people are against all of this.
There's a big step there that's undefined.
Are we actually going to have the people rise up and get change or not?
In my heart of hearts, I want to believe it, but will it actually happen?
I can't predict.
Well, let me ask it this way, Rock Howard, Chairman of the Travis County Libertarian Party.
Are you seeing increased interest in the party?
Are you seeing more activism?
Because I know all I see is exploding approval for my show, once seen as extremely radical.
I know all I'm seeing is massive increases in visits to my websites and people getting my videos and books.
And every other activist I talk to says that it's like we're riding a rocket or something.
I mean, what are you seeing?
Well, we're seeing more interest in people wanting to run for office as libertarians, and that kind of makes sense.
In this particular battle, there are going to be a certain number of people who want to try to make a change using the political mechanism as currently defined.
It's a difficult road to go, but that's the road we're trying to push.
There are a lot of people who are just so fed up with politics.
They don't really want to be involved with any party or with running for office and so forth.
There's just a certain type of mentality where they do want to do that and we are pleased that more and more people do want to get involved in that particular way and we're able to make, you know, we're able to get them on the ballot and able to say what needs to be said.
Well, we've got the Travis County Libertarian Party website up on screen.
It's AustinLiberty.org.
Is that the right site to have?
AustinLiberty.org, AustinLiberty.com, and certainly we encourage people who are interested in our local activities, which are numerous, to sign up for our little email list we send out every Sunday.
Well, Rock, in closing, I want your take on this and we're going to let you go.
I know you're at work.
It's this.
A lot of people have a long view of history.
The establishment does.
That's why they've won.
I believe we should work on the long view of history, getting involved in parties, running for political office, get involved in the medium view of history, kind of what you guys are doing, but also get involved in the on-the-streets activism, just saying no, just shattering the facade that the public believes in what's happening or the public is passive and is going to put up with this because if we don't
Well, we're trying to do a political change without requiring a bloody revolution.
But of course, we've been warned by Jefferson on down that sometimes you have to take things into your hands.
People should be prepared for all eventualities.
Well, you can start with LP.org to get a hold of our national information here in Texas.
There's LPTexas.org.
Those are good places to start.
And if you want to get involved and run for office,
That's mainly what we do, is get people set up to run for office.
Just let us know.
And you guys are winning more and more, but just to be clear, you've talked to the hierarchy locally, the Libertarian Party, it's a big party here in Austin, and no one you know was involved in this or even knew of it, but you kind of wish you guys would have known, because it's not dirty to want to go to an open house at a grocery store with a congressman.
No, no, we urge our people to go to these type of events all the time, but this particular event, the notion that we particularly organize or even discuss this particular event, and to create what Doddard refers to as a mob, I mean, we had no such plan.
That's just his stigma.
He doesn't understand what's going on.
He doesn't understand the power of these ideas that are starting to grip people.
And, you know, maybe this is his first wake-up call.
We'll see.
All right, Rock Howard, you're doing a great job.
The local party, keep it up.
We appreciate you coming on.
Thanks, Alex.
Always a pleasure.
You bet.
Now, folks, I just remembered sitting here that I confronted Lloyd Doggett, and it's viral on the Internet.
I think I've seen it on the web.
Google Alex Jones confronts Lloyd Doggett at HEB.
In North Austin, you're going to get to see Alex Jones with the guns, though.
This is the Alex Jones of, like, 12 years ago.
So, we're going to play that later, but the reason I'm spending so much time on this with the flu pandemic coming down on us and the talk of martial law and FEMA camps openly being built and hiring military for it, we're going to talk about that coming up in a few minutes.
The reason I'm spending so much time on this today is this is the cracks in the facade.
More and more of it breaking.
More and more light coming in.
Everything Mike's been talking about.
Mike, I believe the incredible success of Obama was people's desperation for change.
Now that we know he's a fraud, that looks like it's going to accelerate the explosive anger.
You were an Obama supporter.
You've been waking up.
Can you speak to that transformation?
Well, definitely.
I mean, we came down once again to the lesser of two evils.
I mean, I was a Ron Paul supporter until it was obvious he was not going to be allowed to play.
And when it came down to a choice between McCain and Obama, I sort of marginally said, OK, I think Obama, because he was selling change and selling hope.
And that's really what we needed.
Obviously, since then, he's been an incredible disappointment to everybody.
His poll numbers are plunging.
He's already down in Bush country.
And I think it is accelerating.
And I think when he won the election, because he'd been so oversold, a lot of people were saying that if he wasn't walking on water by the end of that first week, he was going to be in trouble.
And since then, of course, obviously, he's completely failed his promise to end the wars.
He has just basically kept the US going on the same path it's been going before and of course there's tremendous disaffection with Obama and his policies and it's got nothing to do with his skin color but like I said it's just a convenient deflection device and there's still I think
The ultimate reason that this government is on its way out, they're still trying to play the game by the rules and methods that worked back in the 1960s and the 1970s.
This whole swine flu scare is designed to make us forget all about the economy and the wars and everything and run to Big Daddy government saying, please save me from imminent death.
It's just a game to make us psychologically dependent on the government because we have lost that psychological dependence.
We all used to be addicted to the government.
We've broken that addiction.
We've had an intervention thanks to radio shows and blogs like yours and mine.
And the American people are saying, you know, we really don't need this drug called the federal government anymore.
And it's time to, you know, go cold turkey on this situation.
And so the government is trying to find some way to re-addict us to them on the psychological basis.
And none of it's working, and that's why they're in a panic.
We are becoming unaddicted and kicking the habit is just like with heroin or cocaine or alcohol or cigarettes.
It starts making you feel so bad.
It starts screwing your life up so bad.
They kept pushing and squeezing and more more more and stealing and robbing and it got so incredibly obvious and staging terror attacks to make us love them.
You know it just goes on and on and on and now
People are waking up, but I'm concerned because this abusive creature, this pimp, is going to get really aggressive to try to get us back on the plantation.
And I think that when he tries to break our jaw, we've got to stand up to him and say,
I'm not your whore anymore.
I mean, I think it really just comes down to that.
I mean, all these videos of cops framing people for no reason and laughing about it?
We're human beings with... I mean, cops all the time beat people up and then charge you with assaulting them and then on squad car video talk about how they're going to frame you.
I mean, the whole system is beginning to collapse.
It's going to happen.
That's exactly right here.
I mean, the politicians like to talk about, oh, these people are objecting to this or that policy.
No, we're past caring about any of the fine details.
The American people are just tired of the system as a whole.
They see it as obsolete, as a Cold War relic.
It really should have been allowed to fade away at the same time the USSR did.
It is time to move on to something new and better.
Yeah, that's it!
That's it!
The Cold War...
Meat grinder wants to feed on us now.
That's what Northcom is, is turning the military... I mean, it's not enough we give all our money to the military-industrial complex and the banks.
Now that we've got to be their actual slaves, with troops marching and tanks driving around, suddenly all over the country it's on the news, oh, the army's going to be in the town now with tanks driving around.
I mean, it's ridiculous!
Well, look how hard they're trying to reignite war with Russia.
I mean, we were all buddy-buddy with the new Russian republics, and now all of a sudden when they can't sell the war on terror and the war on global warming, now they're trying to create a war with Russia.
This government cannot exist unless it's in the process of killing somebody and making us pay for it.
And that's really what's coming to an end at this point, because the American people are tired of paying for it, they're tired of bleeding for it, they don't understand why it's our job to go around the world killing brown people.
Excellent points, Mike.
Just excellent points.
Let's start getting these video clips, because I want to take some calls and also shotgun through some other news.
In Houston, they're proposing cameras in citizens' homes.
That's Houston Chronicle and local TV.
Just out, England says if parents are going to be allowed to have kids, that all the homes will have a camera that Child Protective Services watches 24 hours a day.
This is mainstream news out of KFYI Television.
It's mainstream news out of other major publications.
In fact, guys, pull up on screen, UK Government Installed Surveillance Cameras in Private Homes, and then, because I didn't print the whole story, reprint it for me, and link through to the mainstream news article they linked to.
The mainstream media is with a straight face reporting that we have to have cameras in our houses now.
That's what this textbook says.
All children will be taken at birth and raised in government facilities.
Most will be sterilized, only a select few will be tested and allowed to have children.
I mean, this is the scientific dictatorship.
The government is in competition with the family, with everything.
These are control freaks.
What is total Pentagon domination?
It's the end of the family.
Everyone with shaved heads, THX1138, Brave New World.
All those movies, all those books, the writers of them admitted it all came from this stuff.
This is real!
You cannot underestimate the power and the darkness and the evil of these people.
Okay, but that's coming up.
Let's go ahead and go to the first clip here.
Here is the Citizen's Saturday, two miles from where I sit, at the Randalls off Brody, sitting there,
And he's trying to leave.
He has just said, I don't care if you're all against it.
I'm going to vote for the health care.
Here it is.
Now they're chasing out in the parking lot.
Keep it going.
Now look, look, look.
That's the majority of the people.
That is the majority of the people.
And my neighbor said it was almost the entire crowd.
I mean, look at this.
Hundreds of people, and they're all against him.
They're sick of his crap.
Now the media says this is a mob, this is fake, this is staged.
It was not staged, it was not fake.
Let's play another clip now.
Let's go ahead and play Castle.
Now whether you believe in the birther thing or not, and Mike doesn't, I'm just looking at it, I agree with him, it looks like it's suspect, but we're just, I'm not against those that are looking at it though.
Here is Congressman Castle.
Now I've talked to the guy that shot this video.
Turns out he's a listener.
He's sending us the raw footage.
He said 85-90% of the crowd were booing and yelling at him on other issues before this.
This is non-partisan.
They're just, nothing they say is believed.
Here it is.
Congressman Castle, I want to know, I have a birth certificate here.
From the United States of America saying I am an American citizen with a seal on it, signed by a doctor, with the hospital administrator's name, my parents, my date of birth, the time, the date.
I want to go back to January 20th and I want to know why are you people ignoring his birth certificate?
We come back, we'll finish in like 30 seconds.
Then he says, I believe Obama's a real citizen.
They all boo him.
Now, regardless of what you think of the birther issue, the people don't buy anything these crooks say.
Mike Rivero, stay with us.
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Hey, a lot of people are talking about Governor Ventura's conspiracy TV show coming out.
It is going to be airing on Truth TV.
I'm going to be interviewed for some of the episodes.
I can't wait to be on TV with Jesse Ventura.
Certainly fighting the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
And we got Mike Rivera with us for 30 minutes into the next hour.
We do have William that shot the footage you're seeing, popping in for a couple minutes in the next segment.
Just another witness.
This is non-partisan.
The people don't believe anything the government says.
Here it is.
The rest of it, where they're booing him.
And then it goes on from there.
The majority of the crowd booing.
Now, Mike, after our guest leaves, we'll talk about the birther issue, because I know you've been critical of it.
We posted your articles up on InfoWars.com, the WhatReallyHappened.com stories.
But regardless, again this is illustrating what you said, people aren't buying anything.
If government said the sky was blue and that water was wet and that cable are elves like cookies, people wouldn't believe it now.
And you're absolutely right and the problem is the government has lied to the people so many times now that if there were a real genuine emergency, the government cannot govern us because we're not going to go along.
We don't dare take the risk of being made fools of again.
And this is a government which is no longer effective.
They've tried, they've ruled us with deception and trickery so long, we don't want to fall for it any longer.
If something really bad really did happen and the government tried to marshal the American people in a given direction, even for their own good, it's not going to work.
Because they've lost the trust of the American people.
And this means even in the best of intentions, this government cannot function any longer.
Well Mike, that's my next question I want your take on.
We opened the phones up.
I want to understand this from the listeners, from their perspective.
Mexico, North Korea, just because people lose faith doesn't mean that the elites get kicked out, just the society collapses.
And the elite look like they know that's going to happen and they're just going to own the police state and be in power in their armored compounds.
But this is different.
Our history is different.
We're armed.
We have this history of freedom.
This is going to be an explosive mix.
Mike, I don't think we're going to end up like Mexico.
I think it's going to end up being an absolute bloodbath.
Well, I tend to lean toward another direction.
I agree we're not going to end up like Mexico or North Korea.
We could see a revolution, hopefully as fast as the one in Romania.
But I really do think, ultimately, that we're going to see the U.S.
government basically collapse the way the U.S.S.R.
did, with very little bloodshed.
I hope so!
Yeah, and I really do hope that that is our final outcome.
But if there is going to be a bloody revolution, I think it'll be over as quickly as the one in Romania was.
Well, you know, the issue is the enemy has seen what they're doing.
They're sociologists.
They're psychologists.
And they're gearing up, it seems, wanting to have a fight.
And, I mean, I don't have some macho strain in me that wants to go out and go up against a bunch of tough guys who are into that.
Because I know what's going to happen to me and them.
I don't know if the tough guys realize this.
Fighting people on the right is not like chasing some bank robbers around or going after some meth heads.
And when they start trying to break up families and send people to camps, I would not want to be the FBI HRT.
I would not want to be the local military.
I mean, history actually shows that a highly armed guerrilla force will just smash them.
Well, I'd like to respond to that.
First of all, if we let the government decide when a violent confrontation is going to take place, we will lose it, because the government is going to basically control the high ground and they're going to control the decision-making.
But in the end, we the American people don't need to march into Washington, D.C.
to defeat the federal government, because along with all of that incredible debt, we've got all this foreign investment here in the United States that stays here only because the government has convinced investors it's safe here.
So all a revolution has to do to win, they don't have to conquer, they just have to survive.
The way Castro did in Cuba.
I just want them to get off our back.
I mean, they've got us cornered, Italians.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ron Paul was on with us last week.
He's on with us for 30 minutes tomorrow.
So's Steve Quayle for two hours on the flu.
Lots of other medical doctors coming on as well tomorrow in the next day of discussion.
Ron Paul's a medical doctor as well.
We're going to call him William.
He put up the Castle video.
That's the Spectre video.
I told the guys to put the Spectre up, but I'm wrong, guys.
Go ahead and put the Castle video back up.
This is Congressman Castle at a town hall meeting in Delaware.
This is a bipartisan crowd, and the issue is Tea Parties, Republicans, Democrats get booed off the stage, Governor Rick Perry, Senator Cornyn.
We're going to play those videos coming up.
To illustrate that this is bipartisan being booed off the stage.
And people are now trying to say this was staged with Castle.
So we've got the radio listener of this show, William, on.
And William, I would challenge you to just put more of the raw video up to show it's other people in the crowd booing on other issues.
Why do you think the establishment is so desperate to make it look like the majority of Americans aren't upset?
Well, that's the game they've been playing for the longest time now, haven't they, Alex?
I mean, they're stuck on the same game plan, and you cannot stop the waking giant.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, the Giant has just now started having its morning cup of coffee.
And just a few minutes ago, politically, a few years ago, in the time frame, he was getting out of bed and shaking his head and getting a cold drink of water.
I mean, I don't think they can reverse this, but in a nutshell, some people are saying this was staged as well.
Where were you?
How many people in the crowd?
What percentage would you say were upset with him?
I would say 95% of the people in that crowd were upset with him before they even got there.
Um, let's remember that this, that town hall took place three days after his vote for cap and trade.
And three quarters of the people in the crowd were, uh, seniors.
I would say at least 60% were seniors.
And, you know, they were there on top of not only the cap and trade, but also this was supposed to be on healthcare.
And there wasn't anybody representing the insurance company.
They had all these talking heads up there from all these different agencies, but no one from the insurance, and it's just... You can hear throughout the video, you can find it on my YouTube channel, William Dawes.
Listen, Mike, I know
I forgot.
We gave you the UPS number.
Sometimes UPS won't let people put numbers down like FedEx.
Just mail me a dub of the tapes, because I want to put it in the Obama film.
I also want to just go ahead and put it out and show people what you told me is true, that it was every issue, because this is key.
It means the government's losing all confidence.
This is happening at every major event, and the establishment's corruption is really showing through here.
So let me pay a hundred bucks or whatever for your cost of dubbing it and sending it.
Alex, I would never take a dime from you.
I would not have it.
I will spend it.
Thank you.
Just send it as fast as you can.
I want to hold you over, but I want to get a comment from Mike Rivera right now.
Mike, you heard him.
They're booing him on no matter what it is.
They hate his guts.
What is happening, Mike?
What is happening is the American people are just sick of the entire system.
It's no longer a question of whether you favor one side of the other or one policy or another.
People are just tired of the whole thing.
It's like buying a computer with a really cruddy operating system.
You get sick and tired of looking at all the little problems you gotta fix and finally say, okay, it's time to throw the whole thing in the trash and switch over to another brand.
It's exactly what's going on here.
The American people are tired of the government as a whole.
We did that with Vista.
Got rid of like 10 computers.
It's worthless.
We actually found some company that sells new boxes with the old operating system.
What's the one before Vista?
I don't know anything about computers.
I've done the exact thing.
They are pieces of crap.
Okay, we'll be right back with Mike Rivero and William, joining us from Delaware.
The whole facade is collapsing!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Very exciting talking to Ventura folks during the break and talking to Jesse about stuff we're going to be doing.
I tell you, life is good when you're fighting the New World Order.
Despite all the death threats and everything else, it's good to be on the side of right here, ladies and gentlemen.
Hartman and Neihart are having a good time in there.
What's the latest joke?
That was a wave, man.
You gotta get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, I'm telling you.
Do what?
The wave you gave just before you went on right there.
Did you like that?
What was the wave?
How was it?
You know, we have some fun up here at the office.
I basically live up here.
Except when I leave the compression chamber to go see my children, and you guys are just constantly in there joking around.
Was that the wave?
Okay, let's get serious.
I got really serious news here.
See folks, I try to stay serious about all the stuff that's happening, but it's too much.
I've got to have some basic humanity.
But then later I watch the show, sometimes when I screw around, it's like, you know, you need to be more serious.
I'm just human though.
We're all human.
None of us are perfect.
Speaking of only human, look at this.
It's up on InfoWars.com if you're a radio listener and can't see this.
This poster being put up by an anonymous person all over Los Angeles.
Uh, is Obama as the Joker?
Well, we've changed it to InfoWars.com and the t-shirts are being manufactured right now.
We're going to be the first to have these t-shirts.
We're going to have them in by Monday or so of next week.
We're having a bunch of different combinations of them made.
You can order them right now.
They're on the shopping cart at InfoWars.com along with this t-shirt.
Don't tread on me and 20 plus other new ones we've made in the last few months.
We've got a great place.
Prince these up right here in America.
And they have very low prices on them and they make them really fast so they're now.
These are being manufactured in the next two days.
They'll be shipped to us Friday or Monday and we'll be shipping these out.
So get your orders in for the Joker shirt.
It's going to have Obama on the front.
And one says InfoWars.com, another version says New World Order.
And then another version is just going to say socialism, like the original, that some masked man has been putting up.
InTheFedInfoWars.com is going to be on the back, and they'll say, what does that have to do with Obama?
And we go, well, that joker just works for the private Fed.
This shirt is going to, you're going to have conversations, people are going to come up to you, even Obama supporters are going to like Batman movies, are going to say, is that an insult or a positive thing?
And you go, it's all about InTheFed.
So InTheFedInfoWars.com on the back,
Stop the criminal on the back of one version, InfoWars.com.
So there you have it, the new Joker t-shirts.
Get them first at InfoWars.com.
You can order them right now.
We'll be shipping these bad boys out to you next week.
The New World Order poster.
They're pulling these down all over Los Angeles.
One of the biggest TV stations in LA.
In fact, bring Dew in here, and then we're going to go back to our guest, Mike Rivera.
WhatReallyHappened.com, bring Dew in here because this big TV station, guy that leases time on it...
Aired the Obama deception.
Houston TV aired it, too.
Come on in here, brother.
Dude, come on in here.
And they aired half of it.
One day, we're going to air the next half, the next, and the owner, not the guy leasing it, the guy leases the station full-time, Bandit, he wants to come on the show.
Since I've already mentioned this, tell folks, what's the station, call letters?
I had it, I could have brought it with me.
I'll go back and get it.
Run in and get it.
But the point is, a lot of people called us about this.
They're pulling these posters down.
They won't let us air the Obama deception on TV.
They are censoring this.
Don't let them stop you.
We've got this image up on InfoWars.
Email it out to people.
Or buy the t-shirt.
Enough said.
InfoWars.com or Koltl.
Free to get the t-shirts.
Going back to Mike Rivero and William.
So William, you shot this Newcastle.
You shot this Newcastle stuff, in closing, you're saying that the people were booing, you're saying that on every issue he brought up they were against him, and you're going to send us that footage.
Hey, even better, why not just upload those other clips showing that it was just everything he said they weren't buying?
They're all there.
They're all up there on the William Dawes of Delaware YouTube channel.
And let me just say, what's happened since this video has come out is Mike Castle and 10 other congressmen have gotten together and looked at this footage and seen the way the people have reacted.
We're good to go.
Oh no, listen, if they sequester themselves like true tyrants and stop talking to the people, you go to his house and protest.
Because these are our representatives, they're selling us out to offshore foreign banks.
It is our right, it is our duty to peaceably let them know our right to assemble and petition for a redress of grievances.
Mike Rivero, this is the last phase, isn't it?
When they start bivouacking and hiding in their armored keeps far away from the people.
Isn't this the last act of a tyrant?
What it is, it's signs of a government that is deathly afraid of its own people.
And you contrast that with the videos that we saw of Saddam Hussein before the invasion, where he was just walking in the streets without armor and protection.
And then you turn around and you see Dick Cheney in his car with the two and a half inch thick Lexan windows.
And yeah, this government is terrified of the people.
They're trying to figure out some way they can keep control.
But they're scared.
They are scared of us right now.
Well, that's a great point you make about Saddam Hussein, the CIA protege.
I'm not saying he's a good guy, but he would go everywhere with people with machine guns dancing around him.
You don't see our little cowardly criminal Geithners and people doing that.
No, you don't.
You absolutely don't.
And it really is an indication that our government has really taken care of itself and they've abandoned the needs of the people.
And they know it.
They know we know it.
And yes, it's a symptom of the coming crash.
Well, William had to go.
He was at work.
I apologize to making him hold and not letting him finish, but that's my trademark.
So, William, we'll have you back up as a guest.
We really appreciate you.
William is not his name.
That's the name of his YouTube channel.
And he's going to send us the raw video.
But I didn't know he had the other booing going on.
And see, people don't get why I'm so excited.
Every congressman and democrat you know, and that we know, we see these videos every day as being booed.
They could be talking about the price of a ham sandwich.
People are booing them.
And unless you're a Ron Paul or a Dennis Kucinich, whether you love them or hate them, they actually stand for what they stand for and will listen to you and do what they say they're going to do.
And so,
We're winning!
I mean, this is really happening!
Mike, I mean, I know I keep... I don't usually get you on for over an hour and just talk about one subject, but isn't this the one overarching big subject?
Yeah, I would agree.
I mean, I'm seeing all the signs that the federal government cannot sustain itself much longer.
And I think the state governments need to start making serious plans, contingency plans, on moving themselves and their economies forward in the event of a collapse of the federal government.
And they need to start looking at issuing their own currencies.
They need to make those plans now.
They can't wait until the collapse is upon them, because then it's going to be panic and it's going to be chaos.
If anybody, any state governor is listening to this, if you're smart, you will very quietly start making your preparations now for the possibility that you may be in a country without a federal government in the very, very near future.
Super analysis, Mike.
I want to blitz through some news and take some calls with you.
Hell, I'll keep you the whole rest of the hour if you can do it, Mike, or do you have to get back to the TV show?
No, I can stay for the top of the hour.
All right, you're awesome, because I've got a host of issues I want to go through.
Let's play now the clip of
Senator Specter and one of his other minions being booed off the stage as well on other issues of health care.
So, he says, let's do this fast, we gotta ram this through, and his own constituents begin booing.
Here's Arlen Specter.
I mean, the turnout today and the interest that's being shown across the country demonstrates how personal and how important health care is to citizens across the country.
Largely, I think people's apprehension about what's pending in Congress at this point is because they're unsure of what's going to wind up happening.
It's a matter of trust and whether or not they're being represented in Congress the right way.
So my question to you is when Congressmen scoff at the notion of reading legislation because they aren't qualified or they aren't competent to understand it, how can we be confident that those Congressmen are competent to re-engineer the entire healthcare system?
I am not a member of Congress.
Have never been.
That's just a fact.
I'm just telling you.
My observation is I have never seen members of Congress work harder on it.
It is unacceptable to me.
That's the Health and Human Services Secretary, Wes Spector.
We do!
Here comes Spector.
Now, what can they do?
They say no one's been allowed to read it.
She goes, oh, that sounds reasonable.
Make them read it.
Because the crowd's going, oh, ah!
And they look scared.
Now, listen to what Spector says.
And everybody goes wild.
We'll do that after the break.
Get Mike's take on it.
But see, this is why I kept saying, we are changing.
9-11 Truth and all this is so big.
As soon as the public saw us, myself going back all these years ago, videotaping my own confrontations, bringing up, once the public learns how to do this, it's over.
It's over!
So no wonder Bush had people hide with wheelchairs in alleys to run out and run wheelchairs into us and scream.
They've attacked my daughter because they were trying to demonize us, but they've been caught now.
So this is so exciting.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
The people are awakening!
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I think a storm's coming.
My practice, when you have a bill, and we have a lot of them and there are a thousand pages,
Mr. Tate and I sat, and we divide up the bills.
We have to make judgements very fast.
And as every bill is read slowly and understood by me before I vote,
Look at them, desperately going.
We want to euthanize you!
We want government to control you!
Hammer and sickle!
Foreign bankers rule us!
Let us rape you more!
Now, they're now saying that was staged.
You know, this giant auditorium, vast majority booing them.
It's all staged.
Now, do you have the Cornyn?
Bing Bood?
First, let's get Mike's take on this.
Mike, I mean, this is actually starting to even freak me out.
I mean, the public is just... I guess once the facade drops, it really drops.
I don't think all their North Com bullying is going to work.
What do you say?
No, it isn't.
You know, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto made an observation about Americans just before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
He said, America is the sleeping giant.
They're very slow to anger.
But once you get them there, watch out.
And I think we're there.
I think we're really there.
I'm listening to these crowds.
I have never heard anything like this in my entire lifetime.
I think this is definitely the start of the final stage of this government.
And again, it's not one policy, it's not one individual.
I know Mr. Magic Bullet is up there, and people are fed up with his lies.
They're just disaffected with the system as a whole.
And they're looking at how badly the government has mismanaged everything.
I mean, they've already run out of money on the cash for clunkers, and they want to take over health care.
And the bottom line is what we wanted for health care was to stop spending money on war and spend that money on Americans.
What Obama's plan is, we're still going to pay 50% of everything we make to support the war machine and pay more for health care.
That's the deal we have right now.
And the money to the bankers, 23.7 trill.
People now found out the Fed paid banks not to loan to us to keep the economy depressed so they could consolidate.
Folks, this is dangerous.
I mean, this is serious.
And the police are delusional and arrogant.
The government is.
And they think they've got us.
And I'm going to tell you, it is going to be one hell of a collision.
Let's go ahead and play this clip of Cornyn.
See, the media is making it only Democrats getting booed because they want to make it look like the party in power.
No, it's everybody getting booed.
This is Cornyn coming to a tea party he basically organized trying to hijack it.
Now, again, this is the Libertarians, Liberals, and Conservatives saying, no, we don't like you, Cornyn.
Same thing happened to Rick Perry.
Here it is.
As the senator was trying to speak, many were calling him a traitor.
Cornyn was the only senator who did not vote on the stimulus plan.
He had previously announced that he will be taking a stand against what he thinks is wasteful spending and unprecedented government growth.
The senator even had a few words about Governor Sarah Palin's recent resignation announcement.
It's a little hard to know what to make of it.
It could be a very shrewd move to allow him to go there for the 2004 election.
Mike Rivero, your take on this?
Do you remember during the aborted attempt at a coup d'etat in Iran, where the corporate media took pictures of a pro-Ahmadinejad rally, and they captioned them as anti-Ahmadinejad, and we caught them on it, and BBC was forced to apologize?
We're seeing the same thing all over again.
They're hearing all this screaming, and they're trying to say,
Okay, what do we want to portray the American people are against, and we'll put that label on there, and they're completely misrepresenting what all of this anger is about.
Yeah, I may have to replay that, because I meant to play a Patriots RAW footage, and then we play a newscast, but it's kind of good we did, because it, unless I missed that, was the media acting like the Tea Party was mad because they wanted the stimulus?
Something, yeah, something like that.
I mean, it's almost a joke.
It's like they're trying to show the crowds, raise our taxes!
Raise our taxes!
Hey, I saw, listen to this.
One time I've been burning UN flags all week long at different events.
It was getting on the news, and a local Democrat shows up, burns an American flag, and they put it on the news with close shots that it was me burning the American flag.
When I was burning a U.N.
I mean, that's how deceptive these guys are.
Stay there, Mike.
I want to get into the other issue of police framing people and take phone calls on a host of issues like the CPS wants cameras in everybody's homes.
You got a baby?
We're going to watch you with a camera.
It's George Orwell on steroids.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
And Rob Booz got the name of that TV station that banned the Obama deception.
We're on the march.
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Okay, real fast.
Rob Boone, we don't want to make a controversy out of this yet, but there's a popular TV show that airs in Los Angeles.
They air different films on the second biggest TV station, broadcast station in the country.
We're talking to the guy that aired The Obamacare.
I even got some feedback.
I was actually in LA when it was on.
Working on some other exciting things, but the point is, is that they have banned it airing the Part 2.
So, We The People TV, they get an hour of time from the station's called KXLA, and Abraham is the head of We The People TV.
Anyway, he called me up, they wanted to air Obama Deceptions.
We sent it to him.
And he couldn't cut it down, he wanted to try to get it into one hour, and he said he couldn't do it.
So they aired Part 1.
And, uh, he said the response was huge.
People were calling him up.
A lot of people were thankful that he put it on.
Some people didn't want to believe it.
And he said, well, just research the information.
You know, he watched and he said it's all spot on.
And, um, and then part two was supposed to air the next week.
And I think that, so it would have been the 19th and the 26th.
It was supposed to air part two and they didn't air it.
And the owner of the station kept calling up Abraham and sending him emails saying, hey, when's,
What's your next program?
What's your next program?
He keeps telling them, it's on your desk.
Part 2 is what we're going to air.
That's our next program.
And they won't do it.
So he's going to go have a meeting with this guy and find out.
Once we find out the skinny, we'll put out a press release about it being censored.
That's why we shot that video yesterday where I'm encouraging everybody to get the free copy, the best YouTube we found, and email it out to everyone because
I counted it up, over 20 million views, free online.
This one we're sending out is at over 3 million, or at 3 million.
Very, very exciting what's happening.
We have got, because this thing shatters the left-right paradigm, exactly what's happening with these crowds right now.
So great job, Rob Dew.
Thank you.
Rob is doing work on the film, camera work, and producing, doing a fabulous job.
And Hooge, aka Paul Hartman, and Mr. Neihart, Jaron's doing a great job.
I just want to thank the crew.
Going back now, because I want to put some bookends on this, with the whole left-right paradigm shattering, crowds going after people everywhere.
We just played you Cornyn.
Lastly, here's Alex Jones 12 years ago.
Or this would be 1997 or 98.
Recently resurfaced on the web.
They actually found a low-hit version.
I've seen one with about 100,000 views out there.
But go ahead and roll it.
Here I am confronting Lloyd Doggett at another grocery store.
I've been pushing through piecemeal ever since William Jefferson Clinton and the Continents got in.
And the main question that I have to you is about the national ID card and the thumb scanners that are being put in in the state police departments to get driver's license across the state.
Your state, Texas, since 94 has been thumb scanning all to get a driver's license and now in the 1997
Well, you've asked me about a series of things.
One of them is thumbprinting by state police departments.
And my suggestion is that you take it up with George Bush.
To the extent that there are decisions made by the Texas Department of Public Safety,
It's a federal program.
It was mandated by President Clinton.
And then it won't get its highway money.
I welcome your forwarding your concern.
That's extortion, sir.
That's extortion.
If you came out to do a radio program, you want to ask questions, but if you want to have a show, you're... I'm going to ask these questions.
Do you have any other questions?
Do you have any other questions that you'd like to ask?
Yes, I have a question to ask you.
My question is about the militarization of the police and secret military programs.
It was on September 23rd, Glare News Hour.
It's been in all the major papers.
What's going on with the Delta Force and local police departments here in Central Texas?
What specifically about?
Al A. Philippus on May 5th kicked out the Delta Force from Bexar County in San Antonio for attempting to bribe him.
I'm not familiar with it.
I have it on video.
Well, I'd be glad to get it and then I'll be glad to comment on it.
I have another question for you, sir.
And I'm asking these questions quickly.
Others are talking.
Sure, you are.
Patty, I don't appreciate it.
Well, I don't appreciate your attitude, sir.
You had the first time.
You're welcome to come out and ask your questions.
But all these other people have rights, too.
I don't appreciate you abusing American citizens.
Thank you very much.
You're abusing American... Don't you hit me.
He only tried to hit me.
Don't you abuse American citizens.
You're a CFR trash.
You're selling this country out.
We're going to stand against you.
You remember that, buddy.
We stand against you for the Constitution of the United States of America.
Yeah, you got it.
No, we're out here.
Let's go.
He tried to... You are worm.
According to their wishes.
Anyways, show me marching out.
That was the fun part.
This is actually from some local TV show I did.
There's another version, unedited, where you see you're actually pushing me from somebody else's camera and being escorted out.
Yeah, it's coming up here in just a moment.
Anyways, the point is, hey, 1997, 98, I think it was 97, we've come a long way from this
To now giant crowds chanting him down.
You see, in the beginning, keep rolling it, the Patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him.
Because then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.
Yeah, let's get the end.
The end's good.
You have a nice day too, bootlicker!
Rewind it!
Mike Rivero, you're great sitting through all this, but it makes the show more informative.
Back it up.
Man, Mike Hanson has got hundreds of hours of all of this, and I know ours is just rotting in some storage thing for 10 years in 100 degree heat.
I know my tapes are ruined.
Why do I even have storage sheds full of these things?
There's just hour after hour after hour after hour, and most of the gold hasn't been put on the web.
Smiley face slave, the conflagration is coming!
And Mike, it is coming now!
Look at us 12 years later, what's happening to Lord Doggett now?
Well listen, I gotta tell you one thing.
First comment I have for you Alex, you gotta stop sugarcoating this stuff and start telling these people how you really feel about it.
Oh man.
But I mean, look at the change from 12 years ago.
Mike, you were doing this 12 years ago, 15 years ago.
I was doing this 15 years ago, and yes, it is an amazing change here, and just looking back over this, I'm not ready to get into that nostalgia phase yet, because we've still got a long way to go here, and this is the crisis point, but yes, looking back, it is such a shock of what it was like in those early days when there were just a few of us out there.
We were getting death threats and attacks and hackers and now the government was wrecking my career in Hollywood and just all that stuff and now it's reversed around now where the American people know we've been telling them the truth all along.
The government has been lying.
They're upset.
They're angry.
They're not going to put this genie back in the bottle and I think, really, I think it's an even money bet whether the federal government will even be here by the end of the year.
Well, we can do whatever we want if we just believe in it and take action and have the truth on our side.
I do want to go to some phone calls here, but before you leave us, Mike, I want to get into just all the other incredible news.
UK government to install surveillance cameras in private homes.
The Times of London.
The Telegraph and others are reporting this like it's no big deal.
And they're saying, oh, parents whose kids get in any type of trouble at school, or toddlers that have, you know, if you're poor, you're at risk.
We actually covered this in Endgame, where they say kids are put on probation at two because of, quote, bad gene pools, that you will now have cameras in the home.
But let's just do this now, then we'll go to calls and cover the other news.
government to install surveillance cameras in private homes.
The U.K.
government is about to spend $700 million to install surveillance cameras inside private homes of citizens to ensure that children go to bed on time, attend school, and eat proper meals.
This is a boil-down from Paul Joseph Watson at PrisonPlanet.com, but he has the links to the mainstream news story.
In fact, guys, go to the original online and click on his links.
I want folks to see the mainline stories on this, because they'll be in denial.
Now the government is embarking on a scheme called Family Intervention Projects, which will literally create a nanny state on steroids, with social services goons and private security guards given an authority to make regular home checks to ensure parents are raising their children correctly.
Telescreens will be installed.
They already have these all over the streets.
I've been yelled at them.
In England, as a face yelling orders at you.
So it's two-way cameras.
So government spies keep an eye on the parents, are mistreating kids, and whether the kids are fulfilling their obligations under pre-signed contracts with the schools.
In the beta test, 2,000 families have been targeted for the program so far, and the government wants to snare 20,000 more in the next two years.
And the taxpayer will pay for it.
Now, same thing in the U.S.
You get in trouble now for petty things, and they say, well, take a bracelet and take a camera in your house.
And then soon, it's just everybody has to do it.
Mike Rivero, yesterday I played a news clip out of San Antonio where the federal government is saying they may ship federal employees.
So see, they always abuse their enforcers first, so then the enforcers will say, okay, then it's reasonable for me to make citizens do it if I'm being abused.
Mike Rivero.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, the mentality is, well, if I went along with it, you should as well.
But the question is not whether or not you've got a chip, it's whether you're going to be targeted using it.
I mean, if everybody has a TV camera in their home, that's one thing.
The question is, who specifically is being watched and targeted?
There may be cameras in the homes of congressmen and federal employees, but nobody's going to be watching them because they're the quote-unquote good guys.
The thing is, when a system goes in like this, it doesn't abuse everybody, it just abuses the targeted few that the government feels are a real threat.
Well, but I mean, everybody's read 1984, or at least knows what Big Brother is.
Cameras in school bathrooms now, cameras in our homes.
I'm sure you've seen the video of the police in Florida framing the poor lady because they run into her.
It's funny framing somebody, ruining their life.
These guys have no conscience.
No, they absolutely do not and there's no question.
This is a police state and it's 1984 all over again.
And again, it is a symptom of incredible fear and paranoia on the part of the government.
And the more they do stuff like this, the more the TV cameras go up, the more the intrusiveness and the reading of the emails, the more angry the American people are going to get because they recognize it for what it is.
The American people are smelling blood in the water.
They understand the government must be very weak to be taking these kind of draconian measures to protect itself.
Well, also there's a PSYOP going on.
I thought federal statistics were that crime had dropped 25%.
And I was right!
I hadn't looked at federal crime statistics for murder since 2000 when I was working on a film, and it was a 25% drop from 1982, the previous crime, manslaughter or murder statistic, and overall crime plunge, from 82 at the peak of the drug war and all that.
All the way down until the last time I looked in 2000, it was a 25%.
It's 39% drop now in homicides.
I was looking at these federal statistics last night.
39% drop, but Americans believe there are more homicides because the government and the media are lying.
Yeah, they're trying to keep up the level of fear.
Government needs there to be crime in the streets in order to get us psychologically dependent on the police force.
But the police don't actually stop crime.
They're never present to prevent crime.
They always show up after the fact, stand around in their nice impressive uniforms and promise justice, which is a fancy name for revenge.
But you know they all say, when seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.
More crimes are thwarted by citizens carrying their own firearms than by the police, and that is an absolute fact of life in America.
And so as we start thinking about a world without a gigantic dictatorial federal government, we have to realize we can take care of ourselves a lot better than the federal government can take care of us.
And exactly, and I want to be clear.
We have a great history of good police and military in this country and there's a lot of great cops.
I see changing tires and helping at car wrecks and you know, helping when somebody goes crazy and kills their wife.
And I've run into a lot of Austin cops that are great people.
And I even like the Austin police chief, even though he does a lot of unconstitutional stuff, he really believes what he's doing.
You know, the issue here is though, there are videos surfacing every day of cops framing people.
And the cops are so ignorant and so
Calm with, and that's how normal criminals get caught, is they commit the crime so many times they get lackadaisical, they get overconfident.
And their own squad car videos are busting them most of the time, where citizens now, more and more, or neighbors are videotaping with a camera, you know, in the bushes or on their front porch, and pick up the cops framing people.
And I don't even play these videos here.
Nine times out of ten because it's depressing.
I'm not on some jihad or some crusade out to get the police.
I grew up watching the police where I live deal drugs in Rockwall, Texas.
The sheriff, while I was in high school, went to prison for dealing drugs.
I knew.
I was at a few parties and I wasn't in the drug crowd.
Where drugs were delivered by police and sheriff's deputies.
You know, because the older brother would be there with his girlfriend, and, oh look, I got some ecstasy or marijuana from the, you know, from the cop.
And you'd be an off-duty cop.
And so then I'd see the same cop involved in drug raids at the school, and I went, something's wrong here, and
You know, they've had cases in New York City where they fired 70 plus percent of their detectives over drug dealing.
Now they don't fire them.
Remember the Luke Rodowski footage, I don't know if you've seen this, it's in Truth Rising, Mike, where they march up, the police do, and say, we're going to say your backpack's a bomb and arrest you if you don't stop protesting.
And they grab his camera and say, this is a gun.
The police have reached a new level of corrupt when on camera they will frame you.
I mean, they all... When you watch these cops framing this lady in Florida, it's funny!
She's done nothing and they're framing her and they're laughing.
I mean, that is scary, Mike.
Well, what it seems like to me is because of all the veterans that are being hired into the police force, it's not too surprising that the police are starting to treat American citizens the way our army's been treating the Iraqi people.
And it's understandable.
I don't have to like it, and I certainly don't.
But that's exactly what's going on.
They're going crazy with those taser guns because they've been assured they're non-lethal.
They're tasering pregnant women and grandmothers and dogs.
And it's just this big old joke of, you know, pull the trigger and watch the people scream and dance around.
You know, isn't that a fun way to spend Friday night?
Yeah, it's a crazy arrogance because listen to these police videos.
They are getting off on it.
It's like they're crazy frat guys that have been given a lot of adrenaline and power and they're going wild.
Meanwhile, the citizens aren't.
The citizens are really starting like the Hulk.
I mean, really start getting mad.
Well, that's what we're seeing in all these political rallies, where people are screaming at the government, because that's the visible face of the government.
People are very unhappy with life in the United States.
The government claimed to be controlling everything.
The government is going to take the blame.
The Democrats are catching most of it, because we, the people, handed them Congress and the White House, expecting change, and we just got more of the same.
So, like it or not, the Democrats are in control.
They're going to catch the blame for this.
The Republicans are catching it, too.
Americans are realizing it isn't one party or the other.
It's the system as a whole has gone completely out of control.
It's become fascist.
It has.
Foreign corporate interests use the federal government as a giant nozzle to scoop up and suck up all our money and treasure and most importantly our freedoms.
WhatReallyHappened.com is the website of our guest Mike Rivero.
He's a talk show host right here on Genesis in the evenings.
He also, of course, is in the film Fabled Enemies by Jason Bermas.
Excellent film folks should get at InfoWars.com.
We're going to come back and for two short segments, because I've got to let Mike go at five after Tarpley's coming up,
And we don't want to abuse his time.
We're going to take your call straight ahead on the other side.
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Webster Tarpley's coming up to get into eugenics with us.
Read the White House battle plan on how to take all your children at birth, how to sterilize them.
By the way, Express, Daily Express, it says 20,000 parents will have 24-hour CCTV cameras watching every move they make, that they eat proper meals, go to bed on time, the children will be taken basically the first time they make a mistake by armed security guards.
Everything is to be a prison.
And the United States is going to be the same way.
And when they're done, all of your children will be taken and raised in dormitories and turned against you by the state.
They mean business.
They're so bold.
Mike Rivero, what is wrong with the Brits?
I mean, they're already proposing this in Houston, too.
I mean, does their government think they'll put up with anything?
Well, I think all governments assume that their people will put up with everything until they cross that line and there's a backlash.
I mean, if you look at the history of most nations that have had serious political upheavals, it all starts with the government just taking that one step too far across the line.
It's like it says right in the Declaration of Independence, people are disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable.
But when you get over that line, I mean, that's the mistake that Charles I made, it's the mistake Ceausescu made, Louis XVI, Mussolini.
Sooner or later, every tyrant crosses that line where the people just say, okay, this is really more than we can stand, and there's going to be a huge backlash.
I think we're very close to it here in the United States.
I don't know what's wrong with the British putting up with this kind of constant surveillance, and who knows?
Maybe there's drugs in the water over there.
But all I can tell to our British listeners is, remember, I've been to that Tower of London.
That big wood block still is there and ready to be used when you finally reach that breaking point.
Well, there's no doubt that it's brainwashing.
Todd in Texas and John Aaron, Derek Ralph.
Todd, thanks for holding her on the air with Mike Rivero.
Go ahead.
Hi, good afternoon.
This will be a good segue from Mike into a Webster Tarpley.
I want to discuss just a public confrontation.
We had a visit from the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
He's also the Assistant Director of International Affairs on Climate Change.
His name is Landon Van Dyke, and he came to visit A&M here in Corpus.
And I got a chance to ask him about John Holdren.
And he said, oh yeah, John, you know, great guy.
And I read him a quote about forced abortions and things like that in Ecoscience.
And I read the quote, and it was quite a dramatic moment, and I ended it by saying, and if you do not believe me, you know, this Echo Science book is located here on this campus in the library for you to check out for yourself.
And he basically danced around it and said that, you know, there are certain people who are in government, he admitted, that have certain programs, and we have to make sure that they don't get in power to realize those programs.
And I said, but one thing, the problem here is that they're already in power.
Wow, do you have video of that?
I'd love to put a clip of that in the film.
Okay, yes, one of our local group members of our... Listen, anything on eugenics.
The film's done in the next month.
I need footage like that.
Our PO Box is on the site.
Just send the tape and a letter that I can use it and it'll be in the film.
God bless you, sir.
Great points.
Glad you called, Todd.
Yeah, I haven't asked you about this.
What do you think of eco-science and them wanting to terraform the planet and take everybody's children at birth and sterilize the population and drug the water?
I have to tell you, Mike, I've read most of the book now.
A lot of this has already been implemented covertly.
Well, it's a continuation of the eugenics movement from the 1930s here in the United States.
And, you know, people justly criticize Adolf Hitler for a lot of the race hygiene policies he pursued in Nazi Germany.
But they don't remember that he got most of his inspiration from work that was being done here in the United States.
And there were forced abortions, there was forced sterilization of so-called undesirable genes.
with undesirable simply being criminal activity or prostitution or anything like this and again it is a group of people or an individual who decides that they have the right to control other people's lives and reproductive behavior.
It's another excuse for tyranny and dictatorship.
Alright, I'm going to try to give each caller a minute or so when we get back.
John, Aaron, Derek, and Ralph, your quick comments or questions for Mike Rivera.
Our guest, Webster Tarpley, waiting in the wings straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
I want to thank Mike for joining us.
Always does a great job here on air.
Let's talk to John in Louisiana.
You're on the air with Mike Romero.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
No matter where these people hide, they can have home meetings everywhere, but they will be shut down.
When they were at reserve, they got shut down.
When they had a press conference, we protested in front of it.
These people will fall.
Yeah, we're seeing videos and calls from everywhere that everywhere government goes now they're being shouted down and confronted and people are uploading the video to YouTube so it becomes real in cyberspace and other people realize everybody else is angry like them.
Mike, isn't that the final illusion to fall?
We all don't believe in the government and the corrupt system, but we feel like we're alone.
That final illusion that we're the minority is now dropping.
Yeah, absolutely you are correct.
I mean, the government has held on to power by trying, by selling this lie that anybody who doesn't believe in the government is mentally ill, they're a loner, they're a loser, they smell bad in closed rooms, that you should stay away from them.
And now, as we're seeing from these videos, distrust of the government, resentment of the government, hate of the government is now the majority opinion in the United States of America.
We'll take the DHS report saying protesting the Fed is terror.
That was an attempt at a chilling effect to scare us to shut up.
They can't get all of us!
Well, it didn't work because it just angered people even more.
Like I said, the fastest way to end a dictatorship is to get them to act like one where everybody can see it, and that's what's happening right now.
Great job, John.
Keep it up in Louisiana.
Aaron in California, you're on the air right now.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's good to talk to you.
To continue the eugenics talk here, I want to bring up the transhumanist movement and how that ties directly... Yeah, Julian Huxley, the head of UNESCO, started that in the 50s saying eugenics had been exposed, they had to change the name to transhumanism and bioethics.
Exactly, and I actually made a film on this called The Age of Transitions, which is a Google video now, if people want to watch it.
Yeah, yeah.
I think I may have seen that.
Was that out a few months ago?
That's been out for quite a few months now.
I made it in 2008, it's not 2009.
And I continue to cover this issue and more material too, specifically about transhumanism.
Well, you know what I'm so proud of?
I'm going to put you on hold and later go back to you if you want to hold for Tarpoli.
But Mike, it's that listeners, and I'm not bragging, this is what's actually scary exciting.
Every time, it seems, some famous video comes out, or somebody confronts a politician, or some big activist news comes out, we later find out, probably 90% of the time, it's our audience.
My audience of millions isn't just millions, they're all activists.
So is your audience.
I mean, that has really got to scare the system.
Yes, absolutely.
And people everywhere, they're not willing to stay silent anymore, they're not willing to go along anymore.
They're realizing that we've come down to the wire.
We're either going to do something about the future of our nation, or it's going to be dictated to us.
People are very angry, they understand.
I think, in a way, this last election was kind of the final straw, because we all went,
We worked through the system, we voted for the candidate, and we still got screwed.
And I think that's the reason Americans are saying, okay, the system really is broken.
We cannot affect change going through the rules they say that we should follow.
And a couple weeks after Obama was elected, Biden with a bunch of bigwig Democrats on the West Coast in Oregon says, look, everybody's going to hate us six months into office.
We've got to ram everything through.
We need you bigwigs to stay with us.
Don't worry, you'll get all your campaign goodies.
So they cold-bloodedly know all Obama was was a stumbling block to block people while the elite stole some more goods.
That's absolutely true.
You're absolutely correct about that.
Man, I tell you, it's crazy.
Mike Rivero, always wonderful having you on with us.
We'll see you again next month.
I have a sneaking suspicion we'll have you on before that.
Take care and keep up the great work.
All right.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Look forward to talking to you again.
God bless you.
There goes Mike Rivero in Hawaii.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got 52 minutes left in this transmission.
Tomorrow, Steve Quayle and Ron Paul.
Ron Paul joining us last week and again this week.
So, big, big transmission lined up tomorrow, very informative.
Because it's clear as government collapses, as confidence collapses and the offshore bank's robbing us,
As people figure out both parties are controlled by offshore interest, the kleptocracy, the offshore plutocrats, the polycentric bankers, as Webster Tarpley calls them, the elite are going to try to stage some crises.
Flu, outbreak hysteria, martial law announcements, it's not going to work.
But we're covering that tomorrow.
Webster also has some breaking news on what's happening in Saudi Arabia.
And, you know, have you ever seen the movie Starship Troopers?
Webster Tarpley is kind of like our brain bug.
Just teasing Tarpley.
No, I mean, he's just such a smart guy.
He has so many great answers to so many things.
We're going to be talking to Webster here in just one moment, but I want to go to Ted Anderson first for about two minutes, quickly, because gold is up another
Eight plus dollars today.
Eight dollars and change.
Ted is at the very end.
And when this is gone, it's gone.
But he happened to buy when it dipped of gold at the $9.10, $9.11 level.
He bought silver when it was over a dollar under what it is now.
And he's passing those savings on to you.
The brokers are there right now.
Get out of gold.
I mean, get out of the dollar.
Get out of all these things.
Get into gold.
Get into silver, ladies and gentlemen.
The Chinese are starting to get out of the treasury notes.
I believe in getting into gold and into silver and getting out of these other paper currencies.
That is what I believe in and you cannot beat these deals that we're looking at.
And Ted, how important is it that we see the Chinese last week and this week not buying U.S.
Treasuries when they were dumped on the market?
Well, Alex, we all know that the long-term trend here is that the Chinese and not everybody else in the world is going to get away from the U.S.
Treasuries because the United States dollar is no longer going to be traded as the world reserve currency.
And since that's happening, and since every nation in the world has pretty much looked at doing something different, the U.S.
Treasuries are going to get sold and the value of the dollar is going to go down.
That means that all this money that they're sitting on is coming back home here and competing with the money that we've earned.
And, again, another assault on the value of the U.S.
That's all that it is.
And you're right, gold is up eight bucks today.
I'm still holding the prices at the same level when gold was at $9.11, which that puts the British Sovereign at $2.66.
It puts the Frank at $2.16.
And for those of you who listened to the show yesterday or even last week, you know that that's the price that it was back down there at that $9.13 level.
I don't know how I can make it easier for you to buy gold.
Same thing with the silver.
Now, the Lakotas have gone up a bit, and they're at $19.74, but I'm still sitting here with these Walking Liberties at $8.69.
That is exactly the same price when silver was down there at that $11.58 or whatever it was back when it hit that bottom.
I just can't remember exactly where.
So, obviously, with silver now on the $14 level, close to $15 an ounce, $14.79 for a high today, that's a wonderful buy, and I can't
I can't urge you enough to take a look at gold and silver.
The long-term trend is that the dollar is going to be losing value and commodities of real value like gold and silver will go up.
Ted, again, I'm about to go to Webster Tarpley, kind of our omnibudsman of research, but again, this really is a smoking awesome deal.
If I had money right now, I would be buying gold.
I am going to buy some silver of those walking liberties.
How long until you run out of those?
Well, you know, I'm looking at a supply of about 50 bags, which is $1,000 face value per bag, which comes to 100,000 coins.
It really depends on how many people are buying them.
The supply is depleting.
If it gets to be anything like it was back when silver hit $20 an ounce, I won't even have them to sell to you at any price.
That's what happened just a couple years ago.
So obviously, right now is a good time to be getting in.
Well, not a couple years ago.
That was last year.
You couldn't get gold or silver.
A lot of people are still really low and they rip people off.
You've got great deals.
Here's the toll-free number.
I believe in gold and silver.
I believe that we need to move away from the dollar, away from paper, away from derivatives.
It is so important.
The elite are pumping their tens of trillions they've stolen from us with the bailout back into the market.
That is institutional buyers.
That's big money buyers.
This is a sucker's rally.
The real economy is imploding.
You need to get into gold and silver.
The brokers are there right now.
You cannot beat this deal anywhere.
Thank you, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Ted Anderson is the brain bug of the gold bug industry.
Now, let me just, before we get into Saudi Arabia and then eugenics, because that's the main reason I have Webster here in a limited time.
I want to ask Webster separately.
We're hearing a lot of propaganda about the economy.
You're an economist, author, historian, who's really proven that you're a great political and economic mind out there.
I really respect you, and I don't say that for many guests.
Folks know I'm really singling somebody out that I really have come to admire even more than I did a few years ago with his foresight and research.
But they're saying green shoots, everything's wonderful, the economy's great.
Meanwhile, jobless soaring, home sales plunging, every major indicator falling apart, even their cooked books.
The Chinese and others aren't buying U.S.
They're slowing down their purchase.
The globalists are monetizing debt.
Is this another sucker's rally like two years ago telling us everything's wonderful?
And are they so panicked they're moving into saying everything's fine now because they've over-fearmongered and they believe they've lost control?
Or is everything really peachy king?
Or are we getting a window into the truth with the Wall Street Journal and CNBC reporting Geithner screaming, cussing, fights, panicking behind the scenes as he bull whips
The Fed Chairman and others into following his policies.
What is really going on Webster Tarpley?
Well, it fits right into what Ted Anderson was saying.
The main danger now is hyperinflation, and we may be in the early phases of hyperinflation.
I'm not quite prepared to say that this is it, but the straws in the wind are multiplying.
Now, hyperinflation would mean that you get up to the Dow 15,000 and 20,000, and indeed Dow 35,000.
Why not?
Except those dollars are going to be
Converging on worthless.
And if you look at the hyperinflation picture, the basic underlying dynamic is you've got this huge dollar overhang.
Four to five trillion dollars are out there as euro dollars, Chinese owned dollars, or treasury securities.
This is basically the same thing.
Same for Japan, Russia, European Union, Saudi Arabia that I'll get to in a minute.
All of these countries have huge amounts of dollars.
The situation is extremely unstable.
Any kind of military event, a military defeat for the U.S., something shocking, unpredicted.
It used to be back in the day that the President had a health problem.
That could also have a tremendous effect on these markets and could again today if it turns out that Obama... Why is Obama's plunging approval rating making the stock market go up?
No, I think this is separate.
What Obama has done, or presided over, is the $24 trillion being pumped in.
Now that's a credit line.
It doesn't mean it's all out there, but it's all in danger of coming out.
So $24 trillion for Wall Street.
Maybe $300 billion for the average person for infrastructure.
So now we've got the bankers defeating the people under Obama by 80, 8-0 to 1.
But at the same time, real production is collapsing.
You look at U.S.
industrial production, it continues to fall.
World trade is down 40% from where it was around the middle of last year.
So this means now that you've got fewer and fewer goods, fewer and fewer commodities, being chased by this huge tidal wave of money.
Now that's gone into the stock market.
Look, the stock market has gone way up.
The S&P went over 1,000 yesterday.
The NASDAQ is over 2,000.
But at the same time, the hyperinflation indicators look bad, right?
The dollar is now 144 against the euro.
The dollar has had some really bad days on the euro.
As Ted was saying, treasuries had a very bad day yesterday.
So it means the prices are falling on these treasuries, meaning the interest rates are going up.
You got oil at 71, gold up 8 as he says.
Commodities generally beginning to tick up.
This could very well be the early phase of a hyperinflationary bubble.
Okay, well why are they fighting?
Because Geithner reportedly screaming at them, cussing, saying you've got to get behind me and the President's policies and then they're saying look out for inflation.
So is that what the internal fight is over or what's your intel on that Webster?
I don't think this is a huge
Matter, but the Federal Reserve has actually come under heavy attack for the strong-arming of Bank of America on the absorption of Merrill Lynch and a few other issues.
So, there's a lot of bad blood against the Fed in Congress on these sort of secondary issues.
Of course, that can then be parlayed into the nationalization of the Fed, which is what I would recommend.
So, you've also got to remember that Geithner is an unstable little thug, right?
He's a foul-mouthed character, right?
He's from the bottom of the world school.
You know, seem to shake up a bit.
Bernanke, the former boss of Geithner.
So, this looks like all is not well in Camelot as this air of invincibility, this Mount Olympus god-likeness of these bankers evaporates.
I think they're feeling the heat with the End the Fed movement or the Audit the Fed movement.
Well, I think they've also got very severe international problems.
In other words, Geithner had to spend the first part of the week kowtowing to the Chinese, who are his bosses.
So he had to lick the boots of the visiting delegation from Beijing and assure them that he was responsible after all.
But let's get to Saudi Arabia, because it may be Saudi Arabia that's getting him to do this.
Alright, well let's cover that in the next short segment.
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You know, I've never given Tarpley his true title.
Dr. Tarpley, Ph.D.
in History.
We just had him on in a few weeks for a whole hour, two hours, just on Venetian history.
How it came out of the Eastern Roman Empire.
From the splitting of the empire, the Eastern Empire, because from my primitive understanding of it, so much of the New World Order management system comes out of that Venetian school.
And I was asking Dr. Tarpley during the break, he said that was true in a general sense.
So we'll have him on about that, because knowing history, if you don't know history, it's like you were born yesterday.
I was told Howard Zinn said that.
Okay, Webster, quickly in the short segment, because you're here about eugenics today.
Okay, so that's the main reason you've gotten this book.
You've researched it.
But you've got big breaking news in Saudi Arabia.
Tell us about it.
Why would Geithner freak out?
Now, here's the story.
Yesterday, there were straws in the wind.
There were reports from somewhat obscure publications in Pakistan.
And in Iran, that was actually press TV, so that was the Iranian government, and then an Arab website which has British connections, and they're saying that Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, people remember him, that's Bandar Bush, he was the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States for about 10 years, he had since gone back to Saudi Arabia and become the head of the National Security Council, that he is allegedly under house arrest
For having a coup d'etat.
For somehow attempting to interfere in the succession.
Bandar is the son of the Crown Prince.
In other words, the person who should succeed to the throne of Saudi Arabia when the current king is no longer there would be Bandar's father.
So that would put him in an important position.
On the surface, and this is what I originally thought, you'd say, well, Bandar Bush, right?
That's a CIA MI6 asset, so it looks like there was an attempted coup d'etat by the US and the British in Saudi Arabia, right?
You could expect something like that once they were trying to overthrow the government of Iran.
But there's a whole other dimension to this, which has been brought to my attention by a very good friend, which is that Bandar may have gone pro-Russian.
That Bandar had been signing deals, meeting with Putin, setting up military cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Russia.
That he was, they had a joint treaty to suppress drug trafficking.
And if you look at the website of the Jamestown Foundation, they speculate that there's some move afoot.
Featuring Bandar to essentially reverse the alliances that Saudi Arabia has had since, well, since Roosevelt went through there right after Yalta, right back in 1945, to break out of the Anglo-American sphere and go with the Russians.
Now, it would make a lot of sense.
The Saudi Arabian royal family are people who want to survive.
They know that their situation is bad.
They can see what Obama means for them.
Obama means color revolution.
The question of when are you going to get the color revolution and the coup and the velvet revolution inside Saudi Arabia is really only a question of time, especially with Iran.
I was unaware of this, so give me a headline so I can pull it up and talk to me like I'm five years old here.
I have sent some of that stuff to Aaron's email there, so maybe you take a look at that.
It was one of the first persons that I sent it to.
Okay, well what's the headline on it, and then we'll pull it up that way.
Just do, Bandar, Saudi coup fails.
Bondar, Saudi coup fails.
What does this mean?
I mean, in simple terms, to have the West trying to overthrow the supposed ally of the Kingdom of Sad.
It makes a lot of sense.
If you're looking at the U.S.
and the British, the average observer of the caliber of somebody like Bondar would say, well, these people have been my friends, but they're doomed.
They're going down.
Under Obama, we're going to have hyperinflation.
These dollars are going to be worth nothing.
And they may say, the only way for the Saudi royal family, who are not a very pretty bunch of people, of course.
This is
I can give you a better deal on the Middle East, and above all, I'm not going to overthrow you the way the U.S.
and the British generally try to do.
My gosh, if you're saying there's a major realignment with Saudi Arabia going with Russia... It's possible.
That completely reshuffles the deck on a geopolitical scale that changes the entire makeup of the geopolitical web.
That may be the beginning of the end of the Anglo-American Empire, and just from the point of view of oil, from oil and then the dollars.
Would the Saudis do that?
They were made, they were forged in Mordor, you know, there by the British.
Well, you know, they go back to the British, so they said, well, the British come through, the Americans come through, and now maybe it's time for them to leave.
So, I'm not 100% sure, but this is something to really watch, because it's huge.
Okay, eugenics straight ahead with Webster, Griffin, Tarpley.
We carry, by the way, all three of his books, including his economic book, at InfoWars.com.
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Webster Tarpley is the Liberty Freedom Movement's Leonardo da Vinci.
And we are always glad to have him.
Okay, Webster, the time I got left with you, and it's clear we'll have to do a part two coming up soon on this.
This eco-science population resources environment.
I've now scanned through most of the 1,100 pages.
You went to the library.
You got a hard copy as well.
For the first two weeks I was researching and I was reading an online PDF.
There's even more in the actual book.
Forced sterilization of the population.
CPS taking all children at birth by the end of it.
Raising them in dormitories.
Kind of the eugenics view they implemented in China under treaties under
Uh, State Department memorandum 200, forced drugging of the population in the water, sterilizing the majority of the population, deciding who can breed.
Total control through an environmental, eugenical tyranny.
Now, I've read State Department memorandums in the Population Commission from the British, and I've read the 1996 United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment.
Everything in this book is in all those documents in pieces.
Club of Rome documents, you know, Endgame covers a lot of that.
But this is a compendium or a Rosetta Stone of evil.
You've had a chance to go over it now since last week.
I dispatched a crew there to interview you again to integrate that into the new Obama film.
You, of course, are the centerpiece of the Obama deception, one of the main voices.
You are also, out of the 18 people we've interviewed, one of the main players or quarterback.
We can say I'm quarterbacking, but you're kind of a... Well, what's another important person you give the ball to here?
The wingbacks.
I'm sure, or a running back or something.
The point is, you're doing a great job in the Obama deception.
But break this down, because were you as shocked by this blasphemous document as I was?
And what's your view?
Because to me, they've implemented much of what's in this book written by the White House science czar.
How much time do we have on this, Alex?
We have T-minus 25 minutes.
Okay, wonderful.
Well, first of all, I wasn't shocked.
I had met some of these people at the United Nations Food Conference in Rome in November of 1974, so that means 35 years ago.
This year, and for actually just arguing with these people and putting out a few leaflets, I was officially thrown out of the United Nations Food Conference for disrupting it, even though the only thing I wanted to do was to point out that these people were charlatan.
So this is the world of Paul Ehrlich, Rene Dumont, Barbara Ward, Rachel Carson.
It's sort of this 70s to 80s generation of environmentalist fanatics, absolute kooks,
Uh, and, and genocidalists, because that's what they are.
And they are, as they call themselves, neo-Malthusian.
They go with Parson Malthus, who made this idiotic claim that population grows faster than food.
That's not what you see.
And even before, uh, before Malthus died, he had to take it back, that he was, he had been completely wrong.
The book that I've got is about, it's almost 1,100 pages.
It's a compendium of all the lunacy that they had put together.
I've got the edition from 1977, which I believe is the third edition.
So it's written by Paul Ehrlich, Ann Ehrlich, and John P. Holdren.
Yes, that's the one I have.
We have it right here on TV for people right now.
Okay, so Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University, his wife, and then John P. Holdren.
Let's get to Holdren in a minute because John P. Holdren is the powerful
He's the official White House Science and Technology Advisor, Special Assistant to the President.
He presides over a big office in the new Executive Office Building, a little bit separate from the White House compound.
But he's over there, he's the head of the White House Science and Technology Office, and indeed chairs the White House Council on Science and Technology.
It's a very important position.
And the fact that we have to face is that a proponent of genocide now occupies
This post.
He is an absolute Malthusian fanatic.
Of course, he's a pessimist, and I think you can call him a totalitarian liberal.
This is usually applied to Keynes, but it's... I call him a Piranha-like control freak.
I mean, no, no, no, I mean, I mean, a psychopath, a psychopathic sadist, obsessive-compulsive, anal-retentive nutjob, with delusions of grandeur now acting upon them.
Well, yes, I think he qualifies for all that.
Now, let me just give you his worldview when we get to some of the specific stuff.
He starts with this Paul Ehrlich.
Now, Ehrlich had written the Population Bomb in 1968, saying, the world is going to be destroyed because there were too many people.
Now, we know the oligarchy has been arguing that the world is overpopulated since about 1000 B.C.
that we know of.
Remember, they say that the reason for the Trojan War was that there were too many people, too many humans, pressing down on the breast of Mother Earth.
So, therefore, you had to have ten years of war, which killed everybody off.
It is the eternal point of view of the oligarchy, and especially of this finance oligarchy that we have today.
So, it's also worth noting that Ehrlich is a total crackpot in Charlotte, and he says there's a population bomb.
Well, what do you see today, right?
Forty years later.
The population in Europe is falling.
The population in Japan is falling.
Population in Russia is falling.
Population in the U.S.
would be falling if it weren't for immigration.
And then you look at the other part... Yeah, he said there'd be $12 billion right now.
We'd all be starving to death.
Instead, it's $6.8 billion.
And the population is now planing... It's levels off.
And the West is dying.
The West is dying.
The West is precisely dying.
Dying of pessimism.
Dying from cultural pessimism.
Dying of these people running things.
A lack of the human spirit.
A lack of creativity.
A lack of life force.
These people detest everything good and wholesome that the species is.
They are nihilistic criminals.
Go ahead.
In this book, this is expressed by Holdren and when I say Holdren now I mean Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren.
Holden says, we don't like this moonshot mentality that the Americans seem to have.
The American moonshot mentality for these lunatics is everything evil.
In other words, it's the argument that says, well, if you can go to the moon, you can solve these other problems.
And I think this is the essence of the scientific optimism, the technological optimism, the can-do production spirit that has animated the United States, which these finance oligarchs
Hate so much.
So, they target the moonshot mentality.
They don't like growthsmanship, they call it.
The idea that you can produce your way out of a crisis they call cornucopianism.
That you believe in an internal cornucopia.
But let's get down to it.
The main thesis is that population, overpopulation, is the source of everything.
Pollution comes from people, right?
People pollute.
That's the argument by Ehrlich in The Population.
That's why they list carbon dioxide that we put off two and a half pounds of a day as deadly poison, even though plants breathe it, to make us bad.
Club of Rome admit, I'm sure you've seen the document written in 92, that they picked that to make it about us being bad, to make us internalize we're bad, so the state can direct a war against humanity.
Yes, but it's being done, of course, in the name of this financier oligarchy, right?
It's that they've taken over the state through these different... Look at Henry Paulson!
He's one of them in his own right!
He's an environmentalist activist.
That's a very, very good point.
That guy is green as they come.
So you see the financier and the green go together.
Erlich, therefore, is completely discredited.
So all the problems come from population.
Sometimes when you do biography, you look at the women.
The women in somebody's life are often the key to what they really think.
We see this with Obama.
But in the case of John P. Holdren, his wife, Cheryl Holdren,
Uh, is a researcher in her own right.
And we, I have another book by Holdren, edited by Holdren and Ehrlich, which is called the Cassandra Conference.
It's from the end of the Reagan era, about 1988.
In the Cassandra Conference, which is a, it's like a symposium, and they put together articles, Cheryl Holdren has an essay where she praises to the skies
Rachel Carson.
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962.
This is the idea that DDT is going to kill all the animal life and plant life, the birds and the insects of the world, and therefore DDT has to be banned.
If you wanted to say the biggest genocidalist action of the past 30 to 40 years, it's probably banning DDT.
Because this has led to tens of millions and very likely hundreds of millions of deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa.
And I've seen the reports, Webster, but I mean, Webster, you're most up on this.
I don't have them in front of me.
Is it true, because I've seen some of the scientific reports, that that was a hoax and DDT wasn't hurting the animals?
I don't, it's certainly a wild exaggeration of what these dangers might be, and then again, you've also got to, you know, what's your value system?
The advocacy of genocide is a Nuremberg crime, even if you say, well, this is being done in the name of the sparrows and the hummingbirds and the spotted owls and the... Yeah, it's killed hundreds of millions because it's, I mean, they admit it kills 15 million a year from malaria because they've stopped using DDT.
And that's over now 30 to 40 years.
I think it's actually the heyday of this stuff was in the early 70s.
So, the other thing of course is that this character Holdren believes that the world is overpopulated.
How much overpopulated?
Now, it's a textbook, so he's citing different people, but you can see pretty much what he agrees with.
He and the co-authors say the optimum population of the world is 1 billion.
Well, in 1977 the population of the world was 4 billion.
So that meant that there were already 3 billion excess useless eaters, people that had to be culled somehow at the time that Holdren was writing.
So he wants a 75% reduction?
At that time.
Now, more recently we've had this co-thinker, somebody who's part of the same clique, he's mentioned in the textbook, he writes in these anthologies that are edited by Holdren and they're like, David Pimentel, I think of Cornell, has said that the optimum population might go as high as 2 billion, well that means today we've still got 4 billion
Useless eaters.
Now, you put that together with cap-and-trade, right?
Cap-and-trade would at least double, maybe triple, quadruple the export price of U.S.
grain to the developing countries.
And they brag and rub their hands together in publications saying this is going to wipe people out.
I mean, these are, you know, somebody in a Nazi uniform people would run from.
But as long as it's a liberal in Birkenstocks going, uh, people are like, oh, kill me, it's so liberal!
And these people are actually operating on a smaller scale, because, you know, Hitler is a... This is a genocide on a continental base, whereas what these people are contemplating is indeed a worldwide genocide, where the numbers, as we can see, are much larger.
So, 4 billion excessive, and if you go to cap-and-trade, you've got about 1 billion people who are living on the verge of starvation right now.
You could wipe out, you know, a large part of that billion, or maybe even all of it.
That when it comes to food aid, you've got to use triage.
In other words, you've got to separate the countries that will make it without food aid, the countries that are doomed and should get nothing, and then the ones in the middle that you might be able to help are the ones that you focus on.
Sort of military or disaster triage.
And that's the rationale.
You just write off a third of the people and say we're going to kill them as if it's loving.
It's the same argument of don't have two kids, have one and give them twice the attention.
Well, yes, although what he wants to do is... Well, he uses that in here about only having one kid, but go ahead.
Yes, he absolutely wants to limit family size with totalitarian rules.
He says Bangladesh, now Bangladesh is at least 200 million, or it's a large population, 100 million perhaps.
Bangladesh, he says, is a country that should be triaged.
In other words, Bangladesh, go and die.
We've got to call this to the attention of the Bangladesh ambassador.
He also says India, India, which is at that point seven or eight hundred million and now a billion and more, that India may be a candidate for triage under this planetary system.
So, who enforces this?
He says it's time to create a planetary regime.
A planetary regime, so a supranational world government run by ecological fanatics and Malthusian genocidalists.
The planetary regime would take under its control the world ecosphere, and in particular what he calls the global commons.
The global commons would mean the atmosphere, the oceans, and the soil.
So, the planetary regime would override national sovereignty and impose the rules on the global commons, and it would set an optimum world population.
So, the optimum world population, as we've heard, is somewhere between 1 billion and 2 billion, and that won't increase, right?
That's unlikely to get very much higher.
So the thrust of this entire thing is that world population growth must be stopped, and in the middle of that, we see the old imperialist program.
Don't allow the industrial development and the technological advancement of the third world, of the less developed countries, the developing countries, again, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, the poorer parts,
And Webster, this is in the 1949 Royal Commission by the British, where they don't even say it's for the Earth.
They say, we're going to freeze development in the third world.
That'll make their population explode, but we'll just then exterminate those as they grow up.
If we really wanted to cut population growth, we would develop them, but we're not going to do that.
So even though they want to kill the brown people, they still hate them so much, they let that people bomb
Kind of keep them down at the level they're at, instead of developing them, then they'd start dying like the West.
So it's almost a schizophrenic model with these people.
And you've got Holdren and Ehrlich, George Bush Sr.'
's buddy, packaging this eugenics as loving and liberal.
These really are some sickening people.
Again, it's genocide.
These are high crimes against humanity.
Nuremberg crimes.
One of the things that Holdren and Ehrlich are based on is the limits to growth.
Another crackpot study, totally discredited, by Meadows and Forrester, 1972, I believe, which says, at the rate of depletion of natural resources, world society will collapse in the early part of the current century, more or less where we are now.
No, it turns out that there are greater reserves of just about all forms of resource that they mention in the book.
Sure, sure.
So, Webster, let me stop you.
Yeah, they finance the fake peak oil system.
Believe me, my family's in petroleum, as petroleum geologists and others.
It's all made up, all lies.
But the issue is, they're actually manifesting their fraud with Discovery Channel, History Channel, Houston TV shows, saying the oceans are going to melt, we're all dead.
They say polar bears can't swim, lying.
They show the ice caps getting smaller in the summer, as they always do, and say that that's new.
And they say that they're going to institute war, famine, and destruction, as State Department random 200 states they would, and then tell us it's the global warming doing it.
And they say,
Whenever there's a hurricane, say it was this.
Whenever there's a war, say it was this.
So they're now, even though they know it's a fraud, they're lying.
And if somebody slips on a banana peel leaving their house, they're saying global warming did it.
So they're trying to push this delusional...
Hallucination on the public cold-bloodedly.
You know, you say they're wrong.
Webster, they're not wrong.
They're murdering Nazi scammers that sell the pseudoscience.
But, I mean, your argument is you think their science is wrong.
No, I think these are genocidalists who should be in the docket.
Well, exactly, but I'm saying I think we differ.
You're saying they're wrong, that their science is wrong, and that they're also genocidalists.
I'm saying it's worse than that.
They're cold-blooded.
They know it's all crap, Webster.
They know carbon dioxide isn't bad.
Yeah, certainly, but I don't think there's any disagreement at all on this stuff.
Good, good.
Well, I mean, I respect your opinion.
In other words, Aldrin should not be going to his job at the White House.
He should be going to Nuremberg for his trial.
Yes, because they've implemented a lot of this.
Final segment, Webster Tarpley.
We'll have to have him back up for part two.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Final segment.
Tarpley just told me he hasn't even gotten into this book and how horrible it is.
I notice he hasn't gotten into some of the more disgusting areas.
You think world government exterminating you is bad?
Well, it gets even worse.
Children raised in hive communal areas, just as mainstream British news is announcing.
Cameras in 20,000 families' homes.
CPS taking their children.
He'll be on next Tuesday, 1 o'clock Central, 2 p.m.
Tarpley time in the East.
He's going to be on with us.
Dr. Tarpley will be doing another hour on this, just on this next Tuesday.
All right, Webster, you've got four minutes, ten seconds.
Give us a preview of what's coming up in next week's descent into madness when we cover eco-science.
I'll tell you what we'll do.
Holdren has socio-economic measures.
Today this would be called behavioral economics, to coerce you into having smaller families, or better yet, no family at all.
But let's get right to the involuntary, the compulsory
Birth control measures proposed by Haldeman, who is now sitting in the Obama White House as the top science and technology advisor.
The most radical is compulsory abortion.
He says it's time to have a population law which imposes an upper limit on the population.
Well, what if your wife is pregnant?
Well, in that case, compulsory abortion.
Now, you've got to think about what that means.
That requires a police state on the level of Maoist China.
Well, he says that.
He says a global police state, just like Pianka at UT.
These bastards are sick.
Alright, so compulsory abortion, and then we have compulsory sterilization.
He praises programs that existed in India up until 1977 or so, which made vasectomy, in other words, male sterilization,
Was imposed if you were a government worker, and you had more than two children You had a vasectomy or you were fired so compulsory Vasectomy compulsory sterilization the other one is sterilization through adding substances chemicals
I don't know.
Implanting long-term sterilization devices, sterilization capsules, implants in women.
Now this has actually been done in the past 20 years.
And they keep finding the IEDs and the implants work longer than they're supposed to or completely sterilize you.
And they can't be removed and it's going to cost the poor.
This is often done to inner-city populations, black, hispanic, poor, white.
This is already being implemented.
So that was put into effect about 10 years after Holdren wrote this book.
Now, he also wants to have baby licenses.
This is amazing.
A baby license is that every woman could be given a marketable, tradable baby license, saying, you have the right to have 2.2 children, and whatever part of this you don't use, you can sell.
The problem with that is, what happens if Goldman Sachs comes in and decides to make a speculative bubble in the world of baby licenses?
You know they do it, you know what happens.
Yeah, that's what they do it with Cap and Trade, and they're going to do it with the baby license.
He's also got things he wants to impose very, very high fees for marriage licenses.
Meaning, that's a regressive tax, by the way.
That's the worst you can get.
That's like the poll tax under Thatcher.
And remember, the U.S.
funded China to do this.
Webster, we're out of time.
Next Tuesday... The last one, seize babies.
If it's a teenage unwed mother, seize the baby.
Forced adoption.
It's totalitarianism.
I mean, it's beyond the Nazis.
Well, the way I read this is all parents are monitored and they take their kids, which is what England is now implementing.
Mainstream news, where the CPS comes and puts cameras in your house night and day watching you and takes your kids.
Webster, incredible job.
Let me say bye to you here at the end of the show.
I'll put you on hold.
His three books, two on Obama, one on the economy, available at Infowars.com.
And we just put in the order today.
Get your order in now for the new Obama T-shirt.
We're going to make one with Bush, too.
With Obama on the front, Bush on the back.
Check it out.
Great job, crew.
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