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Name: 20090728_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 28, 2009
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...and for other associates of C-Street, the secretive ministry and living quarters for several members of Congress, at which Governor Sanford and Senator John Enson of Nevada both received some sort of counseling during their extramarital affairs.
A number of other C-Street affiliates are now going on the record about the shadowy organization, mainly to defend its secrecy.
Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma telling Roll Call newspaper, quote, it's a great place, and vowing to continue holding foreign policy meetings with African ambassadors at the C Street House.
Former Ohio Congressman Tony Hall tells Politico.com the prayer breakfasts he attended at C Street were, quote, probably some of the best moments I had during the week, precisely because we closed the doors.
Sea Street is also in the news anew because of something that happened on the House floor last week.
A member of Congress, one with ties to Sea Street, argued against public funding for abortion services by saying that if there were public funding for abortion, Barack Obama might have been aborted as a fetus.
Also, Clarence Thomas.
If you think of it in human terms,
There is a financial incentive that will be put in place, paid for by tax dollars, that will encourage women who are single parents, living below the poverty level, to have the opportunity for a free abortion.
If you take that scenario and apply it to many of the great minds we have today, who would we have been deprived of?
Our President grew up in those similar circumstances.
If that financial incentive was in place, is it possible that his mother may have taken advantage of it?
Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, if those circumstances were in place, is it possible that we would have denied his great mind?
It's Representative Todd T. Hart, Republican of Kansas.
I wonder how he settled on those two.
Clarence Thomas and Barack Obama.
What do they have in common?
Congressman Teahart was first elected as part of the Republican Revolution in 1994.
He is now running for the United States Senate in Kansas.
Joining us now is Jeff Charlotte, who wrote about Congressman Teahart.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Hello, folks.
Here in the last two hours of the radio show today, we're simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv in living color.
I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.tv members for joining us, and all the AM and FM shortwave satellite internet listeners as well, and the folks listening to the free podcast later at InfoWars.com.
Jeff Charlotte.
I've seen him on a lot of national TV programs and I read an article he wrote for the New York Times.
He is a New York Times best-selling author of The Family, The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.
I actually saw an article about him in the New York Times.
And a contributing editor to Harper's and Rolling Stone, has been writing about the intersection of religion, politics, and culture for more than a decade.
His writing on religion has earned him praise from writers, and it goes on from there.
His new book is The Family, and we've got that up on screen for everybody.
The secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power.
He's here with us for most of the hour, then wide open phones coming up
At the end of the hour, and in the fourth hour, covering the flu hype and NLEO-9, Marshall Laudrell's going on.
So that's coming up.
Jeff, thank you for coming on with us.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me.
It's a real honor.
You bet, an honor to have you.
I wanted to play Rachel Maddow, kind of breaking down what you were going over.
First, tell us about yourself, how you got interested in this, about this group on K Street.
This, the family, and then how it ties into Ashcroft's group, the Brotherhood, that's also out of another house, or the same house.
It all gets confusing.
There's other secretive right-wing Christian groups, like the Council on National Policy.
There's a lot of different organizations, and I haven't studied them all, but I've tried to look at some of them.
Tell us, tell us about how you woke up to this group.
Well, uh, Professor Tate's, uh, C Street, not K Street, and, you know... C Street!
There you go.
Yes, the Avenue of Influence in Washington, I think we've got it now.
Yeah, the lobbyist.
I had a Freudian slip.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, exactly, whether they're acting like it or not.
Uh, you know, it began, I was, uh, several years ago, I was working on, uh,
My first book, I was traveling around the country and spending time with unusual religious communities, and a friend of mine, worried that her brother had joined a cult, said, would you meet with him?
This was way back in 2011.
And so this guy came up.
I'd known him for 12 years, and frankly, he'd always been kind of a jerk.
But he had really turned his life around, despite the fact that he left his career, left his relationship to move to Washington and be of service to powerful people.
And he said, look, you won't understand it unless you see it.
And you can't get in unless you're invited.
And I said, well, how do I apply?
And he said, there are no applications.
There's just a family.
So I found it interesting to me, not as a believer, but just as a person who is interested about the variety of the religious experience, you might say.
So I went down and spent about a month living with these guys.
And I didn't know it was political at first, but then we had a visit from Senator Jesse Helms.
Well wait a minute, I mean this doesn't sound, and I'm not defending the group because I don't even know enough about it to even get its name right, but C Street, the family, C Street's the name, and obviously the house.
If it's such a cult, and I do agree it looks pretty culty, why did they just let you right in then?
You know, first of all, I actually say that they are not a cult.
I don't think they are cultish, but not a cult.
You know, because a cult has certain characteristics.
They are cultish.
They've got the cult of personality around their leader, Doug Coe.
But what they really believe, they really believe in the sort of networks of elites.
And so because I was invited, that's the only way you get in.
You get invited.
So because I was invited by this guy, that made me sort of okay.
And I think they were actually interested in the fact
Okay, but I mean they're pretty confident then about the way they operate and the way they work to let a prominent journalist into their midst though.
I wouldn't say I was prominent at that point.
You know, they've been around for 70 years.
They do believe in secrecy.
The leader of the group, Doug Coe, says the more invisible you can make your organization, the more influence it will have.
Okay, so you did infiltrate to a certain level, so this is cultish then.
Yeah, oh, it's absolutely cultish.
I mean, uh, you know, there's a cult of personality around this guy Doug Coe, whom they sometimes call First Brother.
They say he has a special relationship with God, unparalleled by anyone else in the world.
Uh, and that, uh, also that the Inner Circle members, and here's where it gets really creepy when we're talking about Senator and Governor Sanford, guys linked to the group,
The Inner Circle members are not bound by the same morality that applies to the rest of us.
The morality is a human construct, and God has a different story ready for these powerful men.
Now is this the same group that Ashcroft's part of?
Because I saw articles like four or five years ago about, and did some research, about Ashcroft, part of a house he lived at, and other people that were members.
I mean, is this the only group like this, or are you aware of others?
No, you're thinking of Ashcroft.
I've been writing about this for a while.
John Ashcroft, I lived with him for a month and then discovered they had dumped 600 boxes of documents unorganized.
They hadn't even sifted through them in Billy Graham's archives.
So that was your article I did read about how they don't really care about abortion and they like Machiavelli, wasn't it?
I mean, I'm going from memory here.
Not much social issues.
John Ashcroft, I found letters dating back to the early 1980s.
John Ashcroft was writing to the leader of the group, Doug Coe, for his brother, saying that he wanted to get involved and could he be helped.
And that's what the family has done historically.
They've identified guys that they think they can work with and then they groom them and sort of raise them up the political ladder.
Doug Coe, the leader of the group, he likes to say, we work with power where we can, build new power where we can't.
And that means that they've got a lot of political allies in Washington.
Sounds like a political religious fraternity.
Very much so, very much so.
Okay, well I know I'm throwing a lot of points in here because over the years I've done research here, there, but you forget a lot more than you, you know.
Then you can actually comprehend, but I know there's all these weird secretive groups.
Did you ever run into any connections in this group with Masons, Masonic groups, or with Opus Dei Catholic groups, or with the CNP, Council on National Policy?
There's a lot of overlap with the CNP, guys like Ed Meese and various members like that.
But one of the most interesting connections I did find was Opus Dei.
And you might almost describe the family as kind of a Protestant Opus Dei, but they lack even the integrity of Opus Dei.
But they originally were very interested in working in Spain, working around the world.
The dictator for a long time, his name was Franco, and he was not interested in having any Protestant groups around.
Uh, until they made contact with the ministers of government, Opus Dei members, and then started building up a network of alliances.
From our research, I got to spend a lot of time with Senator Sam Roundback of Kansas, who has the unique distinction of being a member of the family and an associate of Opus Dei.
He converted to a very strange kind of Catholicism through Opus Dei's chapel, which, appropriately enough, actually is on K Street in Washington.
Okay, see, those are the questions I haven't seen asked on television.
I've read your articles over the years and haven't read your book yet, though we just got it.
And so I've got a piece here, a piece there, and I'm trying to delve more into the architecture of left-wing and right-wing groups.
Did you ever run into any connections to Bohemian Grove?
Because a lot of, quote, Christian conservatives that have these big public personas as Christian conservatives also go to the Grove that Richard Nixon described as a homosexual orgy.
I don't know about that part, but Doug Coe certainly is a long-time, Doug Coe, the leader of the group, is a long-time attendee.
And, you know, certainly we're talking about here, you know, guys like Ed Meese, former Attorney General Ashcroft, Senator Enst, and we're talking about the power elite.
And so they do go to Bohemian Grove.
There is a Vatican connection, there is a Bohemian Grove connection.
It's just always the same.
Well, you know, I'm actually wary of calling that a Vatican connection.
I would call that an Opus Dei connection.
I think Opus Dei is a little bit distinct.
I mean, you know, look, mainstream American Catholicism, I have no issue with that whatsoever.
Oh, hey, I'm not here bashing any groups either.
I mean, this is a secular radio show.
I'm trying to see how all these groups tie together.
Wow, well listen, I'm gonna try to let you roll when we get back.
I just wanted to ask some questions that I haven't heard asked of you before.
And it's really great having you here with us.
The book, ladies and gentlemen, is The Family.
And it is available all over bookstores.
It's got a great cover too, but also great books inside.
Jeff Charlotte, he'll be our guest on the other side of this break.
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I think so.
Folks, just a program note.
In the next couple weeks, and in the next month and a half, we're going to have some huge guests on.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
And no, those huge guests are not the big astronauts we've got coming on in the next two weeks.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
Little Easter egg, as they say.
Like on a DVD, a little hidden goody.
That is coming up later.
Going back to the author of The Family, Jeff Charlotte.
And this is just a bottomless pit of weirdness, but he's a great journalist, writes for Harper's.
And for the New York Times as well.
I saw an article in the New York Times, he writes for Harper's and Rolling Stone.
The reason I was bringing up Harper's is actually Harper's had the interview with Nixon when he was talking about the Bohemian Grove.
And so that was where my quote from that came.
Okay, you got the floor.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Start at the beginning.
You get to get inside there.
You've written articles about how it's not really Christian, though,
From not wanting to stop abortion and saying we like Machiavelli, I'm going from memory here, but a lot of weird stuff.
What is it really?
Some type of strange intelligence front?
Because just in a snapshot, that's what it looks like to me.
You know, it goes back, it begins in 1935.
They organize Abram Brady believes that he has a vision that God comes to him and speaks to him.
Tells him that Christianity has been getting it wrong for 2,000 years and any focus on the poor, the weak, the suffering, the down and out,
That's not right.
What God wants him to be is a missionary to and for the powerful, the up-and-out, he calls them.
He begins organizing guys like Henry Ford and a group of congressmen.
He gets some businessmen together.
He starts out in the state of Washington.
They manage to elect a governor, and on that basis, they start going overseas.
They're involved with the whitewashing of Nazis after World War II, and then they start
Excuse me?
Excuse me, something about Nazis?
Yeah, yeah, I'm afraid so.
It's always suspicious when someone talks about that stuff, but... No it's not!
I mean, you mentioned Henry Ford!
Well, they were very sympathetic.
See, they began with this idea.
You know, not only did God want them to serve the powerful instead of the powerless, but they began with this idea.
They were looking around the world in the 1930s, and they thought democracy was done.
They said democracy cannot compete with fascism and communism.
Well, communism was definitely not for them.
These were very wealthy businessmen.
And fascism looked pretty good.
But they didn't like it, or they didn't like Mussolini, so they said, well, we're going to do a totalitarianism for Christ, which is sort of missing the point of the Christian message, but that was their approach.
And they started recruiting a lot of American fascist sympathizers, and over the years have, when they go and make alliances with foreign dictators, they look for guys who exemplify that model.
Doug Coe, the leader of the group,
I don't think so.
Is it the New Testament?
And this is their reading.
It's not about love or mercy or injustice or forgiveness.
It's about power.
And those guys understood power.
So you want to model yourself on power.
Another sermon you can find actually online on the website of the Navigators, a Christian right group.
They have an audio sermon of Ko saying, you know how Jesus said,
You've got to put me before your mother, father, brother, sister.
Hitler, Mao, that's what they taught the kids, direct quote.
Mao even had the kids killing the parents, but it wasn't murder, Steve, because it was for building the new nation, the new kingdom.
My God, this guy!
Hold on, I mean, this is incredible, and you were there, this is published, it's in your book, and I'm familiar with the fake right-wing Chicago School of Business, all of this, Milton Friedman, you know, the same social...
And that's why they like Machiavelli.
But see, it's all interconnected.
I didn't know they were into Straussian.
I just knew it fit with the Chicago school.
Man, these people are just monstrous.
But Obama has got a bunch of the Straussians pulling his strings.
He's got some family guys in there too.
General Jim Jones, who's one of his close advisors.
Oh my God, General James L. Jones?
The head of the National Security Council?
The real government?
I'll tell you one that's a little bit crazier.
She's not a member of the group.
She's what they call a friend of the group, and they're very careful about those distinctions.
She says of Doug Coe, this man I'll just quote in this language by Hillary now, she says he's a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide.
She says she turned to him when she first came to Washington in 1994.
Who am I talking about but none other than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Oh my gosh.
Hold on, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
So it's bipartisan.
Hold on.
We got a break.
This is blowing me away.
We're going to do the full hour with you.
Two long segments coming up.
That was a short one.
See, the problem is, I haven't read the book yet.
I've read a lot of your news articles.
A lot of what's in there I've confirmed separate places over the years, so I know you're telling the truth.
Plus, they admit you went there and lived there.
So, but it's just all these dots just connected.
And people kept asking me about CMP, CMP, CMP.
I didn't really know much about it.
Now, now I know.
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Okay, I'm gonna be honest.
I'm gonna be honest with listeners.
A lot of times when I have a guest on, I'm focused, I've got notes, I've got a bunch of facts.
A few days ago, I saw Mr. Charlotte on Rachel Maddow.
I was back in the break room drinking coffee and eating dinner, up here working on a film, and I said, I've read his stuff before.
Yeah, I know about Ashcroft and all those guys in this group, and I've been doing some more research on that.
I want to get him on.
But Maddow was making it a left-right thing, and about how these guys are all cheating on their wives, and how they're hypocrites.
And I was like, I've read his articles and other articles about this group, how it's all Machiavellian, and the end justifies the means, and dictators, and strongmen, and I go, man, that fits into Chicago school, and the neocons, and, you know, this whole sick philosophy.
That the Globalist is kind of used to get well-meaning men to do evil things.
The higher-up psychopaths are using it as a control system, and it's one of many groups.
But certainly, then as he made the connections to even more powerful organizations, and I guess there is something to this, you know, I don't get too obsessed on this group or that group.
I've found if it's CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove,
Then it's every other group.
The leadership of these groups are the leadership of all the other groups.
And so it's kind of an interlocking directorate.
But I'll be honest, now that I heard him roll with info I'd never heard him say on the shows because they always compartmentalize it.
It made all these connections because
You've got other secretive right-wing groups, like the CMP, and I've had guests on over the years that mention that.
I thought of it more as a right-wing think tank that were globalists, but it also had some anti-globalists in it, like the Hunt brothers, so that confused me.
And I don't think anything's the top of the pyramid.
I think at the top of the pyramid it's all these groups nexusing in.
But then I didn't know there was an Opus Dei connection.
I just threw it out there.
He said yes and listened to the names.
And then a Pentagon connection with the head of national security, which really is the real shadow government, James L. Jones, and the Chicago school, and the neocons.
And so you just blew me away.
You just got my attention.
And so I want to get more into the Opus Dei connection, more of the national security connection.
Take your time on Hillary as a friend.
Take your time on their missions, their operations, what they're doing worldwide.
I know you covered all in the book.
I've read part of it just out.
And already a bestseller, The Family, Jeff Charlotte.
But Jeff, go ahead.
Run through it all, give us the key information here, and bottom line, just from knowing what I know about separate groups that nexus in, this does sound pretty sinister.
Yeah, I'm glad you're saying this, Alex, and I think you're exactly right.
We never want to make the mistake of saying there's one group that controls it all.
There's multiple power bases, and the point I'm trying to make here is that the family is one of the most influential power bases, and yet it hasn't been measured.
A sociologist, a conservative sociologist actually, as it happens down there in Texas at Rice University, did a survey of 360 politicians.
We're good to go.
If you call up the leader of the group, as I had NBC News do last year, where I did a segment with them, and they said, oh no, there's nothing to see here, we don't exist, there's no group, it's just a group of friends.
Fortunately, I've already shared with NBC News their tax records.
There's 600 boxes of documents that show, I think, something that does indeed go beyond left and right.
This is a group about power.
Again, I'll just repeat that saying that they have, we work with power where we can, build new power where we can't.
What that means is,
Unlike some right-wing groups that are just sort of extensions of the Republican Party, the family wants connections to Democrats as well.
One is Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas, a pro-war Democrat from Arkansas.
So they're apolitical.
They want power.
No, no, no.
They're not apolitical.
They're not apolitical.
I wouldn't say that.
They want power.
They have some specific ends.
One is they believe in sort of a free market fundamentalism.
Well, by apolitical I meant they don't care about labels.
They don't care about labels.
They care about power.
They care about power and their agenda.
And their agenda is two things.
It's free market fundamentalism, and it's American empire.
That's what they've been working on for 70 years, and I heard the lead-in, so you may appreciate this.
Back in 1945, the leader of the group, Abraham Brady, I believe coined this phrase.
I believe he may have been the first one to use it, although I think you'll know if I'm wrong.
He said, there's a coming new world order.
1945, that is documented in their archives.
I don't think he coined it, but the fact that he used it.
Hitler used it, H.G.
Wells wrote a book called The New World Order.
He was an interesting admirer of Hitler.
Basically they said, what we're aiming for is a form of totalitarianism.
They said, how about a fascist dictatorship?
No, Hitler is one of the earliest.
You can't find... Right around the same time Hitler starts using it, then H.G.
Wells uses it, but they both wanted different forms of socialism.
Hitler a more fascist form, though they're supposedly on different ends of the spectrum.
National Socialists, the Nazis.
And then Hitler wanted to have somebody kidnap and kill H.G.
So, like you said, there's competing... there's competing factions.
But to go ahead.
Well, I mean, you know, that's what, you know, when I said the bottom line of the American empire, and that's what led them into alliances, you know, we were talking before the break about their role in sort of whitewashing the records of former Nazis.
One was a guy named Hermann J. Abt, who was vice president of the German operation after the war, became known as the Wizard of the West German Miracle.
Oh my, so we have a Nazi connection with money coming over?
Because we know the Bushes with Prescott have that connection.
Well, there's more than that.
The head of their Swiss operation after the war was a banker named Alfred Herz, who used the family and its access to American politicians to come over and lobby for America to lay off all the money that, of course, they had stolen.
Wait a minute, this is the group that blocked the investigation of the Rat Line and the gold and diamonds?
They were a group.
You know, I think you made an important point.
There's no single group controlling all this stuff, but there's lots of different power bases in Washington.
Yeah, it's like a swarm of viruses or something.
It's a whole bunch of them, but going in the same direction.
More power, more control.
Specifically, let's get more into that history, but can you backtrack?
Because I read your articles years ago, and Harper's and Rolling Stone.
Because I remember just reading this and then going and Googling some of it and finding that, you know, you were telling the truth because it was so shocking.
about their philosophy and we don't care about abortion we want Jesus wants power we don't care about you know this and that we like Machiavelli I mean this sounds like a psycho cult masquerading as Christians
Well, let me give you a quote.
This is from the news, and we had in that lead-in, we had Congressman Todd Fiore talking about abortion.
It's not that they don't care about those issues.
The group tends to be pretty right-wing conservative, so they care.
This is not their bottom line.
Their bottom line is American empire.
But one time I was at the C Street House.
This is the house in Washington where they're providing below-market housing for congressmen.
Republicans and Democrats, by the way.
This is a bipartisan thing.
This is bipartisan power-lust, you might say.
And I was there, and Doug Coe, the leader of the group, was counseling Congressman Todd Teahart.
And Todd Teahart had come in.
Todd Teahart is not what you would call an enlightened man.
He said he was concerned that the Christian was losing the race with the Muslim.
You know, he said, what is this guy talking about?
This is crazy.
What he meant was, he said that Muslims are having too many babies, while Christians are not having enough.
So it turns out, Pihar represents himself as an ardent foe of abortion.
What he means is abortion for Christians.
He doesn't care if Muslims have abortions.
In fact, he would like that.
Well, now Doug Powell, listening to this, says, okay, yeah, I hear you talking about this abortion issue.
You know, I sort of agree with you on that, and that's fine, but I want you to think bigger.
What I want you to do is to think in terms of a covenant.
Describe the covenant as something that men of power enter into secretly, privately.
He calls it a publicly invisible but privately identifiable group of companions.
That's in their official document.
It's a covenant.
He says, with a covenant, you can do so much more.
He says, think of men with a covenant.
Good lord!
But again, when you're saying all of this, I'm thinking about the Straussian economists and philosophers.
I'm thinking about the Chicago school, the Rockefellers.
The Rockefellers similarly funded other schools of thought.
Do you ever run into Rockefeller foundations or Rockefeller money in all this?
Rockefeller, and there may be more, but in the early days of the family, you know, the Rockefeller Foundation, of course, has gone through a lot of different incarnations, you know.
At one point it was essentially almost a fund for CIA money, and that's been documented pretty well.
And it founded Modern Eugenics.
Yeah, in the early days they were indeed giving the family, which was then known as International Christian Leadership, they changed their name every few years, they say, to avoid scrutiny, basically.
But he gave some money to them to get started.
I mean, you really see all the titans of American commerce.
Well, you always have the Rockefellers.
I mean, discovering cancer viruses, Rockefellers, setting up them.
I mean, the whole system was set up by these people.
See, I didn't know that.
You're the expert.
Of course, they're involved.
It's kind of like you lift up a stone and that's where you find the bugs.
But look, other key points.
I'm interrupting.
This just gets more insane.
Is their power getting greater?
Is it waning?
Do you get threats?
I mean, what is it like?
I tell you, I mean, this is almost maybe the comic section of the book, you know, because I'd first written about this in Harper's.
So in Chapter 9 of the book, The Family, I talk about some of the early reactions.
One was the speaking engagement in Germany.
Get over there.
Turns out the whole speaking series is paid for by the U.S.
Get off the plane.
My German host says, you know, there's a problem.
Your ambassador says that he cannot pay for you because you are an enemy of Jesus.
This is the ambassador of the United States.
Who is it?
It's a guy named Senator Dan Coat.
Not the brightest bulb on the porch.
He considers Dan Quayle his mentor.
A guy so off the charts that when Bush proposed him for Secretary of Defense, Cheney vetoed him as too fanatical.
That's that kind of guy.
But the more, even one of the odder responses was a phone call I get from one day from a guy who's an executive for the oil company Pride Former, a very big international company involved in this stuff.
He's calling me from Angola.
Says he's just a fan of my work.
Isn't that great?
A call from Angola from a fan of my work.
As we talk for a good long while, it turns out he's a member of the family.
He's actually trying to recruit me back into it.
So I try and get some counter-arguments.
I said, what about the family's involvement in Indonesia?
The dictator Fajardo killed 1.2 million of his own people.
And his only counter-argument is, that must be what God wanted for Indonesia.
1.2 million people dead.
That was God's will.
The truth is, they're playing God.
That's what this whole power trip's about.
Yeah, you know, it was very well put to me by... I did an interview with someone from the Cato Institute, which is a very conservative think tank in Washington, and they really believe in free markets, and so I thought they weren't going to like the book, but they looked at it and said, these guys aren't talking about free markets.
There's nothing free about this.
This is crony capitalism.
The phrase they used, I thought, was really just bid on was self-interest by proxy.
These guys get together in a small group.
That's what a prayer cell is.
That's what Senator Anson, who we've been hearing about, Governor Stanford, those guys, Senator Coburn, they get together in a prayer cell.
They don't actually read the Bible.
I've been there for these things.
They don't actually study the Bible.
One man will say, you know, I have a message from Jesus.
I think Jesus gave me a message for you.
And in the case of Senator Anson and Coburn, the message seemed to be pay your minister some hush money to keep yourself out of the public eye.
You know, the one thing that's really important about that whole scandal that you mentioned talking about on Maddow and so on, and folks on the sex scandal of the Republicans, the more important thing is that I don't care about their sex scandal.
The question is, I don't want you to get in a fight with Maddow, but why does the media always make it left to right?
Uh, uh, pushing the story.
I mean, this story's been around for a while, and I'm not... Every now and then, someone makes an attempt.
The Los Angeles Times did a year-long investigation in 2002, published their results, incredible stuff, linking the family to Central American death squads, all kinds of stuff.
Expected, you know, waited for the Pulitzer, the Pulitzer Prize winning reporter did it.
Not a peep!
Last year I did a segment with NBC Nightly News with Andrea Mitchell hosting and we had Hillary Clinton talking about her involvement.
We had video of Doug Coe talking about the great leadership example of the fellowship that he tries to promote is like that one enjoyed by Hitler, Himmler, and Goering.
And, you know,
NBC thought they had the scoop of the campaign season, not a peep.
Because our American political press, they're religiously illiterate, they don't know the questions to ask.
Yeah, but Hitler was a freak.
I mean, why this obsession with Hitler?
It's the most extreme... I mean, in some ways it's sort of...
It is literally idiotic.
You know, at one point I asked someone, when I was living with this guy, I said, I find this very troubling.
They said, well, it's not his ends that we're interested in.
It's his methods.
And you're just blown away by that.
But even that, they... Somebody's behavior is the manifestation of who they are.
Exactly, exactly.
Well, and Hitler's methods were absolutely horrific.
But they misunderstand, though.
They like to talk about it.
They say, look, here's what Hitler did.
Hitler got together with a little group of friends in the back of a Bavarian beer hall, and working together, just like you guys are going to work together, whether it's Senator Anson and Senator Coburn, or two younger guys in the group, just like you work together, look what they were able to do.
They were able to take over the world.
But that's the same baloney!
Well Hitler also, this is mainline history, was hired by German intelligence to set that group up to monitor people and then it got some British funding later from the King of England, Edward VIII, and so Hitler didn't just pop up out of a cabbage patch.
Well, the important thing to recognize with these guys is that they're all sort of power-hungry political opportunists, and I think that's what you get with the family.
You know, the thing about it is, look, a lot of the young guys I live with, even some of the congressmen I've spoken to, they get involved with the best of intentions.
They really, genuinely do.
I'll even say that of Senator Brownback.
Yeah, that's like congressmen going to, uh...
The head of the Washington Times, Mr. Moon, a total cult, and they said, we didn't know that this was going to be a crowning ceremony as him as the Messiah.
There they are, embarrassed, gulping as crowns are being put on his head.
How does that individual tie into all this?
You know, there's a big overlap there, but that's yet again a distinct power base.
But there is that overlap, and that example that you give, we didn't know.
I think that's been in the news.
Again, I emphasize the bipartisan aspect of this.
Congressman Bart Stupak of Michigan has been living for seven years.
There's also a Bohemian Grove connection.
We know what Nixon said about that.
Anyway, sir, stay there.
We're going to come right back and continue with other key points.
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Our guest is going to be with us another five minutes to the next hour, then totally open phones at 1-800-259-9231 on NLE09.
The military drills, what do you see in your area?
Troops from 14 nations involved.
That's FEMA.gov.
More on the flu, fear-mongering, all of this.
But Jeff Charlotte, I've got to have him back up in the near future.
Charlotte spelled S-H-A-R-L-E-T dot com.
The book is The Family.
We'll put that up on screen.
But here is Mr. Moon, Sun Yung Moon, the head of the Moonies, having crowns put on saying he's above Jesus.
And I don't try to get in fights with all these religious groups and all this.
It's just that when they try to get political power and have secretive agendas, they have to be discussed.
And I expose everything here.
That's all we're trying to do.
And this is freakish.
And there's nothing Christian about John Ashcroft and his Patriot Act and the rest of it.
There's nothing liberal about Barack Obama hiring nothing but K Street Boys now and swearing he never would.
But I want to come back in this final five-minute segment in a few minutes to take two or three calls.
But first, in the four or five minutes we have left in this segment, other key points you haven't told us about as you're giving us the dirt on these individuals.
Well, you know, I think really the biggest point that we want to look at is how the family is acting like a lobby.
They're not registered as a lobby, but they're paying for travel for congressmen to go overseas.
Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma went on at least 20 missionary trips to Africa, who paid for it.
In that case, he actually finagled it.
He says he went on behalf of the family, promoting the political philosophy of Jesus as taught to him by Doug Cogan.
So it's a tax-exempt lobby on top of it?
In his case, he went even further.
He actually got the Senate Armed Services Committee to pay for it, $187,000.
He went to the President of Nigeria.
The State Department didn't want him to meet with him, went there.
He got Senator Coburn to go into Lebanon.
This is a country that's had civil war between Christians and Muslims for a long, long time.
They do not need this kind of interference.
Senator Coburn went there and he said, you know what?
On his official form, paid for by the family by one of their foundations, the International Foundation, he says, I'm going to set up
And how are you getting into their archives?
They dumped 600 boxes of unorganized papers in the Billy Graham Center archives.
And I went there, I was one of the very first people to start poking around, and we're talking about budgets, memos, formal correspondence, even confidential government documents, a lot of stuff on Congressional... Why is it at the Billy Graham Center?
Is he involved?
Marginally, but not too much.
A little bit.
I think he's got his own thing going.
But Billy Graham did help them set up this annual ritual, which has become sort of an annual lobbying festival called the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.
Every year, everybody attends.
The President attends.
Congress attends.
It's ostensibly ecumenical.
Everybody is represented.
Internal documents says anything could happen.
Even the Koran could be read.
And by that they meant, they're referring to Saudi Prince Bandar, who they invited to speak.
But Jesus is there.
He's infiltrating the world.
And by Jesus, of course, you just have to remember, they're not talking about anything you ever learned in Sunday school.
They're talking about the idea of American empire.
They're talking about the idea... They're talking about the Hitler Jesus.
The Jesus of strength and power, rather than the one of love and forgiveness, yes.
Well, look, obviously intelligence agencies love to use missionaries in groups like this, and as you said, the Rockefellers are deeply involved in that.
So this is obviously just one more powerful group in all of this and I would imagine you would say even some of the people involved are doing so they believe for good reasons.
I think that's what it's for is to co-opt well-meaning Christian men to kind of warp their sense for the end justifies the means to then go carry out really bad stuff.
But we'll get your take on that in 70 seconds and take a couple phone calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I think the moral to the story is power-seeking individuals love to array themselves in fraternal, secretive arrays.
And we'll be looking more at the CMP, more at the family.
I've seen it referred to in similar groups as brotherhoods.
There's the Masonic networks as well.
Those are all compartmentalized and buried.
But at the top, the superclass that Rothkopf talked about, the head of the Kissinger Group on this show, it's just 6,000 global controllers that are the heads of all these groups, and then they manage the whole planet through that system.
And that's the message that I try to get out most importantly.
Brian in Iowa, you're on the air with the author of this new book.
JeffCharlotte.com is the website.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
As a quick comment, I'd just like to say, Alex, at first, that it's interesting that yesterday you had Robert Gibbs on, and then today you've got all the rags like Greek Bird, AP, Drudge, USA Today coming out with articles going against everything that you guys talked about yesterday.
It's kind of something.
Yeah, that was crazy.
I mean, I just said this is not an original bird certificate.
That's why it's getting so big.
We just discussed it, and I don't...
I noticed it was getting real big, so I'm getting back into covering it now.
I don't think Politico and all them are attacking us just because I covered it.
But it is true that on top of all of this, Chris Matthews did say you're mentally ill.
If you question Obama's birth.
You also have the health director of Hawaii coming out and saying that it was also, we've proven it and it's already out there.
Listen though, I appreciate your call.
I'm not trying to be mean.
The guest stayed over just to take questions for himself.
So I appreciate your call, Brian.
Let's see if John in Ohio wants to talk to the guest.
Go ahead, John.
Yes, I was aware of the connections to the uh... of Hillary Clinton and James Jones to uh... this uh... this organization and uh... interestingly I saw a very critical expose of that on the World Socialist website some uh... many months ago maybe a year ago so I think what we're seeing here and incidentally I hope you have somebody on from the Black Agenda Report blackagendareport.com because this is one black organization very erudite
That completely blows the pretense that Obama cares about black, whites, or anybody else.
And I remember Webster Tarpley commending them about a week ago on his program.
So I think this would be a very good antidote to those... Okay, set up the Black Agenda Report.
John, do you have a question for our guests?
We've got about a minute and a half left here.
Now, you mentioned that the free market, fundamentalism, imperialism, war, and empire
I really
They are operatives of the same fake liberal organizations that are used as a disguise for these really fundamentally reactionary organizations.
Let me get a comment from him on that.
Your take on what John from Ohio was just saying, Mr. Sharma?
I think John gives us the one good point, which is that a lot of the powerful folks involved in this, we want to not be distracted by those labels like liberals and conservatives.
Rather, I think we want to look at how are they serving this project of American empire versus American democracy.
That's the bottom line.
Which do you believe in, democracy or empire?
And the point I want to make is...
That we pay for this empire.
So many Americans feel like, yeah, kill them brown people, take their oil.
And I've heard a lot of people on talk radio, yeah, we're taking the brown people's oil.
It's kind of a redneck Klan thing.
Hey, dummies, you're paying for all this.
You don't get it.
The big banks, the offshore corporations do.
Stop thinking you're part of the power structure.
Well, Jeff Charlotte, I appreciate you coming on about the book, the family, and as things unfold, I look forward to have you back on the show soon.
Thanks for spending time with us.
You bet.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv are our websites.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I am insanely news blitzing.
I want to get your NLE09 calls, reports, martial law drill with 14 different nations, publicly to engage the American people.
FEMA admits it, foreign troops, Israeli, German, British, the list goes on and on.
We have articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
People are getting scared.
They don't even know this show.
I have friends and family and other talk show hosts all over the country saying people are here and they're going to be forced to take a shot and they're upset and saying, how do I not take it?
Well, just don't roll your sleeve up.
Eating during the break there.
Don't roll your sleeves up.
Don't go along with it.
Expose it.
And once a few percentage points say no, the whole thing will fall apart and implode.
I want to discuss that.
I want to cover that.
But I'm going to your calls.
One minute apiece.
I just can't seem to be able to do this because the callers are always so great.
Just make your point or ask me the question because I want to get to the next person.
That's how we get to everybody.
Because I want to get to some NLE09 calls.
I want to get to some other issues here.
And I've got a big news bulletin coming up in the last 10-15 minutes.
But right now, Colton in Canada disagrees.
Go ahead, Colton.
Hey Alex, good to hear from you.
I've actually been listening to your radio show for about seven years.
I'm a member of Prison Planet TV and I actually got into it when I first started listening to you.
I kind of got thrown off because you have a very eccentric personality.
And then, when I actually listened to one of your radio shows, you said, don't take my word for it, I challenge you, go and look for the information.
Okay, go ahead and tell me what you're in for.
Everything that you come up with, I go and I do a research on it, and for the first, like, four or five years, everything that you've come up with, I've always been able to verify through everything.
I've only had one thing that I've never been able to, that you've mentioned on your show, that I've actually found the exact opposite.
You haven't had two individuals by the name of Robert Menard or John Harris on.
There actually, there's a group in UK, part of the We Are Change group, a guy named Darren Pillard.
What they've done is they've told the government they don't consent to anything.
They don't want to be part of it.
They're removing themselves from the entire government.
And you've brought up the stuff about straw men and stuff before.
Well, these guys have actually gone to court, right up against the people, fronted out or showed them their actual... Sir, let's just stop right there.
Stop right there.
You're saying you found something I said that isn't accurate.
I make mistakes all the time.
Most of my mistakes are, I called it K Street, the lobbyists, because I have an article about Obama getting rid of all lobbying rules worse than Bush.
The lobbyists are openly writing all the policy and law.
Complete flip-flop.
I called C Street, K Street.
So you've got to watch me on stuff.
It's not intentional.
You know, I flip things around because I'm busy on air.
You're bringing up We Are Change.
I mean, I'm the one that put We Are Change on the map when telling people to join Luke's group.
So I'm, or maybe that's not what you're saying, I'm lying about or I'm wrong about.
What is your point?
Quickly, come on!
What you're wrong about is the whole reference to the strawman.
There's, uh, in the legal definitions of the word person, these people have actually gone to court.
I know, Black's Law, all of it.
Yeah, you go into Black's Law, you can go into the case laws like, um,
I've got a case law reference here, Luther v. Borden, site 48, US 1, 1849.
Listen, listen, I told you one minute apiece and I appreciate your call.
You got about three.
It is so hard to respond to this.
I lovingly try to stay away from all this stuff because I don't like sending my listeners to prison.
If I had a dollar for every quack liar on the radio and TV, and I don't know those people you mentioned.
So I'm not saying they are.
If I had a dollar for every person that claims, file this straw man, file these liens, get this bond out, do this.
The whole common law system is set that you can swear to something and go file it.
But then if it isn't true, you're going to get in trouble.
But there's so much of it that they can't respond to all of it.
I've had people file fake liens on me.
I've had all sorts of stuff go on.
All I'm saying is there's such a minefield of disinfo and false law out there.
Certainly the government creates a straw man and gets you to waive rights through contract and it's a lie to say you gotta take vaccines and I hear lawyers on air saying Admiralty only deals with ships.
No, I've seen federal courts declare Admiralty stealing people's property in the US.
So there's kernels of truth to all this.
I just don't get up here
and push people into all of these theories about law and ideas when they don't even know their Bill of Rights or Constitution.
Now I know there's some freeman societies and groups that I've seen give some decent speeches in England explaining how the system works and telling the system I'm not going along with you.
That is a human declaration as a free being and creature.
Okay, so
You don't understand the point I'm making and what I'm saying.
So hey, go knock yourself out!
I just see a lot of people claim they've won this case, or claim they've done this, or claim they've done that, and it's normally not true.
I don't know about those groups you mentioned.
I'm just saying, look out, there's a lot of bull out there.
I don't steer my giant audience off into kind of patriot kook land, where there's all this imaginary baloney going on.
I don't talk about chupacabras and space aliens.
You know, I'm not...
I just spent five minutes with you, pal.
I'm gonna take these calls and each person's getting one minute, okay?
Because we... David in Thailand, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey Alex.
Watching the Chris Matthews video and other things like it where they're tying the birth certificate issue to things like 9-11 and Bilderberg.
Yeah, they're saying Bilderberg doesn't exist and if you talk about it you need to go to a mental institution.
Sounds like the Soviet Union.
They're saying if you question his birth certificate when they won't release it, it's a certificate of a certificate.
It's a receipt of live birth and it looks like it's forged.
They're saying if you question the swine flu, you're insane.
You've got to do what they say, because they're losing control.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's making me think that maybe he was actually born in Hawaii, but they're just holding that back and creating this fake controversy and tying it to all these other real things.
And then when they get ready, they're going to... Yeah, you never know with a PSYOP.
You never know with a PSYOP.
And I was thinking that in the shower this morning after I went for a jog.
I'm going, wait a minute, they could be acting like, you know, they're upset with this to really hype it up and then disprove it later.
If that's true, their body language, and it's hard to fake it, they look like they hate having to cover it, and they're actually scared of it.
And let me tell you, they're scared of anything spontaneous.
They're masters of hoaxes.
So even if it's a hoax that he was born in Kenya and that it's not a hoax that he was born in Hawaii, they are afraid of stuff.
They're masters of lies.
So let's say it could be a lie.
They're scared of town halls where spontaneously the town hall's not even about Obama and everybody's yelling and screaming about his birth certificate.
No, they're genuinely scared.
We have to stop not accepting victory.
Now, I'm not saying you're bad caller.
I have the same thoughts this morning.
I'm always analyzing and thinking.
Every waking moment, even when I dream, I'm thinking about this stuff.
No, I genuinely think they tried to ignore it, and they're scared, and that makes me think it's probably true.
And there's a lot of pieces that go into that, but regardless, it isn't good for Obama.
And anything that stalls him is good, but if it isn't true that he was born in Kenya, I will try to come out and expose that.
But my gut tells me that they're covering something up.
I'm not sure what it is, but it's a very, very serious, big issue.
But after Obama is defeated as a political demagogue, as long as that train stalls and he can't get his agenda through, then we've got to point out he's just a puppet and not make it about a new system where judo, where they use our action against him to put a new right-wing puppet in.
You see, we've got to stop that left-right dynamo.
You understand the point I'm making?
Yeah, I just think, you know, if he actually was, and when they got ready they brought that out and showed that it was true, it would discredit all the other 9-11 and the Fed and Bilderberg that they've been tying that to, and all the people that have been talking about it would be all discredited.
Yeah, no, see, sir, but we can hypothetically think of anything all day.
The system, and I appreciate your call, is discredited.
The system is discredited.
That's what I mean.
He may have been born in Hawaii, but everybody knows the government and the media have been caught lying a billion times.
So, if they said Obama was black, people wouldn't believe it.
Of course, because that's a lie too.
He's really 6.5% black.
Most of it's Arab or white.
That's what I'm saying.
It's just... It's a total confidence loss is what's happening.
It's very sophisticated what they've done, and they've just basically destroyed confidence.
I don't know.
We're gonna find out, okay?
You got a good point, though.
Let's talk to Paul in Florida.
Paul, go ahead.
Yeah, go ahead.
Go ahead, you're on air.
Hey there.
Go ahead!
Some of your fans have put together a really cool thing for you.
Thank you.
It's called I'm Sick, alright?
And it's at MySpace.com forward slash Screaming Alex.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate that call.
Let's talk to Nick in Florida.
Nick, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Nick.
Hey, Alex Jones.
Long time, first time.
I wanted to let you know that my best friend, he's got a family friend who works at Raytheon in Tampa.
And, uh, he said he works at the receiving, uh, and shipping area throughout the entire building.
He receives everything that comes in, every order that gets put in.
He said that they had a huge order for, like, 500,000 riot gear suits, and he said that in the whole time that he's been working there for, like, 20-something years, he said he's never seen nothing like it.
Well, that's not just your buddy at Raytheon, because we can't confirm that, but I believe you.
It's all over the news!
They've ordered body bags and riot gear, and have tried to train the main army force for a riot, and are having military drills everywhere to condition everybody, and saying... I mean, again, they destroy the economy, that causes riots, then that sets the precedent for the police state.
What else did he say?
Did he say anything else there, caller?
Um, no.
He just said that they had ordered Riot Gear suits and he had never seen anything like it.
It was a huge order and he was basically telling everybody he knew and he told my best friend, who is a relative of his, and he said that, I mean, he don't listen to your show, he doesn't even have a computer, but he was scared and he would tell me about it and I said, well, that's what Alex Jones has been talking about.
Well, thank you so much for that tip.
More calls straight ahead.
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Yeah, they want us to all be fighting with each other.
That's why they love saying, we gotta have more discussions of race in America.
Everybody's like these neurotic quits scared of using words.
And everybody's afraid of making somebody upset.
The government, though, will keep all the groups under control.
Take your shots.
We love you.
Alright, let's go back to your calls here.
Who's up next?
Chad in Florida?
Chad in Florida, go ahead.
Hello, Alex Jones.
How are you, sir?
Good, Chad.
What's on your mind today?
I will keep this under a minute for you.
I have two questions, but basically one of them only needs a response on air from you.
First off, you are my mentor and I appreciate you so much.
I interviewed G. Edward Griffin on July 18th.
He did such an incredible job.
He wants to come back on.
They got me in touch with Jim Mars, so I hope that maybe you can verify that I know Joan Hunter, his personal assistant.
Maybe off air I can... Sir, I don't even know what you're talking about.
I mean, I'm like taking calls and I always get people calling in plugging or their radio shows.
I mean, what are you saying?
G. Edward Griffin?
I'm saying that he came on my show and he wants to come back on and I would, I hope that I can maybe get you on somehow.
My question was about NLE.
And do you think
Just like with before 9-11, do you think, I mean, if you're spidey-sense up with this one, could this be, and the swine flu, be the actual, them actually going for it all this time?
Okay, listen, I appreciate your call.
I'm not trying to be mean.
I can't seem to break this habit of taking one or two calls an hour when I could take hundreds an hour.
I mean, unlimited calls.
And there's so many great callers I want to get on that have important tips and info to cover, plus I'm a loud mouth, blowhard, you know, and I need to shut up.
Yes, my Spidey Sense is off the chart.
Not about NLE09.
That's just the Feds testing the total takeover with foreign troops.
That intellectually and historically is off the charts, very upsetting.
But the way they're hyping this flu that's super weak, that's clearly man-made though,
And digging the mass graves and getting ready, I said that back in March, even before April, and now they're saying get ready for forced inoculations and setting up emergency tents and troops, even in Austin at Camp Mabry.
I went over there a few days ago and confirmed that.
I mean, this is, this, they're getting ready for something big as a political cover for the banking takeover and the water takeover and the carbon tax takeover and the hate speech takeover and the, just all of it's happening right now.
Yes, my Spidey Sense is off the charts upset.
And we've all got a sixth sense, but mine is intellectual and also in my gut, and it's off the chart right now.
And everybody else is freaking out, saying, I'm worried, I don't want to take the shot, something's going on, I'm worried.
And they're getting ready to make a move.
Obama's approval rating's dropping, the establishment needed him to get their agenda through, and they're going to stage something, get ready.
Just absolutely.
As for me coming on your radio show, I have never been this busy.
I'm behind doing a book.
I gotta finish the new Obama film.
That means a website and cover design and finish the film and it's just insane and it's so good and I'm up here every night till one in the morning that I've really cut back on doing interviews almost down to nothing.
And so, I will do interviews coming up in October.
Folks can contact the producers.
That's how you do it, is you contact them.
Because the producers slash publicist slash whatever you want to call it.
Now that was four minutes with that caller.
I'll never get anything done.
It's just insane.
Let's go ahead and talk to Casey in New York.
Go ahead, Casey.
Hey, how's it going Alex?
Good, Casey.
What's on your mind today?
I've heard you mention this on several shows and I have one thing I disagree with you on.
You said the Rockefellers discovered the cancer virus and from my research I found out there was an inventor named Royal Reif who discovered the cancer virus using his high-end optics and actually the Rockefellers stole those ideas from the inventor himself.
Yeah, I mean, that's how many angels can dance to the head of a pen.
I've heard the recordings of Reif sitting there drinking scotch, claiming that he invented the sun, almost.
And I'm not saying he probably didn't invent some interesting things, but he also, I've seen film of him with big so-called projectors to do stuff with flying saucers.
So, I don't just accept what the government says, and the media says, and I don't accept what Royal Raymond Reif and everybody else says.
I'm saying the Rockefeller Foundation, in this research I did from declassified university studies, they, in the 20s, funded the research.
Discovered that most cancer was viral, and then they started vaccine programs and cancer research and treatment facilities, putting it in the vaccines, and then they make the money off of you when you die from the cancer.
That was my point!
Is they're killing us with cancer!
Instead, we're talking about Raymond Wright.
And I'm not mad at you, but my God, man!
It just never ends.
What about not taking the shots?
That was my issue.
That they're giving us cancer.
We're on the march.
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Yeah, on the Royal Raymond Rife stuff, there might have been some truth to that, but I mean, if I have one more kook show at my office with a
Glass ray gun with some flashing light in the end and they claim it heals cancer.
I mean it makes me sick.
And this is part of magical thinking and Harry Potter delusion.
Now are there all sorts of magnetic and scalar technology in real systems?
Is there weather modification?
But all of this kookiness gets in the way of real research of things we can prove and that's how the system discredits us.
Now, I don't try to police this.
People call in and ask me about it.
I'm going to go off the deep end.
I mean, I've seen locals on AXS TV saying they're wizards.
And then they go out to lakes and have wires they stick in the water with plastic pyramids and go, look, I'm power beaming the sky.
I mean this.
And then I'm the crazy one because I don't believe this.
No, it's bull.
It's delusion.
You know, when I tell you about NLE09 and troops from 14 countries here training for martial law, FEMA says that, but in their own spin.
Oh, they're here to help us with a simulated terror attack on the homeland by domestic terrorists, and they're going to also help us spy on the American people, you know, run surveillance.
I mean, it's total federalization drill with foreign troops, and nobody cares about that.
It's all
Obama and race relations or O.J.
Simpson or Michael Jackson, they love issues with black people.
Then they can make it all about black and white.
It's mind control, folks.
I've just had enough of it.
And also, we're going into a depression.
We're going into a collapse of society.
And your Oregon plastic pyramids ain't gonna save you.
I'll tell you right now.
There, I've done it.
I've made the entire Plastic Pyramid group mad.
Look, the point, I just can't handle it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in Michigan.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, buddy.
What's on your mind?
I'm going to stick to the format, L-N-E-O-O-9.
I live in Lansing, 10 miles west of us is a major helicopter hub for Army, whatever.
In Grand Ledge and there's just been a ton of activity the past week in that direction.
Oh yeah, there's activity everywhere as they simulate, mainly taking over cities, as the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 97 states, that now Homeland Security and Brigade Homeland, NORTHCOM, main job is to suppress governors and legislatures.
It's stated!
And then who is the legislature going to call on?
Number one enemy.
I mean, if that doesn't prove the government's rogue and illegitimate, my friend, what does?
Well, I agree.
And also, just talked to a lady friend this morning whose nephew was just called up.
Said there was a bunch of them called up.
Not going to the Middle East.
Don't know what they're doing.
So, those are the two tidbits that I've got.
Well, first to go, last to know, they're admitting that they're trying to train large portions of the regular army force for the last three years, NMP, military police, search and cordon, and they're doing drills from Missouri to California in the newspaper.
I showed it yesterday, of fighting American gun owners.
Did you see those articles I covered?
I've caught a lot yesterday, but I didn't get everything, though, sir.
No, no, I don't blame you.
It's a four-hour show with an obnoxious pumpkin head directing it, but I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Look, again, I don't have all the answers, folks.
I'm not the end-all, be-all.
I'm just here pointing out the insanity taking place.
23.7 trills stolen, they've sucked us dry, they plan to fully implode the economy, and then they're running all these
Deceptive headlines like home prices index up for first time in three years.
And then what it says is the decline slowed because it's bottoming out.
But the deceptive headline says up.
But then you read the article, everything's falling apart.
I mean, again, they're telling you inflation's down.
Everybody knows everything costs more.
Let me ask the guys.
Does everything cost more, it seems like?
I mean, do you believe the news saying things cost less, or do they cost more?
Home price index up for the first time in three years.
Index of 20 major cities rises on a monthly basis for the first time since July 2006.
Hinting that the worst of the declines may be over.
Heard green shoots six months ago, remember?
And again, I hope things will get better, but the globalists have every intention in their own documents.
You got the Dennis Kucinich clip where
They're admitting that the Federal Reserve paid banks not to lend and that lending's gone down.
They could have paid all the mortgages in the country twice over and had $5 trillion left on a 23.7 trill.
All the mortgages, $9.4 trillion.
All of them, not the ones in trouble.
All of them.
Every condo, every mansion, everything.
Go ahead and play this.
Your report about lending where you talk about how banks have been leveraging TARP funds to support lending activities.
And you say on commercial lending, 20% of respondents reported they used TARP funding for commercial lending activities.
17% of respondents deploying TARP funds for other consumer lending.
13% for small business.
You talk about the capital cushion, how some banks are basically parking their funds to create a cushion against loan losses.
Now, I looked at your report.
And I want to use that report as a backdrop for a news report that came in today.
Now, we went back into the TARP history here.
We know the first intent that Congress had, purchase toxic assets, which were mortgage-backed securities.
We were told, keep people in their homes.
Well, administration threw that out the door, last administration.
Then, we were told, we're going to switch the TARP funds to help bail out the banks, direct capital infusion.
But I think something else has happened here and I want to make sure it doesn't escape this committee and I hope that you can tell me it hasn't escaped your notice.
We're now seeing that we have another switch that's occurred.
That we actually have the Fed paying banks not to use their, quote, excess capital to make loans.
I direct your attention to a news report today which says that banks' excess reserves at the Fed rose to a record $877.1 billion daily average in the two weeks ended May 20th from $2 billion a year.
It goes on and on.
It's up on InfoWars.com, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
There's four more minutes.
And I can give you all the mainstream news articles on it, or you can go to StartPage.com, a search engine, and punch it in and find it all right there.
Just Google, Federal Reserve paying banks not to loan.
Yeah, Federal Reserve paying its own banks.
The Federal Reserve is a holding front company for private banks.
Now, I told you this back in October, because they've done this in the third world all over and over again.
They plunge the economy, get a bailout, hoard the money, till everything implodes, then they're going to dump the money on the market, buying everything up, while it still has value, then it's devalued once the money finally gets in your hands in the economy.
Because their argument is, this money can only be at institutional level, it can't hit the street, or it'll cause inflation.
That's why they're buying seaports, and roads, and technology companies, and things like that.
And weapon systems.
Because you're not supposed to get your own stinking money!
And then as if that fraud wasn't enough, you pay interest to the banks on the money you gave them!
My God, imagine if you're a con artist and you thought up the most insane fraud you could of how to rip the biggest idiots off.
This is it!
It's like New Jersey, where hundreds of government officials are selling organs, and stealing money from things, and mayors, and the whole country's like this!
I mean, I just... I mean, it's just... And then Kucinich and Ron Paul get attacked by the media.
They're the bad guys, because they're talking... There's the bad man, right there!
Here's the bad man!
Got the news media basically parachuting in on me, attacking me every day, you know, because I don't like being raped by foreign banks.
Okay, let's blitz through calls.
Ryan in Wisconsin, come on down!
Hi Alex.
Is the hype about the United States Corporation Act of 1871 a bunch of bull?
Specifically, I have to pull that up, but a lot of that is true, some of it isn't.
They also say things like, you know, this company or that company or this government agency is really a private corporation and
They operate as private corporations, but they have one foot in government, one foot out of government.
It's a quasi.
But it is true the District of Columbia does operate as a corporation.
But it has feet in both the Republic and in the country and in its own corporate system.
Does that answer your question?
Is there two governments?
Well, there's more than two governments.
I mean, you now have the private bureaucracies that openly tie into private corporations that are now the real government, and they operate under continuity of government laws and through the National Security Council.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in Missouri.
Robert, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I'm just wanting to tell you that I've listened to you for a long time.
I'm one of them survivors from the 70s, or mid-70s, uh, CPS, kidnapping children.
Um, and I'm telling you, they kidnap you and they rewire your brain.
You can't even think right anymore.
Well no, they admit that some states, 76% are on drugs.
On average, 68% of children they grab, they put on 7 drugs on average.
And there's been doctors in the news in Texas, WAI-TV did a great report, you can Google it.
Foster kids on drugs and he said he saw kids healthy and happy five-year-olds they'd taken that were in wheelchairs two years later the drug I mean one kid they put on 18 drugs because the CPS and the foster families get more money the more drugs and the more health problems your kids got and they use them to test pesticides on them New York Daily News I preach in fact Google foster children pesticides tested on foster children
And you'll see, all over the country.
I mean, they kill them!
They give them, in a month, pesticide, and then they chain them down, they try to escape, and they murder them!
I mean, they just murder!
They take the organs, it's just murder, killing, death, frothing, doing whatever they want.
You cannot imagine how, because people won't believe the evil's going on, so the evil just has free reign.
The devil's biggest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist, and boy, these are human devils that are out there.
Let's talk to Chris in Florida.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, I'd like to talk about the de facto versus the digital government that I've had a victory on, but more importantly, since I have less than a minute probably, there's one remedy that is clinically proven effective, not only against the side effects of the various vaccinations that cause the hemorrhagic fever, but also flus cause hemorrhagic fever.
No, you're right.
And again, for those that don't know what hemorrhagic fever is, it may explain, causes an autoimmune response, then the lungs fill with the liquid, you're being killed by the vaccines, they know it and don't care!
Yes, and colostrum is that remedy.
I've read a whole lot about colostrum.
Those with healthy immune systems are often more vulnerable to some kinds of flu, which can kill fewer by the complications of the infection.
Because you're getting hemorrhagic fever.
Hemorrhagic tends to hit people with healthy immunes, the more healthy immune systems.
It causes the internal bleeding caused by the immediate extreme inflammatory immune response and the immune modulator colostrum, or bovine colostrum, I've been taking for years.
It's clinically proven effective against things like Guyon-Barre syndrome.
And multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, it helps modulate the immune system if it's overactive, or bring it up if it actually has live antibodies that you can absorb that are protected and can be absorbed in the gut.
It's very anti-fungal, bacterial, anti-cancer.
Hey, sounds like great info.
Write an article about it from your perspective, citing medical research.
I know a lot of that's been cited.
And send it to writers at infowars.com.
Thank you so much.
Remember, me going quickly to calls is what enables me to get others on.
That's why you guys are getting on the show today, and we love talking to you.
Let's talk to Tony in Maryland, and then Lola.
Tony, go ahead.
How you doing?
I'm a big fan of the show.
I got your Don't Try to Own Me shirt on.
I'm wearing it down here to try to see if I can't find the NLE09.
Again, the t-shirts are really spreading the word.
Available at InfoWars.com.
Thanks for reminding me.
I hadn't plugged those yet.
I got a couple the other night.
The 1776 was answered in 1984.
And then there was another one.
Saved the USA.
But anyway, that's beside the fact.
I was trying to look and see if there was any FEMA drills going on here.
in Washington, D.C.
and I'm not sure where they're at.
Terrorism drill, and the name of your city, and then you'll see it.
But take Camp Mabry and the stuff going on there, and other stuff going on in Waco we've confirmed is going on.
That is nowhere in the news.
So where I live, this is going on, but it's not in the news.
Okay, I know a guy that was in Waco.
He was one of the planners, and I see him all the time, and I was like, hey, you know, you had special forces in the rear firing on the people.
And he said, oh yeah, I know.
On video.
But because it's black and white, they said, well... That'd be like if you had an elephant in your room and they said, that's not an elephant.
You're like, well, he's got a trunk and ears and looks like he pooped on the floor right there.
And they're like, nope, there's no elephant.
You know, I mean, it's troops shooting the Davidians on video, the flare footage.
And they go, no, that's not what it is.
Uh, let's go ahead.
Wake up.
Um, hello?
Yeah, go ahead and finish, sir.
I thought I'd let you go.
Go ahead.
And the funny thing is, I'm right here in front of the American Bar Association.
Is it true that it's the American Barrister Association?
You know, I hear that and they say it means the accredited bar, British registry, all that.
And look, I looked into it and couldn't find that.
I appreciate your call.
My whole point is everybody obsesses over all that mythology all day instead of warning people not to take the shots.
Let's talk to Lola in Vegas.
Lola, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, we just love you so much.
We love you Lola.
We've done a lot of things to change and prep for our family.
You know, the other day though, as far as this FEMA exercise, my husband was at the Home Depot and he saw some German soldiers.
They weren't in uniform.
He said, these are military.
He's ex-military.
And they were talking German.
And then the one guy, he didn't respond.
They were almost talking to him.
And then the one guy says,
Let's start the war!
So they're out here doing their exercises.
We noticed a great big Homeland Security building on Pecos Boulevard out here.
This is pretty real.
Wait a minute, the German soldiers were stomping around shooting their mounds off?
Yeah, right out in the Home Depot parking lot.
So he was talking to them and were they guilty?
He wasn't talking to them.
They were talking real loud so that he could hear.
You know, and then he didn't respond.
And he was busy working.
He was getting a part for his job.
And, uh, so he's like, wow, you know, and then they said, let's start the war in English, you know, and he was stationed.
They can't wait to take on the American people.
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Retransmissions coming up in about five and a half minutes.
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I want to try to jam in.
Who's up next here on the list?
I got so many calls I can't keep track of them all, John.
Alright, Josh in Oregon and a few others.
We're going to get to you here in just a minute.
I see a John in Oregon.
I don't see a Josh.
John in Oregon, okay.
But before I do that, let me tell you about two more final sponsors and we'll jam in a few final calls here at the end of the transmission.
I always get distracted because I've got a TV on with the Infowars cover page and all the new headlines Kurt's adding.
It just keeps freaking me out looking across.
NGOs suggest elderly should be the first to go in the pandemic and not be given treatment.
See, they're training us all to love eugenics.
That's right, give me the shots!
And the shot hurts you.
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Okay, let's jam in two final calls here.
John in Oregon.
Go ahead, John.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, sir!
Loud and clear!
Actually, I was calling the Lars Larson Show.
I want to speak with a congressman, but I'm going to put this out for everybody because I think some of the questions should always be asked of every congressman and every senator.
Are they going to be joining the same medical coverage and programs that we will?
No, they have their own special medical coverage.
They're just going to start fining everybody to get worthless insurance where they're going to give you an aspirin for a heart attack like the Soviet Union.
Appreciate your call.
Glad you found the Lars Larson Show.
Lars Larson.
I've been on his show a few times.
Hell, Peanut had to have me back on.
I'm just joking.
He's a nice neocon.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Mike in Minnesota.
Last caller.
Take us out, Mike.
Hey, Alex.
Been a long time.
When I called in was New York City when they started the bag searches.
You know, a long time listener.
A big supporter.
Well, great!
What's on your mind?
Recommendation to folks.
I'm sorry?
What's on your mind?
We're almost out of time.
Recommendation to folks on the birth issue.
If you don't have it, I have a certificate of why a birth is the same deal they're trying to say is the real deal.
Call and get it.
Case example.
They've sealed it.
Well, you can call and get your own and show people how easy it is to get it.
Oh, that's a great point!
Why are they doing that?
Great point.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Direct to you and in your face.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.