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Name: 20090724_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 24, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
We're now already into hour number two.
We have three more hours laying out before us a ton of news and information, your calls, and a lot of guests coming up.
Speaking of guests, Congressman Louie Gohmert is scheduled to call in in the next ten minutes or so.
He's been fighting the cap-and-trade legislation, the gun-grabbing, all the tyranny going on.
Republican Congressman from Texas.
Then we have our weekly visit in the next hour with Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster to go over all the big developments in the economy, including the congressional reports, AP, Reuters, and Bloomberg reporting $23.7 trillion stolen by the offshore banks that control Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and the Treasury Department, as well as the private Federal Reserve.
And then, he's a reporter for Counterpunch and a lot of other big publications.
Dar Jamal is an American, but he has been in Lebanon during the war, been in Iraq during the war.
He's been to Iraq recently.
He'll give you a report of what things really look like in Iraq there.
And is Obama really pulling the troops out?
According to Dar Jamal, no.
It's all a staged shell game event.
So that's coming up in the last hour today from a reporter who's been on the ground in Baghdad and all over Iraq and the Middle East as well as Central Asia.
Congressman Louie Gohmert, Bob Chapman and Dar Jamal coming up and of course your phone calls.
I want to get into the whole flu fear-mongering.
They're saying that they've bought close to 200 million doses
of the flu shot to forcibly inject the American people.
Now, they said back in 2002 they were going to make all first responders, 14 million of them, doctors, nurses, police, firemen
County, city, state workers, federal workers take the smallpox shot and LA Times reported out of 14 million, 4,000 took it.
But a bunch of them died.
Then the whole program fell apart when Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson refused to take it.
So just because they're saying they're going to make us take this in the fall,
Doesn't mean it's going to happen.
But they do have a captive audience that's been trained to put up with all of this and go along with all of this, and that is public school children.
And so there's a PrisonPlanet.com article Paul Watson wrote today that is
Reporting on a story out of the Daily Oklahoman, 12,000 U.S.
children to be swine flu vaccine guinea pigs.
So, we've had a few deaths in the U.S., less than 200 worldwide.
Regular flu kills 37,000, according to the CDC, every year in the U.S.
If the flu kills a couple hundred people,
Uh, coming up in the fall and winter.
My God, if they almost shut America and the world down for less than 200 deaths, and was it five or six in the U.S.?
With people that were already on lung machines or already had HIV, you know, already had really bad immune systems.
And I misspoke earlier.
I said 197 million.
I don't know why that popped in my head.
MSNBC reported U.S.
buys 195 million doses.
So 195 million doses.
So I was 2 million wrong.
What does it matter?
195 million of swine flu vaccine.
Government hopes to speed development of fall vaccination program.
And they were saying a month into that thing breaking out that they already had a vaccine for it when it normally takes six months.
I mean, this is a load of bull.
And then they admit it's already mutating constantly and changing.
And so how are they then going to have a vaccine for it if it's already changed?
And I saw a story in the London Times two days ago with a top epidemiologist saying this is a total fraud.
It's profiteering at the bare minimum with a made-up vaccine for something that isn't even killing people.
Why does the government want you to take this so bad?
Why are they pushing this on society so hard is the big question.
So we'll talk about that and a lot more on the other side of this quick break.
Also this three hours is carried
On the weekends, on Saturday on XM, coming up later in the hour, I'll give you that channel and show time for the three hours of the Friday show, the second, third and fourth hour they carry on XM.
Very exciting.
As they look at picking us up, they want to pick us up live, they don't have a slot right now, but that's in the works.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We watch a lot of C-SPAN around here, especially making the Obama Deception, that Congressman Willie Gomer appears in briefly.
And making the new Obama film, that I'll soon tell you the name of, comes out in mid-October.
But really, he is on the mark.
He's always up at the front, late at night, early in the morning, fighting the gun-grabbing agenda, the hate speech agenda, restricting the First Amendment, fighting the cap-and-trade to take over our country.
He's the guy I always see now and we're watching, like nobody else, up there.
Energetically fighting when they're trying to not let him read the bills, when they're ramming through all forms of corruption.
He was there fighting the banker takeover bill back in October of last year.
He's now fighting Obama and getting called partisan when he's not.
He's standing up for the Bill of Rights Constitution.
And like myself, he's also somewhat of a history fan.
And he's a big supporter and fan of my idol, George Washington, that the media doesn't ever really talk about or kind of puts on a pedestal because they don't want you knowing about George Washington because he would then become an example for new George Washingtons to stand up to tyranny today.
So for the next 25 minutes or so, Congressman Louie Gohmert joins us, serving his third term in the U.S.
State House of Representatives.
Congressman Louie Gohmert proudly represents the 1st District of Texas, which encompasses over 12 counties stretching nearly 120 miles down the state's eastern border, including where my family's from.
Representative Gohmert is developing innovative solutions to jumpstart our economy and offering practical alternatives to the government's bailout frenzy.
His federal income tax holiday gained widespread national support from the grassroots level to national leaders, allowing taxpayers to decide how best to spend their hard-earned money.
Well, great to be with you, Alex, but that was such a great introduction, I'm afraid to talk anymore and screw it up.
Well, you know, we watch C-SPAN every day, and I have the guys selecting out clips of what you're doing as we try to sift through all these for the film.
And I tell you, you are an attack dog for liberty and freedom.
If we had more people like you, we wouldn't be turning into communist Russia.
Well, it is heartbreaking what's going on around here.
You see this stuff and you go, how can you do this?
This has been done before.
You go back and read Morgenthau, the Secretary of Treasury's own private diary in 1940 where he said, we've spent more money than ever in history and we're no better off.
We've still got the record unemployment.
I mean, all this stuff is not new.
We're just trying to do the same things and expecting a different result.
But the bankers, as you have eloquently said, they like it.
They're getting to direct the economy.
They're getting to play the part of savior.
I mean, they hit the iceberg, and then they're the hero.
Isn't that incredible?
And one of the things, you know, it's now gotten popular to say everybody ought to read the bill.
I was on the floor last September when this bailout started saying, guys, you've got to read the bill!
You'll know this is not something we do if you'll just read it.
And I tell you, Alex, I don't know if you're aware, but
Yeah, in that bill last September, and of course we didn't vote for it until October, we voted down the first time, and then the stock market fell 777 points, and then the president I like so much was able to twist arms and get people to vote for this crappy thing, but anyway, in that bill, it raised the debt ceiling by 1.3 trillion, so when I saw that,
I went, whoa, there's something else at play here than just a $700 billion slush fund.
And Alex, I went through looking, okay, what are the loopholes that might allow him to spend more than this?
And what I saw was, you know what?
This provision that allows him to hire anybody he wants to, or pay anybody he needs to, to help him manage this TARP stuff, went holy cow.
This is the Goldman Sachs Benevolent Fund right here.
And we can't even find out how much has gone to Goldman Sachs, but you probably noticed
They had their biggest record profit the second quarter this year, 3.44 billion.
Well, let's get into that in a moment.
We had Congressman Brad Sherman on during early October and then we had the clip of Senator Inhofe where Paulson, who was working with the head of the New York Fed at the time in tandem, now Treasury Secretary Geithner,
Came in to closed meetings and said we're going to have martial law and do this anyways if you don't get behind it.
Then they went out and said we're going to have a depression because Congress wouldn't pass it.
That was financial terrorism.
They drove down the market, there's no doubt.
Can you speak to what happened there?
Well, I sure can.
Actually, you know, this was in a private conference call when all of this first came up.
Bernanke and Paulson were in a conference call with the Republican members of Congress and then separately with the Democratic members of Congress.
And he said, you know, there's these toxic assets that mortgage-backed securities that nobody will buy.
They're freezing up everything.
But you give me 700 billion dollars and I can get things moving, but it's just nobody's bottom because they don't know what they're worth.
When they opened it up for questions, somebody beat me to the question.
I don't remember if it was Ron or who, but somebody asked the one, the first thing that came to my mind.
Well, wait a minute, Secretary.
If nobody knows what these are worth, how do you know you need 700 billion dollars?
And his response just sent me into orbit.
It was, well, we just needed a really big number.
Now, I don't know how you do business.
Yes, I do.
I know plenty of bait.
But you would never say that!
That is insane!
It would need a big number, and to this day...
If we had not, and I say we, I was 100% against it, but if that had not passed, there's no way Obama could have gotten an $800 billion stimulus and a $400 billion land omnibus and gotten the rest of that dark money and on and on.
But what happened was, the President did something Presidents are never ever supposed to do.
He went out, convinced by Paulson it was the thing to do, and said, we're about to have a depression, a stock crash, bank failures, but if we give my bozo buddy over here, Paulson, $700 billion, then he can mitigate it and it won't be so bad.
Now, 300 financial experts have said all you've got to do is first suspend the mark-to-market rule and allow these banks to at least carry those mortgage-backed securities, even if it's 30%.
They've got mortgages, they may not be worth 100 cents on the dollar, but they're worth something.
You let them be carried at 30 cents on the dollar, Washington Mutual won't fail, Wachovia won't fail, and we're going to be okay, and we can work our way through this.
But I know this is cynical, but I really believe Paulson needed a couple of banks to fail to scare everybody enough so that he could get them to vote for that bill.
So we're talking, Congressman, then, about financial terrorism.
Yeah, that's a good way to describe it.
But then that Monday, gosh, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When the President and Treasury Secretary say, if Congress doesn't pass this bill, the market's going to crash.
Well, it didn't crash, but it did drop 777 points because they scared people.
Presidents are supposed to say, we've got nothing to fear but fear itself.
Either do what we say or we're going to, you know, go to hell in a hen basket.
And so, the market crashed and then, I tell you Alex, my calls went from about 1,000 to 100 against that bailout to being about 500 to 50 in favor.
Just look.
You may not like it, but we can't stand another 777 point drop.
Just do it.
And I'm going to look.
You may vote me out, and this was some of my biggest contributes.
Look, I think the world out of you may vote me out, but I have read this bill.
I cannot vote for it.
I'd rather lose than be on record and ever vote for this sorry thing.
Well, Congressman Gohmert, we commend you because you've been proven right in hindsight.
Now, going back to what you tried to mention a few minutes ago, now they use the same psychology.
Always give them a new bailout they're calling for.
A new Bank of the World that we're going to pay the carbon taxes to.
And Al Gore says, what's wrong with paying your taxes to me?
What's wrong with me making money?
I mean, this is so overtly corrupt that it's even hard for me to believe.
Is that the blind spot?
That this is just so outrageously corrupt, so outrageously evil, seizing the whole economy, seizing GM, hacking pieces of it off to Brazil and China and Russia.
I'd like you to speak to that, but then all these congressmen and senators keep asking, where's the money?
Where's the money in Bernanke?
And he just says, no, I will not tell you.
How long can this go on, this banking dictatorship?
It shouldn't go on another day.
And they cease to exist.
You may not get a chance to come back and fix it after you screw it up bad enough.
Well, you're right, Congressman.
Russia is still in shambles from what happened under 60-70 years of rule.
Speaking of the Soviet Union, there is no doubt this country has been hijacked by foreign offshore banks.
Are you supporting the bill to audit the private Federal Reserve?
A hundred percent.
A hundred percent.
You know, we've heard it from the other side of the aisle over and over again that we need transparency from the CIA.
Well, how about some transparency from the Fed?
My goodness!
And, Alex, you're so on top of things.
I know you've been following this push, and it's just draconian, actually, Machiavellian, the way they're seizing power.
We're good to go.
And if you're designated as such, then that means you're too important to ever allow you to fail.
Well, once you do that, the government's going to bail you out of any hole you get in, and so it allows you to run your competition out of business, because you can run a deficit because you know the government will bail you out, and there's also those businesses
No, that they owe their lives and livelihood to the government.
I mean, it was really Machiavelli in the way these auto dealerships were just flat, unconstitutionally taken away from those dealers.
Congressman, let's talk about that right now.
For Netflix, I'm going to skip this network break and take our guest to the bottom of the hour.
Stay with us.
Some stations will, but that's a network break so I can take it.
Congressman, now, revise and extend your remarks about the auto dealerships.
If they're inside cronies, if I've seen this correctly, Congress even admits it, then they get to keep their dealership.
If not, they may have had it 85 years.
It's taken away from them with their customer list.
So this is highway robbery.
Go ahead.
Well it is because it allows you to completely or they to completely disregard the takings prohibition in the Constitution.
It allows them to disregard the bankruptcy laws.
You can't just come in and say you don't have a chance to submit your own alternative plan.
And you're going to have a chance for emotional relief from stay.
You're going to have all these opportunities.
Well, they found a lazy bankruptcy judge, had the auto task force dictate what would happen, and we couldn't have, even in Congress, because enough people are not demanding transparency.
We don't even know what they discussed, but anyway, they put a bunch of people out of business, decided which dealerships.
We're good to go.
Well, the ones that have it now know that you can take it away from them just the way you did the other guys.
And so everybody becomes immensely loyal to the prince, as Machiavelli talked about.
And so that's what we've seen here.
It is a seize of power in this country on an unparalleled level.
And it scares all these businesses.
So you're able to call in banks, like you were talking about.
We're good to go.
Gee, we've got creditors who are more concerned about themselves than they are about America.
Good grief, they're concerned about the rule of law, and the rule of law says if you're a secured creditor, then you have priority.
They flipped that upside down, and then had the unsecured creditors like the UAW get ownership of the company, and the secured creditors
We're willing to take pennies on the dollar based on the fact that the president was coming after him and going to use all his power to take them out of business if they disagreed.
It is really frightening what's going on.
And you wouldn't be aware of this, Alex, because it just happened yesterday.
But ever since there has been a Congress, there has been, you know, a great political divide back and forth.
Well, in the last two and a half years, they've changed the rules.
They've said you can't bring this, they won't allow amendments on
They're not even letting you do mailers now.
I've noticed all the rules are changing.
They won't let you read bills now.
Yeah, that shows how on top of things you are, Alex.
Yes, we cannot talk about, if we use the term government-run healthcare, then we have to pay for it out of our own pocket because that's too political.
Go on the Speaker's website, she just chastises Republicans, bad mouths them, as political as it gets.
But, you know, that stuff has gone on, but then to come in and say we can't send out the chart reflecting the new 31 entities created by this socialized medicine, and we can't say government-run health care unless we say the term public option health care, they will not let us send things out, you know, on our website.
It is censorship like I would never have dreamed would happen.
Well, I mean, I've been watching C-SPAN since high school, and I thought I'd learn some of the basic rules, and suddenly everything's operating differently.
In fact, I want to right now play a 30-second video clip of you during the cap-and-trade saying, may I see the 300 pages?
And this went on for hours as they said, oh, you can see it, but it's not up here.
Just incredible.
Here it is.
to figure out what we're doing, how much damage to the country, I try to get a copy of the bill.
We have out here on the table 2454 that has 1090 pages in it, but I've understood since debating here that there's another 300 pages that were added in the middle of the night.
My inquiry is, how do I get a copy of the other 300 pages that
People on here on here or here on the floor.
I hadn't had a chance to read or see Where do we get that before we slam this cram this down on the American people?
And she won't answer Listening to the parliamentarian because she's not sure I
In fact, back that up.
She goes back and then answers.
She says, oh, it's there, but it's not.
Here it is.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and play it, guys.
The amendment is printed in the Rules Committee Report.
In the Rules Committee Report.
And, Madam Speaker, where would I get that report?
The rule was passed earlier today.
Rules, I'm sorry.
The rule was passed earlier today.
Rules passed it earlier today.
The rule was passed earlier today.
That says basically we're going to the floor without everybody being able to get a copy in the speaker's lobby as normally required.
The gentleman is not asking a parliamentary inquiry.
That's enough.
It goes on for hour after hour, but the point is they wouldn't let you read it, so I guess that's why the minority leader, when he finally got a copy, had to do a leader filler-buster, I guess that only leaders can do, in the House, and tried to read through it.
Yeah, that's right.
He had some staff trying to help get through that thing and find things that were a problem.
And it was just incredible the stuff was in there.
But even on the bill itself, it was obvious people had not read even the 1,090 pages that were available, because they kept getting up and saying, this isn't going to cost anybody jobs.
All this bad-mouthing stuff is going to cost jobs?
So I took them to the page 900 and stuff,
You need to read your own bill, because you created a climate adjustment fund in here that says, I read it to him, that if you lose your job as a result of this climate bill,
Then you're going to be probably, possibly open to an allowance that we'll give you.
And then if you flip over another couple of sections, we have a climate adjustment relocation fee.
But unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to relocate where your job goes, to China or India or Brazil.
And so I've pointed those things out, and they're saying it doesn't cost jobs.
And I said, whoever staffer wrote this bill knows
There are going to be people who lose jobs.
And I'll finish by saying, so I guess the good news for all you guys that are supporting this thing, when the American public finds out what you have done to them by passing this bill, many of you are going to get voted out.
And the good news for you is, you may be entitled to a relocation allowance and allowance for losing your job because of this bill.
Well, Congressman, in closing here, maybe I can hold you over, but I know you're on a busy schedule.
There's just so many questions I wanted to get to.
What about Obama saying there's no anti-Second Amendment bills and we're conspiracy theorists, when last time I checked there were more than a dozen, that just like the climate bill gives all these agencies the executive power outside Congress to just raise taxes, home inspections, force you out of your house, that's in there as you know.
I saw it discussed in committee.
The gun bills allow him to put you on a no-fly list if he doesn't like you to not be able to own a gun as well.
Allows him to ban any guns he wants.
I mean, they're saying they don't want our guns, but the Attorney General argued in the Supreme Court last year as a lawyer for a total gun ban.
I mean, what's going on with that?
Well, it is absurd.
And it is a violation of the rules of the House for me to, in debate, indicate that the President has not been honest or that any member of Congress has not been honest.
But I was able to point out, without violating the rules,
That whoever is putting the stuff in the president's teleprompter that he's reading, they're not being honest.
And the poor president's reading this stuff and apparently he doesn't realize that it's not honest.
We need to find whoever is putting that stuff in his teleprompter and make sure they start telling the truth.
Uh, Les is hard.
He just reads what they give him and it's not always accurate.
Congressman Louie Gohmert, let me say bye to you here off air as we end this segment.
We really appreciate you coming on and when I come back... Thank you for having me.
Oh, thank you for coming on, sir.
When we come back, I'm going to plug your website and contact info.
Stay with us.
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We'll go to Alaska!
We'll go to Alaska!
Congressman Louie Gohmert, staying three or four more minutes with us.
He's got to go on the House floor.
He's got people in his office right now, but I twisted his arm to stay over because last night I saw him up there making the point that, hey, this politically is going to kill the Democrats, and as a Republican I should be happy, but this is hurting my country.
They're seizing the whole economy.
Obama has the lowest approval rating, according to Gallup, of any president
Ever this quick into his administration.
So the good news is, they're stalling out.
The bad news is, it looks like they don't care.
They're kind of ramming us.
Forget the maneuvers, they're going straight at us.
So, into the breach once more.
This is the fight.
So Congressman, your closing comments, because during the break you were explaining that this really is America ending stuff.
In your own words, repeat that.
Well, yeah, this is nation-ending stuff.
When you start spending as dramatically as we've spent, when you start allowing an executive to just completely usurp the judiciary responsibility through bankruptcy, the Supreme Court, and then just completely co-opt the Congress,
We're good to go.
But the thing is, I would rather stop the socialization of healthcare, because once the government pays for your healthcare, they have every right to tell you what you eat, what you drink, how you exercise, where you live, what you do.
They're already saying they're going to do this.
They're a bunch of... Absolutely.
Did you hear about the White House science czar calling for putting stuff in the water to sterilize us?
No, I had not heard that, but I guess if we're going to pay $700 million like we voted last Friday to put condoms on wild horses, and I know it just says non-permanent enhanced contraception, whatever the heck that is.
But if we're going to do that to wild horses, I guess it only follows that they'd eventually get around to doing it to us.
But this is incredible stuff.
And so, yeah, as I was saying, and I'm coming from the heart, I would rather stay in the minority permanently and stop this socialization, this nationalization, this movement toward a direction that kills the freedoms that we have.
Then get the majority back.
It is too important that we prolong this country.
The freedoms that we've given... I mean, Alex, to lose them on our watch, when we've been given such an incredible gift.
You go back and read John Adams and his comments, and when he wrote Abigail after the Declaration of Independence, he said, you know, we have it within our grasp.
What philosophers and dreamers have only dreamed of, you know, to actually govern ourselves.
But they didn't trust people.
That's why they said, you know what, let's go have one house, let's have two houses.
Let's make them where they can cancel each other out and stop each other.
We don't want them to elect a prime minister from within themselves.
No, we want another branch.
We're good to go.
So I don't know.
I get calls saying, we just want everybody to work together and be bipartisan.
I don't think they do.
I don't think they know what that means.
It means we either cave in and let them run this country into the dust heap of history, or we stand and fight.
As Jefferson said, you know, the price of liberty is total vigilance.
But the one thing I know too is that anytime you have
Economic chaos.
People are always willing to give up their liberty to get economic stability.
Look at Hitler!
Yeah, absolutely.
One of the best examples.
Maybe the best example.
So we can't let that happen.
And Chuck Colson had said this in an old Bible study we had a while back earlier this year.
When you lose morality, you will have economic chaos.
You just will.
Absolutely, every time!
That's right.
Every time people become decadent, tyranny comes.
We're going to have you back up next month.
I appreciate everything you're doing.
And just like I'm up late at night fighting the globalists, fighting the New World Order, I see that you are up there when nobody else is there fighting.
You're there early in the morning.
You're there late at night.
I see the passion.
I know you're doing the right thing.
And I know you've done your research, because I'm doing the same research.
In closing, fire out your website.
Tell us what we can do, sir, to help you.
Obviously, this is a big crossroads, a huge battle.
As the Socialist, like Time Magazine headline says, we've almost got national health care.
They've almost got their eugenics control grid over us.
Can you speak to your website, how we help you?
And then in closing, the Youth Brigade's National Compulsory Service in a group outside the military under the Democratic Party's control and the City Year and the red and black uniforms.
Well, our website is www.gohmert.house, H-O-U-S-E dot gov, G-O-V.
I do have a campaign website, too, if people wanted to help, because everybody helps.
But I tell you, we're in a battle for the nation's future, and people need to be letting their representatives know how they feel.
They need to let their senators know.
And as I was talking to a guy in California, he said, well, and there's one thing, you can let those bad representatives around the country
Including the Speaker.
Know that even though you're not in their district, which usually means they don't care what you think, you let them know for the first time in your life you're going to contribute to an opponent outside your district.
You're going to contribute not only with money, but you're going to go block walk, you're going to go help any way you can unless they turn around and do the right thing by America.
It doesn't have to stop at just the district you're in.
Well, I agree with you.
This is nation-ending stuff.
They're trying to rush it all through.
We're seeing them begin to bog down, but they've got such momentum, they're sliding over us.
In closing, and we're going to let you go, sir, the youth brigades, National Compulsory Service, the Democrats have introduced those bills.
Your take on that?
Well, you just referred to the point in history where this stuff has been done before.
It was done in the 1930s, and that was not the only place it's been done.
This has been done throughout history.
Mal did it!
Well, that's exactly what I was thinking of.
This is the kind of thing we've got to stop.
We've got to get back to our roots, to our basics.
And then, if I could just end with this note, and I don't try to seek to inflict my religious beliefs on anybody else, but they should know our history.
Every morning when President Obama gets up and he looks out his south window there, he's looking directly at the Washington Monument.
And I'm sure he doesn't know, I haven't had a chance to tell him, but when they dedicated the Washington Monument, they put an aluminum capstone.
Aluminum was very valuable back then.
It was riding on all four sides of that kind of pyramid capstone.
We're good to go.
When it hit the first thing at our nation's capital to be boom.
Praise be to God.
And we need to get back to a place where we can actually say that because we are taking this gift we've been given and we are not being good stewards.
Well we're glad you're there fighting and we're supporting you sir and Ron Paul and many others and I hope to have you back up to talk about more strategy to beat these people.
Congressman, get back to your meetings and to the floor.
Thanks so much Alex.
All right, God bless you, take care.
Congressman Louie Gohmert, there he goes.
Really voting good for the Second Amendment, against cap-and-trade, against NAFTA and GATT, against all these gun-grabbing bills, against the youth brigades, National Compulsory Service.
We appreciate him coming on the radio show today.
We're going to get into financial news and take your calls coming up in the next hour at 1-800-259-8111.
I am opening the phones up right now.
We'll probably even take some calls this hour.
We can talk about the economy, talk about forced swine flu inoculation.
We can discuss the $23.7 trillion.
And I've got congressmen asking this week, Private Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, where is the $23 trillion?
And he says, I'm not going to tell you.
So, we're going to go over that and play some of those clips coming up later.
Bob Chapman joins us.
And we're going to have a reporter who's been on the ground in Iraq recently and other Middle Eastern nations.
And to give you a real report on what's happening, Darja Maul will be joining us coming up later in the show today.
But that was an amazing, amazing interview.
And I did skip that network break.
Not local affiliate breaks, but we did skip that network break.
We only do that every once in a while.
When we've got a congressman or a senator or somebody on and it's just so important and they've got limited, limited time.
Speaking of sponsors, I tend to get so busy here on the show that I don't even get to sponsors a lot of days.
And I did want to thank a few of the sponsors that have made today's show possible before I get into the flu news, as we're rapidly approaching the fall and the winter and all this forced inoculation talk, so that's coming up in a moment.
But all these sponsors, I believe in them.
All these sponsors I've checked out.
I mean, I turn away probably 70-80% of the sponsors that approach us.
We have to beat the sponsors away with a stick, unlike most of other talk radio that's failing and imploding and falling apart.
People don't want to hear fake left-wing garbage or fake right-wing garbage.
They want to hear anti-New World Order, pro-liberty, spirit of 1776.
People finally get it.
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Didn't plug anything the first hour and a half, so we gotta catch up with that or we won't exist here.
All great materials, though.
Thank you for your support.
Not like Obama can just come tax you and take your money and then use it against you to enslave you more.
We ask for your support.
We're a free market here, libertarians.
Let me get into this now, and then we're going to open the phones up on the financial stuff with Bob Chapman coming up in about 14 minutes.
We'll start the next hour.
US buys 195 million doses of swine flu vaccine.
France has bought enough to vaccinate their entire population.
England has bought over 60 million doses, enough to vaccinate 90% of their population.
I've got another one here out of the Daily Oklahoma today.
12 million U.S.
children to be swine flu vaccine guinea pigs.
Kids receive untested shots, which include ingredient linked to Gulf War Syndrome.
And Paul Watson wrote a more detailed article about this up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Remember, and we can also talk about this in the next hour, not just financial stuff.
In fact, I want callers to call in on this subject.
Remember that the regular flu kills, according to the CDC, and according to the World Health Organization, 37,000 people on average every year.
Sometimes it's 44,000, some years it's 30,000.
But on average, just Google average flu deaths per year, they say 37,000.
And that, I've talked to a lot of doctors, they say is exaggerated.
You know, some 87-year-old who's had heart problems gets the flu and they die.
You know, they say die to the flu, not die of old age.
But regardless, tens of thousands are getting killed by regular flu.
There's 300 million people in this country.
They say that, I pulled up the CDC's numbers, some say 10 have died, some say 19.
Whatever, let's say 100 have died in the U.S.
of this flu.
And in every case, they were on heart and lung machines, they'd had heart attacks, they'd had surgery, they had another secondary infection, they had cancer, they had HIV, they had AIDS.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
The first death was a baby on a ventilator in Houston, who was already sick, taken here from Mexico months ago and put on a ventilator.
They're already dead!
And so some bug got it.
We've all seen people, at least if you've lived long enough, you know, family and friends who are basically on ventilators for months and they just turn them off.
So, the other deaths are all people.
The second death in Texas was a woman who had all these health problems and was old and heart attacks and autoimmune diseases.
When we get back, I'm going to break this down.
Because what is this?
They're talking about forcibly inoculating the whole western world for something that's killed a couple hundred worldwide?
What's going to happen in the fall when there's thousands of real flu deaths?
I mean, this is incredible.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go!
The preacher man says it's the end of time, and the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down, and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see.
I live back in the woods, you see.
A woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
And we got contacted by Hank Williams III.
And we never had him on the show.
We need to get him on.
And a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
Yeah, I love Hank Williams.
Hank Williams II.
And I like Hank Williams III, too.
He's got some good country music.
Kind of rockabilly.
You know why the establishment wants the animal ID, the premises ID?
They want to shut down your farms and ranches, micromanage you.
They want you dependent.
They don't like it that you're self-sufficient.
They don't like this anthem for liberty and independence.
Crank it up!
They don't like it that they can't get control of us.
And this explains it right here.
That's it.
You can't starve us out.
And that's the attitude that Americans need to get again.
I mean, it didn't matter where you were from.
Tennessee, upstate New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri.
Everybody didn't trust the government.
Everybody hated the government.
The heroes were people that fought for a government.
And then somehow we became the winners of World War II, so the government could do no wrong.
The older generation died, we became domesticated.
We need to get more hillbilly smarts and less of these yuppie city slickers.
I don't care about anybody but myself out here.
Alright, we're out of time on that.
Look, look, what am I getting at with this whole flu situation?
You can make whatever you want out of all of this.
You can decide whatever you want from the data, but there's only a couple things it can be.
You got less than 20 deaths in the United States, less than 200 worldwide from this swine flu.
We, day one, told you it was genetically engineered and had virologists on.
They now admit it came from a lab somewhere.
That's BBC, Associated Press, Reuters.
In fact, put, swine flu came from a lab.
Just on PrisonPlanet.tv as we simulcast the radio, show people a headline.
Not my opinion.
And so this flu is clearly manufactured, but it's a scare tactic.
It comes out of nowhere, it's clearly engineered, part human, part bird, part pig virus.
But they're hyping it like it's the end of the world, saying we may need martial law to deal with it, and if just a few Americans died,
And they had schools shut down and were saying, get ready to lock down major cities and went to level six.
Under that, they can force, force inoculations.
What are they planning?
If they got 195 million doses ready in the U.S.
and doses all over the world set up, come on in and give it to me.
I don't know what you're talking about.
What are they, what are they really planning?
And then now they're going to try to force school kids to take it, because, you know, they tell parents it's the law, you've got to take shots.
There is no law, it's all color of law fraud.
Why not tag one more on there?
And it was the swine flu in 76, the swine flu vaccine, that killed thousands.
That's admitted.
And it broke out on a military base.
Is this a biological warfare attack?
Is this a smokescreen for Obama to set up a police state and ram through his new banking reform that gives total power to the new bank of the world that we'll pay our carbon tax to?
Is this Obama's stage crises?
We'll talk about it more, coming up in the next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're already into the third hour.
We have the fourth hour coming up, T-minus 60 minutes with Dar Jamal, who's been in Lebanon, been in Iraq.
He can report on what's really happening with the troop pullback by Obama.
Basically it's more shell game, more staged activity.
I was just bringing up
The flu situation.
And I want to get back into that in the next segment when some stations join us so it's congruent with the end of the last hour.
Then we'll get into the economy and a lot more.
But this swine flu is really shaping up to be bad.
Not that it's actually killing anybody or real, but that the forced inoculation, the saying they're going to make school kids take it.
KVUE in Austin is reporting the government is calling on thousands of volunteers to test H1N1 flu vaccine.
That's all coming up in the next segment.
And with us to talk about this and a host of other issues and to take your calls is Bob Chapman, the International Forecaster.
Bob, I want to get into flu in the next segment.
First off, though, $23.7 trillion.
Every two or three months we get new numbers.
Ten months in, $23.7 trillion given to offshore banks, and it's all coming to a head as members of Congress and others continue to ask the private Fed chairman, the crooked Chief Bernanke, where is the money?
And he says, I'm not going to tell you nothing.
This is really coming to a head.
I don't see Obama and his people getting away with this without staging some terror attacks.
Well, I think what's been going on is this for many, many years.
And I identified it about 15 years ago.
And when Treasury had trouble raising money, miraculously the buying would come out of either London or through the other tax havens, as they're called, like the Cayman Islands.
And I believe, and I cannot prove this, that they
The Fed have maintained secret accounts over there, and they do buying through there, and it shows up like they were hedge funds.
And they may even be doing a private hedge fund to do it, as a cover.
And they also would transfer funds to London and have it done there, because the Middle East, particularly the Arab oil interest,
For years have bought lots of treasuries.
That was part of the deal that they made years ago.
So they're doing ones protection team stuff all over the world.
They admit in the last six months, half a trillion alone that they then fractional reserve leverage.
But according to you and others, they're not even following fractional now.
They're leveraging it with even more paper made up crap.
To now Max Keiser and other economists are saying a quantum level larger or to infinity and they expect us to pay off the infinity of debt they've made.
That's correct.
And they think that everything that belongs to us doesn't.
It belongs to them.
And I think Americans in particular and maybe eventually people of the world are going to see
That they could just arbitrarily take people's wealth away from them.
And this is where this whole thing is headed.
And this secrecy, I'm sure Congress is mad about it.
You know why?
Because they can't hide their money like people from Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase and the Fed and all the banks.
Yeah, everything's going to be fed into Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan and the Bank of England with SWAT teams in the military standing by to extract it.
Bob, I want to get into this after we cover the flu, but I want to make sure we revisit this in great detail and go over this kleptocracy, this worldwide looting system that is the New World Order.
The InternationalForecaster.com is his website.
It's there on screen for you as we're here live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
But I want to finish up with the flu and get your take on that as I recap the latest developments there.
This is shaping up really bad.
And get your expert analysis on that on the other side.
Then we'll open the phones up as well after we cover the economy and the $23.7 trillion stolen.
And if they get away with that, why not even more?
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Bob Shatner, formerly with Military Intelligence, then he was one of the most successful gold and silver brokers, privately, and helped get GM McGriffin going with some of his material.
Worked, of course, with Gary Allen with that seminal book, I don't know, four or five million in print of
None dare call a conspiracy.
Then at one time he had the biggest financial newsletter out there, the International Forecaster.
Then he went into retirement.
He's come back out of retirement to fight the globalists one more time.
And it's always great to have him pop in each and every Friday with us.
Your calls are coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Josh, Jasper, John, and many others.
The toll-free number today to talk about any issue you wish is 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, let me just recap this and get into the latest developments and get Bob's take on it, and then I want to move on into the banking and the $23.7 trillion that's been stolen and the latest numbers that came out earlier this week.
But, just recapping to make it very simple.
This flu is much ado about nothing.
We've had less than 20 deaths in the US, a couple hundred worldwide.
Regular flu kills 37,000 a year on average, according to the Centers for Disease Control here in the United States.
Less than half a million worldwide every year.
Sounds like a lot, but half a million out of six and a half billion isn't that many.
Last number I saw for some of the tropical fevers and diseases are tens of millions a year.
So, the issue here is, what is all the hype?
Why did one baby die, who was already on a ventilator and premature, in Houston, and did they shut down a bunch of schools?
That's why I went on air at the time and I said, I've got state officials, here's the document, saying we're really at level 5, about to go to level 6, when the news said we were at level 4.
People laughed at me, they didn't believe the document, with the names of the doctors and the state officials on it.
You could call the number and confirm it.
Two months later, it came out, real document, we were at level six.
Like I told you.
Now, I said either this is a huge hoax, or they're lying about the severity of it, or they know it's designer and is going to mutate.
Within days, we had epidemiologists, virologists on.
They said it's not two parts human, one part pig, one part bird, without it being engineered.
Like a breed of dog, or a breed of cow, you have a lineage.
You don't just, from a wolf, get a French Bulldog.
Or from a wolf, you don't just get a Chihuahua.
That's breeding.
There was no breeding line for this virus.
It just came out of nowhere, whole cloth.
And then, top scientists, months later, were in the BBC and AP, going, oh yeah, I know this virus.
We worked on it a few years ago in a laboratory for the UN, at the World Health Organization.
This is manufactured from the 1918 Spanish flu mixed with new flus.
Exactly what we said.
We had epidemiologists and virologists on that said it's very similar in its spread and attacking the lungs to the 1918 that the Pentagon had dug up 11 years ago from a whaler area where it's frozen permafrost.
And they dug up an obese Inuit woman and some other people and got live virus out of their lungs.
They used the Human Genome Project to then remanufacture it and splice it.
That's what these new vaccine lines are, where it doesn't take six months, it takes two weeks, because they're actually manufacturing it whole.
Why then release something that doesn't kill a bunch of people, but scares everybody?
Because it scared regular virologists and epidemiologists, because when they saw it, they went, my God, this is fast-moving, fast-spreading, totally novel.
That's the type that kill large amounts of people.
And it's of the same family of flu viruses that did kill 40 million people in 1918 with the Spanish flu.
It also broke out on the U.S.
military base just like the 1976.
Last swine flu that broke out on a military base killed one person, so they inoculated tens of millions, killing thousands.
That's Encyclopedia Britannica, mainstream history.
In fact, pull up to 60 minutes.
I won't play the whole thing, but 60 minutes on swine flu deaths.
Just Google it.
I want to play a few minutes of that later.
But we're about to go to Bob Chapman with his take on this, because
Then, they had to admit it was basically a hoax.
And I said, look, either it's a hoax or they're serious, but you gotta take them serious.
They're eugenicists.
They're planning a world population reduction with airborne Ebola spliced with a flu virus.
That's what Eric Pianca and others have talked about.
Then it came out two weeks ago that the White House
Scient Czar openly wrote an 1,100 page textbook called Ecoscience with Bush as one of his top advisors, saying it's bipartisan.
Fox News and AP have since picked it up.
We scanned the book in, posted it.
Others did as well.
You've seen it now.
Saying world government to carry out forced inoculation, sterilization of the public through the water, through vaccines.
I know this sounds crazy.
I'm not the one saying it.
They're the ones that have been caught doing it.
There's the 60 Minutes, swine flu 1976, there it is.
Later we'll play a minute or two, but I want to go to Bob.
The issue is we hoped by exposing it, they backed off.
They're planning something.
You have less than 20 deaths in the U.S., less than 200 worldwide, and they're saying it's the most deadly, level 6, forced inoculation, we're going to forcibly inject you.
We need volunteers to have it tested so they can say it's safe.
We need to get everybody ready for this.
Then they admit that the flu vaccine itself could spread it, just like they had to stop the smallpox in 2002 because it was spreading it.
Remember that and all the deaths?
So that was the model states of the Emergency Powers Act.
They tried to get police and firemen to drill and be trained to forcibly inoculate.
They said no.
Remember all this already happened.
So the good news is we may be able to discredit it and stop it now.
And I'm not saying they're going to have forced inoculations.
I'm not saying they're going to get away with it.
They're saying they're going to do this.
They're thinking they can hype it and scare people to take the vaccine.
This is a group of eugenicists that have been caught adding cancer viruses, sterilization compounds all over the world on record.
Inofficial UN, World Bank, IMF documents, State Department Random 200 and others.
Why would you trust them to take anything and the virus has only killed less than 20 people in the US?
They say 19.
So, what is going on here?
When, headline, ABC News in Austin, volunteers needed to test H1N1 vaccine.
The government is calling on thousands of volunteers to test the H1N1 flu vaccine.
The testing will take place at eight medical centers in the United States, including Baylor Vaccine Research Center in Houston.
The test will help students determine which formula works best at what dosage.
No one has it!
They say a million people have been infected with it, but that's like everybody's infected with viruses every day that do nothing!
I mean, it's a shot for something that doesn't even kill you or make you sick, and they admit it's already mutated a bunch, so it's not even the right vaccine!
Then, U.S.
buys 195 million doses of swine flu vaccine.
Government hopes to speed development for fall vaccination program.
Then I got another one out of Oklahoma newspaper.
The Daily Oklahoma, saying they're going to forcibly inject 12,000 public school kids, telling them they have to take it.
And Obama says it's three shots.
Three different ones.
Okay, Bob Chapman's been holding while I was ranting.
Bob, this is really starting to take shape in a scary way.
What do you see with your background in army intelligence, counterintelligence?
What do you see here or in your economic background?
Baxter Pharmaceutical secretly mixing live bird flu, according to London Telegraph.
A bunch of people die that take other bird flu vaccine trials.
In fact, put that on screen, folks.
What is going on here, Bob?
Well, first of all, the flu in 1918 was injected into servicemen who spread it not only in the United States and Europe, and then it became pandemic throughout the world.
I don't know what their intentions were at the time.
My grandfather died from it, and my father came a whisper away from dying.
So the swine flu of 1918, known as the Spanish flu,
Had it been that effective on my six-year-old dad, I wouldn't be here today.
This is another experiment, but this time it's bigger.
Number one, they're going to make a pile of money for the pharmaceutical companies, the major shareholders of which are foundations in the Illuminati.
They want crowd control.
They want to be able to herd people around and make them do what they want to do and you talked about firemen and policemen refusing to do inoculations and things like that because obviously somebody told them where this was all leading to.
I think what they're going to do is I think they're going to use the shots to spread the flu.
That's what I think and
As you have pointed out so many times, they want to reduce population.
Whether it's adults or children, they don't care.
They just want to get them out of the way.
And so I think those are the salient factors.
If you probably noticed there, as a journalist in Austria,
Who filed a suit against Baxter and then she filed some other suits against the UN and the World Bank and everybody else who's involved in this thing.
And Alex, it's a giant scam, but it's going to kill a lot of people because they're going to be the killer.
The government.
Well, we forget history.
And your grandfather was killed, your dad almost killed.
It's on record that they had an inoculation program at one, and then it came out later, eight different military bases.
The troops all dropped dead.
They spread it.
It was a bioweapon.
Same thing in 76.
It broke out at military bases.
Then it was the vaccine after.
I got 60 minutes right here.
I just put it on screen for people at PrisonPlanet.tv that killed people.
And they take Gardasil.
It's a biological MK-Ultra.
Well it is.
It's a PSYOP.
But you know what's amazing here to me, Bob, is that the Gardasil, three years ago, they had the trials, killed masses of young women that took the human papillomavirus shot.
The insert for the vaccine, live cancer virus vaccine, admits it doesn't even protect you from it.
Thousands of strains, 300 plus active of this human papillomavirus.
And then it's killing the girls en masse now.
It's like a test.
We can give it to ya, it kills ya, and then we don't even get in trouble.
And get rid of the breeders.
Yeah, they're targeting our little girls.
Just like, well, I mean... Folks, I just can't handle it anymore.
Bob, let's continue along this line, then into the economy.
But I hope it made sense for everybody, and I want Bob to comment on this.
The flu isn't killing anybody.
But they're saying they're getting ready to forcibly inject us.
I mean, how obvious is this?
And they admit the shot doesn't even protect you from it.
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I think so.
Bob Chapman, I know I'm almost hyperventilating on this subject, but it's so obvious to me and everybody else, but I guess not the general public.
The regular flu kills 37,000.
When there are normal deaths this winter, if there are a couple thousand deaths, they're going to act like it's the end of the world, forced inoculations, the perfect cover for Obama,
To get all his police state measures through Congress, his carbon taxes, his new Bank of the World, where this new bank will rule the United States.
I mean, they're openly announcing it.
Do you see them using this flu or thinking about using it as a cover, as the stage crises they need?
There's a good possibility of that because they could use it as a stepping stone.
And that stepping stone is very strong.
And I believe that probably the next thing that would happen after that perhaps would be an extension of warfare perhaps in the Middle East.
A situation with the dollar.
Uh, where others don't want to take it because it's fallen, which could bring on a bank holiday.
There's a whole combination of things that they're working on here that you and I have to back into, and others like us, because we're not on the inside.
We don't know exactly what we're doing.
We have to look at the history of what they've done, and the history of history, and then we have to back into what we think they're going to do.
But there's no question, this is part and parcel of something much bigger.
And it's not just us saying this.
Michael Savage, Limbaugh, they're all saying Obama may stage a crisis, economic, military.
Or in the case of Savage, and he's like the third biggest host in the country, he's saying stage a terror attack.
If guys at that level have been given the green light to talk about this, that means some major people even in the system
are concerned about it.
I mean, I don't see Obama being able to continue what he's doing without a stage crises or group of crises, but because we've exposed government stage crises and terror, the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution, creating crises and offering the solution, I don't see them getting away with it.
But I also don't see them continuing their operation without it.
I mean, the Gallup poll is out.
Obama is now the lowest, the fastest drop
Well, and that says a mouthful as well.
And that's true.
I think the approval rating I last saw at Rasmussen was around a 44, and I haven't seen it in the new polls over the last week.
But, yes, they're trying to get as much accomplished as quickly as possible because
I think that, and you do as well, from the polls, that with, and I said this in January, that Obama would be 40 by September or October in his approval rating.
You did, you're right again, Bob.
He's not going to get anything passed.
You're right again.
How did you at the peak of the Obama worship know he was going to fall like a shooting star?
Because, you know, the bigger the hype, the more the empty promises, the faster it deflates?
Well, the reason I thought so, and you saw the same thing I did, he is a pupil of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
And that's just one faction of, say, two major factions within the Illuminists that run things.
And when we saw Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup and all of those companies giving these humongous amounts of money to the
The Democratic group and as well as Mr. Obama's campaign.
We're talking, you know, millions of dollars.
We knew then that he was going to be controlled by this group.
And being controlled by the group means he's going to do exactly what they tell him to do.
I don't think that he has anything to say about anything, much less what, maybe a little bit, but much less than George Bush had.
I mean, they just
You look at the teleprompter, and that's it.
Well, Bob, I agree with you.
Especially when I saw Clinton operative Stephanopoulos a few weeks ago tearing into Axelrod, his counterpart.
That was the same position he held.
Saying, well, Obama lied about not raising taxes.
He's raising it on everybody.
And Axelrod saying, we never promised to not raise taxes.
And then Stephanopoulos playing clips.
If they're meant now to blame it all on Obama, like he's really the one running the show, then they'll just give us a new puppet.
I mean, this is so predictable.
How do we get the public to look past Bush and Obama and these puppets to Paulson and Bernanke and Geithner and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers?
Well, that's starting to happen.
So we'll talk about that, the economy, where you see all this going, and calls straight ahead.
We're on the march.
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All right, we are back live with Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Your calls are coming up.
We've got Dar Jamal, reporter for Counterpunch and other major publications, who has been inside Iraq.
He can give you the latest developments there.
Is it really a troop drawdown or build-down, as they are willingly to call it?
But Bob, when you first got on the first five minutes, some stations don't carry that, so I wanted to have you start back over with your breakdown of the $23.7 trillion the White House admits has been taken.
Congressmen this week in banking hearings, we've posted the clips up on the websites, InfoWars and Prison Planet, have been asking where'd the money go, including a half trillion to foreign banks at least, and Bernanke won't say where it went,
You are explaining this is a purposeful implosion of the economy to feed everything into the system.
The carbon tax.
We now have the bill passed the House to regulate every facet of life.
Home inspections.
The feds can kick you out of your house.
No judge, no jury.
Asset forfeiture seizures.
Seize any industries they want.
It's already happening.
Bankruptcy laws are being overthrown by the executive, by Fiat.
This really is
America-ending, nation-ending type stuff, as Congressman Gohmert said in the last hour.
So, break down the master plan, what you see the enemy doing from your deep research, and then we're going to go to calls.
Well, it's a full court press is what it is.
And they've gone for broke.
If you remember during the Second World War, the Japanese-American soldiers, they had a patch
Go for broken, I had a pair of dice.
But anyway, for those of you too young to remember that, it's a little bit of history.
No, I've seen it in newsreels, but go ahead.
Okay, well, you've been observing.
But anyway, this comedown, this breakdown of the international financial system has been all planned.
And what they're doing right now is stealing.
They're stealing money.
They're printing it.
With no collateralization whatsoever, and they're allowing credit, and it's going to banks throughout the world, and brokerage houses, and in some instances insurance companies.
So they'll all stay solvent.
Yes, they'll owe loans that they can never pay back, but they'll be solvent.
The rest of everything else is going to go down, with the exception of gold and silver.
And that's why they have continued since 1988.
In a big way, for the last dozen years, to suppress the prices of gold and silver because they are the canary in the coal mine, so to speak.
And when gold goes up, people think something is wrong, and they're right!
Now, it has gone up, but it should be selling gold for anywhere between $2,500 and $3,000 an ounce.
But getting back to what they're doing, they are funneling money everywhere, and when
Bloomberg demanded, where did two trillion dollars go to, which is inconsequential now in the scheme of things.
A federal judge said to the Fed, where did it go?
And the Fed says, well, we can't tell you.
It's a state secret.
That was the beginning of this.
Now, I projected at the beginning of the year, for the numbers I was seeing, and then changed my figures on the way up to $14.8 trillion.
And of course, we saw the $23.7 trillion that was presented to Congress last week.
So I underestimated.
I was conservative.
But that's okay.
It's so bad, it's unbelievable.
And you know, who knows what the real numbers are?
I mean, they might be 50 trillion or 100 trillion for all we know.
All we know is they won't tell us where it's going.
And it's being fundled into their supporters, so to speak.
The bankers, the Illuminists, the brokerage firms, the insurance companies.
They want them to survive in this new world, corporatist, fascist state.
And this is what they're heading for, and I'll tell you something Alex, referring back to what you said earlier in the program regarding the other hosts, particularly Savage, the reason they're doing what they're doing is we are forcing them to do it.
Because we are scooping them.
We've got the whole thing nailed, and they want part of it for their ratings.
And that's why they're doing it.
In fact, do you guys have that savage clip ready?
Let's play this because this is important and Limbaugh's been saying similar things.
Here it is.
Oh, this is classic.
The YouTube's not playing.
That's fine.
We'll get to it later.
We have high-quality computers here.
Okay, here it is.
Now I'll make another prediction.
I predict that very soon Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are, Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind, and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant.
I will tell you as I sit here, I fear that every night as I go to sleep.
I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seized control of the most powerful economy and the most powerful military on earth.
Know, my friends, I am losing a great deal of sleep every night because I do see this happening right before my eyes.
Again, I will repeat what I just said.
Mark it down.
I again tell you that there will be the equivalent of a crisis on the order of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know where it will occur.
I don't know how it will occur.
I don't know what form it will take.
But during this crisis that will be triggered by the Democrats around Obama, the gang that surrounds Obama, they will bring up Lincoln.
They will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln in other terms during the Civil War, and they will do what Lincoln did, and they will arrest civilians without warrant in the name of saving the economy or saving the government from a right-wing takeover.
Mark my words, you can put that down and you can put it in bronze, not on ice.
I can guarantee you that that... In fact, guys, minimize that YouTube clip for me so I can see the headline on it.
For folks out there in Radioland driving around in their cars who actually want to see it.
Well, as I said, we've scooped them.
And their ratings are dropping.
And they don't know what to do other than, you know, so to speak, join us.
And that's economic survival on their part.
The United States government, you know, in time, they've created their own opposition from time to time.
But that's not the case here.
I mean, there is an opposition.
And so, sometimes they'll create propaganda instruments.
This is one of them.
Well, I mean, have you seen the clips of Sean Hannity, where he says, oh yeah, the conspiracy theorists are right, it's a new world order, they want to set up a bank of the world.
See, all these years it was their job to tell conservatives, none of this exists, there is no CFR, there is no new world order.
I mean, two years ago I'd get emails saying, you're a nut, there's no plan for a cap and trade tax.
And then suddenly Time Magazine, Newsweek, Times of London, hundreds of publications come out and say Bank of the World is good, New World Order is good, Global Planetary Government is good.
So now they can't deny it anymore.
They've got to play catch up and come out and say it's all real.
I mean, I agree with you.
That's what I know is happening.
Well, it is.
And I think you're going to see more of it.
And this steamroller could run right up against the people who are running things.
And you know, I've said this on the show before, Alex, I think they're terrified.
They never expected to run into this kind of resistance.
These programs are reaching all over the world.
It's not only America that's being infected with the truth, it's people everywhere.
I mean, we get subscribers in Kazakhstan and Hong Kong and Taiwan and Chile and
They're winning!
And they're scared!
And believe me, if they march the military out to try to do things to us, the military's not going to follow unlawful orders.
They're just not going to do it.
Unless... And if they bring in foreign troops, those foreign troops are never going home.
Unless they have drills from Missouri to California, from Texas to New York, which we've confirmed they're having mainstream news.
The Army has writers writing articles for mainstream news explaining, oh, the militia is going to try to attack and kill the military, so we're doing drills to fight the militia.
And, oh, at this drill we practice militia attacking a security checkpoint
You know, in the hill country of the Ozarks, that's in the news as they role play with local police and citizens that, oh, the army's here to attack the militia because the militia are terrorists.
They're preemptively
Seeing where the resistance is coming from, and the DHS reports we broke here, and the MIAC reports we broke here, state the number one threat, and what Homeland Security and NORTHCOM is set up for, is taking on former military and returning vets.
Then we get the New York Times, where they're training youth brigades.
I mean, you can't make this up, folks.
I'm not making it up.
Training to take on the veterans.
Training to take on gun owners.
I had a piece in there about a letter to one of my subscribers who sent it in, and I reprinted it, about them going into a VFW post, I think it was in Louisiana, and demanding all the records.
It's the Pentagon.
And the guy that was running the show there, 86-year-old Krusty X Gunny, says, you've got to be kidding me.
You're not going to get them.
Well, yeah, we've confirmed that story.
I'll have them destroyed.
We've confirmed that story.
We've confirmed that with the VFW nationally.
That's happening nationwide.
Well, you know, it should be a sign to everybody who's got half a brain out there that you better get the cosmoline off your AK and AR just to make sure.
Because the Army and the Marine Corps, they're going to need us.
They don't want to fight us.
I mean, they're us.
We're Americans.
So aren't they?
They are not going to follow unlawful orders.
And if they bring in foreign troops to do that, they'll be liquidated.
And another thing too, which I don't know whether the Illuminists have thought about this, but let's say you ship in the whole contingent of military people from Mexico, just as an example.
There's 100,000 of them.
They all get liquidated, and at the same time, the government gets overthrown in Mexico because there's nobody to protect the criminals who are running the country.
I mean, you know, if you're going to play chess, you've got to think ahead.
Well, that's why they're going to use PSYOPs.
That's why they're going to stage attacks on troops
Uh, engage in activities like that so that they can kind of demonize the resistance and sell the military on doing it.
I just don't think it's going to work because we've preemptively gone out there and reached out to everybody so they know these type of dirty tricks the establishment plays, Bob.
Absolutely, and don't you guys and ladies out there get sucked into any conflict.
You only move when you're shot at.
And you can form your own little groups just, you know... Oh yeah, they're going to have cop killers out sniping cops and sniping military when the inner cities are burning down places because the welfare checks didn't come.
And they're going to try to sell America on, look, they're burning inner cities, we've got to set up military checkpoints, we've got to do this for your safety, to where we beg for it.
We've got to see through this as they try it, Bob.
Well, they've done that in Mexico just as an example, especially in the frontier areas.
They've got probably 60,000 troops, you know, along the border pursuing criminals and drug cartels.
And it's not only there, down south in Chiapas and Guerrero and over in
And in some of the other places with his activities of that kind.
They're using that as an excuse.
And there's a lot of cities in that country where you see military vehicles parading up the street all the time.
And they even knock on doors and say, we want to search your house.
And there's nothing you can do about it.
Just go ahead and do it.
Well, no one can say that we're not in interesting times, Bob.
Well, that's for sure.
But, you know, if we can keep on pumping the true word to the people, they'll understand and they won't get sucked in by this.
And when things get dreadful, they won't make stupid mistakes which would cause harm to them, their families, and others.
We've got to back the military and they've got to back us.
And it's the same thing with law enforcement.
I mean, you know, you don't want to... Go ahead.
No, no, go ahead.
You know, you don't want to go home and, you know, find out that somebody found out you were in law enforcement and that they shot somebody because you were told they were terrorists, and so somebody went to your house and wiped your whole family out.
And, you know, law enforcement, there's not that many of them.
They don't have any protection.
They really don't!
And so, they make their choice before they federalize, I'll tell ya.
Well, they know that.
They know if the American people decide to fight against them, they're dead meat.
And so that's why, look, we have foreign banks openly raping, openly stealing everything, openly butchering the Bill of Rights and Constitution, openly involved in treason.
This isn't rocket science.
We're on the side of good.
The globalists are bad.
They're illegitimate.
They're criminal.
And finally, we are beginning to win.
People are talking about the private Federal Reserve.
They're talking about the New World Order.
The New World Order, I really believe, has overreached.
And we have to get past this loser attitude of it's all a foregone conclusion and it's the end of the world because the government paid for it, churches say so.
501c3, Rockefeller Foundation, World Council of Churches.
We have to decide we can beat these people.
We have to decide we can stand up and say no.
But they have this Borg-like, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated, mind trick.
They've gotten so many people into where the general public sees themselves as cowardly jellyfish and don't realize how dynamic and free and human they are and that we're alive right now and it's our destiny to be part of history bringing down the New World Order.
Regardless, they're coming down on us.
We might as well give them one hell of a fight.
And that's what we're doing.
And that's what we're trying to get other people to do.
You know, don't let them beat you.
You know, it's all a matter of courage and understanding who the enemy is and what they're trying to do.
You know, I'm 73 years old.
Everybody else my age is either dying or sitting in a rocking chair.
I mean, I do this because I know what these people are up to.
And it's extremely important you mentally and intellectually arm yourself as well as do the other things that you know you're supposed to do by having listened to this program.
Well, they tell people, be young, party, don't get involved.
And when you get older, they say, retire, this is all about your time.
And they go home and die.
But there were people 87 years old pulling triggers and killing redcoats in the Revolutionary War, Bob.
You're standing up and living like a man, like you're supposed to.
When they told you to go sit in a chair and die, you didn't do it.
It's unbelievable.
We'll take a few calls from Bob Chapman on the other side of this quick break on the economy.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
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There is a big thing that's going to happen in London at this G20, and then they're hiding it, they're camouflaging it, they're not talking about it.
Coordination of international regulation.
What they are going to do is to put our Fed and our SEC under the control, in effect, of the IMF.
Oh come on, do you believe they'll do this?
That's what was in the draft agenda.
They call it coordination of regulation.
What it really is, is putting the American economy under international regulation.
And those people who have been yelling, oh, the UN's going to take over, global government... Conspiracy theorists.
They've been crazy, but now they're right.
It's happening.
When Geithner said he would be open to the idea of a global currency last week, those conspiracy people had said and suggested that for years.
You're not wrong.
You're not wrong.
What they always do at these conferences is they have the center show is here, and the side show they don't want you to pay attention to.
The center show is the size of the stimulus package.
The real show is international regulation of the financial institutions, which is going to happen under the IMF control.
Alright, we're going to have this segment and one more with your phone calls for Bob Chapman on the economy.
I should have just had him on today about what's happening in the economy, but we got off on some other issues that are very important.
Before we go to your calls, Josh, Jasper, John, and Nicolette, I should have time for at least those four.
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Hello sir, thank you for your
Greatest work that you guys do and everyone really appreciates it.
Two quick questions with regards to the economy.
Yesterday the Governor of the Bank of Canada declared the recession over here in Canada, despite the neocons putting us $50 billion into deficit and we don't know
Who owns that debt or how it will be paid back?
Well they declared three years ago that we weren't in a recession when Bob and others were saying we officially were.
Now they've told us over and over again the recession's over when we're really in a depression.
What's your question?
The question was that he's saying that there will be an eventual return to historically higher interest rate levels despite the fact that in 1938 our national bank was nationalized to get away from the international bankers but in 1974 we joined the G7 and that
I took the World Bank and IMF and the Federal Reserve then took control of... Yeah, you're totally run by the bankers just like we are.
I appreciate your call.
Bob Chapman, when we look at the economic numbers, unemployment skyrocketing, joblessness, construction, manufacturing's all down, down, down, and they're now telling us that we're going to have a jobless recovery.
What type of Orwellian term is that?
Exactly that.
And it's going on in Canada and every place else.
And of course they fudge their figures just like everybody else does.
And so it's going to continue to deteriorate.
And they're going to continue to lie about having recovery.
I mean, you're seeing corporate earnings that are better than what was anticipated.
That's because you're laying everybody off!
They're using this to vertically integrate, to radically consolidate, and to give huge profits to themselves.
Plus, they're flush with tens of trillions in bailout money they leveraged.
And that's why Ben Bernanke yesterday in testimony was saying inflation is going to hit.
And so that'll be another tax on us, back in 70 seconds with the fourth hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dar Jamal joining us from Martha, Texas.
He's a reporter that's been in Iraq, been in Lebanon, been everywhere.
He'll tell you what's really going on in the Middle East.
Have the troops really pulled out of Iraq?
The answer, of course, is no.
Another sad fraud.
That's coming up.
We'll continue to have open phones as well.
Right now, let's go back to calls for Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Jasper in Boston.
Quick question or comment for Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
He dropped off.
Let's go to John in Ohio.
Quick question or comment for our guest.
Well, it's not exactly quick, but Alex, I think you're on the cutting edge of really opposing these global fascists.
And I'm glad to hear that at least some of the time, as Bob Chapman said, they're not communists, they're not socialists of any kind.
They're the exact opposite.
They're using the socialist commie model.
Look, I met a lady on the street yesterday wearing a Red Star on her shirt who really liked my show and thought we were battling the capitalists.
I tried to explain to her that the bankers want to socialize things so they can steal the money.
And she just couldn't understand it like you can, John.
Well, you know, you can constantly say and set up straw men, but would you have somebody on that can explain exactly what a socialist believes in rather than only the liars and the distortions?
All I know is, all I see the bankers doing is funding socialists.
But I mean, do you have a question for Bob?
Well, I'd like to point out that, as I say, and I was just the other night at my city council meeting opposing the vaccination and the fluoride in our water.
Good, good.
But, and I agree with about 60% of what you're saying, but I think you've got your feet in both camps with your anti-communism in a false definition, and at the same time you've got your other foot in the austerity camp of the globalist, corporatist, fascist, and this libertarian so-called call for slashing and gutting and looting
What little social programs were given as a kind of a pacifier.
But the pacifier, the bankers get 95%, then their minions get 5%, and they use their minions as a weapon against what's left of the middle class.
Look, John, I've got to let you go, because we're short on time.
Bob, can you explain to him what's going on here?
Not in the time frame we have, but I think I can say this.
I have spent since 1964 trying to bring the left and the right together, irrespective of their differences.
We're all Americans.
We want to win.
We want to beat the bankers.
So let's get together and we'll sort everything out later.
Let's get the real enemy.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, people spend so much time attacking me and analyzing me as if I'm the New World Order, when obviously my fruits are good.
I'm waking people up, getting them to think, getting them involved.
You know, we're in a desperate situation, Bob.
We all got to pull together against the bankers.
And boy, it's been a long time coming, but it's cycled over the last
Five to eight years, and my heart goes out to all of the people of different philosophical, intellectual, and political insights.
Let's just get together, get the job done, and, you know, if one city wants to be socialist, let them do it.
I mean, if that's what they want.
Yeah, as long as it's done under the state's rights system, that's a good point.
You can have your socialist city and we'll see how many people want to live there.
Well, you know, the truth of the pudding is in the tasting.
But that will have to come after we defeat our present visual enemy.
Well said.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Folks, you can get a free copy.
It comes out on Saturdays twice a week, but Saturday is the next date tomorrow, so go there, check it out.
We also post some of the great articles written by Bob Chapman.
Bob Chapman, always great having you on with us.
See you next week.
Thank you very much and I'll be there.
Bye bye.
God bless you.
Take care.
I know we've got Nicolette and Jan and Chad.
We'll get to you.
Dar Jamal is coming up.
Just got a new book out.
Talk about brave.
This guy goes all over these battlefields worldwide and he's right back here where he was born and raised in Texas.
So he'll be reporting to us on what he's witnessed.
In Lebanon, in Iraq, all over the world on the other side.
He wrote an article I saw a few weeks ago exposing Obama's bait-and-switch.
The troops aren't leaving Iraq.
They shifted some into Afghanistan and Pakistan.
We'll break all that down on the other side.
My website's InfoWars.com and we're simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All over the country, FEMA is preparing for total martial law.
Not my words, theirs.
That's Fox News, CNN, ABC News.
We've played the clips we have before.
Coming up when Darja Maul leaves us at 40 After, I'm going to give you the latest developments there.
They're amassing all this decontamination equipment, tents, material at bases everywhere, including Camp Mabry here in Austin.
People are asking us why it's there.
Under Level 6, World Health Organization rules, forced inoculation, quarantines, lockdowns.
Is this going to be the cover story for their New World Order activity?
Bush tried it back in 2002-2003 with the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act.
That's coming up in T-minus about 32 minutes from now.
I'll go over the latest on that front and take a few of your calls on that subject.
But I wanted to go to Dar Jamal.
Dar has a lot of courage.
We've interviewed him many times over the years.
He was in Lebanon during the last war there.
He's been in Iraq multiple times.
He's an American, living right here in Texas, out in Marfa.
Out there with the Marfa Lights.
It's originally from Houston.
His reporting's always turned out to be very, very accurate.
He's broken a lot of major news.
One of the stories he just put out a few weeks ago, the reason I wanted to get him back on was, the U.S.
occupation of Iraq continues unabated.
And I went and researched this story and others, they're redrawing the major city maps to not count U.S.
military bases as part of the city, to now say they're out of the city, or they're withdrawing from the surge that put them out in little substations back into their main bases, so it's a three-year-old policy.
So it's literal...
Shell game.
And they've also, of course, rotated 30-plus thousand troops into Afghanistan and Pakistan.
And those numbers are growing.
So, here's the Democrats getting into office in 2006 in the House, electing Barack Obama in late 2008.
And I talk to Democrats on the street and they go, yeah, we're not in Iraq anymore.
Because they had that big sigh of, kind of like Bush with the aircraft carrier, mission accomplished.
I mean, this is sick.
If Bush would have tried this, would we have put up with it?
And they also make it a left-right issue.
Ron Paul isn't for the war.
Most Republicans aren't.
It's CPAC, the big Republican deal.
He got a standing ovation against the war.
Nobody's for this war but a few morons.
I know the troops want to come home, 80-plus percent in polls.
Dar Jamal joins us.
His new book is out, available at better bookstores everywhere, The Will to Resist, Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, like Pat Tillman.
Boy, that killed him deader than a hammer.
Dar Jamal, great to have you here.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Thank you.
So much has happened since I had you on probably two years ago.
You've been out of the country most of the time.
Hard man to get a hold of.
We'll have you back up soon, but today in limited time, tell us the saga, what you've seen on this quest the last few years.
Well, regarding the continuation of the occupation of Iraq, it's really amazing to me to just watch how folks like you and me, Alex, who get the U.S.
Empire Project and get these occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan were permanent ventures going into them.
I mean, before they even happened, it was very, very clear what was going to be happening there.
And it was, and you know, and then we have even literally just yesterday when Public Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki from Baghdad shows up in D.C.
and is hanging out with President Barack Obama and he says, quote, if the Iraqi forces require further training and further support, we shall examine this then, it's talking about 2011, at that time, based on the needs of Iraq.
So he's already, of course, just laying the propaganda path out there for the U.S.
occupation to continue unabated, and then coupled with what you're just saying, redrawing the maps of cities, so now technically the bases aren't inside the cities.
But, you know, my contacts in Iraq are saying patrols are still happening in Baghdad, patrols are still happening in other cities.
We're good to go.
But isn't this classic corporate double-speaker soft power, where Obama always, instead of Bush saying, I don't care, I'm going to do what I want, Obama will say, you have won, I won't hire a lobbyist, or you have won, I'll pull out of Iraq, or you have won, I won't give banker bailout bonus money.
And then he does the exact opposite.
I mean, he's a lot slicker because he doesn't give you a fight.
He tells you, OK, I agree with you, but then goes around behind your back.
I mean, it is really hard to stomach this.
Well, I think you're exactly right, and I think that's actually the core of how and why he's been as effective as he is.
Like, you know, getting most of the mainstream Democrats to really drink the Obama Kool-Aid, where, you know, hey, you voted for him, and he says he's going to change everything.
Because he's more charismatic and articulate and can actually complete sentences unlike Bush, people believe him.
He's a hell of a salesman and he's done a really good job, but the facts are stacking up against him.
When people are getting kicked out of their homes and the government keeps ramping up domestic threats against people and all of this, and both occupations continuing unabated, the facts are starting to pile up against him.
So I think inevitably at some point,
Despite him being a very wonderful branding, marketing tool as he's been, I think eventually the facts are going to kind of obscure that enough to where enough people can see it.
At least that's my hope.
Well, I hope you're right.
I mean, evidence shows his approval rating is dropping, but I've seen the polls.
It's not really over the war.
They've kind of put that out of sight, out of mind, as they put troops in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, major escalations, really scary stuff, menacing the Russians, moving more troops into those areas, kind of continuing Bush's sneak attack on South Ossetia.
It's clear the corporate managers of both parties
As the Rand Corporation document said six months ago, we need a global war to go ahead and establish this new global banking dictatorship.
So people are waking up to Obama, but only because he didn't fix the economy overnight as he had promised.
When you talk to Democrats or you talk to progressives, are they starting just from what you see on the ground to see through him?
Or are they saying like some Democrats I talk to or anti-war folks go, well at least he's not Bush, at least he makes me feel good while he betrays me.
Well, it's unfortunately, Alex, it's been more of the latter, where, you know, granted, there are more and more people waking up, and certainly more and more of us on the fringe that have known this all along are seeing more people kind of enter into our community and are, you know, really seeing the reality.
But unfortunately, I think most people are still saying that, yeah, okay, things are bad, and yeah, Obama's disappointing, and he's not...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
It says, U.S.
interests include protecting the nation and their allies from attack or coercion, promoting international security to reduce conflict and foster economic growth, and in securing the global commons, and with them, access to world markets and resources.
I mean, there you have it.
That's the national security strategy.
That is U.S.
foreign policy.
Any questions?
No, there's not any questions, but then they cynically lied to the people of the United States.
Now in the time we've got with you, get into what you saw in Iraq on your first visit, what you saw in subsequent visits, what you really have seen in Lebanon when you were there during the bombardment in 2006.
Well, what I saw in Iraq, the first visit and all subsequent visits was, you know, just the, you know, there was, over here it's really easy for people to kind of hear the propaganda, yes, we're going to liberate the Iraqi people, you know, make everyone safer and happy and bring the McDonald's and all of this stuff.
But when you go over there and you see it firsthand, you see the propaganda mask ripped off of the U.S.
Empire Project.
And like all empires through history where we talk about Russia going into Afghanistan or the British going into Iraq in the early 20th century or the Mongols or Hitler or whatever,
You see basically just brutal savage empire.
We're going to come in and rape and pillage and take this country and take their resources and do what we please and leave the civilian population to fend for itself.
And that's exactly what I saw and that's what happened.
We see a devastated country.
We see over a million people dead.
We still see today over four million people refugees either within or outside of their own country.
And that situation that I saw back in November 2003 is
Consistently degraded with each subsequent trip that I went into Iraq, including up to the most recent trip I was there, which was just this past February.
So that's the situation there.
And then we look at what I saw in Lebanon with the Israeli-Zionist aggression against the people of Lebanon in 2006.
I just actually happened to be flying into Syria the day before that.
I don't know.
And, you know, we look at that situation and, again, it was just, you know, there's all this propaganda, Israel's right to defend itself, etc., etc., and it was just total propaganda.
This was a situation, I'm sure you talked about it, Alex, where, you know, this was all planned well in advance, totally in cahoots with the Bush administration.
Well, that's now come out that they were planning for years.
to do this and some evidence has even shown they had intelligence operatives in southern Lebanon who were firing some of the rockets and that Israelis were then firing chemical weapon rounds.
Did you see any evidence of that?
Well, I absolutely saw evidence of white phosphorus being used and of course
The no-brainer is the fact that Israel dropped over a million cluster bombs in just the last 72 hours of that conflict, where literally when the truth was on the table and we knew the deadline was coming, they dropped more cluster bombs in Lebanon than the U.S.
did in Iraq in 1991.
And that's blowing little kids' legs off all day.
And it's just the way that the Lebanese are then dehumanized.
It's just out of control.
Dar Jamal, stay with us.
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Darjamal has the new book out.
The Will to Resist.
Soldiers who refuse to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Some would say, oh, that's anti-patriotic.
Well, they're getting the military trained right now to take on the United States population.
I mean, our government openly... The head of the Naval War College, Thomas Barnett, professor, gets up on C-SPAN and says they work for Wall Street and foreign banks.
I mean, it's a big joke to these guys.
They're not patriotic.
They don't care about America.
They care about the New World Order.
And Pat Tillman saw him growing the poppies and gardening and killing people and wrote letters home he was going to go public and they murdered him.
And that's now come out.
And they'll murder anybody else with private lynch.
Turned out she cowered in fear.
A couple other soldiers fought off the Iraqis.
They wanted to have a poster child for women to join.
So they killed a bunch of her unit that survived.
They'd kill them at their houses in Phoenix, kill them at their houses in Wyoming.
I mean, these are killers.
Not to mention all the murder, the slaughter, the billions of dollars and pallets of cash given to the troops to corrupt them, the mercenaries.
Dar, I've talked to troops recently back from Iraq.
They say it's just sewage everywhere, collapsing society.
Absolutely hellish.
You've been there.
They, Lancet says over a million dead Iraqis.
What is the true state of Iraq?
Well, it's a catastrophic situation, and those aren't just my words, those are the words of the World Health Organization, several UN reports, the International Committee for the Red Cross has alluded to that fact, and certainly the Red Crescent Society there.
Again, you know, the people are, the country has been completely destroyed, and they've been looted.
Uh, their, their resources are being privatized by the puppet government, uh, in direct cahoots, of course, with the U.S.
And, you know, it's basically they're left in a situation where there's literally, according to the WHO, uh, less than one out of three Iraqis now even have access to safe drinking water.
Unemployment is completely through the roof, anywhere from 40 to 70 percent on any given month.
And the average home in Baghdad has about two hours of electricity per day.
So it's really, again, as I've talked with you on your show before, it's an unlivable situation.
And it's as bad today as it was even a few years ago at the height of the bloodletting.
And, you know, of course, it's getting less attention now in the corporate press.
But, you know, the average life for the average Iraqi today is one of a matter of survival on a day-to-day basis.
So it's total siege.
It's genocide.
It's post-industrial eugenics world.
Exactly what State Department Memorandum 200, penned by Kissinger in 73, said.
Using war, using famine to cull that population.
Well, certainly the facts on the ground would back that up, because, you know, it is economic warfare, and I think it's really, you know, poverty would be, you know, the stark poverty there, where there was an Oxfam International report that came out a little while back that said that 45% of Iraqis are living in abject poverty on less than $1 per day.
Meanwhile, thanks to the shock doctrine economics of Paul Bremer instituted in the Bremer Orders,
In the first year of the occupation, where they changed a lot of the economic laws of the country, they're basically instituting an immediate depression across the entire country.
And this is all extremely well documented, showing that, you know, and now we're looking at the after effects of that.
There's been no improvement, no change, except for things to get worse.
So the average Iraqi is actually in far, far worse economic conditions.
We're good to go.
And we're now 18 plus years into the genocide, into the culling with Saddam Hussein's CIA operative told to attack Iran, told to go ahead and go into Kuwait by U.S.
Ambassador April Gillespie.
And the latest numbers from Lancet, I know that most numbers I see are over a million.
Dar, you study this intensely.
What's the real numbers on the amount of dead from this genocidal war in the last six and a half years versus the last 18?
Well, the most current numbers for the current iteration of the U.S.
doctrine in Iraq, which would be the Bush invasion and occupation starting in March 2003.
So from March 2003 to today, there's two studies that have been done that give us the most updated figures.
One with the Oxford Research Bureau out of Oxford, England, shows 1.2
We're well over 3 million at this point.
Yeah, that's what Pol Pot killed.
Three mil.
They don't care about us either in America.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Thank you.
Alright, Darja Maul is our guest, very great investigative journalist, writing for Counterpunch and many other big publications.
You can check out his website, we have it up on screen, it's DarjaMaul.com and his new book is The Will to Resist.
We were just getting into these numbers, so between 1.2 and 1.4
uh... just three years in the lens it british journal which is totally non-partisan non-political said over six hundred thousand and so you double that it's one point two plus uh... this is an outrageous crime and i know for a good old boy sitting back at home you know it feels tough to beat up brown people and i like watching bombs blow up on tv this is an incredible travesty what is the middle east and central asia think of obama are they buying all his bull
Absolutely not.
You know, just like people in Iraq didn't buy the Bush propaganda about freedom and liberation and all of this nonsense.
You know, when you're there and you have a front row seat watching your people decimated in front of you, watching your home destroyed, watching your country
We're good to go.
Those words, they fell flat there even before he took office.
Your book, I like it because it's not just the image of our troops that want to go out and shoot some Iraqi kids for fun.
Most of the troops I talk to know the war is a fraud, don't like it, but the attitude is, well, we got to at least stabilize it before we leave.
They kind of suck them into that lie, or, oh, I got to take care of my buddies.
But the vast majority in polls want to come home.
That's why Ron Paul got more political contributions than even Barack Obama from the military wanting to get the hell out of there.
So your book, Breakdown,
The people you talk to, the stories you tell, in this book, because it shows the other side of the U.S.
Well, it really underscores the fact that, as you just said, the majority of troops in both these occupations are all for coming home, because they're seeing firsthand that, you know, it's not a helpful situation to anyone involved in it.
In fact, it's extremely destructive.
And I basically started, I was going on tour for my first book, and I started running into lots of veterans and active duty troops that were talking to me about
Hey, our morale was extremely low and we started dissenting and finding ways to disobey orders, even if it was indirectly.
So doing things like search and avoid missions instead of search and destroy, where they would go and park their Humvees in the middle of the field and call in every hour and say, yeah, we're still searching the field for weapons caches.
And they were doing this every other day.
And then I ran into other soldiers.
Same story.
Different part of the occupation of Iraq, different time of the occupation, totally different location, same exact story.
So I started to realize, oh, actually there's a lot of dissent.
And then, you know, dozens and dozens of interviews later with different veterans and active duty personnel, I had more than enough material for a book, probably enough for two books of, you know, folks doing, you know, refusing, publicly refusing orders to deploy here in the States to go back over.
Folks that are over there, what are they doing to get out of it?
Entire companies and platoons, I mean, that have actually had mutinies and refused to follow their orders in Baghdad and things like this.
So, you know, these are people, this is not just they're doing it out of survival mode or a sloth or whatever, but these are people really standing up and defending the uniform code of military justice that they swore an oath to, and that is that they are refusing to disobey
It's a given to anyone with any gray matter between their ears that the occupation of Iraq is illegal.
It contravenes international law, as did the invasion.
But so does the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.
Well, all the studies show that the US forces being there only make it worse.
The globalists have been caught paying off different sides.
What about even Ray McGovern documenting, but now it's mainstream news, that Cheney
Had them blowing up mosques and bombing buildings of Shiites to get them killing Sunnis and vice versa and using Wahhabis to attack the Iranians and staging terror attacks.
I mean, this is... and then now they caught British Special Forces in Basra, London Guardian reported, dressed up with fake beards, running around shooting Iraqi police.
I mean, this was a completely staged war.
Did you get any intel on stuff like that?
Well, I've actually written that case you just mentioned about the two British SAS officers.
This is extremely well documented.
There's photographs, people can probably find them online right now, of these guys literally, you know, two soldiers, shaved heads, dressed up, as Iraqis, with wigs, with mustaches, wearing pistachios.
I don't
I think so.
Yeah, there's the Army Field Manual that they got declassified 2004, from 2004.
We put it on screen, and this is mainstream news.
The Army doesn't deny it.
They say, how dare you have it?
But it tells Army Captains.
Just standard issue, how to stage terror attacks.
I mean, with their canteen and M-16, they're going, here's how you stage terror attacks.
I mean, how do they get farm boys to do stuff like this?
Well, obviously, a lot of them get wise and don't want to do it.
And I've interviewed these Marine Corps captains and people.
Who see their own smart bombs blow kids in half, and their humanity, and people lie, oh they're just cowards.
Cowards, they don't even know who they're fighting.
They're just running around arresting people so jail guards can rape them at Abu Ghraib.
I mean, the job is to tear up Iraq and suck it dry, just like Serbia.
Bombard any country that's sovereign, bomb it out, and take control of it.
And I want the American people and British and others to know, these same bankers are bankrupting us now.
They're cold-blooded.
They're monopoly men.
They love dominating people.
Darr, your comment on that idea?
Well, absolutely.
It's all about control, and that's why I read that quote from U.S.
foreign policy defining documents, where it's all about global economic hegemonic control, using the U.S.
military as the iron fist to make this happen.
And Iraq and Afghanistan are just the two latest iterations of that policy, and I think it will continue.
Without fierce resistance at home and abroad, it's going to continue.
That's exactly what's happening.
The one silver lining to this dark cloud that we're amidst right now is that I think it could not be more clear.
This cuts across all political lines.
Everyone is seeing it.
I'm not trying to be overly hopeful, but that is a good thing, the fact that more people are seeing it today than ever before.
Well, look at the United States.
Bills to audit the Fed with
Two hundred and sixty-something sponsors, everybody talking about the global corporate crooks, the left, the right waking up.
Dar, these are very exciting times to be alive, but I don't put it past Obama and his handlers to stage terror attacks, to stage a Gulf of Tonkin like Cheney tried to do but got caught and Fox Phelan quit.
So I think the good and bad news is that at least we're in this fight.
At least the establishment is starting to run scared and their aura of invulnerability, invincibility is starting to waver and fade.
In closing, with any other info about Lebanon, your book,
Do the Iraqis, do the Lebanese understand that the American people are brainwashed and ignorant, but that are starting to wake up?
Or what is their view?
Are they sophisticated enough to understand that we're just under mind control?
What's the view over there?
What's Iraq's future?
Where is all this going?
Well, it's grim, especially in the Middle East, because that is, you know, currently where, you know, more people in the world than anywhere else are bearing the brunt of U.S.
But, you know, they're very clear.
You know, unfortunately, it's pretty dark, because people have seen, like, okay, Obama comes into office, and what happened?
The American people, what few who were overtly resisting under Bush are
They've apparently gone to sleep, so they're kind of feeling left on their own at this point, which is a bit dark.
But, you know, again, I think that it's up to us.
And, you know, one hopeful thing that I got from working on this book about soldiers who are resisting, you know, if U.S.
soldiers in the U.S.
military structure, you know, a very, very harsh, difficult structure to operate in, let alone resist,
If they can stand up and resist and many of them come out all the more better from it, then what does that say to us in civilian society who can still go about and do essentially what we need to do right now relatively?
What does that say to us as far as a call to action and what are we able to do and what are we willing to do?
Darja Maul, always great to have you on, but I think what I get here is the world's waking up to this empire, this corporate empire, that is using America as its muscle, but at the same time, Barack Obama is giving amazing aid and comfort to these global plutocrats, these kleptocrats, and that he just kind of took Iraq and all the carnage off the screen, out of sight, out of mind,
Well, he's been very effective at that.
As we were talking about before, he's been a great brand for them to slap on this program, a great kind of spokesperson.
You know, he's charismatic, he's articulate, he's fooled hundreds of millions of people both in the U.S.
and in many particularly Western
Thank you for joining us just in closing.
Why are the banks on the march?
Why are they greedily doing this command destruction, their own IMF and World Bank document state, trying to bring the world into depression to set up their world government?
I guess they're just conquerors and they've got a lot of power and I guess they think we're not going to resist them?
I mean, they really are driving the world towards rebellion.
Well, it's the bottom line, and it's runaway greed, and they continue to rely on just ongoing, you know, an ongoing, consistent, bottom line, increased profits at all costs, even though the cat is out of the bag, and more people see it, and if they had any wisdom, they would back away at least for a little bit, and let things calm down.
But, you know, runaway corporate capitalism, we can't let that happen.
We've got to always grow, grow, grow, and increase profits, and so I don't think we should expect
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
We'll talk to you again in the near future and the new book is The Will to Resist.
Take care.
Thank you for spending time with us.
I'm going to take Nicolette, Lou, Jan, Steve, and Kathy's calls.
I can get to all of you before the show ends here today, and then I'll be back live Sunday for an abbreviated transmission, also simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
That's 2 to 4 p.m.
That's 3 to 5 Mountain, 5 to 7 Eastern.
But before I go any further,
Here as we wind down the transmission with some key calls at the end, I want to thank the sponsors for this hour that made this radio show possible today.
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Hey Alex, three quick points.
Number one, they are forcing that issue with the kids who are with CPS.
My cousin actually was in their service care.
And they made her get a Gardasil shot and she actually didn't need one.
I don't think any of the kids need one.
They're all poisonous.
Yeah, CPS lies and forcibly injects kids with hundreds of shots, including experimental ones.
It is a criminal eugenics organization.
I've given you the White House own textbook.
It's real, folks.
It's real.
Go ahead.
Number two, I send out a newsletter every Friday with all your key points and I research the stuff myself.
It's very easy for folks to get out there and let people know what's going on.
And number three, I just had a daughter and I was going to ask Bob Chapman this earlier, the straw man method.
I was trying it with my daughter and she was born at a hospital.
I didn't fill out the vital statistics form for the health department and they sent out her information anyway.
And gave her a birth certificate and I'm really upset about that because I think that's a violation of my civil rights, my right to freedom.
And I'm actually contacting lawyers right now and I want to...
I'll get an email address where I can contact you guys and send you up-to-date information, because I think it's really important, because that is just enslavement of ourselves.
Well, I mean, obviously... Let the government take care of us.
Obviously, getting us on the grid has caused all the identity theft.
The cashless society, they admit, is meant to make it even worse.
Then they're going to go to face scans, thumb prints, and implantable chips.
Again, they put you on a cashless system.
It causes identity theft.
Then their answer is even more control.
And, uh, yes, getting into the system is very, very bad.
But as long as your kids don't have the vaccines, as long as they're not in Head Start, but they make it so hard you gotta work and put them in there, so the CPS starts visiting everybody, the White House...
Science Czar says everybody's going to get a CPS visit and eventually they want to take all children from all families and raise them in dormitories.
I mean, this is the ultimate control freak bureaucrat society.
This is slavery and we've got to beat 21st century slavery.
God bless you.
Lou in Chicago.
Lou, you're on the air.
Hey Lou.
Oh, hi Alex.
It's an honor to talk to you and thank you for having me on the show.
I just wanted to
Let you know that you've gotten to me and I've really woken up and learning all these things.
It's been kind of an organic learning process where I've, you know, kind of coming from the heart rather than reading off of a cue card.
And I have a business where I have the time to be able to get out there and talk to people.
And before I saw this show, something was wrong inside of me.
I knew there was something wrong.
And, you know, I was focused on tanning and working out and putting my energy in the girls and things.
And I have the Dodge Challenger, the 2008, the real nice one.
Stay there, stay there, stay there.
I want to hear what you have to say.
And on the final segment, we'll take a few more calls from Jan, Steve, and Kathy.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Okay, final segment on this Friday Transmission.
Lew in Chicago, finish up your point.
Yes sir, the point is that these things aren't as important, all these material things, and I use my charisma, a gift that I have, to awaken, to talk to people, whether it's a higher level person in the legal field to the person that pushes the cart at the grocery store.
We just gotta start talking to each other instead of watching glowing televisions all night or just going to sports games or chasing skirts.
All of that is fine, but the number one thing is liberty because nothing's safe if you don't have the freedom.
That's correct, and I'm getting out there, 10 people a day, I'm handing out videos, I keep them, everyone wants to ask about my car, I bring up that subject.
And finally, to sum it up real quick, the cyberbullying thing is very real.
And these police now, I had a huge identity theft issue.
They don't care.
I have enough evidence.
To put this person away.
More evidence in Lincoln was shot.
Yet, they don't even pay attention to it.
They're more concerned that I called this kid a freak three years ago on the computer than they are with all this evidence.
So let me get this straight.
You went and complained, and then they said, oh, well, you called him a freak.
Yeah, listen, I appreciate your call.
This is a whole other subject.
I was talking to a big defense lawyer yesterday.
I was talking to, just saw him out when I was getting a haircut.
And he was explaining how there are less prosecutions now.
They're only out raising money or squeezing the cattle.
All the new laws being passed are, for us, the law-abiding.
And it's sick.
I appreciate your call, Lou.
Jan in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Jan.
Hey, Alex.
I have a comment and a question.
I have a close relative who is a higher member in the Department of Health.
I just spoke to them today and they're doing basically printing out all of their personal emails that have been going on in the office and there's some really strange things going on.
She said that there's going to be opening up vaccination centers like
Around the city and also the state.
I'm going to cover this more Sunday and try to do it coherently here.
But no, I mean, this flu is nothing.
It's killed less than 20 people here, but they're acting like it's the end of the world.
And they're gearing up for forced inoculations.
I believe they're going to use this as their cover for the economic implosion.
And God knows what's in the shot.
So what else was she saying?
Uh, she also said that, I mean, over the last, uh, few months, the Department of Agriculture has basically been taking over everything.
Uh, the water, the food inspections, uh, she does the licensing for, um...
Any biomedical things that they would need, she would give the licenses for.
Yeah, the feds are federalizing, they're grabbing whole industries.
We're going into global receivership, just like a third world country goes into receivership of the IMF and World Bank.
We're going into receivership, but it was all fraudulently created by the bankers that run the government.
Ma'am, do you understand they've stolen $23.7 trillion, double the GDP in 10 months?
I'm very aware of everything.
I mean this is, this is off, there has never been fraud, theft, evil like this.
We are screwed.
And you better tell your friend in the health department, we all gotta say no to this because if we just keep going along with it, these criminals only take this as encouragement.
Yeah, the only reason she knew, because I had given her a heads up on what was going on, so she has been watching, and her co-workers, they're basically, they're all in denial.
They think that, yeah, there's really something going on, and there's really going to be a flu that's
You know, natural, but they don't understand that this is all generated...
They got their fist up, they got their dukes up, and we gotta, you know, get ready for this.
I'll be back Sunday, covering this exclusively, 4 to 6 p.m.
for a special transmission.
I feel it in my gut, it's important.
Great job, crew!
Have a great weekend, everybody.
Love your family, love God, get your heart right, and tune in Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Retransmission starts now, in Fort Worth, Nebraska.
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