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Name: 20090723_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 23, 2009
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to Reverend Pastor Ted Pike here in just a moment to cover the frontal assault on the First Amendment.
Not just free speech, but also religion in this country.
So that is coming up in just a moment.
I did want to just add one more thing on that Midas Resources gold and silver offer.
Again, this is gold priced in when the market was $905 to $910 an ounce.
It's $956 today as we speak, Thursday the 23rd day.
of July 2009 and you've got to tell them that it's the Genesis Alex Jones Ted Anderson special when you call to take advantage of that or it will be the newer high prices.
The silver has already gone up since yesterday.
This is the very tail end of getting francs
And sovereigns at that much lower price.
You cannot beat this deal.
Here is the number again for the brokers.
But even if you're watching this six months from now on the web at PrisonPlanet.tv, it's always a good time to call Midas Resources, our sponsor.
It's our sponsor.
That's where I get my gold and silver.
It's the best prices out there that I've found.
Also, before we go to Pastor Ted Pike, while we still have some free speech in this country, we're carrying a lot of new books and videos.
Not just books and videos I've written or produced, but other people's great books and videos.
On the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
The latest is Anthrax War, a film by Bob Cohen and Eric Nadler.
And you won't believe the people they got for interviews with this.
You want to know about the real history of anthrax, the government involvement in anthrax, the anthrax attacks, this film is unbelievable.
They're going to be guests very soon on the show.
Anthrax War, just an amazing film.
Available, of course, at
Infowars.com by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Generation Rx.
This gets into the forced drugging and drugging of the population of the United States and our children and how the psychotropic drugs are causing suicide.
So are the Ritalin-type drugs.
Generation Rx.
Show this to families and friends and people you know that are about to put their kids on these drugs or have already put them on them.
Very important film.
Very professionally produced.
Generation Rx.
The latest Global Warming film, Part 2, by Dr. Michael Kaufman, with an incredible narrator and host.
So you want to get Global Warming, Emerging Science and Understanding.
It's got a dry title, but very, very powerful information that's available.
This film is free for anybody that gets it with the Obama deception or endgame.
It is the entire unedited interview, the whole thing.
I'd only put about 80% of it out on PrisonPlanet.tv a few years ago before he died.
He's now, of course, deceased.
His last video interview, Aaron Russo, Reflections and Warnings, free at InfoWars.com.
Has an update by myself.
I'm in the film.
A lot of new documents.
Really, this took us about a month to make.
Kind of a mini-film, but it's over 90 minutes long.
Of course, in-game blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Everybody's got to have this.
Fabled Enemies, the latest 9-11 info.
Who was really involved, how they carried out the attacks.
Fabled Enemies, I think one of the best 9-11 films, and one of the latest ones out there.
Fabled Enemies by Jason Burmess, all available.
at InfoWars.com.
And then I can't stress enough this film.
I was talking to Gerald Salente, who does foreign, British, French, Russian, Middle Eastern TV, U.S.
He gets interviewed by newspapers every day.
He's all over the cover of the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal.
Trends Forecasting, he said he's never seen anything like it.
He said this off-air.
I said, I wish he would have said that on-air, but at the end of the show he wanted to talk
And the next time he's on, he says he's going to talk about it.
He said the buzz is insane!
Everywhere he goes, people bring up the Obama deception.
Everywhere he goes, he talks about it.
And I don't want to drop names, but I was in Hollywood, working on some stuff over the weekend, and this film's one of the hottest in the underground there, with big stars.
This is the reason you see his approval rating dropping, is because people are getting this film out.
We have no way of knowing how many times it's been watched on the web.
Three months in, it was 15 million, I'm guessing three months after it's 20 million.
I'm just saying, as if the film's getting smaller.
It's getting bigger.
Own the phenomenon on DVD.
Have this in your library.
They can shut the web off, they can't shut you making copies of DVDs down.
Get it, buy dummy DVDs, copies, make.
The copies of it.
Buy the blank DVDs.
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Get it out, folks.
This is so important.
The Obama deception.
This is my biggest film.
I've had a lot of other big hits.
And I measure a hit by reaching millions and millions of people and affecting change.
This has had more effect than probably all my films combined in six months.
That's scary.
The Obama Deception.
Now, this film is number two in that, and it needs to be bigger than the Obama Deception.
This is, frankly, more important.
End game.
Okay, I'm going to shut up, go to Ted Pike, because I want to get into the robotics news, the economy news, a bunch of the stuff I've got here as well.
Not going to keep the Reverend long.
Reverend, can you just recap, because we have a lot of new listeners every day, who don't know what the hate bill does versus the cyberbullying, what this does to free speech.
You've got the bills on your website.
What ended up happening in the House and Senate, where we are right now?
Reverend Ted Pike.
Well, basically the federal hate crimes bill, which has now been passed by both the House and the Senate, is an Orwellian attempt to
Basically, unite federal and local policing power.
It's number two, it will create a bias-oriented justice system in America, which says that our thoughts, our biases, when they result in some kind of speech that causes violent crimes or prejudice against others, becomes a hate crime.
I think so.
And for those that don't know, we have read over both the bills here on air, with the hate crime bill itself very close to passing, it's saying that if you do something that
That down the road, years later, they say you influenced someone to do violence, even though you didn't call for violence.
You're now guilt by association like the Soviet Union.
You literally go to the gulag.
And then the Cyber Bullying Act says, if you hurt someone's feelings on the web, or try to influence a politician, that that's intimidation and you go to prison.
I mean, this is
This is an incremental tyranny.
This is skipping, jumping ahead all the way to the end.
This is more draconian than any legislation we've ever seen.
Now, last week, we were able to generate massive calling, finally, at the last moment, for about three days.
We're good.
There's imminent, immediate speech that will incite people to violence, hate-motivated violence, that pastors and talk show hosts can't be indicted.
So that was a real deliverance.
But what the problem is right now is that in conference in the fall, the Brownback Amendment could be stripped off.
And also we have a new window of opportunity here, actually, to defeat the hate bill.
I had hoped
You see, let me just back up over here a little bit.
Yeah, let's stop right there.
I want you to get into that, Reverend Pike, but first, can you explain for those of us that don't know, and I try to study this and it gets murky, the legislative history of this so we understand where we're at now.
Well, the Anti-Defamation League began in 1988 at their Hofstra conference in New York to jumpstart a model hate crimes law for America.
During the 1990s, they persuaded some 45 states to adopt that.
And some kind of a state hate crimes law, but their big ambition was always the creation of federal hate crimes law, which would give them behind the scenes empowerment to prosecute and end free speech and persecute, especially Christians in America.
Now, historically, after 12 years of trying and five defeats,
They have passed their big federal hate crimes bill.
That's in a nutshell, it's barreling forward to conference in the fall.
And for those that don't know, conference is in between the House and Senate to try to make any final changes so that it's a unified piece of legislation.
Is there any way to shoot it down in conference or just try to keep that particular amendment on it?
Here's the only strategy I can figure out.
Now President Obama has repeatedly said in recent weeks, he's warned Congress, that if they add from 7 to 12 extra Raptor, that's F-22 Raptor fighters, to the defense
Authorization bill, to which the hate bill has now been attached, he will veto it.
In other words, he will veto both the DOD bill with the hate bill on there.
And unfortunately, this last week, the Senate did decide to strip off the Raptor fighters in order to please the President and not jeopardize the hate bill.
However, the House a month ago voted overwhelmingly.
By a huge margin to keep all those Raptor fighters.
So we have basically we have two DOD bills now.
We have one that's overwhelmingly loaded down with seven to twelve Raptor fighters in support from the House of Representatives.
And then we have another bill from the Senate which doesn't have those extra Raptors on there.
Now what we have to do, what I believe our only real option now, is throughout this summer we've got to join with the very powerful
Defense arms industry as well as workers in 44 states who are even now lobbying.
We have to lobby to get those Raptors back on to the final DOD hate bill in conference in September.
We have to create a bill which is so offensive, so overloaded with extra Raptors that Obama will be put on the firing line.
He will have to, he will veto
The hate bill along with the DOD bill.
Ted Pike, I know it's important to defeat this, it's critical, but Obama is such a liar that he hardly ever does what he says he's going to do.
In fact, he really never does.
So if he says he'll veto it, if the Raptors are on it, doesn't that mean he'll probably sign it with even more glee than if the Raptors are there?
Well, meanwhile, he's stolen $23.7 trillion with the last administration.
That's exactly what I'm saying now.
This is a real standoff.
And rather than say, Obama will just go with the hate bill because his heart is with the hate bill, he knows that this hate bill is a lot of trash.
He doesn't have any real loyalty.
He's promoting it on instruction from unseen powers behind his scenes.
What we want to do here is we want to create a contest, a rivalry between the Democratic Senate and the House who perhaps can be persuaded in conference to defy him versus his reputation and the image he wants to create.
And if we can do that, if we can join all summer long getting
Those phone calls, not only into House and Senate members, but also on the other hand to the President, encouraging him to stand by his promise and veto the arms hate bill package.
I believe this is a real viable opportunity.
I believe it's the only real opportunity we do have to kill the hate bill, because
Okay, well let's try to kill the hate bill, but Pastor Ted Pike, let's look at the stakes.
Go over the bill as it stands now, if it does become law.
Total federalization of police, the police openly being turned into political commissars under the DHS report, veterans or terrorists, gun owners, Ron Paul, libertarians, Christians, clergy response teams,
neighborhood tattletale squads, all Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL trained.
I mean, we're not kidding when we say this is right out of Bolshevik Russia.
That's right.
You see, even though this Brownback Amendment is at least temporarily put on there until conference,
Nevertheless, the whole weight of this bill, the whole momentum of it, is to create a thought-crime, bias-oriented justice system in America.
And regardless of these caveats, like the Brownback Amendment, nevertheless, the practical result is that when this is passed, if it becomes law, then there will begin to be indictments put down from the federal government with the ADL and the driver's seat in the background, and
These cases will go before judges at every stage in the judicial ladder, and they primarily will be liberals.
They will be exercising compassion, and in a more of a holistic approach to the law, they will not only enforce the federal law against violent hate criminals, but against verbal violence.
These are words which cut and hurt, and so this will very rapidly flow out and broaden into a broad hate crimes, speech crimes law for America.
Separately, where is the Cyber Bullying Act?
Boy, that sucker's scary.
Yeah, the Cyber Bullying Act is still in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime.
The Democrats have been really overloaded trying to get the hate bill through, but you can be sure that next September, October, that will be coming through.
And by the way, you don't even have to hurt somebody's feelings on the internet.
We've read the passages here on air.
It's hard to believe it, but it's the actual bill.
I mean, this is...
More draconian than the hate speech laws in Europe.
And folks, if you don't think the cops won't come and arrest you and the judges won't throw you in jail, they can't wait to do it.
I mean, look at these DHS reports.
Yeah, and you see, that's why it's so important to whack the liberals on the snout here and stop the big federal hate bill.
Because if the federal hate bill goes through, there will be a breaking of the dam, a deluge of more and more of this ADL legislation coming through.
Well, most of his agenda is failing.
He did get his stimulus package, his payoff to his crony package, that big pork barrel, and he did, they have gotten their hate bill, at least so far, but on the greenhouse gas stuff that's dead in the Senate, at least for now,
uh... on the second amendment stuff he has bills to basically end the second amendment allow the attorney general to ban anything which is the struggle of a pen uh... so a lot of his agenda is stalling and his approval rating is dropping but but it is interesting that the first thing they wanted to do was get this hate bill that was the first thing was to kill free speech in america and senator jay rockefeller's running around saying we'd be better off without the internet and he wants to restrict free speech so
These guys have really shown themselves to be pure anti-American trash and Pastor Ted Pike, Reverend Ted Pike, we just only want to commend you for your tireless work against this and we can only pray that we're able to defeat this.
Fire out the website where people can see the strategy to defend the First Amendment.
Well, thank you.
Come to truthtellers.org where I have an article there on this.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, Reverend Ted Mike.
You bet.
Thanks for that update.
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We got Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, Dr. Rand Paul, joining us.
Coming up in 30 minutes.
We might keep him longer if you want to...
Talk to him, but I want to continue with calls after that and get into this Jay Rockefeller video that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com where he gets confronted about eugenics and Bilderberg Group.
Very powerful, great job, We Are Change.
That is coming up.
I want to get Stuart from We Are Change and Luke on from We Are Change tomorrow.
We're there together doing this with other folks.
But I wanted to cover this before we get Rand Paul on in the next segment as we start the next hour.
Cable TV workers trained to spy on citizens.
I mention this, but I want to read this article from PrisonPlanet.com.
By the way, the caller...
Pointed out that we said Time Warner, the article doesn't say we said it's on by Time Warner.
A commenter said that, so we're not responsible for what commenters say.
Side issue, let me start over.
Cable TV workers trained to spy on citizens.
Bright House Network's employees will watch for suspicious behavior, which according to law enforcement and DHS guidelines, includes being politically active, displaying bumper stickers, or disagreeing with the government.
And you can go to Brian House's own statements.
They say, oh, we want them to know the community and watch for anything out of the ordinary.
And if they see you spank your kids, not against the law, they're still going to go take your kids.
Or if they smell something smells like pot, you're going to get SWAT teamed.
It happens to people I know all the time.
I mean, you know, one of the Prison Planet Forum moderators, J.C.
Coyote, he
Had some reloading stuff, so they SWAT teamed him.
You know, not allowed to reload in America.
Looks strange to them, so it was over.
One of the largest cable TV companies in the United States is training its employees to look for suspicious behavior and report it to police under the guise of Neighborhood Watch Initiative.
Since according to law enforcement and Homeland Security guidelines, suspicious behavior includes owning guns, being politically active, and having bumper stickers on your car, the cable guy's next visit to your house may turn out to have even more interesting consequences than the originally anticipated.
Operation Bright Eyes is designed to maximize the eyes and ears of Bright House Network's field service representatives and other employees to easily identify suspicious behavior and to quickly report criminal activities to the police, according to Fox News.
All current and new Bright House employees will receive training to help them use the resources at their disposal.
A secret police, I would add, to become familiar with residents' activities in the neighborhoods.
Yes, spy on everyone and report anything they deem unusual to the authorities in order to keep our neighborhoods safe.
Since when was it the job of a cable guy to run around pretending to be an undercover cop?
The program is ripe for abuse and another advancement of the elite tattletale society being created in order to make the sheeple self-police their behavior.
Constantly aware that they are being watched by secret police, living in fear that Big Brother will catch any minor indiscretion.
And I had the Wall Street Journal writer here, and she said everywhere she was in England to do a travel piece, people would run up and say, you can't photograph, it's illegal, it's terrorism.
She'd try to be at the canals, take a photo at landmarks.
And when I was in D.C.
last year, they'd run up and say, turn your cameras off anywhere.
It's about an oppressive system where we're all slaves.
And they're taking the neighborhood watch groups and the compulsory kid, you know, youth service corps are making them tattletales.
You can just Google, uh, seven-year-olds trained to spy on neighbors.
Google it.
Show people right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You'll get England.
You'll get the U.S.
The kids are growing up with cameras in the school bathrooms, cameras in the school showers in Tennessee.
I mean, this is total big brother.
The government's totally rogue and criminal, owned by foreign banks, looting and robbing everything.
And they're putting in this prison grid, not to make us prisoners, but to make us slaves.
And, uh, it just goes on and on.
With kids spying on their parents and everything else.
We are out of time for this hour.
Don't forget, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're simulcasting there on video right now.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So much has happened in the last two or three years thanks to you, the viewers, the listeners of this show and other Patriot organizations, other Liberty lovers standing up.
Ron Paul has gone from being somewhat unknown, almost obscure compared to some congressmen, to the most internationally interviewed congressman.
That's mainstream news.
What is he?
The second most interviewed congressman now on U.S.
And we've gone from almost no one knowing the Federal Reserve's private run for profit to the majority of people knowing about it.
It's one of the most searched Google terms, and it's something being talked about everywhere, that it's offshore, it's a criminal corporate takeover.
Now, I told folks that when Ron Paul ran, he said, look, I'm not promising I can win, don't get mad at me.
Some people did.
They expected instant gratification, like a cheeseburger, you get in 30 seconds, you start stamping your foot after 30 seconds if the line doesn't move at McDonald's.
The globalists didn't build their system overnight, we're not going to defeat it overnight.
We're having giant success right now, and we need more people under the Ron Paul mantle, the Liberty Committee idea, the Campaign for Liberty idea, to run for Congress, run for Senate, run for Governor, run for City Council, run for County Commissioner, run for City Board, whatever.
It's happening now.
And somebody we're drafting to run for the U.S.
Senate is the son of Dr. Ron Paul, Dr. Rand Paul.
He's an eye doctor.
And he's raising the money, looks like he's going to run, getting the support behind him, very, very exciting.
Last time they were on, biggest support they've seen, crashed their servers.
It's like Ron Paul said here in the middle of his campaign, half the support they were getting was coming from this show, then later it
Opened up to where it was a wider audience.
But the point is, you guys out there are literally driving the revolution for liberty and freedom against the revolutionary corporate takeover banksters.
And so that's why the process of just Ron Paul running educated everybody about inflation and private banks and the Federal Reserve and globalism and that the left-right paradigm is a fraud.
We need his son in the U.S.
Senate, Dr. Rand Paul.
Doc, it's good to have you on with us.
Glad to be back with you, Alex.
We're about to break and some stations join us in the next segment, but are you running?
I mean, it looks like you're running.
We're very, very close and we're going to have a final announcement within two weeks.
Still putting things together, having some last minute discussions with family and friends.
And I will only run and make the decision if I think we absolutely have a chance to win.
This campaign will not be just about education or protest.
We will have not only the money, but the organization, the name recognition, and everything else it takes to win on the ground.
Well, your father ran once for the House and lost, won the second time, so certainly we wanted Ron Paul to win and certainly we want you to win, but I'm just saying it's win-win either way.
Just the battle itself is victory.
Well, particularly in my father's case it was, because not winning the presidency, he did win the attention, particularly for being right about the housing bubble and predicting that it would come.
So now he is the go-to guy.
They go to him and they ask him about the Federal Reserve.
The overwhelming support.
I've never seen anything like it.
The co-sponsorships for the Audit the Fed bill.
My dad says that it would almost assuredly pass both the House and the Senate if and when they give it a vote, but that's still a pretty big if.
Well that's what I wanted to talk about when we get back.
I want your take on what I was discussing, but from your own perspective.
How far we've come.
I think we need to recognize the victories we've had and realize we're in this fight against the globalists and where things are going right now in the Senate with them blocking the vote right now to audit the Fed.
But as your father said earlier this week, or late last week, there's no way they can win.
The longer they try to cover up and block this vote,
The more people wake up to the fact that they're the problem, not the solution.
Dr. Rand Paul is our guest.
We'll give you his website.
It's up on screen.
We'll talk to him coming up.
And your phone calls for Dr. Rand Paul at 1-800-259-9231.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
PrisonPlanet.tv is my site.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
1-800-259-9231 if you'd like to talk to Dr. Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, running for U.S.
Senate out of Kentucky.
I think destiny is he's going to run.
I'll be very surprised if he doesn't.
But he said the next two weeks you'll hear the main announcement.
But Dr. Rand Paul, let's go over
Go over the most important issues right now.
I was asking during the break what you think is most important and you made the point that they did it.
That the private Federal Reserve made this debt.
They created this system and you went back to Andrew Jackson.
Go over that.
Well, the interesting thing is that I think the two are always linked, and particularly when people try to sort of make us outside the mainstream about talking about the Fed, is I say, the Fed is the debt.
The way we pay for the debt is by monetizing it, printing new money, and they go hand-in-hand.
Because we have a large debt, we give up a lot of control and power to the Federal Reserve that we wouldn't have to do if we didn't run a large debt.
So they're two sides of the same coin.
In fact, when Andrew Jackson ran
And ran hard against the second bank.
You know, he said, the national debt is not a national blessing, but a national curse, inasmuch it is calculated to gather around the administration of moneyed aristocracy, keen and dangerous to the Republic.
And I think that's really important, that it is the debt, but it's also the Federal Reserve and they're two sides of the same coin.
Well, really, the fight against the private offshore central banks has been the perpetual fight since before this country was even born, from the moment it was conceived, right through the seven years of revolutionary conflict against the British Crown, until today.
And I guess they won the beachhead in 1913, and have been strangling us and using us as their engine for world domination ever since, and I believe they've overreached now.
In their greediness to sacrifice the United States and run up our national credit card to fund their global operations in their own words and that they've overreached I mean inexorably
We feel the momentum shift against them as now the general public knows the Federal Reserve is private.
They know it's above the law.
They know it's criminal.
And now it's not just your father getting in the face of Bernanke or Greenspan.
Now it's the majority of the congressmen and senators.
Now it's the pundits.
These guys are more and more on the run and we feel the momentum, the pendulum shifting directions.
Do you see that?
Do you feel that, Dr. Paul?
Yeah, I think one of the most amazing things and one thing we can take great solace in after this election is that the last time Bernanke was on with my father in the committee, you can truly see fear in his eyes.
They are afraid that there will be oversight of the Federal Reserve.
The first major oversight or change in the legislation since it originated in 1913, and they fear it.
You know, they've hired a million dollar lobbyist, the lobbyist that used to be the lobbyist for Enron is now going to be the lobbyist for the Fed, and they are fearful that they are losing the momentum and there could actually be a real audit.
They're going to pull out every stop, though.
They openly threatened Congress, as you know, with physical martial law last October.
We had the Congressman here on air.
People couldn't believe it.
And now they're writing articles going, yes, no, there will be martial law if you don't do whatever we say.
And if you ever audit the Fed, there's going to be a depression.
So, I mean, this is literally a gun to our head saying, if you ask too many questions, bang, your economy's dead.
Is that not financial terrorism, Dr. Paul?
Well, they're also threatening, they say, oh, if you audit the Fed, that will raise interest rates.
Well, looking at the numbers and transparency does nothing to the interest rates or even really to their policy.
While we want them not to have this expansionist policy of easy credit and easy money and low interest rates, just looking at their books does nothing to change their policy.
So an audit's a good first step, but they're already complaining, saying an audit will control their monetary policy.
And I wish it were so, but the audit's only the first step forward.
But you see how they truly fear transparency.
And, you know, the fact that they bought up $2 trillion worth of assets, the biggest thing we need to get out now, though, is that the debt used to be backed by Treasury bills, and the Federal Reserve bought Treasury bills, but now the Federal Reserve buys used car loans.
The Federal Reserve buys bad home loans.
So there's all kinds of things being monetized now.
I think I saw a statistic that 40% of the debt being bought now by the Federal Reserve is not Treasury bills or Treasury bonds.
It is used car loans and bad home mortgages and derivatives and all this other craziness.
Well, that's what's scary is that they've made a big show of paying back a few hundred billion of the trillions that have disappeared into, in many cases, completely foreign banks, not just offshore, multinational.
But what they're not explaining is they're taking that money and fractional reserving it, loaning at least 10 times out and leveraging it into derivatives again.
So it's just pumping up the bubble even bigger at the cost of the real economy.
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
And if you look at the monetary base, this is the banking reserves plus the currency.
The banking reserves last year doubled.
That's what you're talking about.
That then goes into the banks and can be multiplied another tenfold.
So we double the banking reserves, and then when it gets into the system and spreads through the economy, it can be multiplied another tenfold.
I think there's no question that ultimately we will be seeing, you know, rampant inflation.
And that's what I tell people in this election.
I tell the Republicans, I say, look,
You want someone like me who can directly draw the debt and say how debt hurts the working class and debt hurts those on fixed incomes, because that's what the Democrats usually say, oh, we'll give a handout to those people and that way we can buy their votes.
But I think we have a message, too, that appeals to people.
We say, look, the debt causes inflation, high prices hurt those who are least able to afford the rising prices, and we're going to help you.
We're going to help you not by giving you a handout.
We're going to help you by limiting the debt
Well, Dr. Paul, look at the system these bankers create worldwide.
A system of dependency.
A system of bankrupting societies, creating debt bubbles so big that when they implode it's a black hole.
There's no way to physically pay it back.
Creating fiat currency and liquidity at many multiples above all the real resources.
uh... and uh... actual assets in the world and then they destroy the economy so bad their argument is
You've got to give 90% of your taxes to us in interest on the debt, but we'll give you the 10% in government jobs and government contracts to corporations and to welfare.
So they give us the crumbs off the table.
That's what we've got to explain to the poor people is, this is a scam.
Of the $23.7 trillion Bloomberg and AP report they've stolen in 10 months,
Three plus trillion.
Now, you're talking about a few hundred billion of chicken feed that's been actually given to domestic populations?
So this isn't even really socialism when Newsweek has that headline saying we're all socialists now.
Isn't this more akin to fascism?
Well, exactly right.
And then you look at, in one of the most galling and glaring episodes, you know, we gave AIG $180 billion, and then we also gave most of their
You know, multi-millionaire executives, we gave them retention bonuses for doing such a great job with their company.
I think that kind of thing really galls the public.
And the interesting thing in a Republican primary is that, I haven't seen good statistics on this, but I can tell you from being out on the stump for three or four months, 80-90% or more Republican primary voters are against the bank bailout.
I'll bet you 60-70% of Democrats are against it.
So as I go around Kentucky, I say, look, I would have voted against this bailout.
I've been talking about it for almost a year now.
And you get to choose.
You get to choose a Republican to be your nominee.
And do you want somebody who voted for the bailout?
Over half the Republican leadership did.
And you've got to decide which direction your party takes.
And I think the message is resonating.
I worried at first that Republicans would be upset to hear some chastisement of their people, but I think most of them, you know, two-thirds of them were voting against McCain as their nominee, so quite a few Republicans are more conservative than what they're getting out of Washington.
Well, look at Rick Perry and other governors who are clearly globalist.
They've been jumping on the bandwagon talking about secession and fight the new world order.
It's like they're Alex Jones or something.
And that's great for me because it makes me mainstream and suddenly all these big stations are turning us on in major cities because everything I've talked about has now come true.
But really they're only paying lip service.
We need real McCoys like Ron Paul and Rand Paul and others who actually have a record and who have spent their whole lives voting and speaking and fighting for true freedom.
And so now is the time for people to support folks like yourself.
What can people do now?
I mean obviously once you announce in two weeks the real momentum will kick in.
What can they do today?
Uh, to make sure you make that right decision to run for Senate out of Kentucky.
Well, I told you earlier, Alex, last time I was on your show, your listeners shut down my website because they overdid it.
We had to buy a bigger server, so we want your listeners to go and test out my website to see if they can overtax it.
That's RandPaul2010.com.
The other thing they can do is, we're taking pledges for a money bomb, and that website is RunRandRun.com.
And we're hoping to get 10,000 people that would give $100 on one day.
If we raise a million dollars in one day, which I think it's possible, if we did that, it completely transforms my race, it completely makes us really the lead dog in the race, and makes us the one to beat.
It puts us on the map for the rest of the election.
We don't have to struggle month in and month out to see if they'll still include us because of our fundraising.
We get all that front end loaded on August 20th.
It's amazing what we could do.
And then that makes the media say, oh Rand Paul would be great and his dad's, you know, really popular, but he can't raise that type of money.
That makes you a major contender and makes Kentucky media pay attention to you.
And then it's a multiplier.
You get a million bucks, you get 20 million in free coverage in Kentucky.
And we're already getting good coverage here.
I've had nothing but good coverage so far.
We've probably had 10 AP stories.
I've been on television.
I've been on national television twice.
We're getting good coverage here.
Every time we do something, we have a conference call for the media, and we're routinely getting between 10 and 15 people on our conference calls for statewide media.
So there's a lot going on, but you're right.
The key thing that puts me over the top is if that money bomb is successful August 20th.
Well, we'll be sure to have Lyman on, Trevor Lyman and yourself, to try to, or some folks from your campaigns, maybe have your daddy on that day to plug the money pump.
I don't know about all the stupid election rules, but he should be able to do that.
All right, we're going to come back, get into what your agenda would be in the U.S.
Senate on the carbon tax, gun control, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
Dr. Rand Paul is our guest.
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Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown
Well, we've crashed their server.
Our millions of great listeners.
Folks, we gotta get Dr. Rand Paul a CDN.
Content Distribution Network.
That's the only thing that keeps up InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
So we've been through this.
And we've got the sites that crash everybody.
And the only way they're going to keep their sites up during the money bomb and all the rest of this is with a CDN.
So whoever the IT guys are, tell them, CDNs.
We can tell you, we've been through a lot of CDNs.
We've got two companies that we know are good.
We've got a backup CDN.
But yeah, you've got to be able to take a million people visiting your site at one time to really be effective.
But going back to Dr. Rand Paul, that's exciting though the audience has crashed your server though.
That is.
That's better than a Nielsen poll, I think.
There's so much I could throw up, but I want to get into investigating the Fed.
You know, your father's called for criminal investigations by state grand juries, saying that's constitutional.
What about investigating Al Gore, who openly owns the controlling stock in two of the carbon trading companies, and the bill they've passed in the House says that the federal agencies can just levy any tax they want, including toilet paper taxes.
What would you do about that?
My prediction is that if cap-and-trade gets through, we will have an army of armed EPA agents.
Thousands of them.
And apparently... They've already said that.
That's what I mean.
The EPA already has armed guards.
They have armed troopers and investigators.
No, they call them climate cops.
I mean, your prediction's already true.
That's what I mean.
We have them, but I predict that there will be thousands of new.
Thousands of new, yes.
Yes, because you know what's going to happen is every time you sell your house or rent your apartment, you're going to have to prove to somebody that you've got energy efficiency.
No, that's in the bill.
They say home inspections...
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I mean, I start ranting on this issue.
Yeah, you're exactly right.
We debated it recently.
I spoke before the coal-producing counties, and that's about 30 counties in Kentucky, and I debated the main Democrat opponent, Jack Conway, and Jack Conway got up there, like so many queer politicians, he got up there and said,
I'm not really sure if I'm against cap and trade or if I'm for it, but I want to be part of the negotiated legislation, so I'm not going to take a real position on it until after I'm elected.
And what's amazing about this is he doesn't even sense, being a career politician, he's afraid to make a stand, but he doesn't even sense
How much there's opposition, even among mainstream people within Kentucky, because of what it's going to do to energy.
Well, they admit they're going to put in the bill a 50% tax on all coal, and what, 54% of all our energy, our power, from factories to light bulbs in our houses, to the hot water heaters, is from coal?
I mean, does anybody have an idea what that...
I got family in East Texas.
The only jobs left are prisons and coal mines and the power plants that burn it.
And I think, once again, it's like inflation.
Mostly hurt and will hurt disproportionately when your electric bill goes up at the end of the month.
If you make $200,000 a year, you don't feel it.
But if you make $25,000 a year and your electric bill goes up, you get hurt.
And that's what's going to happen to cap and trade like any other price increase.
It disproportionately hurts the working class and the poor and those on fixed income, the retired folks.
All the same constituencies that the Democrats are always going out and winning those votes.
That's why we tell people, our message is good, but we need to know how to present our message to gain more votes.
Well, I mean, Dr. Paul, when you've studied politics for a long time, your dad's been a congressman for decades, you're a medical doctor, you're a smart guy, looking at Obama's record, in your book, does he take the cake for lying?
I mean, everything he says he's gone back on, and then he said he wouldn't raise taxes unless you made a quarter million
Dollars a year is a couple.
These carbon taxes are going to raise taxes on everything, and like you just said, hurt the poorest people!
Well, the amazing thing is he can do it with a straight face.
As long as his teleprompter's working, he can do it with a straight face and a smile, and he can tell us how he's not going to do something at the same time his other hand is actually doing it.
So, I guess it's just the amazing gall of politicians who tell us this, and tell us they're not going to do something, and meanwhile they're doing exactly that.
I think it's an amazing feat how far we are going to lurch to the left and how big government's going to grow in the first six months to a year.
But I think there'll be a backlash.
And the only good thing I think we have going for us is there will be a backlash in 2010.
And in my own particular race, I think Kentucky will be ripe to run against Obama because he did very poorly in the Democrat primary here against Hillary Clinton.
She clobbered him by 30 points.
And then even McCain, who didn't do that well and ran a lackluster campaign, he also killed Obama in Kentucky.
So Kentucky is sort of a split state, but also a state that really doesn't like far-left-wing politics.
Oh yeah, well, I mean, look.
You're right.
There's gonna be an explosive backlash.
It's gonna catapult you into the U.S.
Senate if you're in an election fraud.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You're mad!
Folks, we had loaded phone lines.
There were callers from all over the map earlier before Dr. Paul got on.
We're going to make 4 or 5 calls for him before he leaves, by the 50 after.
So if you want to talk specifically to him, about Dr. Ron Paul, about himself, about his family, about the campaign, about the Campaign for Liberty, any questions dealing with fighting the globalists, 1-800-259-9231.
Specifically, Dr. Paul, the New World Order, the globalist.
You know, your dad's talked about it for decades, got laughed at.
Now, it's Times of London, cover of Newsweek, New World Order, world government, Bank of the World will pay our taxes too.
If you're elected to the Senate, they are obviously going to approach you, they're going
Certainly you have no skeletons, and we'll try to invent them.
Are you going to aggressively go after the Globalists?
Because I believe the best defense is a good offense.
Not just fighting their programs, but going after them for their crimes.
Do you agree with your father that we need criminal investigations of the Federal Reserve?
Yes, I think we go after the specifics and in some ways the media might light up more.
They have recently lit up thinking that Goldman Sachs and Paulson may have been doing something to enrich themselves.
So I think if we can paint it and expose it as people personally becoming wealthy off of the system and not let them get away with the fact that they say, oh, the Fed's independent and has our best interest at heart.
If we can show specifically where individuals are benefiting by government policy that then hurts the rest of us, absolutely, I think we should do that.
Well, I saw a video that we have time, we'll play it later, it's been up on Infowars.com for a couple days, of Paulson being questioned by House members and admitting he personally got $200 million off of money he transferred and saying that's not a conflict of interest because a White House ethics office signed off on it.
I mean, this is really getting sick.
Well, you know, you remember Paulson's first bill for the TARP Act, it was like three paragraphs just saying, appoint me king and let me do whatever I want with the money system.
And, um, you know, they shot that down, but then they made it 1,100 pages of obscure legalese and we got probably just as bad or worse.
Now the TARP Act is used for the car bailout.
I even saw the other day that the minority broadcasters are going to try to get money from the TARP Act.
Oh, it's just amazing.
They're raising, I saw in New York State, 84 taxes they've passed.
All these other states are passing new taxes.
Here in conservative Texas, every month I have new taxing authorities knocking on my door, telling me that they're going to come in and assess me.
How much can the public put up with?
I saw a report that in Texas, and I've seen in other states, 10% or more of the public have warrants out for unpaid tickets.
I mean, are they just going to squeeze us like the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Well, I saw the other day they're going after a woman in Pennsylvania for not paying her cigarette tax.
She's been ordering her cigarettes online for a couple years, and they've put a lien against her house.
Not so funny.
You know, they're aggressive and they will do it.
I think there has to be a breaking point.
Taxes eventually get so high that I think there will be a breaking point.
I think, for example, on cigarettes, we've probably gotten high enough that there probably already is, but there will be even a bigger black market probably for cigarettes.
People will eventually avoid the government taxes completely because the prices will become so high.
It's just incredible.
If the Senate passes, more of a reason to have you in the U.S.
Senate, passes the cap-and-trade, I was reading the actual bill that they kept 300 pages secret until after it had passed, as you know, Dr. Rand Paul, running for Senate in Kentucky, joining us.
We're about to announce running for Senate, hopefully.
If they were able to get that through, it just gives this executive power, kind of like Paulson saying, make me God.
They have gun bills that just say the Attorney General can ban any guns he wants, or he can put you on a no-fly, no-gun by-list.
It seems the federal government is moving to this imperial model.
Well, and it's always lost in thousands of pages of legalese.
For example, in the Health Care Act, they've named the Health Care Act something like the Free Choice Health Reform Act of 2009.
But you know what?
The more friendly it sounds in the title, the more ominous it is if you read the nitty-gritty.
In that Health Care Act, there's actually, uh, part of it says that when you leave your company or change insurance policies, you'll only be able to buy insurance that's approved by the government.
And they already have the restrictions in there on what you can sell, and I think things like health savings accounts, which are part of the solution to our problems, will probably not be sold after this health care reform passes.
I want to take a few final calls.
People should certainly visit the website that we have up on screen at PrisonPlanet.tv.
They should get ready for the money bomb.
That is coming up as well.
We've got links up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
But you made a joke during the break that you wouldn't let the Bilderberg Group, if you get elected to the Senate, drag you off a secret meeting, but if you were there joking that you would certainly wave at me while I was bullhorning from the outside.
If you get elected to the Senate,
If you get elected to the Senate, what are you going to do when these people approach you?
Are you going to blow the whistle on them?
Well, I have to correct you a little bit on that, Alex.
What I said is I wouldn't join the Bilderbergers, you know, for philosophic reasons.
But the other reason I wouldn't join is because I'd be afraid Alex Jones would be outside the meeting with the bullhorn calling me out.
So absolutely I wouldn't, but I've seen your videos calling a few of them out and interviewing a few of them, and for some reason they get quite testy with you if you ask them questions about it.
They certainly did.
No, you refresh my memory.
We were coming into break, the music was already playing, and we were bantering and laughing back and forth, and I meant to say, I hope that you would go to Bilderberg and then come out and expose them.
Yeah, I don't know if that would be possible or not, but yeah, I think we should expose people who are, you know, promoting this globalist agenda for personal gain and for financial gain at the expense of the rest of our country and at the expense of our republic.
Well, we're going to go to calls in a moment, but I want to just say this now, here, before you run for Senate, before you win, or certainly give them one hell of a run,
That people need to support you from the start to the middle to the finish and then after because it is quite a load to take running for office and to really try to win, to put your private life in the crosshairs.
I know a lot of people that know your family well.
I've known your dad for 13 years.
Very upright, incredibly hard work ethic, good Christian people.
Interviewed your uncle Wayne Paul last week and another amazing individual fighting for liberty and freedom.
But people need to understand, they're going to manufacture stuff about you, they're going to lie about you, they're going to take things out of context out about you, and people don't need to ninny.
They need to just get behind you guys and move forward, because we'd be in a lot worse position today if Ron Paul hadn't have run and educated millions of people about the true nature of the political and economic system.
And I just want to get your take on this here now.
Look at how it did backfire though when, for the movie Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen, and I didn't cover this when it first came out until your dad had commented on it.
That, you know, they've got an interview going, they say the light breaks, they say, please step in here, and he pulls his pants down and, you know, basically tries to block the door.
And then the media tried to spin it like Ron Paul, you know, caught in a bad position.
And then it came out that they called him in a room, cornered him, and really almost tried to sexually assault him.
That was done on purpose.
Saucer Baron Cohen is a globalist.
And it's not just funny, though it's the number one movie right now.
I just want to bring that up and warn people that they mean business and are going to try dirty tricks, but that did end up blowing up in their face.
But can you comment on that and then comment overall on gutting up to do this, but also that people need to be ready for all sorts of chicanery?
Well, the thing about that movie that really sort of makes me mad is that my dad gives so much of his time.
He is an upright man.
He's been married for 50 years.
He doesn't need and he doesn't deserve that kind of behavior by somebody that really is almost like an assault.
I mean, it really, I think, is so beneath what we should have to deal with in public discourse.
The other thing is, while I'm not much for lawsuits, there was a woman that he shocked and did something shocking to, the actor did, at like a PTA meeting or a church social, and she fell and hit her head and had a bleed and a stroke.
And she is suing him, and I say, Godspeed, I hope she gets a bunch of money out of that guy, because it really is unfair to misrepresent yourself.
Well, it's also... Sorry, go ahead.
I just think it's unfair to misrepresent people and to come in and do that, and it's this whole shocking thing, but it's kind of what's made our country go downhill, I think, culturally and as a people, that we have such trash on TV, such trash in the movies, and, you know, the more we get of it, it inures us, and it makes us
I think that, you know, that stuff is okay because it's all over TV and the movies, and so the moral standard gets lower and lower.
Well it's also very dangerous.
We're showing some of the video here where they're doing the interview and the light breaks and they ask him to step into a room and then that's what my wife called it.
My wife as a woman got very upset saying if that had been a woman he'd have probably gone to jail.
I mean getting somebody in a room and then sexually advancing on them and your father basically shoves him out of the way and screams at him and runs out of the room
Yeah, sort of a double standard.
I think really there should be some kind of assault charge pressed, but the problem is with politicians is none of these things hold up in court, and we don't really have much for defamation in our country either.
They end up, you know, if any of the Hollywood actors are ever defamed or accused of something they didn't do, they go and sue them in England, because in England apparently you can win defamation.
Here, I guess there's just not much recourse.
But you were talking about winning, and one of the amazing things is, because you hear people back and forth on my dad's campaign, you know, he didn't win.
You know, in many ways he did win, because I look at it every time I see him on the television now, I say, we've got somebody that represents our point of view who is getting some attention.
We aren't yet winning the battles, who are at least included in the debate.
Before he ran in 2007-2008, our side, other than you, Alex, and some of the people on talk radio, we really weren't getting a fair shake or getting any kind of representation as far as part of the debate, and now we are.
Well, I've never really talked about the Sacha Baron Cohen situation here much.
The reason I brought it up to you, Dr. Paul, is because I think you need to be ready for these types of setups, and I think
Well, I mean, we know the Federal Reserve means business, and we know the Federal Reserve was clearly implicated in kidnapping a congressman's baby.
We know that they've done hit pieces on folks.
This is the global ruling elite.
I just wanted to commend you for your courage, your father's courage, and I also wanted listeners to know that once we commit to supporting you, we're committed.
This is a war, and that's it.
And I'm asking my listeners to fully commit to you and your father and the work they've been doing.
Well, I appreciate that and we can't do it without you.
And I was involved in the grassroots part of the campaign across the United States for my father.
I met a lot of the grassroots supporters.
And if there's anything we can do, we're really going to try to include the grassroots in this.
We've already had students, I'm going to meet some students on Saturday night who traveled here, some of them from Idaho, California and Indiana and various states that are already campaigning for me here in the state.
So, we're going to do what we can, and anything that your listeners or the grassroots do for us, we will be very much appreciative.
Well, we just appreciate you and all the great work you've done, Dr. Rand Paul.
And again, the website for folks that want to visit it is run, ranrun.com is the Money Bomb site, and then his official site is ranpaul2010.com, and it is up right now, so that's good.
Servers are testing out nicely there.
We'll take a few calls.
And then we're going to end this official interview with Dr. Paul here in just about five minutes.
Matt in Ohio, then Mike in Sweden, Michael in Mass.
That'll be the three calls we have time for.
Matt, you're on the air with Dr. Rand Paul.
Hello, I appreciate you taking my call.
I wanted to say thank you, Dr. Paul, for hopefully choosing to run for the Senate.
I think you definitely stand up for every person in the country who honors individualism and honors the Constitution when you do that, because there certainly aren't many alternatives who are running for office who do represent those values.
My question
As regarding the Federal Reserve, what do you think the odds are that the Federal Reserve may bankrupt itself by the activities in buying up all these toxic assets, these CDSs and car companies and whatnot, similar to the way it bankrupted itself in the 30s, or at least allegedly did?
I don't know that that was ever made public, and the fact that the response back then was to make owning gold illegal, to collect gold in order to shore up the Federal Reserve.
What are the odds that that would happen again, and what do you think would be the response by the nation this time?
Yeah, what's going to happen if they try to ban the gold, give us paperback, and then double the price a year later?
Are Americans going to put up with that?
I mean, most people didn't turn it in back then.
I don't think the Federal Reserve really will go bankrupt because they basically control the money.
So what happens is we get bankruptcy in another form.
They liquidate the debt by printing up so much money that they pay back the debt with cheap money.
Yeah, that's it.
So that's what's going to happen is the real danger is not a bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve.
The danger is, I think, runaway inflation where the money becomes worthless.
I fear more a time
Like the Weimar Republic in 1923, where the Germans carried their money around in wheelbarrows.
The workers were paid twice a day because between noon and five o'clock, the money lost half its value.
That's the kind of situation I fear, and the unrest and the civil disorder that comes with destroying the money.
Whether or not people will give up their gold, I think people will give up their gold about as likely as they will be to give up their guns anymore.
And I think that's the one good thing we have going on in America.
There's a lot of still independent spirit in the countryside.
We don't necessarily see it from our politicians, but there's a lot of independent spirit out there that's not going to give up easily.
Well, speaking of lying, they've introduced scores of bills, the most draconian anti-Second Amendment ever, and then they get up on the news and say it's all a conspiracy theory, stop buying guns at record levels, stop buying ammo.
I mean, how dumb do the Democratic Party think we are?
I mean, this is insane!
And Sotomayor wrote a book saying we have no right, and they're about to confirm her?
I mean,
Don't the Democrats and the establishment understand that this will start a shooting war?
All you have to do is show up at the machine gun shootout in Knob Creek.
I was there earlier this year.
3,000 people came that day and those are 3,000 people that aren't giving up their guns and ammo too easily.
Let's take one more call here.
Maybe keep you over.
You agreed to do the hour but I don't want to keep you too long.
Mike in Sweden.
You're on the air with Dr. Rand Paul.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
I appreciate your work, Mr. Paul.
I was just wondering, Alex, if you and Dr. Paul know anything about the Baha'i faith and their plan for a new world order?
I know that's like a sponsored UN religion, and I've run into Baha'i folks that are listeners, and I've run into some that are pro-globalists, but I don't know that much about it.
Kind of a strange question for our guest.
I'm unfamiliar with it.
Yeah, we're unfamiliar.
Would you like to tell us about it?
Yeah, it says on Wikipedia that the system that they envision for the future involves a world parliament, a world police force, a binding world tribunal,
And a universal bill of human rights and so forth.
Dr. Holdren, the White House science czar, I'm sure you've seen this, it's been all over the news, writing an 1100 page textbook about wanting to drug our water and forced abortions and CPS taking all our kids at birth.
I wanted to hear what your take is on eugenics on the other side and these globalists with Dr. Rand Paul, the websites, RandPaul2010.com, ours is InfoWars.com.
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All right, final minutes.
I want to talk to Michael and Maz with the Dr. Rand Paul website, RandPaul2010.com or RunRandRun.com for the
The money bomb coming up in the 20th of next month.
We'll have him back on, maybe even his dad on.
Ron Paul's on next week.
My producer got the hours wrong, so he's on with his doctor, Ron Paul.
The father of Rand Paul's on next week for us for 30 minutes.
Talk about a host of issues.
Rand, I was asking you about John P. Holdren, the science artist.
You said you'd heard about him in the news, but not the details.
But generally, the social planners admit they want socialized health care, they want carbon tax.
He says
To carry out eugenics and even the forced drugging of the water to sterilize us.
That sounds like Nazi Germany to me.
What would you do in the Senate about this?
Well, if I were there, we'd get to expose it before he's gotten a hearing or during the hearings.
These hearings, that's exactly what they're for.
Wouldn't it be great to have a voice in the Senate that could expose this before he gets approved?
Dr. Paul, do you think the New World Order is going to succeed?
I mean, we're really seeing an awakening happen right now that we couldn't have imagined years ago, but is it going to be enough?
Well, I think when you go back, you know, one way to look at it is probably 30 years ago, nobody thought there'd be one currency in Europe.
Right now, most people don't think there could be one currency in our country, and yet the talk of the Amaro is out there, and they poofoo it, they try to describe us as crazy or off the wall, but they are talking about it, and I think they're
The way of getting to most things is gradualism, although I think Obama's doing a sudden move forward on a lot of things.
Yeah, I think there's a huge danger of it, and I think the problem is that we have so many politicians on both sides that are these career politicians, and the ones that evolve to the top of the Republican and the Democrat Party end up being the people who don't believe in anything, who really don't have any ideology.
And they get pushed around by the New World Order types.
The sellouts, the social climbers.
What, in 60 seconds, what can everybody do to make sure you run for Senate, you win for Senate?
If you can go to our website, and if you can also pledge for the money bomb, we will turn this race completely upside down.
If we raise a million dollars on August 20th, there's no stopping us.
We will have a odds-on even chance of winning our race if we raise a million in one day.
It'll be a national story.
It'll be a statewide story.
It will be all over the press if we raise a million dollars in one day.
And the media loves to criticize you guys trying to raise money.
How dare them?
The globalists take our money, use it against us.
You're asking for it if you want somebody in Washington to stop the thieving, stop the gang raping.
Quickly, Michael and Mash, you've got time for a 30-second question.
Go ahead, Michael.
Dr. Paul, I've got a good question, but I want to tell you right off the bat, I've got 150 bucks of your name on it, buddy.
Alright, thanks.
Alright, I wanted to talk about perception.
I asked your father about this before on the Jones Show.
It seems to me that the main problem that the American people have with the New World Order and globalism in general is they don't have an accurate perception of what is going on here.
Have you ever read things like
uh... the effect of science on society you know those type of weird psychology books that were written by uh... like Skinner.
Yeah, written by the scientific dictators.
I have read that that's why I understand their attack profile uh... but uh... Dr. Paul, are you aware of the psychological warfare systems they're using?
Yes, I am.
I have not read that book, The Effect of Science.
Yeah, um... I was just hoping you could
Perhaps before you make this run, educate yourself specifically on that, because it's these techniques that are going to be used against you, and if you understand it, it will be, you know, it just won't work.
Well, he's a smart guy.
Yeah, and he's got guts, and the Constitution Bill of Rights, and that's enough.
We're behind him.
Dr. Rand Paul, we'll have you back on right before the Money Bomb.
We'll have your dad talk about it as well.
God bless you, Godspeed, and we really appreciate your time with us today.
Thanks, Alex.
Great guy, folks.
Get behind him.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, coming up in about 20 minutes, we're going to look again at the new developments, new government documents about the OSS CIA killing Patton and Wines.
Give you an idea of how ruthless these people are.
But I've got some other issues I want to get into right now.
Burt Nemo wrote a great story yesterday at InfoWars.com titled, Jay Rockefeller can't deny his connection to modern eugenics.
Well, the headline could have been, Jay Rockefeller confronted on eugenics.
Now, it is a fact.
It is in the encyclopedia.
It is mainline history.
Any book you get on the history of eugenics will tell you the Rockefellers took the idea from England, funded it in Germany, England, the U.S., millions and millions of dollars in 1900 money.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, all of them, Cold Springs Harbor, USA.
They're behind it today.
Just a month ago it was in the news, secret meeting of the rich at Rockefeller University calling for world population reduction.
IBM, they funded the creation of IBM and the Hollerith machines and all of it.
So Senator Jay Rockefeller, this horrible demon,
Who openly wants to restrict free speech on the internet and the rest of it.
There's a We Are Change video up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And they've got some of the history of the Rockefellers first from a documentary about the Rockefellers.
But let's just queue up to the first clip and then the second clip, guys, in the Rockefeller video.
You have it ready?
They're at the Senate office buildings.
He's there.
They're confronting him.
And he's with a group of constituents.
He starts leaving.
But he talks about another group at Schumer's office.
And this is happening.
They're asking these people real questions.
And he goes, no, I'm not going to talk about Bilderberg.
And I'm not going to talk about eugenics.
Then he tells Luke, you've got a lot of balls, boy.
You ought to run for Congress.
And the guy's like 7'1".
So, even on his big crutches, like some demonic spider or something.
We have to call them out.
They operate because we're nice, we're friendly.
We lay down to them.
We don't have a fighting instinct anymore.
We gotta recapture that.
Get that back.
Get angry.
Realize this is the enemy.
Not the brown people in caves.
Oh, Homeland Security's for the brown people.
Let's kill them.
No, it's for us!
All of us!
This whole system's for us.
We've got to get our tribalism back.
Your enemy is the man on your screen.
Put Senator Rockefeller on screen.
Here it is.
Senator Rockefeller, I'd like to know if you're aware that we, the American people, are aware of the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, and if you could comment on that please, because it's very concerning to a lot of us.
You know, I have 37 people lined up right outside Senator Schumer's office, all of them wanting to answer precisely that question.
Well, could you just take a brief moment and let us... No.
No, because we're not talking... We're talking about something we're looking at.
Well, something that's so important, it sort of transcends everything else that we're talking about, sir.
Can you comment on that, please?
I'd like to know about the Bilderberg Group.
I'd like to know about the Bilderberg Group, sir.
Well, that's not part of our discussion.
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
Thank you.
Okay, and this, this is for the Senator.
This is the scientific proof of the nanothermite that's been found on the tips and tiptoes of the World Trade Center.
That's by scientists from around the world.
Basically, conclusive proof that there's an Article 3, Section 3 treasonous cover-up going on about 9-11, sir, so... We'd love to get your opinion on that, too, so... Wait, what did you say?
Excuse me, folks.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Two families, the Rockefellers and the Osbournes, are particularly significant.
That's where the video cuts into some history they put in.
We'll come back, re-air the old piece and the new piece you haven't seen yet.
Just the great job citizens are doing.
I don't care if you're an Infowarrior group, I don't care if you're We Are Change, 9-11 Truth group, a Campaign for Liberty group, a local Liberty meetup group, call it whatever name you want, something catchy, form an organization, go out and start asking politicians real questions.
And of course, Senator Rockefeller knows all about this.
We're going to come back with Luke confronting him here in just a moment, but I want to commend Stuart, Luke, all the great folks from different We Are Change crews all over the world, all over the country being there.
Just absolutely fabulous.
Again, the article, Jay Rockefeller can't deny his connection to modern eugenics, confronted by reporters, is up on the site right now.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Remember the flesh-eating robot stories?
Those got pulled from all over the web.
Fox News, AP, you name it.
We had it printed off.
We have the copy.
And I want to go over a little bit of that coming up in a few minutes.
Kind of the big picture of that.
Because it did capture the public's attention.
Jarren alone heard two local news stations last week saying, we're searching it, we found the link, but it's dead.
Why is it gone?
We'll break that down coming up here in just a few minutes.
But finishing up with Rockefeller, let's play the first part of that clip where we are changing, confronting him in one of the Senate office buildings.
They say, we want to talk about Velderberg.
No, I'm not going to talk about that with you.
See, for years they would say it just didn't exist.
Now they can't say that.
Now the minutes of Bilderberg have been stolen and leaked, where they set up the EU, they set up the North American Union.
They're the ones financially raping us.
They're the ones that have stolen 23.7 trillion in 10 months, double the GDP, roughly.
This is incredible.
The GDP is $13 trillion a year, so it'll be double the GDP at $26 trillion.
But within two months, it'll be well over $26 trillion.
So in one year, more than doubling the GDP, in stolen money, they hoard for themselves and don't loan out.
And they're using the dollars when they have value buying real assets.
Later, we get the dollars to pay them back with taxes and when they're devalued.
What a system.
So here's We Are Change confronting Jay Rockefeller.
Then we'll play the second part of the clip.
Senator Rockefeller?
I'd like to know if you're aware that we the American people are aware of the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group.
And if you could comment on that, please, because it's very concerning to a lot of us.
You know, I have 37 people lined up right outside Senator Schumer's office, all of them wanting to answer precisely that question.
Well, could you just take a brief moment and let us... No.
No, because we're not talking.
We're talking about something we're looking at.
Well, something that's so important, it sort of transcends everything else that we're talking about, sir.
Can you comment on that, please?
I'd like to know about the Gilderberg Group.
Get yourself some press credentials.
I'd like to know about the Bilderberg Group, sir.
Well, that's not part of our discussion.
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss that with you, sir?
When can we discuss
Later in the clip is the second part from another camera angle as Luke gets into eugenics.
So here they are giving him peer-reviewed foreign and national studies about explosive thermite, thermate, in the towers.
And that's not part of our discussion.
Always compartmentalizing information.
Because he can't talk about it.
None of them can.
They can't even say you're kooks anymore.
Because they know folks will go read the studies.
He can't deny and say Bilderberg doesn't exist anymore.
That his uncle, David Rockefeller, was instrumental in founding with Prince Bernhardt and was at the first meeting.
And he can't deny eugenics.
They say your family set it up and was Hitler's inspiration.
Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf thanking the groups he founded.
His great-grandfather founded, his grandfather founded, his father founded.
Meaning this family is behind it all.
This is a very, the cancer research, the putting the cancer viruses in the vaccines.
I mean, these are the guys.
These are sick, sick, wicked, wicked people.
You notice he looks at them like, oh my God, here are slaves that can see.
And see, more and more, they can't just brush us off as kooks.
They know more and more of us.
When he sees 30, 40 people there to confront him, he knows that represents thousands per person.
They're realizing, oh my God, they're onto us.
Now, remember, and I meant to print this up this morning, but you can go look it up.
Rockefeller funded massacres in New Jersey and Colorado and all over with Pinkerton security.
Famous case where they killed a whole bunch of people in Colorado.
They own the land, the gold mine.
They sent in men on horseback, burnt down the whole camp.
Rode down four-year-olds, you know, with horses.
Shot them in the back.
And that was in the last century.
That was in the early 20th century.
Famous cases of Rockefeller-funded strikebreakers, Gatling gunning protesters, and then they got in trouble, so they went into this philanthropic mode.
They set up NPR radio, PBS TV, everything.
I mean, these are the guys.
So let's cut back to this monster.
Let's call him Miss Christian.
I think it's time for me to really start moving quickly.
You could just address some of these things if we're wrong, sir.
Please just tell us.
No, no.
Go find somebody else to talk to.
The truth is coming out and there's a lot of us that are aware of it.
I'm sure you know some members, sir, if you're not a member yourself.
President Obama's Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Blair, who I greatly respect, have labeled cyber security perpetrated through the internet
As the number one national hazard of attack on the homeland in West Virginia.
In West Virginia, America, anywhere else.
So, I mean, it really, it really almost makes you ask the question, would it have been better if we never invented the internet?
Well, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That's Jay Rockefeller on the dais, on the bench, talking about better off not ever having the internet.
He's trying to pass bills right now to restrict free speech in America.
Now, I want to shift gears.
We're now going to cover the story of the missing flesh-eating Pentagon robot story.
This story from Fox News and similar headlines were all over other news publications on July 14th, 15th, and 16th.
This printout is from July 15, 2009.
Upcoming military robot could feed on dead bodies.
There it is for you on screen.
Luckily, we have printed out several copies of this, but you cannot find this article and a few other news agencies that went with the same or similar headlines, also, also have removed the headline and replaced it with things like this.
Biomass eating military robot is a vegetarian company says.
So when you go to the link of where this story was, upcoming military robot could feed on dead bodies, you get the story that the flesh-eating robot is actually a vegetarian, say, inventors.
Now, let's go ahead and read the Fox News story.
The original one.
Now, in media, they're supposed to correct the original story but never pull it.
So this is a new memory hole system for Fox News to simply completely trash the old article and replace it with the one on your screen that's up there today.
Upcoming military robot could feed on dead bodies.
It could be a combination of 19th century mechanics, 21st century technology, and 20th century horror movie.
A Maryland company under contract to the Pentagon is working on a steam-powered robot, see old technology is really good technology, that would fuel itself by grabbing up whatever organic material it can find, grass, wood, old furniture, even dead bodies.
Robotic technologies, inks,
Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, that's right, EATER is what it stands for, can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment and other organically based energy sources, as well as use conventional and alternative fuels such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar when suitable, reads the company's website.
That biomass and other organically based energy sources wouldn't necessarily be limited to plant material.
Animal and human corpses contain plenty of energy and they'd be plentiful in a war zone.
Eater will be powered by the waste heat energy developed cyclone power technology out of Florida which uses an external combustion chamber burning up fuel to heat up water in closed-loop engineering electricity.
Yeah, water power is great.
That's what nuclear power plants do.
They boil the water with the nuke rods and then power things.
Great system.
The advantages of the military are the robot could be extremely flexible in fuel sources and could roam on its own for months, even years, without having to be refueled or serviced.
See, roam for months.
Upon the Eater platform, the Pentagon could build all sorts of things.
A transport, an ambulance, a communications event center, even a mobile gunship.
In press materials, robotic technology presents Eater as an essentially benign artificial creature that fills its belly with foraging, despite the obvious military purpose.
Okay, but the issue is, regardless of whether they're designed to eat human flesh or not on the battlefield, or animal flesh or whatever, they are out designed to kill.
Let's show folks some of the images of the Eaters.
Now, these are the declassified robots.
I've talked to Marine Corps armors and others in development.
They say they can't get into it, but yes, it's much more advanced.
Just like they had it for 25 years, the B-2 Bomber, and they rolled it out in 87.
So they've had it since the late 60s.
And they already had swords.
In fact, Google that.
Used in Fallujah.
With machine guns and grenade launchers and they admit they plan to use these against the citizenry.
And that's why the globalists want these systems.
Because they can have robotic aircraft, robotic drones, robotic predators, robotic reapers, AI systems, AI combat robots that will kill and can be delivered by robotic troopships themselves.
Or robotically dropped with parachutes.
And then the elite can launch whole military operations without having to have troops follow the orders.
Like a General Fox Fallon says no to Bush on attacking Iran, they can launch drone attacks on Iran.
Skynet is not something out of the movie Terminator.
The Pentagon has called the system Skynet.
We'll be right back.
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I remember when I first got on the air 13, 14 years ago, people sending me documents and books and materials about Patton being murdered.
And now they've got government documents, they've got proof.
If you Google, General Patton murdered by CIA, you get the Sunday Express, you get the London Telegraph.
You get mainstream news.
And the guy that really ferreted out all these latest documents, to prove this and why they did it, joins us now, Robert Wilcox, author of Target Patton, the plot to assassinate General George Patton.
Since he was on earlier in the year, I think it was January, it's now gotten a lot of attention, and people say, well this happened 60 years ago, why does it matter?
It shows you who runs our government, who runs our country, and for police and military out there to know that all of you are expendable too.
And the people running our nation wrapped themselves in the flag.
Patton didn't want to give Germany to the Soviets.
He didn't like putting millions of Germans in camps.
Or, more importantly, U.S.
This is on record.
That were grabbed out of Germans' prisoner of war camps.
And tens of thousands in the U.S.
military just said, keep them!
Yeah, Joe, they're a present to you.
That's what they think of you.
So this is on record, and so to recap what happened to Patton, the documents, what's coming out, what the family's saying, and where this is going, is the author of Target, Patton, Robert Wilcox.
Robert, good to have you on with us today.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me back.
You bet.
It's a quick segment now, a long segment coming up, but tell folks in a nutshell about the book and the aftermath of these documents and materials coming out now.
Well, Patton, I think I could go before a grand jury and get an indictment, but, you know, talk motive first.
He wanted to fight the Russians.
He was livid, like you said, about all the POWs that were left there.
He just didn't think it was right that we should liberate from the Nazis and then give it to the Russians.
And he also knew secrets that would have taken down some of the great
But the globalists wanted the Cold War, continue.
They didn't want him to go on.
And you know, he was a guy like you'd never see today.
You know, a guy who believed things and said them and stood on principle.
And he wanted to go and fight the Russians.
And they weren't going to let it happen because at that time the American government was big buddies with the Russians.
And it's even worse than that.
Uncle Joe Stalin, who killed 60 million of his own people.
Uncle Joe.
Uncle Joe, that's what FDR used to call him.
And, you know, FDR was convinced that Stalin was a great man, that Russia was a great country, and that they were needed to keep the world a better place after the war.
And so, that, in a nutshell, those two are the biggest reasons he wanted to fight the Russians, and he was going to tell secrets about people that would have stopped them cold.
Wasn't the last straw from reading your book, and previously also looking into it, that he said, I'm going to talk about how our POWs are in the Russian hands?
And they said, that's it.
Well, I can't say that, Alex.
I can't say... All I can tell you is that the wild Bill Donovan... And what the book does is I found eyewitnesses.
The man who says that he staged the accident.
That eventually ended in Patton's death.
Douglas Posada was an assassin for the OSS.
And he had a meeting with Wild Bill Donovan, who was the head of the OSS.
And Wild Bill Donovan didn't report to anyone except for the President and possibly the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
And there were a series of meetings.
And this thing started off with a stop patent, which is a matter of record.
They stole his gas, preventing him from going into Germany and ending the war earlier.
After the war, when they used him to win the war, then they had a meeting with Patton.
Actually, only one man, Donovan, did.
And I've gotten Bazzata's diaries, as well as interviewing him before he died.
And basically at that meeting, they said, look, we have this great general, he's done great things for us, but now he's threatening to ruin everything, and you've got to stop him, Douglas.
And Douglas said, what do you mean, sir?
And he said, well, you do what you have to do.
And Douglas said, you mean kill him?
Yes, you do what you have to do.
And this is after about eight meetings that progressed from stop Patton, which they did by taking his gas, and not allowing him to end the war when he really could have done so, and the Germans will tell you so.
This was at the point where he roared through France, and he put the Germans in disarray.
And at that point, they'll tell you, they could have been defeated.
All their armies were streaming back into Germany, and he knew it, and he could have killed them.
Yeah, he had their main force cut off on the Western Front.
He'd done a flank on them.
But God forbid that.
You've got to give it to the Soviets.
They've got to set up East Germany.
You know, the social control freaks, the bureaucrats, have to have control.
So they give it to their bureaucratic buddy, Uncle Joe.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
We're good.
We're good.
We're going to go back to our guest here in just a moment.
I want to ask him how he got involved in researching all this.
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All right, going back to Robert Wilcox, author of Target Patent.
Before we continue with the assassination, what it's been like now that your book's out, the diary's confirmed, the eyewitnesses, the documents, all of this.
If you had any repercussions, have you talked to Patent's family, his heirs, his ancestors?
No, they've been strangely silent.
I tried early on in the beginning of writing this book to get in touch with them because I think they have
Either information or archives that really could help a person like myself, who knows a lot more than anyone else about it, simply because I've been working on it for 10 years.
But there's been no real discussion from them.
There was something posted on Amazon that someone said, why do you bring this up?
And it's the Kennedy Syndrome, you know?
They don't want to hear about it.
I think they think it besmirches their
They're their hero's reputation, but this has to be put out in the open, because he was a great patriot, and what happened to him was terrible, and we need to get the finalization on it.
There's still stuff to come out.
I have heard from people, I always thought that I would open up a can of worms and they'd just come roaring in, but I think we're too far away from it.
But I've heard from various people, for instance,
The scene of the accident in which Patton was hurt at and subsequently died from, all types of mysterious people were over, and one of them is identified, of all of them are identified in my book, who we know, who we could identify, but one in particular, a very mysterious figure, well someone called me and said, I knew that man, and I once talked to him about
Somehow the patent death came out and he turned blue and ran away.
Not ran away, but walked away.
And we never heard from him again.
He was a friend in this circle of friends.
And that showed to me that, well, he must have had some guilt about the thing.
Anyway, the reaction has just been a continual
A lot of praise for the book.
Believe me, I spent 10 years at it.
I'm a professional writer.
I just look for stories.
I don't go after things just to go after things.
I look for good stories.
This one was brought to me by my cousin, who is an international private eye investigator, has a firm of his own.
Who told me that he knew of Bazzata, this person who eventually confessed to me that he had actually set up the accident, the strange accident.
And when I went to Bazzata, let me say that he never would have talked to me had he not had a stroke.
This man lived his entire life as what he called a clandestine.
This is a, you know, the very secret person.
And during the war he was an assassin.
One of the first things I did after he told me his story had been at Jedburgh, which was really courageous.
This was the beginning of our special forces.
He had jumped behind enemy lines, behind the German lines.
His job was to organize the Maquis.
Against the Germans when they were fighting back at D-Day.
He did all that tremendous story about him and I went to the National Archives and I dug up everything he told me and it was all true.
This man was sterling as far as what he had told me.
And then, as it went on and we continued to interview, he then told me about... At first, the story was that he knew about this and that's what my cousin had told me.
But it developed finally, and it was obvious as we talked more about it, that he had actually been the guy he was talking about, that he knew about.
So Douglas Posada, this OSS assassin, and the OSS is the forerunner of the CIA.
Got the order from Wild Bill Donovan to do this.
And the other part of that, the other strong part of that, was that there was an intelligence officer with the CIC, that was sort of the FBI of the Army, with Patton's forces.
And after the war, he found out about the plot from the Russian side.
And let me state right now that this was an OSS NKVD operation.
Uh, Stalin, uh, ordered the hit of, of, of patent as well.
And, uh, by the way, the OSS and the NKVD were in collusion, and this is all in target patent, something that very few people know about.
Well, by the way, sir, separately talking to other historians and, and, and folks,
I mean, deep with the Russians, even after the Cold War starts, giving them the nukes, giving them the factories, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Opel factories.
I mean, the same crap.
made goods going through Russia to North Vietnam during that war.
This was two military industrial complexes propping each other up.
I mean, that's a side issue, but it's just that in history we just get continual validation from research like yours.
No, you know, I don't think it is a side issue.
I think it's right to the core of the thing, because one of the things that has come out is how deeply embedded the Russian Communists, Stalin's agents, were in our government at the time of the Second World War.
Nobody knows this.
It's only come out now because of Venona.
Venona was our breaking of the Russian Code, and this has been kept top secret all the way to the end of the 90s.
And what we did is we knew, you know, all this talk about McCarthy being, you know, a crazy man and he didn't know what he was talking about.
Everything he said was true.
Whatever he was, he was being fed some information from this Benona.
The Russians had top-level agents all the way to the top of the government.
Let's go over some of that, because in the last four or five years I've seen New York Times, Washington Post headlines, even Russian headlines.
McCarthy was right.
Secret documents released show that it was giant, but that it was a shared deal.
There were U.S.
agents there, and at the level of the Fabian socialist,
Like Dr. Carol Quigley wrote at Georgetown in 69, Bill Clinton's mentor, the bankers just wanted somebody to consolidate.
Fascists, Communists, Socialists, they don't care.
So I would say it's all, you know, it's kind of like eugenics came from the US and England to Hitler, so it isn't that there were Nazis in America.
The Nazis' daddy was in America and England.
You know, it's not that the Soviets were infiltrating us, it was that the British intelligence was their daddy.
You know, it's so sophisticated how they create the enemies and they create the conflicts, but go ahead.
Well, you know much more about that than I do.
All I know is the patent connection, and I do know that Patent was up against the government, the FDR administration, which was totally infiltrated by Russian agents who were bound and determined to get rid of Patent and to get rid of anybody who would stand up to the Russians.
As far as it went further, I wasn't able to deal with that, but I mean, it was just rife.
I think we were talking about Patton and exactly what had happened to him.
Patton had been banished from his jobs in Europe after the war.
They didn't need him anymore.
He was going to go home and he was going to tell all these secrets.
And he was going to fight to get us to fight Russia.
And it was the last day before he was to go home, and he was driving down in his Cadillac touring car, a lonely road, and all of a sudden a truck comes up.
They actually had stopped at a railroad track.
And there are three people in Patton's car.
There's Patton in the back seat, there's his general aide named Gay, General Gay, and a driver.
And up ahead, as they're waiting for this train to go by, they're stopped at the track.
They see a truck.
It's an army truck, and it's way in the front of them, but it's stopped on the side of the road.
Well, when the train goes by, they start up, and this truck starts up towards them.
Very, very suspicious situation.
And then it comes right almost abreast of them, and suddenly turns in front of Patton.
And the driver can't do anything but try to turn his car, and they have a collision.
It's not a big collision, but it's a
Almost, you know, between 10 and 30 miles per hour.
Patton has said, they say, to have flown, there was a large area in the back seat, he said to have flown forward, hit his head, broke his neck there, and then come back on top of General Gay.
He told me that he was in a, they were looking at and commenting on all the clumps of war refuge.
And right at that point where the accident happened, Pazano was behind there with another Russian agent, and he shot a specially designed weapon.
It didn't shoot bullets, it shot a bolt, which would look just like from an accident.
And Patton was looking out the window, and the last thing he's supposed to have said
According to Gay was, look at that!
And then BAM!
Uh, this accident occurs, that was the moment that he could shoot, and Bazzano was a world-class shooter.
I mean, a world-class.
And it's a kinetic energy weapon.
I mean, they know it's a heavy weapon, they know it's gonna bash, it's gonna hurt somebody.
To make it look like they're hurt, if it doesn't break the neck, it doesn't matter, because you get to kill them once they're in the ambulance or at the hospital.
This is exactly right.
You know, the CIA, if you read their manuals, the best way to kill someone and make it look like an accident is an accident.
That's what everybody figures is going to happen.
Anyway, Patton ends up with a broken neck and a tremendous gash across his body, going from the bridge of his nose all the way to the top of his head.
You could literally lift a flap of skin up and see the bone.
And he's bleeding to death.
He's paralyzed.
I'm telling you, at least a hundred people came out of the woodwork.
Generals, ambulances.
It was just strange.
This was a lonely road on a Sunday morning and they just came out of the woodwork.
Anyway, Patton is not taken to a hospital there in the city where he is.
He's taken down to Heidelberg.
I don't think so.
And just before he's about to go home, he has a sudden downturn.
And if you read in Target Patent, there is later on a Russian who actually goes to one of Patent's grandchildren and says, we actually poisoned him.
So they knocked him off.
They poisoned him.
That's the way you get them.
If you can't get them in the actual accident, then they go to the hospital and then it's easy to get to them in various ways and kill him.
There was no autopsy of Patton.
That's another strange, strange thing.
So we see this over and over again.
Why do you think the family's silent?
Because they're scared of the system?
I just can't answer that question.
I always go back to the Kennedys.
Why are they silent and won't elect people?
It's because I think either they know something they don't want to get out, or they feel it's besmirching their
Well, I know most of them are scared.
I know a lot of times women, when their husbands get murdered, come out and start saying something.
The cops come and threaten them.
And then say, look, your kids are going to be alright if you shut up.
And I have, you know, Kennedy's secretary went public and said it was an inside job.
And, of course, said that Jackie believed that.
And I've talked to the eyewitnesses that talked to the secretary.
So we know that goes on.
We know that JFK Jr.
was reopening an investigation when he died.
They will not talk about it in the same way that the Patton family would not talk about it.
But you'll also read in Target Patton that Mrs. Patton suspected something because she hired two private eyes to find out.
She wasn't satisfied at the end of what had happened.
Those private eyes, I don't know what happened to their reports.
And this brings up the other thing.
After all of those people at that accident scene, the next thing I did is I went to the National Archives to find
Uh, the reports by the MPs who were there, we know they were there.
Nothing is there.
Every report is gone.
So then you have the evidence of the cover-up, a famous death happens, and there's no report of it, but there would have been a report for a regular private being killed.
Oh, absolutely!
And we know the reports were written.
I know through
Other documents that I have found at the National Archives, where these are mentioned, that there were at least five reports or investigations.
So the cover-up is evidence of the crime, one of the classic evidences, not to mention Kibono, who benefits, talking to the gentleman that shot him with the kinetic weapon, the Special Forces operative.
Was he sad about doing this in hindsight?
Is that why he was speaking up?
I mean, murdering a great patriot?
A tremendous guilt about his whole life.
He not only killed that, he killed many, many, many, many people.
Our own people, you know, the OSS.
And this was the climate that it came from.
In World War II, anybody who talked too much, if you were a clandestine, an operative, an OSS, if you're talking too much, they're going to get rid of you, and they did so.
And we did it on many, many people in World War II.
And he had killed many, many people.
But he stayed on in Europe.
And he'd become a freelance.
And he had a group.
And they would do things like rescue colonels for the French from the Algerians.
And he was guilt-ridden.
And this is one of the reasons why he told me all this.
Well, we're going to have to have you back up, Mr. Wilcox, just to get into
That founding moment of OSS and the CIA, because it's all the same tricks today, the near future.
But we'll talk some more about this in the final segment straight ahead.
The book is Target Patent.
Website's InfoWars.com.
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Yeah, I tried to plug them at the end of the last break, but we went to a break.
Can't hold the break.
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Repeat of 1776.
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And of course, we're also simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Going back to Robert Wilcox, robertwilcox.com is the website.
You can buy the book anywhere on Amazon.
Bookstores, I was in the bookstore two weeks ago, saw it there, prominently displayed, selling quite nicely.
Target, Patton.
The plot to assassinate General George Patton.
I wanted to have you back up again just on other conversations you had with this special forces hitman.
But you're saying tremendous guilt.
But I guess also, once they're doing these things, first they have you kill somebody who's bad, then somebody who's kind of bad, then you're killing heroes.
You know if you don't do the killing, he'd have been dead, wouldn't he?
Good point.
And he said that to me many times.
He knew that if he turned it down, he'd be killed.
This was a really strange, not strange, a really interesting guy.
He'd had attempts to kill him several times after the war, I guess because he knew too much.
But he would always say, they weren't as good as me, and I was always able to take care of it.
So, but, you know, I wanted to say one thing that I thought that I would be able to at least go see a little piece of the crime, the scene of the crime, so to speak, because it had always been advertised that Patton's car was at Fort Knox in Kentucky.
And I had the head of the Cadillac division, it was a 38 Cadillac touring car, go down there with me, and what we found out was that the car was a fake.
It had been rebuilt, and we know this because there's always a VIN number that's emblazoned into the metal somewhere.
And we could see, and you'll see in the book, how it's been scraped off.
It's the same thing with Kennedy.
They rebuilt the whole car, let no one look at it, they just do the same stuff over and over again.
Well, you know, in addition to all of the records being taken out, which is absolutely a cover up there, they got rid of the scene of the crime, so to speak.
You can't find it.
While you were investigating this, did you ever get any threats or anything spooky?
Well, in the beginning it was real spooky, but you know, I don't know whether I was seeing shadows or what, but because my cousin was helping me and he deals with spooks and so on, and what we did was we took all my files and we spread them around so that if anything happened to me, nothing, you know, they would not be, he would have them and would know where to go to make them public.
But since then, no, you know, I think I'm, they're just too old.
I don't think that anybody's going to get me on this.
You know, they just... It's just so disgusting.
I mean, if you're going to kill a decorated general because he wants our POWs not to be given to the Russians that they captured in German camps, I mean, how low does it go?
And Donovan and all those guys were pure trash.
That much is clear, and their great-great grandsons and grandsons and progeny are running things today.
Hell, David Rockefeller was in there with them at the time all this was going on, and he's still alive.
I mean, this is just trash.
Cold-blooded, reptile-type trash.
It is.
And Mr. Wilcox, I want to have you back up in a few months just to get into all these other great stories and documents and more on Target Patton.
Thank you so much for the time.
Thanks so much, Alex.
Great being with you.
Great being with you, another patriot, exposing these people.
Yeah, for any of you that are getting into government service, these CIA ads I hear on radio and see on TV, look out what you're getting involved in.
You're getting involved in some very criminal stuff.
If you're a good person, they're going to kill you or you're going to lose your soul.
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