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Name: 20090717_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 17, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we are live and we're streaming live on prisonplant.tv as well.
I'm Jason Burmas sitting in for Alex Jones.
We're going to have Bob Dacey in studio in about 90 minutes and Bob Chapman will be joining us later in the program.
Alex set to call in.
Top story, we've got Joseph Pitts, a representative congressman.
Out of Pennsylvania, on the House floor.
Now, I've been going through a ton of footage.
I gotta be honest, I haven't been listening to the show lately.
I've just been doing so much work.
Not only on my movie, but working on Obama 2, which is just shaping up to be a masterpiece.
Just an unbelievable picture.
I really hope people get out there and support it like they did the first one.
Let's support it ten times over because I think that this movie is going to be even stronger as we go through more and more footage, more and more current events, and are really able to analyze it for you in a way that only a movie can do.
Unfortunately, people don't read.
It doesn't have the big effect.
So, like I said, haven't been listening to the show, but Pits on the Floor.
Calling out the eugenics program of population control.
Let me repeat that.
Calling out the eugenics program of population control and calling out Judge Ginsburg on her eugenics comments.
And I really wanted to show people the video.
I'm really liking these one-minute speeches lately.
There was a clip we just pulled for the Obama Deception, where I think it's Lundgren, is talking about the elites and them using, again, global warming as a tool to control the population, because that's what it is.
Really talking about their fear-mongering, saying, oh, in 92 or 96 months, which is the equivalent of eight years, the world is going to end.
He talks about Prince Charles.
And this royalty, this bourgeoisie, this elite, that again want to control us through the fear of global warming.
I mean, this climate bill is out of control.
It's over the top.
This health care bill, which really does tie into Pitts' comments about eugenics, where they're stating that they can have interventions in private homes.
Interventions that they're going to knock on your door and say, take the shot or go to jail.
Now, this is unheard of, and it's going to be federally funded.
In fact, I have subsections of the bill that I'm really just going to have to read.
I mean, Title 3 of the bill is entitled, Improving the Health of the American People.
It includes four subtitles.
They are A. Modernizing disease prevention of public health systems.
B. Increase access to clinical preventive services.
Preventive services.
C. Creating healthier communities.
Healthier communities.
That means
You're a bad neighbor if you don't take the shots.
If your kids don't take the shots, maybe you can't live in the neighborhood anymore.
And of course, D, support for prevention and public health information.
And then it tells you in, which subsection is it right here?
There's eight specific methods, and in section E, E, providing for home visits that promote immunization through education, assessments of need, referrals, provision of immunations, and other services.
This says they can come into your home.
Big stories over at PrisonPlanetInfoWars.com
Right now.
So on the other side, we're going to watch Joseph Pitts really call out this eugenics program.
And that's what it is.
And they are gearing up for it in a way never before seen.
In fact, you know, this is the other top story.
Fox News is now retracting their story on these robots feeding on biomass.
Remember, the headline was, could feed on dead bodies.
Could feed on dead bodies.
Well now, they're saying they're vegetarian!
You can't even get the article cached!
Here it is right here.
They've got the link, so we'll bring that up on the other side as well.
But Biomass Entities Military Robot is a vegetarian, company says.
Because they know it's an open war crime, if you're clearing the battlefields.
Or the death fields from some kind of eugenics program.
Some genocide with robots that are eating biomass.
They're literally feeding on the dead to survive.
How sick is that?
And we're going to use them as a military tool?
No, we gotta soften it for the public.
That story about dead bodies, that was a mistake.
They're vegetarians.
You don't think we live in 1984?
This is the definition of 1984.
I couldn't pull up a cached article.
There's no reference.
I mean, come on.
Give me a break.
This eater robot is evil.
We'll be back after this.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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I'm good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we are back live at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com right now, and I'm going to play this clip of Joseph Kitts, a representative out of Pennsylvania, really calling out the elite's eugenics program, and Ginsburg, Judge Ginsburg in particular.
So let's go to the clip right now.
Thank you.
For what purpose is a gentleman from Pennsylvania?
Gentleman's recognized.
Mr. Speaker, last week's New York Times Magazine featured an interview with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Some of her comments were absolutely astonishing, coming from a sitting Supreme Court Justice.
But the most disturbing comment came in reference to abortion.
In reference to Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court case, she said this, quote,
Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth, and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."
I cannot imagine any acceptable context in which a serious person could refer to populations that we don't want too many of.
This eugenic way of thinking debases the value of all human life.
All people are created equal, and deserve the most fundamental right to life, no matter
I am shocked that a member of the Supreme Court believes that a compelling reason for the legality of abortion is because our society wants to reduce the growth of specific populations.
Justice Ginsburg's comments are an assault and insult to the values of the American people.
I yield back.
All men are created equal.
You should not be debasing any population based on race, creed, economic situation.
It's absolutely ludicrous.
You know, you can come up from nothing, folks.
You just have to believe in yourself.
You have to work towards a goal.
You've got to stop sitting on your hands and why me and crying and eating bonbons on the couch watching Jerry Springer and Ellen all day.
I mean, that's the bottom line.
Get off your duff and do something.
There are so many victories that we've had.
There have been some losses lately, by the way.
I mean, big time.
Oh, they'll never pass the climate bill.
They didn't.
Now it's going to the Senate.
Oh, it'll never pass in the Senate.
Well, if we don't do something, it's going to pass in the Senate.
Oh, they'll never bring in a judge who openly writes a book called America's Deadly Obsession, and no one will call her out on it.
A book that literally says that we don't have a Second Amendment, and only the military should have firearms.
And nobody says anything on the floor while she's going to be the next Supreme Court Justice?
They're just going to confirm her?
It looks like it's on a fast track and they want to keep going to that, uh, wise Latina woman.
All right.
Well, if you're going to go to the wise Latina woman comment, why don't you take it the step further, the step that needs to be taken and say, wait a minute, what's really disturbing is you're a member of La Raza, but not just a member, a council member, which is an organization solely based on race.
You know, I'm all for this, let's come together again.
I'm not for eugenics.
I don't want to see any race wiped out.
I think it's unbelievable the thought that I'm superior to somebody because the way I look.
My physical attributes.
I mean, could you be more ignorant than that?
Than to believe something like that?
But no, she believes it.
That's the thing.
And no one is stepping up to the plate.
No one's asking the tough question.
And the tougher question is the Second Amendment question, folks.
And she's just going to get it.
Look, I'm going to take calls based on this eugenics comment and the Eater robots.
That's pretty much what I want to stick to right now.
Do a little bit of a news blitz, and we'll take your calls at the 20 after marker.
House panel passes health bills.
Critics slam cost.
See, this is going to cost us all sorts of money.
Again, as
The economy crashes as there are less and less jobs.
As there are no more benefits.
As they begin to take your house away.
They are going to jack the cost up of health care.
They are going to jack the cost up
of your home based on this climate bill.
They're going to come in and say, you know what?
You're not electricity efficient.
This is going to be on your dime.
You have such and such a time period to fix it.
If you don't, you're going to be heavily taxed.
We're going to take your house away.
And then they're going to up the price of energy so that once you do make the changes, you're still going to be paying three to four times more.
It's the open plan.
It's something we discuss on the show.
And they're saying over a trillion dollars.
Over a trill.
But I mean, it's not real money.
They just print it out of nowhere.
Meanwhile, they can now have home interventions!
No big deal!
Home interventions for the swine flu!
And by the way, this one's out of The Guardian, this is UK, but I try to keep a global look.
On this swine flu thing because it's under the World Health Organization, UN control and we are at WHO level 6.
We've been there officially now for over a month I believe.
Over a month!
And they are taking the steps right now, right now to say you're taking the shot and you don't have a choice.
Remember in Canada
They're going to start with the schools just like here.
Catherine Sabelas is on record.
That's the head of Health and Human Services.
For those that don't know, just look into it.
They are going to make your kid's school a mass vaccination center so they get the kiddies first.
Then the parents have to come in and get their kids.
Oh, do you have your shot?
Oh, well you've got to make an appointment too.
We need to keep tabs on you as well.
But in Canada, they've already figured out that the 18-30 crowd isn't going to go for it because they're too busy drinking and having fun and not caring.
So what are they going to do?
They're going to go to where they're drinking and having fun and not caring.
That's right.
They're going to make makeshift vaccination centers out of the bar.
That's right.
Out of bar strip.
How dangerous is it to inject toxins into somebody's body while they're inebriated on alcohol?
And God knows what else, but that's the loving government for you.
That's what they're going to do.
And then I guess the people that they can't get through all these different programs, it's going to be the old knock.
Hey, did you take that three mandatory shot?
But meanwhile they have to fearmonger that this is going to shut down schools, this is going to shut down work, this is going to hurt the economy.
Swine flu may keep some schools shut in September.
Uncertainty over the spread of pandemic could keep pupils away at start of autumn term.
Some schools in England could remain closed in September if the swine flu pandemic escalates over the summer.
See, it won't.
What will happen is they'll say, man, we just beat it.
And now the kids are coming in.
Let's let's nip this swine flu thing in the bud before it gets cold and it comes flu season.
So again, they have to fear monger right now.
They're building the infrastructure where every kid is going to have to take this shot.
I'm warning parents out there.
I mean, if there's one thing I tell people with kids, and I've been doing it.
In fact, my landlord was over yesterday.
He was replacing my dryer.
He had his son with him and his grandson, actually.
And I said, look, if there's one thing I can tell you, it's don't take the swine flu shot.
You've got a family, man.
Don't let your kids take it.
It's a bad, bad idea.
What do you mean it's a bad idea?
I'm like, well, in 1976,
60 Minutes in 79 had to do a story that in 76, when they injected people with the swine flu vaccinations, it caused mass paralysis and death.
I'm not sure which I'd rather have.
Actually, I am sure.
I'd probably rather die than be a quadriplegic.
That's no offense to quadriplegics out there.
I know we've got a ton listening, I'm sure, or people that'll be offended, but I cannot imagine having to go through life without the use of my arms and legs
Because the elite run a eugenics program where they're poisoning the population.
And they made me take a shot that I obviously didn't need.
And then they hype up the amount of deaths from swine flu.
Remember the first couple deaths?
First of all, it was piggy flu.
And it had come from Mexico.
But then they couldn't find any pigs with it in Mexico.
Then this story came out weeks later after they said it was from Mexico.
No, well actually it was a pig in Canada from a Mexican migrant worker.
No proof, just a story.
Zero proof.
Meanwhile, the first person that dies in the United States from swine flu, and I haven't seen a pandemic, I haven't seen people with masks on, I haven't seen people getting extra sick, was a two-year-old boy who was from Mexico, wasn't even a US citizen, had all these health problems beforehand, had been in and out of hospitals his whole life, and may have had
This swine flu, which is really three types of flu.
It is one part bird flu, two parts swine flu, one part human flu.
Look it up.
I mean, that is open.
I mean, I think that's even on Wikipedia.
But by this time, so many people are brainwashed that this comes from pigs and they're gonna have to slaughter all sorts of animals because of it.
You tell that to the normal person, they're like, no man.
You see that all-star game?
Obama can sure pitch a ball.
Threw that ball real good.
Like my president.
Alright, let's jump to some other news.
Mark Cuban insider trading case thrown out.
This is out of Reuters, but we have a story over at Infowars.com right now.
That's right, Mark Cuban had been threatened with insider trading in Texas after one of these guys started threatening because he was thinking about funding the loose change project.
And they had a big email exchange and then they said, you know, we're going to do it anyway.
A U.S.
court judge threw out insider trading case against Dallas Mavericks basketball team owner Mark Cuban on Friday but gave the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission a month to file an amended lawsuit.
Cuban, listed by Forbes Magazine as one of the 400 richest Americans, faced civil charges that he acted on non-public information when he sold his stake in internet search engine company Mama.com to avoid more than a $750,000 loss.
District Judge Sidney Fitzwater gave the SEC 30 days to file an amended complaint.
If the SEC can allege that Cuban undertook a duty expressly or implicitly, see this is for three quarters of a million dollars.
And this is a pretty honest guy.
This is a guy that does put out cutting-edge products.
You know, Magnolia Pictures.
You know, not everything they do is great, but at least they're challenging the system.
And they're worried about three-quarters of a million dollars.
We got people stealing trillions right now.
Let me repeat that.
We got people stealing trillions.
Trillions, while you struggle to make your house payment.
While you're still overpaying for gas, even at what looks like $2.40 right now.
It shouldn't be $2.40.
And you know, I got a clip on that.
I don't know if it's going to make the new Obama film, but we got a representative going there.
You know, what is up with this?
It's like the supply is up.
The demand is lower.
We should be paying a lot less.
What's going on here?
Is this a little price gouging?
A little collusion?
I wonder.
These guys are still making hand over fist in every aspect.
The wars are still happening in the Middle East.
In fact, we've got a bombing in the Middle East right now.
I'm sure it's going to be blamed on Al-Qaeda or Al-Qaeda-like cells or terrorists or insurgents.
It's over in Indonesia.
In fact, I'm sure right now on the news,
They're saying it's Al-Qaeda.
I just have a prediction.
Right now we're taping C-SPAN so I won't know for sure.
But I'm sure it's Al-Qaeda because bombs have ripped through Indonesian hotels.
Must be Al-Qaeda.
We're going to take your calls on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas sitting in.
More news after this and a ton of stories over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade.
Alright, folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess, sitting in.
I'm going to go to your calls in a moment, and then 30 after, we're going to take more calls, rip through some of this news.
But bombs ripped through Indonesian hotels, killing eight.
Bombs ripped through two luxury hotels in the heart of Indonesia's capital on Friday, killing eight people and wounding dozens in an attack the President said would damage confidence in Southeast Asia's biggest economy.
Suicide bombers struck the JW Marriott Hotel and close by Ritz Carlton, both popular with visiting international businessmen and boasting some of the tightest security in Jakarta, as guests sat down for a breakfast power meeting.
So to me, it's going to be pretty interesting to see who was killed in this, who was targeted, and who they blame.
And again, they blame Al Qaeda for everything, so I don't think this is going to be much of an exception.
Alright, let's go to our first caller, John in Washington.
John, you're on the air.
How you doing, Jason?
Listen, I got some information about those Eater robots, and it kind of surprised me, actually.
My wife is a distributor for electronics components, and when I told her about this story after work the other day, she goes, oh, that doesn't sound right.
And I said, well, what do you mean?
She goes, well,
She knows Mr. Finkelstein at RTI because apparently they've done business through her company before.
So she calls him.
And he was quite candid about it.
And what it comes down to is that N Electronics and these R&D projects, they have what they call software, then they have firmware, then they have hardware, and then they have what's called vaporware.
Vaporware are wishful ideas, ideas about things that they wish they could do or want to do sometime.
He said, or he told my wife, that there are no Eater Robots that are operative, there are none under construction, there are no contracts for them, and at this point it's vaporware.
So what this implies to me, because this came out
And the media was, you know, carried and has been talked about on the internet and so forth, created a buzz.
It's one of those stories that they like to feed out to the public so they can draw people's attention away, kind of hype people up, perhaps make some people a little fearful of the government or how they're doing things.
But I would also say this, this technology isn't that off the realm.
It's kind of almost a beta test.
I mean, again, we just found out two weeks ago the Nazis had the stealth bomber.
I mean, think about how long, that's why I can't stand it when people always tell me, oh, they could never lie about something for so long.
We just waited 60 plus years to find out that the Nazis had the stealth bomber.
They had the technology.
I mean, what was the official story before that?
That we developed it in the 70s through skunk works and then we had it in the late 70s with
We're good to go.
Yes, sir.
Yes, you're on the air.
Hey, well, thanks.
Those robotic things, I think it's not vaporware.
I mean, like you said, they got the fish, they got the Israel snake, they got...
They got a, you know, it's AI, GPS, man, that's what it's for.
And they just announced, too, that they were going to be using small hummingbird-like insects that would be remote-controlled by people.
There was some suspicion that they were spying on protesters a little over a year ago in D.C.
with these things, but now they're just openly saying, yeah, we got them.
Well, people can do their own research and find out that Hitler had the Hannibal II.
They can look that up on the internet if they like.
Google that.
But in that article it said they would gobble up whatever organic material they could find.
Grass, wood, old furniture, even dead bodies.
Yeah, exactly.
And it is weird now that you can't even get the cached article.
It's very odd to me.
And you know what?
The guy in RTI, maybe he's only seen a couple models and he doesn't know that maybe they're in mass production.
But the bottom line is, again, I mean, look at the XM-24.
Look at this new weapon that the military is going to be wielding.
It has a smart chip in a bullet that allows the bullet to curve around to get the target, go around buildings, go through buildings, and then explode like a grenade within three feet of its target and kill everybody.
You know, this is a smart bullet, and it has heat sensors.
It's something out of a science fiction movie, but it's fact now.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
Top stories over at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Your calls on the other side.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your
We're good.
We're good.
Get up, stand up.
Stand up for your right.
Get up, stand up.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Verma sitting in.
By the way, my show, The Info Warrior, will be starting on Sunday after the Alex Jones Show.
That's 6 p.m.
Central Time.
Not this Sunday, but next Sunday when I get back from this California trip where I'll be shooting for The Obama Deception 2 and my new film, Invisible Empire.
Before we go back to your calls...
I just want to take this time to thank some of our great sponsors that actually make this show possible.
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That's H-O-M-E-G-A-I-N dot com.
Alright, let's go back to callers.
And while I'm doing this, I want to show you some of these robots I've been talking about over at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Let's bring up, who do we have?
Let's show them the Big Dog.
You know, because now we have the Big Dog, we have the Ripsaw.
The Ripsaw is essentially a tank with a .25 or .50 caliber mounted on top of it, and it is a weapon.
Now, the Big Dog is there to carry weapons and whatnot, but it's very hard to disable, basically, because it kind of goes side to side.
You can kick it, you can bounce it.
And if you put a weapon on this thing, can you imagine how scary this thing looks?
They call it the Big Dog because it kind of looks like a dog without a face.
But here it is going through, you know, pretty rough terrain with probably, I'd say, a hundred or so pounds mounted on top of it, all this different equipment.
All right, let's go to Dan in North Carolina.
Dan, you're on the line.
Hey, Jason.
Yeah, I know.
I saw Big Dog quite a while ago and that actually was
Kind of scary more than anything else because you look at it and you think about like the processor power they have to have in that thing for it to correct its movement, you know, when it's kicked and stuff.
And they talked about, I was looking at articles and stuff, they're talking about putting technology on it that would be able to track like human heartbeat and human breath and stuff.
So they're talking about
Essentially an extremely mobile weapons platform that can track people and that just freaks me out more than anything.
It is just off the charts.
I mean, how much longer until all of our houses are 3D modeled, where you can get like a real-time zoom in?
And this is something that not, you know, intelligence agencies don't have.
The public has this.
So we're really living in a society where we can almost track, trace, and surveil each other if we so desire.
So you know that the government's doing it.
You know it through the AT&T versus Heptane case that was thrown out in the beginning of June.
You know, where they actually had to admit, let me say it again, they actually had to admit that they were tracking and tracing everything you do on your internet and cell phone with a standard line that would take all that information and store it on a hard drive where they would then run it through like Promise or Carnivore, all these software where it would be automated before it saw even human eyes.
So, I mean, we are well beyond the pale of what 1984 wanted to be because we are in a technological super state
That is just far beyond the visions of Orwell or Brave New World.
Some of the things aren't there yet, but they will be.
I thank you for the call.
Just a moment ago, they were showing this Einstein robot, and I forgot what headline I read, but the last time I sat in for the Alex Jones Show a couple weeks ago, we read a headline about that thing.
I think it taught itself to do something.
So, not only are these robotics, and that Einstein one looks really creepy, I told them to bring up Hanson Robotics, and there's a little panel on the side that says Robots, where they're trying to rebuild Philip K. Dick.
They got a robot called Joey Chaos.
All these different robotics.
It is Terminator-esque.
Let me say it again, it is Terminator-esque, but instead of the robots being in charge, the elite will be in charge.
See, they're never really going to be fully automated.
I mean, that would be a nightmare amongst itself.
Harry in Michigan.
Harry, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Uh, Jason?
Is there?
Ah, good to talk to you.
Yeah, I'm a long-time listener, and way before Alex started the show, I was aware of all this, and I'm 62 years old, and
And I think the world is in deep trouble, and the harder I try to pass the word, it seems like the further back I go.
And I'm still trying to convince people of chemtrails, let alone the Luciferian connection with running this world.
It seems like the people nowadays, we're living off the bottom portion of our brain than the lizard.
You know, the lizard people.
And, uh, we're in some deep trouble.
Well, sir, I've got to agree with you.
We are in some deep trouble, but it's really because society chooses to be, and I thank you for the call.
I mean, we choose to care about our Jenny Light.
We choose to care about our sports more than knowing what our government's up to.
We choose just to watch the nightly news or a 24-hour news network instead of actually becoming active in our communities, not going to our city council meetings, not taking part in the political process.
I mean, we dig our own graves.
You know, when Ron Paul says we get the government we deserve, unfortunately that is the case.
I think that sometimes they go way over the top, and it really is a reflection of the corrupted moral society we live in.
The people are still good, okay?
I don't want to get totally self-righteous and out of line.
There is a lot of goodness in people.
A lot of people are out there, you know, to take care of their families, and there's a lot of love in their hearts, and they just don't know the bigger picture.
But a lot of it's tacked if you're trying to wake people up.
You know, you have to, I mean, you just were all, you went from chemtrails to luciferianism.
You know, a lot of, you know, people aren't going to respond to that.
If you want people to respond to your message and you can't get them to talk about chemtrails, we'll just say, take them outside.
Well, what is that?
Oh, that's a contrail.
Really, that's a contrail.
And then you explain geoengineering.
You have to have a laptop next to you.
This is the information age.
This is where everything is at the cusp of your fingertips and really your brain.
Not just your imagination, but your recall.
Remember we used to have recall?
We used to teach memory in school?
It's a very novel idea to try to remember things you're taught.
Instead, we live in this, you know, information age where your attention span is less than 15 minutes and your retention of information is at an all-time low.
And we do it to ourselves by slurping down, you know, mercury-filled, corn syrup-laced Coca-Colas all day.
Forget about the alcohol.
Forget about just the slothfulness of society.
And not everybody... I know there's a lot of good, smart people out there that are struggling, that are working three jobs trying to support a family.
Forget about two now, it's like three!
Three to support a family.
Their wife works, they can still barely afford the payments, they just don't have time for this stuff.
But again, those people are the ones that are zombified by the nightly news.
by their favorite talk radio guy and you have to find points of agreement with them first and then expand on those points of agreement to try to bring them beyond the false left-right paradigm.
That's what I found works the best.
Alright, let's go to Josh in Florida.
Josh Van Laan.
Yes, sir.
How you doing?
I had a question about, well not a question, I had some comments about eugenics.
I know Alex was asking a few days ago for solutions, like what he should do if he should start an organization.
But in front of me, I have the City of Tamarack, that's in Broward County, South Florida.
I have the 2007 Water Quality Report.
And then in this packet, you open it up, and it tells you, okay, they put fluoride in it at 0.722 parts per million.
And then we also have all these things that are not available, chloromethane, which is a refrigerant.
They also put
I have it right here.
The Water Quality Report 2007.
They have sodium, fluoride, barium, and then all those things I just listed.
And you just do a quick Google search looking on Wikipedia, and you find out that all these things are in plastics.
I don't know.
I mean, people know from movies, because people relate to movies so well, because movies are people's lives, but chloroform is bad, bad, bad.
It will knock you out.
Let's go to movies again, because I know people relate to the movies, they love the Hollywood pictures, but when somebody's being abducted or attacked, what do they always do?
They take a rag with chloroform in it.
You're not supposed to drink it.
It's not good for your body.
It's not good for your kids.
You're not supposed to absorb it through your skin and wash yourself with chloroform.
I don't... Radical ideas coming out of this program!
Alright, let's go to Dave in North Carolina.
Dave, you're on the line.
Northern California, brother.
It's good to talk to you again.
Thank you.
Two things.
One, I want to take this opportunity to applaud that congressman that stood up and talked about eugenics on the floor of the House.
Thank you, sir.
What was his name again?
His name is Joseph Pitts, and I think that we're going to play that clip on the other side of the next segment.
We're going to definitely play that again, because it's only a minute and 27 seconds, and it really does deserve an outstanding applause, really.
Yeah, well, here it is.
Way to go, dude!
Alright, so on the Eater, I have the PDF here in front of me, and I look at it really close.
In the PDF itself, it doesn't say anything about using bodies.
So I'm not sure where that came from, but let me give you a couple of the highlights from it.
It's kind of interesting.
The rationale and utility part, what it's going to be used for.
The inherent advantage is the ability to engage in long-endurance, tedious, and hazardous tasks such as reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition without fatigue or stress.
Basically, these things can stay out there forever, eating stuff and cruising around.
And scanning down to the bottom here, they talk about the number of applications.
Commercialization of the Eater is focused on developing a prototype for military applications.
That's number one.
And civil applications, including Homeland Security.
Evolving autonomous intelligent control, which basically means it can do everything, you know, in a primitive way, it can think the way humans can do, think and make decisions.
And to provide unmanned ground, water, robotic swarms, and cognitive collectives, driverless cars, distributed intelligence,
ubiquitous intelligence and intelligent infrastructures, control of complex systems of systems, and decision-making for decision-makers.
In other words, basically it's a swarm of these things, you know, all interrelated.
Yeah, like a hive mind concept where, you know, they've got one target and they work in unity, kind of like a, you know, a beehive, I mean, or ants working together.
Yep, and basically taking over large chunks of terrain and just staying there.
So anyway, I'm not sure on the body thing, but... Well, I think the fact that it's biomass is they're just assuming.
I have to check the PDF file myself out, but I do wonder, you know, what are these things going to do?
Reject a mouse that's in the field?
Are they going to reject
Good afternoon, by the way.
This is a totally different subject than what you've been discussing, but I'm hoping maybe you can give me just a little bit of advice.
I'm a grandmother of three little girls, ages four, six, and seven.
And they are a victim of children's services here in Jackson County, Ohio.
We have a corrupt and unethical judge.
We have attorneys that deal behind closed doors.
And these kids are in foster care with nothing ever proven legally as to why they should have even been taken.
But now, after 15 months, they're putting him up for adoption.
Well, that is a tragic story, and ma'am, I wish I had some advice for you other than to fight these people tooth and nail.
It's something maybe you could take up with Alex when he returns on Monday, but I really don't know what to tell you.
I don't know the specifics of the case, and I really just can't go into them on the show today.
I thank you for the call.
All right, I'm going to do a little bit of a news blitz and then on the other side,
We're going to play that clip again of the representative out of Pennsylvania, Joseph Pitts, talking about the eugenics program and Judge Ginsburg's support of such a program.
I mean, this guy, again, it was a beautiful moment on the House floor.
Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits.
Now, I want people to understand just how ludicrous this story is.
Now, in the news all over yesterday, oh, it's coming up on the 40th anniversary of the moon landings, and it's really happening.
Oh, the moon landings.
We're going to redo the footage.
Look at how great that footage looks.
Now NASA is coming out and saying, oh, we erased the moon landing tapes.
I mean, it's comical.
The man walks on the moon for the first time and the agency responsible for the tapes erases them.
Yeah, that's plausible.
See, they took the original, what they broadcast on television, and they cleaned that up because they claimed they didn't have them.
Come on.
You would have to be, I mean, the dumbest person in the entire world to erase the moon landing tapes.
I'm not even going to take it any farther, folks, but if you believe that, I have several bridges across the United States to sell you at an unbelievable price if you believe that NASA erased the moon landing tapes.
I mean, come on.
Give me a break.
I mean, it's almost too far beyond the pale.
Obama has tough love message for African-Americans.
Now remember, you're seeing all these different City Year commercials, the majority of which are reaching out to youthful minorities.
There are a couple where they are trying to get the white youth to join as well.
But, I mean, you literally, you never hear a white guy going, this will be great for Caucasians to join.
However, they do have a young African-American guy saying, you know, if you're a person of color, you need to join City Year.
Meanwhile, there's another guy zipping up, I'm fierce.
I'm fierce.
People doing jumping jacks.
Well, that's a good idea.
Youth corps have always been a good idea.
So here he's telling, we're going to have to work and you know, nobody's getting the pass.
City Year's a good place to go.
President Barack Obama had a tough love message for fellow African Americans on Thursday, urging black parents to push their children to think beyond dreams of being sports stars or rap music performers.
Hey, I got news for you, Obama.
It's not just black kids that want to be rap stars and sports heroes.
It's just about every kid out there.
It's the culture.
Why are you blaming it on African American kids?
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
I am Jason Burma sitting in.
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Alright folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Brenna, sitting in.
We're streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
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Now I'm going to try to take one or two calls.
We'll try to go to Steve and Chris in a moment.
But first I want to play this clip again of Representative Joseph Pitts on the House floor out of Pennsylvania talking about the eugenics program that the elite carry out daily.
Thank you.
For what purpose is the gentleman from Pennsylvania?
Gentleman's recognized.
Mr. Speaker, last week's New York Times Magazine featured an interview with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Some of her comments were absolutely astonishing, coming from a sitting Supreme Court Justice.
But the most disturbing comment came in reference to abortion.
In reference to Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court case, she said this.
Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth, and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of.
I cannot imagine any acceptable context in which a serious person could refer to populations that we don't want too many of.
This eugenic way of thinking debases the value of all human life.
All people are created equal and deserve the most fundamental right to life, no matter what race, religion, or socioeconomic background.
I am shocked that a member of the Supreme Court believes that a compelling reason for the legality of abortion is because our society wants to reduce the growth of specific populations.
Justice Ginsburg's comments are an assault and insult to the values of the American people.
I yield back.
All right, there he is again.
Just an amazing speech on the House floor.
And bravo, Mr. Pitts.
All right, let's go to Steve in Pennsylvania.
Steve, you're on the line.
I just first off want to thank Congressman Pitts for, you know, supporting our rights.
And I wanted to make a point regarding a common misconception about robotics.
I actually study robotics.
And one of the things we, not we, like I'm some kind of part of an organization, one of the things they strive for is being autonomous.
And that is self-sufficiency.
And you see that with these man-eater robots.
They want to create robots that can tell where they are and gain the necessary energy to do a task.
That is the forefront of everything we're trying to do.
And it's important not to underestimate the intelligence level of the people behind this field.
Look, the way I'm looking at it, man, is that public technology is at least 20 or 30 years behind what they have in closed doors and underground facilities in these Lockheed Martin and DARPA institutes.
Let's be honest.
Again, if the Nazis had the stealth bomber and it took almost 70 years to make that public knowledge, what else are they hiding from us?
If they're rolling out glow-in-the-dark pigs and dogs, what else have they done
With bioengineering behind closed doors.
I mean, obviously something else is going on.
And yes, there are some very intelligent people out there.
I mean, how far was it 20 years ago?
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three, in some areas of the country the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
Number four, the hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
I think?
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, we are live.
I am Jason Horton, sitting in for Alex Jones.
Obama has a tough love message for African-Americans.
Now, again, when you read this, it's kind of insulting to me.
Because this isn't just, again, being a sports hero or a rap star isn't exclusive to the quote-unquote African-American community.
It is all over.
It's pop culture, baby.
I mean, if you go down to Mississippi, is it any worse for a white kid to have the same dream of being an athletic star, or maybe instead of a rapper, a country star?
And believe me, there are kids in Mississippi listening to the rap.
It's all over the place.
It's an old form of music now.
It's been around almost 30 years.
It's at its crescendo in pop culture.
So a lot of this stuff is just totally mindless and totally insulting, in my opinion.
We need a new mindset, as though he's part of the African American community, folks.
He's half white.
His father had tons of money, tons of women.
He was a polygamist.
Okay, he had several wives all over.
He traveled the world.
He's an internationalist.
He doesn't know what being a poor African-American is.
He never knew that.
Oh, I know he was taken care of by his grandmother.
He has such a hard luck story.
He smoked meth.
Oh, President Obama, we can relate to you on so many levels.
We need a new mindset.
A new set of attitudes.
Because one of the most durable and destructive legacies of discrimination is the way that we have internalized a sense of limitation.
We have internalized a sense of limitation based on discrimination?
I think that that's totally just condescending.
How so many in our community have come to expect so little of ourselves?
Sir, that's beyond the African-American community, unfortunately.
Unfortunately, the world, not even the world, you know, there are some go-getters out there.
You see people in third world and second world nations really working, you know, 16, 18 hours a day to try to get somewhere in life, to try to take care of their family.
Here, there's a sense of entitlement.
It's not just black people.
There's plenty of white people who are lazy out there that have a sense of entitlement.
And we like that.
See, that's what he doesn't tell you.
The social engineers, his bosses actually like you to be dependent on social service, dependent on the federal government, dependent on these programs.
But see, now he's setting you up to get into a new kind of program, a community program, City Year, or some other AmeriCorps type job.
Obama had a packed ballroom at a Manhattan hotel that blacks need to recapture the spirit of civil rights movement of a half century ago to tackle problems and have struck African-Americans disproportionately.
Joblessness, spiraling health care costs, and HIV AIDS.
Well, maybe you shouldn't develop bioweapons that are race-specific then.
Not that you did it.
Your handlers, your bosses did it.
But Obama, give me a break with this garbage.
This is garbajo.
The real Civil Rights Movement is the Patriot Movement, is the 9-11 Truth Movement.
We're the ones that want civil rights for all human beings.
We don't like being discriminated against because we make $30,000 a year, or we make $15,000 a year, or we don't live in a nice house.
We don't like being discriminated against because we're the little guy.
It doesn't have anything to do with the color of your skin.
Get it through your heads, people.
This is a war not only on the poor, but the middle class and the upper middle class.
All you yuppies out there, guess what?
There ain't a place at the table for you either.
Maybe one out of ten of you will work in some kind of like slave CEO office or, you know, be a real important person over at the FEMA camps.
Maybe you will be able to take care of your family on the slave grid.
A few of you.
But believe me, your standard of living is going down with the rest of us that survived this mess.
So again, the real civil rights movement is the patriot movement.
Are the people that want more liberty, more freedom.
They want the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
They want less government.
They want accountability.
They don't want massive bailouts.
That's a no-no.
They don't want bankruptcies and bailouts of industries that are just going to be put into this grid, this North American Union grid, like Chrysler.
We don't want that.
We don't want health bills and climate change bills that are only going to tax and enslave us.
We're against that too.
That's the real movement.
We'll be back after this.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, PrisonPlanet.tv and SoulWars.com.
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There are things happening in the world
That's right.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
We're going to have Bob Dacey in the studio in about 20 minutes.
And we're going to have Bob Chapman on at the top of the next hour with Bob Dacey riding shotgun.
We're going to take some more calls and then hit some more news.
Walmart needs industry support for green labels.
We're going to get into Slave Mart with new slave labels that you can buy.
That's right.
The green movement is everywhere.
And in the parking lots at Walmart now, I have to see, oh, a parking space for a green automobile.
It makes me want to throw up.
All right, let's go to Chris in Florida.
Chris, you're online.
Yes, sir.
Hi, Mr. Berman.
It's been a long time.
It's the first time in a while.
You know, I got to let you go.
Your phone is just too bad, man.
I'm sorry you held on for so long, but literally I heard every other word.
I really apologize.
Listen to the refeed.
All right, let's go to Dee in Minnesota.
Dee, you're online.
Hi Jason, I saw your film Loose Change and Disabled Enemies.
They were good.
Oh, thank you.
I did see that book that Holdren wrote.
That scares the hell out of me.
Oh, you're talking about the Eugenics book, right?
Where he's basically talking about geoengineering and population control and sustainability.
They love that word, sustainability.
And, you know, this guy is, I mean, they put out a press release because of the
Because we have a large audience, and when we expose somebody like this, there's a new press release out there that Obama's science czar, and personally, I'm just disturbed at the perception that we're using the term czar all over the place now.
Our science czar does not support coercive population control, spokesman says.
However, who was it?
One of Obama's other administrators is a member of the World Sustainable Society and calls for global governance.
Gordon Brown is another member of this.
It really seems like he's stacking up his administration for people who are pro-population control.
I mean, you look at Catherine Sebelius and she's one of these people that's been to Bilderberg the last couple of years.
A total minion of the elites.
Go ahead.
Just attacking Iran stuff.
I'm seeing stuff in the news that
They're going to do it.
That scares the hell out of me, because that, with the carbon tax, is really, really going to just kill the economy.
Well, you know what?
I don't know if they're going to be able to have a hot, hard war in Iran without some kind of a provocateur, westernized false flag event.
I really just don't see the support for it in this country.
I mean, people have really curled back now that Obama's here on the fact that we need to get out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but we just lost more people in Afghanistan, more casualties in Afghanistan, and
Half a month, really, than we have in any other month so far in the war.
So there's obviously firefights going on there.
There's obviously warfare taking place there.
And I don't know if the American people are ready to go into Iran without something of a staged event.
I thank you for the call, D. Craig in New Jersey.
Craig, you're on the line.
Yes, Greg.
Hey, hey.
Hey, this is actually Craig from We Are Change, New Jersey.
Oh, cool man.
Just calling in to give an account of what happened to us at the John Corzine Barack Obama rally yesterday.
We had one of our members detained by New Jersey State Police for handing out DVDs.
What DVDs were you handing out?
Obama Deception, I hope?
Yeah, we put together a car, a double disc of Endgame and the Obama Deception on one DVD.
And this had to be detained by police.
He got grabbed up and escorted to his car.
Totally taken aback and intimidated by the whole situation.
So he was a teenager in his early 20s and they decided to pick him out of the crowd of people that were handing out DVDs to try to make a point, and then they detained him illegally, but they ended up letting him go in the long run.
They didn't like what he was doing.
Yeah, and what happened was there was probably, I'd say, 30 or 40 people that showed up to protest, and we were kind of cordoned off into a little free speech zone, well away from any crowds.
We had our own dedicated unit of the New Jersey Storm Trooper, I mean State Police.
Well, sir, you're just lucky that you didn't get tased in the mouth or shot in the face because that's the kind of country we live in where the law enforcement are the authorities, they are the lords, they are the gods, they make split decisions when people like yourself try to go against the status quo.
I mean, you're challenging Obama, sir, and, you know, if you don't like that little free speech area, you won't get none.
We can just take you down to the jailhouse.
And that's what they told me.
We had our video cameras, which is, in my opinion, the best weapon against tyranny ever.
Has it been posted on YouTube yet?
Has it been posted on YouTube yet?
Uh, we should have it up by tonight or tomorrow morning.
We have some issues with video transfer.
Alright, well as soon as you do, send it over to Jason at WeAre... or not Jason at WeAreChanged, Jason at LooseChange.91.com or Rob D. at, uh, why am I saying that?
At InfoWars.com and, uh, get it out to us.
I'll play it on the Sunday Show.
I'm going to be sitting in for Alex for an hour and fifteen minutes before I take off for my trip.
I thank you for the call, man.
Let's go to, uh, Dave in Oklahoma.
Dave, you're online.
Hey Dave, uh, hey Jason.
I just wanted to let you know, Prison Planet member, and certainly appreciate the great job that you and Alex are doing.
I have a couple things I wanted to talk to you about.
The first thing, the eugenics movement, I'm real concerned about this swine flu vaccination that they keep talking about.
Yeah, I'm very concerned about it, too, and I really think that they're going to try to institute it on an international level and forcibly inoculate people.
It really looks like they're going to say everyone has to take it.
You know, it's not a coincidence that I'm reading articles two months ago on the air where they say they're going to have 4.9 billion of these vaccines.
4.9 billion!
You with me, Dave?
Yeah, it's a little more serious for me because I have children and, you know,
Researching the law up here in Oklahoma, I just found out that, you know, you don't have to succumb to the, you know, forced vaccines and inoculations under state law.
It actually says that, you know, if you, you know, object to on a religious or moral ground, then you can, you know, avoid getting inoculated.
But I'm real concerned about that.
And if I can ask you two other things real quickly.
For your listeners commenting about, you know, getting the word out, I think the best thing that we can do is just, we're winning the war, we're winning with the information war, we just have to open up people's eyes.
And, you know, if they question the legality or, you know, the legitimate
I think so.
And I think the endgame and the Obama deception are very powerful.
Viewing parties are a necessity.
And my last question is regarding, and this ties into eugenics as well,
Uh, the water supply.
I know one of your first callers was talking about all the chemicals.
Do you think that we can ever get back to where
We can get these pollutants out of our water supply.
We can certainly get less of them.
Number one.
We can certainly get less.
And you know, if we made a concerted effort, I don't see why we couldn't get rid of them completely with filtration systems that would get rid of this stuff.
But that's a very uphill battle.
Most people are just in so much denial about that, they refuse to even acknowledge the subject because they don't like the fact that they're being polluted.
Hey Dave, how's it going?
I just want to see if anybody is aware that there's an article on nss.gov and the National Science Foundation titled, Solar Cycle Linked to Global Climate.
And it just says how the solar cycle, they've found out through research that it actually does cause climate change, but only a small fraction of it compared to what the humans are doing to the Earth, supposedly.
They're admitting to the sun cycle, but they're saying that man is still causing global warming.
That's what you're telling me?
Yeah, in one paragraph in the middle of the article, it mentioned that man is impacted.
That's what I like to call controlled opposition.
What they'll do is they'll take something that is a fact, that the solar cycle does affect climate change again.
We were once Pangea folks.
The Earth didn't always look this way.
I'm sure the great deserts weren't always deserts.
But none of us are around to see that gradual climate change.
And it is the solar cycle.
The solar cycle is the reason we're going into this different climate change.
You notice they changed it from global warming in the 80s and chlorofluorocarbons to carbon dioxide from the 80s to the 90s.
It's all propaganda to control you, to tax you, to say you can't live here or if you live here you have to pay this amount.
It's truly a eugenics program and I encourage anybody that still believes in this farce of man-made global warming, by the way I'm not saying that men
Can't create pollution.
We obviously do that on a great level in many areas and that is a concern.
That is a concern.
But go watch the Great Global Warming Swindle from the BBC.
It's readily available on YouTube, readily available on Google Video.
It will really open your eyes to the truth about what this whole thing is about.
Thank you for the call.
Trey in Texas.
Trey, you're online.
Yes, Trey.
Let's go to Chris in Kentucky.
Roy in Indiana.
Roy, you're on the line.
Yes, Roy.
Jason, I salute you, Alex Jones, and I take all you guys to bed with me.
I take a headset and I listen around the clock 24-7.
Well, thank you.
I'm working with a man right now that has begun his campaign to replace Harry Reid as Nevada's U.S.
Senator in 2010.
That's good.
Harry Reid needs to be replaced.
Hold on to the other side.
I'll let you talk about that.
We're going to go over some more calls.
Some more news.
Bob Dacey coming up in about 10 minutes.
Then we've got Chapman at the top of the hour.
Alex Jones to be calling in.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Vermas sitting in.
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Yes, we are!
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
Joining me now in studio is Bob Dacey.
We're going to go back to Roy in Indiana in just a moment.
First, I want to thank one of the great sponsors that helps make this show possible.
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And before we go back to callers, I want to say hello to Bob.
What are you up to these days, Bob?
I'm not getting them in my mic.
We got you.
You got me?
Yeah, we got you.
Well, thank you for having me on here, Jason.
Ain't no problem.
I'm going to be riding shotgun.
You can do all the stuff, and if I can think up something intelligent to say, I'll chime in.
What have I been doing?
Man, this recession has gotten me so busy, I cannot stand it.
We have a new department in the hardware store.
We are a distributor for eFoods, direct storable foods, and so I'm going to do a shameless plug for my company.
It's Hardware Store Incorporated, Spicewood Springs Road at 183 in Northwest Austin.
Area code 512-250-1591.
We stock the eFoods Freedom Unit.
We stock the Grab and Go Pack.
And we stock the 3-Day Responder.
And you can buy it cheaper from us than you can over the internet.
Hey, hey!
I've been extremely busy with my eFoods Direct Storable Foods Department at the hardware store.
And other than that, what have I been doing?
Well, we got our own economic stimulus package back in March.
We had a hailstorm.
And because my store makes window screens, we have been literally inundated with work.
We're just drowning in it.
But I can't thank Obama for that.
I think it was Mother Nature.
Are you sure?
Because Bill Gates' patenting device aimed at halting hurricanes right now.
Well, maybe he can mess up some more screens or something.
Send some more hail around.
You know, the difference, this is an interesting comparison because, you know, the economic stimulus package, as we all know, is a crock, right?
Well, our economic stimulus package for the hardware store was real world.
You had to take raw materials, which we purchased with capital, and then with labor we convert them into a product.
Which is a screen, which we can sell in the open market to somebody who doesn't have to buy it from me, right?
You mean a product that's produced here in the United States, made here in the United States, and used by somebody here in the United States?
Right, and I actually make them myself.
I've got me and one other guy make these things.
And it's like, it's really... You're not outsourcing to Indonesia?
You promise?
I promise, as you were.
I don't have any Indonesian... Is that the simple truth?
The simple truth.
No, that's the TV show.
He's giving me a plug for the TV show.
Yeah, my TV show has been off the air for a few months because they're remodeling the studio.
Oh, are they really?
I haven't been down there in a long time.
Well, they're remodeling the studio, so we're theoretically going to be back.
Oh, by the way, the website's up.
That's simpletruthonline.net.
You can go to simpletruthonline.net and watch some of our shows, which are archived there in the TV reports section.
Oh, cool.
Also, I've been doing a lot with the evil firearms because I have a small gun department.
Thank you, Lord Obama, for the tremendous gun sales that have happened since you got your phony election.
Well, you better watch out.
Sotomayor, she's coming to town.
Oh, Sotomayor.
I mean, she's great.
Well, you know what?
We're going to save the Sotomayor stuff for the other group.
This is a short segment.
So let's go back to a couple callers, but I want to get big time into... I mean, I've been watching some of these hearings.
We've been taping them here.
And where are the hard questions?
Everybody wants to use that wise Latina woman quote, but that's scratching the surface of somebody who's a council member of La Raza and somebody who writes America's Deadly Obsession, where it says, you know what?
No guns for you.
Oh, come on.
Come on, Jason.
There's nothing wrong with being a member of the United Race Party.
Oh, yeah, of course.
Roy in Indiana, you're back on the line, sir.
Yes, thank you.
The man that is running for the Senate seat in Nevada, who purposely quit his job, purposely to disown us, Harry Reid, and he gave me the ability to kind of put this out for him.
So he gave me his personal home landline number.
And so what I want to do is you email me, Jason, and then I'll send you the information and then you guys can head buttheads and see about an interview.
All right, well, you know what, just email that to Jason at Infowars.com.
That'll actually go to producer Jason Douglas and him and Rob Dew will set it up.
I thank you for the call, Roy.
We are always looking for people to stand up and take part in the actual political process.
You know, that's what organizations like Campaign for Liberty are about.
You know, get a local council spot, run for Congress, become a state senator.
In this case, take on Harry Reid, who really just, you know, he, talk about controlled opposition.
What is this?
We got Blue Monday in my ears right now?
I don't know, buddy.
I don't know.
We'll be back after this.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We're in studio with Bob Dacey and Bob Chapman.
We'll have Bob and Bob at the top of the hour.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in, riding shotgun.
This is Bob Dacey, streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
We're going to go to Chris, John, Larry, and others in this long segment, but first I want to talk about this process of confirming Judge Sotomayor.
It looks like that is the process.
I mean, there's really no debate.
They use the same point over and over again, the wise Latina woman, the wise Latina woman.
The false left-right paradigm then feeds into that.
You know, you watch Rachel Maddow, or you watch Keith Olbermann, and they over and over again make the point that that's what they're focusing on.
But they're not focusing on the La Raza council membership, they're not focusing on the Belizean Grove, and they're obviously not focusing on America's deadly obsession where she says that we don't have the right to have guns.
Well, it's not just guns.
What's her stance on abortion?
Has she clarified that?
You know, I haven't watched all the hearings, so I couldn't tell you.
Well, I think she hasn't.
I think she's been dancing around everything like they always do.
I mean, it's a dog and pony show.
The woman is an elitist shill, just like all the rest of them, and it's just for our entertainment.
But the Second Amendment?
I mean, what is that?
We don't need that.
Obama's president now.
Yeah, no, we have biomass-eating robots.
Why would we need firearms?
We don't need firearms.
We'll just send them in after the bad guys.
They might hurt the biomass-eating robots.
You know?
I mean, what's Sotomayor's position on the Second Amendment is, oh yeah, I have friends who hunt.
Isn't that what people used to say?
Well, I know people that are black.
Does that make me okay?
You know, I have friends that hunt.
Well, what does hunting have to do with the Second Amendment?
Tell me.
And not only that, you know, again, she tries to skirt the issue, but then she doesn't answer the question whatsoever.
She just says, I have friends who hunt.
It doesn't mean she's in favor of that either.
Well, Jason, you're from New York, right?
Well, I would have to excuse you not knowing as much about hunting as people from Texas.
You would think that, but I have deer everywhere.
Oh my God.
I've been in four different car accidents with deer.
They're all over the place.
It's big in upstate New York.
All the city folk come up to the Catskill Mountains to shoot the deer.
Now, I've been around the whole dressing situation.
Oh, you did that?
Throw it on the back and the whole night.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting deer.
The right of hunters to stalk and shoot bambi shall not be infringed.
I mean, where does it say that in the Constitution?
In fact, it doesn't.
It actually reflects that the people are the militia, that they're the ones that are in charge of upholding the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And if a government gets too tyrannical, they then have the right to rise up against that government.
I remember years ago, Susanna Hupp, whose parents were killed in the Killeen Lubies many years ago because she didn't have her gun in her purse.
That's what got concealed carry in Texas going.
You know, she was in the Lubies without her gun because it was illegal to have it, and her parents got blown away.
But it's not, right?
Well, she was testifying before the U.S.
Congress many years ago, right in front of Chuckie Schumer, my favorite then-Congressman, now-Senator.
And she looked at him and she said, quote, I'm not going to be very popular in this room by saying this.
But the Second Amendment has nothing to do with duck hunting.
It's about people like me being able to protect ourselves from people like you.
And that's exactly right.
And Chuckie was fuming.
You could see the steam coming out of his ears.
Now that's what the Second Amendment is all about.
And when Sotomayor says, oh, I have friends who hunt, that is irrelevant to the Second Amendment.
Completely irrelevant.
You know, I told a little bit of this story earlier, but I had my landlord come over and change my dry route, and he's with his son.
His son's joining the military, and he pulls out one of those utility knives.
You know, one of the ones that's going to be banned.
It's a switchblade now.
It's more than four inches.
Eight out of ten knives are now getting banned in this country.
Just totally sick, totally disgusting, totally degrading.
And I mentioned it to him, and he's well aware of it.
He's like, ah, it doesn't matter to me.
Military's exempt.
And I'm like, well, guess what?
It matters to me.
Why should the military even have knives that I'm not allowed to have?
And during the actual Revolutionary War, if you want to get down to just the statistics of it, the militia guys mostly carried rifles.
Barrels that are rifled.
More accurate.
The guys in the British Army or whatnot, they carried a brown dust musket.
It was a smoothbore musket.
You pointed in a general direction and there was enough of you fired in the right spot, you hit somebody.
So the militia actually had better weapons than the regular army.
Yeah, that'll never be the case again.
Whoa, come on now, so why can't we?
Yeah, no, I agree and I was making, you know, I talked to him about the XM-25 and the smart bullets and the technology that the military is openly using now.
And I think that we've gone into such a technocracy, it would be impossible for the people ever to compete in a military sense.
However, that doesn't say that we should just turn in our guns and bow down to our masters.
We still have to, A, keep away the police state.
We have to keep the military and the police separate.
I mean, that's common.
You know, posse comitatus is there for a reason.
And as much as they try to tear down that idea,
We have to keep up holding.
Oh, absolutely.
And you know, another thing Sotomayor has said is that, you know, she has somebody of some relative of hers is in the NRA.
Ooh, what is the NRA?
I mean, all they do is promote shooting sports and things.
They're pretty wimpy, really, if you really get right down to it, on the real purpose of the Second Amendment.
They want to protect the hunters and the shooters.
And every once in a while they'll say something nice about personal self-defense, but they're not real, real good about
The real core meaning of the Second Amendment.
Well, that's why we support GunOwners.org here at the Alex Jones Show.
I was reading this article in the segment before.
Walmart needs industry support for green labels.
So now you can walk into your local Slave Mart and you'll be buying products with a nice little label that makes you feel better and say, oh, the carbon impact of this product isn't that much at all.
Isn't it so good?
What this really means is shoddier products for more money in a Slave Mart situation.
Green labels.
Green labels.
I hope they don't have the wrong kind of dye in green labels.
You know what?
I'm sure they'll make them look really earthy, but they'll still be put together by Indonesian kids in some far-off third-world country.
Well, unless the Indonesian kids start to make more money than the kids they can find someplace else.
Well, that's really the point, isn't it?
Isn't it to bring everybody to kind of second-world status?
I mean, let's look at China as an example.
You know, in the 80s, they got the Coca-Cola, they got the Levi's jeans, they got the McDonald's.
You know, they westernized a little bit.
Not much.
They still had their one-child policies.
They still had their police state.
They still have their ultimate rulers, their dictatorship.
The military are the police there.
They still have that.
But then you look at the United States, and what have we taken from their culture?
Well now, suddenly it's okay to have the military on the streets.
Suddenly it's okay to have youth groups.
Suddenly we're talking about bio and geoengineering.
Suddenly we're talking about one-child policies.
What do you got against youth groups?
Oh yeah, youth brigades are always good when they're state-sponsored.
You know what I've always said about teenagers?
I hope I don't offend any teenagers, but teenagers are the dumbest people on the planet.
I disagree with you there.
It wasn't so long ago.
I will tell you why teenagers are the dumbest people on the planet.
Because a 10 year old knows he doesn't know anything.
He realizes it.
You know, a teenager doesn't know anything either, but he thinks he knows everything.
Or, he's some of the dumbest people on the planet.
I guess I'm not going to say I wasn't cocky and arrogant as a teenager, but I know plenty of middle-aged people I was smarter than even then.
Well, that was over a decade ago.
I'm going to be 30 in like two weeks.
You're an exception to the rule.
Oh, exception to the rule.
Most teenagers are dumb because they think they're smart.
Listen, yeah, but the thing is that their parents in most cases are just as dumb, especially nowadays.
They're like, look at my SUV.
Let's take the example, you know, five, ten years ago, they're the ones driving this Eddie Bauer mobile, trying to be like socially acceptable at the soccer mom circles and over at the kids games and what socially
That's totally acceptable.
Let's talk about the latest sports team, and the college game that was on last night, and look at the bumper sticker I have, or the pennant on my car.
Jason, Jason, look, look.
Kids' sports can be relevant to current politics.
And how's that?
Because when I was younger and my kids were little, I was a soccer coach.
And you know what I had to carry with me when we went to tournaments?
When we registered our kids to play in tournaments?
I had to carry a folder on each kid, which included the kid's birth certificate.
Yeah, because you had to prove your kid was eligible to play in the league.
Because lots of parents would try to play their kid down to make them look good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So you had to carry the kid's birth certificate in order to play little kid soccer.
But to be president, you don't gotta pony up your birth certificate.
There's relevance here.
I think that the reason that people latch onto sports is because we really don't have anything else where we get together and we go for a common goal and you have that adrenaline rush.
I think sports actually does teach a lot of kids discipline and respect.
I don't
And even you, in your analysis there, went back to New York didn't you?
We're going to get into this Facebook Police Raided My Family Barbecue.
We've reported on this before.
Federal agencies surveilling Facebook.
Local police broke up a prom party.
They're like, no New Jersey kids, no prom party for you.
How dare you put it on Facebook?
And this is even worse.
This is a SWAT team saying it was a raid.
Guns drawn.
We're going to get into that in a moment, but we're going to take some calls.
Chris in Missouri.
Chris hung up, so we're going to go to John in Texas.
John, you're on the line.
Is that me?
That's you.
Are you taking any calls on 9-1-1?
Let's hear what you've got to say, sir.
There's a website called Architects and Engineers for 9-1-1 Truth.
Have you covered that?
Oh, of course.
We've had Richard Gage on this program and my program several times.
I've interviewed Stephen Jones on several occasions.
We're well aware of the latest paperwork where they published the findings of unexploded thermite in the dust about three weeks ago.
Big fans of their work.
I can't get you in San Antonio.
What station are you on?
We're on 90.1 over in Austin, Texas, but you can listen to us obviously streaming live now at InfoWars.com or you can watch the video over at PrisonPlanet.tv and I mean if you're just learning about this program... 90.1 on what now?
90.1 in Austin, Texas, sir.
I don't know if it's going to reach as long as San Antonio, unfortunately, but go to the web.
That's straight line stuff energy, isn't it?
What's straight line energy?
Probably not going to reach down here.
You don't have a low frequency?
I think there's a short wave.
You've got to go to the website to find out, sir.
Thank you for the call.
I hope that you can get in touch.
It sounds like it's a newer listener if he doesn't know that this show promotes architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth.
Yeah, that last little bit that came out three weeks ago, I mean, why isn't that mainstream headlines all over the world?
It might even be six weeks ago.
Seven weeks ago, yeah.
However long ago it was.
I mean, when you have unexploded superthermite in all the dust samples that are tested, and when the scientists put it in their little gizmo and they heat it up and it goes, boom!
I mean, this is unreal proof.
This is like fingerprints all over the bloody knives everywhere.
So why isn't it being covered by the mainstream media, Jason?
I don't understand.
Well, yeah, because the mainstream media is so good and they have our best interests at heart, so they have to lie to us sometimes.
Yeah, well, maybe it's not in our best interest to know that Super Thermite
Unexploded superthermite is all over the World Trade Center dust and we'd like an explanation.
No, you don't understand.
Planes cause buildings to fall on top of themselves in uniform fashion at unprecedented speeds.
Even when they don't hit the building.
Building 7, obviously.
Building 7 to fall down.
But this superthermite thing, I mean, this is scientific, peer-reviewed.
I mean, somebody tell me how unexploded superthermite got in the World Trade Center dust
Please, I would like to know.
Well, let's talk for a second about that because, you know, we're almost eight years after 9-11.
There have been zero, let me say that again, zero instances where quote-unquote terrorists were able to smuggle explosives into anywhere in the United States.
However, the U.S.
government, through drills and exercises, was able to get explosives into ten buildings.
Over the last couple years.
That's weird.
See, real people can't do it, Bob.
And the terrorists can't do it.
But the government seems to be able to do it.
Obviously, Al Qaeda must be way more sophisticated than we think they are, boy.
For them to be able to bring all that tons of super thermite into those buildings and hook it all up.
And ram planes into there for no apparent reason.
It makes a ton of sense.
It's a huge, huge uncovered story in the mainstream media.
And they're still complicit with it.
Completely, completely complicit.
They're totally controlled.
I absolutely agree.
Larry in California.
Larry, you're on the line.
Yeah, thanks for having me on, Jason.
You got it.
I just wanted to mention something.
I actually had court the other day and I wanted to bring out how they're using the draft for young men that are in court for like child support and unemployed.
I was
Like, number 10 on the list to be called up, and every single guy before me, because I sat in the front row, I could hear everything the public defender guy could say and everything, and every young man that was up there was asked if he'd signed up for Selective Services, and they really kind of, it was like the guy was pushing it.
So you really think that maybe they might be gearing up to open up either the draft, in other words military conscription, or perhaps a military force in the United States where they would have to draft from?
You know, they did just make DHS officially part of the NSA, Bob.
They did?
Oh, that makes me so happy.
It's much difference but now they're just admitting that DHS is going to be absorbed by the National Security Agency and DHS was only put into place supposedly even though it was on the shelf and the paperwork was all there and they just seem to spring this new administration into life this new bureaucracy because of 9-11 Bob.
Yeah, the concept of the Department of Homeland Security, which sounds so Teutonic.
A little Deutschland?
Yeah, a little Deutschland.
It was in place before September 11th, and they use it as an excuse.
That's not even debatable.
I'm with you.
We're going to go to Tray in Texas in just a moment, but I want to read this story.
Facebook police raided my family barbecue.
You don't think they're surveilling what's on the internet?
Folks, people are profiling themselves on another level more than ever before, Bob.
What they're doing is they're putting out every 15 minutes, this is my status, this is my mood, I'm over here, I'm over there, text me, I'm twittering from the mall.
Uh, you know, literally people are giving Big Brother what they want on another level and then somebody like this who thinks that Facebook is just fun and games and he's going to just be able to network with 15 or 20 friends.
Riot police stormed a 30th birthday party for just 15 people and shut it down thinking it was a rave because it was advertised on Facebook.
Hey, it's my birthday party!
Everybody come down!
SWAT team.
Four police cars, a riot van, and a helicopter were involved in a swoop on Andrew Poole's gathering for his family and friends.
He was just about to light the barbecue and had not even turned on the music.
Hadn't even put up the music yet when the gazebo suddenly started flipping wildly and the sound of a chopper blade filled the air.
Eight officers wearing camouflage trousers and body armor jumped out and demanded that the rave be shut down.
Mr. Poole said we were nowhere near anyone.
We weren't even playing music.
What effectively the police did was come in and stop 15 people eating burgers.
They didn't even... They weren't even invited, huh?
The party was organized using the Create an Event Facility on Facebook.
And you've seen, I don't know, are you on the Facebook?
You're not on the Facebook?
I'm on the Facebook.
And personally, I prefer MySpace because there's too much of these apps and these events and become a fan type things on Facebook.
But I'll tell you what, I found some of my top news stories, not from the Routers Wire, although I pulled a lot from the Routers Wire, but from my little Facebook profile that people post on, and we actually had
Who was it?
Congressman Joseph Pitts doing a one-minute speech on the House floor about abortion, eugenics, and population control.
Yeah, I heard about him.
Yeah, it was really good.
And that's what I use the Facebook for.
I don't use it to do these events and let people spy on me.
I don't update my mood.
I tend not to post pictures of myself, but then I'll go to an event, like I'll go to New York for one of my alumni weekends, and all of a sudden there's 20 pictures of me drinking beer on the Internet, you know?
So, people don't realize, and that's just, you know, one or two events, you know, during the year.
Some people post weekly on this thing.
Like, every weekend, they're posting all their pictures.
They don't understand the negative effects, the impact of that, the Big Brother aspect.
So, we're going to get into that.
On the other side, Facebook police raided my family barbecue.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, PrisonPlanet.TV, InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, once again we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Vermas sitting in.
We are with Bob Dacey in studio streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv and we're going over this Facebook story.
Apparently, they shut the whole thing down.
I mean, they didn't say, oh, it looks like there's only 15 people here.
No, they came in, guns a-blazin', helicopters swooped in.
Eight people, think about that, eight police officers for 15 people.
That's a little better than the two-to-one ratio, actually, Bob, and two cops for every person.
I guess Mr. Poole said he spent, this is out in the UK, by the way, he spent 800 pounds on food and a refrigerator.
You know, he tried to cater the event, and they didn't like him.
They didn't like how I was being advertised on the internet as an all-night party.
So this is Big Brother in every sense of the word, and what people have to understand is when they join a group or they become a fan of something, sometimes these are undercover officers posing as other people so that they can see you in their little newsfeed.
And they are tracking and tracing and databasing all these kids.
And it's not just kids, because this is something that's... I mean, this is a 30-year-old guy.
I would hardly call him a kid.
This is his 30th birthday party.
And this is a social networking site that, you know, more and more middle-aged and older people are using because they see the power of it as yet another tool to enslave or empower.
But this is just outrageous.
I don't know, why don't they just go out and fight some real crime or something?
I mean, you know, cops in the country all the time do something stupid.
You know, here in Austin, several years ago, Alex was all over this.
Some lady out in West Austin somewhere gets this helicopter SWAT team stomping on her property because some fool thought that she was growing marijuana in her backyard.
I mean, they got a SWAT team, helicopters, guns drawn the whole nine yards, ordering everybody to the ground.
To inspect what turned out to be a real common weed that grows all over Texas.
And this was the Sheriff's Department under... I forgot the name.
And this was just an old woman, right?
Yeah, just an old lady.
And here comes the SWAT team.
Well, it shouldn't be a surprise.
I mean, HR 1444 is now being passed around Congress where they're not only talking about compulsory service, they're talking about specifically getting the baby boomer generation involved in this compulsory service and how they'll fit in.
Oh boy, I can't wait.
Yeah, 60 plus year old people should really have to serve in a city or some other kind of a AmeriCorps brigade.
Or we can pick up the aluminum cans and donate them to the cause or something.
Alright, let's go to some calls.
Let's go to Trey in Texas.
Trey, you're on the line.
Jason, did they have a permit for that burger party?
Is that the problem?
Oh, do you think that somebody should have to have a permit for 15 people eating burgers in the country?
I mean, you look at the shot, and I don't know if these guys, this got brought into me so I didn't send them a link on prisonplanet.tv, but it's a small blue tent, I think in the small blue tent they're showing you a very minimalized sound system that was not even plugged in yet.
This is 4pm when they got raided, they didn't even plug in the music, but there's trees everywhere, it doesn't even look like the guy has neighbors.
Oh, but how dare they assemble without permission?
Maybe they raided the place because they were cooking meat, and we all know meat is not sustainable.
That's true.
What else you got for me, Trey?
Jason, I was watching the Today Show yesterday morning, and there was a short segment where they were commenting that Hillary has been noticeably absent recently for many of her typical duties.
They cut to a short scene of Hillary speaking with Senator Rockefeller in preparation to provide a briefing to President Obama, and in between the phrases of the voiceover of the Today Show correspondent, you can clearly hear what Hillary is saying to Senator Rockefeller in the background.
And what she said was, I have been briefing the interagency on what has been going on inside the camps.
I can only speculate as to what she's referring to, but of course I hit record on the TiVo and watched it several times.
You know, some of these people have this perverse pleasure from publicly displaying their power.
I just thought it was rather odd.
Well, you know, her talking to Rockefeller kind of makes me think that this might be a cyber security thing or her absence.
I mean, we know that he's starting a new cyber security office.
We know that he has somebody in mind as a quote-unquote czar.
So, without seeing the clip, I really can't make any comments.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in.
We'll be back after this.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma, sitting in
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All right.
You know, let's close up with this Facebook thing, but it really just shows how we've been trained, Bob, to give out all of our personal information.
Again, there's nothing sacred, nothing private anymore.
And then it gives the opportunity to law enforcement, Big Brother, whoever, to then track, trace, and database, and really profile us on a level never seen before, which sometimes results in your 30th birthday barbecue being rated by SWAT.
What can you say?
It must be a good thing.
I mean, you know, uh, most people, most people don't have any clue as to what's going on.
They don't have no idea.
Most of these teenagers on Facebook, these young people, they're just out fooling around, having a good old time, clowning around with their friends.
And big bros sitting there watching them and don't even know it.
They don't even know and you know I want to take this opportunity now to also bring up our other Bob.
Bob Chapman is our guest for this entire hour and then in the last hour we're actually going to play this eugenics rant of Alex Jones for an entire hour.
How are you Bob?
I'm fine thank you and it's interesting I'm running into more and more stuff on eugenics and Sotomayor referred to that in Roe vs. Wade.
People didn't realize what she was saying, but she's spoken before about eugenics, which we'll get into later.
Well, absolutely, and one of the highlight clips that we're going to have to play again in this hour because it's just so important is Representative Joseph Pitts out of Pennsylvania on the House floor discussing Judge Ginsburg and her comments on pro-eugenics and population sustainability and control and their desire to root out, you know, undesirables.
That's right, that's what it is, Mr. Dacey, it's undesirables.
All you have to do is go back to Germany
It is a very, very important word in the German language, and it's called Untermenschen.
And this is what they called, the Nazis called, subhumans, is what it is in English.
And this was part of only allowing the, quote, intellectual and physical, and of course in the case of Germany, the purity of race to procreate.
And this is what these people are talking about today, and they've been talking in America about it for a couple hundred years and most people don't know it.
I had one of the biggest libraries in eugenics
Anywhere, which I ended up giving away to USC and UCLA because nobody ever wanted to read them besides me.
And so this is where they're headed in America.
And this is how they're going to cull the population.
They're going to use selective breeding, and people are going to be told you can't breed, and if you try to, you'll be aborted and sterilized.
Well, I'm not sure if you've read this information, but the current health bill that's been passed is actually going to give, and it's only gone through the House, like I said.
Right, it hasn't been passed by the Senate, the health bill?
I'm pretty sure it's just through the house.
But the bill specifically says that they are providing funding for home visits that promote immunization through education.
So in other words, they can enforce immunizations that you don't want to take by knocking on your door and saying you must take it.
More on that on the other side.
We're joined by Bob Dacey in studio and Bob Chapman over the phone.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
And we are back, joined by Bob Dacey and Bob Chapman.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in for Alex Jones.
It is the Alex Jones Show, and we're talking a little eugenics.
And again, in the health care bill, they're saying that federally, they will fund, you know, state teams to conduct interventions in private homes.
And here's just a little subsection.
The program authorizing home interventions to promote immunization falls under subtitle C, creating healthier communities.
So again, they're going to try to pressure you through your neighbors.
This subtitle directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a demonstration program to award grants to states to improve the provision of recommended immunizations for children
It sounds like you've got a police state and they're going to tell you what to do whether you like it or not.
Exactly, and you know, with all this hype surrounding the swine flu and Obama's science czar openly writing about this stuff, how do you feel about it, Mr. Dasey?
Well, I think it's really neat.
I mean, this John Holdren guy wrote this book back in the early 70s.
And it perfectly dovetails with what we're talking about here.
He says on page 786 through 787, the development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control.
The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable
With official permission for a limited number of births.
It's right there.
It's all perfect.
Well, let's go back to that term, coercive fertility control.
See, in this memo that they had to put out yesterday, as this stuff is starting to surface, they're saying that Obama's science does not support coercive population control.
What is that?
I'm confused.
Sounds like semantics to me.
Coercive fertility control, but not coercive population.
Oh, I get it.
I think that they're synonyms, aren't they?
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
Well, it's the manipulation of the language, and these guys are masters of manipulating the language, and they do so on so many levels, Mr. Chapman.
They certainly do.
And it's amazing that people are able to go in and pull out these juicy little tidbits like you just read about what they're really all about, where they're headed with this thing.
And you know, I've been talking about this since the mid-1960s and regional government and things like that, and people thought we were crazy.
And you know, here it is now, it's happening, and it's absolutely downright frightening.
I absolutely agree.
I kind of want to jump topics here and get into the economy.
I got a couple stories in front of me.
video game sales post largest decline since 2000.
One of the only really unbeatable industries, the ones that you've seen grow and grow and grow despite economic times, have been these big blockbuster video games that are now grossing more than major motion pictures.
And now, since the first time, since 2000, almost a decade ago, they're seeing their largest decline.
Can't be good news for this economy.
Even GE is saying that their revenue is down.
And we're talking about one of the biggest media, military, industrial complex companies out there in the world.
Well, that's correct.
And we are in depression.
We started this past February.
And it's an inflationary environment.
And that inflationary environment will get worse over the next couple of years, and then we'll go into a deflationary environment.
I think what's interesting here is that this is the epitome of Keynesianism, which is a school of economics.
The antithesis to that is classical economics, and it looks like the European Central Bank, which represents 16 of about 29 nations in Europe,
And they are taking the classical tact, which is to, yes, take interest rates down, but reduce the amount of money and credit being injected in the system.
And just to show you the difference, the interest rates are all down.
But on the other hand, the money supply in the United States and the United Kingdom and many other nations is up about 18%.
And in the Eurozone it's only up 3.7% and that's down from a plus 12.8 about a year and a half ago.
So they are taking the other tact in Europe.
Well, what do you think is going to happen in the next few months in light of the last G8 Summit, in light of this BRIC Conference, in light of Russia's Medved, getting out there and showing people the prototype, and a minted prototype, might I add, for a global currency coin?
Well, it's something that was bound to come.
And I think what they're really looking for here is an international trading unit at first.
I expect there's going to be another meeting similar to the Smithsonian-type meeting that was held in the early 70s in the Plaza Accords in 1985, and I think all the nations are going to get together within the next six months, and I think they're going to realign their currencies against one another.
There'll be all these cross-currencies, and they'll have these experts
Working at, you know, what's going to be devalued and what's going to be revalued.
And I think that's going to happen, and I think it's going to be brought on by pressure on the United States dollar.
The USDX is down from 89.5, it's trading around 79.5, and I expect it to test 71.18, and if it does that, between now and the end of October, we're going to have pressure on the dollar like we had
About a year and a third ago, when other nations didn't want to accept the dollar, especially in trade and for people who are on vacation and things like that.
If you remember, there were stories back then about that.
And I think that's going to happen again, and I think it could cause a short bank holiday in the United States.
Well, that would be something we haven't seen in so long.
And it does seem to be going that way with, you know, Brazil, Russia, India, and China openly saying that they want a separate world reserve currency.
Mr. Dacey?
I don't want a separate world reserve currency.
I would like to have our currency be strong so they stop printing it like it's going out of style every five seconds and blowing away the value of it all the time.
Of course, they've been doing it since, what, 1913?
These people don't even know what classical economics is.
I'm not an economics advisor.
I don't really know that much about all that stuff, but I do know this.
I was up at a conference back in 2006 up in Waco.
It was a follow-up conference to that.
The NAFTA thing that they had in March where Bush was up there and they were doing the superhighway.
Was that the CAFTA project or SPP?
The Free Trade Area of the Americas.
I was up there for the New American and I was talking to these business people from Baylor University and these economics professors and the top guys at a little get-together that we had and I brought up the economic policies of Von Mises.
Is that how you pronounce his name?
And they looked at me like I was crazy.
They didn't know who he was!
I mean, literally!
They didn't know who he was!
They didn't know what I was.
The head of the economics department at Baylor University didn't know who the guy was.
They don't understand it.
No, most of them don't because they've been trained not to and that's why it's so important for people listening to this program and aware of this information to really protect the wealth that they do have by investing in gold and silver and other precious metals.
Why don't you tell people how they can do that, Mr. Chabon?
Well, I think the best way to get into precious metals is to talk to Midas.
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479-8178, that's 877-479-8178.
I was on with Ted Anderson Thursday with Butch Parr, which was last night, and we talked about the availability and the things that were going on in the gold and silver markets.
And there was one more thing I was going to bring to fore in the conversation regarding the descent of the dollar.
And that is, I have been told by extraordinarily reliable sources, actually a half dozen of them, that, and I released this information two months ago and nobody else did,
And the U.S.
embassies have been getting U.S.
dollars, which they are supposed to turn into local currencies.
And I don't know in total how many embassies have received it, but I know at least six of them have.
And I just had another writer send me an email this morning, and he said, I can verify what you're saying.
So, the government is getting ready for a problem.
Well, if they do dispense these local currencies, and let's say that they do actually have a bank holiday, what is it going to look like in this country?
Well, your ATM credit and debit cards won't work.
Nobody will accept checks.
Until the banks, you know, reopen.
I don't think they're going to be shut down a long time.
I think it will be perhaps four or five days.
And I think it's going to be a trial run, a precursor to what they think is going to happen down the line when they have to shut them off for a longer extended period of time, perhaps, when they're going to do these multi-country, multi-currency devaluations.
So maybe you think it's going to be a beta test?
A beta test to see how the populace will react to not being able to get their money for a week?
But if they do that, what's going to happen when they reopen?
Isn't that going to cause a bank run?
Are people going to freak out?
People are going to be so happy that the banks are back open.
They're not going to do too much.
It's the behavior that they're looking for in between the time the banks are shut down and they reopen again.
So what you're saying is they want to gauge how much outrage there'll be, how much public outcry there'll be, but they also want to see whether or not they can convince those people who have that kind of an outcry not to take all their money out of banks and basically convince them that everything's going to be okay.
Yes, that's correct, and I think that you probably have the title to this, but this coming week we have maneuvers in the United States with Australian
German, Mexican, Canadian, and U.S.
And U.K.
And private forces, by the way.
But I know exactly what you're talking about.
If you don't know what it is, it's National Level Exercise 09.
It's going to be held in the last week of July.
It's going to be starting, actually, the day after I get back from California.
Totally and completely nightmarish.
A total surveillance state is what they're practicing for, taking over all local governments, state governments, tribal governments, and much more.
We're going to talk NLE 09 on the other side with Bob Dacey and Bob Chapman.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The people strike back!
Alright folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas sitting in.
Joining me in studio is Bob Dacey and over the phone is Bob Chapman.
We're going to take your calls in the next segment.
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Now, we were talking about this state of the economy, we were talking about bank holidays and local currencies.
Mr. Chapman, if the government starts issuing local currencies, what is the economy in this country going to look like and what are we going to be doing day to day?
I mean, how is that going to work?
Well, as I said, I think they'll have a large meeting, so to speak, and they'll decide ahead of time how much one currency is going to be devalued against another.
And of course, all of those changes are going to make all of those currencies degenerate in value versus gold.
And so that's very important.
But I think if they were to do a switch like that now, now there's a thing called the USDX, and it's six currencies, major currencies, weighted each one against the dollar.
Now, the USDX is
Probably at the state that it's in now, you would probably see somewhere between a 50% and 70% reduction of the dollar versus that group of currencies, that six currencies.
And that's one heck of a
Well that is just, it's nightmarish.
I wonder what happens to other localized currencies that are outside of government control like say the Lakota rounds.
Well, they go up in value.
Silver and gold will go up in value.
If the value of the dollar, let's say, went down 50%, then we would assume that gold and silver would rise 50%.
But doesn't that put them in kind of a spot?
Maybe even a lot more.
But I understand that the rounds, essentially, would be worth more.
But actually, in those communities where they're using the rounds as currency, don't you think the federal government is going to want to step in and further regulate them?
I mean, when you look at this,
uh... exercise that you're talking about national level exercise oh nine is is in fema region six that means texas arizona parts of california basically the southwest and there are indian reservations there and they state specifically in these documents that they're going to be going after state local and tribal governments basically this is a huge federal takeover but it's really an international takeover because like you stated before we're talking about governments in canada mexico
Australia, the UK, and then private organizations also taking part.
Well, that's correct.
And, you know, we're just going to have to watch what they do, because we don't know exactly what they are going to do.
We have to learn as much from what they're doing as they do.
And then we have to broadcast and let everybody know about it, because certainly mainline media is not going to carry it.
That's right, and it's for a full week, and people really do need to arm themselves with cameras and questions if we want to expose this to the world via InfoWars and YouTube, Mr. Dacey.
I want to know from Bob, I have a question for him about this bank holiday thing.
I mean, I'm a retailer and I have a local hardware store.
How does that affect the guy on the street?
I'm in the real world, you know, mainstream America, real business, you know, people getting their toilet fixed and getting their light bulbs changed and all that.
How does that affect the average retail establishment during a bank holiday?
What happens?
You don't take credit cards or what?
How does that play out?
Well, you can't because it won't function and neither will ATMs.
Well, then nothing will function!
Well, that's true.
I mean, that's what everybody uses nowadays.
There will be some establishments, I'm sure, that will accept checks incumbent upon the problem being solved.
And of course, government will say, well, we'll have this fixed in a few days, so don't worry about it.
Wait a minute, Bob, won't that also cause an artificial run on the banks if places start actually taking checks that are, say, postdated to when the banks reopen?
Won't there be just an exorbitant amount of checks that are postdated for when this bank holiday ends, which could then, again, cripple these banks once more?
I want to get your opinion on that.
On the other side, we're going to be taking your calls, Tony, Rob, Matt, Darren.
And more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in.
I am with the Bobs, Bob Dacey and Bob Chapman.
Go check out the latest news over at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Man thinks, cause he rules it up.
He can do it as he please And if things don't change soon He will Oh, man has invented his doom First step was touching the moon Now there's a woman on my block She'll just sit there as the night grows still She'll say, who?
Alright folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas, sitting in.
I'm going to be with you on Sunday as well.
We're about to, in the next 30 minutes, we're going to play a eugenics rant by Alex Jones.
Hopefully he is going to call in before the end of the show.
But we just posed the question to Mr. Dacey, if they do have these bank run- or not Mr. Dacey, I'm sorry, Mr. Chapman.
The Bob and Bob thing is killing me right now.
But Mr. Chapman, if they do have this bank holiday, and people do start accepting checks that are post-dated, which
Maybe the only way to really have transactions, like you said, because there's not going to be a lot of cash available, people won't be able to use their credit cards, they can't use their ATM cards, they're going to be totally, completely shut down.
Won't that cause an artificial bank run, whether or not there's an actual bank run with people taking all their money out, an artificial bank run, on the day that they reopen because everybody's going to be cashing these checks?
No, I don't think it'll be that terse.
They have the ability to process them.
And even if they were backed up for two or three days, it's no biggie.
It's just that many accounts wouldn't get credited as quickly as people would like.
But they'll sort that out.
I don't think that's going to be a big thing.
The important thing is that people are going to learn that these kind of things can happen again, like they happened in the 1930s.
And secondly,
They're going to rediscover how important gold and silver is a medium of exchange.
And I think that that will come into play, especially silver and small coins like the Sovereign and so on.
And it's just, again, I think, a trial run to build up to something bigger that they've got in mind later on.
What do you think?
I want to know what that something bigger that they got in mind later on is.
I think it might be that coin that Medved was holding over there.
I mean, that coin just creeps me out that they've actually minted a global currency coin.
Remember, it's in its beta test stage.
But just that they have it there, and they're like, this is what we want.
And they're holding these meetings.
Again, this BRIC meeting, this Brazil, Russia, India, and China meeting, they're openly saying, we don't like the dollar.
We want to kick it in the back.
Well, actually they want to cut its throat.
It's already like, you know, crippled on its knees and like chained up.
They just want to cut the throat of it and just bleed it out.
Well, I just think just as a retailer who day-to-day just rings up hundreds of sales all the time, that's what I do, it would just paralyze the whole country if they had a bank holiday.
People get mad if I open five minutes late.
Yeah, but you know what?
They do some things.
They probably pull stunts, not only in the media, but in sports.
It'd be like, free day to come on down to the stadium and see the Texas Rangers play.
It's a bank holiday.
First, you know, 20,000 that show up.
They've been, you know, motivating people.
Shutting down what's left of the real economy.
Hey man, the social engineers are smart.
That's all I know.
Alright, let's take some calls for Bob Dasing and Bob Chapman.
Let's go to Tony in Texas.
Tony, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Hey, look, I really like the format with the Jason, Bob, and Bob Show.
Hey, real quick, Bob, where's your store?
And I want to give you a chance to do a quick plug for yourself, because where's your hardware store?
Well, you know, it's in Northwest Austin at Highway 183 and Spotswood Springs Road.
And, you know... Hey, the name, I live in Austin, so I'm looking for a good hardware store, because I ain't going to Home Depot and another place.
Well, you think I just got a call in, right?
I did not, no.
This is a unsolicited caller.
Alright, this is the hardware store.
We're the true value hardware store in Austin.
It's the Hardware Store Incorporated, true value.
And yes, we do e-foods, and yes, we make screens, and yes, we sell the evil guns.
And apparently you fix toilets.
And we fix toilets.
Well, we don't fix them.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
We tell you how to fix them.
Oh, I gotcha.
And no, we don't rent toilet augers either, because we don't want the darn things back.
We sell them, you know.
What else you got for us, Tony?
First of all, I really called to talk about Heidi and Spencer and torture, but I just wanted to say something real fast.
John Maynard Keynes is well known to have been something of a sexual deviant.
He kept sex diaries, one of which is encoded.
He liked to photograph young boys, and I think the whole idea of stealing from the future of someone else for your own perverse gratification kind of carries through into his economics.
However, having said that, you know, I saw that
Heidi and Spencer were claiming torture, and so the whole time that I was hearing this, I was thinking it was over something I actually saw on that show in which they literally waterboarded the contestants.
Oh, was that when the celebrity got me out of here?
One of the challenges, they had an octagon with the little teeter boards attached to the side of like an octagonal baby pool filled with spiders and snakes.
They had people on an incline board with their head lower than their chest, they had them in goggles and a protective jumpsuit, and snakes and spiders crawling all over them, and John Falley's there, you know, trash-talking people, go ahead, quit, you don't want to quit.
And I'm like, well, this is the usual spiders and snakes reality show garbage.
But then, the pool starts filling up with water.
And it gets all the way up to their nose.
And once it got up to the nose, nobody lasted longer than two or three seconds.
Sponjiah from American Idol won.
My god.
I can get waterboarded, apparently, more than Janice Dickinson and whoever else.
Well, you know, Alex Jones would tell you that this is just the standard dehumanization of a culture.
It's getting you desensitized to this sort of thing.
He wasn't a big fan, you know, even though he's had Joe Rogan on the program and they're friends.
He wasn't a big fan of some of the things they did on there, especially when they were taking metal spikes and throwing them through there.
And this, this waterboarding debate has really just gotten out of control.
I thank you for the call.
It is quite obvious
That this is torture, Mr. Dasey.
Well, the television is torture.
I mean, the stuff that they put on the air nowadays is just complete and total garbage.
It's meant to make us think like we're a bunch of animals and appeal to our purine.
I really like Leave it to Beaver, you know, and I like Father Knows Best, and I like Gilligan.
I was a Dennis the Menace guy, maybe a little Mork and Mindy.
Well, you know, a little bit of that.
Yeah, you know, whatever happened to Andy of Mayberry, you know, whatever happened to the decent shows.
The vast majority of what's on TV now is total garbage.
Well, what's your take on pop culture and what's on the television and shows like this where they are, you know, dehumanizing people to desensitize them to things like torture and waterboarding?
They're trying to turn us into what they think we are.
That's basically it.
They're trying to turn us into what they think we already are.
Well, just lovely.
Let's go to Rob in New Jersey.
Rob, you're on the line.
Hey, how are you doing?
Day 2, I heard a caller earlier calling about thinking about the military gearing up for something.
I have prior service in the past and was discharged for not being MLS qualified within 24 months, federal law.
And basically I received the email within the week and it basically said, you know, you can join back in, you don't have to go to MAPS, you don't have to do nothing, you can go right in, pick a job and go to your schooling.
Well, they're desperate to recruit as many people as possible into the military.
You know, we just had that call earlier saying that people who were accused of small and petty crimes, and I thank you for the call, they were making sure that they'd signed in for selective service.
We also know people, they'll try to send you to shock camp or say, hey, join the military after you've done something stupid like use drugs or sold drugs to others.
And they're having a tough time selling this military to people because we're still in Afghanistan, we're still in Iraq, and we're still beating the worst drum against Iran.
Speaking of that, Jason, I just have to say this.
I had a fellow young man in my store yesterday.
He had just joined the Marine Corps.
Nice guy.
Really nice guy.
And he's all proud.
He was a private first class in the Marine Corps.
We were talking and I just had to bring up this Obama thing about the the major whose orders to go to Afghanistan got revoked because he wanted to sue the president to make him prove that he's actually qualified to be president because he won't pony up his birth certificate and we got to talking about that and I was thinking
I was kind of at two minds about talking to him about it, because what I told the young man is, you know, he listened and he understood the constitutional problems involved in a commander-in-chief who's a fraud, possibly, or won't prove that he's qualified to be president.
But I told him, I said, listen, son, you know, the Marine Corps is a great thing.
You just do your job.
You be a good Marine.
This is way above your pay grade.
So absorb it maybe, but just stay out of it.
You know?
Marines are, you know, my dad was a Marine, my granddad was a Marine, my uncles were Marines.
They're all Marines, you know?
And it's a shame what they're doing.
Yeah, no, how they manipulate military personnel.
Military personnel.
And, you know, they think they're out there to protect the United States and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and they're being manipulated into doing something which is the exact opposite.
It's so sad on a personal level.
You know, Bob Chapman, I want to get your take on what's happening in the Middle East and what your forecast is.
We just had this big bombing in Indonesia.
They're not saying who's responsible yet, but I haven't been watching the news wires.
I'm sure they're going to blame Al-Qaeda or Al-Qaeda-like insurgents.
Do you see an escalation in the activity there?
Or do you think it's just going to kind of taper off into the background and we're going to just continue to conduct operations in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Hard to say.
And I think it probably would taper off.
And the problem is not only the occupation of Iraq and the continual bombings, but also the service that we are in in Afghanistan, which I think
That stands a very, very good chance of going into Pakistan.
And so I think... Well, we're already conducting operations in Pakistan.
Let's talk about that for a minute.
I mean, you can't now hit the news wires for less than two or three days without finding out that we used a drone attack to kill 40, 50, or 60 people, and it's always their insurgents.
Let's be real about this.
They're killing
Families, they're killing neighborhoods.
When you're killing 40, 50, or 60 people at a time, it's not always an insurgency camp, or an Al-Qaeda center, or a Taliban terrorist training facility.
The majority of the times, they're targeting the regular populace.
And we had this come out, I think, about a month ago, where they were paying, quote-unquote, another insurgent to take little microchips, small little microchips the size of a grain of rice, and then throw them into, quote-unquote,
Other insurgents homes and then a missile would be guided in by that microchip and the guy said well they were paying me a hundred and twenty two dollars every time they give me a handful so I was just putting them anywhere.
I believe that and this is the kind of thing that government uses to extend warfare if they want to do so.
And they are going to continue in Pakistan.
Where else they'll go, Iran or North Korea or wherever, remains to be seen.
But one thing you can be assured of is that in very, very troubled economic and financial times, history tells us that a war has always begun.
A different, a bigger war than we already have.
And so that's what I think we've got to look forward to.
And incidentally, I have to mention something I mentioned with Ted last night on Butch Pa's program.
And that is, I had on Drew Raine's blog talk show, I had a colonel who had just come back from Afghanistan, and he said that they had four British sovereigns sewn into their uniform.
And, uh, he had to bail out of his plane.
And when he hit the ground and, uh, pulled in his parachute, lo and behold, there was some locals there.
And he took out a sovereign and handed it to them.
And they took him to some camel herders, uh, who, when he met them, he gave them a sovereign and they all smiled and took him to a village.
And in the village, he gave them a sovereign and they took him to his unit.
And so, the moral of the story is, evil as the gold makes the rules.
No, absolutely, and that is, again, a currency that transcends, you know, destinations, places, actual regions.
I mean, gold and silver are not regional currencies.
They are universal currencies.
They have been used since the beginning of time and, well, civilized time anyway, and they've retained their value.
How can people get gold and silver right now, Mr. Chabon?
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Alright, let's take some more callers.
Let's go to Matt in the United Kingdom.
Matt, you're on the line.
How are you doing, guys?
As I mentioned, I'm a prisonplanet.tv viewer, so you can go to the guys in the UK.
My point is basically about the Facebook thing in the UK.
Obviously, you've all seen that in the Daily Mail article.
Uh, now my question is basically, uh, is Facebook safe anymore?
Because obviously they found out that I was out creating this party.
Well, let me tell you this.
Two years ago, I captured something that I'm going to be using in Invisible Empire.
I've been wanting to do this New World Order picture for quite some time, really working on it, working on it hard, finalized the first third of my script.
But two years ago, I was watching G4 TV, which is kind of like this techie kind of station for people that are into video games and pop culture and whatever.
It's big with the younger kids.
And all of a sudden I see how the FBI is now going to be patrolling my space.
And this
We're good.
I don't know.
Oh yeah, we are targeting people who are anti-technology.
We are targeting people that are one agenda.
No, it's ridiculous.
Basically, if you protest anything, anytime, anywhere, yeah, you are an extremist and possibly an Al-Qaeda insurgent.
So, is it safe?
It's safe if you know how to use it.
If you know how much information about you you want to give out there.
I mean, just by going to my MySpace page, you can figure out who my brother is, my sister, you can see a picture of my niece, you can track my family, you can see what friends I have, you can check their comments page and see what we've relayed back and forth.
I mean, you really are setting yourself for an open source information bonanza, but it's up to you to decide how much Big Brother gets to know.
I mean, you don't get that decision when you're just surfing the internet and they have your IP address.
I hope that helps, Matt.
I thank you for the call.
We're going to come back.
In the final segment with Bob Chapman and Bob Dacey, we're also going to try to hit as many calls as we can.
What do you think, Mr. Chapman, is the most impending issue coming up on the horizon in Congress and in the Senate?
Well, you've got several.
You've got the health care fiasco.
You've got cap-and-trade fiasco.
And then you've got the H.R.
1207, which is being held captive in the House Committee.
That's what we need to talk about in the final segment.
We need to talk about 1207.
We need to talk about the co-sponsors.
And we have to talk about Nancy Pelosi's odd response last week that nobody's picked up on but Prison Planet.
It's going to be in Obama, too.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in for an Alex Jones.
Back after this.
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Coming up in the next hour, Alex Jones' Eugenics Rant is going to be played.
I'll be in on Sunday for the first hour and 15 minutes of the program.
And Alex will be rejoining us on Monday.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in, joined by Bob Dacey and Bob Chapman.
And a lot of people missed this.
I hadn't seen any articles on it.
I haven't seen the video on YouTube.
Kind of hard to find.
We taped it off C-SPAN.
But in Nancy Pelosi's weekly address...
She was asked about HR 1207 and auditing the Federal Reserve.
Now how does she respond?
Well, she responds by saying,
Well, as the head of the House of Representatives, she's either a bald-faced liar or she's a moron.
It may be a little bit of both.
She's not a moron.
She's very cunning.
She's very smart.
She's actually 69 years old, which I didn't realize.
She looks pretty good for a 69-year-old.
It's the multiple facelifts.
It must be the multiple facelifts.
But my contention is this is a woman who is very politically savvy, almost predatorial.
She's somebody who was the lead Democrat in the initial congressional investigation into 9-11.
She's the person that brought us, no, we're not going to bring the Bush administration up on war crimes, and no, impeachment is off the table.
So to me, this woman is a political player who wants to get as high in the ranks as she possibly can on behalf of her masters in the elite ruling class.
I mean, I don't think... She's lying.
And, you know, she's keeping it captive in there for as long as I can because she doesn't want to get out into the floor to vote because it'll pass.
He is a disgusting creature and he will be exposed in Invisible Empire in ways people have no idea.
You should see the clips I have there.
Oh, man.
If I didn't have to run to the bank after this show, you've got to see these things.
I mean, I've got him back out in the 90s where he's openly telling other congressmen to shut their mouths about the underage prostitution ring he's running in his D.C.
And then all of a sudden it's just, slap on the wrist, oh I'm not a Democrat anymore, I'm a Republican.
Or no, not a Republican anymore.
I don't want to be like Debbie Downer here, but if they did pass this bill to audit the Federal Reserve, wouldn't the powers that be just assign a whole bunch of CFR members to look into it, like they do all the time anyway?
What's your take on that, Mr. Chapman?
Kind of, that's possible, but I think you're going to get a hue and cry.
You know, people want action, and they're not getting it, and it's time to start howling about that fact that they're not being recognized or any of the things that they want are being looked into.
Well, at the very least, I think that we want this hearing on the floor so, you know, people like us in the alternative media can at least tape that and then put it into a film and let millions and millions and millions of people see what actually happened and was kept away from them by both the government and the mainstream media and having an impact that way.
That's true, and they're well aware of that.
And, you know, we've got half the people in America now looking at the alternative media
And as you've seen from the drop in advertising and the terrible problems the media is having, both print as well as radio and TV, we're gaining ground every single day on them.
Because we're spewing out the truth, and really that's what the people want.
There are people who don't want the truth because they just don't want to face it.
And that's probably half the population, but if we can get half the people to understand what's going on, we can bring some fierce heat on them.
If we can get a quarter of the people to understand what's going on and then take action after that, we've got a real shot at winning.
Alex Jones coming up in the next segment.
I'm Jason Bermas sitting in.
Thank you, Bob Dacey.
Thank you, Bob Chapman.
All the latest and greatest over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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