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Name: 20090707_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 7, 2009
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You know, we don't, um...
We've got a big guest who I'm a fan of coming up in the final hour today because
The film that he's in is about the ancient right to arm yourself and protect yourself, reclaiming the blade.
And so we got John Ray Davies joining us, coming up in the last hour of the show today.
And by the way, we are simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv and about to go to Mike Rivero.
But in this over-saturated, pop-driven, celebrity-driven culture, celebrities can be used as a life raft to the public that's kind of caught in the matrix, who's still on the blue pill.
And that's why Charlie Sheen goes public.
That's why Willie Nelson speaks out.
Because when you meet these people in person, they're hiding out.
They're not trying to be in the media spotlight.
They're artists.
Who are really prisoners of their fame in a lot of respects.
And they'll tell you they're no big deal.
They're not on a power trip.
And they're trying to reach out and do something viable in the culture and the society.
Because some people say, well here you are bashing Michael Jackson and all this pop and all this hype.
Well yeah, because the mainstream media is making it a big diversion, a big distraction with all these big issues that are happening.
And Michael Jackson has a horrible, sordid, bizarre past.
And just the way the media is openly jumping into this to use it as a distraction is horrible.
Michael Jackson is bringing people deeper in to the kind of media malaise.
Instead of using big media figures to bring people out of the Matrix-like system.
Look, briefly, I'll get more into this next hour,
Because Dr. Francis Boyle is only with us for 30 minutes, so at 1.30 central, or in the middle of the third hour, I'm going to get into this kind of in a focused fashion and kind of everything I've talked about the last hour, just recap it in a focused fashion because it's important.
I'm going to post it up on YouTube from PrisonPlanet.tv.
But I specifically said the Hollywood slash sports culture has been particularly destructive of black Americans.
And I'm not the only person saying that.
A lot of black folks
Uh, have said that, like Mr. Cosby.
And then he gets criticized.
Look at how Oprah Winfrey brought us Obama and said he was the one.
Look at how she calls for global government and this new Gaia religion.
With the United Nations building strange churches internationally.
I mean, this is a lady who wants power.
And she knows she needs a religion to do that, and it happens to be the one world government religion.
Very creepy person.
I'm not here trying to pick a fight with Oprah Winfrey.
The issue is, she's the most powerful person in media, and she helped build up Michael Jackson as well.
So anything coming out of her, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, any of this stuff is bad news.
It's hype!
And anytime the world, the establishment, the beast system is pushing something, anytime they're pushing big mega-church leaders on national television, on Larry King Live, you better watch out.
Anytime it's about looking just right and wearing the right suit and being all into image, that's meant to make everybody else insecure.
Just like 4,000 years ago in Egypt and in China, corrupt priest class learned how, through ritual, to enslave the elites and the people.
They trained women to have feet so small, binding their feet they couldn't walk, and fingernails so long they couldn't eat.
They trained the men similarly.
They were God.
No one could look at them.
Nobody could talk to them.
They had to be prisoners in their little palace and only be talked to by the high priest.
They've done that with national security.
Oh, the high priest of national security, the NSA, the CIA, you know, they'll take care of you.
You know, they'll run the nation.
They'll steal all the money.
They'll ship in the drugs.
They're the new high priest.
And then they get the slaves down the steps of the big pyramids to look up and to think of the high priest and the emperor as gods in their big fancy headdress, their costumes.
That's why police wear costumes.
It's coloration.
You know, humans like costumes.
They like regalia.
They like signets of power.
And so you had black culture a hundred years ago, segregated, locked down in their own areas.
The whorehouses could only be located in the black part of town.
When drugs were made illegal, buy the drug syndicates so they could make larger profits and control it with the police.
In the 1920s, it could only be sold in the black communities.
The gambling could only be in the black communities.
And it was done to break down their society, but so when white guys, blue collar, white collar, or rich, wanted to go in and visit whores, black, white, it didn't matter, it could only be done in the black area.
And craftily, the big psych warfare experts and Margaret Sanger wrote about this, craftily they use black entertainers to tell blacks to get on birth control, to tell blacks to kick your man out of the house, get on welfare in the fifties and sixties.
Margaret Sanger wrote about how they hired blacks, entertainers and doctors and other people to go pimp out their own people.
And now they have the Chicano leaders, Mecha and La Raza, fully funded by the big Fortune 500, to give the people a fake Chicano, Aslan, you know, machismo, macho attitude.
But it's only a front.
To then have eugenics, Planned Parenthood, take the vaccines, be slaves, no real Chicano community, to stop the Hispanic kids being CPSed, to stop their people being put in prison, and the media makes the drug gangs the heroes.
They build them up, and then they push in the black culture and the white culture, and then that becomes the entire culture.
Bling, and just total pettiness, and brand names, and just boiling it down to the most destructive culture you can imagine.
That was done because beta testing, it was done to blacks first.
And then the MTV Sumner Redstone culture makes it nationwide, worldwide, in Moscow, in Tokyo, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
In every major city of the planet, it is the gangster culture.
You don't care about women?
Get them pregnant, leave them.
That's perfect for the state to then get the kids and break up the family.
You know, steal, rob, whatever.
Sling the CIA crack.
Good enforcers.
Then when we're done with you, we're going to put you in the slam.
See, it's all scientifically weaponized culture.
And Michael Jackson was the gateway to the latest phase launched in the early 1980s.
He was the gateway to bring, and this is all scientifically gridded out in predictive programming.
This is weaponized culture.
And so they don't build up black lawyers, or black doctors, or black scientists, or any of this.
They build up the football player, the basketball player, the Tiger Woods, and the kids all want to be that, but there's not one one
100th of the slots to be filled.
And then white kids suddenly don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer.
They're going to be a gangster.
They're going to sling CIA dope.
They're going to be a big Ricky Ross, but you're not going to be a Ricky Ross.
You're meant to go to a prison owned, a slam, owned by the big drug-dealing cartels that are scientific with egg-headed scientists.
Mechanized force, you know, deliver systems, overall, aggregate AI computer delivery system, program, launch these programs.
I mean, it's all just mechanized, scientific.
The whole military is converting to drones and attack aircraft.
How long until we don't even need the military?
How long until we have refurbishing robot factories to run the systems?
Our estimates are within eight years we'll be ready to launch the attack, sir.
I want race-specific weapons tested and continual fields.
Then they test the soft kill.
How are they covering up the soft kill?
How does the media make that a fan?
Oh, all the kids are dying of cancer now!
We wear little, little ribbons, and oh, you're dying too!
You're in the club!
No, why is everybody dying of cancer?
Why is it exploding thousands of percent?
Why is everybody getting diabetes?
Why are they putting mercury on purpose in most of the food products?
Mainstream news, why are they saying melamine that kills babies is good now?
Oh, thousands dying in China of melamine.
Our news just says it's good!
In fact, pull up mercury, good for you.
I didn't play that last week when I said I would.
Pull up melamine, good for you.
FDA says melamine, good for you.
Lead, good for you.
I'm going to go to Mike Rivero, and I appreciate him joining us.
This is death.
This culture is death.
This media is death.
It's all death.
I'm breaking in on the enemy transmission system.
They are so arrogant and so confident that you're going to get sucked into the media in the first phase of the internet that they're willing to even let me be on air, folks.
They think so little of you, they think you don't even listen or even care and that you can't even understand me.
And so now they're going into phase two to start restricting and shutting down the web and putting gatekeepers in and that's now happening.
Coming up, probably in a few years, it's going to be harder and harder to find me, harder and harder to see what I'm saying.
You better save these recordings now, you better give them to people, because I'm not perfect, folks.
And it isn't about Alex Jones, but I know what I'm talking about.
I know who these people are.
I've studied history, I've studied their programs, I've studied how they operate, and I know how to beat them.
And you beat them by having a huge awakening.
You beat them by totally jolting out of the fad-driven society.
They know you're tribal.
They know you're fad driven.
They know you're peer pressure driven, like a dog.
It looks up to the alpha.
And they put fake alphas on TV and they say alphas are clowns that are drugged out and cutting their face up.
Alphas are Lindsay Lohan drunk on the side of the road.
They show you archetypes in all the dramas and TV shows that the guy that gets the girls is an idiot and is stupid and can't keep a job.
It's all meant to destroy you and make you weak.
Look what they've done to the African-American community.
They have destroyed 90-plus percent of legitimacy, 20-30 percent of the people in prison.
They're going to do that to everybody.
They're now done kind of eating the black people and they're moving on to everybody else.
And Michael Jackson
It's just one more salvo in this culture war.
Mike Rivera, OverlyHappened.com, coming up after this break from Hawaii via video cam at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, total tyranny is just unfolding.
They've done spoofs on the web with ayatollahs in Iran dubbed over saying the CIA killed Michael Jackson.
You know, my gut probably says they did.
I mean, this is perfect timing when he died.
Perfect distraction.
We know they killed Princess Diana.
That's on record.
We know they killed JFK.
They're comparing him to those people.
What a diversion.
What a distraction.
For the rest of the hour, Mike Rivero joins us once a month, and I appreciate Mike coming on the show today.
He joins us via video cam from the Big Island out in Hawaii, up at PrisonPlanet.tv as we simulcast on the radio show.
Mike, I want to get into Michael Jackson, but then stop there.
In the next segment and get into all the real issues that people aren't focused on while they're busy watching the spectacle of the snapping turtle.
Well, what's rather amazing is not that many people are watching, and I know going around the channels on the TV set, it looks like, you know, the big, huge presentation and a lot of corporate media coverage, but CNN's own online poll is showing that only about 20% of America are tuning in right now.
Everybody else is fed up with it.
They've got Michael Jackson burnout.
Actually, this is good for us.
More and more people are coming to the blogs and the alternative media because they don't want to be inundated and saturated with Michael Jackson.
We're good.
And I got to work with him on a couple of occasions, but he's just an entertainer, a musician.
And he died of a drug overdose.
There's hardly anything newsworthy in that.
And they're trying to turn it into this big, huge media issue, and the public isn't buying it.
Well Mike, I didn't know you worked with a snapping turtle.
I worked on a couple of his early rock videos.
In fact, the first one was all the way back when he was still with the Jackson 5.
And even then, I could see all the handlers surrounding him and all the agents and promoters and protectors and everything.
And it was obvious then, this was somebody who was never going to have a normal childhood.
That's probably the reason for Neverland and all the rest of it, that he was trying to recapture the childhood he was never allowed to have growing up.
But it was pretty obvious that he was in for a very rough ride, even all the way back then.
Trying to capture, recapture the childhood, operative capture child in the spider web there.
I mean, his father is admittedly an abuser.
I mean, they admit that on the mainstream news.
Have you seen the video of him vampirically driving in the car with a look of pleasure, just mindlessly basking in petty fame?
Everybody in the family, they're all hanging on here.
They're all trying to capitalize and exploit this for their own promotion.
It's amazing.
There are so many people trying to make money and trying to improve their own reputations off of this.
But as I said before, CNN's own online poll is showing only about 20% of the people are tuning in.
My guess is
Since a lot of people who are not watching are not even bothering to log into the CNN poll, that the numbers may actually be a lot worse.
I'm going to be taking a look at the actual industry numbers after this is all over and look back on it, but I don't think this is capturing the major piece of the audience that they were hoping.
But this has happened over and over again.
They will continue to assault us with O.J.
or Anna Nicole or whatever the new distraction is this week, even as the poll numbers drop, to keep all the real issues out of the news.
And so when you're in a coffee shop, you've got to hear people talking about Michael Jackson next to you.
This is the establishment trying to set the agenda.
They don't want to talk about auditing the Federal Reserve.
They don't want to talk about wars in Pakistan.
We're good to go.
That's absolutely correct, and what's rather amazing, we've had some of our readers from our website who've been following the situation with Cynthia McKinney and the hijacking by Israel.
They're calling TV stations like WABC-TV, and they're being told by the newsroom, no, no, no, that is not news.
Michael Jackson is the news.
That is what we are covering.
And they're literally refusing to acknowledge that there was this situation going on with Israel.
So we may never see Cynthia McKinney again, or maybe they'll firing squad her, and that won't even be news.
Well, supposedly she's on her way back to the United States, and Fox News finally did run a story saying she'd been released, which was immediately followed up with a whole bunch of posters and shills bad-mouthing Cynthia McKinney.
But during the whole situation, I mean, if you contrast this with 2007, and the British sailors who wandered into Iranian waters, and it was headline news, are they okay?
Will Iran mistreat them?
How dare Iran capture these sailors?
Are they torturing them?
You know, we're against torture here!
We don't torture unless when we torture.
And I was joking about firing squad, folks.
That's a joke.
Before I get emails about it, it was a joke.
Mike, stay there.
Let's talk about the alternative media.
More and more punching through the mainstream media.
More and more, we're setting the agenda.
And so they're declaring us all terrorists.
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Okay, I want to open the phones up.
About any news item, any issue, Michael Jackson and the Freak Show is going on.
And, you know, I know people are trying to be nice because he's dead now, but he really had a sordid history.
But it's his dad and his family.
I mean, don't forget, this is a guy hanging kids off balconies with a crazy, demonic look on his face.
In fact, pull up video of him hanging the kid off the balcony.
I mean, I want people to see this while they're busy with some weird church set
And I was during the break, CNN was saying, the chosen one, Michael Jackson, the chosen one, there are people there to see the chosen one, the people that were chosen, the chosen ones to be part of this.
I mean, this is really disgusting.
And I guess they're going to start displaying his body or something, coming up.
Mike, any final comments on Jackson before we get into some of the real news that this has been serving as a distraction for?
Well, every time I look at these festivities, I flash back to the movie of Tommy, and the scene where they had the church that was based on Marilyn Monroe, and I'm sort of wondering if it might actually happen with Michael Jackson, where somebody literally starts a church to worship his memory, and he's gone up to heaven to play the eternal guitar, or some such nonsense as that.
Probably give the Scientologists a run for their money.
Yeah, they could start a new Michael Jackson cult.
And looking at all these people,
That are there around the body buzzing around like flies.
It's just disgusting.
I mean the whole thing is just a disgusting spectacle.
And here he is hanging the baby out over the balcony.
I mean this is a demon with a hood over its head.
Can you imagine the fun he's having with those kids in there?
But it's okay.
This is a beautiful time.
This is so wonderful.
Something wonderful is happening right now.
You say you worked with Lord Jackson.
I know you did a lot of work, and still do, in Hollywood.
Actually, somebody in my office worked at the Hit Factory, which was a big recording studio in New York, I guess about ten years ago.
And he remembers Jackson coming there to record stuff.
He signed a non-disclosure so he won't tell the stories, but it's basically what everybody's already heard about Jackson.
When you worked with him, I mean, was it overtly freakish or was he just surrounded by all of his entourage?
When I worked with him, it was really early, early on, before the paranoia set in and they were making everybody sign non-disclosures.
And like I said, when I first met him, he was still a very small boy.
He was still with the Jackson 5.
But it was very obvious that he was being so groomed and so pushed to be this big star.
And I just, my gut was saying, this was somebody who was going to grow up really messed up.
Because he was never, he was not allowed to be just a regular little boy.
And sadly, of course, this is what
Turned out to be the case.
Now, while we're talking about this, they've passed the global carbon tax in the House.
It's probably going to pass the Senate.
The hate crimes bill is supposedly going to be voted on as early as Thursday.
We've got Reverend Ted Pike on tomorrow about that.
We have the Federal Reserve has come out and announced they want a second bailout.
They were already given unlimited funds in the first one, so really it's not a bailout, it's new powers over the entire economy.
We have them trying to pass a federalization of the entire United States under the guise of water, above ground and below ground.
I mean, there's a bunch of other takeovers happening.
Homeland Security's announcing that their number one mission is engaging the American people and that white Al-Qaeda is now the number one threat.
The British government's announcing that.
So basically, anybody who criticizes the Federal Reserve and the corrupt bankers, they're saying that, is the terrorist.
They've got a bill
on the verge of passing the house no fly no by with over a million plus people are on this list they put you on the list whenever they feel like it but now the attorney general they're trying to pass a bill can ban any gun he wants
Ex-cathedral, like the Pope makes canon law by uttering it.
He just bans whatever guns he wants.
It says including all guns if he wishes.
Bill gives Attorney General power to designate gun owners, tax protesters, as terrorists.
A new bill where he'll, without even letting you know, he puts you on it.
He says you can't find out.
He puts you on the list.
But I guess it was really already like that.
They're just trying to get legal power now for the no-fly, no-buy, no-live, no-have-a-job.
Homeland Security says if you're on that list, or even if you have bad credit, you're going to be on a no-list, no-fly, no-buy, no-travel, no-have-a-job.
I mean, this is literally putting the yellow stars on people and saying you can't have a job.
I mean, it's now happening, Mike.
I mean, they... I'm even blown away that it's actually all happening.
Your comments on that?
Well, it does seem like the government is in a panic and they're trying to just get as many dictatorial powers passed as they possibly can.
This situation of putting people on terror watch lists because their credit is bad, that's extremely dangerous right now because under the current economy, more and more people are seeing their credit ratings decline.
We're looking at record delinquencies on home equity loans and home mortgages.
We're looking at record defaults on credit cards.
We're seeing all these problems, all of these are going to impact
People's credit ratings and if you've got a bad credit rating and you're being declared a potential terrorist then obviously all of these other problems are going to be multiplied by the actions of the federal government.
As you were saying, there's this amendment to the 2010 Military Appropriations Bill that's going to give the Attorney General the authority to declare tax protesters as
Potential terrorists and terror suspects.
And the problem is, the US government got everybody to say, okay, torture is okay if you're torturing the terrorists.
Now that they've got that, they've got their foot in the door, they're lowering the bar for what constitutes a terrorist.
So that more and more people can be put in there.
And the government's going to say, well you said it was okay to suspend the Bill of Rights for terrorists, and now you're all terrorists, so here we are.
And it does feel like they're pushing this hard and as fast as they can.
It feels more like panic than plan to me.
Well that's a really good point.
And if people think I'm joking about bad credit you're put on the terror list, they made it secret six months ago, seven months ago in January.
Hardly, we're already into the seventh month of 2009.
So seven months ago they made it secret and it had a million two hundred plus thousand on it then.
And they were adding twenty four thousand on average a month
And federal marshals were in the Denver Post saying, we're just ordered, if somebody takes a picture of their kid on the plane, to go ahead and put them in a terror database for the rest of their life.
If you have bad credit, people are on it.
And they're admitting, you can't get off of it, they won't tell you how they put you on it.
So, that's being litigated.
So just like when wiretapping came out, and it came out they were warrantlessly wiretapping the American people.
In non-terror-related cases, even.
They just went and retroactively passed a law, just like retroactively passing a torture law.
Now they're just trying to retroactively say, the Attorney General's God, no judge, no jury.
You don't know why you're on the list, you don't know you're on a list, until you try to fly.
Now they're saying, can't go in national parks, can't have a job.
Under the REAL ID Act, if you're on that list, can't have a job.
They're pushing people underground.
But then, they're going to offer the solution.
Oh, you can go to a government program and get on the Trusted Traveler.
We'll then do paperwork with you and let you put yourself into a type of probation with the government to work in government programs and to work in
Oh, what's the term they use?
Community service.
No judge, no jury, no arrest, no indictment.
Just, oh, you come serve us for a while.
So, see, people have to go serve in compulsory service just to get off the list.
And they're now saying, oh, that's how we'll get you off the list.
I mean, this is so Orwellian.
This is so Kafkaesque, Mike.
Well, it's very much like the old Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union went out of its way to find some reason to criminalize everybody, so that they could just do what they wanted with them, whenever they wanted.
And basically, it's this kind of, we're seeing the same creeping tyranny here in the United States.
And, you know, when you have the idea that tax protesters are now considered terrorists,
Well, protesting against taxes is why this country exists in the first place, and is not still a part of Great Britain.
Protesting is protected under the First Amendment, and protesting against taxes is the very kind of political speech the First Amendment exists to protect.
And so all of this is very unconstitutional, it's very blatant.
I'm wondering, where's the United States Supreme Court on all of this?
And ultimately, if the Supreme Court fails and the legislature fails to hold this executive in check,
You know, we're looking at a crisis that's looming on the horizon for the American people.
And this is starting to get into that area of saying that we have around here on our coffee cups.
The fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force them to act like one where everybody can see it.
Now the people are starting to see it.
Well, Mike, when you say the Bill of Rights and Constitution is terrorism, that's declaring war on America.
This is openly anti-liberty.
It's openly illegal that the federal government seize GM and then sell the dealerships off to donors at discounted prices and then to now have a bill where the Federal Reserve will control every facet of the economy.
This has openly been announced.
This is now admitted, but it's not being debated, and it looks like that's going to pass, because they say, look, we won't turn the economy on until you give us this new power.
And then there'll be a year later, even more.
Speak to that and the direct carbon tax that's now passed the House.
Okay, well first of all, we're in a fascist economy right now in terms of the reason things are the way they are.
Mussolini said that fascism should more properly be called corporatism, and that is when corporations and the government are in league together
To basically exploit the common people, to extract wealth from them, to basically grind them down into poverty and grab all the goodies for themselves.
That's why we're seeing this.
As far as the Federal Reserve is concerned, we had Bernanke just last week implying that the Federal Reserve will crash the economy before they allow themselves to be audited.
So they're trying to play the doomsday card on that.
So really, we're a country that can't earn any money anymore, so the people in power
are simply using any means they can to grab what is left and pull it to themselves.
By the way, he didn't imply, he said it is basically a dictatorship if Congress tries, Article 1, Section 8 is Congress express power, to control the money supply or economic policy, that that is an undue seizure of power, that's Congress seizing powers, and that the economy would go into depression and implode.
So he's openly saying
Look, I got a gun to your country's head.
I run things.
Sit down and shut up.
Well, the Federal Reserve or the Central Banks, because we've had Central Banks before the Federal Reserve, but if you look at this lineup of history where Andrew Jackson revoked the charter of an earlier Central Bank because it was doing to the United States exactly what the Federal Reserve is doing today.
It was impoverishing the ordinary working people.
It was pulling all the money to itself.
It was above any control.
Andrew Jackson revoked the charter.
He survived an assassination attempt.
Then you had Abraham Lincoln, who issued his greenbacks so he wouldn't plunge the country into debt to the central bank that was in existence then.
He was assassinated and his greenbacks destroyed immediately.
John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, issuing a new form of silver certificate, a debt-free currency for the American people to use.
Five months later, he was assassinated.
And the U.S.
notes that Kennedy created were pulled out of circulation.
So there's an ongoing pattern here of a war going on between the bankers and the civilian government and right now our Congress appears to have changed sides and is working with the banks against the people and that is fascism.
Well, it certainly is, and I'm going to go to some calls, but I wanted to bring this up to you.
Senate blocks bill to audit the Fed as government prepares for a second round of looting.
Paul Joseph Watson, July 7th, PrisonPlanet.com, it's up there right now, and he has links to all their statements, and the Vice President
It's saying we need a second round.
They're going to bill in the media a second round of stimulus.
Oh, the economy was worse than we thought.
We need more money.
But wait!
The actual banker bailout, as it was called, we truly named it, the properly named it, the banker takeover, it said unlimited money, no oversight, the private Federal Reserve could steal as much money as it wanted.
Now they won't say where the money went.
They, at the same time, publicly give it to Goldman Sachs and AIG and others.
So they're taking it in private bonuses, record bonuses.
So to simplify it, they got all the money and power earlier.
Now they want the power to forcibly pirate and commandeer the rest of industry and the economy.
That was a beta test, GM and Chrysler, to see if they get away with that.
And then now the Senate's saying there'll be no vote in the Senate
on HR 1207 to audit the private Fed.
Instead, we're going to bill this as stimulus, too, and give them the dictatorial power in the fall, right when they're going to be fear-mongering about the bird flu and staging attacks on God knows what country might.
Yeah, absolutely.
There's a lot of fear-mongering.
There's a lot of distractions.
Michael Jackson's obviously one of them.
The government and the bankers are terrified that the American people may be waking up a little bit faster than they were hoping.
And the bottom line is, and I hate to be the one to say this because a major reason I've worked at what really happened for all these years,
Was to avoid any kind of a violent revolution coming to this United States by encouraging our government and our industry to act a little bit more responsibly.
Sadly, I don't think that's worked out.
I think we're coming up on a point where we're going to see violence in the streets of America, and I don't like it, but I don't see any way to avoid it at this point.
And that's why the Attorney General's out giving speeches saying, we're going to put you without judge, without jury, without charges, without arrest, on list, and you're going to be homeless.
And if you get up, buddy, we're going to send a SWAT team to kill you.
And they're federalizing everywhere and openly saying, forget Al-Qaeda.
We're not worried about them now.
It's you.
It's conservatives.
It's gun owners.
It's libertarians.
The Army's coming after you now.
And the Army suddenly is in all the major police departments, CIA local offices.
I mean, hell is being released.
But, Mike,
They're just going to keep pushing and pushing.
They want a conflict, see?
Why do they want a conflict?
Or do you disagree?
You think they just don't understand what they're about to do?
Clearly they know what they're doing.
They're gearing up for it.
Well, I think they're gearing up against a possible revolt, but I'm pretty sure their ideal would be that we, the American people, will just knuckle under and surrender completely and they won't have to go to that open force in the streets.
Because the instant the guns start firing in the streets of America,
The rest of the country is definitely going to wake up.
Remember what Kent State did to the consciousness of America.
The government does not want a new Kent State.
They are preparing for a worst-case scenario of a mass public uprising.
I think they're still convinced that they can complete the encirclement and enslavement of America without having to fire a shot, and that that is their ideal.
Because once the shooting starts, then all the pretext and all the illusion is gone completely.
But here's the problem.
Here's the problem.
The king ace.
The ace of spades in the hole.
And I predicted this years ago because I know the enemy's mind.
I follow the most dastardly, wicked, deceptive things, and then that's always what they actually do.
And I've said they're going to have supposed militias attack schools and attack aid food convoys.
As things break down, they're going to have militias attack convoys.
And they'll even put out fake videos.
Oh look, the militia filmed this themselves.
It'll really be black ops doing it.
And then they're going to say, oh look, here's the militia killing the veteran trying to deliver food to the children.
Since I predicted that, I've seen them do drills on attacking schools, unannounced, saying we're homeschoolers here to kill you, freaking the kids out.
You know, the police under federal grants.
I've seen the Army in Missouri doing drills of militias attacking medical convoys in the U.S.
So they're drilling the cops and doing IED training that the veterans and gun owners are going to attack them.
And then the Feds are going to go out, or black op mercs, they've already been caught in Iraq doing this, and Afghanistan, and they're going to kill our own troops.
And I think the troops are going to buy it, and I think they're going to go ahead and just start killing us.
I don't think so, and the reason is because the government has been caught lying so many times.
I mean, right now, anytime somebody sees something on the news, like the violence in Iran, that was a coup d'etat that just fell flat on its face, because the people who were watching the faked videos and everything were saying, why would these people do something so obviously intended to create hostility and resistance to our agenda and our policy?
Listen, I agree with you that it's not going to go well for him, but the Michael Jackson fans, the idiots, are going to buy it.
The people that don't know what country this is and just go, they're going to believe anything they're told.
So I'm just saying we've got to get ready for it.
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You notice our corporate horror media never criticizes China anymore for its police state activities.
Because they're partners in crime, partners in eugenics.
At least 140 people machine gunned by Chinese troops.
Because the farmers and people have a tiny piece of land the communists let them keep.
He raised the bar, and then broke the bar.
He raised the bar and then broke the bar for what?
Giving kids Jesus juice in his maximum security bedroom?
Just turn it off.
Just turn it off.
I mean, it's all about fakeness and being part of Michael.
I may live in a hovel and be drinking sodium fluoride and taking cancer virus shots in my vaccines, but I'm with Michael.
It's all this groupthink.
I'm sick of it!
Be an individual!
Like the freak show for Obama or McCain or Bush!
Idiot conservatives would sell their mother out of a... You know, we're worshipping some... Okay, I'm sorry, I'm out of control.
We've got two segments left with our guest.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air, Michael.
Go ahead, thanks for holding.
Hello, Michael.
Yeah, hello, Michael.
Hello, Michael.
Hello, Michael!
Yes, Michael!
Hey, I wanted to say that about a week ago or whatever, on your website, you had a
A story about the blimps with the cameras, you know, that they're gonna put over us.
I don't remember the exact title or the storyline for it, but I woke up like two days ago, my alarm went off, and on CBS Radio, Collin County, the Sheriff's Department in Collin County, has ordered two of those spy blimps.
Well, see, I go on national radio shows and they laugh at me, and I go, I have MSNBC, and they go, doesn't exist!
Ha ha!
Michael Jackson, though, does!
The Bakers are raping us!
My children have no future!
I love it!
I'm an idiot!
Ha ha!
But I just wanted to report that in, just so nobody can say that you're a liar.
They'll say I'm a liar because they're into being suckers.
They love being scammed, Michael.
They're like baby ducks.
You ever seen a baby duck?
You ever seen a baby duck when you're out fishing and all of a sudden there's a splash and it's gone?
Snapping turtle, I've seen it.
Michael Jackson, right under the water.
I wanted to say that... I'm sorry.
A couple weeks ago when they were going around doing like a war roundup,
They mentioned that they were even going to arrest people because they're animals, if your animals weren't properly vaccinated, that they were going to round you up.
Yes, in fact, we have a newspaper, I had it on the table, and somebody ran off with it.
Did anybody ever find busted, the newspaper they have in Austin now?
Austinites don't read about news.
They have a weekly magazine newspaper about everybody busted and making fun of everybody.
And they have announcements, pay your tickets or you'll be arrested.
There's a roundup.
So when there's a real roundup of political dissidents, folks will read the newspaper about it and like it.
It's gladiatorial.
Getting you into being enslaved.
Getting you into the whole economy being the police state.
Mike Rivera.
Yeah, it is.
The blimps are overhead.
I mean, the helicopters.
When we left Los Angeles, our memory was that every night there'd be helicopters overhead at night with the searchlights going on.
And we know they had the thermographs and the night vision up there.
And when we first moved to Hawaii, and we live on the island of Oahu, and it was very nice and peaceful and quiet, now all of a sudden we're starting to hear more and more of the helicopters at night.
We're starting to see the searchlights.
It's about a presence.
It's about them letting you know.
Look, this is Pimp Game.
We own you.
Pay us the money!
Take the shots!
Die of cancer!
We're the government!
We love you a lot!
Sorry, Mike.
Go ahead.
I just want to say I support you all.
You all are great.
I love your show, Alex.
Everything is great.
I get the videos.
I put them out.
I do what I can do to fight the New World War.
God, that's evil.
Just take your shots, sir.
The government's just trying to help you.
You people just need to do what you're told.
Especially Mike Rivero of WhatReallyHappened.com.
And please don't visit InfoWars.com.
My gosh!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Don't worry, in 30 minutes I'll give you more Michael Jackson coverage.
I'm just joking, I know our audience is great folks, very intelligent, very informed.
Chinese troops killed 140 in Xinjiang.
At least 140 people have been killed in rioting in China's northwestern region, with the government blaming exiled separatists for the traditionally Muslim area's worst case of unrest in years.
Hundreds of people have been arrested, the official news agency said, after protesters from the Uighur minority took the streets of the regional capital on Sunday, burning and smashing vehicles and shops and clashing with anti-riot police.
In terms of China's domestic economy, it is a remote place and it does not have a big impact, China said.
Folks, this is happening all over China every day.
Their people are sick of the corruption.
It's always over some Communist Party chief owning half the town and his son raping women.
Or robbing people.
It's always the spoiled, rotten kids of Boss Hog doing this.
And we're getting sick of the Boss Hogs here, too.
Mike Rivera, what's going to happen to the Boss Hog?
I mean, is this the age of Boss Hog?
With high technology, is Boss Hog going to rule?
And openly, are we going to carry him around with our pot bellies and we're going to worship him?
Or are we going to defeat the Boss Hogs?
Well, I always think back to a statement that Gandhi used to make, which is that tyrants and dictators have always been around in history, and for a time they can seem to be almighty and all-powerful, but eventually they always fall.
And sometimes just through their own incompetence and corruption and rot, because when you rise to power, you draw around you all kinds of people who want power and want wealth, and eventually that structure almost becomes too heavy to sustain, no matter how powerful the central ruler is.
And in that lies the fall of basically every empire.
But the average American doesn't even know what an empire is.
They think that's a conspiracy term.
I mean, I literally talk to newspaper reporters now, and it's like they're mind control drones or something, Mike.
I mean, I'm not even that smart, and it's like I'm like some genius creature above all these children now, and they're just running around guzzling fluoride, giggling.
Well, it's amazing, but you know, I actually taught out here at the University of Hawaii for a while, and I got to see the media department up close, and it has certainly changed, because I took journalism when I was in college many, many, many years ago, and it was about going out and get the story and get the facts, make sure you've got everything accurate.
Today, they're teaching them how to do their hair, and put on the makeup, and where the lighting should be, and how to look really good on the camera, and we've certainly seen it in the corporate media.
And how to read a government press release.
The reality is basically what comes through that computer on their desk.
A while ago, one of the network affiliates, I tried to give them one of the deception dollars at the height of the Bush regime, and absolutely wouldn't touch it, wasn't interested, and said, if I touch that, it's my job.
So the people working in the corporate media, they know where the line is, and they know what they're told to say.
They want to be slaves, they want to pimp us out, and pimp themselves out.
The problem is... It's money and it's fame.
The problem is that when you just have a sell-out attitude, the wolves come.
Don't they understand that when you don't stand for anything, you get run over big time?
They don't see what's coming at the end.
They don't understand what Stalin meant by the useful idiots.
They figure it's a good ride now.
I've got money now.
I've got fame now.
I'm going to be a big, huge star.
They look at people like Dan Rather, who basically rose to fame lying about the headshot to John F. Kennedy, and he had this wonderful career.
That's what they want, and they've made the decision they will do as they are told in order to get that wealth and fame.
Well, they're definitely getting desperate when the Attorney General comes out and says, I'm just going to ban conservative zoning guns.
And basically that's what they're doing.
We're going to selectively, extra-judicially ban you owning guns.
I mean, this is going to blow up in their face.
This is not going to work.
But, I mean, to see them trying to have a Soviet-style takeover of the U.S., or a fascist takeover, whatever you want to call it, to see a real attempted takeover is something to behold.
Mike Rivera, whatreallyhappened.com, always great having you pop in with us.
Thanks for coming on to cover Snapping Turtle today with us.
Thank you very much for having me.
I look forward to it again.
It's always good to have you here.
Okay, we're going to get into Barack Obama and what he's up to, then back into Michael Jackson.
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We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be talking to Dr. Francis Boyle here in just a minute or two, just until the bottom of the hour, then we'll take some more calls, get into all the other important news.
We'll talk to him about Barack Obama, save the world, geopolitical landscape as he sees it here in just a moment.
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Okay, let's go ahead now and go.
To our gift, his latest book is Tackling America's Toughest Questions, Alternative Media Interviews, Francis A. Boyle.
And his past interviews with us have made national news attention.
Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.
He also went to school with all the big neocons.
You can tell you about them.
Boyle is known for taking a number of highly controversial positions on various issues in international law.
He's also helped write some of the major United States treaties, including on biological weapons.
And he's an expert on
What's happening right now in the United Nations with Iran.
And I want to ask you about government-sponsored terror.
I know Iran's been suing the United States for staging terror attacks, which the U.S.
admits they've been staging in Iran.
The United States has also been caught shipping in Wahhabist terrorists now into Iraq to attack our troops.
I mean, the magnitude of this is so huge.
So I want to talk about that with him, just the overall geopolitical situation.
What he thinks of Obama, better than Bush, worse than Bush.
Dr. Francis Boyle, thank you for joining us.
Well, Alex, thank you very much for having me on and my best to your listening audience.
Okay, you heard me throw out all those points.
Where should we start?
Let's talk about Obama.
Right, what we're seeing here is continuity in policy across the board with Bush.
Obviously, they're smoother in terms of
Public relations and media, which is why Obama won the Democratic primary in the election.
But in terms of policies, not really much change.
Here in the United States, domestically, most important for us are all the key elements of the Bush police state that we have discussed before remain in place.
And in fact, Obama, who is a lawyer, used to teach constitutional law, although at the University of Chicago, which is the home for the neocon, and where he drives many of his advisors in economics and things of this nature, ordered his lawyers to go into court
And instead of abandoning or reversing the Bush position, continue to ratify them in federal courts all over the country.
Indeed, his Solicitor General, Elena Kagan, from Harvard Law School, the former dean there, is a lackey for Larry Summers.
When Summers was president of Harvard, he put her in power.
She immediately turned around and hired one of these torture lawyers out of the Bush administration, a guy named Goldsmith, that many of us in the profession believe is a war criminal.
I tried to stop it.
She hired him anyway, because both Larry Summers and Kagan, even as of today, fully support the bogus Bush war on terrorism.
And in her capacity as Solicitor General,
She works with the Attorney General, but basically is in charge of litigation strategy throughout United States federal courts, especially at the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.
And if you follow all the cases since they came to power, there has been no change, no breakthroughs, no nothing.
They're going to reconstitute the kangaroo courts in Guantanamo.
In addition, Obama is worse than Bush in that now he and his administration have publicly raised instituting preventive detention here in the United States of America.
To the best of my knowledge, the Bush administration has not yet gone that far.
So, in other words, they're going to be importing the kangaroo court system on Guantanamo.
Which, so far, we have only applied to aliens.
Moving it in here to the territory of the United States of America, and potentially applying it to United States citizens.
And, you know, Obama, as I said, taught con law at the University of Chicago.
That law school is completely right-wing.
I went there as an undergrad.
Actually, I was accepted there to law school.
Thank heaven I got into Harvard Law School, which is a bit more progressive.
Uh, than that place.
So he knows exactly what he's doing.
And he's continuing to construct the architecture of a police state here in America.
As for abroad, again, continuity of policy, more threats, provocation, intimidation, destabilization of Iran.
This was orchestrated, as we know, out of the White House, where he had this fellow, Jared Cohn, who worked for the Policy Planning Division, ordered Twitter to remain open so it could be used as a tool to destabilize Iran.
The Policy Planning Bureau is headed by Ann Marie Slaughter, behind me at Harvard Law School, another neocon.
While she was dean at the Woodrow Wilson School, she openly and publicly mongered for war against Iraq, did everything she could in her capacity using the name of her deanship, and also as president of the American Society of International Law to support a war of aggression against Iraq, up to and including assassinating Saddam Hussein.
Of murdering a head of state, which is an international crime.
Condi Rice put her on, I believe it was one of her democracy promotion committees.
And we all know that means regime change.
So she's now there at the State Department.
At the State Department for the Destabilization of Iran was, of course, Dennis Ross, a longtime neocon.
uh... agent for the uh... israeli government uh... i was up against him at the uh... uh... middle east peace negotiations from nineteen ninety one to ninety three uh... ross is more loyal to israel uh... than he is to the united state uh... he did such a wonderful job uh... starting this destabilization uh... against iran over the election that he is now been moved to the white house and promoted and he is uh... obama's
Right-hand man now orchestrating US policy toward this entire region.
It's not just Iran, but the Gulf and Central Asia.
Dr. Boyle, this is all incredible info you're laying out, and you've worked in and around all these people, so you're the expert to have on, but in our limited time, I want to digress back and then continue forward.
I mean, you were hopeful with Obama.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a conservative, was hopeful.
Many people were because Bush had been so horrid.
Are you saying, though, from your educated perspective, in so many of these fields, that clearly
I mean, to me, he is the ultimate left-cover-closer to kind of keep the empire going and expanding and to really cement the horrible police state measures here in the United States.
The wiretapping, the secret arrests, the Northcom, the military openly announcing local CIA offices opening up.
I mean, I feel like I've entered some alternate dimension of police state
So I'd like you to specifically speak to that, and then suddenly the left, the decried Bush, is in love with the jackboot.
Right, well, I think you are right about Obama.
You saw the summit there in Moscow.
Obama is kind of like Medvedev, who's a figurehead.
For the people who put him in power.
We know in Russia the real power is Putin and the KGB.
Putin used to be head of the KGB.
Once KGB, always KGB.
So it was a puppet meeting.
That's what I thought this morning watching.
And I said, look, the two bookends, the two puppets are together.
And his top advisor on Russia is a neocon named McFaul from the Hoover Institute.
Where Conte Rice came from and has now returned to.
So it's a revolving door of Neocon.
So where is all this going?
We know he kept Gates, we know it's Neocon, you're right there.
Where does this go now?
Who are they going to attack next?
Well, I regret to say, if you listen to Vice President Biden's statement, it looks like it's going to be Iran.
You know, he basically said, gave a green light for Israel to attack Iran.
Today, the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament said, well, we will treat any attack upon us by Israel as an attack by the United States.
Interestingly enough, during the Cuban Missile Crisis,
The Kennedy administration took the position that any attack upon the United States or its allies by Cuba will be treated as an attack by the Soviet Union, and there will be retaliation against the Soviet Union.
So this is very dangerous, what is going on right now in Iran.
And then Obama may not even have to stage terror attacks.
There might actually be some real ones that he can use that to clamp down on us.
Final segment with Dr. Francis Boyle, which we had him for longer, but he's about to go out of town.
Just amazing info here.
But none of this matters.
Michael Jackson's what matters.
The economy's collapsing.
They're about to start World War III, but...
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I'm going to keep Dr. Boyle to the 40 after, so this segment and part of the next, then your phone calls and all the other news.
Dr. Boyle, I want to get into government-sponsored terror with you and also what will happen, because I know you research a lot of the research material out there on what will happen if Iran is hit and what their response will probably be or what some of those possible responses could be.
And I apologize to the audience, because this is more important than Michael Jackson, in my humble opinion, going into a depression in World War III.
But I also wanted to get into just this basic fact.
It seems like everything's happening.
They're setting up a Federal Reserve dictatorship with the, quote, second bailout, where they can seize any business they want.
They're taking over the water supply.
They're taking over free speech.
The hate crime bill passed the House.
It says if you hurt someone's feelings, the feds can arrest you.
I mean,
It seems like as bad as Bush was, it's ten times worse under Obama.
From your perspective, is that an accurate statement?
I wouldn't say it's ten times worse.
What I would say, Alex, is that they're just continuing and compounding the trends that we saw under Bush.
We have to understand who is behind Obama.
Obama studied for two years at Columbia University, where his mentor,
Was Dignas Brzezinski.
And behind Brzezinski is, of course, David Rockefeller.
It was David Rockefeller who set up the Trilateral Commission and appointed Brzezinski as the Executive Director, and they then co-opted the Georgia Governor, Jimmy Carter, and turned him into the President.
Well, where do you think Obama came from?
It's the same thing all over again.
Likewise, Kissinger.
General Jones, the National Security Advisor, has stated that he takes directions from Kissinger every day.
Who is behind Kissinger?
Two primary sources behind Kissinger.
One, he was in Army Carrier Intelligence in World War II.
So effectively, he's a spook.
Two, David Rockefeller.
And Kissinger is an alleged Republican.
Although he also worked for Nelson Rockefeller.
He was a switch hitter between the Democrats and the Republicans.
Wasn't David Rockefeller also in intelligence evidence shows?
I do not know if David Rockefeller himself was or was not.
But Kissinger was denied tenure at Harvard originally and he went to work for David Rockefeller and he was put on the Rockefeller family payroll.
And he is still
Advising the Obama Administration.
We also know from Bob Woodward's book that President Bush Jr.
was being advised by Kissinger as well.
Indeed, was probably his most important and influential advisor.
We also know that, a matter of public record, Kissinger is advising the German Pope.
You tie all the dots together here and what do you come up with?
You come up with a continuity of the plutocracy running the show like the Rockefellers and then having the money to pay for the brainpower like Kissinger and Brzezinski and their protégés to do the dirty work for them.
And that's pretty much what's going on.
Obama, you know, he fits right there.
Just like Jimmy Carter was a new face, a clean man, etc.
You know about his reputation when he ran for president and then what happened.
But you really have to look at the people behind Obama.
You know, it's a bit like the Wizard of Oz here.
Who's pulling the strings?
Well, exactly.
You say it much better than I did.
And that's what it is, it's just... And, uh, Alex, but, um, you know, you just have to look at the same cast of characters.
You know, Kissinger and Brzezinski have effectively been running either the South... Madeline Albright, for example, was a Brzezinski protégé.
When, you know, she... You're familiar with Madeline Albright.
Sure, the former Secretary of State.
Brzezinski is Rockefeller.
Brzezinski has no money, no power.
Kissinger has no money, no power.
Uh, but they were co-opted by...
intelligence agencies and plutocracy, plutocrats like Rockefeller to run the empire and the police state for them.
And so the reason, we've got a break, a final segment with you Dr. Boyle, the reason it's getting so bad is that's just the program.
We're just marching deeper, deeper down, but clearly they're accelerating the whole program so we'll ask you what the endgame, what the great game is when we get back and about government-sponsored terror
And what will this look like if they do hit Iran?
What some of the possible outcomes of that are with our guest.
We're on the march.
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All right, final segment with Dr. Francis Boyle.
His new book is out, Tackling America's Toughest Questions, Alternative Media Interviews.
I'll get him to briefly tell you about that in a few minutes before he goes.
On the subject of the Chicago Business School, where all these people come from, and you went to school with all these individuals, you were telling me during the break about how this really all goes back to the Rockefellers.
Then I briefly wanted to talk about government-sponsored terror.
Iran, on record, having the United States stage terror attacks inside of it.
And I guess the American people are ignorant of that, or comfortable with it.
And what an attack on Iran will cause.
Yeah, well, if the United States, either itself or
With Israel, or Israel unilaterally attacks Iran, you'll see the entire Middle East blow up.
Everywhere from Gaza, and by the way, a good deal of the Middle East is already in flame now.
Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
And notice Obama put the well-known neocon Richard Holbrooke
In charge of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
And Holbrooke has now spread the Afghanistan War into Pakistan.
Deliberately and on purpose.
Has created a total humanitarian catastrophe for two million completely innocent Pakistanis.
And is destabilizing Pakistan.
Very much like what was done with Iraq.
Iraq has been destabilized, effectively carved up into three pieces, and neutralized.
So you have a war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan already.
If Iran is attacked, the entire Persian Gulf everywhere will blow up, at least from Egypt over to India.
This whole area will become a war zone.
And you recall when President Bush was in power, at that time President Putin, the KGB agent, went over to Iran and said he did not believe Iran was developing nuclear weapons, whereupon President Bush got up and publicly threatened World War III over Iran's nuclear program.
That everyone agrees they're not developing nuclear weapons.
But he threatened World War III.
Now, clearly, Iran is not capable of waging World War III.
That threat was directed at then-President Putin.
And then we saw 888.
We saw that sneak attack.
We, the United States, are prepared to take over Iran
And risk World War III with you, Russia, and you better understand that.
Just soon thereafter then, President Putin gave a press conference responding to the proposal to deploy these ABM systems in Europe, which by the way, yesterday, Obama indicated under McFaul's influence,
They still were not going to give up.
President Putin said, you know, if you keep these things in Europe, you are risking another Cuban Missile Crisis.
And, you know, I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I remember it quite well.
The world came, you know, within a hairbreadth of destruction.
So that is what we right now are facing under Obama.
With these characters that he has in power surrounding him, and of course if the whole Middle East blows up and there are also terrorist attacks launched by Iran in Europe, you'll have the immediate imposition of a de jure police state here in America.
And I guarantee you they're probably going to try to come arrest you, right?
They're going to try to come arrest you.
Yeah, I'm on the terrorist watch list.
That's correct.
I'm on a list of 4,000 select people at the top of the CIA, FBI terrorist watch list.
And yes, the CIA has set off officers all over the country.
They've come in here to interrogate me and try to get me to become an informant on my Arab and Muslim clients, which I refuse to do.
It would have violated my ethical obligations as an attorney, and their constitutional rights.
So they put me on this terrorist watch list.
And the CIA is not supposed to be operating domestically, and they're putting local army in every major police department now, and putting it in the news!
I mean, they are really getting ready!
They're brazen about this.
And then, you've already mentioned coordinating this with NORTHCOM.
So, what, and I believe it was Cheney who said that, you know, if there's a terrorist attack, he'll blame it on Iran.
And, you know, it was Tommy Frank who said, after 9-11, General Tommy Frank, America is just one terrorist attack away from a military state.
You know, he said that, and I think he knew what he was talking about.
Uh, a military takeover of the country.
He said the American people, uh, will demand it.
So, it would be, you know, even worse than, say, what we saw in World War II, uh, internment of, uh, Japanese-American citizens and things of that nature.
Um, you know, it would be very serious.
So it's the perfect takeover!
They get to move their chess pieces around the world, destabilize the planet, use proxy states, kamikazes, bombard other nations from the air, and have domestic police state crackdowns in Airstrip 1 England and the United States, and put out DHS lists leaking liberals, conservatives, gun owners, openly say Homeland Brigade, openly turn the United States into a total police state,
Well, I'm afraid they've been mesmerized by Barack Obama.
You have to look at what Obama and his henchmen and his henchwomen are doing here, and not what Obama is saying.
Uh, political character than, uh, Bush was.
You know, at least Bush, uh, you know, pretty much said what he meant, met what he said, and, you know, you could really see it.
Whereas with Obama, uh, uh, the rhetoric, the propaganda, the press conferences, very smooth, very reassuring.
Uh, but the policies, as you point out, are just continuing, and in some extent, uh, accelerating.
Even Senator McCain, in the campaign,
When Obama said that he was going to launch a tax on Pakistan, Senator McCain, to his credit, criticized Obama and said he was not going to do that.
And you have this massive escalation in Afghanistan now.
No authorization from the U.N.
Security Council.
No authorization from the United States Congress as required by the War Powers Resolution.
And then expanding the war into Pakistan, very reminiscent of the massive escalation into Vietnam.
Indeed, today they admitted, well, yeah, we really need at least 100,000 American troops in Afghanistan.
Well, the Soviets had 100,000 troops in Afghanistan, and they still must.
So, you know, this is very dangerous, and like Nixon then, spreading the Vietnam War to Cambodia, setting off a coup d'etat there, resulting in the Khmer Rouge coming to power in Genesis.
Which Brzezinski brags he supported, and then that goes back to the Rockefellers again.
In closing then, Dr. Boyle,
Does it look 60-40, 60% chance they're going to go ahead and launch World War III?
I mean, what do we do to put pressure on them?
Is there any hope or is it just all the fad of Obama and that's the end of it and that's the end of the Republic?
Well, I think, you know, it really is up to you and me and the American citizens.
Most American people here don't want war against Iran.
We don't want World War III.
And we're going to have to get organized and
Uh, stop these people.
I also noticed, even in the Pentagon, that Admiral Mullen, in response to the Biden threat against Iran, said that an attack on Iran would be a bad idea.
So I think, you know, in their heart of hearts, the professional military people realized this would be insane.
But hey, the war against Iraq was insane, too.
Well, that goes back to Fox Fallon.
And that goes back to Fox Fallon.
Now, Fallon, he didn't want to attack Iran and resigned over that, so... No, Bush fired him.
That's pretty clear.
Bush got rid of him and forced Admiral Fallon out because he was going public with the Bush neocon plans to
So that's the silver lining in this cloud is that the neocons 1 and now the neocons 2 reincarnated with the slicker kind of new order closer Barack Obama.
They're almost giving orders like Hitler to armies that don't exist?
Or will they just go ahead and give the order and it's going to be followed?
I really don't know.
I don't even know if they know.
You know, if the Pentagon were to attack Iran, would they carry out that order?
Clearly, Fallon made it clear he wasn't going to do it.
The problem there, however, is the neocon connection with Israel, which is why Biden's threat is so dangerous.
That if the neocons, and Biden's one of them, conclude that the Pentagon would not attack Iran and resist the orders,
They'll just have Israel do it.
And then, you know, Iran will retaliate against us and the world will be off.
Well, I mean, I'm no geopolitical whiz kid, but this is sheer insanity to attack Iran, especially if you even believe the CIA's assessment.
They're seven years from a primitive nuke, and then you find out the West helped give North Korea its nukes with the same old suspects.
Donald Rumsfeld on the board of ABB, they're out there throwing down guns to these third world countries like an old western villain, and then saying, pick up the gun, kid, so they can shoot them.
I'm afraid you're right.
As Bush said, a dictatorship is a lot easier as long as he's a dictator.
Now, the people are waking up to Obama, though.
I mean, his polls are dropping.
A lot of people are figuring out that the cult of Obama is a fraud, is a scam.
But then that almost encourages him to go ahead and launch a war, doesn't it?
I really don't know.
I think, you know, the signs are not very good, especially the Biden threat.
It was just reprehensible.
And I think, you know, for the good of our republic,
And for the good of humanity, we're going to have to go out and stop this neocon agenda for war against Iran, and the destabilization and crack-up of Pakistan.
Understand, Pakistan has no... Who knows what will happen if Pakistan were to crack up?
All right, well, we appreciate Dr. Francis A. Boyle joining us briefly.
Tell us about the new book, Tackling America's Toughest Questions, Alternative Media Interviews.
This book tries to go back to September 11th.
It starts there.
And it deals with all the atrocities that the Bush administration and his neocon inflicted
On the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, international law, and human rights, and moral order, literally until they walked out of office by giving Israel the green light to blow up Gaza and literally exterminate 1,400 Gazans for nothing at all.
And then, you know, there's a brief conclusion, you know, where I say
You know, that unfortunately it looks like under Obama we're going to have a continuation of many of the Bush policies sort of flavored by a lot of the Clinton people.
And remember the Clinton people, all the Clinton foreign affairs people, these are the sons and the daughters of the best and the brightest that gave us the Vietnam War.
Uh, as documented by David Halberstadt.
Remember, Max America died, uh, yesterday.
I'd encourage you to read The Best of the Brightest.
Uh, John Kennedy was elected president, recruited the best of the brightest from Harvard, and they gave us the Vietnam War, they gave us the Cuban Missile Crisis, they gave us ICBMs and SLBMs, uh, etc.
So this is the next generation of, of these elitists.
And Obama is one of them.
You know, a bright young man,
From Harvard Law School, a charming wife, you know, I forget, Jackie went to Vassar.
Well, Michelle, you know, went to Princeton and Harvard Law School.
And, you know, it looks like a bit of history all over again.
God help us.
Well, I hope to talk to you again in the near future.
Take care, Doctor.
All right.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Again, my best to your listening audience.
But, you know, let's get out there and get organized.
That's what we have to do.
We have to stop these things.
Take care.
Okay, bye.
Yeah, that's what they do.
They wrap themselves in the flag and then just engage in every treason you can imagine while looting and robbing the public.
And they say, hey, look, the Iranians look different from us.
Let's kill them.
And the average American says, okay, let's murder them.
Yeah, that sounds powerful.
That sounds manly.
And they can't even find Iran on a map.
So the CIA stages some shootings and
You know, stay out of their business, leave them alone.
The criminals that run our country are running around handing weapons out to anybody that will take them.
So, they have an excuse to then go later have a war with them.
So they can sell weapon systems.
I mean, God help us.
You know, the CIA was founded by all of the people from Yale.
And the rest of the governments run by all the people from Harvard.
And they just think they're God's gift.
They're going to shoot us up with their vaccines.
They're going to put the floor out of no water.
They're going to start their wars.
They're going to just arrogantly stomp all over us and tell us how to live our lives.
Well, I'm not your slave.
I'm sick of your warmongering.
And I'm sick of you squeezing this country dry for your global government.
They sacrificed the United States' credit and name and industrial might to fund the world government.
And now they're done with us.
We're on our last leg.
And they're just running out
The company credit card.
They're just running up the debt in our name while they got all the real assets for it.
And it's just an abominable crime.
Meanwhile, the general public is just telling us how wonderful Michael Jackson is, how he's a hero to black people.
A hero to anybody.
This is disgusting.
And they've got him up on CNN like he's Jesus or something walking on the water.
It's just so sick.
They give us death.
Michael Jackson is a death culture.
Michael Jackson is a... I would expect in hell to be locked in a jail cell with Michael Jackson.
I mean, Michael Jackson is hell.
Fake, phony.
These idiots are on TV wearing gloves like his.
I mean, it's just sick.
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You know I said I'd get more into Michael Jackson and I said I'd take your phone calls and we got John Rhys-Davies coming up
We got some video clips of him in Raiders of the Lost Ark and his Gimli.
We need to pull up a John Rhys-Davies in Raiders of the Lost Ark or a Gimli clip for folks as that comes up.
In fact, I want you guys to go ahead and call him in about 3-4 minutes.
I want to go ahead and start getting him on at the start of the next hour.
This is the type of news I have in my stack.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Would you pledge your soul as collateral?
This is real.
This is not the Onion.
Ready to give your soul for a loan these difficult economic times in Latvia, where the crisis has raged more than the rest of the European Union, you can.
See, by bringing in tyranny and financial degradation, people will do anything.
And the general public will slit your throat for your money.
The government will say it's legal to steal if you do it for us, they'll put uniforms on, and then they're coming.
They're coming for all of us.
All these fad-driven people, they'll kill for a cell phone, folks.
This is why they turned us into immoral slobs and told us torture was good.
And we have given our souls up for this New World Order.
And it's crap.
You give your soul up, and then all you get is to go to the Michael Jackson funeral.
Which sounds like pure torture.
Put it up on screen again.
Clients have to sign a contract with the words agreement in bold letters at the top.
Client agrees to collateral.
That is his immortal soul.
The company would not deploy debt collectors to get his money back if people refuse to repay and promise no physical violence.
Signatories only would have to give their first name and do not show any documents.
If they do give it back, what can you do?
And it goes on.
Now this is a smart loan shark knowing that people are very superstitious, that they're probably statistically going to pay it back.
See, it's all superstition.
It's all flim flam.
It's all garbage.
It's all fake trash scams.
And that's what we've turned into, the most conned, manipulated planet.
Desperate residents in the recession-hit Baltic state of Latvia are willing to sell their souls in order to obtain small loans.
Put that up on screen for people from Yahoo and Reuters.
I mean, people won't believe it.
They'll just...
I can't believe this.
I can't believe that people would stand in line to go in and see Michael Jackson and pay for tickets to see some music sung by his idiotic family.
I just can't believe people don't value their liberty and freedom.
We're being totally conquered by offshore banks.
They're about to start World War III and I'm a weirdo because I don't want World War III.
I'd be normal if I liked Michael Jackson and if I yelled and screamed all day about football.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen syndicated across the United States and simulcasting right now over the web at PrisonPlanet.tv I'm Alex Jones and for the next few segments we have John Rhys Davies coming on and later we have the director and producer of the film Reclaiming the Blade coming on the radio show as well.
When the director contacted me and said he liked the radio show and that he'd like me to see his film, I was flattered.
I had a chance to see it.
It's really the history of swords, you know, the whole culture, chivalry.
And then when I saw that John Rhys-Davies was in it, you know, this is the guy who plays one of the main characters in some of the writers of the Lost Ark films.
I like the original and then also the
It's my pleasure to join you.
As I said, it's a beautiful evening here in the Isle of Man.
The sun is setting over the Irish Sea, and it's a nice clear evening.
A bit of cloud in the sky, but it's warm and pleasant and just beautiful.
Well, it's great to have you here.
I mean, you don't really need any introduction, but tell us, how did you get involved in this documentary film, Reclaiming the Blade?
Well, I get sent a number of scripts, some of which are very good, some of which are pretty mediocre.
This one really stuck out like a sore thumb.
When I say a sore thumb, I mean a very golden thumb.
It was on a subject that I'd not seen covered before, and it had a lot of material in it that I thought was unique and fascinating.
Anyone who's interested in history at all will be interested in this extraordinary documentary.
The sword is such an elegant symbol of so much, isn't it?
The sword is a symbol of the cross.
The sword is man's means of protecting himself.
The sword is a symbol of justice.
The sword is generally double-edged.
The sword may
It would be the state-of-the-art of metallurgy in any civilization.
I mean, there was a fascinating story the other day.
There's a very great Viking sword maker, and he finds some of his pieces.
But some of them were puzzling to archaeologists, because there were fragments of them.
And they did some metallurgical analysis, and they discovered that somebody somewhere had been forging this swordsmith's work.
And they had produced a marvellous cutting edge with the steel that they'd produced, but it was just too hard.
The real stuff was forged from the right sort of ore, brought all the way from Afghanistan, would you believe?
The local stuff that had been passed off by this swordsmith was indeed very pure iron and very pure steel, but it was fragile.
So imagine you spend a fortune buying this legendary swordsmith's work, and the first time you're in battle and you smite your enemy's sword,
Your axe shrivels up into a pile of little shards and you think, oh dear.
And the other guy looks at you and smiles and comes towards you.
I was almost taken away there.
I was imaging all of this and forgot I was on the radio.
It's great stuff.
In a way, technology is always at the cutting edge of a civilization.
And sadly, of course, much of that technology is war-inspired.
But the sword was a great idea.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he played solemn in the first big mega hit.
Redder's the Lost Ark, and of course he was Gimli the Dwarf in Lord of the Rings and so many other huge movies and a lot of other productions as well and he's in this new film Reclaiming the Blade, reclaimingtheblade.com
And we have Daniel McNichol coming on a little bit later to join both of us here in this hour.
He joins us, of course, from the Isle of Man, and it's great to have John Rhys-Davies on with us, who needs no introduction, but for folks watching us as we stream over the web, we'll put his picture up on screen.
I've got so many questions.
During the break, I was bringing up the fact that Mr. McNichol told me that
That this does have somewhat, not even of a political message, but of a liberty message, a freedom message, you know, with this reclaiming the blade and about how this was something to fight back against corruption, oppression, how that freedom, that skill was lost.
I guess the whole history of the blade and the sword and how important it is and people fighting for the right to own a sword has been lost.
And I was asking you what your whole view on the world is.
You're right, and Daniel is right.
The sword is a symbol of liberty.
And liberty is something that's very challenged these days.
I mean, there are things that overtly challenge our civilization.
And because we tend to be rather modest, and rather, you know, we don't want to politically upset people needlessly, we tend to stand back a little bit.
But look, Western European Christian civilization is very important.
It has produced art, music, drama, theatre,
We're good to go.
It's about the equality of men before the law.
It's also about the equality of women with men in front of the law.
It doesn't assume that women are third class citizens.
It has abolished slavery.
You must understand, slavery is an issue that particularly resonates with me.
When I was a little boy, my father was a policeman in Africa.
He took me down to the dockside in Dar es Salaam Harbour in 1955.
He said, you see that dhow there?
Twice a year, it comes down from Saudi Arabia.
It stops in Aden, comes down the coast, goes here, goes to Bahrain, Portuguese, Mozambique.
On the way down, it's got machine tools and machine parts.
On the way back up, it's always got two or three little black boys.
And these are slaves going back to Saudi Arabia.
And the United Nations will not allow me to do anything about it.
Saudi Arabia only abolished slavery in 1965.
And there is still slavery present in Saudi Arabia.
I will wake up.
But these are huge.
Huge gains for mankind that our civilization has made.
And you've got to understand that certain religions, certain faiths, certain things, they have their strengths, but in a way, the way we engage in our civilization and within our faiths is the way that we turn out as people.
And our civilization allows us to become rubbish, or it allows us to do almost anything.
Other religions are more straight-jacket in their intellectual approach to education and theocracy and things like that.
But ours gives us an unassailable liberty, and we must always be prepared to defend it.
You know, I'm proud to belong to Western European Christian civilization.
It's a glorious tradition, and we must speak out firmly and fairly for it.
Well, that's what I was going to ask you.
It's fashionable for 50 years to demonize the West, to attack anything that has to do with Western culture, and to act like slavery was invented by the West, when it was actually the West that began to end slavery.
Why do the modern
So many modern thinkers, individuals, love to paint the West as the progenitor of slavery, when really it was the West that began to end slavery.
And many forms of slavery, as you said, still go on around the world.
But that's okay.
We only see endless films and productions about how the West is bad.
The West is bad.
And that's because liberty and freedom and the Magna Carta and so much more springs from the West.
It is the enemy of the high-tech technocrats, I believe.
Well, there are a number of reasons why.
For some reason, about 20% of the British population, I can't speak for the American population, but about 20% of the British population really hate Britain and all it stands for.
Now these are white liberals, they're often well educated, but they really
They have no real understanding or caring for history.
And they would obliterate history if they could.
They would forget about Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, you know.
And they would say that they embrace a greater freedom.
But in fact, when they're in government, what they do is subtract all the freedoms that they can possibly get their hands on.
From the society that they're in.
I don't know what you do about those 20%.
I think they're just, you know, what do they say?
The treason of the clerics.
Why do they seem to always be in control?
We have the same types here who claim they want all this liberty, but really they come to control.
It's past the house here to restrict free speech and have speech laws where if something you say hurts someone's feelings, you get arrested.
I mean, how can that be happening in the United States?
How can that be happening in Europe?
How can this be going on?
Well, Europe has a tradition of autocracy and intolerance.
America is still the last best hope of mankind.
And I hope that you will learn from our lessons.
But I mean, I think in Europe, and particularly in my country, the liberal point of view is absolutely without question in public office.
You dare to raise a question.
Because if you do, you will be literally branded a fascist.
No matter that you sort of say, look, these are the things I believe in.
Equality, democracy, these are the things.
But that doesn't matter.
There are certain things that are bywords for liberalism.
If you don't endorse them, then really you're a fascist.
So what do we do?
Get outside the comfort zone and stop caring if they brand us and point out they are the ones behaving like fascists with the new global carbon tax?
I don't want to get you involved here in a heresy.
I don't want to get you burned at the stake here.
There it is, there it is.
You're a fascist, you see, because you are, I detect from your tone that you are a global warming skeptic.
Or is it a climate change skeptic?
Because I think the thing has moved on slightly from global warming now to climate change.
Yes, well, it is true.
Climate change is one of the natures of being a dynamic living planet.
I don't suppose the climate's changing too much on Venus right at the moment.
The sun is melting.
But anyway, that would be one of the... The real reason why the liberals... I'm only using that in the most pejorative way.
There is something else called a liberal tradition.
The people calling themselves liberals, you would call yourself, or I would call myself a classical liberal.
I want the classical real freedoms, not their fake straight jacket.
And you're being careful not to commit thought crime, because some European countries do want to arrest people.
They're now teaching that summer is abnormal, and some kids don't think you're supposed to have seasons.
Like you said, first it's global warming, now it's climate change.
But go ahead, sir.
No, no.
I mean, the real reason they're getting away with it is that people like me and people like you have more interesting things to do with our lives than to stand up and engage in political activity.
But our situation is so dire here that I'm actually seriously thinking of standing for the British Parliament at the next election.
Unfortunately, I've not lived my life in that politically correct way that one should if one's going to be a politician.
I have far too many skeletons in my closet and I will be ripped to shreds if I do.
But the fault is ours because we were too busy, too self-important, and too absorbed with the wonderful and myriad things that we can do with our lives in this glorious civilization we live in to actually
Stop the cockroaches from running.
And now, I was about to say that, we've got to climb in and remove the parasites that are now arming themselves against us.
Oh, that's right, that's right.
I spoke to a senior civil servant about two years ago, and I said, well, you know, what do you see happening?
He said, well, we will be a small part of the European Union, we will be ruled from Brussels,
We will get rid of the monarchy and we will be a small and peaceful part of Europe.
And I said, well, I mean, didn't you take an oath of allegiance as a part of your thing to serve the Crown in Parliament and things like that?
And he said, well, I mean, I think we can dispose of that into the dustbin of history.
I said, you know, in my eyes,
You're just a traitor.
You're just a quizling and a traitor.
And you smiled at me and said, well, fortunately, you can't do anything about it.
Incredible arrogance.
I've run into similar things.
This is an amazing interview, sir.
We're about to break and come back with another segment.
But to continue this, in fact, I would like to get some into the film, Reclaiming the Blade, which really does have contained in it a great portion of the spirit of liberty.
And we're just honored that you're spending time with us today here to fight for what's left of Western civilization, which is being pulled down and under assault because those very ideals threaten
The parasites that now infest our society, but I think the sleeping giant that is those that love liberty is beginning to rise.
Stay with us.
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John Rhys-Davies, the legendary actor, will be with us till 40 after.
Then we're going to get the maker of the film, Reclaiming the Blade, on with us for the balance of the time.
I'm sorry we're not covering Michael Jackson and his funeral, but I think there's been enough coverage of that today.
But Mr. Davies, it intrigues me.
We'll talk some in the final segment about the film Reclaiming the Blade about more of your political ideas because I sense that you're almost exploding with the desire to speak up and say no to what's happening.
Are you concerned about the European Union trying to force the Lisbon Treaty on countries that have voted it down time and time again?
The Labour Party said that they wouldn't go along with it without a vote, but now they're covertly using the bureaucracy to bring Britannia under the yoke of Europe.
What are some of your other concerns that would make you run for Parliament?
Well, certainly that would be one.
We were promised a referendum.
We had a referendum many years ago, I think about 1976 or something like that.
To enter the EU.
To enter the common market.
And the common market is what most of us want.
Frankly, it's what most Europeans want.
But not many people, other than the paid bureaucrats, want a close political union.
You know, cooperation between states is admirable and wonderful.
But really, I don't want to make a political statement here and be arrested and summarily extradited to Greece to stand up because it contravenes Greek law.
We are trading our liberties at an alarming rate and the only reason that this government is still in power is because Brown has been told by the EU, stay there until the Irish can have their third referendum and this time we'll make them
We'll shake the pips and make it clear that they'll be bankrupt if they don't vote for an EU reunion.
And then of course it becomes automatic and theoretically irreversible.
And Brown of course will end up getting a senior job in the EU.
It is straightforward.
Political corruption.
It's corruption and treason at the highest level.
And, of course, the first thing this government did, of course, when they got into power, was to remove the penalties for treason.
You can no longer hang a man for treason.
Oh, no, no, no.
That's too unkind to him.
Maybe send him to prison for three years.
If he has to.
Well, it is treason to have now Blair about to be EU head for his treason and they've got millions of surveillance cameras and secret police everywhere and they're going to have climate cops with climate rationing.
I mean, this is just a way for the government control freaks to literally enslave everybody.
And you look at the polls, the Brits, the French, the Irish, none of them want this, but it continues to steamroller forward
Just thank God you're speaking up, and I hope many others will start speaking up.
There is a huge groundswell of resentment, and it really only needs a trigger for this to become really very unpleasant and very socially explosive and divisive.
Very unpleasant.
I like the way you put that.
Everybody worldwide wants liberty.
They don't want tyranny.
Speaking of the blade, you know... You see, that's the sad thing.
That's the saddest thing of all.
Not everybody wants freedom.
Some people want their decisions made for them.
Well, it seems like I want freedom, so I think everybody else wants it.
But I guess you're right.
A lot of people do want to live under a nanny state control freak system.
But speaking of the blade, as I'm sure you know, in England, they're trying to make you have a license now for a butcher knife, like in China.
And so I guess for people to defend themselves, some people have been using swords and knives in their own homes.
And when they get attacked and defend themselves, the police go persecute them.
Is that because the state wants a monopoly of force and doesn't want citizens defending themselves?
It must be something like that.
I mean, the police are very conscious of people taking the law into their own hands, and we understand that we can't do that.
We don't want to lynch mobs or things like that.
Well, yes, but defending yourself, you're allowed to use reasonable force.
However, if you happen to have a particularly liberal judge who's a liberal appointee or something like that, he may very well decide that, you know, when you took that big heavy walking stick and
I think so.
Oh, yes, when you're getting attacked in the middle of the night, you're supposed to control yourself.
And that's what Reclaiming the Blade is all about.
We'll talk about the film in our final segment with our guest, John Rhys-Davies, straight ahead.
We really appreciate him giving us this time in the evening.
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I think so.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
You know, I forgot to tell you that Viggo Mortensen is also in Reclaiming the Blade.
And this is a two-disc special, so before our guests leave you, I'm going to have the director tell you where you can get a copy of it.
Well, reclaimingtheblade.com is one place that's going to hit TV.
I'm telling you, I am blown away by talking to
That's a very good one!
Now we've got Gimli on the air with us.
Gimli, what was it like working with Aragorn of Arathorn?
I don't know.
He's the best.
I mean, as men go, he's just about the best.
There were a grand bunch assisting me in the recovery of that ring.
I must say, they all did very well.
But it is essentially a dwarf story, you know, about the recovery of the ring, with the help of Hobbits.
Well, the ring did come from below the ground, and that's the realm of dwarves.
That's right, that's right.
It was our goal originally, I fear.
But you've got to be careful of the concentration of power, you see.
Power does corrupt, and absolute power does corrupt absolutely.
One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them?
One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.
Oh my God.
You know what?
I really want to get you back on sometime, because this has been an amazing interview.
You've even got more energy in person.
A lot of fun, because I'm a big fan of those movies as well.
And then to find out you're a lover of liberty and a patriot.
Before we go to the director, and you've been gracious to stay with us while the director's on with us, we were kind of ranting during the breaks talking and you were bringing up some of the other tyrannies that Europe and England are coming under that were outraging you and that have the rest of the citizenry outraged.
What are some of the other beefs that you have with what's happening right now in Europe and England?
Well, in Britain in particular, our Chancellor, our ex-Chancellor, who is now our Prime Minister, is a man of extraordinary self-delusion.
I mean, he really did believe that his activity saved the world during the banking crisis.
He was confidently saying that, you know, he will not cut public services.
You know, at a time when, for instance, 100,000
Private sector jobs were lost.
He managed to add 30,000 public sector employees.
In the end, you cannot spend your way out of debt.
In the end, everyone in the private sector supports all the people in the public sector.
In the end, government works for us, not for us working for the government.
These are just inalienable truths, but somehow they seem to be forgotten so easily by every damn common political jackass.
No, no, you're right, but it's a vertically integrated economy, and it's the same here in the United States.
Everything's collapsing.
We're losing 640,000 plus jobs a month, and they're expanding the size of government, and they're increasing all the taxes, and the shops are starting to all close, and the government says, we're going to hold you by your legs, like the Sheriff of Nottingham, and shake the shillings out of your pockets.
It's almost like they want us to have a revolution.
It's like they want to force us into confrontation.
Well, I don't think it's that.
There is a belief that if you give...
If you hold circuses and give bread, and just give and give and give, then you will create an electric that's wholly obligated to you.
Unfortunately, in the end, the buck has to stop somewhere, and the only way out of it is that government will have to start printing paper.
You know?
And I have lived in societies where inflation has gone to 3%, 4%, 5% a day.
Imagine saving up your life savings is $10,000.
It's a good little hunk.
With that $10,000, you can actually do something.
And in the space of one year, that $10,000 isn't worth enough to buy your family a meal.
You imagine how mad you'd be.
That was Yugoslavia just, what, 15, 18 years ago, 20 years ago.
Look at Zimbabwe.
In fact, all this money they've spent is guaranteed to start coming back in.
We're already seeing inflation in many areas go up, even though housing's going down.
It's kind of a nightmare, stag inflation that's starting to set in.
Yes, indeed.
And the damnable thing is, you see, in a way, spending your way out of depression is a theoretically interesting way of doing it.
Um, but you have to really have, you have to really have to have growth in place, or the seeds of growth in place that will match the investment that you're putting into things.
Instead it all goes for bonuses to offshore banks, and the carbon tax is a wet blanket on that economy.
The carbon tax is just a bottle, it's just an extra way of taxing people.
I'm sorry for interrupting you when you were getting into matching actual development.
I guess like monorail trains, better roads.
Instead, more and more just goes for debt, servicing the debt like we are in Zimbabwe as everything collapses.
I don't know about England.
I was just over there a few years ago, but we have bridges collapsing every week.
The roads are rotting.
I mean, you go to stores now and the carpet's peeling up.
Well, we're now paying, I think, more to service our debt than we spend on defense, and I've got an idea it must be rapidly approaching what we spend on education.
John Rhys-Davies is our guest.
He doesn't need any introduction.
You know, Sala from, of course, the writers of The Lost Ark and other Indiana Jones films, Harrison Ford, a huge star in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and so many other huge films.
Before we get in the remaining minutes with the director into reclaiming the blade, you're just a very interesting man, obviously, but I mean, seriously, you really are.
What are some of your other interests?
What else is on your mind?
What else are you working on right now?
Well, I just did a little radio thing today, which is why I was a little bit late coming back.
But my private passions, well, I have a three-year-old daughter who is the love of my life.
I'm extraordinarily happy at this moment in time in my life.
The last four, four and a half years, I've been extremely happy.
I play with cars.
I have a disgraceful collection of wonderful cars that I really should send down, but it's rather like sort of working, you know, it's a, and I don't want to use the word mockingly, but it's a sort of Sophie's Choice that you have to make when you try to get rid of one.
I mean, you can't possibly let that one go because, well, you know, or that one, so you end up keeping the ball, really.
But I like engineering.
I like
I like getting up in the morning and getting my hands dirty.
Or writing or something like that.
And you're also into swords.
I mean, you're somewhat of a swordsman yourself.
I used to be.
Unfortunately, I broke my back and my arm on a film set about six years ago.
Oh, I didn't know that!
I moved from being a fairly hard old man, really, to being an old wimp.
But I have to confess that even before Daniel's thing came, I do sleep with a samurai sword beside my bed.
And it is sharp.
Burglars should be aware of this.
I tend to swing rather heavily, just in case we get a visitor.
Incredible, absolutely incredible.
Wow, I didn't know you'd broken your back and your arm.
What film was that?
Oh, it was a piece of rubbish really called The Farm Musketeer.
But it had some nice people in it.
Michael York, The Great Depardieu, and a few others.
But you're doing better now.
I mean, you certainly sound good.
I am good.
If it wasn't for that rigid back of mine, I would be in extraordinary good health.
And every time I start feeling poor me, poor me, I suddenly start thinking, you know, you could be a quadriplegic or you could be dead.
Think about that, old man.
And yes, suddenly my aches and pains don't seem to matter.
And you live on the Isle of Man.
You live on the Isle of Man.
Yes, I have a place here.
I've had a place here for about 20-odd years.
More than that.
22 years, I think.
It has been described as 70,000 alcoholics clinging to a rock in the Irish Sea.
But it is a little bit better than that.
If you're a motorbike man, it is heaven itself.
It is Valhalla.
It is where the greatest street racing takes place.
Yeah, Rick Linklater was over there making a movie about Orson Welles.
He told me it was a really neat place.
I want to visit it sometime.
John Rhys-Davies is our guest.
Let's go to the directory, claimingtheblade.com, and here is the film.
They actually gave me some free copies to give out as prizes.
So I will just say this, that at the end of the show, I am going to give you an email address, and the first ten emails that come in,
Asking for one with your address, you get Reclaiming the Blade.
And I guess we should spend a few minutes with the director himself, Daniel McNichol, talking about what is in this great film that got Viggo in it, and you got John, and you got so many other, the sword master, the top guy in Hollywood who trained all the folks for Star Wars and so many other films.
I mean, this is a who's who, but it's also pro-self-defense, pro-liberty.
What a message.
Wow, what a conversation you guys have been having.
I feel unworthy to chime in.
You've always got great guests, and Jon's absolutely one of them.
But yeah, the film is out now.
It's going to soon be available at Barnes & Noble, so you can kind of walk in the store
Pick those up in Hastings, a couple other brick and mortar type stores, and of course it's on our website.
Apple iTunes is going to soon have it as well for digital download and all that good stuff.
But no, it was a lot of fun to make, and working with people like John Rhys-Davies, legendary actors of the screen and stage, it's just, I'm honored to have had the opportunity to work with these guys and just bring the
Well, I know you've made some other, you know, pretty big films, but I mean, even for a huge director or somebody who's had a bunch of big films, it's hard to get all these actors and all these... No, no, I've done nothing so far.
This is my first film.
But I've... Well, I mean, I've seen you've been involved in quite a few of the big productions.
I guess this is your first film that you're in.
So that's my question.
How did you get all these great people together?
Well, you know, it starts one at a time.
And, um, you know, it always helps to have somebody like John Rhys-Davies early on believing in the script.
And his name is, you know, not only legendary among the fans, but legendary among other actors and filmmakers.
So, you know, having somebody like him on board... That's right, I should add, it's narrated by John Rhys-Davies.
That's right.
And he's also in the film.
And then there's an extra DVD that comes with it, correct?
Yeah, yeah, actually that's where our interview with John is, and of course he narrates the film, so he's performing.
And the other fellows, Viggo and Karl Urban and Bob Anderson, who was Darth Vader, we did interviews with them, of course.
Darth Vader!
And by the way, I promise you the lightsabers are on the way.
Hey, you don't have to ply me with loot, I'm just happy to get the lightsabers and have more battles with my kids.
I know you have five for your kids, but I know the guys there will probably love them and they're just a lot of fun.
I thought it was a very interesting idea.
I'm quite well read, and it's not often that I read a script that actually informs me so much about areas that I had no idea existed.
I thought it was really deserving of attention, and I'm glad that I was in some very slight way useful in getting the thing made and put together.
Please do not overestimate my powers or contribution.
This is Daniel's project.
It was well-thought, well-resourced, and well-serviced.
He's done a grand job, and it's an interesting subject, and no matter how well you know it,
There will be detail and information there that makes you go, wow, I never understood that.
Now that whole area is now illuminated for me.
I was going to agree with you that I'm somewhat well read about history just because it's interesting and about chivalry and different wars that happened in the Middle Ages and then even in some of the more modern wars and I learned a lot watching the film and of course the extras that are in it so folks should go to reclaimingtheblade.com and get the film with the extras reclaiming the blade with John Rhys Davies featuring Viggo Mortensen
And many, many others, Bob Anderson and Carl Urban.
But in closing, Mr. Davies, I hope that we can sometime off in the future have you back on.
We appreciate you giving us your precious time.
I'm going to come back in the final segment and talk with the director about the film a little bit more.
I wanted to ask you specifically about kind of the archetype of Mordor that wants this global domination, this total control over Middle Earth.
In your research, have you ever studied the globalist and the New World Order and this whole technocratic world government that's being set up?
And if so, what's your view on that?
Yes, indeed.
If all our princes were true philosophers, what a wonderful world it would be.
But since they're not, since they're nasty, venal, and corrupt, most of them, and some are just misguided idealists out to do the best thing and making a terrible hash of the whole thing.
In the end, liberty is down to individuals and groups of individuals.
Sometimes it can be expressed as a nation.
The United States is still the most liberally, and I mean that in the finest way, is still the country with the greatest level of liberty and a personal sense of self-worth and self-liberty.
It is the great defier of tyranny.
I think that Europe may well be sinking into an awful period of darkness and centralization and monopoly.
Don't let your country do it, and frankly it won't
So the United States is mightier than it needs to stand with liberty and freedom, but we need Europe as well, and we've got to stop these powerful forces that want to loot and rob us, and thanks to people like you speaking up and standing up, we may be able to do that.
John Rhys-Davies, again, thank you so much for joining us from the Isle of Man.
You too, sir.
God bless England over there.
Take care.
That was an amazing interview with John Rhys-Davies.
I want to skip that final break because I was excited to have him on because I like the movies he's in.
We'll talk about swords and the history of self-defense.
But that was a blow-me-away interview.
Plus some of the behind-the-scenes discussions.
Going back to Daniel McNichol.
Daniel, man, when you told me he was into liberty and freedom, he certainly is.
Well, you know, it's a symbol of the sword, and, you know, like John Rhys-Davies, and I mean this in the kindest way, I'm a foolish dreamer.
And I think we need to keep the faith, I think we need to start believing, and I think, you know, the road to destruction is wide, and the path to truth is very narrow.
I think history will be made by foolish dreamers like yourself and John Rhys-Davies and people that aren't afraid to take a chance and dream of what the future could be.
That's the exciting thing about it.
The strong man will be defeated by the weak and the humble.
You know, that's the interesting thing about it, is we've got a lot of, you know, Huff and Puff characters out there, and they're just going to be deflated someday, and that's exciting to me, you know?
Well, I think you've hit the nail on the head.
I think the key to saving the world and really letting humanity achieve its destiny is in the heart of a child, a dreamer, the imagination, the things we lose, and the supposed worldly establishment person
Has no belief in themselves.
They just go with the fad.
They go with what the system says is popular.
They just simply regurgitate on the test what they're told to say.
And so they don't believe that we have any power to affect change because they don't believe in themselves.
And I look for all my problems, I'm not perfect, at the success I've had literally reaching
Probably a hundred million people worldwide.
I mean, my films online, 10, 15, 20 million views, they're not perfect.
I mean, it's nothing like the quality of your film, but the issue is we're reaching people and it's another testament, another example to what you can do.
And so to dream is destiny.
And to take action is destiny, and the establishment knows that.
They have a very wicked, dark dream, and so they're moving forward with their plan, and they want us to feel like we don't have power.
They want us to feel like we can't control our destiny.
But I'm here to tell people, if they'll just, I mean, look at you, like you said, you've been in a few films, worked on some films, but this was your first big film, your first film period, and you went out and got some of the biggest names out there, and I've seen the film, it's, you know, just shot with
Well, you know, there's an old slogan that the Marines used to say when I was growing up as a kid.
It was part of their advertising and it said, we're looking for a few good men.
And honestly, I think the Marines today are taking whatever they can.
They're kind of getting their mitts on anything they can get.
You know, never mind the few good men, but the expression, the slogan is, to me, very interesting.
You know, we're looking for a few good men.
And interestingly, in that ad campaign, they used the sword.
You know, I think in the pageantry and the ceremony of the Marines, they actually used the sword.
Well, the establishment knows.
They know the archetype.
They know what it's really about to be alive, and they manipulate that for their own aim.
We have to forget about Barack Obama, George Bush, and Michael Jackson, these fake, demonic, weak things they project on our minds.
We've got to really get back to what it's all about, standing for something and putting your life on the line.
Yeah, the white path is, you know, it's the zombies.
You know, we're looking for men of honor, men of bravery, men of chivalry, and ultimately, men of truth.
Well, I hope people will go and get the film, and I want to thank you for getting Mr. Davies on the show.
You said you were going to do it and set him up for us, and it turns out he's everything you said and more, and I'd love to get Vigo on the radio show, and I just hope folks will go to the website reclaimingtheblade.com to get the film, and I'm going to give an email address out, contest at infowars.com, and the first ten emails that come in, you will get three mailed to you
And this has also been signed, and I can't really read these signatures.
Who signed these, my friend?
That would be myself and the producer.
That would be yourself and the producer.
You can't beat that.
Absolutely free.
First ten that are, well, the first nine, because I'm going to keep an extra one for myself.
But Reclaiming the Blade, ladies and gentlemen, reclaimingtheblade.com.
And is it going to be on television somewhere soon, or is that being worked out?
Yeah, I hope it's being worked out this fall.
Right now, TV's not buying much.
I think maybe you've noticed by turning on the TV this summer, it's been a while.
No, it's totally imploding.
I've actually had them pitch me.
Yeah, but they're hoping it'll pick back up and they're going to start buying stuff in the fall, because they're not buying anything.
It's ridiculous.
So, but the History Channel of course is an obvious, and the History Channel in Europe and America and A&E and stuff like that, you know, we're looking and talking and Mark Cuban at HDNet and so on and so forth, he was interested in running in on his program.
So, absolutely, we'll have some TV running in the fall and Blu-ray comes on, Blu-ray, high def this Christmas, so we're going to try to position it.
Good, but folks shouldn't wait, they should get it first right now, it's nameoftheblade.com.
Thanks so much, Alex.
Hey, I want to thank you for coming on and thank you for contacting us.
I'm flattered you're a listener and God bless you.
The future looks very bright.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Now we just got to get some of my films to John Rhys-Davies and to Viggo Mortensen.
All right, we're out of time.
I want to just tell the crew, great job today.
I'm sorry we didn't cover more Michael Jackson for everybody.
I'm being sarcastic, folks.
I actually covered it too much for my audience.
People are going to complain, I'm sure.
I was making fun of the whole situation and kind of documenting that.
Michael Jackson, oh my God!
That is coming up in the retransmission, One Place, InfoWars.com on the audio streams.
One Place, all my sites, PrisonPlanet.com.
And I want to put in a plug here at the end of the show.
Please support us.
I get so busy with guests and news and stuff, I don't even plug my own films.
Get the Obama Deception, get in game, make copies of them, air them on AXS TV, give them to friends and family, have viewing parties, get the Obama Deception, InfoWars.com or by calling toll free.
My crew, myself, all of us are going to be working here around the clock for you.
I'm going to be up here until late tonight working on some other films.
And just thanks for all your support.
It's good to be part of history.
It's good to be standing up to tyranny.
Whether we win this or not, nobody can say we didn't go down without a fight.
Your transmission starts now.
God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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