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Name: 20090703_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 3, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is the Friday edition.
We're already an hour into the transmission.
Three hours span out before us.
I'm here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com.
We're often
Replay it in the evening from 5 to 8 p.m.
Central on XM and that's up there on the XM schedule.
So be sure and check that out.
This will be re-airing on July 4th for three hours at XM, the second, third and fourth hours.
I have a history expert on the Founding Fathers Declaration of Independence, what the founders went through, how many of them were killed, their families were killed, they were put on starvation ships, the British invented concentration camps.
Andrew Jackson's mother and brother were killed in a concentration camp.
So we're always told to hate the French on 4th of July.
And there's this Francophobe thing, instead of being a Francophile.
And we're these Anglophiles in this country.
Now I got an English last name, Jones, Welch.
And I love the British people, they're great folks.
But let's not hate the French on 4th of July.
Contrary to what they brainwashed people, the French helped found this country.
Now, I know in the brainwashed neocon world, or Barack Obama's world, loving the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution is bad.
That's why with the Homeland Security documents that we broke, the MIAC report and the DHS reports, we broke those folks.
Others took credit for it, but that's fine.
Gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians, we are the terrorists.
Now, because the foreign offshore banks that have hijacked the United States, they are the real terrorists, ladies and gentlemen, and we're here to fight them and to expose them.
We're going to have open phones throughout the next three hours to discuss how liberty is being trampled on, how our freedoms are being destroyed.
How we're going from land of the free, home of the brave, to land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
And how do we get that freedom and liberty back?
I want to go through a bunch of news items that are examples of this, but first we need to get into the economy.
Deteriorating by design.
The globalists are on record engineering that.
And we always have Bob Chapman joining us in the second hour on Fridays.
He is the biggest private gold and silver broker out there.
At one time had the biggest newsletter back during the 1980s.
Retired for a while.
Came back with the International Forecaster.
He was also in military intelligence.
And he's been fighting the New World War and the globalists and the private Federal Reserve for more than 45 years.
Bob Chapman, good to have you here with us today on The Economy, and a lot more, as we race towards the anniversary of the birth of this country.
It's terrific.
I love being here.
We're about to break in about a minute and a half, Bob, but tell us some of the most important, latest financial news that you're going to be covering on the other side of this break.
Well, I think one of the things that we have to take notice of is the
Madoff affair and how it's turned out.
Of course, they gave 150 years to Madoff, which is ridiculous.
But the key to this whole thing, and I've been told by my sources, it was the CIA Mossad operation in conjunction with Madoff went on for many years.
None of the money ever went to Madoff.
It went in one door and out the other.
And by the way, you were the first to say that three or four months ago.
Now that's leaked out a few places in mainstream media that obviously he didn't act alone.
This was a money laundering operation.
That's correct.
It wasn't actually in December before it happened.
But anyway, the key to this whole thing is the Federal Reserve in New York and the Fed overall and the U.S.
We have copies of every wire that Madoff sent to offshore destinations.
Most of the money went to Israel.
Stay there.
I want you to recap all that.
Bob Chapman on the other side will look at the entire economy, the jobless rates, the inflation rate, where you see the economy going.
But first we'll cover Madoff and the money laundering scam that dwarfs even Enron.
It's all coming up.
We'll talk about the carbon tax passing the House.
Senator Kerry says it's going to pass the Senate.
The home inspections are already beginning, but the states are fighting back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Unlike a lot of other radio talk show hosts, we are here live on this July 3rd, 2009 edition.
And I'll be back with the abbreviated Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m., syndicated across the country.
And again, they re-air three hours of the show.
On XM Radio, 5 to 8 p.m., and I'll give you that channel a little bit later at the bottom of the hour, so you can tune into that on the 4th of July.
For the rest of the hour, Bob Chapman joins us.
We're going to open the phones up.
Of course, we don't screen your calls, so they'll be all over the map.
Speaking of all over the map, we have calls from England, Australia, Washington, D.C., California, Ohio, you name it.
One time I even got a call from McMurdle Weather Station in Antarctica, on the bottom of the planet.
Maybe we'll get one of those calls today.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I know we've got a lot of new affiliates across the country, and I know that we have a lot of new listeners, so let me just
Explain to people, I'm not a left winger, I'm not a right winger.
I'm a constitutionalist.
They didn't have left wing and right wing in the days of 1776 when this country was founded.
It was, are you for big government or small government?
Are you for free market or a king?
Do you like being controlled or do you want freedom?
Are you for keeping and bearing arms and not being a slave or do you want to be an indentured servant?
To me it's a question of slavery versus
Abolition of slavery.
I have sworn, as Thomas Jefferson did, eternal resistance against all forms of tyranny over man and the minds of man.
And I am here to light bushfires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
I have a special guest in the last hour today, a constitutional scholar, a historian, about what our founders went through.
So that's coming up.
But for the next 20 minutes or so, I want to go over the economy with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Again, our website's InfoWars.com.
Bob did in his newsletter, actually, back in December, before Madoff even got in trouble.
He said, Madoff and others are involved in these scams.
There's no way they're actually making 15% every year and never having problems.
Madoff was founder of the Nasdaq.
It's made off criminals that basically run Wall Street.
CIA was set up by them.
They're now feeding what's left of the free market economy into it.
$14.8 trillion has been stolen.
They own both parties.
They don't want H.R.
1207 to pass.
It's right up at 250 co-sponsors right now in the House to audit the Federal Reserve that says it's above the law in all branches of government.
How asinine is that?
And so we're going to get into Madoff getting 150 years, saying he ran it all himself, when the Promise Software and what the NSA does, they admit there's a record through the Securities and Exchange Commission of all this.
So what's really behind the Madoff scam from the man who first said that Madoff was going to go down and that Madoff was an operative and it was a Mossad slash CIA op?
So, Bob Chapman, tell us what's happening there first.
Well, I think it's... What I was trying to get to was that... Yeah, recap, because some stations don't carry that first segment.
A recap.
What I was getting into is that the Fed and the Fed Reserve in New York, as well as in Washington, and the U.S.
Treasury track every wire.
So they know where all the money went, from what banks to what place.
A lot of them were in offshore accounts.
They know that.
They know who owned them.
So, they know who did what, and there's no question.
Now, none of this has come out.
I mean, these people who are rigging this whole thing, and throwing all the blame on Madoff, they gotta be dumb.
I mean, we're not that stupid.
I mean, that's a simple thing that they do every day.
So, they know who did what, and they know who was involved.
I believe that probably Mr. Madoff will die within two years, perhaps even six months.
But I don't think he'll die.
I think they'll tell you he died, and he'll be shipped out someplace.
That's what I think they're up to with him.
You're right, and we have contacts in Montevideo who have told us the same thing.
Uh, and, you know, you have to know what to look for, and these people do.
You were in black ops in South Africa, Germany, France, and a bunch of other unnamed countries.
Were they staging deaths back in the fifties then, when you were in?
Not that I know of.
Alright, go ahead.
I mean, they admit that right now, but go ahead.
One of the things I might interject here, I'm glad they passed me over for MKUltra.
Okay, well, I'll continue.
You know, every time I think about that, I say to myself, my goodness gracious,
You know, there but for the grace of God, go I. Well, the L.A.
Times reported that Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was CIA and volunteered for MKUltra, so good thing they did pass you over, Bob.
But continue, so explain, I have the Associated Press reporting here that $171 billion, not $50, we've been saying it was over $100,
171 billion has disappeared, that's what Madoff really stole, and that now they've put out an asset forfeiture seizure notice for 171 billion.
So why are they telling us 50 billion, but now it's 171 billion?
It's part of the cover-up.
And they'll dance around and do all of what they've got to do, and they're going to cover it up.
This is just like the BCCI scandal.
Which was an operation that was run by the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as the Nugent Hand Program.
And if you remember, one of them, we'll say it was Nugent, he committed suicide.
He shot himself in the back of the head.
And so that's the way these things end up.
And the other fellow ended up in jail.
And I don't know whether he's still there or not.
But, you know, he was protesting.
All he was doing was what the government told me to do.
And of course, nobody wanted to listen, nobody cared.
But this is not a Ponzi scheme, this Madoff affair.
This was a criminal scam.
The money went into the company and out the back door, so to speak.
It went to the Israeli Discount Bank, Citigroup, Bank Lumi, and off to offshore destinations.
And then I think knowing the mind of Madoff, because I was in that business for 28 years, I think they probably brought the money back into other accounts in the United States to play the market.
And of course, they're loaded with inside information.
So who knows how much money the $171 billion made?
I mean, it may be worth $5 trillion for all we know.
And then, of course, for those that don't know, Bob, give them the technical name for the Plunge Protection Team.
Since the 1980s, that goes in with billions every day to drive it down, prop it up.
So for the insiders at the...
Top of the pyramid, at the paramount level, it's all a giant casino rigged for them.
And so we hear that they've destroyed half the stock market's value, stolen the police and firemen and teachers retirement, the private citizens retirement.
But that wealth wasn't destroyed, it was fenced, just like Enron.
Well, Ronald Reagan, after the collapse in the market in October the 19th, 1987,
Was convinced that we had to do something about this so we can't let this sort of thing happen again.
And so we need something to protect the markets in the event of an emergency.
And he signed, and it became final, as an executive order, in August of 1988, the Working Group on Financial Markets.
And its structure is, the Chairman of the Fed, the Head of the Treasury Department,
The head of the New York Fed, the head of the Securities Exchange Commission, and the head of the CFTC, Commodity Futures Trading Corporation, the last two are government agencies for those of you who don't know.
And what they do is they have groups of people all over the world, and they enter into markets all over the world 24-7.
And they're using money that's been created out of thin air.
They're using Treasury funds, which isn't one of their subsidiary funds.
And they continue to make the market do what they want it to do.
A good example is what's going on right now.
They fostered and created the rally in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 6,600 to 8,700.
We know that they do that.
And we predicted it, although we didn't predict 8,700, we predicted 8,500, so we weren't completely right, but we were close.
And they are keeping the market up by going in and rigging the market.
They're doing the same thing with the currencies and the commodities, gold and silver.
If you watch almost every Monday morning, the market is up 50 or 100 points, maybe more, and the dollar is strong.
And commodities are down, and gold and silver are down.
And they don't care who knows anymore.
They just do what they want to do arrogantly.
And I do have, in tomorrow's issue of the International Forecaster, two tapes that I got from CNBC.
And those two tapes are conversations, in one case with one person and the moderator.
In the other case, it was four people.
And they all come to the conclusion that the market's being manipulated.
Now, this is a tremendous breakthrough.
Tremendous, to have this on national television.
They have fought it for over ten years.
And I've discussed it with them, and they said, we can't put that on.
It's just like when I started getting on Fox and ABC and NBC and all that stuff three or four months ago, pushing Ron Paul's 1207.
They said, you can't talk about that on here.
All right, stay there.
Stay there, Bob.
We've got a break.
I want to get into this Washington Post story where they got caught selling access to the president for $250,000 a person.
Total Project Knocking Bird.
Just absolutely criminal.
I mean, the media is so rigged, folks, the mainstream media.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm here live on the GCN Radio Network.
My websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We simulcast always the third and fourth hour at prisonplanet.tv for all the members and viewers there at prisonplanet.tv.
Most days I end up doing three or even more hours.
In the case of yesterday, I did three and a half hours live at prisonplanet.tv.
Your calls for Bob Chapman on a host of issues
A bunch of other financial news coming up in the next long segment.
But in this short segment, Bob Chapman, I would get up on air 10, 11 years ago in re-congressional investigations about a lot of mainstream media, big radio stations, big TV, and key markets like Chicago, New York, D.C., where people pay for access.
And where a lot of people pay for their media position.
They would pay for their anchor job, or pay for their editor's job, or pay for the position.
It's all kickbacks.
And also pay to have access to politicians.
And Politico is broken.
That's why they keep getting so big.
But we already knew.
Washington Post is a CIA front.
That's come out from OSS and CIA documents and the church hearings in 77.
It came out in 2003 that Bush was spending tens of billions a year to buy reporters.
The media kind of minimized it, just talking about Armstrong Williams to push the socialist no-child-left-behind federalization of all education.
They said, oh, well, he just took $244,000 to go give a few speeches secretly, saying, hey, I'm a black conservative.
This isn't socialism.
But it's CNN, Fox, all these channels have gotten government funding on record.
But here's Politico, Washington Post cancels lobbyist event amid uproar, and they were going to pay $250,000 per media and lobbyist to meet at the private home of publisher Catherine Wymouth, said she was canceling plans for an exclusive salon at her home.
We're good to go.
The astounding offer was detailed in a flyer circulated Wednesday to the health care lobbyist who provided it to a reporter because the lobbyist said he felt it was a conflict for the paper.
And then now you even have famous reporters coming out and saying Obama is more controlled than Richard Nixon.
Helen Thomas is now saying that.
In fact, print me that.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Print me that.
I've got a link.
Print me the article.
I want to show people that because
Because basically the inside word is, this even happened at his inauguration, so that's on record, and the victory party in Chicago, you gotta pay them under the table for anything.
I mean, this is just pure mafia, isn't it Bob Chapman?
It certainly is.
And it's been going on for years and years, and I'm glad the Post did what they did, and it got exposed.
It's a racket.
Well, the Post got caught by Politico.
But I mean, you're saying you're glad they got caught.
I'm glad they did it, and I'm glad they got caught.
People listening to this program and other people will understand that this is nothing new, and this is the way Washington functions.
And that's not supposed to be that way.
In fact, lobbyists should be done away with.
And as far as elections are concerned, each congressman and each senator, or person who wants to run for that office, should be funded in equal amounts by the United States government.
There should be no private funding.
They start running for election two months before the election itself, and that's the end of it.
Well, you've got all these international foreign corporations.
That they have three lobbyists for every member of the Congress, most of them are offshore, and no wonder the Congress on every issue of open borders, gun control, it's all unpopular, but it just continues.
We've had all these top Democrats admit, quote, the Congress is run by banks.
I mean, this country is under a banking dictatorship.
It's illegitimate, it's criminal, and that's why they got the Feds writing Homeland Security reports saying anybody that protests the Fed is a terrorist.
No, the Fed is a foreign financial terrorist imploding our economy by design.
Explain why they want to implode the economy, Bob.
They feel this is the only way to force people, particularly in America and in Europe,
to accept world government.
This is what this is all about.
And if things aren't working out too well, and maybe even if they are, they'll have another war.
And I think it'll be a large war.
And I think it'll probably involve what one might call Western powers against Russia and China and maybe some others.
And I think that's on the way.
That's how they cover up all the things that they do is have another war.
We predicted the event
Like 9-11, within 33 days of it happening, about 10 months, 11 months before, we said that that would be used as an excuse to go in and attack Iraq and occupy it.
Well, tell us more about where you see him starting a war when we get back.
We'll get into some other subjects on the economy and take phone calls.
Long segment coming up.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want to get his take on the carbon tax passing last Friday, passing the House.
Kerry's saying it's going to pass the Senate.
Kerry doesn't usually, Senator Kerry, John Kerry, doesn't usually shoot his mouth off.
This is just horrible news.
It's already been announced.
People have seen the bill now.
They wouldn't let you read it until after it passed.
Home inspections, regulations, taxes.
Several states, Ohio and Arizona, are moving to pass state legislation blocking it.
This will only accelerate the state's sovereignty movement.
That's not secession like the media spins it.
That's Ninth and Tenth Amendment.
The states made the feds.
We're the bosses.
All powers not expressly delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states, the people.
I want to talk about that with him and take your phone calls.
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Okay, let's go back now to Bob Chapman.
Bob, finish up your point about government sponsored terror.
You know, I predicted, because I saw him fear-mongering, saying flu's about to break out.
Then that happened in April, now they're saying it's going to kill millions, and they've got to have worldwide government, and the UN is going to run the New World Order, and they've got to have forced inoculations, and European countries are already starting it, and they have one death in England, and they say that the whole country may get sick from it, when it's nothing!
I mean, they're using that as fear.
They're moving troops into Pakistan.
They're moving Taliban around, which is globalist-controlled, to menace everybody.
Got a big story about that up on PrisonPlanet.com from mainstream news sources.
Western governments funding Taliban and Al-Qaeda to kill U.S.
troops, but not just in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
It's now out in the mainstream news that Taliban is being shipped in to attack U.S.
forces in Iraq as a pretext to keep them there.
Manufacturing the whole war.
The White House, the last two, Obama and Bush, admit they're funding Wahhabist Al-Qaeda to attack Iran.
And the public thinks Iran is Al-Qaeda when it's Shiite, the opposite group.
I want to get into that.
But you were finishing up with government-sponsored terror.
Then I want to get into cap-and-trade and then Kohl's.
Well, in this case, it's not so much terror.
It's more about how do we cover up what we've been doing until we want to pull the plug.
Again, harking back to the meeting four weeks ago in Greece of the Bilderbergers, the number one thing on the agenda was, this thing looks like it's getting out of control.
Maybe we ought to try to button it up.
And the problem is they can't button it up.
They've gone too far and they can't go back.
And so I think they're in serious trouble.
Yes, they're very aggressive.
Good example of that was the aggressive defense made by the Treasury in behalf of the Fed in the face of 1207.
And they think that's going to work.
And even people in Congress are saying, we can't let the Fed do that.
You know, it's really out of their realm.
It's a private corporation.
And so, they're running into a lot of roadblocks, but I do think they're going to have another war.
And I don't know when it's going to start, but they're going to have it.
And they're going to have it for one of two reasons.
That their plans are coming unglued, and they have to do something to cover it.
Or, part of their plan is, everything is going to be dreadful, we'll eventually get into a deflationary depression, and when that happens, people are going to be restless,
Well, Bob, I want to go to a few clips dealing with the carbon tax and get your take on that.
Take North Korea.
Terrible regime.
As the head of ABB, Donald Rumsfeld, the Swiss company, gave them the nuke reactors in the late 90s to build the weapon.
That's BBC News.
They know there's a power
We're good to go.
Go ahead and invade Kuwait.
We don't get involved in inter-Arab affairs.
We always back you, just like your attack on Iran, Saddam.
They're going to test-fire a missile.
A month ago, they put out their directive.
They would fire it today or tomorrow on the anniversary of the first dictator dying.
Nothing to do with July 4th.
That's when Kim Jong-il's dad died, July 4th.
They always test a missile every year on July 3rd or 4th.
But the media says they want to attack America on July 4th when they already put out the international directive under international law, just like when the US or Europe or anybody else test a missile.
They're firing it out in the Pacific, a couple thousand miles away from Hawaii, but the media says missiles set to hit Hawaii July 4th.
The headlines are that Obama
You know, is bold.
Here's the ridiculous Drudge Report.
Bold on the 4th of July.
Will Obama shoot down North Korean missile?
So man, you know, they're gonna try to blow up.
Hawaii with a nuke and murder everyone.
And they also say global warming is real and polar bears can't swim.
I mean just complete lying.
They're test firing a missile.
They're following international law.
They're telling people the 2,000 square mile area in the middle of nowhere they're firing it at.
And thousands of miles away is Hawaii.
Headline, Hawaii to be nuked.
End of America.
I mean, are they going to use this as an excuse for something, or will this just be Obama grandstanding, saving us all from the evil North Korean missile?
Well, I think what you have to sit back and think to yourself about, is North Korea secretly a client state of the United States government?
In all probability, yes.
I mean, why would they be doing the things that they're doing?
You know, we call them normal for them, but the media is beating the drum and building it up as the great aggressor.
I mean, North Korea is not a threat to the world.
They're a joke.
I mean, they can't even get a missile off the ground.
That's it.
And so I think the U.S.
is behind all that.
And I think they have the North Koreans doing these things.
So another thing is it's a diversion.
Let's everybody worry about San Francisco and L.A.
getting hit with rockets, ICBMs, and at the same time, they'll forget about the horrid situation that's going on in the world economy.
Well, exactly.
In fact, if you look this number up, last time I saw it, in fact, Google that for all the viewers out there at PrisonPlanet.tv and the radio listeners.
Google, let's just show everybody, see if my memory's accurate, United States number one
Don't try this headline.
Majority of aid to North Korea comes from U.S.
or U.S.
number one giver of aid to North Korea.
That'll be the headline.
number one giver of aid.
Because I know through the U.N., the United States, last time I checked, was the number one aid.
Not even China.
And so that point you make has a lot of bearing.
Well, they've done it before.
And, you know, most people don't know it, but if you
Understand how intelligence and counterintelligence works.
It's a chess game.
And they just move people around, they buy people.
I quoted a new book, I forget the name of it, in tomorrow's issue, about the participation of Martin Bormann.
And finally this information is going to get out that Bormann was working for the West.
Oh, by the way, my dad, I'm on the treadmill two days ago in the garage at night.
My dad comes over to drop my kids off.
They've been over there for the day.
Granddaddy comes over.
He walks into the garage and he says, look at this book, The Secret History of the CIA.
Chapter 1 admits that Reinhard Galen was CIA and so was Martin Bormann.
And the whole thing was staged and the West told Hitler to do all this and then pull the rug out from under him.
I already knew that from German histories.
That's why Hitler let everybody escape at Dunkirk.
He thought he was supposed to attack the Soviets.
He was told to do all this.
IBM, Ford, General Motors built all his plants.
My grandfathers weren't allowed to bomb that when they were flying in the Army Air Corps.
We already knew all that, but now mainstream publishers are admitting this.
Why do you think this is all coming out now, Bob?
I don't think they can hold it in any longer.
I think it's really a case of that.
I knew all this and about Borman and many other things because I was hooked up with
Many people who were in German intelligence and counterintelligence during the war, most of them were colonels or generals, and they would tell me about all these things.
Of course, this was after the war was over and it was in the 1950s, but I really get filled in on it.
I've known about Bormann for 55 years, 50 years.
You never talked about that here.
Was that because of national security?
They can't hold it in any longer.
Well, you're right, Bob.
They can't hold it in any longer.
But it's just so incredible that Hitler was created by the British and U.S.
government on record.
There's a book called Hitler at Versailles by Leon de Grel.
And Hitler was born at Versailles.
And the whole thing was set up, the reparation movement,
The depression in Germany during the 1920s, the evolution of Mussolini from being a communist into a fascist, and then the ascension of Adolf Hitler with money from Paris, London, New York, the Bushes, and their family, etc.
The whole thing was a setup.
And all those people get killed for nothing.
Well, that also came out in the McCormick-Dickstein Committee with Major General Smedley Butler of the Marine Corps.
He was the only two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner at that time.
I think he still is.
Most highly decorated in U.S.
military history.
I mean, a real Rambo.
And of all these conflicts, he'd overthrown more than
14 countries for the United States and the banks.
So they came to him in 35 and said, we funded Hitler.
We're going to have a fascist takeover here in the U.S.
as well.
That's when it could have gone both ways.
He played along and then blew the whistle.
That was in the New York Times, everywhere else.
It's in my Phil Marshall law.
The more you dig, the worse it gets.
Well, thank God he played along with them for six months, and he was to lead a 500,000-man team.
They were already federalizing the cities covertly.
And Bush's granddaddy was one of the head honchos.
It's just unbelievable.
But see, he wasn't a German agent.
People always say he's a... No, no.
The German agents were their agents.
People get this chain of command wrong.
Well, I mean, the King of England had to advocate not over the lady he married.
He was in Germany when the war started.
He's 100% German!
Edward VIII!
In fact, guys, Google Edward VIII with Hitler, and you'll see him hailing Hitler.
Pull it up.
It'll be a bunch of photos, but the most famous one is Hitler in his car, and the King of England is hailing Hitler to him.
Okay, Bob, I want to hold you a little bit in the next hour.
I should have asked you off air.
You may have another interview coming up, but I want to start getting to this.
No, no, I'm free.
Okay, good, good.
I want to say one more thing, and that is the book, Hitler Born at Versailles by Leon de Graal.
I knew Leon de Graal very, very well.
He was a good friend of mine, and he was the head of the Wallonian Division in the SS during the war.
And he was one of the people who really filled me in on what went on.
And I financed that book.
So you've been not violating your national security letter, but leaking a bit out so people could learn about that.
Well, listen, one of my grandfathers was a leasehound, just mid-level, working for the oil companies, out trying to get folks to lease their land to him in West Texas and New Mexico.
And he said after World War II, there were more Germans in many of those towns than there were Americans.
And they'd be in the bars and the steakhouses.
And he said he'd see Germans he'd seen in newsreels just walking around with CIA people all over the place at these military bases because that'd be the only place to go eat when you're out driving around the middle of nowhere in New Mexico or West Texas.
And he was telling me about this stuff and he wasn't in intelligence.
He'd just been in the Air Corps.
Germans everywhere!
And Germans all... And then my uncle lived in Guatemala.
He told me about all the old Germans down there.
I mean, there's just Germans all over the place!
They were taken out on the rat line.
Yeah, Operation Paperclip.
Okay, we gotta shift gears now.
There is Edward VIII with Adolf Alois Hitler.
And that is right at the start of the war.
Heil Hitler!
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
The King of England, Heil Hitler.
Okay, let's go ahead now and get into the global carbon tax.
On record, Time Magazine, Financial Times of London say it's a world government tax.
The private bank shall even pay some of your taxes to Al Gore.
He said, what's wrong with that in front of Congress two weeks ago?
Here is Pat Buchanan, though, saying it, and people are now attacking him.
This is Pat Buchanan as we analyze it from MSNBC.
Here it is.
I'm joined now live from Washington by MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan.
So with another good morning, Pat, we've got the president calling this new climate bill a jobs bill because he says it's going to create clean energy jobs.
You have House Minority Leader John Boehner saying it's a tax bill.
Why doesn't anyone want to call it a climate bill?
Well, because the science is suggesting that maybe all of this isn't really happening, or it's not really dangerous, or it's not really man-made.
Barack Obama, the president, was right when he said we shouldn't be afraid of the future.
That is how this bill got passed, through fear.
We're all going to change, the climate's going to change, the oceans are going to rise, our cities are going to be underwater.
But more and more science is coming forward to say this is a hoax and a scam,
Which is designed to transfer wealth and power from the private sector to the government sector, and from the government of the United States to a world government, which is what we're going to get in Copenhagen when we get the Kyoto 2 agreement.
Okay, here come the emails.
Anyway, Pat, you know, when the bill passed, the Republicans broke into a sort of... We've got links to it up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Mainstream news articles, I've got dozens of them in my film The Obama Deception, blow up some of the articles.
They're saying world government, but then if we say we don't want world government, Bob, they say we're kooks and it doesn't exist.
Well, we just keep on telling the people and they'll catch on.
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I want to thank all the members over there for supporting us at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Bob will be with us 20 minutes to the next hour.
Then I'm going to continue with open phones throughout the show.
I know you've been holding, John and Jack and Michael and Derry and Chris and many others.
Your calls are coming up as we start the next hour in T-minus 5 minutes 30 seconds.
But Bob, cap and trade, I mean they openly say that large portions of it will be paid to offshore banks who will set the global carbon tax.
Other parts will be paid to Al Gore's private...
Trading company Enron came up with the idea 12 years ago, that's even a congressional testimony, for this new level of pyramided derivatives.
Is this an attempt to create a new derivatives bubble to set up these new carbon taxes?
And how much can we pay?
I mean, everything's already going bankrupt.
The Democrats say it's only $2,800 to $2,500 per person.
Now they're admitting home inspections will happen in the bill.
I mean, this is worse than the Soviet Union.
How are we going to pay money we don't have?
And how are we going to pay money openly to that bastard criminal who claims he invented the Internet, Al Gore?
Well, first of all, the Russians have a good take on that.
We ran an article out of Pravda, oh, I guess it was a week ago, maybe two weeks ago.
Uh, which described, uh, exactly what you just said.
What is this, the Soviet Union?
I mean, don't these people in America get it?
But, anyway, look, the bottom line on the carbon tax is it's for international financing.
The, uh, IMF, the UN, uh, the World Bank, and then there's slush funds to enrich the Illuminists who are involved in this.
What is the bottom line?
The bottom line is
The American people, and eventually the people of the world, are all going to end up paying a 20% tax for this cap-and-trade kind of legislation.
Now, the Obama administration would like to get a health plan passed, and where that... How'd you guys... I apologize, I just had some studio guys walking in and I had my mic on.
Go ahead, Bob, sorry.
The health plan, most of it's going to be financed, and the American public doesn't know it yet, by a VAT.
A Value Added Tax.
A tax that goes on things and production and services at every stage.
Another 20%.
So, if you're in a 25% tax bracket and you pay the state
Five percent, which is 30.
You play your Social Security, that takes you up to 35.
And then you get another 40% for these two items.
You're in for 75%, not counting your real estate taxes, state sales taxes, and so on.
And so you could be in as a low-level taxpayer.
You could be in for 75 or 80% taxation.
And this is what they're after.
They want to enslave you.
Well, it's neo-surfdom, it's neo-feudalism.
What is it, 234 years?
235 years since 1776?
I mean, this is a land of the free, home of the brave.
Now we have this total nanny state where they're saying, you've got to have government insurance or we're going to fine you.
We're going to inspect your house.
We're going to shut down your factories.
But China and Mexico don't have to follow this.
I mean, they clearly, as the globalists have said, want to kill all our industry.
And make us all be on welfare so they can carry out their control freak eugenics on us.
That's correct.
That's exactly what they want to do.
And they want to bring America and Europe to their knees and the rest of the world will follow them down.
And there's more freedom in Europe and America probably than any place else perhaps with the exception of Canada.
And Canada exports 80% of what they make to the United States so they're going to suffer as well.
So that's what they're out, and this is why they have deliberately caused this.
These people are not dumb.
No, they're monopoly men, and they don't even want a middle class that can challenge them.
This is full-spectrum dominance.
All right, the third hour's coming up in just a few seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
On this eve of our nation's founding against tyranny, we have confirmed that NORTHCOM and its main mission is to engage U.S.
Remember that case in the Midwest in Arcadia?
A few months ago where the National Guard was training to go house-to-house for gun confiscation drills.
The Houston Chronicle yesterday reported the police are doing door-to-door asking about guns, knock and talk.
The New York Times reported that Homeland Security is funding the Boy Scouts to train
To quote, take on U.S.
veterans and gun owners and kill them?
This is the News Tribune.
Mainstream news.
Guard units trained for militia attacks.
The military and NORTHCOM admits, in their Homeland Security report, their main enemy is American patriots who were against the offshore banks taking over.
If you're offshore criminal banks, they're going to give the people no quarter and bankrupt the entire society.
What do you do?
What do you do?
You shut up and brainwash the police and military against the people.
We're going to go ahead and go to your calls, but I'm going to cover this in-depth.
Kurt Nemo's doing a story on it right now at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In fact, call Watson.
Tell him to go ahead and just get this up on Prison Planet.
I know Kurt's writing an article.
We just need to get the article up now.
This is just massive.
Where does it end, Bob Chapman?
It ends, unfortunately, in the streets.
And as I've said on this program before, I think 90% of the military will refuse to act against the American citizen, fellow citizen.
And, uh, I think that law enforcement will do the same thing.
And, uh, and maybe that's wishful thinking, but I think that's the way it will turn out.
And, uh, I think that these people are going to be exposed for what they are, and, uh, courts will be set up, and they'll be tried, and, uh, they'll be sent away, uh, to jail, and their fortunes will be confiscated, uh, from their entire family, and, uh, some of them should be tried for treason.
Well, we're going to put on PrisonPlanet.tv's screen right now the 14-year-olds with the machine guns training to take on vets, New York Times.
And the first line of the article says they're training to take on disgruntled vets.
Now, what does the Homeland Security report say?
Disgruntled vets, gun owners.
It's been for two years mainstream news are training every police department to prepare for Iraq vets with IEDs to bomb you.
What is it the feds are planning that's so bad that they know veterans are going to be bombing police?
When I had the emergency management head on from Indiana, how the feds are preparing for mass graves in the hardened old police centers.
Mike, it's because you're the criminals!
You work for the criminal bankers!
I mean, Bob Chapman, this is getting incredible.
It is, and you know, I put out some information just recently, about a month ago, and I said
In general, that by the end of October we should have events happening that could cause a bank holiday.
And as far as I know, nobody else came up with that information.
And I think it probably will be the dollar, which is going to get down and perhaps break through its support level on the USDX at 71.18, and I think that could trigger
The possible devaluation of perhaps just the dollar and the pound, but maybe many other currencies.
They may have another meeting, a conference like the Smithsonian in the early 70s and the Plaza Accords of 85.
And what they might do is devalue all currencies against one another and default on a certain amount of debt, or perhaps all of it.
And, of course, their solution's going to be a new world currency.
That's what they would like.
And they're openly saying that.
Bob, we gotta break.
We're gonna come back, blitz through calls, and I'm gonna break down the latest.
They're in the open saying they're gonna use the U.S.
military against the American people.
This is high treason.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
We are taught by the architects of propaganda, the map makers of the mind, the spin doctors,
That our liberty means an American flag and a statue of liberty.
That America's about being able to have a Mohawk if you want, or a crew cut.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it is about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It's about not having a carbon tax and bureaucrats doing home inspections and shutting down all our factories and ranches.
It's about not having an animal
And Premises ID, written up by the big agribusinesses a few years ago, being forced on farmers and ranchers, where they gotta have a $20 tag on a $5 chicken, but Tyson Chicken is exempt.
They don't have to have the tag on their chickens, they have one tag per giant building with tens of thousands of chickens.
It's meant to bankrupt the small farms and ranches, harass you, come on your property,
They're SWAT teaming Amish selling milk to themselves and butter.
They're SWAT teaming, in the news, people selling farm-raised eggs on the side of the highway, watermelons.
They're SWAT teaming people that sell their neighbors milk.
I mean, this is in the news every week!
SWAT teams come in and bust in!
They're making living on the land, not being dependent on some compact, control-grid city.
They're making that terrorism.
And they're training the police and military that gun owners, veterans, and conservatives are terrorists.
We're the folks that broke the MIAC report.
We're the folks that broke the DHS report.
And now it's in mainstream news, they're training the U.S.
military to take on conservative gun owners.
The whole NORTHCOM, anti-terror, anti-Al Qaeda system that conservatives thought was for Al Qaeda is for you!
And the Army Times admits that.
Number one threat, gun-owning Americans.
There have been big new developments on that front, and that's coming up after Bob Chapman leaves us.
Right now, let's go to calls with Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
John in Ohio, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello, Bob.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, first-time caller.
I've studied your stuff for a while, and I gotta say, I had started paying attention to stuff like this, listening to Mark Kornke of the Michigan Militia, and other guys back in the late 90s, and it's a real eye-opener, and you've done a great job, I think, opening our eyes on a lot of these things.
But, what I wanted to ask you about, and ask Bob about, is the idea of mind control.
Now, I know one thing that the Communists said years ago,
Of course, we know the communists are funded by the globalists.
If you control the language that a people speak, you can control their minds.
And they've been dumbing the language down.
They've been reducing it.
A lot of the public really can't even hardly talk.
They just kind of grunt now.
And that's why the feds always increase the public education funding.
Because public education is a great success.
It's meant to dumb them down.
The war on drugs is a great success.
Triple the heroin, double the cocaine.
From a couple hundred thousand in prison to over four million in prison.
The whole society collapsing.
Trillions laundered through the banks in the last decade.
It's a great success.
The War on Terror is meant to take all our liberties and freedoms.
Great success.
The War on Illiteracy, great success.
Dumb people down.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to ask Bob a little bit about, you know, the Kennedy conspiracy.
I was watching this morning.
They had, of course, that hatchet piece that Mr. Jennings did before he passed away, the JFK Beyond the Conspiracy on ABC, where they claimed they could simulate exactly with the films
All of this happened.
And I noticed during the whole thing, and then there was another documentary on Abraham Lincoln, they used very specific words, you know, to kind of like, well, um, Robert Dalek, the famous historian says, well, people just can't accept that life is very random and things happen and conspiracies make them feel emotionally better.
And, you know, I noticed that they do that.
They speak in tones, you know, and they try to, and it is a way to kind of lull you to sleep.
Propaganda is one of the greatest tools of government that was proven during the 1930s not only in Germany but in the United States and to some extent in Japan and of course it's evolved from American advertising through the years and now you have people who are on the air who give you 95% of the truth and then the other 5% is either misdirection, misinformation
Or, it's pure propaganda and mind control.
And there's a number of people doing this.
And it's hard to believe that they are doing it, but, you know, you know them by what they do.
John, I appreciate your call.
Look, I have the Wall Street Journal here doing a big profile on me.
It's a 1300 word, front section profile.
Pretty scary, actually, to get that kind of attention.
And, it's always the same question.
And she admitted that's what the university professors she goes to interview always say.
They need to simplify the world and imagine someone's in control.
It's too scary to know that 19 guys from a cave did this, so they make it up.
No, it's much scarier to know there's a global empire.
We have thousands of their own documents.
They're openly announcing their world empire.
And I had Psychology Today calling me up for a big cover story.
And I would say, is there a world government?
Are they announcing it on the news?
And the guy would just say, what happened in your childhood that makes you believe this?
And I said, it's in Newsweek called New World Order saying it's a global bank to rule the United States and knock our heads when we're bad.
That's a quote.
And they're open.
I mean, I made a film two years ago called Endgame talking about the carbon tax.
And how it was a tax, and people say I'm a conspiracy theorist as they announce it's a tax.
I mean, it's just, it's a mind game they play, and a lot of people don't respect themselves so it works on them.
You didn't read an article, Alex, that said New World Order was a global government.
Nobody's saying New World Order, Alex.
Now, don't be a kook like Pat Buchanan.
I saw Scarborough making fun of Buchanan the other day on TV.
I saw a clip.
Oh yeah, Buchanan says it's a world government.
Uh huh!
You know that clip we played last hour.
They're openly announcing world government, and then laughing at us when we go, look, we don't want your world tax.
They go, there's no such thing as a carbon tax.
We just passed it in the House.
It's a mind game.
And I guess it works.
It's like a Jedi mind trick on these idiots.
But I'm like Jabba the Hutt, folks.
It doesn't work on me.
Ho ho ho, teeny Jedi.
I mean, what?
These flim-flam scammers, as they openly set up Bank of the World to rule us, and turn loose all their bureaucrats on us, they say it doesn't exist.
Bob, how do you get the chicken-neck, cowardly public out there?
I don't mean the whole public, but those that can't understand this is real.
What do we do about them?
Just move on?
We have to continue to put out the information that we are, until their bellies are empty.
And that's what's going to make them move.
They lose their home, they lose their cars, they lose their job, and they're living under a bridge, uh, with a trolley from the supermarket.
And all their worldly goods are in there, and they're wondering where the next meal's gonna come from.
And that's when half of the population in America will act.
And the police are going to mow them down.
And the police are probably going to mow down their own grandmother in the crowd.
It won't matter.
They'll be wearing the black uniform and they'll have American flags on their cars as they burn the Bill of Rights.
I love America!
Come on, police and military, wake up!
Let's take another call.
Because you're going to be used to carry out this tyranny.
We're not saying you're the enemy, but the enemy is using you.
You're taking orders from the offshore banks.
It's a fact.
Congress admits it.
In fact, Google for folks, top Democrat says bankers run Congress, and you'll find 20 articles or so because all these top leaders, Republican and Democrat, the leader of the Senate, the leader of the House, have said, yeah, foreign banks run us.
It's our new masters.
Yeah, we're taking over with continuity of government.
We're preparing to fight with the American people.
We know they're not going to want it, but we're owned now by foreign banks through fraud.
It's illegitimate.
Jack in South Carolina, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I just want to wish y'all a happy pre-4th of July.
And I've got really two questions.
First one's for Bob.
How do we change this country in a peaceful way when we cannot trust the voting machines?
What's to keep the NWO from rigging the voting machines?
They've been caught rigging them everywhere.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I mean, how do we do that, Bob?
Yeah, well obviously that is impossible if they're going to continue to be allowed to rig them.
So maybe that avenue is no longer open to us.
We're going to find something out about that when finally we get this 1207 Ron Paul, let's investigate the Fed bill out of committee, if we can get it out of committee.
Bonnie Frank, that famous American citizen,
And incidentally, I get some real good stuff on him and some others in this issue coming out tomorrow, but I want you to go and get a free copy so you can read it for yourself.
But Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi are holding that captive right now, and as Alex said, they have some 255 sponsors.
There's a lot of heat being generated by constituents and people in Congress, and maybe that's the way we have to approach this.
If we can't control who's going to go in there, let's terrify them once they get there.
Why do we have offshore banks saying we can't audit them?
Go ahead.
This offshore thing, you know, American citizens, if they have an offshore account, have to declare it.
And of course you go on a great list if you do have one and declare it.
Yes sir, I worry about you Alex, because I worry about them.
The black ops running some brainwashed stooge into a public place and opening up on innocent people.
They're going to do it!
Everybody knows they're going to do it.
And show people how they've been caught in the past doing it.
And that's why they're gearing up the military to use them against us.
And I've always said for over a decade, then they'll start staging mass shootings and saying it's gun owners and militia people.
And if you don't give your farm or ranch up when the bureaucrats come to take it, they're going to blow your house up and say you were an Al-Qaeda militia.
I mean, all the mainstream TV says white Al-Qaeda is everywhere, and people that talk about the Bill of Rights really work for Al-Qaeda, and there's a bunch of idiots that'll believe that!
The average American will take the Bill of Rights out and burn it if they tell them Al-Qaeda wrote it.
I'm surprised they don't teach kids in school that Al-Qaeda wrote the Bill of Rights.
We'll be right back.
After this quick break, a few final calls for Bob Schapp and then I'm going to break down the U.S.
military publicly preparing to wage war against the American people.
Because on this 4th of July, it's not our military anymore.
It's been taken over by offshore banks publicly.
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Big news blitz coming up in the next segment.
I'm going to break down the U.S.
military trying to take on the American people.
That is treason, violation of quasi-comitatus.
The troops take the people out of Mexico.
They do in the Soviet Union.
They do in Communist China.
That's not freedom.
That's not the spirit of 1776 on this day before July 4th.
Guard units trained for militia attacks.
So we'll break all that down coming up.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Michael in Australia.
Thanks for holding, Michael.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Bob.
How are you?
Fine, thank you.
Look, just picking up where you left off there about the military.
Look, if they're going to be disloyal to the American people, once they're finished doing what they have to do, they're not going to be wanted anymore because they can't be trusted.
In fact, that happens 100% of the time, and I forgot we had a caller from Australia.
I would have gone to you early.
Hold on, Michael.
Let's get Bob's take on that, and you can have a comment back.
I appreciate you calling.
Yeah, in the Soviet Union and Russia, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro with Caesar.
Anytime these guys grab power, what's the next thing they do, Bob?
They usually get all of the people who they think are a threat, round them up, and either put them in camps or they liquidate them.
And that's what these Homeland Security reports say.
They say the veterans are the number one threat.
So they use the vets against the people.
They use the troops against the people.
And then when they're done, the SWAT team kills them.
Go ahead, Bob.
Well, that's what they think they'd like to do.
And I don't think it's going to quite work out that way because people who are in law enforcement and in the American military all over the world are listening to these broadcasts.
And my publication is going to embassies, the State Department.
It's the most copied publication in the world.
It's all over Washington, every issue.
And also, I have subscribers who are in the military, in both Afghanistan and in Iraq, and I've told them, you know, make sure everybody in the theater
Yes, and they don't care because they think we're just a couple of rogues and they can easily dismiss us or liquidate us or whatever.
And, you know, if there wasn't any opposition, they'd create it.
And so here's you and I and a handful of other people who are telling people the truth, and they say, so what?
They're not going to penetrate enough to make a difference.
Well, they're wrong!
We are going to make a difference.
They think the American people are stupid and brokeback, and I'm telling you they're not.
They're going to wake up.
Okay, Australia, go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Michael.
Yeah, actually I wanted to bring up the swine flu.
You mentioned earlier that the UK was hyping this up.
One death and suddenly it's a national crisis.
We're right in the middle of our winter, as you're probably aware, and we've had 10 deaths from the swine flu.
They've got whole cities locked down.
Whole cities locked down.
They're talking about forced inoculations.
Tell us what's happening there in the land down under.
Nothing's happening here.
I mean, the government basically said this is not a big deal.
There's no vaccination, so there's no way there can be forced vaccination at the moment.
But as I said, it's not a big deal.
It's just, it's actually probably one of the quietest flu seasons we've had.
So this whole idea that this particular H1N1 is a problem and that it needs to be dealt with when it turns around to your autumn or fall into your winter, it's just a total setup.
It's so obvious.
Because H1N1 is not a very deadly flu.
But they're hyping it.
They're hyping the vaccine.
And just like with the smallpox shot in 2003, they tried to give first responders the shot, but so many died they had to stop.
And Tommy Thompson, the Health and Human Services Secretary, refused to take it.
Good to hear from you there in Australia.
Good day, sir.
Please continue to spread the word about the transmission.
We love the folks there in Australia.
Bob Chapman.
Thanks for spending an hour and 20-plus minutes with us today.
God willing, we'll see you back for an hour with us next Friday.
Folks, go to TheInternationalForecaster.com and get a free copy of the latest newsletter that comes out twice a week.
And tomorrow is Saturday, folks, so request that by email there and folks will get it.
Bob, thanks for your great info.
We'll see you next week.
You're welcome, and I'm looking forward to it.
Take care, Bob.
Jam-packed, we are live July 3rd, 2009.
I listen to talk radio, it's almost all rebroadcast.
Where is everybody?
This is crazy!
We should be on the air the day before July 4th.
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More of your calls are coming up, and I start hyperventilating.
I start getting upset.
Because I take what's happening in this country very, very seriously.
They have passed the House the Hate Crimes Bill.
We have a story titled Thought Crimes Bill Threatens Talk Radio.
It has a subsection in S909 that says if you hurt anyone's feelings, you'll be federally arrested.
They need not even file a complaint.
The feds will come out, no habeas corpus, and say you hurt someone's feelings.
The Cyber Bullying Act has the exact same language.
In fact, here's ABC News, anti-cyberbullying legislation, threat to free speech.
This is not just us here that are saying this.
So we're going to talk about that with Kurt Nimmo in a moment because he's a writer for InfoWars.com.
He's the head editor at InfoWars.com.
He's formerly written for big newspapers and TV stations, but he works on the team
And I wanted him to go over that because he's been all over it.
This is all really happening.
The cap-and-trade socialists take over every facet of your life.
That's really happening.
The blanket total amnesty to legalize all the illegals, 20-plus million, including felons.
That's happening.
Same stuff Bush tried, Obama says he can do it.
He's got the whole House and Senate.
He's got a supermajority.
Sixty filibuster proof in the Senate, with Franken getting in there.
Al Franken.
The open borders, the socialist health care, government health care, the gun control, the cap-and-trade, giving the Federal Reserve unlimited power over all finance, all business, from a taco or hot dog stand to a football stadium.
That's in that bill.
It's all passing, all racing, all happening.
This is it.
They're making their move.
Offshore banks are seizing the entire economy.
We're going from free market to crony capitalism.
Robber barons, robber class.
Now, if you're a new listener to this show, I know we've gotten like five new affiliates the last two weeks alone.
We're on XM now on the weekend.
They re-air the Friday show on Saturday evening there.
We're very thankful to all that.
The point is, this show's got a lot of new listeners over 80 affiliates now.
The issue is, for new listeners, in China, in Russia, in Nazi Germany, in Venezuela, in Mexico, everywhere else is a tyranny.
Liberty is incredibly rare.
You never have trips on the streets.
You never have people being arrested without warrants in a free society.
You never have a big federal government in a free society.
That's what the Fourth of July is about.
We're going to get into that next hour, the history of it.
It is not about just having a Chinese flag, an American flag made in China by slaves.
By the way, they make the kids half the day in China in government school that you have to go to by law.
They go work in a fireworks factory or a water hose factory or a factory making lawn equipment or a factory making furniture.
That's what Mrs. Obama is going around doing, showing the kids working two, three hours a day at school, planting gardens in service.
Compulsory service bills are racing through for not just people 18 and older, everybody.
And you've got to plant and grow the crops and give it to the government.
That's the Soviet Union would make you on top of your government job, come out 5, 10, 15 hours a week and fix your sewage leak, dig ditches, break rocks.
Folks, this is called slavery.
And the big banks, as Carol Quigley at Georgetown wrote, Bill Clinton's mentors, they run communism and socialism and fascism.
They want vertical integration.
It's really happening.
And it's all documented at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now with all of that happening, and this forced dependency, and the free market being bankrupted by design to drive us into submission, with all of this happening right now.
And the fake neocon talk show host not talking about it, or acting like it's just liberals doing it, when both parties are run by the same people.
With all of this going on, remember Arcadia, the Daily Times-Herald reported, and it made national news because we got on it and covered it?
Remember that?
Remember what happened?
We had the Colonel on the air, they announced in the news, oh we're going to go door to door and ask citizens to let us search their gun closets and to look at their guns.
And then I had the Houston Chronicle, where the feds knock on your door, the local police do it all over the country, from Chicago to Phoenix to Dallas.
You can just say knock and talk, it's called knock and talk.
It's a federal program, federalizing your local police, they're already federalized, they come in, knock knock, can we look at your guns?
In Boston and D.C.
they say, oh, we're just here to see if your kids have illegal guns.
Mind if we come in?
If you say no, they go ahead and force their way in.
End of America!
Getting everybody used to gun confiscation.
They have the gun buybacks for the $100 discount card if you turn your gun in.
All the images on the news of guns being turned in.
They have bills to allow the Attorney General to ban all guns he wishes.
Any guns, all guns if he'd like.
Now, you see, the new greenhouse gas tax.
The new carbon tax just says these 30 plus...
Government agencies can do whatever they want and regulate any carbon they want.
See, it's now imperial power.
Oh, the Attorney General can ban any guns he wants.
That bill's introduced.
Oh, if you're on a no-fly list, no judge, no jury, you're not arrested, no fly, no bys, in the name of the law, racing through the House, it says that we just magically put millions of Americans on a list where you can't own guns, and then they come and arrest you and SWAT team you and say, well, you didn't know you were on the list, but we see you as dangerous.
We're going to go ahead and take your guns.
That's Kafka-esque.
That's right out of the Soviet Union or East Germany.
It's happening!
No judge, no jury.
You're not told why you're being arrested.
You're not allowed to get off the list.
You're not told why you're on the list.
This is 1984 on steroids.
The Feds with their new Clean Water Restoration Act.
Any above or below groundwater, any pools, any rainwater.
100% federalization of all land in the U.S.
Racing through the Senate.
Already left committee.
Probably going to pass.
Just nightmares untold.
Animal ID.
Premises ID.
Already passed.
Already being enforced.
Shutting down farms and ranches.
Bureaucrats harassing.
Hellish control.
Northcom, we told you this years ago, went to Urban Warfare Drills when Clinton was in office.
Then Bush, Army, Navy, Marines, training with foreign troops.
And now in this National Level Exercise 09, FEMA's own website, I covered it yesterday, in fact people won't believe me.
Print me National Level Exercise 09 from FEMA, where it says all the foreign troops.
I want that on screen.
I want PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, and the radio listeners out there listening, to go Google the exact... This is the government's own site, foreign troops training to take us on.
But back in 99, I'd go to an urban warfare drill...
If you're tuning in thinking I'm weird because I'm excited about this, you're only supposed to get excited about NASCAR or football and yell and scream.
I'm excited about 1776 and our precious republic that's been paid for with so much blood.
We're going to document that next hour with a historian.
I have a family here.
My family's been here on the Mayflower.
My family were signers of the Mayflower Compact, ladies and gentlemen.
Two of my ancestors, direct ancestors, I bleed red, white, and blue.
Yeah, print that for me.
There it is on screen.
National level exercise.
And right there it says foreign troops.
Right there!
Third paragraph.
Ladies and gentlemen.
And it says, to suppress U.S.
I remember reading the Toronto Star in a Mexico City newspaper seven, eight years ago, where it would say, oh, we've signed a deal to use Mexican and Canadian troops inside the U.S., but it would never be in the U.S., so I'd go to these drills, even before that, and I'd witness foreign troops with a role player screaming, I'm an American!
And they'd say, where'd you get the gun?
I'm from San Francisco.
What militia are you with?
I have videotaped, it's in my film, Police State 2000,
Troops training to take your guns!
Now here we are, 10-11 years later, and it's time you stop living in denial.
Now, it was in the Daily Times-Herald, Butch Heman, and it was in a bunch of other articles where they said they were going to go door-to-door doing gun confiscations, telling people, please let us in and look at your guns.
There's the article.
Now, here is the News Tribune.
Out of Missouri.
Camp Crowder, Missouri.
And it says, guard units trained for militia attacks.
Now, put up on screen the New York Times.
You can go through the photos.
Look at these.
These are kids, and it says in this New York Times article, you scroll through right there where it says 1-14, it says right here in the article,
That they are training to take on disgruntled vets.
And in the article, it describes them killing veterans.
Then the DHS report we broke says veterans are the number one threat and Homeland Security is set up for you.
Last year, DHS, Homeland Security, Army Times says, we're going to use regular army against the American people.
Then they have acclimation.
They start putting local military liaison officers in every major department.
Just Google the name of your town or your city and local military liaison officers in your intelligence unit spying on the citizens.
You can't make this up.
It's Red Dawn in slow motion.
There are the kids practicing killing veterans on your screen.
You cannot make this up.
And then here it is.
The long hours, the blistering heat, and of course, consistently having to come up with new ways of harassing the Missouri National Guard training in the area.
Such was the case for several members of the headquarters attachment of the 229th Multifunctional Medical Battalion.
And it goes on to say they practice taking on militias who are trying to kill the troops.
Let's bring up Kurt Nimmo, who's writing a big article on this, writer for Infowars.com.
Kurt, I mean, this is really happening.
And then they go, oh, all over the country.
In fact, pull this up for people on screen.
uh... marines at checkpoints with state police california and you can we can show you the chips press release armed marines pulling citizens in central california out of their cars with firearms with breathalyzers and in austin they pull you out with these blank warrants these fake warrants and suck your blood
For DNA testing and all this crap.
And now the media admits from birth, for 36 years, everybody who's born had their blood taken and put in the Cold Springs Harbor eugenics lab for the IBM human genome for race-specific bioweapons.
That's now mainstream news.
The government's totally rogue, totally criminal.
They do whatever they want and I'm the sane, normal person.
There it is.
Marines running California checkpoints.
That's the local newspaper.
I mean, the newspaper saw Marines out with their weapons.
This is America!
And then they said, oh, the Army and the Army Times is going to help at car wrecks and fight DWI.
You're not for car wrecks, are you?
The Army needs to help with the Jaws of Life.
It's PR, getting the troops used to it, the public used to it.
But this says, guard units training for the American people to attack them.
This is mainstream news.
Kurt Nemo, tell us what's happening.
Well, as you pointed out, the News Tribune published an article on June 30th indicating that the National Guard out of Camp Crowder is setting up these, you know, had this simulated attack on their troops.
Actually, what it is is a medical attachment to, as you noted, a medical attachment to the National Guard.
What's interesting about this is they say that the simulated attacks came on checkpoints set up by the National Guard, which is very interesting.
Okay, continue to break that down.
Go over this article.
Well, they basically said, it's interesting, this article is written by Phyllis Allen, who's attached to the military.
The writer's got a U.S.
Army military email address on the article.
So this article was put in a local newspaper in Missouri.
Which is what the Cyber Security Command in San Antonio says.
They're now going to engage in counter-terrorist propaganda, just like they do in Iraq, against us.
Preparing for the American people to attack the Army at checkpoints.
So what that means is when the Army's checking your national ID, pulling you out, sticking you in trucks to take you to FEMA camps, as they publicly drill to do, that's the civilian inmate labor camp program at army.mil, if anybody fights back, it'll be on the news, terrorists attack military today, there'll really be a family not letting them take their kids and put them in a FEMA bus.
Just like in Baghdad, it's exactly the same thing.
Just like Fallujah, please continue.
So what's going to happen here is, I predict that these are going to be increasingly common, brainwashing and training the National Guard to have these simulated wars with so-called insurgents, as they're called in the articles, and militants, as they're called in the article.
As you mentioned, the DHS has conflated white supremacists and militia with constitutionalist supporters of Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin.
That's the terrorist, that's the militant, or the constitutionalist and the patriot.
Well, this is in the California papers, it's everywhere.
This is in Missouri, and this is where the Mayak Report came out saying, Ron Paul, Sticker, go ahead and arrest them.
And it doesn't matter if we have the Lieutenant Governor have it removed and people get in trouble, they're going to continue this.
And I remember an Austin American Statesman article about the new Green Jobs Corps.
And how they're going out and assessing what the carbon taxes should be on, because they know the bill gives them unlimited power, and it's run by an army psych warfare expert who helped set up the control grid in Afghanistan.
So they have spooks openly going to rule us.
I mean, these guys are going for broke, man.
They are going for broke here, Kurt.
Right, right.
Well, it's interesting.
It'll be interesting to see what happens once they set up the checkpoints.
They expect these checkpoints to be attacked.
I mean, obviously, if things get really bad when the economy goes down, they're gonna... people probably will attack these checkpoints.
Well, see, because they're going to shut down the highways.
I mean, the Army admits this, and this is in the training I'm doing.
I'm showing people real video where the Marines and I actually searched highways and real citizens in Swansboro in 2000.
I mean, they show up at these quotes.
Same thing was happening in Arcadia, in Iowa.
I mean, they go to people's... Listen, our camera guys in Hebron, Maryland, the Marines came over and pointed guns at them and said, turn your cameras off, and they were practicing taking over the city.
That's what the John Warner Defense Authorization Act says, is that the main thing is to take over the states!
I mean, this is high treason in front of everyone!
They've been training them for decades, but now it looks like it's... Here they are in Hebron patrolling at night, and then they went and complained that we were videoing, so the troops walk up, point a heavy at us, and say,
Another aspect of this article is one of the world players
Uh, for the so-called insurgent, uh, who was, after he was arrested or captured, he spoke in broken English.
That's very interesting they would put that in there, because there was this report a couple weeks ago where this so-called leader of the Taliban, or Al-Qaeda, said that they were going to team up with white supremacists in the United States and attack America.
Well, yeah, this is the white Al-Qaeda.
We told people seven years ago, they're going to first get you to give up your rights to only hurt the brown people, the Taliban.
And then the whole thing's really set up for the good ol' boys.
Because it's the land-grabbing ponytail brigade that runs all this.
You're the real target, fools.
Well, look, the farmers and ranchers have got to be hit by them to know.
And then they'll fight back and they're going to be called terrorists.
But no, this is so when you're at a checkpoint, your kids are going in one truck with a pedophile CPS, and you're going to another camp in the civilian inmate labor camp program.
In fact, Google that.
Civilian inmate labor camp program.
We'll first show on that article domestic militarization comes to San Bernardino County.
It has direct links to the Highway Patrol's own press release.
Then this later got picked up in a local newspaper in San Bernardino.
I mean, Kurt, this is really happening!
And then now they have the Army writing in local papers going, be calm, we're in control.
We're the U.S.
We're here locally to fight the militia, Al-Qaeda.
And when none of this is even going on, which means they're going to stage events very soon.
We've been saying that, now look at Von Brun, look at Plosky, look at others.
It's incredible, isn't it, Kurt?
Oh, yeah, and they intimated in this article that veterans will be with them as well.
Oh, so it's saying that... Oh, by the way, we're not against the veterans.
They're going to be helping us.
It says that?
No, it says they'll be using smoke grenades and other explosive improvised devices, you know, indicating that the military will be involved in it.
Oh, of course the military's gotta kill us!
We'll be right back.
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Folks, the majority of training for the military and the military police now is to take on the American people.
This is high treason.
Offshore banks have seized the United States.
Going back at least 10 years, at Kentucky Derby, they have regular Army there searching citizens.
Then in my film, Martial Law, we got video and photos from high school football games with the Army.
They're searching children, and then the State Guard and National Guard
From Alabama to Tennessee.
Then a few months ago, we had the state rep on and the governor's statement.
The Army and the Air Force and the BATF were doing mock gun confiscation drills, shutting down major Tennessee highways, searching cars.
The governor said, don't do it again.
That weekend, the Army went ahead and did it.
In fact, Google that for viewers.
Let's put that on screen for people.
I could just go on with hundreds of examples.
Military runs checkpoints in Tennessee.
And show people the photos from the local papers!
Now, I'm sitting down at a restaurant at Waterloo Ice House with my wife and children, the TV's on, and it's the Kentucky Derby a month ago.
We're not really paying attention, the horse has just won, I'm biting into the food, I look up, and there are troops running out on the field, tackling citizens that always jump off and run out.
They didn't have police do it, and they had 45's out.
This is all illegal and they're to acclimate you to accept it.
Kurt Nemo, do people realize that this is really happening and they're trying to kill veterans?
I don't even think most people even realize this.
I mean, if you look at the newspaper in the last couple days, in California on the 4th of July, they're going to take some attack helicopters and fly them up and down the coast during celebrations just to get people acclimated to having a military there.
Remember the Alabama shooting when they had the troops show up and lock the city down hours after it was open?
We announced it and people didn't believe us, then later there was an army investigation?
Well, the Associated Press, you know, they published a photo of it, but that was it.
They didn't cover it in the media at all.
Incidentally, Alex, in regard to that Tennessee thing, it wasn't just the military.
It was also the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, a bunch of federal agencies.
They were all participating in that checkpoint.
Yeah, it said 35 agencies.
I mean, we got photos of a whole highway shut down for miles and troops walking around.
Yeah, we rule, baby!
This is Baghdad, bitch!
I mean, I'm sorry, but this is treason!
The 4th of July is 180 degrees from this for all of you out there that don't understand what America is all about.
Curt, does this make you sick like it makes me sick?
No, it's disgusting.
But what's really disgusting is this is not being covered by the media at all.
You know, you've got to pick up on local newspapers in Missouri and Tennessee to get these tips on what's really going on.
It's done under the cover of, you know,
They don't let us know about it.
They're also announcing on the 4th of July all over the country checkpoints with the police and military.
Sorry, go ahead.
Right in California, they're going to set up a checkpoint to make sure people don't take their fireworks into the countryside.
And it says it gives them a bunch of years in prison now for it.
It's really severe.
You know, Alex, in this article that's in this Missouri newspaper, the last couple paragraphs are interesting.
They say that they're trying to make these simulated attacks as realistic as possible.
And that in a real situation, the military police would be there along with the regular soldiers.
So in essence, what they're saying is that this is going to happen.
They're training the soldiers that citizens are going to attack checkpoints and they're getting them ready for it.
And why do the soldiers think that the American people who are in a coma would finally get up and fight you?
God only knows.
It'll be your family too, guys.
Doesn't matter, most of the military is illegal aliens and felons now.
You know, that's admitted, Kurt.
Well, like you said, I mean, you know, they're gonna set up checkpoints, they're gonna have this phony pandemic here in the fall, and they're gonna lock down cities and put up checkpoints.
And that's what these nationals are going to be there for.
And then probably it won't be a big deal.
The pandemic won't be a big deal.
They'll say, see, the army running things saved you.
And the precedent is set.
Where'd Alex go?
Oh, the army was here.
Oh, that's normal.
That's what Land of the Free, Home of the Brave is all about.
Having secret police troops.
Unbelievable, Curt Nemo.
Stay there.
Let's do five more minutes.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got a guest coming up in the next segment.
Kurt Nemo runs Infowars.com.
He's joining us, National Level Exercise 2009, NLE.
Homeland Security, FEMA, with troops and personnel from Australia, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and other countries in NLE-09.
Kurt reported yesterday from a Pentagon press release the Israeli anti-terror forces are helping run that operation as well.
So, uh, Curt Nemo, I mean, this is really, this is really happening.
This is really going on.
They're really running acclimation with troops everywhere, running checkpoints, PR, running Jaws of Life, Army helicopters landed, car wrecks now.
Oh, we're just the Army!
You know, it's all part of getting the troops feeling good about helping the citizens, getting the police used to it.
Oh, it's the Army!
That's kind of like when the police and the sheriff's department work together on the county line!
Yeah, boy!
And it's all foreign troops are here helping!
After all, the biggest recruiting centers are now in Ukraine, Mexico City, and Manila, Philippines.
Hiring felons, illegal aliens, the whole military is basically foreigners now.
I mean, this is hellish, Kurt, and they openly train everywhere.
With the youth brigades and with the troops to take on veterans and gun owners.
My God, Kurt, do you think they're planning to go ahead and just start a civil war?
They're going to start hunting patriots down and forcing us to fight them?
Well, we know history tells us precisely what they're going to do.
There's no national domestic terror threat in this country.
The only threat is the government.
And they will set up false flag situations to do this so they can consolidate their power.
Continue, Kurt.
You know, and act like they were attacking Fallujah or something.
It's insane.
Ooh, I just forgot!
Whatever the big paper is in Fort Benning, Georgia, in that town, there were two big articles, MSNBC covered it too, in 2000, in the year 2000, two Special Forces officers got killed, or Special Forces trainees,
Because they jumped out on police at roadstops and tried to disarm the police, and the military thought that it was a real attack.
So they've even gotten killed doing this.
Yeah, it's like friendly fire.
It happens.
I mean, if they don't tell them what's going on, that's what's going to happen.
The other one was 98 in Miami.
Delta Force fired into a restaurant, into tables people were eating at.
In Houston, in 98, Delta Force crashed helicopters in a drill.
Maybe you should add that.
When's your big report on this coming out at InfoWars.com?
Well, I'll get back to work on it after I get off the phone with you, about an hour or so.
Okay, you've already got this article linked.
Folks want to find it.
Guard units trained for militia attacks.
I've been kind of frothing and interrupting.
In the one minute left, we've got anything else?
No, that's about it.
It's just people need to, around the country, it's interesting we got this tip from an InfoWars reader.
If folks are seeing this kind of behavior or finding local press articles, they need to send them to us because we need to cover this point up.
Well, I mean, I see articles every day sent to me by listeners where every police department has regular Army and Marines in their offices.
CIA setting up local offices, the news reports.
I mean, they are taking over, Kurt.
Well, the CIA's been doing that since the 90s.
That's fully integrated now.
There's CIA in police stations and so are the FBI.
So, they have that integrated already.
Well, there's also the article where state police all over are announcing they're fully federalized, like in Arizona.
And then every time we get a governor or state reps trying to declare state sovereignty, the state police show up and start threatening them and following them, like in Oklahoma.
We also covered the fact that local police agencies are getting grenade launchers and automatic weapons from the Department of Homeland Security.
God, they work for the foreign bankers.
They're rolling this country.
They are just taking us over hardcore.
I mean, this is it.
This is total occupation, total destruction, total takeover of the republic.
It's really happening.
Police and military wake up.
Citizens wake up.
Say no.
Thanks, Kurt Nemo and InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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I was driving into the office this morning and we had Bob Chapman on the schedule, but I wanted to just have open forums today and talk about the founding of our country, the sacrifice our founders made.
Hell, what the federal government's doing today is 180 degrees the opposite of what this country was set up to do.
The things going on today are the opposite of liberty and freedom.
We're being made to be domesticated, enslaved, cowardly creatures.
And the globalists are a bunch of eugenicist control freaks that run the planetary government.
And I heard somebody who I've read one of his books, meant to have him on in the past, never did it, Bill Federer with AmericanMinute.com.
And I heard him, and I told my producer, try to get him.
Well, he's with family, day before Fourth of July, via cell phone from his car, but he's with us for the rest of the hour, and we're honored to have him, because I heard him on Derry Brownfield here on the network.
Extremely powerful, and I've probably read more than a hundred books on the Revolutionary War, the founders.
I've done stuff like watch the HBO special, uh, John Adams, you know.
I mean, I'm really into it.
I know a lot of you are as well, but he really breaks down
The starving ships, the slave ships, the concentration camps, the tyranny, the way we treated the British, the way they treated us.
What the Declaration of Independence is all about, what our founding documents are really all about.
On the 4th, this is what we should be remembering.
Not, oh the 4th means I eat a bunch of hamburgers, drink beer, and wave an American flag made by Chinese slaves, and I don't fight back against the carbon tax, I don't fight back against the federalization, I don't fight back against troops openly training domestically to set up martial law in the United States.
So we're going to Bill Federer in just one moment.
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So check that out today.
I'm wound up, folks, because I just covered the U.S.
military openly training to take on American gun owners.
And I showed you the New York Times and other mainstream news showing youth brigades being trained for gun confiscation.
That's not me.
That's the New York Times saying it's good.
The New York Times also reporting tattletale squads.
The kids are being trained to write reports on their parents.
Taking a hot bath is a carbon crime.
In fact, Google for folks, Climate Cops.
I want people to see the red and black uniforms in England and the United States.
We showed you this a year ago.
Now they actually wear red and black uniforms.
I mean, it's like I've woken up in the Twilight Zone.
This is really happening.
Soviet-style takeover is now happening.
But AmericanMinute.com, Bill...
Is just an amazing person, Bill Federer.
William J. Federer is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of the AmeriSearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage, the most noble.
You can count on one hand the free societies, and we're the best.
Television and former U.S.
Congressional candidate Bill has appeared on C-SPAN, Fox, Hennigan Combs, The Raleigh Factor, NPR, MSNBC, on and on and on, 700 Club, and he's just an amazing person.
So I'm going to try to sit back, take a few calls at the end for him at 1-800-259-9231, but I'm wound up like a cheap clock here with the news I just covered.
Sir, I heard you on Brownfield from a taped interview, because Gary was off the day, really laying out the history I know, but you said it so well, how they put people's sons to die on starvation torture ships, throwing thousands of our ancestors off per month dead.
I didn't hear you talk about it, but I remember reading about it, how they took the family of 11-year-old
Andrew Jackson in the Carolinas.
His daddy had died working the land.
It was him and his mama and brothers.
Starved him to death in the concentration camp.
He wouldn't lick their boots, so they slashed him with a saber across the face.
This is the tyranny of government.
We're fighting, and we see the same arrogance, the same corruption today, and I want folks to know what the men and women, because the women went along with them and supported them, who signed that Declaration of Independence, what happened to them, and what this country is really about.
God bless you.
Thanks for being here with us.
Well, Alex, it's an honor to be on your program, and I've really appreciated all the great work you've done over the years.
On the Fourth of July, we do celebrate our great country's beginning, and it's important to look at the place in history.
In other words, there's been about 5,000 years of recorded human history.
That's all, only about 5,000.
That's 50 people living 100 years each, and you're back to the beginning of the Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sumerian cuneiform, little clay tablets.
And during that 5,000 years, empires have risen and empires have fallen.
Empires have risen and empires have fallen.
But power has always been concentrated in the hands of pharaohs, monarchs, sultans, czars, caesars, kaisers.
In other words, very few people held all the power.
Well, America, we had 3,000 miles between us and our king, King George III, so we got a chance to experiment in self-government.
They borrowed a lot from the church government because the different colonies were started by different denominations.
You know, Virginia by the Anglicans, Massachusetts by Puritans, Rhode Island by the Baptists, and so forth.
And so they applied a little bit of this church government to their ideas of self-government, and it worked.
And so we became very prosperous.
And we had, obviously, the Revolution.
And so what's happened is we went from the concentrated powers of the monarchs to the separated powers of our Constitution.
Separated into three branches, separated from the Federals at the state level, and then tied up with ten handcuffs, we call the first ten amendments.
But, over time, power has gravitated toward re-concentrating.
So, in other words, it was great that Lincoln ended slavery, but in the process, he concentrated a lot of power away from the state.
It was Woodrow Wilson who got us through World War I, but in the process, he concentrated power with the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax.
Franklin Roosevelt got us through the Depression and World War II, but he concentrated power with his New Deal.
Lyndon Johnson concentrated power with his Socialist Great Society program.
I mean, Socialism is basically, I collect everybody's money, put it in a big bag, and you gotta come on bended knee, and I give it back to my friend.
It's the old saying, whoever controls the purse strings has the power.
But President Bush consolidated a whole lot of power in the War on Terror and Homeland Security, and a lot of times, it's for an immediate good, but a long-term evil.
In other words, withholding from your paycheck.
That was an emergency effort to get money to fight Hitler.
It was called a pay-as-you-go tax.
And it was just a temporary thing to hurry up and win the war.
Well, guess what?
After the war stopped, it didn't.
In other words, the federal government got this new power, and it never gave it up.
Well, that power has been concentrated, and now it's all been handed over to the new president, and it's been put on steroids.
And he's concentrating power, taking over banks, and car companies, and the health care.
I mean, Hitler ran for office in Nazi Germany on promising nationalized health care.
Anyway, I'm getting over it.
And Bill, just to interrupt, this is how, some tyrannies happen overnight, but generally with a society that was already used to being slaves and being bossed around, authoritarian.
But with the case of Rome, it's golden era, very pious, focused on the law,
Most of the degeneration happens that took hundreds of years to build towards.
Now we see more tyranny, more tyrannical laws, more federalization of water, open borders, the total Federal Reserve dictatorship.
All of it is happening.
The carbon tax, in just a few months, they're bum-rushing us.
It's all going to pure tyranny right now.
Yeah, it's like water going down a drain.
Around the edges, it goes very slowly, but as it gets close to the center, it goes faster and faster and faster.
I mean, that's what happened with power, as I talked about, over history.
It's happened a little bit here, a little bit there, but now it's gone on an exponential curve.
But you know, our founders experienced the King of England was the king of their country, the commander of their military, and the head of their church.
In other words, the King decided what the people could believe.
It was like hate crime legislation.
If you believed the way the King did, you were fine.
But if you had other views, then you were not equal before the law.
And they now had the hate crime bill passed the House that says, word for word, if you hurt somebody's feelings, you get arrested.
So, the end of the First Amendment.
Stay there.
Let's get into the founding of our country with that Mayflower compact.
It's a new year full of uncertainties.
People are being laid off in record numbers.
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Yeah, it's sundown on the Union.
If you don't think Naftan Gantt didn't destroy the economy, remember they told us that was going to make jobs, imagine what their carbon tax is going to do.
I've read their own documents here on air.
IMF, World Bank, Club of Rome, it's designed to bankrupt things.
They want you bankrupt.
They want to vertically integrate.
They're monopoly men.
They're not free market.
They've created this banking crisis to do it.
Arrest the bankers!
And we do that by starting the audit of the Fed.
It'll make Madoff look like a choir boy.
Going back to Bill Federer with the website AmericanMinute.com.
Okay, Mr. Federer, there's a short segment, long one coming up.
Let's start now getting into that Mayflower compact and then the hell our forefathers went through to fight for this beautiful liberty we've had.
Well, it's interesting.
The Pilgrims were going to land in Virginia, which was an Anglican colony.
And they got blown off course, and they didn't want to just get off the boat and every man be a law unto themselves.
So they decided to write their own government document, the Mayflower Compact.
Now the question is, how did they learn how to do this?
Well, guess what?
They were all dissenters.
They were all basically religious non-conformists.
And so when they were in Holland, their pastor was a guy named John Robinson.
And he taught them, if they have big decisions, they all fast and pray and vote.
This was their church government.
Well, they basically applied that to this Mayflower Compact.
There's a line in there that says, having undertaken for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia.
It says, mutually in the presence of God, we covenant ourselves together to form a civil body politic.
I think so.
That's right.
In the Declaration of Independence, you know, it talks about how it's our right, it's our duty to throw off tyranny.
And when atheists get mad that we say it's God-given, the point is it comes from no man.
It is basic, organic rights to be free creatures, sentient beings.
And the first time we see this in history is what you're saying is the Mayflower Compact.
They are granting among themselves to be governed by themselves by consenting to this law with each other.
I don't
That's right.
We don't have privileges that is something illegal that you're granted to do.
A license is authorization to do something that would be prohibited.
So it's what a slave has.
We are declaring that we are the sovereigns under God and no king but King Jesus.
We're not worshiping King George III.
Right, and the word federal means covenant.
But you're bringing up a key point, where in the Declaration it says all men are created equal.
This was revolutionary.
All throughout history, there was not equality.
If you were friends with the king, you were more equal.
If you were enemies of the king, you were less equal.
And so it's sort of like today, where if you're friends with the party in power, you get more rights.
You know, hate crime legislation, if you have that ideology.
But if you believe in traditional values, guess what?
You work less equal.
And so it's interesting.
I spoke at the U.S.
I did a half a dozen congressional staff briefings a year or so ago, and they had congressmen, staffers, and so forth.
Afterwards, I got a phone call from the Washington Post, and the reporter said, are you trying to push Christianity on America?
You know, like having secret meetings in the Capitol.
And I said, well, can I ask you a question?
I said, where did the idea of equality come from?
And the reporter said, well, I don't know.
I said, well, it didn't come from Islam, did it?
I mean, in Islam, infidels are not equal to Muslims.
Women are not equal to men.
It takes two women to testify in court against one man.
A woman gets half the inheritance that a man gets.
You know, a man can have four wives, a woman can't have four husbands.
Of course, I don't know which woman would want four husbands, but nevertheless, there's not equality.
I said equality did not come from Hinduism, where they have the caste system.
And if you're an untouchable in that lowest caste, you're less than human.
You have to take care of the garbage, clean the toilets, live outside of town.
You're not equal to the Brahmin, the Brahmin in near divinity.
And then in the atheistic belief, if you are useful to the state, you're worth more.
In America, you're equal no matter what.
All right, stay there.
What comes to mind today, though, is in California, over a million state workers and police are above the law.
They can't be pulled over.
They can't be given tickets.
The photo enforcement can't work on them at toll roads and red light cameras because the computers can't read their plates.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And you can catch us on XM on one of their great channels from 5 to 8 p.m.
I wanted to read just the first page of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th.
This is in official Homeland Security documents.
This pocket constitution is considered terrorist manual.
I have video in my film Road to Tyranny from a squad car where they find this exact
Manual that we put free in all our orders, and they find some of my videos, and they arrest her for this.
It's the police, on tape, finding this and getting scared.
Now, they've sworn an oath to this, but they're so brainwashed, they get scared.
Now, not all police are this dumb, but the general public overall has been dumbed down.
In Congress on July 4th, 1776, this is what America's about, folks.
Not about football or mom-and-apple pie.
It's about this.
The unanimous declaration of the 13 United States of America.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.
"...and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the cause which impels them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.
That's us.
Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government.
Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form
"...as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light or transient causes.
And accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, what's happening today, pursuing inevitably the same object, convinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism.
It just goes on and on.
They're setting up tyranny scientifically to suppress us and lie and cheat and steal the votes.
It is their right, it is their duty to overthrow and to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.
To history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
To prove this, let the facts be submitted to a candid world.
And then it goes over the tyrannies that have been set up, and you look at these tyrannies, it's exactly what's being done today, but even worse today.
Okay, I'm going to sit back now because I want to take a few calls in a few minutes, but Bill, try to go over
Historically, what the founders did, how they were persecuted for putting their John Hancocks on that Declaration of Independence 230 plus years ago today, tomorrow.
Well, a little background.
The French-Indian War took place, 1754 to 1763, and the British won and decided to keep troops in America and make the Americans pay for these troops.
Well, they didn't have barracks, and so they would simply come up to your house and say, guess what?
We're going to have the troops stay in your house.
You live in the attic or the barn.
And so they began to pass taxes.
The Sugar Tax, the Currency Act, the Stamp Tax, the Quartering Act, all these, and the colonies had no representation in Parliament.
And so it was taxation without representation.
And so that's when we had the Boston Tea Party and so forth, and the British responded by blockading Boston Harbor, and then there was the Battle of Bunker Hill, Thomas Jefferson over in Virginia,
It's interesting how they're trying to outlaw that today.
We're good.
And they put straw on the wheels so they could put them in place without making any noise.
And the Dorchester Heights, the next day the British wake up, see these cannons staring down their throat.
And so the British evacuate Boston.
It's a great rejoicing.
And the British are going to New York.
And so George Washington goes to New York.
He has 20,000 volunteers.
The Declaration is written and he hasn't read to his troops.
There's great enthusiasm.
But the British fill up the harbor.
400 ships in the New York Harbor.
They say it looked like a forest full of trees because of all the masts.
And then the British begin to pound away, and Washington's men freak out and start fleeing.
He's trying to rally them back.
They have to drag Washington from the field because he doesn't want to leave.
But his troops retreat across Manhattan, retreat across New York, retreat across New Jersey, and retreat across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania.
Within six months, Washington's troops dwindle from 20,000 down to 2,000.
The Continental Congress sends him his last order up to that point that says, until further notice, you're in charge of America.
And the Continental Congress packs up shop and leaves!
And here's Washington, it's all resting upon him, and his men had only volunteered for six months!
So July to December, guess what?
He had one week before they were all going to leave, and Washington proves his worth.
He orders an attack.
Christmas Day evening surprises the German Hessians and captures a thousand of them.
Ten days later wins the Battle of Princeton, and this begins the turn in the course of the war.
But it's interesting.
They voted for independence on July 2nd.
And that's the day that John Adams thought was going to be celebrated with bonfires and illuminations and solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God.
That's when they voted for it.
On July 4th, only two people signed.
John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress, he signed very large and said, now the King of England can read my signature without using his spectacles, his glasses, and he said, the price on my head is just double.
And so that's where King of England gave the phrase, the butcher John Hancock here, you know.
And then Charles Thompson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress.
The rest didn't sign until August 2nd when they had an engrossed copy, and really a third of them didn't sign until six months later.
They had to come back to Philadelphia just to sign it, and they weren't in a big hurry because they knew they were signing their death warrant.
The sun never set on the British Empire.
It was the most powerful empire in the world.
They had the American colonies, Canada.
They had Jamaica and British Guiana and Bermuda.
They had the Sandwich Islands, Hawaii.
They had Hong Kong and India.
I mean, it was huge.
And so this was a pretty bold statement.
I like to say that our founders were willing to pledge their prosperity for their posterity.
They pledged their lives and their fortunes and their sacred honor.
Well, that's what they talked about.
They understood that life was transitory and it was about an idea and doing something nobody had ever done before.
And in England, if you challenged them in any way, they would lock you up to starve to death in the elements and then leave the skeletons up all over the place.
And then after the bones collapse, they'd put a new person in there or they'd cut your head off and put it on...
Well, you're right.
...put their lives and their fortune in their sacred honor.
They sacrificed their prosperity for their posterity.
Today, we're sacrificing our posterity for prosperity and fiddling our kids with the world's greatest debt.
And getting nothing, though.
Actually destroying our prosperity now, thinking we sold our posterity for our prosperity.
We lost both.
Those British starving ships, when Americans captured, when Washington captured those German Hessian troops at Trenton, he took them across to Delaware and on their promise not to raise arms against America again, he let them go.
And that's where a lot of the Germans in Pennsylvania came from.
But in contrast, the British took the American patriots, put them into prison, turned churches into prisons, turned schoolhouses into prisons, and then had
Starving ships.
These were like the Jersey was the name of one of the ships.
More Americans died on the British starving ships than died in battle against the British.
4,000 died in battle.
13,000 died on these starving ships.
And so the British put them in there and wouldn't feed them.
One of the signers of the declaration, his name was Abraham Clark, and he had two sons imprisoned.
And the British said, well, if you'll take your name off that declaration, we'll free your sons.
And he said, I cannot take my name off it.
God help my son.
Let me stop you right there, Bill.
I gotta be honest.
My three kids, I'm ready to die for this.
And I've said, I've put my family on the line for all this.
I have to, at a certain point, give them to God because I can't let myself let them ever be something that can be used against me or then the establishment might go after them.
But still, to know your kids are out on a boat, they're going to be starved to death and thrown into the ocean with pleasure by the empire, I mean, that just took incredible will and commitment.
What ended up happening to his sons?
Well, it took a long time, but they finally were gotten back in a prisoner exchange.
But that wasn't the fate that happened to Francis Lewis's wife.
Francis Lewis was from New York.
He signed the Declaration of Independence.
His wife was captured by the British and imprisoned and kept in freezing weather without a change of clothes for six months with hardly any food.
And they saw that she was about to die, so they let her go and she died within a month.
I was about to stop you.
That was their little trick.
A lot of times, especially with little kids, Andrew Jackson's mother and brother, they let him go and they died one, two days later, one a week later.
So they starve you like a concentration camp victim.
They had his mother and brother in a church concentration camp.
That was their British term for it.
They invented it for those that don't know.
And then they took them on wagon back and put them out to die at their house.
Go ahead.
Well, and then there's John Hart.
He signed the Declaration of Independence and was at his wife's dying bedside when they ran in and said the British were coming.
He had to flee the British, burnt his house, chased away his kids.
He had to live in fields and in caves and broke his health and he died before the war ended.
That was John Hart.
Then there was Richard Stockton, popular guy in New Jersey, Chief Justice of their Colonial Supreme Court.
I think so.
He was put in the freezing cold, treated with severity because he was one of the signers.
He was brutalized.
His library, which was one of the greatest in America, was destroyed.
His money he had in continental currency, which became worthless, and he was released.
The government never paid him back.
He didn't get any stimulus bailout, and he died bankrupt at 51 years old.
It's 1781.
What about some of the famous British massacres too?
Putting people in buildings and killing them, burning them?
Well one of them was a gentleman, Johnny Burgoyne, landed in Canada and was coming down from New York and he got the Indians
To enter into a treaty, and it's actually referred to in the Declaration of Independence, where he basically told the Indians to go out and terrorize the Americans.
Well, one of the stories was that the Indians couldn't tell who was a loyalist and who was an American, and David Jones left his New York village and went to join Johnny Burgoyne and told his fiancée, Jane McRae, that he would come back for her.
Well, uh, close.
One evening, the Indians came into the camp.
There's scalp.
And one of them was the long red hair that David Jones recognized belonged to his fiancée, uh, Jane McRae.
And so she had been, they were fighting over who would get her scalp and then they killed her and just cut it off.
And so, uh, gentlemen, Johnny Burgoyne had to go and tell these Indians to cool it and they got offended and left.
And so here it is, Burgoyne abandoned in the middle of the New York forest and the Americans finally surround him and win the battle of Saratoga.
But, um,
This is where we see that the Declaration talks about how the king has incited the natives of the frontier to butcher the inhabitants of our colonies.
But over and over again, another one was
John Witherspoon.
He was the one clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence.
They burnt his college.
Princeton was the college he was the president of.
And his son, James Witherspoon, died in the Battle of Germantown there in Pennsylvania.
A little interesting trivia, Reese Witherspoon is a distant descendant of John Witherspoon, the actor there.
But we see that they paid this price to have their names on that document.
One interesting story is John Adams.
He was the first U.S.
ambassador after the war to the king of England.
And he made international news when he refused to bow to the king.
I mean, he was a former subject of the king, but now he's an American citizen and he goes in there and doesn't bow.
He had a backbone of steel.
And so that set the precedent that no American president or any representative of America would ever bow to any other monarch.
Until, of course, President Obama bowed to King Abdullah.
But we see that the founders, they vehemently wanted to defend their independence.
And that's why I'm sure that they would be turning in their graves when they would see this power taken away.
You know, our founders bathed themselves in philosophers that talked about how to separate power.
Again, they took the powers of the monarch, broke them into three branches, they separated from the federal to the state level, tied it up with ten handcuffs, we call the First Ten Amendments.
But there were other philosophers that wanted to concentrate power.
One of them was Machiavelli.
He lived 500 years ago in Italy.
And Italy wasn't Italy.
Italy was a bunch of little kingdoms and dukedoms and papal states, and they were always fighting each other.
Venice fighting Genoa, fighting Siena, fighting Assisi, fighting Perugia.
And so Machiavelli said, you know, if one prince could control all of Italy, it would stop all this infighting.
So he wrote a book called The Prince for Lorenzo de' Medici, a rich guy in Florence,
Yeah, I think.
If the prince pays insurgents to kill cows, burn barns, create terror, the people will cry out for help.
The prince will come in and kill the guy that he bribed, and everybody will treat the prince like a hero.
So it's good marketing.
He creates the need and kills it.
So we're talking about government-sponsored terrorism, with Machiavelli talking about it, which the big neocons say is their top teacher.
Final segment, few final calls we've got to have.
The American Minute dot com.
Gentlemen back.
Bill, stay there.
Final segment with you.
What the Fourth of July is really all about.
There's a guy named MZ in Santa Cruz, California, who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I should have gotten more calls earlier, but just so much happened.
We did take a lot the first couple hours.
We're going to rebroadcast at InfoWars.com.
You can always listen to the restream 24 hours a day and the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
Bill Federer, briefly, because I want to take a few calls.
Tell folks about some of your great books and materials that are available.
And also, just in summation, what The Fourth to You is really all about.
And I want to jam in a few calls from Chris and Derry.
Well, my website is AmericanMinute.com, and I send out a free daily email called the American Minute.
It airs as a radio spot on a couple hundred stations, and also as a TV spot on TCT.TV.
Faith in History is my program.
But one book I did is called America's God and Country, Encyclopedia of Quotations.
And it has sold over half a million copies in all the years America's gotten country.
Another book called, What Every American Needs, all about the Quran, the history of Islam in the United States.
Another one called, The American Minute, and the Ten Commandments, the info's on lots of different books, but another one is called Backfired, and I talk about how the different denominations started the different colonies, then Protestant,
98% of the founders were Protestant, and then with the Irish Potatoes, and then the Irish Cabbage came to America, and they got tolerated, and then there was the persecution of Houston, Bavaria, and they came across, they got tolerated.
So tolerated, like you drop a pebble in the pond, the ripples go up.
The tolerance kept going up, more and more and more, until finally, the atheists were tolerated as of 1947, and then now the Muslims.
So the last ones in have decided to push the first ones out, so it's backfired.
So in other words, everybody's tolerated today, except it started the whole thing off.
Anderson, we'll have you back on about that.
Let's jam in a few final calls here quickly.
Chris in Maryland, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Just a quick question about the tactics the government are actually using to overpower the public and basically the nation.
Not that many people are touching base on Kodak's elementaries in the Project Kyoto Treaty.
I was wondering if anybody knew the odds.
Well, you know, um, well, he foresaw this.
His farewell address is almost prophetic.
He stepped down from office in 1796, and he warned, he said, a fatal tendency to put in the place of the delegated will, the will of the party, often a small and artful and enterprising minority.
He goes on to say, likely to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, unprincipled men
Will subvert the power of the people and usurp for themselves the reigns of government, destroying afterward the very engines that lifted them to the unjust.
George Washington goes on to say, this leads to a formal and permanent despotism, and I love this part, he goes, the disorders and misery that result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security in the absolute power of an individual, who turns his disposition to his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty.
Yeah, the man on the white horse!
The man on the white horse, the dictator, now that dictator is just the government system itself seizing and grabbing everything.
I'm sorry to Derry and others, I didn't have time to get to you.
I'll be back this Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Anybody who doesn't have an affiliate in their area, it's Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv or PrisonPlanet.com.
Thank you so much, Bill, for coming on with us.
The website is AmericanMinute.com.
God bless you.
Have a great Fourth.
Thank you, Alex.
Appreciate all you're doing.
Take care.
We'll have you back on.
Great job with the crew.
I want them to have a great fourth.
I want to thank everybody out there, including XM, carrying the show.
God bless you all.
Retransmission starts now.
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