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Name: 20090624_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 24, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv for the second half of this daily four-hour transmission from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Don't forget, we have over 150,000 people a day now.
Six days a week, we're live Monday through Friday, then on Sundays for two hours.
Downloading the free podcast.
At InfoWars.com.
You can see banners on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com for the free podcast.
There's also the Alex Jones Show link that has a listen page that has all the details.
Listen on your Arnold G1, iPhone, regular cell phone.
All the applications are free right there on the site.
Bunch of different systems to choose from.
And you know, we have AM and FM affiliates and millions of listeners there.
And shortwave and internet stream listeners, number one on Shoutcast.
But we want to really be number one on the podcast.
We're a long way away from that.
Some of the bigger podcasts, you know, have 200,000 plus.
So we're close, but, you know, still far away.
So close, but yet so far away, as the song says, to being number one in podcasting.
So we're looking forward to that, because that's people's minds, people's souls, unlocking under the New World Order.
We're going to be talking to our guest after the break here in just a few minutes when some stations join us.
Maafa is the film, 21st Century Black Genocide in the United States.
We cover this in Endgame, but more like ten minutes of the two-hour film is on that.
This is all about it.
You want full detail, incredible film, available at Infowars.com.
And of course, you can also get it with Endgame.
And we discount Endgame with this film because they really go together.
And this film actually, Maafa, actually that's an African word, and we'll get the details of that on the other side of the next break, here in just a minute or two.
For genocide, or for what's happening.
But there is in-game blueprint for global enslavement with Maafa.
So these two go together like a horse and carriage.
We'll be talking to our guest who does a lot of great work on the other side of this quick break.
They are pro-life activists, finally really getting aggressive and going after Planned Parenthood for the open Nazis they are.
So if more people take this tack, we'll defeat these people very, very quickly.
But finishing up with Ted Anderson in the two minutes we've got left in this quick segment.
Ted, owner of Genesis, owner of Midas Resources, you are the place I go to get my gold and silver because it's where I get the best price.
Kind of like I got
The food company we have, the J. Michael Stevens Group, EatFoodsDirect.com, is because I bought a bunch of different storable food, didn't like it, MSG, or too expensive, or tasted like crud.
Their stuff was great, so I said, hey, I like your stuff, will you be a sponsor?
And they've been a sponsor now the last few years.
It's the same with you.
I mean, you've got, I buy gold and silver from you because, and I buy the deals you offer here on air.
These are my favorite type deals.
Tell folks quickly about today's special.
Yeah, right now we have the Lakota coin at $19.70.
Now, silver is about to break through that $14 range, and that's going to push that right up above $20 again.
And there isn't anybody else out there that's selling those things for less than $20.
So that is a really good buy.
And then, of course, the British Sovereign, if you're looking for gold, it's a quarter-ounce piece.
They're currently right now at $2.75.
The Franks are at $2.22.
Both of those coins are really good.
We have a wide variety of things if you're interested in buffaloes or if you're looking at, you know, I've got pandas.
I've got a whole long line of different products.
I really don't have enough time to talk about everything.
I try to buy when the market's down.
I mean, nobody knows for sure when the bottom's going to hit, but when I see that thing being pushed down, you know, I just know there's manipulation that's going on.
There's manipulation going on at every market right now.
Yeah, that's why it's been pogo-sticking, but pogo-sticking upwards.
The graph goes up and down, but it's moving up overall.
And so, what else is doing as good as gold and silver in the last five years?
And everything else is losing.
So, folks, give the brokers a call.
They'll be there until midnight tonight.
How long can you hold this special, with it being the prices of when gold was $20 cheaper?
Well, I can tell you, I don't know what gold is going to do in the morning tomorrow, but I will hold it until midnight tonight, for sure.
Ted Anderson, gold's normally way down in the summer.
Here it is way up.
Take this buying opportunity now to get the lower price while it's high.
It's a great investment in my view.
But there is no silver bullet.
Except for maybe silver.
Thanks, Ted.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
We'll be back with our guest.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you again about a company that has supported us in the truth movement for years.
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We're good.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I've actually seen some of the television productions they've done because one of my friends, George Woolley, a pro-life activist, has aired some of the video here in Austin on Local Access.
Mark Crutcher is with LifeDynamics.com.
We'll throw that up on screen for people watching us at PrisonPlanet.tv as we simulcast with a radio show throughout this hour.
Later in the hour, we're going to open the phones up to talk about black genocide, Native American genocide.
And again, 99% of whites don't know this is going on.
But it was George Bush Sr.
when he was
Working for Nixon, who actually carried out sterilization, this is mainstream news, and abortions on the Native American reservations.
So, if you want the big socialized healthcare of Obama, get ready, because that's what it means.
The same stuff that the Bureau of Indian Affairs gives people in the VA.
But they've made a new film that is really impressive, and it gets into this whole history of black genocide.
Looking for it in here.
I had it in here.
Oh, here it is.
It's underneath Endgame.
It's Ma Afa, Black Genocide in the 21st Century in America.
And it's just an excellent film that everybody needs to see.
Because, like I said earlier, my film Endgame gets into the whole eugenics operation and how that's the religion of the New World Order in their own words.
A religion of death.
They love death.
They that hate me love death.
And so that's why abortion is a sacrament to these people.
And I'm not kidding.
I mean, I come at this from a secular analysis.
I am a Christian.
But I don't let that be a rose colored darkly.
Though it really gives me discernment.
I look at things just coldly and analyze the history.
And then I emotionally rally people to fight against it.
But it is very, very real.
So we appreciate Mark Crutcher for coming on the show and for producing this film.
Mark, good to have you here.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for having me on.
You bet.
So tell us about your journey, your organization, what you do generally, and how it led you deeper down the rabbit hole to really the fount of this Planned Parenthood evil.
Well, we're a pro-life organization, as you know, and we do a lot of different pro-life things.
We do a lot of undercover work.
I'll be familiar with some of our work exposing the trafficking of baby body parts out of the abortion clinics.
Chop up the babies.
They kill and sell them for parts.
Yes, I want to talk about all that.
Many times, but to have you on and for some reason it never happens.
So this is hopefully the first of many interviews.
Tell us all about it.
Well, that's it.
That's a whole show by itself, but basically that's another profit center for the abortion lobby is to chop up these babies and sell them for spare parts.
It's a fairly profitable endeavor that they've got going.
We have no idea how large it is.
We know it's still going on.
We were undercover in an abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kansas for 31 months and came out with all the documentation on it.
They actually put out brochures, just like you get on a new car or something, talking about how they sell the body parts.
Then we also did an undercover investigation on the fact that Planned Parenthood is running a nationwide pedophile protection racket.
They're protecting the men who sexually abuse and rape children.
And we proved it.
And I'll say it right here on your show, they're running a nationwide pedophile protection racket.
If that's not true, that's libel and slander on its face, and they would have sued me the first time I said it seven years ago.
I've said it on over 200 national and local television and radio stations.
They've never even once contacted me.
Now, for those that don't know, I should have read your bio for people, but it's so lengthy.
You're on syndicated radio, TV.
I mean, you reach millions of people every week.
You might tell folks how big your ministry is, and they just back off and shut up.
And see, I never knew this stuff either, but over the decades, that's what I found out.
Devil-worshipping pedophiles basically run the New World Order, the global government, and they love death, they love killing babies, but please continue.
So, body parts, pedophile rings, black genocide, yes.
Yeah, now, one of the things that those of us in the pro-life movement have always known is that there was a strong racial element to the motivation behind the legalization of abortion.
And so, about three years ago, we launched an investigation into this.
What we have found, I mean, I've been in the pro-life battle for 30 years, I've been working in it full-time for 23 years, and Alex, I've learned things in the last three years that I never dreamed of.
I work in this 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the stuff that we've learned in the last three years is mind-boggling, and it is absolutely
Undeniable now that racism was a primary motivation, if not the primary motivation.
As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say it was the primary motivation for the legalization of abortion to begin with.
And what we did is we went back, and as you've seen in the DVD, we actually started at the time prior to the end of slavery when not all white people, and not even all wealthy white people,
But a certain select group of super wealthy white elitists began to wonder what was going to happen, or actually worry about what was going to happen when the end of slavery came, because they saw it was coming.
And we're talking about in the late 1700s, early 1800s, and up until the mid-1800s.
These people clearly saw that the end of slavery was going to occur one day.
They didn't know when, but they were
Very alarmed at what was going to happen, and not from the standpoint of insurrection, which is what a lot of people talk about.
The wealthy elite can always insulate themselves from insurrection.
That's not their problem.
What they were concerned about is the economic impact.
For the most part, these are the people, this wealthy elite, this small cadre of wealthy elitists,
Were the people who had most profit from slavery.
They had made billions on the backs of Africans that they had brought in here from Africa.
And it had been Christians that ended that, just like Christians are going to end their murder of babies again, but go ahead.
They begin to wonder what the economic impact was going to be of releasing four million people into the economy that they had kept artificially ignorant and unemployable, basically,
If you were black in the 1830s and you were set free, you only had one job skill, and that was to work on the cotton plantation.
So, what was going to be the impact of this is what concerned them, and their first idea was what's called colonization.
They were going to just send all the slaves back to Africa.
That failed miserably, even though it was widely embraced in our government.
The United States Congress
What most people don't know is the United States Congress actually funded the American Colonization Society.
So it was a very seriously taken concept.
It just didn't work.
And it's interesting when you start studying these things, Alex.
You know, if you put things on a timeline, which is how we started this, we did it like a criminal investigation.
We put things on a timeline starting in like in the early 1800s and continuing up to 2009.
And one of the things that you see is
Every time this small group of elitists tried something and it didn't work, all of a sudden there was something else to try.
And it's interesting that when colonization failed, it's exactly the same moment when there was a new philosophy introduced in the world called eugenics.
The man who actually coined the term eugenics, or the word eugenics, is now today called the father of eugenics.
He, his name was Francis Galton.
His family was extraordinarily wealthy.
They had made their money from the slave trade.
And he came up with this philosophy called eugenics.
And basically what it is, is not, is absolutely no different than what Hitler did, is the creation of the master race.
And he thought that the world could
Manipulate the human condition to the point that we could do a better job than what God did.
Basically, their theory was God did well as far as he went, but we can make it better.
And they really believed this.
The Galtons and the Darwins and others were all intermarried.
And they have like nine kids and eight of them would die and the other one would be retarded.
And they still thought, though, this was genius and beauty.
So they really believed that they were creating a new super race.
I knew who Darwin was and I knew who Galton was before we even started this project.
What I didn't know is that they were first cousins.
Charles Darwin and Francis Galton were first cousins and they worked together on these projects.
What you start to see as you start unraveling all of this is that
Basically, Darwin was the philosopher, and Galton was the guy who put all this stuff into practice.
He was called the bulldog.
Galton, I mean, sorry, the eugenicists first started out with a plan that was basically what you might call passive eugenics.
They believed that not only were Africans inferior intellectually to whites, they believed they were inferior physically as well.
And that unless they had direction from the white community, they couldn't survive.
They couldn't live without us.
So they set up the social welfare net and racial hygiene health departments and that's our CPS in Planned Parenthood today.
That's what it evolved into.
That's what it evolved into.
And what we do is we take everything on a step-by-step basis and we connect the dots from the failure of colonization to the success of abortion.
And we show all the stages that these people went through from passive eugenics, to positive eugenics, to negative eugenics, to birth control, to sterilization, and ultimately to abortion.
And when you start putting this thing on a timeline, you keep seeing all these things pop up where X fails, and exactly on that time, here's this new strategy.
And when that failed, here's this new strategy.
And they kept doing that until they came up with the one that worked, which was abortion.
And we document things in this video I don't think most people understand or don't know.
I certainly didn't know.
The eugenics movement had really settled on the idea of forced sterilization as the way they would control the world's population.
34 states had passed that.
Yes, over 30 states had.
Actual eugenics boards, state eugenics boards.
Over 30 states had them.
The first one was in Indiana.
And this is not something that happened just back in the 1910s or the 1920s.
No, this went on to the 80s.
Amazing film.
It covers it all.
It takes a snapshot that's an endgame and blows it way up in full, stunning detail.
You know somebody who's black who thinks Planned Parenthood loves him and Obama loves him?
When he, by the way, doubled the funding for Africa for this stuff?
You need to find out the truth.
You need to get this film at Infowars.com.
We'll also give you their site.
You'll be able to get it as well.
Stay with us.
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And you can tell he really cares, and they were a small organization, but in the last few decades they've reached tens of millions of people.
We see the polls going from the majority of Americans being for abortion to the majority now being against, and even the media admits, oh my God, people know it's a baby now.
They're not, you know, stop driving around with those cars with dead babies as other groups do.
Stop, stop.
As if that's bad, but the act is okay.
No, people are winning.
We're winning by telling the truth, and to use abortion as birth control, ladies and gentlemen, is very wicked.
That was up to advertise, like, oh, you're against birth control.
This is murder.
And now it's babies out of the womb.
And now the bioethicists are coming out and saying, and the eugenicists, oh, we need to go ahead and get rid of babies after they're born.
This is in the mainstream news.
So LifeDynamics.com, short segment now.
Mark Crutcher's on with us.
The film is Ma Afa.
Black Genocide of 21st Century America.
Describe what the name means, and then continue where you left off about abortion worked for them.
This is only one slice of eugenics, but devastating to show people why Time and Newsweek call her, you know, woman of the year before.
They put her in the top 100 women in history, say she's a great liberal, who call black people subhuman weeds.
Yeah, well actually our video is called MAFA 21.
MAFA is the
A term that's used by many in the African-American community to describe the time of slavery.
It's a Swahili word that means tragedy or calamity or something like that.
And they call that time in history Maafa.
And our argument is that the Maafa did not end when the slaves were set free.
It continues to this day.
And I think we've made a compelling case for that in this video.
And that's why we call it Maafa 21.
It's Maafa in the 21st century.
Yeah, as I was saying a moment ago, sterilization was their big tool, but in the 60s they began to lose sterilization.
The federal courts were starting to rule that these eugenics boards, these state eugenics boards and state sterilization boards, were unconstitutional.
And it was at that time, for the first time in American history, that the eugenics movement then switched over and started embracing, and again calling for the legalization of abortion.
It's also at this time that blacks begin to stand up and demand their constitutional rights and say, we're not going to take this nonsense anymore.
And all of these three things converged at one point.
You had the courts ruling against sterilization boards.
You had the black standing up and saying, we're not going to be pushed around like this anymore.
And then by, and just, I guess some people would say an enormous cosmic coincidence, the eugenics movement says, okay, if we can't have sterilization anymore, we're going to start calling for the legalization of abortion.
And then suddenly, let me just add, they've set up the health boards, set up the eugenics boards of the health department, racial hygiene.
Germany and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, as you know, for those that don't, adopts the US-British model and Hitler writes them on comp.
Thanking the United States and how wonderful it is and for teaching him all of this.
And now he's going to do this to the Jews and gypsies and Germans who had any health problems in their life.
If you had a defective heart, they'd come grab your kids and kill them and say, oh they died of ruptured appendix.
So the CPS, abortion, sterilization, that's all going on in Germany.
They get embarrassed after World War II.
The head of the UN, the Secretary General of UNESCO, Julian Huxley says,
We'll call ourselves transhumanists now.
So, suddenly in the 60s, the blacks are saying, you're not going to, you know, castrate me anymore.
And so they say, you know what?
We're going to pay your women to not have you in the house.
We're going to break your families up.
We're going to turn the cops loose on you.
And we're going to make sure those women then later have abortions.
Go ahead.
And what you have to understand, too, you mentioned Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.
The interesting thing is that the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was actually funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
And Rockefeller and Carnegie had... Rockefeller was the primary one, but Carnegie also put money into it.
And they were the ones who also funded the American Eugenics Society in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, which is still there today.
Oh, called the Human Genome Project?
Oh, that one?
No, it's now called the American Eugenics Record Office.
Exactly, but I'm saying those two nexus in together.
And we were able to get some of the information that's in this DVD that's never been released to the public.
We were able to more or less trick them into giving it to us.
Once they figured out what we were doing, they shut off the supply.
Yeah, continue with the history we're going to break, and we'll come back and tell about that.
I mean, folks, you've got to get Maafa 21, Black Genocide in 21st Century America.
Everybody's got to see this.
You want to know?
See, the smart white supremacists aren't got shaved heads and swastikas.
In fact, those idiot, toothless people think when they're fighting a liberal establishment, they're fighting a bunch of, you know, liberals.
The smart eugenicists are loving and liberal with ponytails and Birkenstocks.
And they are just sicko filth.
But you get behind closed doors with them, you go to events, you confront them, they'll just go, shut up, we're gonna get you soon, this country's ours, you're damn right, we're getting rid of them!
And I mean, they are, again, the smart ones are, oh, hi, I'm liberal!
I mean, very sick!
Stay there, sir.
Just amazing information.
My Alpha 21.
Everybody's gotta get it.
Stay with us.
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Freedom came my way one day And I started out of town, yeah All of a sudden I saw Sheridan Brown
We have a right to self-defense, and I tell you, we're so blessed, ladies and gentlemen.
To have somebody that reaches millions and millions of people like Mark Crutcher really finding out about the eugenics.
And you can hear his voice, because I've seen his TV show for at least six, seven, eight years, probably longer than that.
And you know, they're real focused and serious, but I can hear almost the tremor in his voice when he says, I discovered things in the last three years.
He can hardly talk.
I'm the same way.
That's why I'm interrupting every five seconds, because it's almost the opposite.
I'm just jumping in going, yes, it's true.
Yes, he's telling you the truth.
Yes, this is what's really going on.
And then you find out that it's the fluoride in the water's eugenics.
Then you find out the vaccines.
Then you find out they've been caught, just London Guardian yesterday, sterilizing women in Africa.
Folks, everything is eugenics.
Everything is control of human mind, society.
The Prozac, with 20% of the public on it, that's part of eugenics.
But this is just focusing in on Maafa, which means the dark time, the slave time, the bad times, the slavery.
Really, Genocide 21 is what it means.
Available at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
And usually I have filmmakers on and don't even sit there and say, get it, get it, you gotta have it, you gotta get it!
Give this to everybody you know who's black, especially, so they know Planned Parenthood isn't their friend.
We can defeat these people.
We can stop them if we're able to do this.
Now, I'm going to try to shut up.
Go through the film, and then briefly, I'm going to have you back up.
Let's talk about the pedophile rings with Planned Parenthood.
You're the guys and some other folks that would call Planned Parenthood and say, I want to give money just to kill the dirty blacks.
And they'd, oh yes, we love getting rid of those.
Your money will go directly to getting rid of them.
I mean, people have trouble dealing with the magnitude of the wickedness of this group.
It's just like when the neighbor gets caught who'd mow your lawn and water your plants with 20 dead bodies in their basement.
You're like, I can't believe it.
Well, you've got to get past that, folks, and look at the evidence covered in these films.
I've got a little clip of Endgame coming up in just a moment, but go ahead, sir.
Well, you mentioned a moment ago Floor Outta the Water.
One of the things that we discovered is that back in the 60s, when they began to be concerned that they were going to lose sterilization and abortion at that point had not been legalized, one of the proposals that these people put forward was that the U.S.
government should be putting birth control agents into the food and water supply.
And this was widely discussed, widely embraced by people in the eugenics movement.
It was discussed at a 1969 meeting of the United Nations.
It was embraced by them.
And when we started studying this idea, listen to how preposterous this was, Alex.
Their proposal was that birth control agents could be put into the municipal food and water supplies, and then they would develop an anecdote to the birth control agents in the water.
Which you could apply to the government for the right to purchase on the New York Stock Exchange.
They were literally going to sell these certificates, basically, to have a baby on the New York Stock Exchange.
And when we started studying this, it was almost... At times, Alex, I hate to say this, but we were laughing.
It was so laughable, so funny, that these people were dead serious about this.
Until, no I agree with you, until you realize they're actually doing it through covert means right now.
In fact, the carbon tax they're admitting, notice they're now getting rid of the child credit in California, in Australia they're now going to tax you if you have more than one kid, and they admit this is how the Chinese one-child policy started in 75, became law in 81, but go ahead.
The interesting thing is, when we studied this idea of what happened to this idea of putting birth control agents in the food and water supply, the eugenics movement eventually abandoned it and then increased the cost for the legalization of abortion, mainly because, not because they were morally, had a moral problem, these people don't have morals, but they did not abandon the putting the food, doctoring up the food and water supply with birth control.
Because of moral concerns, they abandoned it because they concluded that it was impractical, that you really couldn't do it.
One of the eugenicists we talk about in MAFA, one of these people actually said in this UN conference, he was representing the United States on this Population Council in the UN, he says, look, we couldn't stop the import and sale of alcohol.
He said, how are we going to do this with water?
He said, all we're going to do is we're going to create a black market for untreated water.
He said, we're going to have speakeasies for water if we try to do this.
Now, he wasn't opposed to the idea as a philosophy, just that it wasn't practical.
And then the idea was put forward about doing this in foreign countries.
And it was shot down there because they said the countries whose population we need control are the black countries in Africa.
And the vast majority of people that live in those countries do not get their food and their water from municipal supplies.
They get their water from streams and rivers, and we can't go out there and put this stuff in every stream and river.
But Mark, here's the big horror.
This is what we know they've done.
I've seen even BBC articles where they check medically the young girls, 10-15 years old, that all have HIV, and they haven't even had
You know, their virginity loss.
They can medically, as you know, check that.
And they're going, we don't know where they got it.
And they go, oh, maybe the aid workers are using the same needles over and over again.
And they've caught them adding sterilization hormones to tetanus shots.
That's mainstream news.
And we hear about Bill and Melinda Gates giving, you know, tens of billions of dollars with Warren Buffett and the rest of them.
And Bill Gates' daddy was the head of Planned Parenthood.
And here's The Times of London, billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation.
And you've got all the richest people meeting in a, quote, secret meeting of how to reduce the population.
I just want folks to know what's proven and admitted proves these are total criminals.
But I'm telling you, it's a lot bigger.
But I'm going to try to shut up.
Keep going over the film with the history.
OK, so you have the abortion, breakup of the black family.
Now they're moved on to everybody, though.
They're not just doing this to blacks.
It's just the blacks are the apple of their eye.
They're the favorite target.
Well, listen, we talk about in the documentary, we were able to get our hands
On a document that's called NSSM 200.
It was a document that was put out by the United States Government, the Justice Department, the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, and the USAID, which is the agency that operates under the State Department, through which we fund all of these foreign aid programs.
And what that document showed, this document, NSSM 200, was originally classified, and I am absolutely convinced
That the Secretary of State's office, which at that time, this document is often called the Kissinger Report because it was put out by Henry Kissinger.
I am convinced they never thought this would be made public because if they thought it was ever going to be made public, they would not have said some of the things that they were saying in here.
But this was a document that was designed to codify or to describe America's
...policy on controlling the population of what they call underdeveloped or third-world countries.
And, not coincidentally, these countries are all in Africa, and they're all black countries.
But, in the document, they state that the reason that we have to control the populations of these countries, we're not doing it to help them.
We're doing it because they have minerals and metals that we need in the United States, and if we don't stabilize and control their populations and reduce their populations,
They'll use up their own minerals and metals and we won't be able to get to them.
And that's a repeat of the British Royal Commission of 49 that says the same thing.
Nothing has changed about this.
Nothing has changed about the eugenics movement since Galton first came up with the idea and his cousin Darwin put wings on it.
I'm telling you, this is a... and people say, well you're some sort of conspiracy nut.
Are you trying to tell me
That a bunch of people in the late 1700s, early 1800s, come up with these fantastic ideas of controlling the world's population, and they're in conspiracy with people that were not even born for a hundred years after that.
It's not a matter... A conspiracy does not have to be a situation where a bunch of people get in a room and cook up some idea that they all work together on.
A conspiracy is what I call the conspiracy of a common agenda.
It's a program.
This is the British Empire, the U.S.
Robber Barons, the Royalty, and the Romans had handbooks on how to throw disease blankets over walls to make everybody die.
The Huns were using that 2,000 years ago.
This is why elites are in control.
They're master planners.
They call themselves great architects.
Are we stupid enough to suggest that Frances Galton got in a room with Margaret Sanger when they never lived contemporaneously?
Obviously we're not stupid enough to say that.
No, the Rockefeller family picked up those ideas and on records went and funded her as a front and then she wrote letters to the big foundations, as you know, saying I've got to get black fronts because they won't trust us white folks.
Right, exactly.
And that's what they've done up until this very day and now we have gone to the point of exporting this.
Alex, I want to
I want to give you an example of what I believe is the ultimate form of just sheer gall for people to have.
When this idea that we would export genocide into these African countries really took on steam was in the late 60s and early 70s.
At that time, we had a man appointed to head up this effort in the United States.
His name was R.T.
And he was appointed by Nixon to run this population control effort outside the country.
They openly stated, and we found the articles and the documents where they openly stated that the United States' goal with population control was to sterilize one quarter of the world's female population.
Now you tell me, where do we get the right
And who has the gall to stand up here and say the United States is going to go outside of its borders and sterilize one out of four of the females on this earth?
Where do we get the gall to do that?
And that was just on the paper.
And that was just on paper.
We've got African countries where 45% of the women have HIV.
And Ravenholt, and this was really pushed, not coincidentally in my view,
When the Ford administration, people don't remember this very often, that when you start talking about the Ford administration and Nixon and all that stuff, you forget that Ford's vice president was Nelson Rockefeller.
And Rockefeller, Ford, and Kissinger were pushing all this world population control agenda, and it's the same group of people.
Every time you investigate something in this,
If you dig deep enough, if you peel enough layers of the onion away, you always find the same people at the center of it.
Well, listen, I've gone online and looked at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and their federal filings.
It's all open eugenics groups, but when you see it on the news, it's, oh, they're helping black people, isn't Bill Gates sweet?
But then on Bill Moyers, he said get rid of the population.
Well, again,
You look at what we've done in foreign countries.
Let me just propose a hypothetical to you.
Let's say that today in France or England or Germany or Australia or Canada, there was some sort of natural catastrophe.
And these people need help.
Would we help them?
We absolutely would.
But would our help be contingent upon their accepting the American ideals of birth control and abortion?
Would we go into France and say, yeah, we recognize that you've got people starving in the streets, and you can't help them, and we're here with USAID, but we've got this food and medicine sitting on this ship out in the harbor.
We will not unload it.
Until you agree to legalize abortion, accept our version of birth control and family planning and population control.
If you do that, we'll unload the ships.
If you don't, we're taking them back.
We would never do that in a white country.
But that has been our standard procedure for the last 50 years in Africa and in other black countries, even in this hemisphere.
But I'll tell you why, sir.
I'm sure you know this.
The big secret is, and again, you've done a great job.
Your research is amazing.
You've taught me a lot.
This is a sliver just with the blacks, the group they're mainly focused on.
They don't need to in the white countries because they're all run by the eugenicists and they all are pulling the stuff on black, white, it doesn't matter.
And you're right, when they go into Africa or Latin America or Asia, they say, you've got to accept this company running your water supplies.
Because we're going to put additives in it because we care about you.
You've got to accept giving your kids these vaccines because we won't take good care of them.
We're going to kill them down with a hammer, but just never mind what happens if we shoot them up.
So that's the next level of the diabolical evil, is realizing that if they're not giving them aid, the aid they're giving them is eugenics death as well.
Go ahead.
It's cultural suicide.
We're telling these people, unless you're willing to commit cultural suicide, we won't help you.
And, you know, a perfect example of this, and it's just one little tiny grain of sand on the beach, is Haiti.
Haiti, as we all know, has been struck by a lot of disasters.
It's a very poor country.
Many of the things that have happened to it are just a result of where it's located on the globe.
They've been hit by hurricanes and tsunamis and all kinds of natural disasters.
We have gone into Haiti repeatedly and told them, you know, we'll help, but you have to accept American birth control and population control measures.
And if you don't do that, we won't help you.
I have talked to people who are missionaries who have gone to Haiti to try to help these poor people.
And they say, you can go into clinics there.
And I had another guy tell me this exact same thing about countries in Africa.
He said, you can go into clinics there.
And in many of these places, a clinic is made up of a thatched
Walled building with no roof and dirt floors.
You can go in there, they have no medicines, no bandages, nothing to help deliver a healthy baby, none of that stuff.
But you can look over in the corner and see piles and piles of birth control pills and condoms with American flags and USAID on the ends of them.
In Haiti today, to give you an example of how profound this problem is, in Haiti today,
It's estimated that 90% of the female population in Haiti has access to free birth control supplied by the United States government.
But only 20% of the Haitian people have access to clean drinking water.
Most of the 80% of the Haitian people get their water out of sewers and out of open pits and out of streams.
It's all meant to kill them.
Instead of going in, educating them, stabilizing the population, the Royal Commission says we're going to let their populations explode as a way to devastate them economically so we can then come in and mop up later with eugenics.
I mean, it is just hellish what they're doing.
It is obscene.
It's an obscenity of the first order, and I... You know, the sad thing about this is, is that so much of this is done under the guise of compassion, that, as you mentioned a moment ago, basically the American people look the other way, and they don't understand what is actually going on in these places.
There is no reason for some of these countries in Africa that have large reserves of natural resources
For these countries to be poor year in and year out, for generation in and generation out, a hundred years consistently being poor.
There is no reason for that other than that outside forces are manipulating their economies and manipulating their populations.
Well, it's the economic hitmen that John Perkins talks about.
We have the IMF and World Bank documents.
They go in and destroy their economies by design.
And, I mean, look at Haiti.
A bunch of sugar cane slaves, never allowed to have education.
They're hit by hurricanes every year.
There's constant CIA coups.
And, you know, people say, oh, they're just black.
They're not even human.
That's why they live in squalor.
That is such a wicked cop-out.
Meanwhile, the elites are basically putting out rat poison for them to kill their children.
And a lot of racist people think, oh good, this is all being done to whites as well, ladies and gentlemen.
We're all under the soft kill eugenics system as well.
Stay there, sir.
This is very powerful info.
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I think so.
The preacher man says it's the end of time In the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive
Just talking to Mark, and just amazing information at lifedynamics.com, Mark Crutcher.
For many years, Mark Crutcher has been an outspoken and uncompromising opponent of abortion.
In 1986, he created the Life Activist Seminar and trained more than 15,000 pro-life activists all across the United States and Canada.
Then, in 1992, he founded Life Dynamics, which has since become widely recognized as one of the most innovative and professional pro-life organizations in America.
Under Mark's direction, Life Dynamics has done trailblazing research in the abortion industry and developed an extensive litigation support system to help women sue the abortionists who kill, injure, or sexually assault them.
Since 1992, Life Dynamics has also carried out an aggressive direct mail campaign and it just goes on from there.
Be sure you go to LifeDynamics.com and listen, I've figured out how to approach mainline liberals who think, oh it's a woman's body, keep the state out of their body.
It has nothing to do with that and when they find out it's about eugenics,
And when they find out how evil it is, they wake up.
And Mark has agreed to stay with us another 15-20 minutes the next hour so we can talk about some other subjects.
Planned Parenthood, the Nazis, the pedophile rings, all the key info that I've separately verified, not just from his research.
He's a big national leader, so this stuff's well documented and he's been bringing that out, as he said, for years.
But you were telling me during the break about Congress seeing this, members of Congress, and this even waking up people.
And I asked, why didn't you put, and maybe you didn't want to get into this because then they'll try to spin it, I said, why didn't you put Obama increasing the abortion funding and eugenics funding in here?
And you explained, I think eloquently, why.
Do you want to get into that or just move on?
Well, no, but I'm happy to talk about the situation that happened in Congress last week.
We had a congressman.
Who had heard about the DVD.
We sent him a copy of it.
He was just blown away by it, as a lot of people are when they see this information.
He wanted to show it and make it available to members of Congress and their staff to come watch.
So, last Thursday, they had a showing for it.
It was extraordinarily well attended.
The response that we got was amazing.
People were saying, look, there's other people that need to see this and everybody didn't get to come.
So they agreed to show it again the next day, on Friday.
On Friday, we had representatives of 19 congressmen who are members of the CBC, or the Congressional Black Caucus, send representatives.
Now, we knew, and people that were there in the little
The reception they had beforehand said it was clear from the attitude these people had that they were hostile, that they knew it had something to do with stopping abortion, and it was being sponsored by a guy who was a Republican and a pro-lifer.
So they were coming there basically as infiltrators to gather information and even be disruptive, possibly.
The anticipation was
That they would eat the food during the reception.
They'd stay for 10 or 15 minutes of the video and get up and leave.
The reality was that at the end of the video, all 19 of them were still there.
They clapped.
Two of the women were crying.
One woman came up to Pastor Donnie Hunter, who's head of LEARN, which is the largest African-American pro-life organization in America.
One of these women came up to him and said, Pastor Hunter, I've got to tell you,
I walked into this room with one view and she said, I'm leaving with a totally different perspective.
And she said, this thing has changed my life.
And I'm going to go back and talk to my Congressman.
Well, praise God, because that's the thing.
This is so over the chart, off the chart.
If we just expose these eugenicists and how the whole society's built by the robber barons, as you said, to carry this out, game over for them.
And, you know, these average liberals, black women, whatever, they're not bad people.
They're programmed, like everybody else from birth,
In this Matrix-level fraud, and they find out what this is really all about in Margaret Singer's own words, in Daddy Rockefeller's own words, then they know the truth and it sets them free.
Back in 70 seconds with our guest.
Stay with us.
Get the DVD at Infowars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
All right, already into the fourth and final hour.
Another two segments with Mark Crutcher.
You can get the DVD there or you can get it at InfoWars.com.
We have it discounted.
Endgame discount at half price when you get it with Maafa 21, Black Genocide of the 21st Century.
Show them this one and then show them Endgame.
We're going to play a clip of Endgame coming up in the next segment.
This from newsreel films produced by the robber barons, Rockefeller funding went into this, that were shown to people at free showings and shown to school boards to get the eugenics laws passed to sterilize babies.
And it's on record, they wouldn't just come sterilize a woman.
A lot of times they'd take a baby and put it in a bucket of water.
Same thing the communist Chinese do.
So it's also the murder of babies that are already born.
So this is very, very serious.
We hit that break and you were talking about all these Congressional aides waking up, these pro-abortion people coming in and really figuring out that they've been lied to their whole lives, that this was the genocide of their people, and that they thought of it as some sacred Bill of Rights sacrament.
You're not going to take my abortion rights away, not knowing it was really Hitlerian.
Not knowing that basically what it was designed to do was to wipe out their
That's the bottom line.
And, you know, one of the things people think we're baying at the moon here a lot of times when we talk about these, as you're calling them, robber barons.
But it's all on record!
I mean, they wrote books themselves!
Let me give you one that, if anybody doubts this, they can go study it themselves.
It's absolutely true.
And they'll find the documentation on it.
At the end of World War II, it was revealed that the company who manufactured the gas for the Nazi death camps was a company named IG Farben.
And it was later found out when the Allies started researching what had gone on with IG Farben, it was later found out that not only did they manufacture the gas for the Nazis to use in their gas chambers, IG Farben engineers actually designed the gas chambers as a way to induce the Nazis to buy the gas from them.
IG Farben engineers and IG Farben board of directors members were charged and tried at Nuremberg after the war.
Now, IG Farben was a large company in Europe at the time, and they obviously didn't want to go out of business.
So what they did to distance themselves from the Holocaust, which they were being closely linked to, especially when all their board of directors was also on trial at Nuremberg, they changed the name of the company.
It became known as Hurt AG.
And they survived.
The company survived.
Not only did it survive, it thrived.
And today, Herct is a gigantic, multinational pharmaceutical and chemical company.
Now, they have subsidiaries all over the world, including the United States.
Their headquarters is in New Jersey.
In France, their subsidiary is a company called Roussol-U-Cloff.
Roussol-U-Cloff is the company that developed RU-46, the abortion pill.
So, in other words,
The same company, IG Farben, which manufactured the gas for the Nazi death camps, also developed RU-486 to use in American death camps.
Killing is our business and business is good.
And here's something that's very interesting about this.
It was also revealed in congressional hearings after the war that the Rockefeller Foundation
...was a business partner with IG Farben.
They even went together and formed another company called Standard IG Farben for Standard Oil, which was an American company under Rockefeller, and IG Farben.
They were actually business partners, and that partnership even continued after the war began.
So, you had IG Farben and Rockefeller in bed together to come up with the Zyklon B gas that was used in the Nazi death camps,
Later on, IG Farben is developing RU-486 under the name of Roussel Ucloff in France.
Another Rockefeller connection.
When RU-486 was rushed through the approval process by the Clinton administration,
They couldn't find a manufacturer to manufacture RU-46 for the Americans.
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Folks, I expect to see these go out the door.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
It is on record that Margaret Sanger gave awards to Hitler and got awards from him.
It is on record she called blacks sub-human weeds that had to be exterminated.
We have to hire blacks to be our front so they don't know we want to kill them.
It is on record all of this goes on.
So, don't be in denial.
About what set up abortion, what runs it, what's happening in this country and the world, and the carbon tax, and that we're carbon-based life form, that we need to be taxed for having more than one child and need to be regulated and be licensed to have kids.
This is the eugenics takeover.
And after our guest leaves us, I'm going to get more into that.
But I wanted to play a clip from Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
This is from the movie.
uh... put out in the thirties promoting this stuff and then and then a bunch of newsreels that promoted it uh... and you know as bad as this movie as it's seen as though she's really innocent she doesn't need to be sterilized as she was adopted but it's still all the retards need to be you know sterilized or people that have mental problems need to be your physical problems but she's innocent so
They put it in the situational ethics where it's she's innocent but the others still deserve it.
Here it is.
The scientific rationale for tyranny has always been attractive to elites because it creates a convenient excuse for treating their fellow man as lower than animals.
Robert Thomas Malthus, famous for saying that a mass food collapse would be helpful because it would wipe out the poor.
His fictional scenario would later be called a Malthusian Catastrophe.
Malthus is important because his ideas led to the rise of a new scientific field that would dominate the course of human history for the next 200 plus years.
Charles Darwin, an admirer of the Malthusian catastrophe model, developed the theory of evolution, its chief tenet being the survival of the fittest.
With the help of T.H.
Huxley, known as Darwin's bulldog for his strong support of Darwin's theories, Darwin's theories were pushed into wide acceptance among key scientific circles throughout England, and then the world.
Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, credited as the father of eugenics, saw an opportunity to advance mankind by taking the reins of Darwin's evolution theory and applied social principles to develop social Darwinism.
The families Darwin, Galton, Huxley, and Wedgwood were so obsessed with their new social design theory that they pledged their families would only breed with each other.
They falsely predicted that within only a few generations they would produce supermen.
The emerging pseudoscience was only codifying the practice of inbreeding, already popular within elites for millennia.
The Four Families Experiment was a disaster.
Within only two generations of inbreeding, close to 90% of their offspring either died at birth or were seriously mentally or physically handicapped.
The moneyed class of the planet, and particularly the royal families of the world, who were already obsessed with breeding and filled with a predatory disdain for the underclass, seized on the new science and began aggressively enforcing its aims worldwide.
Biometrics appears to be a new science, but it was actually developed by Galton back in the 1870s as a way to track racial traits and genetic histories, and as a way to decide who would be licensed to breed.
In 1904, the Cold Springs Harbor Research Facility was started in the United States by eugenicist Charles Davenport with the funding of prominent robber barons, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Harriman.
In 1907, the first sterilization laws were passed in the United States.
Citizens with mild deformities or low test scores on their report cards were arrested and forcibly sterilized.
You're 17, aren't you Alice?
Yes, but what have you done with my folks?
Well, we're trying to help them, Alice, and you too.
They were taken to the hospital this afternoon.
Wasn't none of them sick this morning?
We thought it necessary to present your family's case to the state medical commission.
After an examination, they decided there was but one important action to take.
To have your entire family sterilized.
Why, what's that?
I don't know what you're talking about!
Now, in this state, we have a law which provides for such people to have an operation so there won't be any more children.
I see.
Now, we've placed your brothers in institutions where they'll be properly cared for.
But if you go back to your job, Sue, I'll arrange to have it held open for you.
I'm keeping my job.
I'm not going anywhere.
Now, you're going to the hospital too, Alex.
And you mean they're going to stop me from having children ever?
I'm all right, I tell you.
I won't go to any hospital.
We don't want any trouble with you, young woman.
If you refuse to go, the officer here will take you by force.
In 1910, the U.S.
Eugenics Record Office was set up.
All right, that's enough.
And they take her to trial and decide to go ahead and sterilize her, and it's good.
Going back to Mark Crutcher, this is our history.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Christ said the people perish for lack of knowledge.
The truth will set you free.
I mean, it really is true.
So finish up with the eugenics in the film, Maafa, 21.
But then get into, and of course we'll have you back, I know your time is very important, sir, to get into the other crimes of Planned Parenthood, because it's not just their sicko eugenicists.
The eugenicists hire sickos who like to engage in crimes against children as kind of their payoff to carry out these evils.
So it's kind of a court of criminals all working together, each with their different vices they enjoy.
The upper echelon control freaks just enjoy the
Yeah, what you have to understand is that these people honestly believe that they are genetically superior to everyone else on the planet.
It's not that they do this out of hoping that they're genetically superior.
They honestly believe it.
And so, in their kind of twisted worldview, I don't think many times they even realize how patently evil they are.
You know, if a guy's going out here and he's committing rapes on the street, or murders, or robbing places, if you stop him, if you go to the prison, if you go down to Huntsville, and you ask these people, is what you did wrong?
Is what you did evil?
Most of them will tell you, yeah, they knew it.
They knew it when they were doing it, that it was wrong.
But the most dangerous part of these eugenics, this eugenics crowd, and this white elite that we have seen around the world over the last 150 years, is they honestly believe this stuff.
They're true believers.
Satan has his foot on their throat, and they don't even understand it.
They don't really realize that that's what they're doing.
But they are the most dangerous people on the face of the Earth.
There is nothing, there is no force in the history of mankind that is more dangerous than science
And technology that is not restrained by morality.
And these people see morality as kind of a quaint philosophy that, yeah, it'd probably be best if the whole world lived by this stuff, but it's not really realistic, and that's not the goal we have to shoot for.
And we're morally and intellectually superior in every way to these people, so it's our right to have dominion over them.
That's right.
They say it's illegal in their system for you to resist them.
You're like, well, I have a right to live.
I have a right to not have sodium chloride put in my water and tell me I've got to shoot my kids up with mercury that gives them cancer.
And they just go, you aren't intellectual enough to understand that.
I've had one of them on the air say, we're going to take over the planet, Alex, and we're going to forcibly re-educate you.
And to them, I go, but that's tyranny.
No, I'm intellectually more advanced than you.
You just psychologically, mentally can't even measure up to me, so you don't get to make that decision.
Well, it's a part of the arrogance and the gall that I talked about earlier when they say that we have the right, as the U.S.
government has the right, or actually their argument, it was the responsibility to go out and sterilize one-fourth of the world's female population.
They believe that they are kind of the chosen people
And if the rest of us were simply as smart as they are, we would agree with them.
In other words, you cannot be intelligent and reach a different conclusion than what they reach.
And this is...
Classic neoliberalism in the 20th century in America.
Yeah, and they say they're very sad about it.
Oh, I don't like that we have to shoot the young women up with HIV, but my God, they're going to destroy the earth if we don't.
Well, then how about they go kill themselves?
Oh, but no.
No, no, no.
They're the brain trust.
They've got to survive.
This is just
Classic extermination.
This is just an instinct of a control freak to dominate everybody around them.
And I've talked to these people.
At the bottom line, they get off on it.
They get off on it.
They're not trying to educate people.
They're not trying to... No, they want to dominate and control.
And what I found, sir, is you're going off their own documents.
What we cover in Endgame is they don't just have positive and negative eugenics, as they claim.
That is making the great race greater and live longer and better looking and smarter.
And let's stop the dummies from breeding.
It's worse.
When you really get into higher-level eugenics, they're targeting the smart and the intelligent that they think rival them in the power structure.
So really, while they're diverting kind of low-level racists that serve them, that, oh, this is just for blacks and Mexicans and Asians and people, while they're diverting them, when you get into higher-level text on eugenics and the real operational system that I've studied, just from the intelligence on the ground of what they're doing,
Their real target is actually who they believe the elite, most smart people are, and that's northern Europeans and Jews, because they think those are the groups that are real smart, but they want their elite families to stay in control, so they want to exterminate out those groups because they see them as rivals.
Kind of like a male grizzly bear will come up and smell cubs and kill the males.
Tigers, lions do that.
Some species of birds go and kill male baby birds, because they think they're going to be competing with them lately.
That's actually what they're doing.
So for all the racists out there, they're putting stuff in your water too.
Well, it's not what you're describing there is not unlike, if you think about it Alex, what always happened in countries that were taken over through communist uprisings.
One of the things that the communists always did when they took over a country was execute all the people that helped them take over.
Because they would see them as potential threats and potential rivals in the future.
Oh, that's a great point.
Final segment.
Sorry we're having these breaks.
It's just amazing having Mark Crutcher on.
Our website's InfoWars.com.
Just an incredible resource out there and really standing up for these unborn defenseless babies.
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The film, Maafa, 21, Black Genocide in 21st Century America.
You gotta get it at InfoWars.com or 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me.
I'm Alex Jones in Austin, Texas at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 787-04.
Don't count on other people.
To expose this, you need to.
Again, abortion's being exposed.
They're still killing millions of babies every year, but the numbers are going down.
The polls show people are waking up to this.
And so the establishment's using the phony green revolution now as the pretext to put in this world tax to control us that we cover in the endgame.
Okay, Mark, finishing up, we'll have you back up for a part two on this.
You've been gracious with your time.
Get more into Planned Parenthood and just some of the other disgusting things they're involved with on record that you have documented at LifeDynamics.com.
I would like to come back sometime and talk about these other things, but they're a show all in and of themselves, and that is the pedophile protection racket and this issue of marketing the body parts of the babies that they kill.
There's more money in the marketing of the body parts than there is in the actual abortion.
I would not be surprised if someday in the future
That you don't see free abortion clinics in order to just acquire the bodies.
They could right now do that.
That would not be a problem.
And when we were doing our undercover investigation, that was something that we heard discussed, that they might actually put free abortion clinics out here just to get the dead bodies.
Because, you know, they could do an abortion for $300 or $400, charge the woman $300 or $400, but they get a body that they can sell for $2,000.
Well, they could get more bodies if they didn't charge anything.
Well, that's how the scam works.
They take toxic waste from aluminum production and fertilizer, and then the city of Austin pays millions a year to put the poison in our water, when that company would have to pay to get rid of it.
This is the same kind of scam, but they should be paying for the babies as much as they get for them.
And China, we've confirmed, they've gotten the brochures.
They admittedly render the babies down and put it into cosmetics.
Well, I don't think, really, Alex, we have any
Any inkling of an idea, even those of us who work in this every day, any inkling of an idea of how deep this thing goes.
But one point I want to make before we leave, because I don't want people to get the wrong idea about something here.
This is not about political parties.
It's very often that you hear people say, yeah, we've got to stop those evil Democrats and we've got to help the Republicans.
Let me tell you something.
Whether you're talking about the godless social engineers that dominate the Democratic Party, or the godless elitists who dominate the Republican Party, they've both been mobbed up in the eugenics business for way over a hundred years.
And this is something that we need to make sure people understand, that we're not out here proselytizing for the Republican Party, or criticizing the Democratic Party, because as we show in this documentary,
They've both been up to their eyeballs.
Because if you just make it left-right, then the system can play it off against us, when really it's system-wide, like you said, mobbed up.
This is a mob, a cult.
This is really, their religion is...
I mean, I've discovered that IBM and Microsoft are basically eugenics fronts.
I mean, it just goes so deep.
Well, you know, a minute ago I was mentioning that Rockefeller was involved in the production of IG Farben.
And we were talking about RU46 and we got interrupted there by the commercial, but when they couldn't find a manufacturer for RU46 in the United States, they spent eight years looking for someone to actually sell it here, eventually
A Chinese company, a pharmaceutical company owned by the Chinese government, agreed to manufacture RS-46 for the American market, and they admitted in the press release that they made, when they announced that they were going to do this, they admitted that they only did it because their research was being underwritten by the Rockefeller Foundation.
I saw that in the news.
So, the Rockefellers, by way of the CHICOM government, are killing American babies, black, white.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, just outrageous.
But the majority... What are the numbers per capita?
I mean, it's a huge higher level of black babies are aborted, right?
In America today, a black baby is over five times as likely to be aborted as a white baby.
American women are 12% black, yet black women make up 37% of the abortions.
More black babies... Now, I want you to hear this, okay?
Alex, more African Americans are murdered every week in American abortion clinics than all the African Americans that died in the seven years of the Vietnam War.
Every week.
Mark Crutcher.
Mark, God bless you, what you're doing.
We'll talk to you very, very soon, my friend.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
Take care.
I'll say bye to you during the break, if you can hold a moment.
Folks, get the film, Maafa 21, available at Infowars.com or LifeDynamics.com.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the ball games don't matter as much anymore, do they?
The acting cool around your neighbors, the worrying about your hair falling out, the women worrying about their fat.
I mean, get your head screwed on straight.
The robber barons publicly wrote hundreds of books, congressional studies, laws.
The social workers, the health departments, the taking your blood at birth for 36 years illegally, now admitted mainstream news.
It's all part of eugenics.
And the church committee brought a lot of this out as well, not just about the CIA, and of course it came out in the 90s about Henry Kissinger and State Department memorandum 200.
But the issue here is we're all living under eugenics.
And this whole phony green revolution and the feds federalizing all the water and the national animal ID and shutting down
The family farms and ranches, and that's what this is doing.
This is all about population control.
Every time we get the minutes, or every time we have a spa, or every time one of the cleaning ladies steals documents out of a trash can for us, it's the same thing.
They're, how do we get our world government so we can kill the majority of these people?
That's what they talk about.
That's why they want the power.
It's the ultimate control freak.
And you know, we talk to these hotel workers and people at Bilderberg year after year, and we say, the investigators, Jim Tucker and others, I've done it myself, you get there and you say, look, we want you to get us the minutes of the meeting, we want you to spy on them, we want you to meet with us and tell us what you heard them say.
And they say, no, we've been told we're all fired if we do that.
And I go, alright, here's my card, here's my number.
Here's our info.
And when they actually hear the evil, they always come back and say, absolutely, we've got to stop these people.
See, folks, you can't be in the secret meeting.
But you can go cover it.
You can go hear it from the maids, from the cleaning people, you can get the documents, you can infiltrate.
But now they don't even, they're trying to take the bang out of our announcements by just coming right out and going, well of course we want to get rid of the majority of the people, it's for the Earth!
You know, every nature show is about how humans are bad and polar bears can't swim and seals can't swim, we've got to get rid of humans or the seals will drown.
You know, just, just, just, I'm joking about seals can't swim, they say polar bears can't swim, it's as ridiculous as saying fish can't swim.
And that, you know, they're melting and dying and that there's no ice caps when the ice caps are getting bigger.
I mean, it's just lies on top of lies on top of lies.
And Billionaire Club in bid to curb overpopulation and a world government to carry it out.
And how they're, it's called the good group.
With all these top Rockefeller family members and Ted Turner and Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett and
Oprah Winfrey, I mean all of these people.
It is so disgusting to see all of this going on and all of this happening and just wanting people to read it for themselves.
Just wanting people to find out what's going on for themselves because this is all real, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I want to take a few calls, specifically in the limited time we have, specifically on that last interview you heard about eugenics.
I mean, how can any of you listen to us and send me emails saying I'm making this up?
Number one, I'm not lying.
They would sue me if this stuff wasn't true.
But number two, if there's a 10% chance of what I'm saying being true, you better look into it, buddy.
It's on record!
I give this example because it's been on CNN, MSNBC, and came out in court.
The documents got released at Bayer Pharmaceutical knowingly.
Over 10 years, shipped out over a million ampules of Factor A, knowing every person that got it was going to be killed by it.
By HIV and Hepatitis.
It wasn't like they just cold-bloodedly said, I'll murder these people.
It was for eugenics.
It wasn't for profit.
They take incredible risk putting drugs out that kill you because they want to kill you.
This is their religion.
And I know that's wild.
I know it's crazy.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe in their system.
I'm not the crazy one.
I'm the one that looks at them saying it and doing it and says, we got to do something about this.
And I'm so sick of people in this closed left-right paradigm.
If they're a right-winger, they say I'm a leftist.
And if they're a leftist, they say I'm a right-winger.
And they just say that and then never address the facts we've laid out, never address the information we put out.
Let me punch up my call screen here, so John can send me any callers.
From Minnesota.
We're down here in Austin, Texas.
They're up there in Minnesota.
We can also take calls on our system, but 1-800-259-9231.
Some of these I said I'd mention.
Obama claims CIA involvement in Iran patently false.
I mean, what an asinine lie.
What a asinine lie when the CIA admits they're doing it.
And I was just watching CNN during the break, and it's all about the police are beating the people and not allowing protest.
What do you think happens around here in most areas of the U.S.
if you don't get a permit?
The cops dress up like protesters, attack their own officers, and then start breaking collarbones, and in some cases, shooting people to death with rubber bullets.
Now, I'm not defending that, and I'm not defending the Mulas.
The issue is, this thing is CIA-funded on record, and the media shouldn't be lying to everybody, saying it isn't true.
And they want to demonize Iran so the whole country can be smart-bombed and you'll see a whole bunch of dead women bleeding to death.
But you won't see it on our news then.
You seen somebody when a big 2,000 pound bomb blows up 50 yards away and they get cut in half or get their head blown off?
There's lots of blood then.
You seen all the photos of dead little kids everywhere?
And the neocons send me threatening emails when we post them going, good, kill more of them kids!
See, you're being manipulated with psychology.
And they want to put a guy in power who announced he won the election before the polls were closed so he could then cause it.
And when he's the guy that bombed the Marine Corps barracks, you're now loving the guy.
But see, that's how you now love Gaddafi.
Because you're not real conservatives, those of you out there.
You're sicko freaks who are just mentally ill and worship the system.
You're toadies.
You're boot lickers.
You're cowards.
But none of this is important.
Missing governor was in Argentina.
He told everybody he was going on vacation.
He told them where he was.
His political enemies made this up.
And because he's not going along with the new world order on several issues.
I'm not saying the guy's a good guy.
It's just like Ron Paul gets told he's in a big hotel banquet room next to a suite and that the Austrian newspaper wants to interview him.
And he walks in and they say, please go in here, sir, while we move some equipment.
He goes into a room next to it.
Sacha Baron Cohen runs in and drops his pants, and Ron Paul runs out of the room, and the media is saying, Ron Paul's got to explain himself.
See, this is them trying to kill his political future.
And the dumb public loves petty things like this.
Oh, the governor went somewhere.
He's bad.
Oh, Ron Paul got set up by the guy that did Borat.
Meanwhile, they're putting cancer viruses in your shots.
I mean, can you start caring about the cancer viruses in your shots?
Do you care about your kids enough to do that?
Can you at least stop giving them fluoride water?
By the way, the stuff you buy from municipal water supplies, it better come from a spring of its bottle of water, or it means it was put through just charcoal filters and the fluoride was left in.
And I can't believe I'm the radical, I'm the bad guy, because Mousavi, they pronounce it different ways, celebrated in Iran, protested what was the butchers of Beirut on record.
Now I'm bad because I'm not for blowing up the Marines.
I mean, that's how sick these neocons are, man.
And Obama, look at this liar saying the CIA's not involved, when the CIA's on record running the whole thing, bragging about it.
You got Brzezinski and Bolton and Kissinger bragging they're running it.
And then he's on TV saying, I mean, look at that cokehead liar.
There's just no end to these people.
Western Stooge, son of the Shah, positioning himself to take power in Iran.
Got this report up on presentplanet.com and infowarriors.com.
Look at this exclusive, U.S.
contacted Ayatollahs before election.
State cuts tax exemptions for kids.
San Francisco Chronicle.
And then next they're going to tax you for having kids.
They're already announcing that.
That's the San Francisco Chronicle.
Right there.
And you know, I guess going back to Iran, the big message here is the police state's good, but not the police state's good,
But not in Iran.
Then it's bad.
Documents back Saudi links to extremist New York Times.
This just came out today.
Of course, that was a Saudi operation.
Who works for the CIA in Mossad?
We've already had the head of the embassy there on tape saying, yeah, they told us to let the hijackers in the U.S.
even though they were flagged as terrorists because that was a CIA cover.
Pakistan official behind killing of 11 French engineers.
And then look at this report.
Climate bill set for vote after deal is reached.
They're saying they're not letting the public see the bill, but that it does have a tax on all carbon, and the feds are basically completely taking over, but the public can't see the bill before it is passed.
You can go read the Wall Street Journal article.
And they just act like that's totally normal, because the Wall Street Journal, owned by the big banks and Rupert Murdoch, is going to be taking your money and putting it directly in their fat mouths, just like Goldman Sachs is getting record bonus money off the bailout money.
Record bonuses for those crooks.
Obama, we will get health care reform this year.
And it'll be like the kind of care the Native Americans get, being sterilized and euthanized, the kind the VA veterans get.
Obama condemns violence against Iranian protesters.
It's all just too rich.
Got a few other stories I'm going to hit, but let's go to calls right now.
John in Washington, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
I'm doing good.
I'm exposing these murderers.
That's what I do.
Well, that's what I'm trying to do here, too.
I live right between two relatively large Indian reservations, and I've had several discussions with these folks about, oh, just different things, and a great deal about this eugenics issue, and they just basically open-handedly deny it.
So what I've done is I've
rented the uh... screening room at the community center and i'm going to invite all of the officials from the uh... yeah i know this works and we're just gonna watch that uh... watch that show and see what they think about that good let me explain how this works they're not evil people probably but they're in denial they rationalize what they're doing cuz they think reality is what they decided is in their head like oh this isn't a cliff i'll just jump off but but it is a cliff
So they're delusional.
And they always hire people.
The government always gives the money to the little group that steals most of it, controls it.
And, you know, it's the corrupt Indian agents.
And then they just hire the corrupt tribes to do it.
It's on Congressional record that up until the 1980s, they sterilized 40 plus percent of Native American women.
It was the London Guardian yesterday, the U.N.
sterilizing women and lying to them about what the procedure is.
They just say, oh, I am the doctor.
You need to be put under now, honey.
And we're going to give you medicine for that broken leg.
And they sterilize you.
Or you come in for dentistry and they knock you out on the gas and sterilize you.
So that's London Guardian yesterday.
So, all of this is happening and going on, so I would go to the tribes themselves and explain, you know, the PIMP leaders are in denial.
Because they don't want to notice what's going on, but go ahead.
We have personal invitations to this and the screening room is at the community center on the reservation.
So, we're going to draw a crowd there one way or the other and just let them understand because what bothers me so much about this
Is that
The Indian tribes, name one treaty that the federal government has ever lived up to.
No, exactly.
I've got articles today where they're making six-year-olds go into counseling if they misbehave in school.
It's going into a mind control induction cult center where they tell the parents, don't discipline your kids.
Then the kids are bad and the state tasers them to death.
This is all about mind control, all about the state stirring up as much trouble as they can.
It's in their own handbooks.
I appreciate your call.
Order out of chaos, Nate in Georgia.
Nate, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Well, the reason why I'm calling, first and foremost, I wanted to thank you.
I have watched a lot of the Dead Guys movies back before I had discovered you, and you really turned me on and opened me up a little bit more.
However, this call is actually concerning today's show and another show that you had a couple of days ago about the reptilian brain.
And, uh, I did some research on the reptilian brain and how it functions, and I was appalled at the stuff that I found out.
Um, well, concerning the eugenics program that you're talking about, um, I did a little research and I put two and two together.
Well, I was on YouTube the other day and just going through some clips about the reptilian brain, and I read, I came across this one clip.
Uh, it said, uh, what lies in plain sight?
And it was a Michael Jackson video.
Well, this gentleman did an analytical breakdown of the video, and it was a psychological manipulation teaching people to engage in homosexuality and male homosexuality and male... Well, here's the deal.
I'm not even judging or attacking those people, but the issue is, yes,
Yes, if you go to Planned Parenthood's main website, it's all about how to be gay or lesbian because they don't want you having kids.
They decided a hundred plus years ago, teach the slaves to not have families, break the family up, try to make it fashionable to have
Male-on-male, female-on-female, so that they stop having kids, so they don't have a family unit, so society is decimated.
See, they want everybody to be part of the state, so the family has to go to be absorbed, so it's them persecuting the family.
CPS takes the babies to give to the gay and lesbian families.
We don't like being persecuted and hunted by you like it's Planet of the Apes, and your CPS are throwing nets over us and our kids because, you know, because you want them for yourself
You know, as a slave back at the... And I mean, basically, that's what this is.
They're attacking us.
Not the average gay person out in the street, but the big controllers up above.
That's what they're into.
And yes, I was familiar with that.
And for those that don't know, it's not David Icke and the whole reptilian thing.
It's that in physiology, it's taught in medical school.
You have the brain stem, the reptilian brain, different parts of the brain.
It's called the reptilian brain because it's shaped like a saltwater crocodile brain.
And it has all those primitive functions of fight, flight, aggression, all of that in it.
And that's the kind of base programming that subliminals and things manipulate.
That's why they want to get you in a mesmerized fashion watching TV, so you'll kind of switch off and then just accept it all.
We'll finish up with you, Nate, then talk to Brian.
Brian just hung up.
Joe, John, and Jeff, we have time.
Stay with us.
Final segment straight ahead.
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Billionaire Club in bid to curb overpopulation with world government.
And then look at another Times One article.
UK population must fall to 30 million or by half for the green carbon footprint.
Zoom in on that for folks.
See, and the same thing in Australia, same thing in the U.S.
Having kids is what's making the planet worse, as Fox News says.
They're all part of it, left and right, it's all staged.
This, ladies and gentlemen,
Well, the one last thing I wanted to tell you about was
You were speaking about pedophilia earlier in the show, and how they're taking people's babies.
Well, again, while I was doing my research, I came across another video clip on YouTube.
This video clip was called Demons in the Outfield, and it was a documentary on movies.
We're good to go.
The amount of pedophilia has like literally gone, has almost doubled.
I hear you, sir.
I gotta jump.
Send me the info or write a blurb on it at riders and infowars.com.
Email that and we'll get your good stories up on infowars.com and prisonblood.com.
I'm gonna go to a few other callers, but you just heard for the last hour and a half one of the, it's in the top three biggest pro-life groups in the country, the director.
Breathing heavy, going, I've discovered in the last three years it's all eugenics and it's pedophiles.
And by the way, in the film, what they cite as one of their sources is in-game.
See, if the people learn about this, it's all over.
We're going to beat these people.
But the public can't believe that pedophiles, a pedophile guild, is running things.
But that's what it is.
I mean, these people are the sickest filth you can imagine.
And what Planned Parenthood does is they cover up for kids 10 years old.
Don't have to have family permission.
Kids gotta have permission slip to go to the zoo at school, or to, you know, go to the planetarium, but not when teacher impregnates her.
And they take her to the pedophile center, Planned Parenthood, and they kill the baby.
So, you know, now it's not just killing the babies okay, now raping the kids alright.
And then meanwhile, you know, it's just all over, folks.
It's just, uh... And the police will not enforce.
Planned Parenthood's never gotten in trouble.
They're allowed to have pedophiles bring kids in all day long.
We'll murder that baby for you, you don't worry.
Is it black?
Even better.
I said I'd take more calls, and we're just out of time.
Let's take one more.
Let's talk to Joe in Ohio.
Joe, go ahead.
Alright, Alex, thank you.
I just wanted to give you a website, hmdb.org.
It's the historical marker database.
It shows government markers around the country.
If you look at number 1829, it says the Indiana Eugenics Law.
By 1800, Indiana authorities believed criminality, mental problems, and pauperism were hereditary.
And the governor passed the first of the state eugenics laws.
And one of my marshals, which is what I am, is Governor Thomas Riley Marshall.
He hauled this in 1909.
And evidently, they didn't repeal all of the laws until 1974.
Yeah, no, they had forced sterilization going on in Oregon in 87.
Send me that.
Send it to Aram of two A's at Infowars.com.
No, it's all public.
I mean, it's... The health departments were set up to sterilize and kill people.
I mean, they all put fluoride in your water because they love you.
I mean, they want to hurt you.
All right.
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Great job, crew.
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