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Name: 20090619_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 19, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're now into the second hour of this Friday edition, the 19th day of June 2009.
Bob Chapman with us for the next hour.
And we've got several guests in studio dealing with the fluoridation of the water supply.
Fluoride's a catch-all term.
Sodium fluoride is bad enough for you, but we're going to break down what is really being put
in the water supply today and the successful fight against fluoridation going on around the planet.
There is hope, ladies and gentlemen, so key information coming up there.
I've been ranting and raving the last three days because they've now unveiled, and it's worse than I first thought it would be, I knew the banks had gotten unlimited power to loot and steal, but now it says to seize any corporation, any company, take over the nation, that they're implementing the executive orders
Already in place for economic martial law.
I'm going to go over some of those executive orders this hour.
And they're using the swine flu as another cover for that.
But Ron Paul has said this is a financial dictatorship.
He agrees with me.
He has now come out and pointed out that the Federal Reserve is to get more power than even Congress under this new system.
So they engineer the crisis, get unlimited money, now they want the power to seize not just GM and Ford and Chrysler, but factories, restaurants, businesses, dealerships, and then they admit that the Democratic Party mainly keeps the dealerships they want and sells the others and gives them to friends.
I mean, this is
Happening faster than I even thought it could.
Bob Chapman, of course, was in military intelligence in Berlin.
We got out of the military.
He became the biggest gold and silver broker, individual silver broker out there.
He had one of the largest newsletters and he retired.
He came back as the international forecaster.
He's been a guest on international TV and radio literally thousands of times.
He joins us each Friday.
This is getting even crazier quicker than I thought.
Can you break down what this new quote regulatory overhaul is?
Well, I think what they want to do here is be able to control all forms of financial machinations, if you may.
Anything that has to do with money.
And what I think they're going to do is, if they can get away with it,
And there's a lot of resistance in Congress, and that's borne out by the numbers I received yesterday on HR 1207, which is Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
I understand it's 258 co-sponsors.
And that means that there's a lot of people in Congress, even though
Five or ten percent of their campaign contributions come from Wall Street banking, insurance, etc.
I think they're under so much pressure from the public, not only their constituents, but others who are writing them, that this is a phenomenal amount of co-sponsors.
So I do not think they're going to get through this proposed rule changes so that
The Federal Reserve can become a monster money czar, if you want to call it that.
They like that word czar very much.
I think they've created about 14 or 15 of them.
Anyway, I also want to refer here to your report on Prison Planet.
Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
And it's really terrific.
It's kind of like an outline.
And for those of you who haven't seen it, please go and take a look at it.
It's dated June 18th, which was yesterday.
Well, Bob, break down why, from your perspective, why it's so important.
And also, you were in intelligence in Berlin.
They're now admitting the CIA is hiring domestic bankers to go out and help set up this financial dictatorship, because if they can control the economy and the money, they're going to control everything, and this is their tool to bring in their New World Order.
So I want to break that down and how we defeat it, how we fight back against it, with Bob Chapman on the other side of this quick break.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
I think?
We're good to go!
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I want to open the phones up.
Financial questions only for Bob Chapman.
There's a million of those to ask.
Bob Shetland is our guest right now.
Going back to Bob.
Bob, for stations that just joined us, we were going over Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
In a few minutes I'm going to play a short Ron Paul clip where he says, yes, the banks will have more authority under this than Congress.
And the way the bill reads, even the LA Times admitted that it gives them power over anything connected to the economy
Any market, any company, from a hot dog stand, to a bank, to an insurance company, and you were getting into our article from prisonplanet.com, Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
Is it that it's so big and so over-the-top, people have trouble realizing the magnitude of the very banks that engineered the crisis, that have stolen tens of trillions, they now
Not only won't tell us where the money went, but they are going to be the regulators of themselves and over the rest of Main Street.
They've already devastated.
This is a form of dictatorship.
There's no question.
The important things are that there is no control whatsoever by Congress, which you've mentioned, and it is a private corporation.
They refuse to answer government subpoenas.
They say that it's state secret when asked about what they're doing.
And that's why Ron Paul's bill is so important.
We can cut this whole thing off at the pass if that bill is passed.
And it certainly stands a great chance in the House of Passing.
One of the things that I thought of in regard to this, which sort of meshes what you were talking about earlier about the hiring of people
Before the CIA to go into economic and financial matters, I think that at this time, the Treasury Department, in conjunction with the Fed, and the people who control our government from behind the scenes, they are making this move in behalf of the Fed now as an offense
In a defensive manner because of what's going on in Congress.
What they want to say is, well, we want the Fed to be able to handle these things and you want to audit it or shut it down.
And we can't have that because it's so crucial.
This is what they're up to here.
I was about to ask you that.
This looks like kind of a fleeing forward or asking for the moon because they're under attack.
People are saying we're going to audit you.
There are subpoenas from Congress.
They're refusing those subpoenas from Congress.
So really this constitutional crisis is forming.
There shouldn't be a crisis.
This isn't the president refusing subpoenas.
This is a private offshore bank
That's getting all these public funds saying you can't look at what we're doing after promising the public it would all be transparent.
Their ace in the hole is they own the president and they own the military industrial complex.
You know, so speak to that, but then also we have
Mr. Perkins, who wrote Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and I've actually interviewed him now for the next Obama film coming out, John Perkins.
And Mr. Perkins was hired by the NSA and the CIA, top of his class, family and all these big corporations.
He was sent in, he would be given orders by army generals.
That's exactly right.
Exactly right.
And that's what all of that recruiting is all about.
They want to use these people against us.
One of the things that's behind this
And incidentally, to just go a little bit further on their recruiting, but further than that, is what they're up to here is this is pure psychological warfare.
That's exactly what it is.
They know that the House is going to vote for this bill.
I don't know what the Senate will do, but I assume perhaps they will as well.
And in order to cut that off, what they're trying to do is say,
We can't allow the Fed to be audited or tampered with in any way because it's too important and so on and so forth.
This is the CyWar aspects of it.
Yeah, we're in the middle of a crisis.
If you audit the Fed, they're already saying this, it's going to cause a depression.
They've hired this big lobbying firm, and we now see their branding.
If you audit us, it'll destroy confidence and we'll have a depression.
And we're going into a depression.
That way, even if we get the audit, they'll blame us for the depression they engineered.
That's correct.
And, of course, anybody who has any financial background whatsoever
Looks at this thing and says, I mean, these are the guys that caused this thing.
How can we allow them to take us out of it?
And which is ridiculous.
But anyway, the recruiting is for, to do exactly as you said, but it goes one step further.
The concept behind the thought patent of the elitists is that all the money in America, all the wealth in the world for that matter, belongs to them.
It does not belong to you.
You have it on a temporary basis.
And so consequently, I think that what they're going to do eventually, and other countries will follow, they will probably set up currency controls of some kind, not right away, in the future, maybe two or three years down the line, when inflation is going bonkers again.
But these are some of the things
Well, that's what they're announcing.
They're saying in Australia they're going to make people go to chips.
No more cash.
Even if you use cash here, it's going to be tied to a thumb print or a face print to quote, stop the underground economy.
And this really is a worldwide financial dictatorship run by intelligence agents.
Bob, back when you were in intelligence, before you got into finance,
Uh, you know, they told you guys you were doing what you were doing, fighting the dirty commies.
And, you know, there was some truth to that.
But now, how are they going to recruit these bankers and people to go around butchering America and forcibly taking over corporations?
I mean, they're saying the Fed is going to go in and reorganize the economy and grab whatever industries they want, where basically only select
Well, usually, unfortunately, they draw some of the best people.
And my experience with the people that I was involved with, they were all extraordinarily bright.
But at that time, we didn't have the things going on that we have today.
And today, there are not jobs out there for people who are sometimes double and triple degreed.
And so out of the fact that they can't get a job anywhere that's decent, if the CIA offers them a good position, they're going to take it.
Because they're going to say, if I don't take it, I'm not going to eat.
And so they take our tax money and then hire economic goons to literally go around and blow out what's left of U.S.
companies so they can be looted off to the internationalists.
I mean, that's what's happening, Bob.
That's right.
And the police in America, with this federalization, are in the same bag.
I mean, hey, they quit their job and become part of the program.
This is how they capture people.
And, you know, unless you want to leave your job, there's no way out.
You've got to stay and do the dirty work of the bad guys.
My God, Bob.
They're announcing unemployment numbers exploding, housing prices plunging even faster.
The Fed coming out and saying, forget having a Bank of the World, they're still going to have that, and global currency controls, and global interest rate controls, and setting global taxes to stop tax avoidance havens, as the OECD says.
Can you explain to people what it means that the Fed is jumping directly two or three pieces to the endgame immediately?
I didn't see that happening.
I didn't either.
I was really shocked that they went this way, in this offensive way, as a defense.
But, you know, in psychological warfare, this is the kind of thing that you do.
And what they're asking for is U.S.
and then probably world financial domination.
And you're absolutely right.
And, you know, you talk about these offshore accounts.
The U.S.
Treasury has had, as well as the Fed, do have
Secret offshore accounts.
And they go through the American system, like in the bond market, and they will buy bonds, and we can't tell what they're doing at because we can't investigate them.
If this bill passed, we can.
We can find out what they're doing.
And then you run into money laundering.
There's all sorts
Of real horrible things are going to be exposed.
You think we'd find something a thousand times, a hundred times worse than Madoff and others if we ever audited the Fed, Bob?
And incidentally, now that you bring up Mr. Madoff, and that sort of, that was a scam, not a Ponzi scheme.
I have to refer to Mr. Greenberg, who was the head of AIG, and he testified yesterday.
And when he essentially stole the stock in the company and put it into star investments from AIG, he hired a jet with guards and they took the certificates of AIG stock and put them in offshore accounts.
Now you hear about these offshore accounts and you hear about the U.S.
government running all over the place trying to find out who's got them.
And they don't touch top members of the Illuminati.
That's right, you got the big kingpins, and they'll fry a few mid-level ones to pacify the public, while meanwhile they're testifying in Congress that they're stealing everything blind, right in front of everybody.
That's like the Pentagon, when they said, you got two trillion missing, and they said, yeah, I can tell you where it is.
We got the predator drones, people, we'll take over.
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Bob Chapman, I'm sure you saw the ACLU letter and even mainstream news outlets reporting the incredible headline, All Protest Terrorism.
and another headline all acts of protest low-level terrorism all of the army soldiers are now being taught as part of their security training that protesting is illegal and anti-government anti-american you dovetail that
With a DHS report saying veterans are terrorists, gun owners are terrorists, people with third-party bumper stickers are terrorists.
I mean, this is so outrageously un-American and tyrannical.
It's so patently obvious that the people teaching this are the terrorists.
I mean, this is right out of the Soviet Union, right out of Nazi Germany.
Where do you see this going?
Or, like you said, with the PSYOP, are they just trying to be so incredibly off the chart, obvious with their tyranny, that they think people are just going to accept it and go, yes, protesting is illegal, never allowed in America.
Well, I think that that's what their intention is, and whether they're going to be successful or not remains to be seen.
Our armed forces personnel are not stupid.
And they're going to say to themselves, no, this isn't right.
And 90% of them will think that way.
And so they may be making noises to condition people, particularly in the military and people who hear about it, about anybody who disagrees as a terrorist.
It's not going to be bought, but it'll scare some people, there's no question.
I mean, you have, again, almost half the people in America are functionally illiterate.
And they'll, unfortunately, believe everything.
Well, Bob, I think you just hit it.
This is meant to be, obviously, tyranny.
And it's meant to make all the thinking people go, whoa!
We really do have a tyranny.
I better shut up.
It's meant to be a bullying, chilling effect.
And if we shut up and let them bully us, then the real corruption and oppression comes in.
No, I think you're absolutely right, and that's a good take on it.
But underlying the whole thing, you can see the direction that they're going in.
And that direction is toward total government.
And, you know, every day we come up with another facet of what they're trying to do.
And you can imagine the many, many people that they have planning these things.
I wouldn't doubt it that they had hundreds of thousands of people
Coming up with these ideas every day via the foundations and think tanks and within governments.
And don't forget the governments all connect with each other.
They all see each other, the Bilderberg meetings.
And so they're all linked together.
And so something, an idea comes out of a think tank in Germany and it's spread throughout all of the other luminous conclaves and it becomes
A project.
And that's where they get these things from.
And, you know, the public has got to understand, they have an endless amount of money and they work 24 hours a day at this.
And, you know, you and I and people like us have a mountainous job trying to get the word to the public of what they're doing and why they're doing it.
And in this case, why they're doing it, again, is conditioning.
They want you to think that anybody who
Says anything, criticizes government in any way, is a terrorist.
Bob, I've been throwing out my questions.
We're about to break and come back and go to calls, but so much is happening in the economy, and you're a guy, for those who don't know who you are out there, a lot of new stations, who have just made hundreds and hundreds of accurate forecasts and predictions about the economy with stunning accuracy.
What is most important right now in the economy?
What's some of the other news that people should know about, about the direction of the economy and where it's going?
Well, I think coming up in July, they're going to have a second quarter earnings, and they're not going to be very good.
And I think that before the month is over, that the stock market will start down.
And whether it'll go down to 6,600 at this time during the summer remains to be seen.
But I think there's a good shot that we could go back to 6,600 on the Dow in the fall and test it.
At the same time, I see that every time gold sticks its head up, they try to knock it down.
But the physical market keeps on coming through.
And as long as that continues...
The goal will remain relatively strong.
All right.
Let's get more into that after the quick break.
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We'll be right back with Bob Chapman on this Friday edition.
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Let's do it!
Bob Chapman, you got cut off by the break there.
Getting into where you see gold going.
Did predict the last three ups and downs of the stock market with amazing accuracy.
You've done a great job predicting gold.
You said you thought it would go up to $9.60.
It did and passed that.
You said they'd probably push it back down a few more times throughout the summer, but you and many others are predicting it's going to go way up.
What, into the fall?
Well, I think we have a good shot at going through a thousand before the year is out.
And if I had to pick a time, I would say October would be a good one, or in December for that matter.
And so that's the way I think it's going to go, in spite of the inner workings and manipulation
Of the Working Group on Financial Markets, which is a legal entity within government that does, 24 hours a day, manipulate all markets.
And that's another thing that will be exposed in the audit of the Federal Reserve.
Just what they're doing in these markets.
I mean, this legislation is going to be devastating.
It's got to pass because we can cut them off at the pass.
It is, you just have no idea how important it is.
I call it the most important legislation in the last hundred years.
And incidentally, you were going to play a tape by Ron Paul.
You said you had a two or three minute piece you wanted to play.
Yes, we do have that.
I want to get to that after we take a few calls here, Bob.
I've got time today, if you can do it, to hold a little bit into the next hour before our in-studio guests show up to get into the forced medicating of the water supply.
But yes, that's going to come up after we take some calls.
But specifically, getting back to HR 1207, with over 230 sponsors, last time I checked,
It's going to the floor in the near future.
Incredible debates there.
Then it's probably going to pass the House.
There's a good chance of that.
And then going to the Senate.
But as Ron Paul has said, we win either way because if they fight being audited, if they continue to say they're above the law and secret, that only educates more people.
Five years ago, almost no one knew the Federal Reserve was private or even knew what the Federal Reserve was.
Now the general public knows these are the bad guys.
These are the offshore banks.
And so any way you cut it,
The fact that they're the illegitimate financial government has come out and now, like you said, they're trying to fail forward by becoming the entire government overall and bringing us under international control through this new Bank of the World that Time Magazine and Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal are all pushing.
So there's no more denial about the fact that there's offshore banks trying to set up a world financial dictatorship with physical backing.
The only issue is, will we have a fighting spirit and stand up and say no to this attempted takeover?
You know, people say, well, they're not going to pass it, or, oh, they're going to have what they want, or they're invincible.
No, they're not!
Look how far we've come.
I mean, Bob, what has it been like for you, 45, 50 years with G. Edward Griffin and others, an icon in fighting this, and to now see the type of traction we've got, but at the same time to see so many snot-nosed people
Uh, who don't like the New World Order, but saying there's nothing we can do.
I mean, why don't they have a fighting spirit?
I think it's just human nature.
Uh, there are certain types of personality out there.
I get letters from these people, and I answer them all.
And I'll say, look, if you want to give up, why don't you just go commit suicide?
I mean, to make it simpler.
Of course, I don't think anybody does that, but I think they get the point.
And, you know, I am so, you know, I've been saying this over and over again.
On all the radio stations I've been on for the last three months pushing Ron Paul's agenda in relation to the Federal Reserve, even if we had lost, which it doesn't look like we're going to, we get a shot at winning.
But even if we had lost, there are millions and millions of people
Who now know who the enemy is and what they're up to.
Absolutely, and this is a process.
The globalists, it's taken them hundreds of years to build this.
In just a few decades, we are starting to tear it down.
So, they're trying to build it, and as they're building it, we're busy removing bricks to where what they've built is a dysfunctional mess.
It's not going to work.
We're winning.
I mean, resistance and the will to fight is the key component to victory, is it not, Bob?
It certainly is, and that's why I have kept for 50 years, next year it'll be 50 years, I would not give up.
And, you know, Ed Griffith was in the same boat along with Alan Stang and Anthony J. Hilder, and some of our pals are now deceased, but we're gonna win.
I can feel it.
I know, three weeks ago at the Bilderberg meeting, as you know, they said,
Tops in the agenda.
We think this thing is getting out of control.
We better haul it in here before we're hung out to dry.
Well, the problem for them is they can't haul it in here.
They can't do it.
They're going to have to play it out to the end.
And the end for them is at the end of a rope.
Well, it is us or them, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to go to Todd and Chris and Joe and Randall and Bill and Nick and many others here in just a moment, but I wanted to get like a three-minute report real fast from Ted Anderson because gold went way up and it dropped some, but still way up on the year.
And I wanted to bring Ted up on this Friday edition, the owner of Genesis Communications, also the owner of Midas Resources, and I've searched around for gold and silver.
This is where I've decided to do my shopping, because they have the best deals.
They have great deals on bullion coins, really collector coins at bullion prices, and collector coins, and some really good deals on collectible silver coins.
Ted Anderson, good to have you here with us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up Alex.
It's very interesting what's going on in the gold market.
You're right, right now the prices are down a little bit and that just makes me want to buy it even more.
Just watching what the Fed is doing and what's going on in Congress.
And that HR 1207 bill, if the people of the United States haven't figured it out yet, if the United States government won't get themselves on a gold standard and silver, then the people of the United States will do it without them.
And that's exactly what's going on.
A lot of people are getting interested in gold and silver coins.
We're seeing a great interest, you know, boil up.
And right now, literally, we have
Even less than 3%.
I would even doubt if the numbers are less than 1% of the people are getting into gold at this time.
By the time 5% of the people wake up and feel that they need to have gold and silver as a part of their portfolio, gold will be over $10,000 an ounce, and silver, who knows?
We'll be at maybe $150,000, $200,000, and the supply is going to be so short, there just won't be enough to go around.
Let me ask Bob that question, because I want him to elaborate.
All these big-time analysts on mainstream TV are saying it's going to go above $2,000, sure thing.
Now, when I start seeing mainstream media come out and say $2,000, I start thinking maybe that isn't going to happen.
Now, when they're saying it isn't, I start thinking it is.
Will gold go above $2,000 an ounce in the near future?
Yes, I think it will.
And I think the reason that they're doing that, and that includes JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup,
And others who are in on this, so to speak, because they want to limit the increase in the price of gold to $2,000 an ounce.
That's why they're giving into that number now at some time in the future, because they don't want it going any higher than that.
And that's what that is all about.
Again, psychological warfare.
They're supplanting in people's minds, that's going to be the top of the market.
It doesn't seem relative right now, but it will later.
1475 down to about 1421, I've been able to offer the Lakotas back down at that $20 level, which is a really great buy.
I mean, this is one of the coins that really flies in the face of the Fed, because, you know, like they're indicting the guy from NorFed right now in legal trouble.
I just don't know how the United States government's going to be able to step in and tell a sovereign nation that they can't have a currency coin.
And we'll see how that plays out, but obviously with what happened to the Norfed coin, they went up so high in price when the Feds came in and did their thing with that.
It shut that organization down and confiscated silver, which might have... You know, it's funny, Ted, I had no idea that you were going to talk about the Liberty Dollar.
When you were coming on today, and I was holding up a Liberty Dollar, because I was about to talk about that as soon as you left us, leave us here in a few minutes.
But absolutely, folks, get into these Lakotas, because they're gorgeous coins, and it may be going down the same road as the Liberty Dollar.
And these suckers go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars an ounce now, because they're now such collectors, because this company got shut down.
Land of the free, home of the brave.
Can't coin your own silver, can't coin your own gold.
We're going to be breaking that down, coming up a little bit.
Later in this hour, but Ted fire out the toll-free number for folks.
Yeah, they can get us at 1-800-686-2237 again.
It's 1-800-686-2237
The nice thing is I was able to buy quite a supply of these Lakota coins so I can deliver them real fast.
And I know that people want to get the gold and silver in their hands.
I mean, if you'd be a fool right now to get certificates, it just doesn't make sense.
You want to physically hold it.
The brokers will be there tonight and all weekend.
Thank you, Ted.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Bob, I wanted to bring this up and then go to calls finally because every few weeks I see an article about man arrested at Best Buy or man arrested at Walmart or man arrested at drugstore for trying to pay for something with a $2 bill.
Two dollar bills are Federal Reserve issued, quote, U.S.
Mint issued with the Declaration of Independence on the back, and the public is so ignorant, and the police are so ignorant, they will still take you to jail and charge you.
Usually it gets dropped down the line.
But for those that don't know, it's free association, free barter.
It's against the law to copy U.S.
The Federal Reserve took that over and does that, so they're really counterfeiters.
But if you counterfeit their counterfeit currency, you go to jail, because that debases and devalues the currency, what the private Federal Reserve is doing themselves.
But if I wanted to go out and strike, say, a thousand coins with my face on them, or your face, or the Easter Bunny's face on them,
That's my right.
And if somebody wants to barter, and I go, hey, silver's $15 an ounce, you want to give me $15 worth of products for this?
That would then happen.
And for those that don't know, cities and counties and all over the U.S.
for hundreds of years have barter, have local notes.
The Feds are now going after those groups, so we see them trying to, as they debase the Federal Reserve note, I think getting ready for inflation and that money to be discredited.
Like you said, currency controls?
Not just outside currency controls, trying to trade your dollars as they are imploded in the future, but also where people can't, oh, I'll trade in silver, my own silver, even if it's old U.S.
silver, or I'll trade in gold, whether it's Krugerrands or British Sovereigns or American Ingalls, or, oh, our local town will do script.
You know, that's accepted at the auto repair place, and the beauty salon, and at the grocery store.
I mean, there's already hundreds of towns and cities doing this.
It's not illegal.
But the feds, it says, Asheville man-charged an alleged Liberty Dollar fraud scheme.
They were advertising all over TV and radio.
They were mainstream.
They were just saying alternative currency system.
Totally legal.
And the feds rated them, and people said, well,
We believe this is legal, you know, the news, because it's legal to have your own alternate currencies as long as you're not saying you're the Federal Reserve or the Treasury, and they weren't.
And I said, no, folks, they had the gold and silver on hand for their certificates as well, and the feds aren't charging.
They didn't have enough gold and silver.
They stole that.
It was now in the indictments, they admit, saying this is counterfeit.
How is it counterfeit, Bob, to have free association and make your own coins out of a precious metal and sell them, whether it's commemorative or whatever?
Well, it isn't, and I think when you see the court cases that the government will lose
If the government does not lose, you'll know that the courts are rigged.
Because it's not illegal.
It's legal.
The Berkshire dollar is a good example.
It's been in existence for a long time in Massachusetts, particularly western Massachusetts.
And you go and buy a dollar's worth and you pay 97 cents or 95 cents for the Berkshire dollar.
There's nothing wrong with that, but they want to shut all these things down because they don't want anybody competing with the Federal Reserve notes, whether it's in script, like Berkshire, or whether it's in coins that Alex and Bob made up with Ron Paul's face on it.
They don't want anything like that.
It's dictatorial.
You're right back to square one again.
Well, I mean, take Dave & Buster's, for folks who don't have that in their area of the country.
It's a big place with three or four restaurants, and whack-a-mole games, and foosball, and skeetball, and all that stuff, and you can take the kids there and eat dinner.
And then, you know, go spend a few bucks, but you, in the old days, you'd get tokens.
Now, now you get a debit card, but you put your $20 bill in and then you get tokens.
That'd be like the Secret Service hiding out at Dave & Buster's or an arcade arresting the arcade owner for giving people tokens for dollars.
I mean, this is just unbelievable that this is happening, and these guys were out in the open doing nothing wrong, and this coin that I got back in the time for five dollars, because I let listeners pay for videos with silver coin, it just needs to be denominated, you know, in the amount of the books and videos they buy, and I've gotten quite a bit of silver in the mail over the years, and these collector's items I got for five dollars a piece back when silver was at five bucks,
Five, six years ago, this coin is worth hundreds on eBay.
So I guess I did a pretty good thing, but maybe I'll be arrested, Bob, for even having this, because I'm in such a free country.
Well, you know, that may eventually happen.
You know, government has the ability to outlaw anything, and that's why they have executive orders, which I think should be totally done away with, along with lobbying and campaign finance.
And I have the solutions for them.
But the path that we're taking here is that the government is going to, in the future, outlaw lots of things.
And if we have high unemployment, which I think we will have, 35, maybe 50%, because we're already at 20.4%,
And it's not going to be difficult to get much higher.
I think the people will finally say, no, we're not going to do that.
And that's where the steel will meet the brick.
And we're going to find out just how far the government's willing to go.
Well, I mean, my grandmother, still alive, great lady, she remembers being a little girl.
I don't
And then, at half price, what the government said, no gold is worth this much, and then a year later the feds doubled the price of gold and made profits and private banks were given that money.
So, I guess if Americans are told today to give their kids to the government.
If they told them, throw your kids off a cliff, they might do it.
We're going to come back and take calls for Bob Chapman, but here's World Net Daily reporting on the Baltimore Sun.
Man arrested for using $2 bill.
Folks, $2 bills even Federal Reserve money.
They don't care.
They have a hunger to put you in prison.
We'll be right back.
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All right, Bob Chapman, let's go to some phone calls here.
Bob's going to be with us for 15 minutes in the next hour, so plenty of time to take your calls.
If you think it's kooky to not want to drink sodium fluoride in your water, wait till we have a doctor here in studio with us coming up later in the next hour.
Todd in Texas, you're on the air with Bob Chapman and Alex Jones.
Go ahead.
Good day, gentlemen.
I am in route to an appointment where I will become a bronze member of the police state control grid.
I'm a Texas educator.
Alex, can you guess what I'm getting ready to go and do?
You're getting ready to go, uh, be biometrically scanned?
Yes, I am.
And let me tell you, it, it, it sickens me to the very core of my being.
So I've been an educator for 10 years.
I have literally kept kids from committing suicide.
And this is how I'm being repaid.
I've contacted my representatives, I've contacted the ACLU, I've contacted the Texas Education Agency, and I didn't realize it, but I really angered the Director of Fingerprinting and Investigations when he said he was just doing his job, and I said that was the defense they used at Nuremberg.
So I just thought I'd commemorate this day by calling in and letting you know.
Well, I guessed, because I know that a lot of educators
We're having to do it right now to get ready for next year to start.
But they lie and say, you've got to be vaccinated.
You don't.
They lie and say, you've got to be fingerprinted.
It is a policy.
They call it a law.
But all over the nation and all over the world, this is being standardized.
And the big think tanks admit to get everybody ready to thumbprint to buy and sell.
Because they're going to skip ahead of the world currency.
You're going to still have regional currencies.
It's just going to all be globally standardized.
This is all under UN treaty already.
And so...
That's why you'll see a 80-year-old man at Walgreens showing his ID to buy pipe tobacco.
I've seen an ancient man on the little four-ended walker, barely able to get his money up to the counter, showing his ID to the missy.
Literally going, here you go!
Because it's all about mindless, zero-tolerance enforcement.
Oh, the 10-year-old's got in a fistfight.
You go to prison now.
You don't get in trouble.
Uh, and get swats or get sent home or get patted on the back and told, good job boys, like they're supposed to be, to be men.
It's all about throwing the book at you and so CPAs, lawyers, uh, people that are
I don't know.
This is all this, in their own words, cashless society control grid being put in.
Bob Chapman comments on this.
This is the Federal Reserve omnibus global banking scheme making the slaves only use their currency, only use their system, killing all anonymity, all freedom.
Nothing to do with protecting the kids.
Yes, you're right.
And what they ultimately want is a chip or a debit card
And if you say one thing out of the way about government, your debit card doesn't work anymore, and your chip shuts down.
And this is where they're headed with all this.
And by the way, you know, used to, we didn't even have driver's license.
Then we had driver's license.
Now, you don't face print, thumb print, hand print.
You don't get in Disney World.
You don't get in Sea World.
If you don't follow every order we give you, you don't eat, you don't have a job, and now it's guilty until proven innocent, but then the schools will keep the pedophiles working there.
This has nothing to do with that either.
This is about training Todd that he's a slave.
Todd, what do the other teachers think?
Uh, you know, I have a couple people that I've worked with over the years that have slowly come around.
I've given them, I mean, I've passed out literally about 2,000 of your films and found the way into the hands of educators and they've watched it.
Stay there, I want to hear more.
Back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Tyrants always try to make the general public criminals.
They criminalize normal activity.
You want to barter somebody for a silver coin?
They SWAT team you.
You want to be a school teacher, a realtor, now almost every profession.
They drug test you, the feds want to make you do that now, not just voluntary, if the company owner wants to.
They make you thumbprint, they make you face scan.
The kids have to do this to get their school lunches all over the country.
And the think tank heads admit, in these global consortium meetings, we've read their minutes on air, that this is about totally controlling and tracking everything you do.
And like Bob said, and like Nick Rockefeller said,
To Aaron Russo in the Reflections and Warnings film that's available by the way at InfoWars.com.
They said right there that, hey, we're going to have kiss my butt on our chips and it's going to be on your chip that you're a slave.
And they already have that in California and other states where the police license plates can't be read by the camera scanners.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I'm actually in the building right now.
I'm about to be processed into the system.
I'm sorry, I got a little bit distracted.
uh... so uh... i'm actually here in the building and uh... you have to please stay discounted the tiny town of robstown texas population twelve thousand no no town is exempt no time will be free everyone will be processed and it's a biometric scanner right into the international slave database just like how old are you tom time to be on thirty four well then uh... i'm thirty yet thirty uh... held him on thirty five now anyways going back here
No, but the point I was going to make is everybody at birth who's 36 years old or younger had their blood illegally taken and put in a world DNA database.
I said that for years.
People laughed at me.
Now it's mainstream news.
Let's go back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, I mean, again, is this a good government we have that took everybody's blood at birth in the last 36 years?
It's dreadful and obviously so.
I remember my son is 41.
And I remember we had a birthday party for him.
We lived in California at an ice cream place.
And all the kids who were going to school with him, it was the sort of thing that kids did in those days.
And I found out later that the government came in to that company, which handled a number of ice cream parlors throughout Southern California.
And retrieved all of the information on all of the kids and what their birthday dates were, and all the information they could get on them.
And when he was 21 or 18, they sent him a notice to register for the draft based on that, because there was a mistake in it.
And the mistake had been on the original, which was turned in for that party.
So that's the kind of things your government does.
And they've been doing it for years.
And incidentally, my daughter's a teacher, and she's going to have to come to terms with this stupidness that the government's doing in relation to teachers.
Amazing, yeah.
I mean, think about it.
In Australia, UK, Canada, all over the Western world for 36 years is when it started everywhere.
They had some pilot programs.
The Austin American Statesman a couple months ago said for 44 years they've been taking your blood at birth.
The documents I have are 36.
But when I was born at Parkland in 1974, 35 years ago, they came in and took my blood.
They came in and did it and sent it off to a UN database.
I mean, you know, this is a rogue government, period, Bob.
And we've got to get the public to come with grips with that.
We've got to stop cooperating.
They know we're going to stop cooperating.
That's why they want this cashless society grid in place.
Do you agree?
And all the other things that they're trying to do to get rid of the people like you and I who will speak out about what they're doing.
Well, I guess I'm a terrorist, folks.
I've got silver coin.
So evil.
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman-Moore.
Your call.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We got a tour of the Austin Water Treatment Plant yesterday, but they would not let us bring cameras in to videotape the fluoride they were dumping in for national security.
Everything's national security.
Paul uses an excuse for the system to carry out its crimes.
We'll tell you about that coming up in about 25 minutes.
I want to continue quickly now with phone calls.
And I ended up keeping the last call on for like 10 minutes.
We've got to be quicker to get everybody in here.
Chris in Tennessee, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Infowarriors.
Hello, Bob.
I want to talk about the Bloomberg story posted on June 17th about the suitcase filled with $134 billion
of you.
We actually mentioned that yesterday, but I wanted to get Bob's take on that.
For those that don't know about it, Bob, tell them.
Well, the Italian border police at an entry point into Switzerland intercepted two Japanese men with false bottoms in their attache cases, which contained $134 billion worth of bonds.
I'm hearing all kinds of differing stories out of Europe as opposed to here.
I don't know what the answer is yet.
Uh, chances are that they may be counterfeits.
Uh, I got a story right out of Italy today that said, uh, it was the Japanese who caused that along with the Italian mafia who were involved in this.
Uh, I don't know what to believe yet.
All I know is so far, it isn't very good, uh, for the United States government.
On the other hand, um, if they're criminals, they may be counterfeits.
If, you know,
The government never tells us the truth, so we don't know what we're going to get in the end.
Yeah, this is the issue I want to throw out.
When we've got these Madoffs and all these other criminals running the architecture of the system, that's why there's no audit of the private Federal Reserve.
Can we even imagine the types of money laundering and payoffs and insider trading and scams that we're going to find?
It'll be colossal.
The hiding of offshore accounts
That the Fed and the Treasury are both using to buy bonds in our domestic market here.
The money laundering that's going on, the narcotics money, not only via the CIA and MI6, but other organizations.
I mean, the consequences are enormous.
That's why this legislation is so important.
Good point, caller.
I really appreciate you calling and making that point.
Anything else?
Okay, we're going to let him go.
Thank you so much, Chris.
Joe in New York, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex and Bob, thanks for all you do.
I just want to tell you about something I found out about yesterday.
This guy I work with, I keep giving him DVDs, we keep talking, but he told me yesterday he's got two cousins.
One of them lives here in Rochester, New York.
The other one's out in California.
The guy in Rochester, New York was out in California for two weeks training for this company.
It's called CBSV.
And he said they're looking for some people, you know, they want to hire, recruit these people that work for him.
So he goes, give him a call.
So I called the guy.
CBSV stands for Consent Based Social Security Number Verification.
He said it was supposed to go, they've been working on this since January 2008.
It's going to take effect next month.
He said that their website's not up and running yet, but it will be in a month.
And he said, you know, he's got my number, he picked it up off his cell phone, and he said that if you want some information right now, you can Google Red Flag Rules or Red Flag Compliance.
And again, it's called CBSV, Consent-Based Social Security Number Verification.
It's going to be all used, and every bank and every hospital is going to have this.
And I just want to get your take, you know, I'm just trying to find out more about it.
Yeah, for those that don't know, I know I'm aware of it.
I'm glad you brought it up.
They're federalizing forcibly all health care.
They are federalizing all the major corporations.
The Federal Reserve is taking them over forcibly.
They're using their regulatory power to grab healthy banks, insurance companies, credit unions, and feed it into the gaping mouth of this system.
And yes, they're federalizing all the health care, everything, all the data, everything you do.
Point of transaction will be run through the feds, and Homeland Security has said
If you're not in good favor with them, you're not going to be allowed to have a job.
If you have bad credit, you're going to be on a no-fly list.
They're now saying if you're on a no-fly list, you won't be able to own a firearm.
And they're going to expand that to tens of millions, not just millions of Americans.
And so this is the new control grid where they have these warrantless Kafka-esque or 1984 lists
People always ask about red and blue lists, and those are real.
But they also have this harassment list.
This list of where you're persona non grata and can't travel, can't live, can't eat.
And so then you're homeless, then you're not allowed to be homeless.
They take you to the camp.
I told people that over a decade ago.
Now in California and Hawaii, they don't let you be homeless.
They take you to a camp.
So Bob Chapman, your take on that?
It's absolutely unbelievable.
But it's happening.
And you're going to see more and more and more of this.
It's just the government takeover of the people and the loss of freedom that's involved.
And all we can do is what we can do, but Alex, you know, your program is bringing all this information out to public, and at least people can be aware of it and know what's going on.
Well, for those that are just tuning in for the first time, this is classical tyranny with a high-tech interweaving or overlay.
And they attack us all incrementally.
They attack us individually, and we've been trained not to know our neighbors, not to get involved, not to help, to all be isolated.
And it's because we're isolated, they're able to do this.
We have to first stand up and say, I'm mad, I'm angry, you're criminals, we're going to expose you, we're saying no, and get on the offensive and call for their audit, their arrest, instead of just laying here while they do that.
Thank you, Joe.
Bill in Florida.
You're on the air with Bob Schaben, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Yes, well first Alex, I wanted to tell you thank you for everything you're doing out here.
I subscribed to your PrisonPlanetTV.com.
I also picked up your Obama reception and your Aaron Russo.
God bless you.
We couldn't operate without people like you.
I also have a problem of course with waking up my family.
It's like a joke.
And the other thing I wanted to say,
I speak out, I post videos all the time speaking out, and I promote your stuff as well.
And I had a question on the food.
Do you really think gold is going to be any good if they use food as a weapon against people?
Well, look, I've always said I believe gold's a good investment.
It has intrinsic industrial value and barter value for 6,000 years.
And also, we've got to fund this operation, so I promote it.
I mean, I only promote things I believe in.
So it's a win-win-win.
And I believe in gold and silver, and people that invested in it have made three, four times their investment when all other investments aren't doing well.
I know big banks and brokerage firms and insurance companies are quietly moving into gold and silver.
I know the elites hoard gold and silver.
But no, I'm not saying just gold and silver.
I'm saying have storable food, number one, water filters, Second Amendment.
Then if you have discretionary other assets,
Put a portion of it in gold and silver.
And not even as an investment, but as an insurance policy.
I've always said invest in it because it can't be fully reduced overnight.
People say, well then they could come and forcibly confiscate it.
They could come take you and take you to a gulag too!
That's the whole point!
Is we're doing whatever we can to be independent, to be in their system but out of their system, to be in Babylon but not of Babylon.
Look, Bob Chapman, you want to explain this to him?
You only can do what you can do.
You lay the groundwork.
You get the food, the filter, the weapons, and extra money goes into gold and silver coins.
If you want to speculate, you can buy the stocks as well.
It all depends on how much money you've got.
That's the starting point.
But there's some people that can't do anything because they don't have the money to do it.
Well, you just do what you can do.
But government can do anything it wants.
The longer they wait, the better it is for us.
And the reason why is we're informing more people.
Hopefully we can get legislation passed on the Fed.
Hopefully that'll be followed by legislation on the elimination of free trade and the implementation of tariffs on goods and services.
We're gaining time here.
They're gaining time, too, to do the things that they want to do.
Yeah, they want this, exactly, they want this financial straitjacket on us so they can then use finance to control us with just a backup of paramilitary force.
That's why we've got a scream bloody murder now, because they don't have their grid in place, do they Bob?
No they don't.
And they're afraid, as we hark back to the meeting of the Bilderbergers in Greece recently, and they said, we're losing control, we've got to fold this thing in soon.
Because, or try again later.
Because the people know too much.
It hasn't worked out the way we wanted.
Iraq was an absolute disaster for them.
And they said that themselves.
Brzezinski said that a couple of years ago, if not longer.
And so we got a good shot at this.
But you got to be prepared.
So if you have the funds, get the fundamentals and get them in place.
And people who have more money, who have questions that need answered, all they have to do is email me, and I'll answer their questions.
It doesn't cost them anything.
In fact, speaking of that, theinternationalforecaster.com to get a free e-copy.
And Bob, do you have that toll-free number?
Because I know Midas Resources is offering a free hard copy of the latest issue for anybody that wants to call.
That's correct.
They are, and they always are.
That number is 877-479-
That's toll-free 877-479-8178.
Alright, briefly, caller, did that answer your question?
Yes, it did, and I thank you.
God bless you.
Bob Chapman, we'll see you next Friday, God willing.
You better believe it.
All right, you're the best.
Bob Chapman, take care, my friend.
Thank you.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank that caller earlier, who's a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
That's how you watch us live here each day.
I'm going to come back and play this Ron Paul clip on the other side.
Stay with us.
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I don't know.
We're good to go.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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And let's take in a brief mind movie.
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And while we're flat broke, we're also told that we've stepped back away from the brink.
Pardon me?
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I'm John Swenson, 800-686-2237, extension 128, and together we'll create a package that really works for you.
Coming up, I'm going to show you what they're putting in the Austin water supply.
I have some FOIA requests.
The actual chemicals being dumped in there by the government.
Hydroxylic acid, H2SiF6 and other goodies.
That is coming up.
Alright, this is a short clip, but Ron Paul is now going out on TV saying, this gives the bankers more power than Congress has over the country.
And that's what the quote, overhaul of the private banks is.
The Federal Reserve is their private consortium, or their holding company.
So they're saying, give the private banks that did all this, more power to stop it from happening in the future.
Which they promised back in October, give us more power and we'll fix it.
And I told you, they've already been given unlimited financial power.
Now they want power over other corporations and companies to seize any company, take over anything they want.
And it's the same thing across the board.
Shutting down farms and ranches.
Premises ID.
I mean, this is a corporate takeover of every level of society.
Then there's some big Iran news I haven't gotten to.
That's clearly a CIA operation.
First few days I said, we'll wait and see.
The mullahs do have some corrupt problems.
They may have stolen the election.
Definitely CIA op now.
They've been caught doing that.
In fact, I meant to get to it yesterday, but now even more evidence has come out.
Can you guys, during the break I'll find the photos for you, where they would crop photos of people protesting for Ahmadinejad, and they would say it was people against him, and BBC got caught doing that.
They've had to admit they've staged it.
But that's not it.
They're always on TV with signs in English, and people have been picking them out as CIA people from the US.
Just like when they tore Saddam's statue down and they showed close shots of five or six guys like it was a crowd.
It turns out it was just a few dozen people and it was all CIA ops.
We're not saying the Mullahs are good or Saddam's good.
The issue is it's staged.
Just know they're lying to you on the news and trying to overthrow Iran.
Our government already did that in 1953 to these poor people.
No wonder they hate us so much.
Stay out of their business!
People are like, no I'll kill him, I like being in an empire.
The same empire is raping you too?
You're not part of the empire, you pay for it.
You're the slave that pays for it.
You're a slave working in a factory for the New World Order.
Stop thinking like you're part of it.
Huh, these yuppies just can't figure it out.
These good old boys just can't figure it out.
Let's play Ron Paul, here he is.
Is your perspective that Tim Geithner needs to dramatically change his approach at this point?
We've seen Paul Krugman and other economists say the worst thing that could happen right now is for the government to ease up on the stimulus and other things, that it could lead to another crash.
What are your thoughts?
Well, it would be good to stimulate the economy, but you don't stimulate it by doing the same thing we've done for 20 years.
And the policies that gave us our trouble can hardly be the solution.
So spending more money and borrowing more money and inflating the currency will not solve the problem.
They're making the assumption that it was lack of regulations that caused our trouble.
And yet we had banking regulators and we had SEC regulators and FDIC regulators.
We had a ton of regulations and they failed.
So they say, well, we just need more.
It's sort of like what the outcome of Enron was.
We passed Sarbanes-Oxley.
Now they're trying to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley because it contributed to the problems of the early part of this decade.
So I would say they're on the wrong course, and to me it's very, very disturbing that they have no confidence in the free market, and they have no interest whatsoever in looking at the root cause.
And the root cause is easy credit, artificially low interest rates, inflating the currency, excessive spending, excessive debt, too much taxes, and they're going in the wrong direction.
And believe me, there's reason for the polls to be shifting away from the administration because they're digging a bigger hole.
But Congressman Paul, the first thing you said in that line was easy credit.
Are you not at all concerned with the role, for example, that some of the credit rating agencies played in that, which in part allowed people to, A, get more access to credit.
I don't just mean individuals, but I mean large corporations.
Are you not at all concerned that some of the regulations weren't well enforced?
Well, what you're trying to say is the regulations could compensate for the easy credit.
It wasn't the regulators who created the credit.
It was the Federal Reserve that pumps up the money supply and artificially lowers the interest rates.
Then the regulators are supposed to come in and adjust.
You might say the housing bubble should have been stopped by the regulators.
But Congress and the regulators actually forced some of these subpar loans.
They had to give loans with no down payments.
And notice that was involved with the regulators.
So the regulators failed because the system of regulations can't possibly compensate for the errors that are made by the Federal Reserve in creating a monetary system that is just not stable at all.
Congressman Paul, I want to bring in my colleague Chuck Todd, who's the political director for NBC.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we're going to finish up this quick Ron Paul clip.
I get to the key point where he explains that it's the Federal Reserve that put out all this fiat currency and credit, and that they are going to get more power than Congress.
Through this new, quote, overhaul of regulation.
Giving the banks unlimited power when they've engineered this crisis.
That's supposedly their answer.
Give the people that did this more power.
Thinking the public and Congress are stupid.
Not knowing the Federal Reserve is a private holding company for the big central banks.
Here it is.
You say you want to get rid of some of this stuff, but obviously there was some missing regulation.
Maybe the SEC didn't have enough correct people there.
So, you know, where do you regulate?
Well, what your statement says is it proves regulation didn't work, or that it was misdirected.
The regulation should be on the Federal Reserve.
We should have transparency of the Federal Reserve.
They can create trillions of dollars to bail out their friends, and we don't even have any transparency of this.
They're more powerful than the Congress.
So yeah, we do need regulation.
But isn't the Treasury Secretary... I mean, one thing about this new plan for the administration is that they actually do want to try...
You can read our key stories.
We've been screaming this for the last three days since they made this legislation public.
And now we have the headline, Ron Paul slams Federal Reserve's new dictatorial powers.
They can already steal all the money they want and have no one audit them unless we change the law.
But now they're going to be able to seize any company or corporation.
I mean, this is, Hitlerian is the only way to properly describe the full magnitude of this.
So we're going to continue to cover that.
I'm going to get Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on to talk about this and his investigation of what's really happening in Iran and North Korea coming up this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
with the Sunday syndicated transmission.
Now, coming up in about 30 minutes, we're going to have two people in studio, but right now, we have Dr. Neil Carmen, and he is a Ph.D.
in biology, and also in several other areas, and we really appreciate him coming on, biology and chemistry, because he works with some of the local
Antifluoride groups are trying to expose what this catch-all term really means, like FluorideFreeAustin.com and Ray Naylor Olnick, who's also going to be in studio with us coming up.
But Doctor, first off, tell us about yourself, how you got involved in this, and then you've got the documents from the city of Austin, where they get this fluoride, what it really is,
There's thousands of government reports.
I've had top EPA scientists themselves.
The majority of them have signed letters saying, please take this out.
It's deadly.
They know it gives bone cancer, especially men.
I mean, I consider in rant and rave that it calcifies in all the organs, but I mean, you're a PhD in mainly plant biology, but you also study what's happening with mammals as well and can really speak to this.
So it's great to have you here with us, Doc.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, the concerns I have is I worked in laboratories for a long time and it's well known that fluoride is a very toxic substance.
It's been known since about 1900 that fluorine in various forms, whether it's an industrial chemical,
I think?
The cracking of the oil?
And those facilities, when they use fluoride rather than, they use hydrofluoric acid rather than sulfuric acid, it is the worst case accidental release scenario from those types of facilities.
It's used in the computer industry to etch silicon chips because it eats, hydrofluoric acid in this case, will actually eat glass.
It eats concrete.
It's a very corrosive acidic material.
And so the reason I'm very concerned about the city of Austin and many other cities in the U.S.
adding fluoride to the water is because they are adding an industrial hazardous waste byproduct of the phosphate fertilizer industry and much of it comes from Florida where they do strip mining for the phosphate rock
And then they produced a waste with this fluoride in it.
And the product that the city buys from a chemical company in Florida that gets it from these phosphate fertilizer plants is hydrofluorosilicic acid.
Okay, we're going to go over what that is, because I've had other scientists and doctors on, and there was that famous dentist who got Canada 20 years ago fluoridated, and then he went, oh my God, I thought this was calcium fluoride, which a little bit of it is good for you.
No, this isn't even sodium fluoride.
This is a catch-all for a whole bunch of toxic waste they just dump.
And it goes back, of course, for those that don't know, to the Manhattan Project.
They first had to secretly, because they didn't want spies being able to tell what they were doing by what was being shipped out, so they started in Tennessee and other areas dumping the different fluoride byproducts from purifying the uranium into the rivers.
And they found, hey, we can do this and it doesn't kill all the fish right away if we don't make it obvious.
So they said, what do we do with all this toxic waste of aluminum, fertilizer, uranium, plutonium purification?
We'll put it in the water.
Just like they put in uranium, they had all this left over from the nuclear industry.
So they said, we'll make it a weapons system.
And we'll just say it's good for you and not a problem.
And so now they're even putting it in construction materials.
So what they're doing is dosing poison out, kind of like our ancestors 5,000 years ago would just dump toxic waste right in the river and let somebody handle it downstream.
Now they put it directly into the water.
But listen, I'm not a chemist.
I'm not a degreed scientist, biologist like you are in chemistry and biology.
But I know this.
When it rains on my yard, the grass goes crazy and turns bright green, the plants are happy.
When it's a drought and I've got to water plants myself, the grass turns yellow, they don't even like water hose city water.
So I'm no scientist, but I know, and any gardener I know, says collect rainwater, whatever, don't water your plants with it.
If I put a goldfish in tap water, it will die by the next day.
So I've got to put chemicals in it or or or get a purified water to put my kids goldfish in so why am I drinking it?
Well, fluoride is being added to the water out of this claim from the 1940s and the 1950s that's really based on bad science, that it would help children primarily prevent tooth decay as they're developing.
But they knew there was a trade-off, and that is that about 10% of the children would develop a condition known as dental fluorosis, which is a staining, a brown discoloration of the teeth that is not very attractive.
Bone fractures, yes, because fluoride, actually the fluorine, will replace calcium in the bones.
So you get the bones becoming more brittle and it can aggravate people with osteoarthritis.
And this isn't debated, it's all admitted.
So when I interrupted you, and I want to get back into that, Doc, you started getting into what the chemical is they're putting, what this catch-all term is, and then tell us about this particular document, I want to give people a close-up of, you got from the city of Austin.
Yes, we have contract information and also a copy of the material safety data sheet.
And there's one from Mosaic, which is the manufacturer of the chemical.
And then also it's actually sold through a kind of a front company called Lucier Chemical Industries in Florida.
But they admit to the city, and the city told us yesterday that they get it from Mosaic.
Mosaic is a merger of Cargill and IMC Global.
Which both operate large phosphate fertilizer manufacturing plants and do the strip mining of the phosphate rock in Florida.
And this is just distillate crap they'd have to pay to store in the desert, instead they give it to us.
Well, it's actually classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a hazardous industrial waste.
That they can't put into the water, the rivers, because it would be too toxic.
They're not supposed to dump it on the land.
They can't put it into the air because it's so harmful.
And so they sell it to the cities to put in small amounts, they claim.
And by the way, other scientists I've had on have made the point, fluoride and its different
It's a bio-cumulative poison.
And so this is one of the things that the city and other municipalities around the country don't take into account, is that fluoride is bio-cumulative.
But this is a toxic industrial waste that the public in the U.S.
is not aware is being added to the water supply compared to the natural fluoride mineral salts that are in the water, but at lower concentrations.
And by the way, it says on here for the workers dumping this in the water, don't touch this, it'll burn you, it'll kill you, it's deadly, just make sure they drink it.
And it'll actually, these fluoride compounds actually will penetrate the skin.
They're very toxic.
Well, I mean, just studying nerve gases that the military developed, most of them are fluoride-based, so I don't understand how they're putting it in our water.
Well, that was kind of, it's bad science, it's whatever you want to call it, but there's no epidemiological studies where you've had a fluoridated community on these specific industrial waste products where they've looked for possible health effects.
But three years ago at the Harvard Medical School, four researchers published a paper in a journal on cancer in which they compared
They found higher levels of bone cancer, osteosarcoma, a rare type of cancer, in boys 7 to 8 years of age in a fluoridated community compared to a non-fluoride drinking community.
So they found that there was elevated rates of osteosarcoma and this study has some limitations because they looked at a small group of people.
There's a whole bunch of studies around the world.
We know that fluoride is extremely toxic and there's definitely concerns that it is a human cancer-causing.
Well, have you heard the new thing?
They're now saying mercury is good for you because it's coming out that it's in half the corn syrup.
That's Washington Post.
It's coming out that it's in many products.
So the new spin is that mercury is actually good for you.
I'm not kidding.
Guys, go to YouTube and Google News says Mercury good for you.
I'm going to play that off local news, Austin, because I don't want the doc to think I'm making this up.
You're going to see Fred Cantu tell you that Mercury is good for you here in just a moment.
But please continue.
So there's actually many studies.
Three years ago, the National Research Council had a panel of 13 scientists who are experts in toxicology, epidemiology, fluoride, and chemistry.
And they did a three-year review of over 1,100 studies worldwide about the dangers of fluoride in drinking water.
They didn't look specifically at fluoridation, the adding of fluoride to the drinking water.
They looked at the whole issue of fluoride toxicology.
And they basically determined that the EPA's maximum contaminant level of four parts per million is not protective of human health and that it should be set much lower.
But EPA hasn't done anything.
And so the city of Austin's position is that as long as their fluoride level that they add to the water is less than this four parts per million level, they think it's safe.
But the British, the Russian, the Chinese studies I've seen
Show that it's cumulative, so that's a fraud.
Right, and also they don't take into account that there's other fluorides.
There's fluoride in the food, beverages that are made with fluoridated water.
There's quite a bit of it in tea.
People brush their teeth with fluoride-containing toothpaste, mouthwashes.
There's some pharmaceuticals that some people take that have fluoride in it.
There's fluorinated pesticides, so there could be some on the fruit.
And now they want to spray it.
I think I saw it a few years ago that a lot of the new pesticides are fluoride-based.
It kills the bugs and we sit there and eat it like fools.
Yeah, because actually what we know, so there's a lot of fluoride exposure from different sources.
And so the city of Austin doesn't take into account this wide exposure.
Well, we know the lobbyists come in and pay them off.
I mean, that's what's going on.
I mean, they'll arrest you if you get caught dumping motor oil on the street, and you should be, but I'd much rather have motor oil going around than fluoride that's killing everything.
I mean, fish can't live in tap water.
Why are we drinking it?
I mean, Doc, again, I'm no doctor, but why does a goldfish die in a manner of ours?
Everybody should try this, and I don't think it's nice to be cruel to fish, but if it saves human lives, do it.
In the sixth grade, you cut up frogs.
I think the schools, if it's so good, ought to fill up.
I think that something simple like that will finally
Get the message across.
And the animal rights activists will say, don't kill goldfish.
And whereas I don't enjoy killing goldfish, I've got one at my house that's seven years old named Fluffy we're very attached to.
If it'll save human lives, how are we going to then not hurt goldfish because it's cruel, but make everybody drink this?
Well, what the National Research Council report came out with in 2006 is that the level of fluoride being added to the water is 250 times higher than what is in breast milk.
And breast milk, we know mother's milk, it's got a trace, trace level of natural fluoride.
Because you need a trace amount.
You need a small amount.
Don't humans even need a trace amount of cyanide?
But you don't want a lot of it.
Right, but the whole thing is that there's a very, very low level.
And so what they're adding to the water is much higher, 250 times higher than what is considered really safe.
And actually, some of the researchers said that with babies there is really no safe level of what's in the water.
Well, that was my next point, Doc.
When I go to Babies R Us, it's all give your kids fluoride pills, buy the fluoridated water for your baby, and all the studies I've seen say it's three to four times worse for kids' brains and bones than it is for adults.
So, is that what you're getting at?
Is it really bad for kids?
Yes, yes.
What we know, and this was first recognized in the 1950s by researchers who were studying enzymes, and all of our cells in our body run partially on enzymes, they're part of the assembly lines that keep everything going, and fluoride poisons at least 62 enzyme systems in the human body.
So it's an endocrine disruptor.
Yes, and so some of the early opposition in the 1950s to fluoridation were the biochemists researching enzymes because they knew that fluoride was a powerful poison that interfered with enzymes in the body.
Oh, and as soon as that research came out, oh, put it in the water!
The Rockefellers just so happened to be eugenicists.
But I'm sure, Doc, there's nothing to do with that.
We should just trust them and drink it.
Well, it is interesting that one of the fluoride compounds used in the manufacture of uranium is uranium hexafluoride.
It's a catalyst.
And so that was one of the ways that this kind of links back to the Manhattan Project.
Uranium hexafluoride, it's got six fluorine atoms in it.
It's been well-known, but it's also very toxic.
So in using this in the Manhattan Project, along with using other fluoride catalysts in the aluminum industry to smelt aluminum and to various kinds of aluminum products in the steel industry.
Gotta break there.
Just stay there, Doc.
This is riveting stuff.
Very important.
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Everybody knows the dice are loaded, ladies and gentlemen.
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That aired two years ago.
We have Dr. Neil Harmon.
He's a biologist and also a chemist in here with us.
And he's fighting locally to expose how deadly poison fluoride is and the other varieties.
I'm reading on here, Doc, and it's saying what's in the stuff they put in the Austin water.
You just got a tour after months of trying.
Of the facility.
Some of our folks were in there as well.
H2SIF6, I guess is the formula.
Hydrofluorosilic acid.
But in that itself, I'm told, is a bunch of different things.
Right, it's only one of the compounds.
There's actually three forms of fluorine in there.
There's the hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is the primary fluoride the city is seeking.
There's also some elemental fluorine, and there's hydrofluoric acid, and then there's heavy metals, lead, cadmium, chromium.
Brilliant, barium, and then there could be other trace impurities.
And one of the concerns I have, based upon what the EPA says about the phosphate rock in Florida, is it's known to contain radionuclides, including uranium and thorium.
Well, that's where they mine it, is out of the phosphate rock.
There's huge deposits of phosphate rock in Florida, and it has a lot of impurities in it.
Fluorine is just one of the impurities, but there's also... And they don't even purify this.
That's what the other doctors have said, and the EPA people I've had on admit that they call it fluoride.
Oh, we fluoridate, but really they just take the toxic waste of all these industries and just put it in our water.
Well, the city claimed to us that there is some kind of distillation or filtration, but they haven't supplied any documents as to what that is.
I know that the company they buy it from, it basically is just kind of like a warehouse to store the chemicals and sell them loose air chemicals.
But Mosaic, I don't know what they do, but it's possible that it's just basically directly sold.
It's brought here in a large tanker truck.
And they declared national security.
We wanted to get cameras in and they wouldn't let us have cameras saying national security.
And I guess it is national security to give us this toxic chemical.
Well, their issue with that, Alex, is that you've got this drinking water supply for the whole city of Austin.
Somebody might put poison in it like them!
Right, right.
So, you know, but what's interesting is that the fluoridation storage at the water treatment plant is in a kind of, it's in a totally contained building with warnings on it because of the corrosive nature of the hydrofluorosilicic acid that they store there in two fiberglass tanks.
Skull and crossbones.
So it's a self-contained building that cost a great deal to construct and to operate this because of the hazardous nature of this chemical that they're adding to the water.
Now, coming in, you got to see that clip, because I know it sounds crazy when I say that the news is saying mercury is good for your brain.
That was a national report, a local version of it.
It was put out by CBS News as a press release.
I also have a clip, in time I'm not going to play it, saying lead is good for children on MSNBC.
Doctor, does that sound normal to you?
No, because basically there's different pediatricians who have done research in the U.S.
on lead, and people like Dr. Phil Landrigan, who was here in Austin two months ago, say there is no safe level of lead exposure.
What about mercury, though?
And mercury is also highly toxic, so... I mean, that's vitamin M. We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, in the next segment we've got Ray Nadler Olnick coming in.
She heads up fluoridefreeaustin.com fighting the city council that gets the lobbying money from these chemical companies to take the byproducts of the petrochemical industry.
And the fertilizer industry, the aluminum purification industry, and it dumps it right in our water supply.
And we're talking to a PhD doctor of chemistry and biology, Dr. Neil Carman.
Doc, is there a particular way for people to read your research or a website where people can find out more about you, or is the best place just fluoridefreeaustin.com?
Well, Dr. Paul Conant in New York has a great website, fluoridealert.org, and he has a list of over 2,535 professionals, PhDs, medical doctors, dentists, nurses, and other neurologists who have signed on to this professional statement.
Calling for an end to fluoridation in the United States, because in Europe there is virtually no fluoridation.
They determined over there, based on medical toxicology and health studies, that this is not good to be doing to the public.
And it weakens teeth!
I mean, my dad's a dentist and didn't believe me, and over the years I gave him documents and he now agrees I'm right.
Yes, yes.
So actually the U.S.
is the primary country in the world where fluoridation is commonly practiced.
Well look, I was never a hypochondriac.
I got sick like twice a year.
I could have a broken collarbone and not want to go to the doctor.
So I wasn't imagining it.
I would brush my teeth real good.
My daddy was a dentist.
And I always remember laying down on the couch having a headache.
Where I almost got to where I didn't like to brush my teeth until I was finally about 16, 17, and I figured I could go to the store and buy Toms of Maine without it.
I figured out, before I ever heard of this, that fluoride was giving me headaches.
Well, and actually, every toothpaste container that has fluoride in it in the U.S.
is required to have a toxic warning label that if a child ingests too much of this, they are supposed to call the poison control center.
Now, 20-25 years ago, there was actually a skull and crossbones warning label on every toothpaste and box of toothpaste because of the fluoride that they've added.
So the toothpaste is a big issue because already children are getting dosed every time they brush their teeth.
They're getting some fluoride.
They're ingesting a lot.
They say if you get a pea-sized amount, most kids swallow that much, called poison control immediately.
The kids don't.
They eat the toothpaste, go collapse on the couch.
And I've seen the studies about IQ reduction.
I mean, it's a fact.
Then they make jokes about it, kind of like now I say Mercury's bad for you.
And they go, no, I saw the news.
It's good.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
You're a chemist.
You're somebody who studied biology.
You're a scientist.
Is Mercury good for the brain?
I don't think so.
I haven't seen evidence that I subscribe to that mercury has any health benefits to the body.
Well under an electron microscope at the University of Calgary we've shown, in fact I want to show people that.
Google electron microscope video mercury brain tissue and this is monkey brain tissue and it's the only heavy metal they found that causes an electrochemical almost explosion chain reaction.
Normal plaques
It just builds up as a plaque and only kills what it touches, but this causes an electrochemical short circuit.
Right, I've seen that.
It looks very well done, because it shows the neuron shrinking away from the mercury.
But maybe you haven't had enough mercury, Doc.
Maybe that's why you think it's bad.
Maybe if you'd eat more, you could join the rest of the normal people that can hardly talk now.
Have you seen how a lot of adults can hardly talk now?
Maybe you need more mercury and fluoride, Doc.
Well, we've known actually, if you study biochemistry like I took, you know, a long time ago, one of the classic ways to basically kill protein function is with heavy metals like lead and mercury.
So we've known for a long time that these toxic metals are very bad for biological systems.
Dr. Karman, everybody knows mercury is good.
That's why they give it to kids.
That's why they have mercury bottles at the Whole Foods.
If you go there in the vitamin section, it's vitamin M.
Well, I disagree.
I think mercury is extremely harmful.
We've seen studies where a single gram of mercury, which is about the size of a grain of rice, will contaminate a 20-acre lake so that the fish are too toxic with methylmercury concentrations to eat.
But wait!
The government says it's good.
Why don't you just trust them and be a patriot?
I mean, you know, I think I should just drink mercury on air and prove to everybody this is nutritious and good.
You know what?
This is extreme.
We're gonna come back more and talk about these people that don't think we should be drinking sodium fluoride.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ray Nadler Olnick, who heads up fluoridefreeaustin.com, is now joining us in studio with Dr. Neil Carman, who I have been
Bring up a lot of points, but I want to give him a few minutes before we go to her, and then get her take on this.
She's fighting it in Austin and around the country, and certainly people should contact her there if you want to get involved with Fluoride Free Austin.
Because I would like to have, we have great aquifer water here, and I'd like to not have to be drinking water that I have shipped in from Arkansas, or water that I drink out of my big Berkey.
Because even with that,
Even with the big Berkey, it only cuts out 95% or so.
That's why we now use the Ecolablue, and speak of the devil, I had them set up for a 5-minute interview weeks ago, not knowing it coincided right from when they were on.
So it's not being done on purpose, where I'm here exposing fluoride, and then talking about the one way to make sure you're not drinking it, atmospheric water generators.
So that's coming up in a moment.
But sir, you were talking about Google Earth during the break, and zooming in on these
on these mines with a byproduct are all these different things, not just the fluoride type chemicals that are being put in our water supply and other points that need to be made.
Yes, there's a county in Florida where a group of these plants, that Mosaic and several other companies operate, it's Polk County, near the cities, small cities called, let's see, one is Bartow and also Mulberry.
And right around those cities you see these large strip mining operations for the phosphate rock, and that's where the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing plants are located.
And then you can also see large waste piles of the phosphogypsum that's too contaminated with the radionuclides, uranium and thorium.
They don't know what to do with it.
The state of Florida, the EPA, these companies,
It's too toxic to sell anywhere.
But you can go on Google Earth and see these large strip mining operations and huge waste piles.
I mean, it looks like small mountains, literally, of the phosphogypsum waste.
And that's where this waste product, this industrial hazardous waste containing fluoride, is coming from.
Manufacturing plants.
So we shouldn't say they're putting fluoride in our water.
That's a cover term.
That's bad enough.
They're putting the toxic waste in our water.
Right, right.
I mean, this is not naturally occurring fluoride.
This is an industrial toxic fluoride waste product from the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing sector.
There's a few other industries where they generate some fluorides as well.
From copper smelting and aluminum smelting and the steel industry.
So there can be other sources of this fluoride as well.
What do we do about this?
You guys did a tour there.
We heard about it and kind of came in under your wing.
We appreciate you guys contacting us and the work you're doing.
If we just get more Austinites or more people listening in upstate New York or Chicago or California right now.
We have listeners all over the country.
We have over 80 affiliates, XM Radio listening right now.
This is really toxic waste.
You guys are fighting if more people would stand up.
The majority of the EPA scientists, I know, signed letters.
We've had their head on saying this is toxic waste.
The government doesn't like this.
The people that actually work in the government know it's bad.
How do we end this?
And then tell us about the tour and we'll get some comments from Ray Nadler Olnick.
Ray has been speaking to the City Council, so she should talk about that.
Yeah, tell us about solutions.
Yes, actually, my idea came from you.
Oh, really?
For spurring people to take it?
I didn't know that.
It partly came from Joyce Rowley, and it partly came earlier from circumstances, which we can go back to if you want.
But basically, the idea of fluoride had entered my mind.
I had heard you talking about it more and more on the radio, and I listened to you every day.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, faithfully.
And one day last fall,
A man called in from another state.
I think it was Pennsylvania.
He was not a Texan.
And he said, I've been trying to wake the people up around me to fluoride and they just aren't listening to me.
They dismiss it.
They shrug it off.
What should I do?
And you said, among other things, you said,
Get active, go to City Hall, become known as the guy who talks about fluoride every week.
And you had other suggestions too, like start a radio program, advertise filters, water filters, as a way to fund yourself.
Exactly, that way you're helping people and funding yourself.
It's symbiotic.
It is.
But what really struck me was, bingo, I can do that.
I have the time flexibility to do that.
And I studied.
I was a total political virgin.
I will have to say I have never lifted a finger in activism before, although I have given money.
To all my favorite broadcasters, including you.
But there you go, the 600 into the valley.
Oh my gosh, yes.
Yes, I studied it a little and I came to realize that they had the citizen communication at noon, when most people can't come.
This is for communications.
It used to be at night, now they've made it so hard.
You've got to sign up a week before.
Two weeks.
Two weeks.
Oh, now it'll actually be one year.
It's two weeks.
Twenty years, Bob.
Right, exactly.
They don't want to hear from you.
I had been under the impression it was evenings, too.
Well, I guess they keep changing it.
Well, this is for items that are not on the, what do you call it, on the agenda.
So what you do is scan the agenda.
Anything on water-related, you can come in.
You're right.
And anything that's related to the environment.
We have just started talking before the Environmental Board in a similar way.
That suggestion came to me from Neil and also from Paul Robbins, who is a very
We're going to try to get that, and in fact, on this program, people who are interested will hear about it.
And don't let them stop you.
I mean, pretty soon they're just going to get rid of it altogether, but then you just go speak on items, you just go check each week what the agenda is.
But go sign up, take your lunch off, take a bag lunch and eat it while you're driving down there, and go let these creatures know that you don't want this poison in the water.
I mean, it's not our opinion.
A fish can't live in it.
I know that.
Well, I mean, I know you know, but the listeners, new listeners, don't know.
Yeah, what we were told yesterday on the tour, as Ray saw, is that all the city has to do is turn the little tap off where the hydrofluoric acid is coming out, or hydrofluorosilicic acid, and so Ray might want to point that out, too.
I mean, that was quite amazing that the city said all they have to do is just turn it off and stop it.
Well, there's laws against forced medication, and they say they're doing it for our teeth, and all the studies say it makes them fracture and gives you dental fluorosis.
And now, the American Dental Association, as you know, two years ago began recommending children not brush their teeth with it!
I mean, even the Dental Association says it's bad, but we can't get these bastards to take it out of our water!
I'm sorry!
They also said, the Centers for Disease Control and the American Dental Association, that fluoridated water should not be used to make up infant form
Well, it's your activities and everybody else taking action.
We're having victories here, but I'm going to shut up, because we've got a guest popping in with you on the same subject in the next segment, and we're going to keep you until 40 after.
Gary Talis has been vindicated, 9-11 truther.
A bit of slander by Fox News is coming on, but that's a separate issue at the end of the show.
Tell us about what happened at this tour.
My guys were there, but they had to turn their cameras off for national security.
Tell us how you got in, what happened, how important this was.
Well, a month ago I decided that it would be a good idea to request a tour from the city, so they agreed, and then I said that other people would like to join the tour.
I thought it would be a great educational opportunity for people to see how the water purification plant works for the city, and where they're adding the fluoride, and to hear this straight from them.
I think?
Everything is contained in there but it's obvious the doors are labeled that this is a highly toxic corrosive acidic material and they've got a shower in there in case you get exposed and you could see some signs of corrosion to some of the paint and materials where there's probably been some vapor leak because this is such a corrosive material in fact where the tanker truck comes in and unloads
Well, I just want to point out that
We drilled the well on our family property in East Texas into the Key Chi level.
That's 600 feet down.
It's a little aquifer.
And I have family that runs the local water district.
They work there.
They're at the plant.
It's my uncle's wife's brother.
But the point is, he said it's the purest, best water, aquifer water, and they make them add all these chemicals under federal law.
He thought it was some mandate.
But the issue is, Austin has great aquifer water.
There's no reason to be doing any of this, adding chlorine, any of it.
I mean, that's a whole other subject.
I mean, if you've got aquifer water, and you're not drinking out of some toxic reservoir that's got sewage in it, like Dallas or something, why on earth would you put anything in the best water there is?
Well, they definitely talked about the different treatment chemicals that they're adding, but our tour was more focused on the fluoride, but they went through the water treatment and purification process, the filtration process, so it was very interesting.
I think we learned a great deal, but we could see from our own eyes that they're doing this fluoridation.
Actively there.
They're putting so many gallons in, you know, a day.
And they have to keep buying this chemical product.
But if people, you know, wanted this stopped by, you know, calling, emailing the mayor and the city council, going down to speak, the city could easily turn it off and probably save a million dollars a year.
That's right.
That's the other point.
I've seen the studies.
This is toxic waste these mining companies would have to pay to get rid of.
Instead, they make us buy it.
What schmucks.
Stay there.
Let's talk more about taking action against this when we get back.
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We're good.
All right, we're going to come back to our guest in the next segment.
And I didn't mean to have this guest on today when they were on, but it dovetails together perfectly.
Tyler Palmer for this quick segment.
He's the developer and one of the owners of acolablue.com, atmospheric water generators.
And I was telling my guest, hey, I've got a
In the middle of our interview, we have somebody on to talk about water filtration.
And the doc was saying, well, you know, even filters only cut some of it out.
And I said, no.
This is atmospheric water generator.
It's grabbing it out of the air, then putting it through reverse osmosis, carbon filters, you name it.
But it is good to have Tyler Palmer on with us.
Tyler, a perfect, perfect day to have you on.
We're talking about forced fluoridation of the water supply with folks here in Austin.
Yeah, Alex, it's a fascinating show and I'm glad to be here.
It's correct that people would need very expensive ultrafiltration, if not reverse osmosis systems.
The price is in $10,000 to $20,000 to be able to get fluoride out of the drinking water.
Fortunately, we have our atmospheric water generator which condenses
I think we're good.
About it's pure water.
Yeah, well yeah, I mean absolutely.
I have children, so I looked into this.
And a big murky reduces it, cuts a lot of it out.
Reverse osmosis, 90 something percent.
Because fluoride's so little, it stays in the water.
It's just perfect for this.
But if it's out of the air, there is almost no fluoride in the air.
There's some trace amounts because it's sprayed on lawns and blowing around.
Explain that to people and tell folks about the Ecola Blue System.
Yeah, that's right.
The molecular weight of fluorosilicic acid is about 144.08 atomic mass units, so it's actually very small.
Most ultrafiltration systems
Cut off at about 1,000 AMU's.
Yeah, the doc is nodding his head.
Doc, you're saying that Pallor Palmer's right?
Yes, on the molecular weight, yes.
So it's very hard for regular filters to cut this out?
It's a very small molecule.
And it's so sneaky.
It gets in places.
It sticks to things.
It's got a very low pH.
About 1.2, if not
Lower, that's I think lower than stomach acid, so it's just not a very pleasant thing to have in your water and or to have to deal with.
Yeah, the bottom line way to cut this out is the Ecolablue system, and I can't think of a better time to be promoting this for listeners.
The website is Ecolablue.com, we'll put it up on screen.
Or 1-800-691-6043.
Tyler, the reason we've got you up today is because you've got a new special you're offering, folks.
Tell them about what you're offering.
That's right.
We have sort of the, we call it the Emergency Hurricane and New World Order Preparedness Special.
And for $1,351,
You get a new Ecolo Blue Model 28, and those are the new machines, they have a very...
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Coming up, I'm going to engage in a big news blitz, an equivalent Laura Bush case, heckling case, United Press International.
We'll talk about that coming up.
But right now, going back to Dr. Neal Karman, anti-fluoride activist here in Austin, Texas, anti-fluoridation activist, and Ray Nadler Olnick.
Okay, so we're fighting it here in Austin, it's the same thing all over the country, and you've got all these environmentalists,
Again, environmentalism has all this reasonable, smart stuff like, let's not poison the environment, let's not have pollution, let's not toxify ourselves.
But it seems like the Austin City Council only wants to grab people's property for environmental preserves and later build skyscrapers on it.
Want to be realtors like Kirk Watson is now, the big realtor here in town.
This is a real environmental issue for the environment, the birds, the bees, the plants, human beings.
So this is something affecting everybody with the fluoridation.
And you were telling me, Doc, you guys saw where the fluoride, or what they call fluoride, this witch's brew was going in.
They had one of the units, one of the storage tanks still had a small amount of fluoride in it.
They were expecting another shipment very soon from Florida.
And so the pump was actively pumping a small amount of fluoride, putting it into the water, mixing it there.
They explained the whole process.
Lovingly mixing it, though.
We got to see the whole thing.
And so, I mean, the city is spending a lot of money a year.
They just renewed the contract.
The city had a contract of which I had the cover page, but I didn't have the entire contract.
And I was getting information off of the cover page, which gave some summaries.
They had a contract that was set to run from March 08 through March
Renewed that contract.
They canceled that contract and issued a new one, which is apparently legal.
There must be something written into the contract that allows that to happen.
And in fact, I have now requested through Freedom of Information both contracts.
We don't know if it's more or less.
No, it's more.
It's way more.
What they did, they issued a new one.
For an amount of approximately $700,000 for... This one runs from 2009 to 2011.
And is that $700,000 a year?
A year.
And then the three extensions that they're locked into, presumably, are $910,000 a year for the next three years.
That would be starting in 2011.
So we mean millions and millions of dollars, and they admit this is the toxic waste
A fertilizer production, aluminum purification, and nuclear weapons production.
And they would have to pay to put this in mine shafts in Utah or Nevada.
Instead, they have us pay to drink it.
You know it's not going to go down.
And in fact, I subpoenaed some documents.
Wow, you're really getting busy.
I am getting busy.
This is all new to me, and I'm learning as I go.
And the reason given for this by Lucier was that their own supplier, which is Mosaic, the actual manufacturer, had suddenly doubled their price.
Just overnight, they doubled it.
So Lucier was kindly going to pass on a little less of that cost.
They wanted an increase in 37%.
So everybody else is losing their jobs or taking pay cuts, the economy's imploding, and they're going, hey, we got some toxic waste!
Hey, the suckers in Austin and every other city, we're doubling!
And how about triple?
How about we all sell our houses and become homeless and we'll pay $10 billion for the toxic waste?
I mean, see, it's just like with the banks, how we're paying them $14.8 trillion of our money to go loot the world, and then we pay interest on the money that taxpayers are going to pay
I mean, who comes up with these diabolical frauds?
Well, and we don't even know the total cost of the program.
That's just the chemical purchasing cost from the company in Florida for the toxic industrial fertilizer waste.
But there's also, there's got to be some... The building, the storage, the shipping, the insurance, the... And so forth, yes.
It has to be very expensive.
I mean, we figure it's got to be over a million a year.
This is some estimates we've seen from other cities around the country, where the cost of the chemical is maybe 50 to 60 percent.
Then, these corrosive chemicals eat up your pumps and equipment, so pipes, so... They've got to have insurance policies.
Right, right.
And the workers have to be very careful.
That was the reason why recently the city of Elgin, which is just northeast of Austin on 290, voted not to continue fluoridation anymore.
And so did Alamo Heights on the north side of San Antonio.
Yeah, that's the point I was going to make.
San Antonio anti-fluoride group has really been one of the biggest in the country.
And in closing, we are having victories.
We can affect change if people get involved and point out what a ridiculous fraud this is.
Yeah, there's actually a list of over 212 U.S.
cities that have now shot down fluoridation.
Artificial water fluoridation.
There is a lot of money on the other side.
And that is really the sum and substance of it.
And people are deep, deep in denial.
For instance, the CDC who can advise against giving fluoride to infants and at the same time insist vehemently that it's one of the 10 greatest public health measures of the 20th century.
That's what I was going to say.
How can they say, don't give it to infants, it hurts their brains and bone development.
That's admitted now.
Official government.
But then when you go in the store, it's give fluoride to your kids.
I mean, it's not just that they don't care and are making money.
There's a very sick agenda here.
Oh yeah.
Because we know the neurological effects it has.
That's a fact.
And you know, they can make all the Dr. Strange loves they want making fun of us.
I have the reports from major universities, we've read them on air, where they knew, the University of Texas in the 30s,
had studies on fluoride and its effects on the brain.
And so, when you search them, some of the first you find is German studies and U.S.
studies at the University of Texas.
I don't know if you've seen those, Doc, but it's amazing.
Right, well, it's because of fluoride compounds as a flux for smelting was very, very important to the war effort.
Steel and aluminum and uranium
All require large amounts of calcium fluoride or sodium fluoride in their process.
And it's cost prohibitive to store it in toxic dumps, so make people drink it.
And it makes them sit down and shut up.
Well, they wind up producing a lot of fluoride waste products.
And the workers were being harmed.
Some of them were actually dying.
So there were lawsuits being filed in the 1940s.
The aluminum industry, the steel industry, and governmental agencies said, well, this is a problem.
We've got to quash these lawsuits.
Look, I want to have you both back in the next few months as this develops, and please continue your fight.
Thank you for your help.
Videotape your city council confrontations, because I'm going to make a film about the whole eugenics angles.
We have their documents.
You know, why they're doing this.
You wonder why the public's so passive.
The drugs, the entertainment, the GMO foods, all of this is putting people in a very docile, docile state.
And Doctor, I want to thank you for joining us.
Dr. Neil Carman, and I want to thank Ray Nadler, Olnick, also anti-fluoridation activist, fluoridefreeaustin.com.
Volunteers, get involved.
There's anti-fluoride groups in every major city and in small towns.
Just Google the name of your town or city, and if there isn't one in your city,
Do what this great lady did.
Do what Ray did.
Start your own group because she's really starting to make some headway thanks to people that she's collaborating with like you, Doctor.
So I commend you both and God bless you.
Thank you, Alex.
Get some free Obama deceptions or end games on your way out.
Thank you so much.
Thank you much for coming in.
Okay, now we've got a real trooper on the line.
I appreciate him holding while I finish up with those guests.
I've got a real trooper here.
I know Luke Hradowski isn't a liar.
And the other We Are Changers I know personally aren't liars.
They've always told me the truth.
They're stand-up people that take death threats, harassment.
Police come up and arrest them, saying their cameras are machine guns and that their backpacks are bombs and we know you're not terrorists but we're going to say you are.
I knew they were getting death threats, death threats to their family.
And I knew that German Tallis, that's his nickname,
We're good.
And it turns out a Republican fundraiser in New York construction, they said, comes over with his daughter in a wheelchair and starts bashing, you know, comes across the street with her, screaming, why are you hitting my daughter?
Why are you hitting my daughter?
And there were surveillance cameras, and the police wouldn't release them, and then said there was no tape, but that they saw Gary beating her savagely, and that Secret Service swore to it.
But I believed Gary, and I believed Luke, and I believed the other witnesses.
It was a total setup.
Then we found out this father is really hooked up, if you know what I mean, really connected in New York, juiced up, as they say, into the power structure.
And this was a black op.
And Sean Hannity had her on and said, oh, and you could hear somebody whispering, like, say this, and she'd go, so, Sean Hannity, so they attacked you.
Hold on.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's what I say?
Yeah, they did.
And then Fox News and New York Post and all of this.
And here's UPI today, acquittal in Laura Bush heckling case.
A New York jury has acquitted a 24-year-old man accused of heckling Laura Bush, oh how dare you, and Jenna Bush, and assaulting a wheelchair-bound teenager and her family.
Next they'll say Ahmed Dinegi did that.
I mean, it's just made-up CIA baloney.
The New York Post reported Wednesday a Manhattan's criminal court jury acquitted Gary Tallis.
Imagine, they said he was going to prison, felonies.
But he stood up, he fought back, he said, I'm innocent.
And it just goes on from there.
So Gary, in the time we have, they threw the book at you, the Secret Service lied, the cops lied.
But you said, look, I don't care what you threaten with me.
I'm not plea bargaining.
I didn't do this.
I was assaulted by them.
And I was recapping the story from a year ago.
That's correct.
He came over to you and was going, don't hit her!
Don't hit her!
Don't hit her!
And started choking you and attacking.
Why are you hurting the girl?
You know, I mean, we should do a reenactment of me with a wheelchair going, don't hurt her!
Don't hurt her!
I mean, you know, just they love using things like that.
Describe what happened.
It was an adventure, that's all I could say.
Basically, I was too strong for this whole tie-up.
They wanted to give me community service as a plea bargain for just saying, okay, I hit the girl, but I did not hit the dad.
I'm just this pathetic weakling that attacks girls.
I'm not credible, and that's what they wanted to do to me.
They were actually trying to give me a year in jail, and then they were trying to throw me this plea bargain just so I could say guilty that I hit a girl in the wheelchair, but I did not touch the 300-pound father.
Okay, now describe what the 300-pound goblin did to you.
Well, I was just at the George Bush event.
This guy, you know, me being 145 pounds, he's too cowardly enough to face me face-to-face.
He decides to ram his handicapped daughter into my side, into my back, while screaming.
Look, he's hitting my daughter at the same time, simultaneously started hitting me in the back of my head.
Gary, back off your phone a bit.
You're overdriving.
Describe the scene.
You're there to heckle the Lord, Laura Bush.
You're peacefully out there outside and the witnesses all told me the same thing.
He comes across running and screaming and then you try to get away and he starts ramming you.
Ramming you, screaming, don't attack her.
That's accurate.
Something like that.
He hit me from the back and he screamed in the beginning.
He tried to do it in a deceptive manner.
He was hiding.
Oh, so it was a snake attack, then he started screaming.
Okay, I was going from memory.
Alright, tell us about the snake attack.
It was very well-coordinated.
He was standing there by the side entrance, hiding, waiting to have me pass by so he could, you know, be a man in what he considers a man in a hit-me-from-the-back, using his handicapped daughter, whose disease he uses as a trophy, by the way, to get where he's at.
You need to sue Hannity at least until he apologizes and admits that was a fabrication on his show.
But being a CIA commander, he probably won't.
Um, probably, um, they may not go anywhere because the news, they basically, um, you know, they get away with stuff like that.
They always, uh, um... They get away with it because people don't stand up to them.
Believe me, you start suing people and all... Look, they were trying to put you in prison saying, we all attack... They were on the news saying you were choking her and beating her and blood was shooting everywhere.
I mean, just total lies!
I mean, they'll say whatever, and people like believing things like this because it's extreme.
And people, you know, they like looking for extreme things to believe.
Well, who would imagine this guy was trying to set you up?
That's actually pretty common, folks do stuff like that.
You know, it's like...
Well, he tried to initiate me to hit him first.
He put his finger in my face and I told him to get out of my face because I knew what he was trying to do.
He was trying to get me to hit him right in front of Secret Service, in front of the police.
Okay, now going from what I heard from Luke and others and you, the Secret Service and police, they went ahead and went along with the lie.
How did you defeat them in court?
Well, I mean, the prosecutor himself wasn't really the brightest person.
He was a black man from Harvard that believed that his supervisor tried to use his venue star, you know, to take on this high-profile case.
But every single witness he had basically built my case.
I mean, one Secret Service guy said I did not resist arrest.
Let's be clear then, let's be clear, because I was getting a second hand from Luke and Les, the Secret Service didn't lie, the New York cops lied.
Okay, well that's good for the Secret Service then.
Right, the Secret Service guy basically said that I did not resist arrest.
He's not going to lose his job lying.
Okay, that's good.
Exactly, and basically the cop couldn't corroborate anything.
Everything was just a big mess.
The only thing this guy had was a wheelchair, a book with children's pictures on it.
And basically Maureen herself, poor child coming in with a Girl Scout uniform, a little puppy, trying to basically appeal to the jury's emotions.
They wasn't working.
The jury was seeing what was going on.
It took us a day to pick a jury that would look smart enough to understand this kind of stuff and not be manipulated by emotional appeals.
And I think my lawyer did a good job and was a good jury.
They're calling it an acquittal.
Were you found not guilty or how did this play out?
Right, I was found not guilty on those four charges.
They tried to get me resistant arrest.
See how they spin it?
I mean, an acquittal is not guilty, but the average person doesn't know what that means.
And he just said, not guilty, set up.
Look, you need to sue this guy.
You need to sue them all.
They're going to continue to go around in corners with a wheelchair, jumping out at people.
Ah, you hurt her!
You know, and you're walking down the street with your family, and there's a guy waiting with a wheelchair around the corner.
You need to go after this guy.
So were they angry when you were found not guilty?
Um, well the guy himself was trying to stare me down the whole time in the courtroom, trying to act like a tough guy, trying to intimidate my lawyer, stepping hard to him when he was asked to leave the stand.
He attacked my daughter, Sean Hannity!
Now tell him this, honey, say he hits you, alright?
I'll give you more ice cream.
Well, yeah, exactly.
That's just how it was.
He was sitting there, yawning the whole time.
You know, looking very guilty, looking very... Well, I mean, tell me what this liar did when we get back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, German Taoist found not guilty of a jury by his peers.
That's why I have mainstream news where the American Bar Association wants to abolish juries and the lawyers can really rob you.
And in England they're getting rid of juries.
I want to get to that at the very end of the show here in a moment.
But I was just talking to Jason Vermas, who interviewed you first last night.
Literally, she had a real puppy in a Girl Scout outfit.
I mean, if you'd have heard this father with his daughter on Sean Hannity, with him whispering, going, tell them they hit you, alright?
I mean, German, this is getting insane.
You're saying it was a real puppy or a stuffed puppy on the stand?
I was crazy.
The day before she took the stand, we were looking at a picture of her with a Girl Scout uniform holding a picture of Laura Bush, smiling.
Well, my lawyer's assistant made a joke.
She said, well, where's the puppy?
The only thing that's really missing is the puppy.
You know, this is disgusting.
And the next day, she really comes in with the puppy, and she was actually talking about how puppies help her confidence.
And the prosecutor was asking her questions, such as, what kind of, what other puppies do you have?
You have a terrier, I believe.
You like playing with your terrier, don't you?
So they're like, are you against, well, I mean, I confronted the drug czar, how his second in command got caught shipping in heroin and cocaine.
I confront him with the Reuters article.
And he, this is in Police State 2 The Takeover, and he says, the baby got hurt, and he goes, baby!
Trying to use, and everybody's going, baby, in the audience.
And they go, drugs hurt the babies?
And that's like psych warfare.
The baby, the puppy, German callus is evil!
So the jury saw right through this bizarre behavior?
I had my London Guardian article here.
It's very upsetting to me, because I wanted to show it before the show ended, where they're ending juries in England, and they try to make you not take one.
Here it is, court allows first juryless criminal trial, and then you actually read that they've had thousands.
This is just one where the people tried to sue, demanding a criminal trial with juries, and they said no, and it's a secret trial.
Court allows first jury-less criminal trial, London Guardian.
So, for years they've been trying to force you not to take them, but this is one that was found in court.
They say no more juries, so... Well, thank God you got your jury, and as the people stop trusting the government more and more, they're going to try to get rid of juries, so we've got to fight for those.
I know it's extreme, and I'm evil and probably a terrorist, because I believe we should be able to protest.
The Army now says that's terrorism, and I believe in the First Amendment and juries.
I mean, I'm so evil.
Well, Mr. Tallis,
We are Change.org.
I'm just glad the listeners and everybody supported you.
I'm glad your lawyer did a good job.
Praise God for this victory.
What happened when you defeated the Goblin?
What did he do when he heard not guilty?
Thanks a lot, Alex.
You've been a great help in this whole matter.
I really don't know what he did.
He left the courtroom after he was dismissed as a non-credible witness.
And I guess he was probably
He's biting his nails, beating his wife, drinking.
He looks like a character that would do something like that.
Well, we don't know he's doing that, but he certainly lied about you.
Certainly lied about you.
Right, he definitely did.
I really don't know what he talked to, but based upon the character that he is, that he would use his daughter as a weapon, I believe that he's not doing something productive right now.
Well, he really has savaged you, and you need to demand a retraction from him.
But you've been found not guilty in court, and Mr. Tallis, God bless you, and we're glad that you got out of this time their attempt to run a false flag attack.
There you are exposing the false flag attack of 9-11, and this guy runs a false flag staged attack on you.
Tried to frame you for that.
Mr. Tallis, good hearing from you.
God bless you.
Have a good weekend.
God bless.
God bless, Alex.
You're doing a great job.
You too, my friend.
We'll be back right now in retransmission.
OnePlaceInfoWars.com and the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
And this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, be sure and join me.
Great job, crew.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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IRN USA Radio News, I'm Greg Moore.
The U.S.
Navy is warily eyeing a North Korean ship as it skirts China's