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Name: 20090618_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 18, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
I get chills when I read this legislation.
I get chills when the AP and Los Angeles Times and Washington Post all announce like it's a good idea.
Oh, private banks will now rule America and be able to take over your gas station, your hot dog stand, your factory.
They will rule everything.
And it's mainstream news that it's worse than I had always thought from their own documents.
It's not just going to be a bank of the world that sets world currency rates and sets interest rates and sets tax rates worldwide, but it's going to shut down and take over and seize whatever businesses it wants.
Obama regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
Key story at PrisonPlanet.com.
And the way they work is they bankrupt the economy by design.
They say, give us the banker takeover.
They steal $14.8 trillion in seven months, $5 trillion more than the entire GDP in a year, online to double the GDP next October.
So from October to October, double the GDP given to the banks that we then pay interest on.
We give them the money, and then we have to pay interest on it to the offshore banks.
And they got away with that, so why not go ahead and announce, okay, private banks will now rule the United States and the Federal Reserve governorship buildings with the Army guarding them.
This is on the news.
The Army now works for them.
This is in the news.
They're saying all protest is terrorism.
Official news.
All protest is terrorism, period.
Just total tyranny.
And it says the executive powers are now to be given to the Fed, and that Congress, the courts have no authority, no nothing, and Congress is going to vote away this authority.
And with a treaty, is what it is, with the private Federal Reserve governors.
I mean, this is incredible.
I knew this was coming later, and that through the national security states they've set up, the offshore banks, the corporate takeover, would then administer the governments, but with some illusion still of a ceremonial Congress.
This removes it completely, and the other big issue here is, is that this isn't making a big splash.
They're just reporting, yeah, private banks, in the words of the LA Times,
The government in conjunction with the private Federal Reserve would effectively have the clout to simply seize and take over any company it desires.
And it's got UT professors in here admitting it's a total takeover.
The sweeping overhaul of the financial system, the tale by Geithner on behalf of the Obama administration, does not overhaul the system at all, writes Prinus.
Giving the Fed a bigger role, creating a council of regulators to oversee the existing oversight bodies, and allowing the biggest Wall Street players to maintain their status, leaves the system intact.
Well, it does more than that.
The Federal Reserve is not a fully public entity.
This is a Professor Whitewashing.
It has amassed a set of 7.87 trillion worth of facilities.
It's a lot more than that.
And other entities...
Through which it has lavished cheap loans in return for questionable collateral from the banking system, which it's just the consortium or holding company of the private banks.
So to say it's regulating them is a joke.
It has kept the true nature of these transactions a secret, despite numerous FOIA requests, and it has actively promoted the creation of bigger institutions in a chaotic environment.
Rather than putting the brakes on the creation of these giants, concludes, proof of the agenda of implementing overt financial dictatorship is being carefully coordinated, can be seen in the fact that an almost identical scheme is also being set up in the United Kingdom, where, quote, the governor of the Bank of England has called for greater powers to allow it to fulfill its new role of promoting financial stability, according to BBC, over industries and companies.
Just as the US
King, the head of the Bank of England, is calling for a...
Traditional independent regulatory bodies to be all but abolished and replaced by the Bank of England itself, which, just like the Federal Reserve, is a private outfit with no accountability to the government whatsoever.
And it just goes on and on.
The article is devastating.
By Paul Watson, all footnoted.
We need your help getting this out to everybody.
This is the end of our form of government officially, if this passes, and officially under banker offshore corporate dictatorship.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to finish up with if they win, if they succeed, the next phases.
Because I keep telling you the next few phases and now we've reached those next phases.
So now we need to discuss what's coming after that.
Then we'll continue at 1-800-259-9231 to take your phone calls.
But this article right here, zoom in on this for me guys.
I am asking the listeners to please get this article
And get this out to everybody because this is officially a private financial dictatorship that is taking over our country and taking over the world.
We're going to talk about this with Gary Franchi next hour in studio and also take your calls on that as well.
But I'm asking you, I mean for some reason Ron Paul's admitting it's setting up a dictatorship of the bankers.
Other people are pointing out it gives them absolute dictatorial power but nobody is
I think putting all the pieces together of what this means.
In the interest of time, I'm not going to read the rest of the article.
There's pages and pages left here with the things they're doing.
I mean, these bastards have completely bankrupted our society by design.
Now, the most important facet to all of this is, if we're unable to defeat
the bankers doing their overhaul which gives them total government power through the national security grid and notice they just put up on
The screen, Gerald Salente on Russia Today.
By the way, we're interviewing him again for the new Obama film.
And there he is saying, Wall Street is Washington and Washington is Wall Street.
And there's all these top Democrats coming out and going, yes, banks completely run us.
And they're offshore banks.
In fact, if I have time later, that's only a six minute clip, I might play some of that here live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is just so incredible.
That I am actually dumbfounded.
It's so over-the-top, and then we're the weirdos for not wanting offshore banks openly running all corporations, all companies.
If you make contributions to the political parties, they let you keep your dealership open?
Because the government runs it for political favors, and they take over $10 billion off the stimulus money and give it to neighborhood groups?
And the New York Times reports, oh, the money's being spent to train
Boy Scouts to do fugitive apprehension and gun confiscation and take on disgruntled vets for Homeland Security and it shows them with machine guns practicing and then yesterday, oh, the Green Corps is made up of criminals who've set their life straight now to go out and do audits of people's homes.
I mean, and, oh, 13 million Obama supporters are going door-to-door asking people to support the health care takeover.
This is a
Complete and total raping of society.
And where does it go from here?
Well, the establishment is going to follow the same methodology.
And they're going to continue to do this over and over and over again.
They are going to create the crisis, say their solution is to give them more power and control, crisis gets worse, say, do what we say or things are going to get worse.
When they wanted the banker bailout in October, people wouldn't do it.
They said there'll be a huge depression, basically the end of the world, the end of America, if this doesn't happen.
And then things got worse when we did what they wanted.
And the corruption intensified.
They said it's secret where the trillions went.
We're not going to tell you.
Then the banks themselves brag and say we're getting billion dollar bonuses.
We're buying up the infrastructure.
We're using federal regulators to force smaller banks and insurance companies to sell to us and we're buying them up with the bailout money.
It's a vertical integration, a consolidation.
And now they're saying, oh, we gotta have regulation, a change of things, a remake, a upgrade, as if it's a good thing, an overhaul of the banking system.
And what is that?
Total dictatorial power through the national security state for Wall Street that set up the CIA and the National Security Act of 47 and this whole system.
They're now just fully
With the environmental regulations and with the corporate regulations and government regulations taking over the whole society and building up the massive paramilitary forces and NORTHCOM openly announcing and preparing to engage the American people to carry this out.
Now, that said, they will probably pass this.
Things will further be bankrupted.
Society will break down.
Unemployment will be at 25-30%.
It's already really at 20%, according to all the economists we have on the government's cook numbers are over 10%.
And then so the only pillar left will be the corrupt government, funded by fiat currency and credit, owned by the private bankers, paid for with our tax money.
And again, we pay interest to give them the money.
We give them the money, then pay interest.
We're paying to be slaves.
It's a new form of slavery, where you don't just not get paid as a slave, but you pay to be a slave.
You understand?
A new level.
And the bankers are worshipped by the media of their own, and everybody says that they basically created the planet, and that we got to pay taxes to breathe, as the New York Times said.
In fact, Google attacks on breathing.
I want to show people that New York Times headline.
Where they say it's good though, they say yes, this is the carbon tax, will be a tax on respiration.
A tax to breathe or a tax on breathing was the headline.
And they're going to use that to regulate, shut down the farms and ranches, fund huge bureaucrat armies with the unlimited cash they print.
To harass your businesses, your factories, huge carbon taxes on you, not on China, India, Mexico and hundreds of other countries.
So that'll further drive industry and jobs out.
Then all that's left...
Thank you.
So every facet of your life is going to be micromanaged and controlled and all the major university grants and the tuition that's paid and the scholarships, already the majority scholarships are law enforcement, data mining, homeland security, infrastructure protection, law enforcement, ITT technical doesn't teach computer programming, they're now ITT law enforcement or security guards and they're going to have law enforcement power.
And so the entire economy is being shifted from a free market economy into a command and control of these private banks that own the private prisons, own the private security firms, own the private security firms that administer the municipal police departments and county sheriff's departments now being federalized and taken over by the states, who then hand it over to federal control.
And so you won't have a chance to be outside the system because the only jobs available will be government or government related
And the very architecture of the job that are out there will be spying on your neighbors, tattletaling, controlling people, going after resistors, micromanaging and squeezing all the farms and ranches through animal ID and premises ID.
Yeah, punch up that article.
Taxing us for breathing real clear politics.
Click on it, go to the original article, please.
We have it archived there, but let's see if it's the blue link where it says real clear politics.
And you can see it there, and then that article, if I remember, reports on the New York Times.
Yes, it says, last week the New York Times published an extraordinary editorial explaining that right now everyone is using an atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free.
The Times editor suggested that the government start charging for the privilege by imposing a carbon tax or a tax on breathing.
Yeah, click on the New York Times link.
There you have it.
So, there is the control grid that we're discussing and breaking down here.
And so, you won't have a choice.
You'll have to join the police academy or the federal
Academy, you will have to go into their grids, you will have to follow what they're saying, because the whole society's designed, there'll only be credit, there'll only be loans given to the bankers out of fiat nothingness, backed up with your tax money, to select industries they want.
And they say they're doing this because of robotics and automation.
Everybody's going to have cars and Xboxes and entertainment.
But you're going to be in compact cities and highly controlled.
They want to phase all that out and give you jobs in surveilling and controlling people so they can get their pure dictatorship, their scientific dictatorship, in control to then carry out the forced eugenics and forced exterminations.
And because the ratio will be 10% of the public at least being cops alone, heavily armed, licensed to kill at the drop of a hat for talking back,
And then another 40-50% they're saying will be bureaucracy and surveillance.
They're talking well over half being government and the rest will be corporation servicing government and only if you're an insider, only if you've got special connections will you be able to own a farm, a ranch, a business and then in successive waves they're going to take those over as well and then only give you a small percentage of your original business profits and then phase it out completely.
Corruption will run rampant like it did in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and Nazi Germany.
I don't think so.
Your children don't report you.
It's going to be fun for the kids.
They're going to get bonuses and drugs and things when they say you yell at them.
Then you'll have total parental rights terminated.
Just hellish control over everything.
And you will all be injected with the cancer viruses.
Increase sodium fluoride in the water supply.
Most people will be sterile.
Already 85% are.
This is the new system.
Stay with us.
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There's Gary Franchi's head in here at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You know, there's so many FEMA camps, they're going around the country looking for FEMA camps, and I said, well, you know there's one right up by Taylor.
On record, a famous one, where they hold illegal aliens into portum, but it has dual use in its charter for U.S.
citizens during civil emergency.
It's listed in mainstream newspapers for U.S.
citizens as well, and you can go videotape kids at recess behind barbed wire, swinging on the swings.
So I think they're going to go up there.
And later they're going to go visit one of the shopping malls.
They've publicly turned into a FEMA local center.
And then they have big regional camps that have all these little federal spoke camps for aid.
And you're not against FEMA.
They're giving out food.
You're not against NORTHCOM outrunning checkpoints for drunk drivers and helping at car wrecks.
See, it all has PR purposes, winning the hearts and minds of the occupied slave mass.
So they come in and shut off the resources, and even the troops handing out bags of food think they're helping, not knowing their banker masters are going to shut the food off.
By the way, everybody's freaking out over this Blackjack comic book that was in the London Telegraph, where the government stages nuke attacks and brings in martial law.
Now the London Telegraph's been putting out blurbs about real FEMA drills that they're doing with the Pentagon and foreign governments.
It's on Homeland Security's website and NORTHCOM to take over the U.S.
And so they have a comic book simultaneously that has these codes that everybody's breaking, and it even tells you how to break the codes, it's like comic book stuff, to promote the launch of a new Jericho comic book.
And then it simultaneously lists real FEMA martial law takeover drills going on now this week.
And so now when we talk about the real FEMA drills, they'll go, oh, that was that comic book.
This is all a PSYOP.
This is why they do this.
Psychiatrists run these operations.
And I've read different documents on why they do it, but they believe it's revelation of the method.
It confuses reality with unreality.
It's like, oh, you said the government flew a hijacked jet in the World Trade Center and used drills to make NORAD stand down.
That was on X-Files six months before 9-11.
You got it from that.
We're like, yeah, exactly.
But there really were drills on 9-11 to make NORAD stand down.
It was just like the TV program.
And they go, no, it was a TV show.
So massive programming going on there.
We're going to have a report for you at PrisonPlanet.com coming up later on that subject as well.
So definitely stay with us for that.
But again, in the real world, not a comic book, not a joke, is this.
Zoom in on that for me again, please.
This is so important, ladies and gentlemen.
This is absolutely vital for everybody to look at, everybody to understand.
Obama's regulatory reform plan officially establishes banking dictatorship in the United States.
And I'm going to go over this with Gary Franchi coming up in the next hour.
And for those of you holding Robert, Dave, Jared, Dave, Dominic, and others, we're going to break it down.
But when I was ranting and raving last segment about how your kids are going to live in dormitories
That's in the government documents, that's in the textbooks we've posted and linked to at Infowars.com where they say the family is animalistic and ancient and belongs to the age of barbarism and has got to be outlawed and they admit now the CIA set up Miss Magazine to break up the family so both the husband and wife have got to work for the bankers and pay taxes so the state raises the kids and now the economy gets worse and worse and right on time the government says,
We'll keep your babies from birth in Head Start government programs and inoculate them and drug them and take care of them.
And we'll keep your kids after school until 7, 8, 9, 10 at night so you can have a chance after work to go have fun at the bar.
The media even says, go have fun at the bar, go enjoy yourself, watch your TV shows.
We'll keep your kids.
And the parents go, well don't mind if I do!
China, the poor families have their kids live in dormitories, and then work in fireworks factories and other factories five, six hours a day, and then go to government training and the rest of the day learning how to worship the state, learning how to turn in their parents, and then as this gets worse and worse, and the kids are already showing up in red and black uniforms, these city year groups run by David Gergen who gets all this money from the feds to do it, under-swearing allegiance to Obama, hiring felons and criminals to join it,
This is in the New York Times, but they're reporting it like it's good.
Then the kids come home with these tickets.
They write mock tickets to their parents.
You took a hot bath.
That's a green crime.
And then they give a copy to the parents and then take it.
This is in the New York Times.
And the parents are, oh, I'm so glad my daughter's reporting me.
So see, it's for this, oh, it's for the Earth.
Yes, there's spies, but, oh, and, and, and the, you know, by the time you're 12, you get a uniform, and then they show up in black boots and sit back and start bossing their parents around.
The parents are now scared of the kids.
And the kids are just on power trips, loving the state.
And the Boy Scouts are training with machine guns to take on the, quote, veterans and gun owners.
And the Homeland Security documents say the veterans and the gun owners are the number one threat.
Now the official Army training manual, public, not even classified, says all protest is terrorism and illegal.
I mean, they are just really coming out in the open.
We have a criminal, rogue government period.
We'll tell you about them trying to kidnap your kids coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, for the rest of the hour, we're going to be talking to Joanna Scott and Jerry Lynn Ward, both activists, I believe they're both lawyers, down at the press conference last week fighting the Senate Bill 1440.
They have similar bills around the country to kidnap people's children.
Without a warrant, without a court order, without a judge's order, just to come grab them for any reason that they want to.
Because they got in trouble kidnapping those 400 plus kids from those Mormons.
It turned out it was all made up lies.
And the Supreme Court said they did wrong.
So they just said, you know what?
We'll just pass a law saying there's no more Fourth Amendment in Texas.
And of course you can say, well, they've got to do this to keep kids safe.
Depending on which federal numbers you look at, five to seven times more likely for CPS to abuse children than any other group.
I mean, this is a very dangerous crew of people.
So we'll talk to those folks coming up here in just one moment.
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And in closing, while we're talking about what supports the show and makes it all possible,
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It is slashed in price, and if you get Moffa 21, Black Genocide, the 21st Century America, I guess that's...
Zulu for murder or genocide.
This uses some of the work of Endgame to document just how the eugenicists are using the family courts.
The family courts were set up in the U.S.
to sterilize blacks, kill blacks, euthanize black babies.
That's also covered in Endgame, but only like five minutes of Endgame gets into that.
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So we hope you get that because Endgame is only $9.95 when you get it with this new Eugenics film and also life on the edge of a bubble documenting what the bankers are doing, how they're running all this.
Okay, I apologize to Jerry Lynn Ward and Joanna Scott because
Our power went out last week, and we had battery backup, but we weren't sure if we'd be able to stay up, and sure enough, the batteries ran out in 20 minutes, so it was a good thing we went to rebroadcast, because we couldn't have the show disrupted.
But they're here now, covering SB 1440, and Jerry Lynn Warren, introduce yourself briefly, and then we'll get Joanna Scott to introduce herself, and then let's break down what this bill does.
Yes, thank you Alex for having me on.
I'm an attorney here in Austin, Texas and I got involved in this because a year ago I became so outraged about CPS taking those 400 some FLDS kids and I decided to volunteer to help one of the dads fight CPS and I entered a world that I didn't even know existed before that time.
And I'm as horrified as you at these CPS courts, and at the whole system.
I've practiced law for 29 years, and I did civil trial in other areas, and they think that they don't have to follow the rules of due process in these courts, and with regard to CPS.
It's just horrifying.
Well, 34 states by 1930 had passed the eugenics race laws, and I'm just telling you this because, see, you were in the real court system, and then you entered the constitutional system, then you entered the parallel universe of the family court, the health department, racial hygiene,
And this is the Max Keiser, Keiser-Vilhelm, not Max Keiser, the Keiser-Vilhelm Institute.
This is that whole system the Rockefellers funded for race hygiene.
So that's why these courts don't operate with due process.
But now they want to, I guess, remove the final link.
So let's bring up Joanna Scott.
Joanna, tell us about yourself.
Well, I am actually not an attorney.
I am a parent advocate.
I'm executive director for a 501c3 organization that I founded with my sister called Parent Guidance Center and we exclusively advocate for these parents that are involved with the Child Protective
Boy, I bet you get flooded with the millions of kids they're stanching every year.
Okay, let's go back to Jerry Lynn Ward, and then we'll go back to Joanna.
Jerry, for about five minutes, break down what you've seen in the courts, what this new bill does, it's on the Governor's desk, how we defeat it, then we'll get Joanna's take on it.
Well, what happened is that CPS got slapped down pretty good in the Supreme Court case, in the Third Court of Appeals case, in the FLDS case, but also in the Gary Gates case.
And I believe that what this law is, is an attempt to get around the Gary Gates case.
Now, they claim that the reason they introduced this bill was to affect what the Fifth Circuit said in the Gary Gates case.
I don't
It's a fake search warrant, a fake order.
They can also use it to steal people's children out of the school, the way I've read the bill.
Then there's a whole other area of discussion of how this passed, how Kirk Watson tagged it on a bill that wasn't as bad.
Kirk Watson, of course, a great fount of wickedness.
I've known him of old as the former Austin mayor snatching people's property.
And Johanna can speak to that because she's the one that detected the problem and immediately reacted.
Yeah, let's go back to Johanna then.
Scott here.
Tell us, so you ferreted this out.
You detected the skullduggery.
Tell us about it.
Yes, originally it was Senate Bill 1064, which was just to access a child's medical or mental records during an investigation.
We watched it.
It didn't have any
It wasn't that bad.
I mean, it was just kind of a normal thing.
Yeah, they kind of do this anyway.
But they also had to leave to get those records.
They had good cause shown and the parents could have a hearing.
And it was fine.
I mean, it had due process.
But the problem is they always fill out fake reports anyways and lie.
And like you said, they're already ignoring the law.
They're trying to retroactively get rid of the Bill of Rights because people are pointing out they're not following it.
But go ahead.
The original Senate hearing is they did a committee substitute which was nothing like the original and it's what we see today.
It was completely different and all the players, they already knew that they had to have known that the substitute was coming because they were already willing and able to testify about it right then and there.
We weren't at the hearing on the Senate side because, like I said, we didn't know about the committee substitute.
We caught the committee substitute when it went to the House side.
And that's where the skullduggery or whatever you want to call it began, because we did have testimony at the House hearing before Patrick Rose's subcommittee on Human Services, and our testimony has apparently disappeared.
We are on the film showing, here's our cards being turned in, here's our written testimony.
The hearing didn't happen that day.
They didn't finish that hearing.
So regardless, he tagged this on by knowing it's now gone to the governor's desk.
Are we getting anything out of Perry with the thousands of phone calls he's gotten and knowing it's going to be thrown out of court, but tens of thousands of kidnapped kids later?
We've heard crickets chirping so far.
Yeah, unfortunately.
You have to remember this.
This is something that certain people, including legislators, were told had to happen.
The department was told... The department itself did not ask for this.
The Department of Family Protective Services did not go, you know, their administrative people, the commissioner, go, oh, the Gary Gates decision is horrible.
Oh, the FLDS should've never... They didn't go say, what can we do about this?
This was a group, TexProtects out of Dallas brought this bill.
Also, the way to go after Watson and people is, they've had a lot of judges and people get in trouble for taking money from the foster parent lobbies and the child trafficking lobbies.
It's what they are.
They even have bounties.
I've had a state senator from Georgia on where she listed how they say, we need a blonde-haired, blue-eyed kid.
A family wants it.
They're going to pay $400,000 for it through these adoption agencies.
So if we can catch Watson or others, and we know this goes on, Judge Jean Muir and whoever getting money from these groups
We need to go ahead and go to the grand jury and call for indictments, because this is done all over the country, and I'm saying play hardball with these people.
But let's talk about the bill.
I keep digressing.
Jerry Lynn Ward, I believe you were just speaking.
So you're saying it looks like Watson's going to, excuse me, not Kirk Watson, it looks like Governor Perry's going to sign this?
Well, we don't know.
What I'm saying is that we don't... I know of no one, or no one's contacted me to say that they've heard anything with respect to what he's going to do with this bill, which is pretty amazing to me because the groups that have come out against this bill are essentially his core constituency, so I don't know what he's doing with respect to this.
I mean, like Johanna said, this is a special interest bill.
Now this is being pushed by the foster parent consortium.
Actually, interestingly enough, we've gotten word there's a bunch of foster parent groups that are actually against this bill.
Well, I mean, by that I meant the big adoption combine.
Well, also Scott McCown, you know, the former district judge who was the Robin Hood judge, he's probably one of the ones who wrote it.
This was written by special interest groups who benefit by feeding on the carcasses of destroyed families who wrote this bill.
And no parent advocate
Was given any input into this bill.
So it's really a disgusting situation.
I've heard that the Permanent Judicial Commission on Children, Youth and Families supports this bill and that's a piece of work in itself.
What that is, is a commission where judges who hear these cases sit down with CPS and sit down with special interest groups that benefit from the destruction of these families and make policy.
That's right, they benefit because there's federal bounties, federal money to grab these kids.
That's why they put 68% of them on drugs instantly, because then it's a special needs child, and these groups get even more money.
So this is going to the governor's desk, and the way I read it then, you won't even be notified when they snatch your kid.
I mean, they already do this a lot, and then tell them, you get to see mommy if you tell us mommy touched you or hurt you.
They usually have to have an emergency situation.
When they go to the school, which they can right now, and that's what we're trying to tell people, if there's really a kid out there that's black and blue and bleeding, you can still take them at that moment without a hearing because you need to.
This does not take that right away from the department in those cases.
What this is, this is a fishing expedition.
This is, hmm, I wonder what's going on in that house.
Do those people have
Perhaps guns, I wonder?
Well, let me tell you what already happened in my office.
I mean, did you hear about the big case with the lady in Hays County?
And literally, they called the kids in, they sent them in to the counselor, she was wearing shorts, saw a bruise down her leg, and they brought in the police and they told her, don't tell your parents, made her take her pants off and look for more bruises, there weren't, and then they were going to go try to force their way into her house.
But the issue is, they literally have bounties, they have quotas, and it's just so monstrous.
What type of stuff have you seen, Jerry Lynn Ward, and then of course also Joanna Scott, as you've been fighting this in Texas?
I don't think the general public, until they get hit by these people, realizes just how serious this is.
Well, what I've seen has been based on research and getting to know some of the attorneys who fight this every day.
And as Johanna said, one of the big problems is they're going to use this to force their way into people's houses, especially homeschoolers.
And a lawyer who practices in this area much more extensively than I do told me of an instance where CPS went into a homeschooler's house where they actually
Absolutely, for those that don't know...
Yeah, for those that don't know, I have the official manual they gave Janet here in our office for her daughter, and it says if you raise your voice, that is abuse we're going to take them.
There's no law saying that.
There's not even a law against spanking.
You just can't do serious bodily harm.
So they're creating all over the country, I notice all the groups fighting CPS are the homeschooler groups because they're hunting these kids.
They hate it they're winning all the spelling bees and getting all the big
uh... you know awards and uh... the scholarships and the cps handbooks behave as if these are cults and they also call it slave labor to make your kids do chores uh... in fact under the uh... u n charter of the children you're not supposed to tell your kids take the trash out
Well, Alex, what they hate is that families traditionally and religiously have certain authority.
They want to take away that authority.
They hate that these Christian homeschooling families consider the sovereignty of God to be before the authority of the state.
They want to destroy families.
They want to bring every aspect of our lives under government control.
And this is how they do it.
These attorneys who work in this system, who are part of the advocacy for taking children away, do not believe that parents should have authority over their children.
This is what this is about.
And this is going to destroy families.
It's going to destroy our entire nation because families have always been the backbone of liberty.
I mean, have you seen the official textbooks that they have where it calls the family mentally ill and a disease?
I've read about that.
No, I mean, I have the textbooks.
We scan them and put them up at PrisonPlanet.com.
People never believe it and they go look at it and can't.
That's what's taught at UT for social workers is that, quote, families belong to the age of barbarism and must be eradicated.
And most of these CPS workers, if they're not pedophiles, they were abused as children, so they think they're punishing mommy and daddy.
They're very mentally ill.
I'm not kidding.
I have seen that myself.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
This is Joanna Scott.
You're saying you've seen that?
I have actually watched as very good people get into this field, and within six months,
They have turned into the most vile and hateful people, and I don't know what does it to them.
I don't know if it's what's being asked of them.
They either decide to do it or they quit.
But I have watched it myself, the transformation of a caseworker that comes in as a very good, well-meaning person that's turned into a person that just destroys families.
Well, I mean, they have the biggest turnover of any government job.
50% or more.
And so all that gets left is just psychos.
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Look, in the Roman Empire, the Aztec, Mayan Empires, Babylonian, Qin Dynasty in China, African dynasties in different regions, they would just come kidnap children and bring them to be re-educated and used usually as a slave class.
They'd kill the adults.
Now they just use excuses.
Your kid's got a bruise on their leg.
And the CPS workers get bounties for taking them, and they take them.
And they got kangaroo courts to do it.
And we're talking to lawyer Jerry Lynn Ward and Joanna Scott.
Who heads up an advocacy group fighting these criminals.
And I know their history.
I know they were founded by the eugenicists, so I understand the whole paradigm.
And it's just very, very wicked.
SB 1440, to where fishing expeditions, when they knock at your door, you say, go get a warrant.
You're not going to come in here just as, you know, my neighbor sees TV ads saying kids shouldn't be playing in the backyard and usually it's folks go, those kids need to be in school, I'm calling.
Because the public's a bunch of scum as well on average now.
A lot of filth out there.
And even in wealthy neighborhoods they come and try to take people's kids now because they've run out of the poor kids.
Plus they get more money for the, you know, wealthier kids for some reason.
And, you know, for the better looking kids I guess in some cases.
I mean you cannot make up stuff as bad as what reality is.
It's so off the charts.
Jerry Lynn Ward, Joanna Scott, other points need to be made about
It seems as if these federalized child kidnappers are really starting to get exposed, so their response is to try to pass a bunch of unconstitutional laws nationwide and go after kids even more.
Like, oh, you don't want us taking your kids for no reason.
Okay, well get ready for this.
So it seems the battle is really on now.
Can you comment on that?
Well, I think that's exactly right.
Whenever you try to trim the powers of a governmental agency, whereby impacting those who economically benefit from what that agency does, you're going to see all sorts of attempts to get around the court's decisions about how to trim their power.
That's just the nature of government, and it's especially the nature of government where you've got other groups, like these groups that benefit
From giving services to family or taking kids around, trying to push back.
How did you first get mad, Jerry?
How did you first learn about this?
I first learned about it when they took those kids out in El Dorado and I couldn't sleep for three nights.
And so I started calling to find out how I could help and it ended up that not many lawyers were volunteering to help the fathers.
So I helped one of the fathers, and then I entered into bizarro world.
The first hearing I went to was on the services plan, and I put on, or I cross-examined the caseworker who admitted in front of the judge that there was no evidence of abuse and neglect.
I made a motion for them to dismiss the case, and they didn't do it.
To me, that's bizarre.
That's where I met Jerry.
At that hearing.
That's right, no evidence and they still take your kids.
We only have five minutes left with you ladies, but I'd like to invite you for a full hour to come to the South Austin offices we have, you know, whenever you can both get here to, you know, talk to the full audience.
We also simulcast on TV.
But how do we, number one, beat this current bill and, B, get involved with you guys and support what you're doing?
Well, to veto this bill, you have to call the governors.
That's number one and that's 800-252-9600.
You can leave a message 24 hours a day.
If you want to talk to their switchboard and actually get a person, you can 512-463-2000.
You can call your local representative and senator who may or may not really understand what they voted for because this was passed unanimously, and say, hey, what are you doing to stop this thing that you probably didn't know was passed on?
All right, stay there.
Back in one minute to start the final hour.
Gary Franchi coming up.
But I want to give those numbers out again, ladies, when we get back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Gary Franchi coming up.
Jerry Lynn Ward, attorney.
Joanna Scott, activist.
Give us those numbers again for the governor's office, Rick Perry.
We have millions of listeners.
When we shut down the Hays County phone systems, we didn't even get out their emergency numbers.
We just shut the whole county down.
What if tens of thousands of you all over the country call Rick Perry?
At least he'll be aware we're aware of his activities.
But call the state reps and others and say, how dare you vote on this?
Give us those numbers again, Joanna.
It's the opinion line 800-252-9600.
800-252-9600 and then also the Governor's switchboard 512-463-2000.
What about Kirk Watson?
Texas Monthly said he's the best Senator.
What a besmirching of the Texas Monthly.
These people think they're saving children.
They don't really understand
Or care, evidently, about the trauma that a child goes through when strangers come and ask, did daddy touch your pee-pee?
Do you do this or that at home?
These strangers come, take their clothes off and look at them, give them medical exams.
This only should be happening when you know.
They did it to the lady's child who works here, and then they lied about it, and even the statesman writer said, no, first they admitted they did it, then they said they didn't.
I mean, the statesmen caught them lying.
They strip search little girls and do whatever they want.
I just got, while we were sitting here, I just got on my email my little update.
I'm on the department's update.
Children waiting for adoption.
I pop up my email.
All the new kids up for adoption just popped up on my screen.
That's what this is about.
All the new kids they've snatched, yeah.
The best way to protect children is to protect the due process rights of their parents, and ultimately them, because this is just a slippery slope.
And nobody's going to have any rights if we keep on in this direction.
Well, what about putting back on the CPS?
I mean, the record they've got of abusing children, this is the worst place you'd want children to be, period.
What about them being investigated for a change?
Because we know where all the smart pedophiles go.
They don't go to parks to grab kids.
They go become CPS workers.
Yeah, they're always covering that.
We bring that up all the time.
There are national studies that have been done that prove that if you actually even left the really abused kids in their homes, they'd actually be abused less in their home than they would be in the foster care system.
Well, I mean, look, I was a carpet cleaner for one summer, and I saw CPS homes, and let me tell you something, it's hell.
And you can take one look at the people running them, and you're like, oh my God, that's a deal.
But even, you're right, but even, I'm here to say that even in the best
Supposedly good home with good, well-meaning people that actually treat a child correctly?
It's still a stranger.
It's still a trauma.
It still should not be happening.
And they want to break the family up.
Any websites, Joanna Scott or Jerry Lynn Ward, we should check out?
Our website is www.parent.org.
ParentGuidanceCenter.org National Coalition of Child Protection Reform.
That's NCCPR.org.
That's Richard Wexler.
He does exposés on states.
He's done a couple on Texas.
He's got postings about Senate Bill 1440 and his take on it.
Get those websites out again.
Again, ParentGuidanceCenter.org.
Go ahead.
If you want more details on this story, I would suggest Tim Lambert's blog right in Texas.
He's the head of the Texas Homeschool Coalition.
He's been blogging about this, and you can get more details about the case there.
Yeah, and if you go to a couple, like our website, we'll have links to the other groups that also have a lot of information about it as well.
Yeah, but the Texas Homeschool Coalition, we've linked to those stories.
Those are excellent.
Well, Jerry Lynn Ward, we commend you for your courage in fighting the pedophile rings.
And Joanna Scott, we commend you for being able to be around these people, because I've gone and fought them some myself, and being around them actually shakes somebody's psyche, because they're so evil.
Thank you so much, ladies, and I hope to get you in studio.
Take care of yourselves.
Thank you.
You bet.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the studio, Gary Franchi, founder of Lone Lantern Society.
Also heads up before the Republic.
And the good part about it is, another example of somebody in the last four or five years who's reached millions of people by taking action.
I absolutely love it.
We'll be talking to Gary Franchi in one moment.
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Okay, going now to Gary Franchi.
Gary, it's great to have you here.
You were here with William Lewis running camera.
You're producing a film about FEMA camps around the country.
There's so many to go to, so little time, and also discrediting Glenn Beck.
So that's a film we talked about doing.
That's why I was excited to hear you guys were making that film.
I guess our minds think alike.
That's why I'm honored to be in it.
But you're also
You bet!
Just another testament to what we can all do taking action.
Tell folks how you woke up and all the success you've had against the New World Order.
Most people don't even realize this, but I was about 17 when I first learned about the Committee of 300, the Council of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, all these things.
I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, telling all these people about it.
Well, I was, uh, medicated.
You know, doctors said, you know, this is not going on, take these drugs and forget about all of this.
So your parents said, my God, he's mentally ill, he believes there's a corrupt elite, he believes there's a Federal Reserve, he's a criminal, we've got to drug him.
Well, it was more... So you were already awake?
I was already awake.
And a thought criminal.
Yes, I was a thought criminal.
And then for 10 years I was heavily medicated until, you know, I always knew deep down something was going on.
And I started researching the microchip on peer-to-peer networks.
This is well before there was anything like YouTube or these types of streaming video sites.
I came across a video of you talking about the RFID chip, the VeraChip.
And I said, who is this guy?
What's he talking about?
I mean, what I was talking about before wasn't just some line that I read in a book.
Then I started doing some more searching, found your name, saw a video of you at SeaWorld, you know, talking about biometrics.
Yeah, there's actually one from 2000 and another from 2004, so people get those confused, but yeah, they put the biometrics in.
Yeah, so I watched the video and I said, look, this guy right here, he is talking the exact same thing that I'm talking about.
I'm not crazy!
Okay, so before, you thought you were crazy and they medicated you, and then years later, you're saying, no, it's real, it's really happening.
Yes, it's really happening.
So I didn't really wake you up, I just validated what you already knew.
Well, yeah, I mean, you had validated what I knew, but you reignited that spark that was there dwelling inside me.
I said, okay, it's time.
Let's organize.
I downloaded all your movies.
I sat in the basement, watched them all, emerged from the darkness.
A new light shone upon me and I was like, where is everybody?
We gotta find everybody.
Let's get organized.
Let's take action.
And that's when the Lone Lantern Society was created.
Explain what Lone Lantern means for those that don't.
Lone Lantern is the single lantern in the virtual tower, telling people that the enemies are here.
It's taken after the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, where one if by land, two if by sea.
The enemy's here!
Yeah, they are here.
They're on our soil and it's up to us to ride through the streets and wake up the American people.
And that's what the Lone Lantern Society was created to do.
And then you got to work with Aaron Russo, and when he died, right as he died, he handed over, restored the Republic, and you've done a great job keeping that alive.
Yeah, the Lone Lantern Society.
Aaron saw what I was doing in Chicago with the Lone Lantern Society, and he said, you know, we met on several occasions, you know, had some really wild late-night conversations in his suite at the Sofitel Hotel.
You know, those late-night, 3 a.m.
conversations, philosophy, and the meaning of life, it was just amazing.
And, you know, we developed a bond and trust.
I worked behind the scenes.
He had a lot of energy while he was even fighting for his life.
Oh, he sure did.
A total of six years he fought cancer.
He didn't tell people about it until the very end.
That's right.
And that movie was his final message to the people.
And it really catapulted a movement.
It catapulted Ron Paul.
And then we had all these people who had seen the film, and we needed to harness the energy that was created.
And that's where the Restore the Republic organization came in.
No, that's just wonderful.
And it's another testament, though.
You took action, you got involved, and you've conservatively, with your work and the volunteers, reached millions of people.
And it's so exciting.
I mean, all these scores of universities, it's making the news that they're taking the Obama deception and making copies of it.
This film's been out three months, over 15 million views.
I quit counting online, probably way more than that now.
That was a month ago.
That was two months in.
So three months.
I don't know what it is.
All over the place.
You'll read in the newspaper, 15,000 Obama deceptions where they burn copies and hand them out.
Same thing with American freedom to fascism.
So now George Soros is funding things like the Home Project.
Humans are bad.
Gotta have carbon taxes.
Gotta have one-child policies.
Humans are evil.
They're saying give them out for free, have street actions.
They're now trying to duplicate what we're doing because we're engaged in a real color revolution against outside bankers coming in and taking over our country.
They're trying now to come in with a false Obama revolution, but that's sputtering down very quickly.
They're even admitting that they can't get their 13 million volunteers to do anything because they're finding out Barack Obama is a corporate front.
So again,
This doesn't have to happen.
Can you believe that they're openly announcing, L.A.
Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, I've read those articles earlier in the show, just saying, yes, private offshore banks will run the whole government, any industry, no court, no judge, no jury.
They'll grab your business from a hot dog stand to a car dealership.
We rule everything.
You're going to pay carbon taxes.
They're now introduced the bill.
I mean, it's not enough they've raped us a $14.8 trillion, Gary Franchi.
Well, you know, these people are reckless, they're out of control, and they need to be checked.
You know, that's why their message is falling through the cracks.
That's why their volunteers aren't picking up the ball and running with it.
Because they have lies.
Their house is built upon sand.
It will crumble.
Our house is built upon the truth.
And that is why we are successful.
That is why our message proliferates the way it does.
My landlord came to my house to pick up a check, and you know what he said?
He handed me a copy of the Obama Deception.
I didn't know that.
I said, oh, you've seen, you know, and we got a long conversation about it.
It was pretty interesting.
So, I mean, people that I'm meeting every day are handing me stuff now, and that's... Well, listen, I don't brag when I say this, it actually freaks me out, and then I want to take off and go eat a hamburger, I want to take my wife to a movie, and I physically tell her, sorry, I've got to stay in work.
It's becoming, because I know we don't have much time, I know we're hitting them out of the park, but just because we're in a machine gun that's hitting the enemy, we're still getting blown to hell, so I can't walk away for one minute for my children,
But then I do take off three days ago to Port Aransas.
Every restaurant we went to, the people that owned it, ran it, it wasn't just one guy.
It would be, here's the owner, here's the manager, here's my wife, I'm a fan.
Will you sign this film for us?
And then go to the next restaurant, and I'm going on the beach in a rented golf cart, past the cars, and Alex Jones, Alex Jones!
We have really hurt them bad, Gary.
We really have.
But the thing is, they're just coming down on us and don't care.
So what do you see happening in all this?
Well, you know, like I said, it's the truth, it's the message that is piercing the darkness, okay?
You know, anything that is done in darkness, anything that is hidden in secret will be revealed, and that is why we are being successful.
It's because people believe in what we're doing, and it's having an impact.
The people are waking up by the millions, Alex, by the millions.
The New World Order does not stand a chance against the truth.
If we're willing to, but the problem is they're getting desperate now and saying, and saying, you know, ACLU on their front page has the official Pentagon training mail that says all protest is now terrorism.
I mean, it actually says we're all terrorists!
It's the First Amendment, it's America that the veterans fought and died for!
They're saying the veterans are terrorists, gun owners are terrorists.
I mean, folks, the government is the terrorist.
They're the illegitimate bastards.
They are grasping at straws at this point because they cannot control the messages they try to.
The internet is their worst enemy.
And now they're saying they're going to shut it down.
Can you imagine when they try that?
All these DVDs are already out there.
We're going to use fax machines.
They can't arrest us all.
And they start trying to pull off the FEMA camps, Gary.
You know what's going to happen.
And that's what I don't want to go to.
But you know what?
If it goes to that, Gary, do these cops have any idea what's going to happen to them?
Well, I, you know, there's the cops out there, the SWAT guys, they're Americans too, and those are the guys we need to reach.
You know, because they're the ones that are going to follow those orders, and we have to reach them before it's too late, Alex.
We have to, we have to hit the police, the fire, all of those first responder type people.
Because if we can, if we can build up the resistance within... We have, we are, yeah we are.
We will.
Yeah, I mean, I'm too hard on a lot of them, because the media loves to show only the bad cops and people.
And I figured out a few years ago that when I was hyping that up, and I still do it because it threatens me at a primitive level, that actually makes the cops then get more isolated from us.
We're more isolated from them.
But then you have to, when the Oklahoma Highway Patrol defends the guy who almost runs the ambulance off the road, and then jumps out and starts roughing the guys up, and then they say he's the bad guy, the ambulance guy's bad.
I mean, that is the system fundamentally run by bad people.
Well, there has been brainwashing, power trips ingrained in a lot of these guys.
They think they're Terminators walking around.
But that's been done so they can be used in an evil job.
Cops, you better break yourselves out of the mind control you're in because I know what I'm saying is true and so does Gary.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to take a lot of your phone calls coming up in the next segment.
I mentioned some other news headlines I haven't gotten to.
It's the best of times, it was the worst of times, as the famous literary mind said.
And it is.
And I guess the best in us comes out when things start getting the worst, but also the worst in us comes out.
And I mean, I keep going over this and over this.
To have them openly announcing a Bank of the World
But then I thought they were going to run us out of the Bank of the World through the executive.
They're saying, no, the banks will actually rule the federal government with government power.
So this is like a fourth branch of government above it, a new form of government in the United States, openly being announced, not with a bang, Gary, it's just being, you know, like slipped out, like somebody does something in church.
You mean like a global banking system over the Federal Reserve?
Is that what you're talking about?
Yeah, but actually running government functions and commanding the Pentagon and the executive.
It's above government.
Well, that's the New World Order.
That is what they've been working for for the past 80 or 100 years.
But I mean, they're skipping ahead of three or four more steps.
They're going right to the end.
Well, because they don't have the time.
Because we're waking people up faster than they can go ahead and develop the system.
Their plan all along has been incremental steps.
And now because we are pushing out the information at the rate that we are, they have to amp up their game.
And that's why you're seeing the speed and the new world order developing at this rate.
No, I agree with you.
And they decided to go from the soft tyranny to an open tyranny.
And they've said that in the Financial Times 1.
They said, we are authoritarian.
But this is good.
I mean, they are saying they're authoritarian.
I mean, I keep repeating it.
They are illegitimate, Gary.
So what do we do?
We're pushed.
People say they want solutions.
States' rights?
Not secession.
We're saying states created the federal government, 9th and 10th Amendment.
We're saying we're not going to follow your unconstitutional stuff.
We're going to get you back under control because the feds have been seized by offshore corporations.
The states have got to come back and get control.
We're saying
HR 1207 to audit the Fed.
That's going to the House floor.
230-something sponsors now.
There's all these other solutions.
Defeat gun grabbing.
Defeat open borders that the globalists want.
Defeat all this foreign aid to foreign bankers.
No more bailouts.
All we give is solutions here, so people listening have no excuse.
What should they do, Gary?
What are some other solutions?
Well, you know, it comes down to the local level.
The Constitution was put in place to limit government.
And the Tenth Amendment, Ninth Amendment, give those powers, not duly enumerated to the federal government, down to the states, and to the local level, and then to the people.
That is where real change can take place, and people have to get involved at a local level.
The presidential elections are important, but it's been totally seized by offshore banks.
Billions of dollars, over $2 billion was spent on the last presidential election.
The power, you'll show up where incredibly important decisions are being made by foreign bankers, where they're literally running local meetings, say in Austin, Texas, or in Chicago, where you're at.
And nobody's there resisting it.
It's like we've just given up, but now people are not giving up, they're starting to find out they can fight back.
Well, I mean, you see groups like, you know, back home in Chicago.
I would be lynched if I went back home and didn't mention the hard work of the Lone Lantern Society there.
We are Change Chicago.
All the guys, you know, nationwide, these grassroots groups that are springing up, and they're showing up at these places.
They're showing up at the Council on Foreign Relations.
They're showing up at these organizational meetings.
And notice how all of a sudden the mainstream media is going, OK, there's a Bohemian Grove.
OK, there is a Trilateral Commission.
OK, the Bilderberg Group does want world government, but it's for your best interest.
So they've lost all this credibility all these years saying it didn't exist.
We've gained all this credibility.
Well, see, they need to have the people accept it.
So for all those years, like you just said, they went ahead and denied its existence.
Now they're coming out and they're saying it does exist.
Because now they need the people to accept it.
Meanwhile, we're coming in like the tip of the spear and waking up the people.
It's neighbor to neighbor.
It's house to house that we have to wake up the people.
If we don't win the court of public opinion, we will lose.
Gary Franchi here with us in the studio.
We've got about a minute before we break.
We're going to come back and take calls.
Tell me about Restore the Republic Magazine.
You're involved in so much good stuff.
We created a publication to further the work of Aaron Russo, to push his message further.
You know, that movie touched on so many issues and we figured that those issues needed to be expounded upon.
So, there you have it.
That's Republic Magazine.
And we really would like people to go out and check it out.
Grab a subscription.
You can grab bulk copies.
High quality, glossy print publication.
Provocative covers.
You know, our next issue is really hot.
Just go there and take a look at the cover.
George Washington with an AR-15 on his back.
I mean, it's... You gotta love it.
And on top of that...
We don't just need to be high-tech internet.
We need to be low-tech like this.
Leave these at dental offices, wherever.
Because you may unlock an entire soul, an entire brain, with one DVD or one Restore the Republic magazine.
Very exciting.
About to break.
We'll tell folks more about that when we come back.
And your phone calls.
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Now that is a handsome creature out there.
French Bulldog puppy, ladies and gentlemen.
Full of fat asses.
How old is he?
Five months.
He's big for the breed.
This is one of the blue ones.
Anyways, this is my wife's baby.
Name's Captain.
Captain Fantastic, ladies and gentlemen.
And he doesn't like the New World Order.
At all.
Watch out, you're going to drench him off the table.
Just let him go.
Yeah, let him down.
Thank you.
Go ahead and let him down, Franchi.
Thank you.
Got his white hair all over me.
My parents got his sister, and he's been over at their house fighting all day.
He's got bite marks on him and stuff.
Those puppies are something else.
Franchie, it's always something new around here on the show.
That dog is a terrorist, probably, according to Homeland Security.
You presented me with a silver piece of the day.
I want to present you with our Culpeper flag t-shirt.
The come and take it, don't tread on me, coiled snake of liberty.
And on the back it has the Thomas Jefferson quote, the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
This is the way we get people to go out and meet like-minded folks, wear our colors loud and proud.
And that's XXLARGE for you, my friend.
I hope that's the right size.
And this, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
And this one isn't quite as provocative as an evil founding father flag.
You might get questioned by Homeland Security for that one.
This is where people say, what is that?
What's 1776?
What's 1984?
And we found this is a great way to strike up conversations.
And then it's got a little InfoWars.com on the back.
So, Gary from the InfoWars Command Center.
To you and to the Restore the Republic folks.
Thank you.
There, you've got some of our colors there.
I will wear them with pride, Alex.
I will wear them with pride.
1776 is pretty anti-American, though.
You better watch it.
1776, huh?
You know, I have FEMA on tape saying that's terrorism.
Well, yeah, they have.
They said it.
You know, in some of your early films, they talked about that.
Yeah, I have FEMA training videos.
It's disgusting, in fact, that these people that claim... You're flying on an airplane.
You might get arrested for that.
That's evil.
Bankers don't like it.
Well, they don't like a lot of things that the American people are doing, and we're stepping up to the plate, and that's what needs to be done.
That's what every American needs to do.
Step up to the plate.
Hey, the Wall Street Journal actually got it right.
You know, I told the Wall Street Journal I wouldn't be interviewed by them lately.
They want to come here and interview me.
I told them, maybe I should.
It says, Congress and the IMF's power grab
And this article about Julie Shelton actually admits it's foreign banks taking over the U.S.
What do you think about that?
Well, I think that there needs to be some heads rolling in the streets.
I think that's what needs to happen.
You mean figuratively?
Of course!
Figuratively, of course.
I don't speak in literal terms.
By the way, the Las Vegas Review-Journal just got subpoenaed for people making threats, and they're going to fight the subpoena.
And which is going to cost them $20,000-$30,000, money we don't have when we get subpoenaed.
What kind of threats?
Have you ever been subpoenaed yet?
No, I have not, no.
By ding-dongs that make threatening comments on your message boards?
No, I have not.
Yeah, it's not very fun.
Well, I don't look forward to it.
Well, hopefully they won't do that.
On our website, RestoreTheRepublic.net, we're just teetering at 15,000 registered users.
People are all over that website, posting blogs, forums, articles, videos, all types of things.
Very exciting, Gary.
It's a lot to manage, it is.
And people are free to say what they want.
I haven't got a subpoena yet, though.
No, just side issue.
I saw the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, not the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Las Vegas Review-Journal in here saying that, and it just made me think of it.
Let's take some phone calls.
Let's talk to Brian in Arizona.
You're on the air with Gary Franchi.
Go ahead.
Oh hey Gary, great to talk to you again.
I met you out in Phoenix and I got that email where nobody sent in money and tell them all to send in two bucks and wrap it in paper because you guys need the funds out of 50,000 people.
What, 700 people mailed in or something?
Yeah, well, you know, that last email we put out really set off a firestorm.
People are coming out of the woodwork supporting the Sponsor Patriot program.
And I want to thank you for stepping up and helping us, because that program is designed to put magazines in the hands of activists who are willing to hit the streets, pass them out all over the country.
It's beautiful.
It's absolutely exciting.
Go ahead, Brian.
A couple quick disagreements that will be right on point, not out of left field.
When Jesse Ventura was on a week ago, I tried to get through.
He said, well, is Barack Obama's mother American?
I don't understand what the problem is.
Here's what the problem is.
The father wasn't, but even bigger than that.
You have to go back to the laws that was in 1961, I believe, and that said, if you're
One parent is natural born.
Here's the deal.
You have to have lived here over the last 10 years, of which 5 have to be over the age of 14.
Now she gave birth... And his mother was too young to have been able to do that.
Yes, so he's not a citizen who can be president because his mother, under federal law, had not lived in the United States continuously for long enough.
No, she lived here continuously, but five of those years had to be over the age of 14, which meant she could have given birth out of the country five years out of her age.
Yeah, no, she was too young for it to be young.
Yeah, yeah, she gave birth at age 18.
The other disagreement, and I got this information to Aaron the other day with the code word Batman in his email, was the disagreement on ThePentacon.com.
There was a new release where they went back and interviewed a witness
Sir, I don't even think you know my view on all that stuff at the Pentagon.
I don't know what we're disagreeing about.
You're just making statements and saying you're disagreeing, but I appreciate your call.
Talk to Dave in New York.
Dave, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Thank you for all the work that you do.
We love you up here.
Keep up the good work.
I just want to let you know that in my town, which is very close to the U.S.
Open in Bethpage and Farmingdale, our train station is set up like a Homeland Security military-style operation where people disembark the train, they herd the people into a security area where they're shaken down for any sort of contraband and paraphernalia,
I don't
Train stations, bus stations, all subway stations, the TSA, Homeland Security, total violation of 10th Amendment, 9th Amendment, has announced they're going to be nationwide and in shopping malls randomly ordering you up against the wall to search you.
Now I said this six years ago when I saw Governor Ridge say it on C-SPAN, that was the plan.
Now they've gotten around to it.
Folks, that isn't freedom when the borders are wide open, but there's guys in black uniforms lining you up.
We need footage like that.
Go sit there with a little camera like you're reading a newspaper, shoot video of that.
We need that type of video, or don't wait for us, shoot it, get it up on the web.
Just if you send it to us, we can promote it and, you know, really get a lot of attention.
Can you repeat the name of that train station again, please?
Farmingdale train station.
Farmingdale train station.
I mean, I remember before 9-11 they had public school drills where FEMA would practice without telling the parents, having the kids with their hands up and go get on buses, and then they would tell the kids, you're now going to a FEMA camp, your parents have to come later.
Then the Washington Post after 9-11 said, during a terror attack, we're going to take your kids and then make you come get them at the FEMA center.
I mean, folks, they've done this in the Soviet Union.
They've done this in Nazi Germany.
They're really... Well, it's conditioning.
It is conditioning.
Yesterday, it's mainstream news that all protest is considered terrorism.
I mean, the people that said that are the terrorists.
Sir, so where were you when you saw this?
I mean, is this going on every day or was this just for one event?
I take the train every day to work, and they're set up at my train station with all kinds of gates.
There's multi-jurisdictional, multi-services.
That's a federal drill.
They had that in Tennessee in a four-state area last year, then again this year.
Regular Army, Air Force MPs.
Shut down the highways.
We can pull up photos in the newspapers.
The governor said don't do it, and the Fed said we're going to do it.
And the army was out, and you see photos of traffic backed up miles with MPs searching people's cars going, you know, it's still photos going like that at the citizens.
I mean, Gary, this is insane.
Well, this is direct violation of posse comitatus, and, you know, the American people
If the American people don't stand up, we are done.
Forget being America.
Call it something else, because that's not what it is.
The federal government has overstepped its bounds beyond what the founders... Well, they're trying to pass a law where they can kidnap your kids in Texas without even a court order.
I mean, you know, it's on the governor's desk.
It's total tyranny.
First it's, oh, we're just spying on Al-Qaeda, and then now we're spying on all of you.
And the courts in Congress say they can without warrants.
And then, oh, we're just going to talk to your kid.
Now we're just going to take them.
I mean, you know, it's just, oh my gosh, well thank you sir, get us some photos of that.
In fact, get one of those pen cameras.
Well actually, if the guys Google it, you can pull up, it was all over the New York News, it was also in Boston, Dallas and Houston are doing it.
It's called Viper Teams.
Google Viper Teams, or no, Google TSA
TSA takes over Subway.
And life will be like the airports.
And that's all about submission, taking your shoes off, answering questions of some illegal alien jabbing you with a poker stick.
You better not have a bottle of shampoo larger than three ounces outside of a clear plastic bag or else you're going to be carrying some... It's all about making you all criminals, training you you're all bad.
In England, everybody now,
Old lady walking her dog, doesn't matter.
It's happened to Watsons, both the Watsons.
It happened to me.
You'll be walking down the street, and police will go, please stand up against the wall, so I need to see your ID.
You're being enrolled in the terrorism database.
And you go, I'm not going to tell you that.
I will arrest you immediately on section 7874589.
And then they also have a headline, there it is, TSA to replace NYPD on subway bag checks.
That's Fox News, and it says everybody will do it.
That's nationwide.
Now, let's expand.
In England, Google this.
I want to show them mainstream news.
They report it like it's good.
All photography of government is terrorism.
And you were arrested as a terrorist, but they've got cameras all on you.
And then the cops said, well, it's only for real terrorists.
And then all these videos are coming out as they arrest anybody and everybody, taking photos of their kids in a park.
Cops will walk up and say, excuse me, ma'am, I'm up against the wall, please.
You're being arrested.
Section 675 code over.
And they're like, oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm a terrorist!
And it's just all getting you ready for it, that you're part of this.
Well, the funny thing, Alex, about cameras, you know... Just Google photography terrorism in England.
That'll show it.
Go ahead.
The funny thing about cameras is that they're not going to prevent anything.
Every time they SWAT team us, then they say it malfunctioned.
Well, if a terrorist wants to go ahead and blow something up, a camera is going to get blown up in the process.
They're not going to get anything.
It's not going to prevent it.
Well, number one, Google Earth, they already have the photos.
It's all about, they don't want us videotaping them, and everybody knows it!
Because government thinks it's God and works for offshore banks.
Because we will hold them accountable.
Those cameras hold them accountable.
Yeah, click on that.
That's a prison planet.
UK government refuses to say where photography is banned.
BJP online.
Click on it.
I want to go to the main story.
That's just a blurb.
Click on it.
Yeah, but I want to show people the actual BBC.
Taking photos in England now of terrorism.
And it's Section... Yeah, it's Section 24-1 of Section 31-1-A-C.
And how dare you... I mean, literally, that's what they do.
Go ahead, Franchi, I'm sorry.
You know, I'm just saying, the cameras hold them accountable.
When we put our cameras in their faces, we catch them in the act.
But it's like this, you have a camera in the studio right now.
I've got all these cameras on you, but wheel that camera around right there to his camera.
It'd be like if I was a cop in England, and I've got all these cameras on Franchi.
But then I go, GOOD LORD!
You know, that MIAC report was something else too, you know?
If you had a copy of Freedom to Fascism, you might be a violent militia member, you know?
Well, but see, they say, militia member, white supremacist, mixing that in.
And let's expand on that.
Now the CPS is taking white supremacist kids.
But they have a right to be white supremacists.
They have a right to be black nationals.
I don't agree with... I mean, Matt Giannarosa, are we going to take all the illegal aliens kids?
Well, no, that won't happen.
That won't happen, because that's, you know, that's racism.
Well, just like when they were arresting my IT guy in the parking lot one night because his ID was expired.
He pulled in.
They thought it was suspicious.
He pulled into our parking lot.
I pull up.
The lights are on.
The cops got him in handcuffs.
I walk up.
They all bowl up.
They go, Oh, Alex Jones.
Hey, we're fans.
And I go, Oh, really?
And I said, Why are you taking him to jail?
Well, his ID's out.
And I said, But if he was an illegal alien, you wouldn't.
He goes, You know, that's true.
The judges let them go.
We're told not to.
You know, you see, we are citizens, which means cash, cow, slave, scum, filth to be sucked off of.
They see us, they see a dumb, stupid schmuck that'll hand our kids over to their pedophile rape rooms and not even stand up.
Alex, when I used to do loss prevention for a major retail outfit, uh, it's the employee's feeling!
Well, it was the employee's argument!
Alex, I used to arrest illegal aliens, okay?
I would catch them, in their, with their wallets, with the cutouts of the green cards, just before they're ready to be manufactured.
The Niles Police Department would come in, and I'd say, look, I got this guy, in the act, he's about to, he's, he's making green cards!
They didn't care, didn't want to talk about it, let him go.
Let him go!
So you could catch people stealing or just with fake cards?
I would catch people stealing, shoplifting from the store.
And it was a lot of people.
I'm surprised the cops didn't help him.
Remember New Orleans with them all stealing, the cops stealing?
I'm surprised the cop didn't pistol whip him and go, SHUT UP!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well... I mean, this is key though.
Tell me more about this.
Okay, I've got an illegal...
A god?
A god.
Undocumented worker.
A god.
No, a god.
And, you know, he's got the documentation ready to, of pictures of different people, his friends, he's making fake green cards.
Niles P.D.
lets him go.
Okay, I got him on shoplifting charges.
Okay, I got him on video.
But he's a god.
But he's a god.
But you know what?
We gotta let him go.
Because we don't want to deal with it.
But if I caught some 16-year-old... See, we gotta start saying... Oh man, they would cuff him and take him into the police without question.
Because that is a... that they can suck money out of.
He's in the Matrix.
So we need to be like the illegal aliens.
Stop going along with their system.
Cut up your ideas.
I mean, what about... You gotta extract yourself from the system somehow.
What about...
Discrimination lawsuits because it I mean they're sheriffs on record who arrest illegals and are told let him go who've been in the newspaper I mean that they see a citizen they see a big it's like they see a Capri Sun like they want to stick a Straw in us and suck the juice out, but they see a legal alien.
They see a stone They can't squeeze blood out of well.
That's what the because they how do we become God level like them?
Um, you know, maybe we all gotta go out and get, uh, you know, fake IDs, scrub our social security numbers, and, uh, cut up our driver's license, remove our license plate.
Yeah, but they would target you.
Like, you've seen all the art in the system.
It's too late.
Hey, have you seen how they're arresting everybody that tries to buy stuff with silver?
And then a guy with a big YouTube channel I know...
Uh, he went into a store where they're taking silver, and they erased his account.
They're scared of people learning that you can pay for stuff with silver, and the cops are so brainwashed, they arrest people all over the country if they have $2 bills, because the store clerks are such Nazis, they think $2 bills are counterfeit, and the cops charge you and convict you of normal money!
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
I think?
Good to go!
Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dave in Texas, you're on the air with Gary Franchi and Alex Jones.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Gary.
I was just wondering if you guys could comment on their recent declaration of the World Health Organization using U.S.
schools as mandatory vaccination centers and
How do you think they're going to enforce that?
Are they going to send people like a letter or something?
Well, I should have spent more time on this since they came out and said that on Monday.
But see, that's a blind spot I have, is that I read the official UN treaties that we signed.
Me and Jason showed it over and over again months ago on air where it says forced inoculations, martial law.
Uh, how they're going to use the schools as forced inoculations.
The Model States Health Emergency Powers Act from 2002, 2003 said all that.
And so we've told, we told you we were really at level 6 a month and a half ago.
This week they admitted that.
And people still say we're not at level 6 even when it's in Reuters and AP.
Yeah, the flu isn't real.
But it's their hype to bring in international control, and yes, we're now under UN regulation and control, and the head of Health and Human Services is saying they're going to forcibly inject your kids at the schools, and it's absolutely hellish, and... I mean, the only thing I can say that can be done is you have to reject those vaccinations, you know, stand on your constitution, push the constitution as hard as you can.
And the school will lie.
I mean, I've got video of the police in Maryland saying it's the law with police dogs barking at the kids to make them take the shot.
And then I had the state attorney on, he laughed and said, yeah, my kids don't take it.
The guy doing it that I got off CNN was laughing at us on air about how stupid those people are.
It's funny to them!
Lawless people!
Well, like I said, you have to stand on a religious or philosophical objection and fight it as hard as you can.
I mean, that's the only recourse we have at this time.
But you don't trust the government, Gary?
You shouldn't... I mean, they only irradiated all those foster kids and gave black men syphilis and thousands of other things.
You don't want to take the injections, Gary?
Well, you know, I've had enough mercury throughout my life to... The problem is you haven't had enough!
You'd start loving government and realize it made the sun come up, it makes the grass grow.
Well, I was hoping I'd get some more fluoride treatments.
You know where Easter eggs come from?
The president lays them.
That's what I thought.
Chocolate candy eggs.
I heard about that.
You need more medication, you'd learn to enjoy those.
Little Obama eggs.
And people think when he gets on the commode that it's not chocolate eggs.
They're with Al-Qaeda.
Oh, the groom with a stool, right?
All right, Franchi, you're out of control.
Let's take one more call.
You know, it's all happening here.
Let's talk to Roger in Minnesota.
Go ahead, Roger.
Yes, I have a question I'd like to ask both of you.
I'm sure you both have heard of the gentleman Michael Tesarian.
I don't know if I pronounced his name correctly.
Yeah, I've had him on.
I didn't know a lot about him.
Interesting, intelligent fellow.
I don't think I agree with some of his religious ideas, but interesting information.
Yeah, well, my question is, one of the things he says is he thinks the Constitution is a fraud.
Of course, that's kind of a big thing to know whether it is or isn't.
Well, I mean, it's a better system than the others, and anything can be perverted, but no, it's the Bill of Rights Constitution, amazing, and the Founding Fathers really did believe in liberty and freedom, and a lot of people attack them, and I don't think he does it out of meanness.
Certainly it's not perfect, and there were different factions in there, but it's produced more wealth and more liberty than any other system, and I stand behind it.
The other thing I just wanted to mention is that Ron Paul has on his website a really good analysis today.
Of the health care bill that Obama's trying to get passed.
Yeah, we're going to cover that tomorrow.
We're out of time.
I want to thank Gary Franchi for joining us.
RestoreThePublic.com, Public Magazine, all that good stuff.
And hey, look at those t-shirts I gave you.
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Great job, Gary.
It was great having you here in the studio with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
You bet.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission with all that key info with the big story starts now at InfoWars.com.
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