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Name: 20090617_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 17, 2009
1740 lines.
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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We are now simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv the last two hours of the Monday through Friday four-hour radio transmission, live from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I do want to encourage all of you to go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and download the free podcast.
Now over 150,000 people
Downloading the six day a week podcast.
We're here Monday through Friday and then back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
150,000 people subscribing to the free podcast and creating their own archives, creating their own archive pages, sharing them with friends.
Please share the fact that people can listen how they want, when they want, where they want.
With the InfoWars.com podcast.
You just go to InfoWars.com, in fact, plug InfoWars.com in on screen for people, where it says Alex Jones Radio Show.
And when you go to that page and click on it, it's the tab there, right up on top guys, right above Obama in that photo where it says Alex Jones Radio Show.
Yeah, you click on that and it takes you to a sub-page, the listen page,
First link right there.
And you can subscribe to the free podcast there.
You can get us on Twitter, get us on Flycast, everything right there at InfoWars.com.
There's also links at PrisonPlanet.com to the listen page.
And 150,000 people getting the free podcast every day sounds like a lot.
That is only a fraction of our AM and FM audience listenership, which is in the millions every day now.
uh... and uh... we're also number one on the audio streams at shoutcast number one radio talk show and uh... routinely number one total even over music and that is only a fraction of our streams that actually show up on that as well a lot of them we have flash streams and windows streams other things they don't show up at shoutcast dot com and by being number one in the ratings on flycast and on shoutcast and being very high up on twitter
By doing all of this, new people that are perusing the front pages find us.
See, I don't care about being number one on YouTube and Google.
Just so I can say I'm number one, that all my films turn out to be number one for a week, a month, or off and on, year after year, they're number one.
It's important to be number one because people go and do their viewing on Google Video and YouTube and other big video sites off the main page.
What's number one?
Now, the problem was Patriot videos, anti-New World Order videos, were basically always number one on YouTube and Google.
So Google's gotten rid of Google Video.
The old videos are there, but they said they're about to get rid of those, too.
Just flush millions of them out.
But they first wouldn't let you see the numbers and wouldn't let you know what the numbers were unless you'd uploaded it yourself.
You know, I'd see our video and say, oh, look, fabled enemies.
Five million views.
But the public couldn't see that.
We did screenshots, of course, in the control panel.
Now they don't let us upload.
Now they're just completely getting rid of it.
YouTube, 15 million views on YouTube and other channels we can count up for the Obama deception and I haven't counted up in a month.
Being number one.
Means all those new people see that.
So what's YouTube doing?
They're taking the number one videos off the front page and saying popular.
And what's popular?
Atheism, CPS grabbing kids and saying it's good.
And if you want to be an atheist, that's your issue.
But you shouldn't cheat and have YouTube say you're most popular when you're not.
They'll put the amazing atheist up when he's got 100 views and at the end of the day he has 300,000.
We can have 5 million views on a video, they never put it on the front page.
And we approached YouTube about the partner thing to put ads on it so we can maybe fund our operation.
And they said, no, we don't want you as a partner.
So see, there's all this discrimination.
Like, I have to wear a big yellow star at YouTube.
I'm evil.
I'm bad.
You know, it's like I'm in a Nazi Germany at YouTube, with them cheating us and shutting us down and revoking us, and I've got to go to federal court and file, which we did to get the YouTube channel back.
Your calls and a ton of news straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you again about a company that has supported us in the truth movement for years.
Inner Health Botanicals.
This company produces the highest quality superfood around, called InnerFood.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Oh, ladies and gentlemen, I got busy out there talking to Gary Franchi and William Lewis during the break and almost got late coming back into studio here.
And we've got so many GCN Studio feeds here that I'm having trouble pulling up my call list for Minnesota.
Is it Matt, Scott, Steven, Steve, and others?
Okay, great.
Alright, we're going to go ahead and go to your calls right now.
And then I'm going to get into the controlled economy that we are going into here in this society, and more on the FEMA camps, more on this whole control grid that is unfolding.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Matt in the UK.
Matt, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex, and greetings from the UK here.
Just thought I'd give your listeners and yourself a bit of news in the UK.
What the government's proposing in this country regarding Internet 2, as you mentioned,
Quite a few months ago.
What they want to do is, it states here, every family with a telephone line could be hit with a £6 a year tax to pay for the rollout of superfast broadband, the government said yesterday.
What's your take on that?
Well, I'm looking at articles from all over the country.
One state's proposing a 16% hike on the state income tax.
Another state, 20.
Another state, 30.
Other states are announcing doubling of different fines and fees.
So as the economy implodes,
We will pay more and more taxes because it's all going to be interest to the bankers instead of even the government services.
And I guess in a way that's kind of a good thing because as everything goes to interest to the bankers, they won't have as much money for CPS to kidnap kids and police to taser people.
But if you actually look at things, they're actually increasing the funding for tasering and FEMA camps and CPS grabbing kids.
It's just that
Schools and roads and infrastructure is imploding.
So, yeah, they're going to run everybody to ground.
They are going to bankrupt everybody and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze until you can't afford to pay for yourself, much less children.
Because the Club of Rome, the Eugenicists, the UN have set on record they want to bankrupt the world economy so everybody's so poor you can't afford to have children and so the government can come in and get you on welfare but then dictate, since you're on a government paycheck, that you can't have children.
This is a key attack they're launching right now.
Yeah, they're also saying some top medical scientists said on the British News, I think it was last week, said
And if you do not vaccinate your child and basically that they will not be allowed in the schools.
Is that happening in America?
Yeah, the exact same thing in Australia, Canada, the U.S.
All the same globalists running it.
They're saying they're going to make a mass inoculation centers and force kids now to take flu shots three times a year.
Now, you can pull up the studies.
Three flu shots doubles your chances of Alzheimer's.
Just like you mentioned doubling cell phone taxes or a 50% increase in England.
The same thing was announced here.
Jaron in there pulled it up in like 10 seconds.
IRS moles increasing cell phone taxes in US.
You know Obama promised no new taxes except on people making over $125,000 a year.
That's per person, couples $250,000 and he's raising dozens of new taxes.
Google for everybody on screen right now.
Flu shots
Three flu shots doubles Alzheimer's.
And the government admits it.
Absolute fact.
And that's why you've got 25-30 year olds getting Alzheimer's now.
But they take their shot every year, and they lose their mind, and they forget who they are, and they quit breathing, and they die, and eugenics is served, and they're good citizens.
And, uh, yes, they're announcing forced inoculations, flu shots, saying martial law's good on the news.
They're just throwing it in the slave's face.
There's no end, Matt.
I appreciate your call.
The nightmare won't end until we wake up and say no.
Scott in California.
Scott, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey Alex, I wanted to get your take on this Operation Blackjack that's been on the Telegraph UK website.
Yes, we wrote a three-part series at Infowars.net by Steve Watson and in Operation Blackjack the government starts staging terror attacks and blaming it on Al-Qaeda that leads into nuke attacks and world government
And in the end the world government wins, for your own good, and they won't even say who did it or why they wrote it, and in Operation Blackjack on the 22nd of June, terror attacks are launched.
I usually don't go off things that set dates, but...
And then you make your point, but I want to just fill people in.
But, remember the Fox TV show, Lone Gunman, a spinoff from X-Files, where six months before 9-11, they run an episode of a hijacked jet being flown on the World Trade Center.
It's hijacked by remote control.
Blamed on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, run by a group in the government, and they use a drill, a war game drill, to make NORAD stand down.
Now exactly that was done six months later.
Then, doesn't stop there, Dean Hagelin, the star of the show, shows up at my door, the star of the show, knock knock, Dean Hagelin is at my door, and says, the CIA planted these stories on us.
What do you make of them apples?
Well, I think it's very suspicious, and I think that those premonitions of 9-11 certainly are, you know, relevant here.
And in addition to that, I just noticed this morning on Prison Planet, there's a story that talks about there's a number that's in the slideshow of Operation Blackjack on the ID card for the North American Union.
And on the story that's on Prison Planet, someone has taken that number and put it into what's called a hexadecimal to string converter, taking that and interpreting it as a hexadecimal computer number, and then it converts it into actual words.
And what that translates to, even though the site claims that this is a fictitious story, what that translates to is this is not simply entertainment.
So that's what the numbers on there convert to when you change that over.
Where are you saying that is posted?
That's on Prison Planet.
That's by the author's remix world, Wednesday, June 17th.
It was just this morning.
Okay, good.
I missed that report.
That's up on prisonplanet.com right now?
We have a new area for our great listeners, who many of you are a lot smarter than I am, to write articles, to point out bills.
Last Friday I was up here doing the show at night, and the caller called in and said, have you seen this bill where the government can kidnap your kids with no warrant federally?
There was another bill they called in, and I saw the bill, read the bill number,
And then lost the number and said, can somebody write an article?
I mean, so much evil is happening, we can't even keep track of it.
It's writers at Infowars.com.
Submit articles that you want us to post, and we will post them.
Original articles, analysis, blurbs, writers at Infowars.com, and we will start getting those up.
Thank you so much.
Anything else, sir?
Well, two more things just to point out in relation to this.
This weekend there's this NORTHCOM Ardent Sentry 09 happening.
Yeah, they're doing a NORTHCOM takeover drill and Homeland Security admits, with foreign governments, aiding the United States when we're under terror attack.
So, open foreign troop drill, and I videotaped these in the real world, this is a cyberspace, practicing with the EU taking over the United States.
Doesn't that sound nice?
Yeah, and it's on the same date that this is supposed to, you know, according to the fictitious comic strip, you know, it's supposed to happen.
That along with
Last weekend in New York, there was an operation called New York You Have a Problem, where there were NYPD and FBI doing drills for nukes in New York, and if you're aware of that... And all over the U.S., you'll see in the paper, explosion.
We're seeing if it was terrorists, and then a day later, it'll say, oh, it was just a drill, or they blow up a real car.
They're doing that to make the police feel like the terror threat's real, and so the public
Sees bombs going off, you know, up by Waco they did one, they're doing them in San Antonio, Chicago.
People are like, what happened?
I don't know.
And the day or two later they mention in the back of the paper, oh it was a drill, but then the rumors all start that terrorists are hitting word to word and that creates the fear.
So they're even giving us simulated terror attacks to make us submit.
Which I guess is a lot nicer than them staging the terror attacks of 9-11 again.
Yeah, so is your take on this that it's more just like a PSYOP or a, uh, something to distract people?
You never know.
I mean, why did Governor Frank Keating, why did his brother publish a year before Oklahoma City bombing, publish a book called American Jihad, and in it a Tim McVeigh bombs the Alfred P. Murrah building?
And then he dedicates the book to the Knights of the Secret Circle.
Do you know what the Knights of the Secret Circle are in mainline research?
No, I don't know that one.
Knights of the Secret Circle is Knights of the Golden Circle.
It's high-level masons or Ku Klux Klan.
So he dedicates it to the Ku Klux Klan and then, I mean, you know, you can't make this stuff up.
No, it just seems like there's just so much premonition of all these different events.
It's just very scary.
It's the enjoyment of throwing it in our face.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, I should talk more about these drills.
And talking about them can stop them from carrying out the next drill.
So, that's always important.
And we have discussed that.
We have posted articles at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And the establishment, the criminals, are going to have to stage terror attacks to get their new world order in.
They need to stage terror attacks so they can lock down the people, saying they're doing it for your protection.
You guys are looking up hexadecimal mathematics.
Did you look up flu shot Alzheimer's connection?
Maybe I missed it, but I'm going to put that on screen.
Children who get flu vaccine have three times the risk of hospitalization for flu.
That was out of the Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins.
No, no, no.
Not how it kills the kids.
Parents have got to experience that for themselves.
That's kind of how we get our patriot movement, is the people the enemies hurt.
I try to warn them, but if they want to go ahead and hurt their kids, that's their business.
I want to find the one about three flu shots doubles Alzheimer's.
Flu shots three times more likely to get Alzheimer's.
Just do for people, just say, flu shot, Alzheimer's.
And then you get big reports.
It's an absolute fact.
Because they put five times the mercury in flu shots they do in the regular shots.
And now they're saying they're going to make school kids take them three times a year.
I mean, the kids won't be able to talk soon, the poor little things.
And if you don't do it, the SWAT team's there.
I'll never forget in Maryland, they had police dogs and thousands of kids crying, going, I don't want it.
And the judge going, it's the law, take it.
And I had the state attorney on who was forcing everybody.
He goes, I don't make my kids take it.
They're laughing.
He goes, yeah, there's no law, but we tell them there is.
Boy, you're gonna take that mercury, little kid, because the government loves you.
We're the people that gave the black men syphilis.
Now take your shot!
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
103 is forever when you're just a little kid.
So, Cyrus Jones lived forever.
Great, you digger.
Alright, I am continuing here.
Okay, I'm not sure what that means, but...
Well, what I see is I see a lot of kids brainwashed nowadays.
Kids are all in dumb shit.
Let him go.
I appreciate it.
Figured you were a pothead.
This is not the show for people to call in and talk like that, son.
Up next is Steve in Tennessee.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
I'm calling to represent FirefightersForNotLivingTruth.org.
Okay, go ahead.
If we can get more and more listeners to go to that site and sign the petition, and if we can get firefighters to join the site, I think that would help things out a lot in getting a reinvestigation of 9-11.
That's one chance we might have.
I created a MySpace page for them.
It's MySpace.com forward slash FirefightersFor911Truth.org.
Yeah, for those that don't know...
There's architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth, over 700 members.
There's physicists for 9-11 Truth.
There's pilots for 9-11 Truth.
Air traffic controllers for 9-11 Truth.
Victims' families for 9-11 Truth.
We've had them on.
The heads of the majority, biggest 9-11 family groups saying the majority of them believe it's an inside job.
There's military veterans for 9-11 Truth.
I mean, we have the facts.
We have the science.
And it's real simple.
Your gas-powered stove doesn't melt with those temperatures that are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of degrees higher than the hottest those buildings could burn.
Those buildings were blown to kingdom come.
And you know, there's facts to glore.
I mean, you know, they have it on their sites, buildings that literally burnt for days, and they're still standing.
Uh, you know, when those buildings falling, you know, faster than free fall, I mean, that should be a big red flag, but people just don't want to hear it.
And then when you throw in firefighters for 9-11 Truth, that really grabs the attention of people.
I've been surprised.
I mean, there's been people I've talked to in the past that just didn't want to hear about it.
And then I mentioned firefighters for 9-11 Truth, and all of a sudden, they're interested.
So, that seems to be a good avenue on waking people up.
Absolutely, it certainly is.
Anything else, sir?
Yeah, you were talking about the vaccines and how they're going to make it mandatory.
And I'll tell you one interesting fact on the vaccines is if you look into nanotechnology and the capabilities they have these days of inserting nano-sized chips.
So that could be what's to come.
Well, absolutely.
I agree with you and I appreciate your call.
Actually, we already have nanotech.
Along the lines of Incredible Journey, where they shrink the little submarine down to the tiny size of a grain of sand and inject it into the body?
But most nanotech is going along the lines of biological now, where they program biological systems.
I mean, what are bacteria?
They start dividing.
They multiply.
That's a form of nanotech, a self-replicating micro-machine.
It's just a biological machine.
There's a whole class, several classes of vaccines, and we've had medical doctors and virologists and epidemiologists on to talk about this.
There's whole classes of vaccines that, quote, cure, these are the new high-tech vaccines, cure drug addiction.
And you can Google a story like, new vaccine to cure cocaine addiction or to cure smoking.
And what they say these do is they go in and create plaques, viruses, live viruses, go in in some of these drugs and attack the brain and actually create a type of lobotomy.
A lobotomy is just doing surgery to change the makeup of the brain.
And they go in and they create plaques at the neuro-receptor sites in the neurons of the brain in the electrochemical areas.
And then the body can't pass the drugs on, the cocaine, the heroin, the nicotine, but also your regular endorphins that your body creates naturally can't get there.
So yes, they have viruses.
That they can program to go in and do whatever they want to your brain.
That means kill you, make you a vegetable, make you blind, make you not be able to enjoy a cigarette, make you not be able to taste the taste of chocolate.
They can program you to do whatever they want.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming up, life on the edge of a bubble.
Blowing the American Dream.
With director William Lewis.
Very important film dealing with the economy.
Have we talked to William yet about what clips he wants to play coming up on the show?
Because we're rapidly accelerating towards the time to have him on.
Okay, good.
And any clips he wants to play, too.
Ask when there's a good party he wants to play.
Okay, fantastic.
I'm continuing with your phone calls here.
I'm going to go to some other news and recap some top stories ahead of our guest being in studio with us.
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I want to move quickly through your calls now because I've got some news I want to get to.
Let's go ahead and talk to Collin in Texas.
Collin, you're on the air.
Thank you so much, Alex.
We love you for speaking the truth.
The reason I'm calling is I've been a diabetic for 17 years and I now realize they're putting metacresol in the insulin as a preservative.
It's a known carcinogenic.
It causes renal failure.
It kills your lungs, your liver, attacks your central nervous system, and it equals almost half the amount of the insulin.
Who makes the product?
Eli Lilly, who also makes Prozac and methadone.
But, uh, I was just scared to speak out because I'm a legal immigrant to this country from Canada, and I was worried about my family and the repercussions of it, but they've just given all diabetics a death sentence with this product.
So, what are your thoughts?
I don't know what to do.
Well, I don't specifically know the details of that particular additive to the drug you were talking about, but I do know that Bayer Pharmaceutical knowingly shipped out over a million dosages of Factor VIII,
A blood drug, knowing it would kill every hemophiliac and person that took it, and then that came out in court documents, MSNBC's reported even, that they knowingly shipped it out, knowing it would kill the people.
I know that Merck, who made Vioxx, they knew was going to kill people, knew that the Gardasil HPV shot for girls
Uh, was going to kill and maim a lot of people because their own trial showed that.
And now we have the headlines out of the Australian newspapers and the U.S.
Merck planned to send out hit teams, quote, to where they live and liquidate doctors and scientists that expose them, i.e.
I covered that last, uh, last Monday.
So, yes, Big Pharma is eugenicist.
And eugenicists are the same folks with the black men and syphilis, Tuskegee, the radiation of the foster kids in the 40s and 50s and 60s.
That has all just intensified.
The UN has been caught putting HIV in vaccines all over the world, Asia, Africa, Latin America.
They've been caught, State Department ran them 200, ordering people.
Ordering third-world countries that they want IMF and World Bank loans to have one-child policies and to sterilize their women.
This is real!
And the UN's been caught in Africa and India adding female hormones to tetanus shots that cause an autoimmune response to the hormone release, thus sterilizing the women violently.
That is, they have miscarriages each time, so effectively it's a sterilization.
So, yes, we know that through Big Pharma and through the water supplies that this is being done to us.
We know that all of this is unfolding.
We know all of this is happening.
And we just have to have the will to face up to what's going on.
And under socialized health care and government corporate
Kind of monopoly capitalism health care, they're going to call it socialist.
They will force you to take the drugs and the products they want and they are going to medicalize vitamins and minerals, already doing it.
Making fish oil now, they want to make it a drug and be over, not over the counter.
Vitamin C, they want it to be a drug where you can't get it over the counter.
This is their, they're shutting down the farms and ranches, animal ID, premises ID.
This is a total control grid coming into place, Colin.
Yes, and the doctors are basically McDonald's order takers.
Would you like to supersize your drug size with that?
Here, have some more.
It'll kill you faster.
You know, nobody's doing any class action lawsuits.
We know that people who are dependent on insulin, 24 million diabetics in the U.S.
I mean, they're all losing their kidneys and their eyesight because of this drug.
No, that's just how it is.
I know that's how it is when you have your Genesis running things.
I'll check into it.
Send me a blurb on it and we'll look into it, sir.
God bless you.
All I know is the chemical process and the molecular makeup of corn syrup destroys the pancreas.
Which then, in turn, causes diabetes.
Vaccines are linked to diabetes.
By major government studies.
They just hide them.
I know that they're putting corn syrup in over 50,000 products.
So, it's not just what corn syrup is bad.
Let's Google, half of corn syrup has mercury.
Google that.
It'll be Washington Post.
And then I could sit here right now.
Googling vaccines, autism, vaccines, diabetes, vaccines, cancer, fluoride, cancer, and you will see government reports admitting it.
This is an opinion.
I could Google Gardasil deaths and show you all the dead kids.
In the trials, they admit it killed people.
And that it doesn't even protect you from that type of cancer.
There it is, Washington Post.
Study finds high fructose corn syrup contains mercury.
January 26, almost half of tested samples of commercial... I just hit reload on the page for some reason.
Let me look over here.
There's almost half of tested samples of commercial high fructose corn syrup contain mercury, which also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand name food and beverage products, where HFCS is the first or second highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S.
And it goes on from there.
And then they go on to say, we don't know why mercury's in here.
It's not involved in manufacturing.
In fact, people don't believe me right now.
Let's go ahead and put another one up.
Google, fluoridation of water, bone cancer.
Absolute fact, more than doubles bone cancer in adolescent boys.
In fact, 50 years ago, bone cancer in children was like finding a leprechaun or a leprechaun riding a magical unicorn.
Didn't exist.
Not found anywhere.
Now, we've gone from one person out of 40 plus people with cancer, dying of cancer,
Uh, to 1 in 3 dying of cancer.
It's about to be 1 in 2.
Fluoride water causes cancer.
London Guardian.
Boys at risk from bone tumors.
Shock research reveals.
Folks, they knew in the 20s it was causing bone cancer.
University of Texas.
But it's this toxic sterilizer.
It also is a toxic, it's a wonder chemical.
It attacks all the glands, all the organs of the brain.
Has a calming and brain damaging effect.
Look, I'm going for hours here with you.
I mean, if you care about your kids, quit showering in fluoride water.
Quit drinking it.
But I know you can't.
You're so brain damaged by it.
I am too.
I've been hitting it hard that you're almost unable to respond.
Let me think of some other ones to pull up for people.
Vaccines linked to diabetes.
And you know why vaccines are linked to diabetes?
Because they cause an autoimmune response.
That's why they cause brain damage.
This isn't just the mercury.
The brain swells up, the baby gets bleeding on the brain.
Sometimes they have a convulsion in the hospital so the parents don't get in trouble.
But if they have it in the car or normally overnight...
Mama comes in and the 18 month old is just like a zombie now.
You go to the hospital and they call in the police and take you to jail for hurting the baby because the CAT scan shows blood on the brain.
Now the diabolical bastards that do this, the doctor doesn't know, he's compartmentalized.
They know it's even better because then they get even more federal funds with CPS grabbing a special needs brain damaged kid.
Then they run up the money, drugging the kid out until they normally die by age 15.
They kill all the foster kids with over-drugging.
They'll get them on 20, 30, 40 drugs sometimes.
Oh, I can show that to you right now.
W-O-A-I Investigation.
Oh, let me see.
Vaccine dangers linked between diabetes.
That's the NCCN.
Let's go ahead and click on that.
There's WebMD.
Go ahead.
Childhood vaccinations, juvenile onset, and it's got all these medical doctors, PhD reports.
You can read that for yourself right there, medical reports.
Oh, let me think.
I can just sit here and just keep throwing it at you.
These, this isn't done by accident.
This is scientific soft kill.
Silent weapons for quiet wars done by design.
And so that's how they operate.
That's how they do this.
And so we'll go over some more of that.
But let's continue right now with a few more of your phone calls here.
Let's talk to Shadow in Pennsylvania.
Shadow, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
Wondering what your take is on the Senate Bill 787.
The federal government wants to change jurisdiction over all waters in the United States.
Um, they're voting on it tomorrow.
As a matter of fact, I'd urge your listeners to call their representatives to oppose this bill.
Is that HR?
Is that HR?
Uh, S. Period 787.
Oh, it's a Senate bill, 787.
I have seen all the legislation to fully grab all water, turn it over under U.N.
It's kind of a de facto, instead of having the Congress ratify the law of the sea, all our ports, creeks, waterways, a puddle in your backyard, literally, where they can come take your property.
Uh, this, this standardizes it to then, uh, to then comply with law of the sea, global taxation grid.
But I hadn't seen the Senate bill, that's another one of the things, but Senate bill, give me the number again, we'll pull it up.
Uh, Senate Bill 787.
Senate Bill 787.
Do you have a subsection for me so I can pull that up?
Section 4.
Yeah, Clean Water Restoration Act, U.S.
Open Congress.
Thank you.
Please continue with the subsection.
Section 25, the term waters of the United States means all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide.
Territorial, sea, interstate, interstate waters and their tributaries.
All right, let me stop you.
Guys, guys, you want to click on read and comment on full text of the bill.
Click on that for me, boys.
Okay, sir, give me that subsection again.
What section?
Uh, 25.
Alright guys, do a control left, section 25.
There it is.
25, confirming.
What you said.
And see, I can't even keep track of this.
They got federal bills to kidnap any kids they want federally with no records.
We can't even cover it time-wise.
They got bills to seize all the water.
Total federal control.
There it is.
I was aware of it.
Hadn't even covered it on air.
It's just incredible.
Good job.
Somebody needs to write an article and send it to writers at InfoWars.com.
You know, I've got Kurt.
And Paul about to work, and Steve about to work on, because they only do articles.
Did you hear me last hour how the Federal Reserve is going to take over every industry, every business?
Just total God-like powers under executive orders?
I guess we lost him.
Sir, are you getting something or are you still there?
Yeah, he's going to listen to himself on air.
Let him go.
Thank you so much, caller.
Excellent point.
And again, it's you, the listeners, sitting on hold, who bring me this information.
And there it is.
Right there for you.
And I'd read about different bills to do this, and I'd seen the House version.
That must be the Senate version of it.
So there you go.
I mean, just total criminal takeover at every level of society.
My God.
And it's not just the government.
The public's turning into degenerate criminals as well, I've been noticing on average.
It's just total, everything unraveling, falling apart right in front of us.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
The shadow certainly knew, didn't he?
John in Texas.
John, you're on the air, sir.
Hey, good to talk to you, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
I really enjoyed David Icke on the other day talking about the reptilian brain and the higher consciousness and stuff.
Well, people confuse that.
I wasn't talking about reptoids from Alpha Centauri.
I was talking about medical fact.
In fact, pull up brain physiology.
Google brain anatomy.
I'm not even Googling reptilian brain.
Brain anatomy, and we'll put up on screen a map from a medical website of a brain.
You've got the lower brain stem that's heart rate, the lungs, things like that.
And then you've got above that the reptilian brain that's sex, desire, money, survival.
And then you've got the other higher faculties of the brain.
So it's a bunch of different computer systems.
And we'll pull that up.
We got really slow internet in here.
They don't have it faster here in this part of town we live in.
Sorry, caller.
Go ahead.
That's right.
I'm watching on PrisonPlan.TV so I can see that as well.
But I was going to say, you are waking life, and I wonder if you had either experienced it yourself or looked into lucid dreaming at all as a
Kind of, uh, inter-exploration and kind of merging your, uh, conscious and subconscious.
Yeah, what's the term?
It's, it's not like astronaut, but people that dream and call themselves dream travelers.
It has a, has a name like dream traveler.
What is that?
Yeah, I can't remember.
It's something not, but yeah, I can't, uh... Stay there.
We'll talk more about it on the other side.
Then I'll get into the big enchilada, what the bankers are doing right now and a lot more.
And we got in-studio coming up, life in the bubble, blowing the American dream.
Stay with us.
You don't want to miss this interview coming up in studio.
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Ah, it gets distracting when you've got film crews in your studio, but it's always fun.
Okay, here's this regular physiology.
This is called the reptilian complex of the brain.
That's what they teach in medical school.
It's called the reptilian brain.
You've got the limbic system and the neocortex.
And then down here you got the brain stem and what it hooks into.
And this is the area over the heart beating.
Well I guess people can't see me on TV pointing it out.
Pull me up on screen and I'll show folks.
See right here you got the reptilian brain.
We're good to go.
Or an alligator brain.
And that was my point.
People thought I was endorsing what David says about other issues, which I'm not pooh-poohing what he says, I just don't have any proof of it and don't cover it.
And people got confused when I was saying that.
But go ahead and finish up what you were saying, caller.
I was just saying that after you were in Waking Life, if you've ever looked into lucid dreaming or had ever experienced it yourself, it seems to me like it might be kind of like a further step in our evolution of thought as... Well, let's just put it this way.
I keep my visions to myself.
How's that Fleetwood Mac song goes?
Oh, here they come again, the crystal vision.
I keep my vision to myself.
I mean, yeah, I've obviously had a lot of wild dreams.
Most people have.
When I was a kid, I sleptwalked some.
And that's just between the waking and the sleeping area.
And I've had a lot of dreams that have come true.
You always know it's a dream that's very intense, very upsetting.
It's like you've been somewhere else.
And it could be something like a house being built on a hill.
And you image the house, and you have dream after dream where you're in the house.
And this is a dream I had when I was like nine.
And then years later, I'd always remember the dream.
I see him building that very house on the hill.
And it didn't click.
I was like, why is that house so interesting to me?
And then later that night, I was in there with a girlfriend in the neighborhood, and I'm looking out the windows that hadn't been finished yet, out onto the, you know, hills and woods, and had the realization, wow, I've had this dream so many times, and then remembered the full dream.
And it wasn't deja vu.
It was because I'd remembered it.
It was like I had a dream one time that a guy in a green and purple shirt, um,
Came out from behind a building, a cinder block building, and attacked me.
And I even told people about it, because it was an upsetting dream.
And then sure enough, about a year later, I'm 16, we had to drive into Dallas to buy beer, because the big beer stores there would sell to underage people.
And I pull up, get out of the car, my buddies are parked around the back of the gas station, I'm walking with a case of beer, and from behind
It's like I went back into the dream as I was walking, see the center block, and I go, I've seen this before.
Here comes the guy in the green and purple polo shirt and tries to mug me.
And then I'll, well, dealt with it.
Enjoyably, of course.
But the issue is, the issue is that I have had dreams that have come true.
But I don't really get into it on air and make a big issue out of it because, you know, it kind of gets off into the hinterland.
I have bills.
I have legislation for martial law.
I know this is going on.
I know this is happening.
And so I have the black and white so I cover what I can prove.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Yes, I am in the film Waking Life, because Rick Linklater lives in town and is a fan of the show, and I'm in Scanner Darkly.
And I consulted on that film.
People are always emailing me going, it has secret masonic symbolism.
It's not secret when they're wearing all-seeing eyes on their shirts.
The whole point is, they were wanting to expose the New World Order.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Wow, the last three hours went by quickly.
We're going to have open phones again today.
In the fourth hour, coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
Bunch of news I'm going to finish up getting to as well, because my good friend, William Lewis, who I feel like I know so well over the phone all these years, I finally met him in person.
I remember back in like 1998, 1999, 2000, he made an audio CD, great music, with little outtakes of myself.
I think he called it Police State.
He's made a bunch of films since then, like In Plain Sight, Ripple Effect.
He's made films like Washington, You're Fired.
And of course, Life on the Edge of the Bubble, Blowing the American Dream, the newest film and some of his best work available at Infowars.com, I would add.
Great film to give somebody to explain to what's happening with this bubble economy and how the bankers, I love this cover, look at how Greenspan's like this giant above the city and creating all the different types of economic bubbles.
And so they control the bubble.
It's like the greatest form of insider trading.
They control it as it goes up.
They control it as it goes down.
So we're glad to be carrying this in the InfoWars.com store.
Or folks can call 888-253-3139 to get it.
And you guys are here to interview me about your... Can you talk about what your new film is yet?
You're making a concentration camp film.
We'll talk about that later.
You've got some really exciting stuff you're doing.
And so I'm honored to be interviewed for the film.
And can we talk about your illustrious travel mate here?
Gary Franchier, Restore the Republic and Lone Lantern Society.
And so he's here as well.
Okay, Mr. Lewis, good to have you here.
Good to be here.
Okay, tell me about this film, Life on the Edge of Derbubble.
This is, you know, there's so many films out there on the Federal Reserve and on money and all the various aspects of the economy.
We wanted to make one that was a little bit different.
We want to follow that same pattern.
We wanted to show Americans that this is really nothing new at all.
Starting in, like, the year after we signed the Constitution, we had our first bubble.
We had one in 1819.
1837, 1857, 1873, 1893.
Speculative bubbles.
Literally almost every 20 years.
And yeah, they were all speculative bubbles based on some type of overuse of credit.
And I mean, this is nothing new to the American economy.
It's just that for whatever reason, the Federal Reserve, when it was introduced,
Managed to be able to allow the bubbles to grow larger and larger and larger.
Instead of having a pop every 20 years and having a small bubble pop, now we've got a 75-year bubble that's popping.
And it's global!
Well, exactly.
I was going to expand.
It was the same money changers out of England and Europe that ran these scams, that created these fiat bubbles, and the film covers that in an excellent fashion, who now are in control of the whole planet, and instead of it being limited bubbles of certain financial sectors before, and we were an agrarian society and people didn't care because it was so limited, now these bubbles literally have the power of a tsunami of fiat money to destroy entire societies.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, I don't think many people look at it from this perspective, but, you know, we tend to want to blame the Federal Reserve and the people who issue the credit and, you know, all the people that are kind of at the top of the bubble, shall we say.
And we kind of forget that all of us participate in some degree to helping build these bubbles.
Whether we're flipping houses and participating to that degree or just taking our bank loans so that we can
You know, take the equity out of our home and cash it in and maybe fix up our home.
All these are things that allows the bubble to grow and it allows us as Americans to live beyond our means.
In other words, if you only make $30,000 a year, shouldn't you only spend $30,000 a year?
If you spend $50,000 or $60,000 a year consecutively, year after year after year, we're making a bubble.
So, like a drug dealer, they're getting us addicted and strung out to where we're totally under their control and they made the drug, the credit, out of nothing.
Exactly, and this is one of the issues that I'd like to cover and tell people.
The Federal Reserve that we have now is actually the third national bank.
That's the third federal bank.
Yeah, this is an incredible history lesson.
You've outdone yourself with life on the edge of a bubble.
I know most of the listeners understand this.
Your neighbors, your friends, your family don't.
You need to get this film out to everybody.
Available right now at InfoWars.com.
William Lewis, the director, is our guest with the illustrious Gary Franchian Studio.
This is Alex Jones.
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In the present battle for freedom and the lives of
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, um... Life?
On the edge of a bubble, blowing the American Dream.
Let's zoom in on this with Alan Greenspan on the cover.
And yes, they say you can't judge a film or book by its cover.
Well, you can this one.
Great cover, great film.
And why don't you, again, start describing the film and we're going to put the trailer coming up in a few minutes.
And then break down four people
Who are out there listing the point we're making about these different bubbles we've had in the past versus these new mega bubbles.
All right, well, I mean, the easiest way for me to sum up exactly what the film is about is just to use an analogy.
And that is, if you give an umpire $1,000 before he makes the play, what do you call that?
You call that a bribe.
If you give $1,000 to a judge right before he renders his verdict, what do you call that?
You call it a bribe.
Not anymore.
They call it, here in Texas, they openly take the money stolen from the people.
I would call it a bribe.
I think most people would.
You know, votes on your bill, what do you call that?
It's not called a bribe, they call that a campaign contribution, and I think that's what you're getting at.
It's just become absolutely acceptable for the people in Washington who are trying to leech off of and persuade others to vote on their particular legislation, whoever they work for, whatever the lobby is.
Offshore corporations did.
Yeah, exactly.
So, you know, these are the people that are presenting us with the problem, and it's the corporations that really started out, as you see in the beginning of the film, about 200 or so years ago with Alexander Hamilton, who was our first Secretary of the Treasury.
He decided that we needed to have a corporate system in the United States for the banking, and I forget exactly what they call it.
It's, you know, the corporate, what was it called?
Don't get me to lie.
Watch the movie.
But the point is that Alexander Hamilton, our Secretary of the Treasury, the guy who appears on the $10 bill, is responsible for setting up banking corporations in the United States for the purpose of keeping all of this money that is created through the generation of credit and issuance of credit in private hands.
Take all that money out of private hands.
Imagine, at the peak of our bubble, we were borrowing a billion dollars a day, a billion dollars a day from foreign investors to feed our credit habit.
The money that was being made on top of the credit, the interest that's paid back, if we were to simply funnel that back into the treasury, back into our hands, the people's hands, who it belongs to in the first place,
I don't think you'd see anybody paying taxes.
You surely wouldn't see a federal deficit.
No, absolutely.
This fiat money, fractional reserve system, a lot of economists have argued it was done right, would actually empower the people.
The problem is it's always going to be abused.
It's always going to be used.
The trade deficit alone is hundreds of billions of dollars a month now.
And that's another form of fractional reserve manipulation.
And that goes into the whole neo-mercantile model.
But please continue.
So, I think everybody gets the example there where we're talking about between a bribe and a financial contribution.
And now they've stolen trillions of dollars.
And they're going to keep doing it.
And the purpose of this film is to bring all of these issues to light right now, because it is right at this moment when people can see the mask coming off of this monster that they will rise up and take action.
It's not when they see their gun rights disappearing.
It's not when they see their First Amendment rights disappearing.
It's when they're affected by money, their pocketbooks.
All right?
So I think that this is a perfect opportunity for us to jump in there and get people motivated to take some action to make these changes that we're talking about.
Well that's what Ron Paul keeps saying and what I keep saying is that the bankers are going to use the crisis they've engineered on record to bring in even more power and control for themselves as they're doing right now.
So we are forced to point out they're the architects of all of this and hopefully use the crisis to kick them out of power instead of them getting more power.
It's not like they're just going to get away with this.
They are going for broke now because they know they've committed so many crimes already that this is going to be the mother of all corruptions.
And so there's nothing they won't do.
They are committed to their cause.
They have pledged their names, their honor, their money, their treasure, their blood, their sweat, their souls on this.
Their lack of honor.
And then meanwhile, the public's drinking beer, still watching the football game, having no idea what we're in the clutches of and thinking, politicians are trying to fix it, Marge.
No, they're not trying to fix it.
They are like cockroaches when they've been sprayed with poison, fornicating like they know their time is short.
They are going maximum corrupt right now.
And we're going to see more and more fireworks from here on out.
I don't think people understand what they've done with these bailouts.
The $750,000 bailout, the very first one we passed, and then the second one, the $850 billion.
Take that money and add that up, divide that by how many people in this country have a home mortgage.
And you could pay off literally 90% of the home mortgages in this country.
If they really wanted to put money back into the economy, give people an extra $1,000, $2,000 a month, they would have paid off their mortgage bills, not fed money into the banks that created the problem in the first place.
William, I totally agree with you.
Continue describing what the film goes through.
I mean, if somebody gets Life on the Edge of a Bubble, Blowing the American Dream, because it covers a whole bunch of different subjects, really a wide spectrum analysis of how this scam works.
Yeah, well, towards the end we do get into the Federal Reserve and we tell people how these things have connected, but really and truly I don't want to give too much away in the film because this is unlike anything I've ever done before where I typically will use horror, I will typically use scare tactics in a documentary to try and frighten people because I like horror movies and those are the kind of movies I like to make.
Alright, but this is kind of a
I'm bowing out from that and trying to create something a little more comical.
This thing sets up certain situations and you think it's going in one direction and when we get there you realize that's not where we went.
It's a great film.
I hesitate to give away too many of the little secrets that are in there so that people will get a good entertainment quality out of it when they watch it.
The clips alone, we researched over 750 different film reels from 1900 to now, grabbing up commercials and grabbing up footage that applies.
For instance, some of the public
Banking corporations started spiking the punch, and then everybody got really happy and crazy and thought nobody could lose money, housing prices will never go down.
These are the lies that we bought into and believed, and of course they were totally false.
If you look through history, every 20 years you find out it is false.
And I can't believe that Alan Greenspan and some of these men in the positions that they're in can't look back over the last 200 years of our country's history and figure this out for themselves.
Well, they know what they're doing.
I mean, it's all premeditated, on record.
Yeah, well, sometimes I wonder if they're in as much control as they actually think that they are.
I mean, I know that they're out there manipulating and there's oftentimes that we can, you know, draw a direct correlation to something that they've done and blame them for it.
But I think a lot of times we get caught up in this and we don't realize how much of a part we play in it just by, you know, letting Madison Avenue talk us into, you know, through their advertising.
For instance, you know, going out and taking out an equity loan on our home to either fix it up or go buy another one to flip it later.
And so many people that got this money spent it on crap at Walmart.
Stuff they don't even know what they bought with it.
Yeah, we're all guilty.
I'm guilty.
I mean, everybody's guilty.
I know, it's a consumer society.
It's like grazing.
That's why I probably only go to Target or Academy around here maybe once or twice a year because I just load up the thing of t-shirts and fishing poles and ammo.
I mean, I'm like a little kid in a sporting goods place.
I'm just like snatching things, and then I get it and stick it in the garage, and there's like a giant pile of ammo, and I guess it's important to have, but what am I going to do with all this?
I don't even have time to go out and shoot it, but that's less frivolous than most people, I mean the stuff people buy and fill their houses full of.
Yeah, you don't want to turn me loose in an academy because, like I said, Coleman Lanterns and sleeping bags and all that stuff that they have in there.
It just fascinates me and makes me whip that credit card.
Are you kidding?
Bow and arrows?
BB guns?
I have a small backyard.
The neighbors are always looking over the fence at me BB gunning and pellet gunning and bow and arrow back there.
It's certainly a lot of fun.
I was just in an academy the other day because we lost all the arrows.
My parents have three acres in town.
I go over there and shoot them into the woods and end up losing them.
My kids are quite the little Robin Hoods.
Yeah, we were on our way in.
It was all I could do to not stop at the Academy.
We don't have them in Missouri.
Oh, you saw Valhalla!
Yes, absolutely.
In fact, I'll be visiting Academy before I leave just to buy a little trinket and say I visited Academy while I was here.
The only problem with Academy on the side issue is I bought one gun there.
And I go in and the manager comes down.
He goes, oh, I'm a big fan.
I saw you on the surveillance camera.
And then he, I bought the handgun, bought the ammo, and then he said, oh, I'm going to give it to you once you get to your car.
And I think they were kind of scared of me, like I was going to grab the handgun and, you know, start like an old western in a saloon or something.
But hell, Walmart writes your name down when you buy ammo now, so you can't buy ammo at Walmart.
I didn't even know that.
Well, they don't do it at Academy yet.
So what do you want at Academy?
I think I want a new Coleman Lanner.
They brought back the old-fashioned, you know, pewter metal cap guns that are, like, heavy with a holster with the caps.
And I'd say I got them for my son, but, you know, I've been playing with them.
We know.
We know.
We know.
I'm sorry.
I'm having a little bit of fun.
We need to get into the film.
We'll get back and take some phone calls.
Life on the edge of a bubble, blowing the American dream.
And by the way, Academy, I just gave them one hell of an ad.
One hell of a plug there.
Actually, I've got to stay here tonight and work all night.
I can't go home and get the bows and arrows out though.
That sucks.
It does.
I tell you, it's enjoyable to sit in the backyard and sit there and shoot the target.
We used to live out in the country.
We were about 25 miles outside city limits.
Tell me about it when we get back.
Tell me about it.
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We're good.
Your call's coming up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
I am Alex Jones, your host, and I'm glad you're here with us today.
MHL, Eric, Chris, Brian, who disagrees, will go to the head of the line.
John and others, your calls are coming up.
And the film is Life on the Edge of a Bubble.
Now, I want to hear about the concentration camp film.
You're here in town to interview me for this, and you're interviewing a representative guest and others.
Very, very exciting.
I actually pulled my concentration camp files.
I'd be happy to share them with you.
I know you guys probably have more research than I have, but I have extensive files.
You could probably go interview the state rep.
There's also a city councilman in Oregon where the feds came in and showed them they were building a camp.
So, and that was first in NBC locally there, and then we contacted them on the Oregon-Washington border, and we interviewed that guy.
So there's actually a lot of folks I can put you on to dealing with FEMA camps, because we need to counter Glenn Beck.
And I saw on the trailer for the FEMA camp film that it looks like you're going to go after Glenn Beck.
Oh yeah.
So I want to respond directly to Beck, and I guess that's why you're here.
Do you want me to, like, break that down?
Yeah, we're going to talk about all that.
Okay, well I look forward to doing that and give you as much time as I can with the schedule, but I can probably give you guys more than an hour than what I originally said, because this is important.
Let's right now talk about the film.
Not the new film people can get right now, but the film coming out.
When does this film come out?
We'll probably be in production for about three, three and a half months.
So, about fall.
Right around in there.
Just right before Christmas.
October, November.
Yeah, as soon as possible.
Honestly, some of these projects take two years to put together.
No, I know.
I meant to already have another Obama film out about the whole banking agenda and I just get stuck because there's so much evidence.
I keep hoarding more and more.
Well, we're going to sort through this information and I think this is going to be a
This is going to be getting back to, I hate to say conspiracy, but this is going to be getting back to the roots of things that I like to cover.
And these are some things that you woke me up to 10 years ago listening to you on the radio.
So these are things that I'm excited to actually expose to people now because we noticed
You know, there's really not any good documentaries out there on FEMA camps.
Nobody's got the legislation, no one's presenting any guest of your caliber being able to cohesively talk about these issues.
And this is what we want to do, is put together a documentary that explains all of this about FEMA camps, why they're being hidden from the American people, why the legislation is not out there in the media, it's why it's not being talked about.
Well, I'll tell you why I love this, William.
It's great to be able to be in your film, because Aaron Russo called me over and over again for me to be in American Freedom from Fascism, and I was busy doing my other stuff and told him no.
And I wish I'd have done it, because it was such a prolific film.
And I knew Aaron had liked him and promoted his film.
I was just too busy.
I've learned, though, it's better to be in somebody else's film, because then you can do all the work, and I get to see the great, you know, end result and see it wake people up.
So I'm very happy, and I actually had him pull all the files.
I can just give you the full, you know, take.
Absolutely documenting FEMA camps today.
So I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm looking forward to being able to offer that to the listeners.
So I'm honored that you wanted to include me in the film.
Tell us how you woke up.
You're saying you woke up from my show?
Yeah, we've discussed this before.
I'd forgotten.
I just found it.
Yeah, it's just, I don't know, ten years ago approximately, I was a graphic designer designing CD covers and working with
I can Tina Turner and some of these really old blues people, and during the day when I was sitting there designing the covers or producing or whatever, your program's what I was listening to, you know?
Just pull up the archives and listen to them on the computer.
And I still think that that is, you know, a completely untapped resource, that there could be more people out there having their own independent media to help get the word out, but, you know, I don't think anybody's going to be able to compete with your, you know... Oh, no, I want them to, but...
But listen, that's the great part about all this, is another testament to somebody that I reached out to, that we woke up, and then think of the millions you've woken up.
Any idea on the 5, 6, 7 films, I forget, Beyond Trees and all of it, that you produced or you directed?
How many millions you reached?
I mean, it's... There's no way to ever know that.
Some of your films have aired on TV all over the world.
In fact, Life on the Edge of a Bubble, you can probably watch that in about 3-4 months on Free Speech TV.
We have a screening coming up tonight at Brave New Books.
Do you know the address?
It's just down at the start of the drag on Guadalupe Street.
Yeah, that'll be tonight at 8 p.m.
at Brave New Books if you want to come out and watch it there.
We won a film festival, the Indie Fest.
I don't know when that's going to be yet, but we also have another screening coming up.
It's a pretty big one in St.
Louis next month.
I'll try to get all the information and put it up on the website or something if people want to go.
In fact, Paul Hartman was just telling me the address in my ear, but I couldn't hear it over you, so we'll come back at folks at address for the showing tonight.
Life on the edge of a bubble.
He took action.
He got involved.
He's reached tens of millions conservatively.
You can too.
We're on the march.
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Hey, in the final segment, we gotta drag another chair in here.
You know, Gary Franchi, we're having great discussions during the break.
Gary Franchi just told me I woke him up.
I didn't know I woke the great Gary Franchi up as well.
But I've described to my audience, and well, actually not the audience yet, the internal office, I feel like I'm Gizmo the Good Gremlin.
And the problem is they put drops of water on my back and all these other media activists pop off, but very few of them turn out to be good.
And I think you guys have turned out to be good.
The problem is these little gremlins that pop off my back.
Anybody seen gremlins?
They put the water on them and more of them pop off.
And if you feed them after midnight, they really get bad, isn't it?
And there's like probably 20 or 30 locals who moved down here who are like bad gremlins.
And we have to even hide out from them or they'll come over here and cause problems.
And they get in, I mean literally, gremlins is the way to describe them.
So, I am the good Gizmo, and I, and I, Francie is a good little creature, and so is William Lewis.
No, no.
I mean, you know, for me, for me, it is a great feeling, though, to know I have reached hundreds of millions of people.
Hundreds of millions of people have seen my films, seen my clips, seen my material.
And it's all coming to an end, as they openly announced.
I had two or three mainstream articles today, where they said, no, we're going to shut down freedom on the web, and so is Europe, and we're going to ban all this anti-government stuff.
And now they're trying to pass hate laws and trying to pass the Cyber Bullying Act, where if you hurt someone's feelings, you're arrested.
And Hannah Montana, the character, and Cyrus, the real girl, is promoting it.
And so, I mean, it's really happening.
And I don't think they can let us be out there very much longer.
That's why I'm trying to
Make more films, promote more films, be in other people's films.
But I'll tell you this, I've told the Wall Street Journal and a bunch of other big newspapers no to interviews this last week.
And they freak out and they go, don't you want to be in the Wall Street Journal?
Don't you want to be in Time Magazine?
And I'm like, no, I don't want to have a hit piece and have you here in my office.
But I do want to have you guys here because you are what matters.
It doesn't mean anything to be in some twisted article, just have my name in it.
I don't care about that.
I care about reaching the people through your film.
But you were making some points as we went to break there.
What was the other point about the amount of change you've seen in the world, the things you've done?
Which is another testament to other people out there being leaders.
That's why the establishment attacks me so much and tries to discredit me or says I'm the government or I'm bad or I'm a knight of Malto and I'm not even Catholic and all this stuff.
is because they want to divide us all and make us all feel weak and then make you feel like I'm not for real so you can't believe that you're for real and so you can't believe that you're actually going to be able to affect change and go out there and do great things.
But you know, I tell you, Gary Franchi is for real.
I've seen the fruits of his work.
And I've seen the fruits of your work, not out infighting, not stirring up trouble, producing good films, reaching people.
That is what the establishment is scared to death of.
So I salute you both.
Thank you.
And there's nothing I hate worse than politics, maybe office politics.
But, you know, we had some discussions about individuals in the truth movement who may not be who they say they are, but you definitely are.
And we're very honored to be here and have you in this film.
Well, it's not that a lot of people out there are government operatives.
Society is collapsing.
Have you noticed how much cheating and lying and stealing and stuff is going on these days?
I mean, society is in free fall.
And that's why we're here to warn good people to get ready and to deal with it.
And for good people not to give the scum any slack anymore.
I don't care if it's a corrupt cop or a corrupt neighbor or a corrupt boss or a corrupt employee.
It's time to stop being wimps.
It's time to get tough and get serious and get focused because this is a real world.
This isn't touch football we're playing out here and the New World Order is coming in big time.
I want to go to calls but I wanted to bring this up to you and I want to make sure in the interview we cover this because amazing things are happening.
The news comes out and says the Federal Reserve
Is going to get all this new power and then you read the new power it says to take over any government, any agency, any corporation they want just like they grabbed Chrysler and GM and the banks.
And they're going to micromanage every facet of our lives and the New York Times reports separately that they're hiring criminals to join the Obama Enviro Brigades but the New York Times says that's a good idea.
This is a new form of government is now being born.
We have the private Federal Reserve
Coming in, and now openly becoming the government.
They were always there manipulating it and steering it.
But now the Federal Reserve, as a regional governorship of this new bank of the world, is openly becoming the new public dictatorial power over everything public and private.
I mean, this is unspeakably huge, what's being announced, and they're announcing it like it's no big deal.
Your comments on that?
Well, it's because we've been acclimated.
We, you know, used to we would frown and
You know, immediately jump up out of our seats and scream bloody murder when we heard some of these things that were going on in our own government.
Now it's just commonplace.
You can't turn on the news radio or anything and hear anything but manipulation these days.
So we're acclimated to it.
They've got us exactly where they want us and that's our job to go out there and wake up the people, the other 99% who are out there who don't know what's going on.
Absolutely, and I want to encourage listeners again, one more time, to go to InfoWars.com, the secure online video bookstore shopping cart.
We only carry the very best films.
That's why we carry William Lewis' great films, Life on the Edge of a Bubble, Blowing the American Dream, and it's just such an important film, Life on the Edge of a Bubble.
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Although we rarely consider our financial system an experiment, changes in the monetary games we have played undermine the integrity of the political system.
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Rising prices of real estate, stocks and bonds, and commodities lure us to borrow our way to prosperity.
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Let's go ahead and roll part of the trailer.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the trailer for Life on the Edge of a Bubble.
You give $1,000 to an empire right before he calls the play.
What do you call that?
A bribe!
You give $1,000 to a judge right before he renders a verdict.
What do you call that?
A bribe!
You give $1,000 to a politician right before he votes on your bill, what do you call that?
A campaign contribution.
Is this the United States Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs?
The plan we have before us today, the rescue plan, is vastly different from the original one sent to us by the administration.
Today it's about protecting Main Street, not Wall Street.
They're going to pay out $18 billion in bonuses.
It's about protecting the American taxpayer, not CEO salaries.
They paid an average of $2.6 million to every executive at the first 116 banks that got taxpayer money under TARP.
Live on the edge of the bubble.com.
You can also get it there or as I said at InfoWars.com.
Very, very exciting.
Is there a way to watch the film online yet or is it just on DVD?
Nope, just on DVD.
Typically we don't like to stream the movies when they first come out because we haven't even gotten them at the festivals yet.
I want to see it in a big screen.
No, no, I understand.
Yeah, they won't even let you in the festivals or then on TV and things if you put it on the web first.
That's why I forego being able to put it on TV, forego all that money and stuff, which is probably stupid, because I just like to release it instantly for free and hammer the enemy.
But I don't disagree with what you're doing.
Yeah, I mean, we didn't protect the disc.
It's not copy protected.
So people, when you get a copy, can make their own copies and give them to friends and family.
We just don't want them selling them.
But still folks don't even appreciate that.
I mean, we've got to make some seed money here.
I mean, I can have 15 million views of the Obama deception and only sell 10,000 of them.
I need to sell these to make the money to make more films.
Oh, exactly, and this is the argument that we get all the time, is that, you know, if you really believe in the cause, or if you're really doing what you say you're doing, then you're going to give this film away for free, and it's like, well, the film cost me a lot of money to make, how can I give it away for free, and how can I make the next one?
Well, I mean, here's an example, the Aaron Russo thing.
Listeners kept asking me to make an Aaron Russo deal off the free video we put out.
I went and interviewed him, put it out for free.
That wasn't enough.
And then we took about a week and a half, slapped it together, put it out with some updates and some video clips.
Kind of a nice memorial for him.
People are like, how dare you sell it?
When it's free on the web.
And my thing is, we've sold so few copies, the few thousand DVDs I've got, I'm just going to do a deal where they're free when you get the Obama deception or something just to get it out.
I thought it was a nice thing to do.
But that's why we have the money bomb and people that have brains and have businesses and know how much this costs donated so I can make more films.
I'm going to try to double what I do in the next year.
That means I'm not going to see my family much, but we don't know if in a year we're going to even be allowed to be on the web anymore.
It may be six months.
I mean, they're openly saying in the New York Times they're going to restrict our free speech.
So people need to support you financially.
They need to support us financially.
And they do that by getting life on the edge of a bubble, blowing the American dream.
But also you get a great film and you support alternative media.
You support
Uh, independent media.
You grow a new voice.
When you just sit there and watch NBC or ABC or Fox and then buy the stuff from their sponsors, you're supporting the enemy.
But see, that's a government psyop to say, no one's allowed to write a book or make a film but us.
And then most of it they use our taxpayer money to do.
This is a free will thing, so I'm not Buffaloed.
I'm not ashamed to ask for donations at Infowarsmoneybomb.com.
I'm not ashamed to say, buy the video.
Because you still let people Buffalo me.
No, I'm not going to be Buffaloed.
We're going to expand what we're doing.
We're going to wage war against the New World Order and the Infowar.
Ditto to that, baby.
I'm proud of the work we've done.
I'm proud of what we've developed, what we've done.
Hey, you think we should play the FEMA camp film trailer?
Go for it.
I saw it on YouTube.
What's the best place to get it?
The trailer?
Yeah, Campfema.com.
Pull that up.
It's got a dramatic intro.
Is that going to be in the film with the thought police guy?
I want to try and work that in there.
Was that your cousin or niece?
That was my niece, actually.
Oh, is that Lord Franchi dressed up in the... We can't reveal who the agent is, Alex.
Yeah, that was actually a real CIA agent, so we don't want to tell who that is, but... Yeah, we're going to try to incorporate all the... And you notice they're reading the Resistance Manifesto.
Also available on InfoWars.com.
Got to fund Mark Dice somehow.
That poor guy prints his books on demand.
I'm telling him he needs to just print up a couple thousand.
He's a good guy.
Yeah, exactly.
He can't afford to do it outside of that so he can then do this full-time.
We'd have Mark Dice full-time.
Mark Dice, we need to get him off the launch pad so he can do this full-time.
See, because I like that.
I like everybody doing it full-time.
But then I learned, though, the little gizmo has these things falling off of him.
A lot of times they turn back and bite him.
But Mark Dice hasn't done that yet.
He hasn't turned into a stripe yet.
Well, obviously you weren't eating after midnight.
Folks, if you haven't seen Gremlins, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
All right, I'm out of control.
Do we have the next video?
I'm going to go to some calls, I promise.
Is that campfema.com?
Here it is.
Play it.
For the radio audience, there's a guy in a black uniform and a stopo agent beating on her door.
A young lady puts the evil resistance manifesto, Mark Dice, under the bed, under the couch.
Opens the door.
He tasers her.
He wants to find out he's Thought Crime Division.
They're openly setting up a Thought Crime Division saying they're going to arrest you.
They're calling for it on ABC News and CBS to arrest anyone they think might criticize the government.
Don't worry, it's freedom.
And I love this cut where you shoot across the map and it's all green on black.
Coming this fall.
Camp FEMA.
And then it cuts to Glenn Beck.
I'm doing a story tonight that I wanted to debunk these FEMA camps.
I'm tired of hearing, you know about them?
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing, I wanted to debunk them.
I'm tired of hearing
Where I did a whole two hours saying, this is what Glenn Beck's going to do.
He's going to go show the train station that we've known has been fake since 96, Lyndon Thompson.
And I laid out everything he'd do, and I predicted, I said, you watch, he's going to debunk it.
Everybody said, how dare you say he's going to debunk it?
He says he believes it's real.
I know he's CIA.
I even have sources.
But the issue is,
Is that... I mean, did you... I saw it before I came up here.
In fact, I watched about nine hours of police state videos to research before I came to talk to you.
And, you know, I did that all in one day, and it just brought back all these emotions that I, you know, I had when I saw these films.
No, but to be specific, no, I understand, but to be specific, though, did you know I did a whole two-hour show exposing what Beck was going to do?
And people said, how do you know he's going to say they don't exist?
How do you... I know his mind, but go ahead.
Yeah, if you want to get us some footage of that, we'll definitely incorporate it.
Yeah, what date was that?
I did the FEMA camp special.
And it was like two hours on air, and I know I did it live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
I know it's on YouTube, but absolutely, I'd be more than happy.
Guys, it'll never happen if we don't do it.
Will somebody dig out that date?
Because I know I said record it, because we're going to put it on one of the monthly best-ofs.
And it's not about me up here tooting my horn.
If you can find the date for us, we'll get it.
It's not about me tooting my horn.
It's about, we really know what we're talking about.
Anyways, what do you think of Glenn Beck?
Me personally?
Dried American?
You know, I... CFR shelf?
Glenn Beck... CFR doesn't exist, Gary.
Oh, it doesn't?
Oh, I didn't... I thought it did.
Is that a conspiracy?
Conspiracy theory.
Glenn Beck is no different than anybody else out there.
Working with two different motives.
One that he allows you to see and the other one that he doesn't.
And you got to see that first hand when he covered FEMA camps and you called it dead right on what he was going to say.
So there's nothing to say about Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck exposes himself for what he is.
Well, I just knew, I knew how they operated.
The only thing I didn't foresee was that it would be popular mechanics doing it.
But it's that straw man model.
So I thought,
What has been proven to not be camps?
And I said, well, that camp down in Louisiana is really for NATO troops to train for a camp in Europe.
If I was going to debunk, I'd do that and the railway Amtrak station.
But that wasn't just my prediction being right on that.
I said he was going to come out and say it wasn't real.
That was the big prediction.
Everybody going up, back, Fox News finally cares!
They were doing that to get people's confidence.
Yeah, you know, Gary actually went out and shot at the Beach Grove facility and came back and said, William, it's not a FEMA camp.
I mean, we've known from the very beginning, you know, that this was definitely not what people were saying it was on the internet.
But that's the whole thing.
You know, we've got about 150 different sites to go look at and try and determine which one is and which one didn't.
But you know what?
It doesn't really make any difference because the legislation is in place and any one of those facilities overnight can be turned into a FEMA camp.
Well, they also don't put a big FEMA camp sign.
They have designated facilities, like, where you got them dead to rights, is these emergency overflow centers they build on old, like, Pier 57.
That was a FEMA camp.
And the feds paid for that, and Bechtel and all them were involved.
And out here at the old Robert Mueller Airport, that's the 747 hangar.
With a facility in it.
Alright, we'll try to jam a few calls in here on the other side.
But yeah, it's places with barbed wire that are designated.
Here's the big enchilada.
During the dark winter drills and the top-off one and two, they practice putting people in the sports stadium.
Those are your FEMA camps.
Your city-paid-for sports stadium is your FEMA camp.
So see, they're hidden in plain view, and that's what you need to put in your film.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
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We're good.
We're good.
You know what, since Gary Franchi's here, we're just going to have him in studio for an hour tomorrow with William Lewis riding shotguns.
An hour with me babbling and stuff isn't enough time.
So, MHL, Eric, Chris, Brian, John, others, call back tomorrow and you'll go to the head of the line.
We'll keep this list here and you'll go to the head of the line.
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I didn't get to this today.
I really screwed up, and it's a big report that the guys have up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Sucker and suck-a-tache.
We called the professor this morning, but he knew who we were and didn't want to come on.
Rutgers professor warns geoengineering could create disastrous global famine.
Now, they're already geoengineering and they say, oh, we've been doing tests, but if we go widespread with this, it could cause all sorts of disasters.
Well, of course.
They claim they want to spray these barium salts and lemon dioxide to cool the earth, but all the climatologists we've talked to that say they knew they were doing this years ago because they're climatologists, the plane, I mean, that's a real photo of a plane flying in spring.
The artist just added skulls in the background.
I think it's a more powerful photo without the skulls, but regardless, it makes the point.
Here's the Wall Street Journal.
It's time to cool the planet.
Cutting greenhouse gases is no longer enough to deal with global warming.
And it goes on.
He argues that we also have something more direct.
And they go into how they've got a terraform.
Folks, we've exposed they're doing this now.
They just admit they're doing it, but to save us.
So I'll cover that first thing tomorrow on the show, and you guys will be back here with us again tomorrow for another visit.
But anything else you'd like to say, William Lewis?
No, we're just thrilled to be here, happy to have you inviting us back, and we're gonna put you in this FEMA documentary, and I think we're going to wake up some people, so that's the whole point.
And again, I apologize for not getting to more of the calls this hour.
I will do that tomorrow.
Jason Bermas is back live tonight, 9 to midnight, at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and of course, on the Genesis Network.
I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing.
It's always Lord willing.
I could die in a car wreck today.
So could you.
So think about what's important in life and don't sweat the small stuff.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
To all the sponsors, to all the affiliates, to all you, the great listeners, spreadin' the word.
We are having a big effect against this tyranny.
We have a chance to beat it if we stand up and get together and say no and point out tyranny for what it is.
And big reports coming up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, dealing with a fellow reserve to be given sweeping new powers to run every industry, to control every facet of America.
That ties into continuity of government, the executive orders, the FEMA camps, everything else.
And that ties into this film, Life on the Edge of a Bubble.
Get it at InfoWars.com.
Great job, crew.
God bless you all.
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