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Name: 20090605_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 5, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Next hour we have economist, stock market system inventor, BBC news presenter of the program The Oracle, Max Keiser joining us.
For the next hour we have Alan Watt of countryofthematrix.com.
Alan, I've read The Big Psychologist and
Psychiatry, documents, I've read about the history of eugenics, the New World Order plan.
My film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, covers it, so I'm somewhat of a scholar.
And I tell you, Alan is just even more of a scholar than I am, because he specifically focuses in on that and the system of control.
And I wanted to go over some of the current events that are happening right now and see how he sees that playing in for the social controllers and what they're trying to set up and do.
I have to say, though, Alan,
I really see things not going well for the globalists.
I don't see them as omnipresent and all-knowing.
I do know they understand human nature and study our psychology and our instincts and manipulate us against each other, but I see more and more people waking up to the Matrix, waking up that everything they're told is spin or lies, and the little mind tricks they play.
I like I had psychology today to our interview yesterday for a big large cover story in there and coming out a few months and they were still kind of spouting the old
It's by design.
These start off with the fact that the system we are in
was set up by their forefathers for this time.
We're all in this one boat.
We've all arrived here and it's all through the planning and machinations of previous generations of these big think tanks, foundations and so on.
They have brought us to where they want us to be right now.
They are aware because they're constantly taking polls and surveys on the internet and what you think of this etc.
to see how majority of people are reacting to the changes.
And it's so easy now with the Internet.
It's instant communication, data retrieval.
They know exactly how the public are, but we always end up, where are we exactly?
We're where they put us in the first place.
This is the only one system we have been given.
And they're updating their system into the next phase.
It's already done, really.
It simply hasn't been announced, or we haven't seen the manifestations of the implementations, the total full force implementations of it all.
It's all set up for the global system.
But it's to be an authoritarian system.
And what we will notice, the average person will notice in newspapers and in the government, in fact, they'll be given more that the old political stance of humoring the public is going out the window and we're being dictated to by top, generally appointees, not so much the politicians, the green appointees, etc.
put there by the big foundations that they're making these dictatorial statements of how we must live, etc.
And how we must reduce the population and so on and so on.
This is the change over from the old idea that we believed that we were given this big con that we had democracy and it was always stated from the Fabian Society eventually it would become an authoritarian body over the public who would be trained to accept that authoritarian dictate from the leaders.
That's the training phase we're going through right now.
In fact, that's what's happening.
I want to talk about the carbon taxes, the global model, who the New World Order are, what their master plan is, and then go through some of the current things.
Like Obama, who, whatever he says, it's always the opposite.
So now he's going and saying he wants to be friends with the Muslims.
They can be assured he's now going to do the opposite.
But say he loves them as he ups the troops and the invasions and the wars.
We'll talk about all of that with Alan Watt, great researcher, great political mind.
On the other side of this break, Max Keiser is coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are prisonplanet.tv, jonesreport.com, truthnews.us, and whatistheendgame.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alan Watt, our regular guest, joins us.
Alan, we have a lot of new stations picking us up this week, and I want to get into the bigger picture and where the globalists are taking us.
You know, when I talk to mainstream media, when they interview me, or when I discuss things with the establishment press, I'm always talking to these reporters, and I think most of them genuinely are ignorant.
Just like most Americans you talk to don't even know what the 4th or 5th Amendment is, much less the 2nd or 1st.
And it's very, very sad, but everything was set up on eugenics.
Everything was set up to carry out a culling of the population.
Everything is this highly engineered society.
And I don't think a lot of even new listeners or even some long-time listeners understand just how much of our society is engineered and dominated by these people.
So break down in total, in your worldview, what the New World Order is, what it stands for, what it's pushing,
The phase we're in right now and where it's ultimately leading us in this, quote, final revolution of dehumanization and tyranny.
Alan, what?
Yeah, we can trace it back in their own books, in fact, in recorded history, allowed history, that which they've published for us to read, right back to the 1700s when the elite establishment who already ruled
The money system, they've taken over... A group actually were sent in to Europe to take over the money system and become, as Albert Pike said himself in his own book, Morals and Dogma, the masters over the masters of the world.
In other words, to create central banking systems that would be all linked together for a global system that might not appear for another 200 years.
And everything runs from, in a money system, from the capstone of money downwards.
Government, everything goes cap in hand to the guys with the money at the top.
So you can create an entire system structure beneath your pyramid beneath you if you control all of the money and the lending and the borrowing.
So it was not too hard to create that kind of system.
They also could eradicate all small competition of small money lenders, small banks and so on on the way.
As long as they were in charge of the money supply for entire countries, they ruled those countries.
Along with that, too, was a religion.
And the religion was based on a natural existing order of elite, intellectual elites, who had already been doing the Darwinian experiment of specialized breeding for mates for a long, long time.
Ian Taylor, a scientist in Canada, put an excellent book out on the histories of some of these families, such as Charles Darwin.
Charles Darwin was about the fifth generation of Darwins who only married into the Wedgwood family.
All the wives were taken from the Wedgwood family for five generations.
And when Charles Darwin's wife died, he married his mother's sister, a Wedgwood again.
And the idea being they were trying to meet up scientifically to create a scientific elite on one hand.
This is also validated by Huxley.
The Huxleys were also related to the Darwins, and they admitted that that was part of the experiment to create a guardian elite along the lines of Plato and his Republic, where they'd be the guardians of the planet, the natural, superior, Superman-type, with virtue, intelligence, common sense, who would rule all the lesser peoples in a standing order all the way down.
And on the way, they also needed other organizations that would help them implement a new system and hold it.
That's why they introduced first Rosicrucianism, then Freemasonry.
That was the existing order.
Now they've bypassed that.
But the same special breeding program that's all through eugenics still goes on.
The idea being, if you have a woman who's gifted in a scientific area or mathematics, you mate them up with a similar type of male, you see.
But they must have other qualities, too, that they've passed on for generations that can be validated in a check before they're mated together.
Now, if you grew up in Europe and you studied the elite families, you'll notice that none of them ever picked their own wives.
They have teams of people who literally go through the genealogies for potential mates and match them up.
That's how Prince Charles was matched up with Lady Diana.
It's arranged marriages just like with cattle breeding.
And in fact, when the American Eugenics Society came out full force backed by the Carnegie first, and then the Rockefeller Foundation that mandated the enforced sterilization for inferior types.
They said they could not bring inferior types into this future.
That means anyone with hereditary illnesses of any kind, physical or mental.
And they put out, they set up the Cold Springs Harbor, New York there, plus they brought in the American Cattlemen's Association because they were the best ones to do with breeding.
And now they were transferring that data onto humans.
They came up with the idea, backed by Rockefeller,
uh... that they would institute a national census and since its inception the purpose of census would take data on physical and mental health uh... moral uh... behavior et cetera prison records all of that collect all of that data and eventually to start eradicating those people we saw as being hereditary problems to the perfect upcoming utopia and let me stop you there because I want listeners to understand something
Everything you're hearing is part of mainline history.
Allen's not telling you anything that isn't in all the major textbooks, the history books, but they think it's good.
When the Texas board asked the head state psychiatrist why are 67%, 68% of the kids on psychotropic drugs in foster care, he said because they have bad genes.
They deserve it.
And they set up the social welfare networks, they set up the health departments to carry out racial hygiene.
Hitler only adopted what was taught in England and the United States.
And now that's what their zoning is about, that's what their animal ID is about, it's what taking over the farms and ranches is about.
They've got to take over our infrastructure and our access to money.
And our access to independence and freedom so they can force us into the one-child policy and through the new economy of the green economy that's really the eugenics economy of reduced standard of living so that you can't afford to have children.
It's all openly stated and now even being introduced on mainstream TV and everywhere.
So I wanted to throw in that everything you're saying is on the record.
That the Darwin's and three other families only intermarried together for five, six, seven generations, but that it created aberrant, mentally ill monsters.
But look at the Huxleys for instance.
The Huxleys were descended from the Darwin's too.
They were also intermarried.
And the Huxleys, especially Julian and Aldo's father,
Literally, it's been a career chopping up people's bodies to try and get secrets of life and all this kind of stuff.
In other words, the precursor to what we call eugenics today, or genetics today.
And as you said, Cold Springs Harbor is IBM Human Genome today and they had to step down saying blacks weren't humans.
That's always been the eugenics board.
Now they take blood forcibly for 36 years from everybody in the western world at birth.
They've now admitted that.
And I have two mainstream news articles today.
This is out of the Buffalo News.
Ruling allows taser use
To get DNA maybe nation's first ruling and they say cattle prods, electric shock, torture in the federal ruling is now officially legal to make you answer questions, to make you urinate in a cup, to make you give a blood sample at checkpoints.
Arte Saveda, the court's ruling here in Austin will be able to taser you if you don't submit to the blood.
Torture is now out in the open.
We go from it being Joseph Mingala and bad
To it being something we only do to Al Qaeda, to the Buffalo Daily News openly saying it's good.
Go ahead.
Well yes, because we're now, since 2001 especially, that was the prime purpose for this whole New World Order kickoff.
We're being trained now that we're in an authoritarian system and you simply do what you're told.
That's what we've all been trained since 9-11.
That was the kickoff.
Arthur C. Clarke
Who was put up there, all the big stars in novels and futurist societies, etc.
And it's been explained and admitted to by big foundations themselves.
They fund these novelists to write the future.
It becomes familiar to us as an idea, and it's augmented by movies and so on until it comes into reality.
And we don't think about it as being strange or that it shouldn't exist.
It seems natural.
And later in the book, everybody gets microchips, everybody communicates with microchips through telepathic systems, and then he later, of course, worked for MI6, after World War II, for those that don't know, OSS during World War II, he invented the telecommunications satellite, and he gave interviews saying, no, this is what we really plan for you, just like H.G.
Wells and everybody else.
Go ahead.
And his symbol, of course, in the book was the big giant obelisk, the black obelisk of perfect shape.
Of course.
And notice, most of the crew dies going on the journey.
Only the chosen one gets to go to the next level, and there's a final fight between the computer and the man for who will be supreme, whereas Kurzweil and others just say, no, actually, we're going to merge with the machine, that will be the new species, and the new species will wipe out the rest of the slaves that are left.
That's right.
That's what they call it.
Evolution is an interesting word in itself.
The whole theory and the occult stuff behind it that they used to use in the Masonic Lodges, etc.
and so on, the high ones.
But they do believe, and they always have believed, that the future would be theirs, that only those with the virtue, the natural virtue, that they've inherited from their superior parents would continue.
And all the inferiors must be wiped off because there is no purpose for them in a Darwinistic evolutionary society.
They'll bring the superiors down, they claim, they must eliminate them altogether.
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I think so.
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Royalty, whether it was Japan or the Aztecs, Europe, they always thought they were God, that they were superior, and that they were separate from the commoners.
Well now, we have the BBC headlines that they believe they're a separate race.
And all these countless other elites saying they are transhuman, the eugenicists run by...
Aldous Huxley's brother Julian Huxley at the UN, he said in the 50s, we've got to change the name from eugenicist to transhumanist.
I'm not saying all transhumanists are, but your founder was the head eugenicist.
So they believe that they're taking control of human evolution, human development, and right now they just want to lock everything down, cull most of us, so they can then have their great work.
Alan, let's talk about now...
You talk about the banking takeover, the families, we're now in the 19th century, 20th century, let's get into what they've set up, the psychological dictatorship, where they're going, and then if they're able to cull us, the timeline you see, I'm interested in your view on that, and then if they were able to succeed, what they're going to build.
How they see the future in the big think tanks that work for the British Department of Defense, and I've got off on my website,
There's 90 pages of predictions of what's to happen over the next 50 odd years.
And they claim that around 2010-12 will be the beginnings of massive riots.
Food shortages will be a range that's already underway, in fact, because the big... They said this two years ago, for those that just tuned in.
I mean, this is official British government.
Go ahead.
And there's also the think tank that all NATO countries, including the U.S., as they happen worldwide,
I don't know.
And right now, they've already been setting up the entire military structure to deal with the next 50 years.
We've seen the build-up and the alteration from police forces into a really internal army.
It's part of the multi-jurisdictional task force.
They're all integrated with police, military, special forces.
That's already done.
It has been done since the 90s, early 90s, in preparation for what's to come up.
And they claim that around the year 2050, there'll be a vastly reduced population, a sudden drop, that on the way up to then, there'll be escalating riots, there'll be whole city regions, in fact, they call them regions, locked down under war scenarios.
We've seen this, by the way, in all the predictive programming from every science fiction movie for the last 15 years, and they're churning out more every year on the same kind of scenarios,
They're also saying that the population are being sterilized.
Well, we know that because the official Medical World Health Organization tells us this every year that we're almost all sterile.
We're dropping rapidly.
That's also intentional.
It's been done through inoculations and through the food system.
Because the bio-warfare industry are the same boys that Monsanto belongs to, and they're making sure that we will come down much faster through sterilization.
This is exactly what H.G.
Wells said in his book, The Modern Utopia.
He'd later have the next 200 years.
And he said that we won't simply just kill off the unfit, he says, we'll simply sterilize them so that they'll breed themselves out of existence and die off.
And this is all compartmentalized.
The local doctor giving you shots doesn't know this, but the IMF, the World Bank, all the big funds.
What, two weeks ago, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's secret meeting of the rich with Warren Buffett and Ted Turner and it said the main agenda was reduce our population by 80%.
This is now being thrown in our face.
Yes, and then you see Bill Gates again.
There are no real self-made men up there at the very top.
They're brought up there.
We live under cartels.
You cannot go up and complain.
And his dad was the head of Planned Parenthood, and I love eugenicists, so they said we're going to give your son, through the IBM Eugenics Trust, that's IBM is a trust for eugenics, on record, we are going to give your son, you know, the headship of this, because, you know, we can't have the public knowing the government really runs all these, and that's really on record for anybody that wants to look.
And so the entire thing then, he takes the entire fortune of Microsoft and funds it into eugenics publicly.
Yes, and now he's come out, of course, as the big hero philanthropist.
They all must pay back their masters who brought them up there by becoming philanthropists, just like George Soros.
And what are they into?
They're into Planned Parenthood across the planet and abortions.
Sterilizations, vasectomies, etc.
That's really where their money goes.
But here's the same man now in with the military-industrial complex, Mr. Gates, with specialized mosquitos.
They want to release all over the third world countries, supposedly to help reduce the mosquito population by introducing sterile male mosquitos.
These things are going to carry bacteria and viruses very, very rapidly.
No, that's what he said.
They're going to put vaccines in them and because the Africans won't take the shots, they're going to engineer it into potatoes and carrots.
That's on record.
Stay there.
Incredible information.
Alan Watts, our guest.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Going back to Alan Watt, and yes, we're going to take some calls for Alan Watt.
We'll take a few calls specifically for Alan Watt coming up here in a moment.
I'm sorry I didn't get the calls with Bob Chapman, we just ran out of time.
Before we go back to Alan to finish up, kind of with their master plan and what he thinks their current phase is, and then some of your calls.
Before we do that, I want to tell you, it's in, it's shipping out.
I took the historic interview I did with Aaron Russo before he died in about ten minutes or so of interviews that hadn't been seen, and then some behind the scenes interviews, and I put it together on DVD because we had hundreds of requests for this.
We had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of requests for this on DVD instead of
Just on the internet.
You know, we put it out on PrisonPlanet.tv in high quality, but folks ripped it all over the web, which we're glad about, and millions of views.
So I thought, why not put it on DVD?
So it is now available.
This is Reflections and Warnings interview with Aaron Russo.
Everybody's library should have this.
We now have three months of the best of interviews from this TV show slash radio show that is very informative and in high quality, not just internet.
It's pretty high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv because we stream the show live.
It's not in the same quality that the films are at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we have the DVD Arsenal.
We have the latest one out that's got Russell Means, Lindsey Williams, Edwin Vieira, Sean Kassinger,
Craig Proudly and State Sovereignty Special, the whole bunch of state reps and senators about declaring state sovereignty against the New World Order and reaffirming the Tenth Amendment.
And last but not least, at PrisonPlanet.tv, for the great members over there, we have a new 27-minute extra, an expanded exclusive extra from the Obama Deception
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Again, all available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
All right, going back to Alan Watt from CuttingToTheMatrix.com.
Alan, before we get back briefly into the Globalist Master Plan and the current operations and then take some calls, you have been having some problems with your three or four websites.
You wisely had some mirrors of CuttingToTheMatrix.com, but now you've been having a lot of problems and people should know
That you've been under a bit of an attack.
They're trying to take your registration names away, though you registered them years ago and own them.
They're not letting you upload your servers, though you've paid in advance for a year.
And you're not getting any answers from Yahoo on this, are you?
Well, they rectified it the other day, suddenly.
Because so many people were protesting and calling them.
And this went on for a week and a half.
They suddenly stopped me uploading to two of the main sites.
And no explanation was given.
I talked to about five different people over the course of a week and a half, and they wouldn't let me talk to any of the engineers who could possibly have given me the technical problem.
There was no technical problem.
They simply put a lock on it.
And someone had obviously, from above, given them the suggestion to do this.
So it's from a high source.
Now at the same time this was happening, friends of mine, people I know in other countries, were getting ICANN, getting in touch with them, asking if they knew me.
And why they were taking out domain names in my name.
Now anyone can do this across the planet if they want to.
It's quite legal, you see.
But they wanted to know what the connections were and so on.
So, as I say, after a bombardment of listeners to Yahoo and me mentioning it on the air night after night, they suddenly fixed the problem and couldn't tell me what it was.
And I'm on unlimited disk space, so it wasn't that that was the problem.
They'd actually set me back from about nine and a half gigs.
Which I was at, at that present time, maximum, with unlimited distribution to go, they set me back to 6.5.
Well look, I mean, we have sophisticated hack attacks against us on record from the big ISPs.
They certainly, the Pentagon's announced they're going to attack American and European media that criticizes the New World Order.
They've now said on the news they're going to start killing journalists.
There's famous video of the tanks driving up and killing Reuters journalists over
Yes, they've published the books, in fact, from the United Nations and a whole host of umbrella organizations under the United Nations have published their own books on the future cities.
I should mention that back in the eighties I met
The man who owns the Polo team that Prince Charles belongs to.
And he is a big Canadian.
He owns hundreds of corporations and companies across the U.S.
and Canada and Europe.
He has an estate in Ireland, the Lord, and an estate in London.
And he's also an amateur, although professional, architect.
And through a strange set of circumstances, which I didn't understand at the time, he showed me his drawings for the future cities.
And one of them, this is about 1982, one of them was a domed city over a much smaller Toronto, under a soft glass type dome.
And he didn't explain why it would be a dome or anything else.
And I said, well, that's a much, much smaller Toronto.
He says, yeah, oh yeah, the population will be that small, he says, in about 30, 40 years.
No explanation given.
But then a person who works for the United Nations sent me a book on the future of domed cities for the perfect societies across the world.
And it's right along the agenda that HG Wells and so on talked about.
Everyone will be reared in a sort of cache, a creche, a creche, a creche dome.
You won't know your parents.
That's exactly what the Soviet system was supposed to be based on, but it wasn't Marxist enough.
They tried it in Israel when they set up Israel, by the way.
Um, where the children will be brought up communally.
Wouldn't know where their parents were.
You'll be trained in there up to a certain age, then you'll go to a school dome.
Then, you'll be designated a work dome.
And then you'll have your adult life dome, as you work.
And then you'll be put into a geriatric.
They're all nice and organized, like a control freak that plans your whole life for you.
This is the world's structured society they want to create.
But this is for
The ones who will be doing most of the work for the elite.
Uh, and other people's footage.
And it was supposedly anti-New World Order 9-11 truth.
Then their next film called for the Dome Cities and a robot will run everything and it'll be a totally controlled society and the maker said that I would have to be put in a re-education center.
But that I couldn't intellectually understand and grasp why this had to be done.
No, I understand the power trip these people are on.
And I kept saying to them, I heard all this a hundred years ago from the eugenicists.
What you're saying is right out of the Soviet model, right out of the Fabian socialist model, this is the new world order.
And they'd say, no it's not.
And I'd say, but that's a fact.
Even these drawings and diagrams aren't new.
I'm not starting a fight with these filmmakers.
I'm just stating a fact.
And they got very, very angry and started attacking us and then play this mental game of saying, no, this is something totally new.
Alan, you know what I'm talking about, don't you?
This is not totally new, is it?
Not at all.
The whole 20th century was mapped out, including the wars.
Because people like H.G.
Wells, who was a founder of the Fabian Society, who was picked up by Sir Thomas Huxley, the grandfather of the Huxley, the best friend of Charles Darwin.
He picked a whole bunch of young men up.
He taught them in the Red Tie School.
They were all given red ties for revolution.
They were all guaranteed to become very famous because unlimited financing would give them complete access to all media.
And they were to go out there and be propagandists for the eugenics, a utopian, scientifically run society.
And they did the predictive programming to set the maps of man so people would follow this predetermined system.
And then they wrote books bragging they'd done this.
None of this is our opinion.
That's right.
And also Wells himself.
He said, we need a world war.
And after World War I, he said, not enough people have come to their knees.
They've not given up national sovereignty.
He said, we need another world war to bring this into existence.
World War II brought in the United Nations.
And every country signed on to it.
And that's when all sovereignty was signed away.
And the whole future agenda was begun to be implemented in reality.
So the whole 20th century was planned, including what they have planned for this century.
This is to be the century of change.
Every top professor across the planet in academia has talked about the century of change for the latter part of the 20th century.
Talking about the 21st century, Obama's whole premise was, change is good.
No one asked him what he's talking about, what change are you talking about?
This is the century to implement the final stages, as they reduce the population, they bring through the creme de la creme, as they say, they get rid of the weak, the unfit, the mentally unstable, anyone with hereditary physical or mental problems, and that's in the book by H.G.
Wells called The Modern Utopia.
But, this is what I want to bring up to you, but when you really read their literature, they sell their lower level minions who are on little petty power trips that, oh you're part of the elite society, we're going to call everybody.
They don't tell them that they're going to be called as well, or that it's not just positive and negative eugenics that is taught, that oh we're going to get rid of the inferiors and advance the elites.
The elite actually is waging war against those that are intelligent, that are bright, that they're actually, that's their main target, and that these control freaks are trying to wreck society to accelerate their master plan.
So really, you could argue with their stated goal of a better world and a healthier elite, but that's evil in and of itself because of what it leads to, but really that's only a facade as well.
Lord Bertrand Russell, another high member who helped change the outlook of many millions of people by his writings.
He was one of them.
He wanted to get followers, to create mass movements, to help the idiots bring it all to be, to come into being.
He said himself, though, he said we must, through schooling, he says, check.
We're good to go.
And he wrote books and got Nobel Prizes and other awards for this and is called a big liberal.
Just like Margaret Sanger is called a liberal.
They love the name black schools after her.
I went to a predominantly black school in kindergarten in Dallas.
Margaret Sanger.
Kindergarten and first grade.
And there was Margaret Sanger's statue.
It's all a big sick joke, isn't it?
Margaret Sanger said that children were wheats.
That's a term in her own writings.
Well, she said blacks were weeds that had to be eradicated.
That's what she said.
Absolutely degenerate and disgusting.
And, you know, when I'm talking to psychiatrists and psychologists that call me from, say, Psychology Today or other publications, I've talked to a few in the last year because they're real obsessed now on being on power trips.
I'm not saying this particular writer, but the stories I've seen, they have been, where they analyze us and we're crazy and
None of this exists.
While it's all admitted it exists, I found that a lot of them aren't even that intelligent.
They're just on kind of a power trip and that they're so wedded to the false reality that they have to say we're wrong and something's wrong with us.
Just out of a power trip control freak nature, they can't imagine that somebody outside their system could actually analyze how the world operates.
Or they'll tell us there are no morals, but then they will try to tell us what their morals are and that we've got to follow them.
They play all sorts of mind games.
Mind games, and a lot of them too, mind you, know darn well which way the wind is blowing, and they hope to please their masters and be some of the chosen few who come through.
But again, back to Julian Huxley, he said many, many will work towards this thinking that they have been chosen, but they will be deemed unworthy in the end.
They'll be used.
Well, that's another thing.
If you look at these actual elites, they are degenerate, they are inbred like hybrid dogs, they have all sorts of mental problems, health problems.
In fact, interbreeding with the pharaohs, with the British, with the French, it leads towards insanity.
And I think that, you know, they're saying we're all mentally ill and they're making all normal human behavior mentally ill, except their psychopathic behavior, they're saying that's good.
That's right, and it's no doubt about it.
I mean, Plato said about it all that 2,300 years ago, he said, we can breed in traits or breed out traits, and for leaders, we want to breed out certain emotional traits.
We have psychopaths, definitely, who are intergenerational, in charge of this world system, who truly believe they are the only sane people on Earth.
Yeah, I've met a lot of them, and they really do revel in their
being above you and because of that attitude they've lost their basic humanity and they're so shuttered but they are specialized in a predatory fashion to just be pure machines of deceit and manipulation and they love the dumbed down cattle they they have celebrations laughing at the cattle and then they say that because they're so easily butchered that the cattle deserve it when that's humanity
I always give the analogy of a farmer in the field who breaks the legs of a cow and then kicks the cow and hates it because it can't get up.
They have brought people down to utter misery through their machinations down through especially the 20th century into the present.
And all their games have played in poverty, introduction, etc.
And then they blame the people for the state that they're in.
That's a perfect analogy.
Take the Royal Commission on Population, 44-49, funded by His Majesty and it's public, and it states, we're going to carry out eugenics, but to wreck the third world, we're actually going to make sure they have more kids at first,
So that holds their society back, but then we'll kill them and sterilize them later in life.
It's kind of like the 223 caliber in Vietnam to wound people to cause more resource sapping instead of just killing them.
They say we're going to wound the world to hold everybody down.
They're not trying to lift man up.
Oh, they're cosmic criminals, Alan.
They are.
They are.
And they know what's at stake because if the public truly did know
We'd have to make a decision of what to do with them.
Yeah, well, I've always said if there's too many of us, the elite ought to just all commit suicide.
I think the world would be in a lot better position.
Sure, by example.
Lead by example.
That's what they should do.
Stay there, Al.
I'm going to take calls when we get back.
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It is very saddening to me.
A lot of times laying in bed at 2am at night, I'm like, man, how do I get people to read the government's own documents?
All these stink tanks, some publications.
They're calling us scum.
They're calling us slaves.
They're saying they're going to eradicate us.
They're brainwashing the kids that humans are bad and we've got to be gotten rid of.
They're selling us their culture of death and that resource use is bad.
Some people are waking up, a lot of folks are waking up, but I don't think fast enough.
Alan, while we're going to calls in a moment, in this segment and the next, I'm going to let you go at five after.
We appreciate your time.
Max Keiser is coming up.
But I mean, in closing, before we talk to Lily and Sherry and a few others, is that the leg up that they have?
I mean, is that their
They're ace in the hole.
We have a blind spot that there could be a group this evil operating like this, even though they're admitting they're doing it, that the common person just is so subconsciously afraid they can't admit this to themselves?
That's part of it.
It's denial that such a monster... See, the average person can understand the little wrongs they do in their own life.
The little lies, the white lies, etc.
They cannot understand people who can do the big lie.
Adolf Hitler said that.
If you have to tell a lie to literally control the people's minds, you tell a massive lie.
And the people will say, it must be true.
It must be true that Al-Qaeda is terrorizing the entire planet because no one would change our whole way of life across the world if it wasn't.
I couldn't do that, therefore no one else could do that or would do that.
That's how we think.
That's why psychopaths can.
Thank you very much.
They're born with this gift.
No one has been able to explain why, but I think it's a rhetoric, to be honest with you.
They understand the basic thinking patterns and nature of ordinary people.
They don't feel what you feel, but they study you.
They watch your emotions and how you interact, and they know perfectly well, intuitively, that they can literally manipulate another... It is a predatory subclass.
What is it?
About one in a hundred people is a psychopath, and it's a predatory
uh... mutation or or or class it's a it's a homo sapien sapien engages in feeding and predatory activities on its own species it is a cannibalistic psychic vampire it is and it is a it has certain traits that are almost gifts they have the ability to to say um... understand how you think how you feel and how especially to manipulate an individual or whole masses of people
I think so.
But always having another agenda, another vision of where he was going to take them.
I mean, that's in the news, federal court rulings, state courts are saying, and then look at how in just seven years, our journey to the dark side is nearing complete!
Yes, and look at all the media entertainment under the guise of drama to train the public that torture is okay.
We've had years of this training through fictional works that seem very real to the person who gets absorbed in them.
This is all a science that's been used on the public.
There is no safe entertainment out there.
Alan, stay with us for another five minutes on the break.
I'm going to jam in a few calls from Lily and others that are patiently holding here on Genesis and Max Keiser.
More on the economy coming up.
Again, a globalized, standardized, zoned, regulated system where it makes you dependent on the state.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's do it!
Man, I am excited about Max Keiser coming up, but I don't want to say bye to Alan Watt, and I want to take your calls, and I want to talk about all this.
Me and Alan were just talking about during the break about how I'd like to meet him sometime, but I'm not allowed to go to Canada.
There's no law or rule.
I just get arrested if I try to go.
And then the UK papers are announcing only absolute, the term they use is, what's the term?
Travel that is essential will be allowed under the new greenhouse gas caps.
That's right.
It's all happening.
The Minister of the Environment came out and said that eventually even all tourism will be put on authorized travel for big business purposes, international corporations, government only.
But the environmentalists to check things, they'll be allowed to go to certain facilities and things.
I mean, what sickening degenerate control freaks.
Let's talk to Lily in North Carolina.
Lily, you're on the air with Alan Watt.
Hi Alex, I just want to say I listen to your show every day for the latest thing.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that it's hard to wake people up until you tell them, you know, they don't want to believe the government is so evil.
But anyway, all the governments of the world.
That's because they haven't studied history.
Well, they need to read the General Chronology of Events put out by Leiden Ed's Research Group.
It's fantastic.
It goes back and tells you all about the eugenics plans, sterilization in the sanitariums, and it even tells you about what they're going to teach in schools and divide the one room classroom.
It's fantastic.
If they could read this, they would understand just how much evil is out there.
Around them.
Not just in the government.
Around them.
And they have non-governmental organizations carrying it out.
Thank you, Lily.
Yeah, Alan, could you comment on that?
I mean, these NGOs in the U.S.
and England and Canada, they all manage local homeland security.
And it's private groups like City Year that answer to the President, but they're under a private corporation with David Gergen in red and black uniforms.
Yes, well once again, they said at the top a long time ago that Margaret Thatcher did admit this on national television in Britain, she belongs to a parallel government.
They run along with the foundations, the big foundations are the parallel government masters, they're also the top bankers like the Rockefellers.
And they finance the NGOs that appear to speak on behalf of the general public.
That's the trick of it.
It's a very clever 108-degree manipulation of democracy.
They don't speak for the public.
They take their orders from the foundations.
And that is copied after the Soviet system.
Soviet men ruled by councils.
The Politburo picked the leaders of the NGOs for the Soviet Union.
They would demand... And more than that, more than that, it creates an illusion of local business and government and industry when really it's all their chosen facade for society and then they'll come in and burn you out now.
A lot of these NGO groups, literally, this is in the news, they're just taking over everything.
This is their boots on the ground, and they know how to make it, quote, free market.
Like, take the surveillance industry.
The surveillance industry, they all, you know, the corporate government, with a revolving door, gives themselves the contracts for the police state.
That's how it works.
It's all, it's an incredible organization.
You see that the capstone is a very good emblem, because everything dates to the pyramid.
As long as the capstone's in charge of all sites, if you've done a pyramid at all sites, all four sites,
I don't know.
These are the guys who set up the foundations like Ford and said the purpose of Ford was to blend the Soviet system with the culture of America so carefully and slowly that they wouldn't even know it had been done until it was merged together.
This is all documented history and they've almost reached that goal but they still need the cooperation and the fear, it's done through fear, of the general public to go along with every step of it.
They're using panic right now.
Panic after panic.
And inoculations are next part of the panic.
Oh, I meant to get into that.
I'll tell you what, Alan, if you can, do two more minutes on the other side, because I want to get your take on the whole swine flu pandemic fear.
And then, of course, as we predicted, it came out.
It is genetically manufactured.
It is the government.
And they as much as admit they're using it as a beta test for when they really release a controlled plague.
And then Max Keiser's coming up.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, Max Keiser joining us in a few minutes for the rest of the hour on the economy.
We'll have open phones in as well.
Alan Watt, in closing, you were mentioning the swine flu being a staged fear-mongering event.
It has now come out, as we predicted, that it was man-made, manufactured.
We knew that because it had no connection to any known natural strain.
They're obsessed with setting precedents to force things into our body.
We know worldwide they've been caught sterilizing and killing people with vaccines hundreds of times on record with different vaccines.
So why would we trust them now to do it?
With all the atomic soldiers, and all the sterilized kids, and all the tetanus shots with sterilization compounds?
Go ahead.
Yes, and remember too, these vaccines, etc., can be a trigger in your body that might not activate for a few years, and down you go with crippling diseases or death.
That's how fine an art of biowarfare is.
This is biowarfare, and you're right enough to talk man at one of the Centers for Diseases Controls admitted that this virus was created in a lab.
I think?
I think so.
Yeah, it trains everybody to be hypochondriacs, to go to the government to take your shots, and magically they're going to have the new shot for you ready in the fall and winter, when the World Health Organization, the eugenics organization, says it's going to come kill all of us.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Even though they admit that a virus keeps taking DNA from every victim, so every time it passes on to the next victim, it's an altered virus, so technically you cannot have an antidote to it.
Yeah, they admit they never have a flu vaccine that works, but the public doesn't know that.
Really, the globalists are just generational con artists and psychopaths that all intermarry and figure out new ways to screw the gullible, sweet public.
I mean, it just gets more and more insane.
Well, Alan Watt, we've already set you back up for July 1st for two hours.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
It's always great having you.
What a great guy.
And now, for the next 50 minutes, we are joined from Paris by the syndicated radio host, BBC TV show presenter on the economy, Huffington Post writer, MaxKaiser.com is the website, that is his namesake, for Max Kaiser, the guest.
And he is a filmmaker, broadcaster, former broker, and positions trader.
And he is the inventor of a popular virtual specialist technology software used in many high-tech stock market systems today, like the Hollywood Stock Exchange.
And joining us to give us his perspective on the economy and where this insanity, this looting is going, is Max Keiser from Paris.
Welcome, Max.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Thanks for coming on my show this past week.
It's on the web, it's on the net now if people want to check it out.
You bet.
Max, so much is going on.
I'm going to try to sit back until the next break and I've got more questions.
I'm going to ask questions.
What is most important?
What is coming out of Max Kaiser's brain first?
I think you just have to read the financial news and you get a good idea.
...of, you know, what we can expect what's going on.
Just to go back, if you remember back in the 1999 period, that was when they repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which was in place since the Depression to keep banks and brokers from getting each other's business.
And that was one of the firewalls that kept the economy from becoming overly speculative and keeping the Ponzi schemes that were alive in the 20s.
To prevent them from coming back on stream.
Well, that was repealed in 1999 with Greenspan, of course.
Then in April of 2004, Greenspan and the SEC, they allowed the banks to change their what's called the capital ratios.
The amount of assets that they keep on the books versus loans.
It was for every dollar in assets they could make roughly $12 in loans.
They changed that so that for every dollar in assets they could make $30 in loans.
So it allowed the banks to keep a lot less capital on hand.
It allowed them to do what we call structured finance.
It allowed them to get involved in the global Ponzi scheme that eventually, in 2006,
I think?
are misused.
You get a sense that pretty much that's where the source of all the fraud takes place.
So here you have just on April 2nd accounting rules for banks came back into effect which allows them to avoid having to value on their books the true value of these busted securities and busted bonds
I think so.
Uh, the value of that security might be worth something in the future, uh, and maybe under certain conditions, the so-called mark to model method.
And, uh, since they allow that to be imposed, uh, to be enforced, you've got situations, for example, um, where Citigroup, uh, they just came out and they said, thanks to these changes, Citigroup
Um, was able to book a billion dollars in gains for the quarter when in fact they're sitting on billions of dollars of losses.
Uh, and it goes right down, right down the line.
Uh, Wells Fargo, of course, similar situation.
That's Warren Buffett's, uh, one of his big holdings.
And, uh, so what this is all leading up to, Alex, is another leg of the banking meltdown.
So we only had really the first leg, which started in the summer of 2007.
That lasted about eight, you know, up until recently.
And during that period of time, the banks, of course, are totally connected through Goldman Sachs and Tim Geithner and all the Goldman Sachs ex-alumni and Robert Rubens and all these guys to the revolving door between the federal government and Goldman Sachs.
They were able to get the government to give them
Tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions of dollars, fresh IOUs, fresh commitments from the U.S.
taxpayer to make whole all of the bad bets that they have made that have gone bust.
And now that they have been globally ensconced behind the, you know, with that bailout money, and now that they have manipulated the market over the past couple of months and booked incredible gains through accounting tricks,
Through manipulating the bank stocks, you know the bank stocks, when the Hank Paulson and Geithner were threatening to implode the system unless they got that bailout money.
Yeah, back in early October.
It was directly into the pocket of insiders and executives.
It never really has filtered out into the general economy at all.
So, this is the first leg.
The bankers haven't taken care of.
Now we're getting ready for the second leg.
So the second major leg of the banking meltdown
Is now getting ready to start over the next, you know, short term.
So this is, and we're already seeing it in countries around the world, like in Latvia, for example, which is a client of many of these banks on Wall Street.
They are undergoing a major currency crisis as we speak.
They are infecting, it's a huge contagion.
They're infecting the Swedish banks.
Once the Swedish banks have re-nationalized their banking system, a part of their banking system, they've completely nationalized their system back in 1993, that will send the contagion to Western European banks, and of course then the contagion will come right back to American banks once again, and I predict that by the end of the year, all these banks will go back to Congress and demand another 10, 12, 15 trillion
In additional bailout money, and then this will be really when the total impact of the entire crisis fully hits, because at that point it'll become quite obvious that the currency, the paper currency that has fueled this fraud for decades is truly worthless, and that's when you see
Uh, this inflation that I've been talking about, and other guests on your show have been talking about as well.
Max, that was my next question, and let's get into that now.
$14.8 trillion, according to Bloomberg, in the first seven months, and we haven't gotten any new numbers in the last month.
$10 trillion in the rest of the world of taxpayer money that we have to pay interest on to give to bankers offshore.
Now we're paying in bailout money to move GM to China and to Brazil and Russia.
The public doesn't even understand that, along with the pensions going bye-bye, basically.
Obama's saying he's going to balance the budget and all this delusional claptrap.
And what is this going to do to the currency?
You've got Geithner getting laughed at.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, well, we talked about the currency situation a couple of days ago.
And, um, the U.S.
dollar, of course, is the world reserve currency, and it has an interesting role in this global meltdown, because every time you find that there is a huge, let's say, crisis overseas, there's a knee-jerk reaction where people will fly back into the U.S.
dollar temporarily as a safe haven, and then once the smoke clears and they realize that the U.S.
is really the biggest basket case of all, the money flows out.
Now over the past 20 years, and certainly under Bush, one of the ways that the dollar was defended... Hold on!
Tell us how the dollar was defended in a moment, Max.
Gotta go to break.
We'll be right back.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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Okay Max, I want you to get back into what you were covering there.
Economic expert, Max Keiser.
But hold on.
Before you get back into it, I want to be sure and kind of shift gears in the next segment for listeners to know that I want to talk about the on-the-ground effects of this.
What it's going to start looking like on Main Street.
It's already bleak out there as this deteriorates and what you politically see in your crystal ball in the future coming out of this, not just in the U.S., but globally.
You're in Europe.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, getting back to what we were saying before the break, and what this is going to mean, you know, to the day-to-day reality.
During the Bush years, the way that the U.S.
was supporting the dollar was they would just, you know, invade countries, certainly under, when Saddam Hussein started trading his oil in Euros.
That was one of the reasons that, you know, shortly thereafter you saw shock and awe, and Bush invading Iraq.
In Iran, they also were talking about trading their oil in Euros, and of course the belligerence toward Iran heated up.
And it was interesting that comments were made in the speech this week by Obama.
He mentioned that the 1953 coup
Uh, in Iran, was in part facilitated by America's CIA, which is something that another one of your guests, John Perkins, the economic hitman, has been talking about in details in his book.
Uh, so it's interesting that these things are coming to light.
Uh, and it's not on the Alex Jones Show, but it's coming from a major address from the President of the United States.
The things that you've been talking about that have really been in the shadows are now starting to come to light.
Now going forward, since so much is coming to light because of the work of people like yourself, these banks are going to have to rely more and more on financial engineering and financial fraud, financial skullduggery and accounting fraud.
Just to get back to the article I was quoting a moment ago about Citigroup, Citigroup
They reported that they got $346 billion of capital from the government.
They went on, which accounted for 25% of their quarterly net income, thanks to a rule change in their accounting.
And then another $2.7 billion before taxes came from an accounting rule that let the company record income when the value of its own debt failed.
So the company is trading with itself.
They're buying their own debt and calling it a profit, like Treasury and Federal Reserve selling each other debt.
This is the snake eating its tail situation.
So they're in flames, calling it record profit, in delusion, with idiots buying the stock in the stock market, just as delusional.
It's like an arsonist getting paid in charcoal.
You know, so these guys are trading with themselves, so they're ramping up the accounting fraud because the era of the Bush era, you know, Bush was very simple.
You know, he's a very simple programmer.
To defend the dollar, we're going to go invade a country and kill a lot of people.
That era is over.
Now we're entering an era of more of this accounting fraud and financial engineering.
So what that means to the people on the street, people in their day-to-day lives, is that you're going to see more volatility.
You're going to see the prices of things on various markets around the world are going to become more volatile.
Boing, boing, boing, boing!
I'm sorry?
Yeah, more of those pogo-stick actions.
So the stock market, bond market,
Precious metal markets, commodity markets, you're going to see a lot more what you would call beta.
A lot more volatility, a lot more action, a lot more ups and downs, and more of a rollercoaster ride, which of course is great if you're on the inside, like a Goldman Sachs banker, you know, or someone who's on the inside of Wall Street, who knows how to, has experience, and they can profit from this volatility.
But for most people, it's scary.
And they're on this roller coaster of volatility with prices of the markets are going up and down in a hugely exaggerated way.
And that's going to kill Main Street, is it not?
That's going to kill Main Street further.
Well, yeah, it'll keep people, it will force people in the lowest possible return investments because they are perceived as safe.
But of course, those investments are merely the feeder funds.
For the big profitable trades that are done on Wall Street.
Yeah, so they're gonna buy government bonds.
Quarantined, if you will, their investments are gonna be in these...
You know, making one half of one percent.
Meanwhile, inflation will be raging.
But they'll be so frightened to put their any capital to work in something that might benefit it from inflation, like precious metals or commodities, because the volatility will be so outrageous.
So they're going to be cowering in the corner with their half a percent or one percent CD.
And meanwhile, the professionals on Wall Street are going to be racking up 20, 30, 40 percent annual gains by gaming the system.
Because that's where the money is is when things are going up and down because they're engineering it.
They know how to place the bets because the dice are totally loaded.
Long segment coming up with Max Keiser and your calls.
Max, tell us more about what you see in the future politically when we get back.
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Hello Max Keiser!
MaxKaiser.com is our guest.
We're going back to him in just a moment.
I have some big breaking news.
And it's not just that HR 1207 to audit the private criminal Federal Reserve.
That is the shadow government.
That is the problem.
I mean, if they get 22 more sponsors, they can pass it.
I mean, this is a done deal if we just believe and get behind it.
And so there's some breaking news!
The Federal Reserve is striking back!
We'll break this news that just came out in the last few minutes.
I want to get Curt Nemo or Steve Watson, or both, to do a Friday report on this, because this is... The good news is we blew up the Death Star.
We're very close to it.
The bad news is the Empire is striking back.
So we'll get Max Keiser's take on this breaking news in one moment.
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Okay, here is the breaking news and we'll get Max Keiser's take on this.
This just came out in the last 30 minutes.
Earlier today, it came out, there's 190 co-sponsors to audit the private Fed.
People go, Abolish it first!
Ron Paul's a traitor!
Ron Paul has a bill to abolish the private fellow reserve.
But he figured out a few years ago, the best way to do it is to demand an audit, which everybody wants to know, the public, Congress, always Aspernacky, where's the money?
He laughs at them and says, I'm above the law.
Greenspan goes on Lair News Hour and says that it's in the Obama deception.
You know, saying they're above the law.
So this is something that has a chance to pass.
See, if we can get the door open off the castle, we can go in and throw the bums out.
But we've got to blow the door off the hinges first.
That's what this is.
Okay, so this is reality.
We're moving forward.
We're having a shot at this at winning.
But what does the Federal Reserve do?
Well, I want to tell you.
The Fed has sent out tens of thousands of bureaucrats.
They are paying school teachers and professors from every major university I know of.
Right here in Texas, I see it in the news.
They pay the university's grants and pay thousands of dollars a year to bring the professors in to pay them to go out and teach the Federal Reserve's good, the bailout's good, the banker takeover is good, because they're engaged in a coup through NORTHCOM, but not just of the U.S.
of the world.
They admit it's a new bank of the world run by them.
We pay carbon taxes, too.
So, Fed intends to hire lobbyists and campaign to buttress its image.
Not only do they have these armies of lobbyists they're paying on the grassroots, they now are saying in Bloomberg, oh, they're going to lobby to fix their image in Congress.
You read deeper, it's to lobby against being audited in HR 1207.
They've never been audited.
They have a fake audit where they audit the chairs and pencils, but not where the money goes.
And Obama promised every dime of the bailout and every dime of the stimulus would be accounted for.
Now it's a state secret.
So, the people that ran Bush run Obama.
Max Keiser, Federal Reserve, intends to hire a veteran lobbyist and seeks to counter skepticism in Congress about the central bank's growing power over the U.S.
financial system.
Now, they tried the mind trick of saying, we're above the law, Mount Olympus in the clouds, you mere mortals are down there.
Now, Congress is becoming contemptuous of the godlike criminal bankers.
Now their facade of infallibility and Zeus-ness is evaporating, and they're now dispatching hordes of minions everywhere.
I think we got a chance to literally arrest these bastards.
Max Keiser, what say ye?
Well, you know, the thing is, if you audit the Fed, you know, it's the same thing as abolishing the Fed.
Because there's nothing in the Fed.
The Fed has swapped all of their treasury paper for all this worthless toxic assets that we've been talking about that they are trying to quote mark the market and give a fictional value to.
But if you actually do a Ron Paul style audit and apply real value, you will find that the value is zero.
So by ordering the Fed, it's the same thing as abolishing the Fed, because the Fed has nothing.
Now, I'll tell you something that is very interesting, Alex Jones.
The Fed, of course, and the Treasury are the purveyors of U.S.
Treasury bonds.
It is a well-known fact within the banking circles that for many years,
Yeah, that's the head of the snake for those that don't know.
And if you're going to do that, then you've got to also pursue this all the way to the fact, and you know, I don't want to, you know, blow your head off or anything, but that all the records for the SEC to account for all these naked short... Building 7?
That's right.
I'm afraid they were blown up.
That's where it all goes.
That's where the SEC, all those records are in.
Uh, we're in that depository, and, you know, as I've always said since 9-12, that the Twin Towers were merely a cover.
For the target, the true target that day were those FTC records that were held in Building 7.
Now something else that's interesting... Let me stop you.
I've noticed the elites pathologically love to do things that help them on win, win, win, win, win.
Insurance fraud, be able to invade countries, police state.
But you're absolutely right.
But what I'm saying is people will find out it's only...
A front for the private Federal Reserve owner banks and families and all the scams, exactly.
If you're able to ever audit them, and even trying to audit them, and them fighting and covering up and acting suspicious, Ron Paul said on the show he knows his life is in danger doing this, and then meanwhile our whining, pathetic patriot movement whines and bitches that he isn't doing enough.
I mean, it's just mental illness, but sorry Max, go ahead.
Well, it's like the old Woody Allen joke.
He says, Doc, my brother thinks he's a chicken.
What do you think we should do about it?
And he said, well, you know, take these drugs and he'll stop thinking he's a chicken.
But he says, but Doc, we need the eggs.
So the lies are critical to the illusionary thinking.
Now, here's something else about the New York Fed.
The New York Fed is also where Germany keeps all of its gold.
And Germany, if you saw, it's very interesting with Brian Williams, I guess his name is, he was interviewing Obama in the White House.
And during the meeting, Larry Summers got very excited and came in and said, what about the German thing?
There's a Germany, the German problem.
And people are asking, what's going on with Germany?
Merkel is saying, we're tired of your crap.
Go ahead.
Well, Germany is demanding that the U.S.
sends them back their gold.
They've got 3,000 tons of gold.
They've got the second or third biggest gold bullion reserve in the world.
It's held in New York, in the New York Fed.
They want it shipped back, like France had their gold shipped back in the 70s when Nixon closed the gold window, you know, as part of the
The Nixon attempt to pay off the Vietnam War by printing up a lot of phony money.
So it appears the Ponzi scheme is teetering on the end of a pen here.
That's what Germany is sensing, and they want their gold bullion back.
And if that's so, then it's less of a reserve that you can count in your accounting model.
So that's why I say, going forward,
You're going to have more accounting fraud, more accounting tricks.
If you look at this story from Bloomberg today, creators of financial products have been running ahead of the law for many years.
Okay, and they're talking about that financial products are being relied on more and more to try to engineer America out of their problem.
Now, you ask me, where is politics going forward?
I'll tell you what I think is going to happen, and we saw it in the last election.
You know, in the last election, the Obama victory owed a large part to the presence of what were called prediction markets, or event-driven markets.
There was an Irish exchange called Intrade, where people were buying and selling
And whether or not Obama would become president.
Now once you own a contract where you think someone's going to be a presidential winner, you're going to tend to vote for that person.
So this is a blending, we're going to see, of the casino industry with the political establishment.
And going forward, more and more people are going to be taking speculative bets.
Vis-a-vis these online betting exchanges and prediction markets, and I know these pretty well because I invented the, as you pointed out at the top of the show, I invented the technology for virtual betting that went into the Hollywood Stock Exchange, and then Cantor Fitzgerald bought that company and they moved it, in fact, to the top floor of the World Trade Towers just a few months before 9-11, which is how I know that there were brokers working in the towers buying puts on airlines based on the rumor of a plane exploding.
So these guys are betting on their own demise because I know because I was talking directly to them because they just bought my company.
But anyway, so these virtual bets and virtual trading platforms are going to be more of a factor in elections going forward.
So the politicians, instead of trying to persuade you using
Commercials and TV and media, they're going to try to get you to buy stock in them, to make bets in them, so you have a vested interest in the outcome, and so it'll become much more like a casino gambling environment, and people, as they lose their job, and as wages continue to erode, there's going to be more people who are going to try to make their living in gambling.
And gambling is going to become a lot more sophisticated.
You're going to see online gambling become legalized in America because it's going to be a source of huge revenue.
And many people are going to become more professional gamblers to replace their manufacturers.
Let me stop you, Max.
So where you're going with this, and I agree, they're admitting this is where they're going.
All the fiat, gambling, made-up crap, toxic derivatives, certified paper, all of these scams that got us into this, they're saying the answer is diving completely into it and letting the false casino economy
literally take over all of society to where it's just gambling world with nothing but prostitutes and corrupt police and fat cats gambling everywhere and bureaucrats ruling over the farms and ranches with those people literally as slaves producing food for them and then soon they'll become delusional and make people eat scraps of derivative paper that symbolize eggs.
I mean we're just entering into a vortex of mass delusion.
And it's a multi-million, multi... I think it's approaching a billion-dollar industry now of virtual economics on cyberspace.
Yeah, the new Xbox.
Yeah, yeah, the false phony economy is eating the real universe.
And the new Xbox, you biometrically scan yourself in, and these kids are like, I'm an admiral that rules 75 galaxies in this planet, but the guy can't get a woman.
Look, you freaks, it's not the real world!
I'm sorry, go ahead, Kaiser.
It'll be forced work slave camps.
It'll be forced gaming slave camps.
Oh, you must produce more.
So, you know, the virtual economy, yes, I think that's correct.
Instead of trying to pull back from all the fraud and accounting and all of the speculation, there's going to be a massive push to make it even more retail, more established,
And to break it down into more of a micropayment situation.
To pump it into the new bubble.
Yeah, that the new bubble is going to be driven by micro, the micropayment schemes, you know, anybody with a micro... The microloans, getting everybody into loan sharking bubbles and then selling the loan shark derivatives.
Well, we're seeing it already in the commodity markets.
You know, the commodity markets, they're packaging right now collateralized commodity obligations.
The collateralized debt obligations, of course, that market has dried up.
And they're also betting, I mean, you know this, Max, they're saying the Holy Grail that will save us will be the carbon credits that shuts down real industry, but then you pay Al Gore your carbon indulgence, like you're buying it from St.
Peter's Basilica to just get your mother out of hell.
Well, I've read a lot about carbon credits, and the problem is that the governments are not strict in their allocation of credits, and so that market is becoming as corrupt as any other market.
You know, markets, there's nothing wrong with markets per se, if people follow the rules.
But since the people who make money in markets buy politicians, and then they change the rules, it becomes, as you have a story on your site today called neo-medievalism, or neo-feudalism,
And it basically shows that profits that are made in capitalism are used to buy politicians, and these politicians are then basically abdicating their role as public servants and just changing the rules to make it easier to make more speculative profits.
You go back to this medieval period of gated cities and walled cities,
Where people are serving up the gambling trinkets through the internet, and everyone else is kind of living in a no-man land, a virtual wasteland.
And you see that kind of happening right now.
You see it happening with these huge gaming establishments.
And I think the big story in the next year, as the economy continues to shrink, is online gambling.
It's going to be passed in America, and that's going to open the door to just a Pandora's box of an incredibly, as you point out, as you say, that's going to be the next bubble.
I'll tell you, this is going to end.
The governments are still investing even more in the stock market now that it's unstable, and they're literally write us tickets on the street, and then take the money and invest it in stock markets.
And so I guess it's just going to be the sheriff's going to be shaking the coins out of our pockets so he can go stick it in the slot machine of Wall Street.
Well, you mentioned that on my show, which by the way is on MaxKaiser.com, my interview with Alex Jones.
I don't know if you've seen it yet, but I think it came out pretty well.
This is for a Mideast television station that I do a weekly show there called On The Edge with Max Keiser.
And we try to get into this material from my perspective, which is I've worked in and around finance for 25 years, so I know how to actually dissect
The architecture and take apart the layers and layers of the scams to kind of look at how they work mechanically.
Alright Max, stay there.
Yeah, you've got a BBC show, a press TV show.
We've got it up on screen.
Yes, I was honored to be on the show.
And we talked about how 10% of Texans and growing have warrants out for us.
Yes, stay there.
And we'll be right back and talk about that.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
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The White House made the announcement just a few minutes ago.
There it is!
From WhiteHouse.gov, there is the new national symbol.
No longer an eagle, but it is an all-powerful hand.
Interdimensional, greedy, control freak hand, shaking down a taxpayer with all of the money and change falling out of his pockets.
That is the new international symbol.
They're thinking about just having it being a SWAT team commander, holding somebody by their leg, shaking the money out, because that's actually, he'll be extracting it if you don't submit to the control freak parasite class.
Okay, Max Keiser, yes, all over the country, and I was on your show and I knew it was approaching 10%.
You said, what about 10% of Texans having
Arrest warrants.
So I googled it and saw all these news articles.
I wasn't actually aware of that when I was on your show and you asked me.
I knew it was approaching that.
In some counties it was more like fifteen percent and uh... they're now giving you tickets for one mile over the speed limit in many areas.
They're just... they admit they're going to do all their budget shortfalls on fining and feeing and... I mean this is just... what's going to happen when people can't pay anymore so that the police can put the money in the casinos?
I mean what's...
What is this coming towards?
I see a collision course.
I see revolution, Kaiser!
Yeah, well, you know, the shakedown in Texas and around the country is just that.
All of the rhetoric that was put out there to fight this so-called war on terror simply put into place the surveillance state and the surveillance technology to nickel and dime people to death.
The intention was never to make people more secure.
The intention has always been to shake people down because they know that these debts are going to have to be paid in some way.
And just to get back to what we were saying about the fusion of the political establishment and the casino business,
You know, I can envision now, going forward, when online gambling becomes legal in America, the necessity to create the new bubble, to try to get the economy going again, you'll have a situation like, well, if you remember, during Bush, when he sent all Americans a check for $600, and as part of his, one of the first stimulus packages, you know, going forward, he'll just send you 600 more chips.
I don't know.
These elections, you're going to be voting for whoever promises not to give you low interest rates, or low home loans, or cheaper prices.
You're going to vote for whoever is going to give you more casino chips, because they're all going to be jacked into the online casino world, begging for more chips.
Now you're saying,
Is there a revolution coming?
Here's a question for you, Alex.
I want to ask you a question.
It's a very simple question.
I listen to your show and people come on the show and they say, hey, the Second Amendment right gives people the right to bear arms.
And if you go back historically and you do the research on that, you find out that the Founding Fathers put this in place as a way to give the population, or the militias... So do we have a physical confrontation?
Is that what you're asking me?
The ability to defend against tyranny, right?
That was the risk that the Founding Fathers foresaw.
Max, we're almost out of time.
What's the question?
The question is, what are people waiting for?
Because clearly the tyranny exists now.
Well there's no doubt the tyranny today is greater than King George III.
It's just that... So what are people waiting for then?
Well, I mean, they're waiting because they're trying to exhaust every other avenue, but who knows what it's going to come to.
They're certainly gearing up to wage war on us, so yeah.
Max Keiser, great job.
We'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
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Good job, Genesis.
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