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Name: 20090601_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 1, 2009
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The GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're now simulcasting the second half of the four-hour radio show from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
every day from 1 to 3 central standard time today.
We're simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv and the guys are trying to make me laugh at the glass.
Bring that in here.
Jesse Ventura scheduled to come up later in the hour.
We had him on a few weeks ago.
We got him for a full hour.
Thank you very much for
Bringing this up to me during the five-minute segment when I have all this serious news to cover.
What on earth is a $8 Jesse Ventura doll doing in here?
Governor of Minnesota, Navy SEAL, Mayor, volunteer football coach.
He also did national commentating for national football.
You know that?
This is just utterly ridiculous.
Where did this come from?
Why do we have this?
This is just ridiculous.
Who sent it?
A fan, okay.
Oh my God.
This is so ridiculous.
Oh my goodness.
We can open it up here.
Hold on.
A little kid with a... Alright, I got really serious news to cover, folks.
Oh my God.
And I'd love to have fun around here.
I'm not going to be mentioning that when Ventura's on with us.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Let's get serious.
There's a lot of denial going on about the nature of the Internet and the direction it's going in.
Internet2, a consortium of private industry, universities and government, has openly announced at Internet2 conferences across the world
In Austin, Texas, in Tokyo, Japan, in London, England, you can go read the minutes of their meetings.
They have big conventions.
They always announce, their slogan is, the internet is dead.
And they say they're not going to upgrade the old hubs, they're going to have under the name of cyber security, the feds come in and take over all the telecommunications switching hubs, the peer-to-peer.
and that they're going to end the internet as you know it in the next decade and that's going back five six years ago so we're now into the time period when these big changes they say are going to take place
And we've written detailed articles about how they're killing the internet that have been picked up by the San Francisco Chronicle and other major publications.
So our opinion has been seconded by major publications.
I mean, we're not just shooting our mouths off here.
We've done the research and we're giving people the big picture.
You know, there's other people in denial about all of this.
That are posting in this story that's up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and they're saying in this article, oh Alex don't fear monger, the government couldn't shut the internet down if they wanted to.
Well there's a problem with that.
Here's Mother Jones, should Obama control the internet?
And it says Obama wants the power to shut the internet down to save it.
To protect it.
That's the whole spin.
But the head of cyber security, put in for months by Obama, met with the Pentagon and he came out and said, I'm quitting.
This is undemocratic.
The Pentagon's taking over the Internet and is going to surveil everybody.
In fact, Google that for folks that are watching this live on TV right now.
Google, uh, head of cyber security quits.
Show him an AP headline.
He quit saying they're taking over three months ago.
So, people say there'd be a whistleblower if they were doing this.
There is!
The head of it quit!
Here's another one out of Info Science Institute.
Obama could shut off the internet to the entire U.S.
if he wanted.
Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic Internet traffic during a state of emergency?
Senators Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe think so.
And then it's got their testimony.
That's Mother Jones.
Stop being in denial.
The goal of Internet 2 is to shut it down.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
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The Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going over, for stations that just tuned in, and listeners that just tuned in, I'm going over this article that is so important.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com, and it's also on Infowars.com, and it's titled, Cybersecurity as Framework for Total
Government regulation and control of our lives and I want to start this analysis here by pointing out people are in denial about this There are people commenting on the story saying we're fear-mongering.
This is not the beginning of the end of the internet well, I just covered in the last segment Mother Jones headline should Obama control the internet and the headline is
Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic internet traffic during a state of emergency?
Senators John Rockefeller, Democrat West Virginia, and Olympia Snowe, Republican Maine, think so.
On Wednesday they introduced a bill to establish the Office of National Cyber Security Advisor, an arm of the executive branch that would have vast power to monitor and control internet traffic to protect against threats of critical cyber infrastructure.
The broad power is rattling some civil libertarians.
And then you can go read the bill!
You see, when Level 2 and Cogent, just two medium-sized peer-to-peer internet providers had a fight with each other four or five years ago, about a third of the web was inaccessible.
Well, by design, under federal law, they want to put snooping hubs and federal machinery, federal pieces of equipment, in even smaller ISPs, where the entire web can be turned on, shut down, parts of it turned on, shut down, anytime the establishment wants to, and that is on record.
So, this is what they're doing.
After Jesse Ventura leaves us later, I'm going to properly go through all of this, because I just can't do it in the...
In the time we have, but at the end of the show, the last 30 minutes, I'm going to devote it exclusively, the more I think about it, to just breaking down the whole history of this, how the grid works and what's happening.
But I told you GM was going to go bankrupt two and a half years ago, by design, and that they would use the bailout money to ship it to China and Brazil.
We're on record.
We told you that they were going to stage a 9-11 attack on the World Trade Towers in Lebanon and Bin Laden, months before it happened.
We tell you all of this stuff.
We know the enemy's game plan.
We know what they're doing.
It's as clear as the nose on my face.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to Jeff in Hawaii, who says he disagrees.
Go ahead, Jeff.
Yes, Jeff.
Yes, yes, yes, I really do disagree, but I do think you should change your rule.
You know, because you do get a lot of callers who just say they're going to disagree, and then they get put front, right?
And then they pump some show, or some internet space, or whatever.
So I find you extremely difficult to believe most of what you say at this point.
This bird flu thing, you blew completely out of proportion.
You said you were losing touch with your ability to think a couple of weeks ago.
I think you should admit you're a right winger for one and quit saying you're trying to break the left-right paradigm.
I'm listening to you.
Okay, and this guy called in Friday to your show.
Jason was the host, but Jason was real trite with the guy.
The guy was going to disagree, and he was going to say that you guys are picking on Obama a whole lot more than Bush, which I totally agree with that.
And I want to back that guy up, but Jason really wouldn't listen to the guy.
He just got really trite, really smart-alecky with him.
And the guy ended up just kind of hanging up during the break and never got any points out.
But I would say that we're being bombarded with Obama being the tip of the spear.
I mean, Bush wasn't the tip of the spear.
He was kind of like a good old boy who you kind of liked underneath.
You know, you're kind of like him.
I want to say that mining mercury, mining gold, causes mercury poisoning.
Are you familiar with this?
I know there's a lot of mining that has bad byproducts.
And because I'm against high taxes and regulations and control, so that politicians can feather the nest to themselves and big corporations of special interest, then yes, I'm a right-winger.
I don't believe in this whole left-right thing.
And I got somebody on the line with us for the next hour to take calls and cover the news and talk about his view on the world.
We really appreciate.
Movie star, former top professional wrestler, Little League volunteer coach, I guess, Navy SEAL.
Football coach.
A football coach.
And you also called national football too, didn't you?
Yeah, I worked two years for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with Gene Becker off on the radio.
Yeah, that one year with the Minnesota Vikings.
Alright, well, Governor Ventura, it's good to have you back with us.
I appreciate you spending time with us.
What is most important on your mind right now happening in the world?
What is angering Jesse Ventura and what is exciting Jesse Ventura?
What's negative and what's positive?
Well, Jesse's never angry, Alex, you know that.
I'm just enthusiastic, that's all.
I don't get bad, I get even.
No, I guess what perturbs me is the feeling that I guess I'm not mainstream anymore by some of the things that I believe.
When I talk to people and do the press junket on the book tour, I find so often that people are just poo-pooing this torture issue.
They're making it seem like, well, these people deserve to be tortured if anyone on the planet does, and therefore it's okay to do it.
And I'm appalled over that, because we have to be a country that goes by the rule of law, even when the rule of law is inconvenient.
Or not maybe in our favor, we still.
Otherwise, what do we stand for, Alex, if we just do it when it works for us?
And I just am really pushed today as to why I have to defend my country from torturing people.
I never believed I'd have to do that.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, it's fundamental that the Nazis and the Soviets and the rest of them tortured people, and so they were the bad guys.
The North Vietnamese tortured people, so they were the bad guys.
And Pol Pot did it, so they were the bad guys.
Now they have the nerve
to make Jack Bauer the hero on TV and he tortures people to get answers and then now we've got big Republicans coming out on Fox News we have the clip saying go ahead and just kill everybody at Guantanamo Bay without a trial and then we have this army colonel coming out saying in the New York Post and USA Today Ralph Peters saying kill US media in future wars that criticize the government.
Have you heard of this?
No, I haven't.
You know, I'm not as well read on the topics always as you are, Alex.
Many of the stuff I hear from you for the first time.
You know, people need to understand the large picture here that there's an old saying that one of my best friends that I grew up with, his father, he passed away a couple years ago in his 90s, who was a good friend of my father.
We were young boys together and our fathers actually grew up together.
And he used to always make the saying that you never let the camel get its nose under the tent.
And of course what he meant by that is if a camel gets its nose under the tent, rest assured eventually the whole body is going to get in the tent.
It's inevitable.
Give them an inch, they'll take you a mile.
The same philosophy.
And so, when we take an attitude on this torturing that, well, it's okay under certain instances, we'll get ready because we're not going to end it there.
It's man's natural aggression and power that it's going to expand and pretty soon, you know, when people like I had, I had someone defend it by saying that, well, our Constitution says that
It only protects American citizens, so if you're not an American citizen, you're not protected by our Constitution.
Well, to that I say hogwash, because that would be the equivalent, then, if a tourist came to America and was arrested for something, that we could take that tourist in and waterboard them.
To find out what they know.
Well, the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal, and that this was a document for the whole world, and that it was only pointing out basic rights that were already there.
Plus, the military admits the intelligence they get from tortures, A, no good, and B, how are we going to say other countries are bad when they torture our people?
Yeah, exactly.
And I'm left today, Alex, hanging my head
Feeling now, how do I defend America when I'm abroad?
Because you know I live in a foreign country after a year now.
How can I defend America when we've tortured people now?
And it's not just Guantanamo.
We tortured them in Iraq.
And think of this for a moment.
We're the invaders.
We invaded Iraq.
And then we torture people after we invade?
I will never forgive George Bush and Dick Cheney for what they've done to my country.
Well, I certainly share those views, Governor Ventura.
Well, you asked me what the negatives were.
There you got it.
Now, do you want the positives?
Yes, we're about to break, but I do want to hear the positives when we get back because I really want to get your perspective on things and talk about your book, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, now in paperback.
I was reading that's doing quite well.
Yeah, it's doing very good.
I'm very happy with it.
I look forward to it being out there.
Former Minnesota governor, best-selling author, many times over.
Jesse Ventura and, of course, you all know him from The Running Man and Predator and many other great films.
Two of my favorite films there, with Ventura going, I've been killing guys for years with all this crap.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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We're good.
I think so.
I think so.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to open the phones up for Jesse Ventura, 1-800-259-9231, because listeners can always bring up questions and angles and ideas that I would have never thought to ask a great guest like Mr. Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, new book out in paperback, Don't Start a Revolution Without Me.
But Jesse, what's positive that you see in the world going on right now?
I see us communicating.
And I give kudos to President Obama for that.
Because we should always talk with anyone before going to war with them.
You know, people don't realize that war should be the last option.
War is the result of failed diplomacy.
It's a result of failed politics.
And it should be always left as the last resort.
And it seems we've gotten into a mode now that it's become the first resort.
And I'm not saying we shouldn't defend ourselves, of course we should.
But we should always be available to talk and communicate.
I love the fact that there's a realm of communication going on now as rough as it is between Washington and Cuba.
If you didn't hear Alex, I came out and said that I would love to be named the ambassador to Cuba, the first one, if we get to the point where we can get to that level of communication.
I've been to Cuba.
It's a beautiful place.
And we boycott it.
We embargo it.
And all we're doing is hurting the Cuban people.
You know, we're sitting here waiting for Castro to be overthrown by his country.
It's not going to happen.
I got news for you.
Castro's going to die an old man.
And we're wasting all this time.
Let me put it into connotation like this, Alex.
That policy in Cuba is like a football game.
You come in with a game plan.
If you get to the fourth quarter and you haven't scored yet, don't you think it's time you re-evaluate your game plan?
It's been almost 50 years since the embargo, hasn't it?
Yes, and it's ridiculous.
I was down there.
Cuban people have to import milk from New Zealand.
Now, we got milk right here in Minnesota.
We could send right down the river to them in the Mississippi and right across the Gulf.
It's a win-win situation.
Why do they stand in the way of a win-win situation?
Well, I'm no fan of the corrupt government they had before Fidel, but it certainly was very corrupt after.
The issue is, and most sociologists and historians agree, the embargo
Well, and the point of the matter is, the Cuban people, I've met them, they're a very proud people.
And they're not going to be dictated to by us.
If they want Castro gone, they will do it.
And they don't need us prompting them to do it, or us to do all the stuff behind the scenes.
People need to realize, way back in the 60s, we were practicing terrorism on Cuba.
We were blowing up ships in their bay.
We were attempting to assassinate their leaders.
We were doing all these acts of terrorism, but we failed.
You know, one of the things that irks me, I sit outside the country and watch the U.S.
now, and Alex, our ego is unbelievable.
We can never admit we're wrong.
And it's like our way or the highway.
And I just don't think in the world today you can live that way.
Well, I agree with you, Jesse Ventura.
My issue, as we get ready to go to break here in a few minutes, I want to go ahead and start asking this question now.
When you were down here in Austin back in October, you made the point that Obama was already fudging.
That Obama was already going back from saying, day one I bring in the troops to 16 months, 21 months, now 50,000 indefinitely.
And I know as bad as Bush and Cheney were, you want to give him benefit of the doubt.
But what I'm seeing is slick deception.
He says he wants to stay taunt with Iran, but increases covert operations.
And I have that mainstream news today.
He says
I'm computer illiterate so that you're going off into places like Star Trek for me.
No, I understand that, Governor, but the point is that I'm telling you, Barack Obama, going with your earlier instincts of saying he's already fudging, I'm telling you, this guy says one thing and does another.
Well, let's remember something.
He's still just a Democrat.
Always remember that.
And there are them and the Republicans, they control the whole game.
And they don't allow anyone else into the game.
And so, bear that in mind.
Like on the whole torture issue, the reason they want to move on is because they're both caught.
And so, even if the Democrats didn't order the torture, they knew what was going on and they condoned it, which is just as bad.
That's why they want to move on.
I know you've got to go to break.
I hear the music.
Yeah, let's finish up with torture when we come back, then take phone calls and get into a host of other issues with Governor Jesse Mintero.
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We're good.
Okay, Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Got about 45 minutes left with him, and I want to go to your phone calls.
I've got a million questions I want to ask, but I know you've probably got better questions than I. I'm always amazed by how great the listeners' questions are.
Governor, during the break, we were talking about torture again.
Torture, torture, torture is on your mind.
And in my film, the first 9-11 film that was put out back in 2002, 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny, I show the Washington Post headline.
Where it says, we're torturing their children.
We're interrogating, putting pressure on people's children to make them answer questions.
And then with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, they admit they threatened his kids.
And then now, General Tegumbu's own army report, U.S.
MSNBC headline.
In fact, pull that up, folks.
Army Report, children raped.
Cy Hirsch of New Yorker Magazine.
They've confirmed that they torture people's children in front of them.
So, as you were saying, it's light years ahead of just Guantanamo Bay and insects and sleep deprivation and waterboarding.
You know, Alex, I would really, and I would do this on my own dime, I would go out, like they say, they won't release these photographs to the public.
I would go out there and I, I, will they let me go in and see them?
Well, I remember a week and a half ago you first broke down here on air that you would do that.
You know, I would love to go out there to bring me to a room where these photographs are that none of us are being allowed to see because I think I'm qualified.
I was a mayor.
I was a governor.
When I was in the Navy, I had a top secret security clearance.
You know, so I think, you know, I'm 57 years old going on 58.
I think that I'm an adult.
And I think that as a tax-paying citizen, that I should have the right to be able to walk in there, view these photographs that, you know, we can't put out because we don't want them splattered all over every newspaper in America to get the Muslim world that much more angry at us.
Which the bottom line, of course, is if we hadn't behaved in this manner, we wouldn't have to worry about this, would we, Alex?
I was about to say that's like saying we can't show the Nazi or Soviet atrocities because it might anger the world.
We have to show this so that it doesn't continue to happen.
But that's the whole issue is they have to be released because the neocons and others are still out there defending all of this and Obama does double speak.
Well, let's start and chip away at it.
Let's see if we can get me out there to see them.
You trust me, don't you?
Yes, Jesse, I think you should... Well, then, let's go from that route and say, okay, since the general public, we should be able to send a couple of representatives from the general public.
I agree.
Let's send Ron Paul, too.
Well, but Ron's still elected.
Let's send two people who are not elected, a couple of people that are just regular citizens.
Well, I know this, man down low... Take us into the room.
I promise I won't throw up.
I have a pretty strong stomach, if it's that bad.
And, you know, let me go in and view these and when I come out, I'll come on your show and anybody else's show and hold a press conference and state unequivocally, you know, is there a problem here?
Well, Mancow, talk show host who we interviewed, is coming on tomorrow.
He was waterboarded last week and lasted six seconds.
They say the average person lasts 18 seconds.
You've been waterboarded.
Yes, I laughed.
I saw Mancow's thing on the internet.
My wife brought it up.
And I loved it.
I mean, I didn't love it that he was waterboarding.
I loved the fact that he had the courage.
He took the position that waterboarding was, you know, we should allow him to do it because it's saving lives and it does this and it does that, which is not true.
Because any information you get from somebody being tortured is not, you know, good information.
It's not sound.
They're going to say whatever it is they have to say to stop the torture.
And, uh, Mancow got waterboarded.
He wasn't strapped down.
They should have did it the way they did it to us.
You were strapped down, your arms and legs, your head was put in where you couldn't move it, and generally somebody dropped a knee into your stomach so you couldn't get a breath of air.
Then they start waterboardin' ya.
Well, he was allowed to just lay there.
They started to waterboard him.
He could break it off any time he felt like it.
He lasted six whole seconds.
And it took him about three or four minutes to compose himself.
And when he did, he said that it was 20 times worse than what he ever imagined it to be.
And he definitely said it was torture.
Jesse, I've got the answer.
If you want to get publicity on this torture, this would be huge.
You need, and we can hire the crew, even come up to Minnesota and have the news there do it.
Have you waterboarded to show people and challenge media people?
I've been waterboarded.
I'm not getting waterboarded.
No, I know.
Okay, then you can do the waterboard.
I don't need it.
I don't... if... look at... Alex, I went to BOTS.
Basic underwater demolition SEAL training.
A friend of mine just emailed me, who likewise went to a different SEAL school than I did, and he said it was torture.
He also went through BUDS.
He was class 56, I was class 58.
We served together overseas.
If two guys who went through Navy SEAL training are telling you that it's torture, isn't that believable enough?
Well everybody knows it's torture, but that's the issue of these control freaks.
Like Karl Rove told the news media years ago that he controls reality, that they are history's actors.
They are saying here, no it's not torture and it's okay if we do it to non-citizens, but the Military Commissions Act and the Enemy Combatant Act states they can secretly strip a U.S.
citizen of their rights and then do it to us.
Remember, they swore the Patriot Act wouldn't be used against U.S.
citizens, and now they admit that every state has used it thousands and thousands of times.
But going back, Jesse,
Because I've got to get this question out to you.
I'm saying you're angry about torture.
I'm angry about it.
You ought to challenge all these media people that have been promoting it as a good idea and not as torture.
You ought to challenge them to go on national television and that you would waterboard them.
That was the point.
No, I would not waterboard them because I'm not a professional.
What you need to do is get one of these Sears School instructors to do it.
I've only been the recipient of it.
I would not want to be the one doing it because I'm not trained to do it.
When they did it to all of us, there was a doctor right there.
So, for them to say that this is not dangerous is a lie.
Because how do you know what the person's heart condition is like?
Are they giving them physicals before they do it to them?
I agree with you, but let me go further.
Like when I said that Dick Cheney, I could get him to confess to the Sharon Tate murders, I don't believe that anymore.
Because I thought about it and realized Cheney's got that weak heart to begin with.
He would never last it.
I don't think it would kill him.
And that's the point.
When they're doing this to people, they haven't even charged them with a crime.
And yet we're torturing them, supposedly, to get information from them.
That's what the Nazis did.
That's what, you know, and now we're doing it.
Well, then again, we invade countries now, don't we?
But that's the point I'm trying to make, is a challenge.
You could MC it, fine.
Because I couldn't get the attention to be able to do this.
What about having an event where you challenge all these media whores that have been on air, there's dozens of them, saying that it isn't torture, where you publicly go on the air on all these stations you're going on,
Well, you know what, I'd rather do it with our head government officials who really can make the change.
Doing it to media people like Hannity and people like that, all that's going to do is build their ratings and help for their nonsense positions.
I would rather do it at all.
I'd rather get in and see the photos, Alex, and be able to come out and report to the general people what I saw.
Well, let me tell you what the Army saw.
And guys, pull it up on screen.
Have you seen the Army report?
It's almost gotten no attention.
MSNBC, New Yorker Magazine, three years ago reported on it.
The Army's own report admits they tortured children by design, including sodomizing them in front of their parents.
Well, I find that, you know, that's another charge that I would have to see to believe.
I've got to see it.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to... And if there's photographs of this,
I'm old enough.
I've seen enough in my life.
I can take it.
I won't lose sleep over it.
Okay, here it is, Jesse.
I mean, right now we're... I'm not doubting you, Alex, but again, I've got, you know, I got to go, I want to go see this stuff.
No, no, I fully understand.
I think it's a good idea.
People should call Obama and tell him, let you in there to see him.
But Congress has been allowed to see this, and they said it included children being raped, but that it shouldn't be released.
Okay, if you Google Cy Hirst children raped, you'll get New Yorker Magazine and others, and we've got these up on screen.
You know what I think is better, Alex?
We need to wake up America over the fact that this is going on and that it's unacceptable and they better speak out about it.
No, that's my point!
How do we get attention to it?
We point this out like you're doing.
I mean, you're really one of the only people that's been on national news even challenging this.
And I see your point that you feel like you're the normal person going, you don't torture people, this is America.
And then the media is acting like you're the weirdo.
Oh yeah, and not only that, but even people behind the scenes are telling me that this is okay to do, because it's saving lives.
And I'm trying to say, well, but there's a bigger picture than even that, you know, that if you believe even that we're saving lives, we still have to stand for something.
And not only that, but aren't the terrorists winning then, Alex?
I mean, they can't beat us militarily, we all know that.
But if they can change America, and they can turn us into some sort of fascist, torturing country, well then they're winning.
Well look, you've come out and questioned the official fairytale of 9-11.
You know the official story is impossible.
You know they staged the Gulf of Tonkin and they blew up Cuban airliners and blamed it on different groups.
It's in Army Manual put out in 2004.
They teach captains now how to stage false flag terror attacks.
And so, you know, this whole excuse that we've got to listen to you with wiretaps to keep you safe from Al-Qaeda, and it comes out they've been doing it for decades before 9-11.
I mean, it's all a big excuse to set up tyranny.
Do you know what happened to me today, Alex?
The normal line that I use, because whenever I do national media, when I come back, whether it's a book tour or whatever it is, my home phones always go goofy and so does my wife's computer.
And sure enough, I'm doing the media stuff on the paperback book, and today the normal line that I always do my interviews on was dead.
And I almost missed an interview this morning because I didn't know it was dead.
And when I found out, of course, we were able to call up and we did the interview a half hour late.
But that happens to me every time I go national.
Anytime I start doing these national shows,
My telephones start going bonkers at my house.
Is that why you said you've added extra backup phone lines now?
Uh, no.
I have them all just for purposes.
Like, the one that I've been using for doing all my media is my fax line.
Because if I pick up the phone quick, they don't get the fax machine.
You know?
And that's what I do, because I sit right by my desk, and when it rings, the light goes on, and that's the one I use.
And, well, that one was dead today.
Yeah, it's amazing.
In fact, when you were governor, you said you had the phone guy out after, and they said, oh yeah, I've never seen anything like this.
Oh yeah, when they have me hooked up, you get a red phone in your house, that if it's even knocked off the hook, of course the local police come, which is good.
You know, you want that ability to be protected, even though you've still got protection there.
Well, for those that don't remember, you know, I'm a
You know, I'm like a red-headed stepchild in this country.
I got elected not with money, and I got elected on ideas, and I beat the status quo, and it scared a lot of people, so I would assume they want to know what I'm doing.
Well, that's what I was about to say.
For the people that are in denial, the CIA visited you and twenty-something of them your first day in office.
I don't know.
It wasn't my first day, though.
It was a few weeks ago.
Your second day or whatever, whatever.
I don't know.
It was a couple weeks in office, but... And I under... You know, now I know why they did it.
Because all their questions dealt with how I got elected.
They didn't see me coming, so they were, in hindsight, trying to learn what happened.
I don't know if that's to prevent it in the future, or whether it's to be able to understand it in the future.
I'm not really sure to what it'll be used for.
Well, that was my point, was that soon after being elected, you were visited by 20 plus members of the CIA who wouldn't tell you why they were there.
So according to what my memory serves, you basically said, look, I'm not going to answer your questions and left because of that.
That shows how... We had a question and answer period, but I just, you know, had to give them a hard time about it.
But didn't you ask him from memory that, hey, you're not supposed to be operating domestically?
Well, that was my first question.
I asked him why they operate within the United States when their mission statement says that they're only supposed to be operational outside the United States.
Why would they be inside it?
And you really can't get an answer from them.
They hem and haw.
And I guess because they're federal and I was only a governor, they didn't feel required to give me an answer.
Well, no, they were breaking the law, so they didn't want to comment because you were hitting the nail on the head.
Look, I'm going to ask you these... Alex, I'm trying to... No, I mean, that was it.
I mean, you had them right between the eyes.
Look, here's the bottom line.
The very part, Alex, was this.
When I looked around the room at these 23 people, oh, they're your neighbors.
And what I mean by that is they're all ages.
They look like the woman down the street that comes out and sweeps her step off in the morning.
That didn't look like James Bond in Casino Royale.
They look nothing like Sean Connery.
They look... I guess I'm dating myself.
They look nothing like the quintessential secret agent that you would imagine.
They didn't even look like Howard Hunt for that matter.
You know?
They looked like that was, to me, the real eye-opener.
Well, Governor, have you noticed... Looking at who they were.
I mean, have you noticed all the radio and TV ads recruiting this giant domestic CIA?
They are recruiting for domestic operations.
Northcom is announcing that they're going to have military operations in the United States.
Well, I don't know.
You know, what do we do, Alex?
Re-enlist and take back the military?
I'm too old.
Well, this is my point.
I believe you're a moral person, and by that, you follow what you think is right.
And you're not here to be bought off.
You're not here to compromise.
You do what Jesse Ventura thinks is right.
I'm telling you, I studied Obama.
This guy is a velvet glove George Bush over the iron fist.
And he's saying they're going to continue to hold people secretly.
He's saying no rights for detainees.
He is looting us with the foreign banks just as much as George Bush did.
Down the road, what is it going to take for you to start speaking out against Obama?
Down the road, it'll be about a year from now.
Because I've got to give him his due for at least more than 100 days, Alex.
I've got to see what happens and give him at least a year because I can't imagine what it was like to step into that.
And what he probably knows, just like when I became governor,
After 100 days as governor, I was probably 50% smarter than I was prior to being elected governor.
But I still was probably another 25% away from knowing everything.
So I've got to give him a little bit more time before I would harshly criticize him.
Well, and it's the lying, though, Governor.
He just... Well, I just... Stay there.
Gotta break.
Gotta break.
We'll get your tag on the other side.
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While the unions are big businessmen,
We're going to Bill, Patriot Mark, Mark Solomon, and others.
Solomon's calling from Brazil.
Please have a quick question or comment for Governor Yissa Ventura.
His new book out in paperback, an international bestseller, Don't Start a Revolution Without Me.
Don't start a revolution without you.
You're definitely out there standing up against torture, the police state, the new world order, in many ways, and for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
What do you think of Chrysler going under?
Now GM.
They're going to give them bailout money to move to China and Brazil.
The Wall Street Journal's now reporting.
I mean, this globalization, this naphtha and ghat, this has butchered the hell out of our country.
Well, again, you know, you gotta see it happen before... I don't know the economy well enough to know whether the bailout is proper or not.
I don't, you know, because both sides have voted for it.
That's when you know it's bad!
Yeah, well, when Bush was in, they all voted for the bailout.
And then Obama comes and they continue to vote for the bailout.
Is the bailout the answer?
I don't know, but there's nothing we can do about it because they are our elected officials and they run the country, so I guess we're going to live or die by the decisions that they make because after all, we elected them, didn't we?
So what happens as things start falling apart even more and both parties
On every issue, 80-90% of the people want to go one way, which is always with the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
The people actually on average in polls get it right, but the politicians are all together with the offshore banks.
I mean, this is coming to a head.
Again, it still comes down to us.
When you strip everything away from it all, we elect them.
I've been fighting for it for... I mean, I voted for John Anderson way back in the 80s.
Well, you know about the money, though.
You know about the money.
I haven't voted against these parties my entire adult life.
I understand that.
Alex, as long as we keep electing Democrats and Republicans, this is what you're going to get.
No, I understand that, Jesse, and you're right about the whole left-right control paradigm and special interest owning both, but you had celebrity and were a sharp, intelligent guy and barely won.
Do it as a protest vote.
I do it.
I go there and when there's any election, I go there and I pick out any candidate who's not a Democrat or Republican.
That's what I do.
And I protest both.
To me, if you go there and pick them out, then you're playing their game.
Ultimately, they still get to be in charge because they got you to vote for them.
And I'm not saying you, Alex, as an individual.
I mean everybody out there.
No, I understand.
Let's jam a call in.
Bill in Connecticut.
You're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Hey guys, how you doing?
Hi Bill, how are you?
Real good.
Hey, I got a question for both of you.
It's pertaining to the legitimacy of Barack Obama being the president.
And I'm just kind of surprised that nobody talks about it.
At all.
They always focus on that because you can't prove it one way or the other.
Jesse Ventura, what's your take on the whole birth certificate thing?
You know, I guess I haven't paid much attention to it at all.
To me, how could he not be a citizen?
Well, McCain was born in the Panama Canal zone before there were bases there.
That's another question.
How could both candidates have questionable innings?
But the point is, they come from parents who are from here.
I mean, if they happen to be working abroad, that doesn't mean you're not an American citizen, does it?
Well, his mom was from here.
The dad was a communist from Kenya.
Maybe you can be the ambassador to Kenyistan.
The whole country will be run like Kenya.
Stay there.
Back in one minute.
Back in one minute.
I want to be the ambassador to Cuba.
Better surfing.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption!
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network!
Okay, Governor Jesse Ventura will be with us until about 18 after, into the next segment.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
Patriot in Wisconsin, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura, on the air with us talking about his new bestseller, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, out in paperback.
Go ahead, Patriot.
Hi, guys.
You were talking about being ambassador in Cuba, but if we're having relations with countries like Cuba and North Korea or China or Iran,
Doesn't that sort of legitimize their government?
Well, what?
Their governments don't exist?
What, are you going to pretend that these countries would be them communists and somehow they don't exist so we just ignore them and they'll go away?
Come on!
Get in the real world!
They're communists.
That's what we got.
You know there's no thing in poker.
Sometimes you gotta play the hand you're dealt.
Do I support communism?
But they do exist!
And if you can't shut yourself off from that fact and pretend they don't... Absolutely!
Bloodshed should be the last thing!
I mean, take our founding fathers.
They talked for ten years before they declared, you know, independence in 1776 against the tyranny of the king.
And then you're in the right when you've tried.
But Iran, we overthrew Iran in 53.
Our government stages terror attacks.
That's in the news today.
I mean, Iran doesn't deserve to be attacked.
And by being mean to Iran, that makes them get more hardline people in power, like Ahmedinejad, common scholar.
Well, yeah, I understand that.
I'm not necessarily talking about going to war, but I'm talking about something like, uh, when the Communists took over in the Soviet Union, when the Communists took over in China.
Do you think it's a good idea to have, uh, business relationships with them?
Or shouldn't we sort of try to, uh... Well, we've been doing business with China, we've been doing business with Vietnam, and, uh, why wouldn't we do business with Cuba?
You know, to me, remember, it was interesting when I was in China.
Do you remember when we blew up their embassy?
Yeah, okay, so I asked some people who lived over there.
I said, how did the Chinese people take to that when we blew up their embassy?
And these people had lived there for 10 or 12 years.
They said, well, at first they kind of gave us some steely-eyed stares a little bit initially, but they said within 24 hours all the Chinese people shrugged off and went, eh, government.
You know, we've got to remember something.
Government thrives on creating hostilities between we the people.
Look, here's the issue.
During the decades of embargoes against Iran, guess the one U.S.
company that was allowed to ship in oil field and nuke components?
And then Dick Cheney got caught doing it and said, oh, well, it's no big deal.
We have a subsidiary and the Cayman's doing it.
When you put those sanctions on them, it only allows corrupt select groups to sell the goods, and that's what these governments love.
I agree.
Again, it's, uh, and you're not harming, you know, you're, when you're, when you put sanctions on and all that, you're only harming the people.
Do you think Fidel Castro misses a meal?
Do you think somehow our sanctions make his life somehow more demanding?
All you're doing is hurting the poor people of Cuba in not doing business with them and not attempting to raise everybody's lifestyle.
It's a win-win.
And these embargoes are not win-wins at all.
Jesse, we know the truth.
You just want to go surfing on those great beaches that supposedly have great waves.
Well, I could do it anyway.
All you gotta do is sneak in there.
It's a game though.
Why should, okay, we live in a free country.
Why should I have my passport revoked from me if I decide I want to go to Cuba?
By the way, I saw my four-year-old actually get up on a board this weekend at the Texas coast.
But just for a second, she got up on it for a second.
It was pretty neat.
Oh, well, next time it'll be two seconds, and then it'll be three seconds, and before you know it, she'll be riding those waves all the way to shore.
I tell you, serving's very addictive, isn't it, Jesse?
Yes, it is, and it's very difficult, and people don't realize that it's a life dedication, and I love to say this.
If people were that dedicated to a religion, would they call them religious bums?
I'm as brown as a coconut from the beach.
I love the beach itself.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was just talking to Governor Ventura.
He might come in studio with us.
I've already had him down in Austin once.
Great guy.
When he's driving down I-35 in his RV in September or October to go down to Mexico.
And Jesse, you were telling me you've got a new t-shirt.
Well, that's enough information, Alex.
The listeners don't need to know no more than that.
Oh, you're a secret.
My new t-shirt that I wear now, it says, I got it down in the Baja.
It says, won't work for anything.
That's the lifestyle I'm living now.
I won't work for anything.
There's nothing that I can be offered that would require me to go to work and inspire me to do so, but there's a positive for that.
Since I don't want to work anymore, that means I won't be taking up a job from somebody who does.
Okay, I've got two more questions for them.
We're going to take calls for the ten or so minutes we have left with you.
We appreciate all the time.
Make them easy so I can get to the callers.
Okay, well now this is a heavy question and I was sitting there at the beach with my family this weekend thinking about this interview and I wrote these notes.
What makes Jesse Ventura tick?
But more than that, I was sitting there with the sun setting, with the moon up, watching the Texas coastline.
And, you know, I was sitting there thinking, what is this planet?
You know, what is the sun, the moon?
We're in the middle of the galaxy in the universe, and we're these weird creatures, and we have children, and our lives are so short.
And we're nothing but parasites.
So I wanted to ask you... You've got to think about that, Alex.
We give nothing back.
We only use.
Well, I think that's what every life form does.
You'd see life itself as a parasite.
So I wanted to ask... But wait, we have no parasite that eats us?
Except ourselves?
Ourselves, the super predator class.
So that was my question.
What makes Jesse Ventura tick?
What do you think, you know, the end of the universe is?
What is this all about?
I don't know, you know, but I will just say this.
I feel very fortunate right now that I live in a place half the year
Where two, two really ecological systems meet.
And that's the ocean and the desert.
And that's a very rare thing to be able to see these two meet.
And see the results of it.
And it's a remarkable life to live and watch it, and the pace of it, because even though the pace is very slow, it's constantly changing.
No day is ever the same.
Even though they may appear to be.
They're not.
And that, you know, right now, I like the solitude of that life, and I like the life of exploring simple things a little bit.
You know, I've been caught up all my whole career in front of crowds and in front of, you know, getting named notoriety and becoming quote-unquote this or that.
And at this point in my life, I strive for a much more solitude, quiet existence.
Well, you know, that's what I'm describing.
Don't get old, Alex.
And more than that, it's just experience.
It's that hierarchy of needs.
You've gotten fame and fortune and notoriety and been well-known and are more well-known today than ever, and so you don't need it as much.
And in my own little small way, I sure wanted to be successful and sure wanted to be the big radio host, and now that people know me everywhere I go, even other countries, and I can't imagine as much fame as you've got, in a way it's a blessing, but it's also a curse, so I actually constantly
Wanderlust about, I wish I could go get lost on some forgotten seashore.
But then I feel sorry for... Well, the point is, Alex, you just have to do it.
When you decide to make the move, which I did after teaching at Harvard, I just felt, you know, the window of opportunity of adventures closing on me because of Father Time.
You know, you always remember that as an athlete, there's one opponent you'll never beat in the end, and that is time, no matter how great we all were at Harvard.
Time the Great Avenger.
You know, and so for me, it's a matter of just, you have to make a choice at some point, like I did, and go off on this adventure, and that's what I'm doing right now, and I'm not letting anything get in the way, and when I'm down there, I don't even pay attention to a lot of the things, you know, when I'm down there, I never hear the word terrorism.
It's weird.
And yet, when I come back to this country, not a day goes by that you don't hear that word.
Well, that's clearly being used to control us.
Well, it also creates a lifestyle of fear.
And the life that I lead, believe it or not, down deep in Mexico is a lifestyle of total unfear.
And there really is, the only fear is that you might get hit by a hurricane.
One of the locals think while coming stomping out of the dooms is Jesse Ventura.
They don't know me from anyone.
I'm just a big gringo that can't speak good Spanish.
That's all they know out of me because I don't dress in any provocative way when I'm down there.
I wear old blue jeans and t-shirts and I'm barefoot as much as I possibly can be.
And so I gained that freedom down there.
Even when I go to town, there's no one there in town that ever recognizes me.
I guess they don't watch Larry King and that stuff down there, so... But you're a character anywhere.
I mean, you would draw attention anywhere just because... No, not really.
Only because of the physical presence.
And many, many times I'm told, even by tourists that I run into down there, is that they don't recognize me until I speak.
So if I keep my big mouth shut, I can tend to stay anonymous a little bit.
You know what it is?
I think the image of you with the shaved head and the mustache is the more iconic one from the governor.
And it's probably the long hair.
It might be.
Wait till I go back to the dreadlocks and the beard again.
I rode my motorcycle that whole summer and was never once recognized on it all through Minnesota where I'd been governor a mere couple years before.
Sounds good to me.
Let's talk to... It's not the only thing they were doing where people were locking their doors at the stoplights.
Because they thought I looked so sinister.
Well, hey, you are a member of one of the more tough guys, sinister biking clubs, aren't you?
Well, I used to be years and years ago.
You know, I left in 1975.
I was part of the Black and White, which is the Mongols.
And we carry a bit of a reputation.
I don't know, but that was just another life that I decided when I came out of the Navy to try it out for a while.
Another adventure.
Another adventure, absolutely.
What's life without adventures, you know?
I don't want to, Alex, get to 75 and say woulda, coulda, shoulda.
I agree with you, absolutely.
That's what we like.
You've got to live life and go out there and experience things.
We're going to jam a few more calls in.
Quickly call us.
Mark in Oregon.
Go ahead.
You're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello, Alex.
Hello, Governor Ventura.
Hi, Mark.
Governor, I have respect for you, and please don't think I don't, but, you know, I've been listening to this advertisement for the Obama deception film that Alex has made for
Some months now, because Alex plays it regularly.
Okay, well listen, listen.
Call her, call her, call her.
Listen, I'm going to put you on hold, because it's about another film, and I don't want to get off into other stuff right now, you know, here on the air.
I want to just hurry through these calls.
Okay, Mark, Mark.
Because I don't know the film, so I don't know how to tell you.
Yeah, let's go to Mark in Pennsylvania.
Mark in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Mark.
I'm very honored to be part of the show today.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Ventura, for being a patriot and for being a guardian of the principles and ideas that this country was founded upon.
Well, I just like my freedom.
You know, I like to do what I like to do and be uninhibited doing it.
I have a couple of comments and then a question.
I saw the interview that you had on that girl's show during the daytime, and I would encourage you to challenge these commentators, these people, these hosts of these shows.
That put their money where their mouth is, you know?
It's just his point-blank is that, just, you know.
Yeah, you've got these little soft ninnies who've never lived anything and they're saying torture people.
It's so decadent and evil, Jesse.
Well, you've got to remember, too, though, you can't go on the shows and be a bull moose and a bull in the china shop, or you'll never get invited back, either.
You know, you can take a firm stand, but you've got to be cordial, you've got to play the game a little bit.
Because you can't just go in there.
The only person I do that with is Hannity.
Okay, gotta jump.
Thank you, Mark.
Solomon in Brazil.
Quick question or comment.
Good afternoon.
Greetings, Brother Jones.
I just want to let you know also that we internationally, we pay for the phone calls.
So, I was waiting for you patiently because I really like to interact with Brother Ventura.
Thank you very much, Brother Ventura, for your courage to speak out about some topics that no other retired military has spoken before.
I would like to make a comment and a short question to you.
You, as I, are familiar with the expression, once a Marine, always a Marine.
That is almost the same as, once a military, always a military.
Over here, like in other places around the world with dictatorship, they say that the difference between a civilian and a military is that a civilian
Almost ever can be militarized, while a military almost never can be civilized.
My question is, how can I trust a former military will embrace their brothers and sisters in civilian life once retired?
Okay, I get the question.
I gotta let you go because we only got a minute left.
How can you trust someone who's in the military?
What about George Washington?
Well, I believe you can trust someone who's in the military just by talking to them and realize that
They served in the military to protect the freedoms that we hold true.
You know, I remember during the war in Vietnam, I was asked at one point if they were going to march on the base.
And I refused.
I told them I won't go out there and beat up Americans.
That's ridiculous.
I will not do that.
That's a First Amendment right.
They have the right to protest.
Oh, really?
They asked you to go beat up people when you were in the military?
They didn't ask me to beat them up.
They just wanted me to stand watch.
And if these people pushed forward, well, what else would we be able to do?
And I didn't want to be in that position because I thought I didn't join the military to beat on Americans.
And what they did, how they covered, I didn't have duty that day.
So see how smart I was?
I got out of duty and could go to the beach.
Well, no, that's where it comes down to.
That's my madness always, Alex.
Well, you know, the military kills people and breaks things.
They don't police their own people.
Isn't that the very definition of a police state?
Yeah, exactly.
You know, our military should not be, and so just because you served in the military does not mean that you can't be trusted as a civilian because you chose to get out of the military.
I chose to after six years and certainly embraced being a civilian again.
Governor Ventura, let me say bye to you during the break.
That's it for the interview, but maybe in the next few months we can have you back on with news about the TV programs.
Okay, hopefully.
Okay, stay right there, sir.
I want to say bye to you during the break.
We'll come back, take folks' calls, break into the new cyber security news, cover all of that.
Very, very serious.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are our websites.
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Jesse Ventura.
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Look, I know I was going quickly through your calls and that was because I wanted to get as many in as I could for Jesse Ventura.
Look, I have sent him articles, I've sent him films, and I have seen him wake up and then talk about those things on the news.
He's an influential guy because the media has him on a lot.
They find him interesting.
The public finds him interesting.
Multiple generations like him.
And so we are slowly educating him.
And he came out for 9-11 Truth on my show.
When I called to set him up for the show, he said, I'm going to come on your show.
I remember you giving me those videos.
And Austin and I have seen some more.
And I'm going to come on your show and break that I think they blew the towers up.
And you heard Ventura on this show break that.
Just like Willie Nelson and Jesse Ventura and Rick Linklater and so many others have come on here and it's gotten news every time.
That was in the Associated Press, National News, you name it, when Willie Nelson came out.
And then it makes it kosher for other people to say, oh, 9-11's an inside job.
But I disagree with Ventura on quite a few issues, but I think overall he's a good guy, plus I know him in person.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
Look, I want to go over cyber security in detail at the end of the show, and integrate it in with all this other news, and the thing that happened with General Motors going bankrupt, and the dollar plunging, it's just getting too insane.
But let's go to Mark in Oregon, who had a lengthy question, I think he was talking about my film, versus Ventura, and so let's go back to Mark.
Mark, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I was just going to say that
You know, I've been listening to the Obama deception clip so many times, and of course Jesse Ventura has a very strong presence even in an audio sense, and he says that Obama has been fudging since day one of the election up to the presidency, and I assume that he includes the presidency as fudging.
But I see it as, if not disingenuous, just highly ironic and contradictory.
That he says he wants to give Obama a year to see how he's going to do when he must have seen the Obama deception by now.
He may be trying to protect his own life and his own family, and I respect that.
But people who have a public voice and who have fame, if they don't step out in front of the microphone at this point and expose the evil tyranny which is about to engulf us all, Alex, which is what the Infowars is all about, is to try to expose this.
This is
Ventura came out and said he's already fudging about the war, he's fudging about all these things, and then now he realizes Obama's popular, and I've talked to him privately, too.
He doesn't want to be premature in really going after Obama, but I'm sure you're going to see him criticized.
I mean, you heard him say the Democrats are all bad, too.
Don't vote for any of them.
I didn't vote for any of them.
I just think that, well, I heard him on Fox say, I hate Bush so much that anything's better.
But see, that's a lie.
Bush was obviously arrogant, obviously bad, obviously corrupt.
He wasn't a good salesman like Obama, who's slick and charismatic.
He's much more dangerous.
You know, we had a caller before Ventura came on.
Well, I didn't really comment back to, because I knew they'd just gotten Ventura on right when I went to his call.
Ventura was on a little bit earlier than he was supposed to be, which is fine.
We just had more time with him.
The caller's like, I think you're secretly a right winger and you really like George Bush and that's why you, you know, criticize Obama and not George Bush.
And that's just asinine.
I mean, I went on air when George Bush had a 90 plus percent approval rating.
Largest in U.S.
And I said, the people controlling him staged the 9-11 attacks.
When no other host was saying that or doing that.
And I was attacked on this network by other talk show hosts.
And I had people, George Humphrey's a really nice TV producer, nice lady, got in my face and cussed at me.
The night after 9-11, my show was on after theirs and she was there and she got in my face and cussed me out.
And a couple years later was running George's show and never apologized when he was doing 9-11 Truth.
You know, I mean, I've got to be there first, folks.
I'm always there saying the hard things that need to be said.
And I detest George Bush and his handlers, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.
And it's wrong and mentally ill when all those fake mainline right-wingers were calling me a hardcore communist and a Taliban sympathizer and I was secretly trained in Taliban camps and all this made-up crap.
To then, when Obama comes out, and I say, my gosh, this guy is the worst thing that we've ever seen, because he is slick, and they go, oh, you're just a right winger.
You're so desperate to hold on to your left-right paradigm that you've got to put me in it and make me part of it.
Just look, hate me, love me, whatever, just don't put me in that.
Don't, don't, don't, you know, don't tell me what I think and what I believe and who I am.
All right, stay with us.
Key transmission coming up.
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The French News Agency had a headline we linked to up on PrisonPlanet.com.
They told it like it is.
Cyber security, the new direction of the Pentagon.
They're saying everything is cyber, everything is internet, everything is computer, everything is hacking computers, everything is loading viruses onto printers that they gave the Iraqis in the months before the invasion in 1991, 1990.
This is the control grid.
This is the master control system.
And I
I filled up almost an entire booklet this weekend of ideas and points I wanted to make about this and I tend to get off into other news and start taking calls and having guests on and not getting to all this properly because I don't want to just cover a piece of it.
I want to cover every piece of it that I see and then every pre-programmed response.
Like earlier, I've tried to get into this twice today and then run out of time.
And I just get up to the point of, yes, they're announcing this is the power to shut the internet off.
Yes, they're saying they're going to filter.
Yes, they're saying they're going to restrict.
You know, just so when I talk about this and people are listening or watching at PrisonPlanet.tv or a year from now watching this, you know, when it's got a million views on the internet somewhere, if we still have the web,
That I can counter, that's why I'm successful, I can counter every preconditioned piece of disinfo they have if I take the time out to do it.
Because I know the first thing, when I get up here on air and say, they're openly announcing they want to be able to shut the internet down.
They're not shutting it down, that's impossible!
They are saying they want the power to be able to shut it down, that they're going to tax it and regulate it and track everything you do, and make you have subdomains on other people's sites, and get rid of the free internet as we know it, and yes, if they take over all the major hubs, yes they can do it.
And then I can get into all the evidence, but there's just so much denial.
I mean, I had people up until last week denying GM was going to go bankrupt.
When I told you two and a half years ago it was.
I think I need to hire just an employee to go through all our videos and articles and shows just to toot our horn.
Because that's what matters.
That is effective.
Here's Lindsey Williams, and he got it from a separate source, former head of an oil company, going around saying,
Nine, ten months ago that oil for at least the next six to eight months was going to drop below $50 a barrel when it was at $149 a barrel.
That sounded insane.
It happened.
And then a listener pointed out, hey, Paul Watson wrote a Bilderberg Group article.
Jim Tucker said his Bilderberg sources said they were going to cut the price of oil by at least half.
That sounded crazy in 2008 and June, a year ago.
Just a year ago it sounded like it was $149 a barrel.
It sounded insane!
And it turns out we're the source of all that.
The source of the revelations.
We're that exclusive with Jim Tucker and we don't even know we predicted it!
Like everything else!
I mean, we know their exact plan!
That's why they're attacking me everywhere and going after me.
With asinine attacks in mainstream media and Alternative and everywhere else.
Because they know we've hit on what's accurate.
And it takes me realizing just how important the issues are I'm talking about.
Will you call Rob Dewin here?
I want to ask who's on the show tomorrow, because I know I've told a bunch of guests I want on, and I may just cancel some of them.
Will you call Dewin here?
I want to decide right now.
Because I may just do four hours with no calls, no guests, no nothing, to go over all my notes and things I want to cover.
Because it's exhaust... I'm not whining, but it just is.
It's psychologically and intellectually exhausting to... Now is it lunch?
Yeah, well you just, since Deuce is gone, will you go look at tomorrow's schedule and just tell me who's on tomorrow?
Cause I don't want to make an announcement that I'm going to do a whole show on one thing tomorrow and then not do it.
Or then some new hard thing will happen tomorrow.
Let me just do this as simply as I can.
I'll do a simple synopsis tomorrow.
I printed a bunch of articles up to back all this up and then we'll uh,
We'll detail it all tomorrow, at least one hour of the show, plus the economy and the bankers and killing the dollar openly.
I mean, it's all happening.
They're openly raping us.
Come on in, Douglas.
Rivero and Tarpley, those are good guests.
I'm not going to cancel them.
What times are they on?
Rivero will be at noon.
Why is he on at 12.15?
He's supposed to be on at 12.
Oh, C'est La Vie, it doesn't matter.
Okay, whatever.
I'll do it in the first hour then.
But I'm going to do it right now to an abbreviated version.
After I tell you about who makes this radio show possible, number one, we're going to have the Money Bomb, June 11th.
A listener started the first Money Bomb, Eric Nordstrom.
It was listeners' ideas, and the extra $250,000 that was raised
Helped us move into a 7,800 and something square foot building.
Helped us set up this prisonplanet.tv system that you're seeing right now.
And took us to that level.
If we could raise another $250,000, I could hire a couple more video people and get the space next to us and do the TV thing properly.
If not, I'll do it on the cheaps.
But we have had something like $30,000 pledged so far, or actually given.
You can enter your email there to pledge.
You can stay in contact with us.
It's InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, or you can link through on the big banners at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we just asked folks on June 11th to donate, whether it's $5 or $1,000, and 100% of the Money Bomb money will go towards buying new equipment and personnel and what we need to do here.
And believe me, I almost don't want to take on more responsibilities, but other people aren't doing it, so we've got to go to the next level and do it.
And I've been trying to put more things out, like the new Aaron Russo video that's now out at PrisonPlanet.tv and ships on DVD in two days, June 3rd.
Order that at InfoWars.com.
We're putting out the monthly best of with the InfoWars arsenal.
I mean, we're trying to make more films, trying to make three or four films a year instead of two films a year.
I'm trying to do everything I can do.
As best I can because I know we're reaching people.
I went down and got a little cabin in Port Aransas for three days with my wife and children and I rented one of those golf carts with a little lawnmower engine in it to put around at 10 miles an hour on the beach and the beach was totally packed just cars end to end and I would drive with my children
And every fifth vehicle, they'd go, Alex Jones!
Alex Jones!
As I rode down the beach, and my wife was like, this is incredible.
And then, three places we went to eat.
The waiter, and the manager, and the hostess were all fans.
One place called Pelican Landing, yesterday as we're leaving town eating lunch to drive back to Austin, I'm like, my God, everybody's awake down here.
There were people down there visiting from New England who were listeners.
And I'd be riding down the beach and black people would be waving, Alex Jones, hi, we're big fans.
People with mohawks, hey, Alex Jones, we're big fans.
And I was just like, my God, I'm just little Alex Jones.
And I'm down here at Port Aransas at the start of the big beach season,
Absolute heaven, baking sun.
I mean, I just... I swim around in the ocean all day.
The water... I could say I visited the Caribbean this weekend.
But I didn't.
I visited the Gulf of Mexico.
I've never seen the Gulf this clear.
I swam out 500 yards or so onto the jetty.
Because I get there at the jetty to crab fish and there's scuba divers everywhere going, I'm seeing Spanish mackerel and sergeant fish and...
And people were catching sharks.
And I went to the store, bought a cheap mask and snorkel.
There were jellyfish.
I didn't care.
You couldn't keep me out of clear water.
I jumped in that and skin-dived for hours.
The jetty.
It was absolute heaven.
Been going to that jetty since I was a little kid.
And it's not dirty water.
It's just sandy and churning.
And it was amazing.
I mean, to dive the Port Aransas jetty was a real treat.
Plus it's like an actual adventure thing.
You've got jellyfish all around you and you're dodging them, the big stinging kind.
People call me crazy, but it was fun.
Because they all had wetsuits on and thought I was nuts.
And I did.
I saw Spanish mackerel, big old crabs walking across the bottom.
Because it's a different type of beach to skin dive than the Caribbean.
You go to the Caribbean and you snorkel and stuff.
See, I'm already digressing.
Folks, I don't want to cover the cybersecurity.
I don't want to have my head hurt.
I mean, it's so bad, the total takeover of society.
They're openly announcing the end of free speech everywhere, and I got my own listeners emailing me saying it's impossible to shut the web down.
They shut down five or six of the peer-to-peer systems, it's over.
China, you can't get most patriot websites in China.
You can't get my websites off government wireless systems in England.
I mean, of course they can censor the internet.
Yahoo and Google do it for China and other countries all over the world.
Australia is announcing they're shutting down free speech.
In fact, for those who don't believe it, search engine and put on screen
Australia to implement Chinese-style internet censorship.
Australia-Chinese-style net censorship.
And you will see them announcing it, the government saying that, and saying censorship is good of the internet.
This is the type of stuff we have going on.
So I'm going to get into that in a moment.
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I want to thank the sponsors for making the show possible.
Okay, um, tomorrow in the first hour, I will exclusively cover cyber security.
You know, maybe the answer is, maybe I should come up here tonight, 9 to midnight, with Burmess.
Why don't you call Jason in here real quick?
I know a lot of stations don't carry that show, though.
People want to hear it.
Because I could do five hours on this, and the show's filled, uh,
Tomorrow, except for the first hour, I've got Webster Tarpley.
I haven't had him in months.
I want to see what he has to say.
Everybody's at lunch around here.
Well, it is lunchtime, I guess.
I'll just come in tomorrow and do it.
See, I hesitate on all this.
Like, I've been doing a lot of thinking about the nature of man, the nature of the universe, the nature of our species, our history, what we are, what we're meant to do.
It's mind-blowing revelations of research and of understanding and everything that I've been having.
Just amazing.
But then I want to articulate it properly.
Yeah, I'm finishing up a book, The Answer in 1984, 1776, and I've got to lock myself in the office in here this week and next week to finish it.
And the book telegraphs a lot of these ideas, but not all of them.
I want to move slowly on air.
I want to diagram and blueprint everything and show the interconnections almost like a college course so it's done and I can say there it is.
That's how they operate.
That's how I understand what they're doing.
But simply put, you know the Feds want RFID tracker chips in all products, and you know that they listen to all the cell phones and regular phone calls and emails and faxes under federal law, and that's now been admitted.
And you know that they're announcing they want cyber security to save us from Al-Qaeda and the Russians and the Chinese supposedly attacking the Internet.
And then, I see all these articles where the Pentagon, cyber security in San Antonio has meetings and says,
Oh, we're attacking our own networks to test feasibility and then we tell the public we've been hit by the Russians as a pretext to get this passed?
It's completely immoral, out in the open.
I've got all those articles.
And I can't even get the public to the point of being able to understand that or admit that, because they're too busy emailing me saying it's impossible to shut the web down.
Well, here's Mother Jones.
Should Obama control the internet?
Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic internet traffic during a state of emergency?
And that's what, three months ago, the head of cybersecurity that they hired quit and said, this is a government Pentagon takeover, the web has shut it down, and to end the freedom on it.
I mean, he's on record!
This is the guy the White House hired, boldly comes out with courage, I'm surprised he hasn't committed suicide, tells you it's a police state, and the thumbsuckers are emailing me saying it isn't real!
Of course it's real!
Just like two and a half years ago we read articles where they were planning to shut down General Motors and ship it to China and Brazil!
And now it's gonna happen in front of your eyes!
This isn't a frickin' game, people!
This is the end of our republic!
Senators John Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe think so, that the web should be shut down.
On Wednesday they introduced a bill establishing the Office of National Cyber Security.
Here's another one.
And this is by federal law stated in the bill.
Go read it, we're linked to it.
Read it instead of saying it in real.
Face it!
We're not in Kansas anymore.
They say that they will go in and even small ISPs will have government switches on them and everything has to be wired through the government equipment.
That's the Telecommunications Act of 1996 where it said all phone companies and all telecommunications and all internet have to be wired through our equipment and they built whole floors or whole buildings next door to every phone company hub
Publicly, with everything wired to the NSA, and I made films ten years ago telling you that, because I had the Telecommunications Act, and then they come out last year, San Francisco control room, everything goes through it, and there's boxes like this all over the country.
And they go, well how did they know?
They knew because the engineers knew what they were designing for the NSA to then only have keys to the door.
But we knew from the Telecommunications Act, it stated what it was!
None of this crap's secret, stay with us.
Hi, this is Peter Kronschnabel with Midas Resources.
As you know, government spending is at an all-time high and inflation is on the rise.
What are you doing right now to protect yourself financially?
As the economy continues to deteriorate due to corporate greed and government intervention, more people will lose their jobs and worse, their life savings.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Less than a century ago, half of the American public grew much of their own food.
Today, it's been estimated that only 1% of Americans still grow their own food.
During the Great Depression, over 18 million people suffered from starvation.
And as America continues down its current path, for many, the reality of another depression is a very serious concern.
We're good to go.
I think so.
I think that a parasitic dream will never come back.
It painted my hands and my face blue.
And suddenly, in the wind, life took me away and made me fly.
Alright, tomorrow I will in full detail cyber security framework for total government regulation control of our lives.
This is Pentagon designed, MIT designed and controlled, NORTHCOM implemented openly.
The military openly runs it over everything you do.
Tracking everywhere, tied in with red light cameras, face scanning cameras, thumb scanning to buy and sell, school lunch programs.
This is a total cashless grid, no buying or selling, if you're not in good favor with them.
This is a global straitjacket, a global control system.
And they openly announce it, has nothing to do with your security, it's another war on liberties and freedom.
I want to talk to Paul in Ireland.
Paul in Ireland, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I have been listening to you for a couple of years.
I first heard about you after 9-11.
I had been completely taken in by the government's story about what happened for the attacks of 9-11.
A couple of years later, I heard what you said, and I checked out every piece of evidence, and everything I checked out
Was true.
And then I knew that you were telling the whole truth.
Well, thank you, sir.
We try to tell the truth.
I'm not perfect, but our track record is we've been pretty darn good at breaking down what's happening.
You know what's happening in Europe now?
We're having European elections.
And Ireland, they tried to force Ireland to accept the Constitution.
Yeah, I mean, you said no last year to being taken over by the EU, so they're back again.
The Lisbon Treaty.
That's right.
It always happens the same way, that if the people will vote against it, they will try to force the people
God bless you from Ireland.
Call me back tomorrow.
We'll have more time.
I wanted to, and I'm sorry to everybody else, we'll get to you tomorrow, live, 11 to 3, Central Standard Time.
Webster Tarpley and Mike Rivera, always informative.
They'll be on the show.
I want to get into the collapse of General Motors.
By design, we told you two and a half years ago, Bob Chapman wrote two and a half years ago, they were going to break it down and move it to China.
They're now going to use the bailout money to move it to China and places.
The globalists are debasing the currency to the point that Geithner had to go before the Chinese.
That's in Reuters today.
Trying to find my article.
Geithner had to go before him and say, look, don't worry, you know, your money's safe in dollars.
The whole world is moving away from dollars right now.
I wanted to bring Jim Newcomer up.
Here it is.
Geithner tells China its dollar assets are safe.
They still have gold and silver they bought before it exploded, but it's gone up again.
Before it goes up again, get involved.
I just wanted to give people the number to Minus Resources here at the end of the show.
Jim, tell folks the prices on gold and silver right now.
The best deals.
On the private gold, we have the $20 Liberties at $16.3260.
The $10 Liberty at $8.1850.
We still have the Lakota Silver Rounds at $21.72.
They're $4.3440 a roll, and that's still a steal.
That's a good buy.
We're also representing the Walking Liberty, half dollars.
We have those back at $9.18 apiece.
The per roll price is $183.60, the British Sovereign at $285.93, and the French or 20 Franc coin at $231.50.
That's French, Belgian, or Swiss.
Yeah, that half dollar on silver is the best deal there in my opinion, and so are those Sovereigns and European Francs.
Ladies and gentlemen, get in on the gold and silver now.
Don't trust the government and keep all your money in stocks and bonds and paper.
You're really asking for it if you do.
Thank you, Jim Newcomer.
You bet.
All right, and they're there right now.
All right, retransmission with Jesse Ventura and a lot more starts now.
Stay with us at Infowars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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