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Name: 20090528_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 28, 2009
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Oh, Willie.
Smooth voice for an old man, I tell ya.
I actually saw a really good Willie Nelson joke, but something not appropriate for air last night.
I think I was watching, yeah, I was watching Leno at like 3 in the morning, couldn't sleep, had a toothache, just something you gotta deal with these days.
We're gonna play the video because we are live right now at PrisonPlanet.tv, so you're gonna make your own choice.
This time it's not just Jason Bermas commentating on it.
Now you can watch along if you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member and you decide.
Like I said, they falsely tried to arrest this guy and they should have been pulling over an ambulance in the first place.
And this is the guy that was trying to quell the situation and finally he lost it when they said, no, you're going to jail.
You're going to jail!
You're under arrest!
So he's not supposed to throw the cop off when he grabs his arm?
That guy didn't initiate the contact.
The contact was initiated by the officer that said, you're under arrest.
Now, if he had really done something and he was quote-unquote under arrest, he would end up going to jail.
And even if he didn't, because, you know, jackboot cops.
Luckily, cooler heads did prevail after they started choking the gentleman who was a true hulk.
Now we're going to go there in just a moment, but I want to thank another one of our great sponsors.
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I don't know.
Alright, we've got Alex Jones on the line.
Alex, do you want to play this clip for PrisonPlanet.tv members?
We just went live and we did just have a caller say, no, the police were in the right.
The guy started the physical contact when in fact, you know, this guy was the guy who was telling the son to, you know, maybe cool out and not cell phone.
And he's like, look, I'm just trying to get evidence for you guys.
And he said, OK.
He was inside with the woman.
Then they come around and they say, you're under arrest.
You're under arrest.
Then they grab the guy.
The guy pushes them away.
And it was only through this physical altercation that he wasn't taken to jail, Alex.
Well, you know, this is the problem with our society, is that the same thing happened in Hitler's Germany.
The same thing happened in the Soviet Union.
The people make excuses for it.
So before I recap the story and give you new developments,
I want to just go back here and explain something.
Having cameras in public school bathrooms and in the classrooms isn't freedom.
Having the police with paramilitary units in black uniforms and ski masks isn't freedom.
Having warrantless wiretapping against the American people, which they lied about and now admit that they do do and do against everybody, isn't freedom.
Having children raped and tortured in front of their parents, which is declassified Army's own documents,
We've been reporting it for four years, it's now mainstream news, confirming what we said four years ago, raping children.
The Army's own report admits this, and I get threatening emails going, you're a jihadist-loving al-Qaeda lover.
Well, yeah, if al-Qaeda was raping children and wasn't CIA, I'd actually want to find them.
You know, the point is, is that this sick mental attitude of, we're going to go ahead and rape children in front of their parents because this is how we beat al-Qaeda,
Even if you believe Al-Qaeda exists outside of MI6, Mossad, and CIA, is the height of evil.
I mean, they've already been totally compromised psychologically, and they've committed to the fact that this is okay.
When the police shot that young man who was in handcuffs in the back a few months ago on the subway train platform in the Bay Area of California outside Oakland,
People defended it and said, the witnesses are lying.
He hit the police and attacked them.
And then it turned out the witnesses weren't lying.
The police had taken all their camera phones, had claimed that the cameras weren't working there, that the government ran on the platform.
And, but thank God, a train had been driving by and had someone in it with a camera phone and videotaped the whole thing start to finish.
He was in handcuffs.
It's the whole video.
They grab him up.
Start shaking him.
Slam him down on the ground.
He's totally submitting to them.
But you got the next level of this religion.
Then he's shot in the back.
And then beat up.
And so when that came out, people still defended the police.
Just like they defended Adolf Hitler.
And so, again, ladies and gentlemen, it has become a religion to worship government, worship the military, and worship police.
And anytime that happens, what we now witness unfolds.
But for those that don't know, as if you think it could be any worse, that this ambulance is carrying a sick woman.
Her son is following in his car.
He sees a state trooper in the state of Oklahoma.
Pull the ambulance over.
He gets out.
He's at a distance videotaping the gods who are videotaping us constantly.
We're going to get him back and while we're waiting for him to get back, we're going to play the clip right now for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Check it out, start to finish.
Here we go.
You got it, Jaren?
Hit the clip.
This is me, this foot, this.
Highway Patrolman pulled my mom's ambulance over because he's mad we didn't pull over.
And he's trying to arrest the police, the AEMT, for taking my mother to the hospital.
This is me, this foot, this.
Highway Patrolman pulled my mom's ambulance over because he's mad we didn't pull over.
And he's trying to arrest the police, the AEMT,
And for people watching, swinging around to get the license plate number of the original officer of the highway patrol that did pull them over.
And right now the patrolman is over there talking to the driver.
We're about to get a shot of that.
Alright, so this is the guy saying not to get involved.
This is the guy that gets attacked by the police officers saying not to get involved.
Yes I do.
Can you follow us to the graveyard sir?
I'm getting the ammo.
Do it to mom and take it.
Now here it looks like they think they're going to be on their way, but this is where the outrageousness happens.
It ain't here in this temple right here.
Listen to me.
I suppose that you're under arrest.
Get those papers in the hospital.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
And there it goes.
See, alright, let's pull the clip.
See, if he didn't stand up for himself, again, you're under arrest!
You're under arrest!
He grabs his arm to put him under arrest.
He's the guy that said, cool out, don't do anything, let this thing pass.
And they're getting in his face and they choke him out.
So he doesn't stand up to his masters and he goes to jail.
This is insane.
Do we have Alex back yet?
Or did he drop off completely?
All the entire phone system died?
So wait, I don't have any callers either?
Do I have callers, John?
Okay, all the entire phone system died.
Geez, GCN!
What happened?
Maybe we're getting a little attack.
We do have some decent numbers right now.
It's a pretty tough situation when you have this kind of mentality.
And you know, that brings me to this article right here.
Talk about just insulting people of any sort of intelligence.
News and World Report has done the inner worlds of conspiracy believers.
Now it's another Johnny Nonsense and technological term to say everybody who believes the 9-11 wasn't what the government and the media said is crazy.
They're nut jobs.
Shortly after the terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center and mangled the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
Remember, terrorist attacks!
It's always terrorist attacks!
And really, these were terrorists, but they're government terrorists.
They're not, you know, Muslims in a cave.
I hate to tell you that.
The Muslims in caves that were used in this quote-unquote attack were not in caves.
They had links to military intelligence.
Some of them had their IDs, their driver's licenses, saying that they were living at the Pensacola Navy Station in Florida.
So, I mean, just off the bat, total lies.
Conspiracy theories blossomed about secret and malevolent government plots behind the tragic events.
And these are not so secret anymore.
I mean, if you look at the drills that were going on that day, you know, they just released another drill.
Operation Jackal Cave.
The entire thing is almost blacked out.
You look at Apollo Guardian, Northern Guardian, Northern Vigilance.
The NRO drill, where they were ramming a plane into a building at 8.45 in the morning with John Fulton and his team from the CIA.
All this came out in the mainstream media.
There was mass Armageddon exercises going on that morning.
Hijacking drills.
I mean, those are the plots.
There was a, somehow, on the newswire in, what was it?
It went out, I think, on a Reuters newswire, it was, that Building 7 had come down 20 plus minutes before it had.
I mean, come on, this is all coincidence?
Oh, yes, the Muslim terrorists were able to do all those things, Jason, and blow up Building 7.
A report scheduled to appear in upcoming Applied Cognitive Psychology offers a preliminary psychological profile of people who believe in 9-11 conspiracies.
A team led by psychologist Viren Swamy of the University of Westminster in London
Identified several traits associated with subscribing to 9-11 conspiracies, at least among British citizens.
These characteristics consist of backing one or more conspiracy theories unrelated to 9-11.
See, the people that are hip to 9-11 are hip to the fact that Dye was murdered, are hip to the fact that 7-7 was an inside job, are hip to the fact that these guys are criminals, they're hip to the fact that the Bilderberg Group does exist, that MI5 is corrupt, that CIA is corrupt, that they've been caught,
That there is an international intelligence organization that runs the drugs and pulls off a thing called Black Ops.
See, Black Ops aren't fairy tales and unicorns, folks.
They're reality.
I'm sorry that you can't handle reality.
I'm sorry you can't put on your big boy pants and own up.
So we just watched that clip.
There's no doubt that if the man had not said, no, you're not going to arrest me, after they grabbed him, the Lords would have taken him to the internment camps, even though he's an EMT trying to help a sick woman.
Yes, Jason.
It's the craziest thing.
A little hotel I met on vacation with my family, their phones aren't working.
The Genesis phones are completely dead.
Luckily, we have a backup, but that's dead half the time.
I definitely want to put the order in now for the five landlines at the office.
I've really had enough of computer-based T1 stuff, so I want Mike and them.
I'm just saying it on air and maybe it'll happen.
I want five regular phone lines into the board, ordered today.
Okay, side issue.
It's unbelievable, the phone systems everywhere.
It's just an endless problem.
Alright, hopefully I can get back on at the point that I was in the talk.
You were just saying he would have been taken to the FEMA camp.
He is being taken to the FEMA camp.
That's the whole issue.
I'm on the website of the local Oklahoma station.
You know what?
The ambulance.
That's just a little safety courtesy.
That's totally normal.
Just like when they boot kick someone who's not resisting and almost kill them.
Or put the kid in a coma.
The police chief went on the news and said this is good.
He didn't play that clip out of Seattle.
He said we'll do it again.
Yeah, we'll kill you.
And then he said he ran, which by the way, he didn't.
Police just came running up to some guy, totally innocent, they admit.
And he's in a coma, his life's probably over.
Hey, that's the way it goes.
And the government's going to take your bank accounts, too, if y'all like it.
The paramilitary's going to kill you.
That's the system we live under.
So they love setting this precedent.
So he is going to probably lose his EMT license.
His life is probably over.
And the cops won't care.
They won't care he loses his job.
They won't care he loses every property of his own.
This is about killing freedom.
This is about setting a precedent of, we will pull an ambulance over.
We will rough you up and you...
We'll not do anything to the gods and then, that's not enough, we will take your job, we will take your house, we will take everything you've got because we are God.
We rule you.
We will take your $14.8 trillion and give it to offshore banks.
We will shoot your kids up with mercury till they die.
We will GMO your food.
We are a tyranny.
This is the religion of worshipping tyranny and always pressing on the nerve of power.
And I'm telling you, I know a lot of police are nice because I've been in car wrecks and I've had nice cops show up, but these are mentally ill roid heads.
These are the people that will inherit the earth.
These are the people replacing our old police and military.
This is what it's turned into.
So this is the incredible thing.
After they try to keep these men from rendering aid, after they pull over an ambulance with a woman in serious condition,
When the EMTs dare argue with literal God, and this is right of kings, this is divine rulership, this is, because if the federal government has the pure precept of above the law, then all of their minions do, and this is the nature of tyranny.
And so America, they're going to take our property, they're going to raise our taxes, they're going to micromanage every facet of our lives, as Nancy Pelosi said in Beijing, the AP reporting, saying everything you do will be categorized, everything you do will be tracked,
Everything is about this new religion of the environment.
It has nothing to do with the environment.
It's about total control.
And you understand, it's not enough they did this to these EMTs.
EMTs could face charges after incident with Trooper.
And what they'll do is they'll say, if you'll come out and admit you're wrong and say you're bad, and say it's normal to have police pull over an ambulance and rough you up for no reason, if you come out and bow to the idol, bow in worship tyranny, then we might drop charges on you.
But then, see, then next time it won't even matter.
Soon they'll just be executing us on the side of the street, and they'll show it on the news and have people literally in priest robes bowing down and worshipping it.
This is how charity works, and so, uh... I mean, it's just unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
It is unbelievable, Alex, and... I mean, the video speaks for itself.
This is a guy who was just trying to take a woman to the hospital.
The husband, frantic on the side, trying to make sure that his wife is okay.
A son, frantic, taking cell phone video, because it's the only way!
It's the only way to keep it on the record.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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All right, folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and we are just discussing this latest disgusting piece of police tragedy, really.
I mean, when you have a police force that is this hell-bent on power that says, we are the authorities, that they will pull over an ambulance and try to forcefully arrest a man who is, again, attending to a very ill woman, you have a society that is beyond corrupt, that is beyond the pale.
It's just shocking, Alex.
Lourdes, as bad as that is, it's nothing compared to that they're in the news, local TV, defending the cops.
You've got to pull that clip up, saying that I probably go ahead and charge the guy who has this cop in his face like an attack dog because he's trying to attend a woman with her frantic son there.
I mean, this is insane.
These people are insane.
But then they come out and say no.
You're insane.
We're saying it's a crime to even talk back to us when you're trying to help someone in the back of an ambulance.
And then it gets more insane because people email and call us saying we're bad because all they do is sit there, you know, literally groveling at the feet of the police state.
Folks, people defend on national TV torture of people's wives and children in front of them.
They admit with Sheikh Mohammed
This is, the globalists are psychiatrists.
That's who they mainly use.
And this is meant to make everything so crazy, we feel like we're crazy.
It'd be like if you came home and some psychopath had killed your wife and kids, and had intestines wrapped around their neck, with a dinner table set up with your chopped up family, and you walk in and you say, you know, I think you're a crazy scum, and they say, you're the one that's crazy, as they sit there eating your wife's eyeballs in front of you.
You know, they're openly stealing everything, they're openly setting up youth brigades,
But it's even crazier!
Half the public says the Youth Brigade don't exist, as it shows them in military uniforms, marching on national TV ads.
The public says it's not real.
As the borders implode, they say it's not real.
As CIA aircraft crash full of cocaine, it's admitted they're shipping the cocaine.
People just say, well, that's good, still to put people in jail if they use government cocaine.
I mean, I just can't take it anymore, Burma, to watch this video
Of these insane demons and then they're not going to get in trouble.
The EMT is.
I mean, it's just, it's totally insane.
But if there's a method to the madness, crazy like a fox, the establishment knows that they could set a precedent to torture children and say that that's mom and apple pie and say we're traitors because we're not for torturing children.
They can do anything and they have.
We are a nation that accepted killing 50 plus million babies.
And that it wasn't murder?
Or a nation that accepted having a private Federal Reserve that controls it?
And set the precedent for that.
We're a nation that has accepted federal domination.
We're a nation that has accepted more and more until the public has just capitulated.
And the establishment is standing over us, urinating on us, marking their territory, slapping us in the face, rubbing it in, saying, isn't that right, slave?
Isn't that right, slave?
And I tell you, the spirit of liberty is rising.
The establishment, ladies and gentlemen, has listed veterans, gun owners, conservatives, Ron Paul supporters.
As terrorists they have the army tracking us declassified when we have in the Fed rallies.
This government is illegal and criminal and you cowards out there that defend this system, you cowards out there that have, I hope when we beat this thing,
That a lot of you were brought to justice within the Bill of Rights and Constitution, but I also hope we remember who you are and that you were shunned everywhere and hated for the people that tried to bring in total tyranny.
And I hope to God you don't win and have the tyranny you want, you group of sicko filth.
But if I can do anything, I'm going to try to wake the people up and let them know what's happening and let them understand the reality of what's going on so we can beat you people because we're going downhill into tyranny.
The story's over at InfoWars.com.
Right now, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Back after this with Lou Rockwell.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And of course, Alex on the line discussing the latest police madness up at Infowars.com.
I mean, you have to see it to believe it.
The thugs are on the loose, Alex.
But I go back to the hundreds of other cases where they walk up and say somebody a hundred yards away can't video cops and then knock their teeth out.
Or where a cop comes up to kids playing with a toy car
I don't think so.
I mean, I've seen thousands of these videos.
I can't even... I mean, every millisecond, a new video I remember seeing pops into my head where they're hiring every scumbag, every thug, every control freak.
And as the cops get a worse and worse image, the good cops are leaving, and pure scum, and filth, and mentally ill.
Who thinks it's normal to stop an ambulance?
I mean, I'm reading the mainstream news articles about this out of Oklahoma, and they're saying the officers are doing a great job.
They're saying this is totally normal.
They're saying that ambulances shouldn't speed.
They're saying that the EMT needs to go to jail.
I mean, this is mental illness!
This is total and complete insanity!
And that's why I'm ranting and raving even behind the scenes.
I appreciate the great crew.
Everybody out there.
He was trying to help us get the word out on this, but I mean, to think about how they covered up how they shot that kid in the back.
And then we finally get the video and they're beating him up as he dies for no reason.
The cop shoots him in the back and then throws a fit that he shot him in the back, thinking, oh, I'm going to get in trouble for this.
So he slams his head in the ground and stomps on him.
I mean, this is what our dad is wrong to murder someone in cold blood.
It's wrong to rape children in front of their parents.
It's wrong to have foreign bankers and the Federal Reserve on TV saying they're above the law.
I know that sounds radical and extreme to some of you.
It's because you're under mind control.
You know, this is brainwashing.
I assure some new listeners out there, it's not normal to have police murder people and then cover it up.
It's not normal to have a police state.
It's not normal to have a New World Order and carbon taxes.
It's not normal to have... This is not good.
This is horrible!
This is wrong!
And everybody just stays in their houses, watching their TV shows, being conditioned that all of this is normal and acceptable.
I mean, Bermas, what do you think about the fact that, and you showed the phones up at the Rockwell Tower, because we can open up our own phone systems, Genesis is down, the perennial problem.
But, I mean, the issue here is, I mean, the issue here is, Bermas,
Again, it's being taken to new levels of tyranny.
Well, you know what?
We had another story, Alex.
We had another story just last week.
This 15-year-old kid is on a bike playing cops and robbers with a plastic toy gun with his friends.
They shoot him and then they cuff him afterwards.
Listen, they shot him and then they cuffed him after they realized it was a toy gun.
You know, what is this?
And then you have the eyewitnesses going, I can't believe they just let him lie there bleeding.
That's the mental illness.
That's the mental illness.
I told you in those videos of them breaking pro-lifers' arms.
They then beat them after they break your arm.
It's like, oh, you got a toy.
Oh, I shot you.
I'm going to go ahead and cuff you and hope you bleed to death.
That was like that Carnaby guy, CIA down in Houston.
The cops execute him clearly on a hit team inside the department.
We know they have one.
And then they cuff him and hold medical attention back until he dies.
That's what I mean.
They're openly going to be lining us up and shooting us soon and they'll have all these little minions in the police department on the message boards going, good.
It's good to lie to Americans about the machine gun.
You already have this guy who is a commentator on Fox News.
He's a military veteran.
He's a writer for the New York Post.
And he's like, you know these reporters, they're not partisan.
They're against the war.
They're for the terrorists.
We're just going to have to have military attacks on them.
We're just going to have to have blackout censorship.
Well, they already do.
But now they're going to put it on paper that they can just gun down anybody who disagrees.
It's the Alex Jones Show, back after this.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Less than a century ago, half of the American public grew much of their own food.
Today, it's been estimated that only 1% of Americans still grow their own food.
During the Great Depression, over 18 million people suffered from starvation.
And as America continues down its current path, for many, the reality of another depression is a very serious concern.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back, it's the Alex Jones Show, and Rob Dew, the producer, is in.
And of course, Alex is still on the line.
Rob, what's the latest?
Alright, well, I talked to the reporter from the Oklahoma News 9, and his name is Dave Jordan.
Real nice guy, he's actually, when I called him, I said I'm from the Alex Jones Show.
He goes, you mean InfoWars?
I said, yeah.
He goes, I go on there every day.
I couldn't believe it, that was funny.
So we talked, he got me the guy's name, who took the video, his name is Kenyatta Davis, which is in the news report.
And he's a former football coach at Dartmouth College who moved back to be close to his family.
And he's the one taking the cell phone video.
He's the one who took the cell phone video.
He apparently, I don't think he's going to press charges at this time.
He says he just... I'm going to press charges on him.
I want to say something and then I'm going to get off here.
I'm going to get Lew Rockwell on.
But I want Rob Bill to finish up.
Notice how the citizen whose mother
We're good to go.
It's the New World Order.
So, I want to get down.
We've talked to the EMT, I heard, dude.
Tell folks about that.
You talked to Mr. White.
He is scared to come on the show.
Well, listen, sir.
They're going to destroy your life unless you stand up against these thugs, these people that attacked you and now want to ruin your life and make you lose your job.
We need to get a fighting spirit, legally, against these pieces of filth.
And folks, look.
I'm not against the police, but I want to make it clear when I say this.
I don't say that to grovel to them.
It's because I know there's some good police out there.
But the system is rotten, and when you don't speak up and say it's wrong to pull over an ambulance and then harass people, and then talk about fraudulently shooting people, that is the height of tyranny and it's disgusting.
Tell us about Mr. White.
Yeah, because I know you're making him on, making the reporter on, making the son on.
But let's get Lew Rockwell on, and I apologize to him for getting him on late.
The only information I have now is that Dave is writing a couple, Dave Johns, Jordan, at
at News 9.
He's writing a couple more articles about this.
This story has some more legs to it, because there's some more interesting angles.
He's doing some fact-checking, so he doesn't want me to say anything on the air.
But as soon as he releases his new article, he said he'll come on and talk about it, because there's definitely a lot more going on in this story.
So we will keep everybody informed.
Rob, Rob, Rob, you're saying it's worse than we're saying?
Uh, well, I do.
Yeah, yeah.
It is pretty worse.
And I don't want to say anything until the facts come in.
Who are the police?
I couldn't... If I was writing a Kurt Vonnegut satire about the worst police state in the galaxy, it would be stuff like this.
I mean, what is their problem?
Why are you so... They are so... Get Lou Rockwell on.
Great job, Rod New.
Great job, Jason Berman.
This has got me about to get back in the car and drive back up there.
God bless you, man.
Stay and enjoy your weekend.
All right, guys.
I'll be calling in tomorrow and on the Sunday show.
Barber, you're the best.
Get Lou Rockwell on.
All right, you got it.
Thank you, sir.
That is the great Alex Jones taking some well-deserved time off.
Do we have Lou on the line yet?
We're going to be getting Lou Rockwell in a moment.
And if you don't know who Lou Rockwell is, it's lourockwell.com.
He's a formal congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul and founder and chairman of the Ludwig von Mies Institute.
We're good to go.
For more on Rockwell, go check his interview in Spintech Magazine.
He's been on the show before.
He's got a great website and we're going to be talking about the economy, the imminent collapse of GM, Peter Schiff talking about the imminent collapse of the dollar, these reports that perhaps this last Bilderberg meeting
I'm fine, thank you.
How are you doing, Jason?
Very good.
Why don't you just give a brief overview of where you think the economy is going in the next six months.
I mean, I'm watching the news right now.
They're saying, all right, GM is definitely going under.
You know, the dollar seems to be going under.
I mean, it's getting lower and lower.
Gold's having kind of an explosion right now.
It's up around 960.
A month ago, it was at about 890, 880.
That's going up.
Meanwhile, Peter Schiff is saying the dollar is about to collapse
You have Brazil, you know, dumping it as the world currency.
Russia following suit.
China talking about it.
I mean, what's next?
What are your predictions?
Well, the only world currency ought to be a gold standard.
As it was in the 19th century.
So, it was a big mistake under the evil John Maynard Keynes when the United States in 1944 set up the dollar as the world currency.
And it's enabled us
I think so.
This terrible operation.
But they injected something like 11 trillion dollars in newly created money into the world economy, in terms of new dollars, in order to protect Wall Street and the banks.
So, what they've done is they've, in other words, vastly increased the money supply.
So far, that money has gone into reserves in the banks.
The banks are running almost 100% reserves, which is what Murray Rothbard would have liked.
I mean, fractional reserves are always
Source of much evil and economic disaster.
When the recovery, when people perceive the recovery is starting, and people and businessmen start borrowing again, banks, in other words, start lending, because right now that lending and borrowing is not going on, thank goodness, because we've just been through a period of crazed borrowing and lending.
But when that lending and borrowing starts again, then we're going to see very high inflation rates, maybe hyperinflation.
And it's a very scary business.
Well, let's talk about the IMF and their role in all of this, and the SDR units, or the Special Drawing Rights Units, and where they come into play.
I mean, they started really hyping these up after the G20.
We know trillions were fused into the economy through these SDRs.
We know that Mexico took $47 billion from the IMF because of the swine flu outbreak.
What are these SDR units?
Well, the International Monetary Fund, like the World Bank, was set up
Ironically, as part of what we're talking about, Keynes and the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, you can think of these sort of like the U.N.
It's the disguise for U.S.
It makes it seem like the whole world is doing things.
So the IMF is one of these institutions set up by Franklin Roosevelt and the rest of the boys back in 1944, and it serves as a way to give foreign aid without directly coming from the U.S.
So yeah, they can give money to Mexico, they can give money to various places.
They also created, a long time ago, these special drawing rights, which were just another fiat currency, but this time created by the IMF.
It doesn't mean anything.
It's not a good thing.
It may engender more inflation, which is a great evil always, always and everywhere.
And this is, inflation is a benefit to the government, it's a benefit to the big banks, it's a benefit to
Government contractors, military industrial complex, all the rest of the flies that hang around the garbage can in Washington, D.C.
But it's not good for the rest of us, this devaluation of the dollar.
So the IMF is part of the deal, just like the Federal Reserve.
These are all bad agencies, and what we actually need is the money that can't be depreciated by the government.
We don't need that money.
That a bunch of guys with a counterfeiting press, which is exactly what the Federal Reserve is, can just print them up at will.
We've had that kind of money since 1971 and Richard Nixon's abolition of the final tiny tie to the gold standard.
And we're in very serious trouble, not just us, the whole world, because of what the Federal Reserve and its
And it's Assistant Central Banks in Britain and Germany and elsewhere that did during this recent boom after 9-11 when Bush and Greenspan turned the monetary spigot on full.
So we are only beginning to pay the price and I think we've got very serious troubles ahead of us and I just hope we know who to blame.
We need to blame the Federal Reserve.
And sure, the IMF and all those other agencies, but the key evil is the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, that has made possible, ever since its establishment in 1913, the diminution of American liberty, the vast increase in growth of the federal government, world wars, every kind of disaster you can think of, made possible by this monster, as Andrew Jackson called one of its predecessors, the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve.
Well let me get your take on this latest article then out of the Associated Press.
Federal Reserve would serve as risk regulator under Obama plan.
More self-regulation by the Federal Reserve as if they don't have enough self-regulation and secrecy behind what they do.
I mean, the Obama administration is proposing that the U.S.
Federal Reserve serve as an all-seeing regulator to detect activities that could pose risks to the entire financial system.
That's like saying, you know, Don Corleone is going to investigate the Mafia.
It's absolutely insane!
Well, one of the things that happened after the government crisis, I mean, it is a
Is what the Federal Reserve caused this economic crisis.
It caused the artificial boom, the housing boom, and so forth, that caused the bust.
But then there's a bust and, you know, with every institution in society, if any institution, a church, a business, or whatever, flops on its face in a total embarrassing disaster, nobody says, you know what?
We need to give those people more money and more power.
But with the government,
The answer always, of course, is more money and more power.
So the Federal Reserve wrecks the economy and wrecks the world economy.
So now we're supposed to give them more regulatory power.
Indeed, you can think of this crisis as the Federal Reserve taking over.
I guess Wall Street entirely taking over the Treasury, the Federal Reserve taking over all regulation of financial markets.
We're going to talk about it more on the other side.
To me, it's the height of insanity.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, back after this.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
We are surrounded by harmful indoor air that can easily deliver many harmful toxins straight into our bodies.
Take a deep breath.
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Have a glass of water.
Can you taste the harmful chlorine, fluoride, lead, pharmaceutical drugs, and numerous other
I think?
I think so.
We are back, folks.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmess, sitting in with Lou Rockwell of lourockwell.com.
We're talking Federal Reserve, IMF, SDRs, you name it.
And now they want the Federal Reserve to basically regulate itself after they've caused all of these issues.
In this segment, can you just give us just a brief synopsis of what the Federal Reserve is, what its origins are, and then the latest bill that apparently has a lot of co-sponsors by Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve and why that is so important.
Well, the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913.
The Federal Reserve Act was written at J.P.
Morgan's private club in Jekyll Island, Georgia by a group of bankers.
I think so.
There are people associated with the Fed who are against inflation.
They call them inflation hawks or whatever.
This is just ridiculous.
The central bank, the Federal Reserve, its job is to inflate.
That's what it does.
And you can think of it, it's a different process than this, but morally and economically, it's no different than just putting up a bunch of hundred dollar bills in your basement.
Except, of course, on a vast, vast scale.
Now with the Federal Reserve, so they do that,
And it was set out to benefit the big banks, allow them to inflate, and be the so-called lender of last resort, so that during a boom, when the boom went bust, Federal Reserves cause a boom when it goes bust, they would give money to the banks to make sure they didn't suffer any damage, just as the Federal Reserve did in this most recent crisis.
So that's what the Federal Reserve was set up to do with, say, an agency of the banks, for the banks, by the banks.
Um, set up by the U.S.
government, uh, like many other regulatory agencies, actually working for the interests of, for special interests as well as for the interests of the state itself.
So the, so it, it causes inflation.
It also causes business cycles.
Because the money is injected into the, through the, through the banking system for the benefit of the bank.
It causes the business cycle, that is, it causes artificial booms and busts, just like we've seen since 9-11.
These things are horrendously damaging.
Some people make money out of them, but, you know, the average person is, of course, only harmed.
And we've all been harmed.
And thank goodness for Ron Paul, who his entire career in public life has been dedicated to found money and to exposing what the Federal Reserve does, and doing everything he can to stop the Federal Reserve from hurting us all.
So he's got this bill, which is getting a humongous number of co-sponsors.
I think it's up to more than 180 other members of Congress.
And it's relatively close to actually being able to force hearings and a vote on this bill.
And it's for more transparency.
The Federal Reserve is more secret than the CIA.
I'm no fan of the CIA either, by the way, but the Federal Reserve is totally secret.
Tell people how that works.
Tell people about the Federal Reserve Board, because a lot of people think, well, we elect the Federal Reserve Board.
No, our elected officials appoint these people, and then what are they?
I think they're, what, 13 members, and it's eight-year appointments each?
I believe it's 16-year appointments.
Oh wow.
And they are appointed by the President and approved by the Congress.
These are people who serve the interests of the banking industry.
Sometimes they're ex-bankers, sometimes they're economists who are, in effect, bank economists.
And I mean not because they study banks, but because they're owned by the banks.
And it's an institution that nobody knows anything about.
One of the great things Ron Paul has done in the Ron Paul campaign
And I've been interested in this, I must say, all, you know, for many years myself.
But for most Americans, the Federal Reserve is just like a name on the bill in their pocket, and it's sort of boring, makes your eyes glaze over.
That was all deliberate to make it seem boring, but it's not boring.
They're ripping us off.
So, because of Ron Paul and his campaign, now more and more Americans are interested in this.
And Ludwig von Mises wrote about this in 1912, even before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, that such an institution could only bring disaster.
And, of course, Murray Rothbard, Henry Hazlitt, F.A.
Hayek, all the great economists, the great Austrian economists, opposed to the institution of central banking and an institution like the Fed, which again is just a special interest rip-off.
They have a marble palace on Constitution Avenue.
They speak in a language that's unintelligible to the average person, deliberately so.
You don't know that they really are no different from the Mafia.
Although at least the Mafia supplies services people would actually like to buy.
The federal government, you know, doesn't do that.
They just take our money by force and use it to punish us.
Yeah, to support things like, uh... Yeah.
But it's just as good as the Federal Reserve.
Yeah, and then to create, you know, big money for AmeriCorps so they can pump up City Year and literally the Red Jackets, the new civilian security force.
I mean, have you seen these commercials?
I want to get into that.
I haven't.
Of course, the police state is growing at an alarming rate.
We're going to get into that on the other side.
More news with Lou Rockwell.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmess.
Back after this, PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
There's a guy named MZ in Santa Cruz, California who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
He got laid off from a job he loved many years ago.
He was devastated, but it taught him a lesson very early in life that even when you do a great job for someone and your boss tells you how much he appreciates you every day, there is no job security.
We're good to go.
I think so.
We are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We're talking to Lew Rockwell.
We were just talking about the audit of the Fed bill.
The last I knew, there was over 170 co-sponsors.
He's now telling us over 180.
I want to get what happens next.
If this goes to the House, they do discuss it.
It gets more talk.
What happens after that?
And then I really want to talk about this new push for City Year.
City Year's been around for a while, but they're getting all these AmeriCorps grants, and now all of a sudden, it's all about
I am change, taking the Obama logo, showing Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, really champions of not only free speech, but political dissidence.
I mean, you know, this is the real opposition.
These were people that actually did make a difference.
And for them to jump on this bandwagon and try to promote this agenda is just disgusting to me.
Let's start with where this Audit the Fed bill will go.
You know, let's say it goes into Congress.
What has to happen so that they actually do audit the Fed?
And then let's talk about City Year, Lou.
Jason, first I gave you the wrong number.
It's 179 co-sponsors.
Well, that's close enough to 180.
Not just 180 yet.
But it's thrilling.
I mean, Nancy Pelosi, and for that matter the Republican leadership, of course, will try to block this bill.
But if it actually were to come to a vote,
It's, you know, it's Ron Paul's view that very few people are going to be willing to vote for total secrecy of the Fed.
That the whole of Congress is upset because they can't find out where all this money has gone.
And, you know, so that this bill has a very, very good chance of passing.
If it were to pass, it could be the beginning of the end for the Federal Reserve because these are like cockroaches in a dark kitchen.
They can't stand the flashlight.
So this Ron Paul's bill is a flashlight, and it's pointing at these people, and if he can turn it on, it's going to have just a very good effect in educating the American people.
And who knows what they'll find?
I mean, these guys at the Fed live very, very well.
Even the lowest-ranking people have limos, and they have hotel suites and four-star hotels, and they eat at the fanciest restaurants.
They all do very, very well.
They print their own budget, by the way.
This is the only agency of government that doesn't have a budget that's actually approved by Congress, and I'll admit that's not much of a limit, but it's a little something.
But the Fed just decides what they want to print for themselves, and they print it.
Well, is there something funny about that?
Of course there's got to be oversight of the Federal Reserve.
If there is such a thing as a central bank, there should not be from a moral or an economic or a constitutional or a political point of view as Ron Paul.
Always points out, if there is a Fed, there has to be oversight.
Somebody has to be looking at what they're doing, and to the extent that it can be exposed, my guess is that we would have a lot of things like the British parliamentary scandals.
These people putting up money, and it hurts every American when they put up this money.
To live high on the hog, let's find out what these birds are doing.
It's unfortunately not going to point out
You know, everything they're doing, but it's going to tell us some of the things they're doing.
And I think when that happens, there could be a political explosion, be much more interest on the part of the American people to really go after the Central Bank.
This thing is ripping us off again to the tune of trillions of dollars.
And of course, because these numbers are so big, they're hard to, even hard to understand what's going on.
But if you can find out that some lower-ranking Fed official took $25,000 for some extra deal,
You know, that kind of thing people understand.
It can bring about indignation at the Fed.
There should be demonstrations outside the Fed.
People should be angry at the Fed.
The Fed is much worse for us than the IRS, or the EPA, or the rest of the alphabet from hell in Washington, D.C.
The Federal Reserve is the worst operation, domestically, of the federal government.
Yeah, and it's not really even an agency of the federal government.
It's kind of like a quasi-agency.
It's really a private banking system with no oversight whatsoever.
Let's say this bill does pass.
Do you really think that we will see oversight of the Fed or will we see this bill vetoed?
Like, obviously you said, you know, there's going to be opposition, Pelosi.
I can't see Barack Obama getting behind this.
I see a large media blackout.
I don't think you're, you know, this is already
At the point where it should be on NBC, ABC News, CBS, Fox, if they were actually legitimate CNN, but they're not.
They're not reporting on this.
So let's say it does pass through Congress.
Do we have a shot at actually auditing the Fed?
Well, Obama might very well veto it.
After all, he's a bankster president, just like Bush was.
This is who puts these guys into office.
There are other interest groups involved, but his biggest donors were
We're good to go.
So, again, these are just small, we're just taking baby steps towards getting rid of this horrible thing.
But every baby step helps, and I can tell you, they are worried at the Fed.
They don't like this bill, they don't like any discussion of themselves.
There was an article in Fortune Magazine, I beg your pardon, Forbes Magazine recently, saying, look, we have to make the Fed boring again.
But it's very bad to have anybody interested in it, because it has to be independent, it has to be mysterious, it has to be with no oversight.
It should be un-mysterious, there should be oversight, we should at least know what the crooks are doing to us as they're taking our wallet.
We should at least give us that.
So Ron Paul's bill is a step in that direction.
No, it's not everything we need, but it sure would be a great change.
Well, absolutely.
You know, I'm not trying to discourage anybody, and I really do hope that it goes through and that it does get the mainstream media attention that it deserves so more and more people at least take a look at the issue, at least take a look at America, freedom to fascism, if you don't have time to read a book on the subject matter, if you don't fully understand, you know, what Greenspan said in the Obama deception when he says, well, it really doesn't matter what the president does.
We're outside of the president.
We do what we want.
You know, go check that out.
I want to kind of shift gears.
I want to play this City Year clip for PrisonPlanet.tv members and then discuss it on the other side.
If you haven't seen this, you know we've been talking about it for a couple of weeks, but they are truly trying to hijack and indoctrinate the youth
into this Stasi like program I mean this it's just so outrageous to me and you know their first official day their first holiday the National Day of Civil Service is of course going to be on 9-11 where they're going to have makeshift memorials around the country and people from City Year knocking on your door asking you to pledge so let's hit the clip.
Go ahead, Jaren.
Over the years, I've had many faces.
Over the years, I've had many looks.
But, I've always had the same goals.
To make this world a better place by helping those who need it most.
To never turn my back when things get tough.
And to show that positive can always overpower negative.
And this is what I wear.
And there's, you know, a bunch of these ads out there.
There's one where a girl is talking about how she's shedding her individual skin and taking on a universal skin to build a new world when she puts on this jacket.
And, I mean, let's talk about all of it.
Let's talk about the figures they use, the fact that they're in militant formation, the fact that the people that they show
Never had people in militant formation to get their ideas across Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.
But they're trying to sell this as kind of like this... I don't even know how to describe it.
It's like pseudo-fascism.
I mean, they're wearing red, white, and black.
What's your take on this, Lew?
Well, I think we've had a growing fascism in this country for some time.
The Bush administration certainly was a fascist regime, and the Obama administration is stepping up.
I mean, what is fascism?
It's not just an epithet, it's an actual political and economic system that involves a government-business partnership, big business, big government, and cahoots to get the rest of us.
It involves militarism, it involves crazed nationalism, it involves the suppression of civil liberties, and frequently it involves a uniform party militia.
So, we didn't have that until now.
You're right, the Obama people seem to be
Intent on setting up some kind of uniformed party militia among the youth.
And of course, as your clip said back during the campaign, he talked about a civilian security arm that he wants set up with the federal government.
Maybe like the neighborhood watch committees in Cuba, I don't know, but it's not good news.
Well, it seems even worse that they're now coming out and saying, you know, we're going to use the Boy Scouts to fight terror.
And the example that they use is a disgruntled Iraq war veteran.
Come back home.
And now he's a homegrown terrorist and he's shooting people from a tower.
Here come the Boy Scouts in their Explorers program.
And then you see the photos in the New York Times and they're giving these kids mock shotguns and assault weapons.
It's it's blowing my mind, Lou.
Well, what is terrorism?
I mean, terrorism is like a movable beast.
I mean, it's whatever the government says it is.
It's whatever the government, you know, it's in fact resisting the government is terrorism.
So that's people overseas, and that's people here.
Of course, sometimes some of the stuff they call terrorism is evil.
Sometimes it's just because, sometimes it's just their epithet to demonize their enemies.
So, you know, that's what they're doing with the Boy Scouts.
And yeah, they have
We have, for some time in this country, this does not do with Obama.
For some time in this country, we've had a government and a reigning ideology that saw absolutely nothing beyond the reach of the state.
There is nobody in Washington, with the exception of Ron Paul, who thinks that there are areas of society, family life, community life, business life, personal liberties, who think that's beyond the government.
Whatever the government decides to do to you,
In your family, in your home, in your business, in your community, it's okay.
The government has total power over us.
In the view of the reigning ideology, total power to take your kids to some evil, crazy war overseas, or to set up these kinds of institutions that, of course, we've had, as happened with the private security guards hired by the federal government in the Katrina disaster.
Some very alarming stuff of use of military power, quasi-military power, and in this case, sort of youth, a Red Pioneer or Hitler Youth or whatever military, future military power.
Who are they, who are they intending, what are they intending to do with these groups?
They're intending to intimidate us so that, you know, if you have a problem with what I like to call death aid, which will be the federal medical program,
You know, maybe you'll get a visit from the city care youth to try to dissuade you from making a complaint.
This is the sort of thing that goes on in authoritarian countries and we are fast approaching that.
And while this goes on, the Supreme Court just on Tuesday ruled that in certain circumstances, of course it's always Orwellian, they say, oh we really didn't take away this right, it's only in certain cases, but they ruled 5-4 and again it's a close vote.
It's never 9-0 or 7-2, it's always 5-4.
Oh, we were so close not taking away your civil liberties, but we decided to.
They ruled that a lawyer no longer needs to be present in certain circumstances for police to interrogate you.
Now, yes, have they been doing this, you know, in the past in some other cases where they'll lie to somebody, they'll entrap somebody, they'll, you know, physically abuse somebody and interrogate them.
Yes, but now the Supreme Court has ruled that they can interrogate you without a lawyer and that will not be thrown out of court.
What's your take on that?
Well, what is the Supreme Court?
Nine government lawyers who make decisions in favor of the government.
I mean, that's what, you know, we're taught to think of these as some sort of ethereal guy up on a cloud.
These are government bureaucrats intent on expanding government power, and expanding the power of the Supreme Court, too, within the government.
And, yeah, it's absolutely true.
I mean, we have, after all, President Obama, building on what Bush has done, has said he wants the power in a formal way for the president, and then, of course, all the president, a zillion employees, to take any person, American or foreign,
Put them in a prison camp.
Keep it secret that they're in a prison camp.
And keep them there indefinitely and have the ability to interrogate them with torture, of course.
On his own say-so.
So they're undoing, you know, a thousand years of development of civil liberties, and we're watching the establishment of the totalitarian state.
And again, this is not... this didn't begin with Obama.
I mean, really, Franklin Roosevelt was our first fascist president.
So this has been going on for some time.
But American freedoms are evaporating, you know, like water in the sun in Washington, D.C.
in the summertime.
Well they really are and you know another story that we've been carrying here at InfoWars is just a week and a half ago in Wisconsin, a judge ruled there that the police could outfit somebody who was not under probable cause, did not have a warrant for an investigation, they could outfit their car without them knowing with a GPS device and track and trace them and this was okay!
I mean, this police state has gotten completely out of control.
I mean, I have a story in front of me.
High-tech sleuth helps reduce truancy.
This 17-year-old girl is forced to carry this GPS device that has these different buttons.
And at certain times, she'll have to actually punch in her coordinates.
And if her coordinates are outside of that, she gets thrown out of school.
I mean, how much more can we take from Big Brother?
It just keeps expanding and expanding and getting more and more out of control.
You know, Misha, one thing that every parent ought to consider, if you have your children in the government schools that are entirely run by the federal government of the Department of Education of Washington, what are you doing?
What are you doing turning over your children to people who want to put up an ankle bracelet on them to keep track of them?
I mean, where they're totally indoctrinated every day in the glories of government, the glories of government power, and why the government should be able to do anything it wants to them.
And to you.
And why if you have your own views on religion or some other subject the government doesn't like, well, to heck with you and the kids should be responsive to the government.
The public schools exist to take children, in effect, away from their parents, away from their community, make them little robots for D.C.
So, parents, if you've got your kids in the government schools, please rethink it.
I want to get your take on this former soldier, Ralph Peters.
He's been on USA Today, contributed to Fox News, writes for the New York Post.
In his latest column, he starts talking about something that's already happening, but not outward practice.
He talks about blackouts, media censorship, which is already happening in this country.
But then he says, ultimately, military attacks on partisan media, saying they literally need to kill the media in order to, you know, further the war effort and save us from the terrorists.
Now, this has already happened on several levels over in the Middle East, but it seems like he's talking about this happening in this country.
And, of course, our news is already blacked out and censored.
Anybody with half a brain that's paying attention to what's going on knows this.
But for him to put this out there like it's OK to kill the media, I mean, what's your take?
Well, Ralph Peters is a neocon, therefore he's a totalitarian, some kind of social democrat in economics, but a totalitarian in terms of the warfare state and in terms of civil liberties.
And already the U.S.
government kills foreign reporters.
I mean, when they started this, when Bush started his aggression, both against Afghanistan and against Iraq,
They bombed Al Jazeera stations.
That's right.
They bombed the media that was telling the truth.
So, the U.S.
already does this.
I guess Ralph Peters would like to shoot people in this country who aren't going along with the ABC, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Lime.
Alright, we'll come back.
Final segment of the Lew Rockwell.
After this, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmas, PrisonPlanet.tv and TheInfoWarrior.com.
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I think so.
I hear the train a-comin'
It's rollin' around a bit And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on
You know, finishing up with Lew Rockwell, the last point he was making were about Afghanistan and Iraq, and we're about to be, you know, we're running up on the eighth anniversary of the occupation of Afghanistan.
We went in there in October, really cleaned things up pretty quickly, but now the insurgents are back, and that's the main focus, and we're redistributing forces from Iraq into Afghanistan.
And meanwhile, you know, in 2006, the Democrats were supposed to save us when they became the majority in the House, and they were going to get us out of the war, and Nancy Pelosi said, nope, and we're not going to go after war crimes either.
And she's just a big figurehead for the whole party at this point, and for the war.
The Barack Obama administration comes in.
And they backtrack on their plans.
Oh, we'll be out in 18 months, we promise.
Now, he's officially saying, oh, all combat troops will be out by the end of December 2011, but we're still going to have 50,000 non-combat troops in Iraq right around the time of an election year.
Give me a break.
I mean, talk about Orwellian speak.
And then he says, we're going to shut down Guantanamo Bay.
But it doesn't happen.
They can't find the funding.
Well, we just passed another bill for $83 billion for this war in the Middle East.
They can't find the funding to close down Guantanamo Bay?
I mean, where do you see the Middle East situation going in the next few months?
Well, I think it's very frightening, and I think Barack Obama is potentially more of a militarist and more of a warmonger than even George Bush, if only because he may feel he has to prove more because of what people thought might be his pro-peace agenda.
I was fooled early on.
I thought maybe he was a guy who was actually going to be less belligerent, but of course it's not true.
So yeah, the so-called insurgents are doing better in Afghanistan.
Who are these insurgents?
These are Afghanis.
Don't like the idea of a bunch of foreigners occupying their country.
Now aren't that, isn't that a crazy, wacko business that somebody might feel that way?
Uh, so we're supposed to demonize and hate the guts of anybody who doesn't want to be ruled by the U.S.
Uh, I don't want to be ruled by the U.S.
I just assume people come out of this country, and I certainly don't want to see them attacking, uh, people in other countries.
But they're stepping up the wars, and there's some very alarming rhetoric being used against Iran.
If Iran wants an atomic bomb, there's no evidence that they're doing anything to produce one.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency and all the people who inspect them, there's no evidence.
If they want a bomb, why would they want a bomb?
They would not want a bomb to bomb Israel or the U.S.
or anybody else.
They would want a bomb to protect themselves from being bombed.
Because, of course, the U.S.
and Israel are threatening them constantly.
We're going to kill you, we're going to bomb you.
This, by the way, is against international law to threaten a war like this against another country.
Anyway, we're going to kill you, we're going to kill you, we're going to kill you, we're going to kill you.
And I guess there are a lot of people who actually want to kill everybody in Iran.
This is a great ancient civilization.
These are wonderful people.
They're being demonized.
Of course, any people who the U.S.
plans to mass murder always have to be demonized.
Um, they're great people.
They never did anything to us.
They never, uh, you know, they haven't hurt any neighbor for a thousand years or whatever.
So, to be committing an act of aggression, we have to remember this is the first crime that was charged at the Nuremberg Trials against Germany.
The first international crime was launching an aggressive war.
It is the end of the Nuremberg Trials, but this was the worst thing the Nazis did.
Maybe it wasn't the worst thing, but it certainly made possible all the worst things that they did.
The atmosphere of war and totalitarianism that comes with total war and the total state.
And that seems to be the direction that we, the ones in the land of the free, are headed in.
So I think it's very alarming that they may plan to
I have to agree with you.
You are a murderer if you're killing innocent people.
If you're torturing people in these camps, as all the reports show.
Thank you so much, Lew Rockwell.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma sitting in for Alex.
If you missed any of the program, Alex really wrote Shotgun for the majority of the show.
We just got off the phone with Blue Rockwell.
We stream it 24-7 here at InfoWars.com, except for when my show plays 9 to midnight Central Time.
You can always get the podcast over at InfoWars as well.
Spread the word, I mean, we need this video to go completely viral of a cop attacking an EMT officer who's trying to help a woman.
We're going to take your calls this entire hour.
We've got Jim Newcomer of Midas Resources coming up at half past.
But I want to thank one of our great sponsors, SurvivalSeedBank.com.
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Now, I have not read this article just a headline, but it was given to me by my producer in the beginning of the show and it's definitely worth noting.
We talked a little bit about Supreme Court decisions and the corruption there and the 5-4 WWE politics style.
Oh, it was so close.
It's always so close.
Well, we know Sotomayor
Is a council member on La Raza.
We know that.
We're aware of that.
We know she's already really a reverse racist.
And it's, it can't, they're calling it a reverse racist in the media because they love to drum up controversy between Newt Gingrich and whoever.
Newt Gingrich, the fake Christian who likes to go to the Bohemian Grove Club and act like he's a conservative when he's anything but.
And I think he actually denied that he went to the Bohemian Grove when he was confronted about it.
Or he said, you know, something ridiculous about it.
Oh, it doesn't exist.
But this woman apparently says that gun ownership is unconstitutional.
So I'm going to read the article and we'll see what we got.
President Obama has made a bold choice to replace Supreme Court Justice David Souter with Appeals Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Sotomayor, if confirmed, would be the first Hispanic justice and would be only the third woman on the court.
Sotomayor's resume is impressive, including a 1993 ruling in favor of a homeless man
Beaten by NYPD officers and her landmark decision in 2002 regarding terrorism suspects.
In that case, she determined that suspects captured on the battlefield must receive all rights afforded to American citizens under the Constitution.
Her controversial decision was later overturned by an appellate court, but still influenced current policy.
Sotomayor is a graduate of Princeton University, where her legal thesis include race in American classroom and underlying injustice, American exceptionalism, and permanent bigotry.
Well, she's the bigot.
She's the one saying that for some reason her ethnicity is going to make her, more often than not, have a better decision than a white man.
I mean, what does that even mean?
How do you know?
Again, base your decisions on the content of somebody's character.
Not the color of their skin.
Not their religious beliefs.
The content of their character.
Whether they believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, especially for this job.
And deadly obsession American gun culture.
In this text, the student Sotomayor explained that the Second Amendment to the Constitution did not actually afford individual citizens the right to bear arms, but only duly conferred organizations like the military.
No, that's not correct, ma'am.
Instead of making guns illegal, she argues that they have been illegal for individuals to own since the passing of the Bill of Rights.
We need to get Deadly Obsession American Gun Culture in the office.
If you're a listening audience, if you're listening, if there's a PDF file of that book online, showtipsatinfowars.com or mail us the book.
Because she needs to be exposed.
She's saying that we don't have a Second Amendment right?
No, the reason that we have guns is because the military has guns and the police have guns and it's to stop tyranny.
Well-organized militias also, you know, keeping your persons and property safe.
She's absolutely ridiculous and that's just another strike against her.
But let's see if the phony conservatives bring this up.
Let's see if this comes to the light.
It's the Alex Jones Show back after this.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back and Alex Jones has joined us once more to weigh in on the Sotomayor.
There is no Second Amendment, apparently.
You don't have the right to a gun.
We're going to have to get the full text.
We're going to have to get this book, Deadly Obsession, American Gun Culture.
Please, audience, help us out.
Get us this book ASAP.
Yeah, Jason, this is, you know, I'm sitting here with my family, listening to you, and wild horses can't drag me away.
Because I realize how much ball dropping I do.
And this is why the listeners and their tips and their calls and their emails, and I'm going to get off quick, some dead calls.
Speaking of that, and that's why it's so important.
That's why we need listeners.
I want to create something like News Tips at Infowars.com or Story Submissions or Stories at Infowars.com and have maybe a section of hot breaking news
That is listener articles and listener feedback.
I see so much well-prepared analysis and information in InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as comments mixed in with all the profanity and insanity that comes along with the First Amendment.
People complain about that, but we try to leave it as free and lawless as possible.
I want listeners who want to write articles, write comments, write research papers, some of the incredible stuff we see in the PrisonPlanet.com forum,
To start submitting them.
Like, let's make the email right now.
How about stories at InfoWars.com?
Because it was last Saturday that I saw a comment on a story.
And the reason I read them is because I get so much good info.
And it was a link to a mainstream gun website.
I forget which one.
Shooter something.
And it was quotes of her in newspapers and quotes of her in that book.
It listed that book.
And then I did some searching and found the actual stories.
I found a few of them, but my printer was out of printing paper.
So I ended up not covering on Sunday.
And I wrote a note saying, cover this.
And then I forgot.
So I'm listening to you.
And you bring it up, that's why we've got you down here Burma, because you're such a great newshound and are addicted to knowing more info like I am, so it's a perfect, you know, two peas in a pod.
But again, I find, that's my frustration.
There's hundreds and hundreds of things, I'd say 50% of the stuff I come across I don't cover on air, because there's so much of it.
This woman,
It's just like the Attorney General who argued last year.
You want the source.
Obama keeps saying there's no such thing.
It's all a lie.
I just want reasonable gun control.
Well, reasonable means all of us turning our guns in.
Obama as State Senator and as U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder as Deputy Attorney General.
And then last year, arguing for the gun control groups.
Before the Supreme Court in the D.C.
gunman case, he said no citizens should be able to own guns.
He went on to say the same thing some of the mayors said.
Obama said the same thing in his book that he wrote, The Call for the Youth Brigade, that the White House Chief of Staff
...called for that.
When he was a congressman, he tried to pass these bills.
They have bills where they can ban you owning a gun without a judge, without a jury, without an indictment, without a charge, without an arrest.
There is no doubt.
They are coming for your guns.
They are coming for them now.
And we've got to... I mean, this monster is part of a supremacist organization.
Notice how only whites can be racist?
So they call it reverse racism?
This is tribalism.
She's part of her tribal group.
The globalists want a race pimp.
They want to divide everybody.
That's why they love her, because the globalists want to destroy U.S.
sovereignty and want to try to make Hispanics racist, just like they want to make blacks racist and whites racist.
All in the name of multiculturalism, it actually intensifies it and increases it to divide and conquer.
But the fact that she's part of a group whose slogan is, for the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
La Raza, that means the race, on the board.
That is nothing for the race group.
The issue is she is openly a treasonous, larcenous worm who openly has declared war on the Second Amendment.
And that's the argument that Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Eric Holder, and her
They have all said, they claim, that the Second Amendment only means the military, and they argue that only the National Guard can be armed in the United States, and their paramilitary enforcer police, when the National Guard didn't exist until 1902, and when clearly the Founding Fathers, they had a, I had Don Lott on, the professor about this, they had that other professor out of Illinois, and Lott exposed him and got him fired,
Well, we actually made the call for the investigation and got the ball rolling.
I forget the professor's name.
Five years ago, he wrote a book saying no one owned guns, the Founding Fathers were anti-gun, the Second Amendment actually took everybody's guns.
He did fake research.
We exposed it.
And there was an investigation and he lost his tenure thanks to Professor Lott and others exposing him.
So the issue is, these criminal liars want your property, want your farm, want your ranch, want your business, want your kids, want to control your reproductive life, want one-child policies.
These pus-sucking maggots of hell, this enemy of the republic, this swollen communist witch war.
She wants to destroy our Republic and she needs to be seen for what she is.
We must absolutely ensure that even if she does, get confirmation.
Everyone knows the government is an abomination of evil and wickedness and they want our guns and they are coming after our guns.
And if you read the Supreme Court ruling, they said they can restrict our Second Amendment under law.
So they're saying the Second Amendment is a right for them to send paramilitary officers to take our gun.
This will start World War III in this country.
We have got to avert this happening.
I know most police are pro-Second Amendment.
Then you need to speak out against the bug cops nationwide coming after the Second Amendment.
But listen, I'm going to get out of here.
I just, we need the listeners to not just write great ten-paragraph articles.
I mean, some of this stuff is great minds, great thoughts, great quotes, literary geniuses.
Ten times smarter than I am, and it's just all over the website, but not in one central place.
I want these articles...
To be submitted, we can just lightly review them, maybe have a disclaimer on the bottom that this is listener content articles, but just start posting almost all of it.
I'm just not going to have any patriot slander or infighting, but anything else, serious stuff, I want everybody to start exposing them, because their crimes are so massive, so huge, that we can't do it all.
And again, I dropped the ball.
Last week, I saw these quotes by her and confirmed them and then literally forgot about it.
And, you know, kind of like you forget about a good restaurant or something.
Well, I forgot about this important news to cover.
So, please help us expose this monster.
Save the Republic.
There's no doubt they're making their move right now.
Jason Burms.
Absolutely, and you talk about, you know, Obama coming out and saying, we need preventative detention, and, oh, the Second Amendment's no good, and let's bring in the youth brigades, and we're going to have a National Civil Service Corps, and our national holiday is going to be on 9-11, where we have people in red jackets knocking on your door to ask you to pledge service.
I mean, it's the... Wearing black uniforms, environmental, here's the deal.
They're actually doing military marching on these videos.
It's actually happening.
Hey, get the calls, brother, I'll talk to you soon.
All right.
God bless you, Alex.
I'll talk to you soon.
Let's go.
It's Alex's Rules.
It's Alex's Show.
Thomas in Arizona disagrees, so you're in the front of the line.
Thomas, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, they're pretty good-sized, right?
Yeah, we'll do that.
Yeah, thank you.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Hey, well, today's breaking news in Pittsburgh.
Luckily, I've been listening to you guys for quite a few years.
It was up to speed on GPS.
I woke up late today because I'm a disabled Vietnam vet.
And, uh, turn on my camera monitors, sit down at the computer, turn on InfoWars, and lo and behold, I see this guy sitting across from my house.
So I see him sit on the wall.
He's got a clipboard.
It looks like a handheld, uh, you know, PDF or some kind of device.
I'm like, that's a GPS guy.
So I saw him walk up to the other corner.
So I put on my clothes, you know, hobbled on out to him.
Asked him, sure he was.
He was a census worker.
He said he didn't GPS my home.
I said, well, don't step foot on my home.
Don't step on my property.
I took pictures of him.
I sent you guys.
I called the police.
I even went in after I talked to him.
His name was Jack.
I gave him the whole spiel.
He's talked to me for 45 minutes.
I gave him copies of the info or stories, the articles.
The website told him, look, you know, I don't want you around here.
You know, you're working for the evil empire.
They're going to use us for nefarious purposes.
And, uh, you know, so that's... Well, you know, that'll bring me into this story, and I appreciate the call, my man, because, you know, I've been talking about how this is an extension, not just for the census, but really Google, which is in with NASA, which is going to become kind of like one of those front organizations.
Didn't start out as a front organization for the government, but with the implementation of Google Earth, where they are literally mapping the world,
And having street views across the country, developers and analysts have high expectations for Google I.O.
Google will hold on Wednesday and Thursday its largest event of the year for external developers, a constituency that its views as critically important of the health of its business and online services.
About 3,500 developers will attend Google I.O.
in San Francisco's Moscone Center.
Where speakers from Google and other companies will participate in more than 80 sessions and a hundred technical demos.
However, the second annual edition of IO still finds Google in a weaker position with developers than competitors like Facebook and Microsoft, say Ray Valdez, a Gartner analyst.
Google has been successful in attracting a wide range of developers for a few very narrow scope areas like Google Maps.
See, Google Maps is definitely the one you have to look at and Google Earth.
They want iPhone apps.
They want every single piece of this country mapped, photographed, and taped.
Just go there.
I mean, in Loose Change 2nd Edition, when Dylan used Google Earth, it was still in
Pretty much a beta format.
It was new.
It looked cool.
Hey, this is neat.
But now it has gotten to another level.
And now that the census is going and GPSing all these homes, you can bet it's only going to get bigger and bigger and the control grid will continue to expand.
And if we don't step up, there's going to be a camera on every street.
There's going to be a red jacket on every corner.
All in the name of the Lord Obama and the New World Order.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
We're going to be going to Delton, Mike, and more after this.
Ah, springtime.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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It's not about left or right.
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Alright I want to thank the final sponsor of the day.
Then in the next segment we're going to have Jim Newcomer of Midas Resources come on and tell you about the great deals they have in gold and silver.
Precious metals.
I mean as gold shoots up
And you know, I really have to make this analogy again.
When I started listening to Alex Jones, when I got beyond just 9-11 Truth and I had come across his documentaries and I was listening to him on the radio, gold was being sold between somewhere $2.75 an ounce and $3.30 an ounce.
It's now, I mean, you know, it's at its low point $890, $880.
At its high point $965, $975.
It's gone to over $1000.
It's literally more than tripled in value in six years.
Think of any other investment out there, folks, that has done the same.
You can't find one.
I promise you that.
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Hey Jason, how are you?
Hey John, how are you doing?
Hey Alex, why don't you turn off the radio and go fishing, man?
I don't know how his family puts up with him knowing he must be in my father's country.
James Wesley Rawls on the show.
He's the author of the book Patriots Surviving the Economic Collapse.
That does sound familiar.
I think that, uh, I think Jones has had him on.
I know I haven't had him on, but, uh, you know, I can't keep up over every show in the past three years.
I'll look into it, but I'm almost 100% positive Jones has him on the program before.
You do great with guests.
I love to hear them on your show.
But it's a great book everyone to get.
It's written in a novel format, but it's a guide, and it gives great equipment that everybody should have in their groups of five, you know, in their family of five that want to survive in rough times.
And I was wondering if you could touch on if you heard about Geithner over in China, because China's really upset about the printing frenzy going on over at the Federal Reserve.
Well, I know that China's been openly talking about dumping the dollar, and I was aware that Geithner was going over there for a couple days to have a conference with Chinese leaders.
I had not seen any mainstream media covering that conference and what has been said, but China's obviously very upset.
Russia has dropped the dollar as its reserve currency.
Apparently, they're using rubles.
Brazil is in line to do the same.
Peter Schiff is out there saying, you know, basically what Lindsey Williams said on my program.
I don't
I'll tell you what, Putin is a total establishment, total KGB.
There's warring sects.
Putin doesn't want to see Russia be a second world nation in the New World Order.
He wants to see Russia be a first world nation in the New World Order.
Putin's been around a long time.
You look at some 1980s photographs when he was in the KGB.
He's sitting there posing as a photographer as Reagan and Gorbachev have a photo op with a little boy.
You know, I mean, that's how they embed these guys.
And then later on, you know, through his ruthlessness, he rises to the top.
He's well aware of a plan for, you know, a global government.
He's part of that.
But at the same time,
You know, he wants his role not to be squelched by NATO, not to be coerced.
You know, he's not happy that Georgia, you know, sneak attacks South Ossetia while they're running drills with Israel and the United States, and then all of a sudden he has to stop the murdering, and everybody says, Russia attacked Georgia, Russia attacked Georgia.
I'm sure he's not happy about that.
But at the same time, while that's going on, who's he sitting next to at the Olympics?
Oh, it's GW!
So something's going on there.
I mean, these are the heads of criminal cartel families that don't want to jeopardize, you know, the big cartel, the big crime organization, but still are vying for top spots.
I thank you for the call, Dalton.
Newcomer on the other side, Midas Resources, I'm Jason Bermas.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
The latest information over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Grave digger, when you dig my grave.
Alright folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show, and I'm Jason Vermas sitting in.
If you missed any of the show, just jam-packed Alex Jones, Luke Rockwell, tons of calls.
The EMT being assaulted by a police officer is just unbelievable.
Stories over at InfoWars and Prison Planet right now.
But right now we're joined by Jim Newcomer of Midas Resources to tell us about what's happening with gold.
It's on the rise again and the great deals that you can get because they locked in lower prices just a week ago when they're passing the savings on to you.
Jim, how are you doing this evening?
I'm doing fine, Jason.
It's nice to hear you.
Nice to hear you, too.
So why don't you tell people the great deals that are over at Midas right now, and why it's so important, really, to get into the gold and precious metals market, as this is the only thing that has really retained value over the last 6,000 years.
The precious metals have been the standard since the beginning of time.
You know, they used to say that a $20 gold piece would exchange for a toga and sandals in the Roman days.
That same one ounce of gold, or one ounce piece, that same one ounce piece would buy a fine suit of clothes in 1929.
In 1933, when they confiscated the medals.
At that point, it was worth $20.65.
The same is true today.
At least it is here in Minneapolis, where, you know, a one-ounce gold piece is going to run about $1,000 to $1,100, and we can buy a pretty fine suit of clothes up here.
I don't know about the rest of the country.
Maybe out there in Hollywood or New York City or something, you're not going to get that fine a suit.
But it always retains its value, and that's the important thing to remember about precious medals.
A lot of people will look at it as an investment.
It truly isn't an investment.
Since it doesn't pay interest, and you don't get any actual gains with it.
What it is, it's financial insurance.
There's no dividend, but it is financial insurance.
In that, as the dollar devalues, the value of the metal will always increase proportionately.
So, if the dollar is cut in half, the value of the precious metal is going to double.
And that's the thing that people have to keep in mind.
That's the reason why, for generations, for centuries really, people in the know have put reserve money
Money that they're not going to be using in the next five, ten years, whatever, into precious metals, because they know that they can't lose value, no matter what happens to the economy.
And quite frankly, even if it falls a little bit, as metals often do, it's still going to maintain the same purchasing power that it did when it was at the higher rate, because it is truly a commodity that will always exchange for X amount of goods and services, no matter what the value of that commodity is at.
So, we're talking today, we had
You had mentioned that Ted had purchased these or made commitments on these medals prior to him leaving for Europe.
He should be back next week.
He's over there, again, looking for additional coins and things that we can offer to your listeners on the Alex Jones Special at great prices.
But today we have the $20 Liberty.
This is a pre-1907 coin.
Now, a lot of people ask, well, where did it come from?
They confiscated all the gold in 1933.
Fact of the matter is, these are coins
that were transferred from our Federal Reserve to foreign central banks to pay for foreign debt.
When the gold was confiscated in this country in 1933 and our government offered $20.65 for a $20 gold piece, these foreign bankers took a look at the money they had sitting on their shelves over there and said, well, wait a minute, the world rate or the world market value is at $35.
So they recognized the scam that our government was perpetrating and they just held on to it.
So they're all in real good shape.
They were transferred from the Federal Reserve to central banks and literally sat on the shelf.
In the early 1970s, when the ownership of gold was freed up, they started coming back in.
But we do have the $20 Liberty Series.
That's pre-1907.
It's the most commonly traded coin in the private gold market.
And that's at $16.27 today.
The $10 Liberty, which is a half ounce coin, is at $7.99.
In addition,
The ever popular Lakota National Silver Rounds are offered at $20.50 or a roll price of $410.
We also have the Franklin Half Dollar offered at $8.80 or the roll price of $176.
This is a great coin should it collapse completely that would be used for barter.
Everybody recognizes it.
Everybody would know what the value of it was if that did occur.
In addition, the two foreign coins, the British Sovereign, that's at $278.90 today.
That's the coin that was carried by the Allied Flyers from World War II through the Iraqi War over there.
That was the coin that they used, was in their survival kit, they used to buy themselves out of harm's way.
And the 20 franc coin, which is either Belgian, Swiss, or French, at 225.90.
That's a fifth ounce coin.
So, I think that, you know, folks out there, if you have any questions about the precious metals at all, call and talk to the brokers.
We have 32 of them here.
Call 800.
Call 800-686-2237.
Ask for the Alex special.
These are all for the Alex Jones listeners.
But remember, call 800-686-2237.
And there's somebody going to be here to help you.
Call this afternoon.
Call this evening.
I'm sure there'll be people here until midnight.
But get call now.
The demand for these medals is growing rapidly.
And it's not going to be available forever.
And Jim, before you go, I just want to reiterate the fact that, you know, back in the day when I started listening to Alex Jones, when I was just becoming informed, just becoming a fan, they were pitching gold back in 2003 at $275 to, you know, $330, $340 an ounce.
And today, you know, like I said, at the lowest, you're going to see it a little less than $800.
When you see it sold on eBay, you're talking about $1,000, $1,100 for an ounce of gold.
It has basically tripled in value in six years.
What else out there has done so?
And like you said, it's not really a tripling in value, because the dollar has been devalued that much in these past six years.
And people don't realize that.
Why don't you just explain that phenomenon?
Well, if you take a dollar, and today it buys X amount of goods and services, and you go out and print more money and flood it into the market, like the Treasury has done, now you have twice as much money competing for that commodity, no matter what the commodity is.
In the case of gold, it means that by doubling the currency out in circulation, you have twice as much currency, the value of those commodities will double in price, in comparison to the currency.
So, that's pretty much what's happening today.
There's been so much currency introduced into the system now, my lord, it's more than actually was printed since the country was founded.
And we're getting ourselves into a situation that's, it's just untenable.
The dollar has to collapse.
You had talked earlier, I think, about the Chinese and the situation that they're in.
They have an awful lot of our debt.
A ton of it.
And they could collapse our economy at any minute if they wanted to.
We're also their largest market, so I think they're a little hesitant to do it.
But they are getting away from the dollar.
The Europeans are getting away from the dollar.
Everybody is.
The European banks, central banks, are holding 60% of their assets, I believe, in hard metals.
In gold.
So, these people are concerned.
And these are people in the know.
Alright, well, other than that, why don't you talk a little bit about silver and the Lakota rounds that you have.
I mean, the Lakota tribe are printing up their own currency, basically.
They have these, you know, $50-ounce rounds of silver.
I know you guys have that.
What are some of the silver deals that you have over at Midas right now?
Okay, well, we have all types of silver available, from junk silver all the way up to Lakota rounds, regular rounds.
We had included the Lakota rounds on this at $410 a roll.
The Lakotas, because they're a sovereign nation, can print their own currency.
So they came out with these Lakota rounds.
It's a beautiful coin.
It's marked at $50 on the back of the coin.
We're selling them at, what's the price, $20.50 apiece.
You can't find them.
If you go into eBay or anywhere else, you're not going to find them at that price.
And this is a coin that Ted had made a commitment to previously.
But silver has done extremely well.
Right now the gold to silver ratio is about 63.
That's to say that it would take 63 ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold.
Normally, that ratio is below 20 in normal times.
It hasn't been for a long time, so silver is set to really explode here in the future.
Even if we had a 30 to 1 ratio,
Silver would be selling at $30 to $35.
So silver is a great way to get into the precious metals initially, and to continue from there.
All right, why don't you give out the number for people one more time.
It's MidasResources.com, and the number is?
And call anytime.
If you're going home, talk to your husband or wife.
Call us here this evening.
Somebody will be here.
And the number again is 800-686-2237.
All right, thank you so much, Jim.
I really appreciate it.
You're welcome.
We're going to jump right back into your calls in a moment, but I'm reading this Google story and hidden in the article is the point that I really wanted to make.
I talked about Google Maps and Google Earth.
Well, how about RFIDs?
Well, that's what one of these third-party softwares, Wellstar, which operates five non-profit hospitals in the Atlanta area,
Zanon and his colleagues are developing RFID location-based services that will use Google Maps API as well as integrated patient census API that provides hospital administrators operating data straight to location targeted search result pages.
See this is getting around giving you a verichip.
You know earlier I discussed the story where it was edible
Edible RFID chips that can track and trace you.
And this is mainline news.
Oh, that doesn't exist, Jason.
There's no edible RFID chips.
That's just crazy.
You're just saying that.
You just like to make stuff up.
Well, here it is right here.
RFID threat as scientists develop edible tag for pills.
RFID tags on packs could be a thing of the past after American scientists revealed an edible tag that can be used to track and trace
And authenticate individual pills.
They're talking about putting RFIDs in the medications they give you.
Talk about Brave New World wrapped in a 1984 Orwellian package.
Alright, let's go to callers.
Betty, you're on the air.
Hi, Jason.
How are you?
I'm calling from Toronto.
I'm just honored to be able to speak with you.
On the subject of torture and war criminals,
I would like everyone to know, who's listening to this program, that tomorrow afternoon, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are appearing at the Toronto Convention Centre, compliments of Stephen Harper.
Oh, isn't that lovely?
And they're going to be together, all three of them, hand in hand?
Nobody is aware of this.
When I've told my family, when I've told anyone, they've said, this is absolutely impossible.
Well, they don't understand what I think.
They think that Bill Clinton and George Bush aren't the best of buddies behind the scenes.
I remember maybe back in 2003 when I was really, you know, waiting for the 9-11 Commission to start their hearings and really get... figuring out for myself there was no right or left.
You know, there was just these two parties acting to oppose each other and I saw the dedication of the Bill Clinton library
In DC and who's in the front row?
It's the entire Bush family and it's just giggles and smiles and laughter and everybody's happy and everybody's best friends.
I mean, it's all a show.
They don't really oppose each other on anything.
And you can watch speeches of Bill Clinton talking about the quote-unquote New World Order by name and, you know, praising it, you know, and saying, oh, George, you know, H.W.
Bush is a great man.
I mean, these things.
I mean, it's unbelievable to me that people buy into the fact that there's there's some kind of difference between the two.
Well, they're there tomorrow, and they're rubbing shoulders, and we're calling for the arrest of war criminals on our soil.
And as well you should.
I mean, you know what?
I'd love to get some tape in there.
Info warriors out there, if you're in Toronto and you can go to this thing, please bring a camera.
Please ask some tough questions.
I don't know if you have to do it, you know, confrontation style.
We are change style.
But, you know,
Confront these guys on something.
You know, ask, why is it that you guys are up here on tour talking together when you were supposedly had so many different ideals and so many different policies and you were so ardent against one another?
No, they're part of the same ball club.
I thank you for the call, Betty.
Let's go to Benjamin in Texas.
Benjamin, you're on the line.
Yes, Benjamin.
Hey, what's going on, man?
How you doing, man?
Hey, we're just watching some Flapjack on the Cartoon Network.
Um, really, realistically, where do we start?
You know, we can talk about these, like, evil, uh, uh, the evil appointment of this lady to Supreme Court.
I mean, talk about it, Alex, so eloquently put, one time, the, uh, cult of double-worshipping pedophiles that run, like, CPS rings.
I mean, actually, actually, I remember, um, I wanted to get your take on the Kevin Trudeau interview with Alex.
The other day.
Um, you know, I mean, do I agree with everything that Kevin Trudeau has to say?
But before I get into Kevin Trudeau, let me just say, where do we start?
Well, you know, I had a caller in the first hour calling me up from a story maybe a month ago out in Albany.
They were trying to make it.
So you had to register all your ammunition.
Where did they start?
They started going to city council meetings.
They went before the board.
They had 80 protesters outside saying, you can't put this into law.
So that's a good place to start.
Start locally.
You know, same thing in Schenectady.
When they started saying, oh, we might declare martial law, Schenectady residents got up in arms.
They started calling their city council members.
They started calling the mayor's office.
They said no.
You know, we have to say no at some point.
I think that, you know, we should have some recourse against the Supreme Court with their 5-4 decision that you no longer have a lawyer.
Now, as far as Kevin Trudeau goes, look, you know, a lot of the things that he promotes are real.
The Law of Attraction, for instance, you know, I'm a strong believer in the Law of Attraction.
Maybe not in the hokey New Age way it's presented in the book The Secret or the movie The Secret, but some of that stuff is definitely true.
I wouldn't be here
Without the will to do what I do and believing that it was actually possible and setting goals for myself and working towards that.
So Trudeau is a big purveyor of that.
Some of his debt cures in his latest book are real.
I've read some of the information.
They're absolutely real.
Some of his natural cures are the same things that you'll see on our sponsors' websites.
So I think that he is a very ingenuitive guy.
You know, whether or not he's 100% honest, I don't know if anybody's 100% honest.
Is there room for criticism?
There's room for criticism of everybody, but he is able to reach a massive audience, and for some reason the FTC went after him with a $37 million fine.
He reaches literally millions and millions of people.
You gotta ask yourself, why are they targeting this guy if he's not a threat to their establishment?
Million dollars?
That's a lot of debt.
I mean, I don't care who you are.
No, 37 mil is a lot of cheese, my friend.
Hey, if they ever enact Executive Order 13375, where you're supposed to take mask quarantines or go to prison, and they can prison for one year or up to a $250,000 fine, I can't afford the 250 G's.
I don't know about you.
I ain't got a rolling around.
No, but I definitely think that the only way they take a person like me is with bullets or something like that.
You know, I'm not, I'm not going to subscribe to this like open handed, you know, open tyranny.
You know, that these evil globalists really want to push, you know.
It's really disgusting, you know.
La Raza, what La Raza stands for is just absurd.
Well, you know what La Raza stands for at the upper echelons.
When you're a council member, a board member like she is, yes, it is more than absurd.
But at the lower levels, people don't understand what it is.
It's just like, you know,
People who think that the Al Gore and the carbon credit system are going to save the world and people are getting behind the Green Movement and they're joining Greenpeace and they think they're going to make a difference if they join PETA for animals.
They don't understand it's all corrupt at the top.
They don't understand what the real message is.
I don't want to just say every member of La Raza is automatically a racist.
I would say every member of La Raza that doesn't realize that there's race implications and race bias is ignorant.
You know, and there are some at the top that are openly racist.
I mean, you know, old habits are hard to break, and some people just cannot get it in their head hard enough that, again, you should base your judgments on people by the content of their character, the fruits of their actions, what they stand for, you know, not, you know, the color or creed or religion of a person.
It's absolutely ludicrous.
I thank you for the call.
Let's go to Nora in Florida.
Nora, you're online.
Hello, can you hear me?
I can.
Okay, cool.
I'm glad that the last caller brought up the issue of La Raza, because I think you guys are confused on which La Raza you're looking at.
Alright, well listen, let's talk about La Raza on the other side, and I'm gonna get your take on Sonia Sotomayor, soon to be the next Supreme Court Justice.
It's the Alex Jones Show, PrisonPlanet.TV, InfoWars.com.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I make a living off the land.
But not much longer, cause the government's taking my land away.
I can't grow no more vegetables, cause they're organic and good for you.
There's no GMO in my food.
I gotta get off this subject.
We're gonna go back to Nora in a moment.
But I want to remind everybody, if you missed any of the broadcast, chock full of Alex Jones, chock full of this EMT being assaulted by police officers.
Yeah, that's right.
We pull over ambulances now and, you know, try to arrest EMTs that are saving people's lives.
That's the new America.
And we're talking Sonia Sotomayor and La Raza with Nora.
What's your take?
I wanted to suggest a movie idea to you.
It's called 9-11, The Big Setup.
It would exclusively cover all of the great volume of evidence that this great atrocity was carried out by the global shadow government, acting through its minions at the highest levels of the most recent Bush administration in the U.S.
intelligence community, putting the evidential spotlight, in a very big way, on the actual individuals, global and domestic, who conceived, planned, and implemented this great crime from which all of the current crimes against Americans come out of.
I thought it might be powerful, Jason, and I know you're a great filmmaker, so I wanted to suggest that to you.
Well, I'll tell you what's going around the office right now, you know, outside of the Invisible Empire movie that I'm doing, and I'm going to have some pretty big high profiles on Kissinger, on Brzezinski.
I'm gonna probably stay away from the subject of 9-11 just because it's too intricate, and I'm trying to fit this into a, you know, 120-minute picture.
But we're thinking, and again, this is maybe in the future, who knows,
We don't have a huge staff.
They're working on Obama 2.
Right now, the JFK 2 film.
A lot of people are asking about that.
That's kind of on hold.
You know, we're talking about a Chemtrails movie with Rosalind Peterson.
We're doing these Best Of DVDs.
But down the line, what we would like to do, kind of a Profiles of the New World Order.
And do 45 minutes, 45 to 60 minutes on these people, on these individuals, on a Rockefeller, on a Kissinger, on a Brzezinski.
And really do a timeline.
of how you know the influence policies what organizations their members of some of the more deplorable things that are on their agenda so that's definitely you know something we're thrown around hopefully in the works i know you've got a lot of great out ideas out there mark it's just so hard i mean hey today and tomorrow i'm doing seven hours radio how much can i possibly work on my film today i still gotta go home let the dogs out i mean that's just the reality but
Definitely keep it into consideration.
I thank you very much.
Folks, again, if you missed any of the broadcast, you missed edible RFIDs, you missed Pelosi with her green appeal, her climate change in China.
Because we love China.
We love their one-child policies.
We love the fact that, you know, you're guilty until proven innocent.
We love the fact that the police and military are integrated together.
It's just lovely stuff.
Everybody loves it.
Love, love, love all the way around.
And she says, you know what?
Every aspect of our lives must be subject to inventory.
Yeah, that's the America I want to live in.
Everything I do, tracked and traced and database cataloged.
For my global rulers, my lords of the new world order, which we are currently living in, and they just want to build it up more and more to that apex of tyranny where they have total control and they rule over you and you just drool over them.
Oh, I love you.
Oh, thank you, Lords.
Thank you for everything you've given me.
And meanwhile, if you step out of line, they send the police after you and they just baton you right in the mouth, kick you in the head.
That's how they roll.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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