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Name: 20090521_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 21, 2009
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We're good.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live and we are simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We have an hour and 52 minutes left in the show today.
And I'm about to go right back to your phone calls.
We have Jesse Ventura joining us coming up later in the next hour, and we have Daryl Rundis in studio coming up in about 25 minutes.
As promised, let's continue with your calls.
Mark in Oregon.
Mark, you're on the air.
Hey, thank you, Alex.
Good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon to you.
Thank you, Alex.
Alex, this past Monday I was listening to a live broadcast of Rick Wildshow, and he interviewed Congressman Steve King of the 5th District of Iowa.
Congressman King sits on the Judiciary Committee, and he's been in Congress for about seven years.
He said that, I believe this meeting was on that same Monday of the show, about three days ago.
He said that in committee, uh, Congressman Al C. Hastings, relative to the, uh, ongoing hate crimes legislation, which is moving through Congress, that Congressman Hastings named off 30 different philias, as he termed them, such as pedophilia and various necrophilia, perhaps, I don't know.
uh... but thirty failures altogether which he proposed and directed would be covered and protected and this upcoming hate crimes bill which is moving very quickly here.
Oh no, that's big news!
That's confirmed.
Reverend Ted Pike and others have pointed out the subsections.
NAMBLA is involved.
It actually protects pedophiles.
And so they want to come after you with hate crimes laws for pedophilia, because that's who runs things, is the pedophile guilds.
That's the dominant subgroup out there.
It goes across racial and religious lines, but that's what we're talking about.
And then also, more important than even that is, see everybody's focused on the hate crimes bill, which is fine, but that's nothing.
Because that says, if you commit a crime, then we're going to charge you and prosecute you and give you two or three times more time in prison if you do it to the protected pedophiles or this or that group.
The Cyber Bullying Act is a million times worse and nobody's talking about this.
In the liberty movement, and I don't understand it.
It's even in Reuters, and Hannah Montana's on TV pushing it, you know, as her character, to the kids, that if you quote, bully someone, criticize someone online, say something that hurts someone's feelings, and that's what they do in Europe, they say, well this could incite violence, this could hurt someone's feelings, you get arrested.
A federal felony
In fact, guys, Google it for folks on screen.
Hannah Montana.
Or use her real name.
Her stage name also pulls it up.
Pushes for Cyberbullying Act.
And then read the Cyberbullying Act.
This is the big enchilada.
This just says no free speech, period.
If you wanted to, I'm sure that Representative King would come on the show.
Because he offered an amendment in committee that same day, this past Monday, I believe.
Which would have excluded pedophiles in particular from having protections under this coming legislation.
What happens, Alex, to the bills, excuse me, to the state laws which prohibit this?
I don't know if there are any federal laws which prohibit child molestation and child abuse sexually, but all 50 states must have strict laws against this.
Is this upcoming hate crimes legislation and Congress wants
It may be approved.
Is it going to supersede and negate the legality of all of the state laws?
Well, that's what the feds are doing.
And look, I didn't ever imagine this.
I never had an inkling that devil worshippers, pedophiles, sickos ran the New World Order.
But when you actually study this, you find out that's who they are.
And so, of course, they're trying to legalize in England sex with children as young as 10.
And they want to arrest you if you criticize them.
See, this is what they do.
They arrest you if you criticize them.
They come after your free speech.
And that's why, you know, whether somebody is a black extremist or a Hispanic extremist or a white, you know, racist or whatever, I don't agree with their views, but I'll fight to the death for their views.
But see, they sell the general public in Europe and the US and Canada and Australia and New Zealand where they're passing all this.
Oh, you're not for Nazis that want to kill Jews, are you?
You're not for Nazis saying that the Holocaust didn't happen.
Well, whether you disagree with that idea or not, and whether it's despicable or not,
Which obviously, you know, Hitler killed a bunch of Jews, and it's, you know, there's an attempt to say he didn't do any of that, which is ridiculous.
But you have to fight to the death for people's rights to say that, because then the precedent's set for everything else.
And we're going to put on screen right now, there's the Curt Nemo, Corporate Media Exploits Teen Idol to Push Cyberbullying Bill.
Put that Infowars.com story up on screen again, then click on the top of the second paragraph where it says Reuters.
Folks will see Infowars watching this on YouTube and BlipTV and say, oh, that's not real.
Well, you click on Reuters and then you can read the article where they say, oh, isn't it great?
She's pushing to do this.
This is going to be so wonderful.
And then you go read the bill itself and it actually says that if you criticize somebody and they say it hurts their feelings and they sign an affidavit, you go to prison.
So this is just outrageous.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's talk, and there it is.
Miley Cyrus blasts cyberbullies.
That's the real name of the teen idol.
Miley Cyrus has a message for internet critics calling her fat.
See, they write it like it's her personally.
Cyberbullying can seriously scar people, leading them to hurt themselves.
And so they go on to say, anything that hurts someone's feelings will be a federal felony.
You can read that this is actually happening.
They actually have bills introduced where if you're on the no-fly list, it's over a million people and it's being expanded to everything.
No Second Amendment.
See, this is all happening.
No judge, no jury.
Indefinite detention for citizens.
And you think it's for Al Qaeda.
And Obama's saying, I'm going to follow the Bill of Rights.
Indefinite detention.
That's not following the Bill of Rights.
That's a trick he's playing.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Vegas.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, first off, I want to say I love your show and stuff.
I know there's been a lot of problems with YouTube lately and somebody on the Prison Planet forums, another Infowarrior, he bought the domain InfowarsTV.com and he's running it the same as YouTube.
He's having videos on there and stuff.
But I believe that's just YouTube videos they post on there though.
Well, it's all the videos, you know, like, um, it's not just InfoWars videos, like, it's not just, you know, your videos and stuff, but it's, you know, all sorts of videos useful for the InfoWars.
But you're not listening to what I'm saying.
I believe, last time I checked that, it's posting YouTube videos.
Well, no, he actually has the videos stored on the server.
Well, that's good.
That's good.
The problem is, I wonder if we link to that, whether they can handle the traffic.
I mean, can they handle 20, can they handle in one day a video getting 20,000 downloads?
Well, I'm pretty sure they can because, um, you know, uh, sorry, um... Well, send me a link.
Send me a link and I'll check it out, okay?
Uh, what's the name of it again?
He has, uh, he has a pretty high bandwidth limit and stuff.
He, he put a lot of money into it, so he should be able to handle all the traffic.
Maybe we should talk to him.
Yeah, that's, that's very exciting.
Okay, thank you so much.
Anything else?
Um, and aside from that, just the whole cyberbullying act, like I came across that before, you know, like when it first came around, you know, on all the internet forums and stuff, and it's just absolutely insane how anybody can possibly just turn away from that.
They're seriously trying to put people in prison for two years because you hurt somebody's feelings.
And that's each count.
Yeah, and hundreds of thousands in fines.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, for about two weeks since we learned of this and then it was racing through Congress.
I mean, it's got White House support and media icon support.
The media is pushing this.
I mean, I watched TV like 30 minutes yesterday.
I said this earlier in the show and saw the news pushing the Cyberbullying Act and Hannah Montana.
I know that's not her real name, but she's pushing it as the character.
This is a PR stunt.
And she's pushing it as Ms.
Cyrus, the real person.
And people keep emailing me going, why aren't you talking about the hate crimes bill?
I am!
We linked to it months ago.
We've covered it.
I covered it last week.
That is nothing!
I don't know how to explain this to people.
That's bad enough.
It says, if you mug a heterosexual, then you get a year in jail.
You know, basically.
But if you mug a homosexual, you can get 20 years in jail.
It's basically boiling it down.
I'm like, well, how about you get 20 years if you mug either person?
You know, let's have equal rights under the law.
Not special rights.
And then also what's going to happen is government
is going to selectively enforce this right here.
They're going to selectively enforce the hate crimes bill on whoever they want.
I mean, it's already hard to get the cops out when you get mugged now, because they're too busy out writing tickets and collecting data and kidnapping kids when under orders.
I mean, they're too busy milking the cows, us the slaves.
That's going on and that's happening.
But, can I please get people concerned about the Cyberbullying Act?
Because I mean, I go around all the other Patriot sites and I mean, I don't see people talking about it.
I'm like, where is the disconnect?
To this.
We're writing articles every two or three days about this for two weeks straight and it's strange.
I'll do some little story or issue and it goes mega viral and everybody talks about it and links to it and covers it.
And then I will be pointing out major stuff, bills, Reuters, MTV pushing it, and people just don't pick up on it.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
This bill is racing through Congress.
So is the no-fly, no-buy guns list, where they'll also come out and take your guns.
No judge, no jury.
They just put you on a magic list.
No way to get off of it.
No way to tell you why you got on it.
Just the end of the entire Bill of Rights.
End of habeas corpus.
End of everything.
And that's not even a big deal.
I mean, I think we know what's a big deal and what's not.
So if you want us to, we'll come cover the hate crime bill and repeat the bill number over and over again.
And it's bad, but it's nothing compared to this.
You know, it's like a BB gun compared to a .357 Magnum.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Hey, good afternoon.
Hey, buddy.
I had a few things to say that I was just going to get off the air.
The first thing that I wanted to say is, using the information on this show,
I was able to pretty much take over a radio show.
At first everyone laughed at me, but I was able to take over a show to the point where the host started having local organic food farmers on and started talking about, you know, mercury in the vaccines and all that stuff.
And so thanks to you for that.
And that's what's happening is people know the truth in their gut when they hear it.
And this information is explosive right now.
And it's going to continue to be explosive.
And it's going to intensify.
And the people's hunger for it's going to intensify.
That's why they've got counterfeits like Glenn Beck.
But those counterfeits are only going to blow up in the establishment's face and get people to want to then find the real thing.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's kind of like when you get into a new hobby, at first you buy the junky model of something or you think you know about it and you find out you got screwed or you know you didn't fully understand it and then you find out there's a lot better thing and then oh there's even more to know and then somebody claims they've got something even better and you find out no that wasn't real, this was the real McCoy.
It's like wine tasting.
People are, or cigars or things people like, people are developing a taste
Yeah, I got people riled up to the point there was like 80-year-old women calling up saying we needed to march on Washington, but then I had to go to the point you said where, no, we can't march on Washington, you know, and I laid out their whole plan for that with neutron bombs or whatever.
Well, the Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defense have said, and we've shown the documents to the public, London Guardian has reported on it, that they said if people tried to march on Western capitals, that the neutron bomb arsenal is for us.
Or if Congress rebelled, or Parliament rebelled, and got up and had a press conference and said, there's a shadow government, we're arresting them, the neutron bombs are basically already planted in each city, probably right under Parliament, and they just go...
Oh, terrorists too!
So we have to understand, we have to take over the counties, the cities, then be aware, then have intelligence operations expose, they've got the neutron weapons in place, and space-based, the DU-SABO, meteor gun technology, in the encircling
Black Manta Space Planes, that's declassified.
And I talked to the former head of Star Wars admitting that.
So we have to expose globalist decapitation system for elites, the neutron bomb control grid, the financial heart plug, they can pull that and make us collapse and bleed to death.
They can stage nuclear attacks, claim Al Qaeda did it.
You have to fully inoculate the public psychologically to their program.
And then take over the counties, the cities, the states from that perspective and just say no, no, no to all their programs and then that will render them defenseless.
That's why they're trying to shift to their robotic aircraft, robotic tanks, pre-programmed hover control drones.
to carry out the globalist orders so even if their own military says no, they can also then launch fake attacks with their robot aircraft and say humans did it.
You can see the technocracy they're building.
The enemy is weak now if we expose them.
The deeper we get into this the harder it's going to be to stop Skynet.
And by the way, that's what they called it 40 years ago, would be Skynet with the robotic aircraft.
The Air Force said that.
See, when you see movies like Terminator, that's throwing it in your face.
But Skynet doesn't work for the machines.
It works for the eugenicist New World Order, and they plan a Terminator-type scenario for us.
Can I just say two more things real quick?
Sure, go ahead.
I called up my spirits.
We're down a couple weeks ago, but I'm getting them back.
And it's funny you bring up CPS, because it was over that.
I fought CPS for three years.
I lost our kids three times, got them back three times, but the last time my wife threw me under the bus, lied, said I did some things I didn't, and I'm facing jail time, actually.
But I don't care!
Anyway, also, I heard Russia is where the people from Gog and Magog moved to, from my research.
And New World Order, if I do go to jail on false charges, I don't care.
When I get out of jail, I'm going to fight even harder now.
I'm going to fight even harder.
Good day, Alex Jones.
Well, just fight it all the way and don't plea bargain, and 80% of the time you'll beat them.
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
I'm going all the way to trial.
Look, these people are all such criminals.
Just start following the CPS workers with a night vision camera.
You'll catch them buying drugs or picking up little kids they're going to rape or whatever.
And then you just put that on YouTube and they all go to jail and you go, ha, ha, ha, ha, you've been defeated again.
Because I'm going to tell you, most of these people are hardcore criminals.
You investigate them, you're going to find the crime.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We are back live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Darrell Rundis is in the studio with us.
Before we go back to him and your phone calls, we'll have calls throughout this interview with him, because he can talk on any subject.
Great guy.
I'm like a little Jawa or something here, pitching my wares.
The reason we're doing this is not just to fund our operation.
It is because this is how you meet like-minded people when you go to church or school or out to restaurants or out to eat or to volleyball or whatever you're doing.
Defend yourself.
And the message is, the socialist, he's got the gun, he's taking your money.
Defend yourself.
And on the back it says InfoWars.com.
Very simple.
Gets the message out.
Here is our best seller.
Right now, it's the takeoff on the Texas come and take it flag.
They came to take the guns, but it's got the symbol of resistance today, the Kalashnikov.
Right there.
Come and take it.
There's a warrant for your mind.
It's got the distressed look.
People keep calling us.
We're kind of old-timers.
When they get these years, they go, the corner of these words didn't bleed all the way through.
Your silk printing isn't working.
No, no.
It's meant to have that distressed look.
That's called distress.
That's the style.
Here's our second bestseller.
It's the old come and take it.
They say you're a terrorist if you basically wear this.
And on the back it says the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, Thomas Jefferson and other evil terrorists who believe in freedom.
And here is the shirt I was wearing yesterday.
This is the InfoWars Defend Freedom on the back.
On the front, Live Free or Die, with a Minuteman busting through the U.S.
seal, InfoWars.com.
So, very, very exciting t-shirts that I kind of had the ideas for, but then Janae Meadows, unbelievable graphics artist, did, and we just love her to death.
A bunch of other t-shirts at InfoWars.com, or call toll free to get those, 888.
I think so.
Down at the Tea Party down in San Antonio.
My guy signed down there.
And he's here in studio with us today to talk about a host of issues.
Viral marketing, some sites he's starting, some things he's doing.
And then, he also came down here to Austin from Dallas to give me a donation, which we're not really soliciting, but last one he gave us, we did use for a bunch of prizes and contests we had.
And I do want to get the space next to this to really build a proper TV studio.
I thought going from 3,000 square feet to 7,000 square feet would be enough.
Now it's not enough.
Luckily, well, blessedly, right next to us is 7,000 more square feet.
The economy's imploded.
Cheapest stuff in town.
$3,000 a month for 7,000 square feet.
And we're signing the deal.
We're getting it.
But it's going to be tough for us financially.
And with Daryl giving donations and things, I may not have to be up here so much pitching this, pitching that, because it's like a meter I got running with all these employees and TV and radio.
Almost $30,000 of IT and bandwidth a month.
I mean, it's a lot.
And as we get bigger and bigger, it becomes greater and greater.
And Daryl found out that when Tyranny Crusher won, they had $30,000 real bids.
But the people bragged that they put in fake bids, so it got disqualified.
And they sent us emails saying, you will never get the $50,000.
You will fail.
You will never sell that bullhorn.
Well, it's Daryl's idea.
They failed today.
Dale Rundis, tell folks what you decided to do.
I mean, I just can't believe people would rip you off like that.
I mean, I'm enraged that people would take the... They even posted it on their website with the file... Yeah, and brag about it.
Does that tell you about the state of the world today?
I mean, just the evil atrocities... They even posted the eBay filing with their code and their name and how they put the $5 million bid in to screw it up.
Yeah, well, their loss is my gain.
I guess what, Alex?
I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna pay you $50,000 for peer pressure one, man.
I can't wait to go out on the streets with you, and we'll go protest the Fed.
Now, that got attacked by MSNBC.
They cut the wire, but you can have it soldered.
It's right!
You can't have it!
No, no, no.
Hey, Daryl, thank you so much.
We're going to use that to finish the new TV studio, but also, you're encouraging folks, your original idea, until I said, why don't you just take, well, you said, turn to Christina Warman, you found out, would be to get people to match at the Money Bomb, InfoWorksMoneyBomb.com.
Yeah, and you know, the bottom line is, look, Alex, I was here, what, about six months ago, you showed me this new place, and you hadn't had it done yet.
I'm honestly and genuinely amazed and I'm impressed at what you guys have accomplished with so little.
If people knew how hard you worked, it's like Michelangelo.
Now I'm not putting you in Michelangelo's league here, but when people were marveling at what he had done at the Sistine Chapel, you know what he said?
He said, if people knew how hard I had to work to achieve my mastery, it would be no mystery at all.
And that's the key of what you're doing.
I mean, it's just hard work.
In fact, I thank you for letting me come here today because I know there's a lot of people out there who owe the fact that they woke up to the New World Order and to these evil atrocities and things that are being committed on the common man today.
And the ultimate question they ask themselves when they first wake up is what?
What can I do?
What can I do?
And hey, they could be wearing a t-shirt, they could be buying a bullhorn, I mean, it could be anything, but do something!
Get up, get out, speak up, don't shut up, and never give up, or your liberties are gone!
I mean, now is the time to make a change.
In fact, you can make a difference.
One person can make a difference.
Take a look at Alex and what he's doing.
He's just a man.
Jason Burrus, he's just a man.
I am just a man.
But God takes one people and he'll duplicate them and he'll create magnificent, amazing, miraculous even, events occur if somebody's just willing of heart, they have the commitment, the dedication, the determination, and the will to carry it out.
The perseverance that it takes to get up, suit up, show up, and never give up.
Absolutely, Darrell.
You're doing a lot of stuff these days.
For folks that don't know who you are, tell us a little bit about yourself and some of the ministries you've started.
And you're going to be launching some new alternative media things for everybody to kind of go around YouTube.
You've also got a new thing you're doing because you're always wanting to spread the gospel.
And even if people aren't into the gospel, they might as well know they can win quite a big prize with what you're doing there.
Because as you said, you've sold your big business.
Your attempt now is to wake folks up to the new world order and win souls.
Well, exactly.
I mean, when you boil it all down, one of my favorite, or one of your favorite analogies of mine is who would trade their eyes for a million dollars, right?
And if your eyes are merely the windows for your soul... And I always tell that wrong!
Start over and tell it.
Okay, well, basically I say, hey Alex, would you trade your eyes for a million bucks?
Absolutely not.
How about a billion?
Not all the money in the world, right?
Your eyes are valuable, they're precious to you?
Well, if your eyes are merely the windows for your soul to look out, then how much more should your soul be worth to you?
There's just nothing more valuable than someone's soul, and that's what we're really in a battle for.
This is a struggle against good, against evil.
I would say for a billion bucks, I would give my eyes and then use the billion dollars for good.
But most people, would you give it for self-gain?
Absolutely not.
You'd have to be insane.
You'd have to meet a sane person who would trade their eyes for all Bill Gates' money.
But the bottom line is, look, this is a struggle for good and evil.
Evil is done in darkness.
The truth is brought into the light.
Every day, you're here, under the lights, out into the public.
Look at Bilderberg.
Everything is in secret.
That's right.
Because they have things to hide.
If you don't have anything to hide, you'll bring it into the light.
So we want to expose people, and the cornerstone to a free society is a free and independent press.
Without a free and independent press, we don't have a free society.
So we're doing something that's going to give people a chance to make a difference.
People ask themselves all the time, in fact, just last month, I'm in LA, I'm having breakfast with a very well-known Christian celebrity, and I'm sharing with them some of the things I've learned and some of the things I've woke up to about the Fed.
He just had the recent big hit movie, but we won't say his name.
Right, right.
Big hit movie.
I don't want to bring up his name and do any name dropping.
I know a lot of different people in a lot of high places.
Anyway, so you're out there and what happens?
So, you know, when you're a millionaire, right, and you're successful and you've ran several successful businesses, people inevitably ask you questions about what do you think about the bailout?
What do you think about the bankers?
What do you think about the economy?
So one thing leads to another.
Of course, I didn't start off with, hey, 9-11's an inside job.
They would have thought I was a kook, right?
So you start in the natural, you swing to some of these things, these harder truths that it's hard for people to comprehend because it is so evil.
It is so atrocious.
You think, well, how could our government be so wicked?
How could they be so evil?
So, so, but surely I incrementally increased the amount of knowledge I'm giving this guy.
And I knew he woke up because he asked the question we all ask when we first wake up.
What can I do?
What can I do?
And I said, well, the first thing you can do is provide and protect your own family.
That's your first responsibility under God.
And then, wake other people up!
Do something!
You don't care what it is.
Use your celebrity.
Use your television show.
Whatever it is, start sowing the seed.
And you know and I know, Alex, it's not about winning them or waking them up, right?
It's also just about sowing that seed.
And what they do with that knowledge is up to them after that.
You don't have to wake them up.
It's not your job to wake them up.
It's your job to speak.
It's your job to warn them.
That's it.
You warn them, you wake them up, you know, and you talk to them.
Yeah, we're on the walls of the city.
The enemy's pouring towards the gates and we're saying, hey, they're here.
And if folks want to be idiots and not rise up and protect themselves, that's their issue.
If they want to continue to let CDC come and take their kids, if they want to continue to inject their kids with poison that's going to kill them, so be it.
But it's my job.
I mean, I got to thinking about this.
My wife and I last night were talking about how much would you have to hate somebody
Not to warn them that they're inadvertently or unwittingly killing their kids by injecting them or allowing the state to inject them with poisonous vaccine.
And it's a state that's been caught doing thousands and thousands of lethal tests on children and people.
No, it's all there.
I mean, these folks do it over and over again.
Well, we should trust them this time.
And then the HPV shots killing all these girls?
I mean, it's just one thing after another.
You report on it all day.
I mean, look at this stack of information.
That's just the last few days.
That's just the last few days.
Look at this Irish priest beat, rape, children report.
I've got this stuff about CPS in Ireland that's run by the Catholics.
Mass raping.
Hundreds and hundreds of the CPS are convicted criminals and pedophiles.
That was in AP yesterday.
I never even got to it on air while I was exposing the Child Protective Services.
They're pedophiles!
We all, finally, when we wake up, we ask ourselves, what can we do?
And there's a lot of people who call you on air all the time and say, Alex, you need to do this, and Alex, you need to do that.
Man, this one man, let me tell you, world, you listen, you listen good.
This one man's doing more than a thousand of you combined already, okay?
So don't keep laying burdens back on him.
And he didn't know I was going to even say these things.
But that's only some people.
I know there are people out there, they say, oh Alex, you've got to do this.
And that's great, but you know what?
Maybe God gave them that idea.
Maybe they need to take that idea and run with it and get up and go out and go do something with it.
You're doing what God's called you to do, okay?
You're the watchman on the wall.
You're the point on the tip of the spear that's going to be the dagger in the heart of the new world.
I don't know about that.
We wanted to give people a platform.
That big black heart's full of acid.
That might be painful with the dagger going in there.
Well, you know, like you, dude, I'm tenacious.
And I like to make a difference.
I'm not one who wants to sit on the sidelines satisfied in my own success.
I want to take what God's given me and I want to use it to be a blessing to other people and to wake other people up.
And I couldn't think, as you know, I've talked to you, I've talked to Ted Anderson, I've talked to a lot of people about maybe doing a radio show.
I think you should!
Well, and that may be, but I wanted to do something bigger.
I don't think, Small, you know me, Alex, I'm 6'4", they just call me Rundasaurus.
You may be the T-Rex, you can call me Rundasaurus.
Run to Soros.
You are a great guy.
No, but I've told you.
That's what everybody you set up with yours has told you because you started some media companies and other things.
You need to get on the radio.
And I know this is what I'm about to tell you, what I'm about to unleash on the public right now.
OK, this is something that the world needs.
See, once again, the cornerstone to a free and independent country is a free and independent press.
But we don't have one.
You know that and I know that.
Now let me tell you folks, if you are tired of being told the same propaganda over and over, parodied the same five or six stories a day by all the mainstream media, you're going to love this, okay?
If you want to take control and you ask yourself, what can I do?
You know what you can do?
You can do news, okay?
The power to change the world, I don't know if I'm on camera here, is right here in the palm of your hand.
There you are, you're on TV right now.
It's in the palm of your hand.
Pick up a camera, get up, go out and start reporting things.
We're going to unleash a new website, a lot like YouTube, without the clutter, without the fluff, without the craziness, a true independent journalistic website where people can upload their news stories, okay?
And that could be anything from local news, to weather, to sports, to business.
One thing I would encourage people to do is what I call TV News Review.
You know, go watch the Glenn Beck Show, go watch the O'Reilly Factor, go watch CNBC and CNN and all those, and then a week later, make commentary on these comments these liars are telling you, and expose them for the liars that they really are.
Yeah, in fact, you've always had that idea, and I've had that separately, and I need to do that.
That's my next calling.
You can under fair use do this too.
Play little news clips, analyze it, because instead of me yelling at the TV at night, or everybody else, start taking little clips.
It doesn't matter if you do it perfectly.
You in your house, with a camera, going, okay, watch this clip.
This is the lies.
And just all of us doing it, uploading it everywhere, but also onto the site, you're going to be launching.
You do news.
What can you do?
You can do news.
You can get up, go out, start reporting these cops that are harassing people or robbing people of their civil rights.
Hey, the week before Christmas, here's a classic example.
We're out sharing the gospel, okay?
Just passing out million-dollar bills, okay?
No big deal.
Everybody loves them.
Telling people the real reason for the season.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, two dark police cops were in West End Marketplace
Tackle a guy, okay?
Arrest him, throw him in cuffs, beat him up, throw him in the back of the squad car, and charge him with public intoxication.
Now this guy's a Christian.
He's not drinking, he's out there... And he's handing out gospel tracts.
That's it!
But they didn't want us out there.
The week after that, the real week before Christmas, they almost threw me and my daughter and a few others in jail for doing the same thing.
Come to find out, I did a little research, almost a year to the day earlier, the chief of police from DART and the CEO of DART
I know, why would the police break the orders of their commanders and the Constitution and do that?
Because they're, hey, lick my boots, boy.
Lick my boots, man.
They're all fluorided up and on steroids, man.
What do you expect?
Now, not all officers are bad.
You know, I pray for police officers every day.
I pray God will protect them.
No, you're a really nice guy.
I've seen it.
But all over Dallas, the cops come up and tell you on city sidewalks... You can't be there.
Show the camera those little flyers you give out.
Well, like these.
You know, hey, by the way, I brought you a big donation.
Can you break a big bill?
So, I mean, these are ways that, you know, and even if folks hate Christians out there and they've got a problem, it's your right to go out and have a First Amendment.
In fact we got a case against the State Fair Texas right now because they kicked us off the fairgrounds and said we couldn't be there even though it's owned by Fair Park.
And then you couldn't be out there on the sidewalk in front of it.
They even threatened to arrest us for criminal trespassing for being out there.
Now they conceded to that but we're still in this court case so I can't say a whole lot about it because it's coming up.
But what I can say is that
They asked me a question.
They said, Daryl, how would you feel if a bunch of gays and lesbians were marching down with the pink police and doing that?
I mean, if we let you do it, we gotta let everybody do it.
I said, well, praise God!
Isn't that what the Constitution's all about?
Free speech?
Look, I may not agree with your opinion, but you're entitled to it.
And you have every right and every civil liberty under the Constitution of the United States.
Well, plus, under this system, they're gonna be allowed to march.
You're not.
Well, that's the thing.
They're selective.
Oh, you know, we can't profile people at the airport, but we can single out, you know, Christians or... Ron Paul can... Ron Paul people, or people that believe in, or they're pro-life instead of pro... Yeah, they're all on the list.
Yeah, we're on the list, they're not.
And so, look, we need to give people a platform to take, to start speaking the truth to power, alright?
So if they're a little guy or they're a big guy, you live in a little city or a big city, in 60 days from today, we're going beta with our site, YouDoNews.
And we're, this is for serious... Tell folks the web address.
You, the letter U, D-O News.
You do news.
Man, how much did you have to pay for that domain?
Got it for the normal price, you know, $9.95 a year.
Nobody thought to get that?
Hey man, it's a gift from God.
What's the full address?
You do news dot com.
That is the most unbelievably good address I've ever heard.
Well, you know, the great thing about it, Alex, is not only is this going to give a platform for people to speak the truth to power, but people are tired of the same old stories from the mainstream media.
My vision is to ultimately create a platform.
But Darrell, Darrell, if I alone start linking to that, you're talking thousands a day in bandwidth.
Get this, okay, not only will I be paying for that bandwidth on our servers instead of you having to do it, you'll never have to worry about YouTube pulling your channel again because we believe in the freedom of the speech.
We believe in the freedom of the press.
We want to create a cornerstone for a free and independent society.
And the only way that's going to happen is if you and me and other people get up and get out and start putting people to the test, asking questions of Obama, not about his dog.
Hey, how do you like your new dog, Mr. Obama?
Isn't he cute?
Isn't he lovely?
Oh, I hear he can't swim!
Why don't you ask about
Why don't you ask about where all the money went on the bailout?
Where did the trillions of dollars that they just stole from us?
By the way, Daryl, speaking of lying, Obama, I never thought it could be taken to a new level.
He's taken it to a new level.
Where he'll say he's ending torture, but he's expanding it.
He'll say he's fighting CEO bonuses from bailout money, and he does the orders to do it.
The guy is good, man.
He's the master manipulator.
You can't believe a word he's saying.
You know how you know he's lying?
His lips are moving.
Yeah, but I thought that was Bill Clinton.
This guy is just... The best.
He's the best I've ever seen.
No two ways about it.
And that's why we've got to be on guard.
That's why we've got to get empowered.
We've got to pick up the power that's in the palm of our hand and take it to the people.
Upload it at YouDoNews.com 60 days from today.
Well done, Lord Randis.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us at 4Wars.com.
We're good to go!
We're good to go.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
I'm sending out a special alert to all those out there listening with credit card debt and struggling to make payments.
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Okay, for the next 20 minutes, the next hour, we're going to talk to Kurt, Catalina, Jeff, David, Jake, with Daryl Rundison's studio.
You can talk about all these issues.
The next five minutes, though, we're going to finish up with something else Daryl's doing, another exciting idea of reaching out to people.
And tell folks about it.
In fact, you know me, I'm a silver and gold bug.
Let me have that.
Let me see that.
Well, let me present it to you properly.
No, I just want to show people.
You've got to show people.
Okay, but what is it?
It's a pure one-ounce silver bar.
Zoom in over here.
It has the Ten Commandments on it.
Now, I don't care if you're a Christian or an atheist or what.
I don't really care.
But look, if we're going to get back to basics, Alex, there's nothing more fundamental.
No more basic.
In fact, our whole society's laws were based on what law?
Yeah, don't murder people, don't lie, don't cheat, don't kill, don't steal, and so on.
And if we would start to hold ourselves accountable to that standard, especially the Christians, then maybe we'd start to hold other people, like these plunderers.
You know, quit coveting our property, quit coveting our resources, quit lying, quit stealing our money, quit overtaxing us, and so on.
You've created this one-ounce fine.
Here, show it to them again.
Yeah, it's a one-ounce silver bar that has the Ten Commandments on it, but that's not what we're doing.
Was it genuinely intrigued, Alex?
Believe it or not, I went out and asked thousands of different people who claimed to believe in God if they could name the Ten Commandments.
Now, they could name ten sports teams, they could name ten beers, they could name ten celebrities, okay?
But when I asked them to name the Ten Commandments, you know how many people could do it?
About five percent, okay?
So, I wanted to give people an awesome incentive to learn the law of life and of liberty that's already written on their hearts.
So, I'm giving away $20,000 to anybody who can list the law in order and do it in 20 seconds.
Can I cut this open?
Guys, will you give me some scissors?
So, in other words, if they'll go to TenAndWin.com, site's already live, okay, it's there, and all they gotta do, in fact, if they can't list the law in order and do it in 20 seconds or less, don't worry.
We put a two-minute video up on the site called Learn the Law, and we made it so simple for you to learn how to do it, my eight-year-old can do it.
So we did a video of her... But how do they win it online?
I don't understand.
Well, what it's going to be is you go through the registration process.
There's a site coming up there.
And you get a little intro video.
It tells you a little bit about why this crazy guy's giving 20 grand away for you to list the law.
Once you go through the registration process, and I think it's October 28th, somewhere around the end of October,
We are going to get on the phone live.
Maybe we can do it on your show or do it on somebody else's.
That's fine.
What we'll do is get on the phone.
The first one, I get on the phone who can name all 10 commandments in order in 20 seconds or less as we randomly draw the names of those who registered.
We're going to give them $20,000.
It's that simple.
There's no ads on the site.
I'm not selling you some scam wow.
I'm not going to put you on some mailing list.
This is just the real deal.
I mean, I got more dollars than cents.
Yeah, Darryl comes out to big public events with giant piles of silver dollars and people can answer questions and gives them out.
Yeah, I call it questions for cash.
No, no, just like the New World Order controls things through money.
They don't really care about money.
They want souls.
That's what you want on the other side.
That's right.
Because control of the minds of men is everything.
We want to free them.
They want to control them.
But you know what?
So how many winners can you have originally?
We're going to have one winner at the end of the contest.
As many people as want can register.
You, your wife, as many people as want.
So it's whoever can do it the best?
No, no, no, no.
What we're going to do, whether you can do it or not doesn't matter.
Go to TenAndWin.com and register.
Then watch the Learn the Law video.
It's a two-minute video.
In fact, let me just teach you on air real quick the Ten Commandments in order.
Are you ready?
All right.
Let me borrow your fingers.
Put that down for a second.
Come back to Darrell.
Okay, ready?
Okay, number one, put God first.
Number two, don't bow down to idols.
Okay, number three,
Don't take God's name in vain.
Number four, all these people are going somewhere.
Where are they going?
They're going to church because they're honoring the Sabbath day and they're keeping it holy.
Number five, honor your father and mother.
That's like a spanking, you know.
So, hey, CDC may be coming to my house.
You know, I spank my kids from time to time.
But number six is like six fingers like this.
Those are six shooters.
All right.
Thou shall not kill.
Number seven, we turn into an aide.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Number eight, we turn into a mask.
Who wears a mask?
Thieves, okay?
So do not steal.
Number nine is a lying nine.
Thou shalt not lie.
Number ten, hey, gimme gimme gimme gimme.
Don't covet.
So, hey look, we need to get back to basics.
And by the way, it's hard to follow those.
You'd think that would be easy.
It's real simple if you practice.
Once again, we made it so simple.
No, but I mean to actually follow those.
Even an eight-year-old can do it.
But I tell ya.
Go to TenAndWin.com.
Win yourself twenty grand.
It's that simple.
But how do I get one of these 10 Commandments?
It's yours.
No, but how do folks get one of these?
Oh, well, I don't know.
I just give them away.
I don't sell them.
You know me, like I said, I got more dollars than... We need to talk to Ted Anderson.
We can get a lot of these out to people.
I'm a big capitalist.
I'm telling you, I'm addicted to silver and gold.
I'm kind of an evil little pot-bellied dragon.
Here it is, folks.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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I brought this up to Jason the other day.
My 9-year-old daughter has to go through anger management classes the whole class.
I don't know.
They had this in the Soviet Union and they admit that's what it is.
This is re-education.
This is political brainwashing.
This is going to teach them to notice their sexual difference or to notice their racial difference and to be obsessed with it and report it and tattle.
And the Boy Scouts are being trained to tattle on their parents in England, the U.S., Europe.
They're being trained to spy on their neighbors.
They're being trained to take on veterans and confiscate guns.
This is mainstream news.
And yes, I mean, the government's not playing games.
They know they're losing the people.
And so they're coming in to take over the youth.
And the New York Times brags, and I've had parents call me en masse, you know, their kids come home and say, you can't take a bath anymore.
That's bad for the environment.
Hey, mom, that light bulb's wrong.
And then you're supposed to encourage them.
Oh, good, you tattled on me.
Then once it's set to do it for the environment, they then bait and switch.
And by the way, what are the guns?
So, so, so, see they prime it with something that sounds popular.
Oh, they're just tattling and reporting on you for the environment, but now it's going to be for everything.
And folks, you know, there's only a few degrees between liberty and tyranny, okay?
And once they have warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention, it can take your guns because you're on a secret list and they're training your kids to spy on you.
It's one more degree and you're mass death camps in black uniforms and marching because scum gets into government, evil gets into government, and it's its nature.
Even when Stalin had total control of Russia, no one was resisting him.
He said, kill 20 million people.
You know, Lenin, when they were taking over Ukraine, they said there's no one resisting us.
They said, I don't care.
Continue to kill.
I want terror.
More blood.
And he wrote bizarre poetry, that's public poetry about, I want to destroy the earth, destroy the sun, a great blackness.
He would go to a little island with all these white rabbits, and they kind of put that in a Clint Eastwood movie, off of that story.
You know, the guy opens the trunk up and there's white rabbits and he's shotgunning them, crazy.
Lennon would go and just rip white rabbits apart and roll around for hours, just convulsing Daryl Rundus.
Well, I'll just tell you what, Alex, this is another good reason why we need to do a You Do News.
I mean, take this guy, he has his, what is it, his daughter or his son, I can't remember,
What a great story for him to report on.
He can sit there and interview his daughter and then upload it to You Do News, which is going to ultimately take the place of the mainstream media.
Because people are fed up with the lies that are being told by the mainstream media.
Look, I owned the world's largest newspaper circulation sales and marketing firm.
I've worked with all the biggest newspapers from the New York Times, the LA Times, and they're all in it for the money.
I've seen stories thrown on the ground that need to make the front page, but they don't because they're not sensational enough.
So the bottom line is simply this.
We need to empower people, and one good thing they can do is to bring light into darkness.
Hey, how much darkness can absorb the light?
Light always beats the darkness.
And when we expose light, when we start reporting stories like this one, this guy just called in, and upload it to a YouDo News website where people can be informed, people can be woken up to the truth and to the reality.
Kurt, going back to you, you still there?
Yeah, I'm still here.
What else?
I mean, yes, I'm aware of what you're saying.
Go ahead.
I said not only am I going to interview my daughter, like your guest said, I'm actually, I have a interview, or not an interview, but an appointment with her teacher, and I'm also in the process of trying to get the local school board here to get back in touch with me, because like you had mentioned, the Soviet-style schooling, I had read Charlotte Izzard Beach coming down of America,
And after I read that, and then this was put in front of my face, I knew exactly what I was confronting.
Yeah, and first it starts with... First it starts with sensitivity training, then it's, are your parents being mean to you?
I mean, it's like this little girl in the office.
They called all the kids into the computer lab, took them one and after the other, would look at their legs, say, is mommy mean to you?
Are they sometimes rude and tell you not to do jobs?
It's even how to trick them when their little girl's like, yes.
Oh, we're going to take you from your mommy then.
I mean, wouldn't it be great to be an independent news journalist and say, hey, I'm with You Do News, I'm doing an expose.
Darryl, I'm going to get behind it.
I'd like to talk to the school principal.
Are you kidding?
And then put them on You Do News and expose, bring the New World Order into the light.
Hey, I want to link to alternative video sites.
That's what happens to cockroaches when you turn on the light, they run.
Hey, good to hear from you, Kurt.
Keep it up, let us know how this develops.
Jeff, Catalina, David, Jake, stay with us.
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Big Brother!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bill Rundis has a joke before we take more calls.
Go ahead, Darrell.
Look at Alex.
He's all spiffed up.
He said he'd take me to dinner later tonight.
I think his wife has something to worry about there, Alex.
Will you get all dressed up for me there, good boy?
Absolutely there, Rundis.
Very funny joke.
I got married.
I got five kids.
Alright, alright, alright.
Very good.
Now, you know what?
I got an earpiece in.
I'm starting to wear sports jackets on air.
I think I should respect the audience enough, and I'm wearing a favorite 15-year-old t-shirt here.
You're gonna be like Brocon, you know, Conkite and those guys looking all stiff in your jacket there.
No, you know what?
If it means we can reach more people, I'll wear a, you know, I'd wear a clown polka dot hat.
I'd wear a pink polka dot hat if I could reach more people.
Hey, he's a cretin from the planet Pop-Tart.
Don't listen to him, no.
I remember that color, yeah.
No, people really believe I'm a reptoid ruler 14 trillion years old.
I gotta be honest with you, I'd like to be 14 trillion years old and have been seeing the galaxy.
But I'm not.
I promise you, it's a conspiracy theory.
I'm not from Planet Pop-Tart.
Hey, you know what, I'm not a reptoid.
It's funny, this verse always reminds me of you in the Bible.
It says, Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
And nobody makes more of a day than you do.
I mean, you get more done in a day than anybody I've ever met.
Oh, Darryl, please stop it.
It's the truth.
I mean, it's the bottom line.
In fact, I don't even know how you handle it when people call in and say, Oh, Alex, you got to do more of this and do that.
And I just blow up on them.
Well, I actually appreciate most of it.
You know, I got a book and I'm supposed to get done that I'm working on.
And we're working on two films right now.
And I get so busy, I don't even, you know, get to everything I'm supposed to.
Did you get those jet-powered roller skates that I sent?
No, but that would help, that would help.
You need them.
But the issue is, I'll tell you what's beautiful, is the people are doing what we're talking about, and they're doing it better than I could in many ways.
And the activists, you know, they're going to these media events where the establishment is meeting and taking them over just with, you know, political questions and things and getting the news.
And the system realizes that the people that love liberty and freedom and the truth
We are infesting, in their view, the entire system and taking over.
I mean, I've had CBS News call me.
I've had Politico call me today.
You know, the entire establishment, thanks to you, Darrell, supporting us and many others, is starting to pay attention to what we're doing.
Look at how they're trying to co-op Ron Paul.
But as they do that, that only makes our movement that much bigger because they can't co-op Ron Paul.
You know, we're about information and facts and data and reality, and so their old tricks aren't going to work, Darrell.
Look, look, people know the truth when they see it, and the truth will always, you know, come to the surface.
And there's people, once again, where is the power, Alex?
Is it with you?
No, it's with you and you and you and you and all those other people out there in the world today.
We all have the power, but we've got to do something with it.
We've got to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
We've got to make the most of every opportunity and every day.
And once again, U2 News is a great opportunity, a great platform for them to get the word out.
I can't wait till it's up.
Listen, we'll post a bunch of my videos there.
And I'll point people out.
I just hope you've got the bandwidth, Darrell.
Well, we're going to do whatever we can to make sure.
In fact, we've got a server room and then another backup server room on different power grids.
So even if they try to shut down the whole grid... Just so you know, with video though, if you get a lot of...
You need CDNs.
No, I'll be talking to your tech guys, because I'm going to need all the help we can get.
I'm impressed with the way you guys... Oh, we're not.
Believe me.
My guys could do a lot more if I had more money, but the point is that we've learned through trial and error, and we've learned a lot.
Now listen, Darrell, I want to go to calls.
I want folks to know more about you.
You want to tell folks about the big Christian ministry you started that's now a national TV show?
I mean, you know, the Great News Network's a ministry of a bunch of different Christians all around the country who are actively waking people up.
And because we know the first priority is someone's soul, while they will start in the natural and tell people about the Fed or about the evil tyrannies or the craziness that's going on in Washington, D.C.
or, you know, any of these other things,
We know, ultimately, if that person wakes up, continues to fight the New World Order, but ends up in hell, in the end, what good did we really do them?
Well, Darrell, I want to thank you for your generous support in the past, and I want to thank you for your support in the future, and I want to tell you, you know, you say you're starting with something big.
It is big for you to start a radio show, and I'm the one that's been pushing you, and Ted's offered you one.
You really should start at least a three-hour weekend show, and also simulcast it on your new TV station.
We're going to do what's going to be called the Rundus Report.
In 60 days, we'll go beta.
In about 90 days, I'll start doing a weekly report called the Rundus Report.
Well, this video you guys did here with you pushing the Ten Commandment.
That looks really good.
So you've got some good guys.
We've got good media guys.
We've got great web work.
I just haven't caught up on the curve when it comes to
No, I know.
People, when I did last year's Money Bomb, they're like, where's the new studio?
It took me months to find the cheapest, best place.
Then I had to move, do all the contracts, took them months, had to move in, put it all in while I was doing everything else, then get in here, and now we're ready to go to the next level.
I mean, it takes time when you're small.
I think exactly.
I think people, there's a big disconnect between mainstream media and what you're able to accomplish because they got unlimited, literally unlimited amounts of money.
It's like the government, they don't care about how much money they spend because they never have to pay it back.
So those mainstream media, they can throw billions and billions and billions of people's dollars at it and then get bailout after they go broke.
Look at what we've done though with the equivalent of one one hundredth or one one thousandth
They do.
And think what other people can do.
But I'm done ranting about that.
The point is, we can win if you take action.
There are a lot of you smarter than me and Daryl, more active.
We've all got different gifts, different combinations of those gifts.
That's right.
And you do news isn't the answer to everything.
Once again, it could be pick up your bullhorn, wear a t-shirt like we do, pass out some literature, break the ice with people.
Here's a great way to get a CD, a DVD, or whatever message in somebody's hands.
You know all I've got to say is, hey, do you like the government?
What do you say?
There, you'll need this, okay?
Now I say, do you like the government?
And say yes.
Oh, you need this, okay?
So just ask a question, no matter what they say.
Hey, do you live here in town?
Yeah, I do.
Oh, great, you'll need this.
Everybody will take what they want.
Well, what I do is like what they say on Obama Deception, hey, this is a really wild film about Obama.
You ought to check it out.
Hey, do you like Obama?
Oh, you'll need this.
You'll like this.
This great DVD, you'll like this.
Oh, you like Obama?
Oh, here, you'll like this.
You'll like this DVD.
So, whatever they say, yes or no, it doesn't matter.
Well, I've told listeners, and of course you're a more professional salesman than I am, I just, you know, do it innately, but I've always found that you're confident and happy.
People will then take the info, but other folks are like, I've got this for you.
There's an old saying that says, if you don't seem interested, how are they going to be?
So I mean, if you're not excited about what you're doing, how are they ever going to get excited about what you're doing?
So yeah, enthusiasm is the key.
You got to go with zeal, but not with no knowledge.
You've got to have wisdom to go with that zeal.
You've got too much zeal and no wisdom, you're going to scare people off.
You're going to scare all the fish away.
But when you go fishing, you've got to be quiet, you've got to be stealthy, and you've got to use the right bait.
So bait your hook with certain questions that are leading, okay?
It doesn't matter if they say yes or no.
Hey, do you love our government?
Hey, do you like taxes?
Hey, do you like green?
Hey, are you married?
Whatever question.
It doesn't matter what they say.
If they say yes or no, say, hey, well you'll like this, or hey, you'll need this.
The key is sowing those seeds.
Once again, they won't all take root.
They all won't bear fruit.
But the bottom line is you just keep being a faithful farmer.
You get the seeds in the ground, it's going to happen.
Let's take some more calls.
Catalina in Michigan.
You're on the air with Daryl Rondis.
Go ahead, Catalina.
Hi, Catalina.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
I'm good.
I'm excited.
Well, you know what?
I wanted to tell you my husband was driving through Detroit.
He was doing a job.
And he called me up immediately.
He goes, Catalina, you wouldn't believe what I just saw.
And I'm like, what?
He says an Obama gas station.
And it was in Wyoming in Plymouth Road, and he said they had Obama hats out there, and t-shirts, and they're selling all over the shop.
Yeah, they started Obama restaurants in New York.
It scared the hell out of me.
I'm like, what the heck's going on here?
But, you know, I wanted to tell you, I am sowing the seeds.
I belong to several business networks.
I'm giving out DVDs.
I'm talking to people.
Giving them your website.
I've just been opening up eyes left and right and whenever I get a new email I always send it out or something interesting off your website and people are asking questions and people are starting to wake up.
But my biggest concern is we're waking everyone up and
You kind of blew my idea of overthrowing the government, so what do you do to stop all this tyranny, stop all this terrorism?
If you just start saying no to corruption and you start getting involved in going to city council and speaking and going to church and speaking out,
This New World Order will fall.
If you just say, no, no, no, there's more good people than there are evil.
If we just take action and educate others, this thing will fall.
I appreciate your call, Catalina.
Great call.
And that was the question I wanted to have you on today about, because you're always so articulate over the phone about it.
I want to have you back soon, Daryl, or over the phone at least.
I'll make you drive down from Dallas.
Romans 13, taken completely out of context, you say you're talking to Christians and they're like, oh I'm just going to let it all come and let it end, even if it is the end of the world.
Don't we have to warn people?
I mean, that is just another excuse for people not to face their fear and to get up and get out and do something.
I mean, we are called to be the light of the world as a Christian.
I mean, I am, I'm just, you know what, I'm going to get sick to my stomach.
When I think about all the apathy within the church today.
It's not just people in America, but Christians in particular, ought to be the ones leading the charge against the evil deeds done in darkness.
They're called to expose those deeds done in darkness.
And yet, every time I even share with them about a corrupt police officer, or about a politician who's lying, or cheating, or stealing, you know what they say?
They say, oh, Romans 13, got to submit to authority.
Well, you know what?
I say, hey, you know what?
To what authority Jesus was submitting to?
When he stood up to the Pharisees and the Sadducees and called them sons of hell and brood of vipers and hypocrites.
To what authority were Paul and all the other apostles or all the other early Christians thrown to the lions?
Because they wouldn't submit to the tyranny and the authority of the people that were above them.
Now, if you continue to read Romans 13, what you come to realize is, one, it says, look, if you owe respect, give respect.
Okay, so in other words, hey, if they come to arrest you, don't resist, okay?
You know, they don't deserve it, they don't earn it, but hey, you know what?
I've seen you get arrested in New York City, and what did you do?
Did you throw a fit?
Did you resist?
No, you went with them and then... No, because then they lost.
If I'd have fought back, they would have won.
They would have won, that's right.
It's like Gandhi, it made them look bad.
That's right.
So, civil disobedience.
That's what we need.
Civil is the key word.
Civil disobedience.
But moreover, look, our governing authority isn't the politicians.
They work for us.
The governing authority... Well, if we had a godly government, it would be.
And plus, this is a new government, a new form, where we the people, not a king.
That's it.
We're not subjects.
And so that means, render unto Caesar, that's us.
That's right.
We are, Caesar.
The Constitution is our governing authority, and when you see someone breach that Constitution, you ought to get up, stand up... Exactly!
When the police and the military and the government violates the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, they're violating Romans 13.
They ought to go to jail.
We ought to hold them accountable.
I'm like with Ron Paul or Chuck Norris, man.
I'd like to line up all those people and get with Ron Paul and say, which one of these guys is the crooks?
And we'll just throw them in the heat pile, and if they don't want to go, we'll let Chuck put them in a sleeper hold until they just... Then Grundasaurus will come in and carry them and throw them on the heat pile.
They're all a bunch of crooks and they need to go!
Hey, Daryl, fire up the websites again.
We'll have you back soon.
Love you to death.
Thank you for the donation, because they had a big victory taking that from us.
Hey, it's mine!
It's mine!
I got it!
Go register to win, even if you can't list the law.
And in 60 days, and counting, YouDoNews.com.
Get up, go out, get something.
Well, Daryl, we'll have you back on as that launches.
Thanks for all your support.
Hey, my pleasure, man.
God bless you.
I like Daryl.
He is a real character and a great guy and has a lot of energy.
We'll be back with this Jesse Ventura where he talked about waterboarding with us six, seven months ago, airing for the first time here.
It's such big news now, I thought I'd air it.
Stay with us.
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Ah, we got Jesse Ventura coming up in the next second, but I thought I'd play a little bit of the video and talking about waterboarding with us in the car when he was here about six months ago.
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Okay, let's go ahead and play some of this video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Audio for the listeners on the radio.
Jesse Ventura, because we have hours and hours.
We didn't put this on the web for some reason.
And I notice it's all over the news when he talks about, you know, he could waterboard Cheney and make him say he killed Sharon Tate and how ridiculous waterboarding is.
Here's part of that clip.
We'll go out of break, come back with the rest of it, and then go live to Jesse Ventura.
Stay with us.
Our country today is not the country that I defended when I was in the service back in the 1970s and 60s, because back in those days...
Back in those days, you still had to be charged with the crime before you were guilty of it.
Back in those days, you had to be charged with the crime to be held.
It seems today now, they can arrest you, they can hold you for an undetermined, as long as they feel like it, like they're doing in Guantanamo.
Well, the Military Commissions Act says they can grab American citizens.
Which is absurd.
Which is absurd.
Well, I mean, how is it that the people running things aren't the bad guys?
I'm not saying America's the bad guy.
People overseas, the government.
Well, I don't know about all of that, but I will speak directly about waterboarding.
I mean, specifically about torture.
Well, no, I am.
You are, saying it's not torture.
I will only speak about waterboarding.
I was waterboarded.
In training?
I was waterboarded by my own country.
Now, if we call waterboarding torture, then why do we torture our own soldiers?
And I'm not saying waterboarding isn't torture.
It is.
I deem it as torture.
But yet, I was waterboarded.
Everybody that I knew was waterboarded because it was part of what they called Sears School, which was survival, escape, resistance, and evasion.
It was a required course if you were going into the combat zone back in the era of Vietnam.
I'm sure it's probably still required today.
Yeah, they were getting them ready to be tortured and to resist, and it's listed in those Army manuals as torture, so that disproves the White House letter saying it isn't torture.
Well, and my simple response to all this, Alex, is I would like to take our five-time deferred Vice President Dick Cheney, I would like to waterboard him.
And let him then make the determination, having been waterboarded, then we'll ask him whether he thinks it's torture or not.
I got a feeling he'd drop dead with the heart that he has today.
If you waterboarded Dick Cheney, I feel that he would become a fatality because, well, his weak heart wouldn't be able to take it.
But my point being on doing that is, I think these people that determine what torture is or isn't, I think they should first have it done to them.
And then let them make an actual determination on whether they felt it was torture or not.
Can you describe what waterboarding was like?
It gives a complete sensation that you are drowning.
What did they do?
They strap you down, they put a towel across your face, and they start pouring water into the towel.
and naturally your mouth and that can't consume all the water you can't drink it quick enough as they pour it and it gives you the sensation it's going up your nose it's going down your throat and it gives you the complete feeling that you are drowning even though you're not the moment they stop it
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Okay, let's finish up that last two minutes or so, that little clip of Jesse Ventura when he first talked about waterboarding and chaining.
That was the first time he ever talked about it that I knew of, and now it's big news today.
We should have put that clip on the web.
But let's go ahead and go back to that video.
Here it is.
Can you describe what waterboarding was like?
It gives a complete sensation that you are drowning.
What do they do?
They strap you down, they put a towel across your face, and they start pouring water into the towel.
And naturally your mouth and that can't consume all the water you can't drink it quick enough as they pour it and it gives you the sensation it's going up your nose it's going down your throat and it gives you the complete feeling that you are drowning even though you're not the moment they stop it
You know, then it'll subside.
But that's the field waterboarding.
They have another one where they put your head completely into a bathtub.
Okay, I don't know about that one.
The only kind we got was the field waterboarding back in the early 70s.
Oh, that's the classic one, man.
And they did it to all of us at Sears School.
It was part of the training.
And so my argument there is, if waterboard is indeed torture, which I think it is, how come we allow it to torture us?
And for us SEALs, UDT SEAL guys, giving us waterboard, it was irrelevant.
No, and I'll say that.
It was irrelevant.
Because in our platoons and in all the people that I served with, we all had an agreement.
We would never be captured.
We'll die first.
So why would I need to face the waterboard if I'm dead?
All of us were under an agreement that we will die first.
We will not be captured.
We will go down in a blaze of glory.
So why did I need to be waterboarded?
When I had already made a conscious decision that if it ever got to the position where I felt I was going to be captured, I would take death first.
My attitude was, I'll take three or four of them with me before I go.
Because always remember the Seals, we don't get mad, we get even.
That's how we operate.
You know, but so to me I felt that the waterboarding and the whole POW thing was irrelevant to us because there's never been a SEAL captured, nor do I believe will there ever will be one, because the SEAL will die first in our type of operation.
You know, the only way they'd capture the SEAL is if the SEAL didn't know he was going to get captured.
Have that even got captured and dishonored?
Hi Alex, I guess it's nice to be back, but I don't know, Mexico gets more attractive all the time.
It absolutely does.
Are you kidding?
I would love to be down there on the beach and the surf as well.
I went down to Mexico for a week a few months ago and I wanted to stay.
Speaking of Mexico, let's bring up a question you haven't been asked.
What do you think about all the hype of this flu?
A couple people die and they act like it's the end of the world and Obama's saying that we may all be forced to take an inoculation in the fall.
Well, you know, it's certainly something that you don't poo-poo, you know?
Anytime you get a type of sickness like this, you need to pay attention to it.
But I think it was completely overhyped by the media to put the country again into a scare pattern, which seems to be what the media enjoys to do now, is to cause fear and have everyone living in fear.
What they need to understand is, okay, if there were 1,500 cases of it in Mexico City, yes, that's something to be very concerned about.
I feel the Mexicans, I was down there, they did a terrific job with what they could do.
They closed all the schools.
They shut down all the soccer games.
They did everything conceivably they could do.
But remember, Mexico City is a city, what, two or three times the size of New York?
Yeah, it's 30 plus million.
You've got nearly 20 million people live there.
More than that.
1,500 cases of something is not that large.
And I'm not saying it shouldn't be looked at, of course.
But when I came home, I went to the airport because I flew this time.
They made you fill out a questionnaire and they asked you questions about your, you know, how you felt.
And then they actually had this device where they touched it to your wrist and it took your temperature.
And they wrote that down, and if you went up to fly out, if your temperature was too high, you didn't get on the plane.
Mexico did everything they could within their power when they learned that the swine flu was going around, that they did everything conceivably as a, you know, a poor nation that they could possibly do.
Well, Governor, I agree with you, but I agree with the first thing you said.
This was used to create hype and fear, and then to openly introduce, we might need to have martial law, there's going to be another breakout soon, and it's this whole infrastructure.
Getting to the big national controversy, you've caused quite a buzz and helped, really I think single-handedly, push it back into the spotlight that Cheney and Bush committed all these crimes, ordered torture, and then burned their own underlings and sent them to prison for it, and are now denying it when we have their own memos from Gonzalez and others in Bush's speech.
First of all Alex, let's understand why the President wants to move forward.
Because the Democrats are involved too!
You know, now maybe they didn't order it, but in my opinion they certainly knew what was going on and they didn't step forward because of their, you know, let's remember Democrats truly don't have spines, for the most part.
And so they condoned it and went along with it.
That's why they don't want to continue with it.
It's because whenever the government tells you it's time to move on, that means that both parties are involved and both of them did something wrong.
They don't want you to know about it, so they want you to move on.
So that's the dilemma you're faced with, and in light of the fact that it's basically all Democrats and Republicans in the Congress and everywhere out there, they're going to move on, and we'll be left like we always are, Alex, yelling out there going, where's justice?
Justice will again have been lost, or blinded.
Well, that's my question to you.
I mean, from your perspective, how do we get out of this left-right where, as you described when we interviewed you, two different wrestlers, you know, play the bad guy, the good guy, but really they're on the same team.
How do we get past that and ever get these special interests and these elites out of the way that are doing this to us?
Well, Alex, that's simple.
The lemmings out there have to start voting for the independents.
Look it, we tried our asses off to get Dean Barclay elected.
He did very, very well.
He got over 400,000 votes.
But we have to continue from there and keep going.
The only way is to win elections.
The only way is to not vote for Democrats and Republicans and stop being lemmings and believing it's your only choice.
It's like a Don King... Can it be done?
I don't know.
Well, it's like a Don King boxing match.
I mean, you know both fighters are owned by him, so what's the point of watching it?
You know it's a rigged deal.
Speaking of Dick Cheney... Oh, Alex, come on.
So is wrestling, and that's entertaining as hell.
Hey, speaking of that, you went to UFC and saw one of those events, didn't you?
Do you still think it might be fake?
Oh, the Ultimate Fighting?
Let me put it to you this way.
Brock Lesnar, who's the champ now, right?
Brock Lesnar told me that pro wrestling is tougher.
Yeah, that kind of stuns you, doesn't it?
But you know why he says it?
Here's why.
Brock told me pro wrestling is harder because in ultimate fighting, he only has to go in there for 15 minutes of hell.
Then he takes two to three months rest, he trains for two months, and he goes back in for 15 minutes of hell.
Well, in pro wrestling, you gotta wrestle every night, you gotta do interviews, you gotta travel all over the country from one end to the other.
It's the most exhausting business you can possibly be in.
So that's why.
Do I think they're really fighting?
Yes, I do.
Have you seen the movie The Wrestler?
No, I have not.
I just got back from Mexico.
Well, I can tell you this.
I think that rather than what Hulk Hogan says, it's about him.
No, it's not.
But from what I know about the film, I believe it's about Jake the Snake Roberts much more, because if you go to a movie that was a documentary called Beyond the Mat that was done by a friend of mine, Barry Blaustein, if you go watch that movie, you'll see that this character very much parallels the Mickey Rourke character in the fact that
He went through ups and downs, he achieved the greatest in his career, he ended up down on the bottom again, and he had a great deal of battle with a lot of demons, including a daughter.
Well, obviously it's not about Hulk Hogan, it's about a guy who's living in a trailer shack and is totally broke and has a heart attack.
I mean, Hogan is something else, I guess, a complete egomaniac.
Oh yeah, I mean Hogan's out there saying, just because the guy says brother, it's about me.
I don't think so.
No, I won't.
No, I'm going to tell you something.
Don't forget something.
We Navy SEALs don't get mad.
We get even.
Well, I've got you for a full hour to take calls.
Come up in about eight, nine days.
We appreciate that time.
We'll get more into all that other stuff and all the serious issues, but tell us about the paperback of Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
Well, you know, I added, because the epilogue was now outdated, I don't know if they removed it, but I added a couple new chapters and we updated it, which is what they always do when a hardcover goes to paperback.
But, you know, I updated a new chapter in it and all that stuff, but again, it's a wake-up call, I hope.
I hope this country will wake up to the fact that dissension is the greatest form of patriotism, and the fact that if you don't hold your government officials' feet to the fire, you're going to get bad government.
That's good, but that's not unpatriotic.
We better start taking our country back or we're going to lose it.
Alex, to me, if we're torturing people now, that means the terrorists are winning, because they're changing America.
And that's what they've set out to do.
Do we really want them to win?
I don't.
Well, Jesse, I mean, Governor, you're a smart guy, and we've had a lot of talks, and I know you're getting deeper into the whole underworld of the New World Order and all this, doing a lot more research on it, and working on a lot of projects, a book and a TV show and the rest of it.
I don't know how much of that we can get into, but some of that's got, you know, gag order on it, because it's being produced right now.
We talk about the buildings clearly being blown up, and then the question is who could put them in there?
Who could do it?
I know you've been in Mexico, but now they've had top scientists, two peer-reviewed journals, top Dutch physicists have come out, International News, BBC, National TV in Europe, confirming they actually got the thermate samples from the buildings.
They were blown up with explosive thermate.
Then you have the folks at NIST that are covering all this up, just so happen to be three of the top seven or so experts in explosive thermite, thermate in the world.
So, come on, this whole terrorist thing, it's a fraud.
They've used this to take our liberties, to take our freedoms.
And the same elite that was in control when Bush was in control is in control with Obama.
Aren't you worried that they're talking about going into Iran now?
And aren't you worried the same global elite might stage more terror attacks?
Or do you think that was just Bush?
Well, I don't know.
I hate to say it, but until they do something, we won't know, will we, Alex?
Because we're not on the inner circle, we're not sitting in on the meetings where the decisions are made, so I can only respond as it happens.
I guess the Iranians blew off a missile, you know, they showed me film, I guess, of some missile going up in the air.
Do I really know they did it?
I don't know.
You know, you get to the point, especially with our news media today, that you don't know what to believe and what not to believe.
Initially, you come out and they make you believe something, and then four to six months later you learn other things that make you disbelieve what they were told you.
So, when they tell me something today, I don't know whether to believe it or not.
Absolutely, Jesse.
Let me bring this question up to you then.
On 888, I get up, CNN says Russia has snuck attack Georgia.
Then I get to the office and I'm watching foreign TV and even reading, you know, down deep in the Associated Press that Georgia snuck attack South Ossetia and then two days later they admitted, okay, it was all a PR stunt.
NATO and U.S.
troops were there advising the sneak attack on the Russians.
I mean, that's how much our media and government will lie, is that they will launch sneak attacks on Russian territories.
Does that sound like a good idea to you, Jesse?
No, not at all.
You know, that sounds to me like, you know, if I could go back in history,
Is Howard Hunt still alive?
No, I mean, that sounds like the stuff they were doing to Cuba back down in the days of the Bay of Pigs and all that stuff when our CIA was down there trying to overthrow Castro secretly and making attempts and blowing up ships in the harbor and doing all that sort of behavior.
It reminds me of the stuff that went on in Central America during the whole Iran-Contra stink.
What this country's got to do is get its head out of its you-know-what and start realizing that there's a reason that these people don't like us out there in the world.
And a lot of it's got to do with our behavior.
I agree, and this corrupt offshore elites that are using the United States as their tool or their front man, their strong man, their engine, to carry this out.
Can you talk about what we discussed this morning in that conversation about how you're discovering more and more stuff?
You're writing a book about conspiracies.
The point about Lincoln, or do you want to just not get into that?
Oh no, that's fine.
Well, the story I can tell you is this.
You know, Dick Russell, my co-writer, he brought this to my attention.
He sat me down, and we were down together in the Bahan, and he just looked at me, and he said, Governor, he said, what do you know about the murder of Abraham Lincoln?
What were you taught in school?
And I said, well, what I recall that I was taught in school is that Abraham and his wife went to the movie theater, the Ford Theater, and that John Wilkes Booth snuck up behind him, shot him in the head, tried to jump from the balcony, hooked his leg on something or other, broke his leg, they trailed him to a cabin and killed him, burnt him or whatever.
I said, that's what I was taught.
And Dick said to me, so, they never taught you that there were actually seven people arrested, tried, and convicted for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the attempt on Ulysses S. Grant and Vice President Johnson?
I said, I never heard a word about that till you told me that right now.
And so what causes me concern is that
I don't know.
Why don't we put that in our school books about what really happened?
That there was this literal attempt from the Confederacy to assassinate three of the top union leaders, the President, the Vice President, and General Grant.
Now the issue is, why isn't this put in school books, regardless of what side of this we're on?
Why don't they write the truth about history?
And it scares me to death to think, okay,
What can you believe in our history books that our children are reading today?
You know, are they going to continue to tell us that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Jack Kennedy when there's enough evidence out there that indicates if he did take part in it, he certainly didn't do it alone?
Well, Governor, here's another one.
It is mainline history, even in Shires, Risenfall, Third Reich, Pulitzer Prize winning.
It's in all the major mainline history books, but it's never on Discovery Channel, History Channel, The News.
Did you know that the British and U.S.
governments actually funded Hitler?
That Edward VIII, the king, was a Nazi, had to escape Germany when the war started?
And that the West basically told Hitler to go ahead and do what he did, that they were going to back him and then they turned against him.
I mean, Hitler's still evil.
The point is, is that that's why they let the British escape at Dunkirk and all that.
That's why the Reich Fuhrer came in and parachuted into England with a peace treaty saying, I have the peace treaty.
You know, why are you doing this?
We had a deal.
Alex, I have to tell you, I don't know of any of that.
I have to claim ignorance.
I've never studied it.
I probably should.
But, you know, there's only so many hours in the day.
Well, no, exactly.
I'm saying you're a prominent guy.
Get your writer to look into that, because that's something that is mainline Pulitzer Prize.
It's just in there, though, like it's no big deal.
It's kind of like an elephant in the living room and nobody's even pointing it out.
Yeah, you can't see the forest for the trees.
Did you get enough time?
Okay, yeah, no, interesting stuff.
The book we're going to write though is going to deal with multiple conspiracies down through the years and, you know, and cover them and just, you know, hopefully make people think a little bit and realize, because I still sit back and say, you're telling me all the assassinations of the 60s were all done by low nuts?
You know, I lived through that and I just can't believe that there wasn't one more person involved than who they told us.
Well, it's now come out that Patty Hearst and the Weathermen, that that was all staged.
That's mainstream declassified.
And every time I hear about mad bombers that are about to blow something up, I was in the shower this morning with the radio on, listening to NPR, and they admitted this latest group of idiots they found in New York.
They admit, oh, by the way, the informants set up the group, were leading it, and gave them the explosives.
Well, again, Alex, you know more than I do on that stuff.
I can't comment on it because I have no idea.
Well, you're a very smart guy, and you've got a lot of courage, Jesse, and you've certainly been learning a lot of stuff I didn't know about, and you've taught me quite a bit about things that have happened.
Well, you've got to remember, Alex, you're here all the time now.
I take a leave of absence for six months.
Well, I think that's good.
I think you deserve it after all you've done.
Speaking of that, they keep asking you, are you going to run for the Senate?
Are you going to run for governor?
Are you ever going to run for office again?
At this time, no, I don't.
But I never say never because, you know, I can't predict the future.
I can't predict if something would happen that would inspire me to do it again.
But right now, I don't have the fire in my belly to go for, like, the Senate race, you know, it really came down to flipping a coin.
I let destiny determine it.
But the other main reason was I thought about, you know, at my age now, that six years of my life, that I gotta go hang out with people I don't even like?
Yeah, they are.
Well, Governor Ventura, I understand, but that's the problem.
Evil people will scrabble and claw to get power, will gnaw through steel to get it.
And then good guys like you, they don't want power, so they do something to fight the evil, but then at a certain point get so disgusted by the elitists that they don't even want to get involved with them.
And I don't blame you.
If I get that disgusted, you know I'll be back.
So that's a little hint that you're going to be back in the future.
Well, we'll talk a lot coming up on June 1st.
I just need to get with you and find out exactly what hour of the show you want to come on then.
But Governor Ventura, the book is out in paperback.
In closing, you talk about on TV waterboarding Dick Cheney.
I mean, if this guy says it's so great, it's so wonderful, they admit
Ninety plus percent of the people at Guantanamo Bay, totally innocent, just picked up by bounty hunters.
They get $25,000 a piece.
Most of them 14, 15 years old.
The intelligence they use to scare everybody came from torture.
I mean, I think if Cheney says waterboarding is no big deal, I mean, maybe he should show us that it's no big deal.
Can you comment on that?
Well, first of all, I made the quote, I think I said it on the view that if you, or no, I said it on Larry King.
That if you gave me a waterboard Dick Cheney in one hour, I'd have him confessing to the Tate murders.
Well, I have to amend that, though, Alex.
I don't think I could accomplish that.
You know why?
His heart ain't good enough.
He wouldn't be alive for an hour to even confess.
Exactly, exactly.
And that tells you how bad waterboarding is, because I do not believe Dick Cheney physically could take it.
You know, with the heart that he has.
Well, what about the stuff for him to advocate doing this to people, and for calling it another name called Enhanced Interrogation?
Well, that's baloney, because torture is torture, and they're like jury-picking.
They go, well, you can't torture a person from the United States, but if the person comes from somewhere else in the world, torture's okay?
Well, that was my last question.
What about...
What about the Department of Homeland Security documents that came out listing conservatives, gun owners, returning veterans as the number one terror threat and that Homeland Security set up for them?
And then it made the news, you know, we broke that, that when we were out having an in the Fed rally with Ron Paul, the Army was spying on us in Texas.
Well that's because you're in Texas.
You can't do nothing in Texas.
No, but what do you think of that DHS report, you know, trying to list the American people as the terrorists?
Well, again, you know, I don't know.
Alex, that's only stuff you know.
I can only speak to stuff that, and it's not that I don't believe you, but I can only speak to stuff that I actually know about, and I'll stay there.
Yeah, no, you have been down in Mexico, yeah.
Go ahead.
If we're not vigilant, if we're not vigilant, we're going to lose our freedoms, because it's a natural progression.
If you look down through the annals of history, you will always see it happen, and unless the citizenry takes control... In fact, let me say this, Alex, now finish like this.
They won't release the photos of our torture, right?
Well, then how about if I step forward on behalf of the taxpayers and the citizens of the great United States of America, and I want to go public with this, and I'll let you break it.
I will represent us.
Let me go where these photos are.
Let me go inside and see them.
And let me come out and report back as to what these photos are.
I think I have the right to do that.
I think they have no right to keep me from that.
You know why?
I pay their salary.
And I'm a governor, I'm a mayor, I'm a former Navy SEAL, I had a top-secret security clearance.
I think I'm fully qualified to walk in and view these photos on behalf of all citizens of America.
Jesse, so we can finish, I'm gonna go one minute, I'm gonna go one minute over right now.
We're gonna keep on the web, it's transmitting at InfoWars.com for one minute.
We're gonna cut that feed.
John, do I have Jesse there?
Yeah, Governor, we had to end the main thing on the internet, but we've still got tens of thousands on the internet listening, and I'm going to cut that transmission in a moment and say bye to you off-air, because I want to know where to send something that you were asking for.
But finish your statement.
We're still on the internet, still at PrisonPlanet.tv.
My statement was, again, I will go on behalf of the American people and let me go view these pictures they won't let us see on torture.
Yeah, you're a governor and also a populist figure who's very popular in the polls.
That's a good idea.
Let me go in and look at them and I'll come out and I'll report to the public whether, you know, what it is, why we shouldn't be able to see them.
Because I understand it could infuriate the enemy.
But I'm not the enemy.
And therefore I think I have every right to see these photos in private.
Well, Governor, let me just tell you in closing what is in them, because these photos were seen, as you know, by Congress and members of the Senate.
It is children being raped videos.
It is photos of children being raped in front of their parents.
And Obama was going to release some whitewashed ones, and then it was decided those were too hardcore.
But Cy Hirsch, you can just Google Cy Hirsch, New Yorker raping boys.
and uh... or or or interrogations raping children and it is confirmed general to gumbo the american general he's filipino uh... he did the army report three-star general where they said all that was done so we have an army report about those but yeah that would be important to uh... to send you in there but but that was the question i was gonna ask that's how bad these crimes get as i told you six months ago when you're here in austin what should be done i mean is i mean is that a pretty bad crime raping kids in front of their parents
Yeah, I would think so.
You know, to me, all torture is a bad crime, but again, I'll reserve comment until I'm allowed to see the photos.
Let me go see what they won't allow us to see, and I'll be happy to come out and give you my opinion on what I saw.
Okay, Governor, the bottom line is this.
If we hadn't done torture in the first place, Alex, there wouldn't be any photos, would there?
Absolutely, and they wouldn't be having to defend torture and say it's okay.
Exactly, and that's the bottom line.
Like when they're attacking Pelosi, that's just a red herring because the bottom line, whether she knew or didn't know, is if the torture hadn't have taken place in the first place, it would be irrelevant.
Absolutely, Governor.
Listen, I need to talk to you off air, so let's end the transmission right now on the live radio show, and then I will say bye to Governor Ventura.
I just want to know where to send you this atmospheric water generator, because you were saying you wanted to know where to get one.
We'll just mail you one.
So, you know what, let me do this, Governor, so I'll make sure we're not on air.
Let me just call you back on this line right now.
Okay, I'll call you in 60 seconds.
All right, I'll hang up.
All right, there goes Governor Jesse Ventura.
All right, we were still transmitting, correct?
Okay, good.
Good way to end that right there.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., right here on the front lines of the InfoWar.
I'm gonna go send him a bunch of emails and stuff now to fully educate him about the torture.
So when he goes on national TV, he'll talk about what they're doing to kids.
It's all admitted, it's just the public doesn't know.
All right, that's it for this transmission.
Great job, crew.
Great job, Genesis.
Great job, affiliates.
Take care.
The InfoWar continues right now.
Credit card companies.
Critics warned that the measure could further restrict tight credit markets in the lingering recession.
Texas Republican Jeb Hensarling predicted problems.
There are huge unintended consequences associated with this legislation.
President Obama is eager to sign the credit card bill soon.
I'm Terry Moore on Capitol Hill.