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Name: 20090515_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 15, 2009
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The War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have initiated simulcasting the radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Joining us from the Bilderberg Group Meeting 2009 is American Free Press writer Jim Tucker, author of the Bilderberg Group Diary.
Well today, uh... Carl Bildt made a speech advocating the uh...
Turning the World Health Organization into a World Department of Health, advocating, creating, turning the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, into a World Department of the Treasury, both of course under the auspices of the United Nations.
And of course this would be a giant step toward world government, something, an issue that's frustrated them now for more than
A decade in their efforts, but whether or not they go all the way, either event would represent a significant surrender of national sovereignty.
So, well, he made the case about how the world is in such horrible economic shape that it takes a super agency, a global super agency, to fix the problem, and because of the
They took over their facts when they invented the swine flu disease, the swine flu pandemic, as they called it.
He shifted gears and fell back on an old, decades old, Bilderberg theme of global warming.
We're all going to burn to death.
Well, and hereafter he will, but... Jim Tucker, I must interrupt you in the limited time we have.
I know you're busy.
Jim, are you telling me they said they invented the latest swine flu?
No, I said they did.
Because it was Bilderberg Lumineers who first said, gee, we have this bad pandemic.
It was not a bad pandemic.
Every year, on average, 300,000 Americans get a flu.
Every year, on average, 30,000 Americans
Now, how many people have died of swine flu?
What is too many?
It does not represent a pandemic.
That is on the agenda and possibly overlooked by many people is the fact that some type of a direct tax on all the world has been long on the Bilderberg agenda.
There's three such bills pending before the United Nations that have been for years and they're trying to pick a time when they can slip it through without anybody being really aware of it.
Now their favorite global tax has always been a tax on oil in the barrel head.
It'll start off like the income tax did, very low, maybe a penny a barrel.
When you buy a gallon of gasoline, you will not even notice that you're paying two pennies to the United Nations because you've bought two gallons of gas.
You wouldn't even know.
Years ago, you would not even be aware that when you put gas in your car, or your lawnmower for that matter, or any purpose, you are paying a direct tax.
Direct tax to the United Nations.
That's a symbol of global sovereignty.
And, of course, like federal income tax, which has increased over the years, and people are grunting and groaning, and then when they're, uh, get a list, you say, so much federal tax, so much state tax, so much, in some cases, county tax, and, oh yes, uh, UN taxes.
All right, Jim Tucker, we got a break, quick break.
You'll have three minutes.
We're going to come back for another six, seven minutes, then let you go.
When you get back next week, we'll get the full report, also coming out in AmericanFreePress.net.
But he is the author of Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary, absolutely essential.
You can get it at Infowars.com.
Jim Tucker, a living legend, a true reporter, straw hat and all.
We'll get back.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
It's Bilderberg 2009 Frontline exclusives from the kingpin, Milderberg Hunter.
34 years hunting these guys.
He's the reason you're seeing it in the mainstream media today.
The reason we have governments going after him.
Jim, one comment for you.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com today.
A member of the Dutch Parliament is asking the Finance Minister, the Prime Minister and others, and the Queen, if they're attending Velderberg and trying to ram through EU expansion and the Libsyn Treaty.
Were you aware of this breaking development?
Not about the Queen and whoever, but I know that was on the agenda today.
There is much discussion about getting the Irish to sign on to the Lisbon Treaty because all EU countries have to endorse or it could not happen.
And the Irish voted down before.
They're going to try to make them vote again and torture them and pressure them into voting and reversing themselves.
And the Irish do not want to surrender that much sovereignty.
Of course, all those countries have surrendered significant sovereignty.
I mean, the European Parliament can make laws and impose them on member states.
The European Court can make rulings and overturn laws of member states, and they have.
Yet they want to make it stronger, and the Irish said no in the first referendum.
In fact, polls in Germany and France show that the people strongly oppose the Lisbon Treaty, but in Germany and France, the head of state can sign off on it whether they like it or not.
Ireland requires a referendum, the first time it failed.
They plan a meeting in June, about June 18, 19, something like that, to try to pressure the Irish voters into reversing themselves.
Bilderberg plans to send a group up there privately, to talk privately to the leaders of Ireland, to pressure them to tell their citizens, it's good for you.
You'll eat better, you'll live longer.
Okay, Jim, Jim.
Yeah, that plays out.
Jim, in the limited time, I have quite a few other questions.
Just in the short notes, what else is on their agenda from your sources inside Bilderberg?
Well, I think they had mentioned this yesterday, but President Obama is being charged, well, he's willingly, he's willingly accepted the job of trying to slip through ratification of the International Criminal Court.
Uh, treaty.
Now, when, uh, Bilderberg Clinton first, uh, signed off on it, uh, Test vote in Congress showed that more than 90 Senators voting against it, so he did not submit it for ratification.
When Bubba Bush was elected, he withdrew the signature.
When Obama, uh, the, uh, when Obama was, uh, elected, he put the signature back on so he could go before the Senate any time.
But their tactics are this.
Uh, Obama is the sweet talk.
I think so.
So Obama's going to sweet-talk it and say, don't worry, we'll have more left-wing Congress, or he'll probably say more liberal Senate after the 2002 election.
So in January of 2011, when the new Senate is seated, you can ratify it late on a Saturday night.
It's too late for Sunday morning papers.
Too late to re-plan the Sunday talk shows.
And we'll even make the Monday papers.
It'll happen.
Nobody will know.
You'll suffer no political reprisals, and we can be a member of the International Criminal Court.
And for those that don't know, Jim, I mean, for those that don't know, this will put Americans under the jurisdiction of foreign hate speech laws, being arrested for criticizing open borders, you know, Michael Savage can't come to Europe, banning Internet freedom, all of that.
Now, what about Daniel Lesterlin, who's proven to be very accurate with his sources?
He says he has two Bilderberg Group members as sources.
Yes, it is.
And the mood seems to be, according to our Treasurer Secretary Gessner and Bill, toward a shorter recession, not a 10-year recession.
Dan and I have collaborated for many years.
He's not here this year for the third straight year.
I don't know why.
I couldn't communicate with him.
But he's always been reliable, and we've collaborated over the years.
But the tilt is sort of shorter.
Part of the cause of a 10-year recession would damage the Bilderberg industrialists themselves.
As much as they want to have a global department of labor and a global department of treasure and everything, they still like making money.
Thank you for
Within two years, you can make people miserable enough to accept anything.
It seems to be the view.
Okay, to be clear, Jim, you're saying, you're confirming that they, as you said three years ago and two years ago and last year, you said they were going to cut oil prices in half when it was at $149 a barrel and suddenly it plunged because they really are running things.
This isn't predictions.
This is what the elite are saying.
Are you saying that, yes, indeed, they've engineered the crisis to terrorize people into accepting the new bank of the world, the new world currency?
Either they're engineering it or they're surely celebrating it.
They are exploiting it to promote the, well as you said, also the New World Currency, but they've been so far behind their schedule on that.
In fact, the Patriots have been winning, as I've said so many times.
Bilderberg was confident in having an American Union by the year 2000, and that was nine years ago, and we don't have it on Mario yet.
First of all, it just dollarized the Western Hemisphere, but now they want it to be in the Barrio.
Well, they're paranoid every year.
It's a secret site.
They try to make it
They get widespread publicity.
In fact, Charlie Shelton is going to have a piece, I think, Monday in the Clue edition of his paper, The Guardian.
There's a lot of freelance reporters here, others associated with various broadcast networks and newspapers, and there's just about as many journalists as there was before, and it's hard to get the demonstrations
I don't
And the journalists are here.
Wait a minute, Jim.
Jim, I was saying police were coming up and arresting people a hundred yards away.
You're saying two and a half miles away.
Because I keep seeing videos where it's like seashore and trees and no buildings around and highways.
Are there just, from what I've been told, there's police just everywhere arresting people all over the, I mean, this is total police state.
I mean, the media should be all over this with their reporters being arrested.
Oh, and they surely are taking the guy off the camera.
We're good to go.
Okay, Jim Tucker, in closing, when are you getting back to the United States so we can get a full 30-minute report here on air from you?
When are we going to see the big print edition of American Free Press with all the details?
That will be in the one that goes to press next Thursday.
The next one you get, if you haven't got one, let's see, this is Friday, the one mailed out today, or Thursday night, last night, will have the story files.
Prior to the meeting itself.
Okay, what has security done to you?
Because you always do the ritual of trying to walk into the gate.
Have you not done that this time?
Oh, I did, but they didn't say a word to me.
They just turned the car, the cab driver turned around, and I was speaking to them, but they just gave me that funny look.
As you know, they've known me for years from the photographs they've taken.
And so he knew who I was.
Well, all several cops knew who I was.
But they told the cab driver he had to go away.
And so, well, the way the gate was locked, he couldn't even press through if he wanted to.
Jim, do you think they were angry from last year when we were only 50 yards away bullhorning them with you there?
Well, they're angry from every year.
Every year they're angry that they've been discovered.
They're angry that there's protesters.
They're angry that there's reporters.
I'm hopeful that they'll top up the list because of major newspapers are now covering the story.
There's a heavy story in the Times of London today.
And there's going to be more tomorrow, so I'm hoping they'll top it up.
In closing, Jim.
Sure, sure.
In closing, Jim, to interrupt you, because we're almost out of time in 30 seconds.
They seem to be very grim-faced, you said in your article in American Free Press.
Are they upset?
Are things going well for them?
No things are going bad for them.
Americans are responding, the Europeans are responding, and their program has been blocked.
They're still trying to do these things we discussed earlier, and we have to keep fighting so that they don't succeed.
Well, this is the Global Cabal, and you're there on the front lines, once a voice in the wilderness, now many people joining you.
Jim Tucker, go with God, we're praying for you, and we'll talk to you again next week.
Great job, sir.
Thank you.
All right, there goes Jim Tucker.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.
Coming up, we'll talk to the London Guardian reporter, who's reportedly been detained or harassed or arrested for the third time.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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All right, we've got a Leningradian reporter coming up in T-minus nine minutes.
A bunch of other guys I'll tell you about later, but I wanted to finish up with Paul Watson.
We got interrupted by having Jim Tucker on.
I'll break down those huge breaking pieces of information.
You watch, all that's now going to happen in the next year.
I mean, it just happens year after year.
These people actually run things.
We actually go to these countries and get arrested and detained and have moles inside in the Secret Service and Bilderberg group members who don't like it.
And it's so incredible
I mean, I've been in hotel rooms finding bugging devices and been followed and been arrested and Jim's been shot at and all this is happening.
And it's not cloak and dagger.
We're not like James Bond, all fancy and super handsome in perfectly tailored suits, you know, Mr. Universe.
This is just real people.
Gumshoe, detective-type folks, and myself, and Paul Watson, and all the other great people.
There's quite a few rogue, alternative media people there.
There's quite a few mainstream people there who were kind of laughing at first, but now being arrested.
And so,
If we just point out this is criminal, this is illegal, this is the cabal, they'll fall!
And that's starting to happen!
As Paul Watson said with his great article where the Dutch Prime Minister grilled over Bilderberg following Prison Planet article in the Parliament!
The Queen's being grilled!
You gotta have guts, because guts is enough, folks.
You just believe in it, take action, tell the truth, don't stop fighting, and we're going to win this thing.
Paul Watson finishing up with Government Ready's Youth Corps to take on vets.
New York Times training the school children to take on the veterans.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
Paul Watson, finish up.
Right, and I mean, in the article I point out that they're shifting away from the traditional boy scout pursuits of
Sports, camping, team leadership, survival skills.
And they're going forward and militarizing it, quote, to confront terrorism, illegal immigration, and escalating border violence.
And it's all under the banner of this Explorers program, which is exactly how the Hitler Youth came into being.
It started out as the Boy Scouts, and then it was militarized and became a preparatory school for the training of future Nazi leaders.
And I don't say that lightly.
I mean, this screams out Hitler Youth to me when you see these pictures of these teenagers with guns and they're being sent out to disarm disgruntled Iraq war veterans and people like that who are all cataloged in the Homeland Security.
Disarm them?
There's photos of Homeland Security saying, go in and kill everybody!
I mean, these kids are practicing killing adults!
You know, this is going to be introduced under the pretext of a national crisis, which relates to something that we're just going to post on the website now.
There's a top flu expert, influenza expert, called Dr. Henry L. Niemann, and he's saying that now because there's been a case of swine flu in Scotland, which quote, fulfills the WHO requirement of community transmission in two or more regions,
The WHO are about to raise the pandemic level from five to six, even though, you know, swine flu has proven less deadly than the common influenza.
Which allows them to go around laws.
Which allows them to basically suspend laws and bring in that George Bush, now Obama, emergency.
And they're saying, as I predicted, oh, it will mutate in the fall and kill everybody.
That's probably hype too, folks.
But to fearmonger everyone into taking the new special triple shot, now you've got to have three flu vaccines every year, Paul.
The good news is that there was a Reuters article yesterday which did a survey and said
Only a third of Americans would take a swine flu vaccine.
And, you know, that's just after all the fear-mongering, so imagine.
If it happens again in a few months, that number will be even less.
Hey, did we send you that San Francisco Chronicle article where they were admitting the CIA released the swine fever flu in Cuba, that's declassified, and that almost every swine flu outbreak, 1918-1976, happens at military bases after they're vaccinated, and then admitting the swine flu shots in the 70s killed a bunch of people?
I mean, they're going to shoot people up and they're going to die, and then they just say, oh, that's how it is, you know.
I mean, it's such baloney, Paul.
Right, and then we had the Professor Gibbs a few days ago saying that it looked like it was manufactured in a lab, or accidentally released from a vaccine lab, as is always the case.
By the way, have we gotten the CNN and MSNBC to apologize for attacking us, saying we were kooks, for saying it was engineered?
Not that I know of, no.
Eh, doesn't matter.
They're discredited scum anyways.
Paul Watson, great job.
We'll be talking to you again throughout the weekend.
And, uh, going into next week, we'll be right back with Mr. Skelton of the London Guardian.
I heard he ran into the police again.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs,
That's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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As we've been trying to dump our wine spread for much too long.
Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Kurt Nimmo are all writing exclusive articles from inside Bilderberg with Jim Tucker's sources.
We're also covering what's happening on the outside.
International media has headlines about, oh, reporters are being detained and citizens are being detained two miles away.
They're not detained.
They put you in handcuffs, put you in a police car and take you to jail.
You're being arrested.
You're just not being charged.
So you're being arrested.
You're under arrest when they physically take you.
Just unbelievable spin, kind of like they shot you in the head and they said, oh, we didn't kill you, we just, you know, put a bullet through your head and then you died, you know.
It's just, it was endless whitewashing of what's really going on.
We have him from
Outside Athens, Greece at the site of Bilderberg 2009.
We're going to go to Charlie Skelton in just one moment.
Writer for one of the biggest newspapers in the world, the London Guardian.
Before we talk to this reporter who was arrested twice in the first two days of this.
I heard he had a fracas today from Jim Tucker.
We'll get details.
Jim said a bunch of other reporters got arrested and detained.
We will go over that coming up, but first I wanted to tell the listeners about a few of our sponsors.
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So you can get that as well at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
We have also, in closing, started
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And the first edition of this is out with David Icke, Alan Watt, the Austin Police Chief, Joe Rogan, a bunch of other people, two-hour film in high quality, digital quality, and a lot more.
That is now available and that is now shipping now at InfoWars.com.
It is the DVD Arsenal, Volume 1.
And we're going to have a lot more of these coming out in the next few weeks.
And then after we're caught up, it'll be every month one comes out.
They're going to be coming out every week now for the next few weeks.
We've got four or five because we're doing January, February, March, April, you know.
I did.
I've had a strange day.
I genuinely wanted to have a quiet day, keep my head down, not be arrested, and just write some reports on Bilderberg.
It didn't turn out that way because when I got up, went out of the hotel, I realised instantly I was being followed by plainclothes policemen.
And it's been one of the most surreal days of my life.
I've never been followed before, by girls obviously, but not by plainclothes Greek policemen.
Anyway, so yeah, I've just gone to the hotel, sorry, to the local police station for the second time today in order to complain about this.
Because, you know, I thought I'm going to try and deal with this rationally.
I went lunchtime and I said, look, I'm not a threat.
I think there's something badly wrong if you're following me around here.
You know who I am.
You've checked me out.
I'm not a terrorist.
I'm not about to kill David Rockefeller.
You know, I'm nothing.
I'm a nobody.
Can you call them off?
It's just getting annoying.
And they were very nice and they said, yes, yes, yes.
And then I didn't say anything for a couple of hours and just now I suddenly went, oh, here we go.
I'm being followed again.
And I've been really badly followed again for the last... I'm being followed now.
This is weird.
I'm on the phone.
I'm being followed.
It sounds very strange saying that I'm being followed, but I'm being followed by a plainclothes policeman along the street.
Oh, try having four of them start punching you and saying you better stop reporting on this.
You know, that's the next level of this miser skeleton.
That's happened to me before now.
Let's expand on this.
Where are you?
Where are the goons?
You ought to just pull over and walk over and talk to them, or they'll probably drive past you.
I would pull over, or if you're not in a car, stop.
Act like you're afraid, because they get off on that.
Then they'll start coming up closer, get photos, and run up and talk to them with the phone.
That's the way I would do this.
Well, I've had a few conversations with them, and you know, I had one about 20 minutes ago with a guy where
I hate to say this about a police force of which I don't have much experience, but they don't seem very good.
It's a mix in Soviet Russia, Communist China, Nazi Germany, East Germany, of people who look like they're 14 years old, as I've seen the photos, with pot-bellied thugs.
This is tyranny, and he always has morons working for it.
So, so, where are you now?
Let's go talk to him right now.
You were saying you were... They've gone now.
There was a guy on a motorcycle.
He's circled off.
I headed towards him.
He's circled off, so he'll be replaced in a minute.
It's perfectly unbelievable.
I wrote today, it's like being in my own episode of Equalizer.
It's just extraordinary.
You know, what are you going to do when the media says, hold on, let me stop you Mr. Skelton, what are you going to do when newspapers say you're a liar, Bilderberg doesn't exist, and none of this happened?
Well, I think I would refute that.
And they'll call you a kook.
They'll say Greece doesn't exist.
You understand?
That's how they operate.
I'm not kidding.
You know I get emails saying there's no European Union?
Oh yeah, these people... Limbaugh says that the CFR doesn't exist.
Oh my goodness.
Anyways, I'm going to shut up, Mr. Skelton.
You're on with us.
Tell us what it's been like today.
You say you've talked to him.
Please continue.
Well, I was just going to say that for about 15-20 minutes, it was very exciting.
I've got to confess, it was very exciting.
I was being followed along.
I managed to double back through a cafe.
I managed to make my tail.
I managed to talk to them.
Uh, I would make them admit they were policemen.
I took their photograph.
They didn't like that.
And, um, uh, but hopefully that photograph has been published now on the Guardian website.
No, that's the spirit.
That's the spirit.
But, you know, and then it was great.
And then I went to the, uh, great.
It wasn't great.
Obviously I've been followed.
But, um, then I went to the police station.
I said, can you stop?
They were very nice.
And, uh, and they said, yes.
And do you know what?
And now I'm, I'm annoyed.
I'm curious and I feel threatened.
I feel like I've been criminalized.
I'm walking around.
I'm, I'm,
To the best of my knowledge, I'm a decent, upstanding citizen, and I've been criminalized by the presence of Bilderberg here.
They have put pressure onto the local police to follow me around, and that's just not fair.
They can check me out, they know who I am, and can they not make a rational decision on that?
No, they can't.
They've got to harass me at a very low level, but it's very... it's just constant, and you know, I'm really disheartened by it.
I really am.
Well, I'm reading some of the headlines of your latest dispatches, the London Guardian, as they were on screen, and it sounds almost apologetic, like, our man is sorry he's causing so much trouble.
Why is that the spin?
So it's bad secret police keep kidnapping you every day and taking you away?
I mean, you were kidnapped twice.
You know, when George Bush, at a press conference, ordered me kidnapped for an hour?
And then they threw me out on the side of the highway.
That was kidnapping.
I mean, you've been kidnapped, and instead, it looks like the newspaper's apologizing for you.
Well, no, that's me apologizing.
That's me.
That's my words.
And I'm saying, the point I'm making in that piece, the point I'm making is that, you know, I'm coming at this, you know, obviously, as an English guy, middle class, you know, well brought up,
Uh, by my middle class parents.
That won't help you, they know you're in the know.
The way I want to deal with this is to be polite, gentlemanly, I want to shake hands and say no hard feelings, awfully sorry, can't believe I got you into this.
Everyone, you know, it's a terrible situation, sorry everyone, oh well, let's have a cup of tea, right?
Now that's, that's basically my, the way I've been trying to handle it.
You know, I've been very nice, I'm going to be fair mate, I'm still nice, but you know, I haven't had that returned back to me, and I'm,
I feel let down by that.
That's me being naive, I know, and I know you'll shout at me now, but I did kind of expect them to play the game in a kind of honourable way and to say, OK, we know who you are.
So we're going to leave you alone, you're not a threat.
Listen, they're imploding the government by design, Mr. Skelton.
DynCorp and Halliburton in the Financial Times of London, BBC, Chicago Tribune run giant child kidnapping rings.
The CPS right here in Austin puts bounties out for what adoption agencies, what type of kids they want, and go out literally scoping kids out in public school to steal.
I mean, Mr. Skelton, the government is completely criminal worldwide.
They're not going to be gentlemanly.
I mean, are you kidding?
These are criminals.
Well, I'd like to make a distinction between, I'm afraid to speak of the whole neighborhood of dogs barking.
I apologize for that.
I'd like to try and make a distinction, or maintain a distinction, between the local police who are under pressure by, you know, Bilderberg being here.
And they obviously are under pressure, I know that, I appreciate that.
I don't think so.
Playing around with their guns and their motorcycles, following me, thinking it's such a funny game.
Isn't this brilliant?
We've got them under surveillance.
They're playing the... They're playing the big government's game, and they're playing the Bilderberg game, and it's...
That's just infuriating.
You just want to shake them and say, for God's sake, you're following the wrong person.
I mean, look, the military and police are there to guard the criminal elite.
Just like in Nazi Germany, you could say their police and military might not all have been bad guys.
In fact, a lot of them were nice guys bouncing babies on their knees when they were at home at night and cleaning the dishes.
But during the day, they were lining up families in pits and shooting them.
And let me tell you, this following order is to spy on Americans without warrants.
And this following order is to arrest now hundreds of citizens for photographing police in England under terror charges.
And you can't buy seeds now under EU law because you're a terrorist.
Sir, we're going into bondage.
That's what happens 99% of the time.
That's why the Magna Carta and Bill of Rights and things like that created the new renaissance of liberty, and that's why these enemies of freedom are defecating all over them, and that's why they're enemies!
They're enemies of everything good.
These are Nazi-como-Nazis.
Whatever you want to call them.
They're scum.
They're filth.
They're trash.
And we need to address them for what they are, instead of apologizing.
You know, I've watched the famous footage of people in Soviet Russia being rounded up, or people in Germany, or people being rounded up in China, and they're always apologetic to the police as they're being taken to their deaths.
I'm not going to be apologetic to criminals.
I don't care how many uniforms they've got.
Go ahead.
Well, I was just going to continue your thought, but to say that what I think I've learned so far is that where I put my head above the parapet here is that I've become, in inverted commas, a member of the press.
You know, I'm not really a reporter.
I'm, you know, I work writing stuff for things, but I'm not, you know, I might be a writer, but I'm not a reporter.
But I tell you what, as soon as I have a camera and as soon as I'm filing copy somewhere, anywhere, I become a threat.
I become a voice.
And they hate, they prefer the voiceless.
And they hate someone with a voice.
And I just think, we're living in a sort of brief period, I don't know how long, in an age where it's technologically possible for everyone to become a reporter.
Well let me tell you what happened.
You know, for everyone to stick a lens.
And that's why the British government is saying photography in public is an act of terrorism because they don't want it.
And I agree with you.
The power of the citizen press, not just the London Guardian reporter, is incredible.
Now, let me expand on that.
The Bilderberg Group made the cold-blooded decision.
When they drive into events with blackened windows, they hold newspapers up to their faces.
Because they know they're engaging in criminal acts and taking over nations.
Now, you're there, this is happening.
They made a cold-blooded decision, because I've been told they've arrested and detained a bunch of people, and I want you to tell us about that.
They've made the cold-blooded decision.
This is kind of taking the gloves off.
I've never seen it where they're just arresting and detaining people en masse two-plus miles away, according to Tucker.
So they've made a conscious decision to get all the bad publicity because they don't want anybody seeing who is at that meeting.
Now, tell us your take on that.
Well, you know, their job would be made a lot harder if more people were here, I have to say.
Please don't think I'm being self-righteous at all in saying that I think it's important that I'm here.
I think it's important that Jim Tucker's here.
It's important that, you know, the guy I just spoke to from Romania, he's here.
It's important that Bernie, who went out on the boat to try and get in the air to take photographs of them from the sea, is here.
I think it's all important.
And you know what?
We might be entering an age where everyone has to just change what they do a little bit and
Become a little bit more active.
And you know, just a little bit.
Just a little bit.
Just pick up a camera a bit more often.
Write something a bit more.
There goes one of them.
You've done it.
Oh, another one.
Another secret policeman who's shown up now.
Now he's circled off.
I think it's because I'm doing a lot of walking.
They're getting bored of walking after me.
Stay there.
We're going to come back, sir.
We're going to come back because I want you to tell us what you've seen, if you got out in the ocean, what happened, who else you've seen being detained or arrested.
He's Charlie Skelton, Bilderberg 2009.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones, and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Charles Skelton.
I've been all over the map here.
It just upsets me to hear what's happening to you.
Give us a brief, and I appreciate your time, London Guardian reporter joining us from Bilderberg 2009.
A chronological thing.
So you tried to go out in a boat.
What happened there?
What have you heard about other reporters being arrested?
Tucker says they're all coming back to meet him at 7, 8 o'clock at night.
He had just talked to him when he came on the show with us, and he said there's a whole bunch of people getting arrested and detained miles away.
He said two and a half miles away.
What can you tell us?
Well, I've only briefly spoken to a couple of them, and the Romanian guy, who I believe has provided you some footage already today, he has been detained, and he managed to record them, I think, whilst being detained.
And Bernie, who I'm afraid I don't know his second name, but I think he's from the American Free Press, he went out on the boat, but he said they didn't get within, you know, three miles before the Greek Navy came along and turned the boat around.
So now you can't even get out in the public harbor.
I mean, now you can't even go out in the public harbor.
It's like the gods have landed, that's the end of it.
I mean, the point that's fascinating about that is that here's a... Oh, I don't know what that alarm is throwing at me.
What's fascinating is that here's a situation where the... You know, people out in the boat are being turned away by the Greek Navy from approaching within three miles of a hotel.
And it's still not being reported on.
And it's this...
I don't quite understand.
You know, I'm going to come away from this conference with that one question foremost in my mind.
I don't understand why it's not being talked about in the press.
And I know the easy answer is to say that there's a blanket pressure from the top of each of these newspapers and media outlets.
You know what?
Maybe that's the case.
I don't know.
But even so, even from within and from below, and where is it?
You know, you put Bilderberg into
Google News, and it's prisonplanet.com, prisonplanet, prisonplanet, the Guardian, prisonplanet, that one article in the Times, and that's about it.
You know, and that's depressing.
Is that the best that we can do?
Is that the best reporting that we can put together as a globe?
Jesus, it's pathetic.
Well, we're getting millions of people... No, no, millions of people are googling Bilderberg and they're finding Prison Planet.
So, see, that backfires on the mainstream media.
That's why we're seeing some reportage now from some mainstream media because they're losing so much credibility and media market share.
See, the media has denied all this existed until about six, seven years ago.
Now they go, OK, they want world government.
And they've had Momby Yod of your own paper come out and say, yeah, we need world government.
He said that yesterday.
And yeah, you know, and people that are against it are kind of kooks.
So go ahead and, you know, don't let them have free speech.
You know, that's kind of where this goes.
Then other reporters said this didn't exist all these years.
They don't want to admit they're wrong.
So it is pressure with the Financial Times of London owned by Bilderberg Group member Mr. Wolf.
With the Wall Street Journal and stuff, with News Corp, a Bilderberg Group member, he's certainly been there.
There's members and there's guests.
Rupert Murdoch.
They do have a news blackout on all of this, but we've exposed it so much that now it just discredits them.
But you're right.
Having people for two and a half mile, three mile radiuses arrested, you know, that's big news right there alone.
Where do you see this going?
Well, I think you're absolutely right about credibility.
I think that, you know, with enough different voices all standing here and pointing at it and going, look, whatever else is happening, whatever you say about it, whether it's good or bad, these limousines did just pull up.
These helicopters are circling above.
There are armed people with machine guns there.
There are some people in there and they are discussing something.
Is that not a news story?
Is that not news?
And I think that if you're not covering that,
And you're deciding to just put an extra page in the paper, you know, to cover some soap opera or whatever, or sports event, then you have to lose credibility.
Surely, you know, if you have any, any, you know, shred of self-respect as a news editor, surely you're giving it some place.
Thank goodness the time is limited.
Stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We are back live.
The Goldenberg Group is now into day number two, then day three tomorrow, into Sunday.
We'll have a big report for you, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time, abbreviated Sunday Edition.
We'll probably have reports again from the final day of Bilderberg as it's breaking up and leaving.
You can be two miles away, three miles away trying to get them coming in on the highway or leaving.
We'll see on Sunday if people get arrested even trying to videotape the gods leaving.
Because the men in black limousines with helicopters and troops, they don't exist.
The World Bankers meeting with the royalty.
When we get their own documents that Jim Tucker's stolen from them before and things, openly bragging about world government, none of that exists.
So, got to tell the public, there just happens to be army and police out here arresting you.
If you come near, nothing's going on.
Go away.
We're talking in this segment and a little bit into the next.
We'll be gone by ten after we have several other guests and a bunch of other news we're going to be covering.
But I appreciate Charlie Skelton with The Guardian being nice and coming on.
You know, I saw his first report back on Monday or Tuesday saying, I'm going to Bilderberg to see if it exists.
And we kind of said, look, they're going to send this comedy writer there to make fun of it.
Then I found out his wife's a listener.
He's a listener.
And that, you know, that it was his idea to go to Bilderberg.
But I think that was kind of their idea to pick him, maybe thinking that, oh, well, he's not an official journalist.
We can kind of poo-poo it.
And we have to ask, why is he the guy that was sent
From one of the biggest papers in the world.
I mean, it's in the top ten.
I think I pulled up its ratings.
They say it's the sixth or seventh largest paper in the world.
Why is he there?
But I think that's maybe backfired on them because he isn't a mind-controlled, mainline journalist like Mambi Yat there, calling for world government in the same newspaper.
Why do you think they sent you?
Why do you think... I mean, you pointed out, nobody's going to this.
Would you like to send me?
I mean, how did that happen?
Well, Mr. Trump, you're doing it at ten o'clock.
I'll be there at ten o'clock.
10 o'clock.
Hey, who was that talking to you, Mr. Skelton?
One of them.
It's really bizarre.
I wish I wouldn't have been babbling when the secret police came up.
Tell me... Oh, he was polite.
He waited until you quit talking.
What did the police officer say to you this time?
I just sort of... I turned around and came up in his face again, as I've been doing.
I'm talking to you now.
Two things are happening.
One, I'm having a conversation with you.
At number two, I'm walking around a small suburb up on the hill with about, sort of, four policemen in plainclothes on various corners and streets and I'm sort of double-backing and saying hello to them and dodging them and it almost is a game for myself.
Can we talk to him?
Can we talk to him?
I know it's not a game, I know it's not a game and, you know, it's... I didn't really speak much English so that wouldn't have been a good one.
What was he saying about ten o'clock?
I was telling him.
I'm going to go back to the station at 10 just to try and clear it up.
Apparently there's a change of command at 10 o'clock and the guy at the gate, who's quite nice, just said, the young guy just said, look, don't speak to the one now, speak to the one at 10 o'clock.
You might get somewhere with him.
But obviously I won't get anywhere because, you know, the amount of pressure I can put on these compared to the amount of pressure David Rockefeller can put on these, it's slightly different.
So I've got a feeling that my request to be left... But wait a minute, David Rockefeller doesn't exist!
There's no world government.
He just wrote his memoir four years ago saying he wants to overthrow the U.S.
I mean, Mr. Skelton, there's no world government, Mr. Skelton.
Well, I kind of feel the tentacles of the world government tickling me on the back of my neck at the moment.
And it's not a nice feeling.
Well, what's wrong with them setting up a world government to carry out eugenics and a one-child policy and taxing you with carbon taxes to micromanage every facet of your life?
I mean, what's wrong with them banning all your liberties?
To answer your question, I think, is it's wrong in so many different ways that it's almost impossible to get your head around it.
It's almost incomprehensibly bad.
And it's so big.
I read about this the other day.
It's a bit like, I don't know whether you've read the Edgar Allen Poe short story, where
Someone hides something in plain view.
It's the Pauline letter.
And it's a story about... I'm not going to give it away now, so close your ears if you don't want to hear this.
But a letter is stolen and it's hidden in plain view on the wall.
And in the story, Ed Gruntho talks about how if you look at a map and look for a word, you won't be able to see the word if it's the large word written right across in massive letters because you're looking close up.
And I sort of think that... Stay there!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, once Charlie Skelton on Lone and Guardian is back in the UK, out of one police state and into another, back from Bilderberg 2009, I want to have him on for like a full hour and fully brief him.
And I really want to thank you, sir, for your courage and what you've done, and I don't want to say your transformation, but you've certainly now been baptized in the tyranny
And know how real it is.
And that's what I encourage listeners to do.
Go out, as you said, become citizen activist media.
You will run into tyranny and corruption everywhere.
Government is so corrupt that if you follow almost any judge that you see that's doing evil things, you'll catch them with hookers and buying drugs.
I mean, I've never found a politician that wasn't corrupt, that was doing bad things, that I couldn't follow or watch, who wouldn't instantly do bad.
Because bad people don't just do one bad thing.
They just are all over the map.
And if we start following them, videotaping them, going to city council meetings, hanging out in parking lots, following city council members as citizen media, I mean, it's unbelievable.
You'll just immediately see evil.
These people just run around continually engaged in wickedness, as the Bible says, and, you know, going and covering global elitists, going and doing everything you're doing.
I just want to commend you, and if the citizens start covering what government's doing and ferreting things out and looking at legislation, there's no way they can get away with this if we all just do a little bit.
So, you're there walking around in Greece with secret police following you everywhere as the sun is now set, and I appreciate you coming on with us.
Closing comments, sir, from you, Charlie Skelton, reporter for the London Guardian there at Bilderberg 2009.
Oh, and you were finishing up your Hidden in Plain View analogy.
Well, I'll just finish that point and close off on that, which is that one of the problems with what you're engaged in, what anyone who's engaged in alternative thinking, one of the problems that faces them is, what do you pick?
Even if you were to just pick one thing, for example, the lies concerning the Iraq War or the taking over of genetic seed varieties by large corporations, any one of those things is enough to absolutely blow anyone's mind.
That's the trouble.
It's so big.
The problem is enormous.
I'm talking to myself here.
I don't know what to do, but I guess one thing you can do is just simply pick something.
Pick something and go, do you know what I'm going to do for the next five years?
I'm going to be a bit interested in protecting seed varieties or a bit interested in monitoring European legislation or a bit interested in picking up
Sir, you're saying exactly what I've instinctively said for over a decade, for 14 years now.
A system of crony capitalism.
It's not true capitalism or free market to control everything.
And so that's why they're hitting you from every angle because it's business for them.
And exactly one of these will blow your mind.
There are hundreds of these coming in at you.
And that's why the general public comes face to face with a conspiracy so massive.
That they're just knocked over by it, as Winston Churchill said, or as the former head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover said, is that you come face-to-face, and the globalists write books about it, it's not even our opinion, and they're laughing.
When you read their books, they're laughing, going, I know you're reading this, none of your little slave friends will help you.
I mean, they've got little statements, you know, basically like that.
And you're going, none of my slave friends will help me.
My God, these people are directly talking to the members of the public that actually read this, and you're just like, can't we wake the sheep up to beat these people?
So, we appreciate your courage.
Maybe I can get you on for 15-20 minutes on Sunday.
We're on 4 to 6 p.m., so I'll have Rob call you, and we're very thankful for all your time.
Anything we can do for you, Mr. Skelton?
No, no, I'm fine.
I'm probably going to head back towards the lights now that the sun's gone down.
I don't like being followed in the dark, so I'm going to go and sit in a brightly lit cafe on the seafront.
Okay, and what's the name of the Edgar Allen Poe story?
You didn't finish that about the... Oh, that's just... well, it was just the point letter.
It's just a good metaphor for how global agenda is passed across people's eyes without them even seeing it.
It's too big to see.
Absolutely, they're too close to it.
Thank you so much, Mr. Skelton.
We'll talk to you soon.
Okay, thanks.
Coming up, we've got Mark Morano, a Congressman's aide, who has one of the biggest websites exposing the global warming fraud, that it's not man-made, that it's a natural 11-year cycle.
It's like we have four seasons, autumn, winter, spring, summer.
Pretty soon they'll tell school kids, you know, no, summer's global warming.
It's not supposed to get hot.
Or it's not supposed to get cold.
It's a nice age.
We have an 11-year sun cycle and there's some other earth cycles as well.
And we got him coming up and then Bob Chapman in the last hour.
But right now, until the break, the next 6-7 minutes, I wanted to bring Steve Shank up because he's one of our best sponsors.
He makes so much of what we do here possible and he's always offering new plans, new ideas for folks to get high-quality, non-GMO, non-hybrid, storable foods.
You know, I've told folks that do whatever you have to.
Even if you get a one-month supply, a two-month, a three-month, these are small.
They have the, you know, getaway packs that fit in your trunk.
They'll feed one person 50% more calories than they even need, or is it 150% or is it double?
You know, and a little stove that comes with it, everything.
I believe in getting self-sufficient.
I believe in being able to take care of yourself.
The globalist one is domesticated, and he's got some new programs and new offers he wanted to tell the folks that visit efoodsdirect.com about.
Steve Schenck joining us.
Thanks for coming on.
Hey, Alex.
We've just had a fire drill, haven't we, with this swine flu fiasco?
Well, the globalists clearly engineered it.
That's now admitted.
It's designer, as we said, day one.
They're now saying it's going to mutate in the fall and kill us.
We just posted an article at PrisonPlanet.com.
They're saying they're going to go to level six now, even though it only killed two people in the U.S.
So, yes, it's a fraud, but...
Jim Tucker confirmed in Bilderberg that they are planning to use this to bring in world government and a world government control over health, a world government control over courts, world government control over taxes, a world army.
It's all being formulated right now at Bilderberg 2009.
Well, the problem that we have, Alex, is that this is just another step in cooking frogs.
We've talked about that before.
And what has happened as a result of this thing coming, a big splash, then dying down, is that we're in the most dangerous time for our people, in their minds, because nothing happened.
It's like Y2K, nothing happened.
Most disasters are geographically limited, so the rest of the nation can look and say, well Katrina was a mess, let's do something for ourselves.
And in this case, it was nationwide, and now everybody's going into complacency, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and this is the most dangerous time in the world.
For the simple reason, it will come back, but we're like people on death row that have said,
Okay, I've got a three-month reprieve.
I don't have to keep calling my lawyers.
I can sit back and say, oh man, what a relief.
And that is the most dangerous thing that we can have.
Regardless, Steve, you've got the Depression, they're engineering, we have their documents, that's confirmed, IMF, World Bank, and Internal Bilderberg.
They're engineering new wars with Iran, Pakistan.
The World Health Organization is saying it's going to come back in the fall.
I think it's all a big fraud, but that's their cover for something bigger.
That's right.
What we've come up with is something called a one-year stowaway.
What this is, is something that people can go on the website, reserve a one-year supply of food.
They can make monthly payments on it.
It will be stored.
We've acquired a brand new warehouse that is climate controlled.
We'll store it here.
And so for those folks that are traveling around the country that are in a situation where they can't keep their food where they are or they don't know where they're going to be, this is absolutely ideal.
They'll be able to call, and within 48 hours it'll be shipped to wherever they need it.
The whole idea behind this is that people can break the cost of it down, and they can put in the food that they need.
And what we learned, we learned something during this last announcement, the day after, the one working day, the first working day after they announced the bird flu issue, or not the bird flu, the swine flu issue,
We had our lines just jammed up, the warehouse was covered up, and this will not work.
It's like people trying to get out of a disaster area at the last minute and they get traffic jams.
Unless people get their food in immediately, what we've tried to do with this stowaway program is set it up so anyone
They can make monthlies, that doesn't have room to store it, that is traveling, they can have it stored, it's safe, it's here, it can't be stolen, it can't be broken in on, and at the same time, we've come up with some new recipes and we've adjusted the formulations for these foods to the point where they are literally health food.
Some folks were concerned about some of the things we weren't able to take out of them.
Steve, we're almost out of time.
It's guaranteed you'll ship it to them.
How fast, when somebody says, ship my food?
Yeah, 48 hours.
800-409-5633 and that's efoodsdirect.com.
Hey, I think that's a great plan, but if folks can, get the one month, get a year, get it stored yourselves.
I mean, shouldn't they want to physically hold it too?
I mean, if they've got the money right now?
Whichever way, we're just going to help people no matter how they need to do it.
They just gotta do it.
Let's give that number out again.
eFoodsDirect.com, eFoodsDirect, the letter, eFoodsDirect.com are the banners.
On Infowars.com are 800-409-5633, 800-409-5633, the stowaway plan.
Thanks, Steve.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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We're off to work we go!
It's a weird mix, a Snow White song with this guy.
Now I was just thinking, all the great Nuremberg hunters out there, like little elves off high-hoeing their way to the police department, being arrested, being detained, being harassed.
Thank you so much for joining us, John.
I wanted to finish up telling you about Steve Schenck, because he got cut short there, the J. Michael Stevens Group.
Whatever you do, ladies and gentlemen, I would get physical holdings of storable foods, and this is the place to get it, Best Prices.
Longest continually operating company, and they got one-month supplies, three-day boogie packs.
They've got year supplies, two-year supplies.
You'll be surprised how inexpensive it is, but I suggest you get a one-month supply and just test it out.
Or do that stowaway thing where they'll keep it in a warehouse for you and ship it within 48 hours anywhere you want.
And they got layaway.
Or E, the letter E, foodstrike.com.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I just can't get over...
This article that was in the New York Times yesterday and Paul Watson has pointed out what the article actually says.
He has a story.
Government readies youth corps to take on vets.
Scouts trained to fight terrorists and more.
Here is the New York Times from yesterday and when you read the first paragraph
It says, 10 minutes into an errant mayhem in his town near the Mexican border, and a gunman, a disgruntled Iraq war veteran, disgruntled Iraq war veteran, has already taken out two people.
One slumped in his desk, the other covered in blood on the floor.
The responding officers, eight teenage boys and girls, the youngest 14, face tripwire, a thin cloud of poisonous gas and loud shouts.
Bam, bam.
Fired from behind a flimsy wall.
They move quickly.
Pellet guns drawn and masks affixed.
And there, click on the photos that are on that New York Times page for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
I mean, it's got Homeland Security buses they're practicing with, and Homeland Security's funding all this.
And it's not just the Boy Scouts.
It's the public schools.
Look at them stacked up there in SWAT team formation in military uniforms.
I mean, show people these insanely disgusting photos.
Yeah, scroll through them.
And then of course it shows the dead veterans they've simulated killing.
Yeah, that's it.
There's 14 of them.
Scroll through them at the top for folks right there.
See that little clicker there?
There the child is in the Kurtzel helmet.
There they are with the little guns and the little... It says, uh... Tactical Police Unit.
There they are practicing taking over factories.
There they are practicing killing terrorists.
And then here's the dead veterans coming up, the dead vets they've simulated killing.
And you notice the Homeland Security documents says vets and gun owners the number one threat.
You notice that it's in all these other government documents, they're teaching local police the number one threat is returning vets and they're going to have IEDs bombing every town soon.
They've got FEMA out preparing mass graves and telling local police to get ready for vets to attack them.
I mean they are really getting ready to go after veterans and gun owners because they know vets know how to fight, have a will to fight.
No, it's no big deal once the fight's going.
They're not gelded, and so you're the number one target.
I mean, you know, throughout history, you know, George Lucas, about six months after I pointed out that Revenge of the Sith was about government-sponsored terror and government staging terror attacks, that's how the Emperor becomes the Emperor, is staging terror attacks, I said, and we wrote articles, I wrote an article at InfoWars.com, you know, just from the book, before the movie was out, I said, this is about government-sponsored terror.
Revenge of the Sith.
And I said, Lucas is telling you what George Bush has done, because I knew he'd changed what the original novel was going to be.
Then Lucas comes out at Cannes and says, I believe the government's staging events, and this is a parallel for today.
Now, what does the Emperor target when he finally takes over?
He targets the police and military.
He takes the young,
Paramilitary forces led by the young Jedi and he sends them off to kill the old police and military.
This isn't a movie, folks.
This is what happened with Pinochet in Chile.
This is what happened in Cuba.
This is what happened in China, and Russia, and Nazi Germany, and Eastern Germany.
This is what happens over, and over, and over, and over, and I told you police and military.
They got dossiers on all of you.
They got merc teams ready for you.
They're ready, ladies and gentlemen, to kill you.
And I guess a lot of you are going to roll over, I guess, and just cower and let them win.
As for me, I'm not going to... I keep telling you, police, you are the target.
You are the target.
Police, you're not in these documents, you know, the declassified ones.
It just says returning vets are the number one threat.
Most of the cops are the returning vets.
See, you're getting reports about yourselves, fools.
And they're training 14, 15, 16, 17-year-olds to seek and destroy.
Read the article.
To murder you.
It's all in writing.
Are you gonna take it?
Or are you gonna join the rebellion against the New World Order?
Come on in!
Join us!
You know you'll want to in your heart!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
You know, it feels good to go from the mainstream media calling me an insane coot for believing in the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, and CFR, to now Bilderberg Group being all over the news, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove.
And when you read their documents, when you read books by the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt or David Rockefeller's memoir four years ago about how he does want to overthrow the US, he actually says that in there.
He says, yeah, I'm guilty as charged.
I want a one-world government.
They just had 50 top journalists come out yesterday and call for world governance, and they said, yeah, it's got to be authoritarian to protect the democracy.
It's an authoritarian system that's a democracy.
That is, we let you vote on what we decide you can't.
Like, you can decide what color, you know, little helicopter cap to wear.
You want a pink one or a green one?
And then we decide which black ski mask police take you to what FEMA camp.
But again, you can decide what clown nose is.
You want a blue or red clown nose?
That's the freedom you get in the New World Order, is you get to decide, I guess, what color jumpsuit to wear in the prison.
But, when you read the Club of Rome documents, CFR documents, everything is the carbon tax.
Taxing the carbon cycle of the planet.
We're carbon-based life forms.
The ocean's full of carbon.
The trees, the trees breathe the carbon dioxide and put out oxygen for us.
They've done studies, you know, the Earth is...
Starved right now for carbon dioxide.
It's been 14 times higher from the ice core samples.
Trees grow faster, live longer, humans are healthier, higher oxygen.
We're oxygen starved.
And we're on an 11-year sun cycle.
That's what mainly controls this.
But there's some other things.
They know this.
They brag.
Al Gore owns the two big companies that you'll buy the carbon credits from.
George Soros says, I'm having a great control crisis.
You're making the biggest profits in my life.
This is the culmination of my life work.
I've done this.
Ha ha ha.
This is funny to them.
And Mark Morano has probably got the biggest alternative news site, which is as big as a lot of major newspapers.
Exposing the complete fraud and the new religion.
Now the elite know it's a fraud, but for the public they say, in their own documents we've covered here, we're going to give them a new religion of Gaia, and this will be organized by the state, and we'll have a one-child policy, and this is what Hitler was for.
Hitler was for controlling the population, and a vegetarian, and an animal rights guy.
And this is what they believe.
These are control freaks.
Prince Philip, Ted Turner, all of them.
And so, ClimateDepot.com, the Committee for Constructive Tomorrow, an environmentalism think tank.
He worked for the Director of the Republicans on the U.S.
Senate Committee for Environment and Public Works.
Worked with Senator James Inhofe, who we think is one of the better senators up there on these issues.
Good thing when this propeller fell off his plane, he didn't die.
They sure like to kill a lot of them that way.
And he just does so much more.
But now we've seen the Republicans flip-flop it for Bilderberg, 2007, and suddenly a lot of them have gotten behind it.
So we're in a lot of trouble here.
And people are calling for climate change denial.
If you say it doesn't exist, they say that's like denying the Holocaust.
You should be arrested in Europe.
They're trying to get us to sign on to the criminal court.
So we're under these laws.
So, fellow
Heretic, fellow thought criminal, a man out there kind of aggregating all this news and information and the tens of thousands of scientists saying that global warming being man-made is a fraud.
Mark Morano, a serious thought criminal, while we're still able to talk to him, they're trying to outlaw what we're about to do.
Sir, thank you for coming on Thought Criminal.
Thank you, Alex.
Happy to be here.
Yeah, you mentioned
I don't know.
Into sacrosanct, and you're right, the late Michael Crichton, the author, was one of the early ones to call this a religion.
There's a, on my site right now, ClimateDepot.com, we have a 7th grade girl, in school, who won an essay, where she says we need a climate exorcism.
And she says we're being haunted.
I mean, these are the words of religion.
These are the words of faith-based thoughts, not science.
And if you look at the polling data, the American people are actually growing more skeptical, dramatically skeptical,
In the last few years, as the Earth has failed to warm, as more scientists come out, as new studies make a mockery of what Al Gore has claimed, but what we're finding is young people are still the most firmly and committed believers.
And I've spoken at elementary schools.
Kids are worried about polar bears and flooding, both of which are completely manufactured scares by the global warming industry.
There's no acceleration in sea level, and one of the scientists said, if sea level's rising due to global warming, no one's told sea level.
Well, the ice caps grew by, what, 30% this year?
Arctic and Arctic.
Look, look, look, when they show a polar bear on the news and say, look, he's drowning, they know polar bears are the greatest land swimmers on Earth.
They can swim hundreds of miles.
I mean, this is such a scam.
I mean, Gore just is laughing all the way to the bank.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, particularly polar bears are at or near record highs according to U.S.
Geological Survey.
The only way they're threatened, and they're not even threatened here, there's the computer models.
The bottom line is they've survived much warmer periods than that's even being contemplated.
That's right!
And it's all based on computer models, which Ivy League lead expert in forecasting said the U.N.
climate models violate the basic principles of forecasting.
Something like,
70 out of 84 principles, it violates 70 of them.
These are just, some people have called them Sony Playstation video games.
That's how they get the fear.
They have to posit, and Obama's Energy Secretary, Stephen Chu, is the biggest embarrassment on this.
He will talk about what he thinks is going to happen in the year 2100, and act as though it's evidence of today.
Top Japanese scientist just came out in, I believe, January or February, and said that global warming is now akin to astrology.
That's the level we've reached here.
If you read your horoscope every day, it's written in such a way that it's vaguely worded that pretty much anything happens, you can say your horoscope was right.
Well, the same way with global warming.
They're now getting away from the phrase global warming.
They want to call it global weirding, in the words of Thomas Friedman.
That's what I wanted to ask you about next, is the New York Times, as you know, it got leaked.
That one of these PR firms had written up the new pitch for the White House and the Democrats was that we're losing our atmosphere.
It's deteriorating.
Climate change.
Stress when it's over cold that that was caused by man.
Stress when it's hot.
I mean, we've got them red-handed.
Running around, fear-mongering, and now that people are waking up to him, Gore's now going, we'll all be dead in five years, it's not twenty now!
Give me the money!
And he publicly owns the trading companies in Chicago and England that the money's gonna go into?
I mean, how asinine is this?
Oh, he has, he's partnered and affiliated with groups that have already invested a billion dollars in, I think, forty different companies.
He went from one or two million dollars net worth to over a hundred million now, according to Bloomberg News.
And now he's poised to be the world's first carbon billionaire, but he's not doing it through entrepreneurship.
He's doing it through lobbying the government to pass unneeded mandates that are going to make real people suffer.
But even beyond taxes, it is a moral question.
We have poor Africans in places like Chad who have global warming-inspired bans on charcoal.
They can't cook, they can't heat their huts.
Because they're worried about global warming.
Mark, I gotta stop you again.
Mark, I gotta stop you.
I'm gonna try to shut up and let you talk, but when I hear you saying all this truth, I gotta say this and then I want you to go over it.
I've read the actual UN studies.
It's not even our studies, it's their studies.
They admit that their global warming cuts of 20% could kill hundreds of millions of people if they cut it by 50%.
Well, the third world, as I said, it is a moral question.
We have Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist, who wrote this recent book.
He's been on a book tour.
I believe he was paid, I want to say $175,000 to go speak in San Francisco.
He is telling India, don't follow us.
Don't follow the U.S.
model of economic success.
The earth can't handle it.
You don't need to do it.
He's telling a country where 40% of its people don't have access to electricity.
This is what they're calling the new form of colonialism.
It's white, wealthy Westerners telling poor people of color in the third world that they can't have prosperity and development like we can.
In other words, they need to remain in the nasty, brutish, short life with no running water, no electricity, no modern medicine, no defibrillators, no treatments, no modern dentistry, no clean water, no clean air, living in huts made of dung, because they're living eco-friendly.
I've met what I call environmental missionaries, green missionaries,
Wealthy white people that come, and in this particular case it was a young woman from Minnesota who was in Africa telling poor South Africans that they were living more Earth-friendly and that the U.S.
way of life was total BS, meaning prosperity and running water.
And Mark, let me stop you.
I've seen all the major studies, their own internal studies.
The Royal Commission, 1944-49, they decided to have the population boom, to not let the third world develop, and they knew it would increase numbers and actually hurt
Uh, the environment, the way they're living in squalor actually hurts the environment instead of moving to the industrial system and the new advanced cleaner system.
So this is economic warfare, is it not?
Oh, it absolutely is.
I mean, the developing world is poised to have the same miracle that the Western world had in the 20th century, except for unfounded global warming fears.
Just to give you a few more examples, white wealthy Westerners in England, a grocery market chain, announced they were going to
Buy local.
Well, this didn't sit well with poor Kenyan farmers whose livelihood depended on food exports to England.
That's another example of this.
You have across, again using India, environmentalists have opposed various dams to bring in hydroelectric power because of environmental impacts.
And I've seen it down in the Amazon rainforest.
I did a documentary in 2000.
Wealthy celebrities fly in on carbon-spewing jets.
Stop some development down there, and then they fly back home to their Bel Air mansion.
This is a new form of colonialism.
It's a colonialism that keeps poor people poor.
I interviewed Dr. Walter Williams.
He's an African-American economist, George Mason University.
He said that many Westerners want to see the developing world poor, because it's almost like going to visit... treating people like they're... There's actually a whole thing called poverty tourism now, where you go and you see people live and you think, oh, isn't that neat?
Isn't that great?
And the bottom line is environmental policy is going to keep them living that way.
That's right, and these control freak communists who work for the big banks because they don't want a free market either.
That's why the ultra-rich always fund the poor to set up socialism to conduit the money and power to the elites.
They are saying they want the same system here.
They want to cut the population, Brown's head,
I call it, I compare it to the old Soviet Politburo where the members of the party got all the perks.
You have Arnold Schwarzenegger who, in his radio address just three weeks ago, told Californians
That to lower their carbon footprint, they should be air-drying clothes, and that if you air-dried your clothes every day for six months, you'd save, you know, I don't know, X amount of pounds.
The same Arnold Schwarzenegger, who the LA Times a year before chastised him for commuting to work in a private jet, a daily commute in his private jet.
He's now telling Californians to hang their clothes out in the air.
This is the level, and this is Al Gore flying the private jet, Leonardo DiCaprio,
It's that two-tiered system.
The masses live one way and the party rulers live another.
But that's okay!
That's okay because DiCaprio and Schwarzenegger and all of them are heavily invested in the carbon credit companies.
They buy those from themselves!
Also, they'll brag.
I mean, at one point, Gore's film, he bragged that it was carbon neutral.
Someone did the calculations.
He only paid... I want to say the number was under $500.
It was some absurd number.
You can make a whole Hollywood film with all the carbon and claim you're carbon neutral for just $500.
I don't think other people are getting charged so low.
But we're finding Hollywood actors buying, you know, for all the flying they do and for being in entertainment, they're buying offsets.
And what's happening is they're either preserving land in Africa or planting trees.
Before I left the U.S.
Senate, I met with the Norwegian Embassy, and they were touting this new thing that they're essentially going to pay poor countries not to develop.
And this is the ultimate form of the new colonialism I'm talking about.
I told them I hope they failed.
This was in a meeting in the U.S.
They sought it out with me.
I said, all that's going to happen is your money from the U.N.
and from international agencies are going to go to corrupt third-world dictators.
They're going to get the money, the people are going to suffer as their country continues not to develop, as they're living in huts, you know, made of dung.
These wealthy Norwegians are going to sit back and say, ah, we're saving the planet, this is great, and we're helping these poor people by giving to these corrupt governments.
That is what's wrong right now in terms of international policy.
What we need to do, I interviewed a South African activist who said it best.
If the Western wealthy world really doesn't want the developing world to develop, they ought to lead by example.
In other words, they should level cities like Washington, Rotterdam, London, and return them back to swamps and jungles before they can tell people in Africa and people in South America and Asia not to develop their land.
And that didn't go over too well with a lot of development actors.
This was at a UN conference at the South African Senate.
But I think he was dead on.
We have no business telling these countries, paying them, bribing them, whatever word you want to use, not to develop when it's not our kids that are dying of high infant mortality and short life expectancy.
I interviewed Chevy Chase on the mall on one of these Earth Days.
The actor, he said socialism works, Cuba was the model.
This is the mindset of the modern environmental movement and sadly it's infected many in this new administration.
And meanwhile Chevy Chase is worth literally a hundred million dollars or more.
You know, talking to these people in government and reading their writings, the high-level ones cold-bloodedly know this is a business, this is to control, this is to freeze the third world.
Yeah, I mean, they're very honest.
Ben Cardin, Democrat from Maryland, told the Washington Post in April, global warming laws in Washington represent the greatest, the biggest potential,
The greatest revenue-generating proposal of our time, was the exact quote.
So you can imagine, they don't care about the science, they care about the greatest revenue-generating proposal of their time.
And remember, he who controls carbon, controls life.
It's a bureaucrat's dream to control carbon dioxide.
We had a scientist from Princeton come and testify, Will Happer, 200 peer-reviewed scientific studies.
He said the level of control we're contemplating when you declare what we exhale from our mouth a pollutant, is something that George Orwell didn't even contemplate in 1984.
We are ceding over.
We have the UK, a carbon card proposal where the government's going to monitor individual people, their carbon allowances.
They're going to monitor how much you drive, where you set your thermostat.
California's already tried regulating thermostats.
This is a situation where... No, I had the government advisor on, and he said you will all be rationed, and you only have enough food to weigh a certain amount, and bureaucrats will control every facet of your life.
They're now putting the satellite tracker boxes in the cars to now control how fast you drive.
I mean, it's all happening.
This is their model.
They admit, as you know, sir, that the audience...
President Bush started the bank bailout, and then Obama continued with the stimulus packages, and now nationalizing, you know, we're nationalizing banks, we're nationalizing automobiles.
Just to put a simple line out, never before in U.S.
history has more power and wealth in decision-making been concentrated in the hands of so few.
You know, the left will talk endlessly about, you know, oh, you know, the corrupt corporations, big business.
The bottom line is, at least big business has shareholders, has accountability to the public government now,
We have more power and control in the smallest amount of hands that we've ever had in U.S.
And it's only going to continue.
And this is, you know, it's an inevitable result beginning with the New Deal and continuing with the Great Society.
Mark Murano, five more minutes with you on the other side.
Five more minutes with Mark Murano.
It's ClimateDepot.com.
But then above the government is a very small group of private corporations that operate like Spectre.
And that's the New World Order.
That's the Bilderberg Group.
But I agree with him.
We'll be right back.
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You know, I get rabid.
On this subject, you start spewing facts, and they're facts!
And they just say no.
In fact, Al Gore, a few weeks ago, and I wanted to ask Mark Morano of ClimateDepot.com about this, former Senate advisor in aid and researcher, one of the preeminent people, kind of a clearinghouse to expose all this,
And they said, what about all these thousands of scientists?
I mean, there are thousands and thousands.
I've seen letters of 10,000, 20,000 they signed.
The vast majority saying it's all a fraud.
The top climatologists, the top experts on the Arctic, they're everywhere.
Just saying, look, it's a fraud.
The people that look at the sun, you know, I mean, all of it.
And Al Gore just said, well, there's people that think, you know, there's flying saucers and we didn't go to the moon.
And that's what they do.
They just say, first they said, everyone agrees.
And they said, oh, everybody who's credible agrees.
And then, well, everybody who's sane believes.
And meanwhile, it's just an unbelievable fraud.
And then they brought up, well, what about how Ken Lay of Enron came up with this idea for carbon credits?
Yeah, real quick, just so people don't think I'm being conspiratorial here, or
You know, Jacques Chirac, the French President's own words were the UN Global Warming Treaty, Kyoto, was the first step to authentic global governance.
These are their own words.
An EU official came out and said that the Kyoto representative
Um, leveling the playing field for the developed, for the world.
Meaning, you know, the take from the rich.
I was at UN conferences where they were proposing a global carbon tax on countries, and guess what?
The wealthy nations get hit the hardest, and guess what?
The UN decided to administer the funds.
These are their own words that they're saying, and they're being very open about their goals when they do this.
You mentioned Al Gore and the astronaut.
I can't let this go by.
He told the House hearing two weeks ago that he compared global warming skeptics to people who think the moon landing was faked.
Well, the bottom line is that talking point is now moot as one of the moon landers himself, astronaut Jack Smith and a geologist, came out and declared himself a skeptic last year, late last year.
So Gore doesn't even have it updated to his talking point.
You asked about how to defeat this.
The bottom line is the Republicans
Surprise, surprise, they're actually doing a pretty good job in the House right now.
They're unified.
A couple Republicans have introduced a carbon tax as a sort of diversion, from what I gather, because all the liberals, that would be their dream, but it's not politically doable.
But the bottom line, the Republicans are doing pretty well, led by Congressman Joe Barton.
The Democrats are doing very well.
One of the Democrat agricultural chairmen said he's off the train, he will not support a climate bill.
Waxman, the committee in charge of this in the House,
Congressman Waxman has basically said, no votes, no problem, and he's talking about bypassing the committee if he doesn't have the votes.
How do we stop cities?
How do we stop cities and states doing it?
Well, the bottom line is the American people are absolutely, have indicated every way possible that not only don't they care about this issue, they couldn't give a damn about this issue.
It ranks dead last among all issues, among environmental issues, it ranks dead last
Eventually, the American people will have to wake up.
I think there's been such complacency.
They have no idea what's going on.
The first thing we need to do is demand accountability among Republicans to stop paying lip service.
George Bush enjoyed paying lip service to global warming fears, and we need to stop that first.
There's no reason to concede an inch on the science on this.
It's collapsing underneath them.
It's a laughingstock.
Just in the last few days, Arctic information came out.
Danish Meteorological Institute, the Arctic,
Has stayed the same since the 1950s.
Has probably cooled since the 1940s.
We just came out with the Greenland melt scenarios touted by Al Gore and NASA's James Hansen.
Not even doable.
Hey, Mark Morano!
Mark, Mark, we've got a one... It's collapsing and we need to demand it.
And once people realize what it's going to cost, I think the American people will wake up.
Mark, we've got a one-minute break and I have another guest in three minutes anyways.
Can we come back and just do two more minutes?
You can finish up with solutions and tell folks about the website.
Can you come back and finish up in one minute?
Sure, I can do that.
Okay, fantastic.
Mark Marano, ClimateDepot.com, OurSitesInfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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We've got the Climate Depot up on screen.
Climate Exorcism, 7th grader, wins Global Warming Essay Contest.
We're being haunted.
We desperately need an exorcist.
All the kids' TV shows I turn on with my children, it's Climate Monsters Are Gonna Kill Ya, Skeleton Monsters, or Climate They're Gonna Get Ya.
I mean, this is the total takeover by the control freaks, by the collectivists.
In closing, talking to one of the preeminent individuals out there fighting this, Mark Morano, ClimateDepot.com.
Mark, you're saying it's beginning to collapse.
It is, as you've said, as all the evidence is, as you know, the ice caps that were saying were melting, well they always melt in areas in the summer and then it got even bigger in the winter.
You were talking about
Well, I mean, you haven't talked about how Mars' ice cap was getting smaller, now it's getting bigger.
You know, the sun has cooled off, that's the main driver.
How do we beat them?
I mean, how do you see this falling?
Because their whole world government taxing scheme is based on the phony carbon control system, as the New York Times said, a tax on breathing.
How do we beat them, and why are they collapsing?
Well, it's classic scientifically, it's how to beat them.
The environmental left always has to have an eco-scare, whether it's overpopulation, whether it's disappearing rainforests, the Amazon, whether it's global cooling in the 70s.
And actually, the rainforest scare, if you recall, Sting's Rainforest Foundation, all the Hollywood celebrities, that was the big issue du jour in the 80s and 90s.
The New York Times was forced to admit in January of this year that rainforests
Uh, for every acre cut, 50 are growing back, people are leaving the jungle, they're returning to nature, they quote a scientist saying maybe it wasn't such an urgent cause after all to save the rainforest.
In other words, they're the most intact forest least threatened on the planet.
And now that whole issue's died, but no one's out there saying sorry.
You don't see Sting out there apologizing.
I don't think he does his concerts anymore.
If he does, he doesn't get any attention with them.
They've moved on to global warming.
So I think what's going to happen is global warming will die when the next eco-scare comes along.
And when is that?
I don't know yet.
There's some people worried about whether we have enough oxygen.
There's people that are going to go after it, whether it's species.
I don't know.
Who knows?
They're always very creative and clever.
You don't know what the next scare is going to be.
And it's hard to say.
I want to be clear here.
You can't denigrate, there's a lot of scientists that are concerned about this, but I think what's happened is a lot of scientists who should know better are basically jumped on a bandwagon that has tens of billions of dollars involved in it.
So say you study frogs, you do a study on frogs, no one really pays attention.
You do a study on how global warming may impact frogs in the year 2040, suddenly you're getting funding, your university's getting press releases, you're getting radio calls.
So it's not that the scientist is necessarily doing anything wrong, he's just going along with the scientific
I don't know.
You know, even if we faced a climate crisis, nothing Washington and the U.N.
has proposed would have any effect.
Well, that was my final point, is I looked at the studies.
If only the U.S.
and Western Europe and Japan made big cuts, all the production would automatically move to third world nations and it would actually increase greenhouse gases.
Yes, environmentalists are worried it could increase emissions.
I've got to jump in now, but thank you very much.
Enjoyed it.
And our website is climatedepot.com.
Thank you so much for coming on with us.
Perfect timing there because we now have Bob Chapman.
Bob Chapman, I want to get your take with the InternationalForecaster.com.
They're once a week visit with us on what's happening with the economy this week.
Thousands of dealerships.
They're saying a thousand plus Chrysler, a thirteen hundred.
I've got the article.
I think it's thirteen hundred.
You can correct me if I'm wrong.
General Motors are being told they're being shut down.
And it's being handed over to Fiat, Bilderberg owned.
Gold is exploding.
Bob, what's coming up in this interview?
Well, I think that Chrysler is talking about 38,000 jobs being lost.
And I don't think that figure has been bantied around yet.
And it's just devastating.
And of course, this is a reflection
of the policies that have been in place since about 1980 of moving all sorts of manufacturing and industry out of the United States under the guise of free trade globalization.
Offshoring and outsourcing and... Stay there, got a break.
We'll come back.
We'll get into that.
Yeah, this is the glories of globalization.
This is the glories of Napta and GATT.
The glories of the New World Order.
And they're... George Soros and others are saying it is glorious for them.
But not for you, not for me.
Bob Chapman, our guest.
Our sites are PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Let's do it!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Got a big news split coming up in the last five minutes of the show or so with Bob Chapman.
We're going to play a video clip.
Of an American in England having the police come over and say you can't videotape any of these downtown buildings.
It's about 100 yards away from the U.S.
We're going to charge you with terrorism.
They promised when they passed that law it wouldn't be misused.
They've arrested hundreds of journalists, mainline journalists as well, in England saying you can't videotape anything now.
So they put cameras on you but you can't put cameras on them.
We're going back to Bob Chapman.
Here in just a moment with his economic report on what's happening.
And don't forget, I'll be back this Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time here.
If you don't have an AM or FM in your area, you can always listen at Infowars.com.
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Okay, going back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, First Nations just joined us.
You were getting into what it means to have Chrysler and GM going under.
Well, I think, as I said before, that the problems at Chrysler
Ford, General Motors, and all of the manufacturers of the United States are a product of a planned obsolescence of American manufacturing, which began almost 30 years ago.
I wrote about it back in the early 80s because I had followed what these people were up to, and in fact, the first article I wrote was in 1967 on this.
And of course I was a madman, and now I'm not a madman, I'm a mad old man.
But anyway, this is part of the plan to de-industrialize the United States.
And it is the very cornerstone of bringing the American economy, financially and economically, to its knees, so that these people can create and implement world government.
And this is part of the plan.
And so, it's not surprising to me, it's devastating for America, it's devastating
For our fellow citizens who are going to be losing their jobs, and as we know, the 5 million jobs that were lost in the last 8 years, via this method, most of those fellows and ladies who are making some $30 an hour are now lucky if they can make $15, and most of them are making less than that.
And that obviously is going to continue.
And at the same time, we have pulling at the bottom of the economy probably about 30 million
Illegal aliens of which probably 15 or 12 million work and because of their status they receive low wages and and they pull wages down at the lower level and at the same time they take jobs away from Americans, American citizens.
So we have this worst of all world circumstances that we're going through here.
Now one of the highlights I saw today
Is that there is a buy American mode going on and I just got a piece out of the Globe and Mail from Toronto regarding that which is in the next issue and they are now in government contracts in the United States demanding American parts be used and in Canada they're retaliating by municipalities and other governmental units
not using made-in-america uh... implement equipment whatever you want to call it and the point i'm getting at here is this is the beginning and it's not a trade war it's not going to be a trade war what it's going to be is an inward facing of each country trying to save their own economies and they're all gonna tit-for-tat uh... they're all going to erect their little barriers the chinese and
And the Russians have already started doing it some time ago.
And we're going to see a lot more of it.
And all I can tell you is that the best thing that Congress can do is pass tariffs on goods and services because that will mean that all of these cheap things that are bought, or I should say less expensive things, that are bought from overseas will have a tariff on them and they'll have to compete.
They can't compete.
on their slave labor anymore.
And that's good because then Americans can make those products in America, and then those companies that left our shores can return because it won't be worthwhile for them to stay outside the country anymore.
And unfortunately, I'm the only commentator and letter writer that I know of who advocates this, and I wish more would.
But anyway, this is where all this came from, and this is where it's going.
And quite frankly, if we continue to allow them
To do what they're doing.
I don't know who's gonna be working at what anymore.
Well, Bob Chapman, let me comment on the two points that you just made.
A, the globalists are corporate raiders.
They're banker takeover masters.
They like to destroy economies so they can sit up top of their fiat currency and liquidity that they make out of nothing and back up with the military to then buy everything up as it implodes.
So that's why George Soros, as you know, is bragging this is the best time of his life.
He helped engineer it.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
Ha, ha, ha.
And he funded Obama.
This is a big joke to them.
And then you expand into the tariffs and trade.
The first country to put their tariffs up are usually the ones that get saved.
We'll be the last to do it, and then by then we'll be so shot, the media will say, the tariffs did it.
You know, that's how they always do it.
And this is a lesson in globalism.
This was meant to make us dependent on the internationals.
This was meant to make all nations dependent on each other.
Instead of national sovereignty, we're bankers above it.
And we're now here.
And NAFTA and GAD have destroyed us, and the World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, all these different bureaucracies are taking over.
The Bilderberg Group agenda has set up this new World Health Organization with total power over all our health departments.
Everything we talked about is now happening, and the very bankers that engineered it all are now the saviors up there posing as our saviors.
The New York Times reports, like it's a good idea, that government readies youth corps to take on vets.
And the first line of the New York Times says they're preparing paramilitary squads of high schoolers, middle schoolers, the scouts, to take on gun owners and veterans.
I mean, Bob, as much as we know about this, do you ever still pinch yourself like we're in the Twilight Zone?
You know, it's hard to believe it's come to this.
We always were afraid that it would evolve this way.
And when I saw those children, of course they're young adults, with mock weapons, being trained to combat terrorists, and I have it in the next issue as you have, and I was shocked.
I mean, you know, nothing as sacred as sacrosanct.
I think a lot of parents are going to pull their children out of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts because of this.
I don't think they
Well, I mean, you worked against the Russians in Berlin.
For all the old guys that were army officers or in the military, even people that are, you know, 40, 50, who remember when we were taught this was tyranny,
The American people, even when I was a kid, were taught this was tyranny, and I'm only 35.
I mean, this is tyranny.
One of these things alone would be tyranny, as a London Guardian reporter said earlier, but there's hundreds of them.
I mean, they are going down every check-off list of hardcore tyranny and double-checking.
I mean, they are just pulling out all the stops here because they know the people are going to resist this banker takeover, and so they've been building up forever against us.
It doesn't look like it's confirmed, Bob.
They're going for broke.
This is going to get hot.
They're going all the way.
They're not stopping it.
Yeah, I think Alex, you're right.
And incidentally, I'd like to interject that George Soros was convicted of market rigging in France in appeal to the highest court and lost.
So he's a convicted felon who paid a fine.
And then he was just recently nabbed in Hungary for the same thing.
And he had to pay a large fine there.
So the guy is a crook.
So all of you people who didn't know, George Soros is a crook.
But why is he so arrogant?
I mean, he's a smart criminal who funds the big liberal websites that attack me every day now.
And he literally funded Obama.
But why would he tell a press conference?
I mean, it was literally in scores of papers a month ago, as you know, Bob.
I'm having the best time of my life.
This is the culmination of my life.
You know, I've basically engineered this.
Which is him bragging he's only one part of a gaggle, you know, that did that.
Why would the little bastard brag that he's causing all this pain?
I guess it's just... Well, he's bragging for his whole group because he's an integral part of it.
And as you know, he got his start by deceiving Jewish people in the country in which he was born while working for the Gestapo so that they could confiscate the goods of Jews.
He being Jewish himself.
Did you know that?
I knew that he was Jewish and that he was connected to some of the thuggery, yes.
It's kind of like Madoff.
He's a bad, bad person.
But anyway, the arrogance is.
Well, no, no, hold on.
Tell us more about that.
Because, hold on, hold on.
I mean, I vaguely knew about that, but refresh me fully about him.
I mean, I knew Madeline Albright's dad was a commissariat who killed over a million.
That's mainline information and all the stolen arts in her house of people they robbed, including Jews, but also other people.
I know that most people
John Shalekashvili's dad was the top Nazi in Poland helping... I mean, I know, same thing with all of these people, same thing with Zbigniew Brzezinski, but you're saying that Soros... Tell us about that.
Well, Soros, very simply, was probably 12, 14 years old at the time, and the Germans had invaded, and the Germans were rounding up Jews to send them to internment camps.
And slave labor camps and extermination camps or whatever.
And his job, because he was taken on with the Gestapo, I assume he told them that he wasn't Jewish.
Stay there, let's hear about it when we get back.
More straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen, with Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I
Yeah, most of the Alpha Maggots that work for the New World Order work for the Soviets or the Nazis.
And then their children are then the people running things now.
But I knew that Soros
Had some, uh, bad things going on in his background.
Uh, go ahead and finish up with that story, Bob Chapman.
Very despicable, because what he did was go to Jewish families and tell them, look, I'm Jewish and, and, uh, you know, I'll, I'll help you hide your stuff and get you out of the country and that sort of thing.
And, uh, he found out where their wealth was and, you know, the next day they marched in with the Gestapo and took their wealth and then, you know, put them on a train and sent them someplace.
And so, you know, this is the worst of the worst.
It's just like Madoff and what he did to all the Jewish charities and etc, etc.
I mean, it doesn't get any worse than that as a human being.
And I just want to let people know, this arrogant, connected member of the Illuminati, where he's coming from.
And it's not a very illustrious history, that's for sure.
Yeah, I had seen that, but I'm glad you gave us more details.
Well, you know about Albright, her dad is on record killing a million, and then stealing everybody's stuff.
I mean, these people are sick!
And then she was on 60 Minutes with all these million-dollar famous paintings behind her, stolen from famous families by the Soviets.
They really want to do that here.
I mean, look at how all the Trotskyites came over here and founded the neocon movement.
I mean, it's so weird that every founding neocon was a Trotskyite who then decided they'd take over the conservative movement, and they've done it.
Then you've got the left over here, and they're all controlled by a bunch of criminals, Bob!
That's right.
And it's always been that way, and that's what this whole bag is all about.
This is a white-collar criminal element, if you may.
And some of them before were not white collar, but they are now.
And that, again, is their arrogance.
They can get away with anything.
I mean, look as an example.
Yesterday, Carlisle Corporation was fined, I'll guess, $20 million.
It's in this issue coming out tomorrow.
And what they were doing in order to get funds from the state of New York to invest for the state of New York, they were paying people off.
And they were doing it through intermediaries, hoping that if something happened and they get caught, the intermediaries would be blamed.
And of course, they said they didn't know what they were doing, and of course they did.
Well, Bob, I had a state senator on here.
The bottom line is this.
There's two sets of jurisprudence in America.
The guys at the top never get put in jail, or hardly ever, and they pay a fine, and they go back and do it the next day.
The average American goes and does that, he's doing 5 to 10.
Absolutely, but the point I was going to interrupt was, it's confirmed there's federal bounties, and they have to increase them each year to even get their quota to kidnap kids, and that they're told how to lie.
It's like recruiters are told to tell kids, sign the paper or you'll be arrested.
And then they get promoted when they get caught.
And she was giving documented cases.
We're good
Well, I think a lot of Americans realize this, and I got a report last week from several different gun shows, people standing 15 deep
Uh, waiting to buy a minimum, they wouldn't sell small lots of a thousand rounds or more of ammunition at any given time.
And they, at this one particular show, I got details on, they brought in two of these great big large trailers, uh, full of all kinds of cased ammunition.
And in three or four hours, it was all gone.
So I think the American public's, uh, catching on.
They know something's going to happen.
And they're trying to prepare for it, because they know that their system hasn't been working for them.
I agree, Bob, and I think the dirty bankers are used to rolling over Cuba and Cambodia and Russia and China.
I think they've miscalculated, and I think America's going to find its old, vicious instincts, and it's going to be a hell pit.
It's going to be an absolute wall-to-wall bloodbath, unless the new order backs off now.
Well, I'll tell you one thing.
We are not taking any prisoners.
And if they think they're gonna hide, they're not.
We'll find them.
Well, that's the issue.
When this war is all, you know, said and done, I want to make sure all the bankers are arrested.
And I mean the elite bankers, not your corner grocer, you know, the delivery boy.
Bob Chapman, stay with us.
Financial news straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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All right, let's go back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, I've been asking the questions here.
I want you to take a few minutes out to get into anything that you think is important.
I would imagine that always seems to be metals.
Where do you see the market going in metals, but also in other commodities?
We've seen gold and silver racing up.
Then the big banks trying to pound it down, but it seems they're not having as much success.
Chinese starting to dump the dollar.
Other nations publicly dumping the dollar.
How long can this hold, or can they just keep playing games forever?
Because normally gold would be going down in the summer.
What are we going to see this fall?
Well, I think the rule of rule is about gold going down at this time or that time.
You can throw them out the window.
Because of the intercession into the markets by the United States government and others, in the manipulations that have gone on, that anything can happen at any time.
The suppression of gold has happened because
Central banks, in conjunction with one another, were gold sellers, and they have been over the past ten years or more.
And, you know, we saw England selling gold at $2.75, sold out three-quarters of their gold, and now they're offside about $7 or $8 billion that they threw down the sewer, so to speak.
But the point is this.
They only had 33,000 tons.
My guess is they probably get less than 5,000 tons left.
And how they've been deceiving everybody is that they have been leasing gold to bullion market makers, which would be JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs, etc.
And they would take this gold and they would either pay a half a percent interest or no interest or sometimes they get paid to take the gold off the central bank's hands.
And they would sell it into the market to depress the price at certain times.
Now what's happened
In the interim, the central banks didn't want people to see them doing that, so they leased the gold to the bullion dealers, who in turn sold it.
The little trick here is that in their accounting procedure, all of these central banks are holding this leased gold on the books, and still having had it, when in fact it was sold long ago.
I tell you that because they don't have much gold left.
That's what I was about to ask you.
I've seen that in the news, where a lot of big nations and corporations are starting to say, we want our gold out of your vaults.
Well, Germany just asked for theirs.
Switzerland asked for theirs.
And, you know, I got a question today by email, well, why are they doing that?
Well, very simply, they don't trust the Illuminists running the United States government anymore.
That's what I was about to say.
When you start seeing countries moving their gold reserves out of private central bank vaults, that is a, you know, that's like seeing a giant thunderhead with lightning and wind blowing at you and it's boiling towards you.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that the economic tolmalt we're already in is just the very leading edge, Bob.
Well, it's like lightning over the treasury building.
And incidentally, Dubai has asked for their gold from the British.
And so I think there's a few now, countries who would like their gold in their own vault.
So is this the heading towards the exits?
Yes, I think it is.
And I don't think they can get away with this leasing facade much longer.
And I don't think they have much gold left to sell on the market anyway.
And so, I think that this is going to come to an end, and I think it will come to an end as soon as gold and silver break out.
And they're both in reverse head and shoulders formations, technically, which means, and these are long-term formations, which means that when they do break out, the two of them will go berserk.
And I don't think it's very far away.
And that's why Ted Anderson and I and others have been saying, look,
Take this opportunity created by the Illuminists of driving the prices of these metals down to where they should not be by buying them.
And then when the leverage disappears and gold and silver take off, you'll be able to keep your wealth intact and you might even become wealthy.
What's the time frame on this then?
I mean, gold's up, what, 50-something bucks in the last week.
Silver's up a few bucks.
I mean, do you see it going up before it goes back down for another, you know, testing a bottom?
Or do you see it just racing back through like we had last summer, but instead of going up to $1,000-something, $1,200, $1,300, $1,400?
I mean, are we going to see the next time it crests?
How high do you think it'll go?
Well, I think it can easily go to $1,200 for starters.
Probably will feed upon itself and get back up to a go-to $2,000 on the gold.
And, you know, I have a lot of subscribers who are very heavily involved in gold-related assets.
And they say, well, you know, I've got another million here.
I've got another $10,000.
What do I do?
And I say, well, you can buy more here.
I know you've got a lot already.
But then again, if you want, you can pass through $1,000.
And then pay a higher price, knowing that we've broken out.
But, I say that to people who have positions, or large positions.
And, you know, there's not much product out there, either in the coins, or even in the shares.
There's not much to choose from.
Well, that's why you see all these ads.
It's not like back in 78, 79.
Yeah, when you had plenty of it.
Well, no, I mean, I was saying that's why you see all these... Well, we had hundreds of stocks in South Africa, and I used to do them, they used to...
Yield between 12% and 25% annually, you know, the dividend.
And, you know, I bought stocks like Free State to Goodwill at $8 and it went to $50.
East Rim Proprietary and Jervin Deep went from $0.35 to $51 and $54 in that time frame of four years.
Of course, most of these companies aren't around anymore, but the point is,
When the game really starts, it'll be something else.
I mean, you'll pick up the paper and you'll see an MS64 that was trading for $1,500 three months before that's selling for $5,000.
Or you'll look at Agnico Eagle, which is selling around $53,000, and now it's selling, could be selling at $144,000.
I mean, these are the kind of moves you're going to see.
And I've been there.
I've been in every bull market and gold since 1960.
Now, Bob, the point I was going to make is, you see these ads everywhere in print, on TV, radio, sell your old gold and they give them way under what it's worth.
Folks, what does that tell you when there's all these ads trying to buy your gold?
That's because there's a shortage everywhere and companies are trying to buy this stuff up right now.
Most coin dealers still have very low supplies of gold and silver.
It's way jacked up prices.
And speaking of that, we've got a guest coming up, an American who was told he couldn't videotape an Englander, he'd be charged as a terrorist.
That video and audio is coming up here in just a few minutes.
Video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, audio for everybody else, but this video is up on InfoWars.com.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up for the weekend, because Ted still has gold, and he's almost out of it.
And this has happened before, folks.
He's going to be out soon.
He still has quite a few different types of coins.
That are collector coins, but that he's selling at bullion prices, bullion prices from two weeks ago.
But he's selling out.
In fact, let's bring Ted up.
Ted, you said you're getting pretty low, but on the Sovereigns and on the Franks, you've got some other coins that you got at positions, you know, two weeks ago.
Gold's up 50-something bucks since then.
Silver's up, and you've got the half dollars.
Tell folks what you've got, Ted Anderson.
I'll do that right now, Alex, because yeah, you and I kind of went over the inventory last week, and we had an incredible sum of British sovereigns and French francs at that $8.80 level.
They're not all sold out, therefore I'm going to hold it right through the weekend, but I still have the franc at $2.14, and I have the British sovereign at $2.67.
Now Bob is so eloquent about how he articulated what's going on.
With the market, when it hits that $1,000 level, there's a tremendous amount of pressure.
From central banks, the countries of the world, trying to press it back down.
And if you're a trader like me, you get to see that.
You get to read that.
And that's why when the gold was down there around $8.80, it creates a little position where I can get in and I can pick up, you know, a half a million to a million dollars worth of gold coins to have them made available later on.
Because, you know, it's like a rubber band.
You're pushing it down, but you know it's going to spring back.
They don't have enough reserves to hold it together.
And really, the gold market tells the story.
They're trying to put the smoke and mirrors in front of us, but the gold market keeps coming back and raging through.
You write about that head and shoulders thing, Bob.
When we get through that thousand dollar level, that's the resistance point.
And when it breaks that point,
You know, I really, truly believe we'll see $1,500 gold or better, and it's not going to be a short-term thing.
It's going to just, like, you'll get through that $1,000, it'll hold, the next thing you know, $1,200, $1,500, and now you're trading at a level where gold comes down to $1,200 and looks like a good buy then.
But Alex, at this point in time, the stuff that I've accumulated here just a couple weeks ago, a week ago,
I don't
And when I have the opportunities, I just hope the central banks try it again.
Because they're losing that battle, and every time they make gold a better buy, I'm in there trying to snap up deals.
And then I can offer them later on.
So Ted, but you will guarantee the deal through midnight, coming up on Sunday evening into Monday morning.
Brokers will be there all weekend on the Sovereigns, on the Franks.
What else do you have at that 880 level?
Well, the Silver and the Franklin Habs at that 869 level,
That reflects silver at $11 an ounce.
The silver's been real strong, and the Lakota coin, even at $19.66.
With silver as strong as it is, I'm sure that thing's going to be trading over $20.
Yeah, but Ted, stop right there.
Let's explain this to people.
You had Lakotas at $17, which they're $25 everywhere else.
You had to go up to $19 when you bought more, because silver had gone up so much.
You still have silver half dollars, the Franklins, at the price when silver was $11 factored in.
Now what is it, $14?
Yeah, it's trading right at $14.
It pokes up to about $14.20, then it gets down to the high $13s.
Right now, the last time I looked, silver was at $14, even hit $14.22.
Okay, but regardless, regardless, folks, if you can't figure that out, Ted is selling silver at the price it was when it was $11 an ounce factored in.
You can find nothing like this.
Check for yourselves.
I just believe in this so much, folks.
And that's what I bought last week was some silver.
I bought some Lakotas back at that 17 level.
And you can still get it with these half dollars.
The trusted name, Midas Resources.
Patriots, great folks.
And what other little gold coins you got?
I know I saw that huge inventory you had a week ago or so, you showed me, but I know that's almost all gone.
What do you got left?
Anything else?
Yeah, we do have some buffalos, but Alex, I think if somebody bought 20 of them from me, they'd take out my whole inventory.
And I wish I could buy a thousand of them, but I just can't.
Can't get them.
What else you got?
They're that tough.
You know, the other thing, too, is these halves that we're talking about, just about a year ago at this time, I couldn't get anything at all.
I mean, if I had a million dollars to buy, it wouldn't matter because nobody had them to deliver.
And at that time, I did.
So, you know, that was just the experience I had just then.
The things are breaking loose here.
I mean, there's so much going on economically that you know that gold and silver is going to be hot.
And the brokers will be there all weekend until midnight tonight.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much.
I hope folks take advantage of this deal.
Yeah, well, not just midnight tonight, going right through Sunday.
Yeah, you can go ahead and we'll honor these prices.
Oh yes, it is.
And I've been a buyer myself.
And gold right now is up $3.50 in the late trading in the outside month, which is June.
And I don't know what spot closed at today, but gold is acting strongly.
And I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't up firmly on Monday, which is not normally a good day for gold.
And so, you know, the prices anywhere in this level, you know, people say to me, well, should I wait to see if it comes down?
Look, you're not traitors.
You can't second guess this market.
Just buy it.
Just buy it.
You know, that's what I do.
I don't even ask what the price is.
I just say, this is what I've got.
Can you buy this or that with that?
And that's it.
I don't even look.
Well, the bottom line is that I bought gold and it was $300 an ounce and I've done well.
And I bought silver and it was $5 an ounce.
Now we've got a guest coming up in the next final segment, Bob.
And I want you to comment on this briefly when we come back.
All over England, I've been there, they walk up and say you can't have a camera, it's an act of terrorism to videotape them.
Now they're arresting people in the U.S.
This guy was 100 plus yards away from the embassy.
paramilitary guys come over, the British come over and read him the riot act.
Let's play that video, then we'll come back and talk to the man briefly it happened to and get Bob Chapman's take on it.
Here is the video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, the audio for everybody else, but the audio is very self-explanatory as well.
Here it is.
He's on a sidewalk videotaping a statue in England.
He's in, like, a park.
And he's probably about 100 yards away from the entrance.
Now he's about 60, 70 yards.
Now he's about, you know, he's a little bit closer to that area.
I guess that's an entrance.
And how dare him try to videotape this?
You know, I was just in Canada a few years ago videotaping the U.S.
It's interesting.
You know, they've got cameras everywhere watching us.
And watch, they come over and give him the terrorism code.
Everything's for terrorism.
Now he's even further away from the embassy.
He's walking by some police.
He's by a city street.
I guess you can't videotape city streets.
What is it?
This is spot criminals done.
By the way, all these reporters are getting arrested in, uh...
I'm in Greece right now in Vildenburg.
Can I ask you what you're filming, please?
The American Embassy.
Can you show me what you filmed?
I don't have to.
You don't have to?
I believe that you're actually filming security points for terrorism reasons and I can arrest you for filming.
I promise you I'm not filming it.
It doesn't matter if you promise me it or not.
Don't put me on the camera.
Can you show me what you're doing, please?
Do I have to show you what I'm doing?
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs,
That's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Hello, sir.
Can I ask you what you're filming, please?
The American Embassy.
Can you show me what you've filmed?
I don't have to.
You don't have to?
I believe that you're actually filming security points for terrorism reasons and I can arrest you for filming.
I promise you I'm not filming it.
It doesn't matter if you promise me it or not.
Don't put me on the camera.
Can you show me what you're filming, please?
Um, do I have to show you what I'm doing?
You do now, sir, because I believe you may be using that for terrorist reasons.
Oh, you must be joking.
I'm going to search you under section 44 of the Terrorism Act, of what you're actually filming, please.
Seriously, sir.
You mind stop filming now while I'm speaking?
I'm American, I can film my own embassy.
I don't care who you are, sir, you mind stop filming now, please.
Oh, sir, I mean, with all due respect, you're a human being, I'm a human being.
Okay, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to search you under section 44 of the Terrorism Act, okay?
Do you understand what I'm doing?
Because of this, OK, I need to tell you certain things.
My number is 7-0-0-2.
Stop filming while I'm doing this, please.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
But do I have to stop filming?
Yes, you do.
Can I just leave it recording?
Why not?
I'm in a public area.
Also, I'm explaining to you why I'm actually stopping you under the Terrorism Act.
Because you want to put back down, sir, and stop filming the officers under the Terrorism Act.
And there you see the American goons all backing him up.
This is what they're doing here as well.
They're arresting people everywhere, but they just don't have the law yet.
Bob Chapman, what's that sound like to you?
It sounds like a police state.
And, you know, these policemen better smarten up because
They may end up on the other end of the stick along the way.
They just love calling citizens terrorists.
They just get off on it.
It's their excuse.
Let's go to Charlie Veitch.
Charlie, you were over there.
Why were you filming the evil embassy?
You're some kind of Al-Qaeda person.
Of course I am, yes.
Well, I was just riding my bicycle on a nice sunny day in central London, and Mayfair is one of the nicest, poshest, most touristy areas of London.
And the American Embassy is very, very interesting.
It's very open.
It's very public.
Anyone can walk past and have a look.
So I decided to, with my new camera, just film along the right-hand side of it and just see if there was going to be a reaction.
And the reaction was... You can go to Google Street View.
You can... Everybody... It's crap!
They don't want us taping them while they tape us.
So how did all this end?
Well, they actually switched the viewfinder of my camera off forcibly, and then they held out my arms by the wrists, so I was there like prostate on the cross, and they actually rifled through my pockets without asking me anything, and they took my ID out, and they radioed me in.
And they said that the reason they had to use force was because I wasn't compliant, that I was actually being rude to them, and they were actually just saying, hey, you're a terrorist, and you might be able to use this for terrorist purposes, so we have every right to treat you as such.
And the reason why I was probably a bit too polite to them is because in Britain, they have the right to detain you for 28 days without charge, and I was actually scared of that.
Maybe we should force that issue, because these guys also spy on the Parliament.
Bob Chapman, in closing, I've got video here.
of a school teacher kicking a five-year-old in the face.
The state is treating us like slaves.
It's out of control.
Bob Chapman, how do we stand up against this?
Start rolling that, folks, in the background without audio.
Well, I think the best thing to do is get your videos out and all the things that you do, Alex, and keep on piping it over the airways, and I keep on telling them the same thing that you are, and that's really all we can do.
Listen, Charlie Veach, I want to do a whole show on this with a bunch of people in England being arrested and detained for videotaping cops even at their front door.
I want to do a whole show on this the next week and we'll have you back up.
Do you have a blog or website or MySpace folks can check out?
Yeah, absolutely.
If you follow the video which I sent you, which you've just been showing, my YouTube channel is all dedicated to just basically confronting the authority state which they've created in the United Kingdom.
So I have lots of videos.
So if you just search for CV, or just follow the video, you can actually go to my channel on YouTube, and there's dozens of videos very similar to the one I sent you.
All right, we'll talk to you soon.
Thank you so much.
Jason Bermas will be covering more of this tonight, 9 to midnight with the InfoWarrior.
Bob Chapman, I almost forgot, fire out the number for folks to get a free copy of the International Forecaster Newsletter to get the latest one.
Colfrey, 877-479-8178.
That's 877-479.
8178, either by email or hard copy.
Bob, we'll see you again next Friday.
God bless you, folks.
I'll see you this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Retransmission of the show with Jim Tucker and others.
Breaking Bilderberg news right now, InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network, baby!
Good job, John.
I'll see ya.
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