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Name: 20090506_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 6, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Yeah, go on.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm in here swatting fruit flies in the office.
There's a W on these.
Are these for swatting George Bush vampire bats?
Anyways, a little bit of humor there.
They've got bills introduced to arrest you under felony charges if what you say hurts anyone's feelings.
It actually says that.
I know you've been holding callers, but I've been on a roll today.
Jim Tucker's with us for 20 minutes, and we will go to Don, Tom, Pastor William, Steve, Michael, and others.
You can call back in if you want to go ahead and get off the line, or you can wait and we'll get to you.
There's just massive news all off the charts.
It's all completely insane.
Bilderberg Group news as well.
I wanted to go to Jim Tucker now.
We've got a story up on PrisonPlanet.com from the latest news release put out by Daniel Estillan.
Daniel Estillan coming on the show Monday.
And I was reminded that it was Jim Tucker back in
2008, when fuel was $149 at the time in June, he said that they were going to cut the price in half, and everybody laughed at him, to bankrupt Venezuela and other nations.
Now Soros has come out and said they did just that.
Jim Tucker.
Everybody was talking about Lindsey Williams.
Lindsey Williams had this Atlantic-Richfield connection and all this stuff, and he did separately have that connection, but we had already broken this in an article written
At PrisonPlanet.com.
Secret of Bilderberg agenda to microchip Americans leaked.
Elitists want microchip Americans in the name of fighting terrorism.
Europeans universally opposed to attack on Iran.
Globalist fear oil prices rising too quickly.
And you read the area here on page two and it has it all.
So I wanted to get Jim to go back to his memory a year ago.
Remember when it was $149 a barrel?
It was $147 by then.
And now here we are at $40-something bucks a barrel.
And kind of give us any other tidbits, because we kind of glazed over that when he said it at the time from his Bilderberg context.
Jim Tucker, good to have you here with us.
It's always fun.
It's always fun, my friend.
We're going to break in a minute, so you get a cigarette in two minutes, okay?
Okay, good.
I'm literally, this is the choo-choo train we're talking to.
The real gumshoe, Jim Tucker.
Jim, Daniel Estill and Danny has come out with new information, as you know, and we'll talk about that after the break.
But first, go back to a year ago, your Bilderberg contacts.
I guess you didn't toot your horn about this.
140-something bucks, now 40 bucks.
What specifically did they say?
Well, we were reported immediately that the Bilderberg people had said that we were going to have to bring the price of oil down.
They had brought it up a few years earlier.
They had brought it up.
Now they said they'd have to bring it down because they were afraid Joe Six-Pack would stick with his small car, stick with the railroads or the public transportation, unless they got the prices down quickly.
They did not want to lose Joe Six-Pack on the highways.
Well, as you said, nobody believed it at the time, and I wasn't writing any predictions.
I was simply writing what Bilderberg was going to try to do, and they normally succeed.
So, as you said, the price was reported immediately that Bilderberg was going to try to bring down the price of oil from $149, almost $150 a barrel, to $40 a barrel.
They got it down briefly below $40, but that started to unfold immediately with the right
Uh, both in the Far East, uh, and in, uh, the United States saying the right things, uh, immediately after Bilderberg.
I mean, so quickly, it reminds me of when, uh, I think it was the Trilateral Commission meeting in California some years ago, where Bilderberg, uh, called, the Trilaterals called for, uh, 10 cent hike in, uh, the federal gasoline tax in the United States, and the following
Okay, Jim.
Tucker, stay there.
We're going to come right back to you in T-minus three minutes.
Jim Tucker, just an amazing icon.
The man who exposed Bilderberg Group over 30 years ago, when the newspaper said he was crazy, it didn't exist.
Now Fox, CNN, BBC all report it and say, hey, world government's good!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Alex Jones here with a question.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're back live.
A few news stories I didn't get to yesterday.
This is the type of stuff I don't get to.
London Telegraph, swine flu, inflatable mortuaries, and express funerals planned for flu pandemic.
He goes on to talk about giant incinerators to burn the dead bodies, how they rolled all this out in the UK and the US, saying we're ready for the pandemic.
All we've ever done is report the mass grave sites they've got ready for pandemics.
The mass incinerators, we've read the executive orders, we've read
The news articles, and then Glenn Beck and Popular Mechanics write articles saying, none of it exists, we made it up.
Well, here's the London Telegraph, I mean, I'm just another article.
I mean, the whole point is this is all set up and they're ready for this.
That's all we're reporting.
But again, what they do is straw men.
They'll go to one site where there isn't mass graves and say, see, it's all discredited.
That'd be like if I said dolphins don't exist.
People said, OK, we'll prove that.
So I took you to the middle of Kansas to a field of wheat and said, look, there's no dolphins here.
Dolphins don't exist!
That's what Glenn Beck and others do.
You can really trust me.
I'm going to get to the bottom of these camps.
I think they're real, and a month later, after all this hype, they're not real, it's a total fraud!
Let me take you to an Amtrak station that isn't a camp, that some kook said 15 years ago was, and then discredit all the serious research documenting that.
Okay, going back to Jim Tucker.
Jim, I would guess that you've seen Daniel Esselstyn's new report.
We've got it up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Right now, I've been trying to find my article, I had it here, they dropped so many articles on my desk, it's buried somewhere, where Bilderberg wants to engineer a depression, feudalism, to bankrupt the world economy, so that they can bring in more control, bring in a new bank of the world, new global currencies, but isn't this just a repeat of what they're always saying, always doing, always pushing, always wanting?
Well, yes, it's all part of their agenda, but now they have, whether it was manufactured or not,
A global economic crisis they're going to exploit.
Now, I have great confidence in Danny Estrin's work.
We've collaborated for years and years at Bilderberg meetings.
We pool our information.
Well, in Europe there's a large number of reporters from major newspapers and outlets, broadcast outlets, attending.
We all meet every evening and pool our information.
We're not competitors, we're collaborators.
And confirm each other's findings as far as possible, and Danny has always been right, and his information received from the Prison Planet account is consistent with and expands upon everything I've found out about trilaterals with their common agenda in Tokyo in late April and in
I don't know.
That old Americans who believe in national sovereignty to agree to a sort of worldwide global Department of the Treasury, which of course would be a big step toward world government, which is the ultimate goal.
But we can take heart in the fact that Bilderberg has been blocked so far in these attempts.
We can be proud of the fact that young Americans
Many of them wearing Ron Paul baseball caps turned out for these various rallies.
They turned out at Bilderberg last year in Chantilly in large numbers, and they're carrying a message back to educate an older, affluent, and couch potato generation.
Again, your book, Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary, is an excellent chronicle of your 30-plus years covering him.
It is available, I should add, at the online bookstore of Infowars.com, or folks can call toll-free to get it at 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
Just full of photos and documents and articles and all of the exploits of Bilderberg exposed by Jim Tucker.
Now, Jim Tucker,
What new intel have you gotten since we talked a few weeks ago, building up to the meeting in June in Greece?
Break down the dates of that.
It actually said May.
May, late May, that's right.
Yeah, well I'll go to Greece next Monday by flight to... Oh, it's early May!
Okay, I was wrong, okay.
May 14th, 17th, something like that.
So I'll be going prior to...
I don't know how I got it in my head that it was in early June again.
It's normally then or in late May.
They're kind of having it early this year, aren't they?
Well, it's not unprecedented.
I remember they met, I think it was in Munich, about the first weekend in May, wasn't it?
But that was the earliest I've ever known them to meet.
Early May.
It's normally late May to mid-June.
But this year, May 14-17.
Okay Jim, well I want to get reports from you there.
I need to make sure my producer gets your hotel number.
Are you going to have a cell phone or should I get a hold of you also if I lose track of you through the newspaper?
Yeah, you call the newspaper and I think our website has my complete itinerary on it.
Okay, well when should I have my producer nail down times to have you report live for little 10-minute reports for us on that Thursday and Friday?
Let's see, I guess maybe if you give me a call in a little immediate Wednesday.
By that time I'll probably have contacts set up and quite often in recent years as the
We've had good sources inside who would be tarred and feathered and strung up if they were identified, but they sometimes will call me by prearrangement on a secure telephone, and other times we meet in obscure places and pretend we don't know each other.
I'm reading a newspaper, he's reading a newspaper, and we're talking.
Once I get a better handle on when I have to meet these people, then we can figure out a time for you and me to talk.
Absolutely, just so long as we do get you on each day of it, even for ten minutes, to give us the latest intel.
Because you'll hear it here first, folks, the information coming out of Bilderberg.
Ninety-eight percent of the time, they're able to get their agenda through.
Just like a couple years ago, in 2007, Jim said, George Bush is going to come out and endorse man-made global warming and carbon taxes, and everybody didn't believe it, and two weeks later, George Bush came out and embraced it.
And that was the Bilderberg that Governor Rick Perry, treacherously, illegally under the Logan Act, was attending.
Man, time flies already into May and they're meeting in May, meeting there in Greece.
Jim, any other intel ahead of this year concerning what they're planning and what's on their agenda?
Well, as American Free Press readers know by now,
They also plan to exploit the so-called swine flu, hoping to scare the drugs out of everybody.
And again, although they seem to be petering out the swine flu, thank goodness, but they're hoping to use that as a vehicle to scare people into accepting the World Health Organization as a sort of a World Department of Health and Human Services.
Again, another major surrender of sovereignty on the part of all European and North American nations.
In fact, Jim, they've been saying that.
They've been saying this is good for globalism, good for the global community, good to have the UN in control of the regions.
Well, in fact, I said North America and Europe, but now that includes South America and, of course, through the Trilateral Commission, the Asian nations, too.
Including, although not directly, Red China.
Now, Jim, final question, and we'll check in with you one more time next week before you leave town, and then once you're there, we're very thankful for your time.
Esalen's on record in Endgame and in the Obama deception that he has two Bilderberg members that are contacts.
You say you go and meet with these people.
I know when the Independent Film Channel crew was with you, you were being followed, you were being chased.
Security services, you had to go into bazaars and through alleyways to shake them to meet your contacts.
Are you generally meeting, I mean this is already out there, but I'm curious, do you have Bilderberg contacts or are your contacts the Secret Services?
I can't go much further than that, otherwise I'd implicate some very important people and lose their services.
I can tell you that one of my favorite contractors, especially good at finding out where they'll meet, is someone who deals in international finance.
He enjoys, it's helpful to him personally to know what Bilderberg's up to because of his business.
He knows them well enough so that he can have casual conversations with certain ones and determine the meeting place and the dates, as he did this year and several years in the past.
But again, if I got closer to identifying him, it could blow the whole thing.
In fact, for a lot of years, I would negotiate with sources, well I can describe them, okay, a man about 40 years old, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, wears a business suit, but then one of our readers who's retired, law enforcement,
It's quite remarkable to know that there's two Bilderberg group members that don't like what it's doing out of 140 members or so.
Let's do one more segment.
Stay there.
You got a four-minute break.
We'll come right back to you.
One more segment with Jim Tucker, then your calls.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Briefly going back to this one in Telegraph, it says Department of Health projections for the total UK death toll from a pandemic as high as three quarters of a million.
It was confirmed in 2006 that officials have ordered millions of extra body bags as a precaution.
Then it goes into the crematoriums and the mass refrigerators and
All the rest of it for a possible influenza outbreak.
And all we've ever done is in Europe, the United States, Canada, show all these mainstream news articles and then we get called conspiracy theorists for pointing out they've set up for all of this.
You know, we show the different news articles over time, people just sit there living in denial.
John, is Jim back yet?
I'm not joking folks, he runs out every break and smokes cigarettes.
I tell ya, he is certainly an old timer to say the least.
I tell ya folks, somebody left something out in the office and there's fruit flies all over the office.
And they keep landing on my face and it's driving me crazy.
I've killed two of them since we've been live the last 25 minutes and I'm going to kill the rest of them but I may have to be like King Kong in here and they're like... As soon as I put the fly swatter down they come back into the area here.
Jim Tucker is a real treasure, folks.
He has trouble walking, got hip problems and stuff, but he always still goes out there and marches all over through the summer sun, wherever he's at, to get the story.
Hey, Jim!
Got one.
Hey, Jim, you there?
He's still on.
Okay, I heard you open your mic up, so I thought he might have been there.
Another one!
One of his compatriots just attacked me and crashed in my face as I killed one of the others.
Folks, we're under attack.
New World Order attack.
These are probably programmed.
That's a joke.
You know, I try to have gallows humor here, as one listener said, but there really are fruit flies in here.
I can now fan myself.
I'm David Rockefeller.
Except David Rockefeller wouldn't fan himself.
In fact, one of you come in here while I talk to Jim and fan me.
Oh yes, she attended one meeting of Bilderberg and never attended another one and I learned that Bilderberg had decided to punish her
And get her thrown out of his head of state, of his Prime Minister of Britain.
She was replaced by her party's son of a trapeze artist, John Major.
And of course, I forgot who it was within her own party who succeeded her as Prime Minister.
I had the pleasure of talking briefly with her at a reception in Washington a couple of years later, and I asked her about it, and her response, I quote directly, I can roughly paraphrase it now, that she considered it a tribute to be denounced by Bilderberg, and spoke harshly of any head of state who has surrendered any sovereignty to an international organization.
And she was very harsh in her condemnation of Bilderberg, and for her I had a great deal of respect.
All right, well, Jim Tucker, they're openly announcing world government all over the news saying it's the solution to the banking crisis, a new global banking authority to set tax rates, interest rates, currency rates.
What is it like to have this 35-year journey of exposing the New World Order and now have them just admitting it everywhere and calling for bills like H.R.
1966 that will charge you with a felony if something you say hurts someone's feelings?
Well, they taught us in law school that the court has no remedy for hurt feelings.
So that's why this god-awful hate crimes bill is such a monster.
It punishes you, in terms of any federal police, on all the streets of America, when every state harshly punishes violent crime.
Now, whether you beat up the old lady because you want her money,
Also, you hate fat people, it doesn't matter.
You've beaten her up, you've stolen her money, you go to jail for 30 years, kill her, you get fried.
In fact, those three thugs who dragged that Asian Negro man to death in the back of a pickup truck down in Texas, they're on death row.
They're afraid to die.
They'd much rather be charged with a federal hate crimes law.
Because the federal hate crime law does not allow capital punishment.
The state of Texas is going to hang them.
Absolutely, and Jim, just because you're a news reporter, you may not know about this new bill we just discovered, H.R.
The Cyber Bullying Prevention Act is worse.
It just says if you hurt somebody's feelings, federally charged.
They just say their feelings are hurt.
Jim Tucker, we'll talk to you next week before you go to Bilderberg.
We'll talk to you at Bilderberg.
The book is Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary.
Talk to you soon, brother.
Very good.
Thank you for the time.
We'll come back with your call straight away, I promise.
Of course you know that means nothing.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the new world orders war against humanity.
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I'll give you an update on the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
That's what Dave around the channel told me and I have the complaint here.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says they didn't make the complaint.
About us showing a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article on the TV show.
I remember when we got the complaint, you know, that's what it said.
It said it was them, but now it looks like it might have been a fake complaint not filed by them.
So that's how people get the channel shut down that had over a million views a week.
Tens of millions of views total, 40,000 plus subscribers.
We have got a lot of folks subscribing to the YouTube channel, The Backup, at YouTube, The Info Warrior.
And we've got links to that up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and Dave also created another channel, so folks should go find that and do that.
So that's coming up.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
You've been holding long enough.
Don in Tennessee, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, long time listener, over 10 years.
Hey buddy, what's on your mind?
Well, I was just going to let you know that I have a couple more brief points, but that this Obama deception is the easiest to distribute film you've ever made.
And I concur with them being evergreen because I watched America Destroyed by Design just recently.
But the two points I wanted to make was I live in a community that everybody knows everybody's business.
In fact, they even published traffic tickets, speeding tickets, things like that.
And one of our doctors gave his 19-year-old daughter a vaccine for Gardasil, and she died.
Well, that's, you know, according to the FBI, it's evil to be alternative media, though, and to point out mainstream news articles where all these kids are dying.
But, again, we're bad to point that out, sir.
We should just admit the bankers robbing us for good, and we're bad.
Also, I wish this was a little more timely, but going back to when Obama went to England for the G20 meeting, and he did all that bowing.
Every St.
Patrick's Day, History Channel plays
The Irish in America, and I think I've got my facts right, but the 1904 Olympics was held in London, and it's protocol that when, in the opening ceremony, when they go past the viewing station, because the royal family said that they dipped the flag, and it's symbolic of bowing to the king.
Well, most of the American team, United States team, was Irish.
And one of them went up to the color bearer and told him if he dipped that flag, that he'd spend that night in the hospital.
And to this day, our flag is not dipped.
That's out of precedent.
And when they called up, when they had a talk with the spokesman, he said the Stars and Stripes bow to no earthly king.
Well, I know this.
The bankers have taken over and
They're still going to allow us to have the flag as an image out there, but what that image symbolizes is changing to one of tyranny, and it's very, very sad.
So the spirit of the flag is being basically possessed and taken over.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Don.
Tom in Wisconsin.
Tom, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, again I thank you for everything you do because we need some guidance with what's going on now.
I don't think I give guidance, I just cover all this crazy news.
I get up here and I read a bill and I tell people it says right here they'll arrest you if somebody says you've hurt their feelings.
Go ahead.
No, I'm just saying that your analysis is what gives us guidance.
It's not the event going on, because we need somebody to help digest what's going on if we're not informed.
But I am on probation myself right now, and I had to go get treatment for my issue.
And today I had my final meeting with my counselor, and I literally
I saw when I brought up that I have two dogs in my house and they're not spayed or neutered and I don't believe in getting shots from my dog because I don't know what's in them and she literally just started like, oh I care for your dogs and oh my gosh you know the females in heat and oh it's just so painful and it hit me how much of a priest class
It is for these people, like the way they think and the way they view the world.
She thought it was more cruel for my dogs to not be altered than it would have been for them to be altered.
No, no, no.
These are control freaks.
And it sounds with something that sounds reasonable like spayed or neutered.
Well, that's your choice.
So there's not all these unwanted puppies and cats.
Sounds reasonable.
But once the precedent's set that she's going to control your life, it's the nanny state.
And so at the low level, it's all a bunch of well-meaning idiots.
And there's also just hardcore criminals that aren't, you know, in uniform.
But then above them are scientific dictators who understand what they're doing and understand what they've set up.
I hope so.
Well, you know, we can all try to be as happy as we can be, and what struck me about that statement was, instead of acknowledging that things are getting bad, instead of acknowledging the horrible things that are going on, she just was like, well, I'm going to be as happy as I can be, and it's like, if you're going to be happy and be delusional, you know, that doesn't help anybody, even if you are in a position where you're supposed to help people.
Just try to coach me to be delusional about the rest of the world.
No, I hear you.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
In fact, if you read 1984, that is his experiences as a member of the secret police in India, then as a communist fighter against the Nazis in Spain, then he finds out the Nazis and the communists are all controlled by the same people.
He works for British propaganda at the BBC, in wartime propaganda, and then he writes 1984 and dies.
In there, he is upstairs neighbor.
No matter how bad things are, he makes excuses about how it's all about him just being happy mentally.
And how great it is that his kids are little government spies.
And then when his kids denounce him and send him to the torture camp, he thanks them.
And says, yes it's true, I deserve it, I must have done something I didn't know I did.
And that's what they do.
It's double-think, it's triple-think, it's crime-stop, it's double-speak.
They are living in la-la land.
Thank you, Don.
Tom in Wisconsin, you're on the air, go ahead.
Okay, that was Tom.
Okay, let's go to Pastor William in New Jersey.
Pastor William, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, thanks for all your valuable work.
You know, we appreciate what you do.
You were talking this morning about the First Amendment and constitutional rights abuse.
I thought I'd give you a call.
It's the first time I've tried to call, and I thought I'd give you a call on that.
And let you know about this one.
Back on 3-24-05, our church was seized by the New Jersey State Police Counterterrorism Division in cooperation and correlation with the local Sheriff's Office.
My wife and I were arrested on criminal charges and all that went down because we refused to incorporate the church.
I also heard you talking earlier about the 501c3.
I don't know if your listeners are really cognitive of how evil and despicable the whole process of incorporating a church really is, or understand the ramifications of incorporating a church.
But if you are a pastor and you refuse to do that,
Man, they will put a target on you that's so big that they will not miss you.
It took six years for them to decide that they were going to, in complete absence of any lawful reason for doing so, to just come in and steamroller us over.
And that's exactly what they did.
And they did it with an incredible, amazing show of force.
They did it through intimidation.
They did it through a long process of systematic harassment and using the local press there who cooperated with them, who were more than happy to cooperate with them.
And when push came to shove, they came in and they seized the church.
My wife and I essentially lost everything that we ever
Yeah, for those that don't know, a famous case of this was the Indianapolis Baptist Temple, one of the first actions of then Attorney General John Ashcroft, and the church just said, look, we're not going to pay taxes to you, Congress shall make no law establishing
The exercise of religion.
Respecting an establishment of religion and prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And then they always advertise, oh, the greedy church wanted money.
It's like televangelists.
The televangelists, the government has been caught actually funding them as CIA fronts.
That's mainstream news for folks that don't know.
Just search engine it.
It's the true independent churches.
Government's not supposed to be involved in churches.
They have no jurisdiction.
And now they've gone from telling churches what they can and can't say to literally funding them and taking them over with the clergy response teams.
Well, see, that was the whole basis on us establishing the church as a non-incorporated, non-consenting church that was established in and under the actual and literal Lordship of Christ rather than the Lordship of Caesar.
And that's why they fought us tooth and nail as long as they did.
But when they finally seized the church, we
And, you know, this is three years ago, but we've been the past three years putting together a three-hour, two-part, three-hour documentary DVD titled Seized for Refusing to Incorporate the Story of the Church at Salem, which is posted on our website.
And can I give our website out over the air?
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, it is www.
I'm going to let you go, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, this is the supposed freedom of this country.
Congress shall make no law.
I'm looking for my Constitution, but I know the First Amendment, so it doesn't matter.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And until the 1950s, the government wasn't involved in anything with churches.
Then they said, oh,
We'd like you to fill out a form saying you're tax-exempt.
We'd like you to do that.
And it's just a formality.
And the churches were so trusting, they didn't know they were waiving their rights, going in now as a charity, not a church.
Just like there's no law to take vaccines, but it's a policy
And then, if your child isn't in school, they charge you with truancy, and it's so obvious, but the parents never notice.
I'm being charged with truancy because they kicked my child out for not having shots, but there's no law on shots.
Well, it's the same thing if they get you to sign a contract.
And now, I've been sent the letters from Catholic churches, Protestant churches, all of them.
Where they're telling them, it is the law that no one be allowed to talk about politics, not just the preacher, not just the employees, in the pews, in Sunday school, in the parking lot.
And they hand out sheets.
Raymond Teague's Baptist Church, big one out in Dripping Springs.
This is America.
This is total Russia.
Handed out sheets going, you don't talk about elections anywhere.
You don't talk about it.
Or we'll lose our tax exemption, the church will get shut down.
So see, first it's, oh, just fill out this form, no big deal.
To now, the commissars, the political officers, you will be shut down.
You will be arrested and the preachers are... And then after the fear, they come in and say, hey, the government can be friends too.
We got free federal money.
Billions a year.
And they just buy off the denominations' heads.
They've bought everybody off.
I mean, they've got federal funding going of every Christian denomination that's big out there.
It doesn't matter.
Every major group, look up your church group.
You'll find faith-based initiative.
They come in, they give them the FEMA documents, they have secret meetings with your preachers, now declassified.
Think about it, secret meetings with the preachers.
I mean, how secret police does that get?
They tell them, prepare them for masquerades, prepare them to take shots, prepare them for mass inoculation, prepare them to go to camps, prepare them to return to their guns, teach them Romans 13.
And then I'm the radical on air because I am saying this isn't freedom.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Steve in Chicago.
Steve, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
I'm wondering, did you see the Chicago Sun-Times article on Michelle Obama's cousin to lead Chicago public school security?
No, but I know that they're giving all their cronies and family members and limousine liberals and some of the biggest slumlords jobs.
I mean, he's hiring every Chicago momster he can.
Well, okay, this is about Michelle Obama's or Robinson's first cousin, Michael Shields.
This guy is evidently some screw-up because they had him busted down to a lieutenant at the Belmont area headquarters there, and a patrol
uh... capacity now because he's uh... the uh... first cousin or cousin uh... he's a gonna head to chicago public school uh... as three can crime unit uh... and he's going to prevent all these killings that are happening they had thirty eight killings uh... for chicago public school kids just this year alone
Well, I know Chicago's got a gun ban, so they've got the highest crime rate in the nation, and then the second highest is New York with the gun ban, and so on and so forth down the list.
It was in the news yesterday, I didn't get to it, but it was up on Infowars.com, just where the police, publicly, say it's asset forfeiture seizure, and they just pull you over, they like your car, they just take it!
And, uh, it's now happening all over Texas.
I've seen the news every week where they just pull you over and rob your wallet, rob your jewelry, and say, move along.
And the news contacts the cops and they say, yeah, it's suspicious to have a thousand bucks in your purse and a Rolex.
Proven in money laundering.
So guilty until proven innocent.
Isn't that freedom in America?
Just no comments on that?
Oh, no, no.
I, I, I believe that.
The problem is, is it's, it's the, uh,
Endemic corruption that you have here, but then it gets back to the system.
The system has been here for generations.
Anybody that tries to break it up, and I can go back about this, but you said the Chicago Police Somerdale scandal.
That was a big scandal in 1960, around there, where these guys were using black and whites and full uniforms to take out the stereos, at that time the TVs, everything.
And they were doing it on duty.
And even now... No, no, no.
It was in the Washington Post and Washington Times.
The cops just pull up with wreckers.
They own wrecker companies in uniform.
People walk out of McDonald's in one case, parked in the regular spot, and they're, and he's hooking up the guy's nice Mercedes.
He said, the officer just drew down and said, I'm taking your car!
And I mean, it's so corrupt, they just, we rule!
We steal everything!
Ah ha ha!
I mean, folks, the government is beyond... in fact, people won't believe this.
Google Washington DC police stealing cars.
I mean, folks, you cannot make this up.
That's what I mean.
We are...
Listen, that's what tyranny is, Steve, as you know.
It is when the evil takes over and evil is good and good is bad.
And we're here!
And they're gonna get an army of poor, dumbed-down people to turn them loose against the middle class and steal everything we got.
It's over.
I mean, they are coming for us, they're coming for our guns, they're coming for everything.
And they mean business.
And they are scum.
And they are filth.
And they are trash.
And if we could just admit how criminal the bankers are, and admit how many police forces are mafia, and admit the government's bringing in the drugs, it could all stop if people would just say no!
I mean, folks, it's going to get bad.
They are going to steal everything.
They can't help it.
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I don't know.
We're good.
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Yeah, I have YouTube here.
Here's the update.
I have YouTube's sheet with the complaints.
We now fully know what shut down the website.
There was a complaint on the video, Neocon talk show host Michael Reagan wants to kill Mark Dice.
They got Mark Dice's channel banned for that.
You play a clip of him saying, murder 9-11 truthers, I will pay for the bullets, murder them, I am contracting for murder.
And the police would do nothing.
They said, yeah, he's allowed to call for your murder.
But we're going to ban criticizing open borders.
Literally, it's now happening.
That's how selectively this is enforced.
Clearly fair use, calling for our murder.
Mark dies specifically.
That's what, that was one of the, because it takes three of these to do it.
And, uh, the other one, uh, YouTube said was one of their issues, and then the next one was Alex, this is the name of the video, Alex Jones on 590KLBJM, I don't know why people always call the show that, that's just where we do the Sunday show out of, it's syndicated.
New World Order Summit and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
And YouTube said that showing the news article that he used as a slide with the photo of the guy that was from his MySpace, that that's what did it.
And the claim is by P.S.
And YouTube says that's the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Because that's all that's there.
Is the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
It's a slideshow.
We don't do that show.
I'm going to probably move into these studios so we can go live on Sundays with the video feed at PrisonPlanet.tv as well for folks that are watching over there.
That's in the works in the next month or so, the way we do it maybe ten years from now.
The point is, we're so busy doing all these other jobs, folks, and I'm so busy, I'm out bitching.
I gotta take a vacation.
You know, this happens a couple times a year where I've been doing like four or five radio shows a day on top of my own show and not getting sleep, where my brain stops working, and I start making a lot of mistakes, and I have to take off a few days, and so look for me to be off a few days coming up, and Jason Burma's to be in here, because even one or two days of me unplugging the computer, staying away from the news,
Camping or something can get me to untangle my brain because A lot of folks are saying oh, it's the best shows ever but not mentally mentally.
I am just It feels like I got a Lead weight on my back or something.
I I just I just can't I'm so sick of the new world order and all their crap That I just can't focus on it for a couple days.
I'm gonna have to take off And this only happens a few times a year, but I've got to get out of here I've got to get out of here because
I just feel very aggressive.
I feel very, very aggressive and I'm sick of parasites and pimps and government thugs and all of it.
That's a nice way of saying it.
Nice way of saying it.
I can't believe my fellow man puts up with this type of crap.
I mean, I can't believe that people would go along with all of this.
So, Mark Dice, in agreeing not to sue Michael Reagan, they unsuspended his channel.
So we need to call Mark Dice and have him call Michael Reagan.
They're now buddies.
Because Reagan got scared of all this stuff and apologized on air and then took the copyright infringement notice off and that unsuspended Mark Dice's big account.
So now that I have this...
Dave, the guy that runs the channel, just told me about it earlier.
Now I have all the official documents.
We know who to go to.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's denying it, saying they didn't do it.
I wonder if Michael Reagan will deny he did it.
Because it's a big deal.
That site was over 2,000 videos painstakingly uploaded, on average tens of thousands of views apiece, and growing.
It was just a huge body of viral video that was over a million a week.
Got a lot of news coming up after this break and we got a couple guests popping in shortly and your phone calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's continue with phone calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Florida.
I've got a lot of news coming up.
Michael in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, buddy.
Good to talk to you.
Listen, I wanted to send something out to the people who are sitting on the fence with the New World Order.
They're going back and forth with you, or they don't really know what's going on, or they don't even believe it.
There was a quote by a French politician back in the 1850s.
I can't pronounce the name completely.
I'm sure it's wrong.
It's Alexis de Tocqueville.
Something like that.
It's Alexander de Tocqueville, yeah.
Yeah, he said the American Republic will endure until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.
And our politicians just told us, with the banks, that they're going to take our tax dollars so the banks can loan us money.
I mean, people see the circular logic here that's going on.
This is for real.
You know, those of you who are sitting on the fence, this is no joke.
And if I may touch on that analogy that you used with the frog about the frog, you know, putting it in the cold water and slowly boiling it.
With these elites and, you know, with the Bilderbergs and with all these families, it's like a family tradition with these people.
You use the analogy of the two bulls that are standing on the hill.
The young bull says to the old bull, hey, let's run down there and screw a cow.
But the old bull says to the young bull... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Hey buddy.
I wanted to call about... I want to start it with the Air Force One fly-by and make it up to the Bilderberg group.
Watch this.
Now, there's been a lot of speculation about, you know, what exactly was this photo op?
The president won't release the, uh, the photo.
Now, you know how these freak shows think.
You know what the photo op was?
It was all the people running around in New York City.
They're laughing at it.
They think that's funny.
You know?
No, no, no.
The photo op was the terrorizing the public, re-invoking fears of 9-11 while at the very peak of the swine flu hysteria, with the government saying, greatest threat to humanity, tens of millions may die, only world government will save you.
They were doing some psy-op of that.
That's why they quote, won't release the photos now.
And we said day one.
They clearly brought all of this.
You know, documentation in, they clearly knew this was going to cause a panic.
And then another little joke that they're playing on us, the swine flu, how many pigs have gotten it?
You know, they're calling us pigs, basically.
You know, we're the pigs that are getting it.
You know?
I've talked to a lot of globalists.
They revel in laughing at us.
It's just, look at the scum.
Look at the filth.
There's nothing they won't buy.
Look, they don't even know we take the money out of their checks.
Look at the filth.
And you know what?
The public lines up and says, shoot my daughter up with Gardasil.
Daughter drops dead and they go, yeah!
I mean, there's nothing they don't love.
They love putting their kids in a military that works for foreign banks, sending them off to be chewed up in meat grinders.
They love it!
The public loves being schmucks!
Quick thing about Bilderberg Group, how they're discussing whether they want a quick collapse or a slow collapse.
I saw that on Infowars.com.
I think what they're doing is, you know, in the old
You know, economic shock testing thing.
They're going to study the results of their social experiments that they put out over the past, you know, six to ten months.
And then from that data, they're going to decide how exactly are we going to proceed with the, you know, takedown of the United States.
They even tell us, and they say that all these wars are just laboratories for bigger wars, and they admit the swine flu is a good drill for them, for the big one that is coming.
Great point, sir.
I appreciate your call.
I, uh, we got a Duncanville, Texas City Council member who got arrested for trying to have free speech and ask about, uh, the red light cameras going in.
The cops were more than happy to drag him off.
And we've also got folks exposing some of the sickening activities of PETA coming up briefly here.
So stay with us, we'll cover that when we get back.
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones, and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, more of your calls and a ton of news coming up, but David Martosco is our guest spokesman for ConsumerFreedom.com.
And I happened to, more than a decade ago, get to know somebody who had briefly worked for PETA, but actually had their corporate office in Norfolk, Virginia.
And she said it was the craziest thing.
They would pressure the employees to go, and I thought this person was kind of crazy at first.
I mean, years later I found out she was telling me the truth.
I found it hard to believe.
But I knew them and knew they weren't liars.
And they said that PETA would pressure them to go get animals from the local shelter, claiming they were adopting them, to then take them back and that they would, you know, that she learned they were getting off on lethal injecting them.
And she said, I'm here to help animals.
I'm not here to be part of this and left.
Most people don't get a view in the inside trappings.
It was also stuff like close the doors.
We've got hamburgers, double beef burgers and folks,
Well, I'm on record saying that over a decade ago, and now it's become mainstream news the last few years.
Their crazy behavior.
So, David, you've been heading up one of the groups that's been exposing these freaks.
Tell us about it.
Well, you set it up really very well, Alex.
You know, PETA, the people who tell us that we're not allowed to use or kill animals for any purpose, including medical research to cure cancer, it turns out their views are so extreme that even they can't toe the line.
We got some, through Freedom of Information Act requests in Virginia, we got hold of some state records that were filed by PETA's lawyers that showed just what happens to all the animals that they take in supposedly for adoptive purposes.
And it's pretty stunning.
They wind up killing pretty much around 90% of all the animals they take in for adoption.
You know, last year, 2008, PETA killed 2,124 pets.
They found adoptive homes for exactly seven.
This is the dirty little secret of the animal rights world, is that PETA kills animals.
And we actually have all these records up for the public to look at at a website called, perfectly enough, petakillsanimals.com.
And you can actually see the reports filed by the state of Virginia.
PETA is based in Norfolk, so
Well, it's just like they're always catching cops that are involved in child pornography investigations trying to fly across the country to meet with a five-year-old.
You know, statistically, it's the truancy officer on average, you know, that's the highest rate of that.
It's the same thing with PETA.
At the higher echelons,
I'll just go ahead and say it.
My wife was offered a lucrative book deal of $50,000 on the advance and turned it down because that's how I found out about it.
She was my girlfriend.
She was tracked down by a major publisher.
I'm not going to say the name of the publisher.
I think in the letter it was a confidentiality thing.
I'm not going to do it.
And, you know, get a job, and it was like a cult.
She was only there a few months.
It was mainly people outside of it never knew what happened.
She happened to get right in to the inner circle, and she said it was completely insane.
And, you know, and she left, you know, pretty fast.
And then she was telling me that they would pressure him to get animals and then kill him.
She would never do that.
But it's a transhumanist, eugenicist, death cult.
Peter Singer, she said.
No, seriously, Peter Singer.
No, I love the language, a colorful language.
You're increasing my vocabulary here.
Well, no, I mean, but I'm not even joking is my point.
Peter Singer is their patron saint.
He's the guy that says, children are like mackerel.
And I'm sure you've heard Obama administration officials have said, you shouldn't even be able to kill babies after they're born.
So this is an anti-life thing, period.
But I mean, you're an expert on it, too.
It's kind of embarrassing in a way.
She doesn't even like me even talking about it.
But, you know, there it is.
I mean, it's my wife.
She has seen inside the pit.
I'm aware of that, and I would love to talk to her sometime and learn more about what she's seen.
Oh, you knew about that?
I didn't know that.
Okay, but anyway, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, but that's okay.
You know, it's funny, the underbelly of the animal rights movement's got all kinds of nutty stuff.
They've got arsonists, they've got people who have attempted murder, they've got, you know, folks beating up their targets with baseball bats.
And for some reason, the public isn't all that surprised, because we're used to extremists behaving extremely
But for whatever reason, this revelation that PETA actually kills animals has taken so much of the air out of their progress.
By our calculations, this has cost them in excess of $14 million according to their direct fundraising receipts.
And, not only that, but their applications for college-age interns are down considerably.
So suddenly, the teenagers, which is sort of their fear trough of new members and new employees, don't believe that PETA is as pure as the driven snow anymore.
They see them as somehow compromised, which I think is great.
But it's more than that!
I won't even say the stuff she told me.
It's, I mean, rolling around on desk with Wendy's hamburgers, laughing insanely.
I mean, these people are completely out of their minds!
So I know that not everybody who works there is a true believer.
She told me the story of one of their main spokesmen, he's a guy, laughing and giggling and she's like, what are you doing?
She's a big vegetarian, at least was then, she now eats meat.
Laughing and literally laughing, leaning back and eating a hamburger.
That's the story.
Or was it Bruce Friedrich or Dan Matthews?
Well, you know what?
I don't even remember, this is years ago.
Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.
But regardless, I just want to make sure everybody understands that while PETA is sort of the nutcase fringe of the animal rights world, they're by no means the biggest threat to everybody's freedoms.
I mean, PETA is kind of a national joke.
Everybody understands that they're just there for comic relief value.
You might be surprised to learn that the Humane Society of the United States,
And this is a tool...
This is a tool by the bioethicists, by the zero growthers, by the rewilders who want sustainability.
They say they're going to use this to shut down farms, ranches, everything.
And they'll use something that sounds reasonable, some sad monkey in a cage, but really it's everything.
They want control.
You're right.
At the end of the day, they want control over our diets, because if you control food, it's fuel for humanity.
And then you control, basically, the numbers of how many humans can live or die.
This is the same thing with the environmental movement trying to keep genetically modified crops out of Africa.
They would love very much to see a population in Africa plummet by any means necessary.
Well, David, you've done a lot of research on PETA, so instead of me talking at you, I just didn't know you were aware of some of the stuff I've talked about.
Specifically, though, in your research, have you found what we've found, that PETA, people like them, they're really just anti-human.
I mean, we've heard all these announcements from the environmentalists, we've got to cut our numbers and all this.
I mean, at the end of the day, they just want to be able to out-vote the rest of their fellow humans, so they say, we represent the bunny rabbits, and we're going to vote for them and take your ranch.
I think you're right.
It's funny, if you watch Washington at all, you'll know that next Tuesday there's going to be a confirmation hearing for a guy named Cass Sunstein, who is President Obama's pick to run the regulatory office in the White House.
He's going to be our regulatory czar, as they're calling him.
He's a big animal rights lover.
He wants to outlaw hunting and meat-eating and biomedical research using animals and all this stuff.
I think you're going to find suddenly that the animal rights nutties have a friend in the White House.
And I think at the end of the day, you're right.
It is all about controlling society.
I mean, the animals are just a placeholder for any other tool that can be used to marginalize traditional American values and basic things like capitalism and free property.
Yeah, let me give you an inside scoop.
And by the way, my wife has been on the cover of USA Today with PETA, so she really did work with him.
I believe you.
No, no, I'm just telling the listeners.
But anyway, side issue.
She's there because she immediately went right to the top in it.
You know, just by blind luck or whatever or because she was smart and they liked her.
But she was like, once she found out they were pressuring the lower level people to get animals and then they would lethally inject them there at the office, she said, what in the world is this?
And they said, listen, these are invasive species.
We want to kill all pet animals, all dogs, all cats.
You're right.
You know, you've ever seen the bumper sticker that says, Think Globally and Act Locally?
PETA is acting locally.
They're trying to take as many pets out of circulation as they can, because their philosophy holds that if more and more Americans have pets in their household, then that's another sort of, as you say, an invasive species that's going to be drained on resources and protein and all this stuff.
So they just want to eliminate them.
And they're doing it in their own little corner of God's green earth.
No, no.
I mean, I've done the research.
I made the film in-game.
I'm just not joking with listeners.
These are, this is an energy cult.
And if they can tax carbon, if they can tax all the meat first, which they're now passing, get that control in, the top echelons of this are totally cold-blooded.
They don't believe any of it.
It's T-bone steaks, finest wines, and it's all about control.
It's all about dominating and feudalism and serfdom.
Go ahead.
Well, I think that's one way of putting another thing that I've said quite a lot, which is that today's activists, especially those coming from the left, want to control society through its food, its labor, and its energy.
And those are the three, you know, you control those three things.
There's nothing in society that can be done on its own without food, labor, or energy.
So this is why you've got an environmental movement, this is why you've got organized labor, and this is why you've got, you know, everybody from the mercury and fish scaremongers to the genetically modified food people who say it's going to give us a third glowing eyeball.
They're out to control our food, our labor, and our energy resources, and that's how they're going to remake society.
PETA is just one part of a much bigger picture that includes the Greenpeacers, the AFL-CIO, and you name it.
Yeah, these really are despicable people.
They've got the bioethicist movement that says, well, Daschle wrote in a book, if you're old, you're supposed to go blind and die.
You're not going to get health care.
I mean, he said that because humans are bad.
And you're right.
Gotta kill your animals.
No more dogs, no more cats.
Basset hounds will be extinct.
German shepherds.
Nothing we made, nothing we bred will stay.
Everything will die.
They will kill all your cats, kill all your dogs.
Again, it's hard for people to believe Jeffrey Dahmer grabbed people off the street and injected them with acid in the brain.
But he existed.
The real Jeffrey Dahmers get power, they con well-meaning people to help them.
Sir, one more segment.
Let's plug your website and what you guys are doing and how we can stop the auxiliary groups of PETA that are more mainstream.
And how do we stop them killing people's dogs and cats?
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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David Martosko is our guest.
Folks, I found reality so much weirder than you can even imagine.
I mean, listen.
I thought my girlfriend was... I couldn't believe it, but I knew she was a serious person.
And, you know, she even showed me a shoebox of her in USA Today and, you know, things she did with PETA.
They used her for media.
She had a degree in that.
And then years later, everything she talked about started coming out in the news.
In fact, David, didn't they just catch one of them a year ago, throwing hundreds of animals in a trash can illegally?
I mean, these are ghoulish, crazy people, and they're so crazy, people can't believe they're really doing this.
That's correct.
A few years ago, in the summer of 2005, police in a town called Ahoskie, North Carolina,
We're good to go.
They were killed in the back of the van and then tossed into a dumpster.
But that's what I mean, they're like grave diggers.
It really is pretty sick, frankly.
Did you know that PETA has taken a $9,700 tax deduction for a giant walk-in freezer at its headquarters building?
And in the trial of those two employees, one of PETA's managers conceded that the walk-in freezer, and we're talking about a place, a freezer bigger than my office,
Is just for storing dead bodies of animals.
And they've got a crematory service that comes once a month to pick up the dead ones.
But see, that's what I'm talking about.
It's they're obsessed with death.
I mean, my wife said, because she was just immediately in the upper sanctum of it, that it was humans are evil.
We gotta get rid of humans.
This is just getting people ready for it.
You're right.
You know, PETA's early founders were big fans of the Earth First movement.
And you know, their big campfire chant was, you know, people are living who should be dead.
This is the whole idea of, you know, forced extinction of a large portion of humanity.
And I think it would be a fair assumption to say that one of PETA's goals is to move humanity in that direction.
But that's the big foundation goals, the Rockefeller Foundation.
I was just researching Google.
Most of their foundation money goes to helping Africans and sustainability.
Everything I look into, it ends with these people.
And PETA is just one extension of them.
Like you said, isn't PETA involved in advising some of the bigger animal groups?
Well, PETA is one of the bigger animal groups itself, but it certainly is involved with advising a host of smaller ones around the world.
And remember now, PETA is not just doing this domestically.
They've got offices in England, in France, in Germany, in Hong Kong, in Australia.
They're going global.
So they're really trying to achieve the implementation of their agenda anywhere they can get a foot in the door.
The only place it seems fit to throw them out so far is the Philippines.
Other than that, everybody's willing to have them.
Because frankly, they're fun to watch.
It's amazing.
These sickos, though, have been exposed by you and others.
Tell folks about the websites.
I mean, it does seem they're in retreat now, because just how macabre they are has really come out.
Well, PETA certainly is in retreat, but I think, again, it's important to note that the Humane Society of the U.S.
has been picking up where PETA left off.
This is just a richer, smarter, more clever PETA.
And it's not affiliated with any pet shelters anywhere.
So don't think it's your local Humane Society.
The Humane Society of the U.S.
is just PETA with a nicer wristwatch.
Come to visit us at PETAKILLSANIMALS.COM.
You can see the records from the state government.
You can see photographs, police evidence photographs of some of the crazy stuff they've been up to.
And our flagship website, which is CONSUMERFREEDOM.COM, is all about arming ordinary citizens with the information they need to know to protect their own food choices and thumb their nose at the people who are trying to control them.
Well, we do need to have you back up for a full hour sometime without me just interchanging information.
And I'd love to talk to your lovely missus, because I know she was the one who threw the dead raccoon on Anna Wintour's plate.
I mean, she's got a serious history in this movement.
I'd love to pick her brain sometime.
Maybe you could set that up for me.
Oh, so you do know who my wife is?
Oh, I know who your wife is very well, yes.
I know her aliases, which I will not spew on the air.
But I'd love to meet her sometime next time I'm in your neck of the woods.
Yeah, alright, alright.
We turned down a big book deal just because of privacy, and she's totally embarrassed by all that.
I think the book summary is what made its way around.
Some of the, you know, some of the things, but I mean, I told her when she was just my girlfriend 10 years ago, I said, don't do it.
She was ready to do it because I said, people aren't going to believe this.
Now is the time for her maybe to come public because now a lot of it's come out.
I mean, I told her, I said, no one's going to believe this.
There's a lot of stuff I know people won't believe, so I don't cover it on air.
Well, listen, we appreciate you, appreciate the work you're doing.
Take care.
Take care of yourself, everybody.
You bet.
Take care.
Yeah, my wife was their attack dog.
God, she's gonna get mad if she hears this.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Silver is mankind's oldest natural antibiotic.
This very special mineral has been used for centuries by most cultures throughout the world.
Utopia, Texas is home to a small but mighty supplement company called Utopia Silver, who offers colloidal products produced in distilled water
We're good to go!
I think so.
Yeah, when you find out about the eugenicists and how they run everything.
I was mad at Google last night.
I wanted to refresh my memory about the things they're involved in.
And so I went and pulled up their federal papers, their filings, how they were set up.
You know, the mainline news articles about their beginnings.
It's Stanford Research Institute, Stanford College, Pentagon, CIA, FBI.
It's a complete government front, but legally the government's not supposed to run private industry, just like IBM is a government front.
And then they take their money and fence it into eugenics funding because government can't openly fund eugenics.
They fund it through Google, through
Berkshire Hathaway, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, all the big top... I mean, look at it.
I was doing this last night for hours.
I stayed up late.
I looked at the top 10, 15 biggest corporations, and just all of it.
Where's their charity go?
Eugenics, sustainability, phony environmental movement, vaccinating the Africans.
This is a program, folks.
These people mean business.
All right, shifting gears.
We're not going to keep him long.
I had him on last hour, and I rescheduled him.
I apologize.
We have him on with us, Paul Ford, a Duncanville, Texas City Council member who was arrested by the mayor for speaking out against red light cameras.
You can YouTube or search engine City Councilman beat up by police for speaking.
I got stuff out of Indiana where they're punching him in the face.
This is usually when they expose some secret meeting or corruption.
Now, red light cameras by a state court this year were world illegal.
And I had the Austin police chief in here and he said, we don't care what the state says, we're doing it.
And the legislature's been trying to fight it.
But going to Mr. Ford.
Ford, tell us what happened to you as an elected representative up in Duncanville for daring to speak out at a city council meeting.
Well, what happened was this.
Earlier that evening in briefing, which is about an hour long meeting that precedes the open meeting itself, the mayor told me that if I spoke when he told me not to, he would have me arrested.
And I explained to him at the time, in the briefing room, that I'm like all those thousands and thousands of people who are getting red light camera tickets, who are not entitled to trials by jury.
I would be entitled to a trial by jury if he arrested me for whatever it was he had in mind.
And I would, with confidence, put my fate in their hands.
So we go out on the floor for the actual meeting, and agenda item three was a... They've squandered so much money in our city, we have a huge deficit now.
And so they're trying to cut back on essential services like street repairs.
So they had a bill out to cancel a $59,000 contract for a street repairs company, and I was going to speak against it.
So it was my turn to speak, and I said, Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Before I address agenda item three, I want to let everyone know what the mayor told me in briefing a few minutes ago.
And I related what I told you just now.
And it took all of 30 seconds.
So about halfway into it, the mayor starts banging his gavel and shouting at me that I'm out of order.
And then it was all rehearsed.
He called for the city manager.
The city manager, Kent Cagle, called for the police chief, Robert Brown.
And at that point, the city manager got up, walked behind me, tapped one of the other councilmen on the shoulder, and then all the other councilmen, except one who wasn't in on it, got up and walked off.
Police chief came over to one side, marshal came over to the other side, and a third man, another officer in plainclothes, walked behind them with a video camera.
So you can just imagine this parade of people coming up.
And by that time, I had finished my 30-second digression about how
I would welcome a jury of my peers, and I would confidently put my fate in their hands, and I returned to the agenda item, agenda item three.
And I began with, I will not vote for this, and here are my reasons why.
This is a contract.
This is a bill to cancel a street repair contract, and I don't believe we should.
And at that point, the police chief came over to me and said, I'm going to ask you to leave voluntarily.
So I stood up, put my hands behind my back and said, I will not leave voluntarily.
However, if you believe that I'm violating the law by discussing this agenda item, I will submit to arrest without resistance.
So he repeated, I want you to leave voluntarily.
And I repeated what I said, that I won't leave voluntarily, but I'll submit to arrest without resistance.
And understand I have my hands behind my back at this point, waiting to be handcuffed.
They never said to me, you're under arrest.
They never said, if you don't leave, you'll be arrested.
Nothing like that.
With my hands behind my back, offering to be handcuffed.
They acted as if I was resisting.
They grabbed me.
Yeah, they grabbed me and started dragging me along.
And I said, hey, you know, I've had back surgery twice.
And that kind of encouraged them to be more rough.
And as they're dragging me along, I started to stumble on the steps.
Then as we entered into the corridor leading away from the city council chamber,
I started to fall and they pushed me down onto the ground and I landed very heavily on my side.
So I ended up having to go to the hospital and they never placed me under arrest.
They didn't send an officer in the ambulance with me.
And by the way, there's photos and videos of this out, and the newspapers all report that exactly what you're saying is what happened.
And you're lucky they didn't taser you.
Separately, they've introduced a bill, H.R.
1966, that if something you say is hurtful, and someone says, that was hurtful to me or hurt my feelings, you're going to be charged with a federal felony.
So, free speech itself is under incredible attack.
Please continue, fellow thought criminal.
Well, I guess that 1966 is just a variation of the old theme of a hate crime.
Yeah, I imagine.
Well, so, so I'm in, I'm in the hospital bed in my back and I can't move.
I'm urinating on, on my side into like a, one of those plastic things that they give you in the hospital.
And I look on the TV and there's the mayor saying that they've issued a warrant for my arrest.
So it turns out they got a local judge, a city employee,
I don't
So, when I left the hospital, I had the choice to either use a walker or use two canes.
By the way, I've found being handicapped or disabled for a time, only from what I've seen, and I don't know exactly why, that seems to encourage thugs, kind of like a wolf-like mentality of a hurt sheep or something.
I never understood, they seem to piranha on anybody that's hurt.
Yeah, yeah.
It's an interesting observation you've made that, because I've definitely found that true with members of the City Council.
And as my back condition has gotten worse, they have gotten more aggressive and they finally just went all out on April 7th.
Yeah, their predatory spirit comes out now.
Getting back to the red light cameras, they had to remove them in San Diego, as it sounds like you know, because under the Constitution you get to face your accuser.
This is a robot, a computer, yet they have Lockheed Martin, the defense contractor, making money off of it.
I know state courts in Texas have said they can't do this without having a license for private detective work.
But they just don't care.
I had the Austin Police Chief and he said, I don't care!
We have SWAT teams!
Stand by for rule!
They'll do it until they can't get away with it.
Until the politicians who enable these things are voted out of office.
Now, I know that there are many people in the Texas state who are against it.
I've been in close contact with many members of the Urban Affairs Committee, for example, and there's a lot of sentiment to do away with them.
Yeah, polls are over 90% in the state against it and everywhere else, but again, magically, it just continues.
We don't want the... I mean, on every issue, we don't want it, and the government just says, look, NORTHCOM's standing by.
You know, the military's standing by.
This is the new America.
But you know, Alex, the big, the real problem that I'm encountering here in Duncanville, Texas, is tremendous voter apathy.
People will say that they're upset about something, but as to taking any action, even just voting...
Most people just aren't willing to do that.
I mean, we'll be lucky this election if we have 10 or 11 percent of eligible voters actually voting.
Now, the national average is 8.2 percent turnout, but they'll turn out with some stupid presidential diversion when the real power is locally.
So, you're hurt in the hospital, on your side, urinating into a bucket.
Well, not quite, but similar to that, yeah.
Well, you said into something.
The point is, so you're there, this is going on, you're now, they're grandstanding on TV, you're this arch criminal on the loose, what happens next?
Yeah, well actually played that up quite a bit.
The mayor was, they contradicted themselves, but they were trying to get across the idea that I'm this dangerous felon.
And of course, this is my first, so far my only arrest for anything.
And the mayor said that the city manager, Ken Cagle, said that they have had to increase the police presence at the city hall.
Whenever I'm there.
And the mayor, yeah, and he was said, well, because with all that's happening, you just don't know.
That was his excuse for this, you know, overtime.
And then the mayor said that they are, from now on, they're going to assign a full-time officer to me whenever I'm in the building because, and he actually said this to a reporter, he said, because Mr. Ford is a mystery man who has conspiracy theories.
So they're painting me as this very violent guy.
So I get out of the hospital.
I'm limping along on two canes now.
As Gary said, it was either that or Walker, and I already had the two canes.
I heard you may actually be the person known as Godzilla.
I mean, you're like, come from the sea, from the deep, you're like this deadly kraken.
I mean, you're a boogeyman.
You're what children fear under beds.
I mean, how dare you not want the red light cameras?
The mayor and people, this is very important,
You know, that they get all this done.
So you're out there on the cane, vicious, deadly.
Well, one thing I want to point out that the red light cameras, that and a website that I recently set up, Paul Ford Reports, were kind of the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.
I have been for the two years I've been on the council.
Constantly asking a lot of questions that the other members, most of the other members of the City Council do not want to ask.
And bringing up a lot of connections, campaign contributions, relationships, things like that.
There's a lot of money being wasted on developments that don't go anywhere.
There's a lot of sweetheart deals.
It's just a constant sort of thing.
There's, like, everything has to it some sort of secondary agenda where there's some money being diverted.
I mean, even such simple things as we're running up this huge budget deficit and now they're instituting forced furloughs.
They're letting, giving workers days off without pay.
And, you know, mandatory.
Mandatory on that.
And they're still, the city council members are still traveling around the country going to Reno and
Orlando on these junkets allegedly.
Maybe they should just declare themselves royalty.
Councilman, declare themselves royalty and start wearing crowns or something.
Let me add a point here.
I have the Department of Homeland Security.
You probably heard about the report a month ago where they said veterans and gun owners are the number one terror threat.
Right, right, right.
Well this is the appendix to that.
It says alternative media that make connections.
So maybe you're a terrorist because you're making connections about political contributions to them and then what they're doing.
But it says here in the alternative media section right there, this is in the first page of the appendix, to document you.
It says, alternative media, a term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets.
This is a terrorism lexicon, sir, so you started an alternative news site and you're asking questions and making connections?
My God, no wonder you had to be assaulted, sir!
This is Al-Qaeda!
Well, that certainly is the impression that they're trying to get across to people.
And I suspect that people are disappointed when they meet me and I find out that I'm just sort of a regular guy.
But you know, I'm in the hospital, I get out, and there's this warrant for my arrest, so I turn myself in to the Duncanville Police.
And they transport me in handcuffs down to Dallas County Jail, and I spend about 12, 12 and a half hours there before I'm bonded out.
Lew Sterrick!
Lew Sterrick, yeah, Lew Sterrick.
Or Sterritt, yeah, very nice place.
Well, actually, you know, it was kind of amusing at one point because I was in the big holding area.
And, but with all these guards and other prisoners, and the guard asked me, like, you know, you don't, you don't seem to fit in here.
I mean, like, what are you in for?
And just then a television report came on of my turning myself in.
And I said, we'll take a look over there, and all the inmates and the guards are saying, man, that's terrible!
They can't do that to you!
You got a good case here.
You know, this will never stick.
And I'm, well, perhaps we'll see.
Well, this is a funny story.
Are you aware of the fact this is a phenomenon around the country?
And if I was you, I'd be careful.
They have things where a sheriff gets elected, so the old sheriff kills him.
That happens about once a month.
I read about that, yeah.
I'll see it constantly.
There's probably been 50 cases I know of.
Oh, it's constant, and murdering new police chiefs, cops killing other cops, beating up city councilmen.
I mean, this is widespread, sir, so I would carry a camera on you at all times.
Now, obviously, there's times you're allowed to talk and you can put things on the agenda, or is the mayor engaging in a parliamentary tyranny where they're shutting you down?
Good question.
What they do when you ask them, see they don't follow Robert's Rules of Order, which has very strict rules for who can speak and how they can speak and how meetings should be moderated.
What they, when you ask them why are they deviating from Robert's Rules, they say, well, we operate under modified Robert's Rules.
And then when you ask them, well, what are the modifications?
And they don't answer you.
What they rely on is a part of our charter says the mayor will preside over meetings, which means to me he'll be the moderator.
He'll be the one kind of like the host of a new show, like McLaughlin Group or something.
But now you're never allowed to talk and he just sits up there with his own private cash machine.
Actually, actually, I mean, I'm still...
I'm allowed to talk, and I want to tell you that they've really backed off, because what I think most people in this type of position, as the mayor and most of the other members of the city council, there's one city councilwoman, a woman named Janet Jameson, who is tremendously offended by what is going on in Duncanville, and very upset with what they did to me.
But the others basically act as a monolithic block in this, and they do not like publicity.
And what they did not anticipate the reaction that their attack on me would engender.
And all the letters and emails of support that I've received and I know many letters and emails have gone into City Hall very critical of their actions.
So they backed off a bit.
We had a city council meeting.
Hold on a second, Councilman.
That's why the tyrants are such nuts.
You finally stood up to them.
You're constitutional.
You're with the courts.
You're with the polls.
You're with the people.
You're with the republic against these evil red light cameras.
They violate your rights.
They set you up.
They beat you up.
They demonize you.
And now the people see it for what it is.
They don't like the red light cameras.
You're going to be a hero.
You're probably going to end up being the next mayor if they don't do something to you or call in a mechanic on you.
Well, here's the thing, though.
Again, we're dealing with a very low voter turnout.
I mean, I'm up for reelection right now.
The final day of voting is Saturday.
I could easily lose.
I don't know.
We're not getting a huge turnout.
Most people are still relatively unaware of what's happening.
And more than that, they're relatively unaware of the impact of these events on their own lives.
You know, sometimes people will say... ...need to vote in local elections.
I'm only concerned with the national election.
And I'm like, well look at your city tax bill.
Think about the quality of your police services.
Your fires... ...of code enforcement.
Are they harassing you or are they being supportive of you?
These are the things that are all addressed at the local level, and most people still don't get that.
And plus, I think you have a general trend of apathy in this country.
I mean, it's hard for local politics to compete with American Idol and Dancing with the Stars.
Yeah, well, folks are going to get empty bellies here pretty soon, so they'll quit.
You know, it's when things happen that impact a person's day-to-day experience.
That they can grasp concretely, that are not abstract, that really get people fired up.
So Council Member Ford, I mean, and Duncanville, Paul Ford, I'm just trying to understand.
They now have got their tail between their legs.
Well, no, I wouldn't go quite that far.
I think that this last meeting we had last night, they backed off, because I made a comment very similar to the one that I made last time.
I broke from the regular topic, and I discussed it for about 30 seconds, just like I did the last time.
Have they dropped the charges?
But I really don't want them to, because I believe... I understand.
Stay there.
Stay there.
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Alright, Paul Ford's our guest.
We'll be back tomorrow, of course, live at 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
A lot of important, informative guests coming up and back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
with the abbreviated radio show.
And by then, maybe I'll have this fruit fly infestation.
This is a clean office.
No one can find where they're coming from.
It's like, me-er, me-er.
I don't know if you've seen them landing on my face during the show, but I'm going to get them!
That's all part of the fun of being a presentplanet.tv member.
You can see me fighting the fruit flies.
They're like little F-16s, and I'm King Kong up here.
Going back to the fellow thought criminal, Duncanville City Council member,
Here in Texas, and a big suburb of Dallas, pretty good-sized town, Paul Ford.
In closing, Paul, you're going to get the jury trial.
I would, you know, go in and show that... I wouldn't even argue the Roberts rule thing with them.
Obviously, you know what you're doing.
I would just show that they were telling you to voluntarily leave.
Well, then why did they arrest you?
You've certainly got an official oppression.
And I wouldn't be nice about this, because I wouldn't turn your back on these people, either.
They'll throw you down on the ground.
And, you know, enjoy themselves.
They don't think of us, the slaves, as humans until they are taught that we're not their slaves.
That's the only thing sociopaths understand.
So I hope you go after these people legally.
Well, I want to address the criminal aspect of it first, and when that's all finished, I'll give more thought to that.
We're almost out of time, so go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to say that I welcome the trial, because I believe that the more publicity their actions get, the less likely they are to repeat them in the future against me or anyone else.
And that's my hope.
That when everything's brought out in a jury trial and I'm acquitted, it will discourage them from repeating it against me and discourage other people from trying to emulate them in other cities in Texas.
Alright, well I mean, so where is this going now?
You're going to, I guess, go ahead and face trial for talking as a city council member at city council.
That's the way it appears now, yes.
Are you going to go after them for assaulting you?
I don't know.
At this point, I don't know.
And like I said, I have my first court appearance and my first court date is next week on May 12th.
And I'll just take it from that point.
But I am looking forward to a jury trial.
I'm looking forward to six people drawn from the ranks of Dallas County voters and making the case.
And I'm sure that it will end in acquittal this time.
And if they arrest me again the next time, the time after that.
And maybe eventually, this will discourage them from doing this to me, and as I say to others, because this has been tremendously inhibiting to other people in Duncanville.
I mean, I've had people tell me they don't want to go to city council meetings now because they're afraid that something's going to happen to them.
I know, that's what they want.
They've basically banned public speaking here in Austin now.
You've got to sign up a week before and show up.
Oh yeah, they've got cops there.
No kidding.
I've had the SWAT team come and sit on both sides of me, and you're not going to speak, are you Jones?
That's on video.
It's all part of the freedom.
Okay, well, Council Member, we appreciate you coming on.
Thanks for having me on.
Give them that website again.
PaulFordsReports.com PaulFordsReports.com.
Take care, buddy.
Good having you on with us.
We appreciate you and your First Amendment and fighting those stinking red light cameras that are totally illegal.
They say, hey, we got the guns and you don't!
And we're going to steal $14 trillion in seven months.
And we're going to put carbon taxes on you, and we're going to ban your free speech.
You know, in the first hour that's about to restart, I go over the bill that is worse than any of the hate crimes bills that are out there.
That's coming up on the re-streams at Infowars.com.
Keep calling Google.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says they didn't file that complaint.
I've talked to their writer, talked to their folks there.
My office has talked to their editor.
They say they didn't do it.
That's all that's on the screen is a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article that they're talking about.
And also Michael Reagan.
Michael Reagan saying we shouldn't play a clip of him saying murderous.
So give Google a call, 650-253-0000.
And I'll tell the guy running that channel, go ahead and challenge those, it's fair use.
Retransmission starts now.
Call Google, call the scumbags, let them know we know what they're doing.
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Visit GCNlive.com today.
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