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Name: 20090504_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 4, 2009
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We are now simulcasting the last hour and 32 minutes at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Next hour, I will break down census takers getting GPS at every American's doorstep and how this ties in.
I went and did the research and have the actual facts and it is not pretty.
We're going to go to Dr. Jerome Corsi here in just a moment.
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Okay, for the next 50 minutes, we're joined by Dr. Jerome Corsi, here as we simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv with a radio show.
And he wrote an excellent article back in 2007 at WorldNetDaily.
We're covering it simultaneously here from the SPP documents that Judicial Watch and others had sued to get of the North American Union body.
And they kept saying, we're going to use pandemic flu, economic crises to bring in the North American Union, but this is secret from the public.
We've got to keep this secret from the public.
And they went over how the World Health Organization under this treaty agreement with Mexico and Canada would be in charge.
Now we see that in the news.
Mainstream news are now reporting what we reported and what Dr. Kors is reporting.
That this is a great time for the new world order and globalism because it is now out in the open.
So to break this down and his overall take on this fear-mongering distraction
It's been used to get all the other real news out of the headlines is Dr. Jerome Corsi, best-selling author and writes for WorldNetDaily.
Doc, thanks for coming on with us.
Hi Alex, great pleasure to be with you.
Thank you.
You bet.
Okay, let's go back to that article you wrote in 2007, which is almost like prophecy with what actually happened.
Well, in 2007 there was the Security and Prosperity Partnership up in Montebello in Quebec, Canada.
I was there.
And what came out of that meeting was a new agreement that was signed by Canada, the United States, and Mexico, which was a North American plan for avian flu and pandemic influenza.
And what the document agreed to was that if there was going to be an outbreak of avian flu or any pandemic influenza in North America,
We, the United States, and the Canada and Mexico would handle that outbreak under the United Nations law.
And I documented that there is, in fact, the United Nations has a coordinator, a UN System Influenza Coordinator, who's Dr. David Nabarro.
I believe he still is Senior Policy Advisor to the UN Director General.
And the United States has been moving in this direction for some time.
In 2005, President Bush announced a new international partnership on avian and pandemic influenza.
It was at a high-level plenary meeting at the UN General Assembly in New York on September 14, 2005.
So, it's quite clear that North America has a plan for handling these health emergencies, and the plan is to go under the Blue Helmet rule.
What it means, essentially, Alex, kind of breaking it down, is that the United States is no longer sovereign over health emergency situations.
That's the bottom line.
Are you there, Alex?
Yes, I know it's rare for me to actually shut up and listen to you.
I'm just listening to you go over it.
Please continue.
In fact, it's still, the agreement is still on the SPP website.
If you take a look at the SPP, www.spp.gov,
And you search for the Montebello Conference until very recently, and I think it's still there today.
You can read the agreement that was signed.
So, I mean, it's clear that this is an international agreement and that President Bush has made U.S.
management of a true pandemic situation subservient to international law.
Now, I want to expand on that because, I mean, it's one thing to read you writing about this a couple years ago from the documents, you know, you and I and others of research that we know it's true.
It's another thing to see Reuters, you know, with UN in control of global pandemic, UN telling Mexico, US, Canada, Europe, China what to do.
This is more just acclimation, and that's part one I want you to comment on.
Then part two, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, all, yes, Marshall Law,
is a good thing.
Forced inoculation is a good thing.
We may lock down U.S.
cities, but we're going to leave the borders open.
How ridiculous is that?
Well, as I pointed out, by the way, it is on the SPP.gov website.
I just found it under the Montebello Conference.
So far, this whole swine flu outbreak has turned out to be completely a minor event.
There's very few cases of it.
The cases that are found in the United States are not lethal.
They're able to be handled by various kinds of antibiotics that we have on the shelf.
The cases that are in Mexico are occurring because Mexico is largely a third world country and there aren't even good sanitary conditions in much of Mexico.
So Mexico is going to be more prone to having an outbreak like this, be a little bit more virulent.
But even in Mexico there aren't very many cases.
So, so far
I'm categorizing this as just a scare.
It's a hysteria.
Now, what it does reflect, Alex, is when you look at it, look at the amount of media attention, the going to, you know, one of the top levels for the World Health Organization to declare that this is a pandemic.
All the quarantining that's going on in Mexico, the preparations are clearly in place for the governments in North America to use a pandemic
Saying, oh, it's 1918 again, there's going to be 30 million people that die worldwide, like happened at the end of World War II with the flu that spread across the world at that time.
World War I, yeah.
World War I, sorry, World War I, 1918.
But there's no evidence whatsoever that this current outbreak is any more than hysteria.
Well, Doc, I didn't know what your view on this would be, but it's identical to mine.
Day one I said this is a hoax, this is a fraud, but they're using this as a beta test to prepare for martial law, and then they basically come out and said that, that oh, well we know a mega flu is coming in the next six months or so, they had Homeland Security said and others, and this was a good drill for us.
You know, we are going to have to forcibly inoculate you in lockdown cities.
This is perfect to have this while society collapse, while the offshore banks and now Bloomberg reports have stolen $14 plus trillion.
It's now over $12 trillion.
Last time it was $12 trillion.
Every few months we learn the next, you know, horrible number over a trillion a month.
In the last six months since the Banker Takeover, it's now $14 plus trillion in what they've committed to or spent.
And this is a perfect cover.
Now every time a nation rebels or resists, oh, we've got to lock everything down, a flu popped up, whether it kills people or not.
I mean, this is amazing.
Well, also Alex, one of the other parts of this that is important to note is that it's been accepted in the mainstream media that all of this is just normal.
In other words, the possibility of government
Coming in and shutting down schools, issuing quarantines, even possibly martial law or sequestering people who show up as being, somehow or other, showing symptoms of this disease.
No, they've been setting up the tent cities.
They've been setting exactly and acting as a dry run.
Do you think this is a dry run?
It certainly has the characteristics of being a dry run because, you know, this much hysteria, I know it's a hysteria at this point because
The cases aren't developing.
We've had everybody scared, and you know, including my own family, frightened to death that this is going to be something that, you know, we need to take exceptional measures over.
And truthfully, what there's been one death in the United States from this entire outbreak.
And that was somebody from Mexico City.
From Mexico City, you know, we've got 300 million people now in the United States, and we have one death of someone who came from Mexico City, and yet we have
Nightly news reporting and the White House coming out with special announcements.
We have the military involved.
Remember, I also, Alex, have done a series of reports on U.S.
And U.S.
NORTHCOM, which is a combatant military command that is tasked with handling U.S.
emergency situations.
NORTHCOM has drilled and done exercises on pandemic influenza outbreaks.
Dr. Corsi, stay there.
Recap that when we come back.
I mean, you wrote the book on this two years ago, and now it's happening.
And then I said last Saturday, now eight days ago, I said, watch.
They're gonna say, oh, this thing's gonna mutate.
It's in the fall.
We may need martial law.
And that's now what they're saying.
These guys are so predictable.
Dr. Corsi, stay with us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are under United Nations control via treaty during biological releases.
And the executive is over the Congress under PD51, something Dr. Corsi has also reported on in depth, but that we cover in my films, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, and others.
Now, Dr. Corsi, you were getting into the fact that NORTHCOM's role, and they've signed deals with the Canadians and the Mexicans to jointly use each other's troops, during these pandemics, and you have the SPP and Pastor, as you've talked about on Lou Dobbs, saying, we're going to use crises, never waste a crisis, to bring this thing in.
And you saw their response, they said, as a continent.
We've got to respond to this from Alaska to southern Mexico, the border of Guatemala.
We're going to lock down U.S.
cities, maybe, and Mexican cities, but not the borders.
How ridiculous is that?
Well, and I think this is, I think it again proves the point, Alex, and that is that the Security and Prosperity Partnership is designed as a, not just an economic, to advance the economic agreement that was NAFTA into a political agreement.
And the political agreement advances international law.
So that, of course, they don't, you know, under SPP, the border is going to be kept open, because that's a primary agreement of the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement.
And then, when you've got this avian flu and pandemic influenza SPP agreement, it puts everything under the United Nations.
The North American plan is under United Nations and World Health Organization guidelines.
And that's just clear.
The standards and guidelines of the World Health Organization and the rules of the world, you know, are the rules that in North America would apply to the management of any health pandemic or health crisis.
And the U.S.
military, which has agreements with the Canadian military, is ready to act in a capacity if there should be an emergency situation.
Remember, Alex, I also reported that under the Homeland Security and National Security Directives,
That were issued by President Bush, I believe, in 2007.
I'd have to go and get the exact numbers, but Homeland Security Directive 51, and I can look those up here in a minute.
John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
All of these, well these two specific directives that I wrote about give the President the opportunity to declare an emergency, including a health emergency, under the President's own authority.
Without necessarily getting concurrence from Congress.
No, in fact, Congress isn't allowed to see those agreements and that's why they're angry and upset.
None of these agreements have gone through Congress, including the SPP document that agreed that there was a North American plan for avian and pandemic influenza.
That did not go to Congress to get approved.
Nor did these two presidential directives that were signed by President Bush go to Congress to get approved.
So the President could declare a health emergency, could say the World Trade Organization rules apply and blue helmets are available if needed, and task through the Department of Defense, the U.S.
To utilize military in situations that could be quarantine or martial law or whatever was else required for the health emergency.
And Dr. Corsi, they've been saying this on the news, talking about foreign assets, NORTHCOM, forced inoculations, lockdowns of cities, but oh no, we'll never lock down the border.
I'm not even saying lock it down for this.
The point is, they just say that is absolutely sacrosanct.
You don't touch that, that's a taboo.
But if you want to lock down U.S.
cities, that's wonderful.
And clearly the U.N.
shed greatest threat ever facing humanity in 90 years.
Could kill millions, could kill billions.
Absolute fear-mongering.
So, my family took it serious too.
You said your family.
People are like, you know, my wife's like, let's do something, let's be safe.
And I said, okay, we'll play it safe.
Because even though the government does cry wolf, you still have to take it serious when they say this could be the worst thing
You know, since Adolf Hitler, basically.
But clearly, they're now admitting this is a PSY-OPT, a beta test, martial law.
Which they need to PSY-OPT test, because clearly we're going into this worldwide economic collapse.
Well, here's the evidence that I know is the case, okay?
So, first of all, now we're having the government coming out and saying, Mexico has announced that the H1N1 flu epidemic, they won't call it swine flu anymore, Mexico says it's past its peak.
I don't
N1H1 virus is going to kill all together worldwide.
Stay there.
No it does.
We have 36,000 die a year.
Some say it's only 15, but the government CDC says 36,000.
More than that die in Mexico.
A quarter of a million die worldwide on average each year from flu.
And we've had less than 50 people die from this thing worldwide.
And a couple thousand sick.
So, clearly this is the model of global tyranny they're going to use.
Stay there Dr. Corsi.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
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We're good to go.
We're talking to Dr. Jerome Corsi.
We carry his book that's since been updated, The Late Great USA.
It's great to give to friends and family that don't know about the North American Union, The Globalist Takeover.
You know, Dr. Corsi,
You write, I write about PDD 51, how they'll use flu pandemics to set up the North American Union and expand police state.
They're openly saying forced inoculation, roundups, arrests, troops.
The Kentucky Derby has regular army arresting fans that jumped on the track after the horse won.
Saturday, that's in the news.
The troops are on the streets.
NORTHCOM, 20,000 troops, Homeland Brigade.
All of this stuff that I particularly talked about 10, 12, 13 years ago is now openly out there, and people then still email me saying, don't fear monger about the troops.
You know, this is completely unnormal to have troops running around.
Then, three weeks ago, you may not know about this, Tennessee governor found out because of this show about military checkpoints they were running in the newspapers.
And the military, when the governor said, don't do it, the military said, we don't care.
We're going to go ahead and do it.
And they did it, Dr. Corsi.
I mean, this is getting to be out of control.
The two directives that I wrote about, and I wrote about these in May 2007.
They were the National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20.
Which established under this new Office of National Continuity Coordinator, Continuity of Government theme, that the President could declare an emergency, a catastrophic emergency, and assume control of the operation of all levels of government, federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal, as well as private sector organizations that would be to continue functioning under the President's directives in the event of a national emergency without going to Congress.
So those are there.
Those remain powers now that President Obama could exercise.
And again, there was no congressional vote approving or affirming these presidential directives.
They were done strictly on the signature of President Bush.
I also like to remind everyone, if you do a very careful analysis, there's a lot of these issues where President Obama is identical to President Bush.
The grabbing of power
The willingness to have this North American Union.
I've cautioned people that President Obama would break his campaign promises to renegotiate NAFTA.
Those were just campaign promises that were issued when President, then candidate, Obama was campaigning in states like Michigan and Ohio, where he wanted the votes of people who had lost their jobs to outsourcing to foreign governments.
You know, the foreign countries rather, under NAFTA and our World Trade Organization, other international free trade agreements.
So now, Austin Goolsbee, you remember the candidate Obama was advised by this professor, Austin Goolsbee, who was fired by the campaign, when he was discovered to have gone to Canada and said, wink, wink, don't worry, when candidate Obama becomes President Obama.
He will not renegotiate NAFTA.
Well, Austin Goolsbee is now rehired and he's working with the Council of Economic Advisors within the White House.
So this has all been a wink-wink game and everything that President Bush did, or more, to create open borders to integrate North America, as I said, like Great USA, is going to be done by President Obama.
Including reintroducing comprehensive immigration reform, which was, again, President Bush's push.
So I see no difference.
You know, they are doing this incrementally.
They are boiling us like a frog in a bucket of water.
For those that don't know, it's true.
I've talked to folks who eat frogs in Louisiana, Mississippi, and that's where these stories come from.
You put a frog in cold water and slowly turn it up, he will sit there like it's a hot tub until it's boiling and die without jumping out.
But you throw a frog into boiling water, he'll jump right out.
And it's this incrementalism.
People are like, where's the martial law, Alex?
Where's the police state?
Where's the North American Union?
Where is it?
I'm like, do you see the troops with sidearms arresting people at the Kentucky Derby?
Regular Army.
Do you see the Super Bowl with troops?
Do you see troops at the shooting in Alabama?
Do you see troops at DWI checkpoints?
What this does, I mean, what this whole
A hoax.
This, I think, is clearly a hoax.
This swine flu or N1H1 virus.
What it does is it prepares people for being so scared that they are ready to accept military involvement, the UN's involvement, the World Health Organization's involvement is not questioned, and military involvement if the President declares it.
Now, the fact that this is a hoax, you've got now
The World Health Organization's scrambling.
They're now, which I see absolutely no basis here in the science or the history of viruses.
They're now trying to argue that, you know, going from person to pig, can it jump back?
That's a story that's being reported right now by the Associated Press.
They're also saying it may mutate with other viruses or mutate on its own and become hyper-deadly for the fall and winter, so you better take the vaccine they're gonna have ready for that.
And also, you know, if you take a look at the history of what's been done under the Security and Prosperity Partnership, all the preparedness for the last 10 years, it's all been on avian flu.
The swine flu issue has not been considered
To be a major threat.
Now, they've revived swine flu.
That's now in the public mind.
And they're trying to get these viruses just to have numbers, not names.
And it seems to me the next argument is going to be that they can go between birds, they can go between pigs, they can go between humans.
And it's all largely a scare.
We have not had, since 1918, at the end of World War I, a pandemic that has caused millions of deaths around the world.
But yet, this preparedness for it seems to be all out of proportion to any reality of a health emergency that has ever occurred.
Yeah, it's clearly... In fact, they're even admitting that between the lines.
They're saying, well, even though this may not be that bad, it's still a good drill because a newer, deadlier one will come.
I mean, Napolitano said that last Sunday.
She said that seven, eight days ago.
Well, the other two things that make absolutely no sense, Alex, are that if this were
Truly a health emergency and the focus were to protect U.S.
The first thing you would do is close the border with Mexico.
That'd be absolutely the first thing you'd have to do to make sure that it was contained.
China has virtually done that.
China is restricting flights to Mexico.
China is evidently rounding up Mexicans and putting them in quarantine in China.
People who have traveled from Mexico.
But we're not doing it in the United States.
So it's clearly in the United States not considered to be
Something that is of U.S.
national security is not the first priority in our response.
We're acting in a continental response.
Stop, stop.
I mean, start over.
You just hit the zeitgeist, Dr. Corsi, and that's the point I've been hammering.
But, I mean, say it in your own words and break down the different facets from your perspective.
Again, I'm going to say this slowly.
They said day one over a week ago, they said it's already spread everywhere so there's no reason to lock down the border even though the supposed main vector of something threatening the entire future of society was about to come up here.
Now, their argument was it's already spread outside the country so it doesn't matter.
But any new cases out of Mexico, if it was so deadly, would continue to cause entirely new spreads of it.
So, day one, they said, it's already spread, forget it, border stays wide open, planes stay in the air from Mexico, the main vector, but we may have to lock down U.S.
cities, and they did lock down some houses and homes and hotels and things, and airplanes, and grab reporters and wouldn't test them for it, but held them for a week.
So think about this, they fear-mongered and hyped like it was the end of the world, the movie 28 Days Later,
But then at the same time, in their actions here in the United States, it was like it was no big deal.
So just amazing.
I mean, flesh that out.
Well clearly, if additional people were coming from Mexico with contamination that could be spread to others, which is the key component of how this virus is supposed to spread, person to person, well then you would want to block the border and keep
Infected people from coming across.
If national security in the United States and health security were the primary objective, it's not.
Because by keeping the border open, it accepts the risk that others infected in Mexico will come into the United States, even as illegal immigrants, and spread the disease.
So clearly, it's a lie that national security or health security in the United States is the number one objective of the U.S.
government in responding to the health emergency.
We're responding on a continental basis in which we keep the border open.
Secondly, I'd like to have an estimate, Alex, of the economic damage done by this hoax.
In other words, how many conventions were cancelled?
How many trips were cancelled?
What's the damage in terms of not only the vacation industry and the travel industry, but what's the damage overall to international business?
Mexico has just about been shut down.
I'm anticipating the very next thing we're going to see is that we need economic aid to Mexico.
Suddenly, Mexico is going to become our responsibility.
To have some kind of repayment to Mexico for the economic program.
Already happened, they're saying 47 billion IMF SDRs, the first money out of the new global currency.
For those that don't know, you won't see these SDRs floating around at McDonald's or at your bank.
These are interbank lending, governmental lending.
47 billion SDRs already being drawn on by Mexico and talk
Of the United States and Europe paying for those because of the crisis.
Well, there you go.
See, this also, the International Monetary Fund with these SDRs, I've been reporting on that extensively.
It's also going to be very expensive.
I've been reporting on it because this is the new international currency that China wants to replace the dollar as a standard of foreign exchange reserve.
Now, they can be, if the SDRs can be used
In Mexico, to handle the economic damage done by the swine flu, and there's no, that wasn't what China was proposing, but I see here even Bloomberg is reporting, and has been reporting since April 28th, that Mexico will draw $47 billion line of credit from the IMF on these SDRs to handle the swine flu.
So there you are, I mean this is the
You know, there's an economic agenda here which advances the use of the International Monetary Fund as being an alternative to the World Bank for creating a new world currency.
So there's a lot of agendas here.
What's clear is if you look at just the number of illnesses and fatalities, they are so minimal that the cost should be going back on the Obama administration for having scared everyone
And the fact that that's not happening just shows how convincingly this agenda of fear can be put forward even when there's no reaction, there's no disease, there's no, like a, less than a normal flu.
It's inconsequential.
So from the globalist perspective, Dr. Corsi, we have passed the test.
The fear-mongering from something that killed thousands of times less what a regular run-of-the-mill flu does.
We're talking conservatively 250,000 people die a year, according to the World Health Organization, globally.
Sometimes as much as 500,000.
Now, if you go back to the old pandemics, 40 million in one year with the swine flu.
But in a normal year, a quarter million people die from the regular flu.
This thing has killed literally one one-thousandth of a regular year, probably.
And meanwhile, they act like it was the end of the world.
We've got to have global government, forced inoculations, lockdown U.S.
But the borders stay wide open.
None of this makes any sense.
So I guess we've passed the test, according to the Globalist.
We are ready to really give up all of our liberty.
If we'll give up all of our liberty for a fake flu, imagine if somebody in government, inside the New World Order, releases something real, Dr. Corsi.
Well, the next time this happens, it's going to have to be... The public is just not going to react immediately.
These kind of warnings, although these warnings are put out in a way that is very frightening, they're very frightening and people immediately become, you know, they flash to plague ideas or the 1918 flu and influenza.
We have not had a pandemic since 1918.
Even the SARS outbreak out of China was minor in terms of the world population or in terms of the number of people who were sick.
This is not 1918.
People are
Much more effectively inoculated.
They're much more effectively exposed to flu.
And I have believed from the beginning and suspected from the beginning that these avian and swine and other flus are largely a scare and a hoax which has no basis in medical reality.
I don't see any basis for it.
Except to sell vaccines and antivirals and to send police.
To get new power grabs that governments can do on a
On a transnational, international basis, where the World Health Organization is more credible now than the U.N., because they're somehow or other the authorities.
I don't see that the U.N.
is going to protect Americans, not when the border is wide open and it's clear that the disease is... The hypothesis is the disease comes from Mexico and it's transmitted person to person.
And yet the border is kept wide open.
It makes absolutely no sense at all.
Well, Doc, let's expand on... There's got to be another explanation, Alex.
Well, Doc, I mean, take the U.N.
You know how it works.
For those that don't know how it works, the U.N.
has its General Assembly that really doesn't have the power.
And then you have the G8 within it that really do have the power.
But then different subunits of the U.N.
Uh, like, uh, the World Health Organization is quasi-private, and if you go research it, most of its funding is Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation.
They're eugenicists, they're globalists, they're population reductionists, uh, climate change, uh, you know, pushers of this new religion, and they brag it's a new religion.
They say the public needs one.
Uh, so, when you look at the,
The WHO now being the central commander, this is really the private foundations and the NGOs, private corporations, using the UN as their mechanism.
Well, there's no doubt that the UN is right at the center of this, and it's a power grab on behalf of the UN.
The UN is probably the last organization in the world I'd want to be involved if there really were a worldwide health epidemic.
Because the U.N.
would not necessarily make any decisions that would be in favor of protecting health of Americans.
The perspective of the U.N.
is worldwide and it has its own agenda, which is to grab power.
I don't see that the U.N.
has ever made decisions within these various organizations where the primary interest is U.S.
national security or U.S.
economic or health security.
Alright Doc, stay there.
Final segment with Dr. Jerome Corsi writes for WorldNetDaily.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Corsi, a hot-button issue with you, because you've been attacked in the national media just for, by President Obama, just for even coming on this wicked radio show and talking about
The facts that sometimes governments do stage events or allow events to take place, like the Gulf of Tonkin and things.
We've now had a bunch of mainstream talk show hosts, including Michael Savage.
We've had Alan Keyes come out, and we can play the clip, saying they're concerned Obama will stage a terror attack or some type of other disaster.
Ron Paul has said that here on the show.
In case you haven't heard Michael Savage, let me just play a clip of this right now.
Here's Michael Savage about a month ago.
Now I'll make another prediction.
I predict that very soon, Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are, Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind, and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant.
I will tell you as I sit here, I fear that every night as I go to sleep.
I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seen... Stop right there.
I mean, if you look at the military buildup, the police state, all of this, I mean, the federal reports that came out, Dr. Corsi, saying the number one threat are veterans and gun owners that were terrorists, and the whole Homeland Security system was built for American patriots.
What do you think about what Savage and others are saying?
Well, it's a very frightening scenario, and I...
What I know is that the military apparatus, the emergency powers of the presidency, through these Homeland Security and National Security Directives that President Bush put in place, now all available to President Obama, give an unprecedented level of authority for the U.S.
military to be involved in domestic emergencies.
And what this recent swine flu, I think hysteria, proves is that the American people will accept
Any level of government control and military involvement, if the people are scared into thinking there's a health threat of a major proportion.
Now, that we could get this far, this much news, this much attention, this much shutdown of society, when there's been no illness at all, indicates to me that this has been a politically contrived hysteria.
That there's no basis for it in the medical reality.
And yet very few people are holding the Obama administration to task for saying why all the alarmism, when in fact the reality was that this disease was inconsequential.
Also, doctor, there's a lot of blaming the American people that got upset and scared instead of the administration and the World Health Organization.
You don't blame the people when you yell fire in a theater and they get up and start running out.
You blame the guy that yelled fire, don't you?
Well, absolutely.
And the hysteria that was created, President Obama coming on television, repeatedly discussing this at nationally televised press conferences, making an issue with Janet Napolitano,
Coming out with repeated press conferences, nationally televised.
I mean, there has to be a basis of thousands of people sick and dying before any of this hysteria is in any way proportionate to the government's out-of-control response.
And the government needs to be held accountable for this.
And the government says, oh, we need to press the alarm button.
No, just pressing the alarm button to show that it can produce a compliant population ready to submit to government and military authority
is not justification enough for scaring this many people, scaring the entire population of the United States, and demonstrating that no one would object even when the border was kept wide open, which makes no sense whatsoever.
So, you know, if the... if the powers that be want to see that the American people are already conditioned to accept martial law and continental or international control of a health emergency, this scare over swine flu proves the case.
Dr. Jerome Corsi, thank you so much for joining us.
Got a new book coming out soon.
Look forward to having you on about that, sir.
The America for Sale.
It will be out in October.
All right.
Thank you so much, Dr. Corsi.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, coming up in the next segment, I'm gonna go ahead and break down the GPS situation.
This is a huge issue.
People keep calling me for weeks and weeks and weeks saying, is it true that they have GPS, that the census is going out GPSing people's front doors?
Well, I already knew they were, but I googled it, and sure enough, there's hundreds of news articles, I've printed a few of them, where it's the
Census doing it.
You have people denying that that's going on.
Well, there's a lot more to the story.
Not just the fact that it's going on, but you want the back story, the full picture.
We will cover it, coming up in the next segment.
We're also going to get a quick five minute report or so from Mexico City.
There's a YouTube reporter, I think he's done a pretty good job out there.
George for title is his YouTube channel name.
We'll get a report from him down there, what he's been witnessing as well, but I do want to encourage the listeners and viewers of this show, at least one plug here while we're doing the radio program today.
I don't want to call it my YouTube channel.
The Alex Jones Channel was set up by a listener about a year and a half ago named Dave.
And the thing had gotten 40,000 subscribers and tens of millions of views.
I mean, it was getting... Last week, I counted it up, it had like a million plus views in one week with the different videos.
Mainly of this radio show and when we stream live at PrisonPlanet.tv, he was grabbing it from there.
There are a lot of other channels, there's scores of channels that post my videos, but that was one of the channels we linked to and because it was called the Alex Jones Channel, folks thought that that was my channel, so they subscribed to it.
there is a channel called the info warrior because they kept threatening him to suspend his account but never really telling him why when it's just my radio show that's on there uh... and then whenever we had uh... shown to the pittsburgh shooter was actually
Attacking me and didn't like me and the news was saying he was a fan of mine.
We showed the front page of the newspaper and the newspaper filed a complaint.
And they said, one more thing and you're out.
Now that's free speech.
Well, the New York Times has an article and they put it up on the nightly news.
They don't have to go get permission to show it on the nightly news.
I mean, that's how asinine, because we try to keep that channel very clean with copyright stuff.
And they say they've suspended it again for another newspaper article.
You know what?
I'll show newspaper articles all day long, and somebody's got to start going after these companies for filing these false copyright claims.
Just amazing.
But YouTube is more than happy with its partners.
If you're the atheist, or you're some girl in a bikini, you can do whatever you want.
They leave you alone.
We also didn't take Google Ads on there, and they suspend a lot of folks that don't take their Google Ads.
You know, if you don't opt in to having ads all over your videos, they suspend you.
Maybe we should do what they want and make the Info Warrior take their stupid ads.
I don't know.
That's the backup channel we started a few months ago.
If you want to subscribe, pull up the Info Warrior.
Of course, all the enemies will try to go file complaints on it and get it taken down, but that's...
Yeah, YouTube.
And people say, well, why are you still on YouTube if they keep suspending you and cheating you and screwing you?
Because that's where the people are.
It's the number three website in the world.
We can post one of my videos on BlipTV or LiveLeak or something else and it might, you know, get a thousand viewers.
We're, you know, but you, in a week.
We post something on there, it gets on average about twenty thousand.
And everybody else is posting our stuff and in the market of ideas, in the marketplace of supposed digital democracy, we are absolute king daddies of YouTube and Google Video.
You know, Endgame, number one on Google.
Loose Change Final Cut, number one on Google over and over again.
American Freedom to Fascism, separate film, number one on Google, on and on and on.
Truth Rising, number one on Google.
Obama Deception, number one on Google.
So they just took the counters off and took the top hundred off their front page and nobody even knows about it anymore.
So we go on YouTube, we become number one there.
And they come in and do whatever they can to suspend us and knock us out.
So I just tell folks, go absolutely crazy, post our videos and stuff everywhere, make videos about their censorship, and ask folks, what is it about Alex Jones they don't want you to see?
Why is it we're number one every time, and why is it they knock us off and cheat?
It's just like a race car race, we keep beating them, so Google and YouTube and go put plastic explosives in our race car, we're going down the road 200 miles an hour and we explode!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm going to break down what's happening, what's really going on right now with the
Census takers at your door getting a GPS reading of your front door.
But just in closing on the Alex Jones Channel being suspended, here is the alternate backup channel.
It is youtube.com forward slash user forward slash The Info Warrior.
And it has 1,718 subscribers versus the 40-plus thousand.
But I never really promoted the Alex Jones Channel because it wasn't our channel.
We had just now started getting involved with it.
So there is the new channel that doesn't just feature our material.
We try to promote everybody on YouTube.
It's getting the truth out.
Great volunteer Dave runs the channel.
Go there and subscribe!
And I would ask listeners out there who do have YouTube channels, enough respect.
Another great channel is the fine folks over at Civilian 37's channel.
I mean, there's so many great channels out there, I can't give them all credit.
There's just too many.
So we are going to attempt to get folks out there to make videos about the fact that our channel was taken down and sabotaged.
But I want to be clear about all of this.
It isn't just the Alex Jones Channel.
That was only my material up there that got deep-sixed.
It wasn't just my channel.
There is a purge going on all over the internet of alternative media and anti-New World Order material, especially on Google Video and YouTube Video.
They're just going in and
Knocking out accounts left and right.
Anything that's anti-establishment.
They're leaving all the bikinis and all the atheists and all the things the system likes.
They only promote that on their main page.
We have videos every week that are number one.
Number one overall or number one in categories.
Nowhere on front pages.
Nowhere on main pages.
They'll have some atheist talking bad about Christians who's literally got 5,000 views.
And then we'll have 300,000 in one day.
He's got 5,000.
He's front page.
And then meanwhile, we're nowhere.
And look, I'm not there attacking the atheists.
He's got his First Amendment.
The point is, do you like the system being rigged for you?
Do you enjoy this?
Do you like this?
It's just totally disgusting.
And I say the atheists because that's all they put on the front page of YouTube.
I mean, the guys that run YouTube just must love the atheist guy because it's him.
And then you've got the TNA all around that and you've got, you know, just all of this.
It's amazing.
But it doesn't matter.
They're not going to keep the truth from breaking out and getting out to the people.
By the way, we're on XM three hours a day, starting June 6th.
It's going to be re-aired.
They wanted me live, but it's going to be re-aired, I believe, or it may be live.
They're not quite sure yet, but that's confirmed.
We'll be on XM three hours a day, coming up June 6th.
And why is that important?
Because XM reached out to us.
We're not people paying to be on XM.
It's because this show is becoming more and more mainstream, because the truth is becoming more and more mainstream, and people are demanding and asking for that.
So I would ask folks, all the major YouTube channels who we've linked to, who we've promoted, who we've pushed, to please promote and push what we're doing and the backup channel.
But I almost don't even want to promote our backup, because we'll just suspend that.
But we'll go ahead, whatever.
There's one place to go.
Just please, everybody on your channels, please point out they should subscribe to the Info Warrior show that we can do that.
Now, I am going to go to Ted Anderson here for just a few minutes and then I'm going to get into what's really happening with the census takers coming up and getting your GPS reading.
And I want to spend some time on this because it's important.
But first off, we had that lady on last hour whose son says that he was IP spoofed.
And he was at church.
They have witnesses that when this third call of several happened from the family's IP phone.
They had a Skype phone in this case.
But they can spoof any IP phone.
And this has been big news all over the country.
SWAT teams are going to houses.
They'll get a call there's been a whole family murdered or there's a hostage situation or a daycare full of kids has been held hostage and it'll be a daycare.
And the cops show up and nothing's going on because the IP spoofers, they go in, get the IP of the address, they make a fake phone call off that IP, and the SWAT team shows up.
Well that's what happened here and the Feds are arguing in court with this young man charging him under the Patriot Act that he doesn't have any rights and that there's no such thing as IP spoofing.
But if you Google IP spoofing,
You can say criminals have long employed the tactic of masking their true identity from disguises to aliases to caller ID blocking.
And it should come as no surprise that criminals who conduct their nefarious activities on networks and computers should employ such techniques.
But it's more than just IP spoofing.
It's this Skype spoofing.
And this IP phone spoofing where they do this.
It's just vicious crime.
You know, sending the police to some family's house and people have been killed.
I mean, I can't believe what scum are out there, but it's this internet culture.
There's the good and the bad and the ugly of the internet, and I love the internet, but this stuff's getting worse and worse.
Okay, I wanted to go ahead now and bring up
Ted Anderson for a few minutes, because gold's up like 17 bucks today.
Last time I checked, silver's up as well, and Ted happens to have gold and silver at the price it was two or three weeks ago.
We're talking 40 bucks less or something.
It's gone up that much, and regardless in this crazy world, China's dumping the dollar, buying gold and silver and copper.
You can Google that.
They're dumping dollars and buying real tangible assets.
And I just think it's important for people to get off the grid and also cash in at least some of their paper dollars in IRA and stocks to hedge their bets in this crazy economy.
And when you do buy gold and silver, it's great to get a good deal on it.
So, Ted Anderson, tell folks about it.
Yeah, sure.
I'll come right up real fast with it.
Of course, when silver was down there at that $12 level, I was trading those Lakota Nation coins at $17.71.
Now it's over $13.
I still have them at $17.71.
So that's obviously a great buy.
The Franks right now at $214.
Gold, what was it last Friday?
It was about $286.
I'm sorry, $886.
Now it's over $900 an ounce.
Still the same price.
I have those at $214.
The British Sovereigns are still $267.
With gold and silver both up.
And the prices on this stuff is going to go up too.
It's just I've been able to accumulate stuff while the market was lower.
It's summertime.
I have a tendency to be able to buy a little better in the summer.
Fall's coming real fast.
If it's anything like last summer, we're going to have a big rush even in June and July.
With the inflation figures coming out now, there's a much larger threat for inflation now with all that TARP money that came out and all the stimulus packages that have been passed.
That I was just talking to an investment advisor at ING here on Saturday night and he was saying it's inflation.
He says he wants to know how he can get involved in the gold and silver market and that's what I'm hearing from investment advisors all over the place.
Everybody wants to get in on the gold and IRAs and how they can get involved with that and how they can sell physical gold and silver.
It's a big market at this particular time, Alex.
I would really suggest that people take advantage
Of the fact that the prices are a little softer right now, because before you know it, all that cash that's been created here, the trillions of dollars, it's going to come and flood the economy.
Well no, mainstream news admits China and the Arabs and everybody else are now dumping dollars.
They've been doing it for two years, but it's accelerating the amount that they've been dumping.
Yeah, it sure has.
And so, you know, and I don't blame them.
If I was China, I would get away from the United States dollar entirely.
When you take a look at what the United States is doing from the perception of another country, they can tell that the United States dollar is being watered down by a whole bunch of new currency.
They can see that happening.
I think?
By 76% just within the last year.
So, I mean, obviously the Chinese are looking to get out, and they were our lender for about the last 10 years.
They're the ones that allowed us to deficit spend and not create inflation at the same time.
Okay, Ted, I want to tell folks the silver you have to offer.
I want to tell people not just the silver you have to offer.
I also want to tell the listeners and viewers out there the particular good deals you've got on gold today.
Yeah, well right now, there's no question about it, if you're looking at gold at all, you should be getting into smaller pieces of gold.
It makes a lot of sense to have fractional pieces of gold, because when the manure hits the fan, you're going to have to spend gold in small increments.
That's why I like that frank coin.
In addition to this, it's at $214.
Now, I went out and I priced it, Alex, at this time, and buying it at today's market right now, there'd be about $225.
For that same coin that you can buy right now at $214.
And why can you buy it right now at $214?
Because I bought it back when the market was lower at this $886 level and now we're sitting at $900 an ounce.
The same thing holds true for those Silver Lakotas.
Last time I had silver over $13 an ounce, I had these things at $18.50.
Right now I have them at $17.71.
And if you Google that coin, you'll find out that on eBay right now, they're trading from $20 to $25 a piece.
You cannot beat that deal, and I've actually bought a few of those from you the other day.
So, Ted, give folks the toll-free number.
It's 800-686-2237, 800-686-2237, or MidasResources.com.
This deal will go through tonight.
Again, this deal is available until tonight at midnight, 1-800-686-2237.
6-8-6, 2-3-7.
You cannot beat the deal on those Lakota rounds.
Gorgeous silver coins.
And again, on the gold, you have great deals on the Franks, great deals on the British Sovereigns.
What other gold coins?
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You know, I mentioned last time that I was on the air, we sold out every single one of them.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
You are a rebel.
Admit it.
You refuse to read the directions when assembling a new item.
You won't ask for directions when you're lost.
Once in a while you drive in the carpool lane with only you in the car.
Your neighbors call you a
Well, join the club.
Einstein failed math, quit school, and his rebel ideas led to some of the world's most amazing discoveries.
Edison rebelled against the dark, failed over a thousand times, then invented the light bulb.
George Washington rebelled against an entire country and led the creation of a new one.
Now, Alex Jones is working to save that very country.
So go ahead, be a rebel.
Put in a food supply from efoodsdirect.com.
Everyone will realize you were not a nutcase after all.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are now back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to break down in this segment and a little bit in the next what's really happening with the census workers.
There's several issues here.
They're coming up to people's doors, like the video you see here we're rolling from YouTube.
This has happened to me back ten years ago, nine years ago in the last census, in the year 2000.
And they came to the door and demanded I fill it out.
Actually, my girlfriend filled it out.
She refused.
Later when I was home, they came back and
Banged on the door and I got in a big argument with him.
And I said, look, I'm telling you how many people live here.
Me and my girlfriend.
Now my wife.
That's who lives here.
That's all I got to answer under U.S.
And I even grabbed the census.
I happened to get one of the American community long form that had 49 questions.
Some businesses and houses got questionnaires that 100, 200, 300 questions.
Going back from memory, one out of six homes got the 49 question.
So I got the 49 question, and it was what type of toilet do you have?
What type of stocks and bonds do you have?
Then the news reported the other forms people were getting.
Callers were calling about it, but later the news confirmed that yes, some people were being asked what type of stocks and bonds do you have?
Do you own firearms?
If you do, what type?
I mean, big, thick things you were supposed to fill out.
And then I went and looked up the U.S.
Code and federal court rulings, and it said you only have to answer how many people live there.
And that's to decide how many members of Congress your state gets.
Because that is apportioned, how many members of the House of Representatives you get.
The Senate is two per state, but the House is done by population.
That's why some states might have ten members, some states might have three members.
You know, California has the most members because it has the biggest population.
Texas is number two with the most members.
That's done by the census.
And now the feds say, well, we also do it for how much federal money your state gets and things.
But the point is, if you're an axe murderer or a criminal,
And you're caught with a carload full of people you've hacked up with an axe, and it looks like you're guilty, and the women's skin is under your fingernails, and you took Polaroid pictures of their dead bodies, you know, posing with them.
You still don't have to incriminate yourself under the Fifth Amendment.
You don't have to answer questions.
So how then do bureaucrats come with no judge, no jury, no warrant, no indictment, no subpoena,
And they say you must answer our questions under penalty of law.
You must answer our questions or you're going to be arrested.
But if you look at the long forms and the short forms you get, even the short form one has nine questions that everybody gets, and they're saying they're going to expand it.
This GPS-ing is only a warm-up for next year.
And so they are coming out now and saying to everybody that it's the law.
You've got to fill out the question whether it's 9 or 49 or 100 or 200 or 300.
Some businesses get even bigger ones.
They're saying you've got to fill it out, even though you have a Fifth Amendment and a Fourth Amendment right to not do it.
But how they do it is you get the forms, and I covered this on air years ago on local TV.
I haven't gotten one in the mail yet, but if I get the long form, I'll show you.
Even the short form has it.
It'll be a piece of paper, and up in the corner, it'll have the U.S.
Code, and under the law, you've got to do this, and then a dotted line with the nine questions they think they can make you answer.
Which, there's eight too many there.
But then under it, there'll be all these other questions.
So it's a lawyer trick.
And we're already getting these emailed to us.
And this is it.
I've seen them before.
Department of Economics and Statistics.
United States Census 2010.
Your answers are confidential.
And it says you're required by law to provide the information requested.
These federal laws are found in United States Code, Title 13, Section 9-141-193-214 and 221, Title 42, Section 210.
Please visit the website, census.gov, 2010 Census, and click on protecting your privacy to learn more about the privacy policy and data protection.
Then under it, it says, same thing mine had nine years ago, in a little box,
And you only get this if you ask the question.
It has this little blurb, only this part, on the forms that I've seen at the bottom.
People don't know that, lawyer speak.
It says, it's the law.
It says right here.
Your answers are confidential, but it's the law.
Punishable by jail time if you don't do this.
So you're like, oh my God, honey.
We ought to fill this out.
Right under it is the asterisk, just like a fraudulent contract, because it is.
Oh, and by the way, you don't have to do this.
But you have to know how to go look up U.S.
code to find that out.
Just like there's no law you gotta take vaccines, but they do the same damn things.
Excuse me folks, I'm getting angry.
They do the very same thing.
They tell you it's the law, you gotta do it when it's really a regulation and a policy, but then the law says if they try to enforce that policy in public schools to take shots to be there, that by law they have to give you the waiver.
But there's no law to take the shot.
When we come back, I'll tell you the next part of the story, what the census is turning into, and the multi-uses, some of them very draconian, for these census takers at your door with the GPS.
Then we'll go to Mexico City.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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There's a fellow who's got a YouTube channel.
I've seen quite a few of his videos.
I like the work he does.
He went down to Mexico City to get a report from what's happening down there.
We also had Sherry Tenpenny, a doctor who was in Mexico during this was going on, and quite a few other people that have been reporting for us.
So I want to get his perspective coming up in a moment.
He goes by his YouTube handle, George4Title.
Or that's the channel there at YouTube, is George for Title.
Now, I don't know where you'll go if you put a dot com on it.
All these websites, all these numbers, so little time to keep track of it all.
Now, I want to finish up with the census news, then we'll go to George, and then I'm going to go back into the census and open the phones up in the time we have left here at the show.
But just briefly.
And I'll do more on this tomorrow because people are so upset about it.
Maybe we'll dig out some of the old videos I have of myself and others confronting the census takers.
You have a 4th and 5th Amendment right to not have somebody cross your fence, your no trespassing sign, to come on your property,
And to demand, to ask, do you have a low flush toilet?
What types of stocks and bonds do you have?
How much money in the bank?
This is in some of the census forms.
They have different ones they give you, but that was on record from the year 2000.
All over the news.
Some census takers in 2000, quote, forced their way into homes.
Others were killed by dogs climbing over fences into private property.
I mean, it's crazy for twelve bucks an hour what these folks do.
I'm not saying all census workers are bad, but the point is they haven't been trained in the Bill of Rights Constitution, and they go around
With the sheets threatening to have people arrested if they don't answer all their questions.
Now I was one of the unlucky people in 2000 to get the long form that a certain amount of households got that had 49 questions.
Other forms ask what type of firearms do you own?
Do you have children?
Are they homeschooled?
Are they public schooled?
Now, ahead of next year's big census, it's already begun, and the feds have said this.
They're having yearly censuses, trying to use the U.S.
Code, and the Constitution's very, you know, simple thing about enumerate the people for their congressional districts, to demand constant questions.
You know, I guess every morning you'll line up in front of a drill sergeant in front of your house and they'll say, okay, census rules, tell me, you know, in confession, what you dreamed about last night.
I mean, if they can force you to say what type of toilet you've got, how much money you've got in the bank, if you own firearms, if, you know, what you do for a living, then why not make them answer what your dreams are?
No 5th Amendment.
In fact, pull up the 5th Amendment for folks on screen.
5th Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution and we'll show people.
In fact, I can just read it to people right now here on air.
Let me just go to the Bill of Rights here from my pocket.
Let me go to Article 5.
No person shall be held to answer for capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment of indictment of a grand jury except in cases
Arising in land or naval forces or in the militias.
That's during a war.
When in active service in time of war or public danger.
Nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be tried twice to put in double jeopardy of life and limb.
They do that now, violate that.
Nor shall he be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
Which now under the new London Kelo decision, they say they can take your property
For non-government reasons, without compensation.
So there's the Fifth Amendment.
So, it's illegal and unconstitutional what they're doing, but they send these poor people out.
Now, they admit in the Pahrump Valley Times, the NPR has an article, Census Bureau adopts GPS to find Americans' homes.
So, here are several mainstream news articles.
Now, I already knew this, but last night, getting ready for this show, I went and I researched both of these.
And then we're going to George for title, who is in Mexico City, YouTube reporter.
Census workers face dogs, guns in verifying addresses.
And it goes on from there to report on all of this.
And it talks about how they're building up for a year from now, this is right now, this is April 17, 2009, and they have a handheld GPS to mark the front door of your house
As part of the next wave of the census when they come and demand that you fill out the long forms, how many guns you own, what, I'm not kidding, this happened last time, we're going to do it this time.
You go to the census website, they say it.
What your stocks and bonds are, what your toilet does, you know, all of this.
So, and then I also have mainstream articles with the ACORN people getting millions in funding, and this new usaservice.org, where they advertise as if it's federal, but it's really private Democratic Party.
They admittedly go around with GPS, marking your home, and whether or not your name and your home, and if you support Obama or not.
And they claim, oh, we're just finding out who Obama supporters are.
Just incredible police state, done like it's no big deal.
So, again, the average census worker just thinks, oh, I'm just confirming the person lives here, so we can send the next wave of little Stasi bureaucrat out.
Now the problem is, they admit that they keep having problems with SWAT teams going to the wrong door, going to the wrong house, or double homes, you know, these homes that are duplexes.
Where they SWAT team the wrong house.
You hear about this all the time.
And if you read in the federal documents, Homeland Security has said, through the census years ago, you can dig this out, you can do an article on it, I remember reading it, that they want to discover where everybody lives in America so they know where to send SWAT teams or Homeland Security.
That's then also shared with locals.
They also, under Homeland Security, have stated they want you to have an ID card to get a job.
But illegal aliens, by the way, are exempt from that under the stimulus package and other things you've noticed.
So they're exempt, but citizens have to.
And they have said that they want this total control grid over what we do in our everyday lives all across our society.
And so by doing this, they're confirming where you live and what you're doing, and that you do live there.
Okay, they're finding out if people move, they're finding out if people are renting a house that aren't supposed to be.
They're finding out about the underground economy.
And expanding on that, remember that headline, in fact, Google this, guys.
Scoff laws.
Scoff laws.
Get caught ordering pizzas.
Or, for ordering pizzas, scofflaws get caught.
Scofflaws, somebody that ignores like parking tickets and small things.
But when you read the article, it says the big three pizza companies, deliveries, they know when a felon or somebody who the law won't know where they're at.
That your order, when it's entered in the computer, goes through the federal government first, and that the three companies get 25% of the money from any fines or fees or arrest, just from ordering a pizza, to give you an idea how they are tracking you for folks that aren't aware of this.
And I'm just giving you a few little pieces of how massive this is.
With the big surveillance blimps, they put it 90 to 110,000 feet in the atmosphere that they've now announced.
They have ground penetrating radar, face scanners, infrared scanners.
They use ground face scanning cameras off your digital photo to identify, yeah, that's Alex Jones walking down the street.
The blimp then zooms in through integrated systems.
It's all declassified now.
And says, OK, we're going to get the live read right now of his thermal image.
They'll have to send a team out with a scope.
OK, that's Alex Jones.
Let's get his thermal image to get the reading.
They've already got my face print from my digital photo when I went and got my driver's license and my fingerprint.
And then companies that thumbprint and faceprint you to go to the tanning salon or get your school library books or to go to the gym.
Those are all sold to databases, just like the big pizza places.
It's big money.
See, the private corporations lobby for this and work with the police state.
Yeah, the hidden dangers of pizza.
And it says, the extra cheese and pepperoni could give you a way to officials.
And Missouri said they may track scofflaws by monitoring pizza delivery lists.
David Copeland of the State Courts Administration said pizza databases could be used as an untapped resource.
Yeah, that's not out of USA Today.
That's another one about them doing it.
They're already doing it.
That's an article saying they might.
The USA Today admitted they were doing it.
But anyways, to finish up here, but good job finding that, guys.
To finish up, so when we get up here and we talk about, they can send a SWAT team to your door with this.
This is to track and control you.
This is to track and trace you.
This is all admitted.
You walk out front of your house, they know where the GPS reading is, they've got the blimp ready, and it just takes a scan in a few seconds of your heat resonance, and now it knows where you're at.
They have these over Iraq.
That's the secret weapon.
He said, well, it's not really secret, but I won't write about it in my book.
Everybody said, oh, what's Bob Woodward talking about?
It's this.
It's this technology, MIT Magazine and Medsit.
So they love to brag about what they've got.
So that's what all this is about.
Do you own guns?
What are you doing?
Are you an Obama supporter?
They're using this GPS reading.
And I remember talking to people a decade ago in very rural areas in the last census.
This began in 1999.
People in rural areas, we went out and interviewed them in Johnson City and other areas in the Hill Country.
There'd be a log cabin somebody built.
out on 20 acres they had that nobody even knew about that was for camping and they'd have notices on their door and then they'd be able and they'd catch people there with the satellite images of the house saying okay who lives here they are tracking everything they want to militarily dominate that's what the global positioning system is with the pentagon satellites it was designed so they could shoot a cruise missile through your window or down your chimney this is a control grid and people are denying that they're even using this for the census right now
They're even emailing me and saying we're making it up that census workers are at people's doors.
Let me read to you from NPR and then we're going to our guest in Mexico City and the census worker faces dogs, guns to verify addresses.
Pahrump Valley News.
It's still a year before the 2010 Census, but already 60 Census workers have fanned out across southern Nye County, that's in the middle of the desert, Nevada, in an attempt to verify addresses.
But in a sneak preview of some of the thorny situations Census takers could face in Pahrump, the address verification led to a few surprised property owners, including an incident where a gun was pulled.
She was in their backyard and talks about that.
It goes on, they're just driving up, checking the addresses outside, making sure the correct address, and it goes on to say,
I want to read the whole article, our guest is talking, I mean waiting, but it says in here that...
They're using GPS to track them.
So I'll read that after we get a report from Mexico City.
I guess he contacted us, or my producer pointed it out, I'm not sure, but I'd already seen his video.
And up there it's a George Ford title.
And the only news he really reported from YouTube in Mexico City was that they were locking it down where food and water couldn't get in.
People were demonstrating, so riot cops were going off to deal with that.
So, reporting from Mexico City,
Hey Alex, pleasure to be on the show.
Right now I'm on the streets of Mexico City and just what I'm seeing is a lot of people with masks on and the funny thing you're really seeing a lot down here is people are wearing the mask but they're either wearing them incorrectly like over their necks or over their heads and their nose are still exposed.
And if you actually look at the math that the governments give out here, they don't protect you at all.
I got a video of it.
They're just really thin material that wouldn't protect you from anything.
It's a visual art type of hysteria.
It's all part of the play acting.
Like when cops wear black uniforms, they act more aggressively.
Or when Elmer Fudd puts on a hunting cap, he starts acting like a hunter.
Or when a woman puts on
You know, lingerie, she on average becomes more sexually aroused.
This is all psychology.
Explain to folks what you've seen.
A lot of folks have seen the video of the masked paramilitary police marching off.
To me, that's the story, is that it's the non-story and they're using this as a way to crack down on the population with the military.
That's what a lot of Mexicans calling us for Mexico City have said.
What I've seen here is a lot of military vehicles in the streets.
We've even seen a patrol actually loading up.
And the weird thing about it is they were loading up, it looked like, with their own personal gear.
I mean, they had colored backpacks and it was just really weird.
I got a lot of information on my YouTube channel that they said, hey, this is a weird type of operation.
They have riot gear, but they don't even have any weapons.
And it looks like they have their own personal clothing.
And their own personal tents that they're taking with them.
So that was really strange and we got really close to that vehicle that was loading up for that operation.
We had one gentleman, one of the soldiers that was actually approaching us.
My taxi cab driver that I'm using is really, really smart guy.
He took off right away and we were able to be, you know, okay.
I've been shaken down more than once by Mexican police and troops in Mexico.
Very corrupt.
So, I mean, just an overall view.
Are people still panicked?
Are the streets still somewhat empty compared to what usually that mega city is, the biggest city in the world?
When I first got here Friday, it was literally a ghost town.
I had a hotel in downtown Mexico City, and I could swear to you, I was like one of three people that were staying at this hotel.
That's the biggest story I'm getting down here.
It's hard to imagine 20 to 25 million people on almost total lockdown.
You can't get into a restaurant.
I mean, they got special rules.
If you, you know, you can only get takeout.
You know, the taxi cab drivers have to wear gloves.
They have to wear masks.
I mean, there's all these regulations.
And what I'm getting from this whole experience is, it's just the sheer authoritarianism that the people are willing to accept down here.
It's just,
Well, Mexico applied.
Yeah, Mexico applied to go under IMF global currency, SDRs, Reuters and AP reported and they're the first major nation to do this and so in a way it's like a bank holidays going on.
We know this is a beta test for as revolution brews to a
A paramount point.
They know how to kill it, kill these flashpoints of revolution with a fake flu drill.
And I believe, and so does Dr. Jerome Corsi and many other experts that have studied this, that that's why they came out and said, into the world, you know, people had to take this serious, you know.
The people getting scared in the theater when somebody yells fire, they're not the bad people, it's the guy that yelled fire.
And the government came out and fear-mongered and did this, so I understand why folks got concerned.
I got concerned, many others did, but my instinct from the day one was, this may be real, but I think it's a hoax.
We had a lot of different perspectives here on air, but I always said, I believe it's a hoax to practice martial law as a smoke screen for a takeover, and the Mexicans calling for Mexico City and others, they all concurred and said that's what they were saying before they even heard me on the show saying it.
So a lot of people are saying that.
The Mexicans you're talking to though, they are saying, you're confirming, that they think this is all just a cover for police state?
I've probably personally interviewed or talked to about 30 to 40 Mexican citizens, and they are, I would say the majority of them, 70% of them, know that this is basically fake.
I don't know how to say it in any other words, but they know something's going on.
And the 30% that do
I think so.
You know, they just go along, but...
Aren't fooled, waking up the other 30% that have some chance of waking up and not being idiots.
That other 30%, they'd march into death camps, you know, they'd run down into pits and be shot in the back of the head, you know, just like we saw in Nazi Germany.
They will do what they're told.
And we need to break through that mindset.
But you know, it's hard to not get into that mindset when the UN is saying this is the greatest threat to humanity ever.
Millions are probably going to die.
It's the end of the planet.
And then it turns out it's all a complete dirty hoax.
But I believe a beta test for something bigger and perhaps more real in the future.
These are eugenicists we're talking about.
Well, let me tell you something, Alex.
When I headed into Mexico, I crossed the Tijuana border.
You're really scared.
You're worried that you're going to catch the virus just from all the media propaganda that you're being fed.
But as I went into Mexico City and I'm walking around, you know, it just, it just hits you.
It hits you one, it hit me one night.
Three o'clock in the morning, I said, you know what?
This is total lies.
This is total fakes.
You know what I did on one of my videos?
I actually videotaped me going inside of an emergency room.
Stop there.
Stop there.
I want to hear about this final segment.
Stay with us.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I want to tell you about one final sponsor that we're going to go back to our guest and close out this report.
If he's still in Mexico City, we can get another report from him tomorrow.
George Ford Titles, the name of his YouTube channel.
Let me guess, you work in title work with a real estate or something.
We'll find out in a minute.
But I've seen his videos before, really good stuff.
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Also, I've done the whole show today.
I don't think I've plugged the Obama deception and Truth Rising and Terror Storm and Endgame.
These aren't just great films on high-quality DVD.
It's how we support our operation here.
And there's so much we need to do.
We need the financial support to continue what we're doing.
So please visit the online video and bookstore at InfoWars.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
We also have 11 or is it 12 new t-shirts
You know, big Don't Tread On Me t-shirts and Come And Take It t-shirts and 1776 t-shirts and Minutemen t-shirts, so the spirit of...
And we just lost our guest from Mexico.
Well, that's fine.
We can get him back on tomorrow, because I know lines are bad down there.
But regardless, it just confirms what we already knew going on down there.
Maybe you can try to call him back.
We have three minutes left, so we can get that final comment from him about going into the emergency room.
Or folks, you can just go to the channel and check it out.
We've linked some of those videos up on InfoWars.com.
Promote those.
We're good to go.
Is that our YouTube channel, when I say our YouTube, Dave, a fan made it, but people thought it was the Alex Jones channel, and that became a controversy, it wasn't an Alex Jones channel, so I said, okay, I'll get involved with it and promote it.
And so we've been involved a little bit more with it, posting a few links and things, and we posted a few videos up there, some of the Obama deception videos, like the director, Alex Jones, reaches out to Obama supporters and things like that, and it was getting about a million views a week on average, conservatively.
I mean, really a powerful channel, really waking people up.
Just that channel alone, I would say was probably about five percent out of a hundred of who we reach.
And it's now been shut down for no reason.
I'm asking folks to please promote the show, PrisonPlanet.tv and other videos that we do, because this is a blow against truth and freedom.
But we will never give up, we will never give in.
And this only makes us stronger.
There is a purge going on of all Patriot videos right now, so people need to be focused on that and expose it and fight back and ask, why is this information censored?
George, we'll have you back up tomorrow, but at the last minute of the show, you said you went into this emergency room in Mexico City.
Go ahead.
Yeah, just being around here, Alex, and seeing what's going on, it just hits you like a brick wall.
It's like total authoritarianism, total lies.
And I said, you know what, instead of doing reports outside of these hospitals, I'm gonna prove a point.
So I took off my mask, and I went inside of these emergency rooms, and I talked to the people.
I even saw a doctor and asked her about the influenza, as they call it, or the panicle, as they call it.
You know, and you know what?
I just was trying to make a point, and the point is, it's all lies.
It's all a big mind control situation here.
Listen, we'll get a report from you tomorrow, George.
I appreciate you doing it.
You've got a lot of courage.
God bless you.
Retransmission starts now.
Absolutely jam-packed on the internet.
Good job, Cruz.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Thank you for listening.