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Name: 20090501_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 1, 2009
2639 lines.
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Alright, we just started simulcasting at Prison Planet.
Now, I believe this is a hoax.
I believe this is a virus that doesn't kill that many people, that isn't even as bad as your regular flu viruses that kill 30 plus thousand people a year in the United States.
Mexico is saying it's already starting to subside.
People are getting sick.
I know folks in town, but they just get better.
They've had one death of a premature child who was premature and had lung problems all his life until he was 23 months old.
But CBS News is saying, under federal quarantine authority, signed under Executive Order 13375, anyone violating quarantine order can be punished by
$250,000 fine and one year in prison.
I have another CBS News story.
That's out of CBS.
Saying they're preparing for martial law.
Forced inoculations.
They're just saying you're going to be forcibly injected.
That they're going to quarantine whole cities, counties, states if need be.
But the border's going to stay wide open.
I mean, they're really worried about this.
Why is the border?
Staying wide open, if they're seeing any vector.
First they said last weekend in the Sunday briefing, they said we're going to leave the border open because it's already spread.
From the biggest vector, supposedly Mexico.
But then, we may have to lock down America and it says right here, mainstream news, I got Fox CNN, we're going to play the clips later, martial law is good, martial law is coming, level six,
I confirmed two days ago we're really at level six.
Now last night and today they're saying we're going to go to level six which is complete and total martial law.
Now does that mean they're going to implement it?
I don't know.
Is this a beta test to test the locals going under their control?
Why are they announcing different state police are now merging with the feds permanently?
Dr. Leonard Horowitz pioneered exposing all of this.
He's with us about twenty minutes, fifteen minutes into the next hour.
And I really respect him because back in
Before the anthrax case was out, he wrote the articles.
These are on record.
He said the government was going to launch an anthrax attack because he saw their propaganda on the news, knew the companies involved.
Just amazing mind.
Harvard graduate, you know, several doctorates in medicine, psychology, you name it.
So he saw it happening.
And these are psychologists and psychiatrists running this, so it takes one to beat one, I guess.
It takes one to know one.
He can see what they're doing.
I saw that before 9-11 as well, the preparation.
How they were introducing the enemy, how they were getting it ready, and I said they'll probably blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on their asset of some of Bin Laden.
So he did something even more amazing.
He predicted specifically the anthrax attack.
Then day one came out and exposed how Congress had done a funding to practice weaponizing anthrax through the mail.
He fingered the very group involved.
And then it came out the White House was on Cipro before 9-11, September 10th.
That it was Bush's enemies that were mailed it and the FBI came and harassed him at his house and tried to act like he was involved in it because he was so spot on being able to predict it.
Now he's come out again saying this is a designer virus but that it was probably just something to sell vaccines to scare people because it's got to be designer so companies can then come out quickly with the vaccine and several companies are saying they're going to have it in like a week or something with this weird reverse clone.
Now I'm not saying they've done that.
I don't have the crystal ball brain that Dr. Horowitz does, but I wanted to get him on to talk about the history of what the globalists have done, the eugenicists, because he hasn't talked about that in a while.
You need to know the history, then the latest, and then the big issue of they're using this mind control, this hoax, this fire in a theater.
There is no fire, probably, but the yelling fire causes the trampling, the deaths, like a Rolling Stone concert where hundreds could die.
And the police state, this happening right when the economy's imploding, right when the worst numbers are coming out, right when it's clear they're trying to pass global taxes and set up the new Bank of the World in carbon taxes and gun bills.
Dr. Horowitz joining us via Skype from Southern California.
We appreciate him taking time out to join us.
Tetrahedron.org, and we'll give you several of his other sites.
Thanks for coming on with us, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, there's one thing only that I would add to your very thorough and very intelligent analysis, and that is that the fright could be also, additionally, a cover, a distraction for exactly what Dr. James Robertson and Dr. Woods and the other doctors who are involved at the highest levels of administering the global response
They have already decided that they would loose flu type viruses, recombinants, mutants to seed the population.
This may be a cover, a covert operation to literally infect people with this, what they initially called biosimilars.
Or these mutant files that they call it.
Okay, Dr. Horowitz, we had you on twice via video uplink.
It's like 2001 Space Odyssey where you make the call and get somebody on video phone, as folks know, and then Murphy's Law or whatever.
As soon as we go to you, it's horrible scrambled audio.
We're going to try to reconnect right now.
If it doesn't connect clean, we're going to get you back on the phone.
We'll hold you over if need be to make sure you get the time.
We're honored to have you because I want to hear this specifically.
Yes, he sent me these royal
Commission, Royal Academy, documents, I have them here in my stack, shilling documents where the head individuals who get the supposedly deadly bird flu and other strains from government to then be seeded out to vaccine companies where they're talking about priming the public with these and
Putting them out and it's really shocking what it says.
So we'll get him as somebody who's been studying this to interpret these documents for us.
Here on the air.
So that is coming up.
I didn't know he was going to bring up those documents.
I've got them somewhere here in my stack, but he can read those for himself.
In fact, he emailed me those again the other day.
Will you ask Rob Due to print me the last email?
It's an attachment from the British Royal Society.
It's the Royal Society.
Matt, will you ask Rob Due to
To go print me that, because the stack gets so big so quickly.
While we're waiting to get Dr. Horowitz connected again, let's play this Fox News clip so we can analyze it.
Guys, go ahead and play this Fox News clip.
Are we able to do that now that we have Horowitz connected?
Or is Horowitz back?
Okay, yeah, here is the Fox clip where they're talking about martial law, where they're talking about forced inoculations, and then it's all over the news.
This is being introduced to us now, but here's the key to all this.
The border's going to stay wide open with the main vector.
That's the globalist system, but we have to lock down cities and towns in America.
So the border stays open, but you can't come out of your house.
And we're going to forcibly inoculate you even if you aren't sick.
Here it is.
The World Health Organization raised now the pandemic alert for swine flu to the second highest level, level 5.
Right now, Mexico has implemented quarantines and world leaders issuing travel warnings, but of course it could get worse.
That's right.
If it becomes a pandemic, you could lose some simple rights, like going to the movies.
Fox News Legal Analyst Peter Johnson Jr.
joins us live here as well.
We'll finish this clip up later where they openly say martial law.
Dr. Horowitz, I want to go back to what you were saying, but first can you answer the question?
You've been studying this, you know, as a doctor and as somebody who studied how pandemics spread.
If you are saying, leave the border open with Mexico, and this is really so deadly, but leave the border open, but then we're going to lock down the U.S.
cities, this is obvious that this is to train the American people how to be in locked down Nazi Germany, isn't it?
Yes it is.
As I mentioned before, this could also be a covert operation to actually see the population because now the news is coming out that the virus is not particularly deadly.
It's relatively mild and that's exactly what the recombinant was.
That the group at the World Health Organization, the organization that James Robertson, as well as the Novavax publications were talking about.
You know, again, the most incriminating issue that I think has not been covered is the decision that was made already to loose these kinds of laboratory creations that would seed the population in advance of pandemics.
And so it could be, like you've been saying, a covert operation in that regard.
Okay, Dr. Horwitz, explain to people, can you read to them from that British Academy, that UN document that you've sent me, that is officially off their site, where they're talking about priming the public, getting them ready.
It's very, very chilling.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that essentially, that besides doing all the business of
We're good to go.
Like Spanish Flu 1918 that they would do that allegedly in defense of the population and allegedly for bio preparedness and allegedly because it's doing exactly what this current epidemic is doing or this pandemic is doing.
That is it's a mild exposure to a potentially lethal pathogen and they have decided behind closed doors in bed with the drug industrialists that they're going to do this
So this is really, you're saying, could be a mass inoculation, or at least that's their excuse to do this.
They claim that they've weakened the pathogen to then release it into the public to protect us down the road from a real bird flu.
That's exactly, that's my number one best call based on all the evidence and on top of that you have to understand the PSYOPs already administered has made billions and billions of dollars and further advanced the police state, the fascism and the application of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
The actual Manchurian candidate hypnotic trance state that is induced by standard cult indoctrination methods in medical education, continuing medical education, and this whole pseudo-scientific process of literally creating brainwashed mind control slaves of the military medical petrochemical pharmaceutical cartel.
That's what's going on, Alex.
All right, up on screen we have the Royal Society, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and its summary of oral evidence, Dr. John Wood and Dr. James Robertson, National Institute for Biological Standards and Controls, NIBSC.
On the last page it says, use of live viruses.
Scroll down to the bottom of the document for me, gentlemen.
Thank you, PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Dr. Wood and Robertson were asked their opinion of priming the population for a pandemic using live vaccines and if they consider it to be a good idea.
However, the timing is critical.
If live H5N1 vaccines are used now, it will be considered too dangerous.
But if a pandemic is imminent, the risk may be justified.
A stockpile of live vaccine with the cleavage site removed could be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic reaching the UK, even without
An exact match in a virus strain.
Now, what does that mean?
I mean, they love to kind of read between the lines there, state stuff and the obvious, but what does it mean, prime the population with a live virus?
Well, this is exactly, notice you said the cleavage site or some aspect of the virus removed, and what may be happening is that this outbreak
Because of the advance, you have to understand biological, biodefense, biomilitary operations are 10 years more advanced than what is commercialization and standard consumption in the marketplace.
So these guys, if they have been actually publishing this, the covert science labs are 10 years at least, maybe 15 ahead, which means that
What you're describing in that document is precisely what's being described of this virus, of this pathogen they're claiming is the cause of this pandemic.
It is not quite human, it's got some human parts, it's got some avian parts apparently, it's got, you know, or swine parts, and it has cross-reaction when you understand and you read the science that has been published by CDC and Novavax,
You understand that they have cross-reactiveness.
In other words, if you expose a population to a mutated virus, weaken it, but just enough to cause immunity, and then add enough of the different strains, such as the swine flu, the avian flu, the Spanish flu, put it all together, and then you expose the population to that, even prime the population is what they're talking about,
By some form of method of vaccination.
Now, can you imagine what the...
Outrage of the public would be if they were told that they now must go get vaccinated against a pandemic that hasn't happened yet.
Well, speaking of priming, they are now openly on every major publication and TV saying you may have to take a shot, even if you're not sick, and we're going to lock your towns and cities.
We're going to have the feds come out with the police and do this while the border is wide open.
I mean, so they're really trying to set the, whether they're moving this time or not, they're now introducing the idea.
Think about it, they may already have done it, and what they're simply doing now is a psychological operation that you consistently have always been accurate about telling the public about.
So, where do you see this going from here?
Well, I praise the Creator for the fact that this thing is not as severe as we thought it might be.
I praise the Creator for the fact that we may have some time left to reverse the fascism and the manipulation and intoxication of the population through the dissemination of truth.
Basically, what we need to do is get the truth, such as those documents that you've just... Thank you so much, Alex, for putting that document up on the air.
Because this is the kind of inside research and discussions and backroom deals that we, the public, need to expose in order to come to some level of intelligent decision-making.
Because we have got to... If this has got to be about
Sovereignty, spirituality, and informed consent.
We have got to give our consent.
I mean, there's a separation of church and state.
That's the big battle right now, as far as I can see, is this whole attack on Christianity, attack on spirituality, that we, now the gods of science and medicine, dictate to you what is going to be injected, infected, and intoxicated in your Holy Spirit-filled temple.
I am telling you, I am absolutely
Certain to be here to the very end.
This is an issue that shall never go away.
We shall always stand for our spiritual religious freedom.
I don't care what CNN says about me.
I don't care what Fox News has to say.
Everyone who considers them either a Christian Jew or Muslim has a sovereign spirit right to resist vaccination.
Dr. Horowitz, stay there, absolutely.
And I want to bring up the new vaccines they admit they have that, quote, cure you of drug abuse.
They admit it literally eats brain cells and eats the receptor sites.
And the more advanced vaccines they give you that literally re-engineered the brain to make you a zombie.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
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We got Bob Chapman coming up at the bottom of the next hour to give us an economic update on what's happening.
Alan Watt to come on and give us his view of this whole fear-mongering psy-op.
And then Niles Harrod, one of the nanothermite experts, exposing the fact that that was found in the WTC rubble.
More and more peer-reviewed scientific reports coming out.
They had one of the heads of the 9-11 Commission come out a month ago and say that they staged a meeting before the event, before the Commission, with the military, to lie about the stand down.
That's now mainstream news.
This stuff is all unraveling.
Dr. Horowitz, there's these whole classes, as you know, but I want you to tell the listeners about them, of new
Vaccines that, quote, cure mental illness.
They go in and attack certain areas of the brain.
It's like programmed nanotech viruses, is how I would describe it.
And they go in and they eat the receptor sites for nicotine and heroin and cocaine.
And folks, don't believe me, just Google, new vaccine to cure drug addiction.
But then other scientists went, wait a minute, you won't be able to be happy anymore.
Those receptors are for natural endorphins.
And you know what you would say would be spirituality.
I mean, when you talk about wanting to control our souls, this is the next wave isn't it?
Oh, that's exactly what Genito Pharmaceuticals is all about, Alex.
It's the whole concept of vaccination, intoxication for population manipulation and decimation is really where the future of medicine they're heralding lies.
And so it becomes literally a battle of nature versus laboratory.
You know, and I'm personally choosing, and I don't know too many people in my circle, my friends, my community, that feels like we want to give all of nature over to the manipulators.
I think it's a hideous reality that we're looking at, and if you look at the true science, it's not science that they're giving us, in fact.
It's actually pseudoscience.
There's nothing scientific about their proposition that this flu just happened to naturally land up in Mexico where suddenly, you know, there's never been anything like it in history.
How did that happen?
And I also question what they're reporting at the World Health Organization, which is really, if you look, study deeply, the Rockefeller disease surveillance system.
It was set up by the Rockefellers.
Now, if people in the United States don't realize they're already working with, if they're dealing with Rockefellers, they're working with traitors against the United States.
That happened during World War II, and history repeats itself when you don't learn history.
So, literally America is being taken out now, with a globalist agenda, and at the forefront of biomedicine and genetics, and eugenics, and vaccination policy, and this whole disease surveillance at the World Health Organization.
Study it.
The origin of it is the Rockefeller International Global Disease Surveillance System.
I wrote about that in the book Emerging Viruses, AIDS, and Ebola.
Well, you're absolutely right.
In fact, we have all these medical doctors and scientists and historians on from wide-ranging fields, and they all come back to the same thing.
The Rockefellers learned that most cancer was viral.
They learned how to put out the vaccines.
They've caught vaccine makers hundreds of times, as you know.
That's exactly right.
So really it is a holy war.
It's a war against
You know, not flesh and blood with whom we do battle.
It's a spiritual warfare and when you understand what genetics really is, it's water science.
What makes DNA actually operate is the water molecules, the structured water within the genetic strand and around it forming a matrix that receives and transmits light and sound signals.
So it's bio-spiritual or bio-energetic processing.
It's a virtual antenna to the Creator.
And if you don't believe me, read the brilliant research that's already come out that the authorities don't want you to see.
Well, that's why a lot of top atheist scientists are now saying, there's something made this.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, we've seen all of these.
Thousands of news reports over the years getting us ready for martial law, the police state, and now this is just one more step in that, but all over the news, the biggest stepping out we've ever seen, oh, we're going to lock down your cities, we may have to lock down your towns, we're going to give you orders, we're going to federalize things, the federal government doing all these unconstitutional things, we're going to forcibly inoculate you, just conditioning people and conditioning the local police to go under federal control to carry this out.
Now are they going to do it this time?
I don't know.
Could this still be a deadly flu?
It may be, but more and more it's looking like hype.
What an amazing crime by the media!
A few deaths in Mexico, one death in the U.S., hyping it, lying about it, saying it was 200, 150, then having to back off of that, some numbers say 7, 9, 12.
This is amazing!
This is absolutely amazing!
Meanwhile, 300-plus thousand people die of bad drug-inherited actions every year in the U.S.
That's the government's own admitted numbers.
It's probably worse, Horowitz would tell you.
Dr. Horowitz, plug some of your website, some of the work you're doing, some of the events you've got coming up about getting folks together, but also that I want to continue with.
But the basics for people, uh, you know, what are you going to do if they try to forcibly inoculate you?
What are you going to do if they come try to lock down your town?
And then, how crazy is it while the borders still open?
I mean, if they're really saying it's this deadly, why leave the border open but then lock your towns down?
Well, the solution is where I'm focusing.
I believe we have a tremendous opportunity to help humanity maximally.
Live H2O, Concert for the Living Water, it's coming up June 19th to the 21st internationally.
I've been working for two years.
That's why you haven't heard much about it or anything from me for about two years.
But when this flu thing happened, I had to come out with something.
But go to liveh2o.org.
I've been taking a lot of heat when I put up that YouTube thing that's gone viral.
I took a lot of heat for adding a little oxy-silver blurb at the end of it.
But you know what?
I will do it again, because if people understood how simple healing is, healing, all of it, happens because of the energy and the bioenergetics coming out of water.
Water science has the capacity now.
We are advanced to the level of knowledge with really hard, wonderful science.
That shows how miraculous water can be is and can be used for virtually everything.
And the globalists know that.
That's why they try to poison the water in their own government documents so that we're toxic and poison and can't think right.
Then they make Dr. Strangelove movies, you know, with making fun of us where the mad general knows they want to mess with his precious bodily fluids.
And so, they are, you know, trying to poison the fluids, but their own documents, you know, people in labor camps, as you know, in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, they put fluoride in the water.
That's in Pulitzer Prize winning history books.
I mean, this is real!
Water is the solution.
Universal solvent for all the pollution is water.
And everything in the universe, all healing is piezoelectric.
Chemical reaction is based on electron flow.
All the electrons from the universe.
And pH, parts hydrogen, so important for body chemistry to resist infectious diseases.
If the government was responsible, they would be giving people the simple truth how to protect their body temples, how to resist all these infectious diseases.
And the reality is all the hydrogen and pH parts hydrogen are delivering the element, the electron, which is the piezoelectricity of every universal energetic reaction.
So hydrogen fuels can be used from water.
Literally hydrogen can be used to run our automobiles.
We don't need petrochemical pollution.
We don't need this intoxication.
And likewise,
Oxysilver, the silver hydrosols.
I will do it again.
I will tell people always, please go simply do the research because the truth shall set you free.
You don't need to poison yourself.
You don't need pop magic pills to cure every ill.
You don't need to inject, intoxicate yourself with vaccinations with foreign RNA, DNA.
Stay there, we've got a break.
Final segment with Dr. Len Horowitz.
Our sites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Thank you.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we got Bob Chapman with all the latest economic news.
That's what this fear-mongering over the swine flu has been.
And again, it could still be bad.
I mean, they're saying it's bad.
We've got secret documents, which have been proven to be accurate, because what these documents reported from the state, from the feds, here in Texas, ended up being announced days later, that we're really at level six, and it's killing all these people.
But there's no evidence of that.
And we've seen them in the past lie to the police, the military, and others even more.
And they're saying, we'll use the military, we'll forcibly inject you, we'll forcibly inoculate you.
You know, I think the jigs up, Dr. Horowitz, even if they release a real bioweapon in the future, or God forbid this one turns out to be bad, people are so untrusting and so informed now, on average, more and more waking up, to the system, and just how cold-blooded these elitists are, that I don't see them being successful in carrying this out.
And I think they're starting to realize the tide has turned against them.
Well, I pray that that's the case, and we're going to continue to do everything in our power, as long as we breathe, to help people wake up and to protect life, protect our sanctity, our sovereignty, our children, our generations, future generations.
It's got to end, and again, I have a wonderful plan.
By the grace of the Creator, I've been so blessed, and people should go to www.liveh20.org.
Concert for the Living Water.
This coming June 19th to the 21st, Friday, is a day about educating from the world's leading experts in the field of water, water science, how we can eliminate all the petrochemical pollution and waste, and the toxicity from other vaccinations and antibiotics through the silver hydrosols such as oxy-silver.
All the wonderful things that we can do with water through music and sound and understanding that water, and literally who we are as human beings,
I'm only at one or two other questions.
I'm going to let you go.
I'm going to get an update next week from Dr. Horowitz.
We appreciate all your time.
You know, pathogen that the vaccine is designed for, it's all the other DNA and viruses and things that are in the monkey kidneys or the dead babies.
And then even if it's the genetic stock that is then being grown on eggs or something later, still it's from that original contaminant.
Can you explain to folks what's in vaccines?
Yes, foreign RNA, foreign DNA from bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast, chicken embryo, bovine fetal serum, monkey kidney tissues, fetal tissues like you mentioned, and then this is the growth medium, so when you grow a virus,
Thank you.
For those that don't know, you just put all that info out, but on every one of those cases, Crohn's disease, Guillain-Barre, the mainstream government documents
Admit vaccines are doing it, but they say it's for the greater good, so it's alright.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, I'll tell you what.
You believe that?
I got a bridge you can buy.
And gee whiz.
This is propaganda!
And the reality is that, sadly, the ignorant people will go into fear instead of actually having the knowledge and the truth that shall set them free of the pharmaceutical toxicity.
They're choosing ignorance.
They're choosing to go along with this lunacy and this hypocrisy.
Public health is not for you.
Centers for Disease Control is actually Centers for Disease Creation.
They're creating these germs.
They're in bed with the companies that are making the money off of humanity's suffering.
That's standard, strict definition of genocide.
Alright, Dr. Len Horowitz, we'll get a report after you've had your big event and have you back on the show.
We appreciate all your time.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thanks, Alex.
Be blessed.
Thank you.
What a great guy.
Very, very interesting person.
Very, very intelligent.
And predicted so much accurately, you have to pay attention to what he has to say.
Now, coming up, I'm going to play some of the news clips where they're saying martial law, forced inoculations, lockdown of buildings, homes, neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties, states, nation.
They're now introducing this to the public.
Are they going to do it?
They're saying that we're basically under martial law.
Now, will they implement those war powers?
Will they carry that out?
I'll go over Fox, CBS, a bunch of other places where they are pushing this to the public right now.
We are simulcasting, by the way, at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Let's go ahead and go to one of the founders and the chief engineer over at Acola Blue, Tyler Palmer, for the rest of this segment.
A little bit of the next, then bring him to the economy with Bob Chapman and all this martial law that's being announced, that the media is announcing.
We've got to take this serious.
We've got to say, no, we're not going to be forcibly inoculated.
No, we're not going to your FEMA camps.
They're saying even if you're healthy, they're going to try to shoot you up.
And then maybe we will have a serious
Uh, epidemic on our hands because the vaccines have caused so many deaths and so many illnesses and so many pandemics in the past.
Yes, they've had smallpox vaccination programs that have spread it.
They've had anthrax.
I mean they've had all sorts of problems.
And remember the 76 swine flu shots are what killed the people, not the swine flu.
That's on record.
But I wanted to go to Tyler Palmer.
Because I wanted to get him on, because I get emails every day, I get calls every day.
They see the banners up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, to Acolabloo, Acolabloo.com, E-C-O-L-O-B-L-O-O-B-L-U-E dot com, and they, and I'm not trying to be mean to some of the listeners, I know it's the minority of listeners that don't understand this, they go, how does something suck air, I mean, you know, water out of air out of your room?
And I, you know, we have one here in the office, and when they were
I had workmen in there putting some systems in and some appliances in and they were hooking up a water line to it and I said, why are you doing that?
And they said, we just figured this is a water dispenser.
It's got a line in the back in case you want it.
Then you can put it through the seven filters inside.
It also has those.
And I said, no, this grabs out of the air.
Humidity in here, it says the humidity in your office is 25%.
That won't make any water.
Well, it does make about 2.5 gallons a day.
In good humidity, it makes 7.5.
But that's enough for us here in a pretty big office.
But the point is, is that they couldn't even believe it, the local, you know, workmen, handymen we had in here doing this.
Yes, there is water in the air.
And if you condense down the 35,000 feet from sea level to 35,000 feet, on average you're talking 10 feet of water.
That's what clouds are.
And this hadn't been through the sewage system.
It hadn't been through the rivers and lakes.
You know, it hasn't been with all the toxins.
Then it goes through seven filters.
So I wanted to have Tyler Palmer on with us to explain this to folks.
Tyler, thanks for coming on.
Thank you for having me again, Alex.
It's interesting that people understand how it rains, but they're amazed at a water machine that pulls water out of the air.
In fact, that's exactly what it's doing.
It's mimicking cloud formation and rain.
Well, those moisture evaporators in the South Range better be fixed by midday or they'll be hell to pay.
George Lucas certainly understands what they are.
Explain it to people.
Well, it has an air intake, and the air is filtered through an electrostatic air filter.
It's then condensed by a refrigerant coil, the air is.
The condensate that comes out of the air is collected in a lower storage tank.
That tank has a UV light in there, as well as an air pump now, which we've added.
It's then pumped through
Three silver impregnated carbon filters and one reverse osmosis system.
Then it's sent up to an upper tank that has a hot water feature and a cold water feature.
And it's blasted with 245 nanometer UV light before it comes out and while it's stored.
It also has a reflex system and that keeps the water from sitting.
So occasionally it goes on and cycles the water through the system.
The idea being that if you're a molecule of H2O in our machine,
You're going to get a shot at all the positions in the machine.
In other words, you'll be hot water once, you'll be cold water, etc.
Have you heard the latest?
They are, I was joking a month ago when you were on with us, they are now saying they want to create a carbon footprint for water, and that water is now bad, basically.
Just like carbon dioxide is, and if you tell the general public the scientific name of water, most of the public will say bannet.
Right, right.
The dihydrogen oxide.
It's true, and you know, with this H1N1 virus, I was doing a little research on this yesterday, and one of the common ways of vaccinating flocks of birds is to put the vaccine in water.
And that would be a really good way to get a population inoculated or doped up with whatever they want to put in the water.
They've been caught.
They've said they want to put Prozac and statins.
I've got MSNBC clubs and government reports where they go, it's been proven that statins are good for small children now.
You know, so-called, for those that don't know, so-called cholesterol medicine that's really bad for your liver.
So we're going to look at putting that in your water and vaccine.
And they've said the Africans are backwards.
I've seen this in the news.
We're going to start engineering pharmacological crops where the yams and corn have live vaccine in it to make sure they take their vaccine.
Stay there, Tyler.
I want to talk about that.
Yeah, folks, we're getting to a point where you better filter your water heavily yourself.
And if you drink what's out of the tap, you are out of your minds.
I mean, it is, especially in places like Houston, with all the chemical plants.
I mean, the water in Houston tastes like Jack Daniels, folks.
It's basically yellow.
Well, you need to get one of these water purifiers, purifies it out of the air.
We'll give you the numbers to call and get one, and a little special they're running today when we come back.
Then the latest economic news and martial law news.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
We didn't intend to play this, but the guy stealing our water music, but it kind of fits in.
It all comes back to that, folks.
They put poisons in the water, plus the water's just full of toxins, all the runoff.
It's great to filter it.
I wouldn't drink anything but filtered water.
That doesn't mean some charcoal thing for 20 bucks you buy at Slave Mart, you know, that takes out some of the bad taste.
That's better than nothing.
You need to get an Ecola Blue.
Tyler, tell folks about how they call and get the unit.
Okay, you can call 1-800-691-6043, and if you can't access the 800 number, you can call area code 925-231-0206, and we have a promo on until Monday.
And it's 10% off the $13.50 price, free shipping, and your last three videos, Obama Deception, Endgame, and Terror Storm.
That's awesome.
So again, you've got bigger units that do more than 7.5 gallons a day.
If people go to acolablue.com, you've got also a bunch of other, you know, cool little solar chargers for iPhones and just a whole bunch of great products at acolablue.com.
Give them those numbers again too, Tyler.
800-691-6043 or 925-231-0206.
And if you go on to our website, www.ecoloblue.com, you put in the promo code, one word, all lowercase, Alex Jones, and you can get that discount online as well.
And that's until Monday, May 4th.
What do they get?
That's a bunch of... What's the special again?
It's 10% off, plus free shipping, and your last three videos, Alex.
Yeah, and the shipping, I mean, what's shipping usually about a hundred bucks?
So, 10% off and free shipping and my last three films.
Can't beat that.
Tyler, we'll talk to you again next month.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet, good to hear from you.
Okay, we're going to get into the economy with Bob Chapman when we get back on the other side of this quick break, but I want to get this, I want to start with the martial law fear-mongering that the media is involved in.
That's what we've been saying day one.
Looks like this is just a regular flu, or even weaker than a regular flu.
Regular flu kills tens of thousands of people a year in the U.S., hundreds of thousands worldwide.
This has killed no more than a couple hundred people, max, on the low end, nine.
And they're getting ready to declare a global pandemic, level six, forced inoculation, all this crap.
Even if you're not sick, they're going to try to shoot you up.
This is horrible, folks.
Listen to this Fox News piece.
Here it is.
The World Health Organization raised now the pandemic alert for swine flu to the second highest level, level 5.
Right now, Mexico has implemented quarantines and world leaders issuing travel warnings, but of course it could get worse.
That's right.
If it becomes a pandemic, you could lose some simple rights, like going to the movies.
Fox News Legal Analyst Peter Johnson Jr.
joins us live here as well.
Peter, last night when the President of the United States was talking, it sounded like
In his remarks, he was talking about the possibility that parents should get ready to come up with a contingency plan in case your child's school closes.
You're exactly right.
And that's really been the first national mention of that issue.
And I think it's important that we don't scare people.
And I think an effort's been made here not to scare.
But people and our government have to start thinking about how, if this actually becomes a pandemic, how it's going to affect our daily life and our rights.
What is a quarantine?
Who decides who goes into a quarantine?
What is isolation?
Who decides who gets into isolation?
If I want to get out of a quarantine and isolation, do I have the ability to go to a court and get out?
Will the government say to me, you must get a vaccination if one is developed?
If I don't get a vaccination, will I be quarantined?
If I'm a health care provider, if I don't show up for work at a hospital, will I be jailed?
Will I lose my license?
We thought it was simple!
It's not simple.
Okay, okay, stop
Right there.
We're having that discussion right now.
We come back.
There's about a minute left where they talk about martial law.
Now you heard it.
Forcing you to work.
Work brigades.
Forced inoculations.
But they're not just saying that.
That's being announced in the news and the government documents.
They are practicing taking over your local communities right now and having local police force you to do this.
They've been drilling for years to do it and they're fear mongering over something that appears to be a complete hoax.
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All those Drifter's days are past me now I've got so much more to think about
Alright, let's go ahead and finish up this Fox News piece.
And notice how devilish it is.
That's like when Tommy Franks was on Pentagon payroll after he retired.
And it came out, he was on the payroll, I predicted it at the time.
I mean, it wasn't hard that it would come out.
Because he was like, it's sad to say, but it's what will keep us safe.
It's what the American people want.
But I, it's just hard for me as a patriot.
One more terror attack, we're going to have a military dictatorship for our own safety and the end of freedom.
Darn it, it's what the people want.
And now they're doing it.
Oh, shucks.
Folks gotta balance safety and surviving versus their freedom.
And they're gonna choose safety versus freedom.
Of course, whenever you give up freedom, you don't get saved, you get enslaved.
We're going to get Bob Chapman's take on this and all the big economic developments in a moment, but let's finish with a little Fox News-Marshall Law piece.
Here it is.
As Americans, I think as Americans, in order to stay alive, in order to preserve our way of life, people are willing to give up and to make sacrifices, but at the same time, there needs to be an orderly discussion of what the rights are of the American people when this
And there's a lot of modeling that says it doesn't happen at all.
Okay, so let's look at some of the examples.
We're talking about closing schools, which I'm sure people would understand.
Closing the border to Mexico.
Stop us from gathering in public spaces.
We mentioned movie theaters.
There goes freedom to assemble.
I can think of a lot of other things like church, maybe going to the mall.
Well, what about legislatures?
What about the U.S.
What about courts of law?
What about not impaneling juries because we don't want to have public assemblies?
I spoke to, about an hour last night, to Dr. Mark Siegel, who's an expert on the flu, and he's written a book on it.
He was on our show about it.
Yeah, he's a contributor here at Fox News.
And he pointed out to me, he said, listen, we can't be panicking at this time.
We have examples, you know, when you go back to the 1918 flu.
And there was a second wave.
Well, the problem about the 1918 flu was that doctors thought it was a bacteria.
We didn't know it was a virus.
We have the capacity now to create potentially a vaccine for the fall that contains this strain of virus.
And so that's a big, big difference.
But at the same time, we need to be thinking about how the legal landscape is going to be changing.
Our governors have to be looking at this.
Our president has to be looking at this.
Our state legislature has to be looking at this.
And this is the time for the ACLU to act.
Not to detain Americans as war criminals, but to ensure that all Americans' rights are preserved.
Excellent point.
Very interesting points.
I hadn't thought about all that stuff.
Thanks, Peter.
Plus a possibility of martial law, but that's a whole other conversation.
Meanwhile... Not going there.
It's coming out this month!
And then we have the Health and Human Services Secretary with all these problems.
Obama's got so many crooks working for him, most of them can't ever get approved.
His last guy, he wanted to get in there, uh, couldn't.
Daschle, because of all the scams he was in.
And they don't even have a hearing.
They just approve her.
And so they're getting their whole agenda through.
Meanwhile, let's look at the economy right now.
Plus, Bob Chapman has contacts inside Mexico City.
Mexico is now saying that the flu cases are subsiding.
And now they're saying, oh, only 7 or 9 or 12 people died, different numbers, from the government.
But it doesn't matter.
Shut the government down.
They have hundreds of deaths a day of the cold and pneumonia in Mexico City alone.
Bob, but I guess it's just the end of the Mexican government, the end of everything, because a couple people died, Bob?
Or is this really a way to have everybody stand down because they knew they were on the edge of revolution?
Well, I don't believe that they were on the edge of revolution, but I think like we discussed on Wednesday, I think this is a trial run to see what they can get away with.
See what the public reactions are.
It's now proven that this is just another old flu, and people do die from that, unfortunately.
And you've seen the overreaction.
I know on some of the stations I was on this morning throughout the United States,
You know, the prom has been called off, and we're closing the schools for a week, and this sort of thing.
People were told not to go to church on Sunday because of their contact with one another.
And of course, in Mexico, you have all of the children out of school.
The churches are, relatively speaking, empty.
Along the border cities you've got the military going up and down the streets with M60s, not M16s, M60s.
And that's happening in several other cities.
What they're doing in Mexico is conditioning people to seeing the military around.
Now I know that they've got a problem with drug dealers, drug purveyors, transporters,
I guess Naco Traficante covers the whole thing.
And there's been a war going on between them and the government for the last two years.
And there's also been a war going on between the Naco Traficantes, where they kill each other.
And I don't know, that's not all that bad, because if somebody doesn't come and take the job, well, the job doesn't get done.
But anyway, I think it's a trial run.
Just like you said, Alex, from the very beginning,
It looked like a hoax.
We were wondering whether it was genetically specific.
In other words, was it pointed towards Latin Americans?
I don't think we came to any conclusion on that, did we?
No, but the one death in the U.S.
was a 23-month-old Mexican national baby, a boy who'd been premature, had lung problems his whole life, and they brought him here for treatment and he died.
So, no deaths, but meanwhile I have these internal state reports where they're fear-mongering from three days ago and saying we're going to level six and all this, which they're now announcing that they're probably going to do, but that we were already at level six.
But certainly I've been saying this looks like a hoax from the beginning, but there is the danger that they could use this for martial law.
And Bob, Chrysler going under two days ago, all of this unfolding, all of this happening, the economic numbers coming in, a contraction of 6.1%, it appears the deterioration of the economy is accelerating.
This is another nice distraction from that, isn't it?
It certainly is, and if you notice as well,
The Working Group on Financial Markets had a meeting with Mr. Geithner yesterday, who is the Treasury Secretary, and of course their meeting is a secret, so you don't know what they're rigging.
But they've been rigging the stock market, and they've been driving the price of gold and silver down during this crisis so that people wouldn't think there was anything wrong in that area.
This is a well-coordinated effort to test this martial law concept.
And we haven't seen the end of it yet.
I think they've run out of most of their ammunition, and they'll learn something from it.
But I don't think they're accomplishing what they wanted to do.
I think there's too many people out there, even on Fox, who would talk about the rights of the average American, and that is important.
Well, Bob, I heartily agree with you.
Exactly, I agree with you.
And that's what we were saying Saturday on the emergency transmission idea, when they were really starting to hype this, is that if this isn't a serious flu, and if this is hype, which we said it probably was then, we hoped, and we still hope, and we're not out of the woods completely yet,
We'll know in the next few days.
If we start seeing a bunch of deaths in the U.S., then this could be serious.
But, I mean, usually a flu kills thousands anyways.
That'll be normal.
Can you imagine if they're shutting the whole country down and police state for one death, what, 50 deaths would do?
Which is completely normal, but side issue there.
You know, again, it's not that this is even real.
It's that they're making it real.
But Napolitano, that Homeland Security, Janet comes out.
The one putting out reports saying the veterans are terrorists and gun owners are terrorists, and she says, well, this may peter out in a few weeks, but another big one is coming very soon.
There will be a pandemic.
So I agree with you.
As the economy falls apart, I think we're, I know we're seeing a beta test of what they're going to do to try to sell their overall agenda and keep themselves in power.
Oh, you're trying to arrest the bankers?
You're trying to take Congress back?
Then they'll release a real bioweapon, and then that'll be their cover for martial law.
Yeah, I think you're right.
And at the same time, they'll probably crank up the invasion of Pakistan, and they may allow Israel to attack Iran as well.
They'll have it all going up in the air at the same time.
And then that way people just kind of go into a catatonic state.
They've done psychological tests with dogs, guinea pigs, rats, and humans now, where they put you in a cage and shock you.
One of the cases is where they have rats in a rat maze, and they just keep shocking them and shocking them until the rat finally just gives up and stays in one spot and dies.
The one spot where he's not being shocked.
And they've done the test where they'll have a puppy in a cage.
The Marines have done this test and published it.
And it's learned helplessness.
As a caller pointed out one time, I'd seen the study, but they reminded me of this, and every time the dog comes over to eat, he gets shocked.
And there's one little spot in the cage where he doesn't get shocked, and after trying 10 or 15 times, he'll go over and get in the corner and die, and lay down and take it.
And I agree, when they finally make their total move, which we see all this preparation for, and the world government being announced, and the police state, and troops at checkpoints, and announcing martial law may come for your safety, when they finally make the jump, it's going to be everything at once.
What are we going to see, do you think, Bob?
I don't know.
I don't know what the reaction of the public's going to be.
And I, you know, the longer they wait, the better it is.
And the reason I say that is that the worst the financial and economic situation's going to be, if they were to have to or would hold off for another year and a half or so, two years to do that, that would be very good because there should be 35% unemployment by then.
And it's going to be an awful lot of very unhappy people under bridges.
And so, our strength, our chance to take the government back gets better and better the longer they wait.
I hate to be giving them this advice, but I know they're smart.
They've already figured this out, Bob.
Yeah, they sure have.
And they've made a lot of mistakes.
And, you know, things pop up every day, like these scandals with Madoff, and now it's all over CNBC this morning that Geithner's not making the decisions Rahm Emanuel is, and of course,
He works for Israel, as well as the President.
And, you know, the people are getting sick of this.
And if you take away their freedom, and you take away their ability to work, and make a living, and not have to live under some mysterious circumstances, you get to see the revolution.
And I'll tell you something, I don't think we're going to be able to hold the people back.
They're not going to get away with this.
Have you seen the new, speaking of the administration, the New People Magazine came out with Obama's beauties and they talk about how sexy and beautiful Rahm Emanuel is, how sexy and beautiful Geithner is.
I mean, soon will these guys be like sitting on thrones in royal robes with crowns, I mean, and openly ruling us?
I mean, how ridiculous is it that all these criminal oligarchs running our nations are just publicly robbing everyone right now
I mean, how much more degradating does it have to get?
I think it has to get a lot more on the psychology, because the American people don't want to really pull the trigger on their own government.
They're thinking that they might have to, but it's very, very distasteful.
I mean, even for somebody like me, who's been in the trenches for almost 50 years,
But economics, an empty belly, this is what's going to motivate people.
People being told, well, your children have to go over to that school over there in Chicago, and you're going to be in a camp in Arizona, and your wife's going to be working in New York City.
I think finally they'll wake up.
And that's what they're announcing on the news.
Oh, we're going to tell you where you work and what you do, and we're going to forcibly inject you.
It's the new freedom for your safety!
One person died, so America has to end!
You know, we were covering this in 1966, 67, and 68.
All the plans were laid out then.
It was called regional government.
And they now admit it is the regional governments that are in control and under the United Nations control.
The Congress is ceremonial.
I mean, it's in Reuters and AP that the UN is directing the US, Mexican and other nations' responses.
And the SPP documents for the North American Union came out and they say they're going to use flu crises to bring in the NAU.
They wrote that three years ago, Bob.
That's right.
We got a war on a multiplicity of fronts.
They're all over the place.
I mean, you know, you look at my publication twice a week, the links, look at your site, the things that you've got on there.
It's just, there's one problem after another.
And, you know, we cover them closely, and we can't really even adequately cover them during the course of a week.
Hey, why do you think we got massive, sustained, multiple denial-of-service attacks over our CDNs at our servers, and then when we would switch out so they couldn't hit the servers, they would just hit the entire facilities?
Clearly governmental.
I mean, doesn't the government know that just makes everybody want to visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that much more?
And that that basically underlines and certifies what we're doing?
It's an occupational hazard for them.
And they think, in their arrogance, that they're more powerful and much smarter than we are.
And the sheeple out there will listen to them and not us.
The factor here, the swing factor, is the economy, which they have deliberately denigrated worldwide in order to bring about world government.
But at the same time, when they do that, they bring people down to this savage level, if you may.
And they know that they're creating a problem, well, they're creating a condition that they want.
It's just like interest rates.
The Treasury needs them higher to attract more money, and the Fed wants them down so more people will buy houses.
You can't have it both ways.
And so, the Treasury and the Fed are in a ringer, and so aren't the Illuminists behind the throne.
They're in the same ringer.
They're not going to have an easy time doing this.
Well, that's what we've been saying, and I said two months ago and then again a month ago.
I see them playing the controlled bioweapon release, whether it's fear-mongering or the real thing, because that's the only thing.
They don't have to blame it on men in a cave, and then the proof comes out it wasn't men in a cave.
They can just say it naturally popped up.
Oh my God, we've got to take your rights to keep you safe from this, and then that becomes the news cycle instead of losing your job, and then it makes the government the savior who's going to hand out the Tamiflu and the vaccines to you, and
You know direct the response and I I really think we're seeing what their response is going to be and that is Napolitano said this is basically just the beginning I think we're witnessing how they're gonna come at us Bob and if we get the word out about how they're coming at us that's gonna give us a leg up on them.
That's right and it might stop them from doing it so we gotta really pound on this and let people know and all you listeners out there have got all
Have to let all the people that you know that this is a scam and this is what they're up to.
They want to institute a bigger bomb later in the form of a real killer flu and at the same time justify inoculations as well as hurting people in the camp.
Why didn't they just... Those who aren't.
Yeah, why didn't they just release a regular flu?
Why did they release one that's so easy to track that it's designer?
Is that like an open threat to people that are informed?
They could have done something dumb too, you know.
Yeah, it was dumb flying the plane to the middle of New York with F-16s ten feet from buildings.
Or was it dumb?
Bob Chapman.
Stay there.
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We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We got Alan Watt.
I can't wait to get his take on all this coming up at the end after Bob Chapman with us till then.
I do need to, before we go back to Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Get a free subscription there.
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Get the Obama deception.
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And one of our sponsors I want to let you know about is eFoodsDirect.com with all the swine flu, crazy stuff that's come out.
It's just another example of how we're in an uncertain world with the media talking about
Martial law and you know how they want to quarantine people and force inoculations.
They just showed me ten cities in Austin that are already setting up and Hoos was trying to tell me yesterday about it and didn't even cover it.
And I've got another article about incinerators for people during the flu.
I mean, you can't make this up.
In fact, Hoos, just throw the article up.
We're going to play it after Bob leaves to start off with Alan Watt coming up in about ten minutes.
But anyways, with all this craziness going on, ladies and gentlemen,
You know, with Napolitano saying, even if this is no big deal, something coming up next is a big deal.
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Okay, going back to Bob Chapman.
Back to the economy.
You've got a lot of data on that.
I mean, notice how Chrysler goes under two days ago, and then the stock market shoots up as the Plunge Protection Team dumps money in.
What do you see happening in the short term and the long term?
Well, I think the short term, the Dow Jones has run its course.
And I think that's as far as they're going to take it.
We're looking at a reverse head and shoulders on gold and silver.
Which is being completed right now.
They should shoot back up again quite soon.
We're looking at... The economy is not going to revive.
For the next year and a half, we'll probably go sideways to slightly lower.
In other words, the GDP, which in the fourth quarter was a minus 6.3%, minus 6.1% in the first quarter, will probably be minus 5 in the second quarter.
And maybe minus four during the last half of the year.
Next year it might go to even.
And that's it.
And that's the extent of any revival that they could have in the economy.
Right now, it's still on its back.
There's been no improvement.
And so, when they do these things, which should have never been started in the first place, that is bailing out Wall Street, the financial companies, GE, AIG, and
And then now, General Motors and particularly Chrysler, which has been put into bankruptcy, they know, because of their own plans, that Chrysler and GM are not going to make it.
They've already made that decision.
That's right, they have.
Back in 70 seconds, final segment with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Alan Watts coming up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live.
Transmission is half over, half full.
We got Alan Waugh coming up in about seven, eight minutes.
Then we've got one of the engineers coming on with the thermite, explosive thermite residue in the towers getting international attention all over foreign, Dutch, British, German, Japanese TV.
The whole world's freaking out over this, the information that
Professor Stephen Jones first brought out, now more and more scientists getting other samples that are confirmed, chain of custody controlled, big news there.
Bob, talking about myself for a moment, we'll finish up with the economy, because I'm just a gauge of all this.
I have this Max Blumenthal attacking me.
Increasingly influential online conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Many gun show attendees I spoke with were convinced Obama planned to usher in a Marxist dictatorship.
I have MSNBC today attacking me with some comment on a message board saying something bad about Mexico has nothing to do with me.
I have CNN attacking me yesterday calling me an evil conspiracy theorist.
They are really coming after me and I know why.
I'm saying arrest the bankers.
They've committed crimes.
Ron Paul has agreed.
Audit the Fed.
End the Fed.
And then you get the top politically.
You fixed it.
And then you can start, you know, reversing things.
Do you agree that's why they're coming after me right now?
Well, they are hurting.
The information that you're putting out is crippling them.
They're frantic.
And, you know,
They don't know which way to turn.
And you've got them running around in circles, you know, screaming, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.
That's why you're getting attacked.
You know you're being effective when you're getting attacked.
Yeah, when I say, you know, I've got them running around, Bob Chapman does, all of us together, the stuff he's been doing for 40 years, but they certainly are now focusing in on me.
I mean, mainstream news is saying I'm like the Puba now, and I don't like it, Bob, I'll tell you.
I don't like the feeling of the eye of Sauron looking at me.
Well, you don't have any choice.
You selected the right path of truth to bring to the people, and this is an occupational hazard.
This is the part of what you're going to have to put up with.
No, I agree with you.
It's also a good feeling to know I'm already in too deep and there's no going back.
Well, look, you know, keep on shooting back.
Keep on exposing them.
You know, this morning I did 11 programs before 11 o'clock.
I'm going to drive them crazy just like you are.
And listen, I was on with Gordon Liddy this morning.
We're getting to them, believe me.
Yeah, Bob, you're just incredible.
You deserve so much credit.
I know you don't want it, you just want your grandkids to be free, but they've been doing this for 45 years and just immeasurable.
And that's the reason they haven't killed us, is there's too many of us.
There's too many Bob Chapman's and Alex Jones's and G. Edward Griffin's and, you know, the work of Aaron Russo goes on, even though he died of cancer.
And all these other people
Well, you know, speak about there's a lot of people out there doing it.
We want millions more or at least thousands more to help us.
Word of mouth is fine.
But there's people out there who have the same abilities that we have and they've got to get in this fight.
They've got to get in and get publications and get pamphlets out to people and get on the internet and try to get a program.
I mean, I sent somebody who I thought was worthy to Ted the other day to start a program.
It's important to get in there.
We'll talk to you again next week.
Thanks for all your time, Bob.
We know we love you.
Thank you.
You bet.
Yeah, Bob Chapman is breaking out huge as well.
I tell you, this is exciting, and I am so glad that people are doing what they're doing.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Well, we had to get radio talk show host, filmmaker, researcher, Alan Wan on.
Just a great mind to understand the enemy, their psychology, how they operate, what they do.
With what is more and more becoming clear.
I said this back on Saturday when we first had an emergency transmission that I believe it was a hoax.
And now it's becoming more and more abundantly clear.
But meanwhile, the fear mongering just intensifies.
Now think about it.
You can get 30 plus thousand people on average dying of flu.
Sometimes more, sometimes less.
In the United States, between 200 and half a million every year dying worldwide of the regular flu.
And they're telling you, get ready for the end of all your freedom, forced inoculations, total control for one dead person in the United States.
Let's go ahead and play this local news clip off local news here in Austin, where they're getting ten cities ready with Michael Dell, the New World Order minion.
Here it is.
Why do you think somebody should sign up to run Congress Avenue?
We're having some trouble streaming that off the web.
Okay, yeah, the problem is, is that it refreshed.
We're playing these ads off the web.
We ought to start having a hard drive where we capture these, and then we can just play them, because these stupid news sites, it's not YouTube or Google, they just have the worst players, and it'll be working, and you try to play it and it doesn't work.
We'll play it in a minute, coming up with Alan Watt, and be sure and send that to the guys to link to that up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But let's go ahead and bring Alan Watt up.
Alan, I haven't talked to you before the show.
I have no idea what your view is of this, but I would imagine it's probably similar to mine.
Give us your breakdown of what's happening with the fear-mongering right now with the pretty much imaginary flu.
Well, it's one crisis after another.
We're just coming through the
We're good to go.
I think?
Some of the founders at the time wrote about it and they said that this is being set up to be the world health authority and they must use panic and crisis to get the public to give them that authority.
That's exactly what we're going through today.
This flu is just the standard H1N1.
It was out last year, according to the BBC and to the so-called experts in Britain.
Tamil flu is pretty useless anyway.
All the hype about Tamil flu came from the pharma companies that made the dark drugs.
All their studies are from their paid agents.
They give them glowing reports.
But basically they don't need it because this is a mild flu.
And those who are dying of it, and it really is down to 7 proven cases in Mexico, not 107.
You find they're compromised already with different other diseases, AIDS, etc, etc.
So this is a very, very mild flu.
It takes about three days.
Everyone who's got it in Canada and Britain are told just to stay at home, drink lots of food, all the usual stuff, and it's gone in about three days now.
So clearly, out of the blue, they have been fear-mongering and saying, I mean, I've got the headlines, this is the greatest challenge to face humanity.
You know, this could be the end.
Hundreds of millions could die.
And then meanwhile, yeah, Mexico's saying between seven and twelve dead.
One dead in the United States, that person from Mexico City.
But meanwhile, I've got
Time, Newsweek, CBS, CNN, all of these publications, TV saying, get ready for forced inoculations, even if you haven't had the flu.
And now they're saying, oh, even if this passes over in the next month, when the flu shot's ready, we're going to make you take it.
So I think this is also about pushback.
To all the tens of millions of people waking up to how deadly vaccines are, who are saying, no, I'm not going to take it, and they're trying to test the public to see if they can force us to do it.
So when they launch the real attack during the full collapse of society, you watch when the resistance to the new world order starts, when we're trying to take our governments back, they are going to launch massive, real bio-attacks.
Alan, your comments on that?
Yeah, you see there have been so many studies coming out over the years of the fact that the flu inoculations, every year they tell you in the spring they had the wrong combinations of flu strain, so they were useless.
But not only that, most people who get the flu injections end up coming down with the flu.
So people were stopping getting, taking their free flu shots.
So they have to do something to get it back up to a mandatory level.
And they admit, and they admit, I keep forgetting to make this point to interrupt because you make me think, Alan.
They admit that all these flu shots actually mutate with regular flu out there and are creating more dangerous strains and the Tamiflu accelerates the mutation just like antibiotics do with the bacteria.
Yes, they're using human beings as breeders and that's what they use the animals for.
That's how they breed the viruses, either in chickens or some other kind of animal.
or human fetal tissue and now they're using living people and everyone who gets a shot becomes a breeder and they shed the virus wherever they go.
It's just absolutely amazing.
Alan, why do you think Napolitano came out and said, oh, well, this one's probably no big deal, but the next one, it's coming, it's going to be huge.
I know.
And then flying Air Force One to the middle of buildings with F-16s, literally 50 feet away.
And then it came out in memos, they terrorized them on purpose, but said it's secret.
What is behind that?
We'll never get the whole story.
In fact, we never get the real truth about anything, to be honest with you.
As I say, we're living in an age where we have so many distractions and crisis and we're rolling now from simply one crisis to another.
But what is interesting is that out of every crisis, the institutions at the world, the United Nations, are risen up.
That's always the solution to their global authority positions with IMF, the World Bank, etc.
Uh, now we're seeing the same thing with the health.
Now, they're on a roll for complete domination of the planet because the United Nations was set up, remember, as a front by the big foundations and the Rockefellers, etc.
to be of the world authority.
So this is the century of change for globalism where they bring this whole structure in and they can only do it through crisis creation and offer the solutions which of course was the plan all along.
We're going to roll and roll from solution to solution and crisis to crisis.
People have already forgotten.
That trillions of dollars have been looted from them just a few months ago.
And Alan, how obvious is it, and we're going to play this clip and I want to get your answer to this.
As you just said, I'm watching John Kerry last night in the Senate hearing.
He says we've got to have a global solution to this global crisis, and the head of the UN, the Secretary General, Mr. Moon, is admitting they're directing the United States
And Canada, and Australia, and all the Commonwealth countries are the ones hyping this up the worst.
They're admitting that they're using this, they say, to strengthen the global governance.
Let's play this clip of the fair mongering in Austin with the camps, with the tents being set up for the mass death.
Here it is.
And on that note, a modified tent city now being set up at Dell Children's Hospital for those who believe that they have the flu.
Fox 7's Rudy Kosky joining us live from Dell Children's Hospital with the details.
Hi, Loriana.
The tents started going up this afternoon.
They're located directly behind me.
Now, take a look.
They're in a physician parking area that is directly underneath the helicopter pad.
Now, the tents are expected to be ready for people by tomorrow.
They're still hooking up climate control systems, and they're doing this because of a large number of people showing up to get a flu test.
By mid-afternoon, for example, the hospital had more than 400 people coming into the emergency room.
They usually have about 170.
Administrators say the tents, there's about three of them, will help separate those who just may be really sick from those who are seeking other types of medical treatment at the emergency room.
Now, once again, taking a look at a live picture of the situation here at Dell,
The tents are right underneath the helipad and the physician parking area.
Administrators here and at other local hospitals are also asking people who want to get tested to stop going to local emergency rooms.
The first thing that they say that you should be doing is contacting your primary care physician.
After that, or if that doesn't work, then you can go to a local neighborhood medical clinic, one of those dock-in-the-boxes.
That will relieve the pressure on especially trauma events at the emergency
Now by the way I've told everybody for
Eleven years that the old Robert Mueller Airport is a FEMA camp and we have local newscasts saying during emergencies they have 747 hangers with bolts and chains in the floors, porta-potties, cots, barbed wire inside, and I reported it a year before it was in the news.
People laughed at me because I had inside sources that put it in.
You know, the cops are calling me going, man, you've got to see this place.
It's a FEMA camp.
Then I've got local Fox again going, oh yes, it's an emergency camp for you.
That's in Police State 2, the takeover.
This is right next door to that.
There's troops running around all over the old airport, down the street at the old mall.
They've taken over two of the major areas and have FEMA in there going back a few months ago.
And then you walk up and say, why is Homeland Security here?
They say, get back, get back, get back!
And this is happening everywhere.
Alan Watt, you know, I mean, how much more obvious does this have to get?
This is all a beta test for when they release the real controlled plague.
It is too, and FEMA made it quite clear at New Orleans that no other contingency plans would be allowed except their own.
In fact, you couldn't even help your neighbor, you were not authorized.
I think
The true cutting edge on virology and bacteriology is not in an ordinary medical profession.
It's in bacterial and warfare laboratory labs.
And they've written extensively to the fact that they can treat ethnic-specific viruses or kill certain groups, not others.
That's all declassified stuff.
And they also
Stay there.
Stay there.
Absolutely, Alan.
Stay there.
We'll talk more about this.
Have a quick break.
Stay with us.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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It was black.
Back when we had Chrysler and Dodge and Chevy.
And back before the New World Order came in and took over and turned the police into black ski mask thugs.
Back when we could still own firearms.
And back when we could still have children without getting a license.
When a man could still work, still would.
Or himself, not at a work camp, with a pot-bellied commie bossing him around.
It's the best of the free life behind us now.
And are the good times really over?
We're good.
We're rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
All right, Burmese is popping in.
Alan Watts, our guest.
Appreciate him coming on.
This was great insight.
I don't want to hear what he has to say about this in detail and how we should counter it.
Is this a desperation move by the establishment?
Is it a beta test?
But yeah, all over the world, if anybody has any type of symptom, the tattletale citizens
Freak out on them.
They have them jerked off planes, panicking.
This is the secret police drilling.
And I always said they would do it in the name of medical.
That's how Hitler started.
Grabbing people for plagues, or medical problems, or flus.
And then they were mentally retarded, and then they were, had medical problems.
And long before the camps.
And the Soviets did this too.
Burmas, give them the new article, then we'll get Alan Watts' take on it.
Yeah, I was just running into the coffee room and I see all of a sudden on Fox News this woman is being dragged off a United plane after it's diverted from Munich, Germany into Boston and then you see her being taken off by two people in big, yellow, what looks like hazmat uniform.
It's all part of a, it's all acting, it's all part of theater.
Setting up emergency tents, people in bio suits, and they're on the news going, we're going to make you take shots.
You know, Alan Watt, they could mind control us, maybe with just this little event, maybe there'd be no deaths, and they would just end all freedom and have everyone in hazmat suits.
I mean, do you think they're going for the gold right now, or is this just a beta test?
It's a beta test, but you're quite right there, there could be no deaths at all and they still go for it because I said years ago when they first brought out the movie Outbreak, that was the first movie that conditioned the public, oh my god, this could be terrible for a real outbreak done through fiction.
And I said, all I need to show you is guys in hazmat suits and a stretcher and someone on it that you could do in a studio and that's broadcast to the world and we all believe it.
That's all we have to do today.
It's like like the dog seeing is believing and that becomes your perception of reality.
So, it's so simple.
You're quite right.
This is a big push to get the public of the world's conditions.
But I mean, how ridiculous!
It has masks, suits, and it's killed one person!
I know, and one person, really.
We don't know the details of how they were compromised by other diseases or illnesses.
There will be something more to that.
Oh, no, no.
It came out in the Houston Chronicle.
He was premature, like three pounds when he was born.
He always had lung problems and a bunch of other diseases.
That's it.
So basically, this is a mild flu, but they'll use it to the maximum extreme, because you're quite right, they want to train the public that we're so helpless in this brave new world that we can't feed ourselves anymore, the money's gone to the dogs, we can't handle anything, and now we have all these natures turned against us.
Remember what they said, too, at the Club of Rome, we must teach the public that man is the enemy of the planet and nature is at war with man.
And so they're using all of this right now to make us feel utterly helpless.
But with the big global authorities, don't worry, the experts will have it in hand and we must obey the experts.
And believe you me, for the benefit and help of experts, we will pay dearly for all their help.
Yeah, notice the more the bankers help us, the more, you know, they gave us a Federal Reserve to end financial problems, they gave us a depression, and they gave us a National Security Act, now they're giving us another depression, and they openly are giving us the depression and they're getting more power out of it instead of just arresting these people.
Exactly, and not only that, as I've said before, Bretton Woods was part one, and the founder, John Maynard Keynes, said part two will kick in in the next century, and here it comes, and now they're going to be the issuers of world currency.
That was the solution.
We're simply living a script, and as we live the script, the public has to be trained, just trained like animals in scenario and techniques.
To obey, obey, obey all authority.
That's the key to it.
We must obey authority.
And they're giving people these mindless phobias.
I mean, literally, I've been watching TV shows, and the clips have been sent to me, Alan.
Talk about predictive programming.
Scores of shows.
Burma, stay here.
I want you to tell them that story when we come back.
But I'm getting all these emails and clips of shows where stuff produced a month ago is now airing.
You know, it's been taped.
Dramas, cop shows.
It's all about, you didn't take the shot, you're arrested, it killed other people.
Uh, or only the CEOs get the flu shots and everybody wants them and fights for them.
You know, like they're fighting for the Christmas toy everybody's gotta have.
And, I mean, can't the public see this is mind control?
And they pre-made all the shows to be airing now?
And that this is total proof?
You know, that they did it?
I mean, this is like insider trading.
The CIA-owned companies did record American and United put options, and then nobody gets in trouble.
Now you have all the shows, literally all over TV, about flu, as the flu happens, outside of flu season, and it isn't obvious to people.
Let's talk about predictive programming when we get back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want Alan Watt to break down predictive programming.
You know, I know people that know Alan Watt.
Charlie Sheen says he's a great guy.
Max Keiser is friends with him.
But he is a gun grabber.
I don't like that.
And he's going to be running for Senate, he's talking about now.
You're not talking about Alan Watt, you're talking about Alec Baldwin.
Alec Baldwin.
Yeah, you said Alan Watts.
No, no, Alan Watts is running for Senate and he's friends with Charlie Chain.
Listen, I've got too much going on in my head, Burmese, and I'm also listening, he breathed in the microphone, but the issue is Burmese will be live tonight, 9 to midnight, with the Info Warrior Show here on the network, doing a great job, and I'll be popping in with him some as well, because I'm going to be up there working on a film, a special release we're going to be announcing next week, something a little special, but
Going back to Alec Baldwin is a great actor and I want to get Alan Watts take on this with predictive programming and so I wanted to play this particular clip from Hulu.
If you watch the clip carefully, he's playing the part of an alien, you know, a master race
When he walks in, it shows people behind him being led away dead to have their brains taken.
After your brains are taken, they're going to kill you.
And they say, you know, it's ridiculous that TV eats your brain.
It only softens it.
Hulu takes it all the way.
What are you going to do?
Turn your TV off?
Well, TV really is doing this.
The elites see themselves as the Morlock, us the Eloy.
They are controlling us.
They are doing all of this.
And so this is how they are conditioning us.
So this is really a very sinister ad as they throw it in our face.
And it's funny that we're being killed and we're being brainwashed.
We're losing our soul to the television when in reality it
It's actually doing that, causing Alzheimer's, all the other things, all the big studies about how it does cause brain damage.
They make a big joke out of it in his TV show.
You were saying, one of many we've heard about, but you saw it, where everybody's fighting to get the vaccine.
So, this is how they do predictive programming.
I want Alan Watt to talk about that.
But here is the Super Bowl Hulu ad right now.
Hello, Earth.
I'm Alec Baldwin, TV star.
You know, they say TV will rob your brain.
That's absurd.
TV only softens the brain, like a ripe banana, to take it all the way.
We've created Hulu.
Hulu beams TV directly to your portable computing devices, giving you more of the cerebral gelatinizing shows you want, anytime, anywhere, for free.
And the best part is there's nothing you can do to stop it.
I mean, what are you going to do, turn off your TV and your computer?
Once your brains are reduced to a cottage-chase like mush, we'll scoop them out with a melon baller and gobble them right on up.
I think I'm drooling a little.
Because we're aliens.
And that's how we roll.
Hulu, an evil plot to destroy the world.
Now, but see, there's the big joke there, is that, oh, we're enslaving you, and the guy's laughing, and he's laughing back at him, and then he stops laughing.
It's a fake laugh.
It's like, look, this ad is a joke on you.
You don't even know if Baldwin understands this.
He's dinner too.
You know, I mean, in between the laughing, it gives him that look like, I'm going to eat you.
You know, it's crazy.
And it shows him in the background taking people they've killed away, and it's all done like in a clinical way.
Now, Alan Watt, tell folks about predictive programming for those that don't understand the government admits and the media admits.
Like you watch all science fiction movies, Starship Troopers, you know, that science fiction movie that they just did with, a few years ago,
It's a scientific process of familiarization to the public.
You come up and familiarize them with ideas
In a fictional format.
When it's in fiction, the sensor part of your brain is down.
You're being entertained, you think.
But it's implanting a possible idea, a possibility of something to come.
Therefore, when it starts to happen gradually in society, this actual idea comes into, it becomes concrete, and it's implemented.
You think it's all quite natural, that we're somehow progressing naturally along a certain path.
But in reality, your mind has already been prepared to accept something you would never otherwise accept, because you'd be reasoning through it.
Through fiction, you don't reason through it.
And when it's coupled with emotion, every movie, every novel has a character you identify with.
The hero, the heroine, and you identify with them and you go through things that you may go through in real life with them.
When you couple it with the actual downloads, the actual downloads implanted of the idea of something to come, you're now familiar with it.
And so emotion is the best way to do it.
They call it emotive programming.
And in that sense, they can put anything into your mind, especially serious scenarios.
They will have a set of archetypes, they admit this in broadcast school, of the guy that's the cool kid next door, and the info babe, and the guy that's the father figure, and the mother figure, or like in the Transformers, the new one coming out, you've got the hero Optimus Prime jumping up on the giant robot, you know, like one of our ancestors jumping on the back of the Mastodon, you know, it's all these preconditioned ancient instincts,
Uh, you know, almost ancestral memories, and the establishment admits this, that they are programming, and so I've been watching online the old 1980s G.I.
Gold is bad.
Cobra believes in that as a currency.
Wearing black ski masks is good.
The police state's good.
Checkpoints are good.
Watch children's shows.
And it's total, and now they admit G.I.
Joe's basically funded by the Pentagon as product placement.
And now it's just out in the open they're programming everything.
And then they admit the Pentagon developed video games.
Now they're hiring people that are good at the flight simulators to fly the Predator drones.
Now the zit-faced kids are 25.
They're actually flying the death drones.
They're being recruited into the Air Force.
Now they're saying soon, within five, six years, we're going to have to have you jacked in with a chip into your brain.
You know, you don't have to take the chip.
You're just a hero.
You know, you're a fighter pilot in your pod 10,000 miles away.
I mean, it's all happening.
It's all really unfolding.
It's a script.
The script was written a long time ago, and the big foundations probably employ more psychologists and experts on anthropology, ethnology, etc., than any other agencies or governments in the world.
And they basically are the ones, the power of government, who is comprised, remember, of big foundations, which are just the fronts for the bankers.
And they bypass all democracy.
They have their agenda.
Their agenda was written a long time ago.
The big boys who gave us Brave New World in the 1930s talking about genetic engineering of a fixed population with special purposes for it.
You'd be designated with your job for life.
You'd be created for that job.
Physically created for that job.
It was done in the 30s.
They all belonged to the same organization for this world governmental system.
A scientific dictatorship was what Huxley called it.
And that's what we're going into.
And they're using fear.
Now, we've all heard about the global warming scams and so on and so on.
And again, it's coming from the United Nations, the International Panel on Climate Change.
Here's a quote from them.
Here's a quote from one of the top guys there at the United Nations.
Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of the IPCC reports for the United Nations.
He says we need to get some broad-based support, public support, to capture the public's imagination, so we have to offer up scary scenarios, made simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts.
In other words, terror, terror, terror.
It is each of us has to decide what's the right balance between being effective and being honest.
And then the other chairman, Sir Hugh Houghton of the IPCC, United Nations, is giving the global warming scam.
He says, unless we announce disasters, no one will listen.
Well, this whole health thing with the flu right now is for the World Health Organization at the United Nations, and it's now their turn to do the same thing with scary scenarios.
That's what's happening right now.
Now, here's just a microcosm of predictive programming, and it came out the FBI and the Pentagon, this is even on television.
I already read about it years ago.
One day I was watching TV, I think it was History Channel, did a show about the history of SWAT teams, and said that they wanted to introduce it to the public.
They just said it calmly.
So they introduced to the public through the TV show SWAT, and that became the model, and then all departments wanted to be special paramilitary forces, and that the Pentagon and FBI were running it and funding it, and so that conditioned them with an us against them, you know, no longer the guardian, no longer the peacekeeper, no longer of the people, now a separate group, and you saw that in all the children's programming, but tell them just about the show with Alec Baldwin, not Ellen Wan, with Alec Baldwin,
Where they're all fighting to get the flu shot, and we checked, this was shot months ago, airing last week, perfectly to coincide with all of this.
I mean, again, lady, and I'm getting all these YouTube clips of other shows simultaneously doing this, just like the movie Pearl Harbor comes out right as 9-11 hits, and they say, oh, it's just like Pearl Harbor.
And of course, the actors don't even know this, but this is the psychiatrist, the psychologist doing this.
Tell them about it.
Yeah, if people don't know, 30 Rock is basically a spoof of Saturday Night Live behind the scenes.
And what happens is, people start getting the flu in the office, so everybody starts freaking out, and of course the CEOs, the big rich guys, are the only ones that can get the vaccination.
So everybody's trying to weasel around and get the vaccines from the CEOs and be the chosen few that won't get sick from the flu.
And then of course by the end of the show, the CEOs are okay, they took the shots, and everybody else is sick with the flu.
Giving out that message, you have to take the shot if you want to be okay.
And if there's anything I learned from G.I.
Joe Jones when I was a kid, is that knowing is half the battle.
And that's what we're trying to do.
We're trying to tell people the truth so they know what's going on!
Absolutely, and the other half is being willing to take the enemy on.
I guess this works for the American Idol crowd, but don't people know they're being programmed constantly?
Don't the actors like Alec Baldwin know that they're programming people to want to go out and take shots?
Or do these people just say, hey, I'm going to join the dark side.
I like being part of the elite.
It's fun to get it over on the people.
Well, he knows.
He knows.
I know because I've seen him on Jay Leno on other shows and he comes out with his little devil's corona sign with his forefinger and so on and right in the camera in fact.
So much so that Leno even had to push it away at one point.
So yeah, he's well aware of what he's doing.
So Alec Watt, oh I mean Alec Baldwin, goes on TV doing the Diablo a lot?
And then, uh, you're saying he was doing it in Leno's face?
Oh, he put his hand right up to the camera lens and eventually Leno had to push it away.
Good God, what on the world is going on?
I guess they just love the power trip.
Oh, they do!
They do, especially when you're dealing with an ignorant public who are into the mind control upgrading.
The general public have no reality at all except what comes across that media.
And that's what Brzezinski said in Between Two Ages.
In the 1970s, he says the public are being trained to accept that the media is there to do their thinking and their reasoning for them.
This has been accomplished.
And this fear-mongering, again as a beta test of that, with Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, saying, this probably won't be a big deal, but another one's coming soon, is that to condition the subconscious to then think she's the great leader we can trust?
Because after all, she predicted it.
That's right.
It's all stage set for the general public to think it's all quite a natural progression as this all comes forth and the right people are put into the right positions to protect us.
We're being trained as children.
And to accept that we're children and to allow those mature special people, the experts, to rule our whole lives from birth to death.
That's the whole point of the scientific era, the century of change.
That's what it's all about.
And the elite, they're willing to make the hard decision and give us the cancer virus injections and poison our water and you know the elite even say well the future doesn't need us and
You know, we've just got to be cold-blooded and scientific that these people have to be called and killed.
And then they'll even say, look, you even warned them, Alex, and they don't listen, they don't understand.
So see, that's the evidence.
We have to go ahead and do this to them, and it's just so sick to watch them mutate humanity and to take all of our weaknesses and to amplify them.
It's just so hellish, Alan.
Where do you see the economy going the next four or five months?
I mean, it's really accelerating downwards.
They're saying the new Bank of the World, the carbon tax will save us.
As things get worse and worse, as people begin to revolt, what do you see them doing?
Launching new wars?
A new bio-attack?
What do you see happening?
What they expect is what they've told us themselves.
The US military
Right after the British think tank for the British and NATO military put out this 90-page report for the next 50 years for scenarios of what's to happen, they say there's going to be riots beginning around 2010-12, and they'll escalate.
There'll be riots over food, riots over poverty,
Um, riots over everything, basically, because they're bringing the Western countries down, financially, into a sustainable living pattern.
That means vastly reduced consumption.
That's what's all through the United Nations documentation from every one of their departments.
So, this is what they have told us is going to happen.
So, they're going to make it happen, obviously.
And people will never revolt, and this is a sad truth,
If there's no organization, people will not revolt.
And even then, it's sporadic when they're against the wall.
People don't like to buck the system and fight and kill.
It's a nasty idea.
But unfortunately, if there's no organization against this, you'll have sporadic riots, which is just a disorganized mob.
And they're already prepared for that.
They've been preparing for this for 30 years.
By building up SWAT teams, by bringing the police into the multi-jurisdictional task forces, sending them off to Iraq, by the way, where they get training, bashing down doors.
It's been declared on Canadian television.
Lots of our cops have had this training.
They work with the military in the same uniforms, then they come back to Canada, and now they double up as the special squad.
And now they've announced on Canadian TV and print that, oh, the army's just going to patrol the streets now to stop drunks and crime.
And they announced the same thing here, and you're right.
And there is sporadic rioting and things.
That will only help them.
You know, then tell the chicken neck fluoride head yuppies, oh look, see we need a police state because of rioting, and they'll say that's what caused the stock market to plunge today, was the rioting, it wasn't the bankers, it was the rioters, Jason Bermas.
Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous.
I mean, they'll make up any excuse for the economy failing.
I mean, I had Obama on stage in his fake State of the Union saying, you know what?
All these high school dropouts, that's what's causing this economy to go down and that's just not going to be a choice anymore.
Then you read the GIVE Act and you realize everybody's going to have to graduate high school as they're going through middle and high school.
They're going to have to do mandatory service on top of this.
You're going to have to go to a trade school after high school if you don't want to
Yeah, they're saying even if you're homeschooled, you're going to have to show up and serve the feds.
Alan, this is going to be just a hellish system, but I guess all the dumbed down people who just beastly want authority, they're going to love the uniforms and the power they're given to then parasite on the rest of us.
This is going to be sick.
That's true, there's no doubt about it.
Once you're in a uniform, you're part of a fraternity.
That's why militaries have used this technique of uniformity.
For so long, you were conditioned into being part of a brotherhood, only guys you can trust are the guys in the same uniform.
And you were told from the beginning you're now special.
And you certainly get special privileges, etc.
And you have a certain amount of protection against the things that you might do that the citizen couldn't.
So, um, you're right.
We're going to have the exact things they showed us in all the scary, futuristic movies and sci-fi.
A big police state worldwide.
A world governmental system and masses of poor people at the bottom.
That's exactly what they're bringing in for sustainable development, supposedly.
All right, Alan Watts, our guest.
We'll talk more about the fear-mongering, the flu, the new Bank of the World they're setting up.
Jason Burma, she'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Thanks for being with us.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
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It's not about left or right.
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Alan, I know that the New World Order crowd moves slowly because they want to test things, gauge things, beta test.
They admit that.
You cover that in all your great research at CutIntoTheMatrix.com.
But, you know, I'm seeing desperation in their eyes.
I know they've got all this science and all the slick ways to control us, but more and more people fundamentally don't like the system and don't like what it's doing and are saying no to anything and everything they push.
I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel that is on an oncoming train.
What are solutions in your mind and your prognosis?
I mean, is there anything good at the end of this?
Is there any way to get out of this, in your opinion?
being led by specialists in every area of their lives and start reclaiming their own personal sovereignty to begin with.
You see, we've been conditioned, not just in one generation, but over a few generations, that we are nothing special.
Remember what Julian Huxley, the first CEO of UNESCO, said?
He said, we have to condition the public
Uh, to get them used to the idea of the dehumanization of human life.
Before that, human life was at the pinnacle.
Everyone had rights.
You were a spiritual, physical being.
And to get rid of that idea, make them think they're just one other animal.
That's right, and humans are bad, and we have to be punished, and
Humans are a disease, just like that Club of Rome document from the early 90s, written by the current head of the CFR, Richard N. Hosch.
And it's more important than the brainwashing even in the inner party, isn't it?
A lot of the higher level minions really believe they're doing a sacred work putting cancer viruses in vaccines.
Yeah, because we're bad.
They've got to kill us to save the earth.
And after all, we're all just blobs.
We're all just animals.
Charles Galton Darwin put it straight out in the 1950s and he was a top physicist and grandson of Charles Darwin.
He said that we must eventually start either euthanizing or sterilizing the masses, he says, because otherwise they'll bring their bad genes up into the good gene pool and destroy the good gene pool.
This is how they rationalize what they plan to do.
This Ted Turner, one of the big propagandists for the United Nations,
We think these guys are all independent.
They're not independent.
In fact, they're brought up to be cultural leaders through the organizations and television systems and so on that they run.
Ted Turner says at the United Nations, he says, a total population of 250 to 300 million people worldwide, which is a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
And he's the founder of CNN and a major UN donor and spokesman, you know.
The Club of Rome and their goals.
Now they have goals for mankind.
This is not a wish list.
They have goals set during a 10, 20, 50 year time period.
They have long term goals.
This is a total population that they said the result in ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than 1 billion and that's in their own report called Goals for Mankind.
We better realize that these guys are deadly serious and they have the funding of the big five foundations including the Rockefeller Foundation to bring all this about and they're doing it.
Alan Watt, do five more minutes with us.
We've got to get you up for two hours in the very near future.
Do five more minutes with us.
Then we have Niles Herrett, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen for 37 years, doing his own study and finding what Stephen Jones and others found.
The nano super thermate in the wreckage of the World Trade Center.
The explosives used to blow it up.
This is big international news.
There's a blackout here domestically.
We'll break that blackout straight ahead.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to focus in on some big 9-11 news.
You know, we can't let this bird flu hoax that's giving them a police state, training the public for martial law, always introducing that idea for different reasons, terrorism, bio-attack, natural flus, we can't let that act as a smoke screen.
The global carbon tax we're trying to pass in the U.S.
The anti-gun treaties that will ban reloading in many types of rifles.
This is happening right now.
The new Bank of the World being set up will pay our carbon taxes too.
Israel's saying they're about to attack Iran.
It's all there.
Pakistan saying nukes are missing with no evidence, totally made up.
We have to continue to focus on it all, and to expose these people.
Alan Watt, you were getting into their goals, and what the eugen... I mean, simple.
The eugenicists set up the world government on record.
They're getting their world government right now, but not without a lot of people saying no.
But, the establishment said, as you know, 75, 80 years ago, that there would be a lot of, quote, beautiful...
We'd have to, and what we've realized too is that these characters that claim that they're the top go to the bathroom the same way as we do.
And they go through all the same things.
They are not superhuman.
They're just human beings and psychopaths who do believe.
They believe they're superior.
But in all realities, they're no more superior than any of us.
We're all pretty well the same.
So they have no right to dictate how we should live.
We have just as much right to dictate our own way of living.
We're good to go.
That's what we have to do.
But, but, but, and I agree with you, they are hungry.
They love the power.
They love the control.
There are a lot of good people that are actually more intelligent than them.
Just good people aren't that hungry.
They don't enjoy crushing people.
They don't want more power.
Once you get a nice house and decent car and great wife and kids, you don't want anymore.
You don't want to go screw people to get things.
They do.
So, I guess we've got to get our survival instinct to kick in?
We must do that, and very, very quickly, and start caring about each other and about ourselves.
Because, you see, they had a war on us and the family to isolate us all.
Isolation from each other.
We're all sitting on computers, TVs, but we don't talk.
And we've got to start communicating to each other and realize that we have people living around us that we're supposed to communicate to and be part of and care about.
And see, when you have something to care about, you will fight for it.
That's why they had to destroy the family unit.
Men would fight for the family and they know that.
And that's why the first target was the destruction of the family unit.
They said that in their own writings.
CutIntoTheMatrix.com, CutIntoTheMatrix.com, tell folks your European mirror site for when the other one gets hacked.
Yeah, it's AlanWattsSentinel.eu and you can get pre-rolled everything that's on the Sentinel.
And there's hundreds of audios in your books and DVDs and folks should also buy some of that and support you because you're doing invaluable work.
You know, Alan, let me say bye to you during the break because I had mentioned some things to you a few months ago and now I'm more sure than ever that I want to work on something.
So let me talk to you during the break and then we've got our next guest coming up.
But in the minute we've got left, because you always spur so much thought here,
You're in your gut analyzing this.
Do you think this flu thing right now is a total hoax?
It's a hoax, but here's what David Brokaw said at the Club of Rome.
He's the executive manager of all these foundations, these front foundations.
It is we're on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis.
Not reality, but crisis.
You see?
So they're using this, as I say, to gain more power over the public who are being petrified and punch-drunk with conflicting documentation.
And when they're conflicted like that and punch-drunk, they're easily led to cry, save us, and the world authorities will say, okay, now here, we want to all sign into laws that we have power over you.
That's what they're after.
I tell you, Alan Watt, I've done so much research and to hear you putting it out so smoothly and focused and expanding on it, I know what you're saying is accurate and I just want to warn people, we really appreciate you joining us.
Let me get you back up for a few hours so we can really get into depth in the next few weeks.
There's Alan Watt.
We'll be right back with our next guest.
Key information straight ahead and a recap on the latest martial law news.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There are over a thousand architects, engineers, physicists, scientists, chemical engineers, structural engineers.
And then airline pilots, fighter pilots, the former head of Star Wars program, all coming out saying 9-11's an inside job.
The planes stood down, the buildings were blown up.
The former German defense minister Andres von Muehle, we first interviewed him about seven years ago, before his book was even out, called the CIA and 9-11, where he details how they did it.
I want to get Andres von Muehle back on.
And, you know, they're just counting on the American people not being able to face the heart of this.
But if they'd take 4,300 plus foster kids, declassified public, and radiate them to death, kids they'd stolen from parents, killing them, that's our own government.
They wouldn't kill 3,000 people on 9-11 to get a police state, attack all these nations, take our rights?
So, uh, this is what we're dealing with.
Uh, Niles, uh, Herrod,
He is just an amazing individual.
He's one of many other scientists, and these are published peer-reviewed reports, who are going out with the samples that have the custody chain controlled and testing it, and it's explosive thermite residue in the towers.
Now, we've also had the Underwriting Laboratories engineer on, Kevin Ryan, who saw their internal reports of how the towers had to be blown up, spoke out about it, and got fired.
We have him coming out and pointing out that the key people at NIST that are doing the whitewash just so happen to be, of only a few dozen people, the world experts for NASA and others in exploding thermate.
And it turns out unconventional insulation was put on in 99 in Tower 1, 2, and 7, where the CIA was based in 7.
So, very interesting to have that going on with just a basic investigation.
So, Niles Herrod, been an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen for 37 years, wrote a scientific peer paper with eight other authors titled, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust Room.
The 9-1-1 World Trade Center catastrophe published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal.
The paper by Herat concludes that the chips consisting of unreacted and partially reacted or detonated superthermite are present in the samples of the dust.
Hoffman's essays were written to help explain the findings of the paper to the layperson and to examine a hypothetical scenario involving the Herat
I'm here.
Thank you for being on your show.
I'm here.
Thank you for being on your show.
Well, we're dealing with the dust which was produced when the World Trade Center collapsed.
These were thousands and thousands of tons that everybody has seen when the towers and Building 7 came down.
Now, this dust, when you see the material, it's kind of dull, gray, olive green powder.
And if you imagine this in a plastic bag,
What we have done, and other peoples have done, was to take a very strong magnet and you pull it along the plastic bag.
And along with the magnet, some stuff comes up the plastic bag when you pull the magnet up the bag.
And this is magnetic.
What you extract by the magnet is magnetic.
Now if you take a look at whatever comes up with the magnet,
There are two very important components of whatever you extract by this.
One is some tiny spheres, or what would you call them in English?
Tiny balls.
Tiny spheres.
Is that...?
Ah, yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
But, you know, today I'm not too good at English because I was getting your name wrong.
I know it's...
That's the one thing, and these tiny spheres are mainly composed of iron.
And they are in themselves a proof.
Just see with a naked eye.
They're about one millimeter.
But the majority of them are so small that you have to get them under a microscope in order to see them.
That is, they're less than a millimeter.
They're one tenth of a millimeter.
And they have a red side and they have a gray side.
Now, the red side is the interesting side in this connection because
In that we have found the ingredients of thermite.
And the most important ingredient is iron oxide, which one variety of iron oxide is rust.
And this is known by most people.
And the other component is aluminum.
Now, it's very important that these two ingredients are there as tiny, tiny particles.
And those are the exact accelerant, correct professor, that makes normal thermite become explosive thermate, correct?
No, not quite.
Okay, go ahead.
Because if we leave the thermite for a minute, the thermate for a minute, you're mixing up thermite and thermate.
So until further, please let me call it thermite.
Which is the material which has a lot of energy.
Now this energy can come out either as heat or in a chemical reaction where you get a pressure, where gases is evolved.
This is what happens in an explosive, dynamite or TNT, whatever.
In an explosive you have a reaction which gives off
Gases which has pressure which is a kind of a punch or you knock things Into pieces a push a push.
It's a very hard push.
This is how an explosive works and The reaction the chemical reaction produces a gas at high pressure but the energy in the thermite can also be released as heat and
And this is a tremendous amount of heat, if this is the way it works.
The point with the nanothermite is that the other stuff you put in can make it work either way.
That is, you can get the energy out as heat, or you can get the energy out as pressure, as an explosive.
And regarding the red chips, we do not know, actually, which function it has.
This has to be cleared up in future investigations.
But is this clearly a foreign substance?
I mean, do you agree?
Does your research concur with Professor Stephen Jones' research that this is the thermite reaction and that it has the same, when they do that spectrographic analysis, that it has the same signature as the thermite and thermate that they've tested?
Excuse me, I didn't get the question.
What you mean signature, this is thermite.
And it certainly should not be there.
Yes, okay, exactly.
This is definite.
And it is a very advanced variety of thermite.
It's nanothermite.
So this stuff definitely should not be there.
And one of the major point or result of our conclusion is that those who put it there should tell us when, how, and why it got there.
Well, people, Professor, always ask, how could Al-Qaeda get into Tower 1 and 2 and 7?
7 was FBI, CIA, Defense Intelligence, IRS, and what was the National Security Command Center, the largest CIA sub-base outside of Lanley, Virginia, in the world.
And I wonder how Al-Qaeda snuck into the CIA base and did that.
I wonder why the media doesn't make a big deal about this.
You know, you got thermite in Tower 1 and 2 and 7, according to others who found it.
But, I mean, I'm digressing here.
So, this is thermite.
It's in there.
Other people found this and tested it.
What does this mean to you?
Well, it means... Basically, I can see... We can all agree that a crime was committed on September 11th.
This, I guess, everybody can agree upon.
And in my view, this crime has never been probably investigated and far from solved.
So what we are providing as scientists with this work is the forensic evidence for this investigation, which has to come.
And if I may repeat that this stuff should not have been there in the dust.
That's obvious.
And those who put it there should tell us how it got there and why it got there.
Professor, how is this?
Sure, go ahead.
Yeah, this is energetic materials.
And if I may finish the thermite, thermate discussion.
Thermite is what I told you before.
Thermate is the special variety of thermite in which you put sulfur in.
And it has the ability to lower
The melting point of steel.
So if you put sulfur in, the obvious purpose is to use the heat developed to melt steel.
And I think it's very obvious that this is what happened in the towers, where you could see molten metal pouring out of the top.
Stay there, Professor Harrett.
Niels Harrett, please stay with us.
We'll go to any websites or other key places where folks can read your paper.
We really appreciate you joining us.
Back after this quick break.
We've got you until 45 after, sir.
Hope you are listening to what you're hearing here.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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There's been a lot of new developments in the swine flu hoax.
It's pretty much sure now that it's a hoax.
We start seeing a bunch of deaths early this next week then...
Still, I mean, the regular flu kills a lot more than that.
All this grandstanding, all this, it's a big distraction from other issues, like the one we're covering now with Professor Niels Herrett, just an amazing individual, wrote a scientific paper with eight other authors titled, Active Thermetic Material Discovered in Dust at the 9-11 World Trade Center.
Professor, before we go any further in this segment, the next with you, are there any particular websites?
I know Global Research.ca has your paper posted.
I know that the Journal of Open Chemical Physics has it posted.
Do you have a personal page or a site you'd like to tell people about?
No, not really.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no, that's great.
No, no, no, no.
I was just, uh, I mean, just offering.
Uh, now, now explain to us, how did you get interested in this to research it and look at it?
Well, I got hooked on the 9-11 story when I saw Building 7 coming down.
And this was the revelation, like, I think it was two and a half year ago.
But accidentally, I saw Building 7 going down on a video disc my wife had got.
And from that moment on, there has been no way back.
It's as simple as that.
When you as a scientist see Building 7 going down, you say, what?
And then I had to push the button again and say, what?
And I pushed the button 10 times.
And my jaw was hanging, you know.
And from that moment, if you're a decent person, there's no way back.
You cannot lie to yourself and say, I haven't seen this.
And you wonder, of course, as a scientist, why and how does this happen?
Because there's a phenomenon.
It is unexplainable on the background of the official conspiracy theory.
And I had never heard about Building 7 before.
That in itself
It was an eye opener.
What is this?
This was Stephenie Jones.
You know the lecture he first gave on Brigham Young University?
The ethics center there.
That was that lecture.
This was the first time the situation at all caught my attention.
And from that moment on as I told you there's been no way back because
I was naive enough to say that if somebody stands up on a soapbox and tells the truth, it would run by itself.
But during the next month, I found out that this was not the case.
So I kind of hooked and sucked even more into it, yeah.
And then you find out more and more, like BBC reported that Tower 7 had fallen before it fell, and they reported exactly how it fell, and so did CNN, and then we found out they were fed a Reuters report of false scripting, and then you just add the evidence on that, but now you've gone, gotten samples, tested it, it has this in it.
I'm sure you've seen, since you've been researching, the fact that NIST happens to have all these thermite, explosive thermite experts working in it, and they're the people, it seems, covering up 9-11.
I wonder why they're doing that?
Well, there's an excellent paper by Kevin Ryan on these relationships between different people and different laboratories and NIST.
What I was, I was pretty
Pretty fast sucked into the science aspect of World Trade Center and at some point felt the commitment as a scientist to take care of that.
So maybe I guess I think probably the only person in Denmark who has actually read the NIST reports.
Yeah, you are sticking with that, and we're going to do a final segment.
We're about to break, and just come back for ten more minutes, then I'm going to cover the flu, but Professor, you know, we appreciate your courage.
You've been on national television now in the Netherlands.
The media is giving you attention.
Other peer-reviewed journals are doing similar studies, and the findings are, yeah, this was going on.
What type of response are you getting from people in Europe?
I know I've seen polls where the majority of people in Europe think it was an inside job.
Actually, it is spoiling.
It's growing rapidly, day by day.
And it's true, I've been on national television and there are two clips.
Actually, one of them has been posted on YouTube and seen by many people, I realize.
And the other one will be coming up very shortly, I can announce.
Oh, good.
Well, stay there, Professor.
We've got Niels Herreth, Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years, joining us.
Quick break.
That was a short segment.
I'll come back with you, sir.
Talk about whatever you wish.
But what is the establishment going to do as it comes out that those towers were blown sky high?
What's going to happen?
Where's all this going?
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, huge new developments on the flu front coming up when our guest leaves us here in a few minutes.
But Niels Herrod, a professor over in the Netherlands, my parents' favorite place to visit, by the way, in Europe.
I've never been there, but I've got to get over there sometime.
With all the great folks, but... Okay, Professor, I mean, in closing, where would you like to see this investigation go now?
Because there's other scientists, other engineers, doing the same studies, finding the same thing, over and over again.
No way this should have been there.
We originally had the thermite hypothesis by Stephen Jones because of the molten metal pouring out of the sides, because of the oxidization, the sulfidation of the steel.
Then he found the little metal spheres that have the exact makeup of a thermite reaction.
And then he tested thermate that had that reaction.
And now you've done separate studies.
As more and more of this comes out and it gets peer-reviewed, what is the establishment going to do?
Well, hopefully we'll get the investigation we've all been asking for for a long time.
And I appreciate, of course, the news value of this investigation.
But basically, we're just confirming what has been obvious for a long, long time.
As some of us know, that the three skyscrapers in New York were demolished intentionally
On September 11, 2001.
And hopefully, or I'm sure, absolutely, I'm certain, I can feel it, that those who know this is growing by vast numbers every day.
Thousands of people every day.
So when we reach critical mass, it will, what you call it, provoke an investigation.
Yeah, well folks are waking up quicker to this than they did JFK.
That took 20 years to get a majority.
Now it's over 90 percent.
We can't wait for that.
I was about to say.
Go ahead.
We have to restore, first of all, the power of the press as an independent institution in our democracy.
This is the most important thing, to restore the press.
And before
This is done.
We cannot solve the even larger issues at hand.
I agree with you.
I agree, Professor.
We've got to have the info war.
We've got to have the alternative media and the people's voice to tell the truth to ever counter this.
That's what we're trying to build here.
And we're starting to win that fight.
That's why Burmess just walked up and showed me three more hit pieces on me today.
They are coming after us big time.
So folks, pray for us.
We're in the thick of the storm here.
And speaking of that, Professor, have you gotten any heat from the university or any threats from anybody from what you're doing?
No, not really.
I mean, the situation with the university was settled almost a year ago in a situation where I actually had the opportunity to lay down the facts for my colleagues, and they respect that, of course.
So, no, that is not a problem, and no real threats, no.
No harassment, and I have got
I don't know how many emails since this paper come up and they are all supportive.
It's so nice.
Let me get this opportunity to whoever has sent me an email to thank him because I cannot answer all of them, but they are 95, 99% supportive.
Yeah, same here.
And this is fantastic.
I can hardly have time to respond to all of it and it's boiling in Europe.
So I have to concentrate on what is happening around here.
And it's really moving faster and faster.
I can say that to everyone who's concerned about that.
Yes, Professor, I was about to say, what's your new area of investigation now that you have proven independently, as others have, scientifically, that it's a thermite?
Where do we go from here?
There's still a lot of things for us to do on the chips.
One thing is, as we mentioned in the start, we do not know if the thermite acts as what we call an incendiary, that is only
By the action of heat or if it's an explosive.
I suppose that both varieties probably were in the towers.
And please notice that we are not saying that the towers was brought down exclusively by thermite.
All we're saying is the thermite is there.
It's still very well possible that conventional explosives were used in particular in the last stages.
But to me, it's certain that thermite at least was used to weaken the steel structure because you could see the molten steel pouring out of the Stiles Tower minutes before it collapsed.
So, and this is one action, possible action of thermite.
And then there's a variety called Thermate, which this guy, Jonathan Barnett from Worcester Technology Institute found in the FEMA report.
So this is probably also there.
In my anticipation, there could have been used a whole range of explosives and thermites for pulling down the towers.
And as of yet, we cannot exclude anything.
All we can say is that the thermite has been used there, and it shouldn't have been there.
And those who put it there should tell us how and why it got there.
And then we have to investigate, not just from your scientific angle of what's in the residue, what's in the building, and you're not the only scientist who's had these findings.
Now, quite a few are doing this.
It's just you're very prestigious, and also the prestigious university, and it's in Europe, so there's not as much demonization.
They did try to destroy Stephen Jones, Kevin Ryan, and others.
So they were kind of the icebreakers, too.
They hit the ice first.
And you're still in the vanguard right behind them.
This kind of harassment or what we call it personality killing around here, of course I'm subjected to that.
But I really don't care.
I mean, I've got grandchildren, six grandchildren, and I'm on their side in this business.
And this is more important.
And I'm too old to care.
Well, you know, that's a great feeling to know you're doing something for the right reasons and for the truth and for your progeny.
And so many people are scared and they're frozen in this feeling of fear.
They're scared because they're not truly living and being honorable.
And folks, will you just stop caring and say, look, I don't care if the chips fall where they may, I'm telling the truth, come hell or high water, and I'm committed and that's the end of it.
Yeah, but I also understand those who stay quiet.
I mean, they have bills to pay and
And they have a career, very importantly.
We should not come down too hard on those who will.
I agree with you, but if these terrorists aren't brought to justice, the same people that did this are still running things today.
They're going to pull new scams.
They're pulling a new one right now with this ridiculous bird flu hoax, pig flu hoax.
And so they're going to launch more wars.
You know, we have got to put Hitler, as you know, firebombed his own Reichstag, attacked Poland, saying they attacked his military base at Gleiwitz.
We know that the U.S.
government stages terror attacks.
We know the Russians do it.
You know, the public has to be educated.
I mean, I have Army Field Manual 2004, Professor.
This public, where they teach the Army captains in special ops how to stage terror.
I mean, staging terrorism and false flag is so inculcated into our culture, into our government culture, that they're teaching the captains.
They're teaching down to captain level.
That's a mid-level officer how to stage terror attacks.
Yeah, yeah.
Yes, I agree.
I think it would work out fine if we just consider this as a crime.
I do a lot of talks, particularly on Building 7, and I'm asked, now why do you do this?
And my first answer is, well, I'm against crime.
Because who ain't?
So everybody can subscribe to that.
And so I think if just justice is established, it will go automatically the rest of the way.
And 9-11 is really a window of opportunity.
It should be considered as that.
It is.
It's a window into the underbelly.
It's a window of opportunity for turning things around.
In closing, Professor, joining us from the Netherlands, or there in Copenhagen, Denmark actually.
I'm kind of brain dead today, I didn't get much sleep last night, obviously.
That whole area was my parents' favorite area, is what I meant to say.
Anything, closing comments for folks?
I believe that this is going to break earlier than most people think.
I think it's really taking up speed these days.
I can feel it in my mailbox.
And ask questions to your local representatives.
And for all of you out there, write letters to your local newspapers.
And your local editors are the key persons in this game.
And so, yeah, that would be my closing sentence.
Go out and ask questions and ask your local representatives and send letters to your local editors.
It's gonna work if we stay together on this.
I want to give a shout-out to Nanothermate Bob in Beverly Hills.
One of my friends just text messaged me.
I wanted to give a shout-out to him.
And again, obviously, you're in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I apologize for saying Netherlands earlier.
I have barely been sleeping at night trying to track this flu situation.
But, sir, we really, really appreciate you joining us, Professor.
And as this unfolds and develops, we want to have Niels Harit back on the show.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you.
It's been nice being with you, Alex, and keep on doing your good work.
Hey, it's been great having you, Professor.
Maybe sometime you can come to the U.S.
for a speaking tour and I can come meet you.
Very nice.
I'm looking forward to it.
I will.
Thank you so much, sir.
Take care there in Copenhagen, Denmark.
My wife's going to kill me.
She actually lived in Denmark for two years.
I know that's not the Netherlands.
That's north of there.
But I was thinking about the Netherlands.
I've gotten to the point where I can't go to bed even at 1, 2, 3 in the morning.
And I get up at like 6.30, 7 in the morning.
And I've been making a lot more mistakes here the last few days on air.
I was calling Alan Watt, Alec Baldwin earlier because I was about to play a clip of Alec Baldwin.
Oh, anyways.
What an amazing interview.
Okay, we got Burmese coming in in the last segment.
Hit the latest developments on the flu.
He'll be live tonight, 9 to midnight.
I'm going to be up here at the office working, so I'll be popping in with any new developments with Jason.
Then I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
with the syndicated main transmission.
I'll do internet-only, prisonplanet.tv.
Burmese is freaking out with the new stuff he's got.
He's going to come in here in just a moment.
I've got to pay some bills here with the people that make this show possible, though.
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And let's go ahead now.
I got Burma's coming in the last segment.
He is chomping at the bit.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because he sold out of the Lakota rounds.
Just a few days ago.
He just got in a huge supply of them.
But those are going fast.
We don't know why these are so hot.
Ted's bought them at a very low price.
These things are like $25 a piece at coin shops and on eBay.
He's got them for $17 and change.
With silver being up the last few weeks, I'll assure you, I've bought some of these.
This is a good deal.
Also gold and silver.
Now is the time to buy, ladies and gentlemen.
Ted's got good deals on that.
Ted, quickly, tell folks about the Lakota rounds.
Oh yeah, I've just got another shipment in of them, and they're just beautiful coins.
They're proof, and they have the Indian face, Indian on the front side, and the buffalo on the back.
One of the prettiest coins I've ever seen in silver, honestly.
And they are at $17.71, like you said, Alex, and it's very easy to check on them.
Just Google, and you'll find that they're $20, $25 a piece.
So this is definitely one of the best buys out there, bar none.
There's nobody else that has them for less.
And nobody's... These things have been selling out.
It's made by the Sunshine Men.
They sell them for a lot more.
These things have been selling out, folks.
Ted just greedily bought a whole bunch of them, but they're going fast.
Get your order in.
Now, Ted, are you going to have brokers there this weekend to take orders?
Oh yeah, we'll be here all weekend long taking orders for these things, and if you could take a look, man, China just came out and announced that they increased their gold reserves 76%.
No, no, I saw that two days ago, yeah.
That's what I was saying when you were last on.
China is dumping the dollar, buying real estate, gold, copper, and silver.
They're going wild.
Chrysler just died, basically.
They're going to chop up General Motors, and the stock market's going up.
That's the Plunge Protection Team.
Folks, again,
We're in an uncertain world.
The globalists are making their move for world government.
They're going to stage crises to get you distracted.
We're going into crazy times.
I believe in all these sponsors.
And I believe you need to call and get Lakota rounds.
Silver, you need to get gold.
Ted, tell folks some of the good deals you've got on gold.
Yeah, sure.
As a matter of fact, I went in to see if I could reprice the Franks at today's market prices, and they're actually higher.
I have them at $214.
Those are at $217.50.
And I looked at the British Sovereigns.
$271 is what I'd have to price them at, even at today's market, and I've got them at $267.
So those are really good buys.
We also have, if you like the older coins and the silver, we have some Franklin halves, and they're currently right now at $869.
And that's also a really good buy.
But I can tell you, you take a look at those Lakota coins, and you're going to just love them.
They're just great.
Ted, you should throw one up at MinusResources.com so folks can see it.
Yeah, just put a picture up there.
That would be a great idea.
Ted, have a great weekend.
The Brokers will be there tonight till midnight all through the weekend.
Yeah, you bet.
Thanks for having me up.
You bet.
Yeah, I'm kind of bad sometimes, folks.
Here at the end of the show, we end up having all our sponsors on, but they make it possible.
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Uh, dealing with the bird flu.
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Jason Burma, straight ahead with the report.
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Everybody knows, ladies and gentlemen, that the swine flu thing is a big hoax to help sell us martial law.
I covered that in the first hour.
Rebroadcast is coming up.
CBS News, Fox, they're all getting everybody geared up.
I break it down in the first hour that retransmits at Infowarriors.com.
Until tonight, 9 to midnight, when Jason Burmess comes back live with the Infowarrior.
And then this show retransmits until Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
And if anything big breaks, I'll be back Saturday with an emergency transmission, 8 to 10, like I did last Saturday.
But it looks like it is a complete hoax, and that is good.
But we're not out of the woods yet with these people, because they could stage something else, or they're saying some new flu could pop up, and these globalists love to brag about what they're going to do to us beforehand.
Jason Burmess has a bunch of new developments on this front.
Jason Burmess, you'll hear tonight, 9 to midnight Central.
Go ahead and tell us about it.
Sure, and we're going to be covering all these stories in depth.
We only have a few minutes right now.
But the top one, or the top two anyway, the first one is company warrant officials of flu 18 days before alert was issued.
This is the Veritech Corporation and CDC officials in Atlanta said they were aware of Veritech's claims.
We're good to go.
for pandemics and influenza with uh... what is it Santa Fe Aventis and it turns out before then they knew it was coming and we're going to fear monger.
Yeah, exactly.
Oh, but leave the borders open but they may have to lock down U.S.
We're going to leave the borders open but get to the next thing.
One person's got it!
But leave the borders open.
Yeah, this one is probably the most disturbing for me.
Hong Kong seals off hotel where H1N1 found.
A 25 year old man had been staying there.
He had the symptoms, so they immediately took him to some other secure location.
They quarantined both of his friends, put them in isolation wards.
We're good to go.
Yeah, they're acting like it's an outbreak or something and one person's died in the U.S.
Hoax, hoax!
But again, there's a danger because they're talking about martial law, forced inoculations, even if you're not sick, they are conditioning you for their next move.
Alright, so the next one.
The World Health Organization is admitting that the existing vaccines are of little use against the new flu.
So, you know, what is it?
It's Resinol and Tamiflu, I believe it is.
Yeah, those are antiviral drugs.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
They're saying, oh, they're not going to work, so don't take them.
CDC is admitting that this virus does not have the genes that made the 1918 flu so deadly.
That's out of Fox News.
So this isn't a big deal.
I keep telling people this is a mild flu.
This is not a real pandemic.
But then they turn around.
But they have death tents set up down the road in Austin.
They're going...
Well, they put out these scare pieces.
Here's a scare piece.
Not scared of the flu yet?
Online exhibit may help.
And then they link you to this online exhibit where a hundred million people died, and it's the 1918 pandemic.
So they are still trying to fear... They're now saying a hundred million people?
Uh, right here it says, uh, I believe it's forty million and a hundred mil... between forty million and a hundred million people.
Yeah, see, I'm always saying forty million.
I get emails going, you're exaggerating!
Well, it says 40 to 100.
If it even goes up, that's what I'm saying.
I always say 15,000 die a year, they say 35,000 die of flu.
My point is, thousands are dying of flu, and they're literally fear-mongering, and thousands die of normal flu.
We need to be telling everybody this.
You know, 35,000 died of flu, no big deal.
One person, ahhh, martial law!
Alright, and this one right here.
Swine flu source spans wild conspiracy theories.
And in this one, they're trying to say that Al-Qaeda and Mexican drug cartels released the virus.
Now we got a similar... And then they try to blame us.
No, no, no.
Listen, I was attacked in MSNBC, bro.
They say we're saying this and that we hate Mexicans.
It's ridiculous.
There's nothing about Mexicans other than saying it might be race-specific when we didn't know what was going on.
So, the media is fear-mongering.
We're here breaking it all down.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight, with the Infowarrior with Jason Bermas.
I'll be back Sunday, live, 4 to 6 p.m., unless things continue to deteriorate.
And it looks like they're not, unless they declare martial law and go to level 6, which they say they're already at, and try to forcibly inject you.
Retransmission starts now with a key recap.
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