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Name: 20090430_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 30, 2009
2454 lines.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got Wayne Madsen at work with the National Security Agency.
He reports on intelligence agencies as a reporter for major publications in Washington, D.C.
He's got on international television.
Russia Today and others have said that the scientific evidence he has is that it is an engineered bioweapon.
That's what our medical sources are saying as well.
He's joining us in T-minus two hours.
Lindsey Williams in the next hour.
Any minute now.
We're already connected.
I'm going to be going on...
International press TV all over the world, which is basically Iranian television.
It's similar to what the Saudis have with Al Jazeera, and seen by millions of people.
So we're going to be simulcasting with them as they ask my take on what's happening with the so-called swine flu, this genetically engineered two-bird viruses.
Pig virus and human virus all spliced together with the genetic markers that it's been engineered.
That is coming up.
So they'll be popping in in a moment, getting ready for the interview, and I'll turn things over to them as we multitask here and do this.
And in fact, go ahead and put me through audio-wise to the folks at Press TV.
Press TV, are you there?
I'm ready.
When does the interview start?
In the next four minutes?
Mr. Jones?
Yes, how are you doing?
This is Tanya talking with you.
Thank you very much.
And finally I could get hold of you.
You were so hard to get, you know, to be in our show.
It was really great and we are so willing to have you with us.
You know, we are going to start at about, you know, in four minutes and just we have got the news brief and after the news brief you're going to start.
And I have got Dr. Mike Skinner, the Senior Lecturer in Virology, Imperial College London, and you.
Okay, thank you so much.
I look forward to going on the show with him.
Thank you.
And something else, Mr. Jones, can you hear the studio right now?
I passed you through the studio.
If you could hear, please let me know.
Yes, I heard it for a moment.
Go ahead and test it again.
Okay, I will do it for 30 seconds.
Okay, thank you.
Even though shadowed with a spark of controversy, the meetings between Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso and his counterpart went just for 15 seconds.
Excellent, excellent.
Sounds good.
Thank you very much.
The producer, Kusha, is going to talk with you.
Hold a moment, please.
Thank you.
Hi Alex, this is Kousha, how are you?
Okay, great.
So just give us a little bit of time, just a few minutes, we're going to get to you.
So you're making a show out of our show and we're making a show out of your show.
Yeah, well we've asked in the past and they said it was fine when I couldn't come down.
I couldn't break away to go to the TV studio, but in the future if I get more of a warning I can do it so I can get a guest host.
So the other guest, he's a professor at the Imperial College in London and he's strictly a scientist, so just keep that in mind.
No, no, fantastic.
I'll try to not beat him up too bad.
Hey guys, will you Google this guy's name?
Give me his bio.
Mike Skinner.
Dr. Mike Skinner.
Dr. Mike Skinner.
And he's the University of?
Imperial College in London.
Imperial College.
But there is no British Empire.
Okay, well listen.
Listen, I appreciate you guys coming on.
I apologize I couldn't come down.
to the satellite studio but I am here and I'm just gonna throw it to your feed and I will be here interviewed by you and thank you so much for having me on.
Okay, right on.
Looking forward to it.
Thank you.
They're going to send us their feed here in just a moment, and we'll get rolling.
There can be complications with each national visit.
Sometimes it will greatly improve bilateral relations if it's successful, but other times, because some Japanese still feel hostility towards China and vice versa, they'll act out against efforts to improve the relationship around that visit.
Hey guys, Google me the Indonesian President saying it's a bio-weapon.
I can't find it in my stack.
It was also his third meeting with Chinese state leaders in a month, following his meetings with President Hu Jintao in London and with Wen Jiabao in Thailand.
Kathleen Chang, PressTV Beijing.
And with that we come to an end of the summary of the world news here on PressTV.
Visit our website PressTV.ir for more information on these stories.
Bye for now.
Go silent running.
World countries are scrambling to contain a rapidly expanding swine flu case that's assumed pandemic proportions, according to the World Health Organization, WHO.
The first cases were reported in Mexico earlier in April, when a new strain of swine-based influenza virus was reported breaking out, taking an initial few lives.
The actual outbreak of the killer disease, however, is believed to have started in March 2009.
Whatever the case, on April 29th, and in an emergency meeting of the WHO, a pandemic alert status of 5 was announced for the spread, calling it an imminent threat to everyone in the world.
By April 28th, the mutated flu virus was confirmed to have spread to the United States, the United Kingdom, continental Europe, and as far away as New Zealand.
As of April 30th, the number of countries with suspected cases stands at 41.
While there is no vaccine available at the moment for the disease and measures to come up with one... We are simulcasting with international television listeners.
We're throwing over to them.
The situation is far too grave to be contained, and immediate steps should be taken to confront the epidemic.
So, Four Corners asks, if the threat is as serious as it is portrayed in the media, what are the socioeconomic costs involved, and whether the global media are doing justice to the issue by inducing a controlled panic?
Hello and welcome to tonight's edition of Four Corners here on Press TV with me, Juvin Zarbon.
The topic of our discussion is swine flu.
How big and real is the threat?
Joining me is an interesting panel of guests.
From London we have Dr. Mike Skinner.
He's a senior lecturer in virology from the Imperial College of London.
From Austin, Texas, though, on the phone we're joined by Alex Jones.
He's a documentary filmmaker, an investigative journalist, and a syndicated radio talk show host, coming from painfulwars.com.
It's good to have you both, gentlemen.
Now, let me come to you first, Dr. Skinner, in London.
Now, tell me about the severity, the magnitude of this medical problem.
How deadly is this virus, and how real was the threat?
We don't yet know how deadly it is.
We really have so...
Relatively few cases outside of Mexico at the moment which have been documented and well documented.
Whereas the situation in Mexico is unclear simply because it's been the point of outbreak of course.
It's likely that many cases occurred and were maybe relatively mild before we realized that we were dealing with a potential pandemic situation.
So, because of that, it's not clear how severe this disease is going to be in terms of its mortality.
Its ability to spread seems fairly self-evident, although even there we need to know more information and that will become apparent in coming days and weeks as we see how much it spreads in the countries where it has been introduced.
I'm obviously not a medical expert nor a scientist, but then what happened in a matter of a few days that the WHO raised the alert status bar a couple of degrees higher from level or phase 2 to phase 5?
There must be some clear and evident reason for that?
There are clear criteria for each of the stages.
What you have to remember is that here, when we're talking about a pandemic, the main definition is its ability to spread.
It's not definitely tied in with the disease that it causes.
And in this case, it was shown to move up to a five, which occurred last night.
And Alex Jones, now tell me about the immediate dimensions to this issue.
Now have, in your sense,
The issue, the threat has been blown out of proportion, exaggerated in some sort?
Well, we're not sure at this time, and I agree with much of what the doctor just said.
I've interviewed six different doctors, several virologists, myself, since last Friday when we began covering this in earnest, and here's what we know.
35,000 Americans die on average a year, as many Mexicans die of just the normal seasonal flus that come from the east, and then we have the flu season that just ended a month ago, so it's very rare to have a new flu
This time of year, coming out of the Western Hemisphere.
Then we even have the fact that it's multiple bird RNA, human RNA, pig RNA.
They're saying some other RNA in there.
A lot of bioweapons experts and others are in the international media saying this looks like a designer virus.
Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency, has been in the press interviewing members of
Who have degrees in virology, doctorates saying it looks like it's engineered.
So later I would like to ask the doctor that.
But let me get this out to people.
I'm in Texas and just south of me is where they had the first Texas outbreaks and I know high-level school administrators, known to me personally, who yesterday gave me secret documents reporting that they're really at a level six.
Now they told me
I mean, I hope this isn't a deadly virus.
I hope it doesn't have 40 to 50 percent infection rate.
Uh, people that, uh, come in contact with it.
In fact, they have the terms here, uh, in the, uh, document.
The clinical attack rate is 40 to 50 percent.
They're saying people are really on ventilators, uh, all over Texas and that it's, uh, far worse.
So Biden's saying don't get on, uh, planes, don't get on subways.
The vice president is basically saying what this secret document
Alright, now back to you in London, Dr. Skinner.
Now, the other guest was purporting that there is an engineered crisis
I don't think you need a particular scientific argument.
It's well known that flu changes, mutates from year to year, from season to season.
You can begin to track down, even at this stage, having had relatively little time to study the virus, the sequence of events which has probably taken place over almost a decade to get to this stage.
I think?
Um, the pathogenicity of this present virus, how pathogenic it will be, and what might contribute to its particular nature, um... Dr. Skinner, I beg to differ, Dr. Skinner, and this is still keeping with you.
Now, now, is it not true that in the past, 30 odd years ago, there was this hoax of a
Uh, the flu scare in the States, I suppose it was in 1976, and this, in all intellectual rigor, brings in the question that some people put to you guys, as scientists, that how trustable are these procedures... Yeah, I'd like to comment.
...ethnologically speaking, in terms of identifying, determining an epidemic.
Well, I would like... Sorry, yeah.
The scientific procedures that you are all familiar with, I mean,
Well, I mean, we know governments have engineered bioweapons.
This is Dr. Skinner.
Go ahead, sir.
I'm sorry, can you place your question again?
The question was, in the past, in 1976, the American authorities clearly bungled up a crisis of sorts in terms of saying to the people that there is a pandemic of flu, and then it turned out to be mistaken.
It was a hoax!
...idea scientifically that it won't be the case this time around.
We would be pleased if it were.
What happened, I think you remember, and it was many years ago, even in my scientific career, was that in 76, that they discovered, again, a swine flu in the US, and that seemed to be causing problems.
It came out of an army camp, and I don't think there was any... Yeah, it always does.
I'd like to comment on this.
It was an army camp.
Well, let me hold you there, Doc.
I'm going to get back to you in just a bit.
Alex Jones, you had something to say.
Go ahead.
Jump in.
We are up on the swine flu epidemic.
We have the government fear-mongering ads.
They ran on TV, posted up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
They said it was going to kill millions.
They said they had to vaccinate the entire American people.
Gerald Ford did.
And then the vaccine started killing so many people, giving them autoimmune disease and killing them.
They had to stop it.
Just like bird flu.
Uh, uh, trials they just had this year and last year in Europe had to get suspended because it killed so many people.
London Telegraph, BBC, uh, French News Agency have all reported that.
We had black men given syphilis and allowed to die over and over 45 years in Alabama.
We had 4,000 plus U.S.
foster children taken from their parents and radiated to death in secret tests.
The first in 1918 broke out at a U.S.
military base as part of a vaccination program.
I have that from the Boston Globe, Cicero, 1918.
I have all of these documents.
The last swine flu in 1918, I meant to say, and then the last swine flu in 1976 broke out there at a military base.
So it's the same thing over and over and over again.
I'm saying we have to look...
Stop there for a second.
I'd like you to elaborate for viewership the evidence, the proof that you have so gathered to back up your argument.
Where are they from?
Let me be clear.
I'm not saying this is a government attack.
I'm not saying that we know that right now.
It could be a real mutated flu like he just said, but it's the fact that it came out of nowhere and they weren't tracking anything similar to it.
As he said, it would take years for it to mutate like this.
This just came screaming out of nowhere.
The only place we see something similar to this is in the hundreds of big biotech labs where they're basically cloning.
Let's get back to you in a little while.
Let's talk again to you.
It's the vaccine labs.
It's where it probably came from.
You seem to help me out with the political and socio-economic dimensions to this crisis.
How big is that?
No, I can't say that's in my area of expertise.
You're seeing, I think, generally a reasonable approach around the world that have been caused to clamp down completely on
I think most countries are taking quite a rational approach to try and control the focal instructions of the virus into their countries to try and stop it spreading, to building into
A large epidemic.
At the moment, we have the benefit of the time of the year, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, where it's not the time of year we would expect seasonal flu to normally spread well, and we can hope that with careful control of the introduction in the Northern Hemisphere, we'll be able to probably stop
Dr. Skinner, how long before we actually get there do you think?
Your prediction is that we can contain it, if not confront it?
I don't think one can be into that kind of a game.
We don't know enough about it.
And a lot of what's going to happen is stochastic.
It's down to chance.
Well, it's worldwide already.
I mean, it's already spreading everywhere.
I think we have a good chance to limit it.
It's not rushing out of control in some of the European countries.
It's been introduced but it can go wrong and we have to be on top of it.
This is why people do need to know what's happening.
I think a lot of the reporting has been pretty responsible.
People need to know that there is this threat.
If they have been to areas where they might have been exposed to the virus then they need to know that if they come up with appropriate symptoms they need to alert the authorities.
It's all very important.
Well, I mean if this isn't a bit... Tell me about the ramifications, political ones, and specifically the impact that this crisis will have on global trade on the back of a huge slump in world economy.
Okay, our governments are not stupid.
The Mexican government knows, quote, shutting down all its resorts, telling Americans and Europeans to leave, uh, shutting down their government, uh, you know, their actions say that they think this is really bad, but then they say everything's fine, everything's wonderful, we're just shutting our whole country down.
You know, they normally have 20 plus thousand or more die of flu.
Second, uh, for you guys to, uh, check, uh, sound and audio quality.
Doc, if I could, uh, uh, move on with another dimension.
Okay, but I mean, this will destroy our economy.
The government is destroying our economy.
Can you hear me?
Because you asked a question and now you're, you're, uh, you're choppy.
Okay, you are not in here right now because there is another, uh, maybe phone line or we can hear other sounds.
Maybe for another show, whatever.
Yeah, well that's not us, uh, so, uh, yeah, I mean, there's also feedback from your line.
Okay, oh, oh, maybe you have got a TV out there, yeah?
No, no, we're not sending any audio out or down.
You guys have got a, you guys have got a feedback loop, uh, you're feeding me too much of your audio.
So, so, yes.
Okay, Jess, I want to fix it.
This is Real Radio, folks.
Doesn't get any more real than this.
Man, we're about to go back live on our main transmission here, ladies and gentlemen.
That info wars dot com and on the MNFM stations.
Here we go.
If you have got TV out there and you somehow, the sound is really off.
No ma'am, no ma'am, no ma'am.
We have nothing being fed.
You have a phone line to your studios in England, correct?
And we are not sending anything down.
Your guys are sending too much audio into your board to myself.
Yes, you're hearing your feedback.
I turned it down, alright?
Okay, I'm ready to roll or is the interview done?
Yeah, great.
...will be for all of us, we don't yet know.
Um, so it, you know, what happens, um, it, we can expect it to die.
People die from... and more people will be infected by... ...in 2006 had another... epidemic... with a surge of avian typhus...
And, uh, I'd like to ask you, how do you assess the response of the public?
All right, again, I'm hooked up with Iranian television internationally.
We've got the British scientist on there.
And just to let the Iranian TV know, I am getting the British audio from that studio.
I am not getting your presenter.
Mr. Jones, I'm awfully sorry.
We are about to finish the show in a few minutes.
No, I know.
I understand.
So the lines were so bad, we somehow cut it off, but you were so great.
I understand.
Thank you very much.
I wish you'd have again our show.
But through SNG, we'll be very great.
Yeah, fantastic.
Next time I'll come down and do it on a satellite feed.
Okay, thank you.
Take care.
Talk to you soon.
All right, let them go.
Oh, man.
Yeah, what was happening was they were either feeding something down the line there.
You could hear that echo.
That was a feedback sound the whole time.
And then the line was going down.
I wonder why.
But yeah, that goes into Africa, all over.
All over the Middle East, all over Central Asia, that is a big channel.
I've been on there probably 12, 13 times, 14 times.
It's quite a few.
They wanted me down there in studio with them today, but I just couldn't do it.
I didn't want to leave the radio audience.
We are simulcasting now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And I believe that's the Iranians calling back.
Anyways, interesting radio there, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, there's that British scientist saying, oh no, it's, you know, no big deal, this virus probably developed in the last ten years.
Yes, and they tracked the thousands of different viruses, that's what they do, and nothing ever looked anything like this.
This is the kind of stuff they admit, though, they've been testing in labs and creating, splicing all these things together.
And they fear-mongered with the swine flu in 76.
That came out of a military base.
They fear-mongered with the 1918 that did kill over 40 million people that came out of a military base in the U.S.
It always does, inside job.
And meanwhile, Mexico's shutting down all their trade.
Many of their cities, their whole government's shutting down.
And they say, oh, but it's no big deal.
Seven people died.
They're doing this for seven people?
They say, oh, hundreds haven't died, like the U.S.
media is saying.
Only a few have.
And then Joe Biden, everybody say, oh it's no big deal, one kid died from Mexico in the U.S.
No big deal, but don't fly on planes.
Don't get on trains.
Don't get on subways.
So it's these mixed signals.
They fear monger and then say everything's okay.
Everything's alright.
And then I just read to you the bombshell documents.
And maybe none of my audio was even getting good to him, because he kept interrupting me when I would just start talking for a few seconds.
We'll see, though, in the press TV video later, so I need you to grab that and throw it up on YouTube.
But what a three-ring circus.
We'll get that going again.
Okay, I've got a bunch of guests coming up, and I do have some time in this hour before Lindsey Williams joins us when we talk about flu, the economy.
What is this going to do to the economy?
And he was asking me, what is this going to do to the economy?
The Iranian presenter was saying, what is this going to do to the economy?
Well, I mean, gee, the pesos have fallen massively in the last couple of days in Mexico.
The Chinese and other governments are openly dumping dollars and buying real assets and then buying commodities like gold, silver, copper, and other raw material.
If they say don't get on planes and don't get on trains and freeze all of your basic commuting, we're in a confined space and they're shutting down schools all over the United States and all the schools in Mexico.
Gee, what is that going to do to terrorism?
What is that going to do?
Everything they're doing is to destroy the economy, as I've been saying for years.
And that's to consolidate it.
They want to butcher this sucker out, so then you're dependent on them.
They are using this as a crisis.
Now, it's bad enough what it's doing to the economy, it's bad enough what it's doing to our name around the world, it's bad enough the vaccines people are going to take that are going to mess them up big time, they'll just sweep that under the rug like a swine flu desk in 76.
But if this sucker's real, if what we're confirming with doctors and others, and by confirming, we're getting this from sources in Mexico, the U.S., everywhere, I have internal documents now up on PrisonPlanet.com, and the story Paul Watson wrote, Texas doctor claims swine flu case is far worse than reported.
country now at level 6 and uh... we'll recap this when we get back and take some phone calls 1-800-259-9231 for your reports on your area specifically mexico or texas or california places hard to sit by this military checkpoints things like that only when I witness reports 1-800-259-9231 if you're stoned and all you know high call of amen I don't want that this is serious business this is big boy pants time we'll be right back put big boy pants on
Stop smoking the pie!
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We do have to remember that the feds have run around before with swine flu in 76, with the SARS a few years ago, with bird flu, saying it'll kill half the people, it'll kill 90%, it's all over.
They'll usually just shut down a few hospitals and fearmonger.
This is military running around, police state checkpoints, saying we're under U.N.
control in mainstream news articles, the vice president coming out and saying don't fly, don't move, and Mexico's totally shut down.
They'll hyperventilate and scare people, but never really shut anything down.
Maybe one hospital room or something, and go around hyperventilating and saying, don't worry, we've got shots and, you know, we've got medicine for you.
By the way, coming up next is, you know, half the sponsor ads of the group they're pushing during the news.
And there's just hundreds of billions of dollars in this fear-mongering every time they do it.
So that's a motive, and reportedly not many people have died.
Regular flu kills a lot more than this.
What is the issue?
But why this incredible, overblown response?
And then I have this document out of Texas from 36 hours ago, and this thing came through then, we just hadn't seen it until then, and it's talking about we're not at a level 5, we're at a level 6.
And saying they're going to go to a level 5, and this was before they even said we were at a level 5.
They're saying we're not at level 5, we're at level 6.
And then we went to level 5 yesterday.
And then Biden's out saying, well go ahead and play the clip, here he is.
I would tell members of my family, and I have, I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now.
It's not that it's going to Mexico, it's you're in a confined aircraft, when one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft.
That's me.
I would not be at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway.
So, from my perspective, what it relates to is mitigation.
If you're out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes, that's one thing.
If you're in a closed aircraft, a closed container, a closed car, a closed classroom, it's a different thing.
So there you have Joe Biden, or Beedon as Paul Watson likes to call him, Mr. Beady Eyes.
Now listen, if this turns out, this is the perfect hoax for them because if it doesn't turn out to be as deadly as they're hyping, they just say, well we were trying to keep you safe.
And then they'll give you the vaccine, people will drop dead from that.
Always happens in the past.
It's like the imaginary cervical cancer that only kills 3,000 people a year.
Sounds like a lot, but that's tiny.
I mean, it's way down the list of cancers.
And it's usually people that are run down, have HIV, that get this opportunistic cancer virus, that it infects them.
And then they tell girls they need to take it, boys need to take it, and they take it and they drop dead, and they have autoimmune responses.
I mean, this is bad stuff, folks!
And they're setting the precedent for this.
I want to go over some of this really big UN news, okay?
This is out of the British news, out of TGDaily.com.
and uh... it says a pandemic scares failed to match up to reality and then it uh... goes on from there it says a draft report of the federal government's emergency plan predicts that as many as two hundred million americans could be infected and two hundred million could die within a few months the bird flu came to the united states he said and it says once again uh... things weren't so bad at the end
After all, in 2006, when the outbreak appeared to have died down, the number of cases reported by the World Health Organization had reached 228, of whom 130 died.
I left my phone in here and it's ringing up against the wall.
Will you get it for me right there?
Thank you.
It's a three ring circus in here.
So that's the type of fear-mongering they did in the past.
We need to expose a big article about how they fear-mongered in the past over and over again.
You want to give that to Watson and Curt Nemo with those... In fact, cue up that... We've got a bunch of these.
Cue up that 1977 when they were still hyping the swine flu with the vaccine killing people.
That fear-mongering video.
Do you have that?
I want to play that fear-mongering video in a minute.
Thank you.
Now, Jason Burmess read this last night.
This is the United Nations directive to the governments, and we have the Reuters article where Mr. Moon, the head of the UN, Secretary General, is saying that they're now controlling and running the operation, telling the United States and Homeland Security what to do.
Supreme Court comes out in the USA Today and says they follow the orders of the Hague and the Netherlands.
That's now their Supreme Court.
Not too supreme then, are you?
Uh, it says, uh, ensure that mechanisms exist for information sharing between national authorities who and United Nations agencies coordinate with their use.
Existing mechanisms set up with implementation of the International Health Regulators.
1.5, legal ethical issues, compulsory vaccination, or implementation of emergency shifts of essential services.
Travel or movement restrictions, leaving and entering areas where infections are established, closure of educational institutions, prohibition of mass gatherings, isolation of quarantined and infected persons or persons suspected of being infected, or persons from areas where pandemic strains of influenza are established.
That's section 1.5.2.
Ethical issues, they are part of the non-
Normative framework that is needed to assess the cultural acceptability of measures such as quarantine or selected vaccination of predefined risk groups.
And it gets into compulsory inoculation.
Questions to be addressed.
What type of surveillance is considered to be needed and feasible in the country concerned?
Who should be responsible for data collection and analysis?
Who should use the information for policy development?
How will national surveillance systems coordinate with regional supranational systems?
With the World Health Organization.
Trying to find the... I read this last night on air.
I've got a compulsory vaccination segment in here.
Command and Control.
To have uniform policy that is endorsed by all officials.
It is essential to know who is in charge of different activities with communicable disease control and how that might change if a limited outbreak becomes a major emergency.
Who is making decisions for the influence of the pandemic?
The Prime Minister, the President, the Ministry of Health, the Departments.
A command and control structure should be in place outlining the management decision-making process of all organizations involved in the health emergency including and now they've announced it's the UN in control of this.
You can go read all about that from the UN.
Here's WorldNet Daily by Jerome Corsi back in
August 28, 2007, headline, U.S.
under U.N.
law and health emergency, Bush's S.P.P.
power grab set stage for military to manage flu threats.
Remember, they sued and got the documents and it said the U.N.
would run it.
Well, now they've done that.
They just announced it like it's no big deal and Reuters and A.P.
It's in my stack here from two days ago.
World Trade Organization.
It says, the Secretary of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North American Summit in Canada released a plan to establish UN law along with regulations for the World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, Supreme, over U.S.
law during a pandemic that sets the state for militarizing the management of continental health emergencies.
The North American plan for avian and pandemic influenza was finalized at the SPP Summit last week in Montebello, Quebec.
At the time, the U.S.
Northern Command NORTHCOM has created a webpage dedicated to the avian flu, has been running exercises in preparation for the possible use of U.S.
military forces in a continental domestic emergency involving avian flu and pandemic influenza.
With virtually no media attention, in 2005, President Bush shifted U.S.
policy on avian flu and pandemic influenza, placing the country under international guidelines not specifically determined.
That links to all that at the UN.
And it goes on to say that they'll use foreign assets.
That's in the UN's own document I was just covering.
Take over food and agriculture on the United States roads, executive orders for forced labor.
It's just Homeland Security reporting to the United Nations.
Northcom participated in a nationwide Joint Chiefs Staff exercise with the UN.
It involved a scenario with the plague originating in Mexico.
Guys, pull this article up and print me that document.
If you go to the article on page 2, it says, a pandemic influenza crisis is one of the four scenarios gained in exercise Arden Century 06.
Well, they practiced really doing the real thing.
Involving a scenario of plague in Mexico reaching across the border into Arizona and New Mexico.
So go to this article.
In fact, let's on-screen that if you can.
Let's put up U.S.
under U.N.
law and health emergency.
And then let's go here to paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Where was that?
No, it's further in.
No, it's like paragraph 30 or something.
It's on the third page.
Just CTRL-F Mexico and we'll bring it up for you.
This is absolutely amazing.
The previous report of NORTHCOM has been established with a command center and press and air force base tasked with using the U.S.
military in continental domestic emergency situations.
They signed a deal last year to use Canadian and Mexican troops inside the U.S.
We need to pull that up.
They suddenly announced troops to patrol the streets of Canada two months ago to, quote, stop rowdiness.
Same thing here in the U.S.
has been happening.
I mean, this has all been set up.
Now, is this another big beta test where they gear up more and more and acclimate each time?
I don't know.
But when they start coming out and saying, don't travel, don't get on buses, trains, airplanes, subways, you know,
When they start coming out and we get internal documents from the state saying we're really at level six, people are on ventilators, this is killing as many people as it is Mexicans, this is, this infects.
If you come in contact with it, you get 40 to 50 percent of the people get it, normally 10 percent to 15 percent, you know, saying, oh, this is, we've never seen this in our lifetimes, oh my god, the feds tell us it's the end of the world.
I'm really sick of the new world order, aren't you?
There's another one, press release put out by, uh,
Adventist, the big vaccine maker.
Health infrastructure is and is eager to support Mexico's exemplary commitment to public health through influenza immunization and pandemic readiness.
And it says a local approach to global health.
Got the CNN attacking us, saying we're a conspiracy theorist website, pointing towards government involvement.
Let's play Wayne Madsen that's coming up in an hour and fifteen minutes.
Let's play that Russia Today clip.
You guys have that, right?
We're going to roll the video on our side, so PrisonPlanet.tv viewers can see this as well.
Here's Wayne Madsen, formerly with the NSA, reporting from Washington.
An investigative journalist from Washington, Wayne Madsen, says the outbreak of the virus is raising suspicion.
I spoke to two journalists, one from Mexico City and the other one from Jakarta, Indonesia, and of course Indonesia had a problem not long ago with bird flu.
Both these journalists have been in touch with UN and World Health Organization officials, including a scientist who's dealt with Ebola virus and
We're good to go.
Two forms of human flu and various forms of swine flu.
To them, it doesn't look like this is naturally occurring.
The other thing is the target for this flu, as opposed to other flus, it's not the very young and the very old.
It's people between the ages of 20 and 45.
And the other thing is, people are not contracting this from pigs.
The National Pork Council here in America says pigs are not being affected.
This is human-to-human contact, so people who either eat pork or are exposed to pigs are not getting this flu.
Very unusual, and of course the scientists are very alarmed by the way it's being spread and the speed at which it's being spread.
He was absolutely on target there.
I mean, this thing is spreading quickly according to internal documents we have.
It has nothing to do with pigs.
It's got some pig genetics in it.
It's got double that in bird.
It's two-fourths bird, one-fourth pig, one-fourth human.
And Horowitz is saying, and I've never seen him be wrong yet, I hope he's wrong, it's got some kind of insect thing hanging off the end of it so it can spread even better.
So it can latch on to things with its RNA and get into their DNA and the animals.
You know, I don't know.
This is just getting more and more out of control.
And then I've got this document, and by the way, is this up in the article now on PrisonPlanet.com?
I mean, I want to post the document itself.
Ask the guys if it's now posted, if they're able to get that scanned in and get it up on InfoWars.com.
In fact, let's just call Rob Dew in here.
I want to get this document up, just like MYAC and everything else.
People are living in denial.
This is from a doctor, where it broke out, in South Central Texas, in New Braunfels, and he's in here, and he was at the meeting with the Feds, and they're saying the clinical attack rate may be 40-50%, when it's normally only 10-15%.
Has Watson gotten this up yet?
They're having slight database issues on Prison Planet now?
Working on it right now, to try to get it up.
So prison planets basically crippled now too.
I mean, I can still get on the site, but it's... Well, let's go around that problem.
Let's go immediately to TruthNews.us.
I mean, it isn't a vacation for the web guys because the sites are down.
I need them to immediately go to the auxiliaries.
That's what we have JonesReport.com for.
That's what we have TruthNews.
I mean, this is serious crap going on.
Thank you so much, Rob.
I appreciate your hard work.
Yeah, get them that.
Get a clone of Watson's article with the point that they're saying it's level 6, and let's get it up!
Let's do it!
Come on!
You know, if we run into a problem two hours ago, let's go around it.
Let's think about ways to go around it.
We've got a great crew.
I'm just, I'm just, this crap needs to go up right now.
This is major news right here!
Truthnews.us, Jonesreport.com aren't being hacked.
Go to those!
We've got to get ready to launch a new site if they take those down.
We've got to initiate that right now.
Do whatever we have to to get the information out!
I'm not mad at my crew.
I'm just really getting irritated here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's take calls, but... Tim, go ahead.
You're on the air from Ohio.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm not going to review all of the great info that's already been discussed as far as origins and composition and where it's going, but a couple of things that haven't been introduced into the conversation.
Number one, we still have our guns.
Number two, you said that you first reported this last Friday, didn't you?
We've been talking about it since last week, and Quayle said on Monday this was going to be it, and he had the intel they were going to do something in the next couple weeks.
Thursday, April 23rd, was the beginning of the big May ratings sweeps period for all the TV news stations.
And I think it's... Yeah, and they're making money off the flu, medicine, and the vaccines, and it's a distraction for the government.
They always do this crap concerted, just like 9-11.
I mean, Sean Hannity started his show right before 9-11.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's a radio show.
He's not part of it.
I'm not saying he's part of it.
It's just they know when to launch, just like they knew the put options, betting against American and United at record rates.
Watch for the attack on the food supplies, too, just like they had the Mad Cow.
I think they said already over in Egypt they're going to slaughter hundreds of thousands of pigs.
Has nothing to do with this.
Yeah, I think this is just a drill, though.
Maybe just to see how we react to it.
How many times have I said they would do bigger and bigger beta tests?
Hundreds dead, thousands dead, millions dead, and then they're just... And then after they train us all to lock down and do what we're told, and, oh, the government's our friend, and they're just gonna hit you with a Zykronian-12 that just kills everybody.
And all you foreign troops that are bivouacked around our country, it's time to pack it up and go back to where you came from, because you don't want to take us on.
Oh, they love it.
Look, they're not going to be happy until their whole family dies of Zykron XC4 fiber.
I mean, you know, whatever made-up crap it is they release on us.
They're not going to be happy until they're six feet under.
They love being cowards.
They love being slaves.
They love sucking their thumbs and believing the media.
They love losing everything they've got.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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All right, the slides you can get to
Info Wars, we got threats here at the office.
A bunch of stuff went on yesterday.
They said we're going to shut you down.
Threatening phone calls, emails, faxes.
And uh... An hour later, the biggest analysis service attack the big internet company had ever seen, we'd ever seen.
Not at our CDNs, but over those at ports.
We'd move the ports, they'd try to find those.
Every time they found them, we'd put some of the graphs up, they would slam right back in.
But it's not just that.
We've got CNN, everybody else, Wall Street Journal talking about us.
So that's all hitting us.
JonesReport.com is basically down.
TruthNews.com is down.
Infowars.com is up and down.
PrisonPlanet.com, soldiers on.
So PrisonPlanet.com is the site, and it's having problems.
We may have to convert the ObamaDeception.net over.
I've got ArnoldExposed.com.
Those are on different servers.
The problem is, uh, that I talk about, I mean, the enemies are basically hitting them all and then people are also traveling to the sites.
Uh, so we will continue to try to keep things up and operate here.
Then there's GCN Live and its servers and its audio streams.
We're streaming out audio.
That's all staying up on the CDNs.
The guys don't like to attack our CDNs because those are thousands of servers.
It's just we don't have the money to place our entire sites on CDNs.
We could place just certain media.
It's already costing me 30 grand a month or more in bandwidth just for the CDNs.
Yes, that's why.
And look, I've done an hour and 56 minutes with no talk of any of the products.
Most of the network stuff you hear, that's for the network, not for me.
I need money.
And so, I hope you'll buy the books and the videos, which are great and informative at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
As the economy further shuts down, the Feds want to be the last man standing.
As they fearmonger and say, don't travel, don't do business, don't have a life, with one death in the U.S., this better not be real.
But then if it isn't real, they've hyped it up, they're just such criminals.
Any way you cut it, they're trying to death-knell this nation and
The listenership is literally off the charts on AM and FM, shortwave internet.
It's just the calls.
It's off the charts here, but nobody's buying anything.
So go to InfoWars.org.
We can't get there.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Go over to our Yahoo shopping cart.
We try to spread things out on different platforms, folks, because we've been attacked so much in the past.
Go there.
Buy some of the books and videos.
That's how you support us.
Get the Obama Deception.
Make copies.
Give it to people.
Get Truth Rising.
Get Terror Storm.
Get Endgame.
Endgame's the most important with all this flu stuff going on right now.
Get the DVDs.
PrisonPlanet.tv's up!
PrisonPlanet.tv is up, right?
That's another.
He's got so many sites, we've got a few up.
Check it for me.
It's a member site, but it's got free news on the front page.
That sucker's got some gigantic servers.
But again, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And yeah, money comes in here.
This is a big radio show, and it just shovels, shovels out the door.
And that's why we're doing another Money Bomb.
We're going to launch Friday for coming up in a month.
Because we need capital, we need donations.
You want to go to
Do we have a donation button?
Do we have a donation button on Infowars.com?
Let's put one up on PrisonPlanet.tv and ObamaDeception.net.
Let's put our PayPal up there.
You want to donate and help us?
Because I'm watching our account go like this.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones!
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are live.
And I was out of the studio during the break.
Charlie Sheen calling up.
Want to say hi to Charlie listening out there.
Didn't have time to talk to him.
I'm going to call him up during the next break.
Maybe get him on the show again.
That'd be good.
Have him come out and talk about this.
He really hates the vaccines.
He's really studied it in depth.
Do we have Lindsey Williams?
I forgot to ask you.
OK, you're calling him right now.
I got to remember to eat.
I'm getting a little bit lightheaded here.
Folks, if you just joined us, we're under concerted hacking attack on every front on all our sites.
No doubt.
We have the IT centers.
Oh yeah, this is the worst ever.
And people do not want you visiting InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Because all we're saying is, why are they saying don't fly, don't drive in buses?
You know, don't do this.
Why is the Mexican government saying that they're shutting down for a couple deaths?
I mean, what is going on here?
And then I've got this internal stuff out of Texas, with the Health Department, saying we're really at level six, there's people on ventilators, and half the people that come in contact with this get it, and it's so incredibly deadly, and oh my God, we've never had something like this in our lifetime.
Let's take a call before Lindsay Williams gets on with us.
Let's talk to Tim in Kansas, and Kathy, Mark, Robert, and others.
Go ahead, Tim.
Just dropped.
That's good, good timing.
Okay, Kathy in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Kathy.
Hi, Alex.
I was just wondering, if everything goes down where you're talking, how would we be able to communicate with everybody there by phone?
Like if everything went down?
If everything goes down, it's every person for themselves.
My infrastructure is fully maxed, my small infrastructure, to maximize attacking the New World Order.
And to expose them.
And we've not spent our time and resources building up, except for backups to stay online.
But if it's catastrophic and a total implosion, we'll be out of contact.
They can shut the web down anyways.
They can shut us down individually.
That's already happening.
And so, my books, my videos, my materials are out there in your hands.
You've got that.
I mean, you know, you can see a tape I did 12 years ago, and it's the same thing's happening now.
And here I was predicting what happened.
Watch the show five years ago where I'm predicting what now is happening.
People are discovering those old TV shows and videos and watching them online are blown away.
It's not because I'm smart.
I have just found out the globalist handbook.
There are a lot of famous cases where a bank robber will leave his plan to rob a bank in the diner and they find it and then bust him.
We just found their plan and they plan to stage attacks until they get us in a police state grid and then launch the real attacks to exterminate the majority of us.
You know, the bankers plan to implode the economy by design to bring in tyranny.
All of this is going on, so I don't know what to say and do.
I don't know how to reach out to people to get them to realize this new world order means business.
I mean, this stuff is real!
This stuff is not a joke or a game.
This is for all the marbles.
And the same big banks that funded Lenin and Stalin and Hitler and Mao and Pol Pot
On record, are running things and mean to break the back of the world and bring in world government.
This is military conquest through economics and bio-warfare.
And, you know, any way you slice it.
Whether this is a real biotech they've launched or a really weak virus, they're just hyping it, you know, endlessly.
A PSYOP, it's a PSYOP either way you cut it.
It's designer, all the evidence shows, and Wayne Madsen's coming up in the next hour.
Lindsey Williams is straight ahead.
I appreciate your call, Kathy.
We'll talk to Lindsey Williams when we get back, recap some of the incredible new developments.
And, uh, these are the times that try men's souls.
And it is a great responsibility to be this radio show, because our listenership is just off the charts.
On the AM and FM, they're saying they've never had so many calls or media attention.
And, uh, the internet numbers here are just off the charts, but that's not what's knocking our sights out.
It's attacks.
We are under attack.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I know we have a lot of listeners who are new to the show today.
Huge breaking news is rolling in.
I'll continue to update as it unfolds.
Is this a real pandemic?
Internal state documents say it is ultra deadly.
And we're really at level 6.
I told you we were at level 5 a day and a half ago.
We were really at level 5.
I never said we were at level 4.
Texas Department of Homeland Security off north, Lieberman Lamar.
It's Monday morning, they've had 12 to 20 TxDOT squad cars parked off the bridge, lot, entryways, allowing no access.
Squad cars every 100 yards around the perimeter.
What is North Loop and Lamar?
Uh, let's dispatch somebody out there.
I gotta hire more people or something, but I don't have the money to do it.
Uh, a lot of stuff coming in.
Um, alright.
Er, make a call.
Do what?
You got something new?
As well.
You made a call?
Go ahead.
I made a call and I'm waiting to hear back.
But we also got a call from a DPS officer.
Or he works for DPS.
He was in some high level meetings.
The governor is trying to safeguard 600,000 doses of the Tamiflu, which is stored, which we talked about earlier in the show, which is being stored over, I think, at that location.
I'm going to confirm that today.
And you have a buddy who works there, so we already knew this.
We already knew this.
We knew this on Tuesday.
And that there's a possible... They delivered it at 7 a.m.
and two 18-wheelers.
It's possible that there's been an infection in the county that has Bryan and College Station in it as well, and that DPS is going to be deployed to pharmacies to protect the valuable serum.
Well, that's that cabbage patch doll thing.
Where they would hire companies, toy companies around Christmas to stage PR events with a fake fight in front of cameras.
I gotta have the doll.
And then women would see that on TV and run out and actually fight over it.
That's how they do these PR operations.
And so they've been doing drills.
Remember in Indiana, when the Illinois came and said with a county official, and I talked to him and confirmed it was a real interview, we want to know about mass graves.
In your county?
Then they also had drills where they would have the police practice guarding the mocked hemifluor or drug or vaccines being brought in.
And your buddy works at the facility.
Here they come with two 18-wheelers.
Tuesday morning, 7 a.m., with cops all guarding it, like... Meanwhile, I have the Army's own report.
In fact, you gave that to me.
I don't know if the guys got it up.
Where they're saying it doesn't even protect people in their studies.
It actually makes it mutate.
I think it's Microsoft.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that happened.
Yeah, I gave you that report.
And then we've got, oh, there's one other.
Oh, there's so much stuff.
Well, Rob, you're doing a great job.
You were up here until midnight last night, and I really appreciate you and the whole crew.
This is wild.
We'll keep watching, and I'm going to get a confirmation on the guards guarding that outside area.
I haven't seen any police.
I've been driving all over town the last three days.
They're nowhere.
I mean, they're not out writing tickets.
Boy, they'll be back out to get their quota list.
Yeah, but this is ridiculous.
All right, thank you so much, Rob.
Continue to analyze.
Great job, Rob Dew.
They're the producer.
Going to Lindsey Williams.
You said, what was it, nine, ten months ago now?
I forget.
And months before that, privately, you had inside sources.
You worked with some of the biggest oil companies up there as their chaplain for years when they discovered larger oil deposits than they have in Saudi Arabia.
You wrote about that back in the 80s.
Now it's been admitted to in the press that they have that all locked up.
But then you got threatened to stop, your video was number one on YouTube and Google for months, literally tens of millions of views, exposing how there was plenty of fuel.
And so they called you up and said, look, we're going to drop the price to bankrupt the Russians, the Arabs, and everybody else, and the Venezuelans.
Since you said that,
It was at $150 a barrel, $149 a barrel, actually at $150 one day.
It's now dropped to $32 the low.
It's been below $50 now for months and months.
And it just continues on.
And now George Soros goes at the Economic Forum on TV and says they're staging it to bankrupt Russia, Venezuela, and the Arabs, just like you said, seven, eight months before him.
But I wanted to get you on about the flu.
That stage of it, because this person also told you, shut up or we're going to kill you about how we're doing this, but you're allowed to tell the slaves this.
And that you should get out of the United States.
So Lindsey Williams, I appreciate you coming on and holding the last few minutes while I gave that update.
If everything else isn't going to kill our economy, the Vice President coming out and saying, don't get on airplanes or trains or subways,
And the Mexican government saying close the government and close everything.
A lot of Mexicans are ignoring it.
And we've only had a few deaths.
This is wild, sir.
Alex, I've never had so much fun being right in all my life.
Now, Alex, I want to say before we go any further, I want to say congratulations and tell you about the greatest thing you have ever accomplished.
I received an email from Mike.
I won't give his last name.
He listened to your show.
He wrote, I took your advice, got my spiritual house in order.
He tells how he came to know Christ as his savior.
He had listened to your show.
He received my CD, was saved, got things right with the Lord.
And Alex, when you get to heaven, you, Alex Jones, when you get to heaven, there will be a person there because of you.
You are touching millions of lives.
Your Obama deception, Alex, I've seen it from end to end.
I have never seen anything like it.
You know, for a number of months there, my DVDs were number one on YouTube.
I am so glad now that I'm taking a back seat to you.
That's right.
Your Obama deception, I understand, is number one.
And I will gladly take a back seat to you any day in the world, because you are doing such an amazing job.
And you are going to have an eternal value in what you're doing, Alex.
Well, it is eternal.
You know, the enemy doesn't care about money and even power.
They want to control people's minds and their souls.
And I never understood as a child reading revelations about they trafficked in the souls of men.
But this New World Order is obsessed with your mind.
And they want to bathe us in evil and train us that torture is good.
And they want to make us like them.
They want our soul.
Yes, you're exactly right.
And it was July the 28th that I had the privilege, for the first time, of appearing on your show and breaking the news of what I had been told by one of them, the elite, as to what their plans were.
You know, I consider it such an honor and a privilege that God, by His grace, would allow Lindsey Williams, a little insignificant nobody that puts on his britches just like every other man ever wanted, to have lived with the elite of the world for three years' time
And to stay in touch with some of them and know exactly what their plans are.
And it's only because of this that I could appear on your show and say what was going to happen.
And I'm sitting back now, watching this unfold minute by minute, exactly like they said.
I sit back utterly amazed every day when I turn on the news and hear crude oil, $50.
Crude oil, $45.
Even the prognosticators on Wall Street are saying it's going up, it's going up, it's going up.
And people come around and say, well, Lindsey, I guess it's about time for crude oil to go back up again.
And I say, no, it's not.
I was told it's going to stay this way for another 9 to 12 months, exactly like George Soros said.
You said it a moment ago.
George Soros said it.
This individual told me, who called me, he said it's going to stay down there, $50 a barrel.
But George Soros said it 8 months after you said it.
He said it when it was $40 a barrel.
You said it when it was $149.
Well, I had a call from one of them.
I mean, you can't get any closer than an 82-year-old man who's been in the elite for years and years and years.
He knows exactly what's happening.
Once you ever become a part of that order of the elite, you never get out of it.
And please, believe everything that you have heard on Alex Jones Show.
I beg of you out there in the listening audience, you've got to believe it, even though it sounds phenomenal, way out in left field, sounds like some wacko.
I'm that way, too.
But all I do is tell the truth.
Alex tells the truth exactly like it is.
And everything you've heard him say over these years, you've finally seen come to pass now.
Listen to this one.
The tax receipts.
And see, this is what these people told me was going to happen.
That America will see a financial collapse.
And I'm sitting back here just watching it unfold.
The tax receipts in the United States of America are down $54 billion in one month.
And I was told this back in June that we were going to see this complete collapse.
The greatest drop in exports in 40 years plunged this month
In 40 years, plunged 30% since January.
Yeah, Chrysler declared bankruptcy two hours ago.
I heard it this morning, as soon as they happened.
Two hours ago, Chrysler declared bankruptcy so that Obama could give them $8 billion from the Treasury.
He couldn't do it until they declared bankruptcy.
But he gave the bankers $12.8 trillion with no strings attached.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, and the Federal Reserve.
You know, when I first appeared on your show, I was talking about
The fact that the Federal Reserve was going to begin to buy T-Bills.
Well, listen to this one.
The Federal Reserve has purchased $70 billion in T-Bills since they began about four weeks ago.
Folks, you don't have to... I don't know how you'd even comprehend that the Federal Reserve, which is not even the agency of the federal government any more than Federal Express is,
Has purchased $70 billion in P-Bills in order to keep the dollar afloat, so it wouldn't crash until they get ready to go play.
They're purchasing their own fiat currency.
So we give them the bailout money, they loan it back to us in interest, and begin purchasing government debt themselves.
I mean, this is now complete lala.
This is like eating yourself.
It'd be like if I stuck my foot in my mouth and started eating it.
And I said, well, for dinner tonight I'll have my thigh.
Yeah, lala land.
There's no other way to describe it.
These people are so out of touch with reality, but yet on the other hand, they know exactly what they're doing.
And if I could ever stress it, I've said it so many times in the past, this positively is not a conspiracy.
It is an agenda.
I was told about it back in June of 2008.
Alex allowed me to tell it on his show for the first time.
The 28th of July of 2008, everybody thought, well, what in the world is this guy saying?
It can't possibly happen.
But I've been told by them, one of them, it would.
And here now, we're seeing an unfolding of every bit.
Now, here is where the big one drops right now.
All right, stay there, and I'm going to get your take on the flu.
Because, I mean, the economy's... Notice we're rolling over like a dead whale with its belly up in the sun.
And birds are landing and pecking and having a meal right as the flu hits.
I mean, come on.
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I think a storm's coming.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
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I hear the train a-comin'.
It's rollin' around the bend.
And I ain't seen the sunshine since... I ain't livin' in a Twilight Zone episode.
I'm stuck in Bolton Prison.
We've got famous rappers calling up.
Charlie Sheen just called up me.
He calls me, but I call him, but it's just weird.
I mean, and they're fear-mongering over some flu.
We've got a world government run by a bunch of bankers.
And right up the street, you've got a buddy that works there.
We reported her first.
They were hoarding Tamiflu, this facility.
Now you're telling us that they've got state police and a bunch of cars there.
We got an email from a state police person.
And you just called your buddy that works at the facility.
Tell us what we know and then we'll go back to Lindsey Williams.
A big recap of the top news that we're really at level six.
The government claims more people are dying than what the media is saying.
I have that from internal government documents.
And we're being hack attacked.
All the sites are being
Totally attack confirmed.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, JonesReport.com, FruitNews.us.
Lindsey Williams is online with us, with his take on all this.
I'm going to get his take on the flu in a moment, and the big issue he was about to bring up in a short segment.
But Rob Dew, my producer, you just confirmed with your friend.
And what is going on with him guarding, and I mean, I guess they think we're going to be like, day of the dead, going, ah, give me the Tamiflu, ah!
This is at 1100 West 49th Street.
It's the state laboratory and behind it is a pharmacy warehouse.
That is what is under lock and key right now.
All entrances into there are being blocked off by state troopers.
And that goes, it covers from 49th Street if you go back all the way to 52nd, which does turn into North Loop, which corroborates the email that we received.
And they're over there guarding it from the evil Americans.
That's right.
I mean, what would it take to have Americans rioting for the drugs when they admit, the Japanese government admits, it's got some weird hallucinogens in it, makes people have all sorts of psychotic breaks, it's on the drug insert, it doesn't even really help you.
I mean, what is going on?
It's showboating.
My buddy heard, as he was walking through the hall, somebody saying, well, it's an election year, so it's a photo op time.
So, you know, it's time for politicians to get out and go, we're going to save you, you know.
So even the cops know what's going on?
Pretty much, yes.
This is disgusting criminals.
All right, thank you so much, Rob Dew.
All right.
Oh, quick update on the Level 6 thing.
I just got an email and I'm going to confirm it that CNN said we're going to go to Level 6 officially in two days, so that pretty much goes with what we've been saying.
Which is exactly what the document says, so that would confirm all the other stuff.
Thank you.
All right.
Sorry to interrupt you, Lindsey Williams, but this is happening because the same document that's about 38 hours old that we've had since yesterday, and this is confirmed from the source, in administration, in the school district here, from the state,
Thank you Alex for letting me get on the subject of the swine flu.
This is one of my pet peeves.
There was a doctor in Mexico City who had the vaccination.
He died with the flu.
You see, it's not doing any good.
I was hoping I didn't have to say this, but you brought the subject up, Sam.
I know this is number one issue right now.
Tamiflu doesn't do an ounce of good.
Tamiflu was made for another type of strain altogether.
It has nothing to do, will not have any effect whatsoever on the swine flu.
It is a, uh, a placido.
The people are taking this thinking it's going to help them, and that they're going to be okay, and it is not even prepared for the swine flu.
Vaccinations will not do you any good.
They do not and have not had time to prepare a vaccination for the swine flu.
And there is positively nothing that Homeland Security can do for it.
And I like to call this Obama flu.
He won't close the borders.
He won't protect the American people.
Mexico is closing down everything, and our president hasn't got enough sense to close down our borders.
I like to call it the Obama flu, really, because he's perpetrating this thing, knowing good and well that the Tamiflu vaccine is not going to do anything but make some government officials who end the business.
Millions of dollars while the American people sit back and die.
You've got to get it.
Yeah, the Tamiflu drug has been proven to... I mean, pull it up.
Pull up the insert for the Tamiflu drug and then the vaccine.
They're already claiming they've got a vaccine when they said it took six to eight weeks to make it.
How could they just instantly have the vaccine, Lindsey?
And the experts are saying that we've listed here that it looks like it's genetically engineered.
Yeah, there's no way in the world they can have a vaccine for this because there's something completely different.
It's a whole different strain and the Tamiflu, no single vaccine anywhere right now will handle the swine flu.
They, they know that they are totally helpless because they want it to happen exactly the way they've got it.
Now, please, I beg of you.
I prepared a one hour presentation on vaccination.
I beg of you.
I'll give you my 800 number later on.
A one-hour presentation on vaccinations.
I am so disturbed of what's happening here this week.
I know I've written two books on alternative health.
My main thing is crude oil, and I know from what the gentleman told me back in the middle of June what's going to happen to the finances and the crude oil and the banking and all the rest of this, but I had to... Alright, Lindsey, stay there then.
We'll come back, take phone calls, talk about that.
What do you see happening next in the economy in hindsight of that hour-long conversation with the former head of a major oil company?
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing, but they got a hold of me.
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing, till they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies.
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends, cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen.
We are back live.
It's gotta be no more Mr. Nice Guy, ladies and gentlemen.
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Also, we're being hacked on all sides.
They're trying to shut us down with a concerted effort.
We built our architecture to have a lot of
Fleet ships, you could use the parable or the parallel.
Out there, they're trying to attack them all.
They've got a lot of targets to hit.
We'll just launch more ships.
That's how we do it around here.
We have a rule.
When we get attacked, we launch another ship.
We're going to launch a big one.
This is the biggest attack ever.
We're going to launch a Dreadnought in the Info War.
And this Dreadnought will be text only, so that it'll be an aggregator of all the sites.
The SS Tyranny Crusher.
The USS Tyranny Crusher.
Now, I've got a lot of really serious news here.
It's so incredible I'm having trouble even covering it.
I'm going to recap that in a moment, but Lindsay Williams, I want to go to Robert, Mark, Kathy, Mary, Pastor James and others that are patiently holding from all around the country with their comments about the flu.
But dealing with the economy, the government knows when they have Biden come out and say, don't get on planes, don't get on trains or subways, that this is going to cause the economy and confidence to be lost.
So they'll say, everything's over, we're all in trouble, but we'll protect you, everything's fine.
They scare you and then play the part of protector.
You can see the psychology.
Clearly they want to destroy the economies.
That's what they said to you about the oil.
They want to destroy all the economies.
When did he tell you that they were going to stop the destruction?
I guess when we're all just begging and licking the boots of the stormtroopers?
Do we have to worship world government?
What does it take for them to stop the raping?
His remark word for word was, Chaplain,
America will see a financial collapse that will be so great, and here's your time frame right here.
He said it will take years for us to come out of it.
Now, since you have so many new listeners, Alex, let me just very quickly say, back in June, the middle of June of 2008, I had a phone call from one of these elite that I lived with for three years' time on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline when I was a chaplain on that pipeline, had executive status, sat in their board meetings for three years' time,
My life was completely changed when I lived with the elite.
I am so thankful that by the providence of God, He allowed me to have the privilege of doing what very few people on the face of the earth have ever had, and that is literally living with the elite for three years' time.
And this gentleman told me back in the middle of June, he said, all of these things are going to happen.
Now let me recap how they're fulfilling right now, and then I'm going to give you what can you expect.
I'm going to give it to you right down the line, each of the steps.
In light of what that man told me is what you can expect from this point on.
Okay, right now, number one, Dow Jones, I mean Dow Chemicals profits were down 97% in the first quarter.
All of this is a part of that total structure breakdown.
I am quite sure that this swine flu thing is likewise just one more part and step to fit into the total protocol.
The economy's contracting at over 6% a quarter!
You're not.
That's the real crisis that we know is coming down on us right now.
That is the issue.
But nobody's, again, worried about all the laws and treaties and world government being set up right now because they're busy wringing their hands over the flu as the government terrorizes everybody.
Go ahead.
Now, if you work for a city, a city government, or you work for the state, any state in America, tax receipts, it better scare you to death.
Tax receipts are down $54 billion in one month.
And it takes about three months for these to show up.
You wait until thirty to sixty days from now, you've never seen the light.
You know every time you say that, I have these fools email me going, Lindsey, you know, they have a set tax on the gas.
It's not going down.
And then they admit all the tax revenues on gas are down.
Federal, state.
They admit that the revenues on property values, on tax receipts, state sales tax.
I mean, it's all over the news every day that tax receipts are plunging.
And they just say, you're lying, Lindsey!
It isn't true!
Well, again, Alex, I've never had so much fun being right in all my life, but I'm not right.
It's the fact that the person told me this, who is one of them, back in the middle of June, and I merely voiced it, and I'm sitting here watching it happen.
Now, the greatest drop in exports in the United States of America, that means how much we're shipping to other countries and other parts of the world, in 40 years, the greatest drop in 40 years, has plunged 30% since January 1st of this year.
272 major metropolitan areas reported unemployment soaring.
Real estate in the Phoenix, Arizona area is down 50% since the height of the boom.
Whirlpool Corporation, one of the big ones of America, profits down 28% this quarter.
CNN News just reported that 253 police officers
Well, laid off in New York State.
They don't have the money to pay them.
This is an open door for criminals.
Yeah, they're now announcing in Schenectady and other areas the Army will now be their police.
You can't make this up!
In fact, Google Marshall Law and Schenectady.
And the mayor's going, yeah, we're going to have troops here now, because we're not going to have... I mean, it's cuckoo land, and it's all designed.
The globalists will wreck whole nations to get power.
They've done it.
They'll kill a million, three hundred thousand Iraqis, folks, so they can have a black hole for no-bid weapons contracts and oil.
They'll do it to us.
That's the thing.
The New World Order
He's cold-blooded.
Let's take a few calls, Lindsey.
Let's talk to Robert in California.
You're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead, Robert.
Good day, gentlemen.
I sent it to Rob Dew and Aaron, as well as a couple other agencies.
We got a proclamation out here in Los Angeles County that our Los Angeles County is under emergency.
Let me see, it's further that the cop is propping before the state, okay.
Now for this, proclaimed and ordered by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors that a local emergency exists throughout Los Angeles County and shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination, as proclaimed by this board.
And also, I don't know if you guys watch too much television, but last, on Tuesday as well, on the 28th,
Um, Law and Order had a, uh, a television show where, uh, this lady was brought up on charges for not vaccinating her son that killed another child with the measles.
And they never point out, wait a minute, this other kid's been vaccinated.
How did you give it to him if he was vaccinated?
And they're getting everybody ready for forced inoculation.
Time, Newsweek are saying we need to do it.
They're setting the precedent with this because they tried to, in fact, did you get the swine flu fear-mongering YouTube video?
But I asked for it earlier.
Do you guys have that?
Let's play that right now.
I appreciate your call, Mark in Oregon.
I mean, Robert in California, then Mark in Oregon in a moment.
This is the type of fear-mongering.
This is the audio for radio from PrisonPlanet.tv.
They're watching it right now, PrisonPlanet.tv members.
This, see, people wouldn't do it, so then they said, okay, it's a regulation, you gotta take it.
And then they said, oh, it's a law, but it's not really a law.
And they go, we'll arrest you, we'll arrest you, but there's no law.
Then they run TV shows where you get arrested if you don't.
Selling everybody that it's a foregone conclusion, it's the law.
Showing you the media, corporate whore of liars for the hardcore crooks they are.
And if you just wake up to their illusion, it'll all stop.
But they know you're waking up, so they're going to stage these events.
Go ahead and play that clip.
This is the fear-mongering from YouTube of the swine flu after they staged that release, then tried to forcibly inject people.
A bunch of people died, so they had to suspend it.
Now they're trying again.
Here we go.
I don't need another flu shot.
I had a flu shot last year.
A swine flu epidemic may be coming.
Swine flu shot?
Well, I don't know.
I've been thinking about it.
It could make you very sick.
Swine flu?
Man, I'm too fast to let it catch me.
You'll want to be protected.
I'm the healthiest 55-year-old you've ever seen.
Hey, I play golf every weekend.
Get a shot of protection.
The swine flu shot.
Joe brought it home from the office.
He gave it to Betty, and one of his kids, and to Betty's mother.
But Betty's mother went back to California the next day.
On her way to the airport, she gave it to a cab driver, a ticket agent, and one of the charming stewardesses.
At school, Joe's kid gave it to some other kids.
And Mrs. Merrill got it and gave it to her husband.
In California, Betty's mother gave it to her best friend, Dottie.
But Dottie had a heart condition and she died.
But before she died, Dottie gave it to her girlfriend, the mailman, the paperboy, and the vet when she went to pick up her chihuahua.
If a swine flu epidemic comes, this is how it could spread.
You'll want to be protected, especially if you're elderly or chronically ill.
Get a shot of protection.
The Swine Flu Shot.
So there's the propaganda.
So the government can try to make you take something that's a made-up vaccine every year that never matches the supposed flu.
And they're off injecting people in Mexico with a just separate flu shot.
It has nothing to do with it.
Doctors admit it'll actually make you sicker to have something else to weigh down your immune system.
They just don't care.
They go, ha ha!
You will take it!
Ha ha!
SWAT team, stand by!
Ha ha!
We have the weapons!
We're the government!
You know, we just run all these tests killing foster children with tests and biologicals before and radiating them.
Trust us, we're only murdering eugenicists who love the New World Order.
And, you know, somebody ought to take that clip for, like, a white zombie or something, you know, music, because they always use, like, weird, scary, creepy stuff in the intro, like...
And Betty didn't survive, and then she gave it to Billy, and then she... She didn't make it.
She's dead!
I mean, just so sick, these demonic freaks!
Lindsey Williams, I mean, the fear-mongering is just out of control.
Yeah, positively.
The swine flu shot, there is no such creature.
It doesn't exist.
They haven't had time to produce anything for this new strain.
And when they say that they're going to use the Tamiflu shot, well, that was for something that existed a year or two ago.
It's a total misnomer.
MMR, DPT, all these shots they give to the children, all it does is weaken the immune system so later in life they can't overcome what comes their way.
Vaccinations, oh my goodness, I beg of you.
Well, let me give it to you, please.
Just one time, a time or so here.
My 800 number.
I have an 8-set DVD.
One of them, DVDs and CDs, one of them is on vaccinations.
You've got to hear about this.
I give it in a one hour, you watch it on your television, what's happening in relation to vaccinations, it'll tell you what to expect about all this swine flu thing, and all that's happening financially.
And this week, this week, I prepared a new presentation.
You've never gotten it before.
I beg of you, I'm trying to do this up to date this week.
Please call 800-321-8000.
You can get my 8-DVD-CD set or my 4-DVD-CD set.
I beg of you, get the one on vaccinations.
Now, let me tell you what's happening next.
Alex, I'll break it down to the best that I can see it in relation to what the man told me back in the middle of June.
You can expect the following.
First of all, the very next issue that's going to be, you're going to have to put on, is the commercial real estate bubble.
It will burst.
General Growth Properties, Inc.
just a few days ago.
Biggest real estate failure in the history of the United States of America.
Do you hear me say?
The history of the United States of America.
The biggest real estate bubble.
You thought the housing was big.
You haven't seen anything yet.
Secondly, you can expect insurance companies to begin failing.
Travelers Insurance posted a 32% loss in the first quarter of this year.
Hospitalization Insurance?
How about your life insurance you've been paying on all of your life?
How about all these other insurance policies you've got?
Do you know what they're going to be worth in just a short period of time?
They're not insured.
Annuities... ...process of the whole thing.
Annuities aren't insured either.
Go ahead.
And the next thing you're going to... And the government's going to pay out your FDIC bank accounts with inflated fiat money.
Well, sure, there's no way in the world.
Well, anyway, I've talked about that before.
The dollar positively will collapse.
It is inevitable.
For a while there, I thought, well, maybe you're wrong, Lindsey.
No, not anymore.
The dollar positively will collapse.
The loss of tax base is going to paralyze the states and the cities.
You notice what I said there a few moments ago?
You've had billions of dollars of tax.
Loss, revenues, $54 billion in one month's time.
If you work for the school, the government, employee, highway department, infrastructure of America, every bit of this depends on taxes.
And the tax loss now is so great because of the corporate profits being down and what's being lost at the gas pump.
Folks, if you work for a state, you must make preparations immediately because there's going to be major cuts.
The interest
All right.
But Lindsey, we're safe because Obama cares about us!
I mean, he's got a nice suit and reads off a teleprompter, man.
You know, come on, you're not racist, are you?
I mean, have you noticed how they inject that and everything?
Oh, you're protesting the foreign banks and the 12.8 trillion to them, and the National News said, because you don't like black people.
They said that about all the Tea Party people.
I mean, this is how criminal this media and this government is.
This steady diet of horse dung they try to cram down people's throats.
Let's take a call.
Mark in Oregon.
Quickly, go ahead, sir.
Hey, good day to you, Alex.
Pastor Lindsey.
Alex, I really concur 100%.
I've been wanting to say it to you, you know, for probably almost a year.
Just one day I had it in my heart.
I think the Lord gave it to me to say it to you, you know.
And I think it applies to all of us to get through these times and the times that are coming up here immediately.
Is that we keep our eyes on our reward that's promised to us in heaven by God Almighty.
I agree.
Stay there.
Stay there, Mark.
Out of hold.
And I want to ask Lindsey Williams, who's a Baptist pastor himself, what do you do about all these Romans 13 churches paid off by the clergy response teams by FEMA to tell their flocks to lay down the government and take the shots and do as you're told?
How devilish is that?
We'll find out from Lindsey Williams on the other side from a pastor's perspective.
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We're good to go!
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Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists,
Who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs.
That's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to a hundred and three.
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So, Cyrus Jones, live forever.
Grave digger, when you dig my grave,
Will you make it shallow?
So I can feel the rain.
All right, Mark, go ahead and finish up your point.
We'll finish up with Lindsey Williams.
Alex, I believe that you have.
I believe Pastor Williams has.
I believe I have.
I believe all of God's children have run their races, have lived their lives well.
And we're getting to the point now
Where, in all probability, we're basically at the end of our physical life here.
And I face that, and I think it's important for all of us to face that, but at the same time, to keep our eyes on our eternal future, as it's promised to us in the Word of God, and it's written in our hearts.
We know it.
That we're going to be in eternity, and it's going to be never-ending bliss.
And we're living in the opposite of that at this time.
But this time is going to be very short, and especially for us, because
Especially in this country and really throughout the whole world, but first here, there's going to be mass death.
And we're right on top of it, Alex.
This is not a beta test.
This is actually a beta test, if you'd want to call it that, that's co-joined to the main move.
And that's what Steve Quayle has said.
I think in your heart of hearts you realize that, and I think it's time to classify this as that without a doubt.
That is where we are, and to move accordingly for our own physical self-preservation.
If I was in your tremendous shoes, being who I am, what I would do, and I'm not saying it's what you should do, Alex, but my heart just tells me that anyone should do it, including you.
I would get on an airplane with your family, and I would leave this country.
Because you have been the captain who has tried to save the Titanic here.
We've all been on the ship with you, Alex, as truth seekers and info warriors.
But there comes a time when you have to realize where things are.
And where they are just dictates to save your innocent family.
You're putting them in a place of safety and I think you deserve to go with them.
I don't believe you deserve to go down with the ship and I'd like to get Pastor Williams' opinion on what I just said and God bless both of you.
God bless you, but let me just say this.
Okay, we'll probably need to hold Williams over and then get the next guest on the date after.
Let me just say this.
Staying in the middle of it, to be speaking out, if that is coming, and I hope that's not the case, we will wake up more people, people will see the truth, and it literally is their minds, their souls that are important to save.
That's the real treasure.
That's what the enemy's really after.
And so, this is a worldwide system.
And, well, I mean, Pastor Williams, that was pretty intense what he was saying.
Any comments on it?
Alex, when you get to heaven, when Alex Jones gets to heaven, I know of one man who's going to be there because of you.
He sent me this email.
I referred to it in the first part of this program.
Now, you know, I told you way back in July that I had been advised to get out of America.
You notice I'm still here, don't you?
And the reason I'm still here is because there are a lot of people out there that need what you are saying, need what I'm saying.
Everybody out there, and Alex Jones listening audience, you listen to him every single day.
You believe everything he says.
Alex and I are staying at the helm of this whole thing in order to be able to try to help as many people as we possibly can, Alex.
Well, we have to do that, and they'll just track us down somewhere else, kind of like they say in Braveheart.
You know, fight against that, we will run and we will live.
And fight and you may die.
Run and you'll live at least a while.
But many years from now, laying in your beds,
What would you give once, just once, to come back here and tell our enemies, you may take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom.
We'll do five more minutes with Pastor Lindsey Williams.
Then, former NSA operative will be joining us to talk about designer weaponized flu.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Major news recap coming up as we go to Wayne Madsen starting the next segment.
So stay with us.
Just amazing developments.
We'll be covering that in just a moment.
Finishing up with Pastor Lindsey Williams.
A few calls and we're going to get Wayne Madsen on who's been going on international television saying his
Doctoral and viral contacts are saying this has got to be a manufactured bioweapon.
We'll get his inside scoop on that coming up in just a few minutes.
I'm Alex Jones.
Websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, TruthNews.us.
I want to let everybody know the denial of service attacks over our CDNs at the ports are still going on.
uh... and uh... it's the biggest attack one of the big centers has ever seen uh... when we move the ports are block the ideas that they start blasting entire structure so it's not some kid doing it uh... and they are hopping mad upset about over the work we're doing and what we're doing is trying to
You know, cover what's happening.
Lindsay, Romans 13 in closing.
Romans 13.
They've hired all these preachers.
They're on the government payroll publicly to tell everybody to go to the FEMA centers, take the forced inoculations.
They've been gearing up for this for at least three and a half years.
They say you're to follow the orders of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, King George III.
But then how do other governments fight other governments?
I mean, that's not really in the Bible.
Most of the prophets were killed for saying no to tyranny.
Is this an abomination being taught in the churches, Pastor?
For 50 years, Alex, I've been a minister of the gospel.
The first church I ever pastored, there was no such thing as Bible 1-C-3.
I definitely have written an entire book on the subject.
It's entitled, To Seduce a Nation.
These pastors are using the expression, Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
And they use that as an excuse to follow every single dictator of the government.
Who is Caesar?
Caesar was a dictator.
Caesar was a king.
We don't have a king in the United States of America.
Pastors, it's time for you to get out there and interpret the Bible correctly.
The Bible says, Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
And you've got to sit down and determine who is Caesar in the United States of America.
Caesar was a dictator.
We do not have a king in the United States of America.
Who is Caesar, if you properly interpret, if you obey the scriptures, which you've got to do, because that's your guideline, render unto who?
Come on now!
Be honest!
Get right here!
Get on your knees and look to the Lord for this thing like I had to do years ago.
What are the first three words of the Constitution of the United States of America?
Caesar in America is not a king.
Caesar in America is WE THE PEOPLE.
Hear me.
I beg of you.
Go read your Bible and let the Holy Spirit interpret it to you.
If you obey what the Bible tells you to obey and the Word of God,
You will obey the first three words of the Constitution of the United States of America because we don't have a king!
And on top of that, why did they kill Paul and everybody?
Why did the Caesars order Christians by the tens of thousands killed?
I mean, why didn't they bow down and worship Saturn?
Why didn't they bow down and worship, you know, all these different gods?
Why didn't they bow down and worship Dagon?
I mean, according to what the preachers teach, they should have hit their knees and said,
Well sure, but we don't have what Rome had.
Rome had a dictatorship.
But the Christians didn't follow what Caesar said!
According to these preachers, they're going to hell!
You worship the devil or you're going to hell!
And they shouldn't follow him today either.
They should follow we the people, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Get back down to the basics of what this country was established as.
It was established as a Constitution, a republic, never a democracy.
Under democracy, it's we the people.
Under the republic, it's we the people.
Lizzie, we're out of time.
Fire that number out one more time for your DVD.
I beg of you, get my 8 DVD set.
The number is 800-321-8000.
We're out of time, Pastor.
We'll talk to you again soon.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Say hi to your wife.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, just massive news!
I wanna...
I want to go right to Wayne Madsen, but I will recap at the bottom of the hour and get his take on it.
The information I have about what's happening, I'll just bring up some of these questions for him with the documents I have.
We have huge, huge, huge developments here.
I have a secret document for state health care people that was given to me by a high-level school administrator in the AISD confirming that little boy that died, and this came out the night before,
Saying he was on the verge of death, and that they would then go to level 5, which they did, and then level 6, and that we were really under level 6.
That 40 to 50 percent of those that get it, that they have a clinical attack rate of 40 to 50 percent, meaning if you come exposed to it, you contract and get sick that often, when regular flu is 10 to 15 percent.
But there are more people on ventilators in Texas, that they're covering the shop, that the feds are saying this is super deadly.
The feds are acting like that is what it is.
You know, that it's super deadly, but then verbally they're like, oh, it's not that big of a deal.
It'll probably be alright.
But then Biden comes out and says, don't get on subways, don't get on planes.
Mexico's saying they've suspended the government.
This is getting crazy.
So we're going to go to Wayne Madsen, formerly with the NSA, consulted other intelligence agencies.
Big reporter there for major publications.
Always incredibly cutting edge.
I mean, you know, there he is on Russia Today yesterday, breaking down that a lot of experts think it's weaponized, that the government's really worried about how fast it's spreading, and that's what the internal documents show.
And I've got this from other doctors in Mexico City, doctors here in Texas.
It broke out just south of where I sit in South Austin.
I want to tell you about a few of the sponsors, though, that we haven't really thanked today to make this show possible.
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I also want to encourage listeners to support us.
The amount of bandwidth we're spending right now is biblical.
We're not just being hacked and hit with denial of service over our CDNs directly at our ports, and then we change them and they jump, and all the sites are being hit.
A lot of them are down.
We are getting threats.
It's just insane stuff going on because of what we're covering and doing.
We're being pretty balanced here, saying we don't know exactly what's going on.
But we've got that going on.
Please buy some of the books and videos at Infowars.com, like the Obama Deception, showing it works for the same people that ran Bush, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement, Who These Eugenicists Are, What Their History Is, Why They're Capable of Controlled Release Pandemics.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv, then you get Burmese's show live 9 to midnight.
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It's symbiotic here.
Please support us.
If you want to donate, or you want to buy a bunch of books and videos, donate.
Everything's a donation, basically.
You can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And I have been getting some donations lately, some of them quite generous.
Thank you.
And you can see we put it right back into here with this crew and the people and the computers.
It all costs a lot of money, but we reach so many people that a lot of you give just a little bit by buying the books or videos or supporting the sponsors.
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We're gaining AM and FM's two or three a week now.
The show is just exploding.
Number one on Shoutcast, number one on the downloads, number one on podcast.
Just, it is insane responsibility.
I want to go to Wayne Madsen now.
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, D.C.-based investigative journalist, author, and syndicated columnist.
He has written for the Village Voice, Progressive, Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News Insider, and these times, and the American Conservative.
His columns have appeared in the Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others.
A lot of times when I'm watching an NSA or CIA hearing in Congress, you always see Madsen sitting in the back, covering it.
Madsen is the author of the Handbook on Personal Data Protection, we're going to have him on about that sometime, by MacMillan, an acclaimed reference book on international data protection law, genocide and covert operations in Africa, 1993-99.
The books go on and on.
2003, put out by Dandelion, Nightmare, co-author of America's Nightmare, the presidency of George Bush II,
Author of Jaded Tests, Big Oil, Ops and Brass Plates, Overthrow of Fashion Regime.
That's his newest one.
He's on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS.
He goes on and on.
Worked with the NSA, other secret agencies, U.S.
Naval officers.
He was a naval officer.
He managed one of the first computer security programs in the U.S.
Let me ask you a selfish question first, Wayne Madsen.
We've had little kid hacker attacks years ago when I didn't have good servers where they put a naked girl on a motorcycle on there and say, ha ha, screw you, you know, real grassroots hacker stuff.
But we built systems up, got more professional, had big CDNs, you know, hidden servers.
They went over those into the ports, we'd change IP addresses, they'd jump ports, then they would attack whole
Company systems, and have so much bandwidth, they were blasting entire giant facilities in Chicago and LA.
They're hitting about seven different sites, all sorts of stuff, threatening phone calls coming in before they did it, saying they were going to do it.
What does this sound like to you, Wayne Madsen?
What am I saying?
I don't know what it is I'm saying that's so horrible.
Well, we know right now, Alex, that they're creating a new cyber command in the Pentagon.
The current NSA Director, General Keith Alexander, is supposed to be the head of that command.
What you're talking about is more in the area of offensive information warfare.
This is the most classified
Part of this whole cyber security program that's being developed and the issue is, is that too much power to leave into the hands of an agency like NSA or the CIA or in fact the Pentagon?
What does offensive information warfare entail?
Is it more than just biopsychological warfare operations?
Or does it get into actually creating these embargoes for information by using these technical attack mechanisms, as you're suggesting, with coming into ports and doing all this, other than the fact that what we used to see hackers do was, you know, throw up a picture
Uh, you know, some scantily clad woman or something like that on a legitimate website.
It's getting much more serious than that, I'm afraid.
Well, I mean, they, as you know, five weeks ago, the head guy that Obama had appointed said, look, this is a takeover of our republic.
They want control of all the infrastructure.
Jay Rockefeller comes out and says, yeah, we'd be better off without the web.
They want to, just like the NSA moved into telecoms, they want an even mid-sized IP companies
Computer companies, and this is your special, you can speak to it, you're at the NSA, put these grids in there to, quote, shut the web down, as a quote, to protect it, and then we're talking to the big IT companies, they're saying, yes, this is the biggest attack ever, you know, this is government, this is not hot pocket eating hackers, you know, having fun.
The hackers love us.
They like the work we do.
They're anti-establishment.
What do you think it is we did that made them so unhappy?
Well, what it is is everyone's offering alternative sources of information, breaking the monopoly of these mega entertainment, infotainment corporations, which control about 99% of where you get your news and other information from on a daily basis.
They do not like the Internet because there's too many people out there offering up
I'm not talking about all bloggers, but the media blogs are offering up alternative sources of information, and it's causing problems for the oligarchs, who always thought that just by picking up a telephone and talking to a newspaper publisher or a bureau chief, they could kill stories.
They don't have that capability any longer, and they don't like this new media.
Now, this is obviously bipartisan.
I mean, whatever Bush did, it seems is expanding under Obama.
And I know you know about the Jay Rockefeller stuff.
Where do you see this cyber command going and openly saying the Pentagon and NSA are going to run domestic networks and spy without warrants?
And he's protecting Bush on that and protecting Bush on torture.
But we're not discussing that in the news because it's all the flu, the flu!
Right, well we saw this during the Clinton administration when we fought, strenuously fought against the Clinton administration's attempt to have anyone who wanted to use encryption to cover their communications, you would have to possess a government key, where the government could go in and say, give us a key so we can break the encryption.
We fought those battles under Clinton, then of course Bush came in and
It seemed like those battles were just, you know what Bush pulled off, were just almost a mood issue.
But now we see, with this administration, some of those same players involved with the Clinton administration pushing this sort of surveillance, technical surveillance capability, have come back.
They're back in these federal agencies and they're pushing that same agenda of surveillance.
They're going for broke!
Do you think they'll be successful, quote, taking over the infrastructure of the internet?
I don't think so, because the internet, one thing we know about the internet, it's dynamic, it was actually engineered.
Uh, created by the Department of Defense to withstand a nuclear attack.
That's the architecture of the Internet.
And I don't think anything that they, uh, the government can throw up will, uh, be able to actually stop, uh, uh, this.
And they also don't, they're not bargaining on something else.
There's a lot of, a lot of high-tech money in the Bay Area, especially.
Uh, these, a lot of these people are very libertarian, and if they do try to control the Internet,
I know what's going to come down the pike.
There's going to be internet, too.
This is the one that the government doesn't have any control over, and I think that that's just what we'll see.
We'll see somebody come up with a form of communication that the government can't keep, you know, can't get its hands around.
So you're talking about a technocrat rebellion, and you'll have all these old globalist dinosaurs, you know, sitting there 90 years old with their mistresses going, Wilford, get me my butler!
Shut them down immediately!
Let's talk about the flu with Wayne Madsen.
Is it a bioweapon?
Was it designer?
Stay with us.
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And for his children,
Okay, Wayne Madsen.
I want to get into, is this a designer virus?
Why do you have these different world leaders saying that with the Indonesian president?
And the doctors and scientists, virologists, I'm talking to you, says it's clearly engineered.
It came out of the wrong hemisphere, wrong time of year.
Usually you see these things develop and mutate.
You'd see it's history, it's pedigree of mutations.
This is just out of the blue.
You only see vaccine companies busy making things just like this and bragging about it in the last five years.
And then magically having vaccines that are already ready.
That's pretty unusual, to say the least.
But of course, they don't have a motive or anything to sell vaccines.
What do you think is going on here?
Well, I've got to say, this story kind of caught up with me by surprise.
I was in the process last week of investigating the so-called suicide of this Freddie Mac CFO.
I was looking at some other issues, and I met a journalist with one of Mexico City's largest newspapers, and he was very nervous about something.
I said, you know, what's going on?
He started talking about swine flu.
I've got to say, I hadn't heard about it.
I looked on the television and that's what CNN was covering.
What he told me was he had been in contact with a top UN scientist who's actually been in the Democratic Republic of Congo looking at Ebola, hot zones, outbreaks, also HIV, and he said the problem with this was that it was the vector transmission on this particular flu did not meet all the natural occurrences.
This scientist, as though it had been engineered, it was not coming from swine to human, but it was human to human contact.
It was the various gene sequences.
There's two strains of swine flu, North American Eurasian, two strains of human flu, and of course
Uh, the, uh, avian flu, the bird flu that, uh, wreaked havoc in, in Asia, uh, a few years ago.
So to be clear, you're saying it's two parts pig, uh, of the four parts?
Two parts human, two, two parts human and one part bird.
And that does, and he said that does just, his experience with Ebola, which he, the scientist apparently thought was also a product of, uh, biological warfare research.
Uh, it, it was the same type of transmission method.
Uh, the human-to-human fast acting.
With, you know, disastrous consequences with people succumbing from this particular flu.
When I started checking into it, I contacted a friend of mine who's a journalist in Jakarta because, of course, that's where they had some experience with the bird flu.
And, of course, his contacts in the health ministry in Indonesia, and we had the health minister of Indonesia basically say this looks
To be man-made.
They thought that the Indonesian Health Ministry thought with bird flu and with this swine flu that this could be being spread by people who want to increase profits for pharmaceuticals.
Well let me expand on that.
I got, this is from Tuesday evening, it came to us and then I got it confirmed and talked to the person yesterday and didn't really know what I had until last night, but this talked about the boy that was about to die in Houston.
We have the name of the medical doctor here, and it's an internal state document that I got from a school administrator.
We have a story up on PrisonPlanet.com, Texas doctor claims swine flu cases far worse than reported, and that we're already at a level 6.
Now, this said we were already at a level 5, and it was going to go to level 6, and they did announce yesterday it was a 5.
Now they're saying we may go to level 6, so this is confirmed.
But what's important here, and I have this directly from the source,
This went out to health workers in schools.
Okay, I'll just tell you that at the administration level.
We have the names and I know who this came from.
I know them directly.
He says, don't distribute this under all these penalties and all that.
And it says that normally it infects 10-15% of people it comes in contact with.
This is a clinical attack rate, maybe more on 40-50%.
They're saying, we have never seen anything like this.
They say, and he goes on to say, this is a doctor.
This is just unbelievable with the state.
But a 23-month-old here is fighting for his life and a pregnant woman just south of San Antonio is fighting for her life.
The baby didn't die the next day.
And then it goes on to say in Mexico, these folks might have died already, but here in the U.S., they're getting Tamiflu, Relazine quickly, and those are drugs, folks, not vaccines.
And we have ready access to ventilators.
It goes on, what this means is that within a couple of weeks, regional hospitals will likely become overwhelmed.
Some of the kids with positive cases in Comal County had more than 70 contacts before diagnosis.
There are 10 to 25 times, 10 to 25 times, more actual cases.
This needs to be our headlines, folks.
This is so big.
Not possible cases, actually, than what is being reported in the media.
The way they fudge on reporting is that it takes three days to get the comm...
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I think so.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
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The Obama Deception.
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Shalane Madsen.
You just heard me read that, and they're announcing the U.N.
is in control of our response.
They're declaring emergencies here all over the country.
They've got police guarding Tampa flu stockpiles we confirmed here in Austin.
But they're saying it's no big deal, but acting like it's the end of the world.
Meanwhile, regular flus kill 36,000 people on average here in the United States, and there's only been a few deaths.
So what do you think of what I just read, and who would stand to gain from releasing a designer flu, whether for fear-mongering or to wipe out a bunch of people?
Well obviously the pharmaceuticals would gain in profit, but also those who want to keep this national security.
Surveillance state going and full bore would also gain in that.
I would add to what the documents you received.
I received two internal memos from Dr. Besser, who is the acting director of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
Uh, now it's interesting to point out that Dr. Besser's job before he was made acting director was he was in charge of the counter-terrorism unit called COTPR at the CDC, and he's turning, in his memo to the CDC he says, we don't know where we're going with this.
We're like uncharted territory, but he does say we're in a marathon, not a sprint.
That's all this kind of alarmist language.
So yes, why is it that they're trying to downplay this now?
But internally, they're acting like it's a big deal.
I would also say, based on what Joe Biden had to say about not getting in airplanes or on trains,
I have a friend, he's a journalist, he's a colleague of mine, he's in quarantine today in New York City because he flew from Chicago to New York and he obviously contracted the flu.
Now, the hospital will not confirm, even do a test
So they did not test this individual for swine flu.
He doesn't know.
He's in quarantine, which indicates that they probably think he has swine flu.
But he was on a plane from O'Hare to New York.
He checked.
There are 100 flights daily from Mexico to O'Hare Airport.
So just think about the potential people who are flying on these airplanes and who may have transmitted this disease.
And here in Washington, we have our first
confirmed case now of uh... swine flu it's uh... at the world bank downtown and um... uh... it was apparently an individual who was in mexico on business who came to work at the world bank and and and uh... they found out he had swine flu instead of telling this individual don't come to work he came to work and now they don't know how many other employees of the world bank may well you're a smart guy uh... i've been trying to do this uh... but i've been just i'm trying to compute let's say this thing broke out march
18th is when the Mexicans said they discovered it, so let's say early March, a month and a half ago or more, almost two months ago.
It really starts breaking last Thursday, Friday in Mexico.
Here we are seven, eight days later, and now it's hysterical here, so I guess you're going to see the
They say with most flus like this, the peak's about 80-90 days.
So we're talking, we're probably, you know, 60-70 days until we see the peak of this here.
And so I guess it's going to be, what, a week or two until we see if there start to be deaths, tens of thousands of cases, or are they going to go the route of just shutting everything down and telling us, oh, there's only 150 cases, but
Then I've talked to people calling me from Mexico and doctors and calls from Mexico, they say there's vomiting, death in small towns, death at every hospital, BBC reports, doctors by name at hospitals saying there's dead people everywhere.
I mean, what the hell's going on and why am I getting hack attack completely blasted?
Well, I would just go on, you know, having a friend who is in quarantine with suspected swine flu and they're not telling him.
The story kept changing.
The first hospital said, look, we don't have the means to test you for swine flu.
Well, that's pretty scary alone.
It must be widespread then.
And then they say, well, no, it's not us.
It's the CDC says we can't test you for swine flu.
This is incredible.
Everyone who came in his room had to wear a mask.
He had to wear a mask.
I can tell you here in Washington,
The drug stores, the two major chains, CVS and Rite Aid, are out of Tamiflu.
And you know, you figure where these drug stores are located.
I live between the CIA and the Pentagon.
So every drug store now is out of Tamiflu and they're out of these surgical masks.
Well, what are these people who work at these facilities?
uh... around uh... this area know that we don't know now that we have a now we have of course our first confirmed case of swine flu here in the district.
Wayne Madsen, consultant to the NSA, syndicated writer for major publications, reporter in DC and the district of criminals
Are you saying the motive is with Big Pharma and the government, a smokescreen for the political collapse, the death of Chrysler, all of this grandstanding by the leadership of the government, when the public is on the verge of revolution?
Or, is this them just not knowing what's happening and they're panicking?
I think the evidence all points towards, like you said with this designer virus, I think it's a staged event.
The question is, have they released something really deadly on us, or are they make-believing it's really deadly and hyping it?
What's your take?
Well, you know, is it the placebo virus that they're getting us ready for the really nasty one?
Who's to know?
We do know that with all the worker action around the world, French
The French employees taking their bosses hostage.
Massive street demonstrations against what's going on.
They tried to kill the Queen with a car.
It went out to the reviewing stand and killed three or four people.
Incredible photos up on the Infowars.com.
And we were talking about a summer of rage in Britain.
The G20 was only a taste of things to come in London.
So yeah, all this is now off the news.
All the torture, you know, stuff, and it's been replaced with this story.
It does seem a little convenient.
Let me ask you this.
It's been a 24-hour news cycle, but now we have 24 by 7 on swine flu.
Not to downplay it, I think it may be a lot more serious than, of course, based on what I'm reading internal memos and what they're stating publicly.
Now that you know, though, better than I, because you've been in government, I've just seen them do this from outside, that they will strategically lie to police and locals, telling them, like, you know, Bush told police, oh, there have been lots of secret terror attacks every time a chemical plant would blow up or something.
There have been lots of secret terror attacks.
That's why we're taking all the rights, but don't tell the public.
It'll panic them.
They could also be feeding the locals like they did with the last bird flu freakout two years ago saying millions would die and they didn't.
Like they did with the SARS five, six years ago saying total death and it didn't happen.
I mean, what's the chance of it is just a total hoax?
There's only been a few deaths and they're just hyping it.
Well, I remember we had the West Nile virus scare too here.
You know, they said anytime you see a dead bird, you know,
Yeah, it was reported, so we had all these dead bird sightings all over the Washington area.
Of course, some people did get sick, but it did seem like it was a little bit hyped with the West Nile virus.
Some of that may be at play here, but again, what Dr. Besser said in these internal CDC memos that were leaked to me was,
Was like, we don't know where this is heading, but we all have to be in, you know, in the emergency mode.
And this guy's background was handling the counterterrorism part of the equation for the Centers for Disease Control.
I mean, he's in a very convenient position now, being somebody who came out of that particular area of counterterrorism.
Obviously, you know, part of that whole counterterrorism thing is to scare the general public.
Yeah, well, things are getting really bizarre.
Speaking of PsyOps, day one, within hours of the giant plane, one of the Air Force Two, one of the four extras they have, is part of the Imperium now.
Pelosi has several of her own cruisers.
It costs unbelievable.
But the point is, it's flying between the buildings, F-16s, and we said, my God, they knew that would terrorize people.
Then it comes out, they knew for weeks in advance, made a big deal about it staying secret, told the police, and this was a big operation, the FBI don't tell the public, there were internal fights about it.
Then they fly it through and terrorize them, and Obama laughs and says, I didn't know about it, it was a photo-op.
No one asked a photo-op for what?
Well, a psy-op, a photo-op.
Was that to re-conjure on top of the bird flu a 9-11 like this is your, your, uh, the biological 9-11?
I mean, I mean, what, I mean, we know they calculate everything.
What was the point of that?
Well, this was a strange thing.
This whole operation where they said, I never heard of a classified photo op.
A photo op?
Where are they going to publish the photo?
What magazine?
What was this for?
Why did they spend all that money and classify this thing as some sort of secret mission if it's just purely a photo op?
It makes no sense.
And I can tell you from people I know, I know one
We lost so many of their law enforcement officers on 9-11.
They said they were not informed.
Why terrorize them?
Why is Obama going on 60 Minutes?
Or even a groveling media guy?
It was real.
He said, are you punch drunk?
What's wrong with you?
Things are imploding when you come.
And Obama's like... It was like he was on heroin or something.
It makes no sense.
Makes no sense at all.
Well, what's the sci-op?
I mean, you worked in intelligence on the IT side, the surveillance side, but I mean, what is the... I mean, are these people completely psycho?
I mean, what's going on?
Well, you know, why do they do anything in New York?
They know it's the media capital of the world, and it's going to get a lot of attention, and it did.
It certainly did.
Not good attention in this case, but look how everybody was talking about it.
It was the news of the day, and actually two days.
It was a two-day news cycle, but it did.
The people in New York, I can tell you, were absolutely panicked.
Uh, they didn't know what, not just New York, but also in New Jersey.
And their memo says they knew it would do that, so it's an admitted psy-op.
Why would they want to terrorize people?
Well, you know, and how does Charles Schumer react to all this?
He says, well, we need to have a law that prevents planes from flying too low.
Questioning, it's like the 9-11 Commission.
There is a law!
That's controlled airspace!
Why aren't they going after the event?
Why is Schumer talking about let's have a new law?
I mean, that's ridiculous.
He's not going to ask the questions.
What was Caldera, this military liaison, doing at the White House approving this in the first place?
Who else was involved?
Bob Gates says he didn't know.
Well, he's the Secretary of Defense.
Why didn't he know?
Or is he lying about it?
Look, as much attention as was put on this, and they admit it was a big debate, Wayne, why would they do it?
Just to re-invoke 9-11 affairs?
Well, that's what it did for New York.
That's certainly the effect it had on lower Manhattan and Jersey City and Staten Island and all the other places around there.
It's just, you know, take an Air Force One on a joyride.
Actually, there's no logical explanation for what they did.
That's all I can say.
Look, some psy-op psychiatrist came up with this.
They know it's all about archetypes.
Uh, and, oh God, these people are out of their minds.
So, so Wayne, in your gut, all these years, I've really learned to respect your predictions and things you've laid out.
Where do you see them going?
I mean, it's clear, or if you disagree, that the economy is just in free fall, in the middle of all the fear of the plane, fear of the flu.
Obama comes out and is very calm and very fatherly.
I mean, is it all about making him the leader, he's the savior, he'll fix it, as they just lead us into darkness?
I mean, what's happening here?
Well, maybe they didn't get enough balance from saving the ship from the pirates over there, so they had to come up with some other ideas.
Certainly, somebody who lived in D.C.
during the 9-11, and then we had the sniper case, and then we had anthrax.
Certainly, I've seen how this city can grind to a halt, and it seems like now with the first case of swine flu, we're seeing a repetition of that here in Washington.
And we know what happened during anthrax, they put through that Patriot Act.
When Congress came under attack, Congress had been dispersed and they were able to push that Patriot Act through.
So that's the reaction.
That's how Washington reacts to these crisis modes.
And certainly we may see something happen again here with this swine flu.
When the bipartisan group of crooks wouldn't pass the Banker Takeover Bill that 98% of Americans in polls are against, as you know, Wayne, they terrorized people, Bush and the Democrats, and said, we'll have martial law if you don't do it, we'll have depression.
And then things got worse.
Now Biden's coming out saying, don't fly, don't get on subways.
Mexico's shutting down, cancelling its government.
They've got to know this is a nail in the coffin, potentially, as all this bad news stacks up.
What's the PSYOP behind that?
And what do you see this, whether it's a real deadly flu or not?
I mean, they've got to know this is, and it's clearly engineered, so I guess they want to fully destroy the economy.
Well, also, this is an international, this is international in scope.
I noted that China, which has never wanted Taiwan to be as part of any kind of UN organization, China has now said, okay, Taiwan can now take part in World Health Organization meetings on swine flu.
So we're seeing a big international push right now.
Uh, this is a global issue, uh, and, uh, it seems like, uh, like state and municipal governments are complying with what the federal government's saying.
We're seeing national governments basically saying, uh, we'll do whatever the World Health Organization tells us to do.
So that it's not just this country.
Every government in the world is now, uh, just saying, you know, uh, what do we do?
How do we, how do we confront this issue?
Talk about travel restrictions.
We've got bans on flights to Mexico, bans on flights from Mexico now.
And now also maybe a ban on flights to and from the United States to certain parts of the world.
That's why I love having people like you on, Wayne.
You made it just click.
Clearly, this is the international 9-11.
Whether it's hype or not, it has the same effect.
The U.N.'
's bragging in Reuters that it's telling the U.S., Canada, Australia, England, Mexico what to do.
This is the global crisis to bring us together, just like the S.P.P.
documents said they would for North American Union.
During this, and they're setting up the new Bank of the World, and the G20 agreement, and the new SDRs.
I mean, is that what you're getting at?
That this is their global 9-11 biological?
Well, certainly having that effect.
If you see the regional organizations are now having these emergency sessions, whether it's the Gulf Corp, Cooperation Council, and the Persian Gulf.
You've got the South African Development Cooperation Council meeting, because there's now two cases in South Africa.
Thank you.
And we have riots starting and attacks on government everywhere that look like they're organic.
Perfect timing to have this as a big unifying effect through fear, to make everybody drop their rebellion against tyranny, to just worry about their lives.
And a perfect beta test, or it could be the perfect cover right now for Marshall Law Wayne.
Well, certainly, yeah.
I mean, that's what I say.
I mean, fear is the only weapon these people have at their disposal.
And when you're talking about a pandemic, you know, not many people are walking around with degrees in microbiology or virology, so they'll just believe what they're told.
They have no other choice.
Uh, these medical emergencies are really the fear factor.
You can throw terrorism stuff at them, but a lot of people are on to that number.
They know about these false flag operations and whatnot.
But when it comes to a pandemic, that's when there are people worried about their children and whatnot.
Stay there, Wayne.
Final segment.
Wayne Madsen Report.
I don't think so.
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Got a bunch of control freaks.
They'll kill a million, three hundred thousand Iraqis and not blink.
Feel good all day about it.
Don't think they won't release a designer virus.
Let's just hope it's not really a killer, like they're internally telling their people.
We've confirmed that.
We're at level six, folks, with total martial law, mass arrests, checkpoints, already quarantines everywhere.
They're already running checkpoints.
People are sweating and high because your AC's broke, they dragged you off the facility, and I'm not even freaking out over that!
That's how ready for this I've always been, tracking the enemy.
Thewaymadsonreport.com, waymadsonreport.com, we'll put that up on screen for you.
Source of knowledge and data.
We'll have to get him back on the next few days and next week as things develop.
But he is in demand all over the international media.
I'll be back tonight 9 to midnight Central Standard Time with Jason Burmess with The Info Warrior with all the latest developments and guests.
Please continue to spread the word about the show.
If they're hacking and bringing down InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, you can try the ObamaDeception.net, JonesReport.com, TruthNews.us, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Those are the auxiliary sites, and most, if not all, the news is on those as well.
Again, PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.net.
Remember those sites.
Let's go back to Wayne Madsen.
Wayne, in closing, just amazing points you brought up today.
It really got me thinking.
Here in our little think tank, any other things you think are important or things on the horizon with Pakistan, Iran, Israel saying they want to go in.
Is all of this a cover for that?
They love the magic trick of look at my pretty assistant while they put the rabbit in the hat and pull it out.
We know they love distraction.
They're trying to pass a lot of draconian bills, world government.
Internet restrictions.
What do you see happening?
Well, certainly this thing, this swine flu is taking the attention off of what's going on with the possible collapse of the Pakistani nation, a nuclear country, a nuclear weaponized country.
I would also point out that one of the things getting very little attention is the U.S.
Army Bioweapons Laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Now, there have been reports that
Samples of various diseases are missing from their biosafety level 4 laboratory.
These are things like swine flu.
That place needs to be closed down.
The military and CIA has no business being involved in this kind of research.
It's actually a violation of the 19th
I think?
Um, the place needs to be shut down because we know that that's where the anthrax strain came from, the AIMS strain of anthrax used in the attacks on Congress and the media.
Uh, it's high time that somebody, uh, just says, that's it, issue an executive order, shut down Fort Detrick, turn what needs to be turned over to the CDC and National Institutes of Health and whatever else is left there, just carefully have that stuff destroyed because you can't, we just can't afford to have
Have them up there, those Frankensteins, Dr. Frankensteins, working at Frederick.
I mean, the only decent guy was probably Dr. Bruce Ivins, who they said did the anthrax, but I don't think did, but they said he committed suicide.
Well, now they've built 36 level 4 and level 3 bioweapons labs in the name of treatment, but even the Baltimore Sun admitted that this is really a cover for bioweapons.
Go ahead.
Absolutely, and then we had the incident on the
Intercity passenger train in Switzerland the other day, where a canister containing swine flu explodes with 61 passengers on the train.
And now there's 22 documented cases of swine flu outbreak in Switzerland.
What in the world were they moving that stuff on a passenger train for?
Sounds like a staged bio-attack to me.
It's incredible what's going on.
Could this be the start of World War III?
Maybe we don't even know it.
This is the future war?
Could be.
I've perished the thought.
All right.
Check it out.
Wayne, thank you for your great insight and your great patriotism.
Good to have you with us.
God bless you.
And ladies and gentlemen, retransmission with jam-packed key news!
I open the show with one place.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, and on all our red affiliates.
Tonight, 9 to midnight.
Join us, and back tomorrow, spread the word.
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