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Name: 20090429_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 29, 2009
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, the 29th day of April 2009.
We've got two hours left standing out before us.
Researcher, author.
Steve Quayle joins us in T-minus 60 minutes.
In the next hour, Dr. Lynn Horowitz joins us in an extremely informative 10-minute video that we have posted up at InfoWars.com right now.
Dr. Horowitz, Anglo-American vaccine industry behind swine flu outbreak.
Now, I'm going to be very clear about something about Dr. Horowitz.
I remember in October of
2001, seeing articles he put out at tetrahedron.org and other news sites that he has.
He's an author, Harvard medical graduate, best-selling author, researcher, filmmaker, radio talk show host at that time on Genesis.
This network came on before me, the hours before me in the morning.
Very popular show, he just got too busy with his practice to continue it.
And I remember
As people watch this live at PrisonPlanet.tv and then around the world on the web later, when this gets posted to the Four Winds.
In fact, we should probably pull that article up.
Maybe he can remind me of the title of it.
Or you can just Google Dr. Len Horowitz anthrax.
And then you'll find his original article from 2001.
Laying out that it was weaponized, had to be Fort Detrick, Maryland, that had been coated in bentonite, that had little wings on it that they had with nanotech, that cost hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment, and that it was, you know, totally weaponized, and that these people were patsies, that they were claiming had done it, and that it was the government.
And then it came out months and months later, like a year later, that the whole White House was on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic.
There it is, the CIA's role in the anthrax mailings.
Could our spies be agents for military industrial sabotage, terrorism, and even population control?
Special report expressly prepared for simultaneous publication in the Spectrum and Media Bypass.
That's one of the early articles he did.
Yeah, October 1st, 2001.
Absolutely incredible.
I mean, within days of it.
Within hours, in fact.
I mean, and I was saying, I go, I like Horowitz, but how does he, you know, come out and say all this?
Because this is all he studies.
Okay, it's kind of like I'm an expert on police state and martial law and covert operations, domestically, because I've been studying that.
That's how I woke up to their covert ops that are going on right underneath the surface of life, you know, here, a daily life and the government drug dealing and the rest of it.
He laid it all out, and the FBI came to his house and threatened him, and that was in the news!
Saying he was maybe a suspect!
Had nothing to do with Fort Detrick, nothing to do with government bioweapons.
He was so close to them that they came after him, and then months after he did all this, it came out that he was right.
The whole White House was on Cipro.
AP admitted it.
White House Press Secretary admitted it.
They got on it September 10th, three and a half weeks before it showed up.
Bush's enemies were mailed it.
It was weaponized.
It was miniaturized.
It was the Ames Strain, Fort Detrick, Maryland.
And now they've tried to burn three patsies and then killed another one.
So we're going to first get him to recap.
We come back from this break, we're going to break right now, Dr. Len Horowitz, this important introduction, that he's been very accurate on this in the past.
And I made my own film about eugenics, End Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And I've done a lot of research on eugenics, and I learned a lot from Dr. Horowitz, but as I did my research for a year and a half making that film, I found out how much of what he said was completely accurate.
Because I'd hear this guy 10 years ago laying this out, and I said, maybe that's his interpretation.
It's not that bad.
No, it is that bad and worse, and so that's why we've got him here today, because...
When I saw the video he made yesterday that's already viral on YouTube, the emergency release he did that's up on Infowars.com, I got very disquieted feeling because the way he was laying it out and breaking it out, and how many times, not just the anthrax situation, that he's been the first to lay it out accurately.
That's what really concerns me.
So, is it a hoax?
Is it hype?
Is the hype what we're seeing for the police state?
Or is this the beginning of a beta test of
How does it tie into Baxter shipping out the weaponized bird flu to be mixed with vaccines in Europe?
It's all coming up.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Dr. Lynn Horowitz straight ahead after this break.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Covering cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, for the next 52 minutes, we've got Dr. Len Horowitz.
And we've got more time than in the YouTube video to really break down all the different facets of this.
Dr. Leonard Horowitz is internationally known authority in overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.
In 1999, he was voted author of the year by the World Natural Health Association for his first national bestseller, Emerging Viruses Aids Ebola.
Nature or accident or intentional.
In 2006, he was honored by the World Organization for Natural Medicine as the world's leading intellectual.
Later that year, he was honored for his global efforts to advance public health and vaccine risk awareness by officials of the Sovereign Order, the Orthodox Knights Hospital of St.
John of Jerusalem.
Dr. Hortz received his doctorate from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1977.
A student faculty member of Tufts, he taught medical and dental history
Graduating with honors and was awarded a Research Fellowship in Behavioral Science at Harvard University of Rochester.
And he goes on and on and on there.
He later earned his Master's of Public Health degree from Harvard University, focused on behavioral science and media, persuasion technologies, Master's of Arts degree with health education, counseling psychology from Bacon College, before joining the research faculty at Harvard School of Dental Medicine to study
A whole bunch of different issues and medical situations.
He just goes on and on with his bio.
I'm going to cut it off there and go via a video Skype connection as we're live here at PrisonPlanet.TV to Dr. Lynn Horowitz.
Sir, can you recap?
What you broke down in the video that we've got up on Infowars.com and on your sites, tetrahedron.org and others, and then tie this into the overall strategic operation of the New World Order.
And whether you think this flu is it, or a beta test for something larger that Napolitano chillingly said Sunday, is going to be coming on the heels of this.
Very, very cryptic.
Dr. Len Horowitz, thank you for joining us.
Thank you Alex.
You know it's really hard to say but what tipped me off was it didn't make any sense that we had a multiple strain, three different strains.
We have the swine flu, the avian flu and the Spanish flu that was actually engineered in the laboratories down in Novavax, Bethesda.
They had to get those strains from the CDC.
They got them from England and so I started to do some research and
You know, the skyrocketing stock values at Novavax, which produces the vaccine, really is a tip-off for me.
You know, you follow the money.
I know you do that very well.
And it followed me to Dr. James Robertson, England's leading bioengineer of viruses for the vaccine industry.
He's an avid promoter of U.S.
government funding for lucrative biodefense and
Uh, bioengineering contracts, along with his collaborators at the CDC.
The whole thing smacks as a public relations ploy to sell a lot of vaccines, which are very, very deadly.
And that, uh, essentially when you really look at what these people have done, that before we even heard about this outbreak, that is the day that we heard about, uh, actually the day that the Mexican officials began to say that they may have some cases of this.
flu they had actually just that day virtually published in the Journal of Virology that this was what they were about in preclinical studies and so it's really absolutely ludicrous to think that this just happened by nature somehow an avian flu from Asia would combine with a swine flu from Mexico combined with a Spanish flu from an
1918 corpse and now suddenly gets into a human in any other way than the government manipulation is absolutely ludicrous.
Dr. Horowitz, continue, break down these connections and now we see the governor declaring emergency in Texas, the feds declaring emergency, they're admitting that the World Health Organization, the UN, is in control of our government's response.
The Secretary General of the UN bragged about that to Mr. Moon yesterday.
We have all of this right now coming together, and if you've just got a few deaths in Mexico, a couple hundred unless they're lying, one death in Houston, Texas, and the flu normally kills tens of thousands a year in the U.S.
alone, just the regular flu, why are they hyping this then so much and closing schools and talking about bringing in literal martial law?
What does your nose tell you from all your deep research on this?
You know, I suspect strongly that they're pushing for the mandatory vaccinations which are going to cause the major depopulation.
I think that the incriminating evidence and giving you some names, and I believe that these people should be really held to the burner.
They really should be brought before some sort of a grand jury.
The scientists at the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control that are implicated through their collaborations with
The organization called Novavax and the co-authors of publications that I've reviewed.
The influenza branch director at the CDC, his name is Ruben O'Donis and Dr. Rick Bright used to work for Donis at the CDC.
He's now at Novavax.
You know the revolving door there is between the drug industrialists and the government officials?
Well that's the same thing that's happened here with Novavax's Vice President of Global Influenza Programs.
He used to be working at the CDC.
So there's this corporate governmental alliance here to commit what amounts to genocide.
The mass killing of people for profit.
There's additional conspiracy evidence when you really begin to go deeper.
And you know what?
I think the most hideous thing, when I say deeper, I want to talk about the genetic implications, the genetic associations of these vaccines associated with this particular outbreak.
But I think that the most hideous reality, tragic reality that I've looked at is when you look at Dr. James Robertson's testimony before the World Health Organization just a couple years ago.
These people behind closed doors, these are the people by the way that are making the money from the vaccine sales.
And the technology for the genetic engineering to produce these germs in their labs.
These people already decided behind closed doors that they would inject or inoculate the population or spray the population, somehow seed these viruses.
Exactly like you're looking at with this flu.
A combination of Spanish flu, virtually all the feared, the most feared flus, they kind of like mixed together into this cocktail flu.
And that's what it is.
And they said in their closed-door meetings that they would be doing this, seeding actually the populations beforehand.
They give the excuse, or the rationale, that this may be better off with less people dying in the end if they basically unwittingly, on unwitting populations, disseminate, disperse these kinds of bio-weapons.
And that that would raise, they're saying, immunity.
And so, you know, it flies in the face of ethical medicine.
It flies in the face of public health, because it's not really healthy.
In fact, if you simply just looked at all the people you were creating in terms of phobic reactions, there are a lot of people who are on meds today that are depressed, that are fearful.
They don't even go outside a lot of people.
They don't want to touch each other.
You know, they don't want to shake hands anymore.
They're globic.
The fact is that we've got a major public health problem being overlooked and what the induction and anxiety and depression in the population is and you know it's insane Alex I know that you know that.
So you're saying basically you believe this overalls a hype psyop and that the real action will be in the vaccine that they're rolling out to the people that they've now terrorized and currently the hype's also being used as a cover for the open
We're good to go.
Yeah, I think that's very accurate.
Yeah, I suspect strong.
I mean, it's very, very clear right now.
All of the most hideous plagues that we're witnessing from the cancer pandemics today to the chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, the autoimmune diseases, the whole array.
I mean, we've done programs on this before.
This is where the drug industrialists not only make money, but they also reduce the populations.
It's control.
That's why it's called Centers for Disease Control.
It's not Centers for Disease Elimination, Remedial Action.
They've even dropped the prevention.
It's just called CDC today.
Now, Dr. Horowitz, I want to go back through, and you're not just saying that.
You have documentation behind everything you've been discussing with all the articles up on your site.
If you just Google, though, mainstream news about the mixing of flus, they admit they've been mixing at literally hundreds of labs.
Probably more than that, but hundreds per year that I've seen different bird flus, different swine flus with human flus, and then people like Baxter, thank God, got caught, Bloomberg reported it, mailing weaponized bird flu that if you get it, kills 90% of people, but it's not airborne yet, to mix it with regular spectrums of human flu, to mix all that RNA together, and to then have it given out as vaccines, and then
Simultaneously all these homeless people start dying and it's in the London Telegraph and other papers that quote an unnamed biological firm at the very same time paid city workers cash to lie to the workers, to the homeless and others and tell them take this regular flu shot and it turned out they're dying of the bird flu.
What is going on Dr. Horowitz?
Well, that's what you're saying is exactly what they're doing.
And so that now that we see this kind of a virus suddenly never in the history of humanity has this combination or recombinant of the swine flu, the Spanish flu, the avian flu.
Plus, they've got insect parts in it, too, by the way.
This is a description of
Totally diagnostic.
It's called pathognomonic.
It's a slam-dunk, in other words, diagnosis that the virus came from Robertson's Circle of Friends.
You know, and Robertson, again, is the chief head honcho in Europe, and this is a lot.
It's all coming down from Europe.
I'm sure that you've probably talked about on your show how CIA is directed by British Secret Service, the global industrialists, the military, medical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical cartel has its roots in Germany and England.
So this is out of England that this particular virus came, or these combinations of technology.
And we've got Prince Philip saying he wants to come back as an deadly virus to kill us.
We'll come right back to you.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Just noticed my coffee cup has a little end on it.
Dr. Horowitz, from your research, this isn't coming from pigs, is what you're saying.
All the other doctors and virologists we've talked to, and even people on CNN, generals, who are experts in bioweapons, are saying this was probably made in a lab.
And then people email me going, what's your proof for that?
What's your proof?
Well, it's in the wrong hemisphere where it started.
It's not during the flu season.
I've been studying this for years, interviewing people like yourself and others, and folks have been saying the bird flu was engineered because it has these markers
Can you explain that to people?
I mean, recap the evidence of why this is a slam-dunk, as you and others are saying, that it is engineered.
And then secondarily, is it race-specific?
Because it looks like it's only killing Hispanics, including Hispanics in this country.
And it seems it's making Hispanics more ill.
Well, you know, I think that I'm getting more specific than that.
I would like to put some people, indict some people, and put them on a witness stand.
And I have those people.
Those people, number one, are James Robertson and O'Donis at the CDC and Rick Bright at Novavax.
And here's why I say that.
Because no other group in the world takes H5N1
Asian infected chickens.
Brings them to Europe.
Extracts their DNA.
Combines proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate.
Additionally mixes it in swine flu genes from pigs.
Then reverse engineers them to infect humans.
This is the only group in the world, Alex, that does that.
These people should be brought before the American public, before the... Unfortunately, we can't trust the judicial system.
That's why I suggest a grand jury.
But the reality is the end product that Reuters and the officials are currently describing to describe this virus is pathogenic, the mixture that these guys have been working on.
Again, they publish, they put out their press releases.
Basically at the exact time that this broke in Mexico, before we even heard about it, was the precise time that they started to release all of their promotional literature.
Their stock went heavily from low to high as a result of this.
This is just like 9-11 when we see record all-time highs still for short betting against United and American, not just airline stocks, United and American specifically, and then it led back to Alex Brown and to Buzzy Krongard of the CIA, and then that investigation got shut down.
So that's how
Baxter, who they're saying is getting the World Health Organization contract to develop the vaccine, how do they tie in out of hundreds of companies?
Why is the UN picking the one company, Dr. Horowitz, that specifically got caught in 18 countries ordering their subsidiaries to mix live bird flu with the vaccine stock?
Well, again, look at Baxter's history.
I mean, you're looking at IG Farben's prodigy here.
You know, progeny.
You know, it's the same old, same old that you and I have seen, and it's sad because, you know, Alex, I think we're getting to the end of this game.
This is like, you know, endgame.
You know, this is basically we've got the Emperor's new clothes.
The Emperor is completely nude and people see it.
People are screaming about it now more than ever before.
And yet the parade just keeps marching along.
The mainstream media keeps playing the deception.
And really, it's gotten to the point where we've got to do something.
We do have a plan, by the way.
It's called Live H2O.
Concert for the Living Water this coming June 19th to the 21st where we can make a big shift.
We're looking at the need for that hundredth monkey in the parade, in the stands, where the parade is marching.
If we can get about one out of a hundred people
To start screaming like you've been screaming over the airways, and I've been screaming all these years.
You know, I think what we're going to have is this conspiracy of silence where we're afraid to speak up.
The reality is if we don't, we may lose not just our lives, but our children and our children's children.
We've got 30 minutes left with you, and I'll hold you five minutes into the next hour, so we get a full hour of air time with you, if you can do that.
Dr. Horwitz, we'll have three more segments, long segment coming up, but specifically when we come back then, I'm just going to sit back,
We're going to show some of the documents and things that you have linked on your sites up on the TV screen.
Radio listeners can't hear it, but later they can watch it on the web.
But we're also live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want you to walk through like you do in your 10-minute YouTube video.
We've got up at InfoWars.com, but you've got more time to add more data.
What we're dealing with here, why you're pointing out this particular scientist and group of scientists and this particular company, because you did that before on the Anthrax and were absolutely dead on right.
I mean, I thought you'd gone over the deep end, you know, back then to day one, say what it was and you were proven right.
So I really respect what you have to say.
Come right back to you.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm good.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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That's right.
We will take a few calls for Dr. Horowitz, but I want simple, straightforward, quick questions.
So, John, go through those calls and see who's for the guest, and we'll open the phones up for everybody else.
We'll have more of this in about five minutes or the next hour, and we'll have him back up later in the week if he can, because so much is happening.
tetrahedron.org, ladies and gentlemen.
Just Google Dr. Len Horowitz.
He's got a bunch of sites, books, best-selling author, doctor, researcher.
Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH.
It goes on and on.
I want you to get into your proof on these guys.
I know you have it.
I've seen it, gone over it, and it's stunning.
I know you don't just come out and say something.
I respected you back in 2001.
You know, it was like, here's who did it, here's how they did it, Fort Detrick weaponized, this is all a lie, you know, and then it freaked him out so bad, the FBI came after you.
Briefly recap that story before you get into your evidence on this one.
Well, it's actually Battelle Memorial Institute, West Jefferson, Ohio, and how I was able to determine that was the primary source for the anthrax is because there was a lot of evidence that suggested that they were the only ones who had the capability, the technology to produce not only a hyper-weaponized strain of anthrax, it was
Silica cut, it would spread, it was electromagnetized, it was hyperconcentrated, and there was only one laboratory really in the world, and it wasn't at Fort Dedrick.
Fort Dedrick received it from them, there was only one lab in the world that had the capacity to test that, and to produce it.
It was at Battelle Memorial Institute and the aerosolized laboratories.
And so that's how I was able to actually
One week before the first anthrax mailing was announced to the press, I actually marched into the FBI headquarters in Northern Idaho because I saw the whole thing unfolding.
You know, when I saw... That's right, now I remember, that's why I thought you'd gone crazy.
That's right, because I haven't re-read this in years.
That's right, it's here.
You came out before it happened and went into their headquarters and you were on Genesis warning everybody and I'm like, what's he doing talking about anthrax?
Please continue.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And so, you know, the FBI never responded until about six months later.
Afterwards, you know, when I kept hounding them, and I bet I was banging everybody, Mueller, you know, FBI Director Mueller on down for negligence and official malfeasance.
Of course, the CIA was basically suppressing all of that.
I saw it.
Well, how did you know it was coming?
I mean, sure, it's one thing when it breaks within a day to come out and finger the right people, but how did you beforehand know?
Well, because I had just, in June of 2001, I published the book, Death in the Air, Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare.
Nobody before September 11th, very few people, there was Steve Quayle, who you're going to have as a guest soon.
Steve and I were virtually the only people out there saying that we've got some major bioterrorism happening, white collar bioterrorism by our own government.
And so, you know, I had actually done all the questions, looked at all the questions of what they were doing, aerosolized sprays.
And anthrax I had been studying for about three years.
And so when I saw Peter Jennings on the evening news say, this was two weeks after September 11th, he said, tomorrow we're going to cover anthrax.
One by one.
Day by day.
Good night.
I said, oh man, I gotta watch this program.
So I put it on and it was a commercial for Bear Cipro.
And I go, holy smoke, Bear Corporation is IG Farben.
It was the basis for the Germany's and the Holocaust manipulation of the populations and the intoxications that have come out of
Nazi Germany experimentation.
And they knowingly, as you know, for those that don't know, just got caught for decades shipping out, knowing every ampule of Factor VIII had HIV and hepatitis, a death sentence.
And the documents came out, MSNBC reported, they knew it and did it on purpose.
And they said, oh, they were cold-blooded, didn't care.
No, this is eugenics.
Please continue.
That's exactly right.
And so that's how I was able to, you know, get that.
And then this particular case,
Really, Alex, it's a no-brainer.
You know, you have to ask a couple questions.
Number one, what would be the statistical probability for this kind of a virus to not be a laboratory creation?
You've got to ask yourself, how is it that an Asian chicken virus could come up with a Spanish flu virus, could come up from 1918, mind you, couple that with a swine, and couple that with a reverse engineering for humans with a little bit of insect part, and European virus engaged.
And you've got to ask, well, what's the probability then that that would happen by nature, or
You know, synchronicity or serendipity.
And you can't even go there.
It's ridiculously remote.
What's the opposite?
The opposite, well, what is the likelihood that Dr. James Robertson and his group of the most powerful people in the world in biological weapons research and development and vaccinations, and specifically flu,
When you talk about flu, when you talk about bio-preparedness for influenza and these types of viruses, you must go to Robertson.
He is the gatekeeper for the multi-billion dollar vaccine stockpiling deals.
He's got the influence over the European Medicines Agency, the EMEA.
It's a quasi-corporate, quasi-scientific
Think Tank that serves the European Economic Union and the drug industry.
So you've got to go to Robertson.
And when you go to Robertson and you see what he's been researching over the last four or five years, his whole group has been focused on exactly the development of this vaccine for this precise virus.
So it's a no-brainer, Alex.
Dr. Horowitz,
Let's go back through some more of the evidence you've been breaking down in the articles and videos you've been putting up.
But first I want to just ask you, as someone who's been in-depth like nobody else researching this and from a medical perspective and talking to all the world experts...
How bad is this flu from the preliminary info we have?
One dead person in Houston, a 23-month-old baby, toddler, but he was in Mexico City and then brought up 15 days ago up into Brownsville and then to Houston.
So is this race-specific because it only continues to kill Hispanics?
Or is it just that it's been incubating longer and there's been more cases in Mexico, so the first deaths we're going to see statistically will be Hispanics or Mexicans.
Where do you see this going?
Where do you see the martial law implications with all these states of emergencies and the UN saying we're about to go to level 5, then we can order quarantining and forced inoculation.
What do you see that will be in that vaccine?
Well, there's a lot of questions there.
You know, I think that it's not a particularly gruesome virus.
I don't see the major death rates.
It's certainly nowhere like 90% kill like in some populations with Ebola.
You know, I think the most chilling evidence, though, against Dr. Robertson and his economic union research team, besides being the gatekeeper and the chief promoter of these multi-billion dollar vaccine deals, is his warning that he actually, it wasn't a warning, here's a quote.
From April 27, 2006, it was a scientific discussion that was behind closed doors with a World Health Organization working group, wherein he recommended that, quote, they would use primary, I'm sorry, they would prime the population in advance of pandemics reaching either the UK or other nations.
Now what does that mean, priming?
That's what I think this is.
I think that they've already started to prime, and I think that you have, because they've started to release or loose these things that they call biosimilars, and or mock-up files, they call them different names now, they don't want you to, they don't want to say virus, you know, in their behind-closed-door meetings.
Yeah, they're breeding real...
They're breeding real supervisors.
This is what other medical doctors and neurologists we've had on.
Are you saying this is a beta test to scare everybody to test their police state grid and to script it and cast it that the government's the savior and then they're going to fix this problem but then also this virus from what other scientists are saying is this is a
It's a carrier virus because it has all these different DNA systems, the RNA systems, so that it can jump through animals, you name it, and spread and that it's meant to mutate or be combined with something else that is the big mega death driver.
You know, all of the above.
You think about it.
There's a lot of money being made in biopreparedness.
Look at all of this.
You know, look at the media alone is making so much money from the hype.
So when you consider what is at stake here besides the population reduction agenda, which is foremost, but they've got to do it in the most profitable way.
That's what their game plan has always been.
So they've got, they're making money hand over fist every which way possible with this thing.
So killings their business.
Business is good.
They always make money off their phony drug wars, their wars, their police state.
They're making money off of this.
I mean, because think about it.
Tens of thousands die every year in the U.S.
of flu in Mexico.
And this is only a few hundred.
They're acting like it's the end of the world.
So you're saying this is a primer or a beta test?
I don't think it's the real thing.
I think it's created.
And if it is, you know, kind of like
Part of my prayer, you know, if I were to pray for the best outcome of what this virus really is, that it would be a legitimate escape from, you know, it's hard to even believe that though because the reality is that it's Mexico.
It's not Atlanta.
It's not Bethesda, Maryland where they got their labs.
So it's just like the anthrax.
What the hell did it end up doing down there in Boca Raton, Florida?
Mailed specifically to these guys who were like, you know, engaged as they were as inside dealers.
And I'm sure you probably know the connections with 9-11 and the Boca Raton organization, American Media.
So there were specific agendas being served.
They were served when the anthrax was mailed to the legislators.
There were specific agendas being served when they were mailed to Brokaw.
So it's kind of like, what is the agenda here?
These are all messages.
I want to ask you a separate question.
Why would Air Force One fly between the buildings with F-16s terrorizing people?
We said that we knew that it would terrorize, that they knew that it would.
And now they admit it.
Yes, we knew it would terrorize you.
We ordered the police and FBI not to warn people and not to tell them what it was and to let them do it.
So they're now admitting they're running PSYOPs.
Why did they do that PSYOP?
Well, again, terror is part of this whole manipulation of the population.
You know, you're either in fear or you're in love.
You're at peace and joy and love, or you're in your egoic, manipulated, mind-controlled, mass-mediated, hyped brain.
So they did it as a way to remind everybody of 9-11.
Well, I think it's a generic neurotic.
I mean, this is my area of expertise.
And this is how I saw the PSYOPs being run.
That's why I went to the FBI.
I saw this whole thing unfolding in the media.
And this is what they're doing now.
If you look at the whole population reduction agenda, read the book.
Folks listening, death in the air, globalism, terrorism, and toxic warfare, you'll get the complete understanding of what is happening.
It is simply the revolution in military affairs, whereby they're using biological cocktails, which has a combination of things that you can't trace, and to do it, they've got to run these extreme, expensive PSYOPs.
We're good to go.
So it's silent weapons for quiet wars.
I agree with you.
And it's not just they're trying to create a neuroses of fear in us.
They are neurotic like regular garden variety psychopaths are where they have to flaunt their power over their victims like psychos mailing letters to the police taunting them.
Is that what you're saying?
Yes, absolutely.
I mean, there's a lot of trauma.
When you talk about neuroticism, you're looking at trauma, you look at the way medicine operates.
And in fact, you know, I have a hard time judging this fellow, James Robertson, as somebody probably should.
A good court of law definitely needs to get these people
I don't know.
Completely Rockefeller controlled.
You only get grants to do research when they tell you a grant application is requested or open.
They track you and look at the way doctors are trained.
It's trauma-based learning.
It's no different from any cult.
It is a cult manipulation indoctrination method that uses trauma.
It's like Marine Corps.
It's like Marine Corps training, but for the mind, with no sleep, competition, being washed out, and by the time they're out, the doctors literally are like automaton zombies who don't question, they do what the AMA tells them, and then meanwhile they're all compartmentalized, and you see doctors and dentists have the highest rates of heart attacks and suicides.
You know, and that's why I think that there's only a few at the very top.
You know, the people that I really distrust are Harold Jaffe, who's in charge of the America's Infectious Disease Agency, you know, National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases.
This guy knows what's going on.
This guy knows that AIDS was created and injected by Merck Pharmaceutical Hepatitis B vaccines into gay men in New York and blacks in Central Africa between 1972 and 74.
All of this is definitive.
It's science.
It's rock science.
And that's why I've published not just the book Emerging Viruses, but also in the scientific literature, peer-reviewed science.
But yet, look at what is the media doing.
Neglecting genocide.
Neglecting the fact that our children, and our children's children, are being decimated genetically and through the chemical... That's what the mercury is all through the DNA.
For those that don't know, it's altering the DNA irrevocably.
In fact, I mean, I know people all over, 25-year-old women, 22-year-old women, everybody I know who's got a friend or a business partner or somebody in their band dying of cancer.
Kids are dying all over my neighborhood.
20 years ago, it was rare to see a kid with cancer.
We are under total bioweapon attack.
They have incrementally turned up the background, ambient, chemical, biological, radiological attacks on us.
And that's how I saw 9-11 coming, just like you saw the anthrax coming, was the preconditioning.
Here's Al-Qaeda, they're going to get you, give your rights up when they attack.
And I do remember them hyping anthrax and who they're going to get you, and you saw that, and then were able to... Because you're right!
They are doing the preparatory phase, and I've seen months and months and months of preparatory phase for bird flu, for swine flu.
That's why a month ago I said on air, I think the next card they're going to play is going to be some super flu, and look what's happening.
So you can see it, I can see it.
How do we get the public where they can see it?
And that comes up with the 100th monkey.
Start talking about that.
I mean, these studies where you've got an island with monkeys, and as soon as you can train the monkeys on one island, five miles away, suddenly these monkeys know it, as if there's some almost radio wave connection.
Well, you know, the number one thing is you've got to get people out of fear.
So to get them out of fear, you've got to have a holistic approach.
You know, everything from oxysilver, which is a protective, I don't worry about this thing, and you want to look at suppression, look at what silver hydrosols have undergone.
The fact is that the government and the pharmaceutical industry has been suppressing the silver hydrosols.
Again, oxysilver is my favorite.
But, you know, you go from... Give the website.
Give the website.
We've got to break.
Yeah, oxysilver.com.
O-X-Y-S-I-L-V-E-R dot com.
Alright, we got a break.
We'll be right back with Dr. Len Horowitz and a few of your phone calls.
Stay with us, Hardcore Info.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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Alright, we got loaded phones, obviously, for Dr. Horowitz.
We posted this interview up at InfoWars.com after the live radio show today.
And the video of this at PrisonPlanet.tv that we're streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Coming up in about 10 minutes, Steve Quayle joins us.
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Okay, I want to go to a few final calls, and Dr. Horowitz has agreed to come on Friday or Monday.
You're going to be hearing him back here on the show for another hour interview to mainly take your calls.
But it really shakes me up to hear him saying all this, because I know he backs it up, and he's just been able to... I mean, he predicted before the anthrax attack it was going to happen, and then the day after it came out, you know, to more detail, just amazing.
So we want to commend him for his foresight and understanding of this and his great knowledge.
Let's talk to Don in Texas.
Don, you're on the air with Dr. Len Horowitz.
Go ahead.
Hello, Dr. Horowitz and Alex.
God bless and keep you for what you're doing.
I want to thank, first of all, thank Dr. Horowitz for literally saving my life through the publication of his book, AIDS and Ebola.
accident or intentional back in 1994.
I used that information there to survive hepatitis C and I'm just so grateful for him for providing it.
My question for you both is there a possibility that you and tetrahedron.org get together and draw up a list of indictable offenses that we could put in front of our grand juries at a county level throughout the United States?
Well, that's a great question, brother.
Thank you so much.
You know, my area of expertise is not law, and if you can put together a group of volunteer attorneys who might be able to advance that, and maybe with the sovereignty movement, we don't even need to go that route.
Maybe what we could do is some other mechanism by which these people can be brought to justice and be accountable for what they're doing.
I have an idea.
You know, you can't get them at first for the big thing.
You start it with the fact that they are mixing weaponized level viruses together and then mailing them around.
So you go after them for endangering the public, for gross neglect.
There's a lot of charges.
You can prove they've done that.
Then once you've gotten them in an investigation with a grand jury and you go after a bunch of these companies, they'll start spilling their guts.
Would you agree with that idea, Dr. Horowitz?
That sounds great.
You know, at this point, gee whiz, you know, I've got a plan too.
We'll have to do a show on Live H2O again this coming summer solstice, June 19th to the 21st.
I'd love to talk about the plan that I've got.
I believe that the Creator has for us getting out of this mess.
But anything that people can do, you know, that is going to help to save lives and to wake people up is going to be a blessing.
So I totally encourage
Everything that we can possibly do.
Well, I agree with you that at the core it's about the spirit, the soul, the mind.
If we break through mentally and stop being afraid, then we can beat these people.
We have to believe in ourselves first, though.
Back in 70 seconds with more calls for Dr. Len Horowitz.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Continual coverage of this infogenious designer virus blurring.
Hey, how's it going guys?
All right.
Um, just want to say that, uh, I'm one of those hemophiliacs that, uh, kind of survived the whole, uh, age thing when they put it in the factor.
I had, uh, three bad batches of the factor A. And telling you this is how the game really works is, and like your guest says, this is the trigger mechanism.
They're going to drop the hammer afterwards.
They did the same thing, uh, with the whole age thing.
You get everybody with hepatitis, lower their immune system.
Then you drop the AIDS bomb on them.
Yeah, the globalists like to mix a lot of these binary weapons, different systems together, so they're protected.
They want it weak, where they can just toy with people, so it won't blow back on them.
How important is that, Dr. Horowitz?
That's exactly right.
Vitally important.
Subject of how to take your body from being susceptible to these infectious diseases to make it impregnable against these diseases.
This is what the wonderful work that I've been involved in.
I'll tell you something Alex.
You know, I am not into this fear business.
You know, people used to helm me all the time saying, Oh, Horowitz is about gloom and doom.
You know, the reality is I'm totally into the solutions and we're, you know, blessed, totally blessed to have all the solutions that we need.
We're not in fear.
We're moving ahead forcefully with the solutions.
The insanity, the hypocrisy, the lunacy, all of this has got to stop and we've got all of the things that are available to us.
The real solution, Alex, here it is.
It's in water.
You had a commercial on a couple minutes ago about a water machine from air.
There is every problem in the world can be solved with water.
Hydrogen, oxygen.
If you just know what the power of hydrogen is with the electron donation and understanding the entire universe, all spirituality and energy comes from electron transports, piezoelectricity.
That's what makes this whole oxidative reduction reactions in your body.
If you simply know water and you breathe a lot, you get oxygen in your body.
These germs have no place.
And so, you know, it's like if you want to be in fear, which causes stress, which causes body acidification, then you go right ahead, but it's not going to be healthier for you.
So it's really about boosting immunity holistically and Premier is water.
Well, I don't want to have you back on about that and the latest developments with this in the next few days, but I agree with you.
That's what we're doing here.
We're exposing the evil and then giving the alternative.
We're showing don't take the shots.
That's not negative.
That's positive.
We're here saying this flu is probably overblown.
Meanwhile, the media is saying it's the end of the world and we're here exposing that it's
The action is in the reaction if we give in to fear.
I mean, people say, Alex, you're paranoid, you're fearful of the government.
No, I'm standing up and fighting them.
If I was fearful, I would be cowering and not going up against them.
But, you know, you have to tell folks, too, the carnage.
You know, your mother, as you've said, died from a vaccine, correct?
This guy almost got killed by the Factor VIII.
I mean, the level of carnage is going on out there.
We do need to tell people, though, what's going to happen to them if they keep going down this path.
It's a godly service.
It's a public service.
It's a great blessing.
And the wonderful thing is that you, like I, receive all this wonderful mail from people whose lives were changed and children were saved by what we're doing.
You know, there's so many websites you've got.
Fire out a couple of them, Dr. Horowitz.
Well, again, the most important would be oxysilver.com, because essentially, it's silver as a superconductor, and water is a liquid crystal superconductor.
And if you understand anything about love and energy, you understand about 528 frequency.
For those people who want to really get a full blessing, go to love528.com.
All right, we're out of time, Dr. Horowitz.
Let me talk to you in the break.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, working on things there behind the scenes during the break, and we do have Steve Quayle on the line with us, joining us.
Steve Quayle, author of a book selling back over ten years ago on transgenic bioweapons, and I saw an article out of the Associated Press last night and several others
In fact, guys, Google this in Hit News.
I want to show it to viewers out there watching who don't believe it.
Glow-in-the-dark dogs.
And they now have dogs that give birth to glow-in-the-dark dogs.
They have glow-in-the-dark monkeys you can buy for at least 12 years, I've known of.
They have human genes mixed with insects, with monkeys, with apes.
Uh, with cows.
They have these, uh, humanoid, uh, part-cow creatures.
They're already growing in utero and cow uteruses that I saw in 1998 in the BBC.
And you tell the public this and they laugh at you because, uh, I guess they don't read the news.
South Korean expert claims to have cloned glowing dogs.
And then that's AP, and then it actually shows video of them.
They didn't claim anything.
This has been out for over a decade with glowing dogs, glowing jellyfish, monkeys that glow with jellyfish genetics.
That'd be technical.
And so I wanted to bring Steve Quayle up and get the latest information on this.
The whole subject of the flu, a few days has passed since I had Steve on Monday.
We were both guests together for two hours on Coast to Coast AM for an extremely powerful transmission.
There's now been a death in Texas, but it was a Mexican national, 23-month-old boy, who came in in mid-April, about 15 days ago, into Brownsville, was transferred in the last week to Houston, where he died of this flu.
And if it only continues to kill Mexicans, is it race-specific?
Because that is, it'll make other varieties of homo sapiens sapiens sick, but won't kill them.
Or is this because they're chemically debilitated in Mexico City, where he came from?
All of this and more with Steve Quayle in the next 50 minutes.
Steve Quayle, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
Boy, this is like, all of these events are amping up in total, I would say, total New World Order scripted delight.
Even as we're talking about this, I think in Fort Myers, Florida, the joint NATO-U.S.
military is having landing exercises.
You've probably seen the video, have you not?
Yeah, I forgot that.
Burma's played it last night.
I sent it to you, you played it right.
Yeah, it's really important for people to understand that Secretary of Defense Gates made the statement.
And ladies and gentlemen, you need to listen to what Alex and what I are saying and giving you the heads up.
Secretary of Defense Gates made a statement so astonishing, yet it was totally
Glossed over by the mainstream media, and simply this, that due to the financial collapse and the calamities that are going to be coming on the United States during the summer, he made an appeal to NATO to send their troops.
Did you see that?
And in the fact, Alex, that now we have a scripted and an orchestrated boogeyman on a worldwide scale, i.e., and it should not be called a swine flu, okay?
Let's call it what it is, a New World Order cocktail of death, okay?
Because this thing is no more swine flu than bird flu is strictly bird flu.
We've talked about the genetic alteration of genomes and what that would mean.
Now, I put up on my website the most critical story before people go poo-pooing you and I about, is this a bio or an ethnically, a bio-ethnically directed weapon?
They need to go and read the history of who already possesses such weapons.
It's not a question of can they develop them, they're already developed.
You quoted with George Norrie the other night, remember, the former Vice President's statement on it.
So where are we going now?
The exploding vials of swine flu, quote their term, New World Order, death cocktail, my term, in Switzerland, that actually was on the French-Swiss border in the area of Freiburg,
The fascinating thing about this, I think that's a declaration now that just as it's going to go down in the United States, it's going to go down in the European Union.
We'll have our first glimpse of that as the EU, the European Union, the Eurodollar starts to go get sold off in unison with the US dollar.
The thing that's important for people to understand, this is scripted.
And Alex, as you and I have said in the past, even if this isn't the full release of the most deadly biological pathogen in the world, it is the most amazing field beta test going on because they're tracking.
Look, their supercomputers are already projecting the outcome, and whether the information is accurate or not, we will never be told how many people are dying, etc., until it serves their purpose.
And the only purpose it will serve is to basically get everybody into forced, uh, mandatory vaccinations.
It is interesting that with the lead time that magazines take to come up with their stories, Time Magazine has already got an article out as if they were tipped off that this will lead to forced and mandatory vaccinations and the laws implemented for a $250,000 fine and so many years in prison are already in the books.
And now it makes all those laughing hyenas maybe sit up and take notice that now the vehicle is in place to make everybody have to take the vaccination.
Those who refuse go to the camps.
It is so plain and apparent at this point.
Now, Steve, I want to go back to what you just talked about, about NATO troops.
Lay out the source of that.
Let's spend some time on that.
Perry announcing a state of emergency in Texas over one death.
This is just amazing.
And then we also hear about how they may need to go to Level 5.
The head of the U.N., Secretary General brags that we are under U.N.
control, that the U.S.
and Mexico and other countries are following their orders.
And this is a great test of the U.N.'
's control.
The Security Council obviously can order troops into any place that they feel is a destabilizing force to the world at large.
Now remember, Alex, this is the most important term your listeners can get into their minds.
It's curative process.
It does not mean helping people by any means.
Under the current agreements that are out there, especially in the world of medical coordination and syncopation of activities, it is the dilemma that is presented with people.
Why are there only 450 million doses of vaccine?
You and I have been heralding for a decade.
The New World Order wants 5.5 billion people killed.
There are 500, let's say approximately 500 million doses of effective vaccine.
What people don't understand is there are multiple, multiple strains of this biological variant and virus that are being initiated and being put out there worldwide.
And that's to keep all of the different bio labs off base so they cannot track it to a single source.
That's why you have a hundred scientists murdered over the space of the last eight years.
That's why the world's leading epidemiologists and virologists and molecular biologists and guys whose pedigrees would make Harvard, Yale, and all the medical schools of the world the most brilliant people at MIT, every place out there,
Would be jealous of some of these men's pedigrees, yet systematically they have been annihilated, destroyed, assassinated, whatever you want to say.
So now we've got multiple strains of genetically altered cocktail of death going out to different points in the globe.
And this thing in France and Switzerland is really critical because it tells you why the NATO troops are going to be here too.
Is that France right now is probably the most, the closest nation in the world to having a full-fledged revolution.
If you introduce another variable, i.e.
a full-blown panic with everything else that's going, that may be what's necessary to tip the scale.
I maintain that whatever caused those vials to explode, their were not mine, was not just simply freezing or not freezing, something that was compressed and expanding.
I believe that there must have been some form of a time detonation or some form
I don't know.
You're going to destabilize the world.
You're going to destabilize it in the full sense of the word.
Order out of chaos.
We quote it in Latin.
Tex Mars has written about it.
You and I quote it on all the things we talk about.
Yet we're seeing it right now.
The chaos isn't even here yet.
Yet Governor Perry, as you said, just declared, what, a national health emergency or a state health emergency?
Governor Schwarzenegger a couple days ago in California?
I would say this, that we're going to have to first see multiple deaths in different states in the United States other than the Hispanic or Latino community to convince me that this thing is a full-scale pandemic.
I believe this is the presentation of pandemic and that they are simply trying to use this to scare everybody.
This is what Henry Kissinger was talking about.
The world
We're good to go.
The economy just shrunk again in the last quarter by 6.1%.
That's total depression level.
Massive unemployment.
Obama's not going after Bush for the torture.
That was coming to a head.
None of this is being discussed.
It's all flu, flu, flu, flu.
And then every scientist, every virologist, every doctor I have on, and even mainstream, they admit this thing looks like it was manufactured.
And then, if it's not killing a bunch of people, what is all the hype?
What is all the fear?
They're using this as a cover story.
The question is, will it mutate into something worse, or what is going to be in these vaccines?
And then there's the calls to Joyce Riley.
And the confirmed mass graves and the confirmed counties being called and managers in Illinois and Indiana and Texas and New York.
Can you have mass graves?
I've got the documents.
Are you ready for a flu pandemic?
They've been priming the locals that this is going to happen and having drills the last few months at never-before-seen levels.
Right up to this point, that's why I was saying they may launch some type of flu.
I mean, just in my gut, Steve, this is tied, I think, to the big one in some way.
Does that mean an economic collapse, a nuke out of left field, an attack on Iran, an attack on Pakistan?
They've got CIA, former section chiefs, head of counter-terrorism on Fox, saying Al-Qaeda has a nuke out of Pakistan and giving no evidence or no sources.
I mean,
I mean, just in my gut and then intellectually, all the evidence, it's like they're moving in high gear.
All of this acceleration of tyranny was just the preparation.
Now everything's going from light speed to warp speed to warp 2, warp 3, warp 4, right up to, you know, warp 9 here.
We'll talk to Steve Quill when we get back.
Some of your phone calls coming up too.
A recap of top stories as we track the designer bioweapon flu.
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How bad will the emergency get?
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Saying that there's two probable deaths of this new flu in California.
This continues.
They're just going to completely declare martial law.
Now, to explain, it's not fully implemented, but the state of martial law has been activated.
Now will they implement all the facets of that?
And again, it's in AP and Reuters that the UN is commanding and directing the forces
Just incredible.
This is the type of smokescreen they need to carry out their operations.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
The public is really getting concerned and scared, Steve, and we're now hearing that they're going to soon have a special vaccine for all of us.
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
Well, it's ridiculous, too, Alex, because Baxter was developing, you know, the slime blue vaccine.
We talked on it the other night.
Obviously, they sent it to 18 nations.
It was infected.
Come on, you got a deal in such a sterile environment.
I mean, you're talking, you know, BSL, biosafety level 3, at least, with that stuff.
And I think it's important to understand this, ladies and gentlemen, the fact that Time Magazine's already prepped Americans for mandatory vaccinations.
I had a time thinking of the lead time it takes.
This whole thing is a setup.
And here's the thing, Alex.
If anybody's going ahead any place, I'm really concerned about tomorrow night.
I said that on Coast to Coast.
I said it on your show.
Tomorrow night is Walt Spurge's night.
And by the way, Monday you said here, I think it was on Coast to Coast, but I remember you said it on record, that there was no way they didn't know that that would cause a panic, that it was done on purpose.
And then they even, with a double meaning, publicly admit it.
It's now public.
They admit the FBI didn't like it, the police didn't like it.
They said, don't tell the mayor, don't tell the locals.
We're going to do this for a photo op.
And they said, well, what's the photo op?
And they said, you saw it.
And then Obama laughed about it on TV like it was a big joke.
They admit they did this to terrorize people, to bring back the fears of 9-11.
To the occultists believe, and you don't think this is kooky, folks, even if you don't believe in the spirituality that globalists do, they believe they have to tell you what they're going to do beforehand, so I guess they're letting us know 9-11 was the White House, 9-11 is the New World Order, 9-11 is us, and you're about to see a new 9-11.
Is that what you're saying the symbolism is?
Absolutely, and even at a deeper level, before you take down a person in some religious belief systems, especially Asian ones, the thing is that you've got to realize that in order to basically capture their essence, now ladies and gentlemen, I don't believe this is a Bible-believing Christian, neither does Alex, but these people believe this, so the fact that someone would laugh at New Yorkers who live with the pain of their lost ones,
This, to me, is in the word of what I would call supernatural demonic mischief, okay?
And remember when, before the President ran, he pulled a bunch of talismans, Alex, out of his pocket and one of them was Hanuman, the Hindu monkey god, you know?
Hanuman, H-A-N-U-M-A-N.
The mischief.
Now, here's what people have got to understand.
There is a symbolism that has been telegraphed to the world.
Every time 13 people die in New Zealand or 13 people die here, whatever the number is that these entities from hell focus on, EOHs, they absolutely are sending a message around the world that it's happening.
Now, there is no pulling back from this one.
There may be a little bit of an ebb just for
I would say two to three days, but the thing that's happening is that if Mexico continues to truly face the losses that you and I are being told off record, I understand that you've had people call you, doctors, everything Alex, then their economy will collapse.
Well, of all the economies of the world,
Well, North Korea is even more stable, though they're unstable comparatively to other nations.
North Korea is more stable than Mexico.
The State Department has been saying Mexico has admitted they are the most unstable, prone to collapse any day going into the summer.
And then perfect timing to make it collapse preemptively so they can bring in the control and make sure the globalists stay in power down there.
So a controlled destruction, so they're in charge of the destruction.
The more I've analyzed it, the more I've dwelled on it and thought about it, I see that's what's happening.
And as the SPP documents state, North American Union documents, they said they would use a flu or smallpox pandemic to bring in
A centralized regional government in the name of dealing with the crisis.
And now we see the UN saying that.
Steve Quayle, stay there.
We'll get your take on that when we come back.
A recap of top news stories and your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Your phone calls for Steve Quayle, straight ahead.
Jason Burmess will be live tonight, 9 to midnight Central Time.
He's got some guests coming on with key information as well.
So be sure and join the InfoWarrior tonight, 9 to midnight.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
You are a rebel.
Admit it.
You refuse to read the directions when assembling a new item.
You won't ask for directions when you're lost.
Once in a while you drive in the carpool lane with only you in the car.
Your neighbors call
I think?
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time, we are live here.
When we come back, Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with an abbreviated transmission.
Steve Quayle is our guest for another 26 minutes.
We'll definitely get an update from him this Friday or coming up Monday, maybe even the Sunday show.
We'll set that up if he can do that with us.
I want to go to Randy, Ronnie, Dan, Dale, Roland, Pedro in Mexico.
We'll go to Pedro in Mexico here in just a moment.
SteveQuell.com is the website.
We'll put that web address and spelling up on screen at PrisonPlanet.tv.
For folks, please remember, we know that if what they're saying about this flu, that it's only killed a couple hundred in Mexico and one person that we know of here in the U.S., that's total hype.
It's a psy-op to sell vaccines and with their history of what they put in vaccines, woe unto he that takes it.
These are eugenicists.
And they're using it to train us to hear about troops on the streets, lockdown of cities, martial law.
Time Magazine, Newsweek are both writing articles.
We got them posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com saying, look...
Force inoculations coming, do what the government says.
If this continues, it's going to happen.
They're introducing, they're acclimating, they're baptizing you in this tyranny, while leaving the borders wide open.
So that is their agenda we know right now.
We're hoping this doesn't mutate, or that they've covered up how many it's really killing.
A lot of people have flu-like symptoms here in Austin, Texas, and it's not psychosomatic or placebo, they're not, you know, it's not psychological, they're not imagining it, they're not hypochondriacs, you know, they're sick.
Quite a few people that I know in my office have sick family or sick friends or sick bandmates.
And it's to the point of my children are already homeschooled.
But, I mean, I don't like getting into the fear.
It is a precaution, but I know that even then trying to do that feeds into it all.
The biggest issue here is that we have to remember who the Globalist are and what they've done in the past and go from there.
But we can't forget they've got a treaty to ban reloading, to register gun owners, to register any changes you make to a farm, like putting a new barrel in or having something fixed.
Got a gunsmith.
Just incredible stuff happening there.
They're trying to pass the carbon taxes right now.
All of this is going on.
All of this is happening right now.
And so folks have to ask themselves, are they going to be diverted and distracted?
And we're going to be covering this bird flu.
We're going to be covering this designer pig flu, whatever it is.
We're going to be covering it a lot.
Bird flu, pig flu, human flu, lab flu, created flu, government flu, new world order flu, whatever you want to call it.
But at the same time, we're going to keep pointing out what is being distracted from, what people are not seeing, what they're not looking at.
So continue to wake people up.
And remember, during this crisis, you can use the enemy's own crisis creation to wake people up.
Folks are ready to listen right now.
We have record listeners on AM and FM stations.
They say they've never got so much feedback
You know, the ratings only come out every quarter, but we can tell it's record listeners on AM and FM stations.
The internet, we've got about 40%, 50% more listeners right now to the podcast, the live streams, all of it.
Number one on Shoutcast, Talk Radio and Music every day this week.
Even last week, just amazing stuff happening.
And that's not even all our streams that you see there.
All of them don't show up for some reason.
So, this is a very exciting time to be alive, and if we reach out and expose the enemy,
Then their attempt, the pit they've dug for us is something they'll fall into.
So please go to InfoWars.com, get the Obama deception.
Get Truth Rising, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Give Endgame to people on DVD and say, this is what's really going on.
This is who the globalists are.
Now is the time.
So again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to do that.
You can find out a lot more about the great book Steve Quell's written.
Steve, tell folks about SteveQuell.com and some of the books you've written.
The people really want to get an idea on what we're facing.
First of all, it's Steve, Q-U-A-Y-L-E dot com, and thank you, Alex.
One of the books that was the most telling and impressive was Breathe No Evil, because I had made the statement on National Talk Radio prior to the Om Shinrikyo release of Seren Nerve Gas in Tokyo.
Subway that within two weeks or be a biological or chemical event that kind of launched me into the world of maybe some people should pay attention to what I have to say over the years I've developed a lot of sources interviewed a lot of different people across the spectrum from scientists Russian spies weapons trading specialists people that most people read about novels but don't know they exist in reality and
Double agents, both for Russia and the U.S.
The common denominator, Alex, in all this stuff was how stupid can the American people be?
It's enough to hear it from a Russian.
It's another thing to hear it from your own supposed number one top spy during the Cold War.
And you see what's going on, and can I share something with you?
Even the Russians, the old-time spies, this was given to me about 24 hours ago, are laughing at this administration.
They're actually telling our old-time spies it's too easy.
It's not any fun anymore.
In other words, the national security of the United States is a total joke and fiasco.
There's a total war going on.
And I dealt with these types of issues in the book.
I wrote Breathe No Evil, which my webmaster Dolly Dale told me.
I printed that or had it published in 1996.
At that time, no publisher would take it.
They said it was crazy.
No one was interested.
And I said, you mark my words.
This will be the topic of the day.
And it will be so important that you guys will say, in retrospect, gee, we wish we would have dealt with it.
Horowitz gave you credit for being probably the first person, other than himself, to really tell what's happening.
And the thing that's interesting about that is then, you know, the Hot Zone came out, then Becoming Plagued by Lori Garrett and all those things.
But see, again, what we're doing, we're trying to share this, you know.
I figured it out.
You and I and others that have been on the cutting edge for all these years, Alex, we're like the bow of an icebreaker, okay?
We have to hit the ice.
We get the hardest hits first, and then the rest of the ship can come along, okay?
And what we're trying to do is warn those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, that the good ship Lollipop, the United States of America, as they have known, it is going down because of global warming.
I want all national identity to be absolutely dissolved.
The global suprastate, which the United Nations is going to officiate over, is absolutely coming on the scene.
Yeah, notice how they've got Marines with troops from six different Latin American countries.
In fact, pull that video up.
Let's be rolling it without audio in the background.
From a major newspaper in Florida.
And all over the country, foreign troop drills in Arizona.
Foreign troop drills going on in Wisconsin.
Foreign troop drills in California, suddenly regular army running checkpoints in Tennessee and California and Michigan.
All of this is just calmly going on everywhere.
In fact, we're going to go to your calls in a moment, but back this up.
Let's go ahead and play the audio.
Listen to how they just announced this.
Like, this is from the newspaper's video.
What newspaper is this?
It's the Fort Myers, isn't it?
This is the Fort Myers...
I had it printed off, but I can't find it.
Yeah, so it's the Florida Times Union.
There you go.
Florida Times Union.
The headline, Marines and multinational forces train in Florida.
There it is, a link to it up on InfoWars.com.
They're just calmly, oh, the UN is directing the US, the WHO is.
The WHO?
Yeah, the New World Order, the World Health Organization.
Here's that clip since you brought up only a few minutes long.
We'll go to calls.
Steve Quayle is our guest.
Here it is.
Watch that screen.
It's a great opportunity to always observe the Navy Marine Corps team do something together that no one else does.
It's really important this year because the U.S.
Navy Marine Corps team is being joined by the Inventaria de Maria from many countries throughout the Latin American region.
So it's a really historic event for us.
I think, personally, I think it's been a long time coming.
It's important because it demonstrates the importance
of the relationships between our countries and how important it is for us to continue to work together.
An amphibious demonstration, basically.
We had Marine Corps, U.S.
Marine Corps, we had Partner Nation Marine Corps coming off the USS Ashton and USS Mesa Verde to do what we call an amphibious demonstration.
As you noticed, there was various landing craft, LCACs,
And AAVs as well as the Osprey and CH-46 helicopters and CH-60 helicopters coming in a synchronized demonstration of a landing force.
And it was not just a U.S.
Marine landing force, it was a joint landing force of U.S.
Marine Corps and partner nations.
How many partner nations?
We have 11 partner nations, not including U.S.
12 total nations participating in UNITAS goal.
How do you think the people on the beach enjoyed it?
I think with all the cheers I heard afterwards, they enjoyed it.
I don't know if they totally expected everything, especially all the Marine Corps people coming out of the AAVs with guns drawn and doing a landing, but I think they got a kick out of it.
What did you think of the attack?
Look at that!
All those tanks are like torn in half.
Have you ever seen anything like it before?
There it is.
I saw it in Oakland, and the Marines were with foreign troops trying to take our guns.
It's called Police Day 2000.
And people were so shocked in 99 when I released that, they thought I hired hovercraft, Marines, tanks, and there were thousands of them.
Imagine if the
If the public there saw the gun confiscation drills they do.
Now listen, this is all done to acclimate.
They admit they're preparing to use foreign troops.
They've signed official deals with the Canadians and Mexicans.
Remember in Katrina they brought in Mexican troops and it's for the first time since the 1860s.
Mexican troops coming back into Texas.
With huge flags.
This is all part of conditioning.
This is all part of acclimating the public.
And I said six nations.
See, memory fails.
It was twelve.
Excuse me.
Worse than what I was saying from memory watching that last night.
Steve Coyle.
Well, I think, Alex, this is absolutely in our face now.
And the deal is that people better understand that when Henry Kissinger made the statement by September, there'd be no private firearms ownership and that this is what's going down.
Listen, I want to give all you guys in Austin a heads up, too, because Austin has, as you know, so many retired military and a lot of the old guys that still love the country.
When I say old, I don't put that in anything outside of respect.
But I would say this, that groups in Austin that have been at war with other groups should take notice that there are indications that your area is going to get hit.
I'm not trying to be vague or melodramatic, but just beware of that, because the New World Order people, they show no mercy.
Obviously, that's an attribute of God, and their God, Satan, doesn't show any of that.
So the point is that it's going to be very, very critical
Seriously, that people who are retired military in the special forces, special operations community, the people that have been green berets, everybody take note of this.
You know, Alex, when I gave the orange alert, it was only days, and I'm not just saying that it was days because of my orange alert, but when people are dispatched to go and GPS
Uh, everybody that attends the Tea Parties and they're using facial recognition software, you and I talked about, that goes up the satellite and within one hour, one hour someone's dispatched, in many cases, that can never, you know, that type of effectiveness never exists in a federal organization.
It has to be higher up, someone's controlling it who is a military background.
And I think you and I both know who's controlling, quote, the census takers.
They're not census takers, ladies and gentlemen.
They're just double verifying who lives where when these people that Alex and I are talking about, he just played the clip, these are the people that are coming.
I had four star generals... No, no, they had met in that FEMA report and the DHS report, the one that got all the attention.
We just got another FBI one.
Ooh, it's really wild.
We're going to have that tomorrow.
And copies are already outside the office.
You can't stop it getting out.
We've got it ready to load right now.
We're just going to do a report tomorrow.
They are, in those reports, talking about how they have intelligence on the gun owners.
They admit, in the secret reports that mention the more classified reports, that they're surveilling gun owners, Christians, Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, and veterans, and that Homeland Security is for us!
It's astonishing.
And then, again, let me finish up one thought.
I've gotten challenged for over 10 years the amount of people in this country, NATO troops that have been bivouacked, placing all the bases at George Bush Senior closed down.
My number, from multi-star generals across the board and spies on both sides of the former Iron Curtain, 345,000.
So just because, ladies and gentlemen, you don't see them,
Look, these people are professionals.
There are a lot of bases, any military base that was closed down, worth its salt, had extensive underground facilities to prepare for nuclear war.
Well, most of these people have jobs, we've confirmed, in intelligence, where they'll be working at a pizza place, a factory, and they're pre-placed, you know, stay-behind teams.
But instead of a stay-behind team, they've always been here and they work for the UN.
Let's take calls.
Let's talk to Pedro in Mexico.
Pedro, what can you tell us about what's happening down there?
Hi Alex, hi everybody.
Good, thanks for calling.
I'm calling from Queretaro.
It's a million people.
It's a million people town.
It's about a hundred miles north from Mexico City.
Okay, say the name again because I was cutting you off.
You're from where?
It's Queretaro.
Okay, there's a delay.
Okay, tell us what you're seeing, sir.
Okay, well I see the people in the streets.
About 10 to 20 percent of the people wear surgical masks.
And basically they've created a lot of fear and hysteria of what they show on the mainstream TV here.
I have noticed any lack of food in the supermarkets.
I hear that pharmacies have reported a 15% increase in sales.
Of course, tourism, restaurants, coffee shops are dead.
And this is going to be terrible for the economy.
Thanks for this flu, now central banks can keep printing money.
And this swine flu will postpone higher prices of goods and services at least for a few months.
As far as I'm concerned, Mexico's economy was chugging along.
I think it was holding better than in the U.S., but even with the higher taxation measures that the latest Mexican IRS implemented in the last 12 months.
That's right, I read they want to squeeze more taxes out of people.
It says the Mexican government is going to start taking SDRs, that's the new global currency, from the IMF.
And I guess they've got to then squeeze it out of you poor folks.
Yeah, every year they put new measures and they make it, you know, harder to not pay taxes or every time they force us to pay more.
However, there was a very interesting article this morning and yesterday evening in the Reforma newspaper, which is one of the mainstream newspapers in Mexico City, where they quoted the Secretary of Health saying that only 26 cases of flu have been absolutely confirmed to be related to the swine flu.
And only seven deaths have been absolutely confirmed.
Yeah, that's right.
He says that they have a total of 2,400... They have a total of 2,498 cases of a typical pneumonia, of which 159 have resulted in death.
These 159 deaths are the ones that CNN is reporting.
Yes, yes, absolutely.
How many people?
Go ahead.
I don't know how many people have, you know, been to these poor hospitals in Mexico, but I can tell you, I mean, they're very humble and simple, and they have no way to know what virus is killing them.
I mean, all they know is that these people are dying from pneumonia, and all the doctors, you know, they start hearing, oh my God, the swine flu, so they must attribute these atypical pneumonia cases to this swine flu virus.
And now they want to use... That's another point that I've noticed.
Go ahead.
The other point I've noticed is I've been following Kentrails in Mexico since May 1997.
In fact, when I started seeing them, nobody knew what they were here.
I had seen pictures of the Kentrails in the U.S.
and I think I was one of the first websites that were placed regarding Kentrails.
And so I've been very, you know,
Sure they are.
Stay there.
Stay there.
I want to hear more.
We got a break.
Stay there.
Maybe we'll do some overdrive with Steve Quayle.
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Look, I have meetings, work to do, a new FBI training material that'll make the MIAC and the DHS thing look pale.
All the other things we broke.
Keep sending it, folks.
We'll keep vetting it.
I gotta call the FBI, make sure it is their stuff and a bunch of other things.
That's for tomorrow.
We're going into overtime for 20 minutes.
I'm gonna let Steve
Go, but it'll be PrisonPlanet.tv, viewers only, and InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com audio stream listeners.
When this airs in the rebroadcast, it won't re-air, just the regular four hours will.
So we're going to keep going live when the show ends with AM and FM, but it will be on the end of the free podcast.
You can subscribe to at InfoWars.com.
I want to tell Randy, Dan, Dale, Cody, and Roland, only those calls for Steve Quayle.
Jason Bermas has big breaking news he's about to cover right now.
Actually, Dr.
Sherry Tinpenny read this yesterday on air but didn't read from the document itself and the UN has said this is global government.
They can tell nations what to do, anything.
Burmese has this from the UN.
We have a strategic flu plan.
We're going to talk about that next hour with Steve Quayle.
Internet only at Infowars.com.
I want to end with Pedro and Steve Quayle right now.
Steve's been gracious enough to stay another 20 minutes, but we are ending it 20 minutes in, because again, I have stuff I've got to do as well.
I want to tell you about two sponsors that made the show possible before we finish up with Pedro about the chemtrails.
It's probably chemtrails making people sick.
It's probably not even the flu.
You never know with these liars, and the vaccine will be what the problem is.
I want to tell folks about the ringtones.
If you go to InfoWars.com, down the right-hand side of the page, there's a link that goes to the AlexJonesRingtones.net.
In fact, let's put that up on screen.
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It's HomeGain.com.
Link on the gorilla, little orange gorilla on InfoWars.com.
Max, the HomeGain gorilla.
Okay, we're almost over for the main transmission.
You've got to go over to the internet streams at InfoWars.com only.
Yes, basically what's happening is that the chemtrail spraying has been increasing this last three months and I've seen how people are getting sick with these flus that last, you know, a month.
You know, and they take a lot of effort to cure.
So what's happening now is that they've created this fear and hysteria, and everybody thinks that they get these, you know, regular, well, atypical, if you want, because of the timing of the year, but probably because of these chemtrails, and everybody thinks, oh my God, I'm infected with influenza, or the swine flu, because they have, you know, temperature, and they have, you know, a, I mean, shit, I felt like that just
Alright, so I appreciate your call.
We're gonna end the main transmission right now with GCN.
Steve Quayle, you're there on our phone system, correct sir?
Yes, I'll wait for you Alex.
Okay, fantastic.
We are going to come right back, right now, in one minute break with the Startup Overdrive for 20 minutes.
We're going to go to Randy, Dan, Dale, Cody, and Roland at 888-201-2244 or 512-646-7076.
Everybody that wants to hear this special overdrive has to go to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv to see the video.
We'll be right back in one minute to all the other stations.
God bless you.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 3 p.m.
Good job.
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Well, we are starting hour number five.
These are the times that try men's souls.
Steve Quayle of stevequayle.com is our guest.
We'll put it up on screen.
If you want to get the spelling of his last name, Quayle, you can visit it.
We'll go ahead and punch that up.
Q-U-A-Y-L-E dot com.
That's how you spell it.
Steve Quayle dot com.
Our websites are InfoWars dot com, PrisonPlanet dot com.
Jason Burmess has got breaking news dealing with a U.N.
He'll be live tonight, 9 to midnight.
When you get Steve on your show, 9 to midnight tonight with The InfoWarrior.
The website is TheInfoWarrior dot com.
And you can check that on the subsidiary of InfoWars dot com in the InfoWar.
All right, I want to go to a bevy of phone calls for folks that we're holding on the other phone system with Genesis, and then let Steve get out of here before we break this news with Jason Burmas.
Steve Quayle, the chemtrail increasing.
Now you have the government admitting they're terraforming the atmosphere for your own good, exactly as we said, barium salts, aluminum dioxide, saying, quote, these pollutants will help cool the earth, but the studies show it's actually heating them.
You have a massive increase of chemtrails worldwide.
They're coming out with everything.
How do the chemtrails that you pioneered exposing back in the mid-nineties, how does that feed into all this?
Well, there's multiple levels of this, but it's probably the largest genetic engineering experiment Alex has done on a worldwide basis that has ever been concocted, because not only are they just spraying the barium and aluminum salts and the variations, etc., for the original reason supposedly to deflect the solar radiation back in the upper atmosphere, the real thing was actually not only terraforming, but changing the genetic structure of the food we eat.
Look, all the cows, all the sheep, everything is out, any form of livestock, any form of... The plants.
Plants and us too.
And see, the thing is, and I say that, that we are what we eat, and this is what most people can't put together.
They are absolutely testing
Various strains in various places.
It's just like the old Dustin Hoffman movie, Outbreak.
And by the way, that really happened, the opening scene with the African village, Ebola.
I was on with George Norrie when I said, look, the last time I did an Ebola story on Ebola Zaire, I said, the U.S.
military or some of the intelligence agencies, you've got to get somebody down there because there are going to be guys flying in in helicopters and taking samples.
Guess what?
They didn't take my admonition seriously, and within hours after I said that, sure enough, the helicopters went in there, they were life-culturing Ebola.
Now, here's the deal.
What we're trying to get across is the fact that this is the implementation stage of the New World Order.
Everything Alex has warned about, everything he's made his movies about, everything I have written about is this time.
See, Alex, there's no more time for warning.
What we're doing now is chronicling the implementation
I mean they're openly, I mean you're right, they're openly announcing the world government, they're openly announcing the Bank of the World, they're openly announcing the bankruptcy of the planet, they're openly announcing the UN is in control of the major governments for your own good, they're openly saying a world authority, openly saying one-child policies, openly saying humans are bad, but they're so concerned about our health.
Take this shot, go ahead.
Well, again, the thing is is that
Everything, everything, everything is lining up, so what is going to be broken on that UN document?
Listen, what people have got to finally recognize is this, is that everything they've known is being taken away from them.
It doesn't matter if it's a 401k turning into a 201k turning into a 101k, whatever it's going to.
Their hope for their future, their children's future, their grandchildren's future, and at this point there are no political solutions.
The only solution is, quite candidly, is that enough people can get warned and can get prepared to try and escape these devils.
Because, like, one person just sent me an email calling it the Builder Burger Flu.
Let's call it the Builder Burger Brew.
Because, again, ladies and gentlemen, there's nothing that we're telling you that hasn't already been laid out, scripted out, and put into implementation.
Remember the Vice President Biden's statement about the first six months?
Of the new administration, that President Obama was going to be challenged?
Well, I got news for you, Alex.
That's almost to the day, isn't it?
Yeah, well, they're acting like his first hundred days are like that he saved the earth and he was George Washington and Jesus, somebody wrapped into one.
I mean, it's just amazing worship of this guy.
Were you surprised?
Were you surprised by the image, I think you put it up, of Obama as Jesus with the crown of thorns on his head and stuff?
Hey man, how's it going today?
I'm just reporting from Canada here.
This wine blue thing you see it on the news and all this shit.
I'm letting you go.
I appreciate your call.
Take care.
You won't be going out there.
That's fine.
You guys want to do that?
You just get cut off, okay?
Now, yeah, we have actually a 15-second delay.
We can engage, but whatever.
It doesn't matter.
That's how people get knocked off the air.
From now on, you're banned.
Go ahead.
What I think is, too, is, and we're not now, we don't know the exact time frame, but when the people at that Fort Myers beach or whatever that, the landing exercise, not one person questioned, you know, and I was praying under my breath, oh please let somebody go up and ask if this is a UN thing for the invasion of the United States.
They may have questioned, they just won't show that in the newscast.
But, given the fact that now it's in your face, you see, I believe that obviously God gives a flashing neon sign, and this is a flashing neon sign, but I've got to get people to understand this.
Very soon, the shortages, which have already appeared, started carrying ammo, reloading supplies, some food, everything is going to be dried up, and to the victors go the spoils.
When you've got foreign mercenary troops, Alex, from the backside, that means the deepest levels of real world intelligence.
These guys are laughing at how easy it's going to be to walk in and literally plunder the American citizens of everything they own.
And that's what I'm telling you is so maddening to me because it's like everybody thinks, listen, if paratroopers start coming out of the sky machine gunning everybody below, they'll think it's a Rambo movie and they'll run out and try and get, you know, 50 bucks for a stand-in part.
We're good to go.
Stop, you know that that it was just amazing yet.
I prayed and I prayed I prayed I had people who are intercessors break and I couldn't get away from it You see it's again enough to warn we've done that but again enough warning now This is the implementation and it's happening right before our very eyes.
This is scripted.
Trust me They know every step we're gonna take they know every step that they're gonna take.
Okay, Steve Steve
I want to take a few calls here, and for folks that want to call in specifically, didn't get a chance in the last hour, it's 888-201-2244, 888-201-2244, 512, that's 512-646-1776.
We'll take three or four more calls before Steve leaves us, but I wanted Jason Burmas to get to this.
Let me show people that on TV.
This is the huge checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning, and they admit that at a level four,
They can start locking areas down, quarantining, getting the force inoculations ready.
Level 5, that all begins.
We covered that with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny yesterday.
And Burmese has been reading over the Epidemic Alert and Response, World Health Organization, Department of Communicable Diseases, Surveillance and Response, Global Influenza.
program of the United Nations in association with the CDC, CDS, CSR and the GIP.
Go ahead and go over those key areas and get Steve Quayle's take on that, Jason.
Sure, I mean section 1.2 for instance is the command and control section where they ask who is really in charge
I've got to stop you, by the way, for weird listeners that send me emails saying don't interrupt.
We interrupt here for key breaking news.
You guys are just neurotic out there.
This is huge breaking news.
Get it up on screen.
I want to play a clip of this right now.
Swine alert level up to the second highest.
It goes from 1 to 6.
They were at 4, saying they'd go to 5.
5 can be forced inoculations, roundups, arrests, military checkpoints.
That's in AP Reuters.
Official announcements.
Level 6 is open.
Total martial law.
You're basically shot if you leave your house.
Suspension of all freedoms.
And they're doing this in the name of a flu that's only killed a few people.
They're now saying 9 people in Mexico.
The others died of other stuff.
Just unbelievable.
Breaking news.
It's a phase 5 alert.
It's a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent.
It is called when there is a human-to-human spread of the virus in at least two countries in one region.
So far, 150 people are thought to have died from the H1N1.
Mexico's saying that's not true.
All but one deaths have been in Mexico.
A Mexican toddler visiting the United States was the first death in America.
The virus has spread to nine countries and may have infected more than 2,500 people.
Sources say the level will be raised from 4 to 5.
Print that article for me ASAP.
Okay, I want to get Steve Quill's take on this, then Burmese, then you can get into the UN saying what they're going to do.
Go ahead, Steve.
Well, right now, as we're on the air, this is breaking news.
A lot of the people that monitor the different traffics, these are from military, intelligence, former intelligence guys, I'm getting an email.
Steve, warn everybody, I'm picking up activity on the Army National Guard frequencies, also hearing helicopters being put on standby, also unusual Red Cross activity on BHF Loban.
I will advise you as I sort this out.
Let me share this with you, Alex.
100% no melodrama.
This guy just calls it like he sees it.
So, the point being is that with Jason's documentation, it is already being implemented.
I don't know if that means we have two days or two weeks, but again, I want to make this plea.
Anybody who is going to leave their current location had better consider doing it.
They've got nothing but an extended vacation if we're wrong.
They won't be able to get to where they're going if we're right.
People in New York, you need to probably
Because, because if they got a level 5 can lock down all the cities, a level 6 just means it's guaranteed.
Absolutely, that's what I'm trying to say, and I gotta tell ya, I'm surrounded by people that will all think about leaving when I see it in the roadblocks that you'll be dead.
I'm serious, Alex.
This is so in your face.
This is so... These people do not care.
Bilderberger flu.
Death brew.
All the antecedents that are the precedents and everything that has followed that have gone on around the world.
Hey Steve, did you call Coast to Coast to get us on the other day or did they call you?
They called us.
Yeah, they called me.
Maybe we should call them and say that we need to have an update tonight in the first hour, because going to this level 5 is a big, big deal.
George is a smart guy, but I'm not sure they're going to understand the full import of this.
Well, here's the deal, Alex.
I'll talk to Lisa and tell her that, you know, we're both available to do that.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, this is no dry run.
You would not have the documents.
What's happened, okay?
A lot of stuff has existed in the background.
It's not being brought to the foreground.
Because you're going to have military commanders, U.S.
military commanders, rightly so challenging a lot of these orders, okay?
I don't know.
Bravo Sierra, some guy on the news worried about, you know, his pension.
There are real people who are ready to basically defend their constitution, take up the oath, and they know what's happening.
And ladies and gentlemen, whether you know it or not, there is no longer a United States as you know it.
Let me state this calmly, okay?
Regardless, it looks like this flu is a hoax.
It is designer to look weird and to scare people and to spread quickly, but it's mild to everybody that's getting it, except for a very small percentage, and that tends to be people who are run down.
They met this boy from Mexico that died in Houston, who already had a bunch of medical issues.
I bet he's got hemophilia or HIV or something.
Okay, now, now, that's going on.
Houston Chronicle says that.
Now, but that doesn't matter.
The way over response, the craziness, the troops on standby, all the drills and flu drills and martial law drills and mass grave preparations we confirmed.
Before this, that's why things are so, and that's why my gut has been taking this since last Friday, and then Saturday I said, this, something's going on.
I said, I think this is a hoax flu-wise, but the response is real, the vaccine is real.
You know, my spirit, you know, my gut, my instincts tells me something's very serious here.
And we're going to go to Jason Burma's in a moment with his other breaking news of what this means, what the United Nations is saying, but let's go to a few calls.
Tommy dropped.
I thought Tommy disagreed.
I go to people that disagree first.
Okay, let's go to, uh...
And each caller's got about 30 seconds, folks, because I've got to get out of here, so does Burma, so does Steve Quayle.
Mark in Oregon, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, how do, Alex and Steve, God bless you.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Steve, I really want to ask you, I know it's hard to do because things are in such a state of flux at the moment, and they're actually evolving.
It may not be possible for you to answer this this day, but
What do you see occurring here with what you know at this point in time over the next two to three weeks in this country that's going to affect every person in this country, and I'll take my ass off the air.
Certainly appreciate everything you guys have said.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mark in Oregon.
Go ahead, Steve Quayle.
Well, Alex, you just gave the answer to that ahead of time.
I said, I don't know if we've got two days or two weeks, but we go to level five, and God forbid we go to level six, they will implement martial law.
Now, the question should be more, will they implement it first in the states that have already declared?
I want to be clear.
They implemented Marshall Law Sunday.
That is, they said, we have now implemented this, but they said it's a formality.
The question is, will they then physically enforce it?
But they have declared we're under the martial law civil emergency.
If you read the corresponding executive orders, as you know, Steve... Right, I agree with that.
But here's what I'm saying.
If I hear that the control has gone up, and others, by the way, it's not just a thing with me, okay?
There are plenty of people that can blow the whistle.
If we hear that the control has gone up and they go operational, for people to understand this,
The airborne command structure that will initiate the implementation, sending troops in, and the assassination teams against those who are designated targets, that will go up when that individual goes up and says, you know, gives his code and his emergency action message, and demands total, total obedience, and he'll say it probably three to seven times, whatever the protocol is, and changes it from one word, this is not an exercise, this is go,
That's when the fur flies.
And Alex, we were there.
This is what I tried to get across to everybody.
I don't think people understood this on Coast to Coast.
We were there on Saturday when you were having your emergency broadcasting.
Yeah, now we know they have a list of American patriots, gun owners, and people of influence.
That was declassified in the church hearings in the 70s.
And we know, and now publicly confirmed, it was already documented, but people didn't want to believe it, that the main threat
To the terrorists that run the government, Homeland Security, is the American people, gun owners, Christians, business owners, veterans.
And so, this whole military apparatus of NORTHCOM is for us.
Because when they take America down, they gotta go after us.
You don't think they're not gonna use the martial law to get it in place and get everybody acclimated and then start?
You think they're gonna slam it down day one?
I think they're going to slam it down day one from the time the aerial command directive is given.
I want people to understand this.
When I have a lieutenant colonel that works for that organization in my office who's a Christian and scared to death out of what is being planned, and I asked him, I won't say his name, I said, how many?
He says 200 million.
Well, you know what that question was all about, Alex?
How many people are they prepared to take out?
Well, we know they killed half of Ukraine and 35% of Cambodia, and then they write books about it, bragging.
I want to go back to calls in a moment, but Burmese, I apologize for interrupting you with the Level 5 alert.
I apologize to listeners that don't like that I interrupted with the Level 5 alert, but people need to know that.
You go ahead and read from the start the document name and what you found.
The WHO or World Health Organization checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning and it's a 39 page document.
But some of the highlights here, Alex, are in the command and control section.
They ask, oh, who's in charge?
Is it the Prime Minister or the President, the Ministry of Health, other departments, regional officers?
We just don't know.
And then they tell you who's in charge.
Right over here in section 1.4.2 to ensure that mechanisms exist for the information sharing between national authorities who and other United Nations agencies coordinate with or use existing mechanisms set up in the implementation of the International Health Regulations.
So it's all international, it's all global, it's all... No, it's in Reuters and AP, the Secretary General saying the U.S.
Canada, Europe, Mexico are all following their directive.
The global government is activated and he said this is great for global governance.
This is a great test for everybody to go under our control.
Yeah and then in section 1.5.1 legal and ethical issues they say during a pandemic it may be necessary to overrule
And that's Level 5!
Yes, I believe so.
That's level 5, I've read their checklist.
You know what?
We've taken a lot of Steve Quayle, SteveQuayle.com's time, but you know what?
You're going to be live tonight, 9 to midnight.
That's why I got you down here.
It's a blessing, so we have two time slots to be live.
Steve, I know you have your family and things to do.
Should we get a 30-minute report from you at, say, 9.20 to the end of the hour?
Tonight, Central, I guess you're Mountain.
Could we have you on in case there's been any new developments, which it looks like there will be?
Yes, and Alex, I'm doing my show today from five to six, okay?
SteveQuayle.com, you can click on live, it's internet only.
And the thing is, is that I will be posting, if things continue to speed up, as I sense they will, just so you know, I don't think I will, here's what I'm trying to say, I will be posting my red screen, and this is,
This is it.
Now, people can pay attention to it or not, but, you know, their blood is off my hands.
And those of you who I've been able to warn and you've prepared your families, I just want you to know, God bless you.
I thank you for taking an active role in your future and not letting some group of international bureaucrats rule your destiny and destroy your future.
Well, about 10 days ago, or last Monday, you launched the orange alert saying, get ready for the next two weeks for them to drop the hammer.
Never done that before.
Now it's just happened again.
And you're saying you're going to DEFCON 5.
I mean, you're going to put out a red alert.
My red alert.
Then, I mean, is that saying they're guaranteed to come after everybody?
Uh, let me say this.
If the message is given and they're going up, now, somebody said, well, how can you make sure the internet, uh, stays up?
I can't, but I pray that the people that will have the time to see the red alert will take it seriously.
I'm not saying, Alex, at this point, I'm saying specifically, I need one piece of information.
I have never done that in my entire life, nor would I get, I only get one shot at it, okay?
But if it is implementation of martial law and the command directive is given by the aerial control mechanism, I'll leave it vague, then the point is that we're there and...
The safety is off, the gun is to our head, and with these globalist history, and them certainly hyping something that shouldn't be being hyped, we've got to be ready.
Well, and literally, Alex, in your case, too.
And I want to encourage everybody out there that is a believer that knows how to intercessory pray.
You had better pray, because you pray for Alex Jones.
Please, pray for me.
Pray for Hawk.
Pray for Jason.
Pray for the people that are absolutely trying to save as many lives, wake as many people up, and make a difference.
Because again, ladies and gentlemen, even though these people can plan and they're ready to dispose of all of us in a heartbeat,
Dispatch us is their term.
The point is there is a God in heaven who can act on behalf of intercessory prayer.
It's been proven time and time again.
And by the way, Alex, we are at the darkest hour.
We are literally to the point where we're at a tipping point and that's all I can say.
No, I agree with you.
We've got time to make a few more calls.
Burmese will be covering us 9 to midnight tonight and you will be on then.
Let's just have you right at 10 minutes in for about 30-40 minutes to give us your latest reports on what's going on with Jason Burmese tonight.
We will call your main number and get you on and I'll probably call in too.
I'm probably going to be up here so I might even be sitting in with you, Jason.
For those that don't know, Swine Alert level up to second highest.
It's gone from level 4 to level 5.
That's Sky News.
We'll make sure that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
If it isn't already up, ask Nemo and Paul to get that up immediately.
This is just off the charts.
For a flu that's nothing, at least, unless they're lying about what it's doing.
This is incredible.
It's not the threat, Alex.
It's the solution to the threat, and the solution is what's getting the dominant amount of air coverage, and not one thinking individual saying, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, on national media, look, you guys are blowing this out of proportion.
Look how many people die every year of pneumonia or whatever.
It's absolutely the most creative, let's say, use of fear and terror by the mainstream media that I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, it is.
It's incredible.
That's why, even though it looks like a total hoax, I'm still upset.
And it's because of what they're doing.
And it's because it's how obvious it is.
And if we get the word out what they're doing, they may back off.
We've done this before.
And I told you we're the main threat.
We have power.
That's why those of you out there are so important.
That's why we're the number one threat in the Secret Homeland Security documents.
They know that we know.
What they're doing.
They're aware that we understand their program.
And that's why they hate it that our numbers are growing.
And I've said they're going to turn the chessboard over.
That's why they're going to go ahead and just move right at us.
That's what I've been seeing in the cards.
And oh, man.
Forrest in Texas.
You're on the air, Forrest.
Yes, sir.
I have a question for Steve and a quick question for you, Alex.
Okay, go ahead.
Okay, this is a question for Steve.
Do you believe there could be any type of way that the
Categorically, no.
Do you think it would be possible if we could all have maybe like half of the show or a couple, like an hour, just like dedicated to praying for this nation?
Like maybe have like Len Horowitz back on, have Jim and Tex Mars and George Humphries and we just like send out positive, all-loving energy to, you know, to help.
I don't believe in love.
Well, Alex, Alex, can I say this?
Well, we believe in love, they don't.
And right now, as Mao is their god, all true power comes out of the barrel of a gun.
Let me share this.
I believe in imprecatory prayer to the living god.
I think we're in the same state as the gallows are prepared, and Haman is licking his chops, and everybody needs to take on a Queen Esther role to go in before the king, who is the god of the universe.
I'm telling everybody, that's not going to get the job done, because everyone loses track of something.
This is the nation that has absolutely said, basically, with all of its symbols of the last hundred days, move over Jesus, there's a new savior in town.
The new savior cannot...
Look at how he goes to speak at churches and they pull down statues of Jesus, his name, then they show him as Jesus.
It is total blasphemy.
And here is the United Nations document.
Make sure they do an article on this.
I mean, I know it's in there for compulsory injections in the executive orders, but here's the U.N.
saying they control our government.
Section 15.1, compulsory vaccination or implementation of emergency shifts.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
So it is all right there.
So much to cover.
Thank you so much, caller.
Yeah, trust in God, but, you know, tie up your camel.
A ghost dance isn't going to cut it.
Yeah, who raises pandemic alert level?
Let me read that next part of the headline, please.
And it says swine flu incident.
At 16 in Canada.
And I'm going to give each caller 30 seconds and we gotta go.
Let's go ahead and take some more calls here.
Excuse my call screen.
Computer screen pops up.
Graham in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
I have an important story that I saw yesterday out of KTLA down in Southern California, KTLA.com.
They have a video entitled, Border Agents, Eye Travelers for Signs of Flu.
Marie Mortera reports and it says basically that the CDC has ordered the border agents to eye travelers for obvious signs of flu and to send them to a CDC quarantine or a local health official if you'd like.
I have the video queued up right now.
I can play the report.
I've been asked by the CBC to look for travelers with obvious blue signs.
Now those people might be taken to the CBC quarantine area or to a local health official for an evaluation.
For some, they say any extra check is a welcome for Congress.
Did you get that?
Yes they have because Time Magazine has already written an article about it.
You know?
We are going to face mandatory forced vaccinations.
I believe Alex is going to be fined 250 grand and five years in jail for refusing it.
Well, you know, try and get $250,000 out of some guy that is just totally wiped out.
But you see, the law has got to be in place so that these monsters have justification in their own mind for carrying out the destruction of their follow countrymen, and that's what... Well, I'll tell you what's incredible.
Other Patriot talk shows I turn into are making fun of us even covering this, even on this network, and are busy talking about issues of little or no significance.
Well, then it's obvious where their allegiance lies, it's obvious where their loyalties lie, and it's obvious, probably, that who's paying them.
Look, I make no bones about it.
You cannot be where we're at.
And anybody... Listen, I'm saying this, and I'll say this to Alex, but don't give Alex the heat.
Give me the heat for this.
But anybody that's making fun of us when we have been so right, even to the urgent alert, everything that we've both done has brought everyone to this point.
They are on the other side, and I don't give a darn who thinks that.
If anybody is saying what we're saying to warn people to save their lives, then they are the enemy, and they are as much an enemy as the people that are coming in with the blue berets to blow us all away.
Well what they do is, and I don't even think some of them are agents and it's other networks and people, is that they say that I'm saying it's a pandemic when from day one when I went on the air Saturday and Friday, but Saturday I should know I think this is hype, but the way they're acting and the police state they're setting up and all the preparation and pre-hype I saw go into this tells me that they're getting ready for a big move like 9-11.
And so all I'm saying is there's a lot of crazy crap going on and they stand to gain.
We're not the ones that are putting this alert out.
It's the government.
They're the ones saying they're getting ready for forced inoculations and in North Carolina and California and Texas saying they're going to have checkpoints and grab you off the street.
I mean, you know, hell, all I'm doing is reporting what's going on.
And when you even use the sources they all pay attention to to validate their positions, then, you know, look, here's the thing.
People don't understand, Alex.
There is an entire division in North Com that does nothing but try and neutralize what you and I say.
It's not making me or you important.
All I'm saying is this, is that to keep the maximum amount of sheep asleep before they get slaughtered, there is absolute cyber
I don't know.
Well, that's a distraction.
Everything we say comes true.
Everything we've said's been right.
And of course it takes funds to pay all these people and do all this.
We are totally obsessed with fighting the New World Order.
We need more donations.
People need to buy more of our books and videos and support us.
But not even that.
Look, I make the films like Truth Rising, Endgame, Jason Makes Fabled Enemies, Obama Deception, and Day One.
I put it free on the internet, and believe me, that cuts into our sales.
But I don't care!
I have no future.
My children have no future.
Do I want money?
I wish I had the money to get a little farm so I could have ISD in line so I don't have to, when all this goes to hell, if it does, I just won't be here.
I'm going to get my kids and I'm going to go to the family farm, and there's no way to do the show there.
But I'm trying to think of ways.
We need more money to be able to do this properly.
But when the jig, you know, when the jig's up and the balloon goes up, ISDN lines and crap will be down anyway.
So, you know, I mean, the point is this is so real, people need to understand that.
Steve Quayle, we'll see you tonight during the first hour of the show with Jason Burmess on the Info Warrior to recap all the latest developments 9 to midnight Central tonight.
And we'll see you on your show coming up in a few hours.
Steve Quayle, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Thanks, Alex.
God bless.
God bless you.
There he goes.
I'm sorry to all your other callers.
Graham, and John, and Mark, and JD, and everybody else.
I'm just too exhausted.
I gotta take a break.
Jason, you're gonna be live tonight.
Nine to midnight in here going over all of this.
Just total news coverage on this.
Because, again,
It's a no big deal.
You know, it's like somebody farts in a church and everybody acts like they're dying of nerve gas.
This is just a nothing flu, unless they're lying about it.
And they're acting like it's the end of the world, freaking out, openly setting up complete police state.
Take us out of here, Jaren.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is hardcore.
This is serious.
And spread the word to everybody you know.
You'll get the latest info tonight!
9 to midnight, Central Standard Time on the GCN Radio Network at Infowars.com and live at PrisonPlanet.tv with that man right there.
I like this song so much, I don't want to end the show.
I want to keep rocking to it.
Ladies and gentlemen, get fired up!
Get involved!
Stand up against the tyranny.
This was rock music against the East Germans.
It was about standing up to tyranny.
Listen up and listen good.
I like it.
I'm not going home.
You know, these are the times that try meant soul.
We are living in the birth of the New World Order.
This is your medal being tested.
This is reality.
This is your chance to be part of history.
The New World Order is trying to run all over us, stand up, resist them, fight back in the Info War, and to protect yourself physically if need be.
God bless them!
They're gonna break the chains!
And you!
Can't stop us!
I want you to spread the word to everybody.
I want to see massive internet numbers tonight on the streams in there.
That's how we gauge things.
And on the AM and FM.
Everybody tune in, spread the word tonight.
The latest info, you'll hear it here, 9 to midnight.
With Jason Burney, the Burmese Info Warrior.
Ha ha!
Alright, great job crew.
We're outta here!