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Name: 20090428_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 28, 2009
1497 lines.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones, and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we just started simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I had Justin, who's in Mexico City.
We've called him there.
He contacted our office, but we wanted to double-check that he was in Mexico City.
We've had a lot of calls from Mexico City saying the same thing.
A lot more dead people than you're hearing.
A lot more people sick than you're hearing.
We had Dr. Tenpenny on, who was in Mexico, couldn't get a flight out in Monterey.
Had to get out by bus.
They told him the police came to the hotel, told everybody to leave.
She was bussed out of the country.
She's now in San Antonio.
Dr. Deagle, do you have any questions before I let this caller go?
Do you have any questions dealing specifically with what he witnessed three days in a hospital?
What Justin witnessed in that Mexico City hospital?
Go ahead.
The first thing I would ask is...
If their idea of quarantine is to stick all the inpatients together, it means maximum cross-contamination.
It means pregnant women and others.
So that's a stupid policy.
The second thing is to hear doctors, quote, demanding vaccines when the doctors should know better that it takes six months to make a vaccine with egg membrane technology.
So it shows me that the health professionals they're talking about really are not informed.
Secondly, vaccines don't protect anyway.
All they do is create a titer.
Which is an antibody against the virus.
You have to actually have a true host defense system in order to protect the body.
And that's why being healthy prevents primary infection.
So that's number one.
The other that I've heard actually from other reports is that they don't have proper masks.
And if they don't have a respiratory fit mask, like these bio suits I've seen actually that the Homeland Security are going to wear with Scott Airpaks and filters, you have to have an antiviral mask that's actually going to have a respiratory fit.
Like a NIOSH N100, or even better, a nanomask.
If you don't have those and you're working around these sick people, the very first casualties, and this happened with the SARS or coronavirus, these are a big virus.
These are many times bigger.
They're the largest virus pretty well that infects humans.
The influenza virus is a very small virus, relatively, and the droplet masks that doctors wear are useless.
So the first thing that's going to happen if there's a true pandemic
We're good to go.
I'd like to know.
Meanwhile, the Homeland Security is walking around like supermen in their respiration suits.
Taking care of, just like on 9-11.
They were all out there wearing, FEMA was out there wearing respirators telling firemen and police, the air is fine, the air is fine.
You know, like Darth Vader.
Exactly, they've got a Scott Airpack on while everybody else has got a particle mask that
Not only in Mexico, but in the UK.
What are they talking about vaccinating people?
Why are they telling all foreigners get on planes and leave, which right in the middle of an outbreak will vector all that?
They're making the borders more open during it.
The first thing I would do immediately is I'd shut down all air travel.
And I'd have everybody called multiple times a day.
And I'd have them not only cultured, I'd have a culture swab of their throat, not just a
A Z-Stat flu test, which is a rapid test I had in my clinic in Denver to measure, because that will miss up to 15 to 20 percent of cases even in the peak of an infection.
So, you can't use a temperature.
For example, Japan has basically blocked anybody coming into the country that has a temperature, you know, over 104.
That's useless.
You can shed the virus... They may be in the incubation, exactly.
They're going to be... Right.
They could be shedding virus all over the place.
It's totally useless.
Same way they tried to use thermal scanners in the Toronto Airport and other places when they had a major outbreak.
It was useless.
I want to go back to our caller in Mexico City so he can finish up and in comments we can let him go.
Do you have any questions of Justin in Mexico City?
Yeah, I'd like to know what kind of news reports are there?
Is there a blackout?
How many people are really sick?
What's the ratio of deaths?
See, I guess that there's at least two substrains and there may be emerging other ones.
I think so.
What's the real death rate?
Are they getting any real reports?
Okay, let's ask him that question.
I mean, you were saying that the doctor said, in that hospital you were in alone, and you were out there for a day, 20 dead people.
As far as I know, they only have a few facilities where they can actually test whether that's the virus or not.
So it's very likely that people can find it.
Well, if it's not flu season, if it's an influenza A virus, which you can do a test in 10 minutes, it's this recombinant lab virus,
Unless proven otherwise.
I mean, it's like if you hear the hoof beats, it's probably horses and not zebras.
So, if there's 20 deaths from an acute respiratory illness, you know that this is almost certainly this viral bioweapon that's been released.
And if they can even just do a rapid test, which any doctor's office anywhere can do, for influenza A, they can confirm, oh, you've got this virus.
They almost certainly, this is the bug.
And if they have 20 deaths,
What's the case fatality rate?
See, I want to know that.
And this is the problem.
We don't see the genetic clades.
They should already have that report out.
Which gene groups are they?
Are they reporting it to not only the public, but also other scientists?
And now we have all these companies... Yeah, they should be putting out the sequence publicly, or at least the make-up, so that all these independent research firms can go to work looking at it.
But they're being a little bit secretive about the make-up of this virus.
You could be in a cellular culture.
If you thought vaccines would work, which I know they don't,
You could actually make in a cell culture vaccine in 30 days.
But the problem is the virus continues like a whirling dervish to keep changing.
And so if they say they're going to have a vaccine in six months, which you've actually CDC has stated they will in Homeland Security, that's useless.
That's from like trying to shoot a bullet at a target six months after the target's already moved and gone into another state.
It's ridiculous.
Yeah, that'd be like if you wanted to kill Alex Jones, you went to the house I was born in, that I haven't lived in in 30 years, and blew it up.
Yeah, exactly.
It's insanity.
And for them to... These doctors that supposedly demand vaccines, or they're going to give something... First off, there is no antiviral drug
They can stop this.
And the ones that they would use are so toxic, for example.
Well, Dr. Diegel, medical doctor, I've got a question for you.
You've been following this for a long time and really obsessing over the barbaric flu and saying it was coming or something like that.
Well, I knew it was coming because they told me they were building it.
Oh, absolutely.
Sure, sure.
Well, they admit they've built it.
It's a lab flu.
CDC admits they've done it.
But the issue here is, now,
We know viruses as they go through human bodies and animal bodies, they are always changing, mutating, like bacteria or anything else.
Well, the genetics of humans as we procreate, that's what we do here.
How does this generally work?
I see different schools of thought, different virologists, different doctors.
Is it more rare for a virus to mutate into something harmless?
Or is it more common for it to mutate into something bad?
Or is it the characteristics of this virus, being this transgenetic mutagen, this cross-species of virus, with animal, pig, and bird, and that it didn't come from the East, as all flus do, it originates in Mexico, outside the flu season?
You've had all this together, it's amazing.
Well, someone you need to probably interview is Dr. Henry L. Nyman.
Dr. Nyman probably is head of recombinomics in Pittsburgh, is a top virologist in recombination.
I believe that he is smack on.
99% of the changes in any virus, whether it's flu or any other virus, is recombination.
Not reassortment, not switching genes like shuffling cards, and not mutation.
Mutation is very rare, it occurs when it's radiated or there's incredible amounts of toxic material around like
Radioisotopes and toxic halides.
What happens with recombination is similar to what happens in human cells when we make a baby.
Your genes come together and there's a thing called synapses where genes are swapped.
And this virus, meaning it has from four different sources, human, avian, Asian, and swine, it means it's had synapses with viruses on three different continents.
So it's a lab virus.
The danger right now is that this lab virus is a bridge.
It's a bridge because it attaches to human cells.
It's got the binding domain.
It may have one or more of the lethal genes, and it's going to acquire new genes, either when it moves to a territory like China or Eastern Europe, where we know that the virus is endemic, H5N1, or North America, where there's millions of birds dying, and British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon, and California, and elsewhere in the US, you can pretty well find the
I don't
Highly airborne, to be mixed with a perfect spectrum of standard human acquirable flu viruses mixed in the major vats.
Thank God a subsidiary contractor tested it on ferrets, killed them deader than a hammer, and they found out this had happened.
Then everything got shut down and quieted.
Then we learned there were all these secret tests with people homeless being given it, being killed.
Uh, and then Baxter, out of hundreds of big companies, has chosen to make the World Health Organization vaccine.
I mean, this is really starting to get serious.
It's really evil, and there's actually six companies, um, that are doing the vaccine.
I tied contact with three.
We not only had contact with Pfizer Pharmaceutical, which is another evil company, and I had, uh, November 2007 documents sent to me by a whistleblower in New Jersey at a health park there, which is believe it or not in a mall, uh, that was playing around with H1N1, which is resurrected.
I don't know.
Most human hybrid embryos, which are part human, part mouse, okay?
They're doing all kinds of ghoulish experiments.
And by the way, listeners, if you're ignorant about this, don't roll your eyes.
Just Google animal-human hybrids.
In fact, Google it right now, because the general public still doesn't know they got chimpanzee humans, cow humans, spider humans, goat humans.
They've got, uh...
These creatures that might have 20 different animals in them, plants, insects, pull up a human-mouse hybrid.
Let's show folks that.
That's how they help make up a mousepox that has a 90% kill rate in Homo sapiens sapien.
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All right, I want to thank Justin in Mexico City.
We'll stay in contact with him day to day as our contact there with what's happening.
We'll pray for you, Justin.
We appreciate you and congratulations on your newborn daughter, but not as somebody from Mexico City, but somebody that was in a hospital.
We'll take more calls for Dr. Deagle.
Doc, time will tell with all of this as it unfolds, but there is no doubt
That the globalists have engineered past plagues, that bioweapons have been used by governments to wage siege against populations since 1500 BC.
And I've got the historical text here I want to go over coming up in the next segment.
And we know they stand to gain from this, and I've been saying the last few months, there's no way they can get their agenda through politically raping the people, financially raping the people, unless they stage crises and then compose as saviors and make people so worried about their very lives that they will accept the transition to open world government, which is now happening.
And that's clearly going on right now.
So whether this is real or hyped, they are using it.
People aren't talking about Obama being for torture or leaving the troops in Iraq that was coming to a head.
They're not talking about the $12.8 trillion that's been stolen by the banks.
Mexico isn't on the verge of revolution anymore.
This is just a godsend for the New World Order and then you have all these drills and all these preparations.
In a crescendo, leading up into March and April, and now all this happening.
I mean, you put it all together, and just the evidence just stacks and stacks.
And then we know they're lying about the real number of deaths and illnesses.
Saying everything's fine, but then acting scared to death.
This is just really wild.
Let me read a letter, actually, that's in a news report from Mexico, by a respiratory specialist, published literally two days ago.
Dr. Antonio Chavez, a doctor working in Mexico City, and I'm going to quote... Yeah, that's BBC, that's BBC, go ahead.
I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health.
There's a severe emergency over the swine flu here.
More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit.
Despite the heroic efforts of all the staff, doctors, nurses, specialists, etc., patients continue to inevitably die.
The truth is that antiviral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses.
It is a great fear among the staff.
The infection risk is very high among doctors and health staff.
There is a sense of chaos in other hospitals and we do not know what to do.
Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays.
The truth is that mortality is even higher than what has been reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work.
It is killing three to four patients daily and has been going on for more than three weeks.
This was reported on the 26th.
And it's now confirmed that the Mexican government, AP Reports, knew about this March 18th.
Go ahead.
It is a shame and there is great fear here.
Increasing younger patients age 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here.
This is from Alvaro
We'll come to San Diego.
We'll come to Texas.
Okay, well here's the issue then.
Are we, okay, you're saying it's going to come to Texas and it's going to come to California.
Oh yeah, it's coming real quick.
What I'm saying is, what is going to happen, I mean, so we're going to find out soon though.
If it's only Mexicans dying, then we know this is race specific.
What if it starts, I mean, killing people, then we know we're in deep trouble.
Oh yeah.
In this capital of my state, Oaxaca, there is a hospital closed because of a death related to the porcine influenza.
In the papers they recognize only two people dead for that cause.
My friends working in the hospitals or related fields say that the situation is really bad.
They are now talking about 19 people dead in Oaxaca.
Including a doctor and a nurse.
They say that they got shots, but they were told not to talk about the real situation.
Our authorities say nothing.
Well, did you hear the Mexico City fellow saying 21 people died in the hospital he was in?
Oh, yeah.
I'm sure the numbers are far worse.
Now, here's the real problem.
If we have a high pathogenic flu, we don't know how many of these lethal genes.
And if we had the gene clades, if they were published, we'd say, okay, it's acquired the PB2J
It's, let's say, you've got the polybasic amino acid in the H-gene, so it can grow in the brains.
Now, here's how sneaky this virus is.
This virus can incubate in your body, and they've already known this.
Homeland Security knows it can grow 8 to 10 days, and you could be shedding virus.
You don't have a temperature, you don't have a cough, you don't have anything.
Yeah, well, it takes a while to get this long incubation, which is really bad.
And then people are sick for weeks and weeks and weeks.
Speak to that.
Yeah, and not only are they sick, but the people that recovered, by the way, from the 1918 flu,
They developed frozen man syndrome, which is caused by damage to the tectum of their midbrain.
They developed Parkinson's disease and they developed a very aggressive form of dementia years or decades later.
I took care of them in the 1970s that developed these syndromes after surviving the 1918 swine flu pandemic.
All right, let's blitz through phone calls on the other side in our final segment with Dr. Deagle, MD, and we're going to go directly to your calls.
Tom, Chris, Tony, Mark, Amber, and others.
Phone blitz coming up.
I'll recap all the top stories.
We are pretty much exclusively covering this flu situation, because we have to.
Meanwhile, the globalists are stealing us all blind, and that's what they plan.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You are a rebel, admit it.
You refuse to read the directions when assembling a new item.
You won't ask for directions when you're lost.
Once in a while, you drive in the carpool lane with only you in the car.
Your neighbors call you a crackpot, and you can count your real friends.
I think?
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Rusty chains of prison moons are shattered by the sun.
I walk a road, horizons change, the tournament's begun.
The purple piper plays his tune, the choir softly sing.
Three lullabies in an ancient tongue for the court of the crown.
We are here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I come back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
You know, it took many years of research to be able to admit to myself just how evil the globalists are and to face what their agenda is.
Are we helpless?
Or will we defend our families?
And wrest control of the planet away from these madmen?
Let's go ahead and go back to Dr. Deagle on your phone calls.
Tom in Texas.
You are on the air worldwide as we have continual coverage of the bird, swine flu, human flu, designer flu scare.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Dr. Ken Penney had mentioned the randomness of the spread of this NWO flu, and I've been looking at maps of where these reported cases and suspected cases come up, and it looks like it's following the interstate trucking routes.
Popping up in like, you know, fueling depots.
Are there areas where you'd have to get fuel to travel?
No, no, no.
We have 30 million illegal aliens in this country, most of them from Mexico, 80 plus percent, and there's millions of them going back and forth in any one week.
That's one way to spread it.
But you also have tourists all over the world, so that's one way.
The issue, though, is it isn't killing people, but it hasn't really gone mega-viral yet.
It hasn't gone pandemic and it's spread yet.
I don't know if it'll be pandemic and it's mortality.
Or it's morbidity, whatever the proper term is.
And so, that's the big issue.
If it starts killing people in the West who have better medicine, who are healthier, but we've confirmed in Mexico it's killing the heads of museums, it's killing healthy people, it's killing people in coastal towns, it's killing farmers.
Something stinks, and we're going to put this puzzle together in the end.
Dr. Deagle, you want to comment on what Tom's saying?
Yeah, it's actually an ancient ceremony by these Satanist globalists.
It's called the Ceremony of the Phoenix.
It goes back to ancient Sumer, Egypt, etc.
And what they're doing is they're using a bird, just like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds movie is a thriller, and they're using it as a vector to bring these genetics.
And now they have a bridge virus they've released.
And I don't believe that we're seeing the worst of it yet, by any means.
I think that
This evening, even as Napolitano says, believe it or not she's saying the truth this time, if it blows over in two weeks or six weeks, look out.
And the reason is they're not doing anything to stop it.
Now they're telling us they're going to make a vaccine which is useless to an organism that's going to change, even if the vaccine would work.
They're not talking at all about blocking the borders to prevent people that carry the more lethal strains up from Mexico or air travel.
They're doing nothing.
In fact, everything they're doing is going to make sure there's maximum spread of this cross-contamination.
But Dr. Deagle, expanding on that, I mean, this could just be, I mean, we know there's 15,000, CDC says 36,000, but people I've talked to say they exaggerate the number of flu deaths every year.
But I mean, let's just say it's 36,000.
You've got tens of thousands of deaths from flu every year in Mexico.
And, uh, so a couple hundred people are dead.
Let's say they're covering up, let's say a thousand, let's say a thousand are dead.
Let's say five thousand are dead.
Hypothetically, still, why all the fear mongering?
That's what makes your heckles go up, to see the Marshall Law Grid going in.
Uh, you know, are they just using this hype to... Well, there's a couple things... ...to hold on, to cover up the news cycle with all the other issues that they want to cover up, the people rebelling in Mexico.
Absolutely, they're using it as a tool.
The first problem is the statistic.
They don't actually have, if you were to say there's 36,000 deaths, the first thing they'd have to do is, number one, they'd have to prove that they had that virus in their system.
So when they write it on their certificate, they don't have viral proof.
That's number one.
I was one of the reference clinics in Denver that actually did the viral test.
A lot of times when they hospice some old lady, they say she died of flu or if it's a drug interaction or a bad surgery, they don't want to be sued for malpractice, so they say flu.
Yeah, exactly.
And the other thing that happens is, and I know when I put somebody in the hospital, those who quote got the flu ended up on a respirator and needed all kinds of intensive care, they always had mycoplasma, okay?
And by the way, mycoplasma is one of the components in the chemtrails, but I call them biotrails is a better term.
So, they always had mycoplasma.
If they had flu, which we could pick up on their blood tests, they always had mycoplasma if they ended up on a respirator or other problems.
So, the statistic number one is exaggerated in terms of the number of deaths because there's many different organisms.
There's hundreds of pathogens that can cause respiratory deaths.
Yeah, this could also just be a cover for something that they've released separately.
You never know with their disinformation.
Anything else, Tom?
I just wanted to point it out that, you know, I saw the pattern, you know, how it's, you know, where all the cases are reported, it looks like it's along the interstate.
Yeah, it's up the Napa Superhighway, I-35, the Canamex, uh, yeah, you're absolutely right.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Chris.
That makes sense.
Let's talk to Chris in Wisconsin.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, um, you know, I don't know if this is fear-mongering or not, but I'll tell you, there was a chilling article I read back in February, and it's a local Wisconsin company building 195
Refrigerated morgue trucks for Navistar.
That's a lot of bodies.
No, no, listen.
It's not a rumor.
Glenn Beck comes out and says it doesn't exist.
I have the mass grave folder here, and it's Rocky Mountain News, it's internal documents, Division of Cemetery, State of New York.
You can call the phone numbers, it's up on InfoWars.com, and the article, Plans for Mass Graves Confirm Government Surveying Cemetery Readiness for Flu Outbreak.
And I've been tracking this for years.
It's all suddenly, the last two years, just exploded.
And they're telling feds, hey, get ready, it's gonna happen.
They're telling local police, get ready.
I mean, how did they know?
How did the, in 1996, how did the Air Force do a study saying there'd be a massive flu outbreak in 2009 that would kill 30 million people?
I mean, folks, all I do is research this, and I'm telling you, there's a curveball in here.
Something is going on.
There's more than meets the eye to this, and we've got to remember the globalists are ready to do anything.
Dr. Deagle, on the issue of mass graves.
In June of 2003,
The U.S.
government and the Department of Homeland Security received six million body bags.
And these were not to be shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan.
That was just the first shipment.
They've been receiving shipments literally every couple of months in that order of magnitude, including these coffins that can put more than one body in.
I have their documents and reports that they actually were planning on figuring where they could put the bodies, like in old coal or tin mines, below the water lines so it wouldn't affect the ground table.
So they could literally drop the bodies in because they don't have the facilities to burn them all.
So they want to stick them in body bags and put them below the water table.
By the way, I have the Rocky Mountain News here.
This is all admitted.
Under what the CDC has announced in this Homeland Security emergency, that's all in the executive orders.
This is not our opinion, but Glenn Beck will get up and say it doesn't exist.
Yeah, I know.
Isn't it ridiculous?
And the fact is that we're not... By the way, this is a new term I'd like to use, Alex, and I'm sure that you'll like it.
We're no longer conspiracy theorists, we're agenda analysts.
We're now agenda analysts.
We're just, as I tell people, don't believe, just read.
And then, your movies, by the way, are the best.
The Endgame and, you know, Global Enslavement.
These movies explain and just show you the cold, hard facts.
Whether people want to believe, they can go back to the documents themselves and say, my gosh,
We're not exaggerating.
There's a bibliography for The Obama Deception at theobamadeception.net.
Everything in there is documented.
There's a bibliography for Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
You know, this is not our opinion.
And when people try to debunk my films, they do strawman.
They say, oh, his film shows
Uh, Bush's people, and shows Kashkari, and Alex is saying that guy works for Obama.
No we don't.
We show that both groups work together, and that it's bipartisan, and they try to spin that.
I mean, they can't debunk anything.
I mean, are they happy?
I remember, you know, this one guy we're calling who works at a car dealership from West Virginia.
Two, three years ago, he told me I was a liar, the economy wasn't going to implode, the bankers weren't going to make a bank of the world, GM wasn't going to be in trouble, and now look at what's happening.
I mean, you know, what does it take, folks, for you to realize we know what we're talking about?
Anything else that you need to add there, Chris, in Wisconsin?
No, just that they ordered these trucks in December and they've got to have them delivered by next month.
How you doing?
I don't know if you remember me.
I called back in October.
Uh, with the Obama confrontation, and then I got on, uh, live TV, uh, confronting, uh, Charlie Gibson.
You remember that?
Okay, great.
Well, uh, what I did this past Saturday is, you know the OAF?
That's the Organizing for America, uh, right?
That's based out of the White House.
It's this, uh... Yeah, the private thug group with billions of dollars publicly to go out and enforce things for them.
Well, I went there this Saturday to one of those meetings posing as wanting to be a community organizer, right?
But what I did was, you know, I raised my hand.
There's probably about 75-80 people there.
So what I did is I raised my hand.
I said, I prepared a half-page speech on community organization.
Would you mind if I read this?
So I went up there and I got in front of all these people, right?
And the first half of the speech is just, you know, after eight years of
War and economic hardship, you know, blah, blah, blah.
As community organizers, we need to make sure that our country goes in the right direction, you know.
And then, and right then, was when I just said, you know, Obama has proposed a million-person national security force, talked about, you know,
And because you opened it up by attacking Bush, you ended the left-right membrane of control, and they were absolutely defenseless to the truth.
That's exactly what I presented it as.
Just imagine if Bush proposed this.
People would burn the city to the ground.
And if you approach it like that, you can break their programming.
That's what the Obama deception does.
What did you do from that point on?
Well, I read my speech, and then after that I elaborated.
You know, I said, Obama's calling for a world order.
Bush, Baby Bush, you know, Papa Bush, Bill Clinton, all of them are calling for a new world order.
You know, Tony Blair, you know, I was naming all these people that have been calling for the new world order.
Seriously, you know, these people's faces, I could tell that, you know, they could tell I was speaking from the heart.
They could tell that this was factual, and I really hope that they went and researched this.
I know you're very, very confident, and you're focused, and you've got the forces with you, as they say.
You've got the spirit, and that's what it takes to get the job done.
I'm surprised they didn't have a troll there, one of the minion organizers.
Did they try to shut you down at that point?
Yeah, they cut my mic, but as I was elaborating, they cut my mic, but I kept talking.
I said, please Google Obama's draft.
Google the Obama deception.
It details how he's a front man for finance capital, a salesman, there to sell an agenda that Bush or McCain could never sell to the public.
You know, he's groomed and catapulted, groomed by the financial and intellectual elite.
And placed there to sell the agenda.
I didn't say a year ago they were going to release bird flu.
I was saying the last two months.
I said some type of flu.
I see them preparing.
I see that being set up.
I see all these drills.
The same pattern I saw before 9-11.
I said get ready, brace for it.
I believe they're about to play the bio card.
Again, it's not that I'm even that smart, it's that I constantly study this, and you're obsessed.
That's why you know, you read, you actually apply, you know, the reason is, I like Alan Sting's article a month and a half ago, he said, people that win, win because they're 100% committed, or 110%.
You win a war not because you have better weapons, because you're more committed people.
It's like Gideon's army.
He didn't want the one that would lap up the water like a dog, they had their eyes above the water.
And they're bringing the water to their mouth because they weren't even putting their head down to look into the water to get more water in their mouth.
If you aren't 100% committed, realize what's on the table, people.
It's not just your death.
It's not just the death of your kids.
It's the death of mankind completely.
This is the end game, as your movie says.
We're now in the final run-up to a new world order that's literally planning on demising and killing 90% plus of the world population.
That's right.
Their official numbers are 80, but when you look at the new scientists graduating, they actually openly ridicule the old 80 percenters and say, no, we've got to kill everyone.
We've got to kill ourselves.
I mean, it's totally nihilistic.
They're out of their minds.
And then you see their white papers and their graduate papers from years ago.
You Google their name and it's them at bioweapons labs in white coats.
All the medical schools, all the universities, they're all teaching the same garbage.
It's not just Dr. Pianka.
It's everywhere.
Let me ask you, when you went to medical school, were they teaching this?
Because my dad at UT... Sure they were.
...they were teaching him, we gotta kill everybody.
Oh yeah, I was, listen, I was one of the charter members of Greenpeace, and I got real angry back in the 70s, because I was doing oceanography and bacteriology before I went into medicine, and I got real mad when they started playing these games with seal pups and doing other garbage, and it was all, and they hijacked it, completely took it over.
The Rothschilds and the Globalists took over the environmental movement.
It's now run by idiots like
Like Mr. I call him Igor.
Al Gore is a liar.
This guy with his carbon dioxide and the new world currency, I call it the carbon debt units.
It's an anti-life currency where the world currency that's coming, that they've actually agreed upon, is a anti-life currency based on debt against carbon.
That means us, carbon dioxide.
It is literally opening the bottomless pit.
Yeah, we are carbon-based life forms.
This evil is so palpable.
And then I have people who want to argue.
I said, look, people may not like my personality, your personality.
We're just committed.
We're like a wild, we're like the army there of William Wallace.
And I've got relatives that are William, you know, the blood of William Wallace flows in my veins.
Let's put it that way.
And I'm not.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
I got some really bad news for folks.
And I've generally found these guys to be pretty accurate.
It's their world service out of Iran.
But Google this for me in there.
I want to get it from another source.
Who to raise swine flu alert to level 5.
Now, Level 4 is total police state crackdown if they want to shut down schools, things like that.
Level 5 is forced inoculations, we've read from Level 5 UN World Health Organization documents earlier.
Considering a rapidly increasing number of confirmed swine flu cases, and again, they keep calling it swine flu, it's a designer virus, clearly.
The World Health Organization, it's a transgenetic virus, I mean, they're all transgenic, but it's three different species.
WHO officials have decided to raise the pandemic alert level to Phase 5.
Swine influenza, swine flu, caused by Taipei influenza, regularly leads to influenza outbreaks among pigs.
The virus does not normally infect humans.
Confirmed sufferers in the United States and Mexico, however, are believed to have spread the disease to their families and others in contact.
Google it.
Find me something else other than that.
Do World Health Organization WHO Level 5.
I'm going to get that from the UN.
The alert level was increased to level 4 on Monday and the World Health Organization officials now said they will be forced to declare a phase 5 alert soon.
And this is supposedly a UN news briefing.
They're having a CDC one coming up in a few minutes.
We're still awaiting for a final confirmation of the U.S.
authorities, but it appears that there's a number of cases in New York which appear to be human-to-human transmission.
Well, we've known that for days.
World Health Organization spokesman Gregory
Hardell told a news briefing.
The United Nations Agency also raised its alert level to four on Monday as the virus was detected in several European countries.
Mexican authorities say the new strain has killed 149 people.
Are you kidding?
It was 150-something yesterday.
And that's a whitewash.
Some 64 confirmed cases have been reported in the U.S.
in five states.
Texas and California first.
Did you find under who level five?
Anything else?
Okay, BBC.
Just try who level 5.
Dumb that search down.
Maybe that'll bring it up.
But that is from Press TV.
We'll look into that.
I mean, I saw that from AP.
I tried to get it from another source.
I've never seen Press TV with any flat-out baloney, so we'll try to look into that.
We're going to come back, take more calls.
We've got Rebecca Carley coming up.
Lots of calls there as well.
But right now, let's go ahead and jam in.
Amber in Canada.
Amber, go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is, it's AMR actually, without the B, in Ottawa.
Oh, AMR, AMR, sure.
I'm just screening a little bit, it's over there, go ahead.
Right on, thank you.
Just three points I want to make here.
We're having a screening tonight of Kevin Annette's Unrepentant, and a screening of your movie Endgame tonight at the Mayfair Theatre, 1074 Bank Street in Ottawa at 7pm.
Just wanted to let all your Ottawa listeners know about that.
Uh, second thing is, uh, just reading the Ottawa Citizen here about the, uh, the swine flu, the hybrid, whatever they're calling it there.
Stay there, back in 70 seconds with Final Hour.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got medical Dr. Rebecca Carley, different perspective, and Dr. MD Sherry Tenpenny on, who was in Mexico yesterday.
MD Dr. Bill Deagle joined us as well.
Dr. Rebecca Carley and lots of your calls.
And to recap, I've got some other news that isn't bird flu potential.
I keep calling it bird flu because it's more akin to that than swine flu.
It's a designer virus, no doubt about it.
In fact, I keep mentioning this, and I haven't done it in the last three hours.
Next segment, to introduce Dr. Rebecca Carnley, we're going to play a little CNN clip with a top general retired saying, we need to look at this being bred in a lab.
That is coming up.
But, Amer, in Canada, you had another point you were going to make about what's in the newspaper there in Canada.
Alex, I'm just reading today's Ottawa Sun, sorry, Ottawa Citizen here, and it's saying that there's five suspected Ottowans being monitored, and they flew in from Mexico.
So nothing really big yet here, but I just wanted to make that point.
The third thing I wanted to ask, probably to one of the doctors there, is you mentioned oil of oregano yesterday, and colloidal silver, and a lot of great things.
I've never experienced oil of oregano before, and I'm sure a lot of people haven't, or colloidal silver.
And I'm just wondering what's the best method of administrating this stuff?
And I'll gladly take my answer off the air.
Thank you very much, Alex.
We love you here in Ottawa.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
I'm not going to practice medicine here on air.
Now, I've had these medical doctors on, and I've been looking at this for years, and I especially have children who try to find out what to have in the cupboard.
You know, I bring up elderberry, which is an antiviral.
That can also, they say, trigger, with certain things, an autoimmune response, which is actually what kills healthy people.
But, again, I'm not practicing medicine here.
I'm just telling you what the doctors have said and what I do myself.
Colloidal silver, the smallest nanoparticles you can get, are important.
I wouldn't take it all the time, where you can build up the metal in your body and get a blue tinge to your skin, literally.
But, you know, taking it when you're sick, medical doctors say is good.
Smaller the particle, the better.
Very powerful antibiotic and antiviral.
Oil oregano, just full of vitamin A and others.
We're good to go.
It's like butter.
I don't put butter on bread, folks.
Probably got horrible breath, but whatever.
Take that garlic out, put it on the bread.
It's so good.
That's really good for you.
Lots of water, lots of sleep, and just loving God and being happy.
But if it really starts breaking out and killing people in the U.S.
and other places, don't put your kids in school.
Uh, you gotta stay home.
I mean, it starts killing people, but I mean, the flu every year kills 30-something thousand.
I keep saying 15, because most doctors say it's really about half the number, but 30-something thousand people die of it.
Why are they, why all the fear over this?
Is it just a political distraction?
Let's hope, as bad as that is, that that's it.
Uh, let's go to another call here.
Uh, Don in PA, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello Alex, this is Don in Pennsylvania.
I just stumbled across a little news item I didn't hear you mention in the last two days.
It's on Forbes.com.
It's a cross-post from Reuters dated 48 hours ago.
And that's the head of Homeland Security saying that, let me guess, that's her saying, hey, even if this flu doesn't kill you, the next one will.
Well, the exact title is, yes, Nepal Tana says U.S.
should prepare for new flu outbreak soon, even if this one fizzles out.
It's still posted on Forbes.com, but if you hit the link to go to it, it is now restricted and you cannot access the story.
I know, that's amazing.
I first saw that Sunday after a press conference, and they were all admitting it was a whole article.
Then later I went back and it was just her blurb at the top, and I've never seen a Reuters statement like that, but I think we were taping her Sunday.
We ought to go pull that up from the actual press conference, or somebody should put that on YouTube.
I appreciate your call.
Anything else, Don?
Uh, that's it for the moment.
Just keep up the fantastic work.
Thank you.
Yeah, we're trying our best here, sir.
Thank you so much for all your support.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We got 52 minutes left of this broadcast today.
Jason Burmess will be back live tonight on the GCN Radio Network and out of my studio simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv from the chair I'm sitting in in this studio.
9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
That's 10pm to 1am Eastern.
That is 7 to 10 Pacific.
That is 8 to 11 Mountain.
So 9 to midnight tonight and the big things develop.
I will also be in studio for part of that with him where I'll call in on the show.
I was on Coast to Coast AM last night until 4am Central so I don't know if I'll be staying up late tonight.
But that was certainly a very informative transmission as well.
George Norris got a lot of courage to let me and Steve Quayle on there to break down the history of government-sponsored terror and the obsession with biological weapons and the past things they've done.
I don't know how he's able to have 16 million listeners a night and get out what he does.
He's the only show out there that's mainstream and big, second biggest radio show in the world, second only to Limbaugh, and actually just never tells you what you can or can't say, never censors.
We just want to thank George Norrie and email him and let him know I appreciate what he's done for this radio show as well on our websites.
I mean, I would say 20% of our growth, I mean, we owe probably 20% of everything we've been able to do to George Norrie.
He's been interviewing me for five and a half years now.
He took that show in a different direction and he calls it the entertainment when he's doing the chupacabras and ghost stories and stuff and he goes, then we do serious shows.
And he'll say, this is a serious show tonight.
And so I just, he's really taking that show in a different direction.
I mean, it's still got a lot of wild stuff.
My grandma stays up late at night and listens to it.
She enjoys it all.
It's a lot better than what's on TV.
But it's not knocking what he does.
The point is, is that he's taking it in a really good direction and just amazing courage.
We appreciate George Norris.
I'm thanking him here on air.
I really don't.
Really give credit where it's due.
I'm just so focused on the mission.
But to be able to get out the truth to 16 million people about what's happening was amazing.
I want to go to Forrest and Lauren and Gabriel and Joe and many others.
We're going to get to you quickly.
We've got drcarley.com.
That's her website, drcarley.com.
Rebecca Carley.
She is a surgeon.
She is a medical doctor.
Her son was given vaccines and got brain damage from it.
That woke her up.
She went down the rabbit hole.
There's big organizations now of doctors that have been damaged, their children damaged by this, that are now fighting it.
But the last time she was on, just a month ago, she was saying, I think they're going to launch bird flu.
And I could see them gearing up for it.
And all the preparations and the vaccines are bioweapons.
And I thought, you know, we need to get her on for her perspective, watching this and seeing what's going on.
You know, we just had somebody who's really a virologist, Dr. Deagle, did a lot of research in that.
I mean, Google his name and see him back in the 90s in news articles, you know, in programs and research.
But it's good to have Dr. Rebecca Carley on with us today to take your calls.
Dr. Carley, I have no idea what your view is on this.
We've got you on here to get different perspectives, kind of in this think tank environment we're in.
For everybody listening at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the AM and FM listeners in places like Chicago and Miami and the Bay Area, into San Francisco, for people listening all over the world, on shortwave and satellite right now, what do you think is going on?
Well, thank you very much for inviting me on again, Alex, and there's no question in my mind that this is an intentional release.
And I was listening to you earlier as you were talking about how
This is now a distraction from the investigation into the Bush administration's torture commands.
And isn't that convenient that now everybody's forgetting about, you know, what we should be having now in this country, a version of the Nuremberg war trials.
Now, instead, we're all focused on this emerging pandemic.
And just the fact that it's got all these different particles in it from bird and human
And then it's not even in the regular flu season.
The real flus come from east to west.
In a few other cases, it originates in North America on U.S.
military bases.
The last two swine flu outbreaks, 1918-1976, then the vaccines result in all those deaths.
That's not even debated.
That's in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
How do you see it killing all these people in Mexico, but not killing people here yet?
And it's killing healthy people in areas that aren't overcrowded and diseased like Mexico City.
I mean, what makes you think this is a controlled bioweapon relation?
Where does your gut, Dr. Carly, tell you this is going?
Well, because they've been telling us for how many years now?
At least a few years.
It's not a matter of if, but when.
And they've been stockpiling bird flu vaccines.
As we talked about on the last show of yours that I was on, this Baxter release of the bird flu virus combined with the human virus.
I think that was their intention was to go the bird flu route.
But even though the mainstream media blacked out that information from this country, there's too many shows such as yours that covered it.
So they had to, you know, go to plan B.
I believe we're going to see a pandemic, or at least a big scare out of this, because they admitted they mixed it with 18 different countries' vaccines, live bird flu, then suddenly people were dying that were in government care, and people were getting arrested saying they were ordered by unnamed pharmaceutical companies to inject people with this, even though they knew it was deadly, but then the big pharma doesn't get in trouble.
You said they were launching it!
You unequivocally said, this is it!
A month ago.
How did you know that?
Because I've been following these minions forever, and I know what they're up to.
The Centers for Disease Creation, we have 1,088 level 3 bio-warfare labs in this country.
They are making these viruses, and as a matter of fact, I just want to mention, I've been monitoring the mainstream media to see what's going on, and yesterday they had a news conference with a bunch of talking heads from the CDC, etc., on Fox.
And a question was asked by a reporter, how do we know that this was not a bioweapon attack?
And immediately Fox News ended the news conference and they brought it back to one of their, you know, talking head journalists and he changed the subject.
Now that's the question people should be asking since they've been warning us.
Oh, Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
Oh, we've been all scared about this possible bioweapon attack that any of these terrorists could launch on us.
How come nobody's asking that question?
By the way, you were on March 12th, and we need to go pull that clip when you said, I believe they've launched the attack.
And then I went and listened to some other interviews with you and some shows you've done, and you weren't normally that alarmist.
I was like, wow, she was serious.
Really shook me.
And I started saying, I believe that this was in the cards.
So I agree with you.
And just having you back, I'm remembering what you said.
Well, if I could just comment, I don't consider myself alarmist.
Unfortunately, the truth is very ugly at this point, but what I tell people is don't be afraid.
The main thing you need to do is not allow them to inject you with a vaccination.
And I heard you talking before with Dr. Deagle, there's many natural things that you can do to protect yourself.
As a matter of fact, you can put a little silver in it.
We're good to go.
Let's go ahead and play this clip I've been talking about all day.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is CNN last night with a top general.
Let me just pull up... I forget the pronunciation of his name.
It's got a French mark on the last letter.
How do you pronounce it?
Yeah, this is General Bonnery.
What a three-star general, retired.
Saying we need to look at this being made in a lab.
Let's go ahead and play that audio, John.
But, you know, the key question we've got asked is, we think it came from Mexico.
That is the conventional wisdom of most folks.
The next question is, how did it start in Mexico?
Where did it emanate from?
We've been able to find that out in all previous pandemics.
The question now is to get at the heart of how did this start
Did it start from the occasion of viruses coming together?
Or did it come out of a lab?
I mean, all those questions have to be answered.
Studying this and interviewing literally scores of virologists and doctors and researchers over the years, they're all saying this is telltale designer virus, a lab virus, and they're calling it a swine flu and that's only a very small part of it.
Well, I totally agree with you, and what I encourage your listeners to do is go to PBS.org, the propaganda broadcasting station, and get the DVD, Killer Flu, where they actually talk about how they dug up the dead bodies in Alaska so that they could deconstruct the virus that they called the 1918 Spanish Flu.
And it's admitted right on this DVD that Jeffrey Toffenberger said, and I quote,
If we can shed light on why the 1918 virus was so lethal and understand the genetic basis of that, that info can be applied to the emergence of new influenza strains.
Now, what does that mean, applied to the emergence of new influenza strains?
If you read between the lines, it means we can take that virus and combine it with others
And emerge a new killer virus.
And that's what they're doing.
Well, they admit that the cover for the huge bioweapons program that's 100 years old in this nation...
has been, quote, research for cures.
And if anybody just Googles bio-warfare, ancient bio-warfare, you'll get all the university text and books that have ever been written on it, with the Greeks, you know, 3,500 years ago, and the Hittites 4,000 years ago, and the Egyptians 3,000 years ago, and the Romans 2,000 years ago, and in the Middle Ages, and the Mongols in China, using bio-weapons on their enemies,
And then you, today the public's like, oh there's no such thing as bioweapons from governments.
It's only little men in caves.
And then the last big bio-attack we had in 2001, the anthrax attacks, the White House admits they were on Cipro to fight it.
Three weeks before it popped up, it turned out to be the most weaponized version of anthrax ever seen to the certified, patented U.S.
government Fort Detrick, Maryland variant.
So they just have the M.O., the history, the past.
They get the gain out of it, get the power.
These vaccine companies.
Dr. Carnley, let's talk about where you see all this going when we get back as we track the latest developments and information.
We're trying to confirm right now with Press TV saying the World Health Organization is set to raise the swine flu alert to level 5.
That's forced inoculations and martial law.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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That is up to you, ladies and gentlemen.
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All right.
Seems so!
Let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
And if you think I'm gonna sit around while the New World Order carries out these operations, you're thinking like a fool.
Let's go ahead and talk to Forrest in Texas.
Forrest, you're on the air.
Howdy, Alex.
Great to be on your show.
Good to talk to you.
Well done last night on the Coast to Coast AM.
It was great how you and Steve Quayle brought up all the documented evidence and putting all the pieces together.
How it's all interconnected of what's going on and when and where and how and why it's all going on.
No, that was a fast-paced show.
I mean, me and Steve were like piranhas with the information.
Now, yes, this bioengineered vaccine flu thing that's been going on, well, it's taken people's minds off of all the other bad news.
Now, at the same time, our only choice is that
Have you
People are insecure.
It's really a depressing thing.
You need to feel good, feel happy.
That boosts the immune system.
You need to get plenty of sleep.
Dr. Carley, as an MD, can you give folks some advice on ways to boost their immune system?
I mean, get sleep, oil of oregano.
What do you say from your research?
Well, there's never been a more important time to detoxify yourself.
I do consults for people to teach them how to do that on an individual level.
But now is the time to make sure you have access to organic food that is critically important, good water, stay away from the white coats and all of their drugs because all of these drugs have psychiatric side effects and that's something that people don't realize.
You were talking with Dr. Deagle about the psychiatric effects of Tamiflu earlier.
People are under mind control as well from television.
There's so many ways that they're bringing us down.
By the way, they admit Tamiflu has a hallucinogen in it.
And of course, cops go crazy and kids go crazy.
They're going to have cops out on the force on this stuff preemptively so they quote, don't get it.
And they're going to wonder, this is going to be bad.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have the physician's death reference right in front of me, 2009 edition.
The psychiatric side effects of Tamiflu are delirium, including symptoms such as altered levels of consciousness, confusion, abnormal behavior, delusions, hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, and nightmares.
So this is the drug they're trying to tell us that we should take.
And one thing I just want to mention, Alex, I haven't heard any of the other guests you've had on the show before ask a question about.
What is the vaccine history of all of these people that are getting this strange flu?
Were those people in Mexico given some kind of regular flu vaccine?
Were these travelers, they're telling us that all these travelers from the states that now have this virus...
That they all went to Mexico?
Were they told to get a vaccine to go to Mexico?
Let me expand, let me expand on that.
The last two big swine flu outbreaks, 76 and 18, as you know, on record, they admit this, were triggered by vaccines.
So, and on a military basis.
So that's the first thing we should be asking.
Yes, and one other thing I just want to inform the listeners.
There's something called liposome.
Thank you.
That they could give people lipovaccines with a time-release element to it to deliver the antigen to the person.
Isn't that associated from research with that type of wasp that goes and injects a type of virus that is slow-delayed for after its larva hatches out in the caterpillar?
And if you go to my website, you can see a political cartoon of a white-coated mosquito.
I mean, basically that's what they're doing.
So what I suspect is that this was all timed
As I said before, I think they were planning on calling it a bird flu pandemic, but because of the Baxter faux pas, they had to change it now to a combo virus.
And I suspect what they're probably going to do, because I've done many shows on this with Dr. Diegel and Dr. Ott,
They already have millions of doses of the bird flu vaccine stockpiled.
What I suspect they'll do is just change the label, stick on another label, and just give that as well.
And that's what's going to kill millions of people.
Well, they've been caught doing that.
I mean, the last six years, it hasn't even been the right flu vaccine they come up with, but then people still line up and take it, then, of course, have their seizures and die, but they're right back.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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Okay, we got big problems now, folks.
This is just in.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Kurt Nemo just sent it to me.
They did a bad, bad thing.
Because if this thing is person to person like they say it is, and it appears they are covering up just how many people are really sick and in trouble,
You know, we've said that if it starts killing people in the U.S., the way it's wildly spreading, then we've got a problem.
Two L.A.
County deaths possible related to swine flu.
Coroner says, but that's good news.
They're not confirming it's from swine flu, but maybe it's a cover-up.
Maybe it's hype.
You don't know the lying criminal government.
The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office is investigating two recent deaths that officials say can be related to the recent global swine flu outbreak.
However, no tests have come back positive for the swine flu.
Well, why are they saying this?
The medical examiners have not officially determined the cause of the deaths.
Update, 9.30 a.m.
Coroner Spokesman Craig Harvey said his office will collect specimens from the deceased and send them to the county public department.
Are they Hispanic?
Because if it's in, this is really going to be very specific, if it only is killing Hispanics.
Which was determined whether either person died from the swine flu.
If so, the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would be notified.
Harvey said.
Coroner Spokesman Craig Harvey said Bell, Flower,
Medical Center reported the death of 33-year-old Long Beach resident Monday afternoon from symptoms resembling swine flu.
The man was taken to the hospital Saturday complaining of shortness of breath and lymphoma, whatever that means.
Doctors later diagnosed the patient with pneumonia, Harvey said.
And now somebody else has died, but it doesn't say who.
The man died April 22nd.
Let me go ahead and print that for me, guys.
Let me go ahead and go to this other one here.
He sent me another one.
Oh boy!
We'll continue to track that as it unfolds.
Lauren in Colorado, you're on the air with our guest, Dr. Rebecca Carley.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Okay, good deal.
Praise be to the master intelligence of the universe for letting me be able to speak to you, and praise to you on your good work, Alex.
What I wanted to talk about here was
These are my own opinions because I'm not a medical professional but I have studied virology to a certain degree and I think everybody needs to be very concerned about taking any kind of enforced vaccinations.
The reason for that is that basically the strain that's going around is showing to have an extremely good transmissivity
And if by chance there is a H5N1 virus in these vaccinations, well, then the person getting vaccinated is infected with the current strain.
Anybody that goes into the hospital and they say, well, let's give you this shot to make you feel better, they're infected with the current strain.
And then they get infected with the highly lethal H5N1 strain.
Well, through genetic reassortment, which is where the genes of the virus swap, that's probably the fastest way possible to get them out everywhere.
That's what the scientists and doctors in the Czech Republic were saying when they caught
Baxter, excuse me, Baird does the same stuff.
Mixing live bird flu, weaponized with the regular vaccine, because that was the perfect way to mutate it.
Then have it injected in the body, it would mutate again.
They are saying the Tamiflu causes it to mutate.
And, well, Dr. Rebecca Crowley, do you want to comment on that?
Well, first of all, nobody should be taking anybody, nobody should be taking any vaccine.
I encourage the caller to go to my website, drcrowley.com.
Read some of my documents.
Especially the document, Science of Vaccine Damage.
Vaccines don't just give you the infection, they cause a corruption in your immune system that leads to all autoimmune disease, non-traumatic seizures, cancer, and genetic damage in people and in pets.
These vaccines have the potential to cause the extinction of humanity.
This is how serious this insane practice of vaccination is, which is nothing more than medical voodoo.
So vaccines do not protect you, they give you the infection.
And even if they tell you that the virus is quote-unquote attenuated, meaning that it's allegedly made less pathogenic by passing it through different tissue cultures, that's how they get these viruses to combine with viruses in other tissue cultures.
And these things can reactivate themselves.
If you have any kind of virus in your body and you're injected with a vaccine, just as the caller was saying,
These viruses re-assort with each other.
They combine DNA.
They produce new mutants.
And this has the potential of causing a huge problem.
Okay, Lauren, thank you for the call.
Go ahead, Doctor.
Yeah, and that's why what I'm trying to get people to realize is the whole vaccine situation is a scam on its face.
And that is what's going to cause all the deaths.
I encourage the listeners to check out a book, Vaccination the Silent Killer, A Clear and Present Danger by Ida Honaroff and Eleanor McBean.
They talk about the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which was caused by inoculations.
Hey, Ron Paul in 76 as a doctor was in a book exposing the swine flu, saying it's a premeditated scam to take control of society, to sell vaccines, it's a fraud, it's the vaccines that are hurting you.
Let me give folks some new developments here.
New York City Health Commissioner, this is Fox News, many hundreds of school students sick with suspected swine flu.
We knew this last night from We Are Changers.
Uh, who have, uh, you know, girlfriends and things that are in college, where they're saying, you know, everybody's basically sick.
The calls we're getting from Mexico from doctors and others are saying 70% of people are sick.
I mean, if you can believe that, that is just unbelievable.
City Health Commissioner Thomas Friedman also said Tuesday that many hundreds of school children are sick with suspected cases of swine flu.
Bloomberg says the hospitalizations are separate from the outbreak at the private school in Queens.
We know somebody at the Queens Hospital that's in hospital from that.
The mayor says he hospitalized our children in the Bronx and an adult in Brooklyn.
Notice it's always the government training camp where this happens.
And you notice nationwide all the quote kids, they get their federal funds who hadn't been vaccinated.
They've been vaccinated in the last two weeks.
I bet our bottom dollar it'll come out in a week or two when nobody's paying attention that the vaccines have triggered this.
It's always the same.
And I just want to say, I have CNN on in the background right now.
We have this minion on Napolitano on CNN now, reassuring people that there's no chance that this could possibly be coming from pigs.
Now, I want people to also realize that all of the food source animals are inoculated, even farm-raised fish.
Okay, so here she is on Tell-A-Live Vision telling people there's no way that the food products could be causing this.
How do they know that?
She's on the Tell-A-Live Vision?
You should believe the Tell-A-Live Vision.
Speaking of the Tell-A-Live Vision, punch up CNN real quick for us, the propaganda channel or C-SPAN.
I'll have it.
But again, more cases there.
Here's another one.
Rio Grande City School closed due to swine flu.
What's that, guys?
Our cable box is out.
What do they do with it?
Cookie Monster take it?
I tell you, that satellite is the cruddiest.
We can't get cable where my office is.
These satellites are real pieces of junk.
I just want that on record.
It says, Retired Army General Russell Honoré on CNN.
Swine flu come from lab.
Los Angeles Probe 2.
Possible deaths from swine flu.
This is really getting insane.
Okay, let's take another call here.
Gabriel in New York.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex Jones, it's Gabriel Brown from all around New York.
Look at the checkerboards in the sky off these chemtrails, but I wanted to give a... Hey, that's better than Air Force One and the F-16s screaming between the buildings yesterday for a, quote, photo op.
Go ahead.
Um, I think that the comments that Joe Biden made months ago might be interesting, because he said an international incident, which is what we're seeing now.
Of course, you've got the chemtrails, which are making our immune system
Go down.
You've got, of course, the marketing between the TV and Big Pharma.
The fact that, Ernie, look at the 1980s with the crack cocaine epidemic.
How does the CIA admits they shipped that in?
Again, it's just everything criminal comes from this elite.
It's just unbelievable how bad they are.
And you have the Marshall Law plans, which you've been following yourself for the last three years, and the mass graves.
I mean, everything you say about the elite is absolutely true.
I've read history books.
I have family members who work for all these industries.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
You do not lie about these people.
I've been affected by eugenics, and I'm fighting these people on every level I can.
Me too.
God bless you.
Look, I wish this wasn't true.
Look, I don't want to work 16, 17, 18 hours a day.
I worked more than 18 yesterday.
I worked 20 hours yesterday.
That's not true.
I took off for an hour and a half with my parents.
I worked 17 hours yesterday.
Yeah, sure.
You do a great job.
I want to give a shout-out to my friend, Mike Schaefer.
We are changed, and again, I've been researching this for about 13 years now.
I was woken up about three years ago when I came across your show by mistake for a Winamp link.
So keep your streams out there, keep them in random places.
People find that stuff, like myself, had no idea.
No, I know, that's how we listen.
AM and FM stations getting a lot more shortwave, huge audience all over the world, but our internet, and I appreciate your call.
Because of our different servers and platforms and the poor man's way we do this, we're number one on ShowCast.
Number one talk, number one music, number one, that's the big global aggregator that tracks everything.
We're number one.
And that's not even what half our streams.
I mean, it's amazing to have, you know, 30,000 people tuning in just on the internet, because an AM and FM audience is much bigger.
Our AM and FM audience is probably 50 times that.
You know, one big AM might have 30,000, 40,000 listening at one time.
You know, Ted's actually gotten the ratings before.
He's a network, so he bought a big aggregate of them just from our affiliates that do subscribe.
You only get them from those that subscribe.
And 315,000 listeners per 15 minutes is what our AM and FM Cume is or whatever, or no, it's listening at one time.
I forget all the numbers, but it's 315,000 listening every
Every 15 minutes that our time spent listening is a lot longer than the average 18 minutes, something like an hour.
I mean, it's just amazing, just shy of an hour.
And so there's that.
Then there's shortwave internet.
And hundreds of thousands tune in on the web.
But the cool part about the web is it's spread out.
It's a small audience compared to all our other AM and FM's and shortwave.
But it's people spread everywhere.
You know, Mexico City and South Korea and Japan and Russia and Germany.
Canada and everywhere.
I mean, you know, every time there's a mass shooting at Blacksburg, we had a guy across the street, you know, as it was happening, you know, it just, whatever it is, we've got the listeners.
It's so amazing.
Let's take another call to Rebecca Carley on the line with us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in California.
Go ahead, Joe.
Alec, how are you?
How are you doing, Alec?
Listen, I have, unfortunately, my brother got caught over there, but he's in Coastal
He left before this whole nonsense of the designer virus took place.
And he called, I spoke to him yesterday, and basically just about an hour before he spoke, early in the morning, Pacific Standard Time, the hotel employees at the resort at Cozumel were inoculated.
They were required to take vaccinations.
Because of what was going on in the mainland in Mexico.
Yeah, we've been confirming that.
That's probably what's giving it to them.
Go ahead.
Of course!
That's number one.
Number two, I told my brother says, you know, I woke him up years ago and he said, yes, the employee, hey, can you let me know what the name of the vaccine that they gave you?
I'm interested in knowing what it was.
So we're trying to find out.
He hasn't called me.
Secondly, you know, with all this going around, and I'm sure you remember this.
I was the one that you posted my article, the author,
Um, it was entitled, uh, is Joe Biden a fortune teller of terror?
Do you remember his famous, um, particular article?
I talked about how he, quote, he said, mark my words, mark my words.
It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama.
Likely, like, like they did JFK.
Remember I said, standing here in your room, if you do not hear anything else I said, watch what we are going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis to test the middle of the sky.
I mean, obviously, I first thought it was a financial crisis, but the way this is going, could this be it?
Is this what Mr. Biden, you know, had foreknowledge of?
Look, and that was through a group of donors.
He didn't know that was being recorded, just like when Obama said, don't worry, we're going to get their guns, you know, these Bible-clutching gun, you know, clutching these bitter clingers.
And yeah, no, no, I mean, look, my gut tells me it's staged.
I just can't tell whether it's a real mega-pandemic or not.
But imagine the slavery of that.
Here in the U.S.
and in Mexico, they're just telling employees and medical workers and police, you've got to take this shot, when there's no way they've got a vaccine for this unless they already
Yes, it's self-evident.
How could they possibly have a vaccine ready to go?
The only way they could have a vaccine ready is if they made the virus in the first place.
Most likely released it through a vaccine.
As I said, we have to find out where those victims in Mexico, Canada, wherever the United States who allegedly traveled to Mexico, did they get a flu vaccine before they left?
I'm sure the answer is probably yes.
And then they're telling people we have a vaccine for you to take.
Just that alone should make these people start asking questions.
Wait a minute.
How could you have made a vaccine and how could you have tested it to see if it was safe?
As we discussed on the show last time I was on.
These homeless people in Poland, many of them died after they were tested with this bird flu vaccine.
So how do we know we're not just having another mass experiment right now with this vaccine?
I agree, we read an article saying how do we know this is another bad vaccine or by design and tie it into all the deaths and all the past things that have happened.
Going back to Joe in California, anything else sir?
Yeah, yeah.
One quick question, Alex.
You're the one that posted it, and I haven't heard much about it, and I listen to you every day.
What happened to that video clip that you posted with regards to Dr. John Carlo, who stated in his press conference, whether he did so intentionally or it slipped out, whichever the case may have been, about this so-called swine flu was cultured, quote-unquote, in a laboratory?
No, I mean, that was all over the news.
It's just in the archives of the site.
I think the headline on that was that this flu is a mix, a rare mix of other viruses.
And that was in Dallas.
He was the medical examiner saying, but you can say that meant we've cultured it and it's this or they grew it in a lab.
But now we have a general on CNN saying openly it could have been made in a lab.
The video clip was put up by you.
I saved it.
And when I tried to send it to somebody, it had been taken off.
That's why I'm bringing it up.
Maybe you can just keep posting it so it doesn't get lost.
Yeah, we've got one and a half people running InfoWarriors.
It's probably some program problem or something.
But we'll repost that video.
In fact, email Kurt and ask him to repost that medical examiner clip.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Jason Burma's tonight, 9 to midnight.
9 to midnight, Central Center Time.
The InfoWarrior with the one, the only, Bernie.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, Kelly, Roland, Matt, we're going to jam you in here right at the end.
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Okay, let's take a few final calls.
Kelly in Virginia, then Roland.
Roland of Gilead.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Kelly.
Hi Alex, how are you?
My question is, I'm standing out on my deck right now, and since I woke up this morning, there have been viciously spraying chemtrails over Richmond.
Some of them are flying very low, some are flying very high.
My question is, is there any way possible that the swine flu could be dropped via that way?
Generally, they spray it at below 2,000 feet when they want to hit you, but they can spray, and they've done government tests, they're declassified, thousands of miles away to hit a certain area of the jet stream where it dumps.
There's only key areas where the jet stream comes down to close to sea level.
Dr. Carley?
I totally agree.
They could be delivering this in many ways, but the most dangerous way
I think so.
What are they going to do?
They stage a big crisis, they hype it, they try to get people to go along with what they're doing, to set the precedent of their control.
Get the word out to everybody what's really going on, and a great place is again this radio show, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much, Kelly.
Roland, in Nevada, you're on the air.
This is kind of interesting.
I totally forgot about the chemtrails, but yesterday, I'm here in Nevada actually,
And, um, I was driving out.
I've noticed that they've been putting chemtrails on the west side of the skies.
The last couple months it's been here and there, but yesterday specifically I went out in the afternoon, around 10, 11 o'clock, and chemtrails, I noticed there was a massive amount of them.
And just to make this quick, by 6, 8, 8 p.m., well, say before sundown, so probably about 6 or 7,
There was a massive, massive... I looked up and I said, well, I never saw a cloud, a tower of a cloud that high here.
And, um, this is actually not a cloud that I'm looking at.
And I noticed a couple more planes has actually completely consumed the valley.
And, um, it's amazing.
But anyways, back to my point, Alex, I want to thank you for everything that you've been doing.
Um, I've run upon, uh, came across some
I know a lot of Bible readers listen to your show as well, and I came across a video on YouTube.
This guy was basically breaking down the scriptures of the Bible.
Hey, tell us the video because the show's over.
Tell us the video, the show's over.
Oh man, I wish I had a link for you.
Okay, listen, we're out of time.
Call me back tomorrow.
I want to thank Dr. Carley for joining us.
The website is drcarley.com.
Dr. Rebecca Carley.
We'll talk to you again soon as this develops.
We are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best here.
Thank you so much, Dr. Carley.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, retransmission starts now.
Jam-packed first hour on the streams.
Inform your friends and family they can tune in right now at the InfoWars Restreams on the audio.
God bless.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello, friends.
This is Alex Jones.
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