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Name: 20090424_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 24, 2009
2852 lines.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are now simulcasting at Infowars.com, a syndicated radio program at PrisonPlanet.tv.
For the next 30 minutes or so, we're joined by Congressman Ron Paul, joining us from Texas.
Congressman Ron Paul needs no introduction.
Congressman, I have just a ton of important questions to ask you, a bunch of listener emails that I promised to read on air and to bring up to you, but out of the gates,
What is most important right now on your plate that you think the American people should be made aware of?
Oh boy, there's so many.
I guess overall my biggest worry and concern is the attitude of this administration and the aggressiveness that they're expressing against Pakistan.
And I think that it looks like they're more willing to expand the war into Pakistan and less likely into Iran.
If Israel goes into Iran, we're going to be obligated, which might be the precipitating event that will cause the collapse of the dollar, because how are we going to be able to afford it?
So that to me is strategically the big issue.
In a more casual way, I guess, the project I'm working on
He's trying to get as many people as possible to support this audit bill, you know, 1207, which I think it's the last time.
Look, I think we were up to 86 on this.
We got a bunch of new co-sponsors after they heard from their constituents back at home in this two-week break.
So what you do on the radio and what others do elsewhere must be alerting a lot of people
Because some members came up to me and said, boy, I had a couple town hall meetings and lo and behold, every time I had them, there were three or four or five people saying, are you going to support the audit bill?
So those two issues would be the things that I've been thinking about mostly lately.
Congressman, I've really been studying this, as I know you have for as long as I've probably been alive, but I've been studying the quickest way to bring down this corrupt system without them starting World War III or bringing in a police state or bankrupting us.
And as you said a month ago here on the show, is have grand juries investigate the bankers, they've certainly committed crimes, audit the Fed, and you call for auditing the Fed and they arrogantly go on TV and say we're outside the government, above the government.
I think you've hit on the issue, not just going for abolishing the Fed, as you also have a bill in co-sponsors, but auditing them.
I mean, is it the Congress?
Is it some agency of government?
Aren't the American people, through our agents, you, the elected servants,
Having the power to audit this?
I mean, can you speak to that fundamental, and is this the Excalibur that can kill the dragon?
Yeah, we do have the authority and the moral responsibility.
Of course, we had no authority to create the Fed, it's unconstitutional, but it isn't private in the sense that somebody set up a private corporation, all of a sudden it became successful.
It has become secret, but the authority comes from the Congress, and
The responsibility for the Congress is to monitor everything that it is supposed to do, what it claims it's supporting.
But, prior to 1978, there was talk of this.
You know, the old populace of Texas, Wright, Patman, and people like Henry Gonzalez, have always called for more openness and transparency of the Fed.
Every time that came up, the people would say, well, the GAO has no explicit authority to audit the Fed, so they wouldn't do it.
And that was the way they handled it.
But finally, on insistence that the GAO have the authority, in 1978 they wrote a law that said now the GAO has the authority to audit the Fed, except for
Poor big issues.
That was essentially everything.
The important issues were excluded.
So in legalizing an audit of the Fed, they actually put it in the law that we couldn't find out any information.
So what we have to do, and what my bill does, is repeals those prohibitions against finding any information from the Fed.
If we get the books open, find out what they're doing, where these trillions of dollars are going, who their friends are, what kind of corrupt governments they support, what central bank activity there is, and how much all this economic planning, not only domestically but internationally, I think then it's going to make it much easier to have monetary reform and do something to get rid of the Fed.
So that's the bottom line.
We have to audit the bankers that have designed this implosion, who are openly announcing G20, Bank of the World, with a global regulatory authority.
Can you speak to the fact that all these years you've written books, you've spoken, we've talked about how they believe in globalism and one world government, and now, congressmen, they are openly coming out after they've engineered the crisis, and they're saying the solution is giving us unlimited power?
That's what they do.
We're doing it domestically and we're doing it internationally.
I think the IMF made the proposals that they wanted like $50 million and Obama said, well let's give them $100 million.
He doubled the amount they requested.
And that's more power into these international organizations.
At the same time, look at all the power that's gravitating to Washington.
Real estate prices aren't going down in Washington because there's so many people moving in.
Uh, they have been doing this for years.
Every time they create a problem, they say, well, there's not enough power.
Their explanation now, and I think a key speech was that economic speech that Obama gave.
You know, he said, well, we do have problems and there's an emergency and we have to do this.
We don't have enough regulations, so we need more government regulations and international regulation.
That means they're going to bring in these international governments.
Then he said, well, we have to pump more money into education.
We have to pump more money into nationalized medical care.
And then we also have to take over all this energy problem that we have.
But then his fifth speech was, you know, we have to act responsibly.
We have to now devise a system of government where we act within our means and get this budget under control.
But we don't have to do that for a while.
Let's do that in ten years from now.
I don't know how they can do that with a straight face and how the American people can swallow that.
At the same time, they just see this financial crisis getting worse, our liberties being diminished and world government growing.
So we have a desperate struggle to wake up the American people.
But on the more positive side, there are more now who are becoming aware of what's happening.
And the worse the crisis gets, maybe more people will wake up.
And that's why I think the auditing the Fed bill is important, because they'll say, because most people don't even know yet that we're not allowed to have this information.
Yesterday, I got a co-sponsor that bill with somebody on the House floor, and he wasn't aware of any of this stuff.
He says, you mean, you mean we can't audit the Federal Reserve?
No, never could.
And there's no authority.
And they're excluded.
He says, sign me up.
So he immediately did.
So there's a lot of people who just don't understand this.
And that means that once the American people realize this, they will get their congressman to do something about it.
Well, Congressman, I know you won't say this because you're a gentleman and very humble.
We all need to be praying for you because you are really leading the charge here on something that could bring down this world government that's in its embryonic phases.
I mean, if we audit the U.S.
governorship of the private
Well, I guess getting in a car is dangerous too, so I try not to dwell too much on that.
But I mean, certainly, on record, you know the globalists are dangerous folks.
Oh yeah, I mean, when they think you're achieving something, because we come to achieving it, I think probably the danger does increase.
Well, our prayers are with you, sir.
Global warming, total fraud.
I've seen the studies.
The majority of scientists say it's a total fraud.
Carbon dioxide is part of the life cycle.
They admit that they want to shut down all the coal plants, restrict industry, put federal bureaucracy over every facet of life, tracker boxes in all the cars.
The New York Times reports Obama wants to tax us by the mile.
They say this is their answer to fund all the increased government spending.
I mean, this sounds like a Soviet takeover.
Yeah, it's their excuse for even further expansion of the government.
About a month ago they had, and this was not in the middle of winter, this was springtime, and they had this meeting planned in Washington, D.C.
I don't know, maybe you did see this in the news, for this major meeting on global warming.
I think some of the
You know the emissions are a contributing factor, but I also think there's tremendous science to show that the Earth gets warm and the Earth gets cold and we're through cycles and like you said, I think there's pretty strong
Scientific evidence that these past 10 years have not necessarily been all that bad.
I know here, just from our personal experience here in Texas, in my last couple winters here, it's been pretty darn chilly.
I worried about my tomatoes freezing this year.
So, I just don't think that this is, you know, a done deal.
I don't think they can continue to use this.
Although, sometimes you look at the
The news and what's going on on the House floor, and they want you to accept it.
And if you don't, then you're some type of a monster.
That's right.
They say it's a foregone conclusion.
Congressman, I've seen the numbers.
I know you study the numbers.
The U.N.'
's own reports claim that humankind is contributing to the increase in temperature by 3%.
The rest is volcanoes and the ocean and
Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
Just look at how much
Attention and credibility was given to Al Gore and the money he made over all that.
He gained a lot of supporters through that, but hopefully truth will win out in the end.
Well, he trades the carbon credits.
He owns the big company that does it.
People don't want to listen to that.
Some people just buy into that.
He's the only one that's concerned about humankind, and he's going to save us from it.
Okay, I got a lot of bullet point questions for you, Congressman.
Real quick, in the Fed, tell us about that book coming out in September.
People are really excited about that.
Well, it's coming along.
It should be September, probably about 95%.
They keep sending things back and saying, what about this?
Clarify this, this kind of thing.
So it's coming along real well.
I was surprised how quickly they started promoting it.
So there's been some real promotions.
And Amazon I guess takes orders and things like that.
I'd have been a little more comfortable to see the final thing in my hand, but that's the way they do things.
But for every reason that I can see, it'll be out in September and hopefully a little bit earlier because I was arguing
I have a little bit more time in August than I do in September to go around and talk about it.
I think it's pretty exciting what's happening and the attention it's getting.
Yeah, well this is a manifesto against the criminal elite that run our country, the private bankers, so folks want people to have solutions and take action.
Ron Paul's doing it.
I don't know how you do it.
I mean, I'm writing a book right now, I'm making films right now, I do the radio show, and I do the interviews, but I know you're on the...
Well, I don't know that answer.
I would say that if I had the answer now, probably not.
It seems like it's a long time off.
I don't know what the conditions are going to be like.
I'm not making plans for that.
To say that you know exactly what the future will bring, it's pretty difficult.
But right now, I have no plans to do it.
Okay, but things change.
I mean, you were saying that before and didn't run, and people are saying you'd be how old?
You'd be 76, 77?
Something like that.
I don't usually think about that too much.
I think about how I feel.
No, but I think you're going to be young enough to run.
I mean, you're in great shape.
We need you, Congressman.
We need you to run for President again.
As long as I cannot walk my staff up and down the stairs at the Capitol, then I feel good.
I think something is going on.
We're not a 51% majority.
We don't run the Republican Party.
We don't run the country and all that.
I notice that both Republicans and Democrats who get into any kind of political trouble where they're going to have a tough race, they're very interested in finding out where our support is.
So Democrats that might hold a Republican seat, traditionally Republican seat, are very interested in talking to me and getting in legislation, joining my bills and doing things together.
So that means that they recognize that our numbers are significant and that our people are very serious and if they get behind somebody they will support them.
So I think that's a very positive sign and I think when you truly believe in something and you're very principled, one individual like that is probably worth a hundred others who are just followers and go along with
Oh, they put their finger up to the wind and they go and they always vote one way or the other.
So our supporters are much, much more valuable.
But Congressman, it's more than just a wild card.
I mean, they also see the exponential growth of the Liberty Movement with you as one of the main, not figureheads, intellectual leaders of that.
I would like to get your take on that.
Do you not see the exponential growth?
Because I'm seeing it, and I'm tracking it, and if it continues, we are going to be the most dominant force in this country within five years.
Probably sooner, because everything you and I and others talked about is now coming true.
We're being validated.
Yeah, I think that's true.
That is true.
But I also worked on the theory that you never know who's out there, who will join us, and who's in the remnant, the people who are the true believers.
I haven't had any voice for a long time.
We're just starting to recognize that those numbers are great, and the growth that you're talking about is something that has fascinated me, too.
I had some young people in the other day, and they seemed like just teenagers.
They were teenagers.
And I said, what, did you get interested in the campaign?
Oh, no, no, I never even looked at the campaign.
So we're already a year off from the campaign.
The momentum is there, and young people are joining us for the momentum that was built, which is really very encouraging.
People at first got bummed out when you didn't win, and I said, wait a minute, folks.
We gained a lot of ground.
People now know the Federal Reserve is private.
They now know about the globalists.
They now know who the enemy is.
And with that giant core, we can expand to the next level and then expand again.
Two more
Exponential replications, we defeat the New World Order.
We are inches away from victory, thanks to Ron Paul and others.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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The website's CampaignForLiberty.com, CampaignForLiberty.com, a lot of other great sites that Congressman Ron Paul is involved in.
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Okay, we've got about five minutes left with the Congressman.
He's got to go.
We're very thankful for his time once a month when he visits with us.
Is the Obama juggernaut starting to slow?
That's what I see happening when he has these outrageous lies about, I won't hire any lobbyists, and that's all he hires, or I'm giving rights to detainees, and then signs an order saying no Geneva Convention, no habeas corpus.
I mean, where do you see this going with the president?
I think so far, I wish I was as optimistic as you are about this.
I still think he's flying high.
I think he's still very popular, and it's almost
Like they used to say about Reagan, he had Teflon on him.
He was the Teflon president.
This guy's Teflon too.
And he can do this, and logical people may be questioning this, but I sense there's a few in the Congress who are the real principled progressive Democrats who are very strongly anti-war.
They see through some of this.
But even if the people are so upset with the Congress and the economy and everything else, so far he's not getting much blame.
But I think as time goes on, the more he does this, the more credibility he'll lose.
I guess the real test will come on this, will be next year, you know, next year's elections.
The first congressional election after a president is elected is the big test.
Well, Congressman, look how he comes out and says, I'm getting rid of the REAL ID Act, and then I read what Napolitano said, it says, we're still going to have federalized state IDs, the feds will just pay for it now.
Same thing!
Yeah, there's no doubt.
You know, he says he closes down Guantanamo.
Well, it's not quite closed down yet, but he hasn't rejected rendition, sending him off and hiring some thugs in other countries to do the dirty work.
And he is a strong believer in state secrecy.
You know, on all those court cases, they're taking Bush's position on that.
They want to protect the state.
And even if they, it seems like even if they did believe one way,
I don't know.
We have the purse strings and we ought not to let them get away with it.
We've been taught too long that we need a strong president.
That's what they're all talking about.
You can't run warrantless army checkpoints on citizens.
They did it anyways.
We're the folks who broke the MIAC report, and then the federal report, and all these reports.
People couldn't believe it when we first broke them, where the patriots are terrorists, and the people buying guns are terrorists, and the veterans are terrorists.
Can you speak to that now, sir, and these top-off drills they're doing, where they do practice putting us in sports stadiums, just overall, the reports, the troops, all of it?
Well, I don't know the details as well as you do, but I know it's going on, and I know they use these as excuses, and it's always to build up fear, and when you get people fearful, then they're more likely to give up their liberties, whether it's following a 9-11 incident, or the potential Saddam Hussein that might have a nuclear weapon, and all that stuff.
So they build up the fear, and these events, you know, they'll make use of them, and they'll come in and say, look, there might be somebody there that's going to blow this thing up.
Uh, that just means that our job is that much harder to do in waking up the people and making them realize that you shouldn't sacrifice your liberty.
You're never safer by sacrificing liberty.
I agree.
This morning I was watching Fox and they had the former CIA head of counterterrorism saying they think the Taliban have gotten a nuke out of Pakistan with no evidence, Congressman.
That sounds like war talk.
Yeah, that's the place.
I think I started off the program by saying that's where my biggest concern is right now.
And that's where we end it.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
Good to be with you.
Thanks so much.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I think that was the most jam-packed 30-minute interview I've ever done with Ron Paul.
I probably interviewed the guy.
Been interviewing with him since 1996.
Probably interviewed him about 10-12 times a year.
That's a lot of interviews.
Hundreds of times.
I think that one was power-packed.
There's probably 5 or 6 big news stories just out of that interview right there.
Yeah, they're definitely getting ready to hit Pakistan.
I mean, they've got the safety off, they've got the gun pointed at Pakistan.
They're now claiming the Pakistani government's working with Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, when it's actually Al-Qaeda and Taliban bombing and trying to overthrow the government right now, because they work for the globalists, of course.
They blow up the Serbs, they go after the Iraqis, they go after the Iranians, and then their mommy, the U.S.
government, constantly says they're about to get us.
Yeah, the globalists radicalized the Muslims.
Hitler did it first, and then it was continued by the West.
And then now, I forgot about that, I was watching Fox this morning while I'm jogging on the treadmill,
And they've got the former CIA head of counter-terrorism going, oh yeah, they've probably got a, with no evidence, reported in pressing, none of it.
And that one baby-faced reporter on there, he used to be on CNN, with that fake smile, he went, oh, thank you for the information.
Yeah, we think they've got a nuke, the Taliban's got a nuke, and so we've got to go in there.
They've stolen a nuke from Pakistan.
No evidence, just lying!
Now they just don't say, Saddam's got big WMD factories that was made up with inspectors all over the country under UN control.
Now they just say, oh yeah, there's some nukes floating around and the fact that they're putting that out may mean they may vaporize a U.S.
city and say the Keebler elves did it and then this whole police state they've built for the American people they claim was for Al-Qaeda, the jaws of that bear trap close on us.
For the next hour, Bob Chapman is with us.
We're going to cover the economic news.
In this segment, the next.
I'm going to sit here and try to shut up and have Bob go over Chrysler, GM, Ford, saying they may go into bankruptcy, what's happening with the banks, the latest news, why gold's going up, and then...
We're taking nothing but your phone calls with Bob Chapman and then into the third hour, fourth hour, nothing but phone calls and news today.
Big breaking news.
We've got here ourselves with government documents and things that I've got to read over during the breaks and double check some things and make some phone calls.
Some big news we're going to be breaking probably.
A lot of other stuff going on.
Exciting, the movement of liberty is exploding and growing.
And Ron Paul agrees.
The Excalibur, the silver bullet, is auditing the Fed.
They're total criminals.
We know they've committed crimes.
And then the arrests can start.
And you heard him.
He says, no, they're dangerous.
They will make moves.
They'll set off nukes.
They'll start wars.
But if we've inoculated everybody psychologically that they'll do that, when they make that move, that'll only backfire worse in their face.
This is like three-dimensional chess, folks.
And you've got to really get into game theory and history and how the enemy operates and their MO and their psychology and what they're going to do and past operations.
And they'll throw curveballs, but they'll throw curveballs out of a certain spectrum of operations they've done in the past.
So you've got to always be integrating that information into the full spectrum analysis to understand what's going to happen.
And the number one thing you've got to have is courage.
Courage to be in prison.
Courage to be killed.
Courage to be destroyed in the media.
The truth is, though, it's the big boys like myself and Bob Chapman and Ron Paul and many others that are on the tip of the spear here.
You don't have anything to fear except standing up and speaking out and getting involved.
That's where the danger is for you.
Last night, though, I was sitting there researching at about midnight and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
It hits me sometimes.
Not fear, just, man, you go on the air and you expose how they ship in the heroin and cocaine.
They don't like that.
Man, you expose how they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines to bring in the one-child policy and eugenics.
Man, you're exposing the eugenics wars.
They don't like that.
You're changing paradigms with your army of great listeners and activists who know what's happening.
And then it just, it just, it was heartening though, I said, you know, whatever they do to me, no matter how bad it is, and I just put my faith in God, I trust in God, I try to be the best person I can be, I try to analyze things, I try to tell the truth as best I can.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect.
Don't make mistakes.
And I just said, God, it's in your hands.
I just can't believe I'm in this position.
I can't believe this is really happening.
I can't.
It's just amazing.
And it's an honor and a blessing, no matter what happens to me in this fight.
Because I do it for the innocents.
I do it for the women and children out there.
I do it for humanity.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
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Better take action.
I think a storm's coming.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
You are a rebel, admit it.
You refuse to read the directions when assembling a new item.
You won't ask for directions when you're lost.
Once in a while, you drive in the carpool lane with only you in the car.
Your neighbors call you a crackpot, and you can count your real friends.
I think?
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A lot of exciting things are happening behind the scenes, that's all I can say.
It's just fun to actually count in humanity, to actually be on the side of the good guys.
And to sleep good at night and have a good conscience.
I just thank God every day.
I just thank God every day that I didn't go over to the dark side.
Let's go to somebody else who's fighting the dark side.
Bob Chapman ran the biggest gold and silver private brokerage firm in the world.
Was in military intelligence before that.
Had the largest newsletter until the 90s when he retired.
He came back out of retirement.
It's one of the biggest again.
The internationalforecaster.com.
And Bob, of course, is instrumental with G. Edward Griffin and with Gary Allen and others putting out books and publications he helped finance and put out, None Dare Call a Conspiracy, the book that woke me up.
I already had a lot of pieces of the puzzle, but I guess I read it when I was about 13, 14.
And so we really always love having Bob Chapman on with us.
I want to take a lot of calls today, Bob, which I know you always like to do.
So that's coming up in the next segment.
So much is going on, but what is most important on the economic front right now, Bob?
Well, there's a number of things, but I want to make a comment to what you were talking to Ron Paul about at the very end, and that was this supposed Pakistan has, Taliban has a nuke.
I have a direct line into the Ranger outfit that's guarding the nuclear facilities in Pakistan.
And, you know, if they had gone into those facilities in any way, we'd know about it.
It's ridiculous!
What, Pakistan's got 15, 20 nukes and they're all... Well, there's 15, 20 nukes max in Pakistan.
They're totally guarded.
The U.S.
government labs helped AQ Khan build them.
Explain how asinine it is to go on Fox for people and say the Taliban stole a nuke out of a base.
Well, I don't think that there's anything they could steal because they're not at bases.
If they have one, they had to have gotten it from someplace else.
And I don't think China or Russia or anybody else, England or France, I don't think they were about to give them a nuclear device, so it's all poppycock.
It really is ridiculous.
But it is dreadful, the way that they come out on these major news media outlets and don't tell the truth.
But anyway, the big news now is in the news.
Of course, the stock market's up, because the worse the news gets, the more the market goes up.
And it's up 132 points today.
But it will go back down again, believe me.
The big news.
Number one, by June 1st, General Motors will probably be out of business.
Chrysler will probably be out of business next week.
Yeah, let me just throw this in and then I want to get your take on it because I forgot to make this point.
I was watching Fox, CNN, all the channels, just kind of scanning today and then I was scanning radio driving into work and they were saying on there, like it was a good thing, they're going to chop Chrysler and GM up in lots of little pieces.
Instead of that infrastructure being national security, with all the money that, you know, we're going to have socialism, that should be kept there.
No, they're saying they're going to just sell it off to foreigners, including the head of Fiat, who's one of the co-chairs of Bilderberg.
Go ahead.
You're absolutely right about that.
And they've been deeply involved in Bilderberg.
It's an aluminous company, Fiat.
And so they're talking about Chrysler going down next week.
I think Ford will make it.
I think one of the reasons why is that they cleaned inventory in a very logical and simple way.
What they've been doing with their excess vehicles is shipping them out of the country.
And they're selling them at employee cost.
That's what they call it.
You know, you can buy a $32,000 vehicle for $25,000 if you live in Italy or Mexico or Chile or wherever.
And they've been discounting, oh, I guess for about probably six months now.
And so they've cleaned up their inventory.
They're not making a lot of money, but they're making a little money.
But they're not sitting on the inventory of cars that others are.
And I think it's really helped them.
I was very, very smart.
Instead of getting into this, well, we'll give you 60 months and... Well, they also didn't take the bailout money and actually spent family money and other things that's still on a large share, knowing that the feds were going to come in and take control of Ford.
They said that, what, five months ago?
That's correct.
That's correct.
And so anyway, I think they got a shot at it.
It's not going to be any piece of cake.
They may need help, too.
But I think that they'll stay in business, and I'm happy about that.
At least one of them will survive.
Chrysler was a smaller company, and General Motors is really the one that hurts employment-wise and structurally for America.
And this is all the result, and the problems we're having in the economy are all the result of free trade, globalization, offshoring, and outsourcing.
This is where it all comes from.
Anyway, the second large item today is the statements made by the CEO of Bank of America, which now owns Merrill Lynch.
He said that he was told when he wanted to kill the Merrill Lynch deal that he had to make the deal.
And he was told that by Mr. Paulson,
Who was told to say that by Mr. Bernanke.
So you have a private organization telling people what to do in America.
And, um, I'm sure they told him that if he didn't do what they told him to do, his life would be one long misery after that.
And of course, Paulson is on record now of having said that to him.
And, um, and it also included the bonuses.
He was, he didn't want to do the bonuses after the,
The deal was done with Merrill and they said you better do them or we're going to fire the board and you too.
And so he wanted to keep his job.
So he lied.
This is Lewis, the head of Bank of America, and he broke the law and he screwed the shareholders who didn't know that these things were going on.
And Mr. Bernanke,
Uh, and Mr. Paulson have both stepped over the line.
They've both broken the law.
Now, whether that means anything or not in our, our, our life in Washington today remains to be seen.
I mean, they get these two guys from, uh, AIPAC who are supposed to go on trial and they're talking about not trying them.
I mean, the whole thing is upside down.
So in Washington, they do anything they feel like doing.
So they probably won't do anything about these people breaking the law.
The very fact that they've done it.
Go ahead.
The very fact that they've done it, the lying, the perpetual lying and duplicity and deceit.
I mean, these people are totally, without compunction, they're totally evil.
Well, that was my next question.
I want to get back into Pelosi and this other Congresswoman and bragging that, oh, we'll cover up Israeli spies.
And then on top of that, you have Geithner saying, I don't have to pay taxes.
I'll just run the Treasury Department.
In the past, if you had any tax trouble, you couldn't be a mail boy.
You know, at a treasury facility, in any connection, or if your company had any tax problems, you couldn't do business, you couldn't supply, you know, water cooler water or coffee for them.
And now it's just, it literally is going to seed, and then Iran grabs this spy.
I'm not defending Iran, folks, okay?
You know, the whole issue is, this is reality.
She confesses, they have one of their little semi, you know, legalese courts.
And then they say, how dare you?
We need to invade Iran.
You're being mean to her.
Your courts aren't real.
While they torture people for seven years and then roll it out as evidence and say that they can grab U.S.
citizens under the Military Commissions Act.
An enemy combatant designation, that we have no rights.
So when we torture, it's good, but when they just try someone for spying, and then meanwhile, Bob, the White House, going back for years, and it's been all over the news, as you know, but for those that haven't checked, they admit they're using Wahhabist Sunnis to attack Iran and stage terror attacks inside the country.
That's admitted mainstream news.
So, they admit they're spies.
Israel announced they've got spies and destabilization operations in Iran.
It's all admitted.
They're assassinating people.
It's on record.
They grab a spy, and our media says it's impossible.
There's no such thing as spies.
Oh, they're horrible.
I mean, the propaganda is so brutish.
Go ahead.
Well, I think they've, again, reached this point of arrogance that they don't care, but they've got military operations going on inside of Iran, both Israel and the United States, and been going on for a long time.
And it's wrong.
And you're right about what you say.
And here they're making an issue out of somebody get caught spying.
Well, they do it all the time.
They've done it for years.
AID for years and years has been a CIA front.
And there's been many others.
You know, and they set up one corporation, do their spying, and then shut it down, and then start another corporation.
And by the way, folks, they don't care about this woman.
You might want to explain to them, Bob, if you're a spy and really get caught, like in Cambodia, or Vietnam, or Korea, or Russia, they just write you off.
Stalin grabbed twenty-something thousand US troops out of Nazi camps.
's and British, and they just gave them to him!
They just gave... That's on record!
That's what they think of you, Military Police Intelligence.
Well, you're absolutely right, and of course what Eisenhower did in Operation Keelhaul at the end of the war was unspeakable.
I mean, one human being shouldn't ever do that to another, like torture.
And what Eisenhower did was, he turned over
And that's now been declassified, by the way.
We've always known that, but now we know how they killed him dead in a hammer, but... We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
Your call straight ahead.
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I think so.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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It's not about left or right.
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There is masses of news coming up.
I'll hit it at the end of this hour.
Continue with your phone calls.
But as promised, wide open phones throughout the rest of the show, interspersed with key little tidbits of news, like this article.
California gun decision muddles Second Amendment waters up on InfoWars.com.
And it is a ruling saying you don't have a right to own guns.
It's just unbelievable.
That is coming up.
These people are such criminals.
Matthew in Alabama, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up?
I'm actually not sure if I'm talking something on the subject at the moment, but I'm just going to say I've had a pretty eventful two months now.
I'll be fully admit when I say that I did not believe any of this stuff that y'all talked about on the, like, InfoWars or any of that in the past few years.
I haven't really even been paying attention to it at all, but I've had a few things happen to me the past couple months that have been very interesting.
One of which, a good friend of mine, his father is actually a police officer in the town I'm at, and he told me
That a federal agent came in the building or whatever he works at and told them that August this year that the federal government is going to take over their precinct or whatever that they work at.
Does that sound like it's anything, does that sound fishy to you at all?
It's called total federalization, martial law, tyranny to do that.
Let me go ahead and just give you a headline.
You know I talk about all this news.
Let me go ahead and just find this for you.
This is out of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
And that it's also in the Arizona Republic.
Guys, put this up on screen.
Marshals Merge is the headline.
Marshals Merge.
And then it says the state police and federal marshals are merging.
There are special units that track Arizona fugitives in a move.
They say we'll save money.
They said they're going to get rid of sheriffs, too.
With a growing number of arrest warrants being issued.
And it says that the state police will now be under the feds.
That they're going to be in the same office, same meetings.
Bob, this is it.
It's really happening.
It's a federalization of all of the enforcement agencies to come under the federal government.
And it's going to lead to no good end because it's not going to work and the people are going to be very upset about it.
Well, Bob, I know you've seen these articles, but every couple days now, I see it from news reports all over the country.
And we've got that up on screen.
For some reason, the computer has got it in a selection area where it's selecting favorites.
So let's put that up on PrisonPlanet.tv without that.
Marshals merge.
But of course, it's for a good reason.
Track fugitives.
You're not for the fugitives.
And, oh, the Marines are running checkpoints to stop drunk drivers and searching U.S.
citizens with sidearms on their side.
But it's to stop drunks.
You're not for drunks, are you?
Oh yeah, there was a mass shooting and the army popped up, you know, to run checkpoints.
But you're not for mass shooters, are you?
This is how they're... Oh, they're there at a checkpoint where there was a car wreck.
Oh, you're for the army helping folks at a car wreck.
This is how they're selling it.
But to have the governor two weeks ago say no checkpoints with regular Army in Tennessee, and they went ahead and just did it.
I mean, Bob, then I get all the reports where they say, oh, we have local liaison officers from Army Intelligence that are in our department helping us now.
I mean, and then, oh, the local Austin
Well, I think it's certainly out of the venue of the federal government to be doing that.
And we all know that.
And they're going to continue to do what they want to do.
There's going to be confrontation sooner or later.
And it's not going to be nice.
People in counterintelligence generally are trained in intelligence, not counter-espionage activities in some small town in Alabama or Georgia or Arizona.
That's not their function.
They function in a different area.
And I just think perhaps they're giving these people jobs after they retire.
Yeah, but Bob, imagine.
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
They're placing military, everybody in the police departments as active duty.
No, no, no.
They're active duty, Bob.
I have the mainstream articles.
Active duty army is sitting in the police departments.
I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable.
What is your, is Matthew still there?
I don't want to bust in on the conversation, but I just want to make sure I get these two things in.
Tell us!
Stay there!
Stay there!
Stay there!
Don't hang up.
I want to hear what your family member thinks.
The cop having the feds show up and say we're in command.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, you'd think I'd comb my hair for TV.
Put some hairspray in it.
Always sticking up for directions, because I just come in here like, ah, we're on live on TV, let's do it.
Then I notice I look like buckwheat on a bad morning.
Little rascals.
Okay, going back to Bob Chapman and to the caller.
The caller was bringing up a situation in Alabama.
We're talking to Matthew.
So recap, basically the feds come in, they say to one of your relations that we're going to be taking over in August.
Tell folks about that.
Okay, I had a good friend of mine, his father is a police officer in the town of Mapp, and he was telling me a story of how
A federal agent came in and talked to the chief at the precinct and was telling them that starting in August this year, that their precinct is going to be under control of the federal government.
He was telling me about this and I was kind of freaking out about it, but to add more to this story, if anyone has seen anything about these Amero coins going out here at all, I work in a retail store.
And someone tried to sell, use that as money because it is like, at first glance, it looks like a gold dollar.
And then I looked at it more and it says Union of North America.
So I told the guy, look, I just give him a dollar and get it if he doesn't mind.
And he pretty much, I could tell he didn't, didn't even know what it was.
And I took it to the police officer and I showed my friend's dad and I showed it to him.
And he was, uh,
I'm very confused about this, and he's actually trying to look in it right now until I find out all over the internet now that these Amero coins are supposedly supposed to be used in the future.
And I'm telling my parents and my family about all this, and my dad believes every bit of it.
My mom, you know, everyone's kind of all over the place, but the one thing that I'm calling in the most of that I wanted you to know, Alex, and I want everyone to know out there is
Is there any possible way I can upload this video so that y'all can see this?
Because I'm sure you've probably heard about the other link to this that pretty much has woken me up and made me realize that, oh lord, some things are going on that I'm not even aware of in this world.
You know the whole coffin thing right now?
I found someone on YouTube put in a quadrant where you can find all of the coffins that are set around the entire
The entire country.
And one is out in Opa-Locka, Alabama, which isn't but like a 30 to 45 minute drive for me.
Well, you gotta watch that though.
Sir, the establishment puts out fake maps, fake camps, so they can then go debunk it.
But yes, we were sent photos.
We do know where some are in Alabama.
They are plastic.
Yeah, but there's something different to this though, because I took a video camera with me earlier this week on a day off.
And I was actually going to make a video of how I thought this stuff was fake, and I was going to show up there, because there, the quadrant I have, I printed off the directions there, and I thought it was going to be fake.
And when I showed up, I was freaking out, because they were actually there.
And I got out, and I went to go, and I took some photos of this, and there's some different things to these coffins that other people have not seen.
On the uh... other videos on YouTube.
Okay, are you saying, let me stop you.
Let me stop you, because what happens is we take a call and it goes for an hour and then no callers get on, no guests get on, nothing happens.
I want to hear this, but you're saying you don't know how to upload the video?
No, I'm not near a computer right now.
Okay, but I mean you're telling us about it.
I call it on a phone.
No, I understand you're on a phone.
You said you needed help uploading and I believe I heard you say that.
No, what I mean is, I've looked on InfoWars and I didn't see any forums or anything like that where I could go and upload videos or something like that.
No, no, just upload it to YouTube and we'll link to it.
And just write in the description where you saw it and what happened.
But I believe we already have photos of that Alabama facility.
It's in the middle of a clearing in the woods, right?
Yeah, but has anyone put up that each one of these markers, I got out of my car and I walked over real quickly
Trying to make sure no one was looking, because I was kind of freaking out, I'll be honest.
It's okay!
If anyone hasn't noticed, all of these coffins have markers on them.
They're either yellow, and the ones I saw were yellow and blue.
And I actually went inside the facility that was near there, and they have spray-painted the dates each time that they come back and put another upload of coffins.
Yes, listen, you gotta get this, sir, sir, yes, we're aware of that.
But, yes, this is for the CDC during mass plagues that they will probably release themselves, which they've been caught doing before.
That's why we say they got the M.O., they do it, they're into killing us, they're into eugenics.
We'll put you on hold.
Give me your name and number.
If you want me to give you a FedEx number to overnight us that video, we will get it.
We will upload it, you know, I guess by next Monday or maybe even this weekend.
Or you can upload it yourself and we'll link to it.
But please write us a description.
God bless you and I appreciate your call.
Bob Chapman, I try to go through a lot of calls, but every call seems to be, you know, like that.
And most of them pan out to be accurate calls.
You know, legitimate, pretty wild stuff, huh?
It is amazing, Bob.
Are you ready to take another call, Bob?
It's wonderful that these people are bringing the information in.
It's just like, and you experience the same thing I do, all day long, all night long, from all over the world, I'm getting articles and videos and all kinds of stuff that I would have never gotten otherwise.
I can't research everything.
And it's like, the world out there, there are enough people that are on a bombing mission sending me this stuff,
And I'm sure you're getting it like that as well.
And, you know, I run it twice a week and you run it on the program.
And I think it's fantastic.
Well, I can't stand, because I wish none of this was true.
I mean, I want to have just a good life and enjoy myself, but 99% of the time, what they're calling in with ends up being true.
I mean, that's what keeps freaking me out, is that
I've already been sent by a truck driver the information.
I'm already describing what he's seen in Alabama, and he's gone and gotten even more.
And it's just, at some point, it's amazing.
Let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Scott in Illinois.
Go ahead, Scott.
Yeah, Alex, I finally found something to disagree with you on, but it's a mistake that a lot of people make.
From my understanding, 1776, the Tea Party was not about taxation without representation.
It was about the East India Company being allowed to bring in cheap tea, and thereby eliminating the local market for tea.
So it'd be more about globalization, not about taxation without representation.
It was about a whole bunch of stuff, but they chose the tea because of the tea tax.
Yeah, because the East Indian Company was being allowed to ship in tea without paying that tax and way cheap where it would undercut everybody in the local market.
So it was corruption by the globalists and that same imperial model where they would use mercantilism to de-industrialize or keep certain nations un-industrialized while keeping the center of the empire being the only place with machine tooling and that had everything.
Bob, you want to break down mercantilism?
Well, very simply, what we see today is free trade and globalization.
And they move in and they corner a market and produce and bring the goods throughout the world, undercutting everybody.
The United States, when they first started, between 1790 and 1800, they had free trade.
And it just about destroyed the country because of British marketalism.
They would be shipping all kinds of stuff that they were making, say in China, into the United States.
And of course, they couldn't compete.
They had a higher standard of wages, etc.
Just like they are now.
And that was abandoned.
And that began the beginnings of the tariffs that were put on goods for all those years up until
Thank you.
Go back in history, spot mercantilism, and bring it into the current day.
And that's exactly what they do.
They're doing the same thing over again.
And only this time, I believe the impetus behind it is not only profit, but the destruction of the economies of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, because they have the strongest financially and economically in the world.
And if they go down, economically and financially, the rest of the world will go down with them, and then people will be in a position, these Illuminists hope, that they'll be forced to accept world domination and world government.
And the policies of one-child policies and control that the globalists all hold near and dear, I concur.
And the IMF is chortling, going, oh, it's too bad.
Ninety more million people will go into deep poverty from just being poor, middle class.
Oh, we're so upset when their own internal documents that have been leaked, that have been leaked out, that we've covered here,
...are admitting they're engineering all of this waging war.
Explain to people, Bob, why the true elites of the planet want everybody poor under them.
Well, it's a slave society.
It's as simple as that.
You go back to the pharaohs or any of the kings and dictators through time, you'll find that that's the way they like things.
People suppressed.
And I, you know, it's sociopathic.
And we get plenty of sociopaths in our own societies throughout the world today.
And they happen to be people who believe in world government for the most part.
But they want a finite number of people on the Earth to do all the jobs, and they're going to tell them what to do, because they know better what's better for them than they do.
And so, that's what they're up to.
That's right.
Ted Turner says we should only be allowed to have one child and then have a license to do it.
And, but at the same time, he had five children, owns dozens of houses, literally dozens of yachts and airplanes, and when he's been asked about that, he says, well, I'm different.
So, see, he says, I'm a feminist.
He needs to go, you know, commit suicide.
I mean, if I supposedly need to go kill myself, he needs to go first.
Him first.
You know, with his stupid little mustache and all of his baloney, he's got up and given speeches at the press club calling us useless feeders, Hitler quotes, and he funds the vaccines for little black kids because he cares about them so much.
I mean, come on, folks.
These people are sickening, disgusting degenerates and the enemies of free humanity.
They don't think of themselves connected to the rest of humanity, or to goals, or space exploration, or future generations.
They don't even care about their own kids.
They're all about themselves now.
They are the most greedy, self-serving, control freak people out there, and we've got to wrest control of the system from them, don't we Bob?
We absolutely have to, otherwise we're going to be living on our needs for the rest of our lives, and for generations to come.
They will be subjected.
They, the people of the Earth, whoever they may be, are going to be subjected to this and 50 to 90% of the people on the Earth today will not be here in the future because they don't want them around.
And they're on record constantly saying it.
I think we should forcibly abort the children.
By the way, I care about black kids.
I have a free shot I want to give them.
You wonder why your country in Africa has 46% HIV infection.
Oh, I don't know.
Hi, I'm Ted Turner.
I care about you.
Please, please.
I'm a eugenicist.
Oh, Bill Gates, my friend, whose dad is a known eugenicist and heads up Planned Parenthood and constantly talks about too many people.
He's got shots for you.
Oh, you can't put two and two together, can you?
I mean, you know, come on, people.
What does it take, Bob?
But there's that horror level.
People can't admit this to themselves, can they?
It's too diabolical for the average human mind to contemplate, and the only thing that rolls them around is, you know, when they snatch one of their kids and put a bullet in his head, or they see all this horrible war going on in their backyard, or when there's no food to eat, or when the house has been foreclosed, a vehicle's taken,
And they lost their job and they're living under a bridge.
This is what gets, has to happen for people, most of the people in society to move.
And they will move as soon as their belly's empty.
But the globalists want to do that at their time to herd all the empty-bellied people against the middle class, calling them the elite.
So we've got to be ready for that.
It's very simple.
It'll take all forms before we get there.
And, you know, what we have to look is at the mission,
And what is at the end of what we're trying to accomplish?
And we're going to make a lot of mistakes along the way.
People mistakes, institutional mistakes.
But it'll all come out in the end.
But it's going to be very painful.
It'll be financially and economically disastrous.
And in each country, there's a good chance half the people who are alive now will not be alive then.
That's happy news, but that is what the globalists are doing.
Look, they want to control the future.
They're monopoly men.
They want to control your breeding.
That's why all these movies and TV shows go, we should license having children.
They show you lots of examples why on TV, you know, how that's legitimate.
Look at all the conditioning.
It's everywhere.
They want to dominate and control the future.
They want it all for themselves.
This is so horrible.
Justin in Alabama, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, Alex.
I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks.
Do me a big favor, turn your radio off.
Okay, you've been trying to get a hold of me for weeks.
Go ahead, sir.
I want to talk to you about a couple things.
First is an organization that I started about seven or eight months ago when I first started listening to your show and a friend of mine that I met at a camp that I go to
Because I have CP, and if the elitists had it their way, I'd be dead.
Because I'm not used to the federal government, but I got news for you.
I don't give a damn if I'm used to the federal government, because I am about the people.
I want to free them.
I want to use this United Republic of Christ, in which I've created, to foil the alumnus
Because they want to destroy us all.
Okay, fine.
Go ahead and blow your website, sir.
They're saying that they're trying to put out youth brigades or nuclear war.
Either way it goes, they want to kill us.
I hear you and I appreciate your call, Justin.
Keith in Texas.
Keith, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Mr. Jones and Mr. Chapman, a pleasure.
First thing, Alex, good choice of music on your show when you come off the commercials.
Mr. Chapman, I've got a little food for thought here.
We have the gold for so many other countries held here in the Federal Reserve in New York and also in Fort Knox.
When everything comes down, don't you think they're going to want their gold back?
I understand that recently Switzerland asked for their gold back, which is being held.
I don't
Uh, in a vault at West Point.
Yeah, the info I've got, Bob, and we'll answer this when we get back from your take.
There's no gold at Fort Knox.
Never been audited.
They've taken it out.
The gold is at the private New York Fed that Geithner perched atop.
Then we'll have your comeback, uh, to that, uh, Keith, when we come back with Bob Chapman.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good.
You know, we can rant and rave all day.
It's real serious.
What's happening in our society, but it's also very simple.
Private interests come in with corporate management strategies.
They buy off your governments.
They take over.
They set up policies to consolidate power and control in their hands.
That's bad for the average person.
They're federalizing everything, training you to accept troops on the streets, bankrupting our future, destroying our infrastructure by design on paper.
That's the New World Order.
Bob Chapman, what is your understanding of where the gold of Fort Knox is?
We know they've been very secretive since the 60s of where that went.
Well, we have subscribers who formerly worked there, and they say there's no gold there.
And so I think your comment about it being at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York is correct, if in fact U.S.
gold is there.
I don't know.
Nobody does.
No audit since 1954.
They also hold gold for other countries at that facility, and we know they hold gold at West Point for Germany.
And that's how ridiculously secretive all this is.
Congress is just now learning, the congressmen are so ignorant, from Ron Paul, that the Fed is thumbing its nose saying no one can look at us.
No agency, no branch of government.
And he's got eighty, what did he say, eighty-six sponsors on the show?
Ron Paul has eighty-six sponsors right now to audit these bastards.
Well, it's been a long time coming.
And I sure hope it happens, and 86 is quite a bit.
But I think by the time this thing gets really rolling, he'll probably have 125 or 150.
Well, what about just the issue... It will be a big fight, because the Fed, the bankers, the Wall Street, they will be in there pouring money, pouring money, like they did when they wanted to get NAFTA passed, into these congressmen's pockets.
Well, absolutely, they're criminals, but I mean, that is the silver bullet.
If you can audit the Fed, because they've admitted what they've done, all these crimes, foreign money, giving it to private people.
Just the issue, though, of showing how it's private, and showing that it's above the law, that, I mean, just what Ron Paul's doing, if you just point out what they're doing, it's so criminal, they should fall apart.
The point I'm trying to make here is it's outrageous how openly corrupt this is.
It's outrageous how above the law it is.
And they're not above the law.
So if we just get the word out, Bob, they should implode.
And that's what we're doing.
And it is happening.
And we're going all over the world with it.
Yes, it's an American problem in this case with the Fed.
But the rest of the world is very, very interested.
You know, how do these people get away with it?
How do they continue to get away with it?
And why don't you Americans stop it?
Yeah, that's what I get every day from Africa and Asia and Europe, and they go, come on Americans, we know you're not bad, do something about the criminals that run you.
Bob, I want to keep you 15 minutes to the next hour, if you can do it, to do some more financial updating and talk about what's happening with gold, then I'm going to do a big news blitz and continue with Calls listeners, but going back to Keith in Texas, did you have anything else you wanted to answer?
Well, the last thing I was going to say is, you know, honestly, if everything gets really, really ugly, I don't think, honestly, that whoever has the gold is going to want to give it back to anybody.
And then also, I want to say, everybody listening, you never know if your phone call is going to be that last phone call that gets somebody in Congress or in the Senate to act.
So if everybody is diligent
You know, we'll get this stuff taken care of.
We'll get this stuff stopped.
I hear you.
If people take action and say no, the new order can't get away with it.
It's because we have handed over our responsibility.
Stop worrying about how government worked.
That the vacuum was filled by these crooks.
I mean, folks, they made my grandmother, when she was in high school, and she remembers her father,
Turning his gold in, he didn't turn it all in, for paper money.
Then they doubled the price of gold a year later, publicly shipped it all to Europe.
What they kept, they took from the American people, they put at Knox, and they won't say where it is.
I mean, think about it.
We took all your gold, we won't say where it is, we're the government, sit down and shut up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the next segment, I'm going to continue on your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231 and we'll get you up and on the air.
I have a new horrible anti-Second Amendment gun ruling we're going to go over.
I have three huge stacks and I'm going to scan through these.
We've got two hours left, or to be technical, one hour and 59 minutes, 15 seconds.
So that is coming up.
Bob Chapman will be with us a little bit more into the hour so that all of you in there who are on the line can get your question or comment.
Mike, David, Alex, Tom, Kevin, and others.
We'll get to everybody today.
Open line Friday.
But again, the news is just all off the chart here.
It's a daunting task to be looking at this intellectually and knowing I've got to go through every one of these as we document and chronicle these people's activities.
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Bob, I want to get started on the economy, or go back into it with you here in the time we have, and then take some more calls, hopefully, on the economy for you.
A few of them have been on that on topic.
You've accurately gauged how the stock market will go up and down the last few years, five, six months, a year ahead of time.
You've been saying it would go down and back up and back down again, and even listing the month.
What do you see happening in the next few months, but not just with the markets, but with the real economy, with real estate bubble, not just the individual home real estate, but the
Commercial real estate market, what do you see happening with 600 plus thousand people losing their job every month while Obama tells us the economy is great and the IMF and World Bank tell us the economy is horrible.
What's going on there?
Well, you know, I think the IMF is creating the impression that we're responsible and the other guys aren't and that's why everything should be turned over to us and we should have
World Monetary Authority and World Currency and things of that sort.
The numbers on unemployment, my U6 number is 19.2% and John Williams' is 19.8%.
So unemployment, true unemployment, is close to 20%.
And you know what, we're having a lot of
Uh, companies that, uh, report in groups like, uh, the large-scale layoffs.
These are 50 or more people.
In March alone, we're almost 3,000.
Now, that varies anywhere from 50 workers to 50,000.
But most of the figures are in the, in the area of 1,000 or 2,000 or 3,000.
And, uh, there have been, there have been
31,414 since the start of the recession, which officially was a year ago, December.
And so unemployment officially is dreadful.
And it's going to continue that way.
There is nothing that's going to change anything.
I mean, world trade is shut down.
The stress test results are coming out right now.
Or what they want you to know, we can put it that way.
Yeah, let's talk about what's in the future for banks.
They're saying the stress tests are so bad they can't even release them.
That was their plan to do that all along.
We'll get Bob Chapman's take on that in your phone calls.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
We always covered the private film reserve in the past.
We always discussed the New World Order and how it was going to bankrupt the world economy, average stage terror attacks are going to police state in place, then bankrupt the economy, use the anti-terror forces against the domestic populations because they said they were going to do that.
They're now doing that.
We're now going into the final phase of open world government.
And the eugenics wars that they've already been carrying out in Africa and Latin America and Asia.
They're now announcing in England and Australia one-child policies.
Everything's happening.
And it is not pretty.
Now, Bob Chapman, this is a $64 million question.
What is going to happen as the real economy keeps contracting, as people lose their jobs, but as the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers
Still believe he's going to save them and he's going to fix their mortgage and he's going to take care of everything.
And he does these Band-Aid stunts like, I'm going to shut down Real ID Act, but then you read it, he's going to reintroduce it and actually expand it with a new one.
Or, I'm going to stop torturing and you read the executive order, I'm going to continue the torture.
Or, I'm going to get rid of your credit card debt and it says, oh, on the bill,
We're going to say you've got to tell them at the top you're in a 30% tax interest rate.
The people are desperate.
They're in a consumer society.
They're going to keep taking them.
You know, these stunts.
We already see him losing some of his support, but still the Kool-Aid delusion has gone from, he's going to fix it all, to, well, he's my president, I invested in him psychologically, I don't care if he rapes me financially and betrays me.
I mean, how does Bob Chapman see this unfolding?
Well, it's more duplicitous behavior.
The public is catching on fast this time.
I guess they were skeptical going in.
And they've discovered him for what he is.
And I predicted that by October, that his rating would be down to 40.
And it wasn't too long ago, it was 60.
I guess two weeks ago.
And I saw a poll, Rasmussen came out and they said that
That it was lower than that.
And I saw an ABC poll that said it was higher.
The point is, it's all double talk.
What they're trying to do is gain time so they can execute the deflationary part of the depression when they want to at will.
We have an inflationary depression presently.
And so, the more time that they can gain and buy by this duplicity,
The better they can time what they want to do and bring the whole house of cards down.
And of course they have to have conflicts going all over the world, which they are in the process of arranging.
And as we talked earlier about Pakistan, and Iran will come next after that.
And so that's the direction that economy finance is taking.
These are the reasons why.
And so this is why the actor, the president, gets up
And tells you all this tomfoolery when in fact it's never going to happen that way.
And it's going to happen the way they want it to happen.
And, uh, you had, you know, if anything else that comes from this program, you've got to prepare yourself for bad times.
We're going to have, uh, a sociological, uh, experience in America.
I think very similar.
And I think we're into it already.
It's beginning.
Just like it was during the 1940s and 50s when I grew up.
And people are going to be returning to a time when a lot of people didn't have cars.
If you had a car and, you know, it wasn't working too well, you fixed it.
You didn't go out and buy a new one.
And so the world is going to change dramatically.
And then that's before they pull the plug.
And so where is the plug?
And you and I and Paul Kerr-Roberts have discussed this before.
We said two or three years away.
And it is.
It's two or three years away.
It could be even longer.
Or there may be an event, it might be shorter.
The point is, that's what you've got to plan on.
But no doubt, no doubt though, that they're pulling the plug.
Well, they will.
In totality, when everything is in place for them.
That's terrible.
I wish we could stop it.
Look at this.
Obama rejects truth panels.
So there's all this hype about he's going to hold Bush responsible for torture.
And he says, no, we're going to continue it and we're going to protect the people that did it.
And then I have Obamanoids emailing me saying he's stopping the torture.
And then we got a new horrible appeals court ruling saying that
Interpreting the Supreme Court decision to be that the government can ban whatever guns they want.
I told you folks that that's how they were going to interpret it.
That it wasn't a pro-Second Amendment ruling.
Here we are six months later and it's happening.
We'll get more into that later.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up briefly here because
Ted Anderson has gold, he has silver.
He has silver he got at $17.71.
He's still selling it, even though silver's way up.
And you can't find these, just any type of silver dollar out there, any cheaper than this.
Most places are $20, $25 a piece.
And he's got a bunch of gold and silver from a couple weeks ago, when gold was lower than it is now.
I wanted to bring Ted up, but...
Bob, you know, I only push what I believe in.
And I really think people should get firearms, storable foods, water filters.
Big article about a bunch of people sick today drinking bottled water.
I believe people really should take care of themselves and try to get self-sufficient.
Because if there's a 20% chance we're going into a Great Depression, things will completely unravel into a Mad Max level.
I mean, do you agree that if we go into a depression, which you're saying is a foregone conclusion, that it will be far worse because people are not self-sufficient?
Yes, it would be.
And you know, I felt this way ever since I discovered what these people were trying to do in the early 1960s.
And I have felt the way you just described about protecting oneself in that manner.
And I thought that things would happen even more quickly than they have.
I didn't think
We'll be looking at 2010 and 2012 for these events that we just discussed.
I thought they would have happened in 1969 or 1972, etc.
And they weren't prepared and at that time there were movements about that delayed what they wanted to do.
But people have got to prepare.
I bet you should have the insurance of having these things around.
They're not having them.
It's like an insurance policy.
Is there a chance to stop these people?
Or if we start defeating them, will they just put it even in more high gear?
But at least we're now on a war footing with them and know who they are and have built up our numbers.
I mean, obviously fighting, you know, exposing them is the way to go, but is there any way out of this without just absolute curtains?
Well, yeah, I think there is.
And the exposure of the Fed and the exposure of what happened to our economy and
The free trade and globalization and how it figures in, and the bringing the economy, not only here but in Europe in particular, to its knees.
And expose how these people did this.
The American public will be just beside themselves.
And they will demand that Congress do something.
And the court system.
And if they don't, there will be revolution in the country.
The people are going to get to a point that
They're not going to take it anymore.
But there is a way to stop that.
In Ron Paul's movement, the exposure of the Fed will expose everything from Wall Street and banking and corporate America, the things that they should not have been doing all these years.
And the answer is yes.
Well, the government is a bad employee who's gotten out of control, and we the boss show up, and they've hired a big thug to intimidate us, and that's the militarized police and military.
And so they've decided to go ahead and just screw what the people want.
They're going ahead with this, and that's why they're federalizing everything.
I mean, I got mainstream news federalizing the police.
It is happening, folks.
It is a collision course.
Ted Anderson, I appreciate you coming on.
I know you've been holding for the last 10 minutes while I've been ranting with Bob Chapman, but tell folks about today's offers.
I sure will.
Sure good to hear something about the Federal Reserve System and having it shut down.
Right now, currently, I have the Franks still at yesterday's price, even though gold is up again today.
Actually, it was from back when gold was in that $880 range, $875.
Franks at $217.
We have the British Sovereigns at $267.
Of course, like you said, silver's up again today.
It's hit $1,298, almost $13 an ounce now.
And I still have those Lakota Nation rounds.
That's $17.71, and I am just completely surprised, and maybe I shouldn't be, on how many people want to buy these things.
Probably because of the fact that it has that $50 face, and the Lakota Nation is flying in the Fed's face with their currency.
I'd rather, way rather have a silver dollar than I would have a paper note from the Federal Reserve System.
And you know, what really bothers me is I have people coming to me with these 401ks,
You know, some of them are worth millions of dollars and have dropped down into the hundreds of thousands.
Where others might have $50,000, $60,000 for the retirement, and they're lucky to have $20,000 to $30,000 now.
People should be turning this stuff over.
You can get a gold IRA if you want to.
We do sell them here, and I would suggest that you at least do that, but get physical gold and silver in your hands.
I'm not knocking having a gold IRA, but there's nothing like having the gold and silver and bearing it on the back 40.
I mean, there is nothing like that feeling of security and having the firearm to defend it.
I mean, even if it's a couple of Lakota rounds, or if you're wealthy, a big old treasure chest you put out somewhere.
I mean, folks are insane if they don't move on those great deals you've got.
And the brokers are going to be there until midnight again tonight.
Not only midnight till tonight, we're going to carry this one clean through the weekend, Alex, all the way through Sunday.
That's right, it's Friday.
I work so much it all runs together.
Now, folks, look up these Lakota rounds online.
They're like $25 a piece.
Ted is selling them for what he got them.
A loss leader for our listeners.
Also, great deals on the British Sovereigns and the French and Swiss Francs.
Thank you, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Listen, I'm going to say bye to you in a minute, Bob Chapman, but I want to come back, talk about the international forecaster, take a few calls.
Then I'm doing a big news blitz and more calls.
Stay with us.
We've got a lot of transmission left.
Haven't even gotten started.
Good day.
Jim Newcomer from Midas Resources.
April 24, 2009.
Gold opened this morning at $9.0720.
A one-ounce gold coin can be purchased for $9.3350, $4.6675 for the half-ounce, or $2.3338 for a quarter-ounce.
That's $9.3350, $4.6675, and $2.3338.
On June 4th, 1963, an unknown presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to lend money to the United States government and interest.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Okay, we are back live.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
You can go there and get a free complimentary copy.
It goes out twice a week on the web, twice a month as a physical hard copy.
There's also a phone number there at TheInternationalForecaster.com if you'd like to get the hard copy.
Bob, we'll take a few final calls.
I'm going to come back, go to a ton of your calls, and then blitz through news.
And believe me, it's important.
I covered some in the first hour.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Wisconsin.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Hey, didn't Goldfinger steal the gold in Fortnite?
And isn't Oddjob working for Homeland Security?
But Alex, seriously, a long time no talk to, but I just wanted to tell you about people who see the truth.
Something I noticed, that you get to a level, or you have something deep inside, and I don't want to get esoteric on you or anything, but most people can't understand
The depth of truth and see things.
Like when you look at a video or something, you can analyze the truth right away.
You can take the truth out of it and winnow the errors out of it.
And only certain people have that.
And the other people that have that know that those people have it too.
It's some kind of thing.
So don't be impatient.
You're causing a tidal wave.
Sure, I'm just an average guy.
We're just all in this together.
I just know my family's in danger.
We're all in danger.
And I want to bring these globalists to justice.
I mean, Bob Chapman, you've told me before, you burn with desire, don't you, to bring these guys to justice?
I mean, it's also competitive.
I'm tired of scam artists and thugs and bullies always winning.
I want to kick their butt.
What about you, Bob?
I feel the same way.
I've always been super competitive.
And we're birds of a feather, only I'm old enough to be a dead.
But, you know, at 73 years old, very few people do what I do, and I do it for that reason.
Can I say one more thing?
Yes sir, go ahead.
It's like the city folk and the country folk, like the country guy is real shy, so the city guy comes and takes everything, and takes the country guy to the absolute limit.
And then pretty soon the country guy whips the tail off the city guy.
That happened in my life many, many times because the country guy was hefting cow crap and everything else, but the city guy was taking it easy.
He had the manipulative nature.
So I think that there's enough good Americans that they'll eventually defeat
Listen, listen, listen.
I agree with you.
And the globalists call it a scientific dictatorship because they know that too.
That's why they're gearing up the tyranny.
That's why I'm warning the public.
I mean, Bob, we've been telling them for years.
You've been telling them for decades.
They're setting up this anti-terror police state for the conservatives, for the gun owners, for the landowners, for the middle class.
And now they admit it's us.
There's no more denial.
There's a world government, and its enemy is free market constitutionalists.
Bob Chapman.
And, you know, that's the way we predicted in the 60s it would roll out.
We just didn't think it'd take this long.
And in the process, what they've done is destroy the American economy.
But I predicted in 1967 exactly how they were doing it.
Bringing us down to the level of the third world in order to force us to accept, because there was no other way that people would accept it.
And so, if you've read about it, it's a natural course of events.
Well, Tarpley, he's an amazing economist in his own right, on top of his class.
He says that we've really lost half our standard of living since the mid-1960s, and so it's just been happening incrementally.
Is that an accurate statement by Tarpley, in your opinion?
I pick out 72, because
After August the 16th of 71 when they went off the gold standard, that really got it underway.
And you had to have today two incomes instead of the one that was necessary in 1972 to have the standard of living that you have or have had in our society.
And so yes, he's correct.
It doesn't matter what year, whether it was 62 or 72, the point is it's been coming for a long time.
And we have half the buying power or less than we had then.
Yeah, and instead of both the man and woman having to work, both the man and woman have to work two jobs.
Going back to David, anything else, David?
Yeah, one more thing.
Remember KRF1.
I don't believe everything he says, but the consciousness thing is going to have the main effect.
And I just want to say that, for lastly,
Lindsay Williams gave us the solution, and he said the only thing they feared was the masses waking up.
And that's your job, Alex, and that's my job, that's Bob's job.
I really thank you guys a lot, and I'm praying for you every day.
Well, I thank you, and we appreciate your prayers, because I believe in them and I depend on them.
You know, we don't believe in prayer, we depend on it.
That's a sign on my aunt's wall.
Or we don't believe in miracles, we depend on them, yeah.
But I kind of paraphrased it or changed it.
Bob Chapman, always great having you on every Friday.
Thanks for spending an hour and a half with us at TheInternationalForecaster.com.
We'll see you again next week.
You surely will, and thank you.
Bye-bye, everybody.
Take care, Bob.
Alright, phone blitz!
I don't care how good your phone call is, I'm giving each person one minute, because I've got bad habits of not going to the calls.
And I'm trying to break it, folks.
So help me break it on the other side.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at presentplanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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News Blitz coming up, and right now, your phone calls.
Alex in Virginia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Eric.
I listen to your show pretty often, and you do a great job, but I'm really outraged that Obama said he's not going to have a commission to investigate the CIA tortures.
I mean, that's a big blow to Americans, I think.
I mean, that sends the wrong message to
You know, the rest of the world could think that, you know, we support terrorism and things like that.
I mean, how do we go about getting him to, like, pressuring him to prosecute?
Well, number one, you had a few Democrats saying we might look at a commission trying to pacify Democrats that are, and the general public, and people that are upset about torture, civil libertarians, people that don't want a police state.
Okay, we might look at it.
And then Rahm Emanuel, the real president, and he literally is the president.
I mean, this was in the New York Times that he bosses Obama around in front of people.
When Obama argues with him, he'll crack his knuckles, literally going... This is in the New York Times.
Pull it up.
Just type into Google, Rahm Emanuel cracks knuckles in Obama's ear.
And he just, you know, literally, you got a problem?
You got a problem?
Literally like the bully.
Imagine in front of the congressional leaders going...
He is, yeah.
He's crazy, yeah.
Well, no, he's crazy like a fox, yeah.
Yeah, he's like a big puppet, pretty much.
Big Puppet Obama, that could be the new... Big Puppet, that's the new name of the film.
Trying to think of a... By the way, folks, I'm trying to think of a new name for the next Obama film.
What do you think it should be?
I want to hear your ideas.
You know, I have mine.
Not going to let those out of the bag yet, though.
Thank you so much, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Speaking of the devil, the films, I never...
Plug the film, hardly.
I mean, it's like once or twice a week now.
Folks, the Obama deception is very well made.
It shows who he works for.
It shows what his real agendas are.
It shows how criminal he is.
It shows what he's planning, what he's going to do.
And it's all today's headlines.
It's so up to date.
It just came out five weeks ago.
People are seeing it, it is waking them up like nothing out there.
So, again, InfoWars.com, we've got the Obama deception.
Oh, and also, we've got all these new t-shirts.
We've got this new Come and Take It, with the Texas flag, when Gonzales Texas wouldn't turn their guns in.
Well, we do it with a modern AK-47, Come and Take It shirt.
We've got this Live Free or Die, Liberty or Death shirt, with a Minuteman busting through, with InfoWars.com on the back.
I want everybody to go check those out because you want to meet like-minded patriots, not just on the web, but at church or school or at work or jogging or at a marathon, whatever.
I love this new shirt we've got too that shows a guy putting a gun to somebody's head who's got a bag of money and it says socialism under it.
Somebody putting a gun to your head and robbing you.
That's what it is.
All this money Obama's spending to give to the foreign banks is coming out of our hide.
So again, InfoWars.com.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Kevin in Canada.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hello there, Alex.
How's it going?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I just want to call and let you know that I've actually got a couple of things.
Infowars.com is not the only show that was nailed.
GCN's phone networks that have been nailed.
Other truth radio shows have been nailed too over the last quite little while actually.
Kevin Smith got nailed not that long ago.
Yeah, we don't know if every time we have a phone problem
That it's the government.
In fact, generally, I don't think it is.
I just think we have bad luck sometimes when a really big guest is on or something happens.
But I have had physical sabotage before that I won't even get into here at the office.
And I mean repeatedly.
Well, slashing ISDN lines.
You see a guy in a work truck speeding off.
That happened years ago.
So a lot of that does happen.
But when people have computer problems or headset problems or whatever, that isn't always the government.
But go ahead.
Yeah, and also, Rob, I'm also making a call out to everybody in Northern Ontario.
I'm talking from North Bay, Sudbury, Timmins, York, Walla Walla, everywhere, that We Are Change Northern Ontario has been launched.
Our Facebook group is going to be starting pretty soon, so anybody that wants to get involved with We Are Change Northern Ontario to go to sourceofinfluence.com.
That's for the We Are Change chapter that has just been launched in Northern Ontario.
Me and Rob from Sudbury, we have been working on getting that together.
Good job, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go to Mike in Colorado.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
Pretty good.
You woke me up four years ago, and I want to thank you for everything you've done.
However, I do have a problem with you, and I'm asking for an answer.
Prison Planet, the forum is censored.
And if I can give you an example, just a quick one.
It was a couple weekends ago.
There was someone that wrote on there the use of different terms in the Obama deception.
The CFR was mentioned so many times, Bilderberg mentioned it so many times, and then they went down to the Mossad.
And I got on there to defend you.
Then it turned out that that post that I replied to was gone.
And so, it obviously made me very curious.
And then, you know, subsequent to that, there was just many, many posts that were deleted, and I'm just wondering why.
Okay, well you're on the air right now with us.
Was your call screened when you called in?
No, sir.
You're on the air right now.
Yes, sir.
And I appreciate your call.
I'm going to answer the question.
I said I've got to keep these to one minute a piece.
This will take about two minutes, or I'll never get to the calls.
I never had forums, and I never had...
comments on the stories because we had tried that five six years ago and had death threats and people posing as as other people and then filing police reports on us and we said my god these message boards are trouble we gotta get rid of these because we don't have the money to police it to try to control it uh... so i got rid of them and then i said you know what let's just try it again
And at first we had this, I don't know how to explain it, we had like a caching server and then actual servers because the sites get a lot of traffic and there's a lot of graphics.
It isn't just a tech site, so we use, you know, 30-something terabytes just on web stuff every month.
I mean, it's insane.
Some months, 90 terabytes of, you know, it's video.
It's a lot of money.
And I try to get the best prices and bids and spend months on the phone trying to find the really cheap bandwidth and the upper tier bandwidth.
I mean, I don't know how to explain what it's like to actually try to build this and do this.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying you've got to understand what I'm going through.
And then people will go in there and say, whack the president.
They go in there and say, do this, do that.
And I have Secret Service showing up here at the office.
And I'd say, folks, you've got to quit doing that.
They go in the comments and say, oh, you lie, there's no Secret Service.
And then people are calling, well, what was the Secret Service show up at my house?
So I did get moderators for the PrisonPlanet.com forum.
They were folks that we saw were posting well, you know, doing good stories, edifying.
And the COINTELPRO flooded in so incredibly with lies about myself and everything else that the majority of the readers of my site asked us to please, we're going to quit coming to your site, we're going to quit pointing people at your articles and your stories if you
Don't stop all this with F you and I'm going to do this and let's kill all the Jews and let's kill the blacks and all the rest of it.
And now you see what the forums have done for me.
You got this and I'm probably just going to get rid of them.
I'll just let everybody know that.
I'm really strongly considering it because it's not censorship.
They're mine.
I own them.
Censorship is when I come to your website
Or I come to your radio show and I'm the government and I stop you from having a website or a radio show.
If the government showed up and told me I couldn't do my show anymore, that would be censorship.
You know, if you own a coffee shop and there's a message board, people can put up messages and their personal cards and somebody puts up business cards that say, call this number to screw my wife.
And the owner of the coffee shop, the diner goes, you can't have that.
Excuse my French there, folks.
That's the kind of stuff that goes on.
Hey, Bob, you can't hang that on the message board.
Don't you censor me, David!
Or whatever the deli or diner's name is.
I'll put whatever I want on your message board.
Next you go, how about you just get out of this diner and don't ever come back here again.
Or, you know, if they started soliciting murder on the diner message board.
Hey, call this number if you want somebody killed!
Well, the owner of the diner or the manager is going to walk over and pull that off there.
And so, are there overzealous people in there?
Yes, I have seen examples of that.
We've got, I think, five or six moderators.
They can't even deal with half of the craziness.
At a certain point, I can't have the FBI and Secret Service here, and then the Nazi kid, allegedly, and he's admitted to it, shoots three cops, and is on Infowars.com attacking me for censorship.
And then you go, and there he is months later.
His posts are on there.
I guess our censorship isn't good enough of the site I own.
I wish I had people and the money for moderators that would have seen, you know, stuff like that to get it off earlier.
Because, man, I was all over the national news just killing the cops!
And they said the white supremacist kid loved me and did it because of me, basically.
And then it turned out he was on my website attacking me!
See, I'm at a real level.
I'm in the real world.
I got a payroll to meet.
I got radio shows to do.
I got callers to take.
News to cover.
And all the other networks, all the little Patriot websites, all they do is fight and say who's the best leader and who's an agent and who isn't.
I'm just here covering what's happening and saying, you got power, take action, you're leaders.
And you know, I don't think I'll get rid of the InfoWars and the Prison Planet and all that stuff, because people get, there's a lot of great comments, a lot of edifying stuff, a lot of great things.
You know, the first six months or so I had the comment pages
They were just attacking me everywhere, saying lies, and my guys would say, man, don't you want to have somebody moderate this?
And I said, oh, let them have their First Amendment on my site.
You know, let them go wild until the Secret Service started showing up.
Then I went up.
But it didn't matter.
By then, I was already being blamed of censoring people on my own site.
Not censorship.
Read the definition.
Because I earlier didn't explain this, and I said I'd take calls, but it's impossible because this guy has a question that's got to be answered.
The way it's explained to me is there's a caching server that takes all the big requests because the site kept going down and shutting down before, and then there's the main server.
So it takes 3, 4, 5 minutes for your comment to post.
And I would see comment after comment, sometimes 20 of them going, my post hasn't posted, he's censoring.
My post hasn't posted, he's censoring.
My post hasn't posted, he's censoring.
Because it would lag time for the server to update and post it.
And then it would say, oh, it finally posted, I caught them censoring, so they went ahead and posted all this.
You know, F.U.
Because the server has a lag time for posting, so that's how the schizophrenia started, that I was censoring.
And so people would say, why are these comments all screwed up?
Why is it all these crazy people?
And I go, well, I guess that's my audience.
And so to have some semblance, kind of like whack-a-mole, some semblance of it,
Like there's also people that go in and spam, and it'll be posted every other comment in every story, check out this news website.
And then two posts down, check out the news website again.
Check it out again, check it out again.
Check out this radio show, and it's a radio show that lies about me.
Over and over again.
Check out this other radio network.
Over and over and over again.
And so we put spam software in there to stop Viagra ads being spammed too.
And they're like, you're censoring me!
Well of course you're being knocked off the site!
You're going into every page posting your website over and over and over and over and over and over and the spam software sees that!
You know what will happen if we don't have spam software?
Viagra ads were everywhere!
Mortgage ads!
Look at every other message board.
It makes you type a code in every time you post.
You know, they'll have that weird picture code so computers can't read it.
And you've got to enter in that little code first and then your name.
And we're busy, but we're going to implement that and everything else.
Because it's screwing up the sites.
It's screwing it up, just all of it.
The Viagra ads, the I work for the Vatican...
You know, people plugging their other... People don't like it either.
I mean, it'll be every article over and over again.
Check this... And by the way, all of you doing that, you want to go in and write a post, a comment about the article, and then say, by the way, check out my site?
We'll let that happen.
But you just go into every article and spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam.
And then we're like, you know, the AI computer censors you.
And the Viagra ads get through?
The computers figure out how to get around those?
You know, whatever.
You can call into this show.
You can talk about whatever.
You can do whatever on this show.
But I may even, because the calls are so weird, I may even start saying, what are you calling about, and see if the person isn't so stoned that they can't talk.
It's my radio show!
I'm here doing this every day.
I'm putting my life on the line.
It isn't about Alex Jones.
It's my radio show.
I'm trying to make it about the New World Order.
People want to make it about me, fine.
Don't come into my diner and put, uh, kill the president on the wall.
I'm gonna pull it down.
You call that censorship?
Fine, good.
I'm proud of it then.
If not having the Secret Service here every week is censorship, then, buddy, you enjoy it!
Now, there you go.
That was ten minutes.
I just, it's impossible to take their calls.
Let's go ahead and, um, don't worry, buddy.
Everything's collapsing anyways.
And you'll be able to blame me for it in the end, not the bankers, and they'll probably win.
But if people be blaming the Jews, the Vatican, the Keebler elves all day, instead of the New World Order, which we can all admit is evil and corrupt and coming down on us.
I think it's more popular attacking me than it is attacking Obama and Ariel Sharon and everybody else.
That's good for me as an individual, for web traffic and my name.
It isn't good for America and the world.
But keep attacking!
Keep on!
Keep on!
You just make me stronger.
Now that was a nice caller.
I wasn't addressing all that at you, sir.
That's another thing that happens.
I'll address big general things.
I'm not saying you're posting Viagra ads, sir.
I'm not saying you're doing all that.
I'm not saying you're saying Kill Bill Obama.
That's another thing people do.
I'll talk in general terms that's clear to everybody, what I'm talking about, and they'll say I'm talking about them.
Alright, now, you know, I've got three stacks of news here, and if the Harold C. Admiral, and of the
Water doesn't rise on Bear Creek.
I am going to take calls and give each person one minute.
But if you call up and accuse me of being a space alien from Planet Pop-Tart, oh teeny, then I am not going to be able to answer.
I'll just say, yes, guilty as charged.
Planet Pop-Tart, Green Reptoid, Arcturus Sector, in league with the Keeblers.
But I am going to take your phone calls when we get back.
I'm going to have normalcy and information and just take your calls.
But I've been shying away from them because it's just total diversion land.
Here we go.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I think so.
There's another issue.
People will email me, I've foreseen that, not hard, going, wait a minute, you said Digg was censoring you.
Or you said YouTube is.
Yes, they hold out that on Digg, if your article gets voted up, it goes on the main page.
And then they admitted that, well, we allow one of our people to bury it, and then that goes against, say, 5,000 votes of people that want to vote it up.
We're not having some voting site on InfoWars and holding out that what's on the front page is what you voted for, though we are actually going to have a dig system like that with some new things we're about to add, and we're just, you know, whatever you vote up is what you vote up.
That's fine.
So again, there's that separate issue, too.
YouTube acts like they put on the main page whatever's number one or in the top hundred.
They don't.
So see, we're not holding anything out here.
Well, we tried to give you freedom.
You got the Secret Service sicked on us and the FBI.
That's over.
It's my website.
Mine, mine.
I'm proud of it.
Boom, you caught me.
They'll take that video clip and put it on the web and say, look, we caught this secret video transmission of him on the web.
And they'll even cut that part out right there and say it was a secret radio transmission.
I've seen that before.
Yeah, it's a secret video transmission that only you are tuned in on right now, and you caught me confessing!
Mental illness!
And see, that's what mentally ill people do.
They invent fake victories for themselves.
You know how many times, I love what Mark Twain said, rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, how many times people make up that they've defeated me?
Just keep on defeating me then, because it's really good.
Let's go ahead here.
I've got the New World Order to contend with.
The schizophrenic, dumbed-down mass, that's not a big problem.
Because there's good people out there we're looking for to fight the New World Order.
That's who we're looking for.
The schizophrenics?
Well, they're going to be schizophrenic, and I feel sorry for them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Tejas.
You're on the air, Tom.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you today?
Pretty good, sir.
First of all, I just want to comment.
I'm a regular visitor to your InfoWars.com site.
I read every story, and I will attest to the idiots that post on the comment section that disgust me.
If you see people doing that, ignore them.
It's called trolls.
We'll have some horrible anti-Second Amendment ruling, and the first comment is, Alex Jones murders children, and then the whole comment is about that.
It's hijacking my sight.
And so, no, we need to clean that out.
And most of them are operatives.
We've got to get control of that.
And so I'm telling folks, people want to help.
We need more moderators to try to keep this under control.
The reason I'm calling today, though, is a few years back there was a man named Stephen Kimball Ames who wrote a few essays on the New World Order and the conspiracy.
It kind of fell into obscurity, but I was just wondering if you were familiar with him.
He wrote one called The Ultimate Delusion and a few others that were very enlightening and very brilliant essays.
I just, if you were familiar with him, what your take on him was.
No, I mean, I bet if I went and read it, I might have seen it, but... I have those essays on one of my blogs on a website, thegreendragon.ning.com.
The Green Dragon!
Of course, that is where the 1775 stuff started with the Boston Tea Party.
Yes, exactly.
That's the concept of our group there on Ning Networks.
And if anybody's interested, they can go there.
It's an open site, you can check out the blocks.
Alright, Tom, good to hear from you.
Let's go to another caller.
Keith in Connecticut.
Go ahead, Keith.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Nice to talk to you.
I was just wondering, I emailed you guys a link to Washington Post blog, Geoengineering Our Way Out of Global Warming.
And I was wondering what your take on this was.
Now they're telling people that they're going to use methods to
Change the weather, but for years they've been telling us that no such thing exists.
Is this going to cause people to wake up, or people to asleep?
They can't see military operations right above their head.
Well, and then when they, and I did see the Washington Post article, there's been a bunch of them.
The White House chief of scientists saying, plus you look at the science,
What they're doing is actually causing global heating.
So they're messing with the weather, creating the crisis, then they will offer their solution, micromanaging every facet of your life.
Stay there.
We'll come back and talk more about it in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Weather weapons are documented.
They create hurricanes, strengthen them, weaken them, kill them.
They have been chemtrails spraying when key weather fronts come in to dissipate the rain or to make it more intense.
Different programs.
And none of it's called chemtrails officially, but under the aerosol direct, semi-direct spraying campaigns, tens of thousands of different missions, thousands of operations, the whole earth's 20% darker, massive terraforming everywhere, that's NASA's own numbers, and now because the public got upset about it three years ago, government written textbooks tell the kids,
Now they tell the parents it doesn't exist, the kids textbook, oh yes we're spraying you to stop global warming, to stop the UV sun.
We're doing all this.
And then you understand they're creating the crises, manipulating the weather, to make it more violent, to then scare the people into accepting.
This global government in the name of saving us and all these carbon taxes.
And that's what the witch doctors 5,000 years ago, whether it was in the Americas or in Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, they were mathematicians.
They would study historically.
In their little private secret societies, you know, the witch doctors, when the sun was going to have an eclipse, when the moon was going to have an eclipse, the names of the stars, they had calendars.
And the hunters were going off and hunting deer and building huts and, you know, having parties and dancing and hanging out with the women and, you know, having fights and all the rest of it.
Meanwhile, the witch doctors sat up on the hilltop figuring this out.
They would come out and say, you have done bad!
And they would explain, you have not given offerings to Moogai, the flying serpent.
And they would go, ah, old man, my father said you were full of it.
There's no such thing as Moogai.
Three days from now, you will see the sun eaten by the serpent to show you your evil.
And they, ah, shut up!
And then the serpent, the eclipse would happen, and they would all, oh, please, witch doctor, we'll give you, you know, the best maidens, we'll give you the best food, the best drinks, the best huts, anything you want.
Good to show your fealty to me!
Sacrifice your child!
It was you, Krolgar, that said that Snake God was not coming!
And then trauma-based mind control began out of that.
And that's all it is.
The Earth, it's melting, the ice caps, death, destruction, oh God!
But people know what an eclipse is now.
So they're telling you, freak, when it gets cold it's global cooling, when it gets hot it's global heating.
We have seasons, this happens normally.
So they hype this, hype this, hype this, hype this, hype this, hype this.
And now they are engaging in all sorts of weather warfare, admittedly.
And doing a lot of really strange weather things, and then going, oh my God, we need global government to save you from it!
So, Keith, you asked a question.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, I mean, I just wonder if it's the mercury in the shots, or the fluoride in the water, or what's making people not realize that there's grid patterns, obvious military operations going on right over their head.
It's for your own good, sir, please.
I appreciate your call.
Look, look, and we're going to come back and take more calls, but what's happening here
Is they've slowly, incrementally, as I keep saying, with the ambient background of the tyranny and the police state and the surveillance and the drugging and the water and food and air, they just keep slowly turning it up, denying there's no global government, there's no global bank, there's no Bank of the World, there's no chemtrails, there's no weather modification, there's no spring.
That's crazy people.
And they'll mix in things that really aren't real.
There's no chupacabras, there's no witches on brooms, there's no Easter Bunny,
There's no private fellow reserve.
There's no sarin nerve gas testing on trips.
There's no abominable snowman.
So see, they mix real things, like the private fellow reserve, in with chubacabras, and then the public, the general public, goes, I don't believe in the private fellow reserve or in Easter bunnies.
Or Santa Claus!
Shut up, conspiracy theorists!
And then there are, like, schizophrenics dancing around going, I have proton lasers in my brain!
I am the Pope!
I am the Queen!
You know, I've got all the answers!
I mean, there's all sorts of crazies, too, out of six and a half billion people.
So they can point at the crazies, too, and go, look!
That's your conspiracy theorists!
That's who they are!
They can point at the white supremacist, you know, crazy looking eyes with machine guns on weird personality disorder power trips, you know, making the Second Amendment look bad and say, look, we got to ban the Second Amendment because of the white supremacists.
No, we need our guns because of all the crazies out there, not the other way around.
So they've got all sorts of ways of trying to tar and feather the people, but it's not working anymore.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
An ultra-massive news blitz is coming up at the bottom of the hour in T-Minus 22 minutes right now.
Let's go to New York and talk to Dave.
Dave, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
Nice to talk to you.
I've been listening to you for a long time, and I really try to tell everybody about you and about the movies and everything else.
I just wanted to comment on the surveillance blimps.
I just wanted to say that the acronym for them is H-A-A.
That's High Altitude Airship.
High Altitude Airship.
And when you do a search and a search in this way, you don't come up with some crazy conspiracy site or anything like that.
You come up immediately with Lockheed Martin.
And that's for those people out there who doubt your integrity when it comes to this subject over here.
You can go right into a search engine, search out high-altitude airships... No, they admit they launched them ten years ago, and then seven years ago, and they're over every major city, 95,000 feet they can watch.
The area is much bigger than, say, Dallas-Fort Worth area.
It's just huge.
Thousands of square miles.
And they admit they're tracking and scanning us and following our cars.
It's basically like giant spy satellites, but they can carry a lot more equipment and cheaper.
MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, with them launching.
And then Larry King shows them on TV and says it's flying saucers.
And then says, I'm a conspiracy, you know, they say we're conspiracy theorists, when we say it's government blamps.
I mean, that's how dumb they think the public is.
Well, that's why I wanted to let you know, Alex, that anybody can plug into any search engine, HAA, High Altitude Airship, and the first thing they're going to come up with is various aerospace companies who are manufacturing them.
No conspiracy sites, no nothing, just honest reporting by these agencies.
It's right out there in the open.
You want to find out about it, it's there.
I know, but I'm glad you brought it up.
For those that don't know...
about it, they should go check it out, but why do you think Larry King and ABC as well, I've seen newscasts, they make fun of it and show it and say they're cigar aliens, but then we're the conspiracy theorists for knowing it's a blimp.
I mean, we've entered a new system where if you believe it's space aliens, you're normal, but if you know it's a homeland security blimp, you're bad.
I don't understand how dumb they think the public is.
It's George Orwell's doublespeak.
We're engaging in doublespeak every day.
And you have Obama coming on TV every day, just like a good fascist dictator, to show us his face and let us know that he's there and he's looking out for us.
I mean, I've never seen this, actually, with other presidents before.
Sure, they have their weekly radio addresses.
No, that's not the American way.
The American way is to not have giant billboards with the leader and the one and the savior, and to have the leader constantly on TVs everywhere, constantly talking to you.
No, this is Hitlerian!
And I don't know if anybody else has noticed, but the guy's on TV every freaking day now.
Every day.
Or his lackeys are on the TV every day, speaking for him.
I mean, if this is not equivalent to the Hitlerian era, I don't know what is.
But, you know, the dumbed-down public doesn't really know history anyway, so...
It's scary, I know.
I mean, it's not the way of freedom to build someone up as the savior, president of the world, the one, the magic man.
I mean, all of this crap.
Meanwhile, he lies about everything, but they've already bought in.
To feeling like he's their daddy, and so they go, I don't care if he's cheating me.
I like him.
Good to hear from you.
Appreciate your call, Dave, in New York.
Todd in Montana, where they're saying they're going to open one of the new FEMA camps.
The new Guantanamo Bay will move to Montana or Wyoming, they're saying.
Go ahead, Dave.
Let me go ahead, Todd.
Oh, okay.
You know, Alex, I've been looking high and low for a bill that Ron Paul used to talk about a while back.
uh... that they directed congress to give all the loans that caused the real estate bubble.
Do you know where I could find that?
I know they were trying to pass a bill saying you've got to follow what the bill says, but the original bill passed October 3rd, known as the Banker Bailout, let the bank secretly do whatever they wanted.
So I didn't know they passed, I don't think they passed that bill compelling them to spend the money properly, but I remember hearing and seeing that in the news a few months ago.
I'm talking about something that I heard Ron Paul say years ago, that this passed before the bubble.
uh... really got gone before the when the market real estate market was really hot uh... it uh... kind of force the mortgage companies to give out all those really bad long all yeah i don't know i know you're talking about i'm as i said i thought you were talking about the bills to make them spend the money on unclogging the bad mortgages which they claim was the problem but really is only a small part of derivatives uh... yes i'd forget the name of the specific law uh... but bill clinton did it
I've been looking everywhere for that.
I really want to
Yeah, I know, Bill Clinton did that.
Somebody will email us in a minute.
Yes, it's real, it's true.
That happened in, I think, 96.
In fact, I've seen, this weekend I watched Dick Morris give a keynote speech in Florida before some neocon group and he was bragging that
Oh, I accidentally am the one behind this.
Yeah, we know Larry Summers really is.
But I'm actually the one behind this because I said, listen Clinton, we've got to get all these poor people in houses.
And then Clinton went and did this and it got out of hand.
So yes, it is a law.
You're right.
It did pass.
Thank you.
Good point.
I can't keep track of all this.
My memory fails.
I can remember some things perfectly.
I can remember dew on a leaf, you know, when I was five years old that I looked at in the field.
But I can't remember the name of that act.
But it's something about private home ownership investment.
I forget.
It's got a really sappy name as soon as we find it.
Let's talk to Josh in California.
Josh, you're on the air.
Yes Josh, welcome.
Hi, how are you doing?
Pleasure to be on the program.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I've been a listener for a long time.
I'm a Prison Planet subscriber, and I agree with just about everything that you talk about.
Gun control, global warming, the fraud, everything.
I did want to bring up, though, how, you know, you're mentioning sometimes about some of the people that have issues with some of the things that you discuss on the air.
And, well, you used to have
What happened, like, um, you used to have Warren Cucurulo on the program, and he became a no-pointer, so I haven't heard him on the program for a while, but I was wondering, why is it that you don't discuss movies like September Clues, which I think are really important movies, about 9-11, and you never ever talk about it?
Because I think it's pure bull.
I mean, I'm not here to put out disinfo, and that doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes, but if I think something's absolute crap, I'm not going to promote it on my show, but I appreciate your call.
You want me to say mean things about people?
I guess I will.
Again, why are people obsessed with personalities in the huge sea of people that disagree with official stories?
I mean, I met Warren Cucurillo, who does some great music, at a 9-11 thing in 2006.
I had him on the show, I think, twice.
And people sent me info about Warren, which is a very colorful character, I'll say the least, and I thought, maybe I need to
You know, look at this guy and then he starts saying there's no planes heading and all these phone calls for him and stuff and I mean that's not what I'm into.
So I'm busy.
But just because you don't hear somebody back on the show doesn't necessarily mean I don't like them in all cases.
I mean, I bet I could get Willie Nelson back on the show.
I haven't called him in about four or five months because he's busy, I'm busy.
I'm not just chasing stars around.
If something comes up to have Willie Nelson on the show, I'll probably try to call him and get him on the show.
Jesse Ventura said he'd come on the show anytime.
Haven't had him on in about six months, or five months.
Got his number, got his email, got his, you know, wife's number.
I mean, that doesn't mean you haven't heard Jesse on here.
I don't dislike Jesse.
I know I can get KRS-One back on.
I haven't done that.
We want Professor Griff.
I haven't gotten him yet, because he actually contacted us first.
They're out plugging the movie places.
But, I mean, see how I got all this news, all this info, all these callers?
And it's... I mean, my experience with no-plainers was like...
People who look like they were drunk, screaming and yelling, dancing around half-naked, vomiting on street corners in front of news cameras, of what looked like a set-up to make 9-11 Truth look bad.
So I was like, whoa, these are some serious people.
And then they would attack me, and I went, whoa, they're really serious.
And then I would see ridiculous CG's, you know, like as jokes of video game planes hitting buildings and saying, look, it's fake.
And I mean, and then I know people, people I've known for decades, who were working in New York that, you know, saw at least one of the planes, and they go, no, you didn't see those, you're a liar, you're a government agent.
And then you call in real friendly, oh, why don't you believe no planes said, Alex, I don't understand why you're doing this, Alex.
Hey, it's a free world, go talk about it everywhere else.
You got to call in, you got to talk about it.
Again, this is the mental illness, though.
Because this is why we're going to lose, folks.
It's why we may lose.
It's because it's all about Alex, and it's all about the peanut gallery, like this is junior high.
This isn't junior high, folks.
I got stacks of news in front of me where they're telling kids it's the law, they've got to take vaccines nationwide, and they're herding the kids in and shooting them up with vaccines that we know are deadly and we know are soft kill weapons.
There is no law you've got to take those vaccines.
They have a regulation that state health departments recommend that to be in school you take these vaccines.
And the school says it's the law and never even tells you there's a waiver to the non-law that they have to give you by law to let you in the school.
But we're not going to talk about that!
We're not going to go out and warn people about what we know is going on.
God forbid
I mean, I feel like I have a responsibility to warn people.
I feel like I have a responsibility to reach out to people and tell them.
In fact, I'm going to do that.
We're going to take a few more calls.
I'm going to do a big news blitz.
And boy, is it huge coming up.
And then we'll continue with calls throughout the show.
But this is what it's like when we take calls.
Some great calls.
Really informative calls.
A lot of hot tips.
But also, all about Alex Jones.
All about Alex Jones.
All about Alex Jones.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
By the way, Ron Paul was on there in the first hour, and I think of hundreds of interviews I've done with the Congressman over the last...
Good morning, Al.
Hey, buddy.
I just have something here.
I enjoyed your program yesterday.
I'm a long time listener.
on the eugenics movement and euthanasia.
I did the Google, and it's like you say, you can't make this stuff up.
All you have to do is do a little research.
No, you can't make it up.
We're living in a science fiction adventure.
It's horrifying, but I don't know how people, these yuppies, people say, my life has no meaning.
I'm bored.
I mean, we're in the middle of hardcore eugenics war with psychos running around admitting it everywhere.
And the public's just going, I don't know what you're talking about.
You know, and what about Alex Jones?
Maybe you're bad.
You know, I mean, God help us.
Yeah, it's beyond the pale.
So I'd like to share something with you here that listeners can check out.
It's called the Church of Euthanasia.
It says, save the planet, kill yourself.
And I want to name the highlights here what is newsworthy, I believe.
And by the way, that's got government officials from England in it.
I've actually had the head of that on.
And I've had a bunch of other bigwigs on.
These are real groups.
Go ahead.
They're real, yes.
I just want to name their names.
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, Gaia Liberation Front, Globally Responsible Birthing, and Church Approved Links.
I'm just going to name a few.
And by the way, interrupting you, just because it's important, you then, if you interview these people, and from other groups I've had on, when you Google their names, they're in bioweapons.
They're biologists.
See, this is what gets really neat.
Just like in the 12 Monkeys, they work in bioweapons.
Sorry, go ahead.
It's beyond the pale.
Suicide holiday.
Uh, Population Action International, uh, Satanic Outreach Coordinator, uh, EnviroLink, Population Index.
Now, here's some clergy links.
Uh, oh, CIA was one of them, AIDS Heretics, and then they have all these, uh, clergy links.
I'll just skip their names.
And go on to their heroes, their saints they call it.
Saint Kevorkian, Saint Sanger.
Yeah, is that the Voluntary Human Extinction Group, as I've had them on too, or is that the Church of Euthanasia?
Which side are you on right now?
The Church of Euthanasia online resource guide.
And then you find that the eugenics people are behind the death education in school, and you find out the lady that started that in the late 80s, she is then the one that got the feds to put it in public schools, and then suicide explodes.
Think about it.
And then they brag and write books going, God, a lot of them are committing suicide, but it's not enough, we need more to die.
And again, the public
It isn't psychopathic death cult.
They can't imagine that the ruling class is like this.
God, we're wide open, sir.
Our shields are down.
They're running everything.
I don't know what we do.
And I keep telling the public this and they're too busy running around acting like idiots.
Oh, God help us.
Go ahead.
Or saying I'm too extreme or whatever.
Anything else you want to add on this front?
Well, yeah, I'm a longtime listener from Kalispell, Montana.
We have a really supportive group up there, Al, and I would just like to thank John Stokes and the Kalispell crew.
Well, God bless you and take care, my friend.
Let's go and go another call.
I know, it's just...
You can take any name of a top globalist or any big foundation and type eugenics or euthanasia or human extinction and you'll find all their books and writings and trillions in funding.
Every one of them.
It is a cult of killers.
And they're really into this power trip of, we know what's best.
Imagine the ultimate control freak.
What would the ultimate control freak want to do?
They'd want to kill you.
That's how they control things.
Do you expect me to talk?
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
Speaking of Goldfinger earlier.
And you try to explain it to the public, like, oh, shucks!
Come on, Alex!
Come on!
Until you look one time.
Just go ahead and open the curtains.
One time!
I mean, you think I'm exaggerating?
It's worse than I can even describe.
Go behind the curtain.
You smell that?
Smells like rotten flesh?
The flies are coming out?
Open it!
Look on the other side!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with a question.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I hope you get my message in a bottle, folks, because I'm not making this stuff up.
You can smell the stench of the New World Order.
Do you got the will to look?
Don't just believe me and go, yeah, I believe it's bad.
No, no.
Look at it!
Look at it!
And see what's going on to the third world right now, what they're starting up here.
Soft kill.
Having our families broken up.
Having our society screwed up.
Turning the public into a bunch of mentally ill people.
They want to turn you into mental patients.
Say no to it.
Alright, I'm going to blitz through masses of news right now.
Some I've covered, some I haven't.
Then we're gonna have some time to jam and a few final calls as well, but I'll tell you about a few of the sponsors that make this transmission possible.
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Yeah, I could do whole shows where I take no calls and just cover news, but I'm going to be honest with you.
Yeah, I always do this.
I always hesitate.
It's like jumping off a bridge 300 feet in the cold water.
I always hesitate because there's just too much of it to ever break it down properly or really cover it all.
But let's go ahead and go into it now.
It's from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Bob Barr wrote this.
California gun decision.
Muddy Second Amendment waters.
And it says that the, on April 20th decision, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Alameda County, California, has already muddied the 2nd Amendment picture, clarified by the Heller decision, the circuit court did this by holding that the county government may prohibit firearms anywhere on property owned by the county, including gun stores and facilities owned by the county.
So, just an absolute nightmare on that front.
I already told you this, I mean it's not hard to know this, people keep emailing me all week, see Obama's going to get Bush for torture!
If we put enough pressure on him it won't be because of Obama, he's trying to block and protect Bush, just like Bush protected Bill Clinton, this is how, this is the deals they give each other so they can commit crimes and be protected by the next executive officer.
Obama rejects truth panel, Commission would have investigated abuses in terrorism fight.
And this was North Korean torture techniques used against our troops to make them confess to things they hadn't done.
And it came out in the White House memos.
They wanted fake confessions and that's what these are for.
Torture isn't good for real intel.
It's good for terror and fake confessions.
And it's continuing.
Just a massive story, folks.
Massive story.
All over the country, from Schenectady, New York to Tennessee, we're seeing the Army announce, we're going to have martial law in the town, the Army's going to run checkpoints and help the police with crime.
The defunct Governor of Illinois called for it, it's still going on, even though Blagojevich left.
It's happening in California, Texas.
Marshals merge.
This is an Arizona Republic story and it just says they all work together and work out of the same building and are under the same command, federal command.
With a 1.6 million Federal Department of Homeland Security grant.
Federalizing everything.
I mean, I don't, you know, totally criminal, totally illegal, total tyranny, like the Soviet Union taking over, you know, the satellites.
I mean, that's what's happening.
Homeland Security Chief seeks to repeal I.D.
Act, CNN.
People emailing me going, look, Obama's repealing it.
Says right here, a new system of national I.D.
through the state driver's license, but the feds will pay for it.
The argument they're saying was that the states didn't want to pay for it.
That was only part of it.
So the feds are saying, okay, we'll pay for it.
Total federalization.
So worse, but the public's emailing me telling me that they're stopping it.
If you like being a schmuck and a sucker and being bamboozled and being taken for a ride and being scammed, then go ahead and just... Oh!
very concerned about swine flu outbreak.
This is the swine flu, they say, that could be just as deadly as bird flu, AP reports.
And it's broken out in California and other states.
And there's 12 human cases of swine flu influenza with the H1N1 virus.
And the CDC is saying that they may have to vaccinate people.
And remember the 76 swine flu shots that killed a bunch of people?
You can just Google that in mainstream news.
So the bastards are coming.
Of course, they have the swine flu vaccine ready right when it breaks out.
So there's... God only knows what's in it.
I'm sure it'll be horrible.
It always is.
Every cancer virus known to man, you name it, or any other ones.
Seven people in the U.S.
hit by strange swine flu.
So this one said 12.
It's a later article.
Reuters, April 23rd.
This is the 24th.
That's from today, so there's more.
Well, seven yesterday, now it's twelve today.
And they're saying they're really scared because Bloomberg reports the same thing.
Swine flu, Mexico lung illness, highlight, heightened pandemic risk.
Bloomberg today, John Gale, disease trackers are trying to determine whether a previously unseen strain of influenza in the U.S.
is related to more than 130 cases of severe respiratory illness in Mexico and may spark a pandemic.
And the severe respiratory illness is SARS, basically.
A new variant of H1N1 swine influenza is sick in at least seven patients.
California and Texas, Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control Prevention said today, that's the folks that have all the plastic coffins around the country and the executive orders for incinerators and mass graves, and then Glenn Beck says they don't exist.
And I told you he'd tackle mass graves, and then in the Popular Mechanics article, they do, and now he has.
Again, I just know the enemy.
The Adam McGlenn Beck's on our side, like Benedict Arnold.
If you can't see that guy, I'm not going to get into it.
Chrysler could file for bankruptcy next week.
Alliance with Italian automaker on my Bilderberg group, I would add.
Fiat would happen under protection.
Then they're talking about breaking them all up in basically pieces.
Horrible news there.
initial job claims for last month.
Every month it's over 600,000 now.
640,000 job losses.
Chinese police training manual offers tips on the best ways to beat up offenders.
London Telegraph.
Social worker snatch an elderly mother.
Her daughter put her in a nursing home.
She was dying in the nursing home.
She takes her out in her home, taking good care of her, and they say you're not allowed to.
Because they want to suck her pension dry.
That's ITN.
New Zealand to create SAS Stasi Squad for domestic terror.
All over the world they're creating new domestic spy forces to spy on their population.
This is out of the New Zealand Herald.
Top Democrats complicit in torture cover-up.
Great article by Paul Watson.
Senate Democrats praise Obama for possible prosecution of Bush officials.
Many Democrats were angered when White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel ruled out prosecutions on Sunday.
Why is he ruling out what Congress does?
Can't do that.
Pelosi told Politico she knew nothing about waterboarding when she authorized it and gave it congressional cover.
Lying criminal.
Well, that woman's a real mob boss.
Twelve kids hospitalized for drinking tainted water.
This is out of KTLA-TV News out of California.
The FBI is investigating how apparently poisoned water bottles got into vending machines at a middle school in Santa Clarita.
And it goes into how they're on the hospital real sick.
Yeah, some bottled water is great, folks, but on average it's killed a lot of people.
You can Google bottled water kills.
Upstate New York killed a bunch of people.
The way to go, ladies and gentlemen, unless it's spring water and you know the bottled water company, and I think that's great to do that, is to go with water filtration systems.
What do I know?
The government had to admit that half of corn syrup products and tens of thousands of products total have high levels of mercury, even though it's not involved in the manufacturing process.
But it's a good lobotomizer.
You know.
Maximilian out there on the HHS Cygnus.
Like to radiate people to make them good little slaves.
And in Brave New World's Fantasy Planet.
You know, the future dystopia, they like to radiate people to make them little subservient slaves.
Well, here they just, in the real world, they lobotomize you with the mercury.
But here's a new one on fructose corn syrup.
Well, they run TV ads everywhere telling you how nutritious it is and how it's really great for you.
And they always show the idiot, go, well, fructose, I heard that's bad.
And they go, why?
Because it comes from corn that's natural?
Where's your information?
The person goes, I'm stupid.
And they go, you are, but it's OK.
But we have all the documents.
But see, weak-minded American Idol viewers, while they're running the HPV shots that kill you dead in a hammer in many cases, they just see that, and it's always about the woman being the boss over the man.
Because they're targeting you because you're reproductive.
They know if they can just knock you out, they're going to be just fine.
And they are.
They're knocking you out hard.
The government isn't your friend, women.
I just want to give you a little newsflash on that front.
Fructose sweetened beverages linked to heart risk.
The New York Times got all these federal studies, there's literally hundreds of these, and how they did double blind studies and found that it just totally fries your entire endocrine system.
Diabetes fries out your pancreas, fries your heart.
I mean, it's some horrible stuff.
And it's full of mercury.
See, they didn't look in the study why has it been injected with mercury for no reason.
It might not even be bad for you.
It's just they've decided with these big companies to mix mercury in with it for eugenics.
That's probably what it is.
Oh, don't believe me?
Google right now for them again, guys.
The Washington Post headline.
Half of corn syrup products have mercury.
And then they won't believe that, but go ahead and show it to them.
And then show them 90% of baby formula has melamine, which destroys their kidneys, brain damages them, fries their intestines to give them autism.
Autism is just a brain damaged kid, folks.
Mercury, plastic, you know, liquid melamine.
And by the way, they're putting it in the baby formula.
They've caught the U.N.
scores at times killing people en masse in Africa with the baby formula, where the Africans won't take it now.
They go, oh, look at those backwards people.
They think we're trying to kill them.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Yeah, they know what's going on.
Fructose sweetened beverages linked to heart attacks.
There's the other stuff on screen for you.
Al-Qaeda chief in Iraq, captured, killed, never actually existed, now captured again.
And it says, Steve Watson, excellent story, Infowars.net.
You couldn't make it up if you tried.
AFP today reports that Al-Qaeda chief in Iraq, Abu Omar Al-Ali Baghdadi, has been captured and arrested.
The problem
And it literally looks like the Sith Lord in these fake videos they upload.
I mean, it's a Hollywood production.
We know it is, and we've proven it with the video layers.
They put the Intel Center logo, run by the former head of CIA, Black Ops, working at Rumsfeld.
They put the Intel Center bug in these, up with the Al-Qaeda bug, in the same video layer.
It was Iraqi forces who arrested him on an intelligence tip-off from someone, he added.
And it goes on to say, also known as Abu Hamiz al-Baghdadi and Abu Abdullah al-Rashid, many questions surround the so-called leader of al-Qaeda's political front organization, the Islamic State of Iraq.
And it goes on to talk about how he was killed over and over and over again, just like they display Saddam's son's bodies, and then later say, oh, they were wax figurines.
Look at that one.
Or they say they killed Chemical Ali five times, and then they hang him.
I mean, they just think you're idiots, folks.
And they can make up new names of terror leaders, but they want to set the precedent for ridiculous lying.
They want to just kind of burn you out, kind of like their mercury burns out your pancreas, by design, when you take the poison they give you.
Just where you're kind of like, yeah, they just lie.
That's what they do.
They killed one guy like 14 times and would always announce the new time they killed him and never retract the last time they'd done it.
This is psych warfare!
This is hardcore!
He was thought to have been one of the figures that successfully equally shadowed Abu Masib al-Zahari as a leader of the insurgent forces.
And it goes on how they killed him over and over again.
And now the PR arm of the Pentagon continues to release the fake videos.
More Atlanta area kids get shots after crackdown at schools.
And it says, it's the law, you'll be arrested if you don't take the shots.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, complete lie, there is no law, no one will tell them there's no law.
Giant hoax, color of law fraud.
No one tells them there's a waiver for the non-law.
It's a fraud to even have to sign the waiver.
Just, just unbelievable.
I see those every day.
I got a bunch of other stacks here.
Recession linked to more abortions, vasectomies, so that's good, they're sterilizing everybody, and coming out and saying having kids is bad for the green carbon footprint, and death is good, and there's too many of us, and selling that is second nature.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic, but that's good.
AP, poll, Americans high on Obama.
Direction of the U.S., even though everybody's losing their jobs, it says everything's falling apart, they think Obama's gonna save them.
Boy, are they in for a rude awakening.
GM to shut down most U.S.
Travis County Sheriff's Office reserved deputies needed.
This is like some new tattletale squad they're setting up.
Are you interested in volunteering for your community in a unique and exciting way?
I don't have time to get into that.
The Politano facing Republican calls for Alistair ABC News.
Obama's security chief ignites firestorm by warning of right-wing extremists in the U.S.
That's now mainstream news that we broke.
Here's one I got sent to me out of the Muscongo Chronicle.
FBI workers accused of spying on girls.
Well, I mean, major police departments in places like... What was it?
Knoxville, Tennessee, and then... The other one that comes into mind was...
What's the capital of California?
They have the cameras in the school showers of the middle school girls to the police department.
And some law officers are allowed to look at them naked to make sure no crimes happen.
That was in the Sacramento Bay.
You don't believe me?
Google it.
Look at this.
FBI workers accused of spying on girls.
The FBI workers are accused, this is a fact, it's really, of using surveillance equipment to spy on teenage girls as they undress and
Tied on prison gowns at a charity event at West Virginia Mall.
Well, of course, that's nothing.
Most of the prisons are giant rape rooms.
They shut down two prisons outside Austin for running giant rape rooms and forced prostitution rings with the women's prisons.
Oh, don't remember that?
In fact, Google, Bastrop Prison shut down, female inmates raped.
Throw that up for them, they don't believe it.
Okay, oh no, Texas Youth Commission, mass raping of the children by the people that run the Texas Commission.
Just show it to them on screen.
You don't believe me how evil the government is?
I can just give you millions of examples.
It never ends.
All the criminals are in government, folks.
You figure that out yet?
The FBI employees have been charged with conspiracy and committing criminal invasion of privacy.
They were working in an FBI satellite control room at the mall when they positioned a camera on temporary changing rooms and zoomed in for at least 90 minutes on the girls' dressing for the Cinderella Project fashion show.
Only reason they were in trouble was a charity to raise money for the police.
Oh, they're mad about that.
Uh... I got hundreds more here.
Regular Army, running checkpoints everywhere, uh... Just everything.
I've got... I've got more coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Final segment, and then Ron Paul in the first hour of the retransmission.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
You know, I said I'd take more calls, but we're just almost out of time.
We'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., on the abbreviated Sunday Show.
If our fine affiliates want to pick it up, it's a really good show, two hours long.
They're going to have open phones again this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Ron Paul's coming up on the Info Wars.
PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, Restream, or on the podcast.
You can subscribe to it for free.
Look at this, Bloomberg, this just happened today.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were relocated briefly while at work at the White House after a small plane strayed into restricted airspace over Washington.
Administration spokesman Robert Gibbs said military jets took off to intercept a single-engine plane, said Allison Duquette, a Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman.
The pilot was directed to land and the plane never touched down at an airport in Indian Field.
Touchdown there, Maryland, in the Washington suburbs.
Out of the abundance of caution, the White House was put on lockdown and the people cleared from the grounds, said Malcolm Wiley, a spokesman for the U.S.
Secret Service.
Now, they had 167 instances of this in the months before 9-11, in the nine months before 9-11, in the first part of that year.
What does Popular Mechanics do?
167 instances, Reuters AP reported, with interviews with the FAA and NORAD, before 9-11.
Halpern Mechanics says there was never an interception that year except for Payne Stewart.
And it's a lie the 9-11 truthers say that they always intercept planes.
They never intercept planes.
They just lie!
Thinking you won't go look into that.
That's why they won't debate me or any other 9-11 truthers now.
Because they're a pack of liars and I'm calling them out!
You people make me sick!
Combat Support Battalion deployed to maintain public order at Boston Marathon.
Top cancer scientist killed by chemicals he worked with.
attorneys use GPS to track cell phones without warrants.
Of course they do.
On and on and on.
Nightclub goes for face scanning security.
You want to come in the club?
Want to come in the grocery store?
We face scan everybody.
Hooked into the police.
A G20 police officer said he wanted to beat up hippies on Facebook.
And then they beat that guy to death, delivering newspapers, and then lied about it.
And it turns out there's videos of it.
He died of blunt force trauma.
Turned out they hired a medical examiner who'd covered up for cops before.
They had another autopsy and found out they killed him.
You just killed a newspaper guy and you're like, ah, so what?
Ah, it's what we do for fun.
You know, you dishonor your name and you bring in tyranny.
X-Trainer, government officials think interrogation is like TV's 24.
I kept telling you folks that the government admits that the show 24 is a brainwashing show to sell people that tortures good.
G7 officials say outlook improving, toxic assets a threat, no threat if we accept world government.
I got all these world government articles about how they're setting up world government, World Bank, global bracing for more poverty, 90 million more people to go into poverty, but they say that's a great outlook because that's what they want.
I'm out of time.
Ron Paul's coming up in just a few minutes on the internet restream or on stations that re-air the show.
I do want to just tell you about a couple sponsors as we wrap up the show.
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One word, ladies and gentlemen.
That is it for this live transmission.
You bet I'm fired up about freedom.
You should get fired up about freedom.
If you aren't fired up about freedom and involved defending it, you will lose it.
You will be a slave.
You will live under tyranny.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
As I said, Ron Paul and an incredible interview coming up right now.
And we'll see you at infowarriors.com and businessappointment.com this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, live.
Great job, crew.
We're out.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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