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Name: 20090415_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 15, 2009
2372 lines.
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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on April 15th.
This is when, for the last 94 years, you pay your income taxes, the private run for profit, Federal Reserve, all on interest of the debt.
Now $12.8 trillion they've stolen the last six months in a bipartisan heist that's going on.
They have us all confused with a false left-right paradigm.
That's how they control us.
We are trying to break the people out of this and get back to liberty versus tyranny.
And we are simulcasting
With one of the most popular, quote, progressive or liberal talk show hosts in the country, Tom Hartman, syndicated across the country.
Mr. Hartman, it's good to have you with us.
Hey, Alex Jones, how are ya?
I am good.
You are very loud.
I am very loud.
I certainly heard that.
Hey, listen, it's good to have you here, but why don't you just go ahead and start the interview off here.
Okay, well, it's not so much an interview, it's a simulcast.
We're going to do our shows together here, right?
Absolutely, but I'm going to let you have the opening salvo here, because I'm literally shirtless here after just writing a huge income tax check to the private bankers who are bringing in the world government and publicly announcing it.
Yeah, well I was just talking about my concern that Barack Obama is, in his speech yesterday, was talking about how if we give money to banks, every dollar to a bank produces eight to ten dollars in loans, whereas if we give a dollar to individuals, it's only a dollar.
And I'm very concerned that he's under the sway of the Geithners and the
And he's going down the Bill Clinton Road.
But that's a separate thing.
Alex Jones, you have a new DVD out.
It's called The Obama Deception.
And people can find it over at your website, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And what, AlexJones.com?
Which one do you want on it?
No, it's just InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
And by the way, if you just Google the Obama Deception, there's a couple of cruddy Google versions, but go to YouTube, it'll say Obama Deception High Quality.
It's like the third or fourth link.
It's got about a million, four hundred thousand views or so.
That's the best free copy I've seen on the web.
So I would just tell your listeners,
Please don't believe me.
I cut my teeth, you know, going after Clinton.
I was called a right-winger.
Then I went after Bush because he was violating the Constitution.
And I was called, you know, a communist.
They said I secretly worked for Al-Qaeda.
I mean, literally, I worked for George Soros, they said.
And then we get Barack Obama in.
They're now saying I'm a right-wing fascist Nazi in league with Hitler.
And so I want people to actually see the film because it's what you just brought up.
You have Geithner, the head of the New York Fed, in league with the head of Goldman Sachs, who was Treasury Secretary at the time, literally handing over unlimited power and control bipartisanly to these offshore banks, and Obama has lied about hiring lobbyists, lied about the war, lied about warrantless wiretapping and secret arrest and rights for detainees, and then he lied about saying that he was
Fighting against the bonuses when he signed the executive order and told Senator Dodd to pass the rider on the bill So that they could take the money.
I mean all I'm saying is Barack Obama is as phony as a $3 bill and Barack Obama is the new old orders closer the the establishment was worried about the left waking up to
What the corporate system was doing was a real revolution in this country.
The left and the right were coming together as populists.
Here's what's happening, Alex Jones.
While I'm reluctant to use the word lied, because...
Well, it's a slap, and frankly a lot of us worked really hard to get Barack Obama elected and think that at the core he's a decent guy, the guy was a constitutional scholar.
I was shocked when a constitutional scholar voted for FISA.
I was shocked when, you know, the list of things of what you described as lies.
is is is accurate to the best of my knowledge and and now you know with Bagram and there he's uh... you know his administration is saying oh yeah we can uh... we can detain people forever with no habeas corpus just not a Guantanamo we just move them to Bagram and I'm like wait a minute this isn't what I voted for on the other hand uh... yeah and I think that there's a number of areas where you and I probably have
Shared what folks outside of our respective circles might refer to as conspiracy theories.
There are others where I'm sure we differ.
But, for example, you set up your movie with this thing about the Bilderberg Group, and yet you're going on Fox News, which is, you know, you realize Rupert Murdoch has shown up at Bilderberg meetings.
Sir, I mean, I go on your show, I go on Iranian TV, and by the way... Point made, but what I'm saying is that this isn't a secret conspiracy.
The conspiracy is right out there for everyone to see.
They're rubbing our faces in it.
It doesn't require a bunch of people sitting in a closed room to plot the future of the world.
They're doing it right out in front of us.
My biggest concern, frankly, is the Federalist Society.
This right-wing group that has taken over our courts, that believes that corporations should have the same rights as persons.
Well, absolutely.
Look, they've co-opted and controlled the right, as you know, and now they're trying to co-opt these Tea Parties.
These Tea Parties have been going on for a year, or longer.
9-11 Truth actually started the Tea Parties, and you had liberals, conservatives, really fusing together as constitutionalists, people that wanted liberty, and then we see a clear operative.
I mean, there's no doubt.
I've seen him going off scripts.
Mr. Becky,
coming out now trying to co-opt these, the local neocon hosts who are totally discredited in every city.
It came out that over a million Iraqis died.
It came out they lied about WMDs.
It came out that they were for the police state and even gun control.
And so conservatives have been... The Bush administration.
Yes, the Bush administration.
So they've all basically left the Republican Party.
And so the Republican Party is trying to latch on.
That's what Fox News and others are doing.
Right, so they're phony populists.
They're phony populists.
I mean, you've got Dick Armey out there.
Dick Armey, who is a lobbyist, right, for the interests of the very wealthy and powerful in this country.
He's a lobbyist for pharmaceutical companies.
I went through the list earlier.
I'm not sure where it is in my stack, my explosion of papers here all over the desk right now.
Well, Dick Armey is the consummate lobbyist, just like everybody else in Washington.
And his Freedom Watch is one of the groups that is really, really pushing these Tea Parties, and it's like, you know, I don't get it how the average working person, and here you're approaching it arguably from the right, and I'm approaching it arguably from the left, and yet I think that there are a variety of areas where
Americans are being asked to say that they're right or left, being asked to define themselves as Republicans or Democrats, when neither party is addressing their interests in many real ways.
Now, I think that my solution to this, I think in some ways may be very different from yours, Alex, and I'd like to get your take on this.
My solution to this is that we infiltrate the political parties.
And if you and I wanted to take over NBC, we'd have to have hundreds of billions of dollars.
No way we could do it.
But the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are both standing out there with enormous power and levers of power and millions of dollars, and they're standing out there saying, please show up and volunteer for the meetings.
And in my book, Screwed, I document how in Colorado, in New Mexico, and in Oregon,
Activists showed up at the county level and took over the local Democratic Party.
No, no, that's exactly what I'm saying.
We've been taking over the system.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Okay, Mr. Hartman, are we back together here?
Helping you win the Water Cooler Wars, Tom Hartman here with you.
And we are doing a... Sometimes it's hard to stitch together two radio shows.
Well, sometimes.
It's always a challenge to stitch together two radio shows.
And we're doing it today with Alex Jones and his show.
And is Alex with us?
Yes, I'm here.
This is very exciting.
I think we did it okay.
You know, I've got on the clock here that we're going to break next time at 26 after.
26 minutes and 51.
I just want to double check.
Yeah, I'm showing 27.50 is our break, but I'm, you know, Sean can correct me.
These are the numbers we were given.
No big deal.
This is exciting.
This is fun.
Tom, look.
Regardless, they've stolen $12.8 trillion, they are taking over, they call it a conspiracy theory, when a week and a half ago it was in the Tennessee newspapers, I had listeners calling going, the regular army is going to be running checkpoints on the highways, we call the governor's office, the governor comes out and says the army isn't allowed to run checkpoints, and then the weekend came and it was in the newspapers that they shut the highways down and had regular army out with the police stopping the traffic it said for miles on major roads.
Yeah, and this is a clear violation of posse comitatus, and it blew my mind when I think it was the John Warner defense appropriation bill, the Bush administration, that they blew up posse comitatus.
Let me just, and again, this is something that I think people on the left and on the right should be equally furious about, is that our Constitution is being eviscerated, and it's not
You know, your new DVD, The Obama Deception, I mean, actually, I think in some ways I would challenge you as being somewhat disingenuous, because you start out with crimes of the Bush administration, not the Obama administration, and there are, you know, your ten-point thing at the end where you say that he's using the global warming hoax to tax carbon.
Global warming's not a hoax, I would argue, and we can debate that, although it will probably
You know, take hours.
But the thing about, you know, using troops here in the United States, I mean, they just created this.
Again, this was the Bush administration.
They started the Americom.
You know, U.S.
Central Command.
Yeah, Northcom.
Yeah, Northcom.
That freaks out everybody.
Tom, here's the issue.
It's all continuing but expanded under Obama.
Because people say, oh, Obama's a lot better because he's a better speaker and a nicer guy.
No, it's worse.
Because under Bush, people knew he was disingenuous.
He came off as demonic.
He came off as a scam artist.
He came off as dirty, as seedy.
With Obama, he is very charismatic.
Broadly, some other good things.
And these are areas, again, where probably you and I disagree.
In your movie, you say, you know, he's going to put into place a draft of the National Service, and in fact, he's talked about that.
Actually, Rahm Emanuel has talked about it more explicitly.
This is what Thomas Jefferson wanted.
This is the basis of the Second Amendment, that every able-bodied man in America from the ages 17 to 47, Jefferson was quite explicit about it, should have a gun in his closet and be a member of a militia, and that we should have no standing army.
Those were local
Posse's, those were not controlled by the federal government.
No, actually, the local militias would be responsible to county authorities who would be responsible to state authorities who would be responsible to federal authorities.
But it was still local.
And so they've turned that idea on its head.
They want the locals disarmed, and then they want locals purely under federal command, so the model Obama wants is clearly closer to the Soviet or the World War II.
I haven't seen that, Alex, and neither one of us, actually, has seen any of the details.
No, I have, I have, I have.
I have.
Okay, and the community service that they're talking about, you know, 50 hours of community service a year.
No, no, that's the start, that's the start.
I've read Rahm Emanuel's book, what they had up at Change.gov, so they pulled it down.
I know what they've called for under AmeriCorps and SecureCorps, and it is 18 to 25, three months of military basic training with assault weapons, but to be a domestic force, Tom.
I mean, that isn't freedom!
If everybody in America... I mean, I would think that this would be the thing that, you know, gun owners of America, my friend Larry Pratt and, you know, would be going, yeah!
You know, let's have as many people in America armed and trained as possible!
Okay, well, let's take... Why are you concerned about that?
Let's take Bush and his faith-based initiatives.
You know, the quote left didn't like that, and I didn't like it either.
Now Obama's all for the faith-based initiative, and what this is... I don't like it either.
It's a whole bunch of different programs.
If you look at what... We have one minute, by the way, Alex.
Okay, if you look at what they're setting up with these brigades, and I have the Philadelphia Daily News and others, it is tattletale squads, it is warrant service, this is going to be one group that's armed like in the Stasi in East Germany.
Then with the rest of the people disarmed, and no, what Rahm Emanuel wants is not what Thomas Jefferson was calling for.
Well, we'll see.
And I think that we need to be having these conversations and raising these issues.
Your concern about national health care I'd like to get into at some point, too.
Let's take calls from our listeners, though, and see what they have to say.
Absolutely, Tom.
I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for having me.
On your show, I know you're very well respected.
I know you've said kind things about 9-11 truth.
We now have one of the heads of the 9-11 Commission coming out and saying it was all a big lie with the Pentagon.
I'm sure you saw that.
Yeah, I did.
And Alex, thank you for participating with me on the show.
There's a lot of areas where we disagree.
There's a lot of areas where we agree.
And I think that this kind of conversation needs to happen more often in America.
We're going to a break.
We'll come back after the break, which we'll resolve, by the way, Alex, if my numbers are right, at about 34 after.
And we'll be taking calls from my callers.
You'll be taking calls from your callers.
We'll alternate them and we'll see what comes out of it.
Okay, Tom.
Thank you.
An interesting time.
The Alex Jones Show, the Tom Hartman Show.
PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com, TomHartman.com.
However you spell it, we'll get you there.
We'll be right back.
Okay, uh, we're gonna... They have more breaks than we do.
People grieve about our breaks, but we actually have 14 minutes an hour.
Industry standard's about 20 an hour now.
So, for all you whining about that, uh... Well, then buy some of the books and videos so we can fund this operation.
We'd get rid of all the ads if we had enough funding, except that it wouldn't be tailored for AM and FM stations out there.
A lot of exciting things happening with the show.
You know, for years, Ted Anderson's tried to get us on XM.
And serious, and it looks like that's going to be happening by next month.
Just going to leave it at that for you.
A lot of hurdles to jump on that issue.
And I'm sure you've heard my Obama deception ad airing on Rush Limbaugh.
And Ted Anderson is doing that as an investment.
He told me the numbers.
He's actually losing money doing it, but that's what Ted does.
He spent a hundred and something grand flying airplanes around with Ron Paul banners on it.
He got about 30 grand in donations and spent about a hundred above that on Ron Paul airplanes.
People would say, oh, it didn't affect change, he failed.
No, people are waking up to Liberty and knowing there's an alternative.
To the controlled left or controlled right.
And so I'm basically selling the Obama deception to Ted at cost.
And he is running ads on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, all of them.
He got a very good deal because radio is in a lot of trouble right now because the rest of the economy is.
Ted looked into this about a year ago and the price is about half what it was then.
And so people are calling me going, what's this?
You're in league with Rush Limbaugh?
No, no.
It's what Tom Hartman was saying.
We are infiltrating.
Can you imagine all of the big-line Republicans tuning into Rush Limbaugh, they hear a film exposing Barack Obama, and what they get is a film exposing Barack Obama, and the big banks, and the Republicans, and the whole stinking system!
So it's a beautiful thing.
And so that's what your support of Ted Anderson and the work he's doing is causing as well.
Why is my shirt off?
Well, because I'm literally almost shirtless right now from the taxes I pay.
I know it's a fraud of the Federal Reserve, but I'm not going to fight that battle.
If I did that, they would come arrest me, put me in prison, selectively enforce on me.
So I pay the mafia, the money, the private banks so I can stay on the air and expose these criminals for what they are.
So I am shirtless.
Somebody buy me a shirt.
Help me.
Come on.
Ha ha!
I'm in trouble!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's War Against Humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, it'd be one thing to pay taxes to build roads and help the homeless.
And the phony right-wing...
Always focuses in on the welfare to dependent mothers and mothers with dependent children.
They always focus in on a very small part of it.
If you look at the 12.8 trillion spent, it's about 1 to 30.
So, you know, we're talking about 12 plus trillion dollars for the bankers and then a few hundred billion for the people.
And then with that 100 billion, 200 billion or so that go to the people, there's all these strings attached to it and all this expanding federal control.
Here we go, back with Tom Hartman.
Thirty-four minutes past the hour, Tom Harbin here with you, and we're simulcasting with Alex Jones.
I am the notorious liberal, he is the paleo-conservative.
Alex, you here?
Yes, I am.
It's good to be here with you.
Very exciting.
Let's go to some of your phone calls.
Okay, we'll pick up, we'll pick up, we'll alternate them.
By the way, your phone number for your callers?
Oh, I hadn't thought to take calls while we're doing this.
Sure, it's 1-800-259-9231.
And I will go ahead and punch up my call screen.
Okay, great.
And people can, people can, we'll take some of my calls, we'll take some of your calls, we'll see what happens here.
Yeah, Tom, this is really fun and I appreciate you plugging the Obama deception.
I hope folks will get the DVD at InfoWars.com.
They're authorized to make copies of it and give it to people because after the IRS check I just signed,
Because they've gotten rid of so many of the loopholes and things, even for business and the depreciation schedule, that I'm basically broke right now.
So I hope folks will go to InfoWars.com.
I'm sure you had fun just paying the private Federal Reserve.
Plug some of your stuff.
Plug your book.
Alex, yeah, I've got nothing to plug here.
Here, IRS!
Take it!
Take it!
It's yours!
My shirt!
Take it all!
You want everything here, take my watch!
Alex, I am pleased to pay taxes, because I consider taxes to be the price of admission in a civil society.
I want there to be police who are protecting my home.
I want the fire department to show up.
I think that we need to have a good public education system.
I'd like to have a good national healthcare system.
I'm sick and tired of seeing people like Bill Maguire take a billion dollar paycheck from the United Health Care.
Most of the money goes to corporate welfare.
That's what the rights got wrong.
They think corporations are perfect and have done no wrong.
Meanwhile, it's all corporate welfare, 30 to 1, and the 1%... I mean, cities are being... Well, you're absolutely right.
You're absolutely right.
You're singing my song.
But my point is that the taxes aren't the issue.
But let's pick up some phone calls here and see what Rita in Los Angeles is saying.
Hey, Rita.
Yes, I'm so encouraged of the simulcast, because I've been saying for years that the right puts out the truth so the left won't touch it on certain listener-sponsor radio stations.
And there's power in numbers, and if there's a coalition, like what you two are doing right now, I think the People's Movement has a much better chance of bringing strength into affecting the decisions made in Washington, and I would like to request
Yeah, okay.
Rita, thank you very much.
You know, we have Senator Sanders on every week.
Alex, let me just say, you said thank you for endorsing the Obama deception.
I'm not endorsing the Obama deception, but I want to make it clear.
Thank you for plugging it.
I think that there are some great things in there, and I do agree with you that people should watch it.
Although, when you get to your conclusion, I mean, there are, and I'm not going to go through them one by one, but there are a bunch of areas where I think we could have a very interesting discussion about our disagreements.
Do you have any calls there that you want to toss up?
We always have unlimited phone calls, but I'm down here in Texas, they're up in Minnesota.
Well, no, no.
I just asked the guy for calls.
I just opened it up, and so they're giving me calls right now.
Go ahead and go to your next call.
All righty.
Anthony in Anaheim, California.
Hey, Anthony.
Hey, Tom.
Hey, Alex.
I don't have so much of a question as I wanted to, first of all, state my appreciation for you having this, both of you.
Tom, I've listened to you for the past about four years, religiously every day, and Alex said, I was part of two parties, the movement.
I was part of the Money Bomb with Ron Paul.
I go to your website.
Yes, really, Ron Paul restarted this thing.
The Tea Party.
In the modern incarnation.
And then now, well, first it was started by 9-11 Truth, then Ron Paul picked up on it, and now Sean Hannity and Becky Poo and these corporate minions have hijacked it.
But, by the way, I've been at Willie Nelson's house while he's had you on in the background.
No, no.
While he's had you on in the background listening to you.
One time I showed up at Willie's house and he had you on in the background.
I just wanted to say that.
Thank you so much for taking my phone call.
I think it's great that you guys are doing this simulcast.
It's guaranteed that neither one of us is ever going to get a national TV show.
That's what it says.
That's true.
Yeah, I listen to both of you on a regular basis.
I wanted to say something to Alex, because I can never get into his show.
See, Alex, you know, I think your show is great.
I really enjoyed listening to you.
I agree with a lot that you talk about.
But one problem that I have
Is that you use a lot of sensationalism and fear hype to promote your show or yourself.
I don't know what it is.
One example is your claim.
of how the New World Order is going to eliminate 80% of the world population.
And you cite Bill Joy's article on why the future doesn't need us.
I've read that article numerous times.
Don't see any mention of anything like that.
I wish you would back some of your claims up better.
Alex, you're suggesting that there's a plot to eliminate 80% of the world population?
Yeah, let me comment on this.
My film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, has all the quotes.
He takes out of context one thing I mention as evidence of the elite saying,
That they're having discussions about should they go ahead and just get rid of all of us because they don't need us anymore because of robotics and systems like that.
So that's what I was talking about there.
Now, State Department memorandum under Richard Nixon with Henry Kissinger says we'll use, State Department memorandum 200, we'll use IMF and World Bank money to make India and Peru and others sterilize half their women or they don't get money.
That's on record.
Then the 1996 UN Biological Diversity
Hang on just a second, Alex.
Let's assume that all that's true.
They're working against their own best interest.
You know what happened after the Black Plague in Europe?
Was the Renaissance.
The Renaissance, yeah.
It created a middle class, because when you reduce the size of the labor force, you drive up the cost of labor.
They didn't have robotics and robotic fleets, and the whole military is converting over to robotic tanks and aircraft.
They don't even need the soldiers.
It's not enough!
Let me toss out an alternative conspiracy theory, and that is that the anti-birth control movement around the world
Is part of the keep us all enslaved by jacking up the population to the point where... Tom, you're absolutely right.
But it's more sophisticated.
And I understand with an audience here, we've got to not dumb it down, but simplify it for time.
But okay, yes, you're right.
If you read the British Royal Commission on Population, Commission 1944-49, a five-year study commissioned by the British government, they say that.
They say, we want to stop birth control in the third world,
So that they use up all their resources and don't industrialize to threaten us.
And that was one school of thought that was done.
Then you have another eugenicist school of thought which is hyper-dynamic and it's the most powerful.
Maybe they'll cancel each other out.
No, that's basically what's happening and it's causing needless destruction.
But no, you're right, there is actually a conspiracy.
We conspire to do this simulcast.
Conspiring is just people talking and two people planning something.
Dr. Eric Pianca at UT says he wants 90% of us to die and the issue is he gets standing ovations, it's been on the news, when he says he can't wait for 90% of us to die.
So my whole issue is that there is a dominant idea of eugenics
I think you're pushing the edges here, Alex.
I think you're pushing the edges.
But like I said, let's move along here.
Scott, in Portland, you've got something to say to us.
Yes, I do, as a matter of fact.
Taxes basically are rent on our infrastructure.
Without our infrastructure, none of those rich people would have made it.
You don't even listen to my point!
My point is, is that it doesn't go to infrastructure, because criminal elites, like in the Soviet Union and in the United States, always come in and get control of it, and they're destroying our infrastructure.
They have tax incentives to move offshore that both parties support.
And by the way, I've got loaded phones.
If you want me to go to some, too, go ahead.
Sure, yeah.
Well, let me just put a punctuation mark on that.
And that is that we have
This is, you know, why don't the rich pay their share?
In 1955, the top 400 Americans in the U.S.
paid three times as much income tax as they are today.
And if they were paying the same tax they paid in 1955, which, by the way, was a period of great stability, we would have an additional $35.9 billion if everybody who made over $2 million in the U.S., which was, you know, the 91% tax rate back then,
If they were paying a comparable income tax rate, which would be 49% in 1955, actually, after deductions.
Right now they're paying 23%.
We would have collected an additional $200 billion.
That seems like a good thing if our government is using it appropriately.
It's a bad thing if our government is using it to bail out bankrupt banks.
Yeah, exactly.
Here's my point.
Is the big bankers come in, they lobby for higher taxes on the middle class and the working class, they then take our money and bail out for themselves and give themselves bonuses.
That's how this works.
And if you study it, as you know, if you make about a million dollars a year, or $200,000, $300,000 a year, you're paying about 35-40% because the deductions, you know, you can't count them now.
But as soon as you start making $5, $10, $20 million a year, you drop down to 20%, then you've got all these lawyers and firms, and what do you do?
This is why I say roll back the Reagan tax cuts.
Well, I mean, what did Bush do?
As you know, he took almost all the FBI off the billionaires and put them on blue collar!
I know!
It's nuts!
And here we are, the paleo-conservative and the paleo-liberal, Alex Jones and Tom Hartman simulcasting.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, TomHartman.com.
Alex, we've got to take a break.
We'll be right back.
Did you know that the new energy czar wants to control how much power your electrical company allows you to have?
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Not if, but when.
Let's do it!
In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs,
That's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Okay, for our AM and FM affiliates, you need to know that we do these simulcasts, I've done it with
Press TV and British Radio and TV and other radio shows, syndicated radio shows.
It was Tom Hartman's idea to do this.
I appreciate him having us on the show.
We're going to be rejoining them here in about a minute.
And then in the next hour...
We're going to be talking about the oath keepers, police and military, saying they won't confiscate guns, they won't violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And that goes into the context of all these government databases and government reports demonizing gun owners, saying we're the number one threat to the country and are basically terrorists.
So that is coming up.
And then later in the last hour, our crews down in San Antonio at a tea party that's going to be starting right as the show's ending, so they'll be able to tell you what's happening down there with a report from that one that Glenn Beck
is going to be yet.
And welcome back to the Tom Hartman Radio Program, a simulcasting with the Alex Jones Radio Show.
And Alex Jones and I, Alex, your turn to pick a caller.
Absolutely, let's do it.
Let's take a couple of them.
Adrienne in North Carolina, you're on the air with Tom Hartman.
Go ahead.
And Alex Jones.
Hey Alex.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm doing great.
All I'm talking about today is, of course, the Tea Party that a lot of us are having in our capitals.
We live in Raleigh, North Carolina, so we'll be participating in our Tea Party here starting at 6.30 p.m.
And we have copied off your copies, actually our copies, of your film, The Obama Deception, as you said publicly we could do.
And we will be handing that out.
To as many people who would like to have it, we're also going to be videoing it.
So, I just wanted to say thank you.
And for Tom, I mean just for Tom real fast, I'll let you finish.
I appreciate you calling.
See, the Obama Deception, as you know Tom, exposes the left and the right, tries to shatter that paradigm.
And so, we gotta... I understand.
I understand.
Yeah, no, I saw it.
In fact, I've been advocating, I've been, for three days, I've been telling my listeners, Alex, go to the Tea Parties.
I've got a piece on CommonDreamsToday.org, for example, that says, you know, the original Tea Party was a revolt against the British East India Company.
It was a revolt against the world's largest corporation.
Getting a massive tax break.
Global Corporate Crime Center.
That's right.
That's exactly what it was.
The original Tea Party was against global... And so I'm telling my listeners to go to these Tea Parties and hold up signs that say things like, get us out of the WTO, get us out of NAFTA.
I mean, these are things that... What you're going to find is... Tax the rich.
Tax the corporations.
Tom, leftists are going to show up with these signs.
And they're going to find they agree with, quote, Republicans about ending NAFTA and GATT.
Oh, that's my point!
Yeah, exactly.
I think that actually, as Americans, Alex, who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, there's more that unites us than divides us.
That's what Fox News wants.
They want to make it a phony, neocon, mainline, right-wing movement.
Just like in the 80s, they took over Christian Conservatives.
They've ridden that horse to death now.
Well, it's not just Fox News.
I think, you know, the corporate media right across the board is playing into this.
Well, they're trying to jump on the Ron Paul, Alex Jones horse, and it's not going to work.
And again, I will say this, at least the left, people like Oberman, are admitting that Obama is worse than Bush on many things like civil liberties, which I thought was impossible.
I absolutely honor Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow.
The Republicans wouldn't do that.
They would never do that with Bush.
Shall we pick up another caller from my end or from your end?
Let's take one from my end because we've already taken some there.
Dave in California.
Dave, you're on the air with Tom Hartman.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, you're the best guest on George Norrie's show, by the way.
I do want to say, chemtrails are being ignored and it's ridiculous to discuss global warming when you don't mention chemtrails.
Thanks a lot.
Oh yeah, Tom, did you know that we discovered thousands of declassified government documents, they call it testing, where they are adding to the jet fuel, barium salts and other things, and aluminum dioxide that is
spraying the atmosphere and now Obama's come out and said, you know what, we need to go ahead and think about doing this and then he cites the Council on Foreign Relations playbook that calls for terraforming the planet to save us from global warming when the spraying actually shows it'll heat the earth.
Yeah, you know, I know that there have been some pretty crazy suggestions about how to, you know, that and let's seed the oceans with iron and things like that, but... They tried that, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I'll take one of your calls.
Okay, Kevin in Pittsburgh.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi.
I had a couple questions for Alex.
He talked about how the government wants to kill 80% of us.
Oh boy.
They caused 9-11.
They want to microchip us.
If we go out and do anything, they're going to put us in FEMA camps.
That's not what I'm saying.
And then, but anytime someone calls up and asks Alex, well, why do you even want small government?
Why don't you push for no government?
He's the first one to defend government, and he'll tell us how much we still need government.
So the funniest thing is after you hear Alex complain about government for months and months, you ask him, well, how about no government?
He's the first one to defend it and tell us how great it is.
Well, sir, I mean... Kevin, thank you.
I mean, look.
Such a thing as pure anarchy doesn't exist in groups that are bigger than... I mean, go with your buddies camping for a week.
And communism doesn't work in groups smaller than 150 people.
And libertarianism has never succeeded anywhere in the world.
So there's got to be some middle ground.
I think we should move more towards smaller government, more liberty, but that makes...
Individuals have to be involved in their communities to have liberty.
So I want people to be self-sufficient, I want people to have local control, and I do want to reduce the size of government, because corporations come in and use the big government to suck off of us.
Well, here's the problem.
How do we get the corporation... You know, I take this back to a couple of Supreme Court rulings, all the way back to 1886, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad.
I wrote a whole book about that called Unequal Protection.
Uh, and it's in several of my other books, We the People and What Would Jefferson Do?
Um, and, and then, uh, you know, there have been several, uh, uh, first, uh, Bank of Boston versus Bolotti and others that have said that, you know, free speech is money and corporations are the same as persons.
I mean, we've got to change the definition of corporations in this country, Alex, and get them out of the political arena.
Yeah, I mean, absolutely.
These corporations commit all these crimes, and they're supposedly immune, or the people that are standing behind the corporations are immune.
Or like Halliburton, they moved to the UAE or Dubai.
Well, Halliburton was involved helping giving weapon systems to Iran, but suddenly the fake conservatives don't care.
In fact, where is Rush Limbaugh on the bailouts?
You know, he's actually for the bonuses, calling that free market.
It's not free market.
To have a bunch of pirates running your government, feeding the public trough down their gullets.
Again, look at how Obama is in agreement with Rush Limbaugh when it comes to the bailouts and the bonuses and all of this.
They're all on one team.
Why did Obama get four times the corporate Wall Street things that McCain got?
But let's just be honest about this, Alex.
It's not just Obama.
All your charges against Obama can just as easily be made against James Inhofe.
I agree!
That's what I'm saying is let's get past the two puppets they've got in front of us and let's look at who's controlling the puppets.
I want to talk about the New World Order.
That's what InfoWars.com covers.
And plug your website, TomHartman.com.
Yeah, all my books are there and our show is there.
We've got about 15 seconds here, by the way, before we have to wrap up the show.
Tom, thanks for having me on.
It was great having you here.
Alex, it's been fascinating and, you know, again, I find your Obama deception video, there's, as I said, there's probably about a third of it are things that I strongly disagree with, but I think that it raises a lot of issues that we all need to be talking about.
Well, it's free on the web!
Google the Obama deception or go to InfoWars.com or TomHartman.com.
You can link up to it, Tom.
There you go.
And we will with today's blog.
Tom, let's do this a couple times a year.
Take care, buddy.
It would be a lot of fun, Alex.
Good talking with you.
Thanks for being on.
Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
We're going to go to break here in just a moment.
That was crazy.
Okay, I want to go to Jimmy, Danny, Helen, and Joshua.
We're going to come back.
We're going to do five minutes, take two or three of your calls, and then I am going to get our next guest in a bunch of news we haven't even gotten to yet.
Big new developments on that front.
Right now, let's go to Jeremy, or was it Helen?
Who have I not gone to yet?
Helen in New York.
Helen, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
John, are you going to bring her up?
Helen dropped off.
Okay, she just dropped off right as we went to her.
Jeremy in Chicago.
Go ahead, Jeremy.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, sir.
Hey, I want to just say, and I really wanted to get on when you were on with Tom there, but I woke up to your program about, I don't know, eight months ago, and about a week ago or two, I picked up Unequal Protection by Tom, and I just thought, listening to a lot of the discord there between you two and some of the callers,
You know, I'm kind of unusual in the sense that I, you know, see both sides of it at this point.
Stay there, stay there, stay there.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with you and we'll see if I lose my shirt again.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, we need to do more than just mail teabags to the government, though it is starting to get their attention.
We need to make sure that behind the teabag movement there are ideas, just like those at the Green Dragon Inn had ideas back in 1775.
And we need to take action against the New World Order every day in every way.
Let's go ahead and go back to Jeremy in Chicago.
Okay, you're saying you can see it from both sides.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, see, I was a dyed-in-the-wool, staunch Republican, um, finance manager at an automotive dealership, lost my job about a year ago, which used to not be a problem, I could always pick up another one, you know?
Now, you know, it's been a year, I'm out of work, I pick up your stuff and I totally become awake to that.
Then I pick up Hartman and I start reading Unequal Protection, you know, the rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights.
And I can open my mind to his side, where it seems like a lot of people come out... Yeah, but the New World Order structure is a corporate structure.
They're just misusing it.
They need to be brought to justice, and you can pierce those corporate veils.
So, just saying, get rid of corporations, that's not really the complete fix.
You know, I have a corporation, and I've done that, you know, for liability protection, and also for tax issues, but certainly...
Corporations coming in and getting laws passed where they get paid to move offshore, that's treason.
And that isn't fair of free trade.
You know, I mean, you heard Hartman calling for compulsory national service and trying to say that's what Thomas Jefferson wanted.
No, it was the opposite.
Thomas Jefferson wanted no federal control and the states armed, ready to fight the feds.
He even says that stuff in his book.
I don't know where he was coming from.
I was kind of out of, let's say, left field.
What I'm trying to say is, it seems like the left is harder to wake up to the paradigm, because they're so entrenched.
I don't know.
I mean, I've found right-wingers that go, so what if a million Iraqis died?
So what if they're taking our freedoms?
And I'm like, no, no, the whole Homeland Security thing is built for you real conservatives.
Shut up, conspiracy head!
Now they're freaking out over all these federal documents and things.
Now they're going, Alex, what am I going to do?
And then meanwhile, all the neocons, Rick Perry and Dick Armey and
You know, all these hosts are like, yeah, Ann Coulter wants to fight the New World Order after saying it didn't exist.
They're capitulating to us.
They're admitting we're the majority.
And by the way, we're waking the left up.
Why do you think Tom Hartman had me on?
You know, I mean, that's a good point.
We are winning, Bubba.
We're making history.
I know, I know.
I'm glad to be part of it.
I got a big old target written on my butt, and I just need everybody's support.
I appreciate your call, Bubba.
Just give us the gas, we spare your lives.
Alright, let's go ahead and you're going to trust that guy, you can trust the New World Order folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Danny in Brooklyn.
Danny, Danny boy!
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Pretty good sir, go ahead.
How you doing buddy?
Alright, first I wanted to say that that guy Tom in 2006 said that there should be a $10 gallon of gas tax.
Well, I disagree with that.
Again, they think, they have to admit now, though, that 90 plus percent of the money goes to offshore bankers.
And so they're like, yes, but I'm still for big government to help people.
Help people pay inner city people to not have a man in the house so the family breaks down and they can institutionalize their children?
How is that helping black people or whites or anybody else?
Again, you've always got these well-meaning liberals going, oh, LP, LP, but that's a projected false reality the foundations give them.
The foundations are cold-blooded eugenicists.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to tell him this.
I wanted to tell him that the carbon tax is garbage.
You know, but I wasn't able to get on to the shows by then.
I want to thank you for Obama deception and all the true patriots from around America appreciate everything that you're doing for this movement.
Listen, the people are angry.
Thank you, sir.
The people are angry.
They're waking up.
They're getting involved.
And they know that Ron Paul supporters, my supporters, are out having tea parties and patriot meetings.
And so they're going, oh, we're for that.
And they're coming in and taking over what is said and done at them.
Well, that's okay.
This is what a fight's all about.
We go in with DVDs, films, books, and then we use the neocons who send their people to the meetings.
By and large, the neocon minions are good folks.
We unlock their minds.
We win.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A lot of us are losing the shirt off our backs.
If we don't pay the mafia, they'll come swat team us, make up lies, put us in their phony courts with no juries.
If we do pay them, they usually come back with retroactive taxes and claim you didn't pay things properly, and turn a thousand dollars into a million dollars a ounce, and then you're destroyed forever.
That's what government wants, is to control you.
They're parasite control freaks, and they're not going to be happy until you're literally doing nothing but
Wearing a barrel.
And then, if you try to go out and live in a park or something, or in the woods somewhere on a railroad track, and no man's land, the police show up from Europe to Canada to the United States and say, you're not allowed to be homeless, we're going to arrest you and take you to a FEMA camp, like they're doing in California, and they take the taxpayer money, and they make the people pay for that.
And remember, 30 to 1, 1%, 1 out of 30,
Of the money that you pay in taxes ever even comes back to you.
It all goes to offshore banks.
It's a total fraud, a total scam, and that's now admitted in public for everybody out there.
We're going to go to Walter Reddy, just an amazing individual I've never interviewed before, so we're honored to have him coming on with Oath Keepers here in just a moment.
But again, I'm doing the show today shirtless, just to illustrate how we're being robbed by highway bandits.
Literally, they just come stick you up on the side of the highway and take everything you got.
Before we go to Walter Reddy about the Oath Keeper situation and also his committees of safety that Edwin Vieira has talked about so many times on the show, but Walter Reddy started it, we will go to him in just a moment.
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And we are now into hour number three, of course.
And this is our second hour of simulcasting.
We always simulcast in the third and fourth hour, but a lot of days we do the first, second, third, and fourth hour simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv.
By the way, we just redesigned PrisonPlanet.tv, so I want to encourage all the listeners to go check out the new PrisonPlanet.tv and all the new functions and services that are there in the InfoWar.
Now until about 45 after we're going to have Walter Reddy on with us and I'm going to open the phones up for 20 minutes or so then we have another guest coming on and then an update from a tea party going on with several thousand people were being reported already starting to amass in San Antonio.
The original committees of safety were composed of actual members of state legislatures, generally recognized activists and other leaders from the states, who were appointed by the committees, by the legislatures, to serve as the legislature's agents and advisors.
We need this again.
And to carry on the legislature's work during recess.
The committees, it's kind of like a legate, or a spokesman.
An agent.
The committees were never independent of the legislatures and never carried out any plans that were not approved by the legislature, just like senators until 1913 were voted on by the legislatures, meaning you popularly elect the legislatures, but the senators are creatures of the state in Washington.
See, that's the local control they're getting rid of.
The chief concern of the committees was the safety of the public to put the territory under the supervision in a state of defense and maintenance there effectively.
And he goes through
The Provincial Committees of Safety in the American Revolution, Cleveland, Ohio, and all the different historical records of that.
But let's go ahead and go to Walter Reddy.
Walter, you've done so much.
You were instrumental in awakening people to the New World Order takeover in the early 90s and even before that, and getting people mobilized.
True libertarians, conservatives, constitutionalists, classical liberals, paleoconservatives.
How would you describe yourself, and just recap for folks that may not know who you are, the work you've done?
Well thank you Alex.
I feel you've done an amazing job too and it's a real honor to be on here with you.
I would kind of describe myself as a constitutional activist and I'm so happy that we have more and more activists.
Instead of just sitting back.
That's exactly what we need.
We need more people getting involved and taking action.
Well, I don't know where to start here.
The original Committees of Safety, like you were saying, they were actually like a subcommittee of the original Colonial Assembly.
And when the royal governor was acting as the executive branch, we still had the colonial assemblies.
The committees of safety functioned as their executive branch and they appointed the local committees of safety, appointed the officers, militia officers.
To further security and defense.
You were demonized in the Virginia anti-terrorism threat assessment.
You were demonized in previous MIAC reports, now reported on by the Kansas City Star.
They are very upset about citizens actually working with their elected representatives, because we have the executive branch of the feds trying to make not just the state legislatures invalid and ceremonial and vestigial, but also the federal congress in PD 51.
So they are desperately trying to even render
You're absolutely right, Alex, and I think
They know that, and this thing is so powerful, and you've done a great job on breaking that left-right paradigm, false left-right paradigm.
I mean, they're so afraid, our adversaries, if we ever unite and get behind this common
General Welfare and Safety, you know, the people, and bring that power back to the people.
So that's what we're really about.
The Committees of Safety differ in that sense.
We're not part of the state legislators, but we are working with them.
We support our state legislators in performing their most vital constitutional duties.
And Dr. Edwin Vieres happens to be the chairman of our board.
He pointed out pretty clearly, we want to reclaim these two ancient powers, the power of the purse and the power of the sword, and bring this back to the people, these two powers.
Tell us about what's coming up this weekend, very historical.
Oh, it's incredible.
We were up there at Lexington for the past couple of months, I've been dealing with the Lexington
I don't
Major opposition for our group to get this.
You've got to be able to assemble in America now is near impossible, but you did get through that unconstitutional loop.
On the actual green where the battle of Lexington took place, we have the official commit.
We got the permit.
Committees of Safety got the permit.
Do you?
We've got the Oath Keepers, like you mentioned, they'll be attending.
It's a great coalition that we're building.
And by the way, there's all these big, famous Navy SEAL captains and other people that lead movements of millions of people are going to be there.
I mean, there are a lot of big, heavy hitters that are going to be there.
I'm very honored you guys have invited me.
I'm tied down here.
I hope you make it, Alex.
We really need you there.
And I'd love to talk to you off air about what's going on there.
Well, okay, we'll talk after the show.
I apologize for calling you.
I've just been so busy with interviews and everything else because we're having such a huge harvest right now, Walter, as you know.
So many people are waking up right now that I'm just tied down doing radio interviews talking to millions a day.
But what's important here is that you and others that have been in this fight as long as I have or longer
You're out there, as people wake up to the New World Order and get upset, you're actually out there showing them what the real problem is instead of letting them get co-opted by the controlled left or the controlled right.
And so we need, this is the time for every able-bodied man and woman to come to the aid of their country and to fill in that vacuum.
There's a power vacuum now because the New World Order is so unpopular.
We've got to come in there and fill it with the Constitution, with the Bill of Rights, with the spirit of 1776.
I believe we have a simple plan here, and I think it will work.
It's very powerful.
It's a simple plan.
It's contained in this petition we have on our site.
You can download it.
And the petition is, we support a constitutional system of security and defense for a free state, which includes a sound money system, monetary system.
We're hoping to get millions of these petitions signed because with that, that will be the power that we can get these state legislators to enact these statutes to reclaim these powers.
Walter, stay there.
I want to hear about this when we get back.
And by the way, folks, you said we couldn't do it.
30 plus states are moving and some states are passing 10th Amendment resolutions.
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I think?
In the New World Order's War Against Humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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I don't know.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Walter Reddy is our guest.
We've got a ton of news coming up I haven't even gotten to yet.
Germany bans the cultivation of GM corn.
And they've got all the studies there where it's killing the bees, folks.
Because the corn has a pesticide in it.
It grows its own pesticide, so bugs won't eat it.
But bees and birds don't know, and they eat it and die a deader than a hammer.
I told you years ago, a German scientist, it was the corn.
So this is a real environmental crisis, not all the fake ones they use to set up carbon taxes and things.
I've got a bunch of other news here that we're going to be going over, but right now I'm going back to Walter Reddy.
Walter, plug the Committees of Safety website and then also you were getting into this petition that's taking place.
I mean, I want to point out to the listeners, a couple months ago we were really hammering the fact that we could have state rights, you know, Tenth Amendment declarations and Ninth Amendment declarations refiled just to educate the public and have the states draw a line in the sand.
That all started in
Oklahoma and New Hampshire.
Well now it's 30 plus states.
South Dakota's passed it.
Texas is on the verge.
Other states are passing it.
This is an example of the animating contest of liberty.
The evil is animated because it wants to steal and control.
We have to be animated because we want liberty.
And the animating contest.
Get that competitive spirit out there to beat their attempt at takeover.
So please continue.
Yes, you're right Alex.
A number of, we have a lot of allies within our state legislation, legislators, and it's a great first step, the way I see it, you know, exerting this 10th Amendment, their sovereignty, and they're starting to wake up.
A lot of these state legislators, like you know, I mean, are just starting to wake up, too, to where that real power resides.
It resides with
We the people in the states and the federal government's limited.
So, um, what we're doing, what, what these statutes that, what these petitions that we're calling for, this will put teeth into those, uh, 10th amendment resolutions.
Um, because right now without that, uh, revitalized state militia and a sound stable money system, I mean, it's just,
The federal government is still controlling the purse strings, and we need to be able to get these powers back.
Now, Walter, explain this to people.
You've been studying the militia and promoting it for many years.
I've studied the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, I've interviewed all these constitutional law scholars.
I've gotten a pretty clear picture, but I want to get your take on it.
There's confusion.
There's really three militias.
There's the liberal, fake, counterfeit, Obama, tattle on your neighbor, do gun confiscation militia, which they've openly announced in detail what it is.
It's exactly what we said, because we read their book.
The Chief of Staff.
There's the infiltrated, FBI-created, fake, racist militia, where we caught the Viper militia and everybody else, where the FBI becomes a militia leader, they recruit weak-minded people, they set them up and sting them to create the illusion of this big, dangerous militia, to demonize the third type, the real militia, that is local, state-controlled, by the counties, the cities, the legislatures, really civil defense,
For the state sovereignty against common criminals in the feds.
And so people try to oversimplify and confuse the three militias.
I had a big liberal talk show host ask me, well if you're for militias Alex, why aren't you for what Barack Obama wants?
There's a difference between federal compulsory and local state militias.
And what the Department of Homeland Security, this top-down structure, pyramidal structure,
From the early 1600s to the late 1800s, for over 250 years, that was the structure.
The power was really with the people.
The officers were elected within the town, the militia officers, and that's what we want to revitalize by statute.
And generally, it was military veterans, it was police, it was firemen, it was people who wanted to be involved, were in the militia, basically all the men were, but it was, you know, who wanted to show up and be part of it, and the community was one group of people and everybody trusted each other, instead of these federalized local police that are taught not to trust us.
Police, wouldn't you rather have the people be your friends and you be with the people?
Yes, and what we want to do, and during the, like, say the
The war of independence, the militia, the state militia, it complemented the Continental Army.
The state militias, you know, they complemented one another.
We had an invasion and the colonial militia was around.
Much earlier, 1620.
And they helped win a lot of the battles.
Stay there, Walter.
I'm going to talk about this big meeting coming up this weekend, where you see this amazing renaissance of liberty going, and how we can be sure that the good guys win.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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They railed against the crown.
Another red tag ban.
They are your ancestors.
It is your heritage.
No matter where you come from in the world, your ancestors struggled so you'd have the little bit of freedom you have today.
Is your life just gonna be this drunkenness of entertainment and sports and drugs and alcohol?
Clear your mind!
You know, I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
We all need to take off like a week.
I'm not saying some set time, but we should all take off for like a week, once a year.
And literally, fast.
Not eat a lot, just drink water, get focused, think about the world, think about what's important.
Because I'll get where I'm working so hard, doing so much, it's almost like I'm drunk on work.
You know, I'm staying so busy that every time I just pause for a day or two, I get so much more discernment and understanding and focus.
But can you imagine the average American working eight, nine hours at work, fights traffic for an hour, their kids get home on the bus three hours before them, watch television, go on the internet, see God knows what.
Kids don't even talk to each other across school counters anymore at lunch.
They just text each other.
We're being sucked into the Matrix.
We're drunk on entertainment distractions, forgetting what's really going on in the world and what life's all about.
Men are meant to stand up for their tribe, for humanity, and to be involved in their communities, and to push for justice.
But people are like, oh, the government's doing bad things, but that's just what they do.
That's called capitulation.
And as soon as you capitulate to corruption, it goes straight downhill.
You know, you don't just say, oh, things are kind of corrupt, I'm going to put up with it.
The moment you do that, the level of tyranny you will live under is the level you put up with, as Thomas Jefferson said, paraphrasing.
Going back to Walter Reddy, Walter, Committees of Safety, recap what's coming up this weekend, folks all over the country, what's going to be happening at this event, and then let's continue talking about what the real militia reborn would look like, instead of the fake Fed militia where they, let's hide behind the bushes and train and everybody's a Fed and let's build pipe bombs, and then in every case it was a Fed who tricked a few good old boys to build a pipe bomb with him.
And then they put on the news, incredible terrorist attack foiled, and they go out and create a fake Viper militia out of a methamphetamine cooking biker gang, and the FBI created it, you know, the fake Klan groups, all of it.
How do we navigate that?
I guess we be, uh, out in the open?
Have our manifesto of liberty?
We are, we're doing, committeesofsafety.org is, it's a,
First Amendment group.
That's what we are and we're working on these.
We will be working on these statutes to revitalize it and give it legal authority.
That's what the private militias right now do not have.
I mean, it always was, for 250 years, it was through colonial militia statutes or state militia statutes.
And law always goes back to the base.
And so, under the founding, under the clear letter of the law and the intent, we are to have these local militias under the county and the state, and we need them right now.
Yes, and locally, and the officers elected by the people, the ones they trust within their community, not this top-down out of Washington, you know, all seeing eye of Washington, you know, that pyramidal structure they have in place.
So that's what we're doing.
We're going to be, anyone that's near, can make it to Lexington, it's Sunday noon to 3 p.m.
We'll be on the
Well, what you're doing is so important, Walter, and what Oath Keepers is doing is so important because tyranny will always come to your door in a uniform.
And the average military, the average police, look at, I keep saying this because it's a key point, Ron Paul got more political contributions than either one of the other political party candidates combined.
Ron Paul got the military donations because they're good people on average.
They're trying to hire gangbangers, illegal aliens and others to create the foreign force and that's not going too well for them.
So they got all these PR campaigns running, pushing it.
We have to reach out to the police and military.
Tell folks about the Oath Keepers, because they're going to be there with you as well, and some of the other speakers.
Well, I'm really so pleased about this, because it counters these MIAC reports and everything else that want to separate the people and the patriots in this country from our police and military.
This is a great coalition.
We want a number of Oath Keepers.
Stuart Rhodes has started up, founded.
They have local and, I mean, retired and current military employees that are reaffirming their oath to uphold the Constitution and will not disarm, violate their constitutional oaths and oppress the people.
This is great.
I mean, the original colonial militia we had at that time, they supplemented, at the time it was the constables and the sheriffs.
You know, they had their function, but we were all united under a common
Well, also, they knew that you couldn't have a constable or sheriff's deputy everywhere and every time.
That's why they said, man, it's your job to protect this area from criminals, from the natives, and then from corrupt government.
And so that's what liberty is all about.
And Switzerland has this system, a few other countries have it, and they are all the freest nations on earth.
Yeah, so that's a good point, Alex.
I mean, it'll probably, when we revitalize it by state statute, the Constitutional State Militia, it'll probably look a little bit more like something like the Swiss Militia has today.
You know, it won't look like it did 200 years ago, but it's the same principles.
And our founders believed there was only one, only time they used the word necessary in our Constitution.
Um, in order to have a free state, there was one thing that was necessary, and it wasn't Congress, it wasn't even the President, it wasn't the Supreme Court, but this one thing was the state institution called a well-regulated militia.
That means well-organized within the communities and within the states that will provide for a free state.
And without that, you have the opposite, like a police state.
And we haven't had a fully functioning state militia anywhere in this country for over a hundred years.
And that's what we're... our goal is to revitalize it.
Well, it's just beautiful, Walter.
Are you buoyed?
Are you excited?
Does it hearten you to know that
There are states like South Dakota, Texas on the verge, Texas is big.
In fact, coming out and saying, there is tyranny, we're not putting up with the tyranny of the feds.
Absolutely, and Alex, I know you had a lot of the state legislators on that are starting to get this, and they're really, and I've spoke to a number of them, Dan Itza up in New Hampshire is a friend of mine.
Charles Key down in Oklahoma, I've spoken to him, and this is exactly what they need.
Our allies in these state legislatures need this power behind it, and this is what the petition is all about.
So the state legislatures know that the people are behind this, we'll be able to have the power behind it to get these statutes enacted.
In fact, speaking of that, here's Rick Perry, Bilderberg Group member, New World Order, everything else, but because our movement's coming so huge, getting so large, that the people are ready for revolution everywhere in resistance to tyranny, the establishment is having to at least camouflage themselves like us.
And that's fine, because that only legitimizes what we're doing even more to block what the New World Order's doing through Barack Obama.
Here he is in a press conference two days ago.
It concerns all Texans.
It concerns all Americans.
The Tenth Amendment was enacted by folks who remembered what it was like to have a very oppressive government, to be under the thumb of tyrants and an all-powerful government.
Unfortunately, the protections it guarantees have melted away over the course of the years.
You're probably familiar with that old adage about how to boil a frog.
You know, you just get him to sit there in that pot and you turn up the heat a little bit by a little bit, and before you know it, the frog doesn't realize it, but he's done.
And since the United States Constitution was ratified, the federal government's been slowly kind of turning up the heat on the states, if you will.
And they've eroded the notion of states' rights.
The Founding Fathers understood that a one-size-approach doesn't work with the states when it comes to governing.
Especially a country the size of the United States.
And I'll promise you it doesn't work for Texas.
Our economic strength compared to the federal budget mess and other problems that they've got up there is a great example that Texans know best how to govern Texas.
We're proof.
Now, meanwhile, Perry's been going along with the land grabbing, the roads being handed over to foreign countries, all of this.
But at least he's got to come out now and sound like us.
And in the MIAC report, in the Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, in the new Homeland Security report we got that's now national news, they specifically named the states' rights, and they try to claim we're calling for secession.
And they always misframe what we're saying.
We're saying the states created the federal government.
We can uncreate it and recreate it.
But at this phase, all we're saying is we're not under your unconstitutional control.
Right, Mr. Ruddy?
You're absolutely right.
We're just... I want to put a check on their constitutional... what we've delegated to the federal government.
All other powers belong to the states and the people.
Basically the 10th Amendment there.
But the feds are completely out of control and don't care.
So we have this, we have this collision coming, and the establishment knows it's coming.
How do you see this playing out, Walter?
Well, I'm really hopeful just to see like the majority of the states now at least introducing this 10th Amendment resolution.
That means that we have a lot of support within our state legislators.
And with this petition, this is a powerful weapon.
The ones that aren't with us, I think they'll vote for it and sponsor it just out of fear.
It makes them pick a side and show us who they're with.
Again, fire out the website for the big event coming up this weekend.
Okay, you can go to committeesofsafety.org, we have a flyer on there, and I'd like to encourage your listeners, Alex, please join us, volunteer, sign up with us, it doesn't cost anything, and get in this
Yeah, because this is a prototype of what you're doing with the Oath Keepers and others.
You've got very prominent people coming to this who represent millions.
You know, the Rolling Thunder folks and all of them.
You need to really promote this, listeners, because we're reaching out to the military and police and giving them a choice.
A lot of them haven't thought they have a choice.
Do you want to be with the Republic, the Founders, Liberty, Freedom, Free Market, Decency, Honor?
Or do you want to be with the New World Order and give them that choice?
The choice was always there.
A lot of them just didn't really consciously think about it.
We are presenting them that choice and this is historical.
Walter Reddy, thanks for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
And listen, we'll talk to you after the event coming up.
Thank you so much for inviting me there as well.
I want to take your calls when we come back to the next segment.
I just want to say this.
We are at a crossroads, and I keep repeating that, but we're at a real crossroads here.
The forces of corruption, control, dominance, usurpation are upon us.
That's human history, that's the norm.
Do you want to live under bondage?
You don't know how good something is until it's gone.
And being a slave is not fun.
And a lot of people now are figuring out this is serious, this isn't a joke or a game, and so they're finally waking up, but they're waking up kind of like a baby wakes up to the wider world.
They still don't know exactly what's going on, and there to greet them is the controlled left, and there to greet them is the controlled right.
There to greet them is the Fox News and the Sean Hannity's and the Glenn Beck's.
On the left is the era of Anna Huffington's and
That fake revolution.
George Soros, Ford Foundation, who's attacking me in big publications right now.
And so you got the foundation control left, you got the corporate control right, but they're all counterfeits of what would really be going on regardless.
And so, there had been 400 years of war.
More than 400 years of war, going back to the 1100s and 1200s in England, under some of the most incredible oppression humanity's ever seen.
England was like North Korea for hundreds of years.
I mean, the literal lords would have sex with your wives whenever they wanted to.
As a joke, they called it, you know, breeding into your stock.
They would keep you on enough land just to survive and then take most of what you had.
And they wrote about how it was meant to make you starve and control you.
And people fought and died in England for 400 plus years.
I mean, they had wars, the people rose up, the commoners, they grabbed the king, cut his head off, you know, threatened to cut his head off in another event.
I mean, it was endless war, with the elite coming back time and time again.
And they got the Magna Carta, they got the Parliament, and those ideas became the light of the world.
Not saying they're perfect.
And it was the British idea, the common law to end slavery.
But they also had to blame England and the U.S.
when it ended worldwide.
It's still going on in the Middle East, in some cases, North Africa.
But the point is, with the Magna Carta saying, well, they deserve rights as well.
First it was, you know, the king is God, everybody else is a slave.
Then it was, the king is no longer God, and the nobles represent the people.
And then it was, no, the people, they're on top of the king and everybody else.
So there's that idea.
And it's always a struggle between freedom and slavery, tyranny and liberty.
There's always that, you know, tyranny and liberty are at odds against each other.
You've got tyranny, corruption, bondage, control.
Slavery on one end, you've got liberty and freedom and decency, and the only problem with freedom and liberty and decency is it creates so much wealth so fast when people trust each other and can work together and have a good attitude.
And when honor and intelligence and courage is honored, then your society goes to the stars.
Government societies, elite societies, it's a bunch of spoiled frat boy wannabes ruling over you, hating you, doing well, and enjoying controlling you.
So, this is the big choice that everybody has.
And our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, the militia, liberty, freedom, that's what we should all be pushing for.
More freedom, less tyranny.
And it shouldn't be labeled right-wing or left-wing.
It should be labeled liberty versus tyranny.
And now is the time.
Revolution is on.
The establishment wants to use the revolution of people upset to misdirect that into building the New World Order.
We need to go in and use this power vacuum to get our country back and cut government down to size.
Stay with us.
We'll come right back with your calls.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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Riders on the storm.
Into this house we're born.
Into this world we're thrown.
Like a dog without a bone and actor out of love.
Riders on the storm.
I don't have any audio here.
I don't know what's going on today.
You know, there's a big conspiracy theory on the internet.
People pass these videos around, I've seen them, and they say, who is Alex talking to?
He's doing some code!
Because I'm sitting there talking on air, and then suddenly I reach over here and hit a button.
That's where they can hear me in the control room, but you can't hear me.
Like, a caller will be talking, and I'll go, you hit the button, but you can't hear me, and I'll say, hey, I'm having a cough and fit, will you bring me a glass of water in?
Because I can't get up.
And then people find me sitting there hitting the button where you can't hear me talking and they think it's a conspiracy.
Folks, the conspiracies are open.
They're right out in the open.
It isn't Alex Jones.
Now, I want to do a joke a bit.
We came back from break with my shirt off today.
I've done this joke a couple times because that's how I feel.
You know, I paid the income tax today and they've gotten rid of most of the write-offs, even for equipment and things.
And so, it's just, I hardly have any money left over to even expand the office.
I mean, I try to spend almost all my money just to run the operation, because that's what I'm doing this for, but also I have the pleasure of not paying that much taxes.
But, that's why most Americans, what is it, eighty-something percent, have it taken out as withholding.
And they bragged they did that in the forties, so you wouldn't notice what was happening.
In fact, up on Infowars.com, guys, I have the Donald Duck cartoon.
It's a five-minute thing about, kill Hitler, pay your taxes, income taxes, income taxes.
It's to fight Hitler, but notice they kept it after the war.
This is the type of propaganda they use, but I make the joke that, you know, people could see themselves having their literal shirt off their backs taken.
And a lot of folks don't have enough money to pay for their houses and their cars, who even live modestly, and now they're so broke, or they lost their job and then had to spend all their extra money, that they have no money to pay the tax man, Reuters reported.
The tax man says, sorry, you're going to pay it.
See, if you're made off for any of these guys, you're okay.
So our money's going to all these criminal bankers, and meanwhile, a lot of folks can't even pay the tax to the private Federal Reserve.
Not one run sitting, your income tax goes around the country, it goes to pay interest on the debt to the private bankers.
So, yeah, look at the guys in there.
They are shirtless as well.
That's the office of Paul Hartman and Jaron Neihart.
Guys, oh wait a minute, I see one of you still has a shirt, so I guess Big Brother didn't take it all, huh?
Oh my gosh, this is ridiculous.
Alright, that's enough, that's enough.
But, you know, thank you guys.
Anything to illustrate how ridiculous this is.
What gets taken out of your paycheck?
Probably what?
30% of what you make?
I sign your paychecks around here.
And then I gotta match your Social Security, which you'll never see.
Yeah, let's say after FICA and Medicare and Medicaid and what you supposedly pay for Social Security, that's about 10% on average.
I gotta match that.
So let's say you get paid $13, $14 an hour.
That's another, and then I gotta pay a couple bucks of that extra on top of that just in the matching for the Social Security.
And then it doesn't go to that.
It goes right to the private bankers who put it in their private bank accounts and then loan the money back to us.
Alright, I'm going to talk to Joshua, Mark, Daniel, Laura, Tim, Dave, and others.
Your calls are coming up.
And, uh, you know, I got a guest coming up dealing with Secret Mysteries DVDs, but I may just cancel him because this is Tax Day and I know folks want to talk.
We're just going to move that guest.
I bet he's going to get mad, but c'est la vie.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, it's already the final hour.
I had, um...
Chris Pinto joining us today.
Secret Mysteries Revealed.
Great three-part film we have at Infowars.com, and I apologize to him, but I've got our reporters coming up in about 30 minutes from on the ground in San Antonio where the tea party's kicking off with Lord Beck, and I want to take your phone calls.
We're going to move Mr. Pinto to next week, and then I'm going to play some more propaganda later.
Donald Duck pressed into service to brainwash the public.
So we'll be going over that.
They use your tax money to finance this type of crap.
That's why the public's so dumbed down.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joshua in California.
You're on the air, sir.
Uh, hey Alex.
Wow, I just want to say what an honor it is to talk to you.
I'm a Prison Planet member, and you know, anyone else that's listening who's not a member, you should totally support Alex.
You've totally, you know, you talk about the moral compass, and you give us, you know, direction.
I mean, by putting things in perspective, you can see where you are in the world, and you know, you really help my life a lot with that.
I spoke to Burmese a little while ago, a couple of weeks ago, about
My dad was best friends with Peter Grace, one of the founding members of the Vildberg, and, uh, you know, those, like, all the stuff you, you know, you're, you're, you're illuminating people about it, you know, about the occult and bird flu and, you know, and, oh, you know, these, these, uh, elitists are trying to, like, steal our money with these taxes, all this stuff to fund, uh, you know,
Like you said, our own, uh, you know, their eugenic, uh, plans.
It's just, it's crazy.
And, um, I'm going to be printing up flyers, uh, that I got of your broadcast.
They have them online, Alex Jones flyers, and going to the, to the, uh, tea party and passing them out and stuff.
And I just want to say thank you so much.
Um, and, and one, one other thing, if I could, the, uh, in California, they're, they've passed a law already.
A lot of people don't know about it, where they're even outlawing, um, uh,
Just wood-burning fireplaces.
They're not being permitted anymore.
If you want to build a house, you can't have a fireplace.
No, I know Europe is saying they've got to close them up in a bunch of countries, and they're banning outdoor space eaters, saying it's the carbon footprint.
That's what the Obama deception covers, is this is total serfdom.
This is feudalism.
When I say serfdom and feudalism, I don't just mean slavery.
It was a system of keeping you under their full control.
It's completely true.
I mean, like you were saying, they have this system in place for so many years, you know, that they're just trying to...
You know, just control people, and just, I mean, you read about the sickness that all that these, that these, like, monarchs and the black nobility have, and, you know, everyone just thinks it just disappears, you know?
Like, when they get, when they get their power in place, when they become more powerful, that they just, all of a sudden, become, become good guys, you know?
Oh, yeah, no, no, no, no.
They tell the public that elites don't exist!
They just say, oh everything's happy, the government only loves you, there's no corruption.
And then under this national security umbrella they've been doing whatever they want since 47.
And then now they're on the news saying we've got to restrict guns in America because of Mexico.
Mexico has a total gun ban.
I mean, they need to decriminalize drugs right now.
That's what's going to end all this.
And they know that.
They create the crises to offer the solution.
And the globalists have made big moves the last century, four or five times, and killed 200 million people.
And I've seen that attack profile.
They're clearly trying that attack profile now to radically over... It's their revolution to overthrow Europe, overthrow the United States, fully enslave us.
They want a hot revolution.
They've been building up incrementally.
But it's just like putting a piece of paper on top of flame.
At first it browns and yellows and then browns and cracks and then BOOM!
It flashes.
And right now the free world is like a brown piece of cooked wood or paper that's about to flash into flame.
And, you know, we've seen other parts of the world flash into flame, and we know what this looks like.
And I'm going, get ready!
It's coming in!
And people are like, yeah, it is bad.
The tyranny's bad.
Just the lead vanguard of breakers in this wave.
And I'm like, no!
Look out to sea!
And they're like, my God, it's a 500-foot tsunami!
And I'm like, absolutely.
Get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
Tyranny is upon us!
And I tell the police and military, they're forming you up in blocks to march out against the people.
This isn't the Soviet Union or Germany or China.
You are going to be absolutely annihilated and so are the people.
It is going to be a bloodbath.
How do we avert this?
How do we stop it?
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
You might not be able to spell Constitution, but you sure know how important it is.
You might not be missing any shirts from your closet, but you have given the shirt off your back hundreds of times.
You might not understand the thousands of laws that exist, but you do live by the Ten Commandments.
You might not know who the bad guys are, or what you should be complaining about, but you do know what to be thankful for.
You might not be looking for a government handout, but you do know how to
We're good to go!
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Why do they call it a spirit of 1776?
It's an attitude, a mindset.
And yes, liberty, freedom, justice is a spirit.
You know, you can boil it down to science.
Almost like a wavelength that mammals put off for other creatures.
You know, how does a rat know when a tornado is coming two days before?
It knows in its gut.
It has, you know, how do birds know how to fly thousands of miles that have, you know, hatched out a few months before out of eggs, and they know how to fly without their parents, you know, three or four thousand miles to another continent.
Call it spirit, call it stuff about our brains we don't understand, things unknown, whatever.
It's a spirit of liberty.
That's why they have a spirit of darkness.
Fifty million abortions, corruption, police in black uniforms, everybody wearing skulls and death.
All these trappings mean something.
It's a spirit of bondage, a spirit of destruction, a spirit of death and fire.
That's not the spirit I like.
And I know the spirit of liberty and honor is much stronger.
And the Satanist and the Luciferians go to the dark side believing, you know, it has all this power.
I guess, in a way, it does give them a petty power the moment they flip it on.
The moment you flip the switch into evil, it's there.
Goodness takes sacrifice.
Goodness takes commitment.
Goodness means you have to go through tribulation.
You have to go through fear.
And it's a test.
Like with all things, it progresses.
And it gets better and better as you stand up for what's right.
Studying evil, which I've done, gets better up front and then gets worse.
You understand how that works?
Whereas goodness is really hard up front, but gets better as you get deeper into it and lay your life down, lay your name down.
And that's why the establishment back in the forties, they'd had the income tax since 1913, but nobody had, you know, maybe one percent tax rate for a small group of people just getting it set up, everybody trained.
Because people wouldn't pay it, they wouldn't put up with it, they tried.
But they got them to in 1943, the spirit of 43, and Milton Friedman said, we'll just do withholding from all their factory checks.
We'll say it's treason if you don't pay
And if the companies don't take the money out.
And they said it was to fight the war when the government could issue its own currency to begin with.
And of course it was a good war against Hitler.
Until you realize that Hitler was set up by British and U.S.
Now does that mean he didn't have to be fought?
No, they create these boogeymen that come after you.
But they set him up, it's like they set up the communists.
That's now declassified on record.
Let's go to the calls.
Mark in Oregon, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you doing today?
Good, Mark.
Alex, actually I have two heartfelt suggestions here for you today and wanted to give them to you and be most interested to hear your comment about them.
First one is that you have a money bomb.
Last time I made that request a couple months ago you said that that was definitely on the front burner.
I understand there can be complications and such like that, but I don't believe... Well, you know, I don't really like asking... I'm trying to finish the projects I've got.
And, believe it or not, we've got 7,800 square foot office.
I do know that.
And we've already filled it up with equipment and stuff.
I've got a little area for the TV studio.
I'm trying to build it, but the space right next to us, we're in the cheapest stuff in Austin, out on the edge of town, industrial area, and they've rented out everything but the space right next to us.
They just offered us that at half price.
I may have to do a money bomb just to ensure I had two, three years of rent for that and to put in the proper equipment, but then we can go to the whole next level.
If the money bomb brought in $200,000 or so, because then I'd spend it all to make sure we'd have to pay taxes on it, but the way they make you amortize out equipment, I have to go ahead and pay tax on equipment I bought that first and second year, and then down the road take it as a tax break.
So again, I buy a computer, a $5,000 computer and a $1,000 software, and I've got to
Amortize it out over two or three years.
You know, schedule it out.
But people say, oh, just don't pay him, Alex!
Oh, like Dick Simcannon of Arrow Custom Plastics and everybody else.
I mean, there's people just speaking out against the IRS being arrested for it.
You know, like Erwin Schiff, Peter Schiff's dad, and Joe Bannister and Sherry Jackson and all of them.
I mean, these people don't play games.
So I'm picking my fight.
You know, I mean, I'm picking the fights I'm going to have.
I'm not picking a fight with the IRS.
I'm following all their stupid
Phony regulations and laws.
It's just that I haven't really wanted to do a Money Bomb, but we've decided to do a Money Bomb.
And funny you called.
I finally said yesterday, I keep procrastinating, launch the Money Bomb.
And are we going to have that ready to launch by Friday?
The date of the Money Bomb?
I'm going to go ahead and announce it now.
It's the only way to get things done around here.
People will just keep procrastinating.
Because I want to just have a basic little widget.
And you think we've got all this technological skill here that just shows as people sign up.
uh... you know that that billy bob from texas is is pledged to get on the money bomb day and so we need to do that uh... and so you know what we're going to have the money bomb on the uh... what's the twentieth of may it not a wednesday so we'll go ahead and now some money bomb i gotta go ahead and now sir and i haven't as is how it works around here uh... but anything else sir
Yes, Alex, thank God for that, and I know it'll be a great success because I believe you pulled in $250,000 last time.
And the world's gotten a lot worse as far as the manifestation of evil between then and now.
I think people are just, like I said before, Alex, you know, just really happy to be behind our cause because you're at the tip of the spear on the good side, and we're right behind you, and I think it'll happen all over again at least as much.
I wanted to add, and Alex,
I really, my main point for calling today, and that is Mr. Redding, you know, he said that they really need you at Lexington.
And Alex, you should go because you're a leader and you're an inspirational and unifying force.
This is where the American Revolution was born.
This place has a lot of power from the past and right into the present.
And a one or two hour documentary could be made of a speech by you at the assembly there.
Please let me finish.
As well as what the Infowar already is planning to do in doing on-site coverage of the most important event, really, which is potentially a large and national first step in regaining our constitutional republic, Alex.
This is a very important event, and it's more important than a few interviews, which you can get back to as soon as you get back.
It'll only take a day or two out of your time.
I'm begging you, please, to go, Alex.
This man, these people who set this up, they're getting out there.
This is the event, Alex.
Please recognize it as such.
Please reconsider your decision on this and please pray about it.
God bless you, sir.
Mark, God bless you.
I had the Oath Keepers on here, and they were already getting big.
Jack McClam pointed it out to me.
We plugged them here, and Rhodes and others have told me it really exploded after that.
But that's just because we've got great activist listeners.
You made it explode.
And we posted their videos and all that to try to promote them.
And I'm having them on promoting their event, and I know Lexington is important.
If I'm going to release an Obama film by July 4th,
If I'm going to continue on my program and my operation... I mean, I turn down going to England and Europe and Japan to speak to their Parliament.
I turn down... Yeah, I was invited to speak to the Japanese Parliament.
I remember the Parliament.
I get invited everywhere.
You don't think I don't want to see Japan?
You don't think I don't want to... I mean, I would love it to walk away from this radio show.
It's a ball and chain, really.
Four hours a day.
And then I'm going to be on a couple shows tonight.
Steve Quayle and others.
I mean...
Again, I would love to go to this event.
I've been invited to go and speak.
I'm sending two people, and that's where we need funds.
You know, it costs money to do all this.
I'm sending two people so that we can put other... We need to make it about making other people leaders, like Scott Rhodes.
Edwin Vieira and others.
I mean, I'm here to lift up people who I believe are good and decent and honorable.
I've tried to lift up other people in the past that turned out to be mentally ill.
But I've gotten a little bit better discernment over the years.
Because for me, this isn't about Alex Jones being the leader.
You know, I get invited to speak all the time, too.
And a few times I do show up, then there's always a little squabble with some of the organizers, going, he's too radical, we don't want him.
And a lot of times, I just go, you know, my car's over there, I'm gonna go ahead and go.
And then they'll be at my car, begging me to go speak.
And I'm just like, I don't care about speaking to a crowd of people.
See, people get this kind of mixed up.
Primitively, folks get really excited speaking to a big crowd of folks.
I mean, I've seen people in front of a crowd of a thousand people.
I mean, it's like this primitive monkey-ism or something like, oh my god, I'm the tribal leader, oh my god!
I consciously realize that talking on radio and TV reaching millions, I mean, that's no hype, folks, that three weeks ago, well, three weeks into the release, a week ago,
of the Obama deception.
I spent a couple hours counting up all the views on different video sites.
It was over 15 million.
It was 10 million a week before that.
I haven't counted it up.
It's impossible to now.
I mean, a million here, 2 million there, a million and a half here, a million, 300,000 there, 400,000 here, 200,000 there, 20,000 here, 80,000 there.
15 million people?
I made a film shattering the left-right paradigm, and it's been seen for free by 15 million people?
I mean, that's doing damage to the New World Order, folks.
That's doing damage to the New World Order.
I mean, I am in there.
Reaching 15 million people.
They're now awake to go be part of the Tea Parties, or to go be part of Oath Keepers, or to go be part of Civil Defense, or the Minutemen, or Second Amendment groups, and I say, okay, I've got to make another film.
It's kind of like I'm a boxer, and I'm going up against this really big opponent, and I'm hitting him, and I'm hitting him, and he's starting to get dizzy, and it looks like I got him.
I got about 30 seconds until that bell rings, and he may come out of that corner if I don't knock him out now and beat me in the next round, because I'm getting tired.
And I can run off and try to fight some other opponent.
No, I know what I'm doing.
I'm just, I'm going to keep swinging and pounding with the radio interviews and the films.
See, I'm just going to, boom, boom, I'm going to give everything I got to try to end this fight right now.
Not gonna hesitate.
I know there's all this lore and everything about Lexington and that's good.
That's for these men to be part of that and to have those police and military there drinking deeply from the spirit of liberty and affirming themselves on the path to victory against tyranny.
That is their road.
I go down another road.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Alex Jones here with a question.
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We're good to go.
That may be the spirit of the Iron Tiger.
Going in against the New World Order.
The people are learning.
The private bankers that are taxing them.
The private bankers that are cheating them.
They're learning how criminal the government is.
They're learning about all the secret reports because the police and military are leaking them to us.
How they're saying gun owners are terrorists and bad.
They're afraid of the people rising up peacefully and taking the nation back.
So they're planning to use violence against us and stage terror attacks to demonize us.
But that cat is out of the bag as well.
That's been exposed.
The jig is up in that area of the paradigm.
And so here we're coming.
We're coming for you, tyrants.
And you know it.
Patriots just gotta keep the eye of the tiger, folks.
Here it is for you.
Ha ha ha.
You know you love it.
Now, uh, you trade your, uh, you trade your passion for glory.
That's right, folks.
It was so easy for me not to sell out when I was offered millions of dollars years ago.
Be the big national host and be a neocon.
I just said no.
They couldn't believe I said no.
And I've said no repeatedly to deal after deal because it's who I am.
It's what I stand for.
That's what this is all about.
And that's what it should be about for you.
And that's when you're going to be fulfilled.
All this crap of money.
I mean, what is this?
What is money?
It's just fiat stuff that they bought up our world with.
And they've got their all-seeing eye, their symbol on it.
They didn't put on the money until 1913 when they took over.
They said, hey baby, we're running things down, and they put this on there.
This is a bunch of crap.
This is the system of bondage.
People sell out their families.
They'll do anything for this crud.
That's all it is.
It's crud.
It's a fiat fraudulent system.
These dirtbag scam artist bankers run our society through this because they get us to accept this.
And we give away our birthright and the engine of liberty and wealth for this fiat crap.
And now they're butchering us and stealing everything we've got in the final phase of world government.
For the world government to be built, the United States has to fall.
We had a guest yesterday talking about that and he was absolutely right.
Going through these phases, you know, first Europe had to be destroyed, so they created Hitler.
And they brought him down.
Then the Soviets, they built them up for a bipolar system, and they destroyed them.
And now globalism came, and for globalism to turn into open world government, the United States and Europe have to fall.
The people have to follow the elites.
They have to pauperize us.
They have to make us their slaves as a tool of control.
Let's go back to the calls.
Daniel in Alabama, let me get to everybody, and then Laura, Tim, Dave, Alicia, David.
Go ahead, Daniel.
I do, sir.
I thank God for you.
I just want to tell you, you know, you was talking about yesterday and again today about the 10th Amendment.
I got some news on that from here in the state of Alabama.
The bill that was introduced by Mr. Canfield has been shot down by our glorious Majority House Leader, King Gwynn.
Apparently how Alabama's rules are set up.
It's vetoed and not scheduled.
I mean, that's just it.
It dies.
Yeah, they've unconstitutionally, a lot of states have this, allowed the committee heads to control the legislative process and that's tyranny.
Now, how unpopular will it be in Alabama to say no state's rights when this stuff's popular in New York and California?
I don't think so.
We'll see what's going to happen is they're going to get embarrassed by Texas passing it.
That's a done deal now with Perrigan behind it.
That's why he got behind it because it's sure to pass.
I've talked to the Senator.
It's got the votes in the House and Senate.
South Dakota just passed.
A bunch of other states are on the verge of passing.
So again, this is showing us who's who.
Well, what I want you to do, if you don't care, sir, there is another gentleman by the name of Scott Basin.
He's a Senator.
And since this has been shot down in the House, here in the next few days or so, from what I understand, he's preparing to actually put it up in the Senate.
And I want everybody, all your listeners, everybody that can, I want them to call the Statehouse, and I mean just ring their chimes good, and get this passed.
And another thing... Do you have the number to the Statehouse in front of you?
The number I have here is for the State House.
It's 334... Alright, stay there.
We'll get it out when we come back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
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The people strike back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
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In a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Alright, I got a Donald Duck brainwashing cartoon I want to play.
You can see this propaganda 60 years later and see how ridiculous it is.
Taxes, taxes, bombs, bombs.
More of your calls.
We're going to get a report from the Tea Party down in San Antonio.
But the National Guard, regular army spying on people, that's admitted, that's confirmed.
Spies on us and in the Fed protests, because the bankers don't like us protesting how they're taking our tax money.
And so they're acting like we're, like conservatives mainly, are going to riot.
That's why conservatives are going to end up rioting someday, is the cops are going to beat them up, they're going to push them around, they're going to try to take our guns, and then it's on.
Just like with the Redcoats in 1776, 230-something years ago, so... The establishment knows they're going to keep bankrupting and stealing everything, so they know these are going to turn more aggressive in the future, and so that's why they're... I mean, I go with... Protest the Fed, the Army's spying on me.
You can be 100 yards, 200 yards, a half mile away from the Fed, they run up off jurisdiction, little federal security guards will say, leave or I'm arresting you.
That's what it is to be a slave.
Finishing up with, I've got to hurry through these calls, Daniel in Alabama.
Daniel, give the number out to the State House.
The number I have for the State House is 334-242-7674.
And I just want to thank you, Mr. Jones, because you're a focal point.
I want everybody in Alabama to call down there and ring their chimes and in the words of Howard Bill, let them know we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it no more.
God bless you, I appreciate that.
Hey guys, print that off.
I had it printed, but I can't find it in my stack.
Print me that National Guard and alert for Tea Party protest before the conspiracy theories start.
Punch me back up, because I keep getting emails about this.
See, I'm on air, that guy's talking.
I want him to put the National Guard thing back on screen, so I hit the button where they hear me in the control room.
See, there's people in there.
I hit this, and then I say, with it on, I say, put that back on screen.
And then you can't hear me until I come back.
I just wanted to... Every time I do that now it's turned into I'm getting orders from the CIA or something in there.
Soon I'm going to have this little earpiece though.
That's going to be a lot better than wearing these big headphones.
Has that come in yet?
Okay, good.
All right, let me tell you about a few sponsors, then I'm going to go right back to your phone calls.
That caller was great, but we've got to go quicker here.
efoodsdirect.com, fantastic sponsor.
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One other sponsor that I wanted to tell you about is the Cola Blue, the best atmospheric water generator out there, bar none.
We're going to get a free brochure, go to their website, look at all their other fine products.
Ok, I'm done with the plugs.
Let me hit this news story, then I'll go back to your calls.
National Guard on alert for Tea Party protest.
The Maryland National Guard has been put on alert in anticipation of today's nationwide Tea Party protest, with Homeland Security spokesman refusing to deny that protesters will be under surveillance from the Department of Homeland Security.
And he has links to all of that.
The Maryland National Guard issued a force protection advisory April 11th.
They issued that on me when I was in Dallas for in the Fed called us terrorists.
It actually says the terrorist.
You gotta watch the terrorist and they may hurt you.
I mean, you guys, who's hurting you?
Is the foreign bank stealing your whole future?
But you'll find out, I know, just feel powerful.
The Maryland National Guard issued a force protection advisory.
The document warns the National Guard to be on alert during the Tea Party protests because guardsmen and guard facilities might become targets of opportunity.
Oh, of the Al-Qaeda, I guess.
See, the whole fake Al-Qaeda thing, we told you it was for the American people because their own documents said it, now they're announcing it openly.
See, Homeland Security's to make sure the bankers can steal everything you've got without you ever stopping them.
The contact point for the document listed as the Anti-Terrorism Program Coordinator.
The Maryland Army National Guard, M-D-A-R-N-G Force Protection Advisory, is in response to a nationwide planning protest activity scheduled April 15th.
Although there is
No known direct threat to the MDNG facilities, that's what all these reports say.
They may become a target of opportunity during protest activities throughout Maryland, states the advisory.
Yeah, I have the Army advisory on us that says we're terrorists and may attack.
It continues, but it goes on to say we have no history of that, but still we might.
Well, you might too, you bastards!
I mean, your bosses may bomb Oklahoma City again and blame it on us.
It continues, numerous entities have formed recently to express displeasure, anger over recent federal state actions, more taxes, increased spending, higher deficits, and a surge of borrowing to pay for it all, bailout of the financial institutions, etc.
This movement can be identified by different variations of Tea Party, Tea Party.
Past Tea Party events have been peaceful.
There was a Tea Party event in Solomons, Maryland on May, March 22nd.
T stands for tax enough already.
They don't want to dare mention it stands for the Founding Fathers.
They gotta act like, you know, that's what it stands for.
The document then gives a full list of times and locations of the Tea Party protests in Maryland.
It advises National Guard personnel to contact local law enforcement when they feel threatened by protesters or protesters trespassing.
It just goes on and on.
I mean, you know.
Same thing it said for us in Dallas.
Commanders at all levels should establish relationship with local police in order to understand local threats.
And by the way, Raw Story, of all people, got it right.
They have a headline today, I never got to it, where it says, uh, let me find it.
That's the Washington Times, we're on it daily, AP.
Oh, where's Raw Story?
They actually got it right.
And they admit here that the white supremacist cop killer was actually against me.
They were actually nice in this article, I appreciate that.
Conservatives outraged at DHS assessment warning of violent right-wing extremism.
The report by the Department of Homeland Security is causing waves of indignation among conservatives for labeling right-wing extremism, this is a quote, the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.
That's a quote!
Right-wing is not wanting foreign bankers raping you.
So, uh, there's that article.
Okay, let's zoom through your calls here.
Laura in Texas, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I'm going to be going to a tea party here in Texas at 4 o'clock.
Which one?
In San Antonio, Dallas, where?
Okay, they're all over the place, good.
Yes, and they actually announced it this morning on the news.
Listen, we were just at UPS doing a certified deal with our taxes.
They were handing out free tea bags at the big UPS office here in Austin.
Look, we're the majority, okay?
That's what the media wants to make it.
Liberals are going out to protest the two parties.
Then I actually talk to the liberals?
They're actually going to join them.
But see, the media, Fox News says, liberals are coming to attack.
They want to keep us in left-right groups to divide us.
Then they divide us along race or religion.
Again, everybody's sick of the bankers.
And if we get that message out, the new order falls.
Yep, and that's what we're doing, Alex.
I've got the poster board saying, in the Federal Reserve, that funds the international bankers.
Audit the Federal Reserve, HR 1207.
We are not your slaves, which is one of them that you did.
You know, say in Dallas, we are behind you 100%, Alex.
We got Obama Deception.
We made tons and tons of those movies.
We actually bought that movie from you, and we bought shirts, and we're out there defending our rights and our freedoms for our children, our constitutional rights.
God bless you and good to hear from you.
Yeah, go out to these tea parties and make sure the left-right paradigm is shattered.
Hand out copies of the Obama deception.
Yeah, we've got the best t-shirts out there.
The answer to 1984, 1776, New World Order, change, Obama.
I mean, it'll all strike up conversations and meet like-minded people.
You don't have to save the world by yourself.
It's all of us doing a little something
To explain what the New World Order is.
It's the enemy.
It's the criminals.
They're the ones that are bad.
They're the ones that need to be arrested.
And all of this nightmare can stop.
We can set about fixing our country.
It's the bankers that fund the foundations that get everybody fighting with each other on race.
It's all them.
They brag about it.
Either they go or we become slaves.
I mean, it's real simple.
It's us or them.
Good job, Laura in Texas.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
It's really hard not to think about Aaron Russo today, isn't it?
Aaron Russo was a great guy, but he will live on through America, Freedom to Fascism, and Mattis Hell and all the other great work he did.
I'm fresh back from my local tax office where I passed out 200 copies of Aaron's video today.
And I have an idea for you, a new cabinet post to address this pre-soylent green condition we're in.
How about a Secretary of Atropy?
And I really want to talk to you about this textbook, a civics textbook that's being used in the public schools, and everybody can get on board and call their local public school districts and get this book.
It's called, We the People, the Citizen, and the Constitution.
Very briefly, in Section 5 of this textbook, the Second Amendment, the Ninth Amendment, and the Tenth Amendment is never mentioned.
Now, how can we possibly discuss the government of America?
Tell me the name of the wicked textbook and the page number.
It's called, We the People, The Citizen and the Constitution.
Oh, that's the civics book.
I've seen that before.
Okay, We the People, go ahead.
The Citizen and the Constitution.
That they seem to forget the most important amendments, the second, the ninth.
And again, they couldn't get away with that if people were involved and involved in the PTA and involved in the government training camps.
Good to hear from you, gotta jump.
I'm going to my school board meeting Monday and I'm going to put this on the record.
Good, exactly.
They always want to distract people with, you know, does the textbook have enough in there about Heather's 10 mommies or whatever.
Instead, we should be talking about how the textbooks are, I mean, but a lot of times they tell the truth.
They go, oh, we're spraying you with trails.
That's in a bunch of government textbooks for kids.
Oh, we're spraying the clouds.
Those are chemtrails for your safety.
Then they tell adults it doesn't exist, but the government textbooks say it does.
Trying to figure out how crazy all this is, man?
Um, thank you.
Well, let's go to Rob Jacobson for a quick report, then I'll go back to, um,
Back to all the callers, Dave, Alicia, and David.
I'll at least get to those three.
Quick report, and Jason Burma's tonight, nine to midnight.
If there's any big incidents, we'll be playing video clubs at PrisonPlanet.tv, simulcast the full three hours.
And if something big happens, I'll be on the air with Burmy as well.
Again, that's on the Genesis Network and at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Members get to, again, see the video with their support at PrisonPlanet.tv.
So this starts in about an hour.
But they're already down there at the location in San Antonio for one of the biggest in Texas with Lord Glenn Beck.
Go ahead, tell us what's going on.
Hey Alex, I had to walk away a little bit from Jason doing an interview with some people right now.
The music kicked up a little bit, but there's a lot of people out here.
A lot of very anti-government stuff going on with these people, Alex.
I don't know, they might have to lock them all up.
It's looking beautiful.
I see term limits.
I see Obama is a traitor to the U.S.
I see no one is free under big debt.
Stop subsidizing stupidity.
These are just signs as I'm looking around right now that I'm seeing.
There's thousands of people out here I've seen.
Don't tread on me shirts.
People are seriously concerned.
Now, when Glenn Beck heard we were coming, he got so scared, he said he would no longer give a speech.
But I don't trust him.
He's always implicit.
When is Glenn Beck giving a speech?
Well, we haven't heard anything about that.
We were pretty close up to the stage and then they kicked everybody out from that front section, I guess, to look back in after they filtered.
They're anti-American signs and t-shirts and stuff like that.
A lot of people here are very educated.
They know what's going on.
Here's one that says, no big government.
I mean, there are signs everywhere, and they're all homemade signs.
People are mad, and they're coming out here.
Now listen, it's been confirmed the Army is spying on everybody there all over the country, just like in Dallas they did last year at the end of Fed.
It's also confirmed they've got state police out in plainclothes videotaping, but you can't miss them.
Are you going to videotape some of those guys?
Well, if we see him, we'll videotape him.
We're videotaping pretty much everything we see.
We turned the cameras on when we got here, just so we don't miss anything.
I mean, just in California, with Roger Hedgecock and others, they've caught him and it's made national news.
So we need to show how they're not watching the borders, they're spying on patriots and have the army on standby.
Oh my God, Americans are out protesting big government.
That's un-American.
It's pretty crazy out here, but right now it looks like they're done with some music and it looks like they're letting people back in up front to the stage.
But it looks like it's all American flags right now.
There's a couple of other interesting looking flags.
I don't know, we're going to try to get up close and see what's going on.
We're interviewing people right now.
There's a lot of people out here, a lot of different groups passing out stuff.
So it's good to see that people are taking action, not just sitting around.
Alright, good job Rob.
Are you going to be able to sit in with Burmese tonight since you were part of this on 9 to Midnight?
Most likely.
I'll sit in, or Jacobson will sit in.
One of us will.
Yeah, you do that.
Maybe Rob can get a few video clips.
Okay, thank you, Rob Dew.
Alright, there he goes.
Let's start the Donald Duck thing out to break.
And for PrisonPlanet.tv members, we'll kill the ads and keep playing the Donald Duck.
But this is how it starts.
It says, don't spend your money on yourself, keep it all and give it to the government.
Here it is.
Yes, payday.
Millions of dollars pouring into the hands of the American worker.
Now in the mind of the average worker live two separate personalities.
One, the thrifty.
Wait a bit, laddy.
You're going to save a bit of that, aren't you?
Often times idle money burns a hole in your pocket, which brings out the other personality.
The spendthrift.
Hi, big shot.
Come on with me.
I'll show you how to spend your dough.
Oh, boy!
Oh, boy!
Oh, boy!
I got a couple of good dates.
But, laddie, I've got some better dates.
Important ones, too.
When every American should pay his or her income tax gladly and proudly.
This year, thanks to Hitler and Hirohito,
Taxes are higher than ever before.
Will you have enough money on hand to meet your payments when they fall due?
Ah, we'll take care of that later.
Forget it, forget it.
But you don't want to forget our fighting men, do you?
Yeah, sure!
Then you'll have to start saving right away to meet your tax payments.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Listen, chum, spend it.
It's your dough.
Yeah, it's my dough!
Aye, laddie, it's your dough.
But it's your war, too!
You must save for victory!
What's money for?
Spend it!
Shoot the works!
Nay, nay, you must save it!
Spend for the Axis.
Or save for taxes.
Just remember, every dollar you spend for something you don't need is a dollar spent to help the Axis.
That's right.
And every dollar you sock away for taxes is another dollar to sock the Axis.
For it is your taxes, my taxes, our taxes that run the factories.
American factories, working day and night.
This tractor is making guns, machine guns, anti-tank guns, long-range guns, guns, guns, all kinds of guns!
To blast the aggressors from the seas!
Taxes for American factories.
Working full blast, making planes.
Dive bombers!
Flying tortoises.
Stalk the birds of prey that fly by night.
Taxes to bury the Axis.
Taxes for ships, battleships, battlecruisers, destroyers, all kinds of battle wagons.
To sink the Axis!
Taxes to keep them playing!
Taxes to keep them rolling!
Taxes to keep them coming!
Taxes to beat to earth the evil destroyer of freedom and peace!
This is our fight.
The fight for freedom.
Freedom of speech.
Of worship.
Freedom from want and fear.
Taxes will keep democracy on the march!
Donald Duck runs up and gives his whole paycheck to the IRS at the end of it.
He literally does.
It's disgusting.
For those that couldn't hear it on the radio, it's pathetic.
Meanwhile, they say taxes for liberty, taxes for free speech, taxes for religion.
All of that's under attack now in the U.S.
We're the big evil empire now.
And Hitler ran identical stuff about pay your high taxes in Germany to fight the United States and England.
And Hitler was certainly evil and bad, but the point is, is that the globalists created Hitler, and that's now on record.
So they'd have a boogeyman.
And they told him, oh go ahead and take Europe, we're on your side.
That's why Hitler gave speeches saying, you betrayed me, you said we had a deal.
And that's on record.
So they set that monster up.
And that's how they gave us our income tax.
I mean, they had it on the books since 1913.
But they just brought it in then.
Okay, let's jam in a few quick calls here.
Dave in Long Island, then Alicia and others.
Go ahead, Dave.
Yeah, let me be brief, Alex.
We just got back from a rally.
It was outstanding.
We read the Bill of Rights.
Here's me doing a Ninth Amendment.
It's about a 30-second audio clip.
And just listen also to the response from the crowd.
Here we go.
We're good to go.
So listen to that response.
The 9th Amendment is arguably the most powerful.
So the neocons have tried to pile on and take over what we're doing.
We simply go to all these rallies that are our people to begin with and further organize and say now let's go set up 2nd Amendment groups.
Let's set up national sovereignty groups.
Let's set up jail the banker movements.
Let's go to the end the Fed protest and just energize and energize and we can arrest the New World Order.
That's why their police state is in place to try to stop us from ever bringing them to justice.
What we're not hearing is Hannity is looking for video from any rallies today.
So anybody who has video, you know, Hannity wants to be contacted.
I'm not going to contact him, obviously.
Well, Hannity wants to show what he wants to show.
Listen, listen, Ray.
Just get a, buy a copy, make copies of it, brother.
Let's talk to Alicia.
Take us out of here, Alicia, California.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you so much.
I'm so grateful to know about you and to have you on our side.
Well, I'm grateful to have you.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I have a question.
Kind of a weird situation that happened last night.
Two sheriffs just walked into my home through my front door.
They didn't knock.
They didn't announce themselves.
They just walked in.
You know what?
I'm going to do a few minutes into overdrive.
I'm going to just go ahead and skip this in break, John.
I'm going to talk to her a couple minutes, then we'll land and go back to rebroadcast.
Go to InfoWars.com, folks, if you want to hear this.