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Name: 20090414_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 14, 2009
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv simulcasting for the next hour and 51 minutes of this syndicated radio transmission.
I'll be taking your calls, Matt, Chip, Joshua, Annie, Dan, and many others that are patiently holding as soon as Jim leaves us coming up here.
in just a few minutes.
You know, I've already done two hours and eight minutes of radio today and haven't plugged yet the Obama deception.
My new film, viral all over the web.
People are buying the high-quality DVD at InfoWars.com.
They're making copies of it.
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I just want to salute
And thank everyone that has gotten the Obama deception, and I want to encourage those of you that haven't to please get it at Infowars.com, the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart, and make all the copies your heart wants to.
I mean, as many as you can make.
I know a lot of universities and other groups of students are going out and everywhere Obama goes to speak, they're giving out thousands of these.
And the Tea Parties that the neocons are trying to co-opt, Patriots, True Patriots, are going out to these events and really waking up the people that are the Tea Parties to the full scope of the New World Order.
So again, InfoWars.com.
Or call toll free to order the Obama Deception 888-253-3139.
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What they have to say.
Okay, going back to Jim Tucker.
I'm going to let him go in a moment because I know he's busy.
Jim, I wanted to finish up.
We've got Bilderberg 2009 coming up.
Now just keep going back to this.
It's such a big deal.
You have sources inside Bilderberg.
We'll just leave it at that.
Asselin admits he has Bilderberg group members.
But I don't want to say much more than that.
This is just off the charts amazing that these bastards are going to be celebrating the economic collapse, which is they're then hoarding all the bailout money they get through our governments they control.
Do you think this hoax is going to be able to continue on?
I mean this is a very arrogant and bold move by them.
As we mentioned earlier, public awareness is increasing.
Even if politicians dare not use the word Bilderberg, they're forced, as your governor was, to acknowledge that there is a problem and we must face it.
We have seen so many examples of it being reported, not with the term Bilderberg, not used in the national media.
You've cited some broadcast statements.
The awareness is growing.
And politicians are scared.
They're even talking about what Bilderberg denounces as protectionism.
Nationalism, as Bilderberg acknowledges, is on the increase.
And a nationalist is a horrible thing, the Bilderberg view.
So, and as I mentioned earlier, they're far behind their own timetable for a world government.
So I think they're ultimately going to fail.
The trouble is, the Americans are not fighting back hard enough like the Europeans are fighting back.
And Europe England still refuses to join the European Union's common currency.
They still keep the pound.
They refuse to surrender further sovereignty to the European Union.
Demands throughout the European Union member states are less power by the European Union and more sovereignty all the time.
The United States, we're not fighting back as hard and that's why certain bad things could still happen even if Bilderberg is on the ropes.
For example, if we join the World Court
If Obama wants to, we've surrendered a great deal of sovereignty.
We'll never get back, because the International Criminal Court and the World Court are both, would both be similar, superior, superior to our own United States Supreme Court.
And tragically, recently the party justice Sandra Day O'Connor is among those who advocate
Surrendering sovereignty to the International Criminal Court.
They are, uh, sadly, uh, uh, the son of, uh, he's the direct descendant of, uh, of, uh, Supreme Court Justice and President of the United States, William Howard Taft, and, uh, his, uh, son, Robert, the late Robert Taft, the great, uh, American First Senator from Ohio, uh, but the, the latest, uh, Robert Taft IV,
We're good to go.
And that means, for those that don't know, fully adopting the European system of guilty until proven innocent, getting rid of juries, having tribunals.
And we've had Supreme Court justices in Time Magazine, in USA Today, come right out and say, oh, we take our orders now from the higher court, from the International Criminal Court.
So this process is happening.
Yes, we'll sit around the Supreme Court Chambers and talk openly about how we certainly should look to the decisions made by foreign courts in applying constitutional law to the United States.
That's absurd on its face.
And one of the strongest patriarchs of the Supreme Court is Clarence Thomas, who, although he is himself a nigger, is hated by liberals for opposing affirmative action.
There's even some for racial discrimination.
Well, Jim Tucker, we appreciate you coming on the show.
We appreciate your close to 50-something years covering news in 30-plus years.
What is it, 32, 33, 34 years?
How long have you been covering Bilderberg?
All right, well, I really appreciate you coming on and I hope you'll join us from... You're going to be going to Greece, right, to cover Bilderberg?
The itinerary is on our website.
Okay, fantastic.
And folks, again, can get your book at InfoWars.com and the shopping cart, Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary, put out by American Free Press.
Jim, thank you so much for spending time with us.
And when do I need to have my producer check your itinerary to set a couple of updates from you while you're at Bilderberg 2009?
Oh, uh, whenever he wants to.
Remembering that there's a seven hour time difference because when we're on daylight time, it's seven hours.
Yeah, so we'll be interviewing you then, uh, every, uh, evening at, say, seven o'clock.
Uh, we can pick out some such.
Uh, no, it'd be better to do it in the middle of the afternoon because we normally have our, as you recall from your own experience, we have our pool meeting, uh, in the evenings.
No, I know, but see, we're live.
We're live 11 to 3 p.m.
So I guess it was a seven-hour difference in the Mediterranean in that zone in Greece that I could have you on at like 11 and then that would be at 6 o'clock.
That's how we've had to do it in the past.
I guess I could record the interviews, Jim.
Or how about 2 p.m.
Greek time?
That would still be within your nighttime frame, wouldn't it?
Yeah, I do have a nighttime show, but Jason Berners is doing that now.
Well, we'll figure it out, Jim, regardless.
Regardless, regardless.
I know you have your pool reports going on there, but it's always breaking news on what's coming up in the next year, because these people really do run the planet.
Jim Tucker, thank you so much.
You're welcome.
All right, we'll talk to you soon.
You know, one of my pet peeves is people not knowing what words mean in semantics, because I know I'm going to get emails from ignorant people.
Remember Robin Page, who we had on, BBC reporter, was in the BBC News.
He did a report on rural affairs, and he gave a speech saying, rural communities deserve the same rights as homosexuals and Muslims.
He was arrested!
And the British police, five years ago, said, the word homosexual is a hate word.
Now, heterosexual, homosexual, that's just a scientific name for your sexual preference.
And it's the same thing with Anglo Negro.
And I was watching a documentary about the 50s and 60s civil rights movement.
And it showed the black folks saying, we demand to be called that.
And then nowadays the public's so ignorant, somebody uses the old-fashioned term.
And then they all freak out.
See, that shows how screwed up the public is.
They don't care if the government funds HIV and black folks vaccines.
It's just, don't use a scientific term.
I just wanted to add that before I get emails.
You need to learn not to be so ignorant out there.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Okay, so, the state of Texas is on the verge of passing a 10th Amendment slash 9th Amendment reaffirmation of the Bill of Rights Constitution.
South Dakota's passed it.
A bunch of other states are in the process of passing it.
And see, all of you out there said, oh, it won't do any good, oh, it won't help.
You won't get this passed, Jones.
And then, oh, well, even if it passes, they won't enforce it.
It's all part of a process, a reawakening to our liberties and freedoms.
It's just one more solution.
And also, when the Feds put out these reports saying gun owners are terrorists, veterans are terrorists, people that love freedom are bad, well, we just rebuke how bad this is and expose what a fraud it is.
I mean, we gotta be in the fight, not just sit here and say it's too big, we don't have any power.
The truth is, we do have a lot of power.
To the point of Bilderberg Group, New World Order crony, busy handing over the roads and power plants to the Bilderberg Group, that's on record, Rick Perry has to come out and camouflage himself like he's one of us.
And, you know, if he's forced by political weight, he's checked the vote.
Remember a month and a half ago when I had state senators on and people?
And more importantly,
Millions of Texans just like yourself that are tired of Washington D.C.
trying to come down here and tell us how to run Texas.
I happen to think this is a pretty bold step.
HCR is, as introduced by Representative Creighton, co-authored by Representative Guillén, is a bipartisan piece of legislation.
It concerns all Texans.
It concerns all Americans.
The Tenth Amendment was enacted by folks who remembered what it was like to have
A very oppressive government to be under the thumb of tyrants and an all-powerful government.
Unfortunately, the protection... Head pause.
I mean, that is too incredible.
And we know what it's like to be under the thumb of tyrants.
Man, I've met Rick Perry.
I know Rick Perry.
He does not normally talk with that big of a Texas accent.
I mean, this is deep.
I would call that a far-west Texas accent, almost.
And he from South Texas Point is, I'm the thumb of tyrants!
Back it up!
You can't even hardly understand.
I'm the oppressive thumb of tyrants!
I like that though.
At least they're talking about the oppressive thumb of tyrants now.
Because again, we are becoming the mainstream.
The government is tyrannical.
Here it is.
Tenth Amendment was enacted
By folks who remembered what it was like to have a very oppressive government, to be under the thumb of tyrants and an all-powerful government.
Unfortunately, the protections it guarantees have melted away over the course of the years.
You're probably familiar with that old adage about
How to boil a frog.
You know, you just get him to sit there in that pot, and you turn up the heat a little bit by a little bit, and before you know it, the frog doesn't realize it, but he's done.
And since the United States Constitution was ratified... Stop it!
I've got to imitate this.
How many times have I done the frog in the pot thing?
I mean, it's like Alex Jones is now the governor.
Kind of like you've got a frog in a pot, and little by little you turn the heat up and pretty much sooner or later he's done.
The Tyrants!
I just love it though.
Because what's going to happen is...
They're trying to chameleon now and act like they're patriots because they're getting the feedback.
They're learning.
They know about the New World Order now.
They know about everything.
They know about everything we stole.
They know I took money from Merck knowing that vaccine killed people so we would get vaccine damage federal funding.
Because if I make it mandatory, or say it's mandatory, then the federal funds kick in to give it liability protection.
They're finding out about me.
They're finding out I won't fight the tyrants too.
I'm against them as well.
Here, play it again, play it again.
You know, you just get him to sit there in that pot, and you turn up the heat a little bit by a little bit, and before you know it, the frog doesn't realize it, but he's done.
And since the United States Constitution was ratified, the federal government's been slowing down.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good to go.
In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
And we had Rick Perry with us.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it.
On down to Mississippi to the Redcoats.
And then what happened is Rick Perry was with the Redcoats.
And he ran behind a bush, took his red coat off and put one of our uniforms on.
He ran out.
Hey, I'm with you guys.
We need to fight the tyrants.
We don't want to be like that frog pretty soon cooking in that pot, boy.
It's all a big act with Perry.
The whole Texas thing is like with Bush.
And it really gets old.
We look down the river.
I gotta watch it.
If I go into Hickland, I'm actually somewhat of a hick.
I'll actually revert.
Start talking like, uh, Granny Clampett.
You get you in there and get me some possums and get the frying pan out there, Jeffro.
Gee, Granny, I guess so.
I guess Rick Perry's on our side then.
Oh, man, I am really out of control today.
Well, everything is going to hell in a handbasket, so I might as well have some fun with it.
Let's be serious, and I'm going to your calls.
Back it up, and let's just hear what Rick Perry had to say, unedited, without me stopping and laughing.
Okay, but I mean, here he is playing his good old boy.
I mean, I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a cowboy hat and a big belt.
But the point is, is that that's fake and all the rest of it's fake.
But the reason this is important is this globalist involved in everything horrid for the New World Order.
I mean, he's been to Bilderberg.
Normally, if a governor's invited to that, it means they're planning to make him president later.
He's doing this now because he knows which way the wind is blowing.
This will be a betrayal, make no mistake.
But it means still that we're forcing them to at least talk the talk.
That means we can make a lot of them walk the walk.
So let's go ahead and go to Rick Perry, the incredible good old boy.
Here he is.
Representative Guillen is a bipartisan piece of legislation.
It concerns all Texans.
It concerns all Americans.
The Tenth Amendment was enacted by folks who remembered what it was like to have a very oppressive government, to be under the thumb of tyrants and an all-powerful government.
Unfortunately, the protections it guarantees have melted away over the course of the years.
You're probably familiar with that old adage about
How to boil a frog.
You know, you just get him to sit there in that pot, and you turn up the heat a little bit by a little bit, and before you know it, the frog doesn't realize it, but he's done.
And since the United States Constitution was ratified, the federal government's been slowly kind of turning up the heat on the states, if you will, and they've eroded the notion of states' rights.
The Founding Fathers understood that a one-size-approach doesn't work with the states when it comes to governing.
Especially a country the size of the United States.
And I'll promise you it doesn't work for Texas.
Our economic strength, compared to the federal budget mess and other problems that they've got up there, is a great example that Texans know best how to govern Texas.
We're proof that good things happen when government lowers taxes, it lowers regulations, it reduces spending, it encourages private sector growth.
You can watch it all at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Steve Watson's on a story for InfoWars.net on it.
Meanwhile they've passed a state franchise tax that is a state income tax.
They passed all these other little taxes.
It's got to be every month some new tax bureaucrat shows up informing me of a new tax.
Here at our little office.
The state of Texas is under federal control.
The state police are brainwashed by the feds.
They're doing all sorts of urban warfare drills.
Texas is going to hell in a handbasket.
Rick Perry's handing over the state-paid-for power plants, roads, infrastructure to the Bilderberg Group.
He's tied in with people from Bilderberg that have been indicted in foreign banks running scams in Texas.
And then he's going to prance around telling us about tyrants.
On record one time we had a reporter down at the Capitol and Rick Perry walks out and they go, hey Governor Perry, it's Alex Jones here on the phone.
And he goes, what are you doing you big ol' fat hog?
People think I'm joking.
John, did you find that when I mentioned it?
You can YouTube Alex Jones, Rick Perry.
You can find it.
It doesn't matter.
People can hear it if they want.
Point is, Rick Perry is a real piece of work.
Look, this is good news that he's at least having a talk about it.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
I'm going to shut up and try to just bam, bam, bam, go through them here.
Of course, you know I'll fail, but that's all right.
Matt in Mass.
You're on the air, Matt.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'd like you to know it's an honor and a privilege to finally talk to you.
It's an honor and privilege to talk to you, sir.
I am one pissed off American, but according to the government, I'm just a crazy terrorist.
You don't like foreign banks ruling you and stealing all your money?
That is crazy.
You're dangerous.
I tell you, whoa, what am I going to do?
I got so much to talk about.
You don't know what I've been through, especially with the bank foreclosing on me.
But anyways, you know, up in Massachusetts, 90% of the people up here are still asleep.
They have no idea what's going on.
And I'm excited to go to Lexington on the Green on the 19th to see what kind of turnout we got.
Absolutely, and I'm going to have the folks doing that, the Oath Keepers, all these police and military going there to say, we won't confiscate guns, we won't go along with stealing property, New World Order.
And if we educate the police and military, which is now happening, that's right, globalists are trying to brainwash them with all these reports saying gun owners are evil and all the rest of it.
If we reach out to the uniforms, the New World Order won't be able to get away with anything.
Exactly, unless they set the Chinese and the Russians on us.
Which they've openly done deals to actually use Czech Republic, Ukrainians, Filipinos, Mexicans, Canadians on us, and some Germans and Dutch, because I've been to the drills and seen the agreements.
But it wasn't about Chinese and Russians.
I know because it's in Red Dawn.
And that's kind of popular out in the militia movement to think that.
But we know the countries they're training with to occupy the U.S., so that's admitted in Army War College documents.
We've had Colonel Craig Robertson talk about it.
They give chapter and verse that they will use foreign troops in America, but they list those nations.
But it is very, very serious.
And you know what?
If I had your resources, I'd be as loud or louder.
What else is on your mind, Matt?
Listen, first I'd like to say, you know, I would be more than happy to move to Texas and work for you for nothing.
I mean, that's how much faith I have in you.
I am calling about eugenics.
I have hepatitis C. I don't know anybody who has AIDS, and I'm 50 years old, but I know at least 30 people who have hepatitis C.
I don't know where I contracted it from.
I have tattoos, but I've been to licensed parlors that have been inspected and whatnot.
I don't know how I've got it, but I'm just wondering if I should be taking the antibiotics for that, the interferon, because I'm worried sick that they're, you know, sticking something else in me.
Let me try to answer your question.
I appreciate your call, Matt.
Look, I'm not, I can't practice medicine here.
And medicine is very complex and it also depends on the individual, but I know what medical doctors have said.
We've gone from one case in 2004 of leprosy, and no cases before that for decades, to 7,000 in 2005, 2006, the next year.
You can pull these numbers up.
And then we haven't seen numbers since then.
We've gone, I mean, hepatitis, everything's off the charts.
And you can get hepatitis from somebody making your, you know, your hamburger at a fast food place.
And in Mexico they spray the farms with human feces and then people have gotten hepatitis from that.
It's the third world food.
And then when they create the crisis of the salmonella and the hepatitis, then they say, oh, we need to pass a law shutting down organic farming in the U.S.
But then having no regulations and all the stuff coming in from Latin America.
So that's the biggest issue.
You can get it from sexual partners, things like that.
That's why they want to give everybody, every baby at birth a hepatitis shot.
And a lot of people have shown evidence that it's actually giving people the hepatitis.
But there's a lot of stuff they've added to vaccines.
There's the factor VIII blood drugs that people are given that have HIV and hepatitis in it.
So it's very, very serious.
Chip in Michigan.
Oh, oh, oh, just to finish another question.
The interferon and all that, there's a lot of studies, a lot of experts, a lot of doctors that say it's the
Drugs that supposedly treat you for HIV and other similar things that actually kill you quicker, but whatever.
Let's talk to Chip in Michigan.
Chip, you're on the air.
Hey, what's going on, Al?
Doing a worldwide transmission.
I know you don't have all the answers and I'm not looking for an answer.
I'm just looking for a suggestion.
My father and I, we've watched certain videos, yours, a couple of yours, and we read similar books
Um, for the past, geez, 15 years or so, we're on kind of the same wavelength.
The, uh, other day I brought over the Obama deception, hot off the presses, um, as far as he's concerned, and, um, normally we watch a video, and he'll press pause, we'll talk about it, we'll continue watching, he'll press pause periodically throughout the video, and we'll discuss it.
During the Obama deception, he pressed pause once, he sat there with his mouth open, and once in a while he'd say,
Holy bleep.
Afterwards, his first comment to me was, and I want you to know that he's 68, he's retired.
So when he made this comment to me, he was referring to himself and people in his quote unquote category, being older and retired and heavily invested in this system.
His first comment to me was the only thing Alex failed to mention was what we can do about it.
And I was wondering if you could just suggest something that I could tell him and people in his quote-unquote category of retirement.
Well, that's a very important question, but overall, it's not hype when I say this film is particularly powerful, because it's so timely, it covers the master plan of the globalists, the bankers, the police state, the grid, and I think therein lies the solution.
We talk about states' rights, we talk about saying no to the feds, we talk about criminally going after the bankers.
We talk about everyone getting involved in their own issues and saying no to the system.
I mean, it's full of solutions.
At the end, I'm going to have more solutions in another film I'm making to come out in about two, three months.
But, I mean, specifically,
The solution is not letting them carry out the next phase.
They took control of the government.
They bankrupted us.
They de-industrialized us.
They militarized the police.
They kidnap over 1,400,000 children a year.
They engage in all these hard crimes.
We have to recognize that evil and take abortion.
No, go out with a placard of dead babies, sounds horrible, looks terrible, people get offended, but just folks doing that has gone from around 50% of people being for abortion to now only about 25% in all the major polls.
So we're winning that fight.
The truth is if we just take, and then you save babies right there.
Men and women don't need to fight with each other.
We've been trained to do it in society.
If you get married and have kids, you've got to stick together, because statistically it's going to hurt your children if you break up.
Living well, the best revenge is living well, as the French say.
Getting along with your neighbors, being informed, enjoying life, caring about other people.
I mean, I love seeing healthy, happy people.
I love seeing people do well.
I love seeing people, you know, who are creative.
And I thought everybody else was like me.
I didn't know that a lot of folks are, like, diseased mentally from Madison Avenue, and they hate seeing other people do well.
You know, I mean, again, we've got to get our heads screwed on right and think tribally as a human society against the elites.
Instead, they all try to divide us off against each other.
And, you know, they...
They're going to say, do whatever we want with the Bank of the World, with regulation, with federalization, and we'll turn the economy back on.
Then they're going to give you some of the money, but then hyperinflate.
And then as things get worse, they're going to say, oh, you didn't do what we said, that's why they got worse.
It's designed to get worse, because things getting worse are better for them.
Your dad says, what do you do about it?
Call the state legislature.
Go for 10th Amendment resolutions.
Educate local police and military.
Just because you're a father and you know all about the stuff doesn't mean your neighbors, your friends, your family.
Number one is education so people know the ballgame they're in.
They know what they're facing.
They know their enemy.
So there's some solutions.
I get that.
I was just... I'm looking for a practical thing.
He's looking at me and he's... Sir, sir, sir, there's no silver bullet.
There's no one thing.
I mean, I can't say you go meet a leprechaun behind the barn and he's gonna, you know, he's gonna fix everything for you.
It's a process.
Looking at my dad and I'm thinking, well, what can I... what can I tell this guy?
He's got a good point.
He's retired.
He's heavily invested in the system and this kind of information obviously will, and rightfully so,
Holy shatter is reality.
I mean, that would be everything to him.
The system is shattered.
The New World Order built this current grid to get us decadent, get us in debt, get us under their control, so that when they finally try to pull us down, we don't swim to the surface, we go ahead and go down with the Hydra.
Okay, I'll go to the bottom with you.
It's the best system we've got.
You know, they're destroying what they built before and bringing in their New World Order.
I mean, they've got police at
Announcing you'll be arrested if you don't take vaccines and then having police dogs with thousands of kids crying being injected outside sports stadiums.
I mean, you know, people say, well, Hitler, you know, the Hitlerian system of 1938, I mean, you know, it looks like it's going to get bad, but it's the system I'm invested in.
I don't even claim to have all the answers, but people say, well, what do I do?
I mean, you know, well, you're smart.
What are you going to do?
Well, like I told you when I first called, I'm not asking for an answer.
All I'm looking at is this old man in the face, and he wants to know what he can do.
Obviously, he's not going around to rallies.
He's not putting DVDs on people's windshields.
Well, why not?
Listen, I appreciate your call, but I've got to say this.
There were people who were ship captains by the time they were 20, because people needed to get their lives going.
You know, people were considered men by the time they were 12, 13, 14 years old.
Now they teach you, so you're a kid, have fun until college, and then, oh, don't worry about things, party and have fun while you're in college, and, oh, you're a young person now, trying to pay off your college debt, get out there and make it first, and then, oh, I'm too busy with my job, and, oh, now I'm retired, I'm not involved in politics.
It's a cop-out!
Number one, you're not going to be fulfilled till you stand up to tyranny.
You were born to fight tyranny.
Tyranny is always going to be there trying to eat your lunch, trying to take over.
So we're meant to build better communities.
We're meant to be involved.
That's why the establishment creates counterfeits of that, to try to control things.
And you said, well, you said, I wasn't asking for an answer.
You know, kind of implying I didn't give you one.
You want a solution, look in the mirror.
Uh, you know, what is it when I get up here and expose federal documents saying the American people are terrorists?
That is a big solution.
Exposing how out of control they are, how tyrannical they are, how the government is arraying itself to wage war with the people and announcing regular army will be used against us.
What is that?
That is tyranny.
So there's another solution.
Expose their crimes.
What do the founders do?
Committees of Correspondence.
They exposed it.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
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Ira Hayes Ira Hayes Call him Drunken Ira Hayes He won't answer anymore Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian Nor the Marine that went to war
You know, I don't claim to know all the answers, but I certainly know historically what tyranny is, and I know it's a lot worse than freedom.
But I also find a lot of the public, and people that want to write books, people that want to make films, people that want to do radio shows, they'll talk and plan and have endless meetings and
Announce all these big wild ideas, and then never put it into action.
I've made 22 films, produced a couple others, written a book, published a book, created a bunch of websites, done tens of thousands of hours of radio, traveled all over the country and the world confronting corruption, and I'm not tooting my horn here.
I'm saying I've taken action.
And are my films perfect?
Is my work perfect?
I don't
Spending your whole life saying, what can I do, what can I do?
And then, well, my dad's 69.
He isn't going to put DVDs on windshields.
At Lexington and Concord, a large percentage, in fact, close to a third of the people were above 70 that fought the British.
There were 75, 85, 89-year-old people out there blasting British.
Now, I'm not saying go out and blast people, you know, because I understand the Founding Fathers were terrorists and bad.
America's bad, according to these federal reports.
My whole issue is, is that
They tell you you're old, so it's your time to just enjoy yourself.
What, watch TV and get Alzheimer's?
Direct link to it?
Just sitting around all day watching TV?
Or maybe you go play golf, or you go fart around and play dominoes?
I mean, that isn't living.
Who told you your life doesn't matter now, or you don't have value, or nobody should hear from you?
Plus, young people are like, ah, shut up, old man!
And then old folks are like, ah, shut up, you dumb kids!
We're all together.
Young folks are meant to hang out with old folks, and old folks like to hang out with young folks.
See, they've taken all the natural order of things and screwed them all up.
To all these young 18-year-olds, you know how boring it is to hang out with a bunch of 18-year-old guys?
But it's interesting to hang around with some old Korean war vet.
Get him to talk about stories of people in foxholes.
Or women, or, you know, I mean, that's who you want to hang out with.
Whoosh is in there.
No, have you ever hung out with old men?
I mean, literally been around the world?
It's interesting.
That's where you get the knowledge.
You get it all boiled down.
Instead, you've got all these old men who think their lives are over.
They don't have anything to give now.
They don't matter.
Look, I don't care if you're 10 years old or if you're 95 years old.
You got a job to do fighting corruption, and you have value, and you have a job to do.
Now, I've already been ranting, and I said I'd take phone calls, and we got an economist coming up.
Where's my bio sheet on what's happening and what happened in Argentina?
So that's coming up, and we'll take a few calls in this next segment, and then go to our guests at the 8 after.
We'll be very informative, so stay with us on that.
Before I go any further, though, again, I want to encourage all the listeners and viewers of this show right now to not procrastinate, to not wait, to not screw around, to get the Obama deception.
There's a lot of simple things you can do.
You say, what's the solution?
Instead of talking to yourself, blowing your face to your neighbors, tell them about the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
Just send them a link, say, hey, listen to this for free.
Here's the audio stream at PrisonPlanet.com.
Or go get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership and share your passcode and username with a few friends and family.
You know, get them to watch The Obama Deception in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, make copies of it.
You know, there's a lot you can do, but just quit sitting on your hind end.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, who's up next here?
Joshua in Florida.
You are on the air.
Alex Jones, how are you, my friend?
Good, buddy.
I wanted to actually comment quickly on the last caller.
I would encourage all the people that follow into that demographic to get involved with the AARP.
And use that as a vehicle to really spread this information.
I think he could do that.
That would be helpful.
Well, I mean, look, I'm not mad at the caller.
He was a nice guy, but he said, give me solutions.
And then he said, oh, that's not really, you know, he acted like I didn't give him one.
So, I mean, only politicians are going to tell you everything's fine if you just do what they say.
Oh, absolutely.
Also, I wanted to comment, man.
You were on the Alan Cohn Show the other day, and that was excellent.
We really enjoyed that.
And it worked out perfectly because the whole week, building up to your appearance on the show, our group here in Orlando, we were calling Allen every night talking about the civilian inmate labor program, talking about the MIAC report, and then you were just able to come in on Friday and completely tie everything up, so that was great.
Oh, good!
I guess with the tea parties that are going on, there's definitely going to be a big one here in Orlando tomorrow at Iola Park.
It's supposed to be about 6,000 people, but we do have a group of about 20 people and a couple of bullhorns.
We're going to go down there tomorrow.
We have close to 1,000 DVDs, probably more by then, to give out with the Obama deception and all kinds of other stuff.
And I just want to encourage people who are in Florida who are wanting to get active, maybe this is the first time you're hearing this and you don't know where to go to, you can go to www.meetup.com backslash
Orlando 9-11 Truth.
We do a lot of stuff.
And last thing, I'll let you go Alex, I know you've got a lot to do, but we're going to have a special celebrity endorsement tomorrow.
We've got a life-size Barack Obama cutout we're taking to the rally with us, with a speech bubble that says,
Same agenda.
One world government.
Well done.
Well done.
Good to hear from you.
And again, folks are calling in going, what are solutions?
The power of the people.
Just with the Obama deception.
I mean, people are sending me videos all over the country of huge DVD copiers, which aren't even that expensive.
Just copying, copying, copying, and giving it to everybody.
And it's, we're, this film's been out for a month.
Tens of millions of views online for free.
The thousands of DVDs we've shipped out in the highest quality being copied everywhere.
It is explosive!
And then we've got these giant CDN servers.
And we've told listeners, PrisonPlanet.tv members, you can share it with six friends and family.
Just tell them don't share it because then it'll bankrupt us or the servers will shut down.
I got a $40,000 bill or something for the overage.
Yeah, that's where the video
Video, the film sales go right back into the servers to pay to give it out and that's because the members, we let members give it out to like ten people.
You know, ten people can enter the passcode and use it at any one time.
And they just share it with everybody and it was just really financial hardship on that end to have done that.
But that's when you know you get success when you're, you know, using
What was it, like 90 terabytes or something for the Obama deception?
Hey Matt, what was it?
90 terabytes last month?
They don't even hear me out there.
90 terabytes?
Over 90 terabytes?
Over 90 terabytes.
For folks in IT, you know what that means.
90 terabytes.
Now that's serving a video out, baby.
That is serving a video out.
And now, you know, it took me years just to get the money to have servers and people that could run them that can handle that.
Because we're talking about 90 terabytes in a month.
And $40,000.
So, go buy the DVDs at Infowars.com, folks.
We need the money.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is always happening.
Adrian Salvucci, the economist down in Argentina, documenting what their collapse was like, by design, with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Have a trouble getting connected to him in Argentina.
Way down there on the tip of South America.
So that's coming up.
If he's not on today, it'll be on tomorrow.
It doesn't matter.
I've got just tons of important news I haven't even gotten to yet.
Like 9-1-1 Commission Council, government agreed to lie about 9-11.
The big prestigious talker's magazine
Has listed me in the top 50 talkers of 2009.
All these years they've ignored me.
And they stuck me in here with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Gallagher, and all these other people like Michael Savage and Mark Levine.
This is ridiculous.
I almost don't even like being on the map with these people.
But, Talker sent me a... Dr. Loris Lessinger.
But I guess I should feel nice that, uh... that they included me in this.
Very bizarre, though.
Where do they get these 50 people?
Oh, it doesn't matter.
This was just sent to me.
Okay, anyways, let's continue with your phone calls here.
Let's talk to Dan in Pennsylvania.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Yes, hello.
Good afternoon.
I have a lot of issues that I could bring up, but I have two major ones that I'd like to bring up.
One is the thing about Obama wanting to have national service on 9-11.
What is it?
I just wondered if anybody has thought about two days beforehand of this year, because I'm thinking that might be like a false flag terror thing that's going to happen on September 9th, 2009.
Oh, that would be 999, wouldn't it?
Yeah, turn it upside down. 666.
Well look at how they bombed Madrid on 333.
Look at 7-7.
Look at all the other bombings.
They always do it on weird cryptic numbers because not that we believe in that, it's them that believe in this weird Babylon mystery school.
A numerology system.
But folks thought it would be really bad on 666.
You know, 2006, six months, six days, and nothing really happened.
So sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
But there's no doubt they want national compulsory service.
The bills are introduced.
They pulled it out of one version, put it back in a new one, 1444, or 1444.
And so that's certainly all going on.
Yeah, and that's just one of my thoughts when the next false flag terror will happen.
Also, I'm 41 years old and I haven't had any vaccinations, flu shots, or anything at all.
My mother didn't believe in them at all since I was a kid and everything like that.
Was she with Al Qaeda?
Because, you know, the government says, folks, that's in these reports.
If you don't want to believe in the vaccines, you're also a dangerous terrorist.
But go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
And I only had a tetanus shot when I was like 17.
That's the last shot I had like that.
And I'm just wondering if there's anybody else out there that has been like that.
I mean,
Yeah, I haven't had a vaccine since I had surgery for a broken leg when I was 16 and they gave me a tetanus shot.
So I haven't had any vaccine since 16 either.
Yeah, I mean, I could go on and on and on, especially about family court and you name it, you know, because I haven't seen my kids in almost three years because of that.
Well, what happens is they don't even give them to grandparents now.
In fact, John, I sent you a bunch of clips of those.
You got those news clips?
Okay, well I'm... Yeah, we're going to play that clip later.
Thank you so much for the call, Dan.
Jim in Pennsylvania, then Marie in Germany and others.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
It's an honor to talk to you.
Honor to talk to you.
Well, I just wanted to comment on what you were talking about earlier.
Uh, getting active and doing different things.
I'm a student up here at Kutztown University.
I've been doing all I can now.
I've been putting flyers out, giving people links, giving people copies of the DVD, whatever I can do.
Well, thank you, sir.
Sorry, I thought I disconnected, but yeah, um, you know, I've been, I've been getting everybody from left-wing, right-left-wing, all the, trying to open their eyes, trying to look into what's going on.
What do you think about all these governors and talk show hosts and Ann Coulter saying they want to fight the New World Order?
Didn't exist all these years, but now they want to fight it.
I think it's hilarious.
I think it's just so, everybody's getting to think one way, that they're trying to jump on our side and try to
There's a consensus with the population that's opening their eyes.
Exactly, exactly.
But they want to make us think that they're on our side.
Just like Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War.
They tried to deny this because they were part of it.
And then now that they know we're becoming the majority, they're trying to act like they're with us.
But you look at their actions, it's the opposite.
It's going to be betrayal.
I got another thing to say.
I'm up here on a college campus, and I've been noticing little by little, you know, the last couple months or so, you know, every once in a while I'd walk out and I'd see a military person walking by, people in uniforms, just a group of them walking down the street, and I always found it a little odd.
And I was listening to your interview with Jim Tucker about an hour ago, and you guys were talking about cigarettes, and you got me wanting one, so I went outside, and I'm having a cigarette,
Yeah, why are they here and what can we do to get them out of here?
No, no, they're being quietly encouraged to boss people around.
So you'll have a mass shooting, they show up, you'll have a DWI checkpoint, the Army and Marines are there.
You'll have the Governor of Tennessee say, we heard you're going to run illegal checkpoints on highways, you're not allowed to.
And then it was in the Tennessee papers, the Army said, we don't care what the Governor says, we're going to do it.
Because they intend to fully, slowly implode the economy,
And then as the riots and things break out, they'll pose as the saviors, put troops on the streets, the public will say, yay, they restored order, that will then set the precedent for the full military occupation, and then gun confiscation will come after, like Senator Dianne Feinstein said.
She said, we're gonna ban your guns in 60 minutes.
She said, we're gonna ban them.
But she said we're going to do it in our own time.
And so they got to first economically hurt us.
You know, they hate our guts.
They're happy to steal, destroy the dollar, crush our future, get us enslaved.
Once they've got that, then, as the IMF engaged in in Argentina and other countries, once things fully implode, then the riots, then the troops.
And we do have
Our next guest on with us, and I appreciate your call, is Adrian El-Sabouchi, and he's a researcher, author, speaker, international consultant, economist, advisor to international companies, specializing in political, economic, and financial power structures of globalization.
He's a founding member of Argentina's Second Republic Movement.
And he's 56 years old, four children, and he has the website ASalbucci.com.ar.
So A in Salbucci spelled S-A-L-B-U-C-H-I.
And he's the author of several books on geopolitics, international relations, and other subjects.
The bio goes on and on.
And of course, he wrote a series for major newspapers like World Government, so he's an expert on the New World Order, and he's from Argentina, where they engineered the collapse.
I'll never forget the Washington Post, right after the collapse of Argentina, reported that within two weeks of it happening, middle class people were homeless and a truck dumped over with cattle, and the people were running up, slicing wet blobs of
My pleasure, Alex.
How are you?
Great to say hello to you and your audience.
That's great to have you here.
Sorry we got the numbers mixed up, but we at least have it at the end of the hour.
We're about to break.
Okay, parallels.
Tell folks what happened in Argentina versus what's now being done to the US, Iceland, Europe, Australia.
Well, we had a series of collapses of different characteristics.
We had one in 1975, that's why I always say I'm 56 and I went through three of them.
One in 1975, a much worse one in 1989 that ended in hyperinflation, and the very worst was in 2001-2002, which is the one you're referring to, Alex.
And what happened then is the whole banking system collapsed.
The chain of payments collapsed.
People had their money completely blocked in the bank.
They just couldn't get it out to even buy the most elemental necessities of life or pay their petrol and their gas in their car tanks and so forth.
And as you say, we did have some extreme cases.
That's the one you said, you know, people, very poor people, impoverished people doing anything to have something to eat.
Yeah, I think so.
We're good.
Uh, when you're in grief over somebody's death, we've all lost a dear person in our family or a friend, and at first we feel shock, and after that terrible grief, and then it's terrible sitting down at the dining table and seeing that the chair where your dad or your mom used to sit is empty, but after a month, after six months, after a year, you get used to it.
You cope with it.
And they did that.
Part of the experiment they did with us was that.
They took our money away.
Everybody was banging pots and pans down the street.
Everybody was screaming, yelling.
I had friends that literally, and I myself, wanted to set fire to the street.
Stay there, stay there, sir.
Gotta break.
From Argentina.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Adrian Salbucci is our guest, economist, researcher.
He wrote back in 1995, World Government, the book, and how they were controlling his nation.
It's the same thing.
I'm having World Bank brag.
You heard Jim Tucker earlier with Sources Inside Bilderberg.
They are celebrating.
Well, George Soros is in the news saying this is the greatest time of his life, the culmination, that he's behind this all.
They can't wait until you're bankrupt under their control.
This is a tool of their control.
They can't wait to turn the police loose on you.
That's why CPS kidnapped people's kids that are poor.
They want all your kids.
This is them taking over.
This is a military operation.
Okay, Mr. Salvucci, continuing, you've lived through this, and I love the analogy you do, showing a peso and the devaluation of it.
Continue with what the globalists are doing and what's going to happen here.
Yeah, what you were saying, Alex, about the peso that I show in the YouTube film is just to show a one peso coin, one Argentine peso coin will hardly buy you a bus drive in downtown Buenos Aires, and yet
We're good to go.
And what I was saying just before the break, and this is something that we should all keep in mind, I think that Argentina in 2001 and 2002 when we had our financial banking and monetary collapse and meltdown, in a way we were sort of a trial case.
We were sort of an experiment to see how people would react.
Yes, we're good.
And if you had a large savings, fixed deposits and so forth, you couldn't take it out, period, until further advice.
The first reaction of people was to go crazy.
People started banging pots and pans down the street.
They attacked and broke the windows and banks and so forth.
That happened for a while.
After a month, it continued to happen.
After three months, it happened, but a little bit less.
And by the sixth month, people had gotten used to it.
They had sought other alternative ways of surviving, more or less, and they got used to it.
And I was making the analogy of when you lose a dear person who has died, first you're grief-stricken.
Then you can't believe it.
Then you're really terrible.
But as time goes on, life goes on and you have no choice but to get used to it.
And they realize that with Argentina, in spite of the fact that 50% of the population ended up below the poverty line, in spite of the fact that absolutely everybody to a greater or lesser extent lost part of their assets and a lot of people lost a lot of their assets,
And then...
I want you to talk about that.
But in 2002, the IMF World Bank documents got leaked.
BBC reported how they bragged, how they'd engineered that in Argentina, and how they shut the bank money off, even though they had it, to create a loss of confidence.
So people would panic.
But I want you to speak to that, but I want folks to understand.
Latin America has more resources than South America, than the U.S.
does many times over.
The people are hardworking too.
The elites brag that they hyper-inflate things every...
A few decades to keep the people poor and the elites buy up real assets while they're inflating it.
Then they announce it's worthless to destroy confidence and consolidate even more.
Now they're going to try this here.
They've never really done this here because they're afraid of the guns.
They decided to go ahead and do it here and march the military and police against the public.
So that's why this is going to be so much worse than even Argentina.
And so this is what's going to happen.
The government's going to take everything most of you've got.
Go ahead, sir.
I hate to say this, but unfortunately, you are right to a great extent.
I think we have to keep in mind that economics, in a way, is a branch of psychology, and the greater the crisis, the more psychological it is, because whatever you do to keep your assets, whether it be money, shares, other currencies, and so forth, it's all based on your psychological perception of how good or how bad a particular currency is.
For example,
We didn't stick on to Argentinian pesos because we knew that they were inflating, they were becoming grossly devalued, and we would stick on to dollars, which in 2001 and 2002 was sort of our version of flight to safety.
Now I think we have to keep very much in mind that there is a very large psychological factor behind all of this.
They are in a way trying to take all the options and the alternatives away from us.
Stay there.
Stay there, sir.
That was a short segment.
Long segment coming up with the economist and author from Argentina, who was writing about the New World Order back in the mid-1990s, fully aware of what's happening.
We'll come right back to him on the other side.
We really appreciate you joining us, sir.
We'll be right back with Adrian Salvucci.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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We're good to go.
We're going back to our guest in just one moment.
Got on about 20 minutes late because of phone problems to Argentina.
But we're going to have him back up in the next few weeks.
He's an amazing political mind, and I want him to be able to roll with how the same people orchestrating their implosion are orchestrating ours.
And we have the documents.
This has even been in mainstream news.
I mean, they're cold-blooded.
The same folks.
They're ruthless.
That's why they're in power.
Meanwhile, they've got their front man, Obama, acting like he's going to fix it all.
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Okay, again, thanks to our sponsors, and also don't forget the online video bookstore at infowarriors.com.
Going back, and I'm going to try to now just sit down and shut up and not ask questions and make points.
We are joined by Adrian Salbucci, and sir, again, international consultant, economist, author.
You've been predicting what would happen in Argentina years before it happened.
You've been predicting what was going to happen here.
Break down how they engineer this, what we're facing, and
Any ways to bring these criminals to justice, or is it just a wonderland of Ponzi scheme criminals in control of our governments and military, and they're just going to continue to oppress until nothing's left?
Well, let me say this.
I fully agree with everything you've just said.
It is a Ponzi, it's a global Ponzi scheme of criminals.
They have huge amounts of power, but let's not forget that their power is based on our alleged weakness.
And it's not so much that we are weak as individual citizens.
Yourself in the United States, ourselves in Argentina, the audience that's listening to us now.
But we are all very separated.
And they ensure that we are all kept completely atomized.
In other words, everybody doing their own thing.
Because if you add the power of just one part of the critical mass of people in the various countries, we are far more powerful than they are.
And they know it.
That's why they permanently wield
Psychological warfare and psychological action against us to make us believe, A, that they are more powerful than what they really are, and B, that we are far weaker than what we really are, because that is the secret of it.
That's the capital one coming out of the bag.
Now, as far as predicting that, I don't think it's so much a question of predicting, Alex.
It's a question of understanding how the model works.
Once you know something about aerodynamics and turbines and a couple of other things, then the mystery of a flying airplane is no longer a mystery, because you understand the model.
And if you understand the model, you can understand the internal trappings and how the whole thing works.
So, for example, as far as Argentina is concerned, our collapse in 2001 and 2002 was brought about by a huge, enormous, unpayable public debt in U.S.
dollars by the government.
They couldn't pay it, and the whole country collapsed.
However, you might ask, well, why did they do that?
The reason they do that is exactly the same reason as to why Shylock lent 3,000 ducats to Antonio, the merchant of Venice.
He told him, look, if you don't give me back the money, I want a pound of your flesh.
And he couldn't give back the money, and he wanted a pound of flesh.
And Antonio's friend said, I'll give you three times the debt.
But the shy look, the miser would say, no, I want my pound of flesh.
In Argentina, the pound of flesh is called our national territory.
They don't want us to pay the 300 billion we allegedly owe them.
They want to have control over the country and control over the territory.
So a debt usually isn't a good excuse for other things, just as for Antonio's pound of flesh.
So what they did with that government, it was a very stupid government, they got the bankers to indebt Argentina completely.
They did this through well-paid and well-financed presidents and ministers of economy and so forth, and once the whole legal structure was set up,
They made sure that we couldn't pay back, and since we couldn't pay back, they collapsed us.
Well, I was about to say, the government, from reading the documents, wasn't stupid.
They were bought and paid for to sell out your sovereignty, just like they've done to us.
And, you know, you talk about how we have the power.
There is an awakening to them, to the globalists, worldwide.
So it's all coming to a head, what these scammers, what these shylocks,
Uh, are doing so, uh, absolutely.
Please continue.
I mean, I mean, they set up deals where they give Fiat, IMF, and World Bank money, backed up by other taxpayers in other countries, and then they make the countries like Argentina then only invest that money with the private corporations owned by the private banks.
So they, it's just insane.
Go ahead.
So you see, the point is, and you made a very valid point there, is when you start understanding what these guys want to do, and perhaps one of the best ways to do it, I'll tell you why I use this example in Argentina, and people will understand it, is, look, think of the Kirchners, who are the president, Christina Kirchner, who's the president of Argentina, or think of Obama, or even George W. Bush, any president, don't think of them as the president, think of them as your national CEO.
So if Obama is your national CEO, that automatically triggers two key questions.
If Obama is our CEO, who sits on the board of directors of the United States of America?
And much more important, who are the shareholders?
Who own the United States of America?
Or Argentina, or Brazil, or any country you like.
When you start understanding that, then you realize that what these guys do is they go into any country, yours or mine, they identify the SOBs, and believe me there are millions of them, who are willing to sell out their country for money, for prestige, for fame, for power, for personal power.
They pay them all they want, they pay all their campaigns, and then they have them as CEOs to do their own dirty work.
They don't need invading forces.
They don't need an invasion as you had to do in Iraq or
And that's what globalism is, is these international bureaus of internationalists training the bureaucracy to go out and take over the nations of the planet through economic espionage.
You know, there's a Washington Post journalist who wrote an article saying Argentina did not fall alone.
Wall Street pushed to the very end.
It was an article that appeared in the Washington Post in August 2003, which Mr. Bluestein later turned into a full-length book, and he gives full names, addresses, details of how Wall Street
They literally produced a scam.
They even incurred in gross professional misrepresentation, professional liability for badly performing as a bank.
And they literally drove Argentina and those who invested in the Tango bonds to bankruptcy.
And at the same time, right after our crisis, also in August of 2002, the New York Times ran a very interesting and shrewd article, which I think states it all.
Will secession be the key to Argentina's problems?
And they wrote an article as to why the whole Patagonia, which are the five southern provinces of Argentina, should secede from the rest of the country and on their own try and see if they could sort out their global problems.
Because if they could split Argentina into two parts, it would be that much easier to control and take over.
So as you can see, everything they do is part of a grand chessboard, and I'm not quoting Zbigniew Brzezinski, but it definitely is part of a grand chessboard, and all that we need to do is understand the trappings, understand the mechanism, alert our countrymen, alert our folk, and as you said a little while back, Alex,
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Okay, we haven't really taken too many ounces of prevention.
We're going to have to take a lot of pounds of cure.
But we're still on time.
We can still do something about it.
We can still fight back.
And the best way to do it is to do it with your wonderful program, where you're really explaining this to a lot of people.
And we should even use the technology that they've made available to us, as you do with the Zeitgeist, the Obama deception movie, and a whole host of other things that you're doing all the time, Alex.
Well, yeah, they put some of my stuff inside, guys.
Now, expanding on this...
Studying this, sir, as you've been doing for decades, what point is the United States at?
How do you see them trying to bring us down and consolidate things?
They're openly announcing they're going to implode the whole world, set up a new bank of the world that will set the carbon taxes, regulate every facet of our lives, have its own military to rule us.
I mean, we're going from the bankers being behind the nations running things to openly putting crowns on their heads and saying, we own you.
So speak to that, this new imperialism, this new colonialism, but openly by the polycentric bankers.
Look, I think the key to this is to understand what they mean when they say New World Order.
You know, New World Order doesn't mean that it's what they're going to do tomorrow.
New World Order is a generic term.
They used it in 1919, just when they founded the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Paris, after the Treaty of Versailles was imposed upon Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Turks.
They talked about a New World Order after World War I.
When World War II was about to end and they got together in Bretton Woods and so forth, it was to form a new world order which was the Yalta schizophrenic world of the post-war Second World War with the USSR on one side and the USA on the other side.
When they were getting ready for globalization, they knew that the USSR had to go.
George Bush announced, George Bush Sr., we're going to have a new world order called globalization.
Now they're talking about another new world order.
And that new world order they're talking about now is world
It was announced on 8 December 2008 in the pages of the Financial Times London by one of their key journalists, Gideon Rachman, and the title of the article says it all.
They just wrote, now it's for world government.
We're going for world government.
And the guy says, I'm not talking about governance.
I'm not talking about international cooperation.
I'm talking about world government.
And that is the next stage that they want to drag us into.
That's why it's so bloody dangerous what's happening right now.
And then you find out that they are literal eugenicists who gave Hitler his own ideas, you find out they're total control freaks on a power trip, and that they've been working for a world government, so they can literally carry out one-child policies, culling,
You name it.
I mean, if folks are upset about world government, they should really be upset if they know what the endgame is.
From your research, sir, how are they planning to bring the U.S.
How do you see these phases unfolding?
And what is their endgame from your research?
Well, the terrible thing, I think, unfortunately, is now, and I fully agree with you, Alex, it has a full name.
It's Barack Hussein Obama.
I mean, people should realize, how is it possible that somebody who was completely unknown four years ago was listed from obscurity in Illinois to full Washington, D.C.
pomp in just three years and is the President of the United States with an unlikely name of Barack Hussein Obama?
Barack Hussein Obama is the CEO and I think what we have to see is the people that they've placed around Mr. Obama.
You have three types of people basically.
You have the CFR think tank people, you have the Clintonites who are the people like Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner,
We're good to go.
And unfortunately, you also have the Zionists back in power.
I mean, you have a Chief of Staff who has double Israeli-U.S.
nationality, probably belongs to the intelligence service of the Israeli Defense Forces, and his follow-up fought as a guerrilla terrorist in the Urgun Twi-Levmi.
I mean, you have very, very tough people there.
You have David Axelrod.
You have Hillary Clinton, who's an absolute Zionist.
You have Joe Biden, who in a TV interview in Israel, in Shalom TV on 7th April 2007, he said literally, and you can watch this on YouTube, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, I'm a Zionist!
So I figure, who's in power in the United States?
Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer in their splendid book on the Israeli lobbies showed the way they exert so much power, they wield so much influence, that they end up forcing the United States to give priority to the Israeli national interest above the United States of America national interest.
So you see, we have to be very careful with minorities that usurp power.
We have to be very careful with who the people are around Obama.
And my feeling, and I see this from very far away in Argentina, is that Obama looks to me like the last president of the United States.
You know, I agree with you.
They want your downfall.
No, no, no.
Listen, I totally agree with you.
This is the death of the Republic.
He is the closer.
That's what all the experts we keep talking to.
He is the curtain.
They'll still call us the U.S., but his job is to destroy everything the United States is and has stood for.
We've been used as an engine to dominate and finance enslaving you and many others, but now we're the Christmas pig.
They are openly saying they're slaughtering us, they're going to bring us down below Latin America.
You take Argentina, you have the old saying, as rich as an Argentine.
You go back a hundred years ago, people in Argentina, folks, were more wealthy than Americans on average.
They were the richest country in Latin America.
Yeah, look now, look at Iceland, one of the most wealthy countries in the world, totally bankrupt overnight.
This is what the bankers do.
Go ahead.
So I think that basically when we start having those ideas more or less clear in our minds, and we realize what the purpose of Mr. Obama is, a key matter to keep in mind
Just as it was necessary to go from the bipolar world of mutually assured destruction and the Yalta Agreement, it was necessary to go to globalization, and one of the two big ones had to go, and they decided that the one that had to go was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the USSR went almost without firing a shot,
Now, to go from globalization to world government, they need for the United States to go, and to become, as you were just saying a few minutes ago, okay, you can still exist, but you are no longer a superpower, you are no longer the indispensable nation, as Madeleine Albright would like to say, you are no longer the primus inter pares, you're just another country, and you're going to be pauperized so that you look like Argentina, and like Brazil, and like Indonesia, and all these other countries that have been hit hard because it's their way of saying, we are in charge.
Now, mind you, I personally, this is perhaps more from a philosophical point of view, I think they're going to fail.
Because what they want is absolute madness.
What I do fear, Alex, and I feel this very much, is these people will not take defeat for an answer.
In other words, it's not a question of saying, oh, we're going to defeat them, and they're going to go running away with a tail between their little paws, and they're just going to run away.
I think these guys, if they are faced with total defeat, might just trigger a full-fledged war and say, well, what the hell?
If we can't have the world, nobody can have the world.
Well, no, that's what Rand Corporation says.
They want to start World War III, not just worldwide economic collapse, to do this.
Let's talk about that in the final segment.
We've got to have you back.
Adrian Salbucci, best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, economist.
It's asalbucci.com.ar.
And we'll get that up on screen for folks at prisonplanet.tv as we simulcast.
You got all these special interests that run Obama, run Bush like they're Aaron Boyd.
And they are stealing everything you've got.
Your whole future's gone unless you say no.
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You might not know who the bad guys are, or what you should be complaining about, but you do know what to be thankful for.
You might not be looking for a government handout, but you do know how to
I think so.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I'm gonna have to have our guests back up for an hour and a half or something the next few weeks to take your calls.
Amazing research, amazing foresight.
We're going over some of his books and articles he wrote 15 plus years ago.
Breaking all this down.
And there's Patriot people to know about the New World Order everywhere.
Avian flu found on Western Kentucky poultry farms.
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Folks, the globalists could try a bird flu, nukes going off in cities, anything.
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And so we'll discuss that in closing with our guest in one moment.
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Okay, going back.
To Adrian Salbucci, and we want to put his website up on screen for folks, it's www.asalbuchi.com.ar.
We've got it up on screen for folks there.
In the last three or four minutes we have left, you're absolutely right, from my research, they've said they will do it and they'll release mass plagues so they can pose a savior.
And then offer the solution.
They'll detonate nukes.
They'll attack other countries.
I guess the main thing is discredit them, expose them, have grand juries, indict the bankers like Madoff, start arresting these people.
And like you said, they're still going to attack us.
I mean, what do we do?
But I think, Alex, the best thing we can do is stick together and start at least pointing ever stronger fingers at them.
You were just saying that the avian flu and all these other scams that they prepare.
I'd just like to, in closing, read you a very brief news article that I'm sure you already know, but I think it's worth keeping in mind.
According to ABC News, on 20th October 2008, during a Seattle fundraiser, Joe Biden, who's the real power behind Obama, I mean, your president is much more Joe Biden than Barack Obama said.
Mark my words, I'm quoting, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy.
The world is looking.
We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old president of the United States.
Remember I said it standing here.
If you don't remember anything else I said, remember this.
We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.
Now, he didn't know that he was being taped, and then when he realized that he was being taped, he said, oh, I shouldn't have said that.
But it's more than obvious that Joe Biden is really in the know.
He must know that something is being prepared.
He must know that a false flag event is going to arise somewhere, maybe in the States, maybe abroad, maybe American interests elsewhere.
But something that will bring the people together fanatically, they hope, like 9-11 did.
And that's going to be the excuse to put chips under your arm, take your property away, take your guns away.
So we have to be very careful and very shrewd and very alert not to let these guys bullshit their way to world government.
All right.
Well, I hear you and people are really starting to get concerned, Mr. Salvoci.
And like you said, it's the big oil, defense contractors, foreign lobbies.
This country, the whole world is being taken down just like your nation was.
We've got to stand together against it.
We'll talk to you again in the near future.
If you can come on with us, we appreciate you joining us.
Just let me know when and I'm there to help.
And thanks a lot for this interview.
Thank you.
Thanks for coming on.
We'll get you on with Jason Bermas who comes on 9 to midnight on the InfoWarrior in the next few weeks.
We'll have you back here to take phone calls.
Take care, sir.
All right, there he goes.
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And then on your AM and FM dial out there.
Thanks to all of you.
Thanks to all the sponsors and listeners.
Keep spreading the word.
We had a big show today.
Be sure to tune in to the rebroadcast right now.
God bless you.
See you back live tomorrow.
Love and three.
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