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Name: 20090413_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 13, 2009
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We are changed.
San Antonio called in.
By the way, we just started simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Put that San Antonio Tea Party website back up.
They've been going to these meetings.
You know, it's Ron Paul that started the tea parties.
It's Gary Franchi and others that started the In the Fed protest.
You know, it's our movement against the private bankers that are looting and raping us, which is very popular right now.
The people know it's the truth.
We're the good guys.
Well, they say, hey, you don't bring signs.
You know, they have the acceptable ones there on the top for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, but scroll down.
Under there, oh, it's borderline to have an image of the Founding Fathers dumping tea in the harbor.
Founding Fathers, we don't know if that's allowed.
The sign of hope change with the image of
Uh, the Statue of Liberty in trouble?
No, can't have that.
Can't say, uh, Obamanism with a hammer and sickle around his rising sun.
And, uh, you can't have one that says Obama lied.
You can't have one that says impeach Obama.
I mean, no free speech!
So, I guess the Tea Party is an anti-free speech meeting.
I mean, I guess it's like when you take your dog to have him neutered.
It's legal and lawful for men.
If you want to go be cash-traded, you can just go to the doctor and pay to have it done instead of having Glenn Beck do it for you.
I mean, that's what Glenn Beck does, is he poses, and he's radical, and he's going to expose the FEMA camps, and he's going to expose this, and, oh, they don't exist, it's kooks.
He uses the straw man argument, and goes after what I predicted he would, the few fake stories that are out there.
And, oh, Ron Paul supporters are terrorists, and the Army needs to be used against them, and they're with McVeigh, right out of these government reports.
I mean, that's all I do, is read these federal reports that get leaked to us and others.
And I saw Glenn Beck, years ago, going off talking points out of federal documents.
You know, I know the guy's an operative.
And that's what they're doing.
And again, I don't make this show about attacking another talk show host.
Even people I can't stand.
You know, Dianne Feinstein.
Let's get that clip ready, the video clip.
She came out in 60 minutes and said, you know what?
Last weekend, we are going to reintroduce the assault weapons ban when the time's right.
And by the way, it's an expanded assault weapons ban.
To actually ban them physically and make you be federally registered and shut down gun shows.
They're going to tag all this on.
In fact, they have done it.
And then now, last night on 60 Minutes, they have the Mexican
Ambassadors saying, oh, we need to ban your guns in America, because that's what's causing the problem in Mexico.
Not drug prohibition that makes the drug gangs make so much money.
It's not the drug war that's caused all this.
Increase the drugs, increase the profits, all of it.
Everybody knows that's what did it.
Just like prohibition of alcohol did that 80 years ago.
And it's not that Mexico has a total gun ban for citizens.
You know, that's why Chicago is so bad, or New York is so bad.
And then they always use those as examples of why I need to turn my guns in in Texas.
Because where they've got control, where the big city crime machines have control, they've disarmed everybody, so it's a hellhole.
And they're obsessed with blaming it on us.
Now, I said I was going to go to calls.
I've got a lot of clips coming up I've got to get to, too.
But Matthew, we are changed.
You alerted us to this last hour.
We did confirm it's accurate.
They're saying, you know, no Alex Jones allowed, we don't want Alex Jones there.
Hey look, I don't want to be around you either.
It's not fun to go down and confront Len Beck and actually look at a Benedict Arnold.
I mean, it hurts my spirit to see
Folks, I have to tell you, I've exposed Janet Reno and gone up against her.
I've been arrested for asking Bush a question.
You know, there are a few people that actually put off an aura as evil as Glenn Beck.
It's not just all the evidence I have.
I mean, it's my guts.
I go... I mean, it's like a dog knows when somebody's bad.
I'm like going... And the hair is going up.
I mean, this is bad.
This guy is B.A.D.
This is a treacherous, larcenous traitor who wants to steal your freedoms.
They're here to co-opt our movement.
Suddenly Fox News is worried about the New World Order after all these years saying it doesn't exist.
And then they're begging for $35,000 on here.
And so what you do is I guess you give them thousands of dollars and they tell you, be a good citizen, be polite, don't call for Obama's impeachment.
It's just disgusting.
Talking down to everyone.
This is like, I remember in first grade when we were going to the zoo in Dallas, and for weeks before they would go, and you will hold hands when you go to the bathroom, and you will not raise your voice, and you will tie your shoelaces.
Because we're following the nanny patriot leader.
I mean, I can't even do it.
You know, it's like a... I'm Glenn Beck.
I'm your Patriot Leader.
I mean, I can't even do it, man.
I can't even do what the guy is.
And it's not just that he's effeminate.
He's that effeminate, ninny, backstabber.
You know, the real fake.
Oh, I care about you.
When he does it, it's so fake, it's all about how he's getting it over on you.
I promise I would have exposed the camps if they'd have been real, but they're not.
These patriot types are McVeigh people.
I'm worried about them.
Next up, we need to attack Iran.
Stay with me.
I'll be right back.
I mean, I can't even do it.
I'm sorry.
I'm tired of him.
I can't look at him anymore.
Alright, I'm going to shut up.
Let's go back to Matthew in Texas.
So, you dare to say you're going to bring the Obama deception?
You know what's going to happen.
The police on city property are going to try to say, In America, you can't hand free videos out.
The veterans fought so you'd have no freedom.
Travis died in the Valamo right there, so you'd have freedom to shut up!
So there needs to be a bunch of you down there and catch it all on videotape, how they try to destroy freedom in America.
And this will only blow up bigger in their face.
The coward Beck has already said he's not going to go on stage, because I've seen video of him at other events.
He literally looks like a dog, you know, when it's scared of thunder.
He just, he like runs to his bodyguards.
If anybody goes, hey Glenn Beck, what about the new order?
He goes, and like runs.
I mean, we can pull these videos up on YouTube, because
Because he is cowardice.
He is weakness.
He is the New World Order.
He is.
That's why they like him.
They go, man, this is a slime ball.
And they also know that regular good people will see him and know there's something not right about that guy.
And they know he's the new Patriot leader.
He's meant to turn off everybody else and make the Patriot movement look bad, but also sucker in the dumbest.
Alright, this show is not about Glenn Beck, but having him try to tell people that they can't be on city streets with signs, and then calling that founding father patriotism, again, it's a bait and switch.
It's a you-know-what sandwich and I ain't taking a bite out of it.
Alright, enough of Beck, enough of the ninny.
But I tell you, another ninny was that James Magsay had on the show with him.
I mean, this was like a ninny fest.
But of course, it's cowards that serve the New World Order.
That's what you've got to realize.
It's cowardly, weak, scum.
And they fool good men and women into thinking they're good, and then they use our strength to carry out the New World Order.
Okay, Matthew, go ahead.
And there is another fight to this, Alex.
We were at their first meeting maybe two, three weeks ago, and two or three organizers of the San Antonio Tea Party are just the biggest Glenn Beck groupies around.
Well, they're probably state police informants.
No, actually, they give off that vibe very much so.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Yeah, and I don't doubt it.
They sent up that vibe, totally.
And at their meeting, someone asked, well, what are we going to do after the tea party?
And I jumped in, you know, in the Fed, it's two weeks after the 25th.
And, um, I was like, we got, we had, at that time, we had 100 Obama Deception DVDs and 100 Fiat Empire DVDs.
We started handing them out.
Everybody was coming up to us.
Oh, thank you.
It's so good to see you guys here.
I told one of our other younger guys, hey, it's so good to see you young people in action.
And there, what website was that?
In the Fed.us?
And, um, there was another older gentleman there and he was like,
You all need to go to InfoWars.com and people are like, what website is that?
We're like, yeah, it's InfoWars.
And what were the state police doing when you did that?
Well, yeah, and that's what I'm building up to.
After the meeting, the organizers pulled us aside and they were as peed off as anything.
They were upset.
They were telling us...
You know, if you're gonna come here doing this, send us an email, yadda yadda yadda.
And you know, I did have about five or six endgames that I handed out.
He was like, you're here to promote Mr. Jones, and we don't want nothing to do with that.
I was like, hey, hey, hey, y'all were talking about ending the tax.
To end the tax, you gotta end the Fed.
And don't you agree?
Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, but shh, shh, shh.
He was telling me, shh, shh, shh.
I'm not against free speech, but then he's like, shh, shh, shh.
Listen, you wanna break a major story?
Now that we've said this, they probably won't be there now.
Follow them, just run the plates on the car.
They think you're so dumb it's probably gonna be even be an unmarked when you go outside.
Where do they have you guys meet?
They have their own meetup.
It's on meetup.com, SATParty.
I'm a member of that meetup.
Where do they have you meet though?
They have meetings at a hamburger joint called the Time Machine.
And what do the leaders look like?
Eric Adams is one of the main organizers.
He's the guy who's kissed Glenn Beck's hand.
He's the guy who lobbied him to get down here.
Now I understand.
What's he look like?
He's a skinny guy going bald.
Very full of himself.
He's just going on and on.
It was all him that brought Glenn Beck down.
He's a skinny guy.
He may not be a cop then.
Okay, what's the other one look like?
Oh, there is one that looks like he might be a cop, big ol' pot belly.
Well, there's usually, there'll usually be one behind the front man that'll be the operative.
We didn't actually see any of your stereotypical bald head tattooed guys around, but if anybody did look like them.
Yeah, goateed, in shape, looks like a criminal.
That's B-A-T-F or FBI.
Normally the types they've got infiltrating us are Army, Intelligence, or State Police.
They'll be about 6-2, 6-3, clean cut.
Usually they're not in super good shape, I think, if they've been on so many details out surveilling people.
Well, you can see them in Obama Deception, the guy that's following us in the parking lot.
That's what they look like.
They look always the same.
But then they'll have another guys with like little mustaches and, you know, like a painter's cap, who'll play the part of the liberal.
And then they'll be like, let's kill cops, let's attack!
And you follow them out and they got a cop car, you know, they get in.
Alright, good job.
Good to hear from you.
Glad you're exposing the operations of the establishment.
You're not going to infiltrate and take us over, okay?
You can't stop us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I just can't believe the stuff the new order comes up with, that's all.
I mean, I can't.
Some ninnying liar saying patriots are McVeigh bombers and we go, oh you're such a patriot we love you!
And you can't have any free speech either, oh yes that's freedom!
She makes me sick.
Okay, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Look at this.
Gordon Brown's plan for an army of teen volunteers.
Gordon Brown has vowed to make every young person do 50 hours of voluntary work by the time they reach the age of 19.
I am actually living in 1984.
Can you put that London Telegraph up on screen, Sharon?
Now, what's wrong with this headline?
Gordon Brown has vowed to make every young person do 50 hours
Make every young person do 50 hours of voluntary work.
Make every young person do 50 hours of voluntary work by the time they reach the age of 19.
Make volunteer.
Make you volunteer.
Make you.
That's like, I made this woman volunteer to have sex with me.
I, uh, I mean, no, literally.
I know, I'm sorry.
That's what this is.
I mean, I wonder if rapists will use that.
Hey, I made her volunteer.
I put a gun to her head and I made her volunteer.
Or, I made my neighbor volunteer to sell me their house for a dollar.
The house is worth $200,000, but I made my neighbor, by putting a .45 to their head, sell me their house for a dollar.
How about, I made my neighbor give me the house.
The neighbor wouldn't listen, so I shot his daughter.
And then he gave me the house.
Give me the house or she dies!
Okay, see?
I made him volunteer!
I mean, this is 1984, folks, and notice... What's going on in England?
What's going on in Canada?
What's going on in Australia?
What's going on in the United States?
Everywhere it's, oh, in middle school, 50 hours, in high school, 100 hours, and then 18 to 25 compulsory military disaster training and fatigues at military bases.
And they go, uh, the bill's introduced.
Shut up!
It doesn't exist, Alex!
Well, uh, here's five different bills.
444 and others.
And the left is like, well, maybe we need compulsory service.
Al-Qaeda did hit us hard.
But it's only volunteering!
They only make you volunteer!
They only make you put a uniform on!
It's volunteering!
You know, I said I'd take your calls.
But Forrest hung up and Debbie and everybody else.
You know what?
Maybe I should never take calls anymore.
Because I can't get to all this news.
I have this huge mega-viral story going everywhere about bird flu, but everybody's ignoring all the real bird flu news.
I have this federal report where they're saying gun owners are terrorists and the feds are getting ready to come after us and that free speech may not be free speech.
I've got all this eugenics news here and I want to go to your calls but I got Naomi Wolf coming up and then Joe Bannister.
I'll have no time to play these clips if I don't go to them.
Doesn't matter.
Let's go to a few more here.
Let's talk to Zach in Texas and Dustin in Germany.
I'll at least get to them.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is Zach in Houston.
I wanted to talk to you about KHOU Channel 11 here in the Houston area.
Like three weeks ago I was up in the morning about 6 a.m.
getting ready to go to work and they made an announcement that said the Texas City Refinery, that's where I live, will be releasing extra amounts of sulfur dioxide into the air due to a pressure problem and that
It would affect people with allergies that day.
And I would never pay to know mine until I heard that person on your show last week talking about sulfur dioxide.
Yeah, that's in the official government reports.
They're spraying us with sulfur dioxide, aluminum, barium, salts, and other things that attack your body.
Okay, and so basically another question I had about that is I have an outdoor garden, all organic and everything.
Do you think that crap is affecting it?
Well, I mean, I'm not... I've seen the statistics in living in Houston or surrounding areas.
So many decades of toxic waste being dumped, buried homes.
You know, the oil companies and chemical companies, a lot of the housing developments were built on oil company land where they had refineries.
And so that's why the cancer rate's off the chart in Houston.
I know folks have to live there for the work, and I got family lives down there.
But I remember being a little kid driving in the car from Dallas and I'd say, oh, we're in Houston, my eyes are burning.
And the stink.
And I mean, I wouldn't live anywhere near Houston if I had a choice.
I mean, those chemical plants, all of it, it is so bad.
I mean, that's a real environmental problem.
And certainly, you know, none of that's good for your plants.
Okay, one more thing.
Also on KHOU this week, which is Channel 11 here in Houston, they're doing an expo today on, it had to be,
I don't know where they got the video.
But, uh, it's definitely something from, uh, like one of your listeners or something, I would say.
I bet my bottom dollar, though, they're gonna do a straw man.
They're gonna show the new vaults being built for all the veterans that are dying that are real and legitimate and mix it in with the plastic coffins.
Hey, the debate's over.
I have the federal documents.
They're building mass graves.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
You might not be able to spell Constitution, but you sure know how important it is.
You might not be missing any shirts from your closet, but you have given the shirt off your back hundreds of times.
You might not understand the thousands of laws that exist, but you do live by the Ten Commandments.
You might not know who the bad guys are, or what you should be complaining about, but you do know what to be thankful for.
You might not be looking for a government handout, but you do know how to lend a helping
I don't know.
I gotta get into this.
Homeland Security.
I called Homeland Security.
This is their federal report.
But on April 7th,
And it says, basically, gun owners are terrorists.
So I'm going to go over this.
But first, I'm going to get into the latest internet hysteria out there.
And we're going to go to that in a moment.
The first thing, the first issue I need to cover is that you have these burial vaults all over the country being radically expanded at federal cemeteries.
Massive increases.
And they talk about 700 plus thousand, World War II, Korean War vets are scheduled, you know, on average, to die this year.
And I looked that number up, it's accurate.
And they have suddenly changed the vaults where they put them side by side and put four coffins in each vault.
Stacking them on each other like they do in Europe.
So I can buy that.
Then, the Feds come out, I had to pick this up off the floor, then the Feds come out and say there's no plans for mass graves and incinerators, it's all lies, and say that the plastic FEMA coffins are made up, when those are confirmed and the company that sells them to the government confirms millions and millions of these plastic coffins in Georgia and Colorado are out there, and I have the Rocky Mountain News, big paper in Colorado, Jim Erickson, Rocky Mountain News, February 8, 2003,
Article titled, State Prepares for Bioterrorism.
It says, Executive Order signed for mass graves and incinerators.
Dig mass graves under executive orders drafted for the event of bioterrorism attack.
Cremate disease ridden, cremate disease ridden corpses and dig mass graves.
And then it goes through the executive order.
For a pandemic.
So there's the Rocky Mountain News.
You can just Google that.
It's mainstream news.
Mass graves repaired for U.S.
State repairs for bioterrorism.
Here is the state of New York, Department of State Division Cemeteries.
This is posted on Infowars.com.
You can call these phone numbers.
This went out all over the country.
They've been asked to get ready for a bird flu or other pandemic to kill millions.
And how many bodies can they bury per acre?
And is each cemetery ready to bury tens of thousands on their next acreage?
Now, that's from the state of New York right there, and I covered this last week.
So, what does the media do, though?
They go out in Phoenix and everywhere else and go, oh, this is just a VA national cemetery for the dead.
It's no big deal.
But in truth, we have confirmed they've been contacted and are preparing for more dead troops from combat, not just troops that are dying who are veterans.
You know, veterans have grown old and are dying.
So that's how they do the straw man, and that's the problem with all of this, is people don't go to the real documentation, they go to speculation.
I guess a week and a half ago or something, one of the Genesis shows, a nice show, Joyce Rowley's show, here on Genesis.
I'm not criticizing her, but I want to make that clear.
A caller calls in, and if you really listen to what the lady's saying, it's all craziness.
I mean, all I do is study how this stuff really operates, what really goes on, and what the real threats are, and I know baloney when I hear it.
Now, what's real?
This is just what I printed up this morning.
Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland.
Live bird flu.
Pharmaceutical companies paid homeless centers to tell them it was just a normal flu shot and it killed them better than a hammer.
23 died at one homeless facility.
21 people died at one homeless center.
Died alone.
And that's London Telegraph.
Right there?
I mean, you can Google people die from bird flu vaccine.
You'll get hundreds of articles.
So there's that.
Here's another one.
AFP, Health Workers Agency, French Press.
Health workers on trial for vaccine scam in Poland.
Nine health workers went on trial in northern Poland Monday, accused of having tested a vaccine against bird flu on nearly 200 patients without their knowledge.
Court officials said.
And it goes on.
Now, remember Batchelor Pharmaceutical, 18 countries, ships out live bird flu, the stuff that kills humans, but not airborne yet.
They order the companies, the sub-companies, without telling them what it is, to mix it with multi-strains of real human bird flu.
Of regular human flu with the bird flu that humans can catch.
And that's how, the exact way, scientists and firms that looked at this in major newspapers, you know, Bloomberg, Toronto Star,
Canadian free press, all the big check papers, big checkerboard papers said, had scientists going, this is exactly how you'd mutate bird flu.
This had to be done by design.
Now, there's no discussion of where that vaccine material went.
They just say it was shipped out.
And then you got these deaths.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is something that's serious and needs to be looked at.
And so I don't blame people for getting hysterical when all of this, you know, you have a history of a government over and over and over again that's totally criminal, eugenics, calling for a reduction of population of more than 50%, upwards of 90% in some documents.
That's in the mainstream news today with government officials saying that.
You have all of this happening, all of this unfolding.
So, yes, people are going to get upset.
People are going to hear this.
Truck drivers are going to get upset.
You know, people are going to start getting hysterical.
And then the media is going to focus in on the issues that aren't real.
You know, this should have been top national news.
Where is the vaccine?
Where was the live, burgly vaccine shipped to?
What's going on with it?
Baxter is a U.S.
But I know how governments operate.
I know they don't get random truck drivers and then tell them what they're carrying and then tell them we're going to pay you in cash and we're going to give you injections and you're going to go down silos and bring this up.
You know, just the whole thing, the way it comes together.
And then people grab that audio and put video of running up to a train stopped on the side of the road, like it's Blair Witch Project.
Breathing heavily, and they jump on board open container cars.
Half the trains out there are empty.
They dump their load, they go back.
But, you know, just some shaky camera work of cargo trains, empty, is then the total proof and the hysteria then ensues.
And Glenn Beck and people will go get things like this news story.
Linda Thompson putting out fake flames shooting out of the tank at Waco.
The media focused on that instead of the flare footage and the Delta Force admitting they went there and murdered everybody.
And Time and Newsweek admitting there were troops there and even foreign troops.
Ignore all that real stuff.
Let's focus on Linda Thompson's fake video.
Then she puts out a fake video of a train repair shop.
I knew Beck was going to go with that.
It was not hard.
So, this is how they try to discredit us, and this is what they do.
Let's go ahead and play a few minutes of this show from a Genesis show.
The Power Hour, here it is.
I'm calling because I'm very concerned.
We have some actual proof that a trucker may actually be transporting bird flu.
Stop right there.
Back that up.
We may actually, we have proof that a trucker may actually be.
That's kind of like this headline.
I was reading here earlier, Gordon Brown has vowed to make every young person do 50 hours of volunteer work to make you, then you read what he's introducing, force compulsory national service.
It's a lot more than 50 hours.
That's just how they started.
So see, listen to that clip again carefully.
We have proof that he may actually, may be, listen.
I'm calling because I'm very concerned.
We have some actual proof that a trucker may actually be transporting bird flu.
Stop again!
We have proof?
That he may be actually?
But I mean, meanwhile, they admit that it came out four years ago that weaponized bird flu crashed in a car wreck with FedEx.
It was in the Associated Press.
Nobody cared.
You have real bird flu being mailed out to over 5,000 locations then.
Then they mail it out to all these locations in Europe, Baxter does, and have it mixed with it, but there's no hysteria, no freaking out, no Google videos, no YouTube videos, because it's documented!
See, I mean, I don't understand it.
There's all these videos with tens of millions of views of fake FEMA stuff, but none of all the real things.
Go ahead and finish up with it.
We have a federal agent who is aware, who has taken the documents to many agencies, including New York State Police, the FBI, in many, many states, infections control, disease, and what this trucker reported was that he works for Department of Homeland Security,
He's a Spanish man who is trucking an independent truck.
He goes down to the corner of Broadway and Clinton and Albany, New York at the Department of Homeland Security facility every single evening for loads.
He said there are Raymond Flanigans and J.B.
Hunt trucks ahead of him loading, that he has taken loads from a silo above Glenn Falls.
His truck actually was lowered into the ground into a silo.
Yeah, let's stop right there.
Let's stop right there.
She later says it's missiles.
So he's in silos getting fresh bird flu, but you listen to the whole tape, never is there any proof of bird flu.
And then they're down in the missile silos, and the missiles, and then it's being trucked around, and then they pay them cash, and they go to windows to get their money, and they go in back rooms.
It's not how the government operates.
Just keep playing it.
...the ground.
He was given a shot in his arm to protect his family.
He transported iced, refrigerated loads to the Pentagon.
By the way, stop there.
Stop there.
I mean, I was watching, you know, a lot of our programs about the history of trucking.
They have federal lines, and they have federal lines that carry nukes, carry bio, carry everything.
It's all government-run.
But, I mean, listen to this.
This hysteria.
Go back to it.
He was told that he told the federal investigator how he's getting paid through the Bank of America with a number.
He walks up to a window.
He presents his number.
He is taken to a back room and paid in cash.
He showed the federal agent $100,000 worth of receipts because he gets $5,000 per load, and he's done as many as three loads per day.
Okay, now wait, let me just stop you right here because this is amazing information to say the least.
Now, perhaps he is transporting vaccines, refrigerated vaccines.
Is that a possibility?
Anything that has to be iced either has to be an antigen or an antibody.
That's all we know.
But we know that they gave him the shot to transport it, that they told him it was to protect his family, that it is obviously something that has to be kept refrigerated.
He did one load for a complete week to Tucson, Arizona and back.
But the amount of money that they're paying him under the table through Bank of America, only loading at night.
They call him and they ask him to come down to meetings at Department of Homeland Security at 3 o'clock in the morning.
They'll ask him how he's doing and send him back home and say, fine, you're okay, go back home.
He has other truckers.
He knows of a trucker with a 53-foot bed unit that took a missile type.
He was able to see his load, and that was taken out to Phoenix, Arizona.
He was given $18,000 to truck that load two times.
It was 80 tons, and he blew his brakes.
The Department of Homeland Security took care of it.
He also has been to two silos, he's been to many cities with his loads, he's continuously working for Department of Homeland Security and they are relocating him since the federal agents and the state police were notified.
We were notified that he is being relocated to Tucson, Arizona at a base 15 miles below Tucson.
Let me just ask you Mary, how did you come upon this information?
Um, I can't say.
I mean, just what I'm saying already has probably put me in danger.
Look, I can't play any more of it.
I can't listen to it.
Folks, it just gets more whacked out from there.
Again, the news.
Health workers on trial for vaccine scam in Poland.
Bird flu injections.
Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial.
That's mainstream news.
And then the video ends with people hysterically running up to a train with it shaking everywhere and it's just an empty train.
I mean, there's train tracks all around here.
The trains, you know, half of them are full going one direction, the other half are empty going the other direction.
I guess I could run up hyperventilating and shoot video of a train.
And again, I'm not blaming people for picking up on this.
This is what happens when the general public wakes up but doesn't have the deep discernment yet.
This is what happens.
Because the government has tested chemical, biologicals, radiologicals.
They have carried out the Tuskegee Experiment and all the other things people know about.
There is some weird stuff going on with bird flu.
But they just ship it around in FedEx trucks.
And then when it's nukes and actual bioweapons and things, they ship them on government lines.
Government-contracted lines.
And it's just done nonchalantly.
But to say refrigerated stuff out of missile silos to other missile silos?
And then he had a missile and then he saw it!
I mean, you listen to that, folks.
I've heard it a million times.
I know bull when I hear it.
And I'd stake my right arm that this is the biggest load of malarkey I've ever heard in my life.
Now, again, I don't blame you.
I could take a crazy call like that, and I would certainly entertain it.
I'm not blaming anybody for that.
And I don't blame listeners and people out there for posting the videos and asking people about it.
But you asked me what I thought of it, folks, and I've told you now.
And it just goes on and on from there.
About how he's in the witness protection program now and the feds don't want people to know and... It's just unbelievable.
Meanwhile, no one is going to talk about how they're doing bird flu trials that are killing people.
Nobody's going to talk about where are the 18 countries flu vaccines they mix with bird flu.
Nobody's going to talk about that.
That's not what's important.
That's not a big deal.
Confirmed people being injected and dying.
Or HPV being injected in schoolgirls and them dying all over the country and all over the world.
Or how they want to force boys to take it.
See, in the in plain view, some African countries with 46% of the women dying of HIV, Bayer knowingly shipping out over a million ampules with Baxter, that has the bird flu being shipped out, with their vaccines filled with live HIV and hepatitis.
Oh, that's, we don't want to hear about that!
We want to run up to a train, hyperventilating, going,
I mean, show that video at the very end.
Cue it at the last minute.
Show that to folks on that video.
There it is.
That's a Union Pacific product.
You don't need shackles and benches when you think about it.
Because, who gives a shit?
Why don't we put it in an oven?
Oops, I think somebody took a longer clip.
I've actually seen one that didn't have that in it.
Anyways, just don't play the audio.
I apologize for that, folks.
I saw a different clip because they've added something to the end of it.
But I mean, he just runs up and shows an empty train.
And then Glenn Beck will show this and say, we made it up.
And that's how the video ends.
So this is how the hysteria and the insaneness to where people don't know what's true anymore.
Can you guys play without the audio?
I just want folks to see the proof.
I mean, what does this have to do with bird flu and silos?
And it goes on and on.
I mean, this is the footage shot Blair Witch style on purpose.
Water all over the lens.
This is a psyop, folks.
And then he runs up into a train.
And it's a Union Pacific train just sitting there waiting to go to a factory to be loaded.
I mean, you know, but... Meanwhile, we've got all the real stuff going on in plain view and nobody cares.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
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Earlier in the show, I mentioned how Newsweek reported that Russians
We're in Waco with a quote, white noise machine and some subliminal machine, some mind control system.
And then Tim, who works here in the office, comes back and goes, look what we just got in the mail.
I had this years ago.
This is from 1994.
Beyond Prozac is the cover story.
And February 7th, 1994, and it talks about the Russians and mind control.
The techniques used include transmissions that could have convinced Koresh he was hearing the voice of God inside his head.
The Air Force offered a top secret non-lethal system, and it goes on.
And it describes it on a bunch of the pages in here.
So this is interesting.
I want to thank the listener that sent us this.
Because I had that years ago and lost it.
Now it goes back into the pile.
But, uh, look, I don't like policing what people say and do here on air.
It's just when I get hundreds and hundreds of emails and phone calls going, oh my God, run to the hills, they're releasing bird flu.
I go, wait a minute.
You might want to run to the hills.
I mean, I've actually thought about moving to the country because stuff's getting so crazy.
In the event something like this happens,
Because... I mean, they are shipping bird flu around the world.
They are shooting people up with it.
People are dying!
And that's mainstream news!
And then I post mainstream news and then people... the news calls me bad for even reporting on it.
So I understand why people are freaking out and thinking everything is bird flu being shipped around to kill them.
I just never understand why the craziest stuff and the most uncredible stuff is what's put to the forefront instead of all the serious stuff.
And that's what we cover here, it's what can be proven.
But again, I don't blame people, Not For Respect and others, for posting this and asking because
When you've got a government this corrupt, this evil, this bad, who's been caught doing these things over and over again.
I mean, I'll use one example of literally thousands.
We put some of these examples in my film, Endgame.
You know, all mainstream government documents, mainstream news.
Imagine the U.S.
government taking 4,000 plus foster children and putting them in radiation chambers and flipping a switch and killing them just to test radiation.
And some of them they gave him a dose that killed him in a month, some of them gave him doses that killed him in an hour.
You know, the reports would be the child cried and bled from every orifice for one week and then died.
I mean, they'd have film cameras filming, you know, the sores coming up, the teeth falling out, the blood.
I mean, this is zombie stuff!
Picture the kids being radiated and then the doctors having them, you know, chained down watching how they die or giving pregnant GIs, wives, uranium and plutonium pills.
And saying this is vitamins and then have film cameras there when they had the miscarriage to see what it would do.
This is all Joseph Mingala stuff.
So, do I think they can be shipping bird flu around and doing all this?
Well, yeah, I know they are!
FedEx trucks crash and it dumps out all over the street!
In fact, Google, uh...
Car crash, bird flu, or truck crashes with bird flu.
That was like four years ago.
It made the news.
But instead it's all this, I can't tell you, silos, missiles, iced, they pay them in cash.
That's not how the government does it.
They all do it nonchalant.
It's government trucks doing that.
Or if it's research facilities shipping bird flu out to hundreds of universities and institutions, it's done by FedEx.
Which is crazy.
And so I just ask people, stick with what you can prove.
Please, get it out to people that they're shipping out bird flu all over the place and shooting people up with it.
I mean, this isn't something that's speculative.
This is proven.
This is documented.
This is admitted.
Alright, I'm going to come back and do five focused minutes.
I should have spent all day on this, but I got sidetracked.
On the latest, this isn't a federally written report at the state level.
This is an internal Homeland Security document.
Up on InfoWars.com, gun owners are terrorists.
Then we got Naomi Wolf coming up and then Joe Bannister.
This is key.
This is key.
But we had to cover the other thing because it's discrediting.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm going to bring this up to Joe Bannister, coming up later, former Treasury officer in enforcement, because he's been listed in MIAC reports and others.
They also list mainline libertarian groups as terrorists.
So we'll cover this more in the last hour today when Joe Bannister joins us to talk about the IRS and a lot of other issues.
Naomi Wolf's coming up, but right now I'm going to get into it.
Unclassified for official use only, right-wing extremism, current economic and political climate, fueling resurgence in radicalization and recruitment.
And this story is up on Infowars.com, a story written by Curt Nemo.
I called the FBI, I called the different organizations that are here in the document, the NICC, the National Information Coordinating Center,
I called them and confirmed it.
You can call the phone numbers on here if you'd like to talk to the FBI and others.
You are certainly welcome to this show.
And what does the document say?
That's not my marked copy.
Here's my marked copy.
They were pulling these copies down off the web last night before we got it put on our server, so I had a couple copies printed.
Okay, it says the same exact wording that are on the state documents written by the feds about this is secret, you can't release it, and any cops that release it will get in big trouble.
This is section U, key findings, the economic downturn in the election of the first African-American president, present unique drivers for right-wing radicalization and recruitment, so they imply everybody's racist.
Uh, it says, uh, right-wing extremists have capitalized on the election of the first American president and are focusing their efforts on to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters.
Well, yeah, you're supposed to do that in America.
And mobilize against tyranny.
And broaden their scope and appeal through propaganda.
But they have not yet turned to their attack plan.
Then they go into listing mainline gun groups.
We haven't yet turned to the attack plan.
You haven't burned up any churches lately, Feds, huh?
The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of militia veterans, military veterans, excuse me, facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities.
So it goes on to attack veterans.
Big time.
Here is page three.
Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions, that's introduced bills, and weapons bans are attracting new members into the ranks of right-wing extremist groups, as well as potential spur some of them to begin planning and training for violence against the government.
The high volume of purchases, now this is the key, the high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by right-wing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement.
So their primary concern is the fact that you're buying guns and ammo.
And they say later that everybody buying guns and ammo is basically a terrorist.
Their primary concern to law enforcement is that you're buying guns and ammo.
In addition, the historical election of an African-American president, the prospect of policy changes are providing to be a driving force for right-wing extremist recruitment and radicalization.
And they go on to talk about terrorism.
They say anti-government ideology is racist.
Nothing to do with it.
It goes on to say, exploiting economic downturn.
The perceived loss of U.S.
jobs in manufacturing and construction sectors and home foreclosures is anti-Semitic.
So, I just quoted that.
They say the perceived loss, and they're going to say it's propaganda, that we're lying about the economy and that we're terrorists.
It goes on to say, historical presidential election.
Social programs to non-minorities and firearms restrictions being the policies of Barack Obama.
So they're saying, we're coming after your guns and the terrorists don't want that.
The terrorists are buying guns and ammo.
It goes on to say, economic hardship and extremism.
It says, prominent anti-government conspiracy theorists have incorporated aspects of the impending economic collapse to intensify fear and paranoia.
Says we're making up detention camps.
In the MIAC, though, they admit they've built them.
And then it gets into they may have to restrict free speech.
We'll cover that when we come back.
So, uh, stay with us.
This is a federal document from the very top.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, coming up here in about three minutes, we have best-selling author and the new filmmaker who made the documentary, The End of America.
Two DVD set.
Naomi Wolf is the author of seven books, including the New York Times bestseller, The Beauty Myth, The End of America, and Give Me Liberty.
She has toured the speaking world to audiences of all walks of life in gender, equity, social justice, and most recently, the defense of liberty in America internationally.
He's a co-founder of the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership, who teaches ethics and empowerment of young women leaders.
And it goes on.
She really doesn't need any introduction.
That's coming up here in just a few minutes.
I've got to finish this, and I'm going to get more into it with Joe Bannister coming up in the next hour.
I've got this newest secret federal document that I call the FBI, confirmed as theirs.
And it goes on to basically say, if you don't want to hand your guns in, you don't like what the banks are doing to you, you don't like Barack Obama, it's because he's black.
You're racist.
And that gun owners buying ammo and guns are terrorists.
It says that these are terrorists and that our number one threat is the American people.
So here they are saying, your gun owners are terrorists.
Debates over appropriate legislation levels and enforcement policy generally fall in the realm of protected political speech.
Under the First Amendment.
But in some cases, anti-immigration or strident pro-enforcement fervor has been directed against specific groups and has the potential to turn violent.
That means when the illegal aliens, on hundreds of videos I've seen, beat up old ladies with two-by-fours, then they arrest the old ladies.
And you can Google those videos.
The illegal aliens... Well, it's in my film, Endgame.
We have a little bonus 17-minute film, Battle for the Republic, and it shows illegal aliens blocking traffic without a permit, and a guy, you know, is waving his hand out of the car saying, ah, shut up.
The cops come over, knock his teeth out, bloody his face, and the illegals come over and celebrate with him.
The officers celebrate the death of freedom, and this is how the tyranny works.
So that's in my film.
In fact, Google Battle for the Republic.
And, uh, Alex Jones, Battle for the Republic.
It's an extra from Endgame.
It's all over the web.
And, uh, just while we're talking to Naomi, let's just play the video.
Of the cops and illegals beating up citizens that dare do anything.
So that's coming up.
And then it says legislative and judicial drivers, they admit they've introduced gun bans.
They say when they ban the guns, the American terrorist gun owner will fight back.
You can go read that.
They say stockpiling weapons and ammunition is right-wing terror and that they're terrorists.
They say you have a right to keep and bear arms, but that that means that they can ban your guns.
They say, yes, it's a right for us to ban your guns.
That's in the section under legislative.
It says the court reaffirmed the individual's right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but left open the debate, no it didn't, to precise contours of that right, and it goes on to say they can restrict it.
So we'll be covering that.
Disgruntled military veterans, says they gotta stop them.
It just goes on from there on out.
So, we go out and protest the private Federal Reserve.
We have the Army spying on us at those events.
And it's now admitted.
You know, we don't like offshore banks stealing everything.
Well, the Army was up there watching me and Ron Paul's brother in Dallas.
And it said, in the document published at Infowars.com, that we are terrorists.
It says, be careful, these terrorists may attack you.
It tells the military to be in plain clothes, how to arrive, separate cars, to watch out, we may kill them any moment.
This is the secret police takeover, and did it go away under Obama?
No, it expanded.
So we're going to Naomi Wolf.
I appreciate joining us here in just one moment.
Had to finish that, though.
Just outrageous.
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Okay, without further ado, we now go to Naomi Wolfe, who really needs no introduction, with her new film out on DVD, which is excellent, covering the whole police state situation.
Mrs. Wolfe, good to have you here with us.
It's really nice to talk to you again, Alex.
And please call me Naomi.
Okay, Naomi.
Tell us about your new film.
Sure, it was put together in great haste, because we were very concerned about the direction the country was going, and in some ways, you know, still is.
And what it is, is it's bringing to life the second-to-last book I wrote, The End of America, which is basically the ten steps to fascism, and arguing that, well, we've talked about this here with your community before, that we're seeing in the United States, or we have been in some ways, we still are,
The rapid build-up of the kinds of things you see when a leadership wants to close an open society or crush a democracy movement.
And put together by these beautiful filmmakers, very well-regarded, Annie Sundberg and Ricky Stern, who are prize-winning filmmakers.
And what was so exciting to me as an author is that you write about things like
Police brutality or the military moving in in St.
Paul, as you mentioned in your intro.
You write about, you know, Meher Arar being stopped at, you know, JFK and taken to Syria, tortured for two years and without due process.
And it's kind of abstract, even if you use your greatest skills as an author.
But for me to see these actual people come to life and seeing the filmmakers, you know, interview James Yee, who was
We're good to go.
It goes beyond what any writer can do with a computer.
I'm very proud of it, I'm very excited about it, and what I've been asking people to do, and the filmmakers and this Grassroots Democracy campaign we've started have been asking people to do is, and this is why we made it available for a while for free online too, is that you should, if you support the message, hold a gathering in your home and screen it, and then pass out copies of the
I guess we lost her line.
Hey, okay, fantastic there.
That happens sometimes with phone lines.
So we'll get Naomi Wolf back on the line with us right now.
Yeah, she got the filming in of America.
Yeah, where they use U.S.
Army on citizens.
And then last week,
The governor told the regular army, we heard you're going to run checkpoints on the highways of citizens and search everybody's cars?
You can't do that.
And the army said, shut up!
We're under PD51, pal.
John Warren Defense Authorization Act.
And the local newspapers reported that they were out there running the checkpoints.
And I had a state rep on about that.
That's what this country has turned into, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what we have become.
Now, we're going to continue as soon as we get her back online to go over this information here today and a host of other subjects.
We do have Joe Bannister coming up to join us in the next hour.
Some of the other news that I have here in front of me
Is GM told to prep for bankruptcy filing report?
And we'll be getting into that.
Obama's now taking over GM and is telling them what to do.
China's saying they may stop buying our debt and have slowed down doing that.
Okay, Naomi, we lost your line.
Sorry about that or whatever happened.
You're back on.
You were talking about writing about the TRIBs being used against the American people versus it actually happening.
For those that don't know, tell folks what's in the film, what happened at the RNC in Minnesota.
Sure, and I apologize, my phone went dead.
That's okay, go ahead.
Well, thank you.
What happened was that ordinary American citizens were, some of them were just walking along the street, some of them were protesting, but you know, peacefully.
And what you see is this militarized phalanx of, you know, kind of looks like riot police, but it turns out that the military was actually in
You know, they're present at the convention, advising and docking the police, and they round up citizens and, you know, guns pointed at them, and, you know, brutally heard them, you know, arrest them, brutally sort of throw them around.
And, you know, you see Amy Goodman, who's a journalist, kind of dragged away into custody, having done nothing.
I mean, these people are guilty of being Americans and using their First Amendment rights.
And eight American citizens have been charged as terrorists.
uh... young idealistic young people for protesting under the Minnesota Patriot Act.
That's exactly what you were talking about, Alex.
The police state.
It's incredible.
No, no, I'm listening.
Specifically, though, how did you guys confirm they were military?
Oh, that happened later.
I can't identify my source immediately, but
I think the ACLU or one of the rights organizations confirmed that in addition to local police, the military was present.
You know, we were concerned about the first brigade being deployed and then two more brigades.
We talked about this close to the election, and the 1st Brigade, or some military, were reported to be there.
Oh no, I remember seeing it in the news.
I just wanted you specifically to talk about it from your angle.
Stay there.
We have Naomi Wolf, best-selling author, researcher, on with us, and she's also worked on this new film that's out.
It's free on the internet, but I suggest you go to the website we're going to give out later and actually get the DVD to support them so they can make future films.
Naomi Wolf is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Quick break.
We'll come right back to her.
We're good to go.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Naomi Wolf is our guest.
Naomi, I know you're about to be on your cell phone, because we set you up on short notice.
We want to have you back in the near future when you can be on a landline with us.
So I want to get back in the film, but I remember you being on the show with us.
Six months ago or so, right before the election, and I said, look, Obama's going to win, Bush isn't going to declare martial law, it's on record.
I said, Bush, his job is to set up martial law, his job is to get it all ready, and then Obama's going to come in with the left covering and do it.
And now, Obama has announced no right for detainees, backs Bush, staying in Iraq, beefing up Afghanistan, hiring nothing but lobbyists, uh... just
Can you say the last sentence again?
I'm sorry.
I think you're having some phone troubles today.
Can you speak about Barack Obama betraying everything he said he would do?
Okay, so this is terrible and I so apologize, but the internet is so bad that I can't hear you.
Should I call you back later in the day?
Yeah, yeah, we're just going to call you back.
We're going to call you back.
Thank you, Naomi.
Guys, set her up another day when she can do it over the phone.
I don't like this guest thing where they're on their cell phones, okay?
More and more we need to ask the guest.
No, we don't have to have you soon.
We'll have you on when you can be on a landline.
So, call her back, tell her thank you, I'm done.
That way I can cover other news anyways and take your phone calls.
Specifically with this report.
What do you think about this?
I'm gonna come back and take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
And we will discuss this when we come back from the break.
Also, everybody freaking out over, oh, there's secret silos in mobile vans with the bird flu on ice and they're going to get us with no proof it's even real or that if it is somebody thinking they found something real that it's bird flu.
While people are being killed, dying, people in government control, people in government custody, homeless people all over the world being given experimental bird flu shots.
And then the media, French news agency AP, Bloomberg,
Literally hundreds of papers won't say who the companies are, what vaccine this is, killing people.
All of this on the heels of Bayer Pharmaceutical, and all the AIDS in their shots, and hepatitis, and Baxter Pharmaceutical shipping out live, weaponized, killer bird flu, and then ordering it mixed with regular flu vaccine.
Now, that's going on.
The media won't say where it went.
There's no more investigations we know of.
Our own patriot movement, Alternative Media, isn't freaking out over confirmed bird flu being shipped out.
Confirmed people dying being given the vaccines and tests.
That's your big story.
Now, with that backdrop, I don't blame people freaking out and calling into talk shows, but again, I know how this stuff works and how the weaponization works.
I know government protocols.
That particular story I covered earlier is baloney, from my instincts and research.
Doesn't matter, though.
You can't blame people freaking out with all this real stuff that is going on.
So, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air today.
And then just this incredible story I've got here out of the Times of London dealing with the fact that
China is already cutting back buying U.S.
That is, buying U.S.
Very, very, very serious.
I'm trying to find that story.
I just had it on here in front of me.
Then I got stuff like this.
Gordon Brown's plan for army of teen volunteers.
Gordon Brown has vowed to make every young person do 50 hours of voluntary work.
They make you do voluntary work.
Same thing being proposed.
uh... being pushed here in the United States and I haven't even gotten to this big stack uh... of news I've got in front of me so we'll be uh... going over that report and then these crazy type reports secret homeland security threat assessment labels gun owners political terrorist intelligence document says extremist radical stockpiling weapons and ammunition of fear of
Gun ban.
I want to get your take on that.
And then this one.
Microchip that tells the GP if you've taken your pills.
They want you to swallow microchips that sit there and scan everything going on in your intestines.
Oh, and here's that article.
China slows purchase of U.S.
and other bonds.
So, and then a bunch of eugenics news.
That's coming up.
But first, your phone calls, ladies and gentlemen.
Straight ahead, after this quick break, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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All right, we're back live.
Let's go straight to your phone calls.
We've got Joe Manister coming up.
A ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet.
It's all completely off the charts and insane.
I mean, how can anybody deny the government's out of control?
We're losing our liberties.
Tyranny's unfolding.
The Mexican government came out this weekend and said, we're going to be meeting with Obama this week, President Obama, about how he's going to ban all the assault weapons and shut down the gun shows.
That's what they're openly saying.
So now it's not enough to have a criminal government going after our Second Amendment, now they get to blame the narco-terrorist state, the phony drug war, the disarmed victims in Mexico.
Look at all the places they point at and say we need more gun control.
Chicago, New York, all victim disarmament zones, all places where the people have been disarmed and where they have corrupt
Wicked governments that rule them.
But I'm digressing.
I'm digressing.
Let's go to calls.
Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, you're exactly right about Glenn Beck.
I remember his first interview with Ron Paul when he was saying he had to wear a bulletproof vest and Secret Service was guarding his family and now he wants the supporters
of the Ron Paul supporters, and he's definitely a fake and a phony.
But Alex, what I want to talk to you today about... He's talked on air about how he hates the 9-11.
He's had a few cases of medical abuse.
Sir, sir, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Sir, sir, sir, I mean, you brought up Glenn Beck.
You know what?
I'm going to be, I'm going to write a note about Beck since you brought him up.
Because every time a listener reminds me of something, I remember that I'm not even attacking him with one-tenth of the truth.
But you're absolutely right about Beck.
I remember him saying Secret Service was protecting him.
He hates no one like 9-11 truthers.
He hates the victims' families.
He hates the Patriot movement.
He hates militias.
He hates gun owners.
And then the feds came to him and said, look, you really want to burn these people?
We love you.
You hate America?
We love you, Beck.
You co-opt them so we can destroy them.
And Beck said, absolutely.
Sorry, go ahead.
Within the last two weeks,
And I want to know, what do you think that will do to our economy with a Mad Cow Beef recall?
Well, I mean, they have been hyping that, and there's no doubt.
The government puts out reports in England and the U.S.
saying we're crazy, we're insane, there's something wrong with us.
We shouldn't want them to have these rendering plants where they mix dead animals, dead cats, dead dogs from the euthanasia facilities.
This is mainstream news.
Dead pigs, dead cows, rotten dead animals.
Their feces, their intestines, they just scoop up the guts whole and dump them in.
Then they mix them together into a sludge.
And they feed that to cows.
Now, they don't just, again, feed meat to cows that aren't meant to not eat meat and have three stomachs.
They're feeding them rotten meat.
And so it has these crystals in it.
And then that gets in our brains, and now they're reporting 20-year-olds are getting Alzheimer's, 15-year-olds are getting it, 30-year-olds, and they say that's a normal part of life now.
And then, of course, the
All the metals in the foods do it as well in the vaccines.
It all adds together.
And they just say, look, it's normal to be 15 years old and have Alzheimer's.
Now, come on.
Don't be extremist.
Eat the beef.
And the prions precipitate out near bones.
So it's the meat off the back of the animal.
T-bones and things like that you want to watch out for.
But I think you bring up a good point.
Go ahead.
Alex, you have a good day.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, thank you.
Anything else?
Sir, thanks again, Mr. Infowarrior, and I wish that you would be partners with Barack Obama so we can finally find out what was involved with Building 7 and the rest of the things that exactly happened that day.
If you had an investigation, I think that right now is the time to go after G.W.
uh... and to get to the truth of the matter uh... open murder investigation out you have a good day and thank you i don't think obama's going to be doing that joining up with me obama's there to protect bush and continue with the globalist operation what she's doing i was going to go back to your phone calls but i mean on the subject of that no i mean he talked about how much he hates us all and then now he's our leader all
Because the establishment is saying, we can't beat this patriot movement.
They were right, the new world order is real, the bankers are taking over.
How do we ensure the banks are able to fully repossess the country and bankrupt us like a third world nation?
And they tell the black op commanders, we gotta co-opt them.
And they say, yes sir!
Because it's fun for Beck and all them to sucker the public.
It's an enjoyment.
It's all part of hatred of freedom and liberty.
These people really hate you and your family.
They really hate your freedom.
And I mean that when I say it.
I've studied them.
People ask, I go back to rape.
Why would a guy want to rape a woman?
Why would he want to force it on her?
You know, if there's somebody like me, that sounds insane.
I mean, the whole point is you want the woman willing.
That's the fun part.
But see, you have to remember, evil people, they enjoy rape.
They enjoy destruction.
They enjoy pillaging.
They enjoy lying.
They enjoy getting it over on you.
They enjoy how dumbed down the public is.
This is the ether in which they swim.
The lack of sophistication of the public.
They hate seeing mines unlocked.
They hate seeing Renaissance.
They're into being the insiders.
They're parasites.
They're scum.
And good people need to rise up and deal with them.
If we take action, there's nothing they can do.
Dennis in Florida, you're on the air.
Come ahead, Dennis.
Okay, let's go to Frank in Louisiana.
Frank, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Good afternoon.
Just briefly about Beck.
Just remember this.
Loyal opposition, okay?
They've been doing this for centuries, man.
They don't pay those guys out of Manhattan millions of dollars to tell you the truth.
But anyway, what I wanted to inform you about, finally,
After many years of my dealings with the IRS, when they have many acts of sedition they committed against me and Supreme Court rulings, I finally received a document.
I got them.
They sent me a document on irs.gov saying that the 16th Amendment was a tax on all individuals.
Now anybody who knows words of art and legal definition, the vocabulous artist knows that individuals means men and women.
No, you're saying it's a direct tax.
The Bruce Schaefer v. Union Pacific Railroad, a Landmore case, says it's an indirect tax.
And we also know that from the Dahl v. Mitchell Brothers case, the 16th Amendment is a tax on corporations.
I got you, IRS.
No, absolutely, but they don't care.
They're criminals.
I mean, you know, the IRS didn't exist until 1913 when the private banks took over.
They had to have their way, just like we're a third world country, to have the money paid to the bankers.
And we've had a financial coup since then, and now the bankers are getting ready to finally fold the U.S.
up, the public's screaming bloody murder, and so they're making their move against us right now.
This is it.
This is the final takeover.
I don't think people realize, Alex,
The full extent of it, people, the younger people who are just getting involved in awakening, but you know, this whole government...
Is being operated literally for a private commercial enterprise of a small handful of private bankers.
So they can sterilize you.
They gotta do it.
It's a constitutional audit.
I agree, but that's what's so outrageous about this is that openly private families own and run the government.
They're totally illegitimate.
They've stolen $12.8 trillion in the last six months.
They're openly putting troops on the streets everywhere.
They're openly throwing down the gauntlet.
They're openly saying gun owners are terrorists.
They're openly have the Mexican government telling Americans we have to turn our guns in.
I mean, again,
It's so off the charts now, that if we'll just go explain this to the public, we can turn this around and take this nation back.
We have a chance, but more people have to activate now.
I have to say the Tea Parties are the perfect thing, because you gotta remember,
America's two civil wars were precipitated by tax rebellions and states' rights.
Both of them.
And gun confiscation.
You're absolutely right and I appreciate your call.
And that's why suddenly Fox News goes, there is a world government.
There is a global tax.
Because they can't deny it anymore.
All these years, it doesn't exist, doesn't exist.
We go, here's all the government documents.
Now that the globalists are announcing it in all the financial papers, but saying it's good, Fox has to play the part of, okay, we're the guardians.
We are against that.
We are going to fight this.
Here's our man Glenn Beck, and he goes, yes, yes, I'm a patriot, I'm with you!
We need to arrest the militias!
Ha ha!
That's patriotism!
And people go, yeah!
That's how you stop the bankers!
Arrest the gun owners!
I mean, this is a sick joke.
Let's talk to Bill in Connecticut.
Bill, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Pretty good, sir.
Real good.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I got the film, The Obama Deception, just got that delivered.
And I wanted to say thanks for all the other stuff you guys throw in there.
And I wanted to find out about ordering about a thousand of these Citizen's Rule books.
This is pretty interesting to hand out.
So that was one of the things I wanted to find out about.
Well, you know, we have all the federal documents saying you hand out Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence that the police have sworn an oath to.
They call that a terrorist document.
I'm not kidding, folks.
The government calls those citizen rule books.
In fact, where's my terrorist document?
Because it shows, bring me one, folks, it shows that everything they're doing is illegal.
It shows that they're a pack of criminals, outside the law, and then they're saying we're terrorist lawbreakers because we're pointing out that our country's been hijacked.
And then, again, the Feds have got a problem.
There's hundreds of these reports out, saying new world order doesn't exist, global government doesn't exist, global currency doesn't exist, NAFTA and Gatlin good for the economy, you know, they say it's a conspiracy theory that the economy's bad.
And this latest one, I mean, you can't make this up.
It's so ridiculous.
And all these cops that are reading this are going, wait a minute, everything they're saying here came true.
So now they're saying, well, there is a global government, there are camps, but it's for your own good.
Hey Alex, there was a couple of things that sort of brought to my attention here today.
One of my Ron Paul groups that I belong to got this email showing, I believe it's Keith
On TV and he did this thing here says Obama moves to legalize warrantless wiretapping.
Yeah, we played that clip.
They are legalizing 10, well not 10, maximum infinity, unlimited wiretapping, internet hubs, even small internet companies will have a federal hub.
Everything will run through the government, just like the telephones already do.
The internet already does as well, but they want it in all the regional systems.
No warrants, no more Fourth Amendment, no more nothing.
And Keith Olbermann has been forced to admit it's true.
That's what I'm saying!
But I still have all these Obama zombies telling me that none of this exists and everything's fine.
Just one other thing.
I read The Economist religiously, which is, as far as I'm concerned, this is the aristocrat's rag that they read.
I found this amazing.
On page 64 of this week's issue, it says here, it says, Spanish firms hope to benefit from America's stimulus plan.
And it goes on here to say that
The stimulus plan is $317 billion of intended spending, but Spain is the only country to have built a campaign around it.
And here's where all of this stuff gets interesting.
It's down here at the bottom of it.
It says, of the 10 biggest construction Spanish firms, including Ferro Rival, have pioneered public-private partnerships in construction and operation of infrastructure in Florida, Illinois, Texas,
Oh yeah, I knew what you were about to go to.
That's what this is.
They take our tax money and then give it to the offshore corporations.
They even take our tax money to build factories in other countries.
And then they have the Austin Chronicle write article saying Alex Jones is insane, Sintra is not owned by Spain.
And so understand, Sintra and others aren't just being given the roads to put toll roads on 8,000 miles of Texas roads.
They're being paid to do it.
See, it's like the bankers get 12.8 trillion of our tax money.
We have to pay the interest to give them the money.
You understand?
You don't just give the bankers your money.
But this isn't just Texas.
I mean, this is talking about the corridor.
I mean, this even includes Illinois.
I mean, where do you think that's going?
It's going to Canada.
Well, no, no, no.
I mean, we have their official maps.
North American Union, NAFTA superhighways.
I mean, that's what my film Endgame covers.
No, I agree.
And yes, The Economist, The Financial Times of London, and a few others are the establishment's real papers of record.
And they say... It's unbelievable.
They had one other article in here on... just two things in here, one other article I just wanted to bring up.
This one here was pertaining to water, okay?
And how, you know, you and I, and everybody here in America, we drink too much, so therefore, you know, they're doing this whole thing to, you know, shut down all the water, what we can actually have, and so on and so forth.
This is a page... It's not just America, I mean, it's all over the place.
No, it's globalism.
Which issue of The Economist is that?
This week's issue.
Yeah, well mail it to me, maybe I'll use some clips on air.
Thank you so much, sir.
I know, I mean, that's what's so incredible.
Is that I sit here frustrated, burning with energy, upset.
Because I've got to keep trying to explain to the public these are parasite criminals.
They're fully hijacking our entire society.
They're grabbing the roads, the infrastructure, they're brainwashing the police against us.
And they're just gonna steal and steal and steal and steal and steal and steal and steal and steal.
Because our government's wide open.
We have no protection.
Pure tyranny has come in.
That's what the new order is.
It's a select group of bankers.
I mean, you know what they talk about at these big UN meetings and Club of Rome meetings and CFR meetings and Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg?
We've gotten the minutes out of them.
It's okay, we're going to give you $3 trillion the next year.
We're going to give the banks the money and then the government will then give that money to your private bank to then buy the roads.
And then we'll pay you to buy the roads.
And yes, that's the economic stimulus package.
I mean, that's all it is.
It's just raping!
All of this is indescribable.
But the caller mentioned how he's getting the Obama deception out to people.
All over the country, at tea parties coming up later this week, and in the Fed rallies, but not just there.
At other events, people are making copies of the Obama Deception.
This film is about the bankers.
This film is about who the criminals are.
This film is about the financial raping of the people.
This film covers it all.
And this film needs to be seen by everyone.
So, just having the DVD or buying the DVD at InfoWars.com, that's great.
That supports the radio show and future filmmaking.
But what really is effective is airing it on AXS TV.
Very easy to do.
Making copies of it, giving it to people, spreading the internet links around to folks, downloading it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Please get it out to everyone.
Have viewing parties.
Wake people up.
I mean, Obama is just out in the open a criminal.
All we gotta do is stand up to him and expose him.
Alright, more calls straight ahead.
Yeah, it's just, uh...
Indiana, Texas, California, Michigan, Oregon, everything.
Florida, they're just grabbing everything.
They're just grabbing everything.
It's just totally criminal out in the open.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the elite is in control because they're totally ruthless.
They spend the majority of their money on eugenics programs, on breaking up the family, on poisoning you and your family.
They're coming right out in the open calling for one-child policies.
In the United States and Europe.
They're doing this because they're getting ready to totally bankrupt everybody and then you're going to be on basically a government paycheck now and they're going to tell you how to live your life.
This is bondage.
This is control.
And we're so decadent, we've been so brainwashed that the public is still standing down to a great extent because they can't believe what's happening.
Here's a quick example.
I'm going to go back to your calls.
I decided, I knew that Media Matters was owned by George Soros.
He was the main financier.
Lying about me, attacking me, really engaging in libel and slander and classical forms of defamation.
But then I looked into Alternet, and you know who, if you go to the Federal Register, you can look it up, it is foundation run, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Soros Foundations.
And so they're writing article after article, saying I need to be shot off the radio and have my free speech taken.
You see, why am I being attacked directly by the Ford Foundation, directly by the Rockefeller Foundation, directly by George Soros?
In fact, I've got that in the stack.
I even printed it all off.
If I have time near the end of the show, I'll get into it or I may do a show on it tomorrow.
I've got the printouts right here.
Ford Foundation.
You can go right to the federal websites that have all the foundation money telling you who gets what.
They're doing this because they know we're telling the truth.
They know we know what they're up to.
And I'm glad they're attacking me, because it lets me know I'm doing my job.
They have already engaged in irrevocable, devastating, terminal financial attacks on the country.
We're like a nation that's been stabbed hundreds of times.
We've gone into shock, the last blood's coming out of us, and we've turned white, and we're dying right now.
And they're just sitting there with pleasure.
All the American haters.
All the control freaks.
All the parasites.
These are just bad people.
They hate you.
They hate your family.
They hate your Second Amendment.
They hate your freedoms.
Look at all the other countries.
They're all run by pot-bellied scum that loves the Lord around in fancy outfits with giant frongs of starving people outside their palaces.
That's their tool of control.
They enjoy degradation.
They enjoy pain.
They enjoy sorrow.
They hate your freedoms.
They're evil.
And they control the left and the right.
And until we wake up to them and say no, it's only going to get worse.
Now they're scared now, though.
You see, they've gone past the point of return.
They've made the decision to go after the guns and start shootouts with the police.
It'll go into martial law and have the economic displacement break down and use the collapse of Mexico to ban guns here.
And they're now announcing it.
And a lot of their minions and servants are starting to figure out we told them the truth and that this is real.
And so they're getting a little concerned now.
And so they're starting to blow the whistle.
And the establishment's moved offshore.
Because they know they're going to plan kind of a Soviet culling, the Great Harvest as they call it, the mass murder.
But because we warned people before it happened, by them making this move and trying this, we're going to defeat them.
Because they've gone past the point of incrementalism.
They can't incrementally creep around and do this anymore.
They've now thrown down the gauntlet, they've now put it in high gear, they're going right up against humanity.
And so, the battle is joined, ladies and gentlemen.
I wish every day this wasn't real.
I wish every day they weren't shipping bird flu all over the world and shooting people up with it and they're dying.
That's mainstream news, but nobody in the, quote, alternative movement wants to cover it.
It's like there's mental block or something from covering real news, so they only can cover the weird, made-up crap.
We'll come back, take a few calls, and go to Joe Bannister.
Stay with me.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into the fourth and final hour.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Still taking your phone calls.
Joe Bannister coming up in the next segment.
I'm going to shout.
I've got a ton of news at him.
Let's talk to Bob in Washington, and Norma, Dave, Marcus, and others.
Go ahead, Bob.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, I initially called you to find out what you make of this video that popped, that seemed to pop up over the
over the weekend about the uh... bird flu shipments and uh... and um... that in tandem sort of with the one that popped up a couple of months ago about uh... mass graves in chicago and whether you think that that's all i mean obviously now i talk to the reporters who gave me the name of the emergency manager of the county i called him i confirmed it cc that's us saying this report is confirmed
You know, we called the source, and then I presented you with mainstream news about the mass graves and incinerators.
Did you hear me go over that?
Unfortunately, I did not.
Well, we've written articles about it and posted it.
In fact, let me just show you again.
I just had it earlier.
I can't actually show this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
But here it is.
I apologize for bringing it up again.
Stop, stop.
No, no, no.
Just let me get it for you.
Okay, here it is.
I'm going to show it to you again.
Masquerade folder, right here.
This will be the fifth time.
I don't mind doing this.
People can't always listen.
Rocky Mountain News, state prepares for bioterrorism, February 8, 2003.
The state of Colorado sees antibodies cremate disease-ridden corpses and under extreme circumstances dig mass graves under executive orders drafted for the use in the event of a bioterrorism attack.
Then it goes into the governor's measures, the mass grave sites, the incinerators,
Uh, and how they're getting ready for that.
Now, here, I go through these all day, but here's State of New York, Department of State, Division of Cemeteries.
You can read this document, call the phone numbers, it's real.
Out of the article written by Aaron Dykes, plans for mass graves confirmed, government surveying cemetery readiness for flu outbreak.
So they're preparing for millions all over the country, tens of thousands per cemetery, and you can call the phone numbers and call the state, they admit this is real, okay?
So, so see, we're covering what's real and admitted, but no one will talk about it, no one will put up a YouTube video, no one will discuss it, no one will get into it.
We have bird flu knowingly shipped out all over the world, 18 countries in Europe, mixed with real normal vaccines, then suddenly there's secret vaccine trials with all these people dying in bird flu vaccine trials, but the media, London Telegraph,
All these other publications, Bloomberg, won't do another investigation and won't say what companies it were that are lying to people saying it's a flu shot and then killing them.
Did you hear me read a French news agency in London Telegraph earlier?
Yeah, I did.
Okay, well, people don't believe me watching.
Right now, let me just dig it out again.
It's here in the stack.
Again, I go over so many articles here.
Let me find it for you.
Here it is.
Okay, let me get this for folks one more time.
Instead it's some crazy woman literally going, missiles and refrigerated and down silos and meanwhile we've got it all admitted right out in the open going on.
Instead the media is going to look at that and anyone who knows how operations work or anything is going to think we're a bunch of idiots.
Okay, just like the media all over the country is going out and saying these are just graves being expanded at VA cemeteries.
It's sad but true.
A lot of our veterans are passing now.
Instead of going, by the way, this cemetery signed an agreement to be ready to bury 100,000 Americans, they're in a bio-attack.
See, they don't tell you the other part.
And so they strawman us, and they're able to do that because laymen, the general public, are now getting involved as reporters, which is great.
It's all part of the process.
They're getting involved.
Homeless die after bird flu vaccine trial.
Health workers on trial for vaccine scam in Poland.
See that?
See that?
So we know they've shipped bird flu out, then they're giving them these vaccines that are killing people in the same countries.
That's what we should be concerned about.
Anything else, sir?
Anything else?
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, for the rest of the show, and we'll take your phone calls, we have Joe Bannister.
Joseph R. Bannister is believed to be the first Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent ever to discover alleged wrongdoing in the establishment, administration, and enforcement of the federal income tax, and then confront his superiors and top officials in the IRS about his allegations and his belief that taxpayer rights were being violated.
After confronting the IRS officials with the results contained in the investigative report, his inquiries were similarly rebuffed, and he was encouraged to resign.
He resigned on February 25, 1999.
I interviewed him right after that happened.
We were the first people to interview him.
I got a tip that this was happening, and I happened to be out in California for Urban Warrior, where they were trying to confiscate Americans' guns with the military, all on video.
And so that's why we got the interview first, put on local TV in Austin and on the web, and it's in the film I made, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed.
I'm proud of the fact that we brought Mr. Banisher out first.
Mr. Banisher is a graduate of San Jose State University.
He became a licensed, certified public accountant, and it goes on from there.
He left the practice of public accounting in 93 to accept appointment to the U.S.
Department of Treasury, IRS Criminal Investigation Division as a special agent.
In addition to his investigative duties as a sworn federal law enforcement officer, Mr. Banisher was organized crime, drug enforcement task officer, and assistant forfeiture coordinator for the IRS Central
California District.
He also assisted with firearms and defensive tactics training as well as community outreach.
Since leaving the IRS, Mr. Banisher has worked closely with Bob Schultz with the People Foundation to preserve our elected representatives, to investigate and correct the deceitful and often destructive tactics used by the agency against innocent, hard-working Americans.
And they tried to then arrest him and indict him.
For telling people the IRS was a scam, and he beat them in court on that with a jury.
So just an amazing individual, been through hell on earth.
And it all started in 97, two years before he went public.
He heard B.V.
Kidd on mainstream radio explaining that the IRS was for private banks.
And he spent two years researching it, just to recap for folks that don't know who he is.
Found out it was real, went and talked to his superiors, and they said, you need to just resign.
Get out of here.
We don't want to hear about that.
Now it's public that private banks own the world government.
Bank of the world's being set up.
You'll pay your carbon taxes to them.
There's just no end to it.
And so it's going to get worse and worse.
And in the MIAC report, in this report by the Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, they mention Joe Bannister in some of these reports.
They mention, you know, people going out and talking about the IRS.
They mention the We the People group.
They mentioned mainline libertarians.
Look, as an American, you get involved and say, I don't want to live under tyranny.
They say you're a terrorist.
And now the new document that's out is saying gun owners are terrorists, period.
And that they are coming for our guns.
So this is a rogue government, folks.
And we're out, I mean, this is out of control.
So I got Joe on today with us.
Joe, great to have you back up with us.
Thanks, Alex.
It's great to hear your voice.
So much is going on, so much is happening.
When you first woke up to the New World Order many years ago, did you ever think it would get this crazy, this fast?
I mean, I can't believe how ridiculously corrupt the government is.
Well, I mean, as it's becoming more and more apparent, it's a race to the finish line.
You were just saying that earlier in your show, and you say it every day, thankfully, because people need to keep hearing it.
It's an absolute race to the finish line because they know that the people are waking up
I don't know.
A tax against the Second Amendment and the efforts to protect it.
And then I thought, well, how can the government be so blatant in their attacks against the Second Amendment?
And then in my 30s, I learned about the income tax and realized that, wow, the federal government's been BSing people, you know, since the early 1900s.
So of course they think they can go after the Second Amendment.
And of course, now in my 40s, learning more about the bigger picture, as you've so eloquently shown to people.
It's just that tip of the iceberg, you get to see just how big that iceberg is under the surface.
Joe, I agree with you.
I mean, I am dumbstruck.
I am amazed.
I had a caller call in and mention The Economist Magazine.
I wasn't aware of that article, but I'm covering here.
I know it's true.
Where they pay foreign companies, German, Dutch, Spanish, to come seize the roads and put toll roads on them.
I mean, these bankers are so arrogant, they're not even bankers, they're just mafia scammers, that they get paid to grab the roads and taxes.
And they're just stealing everything.
They admittedly are breaking all the laws, stealing trillions for themselves right now with the bailout money.
And I could have former top federal regulators on, like a professor we had on who put the SNL folks in prison, and he admits the whole government's criminal.
They're taking over.
I guess that's the good news, though, Joe, is that now people really can admit to themselves that we are totally dominated by a mafia, but the mafia doesn't care, and like you said, is racing to the finish line.
Where do you see this going?
Well, it's going to get worse.
You know, the tyrants always turn to violence, right?
I mean, the people, when our country was founded,
There's plenty of evidence of non-violent petitioning, seeking redress, and how does it end up?
The British try to steal the guns of the colonists, and the war is on.
I listen to your show a lot.
I even learned that you wanted to have me on the show for my son Ryan, a 17-year-old,
So, the good news also is that young people are dialed in to what's going on, thanks to you.
I listen to your show regularly, but unfortunately, I think history has shown that tyrants always go to violence.
They also use the surreptitious means, like I've seen on your website, as far as infiltration, co-opting of our efforts.
And that's okay.
I mean, we, you know, again, thanks to you, we know a lot of their tactics and we can be prepared for them.
I think what we have to do is just look at people's conduct and, you know, you so well document people's conduct.
And I think that, you know, people who are searching for word of turn, for information,
Uh, for leadership, just look at the conduct of the people and look back five years, ten years, fifteen years into their conduct, which is, you know, why you're, when you can talk about someone like Glenn Beck, um, look at their past.
And if you see something that doesn't look right, um, you know, you better catch yourself and maybe not be so, you know, still learn from them, but be careful not to follow them and they might follow you, you might follow them right over a cliff.
That's right, you gotta judge a tree by its fruits.
And look, I hate attacking Beck all day and I get sophomoric about it.
It's just that it's so obvious.
What a fraud he is and others.
And I just am tired of seeing people get taken for a ride.
Because I'm not that smart, Joe.
I've just been doing this for now 14 plus years and doing it full time, you know, with the candlelit at both ends.
And so I've learned all the silly little tricks they try.
Doesn't mean I'm good at articulating it.
There's a lot of other people smarter than I am.
It's just, again, I just get dumbfounded by how gullible people are.
But like you said, it's a process.
We were all once ignorant about how things work.
And I agree with you.
The system is really getting aware of the awakening right now.
Joe, I don't see any way they're going to get through what they're doing without starting a big war, staging some big terror attacks, really doing some horrible stuff, and that's why I tell people, this isn't a game.
In fact, I hear my rebroadcast sometimes where I'm screwing around having fun, because I'm just a regular guy too, and I get mad at myself and I go, you can't do that.
This isn't a game.
It hits me how real this is, and I'm sure it's hit you when they tried to put you in prison for telling people the IRS was a scam.
Yeah, well, as we found, you know, different footage of you getting arrested.
Sometimes you expect it to be, and other times not.
You know, they have the jails, they've got legions of lawyers and deep pockets, but we have the truth.
And I think that we, you know, I'm sure you're like me, we don't do this in a vacuum.
We look for spiritual strength.
We rely on our Almighty Father to guide us, to inspire us, to figure out how we're going to beat this back, because the truth will ultimately win in the end.
Frankly, in my opinion, the country, of course, started out with many blessings and continued for many hundreds of years, but those blessings seem, at least the results of what we see in front of us, the evil that's out there, we need to get back to where God is just bestowing abundant blessings on our country.
And maybe we need to look to see, look to ourselves, look to, I think I've heard you mention about the abortion that goes on in this country, the killing, the poisoning, those are all evil things that are occurring, and we need Almighty God's blessings.
Absolutely, in fact, I mean, folks, you read what you saw, and people think they can just kill babies as a form of birth control, and that 50 dead, 50 million dead babies,
Won't come back on you.
In a society that doesn't care about babies or old people or other folks, folks aren't going to care about you.
And yes, the reason we're going to hell in a handbasket is because we have decided evil is cool.
And killing babies is fun, and all of this is fun.
And so folks, now we're going to go into something like Stalinist Russia.
And I don't just say that for effect.
I want listeners to understand, and Joe's experienced it, that the establishment that's in control is just as bad as Stalinist Communists.
And I'm telling you, I'm telling you folks, your life means nothing to them.
They enjoy hurting you.
Joe Bannister, I want to try to shut up though, because I'm ranting here.
I want to hear from you how the fight's going to expose the IRS,
As an investigator, what the IRS really is, some of the new things that are coming up, and take some phone calls with Joe Bannister, and we'll plug your websites.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Joe, when I was thinking about you a few weeks ago, the big question I wanted to ask you about was the MIAC report, which I'm sure you've read and seen, and all these other federal reports that are put out where they say mainline libertarians, constitutionalists, those protesting the Fed, it turns out we have the Army spying on us.
You're mentioned in some of these documents, other people are mentioned, there's a whole bunch of them here.
They mention the We the People Foundation, which is just out educating.
And then everywhere we go, we have police and security guards come up in D.C., New York, just happened in Kansas City, they're 150 yards away from the private Federal Reserve building, and the federal security guards in little Nazi outfits come over and say, we're going to arrest you if you don't tell us who you are and then leave.
It's just, it's just, this isn't freedom.
What's the process with the police and military right now with these reports?
A. Are they buying them?
And then B. How do they deal with the reports saying there's no such thing as a new world order, global government, the conspiracy theorists, terrorists believe they're going to set up a bank of the world, and then meanwhile that's being announced all over the news that it is happening.
I mean, how do police and military deal with the doublespeak?
Well, as I'm sure you're aware, Alex, there's a hierarchy in most law enforcement agencies, right?
You've got the people at the top who are, you know, I shouldn't be broad-brushing, but I mean largely bought and paid for.
Then you have the rank-and-file people who live regular lives like you and me.
And what the Ivory Tower hierarchy wants is that the rank-and-file will just read these memos, these pamphlets, these training manuals.
And that's their only source of information.
And that's, I think, what the hierarchy wants, and it's what they expect.
But fortunately, with the Internet, and because there are still plenty of rank-and-file people that have brains and use them, they go out and they find other information, or their friends and relatives and neighbors share information with them.
And they just use their own, you know, God-given cognitive skills to say, wait a second.
Somebody's lying to me, and that's exactly what happened to me.
Fortunately for me, I had a number of years outside the IRS before I went in there.
So when I went in there, it was such a culture shock, unlike people that might graduate from college and go right into the IRS and spend a career there.
So I had a perspective.
Just because I was out in the real world, you know, researching tax law, dealing with clients who were having, you know, tax struggles, or finding that the IRS was absolutely destroying them for no good reason.
I mean, when I first got my job at the IRS, part of my background investigation was an audit.
They audited me for three years, and the auditor actually tried to accuse me of cheating on about $10,000 worth of tax.
So I had to put my thinking cap on and fight an IRS auditor just to get a job with the IRS, and I ended up getting a $1,000 refund because I found out I was even too conservative.
But they told me before the audit that they're going to treat you just like they do every other taxpayer, and boy, they sure did.
They wanted to rip me off.
But I mean, that's not the case now.
Geithner was told, you've got to pay back this hundred-and-something thousand.
He says, no, I'm not going to do it.
And now they have a Treasury Secretary who doesn't pay taxes, and it's come out that most of Obama's administration just doesn't bother to pay, and that under the last few administrations, they've gotten rid of most of the IRS enforcers against big international corporations where all the money's at, and they're pointing them at blue-collar people, I guess just to waste their time.
Sure, to make you chase your tail, and they know that they can make the average person's life miserable, but as you're well aware and have said many times, you know, isn't that what socialism and communism and all these collectivist political systems are about?
It's about double standards, right?
The people, they get into power claiming that we're going to make everything equal and everybody happy,
And then as soon as they're in power, they don't walk the walk, they don't live the way everyone else lives.
And that's the lie that you are so good at telling people, and God bless you for doing it.
Well, I'm not that good at it, Joe.
What I'm not good at is controlling myself, though.
I mean, I'm getting sick of these people.
For me, Alex, I just love listening to you.
You get people's heart pounding and you know, darn it, I think you've got to use something to get people out of their easy chair and I think I can tell you're sincere and I think most people can tell that.
You can tell when someone's sincere.
You're sincerely upset, you're sincerely worried about your fellow man and so am I and that's why we do what we do.
Let's come back and get into solutions and where all this goes and take some calls.
I'm just getting more and more upset.
And by upset, it's a quickening.
I know they're getting ready to stage more terror.
I can just see all the pieces coming together.
And I just can't believe we have to be ruled by scumbag, control-freak criminals, Joe.
Joe Banzer's our guest.
He's a great American hero.
We'll talk to him when we get back.
Long segment coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Speaking of websites, books, materials, information, Joe Bannister, you've done just so much great work.
Where's the best place for folks to check out the work and material that you've put out and done?
Well, a lot of it's just, you know, I just kind of go out and speak when I'm invited, so there's a lot of videos up on YouTube, etc., but FreedomAboveFortune.com has always been my website.
There's a mailing list that people can join there, you know, if they are concerned about lists, you know, go get a throw-down address on Yahoo and join the list, but I mean, I do send out alerts and updates as to what's going on, at least from my neck of the woods.
And so FreedomAboveFortune.com along the left hand side, there's all kinds of good information there.
I'm planning on releasing some videos about protecting your rights and the IRS and their bag of dirty tricks.
You know, what kind of dirty tricks they pull out of people.
Hey, when you beat them, when they arrested you or indicted you for telling people about the fraud and it went to trial, can you just briefly recap what happened there and then what they did when you beat them?
Well, they started investigating me.
I resigned in 99.
They started investigating me criminally in 2001.
November of 2004, I was indicted and arrested by, you know, agents I used to work with.
Two hour car ride up to Sacramento to the U.S.
Marshals lockup.
Did they put you in handcuffs?
They cuffed me.
They cuffed me in the front and gave me some water.
They were real kind to me.
What did they say?
Hey Joe, we're here to arrest you.
You've been talking.
You're not allowed to do that in America.
Yeah, well, they came into my house with guns drawn, and my attitude, which is so funny when they put my name in these reports and things, I kind of thought of it like a training exercise.
I laughed, because when I was at the IRS, Alex, as I said, I was at least a Second Amendment supporter, I was aware of that, and so I had bumper stickers in my cubicle that said, you know, fear the government that fears your guns, and the experts agree gun control works with the pictures of Stalin and Mao.
And so whenever we'd have training exercises, they'd make me the tax protester.
And I would get hit with the soap pellets.
So when they came to arrest me, I really just kind of pictured myself in another training exercise.
I showed my hands.
I knew the drill because I'd trained it many times.
And off I went.
But the prosecutor tried to keep me in jail, saying that I was a flight risk.
And the judge looked at him like he was a nut.
Because there was no evidence that I was.
So the judge released me and I had about seven months to prepare for my trial, which was in June of 2005.
I was charged with conspiring to defraud the United States of America and for preparing three false amended tax returns.
They didn't address my personal situation whatsoever.
They were trying to join me to a client and claim that our efforts to get a refund
from the IRS was a conspiracy and involved false tax returns.
Now the thing is that the IRS lays out what it claims is the correct way to do things with them and that is to pay the tax first and sue for a refund.
Well we went chapter and verse in exactly what they lay out to sue for a refund and that's what myself and my client were prosecuted for.
To conspire against the United States for following the IRS's rulebook and seeking a refund.
And the jury, they're in Sacramento, California, I learned talking to them after I was acquitted, they were just astounded that this case was even brought against me.
Because all of the evidence kept showing what a good guy I was.
I mean, what a good CPA I was, I was going to bat for my client.
Everything that I submitted was right out of their own manuals, right out of the regulations, right out of the statutes.
And they said, well, Joe, why did they bring up so much evidence that made you look so good?
I said, well, most of their evidence, their documentary evidence, came from me, because they issued me a grand jury subpoena, and a CPA does not have Fifth Amendment protection in their workpapers.
So I had to give them these stacks of workpapers from my efforts.
And that's what they used in the trial.
They also used a two-hour video, which is probably on the internet, where I spoke to the employees of my client's business.
And I just went through a two-hour litany of the reason that I left the IRS and what I learned.
And the government used that tape in the trial, and I guess because they were so devoid of anything, you know,
Any evidence?
They were trying to convince the jury that this video showed me in the act.
And the jury wanted to see the video a second time during deliberations because
They could see that I was sincere.
I was, you know, I was looking at actual documents.
I mean, there was just no BS about my presentation.
Well, for those that don't know, they've written the income tax code, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm interviewing you and other experts, where the big banks and offshore corporations get out of paying it.
So there's loopholes in there for them.
It's all paid into the IRS to go on interest to the debt of the private bankers.
We didn't have it until 1913.
It was only about one percent.
Until the fifties.
We built this country without it.
Now it's the parasite dragging us down.
And as the public begins to learn about this, what are they going to do?
Sorry, go ahead, Jim.
Well, yeah, I mean, it is the parasite.
I mean, interestingly, there's a website called hearliberty.com, like H-E-A-R.
And there's a T. Coleman Andrews interview that U.S.
News & World Report did in 1956, and Mr. Andrews was a former IRS commissioner, and you should read how he lambasted the very agency that he was commissioner of and the income tax.
You know, at least back in the 50s, there were still people that were in government that recognized communism when they saw it.
So, yeah, it's like the chameleon keeps changing its spots, or changing its colors, but it can't change them fast enough.
You know, the American people are catching on.
Well, look at what government's doing now.
It's openly being run by private banks who are literally stolen $12.8 trillion.
Just the number is almost the GDP, $13 trillion is the GDP.
And they're saying, Obama says, I'm cutting government in half.
Bush tripled it.
He's going to more than double it in one year.
I mean, just the level of lying.
Folks would think that I couldn't be amazed anymore by the lying.
I am really getting speechless, Joe Bannister, because it's so ridiculous how corrupt they are.
But then if you study, I guess, criminology like you've done, and I've done it as a layman, when criminals and psychos don't get caught and get away with it, don't they always just get wilder and wilder?
That's exactly right, and I think the American people, we all collectively, you and I and many people, all your production team, we're working our butts off as much as we can, and when our eyes were opened, we get to work.
But other people's eyes are opened and they go back to their easy chair, and this is a group effort.
People who are just sitting around doing nothing, you've got to do something.
My recommendation, as always first, is prayer.
I believe that collectively we've offended God greatly and we need to get back to where we're not doing that.
But also watch out for discouragement.
When you feel like the discouragement is coming on, that's the evil forces trying to disarm you.
Uh, and it's gonna, everybody's gonna feel that discouragement, but, you know, reject it.
I agree.
Let's move forward.
I agree.
Let's just... Go ahead.
Uh, and I, as I say, I do listen to your show pretty frequently, and you mentioned Hogan's Heroes, and I, I, I talk to people about Hogan's Heroes because, look at it this way, you have these prisoners of war, the Germans thought that they were this compliant, these compliant slaves who were
Immobilized, correct?
And then what would happen at night?
They'd go out into the German countryside and wreak havoc to the Nazi war effort.
You know, there's Americans out there that may be stuck in a job where they can't take on the IRS, they can't do any of this stuff, but every person can find something that they can do to join this effort to wreak havoc
I'm convinced everyone can play a role, but stealth is the key.
People like you and me, stealth isn't an option, but there's plenty of people that can use stealth.
Don't wear your support for Ron Paul on your sleeve or your bumper sticker like Ann Coulter does.
Just do the job that needs to get done and do it in stealth.
Speaking of the devil, that's another example of wannabe co-opting.
Suddenly, she's all for Ron Paul, so is Lynne Beck.
That shows that we are becoming the majority.
They can see our growth curve.
We're a huge minority now, but they understand it's just going to keep growing and growing.
We are going to be the majority, we're almost there, because everything we talked about is coming true.
What do you think the average police officer, and I've talked to a lot of them, I know what their view is, but I mean, your take on talking to them, or your average federal person, they tell them for decades there's no new world order.
And it doesn't exist and it's not happening.
And then suddenly,
They come right out on the news and say there is a world government, but it's going to save you from the economic downturn.
I've been told that that's really what's waking government people up.
It's, wait a minute, you said none of this existed, and now you're telling me it's good.
Right, and I think, you know, maybe you've already done it or you're in the process of doing it, but I mean, what needs to be done is a viral, you know, DVD where you can show that, you know, when you said what you said 10 years ago, 15 years ago, and show that progression, both what you've been saying, you know, and people trying to expose the truth about the New World Order, and what the other side has been saying, so that within 45 or 90 minutes, people can see
I don't
Don't care about the rank-and-file and largely they don't even care about the citizens.
They just care about their own pension and paycheck and their own careers.
Exactly and that becomes a culture of protecting the other corrupt people until the crimes get worse and worse but nobody can blow the whistle because it'll bring us all down and that's what causes societies to implode and fall in on themselves and yes
We have hundreds of shows I've done, thousands of radio shows, hundreds of TV shows.
I just haven't had the crew to go back and watch all of that, listen to all of that, but I've thought about making that film, showing the predictions I made, the predictions other people made, and then, what's even harder, I remember seeing it and reading it, going back and finding all the news reports where they said that we were lying, and then, so show how they were lying, how we were telling the truth, and how it's all basically happening now.
That would be extremely, extremely effective.
It's like I predicted what Glenn Beck was going to do the other night.
It wasn't hard to do, but that really impresses people.
They think it's like magic or something, and it's not.
I mean, these people have like a shake and bake.
You know, it's like the directions to making pancakes on the back of a box.
I mean, I know what they're going to do.
I want to bring just Ted Anderson up for about three minutes here real fast, Joe Bannister.
We're going to come back in the final segment and jam in a few phone calls, but I do want to plug your website, and that's freedomabovefortune.com, correct?
That's correct.
Thank you, Alex.
Oh, you bet.
We've got that up on screen, folks.
We need to support you.
Very, very valiant.
And I'm also told that you are going to be going out to the big event that's coming up this next weekend in Lexington, Massachusetts.
I believe you're on the list to speak, aren't you?
No, but I'll be at the April 15th TruthAttack.org.
That's it.
I get it all.
It all runs together.
Where is that TruthAttack.org thing going to be?
Well, it's all over the country.
750 post offices last year.
I'm going to be in the Reno and Carson City, Nevada post offices on the 15th.
So, you know, certainly love to see people.
And our job, of course, is to wake up all the Fox News people that are going to be there.
I think about 750 places, citizens out in front of the news cameras as we take over the media, as we take over the coverage.
Same thing with the Tea Party, same things with all of it.
We're on the march.
Empire is on the run, and I salute every one of you out there.
That's why we're having this effect.
Real fast, Ted Anderson, I wanted to get you on today, because gold is up 15-something bucks last time I checked.
You've got gold and silver, again, that you buy when it's low, you keep the price low, when it's high.
That's how you beat everybody out there in the industry.
So I wanted to bring you on just for a minute or two, Ted, to tell folks about today's offer.
Alex, thanks for having me up again.
I tell you, gold did hit about $860, and I was buying as much as I could at that point.
I did get into some Franks at $2.14 and I've got the British Sovereigns at $2.67.
But one of the things I ran into here, interestingly enough just here now, is the Lakota coin, the Lakota Silver Round.
Most everybody is selling them from $20 to $25.
And I have the Lakota Silver Rounds right now at $18.50.
I don't know.
The Franks currently right now at 214, that's the same coin that was at 227 here just about 3-4 weeks ago.
British Sovereigns at 267, same coin that was at 290 here just a few weeks ago.
So obviously, yeah, the time is now to be buying in.
But that Lakota coin at $18.50, that's a good price for a silver round.
Ted, will you save me five of those?
Yeah, I'd be happy to, of course.
Yeah, definitely, because these are collector coins.
It's kind of like the Ron Paul Liberty coin that goes for $300, you could buy for $16.
These things really go up and so get that Lakota Nation coin 1-800-686-2237.
The brokers will be there till tonight.
How much is gold up?
I know it was climbing last time I checked.
Well, I tell you, it hit almost $900 an ounce.
It actually went over $950.
Right now it's up
$12.60 at the moment.
And that's with all the banker manipulation.
They're killing the dollar, folks.
It's a great time to get into precious metals.
Thank you, Ted.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Joe Banas is our guest.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
You might not be able to spell Constitution, but you sure know how important it is.
You might not be missing any shirts from your closet, but you have given the shirt off your back hundreds of times.
You might not understand the thousands of laws that exist, but you do live by the Ten Commandments.
You might not know who the bad guys are, or what you should be complaining about, but you do know what to be thankful for.
You might not be looking for a government handout, but you do know how to
I don't know.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I cannot stress enough for listeners, you better study history.
I know a lot of you have.
Some of you haven't.
Tyranny is not fun.
Being a slave is not fun.
We've had it good so long, but we got seduced by evil and now, we're already financially destroyed.
I mean, this country's going into a depression.
Anyway, you slice it.
But we can come out of it.
If you have liberty, you can regenerate everything very quickly.
That's the engine of freedom and capital.
You don't have that, nothing can bring it back.
And so just know, as things get worse and worse, the solution is freedom and liberty, not big government, not tyranny, not control.
Joe Bannister, freedomoffortune.com, that's what it comes down to.
He that is willing to lay down his life will win his life, will gain it.
He who is willing to lose his fortune will gain it.
And it's not some magical thing, folks.
It's if you're a coward and don't fight back, you're going to be a slave.
But if you're willing to fight back, you're probably not going to be a slave.
If you're willing to stand up for yourself and lose your fortune, you're the type that's probably going to win your fortune.
A nation of sheep will be governed by a nation of wolves.
And I said I'd take calls.
We need to have Joe back up for a full hour in the near future.
I apologize for getting him on late.
There's just so much.
Valerie in Alaska, you're on the air with Joe Bannister.
Hi, how are you doing?
I learned about this back in the 70s, what's going on today, when I was a teenager, and now my teenagers are learning about it, and they're spreading the word at their school.
My daughter's even writing a paper this week about the bird flu for her class, and she's going to share it with the whole class.
That's going to be kind of eye-opening to a lot of the kids.
There was a few things I wanted to cover, but I know you don't probably have time.
There was a woman that came out here last week.
She's in the Holocaust Museum.
She works there, and she was in the Holocaust.
She said she'd be willing to do an interview with you sometime, so if you have time, you know, after this call, I'll give you her phone number.
And I told her a little bit about the FEMA camp, and her eyes just, like, opened up, and you could see the fear came over her eyes, and, I mean, she spent... Well, Glenn Beck says... She was a ten-year-old child, and she spent two years in the forest by herself as a ten-year-old.
And not talking to anyone, and that story is something else.
Well, it doesn't matter, according to... It doesn't matter if congressmen admit they're building camps.
According to Glenn Beck, everything's fine.
But yes, ma'am, give us that number.
I appreciate your call.
Joe, your comments on the FEMA camps.
Well, I mean, I've reviewed the evidence that you've put out there on your website and talked about, and you know, it looks convincing to me.
I mean, it certainly
Every bit as solid as anything I saw relating to the income tax.
People need to, again, look at Alex Jones' conduct, look at what you've done all these years, and you refer to actual government documents, mainstream reports.
You know, the reason I was convinced was because the people that made these claims pointed to real stuff.
You know, not just some phony photocopy machine doctored up thing.
Real evidence.
Yeah, that's our biggest problem is that, you have to expect this, humanity's diverse.
The media twists and spins and lies, but the alternative media, it's as varied as fish in the sea, you know?
I mean, it's, there's a lot of crap out there.
Yeah, but you know, with history, with the Nazis, I mean, certainly they had camps and all these kinds of things that we're seeing now.
Is what they had before they went to what?
You know, imprisoning people, murdering people.
I mean, these are the precursors.
They have to do something with the bodies.
They have to do, they have to get people to go to these camps somehow.
They have to fool people.
So, I mean, we've seen it laid out how it's done, and you're pointing out the similarities, and I hope people are waking up.
Joe Bannister, FreedomAboveFortune.com.
I really appreciate the fine work you and everybody else are doing.
We'll talk to you again soon, and say hi to your family for me.
Thanks to you and all your team, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Joe Bannager's a real gentleman, a really smart guy, and too nice.
Telling me how great I am all day.
Folks, I'm not great.
I don't even do the best job here.
I just am trying to fight the new world order.
I know if we stand up, we can beat these people.
And that's what's so frustrating.
Now, it's getting exciting as a lot of folks are waking up, but I'm still frustrated because I just can't stand the globalists and all the crimes they committed.
A lot of important guests and information.
Retransmission starts now.
One place.
Spread the word about the show.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
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