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Name: 20090327_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2009
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, for this segment, a little bit of the next, I have Bob Chapman and Jason Bermas in studio with us today, talking about all these attempts to debunk us.
I mean, how obvious is it, Becker saying, put Ron Paul supporters in jail a year ago, we're dangerous, use the military on us, MIAC report stuff.
I'm your friend, I've decided I like you, I'm going to be the great arbiter, I will decide, we'll start a grassroots movement under me, which is what Obama and the British government, they're all creating these doppelgangers, to kind of go out and imitate what we do, but then stab everybody in the back.
Bob Chapman, how obvious is this to you?
It's very obvious, and it has been from the beginning.
We used to call these people change agents.
And what they do is they work for the people who control things from behind government, and they're told what to do and how to do it.
And they have experts working all around the world, 24 hours a day, coming up with things like this, among other things that they do.
And so that's what he is.
He's a disinformation specialist.
And they have the grain of truth, and then they have the rest of it being propaganda.
And you're absolutely right.
What he said is wrong.
And the interview he had was ludicrous.
I mean, the other man had nothing to say.
Barnes, tell us about Megs.
This is a true piece of work.
Yeah, Megs is the former editor-in-chief over at Entertainment Weekly, a magazine I used to read a lot as a kid, and he was hired by Hearst Publications, I believe, in the run-up to that big article that they wrote about the 9-11 truth movement.
This was back in, I believe, 2004.
They did a big cleaning of all their employees and brought in a whole bunch of new people.
Now, Megs
And I debated about 9-11.
I ate him and David Dunbar up.
They had the opportunity to debate me again on The View.
They refused to do so.
Then they stopped taking requests altogether to debate 9-11.
And for them to bring in popular mechanics to try to quote-unquote debunk the FEMA camps is just about as thinly veiled as it gets.
This is a magazine that's supposed to go over the latest tractor.
The latest car.
I mean, it has nothing to do with FEMA camps, Alex, or 9-11.
But it's worse than that.
The next thing Beck goes to, we've gotten more of the clip, is he goes, now we're going to debunk compulsory service.
It was in all the bills.
Obama's announcing they're trying to push it.
We're trying to shoot it down.
People denied it was in the bills, just like they denied the MAIAC report.
Now they won't issue the full bill.
We don't know.
We can't find it.
See, they make it extremely difficult for me to do a keyword search.
By providing me with a PDF file, I can just type in a word and I can scan the entire document.
What they have up there is text of legislation, and each subsection has a link.
So I literally have to go through 200 plus subsections, each one, and type in that keyword.
So they're making it very difficult to scan.
Yeah, but they don't even have the full copy of it, the new version.
They do have the full copy, but it's only in text subsections.
So I can click on a link, it'll give me a subsection like this one, Alex.
It'll give me like four sections.
But then you gotta click on the next link and the next link.
And on the side, it's supposed to provide you with a PDF.
You can get PDFs of the earlier versions.
But again, this is the fifth version of the bill.
You know, I had a caller on my show last night.
Well, they've been doing that for a long time.
And it's just the public is not aware of it.
And, you know, these bills, whether it's a labor union that's written the legislation,
Or a lobbying group for the pharmaceutical industry?
Very little work is done on bills of any kind by Congress themselves.
It's these other parties who bring in
The legislative wording and the writing.
But how asinine is it for them to try to say we're making it up that they want a compulsory service and are trying to pass that when it's all over the news?
I mean, they think they can get away with anything.
I mean, right now, no one's still talking about the effectiveness of a centralized electronic citizen verification system that they're going to put into place through the Department of Education and our children, Alex.
Yeah, let's talk about that and get Bob Chapman's final take on that.
His website's TheInternationalForecaster.com.
It's invaluable.
You can go there and get a free electronic copy of it, or you can call a toll-free number we'll give you and get a hard copy of it.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are now simulcasting the last hour and a few minutes at PrisonPlanet.tv of the syndicated radio show.
Finishing up with Bob Chapman and Jason Mermis with some key news inside legislation.
And this is just, uh, this particular piece we're looking at, the subsections we're finding to set up a whole nother Real ID Act for the public schools.
So that's coming up in one moment.
First off, I want to tell you about one of our great new sponsors, Home Gain.
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Okay, now in the few minutes we have left with Bob Chapman,
Give them the subsection of the bill.
This is the type of stuff they have tucked into this national service bill.
We're trying to get pulled out of it.
But this is some of the other stuff.
Now imagine how big the national ID card is they denied so long they were setting up.
With federal highway funds tied to the states, thumbprints, biometrically face scans, being integrated into federal and private databases, being used.
As this global system.
And the states are resisting that.
Well, imagine what's in all the thousands of pieces of legislation.
We're just reading the one dealing with National Compulsory Service and find other little gems like this that nobody's talking about.
We gotta get a story from Paul Watson or from Kurt Nemo on this ASAP.
Tell them about it.
Section 1710, study to evaluate the effectiveness of a centralized electronic citizenship verification system.
The Corporation for National and Community Service shall conduct a study to determine the effectiveness of a centralized electronic citizenship verification system which would allow the Corporation to share employment eligibility information with the Department of Education.
Now they're going to implement this through both the Corporation and the Department of Education in Subsection A1.
But in Subsection A4 they let you know that the information that needs to be shared in order to fulfill employment eligibility requirements.
So basically they're telling you if you don't go along with this system you will not be able to be employed in this country.
And they're going to implement it and it's fully funded from 2010 to 2014.
That's what Homeland Security's been saying.
You'll have to have an ID card to buy and sell to have a job, but the illegal aliens are exempt from this.
Like in the $787 million stimulus package, it says illegals are exempt from having to go through ID requirements, but citizens have to, to get the money or to be involved in any of the bailouts.
So just absolutely amazing.
Bob Chapman, give us your analysis on this.
Well, first of all, it's more insanity.
Particularly the illegal alien aspect of it.
It flies in the face of
Any kind of logic whatsoever.
But these sorts of things, as we know, have been coming for a long time, and now they're approaching reality.
That is, the identification card via Homeland Security, via driver's licenses, and now this new element, which is the data bank of children, so that when they reach
Uh, an age that they are going to be employed, uh, that will be just carried on.
And as you said, you won't be able to get a job unless you're in this data bank.
And so what they're doing is pigeon pigeonholing everybody so that, uh, they know what everybody can do, uh, how they've been trained.
And so if government says, uh, Mr. Smith, um, you live in New York City.
Uh, but, uh, we don't see any jobs for you there, so, uh, we do have some jobs for you in Provo, Utah, so, uh, we're gonna ship you out there, otherwise you don't work.
Well absolutely, and under this, it's still in there to make, I mean it's got the 18 to 25, three months compulsory service, that it appears has been stripped for now, thank God, people getting upset, but it was in the bills.
And in mainstream news, they still say 50 hours for middle school, 100 hours for elementary, compulsory service for college, so this is federal control, and so it says the kids going to school have to have this, and that's what they've been saying
You know, job training at schools where the government will decide, they've said this, what you're going to be when you grow up.
Different education paths that the government will decide and then out of high school you'll have the credential for what you're allowed to do.
That's also with this H.R.
1388, section 1710, currently in there, correct Burmese?
In there.
Currently in there?
And that's what we're doing.
I mean, this bill's changing every day.
We spend hours trying to read it.
Burmese is.
The Watson Brothers are.
Nemo is.
And this is one bill.
Congress has no way of keeping track of this.
We can't keep track of this.
That's why they've tried to pass the Read the Bills Act, whereby law, the congressmen have to read the bills and be involved in writing them.
But there's other subsections, too, in here, aren't there?
Yeah, there are a ton of subsections, and you know the subsection right under 1801 is this call to service campaign on September 11th, literally hijacking 9-11 as Obama's new holiday.
And they're actually going to be funding all these different observations around the country, so they're going to have their national campaign for service, and then they're going to put out, you know, their people on 9-11, and they're going to go door-to-door on 9-11 and try to recruit others.
That's what, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, they're going after
Everybody here.
And they're going to say, join us, you're not for the 9-11 attacks, are you now?
Hundreds of schools have announced, this is all over the news, every day I see four or five articles, where the schools are saying you have to do compulsory service even without the federal law yet, and they're calling it the new Obama curriculum, and here's one today, Oakland School renamed Barack Obama Academy, and they're suddenly turning lots of public schools into full-bore military academies.
Bob Chapman.
Well, I hadn't heard that, but that's not such a good idea, because that's where
The type of Hitler Junga comes from and the brown shirts and other fascist or communist appendages of government.
And that's where they're headed with that.
And with the codification and data on individual children as they grow up, what'll come later, once they have everybody DNA'd,
Uh, in selective breeding.
And who can, who can't, who are you gonna marry?
Oh, by the way, they've now announced, now they've announced the Associated Press, I told people 14 years ago, everybody at birth for 36 years has had their blood taken and put in a federal DNA database, and guess what?
Europe's done it, England's done it, Canada's done it, Australia's done it, and it all started the same year.
That is global management.
That is the strings of the spider web.
People only look at a piece of the web.
Look at the big fat spider.
The New World Order is sitting right in the middle of that thing.
Bob Chapman will be back with us for an hour graciously next Friday from noon to 1pm.
You stayed over today.
I appreciate you being here with us.
Folks can go to TheInternationalForecaster.com.
That's 877-479-8178.
And I'll see you next week.
Thank you so much, Bob.
I appreciate you spending time with us.
And I want to be clear here.
There is so much legislation that listeners are warning us about that I'm trying to read.
We all have like 50 bills sent to me a day and I'm trying to read the sections and I find horrible stuff and then forget about it and then move on to something else.
I mean, it's just hitting us.
Congress approves a landmark conservation bill, you know, grabbing 2 million more acres.
There's some... It's more than that.
It's actually 40 million acres.
There's 26 in there, and that has 160 bills amalgamated into it.
They don't tell you the name of the bill, because I tried to look it up to see what these things said.
It's a giant land grab, and God knows what.
We've been covering this for two weeks, but the issue is 2 million here, 8 million there, 160 bills.
Yeah, this is...
This report here is out of Reuters.
It says, The measure, a package of more than 160 bills, would set aside 2 million acres, parks, rivers, streams, desert, forests, and trails.
So when they set aside a river, that's a corridor.
Then they grab your property, or won't let you use it on either side.
In nine states, a new wilderness would render them off-limits to oil and gas drilling and other development.
The House of Representatives approved the measure on Vote 285-140, and it goes on.
Now understand, folks, there are some western states where over 90% of it is under federal or state control.
Okay, the Westerns, I mean it is a joke, and they're harassing the few little areas of privately held land, and then years after they steal it, they then give it to elite companies for strip mining.
Has nothing to do with the environment.
They got Robert Redford and everybody else out pitching that.
Jason Burmas, thanks for coming in.
And you'll be on live tonight, 9 to midnight, right in this studio, simulcast at Genesis and at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got an amazing guest coming up after this quick break, Dr. Whitaker, so stay with us on that and his book Medicine.
He'll be with us basically for the rest of the show.
We're going to open the phones up in the next hour for a full hour of questions for this great mind who's done a lot of research and is an author.
Before I end this segment, the Obama deception, folks.
This guy's owned by the New World Order.
He is deceiving people.
We exposed Bush as a puppet.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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So much going on.
Dr. Scott Whitaker is a board certified naturopathic doctor with over 20 years of experience.
Southern California native.
He grew up in the infamous South Central area of Los Angeles.
Strong parental guidance as his anchor, he escaped the call of the streets and received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley in civil engineering.
During his time at Berkeley, he became interested in holistic medicine and drew a connection between holistic living and long-term health.
Particular interest to him was the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of prescription drugs on common health problems, plugging the African-American community especially alarming was the number of friends and family members he watched suffer and eventually die from effects of these synthetic
And after graduation he found himself working in the engineering field at St.
Louis, Missouri.
He enrolled in Keller Graduate School of Management, where he earned his MBA and his interest in holistic medicine.
Was far from satisfied at Furman to get all the information he could.
He obtained a doctorate of naturopathy from the International School of Naturopathy in Los Altos, California.
And armed with the resources he needed, Dr. Whitaker vowed to spread the truth about prescription medications and bring the message of holistic lifestyles and the means of obtaining long-term good health
It's amazing.
I mean, this is on record.
Take Prozac.
They admit it causes you to go psychopathic and get more depressed.
It's on the insert.
So they put you on more drugs.
I'm just backing up before we, you know, backing him up before we go to him.
And then they found all these studies that St.
John's wort in double-blind studies actually helps people.
But then Prozac actually in the whole group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors actually hurts them.
I told you the Alabama and
Germany shooters, three weeks ago, were going to be on it.
They were on it.
Came out in the news later.
Came out in AP and other places.
So, it's a scourge.
And then they're talking about putting statins in the water, like they self-medicate us, force-medicate us with the sodium fluoride.
That's on mainstream news, MSNBC.
I mean, they're trying to force vaccines on us, all of us.
So he's with us for the full rest of the show, the next hour and 35 minutes.
And I appreciate him coming on the show today.
Dr. Whitaker, thanks for being on.
I appreciate it.
It's good to have you here.
This is a short segment.
Just introduce yourself, your awakening, and then let's get into all the research you've done and what you've found.
Dr. Whitaker, 20 years of experience in holistic medicine, nutritional detoxification, been traveling the world, been to about nine countries, studying those healing sciences over in Africa and Asia, bringing them back to America and using them and applying them.
And getting phenomenal results with everyone I come in contact with regarding their particular condition.
So the holistic approach to healing is the only way I go.
The current medical establishment, the current medical paradigm is nothing but a death trap.
Well, I agree with you, and it's set up by the eugenicists, and the doctors and nurses are compartmentalized.
Tell us about your awakening, and then we're going to come back and get into the research you go over in your book, Medicine, exposing what they're doing.
I guess my awakening actually started when I was a young guy, and my dad was always sending me off to school with my herbs and minerals and vitamins, and I never missed a day of school in terms of attendance.
I never was sick.
And I was always fascinated with chemistry.
And as I went higher in education and took chemistry classes and organic chem and all that stuff, and really saw the connection of how plants relate to the body and how the body relates to plants.
And I met a Seminole Indian on campus one day there at Berkeley.
He told me to never take any drug and always use the plants for healing.
And I used Golden Seal and Echinacean.
From that day on, I went from one book to over 800 books.
In terms of nutritional healing.
And then I had a personal experience with someone very close to me who went to see a doctor on a Tuesday and they admitted her and she was dead by Thursday.
And from then on I said that I would expose these criminals for who they are and to wake people up.
Well that's right.
We see in the national news every year the number is always above 300,000.
This is admitted.
that die of bad drug interactions alone.
I've had one surgery when I broke my leg and at night the IV came out and I woke up with blood all over me.
I've had so many friends that go in to have a surgery, they get an infection and die.
I've had good friends that have died of that.
I mean, they go in for a migraine headache and they're dead two days later from the needle they put in them.
But still, the general public isn't aware of this.
It's just incredible.
So stay there, sir.
Let's break it down, because you go through it in the book with the author of Medicine.
And he's an engineer, he's a doctor, he's a lot of other things, and he brings all those different forms of research together just with amazing information.
The website is medicine.ownspot.com.
We'll put that up on screen for everybody watching at prisonplanet.tv as well.
Dr. Scott Whitaker is our guest.
This is the Info War.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, I look at my wife.
I look at my children.
I look at all the other innocent people I know.
I talk to medical doctors.
We've got all the Rockefeller documents.
I've seen them.
We've covered them here a hundred times where they knowingly discovered that most cancer was viral 85 years ago or so.
That it's put in the vaccines.
That childhood cancer was unknown.
Now it's epidemic worldwide.
I'm going to go over this report later with Dr. Whitaker, who's on with us, out of the Associated Press, demonizing people that aren't taking vaccines, but saying worldwide, in some countries, like Africa, the whole public won't take them.
They have to pay local government to come at gunpoint and give it to them.
Half the public in Ukraine is now refusing exponentially.
It's happening everywhere, so people are waking up.
But going back just to what Dr. Whitaker covers in his book, and by the way, you can go to www.medicine.net, also his other website, and find out more.
It's just so horrible what they're doing, and most of the doctors and nurses, they don't even know, they're compartmentalized.
So sir, please continue.
Break it all down, the numbers, what we're facing, what's really going on in the hospitals, the carnage.
Yes, well the hospitals are, I want everyone to realize this, the hospitals are a business.
Don't ever forget that.
If you don't believe me, go in there without your insurance card.
But the hospitals are set up, they're all
I don't care how many foundations that they put on the TV
I don't care how many pink ribbons you see every October, there is no cure ever coming from the medical establishment because they don't want a cure.
The goal is to keep you at least about halfway sick and halfway alive so they can drain your accounts and then send you off to your grave.
You're right, and they're suppressing a lot of cures.
That's been documented.
Please continue.
I mean, the numbers of people dying from malpractice, admittedly dying from bad drug interactions, but just the drugs themselves, you know, FinFin, the heart attacks, it's all admitted.
It's like HPV vaccines killing all these people.
They admit it as they say, that's okay.
People are going to die.
No doubt.
And that corporation, Merck, probably one of the most sinister corporations on the planet, who came out with, who gave us Vioxx a couple years back,
Killed over 50,000 people.
And then they decided, oh, you know, we made a little mistake and then pulled it off the shelf, but they had made $3.3 billion.
So then they want to come out and give this Gardasil to our little girls ages of nine and 26, which I believe is nothing but a sterilization program.
And, uh, it's the body naturally gets rid of the so-called HPV.
And it only kills 3,000 people a year, and that's folks that already have autoimmune problems.
It's a virus that's on doorknobs everywhere else, and they admit on the insert, and I don't have to go to a doctor to know this, if they admit on the insert, we're not even sure this knocks out the HPV and only covers four to six of the 350 plus varieties of it.
Yes, yes.
Even the so-called FDA of all people,
Admit it, that your body naturally gets rid of the so-called HPV.
I call it Hocus Pocus, because there's so many strings attached to it.
And as I stated, actually the number one cause of cervical cancer for those women out there is latex condoms.
So that's a whole part, a whole other show right there, Mr. Jones, but... No, no, cover it all, cover whatever you want.
Go ahead.
Well, latex, the latex for the condoms contains talc.
And talc has the same or similar chemical structure as asbestos.
So when you're putting something like that inside of a body and up to a delicate organ, you're going to create some serious issues there.
And that's what that does.
That talc gets inside of the woman and sets up the systems for the cancer to take place in the cervix.
So men never use that on a woman.
Women never let that in your system.
If that is your means and methods of using, then use a non-latex condom.
Please continue.
Yes, the hospitals.
One of my favorite chapters in my book, Medicine, is the hospitals, the menu.
Who wrote the menu?
If you ever go into a hospital and see the food that's being fed to the people, it is outright frightening.
No, nothing about nutrition.
Look at Linus Pauling.
How many times has he won the Nobel Prize?
They know that real vitamin C, not the chemical derivative as you know, Doctor, just has magical effects on cancer and it's what your skin's made out of.
People would get scurvy if they didn't eat it and their teeth would fall out and they'd die.
And most Americans aren't getting enough vitamin C. I know you've written about that.
Can you talk about vitamin C alone?
Oh yeah, on vitamin C. Of course, the real one, like you said, most of the vitamin C in the market, like the Walgreens and Walmart, that's all synthetic.
That's made from synthetic corn.
You want to get the real vitamin C. Vitamin C, that's like stuff like Camu Camu, Rosehips, things of that sort.
And the vitamin C is so powerful, as soon as the body absorbs it, like you said, the skin tightens, the skin gets real elastic also, and then the immune system is boosted.
Of course, it's anti-inflammatory.
So, vitamin C alone prevents heart attacks.
So, Dr. Linus Pauling did tremendous research on it.
He was scrutinized before he died.
And vitamin C needs to be used every day by everyone.
Now, maybe we should just talk about the positive stuff you and others have discovered that on record works.
But, I mean, let's continue with the carnage.
Let's expose them, and I'll try to shut up.
There's so many points you bring up, I want to back you up.
And then let's get into the good news.
But, go ahead.
Oh, well, as I was stating about the hospitals and basically the foods that they serve people.
You can't get nobody well on white flour, white sugar, tap water, microwave foods, hydrogenated oils, sucralose, Splenda, canola oil.
All this stuff is in hospital food.
And you wonder why the people end up checking in and don't check out.
It's almost like a roach motel.
You know, those little things you put down next to your wall and roaches check in but don't check out?
People are like that in hospitals.
And the name hospital comes from the St.
John's of the Hospitletors.
You gotta read the research of that.
And you know, when they killed you, back in the day, they used to lay a single rose on your pillow.
That's what the concept of bringing roses... You never want to bring cut roses to someone that you're visiting who is sick because you're giving off the essence of death.
So you always want to bring a live plant.
But the hospital, the M.D., the M.D.
who is considered by most people as a god, I call them medical deities, misdirected or... It's a priesthood.
You better believe it's a priesthood.
They want you to be born in their temple and die in their temple.
And their temple is the hospital.
So the doctor's average age, M.D.'
's average age is about 59 years.
Okay, so just not being a doctor, you can average about 14 more years of life here in America.
And by the way, I've got to back you up again.
In court pleadings, you pray, it's a Roman civil court.
He wears the black robes of Saturn.
The judges will tell you this.
This isn't even taught in law books.
And that's all a temple as well.
This is a cult, but medicine.
Please continue.
Oh yes, no doubt.
Because all the court systems are under the British Admiralty regulations.
Anyway, most of the flags have gold fringes.
So, uh, but the hospitals, uh, uh, the centers of death and you see they're being built everywhere.
That's why they call it hospice where you go to die.
They're using the right name.
Go ahead.
So as I stated, the, uh, the only reason you would want to visit one is for emergency reasons.
Uh, and then it comes down to, uh, when you get there, they set you up in all these tests
Uh, every time they take a test on you, I don't care if it's MMR or, or, or CAT scan or any type of test, uh, the doctor gets a kickback.
300, 400 bucks.
And that, and that's why they always prescribe, uh, prescribing them.
And they send, they send them off to their buddies.
That's why you got to see specialists now, because everyone needs to get a little piece of you so they can keep that money chain going.
And so,
The, uh, when you go in, if you're going, I know some of you are still using your HMOs and your PPOs and all these different health management systems, because that's what they are.
They're there to manage your disease.
You've got to be aware that when you go in, it's like a recruitment scheme to scare you.
They create fear, F-E-A-R, false evidence appearing real, and then they got you.
I call it the web.
Once they got you,
Uh, on one hand, and they, they get you.
On the other hand, they create the fear.
You go in, get the test.
The test says this, and they start you on the drug.
By the way, I have a good friend who has a lovely, I've known her for about two years, 24-year-old girlfriend, totally healthy, exercises, whatever.
And, uh, she went to the hospital for a checkup.
They told her she might have some cancer.
They cut out part of her guts.
She's been on chemo now for a year and a half, and her kidneys are failing.
They're killing her.
That's horrible.
And just to mention, you said about the kidneys, you know, uh, 90% of the kidney dialysis, uh, are being, uh, used by African-Americans in America.
And I've labeled the machine, the Negro machine, because, uh, uh, it's, it's, it's, they're popping up on corners, almost like liquor stores and they're everywhere.
Every time I turn down the street, there's a new dialysis center coming up.
And those things are cash cow, big money.
And that's because they teach people to only drink Coca-Cola and iced tea, eat all this processed, deadly stuff full of GMO.
It's not just black folks, particularly hitting them, it's tailored for that.
Everybody, Hispanics, whites, all the numbers are exploding.
These plagues, and they know that, I mean, look at Pedialyte, it's for your baby, full of aspartame.
Look, when you go in the baby store, it says,
Water for kids, with nutrients they need, fluoride added, and it's at four parts per million, when one part per million will, they admit, give you massive bone cancer in children, they admit this.
But, oh, see, they know what they're doing.
Oh, just for your baby, aspartame, just for your baby, they need fluoride.
Go ahead.
Yes, no doubt.
And they set our babies up with these 36 so-called mandatory vaccinations.
They want to lay on them as soon as they come out of the womb.
Uh, the, uh, MMR vaccine, that's where you're getting all your autism from.
And your DPT vaccine is where you get your SIDS.
Uh, this stuff is, uh, so deadly.
And they want to act like it's something that's mysterious.
Oh, where is this coming from?
Well, a lot of times, as you know, doctor, the children have a convulsion in the hospital and the parents, or they have it in the car at home that night, then they arrest the parents saying, you shook your baby to death because there's blood on the brain.
When all the studies show, it causes an autoimmune response.
So they don't just kill your kid or brain damage him, then they arrest you.
Even better, now the police get money.
Oh yeah, yeah, Shaking Baby Syndrome.
I had a brother, Alan Yorick, down in Florida had that issue, and a lot of other families have had that issue.
And yeah, no doubt, the mercury, they call it thimersaw now, you know, they said, oh, we took all the mercury out, but thimersaw is what they put in there, and you read the ingredients on thimersaw, and it's 50% mercury.
So these guys are satanic murderers.
And they're so evil, and the CDC is part of it, the Center for Disease Creation,
The AMA, the American Murder Association, all of them are all behind this and Big Pharma and those pediatricians who normally know they're jabbing and sticking our little babies with these poison tacos.
You know, our parents, we sit up and say, don't do drugs, do not do drugs.
And then we go and rush them down to the arms of somebody and stick drugs into their arms.
Not to mention the cancer viruses and DNA and microplasm they emit.
But, please continue, Doctor.
As you did mention earlier, the childhood cancers and childhood diabetes didn't even exist 20 years ago.
Didn't even exist.
Until they started this massive routine vaccination.
And this is where this stuff is coming from.
Uh, the, the, the swine flu, uh, vaccine, which was laced with the SD40 simian virus, uh, back in the fifties and sixties.
So those, uh, those who came up during that timeframe, most likely you have these latent cancers now appearing.
In your lifestyle.
And the people are wondering where it comes from.
And by the way, they admit that.
Over 200 million Americans with polio alone, and then the swine flu and others, were given this.
And these were cancers that didn't exist.
And these rare cancers are now everywhere.
And they go and every person that gets it, they go, oh you have the SV40.
They admit it's killing you.
Just enjoy yourself though.
Oh yeah.
And that's the other thing that's so irritating.
They're so blatant, openly with it.
Uh, they kind of brag about it.
You know, like the number one killer in America is, is, uh, is doctors and they admitted on their AMA pages, you know, we killed over a half a million people last year.
And so what?
And then they, uh, uh, they even make jokes about it.
I mean, they're, they're so blatant with their, uh, arrogance and evil, but yet the American people, for some reason,
Uh, are caught up into that white coat.
I mean, that white coat that the MD wears is the same coat that a butcher wears.
And they both do the same thing.
Well said.
Now, take my dad as a dentist and oral surgeon.
I remember him, when I went to get my driver's license, he said, son, don't sign the organ donor part of that.
And I said, why?
And he said, well, a lot of hospitals here in Dallas will kill you if you ever have a car wreck or something.
And if you're not that hurt because they get a couple hundred grand, now it's close to a million.
You know, that was 20 years ago or more.
I'm getting old.
And I kind of laughed at him, and then I saw it on 60 Minutes where hospitals were killing people for their organs.
And I remember my dad, you know, reading medical reports in the 80s saying AIDS was engineered and things.
So, when you do talk to medical professionals, at least when they're older, they all know about this.
It's the younger ones that don't.
I mean, are you saying all the doctors know what they're doing?
Or, I mean, I think they're all like on a god-like power trip, and they're kind of scared of the AMA, and they just do what they're told.
I believe the ones maybe in the early years, you know, 40 and 51, those guys who got that training from that era, I think they had more of a sense of an ethical, moral type of way they approached their profession.
And the control isn't where it was as it is now.
These young guys are going in there, young girls, and basically they're all going into the profession because of the dollar.
I agree with you.
Ten years ago, they took away the Hippocratic oath.
Do no harm.
Right, right.
There's a great movie out called that, Do No Harm, with Meryl Streep.
And so they go into this profession, and I think it's all money-driven, and of course they're wined and dined from first year of med school all the way through, lavish boat rides and all that stuff.
So when they come out, the drug of choice is the one that took me out to dinner.
And then they're promoting, and then the pharmaceutical reps come in,
And they don't even read the inserts.
They just say, oh yeah, we got this today, and why don't you try this out?
And then the commercials, oh my God.
Every commercial you see today is promoting drugs.
I, I, I, literally half of them on the nightly news.
Stay there.
He's the author of Medicine, S-I-N, and we'll give you his website when we come back on how to get the book.
You're in Atlanta, the great Nubian bookstore, but it's, uh, this book needs to be everywhere.
I read it, couldn't put it down.
Very powerful, and I want to thank
Mr. Williams there for recommending the book to us.
Dr. Whitaker is our guest.
We'll come right back to him after this quick break.
I have a whole other hour coming up and your phone calls and I'm going to read this AP article.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
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The Obama Deception.
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Dr. Scott Whitaker is our guest.
Okay, I know I'm jumping in a lot here.
It's just, it's just, it amazes me this much carnage is going on.
And as you said, it's getting worse now.
I discovered my film, Endgame, that it all is eugenics.
That was the dominant thing, you know, 60, 70 years ago.
They went underground because Hitler embarrassed them.
That's why they brought the Nazis over here.
They'd actually learned it from us.
And this is what they're carrying out through compartmentalization.
But please continue, sir.
Oh yeah, that was the project Paperclip.
I read a paper clip where he brought those evil scientists over here and continued with their eugenics.
But the, you know, the current status in regards to our health is definitely affected when you go and get vaccinated.
So all those people out there who are using so-called flu vaccine, you know, which is amazing to me, you know, from October to March,
Supposedly this flu is floating around the air and landing on people and all this kind of stuff.
So I always ask myself, what is it doing between April and September?
It goes on vacation?
It's in the Bahamas?
I mean, where is it then?
Why don't they talk about it then?
So it is all a scam.
And from my research, those people who use the flu vaccine and five years consecutively, if you had a flu shot, you've got 99% chance you're going to develop Alzheimer's because it's so much aluminum
Today's flu vaccine.
But of course we have the chelators, the heavy metal chelators, from using the herbal clingum to clean the body of the aluminum and offset that.
But stay away from the flu.
If you want to avoid the so-called flu, stop eating white flour, white sugar, Coca-Cola, McDoodles, Burger King, and Krispy Kreme and you'll be okay.
Continue, because the biggest thing is the food in the water, isn't it?
Oh, the food.
The greatest threat right now to mankind is the tampering of our food, which is going on daily.
I mean, I can't see all mainstream media every single day coming out with some type of new genetic food that they want to put on the market.
Eighty percent of the foods now in all supermarkets are all genetic in terms of your produce.
And even your meats now are cloned.
Cloned meat is now in the market.
And they won't even label it for us.
They want to just lay it up there like it's looking like a real steak and it's not.
So you got to be very careful on the meat that you select.
They've been spraying them with viruses, live viruses.
They want to protect us from listeria.
So these individuals who are behind this, which is of course the FDA, your Department of Health,
And the corporations, biotech corporations, the main one being Monsanto, probably the most satanic corporation on the planet.
Let me stop you there.
Again, six years ago they legalized
Because there's so much E. Coli in the slaughterhouses, instead of just cleaning the meat or keeping it clean, they radiate it, which kills it, and the study is how it goes through your body and clogs everything up and has no value.
And they spray it, and the Latin word, as you know, Doctor, is virus-eating bacteria.
That's the Latin, if you translate it into Latin, is the name.
And they based it, and so it's a vaccine.
They grow it in these big vats, other bacteria and viruses.
Oh yeah, no doubt, no doubt.
And also the ingredients of vaccines themselves.
Uh, formaldehyde, uh, propylene glycol, aborted fetal tissue, mercury, aluminum.
What does that got to do with health?
So, realize, people, that the only one that vaccines benefit is the manufacturer who made them.
There is no benefit at all in vaccination.
Dr. Scott Whitaker, stay there.
Back in 70 seconds to continue.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, fourth and final hour of this Friday edition.
Webster Tarpley for a full two hours will be in studio with me on the 4 to 6 p.m.
Abbreviated Sunday show we do, and he'll be in with us for about an hour and a half on Monday before he goes and gets on a plane down the road from here, flies back to D.C.
He's flying in tomorrow here to Austin, Texas for the second Obama film I'm making.
I'll announce the details of the film, the name of the film next week.
It'll be released on July 4th.
Because the New World Order's betting everything they got on him to sucker the public back into their whole agenda.
It's not gonna work.
They even got him trying to promote Africa and saying, trust me, take the shots.
I've even got that in the mainstream news today, and I want to go over that.
Yes, also want to give a shout out to Brother Marcus there at Nubian Books for even allowing this to happen, take place.
Well, no, I'm just glad he told me about the book and we got one because there's so many great people that I don't even know about that you don't know about getting us all together.
Speaking of Barack Obama, I mean, you studied this whole situation.
Would this wicked establishment let a real good president, whether he was black, white, purple, polka-dotted, I mean, would they let a good guy in?
No, not at all.
Of course, when you look at history and history of presidents, you will see that there are
Uh, bloodline, all related.
And that they, uh, anyone who steps outside of their, of the, of the, of the line that they supposed to tote is eliminated.
We can go back to Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, uh, Garfield.
And, uh, of course, Kennedy, all these guys went up against the international bankers.
And of course they were eliminated.
Uh, so Obama is just a face piece.
He is just someone who is there to give hope, calm the masses down, and then present himself, at least to certain people, as a so-called messiah, which is very laughable at best.
So, no, they won't let any so-called good guy get into that position at all.
That position is there for tyranny, oppression, and to keep people confused, and definitely
Uh, let Big Pharma and Big Oil do what they do.
Look at what he's doing with Africa.
I mean, he's announcing AfriCorps.
They want to put troops in Africa.
He's doubling the funding for the vaccines and abortions in Africa.
I mean, the globalists love him because Africa, according to the news, is not trusting the establishment anymore, rightly so.
They say, oh, the Africans are ignorant and backward.
They think the vaccines have cancer and HIV in them, when there's Nobel Prize winners that have studied it and say it's in there.
Oh yeah, well, when we study the oppression of colonization, America going over there doing their thing, British going over there doing their thing, every other country going over and using Africa as a doormat and taking all the resources, killing the people with biological weapons,
Giving them genetic food, that's not going to help anybody.
And he's going over there as a philanthropist, peacemaker, and all he's going over there to do is to set up those governments so that they can keep sapping those natural resources, keeping the people in strife and conflict between tribals, tribal wars, and then so they can pillage the whole continent of Africa as they've been doing before.
I'm sure you've seen the Senate letter that got leaked, and Obama admits it's real, where in Kenya, he was trying, through Odinga, his cousin, to get the Muslims and Christians killing each other to bring the nation down.
I mean, that is evil!
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
They've always used... They'll try to say people's old religion is the cause of war.
No, that's not the case.
There's the case where you have these agents, provocateurs, going in,
Creating conflict between two different groups, and so they can fight and kill each other off.
It works perfectly.
Okay, Doctor, start over with that, because you got interrupted by the break.
Start over with these Asian provocateurs when we come back, and we're going to talk one more segment and start taking calls.
I've got to have you back as a regular guest.
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I'm going to read part of this AP report, and get Dr. Whitaker's take on that.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com, or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
Alex has told you you have to get a supply of food, but Alex and I have decided that there are some of you that we really don't want to have food.
If you're a politician who voted for the
For the rest of you, go to
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Scott Whitaker, I want you to start over, because you got interrupted by the break, explaining what agent provocateurs, what front men do in society, and continue with other comments on what Barack Obama's doing, because
One of the biggest group of listeners we have per capita.
You know, for 12% of the population, we're way over represented with listeners of black Americans, because they know not to trust the system, they've seen the scams.
A lot of Americans are fat, dumb and happy and think this is, you know, everything's fine.
But now under Obama, you know, they're really buying into the government healthcare.
Everybody is, but they're really buying into, hey, I can trust Barack Obama, and I'm going, no, he's controlled by eugenicists.
He's increasing the attacks on Africa.
Bill and Melinda Gates.
Bill Gates is behind him.
His dad heads Planned Parenthood, where she openly called black people weeds that had to be exterminated and taught Hitler everything he knew.
Margaret Sanger.
And then all these black high schools.
One I went to, because I lived by White Rock Lake when I was in first grade, in kindergarten.
And, you know, the school was probably 60% black.
And it was Margaret Sanger,
And they had a statue of her out there in Dallas.
So this is the type of stuff we're dealing with.
Can you speak directly, particularly to black folks, but everybody else, and how do we get them to listen?
But that secondarily, finish up with what you were saying about Obama in Africa and agent provocateurs.
Yes, of course they're using a black face, okay, in terms of externally showing a black face so that
You know, the rest of the world, I guess, was tired of seeing a white face colonize them.
So they figured, I guess, a black face would be better.
And so they're using this image of this man and using it as a sign of a peace.
You know, I'll be coming to help you.
That type of philanthropic
It's all a sham, a game.
It's like his universal healthcare that he's trying to promote, that Hillary Clinton's trying to promote.
That's all a scam.
What that's going to do is say that the only medicine, the only drugs that you can use is ours, the medical establishment.
They want to eliminate naturopathic doctors like myself.
I'm sure they'll try to limit chiropractic care, acupuncture and just affect the whole natural healing community.
And, uh, that, that universal health care is very, very serious because, uh, you won't be able to do anything else but go to them.
I mean, they'll put, uh, herbs and vitamins as prescriptions.
And, uh, we got Codex Alimentaris possibly going into effect at the end of this year.
Uh, uh, oh nine, which is, uh, they're, they're calling all vitamins toxins.
So, uh, this is very sinister and satanic.
And then they'll promote biotech.
More genetic foods will be coming on the market every single day.
And by the time you look up...
Your hallmark would be nothing but Frankenfoods, Frankenstein.
Well there's another example.
With this eugenics agenda, they're like, oh it's a great thing, we're fighting to get this establishment health care, and then it's killing you once you go in there.
And they call it a practice, as they practice their art on you like you're guinea pigs.
I mean, that's what this is all about.
So specifically, this is about enforcing vaccines.
They've already
The FDA, as you know, came out and just listed a type of B vitamin as prescription.
So they're going to say, oh, you've got to get a prescription for that.
They skillfully do it.
And they tried it there in New Jersey and Maryland.
Gunpoint Medicine there with the students who didn't want to be vaccinated.
They took them to court with AK-47.
So this stuff is on the move.
It's coming to your town.
It's very serious.
This legislation, this new one just came out, this HR 875.
They're going to eliminate all organic farming.
You can't have farmer's markets anymore.
You can't even grow vegetables in your backyard.
Very dangerous.
That lady that's putting that up, what's her name, Republican Rosa DeLauro.
Her husband is Stanley Greenberg who works in Monsanto.
So these people are satanic and
Evil and murderers.
That's right.
Monsanto is the most satanic corporation on the planet.
I don't want to interrupt you because we hit that break earlier.
You were talking about Monsanto.
Take your time.
Get into Monsanto right now for folks.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Monsanto.
I broke that name down.
It means mono-satan.
One Satan.
Very satanic.
They're the ones that gave us Agent Orange and RBGH growth hormone.
Demisol and all these different chemicals and now we see in the market that's going to our bodies.
Monsanto was behind most of it.
If you go rent the movie Damien Omen 3 and when they talk about foreign corporations separate, take thorn and put Monsanto in the same place and you see what's going on.
They want to control the whole food supply of the world.
Anybody who can sit in a laboratory
And make a food that only makes a seed that only produces one time, then you have to go back to that company to get the seed again?
It's satanic.
So you got these Terminator seeds that they produce and give them to these farmers on these genetic soils.
It produces one yield, and then that farmer has to go back to Monsanto begging for a seed to go plant again for the following year.
So it's a controlled food supply, and people
Have to get back to the basics and learn how to grow their own food and supporting their local organic farmers.
Very, very important.
Well, Doctor, I saw a report out of Oklahoma with one of their major cities with a city councilman saying people are planting gardens.
I don't know if we can trust them to do that.
We need to inspect their gardens and have licenses to have a garden in your backyard or a community garden because you might grow marijuana.
See, that's guilty until proven innocent.
We're all prisoners.
Speak to that.
Oh yeah.
And how that ties into the federal bill that openly bans organic farming, selling eggs on the street corner.
There's a SWAT team in the Amish selling milk or eggs, and people with food pantries.
I mean, they really do want to shut this down, and Obama, again, no matter who's in office, it just expands, but it's expanding under him.
And then Monsanto brought us through Searle, their subsidiary, Aspartame, now in over 10,000 foods.
And that was brought in by Donald Rumsfeld.
And uh, you know how criminal he was.
But yeah, this HR 875, that's what that's for.
That's to eliminate the organic farmers, your farmers markets, selling foods on the corner.
It can eliminate all that because they know that people want real food today.
And they're tired of this genetic stuff.
They're growing fruits and vegetables.
They pick a green, they put them into a fumigation.
And at the same time, when we get sick, we gotta go to them anyway.
And then they give us more drugs.
So it's just chemicals after chemicals.
Go back to IG Farben.
They're in Germany.
The German plant, who is now Bayer, who during World War II wasn't even bombed.
The whole place was told not to touch.
And today, IG Farben, which is today Bayer, is nothing but a chemical company.
And chemicals are nothing but drugs, and drugs is what controls all the medical schools in America.
Well remember Bayer Pharmaceutical and scores of subsidiaries for more than a decade when they knew every shot of Factor VIII for the hemophiliacs and others was filled with HIV and filled with all types of hepatitis and other things and they knew it and their memos came out, even MSNBC reported it and they knowingly shipped it out infecting millions.
That isn't just greed, this is what they believe in.
Oh yeah, no doubt, no doubt.
I mean, we're dealing with some people here.
I actually believe one day they're actually going to try to shoot a rocket at the sun.
I mean, these people are absolutely barbaric, satanic.
They care nothing about human life.
It's almost like they're, you know, reptiles or something because they have no emotion.
And it's so sad because the American population and, you know, some who are so caught up on CNN, the criminal news network,
And, uh, they, anything that comes out that they say, they just follow it.
I really don't understand that.
Especially when you ask me about, uh, you know, African American people here and how they've been tricked into this Messiah image.
And we know the history of America and what it did to our ancestors, bringing us here, working us to death, didn't pay nobody.
Then in the sixties came and killed all of our leaders, King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton,
And uh, uh, always setting up roadblocks and tricks of COINTELPRO and things of that sort.
So, uh, to actually think that today that anything has changed because a new face has entered into the office is absolutely ridiculous.
Well then look at how he's gone back.
He said he wouldn't hire any lobbyists.
That's all he did.
He said that he wasn't going to keep detainees without rights.
In all the headlines, Obama backs Bush on no rights for detainees.
He's protecting Bush and blocking congressional investigations of all the crimes Bush committed.
He's launching all these new wars.
He's got all these top globalists like Henry Kissinger, Brzezinski in there.
He's increasing the eugenics funding in Asia, Africa, Latin America.
And then I see white folks, black folks, whatever.
It's like they're in a cult.
They're like, I just love him.
He's Jesus.
And I'm like, no, you got to understand this is a black face on the New World Order.
They are trying to fool you.
And now they say, yeah, well, Obama had to lie to get into office, but I still like him.
Man, they're in trouble.
And they're in big trouble.
You know, it goes back to that.
You know, I watch a lot of documentaries and movies.
And of course, I got my Obama deception here.
I'm telling everybody about it because it's outstanding.
That movie that came out a while back called Sicko with Michael Moore, that was promoting universal health care.
And if you know Michael Moore, his agent is Rahm Emanuel's brother.
So I'm very curious about who's controlling Michael Moore and what he's putting out.
Well, stay there.
I want to talk more about that because, yeah, like they had the movie Blood Diamond about, ooh, there's these evil diamonds that cause slavery in Africa, but what they don't tell you is the big diamond company, the big monopoly runs those, and they don't want Africans to be able to have their own diamonds, so it's the name of helping Africa, but it actually tells the truth halfway, but doesn't.
Well, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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All those pictures days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in?
What to leave out?
Against the wind We were running against the wind
Dr. Scott Whitaker is our guest.
Short segment right now.
Long segment coming up.
Going directly to your phone calls.
When we start the next segment, so be sure and stay with us.
MettaSin.net is the website if you want to check it out and get his fine book.
I wanted to get to this article before we go to calls.
Now listen to this desperate propaganda, and I see this all over the news every day.
I hear it on BBC Radio, on XM in my car, all over the world, from Middle East to Asia to Europe to the United States to England.
But in places like Africa, more than half the people refuse.
They'll even pay them to take the vaccines and they say no.
They'll pay them to take GMO crops and plant them, they say no.
Because people are getting wise.
Listen to this, Associated Press.
Vaccine refusals spur outbreak fears.
But if you supposedly have already taken the vaccine and you're protected, which you're really not, actually gives you the disease in many cases, that's admitted, then why would you need to take it?
But listen to this, you know, because other people, why does it matter if you've taken it and other people haven't?
You're protected.
A widespread scare about vaccine side effects in Ukraine has led to a sharp drop in immunizations that could result in disease outbreaks spreading beyond the former Soviet Republic.
International and local health officials say.
Hundreds of thousands of fearful Ukrainians have refused vaccines for diseases such as diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and others this year according to official estimates.
Authorities have
Canceled a U.N.-backed measles and rubella vaccination campaign funded by U.S.
philanthropist Ted Turner, who's a eugenicist, and at a press club dinner said we need to get rid of all these GD useless feeders, a Hitler quote.
Big public eugenicist says get rid of 80% of us, in Time Magazine, but he's got a shot for you!
Just like the heads of Planned Parenthood, his daddy, Bill Gates' daddy.
I've got a Bill Moyers with him talking about getting rid of people, Bill Gates.
Oh, but he wants to give you shots because he loves you.
He goes, authorities have cancelled the U.N.-backed measles, mumps and rubella vaccination campaign because 9 million people refused that.
So that's just one-shot program.
And they said, no, we're not taking it.
I never thought I'd see the day where perfectly good vaccines are being destroyed, said Michael Bokakov of a spokesman for UNICEF.
Around the world, health officials say they are struggling with the repercussions of vaccine fears they call unwarranted and dangerous.
And then it says, well, since, it says a bunch of people have been dying from vaccines in Ukraine, and so that's why they won't take it.
And they said northern, you know, in northern Nigeria, there's a boycott of polio shots believing HIV's in it.
Well, they were caught doing that.
They caught them, UN workers, and this was mainstream news, in Libya, and they had whole wards of kids getting HIV who never had sex.
And they caught them with it in there.
I mean, this is going on, and the whole article is trying to spin this and say it's not good, that people aren't taking it, but this is great news that all over the world people are saying, I'm not going to touch your stuff.
Dr. Whitaker.
I love that.
When I hear stuff like that, that means that people are listening, waking up, and refusing to let poisons be injected into their bodies, into their family's body.
And of course, they're going to always spin the media,
Make it seem like they're doing something wrong or something bad.
Like a couple of these parents here in the states who refuse to have their children vaccinated.
Like I said, they were forced at gunpoint, AK-47s, to go to the downtown court in New Jersey and in Maryland.
And, uh, almost made to take these vaccines.
By the way, I had the state attorney on.
This was predominantly black kids that were making do this, and he was black.
And he laughed and said, I don't vaccinate my children.
But I said, there's no law to take vaccines, is there?
And he said, no.
But they still told him it was the law, and had police with them, 16s and police dogs.
We had reporters there, and it was on the national news.
Thousands lined up being forcibly injected when there's no law.
If that isn't a bankrupt, fraudulent government, what is?
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
And you got these bootlicking Uncle Tom, so-called Negro leaders, who will protect the establishment.
They're called the Boulay.
And these are probably some of the worst people ever, in terms of black leadership.
And they do nothing but help the establishment keep everybody else down while they benefit from all the other perks that they receive.
And they are some of the worst people on Earth.
But why would the guy even admit he doesn't vaccinate his kids and then snicker about it?
Oh, because he knows how foolish it is to even do it.
And so he knows, he knows the law.
So he's like, yeah, I'm going to make you guys do it, but I definitely won't do it.
Because like 75% of the doctors were interviewed and asked if they do chemotherapy, and they said no.
They'll give it to their patient.
Yeah, stay there.
Call's straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Ooh, the red, white,
We're going to go to Scott, Nathan, Doesn't Exist, Brandon, Brian and others here in just a moment.
George Humphrey hasn't even seen the Obama Deception.
He's been out of town.
He's in the Obama Deception.
He just popped into the office.
Maybe I'll wrangle him into being in an Obama Deception 2 real quick.
Quick interview.
And I may have him pop in for a few minutes right here at the end of the show.
I'm definitely going to have Dr. Scott Whitaker back on the show in the near future.
We're about to go right back to him in a moment.
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I want to go to calls right now, but where is the best place for folks to get your book, Medicine?
I've seen several websites with your book.
That's M-E-D-I-S-I-N-S dot net.
Medicines with an S dot net.
Medicines dot net.
We've got that up on the screen at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You know, I think we're turning the corner.
People are really starting to wake up now everywhere.
There is a massive quickening happening.
That's good news, but the establishment is moving in, jumping on us with both feet, trying to put us back in the box.
Oh, there's no doubt.
There's no doubt.
They realize that through the internet, through your show, and other activists out there who are trying to awaken the population, and they have to shut that all off with agent provocateurs, silly movies, and silly TV shows to keep your mind on that stuff, which is really not... It's not really that...
Entertainment, but detainment.
It keeps you detained.
So, uh, this stuff is very serious.
They use mind control, uh, almost every day.
I'm sure that, uh, if people saw the movie, uh, Eagle Eye, uh, they could see that they can, uh, tap into your, uh, personal life at any time with just that cell phone.
Let's go to phone call Scott in Maryland where they have got machine gun point force 1,500 children to be vaccinated with no law.
You're on the air, Scott.
You know, I think the world is not so black and white as your guest is portraying it.
I'm an oncologist and there's a 90% cure rate for testicular cancer.
If a young guy has testicular cancer and he, because he listens to your guest, does not go to a doctor,
There's a good chance he's going to die, where he has a 90% cure rate.
Does your guest have that kind of treatment success with, you know, vitamins?
I don't think so.
Let me just throw this out, doctor.
Let me just throw this out to you.
I know there are good doctors and good people, and we talked about that earlier, like my dad.
The issue here is, we know with certain cancers, like testicular or prostate, that you have an 80-90% cure rate with those.
I also know my grandmother went and had a CAT scan as a regular checkup.
They said she had lung cancer.
They cut her lung out and screwed her heart up and everything.
And they said, oh, it was just a ball of dirt in there.
It was just where a blood vessel had burst.
So she didn't have that.
And then there's a 27-year-old girlfriend, one of my good friends, who's dying right now under the chemotherapy.
I mean, all these kids are getting cancer.
I mean, they give homeless people the bird flu shot and they die.
That's a London Telegraph.
I mean, certainly there's a lot of evil going on here.
But you know what?
I'm not going to interrupt you.
You've been holding.
Make your point, Scott.
For certain cancers, like testicular and lymphoma, they have an 80 and 90 percent cure rate.
So just not all cancers are untreatable.
Solid tumor, malignancies, advanced metastatic, they have basically, there's no known standard cure for that.
So, you know, I'll give you that.
The other thing is that I'm interested in integrative medicine.
And Dr. Dean Ornish has a program for reversing heart disease with diet and exercise.
Medicare is going to start paying for it in January 2010.
And so I think there is some, you know, integrative medicine is coming to the fore in many circles.
Because people are demanding it.
Just like ten years ago, everybody started converting over to organic food, so the feds changed the standards where something doesn't have to be organic to say organic.
They're trying to shut down, I mean, I agree that
That a lot of doctors in regular medical science want to have a more holistic thing and look at other things.
But I mean, the horror stories of malpractice and drugs.
I mean, they know Prozac causes psychotic breaks.
Why are they pushing it on kids?
I mean, I know the eugenicists run the top of the thing.
But I mean, you made some points, Dr. Whitaker.
Dr. Whitaker, do you want to comment to the oncologist?
Well, all he mentioned was testicular cancer, and what was the other one, lymphoma?
I've done both of those 100% cure rate, so I don't understand his point.
I would like to see your statistics.
I highly doubt that that's the case.
I mean, have you done a controlled trial?
Have you actually done a scientific study?
You're the arrogant person, sir.
I mean, I'm a researcher.
Why would I have to doubt it?
If you said you did that, I believe you.
Well, I'm not doubting you.
Well, I mean, I'd like you to publish your results.
You know, I would like you to draw up a study so I can... Well, there are a lot of medical studies, though, about the power of different vitamins and minerals in plant extracts.
I mean, that's out there.
Yes, but there's a lot of synthetic vitamin studies that have been negative lately, and they've gotten most of the attention.
Now, I'm interested in, you know, diet and
I think
Uh, vitamin pills to take a day.
I don't think that's... and then their diet is not emphasized.
So, you know, I... Well, there's certainly a lot of quacks on all sides out there, but I mean, my whole issue is when I go to have a baby at the local hospital...
They're sitting there with a nurse hooked into the health department asking my wife if we've got enough money or if I'm mean to her, not telling my wife this is a police interview and they're going to seize my new baby if my wife makes one wrong move.
So I'm just saying the system is predatory.
I'm not saying that the doctors individually are all bad.
But any other comments to that, Scott?
Well, I mean, I've had that training.
Basically, you're looking for child abuse and it's not
I mean, all in the guise of good intentions.
So, I mean... Yeah, but it's not.
They're not telling you you're in a police interview.
That that's going directly... You know, look, it's a grid.
I mean, have you read the studies where the Rockefellers figured out most cancer is viral?
And they're a bunch of eugenicists.
I mean, these people are psychos.
I know what they're doing.
We've proven that.
Well, I have not read this particular... Why do you think all these...
As an oncologist, are you denying that there's now explosive juvenile diseases of cancers that never before was seen?
You know, I'd have to go back to the Sears data on that.
I'm not a pediatric oncologist, but I believe that the incidence of cancer has greatly increased since the 1940s.
Now it's starting to decline in the last decade, but only a very small amount.
But yeah, since the 1940s, there has been a large... Yeah, it's pumped up and then planed off because of survivability in the statistics I've seen.
I'm no doctor, I just read the medical journals.
I read it all.
But listen, Scott, send an email to robd at infowars.com, this deed ornished.
We'll look into that.
We have all views on here and I appreciate you holding.
Thank you so much.
Okay, thanks.
That was Scott from Maryland.
We go back to Dr. Scott Whitaker.
I mean, that guy was not half as arrogant as most medical people are, was he?
Well, you know, just the fact that he would immediately just blow mine off, it's like, oh, yeah, I doubt that, you know.
He carries on with his jargon, but, you know, with them, everything has to be a scientific model.
It's like they go to school, and if it doesn't fit into this certain box, then they don't believe it.
Okay, well, here's a scientific model.
I know with the Searle owned by Monsanto, headed up by Rumsfeld, this is, I've read the actual scans of the reports.
They fed it in the milk to the rhesus monkeys and almost all of them died.
I mean, it was killing them.
And then they still used that data and turned it around and got approval with payoffs in Congress for that.
Oh, I'm sure.
And you'll have the individuals like we just had who
Well, I don't know if he's backing that up, but it's pretty crazy.
Nathan in Las Vegas.
Nathan, you're on the air.
How you doing?
This is actually Nathan from Los Angeles, but it doesn't really matter.
Okay, they told me Las Vegas, but go ahead.
Well, anyways, yeah, I was calling because I had a question that I actually ran by a few people over the last year or so, but I never can get an answer.
And I've done the research and I'm just baffled on this.
What is, does dental shots or tetanus shots carry anything that I should be worried about?
Tetanus shots?
It's been in mainstream newspapers.
I've, ten years ago, twelve years ago, five years ago, I forget the exact
But I mean, mainstream European papers, you can pull this up, I've had medical doctors on, scores of them, basically saying what this naturopathic doctor is saying right now.
But in India and Africa, major firms, universities, tested from multiple manufacturers.
Okay, it wasn't an accident, a very expensive female hormone.
Just had Montefon talking about it earlier this week.
He's a medical doctor.
And they tested it, and so you get an autoimmune response to the tetanus and to that hormone that's released at the start of the second trimester, causing a violent miscarriage and autoimmune inflammation in the organ that releases the hormone.
Would you like to speak to that, the tetanus shot?
Oh, no doubt.
It also is another form of causing infertility.
It doesn't allow the egg to attach and causes many problems in women.
The tetanus shot is very toxic, contains mercury, so avoid it at all costs.
People did back in the day, my grandma, what they did, they ever punctured their foot with anything like that, they would just take a penny, put it at the puncture wound and draw the
Well, when I step on stuff, because I had a shot when I was little, but I've had puncture wounds, I just get a knife out, put it over the flame, and then just stick that sucker in there and get it bleeding.
I guess people don't want to do that, but I just get it going and get it bleeding.
Dental, I was trying to figure out, because everybody has to go to the dentist at some point.
Well, you notice they're moving away from the mercury fillings now towards the other composites that are basically a plastic.
I guess specifically dental shop, you know, like the pain killers.
You know what?
I don't believe there's any mercury in the Novocaine.
That's not a vaccine.
That's just a drug.
That's just a drug to deaden the nerve.
But the dental profession also is...
No less evil than the American Medical Association because promoting fluoride and mercury and putting it in people's mouths is satanic at best.
Oh yeah, I remember when I was a kid I'd get the fluoride wash and I'd get a huge headache afterwards.
Thanks for the call Nathan.
Doesn't exist in New Mexico.
Interesting name.
Go ahead, doesn't exist.
Monsanto doesn't exist.
Day after day I hear people denying the truth on the Alex Jones Show.
Pontius Pilate asked the question, what is truth?
People need to Google, The Principle of Contradiction, by St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Something can't exist and not exist at the same time.
Also Google, the letter, The Story of a Soul That Went to Hell.
Yes sir, we're listening to you.
No, you're just talking about how the establishment denies everything.
They're still saying, there's no compulsory service bill, Lindbeck says, there's no FEMA camps.
Popper Mechanics says so.
I appreciate your call, when it's just everywhere in the mainstream media.
I've got reports here of all these youth brigades.
I've got this, the Army Civilian Police and Security Guard program that I've got to go through.
I've got the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp program.
These are 24 camps with Americans in them right now.
These are forced labor camps operating now and no one will, it's an army dot mil.
Can you speak to just the level of denial we see out there, doctor?
Oh yeah, big denial.
I remember when the Katrina event happened, when that fiasco took place and FEMA came on board and so many families were broken up from that.
Some they still can't find today and they set up concentration camps
Uh, you know, they sent everybody to the, to the dome to be killed there.
But luckily the, uh, the, the winds went the other way that, that roof didn't cave in.
But, uh, these, uh, forces are always, like I said, they use in mind control.
They use the media to, to, to, to manipulate thoughts.
And then they, uh, have, they make you think that what's there is not there.
And it really is.
I have a couple questions, one for each of you and a couple comments if time permits.
My question first to Dr. Whitaker is, what
Do you know about Lyme disease and its agenda and source?
And Alex, what do you know of how it could fit into the globalist agenda?
Because I know the answer to that.
Well, I mean, we have Plum Island.
We know it was leaked from there.
Even mainstream news says that.
It's a zoological experimental level four bioweapons lab.
They weaponized the Lyme disease.
Go ahead, Doctor.
Oh yeah, it's strange that the gentleman just asked that.
I just picked up a line with these clients last week.
And it's definitely a biological weapon.
They promoted some tick landing on you and treating this problem.
But that's not a problem that's created by no tick.
It's a biological weapon that destroys the nervous system.
And we've been using the
Stay there, stay there.
Final segment.
Straight ahead, George Umbrell will pop into it.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
I mean, take just the Tuskegee Experiment.
I hate to keep bringing up black folks, but in Maryland, they're forced to take the shots.
That's where they're shipping the drugs in.
They always do it there first, like Tony Brown says.
The Tuskegee Experiment, not just letting them die of it, but spreading it and giving it to them.
That went for 45 years until people exposed it.
No, this is sinister at the top, and I want to...
We'll have to do a few minutes here with George Humphrey who just popped in, right at the end.
But Dr. Whitaker, we're definitely going to have you back on MetaSyn, with an S on the end, dot net.
We'll have you back, but finish up with the Lyme disease situation.
Yes, like I said, it's a biological weapon.
It was made there on Plum Island there, and it goes back into the 40s.
So yes, you could relate that to the Tuskegee Experiment, because that was during that time frame.
And it's a bacterium.
Uh, laboratory made, uh, destroys the nervous system, and like I said, we've been using, uh, chlorine dioxide to, uh, get the body back in shape with that, and a couple of nerving herbs to balance out the system after the person goes through that, but, uh, it's very, uh, debilitating when the person encounters it, uh, it's airborne, and, uh, you know, it's just another, uh, satanic weapon being used on the human population by these globalists.
Well, Dr. Whitaker, we will talk to you again in the near future.
Godspeed, and thank you for your endorsement of the Obama deception.
No doubt about it.
Thank you, Mr. Jones, and I'd love to be on your Part 2.
We'll have you back on again and again.
Take care, my friend.
Thank you.
It's always great just discovering every day new freedom fighters who have been out there for years reaching tens of thousands if not millions of people.
George Humphrey is one of them.
Author, lecturer, city councilman, degreed economist.
You just agreed because you're always in California or India or Austin, all over the world, businessman.
You're back.
You hadn't seen the Obama deception.
You'd been gone for three weeks.
Now it's been out for two weeks.
You said you're hearing about it on the street and phone calls, folks seeing you in it.
So you came by to get a copy here.
Yeah, it's amazing.
I came back.
I've been out of touch.
I haven't been looking at computers or listening to phone calls for
About three weeks, I come in the other night, my phone is full of messages from people around the country saying, God, the Obama deception is fabulous, you know, I want to talk to you about it.
I'm really happy, not only for you, because this is a very, very positive thing, but I'm very happy for the people of this country to be able to see through this thing.
What we are facing is the most dangerous period in the history of not only our country, but of the Western culture.
You know, this Obama, he's a real work of art.
And the real danger of Obama
Is that he is so likable.
Is that he is so articulate.
That he is so charismatic.
He is a man of color.
He's a very, very likable guy.
And that is the real danger.
And as I say over and over and over again, you've got to judge a tree by its fruit, not by its flower.
And his fruit is bad.
And his fruit is bad.
I have all these friends who are good, good people.
They're smart.
And they keep going, well I'm sticking with him, I'm sticking with him, I'm sticking with him.
I'm going, look!
You know, you were against Bush because of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.
Obama's for the war in Iraq and for the war in Afghanistan, and he's for putting missiles in the Ukraine, in Poland, in Georgia, aimed at Russia.
This guy is more militaristic
Well George, we're almost out of time.
I just want to, since you're here for two weeks, I want to invite you in.
Let's go check with my producer for an hour and a half next week in studio.
But also I'm going to come out to your house to interview with you there sometime for the new film where Megan Tarpley is coming in this weekend.
He'll be with me in studio.
from 4 to 6 p.m.
this Sunday.
Rebroadcast with all the amazing analysis and guests and a bunch of important info about them openly announcing how the European Union will govern the new planetary government.
That is what Gordon Brown said on video.
That was in the first hour that's in the rebroadcast at InfoWars.com.
But George, we got about 30 seconds till this show ends.
It goes into rebroadcast.
Say bye to folks.
Alex, you're doing God's work, and every one of you who are listening, just wake up, talk with your friends, share the information.
We created this problem, and we can heal it.
God love you.
There's George Humphrey in studio.
He'll be with us next week.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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