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Name: 20090326_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2009
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are now simulcasting the radio show for the next two hours and 52 minutes.
And we have John McManus here in studio with us.
I am very, very excited about that.
The president of the John Birch Society in studio with us until I think five after next hour.
So we'll get a full hour on air with him.
And we've got some other interesting guests coming on.
Patrice O'Neill is an African-American and popular comedian.
He's been criticizing Obama and promoting the Obama deception when he goes on national media outlets.
So we'll see how that goes for his career.
But that is coming up.
You know, there's so much I'd like to talk to you about, and it's great that you were coming through Texas on this tour, and that somebody had the idea that we should contact you and have you here.
I've had you on a few times over the phone, but Mr. McManus, it is just great to meet you in person, and I appreciate your tireless work at the John Birch Society over the last 40 years.
Thank you, it's my pleasure.
I tell people all the time I wouldn't miss this fight for anything.
Boy, I tell you, everything you guys talked about has unfortunately come true.
Talk a little bit about yourself, your 40-plus years there, what the John Birch Society is for folks that don't know, and then the tour.
Let's get that out of the way now, because folks want to write this down and find out where they can come hear you speak.
Excellent speaker, very informative, and it's all documented, the issues you cover.
And then let's get into what the New World Order is and what we're facing.
Well, on a personal level, I did three years in the Marine Corps after college as a lieutenant, and then I was an electronics engineer, and I joined the Society as a local member in the early 60s.
In 1964, they asked me to take a staff position.
Excuse me, it was 66.
So I've been on the staff of the Birch Society for 43 years.
I worked alongside Robert Welsh as his public relations director all during the 70s and into the 80s until he passed away in 1985.
In 1991, they named me president.
I'm the head of the society in one respect, but we have a CEO also, a fellow named Art Thompson, and we work very closely together.
So I've been everything you could imagine in the Birch Society.
I've been a writer and a speaker and a publicist and a radio and television guy.
I've written five books.
I've done everything you could expect of somebody as long as I've been in the Birch Society and it's been an absolute delight.
I wouldn't, as I said, I wouldn't miss this for anything.
And it was the John Birch Society that really gets the credit first, and that's why he got demonized in a big way, explaining, no, they control both parties, it's a foreign cartel, here's their own documents, they want a bank of the world that will regulate all the nation states.
Now, that's Time Magazine Newsweek, the Financial Times of London, and now for world government.
The very people engineering the economic collapse are openly announcing world government.
I guess you guys aren't so kooky after all for researching this.
No, not at all.
You know, I wrote a book in 1993 called Financial Terrorism, Hijacking America Under the Threat of Bankruptcy.
And in my book in 93, I laid out many, many statements of prominent people who were saying, well, what we need is world government.
What we've got to have is world government.
And, uh, I've gotten calls from people, a couple of calling show people who said that they've just simply come across my book recently and, and I'm a prophet, they said.
No, I'm not a prophet at all.
I said, all I did was some homework and I did what Ravel Welch always said.
He said, just project the lines.
If you project the lines, you can arrive at the conclusions that are coming.
That's what we do in the Birch Society and, uh, I hate to say it, but we predicted all of what's happening here in the economic malaise that our country's involved in.
And it sure is a malaise.
You know, one of the things I quote, you'd be interested in this, when Paul Volcker was named to be the head of the Federal Reserve back in 1979, he testified before the U.S.
Senate, and he said, the standard of living of the average American has to come down, I don't think you can escape that.
And you've got to ask yourself, why would any American want the standard of living of the average American to come down?
And the answer's very simple.
If the United States is way up high and the rest of the world is down here, you've got to bring the U.S.
down and bring the others up so that we can be comfortably merged into the New World Order.
And that's what Volcker said.
He said that before the U.S.
They didn't challenge him.
They said, fine, you're approved.
You go lead the Federal Reserve.
And he's a bad man in my view, and now he's back in the White House.
Again, where do you have to be later?
Because I don't think the 40 minutes of air time we're going to have is enough.
Perhaps I can give you 15 minutes in the next hour, and we can move the next guest back, because we could talk for a whole hour just about your book and their own documents.
And you're right, back in the early 90s, you guys knew what their battle plan was even then, and the proof's in the pudding.
You've been proven correct.
Start over in more detail, go over your book, how they operate, how they're on record writing hundreds of books themselves, thousands of white papers, admitting their dastardly needs.
Well, I quoted Brzezinski, and I quoted Kissinger, and I quoted Volker, and I quoted Bergsten, the head of the economic thing down there in Washington, and all these people, and they were all saying the same thing.
And I don't know why it is that back then only the Birch Society was able to say, hey, put this all together, look, this is where they're heading.
They want world government.
Now, one of the points that I like to make, and why the Birch Society became so controversial, is that we say it's a conspiracy.
We say, look, these people don't have an ideology, they're part of a conspiracy.
They don't believe in anything other than power.
They don't believe in the Communist Manifesto.
They don't believe in the Constitution.
They don't believe in Scripture.
They don't believe in anything.
They only want power.
And it's a devilish determination to take power over mankind.
One of the ways of doing that is economically.
It was Meyer Anshel Rothschild, the founder of the famous Rothschild Banking Empire.
He said,
Give me control of a nation's money, I care not who makes the laws.
Because that person will make the laws as I want them made.
And that's where we are.
So they have control of the money.
Now the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve has to go.
And happily there's a bill in Congress now, H.R.
833, to get rid of the Federal Reserve.
I would like everybody who's listening to write to your Congressman and say, please co-sponsor H.R.
And if that happens, the bill is a responsible thing.
It says from the enactment of this bill, one year, the Federal Reserve shall stand abolished.
In other words, it's not going to be an overnight thing.
It's a responsible piece of legislation.
Glad to see it.
Well, Ron Paul's got another bill to just audit the thing.
Yeah, it's never been audited.
Can you speak to that fact?
And then even Senator Sanders, just a few weeks ago, said to Bernanke, he said, where's the trillions of dollars?
And Bernanke said, I'm not going to tell you.
No, I'm not going to tell you.
Most Americans have no idea that the Federal Reserve is a private agency.
It's not a government agency.
And that's amazing.
You go to Washington, D.C.
and you pull out that big phone book they have, and they have blue pages for all the
Federal agencies, and the Federal Reserve's not there.
It's not a federal agency, and they take dictation from no one.
They don't answer the questions they don't want to answer, as you just mentioned, and on and on you go.
Now, the Fed has never been audited, and I had an interesting thing happen to me.
I said that in a speech about a year ago.
A guy wrote me a letter, and he sent me a little newspaper clipping talking about the Fed had been audited.
And I did some investigation and I found out what they'd audited was the number of desks and the number of pencils and the number of file cabinets and so on.
They didn't go into any of the financial end of it and so effectively the Fed has still never been audited.
Ron Paul has a bill and that one's HR 1207 to audit the Fed and I understand that there's a lot of people jumping aboard co-signing this one.
They're up to about something like 35 co-signers or co-sponsors.
That's good.
I would love to see an audit of the Fed.
I'd like to know what they've got for wealth and what they do with it and how they operate and so forth.
But we don't know.
We don't know because it's a private agency and they thumb their nose at government.
Did you see the clip on the NewsHour with former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan?
He said, look, the President, the Legislative, the Congress, no one can even question us or look at us, because he was asked, what's your relationship to the government?
And he said, there is none.
We are a, quote, separate agency and are non-reviewable.
So, I mean, we know our Constitution, we know our Bill of Rights, we know the separation of powers.
It's all three branches reviewing each other, tying down dominant men.
And just here is this private Federal Reserve
Dancing around in public, arrogantly saying, we're not only secret and you can't audit us, no agency of government can even look at us, and we're going to set up a new bank of the world that you pay your taxes to.
I mean, this is just tyranny.
It's tyranny.
It's absolutely wrong.
Now, you know, the idea for it came from the Communist Manifesto.
Plank number five.
And that's the Communist Manifesto says a central bank with state control and so on.
And we've gone one worse than Karl Marx.
We've out-Marxed Marx.
He said in the hands of the state, we say, no, it's a private agency.
Ours is worse than what Karl Marx even wanted.
But as you pioneered exposing at the JBS, and I've seen the government documents and congressional testimony, it was really the big central banks to con the public into slavery, the people's paradise, that finance communism.
So of course you're going to have public education, and of course you're going to have a central bank, and of course you're going to have federal control.
All the things in that Communist Manifesto, that's what the governments of the world follow when they're under the control of the private banks, and their enemy is the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
The 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto all are partially or fully in place in the United States today.
It all happened in the 20th century.
Number 10, free education for all children in the government schools.
And I like to tell my audience, I said, now, if the government's going to control the schools, do you think they're going to teach anything that will impact government power?
The answer is no.
I say, if a Hindu starts a school, is he going to teach Lutheranism?
If a government starts a school, they're going to teach government power and want government power to be preached and taught and not impacted by the schools they control.
Very simple.
One of the great
Reasons for hope in our country is so many people are going to homeschooling.
And the more of that, the better.
But now the feds are moving to try to restrict that.
Well, they did try to restrict it, and there were some states where they actually grabbed children out of the homes and impounded them and so forth, but members of the Birch Society stopped that.
One of the worst cases was in Idaho of all places.
And Virginia was another key place, and in both places, our people, our Birch Society people, got in there and made sure that this didn't happen.
Now, so, homeschool is pretty much allowed today, but the tyranny involved in it is all the people who are homeschooling still have to pay taxes to support the schools that they won't send their kids to.
Yeah, slavery.
Well, take last year, the state court in California ruled that the state owns the children.
Now, that got struck down.
That got struck down.
But that shows the mindset.
I mean... It got struck down for a time.
Yeah, exactly.
But they're trying to say, you have the children, we the state, take them over.
John McManus, president of the John Birch Society, is in studio.
This is great.
It's wonderful to have you, sir.
My pleasure.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We've got the president of the John Burns Society here on a Texas tour.
Before we run out of time, and he will be here 15 minutes to the next hour, tell us about the speaking dates.
You've already done some, but you have left in Texas, and the hotels those are being held at for folks who want to come learn more.
Well, tonight I'll be in San Antonio at the Embassy Suites, and I think that's on the north side of town.
And then Friday night I'll be at the Richardson Civic Center in Richardson, Texas, right outside Dallas.
And in about a month I come back and I'm gonna speak in Lubbock and Midland and Amarillo.
But I don't know where.
But you can find that out by going jbs.org and the information's all there.
They can just go to JBS events and see where the president is speaking.
And then you're pretty much a year around doing speaking engagements, so no matter where you are in the country, throughout the year you generally get to close to where folks are at.
That's right.
I do a lot of traveling.
My wife's favorite phrase to me is, have a nice trip.
Yeah, that's what my wife says to me.
She says, uh, she says, bye, see ya!
Have a nice trip!
You know, we do sacrifice seeing our families as much as we like, which is the most important thing in the world, because I know I have a passion, I know you have a passion.
There's so much evidence, there's so much globalist takeover going on.
I mean, people think sometimes I exaggerate.
It's the opposite.
There's too much evidence to cover it all.
Well, there certainly is enough evidence for anybody who wants to take the time to look.
And so then what do you do?
You find out that your country is being converted into a socialist system?
Even Newsweek Magazine said, we are all socialists now.
Oh, there it is, yeah.
And we've been saying that for a long, long time.
What is socialism?
Socialism is control by government.
It's economic control, but of course if you have economic control, it follows, and if you don't like what's happening with the economic control, you start a Gestapo, you start a police state, you can do all kinds of things, and that's what we face.
Now, one of the things that I like to say is that you go down to Washington today and you talk to Senator, Congressman, President, anybody else, they say, look, we're in an economic downturn and government has to do something.
The opposite is what needs to be done.
Government has to undo things.
They have to undo all kinds of things they never should have started in the first place.
Obama has announced that there's going to be a $1.75 trillion deficit this fiscal year, and a day after he announced that, he announced a $51 billion foreign aid program.
Now I say, if you go to a fourth grader and you ask him if you're heavily in debt, should you give away money, the fourth grader would say, no, of course not!
And I think sometimes we need fourth graders in Congress.
Yeah, the common sense isn't there, but they know what they're doing.
They use our money against us.
Now, you mentioned this earlier, but it's key that you and others are on record laying out their blueprint.
You weren't looking into a crystal ball.
You were studying their own documents.
Tell us about your book in the early 90s, dealing with economic terrorism, because that's what they're doing now.
They engineer the crisis.
They bring it in, they say, give us the banker bailout, which is really a banker takeover, or there'll be a depression, then things get worse.
They say, okay, give us stimulus packages, give us more banker control, or there'll be a depression.
Then we give them more control, and the same thing over and over again.
Break down specifically your book and your predictions and what we're now in the process of seeing.
Well, the book did a lot of research about what is money and what was the Constitution's position regarding money.
And then one chapter is called, Karl Marx would have loved the Fed.
Get into all of that.
How do we get out of it?
And we got out of it, at the end of the book, I started talking about the fact that government ought to sell a lot of its holdings.
If 13 western states, more than 50% of it is owned by the federal government, then they ought to sell it.
Sell the land, they can start paying off the national debt, but the national debt is going so far out of sight today, it's a little bit hard to even imagine.
You wonder if they're ever going to be able to pay the national debt.
Now, my book is called Financial Terrorism.
Unfortunately, it's out of print.
I went through two printings, but now people are coming back and some people have dragged it out and re-read it, said it's more applicable today than it was when I wrote it in 1993.
So, yeah, we're in favor of that.
One of the things I'm making, one of the points I'm making in my speech is to contrast, it's really not contrast as much as it is compare, what happened in Japan way back in the late 80s and into the early 90s.
During the late 80s Japan was boomtown.
Japan was piling up all kinds of wealth, and Japan was going to overtake everybody, and there was all kinds of information about this all over the place.
In fact, Japan, even at that point, bought Rockefeller Center.
I don't know if you remember that.
They had to pay it back, they had to give it back, sell it back afterwards.
But in 1992, the bubble burst.
And housing prices went down 80%.
And the Nikkei Stock Exchange went down two-thirds.
So what did the government do in Japan?
They did exactly what we are doing in America.
Stay there.
We're going to come back, long segment.
Plenty of time to go over this.
Then I want to throw out some of the current policies.
National Compulsory Service, open borders, restrictions on the Second Amendment.
The establishment is clearly making its biggest move ever against freedom.
Instead of going incrementally, they've launched the Blitzkrieg attack on freedom.
John McManus, president of the JBS, our guest.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Obama Deception is on sale now on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Mr. McManus, President of the John Birch Society, I tried to give you a copy of the Obama Deception when you got here, but somebody had gotten you one of the internet burn copies, which we appreciate, but we've given you a copy now.
I don't really know what your review of it is, so this will be virgin ground for me here, but what is your take on the Obama Deception?
Well, there's a lot of good information in there.
There's a lot of information the American people need to know.
I don't doubt that a bit.
I watched it on a little thing I have on a plane ride, and I watched it on that, and of course I wasn't taking notes or anything, I was just, so I want to go back and study it some more.
But there's an awful lot in there that the American people need to know about the man who is now in the White House.
Well, what we attempt to do is what you guys have always done.
Can we stop looking at the little puppets right here?
Can we look past them to the puppet master?
Finish up your story about financial terrorism, the Japan... Well, what happened in Japan, it's really stunning.
Japan, the bubble burst in 1992.
And so the government decided that it had to do something.
So what did it do?
Well, first thing it did was it printed a lot more money.
Now, keep in mind that what happened in Japan is what is being done now to treat a similar problem here in our country.
They nationalized some industries, they gave all kinds of stimulus packages, they did everything we're doing here in America, and 17 years later, they're still in their recession.
And you go back to the Great Depression and go to the 30s, and you can see that everything that was done by Hoover and then by Roosevelt, who tripled what Hoover had been doing, it kept us in the Depression, it didn't get us out of the Depression, and this is what's happening here today.
Uh, everything that government is doing is wrong.
They should not do it.
And one of the things that we like to say, a principle of the free enterprise system, is that, that governments, or organizations that fail should be allowed to fail.
And why should the American people bail out AIG and Citibank and some corporations and automobile producers and so forth?
Agencies and governments shouldn't be doing that.
Well, more than just that, though, from our perspective they failed.
From our perspective, they're screwing up and it's wrong.
But if you, as you know, read the Globalist documents, the Club of Rome, CFR, Trilateral Commission, they build these bubbles, get everybody overextended in debt, and then implode them to get
More power and control, as government did during the Depression, as is what's happening in Japan.
So can you specifically speak to the fact, and give us your take on how they're using the crisis they created to now openly set up world government?
Well, everything you see coming out of Washington is more regulation, more spending, more tax on the freedom of the American people.
Was it Rahm Emanuel who said, a crisis is a terrible thing to waste?
And so, you either create a crisis or you take advantage of a crisis and then you come out, the answer to the crisis is more power, more government power.
Now, in this case we're seeing all kinds of suggestions for global power.
We're seeing suggestions for IMF to issue the money, we're seeing suggestions for global regulation.
We're going to lose our country.
We're going to lose the Declaration of Independence.
We're going to lose the Constitution of the United States.
We say to people, look, please, shake yourself, wake up, alright?
Get involved.
Help us.
Join the John Birch Society.
Call us, JBSUSA1 or get on the internet, jbs.org.
We're glad to hear from anybody.
And we're certainly glad to go on radio shows and television shows anywhere that people are saying the same kind of thing, and we'll lend support, and we support each other, I guess, just to try to save our country.
Well, you have invaluable monthly magazine, and it's just always... Oh no, every second week, not monthly.
That's right, every two weeks.
It is just...
Just invaluable information, so well documented, and folks can also go to the website and... Get the New American Magazine, right.
The New American Magazine will supply anybody with the nuts and bolts information that you need.
There's a lot of people in our country who say, well, there's something wrong here.
I don't like the Federal Reserve.
But they don't know why.
They don't have the nuts and bolts.
You go to our magazine, you get the nuts and bolts.
I want to go back and focus on this, though.
We have hundreds of mainstream news articles now admitting world government, saying it'll be a world government, a bank of the world.
Time and Newsweek with headlines like New World Order saying it'll be a new bank of the world that sets interest rates and sets currency values and knocks the heads of bad people and that will
Pay carbon taxes to this whole Malthusian move.
I mean, this is a totally controlled economy.
And that is not a free market.
This international banking elite are monopoly men.
So can you speak to the type of world government they're now publicly setting up, and then explain to folks in your own way that they keep claiming the free market has failed.
This hasn't been the free market.
This has been bankers, banksters, using government to create monopolies.
That's right.
Well, you know, you've said it.
Come in your own words though, because I've seen you give speeches on it.
I want you to lay it out.
Well, what you see is taking advantage of crisis.
And the answer is always more government regulation.
And what we're seeing now is the suggestion is international regulation.
We need the IMF to start issuing the money.
We need this, we need that.
Lurking behind all of this is the United Nations.
And I know that the American people have a dim view of the United Nations.
In fact, the Gallup poll just came out recently said 60% of the people have a negative view about the United Nations.
And most people in America say, oh, it's a waste of time, it never gets anything done, and so forth.
No, that's not so.
It's lurking in the background and poised and ready to take total control.
The people who are supposedly solving the problems aren't solving the problems.
What they're doing is building more power for themselves.
At our country level and internationally and so forth.
You got the EU working into this now.
EU ministers are saying globalism is the answer.
We've got to have that.
I suppose you probably know that the $170 billion that's been given to AIG, the American International Group here, most of that money that they got immediately went to pay their debts in Europe.
It didn't help America.
Not that it should have been done in the first place, but there's a good example.
And then, of course, you have them going after the bonuses that were paid, which is one-tenth of one percent of the money that's been given to AIG.
And if they stop the bonuses, the people are going to say, well, at least the government's doing the right thing.
No, it's not doing the right thing.
It's diverting attention from the real problem, which is $170 billion being given to an organization that should have been allowed to fail.
And that's only one of many globalist organizations, and there's no discussion of the franchise owner, of the big billionaire George Soros, David Rockefeller, Rothschild types, who are actually getting the money from the bailout.
Meanwhile, they divert everybody with, oh, look at these CEOs who work for them, as you said, getting a pittance.
A tiny fraction of the real money.
A gnat on a bull elephant.
That's what it is.
But the people are saying, oh, okay, at least they're doing something right.
No, they're not doing something right.
First of all, if a company wants to give somebody a bonus, it's none of the government's business in the first place.
That's right.
That's another principle.
That's right.
It sets the precedent to come in and regulate every facet of the economy, and now that's the new power that they're saying they want to give Geithner, is to go after not just banks, but other companies.
Now, Geithner's an interesting guy.
He was the head of the New York Federal Reserve.
The New York Fed is the power.
There's 12 member banks in the Federal Reserve System.
A lot of them is just window dressing.
The power is New York.
Not even in Washington.
They have a big, beautiful building in Washington.
I've been inside that building.
Big, beautiful building, but the power's in New York City, and Geithner was the head of it.
And what has Geithner accomplished?
He's accomplished, as the head of the Fed, continuing a process of printing tremendous amounts of money that lowers the value of everybody's money.
I like to say, when I was a boy, I could buy a candy bar for a nickel and now it costs a dime.
But the candy costs the same.
The value of the dollar has gone down 95% since 1945.
Where did it go?
It was stolen from the American people by a process called inflation.
And inflation is not only thievery, it can destroy your nation, as it did Germany, after the Weimar Republic and their inflation.
Well, that's the plan, they've stated, is to blow out the world's currencies and then set up a new super currency that controls regional currencies.
And they're now announcing at the G20, coming up in April, and I was just watching Gordon Brown online... Bad man, bad man.
A few days ago, before the European Parliament, and he said a global Europe, that's a quote, global Europe dominating the entire planet, and he said world government financial control over every nation, setting world tax rates.
They got a world army, they got a world court, they're coming in with world taxation and regulation.
Can you speak to the phony carbon taxes and the environmental movement, what that's really about?
Because you've exposed that.
Well, first of all, global warming is a charade, in my view.
Yes, temperatures go up and temperatures go down.
It's not caused by you and me driving our automobile or hairspray or any of that stuff.
This whole global warming thing is a charade, a farce.
And what it's designed to do is to give government more power.
Once again, you see the same thing.
So now they've decided that they have to have carbon taxes in order to shut down more of America's industrial power.
Much of it has already been shut down by outsourcing and by NAFTA and the rest of it.
So they want global carbon tax and the United States is going to have to pay taxes in order to continue doing any industrial activity.
Uh, in order to solve a problem that's not going to be solved by cutting back on carbon.
Carbon dioxide is wonderful.
Carbon dioxide is something that all plants eat.
You want carbon dioxide.
If you have carbon dioxide, you're going to have better, better trees, better bushes, better crops, better everything.
It's just bonkers.
Everything's backwards.
And we've got all kinds of experts out there.
We've got these experts in the economic field and experts in the so-called environmental field.
People like Al Gore.
If he's an expert, I'm a Martian.
Well, he's very arrogant.
He had nothing to do with the Internet and he claims he invented it.
He invented the Internet, that's right.
Which was around in its infancy when he was in college.
Expanding on that, because you've written books on this and you give speeches.
You know, we've played some of your speeches here on the local cable access where I started out many years ago.
Waking folks up, Bob Daisy does it down there.
Also writes for the New American.
Expanding on this, can you break down for folks
Why the globalists want to destroy industrial bases of nation-states, why they want to weaken all nations, then they have this big international body that then finances and controls what's left of those countries.
I mean, they know carbon dioxide isn't bad.
They're cold-bloodedly wanting to tax the carbon cycle.
Well, it's very simple.
It leads to world government.
You can't merge the United States with some of the poor backward countries in Africa without destroying the United States first.
And that's what it's at.
That's what I said earlier with Volcker testifying before the U.S.
The standard of living of the average American has to go down.
I don't think you can escape that.
That's what he said!
And the Senator sat there and took it!
And they should have thrown him right out of the room.
Anybody who wants to destroy the standard of living of the people of the United States should not be getting confirmation by the U.S.
Senate to lead the Federal Reserve.
And that confirmation is a charade, too.
Everybody who goes before the Senate for confirmation for a Federal Reserve job always gets passed.
The Fed comes to the President and says, we want you to nominate this guy, and that's who they nominate.
And while we went from Volker to Greenspan, now we got Bernanke, who's a disciple of Greenspan.
And what's he calling for?
He's calling for more government regulation.
He's calling for more government power.
And so forth.
You can't have more and more and more of something without filling it up.
And when they fill it up, it's going to be the New World Order.
The Novus Ordo Seclorum.
That's what they're after.
If they succeed, from their own documents that you've researched, what will the New World Order look like when they finally put the capstone on the pyramid?
Well, first of all, everybody will be a slave to government.
You will be working for government if you have a job.
And secondly, I believe that there will be a physical extermination of many, many millions of people.
They've done it everywhere they've taken over.
They did it in Russia, they did it in China, they did it in Laos, they did it in Cambodia.
Every place where total government has taken over, there has been carnage of immense proportions.
Now you've got a guy like...
Who's the guy running around in his little boat, the great oceanographer?
Jacques Cousteau.
Jacques Cousteau.
Did you ever see what he said?
Yeah, we've got to kill 350-something thousand people a day.
It's a terrible thing to say that, but it's even more terrible not to say it and not to do it.
That's right.
Go over that.
The United Nations 1996 Biological Diversity Assessment says they've got to get rid of 80% of us.
All these public statements by Prince Philip.
I mean, this is what they do.
This is what they're into.
Explain that to people.
Well, you know, why would you want to do that?
Except that you hate mankind.
Except that you have a
Diabolical determination to rule the world.
And you're going to get a lot of people out of the way and you're going to scare the rest into submission by killing so many.
Cousteau was supposed to be a nice man.
He's worried about the oceans and everything else.
But he actually said what you said.
I think it was 435,000 a day until we get down to a level of about 1 million people.
Yeah, well, when I make films, I actually go to the library to pull the quotes.
That was appeared, incidentally.
It appeared in the United Nations document.
That's what I was about to say.
And so the reason people will then find our numbers and go, well, I found this, I found that.
Cousteau said that dozens of times, different numbers.
300 and something, 400 and something, 500 and something in a PBS interview he did right before he died in France.
It was interviewed in his garden.
There's video of it.
I mean, he said it constantly, just like Prince Philip in books and Reuters articles and German newspapers said, I want to come back reincarnated as a virus to kill 80% of the population.
So, there's a lot of different quotes, but you're absolutely right.
And then you've got Walter Cronkite saying it.
You've got Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his daddy heading up Planned Parenthood, a eugenics organization.
And from my research, when I cover an endgame, and I want to get your take on this, sir,
You had eugenics being the dominant scientific craze a hundred years ago.
It's what founded a lot of institutions here.
The Rockefellers funded it in England, in Germany, the Kaiser Wilhelm Scientific Research Group.
Thank you.
This is the majority view, and when he was given an award at the Texas Academy of Sciences, it was in the newspaper, he got a 95% standing ovation.
I had the reporter on.
He said it was like being in a nightmare science fiction movie.
They had tears of joy with a three minute standing ovation when he projected red skulls on a wall and said, I can't wait until Ebola kills 90% of people.
Yeah, and they keep saying that Adolf Hitler is something we have to worry about.
No, we have to worry about Adolf Hitler mentality, which is what these people have.
Can you specifically get into more of what their master plan will be like from your deep study?
It's very simple.
Total government and then suppression.
Suppression of anybody who wants to be free.
Suppression of anybody who wants to protect his own home with his own weapons, certainly that.
Uh, rationing cards, you can't get food unless you submit to the government's regulations and you have the card to prove it.
You know, the business of the mark of the beast, it doesn't necessarily have to be on your forehead, it could be in your pocket.
You must have something like that.
We're in very, very interesting times, to put it very mildly.
But I believe that this can be turned around.
I believe that this whole business of the race towards tyranny, the race towards total government, can be stopped.
And it's going to be stopped in our country through the House of Representatives.
people to realize that the House of Representatives has the power of the purse and if we get back to having enough men and women in the House of Representatives who not only swear an oath to the Constitution but abide by their oath then our country can start to climb out of this mess we're in and we can get back to being a good old country again.
You're absolutely right and
Incidentally, they have introduced a bill, they already have the Real ID Act, you know, for the national ID card, but they've introduced a bill, and I've seen Homeland Security speak to this, where you're going to have this national ID card, even if it's a state card, it'll be federally approved, we're going to come back and discuss this, to basically buy and sell, and they're going to sneak that through with a national sales tax.
We'll break that down and talk about Obama when we return.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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We've got him with us for another 20 minutes.
We have another guest joining us on the program.
He's John McManus, president of the John Birch Society in studio.
And he's going to be speaking here in Texas.
For those that just joined us, where are you speaking tonight?
Tonight in San Antonio at the Embassy Suites, and Friday night at the Richardson Civic Center in Richardson, Texas, right outside Dallas.
And there is some room left.
I know a lot of these sell out.
Well, I always like it when they have to open up the wall and put more chairs in and so forth.
So anybody that wants to come... Anybody, right.
There's an admission charge.
Somebody's got to pay all the airline freight that I... Oh, I understand.
And for the hotel.
And the hotel.
People have no idea how much those conference rooms cost.
Some of them are out of sight and some of them are pretty reasonable, but most of them are out of sight.
You're right.
Yeah, and that's why we... And of course, the hotels are all suffering right now.
They've got to make some money because the business is down.
People aren't traveling and a lot of business stuff is being done by telephone rather than visits and so all of that.
Barack Obama.
I mean, this guy is handled by the elite, the most elite of the elite.
Have you seen his birth certificate yet?
I haven't.
No, I haven't.
No, no.
Isn't that amazing, huh?
He could put an end to all of this speculation by simply producing a birth certificate, and he hasn't done it.
I can remember it was about a year ago almost that they discovered that he had an aunt living in Boston.
And she was living in a housing project, and she wasn't illegally here, and so forth.
And she said, on a Boston interview, that she was present at his birth in Kenya.
And, uh, she disappeared.
I don't know where she is today.
In Kenya.
In Kenya.
I mean, this guy could care less about his own family.
He's certainly not going to care about the people of this country.
Can you specifically speak to not caring about the aunt, not caring about the half-brother?
Well, it's something that I wouldn't do, and you wouldn't do, and most decent people wouldn't do.
They would care about their own people, and they should.
That's Christian charity and that's supposedly in everybody.
You should be able to do that.
But there's so much more about Obama beyond this.
Look at his buddy, the bomb-throwing Lou Ayers.
This guy threw bombs at the Pentagon and so forth, and somehow he got rehabilitated.
And all of a sudden we're forgetting about Reverend Jerome Wright, and what he said about goddamn America, and we're not supposed to remember that.
What people would like to do is to say, oh, the John Birch Society, there was an anti-Semite in the John Birch Society 43 years ago.
And when we found out that there was, we gave him his money back and sent him out.
But they didn't say that.
It's selective use of information about people.
Obama is, in my view, he's an out-and-out Marxist.
Now what is a Marxist?
A Marxist is somebody who wants economic control over the people.
Uh, Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, and he and Engels wanted to call it the Socialist Manifesto at the time, but they didn't because there was some screwballs running around saying that they were Socialists.
Yeah, we are all Socialists now, says Newsweek, right?
So they called it the Communist Manifesto, but it has been the Bible of every Socialist and every Communist all along.
Now, why do I say that Obama is a Marxist?
Because he wants all of the things that are in the Communist Manifesto, in the Socialist Manifesto.
He wants all of those things.
But this always confuses the low-level liberals.
They don't understand that the big megabanks and Arm and Hammer and all of them openly explain, and Carol Quigley at Georgetown explains, that the ultra-rich use socialism and fascism to vertically integrate power under their control.
Then they sit outside and above the nation-states
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The John Birch Society puts out impeccable information and research.
You can argue or try to disagree with what they think the solution should be, but you can't disagree with the hard facts.
They're almost neurotic about being sticklers to make sure they can prove everything.
So I've always found it to be very, very accurate information, really some of the best out there.
And they also sell things at cost.
I mean, you can get subscriptions to the magazine that comes bi-weekly very inexpensively.
These are a dollar apiece, dollars and cents, by John F. McManus, a video presentation, a JBS overview of America, public service edition.
This is powerful information.
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That's 1-800-JBS-USA1 to call and order these materials singularly, or I suggest buying them in bulk so you can get them out and wake people up.
That is the key.
If we counter the globalists, their agenda is so unpopular, so criminal, it will fail.
But if we just say, oh, that's the way it is,
We're going down a very, very dark road, so 1-800-JBS-USA1.
Now, you gotta pay a shipping charge.
Those are only a dollar apiece, so I tell people, get three or four or five of each of them, and the shipping charge will be the same, and then you can share them with your friends, your neighbors, and everybody, and they're good.
I've gone on radio shows where people have said, I just watched those videos, they're the best I've ever seen, and I'm very grateful for that, so.
Okay, well, we were talking about Obama.
Yes, we were getting into Obama.
I wanted to bring up some of his policies.
The House and Senate, the House passed a version that had compulsory service.
It was just now taken out in the Senate, but it says they're setting up a body to look at implementing national service, youth corps.
Hitler Youth Corps.
Same thing.
And they're in the New York Times saying a 7 million person army, that he's going to have a private army of 13 million, CNN reported, knocking on doors.
Is this what we do in free societies?
Well, no.
I don't think it's that bad.
I don't think 7 million or 13 million.
But it's bad.
No, they said that's their goal.
Ultimately, yeah, they probably would want that ultimately, but the legislation, which is something to oppose, it's there already, it's calling for about a quarter million.
That's bad enough.
I don't want to see that.
I don't want to see youth corps.
I don't want to see that.
I want to see the American people independent of government.
I want to see them limiting their government with the Constitution of the United States.
You know, get back into the financial side of things.
What does the Constitution say about money?
It says, Congress shall have power to coin money, and they set up a mint in 1792 to take the people's precious metals, stamp them into coinage.
It says to regulate the value thereof, and they did that by having one-ounce coins, half-ounce coins, they regulated the value.
With the purity as well.
And a foreign coin.
Okay, you can regulate foreign coin.
What is a Spanish doubloon worth compared to an ounce of silver?
And pieces of eight and so forth.
That's weights and measures.
And then set up a standard of weights and measures.
Three feet in a yard, 16 ounces in a pound and so forth.
And that's all the power that was given to the government of the United States in the Constitution.
No power to set up a bank, no power to set up a Federal Reserve, no power to do all of the kind of things they've been doing for years and years and years, and they all swear an oath to that Constitution, and I think it's time for the American people to say, you abide by the oath, or we're going to get somebody else.
And they've got this one power, and that's the one thing they don't do, they hand that authority over to a private Federal Reserve that tells them, you can't look at any of our operations.
I just wanted to show you, so you didn't think I was exaggerating.
Here's the New York Times National Service Bill, clear Senate hurdle.
And it says they want 7 million people to engage in... There it is.
7 million.
So that's ultimately... Fourth... No, I mean, they're insane.
This is... I mean, this is Nazi Germany.
This is Soviet Russia.
They always... They can call them communists, call them socials, call them fascists.
It's always black uniforms and youth brigades.
That's right.
And then, of course, that's what happened over in Germany, and the German people took a long time to recover from it, and now they've got people like Angela Merkel over there, and she's bringing them back into it.
Well, that's my issue, is they are trying this.
It shows us who they are.
Well, who are they?
Well, they are people who want world control.
They are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
They have ties to the Bilderberger Movement.
They have ties to the Trilateral Commission.
They have ties to the Club of Rome, and they have ties... Some of them went to colleges that had the Skull and Bone Society and so forth.
Let me make this point again.
We've got a break.
Final segment.
We'll do seven minutes on the other side.
Absolutely great having the president of the John Birch Society, John McManus, in the studio with us.
Next time he comes through Texas, we'll have him back in.
Final segment straight ahead.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
In closing, John McManus, president of the John Birch Society.
We've got Patrice O'Neill, comedian and actor, coming on the show in about eight minutes.
The Council on Foreign Relations, 10-15 years ago, wouldn't go on the news.
Limbaugh would say it didn't exist.
Now he says they have no power.
But now he's having to admit they're setting up global government.
So is Glenn Beck.
I mean, we're seeing what we talk about become mainstream because it's emerging.
But now, suddenly, every other speaker on Fox and CNN and MSNBC is Council on Foreign Relations.
And Geithner comes out.
Obama says, oh no, we're not going to have a global currency in his press conference two nights ago, but then Geithner comes out yesterday and says, oh yes, we're looking at that.
Who is the CFR?
What is the global currency?
What control does this give him?
Why is it the brass ring they're after?
After World War I, the United States Senate voted no to membership in the League of Nations.
It was going to be world government.
The United States Senate said no, and thank goodness they did back then.
So at that point then, President Wilson's chief advisor, his guy who lived in the White House, Edward Mandelhouse, got together with British counterparts.
They set up organizations in their country to promote the goal of world government.
The British formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Americans formed the Council on Foreign Relations.
House, Wilson's chief advisor, had written his own book and he said he was working for socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.
Now, obviously, one of his disciples was Wilson.
Another of his disciples was a man named Franklin Roosevelt, whose mother gave him a copy of House's book in 1920.
And when Roosevelt won the nomination of the Democrat Party in 1932 on a conservative platform, he headed back east, went right past his own home, and went right up to Massachusetts to visit Edward Mandel House at his summer home.
The first man he went to see when he got the nomination.
We're good.
They said so in their magazine for years.
We flushed them out over the years, pointing attention to them, and now they're going around saying, oh, we're just a think tank, we just have people.
So, who goes to speak to them?
Well, Bernanke did a week ago, Geithner went yesterday, everybody who comes to the United States, Gordon Brown from England came to this country, where did he go to speak?
The Council on Foreign Relations, and so on.
So, people gotta know about this.
We have a book called The Shadows of Power that explains it, and explains it well.
I see you're advertising Ed Griffin's book, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
That's the history, I guess that's the graduate course about what the Federal Reserve is all about.
So all of that, American people have to know.
Don't rely on your normal media for the information that you need.
You're not going to get it.
You have to go to the alternative media.
That's what we are.
John Birch Society, if it's anything, is an alternative medium of information.
Alex Jones is an alternative medium of information.
You keep putting it out, we'll keep putting it out, and we'll get American people, enough of them, to say, finally, okay, we gotta stop this, right?
Do you agree, sir, that the New World Order is attempting to finally bring in open world government and that they're in super high gear right now?
Yes, they are.
I mean, I've been frightened over the years by developments.
I'm more frightened about this economic problem than I have been for it.
But I'm not saying it's over.
In no way.
It can't be stopped.
Well Kissinger always said they would use a great crisis to bring in their new world order and we have hundreds of quotes published in their own publications saying they want one world government and then all over the newsstands it's like we're in Mussolini's Italy or something or Mao's China and here in Austin, Texas there's pictures and photos of Obama in most of the stores and it's like he's being worshipped as a savior and he bills himself as anti-banker, anti-establishment
He's not.
Well, absolutely.
Here's this magazine.
This is Environmental Magazine.
One of my guys is at Whole Foods today buying some food.
This is on the newsstand.
President for the Planet.
Obama sets a new green agenda.
This is nothing but neo-feudalism to shut down the free market because the bankers don't want competition.
Well, you get your magazine, I got mine.
This is the New American, I'm the publisher of it, and this is an issue that we had, Obama shock and awe economics, and it goes into it in detail.
It's the kind of information we put out all the time.
I got a team of writers and some researchers that I think are just tops, and they do a great job.
They don't just say that this is happening, they quote these people, they show exactly what they've said, they show where it's going to lead, and so forth.
So we want people to
Take a look at the New American Magazine in addition to everything else we do.
Give out the website for folks, the Jumper Society.
Well, jbs.org, that's very easy.
And then you can call and get those DVDs, the Overview of America, Dollars and Cents, 1-800-JBS-USA1.
They only cost a buck apiece, but you have to pay a shipping and handling charge, so get a few and share them.
And a lot of people do, and they say, wow, how come I never knew this?
How come nobody ever told me before?
And so, well, Alex, we're grateful to be able to come and visit with you.
I've been on with your show before, but I've never met you.
I've never been in person.
And you do exist, and so do I. And we'll probably try to do this again.
One more time before you leave as president of the John Birch Society, John McManus, tell the listeners again where you're speaking.
Speaking tonight, Thursday at the Embassy Suites in San Antone, and then on Friday night at the Richardson Civic Center right outside Dallas in Richardson, Texas.
Anybody's welcome.
We're glad to have you.
You can come, you can ask questions after the program's over.
I always stay around and a lot of people come up and have questions.
We sell the books and we sell the magazines, we sell the DVDs.
One last question I forgot to ask you.
You guys have written a lot about the militarization of law enforcement.
The open announcement of NORTHCOM.
They want to put 20,000 regular combat troops on the streets of America.
Under Presidential Decision Directive, it basically makes the President all-powerful during an emergency.
And they're now openly saying
That they may use troops against the American people.
Can you speak to that briefly?
Well, that would be a total violation of American law, the Posse Comitatus Act, and so many other things.
The military is not supposed to be the power, the plaything of the President.
And that's what it's become.
You look into the Constitution and it says that the Congress shall have power to fund an army, but it has to be every second year they have to review it.
The Congress shall have the power to create a Navy, and there's no restriction.
Well, every second year, you've got to review the Army, because they are fearful of a standing Army.
They're fearful of government power having control over the military, and the Founding Fathers were very fearful of that, and everybody else should be.
We don't want the military to be the plaything of the President, and that's what it's become.
Not only to possibly enforce government edicts here within our country, but look at all over the world.
We have troops in 130,000, excuse me, 130 different nations.
Thousands and thousands of troops all over the world.
John Birch Society has a simple solution.
Bring them home.
And if you can get them home before midnight, that'd be soon enough.
Well, it's true conservatism, true pro-sovereignty, and we would definitely, I think, be down the tubes already inside the New World Order if it wasn't for you guys, and I really appreciate you coming in.
Again, in closing, what would the Founding Fathers think of the police state, the military being used on the streets, this whole unfolding system?
They'd say no, absolutely not.
The Constitution says we don't go to war unless there's a declaration of war, and there hasn't been one since December of 1941.
When we declared war on Japan because they bombed us at Pearl Harbor.
We didn't declare war on Germany, they declared war on us.
Because they had a pact with Germany.
But we didn't declare war on Korea, it's still there.
It has never been settled.
We still got 45,000 troops in Korea.
We didn't declare war on Vietnam, we didn't declare war on Desert Storm, we didn't declare war against Afghanistan or against Iraq.
And we shouldn't have been there in the first place.
But anyhow, the Constitution.
Get back to the Constitution.
John McManus, president of the JBS.
Thanks for coming in.
My pleasure, Mike.
Pleasure to meet you.
I appreciate you being here.
It's been a delight.
You bet.
Good luck on the tour.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, and I appreciate our next guest holding the last few minutes.
He's all over national television, VH1, you name it.
One of the top comedians out there today, Patrice O'Neill.
And the reason I wanted to get him on is I started getting reports and video clips sent to us, audio clips, from some of the biggest radio shows in the country.
Thank you, sir.
How are you?
You know what?
Right before you call me, I got a ring at my doorbell
I don't think so.
leveled down a little bit.
Oh, don't worry, the New World Order is not coming after you for that.
We outnumbered him a thousand to one.
First off, for folks who may not know who you are, I mean, they saw you, but this is radio, they would recognize you from all the different television programs you're on.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, your awakening to this whole globalist system, the elite, and why you're out there promoting the Obama deception.
Well, you know, it was, well, you've got to be careful in terms of
Like, how I bumped into it, I was watching something else on, and it kind of, the ad came up for the Obama Deception.
You know, I'm really into, thank God for documentaries, you know what I mean?
And thank God for the internet, because if I had to go to these libraries and stuff and just grab a book and try to, like, cross-reference and learn about this, it would be kind of impossible, right?
So, when I went to the Obama Deception,
The reason why I said you gotta be careful, I guess, is like being black and having anything to say that might be wrong in terms of Obama is dangerous.
You know, you walk around and you go, well, watch this.
I saw this documentary, man, the Obama deception, and, you know, as soon as you say that, aw, what is it?
Aw, say it, Obama.
I go, nah, it's really not even about him.
It's about the presidency altogether.
It's about, it's about, like, the, this, this, this new world order, and here's the problem.
I believe in
Most things I hear about the New World Order.
Most things I hear about the Bilderberg Group.
Most things I hear about the Illuminati.
But I try to come at it because... I try to come at it in a way where... Is that me?
With rock and roll music?
We're about to go to break, sir.
Stay there.
We're going to come back.
Plenty of time to talk.
We really appreciate Frieso Neal being our guest on with us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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He's pounding down, loaded up and trucking.
Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there.
Very popular comedian Patrice O'Neill is online with us.
Very gracious to spend his time with us.
I'm going to play a clip of him on opening and Anthony coming in in the next segment.
One of the most popular shock jock shows and we just appreciate him getting the word out and having the courage because
I saw all these Republicans worshipping Bush, just investing everything in their identities with him.
Didn't matter then if he tortured kids, didn't matter if they lied about WMDs, didn't matter if they destroyed the Bill of Rights, they were committed to him.
Well then you get the first black president, he's sharp, he's nice, he says all the right things.
I saw his Globalist Advisors, I knew what was going on, then he got in, he went back on everything he said he'd do, and let me tell you, especially with black folks, you know, the pride.
I know, as Priest was just saying, I mean, it takes a lot of courage, as KRS-One and Professor Griff and others have said, to try to explain to anybody who voted for Obama that, hey, this guy is suckering you.
So you got interrupted by the break, sir.
Please continue with your whole point about researching the New World Order, because you're absolutely right.
I used to try to go to the library and cross-reference everything, and it would take hours.
Now you can check everything so quickly, it's just amazing.
Please continue.
Yeah, I mean, like, okay, when I was watching, the other day I had watched the Obama deception, and then I watched Obama pick the 64 team for the basketball, for college basketball.
I'm like, this dude is such a dude.
Like, you can't not like the guy.
He's like, you go, I like this dude.
You know what I mean?
And not saying, okay, I watched your thing and now I completely believe that Obama's the, you know, he's down with the New World Order.
But what your video did, is what I like to do, is able to put another thought process in my head, and another way to not only put another thought in my head, but to actually have a place to think, because I would have never thought
Uh, some of the things that I think now, in terms of, I didn't see that video.
But what it did, it didn't make me go, Alex Jones knows what he's talking about.
It made me go, let me cross-reference the info that you gave in the documentary.
And get it for yourself and get in some of these things that Henry Kissinger wrote and some of these, you know, some of these websites and some of these bills.
And I realized that watching your, and I watched the end game too.
So that led me to, it led me from Obama to the end game, then to Zeitgeist and then to the, to the other things that's out there.
But the one thing I realized is there's a missing level to all of this in terms of the people.
And one of it is,
I think that you operate, and this is not a criticism, this is just from me in this short time trying to learn about this stuff, that you operate at the same thinking level as, say, the Bilderberg Group.
And what I mean by that is at the same intellectual level, at the same understanding.
It's just that you're
On the opposite side of these guys, but you have the understanding of the revolution and why that started and the understanding of
Uh, why World War I went on, why World War II went on, the conspiracies behind the banking system, and a lot of the things that, dude, I, my brain had the capacity to know, but just never fought to know.
My mind never fought to know that the federal banking system was not a federal system at all.
It's a privately owned bank.
That seems very
Uh, typical to people.
I guarantee that people that listen to your show every day and you, that's just nothing.
But to me, when I found that out, my brain started to hurt.
And then I started to look, I started to look at a, like a give to give act, you know, HR 1388.
And I'm, and I went to InfoWars and I'm looking for that.
And I'm reading through this manifesto and it might be that one little part that says they have to look into mandatory
How do you get people who don't even want to know?
Or go get some ice cream.
There's just, it's either you put your both feet in and learn about this entire system about, like, you're, like, watching the Obama deception led me to eugenics.
Like, what?
What the, what?
And then lead me to, you know... Stay there, stay there, Patrice.
We got a long segment coming up.
We won't be interrupting for about 15 minutes.
This is riveting stuff.
I gotta get ahead of you as a regular guest and you'll do it.
We'll also fire out some of your websites and contact.
Stay there because...
What you were just saying had my brain making all these connections.
That's how this works.
Stay there, sir.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Dude, there you go.
So now why is it called the Obama deception?
Because... Because everyone believes that Obama's gonna change the world, but the fact is he's just... Let's change America!
He's just the... Let's change America!
He's just the next guy in there to keep everything going.
He's just the guy, he's just whatever they need him to do to be... And they brought up the fact that the last real president we ever had was Kennedy.
And he was trying to like go against...
And guess what happened to him?
This whole thing.
I hear something came out.
Splitting headache one day.
And they said that the only president that ever, that the only president, every president that ever stood up to this is no longer with us before he was not supposed to be no longer with us.
And the only one that made it through was Thomas Jefferson.
That early?
Like they were pulling those shenanigans?
Thomas Jefferson is the only one that didn't, they tried to kill him a few times.
But you know, back in the day they didn't have, you know, laser beams.
Yeah, you had to hope he was going to sip the arsenic tea that you left by his bedside.
Sneak your musket in and blow his face off.
And he didn't, he's the only one that stood up against him.
I didn't know that.
I didn't even know they tried to kill Thomas Jefferson.
Yeah, a few times.
All right, we're talking to Patrice O'Neill.
Many presidents they tried to kill.
It's clear that they bled George Washington to death.
And the guy that really went after seven times was, of course, Andrew Jackson.
And they killed multiple presidents, including Kennedy.
But, sir, where you made me, when we're talking to a top comedian on national TV, Patrice O'Neill right now.
Where you had me really thinking on what you were saying there is, you're saying on the same intellectual level, and it's not that I'm even smart, anybody can research history and know this, I'm reading what the globalists have said, what their own documents state, so you're right.
I see things from their perspective, because I study what they say and do, and history, and then once you're from that perspective, it's kind of like if you're up against a barn door, or an elephant, or a school bus, whatever it is, well it's yellow, and you back up, oh that's a school bus.
Oh, okay, it's got gray skin, it's got hair, kind of smells funny, oh wait, it's an elephant.
And so, we're just pulling back and seeing what they're really doing, and it's all stated.
It's conquering the world.
What are we doing today, Pinky?
Same thing we do every day, conquering the world.
That's what Caesar wanted, and Hitler wanted, and Stalin wanted, and all of these people over and over again, they try to get this control and dominate, and that's my whole point, is that forget Obama, forget John McCain, forget Bush, if we ever want to get real change we have to stop looking
At the puppets, we have to look past them to the real power elite and what they're doing.
That's why we call it the Obama deception, because Obama himself, as they build him up as this messianic leader, because he is slick, he is smart, he is charismatic, he is handsome, he is dynamic, he is a guy's guy, and so he's perfect.
Bush, this little demonic creature who radiates evil, he was not the guy for the job, but Barack Obama
As Henry Kissinger says in the film, he can bring in their New World Order, and then we go see what Henry Kissinger writes in his own books about what a New World Order is.
It's a world government run by private banking families with carbon taxes reducing our population numbers by 90% through eugenics.
So Patrice O'Neill, come right back in with me.
Now, just there, right Alex?
Right there is like, I got a family member who's really, he's been into you for years.
And uh and we talk about it and what happens is I'm talking a little bit out of order and a little bit crazy because it makes you like you learn this thing it's almost like learning a new language I'm 39 years old and what you said just there the average person right just the average person is gonna run for their life because it's like
I heard somebody the other day say that they referred to Obama as Alexander the Great.
Now, this country doesn't teach history like other countries do.
I mean, America just doesn't teach history on a basic level.
So, I might have to go someplace as just a normal person who wants to be into learning about conspiracies and learning about secret societies.
I might have to do something as simple as look up Alexander the Great.
And it seems simple, but it makes your brain mush after like two or three days.
Because it's intense.
You're now dialing in to the reality of the world instead of the Matrix-like projection.
I mean, here's another parallel or parable.
I mean, it's like Neo takes the red pill and he's got to be rehabilitated.
He doesn't know what's going on at first.
I mean, once you... but listen, we were all there once.
You say you're learning a new language.
You're now going to find, as you get deeper into this, that there's all the stuff you can document and prove, but then there's the government and their operatives putting out disinfo everywhere because they know people are waking up and they set all these traps and quagmires.
So, I mean, it is a bigger world and it will make your brain hurt, but it will also...
You know, two things that your videos did, two things that it did for me, and two, subject matters.
And they covered a lot, but two, that were very important to me in terms of learning, in terms of getting my mind going, where I need to know more about this.
One is the banking system.
The history of how the banking system works, something I've never ever, I just said, out of banks, the bank is the place you put your money, I barely understand it.
It's, the whole system is shocking.
The second thing that it opened my head to, and this goes into more like, when you start talking this, this is where people can get scared, is eugenics.
And I'm listening to the deception, and I think it might have been the endgame, or it could have been Zeitgeist, either one of those.
Oh no, no, Zeitgeist is actually on the, that's the, well what Zeitgeist does, he's now repudiated the 9-11 Truth Movement, the New York Times, and he actually wants this global government utopia and this engineered society.
No, it's Endgame that covers the eugenics, which is the operating system of the New World Order and why they're putting AIDS virus in the vaccines.
That's that, Alex, and that's what I was going to say.
This thing, and here's what I have about a circle of two people that we talk heavy about this, is it seems like high on the list of agenda in this world is depopulation.
It's getting rid of people, and that's the thing that sounds like it's a movie, but
I read the manifesto that Kissinger wrote in 1974 that just underlined all the ways we need to get rid of people by manipulating these countries and here's a couple hundred dollars, kill all your people.
It just makes your head go, what?
So when I'm watching your documentary, what I'll do is go, look, I can't just go, okay, this is gospel.
I'm going to have to go to the thing, but it's all there.
You go to, you just put Kissinger and population decretion or population control and that thing will come up and you read it and you have to sit down and take a deep breath and make some tea and read it and go, holy Jesus!
They're trying to get rid of people as part of the agenda, but how do you get people on just a basic level to go, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it?
It just seems, for me, one of the things that make me angry about people is how easy we are to just not care.
Like, how do we move on?
Well, Patrice, you were talking about State Department Memorandum 200, where they take IMF and World Bank money and say, if you want this money, you've got to reduce your population by half.
And then you talk to the general public, they go, oh, everybody knows there's too many people.
They've been taught that.
And see, that's the globalist excuse.
That's crazy!
That's crazy!
Exactly, so then you understand why in some African countries 46% of the people have HIV and then they go do medical tests on them and they're virgins.
They've never had sex.
They've been injected with it and they've caught the UN doing this and it's actually all over African newspapers.
If you go to Africa and talk to an African doctor or an African Nobel Prize winner, they're on record.
Indian government has caught them doing this.
They've caught them adding a hormone to the tetanus vaccine that then sterilizes the women.
That's mainstream news, but you don't see that here.
And so it's so dastardly, but when you see in-game, and you find out Hitler learned his whole game from the US and England, and you learn 34 states were sterilizing the women, and grabbing poor black folks, white folks off the street and sterilizing them, and even in some cases killing newborn babies.
Now, let me ask you this.
Let me ask you a question if I may.
If you was to have a curriculum, okay, where you were able to teach
Anything you needed to teach.
You wanted to teach what you're putting out there now, okay?
What would be the one or two or three basic points that you'll get just normal people that you go, okay, let me try to get them to open up mentally to this so that we can move on to the next thing.
Like, because you have to get people to want to open up to stage one before you get to injecting
Uh, you know, Africa, you know, Africans with with the AIDS virus.
Like, which is not unbelievable, you know, to me it's just not an unbelievable thing, it's a believable thing, but if I'm operating, say, on the level of a person just walking down the street, the garbage man, or a person that's just going to the mall, how would I make this as common thinking as Christopher Columbus discovered America?
Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, well, I would explain to them... ...in America, you know, just some basic knowledge.
Sure, this is...
Well, that's a huge question, and so I'm not saying the best three things I'm about to say are the best.
I'd have to think about that long and hard.
I would explain to people that if you're not engaged and you're not informed, that you're going to be enslaved, and I would say, you've heard about Hitler, you've heard about Caesar, you know most governments are run by thugs and the people are enslaved, and you know about different tribes, you know, killing their neighbors.
That is something that is the norm in human history, not the exception.
And, you know, you know what happened to the Native Americans.
So, you know, giving them poison blankets with smallpox to kill them.
And that's in British manuals they gave their military going back 300 years ago.
So that's on record.
And then I would say, here's their own documents.
And I would say, here is the published university reports of the British field manuals on how to use bioweapons 340 years ago in the Americas.
Okay, then I would say, here is Dr. Henry Kissinger's State Department Random 200, where they state this, and then you can go to the university websites, official government libraries, and it's real.
I'd say, okay, you've been faced with this one document.
Then I'd say, now, who is Obama's main advisor, and who does the CFR Braggs, commands the National Security Council, and that's Henry Kissinger.
And then they'll say, oh, I don't want to hear that conspiracy stuff.
You just got to move on to people that want to hear the truth, people that want to be involved, people that want to be woken up.
But I would also, you know, use contemporary... But what about the dummies?
See, I guess, ultimately, it was a loaded question.
And I'm not putting myself in, but what about... I don't want to offend anybody on this one, but what about dummies?
How about, you know, secret societies and conspiracy
For dummies, for people that just will go out, you know, I don't want to hear it.
And it explains it very, very simply to people.
The most important thing is to say, do you know why your standard of living is dropping?
Because the globalists want to bankrupt everybody so that we have to be dependent on welfare or institutionalized or within their system.
So they can then carry out social engineering, have the CPS kidnap your kids, do medical experiments on them, that's all admitted.
This is slavery!
We're being put on plantations, we're being put on reservations, compact control grids, and then if the dummies don't want to listen, you know, you gotta move on.
I mean, I talk about the Revolutionary War was won by 5%.
But you need the revolution, you need dummies, because what you're talking, and what the only thing I see that could happen, that could possibly change this,
is understanding why this country fought.
And it was like, basically, look, we might as well fight because we're enslaved by British money.
And ultimately, it's like, you need the lowest level of people, like on the feudal system, you need the masses to go, I feel so, I think we're so confused now.
I agree, but here's the problem.
It's not clear, like it's not clear to the people on the bottom.
I mean, here's the problem.
Here's the problem.
The globalists are masters at creating the crisis.
They create the banking crisis, their own documents say by design.
Then they offer the scared masses, the very bankers that did it, say, look, we're going to punish AIG, and they're going to punish the little CEO for 10 million bucks instead of the shareholders who just made a billion apiece.
And so they're always masquerading and doing sophisticated lies and saying, we'll fix the bankers, we'll create a world government run by them.
You have to get the public to stop being as trusting, and you first got to explain to them that both parties are controlled in England and in the US and in Europe and everywhere else, or they'll keep doing this bait and switch.
Look, in four to eight years, when folks figure out Obama was a bad guy, it'll all be, as I keep saying, blamed on him.
We have to stop having it be blamed on Obama or Bush, as bad as they are, and start blaming it on the elite who are always there.
They bring new dummies in, they bring new fronts in,
Now here's something I'm not clear on in terms of the Obama deception.
Now is it possible, this is the thing I'm battling with, is it possible for Obama or any president to not know what
I don't know.
I have the answer to that question.
There have been a few presidents who were conned by the elite to believe world government was sweet and loving and good.
Woodrow Wilson, top professor, wrote the book The New World Order.
These bankers handled him.
He thought bringing in the Federal Reserve was good.
Then before he died, he wrote letters, this is public, that I've been conned, this is a takeover.
And then they poisoned him, he had a stroke, and then he was bedridden and died.
So they did quietly kill Woodrow Wilson, and that's on record if you want to go research it.
He was poisoned.
And then on a train.
But the point is, that's a guy that woke up.
Kennedy was the same thing.
His dad was handling him.
Supposedly had control of him.
Was establishment mafia.
Then his dad had a stroke, couldn't talk.
His boys got out of control.
And the establishment killed him.
He is the super class of puppet.
He is actually very intelligent like Clinton, probably smarter than Clinton.
You know, frighteningly intelligent.
You know, genius level.
A genius level actor.
Just has a lot of style and grace.
I mean, it's all clear.
He's an amazing person.
That's why he's so devilish.
No, he knows all of it.
His mother worked for Geithner's dad at the top foundation.
I mean, this guy is above Hitler caliber of slick.
I'm telling you, he is the one.
This is the guy they're going to try everything with.
Right here I've got this magazine, President of the World, President of the Planet.
So I'm telling you, he is the one.
Does that answer your question?
He is fully involved in it.
He loves betraying.
He loves deceiving.
He is super dangerous.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, that answers what I asked.
Is that more get off the phone music?
We got more time or no?
Yeah, stay there.
Can you stay with us some more?
Yeah, man.
I like to.
This is amazing.
You also agreed to go on with Burmese on the Info Warrior.
Patrice O'Neal, stay there.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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You can just Google Patrice O'Neill.
You'll find his big MySpace page.
You can go check it out.
We've got it up on screen.
Patrice, let me ask you questions, though.
Again, the courage issue of giving copies of the film and links to it to big talk show hosts going on shows, you know, discussing it.
In your opinion, what is the best way to specifically reach out to one of Obama's strongest bases, African Americans?
How are you doing that?
The toughest thing is this.
Let's take your show or Fox.
If I go on Fox or I go on a show like this, it's different from going on Opie and Anthony because we can talk about it and it's always going to be humor.
It's always going to be some humor involved.
And the seriousness even has humor somewhere floating around in it because it's talking to a different kind of listener.
So when I bring that up on their show it really is like
I don't think so.
But the people will go, let me just check this out, you know?
Let me go look at this.
Let me go check this out.
So it's, it's more of a, that's why I was joking about somebody knocking on my door.
Cause it's more, um, of a kind of nerve wracking thing coming on your show because you are serious.
You know, I'm, I'm pretty much a layman at it, but I'm into it.
I'm into it.
I mean, I'm one of those guys that no matter how many different shows I've seen about, uh, where they make,
A jello, um...
I'm not falling for it.
I'm a guy, and black people, in general, are leaning very much towards your side.
Here's the problem.
And this is what you had in your documentary, Obama's Black.
That's the game that was a tough one.
Now if it was Bush, or let's say McCain won, you got about 40 million people on your side.
And I'm not saying that black people are just going to follow like bugs, it's just the fact that look,
The image, and I've always said this even before I started getting into this stuff, Obama to me was going to be essentially a symbol.
It's just, if you're black in this country, you just want
But that's what's so sad about it!
But that's what's so sad about it.
It'd be great if we had somebody who was anti-corruption and was for real it was black, but we all know whether he was black or white and he was really against the globalists, they would have a big scandal or they would kill him.
And so that's all I'm trying to say to people is don't get suckered.
I mean it's just so frustrating and I understand... But you know what Alex, this is what I'm saying about
This is what I'm saying about operating at the level that all of this is happening.
I'm in the middle.
Like, I want to be at your knowledge level to just reference things that easily.
What I'm saying about there's never been a reason for black people to be deeply into what this government... We had an instinctual feel, an instinct that this country is against us.
Stay there, stay there.
Do five more minutes with me.
I want you to come back and
Uh, you know, say that, because that's important.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Final segment with our guest, really appreciate Patrice O'Neill joining us.
He's on with Jason Burmiss.
What, I think tomorrow night or is it the next night?
Yeah, tomorrow night.
The Info Warrior from 9 to Midnight will be on for an hour then.
And to hear more from him.
And this is his awakening.
He's got the courage, guts is enough, smart guy.
He's looking at this and he's asking the same question I'm asking.
How do you reach out to these white yuppies or black folks, whoever?
Because they're going to think you're saying, no, I want McCain.
We're saying, it's like a used car salesman trying to sell you two lemons.
And one of them's got a better paint job.
And all we're saying is, you don't want to buy any car off this lot.
You want to get to the real issues.
And black folks, I've always found, have been the biggest hardcore fans of this radio show, because they've been screwed a lot.
They know about the man.
They know about corruption.
And now, a lot of black fans I have are saying, yeah, Alex, we know you're right.
And he is lying about stuff.
But still, he's not bad, Alex.
He's not bad.
Obama, let's just say, is a wonderful guy.
Which he's not.
He's very evil.
I'll tell you right now.
I've studied him.
Very slick.
Very wicked.
And he's betraying people.
But how do we then reach out?
But finish up the point, because I think what I got from you earlier is you're saying you're just going to plant seeds with people and get them to start thinking so as they get betrayed more and more they wake up.
Say that in your own words and finish up what you were saying about black folks understanding betrayal.
Yeah, but that's the thing.
Right now, can you imagine all this time where you feel like you're in some kind of fight and you've never had a representative for your fight?
Now you have one.
It was easy to say that the government was this and that when it wasn't your own anyway.
We never felt a part of it.
Now, for some way, and you gotta understand, you know, you gotta have the understanding of the fact that if you don't know politics and you don't know things like that, you may think that now it's the black president, now it's on.
There's some white people who think that too, but ultimately, uh,
Black people, the toughest thing in terms of being a black person is to actually have a different opinion than the predominant black community.
And to stand and say something even slightly, like on stage I say, he's black but he ain't Compton black, he ain't black black, he ain't a dude from Chicago
Uh, that, that he represents.
He's, he's an African.
Matter of fact, Africans take him in more than black people.
A lot of black people don't know that.
And the thing is, is how do you, it is like, cause I'm a comic, I get to introduce, um, people to that in a way where they don't have to listen to it.
They don't have to.
They can laugh at it.
So you can do two things with what I do.
You can laugh at it because I said it funny.
Or you can go, that's interesting.
Let me go check that out.
That's what I'm trying to do.
And that's very difficult for someone black is to stand up and go.
Even if they say Al Sharpton.
You're not a fan of Al Sharpton and you're black?
It's because he represents black in a place that people feel is against black people.
But one thing I notice about people who get killed in this world
Um, nobody who ever creates confusion and keeps people, um, angry at each other and keeps people... When Malcolm X kept people separate, he lived a very happy life.
When he started bringing people together and bringing everyone into some type of, uh, knowledge,
Uh, he was killed.
Gandhi, the same way.
Uh, Martin Luther King, the same way.
Jesus, the same way.
It seems like when you are a person who pushes confusion and pushes anger and makes people separate and makes people think that it's a system that's against black and against... It's a system that's against
The masses.
The masses are to stay confused.
And if you're ever to bring light to the masses, that's when your life's in danger.
You know, when people who are at the bottom start to go, wait a minute, hold on.
Let's find out where the door is of the person at the top.
Where's this Bilderberg group?
Where's this Illuminati?
Once that starts to be real, then I think this will be a bigger movement than it is.
Because again, Alex, where I'm sitting,
I'm in the middle.
I'm intelligent, but I'm not informed with all of this information.
But you're getting informed.
You know what, Patrice?
We've got other guests coming on.
I know you're busy.
I don't want to keep you much longer.
A quick three-minute break.
I want Jason Burmas, who you're on with tomorrow night for an hour, to be able to say hi to you and also plug some of your websites and tell folks where you appear on television, and then we'll say bye to you.
Amazing interview with you.
If you can do it, you'll be gone in five minutes.
Stay there.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Brian Garish, former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert.
He's quoted in an article on the group in England
Similar to what Obama set up.
It's like a Stasi force.
And you'll notice they say they're recruiting 60,000 people to spy on their neighbors, to look in their trash bins.
I have articles on that.
Everybody's a terrorist, which creates the illusion that these fake terrorists really exist.
It's a Stasi society.
They want us, just what our guest was just saying, fighting with each other instead of realizing the man behind the curtain.
It's so simple, but it's hard for folks to get.
That there is a shadow government.
It kills any presidents it wants.
The top of the shadow government are the people Obama brought in.
Even worse than Bush.
So we immediately knew it was bad.
We knew he'd lie about everything he said he was going to do.
He's now done that.
But in England, they've set this up.
And if you look, the people in the anti-terrorist spy force are also this common purpose group that's in all the key positions.
That's coming up in about two or three minutes.
But I just wanted to say bye to Patrice O'Neill.
He's on the show for an hour tomorrow.
What hour, Jason Burmess?
I think it's in the first hour, Alex.
Okay, great.
So, in the first hour, 9 o'clock Central, tomorrow he's going to be on.
Just Google him, Patrice O'Neal, or go to his MySpace, Patrice O'Neal MySpace.
It'll pop up.
He's coming to Texas, but we're on everywhere.
But we might go see him when he's coming to a nearby area of Austin.
This is just very, very exciting.
But, Jason, you want to say hi to Patrice O'Neal?
Yeah, you know, I just want to thank him for going on a show like Opie and Anthony, which does reach out to an audience that we don't necessarily reach out to.
Yeah, millions of people.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, a lot of my friends are huge fans.
You know, Patrice used to be on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn all the time.
He's on, you know, Best Week Ever all the time.
He hosts these little YouTube shows.
So he's a face out there that is going to reach an audience that is kind of at that dumbed-down iPhone level.
He does it with CNN, Fox, everyone.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So we need more people like this to come out and talk about these real issues.
And he's got courage.
I mean, this is a guy who's waking up to this.
He's black, and he's got this amazing courage.
I didn't see that from Republicans, who just couldn't admit Bush was conning them because he was a white guy and looked like them.
See, I mean, people are all people.
That's a saying, it's true.
We all act the same.
It's like sports teams.
We think the guy that looks like us is going to represent us.
But I was listening to, who's the new guy on CNN, young black guy?
Saturday show?
Well, he has a show on XM and I listen to it driving home a lot.
And he had on this financial expert and they were talking about how these mortgage companies ripping off black people mainly, would call up blacks that had good mortgages, been paying their bills for decades, tell them, oh, we're a black company, really weren't, and have them go sign papers and rip them off using a black person to run the scam.
So, I mean, it's the same thing over and over again.
But, Patrice, any closing comments?
I just, you know, I appreciate it, man.
I'm a fan of learning this kind of stuff, man.
And again, like I said, I'm not going, Alex Jones is right!
I'm just saying to people listening, I'm going, okay, he said this, I'm going to look it up and some interesting things come up.
And that's the one thing, and I know you guys have got to go, but one thing is that we argue a lot about logistics of certain conspiracies.
I like to try to get to the practical things.
And that's what I'm learning how to argue with.
Okay, let's not talk about if the Germans actually sank the Lithuania.
Let's talk about the timing of the sinking and what it
What ultimately happened, we got in a war, and an expensive war.
People like to argue about whether that's Mohammed Atta's actual idea, his actual passport on the ground.
We get off into all those little things, and we need to talk about the basics, the climate, what is really going on.
You know, and I appreciate you.
I mean, you must get a lot of problems, Alex, so what you guys are doing, dude, is taking a lot of time, man.
Well, we appreciate you, and it's D.L.
Yeah, but no, I mean, I've gotten to where I'm driving home, that's when he's on, like 6, 7 at night.
I usually go home about 5, see the kids come back, and I listen to him, and you hear the callers going.
He's a well-meaning guy.
I'm not talking about him, he had a financial, a black financial expert on, and they were taking calls, and it was just, I listened for like 30 minutes, I think it was Monday, and caller after caller was talking about how
A nice black voice would call up, they'd say, come down, they'd have black brokers, but it's working for a big global company.
And they'd think, oh, this is nice black folks, I'm going to change my mortgage, and they were ripping them off.
I mean, my whole point is, a black guy will mug you, a white guy will mug you.
And I'm telling you right now, Barack Obama, you know, just like all white people aren't evil, well, all white people aren't good either.
Well, all black people aren't good.
I'm telling you right now, Obama is new world order and is selling this agenda.
Well, listen, it's very exciting to have had you on, Patrice O'Neal.
Thank you.
Any things you need to plug so folks can find out about you?
Uh, you just go to MySpace or, you know, Google me and, uh, you know, and look for my... If you go to MySpace, it has all my tour dates.
I'm not on any television now, so it's just basically I'm touring around the country, and most of my stuff is being on shows like yours, doing a little radio, and I appreciate you having me, man.
Well, sir, we look forward to you being on tomorrow night.
I'll be listening.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Take care.
Great having him on an amazing hour interview we just did.
I got him on 15 minutes late.
That was perfect to hold him over.
I apologize to our next guest, but we got behind today, and that's Brian Garish, former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert.
Brian Garish to discuss Common Purpose, a sinister quasi-political charity that has infiltrated the UK power structure as part of its agenda to re-engineer society.
Garish will also discuss the preparation for martial law and stage riots that also ties the Obama national security issue.
Hitler did this, Stalin did this, Mao did this, they're setting it up here, and it ties into the Tattletale squads, it ties in, these people are working for intelligence agencies, they're put in key positions, and it's like NGOs at the UN, and they can point at them and go, that's what the people want, that's our group.
So it's literal intelligence infiltration of your society, of your country.
and uh... common purpose re-engineering UK for a new world order and there's a video we've got up of this the amazing uh... brian uh... garish uh... he really knows what he's doing is we've got all this research separately and and and and now i was in england videotaping this on the street cops walked up what's your name i put you in a terror database you're not allowed to videotape in london uh... but they had cameras on us uh... steve watson that runs prison planet dot com and prison planet dot tv you know has a masters of political science
Out with his girlfriend, taking her out to eat.
They line him up, line up folks, take their IDs.
This is getting you used to living under this, and later in the interview, I'm going to get into this article Steve Watson wrote, where it says if somebody has a cell phone, if you see soap bottles, soap detergent bottles, and it shows in somebody's trash they may be a terrorist, if they have a van, if they have a backpack, if they have a still camera, if they have a computer,
Now, it's the same stuff here in the U.S.
It says blue jeans, cell phones, you're nice to police.
I've read the manuals.
It's meant to make police and the public paranoid of everybody.
So we think terrorists are hiding, but the state, it will help us.
And it's come out that MI5, MI6 illegally spy on the Parliament.
You have the shadow government run by the elites, same here, overthrowing the real government like PDD 51.
That's my pleasure.
Thank you for inviting me.
Again, I apologize for getting you on late.
You got the floor.
Break down how you learned about this, why you're involved, why you've been on some UK television speaking out against this.
Go over what this common purpose is and how this nexus is in with the Stasi.
Right, okay.
Well, for you listeners that don't know me, I'm an ex-naval officer.
I left the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander.
Set up in business.
Eventually I became what I call comfortable and I started to look at trying to help some of the local community.
Deprived areas, unemployment, general picture of decline and together with some other people we tried to set up a training course to give particularly younger people skills training and jobs.
Initially everything went well.
And then when we were supposed to apply for some grant funding, it was like a door was shut in our faith.
So all of the public bodies that we had been talking to suddenly stopped talking to us, whether it was the City Council or Development Agencies or Quangos or the local Chamber of Commerce, the contact stopped and it was just like a door shut.
And we
We thought this was strange, but we just decided to press on with the project ourselves because we had support from local people, a lot of support.
And then we, in a very short space of time, we started to be threatened.
And initially it was suggestions that we should stop the project.
And then when we didn't stop it, it became late night knocks on the door, threats, death threats, arson attempts.
And, uh, bricks through windows.
Now, we couldn't understand what was happening, and, uh, one evening I was asked to go and meet a man, and I did, and he said to me, you're having problems, and I said yes, and he asked me, did I know what was causing it, and I said no, and he said to me, I think it's common purpose.
Now, I'd never heard of the organization, so I asked him to tell me more.
He said he'd rather not.
And that was a very strange answer from somebody who'd apparently asked to see me.
But I realised that the man was very nervous, and I tried to get information from him, but he wouldn't tell me much more.
So I eventually left.
We did discuss some things about the city, Plymouth, where I live.
But I came home and looked at a website for an organisation called Common Purpose.
And what I found was an organization which was talking about creating future leaders in society.
All right, stay there.
Stay there, sir.
We have the same thing here.
Back when I was a mainline conservative, I would try to build a veteran a house because they were going to tear it down.
Suddenly, we were getting death threats.
Police were coming up and playing close things.
Do you want to attack police?
They don't want any real community
Activism, because that brings sovereignty and local control.
And in England, in Europe, in Australia, in the U.S., they go after everybody.
Stay with us.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're back live.
The same thing's being done here in the U.S.
The state police, the Army, we got the documents last week, we called and they confirmed it, are in the Fed protest.
We had Army intelligence watching us, it said we were basically terrorists.
Ron Paul's a terrorist, you know, all the supporters are terrorists.
All their community organizing's okay and federally run, but anything else
They go after.
And that's what our guest is saying is going on with this Common Purpose.
We're learning more about it.
Steve Watson's written a story about it.
They're clearly going into a Stasi society.
Sir, please continue with what you were covering, Brian Nagarish.
Right, well, Alex, the first thing I'll just say in reply to your comments about the close down, this was one of the key things that we really began to understand later, is that a simple community project, which is going to get people trained,
Get pride back and get people earning money and a pride in their community.
They don't want that.
And that is the reason the project was closed down.
I'm very sure that was the reason.
They don't want people to be proud, to be well fed and well organized.
But if I continue the story, once we discovered Common Purpose, particularly myself and another
Military man started to research it in a professional way and we were just amazed to find that an organization we'd never heard of was everywhere in the city in Plymouth in the southwest of England.
It was even in the Chamber of Commerce which I was working with and yet those people never declared themselves.
It was in the police, it was in the local authority, it was in the government bodies, it was in the hospitals.
And at that stage, the head teacher of every school in Plymouth was also Common Purpose trained.
Now, when we were able to look at key documents, and that my colleague here was able to see documents where Common Purpose was talking about controlling a host city, if you could actually recruit and train a few key people in a city,
Those in positions of power, you could actually control the city.
So if you have the chief executive of the local authority, if you have the planning officer, if you have the legal officer, if you have the head of police, in that way, you could actually start to steer the policy.
And then they bring in more of their people, and it literally takes over.
That is absolutely it, because if I can try and just sum this up for people,
If you imagine an Amway-type system, and I know that you know Amway, Pyramid Selling, but instead of Pyramid Selling, what you're doing is Pyramid Recruiting of people into this common purpose.
And what they're doing is training them in a particular way to go and train others.
Now, we're pretty sure that what they're doing is neuro-linguistic programming, but it means that once people are brought on board,
They will select the ones who have the greatest influence and power, and they are the ones who they will then groom to control things.
And by the way, it's admitted that Obama is doing all these little mind tricks in everything he does.
Now, I've seen articles that Common Purpose is now involved in the 60,000 community spies that the government's called for.
Well, that was something that came out in the press a few days ago, that 50,000
I will call them low-grade officials.
We're going to be used to report on people, and we're now starting to see people such as traffic wardens being given powers of arrest, and I can tell you that one of our strong supporters, who's a lovely lady from Germany, she's in her 80s, and she will tell us that every single step she sees happening in the UK at the moment
She saw happening as the Nazis came to power.
She was bombed out in Hamburg and she is literally pulling her hair out saying, why can't people see that exactly the same system is establishing itself in the United Kingdom?
Well, we have that in Austin.
We have these federally controlled groups, and they're intelligence agencies, and they'll be at a restaurant, and they'll just walk right over.
The governor will walk right over when I'm at Louisville-Lyon in front of witnesses and say, you have a nice Thanksgiving, Alex.
Then one time he was on the show, calling me names and things.
The point is, they are very arrogant about this, and it's a good old boys club.
And they've taken over, and you say 50,000, I saw the BBC report they were recruiting 60,000 citizens, they have InfraGard here, 50,000 executives with secret shoot-to-kill orders, that's mainstream news, 26,000 preachers in the clergy response teams, we got their secret documents a year and a half later, mainstream news confirmed it, that they are preparing us for martial law and to have their flocks go to FEMA camps, sir.
Yes, I've seen your material and other people's material on this in the States.
Alright, stay there, stay there.
Long segment.
I know we've had a lot of breaks here.
This is the time of the show when we have them.
Long segment coming up.
Stay there.
Let's break this to folks.
You can't make this type of stuff up.
This is how societies are taken over by intelligence operations and they use front charities and others to do it.
We'll be right back with our guest.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, I haven't lived through Nazi Germany, but I've read probably, I don't know, 60, 70 books on it.
I haven't lived through Soviet Russia, but I've read dozens of books on it, including Alexander Solzhenitsyn's The Good, Long and Republican.
This is how they take over, and they admit that through community groups and organizations they're taking over.
They don't want anybody to have any power in the community under COINTELPRO and FBI documents.
Mainline churches that aren't part of the system, they spy on them.
Mainline groups.
This is the control.
This is why our society won't work, why we can't ever get communities going to change the government.
Because on every issue of wars and open borders and high taxes and regulations and bailouts, you'll have 70 to 99 percent, depending on the poll on those issues, the vast majority against it, but it just continues.
Because they control the whole system and now they're going for broke and Obama's announcing they're trying to pass compulsory service.
It's in the House and Senate right now.
Schwarzenegger, all these homeless people, he's making them go to a camp now.
I'm sending reporters to California.
That's Bloomberg Financial.
You can't sleep on the street or in your car now.
You gotta go to the place where all the drug addicts and everybody else are at with your family.
CPS will be there grabbing your kids.
But England, I mean, it is really bad.
I've got a lot of friends and people in England, two folks that work with me, and Watson was looking at his town, and all the common purpose people are also in the anti-terror operations now, and that's in Sheffield, same thing in London, going back to Brian Garish, and that's how this happens.
You try to get involved in the community, and you just run into this brick wall of these people,
And it's happening all over the nation.
So, sir, continue with the new revelations.
There's starting to be some press now, and they're admitting, oh, Common Purpose is going to help the government, and Obama's doing the same thing.
Please continue.
Well, you're absolutely right.
It's very interesting that the subject of Common Purpose is now coming into the media because they're having to defend themselves.
And they're having to defend themselves because more and more ordinary people
Are asking simple questions.
They're asking what they're doing.
They're asking why public money is being used to pay for them.
And they're asking why a so-called charity is acting politically in order to change society.
Now one thing I think you said just then Alex is that these people are in control.
I'd like to say that we're at a very important point because they are nearly in control.
And what we have to do is make sure that they don't finally close the door.
We know that they're not in control yet because if they were, you and I would not be speaking on this line.
So what we've got to do is to start getting people to wake up and actually see what is happening in their society.
Now one of the key things that has been done in the United Kingdom is that the whole of the government system, and I mean the proper system of government, has been pushed to the side.
And what is happening is that the country is being driven by a new sector which is called the third sector.
And this comprises organisations like Common Purpose and charities and partnerships
I think?
You don't know what's happening anymore.
And that is the need to interrupt, sir, because it's key to add this.
You're absolutely on target.
Everything he's saying is true.
The UN model of world government is public-private partnerships, so they have a rent-a-mob to bully anybody out of power that actually really represents the real people.
So it's a counterfeit
Grassroots movement, and you're right, they're not in total power yet, but as you said, they're going to have people throwing rocks through windows, bricks through windows, and they're very, very close.
I mean, they're openly announcing secret police, military on the streets, all of this, then with their private spies everywhere.
Please continue.
Well, that is absolutely true.
I can tell you that from the best information that I've gotten, other people working closely with me, recently,
The British Army was asked, troops were asked individually whether they would be prepared to open fire on British people on the streets of Britain.
And so it is absolutely obvious at the moment when the government tells us that they're expecting violence on the street by the summer, they're expecting it because they are creating it.
We have a criminal elite in power.
And they now want to ramp up the violence because that enables the close down of the police laws.
And there's good news.
I want you to continue.
I want to back you up.
Denver, Colorado.
We were there.
We couldn't prove it was police dressed like anarchists attacking other police and staged events.
But we said we believed it.
Then the Denver Post reported the police admit they attacked other police on news cameras to demonize all protest.
We caught them last year.
At the Global Summit in Ottawa, Canada, and they were there with police dressed up attacking other police.
That was confirmed.
People noticed their boots were the same as the police, you know, with the same yellow decal, and they had to confirm the Royal Mounted Police were doing that.
We know that the bankers fund through foundations, these rent-a-mobs, who will go out and do this, and it's been confirmed, as you said, they're preparing for martial law in the U.S.
And in England, that's mainstream news.
It's been in memos.
They asked the Marines, will you fire at US citizens?
They're suddenly putting military and all major police departments as liaison officers.
That's being announced.
And look at Gordon Brown.
He swore to let there be a Parliament vote on EU entrance, but then he forgo that and went ahead and introduced it anyways and is now doing it.
Again, this is tyranny.
They won't let the Brits vote on entering the EU or not.
Go ahead.
That's certainly true.
Well, it's obvious that Mr. Brown lied at every opportunity, and his intention is clearly to lock us into the European Union.
But if I can just bring you back, because we are in a very, very serious position.
All of the things you've talked about with the martial law and the searches and the 50 or 60,000, I'll call them Gestapo, being prepared, that's all happening.
But we need to also try and concentrate on what people can do.
And one thing which I think you will agree with me is the number of people who are actually controlling things amongst the bad guys is very small.
When we look at the, well we've got about 40 million adult voters in this country and if we can wake up those people properly
Then the other side has no chance.
They're very frightened of the sheer volume of people.
You said the key.
You're right.
Even most of the minions in these groups believe the propaganda, believe there's terrorists everywhere, believe they've got to dig through their neighbors' garbage.
They want us all against each other because they're a very small group that's compartmentalized.
With exposure, they'll fall like a house of cards.
Yeah, well, one of the things that we've discovered is that as we've stuck to a message, which is to explain to people why nothing works in the country, and we've stuck to a message as how it's being done, so we've exposed common purpose, we're exposing members of the government, and then we are showing people that by digging and getting the activities to the surface,
Something very special is happening.
If you take the British police force, it is absolutely untrue that all the police are part of this new agenda.
There are a large number of very good people in the police force, but at the moment they don't understand what's happening around them.
So our job is to get in amongst them, to give them the truth, and to wake them up.
And that is exactly the same in the military,
I don't know.
the organization and start spreading the message.
Brian Garish from England, exposing Common Purpose and others.
Again, you're facing the same globalist crime syndicate that we're facing.
We're facing the exact same attack formation, same programs rolled out at the same time, and what you're saying you're doing with success, we're doing.
We have police and military sending us secret documents every week that make national news, how they're spying on the American people for no reason, good Americans, how the war on terror is really meant
to steal the middle class's money and literally put us in camps the police and military are waking up so as if you're talking to a new crowd here uh... let's say you're on national british tv for five minutes how do you get with this formula that you've had success with what would you say to them right now well the first thing is those of you who know the truth about what is happening you've really got to tell people it doesn't matter whether they laugh at you some of them will
Some of the people will turn away from you, but you are only interested in the people who believe you, because the people who believe will go away and spread the message.
And our task is to wake up millions of people.
And we need to tell them that if they don't wake up, millions of people are going to die, including millions of children.
I have no doubt that is going to happen in the UK, and I have no doubt it's going to happen in the United States.
So don't be shy with the message.
Tell them, and you will find people will come on board.
And when they say, what can they do?
You say the same thing.
Tell other people.
I believe that the waking up of people is an exponential curve.
We've been for years on the flat bit, so nothing seems to happen, but I'm now quite optimistic because we're just at the curve before it really starts to go.
And I think it's the same in America.
Somebody in one state has a good joke, and in three days everybody in America has heard the good joke.
That's what we need to do about the message that a vicious dictatorship is being imposed.
But the other thing you can do if you want to start the dialogue is to talk to people about the money situation because a lot of people have been hurt by the banking collapse and just tell them that every organization that's up to no good is supported by the international banking elite because that's a fact.
But it's waking people up.
So be positive.
Tell the truth.
And you've got to be friends with other people.
They want to split us up.
They want white against black.
They want Christian against Muslim against Jew.
They want the lot.
So we have to stand together as people.
And when people stand together, they are very frightened.
That's my message.
All right, let me go over some points here.
I've got to have you back.
And give out any websites or contact for folks who want to help you in England counter this.
And don't wait for orders from headquarters.
You are the leader.
You are the solution.
This is classical hardcore tyranny.
We have the government's documents scientifically taking over.
The reason the same thing's happening in Germany, the same thing's happening in China, the same thing's happening in Australia, England, U.S., because it's the same international banking cartel.
They brag about it.
Now, here's the issue.
The enemy wants a fake grassroots movement, and their counterfeit is big and powerful on the surface, but it's very, very weak when you stand up to it.
True grassroots is invincible.
This is total resistance.
And so understand, he's right.
Everybody instinctively, just like mice know when a hurricane's coming two days before, you know, or birds.
We have that too.
Intellectually they can go find it, but instinctively,
People know what's happening.
And the global issue is a complex psychological warfare op where they know everybody's scared and they say, you're scared because terrorists are everywhere.
And your neighbors probably want.
See, the enemy's very smart.
They know people instinctively are going, I'm in danger.
Because we're in danger of this Hitlerian system.
We have to go, no, no.
The reason you're upset is, look at the tyranny.
Look who's doing all the bad things.
Look at who's bankrupting things by design.
And yes, start by talking about the financial collapse and how they're taking over.
And even if we don't stop them at this juncture,
As it gets worse and worse, all the seeds you planted in people's minds will then sprout.
Those that turn away and walk away and laugh, they won't be laughing soon, unfortunately, because the globalists are planting a mass cull, like in Soviet Russia.
I've seen the attack pattern in history.
This is it.
This is the signature, the wavelength.
We know what this animal is.
It is the worst possible tyranny you can imagine.
It is the worst system we could even imagine.
This is hell on earth.
The enemy knows that, again, the people are waking up to them.
So that's why they're trying to accelerate their plan, and that weakens them, because haste makes waste.
Now, I'm going to try to shut up, sir.
You just really are spurring me to speak, because, you know, we're two guys that have never talked before, and we're on the same page.
How do folks contact you?
How do they get involved?
How do they fight this in England, where, I mean, folks, it's secret police everywhere, lining you up, getting you used to being asked questions.
I mean, Russia isn't this bad in the Cold War.
From folks I've talked to that are now in England that were in foreign service, I mean, this is like Russia.
And they're trying that here.
So how do we get involved?
How do we continue to fight it?
Right, well, if I can, I'd like to mention some websites which mean that America can come and have a look at what we're doing.
So the first one I'd like to give you is www.cpexposed.com.
CPExposed.com Common Purpose Exposed.com CPExposed.com That has got documentary evidence about what Common Purpose is doing in the UK.
But if you understand how it's working in the UK, you'll very quickly see what's going on in America.
And I want to come back, if you'll remind me, onto the subject of mind control.
The other site I'd like to point you to is www.commonpurpose.com
And also, we had a conference back in February where we just said, let us see what happens when we start telling the truth.
And we had 500 people very quickly in one location.
So we're now going for a much bigger one in London.
And the site for that is www.thebcgroup.org.uk.
And I'd also like to mention another gentleman.
He's an ex-Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy.
And his name is Gerald Atkinson.
And he is running a website which is www.newtotalitarian.com.
Now I have only recently come across this guy, but he's been doing some fantastic work in showing how the American military is being mind controlled.
Boy, sensitivity training.
Yeah, let me explain to people.
The government documents it in college.
They admit that they're using subliminals, other systems on TV, and that they are.
Sensitivity training is re-education.
And that's what the new national draft is in the U.S., is forced education.
And it's literally in these groupthink, peer pressure systems, bringing in control.
In the final segment, I'm going to have you back very, very soon, sir.
I'm very impressed.
Because all the time, when you get other folks on, like yourself, and we just click,
But I wanted you to talk about what is it like for you, a patriot, a military officer, and I notice it's a lot of times military folks that are fighting this because you recognize an intelligence op, a takeover op.
What was it like for you when you woke up to this with your view of England, your view of the world?
Well, it's been a big shock for me because I've had to completely relearn a lot of things that I've believed in.
I will say to you now that I no longer believe that the intelligence services in this country
are defending Britain.
I believe they're part of the problem.
So I've had to look at every aspect of the world around me and decide now what's true and what's not true.
And American, ordinary American people are going to have to do this as well.
Yeah, stay there.
We've got to decide which side we're on.
Folks, just choose a side.
Are you on the New World Order side or Liberty side?
Choose now.
Choose wisely.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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It is our right, it is our duty to organize and to control our governments under the Magna Carta Bill of Rights Constitution in England and the United States, and worldwide it's a basic human right.
You don't get it from laws, you innately have it, but those laws are there.
Notice how all of their charities, all of their groups are policing, spying, controlling, going after freedom, trying to raise taxes, and then demonizing anybody who's involved, anybody who speaks up for sovereignty or liberty.
And notice how they say Obama's supposed to bring good race relations.
Actually, he's going to represent the new world order agenda, so when you criticize him, they'll then say, oh, that's racism, as they are now, to create and heighten division.
This is how they control us.
Just an amazing interview with Brian Garish.
And you can find out more at the websites like cpexposed.com, ukcolumn.org, thebcgroup.org, and we really appreciate them coming on.
I'll have you back up for a couple hours here in the next few weeks because this is the takeover.
They know they've got the grassroots, they can win.
And every time we try to declare state sovereignty, which is in the Tenth Amendment,
Here in the US, our similar common purpose groups pop up and try to block it, because they work for the Feds who use our own tax money against us.
In closing, dealing with the mind control, the re-education, the brainwashing of police teachers and others, and their induction into these control arms.
Go ahead.
Well Alex, one thing I wanted to come back to is doing things, and there are two more people I'd like to mention.
One is a guy called John Harris.
I don't
I don't
Your listeners go and look.
Yeah, I've been meaning to get him on.
I mean, that's a similar system to the Declaration of Independence.
We're not slaves to the Queen, to this whole corporate maritime administration.
That really is how this whole thing works.
I've been meaning to get him back on, but finishing up here, they are brainwashing the military and police.
Well, they are brainwashing particularly military and police, but it also goes through into the schools, which is particularly dangerous.
But what we are now finding
Is that by giving talks and the videos that have gone out on the internet that we have sent out, by giving talks about how the brainwashing works and what changes you see in people, we're finding it difficult to cope now with the number of people who call us every day telling us that since they've heard our message, they can see it.
They literally call me.
I must have had a hundred calls today.
That's just through to me.
Most of them I can't... I can't take.
But the people are saying, I see it, I see it.
But Alex, a key thing
Is, for instance, when people are disturbed because they see police becoming more brutal, they're becoming dehumanized.
This is the effect of sensitivity training.
And that's happening in America, it's happening in the United States.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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