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Name: 20090324_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 24, 2009
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We are live and simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv, the second half of the four-hour radio show from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here live from 1 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
We are simulcasting right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coming up in the next segment, Ed Martin, spokesman for Missourians United for Life,
Civil liberties complaint filed against Jane Nixon, the governor, for abuse of state law enforcement.
Temporary restraining order sought against Nixon in U.S.
District Court.
The ACLU is involved.
So this is going on right now because they list basically pro-life groups, second amendment groups, anybody who's against gun control, anybody who believes in the North American Union as cop-killing terrorists.
We broke this two weeks ago.
It is now an international story covered by CNN, Fox, you name it.
But they put their spin on it like, is this good?
Maybe it is.
Maybe these people could be terrorists.
So that's what's going on and happening there.
The Governor, as of last night, did retract.
Friday he said he was all for it and stood behind it.
Now he's saying he's against it as soon as he finally got the chance to read the letter from Congressman Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and others.
So that is coming up in the next segment.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Brian in California, then Jason, Kalash, Michael and Mike and others.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Brian.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
I just want to say I love your work and I love the Obamaception and I'm handing it out to as many people as I can.
First let me ask you, what are they saying when they get a copy?
People, I think people are pretty surprised.
Some people are pretty hesitant to take it.
And I've got death threats to people telling me that I should be killed, or call me a Republican or a racist, and all that too.
But my main reason for the call is the draft bill passed the Senate, 74 to 14.
I don't know if you were aware of that.
No, I wasn't.
I can't keep track of it all.
What is the Senate bill on that?
I actually had it printed out.
I think they're calling it the...
What is it?
Service for All Ages Act or something like that?
Guys, Google Service for All Ages Act, pull up Paul Watson's article from Thursday, but I predicted it would pass the Senate because they're even more globalist than the House on average.
It passed the House by, what, over 100 plus votes.
Compared to the nay votes, it was just amazing.
And it says they're going to set up a federal agency to set up compulsory national service, middle school, high school, 18 to 24, adults, seniors.
I mean, this is slavery coming back to the U.S.
And I know the House had a similar name.
What's the name of the Senate bill again?
Oh gosh, I can't remember.
It's the Service for All Ages.
Yeah, Service for All Ages Act.
Service for All Ages Act.
Get it?
In fact, I was just during the one-minute break because there's all these piles of papers and I'm trying to keep track of it all and I, you know, we wrote an article about it last Thursday and I was trying to pull that back up.
This is just horrible news.
I just got a splitting headache.
I mean, this is just so horrible what's happening.
Go ahead.
I noticed on the blogs, too, where I was reading about it, there's a whole bunch of people that are
Obama supporters that are totally in shock and never saw this coming, and I just don't know why people vote.
If you don't look up who you're voting for, don't vote.
If you don't research it, don't vote.
And people are going to get what's coming to them, and I really hate that.
And I have kids of my own, and they'll be drafted before he's done.
Well, they're introducing this idea, and they're going to phase it in.
See, notice it was first, oh, it's usaservice.org, join us, soup kitchens, to give it a nice sound, and oh, by the way, military training, and fugitive apprehension, we're going to train your kids with guns to how to take on terrorists.
I mean, that's in the Philadelphia Daily News.
It's just unbelievable.
They write so many articles at prisonplanet.com.
I'm trying to find the story from last Thursday.
I just can't keep track of it anymore.
Here it is.
Now that's the civilian force in England of 60,000 trying to spot terrorists.
There's just so many of these to try to keep track of right now.
I'm looking for it right here.
Oh man.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, here's the deal.
So much is happening so fast, I can't even track it anymore.
We're trying to confirm that the Senate passed the National Compulsory Service Act.
Now that's what they called it before.
They changed the name to something else.
It passed the
House last Thursday, we wrote an article about that.
I was just scrambling during the three-minute break because the caller spurred me to think about that.
I thought I had it in my stack today to cover on air.
I don't.
We're floundering around trying to get all these together.
Paul Watson's going to have that at the 20 after.
And the Senate version and it's just so much is happening so fast I can't even keep track of this anymore.
They've got bills on the verge of passing to basically ban gardens without federal licensing.
The feds are taking everything over.
Two weeks ago we broke the MIAC report here on air and now that's gotten international attention.
The governor wouldn't apologize and said he backed it last Friday in the Associated Press.
Then the governor, legal action was started against him.
Ron Paul sent him a letter and Bob Barr sent him a letter together with Chuck Baldwin and he's now saying that he repudiates the fact that Ron Paul and others are listed in that and that it does demonize them and their supporters, wrongfully equating them with terrorists.
So that's some good news.
And here is the March 24th article, Expanding National Service, New York Times.
And yeah, this is the New York Times reporting today on the 24th that it was before the Senate for a vote.
Now, we're getting calls that it did pass.
I mean, this is just off the charts.
It gave me, a few things give me an instant headache.
But this just did it.
I'm trying to find the name of the bill here, because it's in the article, but we write so many articles, I can't find it on PrisonPlanet.com, the detailed one.
It's just unbelievable.
This country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Ed Martin, spokesman for the Missourians, United for Life,
Pro-life groups were demonized basically as terrorists, cop killers as well in this Missouri document that the Feds wrote.
The Governor says the Feds wrote it, we already knew that.
So I want to bring him up.
They have moved a civil libertarians, liberties complaint filed against Governor Jay Nixon for abuse of state law enforcement, temporarily restraining order, shot against Nixon in U.S.
District Court.
And it's good to have you on with us, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks for having me.
You know, I should, if you don't mind, I'd like to clarify a couple things.
You actually were more optimistic than the facts on the ground warrant.
What is actually true is that the governor of the state of Missouri has not apologized to anyone.
He trotted out a bureaucrat to apologize.
The apology, candidly, simply says we're going to take the names of the third party candidates, Barr, Baldwin, and Paul, out of the document, but we're going to reissue the document.
They're standing by the facts, they're just trying to sugarcoat things, and the Governor, Governor Jay Nixon, continues to stand by the statements in here, in this incredible document that is, you know, I have now, I have some sources, and I'm trying to put it together, that a lot of the language was lifted from some of the left-wing organizations, websites, and reports and things.
I'm trying to figure out exactly where, but
This is exactly the kind of stuff we feared when last year again in Missouri we saw the Obama truth squads with prosecutors, Bob McCulloch of St.
Louis County, saying they're going to use local law enforcement if they don't like what someone says about then-candidate Obama.
I know, and we reported that out of the local newspaper in Kansas City, and people thought we were making it up on air.
Then we played newscast with the police and prosecutors saying, if you talk bad about him, we'll decide if it's a lie, and we will prosecute you.
That was on the news, and the previous governor repudiated it.
And yes, the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center, that's who writes this for the feds.
I've seen these reports from all the other states, and it's just outrageous.
Yeah, it sure is.
And again, what we're seeing in Missouri is the Governor, Governor Nixon, he's really gone sort of more, just like President Obama, brazenly charging ahead.
I mean, he's now targeting conservatives like this.
He's appointed the most brazenly pro-illegal immigration cabinet director ever.
And when people started to make noise, he threatened to withhold funds from counties where people were bringing up the issue.
And, you know, it's just one thing after another, and it has to make you really wonder and worry.
Our group charged ahead and we have very little in common with the ACLU too often, but we went to the ACLU and said you guys are supposed to be standing up for civil liberties.
This is an example and let's use your own clout and go ahead.
Betraying their true colors.
We've heard not nary a word from them and they're not assisting in any way.
Okay, so I was wrong about that.
They're seeking, you're seeking their help.
That's terrible.
What was it like when your group first learned about the MIAC report?
Well, it's exactly what you said earlier.
People heard about it and they didn't know what to make of it.
So our group took calls from
Pro-lifers and Christian conservatives who were going about their business and saying their prayers and being participants in democracy.
And they said, what does this mean?
What are they talking about?
Am I supposed to not display a bumper sticker on my car?
Because that's one of the things the report says.
This is what I find so reprehensible.
When you put out a report like this, this is why it chills free speech and behavior.
You put it out and then
You apologize a bureaucrat in a closed door room with a few people and most of the people never hear the apology, which wasn't aimed by the way at Christians or pro-lifers or anything else.
And most people are disturbed and they wonder what's going on.
I don't know.
I think it's a very difficult time in America when our governments are behaving like they are.
It's very worrying.
What do you think of Obama and 13 million supporters going door-to-door this weekend, trying to get people to quote, pledge to go along with his economic, military and domestic agenda, and now the House has passed a national draft.
It says compulsory service and the AP is reporting that the Senate is taking up debate today.
We're getting calls saying it passed.
We haven't been able to confirm that yet.
I mean, this is just totally un-American.
This isn't just a military draft.
It's military as well.
This is a full takeover of society.
Yeah, and look, maybe this is what President Obama meant by change.
One of the things that most candidates do when they're elected is they govern, and they stop campaigning, and they stop acting like a candidate.
And what President Obama has made clear is he is not going to stop doing that.
And these door-to-door and these meetings and all, it's less about
Governing and more about continuing to try to use the media as well as grassroots to persuade people in a way that I think is unfair.
Well, that's it.
No, no.
On CNN, they call it an army.
They call it an army to bully Congress and the rest of the people along with it.
So, I mean, this is like Mussolini or Mao, and that's how they modeled it.
Even the Washington Post admits that, to literally
have his own private army and they run national TV ads for usaservice.org with federal money to then get people to join his private group.
I mean this is, this is totally un-American and the San Francisco Chronicle on Friday admitted this has never been done before in the United States.
Yeah, I mean again, you know all politics is local and when I see the State Highway Patrol and local law enforcement being hijacked by
I don't
To each other and for each other and for our individuality.
Well, Mr. Martin, as you know, they are federalizing everything.
Mainstream news, putting regular army in every major police department.
Announcing 20,000 regular army troops to engage the American people.
The Army War College admits that.
And this is bigger than Obama.
Bush helped set this up.
He passed it on to him.
This is the National Security Council, as the New York Times said, literally taking over.
They told Congress that they can't see PDD 51, the full document.
The cover sheet says
The president is basically a dictator.
I mean, I think that Americans have had liberty so long they don't know how to recognize, and these state police reports that the feds have written that they're putting out literally is to create a chilling effect where people are scared to be politically active.
That's why Obama's people threatened to have police arrest folks that criticized him in your own state.
This is secret police, and this is meant to teach police that Americans that are against the private Federal Reserve, or against abortion, or against gun control, are cop-killing terrorists.
I mean, this is classic Soviet-style takeover.
It's very, very disturbing, I agree with you, and I think more and more people... My one hope is that more and more people are getting more attentive to what's happening, and we're seeing it.
Missourians United for Life has seen an uptick in the number of people who are contacting us, asking us how they can
Help and be a part of it and we have to count on shows like yours and others to try to get the word out and have people keep getting motivated.
Exactly, that's the answer.
Don't be chilled by these bullies.
Don't be chilled by their threats.
Stand up and say, put us all on a list then.
Hitler did this in the thirties.
Stalin and Lenin did it.
Mao did it.
Pol Pot did it.
If they're able to intimidate right up front and cow us, they're going to win.
And folks, make no mistake.
I mean, they have said they're going to conscript everybody 18-24 to be part of a new domestic military as big as the regular military.
And here is the bill number, ladies and gentlemen, in the House.
It's Generations Invigorating Voluntarism and Education Act.
And it passed the House last week a whopping 321 to 105.
So this sucker had more than 200 votes over what it needed.
Just absolutely incredible.
Under section 6104, under duties in subsection B6, it says mandatory service requirement for all abled young people being developed.
And it goes, I mean, so they're setting up the federal agency under AmeriCorps called SecureCorps to force this.
It sets up a Clean Energy Corps, Education Corps, Health Futures Corps, and Veteran Service Corps.
It extends the National Civilian Community Corps to focus on additional areas like disaster relief and energy conservation, and literal spying.
Here's England.
Civilian force of 60,000 trained as terrorist spotters.
That's London Observer reporting that.
Stay there, sir.
I want to come back to you with Paul Watson, integrate all this together, and give the website out of your group so people can join your organization.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I think so.
Youth brigades, FEMA camps, bills to ban all semi-autos, open talk in mainstream news about martial law, the state police being taught that we're all basically criminals that love America.
We got the documents, called the Army, confirmed it.
We had our in-the-Fed protest in Dallas.
The Army was watching us there as terrorists.
This is what's going on.
This is what's happening.
This is the reality.
And the House has passed a national draft, an expansive draft for women as well, for your children under federal control.
They're taking over right now!
In closing, going back to Ed Martin, spokesman for Missourians United for Life.
Give us your website, sir.
Tell folks how they can get involved.
Now, you're right.
I mean, the governor's kind of giving a halfway apology to all of this.
I hope you continue.
Tell us about your legal action.
Yeah, what we've done is we filed a, uh, with the ACLU, we filed a complaint with them asking them to join us to go into federal court and get a TRO, Temporary Restraining Order.
We also actually today are investigating whether the Missouri Human Rights Commission has jurisdiction and we'll consider that.
And look, anything, as you said earlier, the one thing we cannot do is sit around and feel sorry for ourselves.
I hate to quote Bill Clinton, but I will.
He once said,
The only thing that a bully understands is when you punch them in the mouth.
My opinion is that we need to all stand up and realize we have a lot more to lose if we don't get our act together and push back.
And that's what we're going to do.
So we're going to, we have a group, a coalition of pro-life groups, Christian groups, anti-illegal immigration groups, gun NRA types that are all angry about this report.
We are not going to stop until these people know that they're wrong and that people are watching them.
So Missouri, excuse me, Missouri United for Life,
Well, it's clear they're trying to create a chilling effect.
That I better not put a Ron Paul sticker, a Libertarian sticker, or a pro-life sticker.
We even had in Oklahoma where they took the guy's pro-life sign off his car and sent the Secret Service to his house.
I've got mainstream news where Homeland Security is showing up at people's houses that have bought more than a thousand rounds of ammo.
I mean, this is secret police.
Yeah, exactly.
I think that's one of the things that we have to count on is that we have to
We have to try to realize that there are good men and women inside the state police and other places who will unrecognize.
But, you know, what's happening is that the federal government, the state government, state law enforcement are rooting out those people whenever they can.
I mean, think of the guys on the border patrol that stood up for the right things and ended up going to jail and all.
So, you know, it is a serious deal.
In Missouri, this MIAC report, as you know,
It's even worse than just putting a sticker on that says I'm for a third party.
If you have flags, historic flags, that relate to our history.
One flag which was flown in the war on terrorism is on there that means these people may be in a law-breaking, you know, militiamen.
Yeah, the don't tread on me flag is used by the Army, the Marines.
We have one hanging in my office.
You're on the watch list already.
You know who should be on the watch list?
Who should be on the watch list are the private banks, like the Federal Reserve, that go before the Senate and say, we won't tell you where the trillions of dollars have gone.
These are the un-American groups bringing our country down, and it is just absolutely amazing that this is happening.
How angry has this made pro-life groups to be listed in there in Missouri?
Well, it certainly got people fired up, but again, one of the things that we can use these moments to point out that, hey, this isn't the only effort by the federal government to take control of our lives.
You know, there's federal legislation that would usurp all state limits.
On pro-life issues, on abortion, that's the FOCA bill, poorly named Freedom of Choice Act.
But what we're finding is people are almost confused by it because they're just like, what?
What houses?
And we need to channel their focus to how wrong this is and how we have to act.
So there is a sense, and you were a great service on this and others that have picked it up, that it's starting to get to people's understanding of what exactly has gone on.
Absolutely, I really appreciate you
Being on the show today, sir, and we're just all in this together.
We all hang together, we all hang separate, and we appreciate Ed Martin, spokesman for the Missouri United for Life, Missourians United for Life.com for coming on.
Paul Watson is straight ahead with the national draft for you and your family.
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In the New World Order's War Against Humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Normally I'm so deep into fighting the New World Order that I don't let it get to me.
And it's always in the late hours of the evening that it really upsets me.
And shakes me.
Folks, they are setting up the most hardcore tyranny ever seen, integrating the Nazis, the Soviets, all of their systems.
Youth brigades, forced drafts, tattletale squads.
It has passed the House, we're still trying to confirm if it's passed the Senate.
AP reports they're debating it.
We don't have a headline yet.
They call it AmeriCorps.
Expanding National Service in the New York Times.
The AP calls it Senate set to vote on expansion of AmeriCorps.
But I have the bill here in front of me.
Generations Invigorating Voluntarism and Education Act.
It's a slightly different name in the Senate.
And it is drafting into federal programs middle schoolers, high schoolers, and then three months to start out of the year 18-24 for military training.
What we cover in the Obama deception.
This guy's in office two months and they've already basically got the sucker passed.
Let's bring Paul Watson up.
I called him up, freaked out 30 minutes ago, told him to look and we've been scrambling here trying to find it during the breaks.
Paul hasn't passed the Senate.
I don't believe it's passed yet, Alex.
There's a New York Times article, editorial actually this morning, lauding the virtues of it and saying that once the Senate passes it, it can be allied with some of the other similar proposals.
So I don't think, I don't believe it's passed the Senate yet.
I'm trying to look at the moment.
Well, regardless, it's passed the House.
And I've read the AP and this, and they don't say the name of the bill.
The caller said the name, but we didn't write it down.
What is the name of the Senate version?
Well, it'll be the same as the House.
No, it has a slightly different one.
Well, we need to find out right now.
You know what?
This is too important.
I'm just going to suspend the broadcast right now.
We'll go to music until I get on a computer.
I can find this in five minutes.
Paul, you know what, you start going over your article from last Thursday, House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill, then that dovetails with your other article, Defense Department Announces Civilian Expeditionary Workforce, and it says for domestically or internationally, a total force
Yeah, I think the Senate one is called the Serve America Act, but that's not identical to the Give Act.
I'm trying to look now, but obviously my internet connection has died at this exact moment, but... Yeah, the one we reported on last week was the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, known as the GIVE Act, which was passed by a 321 to 105 margin in the House.
And in the, uh, under section 6104, under a section called Duties, it says that
Quote, whether a workable, fair, reasonable, mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic and educational backgrounds.
And then there was another section which is called Youth Engagement Zone Program, which is similar to what the
Then a version of a similar bill says, which talks about, quote, service learning, which will be, quote, a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.
And as he said, with the Defence Department version, which is for Defence Department employees for foreign missions, states that
Quote, management retains the authority to direct and assign civilian employees either voluntarily, involuntarily, or on an unexpected basis to accomplish the DoD mission.
So it's saying that basically, even if it's involuntary, DoD civilian employees will be forced to support
Military missions abroad.
And I'll tell you though, they'll only get the fake patriotism they need to ram this through with staged terror attacks or a new war.
Understanding how they operate, this is so unpopular, they're only going to get this with a staged terror attack.
Well, Beden promised that there would be a national crisis within, what, the first few months, so...
It's happened with every other president, basically, so we should expect it to happen with Obama.
Well, it's passed the House, and I'm on the Senate website.
It says they're debating it right now.
Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, said in the Financial News Wire, he says, the Serve America Act, Reid said, will provide better opportunities for Americans of all ages, for all regions and walks of life, to answer the call to service.
And it goes on, it is forced service.
And you know, I mean it's just hitting me the last few days, this is crazy!
This isn't just a draft where they send 18 to 21 year olds to Vietnam and there's a lottery and all the rich people don't have to go.
This is for girls!
This is grabbing them and making them be under federal service when they're in middle school!
7th and 8th grade, this is in high school, and then this is serving at military camps, training, in defense training, for 18 to 24, and then they have all these other corps, and they say it's mandatory, the chief of staff says it's mandatory, and do you see any of the supposed liberal websites talking about this?
Do you see conservative websites?
I see almost no one talking about this, Paul, that's what freaks me out!
We put out, like, the first article on this Thursday.
We've been warning people they were getting ready for it.
And then no one's even covering it!
Well, the New York Times is certainly covering it.
Yeah, yeah, they're covering it, saying it's good.
All I'm seeing is positive reportage.
They say, in an editorial, quote, This is a chance to constructively harness the idealism of thousands of Americans eager to contribute time and energy to solving the nation's problems.
A chance not to be missed.
That's pushing the fact that the Senate needs to pass it.
And whenever the New York Times and the Washington Post get behind something, then you know it's coming from the very top.
Well, I mean, here we are.
It is a national draft for everyone.
They admit it's military training, and then all these other little tattletale brigades in England's announced.
Open spies watching all the citizens right out of East Germany.
Tell folks about that.
It's happening in Australia.
It's happening everywhere.
They're just announcing it everywhere.
The British government, including Gordon Brown himself, they're very proud of it, came out on Sunday and said that
Tens of thousands, the figure is around 60,000 British civilians, and we're talking managers of supermarkets and people like that, people who work in stores, have been trained to spot, quote, terrorists and then report them to an authority.
And we knew, we knew this was already going on, we knew that this was already
There are no real terrorists running around like, you know, they tell us there are.
So, the only people caught up in it are, for example, there's a story today which I posted out of the Telegraph, I think, which was about two fishermen who use laser pointers to prevent ducks from becoming entangled in their fishing nets.
And for pointing these lasers at these ducks to prevent them from getting caught in the nets,
They were arrested by police under the Terrorism Act because pointing lasers is now an act of terrorism and they were actually interrogated for hours.
We can't explain how bad it is because we live this and see hundreds of things a day.
Paul, they're arresting people for dropping an apple core by accident off of a table at a cafe.
They are arresting, they may be legal to photograph or videotape police, but they have millions of cameras in London alone videotaping us.
It's all off the charts, and it's happening in the U.S.
as well.
Listen to this.
Kurt Nimmo wrote a story March 24th.
Give Mandatory Service Act strips First Amendment from volunteers.
He went and read, it's from governmenttrack.us, and it says George Miller, a Democrat, this passed the House, tacked an amendment on H.R.
1388, that's the one that's passed, entitled Generations Invigorating Volunteerism Act, to give government
Obama's plan to require mandatory service for all able young people.
Miller's amendment will prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation, organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes, and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
So they also gag everybody.
I mean, my God!
In other words, Obama's Volunteer Corps Act passed by the House with a 321 to 105 margin and requiring the government to develop a plan for
Indentured servitude would deny millions of people the right to oppose and organize against government legislation of the First Amendment.
This is close to a Sedition Act, a violation of the First Amendment rights, and has been proposed in recent history.
A basic right, as part of our natural and amiable rights, is to resist government.
Our founders not only knew
That this was a right, but a responsibility.
This legislation begins to break down this significantly.
Writes Gary Wood in the Examiner in England.
So there is an article out of England on this.
Paul, this is insane!
This is insane!
Gagging all the young people, bringing them into brigades.
Well, exactly, I mean...
Obama said that it was his aim to cut carbon emissions by 80%.
You just had Gordon Brown's head environmental minister say that they've got to reduce the UK population forcibly by 50%.
They've got to have water rationing, food rationing, that's the timing.
You just can't!
These are criminals taking over!
It isn't enough that they've ruled everything and sucked everything out with the banks.
I am pissed, man.
You know, because... I'm sorry, go ahead.
The thing about it, Alex, is that it's even... The next step for America is what we've got in the UK.
Because, for example, in America you've got this Obama army of knocker door zombies, you know, knocking on a million doors.
That's proven completely pathetic.
It was a total failure.
But in England, this is where it really gets serious.
They've actually got
People who are recruited into a charity that has links to the government that masquerades as a charity.
It's called Common Purpose.
And this is where the people who are later appointed to positions of power within each city are fed the government line on how the city needs to be run and they're assigned positions of power.
And I just checked on my own city on who were members of this Common Purpose organisation and literally
Every university, every police department, every branch of media and local government are infested with these common purpose members who have been recruited by this secret organisation which, by the way, has its origins in a Marxist think tank from which Tony Blair got his political ideology.
And they're now all in these positions of power throughout our cities in England and that's the next stage for America.
Now I want people to hear the magnitude, and I saw the articles you posted at PrisonPlanet.com on this, they are creating a spy force
And then they're merging it with this common purpose, and then literally, they're also the community leaders, then you cross-reference it, they're also part of the spy group, spying on everyone at every level, that's what Obama's doing, and this is literally what the Nazis, the East Germans, and the Soviets, and the Communist Chinese did.
They are following the exact pattern, it is happening now, and I had an article in here from the Associated Press, I can't find it now, it's somewhere here in my crazy stack,
That actually, zoom in on this folks, this is just the stack of the last two days, I can't even keep track of it.
Tilt that camera, I want folks to see on PrisonPlanet.TV what we're dealing with, where the new 29-year-old head of the state police in Illinois is a former military captain, and then I see this, they're now moving army officers out to be the heads of state police, police chiefs everywhere, the military takeover is happening right now!
I mean, it's happening, okay, folks?
America is falling!
The Republic is falling!
I've got mainstream news articles here where the Supreme Court today is hearing whether they're going to ban any movies or documentaries criticizing the government.
Associated Press, Paul.
Associated Press, Paul.
I mean... Yeah, this is regarding the Hillary Clinton documentary, isn't it?
Yes, I mean, the AP with a straight face acts like it's normal that they're considering banning criticizing government.
Claiming it's a violation of campaign finance laws.
And we told people the way Russ Feingold was written in 2002, that it could end free speech the way it was written.
Now they're implementing it!
See, they're going to pass the draft through the Senate, and they're going to slowly... People are like, well, where's the draft?
Where's it at?
And then it'll phase in.
But you've heard people calling, and it's in the news.
They're already telling high schoolers, oh, you've got to do compulsory federal service now, and it's not even a law!
They're just criminals!
A serious thing related to...
But he said it's only for a little while.
So the Feds take over, and then we had a caller earlier about how it's happening in Las Vegas.
I mean, it is insane.
And they're doing it so they can steal all your pension funds that you've been investing in for 30 years.
And the pretext is going to be this, quote, summer of rage, which is all coming from the media.
And now we've caught the Ford Foundation and everybody else funding the riot groups.
Yeah, and the big flashpoint for that, or one of the big flashpoints, is going to be April 2nd in London.
With the G20 meeting, and that's where they're saying there's going to be a lot of riots, there's going to be a big police clampdown, and that's exactly what they want.
And they're announcing at the G20, they're going to openly, they've already announced, they're going to officially say World Government Bank that controls the whole planet, as Newsweek and Time have said, totally ruling everyone.
And instead of covering what they're doing, the news is going to cover the hired thugs they bring.
And we've caught them in Denver last year, Denver Post, police staging as anarchists.
My God, it's a vortex of evil.
And they want your bank accounts.
They want your children.
They want you to be indentured servants.
This is it.
They're launching attacks at every level.
You've got to wake up.
You've got to get the Obama deception on DVD and get it out to everybody.
They're openly announcing they want to shut down the web.
Jay Rockefeller, it's openly happening.
This is the time to be awake.
This is the time to be involved.
Paul Watson, stay with us!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
Folks, we have all the intelligence.
We have the documents.
We know the battle plan.
It's all admitted.
Total takeover of America.
Secret police everywhere.
Youth brigades.
Military taking over all the police departments.
Total evil.
So they can steal all the bank accounts, everything, and make us third world slaves.
We're being... We're being looted.
We're being...
Literally mugged right now.
This is what the international bankers have done all over the planet.
It's happening here.
It's happening in England.
It's classical tyranny.
These are criminals.
These are hardcore control freaks.
Paul Watson, we need a headline that explains it.
Giant national draft for all Americans.
Slavery about to pass Senate.
You need to throw the kitchen sink at them.
Show them the Army documents, the Army public memorandums where they're saying forced service.
We need the Rahm Emanuel clips.
We need the clips of
Obama's saying it, Emanuel's saying it on C-SPAN.
I mean, folks, this is slavery!
It's not enough to steal your bank accounts and devalue the dollar and bring in New World Order and have the bankers loot everything.
And we go out and protest the Federal Reserve peacefully in Dallas with Ron Paul's brother and the Army documents.
We call the Army, they admit it's their documents, they won't come on the air.
The Army calling us terrorists and telling their military in plain clothes to look out, we may try to kill them.
I mean, do you understand this is secret police telling the military we're terrorists because we're protesting the bastard bankers?
People need to be more angry.
You know, I get conditioned to all this and become accepting of it as I cover it just because it becomes normalized, but then all the time it just hits me when I blow up how insane this is!
We've got to arrest all these bankers.
We've got to have grand juries indict them, as Ron Paul said two weeks ago here.
We have got to get aggressive with these criminals or they're going to kick our butts and they're going to set up death camps!
The globalists are running this, folks, and they kill people everywhere they go.
They killed 1,300,000 Iraqis.
They aren't playing games.
And if you think they care about you any more than they care about the Iraqis,
You've got another thing coming, and they've got their liberal fake messiah with all these idiots following them, all these lazy stupid nobodies.
They're going to love all the power they're being given.
We're in a red-level crisis.
They're federalizing high schools everywhere, turning them into military schools.
Paul Watson, I know I'm ranting, but we should be ranting.
My God, I'm sick of this!
Alex, it passed the Senate last night.
I mean, there's been so little coverage of it, we didn't even see it.
Oh my God, how did you confirm that?
Red Label, Red Label, how did you discover that?
Get me the documentation!
The headline is, National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle.
It's the New York Times, 74 to 14, cleared last night.
Oh God, they're going to do... You know why I freak out?
Because I keep thinking we're going to stop them, we're going to back them off.
Folks, they're going to do it all.
They're going to stage terror attacks next.
They're going to launch new wars next.
Paul, this is... They're going for... The gun confiscation's coming, folks.
They're coming for your guns, Paul!
Read me the article.
It's, um, National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle by Kate Phillips, New York Times.
So they pass the House, they pass the Senate.
We've got to stop it in conference as they merge the two bills.
Or, oh my God.
Go ahead, Watson.
It's the same bill, it's the GIVE Act.
Oh, Jesus.
HR 1388.
Oh, that means it's done!
Oh, you mean they pass the, oh my God, it's, then it's, it's law!
Are you saying it's the same version?
It's 1388, the GIVE Act, yeah.
It's the same version.
They have reinstituted slavery that ended in the 1860s.
This is not a draft, this is slavery.
Senate and House passed a new slavery bill, and that's what it is!
And don't you dare email me and tell me I'm exaggerating, or that isn't what it is.
I know exactly what it is!
And you'll never get my children, you'll never get my family, and I'm not going to serve the government anymore, you sucking off off of us, you parasite criminals!
Cancel the next guest!
I know she's important about the abuses of prisoners and everything.
I'll have to just move her again, because this is too important.
Stay there, Watson!
Stay there!
Man, I am just... I can't even continue this transmission.
This is so un-American!
This is so evil!
And now they're gonna stage terror attacks and come for our guns!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Why am I so upset?
Because this, everything that happens daily only confirms it is the worst, most virulent strain of tyranny that we have ever faced in the United States or worldwide.
They are going to go for broke.
They are going to do everything.
The gun confiscation, the FEMA camps, the troops are already... They're appointing 29 and 32 year old army captains and colonels to take over the state police from Illinois to you name it.
They're pulling out all the old state police.
Uh, commanders, they're putting in New World Order people, they're federalizing everything, my God, a full-bore New World Order coup d'etat against the people of the United States, and it's happening in every other major western nation.
The republics are falling.
The last vestiges of the old republic are being swept away right now.
And you don't send your children, even if they're homeschooled, they're going to claim they've got a report to federal duty in middle school.
They will send the CPS to kidnap them if they don't.
They're moving with forced inoculations.
They're moving with bills to ban gardens.
Literally, in mainstream news, suddenly mayors and city council people are saying we can't let people have gardens without police inspections because he might grow marijuana.
I mean, just hard
Core super tyranny is upon us, and the good news is people are waking up to it, but they're not waking up to just how hardcore it is.
Paul, I want to let you go in a minute so you can go write an article.
It is now past.
It is now law.
Mass total slavery.
It is confirmed.
Again, we're not omnipresent.
That's why I caller alerted us an hour ago.
In my gut, all I've been thinking about is this the last two days.
I knew they were debating it.
I've been sick at my stomach.
I have been very upset.
Because this is just so horrible to our precious republic that it's completely falling to this!
How do you think I take pleasure in making films and doing all these radio shows and busting my butt?
No, I'm doing it because I know these are hardcore killers taking control.
And you idiots out there, George Bush would have done it if he could get away with it.
He helped set it up.
This is continual.
It's the National Security Council.
It's high treason!
Everybody's got to go to their city councils and talk about this.
Everybody's got to get in front of government and say, we're not going to be chilled by your intimidation.
We're not going to be chilled by this.
They want their Obama Army to create the illusion of grassroots support to go push this and bully cities, counties, and the Congress into whatever.
And that's what they're doing.
They made millions of phone calls to Congress this weekend to pass this and to pass all the rest of their stuff.
And they're going to use those millions of people that will call and write and email as a false organic movement to ram through as a battering ram to destroy the Republic.
You have to organically, the real Republic, speak out against this and say no and then not follow it.
My God, pull your children out of government training camps, do whatever you... but see, they're imploding the economy where you gotta take two, three jobs, then the school's there to have after hours to take your kids over.
Paul Watson, I know I'm freaking out, but this is a normal response.
I mean, here it is, New York Times.
A National Service Corps bill clears Senate hurdle.
Following overwhelming House passage last week, the Senate tonight voted 74 to 14 on a procedural move that essentially guarantees a major expansion of the National Service Corps, a cornerstone of volunteerism that dates back to the era of President Kennedy.
Oh, it's old, it's good.
It's akin to the...
To the call of arms by President Obama.
Oh, it's akin to it.
Who has hearkened back to those days.
This is not volunteerism like the Peace Corps, which is really CIA.
This is, see they won't even tell people when they announce it what it is, but we've got the bill, forced compulsory service, and then we've got, then we've got the Pentagon Department of Defense announces civilian expeditionary force and says, forced conscription involuntary.
Paul Watson.
Alex, I don't know if Kurt mentioned this in his article, but it gets worse.
12th Amendment to the Act, which is now being passed, reads, quote, Amendment to prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation, organize, or engage in protest, petitions, boycotts, or strikes, and assist, promote, or deter union organizing.
No, Kurt covered it.
So they're only allowed to do the government's political actions they want.
Obama's openly saying these groups are political and he's already launched it, but then selectively everybody else would be under conscription and then you can't.
So, banning our free speech, only their propaganda.
Finish up and we come back, Paul, I'm gonna let you go.
We need a master article that explains it all to people historically.
This is slavery.
Senate and House passed National Slavery Bill.
That is what it is.
Red level emergency, ladies and gentlemen.
What does this say about the Congress?
Hello, this is Steve Shank.
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We're good to go!
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What if you had a chance to stop Lenin, to stop Hitler, to stop Mao, to stop Pol Pot, to stop Fidel Castro, would you do it?
We know how to beat them.
Shattering the left-right paradigm, pointing out that it's a seamless police state we're being brought into through administration after administration.
The Obama deception does it.
I want you to get the DVD at Infowars.com.
I want you to commit to buy a hundred blank DVDs and I want you to make copies and give them out.
If we move against them and show the hardcore tyranny they're carrying out, we can beat them.
If you're listening on AM or FM stations, stop at red lights.
Tell people to tune in right now.
Tell them about the internet.
I don't know many other shows, and I wish they were, covering this information.
Instead, all they do is cover me, jealously, in the Patriot Movement, and attack me 24-7, because we're the biggest show!
Well, they don't understand, the reason we're successful is we're real!
We don't have any future, folks, and we don't stop this!
This country is just rotten!
There's so many stupid people, mentally ill people, people that don't have the normalcy to get angry!
My God, and yeah, it's all over the news that they passed it.
They're saying, oh, it's just a little service thing, it's no big deal.
It's compulsory!
It's setting it up!
It says compulsory!
It says it!
It says it!
It says it!
They've got military taking over every major police department openly!
They're openly taking over!
Well, Watson, I'm going to shut up.
I want you to just recap what we're dealing with here.
And in the article you're going to have out in the next hour or two, this needs to go supernova like nothing you've ever written.
I am begging people, if you care about your future, your children, if you don't want to be slaves, because now they're setting up the body to administer at a new federal agency, we must just scream bloody murder, say no to all of it.
What's interesting about this quote out of the New York Times article is that Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, said that this, and they call it an army,
Dispersed to help, to help, with education, health services and the environment, an army, would number about 7 million people.
Yeah, that's what, John, that's what the, that's what the CNN piece, I interrupted, I'm sorry, but that's what the CNN piece says, army, army, army.
And then, CC, they're getting you ready for that, go ahead.
7 million people.
Now, about one in every 50 East Germans collaborated with the Stasi, back in communist East Germany.
Seven million is about one for every 50 Americans.
In fact it's more than that.
Uh, InfraGard, Executives and Infrastructure Protection with shoot-to-kill orders for Marshall Law, Mainstream News.
Mainstream News?
The 26,000 clergy response teams for Marshall Law to tell their flock to turn in their guns and go to the camps?
That's in the document!
You understand, folks?
It's in the document!
It's in their secret training that we got a year and a half before it was Mainstream News and we got called liars, just like MYAC.
Okay, now, let me expand on that, folks.
You know, it just hit me like a ton of bricks that they're just going to do everything.
This means the Congress are total whores and will pass anything and do anything.
They've got bills introduced, moving through the legislature federally to literally ban semi-autos, psychological testing, gun bans, shutting down gun shows.
They're openly announcing it.
Paul, go ahead.
Go ahead and recap.
Say what you just said again.
A 7 million, he just announced a 13 million separate volunteer army.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's the quote from Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat of Maryland, that 7 million people will be engaged in such work, and it's called an army, dispersed to help with education, health services and the environment, which would vastly enlarge the notion of, quote, community organizing.
So 7 million is about 1 for every 50 people in the United States, which is equivalent to what it was in Sarzee, East Germany.
And remember 5 years ago when it broke and nobody could believe it and we went to the U.S.
Congress and the funding for it and it was confirmed?
I didn't believe it when Al Martin reported it.
It was true!
They hired Marcus Wolf, he died last year, the former head of the Stasi, and Primakov, the former Russian KGB chief.
For two years, they consulted on how to do this.
That's right.
And I mean, this is the massive turnover for people losing their jobs because of the economy.
They're all going to be hired by the government, and you're going to have the same situation that we've got in the UK, where this common purpose group
Now, here is the key.
The key to all of this.
It's how they introduce it.
Again, we know we've said this, but you've got to explain it to everybody.
Oh, there's going to be troops, and now they are, at DWI checkpoints.
You're not for drunks, are you?
Now there's going to be troops at car wrecks helping with the Jaws of Life.
You're for that.
Oh, now at a mass shooting in Alabama, regular army's going to be there.
That's how they're rolling that out.
Now, but when you read the Pentagon documents, it's to quote, engage military operations against the American people.
How do they roll out national service?
Oh, we're going to help with soup kitchens for the homeless.
And then, by the way, we're going to train the kids with M-16s how to do warrant service, cordon and lockdown of cities, as is in the mainstream news, and tattletale squads and everything else, and take over your local communities and federalize them.
So see, they introduced this in the news like, oh, it's really going to help everybody with the imploding economy, when for decades they've been setting it up for the crises time, the rioting, the breakdown of society that's now being brought in.
Go ahead.
That's right, which is going to be kicked off with the G20 at the start of next month.
What's weird about this Senate passage is that they later cited an evangelical preacher who supports it called Rick Warren.
Who's given lectures for the Council on Foreign Relations and the Davos Group.
And that's another point!
That's another point!
Bush spent nine billion a year on faith-based initiative buying off the churches, violating the First Amendment.
Clearly, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the press.
And it goes on.
Now Obama's increasing it to thirteen billion and all the Democrats love it.
Go ahead.
Right, so this guy who performed Obama's
Invocation and he received awards from Bush as well.
He was one of the chief cheerleaders behind this national civilian service bill which has just been passed.
So it's got links to evangelical elitists who have got links to the CFR and the Davos Economic Forum and places like that.
Oh, man.
Paul, you know, this is a normal response.
I say this all the time.
You go to a UT football game, I've been to many of them, you know, back in college and things, and the people are yelling, they're screaming, they're painted up, their faces are, you know, painted up orange or whatever the opposing team is, everybody's screaming, that's normal.
But you yell and scream about total end of America, total takeover by hardcore criminals with the banks looting everything, world government openly being announced,
You see, they take sports and put your regular tribal mechanism to get angry and get motivated, they take it and shunt it off into petty gladiatorial diversions, and then I'm weird because I'm freaking out.
Officially, the country's dead.
We may be able to resuscitate it, but I mean, this means, like, all these tumblers click.
It means the Congress is totally criminal, is going to do whatever he says.
If they'll pass a national draft,
Yeah, then he'd have to be forced to watch the spectacle of Obama.
On the CBS interview, just laughing about it all, laughing it up about the economy.
And whenever you see Beedon, he's always laughing it up as well.
And it's just a big joke.
It's disgusting.
Well, they're criminals.
And the best way to rob a house or something is to go in dressed like your workman and just load everything in a moving van.
And they're just in a workman uniform.
I don't know.
Now, if you notice the info babes on CNN and Fox, that's what they do.
It's all, Hi, World Government, it's so good.
It's like he projects this fake, I'm happy, it's fun, there's nothing to worry about, everything's great.
They're making their move at light speed.
Listen to me out there, people that laugh at us and make jokes about it.
I know on YouTube when this video is posted, there'll be jokes about me getting upset.
Listen to me, jackasses.
They've already taken half of the pension funds' wealth.
They've already taken half the stock market's wealth.
I know you don't have a pension fund so you're laughing at it.
No, that affects your job.
They're going to loot everything we got.
They went in Argentina for being as wealthy as us in two weeks to being one of the poorest countries in the world.
These people destroy nations.
These people mass murder.
They are going to mass murder us.
They are eugenicists.
Do you understand?
They want to reorganize the United States.
They are going to destroy the economy further so they can be the savior.
Just like they staged terror attacks on 9-11, they have staged this.
And it's now time to grow up and realize how dark and how late the hour is.
There's no more time to play games or screw around.
I knew they were doing this, but to see them pass all the things they're passing lets me know they're going for broke.
They're going all the way.
They've left the path of incrementalism and they're going full bore, Paul.
That's right.
Meanwhile, the big establishment liberal websites are talking about Al Gore's got a new book and O'Reilly made a sexist comment.
So that's the level of mindlessness that's going on while all this is being passed right in front of our faces.
And the conservative sites are talking about how the Republicans will save us when they're voting in mass for all of this.
Paul, I want you to write the master article with all of these points in it, and I'm telling listeners, how long until the article's done?
Because I want everybody T-minus to count down to supernova this article everywhere.
How long?
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Well, here it's fine If you've got the time And the chance to get yourself in And here it's tight Almost every night But now I might be mistaken
I am a primitive person.
I'm intellectual in my analysis of things, but then when I know I have an enemy, and I know they're murdering, disgusting, enslaving trash, it isn't even hatred I have of them, it is just will to defeat them.
It is exploding understanding and research and years of dedicated focus
I just want to pass it on to everybody else.
I want people to rise up.
I want to beat these bastards!
God, they're so criminal!
It should be so easy!
They're so obviously disgusting and un-American filth!
Pull up the CNN piece.
Now, this is a disgusting CNN puff piece from Saturday.
This disgusting CNN puff piece.
Listen to how they call it an army and a ground force.
And it's going to be mandatory.
See, they go in people's doors and they make the people that don't like Obama look bad, but the nice people that do, pledging.
And this is with government funds this is all going on.
This is the total takeover of society.
Let's go to the clip.
Good morning, Karen.
President Obama won the election with the help of an army of grassroots supporters who organized online, then took their message to the streets.
Now the president is calling on his volunteers once again to sell more than a campaign.
Don't tell them the race is over.
Once volunteers for the Obama campaign... I just want to ask you if you support that and if you're willing to sign it.
Oh, definitely.
The race to destroy the republic.
The race to butcher the Bill of Rights from pillar to post.
Go back to it, please.
His network of supporters is back on the trail.
Basically just, here's the plan.
This time, to sell the president's agenda.
Would you be interested in signing up?
I'm interested in talking about it.
I'm not saying that I'm interested in supporting all of his plans.
I'm part of a nationwide movement today called Organizing for America.
Michael LaFemmina was one of hundreds of volunteers who went door-to-door from New York.
No money is involved.
And now the liberal is for a total draft for everybody.
Oh, it's so liberal and nothing but lobbyists and nothing but banker takeovers and attacks on free speech.
They're announcing fairness doctrine to ban films.
Associated Press criticizing the government.
I mean, it's all happening.
These sons of... They're... They're... They are trying it!
They're doing it!
I just can't believe it!
It's so incredible!
Go back to them!
I've got my checkbook.
Simulcast with the Army's announcement, Defense Department announced a civilian expeditionary force for here in the U.S.
drafted and overseas, merging with laws to back it up, and they use government funding to advertise Organizing for America and usaservice.org to get people to join with U.S.
government funding for Obama and his agenda to then lobby the Congress.
This is the executive taking over the Congress, and the Congress is just going, yeah, we're bending over, we're taking it, we love it.
This is what Hitler did, folks.
Back to it!
I feel like I'm volunteering for President Obama.
I feel like I'm volunteering for myself, for our country, for our democracy.
How'd they do it?
Using the campaign's old email list, Organizing for America alerted supporters to visit its website, where a message from the President was waiting.
Talk to some neighbors.
And let people know how important this budget is to our future.
And voila!
If you could provide your name and some contact information, we'll make sure we get information and we can leave you with that.
I'll be happy to do that.
The mission on this outing, to blunt criticism from Republicans.
If we maintain the proposals which are in this budget, over the ten year period that this budget covers, this country will go bankrupt.
And even a few skeptical Democrats over the President's budget.
I'm especially concerned about the long term.
He's not qualified to buy.
Pause, see that on the screen?
Put it back up.
Obama's army.
But what they don't tell you is, they're getting you used to that term, it is an army.
It's in the bill, it's passed.
And these are going to be the commissars, the political police over you.
You can go to his website and watch him address thousands of preachers, all the leaders.
And he says, I want you to be on your block.
I want you to convince your neighbors.
I want you to help your neighbors and watch your neighbors.
And he used to announce it like it's all cute and sweet.
Oh, we're watching you!
Oh, we're here!
Same thing in England.
Same thing in Australia.
And there's huge numbers of Republicans that are voting for all of this.
You know why?
Because they're getting millions of phone calls from the Obama idiots.
We'll come back, finish up the clip, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to open the phones up specifically on the New World Order takeover, 1-800-259-9231.
Again, when I saw this had passed, a splitting headache hit me, and then it just turned into rage, because I'm normal.
I'm sane.
I know that these murdering bastards are dangerous.
I know they want to do here what they did in Iraq.
They're taking us over.
This is toe-to-toe New World Order combat.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Every three seconds, someone
I don't know.
We're good to go.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
That's why they're creating a counterfeit grassroots movement under federal law to silence your free speech, to bring you into full bondage.
Meanwhile, the death threats to my family, the harassment, the attacks is just off the charts, which lets me know we are very close to the heart of beating these people.
Because we are reaching out to you, those that have the power of the human spirit with God's guidance to crush these bastards.
This is the most virulent form of tyranny.
I have analyzed it coldly in a calculated fashion for years.
They are planning to bring in total depression, set up a police state, and then start mass arrests and mass executions.
This is the globalist.
This is the New World Order.
This is what they do everywhere.
They now are going to do it in the United States.
Millions of police and military will die in this fight.
Millions of citizens are going to die.
It's real.
I try to deny it every day.
I try to ignore the analysis that I've done and many other experts have done.
This is for real.
This is the greatest challenge this nation and this world has ever faced.
If we don't stand up and be heard now and get really aggressive in the info war,
It's going to become a physical war.
The globalists have successfully mass-murdered worldwide and organized it and done it.
They believe they can do it here.
They pass upon a return.
It's who they are.
I've analyzed that as well.
They are going to fail.
They are assured in failing.
The question is, how devastating is this going to be?
The question is, how bad is this going to fight going to get?
How many of us are going to be lost and imprisoned?
I pledge myself again, my name, my sacred honor, all of my treasure, my very blood in the fight against tyranny.
If my blood is needed to nourish the tree of liberty, I gladly will sacrifice it.
And it is through that willingness to lay down your life that you are given life, that you are given justice.
Those that are not willing to lay down their life for their brethren will lose it.
And those that are willing to lay down their life will gain it.
Because when you're cowed, when you're a coward, when you lay down, that makes the wolves come.
That encourages the criminals to take over society.
But when you're willing to fight, and you're willing, you know folks, when I went out two months before 9-11, said they were going to attack the World Trade Center, staged that attack, lost two-thirds of my radio stations, got attacked, lost my sponsors, could barely even pay my bills, could barely pay my house payment, it didn't matter to me.
I knew it was the right thing to do.
We gained more stations back, we got bigger than ever.
Some liberals didn't understand and thought I was bashing just Bush.
Those stations dropped me when I started going after Obama.
It doesn't matter.
You have to sacrifice.
You have to not care what people say or what they think of you.
If you can't do that, folks, you will be enslaved.
To the military, to the police, you know the tyranny is coming.
You've been told martial law is coming.
You've been told they're setting it up.
Now you know I warned you years before.
We have the government documents.
Please, men and women, old, young, it doesn't matter, people in the system, people that are going to be asked to carry this out, do whatever you can to get the documents to us and others.
Do whatever you can to speak out against this.
Do whatever you can to fight this, especially those in the system.
We're all in the system to one degree or another.
It's just all real.
I intellectually, coldly analyze it, and what comes out of the process is pure hell.
You know, it's like, my God, I can't believe what I've arrived at.
Because, folks, what I arrive at has always come true.
I know history.
I have an integrated fusion of analysis and data.
I have that gift.
I don't have the gift of articulating the full picture.
People think I have this gift of articulation.
No, I don't have that gift.
I have the gift of understanding it.
And people that are awake to the New World Order, we have to get our heads screwed on straight.
So many people dither and fight about who's behind it or who the heads of it are, all this stuff all day long.
Who does it matter who runs it?
Arrest the bankers, we know they're running it.
Don't let them pull race and other things into it so that we can't get the biggest movement we can.
That's meant to sabotage us.
The enemy is coming after me right now, folks, in every way.
Because I am unifying people.
You, my listeners, are unifying.
You are great leaders.
You are taking action in just beautiful ways.
And I need people to pray for us here at this office, though.
And I need to pray for not just myself, the people that have the courage to work here, the courage to go through what they go through.
I want to commend all of you out there.
I want to commend you right now.
And I don't know if I'll make it through all this, but I know this, we're going to beat these bastards in the end.
God's promised us that, and... All the king's horses and all the king's men aren't going to put the stinking New World Order together.
It is going to be forged, it will rise, and it will begin collapsing the moment they put the capstone on it.
You look at that man on your screen, Barack Obama, that is a would-be dictator.
That is the elite empowering him.
You want to see a Stalin or a Hitler?
You are looking at the next Adolf Hitler.
You are looking at the next Joseph Stalin.
He has the spirit of wicked power.
He has a spirit of deception.
He is highest caliber evil.
You know, my father, who never gets into religion, never, you know, he's Christian, but he doesn't thump the Bible, he doesn't go to mainline church.
Well, I guess they go to the Methodist some, but the point is, they're going back to church these days.
But he goes to Germany a couple times in the last few years, since we have family over there.
And they go over and see him, and my father called me up Saturday morning, and he goes,
Son, I just watched the Obama deception on DVD, it's here online, he said that you gave us.
He said, I recognize where Obama was in his New World Order speech he gave in Berlin because I've been there several times and he'd come over to my house when he was last there six months ago and showed me all these photos of the Pergamon Gate of the museum that's right there at the Pergamon Gate where the Nazis had the Pergamon Gate.
There were
Obama gave his speech, and people pointed out that's where Hitler gave his most important speeches, was where Obama was standing.
And he called for a new world order there.
Now here's Obama, and these men are anti-Christ.
The Bible says there are many anti-Christ.
It is a prototype, it is a spirit.
Here he is standing, he chooses where Hitler spoke.
Just a few feet away from him is the window in the famous thing when Hitler was elected, waving at everybody.
Now right in that building behind him is the Germans, before World War I, went to Babylon, just south of Baghdad today, 30 miles south there.
They went to Babylon.
And they dug up the turquoise blue gates of Babylon and the Pergamon Gate and inside was the seat of Satan in Babylonian.
They worshiped Satan.
That's where that comes from in the Bible.
And the seat of Satan, Hitler believed it gave him power.
And they built a big concrete dome over it so the air raids couldn't destroy it.
You can't make this up.
My dad calls up and he's sort of reading Revelations to me and he's talking about the Antichrist.
It says we'll speak from the Pergamon Gate and the seat of Satan.
And so that's why Hitler spoke there, and then Obama.
Now, I'm not saying he's the Antichrist, folks.
This is a secular show where I just cover the facts.
And he read me the passage of Revelation.
I forgot it was... Maybe somebody can call in right now?
Well, the lines are loaded.
It's just sick.
It's totally sick.
Let's play the rest of the CNN clip, then I'll go to some calls here.
Regardless, though, intellectually, just from the facts of what he's setting up, and the FEMA camps, and everything the globalists built for him, and how the media is putting all their power behind him like never before, we are in deep trouble.
This is it, folks.
Go ahead and play the clip.
It's coming out of my pocketbook.
As Michael LaFemina found on Long Island, not everybody is sold.
He's already crippled the economy, him and the Democrats.
I don't care, let him film it!
These volunteers insist they can take the heat.
Keep up the good work Obama!
We support him 500, 200, 2000 percent!
That's right, let him film it.
Now, if it works, Organizing for America could put its volunteers to work again on other White House plans, giving the administration a ground force that can gather signatures and work the phones to push the President's agenda.
It has all the makings of a campaign before the re-election campaign.
Karen, they're not quite putting the band back together, but it's close.
Yeah, exactly, and they're certainly getting an earful, depending on who's door they knock on.
Thanks so much, Jim.
John, I don't care.
I don't care.
Let him film me.
That guy had his opinions and he wasn't shy about sharing them, that's for sure.
Oh, they make fun of him.
In fact, guys, I'm going to give you my dad's cell phone number.
He does surgeries on the stage, an oral surgeon.
I don't know if he'll be there.
I'm going to give you my dad's number.
And I want you to give him the Genesis Backline.
You know, that extension?
Because I want him to briefly on air tell the story about the Pergamon Gate.
I may even go into overdrive again.
Guys, come get this number from my father.
Because I was like researching something when he called me.
I wasn't paying full attention.
That's my dad's cell phone.
Give him the Genesis back line.
You know that number?
Guest line?
You want me to write it down for you if you don't know it?
And again, remove from the equation whether he's the Antichrist or not.
Let's just secularly look at it.
Why would he go speak from the favorite spot where Hitler spoke?
With the Pergamon Gate behind him in the seat of Satan.
Which they've got behind grapes and won't even let the people at the museum see.
My dad went there.
He shot video of it.
He took photos.
I've watched it at my house.
And they have a display there how Hitler thought he got his power from it.
And then there's Obama going there to speak at the Pergamon Gate.
Did he answer?
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Kentucky.
Jason, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I'm 29, I've been married for about a year now, and my wife and I are considering having our first child and bringing a baby into this world.
I know you and I are of similar age.
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
I know children are precious, and I do put all my faith in Christ.
When you talk about the New World Order, I know that a child growing up in today's world
It's going to be far different from the one in which you and I grew up in.
Let me stop you.
It's going to be a great blessing to grow up during this time and to go through this persecution and this tribulation system.
Living is, if you make that decision, is that child's destiny.
So just ask God what you think you should do.
Hold on, there's been a baby boom since 9-11.
We're supposed to have more children during adversity.
We're not supposed to cow.
The evil people are having kids.
Go ahead.
As a person with children like yourself and having as much knowledge as you do about the New World Order and just the demise of our country and our world as we know it, where do you find solace or reconciliation
I mean, I just, I'm fearful.
Well, my children have recently been attacked.
We've had phone calls threatening my children.
And I just turned it over to God.
I said, God, you know, I never ask God for anything.
I say, your will be done.
Lead God and direct me.
I'm not perfect.
Just help me be a good person.
Help me tell the truth.
Give me discernment.
Help me.
But the one thing I broke down and asked God, I said, God, kill me.
Have them kill me.
Have them torture me.
Please take me before anything happens to my children.
But if something happens to my children, that is God's will, and that is the evil that's done this, and that is just the way it is.
I will not give in to fear.
That's what I say to you, sir.
Go ahead.
No, I think we're on the same page.
My father had similar advice.
I just wanted to thank you.
You're a life force, sir.
You give up the life force when you decide not to have children, when you cower to fear.
You have to, you have, I mean, you know, most of our ancestors were born coming across on ships, you know, on the bottom of ships filled with crap and piss, and, you know, rats everywhere, whether they were black slaves or white people.
We've gone through adversity, we've been through it, it only makes us stronger.
So, I mean, it's your decision to make, sir, but just be committed to work three or four jobs if you have to, and if you have those children, don't put them in the government brainwashing camp.
Thanks very much, Alex.
You guys got a hold of my dad?
He always refuses to come on air.
He's very shy.
Is he going to call in and tell folks about, he won't do it?
Well, right.
Forget it.
Kalash in Germany.
Kalash, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thanks for holding.
Yes, hello.
First of all, I'm Kalash from Germany.
Originally from Iran.
So I just want to give you tonight a point of view of Iranians from Iranians.
I used to grow up, you know, for 20 years.
I learned to behave like Germans, but the first thing I want to say, respect to you and to your staff.
You're doing a great job for the world.
You're doing a great job for the mankind.
For me, you're not a bulldog or a shepherd, a German shepherd.
You're a promotor.
You're equal to promotors with your staff because you bring the ration and you bring everything back, which is important for the good to live and to survive.
First of all, Shah, I know your time is short, so I want to make it quick here.
Just let me say some stuff about the point of view of the Iranians.
I just want to start quick.
In the 70s, when the revolution in Iran started, there was Shah.
You remember him?
He was a great person.
And he was, at that time, talking about the new world order he was facing.
And he was one of the guys in Asia who said, I don't want to play this game.
So they kidnapped him and gave him cancer, and then they brought in the Ayatollahs, and it's all staged.
Go ahead.
So much intelligence.
I know that you want to do that.
So during these 30 years, Iran was prepared for these days.
This regime, which is totally, this regime is totally versus his own people.
The people in Iran, 98% of the people in Iran are against
Yes, we are.
Everywhere in the world, the people feel the same.
Now it's the point to hold together, we people, with your help and with the help of other people, we have to put our hands together, and from information, get to the streets, and just make that nice, small revolution.
There's one video that just came out this year, which is really important, I guess, for the understanding of everybody outside, especially for your listeners, for our friends outside, for the warriors, for the freedom,
It is called Iran is not a problem.
They have a website, it is called iranian, no, it's called iranisnotaproblem.org.
And I beg everybody, please check it out so you just know, you get some information about the history to the last 30 years.
Globalists are threatened by any advanced intelligence society they don't control.
So they blast the Iranians, they blast the Serbs, they go after anybody that isn't under their control.
Yes, for sure.
And you know the problem which we face too is not even Iran and the local, the region Iran.
Because the big war is going to the elite from Europe and USA, United States or Northern America versus the elite in Asia, which is under control of Russian and Chinese.
The Indians play the same thing right now, the government, like the US government is telling them.
So the big main problem is the elite in China
And in Russia.
Actually, the fight is going on between them and we're just sitting in the middle of it.
Sir, I hear you.
Your phone's fading out.
Good to hear from you.
Call back again.
Thanks for holding.
We're going to come back and take a few final calls.
I got really upset earlier because it just hits me.
I can't just sit here day after day calmly talking about this when they just passed a mega-draft for women as well, and they won't even say in the news what it is.
They go, oh, a volunteer thing just passed, and you read it, it says compulsory service.
I mean, you know, and they're building death camps.
I mean, I just... This doesn't have to happen if people will get up off their big, fat butts.
They're big fat asses and do something about this.
We'll be right back.
Stay with me.
I think I'm going into overdrive.
I can feel it.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
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This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Coming up in about an hour, Paul Watson's going to have a detailed report about national slavery passing the House and Senate.
Going to that dirtbag president's desk, that wicked frontman.
I'm not going to go into overdrive, I've got a bunch of stuff I've got to do.
I'm going to make another Obama film, I'll tell you the name of it next week.
It's going to be out July 4th.
We're just going to continue to fight.
People are waking up, people are fighting back.
The enemy's put everything in high gear.
Just look at all this intelligence, all this information I've got, and it's just, it's the worst possible, the attack configuration and the stated goals of these people is gun confiscation, mass shootouts with the police and military, just hell on earth for everybody.
Except the elite, who've moved offshore to do this.
They've all left the U.S., they're preparing to gut it completely.
See, the globalists can move around doing that while they're outside the nation.
And they're not going to get away with it.
I'm going to fight this revolution, no doubt.
They're probably going to set me up, kill me, arrest me, whatever.
I just put it in God's hands.
And, you know, that's the end of it.
And I want to thank all of you out there for everything you're doing to fight these bastards.
We're doing the best we can.
Just tell everybody about the free podcast at InfoWars.com.
Tell everybody you know about the radio show.
Regardless of where they are, they can listen at InfoWars.com.
If they're listening on AM or FM, tell everybody about that.
And please get the Obama Deception at Infowars.com.
I'll get the thing out for free on the web, but it's not in the highest quality.
Get it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Download it in high quality.
Get aggressive.
Get in the fight.
Don't let the enemy coming in like this intimidate you.
They're going to have our way with us if we don't fight them.
You've got to fight a bully.
You've got to fight a bully, folks.
Michael in Florida.
Michael, you're on the air.
Alex, I'm sitting here and I'm looking at these state sovereignty resolutions from both New Hampshire and South Carolina.
And they specifically enumerate requiring involuntary servitude or government service as a nullification of the Constitution.
Now, my question to you... It's high treason!
It's high treason!
It's high treason and it's tyranny of the highest order.
This is America's Superman.
This is gold kryptonite, folks.
Everything they're doing is the opposite of goodness.
Go ahead.
Do you think the states are going to have the gumption and the gall to take action on these resolutions that they passed?
They have the state police come in.
They start threatening the legislatures.
Some of them are passing it more, shooting it down, but it's only step one.
But you made a good point.
The states enumerated this from Obama's agenda.
What is so scary is about half the Republicans are voting with them.
Well, it's just blatant tyranny.
I mean, this is 1860 all over again.
Are we going to just
Turn our backs on the citizens of the states?
I'm just some average guy.
It's all up to you.
I need everybody to drop what they're doing, get the Obama deception, buy a thousand DVD copies, and get it out.
Let me tell you, if you... they need a fake grassroots movement.
If you'll turn it loose, the truth is more powerful than the lie.
We will kick their ass.
And I'm sorry I'm talking like that, but I am... I am literally... I'll tell you, I want to fight for freedom.
I want to fight evil.
And I feel like I can take on 20 people right now.
You know that feeling?
Well, I just want to say to any state legislatures, people that may be listening, you are elected by the people.
It is your job to represent us and to protect our interests.
Do your job.
And when they try to do their job, they sick 13 million Obama bastards on them.
Of course they do, but they need to stand up for them.
They need to be... You can't let tyranny overwhelm you.
Remember what the Constitution of the United States was about in the first place, and the Constitution of the state.
The state created the federal government.
The federal government is a child of the state.
The child cannot dictate to the parent.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, well, we're in the right.
They're in the wrong.
They've drawn first blood a million times.
We know the score.
Jason Bermos will be back live 9 to midnight tonight.
I'm going to sit in with you.
I'm not going to do a retransmission right now.
I mean, I'm not going to do any overdrive.
I'm going to do a retransmission at Infowars.com.
Listen to me.
No one is reporting that it's compulsory service.
They've passed it.
The New York Times and AP are deceiving the people.
In one hour, Paul Watson's got the article launching.
At InfoWars.com at four o'clock central.
Get it out to everybody.
Retransmission starts now one place.
InfoWars.com on the audio stream.
Stay with us.
God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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