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Name: 20090315_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 15, 2009
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And they also attack prison guards on a daily basis.
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Hi RNUSA Radio News, I'm Jody Jordan.
With interest rates sitting at a record low and the economy still reeling from the financial fallout, analysts aren't expecting any changes to come after the Federal Reserve policy makers meet this week.
President Obama says the notion that the U.S.
and Europe are taking sides with America pushing for more stimulus spending and European nations favoring tighter regulation of the financial industry is a phony debate.
In my mind at least, there is no conflict or contradiction between the positions of the G20 countries and how we're going to be moving forward.
There's going to be differences in details.
Those are being worked out right now.
I expect to have a productive meeting.
And Christina Romer, one of President Barack Obama's top economic advisors, tells NBC that while the U.S.
is temporarily in a financial mess, the economy is fundamentally sound.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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The president's chief economic advisor says the bonus payments given out at American International Group are outrageous.
This whole area is something we're going to have to look at as we think about regulation in the future because no one can be satisfied with what's happened.
Lawrence Summers told ABC that the troubled insurance giant got more than $170 billion in bailout money.
And the weather is looking good for tonight's rescheduled launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery.
Repairs have been made after a hydrogen gas leak scrapped liftoff plans Wednesday.
The delay has shortened the mission by at least a day, increasing pressure for today's departure.
This is NASA's George Stiller.
Right now we are well past the point where our leakage problem developed on our first launch attempt.
And we are not seeing any indications of leakage at all.
For the latest news and analysis, log on to IRNUSANews.com.
With a word about Israel, here's best-selling author and Bible teacher, Kay Arthur.
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Sounds from Sunday services that resumed today at an Illinois church, one week after the senior pastor was gunned down.
A minister from Texas talked to the congregation and spoke from his own experience.
A decade ago, a gunman entered his Fort Worth church and killed seven people before committing suicide.
OPEC oil ministers say they'll continue current output levels, but try to end overproduction by some cartel members.
Today's decision means there'll be no cutbacks from December production levels.
Abdallah Saleem al-Badri is the OPEC Secretary General.
Taking into consideration what's going on in the world economy, everything we try to talk about, everything is negative, you know.
Every day we receive negative information.
So we just try to balance the situation out.
And Israel is setting a deadline for a prisoner exchange with the Hamas rulers of Gaza.
Here's Mark Levy.
The clock is ticking down on a deal for release of an Israeli soldier held nearly three years by Hamas-linked militants in Gaza.
Israel has set a special cabinet meeting for tomorrow.
If there's no deal today, the prisoner issue will be turned over to the next government.
The current government appears willing to free most of the prisoners Hamas is demanding, including convicted terrorists.
But Benjamin Netanyahu, the incoming Israeli Prime Minister, takes a harder line against Hamas and Arabs in general.
Mark Levy, Jerusalem.
And I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Hello ladies and gentlemen.
Hello and thank you for joining us.
Glad that you have decided to tune in on this Sunday edition from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Here is the important news today that we'll be covering.
It's particularly shocking and revealing.
Cheney assassination units.
That's been reported by Cy Hirsch, New Yorker Magazine.
He's also doing a piece for New Yorker Magazine.
On government-sponsored terror that's coming up in the next few months, and Vanity Fair, and also writing a book.
You know, Cy Hirsch is a Pulitzer Prize winner, and he's never been proven wrong in the past.
Very, very accurate.
One of our best-living journalists out there.
Well, he's been reporting on Cheney assassination unit, but then we decided to write an article because of our knowledge of this.
So the story up on PrisonPlanet.com right now is Cheney assassination unit active under Obama, including domestically inside the United States.
Because the name of the assassination unit is the Joint Special Operations Command.
And its nickname is the Delta Force.
And in Congressional testimony, it was declassified that Delta Force was there, quote, pulling triggers
And they're the folks that went in with infantry maneuvers in the church records vault at Waco, where the 30-something women and children were huddling, and placed a plastic shape charge on the top of the building, killing all inside.
And of course, machine-gunning men as they tried to run out the back.
We have the flare footage of this.
And it's public knowledge, but you won't see it on the nightly news, though they do have documentaries that are on places like HBO, Waco, The Rules of Engagement, and others.
The Flair Project and others.
One of them nominated for an Academy Award.
But the issue here is that Cheney certainly expanded their role and did operate outside the purview of the Congress and the military itself.
But Obama's actually now expanded the use over and above what Cheney was engaged in.
So we'll talk about that.
Also, we've written articles over the years at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com from Pentagon press releases and leaked Pentagon documents, but much of it is just completely public, about the fact that every major city has a high-altitude blimp over it that can stay up for as much as a decade
And it is powered off of solar energy.
And they have ground-penetrating radar on them.
They look right through your walls.
It's like x-ray vision, basically.
They have face-scanning cameras on them.
And everyone is being tracked in real time.
I mean, that's a... Pentagon brags about that.
It's totally evil, totally wicked.
But this is the slave grid.
They use blimps because they're much more inexpensive than satellites.
They can carry much larger payloads and satellites.
They can stay up much longer.
And this weekend, there was another article on this.
And when I go on national radio shows, they make fun of me and they say, are the blimps going to get us?
And I just say, well, if you go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or if you see my film, Martial Law, where we cover some of the blimps,
We just show you official government documents saying they're doing this and even like the Army Times and Air Force Times and things like that but now since they're operational and over the entire country they're now declaring them classified again and so Larry King Live and Fox News not just CNN I've actually done radio shows on this last month when we simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv
So I can, you know, show the video.
They show it and say it's a giant flying saucer.
And all it is is a blimp with the Ford fins on the back, with the blisters of surveillance equipment, and with the solar panels.
And then I'm the weirdo, because I'm saying it's not aliens, it's blimps.
I mean, it's like asking a five-year-old, what's that?
Oh, it's a school bus.
And I go, yeah, it's a school bus.
And the government says, no, it's a giant banana.
And then I'm the weirdo for saying it's a school bus, and they're normal for saying a school bus is a banana.
See, I'm the conspiracy theorist.
This is just one of thousands of things.
It's very painful, folks, that I will list this right now, and I will list this latest mainstream news article, and people will just say, nope, doesn't exist, you're a liar.
And they will write mainstream news articles saying I'm insane.
In fact, I googled my name.
Last night and I found about 30 plus mainstream news articles just suddenly attacking me and they say I'm insane.
There's no North American Union.
There's no new world order.
Just well, I mean, here's the L.A.
OK, here it is right here.
You can just Google this right now.
It's it's a major paper.
It's a city called Los Angeles.
It does exist.
It's on the West Coast.
It was a Spanish mission before the United States got it.
I assure you L.A.
I assure you the L.A.
Times exists.
I assure you this article is real.
I know you're going to say it doesn't exist because then you'd have to wake up to what's happening, but nevertheless I'm going to try again.
Pentagon plans blimp the spy from New Heights.
The only reason this story is a bunch of baloney is these have been up for experimentally for about 15 years in declassified government documents.
And for seven years all over the country.
Now again, this is the headline.
Pentagon planes blimp to spy from new heights.
Reporting from Washington, this is by Julia E. Barnes.
I assure you she exists.
He exists, Julia E. Barnes.
The Pentagon said Thursday that it intends to send $400 million to develop a giant dirigible that will float 65,000 feet.
It's actually 95,100.
Above the Earth for 10 years providing unblinking and intricate radar surveillance of the vehicles, planes, and even people below.
Now if you want to learn more about this, just Google Homeland Security, but you'll see MSNBC, AP, Reuters.
If you click News, if you click Web, you'll see Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, but then we have Senate testimony clips.
I assure you there is a Senate in the District of Columbia.
There is a place called DC.
I assure you there's a thing called C-SPAN.
I assure you there are these videos of Congress seven years ago admitting it's face scanning you.
I will assure you Washington, D.C.
I know it's radical, but just Google Homeland Security blimps.
I'm not even being sarcastic, guys.
You know, the guys in control room are laughing.
I'm serious.
I mean, if they told the public the planet didn't exist, they'd believe it.
If they told them the sun was a light bulb, they'd believe it.
Because they want to feel like they're part of the establishment.
They love being robbed by the Madoffs that run America.
They'll say Madoff doesn't exist.
Maybe that's a conspiracy.
It goes on.
It's absolutely revolutionary.
Chief Scientist for the Air Force said of the proposed unmanned airship, oh really?
Alexander Haig actually owned the company that sold the project 18 years ago to the Pentagon.
Just Google Alexander Haig proposes
Surveillance blimps.
General Alexander Haig.
I know, he doesn't exist either, I understand.
You know, the thing is, I'm informed, so I'm weird.
I'm not a thumb-sucking, knuckle-dragging, cowardly, stupid person going along with the New World Order.
That's why we predict and lay out everything as it happens, years before.
But again, it will, it says, attract you on the ground.
It's an absolutely revolutionary, Werner A.J.
Dam, Chief Scientist of the Air Force, said of the proposed unmanned airship, describing it as a cross between a satellite and a spy plane.
For you, the slaves, the 450-foot-long craft would give the U.S.
military a better understanding of an adversary's movements, habits, and tactics, officials said, and the ability to constantly monitor small movements
In a wide area.
The Afghanistan border, for example, would dramatically improve military intelligence.
So, they're just now introducing this to the slaves.
The issue here is... Well, I'll tell you more about the blimp when we get back, but I've got all this other stuff.
I'll tell you about the Delta Force, the federal government's hit squads who murder whoever they want, whenever they want, and I've caught them trying to pay off and paying off local officials in Texas.
Stay with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network, home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Mama told me when I was young, who sat beside me, my only son.
It is the 15th day of March 2009, the official release date of my new film, The Obama Deception, the obamadeception.net, or infowars.com, and I'll tell you some new developments on that front, very important information coming up.
Look, I'm not going to spend all day on this LA Times article, Pentagon Plans to Build Spy Blimp from New Heights.
If you want to prove to yourself this article is a spin story, just Google Homeland Security blimps, and you can pull up all the mainstream articles from 7 years ago, 10 years ago,
Even back before that, where they're already in place over the United States, tracking everything you do.
So I'm done talking about that.
Here's some of the other news I've got.
The Treaty of the Sea, they've been trying to pass it for two decades.
It basically hands over control of the world's oceans to the United Nations and the private banks that use it as their governmental front.
And Fox News, of course, is telling us in this article how great it is, titled, uh, Senate Moves Towards Ratification of the U.N.'
's Law of the Sea Treaty.
And it just goes on to break all that down.
Here's another one from Wired Magazine.
Now treaties are secret.
Obama administration declares proposed IP treaty a national security secret.
President Barack Obama came into office in January promising a new era of openness, but now, like Bush before him, Obama is playing the national security card to hide details of the controversial anti-counterfeiting trade agreement being negotiated across the globe.
The White House this week declared, and there's a link to the PDF, the text of the proposed treaty, a classified national security secret and rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by Knowledge Ecology International.
Please be advised, the document you seek are being withheld in full, wrote Cameron Brudini, Chief Foyer Officer of the White House Office of U.S.
Trade Representatives.
If ratified, leaked documents posted on WikiLeaks and other comments suggesting a proposed trade accord would criminalize peer-to-peer file sharing, period.
Doesn't matter if it's legal.
Subjects iPods to broader searches and allows internet service providers to monitor their customers' communications without warrants.
Just off the charts, that story right there.
Just legalizing the complete end of the Fourth Amendment through global government treaties.
Here's another one from CNN.
Obama regime considering making veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries
With private insurers.
Yes, they're not going to treat the troops.
This is so sick!
They'll still come confiscate our guns of order too anyways, I don't care.
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed to CNN that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.
Boy, that's really sick.
And they're saying they're setting that up for the 2010 Veterans Affairs budget being debated now.
You know, they vote for the budget eight, nine months before the new year starts.
So I thought I'd cover that story for you.
Justice Department investigates Arizona Sheriff for enforcing immigration law.
Here's another one.
CNS News.
Cyber News Service.
Yeah, we've interviewed him several times.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Love him or hate him, he is enforcing immigration law.
And all over the country, I've interviewed scores of sheriffs and police chiefs where they'll arrest illegal aliens for drunk driving or 10 people being in a van without seatbelts or whatever.
You know, no ID, weapons, whatever.
And they just release them.
I'm sure you've all seen that in the newspaper, how they release them.
But instead, they're going to actually, they're going after Arpaio, a former FBI agent in his own right.
The Justice Department has launched an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office in Arizona following requests by Congressional Democrats and allegations by liberal activists that the department has violated the civil rights of illegal aliens.
Representative John Conyers, who won't go after Bush for his crimes, Gerald Nadler and others requested the investigation.
And it focuses on Sheriff Joe Arpaio and dozens of officers under his command who are trained for the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agreements of cooperation in communities to enhance safety and security, which partners with federal and local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws.
Drug cartels, they want to ban most semi-automatic rifles, ban gun shows, further register American citizens.
It's from the Associated Press.
You know, Mexico has a total gun ban.
They have one of the highest crime rates in the world.
I think the highest now, as of last year.
That's right, it's the highest now.
State Department's reported.
And, you know, Chicago and New York have the highest crime rates in our country with total gun bans.
And actually, when you read their reports saying the majority of guns
They find cartels with them from the U.S.
That's low-level gangbangers selling drugs here in the U.S.
When you read the reports on Mexico from the State Department, they're buying them from the Mexican military and police.
They're fully auto.
In fact, in this AP article, they have the Attorney General Holder last week, Monday, bad-mouthing the Second Amendment.
Remember, he debated and filed a brief last year for a gun control group before he was even Attorney General.
He was previously Deputy Attorney General under Clinton.
It's not true.
They just know the public's ignorant.
You know, every day on the news they show polar bears on floating ice and say they can't swim.
It's the best swimming mammal there is.
They go out there to hunt seals.
But they know the public's uninformed.
So they'll tell you they're drowning.
Okay, whatever.
Their population's actually exploded to record levels.
But, you know, so what?
Back to the border.
Homeland Security plans for violence on U.S.
This out of the Associated Press.
Talk about how the border's basically collapsing and Mexico's collapsing.
Their answer?
Disarm the American people.
Yeah, that's a wonderful idea, so then only the criminals will have guns.
Big story we broke four days ago at InfoWars.com.
Two different state police officers out of California and Missouri sent me federally written Threat Integration Fusion Center documents where they list Ron Paul, Libertarian Party, Bob Barr,
People that believe in North American Union as a dangerous terrorist.
They said followers of Ron Paul want to kill police.
But it says, you know, don't release these documents.
These are secret.
And then we put it out.
And with the phone number to the state police offices where they issued these, but it was federally written, people didn't believe it.
So we've since updated it with the names.
We called up the state police.
And we've got Captain Hull and Holtz and all of them.
There, you can call the phone number.
You can talk to them.
It's real.
It really happened.
This is really going on.
This is how they're brainwashing police.
So, stop living in denial out there.
Meanwhile, Ron Paul, he really is a congressman.
Congressman really does exist.
Congress really does exist.
Madoff really does exist.
The $9.7 trillion stolen in the bailout really does exist.
They're openly announcing a world government bank that will control everything we do.
That really does exist.
I really do exist.
I mean, there really are threats to our liberty in history.
Ron Paul, culprits of financial collapse, should be arrested.
Congressman Ron Paul says the people responsible for the economic crisis should not be hailed as saviors and given more power to fix the problem they created, but arrested and criminally prosecuted.
Paul told the Alex Jones Show that the only way the Private Fellow Reserve could be brought under control would be the result of a mass uprising, noting that there is a lot more awareness in Washington about the Fed's contribution to the economic crisis.
He's also introduced a bill to abolish the Private Fellow Reserve and audit the Private Fellow Reserve.
I was speaking on my show a few days ago.
A weekday show.
Okay, we're going to come back, take your phone calls, and get into a bunch of other, even more important news.
Stay with us.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you for joining us on this Sunday edition.
Your calls are coming up.
Folks all across the country and the planet.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-590-5525.
Some of the other news I have here in front of me.
Governor Perry, who's about as conservative as Mao Zedong, rejects $555 million in federal stimulus money.
$787 billion.
And I know that at least, in the reports I saw, $60 billion of that was going to Texas.
They take our state money, they take it to Washington, they send back a few pennies of it, and then call it free federal money.
And I hear all these newscasts, the feds are saying this is the only money we get and that we're bad.
But we're lucky they're there, basically.
Meanwhile, it's our money.
And then Perry does this stunt.
He engages in this stunt where he comes out and says, I'm rejecting $555 million of it because it's very unpopular.
So he's trying to, again, look conservative.
From the center of a Houston hardware store, Governor Rick Perry ignited a debate about Texas job cuts, business taxes, and President Barack Obama's so-called economic stimulus program Thursday by rejecting the federal government's offer of $555 million in aid to the unemployed.
The action now moves the legislature, which can bypass Perry and take the offer as long as it changes state laws and blocks Republican Perry's potential veto.
Democratic lawmakers said they will try that.
So, you know, he's taken billions of it, but he's turning back five hundred and something million of it.
You know, they've created two new income taxes on business owners.
They always say Texas doesn't have an income tax, so it made business floodier.
Well, we do have one now.
And I own a business, small business.
You know, that's my studio and TV studio and the film production studio we've got in South Austin.
I got like 20 employees now.
And just bureaucrats show up at your office and they demand to be let in without warrants or anything.
We say no, but then they just magically assess you.
And they just say, oh, this computer's worth $50,000.
It could be a literal $500 computer.
And we've got some of those little cheap e-machines and stuff, just for basic stuff.
They go, no, that computer's worth $10,000.
And they just guesstimate.
And this has been going on for four years.
So this year, we let them in.
And they said, oh, that couch has got to be worth $10,000.
Oh, this stack of videotapes, what's that worth, $1,000?
And so then you have to go prove and hold receipts and spend all your time bookkeeping just to prove that your $1,000 computer didn't cost $10,000, or your $500 computer didn't cost $6,000, or God forbid you actually have a $4,000, $5,000 editing computer for film.
We've got quite a few of those.
Oh, that's got to be a $20,000 machine!
And then they want a percentage, just like Massachusetts,
Of everything in your office, it is a property tax.
A business property tax.
But now they have a business franchise tax that's really an income tax.
And they look at your gross, and they do a calculation with what you keep, and so you gotta give all your federal income tax stuff to them, and it's just bureaucrats, bureaucrats.
It's disgusting.
Meanwhile, the businesses are shutting down and everything else is leaving the country.
There's just more and more police and more and more bureaucrats and more and more checkpoints and more and more fines and fees and regulations.
It's just really disgusting to have this going on.
And they're talking about some type of new regional EMS tax.
Well, you're for saving people when they're hurt, aren't you?
Like, we're for the lottery.
It has nothing to do with that.
It'll be for education.
The pittance goes towards that, and then all the poor people go and dump their paycheck on every week.
I mean, it just goes on and on, the scams.
We have a mafia government that engages in stunts like Perry.
You know, Ron Paul has said properly, and he's right, he votes against the bills, the spending bills.
But then once the money's being served out, he gets record amounts of money to South Texas.
What's the point?
The money's going to go somewhere else.
He votes against the bill.
But then when the money is going to be served out anyways, he actually tries to get it down to South Texas for shrimp and other fisheries to try to restock the ocean so we can have some business down there left for people.
And he put it out, we need more earmarks.
An earmark just says what it's supposed to be spent on in a bill.
You know, you have the $9.7 trillion, according to Bloomberg and AP, stolen so far by the offshore private banks.
Yeah, it's $9.7 trillion, not $700 billion.
I was watching Fox News today, and they were saying it was $2 billion.
That's Bloomberg's lawsuit from four and a half months ago, a few weeks into the bailout, where the federal government said, we're not going to let you know how much money we've spent on the $2 billion.
It's now $9.7 billion.
But see, the media is still debating that $2 trillion number.
I was watching Fox right before it went on air, and they were having a special on it.
Some of you might have seen it.
And it was just more disinformation.
In the name of whistleblowing, they're whitewashing.
You understand how that works?
So, it's bad.
It's real bad, and Ron Paul wants earmarks.
He wants to know where that money's going.
But oh no, we can't have earmarks.
I mean, they train the public.
180 degrees from what reality is.
An earmark just means that it's listed where it's going to be spent.
And is there pork associated with that?
You bet your butt.
But the media always talks about these, you know, pork barrel projects of bridges, or wooden arrows, or sports stadiums.
Hey, that's fascism, because they give it to their cronies, you know, the contracts, and it's kind of socialism as far as the jobs go.
But it's a lot better than just, hey, here's $9.7 trillion to foreign banks and we don't know where it is, so instead they've got us debating all day the $787 million stimulus instead of the $9.7 trillion banker hijacking that they call a bailout.
We knew this was going to come out.
I told you so.
It's now come out that the
Shooter in Alabama was in some weird government training program with the military and the police as an auxiliary, and was in psychiatric care, probably on medication.
And the AP reports the German shooter was in psychiatric care and was on a serotonin reuptake inhibitor of the Prozac class.
They won't say what drug.
Because I've never seen a case where it doesn't come out where they aren't.
That chimpanzee that ripped the woman's jaw off and eyeballs out, he was on a Prozac drug.
I forget which one, but it's the same thing.
It's like, a McDonald's is a Burger King, a Prozac is a Luvox.
I mean, you know.
In fact, let me get the exact drug.
Google, uh, chimpanzee was on drugs.
And then just shot in my ear with the name of it, because I can't remember.
I just want to give out the actual name of the quote, antidepressant.
When I went on the inserts of those by law, it admits it causes psychotic breaks.
Oh, gee, every shooter and every chimpanzee that murders people is on these.
But everything's okay.
Let's just ban the guns.
Let's not have people running around on the loony pills.
Oh yeah, they're real happy.
Until they have a bad trip.
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Yeah, the chimpanzee was on Xanax.
That's one of the really strong ones.
Thank you.
Even stronger than Prozac.
Okay, thank you.
I thought that, but I wanted to double check.
But it goes on here.
The Associated Press confirms the story widely published across the world.
Police investigator Siegfried Mahler states, on the record, that the shooter underwent severe treatment sessions for depression in a psychiatric clinic and was prescribed a session of outpatient therapy, which he never began.
Thus, the shooter was on psychiatric medications and then quit using them.
This created a classic antidepressant withdrawal crisis.
Oh yeah, they'll make you go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and chop your children's arms off.
Every time you hear about that... I've talked about this before.
I mean, every time...
Yeah, that was a Dallas case.
You were working at a news station at the time.
I remember she was on that.
But they had another woman chop her baby's arms off in Houston.
She was on it.
And the woman that drowned her kids was on it.
And the women that killed their kids.
They're always on it.
Because it's very rare to have people, or simians for that matter, and we're certainly somewhat similar to chimpanzees, don't do things like this unless they're hopped up on hallucinogens.
But, um, that's just some of the news and information I have here in front of me.
Okay, I promise we're going to Sean, Dan, Brian, Scott, Matt, many others, as soon as we come back.
And then later in the next hour, I'll tell you about my new film, The Obama Deception.
It's out right now at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality, or order the DVD.
Start shipping tomorrow at InfoWars.com.
This is the preeminent film exposing Obama as a New World Order frontman.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
That's right, take the Prozac!
Put the whole population on drugs and cause people to go completely psychopathic and murder their families.
And then disarm the American people so they can't defend themselves.
Just leave me alone!
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Uh, good news from Utah.
We got a bill in the legislature to do away with the concealed and carry.
Well, let me stop you there for a moment.
You're saying you want Vermont-style concealed carry, where you don't have to get a license to have your Second Amendment, which turns a right into a privilege?
Is that what you're saying?
It's something to do with that.
It's similar.
I was reading over the bill.
It's... And all over the country they're putting in body scanners that 360 biometrically scan your naked body through your clothes and put it on a hard drive.
And now they train you to take your shoes off.
They train you not to have water, toothpaste, to be a good slave.
They admit it's all part of basically dog training to train us to submit.
And now they're going to train us to have our bodies scanned.
I was surprised that nobody spoke out on it.
Well, people did speak out.
The media just doesn't cover that.
And again, they only make like maybe one out of ten people go through it.
I'm not going through the thing.
And I'm sure they'll taser me and maybe murder me in one of the airports, you know, if I dare to not want to have my body scanned naked or if I'm flying with my family, if I dare to not want to put my wife and children through it so the perverts in the government can have that.
But, you know, I say pervert.
The real reason is that machine 360 scans your whole body.
And then, with the surveillance cameras and the rest of the system, even if you're wearing a mask, it knows your body's signature, and DARPA admits that's the, quote, secret weapon Bob Woodward talked about in his book late last year that they've deployed in Iraq.
It's body scanners.
Oh, wow.
Well, the Obama deception was great.
I saw it with my Prison Planet TV membership, and I just want to commend you on that.
But the reason I called is Michael Wiener Savage, on the 4th of March,
No, that's good.
I mean, Savage is really coming a long way.
He came out and documented that Obama's policies are like the Nazis in government policy, which is true, but he didn't point out the Republicans helped set it all up.
And we did a story on that at Infowars.com, and I hope he comes all the way, but I did get emails about that.
I didn't hear it.
You mean he's talking about government-sponsored terrorism?
Well, good for him then!
Well, I was really surprised to hear it, and I'm paraphrasing, but he said, a Reichstag-like event perpetrated by the government to justify a dictatorship.
So I thought that was pretty big news.
Well, that is big news.
Somebody find the clip and send it to me.
Well, hail Savage then.
I appreciate the call.
I mean, all I've wanted is these people to wake up and stand up.
You know, I had Chuck Norris on for 35 minutes on Friday's show, and Chuck Norris, you know, we first had him on last year, and I found out, I knew years ago, and it had been one contact with him about a decade ago, and I knew that he was a listener of the show, but last time I had him on about five months ago, he said, no, I listen every week during a break when I was talking to him.
This week he kind of said how great the show was, and I was a crusader, and he wants to defeat the New World Order and arrest the New World Order bankers.
It was blowing me away Friday.
In fact, that was a long interview.
That's why I didn't have you guys clip it out.
I forgot to tell you Friday.
But he said that a couple times in the interview.
Just see if you can find it.
I know it's posted up at InfoWars.com, but there's just two of you in there.
I don't know if we've got time at the end of the show to maybe pull a clip of Chuck Norris on the show.
And that's a big deal, because the police love him.
For all he's done for law enforcement charities and stuff.
And all the movies glorifying the police he's made.
And that's a big deal, having him come over against the New World Order.
We're very excited about having Chuck Norris on board.
And of course, I also woke up an even bigger Hollywood star.
You do have the Savage clip?
Really, how did you find it that fast?
It's on YouTube?
What's the name of the clip?
He said, and so he went on it, it's called, uh, Michael Savage, New World Order, Agenda Exposed.
You know what?
We'll post that up on InfoWars.
I'm not going to play his radio show here.
It's fair use, but it gets into a gray area.
I'm just not going to do it.
Um, why don't you guys listen to it and write me just the quote about Reichstag, see if that's in there, and then I'll just,
We can play like 10 seconds of it, but I don't want to play a bunch of it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan.
Dan, you're on the air from Alaska.
Hey, Alex.
It's always a pleasure talking to you, my friend.
Good to talk to you.
The Obama deception was awesome, and I did what I told you I was going to do.
I made 50 copies of it.
I'm passing it out to everybody I know.
I also did what I told you I was going to do.
I got a transmitter on the way to me so I can broadcast your voice to the local Anchorageites up here.
Yeah, for those that don't know, we have a sponsor up on InfoWars.com, but I had them on separate from being a sponsor, that has a totally legal, FCC-approved, certified AM transmitter that with the right antenna goes out three miles.
And we're really, really excited that folks are putting those up everywhere on Dead Space, on the AM dial, and then streaming my show over the web or other shows.
Absolutely, yeah.
I'll tell you what, Alex, you have lit a fire inside of me I did not know I had.
And I want to thank you for that.
Another thing I want to bring to your attention is there's a, if you Google states file sovereignty, the very first one that comes up is from PanamaLaw.org.
It was written on February 18th.
This is an actual law firm that has written a little article
Thank you very much.
Good to hear from you, Dan.
Let's go now to Brian in Berkeley.
I would guess that means
Central California.
Hello, Brian.
Oh, well, hello, Alex, and thank you very much for your service to this country.
The Founding Fathers do smile upon you.
Anyway, I wanted to bring to the attention of your audience and to you, yourself, about the Oscar Grant case, because you haven't really mentioned that too often, and
I really fear that.
I mean, of course, you know that the Marines, the foreign troops, and the Oakland Police Department have trained together.
I mean, you covered it in Police State 2000 about, you know, having a
Yeah, Oscar Grant did nothing and the officer shot him in the back on the platform of the train there in the Bay Area and then the cop started kind of slapping him around after he shot him in the back, flipped him over, kind of roughed him up, and then they tried to seize everybody's cameras and claim he'd attacked the police, which wasn't true.
And thank God people on a passing train, when it stopped, got good video of it to prove the murder.
Really a horrible case.
Well, not only bad, but there's been another video released with another police officer, Tony Perrone, the guy who put his knee on the neck of Officer Durant, punching him in the face.
And no investigation, nothing from girls.
I mean, after you shoot someone in the back, you gotta beat him up a little.
I mean, you know, that was an assault on an officer.
When the officer shoots you, you need to be charged with assaulting them.
That's how this works.
Just like how my friend Davi Santos who bullhorned a crowd in January 7th where the riots happened and they charged him with two felony counts.
This guy is 16 years old with inciting the riot and vandalism.
And all he did was bullhorn a crowd.
So, you bullhorn, you use your free speech, you get charged with felony.
Well, that's because the bankers rule America, and they've got to suppress the people.
And they know that if we take the nation back, we're going to prosecute the bankers, as Ron Paul and others are calling for.
And I appreciate your call.
And yeah, since I've been calling for the arrest of the bankers, and lawfully, I want grand juries to indict them for the crimes they've committed.
Congressman Ron Paul and others have agreed.
Chuck Norris agreed on the show Friday.
I guess he's evil now.
Uh, we're getting all sorts of dirty tricks against us.
Again, the Obama Deception is now available at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality.
Download it.
Burn it to disk.
Take as many copies as you want to give out to folks.
And you can also order the super high quality DVD at InfoWars.com and support the filmmaker.
We're gonna come back with some quick comments on the film, some new developments there, and your calls after the news.
Stay with us.
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Some school years may be extended by as much.
You're listening to GCN.
And on NewsRadio 590, KOBJ Austin.
Hi RNUSA Radio News, I'm Jody Jordan.
With interest rates sitting at a record low and the economy still reeling from the financial fallout, analysts aren't expecting any changes to come after the Federal Reserve policymakers meet this week.
President Obama says the notion that the U.S.
and Europe are taking sides with America pushing for more stimulus spending and European nations favoring tighter regulation of the financial industry is a phony debate.
In my mind at least, there is no conflict or contradiction between the positions of the G20 countries and how we're going to be moving forward.
There's going to be differences in details.
Those are being worked out right now.
I expect to have a productive meeting.
And Christina Romer, one of President Barack Obama's top economic advisors, tells NBC that while the U.S.
is temporarily in a financial mess, the economy is fundamentally sound.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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The president's chief economic advisor says the bonus payments given out to the American International Group are outrageous.
This whole area is something we're going to have to look at as we think about regulation in the future because no one can be satisfied with what's happened.
Lawrence Summers told ABC that the troubled insurance giant got more than $170 billion in bailout money.
And the weather is looking good for tonight's rescheduled launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery.
Repairs have been made after a hydrogen gas leak scrapped liftoff plans Wednesday.
The delay has shortened the mission by at least a day, increasing pressure for today's departure.
This is NASA's George Stiller.
Right now we are well past the point where our leakage problem developed on our first launch attempt.
And we are not seeing any indications of leakage at all.
For the latest news and analysis, log on to IRNUSANews.com.
With a word about Israel, here's best-selling author and Bible teacher, Kay Arthur.
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Sounds from Sunday services that resumed today at an Illinois church, one week after the senior pastor was gunned down.
A minister from Texas talked to the congregation and spoke from his own experience.
A decade ago, a gunman entered his Fort Worth church and killed seven people before committing suicide.
OPEC oil ministers say they'll continue current output levels, but try to end overproduction by some cartel members.
Today's decision means there'll be no cutbacks from December production levels.
Abdallah Saleem al-Badri is the OPEC Secretary General.
Taking into consideration what's going on in the world economy, everything we try to talk about, everything is negative, you know?
Every day we're receiving negative information, so we just try to balance the situation out.
And Israel is setting a deadline for a prisoner exchange with the Hamas rulers of Gaza.
Here's Mark Levy.
The clock is ticking down on a deal for release of an Israeli soldier held nearly three years by Hamas-linked militants in Gaza.
Israel has set a special cabinet meeting for tomorrow.
If there's no deal today, the prisoner issue will be turned over to the next government.
The current government appears willing to free most of the prisoners Hamas is demanding, including convicted terrorists.
But Benjamin Netanyahu, the incoming Israeli Prime Minister, takes a harder line against Hamas and Arabs in general.
Mark Levine, Jerusalem.
And I'm Jody Jordan, for IRN USA Radio News.
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We've got a big second hour, final hour lined up for you and lots of your calls.
Let me hit some of the news that's coming up and we'll go right back to your calls.
I was digging through a bunch of stuff we got out of storage.
It's always that too small of an office.
We had a bunch of storage buildings.
We were moving some into the office and I was looking at some of the first tapes of myself when I started out on AXS TV.
And I saw the dates on them.
So it's now been 14 years.
I hadn't really thought about it.
14 years I've been on air.
Look at those dates.
14 plus years.
And, you know, everything I've always covered has been government documents.
I found out in 1997 that Delta Force in Houston
And other areas of South Texas and North Texas and all over the country was buying off city councils, mayors, police chiefs, and paying them big briefcases and suitcases, in some cases as much as $500,000 per mayor and city official.
And I was like, what is that about?
I even saw it in the Associated Press.
And I'd go on the air and say, you know, a super secret military team under the control of the president, Bill Clinton at the time,
Is paying people off!
So I went and interviewed Thomas Sanchez at Emergency Management Kingsville and Chief of Police San Antonio, L.A.
Philippus, and I got in the car and drove down and interviewed him, put him on a local TV show, and then on the radio show, and people would call in and say, you've made this up!
The military's not sneaking around paying people off!
And I'd say, well here's the Associated Press, here's the interview, and let me play the audio of the police chief.
They'd say, oh, it's not real.
And now, the New Yorker magazine has broken a bunch of news concerning this, so I want to go over that after we take some calls.
But on every issue I cover, most of it is in government documents or legislation or even mainstream news.
It just doesn't get any attention.
We try to give it attention and connect the dots.
Now, in my film Terror Storm, a history of government sponsored terror put out in 2007, I go over many of the 200 plus declassified instances where the U.S.
government admits, I mean this is congressional testimony, they admit it, that they blow up buildings, blow up school buses all over the world.
Things that will upset people to blame it on their enemies.
And then last year, WikiLeaks came out and Mainstream News reported on it.
An army field manual we've read on air, where they teach army captains in black ops, in black operations, secret operations, one of their main tools is staged terror, false flag, and they teach them how to do that.
A good Hollywood example of this, based on kind of a composite of some true stories, but it's based on true stories, but fiction, The Quiet American.
By Graham Greene, where the CIA guy is, you know, the CIA in Southern Vietnam is staging terror attacks to blame it on the Communists.
And the Pentagon's argument is, well, you know, the Russians, they staged terror attacks to blame it on us, so we've got to do it too.
And then that's how you become totally evil.
By saying, oh, I'll become my enemy to fight them.
And so when I talk about this, I'm only covering what's admitted.
Do you understand that?
You understand there's Operation Northwoods to bomb U.S.
ships, bomb D.C., hijack jets by remote control, commit sniper attacks all over the country and blame it on the Russians?
ABC News, Baltimore Sun, just Google Operation Northwoods.
I mean, all I'm covering is real stuff.
Now, I did go on the air two months before 9-11 and I said they're going to stage terror attacks, probably on the World Trade Center.
You can just Google Alex Jones predicts 9-11.
You can hear the radio show and the TV show.
You can watch it.
There's millions of views on the web of it, on Google and YouTube and everywhere else.
There's a new film out, the selection of South by Southwest, the documentary film of the year by the Independent Film Channel called New World Order, and they have the clips of me in there talking about that.
Well, I went on air a couple months ago and I said Obama's agenda is going to stall, even before he was sworn in, but when he was elect.
And I said, people are going to find out this guy's a globalist, and I'm going to tell you right now, the way they're setting up the military to police America, the way this has all been geared up under
The last four or five administrations, it's all coming to a head.
They're going to make their move now.
They're going to stage a huge Reichstag event to bring in martial law.
And I have police sending me secret state police documents the feds make for them, and we've covered that.
I mean, they're really getting ready.
I have to give credit where credit's due, because I've really criticized this guy a lot, and I'm still listening during the break to the larger clip.
You know, he's claiming that Obama, you know, works for the Muslims or something, is gonna get us and gonna fool Rahm Emanuel and all these people, and that he's gonna set up a dictatorship.
So, he'll admit the New World Order, but claim the Muslims run it.
If you believe that, you need your head fixed.
You'd have to believe the military's run by the Muslims.
But, this is a big deal, and I think the fourth biggest radio host in the country says something like this.
And we're gonna play the whole clip.
We're just gonna play a short clip.
If you wanna see it, you can just Google, New World Order Agenda Exposed.
Listen carefully on YouTube.
And you can hear him say this, but here's just a quick clip of it.
I mean, is he turning into Alex Jones?
Here it is.
I made a prediction on the show yesterday that I'll repeat right now so that you can mark it down.
Savage predicts a Reichstag fire-like event sometime within the next year or two in America that will have been conducted by the government and blamed upon subversive elements in order to permit a dictatorship and a naked dictatorship to emerge in this country.
All right.
Okay, there you go.
You can watch the rest of the club.
I'm going to have this linked up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as soon as possible.
In fact, guys, here's my iPhone.
It's got Kurt Nemo's number in it.
You know how to get it?
I want you to call him right now and please ask him to post this.
Get that.
I think Watson's over in England.
He probably went to bed.
I've been keeping him up all weekend anyways with Obama promotion stuff.
I just turned it on for you.
Here you go.
It'll take a minute to boot up.
Look, this isn't a game or a joke.
It's not patty cake time.
It's not fun to be Alex Jones.
It's not fun to know this stuff.
It is very, very serious.
And I have a lot of sleepless nights.
That's how I can work 18 hours a day because I know my family, my children, none of us, you out there listening, have any future if we don't stop this.
I told you they would stage terror attacks blaming on Muslims and then set up a police state which they would then swing around against the American people.
They're now teaching every police department in the news that the American people are going to attack them and that homeland security isn't for Al-Qaeda.
And that NORTHCOM is to fight the American people, and the Army War College has said it, and the Army has announced it.
It is official!
Now, I'm sorry if you don't want to believe that.
The facts are the facts, you know.
We're not five-year-olds where we can imagine, you know, whatever we want to be true, and then that's supposedly true.
The only way to turn this around is if you get educated out there, and I'm talking to those that have laughed at me over the years.
I mean, look at this article by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com he wrote yesterday, in conjunction with myself.
Chaining assassination units still active under Obama, including domestically.
See, Cy Hirsch, through the left-right paradigm, he'll report on everything Bush did.
And then act like it's just Bush and now we're okay because Obama's here.
Well, you understand they're working together behind the scenes and that they're just front men.
You understand how deadly dangerous all of this is.
Because these assassination teams are being used in the U.S.
The military, covertly, is running every major city.
This week I saw a bunch of mainstream news articles we covered on the show.
We posted them on the site, linked to them.
Where they're announcing, oh, the Army's putting officers, military, regular Army and all major police departments as liaison officers.
Oh, the Marines are out at DWI checkpoints.
Oh, at the shooting in Alabama, regular Army went out on the streets.
And I had the Army colonel on admitting it.
Total violation of posse comitas.
It's all there on record.
Chaining assassination units still active under Obama, including domestically.
But they keep doing this left-right bait-and-switch of folks thinking the President's running something instead of the real power behind the throne, the bankers who need to be arrested.
But they have to have a police state and martial law so that you can never bring them to justice.
That's the whole point.
Criminals want tyranny so they can get away with their crimes.
And they use people in the military to carry it out in every case.
Revelations of a political assassination unit, which reported solely to Dick Cheney, was in operation during the Bush administration, are absent the fact that the unit in question, the Joint Special Operations Command, has been active for decades, has been deployed domestically in the United States, we have links to mainstream news on that, has killed U.S.
citizens, and is an integral part of Barack Obama's expanded wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell when he told the University of Minnesota audience on Tuesday that Joint Special Operations Command is an executive assassination ring, essentially, and has been going on and on and on, Hersh stated, under President Bush's authority.
They've been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving.
That's been going on in the name of assault.
And then he went on to admit they're also operating in the U.S.
Alright, I'll finish up with this and go directly to your calls on the other side of this quick break.
But they'll expose the Republicans now that they're out of power, not expose the fact that Obama is actually accelerating all this.
Stay with us.
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Now, what's happened is, for 14 years, myself and others prominently have been exposing the entire globalist agenda with profusion.
See, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
I'm not somebody covering the Abominable Snowman and Flying Saucers and Planet X.
The mainstream media always gives attention to all the, I don't want to call them kooks, they're just dreamers.
Kind of science fiction writers who, you know, write science fiction books and call it reality.
That isn't me, folks.
Every time you tune in, what do you hear?
News, documents, articles, legislation.
That's what you get here.
I study how the world really works.
And the fact that Limbaugh now has to admit they're setting up a one world government, he's been doing that every day now, people are sending me the clips.
After saying it didn't exist for years?
The fact that Glenn Beck's having to say it?
The fact that Michael Savage is saying the government's going to stage terror attacks?
That Obama's going to do it?
That is incredibly bold, and that's true.
That's true, and I think a lot of these guys are beginning to realize they're not top man on the totem pole, and this new world order is real, and they have no future if they don't stand up.
And, you know, there's no word to describe how big this radio show is getting, how much it's exploding.
I'm going to go ahead and talk about, well I'll talk about the Obama deception.
I've got some new breaking news for you on it, my new film, in the next segment.
Let's go to calls right now or I'll never get to everybody.
Scott in California, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing bud?
I'm 100% behind you.
I'm actively awaiting the Obama deception in my mailbox so I can burn copies to the other end of the earth with it.
I have one suggestion, a couple of suggestions.
I need a banner that is your Obama deception.
You know, I told my... I thought you meant a web banner.
We've got some web banners folks can grab and put out.
It's just we don't have the funds or the personnel or the people to make a bunch of banners and mail them out.
We need a PDF so I can go to a print shop and print something like that.
But anyway... I know, I did tell my guys a month ago, and our graphics people, we've just been so busy it hadn't been done yet,
Write a note, guys, to give the graphics people, that we need to have a banner page, a promotions page, an activism page.
Now is the time to have banners and PDFs and things people can print off.
You're absolutely right, sir.
Okay, and anyway, everybody needs to go to ronpaul.com, the Audit the Federal Reserve, HR 1207.
There's a letter there.
You can write your congressman and send that out an email to everybody who needs to keep doing that.
Well, I mean, think about two weeks ago, Senator Sanders says, tell me where the money went, and private Fed Chief Ben Bernanke said, no.
I mean, this is a fight they can't win if the people just stand up and say, yes, bankers, you will tell us where the money went.
I mean, they're not the radicals demanding this.
It's a disgusting picture of Volcker, Greenspan, and Pulse and all sharing a joke together on your website.
I know, it's disgusting.
Good to hear from you.
Matt in Missouri, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I watched the Obama session.
It was awesome.
My favorite part, I think, was when you name all the people in the Obama administration, they're in CFR, Bilderberg Group, and... And we show how one group of CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and we show their quotes from their own publications where they say they want to destroy America and bring up world government, so we first document who the groups are.
We show how one group of them leave as Bush leaves, and a whole other group comes back in.
It's just a revolving door.
I'm calling here from the home of the slaves in Missouri, where the MIAC Strategic Report, you've been talking about it from.
And I talked to representative guest staff on Friday, and you actually had on your show about HCR 13, our sovereignty bill here.
Yeah, yeah.
Recap for listeners, though.
It's a federally written document.
All the states have it.
This just came out of Missouri, this copy.
We got it out of California, too.
Saying basically all Americans that love freedom are bad.
The American flag is bad.
I'm not kidding, folks.
It's up on InfoWars.
All Ron Paul supporters are basically terrorists.
It's just unbelievable.
So you told the state rep that we've interviewed about it.
What'd he say?
Yeah, I asked him if he had seen it.
That he had, and he was obviously disturbed as well as he falls into this also because he has also introduced legislation in here to stop the North American... That's right, it says it doesn't exist and you're insane if you're against it and a terrorist.
Yeah, let's get the Missouri reps back on.
That's a good idea.
Yeah, Jim Guest.
And he also confirmed that it's, you know, independently, as you have also, that it's real.
Well, of course it's real.
We've called and listened to the name of the state police.
We called them and they confirmed it's real, but said they won't come on.
And I guess they also stated that I asked them, you know, where this originated from or when it started, and I guess it actually started under, was initiated under the previous governor, Matt Blunt, who I thought was a little bit better about this.
If you recall, he's also the one that
Thank you, Alex.
Great to speak with you.
You know, I originally called in today.
When I called, I had in mind to ask you, I have what I think is a good argument against the legality of the individual states' residents of the 50 states having to pay the federal income tax.
I'm going to save that one for another time because, you know, since I have that idea and I've been listening to you over the last half hour, 20 minutes, you've mentioned a few things.
It just shows me
What is your estimation at this point, at this late date and time, relative to the full development of their cage for humanity on the various levels of their entrapment and enslavement of humanity?
Is there a significant, to your knowledge, Alex, element within the military and in the police?
I know we have the Oath Keepers.
That was beautiful.
I'd love to hear that.
Will it spread fast enough in your estimation?
I know you're trying to make it happen and do everything that you can to do that, as well as the state legislatures being more and more informed.
And I believe that you've been informing all the way up the line.
I have that picture.
I've been listening to you about
I mean Bruce Willis was a big neocon until he saw my film.
Are you kidding?
Rick Linklater's on record.
We made a film with him here in Austin two years ago and Rick came on my show and said we've woken up
Bruce Willis and then people didn't believe it and Bruce Willis told Vanity Fair he knows there's a new world order that killed Kennedy and is running everything.
And that he doesn't like either political party now.
Look, that is a... and I had Chuck Norris on saying I woke him up Friday.
I mean, we're waking everybody up here.
I mean, they show clips of our films and the Japanese diet.
You know, and their government.
I mean, we've got the Japanese government.
I can have former German defense ministers on.
We've woken up.
It's scary the responsibility we have.
We have the world's eye.
And it's just a lot of pressure.
I'll tell you that right now.
To try to do the best job I can to try to maintain my energy level.
I've never been involved in South by Southwest, but Independent Film Channel asked me to go out and do some promotions this weekend.
Friday, and I mean I've just probably done 20, 30 newspaper TV interviews since then and I am just as honked right now.
But look, you're asking about, well the caller asked a bunch of big questions.
How, why haven't they executed their new terror operation yet?
And will we be able to stop them?
I'll answer that when we get back and take your calls.
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You know, I'm not whining when I say I've probably done 30 interviews in the last three or four days with newspapers, TV, PBS, Independent Film Channel, Wired Magazine, on and on and on.
For four days, one of the chief writers at Politico, which is huge, tried to get a hold of me, and I never got back with him.
He was like calling people in England, my webmaster, trying to get me Saturday night.
And I called him right after he'd filed the story,
And it's out today, but we're quoted all in the big headline story at Politico right now, but this just came in.
Bilderberg's excited conspiracist.
And it just goes through it all here.
And it says, one popular website, PrisonPlanet.com, greeted the nomination with the headline, Obama picks Bilderberg for health secretary.
I haven't had time to read the whole article yet, it's very lengthy.
And it goes on here to say,
It talks about the secret meeting that the Obama deception covers.
It documents all of that as we show how Obama literally had the reporters locked on a plane, said he was getting on board to go to Chicago, advertised he was going there, locked them on the plane at Dulles, two miles, three miles away from Bilderberg meeting this year, and then he pulled in with Hillary and they had their secret meeting.
And they admitted it was a secret meeting on the news, but then lied about where it was in Georgetown and other places in D.C.
But, so we actually got some credit there for breaking that.
This is big news, folks.
Politico is as big as the New York Times now in political news coverage.
And they cover InfoWars.net here.
Boy, I tell you, this is just amazing coverage they gave us.
Man, I dropped the ball missing this one.
I mean, I miss these interviews constantly.
I can't work this hard.
I can't keep track of it anymore.
I was supposed to go do more media interviews tonight.
And I'm about to collapse, folks.
And, you know, then I've got the callers calling in, asking me incredibly important questions.
And, again, I could spend five hours answering the question with detail and facts and proof of saying, you know, they've got their whole New World Order set up, their police state grid, their surveillance grid in place.
When will they launch the next big stage terror attack, Alex?
And why haven't they pulled the trigger yet?
And then will we be able to stop them?
I mean, those are just such weighty questions.
Oh, I'm trying to answer that question.
It's just, I... Questions that important, I don't want to not do justice to them by giving it a... half... half-detailed question.
About to say... something else.
But, um... Look.
They do stunts.
They don't just stage terror attacks.
They do stunts.
Madison Avenue package stunts like Obama.
The great leftists to repudiate Bush and fix everything and save everybody.
And as soon as that hype wears down, as soon as, whether it takes six months, a year, two years, as soon as his approval rating starts dropping down to about 50.
That's when the globalists will stage terror attacks as the new stunt to get everybody hyped up and emotional and going along with the agenda.
You know, the big stunts they're launching now are Obama and the world economic crisis they've engineered, saying the solution, the economy won't get better until you accept a new bank of the world that you pay your taxes directly to.
And if the world accepts that, which they're now proposing in every major publication in the world, I mean, everything.
I mean, just thousands of articles.
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Newsweek.
Meanwhile, there were
I'm not kidding, probably 30 articles that I've seen in the last three days attacking me in mainstream news saying I'm delusional and world government doesn't exist.
When I was walking out of my main office today, I just saw this laying there on the desk.
We need a Bank of the World Newsweek.
The financial crisis is global and only International Central Bank can deal with it.
And you read the article, it calls for world government run by the banks.
And then there's all these other publications saying I'm crazy, it doesn't exist.
And it's kind of scary to have this much mainstream media paying attention to me and attacking me.
Politico doesn't.
I scanned over, it looks pretty fair.
That's even more scary.
You know, will we beat these people?
We got a good chance of it, because we planted all these seeds.
Will we stop them?
We detailed what was going to happen, when it was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and our proof.
And so, when I open the phones up now, especially on the weekday show, because there's more phone lines, and people can get in,
Well, you hear it every day, police call in.
You'll even have the squad car, you know, radio going off.
They're like, yeah, I know they're training us for martial law and mass graves and we don't like it.
And then I have city officials on, and I have people on, you know, who are, FEMA's getting them ready for it.
I don't know if they're going to pull the trigger, but we're held hostage by the bankers.
They've got the police state martial law gun to our head.
So I don't know.
Okay, I want to go to your calls, but on the Obama deception,
Listen to me very very carefully, please.
And don't take what I'm about to say for granted.
Don't take this information I'm about to put out for granted.
We got a lot of threats and a lot of stuff happened early last week that was clear evidence that the establishment was going to try to shut down our main servers.
So that I couldn't put the Obama deception out this evening with the set premiere time of 6 p.m.
Central when the show ended.
March 15th.
The people strike back.
The Obama deception.
So I launched it Wednesday night.
Within 24 hours, it was number one on YouTube and Google.
Number one video.
They then knocked us off the top spot, and just took us completely out of the ratings, because they can't... These things are bigger than national television.
When you're on the front page of Google and YouTube, when you're number one, it's a domino effect.
Like loose change getting over 100 million views on Google, documented in a two-year period.
They had to knock us out.
They expunged it.
They did.
It's still there, it's just not on their main page.
Now, I put the film out.
It's on PrisonPlanet.tv for members in high quality.
15 cents a day, $5.95 a month.
Burns a DivX disc.
Great activism.
Get it out to everybody.
The DVDs, the super high quality that everybody should have, the Obama Deception.
Start shipping tomorrow.
Get them at InfoWars.com.
That's the way to see it.
Now, with horror, I noticed by Thursday morning hundreds of copies of the Obama Deception all over the Internet.
Now, I was pleased that it was ripped everywhere.
I knew that would happen.
That was my plan.
But in horror, people were so excited to get it up quick that they uploaded it in low quality to YouTube and Google.
Everybody did this because that meant theirs got up first.
You understand it takes more time to upload it in high quality?
So horrible end codes, totally ugly, looks like, you know, 2000 quality video.
Whereas it's almost DVD quality on some of the downloads we've got at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I mean, if you're going to spend two hours watching something, folks, have a little respect for yourself and us and buy the thing.
We wanted to go virally for free to everybody, but it is not as effective looking like total crud with pixels all over it.
So I was just completely disgusted with that, but a great channel who's got a director channel, meaning you can put more than 10 minute clips up, changed that channel on, that's his handle, on YouTube.
Millions of views on his videos have been viewed millions of times, the ones he posts.
He posted the Obama deception.
It is the best encode I've ever seen on YouTube.
I mean, it is a crystal clear encode on YouTube.
And I've told Kurt Neumel and Paul Watson this morning I made the decision, though this will financially devastate us, I don't even care anymore, folks.
I'm posting on the front page of InfoWars and Prison Planet
These really good high quality copy of The Obama Deception.
Now, now the psychology behind this is then people say, you know, here's a film cost me $100,000 to make.
And the day it's released, I put it out for free.
So please don't take that for granted, folks.
You understand I'm doing this because we, they're gonna stage more terror and bring in complete martial law.
They're now announcing North Com troops on the streets, FEMA camps, the American people are terrorists.
Even Michael Savage is admitting the government's gonna stage a terror attack for martial law.
People in the know understand this is real.
Do you read me?
This is not about me being a filmmaker or people liking me.
I don't care.
You know, if this new order wasn't coming down on us folks, I'd be a farmer or a rancher.
I mean, I like to piddle around in the yard.
I like to be out in the outdoors.
I like to camp.
I like to jog every morning, lift weights.
I don't even do that.
I'm a big fat blob because of it because all I do is work.
I hardly see my children.
I do this because I'm totally and completely dedicated to this fight and I've made this film.
Curt Nemo posted a nice review out of a New York publication.
For the Obama Deception, and in that, at InfoWars.com, a review of the Obama Deception is what it's called, top story, in there is the link to the high quality YouTube.
Now the problem is, there's cruddy copies with hundreds of thousands of views a piece, hundreds of them, and the super high quality has like 10,000 views.
Let's make it number one, so when folks Google the Obama Deception,
That's all they see.
But for that to happen, it's got to get more views.
So, InfoWars.com.
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It's all there at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You get all my films in super high quality.
No hunting around or finding cruddy ones all over the web.
PrisonPlanet.tv and The Obama Deception is up there in super high quality for you right now.
Or order the best quality you can get.
The high quality DVDs at InfoWars.com and also support this filmmaker so I can make more films.
So please purchase it at InfoWars.com or see it in high quality online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv for those that can't afford it.
Or those that want to see it in decent quality, we have one up there in that review of the film.
It says, Review of the Obama Deception, and right there is the documentary.
And it's the best quality out there we've seen on the web for free.
That's why I'm pointing you at it.
There's all these cruddy copies everywhere.
Please, folks, make this the number one copy of Obama Deception, because there's literally dozens and dozens and dozens with hundreds of thousands of views apiece.
Millions and millions of people have seen it in three or four days, and it's just total crud.
It's driving me up the wall.
So please make the Change the Channel copy.
Okay, let's go to Ingrid in Las Vegas.
Ingrid, you're on the air.
Love you and listen to you every day.
Do you remember back in August, I called you because my friend and me got pulled over by the cops because of... Yes, it was the Ron Paul sticker and it didn't shoot video of that in Las Vegas and put it on YouTube.
You posted on InfoWars and some of the comments that we got were really upsetting.
People said that we made... That's because they teach the police that Ron Paul supporters are terrorists because you love America.
We have the secret government documents.
So now I'm called a terrorist.
That's about the worst thing you can be called.
That's worse than a murderer.
No, no, because we know the bankers are the criminals.
They're the real criminals, the real terrorists.
And so they've got to say we're the terrorists.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry about this.
Well, they're losing the fight right now.
Look at how everybody's starting to wake up.
Yeah, Ingrid, so the cop pulls you over.
Yeah, I know.
There's video of it.
Thank God you had a camera.
He starts your evil Ron Paul sticker.
How dare you?
Yeah, and the interval sticker also.
How dare you?
How dare you be informed?
The stickers are still on the car.
Well, pretty soon they're going to have to say we're all terrorists.
I mean, you know.
I know.
This is crazy.
It's absolutely insane.
We are not terrorists.
Hey, good to hear from you.
Yeah, I need to... I should ask her the name of the video.
I know we posted it.
When she posted it on YouTube, but I can't remember the name of it.
Yeah, Ron Paul stickers, you're all kinda.
But I mean, now Chuck Norris is on our side, now Michael Savage is saying the government stage is terror attacks.
I mean, everybody's waking up.
I mean, are they terrorists, too?
Let's go ahead and talk to Max in Michigan.
You're on the air, Max.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, sir.
I just wanted to say I really like that video, though, about the deception.
I think it's going to help definitely break down the boundaries between the left and the right.
Yeah, it doesn't attack him from a phony right-wing perspective.
It shows he's a front man for the bankers.
Yeah, I see the whole argument being a lot harder after this video really gets big of, you know, the New World Order being this good, you know, system to run to.
I see people really going to be waking up from this film and realize that the New World Order is, you know, a one-world banking system that is going to drag America down.
And this film exposes how they orchestrated the economic crisis and are bringing in world government.
And we show Henry Kissinger admitting that Obama is going to set up world government.
And we have the troops admitting that the Pentagon is ordering them to set up martial law.
It is all documented in the film.
Thank you, sir, for the support.
Corey in Denver, Colorado.
You're on the air.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I was just calling, I put on, I just signed up for the Prison Planet and just did that two-day, you know, when you announced that you were going to release Obama Deception.
I had to get it before the FBI got it, you know.
So I got that on my external hard drive and I'm going to burn a bunch of DVDs.
I go to a film school out here, so I'm 20, I'm a young guy and I'm just trying to spread the word out to all my fellow filmmakers and I'm making my own films, trying to support you and going down that path.
But yeah, I just want to let you know, some of the bands that I listen to, their recent CD that they've been putting out, pretty much track for track.
Every lyric and every word about the New World Order.
No, I know.
I mean, we talked to Muse.
They wear my t-shirts on stage, on worldwide TV.
I mean, just huge band after huge band now are listening to the radio show.
Yeah, I mean, uh, Slipknot's new album is All Hope Is Gone, and uh... No, no, they're big.
I'm not particularly like their whole angle myself, because it's pretty dark stuff, but they invited Burmess out to their show a few weeks ago in Austin.
They're big fans.
Yeah, we definitely have a message to be spread.
Motley Crue are big fans.
I mean, there's basically anybody we ever talk to that knows about the New World Order.
Definitely catching the younger demographic, and I love hearing that, you know.
You know, Bob Dylan knows about the New World Order.
Let me tell you who else knows about the New World Order.
Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura.
I mean, I could just go on for hours.
Yeah, it's great, and you know, I just wanted to say good job on the movie I saw it, and I'm telling all my friends about it, so good job on that, and I just want to say, man, the big thing now, I guess, is the bird flu and getting your immune system boosted up.
Absolutely, but listen, what's going to make this film unstoppable is you.
Spread the word about the Obama deception.
It is now out, and get the super high quality DVD.
Just so crystal clear, so professionally done.
Order the hard copy at Infowars.com or call toll free 888-253-3139.
Folks always say, I don't give them a warning, I just blurt the number out.
Grab a pen and paper, folks.
The point is, get the DVD.
Have screenings at your home.
Have parties.
Show them this.
Viewing parties.
Say, hey, this exposes Bush and Obama.
Explain to liberals, hey, they're setting Obama up as their front.
He'll take the blame for their agenda.
This is not an anti-Obama film as much as it is exposing the real agenda.
They've got to see the Obama deception.
Help us get it out to everybody.
You are unstoppable if you take action.
It's already been one day.
I just watched Obama Deception.
Awesome, awesome movie.
Everybody needs to get it immediately.
There's a great timing on getting it out.
People will probably think it's a little earlier before he puts the whole plan into effect, but great timing because the plan may shut down some of that distribution here shortly.
Two quick questions.
Time is short.
Why is Ron Paul not suing the scum in Missouri who are naming him as a terrorist?
Why is that not some kind of defamation suit?
Well, I just talked to Ron Paul the day before this broke.
We had him on this week.
And I know people have talked to his office.
They weren't even aware of it.
And I need to get a hold of him.
I've just been real busy myself, and he's very busy.
I think I should file a personal lawsuit myself.
I'm opposed to RFID.
I'm opposed to... and they lump us as white supremacists.
This should be... They say anybody that's against the North American Union is a white supremacist that wants to kill police and they say if you have a libertarian sticker you're basically a terrorist and then that's why the police are harassing everybody.
They want to make... Do you know where it came from?
The FBI and the Feds wrote it and every state has it.
Can we target somebody who's liable for this defamation?
Well, I mean, it's criminal for the government to be putting out secret propaganda to police demonizing the American people.
That's why they say it's secret in the document, because they know they're getting in a lot of trouble for this.
Brett in Montana.
Brett, you're on the air.
Hey sir, thanks for having me on again.
Great job on your new film and I have it on my MySpace page and I plan on burning copies of it as soon as I can.
What I wanted to talk to you about today was, in the past you've talked about breaking up the family and I know exactly what you're talking about.
I've made a lot of problems between my wife and I. It is.
One of the... well, she's having a hard time
I'm sorry to hang up on you, but we're just out of time.
Jeff, Noah, Brian, David, call me back next time.
We'll put you to the head of the line.
We are just out of time.
Tonight is the official premiere of The Obama Deception.
Go to PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day, $5.95.
Download all my films, burn them to disk, put them on your hard drive.
Super high quality, it's almost DVD quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
See it the way it's meant to be seen at PrisonPlanet.tv or call toll free to order the highest quality DVD, 888-253-3139.
Or again, InfoWars.com.
To get the hard copy there on the Superior Online Video Bookstore shopping cart.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen...
I am out of here until tomorrow, 11 to 3 p.m.
Central Time, but I'll see you back here Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time as well.
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
The people only need to be warned.
They know something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
It is up to you to tell them and to warn them.
Now, everybody, watch The Obama Deception right now at PrisonPlanet.tv or watch the medium quality one for free at InfoWars.com.
There are no excuses.
Everyone, watch The Obama Deception tonight!
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