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Name: 20090313_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We are live halfway into the radio show today, simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv as well.
My new film, Obama Deception, just came out right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can watch it and download it.
We're joined for the next 20 minutes or maybe longer, he's a very busy man, by someone who needs no introduction, Chuck Norris.
He was kind enough to come on late last year and I hadn't bugged him to come back on until I heard this big announcement that he's going to be making a big announcement today in a national simulcast on the radio and on the web.
And I wanted to get him on about that and a host of issues.
Talk of him being running for President of Texas or President of the U.S.
and headlines all over the world.
News here, you know, here's one out of the British press where they're talking about, you know, Chuck Norris says that there are secret right-wing cells around the country who aren't going to go along with Obama's socialism.
So, very, very interesting.
Chuck Norris, thank you for coming on.
Oh, you bet, Alex.
Well, I don't know about that.
I don't remember writing anything about right-wing cells in America, but... Here's the examiner.
Chuck Norris claims thousands of right-wing cell groups exist and will rebel against U.S.
So that's what they got, I guess, from your WorldNet Daily story.
What did you really say?
Oh, no, no.
The thing is, you know, basically what I've told you last year is that, you know, we've just got to get our country back on the right track again.
And, you know, basically what I'm saying was about today, you know, with Glenn Beck, who was putting this We Surround Them concept together.
And, you know, nothing about right-wing sales, you know.
I mean, we're not terrorists, you know, for crying out loud.
But the thing is, is that I, you know, like I said last year, Alex, is that we have just got to get our country going back like our founding fathers had the vision for us as America, you know, and staying with our traditional values.
Yeah, I think they spun it from your quote here, where you said, how much more will Americans take?
When will enough be enough?
And when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen, or will history need to have a second American revolution?
Will we the people have the authority, according to the Americans Declaration of Independence, which states?
I don't know how they spun it into that.
I think they spun it because you said we're going to have folks all over the country on this Friday, the 13th.
Unlucky for the elite.
So tell us what's coming up today.
Well, today Glenn Beck has started a thing called We Surround Them, which means the nine principles that we, America, should live by.
America is good.
I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
I must always be more honest, be a much more honest person than I was yesterday.
You know, things of that sort there, and then the twelve values of honesty, reverence, hope, thrift, so forth and so on.
And so, really, what Glenn Beck is trying to say today
Is that the people have got to go back to the values that we had for many, many years, and we're drifting off of that.
And I totally agree with him.
You know, the thing is, I just don't believe government should plan, provide for, and rule our lives like we're wards of the state.
You know, taxation is what drove our founders out of England to come to America in the first place.
It's because they're being overtaxed in England, and now we're going right back to the same concept
It happened hundreds of years ago back in England.
The thing is, Alex, we've got to get off this train.
We've got to get off this train here.
We're being taxed to death in this country.
I think all your listeners will agree with me.
With the income taxes, the employment taxes, capital gains, estate, corporate, property, social security, this is not a liberal issue or a conservative issue.
It's an American issue.
Because everyone is suffering, whether you're a liberal or you're a conservative, everyone is suffering in our country today.
And we have to figure out a solution to overcome, to me, you know, the thing is, Alex, it's not bothering me.
You know, I'm basically halfway retired, you know.
I've been very blessed to have made the money that I've made to be able to live a comfortable life.
But I'm concerned about the young people in America who are looking to the future.
And the thing is, the future looks very bleak right now, and we've got to figure out a solution, you know, to this bleakness.
And I think that, and that's why I really believe in a fair tax, Alex.
I think I talked to you about it last year.
Sure, let's talk more about that in your new book, Black Belt Patriotism.
We get back with Glenn Beck.
Tonight on Glenn Beck he's doing it with Chuck Norris.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is Friday the 13th.
We have someone who needs no introduction.
Hundreds of movies.
International top TV shows in syndication.
Best-selling author.
Chuck Norris is on with us from his ranch in Texas, going to be simulcasting a national program today, trying to rediscover the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and thousands of groups around the country
We'll be meeting in solidarity over their concerns for our nation, is the quote here from our guest.
And I have a host of questions I wanted to ask him, but last time he was on, we didn't get into his nationwide group, kickstart.com, and we didn't spend a lot of time on black belt patriotism either.
So, Chuck Norris, please get into that first for us.
This is important information, and I read the book, and I just agree with everything in it.
Well, first of all, you talked about Kickstart.
Kickstart's a program where I teach the martial arts.
It's a pleasure to be here.
And I thought, well, this is great, but what about the millions of young kids in America whose families don't have the money to bring them to a commercial school like my school?
How could we reach these youngsters?
And that's why I started Kickstart, is to implement it into the public schools as part of their PE program.
And so that's what I've done.
I've got 43 schools in the state of Texas, middle schools, and 150 kids in each school, so we have about 6,000 kids in the program.
60,000 kids have graduated from this program, Alex, many of them going on to college and becoming successful on their own right.
And they would tell you, if they were talking to you right now, Alex, they would say, if it wasn't for this Kickstart program, they would either probably be in prison or dead today.
So the thing is, is that that's what my mission in life is.
Yeah, the thing is, it turned my life around.
I was pretty much an at-risk child growing up with just a mom.
And all the insecurities that I had because I didn't have a male role model to help me get on the right path of life.
So I grew up very insecure and very shy and very non-athletic.
A lot of people kind of laugh at that, but it's true.
And the martial arts really turned my whole life around.
It gave me that inner strength that I needed and that positive strength to be able to pursue the goals that I've accomplished today.
Truthfully, if it hadn't been for the martial arts,
I don't know where I would be today because I wouldn't have gotten that strength to overcome the obstacles that I had to face throughout my life.
And you condense a lot of what you've learned throughout life, health, patriotism, Bill of Rights, Constitution.
You know, I published a book called Descent into Tyranny in 2002, and I ended it with the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And I just love seeing that that's how your book ended.
Because, I mean, I guess our brains think alike.
That's what people need to get back to.
That's true, Alex.
You know, the thing is, that's why I put it in there, a lot of people don't know
What's in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence, and they really need to shore up on what is going on.
And I'd like to get back to this Fair Tax Clause just for a moment.
Oh, sure.
Because what most people don't realize is that we have over 3 million manufacturing jobs being outsourced to other countries.
And why are they being outsourced?
Because the taxes are draining them, and they can't make a go of it here in America with the taxation system we have.
And there's over 17 trillion dollars being hidden in offshore accounts by the super rich, probably more now because of what's going on.
But the thing is, if we had a fair tax, Alex,
We get all that money could come back into our economy and give our economy a huge boost.
What type of fair tax do you like, Chuck Morris?
A consumption tax.
You know, I believe that if you can afford to buy something, you buy it.
If you can't afford it, you wait until you have the money to buy it.
A sales tax?
Consumption tax, yeah.
I would be for that, sir, but I saw U.N.
documents a decade ago.
The problem is, what they're going to do is, and I do support one, they're not going to really get rid of the income tax.
They're going to try to call it your Social Security tax and claim it's only 10% and then jack it up and try to run them all at the same time.
I mean, I do agree that that's a constitutional tax and the income tax is not constitutional.
Can you speak to the income tax?
Half a million pages, nobody can follow it.
Should that be abolished?
66,298 pages, Alex.
I mean, who in the world knows what's in that?
Charlie Rangel doesn't know.
And I mean, Tom Geithner.
I mean, look at the people that are in government today, who are basically tax evaders.
The government says they made mistakes, but if we do it, we're tax evaders.
You know, we go to jail.
But the thing is that, you know, the IRS,
Well, it only became constitutional in 1913.
A lot of people don't realize this, that the IRS was unconstitutional until 1913, when the Congress made a constitutional amendment, the 16th Amendment, to make it constitutional.
And we've been going downhill ever since that time.
Well, yeah, the private Federal Reserve controls that.
I'm sure you've noticed you write your tax checks to the private Federal Reserve.
It's never been audited.
Ron Paul's introduced a bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
Do you agree with that?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, the IRS is a Gestapo.
You know, you're guilty until proven innocent.
That's the only one where you're guilty until proven innocent, rather than innocent until proven guilty.
And that's not fair.
That's not right.
Here in our country, we're a country of freedom, and we need to do that.
I'm so upset, that's why I'm such a supporter of Glenn Beck.
I really consider him, like you Alex, I really consider you a crusader, and I consider Glenn Beck a crusader of what we need to do, because the whole thing is, we're going to lose our Constitution.
As Patrick Henry said, the Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people.
It's an instrument for the people to restrain the government, lest it come to dominate our lives, and I believe that's what's happening to us today.
And let me just say, I like a lot of things Glenn Beck has to say and the things he does.
Some of his foreign policy, I don't agree with.
And you know, he early on really kind of criticized Ron Paul.
Now he's embraced him, so I hope that that continues.
I mean, Ron Paul is such a champion of liberty.
Well, you know, I have a saying.
I don't know if I told you.
Anyway, you know all these Chuck Norris facts that are floating around for the last three years.
Anyway, one of them is that America is not a democracy.
It's a Chuck Pater ship.
If that was true, I would go to Washington, to Congress, I'd line up all the members of Congress, and I'd have Ron Paul, who I believe is the most honest member of Congress, and I'd say, Ron, point out the honest and the dishonest politicians.
And as we're walking down the row, Ron would say, well, he's honest, he's honest, he's dishonest.
I think so.
Chuck Norris, it's just amazing to have you on air with us.
I want to get into what's coming up today with this nationwide simulcast.
I've seen reports of a big announcement.
Are you going to announce you're going to try to run for Governor of Texas in 2010?
Or are you going to announce you're going to run for President?
I did a little tongue-in-cheek article, you know, when I wrote about if things don't improve in our country, then maybe Texas should secede from the Union.
Now it's tongue-in-cheek.
And I said, now if we secede from the Union, I will run for the President of Texas.
Well, you know, not talking about secession, but the states created the first 13, and we have the right to revolt, Article 10, in New Hampshire and Texas, you know, treated in.
Because we are a republic.
Texas is a republic.
We created the federal government, the states did, and the media spun this as secession.
These 30 plus states are moving to re-declare 9th and 10th Amendment with all these unfunded mandates and federal control.
What do you say to that?
Well, I don't know.
You know, I'm not really, I'm not up on that Alex, so I can't really give an honest opinion.
But I mean, states declaring their sovereignty, not seceding, just saying, we're not going to let the federal government boss us around.
Oh, is that?
Well, I hope they do that.
The thing is, that's what the states have got to do.
They've got to get control back of their people of that particular state.
And if that's what they're saying, I'm totally in support of all that.
We've got to pull the power away from government.
John Adams, our second president, stated that our Constitution was made only for religious and moral people.
And I really believe that, Alex.
And it's wholly inadequate for the government of any other.
And the thing is that we don't just maintain our faith and our moral values.
Then the Constitution is going to wind up dissolving, right in front of our eyes.
Chuck, I don't blame you for knowing about the state sovereignty movement because it just started a few weeks ago, but you're very influential when it comes to conservatives, libertarians, and freedom lovers, so check into that because it's really building.
Some of the other questions I have for you specifically, what are you going to be covering on this national simulcast tonight?
Well, it's at four o'clock.
Is it raining in Austin?
Yes, it is raining in Austin.
It's raining here at the Ranch, too.
But the thing is, I just encourage all your listeners to tune in to Glenn Beck today at four o'clock Central Time.
I don't
Today, to support the values that Glenn is going to emphasize on today.
Well, I agree with the ten pledges up there.
I mean, you know, the ideas there.
Maybe we should go over some of those.
Well, you know, yeah, because the thing is, you know, like Glenn says, you know, the government works for me.
I do not answer to them.
They answer to me.
See, that's exactly right.
You know, I truly believe that, too.
The government works for us.
In fact, I wrote an article saying that, you know, President Obama, you work for me.
We don't work for you.
But the thing is, it's true, though.
I mean, seriously, the government should be thinking about the best interest of the citizens of America, we the people, rather than thinking of the best interest for them.
And there's so much corruption going on in Congress.
I would love to see an audit of every member of Congress.
The only ones that we've audited so far are the ones that have come forward, like Geithner and Daschle, and every one of them that have been picked for a position in government have come up dirty.
Well Chuck Norris, that was my next question.
Perfect timing there.
Obama appointing on leave after FBI raid at their office and arrest.
90%, it's more than that, of people he tries to appoint don't pay taxes or tied in with payoffs or tied in with corruption.
I've never seen, I mean this is Chicago, big machine stuff, I mean this is getting, this is getting scary.
It's very scary.
We see these reports.
Because the thing is, you know, they have become so blatant and, you know, that they, they're not afraid.
You know, it's like this one kid went up to Charles Rangel, you know, I don't know if you saw that or not, but anyway, some young man videotaping him talking to Rangel and said,
Why, Congressman Rangel, why are we paying for your Cadillac, $800 a month, for your Cadillac?
Why don't you pay for it for yourself?
And he said it's none of your GD business.
Yeah, why does Nancy Pelosi... He's lying, but he says it's none of your GD business.
Very arrogant.
Well, Nancy Pelosi... They're very arrogant, Alex, because they don't think we, the people, can do anything about what they're doing.
And we can't unless we group together.
Unless we unite, there's nothing we can do.
Well, Chuck Norris, I know you're a very focused, centered, gentlemanly person, but laying it out, reading your article in WorldNetDaily and others, and listening to you on other radio shows and things you've said, you're talking about, will the American people stand up or will there be a revolution?
This is an information revolution that's happening, but I have the government documents, I have the secret state police reports that the feds give them, where they say Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians, people with these stickers are dangerous, they're bad, they want to kill people.
Who said that?
This is what the Feds, this just went out this month, so clearly it's coming from the Obama people.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
I've talked to the state police.
They admit this was given to them by the Feds to issue to their state police officers, saying people that own gold are bad.
It's up on screen right now.
And it's called the Modern Militia Movement, but then it demonizes mainline libertarians and everybody, and says, watch out for them, they're dangerous.
I mean, it seems like people in the federal government right now realize the threat to them is people that are talking like you, Chuck Norris.
Yeah, I know.
Well, the thing is, libertarians, a lot of my friends are libertarians, and I've even considered it at times, you know, because
You know, the Republicans are getting so far out there, too.
I mean, 40% of the Republicans voted for the stupid stimulus package, you know, and that really frustrated me, you know, that they realized.
But the thing is, there's the corruption.
There's the greed right there, Alex.
Well, that was my next question.
This is perfect.
You keep bringing up the same points I was about to get to.
I mean, look, look, I cut my teeth as a conservative.
I'm pro-Second Amendment.
I'm a, you know,
Constitutionalist, paleo-conservative, the real deal.
Bush tripled the size of government with the Democrats.
Obama is set to quadruple it in the first four years and saying he's going to cut the budget in half, insulting people with lies.
And you talk about this not being left or right.
I mean, how do we get the corruption out of both parties?
The thing is, that's what we have to figure out.
That's what we as the people have to figure out.
And we have to put the fire on them saying,
If you don't vote the way that we feel you should vote as a people, then you're going to be out.
And, you know, we wind up impeaching.
You know, we don't wait for them to tell their thing.
We wind up impeaching every member of Congress who is not working for the people and just working for themselves.
We wind up impeaching them.
If there's a legal way we can do that, I think that's what we should do.
Make them realize that we're going to impeach them if they don't start thinking of the best interest of the people that they represent.
Chuck, you can't see this because you're not watching PrisonPlanet.tv right now, but for viewers, I have the federally written report, secret report, law enforcement sensitive for the state of Missouri, and we have these from all over the country, and it says Constitutional Party Campaign for Liberty, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, these members are usually supporters of
And it goes on demonizing.
They have a picture of the don't tread on me flag.
They said if somebody's wearing a shirt or has a bumper sticker, they're dangerous.
But that's what Glenn Beck's using for the very symbol of what you guys are launching.
This is what our founding fathers did.
Our founding fathers aren't bad.
No, no, not at all.
I really respect Ron Paul.
I admire him.
I admire his dedication.
And I admire his staunchness on the Constitution.
You know, that it's a solid formula and that we cannot deviate from.
And so that's why I'm a big supporter of Ron Paul.
And we just got to, you know, it's so frustrating.
You know, I just, I don't know.
Thing is, I don't know what to do personally.
All I can do is write articles about it and state how I feel about it.
And it's up
In closing Chuck Norris, that's what's happening and you recognize it.
Everybody's waking up on the left and right.
Tyranny is here.
I'm sure you've heard they want to use $20,000.
Regular army troops patrol America.
They're putting army liaisons in every major department.
Obama's setting up youth brigades, a million-person group, and they've now launched it, that will go door-to-door canvassing for him with federal funding.
I mean, if it comes down to gun confiscation, which they're now proposing because of what's happening with the collapse of Mexico, they're blaming it on America.
I mean, you know, do we just say no to gun confiscation?
Do we turn them in and go to the FEMA camps?
Well, the thing is they're not getting my guns.
You know, the thing is that I don't think they want to come to Texas and try that.
They come to Texas and try to confiscate our guns.
They're going to be in a world of hurt.
Well, the Declaration of Independence says it's our right and duty if the government becomes destructive of our form of government to remove it.
So that's what I'm saying.
The government, the criminal elements of it are gearing up to, and nobody's been a bigger supporter of the military or police than you, and the police are upset.
They're telling me they don't like what's happening.
Like you said, the troops don't like what's happening.
I think Obama and the globalists need to back off.
Oh, they will.
They will.
You know, when it gets right down to the grassroots, they're cowards.
And they're not going to do anything that's going to turn the people against them.
And so the thing is that the people have got to stay strong.
We've got to stand up, stay strong, and say this is the way we want you to regulate our country, and if you don't do it, we will get you out of office.
We'll impeach you, or whatever it takes for us to get you out of office, and you're going
Representing us as a people, or you're not going to be around, you're going to be unemployed.
Chuck Norris!
That's what irritates me with this government.
You know, which the Congress has voted in for themselves.
They serve one term, Alex, and they get 80% of their pay for the rest of their life.
Oh, I know, it's like... And then, plus their pension, welfare, and benefits, all that, they get 100% for the rest of their life.
It's totally unfair.
And they want more, more, more, more, more.
And they still get more and more.
Fannie Mae, you know, gave contributions to Chris Dodd,
I mean, the money they're raking in from the companies that are bellied up and the government is pouring billions upon billions of dollars into these companies.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Freddie Mac's wanting more money now, and AIG.
They're going to bankrupt us.
They're going to spend all of our money and we're going to wind up becoming the United States of Asia or something.
owns two million dollars of our debt.
Chuck, that's what I wanted to say to you.
The New World Order, globalism, the foreign banks that are taking over our country right now, I mean, on air.
I mean, you know there's a New World Order, you've heard my show for years.
Now they're openly announcing world government that the banks are going to run.
Are you against that?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, the thing is, is that, what is China going to want?
You know, because Hillary Clinton was over there trying to talk them into buying more of our debt.
What are we going to give them for collateral?
Are we going to give up our country as collateral for the death that they've taken over from us?
I mean, they could wind up taking over a big portion of our country.
Well, that's what's being announced.
We've got to stop this.
We've got to stop this, Alex.
People don't realize just how serious this is right now.
And if they don't realize, if they don't come up here and realize just how serious
Things are right now.
We're going to wind up losing everything that we've got.
Everything that America stood for is going to be gone.
Black Belt Patriotism is the book.
Get involved with that.
Chuck, let me say bye to you during this break or if you've got the time, come back and finish up what you were just saying because this is just now getting super powerful with Chuck Norris.
We'll see what happens.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I hear the train a-comin'.
It's a-comin' round here.
And I hear the train a-comin'.
And I hear the train a-comin'.
And you can see, I think he has what we call common sense solutions to the problems we're having in our country today.
And if you want to buy my book, Black Belt Patriotism, I think I have some pretty good common sense solutions.
It's excellent, and it's everywhere.
Again, you can go to kickstart.com or just Google Black Belt Patriotism.
It's in stores.
I see it everywhere.
And there was one last question I forgot to ask, and I'll throw it out, and then you can go.
And we really appreciate your time, sir.
You bet.
Ron Paul said here two days ago, on the air, culprits of financial collapse should be arrested, that state grand juries, that they have committed crimes, not just made off in others.
Do you support state investigations, if the feds won't do it, to go after these corrupt brokerage and bank heads that are doing all this criminal activity and shipping the money overseas?
I think these should spend life in prison.
I think every one of them is a criminal, and they should all face prison time for the horrible mess they've put our country into.
And for them to receive these payout benefits is just horrible.
And I really do.
I really believe that they should all go to prison.
Made off all the way down, to all of them.
And Stanford especially, too.
He's from Texas, so he should definitely go to prison.
But no, they should all be incarcerated for what they have done to our country.
All right, Chuck Norris, we appreciate you.
We'll be listening in two and a half hours.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Alex, a pleasure and keep the crusading going, buddy.
All right, I will.
Take care.
Chuck Norris, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much, sir.
All right.
We're going to go to our next guest here in a moment, but I've got to take a break.
I've been going straight for 30 minutes, and we're going to come back with Jack McClam.
Let me just say this right now.
I analyzed this thing with Glenn Beck.
Glenn Beck came out a year ago, a year and a half ago, said arrest Ron Paul supporters, use the Army on them.
We've got to use the military.
He basically read off this state police federal report they put out.
The same talking points.
And I said those were talking points.
I saw them everywhere.
He got hammered and destroyed.
They know we're the majority.
I believe Chuck Norris is a good guy.
And we're in the process of educating him.
He's been listening to the show for years.
I've talked to him behind the scenes before.
He says, look, I know a lot of this stuff.
I just, you know, he's being careful how he puts it out.
And he's saying, we're not, you're not taking our guns.
We're not getting rid of the borders.
He supports the state sovereignty movement.
You just heard that.
I've got a gut, folks.
And I believe Chuck Norris.
I know Chuck Norris is a good guy.
Man, he's very humble.
He's becoming educated.
You gotta talk to him behind the scenes.
That said, the establishment knows there's a massive movement against the New World Order and tyranny.
That's why Beck's talking about it now.
And what they're doing is they're mimicking the Ron Paul move to get volunteers.
And I think it may be another faction of the globalists that's kind of scared of the faction with Obama.
This is some counterbalancing here.
And the CIA admits, they've been on Beck's show, they're like, what about the Bubba effect?
And you know, Bob Baird and the CIA guys, Robert Baird goes, hell, let it come.
I don't want this to get violent, and neither does Chuck Norris, neither does Jack McClain, but this is a very sophisticated thing, but it's good to keep channels open.
With Chuck Norris, it's good that we be engaging here and tracking this, because we are the tip of the spear.
Infowars.com is ranked, I think, 20,000 times bigger than glennbeck.com.
Prisonplanet.com is, I think, 5,000 times bigger than Glenn Beck.
So, they kind of have the zombie mainline TV viewers.
We have all the activists and 2 million listeners an hour.
Beck's TV show has 2.5 million viewers.
It's kind of a paper tiger.
You see, the most unreported thing is how big this little operation is, and we're only one thing.
So, we're going to be talking to a true fighter of the New World Order coming up, but I do appreciate Chuck Norris, and he's saying some really good things.
You know, he's trying to work in the system, going with Republicans and going with mainline stuff, but he's getting a lot more radical right now, and this is mainlining all the info we put out, so they're going to find Beck, they're going to find Norris,
They're going to come right to us, ladies and gentlemen.
Just like, you know, Zeitgeist, they put me in it without asking, sent millions of people to us.
Other people attack us, sends them right to us.
I mean, so when we're attacked, it sends people to us.
When people are having to mimic us, and I'm not saying Norris is doing that, because he's always been anti-globalist, Beck is clearly doing that.
I mean, I know.
I have the gut, the intel, the facts.
I know it.
I'm not an idiot.
He reads right off, but the fact that they're having to capitulate and now act like us, shows we're winning.
We're going to go to Jack McClamell in a little bit in the next hour, because I know I'm getting him on late here, in about four or five minutes after this video clip, where I reach out to the Obama supporters and shatter the left-right paradigm.
Stay with us at PrisonPlanet.tv, simulcast with the GCN Radio Network and the InfoWars Radio Network.
Don't forget, Jason Burma's coming up tonight, 9 to midnight.
Stay with us.
The Obama deception is about who the real Barack Obama is, not the right-wing version or the left-wing version.
We cut through all that.
We show who's financing, the lies he is told, and what his real agenda is.
The Obama deception will be the first major documentary put out after his election that is critical.
All the right-wing guys are still making films about, is he really from Kenya or is he a communist?
We're not touching any of those red herrings, whether they're true or not.
We don't know, we can't prove it.
We do know he lied about keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We do know he lied about warrantless wiretapping.
We do know he lied about shutting down camps.
We do know that he lied about getting rid of NAFTA and Gatton is now expanding it.
And so this film is about Obama being a puppet, who he works for, and then we get past the puppet to the real agenda of his controllers.
Barack Obama is controlled by offshore banks.
This film details how they bankrupt the world economy, how they control the currencies of the planet, and how the bankers want to destroy the economy so they can buy everything up for pennies on the dollar.
That's why the Obama deception is so important.
Because it gives you the master plan.
It gives you the big overarching agenda.
So you understand how the world really works and where this planet's going.
And it gives you, the viewer, the choice
To be conned, to be a sucker by the Republicans, the Russian Limbaughs on the right, and by the controlled left, the Obamas, or whether you want to finally break the spell, break the paradigm, and realize they're all bought and paid for, and the real enemy are these private banks running these giant Ponzi schemes.
When the public finds out they've had their entire futures robbed, when they find out that a total tyranny has been brought into place, they are going to get so angry, the elite has to bring in the police state.
They have to put regular army troops on the streets.
They have to have FEMA camps.
They have to get rid of habeas corpus and have secret arrests.
Because the public is going to be in open revolt.
And the government admits they're gearing up to use the military against the American people.
Six months before Obama was elected, when he was still an underdog, we had figured out that he was the heir apparent, that he was the anointed one, that he was the special person that the elite was going to put in power to sell the public on their agenda.
Then I saw how the media
Was getting behind him in such a unified way, and I knew the media likes to pose as liberal or conservative, but really they're owned by the bomb makers.
They're owned by the military industrial complex and the big banks.
So they had to come in with a Madison Avenue fraud.
They had to put a black face on the New World Order as KRS-One.
And Webster Tarpley and many others have said they had to give people a stake in it with just the surface packaging of, oh look, he's black, things have changed, you know, everything's okay, stand down.
This is an attempt to suppress revolution.
This is an attempt to suppress a massive renaissance taking place worldwide for the globalist tyranny.
And so that's why we've made the Obama Deception.
And that's why we're asking listeners and viewers to get the film, to make copies of it, to get it out to everyone they know.
And one thing I want to make clear, I respect Barack Obama's supporters.
Their fervent support of him wasn't so much about Obama, it was about a repudiation of George Bush clearly stealing two elections.
Attacking the Constitution and Bill of Rights from one end to the other.
And lying about WMDs and all these wars and the million-plus dead Iraqis.
The American people don't like all this being done in their name.
So they were desperate for somebody who promised to change it.
But as soon as he got in, he flip-flopped on all of it.
But he didn't just stop there.
He then accelerated the whole program.
This film is reaching out to people that are supporting Barack Obama, and it's saying, please, just take the time out to watch this film.
Take the time out, write down notes, research the claims we make.
We're saying that no matter who's in office, this agenda continues.
And until we address the power behind the throne, until we address these roundtables, these private banking consortiums, these corporate systems that have taken over our governments, just like they take over another corporation in a hostile takeover, until we address that, nothing's going to get better.
The elite saw a revolution brewing in the United States and all over the world against globalism and the globalist agenda.
We can actually use the hype of Obama.
We can actually use his betrayal to once and for all wake up the people and shatter the false left-right paradigm forever.
You know, I get passionate.
When I talk about the documentaries, the films I make.
Because I know the elites corrupt.
I know they're evil.
I know they've lied.
I know they assassinate leaders.
I know they're doing all these horrible things that they're totally ruthless.
And I just want the people to look at the information that I've discovered.
The information that's open and public for all to see.
And I just burn with desire for people to stop being suckered and conned because if we do have a new renaissance, if a large portion of the population does realize that they've been scammed and lied to, we can turn this around and so many good things can be done.
The Obama deception comes to the InfoWar, March 15th.
At 6 p.m.
when I finish my Sunday radio show.
6 p.m.
it will be released at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high res for folks to download and begin giving the DVDs out immediately.
It will also start shipping that Monday on the super high quality DVD to everybody out there that wants it in their library from InfoWars.com.
That's all I want to encourage everybody out there.
Get involved right now.
Get the film in your hands.
Get it out to everybody you know.
PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
This is America's last chance.
This film can and will change the minds of people that are under Obama's spell.
All right ladies and gentlemen, we are back live here and we decided to launch it a few days early because we literally had the FBI calling up the office asking where our office was and asking where our server locations were and then not telling us why they were asking so I said subpoena my lawyer.
So we went ahead and launched it Wednesday night at about 7 p.m.
Jack McClamsie with us a little bit in the next hour.
And he called in earlier this week and I had to move on to a guest and we weren't able to talk to him much, but I wanted as a most highly decorated police officer, cop of the year twice, Phoenix, Arizona, found out about the New World Order, stopped breaking the law, stopped violating the Constitution, and they fired him.
He's been out there for almost 30 years with police and military against the New World Order, aid in a bad newsletter, and he's one of the people's shoulders that I stand on and many of us stand on today.
And I wanted to specifically get him to talk about
A host of issues.
I mean, just to sum it up, who do you expect Chuck Norris to go through when he goes ahead and comes out and says, we need revolution, the New World Order's here, arrest the bankers?
It'll be somebody like Beck, who understands where the flow's going, so he's flip-flopped like Benedict Arnold.
That's what he is.
I mean, unless he apologizes for saying Ron Paul people should be arrested and the military should be used against them.
Now he's our best friend, because they understand we're the majority.
They tried all their secret demonization, all their secret police reports, saying the Founding Fathers were bad, the New World Order didn't exist.
Now they've been discredited and that's what's happening.
But I really, in my heart, and from analyzing it coldly, believe Chuck Norris is good in all of this.
What's your take on all this, Jack McClam?
Well, Brother Alex, I think I'm in trouble.
Bob Chapman and Chuck Norris before me, how do I deal with that?
Yeah, I think Chuck Norris is a good guy.
He's good-hearted.
I think he's a Christian man.
And I think he means well.
He needs more education, as you said, but he's open to it.
Praise God, he's open to it.
And he's learning very quickly.
And so I think he's a great guy.
What about Beck?
Well, I'm really not too sure about Beck.
If Fox News hired him, then he's got to be part of the New World Order.
There's no question about it, brother.
Because Fox News doesn't have anybody on there that's not supporting the New World Order.
So that troubles me quite a bit when he went from
Whether it's CNN, Communist News Network, or one of the others over to Fox News now, and they won't hire anybody that doesn't go along with the program for the New World Order.
By the way, just last week, Fox put out a TV program, we played part of it here, saying, yes, we implant political messages in the TV shows.
Global warming, gun control.
So they have this little Fox News thing that acts conservative to co-op conservatives and libertarians.
Well, I think you're right, brother.
We should be very, very suspect of him.
Like I say, Fox News is controlled by the neocontrotskyites, just like the Republican Party and Democratic Party are.
And Fox News is a part of that paradigm, and they wouldn't have hired Glenn Beck unless he was part of it, too.
No kidding, okay.
I want to shift gears now.
Have you had a chance?
I know you've seen scores of these over the years.
I've seen the same letterhead for every state.
The federal threat fusion centers put out
This latest state police report, the most demonizing of patriots ever.
Ron Paul supporters are terrorists, bumper stickers are terrorists, gold owners are terrorists, Bob Barr supporters are terrorists, libertarians are terrorists, those that believe in the North American Union are terrorists.
Yes, there's FEMA camps, but they're for your own good.
Yes, they're going to put troops on the streets, but it's for your own good.
So they went from saying we were liars about that, to now saying it's all happening, and that we're all very dangerous.
Your analysis of that.
Well, I was there in the Phoenix Police Department 20 years ago when that flyer came out from the FBI listing all these people as, you know, patriots.
Those that mention the Constitution too many times are domestic terrorists.
Patriots are terrorists.
Christians are terrorists.
They had a word for them that lesbian
I don't know.
destruction of the world are and that's what she would call the I don't have that thing here in front of me so no no she she said it on 60 Minutes she said on Christians that's Christians she said on 60 Minutes that all second coming of Christ Christians are dangerous cult members that's the quote that's right and that's in that brochure for police eyes only it was handed out in Phoenix to the
Sheriff's Department and to the Phoenix Police Department was for our eyes only.
We weren't supposed to let the public know about it, but they listed Christians and Constitutionalists and anybody that's standing up to the federal government as domestic terrorists.
And that's 20 years ago, brother, so I'm sure that they've continued that list, and I'm not surprised at all.
You know, they put America, freedom to fascism in there next to the Turner Diaries and basically say it's white supremacist.
A Jewish guy made a thing about the Federal Reserve.
Yeah, right.
I mean, you know, it's just unbelievable.
Stay there.
Our guest is Officer Jack McClam.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's War Against Humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good.
No more Mr. Nice Guy with the New World Order.
Yeah, we used to buy all your crap.
The people used to believe all your lies.
They don't believe it anymore.
You know it's sick.
But about 80% of my energy to fight the New World Order is to save my family, save the Republic.
That other 20%, 110%, that other 30%, people that have tried to shoot us down, lie about us, and go after us, fighting against the enemies, the New World Order, the disinfo agents.
It's a pleasure to clean your clock.
It's a pleasure to kick your butt in the New World Order.
It's great to be a winner, and to not break the rules, and be honest, and be a good guy.
Alright, let's go back to Jack McClam.
Jack, it is great to have you here and count you as a class act, great patriot.
I count you right up there.
I'm counting on my hands, people I trust and love and appreciate.
I think we need to get the word out to everybody, obviously, about these federal fusion centers saying, you know, founding fathers are bad and all the rest of it.
The footage we have of FEMA teaching that in Kansas City, again back to Missouri.
I mean, this is really backfiring on them.
I've got police emailing me, sending me their cards, letters, more documents.
I'm really, and we're always saying people are waking up because it just gets bigger and bigger, but now it's getting crazy.
The police and military that are subscribed to your newsletter, people that contact you, is it growing and is it growing at levels never before even imagined?
Oh yes, patriotism is growing among our police and military.
Brother, last night I did my whole show on Oath Keepers.
This new group of lawmen and soldiers that have formed a group called Oath Keepers.
And they have a list of eight things that they say, orders we will not obey.
And their website is getting so many hits.
It's incredible in just two weeks that they've been alive.
But we find in law enforcement and the military, more soldiers, more police are out and they see what's going on in America, especially the military over there.
They say they're supposed to be over there saving Iraq, yet they've killed 1,300,000 in a genocidal program over there.
And yet they see their nation falling apart, and they are listening and studying and looking, and they are finding out it's all on purpose.
So, praise God, the enemy, the Antichrist
A synagogue of Satan that's running all of this in America today is totally in control of our military and the White House and the Senate and the Congress and the Supreme Court.
Are turning more people to patriotism than ever before.
True patriotism.
True patriotism.
I want to talk about, because I didn't know about Oath Keepers.
I want to get them on the show.
In fact, Rob, dude, please get them on the show, or the other producer.
I want to get Oath Keepers on.
Jack, when we come back, tell me, and then we'll take calls about the eight things they're saying they won't do that are in their oath.
They're not going to violate them.
Because that is very, very exciting to hear.
And another little caveat before we go to break here, in the 20 seconds we've got left, or 30 seconds.
Ron Paul got it before CPAC, the big neocon mainline Republican deal, with tens of thousands in attendance.
Limbaugh just spoken.
And he said, we killed a million plus Iraqis.
It was evil.
The war is bad.
And there was a huge standing ovation.
Mainline conservatives don't want the war either.
It's this illusion.
It's an illusion that Hispanics want open borders when upwards of 80% in Gallup polls want them shut.
So I want to hear from you in 70 seconds when we start our number four.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be opening the phones up at 1-800-259-9231.
Ear review of the Obama Deception for those of you that have seen it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
What do you think of the secret police reports?
I've got all this other crazy news I haven't even gotten to yet.
I mentioned that the German shooter was a Prozac Serotonin reuptake inhibitor head.
I have gotten into the fact... I mean, I've got stuff here about Obama's going to sign a transatlantic treaty banning peer-to-peer file sharing and basically setting up Internet 2.
That's coming up.
It is just... I've got stacks of vital news and information I will cover.
But it's just so exciting to be on the air with Jack McClam right now, GCN host, with Weeknight 7 p.m.
for an hour.
And it's good to have him here and your call's coming up.
Yeah, Jack, tell me about the eight things, the Oath Keepers, OathKeepers.com, that's exploding new police and military group.
Just saying they'll keep their oath, they swear to.
Not too much of a radical idea, but it's being rediscovered.
Get behind this big time because we've got to reach with this document all of our police officers and soldiers out there in a short length of time now.
The website for these soldiers and police officers is Oath
It's Oath-Keepers.blogspot.com.
It's Oath-Keepers.blogspot.com.
So it's Oath-Keepers.blogspot.com.
And it's very exciting because you go to their website and you read
Lieutenant Colonels and others saying they're absolutely right, and I'm a part of it, and I'm going to be with you and stand back-to-back with you on denying, declaring these orders that they will not obey.
And one of them is, number one, that we will not obey any order to disarm the American people.
Number two, we will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people's homes, vehicles, papers, or effects.
Thank you.
Or to enter with force into a state without the express consent and invitation of the state's legislature and governor.
Number five, we will not obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the Compact by which that state entered the Union.
And number six, we will not obey any order to blockade American cities
That's turning them into giant concentration camps.
Number seven, we will not obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention.
Any foreign troops on US soil against the American people to keep the peace or to maintain control during any emergency and under any other pretext.
We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
And number nine, I guess it does go up by eight, past eight here.
We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies under any emergency pretext whatsoever.
And number 10, this is the last one.
We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, or to petition their government for the redress of their grievances.
Now, Brother Alex, after each one of these, they have a write-up, and they talk about that this is war against the American people, this is treason after each one of these, and they will not obey such an order.
Now, I know, because I've been in this business 29 years now, that we need to get each police officer and soldier to read this written by their fellow soldiers and police officers.
Jack McClam, Jack McClam, stay there.
I want to go back through those 10 points, because that shows it's from the inside.
Every one of those points is backed up by intel of what the globalists are setting up.
In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Arriving in just a little while, we're gonna have the Independent Film Channel here.
They're airing a film called The New World Order.
It premieres at the South by Southwest Film Festival here in Austin, Texas tonight.
At the Ritz, it will be sold out.
Downtown Austin for South by Southwest.
And I have to say, I've got the filmmakers in here next week.
When they contacted me a year ago, wanted to follow me around at Bilderberg in New York and here in Austin, I just said, no, I don't want to do it.
Because every other national TV thing I've ever done has been a hit piece.
The Discovery Channel, famous director who made Paradise Lost and Some Kind of Monster and Brother's Keeper, said it was a positive piece.
He made it.
With a full budget of 3.4 million dollars, a five-part episode with myself and three of the major episodes.
And they told him, you gotta basically change this and demonize these people or we're not gonna let you put it out.
And he said, but I have a director's cut.
And they said no, and so it never aired.
I mean, 3.4 million shelved.
Because it was real.
I don't know how this IFC is gonna allow this to air.
I don't know how, but I guess because it's an independent film channel and they're supposedly radical, it can.
But it shows Jack McClam as positive.
It's about 60% me, 20-30% Jack, and then a few other people.
It's about 90% our side.
I mean, I've never, in fact, it's not even fair.
It leans towards us, but it leans towards the truth.
I've never seen anything like it, but the channel's doing a feature on myself that starts airing next week, and the build-up to it, and they're doing an hour-long special.
That's going to air, and then another Southwest special, and then I'm going to be interviewed with them on what is going to be a lot of PBS stations around the country.
And I mean, this isn't fake either.
I get around these people that are regional PBS directors, like, yes, we know all about the private banks, the new order, and they control Obama.
And yes, we know all about this, and we know all about that.
What are we going to do?
See, the rebellion is here, folks.
You see, their mind control works by
By making the general public think patriotism is evil and saying a new world order is crazy and or it's racist, it's code word for this and that.
When it's not, it's the reality.
And so it is exploding right now and we'll see if this thing is coming up in what April 15th when the big special airs and they've got these other specials mainly on myself airing up to it.
IFC produced Waking Life.
They pay for the film Rick Linklater made for a theatrical release and then on TV that airs all the time and it later was sold to HBO.
So there are fans at IFC.
I'm told they had honchos of fans, so that's why that's happening.
PBS in Denver is giving... I said they could just have it.
I'm not... Usually, you know, they say 70 bucks and you get a, you know, pledging for local PBS in Denver, and you... and the person that's, you know, and they're buying the film.
I just said, take it, have the film.
They're doing that right now in Denver, at a public TV station, and with the phone banks and the people, and they're taking a risk, folks.
I mean, they're doing it.
It's on air now.
See, the police, the military, the people that work at TV stations, they're just, they all know.
When Fox News all the time sets me up and then higher-ups cancel it, they're like, oh, we're all big fans, we know about the New World Order here, oh yeah, we're sick of working here, we all know about it.
I talk to folks at Clear Channel, all the places, they all know.
I talk to executives, they know, they don't like it.
Folks, because even the mid-level elites are figuring out, this is going to ruin their future too.
This New World Order isn't a pretty thing.
Jack McClam, I want to go back through those ten points from
That's right, absolutely.
That's why they're trying to control our minds and doing a pretty good job of it, sadly.
On TV and in the newspapers and all.
Jack, what did you think?
Because you'd had C-Think, the production company, interview you.
And I said, I have C's.
I don't know about that.
And I mentioned C-Think.
You remember them coming out and interviewing you.
They actually delivered.
They're actually on our side.
I kind of chastised them when they came in and told them how many film crews we have coming out that say they're on our side.
And then they twist it and make us the devil themselves.
And so they said that that wasn't what they were all about, and so we had to wait to see what their product was first.
And if you say it's good, then that's good.
I'm really surprised.
Unless IFC that owns it, but see, the production company has final cut.
But IFC could still say they weren't going to air it, but that's not happening.
And you know, they would have me miked up at Bilderberg and I was running around to the hotel and they could hear me a hundred yards away through the building going, listen, don't trust these guys.
I've never seen the media be truthful.
These guys act like they're our friends, but they may not be.
And I'm like, I think they're actually going to be good.
And then I come back to the hotel and they go, no, we're really good.
We just heard all that.
You know, they had me miked up and I'd forgotten about it.
Uh, so, so, uh, no, I mean, it's, it's, I can't believe it.
I mean, I, and they're going to be in the studio next Tuesday.
They're here all week for, um.
Shot by Southwest, yeah.
In fact, what's the website?
It's New World Order Movie, New World Order Film.
It's, it's a black website with the curtains open and me looking out.
I'm not sure what it is.
I think it's New World Order Film.
Google New World Order Film, see, think, or IFC, and it'll come up.
I can't, I'm not, people say I'm negative, I'm not, no, we've covered the scary facts, we've covered how it really is, it's been proven to be accurate, and then I'm positive when things are positive!
I mean, we are kicking butt, Jack!
Yes, yes, we sure are, brother.
More and more, we're getting more and more email, I get 200, 300 a day, and that's nothing to what you get, but from our police and soldiers and other people and
It's fantastic how more and more are waking up all the time, and I've been praying every night that God would give us a second chance and forgive our national sins for throwing him out of this nation and allow us to go forward and bring him back in his commandments and his laws and throw out these evil man's laws.
And I remember in the Bible, brother, when
This happened in Sodom and Gomorrah with Abraham.
You know, he talked to the Lord and said, Lord, don't destroy him.
If I could find 40 people in there that love you and serve you, would you not destroy it?
He says, no, I won't.
Well, God is bringing his enemies upon America and brought these, uh, communist, uh, uh, against him here.
And they're, they've totally taken over even our military and, uh,
And I'm just asking God and asking our people to pray every night that God will give us a second chance and forgive our national sins and let us bring him back to be our God and his son to be our king, no king but King Jesus.
And I'm praying that as more and more people awaken, brother, as is happening right now, that God will allow us a second chance to turn this country back to him and to our constitutional republic.
Let's start going through... Oh, by the way, some of the other great folks in the film, Luke Radowsky, others.
I need to list all who's in the news.
But, hey guys, I want to show them the main page.
It's where I'm looking through the curtains.
If you actually find the New World Order site.
It's like New World Order, movies, Seethink.
Google that, you'll find it.
Let's go through those eight points from oath-keepers.blogspot.com, police and military organization.
Or ten points.
Let's go through them and then comment about how, you know, everything they're saying is backed up, that what they're saying is being planned.
Oh, it's absolutely being planned.
They're right on target.
All of these things are going to be orders, they're going to be given, and they're saying, no, we're not going to enforce them.
It says here, number one, we will not obey any order to disarm the American people.
And they say here, right after it, the attempt to disarm the people on April 19th, 1775, was the spark of open conflict in the American Revolution.
That vile attempt was an act of war, and the American people fought back in justified, righteous self-defense of their natural rights.
Any such order today would also be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason.
We will not make war on our own people and we will not commit treason by obeying any such treasonous order.
Nor will we assist or support any such attempt to disarm the people by any government entity, state or federal.
Let me stop you there.
I want to go back through the ten points and we can read more of that.
But it's a spell.
They've tried to hire thugs.
They've tried to demonize the people.
They've tried to make the cops scared of the public instead of not with the people as guardians and protectors in a very honorable, sacred position.
And I am seeing with police and military, it's like the spell is breaking.
It's like they're, what?
I don't know, Mike.
It's like a spell, isn't it?
It is a spell and it's their training because when I was on the Phoenix Police Department, the sixth largest city in the United States, we had 2600 men and women under arms and we were taken in for in-service training repeatedly and they were massaging our brains and brainwashing us about all these things.
And I realized it because I was 32 when I went into law enforcement with these 20 and 21 year olds.
And you'd already been in the, you know, over in the Vietnam area.
So you were already in the Vietnam War.
And so I was, uh, and I'd been in business too after I got out of the Vietnam War and worked in DC and Los Angeles and did very, very well.
And so I had a lot of background.
That these young 20 and 21 year old kids didn't have.
Some of them were still living home with their mom and dad at 20 and 21 years of age and they would come in and brainwash us every day.
With statements like, you can't trust the American people out there to ever come to your aid.
If you ever need help, you can only trust fellow officers.
While meanwhile the media was demonizing, telling Americans it's not right to defend yourself, don't help cops, stand down, they'll handle it.
So see, brainwashing the public not to, you know, defend themselves or help the police, and to stand down, and then telling the cops the public won't help you.
Go ahead.
That's right.
That's right.
When we were in the police academy, I was 32 years of age, praise God, and the other 21-year-olds were in there, and every day, somebody would come in, a captain or a major or somebody, and give us a statement that would separate us, psychologically separate us from the people.
And I knew that that was absolutely wrong, and I didn't understand at that time, brother, why they were doing it.
But later on, I discovered why.
Alright, let's continue with that and go through the ten points and then phone calls.
Quickly when we come back, we're going to go back through those points from oath-keepers.blogspot.com.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
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I just want to thank God, and if you don't believe there's a God, you got a problem.
The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
The fool!
You have to say it in your heart, because your heart knows there is more than meets the eye.
And we're being tested in this life.
The Luciferian New World Order knows there's a God, that's why they try to teach you there isn't.
But when you study them, they believe in good and evil.
And they serve the God of this world.
And I think, Jack, we should think,
The creator of the universe right now here on air because we're being given a chance to see what true evil is.
We're being given a chance through myself, yourself, and millions of others who've spoken out to others.
They're being given their chance to go against evil when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
They're being given their chance, aren't they Jack?
One life to live.
People need to choose, don't they?
They surely do have to choose.
Remember in the Bible, God said, I'd rather you be hot or cold and not lukewarm, and most of our Christians across the nation go to church every week and warm a pew with their derriere, thinking that's what God meant by occupying the land until my return.
They occupy a pew Sunday morning, and it's sad, but I think most of the Christians today
Except for the ones that are waking up by the hundreds of thousands today are the lukewarm Christians that he said he would spew out of his mouth.
He would rather you be against him 100% or for him 100% but not lukewarm.
And so we've got to follow Psalms 94 16 in the Bible where he said, rise up for me against the evildoers and stand up for me against the workers of iniquity.
And that's what we haven't been doing but are beginning to do now.
Alex, thanks to you and others out there that are sounding the alarm.
You are the watchman on the wall that are blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm as the enemy just doesn't approach.
The enemy's here now and got his boot on our throat right now, our neck.
And so, praise God for Alex Jones and the outreach you have, brother.
And I'm just so pleased to be on with you and tell you that
We have a nation of sheep, which always results in a government of wolves.
And this Oath Keepers is not a nation of sheep.
They're not sheep.
They're standing up, as God told us to do against the evildoers, and taking a stand.
And it's very unhealthy in the military to do that.
Pat Tillman did it, made the mistake of telling them over there in Afghanistan that he was going to
He had discovered that we were only there protecting the opium fields, the crops, the
That we planted 30% as much, or 30% more now.
It's actually 10 times now, Jack.
It's actually 10 times now, but yeah, at the time.
I was listening to BBC Radio last week on my XM, and then CBC Radio, and they had top government people from all these governments, including ours, admitting that, oh, our troops guard the poppy fields, but both reports, it's a talking point, said, well, we have to to make the Afghans like us, but now there's...
It's admitted they guarded the drugs.
Yes, and Pat Tillman said he was going to come back and tell, and going to take over the anti-war movement, and three days later he was shot three times in the forehead.
Perfect shot, and killed.
And so, you don't want to do that over there.
You don't want to stand up and say, I know every day you tell us to shoot these little girls and little boys in the head with our guns in Iraq.
But I'm not going to do it anymore.
And then you get suicided a few days later.
That's what we've heard from seven soldiers that have come back from Iraq.
Oh, that's why the suicides are eight, seven to eight times any previous war, because they're killing people.
Yes, because they're suiciding them.
They're taking them out.
Just like that little girl from Prescott, Arizona, the little Mormon girl that went in the army and became an interpreter.
And she went over and interpreted at these
Uh, torture camps, and she got, in two days, she was so stressed out, uh, from watching the torture of these people, people having pliers put on their gonads, and squeezed, and she said, I'm not doing this anymore, and I'm, I'm not gonna do it.
And so, two days later, she shot herself in the head with her army rifle, they say.
But we know it was, uh, suicided by the military for her saying no.
Stay there, stay there.
We're gonna go over the points and take calls right now when we come back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com, or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I hadn't seen Michelle in a few weeks.
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That's who we're doing this for, is children.
Alright, we are back live.
I'm gonna go back to Jack McClam just for briefly going over these points and I promise we're going to all your calls.
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And we really want to thank all our great sponsors too, they make this transmission possible.
And all the sponsors I endorse are sponsors I believe in.
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Going back to Jack McClam.
Jack, I want to just hurry through those ten points again and just back up each one and then go to calls from the great folks at oath-keepers.blogspot.com.
Police and military saying they're not going along with the new order.
Go over point one, pledge one.
Pledge Warrant 1, they say we will not obey any order to disarm the American people.
Okay, that has to be because they're training the police and military to confiscate guns, they're openly admitting it and saying they're gearing up, have massive gun bills introduced, so again, they're responding to a real threat.
Number 2.
Yes, number 2.
We will not obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, their papers, vehicles, or effects.
All over the country, and I want you to respond to this, they're putting liaison, regular army, regular troops in the police departments.
They're saying they're going to patrol America, that's already started.
The shooting in Alabama, they put regular army.
We had the colonel on.
They're acclimating everybody that this is happening.
And in Iowa, they were going to do the drill until we stopped it, and they're still claiming they're going to do a scaled-down one of door-to-door asking if they can search for guns in people's homes.
Go ahead.
Okay, number three, we will not obey any order to detain American citizens as unlawful enemy combatants or to subject them to trial by military tribunals.
That's right.
Underneath, through the Military Commissions Act, it says U.S.
citizens can be secretly stripped, secretly arrested, of rights, secretly tried by a kangaroo court, and secretly executed.
That's right.
Absolutely, brother.
And then number four, we will not obey orders to impose martial law or a state of emergency on a state...
Or to enter with force into any state without the express consent and invitation of the state's legislature and governor.
That's the 9th and 10th Amendment.
The feds are openly taking everything over.
NORTHCOM admits that they're going to take over governors and states and legislatures.
And that the U.S.
Congress is titular vestigial ceremonial under PD 51.
And that they're preparing to take over the states.
So that's actually happening.
We need to resist that.
Go ahead.
These are all violations of the oath if police and military do this.
Go ahead.
Yes, and they say that this is an act of war.
Each one of these orders are an act of war against the American people, and they are right.
And it's treason, they say, too, in this article.
Number five, we will not obey orders to invade or subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which the state entered the Union.
And that's, again, Ninth and Tenth Amendment, Constitution, all the Federalist Papers.
Please continue.
Number six, we will not obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
And the Feds admit, and in Canada, the US, everywhere, England, they're all announcing that they're preparing to cordon and lock down cities, and the Army War College admits their main mission is engaging the American people in combat, high treason, so they're responding to that.
Go ahead.
That's right, that's right.
Number seven, we will not obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
Pretext meaning a lie here.
Yeah, well they always say, oh it's going to be fun camps for your safety with nightly movies and local creatures are going to be in them and it's because everything's collapsing and we're doing this for your own good.
Number eight.
We will not obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S.
soil during or against the American people to keep the peace or to maintain control during an emergency or under any other pretext.
We will consider
Such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
And they say they're going to stand up with the people and fight against the foreign troops.
Now, again, going back at least a decade, they signed open documents to use Mexican, Canadian, Czech Republic, Dutch troops, British troops, Australian troops, I've been to the urban warfare drills, to take over the U.S.
then early last year, about a year and a half ago, or about a year and two months ago, was in the Toronto Star everywhere.
Congress said, what are you doing?
The Canadian government said, what are you doing?
We control this.
The military announced they're going to use Canadian and Mexican troops in the U.S.
and vice versa, and now it's openly being announced.
Please continue.
Okay, number nine.
We will not obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.
And that's in the executive orders to put you in force work brigades.
Even if you've done nothing, confiscate your food.
Obama's saying they're building medical centers at the FEMA camps now.
He's announced that.
This is really happening.
They blow everything out that make you accept martial law for safety.
Let's do the last one.
Okay, the last one.
We will not obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for the redress of grievances.
We will not suppress free speech and political action, which the police have been trained to do everywhere with free speech zones and more.
Let's go to phone calls with Officer Jack McClam.
Oh, before we do that, we're going to plug at the end your address if folks want to support you or get the Aid in the Bat newsletter, and you need support, folks.
When you see this New World Order film, I mean, he's running out of the little area in a trailer and reaching hundreds of thousands of police and military worldwide.
He needs more support.
But just right now, fire out Jack McLam, like a lamb.
Just Google Jack McLam and they can find your website.
Okay, yes, it's www.jackmclamb.org.
And that's how you go to our website, Police and Military Against the New World Order.
Let's put up JackMcLamb.org on screen for folks at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Let's go to phone calls.
Jim in Georgia.
You're on the air, Jim.
Yeah, Alex, it's thanks to men like you is where I'm at today.
And hello, Jack.
This is Jim in Georgia.
You know, this is outrageous what they're doing to our freedoms.
I was arrested, Jack.
You remember I talked to you a couple of months ago.
I was arrested
With twelve officers, six police vehicles, in Columbia County, Georgia, because I flew an upside-down American flag, and was held for eleven hours on election night, because I dared to say the emperor had no clothes.
Because I dared to open my eyes to people like Alex Jones, and with Jason Bermas, is why I'm at where I'm at today.
But at the same time, I am an ex-Neil Conn, but Alex Jones has opened my eyes.
And by the way, when the country is in crisis,
You're supposed to fly the flag upside down.
That's right.
I've seen all these news articles.
I think I saw yours.
Ron Paul signs, they knock the door down without a warrant, beat people up.
Upside down flags, they come and arrest people.
Tell folks what happened to you.
What happened to me is, I walked in on election day.
First to vote was my .40 caliber Glock poster with a copy of the Constitution in it.
Our most powerful weapon against a tyrant is the Constitution properly enforced.
With some teeth behind it, my upside down flag, my Fire Congress shirt.
I was told I couldn't go in with my Fire Congress shirt.
I'm going to wrap it up real quick.
So, I didn't make an issue of it.
I went back to the car, came back with my Stop the North America Union shirt.
I went in, I boated, no incident.
I said, okay, this is pretty cool.
So then I went to the big boating booth, uh, precinct and flew my flag up out of my sunroof.
And of course, a lady came up to me, asked me why.
So I basically tried to explain to her why she, I saw her, she became alarmed cause she saw my, uh, gun holster on my seat.
Um, my Aspartame, which I carry for personal safety.
I told her I was an ex cop, my brother and my dad are ex vet, are veterans.
But then, I thought there was no problem!
I pull out, I'm blue lighted, six police cars, twelve officers, they search my car, take pictures of my car, and I'm a proud member of the American Resistance Movement.
Chuck Norris is 100% right, there are thousands of groups out there, because I'm going to tell you, I talk to militia groups every day, every week, other members of the American Resistance Movement, and there's thousands of groups, individuals and autonomous groups out there, and I just want to say,
There were 1 million Persians, but they lost 20,000 people as they tried to disarm 300 Spartans.
Jack, 80 million lawful gun owners will resist even harder.
That we promise.
All I can say to the New World Order that wants to disarm God-fearing American patriots, come and get them, because we want peace.
But if you want to repeat actions of the past,
It'll also repeat the same reactions.
And Jack, I've been following you for 20 years.
I encourage everyone to check you out.
By the way, email me, Jack.
I want to get you on my show.
Alex, God bless you, man.
Your video, I just saw it last night.
The Obama deception thing coming out.
You definitely got a red dot on you, Alex.
And I'm proud that you're willing to take the stand.
Step forward and it's people like you that are going to make the impact.
Well, sir, there is no other choice, Jim.
I have to do it.
I'm not doing anything special or good.
It is what I have to do to survive.
When you're under attack, you've got to fight back.
Thank you, Jim.
They've given us nowhere to run.
We can't even back off.
They've got us in a corner here.
Yeah, thank you, Jim.
He's a fighter, too, Alex.
Praise God, there's a lot of fighters out there.
Yep, absolutely.
Brad and Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Jack.
Thank you for taking my call.
I ordered a copy of the Obama Deception at InfoWars.com.
I look forward to getting it.
I haven't seen it, so I'm not going to comment on the film, but my question is in regard to, you speak of mass extermination of persons.
My question is this.
If it, and I do agree with you, but if it is in fact a plan,
That's to pay the global taxes.
Who's left to rule?
State Department Memorandum 200, 1973, declassified 1992, Dr. Henry Kissinger's CIA directive.
Main U.S.
It is the 1996 and others United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment saying they want to get a world government in and then with soft kill weapons, with one-child policies, get rid of us.
It's to be phased
Ian, people say, well there's, you know, six and a half billion people, where's the population reduction?
Black men at Tuskegee, you know, killing our troops with chemical biological testing.
You know, cancer going from 1 in 33 to now 1 in, your wife almost died of it, to 1 in 3 getting it, now about to be 1 in 2 diabetes, 1 in 20, you know, now 1 in 4.
All of this is happening, so they want to get their world government in, their cashless society tracker card, when you buy and sell RFID face scan tracked,
Then once everything's locked down, then they're going to hit us with the mass exterminations.
You understand?
I do, but I'm left asking myself the question, you know, who's left to control?
And then, and aren't the masses needed to, you know, by the elite?
No, no.
That's why all the top futurists and all the top globalists, and it's in my film, Endgame, we show their quotes.
You know, Wired Magazine, why the future doesn't need us.
The elite, you know, Bill Joy, owner of Sun Microsystems, give me a few examples, there's hundreds.
That's right brother, it is true and just recently our military intel people gave us a report here
That China is talking about coming in now with biological weapons and dropping them on the American people to take over America and killing all the people in America.
And believe me, they are controlled by the New World Order.
China is.
And we know that.
But anyway, they're thinking of biologicals to take us out.
America is hated by the international criminal elite because
We are so in love with freedom, and we've had such freedom, that they can't stand us.
We're not like the Australians, or the English, or so forth.
We've had freedom, great freedom here, and we're a real problem for them.
Jack, your phone's getting worse and worse.
I may reconnect you in the last segment.
Thank you, caller.
It's okay.
Listen, Times of London, U.S.
warships head for South China Sea after standoff.
The political conflict is brewing last night in the South China Sea, and Obama is sending a bunch of warships there because of the Chinese threatening the ships.
What do you think of that?
Well, I think it's all just a ploy.
I think the Chinese are under the control of the international criminal elite, and they're going to do exactly what they're told to do to America.
And this is just ploys that they do to make it look like we're fighting each other.
And that we're having contentious situations with each other.
That's like that surveillance plane, where they didn't follow the procedure, even though they had 20 minutes to do it, to flood the acid into the computers.
They just gave China that computer.
That's right.
Okay, thank you, caller.
We're going to take a few final calls in the final segment.
Right now, coming up, with Jack McClam, we'll also give you his address, so be ready for that.
And, of course, the website jackmclam.org.
Right, Jack?
Alright, we're gonna dial you back during the break though.
Your phone's really breaking up.
Okay ladies and gentlemen, stay with me.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
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This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Now 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We are here live four hours a day.
For like twelve years I did it, three hours a day.
It takes some time getting used to that and almost a year going four hours a day.
And don't forget I'll be live this Sunday here in Austin, Texas, syndicated across the country and on the web at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com from four to six p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Defending liberty, resisting tyranny!
I love it!
Take a few final calls here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's talk to Darrell in Texas.
You're on the air with Jack McGlam.
Hello sir.
Mr. McGlam, I would like you to talk to the other police officers out there that are listening and give them some advice on the following, and that is, when they are faced with a situation that is, they're asked to enforce an unconstitutional act,
What is a method they can follow?
On my job, usually I will go to my immediate supervisor for satisfaction out of courtesy, but if it's an issue that I feel is very important, I can very well go over his head to my director.
That is one thing I would like you to talk about.
As far as I want to recommend everybody in the audience, I'm sure everybody knows two people.
I just got my mother and my sister on board.
Everybody probably knows at least two people that listen to Alex already and that they can become members of Prison Planet and then we can triple this thing.
Alex, great job.
I'm looking for some more money bombs and maybe even a money bomb for Ramos Campion and the farmer down in Texas that's being sued and he has paid like a 70-something dollar fine.
Appreciate it, man.
Much love.
Thank you so much.
Jack, briefly, you know, to officers out there, there's no doubt the globalists are wicked in setting up a new world order.
They admit it now.
All your intelligence reports for years said we were crazy.
It wasn't real.
Now it's all admitted.
I mean, they got to get off the fence, don't they?
That's right.
They have to take it aside.
They have to choose a side, and the side that the international on will enslave their own children and their own families.
So there's no other choice to make than the side of the people in the Constitution.
But I want to tell the man that called in that officers have great leeway when they're on the streets and they're in doing their duties every day.
They can make their own decisions of what they want to do.
I remember when we would pull over Patriots and, uh,
Uh, a guy would call in for backups and we'd come and he'd have a gun on the front seat and it was perfectly legal in Phoenix for him to have a gun on the front seat, but the officers were trained that patriots are bad.
So they said, we're going to tell, we're going to tell a lie.
We're going to say that his coat was over the gun and do him for a felony because he's a patriot.
And I said, no way you're not going to do that.
If you do, I'm going to tell on you.
And I'm not taking the... I'll take the witness stand against you when you get on the witness stand and lie against him and tell him it wasn't true.
And so they didn't do it.
And that's what we need.
Officers to stand up and say... But then they came after you.
But then they came after you.
I'm sorry to Daryl, Bob, and Ronnie.
We're out of time.
Rebroadcast with Chuck Norris and Bob Chapman and all this, a lot of key info.
New revelations on the federally written state police documents saying all patriots are terrorists.
Give folks your address for people that want to support you, Jack McClamber, get the newsletter.
Okay, yes, you can go to www.jackmcclamb, no break in it, just mcclamb, M-C, capital L-A-M-B, just like a lamb.
And it's got your address and stuff right there.
.org, and it has our address and phone number right there.
All right, Jack, I want to thank you for spending time.
This was a perfect show to have you on today, and we'll talk to you soon.
And you ought to call the C-Think folks at IFC and ask for a copy of the film.
It's amazing.
Take care, buddy.
Okay, very good.
Thank you.
Yep, the New World Order premiering here in Austin this week is the main selection of South by Southwest.
The Obama Deception's out.
Get it on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
See you this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
Great job.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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