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Name: 20090309_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 9, 2009
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, there goes Tyler Palmer from acolablue.com.
We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv simulcasting with the live radio show now for the balance of the last hour and 45 minutes of this four-hour radio show.
We do Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm now going to do my review of the film Watchmen.
Now, let's be clear here.
I'm not a big comic fan because I've always been more serious studying history and government documents and the way the world actually works, but art mimics life, life mimics, and of course mimics art itself, so that goes vice versa.
I did go see the movie Saturday night because listeners kept telling me I had to see it.
Then on Sunday, I bought the Watchmen novel itself and scanned through it, and it's very, very similar to the film itself.
I've done some basic research on the creator of Watchmen, Alan Moore, who is a Mason and into all of this Illuminati-type stuff.
But if you look on the cover of the novel itself, you see
Ozzy Mandamus, the leader of the superheroes, the quote smartest man in the world, and he has the all-seeing eye of Horus on his breastplate.
You can see him right there on the left.
I guess for those watching on TV, it's on your right, and you can see the all-seeing eye of Horace or Lucifer there on his breastplate.
Up at the top, you can see the blue man who is floating, and that's Dr. Manhattan, who is the only person that actually has real superpowers.
And he is a god-like creature.
And so I want to do a basic breakdown of this film.
It is an Illuminati, New World Order threat to all of humanity.
It is the psychopath's love to let the public know what they're planning and what they're doing.
They believe that it gives them magical powers, they call it lesser magic, to advertise what they're doing and how they operate to the public.
In all fairness to Alan Moore, he did not want to be involved in the film because they changed some of the things that are in his official comic written back in the 1980s.
But he himself, again, is an admitted Mason and promotes the whole Illuminati ideology and they reveal much of their mindset and their system and what they believe in in the film.
So let's go ahead and go to part of the trailer, the official trailer for the Watchmen film.
Now the kingdom comes The world is lost
God help us all.
We're gonna come back and finish up with this after the quick break, and then I will break down this in-your-face Illuminati piece of work.
Stay with us.
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A day unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Thank you.
We are back live.
I'm doing a review.
Spoiler warning, I'm going to tell you about the whole movie.
As if people haven't read the graphic novel out there, most of them that are seeing the film.
The Watchmen, one of Time Magazine's 100 greatest novels in history, they say.
You want to know the New World Order ideology?
What makes the globalists tick?
What their philosophy is?
You see The Watchmen, you will know.
And doing more research on this film,
I noticed that most of the reviews say, it's confusing, we don't understand the movie, we don't understand the ending.
Well, you'd have to be a complete moron and not know how the world works to understand it.
It's all about false flag terrorism and how good it is.
So, we're going to be breaking that down right now.
Let's finish up with the official trailer, just the tail end of it we were playing here.
Here it is.
Alright, now the number one film in theaters.
Now, let's break this down.
In the Illuminati system of thought, in their religion, they believe in a balance.
They believe in the yin and yang.
They believe there's the evil force, the destructive force, and the creative force.
And they believe that they have to guide and manipulate that force to save humanity.
They have to carry out eugenics.
They have to kill masses of us for our own good to rise man up.
And the man that wrote Watchmen, Alan Moore, is an admitted Mason
And the entire... he writes other comics like the Sandman and others.
It's all about the New World Order.
It's all about the Illuminati.
It's all about secret societies.
In this novel, what the film's based on, and it's also like that in the film, it's called the Pyramid Corporation and the Great Pyramid Corporation.
And they can't figure out who it is or why the Pyramid Corporation is killing the other Watchmen.
Well, that's because it's a new age, and Dr. Manhattan, in a fish infusion experiment at Rockefeller Military Research Institute, has been turned into this God-man who can control matter, be anywhere in the universe at any time, be in multiple places, go forwards in time, go backwards in time.
He's God.
He's the new God-man.
He is the new man.
that the elite is reaching for now this individual the comedian is a special forces commando and they have him in the film blowing kennedy's head off from behind
The Grassy Knoll, they have him running special ops and assassinations around the world.
Richard Nixon, this is based in the early 80s, is in his third term as the President of the United States.
They're on the verge of nuclear Armageddon with the Soviet Union because the United States is surrounding Russia.
Notice the Cold War is being brought back right now.
Notice they have encircled Russia again.
They're moving weapon systems in.
They snuck attack Georgia in South Ossetia as a pretext to start World War III, but that failed back on 888.
Look at the numerology yet again with these individuals.
And the different characters are Night Owl, the Comedian, Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre, Ozymandias, and Ozymandias
has a super brain.
He is the smartest man in the world.
In fact, he's even smarter at this point in his development than the God-man, Dr. Manhattan, who is just now discovering his powers.
Now, Rorschach
is the runt of the group, and Rorschach was abused as a child, and Rorschach goes around killing serial killers and child kidnappers, and they repeatedly say he's backwards, he's stupid, he's a sociopath, he's the bad guy.
Rorschach is fighting the Pyramid Corporation.
He's the conspiracy theorist.
And he goes to Ozzy Mandamus and says, I think somebody's trying to kill the Watchmen.
Not knowing he's actually going to the very individual that is out there trying to kill the Watchmen, starting with the Comedian.
Now why did they have to kill the Comedian?
Because he works for the government at the highest levels with the Pyramid Corporation and he doesn't want to be part of the global false flag attack that's going to be launched to bring in the new Kingdom of Earth, the New World Order.
We're going to come right back and break this down.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
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Alright, thank you for joining us.
We'll go right back into the transmission here today.
I'm going to take my time doing this review because it's very, very important.
of Watchmen.
Now the number one movie in theaters.
And with all these different reviewers saying they don't understand the ending, they don't understand it.
Well, it's real simple.
Rorschach and also the comedian want to stop, these are the two, you know, sub-superheroes, they want to stop the planned false flag terror attack that they know is being planned by somebody.
Now the comedian knows who it's being planned by, so he's torn.
He's the guy that assassinated Kennedy from behind the grassy knoll.
He's a New World Order Special Forces hitman.
He's that archetype.
So he has to be killed.
Rorschach is then finally killed because he's going to expose at the end who staged the false flag attack.
And we'll break that down coming up here in just a few minutes.
But to understand what's happening here, you have to first understand how the globalists operate.
How they believe that they must reveal their plans to the public before they do it.
And there's thousands of examples of this.
Scores of books and films, a Tom Clancy book in 99, came out where a hijacked jet is flown into the World Trade Center.
And the Pentagon did drills of hijacked jets being flown into the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
They ran drills that morning.
of hijacked jets being flown to the World Trade Center in the Pentagon, and NORAD's on tape saying, is this real world or exercise?
I've got simulated blips over the real blips, when they bombed the trains and the bus on 7-7.
Again, they launched the attack on Russia, 8-8-8.
They launched the attack on 7-7.
They launched the attack in Madrid on 3-3-3.
They're obsessed with numerology, just like low-level psychopaths are obsessed with numerology.
And the occult, if you study criminology, and they like to leave tokens, they like to leave warnings, they like to write letters to the police, you know, in the case of the Zodiac and many others, taunting them, or Son of Sam.
Most of these big national serial killer operations are done by cults, and that's come out.
So they're obsessed with numerology.
But as the low-level people engage in this, so do the high-level.
As above, so below.
And you have the occultists, the mason,
Alan Moore, in his novel, The Watchman, the most celebrated graphic novel out there, admitting all of this.
Okay, so, I get approached, now four years ago, by one of the stars of The X-Files, one of the stars of the spinoff of that, The Lone Gunman on Fox.
And he says, Alex, I know you've been playing clips on air from that pilot episode of Load Gunman that aired six months before 9-11, where the government hijacks a jet by remote control to fly it in the World Trade Center and uses a drill to make NORAD stand down, exactly what then happened six months later, as a pretext to attack Afghanistan.
And he said, yes, it's true, and the CIA would approach us and Chris Carter and say, we want you to do stories on this.
And you can just Google Alex Jones, Dean Haglund, and watch the two- one interview at my house when he came to my home.
I got a call, hey, Dean Haglund wants to come to your house.
I said, sure.
Boom, Dean Haglund's there a couple days later.
Drove from California to meet me.
What was he talking about?
How does this tie into the Watchmen?
This is from the lone gunman.
Where one of the lone gunman investigators, conspiracy theorist, is talking to his father, high-level National Security Council, about the government, a criminal group, planning to stage a terror attack and using drills to make NORAD stand down to then attack... Afghanistan.
Here it is.
What is Scenario 12-D?
We know it's a war game scenario and it has to do with airline counter-terrorism.
Why is it important enough to kill for?
Because it's no longer a game.
If some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?
Depends on who your terrorists are.
The men who conceived of it in the first place.
You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic area?
There you go.
Indicting the entire government, as usual.
It's a faction.
A small faction.
For what possible gain?
The Cold War's over, John.
But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City, and you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world, just clamoring to take responsibility.
Begging to be smart-bombed.
I can't believe it.
This is about increasing arms sales.
How are you going to stop them?
Why didn't you tell the world this?
Go to the press!
You think I'd still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call?
The press?
Who's going to run this story?
We would.
It's a birdcage liner, wild-eyed crap, right up there with Elvis is an alien and two-headed babies.
You obviously read it.
Don't be so damn naive.
You think this is gonna save the world?
I'm doing what I can, John.
I don't have all the specifics on Scenario 12-D, but I think I know the flight they've chosen.
I still think we should call in a bomb threat and let the FBI deal with this.
You said yourself we don't know the full extent of this conspiracy.
We can't trust any government official.
Our only hope is to get on that plane.
They're boarding.
The net's two problems solved.
He's now on board the aircraft, trying to look for the remote control system, so the Pentagon can fly to the World Trade Center.
They don't even know it's the World Trade Center's the target yet.
But you can simply Google, Lone Gunman TV Show, or Shadows 9-11.
The legator was clear, if this thing can be trusted.
Would you make it with your erector set?
You're absolutely sure that this is the targeted flight?
This flight was chosen primarily for its visibility.
It's scheduled to pass over Manhattan on its way to Boston.
You said they intend to bring this down in the middle of New York City?
What if there is no bomb?
Well, how are they gonna bring it down?
The same way a dead man can drive a car.
In the name of Bob!
Langley, I need you to hack into the aircraft's onboard navigation system.
We need to know where we're headed.
Okay, go into headsets.
I'll clone the airphone's carrier.
Make them think we're sending a ground air fax.
That's one twisted star 69.
Well, just get ready to ride the wave, you boys.
Just get me on that plane and I'll get you autopilot access.
How are you gonna do that?
Airline telemetry systems use processors similar to those found in CB radios.
I'm in.
We gotta tell the Conway.
What's your progress?
I've hacked into the flight control system output.
You want that little bit of help?
It's what the brains of the plane is telling the little black box.
Force, heading, attitude, hold, yaw, axis, stabilization, what...
What the heck's that?
Is that what it looks like?
I think it is what it looks like.
What does what look like?
Modem protocol.
Remote access.
Somebody on the ground's flying your plane.
Bogey, sir.
Keep your course.
I need to know her flight plan.
I'm mapping the data now.
Your flight's gonna make an unscheduled stop.
In exactly 22 minutes.
Corner of Liberty and Washington.
Or Manhattan.
World Trade Center.
I'm gonna crash the plane into the World Trade Center.
I'll tell the flight crew.
Lanley, can you override the flight control system?
I'm working on it.
Alright, that's enough.
What is this?
If folks want to go watch the full thing, it's online everywhere.
You can even buy the DVD in stores or the series.
Now, there are hundreds of examples of this.
A few months ago we wrote a PrisonPlanet.com story about a 2002 Tom Clancy video game where in 2008 the US, Israel and NATO launch a sneak attack on Russia in South Ossetia.
And then now the new version of the game came out and it continues and shows how that will then lead to World War III by 2011.
And they do this everywhere.
And the Pentagon admittedly spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year just having Hollywood write them terrorist script scenarios.
They're never made into films.
They are then used to map and war game and if somebody catches one of their agents planning a terror attack, well it's just a script for a movie.
See, this is all a stage, as was once said, the whole world is nothing but a stage and each of us players upon it.
William Shakespeare.
So, why am I so concerned about the Watchmen?
It was a three-hour menacing threat, the entire agenda thrown in our face of what the globalists are going to do to us.
Now let me now break it down for you.
Let's just go right to the end.
Dr. Manhattan, who's been endowed with godlike powers, is working overtime with Ozzy Mandamus, the quote, smartest man in the world, who wears an Illuminati all seeing eye breastplate.
And he's working with Ozymandias, he believes, to stop a Russian-U.S.
nuclear war with over 100,000 warheads that would completely destroy the planet.
But somebody
He is blocking his future site using some type of a special radiation generating system that goes forward and backwards in time blocking Dr. Manhattan's site.
But Dr. Manhattan is building this giant generator that has his powers to give it to Ozymandamus so he can have these god-like powers and control it through a computer.
Dr. Manhattan is somewhat of a baby.
He's only been a superhuman for about 25 years.
He's learning more and more about his god-like power.
And at the end of the movie, Rorschach and others have figured out what's really going on.
And this new God, the first God-like man, the new man, the Illuminati new man, he's on Mars building these crystal cities and doing all of this.
You know, he's left the love of his life, he's thinking about never coming back to Earth.
But she calls him back.
She goes to Mars with him.
They then come back to Earth.
They teleport to the command base of Ozymandamus.
They now know that he's the one behind the plan to blow up large portions of every major city on Earth, including New York City and the World Trade Center.
And so using this special, you know, advanced technology fish infusion weapon,
Ozzy Mandamus does blow up the World Trade Center, and then it cuts to the wound in the earth that looks identical to the wound in the earth after they had dug it all out of the World Trade Center.
It shows all the banners of, we'll never forget, American flags and things.
And he says to Dr. Manhattan, Ozzy Mandamus, who's basically Lucifer, says to his
Twin brother, God, or Jesus.
Don't you see why I did this now?
This stopped nuclear war.
By me staging these terror attacks worldwide, now the Soviets and the United States are friends and working together.
And the bad guy, they bill him as the bad guy, Rorschach, who has been saying no to all of this, he says, that's it, I'm gonna warn the world, I'm gonna tell everybody.
Dr. Manhattan kills him.
Blows him into bits.
Aerosolizes him.
And that is the message.
The world is saved.
There's a new kingdom being set up by the Pyramid Corporation, a world government.
And Lucifer, Ozzy Mandamus, is going to stay on the Earth.
And the new man is going to travel the stars as a god and says, I'm leaving to go explore the universe.
And that's how the movie ends.
And the earth has been saved.
The bad guy has been killed.
Rorschach, who's against child molestation and against tyranny and against police brutality, he's the bad guy.
He is killed.
Everyone is saved.
Because the evil sociopath Rorschach has been defeated.
And there's many other archetypal images and programming in the film.
Now, the real attack the globalists are going to launch, amongst many, will be a biological holocaust to bring the world together.
And so, this is an open threat to everyone, and this is the globalists saying, yes, we killed Kennedy for your own good.
Yes, the Pyramid Corporation stages the terror attacks, and they showed 9-11 as the pit
After he blows up Lower Manhattan, I mean, it is literally an exact copy of the pit after it was dug out with the big American flags and we will never forget.
And that is the message.
And after Dr. Manhattan finds out that Ozymandias staged the terror attacks, he says, yes, it makes total sense.
You've done a fabulous job.
You know, I totally agree with you.
This was the way to go.
And that gets into some of the Egyptian mythology where, you know, one guy kills somebody else's father, but then the son gets to become a god, then finally, oh, I realize you're right, I want to join you, you actually have more advanced knowledge than I do.
When in truth, the Illuminati isn't staging terror attacks to stop World War III, they're staging them to bring in World War III and a holocaust to the majority of the population.
But at the mid and higher levels of the globalist order, this is what they teach.
Well, we've got to kill 3,000 to save America.
We've got to stage 9-11 to save America.
Of course, the tagline of the film on the movie poster at the theater is, there had to be a sacrifice.
The elite had to do this for your own good.
This had to be done to protect you.
We had to stage the terror attack to bring the world together.
Just as it's now declassified, they've written books about it.
Carol Quigley wrote a book about it for the CIA as the head of the Georgetown Political Science Department.
How they staged World War I to bring in the League of Nations.
That was a prototype.
They staged World War II, funding Hitler, funding others.
The Club of Rome prototype, the Milner Group, set that up to bring in world crises so we would accept world government, so we could be fully dominated, so the elite can control technology, sequester it so we don't destroy ourselves, and so the elite... You know, when I say at the end of Endgame,
The elite believe they're going to merge with machines and then leave the planet and travel to the stars.
I'm not saying that's really going to happen.
I'm quoting what the head futurists are saying.
What the head of the United Nations UNESCO department, Julian Huxley, said.
You know, all the top futurists are currently saying.
They write and say that we will all be killed.
You know, they tell their minions we're going to kill 80%, but their deeper documents and white papers say actually 99% or more, and that then the elite are going to merge with machines and technology, and that that is the next evolution of man becoming gods, but most of us aren't worthy to go to that next level.
And this film
Watchmen is a threat to everyone as they are revealing their Babylon mystery religion system.
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I think so.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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So there's a reason that the mainstream media has hailed this as the work of all time.
One of Time Magazine's 100 best novels of all time.
It's because it's their religion.
It's their message to you, what they're planning to do to you.
The truth is the elite are dumbing everyone down, denigrating society, training us to love seeing our fellow humans torn limb from limb, to desensitize us to accept this new age, this brave new world.
And then our destruction is a regenerative good thing.
The destruction is creative when they carry it out, and there is no doubt that this film signifies the preparation, the fact that they've released it now, for staged massive terror attacks
With conventional weapons, biological weapons, you name it.
And out of this crisis, the nations of the earth will come together under a tyrannical one world government.
As a month ago, the Financial Times of London, published by a Bilderberg group member, had a bunch of different articles, but one of them, and now for world government, was the headline, yes it's tyrannical, yes it's authoritarian, yes we kept it secret from you for your own good, now we're doing this to you.
And most of the followers, most of the petty elitists that think they're on the inside of this, that think they're part of this power structure, they will be destroyed by the New World Order as well.
That's like Dr. Eric Pionka at UT here in Austin says, oh I know it's sad we all have to die, I'm sad for my family having to die, but it's what the New World needs.
Humans are a parasite and see out of this the new superhuman can rise and Dr. Manhattan, the God-man, the new man, he understands finally when he talks to Lucifer who he's been, you know, enemies with.
Never knew it was his brother, his friend, his comrade, Ozymandamus.
He learns he's been fighting him all these years and he says, oh, I understand.
I want to work with you now.
I want to be part of this with you.
What you did was beautiful.
And of course, Ozymandamus worldwide is also blaming Dr. Manhattan for staging the Attara attack.
And Dr. Manhattan understands that and says, yes, it's brought the world together.
Now I will leave and be a god in the universe.
Oh, but first they had to kill Rorschach because Rorschach said he was going to warn the world and tell folks who had really staged the terror attack.
He didn't understand the larger view.
He couldn't grasp it.
He was outside the Lodge.
He was profane.
He couldn't be given all of the greater secrets.
Rorschach had to die.
And the other members of the Watchmen, they just realized, oh yes, this is good.
Oh, our petty minds.
We couldn't grasp all of this.
The government had to kill Kennedy.
It was good.
The Pyramid Corporation works with the highest levels of government.
They had to stage the terror attack and kill tens of millions of people all over the planet.
To get America and Russia together under the new pyramid corporation, world government, led by the smartest man in the world, Ossie Mandamus, who did all these horrible things for the betterment of humanity, for the betterment of society.
And so it is a open declaration.
They always must tell you what they're doing.
They must always tell you why they're doing it.
And this isn't just... And so you have tens of millions of people, billions in the aggregate over the next few years will watch this film and they consciously won't understand it like the reviewers of it.
I don't get the ending.
But subconsciously people have now been told why they're going to be killed, why those that live are going to be so enslaved.
It's because the guardians of the future, the men who will be gods through technology, had to do it to make sure man could go to the next level.
It's not because they're greedy and selfish and want to dominate the future and control things.
It's not because they hate goodness.
No, it's because they love goodness.
And they're doing it for your own good.
That's my review of Watchmen.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm gonna do five more minutes on the Watchmen and we got a state rep fighting for sovereignty coming on and Greg Pound for the government kidnapping people's children.
Rob for years would tell me about the Watchmen and how it was total New World Order and how I should read it.
I didn't until he gave me this yesterday when I got it.
You know, seeing the film, I knew it was pure New World War Illuminati revelation of the method.
But I saw Rob walking along here in the office, and I drug him in here for this quick five-minute segment before our next guest joins us.
Rob, why don't you, number one, pull that mic closer to you, and number two, give folks your quick three- or four-minute review of the film.
Well, I mean, the film was basically almost frame for frame, except watered down a little bit of the comic book, you know.
It followed the comic book pretty accurately, if anybody's interested in that.
But also, I mean, reading the comic book years ago, I knew that it was loaded with all sorts of symbolism, New World Order stuff.
The main character's name is Night Owl.
You got a guy there with an all-seeing eye on his
Forehead, or it's drawn in an atom, but I think it really represents... All seeing eye.
All seeing eye.
Third eye.
And you've got Alan Moore, who's an admitted Mason.
And he gives a... I mean, we saw it at the Alamo, and they give an Alan Moore interview beforehand, and just listening to it, you know, just briefly, the guy, you know, I mean, he just... the comic book's pretty cryptic, the interview's pretty cryptic as well, in Alamo Drafthouse.
And, um, I mean, it...
It's just a lot of symbolism going through the book itself from... I mean, it's hard to tear down.
Well, the main message is... Well, sure, you're so talkative until you get on air.
The main message here is that false flag terrorism is being done for your own good.
It's a beautiful, wonderful thing, and the good guys at the end go, yes, terror attacks are good.
It was good to kill all these millions of people.
It was for our own, you know, best interest in Rorschach.
The guy who says no to it, he's the bad guy.
Right, exactly.
He's the one who's made out to be like a psychopath.
He's unstable.
He's the one who's trying to get down to the bottom of things in the movie.
You know, he's the investigator, but he has psycho problems.
And the other guy who is the gentle, you know, giant over there.
He's like, I'll just give up on humanity.
Why do I even care about this anymore?
Uh, this planet doesn't interest me, and he's the gentle, uh, you know, next evolved person.
And when you read the writings that we put, uh, in Endgame, of all the top futurists, they say similar things.
You know, they write about it, and why the future doesn't need us.
Uh, you know, Bill Joy in Wired Magazine, about how he goes to elite conferences, they talk about how the new man's about to form, they're gonna kill the majority of us, and he doesn't know that's a good idea.
Uh, or watching, uh, for example, the, um,
riddles in stone or or something like that they talk about how the masons believe in a perfected human on the uh... and it seems like this would be kind of similar to that as well this perfected human next evolved uh... human that will just leave the earth you know they could see through time and space and whatever but it's important but there has to be a sacrifice that's on there yeah uh...
Movie posters is there had to be a sacrifice.
This was done for your own good to bring in world government under the Pyramid Corporation.
Exactly, exactly.
I mean, that's the underlying plot of the film is that this guy...
He basically is being paid to, you know, get rid of, knock off these mass superheroes and stage a bunch of false terror events in the cities.
Well it's just amazing that the media then says, we don't get it, we don't understand it.
I think most of the media does understand it, they're just not ready to tell the slaves what the film...
Not even really means.
It's stated in clear, you know, on the silver screen that good guys stage terror attacks to bring in world government, the Illuminati's good, and we love you.
Exactly, exactly.
And I mean, it's loaded with symbolism, you know, up and down, just like the comic book was.
Every single character is representational.
I mean, I myself, I don't know of all the Masonic symbols and all these things.
I've only
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Alright, for this single segment, we have Representative Dennis Richardson of Oregon, who has introduced the bill.
17, in Oregon, who declared Tenth Amendment sovereignty, which the states already have, but it's important to restate that.
Some states are passing this, other states aren't.
New Hampshire was narrowly defeated, sadly, last week.
But the point is, the rediscovery of the 9th and 10th Amendment is happening.
The states created the federal government.
The federal government isn't allowed to hand over all our sovereignty to foreign corporations or groups or the UN.
It's a pleasure to be with you.
Okay, in the ten or twelve minutes we've got with you, break down why you've done this, why it's important, and how folks can get behind this resolution there in Oregon.
Well, what we have in the country over the last couple of decades especially, is the federal government has been treating the states as if we were subordinate to them.
Like the states are branches of the federal government.
And that's just basic intimidation.
And it should not continue.
We have federal ID, which has been hoisted upon the people without even debate in the Senate.
And it basically says we're going to have a national ID card.
It's going to cost billions of dollars to implement, and it's an unfunded mandate without protection of our documents.
We have continuing redeployment to the National Guard.
Uh, to foreign law, foreign lands to fight foreign wars as if they were an additional branch of the military.
That is unconstitutional based on the, the original constitution.
We need to help assure that the federal government understands that they're, they're given enumerated rights and that the rights that are not specifically given remain with the states and with the people.
That's what the 10th amendment guarantees.
Well, I'm sure you know, under NORTHCOM, without an act of Congress, the Pentagon is announcing they're fully federalizing and absorbing the state guards, and the governors, they say, will serve, under PDD 51 and others, other presidential directives, at the pleasure of the President, and that Congress is ceremonial now, during emergencies, including economic or any other
That's absolutely right.
That occurred and we should be shocked.
I mean, we must take action before we lose our nation.
This is 50 United States.
That is
Well, sir, as you know, history
Well, history has shown that every time you allow a central government to do whatever it wants, it always creates a tyranny.
That is the law of governments and of how humans operate, so people shouldn't be surprised that a classical tyranny is now forming.
With gun confiscation bills, gun registration bills introduced, with national civilian workforces, FEMA camps all over the news, being built for our own good, in quotes.
Can you specifically speak to, as a representative, what it's like witnessing this unfold?
A, and then B, how much support are you getting?
Is it bipartisan?
What is the sense of your legislature?
Are they becoming educated?
Well, I think that it's going to be doubtful that this will make it all the way through the Oregon Legislature.
I don't feel that the Democrats who are in charge of Oregon's House and Senate fully see the importance and the emergency that I see and that I feel exists across our country.
I'm trying very much to get this to be a bipartisan bill.
We have a few Democrats that have signed on it.
One is co-sponsoring it with me, but to see if it's going to be able to get through the House, the Senate, and signed by, or the House and the Senate, since it's a memorial, it's going to be a different question.
Well, resistance is not futile, and the fact that some states are passing it, many others, now more than 30, introducing it, does show it's an education process.
And as things worsen, and as the tyranny becomes more and more obvious, I think this is a very important first step in people realizing the solution is the states declaring their inherent sovereignty.
We need to impress upon Congress the importance of restoring the balance of power.
Congress has relinquished to the executive branch of our country far too much power, and they can take it back if they're willing to stand up and show the courage to re-implement and to re-dedicate ourselves to the constitutional provisions which were designed to keep us from falling into a tyranny.
What do the other state reps in Oregon say, because I've been asking all the state reps that have been on this, some say everybody's waking up, others say some are waking up, others say hardly anybody is realizing it.
I mean, do you go to them and say, did you know they've signed directives that the Federal Congress is ceremonial?
Do you know they're building FEMA camps?
Do you know they're federalizing the Guard?
Do you know the Army's saying NORTHCOM's going to put troops in every city?
Do you understand that we're going into a classical tyranny?
So first off, do you say that to them?
And B, what do they say when you try to warn them?
Actually, I don't go into that kind of detail.
It is not so widely known.
I mean, I read a lot and I try and understand it, but it is not clearly understood how serious the problem is.
There's not a sense of emergency.
I mean, some are asking, you know, some make things happen, some watch things happen, some say, you know, what happened?
And that's where we're at right now.
Most people are still
Not even seeing the sense of urgency that we should all be feeling.
Most people are on the fence.
They're in the bleachers.
They don't know which end is up.
They're in la-la land.
You've got the bad guys on one team and the good guys on another.
There are more good guys than there are bad guys.
We just have to get into positions of power at the county, city, state, and federal level.
And we have to spread the word about what's really happening so that as this system unfolds, people will then understand what's happened.
Well, that's true.
I mean, it's about educating the people to the situation in which they find themselves, because you're not going to get it from the media, and you don't get it from the normal channels of information.
It's got to come from the Internet and from individuals that are willing to get together and take the commitment, make the commitment that they're going to be a part of a solution before it becomes too late.
And to do that, people have to face the full severity.
I mean, they have to realize this isn't just some boss hog, corrupt federal government with some pork barrel.
They are hiring the preachers covertly to tell their flocks to hand in their guns and go to FEMA camps, now declassified on record.
They've hired 50,000 InfraGard corporate executives with shoot-to-kill orders.
They are federalizing, putting federal surveillance cameras up everywhere.
I mean, a nightmare control grid is going into place so the foreign banks can loot this nation.
And the people need to understand that we are being treated like a third world country.
We are being imploded right now.
That's true, we are.
We can become a third world country if we're not careful.
Well, what can we do to help get this bill passed or to put pressure on the Oregon legislature, you know, to give them a crass course in education?
I mean, if it's in session right now, people could print up the news articles about the FEMA camps, PD51, about Bush was trying to set up a dictatorship, Obama's continuing it, the White House memos about banning free speech.
I mean, can't listeners, you know, go physically to the Capitol and try to have meetings with their state reps?
I mean, isn't that even better than phone calls?
When people actually show up, it makes a big difference.
I mean, you have the teachers show up when they have work in-service days, you have advocates for different programs, they come, but the common person rarely really shows up here because they're working, trying to make a living, trying to make ends meet, but it doesn't help.
You know, I've talked to so many successful people in business and art and life, and they say just showing up is half the battle.
The American people need to just show up, don't they?
It's the first step of leadership, is to be there, to have your voice heard.
Absolutely, folks.
You're not going to save the world by yourselves, but showing up is half the battle.
Specifically... There's something that could be done also, and that is to send emails.
I mean, you know, that does help to have pressure be felt.
I have a series of newsletters that I send out, and one of them actually has the list of all the emails for the Senators, the Governor, and the Representatives in the state of Oregon.
And that's at DennisRichardson.org, and just click on emails.
our newsletters and go to uh... the february thirteenth addition absolutely dennis richardson dot o r g we have that up on screen right now at prison planet dot tv in a minute and a half we have left sir any other points you'd like to add
Only that if we want to maintain our nation, we cannot continue to just sit on our hands and watch what's going on and say, wow, this is amazing.
I mean, who's going to pay back this $1.2 trillion?
Who's going to ask the hard questions?
We must not let those that are in power go unchallenged.
I mean, grassroots is important.
We must hold to the fire, the feet of those who we've elected to step forward, to speak for the Constitution, to reinstate the principles that rarely are considered in legislation, either at the state or the federal level, any longer.
Well, whoever's got you representing them in Oregon is certainly blessed.
Representative Dennis Richards, DennisRichards.org.
What area do you represent there in Oregon?
Southern Oregon between Medford and Grants Pass.
It's kind of a rural district, but
Actually, I represent all of Oregon, because Oregon is a great state.
It just has leadership that have lost their vision.
Well, I've been to your area.
It is gorgeous.
And let me say, it's Dennis Richardson, so that people can find it.
It's S-O-N at the end.
That's right.
Richardson, excuse me.
Dennis Richardson.
Representative Dennis Richardson, thank you so much.
And as this develops, I'd like to get back in touch with you and get an update.
They keep up the great work.
You bet.
Representative Dennis Richardson.
All right, we will be right back, ladies and gentlemen, after this quick break.
But be sure, if you live in Oregon or anywhere in the country, to support Representative Dennis Richardson at DennisRichardson.org.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
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You know, a point I don't make enough on air that I think about constantly
The United States is 4% of the world's population, but we had more than half the world's wealth.
Now most of that's been stolen.
A small amount of the land geographically in the world, a small amount of people,
And we weren't perfect, but we did follow biblical systems that cut back on corruption, that allowed free market to flourish, and we were the apple of the world's eye.
So the globalists came here, took over the nation, set up shop, used the United States to set up their world government.
Now they're done with us, they're gonna make us just one more bankrupt third world country.
South Africa's got roughly twice the resources we have in every level.
But they're in total squalor and it's all falling apart.
Mexico has three times the natural resources on every level.
Timber, oil, fertile land, volcanic soil, copper, everything.
Smart people, but the elite keep everybody on the plantations, keep them in poverty as a tool of control.
This is done over and over and over again throughout society.
The elites don't want a free market.
They don't want you doing well.
They don't want you independent.
They don't want you to have a family.
How many government documents, Department of Education have I read?
The textbooks they give their social workers that the family's bad and arcane and primitive and must be broken down, must be destroyed for the new mega wonder state to rise.
So the people owe their allegiance to the state, and then the state's controlled by these eugenicists who want to use the state to reduce our numbers, one-child policy, control us.
You know, there was an article in the New York Times today about Obama.
During a press conference last week, they said, are you a socialist?
And he said, I'm not going to answer that.
And then he kind of freaked out afterwards and called the New York Times and called some other papers and said, listen, I want to answer that.
I was kind of taken aback and didn't answer it because it was so ridiculous.
I'm not a socialist.
And in truth, he's not.
You know, in the classical sense, taking tens of trillions is tens of trillions of dollars, and if you gave it to the people and stole it from the middle class and the rich, that would be socialism.
But really, it's the ultra-rich, as they always do, robbing the middle class and telling the poor the middle class is the elite.
The elite always use the poor as their weapon, pressure from above and pressure from below, to consolidate, to destroy the middle class, to destroy independent wealth.
And then they turn the middle class into a giant underclass and continue playing the poor, uneducated, ignorant underclass against what's left of the middle class.
And it kills the goose that lays the golden egg and hurts the working class so they can't now rise into the middle class.
But they don't know that because they're not educated on the way the world works in history.
And so that's what's happening right now.
Our society is being vertically integrated.
It's being consolidated.
The middle class is being destroyed.
The engines of free market and upward mobility are being destroyed systematically by the elite so that they will have no bad sons to contend with.
What's a bad son?
It's the little trees that grow up under a bigger oak tree.
And they go in and they cut down the bad sons, so none of those grow up to be a mighty oak and rival the elite.
It's survival of the fittest.
Why does a grizzly bear male go and smell the cubs, the pups, that a mother bear has had?
Polar bears do this too.
It'll go and smell, and when it smells the male, it will kill it.
Because he knows that's going to be competition against his dominance later.
Male grizzly bears will even kill their own sons.
Some species of whale will try to kill other baby whales.
Polar bears do it.
Wolves will go in and kill other babies.
Lions do it.
Tigers do it.
This is done over and over and over and over again.
That's what the elite are doing.
They are engaged in predatory actions.
Their own documents admit that they're putting leadership males.
Males that show leadership qualities of interrupting, fighting, speaking up, always raising their hand.
That is leadership model.
They want to drug them.
They want to burn their brains out.
They want to say that that's bad.
And it isn't just people saying, oh, they want to target the males.
It's in their documents.
We've had a former head of policy, Department of Education on.
We've had top people winning all these awards for education, like John Taylor Gatto on.
This is in the government documents.
We sell the deliberate dumbing down by Charlotte Isserby, the size of a phone book.
The size of an Austin phone book.
It's not a Dallas phone book.
A Dallas phone book's that big.
An Austin phone book's that big.
It's that thick full of government documents.
Every time I mention on air, you know, the government's own documents say they want to dumb people down and break up the family.
People don't believe me.
So we have guest on and we post on the forum hundreds of government documents and quotes where they want to do this.
This is predatory.
This is evil.
This is wrong.
And we have to face the horror they want to break up the family.
We have to face the horror they want to inoculate us with
HIV and cancer virus filled vaccines.
We have to face the horror and face the reality that we have a predator, psychopathic New World Order group in control who love to brag and love to show off about what they're going to do to us through the popular culture and the media.
It is their religion.
It is their modus operandi.
It is their thought pattern.
It is their signature.
It is their way.
We're going to come back here and talk to Greg Pound about the kidnapping of the children for not taking vaccines.
Don't forget, the Obama Deception is on sale now, and it comes out at PrisonPlanet.tv this Sunday at 6pm.
Order the DVD at Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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A day unlike any other in the long course of American history.
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Alright, Greg Pound does great work at FreeOurKids.com and FreeOurChildren.com and he calls up every week talking to the producer.
And he told me today, and everything he's always told me has turned out to be documented, that he wanted to come on about CPS grabbing people's children for not being vaccinated.
And I've seen mainstream articles about that, and I wanted to talk about that.
I was ready for that.
And then he said, no, I've got
Guest on from the Tony Alamo or Alamo Ministries and I'm familiar with how they've been persecuted and I studied the case because listeners have sent me the news clips and articles for about a year.
I've been researching and even thought about getting Tony Alamo on.
It's been quite a witch hunt against this guy because people don't like politically what he's covering and what he's doing.
But I'm a little bit
Off-kilter here because he's got several people on the line with him, Angela Morales and others, so I'm just not up to date specifically with their cases.
We're going to go to him in just one moment.
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Greg, there's always so much going on because you had your children kidnapped.
I got the mainstream articles.
The lady that did it lost her CPS license because she admittedly falsified evidence.
They don't care.
You don't get your children back.
Now your wife had another baby.
She's in hiding so they can't get the baby.
I haven't seen the baby in a few years.
Just recapping for listeners.
You had told my producer you were coming on about him kidnapping children for not being vaccinated.
Is that specifically what we're talking about right now?
Well, the thing is, is this alamoministries.com
Is basically, I mean, they do their studying and we know as parents that these immunizations aren't the best thing for our children.
Okay, specifically then I hadn't found out which group this was.
I remember reading that they were going after him for not immunizing when there's no rules.
They tried to take Charlie Sheen's children.
That was in the LA Times because he doesn't vaccinate.
So yes, we know this is going on.
Specifically though, people can say whatever they want about Tony Alamone and his ministries.
I have looked at the case after case.
They put him in prison for tax evasion, made up.
They're always sending SWAT teams in, trying to get people to say that bad things have happened to them, more lies.
So I can vouch for that.
But what else is going on?
Well, the thing is, now they've got a pickup order for 120 little children.
They've taken 37 children.
Now, what they did is they put a gag order on the whole church that if they speak about this to the news, they're going to end up in jail.
Now, can you imagine such a thing that they can come in and tell, if you look how big this ministry is, it's a huge ministry, and tell the people that if you talk to the news, you're going to be put in jail.
Okay, specifically though, with this case, they're claiming they haven't vaccinated and that's one of their reasons to go after them.
Well, the whole situation there is basically they trump up their lives like they do with everybody else.
But I believe they're moving to a larger scale now.
They're coming in and they're taking Christian children out of Christian homes.
out of Christian schools, and they're doing it at a large scale now.
They've tried it before.
No, no, no.
I get the reports, and the Tattletail neighbors see children playing in the backyard at lunchtime on recess.
They think it's illegal to have your children at home, and then they call the police on you.
I mean, it's just absolutely incredible to have this going on.
Specifically, though, recap for folks that don't know about how they've been, you know, going after these communities and trying to grab their children.
Well, it's just like the situation with what they've done to me.
I mean, here I was running for sheriff for the Republican Party here, and the Republican Party ended up in jail, and we just had the hearing this past Thursday on the 5th.
The jury, if it wasn't for the jury between the judge and the state attorney's office, they wanted me in jail.
The people stood up.
One of the ladies said,
Listen, this is totally, this is unbelievable.
I mean, right in the middle of the hearing.
That's right.
You were an official candidate.
It was in the news.
You went there and they said you're not allowed to be here as a candidate.
Arrest him.
And they were trying to charge you with trespassing.
They did.
And they tried to put you in prison for it, but the jury found you not guilty.
That's why we parents want our right to a trial by jury.
DCF and Department Jones family will not give parents a right to a trial by jury.
They come up with all these lies and false allegations, and when other people hear it, it's just totally insane.
Well, I mean, I've seen the cases.
With the Alamo case, wasn't it that some parents spanked lightly one of their children, and that's why they're grabbing hundreds of people's children?
I mean, let's talk about some of the things that have happened in this case.
Yes, well, one of the things is, is they did say that they had spanked their children.
It was a parent, you know,
Thank you.
Because although the children had been going to private school with the ABECA curriculum and the children, when they tested them, they gave them the, when the DHS came and took them, they gave the children the PACE test and all the children ranked
Either good to superior.
A lot of the children ranked superior.
But let's understand this.
The CPS was set up 90 years ago in the US, outside courts, they're not real courts, to carry out eugenics and forced sterilization.
It's in my film Endgame.
It's on record.
The newsreels from the 20s and 30s saying how great eugenics is.
These aren't real courts, and I remember seeing some of the newscasts and other articles where they said they were taking the children for not having vaccines when there's no law!
You've got to take these deadly things!
Please continue.
This is what I was going to say.
When an animal's dead and a bird of prey comes upon it, the way they tell whether their carcass is dead or not is they pick at its eye.
Whatever it is, it'll pick at the eye.
And the Bible says the eye of a people is their children.
And if America will allow them to come in and steal our children and start picking our children to pieces, that means this nation is internally dead.
That's right.
They're mad that they couldn't abort all the children, so they're going to wreck them.
And it's in their own, again, their own Department of Education.
They want to wreck the family.
Over 67% of children in CPS clutches are on psychotropic drugs, folks.
And then they testify in the state legislature in Texas that the children have bad gene pools and have to all be put on drugs.
Go ahead.
Alex, I want to thank you for being there because every time I've called, you have opened your program up in order for us to cry out as parents.
I mean, I haven't seen my kids now for over a year.
This has gone on for four years.
For three years, we could only see them one hour a month.
And if people were to go to the lmoministries.com and look at... They put on their website...
The stipulations when they go to visit their kids, what they can and can't say, they can't whisper to their children, they can't, and this is what they're doing, they're isolating the parents from the children, and if they destroy our families, we have no nation.
And there's no due process, there's no nothing, and they're clearly targeting Christians everywhere, particularly, this is persecution.
Continue with what's happened with the children that go to this church.
Well, I can put on, uh, Alice Andrasek, she's, uh, was actually here when they came and they raided.
And they took her sister and five other children the first time, and matter of fact, the judge bumped her from being able to visit her sister and her brother who were taken, and he said the only way she can visit again is if she puts in a motion to where she's put under a gag order, because they're obviously so worried about what she has to say about how they're torturing and how her brother and sister don't want to be there and they want to come home.
But I'm going to put her on, because she can of course tell it better than I can.
Yes, ma'am.
Go ahead.
Okay, um, the day of the raid was September 20th, um, in 2008.
And, um, uh, we, the kids were outside playing.
It was a beautiful day.
We have miniature ponies and they were outside riding, riding the ponies and playing with the little cocker spaniel dog.
And, um, some of the girls were doing some, um, putting together some literature, gospel literature, and another section of the school and mission.
And I was upstairs in the office answering the phone, and all of a sudden, all these people, like hundreds of FBI, of BATF, the state police, came swarming up our street, and they jumped over the fence.
First, they were banging on the fence outside, and they freaked the people outside.
They were saying, open the gate, open the gate, let us come in!
And one of the girls that was out there ran back to the adults and said, somebody's trying to break in, we don't know what's going on, help us, you know?
And so then, when they jumped over the fence and got into the backyard, instead of coming in the front door, which was totally unlocked,
I don't think so.
I don't know.
It's the easiest way, they said, to get in.
Come on, we've got to take down this door.
And so at that point, I freaked out because the only thing I know about these people is I know what they did to the people in Waco.
They killed them mercilessly.
They had no trial.
They had no right.
They couldn't call the media.
They couldn't call anybody.
So I was terrified and I jumped up and I ran down to where the other girls were in the other part of the school in Mission, where they were putting the gospel literature together.
And I told them, we have to get out of here now, hurry, you know, there's somebody breaking in.
The FBI is here, they have machine guns, we've got to get out now.
Yeah, they can surround things and burn it down again.
Yeah, they love that.
There was helicopters flying overhead, two or three at least.
They came so low.
They had snipers, they had their medics there with all their riot gear, they had the bulletproof vests.
They were just dressed to the hilt for this combat against three women and six children.
Now they've said not vaccinating is the big crime, but you can't get a jury, you can't get a real court, because it's a eugenics court.
We went, we tried to get out a back gate on the property and when we opened the gate, uh, somebody was already there.
Of course, they already had us surrounded and they told us to go back in that it was just a, um, a police safety check.
And they told us we had to go back inside the house or the school admission.
And so we went back inside and I tried to have, I had a cell phone, but it was dead.
And I was trying to call somebody to tell him, please help us.
You know, we're stuck over here.
We don't know what's going on.
We're surrounded.
They have these guns and you know, for all we knew we were going to be killed any minute.
And so, um, then as we were going back up to the main part of the school and mission or the office, um, three people, three FBI agents came down there and they had their laser lights pointed at our hearts.
It was me and three other girls.
Well, they feed off that terror.
They ranging from like 16 to 17.
Yeah, they feed off the power.
Yes, exactly.
And we had no idea.
I thought they were going to shoot us.
So they were pointing the guns at ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am?
They were pointing it at children?
Then they told us, you know, put your hands in the air, stop where you are, don't, you know, everyone stand still.
And so we froze there and we're like, can we turn on the light?
Because we had some of the windows open.
There was sunlight, but the actual light wasn't on.
And they're like, no, stay where you are.
And then they come down there with their guns still pointed at us.
And they told us to come over.
And I said, why do you have to point those guns at us?
You know, we're just girls.
What are you doing?
Why are you doing this?
We don't have any weapons.
And they said, you don't have any weapons?
And we said, no, we don't have any weapons.
I've never even seen a gun before, except for the one you're pointing at me.
And so he's like, oh, well, you know, I'm sorry, miss, but we just have to do this, you know, because we've got to check for papers and evidence and stuff.
Did they point the guns, ma'am?
Put her on hold.
Put her on hold.
We're going to have to put her on hold.
You know, again, Greg Pound calls up every week and he's got new stories, new information to cover.
I didn't know that this was a subject.
There's no way to do it in just 20 minutes.
So I'm going to have to have these ladies and Greg Pound up later in the week or next week to do a full hour or perhaps longer with them on this because I would have pulled up all my news articles about this because I'm aware of this case and would have been able to cover it.
He specifically was going to come on dealing, he said, with vaccinations.
And that's the big issue here.
Is that all of this tyranny is wrong, all of this tyranny is bad.
But, specifically, I remember in this case, there's so many, when he brought it up, I do remember that they're bringing up no vaccinations.
Well, that's not a law.
But, I remember six months ago when the California court said, parents aren't the parents, the state owns the children, and that we say you will not be homeschooled.
Banning homeschooling.
Now that got overturned.
But that shows the attitude and the mindset and they pick out these religious groups they think they can demonize with the public to set the precedent to be able to do all of this.
So what I'm going to do is at a later date and show I'm going to get Angela and others back on when I...
You know, can fully talk to them beforehand about their story and cover it properly.
Greg, you know, a lot of times when you call us it's such short notice.
We need to really, you know, make sure that next time you come on I specifically know everything we're going to be covering.
But give us the Alamo Ministries site again and recap anything else you want to cover.
Well, it's alamoministries.com and if you just go there and study this ministry,
It's hard to believe that they can take 37 children out of there and then have a pickup order for 120 more.
But they're doing the same thing in the state of Florida.
And that website FreeOurKids.com, it's been eliminated.
So now I've got one other website, RescueMyKids.com, Alex.
It's RescueMyKids.com, where people can watch and see what's going on in Pinellas County, where they starved Terry Scheibel to death.
So what happens is we've got now a system where they're coming in and stealing our kids.
And if we don't, somehow we're going to have to hold these people accountable for what they're doing.
I mean, this is totally out of control.
All right, stay there.
I'm going to come back and plug your new websites again.
I didn't realize that Free Our Kids had been... Yeah, now I'm on the site.
It says it's going to be auctioned at GoDaddy.
So I guess you lost that site.
That's too bad to hear that because your sites were massive and had so much evidence of abusive children.
By the way, even according to Time and Newsweek, you're five times more likely as a child to be abused in government custody than any other place.
Take the Texas Youth Commission.
Literal rape rooms.
They want your children.
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Stalin, Hitler, Mao, they all go after the children.
The state always tries to take over the future.
Angela and others, what I'm going to do is, Greg, bringing you up, what I need to do is get like an hour and a half with you and Pastor Tony Alamo
Alex, the church is like a sleeping giant.
And if the church doesn't wake up in America, I mean, if you could tap into the church and get the church woken up, I mean, this battle will be over.
No, I understand that.
We don't have a lot of time left.
I'm saying, can we set up a longer interview with you guys?
Yeah, that'll work.
I want to make sure we coordinate that, because Greg, I know you're really busy.
Sometimes I set you up for the show and you're not there when we call, because you're so immersed in all of this with them snatching children all around you in Florida.
And this isn't even people in churches.
This is just regular homeschooling middle-class families that they're targeting.
And ladies, I want to have you both back up, but I need to specifically study the angle of the case that you're involved in.
And specifically, what is the gag order on?
From talking about the case to anybody and explaining to anybody how the kids don't want to be there and how the kids are so sick from the shots that they've been giving them, they don't want us talking about the case.
Can you imagine that, Alex?
You can't even talk about a case where they come in and steal 37 kids and they've got to pick up order for 120 more kids?
Well, look, Pastor Alamo, or Alamo, they pronounce it both ways, he's not in their custody right now, is he?
Yes, he is.
Okay, we can't talk to him.
He's being held without bond even though he has not been to trial and even though he's innocent, they're still holding him.
Okay, I need to research the latest updates on the case then.
Greg, who do you recommend, or ladies, who do you recommend I have on the show so we can just go through this in a chronological order?
Well, we're going to wade into this and cover it because it's just, you know,
You guys, I've looked at it, there's no evidence of anything wrong with that Mormon Splinter group.
It was a little weird, but later it came out the media had exaggerated it all, violated, the legislature got involved, they had to release the hundreds of children and women.
This group, from looking at it, is way more mainstream than even that group, and clearly if we can get
That's it.
Let's do this, we've got to coordinate this sometime later in the week or next week.
Maybe we should have some of the other leaders of the church on.
I think it's always... I mean, are there any other leaders of the church we can have on?
Yeah, we'll go through them and we'll pick out the best ones and we'll get with Rob.
Okay, well we'll coordinate all this.
Greg Pound and ladies, God bless you.
It's just more of the carnage we document here.
I covered a lot of key news in the first hour.
I did a review of the Watchmen and that Illuminati propaganda.
We got a state rep on, covered a lot of other key news.
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And don't forget, the Obama Deception is on sale right now on DVD at InfoWars.com, or you can watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv coming up this Saturday, 6 p.m.
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God bless you all.
Great job.
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