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Name: 20090128_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 28, 2009
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 28th day of January 2009.
We've been live here for the last two hours and eight minutes.
We've now gone live simulcasting the radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for joining us.
I saw this story in the Los Angeles Times last week about in-flight confrontations lead to charges defined as terrorism.
And in here it says that raising your voice, not even cussing, has resulted in charges.
And I've got a quote here.
We've gone completely berserk on this issue, said Charles Sleppy, a New York security consultant.
These are not threats to national security or threats to aircraft, but we use that as an excuse.
Why would the predatory system, the airlines and the feds want to do this?
So we're going to talk about that with him in just a moment.
This just came in.
We just linked this during the break at InfoWars.com.
It's ABC News.
We're going to cover this as soon as we finish up with the fact that talking back ends up with terror charges.
Exclusive, CIA station chief in Algeria accused of rapes.
Funny, last hour we talked about the UN and all the rape rooms and how it's like some type of guild.
Ugly American spy boss allegedly drugged Muslim women made secret sex videos that have now come out.
Or did this guy do something the CIA didn't like and are they setting him up?
I see these things every day, but this is just the latest and we'll be getting into that.
And this other article here, new legislation authorizes FEMA camps in the United States.
HR 645.
So we'll get into that happy stuff for you as well.
Everything's wonderful here.
I appreciate Charles Sleppian coming on with us.
He's a prestigious security risk manager and a consultant from the largest firms out there in the world and we appreciate him coming on.
Sir, you've got a long bio.
How would you best describe yourself?
Well, I'm a security practitioner and a practicing attorney and I focus on questions of foreseeable risk of crime.
That would be the short way to get to the point.
Give us your breakdown.
Yeah, more than just the one line the LA Times put in here on what's happening to people who cuss or even talk back or yell at flight attendants.
I think what's happening is that flight crews are escalating situations to the point where they have to justify it by asking for an arrest and they rely back on interference with flight crew members or flight attendants which is in the U.S.
Code incorporated into the
All of the terrorism statutes in general, and what it says really is interferes with the performance of that flight crew member or duties and lessens the ability of the crew member to perform his or her duties as punishable under this subsection.
If the flight attendant gets to the point of frustration and says, look, I'm not able to carry out my duties, whether they be to advise people to put on a seatbelt or serve the next drink, that frustration rises to the level where a claim is made
That there is a violation of the U.S.
And when the plane lands, the individual so charged is generally arrested, generally not by federal agents, but by local agents.
It's passed over to local agents, and in more cases than not, it's adjudicated down to a warning.
We have some instances, however, where both sides dig their heels in, and then you get the kind of prosecutions that appeared in the LA Times, for instance.
What type of sentences are people getting for talking back?
Well, sometimes they get time in jail.
I mean, the woman involved in the situation where she was reprimanding her children, or maybe more than reprimanding her children,
She ended up with a three-month sentence.
Other individuals have less time.
Some people have no time and are subjected to fines.
Some people are barred from flying for a period of time.
It varies on the jurisdiction in which that sentence is being imposed.
How long are the sentences?
I mean, how long could the sentences be?
What's the potential?
20 years.
20 years?
20 years, yes, for interference with a flight crew.
The maximum sentence is 20 years in prison.
What we have here is a situation which has not been clearly defined, and depending on who comes before, the outcome can be draconian, which is the case when somebody is sentenced to jail time because they try to discipline their children, where most of the other passengers on the airplane would probably applaud the person who's trying to discipline the children if the children are acting in an outrageous fashion.
So, it's an exchange of words.
It's alleged here that she dropped a can of tomato juice on the ground, deliberately, and that escalated to the point where when the plane landed she was arrested.
What we ought to be looking at is the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which initially established not only the series of offenses that were created by the TSA,
But also required that certain things be done to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
And one of those things is that all flight crews were to receive security training.
One kind or another.
Including de-escalation training.
Including the kinds of training which stops these things from getting out of hand.
You know, there's nothing new about disruptive passengers on airplanes.
They existed long before 9-11.
Without the same kind of draconian punishment that we have today.
It's just taken out of context.
You know, sometimes that bad behavior is a result of serving them too much alcohol.
And that ought to be cut back on.
Sometimes it's a result of allowing conduct on board the plane to reach a level where it starts to become offensive to everybody else.
And there is another example in the article that you referred to of just that happening.
Well, let's get into that other example in a moment, Mr. Slepian, but I wanted to, uh, you know, you mentioned the flight attendants escalating, and I'm a real friendly, nice person, and I fly, you know, quite a bit, probably more than most, and, uh,
I have learned to hardly even talk to them.
I mean, you'll see the flight attendants that have got a good attitude, they're happy, or they're just mechanical, that's fine.
But I've seen people ask for a pillow, they yell at them.
I've seen, you know, when the plane has been off the ground for 30 minutes, somebody gets up to go to the bathroom, they scream at them.
It's like they're on a power trip with this newfound power, and it's like you're a prisoner or something.
And I think, in a lot of cases I've read about, that's actually escalating it.
Well, they are indeed part of the problem.
And another part of the problem is the pressures of flying today are greater than they ever have been in the past.
You have very crowded aircraft, despite the economic times that we're in.
We are having bigger and faster airplanes, so trips are shorter.
But people are still spending two and three hours on the ground before they take off.
We have regulations which allow passengers to sit on the tarmac for up to four hours before they can get a drink of water.
Can't get out of their seats.
So all these things come together and the pressures are then brought to bear on the flight attendants, who after a while retaliate.
You know, you and I will get on a plane, we'll complete our trip.
We may have a bad experience, but more often than not, we will forget about it.
The flight attendant may have a series of bad trips in the same day, involving delays on the ground and unhappy passengers and air conditioning that goes out and misassigned seats and overbooked aircraft.
So there's tension everywhere.
And unless we begin to train in de-escalation and take these things into consideration before we invoke things like the Patriot Act as a remedy for this, we're going to have total chaos on airplanes.
Well, I mean, how are they doing this?
They claim the Patriot Act was for terrorists and separately from airplanes or transportation.
I'm sure you're a lawyer.
You've seen the articles where, you know, this state or that state, the headline's always the same.
You know, Patriot Act used in thousands of non-terror-related drug cases or family violence.
I mean, they're using it all over the place now.
Because the Act does not require that you prove an intent to commit what we would understand as an act of terrorism.
It's been allowed to be interpreted by a variety of prosecutors on various levels, from local levels to federal levels.
It's been allowed to be taken out of context.
The intent was to stop, particularly with regard to air travel, to stop hijacking.
Well, we pretty much stopped hijacking when we reinforced cockpit doors and imposed certain regulations with regard to keeping them closed.
So we're dealing with a different problem
Then the one that was in play at the time of the law was passed.
Well, why not just armed pilots?
Well, we've done that, too.
We have armed pilots.
They're going to jump through a million hoops, though.
Well, that's true.
But the flip side of that is that the fear that the pilot will become so frustrated in the same manner that the flight attendant is frustrated
Then use a gun in a situation which is unauthorized, and then they worry about the civil life.
Yeah, but we're trusting them with a giant airplane.
I mean, and thousands of switches.
These are the most, you know, on average controlled, most of them foreign military pilots.
If we're not going to trust an airline pilot with a gun, they shouldn't be trusting with a plane.
Well, I agree with you.
But the fact of the matter is that from the legal side of this issue, the pilot is prepared to deal with all manner of threat
When it comes to maneuvering the airplane, but does not have the experience to handle a gun on board an airplane.
It's just as simple as that.
And because of the fear of civil liability, the airlines are strongly opposed to their pilots carrying guns.
Now if they keep the cockpit door closed, so that nobody can hijack the plane, there is the fear if the pilot has the gun, he will use that gun to interfere in a situation in the back of the plane, which was established merely to have the door opened,
So that we face the same kind of problem again when it comes to air hype, air piracy.
Okay, we're going to go to break sir and come back with one more little quick segment.
You were trying to tell the story of another case in the article of what's happening with the Patriot Act.
Earlier, I interrupted you and you were getting into another point you wanted to make about the LA Times article, sir?
Well, absolutely.
And that was a situation where you had a couple on a plane and they were accused of becoming too amorous.
The gentleman put his head in the lap of the lady he was flying with.
He alleges he just was not feeling well and put his head down.
Flight attendant came by and objected to what it looked like to her.
They then
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Alright, we've got five minutes left with Mr. Schleppian.
So we're going to go right back to him.
Security consultant.
And, uh, Mr. Schleppian...
We've got up on screen the name of your firm.
You think it's going to give out your website?
Sorry, I didn't hear that.
Tell us your website address, sir.
That's frac.com for Foreseeable Risk Analysis, sir.
Yeah, we've got that up on screen right now, a shot of your website.
Okay, finish the story.
So he's got his head in a woman's lap, and what happens next?
And the woman is smiling, and the flight attendant made an assumption as to what was going on between the two passengers, instructed the gentleman to sit up, and then they engaged in an argument as to what was going on, and the flight attendant became more incensed and more offended, and when the plane landed,
They were arrested for lewd and mischievous conduct on board an airplane.
Now, how does that get into the Patriot Act?
Well, under the law, it says anything that interferes with the performance of the crew member's duties can be charged as interference with flight crew members or flight attendants under 49 U.S.
So it's taken out of context, and the argument is made that somebody wanted to go along and prosecute that case.
In fact, one of them who had the charges dropped, the other one who had never been arrested before, received a 30-day suspended sentence, but now has a sentence.
The whole thing just taken out of context.
You know, I've seen so many cases of the Patriot Act being used by states in non-terror-related cases, and I believe from memory, but correct me if I'm wrong, I know you've scanned a lot of the cases as a lawyer that works on this.
Are police now not trying to, not just on aircraft, but claim you interfere with police duties?
And are they trying to use terrorism charges there as well?
Absolutely, it is covered by the Patriot Act.
Interference with a police officer, interference with a bus driver, because it covers all transportation, for instance.
So when you are interfering nowadays with an individual who is performing a public function, you run the risk of being brought up on charges related to the Patriot Act.
Again, that's not why the law was passed.
That was not the intent of the law.
But the way it is written, it allows anybody who wants to piggyback on to do so.
And they're doing so.
The way to stop it is for prosecutors to stop prosecuting cases of this kind.
For the public to become so incensed that nobody dare go near them.
In situations like this, unless they can articulate a real terrorist threat.
Well, sir, I would say, you know, let's go repeal these sections of the Patriot Act, but I'm scared to do that because they'd probably add more on, and I know that the Clinton administration wrote up most of the Patriot Act and couldn't get it passed, so this is, you're saying they're misusing it, but I believe clearly, a lot of other legal scholars believe that we've had on, that they intended this all along,
To basically abolish the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I mean, I have the Boston Globe today saying U.S.
Supreme Court says passenger can be frisked with no probable cause.
I mean, they're saying no probable cause now?
They're saying now that with the exclusionary rule that in the case two weeks ago the Supreme Court ruled that they can basically go in with wrong search warrants or make things up and it's still admissible?
I mean, when is this going to end?
Well, it's going to end when the public has had enough of it.
But until there is a wide-based outcry, we're going to continue with it.
Now remember, an airport is a border.
And so your normal constitutional protections are waived at the border.
And they can indeed search you without probable cause.
They can randomly search you in an airport.
And it's happening all of the time.
And you agree to that by virtue of the fact that you buy a ticket to fly, which, once again, is not a right.
It's a privilege.
And you agree to the conditions.
But this court case wasn't at a border.
I mean, this is just the police pull you over and say there's no Fourth Amendment anymore.
Well, as far as I know, that's not a pill once it gets into a courtroom.
I mean, we still have a Fourth Amendment.
No, no, no.
Here's the Boston Globe today.
Supreme Court says passenger can be frisked.
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that police officers have leeway to frisk a passenger in a car stopped in a traffic violation if nothing indicates the passenger committed the crime or is about to do so.
The court on Monday unanimously overruled an Arizona appeals court that threw out evidence found during such an encounter.
The case involved 2002 pat-down search of an Elroy, Arizona man by Oro Valley police officer who found a gun and marijuana.
Okay, but the stop itself was lawful.
In other words, what they did here was they frisked the passenger in the vehicle.
But they did have the right to stop the vehicle.
So I misunderstood what you were setting forth.
They do have the right to stop the vehicle.
They don't necessarily have the right, or did not have the right, to frisk the passenger inside the car.
Anybody inside of a vehicle, for instance, is responsible for everything in that vehicle.
But sir, was it a privilege to ride a horse down the road?
I mean, when they brought in cars, you know they started taxes on trucks, saying they were messing up the roads, made them get licenses, then the people did.
Well, I have the court rulings, and I'm sure you've seen them, that prior to those rulings in the 20s, it was not a privilege to travel.
Because we're giving up our rights.
In return for what we consider to be some kind of benefit.
Some kind of a convenience.
And it's a mistake.
I'm not opposed to what you're saying.
No, no.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Sir, it was great having you on.
Thank you for standing up for the Bill of Rights.
Thank you.
God bless.
Take care.
We'll be right back with more news on the FEMA camps and the CIA rape rooms.
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All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting, they don't want
The feds, the states are now claiming owning guns is a privilege.
It's not a privilege.
Traveling isn't a privilege.
I've read the court cases.
You heard that lawyer have to admit it to get in there.
None of this is freedom.
None of this is liberty.
None of this is for your security.
It's all done to secure the criminals.
That's what the New World Order is.
It's a playland for the evil.
It's a system where the wicked control everything.
And for humanity,
For our brotherly and sisterly love, we have to commit ourselves to fight it.
Alright, we have an hour and 26 minutes left in worldwide transmission today.
And I want to open the phones up in the next hours.
We'll go ahead and do that now.
Specifically on any of the news items I've covered today.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Do you see this article?
New legislation authorizes FEMA camps in the United States.
This is up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now by Paul Watson.
And you're like, Alex, you've shown us video of FEMA camps, you've been to FEMA camps, you've covered FEMA camps, the mainstream papers admit they've built FEMA camps.
Why is this article so important?
Why is this new piece of legislation so important, H.R.
Well, I went through a lot of that in the first hour today, but I want to go back over the main points and some other points I didn't flesh out entirely.
And again, I'm going to have Paul Watson
Go over every point I made, every point he's made, and then put a link to all the stories, bills, legislation, the backup on all of that.
And on screen we've got some of the FEMA camps that they've built, the barbed wire facing in for you.
An old military base is predominantly, now they're moving city, county governments into those as the true seats of governments.
And this is total federalization, absolute, total and complete tyranny.
So we will go over that report.
The importance of it is just completely off the charts.
But I wanted to, before I did that, get into a story out of the Wall Street Journal Market Watch today.
Because normally this would be our top story.
It's just dwarfed by the other one.
For all the reasons stated here.
It is not just that the Wall Street Journal and every other major publication is saying world government's here.
They're saying exactly what we told you they'd say.
That it's here to save you.
That it's going to fix the financial crises.
It's the only answer that will get our economy going again.
That's the entire mindset and the modus operandi of the global controllers.
They stage terror attacks to get you to give up your liberties or to get you to stand down while they take over your liberties, while you're dumbfounded.
They stage environmental crises to offer more control.
They stage economic collapses to bring in the next phase of their agenda.
And they said in the SPP documents
The Judicial Watch sued and got in late 19, late 2007, in September.
And they said, we will sell the North American Union, the Amaro, the SPP, through crises.
And Robert Pasture, one of the frontmen, one of the professors that, you know, was kind of their frontman of, quote, thinking up the idea.
I thought it was in the New York Times in the 30s, and the Globe had been pushing for it for decades, before Robert Pasture got out of diapers.
And he said, out of the threat of terrorism, out of the economic collapse, out of security threats, we will build the North American Union.
And they will propose a common border with the three nations, the United States, Canada and Mexico.
So here is Market Watch, a publication of the Wall Street Journal today.
It's a link up on InfoWars.com.
I'm showing people the article, the printed copy, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
How realistic is a North American currency?
Using U.S., Canada, Mexico money could result from crisis.
They have to destroy the dollar to bring in the new world order.
The banks engineered the crisis, steal tens of trillions, won't say where it went, and now we hear Obama diverting people with this trillion dollar stimulus package that's just pork barrel and government and CPS funding and police funding and further federalization funding, and that debate's going on today.
But that's a trillion compared to the 8.5 trillion stolen that we know of by the banks who won't say where it all went.
And how they phrase all of this is, well now we've got to have an international body that sets currencies worldwide.
So still have a dollar, still have a...
Looney, still have a pound, still have a euro, but they'll all be set and pegged and controlled.
They say maybe at the same level, maybe sometimes they'll say this is worth more, this is worth less.
This is the same private banks that are going to run this world government that they've already set up.
They're now taking the curtain off.
Kind of like in a showroom at a car show where they pull the, you know, the velvet sheet off the new car and whoo, everybody looks at it.
They're now unveiling it.
It's like they're unveiling the camps.
That means they've gotten up to the point of being ready to use them.
And so the very banks that manipulate currencies that make, in some cases, billions and billions of dollars per nation a day with insider trading, now they're going to be setting the currencies, knowing where they're going to go, and then controlling the currency manipulation market openly.
And you'll pay your carbon taxes to them.
And I know most of you as an audience know that, but the general public has no idea.
And so there wouldn't be any
political resistance to this, they said there's no North American Union, there's no Napa Superhighways, there's no North American Union corridors, didn't matter how many government maps or documents or C-SPAN hearings they had on admitting it, they would say it doesn't exist, doesn't exist.
So when they finally unveiled it to everybody, people don't feel like it's kosher to talk about it.
And you'll be talking to people and they'll go, yeah, I know they're setting it up, but people think you're a kook if you talk about it.
So see, they say it doesn't exist first, then they unveil it.
That's a psych warfare tactic.
Just like in the mid-90s, people talking about black helicopters and black helicopters crashing and urban warfare drills.
And I'd laugh at them on air, and then in 2006, somebody mailed me a soldier to fortune.
And it talked about Delta Force doing drills and taking over Houston, crashing a helicopter, people dying.
And then I started talking to police chiefs and sheriffs and others about the payoffs and the covert military takeover of the United States and found it was true.
But I remember in 93, 94, 95, they would have ads on TV for products.
They would just go, oh, you crazy black helicopter people.
They would just throw that into movies and sitcoms.
Before they started the urban warfare drills, they would condition people that it didn't exist.
You know, you'd hear a radio ad
I remember when Dish Network or DirecTV first came out like in 95.
Hey look, there's space aliens washing their cars on Mars and black helicopters.
Mixing something that didn't exist, space aliens washing cars on Mars, with black helicopters.
You hear all this nonsensical conditioning, and you know in movies, I bet you're one of them crazy black helicopter people.
And nobody was talking about it, and we're like, what is this?
And then the drill started.
And it was like,
No, I live here in this town, Alex, you gotta come down here.
They blew up a building and were telling people to stay in their houses and sure enough, they'd mail me the local newspaper and I'd go on air and read it and people calling going, you nut, you crazy person, that doesn't exist.
That was a basic psychological warfare operation.
This doesn't exist, you're kooks if you talk about it, then they unleash it.
And they did that with FEMA camps.
And now they're unveiling it.
But, see, you're not supposed to talk about it because you're kooks, but now they're saying they've built it for your own good, and people go, well... I mean, I've seen police in Austin at a warrantless checkpoint searching people, and you walk up and they go, Oh, Jones!
Is Big Brother gonna get me?
It's a police state!
And I'm like, yeah, this is a police state right here.
So even as they're doing it, it doesn't exist.
You understand that, mind control guys?
You get what I'm saying in there?
You diggin' me?
As they say, you dig it?
How realistic is North American currency?
Uniting US, Canada, Mexico could result from crisis.
Todd Harrison.
World, hold on, instead of messing with our future, open up inside.
Bob Sinclair.
Thomas Jefferson once said, when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
As the global financial system pushes
On a string, investors are desperately trying to hold on tight.
The New World Order is upon us.
Full of hope, promise, and a fair amount of fear.
Oh, the New World Order!
I mean, folks, I've got every day
I see 10, 15, 20 articles for the New World Order and I'm not looking for them.
Here's the International Herald Tribune, The Chance for a New World Order.
Henry Kissinger's not just on TV saying it every day and saying Obama will bring in the New World Order.
Here is Kissinger writing an op-ed piece that was in hundreds of newspapers.
The Chance for a New World Order by Henry Kissinger.
And remember him about two years ago on Charlie Rose?
I have a clip of it in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
The true Rosetta Stone film that shows you the big picture in detail, covers it all.
He said, we've got a first real chance at a new world order.
There will soon be a crisis and then we'll have our first real chance.
And Rockefeller, all we need is the right global crisis and the citizens of the world will accept their world government.
So understand, I mean, I
Not so much anymore, but I walk around the halls of a local media conglomerate, Ennis, and now everybody's like, hi Alex, you're right about everything, but boy my gosh, what's going to happen next?
But just a few years ago it would be like, you know, walking through the halls, oh, it's Mr. Black Helicopter, and I'm like, you know.
I'm sorry I've been to all these urban warfare drill takeovers and that they terrorize nursing homes and things.
I mean, I'm just, you know, facts.
Now, though, they've lost their 401k or are losing it.
Now, you know, now people on the street that we're laughing.
I mean, it's not funny anymore.
Thomas Jefferson once said, when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
So, see, he's saying, this is going to fix it.
You know, we've got to do something.
We just got this idea.
It's called a New World Order and these foreign banks will run our currencies and we'll have Northcom on the streets.
And he goes on, the New World Order is upon us, full of hope!
See, everything's real bad, but Obama's hope, and the New World Order's hope.
And we always said a New World Order's losing our currency, troops on the streets, FEMA camps, cameras, it's all being announced now, and people are still writing op-ed pieces going, Alex Jones, the crazy lunatic, believes in a New World Order.
What kind of crazy?
Or they say, yeah, there's a New World Order, that just means a new international system.
The New World Order is upon us, full of hope.
Full of hope, promise, and a fair amount of fear.
In our recent discussions regarding the direction of our country, we noted the risk of catering to conventional wisdom and the implications of the U.S.
So see, then they say, we got something daring, new, and unconventional.
We got hope, and it's the New World Order, and guess what it is?
The North American Union!
This is now owned by News Corp.
This is Fox News here.
They're now on the Wall Street Journal.
The Minnieville mantra is to provide financial news you know to know before you need to know it.
There is a fine line between walk as foreseen, and reading this wrong, there is a fine line to walk as foresight often flies in the face of mainstream acceptance.
In 2006 it seemed counterintuitive to forecast a prolonged socioeconomic
Melee is entirely more depressing than a recession.
So this insider pushing globalism is going, oh, I was so smart telling you three years ago this was going to happen.
Well, of course.
It's like somebody calling the police and saying this bank will be robbed next week on Tuesday because they know they're the one that's going to be robbing it.
I mean, the CFR loves to brag their heart-rubbing commission with Gary Hart going, I predicted we'd be attacked.
I predicted it would happen.
I predicted we would pass Homeland Security because they wrote the plan for it.
Well, yeah, you're a globalist.
You're on the inside.
For years, the notion of an invisible hand was conspiracy theory until we learned that a working group of financial markets was a central policy tool.
So see, now they're unveiling it to everybody.
Oh, there is a secret world banking group and they care about you.
And now as we gaze across the historically significant horizon, we must open our minds to thoughts and ideas that may seem foreign to folks, conditioned by the past and stunned by the present.
And I'm now hearing kind of other mainline conservative hosts, now that Fox News is talking about this, and now that, uh, remember Limbaugh said the CFR didn't exist ten years ago.
Now they're on TV every day.
So I'm hearing kind of mainline talk show hosts start going, folks, I know this is kooky, but it's a world government, and people are like going, my God, did you hear what Glenn Beck said, Alex?
You're stealing everything he says!
He just announced all this!
Well, I don't territorialize this info.
The problem is Glenn Beck will only give you half the truth.
Currency crossroads.
As governments take on more risk, as they price assets on behalf of the market,
Oh, I skipped one of the paragraphs.
And now, as we gaze across our historically significant horizon, we must open our minds to thoughts and ideas that may seem foreign to folks conditioned by the past and stunned by the present.
So, see, they didn't want to tell the public they were setting up world government and bankrupting the currency and setting up FEMA camps and doing all of this, but now the establishment thinks it's too late.
They're coming on going, yeah, we built camps for you, yeah, we're federalizing everything, yeah, it's a world government.
And now Glenn Beck can come out and others and go, yeah, it's a world government, the bankers are running everything.
Because they think it's too late.
They have now engineered their operation.
So now, because it's now time to have open world government, they're like going, yeah, it's here, world government, yeah.
I know you're stunned by your past thoughts.
You know, they're being patronizing here.
Our minds to thoughts and ideas that may seem foreign to folks conditioned by the past and stunned by the present.
Oh, you were conditioned by us, they're saying.
But now, like Karl Rove said, we change your reality with a snap of a finger.
We just... Okay.
It never existed.
We were never at war with East Asia.
Now we've always been at war with East Asia.
You understand?
Two plus two equals ten.
And then they go into the currency crossroads.
The only way to save America.
The only way is world government.
Okay, we're gonna take care of you.
World government's gonna help.
It's on the way.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
We're good.
I think so.
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Come you masters of war.
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I was just talking to one of my friends during the break on the phone and a lot of people go to the local farmers market in Austin and buy raw milk, but somebody narked on that.
So now no more raw milk.
That's the freedom.
That's what our forefathers fought for.
Everything's regulated and controlled.
There's a little tattletale scum everywhere who just revel
Absolutely rebel.
And groveling up to Big Brother and destroying their own future by having little tattletales.
This article continues, and I'm going to get to it in a moment.
They tell us the Newel Order's here and it's going to help us.
And they go on and basically say that
North American Union is the answer.
So we'll go over that and then get back into the latest huge FEMA camp development as more and more of how it actually is going to work materializes before our eyes.
They're telling us how these centers will work and it's exactly what I've said all these years.
I'm not going to come out and say it's an evil death camp.
It's going to turn into that.
It's a center for those that have been displaced and brigs for troublemakers and North Commonly Army will run it and run your local cities.
I mean, we've got to fight Al Qaeda and the evil right-wing Americans.
Get ready, they're going to take your pension funds, everything you got.
If they succeed in this, it's about financially raping all of us.
So all of you that thought you were part of the system, like the newscast and dramas and sitcoms making fun of patriots and those that talk about all this, now you're going to get gang raped by the New World Order.
Before I go back to
The news and the information.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live already into our number four.
I was going over Market Watch, how realistic is a North American Union currency?
Uniting U.S., Canada, Mexico, money could result from crisis.
And it goes on to say, the new world order is upon us, full of hope, promise.
While they were building it, doesn't exist, doesn't exist, doesn't exist.
Building the FEMA camps, getting the troops ready to engage it, doesn't exist.
But we knew what was happening.
We knew what was going on.
We were warning you.
Will you now listen?
And then there's this article.
Now I'm going to come back and we're going to talk to Angie Limonati, Lynn, Mike, Barry, Carmen, Anthony, and others that are patiently holding until the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to take some phone calls.
I'm going to hear what you have to say about the first hour if you heard it where I broke this down.
Then I'm going to go back over it in more detail and continue with calls.
And I want to go back and remind you of
May 24, 2006, we have the secret FEMA documents, and then, over a year later, it came out in mainstream news that, yes, it was exactly as we said.
Well, yeah, we had it from preachers, secret FEMA documents, training them to tell their flocks, go to the camps, turn your guns in, it's of the Lord.
They're not doing all this for nothing.
They're saying, well, we're doing this now with the FEMA camps because of the economic collapse, you're going to have to go to them.
And we're going to run your local cities.
But, oh, it's just because of the economic collapse.
They've just been quietly setting this up for a long, long time.
Secret FEMA plan to use pastors as pacifiers in preparation for martial law, forced inoculation, and so much more.
And by the way, the pastor sent me these, and I said, OK, do I need to black your name out?
And he said, yes.
I said, do I need to black the fax number off?
He goes, no, it's a little local store.
They don't even know me.
I went to their little town.
FEMA and Homeland Security went days after this story broke on our website.
Butch Paul first covered it, but that didn't get the big attention it did on the show here.
We had the preacher on.
They went, because we left the fax number on there, put a bunch of pages up.
I should have taken it off, but he said, you know, didn't have to do it.
They went, got the security camera tapes, found out what his car was, found out which preacher it was, and they walked in to the hospital where he volunteers.
He has a large flock as well, but the hospital where he volunteers said, you're fired.
Get out of here.
You know why.
Don't you ever talk about this stuff again.
Then we talked to another pastor as well who was scared to come on air, but gave us the same documents.
People said, oh, it's not real.
It's fake documents.
You're just making it all up.
And then it's been on the news.
In fact,
I don't have it loaded in the computer here, but we've never played it on TV.
We've always aired the audio.
Pull up FEMA Pastors for Martial Law, and there'll be several newscasts.
Queue that up during the break.
I want to find one of those for later in the show.
It'll be on YouTube.
In fact, Paul Watson wrote articles a year and a half later when we were proven right.
Yes, so you're hitting data added.
Yep, yep, here it is.
Pastors for Marshall Law, Continental Government.
So, uh, we'll show people that newscast.
Actually, that's a remix where somebody put congressman talking about Marshall Law mixed in with it.
But, uh, I'll find it during the break.
The point is, is that we're going to go over that, but first we're going to go to your phone calls when we come back.
Also, how realistic is a North American currency?
I want to point you at Infowars.com and link through the Wall Street Journal and read this.
As governments take on risk, as the price assets on behalf of the market transfer debt from private to public, that's not from private to public, from private to elite bankers, the common denominator or release valve becomes the currency.
If our economic condition is allowed to take
Medicine in the form of debt destruction, the greenback will appreciate.
And asset classes as a whole will deflate.
If we continue to inject drugs that mask symptoms rather than address the disease, the likelihood of a seismic readjustment increase in kind.
Then they go on to say, the answer is the North American currency.
You know, that's what's going to come from this.
And it says the North American currency called the Amaro, in select circles, would effectively co-mingle the Canadian dollar, US, and Mexico peso.
And then they go on to say that, you know, it's coming, get ready for it.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I cannot find words to describe how serious it is that FEMA came out and announced that they built all these FEMA camps for the American people and now they're trying to pass legislation under NORTHCOM to forcibly merge your local police, the National Guard, and everything underneath these systems.
And they're going to have tens of thousands of preachers going around telling their flocks to go to the FEMA camps.
Right now on screen, right here, we have the newscast a year and a half after we broke it, admitting exactly what we said, but spinning it like martial law is a good thing and all this stuff's great.
This is real.
And just like in Nazi Germany, they'd say, we're relocating you, because of the economic downturn or the war, to a place where you'll be safe.
And then they're saying also troublemakers will have to be held in the camps.
So this is how they're going to introduce it, get the local police and military to follow orders and go along with it.
And then they can turn the heat up.
So this is happening, this is going on.
We're going to go to your phone calls now.
Yesterday I had a bunch of callers who were on hold when the show ended and I promised that if they called back today they would go to the head of the line.
We did open the phones up and Anthony in Georgia, who we're going to go to in a moment, has called back.
Started getting into an analogy of Barack Obama, and then we had to cut him off because the show ended.
So I wanted to go back to Anthony, and also I'm doing Men on the Street interviews, one of the last things I'm shooting for this Obama deception film, and we're also going to take some clips from the show of listeners calling in about Barack Obama with their take on him, but particularly African-Americans, because I've been pleasantly pleased and surprised
Because I really thought that the Obama folks, black or white, were completely sold on his fraud.
But particularly black folks that I'm talking to really know what's going on and see right through it.
Now it turns out one of the top guys in Public Enemy came out, and I didn't even know this, I saw some other videos, he's a fan of the show, not just KRS-One.
KRS-One was telling me the other night, he said, man, so much of hip-hop just loves you.
And I'd heard that, but I didn't really know that.
So the good news is, not everybody is drinking the Kool-Aid here.
And that's going to become more and more evident as things get worse and worse.
Now, I had an Obama supporter in the trailer for the Obama deception film.
comment and say that by me criticizing Obama and saying he's selling out on his promises and is just a puppet of the elite, that I somehow am a traitor.
And I've gotten hundreds of these emails, on this one trailer just a few days after we released it, thousands of comments and the majority of them are awake and know what's going on.
A lot of them are pointing out that they're black folks and that they see right through Obama and that I exposed Bush for eight years and that this is non-partisan, that we're trying to get folks to look past
Like KRS-One has said, pass the Burger King manager George Bush or Barack Obama to the franchise owners, the elite.
These presidents are diversions to keep us looking down here instead of up there at the real power structure.
And you look at these comments, this is from jxford1 from YouTube on our official Obama trailer, the Obama deception, why didn't this piece of bleeping
A producer, creator, take on Bush.
This looks like far right wing propaganda machine that will break down soon enough.
People are tired of bull crap and need solutions.
If you're not part of the solution, you're
Let me start over.
If you're not part of it, then you are a disruptor.
So he says, if you are not part of it, then you are a disruptor.
Get ready for the new O generation.
One of responsibility and servitude for the greater good.
United States of America is the greatest country ever.
Well, servitude is not service.
Service is what you choose to do for humanity and you choose how you do that.
Servitude, in the dictionary, is slavery.
But that's what this fake service is, this compulsory service.
It is slavery.
So this person's own ignorance shines through here and they inadvertently tell the truth and talk about servitude.
So we're taking your phone call, seeing what you think of Barack H. Obama.
Is he a Judas goat?
Is he a front man?
Is he a betrayer?
Let's go to Anthony in Georgia.
Anthony, what's your take on Barack Obama?
Okay, Alex, it's an honor talking to you.
Basically, I compare Barack Obama to a vampire, and he's like the Black Vampire, like from the 1995 movie with Eddie Murphy, a vampire in Brooklyn, because of his AFRICOM policy.
And AFRICOM is basically U.S.
African Defense Ministry, and on February 6th of 2007,
The defense secretary, Robert Gates, during the Bush administration, with the same defense secretary Obama carried over, declared his operations in Africa under the title of AFRICOM, and then on February 10th, four days later, Obama announces his candidacy for president.
And so, you know, a lot of people are thinking, well, it's just a poor continent with a whole bunch of third world countries out there, so it doesn't matter.
But they don't realize the big picture.
Africa has the most abundant natural resources, the most abundant amount of gold, the most abundant amount of natural gas, the most abundant amount of diamonds, the most abundant amount of pure metals, such as iron and such as steel, than any other landmass on the planet Earth.
And throughout history, every empire has dreamed of controlling Africa.
Because the Emperor knows, as soon as they have control over Africa, they have all the natural resources and they have all the manpower they need to conquer the world.
Well, let me interrupt and elaborate on that.
They have NORTHCOM, the military jurisdiction over the United States, openly being set up for martial law and 20,000 combat troops to be used against the American people.
That's being announced.
So they set up Homeland Security and then turn it against the people, what it was meant to do all along.
Bush continues, he passes the baton to Obama, he continues the same policy.
And yes, they want, instead of Southcom or Northcom or CENTCOM over different regions of the world, they're setting up AFRICACON and they're admitting that the U.S.
forces need to go into Africa.
Now, you made another point, though, that I want you to elaborate on and repeat today, because we weren't recording then and you got cut off.
I want to put it in the film.
Continue, sir, with your analogy of they're looking through the people.
I mean, in your own words.
Repeat that.
They put the face of Barack Obama as part of their public relations because it's like in the old folktales about vampires.
A vampire cannot force his way into somebody's house.
It's against some kind of metaphysical law.
So the vampire has to persuade the resident of the household to open the door and invite him in.
So they're going to look at the people at Barack Obama, which looks like them and appears to be on their side.
They're going to say, okay, here's my ally.
Let me open the door and let me let this person in.
And then Barack Obama is just, of course, a front man for the American empire, where he's going to have the entire U.S.
Navy, the entire U.S.
Army, and the entire U.S.
Marines under AFRICOM command.
And of course, he's going to turn it into a new Iraq, and he's going to turn it into a new Afghanistan.
Everything, every operation that you see going on in Iraq and Afghanistan,
It's going to propagate to the poor countries of Africa.
Well, sir, I agree with you.
They're looking to the people.
They see a handsome, smiling African face.
He's all, hey, I'm from Kenya.
And then it's a total bait-and-switch.
But it's the same thing here in the United States, where they would get sell-out Native American chiefs to sell out their people.
This is the oldest trick in the book.
And he can also pacify the most downtrodden minority groups in the United States.
And he's saying, hey, get ready for sacrifice, get ready to lose your standard of living.
They're like, yay, I love Obama!
They could never get away with this with a John McCain.
And so you're absolutely right.
Talking to folks in your community, are they waking up?
I'm trying to talk to some people.
I actually know a lot of African immigrants here, and they're just ecstatic.
Barack Obama's elected president.
Even in Kenya, I talked to a Kenyan.
They actually have a Barack Obama day now.
They marked on the calendar.
They're celebrating his birthday.
Did you see the first thing Barack Obama did when he got elected?
Is he doubled the quote, family planning, which is really eugenics.
And the establishment needs Barack Obama.
I totally agree with you.
In my analysis, it seems like America is still on the page from history, because the Romans did the exact same thing.
There was a man named Septimus Severus, and from 145 A.D.
to 211 A.D., he was the first Roman emperor born of the African providence of Rome.
And guess what, Alex?
He was a mulatto.
His father was of Libyan descent, from the Bibir tribe.
And his mother was of Italian descent, of the Roman lineage.
And of course, he pushed the Roman Empire further into Syria, went on into further east in Syria, and also conquered further west in the Britannian area.
And he increased Roman legions from 25 to 33 sovereign legions of the Empire of Rome.
So, it looks like they're doing the same thing all over again.
They're getting somebody, and from his own literature, and from people who are critiquing him, he seemed to be harsher on the African people than the natural-born European presence of the Roman Empire in Africa.
So, they're getting their own kind to turn on their own kind, pretty much.
They always get a native-born person of the tribe they want to betray, to be the betrayers, because they'll be trusted more, and they'll have more open doors toward them.
And that's exactly what's going to happen towards Africa and you know my heart goes out to them because you know it even though I don't know them by name because of course I don't even know my last name still you know all tribalism aside I feel a connection to every person on this world and black white
The red, yellow, you know, we all need to come together and stop this.
Exactly, and that's why I can't buy into the hype in the name of false brotherhood and say I'm endorsing Obama just for feel good.
I have a responsibility to reach out to everybody and tell them the truth because the people deserve that.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
I appreciate you calling.
No problem, Alex.
Take care, Anthony, from Georgia.
All right, we're going straight to your calls.
Anti-Illuminati, Lynn, Mike, Barry, Cameron, Mike, everybody else.
In fact, Mike will be first.
He disagrees.
Stay with us.
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Alright, let's try to go to your calls as quickly as possible here.
Let's talk to
Mike in Montreal, Canada disagrees.
Go ahead, Mike, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Thank you very much for taking my call.
Just on purpose real quick, you're one of the reasons I got off the street, got clean, got my life together, educated myself, and taken my education to such a high level that, you know, I can talk out people that have gone to universities and stuff, because of guests like Alan Watt that you have on.
And I really, I owe you so much and even the faith that you've given, that you've just, you speak about and it's just bringing my faith to a whole new level and I'm so grateful for that, I really am.
I do owe you my life, thank you very much Alex.
The only thing I have to disagree with is
The comment section at the end of your articles, I find all of your articles so empowering.
I read through them and then, like everybody, I scroll through every comment and by the end of that I'm just so tired from the disinformation that's on there.
And even I've noticed in your show, you spend so much time just speaking about all that disinformation.
It's just taking so much energy away from us.
Stop for just a minute.
Look, if I go to a YouTube video with our trailer posted with almost 70,000 views in two days, and I point out that this person says that we're right-wing and how dare us not expose Bush out of ignorance, we're showing that they're ignorant, and we're showing that he says it's one of responsibility and servitude.
They're saying we're going to be slaves, and I'm pointing out that they think slavery is freedom.
So I don't think that's spending time on disinformation.
That's spending time looking at what people are doing.
You know, we don't censor InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in the comment sections.
But the disinformation all day accuses us of it as they're there posting.
Now there is some problems with our servers and caching and WordPress and I can't still post at my house to my websites for some reason.
We do have things like, you know, kill the president erased.
You know, there's a few words that are blocked, but there's not people actively in there, you know, censoring it.
So we let them go on and lie about us and say horrible things about us.
You know, do terrible things and you know we leave it up when somebody puts a link to where I live.
Except it's not where I live, so I kind of feel sorry for whoever lives there.
There's a lot of Alex Joneses in this world, including four of them in Austin.
But Alex Jones called me like two weeks ago and said, I had somebody come knock on my door, what the hell can't you make on me?
Hey man, I'm sorry, that's this bad person doing this, not me.
And you know we had to
Take things like K-I-L-L Obama, we had to take that, we had to ban that term because I had the Secret Service out here twice.
But other than that, you know, we did the comment sections for the First Amendment, even though it's our site and we can do whatever we want, to open it up and have debate.
And so it does let the disinfo in and does let them do that.
But it makes the sites bigger, more dynamic, more popular.
They've only grown since we've done it.
And it's the big boy world, big boy pants time.
And people are learning about the disinfo.
And the answer to all the disinfo in there is go in there as a good person and post documents, post news articles, post stories, post information.
And don't feed the trolls as they say.
When I get up on air and occasionally mention it, it's not to feed trolls, it's to point out that this person isn't a troll.
I mean, a troll's not going to say it's time for us to be in servitude.
This isn't even sarcasm, this is an ignorant person.
So I'm just illustrating their mental bondage when I do that.
But you know, maybe you're right.
Maybe I should get rid of the message board.
And then the message board does have some censorship in it.
Because I set that up and we had a few moderators on there because people were saying the same thing, go kill this person, go kill that person.
I had the police calling me four or five years ago.
So I picked a few moderators.
I think some of them may go overboard sometimes.
And I've even called a few of the moderators.
They don't really work for us.
It's people that we've seen have a good track record and say, hey, you know, let folks attack me in there.
Do that.
But there are no moderators on the InfoWars and Prison Planet.
And people are in there going crazy.
But that's what freedom looks like.
What am I supposed to do?
There's CENTCOM guys on there saying they're going to rape my wife.
That's who they are.
It really shows us who they are.
They kind of discredit themselves, don't you think?
Yes, sir.
Thank you very much for answering my question.
And just real quick, I just wanted to mention that I really think atheism is a new form of soft kill weapon.
And there's just so much research that's been done.
Yeah, it is.
It makes you not be tied into your higher consciousness.
It makes you just think that you're just a machine off pheromones and ideas and you only love your baby because of oxytocin.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I owe you my life.
Thank you, my friend.
Well, I mean, how did you awaken when we explained that being on drugs, being in the system lets the enemy win and it's not radical and cool?
It's radical and cool to be upright and strong and focused and informed?
Well, I just never had any positive role male models and I remember hitting rock bottom.
I really remember what that's like and just feeling completely powerless, uneducated.
Stay there.
I want to hear more about this.
I want to hear more about this.
We'll get everybody else's call.
Stay with us, folks.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There's a woman in the night.
She's got a baby in her hands.
She wants
To go to the light, but... She's gotta have another fix, folks.
And they're shipping that heroin into her from... Central Asia, from Afghanistan.
And they're gonna CPS her baby.
And they're gonna hop it up on drugs.
They're gonna do medical experiments on it.
And the dumbed-down public's gonna think they're still in Disneyland.
And I really know they're in hell.
The whole United States is one big sin city.
Let's play this one line.
There's a woman in the night with a baby in her hands.
And then we're going to go back to ANZI Illuminati.
Now we're talking to Mike in Montreal.
Then I'm going to run through your calls and get more into the FEMA camps and some other news.
But anybody you've warned about the New World Order that's laughed at you, they can't laugh anymore.
It's all public now.
Now is the time to reach out to people and to warn them.
And as things get worse, they will remember what you told them and we have a chance to turn this around.
Crank it up!
There's a woman in the night.
She's counting on you to help her, folks.
I see a woman in the night With a baby in her hand In an old street light Near a garbage can Now she puts the kid away She's gonna get a hit She hates her life and what she's done to it There's one more kid And they're never gonna get it
Well, you're feeling sorry for yourself.
You don't have all the bling and the segments of power.
Remember how blessed you are.
Remember how good you've got it in this country.
And realize we've got to defend it, we've got to protect it.
Okay, sir.
Give us your testimony of waking up, getting in power, getting out of the system.
Getting out of all the modes of control they try to put over you.
Go ahead.
Thank you, that song was awesome.
But I do remember hitting rock bottom, and there's nothing worse than waking up, not having any education, barely knowing how to read or write, and being in the system, and trying to get out, and having everybody in your life, all of your friends, still in that lifestyle and trying to overcome that.
But the only thing that
Allowed me to do that.
It's having the desire and the want to do that.
You know, I wanted to become educated.
I wanted to know how to read and write.
I wanted to find the truth.
And honestly, you are one of the reasons I followed through on that.
And I got access to more information.
But I have to admit, I did follow a lot of, like, disinfo books and on how to become more awake and all the disinformation stuff.
But that's what happens.
That's all part of the process.
Then you develop a palette.
And I just have to say, one of your guests, Alan Watt, he's the absolute source for amazing information.
And if you just listened to all of his lectures, you'd be more educated than anyone with a PhD.
You know, that's just my take on that.
Just absolutely genius guy.
Yeah, you just have to want it, Alex, and I'm proof of that.
You have to want to get better.
You have to want to educate yourself, and when you do it, there's nothing more empowering than knowing who your enemies are, how you're getting suckered, and I love it.
I love being awake, Alex, and the New World Order is never going to break me.
I'm telling you that right now.
Good to hear from you.
Okay, let's go to Anti-Illuminati in Nevada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
This is Anti-Illuminati from your Prison Planet Forum message board.
The main topic I want to touch on is P-TECH and the mind control technology that exists.
But before I do that, I want to have a little message for a certain group of people that serve the New World Order, and that's the people that work at the Department of Public Safety in every state that think that they're providing for the security of people by entering all these people into sex offender registry databases.
You people have been exposed.
Your departments are all under NORTHCOM.
Anyone can just type in Northern Command and Department of Public Safety, you'll get thousands of hits.
They've got all these different databases called Justice Exchange, Alert Express, Sonar.
And here's the thing about all this stuff.
All the computer systems in the world of basically all the big corporations and military, they're all
Compromised from the P-TECH software that was used to facilitate the 9-11 attacks that was installed on the FAA computers in NORAD by Felix Rauch, one of the globalist top computer programmers.
Okay, so the underlying thing about the New World Order's scientific dictatorship, to be more specific,
A lot of it is a computer dictatorship.
No, I know.
It's a unified grid.
They built the system.
They have all the back doors.
And then all the major keys to the back doors are held by Israel.
And if they wanted to, they could cause any airliner to crash in the world.
After 9-11, Raytheon
We've got all these contracts on a global basis.
For example, they were contracted out to revamp the air traffic control systems at the Basra Airport in Baghdad.
So, it's like, hey, we'll keep you safe, but yeah, we're basically living in a real-life version of live free or die hard.
If the American people are going to retake their government back, or any nation,
Part of doing that is, you know, this system has to be...
Exposed and shut down.
That's right, they use films like that where the one government guy steals all the money out of the bank accounts and now look what the bankers are actually doing.
They're stealing all the money out of the bank accounts and then posing as the savers saying, make us world government powers, make us the new world order, we'll fix it.
And it's even in the Wall Street Journal saying, oh we're going to have a new Amero, a new North American Union, it's a new idea, we just got to save the economy.
How many years did I say they'd blow the economy, offer the North American Union, that that's how they'd sell it?
And now, after denying it, they're now announcing it because it means they're about to try to publicly bring it in.
It's already there, it's already operating, and it's high treason.
You know, it's really the people you need to look at.
I mean, I urge anybody to go on your forum and just search for P-TECH.
I mean, I post a lot of stuff on there.
I've got almost a thousand posts total.
I did a lot of research on it.
It's extremely important because it explains
You know, a lot of people, they have a, they can't really understand, well, how are these, how is the New World Order so powerful?
The state police, the local police are all under NORTHCOM and the Threat Integration Fusion Centers, and now they're announcing onto the fusion centers they've built or are building giant FEMA camps where pastors will oversee us and we're, again, the economy will bankrupt.
First, they'll put people in them who want to be there, and then they'll advertise that and condition everybody to accept it.
That's what's so incredible.
about this new legislation because they admit it all exactly as I broke it down because I was looking at all the pieces and then I said when they get ready to really prepare to use this or when they get ready to attempt to use this they will roll it out not we're putting you in a death camp but oh it's an emergency center for your safety protected by the police and they're doing it I appreciate your call sir good to hear from you talked to that guy for hours but we've got to get to other callers Lynn in Connecticut you're on the air worldwide
Yes, hi Alex, thank you.
I just want to say you're a great honor to our nation and we love you.
Before I get to the FIBA camps, I'll be quick with you.
You talk about the preachers.
I happen to have joined the Society.
I'm a traditionalist Catholic and you probably never heard of Bishop Williamson, but he speaks out against the New World Order all the time, so I'm happy I finally belong to a church that speaks out against what's going on.
And he's telling us what to do.
Do you think we need to have backpacks and go into hiding and everything?
We need to fight like the Dickens now to expose the agenda.
Because this is a very unpopular criminal agenda.
We have to know how they're going to roll their agenda out.
We have to know how they're always going to put a nice face on it.
We have to say, no, no, no, no, no, and scream bloody murder.
Then, they won't be able to get this agenda through.
They may have the high ground with the power and the money, but we have the high ground spiritually and in the right.
And we have the people.
And the folks are now waking up.
And this Obama delusion is already starting to fade somewhat.
And it's going to only fade faster.
But yes, be prepared that if they start saying, well, due to rioting and the breakdown of no food, they're going to make you, if they decide to pull the trigger on this, we expose them enough, they put up trial balloons as they're doing now, they may back off and then keep building and waiting for a future date.
See, we're backing them off.
But now it looks like we've backed them off, backed them off, backed them off, but now they're just, you know, it appears that they're going to go ahead and launch in the next six months to two years.
It appears
I mean, this is one of the final pieces of the puzzle when they come out and announce, yes, camps for your safety!
Camps, happy, fun places, but you'll have to work in the camps because the economy's bad.
So you have to be ready that if things are breaking down and falling apart you won't have to go to the Superdome to be loaded on trucks and helicopters to be taken to a FEMA camp.
You have to be ready to be self-sufficient and then they'll come through in phase two and try to confiscate your guns and take you to a camp because you're not allowed to stay and at that point you have to say,
And it'll still be on radio and TV, there'll still be some power in areas if they go with this operation.
You'll see the camps, the people eating food, watching Obama on big screen TVs, on the outside areas and living in tents and in portable buildings.
It'll show kids on jump ropes, hey, the emergency FEMA center, it's great!
And it will be great, except for those being taken off to the back 40 and put in an acid bath or killed or flown to a black site.
But no, they're going to PR the camps.
You've got to ask when that truck pulls up, are you going to go to the camp?
And at that point, God helps those that help themselves.
And that's the point where it's lock and load time.
Oh, OK, good.
That's good to know.
That's when it's lock and load.
We're not looking for this.
It's not a fun thing.
I'm not going to a camp where some piece of filth guard is going to break my family up and take me off for interrogation so they can torture me for two years and put me on TV saying that I was a bank robber.
It ain't happened.
And that's it.
I'm committed.
That's the way it is.
I'm not out there offensively doing anything.
I'm not getting on an army truck.
I'm not going anywhere.
And we have to commit and say, that's it!
You know, we're not going to your stinking camps that you said didn't exist and now, oh, we just built them to save you.
They just popped up like mushrooms after a rain.
It's brand new because of the economic problem.
I know.
Yeah, you're right.
I feel bad because so many people I talk to, they don't believe, you know.
Well, they're going to say, but Obama says it's for our safety.
And then again, if they can't get their agenda through, that will be a victory for us.
It won't happen under Obama.
It'll happen under Schwarzenegger or whoever comes next, and then we'll be here fighting it when there's camps all around us and they've got PR announcements.
What's wrong with the camps?
The camps are great.
See, and then it'll be like, Alex, so they built camps.
You're not in it yet, are you?
As we fight politically to say no.
You understand?
Yes, yes.
See, it's a PR war.
It's not like one day everybody's grabbed and goes to the camp.
Study Nazi Germany.
I know.
It took ten years to really get it going.
Before they were, you know, first they'd lock down neighborhoods and that's what Homeland Security says.
Life will be locked down neighborhoods.
Showing, you know, to get out of your neighborhood.
They already have towns all over the country where you're not allowed to go out 24 hours a day without showing passes.
They call it martial law.
Here in Connecticut.
Connecticut, Kentucky,
All over Arkansas, Oklahoma.
We played the newscast here.
And there's checkpoints at every street.
Everybody shows their ID to go to work, and then they say, go right back home.
It's already begun.
And you've got a local FEMA command center.
The troops are advising all of that.
They've just come back from Iraq and Fallujah and Basra, where they run those ops.
And to them, it's normal.
Yeah, totally.
We had to ship him to one of the more secure camps.
Well, where did Bob go?
Are you causing a problem under the Patriot Act?
We have zero tolerance.
You heard that lawyer, top lawyer last hour, say arguing with any of them is at least 20 years in prison.
He said that's the sentence.
20 years in prison for talking to them.
Alright, you're arguing?
We're taking your children to this area, they're getting shots.
Sir, America's in trouble.
We're just trying to do our job.
This is exactly how it's going to be.
He caused a disturbance, send him to Camp 7.
And then they'll put you on a helicopter, fly you 100 miles, and there it'll be.
You son of a bitch, you want to cause problems?
Come here, Jones!
Knock your teeth out, you son of a bitch!
Nice to see your website, nice to come... Die, you son of a bitch!
Yeah, we rule America!
Hell yeah!
And that's what it's about, stealing and grabbing and snatching and just doing whatever they want.
Well, it isn't going to happen.
I know.
I'm not going to be in there with those pieces of filth with their dogs and their torturing people.
I'm not going to be part of it.
It isn't happening.
I know.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
I almost broke my hand there.
But that's who these demons are.
They're just going to love it.
Men and women cornered all day.
The Army Zone Report admitted 96 percent, no, 97 percent
Of those picked up at Iraq checkpoints and taken to scores of camps, just didn't have their ID in order.
And they take them in there and they hired former federal prison guards who'd lost their jobs for torture and rape, and they're just waiting.
And they just bring in the children and they go, you're gonna tell me you're Al Qaeda, bring the five-year-old here in front of them.
The parents are chained down and they just, alright.
I mean, literally, that's in the Army Reports.
Give me the battery acid.
I'm gonna put battery acid all over this.
You're Al Qaeda!
And they're gonna come back to America and they're just like, they're just psychopathic killers.
Same guys you see out grabbing women off the road.
But now they're in a uniform.
I'm Officer Demoski!
I got a clockwork orange.
And isn't it a joke, ladies and gentlemen?
They're everywhere.
They just love death and destruction.
They love feeding.
They love pain.
They love the power trip of just knocking teeth out and killing people and beating them to death all day and just, ha ha ha, yes!
And that's what the Army reports, so it's going to be the same with you.
Officer, what's this checkpoint?
What's going on?
Get out of the car.
Hey officer, I'm not going anywhere.
Your papers aren't in order.
But I'm... That's it!
They argued with us!
Patriot Act!
Patriot Act!
Bill, where are you going?
The children are crying.
Ma'am, we'll take you to a facility.
It's alright.
He's just going for interrogation and a security check.
Move forward!
Next car!
Lots of young guys on power trains, walking over and inspecting.
They're all compartmentalized, just doing their job.
They've been assessed, analyzed for that personality type.
But Bob, he's going to be trucked to a facility 200 miles away, where they're just waiting.
And they have those camps all over the world, and they're just waiting, just psychos.
The dungeon keepers.
And they love it.
They love the humiliation.
They love the screams of pain.
On Taxi to the Dark Side, they admit they would just grab innocent camel herders, because they just had numbers to show of terror, and they would beat them for, you know, like 10, 15 hours straight, until their legs liquefied.
And they would just take them and go, throw them in the pit!
Then they'd have doctors go fill out the report that they, you know, died of a heart attack.
Some 16-year-old.
Bring me another to the pit!
Now I'm gonna beat ya!
I mean, what kind of psycho just beats people for 10 hours?
And then would take turns beating, beating and beating.
Oh, I love the demonic power!
Just seething with hatred, seething with evil.
That's their spirit.
Crushing it.
That's who we're facing.
Degenerate scumbag filth everywhere feeding on you and your family.
We're gonna beat these bastards!
They're not gonna stop us!
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Take a look out your window there, there's a scene you'd like to catch.
You know, we got a load of phone lines.
I want to go to all your calls, but I wanted to get more into the FEMA camp legislation.
I covered it in the first hour.
It's about to re-air and re-broadcast on the internet streams at Infowars.com in T-minus 5 minutes, 35 seconds.
Yeah, sometimes Satan comes a man of Obama-piece.
Satan comes a man of peace.
Now first he's in the back.
I'm not joking about the cadres of psycho torturers they've got.
Instead of being scared and cowing to them, realize they're a bunch of bully scumbag filth.
And if I can gut up and be on the front lines fighting them no matter what comes of it, you can do the same thing too.
Just commit to it!
You ever grown up in life and bullies when you were 13, 14 years old?
You know, they might be 18 or beating you up.
And finally you just learn how to get mad.
It's always kind of good when somebody starts a fight with you and you're kind of worried about that first punch connects with your head and you just fire up.
Now you're going to get it!
And then those cowards, the bullies, all of a sudden go, because they can tell it's ass whooping time.
A huge can of whoop-ass is about to be opened.
Well, we are going to kick the New World Order's butt.
Satan, he come as a man of peace.
Stop being suckers.
I uh, another caller called in that disagreed there.
I'm not going to have time to get to him.
Maybe I'll have time to get to Brian.
Here at the very end of the show before the rebroadcast and the key analysis of the FEMA camp.
I did an hour on it.
I meant to get back into it, but it's coming up right now.
But without these sponsors we wouldn't even be here.
And uh,
One of them is eFoodsDirect, eFoodsDirect.com, the best orible foods company out there, the best deals, the best prices.
And I just hope that you'll give eFoodsDirect a call, get a free catalog or free audio CD or watch the free videos materials at their website, eFoodsDirect.com and find out more because that's how they'll get you to go to the FEMA camp.
They're going to have people begging to get in those camps.
That's where the food's going to be in the image of people.
It's like getting the new Cabbage Patch doll, the new Beanie Baby.
I want the camp.
The camp's fun.
They'll even have Hollywood stars come out and sing for the people in the camp.
They're going to make it fun.
They're going to make it cool.
That's how they're going to introduce it to you, and that's right there in the legislation.
You understand that?
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I don't have time to get to a caller that disagrees.
Well, I'll give him one minute here at the end.
Brian in Texas, what do you disagree with?
I need to go to the FEMA camp so they don't exist, or the Wall Street Journal isn't calling for a new world order and saying you'll save us right now?
Alex, listen, what I disagree with was, I hope I wasn't deceptive with your screener, but you had Joe Rogan on the other day, and Rogan posed the question, y'all were talking about this collapse, and he said, you know, Alex, don't you believe that this is, you know, greed played a part?
And you kind of let him off the hook, and I realize you want to get these guys on, you
Yes, we are.
Uh, to pass up food, gas and electricity.
And through Joe, I meet more celebrities so I can then convert over to reality.
I'm out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Retransmission starts now, one place.
Infowars.com and other family of websites like PrisonPlanet.com.
Key analysis coming up now.
Please, listen carefully.
Listen carefully.
This is key.
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Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
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