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Name: 20090114_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2009
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is the 14th day of January, Wednesday, 2009.
I am not Alex Jones, I am Jason Bermas, sitting in all week.
Welcome, PrisonPlanet.TV subscribers.
Right now, we have a guest who's had one of the most effective websites for truth out there over the past decade or so.
I think it's even, I might even be more than 10 years old right now.
It's one of the first things I found when I started looking into the truth.
WhatReallyHappened.com, Michael Rivero.
And he's got a radio show as well, and he even appears in my little film, Fable Enemies, that came out in September.
And we thank you for joining us, Michael.
Well, thank you for having me on the show, Jason.
Definitely a pleasure to be with you again.
And we love the new video cam.
I mean, the technology is going up.
Hopefully we'll have a real station soon, like a real TV station.
More people can get our information.
But it is exploding.
As the market crashes, I see more and more visitors, more and more people actually listening to what we have to say.
And I really want to talk to you about what you think is going to be happening in the next 6 to 12 months in this country.
Well unfortunately I think we're heading into a very very dark time economically and politically and what you said about more and more people tuning into the alternative media, Genesis Communication Network, our various websites on the blogosphere is a continuation of a trend as more and more American people and basically around the world
Come to understand that the corporate media is really a disinformation channel.
They're turning away from it.
They're turning to the alternative media to try and find out what's going on.
In a lot of ways this mirrors what we saw leading up to the decline and fall of the former Soviet Union.
Where the Russian people became very dissatisfied with what they were getting from Pravda and Izvestia.
They began to realize there was a lot of lying and deception going on.
They created their own populist media, the Samizdat, to get information around.
And ultimately, when the government lost the trust of the Russian people, it was no longer able to function.
And that was basically at that point we knew the Soviet Union was going to collapse.
And I think we're kind of in the same situation right now here in the United States.
Where do you think all this bailout's going?
I mean, we had Bernanke yesterday saying, look, we need more bailouts.
Before that, Paulson said, the bailouts that have come through, we're going to have more banks closed down anyway.
And we still have not heard what the Obama stimulus package is going to be.
We're now six days away from him coming into office.
I mean, personally, I'm not too thrilled with his Chief of Staff pick, Rahm Emanuel.
This is a guy that's calling for a mandatory conscription of 18 to 25 year olds.
So, I mean, when you saw his speech and he said, you know, this is going to be a time of great sacrifice and service for you, the people, do you think that that's in the cards?
Do you think that we might have conscription?
And where do you think all this banking mess is going to go?
Well, as far as the conscription is concerned, it should be very obvious that Israel is trying to kick off a major regional war in the Mideast in which the United States will find itself mired, and once again, young American men and young American women are going to be playing bullet catchers for Israel's expansionist policy.
So that's definitely in the works.
Rahm Emanuel is very much in favor of that.
He's very supportive of Israel.
He's one of these individuals where we have to ask, where do their true loyalties lie?
And if it's not with the United States, why isn't he in such a position of power?
As far as the economy and the bailouts, it's running absolutely out of control, but you need to understand
That the whole point of the bailouts isn't so much where the money is being spent, it is merely that it is being borrowed and created.
Because if you look at the way our Federal Reserve operates, money does not exist until somebody is there to borrow it.
When you sign that loan document at the bank, the bank literally creates the money you borrowed out of thin air.
That's how the Federal Reserve System works.
So what happened this last year,
Is that the American people prudently stopped their borrowing?
They slowed down because as our manufacturing jobs left to other countries, Americans realized we don't have the money to pay these debts so we're not going to borrow as much.
We're not going to use our credit cards.
We're not going to buy the bigger, flashier car.
So, the government is borrowing on our behalf.
That's what the payout is.
And we'll be paying it back, but we're not going to have any jobs to pay it back, so we're going to be in an interesting situation.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
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We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And a couple of other key appointments that we should really mention in the Obama administration that have occurred over the past couple of days.
The fact that John Kerry is on board as the head of the Foreign Relations Committee.
And, you know, some people might think that's the greatest thing since breakfast.
I don't know.
I don't think it's the greatest thing ever.
I mean, obviously, you know, Kerry was a front in 2004 to throw the election to Bush.
I mean, he won the election.
He didn't demand a recount.
He didn't demand they even really count the votes at all.
And then his new climate czar, his pick is global warming czar, because we need a czar for global warming.
Carol M. Browner, one of the 14 leaders of the Socialist Group Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for global governance.
Of course, when the Washington Times printed this article and people got wind of it, it was taken off.
We're good.
Snuck away together in D.C.
on the weekend of the Bilderberg meeting, and Gergen actually talked about that meeting.
You know, they said there was a secret meeting.
First it was at Clinton's house, then later they said it was at Dianne Feinstein's.
My guess is that it was probably with members of the Bilderberg group.
I kind of want to get your opinion on that too, Michael.
But Gergen called it and said that they were probably talking about what her position was going to be, whether it was going to be Secretary of State or possibly somewhere else in the administration.
What do you think about these backdoor secret meetings with Hillary Clinton?
Do you think that they were over at the Bilderberg Group?
What's your opinion on that, Mike?
...going on, and I think at the point where Hillary realized that she was not going to be able to win the nomination, she wanted to make the best deal for herself with Barack Obama, and held over his head the nuclear option of getting her supporters to back John McCain.
And I think up until the point that McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, it was a credible threat.
But I think John McCain erred on that, or maybe he was just looking at the way the country is headed and decided at the last second, maybe he didn't want to be president after all.
Let's get a vice president that will end my candidacy graciously, and I'll take the rest of my campaign war chest and retire quietly.
There's obviously been a lot of deal making going on.
Barack Obama obviously has made a lot of deals, which is why we have so many of the old Clinton cronies showing up in his administration.
It is very distressing for people who wanted to listen to his message of change that we can believe in.
Because we're not seeing change.
Yeah, the guy in the Oval Office is different, but everything around him basically harkens back to the 1990s.
And I'm very distressed by Hillary Clinton coming out and saying that she's just not going to negotiate with Hamas, because like it or not, Hamas is the elected government of another country.
And that's the Secretary of State's job, is to talk to the elected government of other countries.
And Hillary's starting out saying,
I'm not going to do my job.
Let's just drop bombs and get it over with.
So that's a warning sign.
Well, I'm glad you brought up the Middle East.
How do you feel about the policy?
I mean, Obama's openly talking about a redistribution of forces into Afghanistan.
I mean, yes, we're going to see a de-escalation in Iraq, but he says we're going to send more troops into Afghanistan.
I mean, I feel like all they're doing is keeping their presence there.
As more stabilization occurs in Iraq, I feel like the big plan is the Eurasian Union, obviously.
We're good to go.
Well, I feel like he's over there basically to see how much he has to cover up for our end.
I mean, obviously, you know, Biden is well aware of the ISI.
He knew about the funding of the hijackers.
We cover that in Fabled Enemies.
There's no doubt about it.
He was on the floor on the 12th talking about pretending to be our friend in Pakistan.
Yet, he's meeting with the head of the ISI at that point.
He knows of the dealings there.
And so he goes there now after the Mumbai attacks.
You know, lead back to an ISI asset, a CIA asset, and the governments of India are openly saying that Pakistani intelligence was involved, so he has to go over there.
I don't think that we really want to bomb Pakistan, although that's been in the news lately, too.
What do you think?
You think we're going to bomb Pakistan?
I think we're probably going to go into Pakistan, or we're going to support India going into Pakistan, because if you look at the geography of the region, you have got Afghanistan to the north, which is pretty much under U.S.
control nominally.
You have India, which is very much an ally of the United States.
For China to be able to send pipelines through to Middle East oil, they must go through Pakistan.
So if we can turn Pakistan into a war zone, then that cuts China off from one of the resources they need industrially, and I think that's why there is so much pressure on Pakistan right now.
It's kind of a repeat of what we saw
The U.S.
Prevent Russia from supporting Iran, but when that war didn't work out so well, I think that's when the push to invade Iran began to wane, when they couldn't keep Russia out of the region.
So they shifted over to Pakistan, now Israel's talking about a bombing attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure again.
It's definitely a lot of chaos, and as I like to tell my own listeners,
We're in a very awkward stage in our planet's history where all of our immediate future is basically being determined by whichever world leader is the least mentally stable and we've got some real nutcases in power right now.
I agree with that.
So you think that Iran is relatively going to be put on the back burner and that the real conflict may be in Pakistan?
I hope you're wrong.
I hope that installing a new dictator will at least, you know, wave that off.
You know, I figured that's what they were trying to do, do it diplomatically.
But the rhetoric is there.
I mean, they're talking about them being the new big enemy and I think that just one type of terror event, either here or in Europe, being blamed on Pakistan could be the catalyst to send, you know, our forces or NATO forces or UN forces in there and that would be a total and complete nightmare.
That might be
You know, most people are saying the Iran conflict was what was going to spark, you know, World War III, but a conflict with Pakistan could very well do the same.
You're absolutely correct here.
And the issue here isn't whether we want to go into Iran or we want to go into Pakistan.
There are numerous players and numerous factions and each has their own agenda.
Israel still wants us to attack Iran.
The US, I think, has decided they can't do it because they can't keep Russia from intervening militarily.
So now they're looking at Pakistan, if for no other reason than to block off China's access to Middle Eastern oil and force them to come do business with the United States for their petroleum.
And again, it's that chessboard around the oil fields that's really in play.
Do you think that Russia is unhappy with its place in the world?
I mean, obviously there was a play, like you said, in that South Ossetia-Georgian conflict to see what kind of a world power they still were.
Do you feel like they feel like they don't want to be a second world nation in this global order?
I mean, that's how I feel like the play is.
You had Putin and Bush sitting next to each other at the Olympics as this conflict's going on.
I don't think that Putin is very happy with the way that he was treated, and I don't think that he's very happy with, you know, the U.S.
basically trying to build a North American Union here at home, and I really do believe trying to build a Eurasian Union right around the corner from their home.
Well, I don't think it's a question of whether Russia wants to be number one or number two.
I think Russia, certainly looking at what Putin was doing right after he got rid of the oligarchs, I think he wants peace and prosperity for his people because his own political fortunes are dependent on that.
But he lives, unfortunately, in a time when there are some very belligerent nations.
I mean, setting aside for the moment Israel's obvious push for war in Lebanon, war in Iran, war against Syria, war against Jordan, the list goes on, we have in the United States a large number of people who are looking at our economic problems and thinking that a major war at least will disguise the symptoms, give them something to blame it all on.
I mean, Americans will put up
We're good.
I think?
you know at least everybody will be distracted from how bad things are because there's a war on and we've got a rally around the flag and i think that's their thinking and it's not going to work this time because first of all
Because of the alternative media, the American people know they're being lied to about these situations.
They're not going to trust the government's story about any new war.
Second of all, the United States is not the industrial powerhouse it was for World War I and World War II.
We can't sustain the kind of manufacturing output it takes to support a major global war.
And our economy is already in a shambles.
I think a new major war will be the end of the United States.
I agree with you and I think what it will do is restructure us, Canada and Mexico together.
My fear is, alright, let's say that the dollar totally and completely collapses in the next six months and it's no longer the world reserve currency.
That alone could probably start some real military conflicts.
And like you said, we don't have the factories that we once had.
We can't just take a factory and take the workers there and suspend whatever product they were making because they don't make anything here anymore.
You know, you can't make weapons in a factory that's not fit to make shoes, because we don't make anything.
The last thing we made here were cars, and that's about to go under as well.
I mean, we're spread so thin militarily, is this going to be like the first United States military defeat?
I mean, people could argue Vietnam and everything, but I'm talking about on a global scale.
I think it very well could be because if you look at the historical precedent for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, Rome began to decline when they spread their legions so thin they only had to lose one up in Germany and then they could no longer police their global empire and the little fringe nations began breaking away and the revenues to Rome dropped and Rome sank into debt and collapsed.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking with Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com.
We're going to be talking the economy and Obama and more.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Folks, we are upping the game over at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We are streaming live at least two hours of video right now, actually.
So you can not only listen to us through our great AM and FM affiliates, GCN, but PrisonPlanet.tv, you can actually see my pretty face and, of course, Mike Rivera's on the cam.
We're gonna take your calls after this segment.
Let's try to keep it on topic.
I'd appreciate if we could keep away from the spooky hand signals and the race wars.
Some people, man.
I mean, they're just unbelievable.
We got real, real issues to talk about here.
We got...
A new administration coming in in six days.
We've got people like Colin Powell, Joe Biden, Madeleine Albright all warning us about a crisis.
Now, at first, I didn't give much credence to this.
I thought it was political rhetoric, especially on Biden's part, to try to get him elected.
You know, I didn't take much stock in what Albright said, but when Colin Powell gave a date of the 21st or 22nd, it definitely spooked me out.
Some people have tried to point to the fact that he said that before the economic crisis hit television, but
I really, I don't know.
Do you give any credence to that, Mike?
Do you think there's going to be something coming up on the 21st or 22nd?
I mean, it could just be the announcement of more bank collapses.
Who knows?
I'm very hesitant to name a date like the 20th or the 21st.
And again, this gets back to the comment about so many different factions right now, each pushing their own agenda.
And I am certain that there are some people who are thinking that a new 9-11 is going to advance their particular situation.
They are being balanced by, I hope, a larger majority who are saying that the American people are already suspicious of the first 9-11 and a second one is going to be a very reckless and very dangerous and risky proposition.
But again, you know, it's not like the government is operating in a united, monolithic sense.
There's a lot of different players and they're all doing what they think is going to be in their own best interests.
I agree with you there, and people say, well why do you keep bringing up 9-11?
It's because the mainstream media constantly brings up 9-11.
Today on Fox News, FoxNews.com admitted that they torture people at Guantanamo Bay, but of course the guy they were torturing was a suspect in the 9-11 attacks, and he later confessed that he was involved, so it's okay.
It just blows my mind, and even now... Yeah, I love it.
We've tortured him into confessing, therefore it must be true.
And then you've had those military tribunals that have made the news in the past couple months of these supposed 9-11 suspects outside of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Of course, we'll see nothing more than transcripts about that, and people will buy into it.
Mickey Rourke just won the Golden Globe.
For the wrestler.
I actually watched it.
I like the movie.
I think he actually might even deserve an Oscar for it.
But then he gets interviewed and what's the headline?
It's not, oh, Mickey Rourke wins the Golden Globe.
Mickey Rourke says Bush did the right thing after 9-11 to the terrorists.
Of course, Mickey Rourke is going to weigh in.
And the sad thing is, Mike, more people are going to listen to him because he's in the movies and on television than are going to listen to you or me because that's the kind of society we live in.
Well, I think that was the conventional wisdom a long time ago, but I'm not certain that's true anymore, first of all, because I think thanks be to people like Paris Hilton and her ilk, people are realizing that celebrities may look very good and make a very hot weekend.
But they're not necessarily really up to date on what's going on.
And to balance them, of course, you have people like Charlie Sheen and Willie Nelson and Rosie O'Donnell, who have laid their careers on the line to speak truth to power.
And these are being viewed as modern day heroes and heroines.
And so I think Mickey Rourke may ultimately, in the long run, have marginalized himself with that comment.
Well, I hope you're right.
But, you know, it leads me to this sheeple-like mentality of people that, you know, they're more interested.
I mean, Paris Hilton can have how many, like six or seven reality shows, and people still tune in.
She still makes money on television just being her regular idiotic self.
And people worship that and glorify it.
And I think that's why we're in the situation we are with the banks in the Middle East, is because people aren't paying attention.
I was impressed that most people weren't for the bailout, but, you know, when I'd be in a bar,
And I'd be talking to, you know, the local Republican business owner.
Oh no man, if we don't have this bailout, we're going to go under.
Explaining every single great thing about the bailout that the news media was using as talking points three months ago, and now when the news media says, oh my god, we're in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression, they're still saying, well, we need another bailout.
That's what the news told me.
We need another bailout.
How are we going to get past that?
Well, you have to remember that the Republican Party was actually emailing these talking points out to business owners, because I own a small business and I actually got one of these myself.
And it is simply propaganda, because everyone is always debating about who's going to get the tax burden in the next administration.
So the GOP wanted to keep the tax breaks George Bush gave them.
The Obama supporters want the tax breaks to go to them this time.
And what they need to do is unite and say, look, taxes on everybody are too high and we need to back off.
That's how you save the economy.
Alright, it's the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be taking your calls on the other side.
Mike Rivera, WhatReallyHappened.com, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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It's the Alex Jones Show.
It's so hard to interrupt Johnny Cash when he's doing his thing.
I love the Cash.
We're going to be taking your calls in this segment.
Myself and Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com.
We're going to go to Paul, Rocco, Todd and others.
But there's a new Bin Laden audio tape that's hitting the waves in the media.
I read about it this morning, but I couldn't get a hold of whether it actually hit the news media, whether it was an audio or a videotape.
And of course it's an audio tape, and he's unhappy about what's going on in Gaza.
And hell, I'm unhappy about what's going on in Gaza.
The problem with that is, you know, of course he's probably taking the Palestinian side.
And that automatically demonizes people like myself and Mike that try to point out that the Palestinians aren't really the ones in the wrong here.
It's Israel that is encroaching on their space.
They're the ones that have the military on their borders constantly.
And are one of the main causes of the civil unrest over there.
But now, Bin Laden has a new audio tape.
We haven't seen him in years.
I think the last time we actually saw him was Blackbeard Bin Laden.
And that was just such poor video quality.
It's amazing.
I'd like to get your take on the new Bin Laden tape prior to us going to calls, Mike.
What do you think?
Well, you're absolutely correct.
The whole reason for dragging Bin Laden, or Bin Laden Lite in this case, out of the closet is to tar anybody who is speaking against Israel in this situation.
I mean, the reality is Hamas is the elected government of Palestine.
Hamas had basically followed the ceasefire for the last six months.
Israel now admits Hamas was not firing rockets into Israel at the time when Israel broke the ceasefire on November 4th by attacking Gaza.
So Israel is clearly in the wrong here.
And again, if you go back to United Nations Resolution 242, Israel is supposed to be out of the occupied territories, not building new settlements and going in and just behaving very rudely.
So they can't win on points of international law.
They can't win on morality.
They can't win on the facts.
So they're going to drag out bin Laden and use him to basically tarnish anybody who is speaking out for peace.
The problem with that is that more and more people are well aware
That Osama Bin Laden appears to have actually died in December of 2001, and every Osama since then appears to be some permutation of Wag the Dog video production.
And yeah, they're using the dead guy one more time.
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
And, you know, there's a movie out there about Jimmy Carter, and I'm not a huge Jimmy Carter fan, but Jimmy Carter came out with a book not so long ago called Peace, Not Apartheid, and it was all about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.
And there's a documentary that just goes through his book tour.
And it's something very palatable for the mainstream for somebody like your uncle or your aunt or your cousin that doesn't really know about this stuff but knows who Jimmy Carter is and I suggest people get that.
Alright, let's go to calls.
Let's go to Paul in Florida.
Paul, what's on your mind?
Paul, are you with us?
Yes, sir.
I'm so happy to be able to get through today.
I'm a first time caller but I've been listening since the beginning of the Alex Jones
Way back, I've listened to Genesis before he was on.
What I want to talk about is the first thing you mentioned with this new guest is conscription.
Can I read you the 13th Amendment?
It's one sentence.
Alright, go for it.
It says, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime,
Whereof the party shall have been duly convicted shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Does this not make conscription illegal?
Is that not involuntary servitude?
I would say it makes it constitutionally illegal.
Unfortunately, the people that are running the show right now could give a damn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
What do you think, Mike?
Well, yeah, the way they get around that is during the military draft, there's a point where they say, all of you who choose to serve the United States, step forward.
And they construe this to mean that you are volunteering, therefore the 13th Amendment does not apply.
But yeah, we have a government that is absolutely ignoring the Constitution, which in my point of thinking, delegitimizes them already along with all the obvious lies.
And we also need to go back to that little brochure that the FBI has distributed to police departments around America.
That anybody who's talking about the Constitution or the Bill of Rights needs to be reported as a potential terror suspect.
So obviously our government really isn't paying attention to the Constitution.
It's just something, as George Bush says, it's a blank blank piece of paper.
Absolutely, and you know it reminds me of the days that my history teacher used to carry a pocket constitution around all the time and he was very proud of this fact and he would whip it out whenever there was a question and say, well actually this part of the constitution says that I don't have to do that and now he's supposedly a potential terrorist.
Geez, I just thought he was someone who was trying to help.
Alright, let's go to Rocco.
Rocco, what's on your mind?
You there Rocco?
Yes sir.
Yeah, I'm here.
I'm here.
How are you?
I just want to remind the folks out there, you know, about this new administration coming in and what their future plans are for this country.
I'm extremely, I guess, hopeful and optimistic that Obama is not going to end up being who everyone fears he might be, but you never really know until you know you guys in office and you give him a try and you see what he actually does.
Well, you know, one thing that I'm really concerned about is, uh, you know, our loss of freedom and our loss of rights in this country.
And, um, you know, I mean, how much freedom did we have against the terrorists of 17th?
People were actually, uh, you know, on the streets shooting themselves.
And then we forget that in the 1800s, the British actually came and burned Washington DC and didn't have the Patriot Act.
We didn't have all of our rights taken away.
We weren't having our phone calls listened in on and everything else.
Well, you know, I feel like there's a bigger agenda going on.
You're kind of cutting in and out, so we're going to let you go, but I also feel like there's a bigger agenda going on.
And in fact, the cover story of Newsweek is Obama's Cheney problem.
And Newsweek is pointing to all these executive powers that the Bush administration has passed over the last eight years, but they're making a case that Obama will not misuse these powers, so there's no reason to get rid of them via executive orders.
What's your take on that?
I think that is a very, very dangerous article that came out.
It's a very dangerous idea.
I think if Obama really wants to bring about change we can believe in, he has to start reversing many of those executive orders, because this whole idea that, yeah, these orders are dangerous to the liberties of the American people, but trust your leaders, they won't abuse them.
I think that's absolutely ridiculous.
The whole reason for having a Bill of Rights and a Constitution was the recognition by our founding fathers that
People in positions of power are just human beings and they're subject to human frailties and weaknesses.
And power attracts the very kind of people who ought not to have it.
And so, in point of fact, it is dangerous to allow these executive orders to stand.
And Obama should rescind them all immediately.
Yeah, I wish that he would rescind them all immediately.
What really gets me is the tone of the article, where they're defending torture in many cases, where they're saying, you know, it's basically making every excuse in the book to keep these orders and because it's a new face, it's not a problem.
No, it's a problem because it gives
Hey Jason, what's going on buddy?
Nothing, I actually had to send a picture from a camera phone to Aaron and I have somebody that's very close to me that is in the Postal Service and they recently had to deliver, they had three or four of these packages on their route but I'm pretty sure they're mass distributed and big huge package and it's a survey and on the front of it in big huge letters it said 2009 National Survey for North American Union and NAFTA Super Trade Highway.
It's a survey.
It's a mass survey going out.
I'm not really sure.
I sent the picture to him.
He might be able to pick it up off the picture.
I wasn't there at the time.
They had to take the picture and drop it.
Yeah, it's pretty much in the open.
Even Dobbs, one of the few people that actually reports what's going on in this country.
I don't know.
So, you know, this is just more expansion, more advancement.
And these surveys that they send to people, it's to feel them out, to see what they like and what they don't like, what they feel is positive, so that when they do run a commercial, you're going to be more apt to say, you know what, that's a great idea.
We do need that.
Alright, let's go to our next caller.
Let's go to Brian in Iowa.
Brian, what's on your mind?
Hey Jason, nice to talk to you.
I wanted to thank you and the
And the Lose Change crew for turning me around about three years ago.
Oh, thank you, man.
I'm calling from Prison Camp, Iowa State.
They recently had a protest going on against the Gaza invasion, and yesterday they had it going on in front of the Memorial Union, I guess, and one of the administrators came out and told them, sorry, you can't do that here.
If you do not move to one of the designated free speech zones, you will be arrested.
Mike, why don't you talk about these designated free speech zones?
Because most people think, oh, we have free speech in this country, we can talk about whatever we want, but as soon as we talk about anything that matters in this country, or anything that matters about Israel and Palestine, all of a sudden we don't have those same rights, do we?
No, we don't.
This free speech zone, it's an absolute joke.
It's a slap in the face of every American who ever died defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights through all the wars we've fought up to this point.
And basically what it means is you have freedom of speech, but the government reserves the right to put you in a special free speech zone, which means you're away from the press, you're away from the public, and you can say whatever you want as long as you're in these places where nobody can hear you.
And it's a very disingenuous way of handling the situation because the whole point of free speech is that you are to be heard.
It isn't necessarily the right to speak out what you're saying, it is a right to share your thoughts and your ideas with your fellow Americans.
Whether that's in the public square, on TV, in the newspapers, or here on the internet.
And the idea of the creation of the free speech zone, it is simply an attempt to corral up dissidents and put them in a place where they can say, yeah, you can say anything you want over here, but we have the right to make sure nobody else can hear what you're saying.
And that's what the government is arrogating to itself right now.
And basically, it hamstrings the First Amendment.
We really don't have a right to free speech if the government can tell us where we can exercise that right.
And this was really born right before the 2004 elections when the Democratic National Convention, the Republican National Conventions were coming to big cities like Boston and New York, and they didn't want a visible protest outside.
So they create these pens, you know, miles away or two miles away.
It's unbelievable.
I thank you for the call.
And that's why Alex Jones has used his bullhorn, Tyranny Crusher 1, to circumvent these kind of things.
When they won't let you near him, well, you're going to hear his voice anyway.
And we're happy to say that that is
Reached over $50,000 on eBay and today is the last day you can bid on that.
Remember, folks, all that money that comes in from that is really going to be to expand the studios here in Austin, Texas.
And from what they were when I came down to make my film Fabled Enemies in April to the new studios now, it is like night and day.
And there's Tyranny Crusher 1 in Scanner Darkly.
I mean, it's the same exact bullhorn.
It's signed by Alex Jones.
It truly is a piece of history.
We really hope that you support us.
Alright, let's go to our next caller.
Let's jump to Fred in Philly.
Fred, what's on your mind?
Hey, good to hear from you again.
What do you think about the possibility that there's no country in the world that really isn't bankrupt?
At this point.
I mean, if you look at it from like a... Well, first of all, hold on before you get there.
First of all, countries that still make things, that have factories, they're not really bankrupt because they can still, you know, make goods and have goods and services in that country.
All right?
Secondly, some countries still have precious metals that are always going to retain value, okay?
They've re... not so much the countries, but the leaders of those countries and the elites in those countries.
Uh, you know, silver, gold, platinum, this is stuff that's retained value for thousands of years, so that's not going to go anywhere.
As far as countries already being bankrupt, I mean, what's the debt rate?
What's the deficit in this country right now, Mike?
Is it almost a trillion dollars?
Yeah, it absolutely is, and it's going to be way more than that next year.
And I think what the caller is talking about is the fact that when you have a monetary system that is based on debt, as we do in the United States with the Federal Reserve, the problem with such a monetary system is that more money is owed than actually exists.
And so the system will work as long as there's always a new young generation of borrowers coming in at the bottom of the pyramid to prop up the system.
But what happened here in the United States and is happening around the world is
You don't have those new borrowers coming in and so the whole system's beginning to collapse.
You thought Bernie Madoff had a really ugly pyramid scheme, but the entire Federal Reserve System is a pyramid scheme as well because it can only exist and perpetuate as long as there are always more and more borrowers coming in at the bottom of the system to allow the creation of new revenue.
Alright, let's jump to the next caller.
Let's go to Mike in Wyoming.
Mike, what's on your mind?
Hello, gentlemen.
I wanted to follow up on something Mike Rivero said about getting around the 13th Amendment, which was true as far as he went.
Basically, you do volunteer in.
I heard this from an old Air Force buddy of mine.
The way you get around it, at least in the past, and I think this is still probably valid, when they ask you, alright, everyone who volunteers, take two steps forward or whatever,
You do an about face and take three steps backwards.
And probably you're going to have a sergeant in your face for the next 48, 72 hours barking at you and trying to make you feel like you're the scum of the earth.
But they can't force you to volunteer is the bottom line.
But the thing is that they're going to file charges against you.
No, no, no.
They're not going to file charges against you.
They may try to get you into some kind of
Other, you know, conscientious objector type status and do some kind of charity work, but they can't force you to volunteer.
You know, I just don't say, you know, I think it's just like that argument of common law and the IRS, the people that are out there.
I mean, there is no real law in the book for the, you know, federal income tax, but you know, they're going to come after you with the IRS and the military.
I'm just saying, if they come out with a mass conscription for people where they say conscription's happening, and you get in line and you say, I'm not going to do it, they're going to throw you in the brig, man.
I mean, I find it hard pressed that they're just going to let you go.
And we know that they want to build a domestic civil force.
I mean, that's what Homeland Security was about being brought in after 9-11.
You know, that's just one facet of it.
We have Homeland Security officers right around the corner of the new office.
I mean, it's an expanded bureaucracy.
So I can see them giving you the choice of whether you want to serve in the armed forces or you want to serve domestic surveillance at home.
But I don't think they're going to give you the choice to just walk away.
It won't be just
I don't believe they're just going to try to convince you to take one or the other.
I think that they're going to basically say you do this or you're going to jail, or you're going to military prison, or you're going to regular prison.
Mike, what's your view on that?
Yeah, I think looking back at the case of Aaron Watada, he was absolutely legally in the right to refuse to serve in a war that he felt was illegal.
That was a principle that's in the U.S.
Uniform Code of Military Justice.
It is the principle that came out of the Nuremberg war trials, and yet they kept prosecuting and prosecuting and prosecuting him, just trying to wear him down.
They have unlimited funds and it doesn't matter to them if you're going to have to spend your car payment or your house payment to try to fight these guys.
They'll fight you tooth and nail.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for us, you song
Alright folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
With us, Michael Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com, streaming live from the web over at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Again, I love the new office.
I love how we're expanding.
It's just the coolest I get to sit in for Alex Jones for a week anyway.
Then we get to have these great guests on, and the technology just keeps getting better and better and better.
Mike Rivera also in my latest film, Fabled Enemies.
You can get that over at InfoWars.com or if you're a PrisonPlan.TV subscriber, you can watch it free, streaming the web, download it, burn it to disk, hand it out to your friends.
I think it's an important film.
It really lays out the International Intelligence Agency that carried out 9-11.
You know, it goes away from the physical anomalies.
It shows that there's another story out there other than controlled demolition in World Trade Center Building 7, although that's obviously part of it.
Mike, in the final segment we have you here, I'd really like you just to go over the Gaza situation, the latest updates and what's happening there and, you know, basically how we can put pressure on our government to really try to solve what's going on there instead of just taking the side of the Israelis blindly and promoting all this expansionism and imperialism.
How is it that our voice can be heard?
Well, that is a very, very difficult question because I think it's been made very clear to the United States people that Congress is not listening to us anymore.
They certainly didn't with the bailout this last week.
Both houses of Congress stood up and nearly unanimous, it was unanimous in the Senate,
Voted approval for what Israel is doing and the bottom line as far as Israel and Gaza is concerned is Israel likes to pretend they own that land in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
They do not.
It belongs to the Palestinians.
United Nations Resolution 242 has ordered Israel out of the occupied territories and Israel does not want to go because they covet that land.
Now the bottom line is, for the last 60 years, we've had all of this tremendous misery, war...
Killing, tremendous upset coming out of the Middle East and it all comes down to one and only one cause.
Israel demands for itself the right to exist and the right to a state, but denies that same right to its neighbors.
And that is really the heart of this entire conflict.
Israel will not grant to others that which it demands for itself.
All Israel has to do to bring peace to the Mideast
Is simply grant to the Palestinians their right to exist and their right to a state.
That was the original plan in the United Nations partition plan for there to be an Israeli nation and a Palestinian nation.
And Israel said we will not go along with that.
David Ben-Gurion then proclaimed Israel to be in existence.
And said, we do not acknowledge Palestine's right to exist.
Whereupon the other Arab nations said, well, if you're not going to acknowledge Palestine's right to exist, we don't acknowledge your right to exist.
And that is the root cause of all of the unhappiness from then till now.
Israel has a double standard.
They want to exist, fine.
They want a nation, that's fine.
But they won't give it to the Palestinians.
And that is really the root cause of all of the problem.
How do you see it all ending?
I mean, what do you think it's going to be?
Do you think it's going to be a global conflict in the Middle East where a Eurasian Union is born and really Israel has the central role in governing that area?
I know that's certainly what Israel would like to see happen, and I think Israel would not mind at all if the United States and Russia got into a mutually destructive war, which left Israel with its nuclear arsenal able to project power over that half of the world at least.
So, as to what's really going to happen, time alone will solve that mystery.
All right, Michael Rivera, thank you so much for spending an hour with us.
It's WhatReallyHappened.com.
Folks, we're going to be back at the top of the hour with Ray McGovern, 26-year CIA analyst.
We're going to continue to take your calls.
In the final hour, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is the beginning of the third hour of the show.
January 14, 2009.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in all week for Alex Jones.
And our guest now is Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst for over 25 years.
And really what I'd like to talk to him about today is the incoming Obama administration.
We're six days away.
Some of the appointments, I know that Mr. McGovern is no fan of Robert Gates, who will be staying on as Secretary of Defense.
And I want to get his take also on his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.
You've definitely been very outspoken about the Gaza-Israeli situation, so I'd really like to hear what you think about that appointment.
And of course I want to talk about this new book called American Grit.
Which is calling for conscription, one of the lead editors over at the Washington Times.
Mr. McGovern, how are you today, sir?
I'm doing fine.
How are you, Jason?
Good, good.
So right off the bat, are you happy with most of the appointments of the Obama administration?
Are you not happy?
What do you think?
Well, I guess my attitude is wait and see here.
I was unhappy for quite some time, and then I was quite happy with Leon Panetta's naming as the new CIA director.
Because, for once, we have a person there with a certain clout, as Obama himself said, and a well-earned reputation for impeccable integrity.
And those are the things that have been missing for a load of these, let's see, 1980s, so that's, what, 28 years, and we dearly need to have it back.
Admiral Stansfield Turner,
Who was appointed by Jimmy Carter to be his Director of Central Intelligence.
As the last person who combined not only personal integrity, but with a managerial sense, and was able to manage that very far-flung operation.
And for the people not familiar with Panetta, Panetta was Clinton's Chief of Staff, correct?
He was for a couple of years, but his real claim to fame was nine terms, or eight terms in Congress from California.
He became head of the Budget Committee.
He was also head of the Office of Management and Budget for a while.
Before that, and this is interesting, he was a Republican working under Nixon in the Civil Rights Department of the Health, Education, and Welfare Department.
And when it became clear to, when it was made clear to Leon Panetta that, you know, civil rights, this was not really
of the thrust of what Nixon wanted to achieve with his so-called Southern Strategy, and that Panetta really ought to lay back and sort of take a vacation like a very long four-year one.
Panetta, to his great credit, up and quit, and actually later became a Democrat, ran for Congress from the Monterey part of California, and by all accounts did a bang-up job.
And he and his wife, I believe, run an institute right now, too.
So I guess that is one of the appointments that you're looking forward to.
What about the Gates situation, though?
It looks like he's going to stay on for at least another year.
Obama himself has talked about a redistribution of forces into Afghanistan, says we need more troops there as we de-escalate in Iraq.
What's your view on that?
Well, Gates has always been a problem to me, not only because he's such a rank careerist,
But also because his substantive sense is not good.
Witness the fact that when he was working for me, he had his PhD in Russian history, and yet he didn't get it when the Soviet Union started to fall apart.
And he and his mentor, William Casey, then the director of the CIA, thought and told Reagan
Uh... that though this fellow got a bit chuffed.
He's just a commie, like all the rest of them.
The Soviet Party, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union would never lose its place.
So don't worry about him.
It's going to be the same.
He missed the big one.
Alright, we're talking to Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after the break.
Infowars.com and live streaming video at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We're sitting and talking to Ray McGovern over at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
And Mr. McGovern, you know, to get away from Gates, let's talk about
the israelis situation right now you know i'd like to give a overview of what's happening in israel over the last few weeks all up until today when there's a new tape out of supposedly bin laden you know taking the plight of the palestinian people and i i believe that's put out there for anybody that speaks out against israeli aggression they're automatically you know associated with the bogeyman osama laden what what are your views well that's a interesting observation certainly uh... those who
Oppose what the Israelis are doing now, or it can easily be rhetorically linked to the baddest of the bad, huh?
Yeah, just today.
Well, you know, the whole business here boils down to the fact that the Israelis could not do any of this without the full support of the Bush government.
And that is the saddest thing on earth here.
What's happening is a massacre there.
People talk about the Gazans running out of water.
I just got a message here from Gaza saying there is no potable water in Gaza, period.
There's a small aquifer, and it's very small.
It's too polluted to drink, and it's used to irrigate what little agriculture there is left.
You know, that 1970s-era treaty with Sadat, Begin, and Carter, that gave the Israelis the sole right to supply Gaza with water as well as with electrical power, and the Gazans are out of both, period.
So this is a pogrom of massive proportions.
Here we are supplying the F-16s, the helicopter gunships, the tanks, the caterpillar bulldozers made in Peoria, Illinois, and we are doing that.
And what we are doing is not only massacring the Gazans or making it impossible for the Israelis to do that,
But it's on TV every night to 1.3 billion, and I repeat billion, Muslims in the world.
And this is not the way to curb the so-called war on terror.
This is the excellent way to make the recruiting lines before al-Qaeda and every other terrorist organization longer than they have ever been before.
Well, it's interesting that you brought up the War on Terror because that was my next point.
The new cover story over at Newsweek is Obama's Cheney problem.
And, you know, just from the web article that I printed, it's over three pages long, and it basically takes the stance that Obama should not give up any of the executive power.
Well, what I'd like to do is clarify what I conceive to be the situation here, Jason.
It's not a matter of rescinding that power.
That power was illegally employed.
There's no Constitution or other statutory authority for torture or for eavesdropping of the kind that took place right after 9-11.
And so it's not a matter of rescinding things.
There is one thing that Obama should actually rescind is not the word again, but he should issue a new executive order
Which says, we will abide by Geneva, we will not torture people, we will not condition our abiding by Geneva on other extraneous factors, and we will close Guantanamo.
He needs to do that, he needs to do that right away.
And one of the good things here, and one of the pluses of Panetta being named as head of the CIA, is that he is outspoken in saying what everybody
I believe before eight years ago and that is we simply can't suspend American ideals here in the name of supposed national security.
You know, we either believe in the dignity of the individual and the rule of law and the prohibition of cruel and unhuman punishment or we don't.
There isn't any middle ground.
And so what I hope Obama will do is make that clear from the outset that everybody from the Vice President on down
Well, I hope and pray that you're right.
I don't know if that is going to be the case.
I mean, with Rahm Emanuel coming in as Chief of Staff, this is a guy that's called for some type of military conscription.
You know, basically saying people 18 to 25 will do three months of basic training and then, you know,
What military outfit they'll be put into, whether it's the Army or something domestic, is another question.
But you now have a new book by one of the Washington Times editors, American Grit, where he's calling for the same thing.
He's been calling for this now for the last couple of years.
He was on MSNBC in 2007 saying what's that?
Tom Blankley?
Yeah, Tom Blankley.
And he was talking about how
They need a conscription.
Do you think, number one, that it's dangerous having Rahm Emanuel as the Chief of Staff, and number two, that conscription is likely under his administration?
Well, on this kind of thing, Jason, I defer to the domestic politics experts here.
People tell me without any hesitation that conscription, the draft, renewal of the draft is out of the picture.
It can't be tolerated domestically.
Now, I don't know what that says in speaking of the American people.
If there were another Hitler to arise, I would hope that the American people would rise to the occasion, but that seems to be the accepted political or conventional wisdom, and we'll just take that for what it is.
Now, I will sort of append a little corollary there.
I have always been unalterably opposed to the so-called volunteer army.
I served in the Army for two years.
I served together with doctors and lawyers and Indian chiefs and everybody from Georgia to, you know, to the hallowed sanctums of Harvard.
We were all put in that mix together.
We were Army officers, infantry, intelligence, and we were defending the country in relative peacetime just before Vietnam started.
But we were all in there together and we all recognized that we had this duty to spend two years doing this.
And there's a melting pot effect there.
There's a real disincentive to get involved in wars.
Witness the fact that when we were in Vietnam, a lot of the opposition came from members of Congress who had sons or cousins or brothers or they themselves were in Vietnam and saw what was going on.
Once you form this out, so to speak,
Once you contract it out to folks who do not have the opportunities most of us do, the ones from the farms, the ones from the cities or towns less than 50,000, which is the majority of our armed services personnel now, then you have a totally different situation.
You have a kind of a hired hand approach to this thing, people who join for reasons other than protecting the country.
I don't fault them for that, but that's just the reality.
So there's a little pitch for me as to why conscription ordinarily or a draft or obligatory two-year service should be should be part of our woodwork here in this country.
That's kind of like the Charlie Rangel approach, where he was trying to pass a bill to have conscription by saying, you know, the war in Iraq would end because, you know, congressmen's sons and daughters would be eligible for the draft.
That was kind of the position he took, yes?
That's exactly right, yeah.
And, you know, he was being a little cynical there because he knew that would never fly.
But if that were the case before the war in Iraq,
You know, and real people, I mean, people from various parts of life here, people who have experience in academia and business and law firms and so forth, if everyone was equally vulnerable, reliable for this draft, you would have real second thoughts about sending people willy-nilly off to a God-forsaken, unnecessary war.
So, yeah, I think Rangel's embarrassed everybody by making that point.
I think it's a point that really needs to be made because, you know, if you look at the people making decisions for this war, who are they?
Well, a bunch of very privileged, very rich, very wealthy, and very well-connected people, all except for one person, who Lisa Rice says she's a woman, she looks like a woman, but she doesn't much act like one.
What you need, what you need are mothers!
Mothers with actual children, flesh and blood children, who know what it's like to lose a child.
Mothers, up there in the cabinet, helping to make these decisions.
And I'll tell you what will happen.
There'll be much less frivolous decision making in terms of going to this or that war, or throwing this group of paratroopers out this window, and so forth.
And that's what Obama should do now, in my view.
He should convene a council of not just wise men, as we used to always say, but wise men and women.
Women of the kind I just mentioned.
Not of the kind of Madeleine Albright or Condoleezza Rice.
People who would get together and piece through what it really means.
What are stakes in Iraq?
What are stakes in Afghanistan, if any, really are?
And then, trim the policies accordingly.
All right, well, there you go.
You segwayed into my next question.
You said, if any, in Afghanistan, Obama says we need to send more troops there.
We've set now a supposed real timetable to get troops all the way out of Iraq, I believe, by the end of 2011.
I don't think that's actually going to happen, but I do think there'll be a de-escalation there.
But I really see most of those troops moving into Afghanistan.
What's your view on that?
Oh, hold on.
We're about to go to break, Ray.
I thank you so much for joining us.
Folks, it's Ray McGovern, 25-plus year CIA analyst under the Reagan administration and others.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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Alright folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess, sitting in all week long.
My latest film is Fabled Enemies.
You can get it right now over at InfoWars.com.
You can also get other great titles like Endgame and 9-11 Chronicles Truth Rising.
Right now we're discussing what the future holds for Afghanistan with CIA veteran Ray McGovern.
And again, in my viewpoint, it really looks like a redistribution of forces in the Middle East.
I really just don't see U.S.
power leaving there completely, especially with the rising tensions in India and Pakistan especially.
What's your take on what's going on over there, Ray?
I think you're turning in the right direction there, Jason.
You know, people ask me during the campaign, why is it that Barack Obama is so eager to make Afghanistan his, well, he doesn't realize it, but make it his Vietnam, his Iraq, you know?
I mean, there's no percentage in it at all.
Why is he doing this?
Well, you know, I'm no expert on domestic politics, but I guess I figured, well, he thinks he needs to say those things to win the election.
Well, now he's won the election.
They are trimming their sails a little bit.
I do hope that they will convene this kind of commission or study group or group of wise men and women to reassess what our equities there, what our objectives are.
But I hope too that they'll look into the history of Afghanistan because what people should know, people who admire warriors and conquerors like Alexander the Great, he tried Afghanistan.
He was just trying to get to China, right?
But as soon as he got to Afghanistan, he got such a bloody nose that they drove him back.
These insurgents, you know, these militants, they drove him back.
The year was 329 of the Common Era, okay?
And I have to do a play on words here.
It was a Common Error, too.
Because since then, the British, the Russians, and now we and NATO
I'm trying to repeat the same error that happened in 329 of the current era.
Now, what happened, of course, was he was trying to get to China, but he couldn't get through Afghanistan because the same incredibly ferocious folks who don't like their land invaded were there at the time.
Then you fast forward, oh, how many centuries here?
We're talking now 1,800.
So what, 1,500 years later,
The British decide, well, they're going to do it.
Well, because the Emir or whoever it was that was ruling some of Afghanistan there in Kandahar and Kabul, they seemed to be a little too close to the Russians and that would imperil the British dominion in India.
And so the British, you know, they could do what they wanted in the 19th century.
So they sent 16,500 troops into Afghanistan.
And guess what?
They didn't prevail, and this white stuff started coming down from the sky, and it was very, very cold.
And it was just like Napoleon going into Russia.
They tried to get out of Afghanistan, and guess what?
Every one of those 16,500 men were killed, save one who lived to tell the tale.
So we're talking now, not 329, we're talking 1839, okay?
After that, the British kept going back in there.
There were huge reprisals, lots of people massacred in Kabul, and they played around with this right through the First World War.
After, into the Second World War, the RAF was still bombing places in Afghanistan.
Where did they get them?
The Russians, as we all know, spent a decade trying to prevail, whatever that means, in Afghanistan, were finally driven out.
And that was a contributing factor to the implosion of the Soviet Union.
So now, we're going to go into Afghanistan.
We're going to go in there with, ooh, not 32,000, but maybe 30,000 more, 62,000.
Give me a break!
Look at that country!
You know, if you flattened Afghanistan, you know how big it would be?
Big as China, for Pete's sake!
It's an incredibly mountainous place.
It's incredibly difficult to, quote, prevail in Afghanistan.
What I dearly hope, what I dearly hope, is that Obama will sit down with people who know something about the area, the Robert Fisks of this world, the people who have lived there and tasted Afghanistan, sit down and learn what's really going on there, and not depend on people like Bobby Yates.
You know, I'll tell you a little vignette, when he was my analyst there for the Middle East, sometimes he had a little sense of humor and he'd say, you know, with Afghanistan, I remember
I remember C.W.
Fields, what he said when, you know, I spent two weeks in Afghanistan one time, lost my corkscrew, terrible country, terrible time, okay?
Well, you know, that's symptomatic of what it is when you get there.
Whether you lose your corkscrew or not, you're going to lose your rear end, and they've got to stay out of there and tamp down that conflict.
Alright, it's the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be taking your calls on the other side for Ray McGovern and myself.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Lots of breaking news, big articles over at InfoWars.com right now, and of course we're streaming live via the internet at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, is my guest.
We're going to go to your calls this segment.
Hopefully you will stay on topic and I won't get any wild ones like I did in the first hour.
Alright, let's go to, I believe, we are on Mike in Wyoming.
Mike, what's on your mind?
Maria in Germany.
Maria, what's on your mind?
Hi, thanks so much for your show.
I'd like to talk about the bloodlines of Dracula.
A possible world war about to erupt in the Middle East.
I mean, we're talking about not only the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but we've got Joe Biden overseas trying to smooth things over with Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks led back to Pakistani intelligence.
This is what I want to talk about.
Okay, I want to talk about what's going on, not the bloodlines of Dracula.
My God.
Alright, let's go to TD in California.
TD, what's on your mind?
How's it going?
Yeah, I got a question and a comment.
On topic, I hope.
If we do pull out of the war and, you know, god willing everything works out, what happens to all those well-trained, intelligent, armed, educated soldiers when they come home and we don't have jobs out here?
That's a good question.
I mean, I'm wondering... First of all, I don't think that we're going to pull out of that many military conflicts that won't redistribute our troops anyway.
But what do you think?
Say we do pull out of the war and there's no jobs here.
What is going to happen, Mr. McGovern?
Well, with all that money that we have already given to Wall Street and are now giving to other folks, including the oil companies, we create jobs.
I mean, this is possible.
We have to get out of this war mentality.
We have to get the military-industrial complex, which is very real, by the way, which is very, very real, get them to retool.
God knows we need alternative sources of energy.
We need wind, solar.
We need smart ways to build cars so they don't use up so much fuel.
And there are all kinds of ways that our economy would keep going and actually be buttressed for the long run by a huge public works expenditures and other ways to put people to work.
Are you optimistic that the economy is going to recover?
I mean, we got Bernanke yesterday calling for more bailouts.
Citigroup, you know, they're saying it's in death throes, but its mortgage department has already been absorbed by Morgan Stanley.
I see, you know, a consolidation of banks.
And I see a consolidation of power for the people that print the money in the Federal Reserve System, you know.
Well, you're talking about the old crowd, and one additional reason for concern, of course, is that some of the old crowd has, for whatever reason, insinuated itself into the Obama crowd.
We'll just have to see on that.
The country is really and truly in dire straits, and I think that what is called for here is the kind of leadership that a new person, a person who has won an overwhelming mandate, might be able to lead us into, and we'll just have to see.
I'm not an expert on the economy, but just to see how it works out.
Alright, any other points, TD?
Actually, uh, on interpreting that Metallica video yesterday, I thought it was a lot less about Russia, even though it gave concrete evidence about Russia.
And, uh, just to tie it in with the end of the radio stuff or the newsreel.
Yeah, the newsreels they played, sure.
Uh, yeah, just to tie it in with that, I think it's a lot more, it just reminded me of Cobra, man.
First they try to be like us, then they attack us.
I got in so much trouble just for playing that Metallica song on the air.
Some of the Christian affiliates out there just can't take a little bit of metal, but when you have a video that's not only talking about the eugenics aspect, but then also brings Chemtrails into the mix by the number one metal band of all time, and really one of the number one rock bands of all time, Metallica, I think it's worth playing.
I thank you for the call, TD.
Alright, let's jump to Ken in Texas.
Ken, what's on your mind?
Hi, Ken.
Thank you, Jason.
I want to make a comment and then ask Ray McGovern a question, if that's alright.
Sure thing.
We keep talking about the Obama administration, not only your show, the show I listened to before, and his administration, as I say.
Attorney Philip J. Berg has proved definitively on Obamacrimes.com that Obama is definitely not eligible to be President of the United States.
Ray McGovern, couldn't he be blackmailed by other countries?
What he's referring to, obviously, and I'm sure you've heard this, I mean, you're on the talk radio circuit somewhat, is whether or not he was born in Hawaii and why he wasn't able to show his birth certificate.
There is some controversy.
He may have been born in Kenya.
And, you know, I'm sure you've looked around that.
I mean, what are your views on those theories?
Yeah, well, Jason, this is not the kind of thing that
I waste a lot of time with.
It suffices for me to hear that this has been looked into and people I respect indicate that there are some peculiarities with the way Hawaii handles original copies of birth certificates and that it's just a fluke that his was not readily accessible.
I hear you.
I mean, I think more to the point is the fact that, you know, I think what works against us possibly with the Obama administration, himself included, is that he does take more of an internationalist point of view.
You know, I was watching a couple of his interviews with CNN, and this is a guy that's grown up around the world, and I'm just not sure that he's going to have just the United States' best interests at heart.
I mean, the media has called him the next global president, the way he's been deified.
On the cover of the Rolling Stone, his speech in Berlin.
I think that stuff is a lot more relevant than whether, you know, I mean, we could sit here and argue all day whether he's a natural citizen or not.
I think, you know, let's see if the proof is in the pudding.
I'm disturbed that it was a state senator, you know, who got into the Senate for one term and by 2007 he had already announced his candidacy for the president and won.
And this is virtually an unknown.
This is a guy who's not proven and I guess we're going to see in six days
Whether he's the leader that all these people voted for or not, or just another front man, I mean, again, Rahm Emanuel makes me quite uneasy.
Alright, let's jump to the next one.
Let me chime in there, Jason.
You know, there are all kinds of ways of looking at being an internationalist or not.
The way I look at it, you can take it for what it's worth, is that in this day and age, one needs to have a certain sensitivity to what's going on in the rest of the world.
And you know, maybe in a shorthand, a slogan I can simply say that it would be really neat if when Obama has finished his speech on Tuesday, he finished with not God bless America, but God bless America and the rest of the world too.
Because that's the attitude we need to adopt, you know?
We can't be sitting here and watch the Israelis kill over a thousand now Gazans in a kind of shooting pool.
And not be concerned about that, and not move to stop it.
And yet, we Americans have been kind of educated to say, well, you know, we're America's first people, and we only care about our interests, and, you know, it's too bad about those Gazans.
Well, that's not the proper approach, in my view.
Not only morally, but politically.
And I just need, I felt I needed to say that.
Yeah, no, I agree with you there.
I think that, you know, a lot of the dehumanization that occurs for people outside of this country is just plain wrong.
But at the same time, I am an America First guy in that I really think that we have to clean up the mess here before we go into an Afghanistan, you know, full force again.
It's a corollaire.
To me, again, we'll see, but the way that he's talking about global citizenship, sacrifice and service, I really feel like we're getting set up for something here.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Alright, let's jump to Michael in the Netherlands.
Michael, what's on your mind?
Hey, how you doing?
Jason, thank you for taking my call.
I think you're going a little bit soft on Ray McGovern.
Oh, come on!
Let me cut you off for a second.
Ray has done this show on many an occasion.
He's given me a personal interview a couple years ago.
He's one of the most outspoken people
I don't think so.
That work within these intelligence organizations, not only the CIA, but the FBI, the NSA, and they really are trying to work for our best interests.
It's only the upper echelon, the top of the cream, that really does some of this revolting, tyrannical stuff.
And I mean, you know, Mr. McGovern, you worked in the agency for years and years and years.
Isn't that the case?
Aren't most people really looking out for the best interests of the people in those organizations?
Most of the people down the line, as you explained it, there certainly are.
It's the corrupt leaders that have been foisted upon us.
Those involved in things like prostituting the intelligence process, corrupting the product, and worse still, torturing people, kidnapping them and putting them in black holes without telling their wives or children or even the Red Cross.
So, yeah, there have been abuses.
There are lots of us still around and some still in the agency.
We're trying to correct those abuses and the naming of Leon Panetta is a milestone in this and I dearly hope that he can get the agency back on track.
And personally, I'm just thankful that we can get all sorts of views.
I'm thankful that Array McGovern will do this show because I'm here to hear all voices.
They may not agree with me 100% on every nuance, but that can't be expected because I don't agree with Alex Jones on every nuance.
We're all different people.
I think when we stop listening to other people's opinion, that's the real danger.
I thank you for the call, Michael.
Let's go to John in California.
John, what's on your mind?
I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on people that don't believe in this collapse of the dollar.
My mother recently came back from Mexico and she went to three different banks that would not take her dollars anymore.
So you have to go to these private oil houses to exchange your dollars.
I think it's now almost a year ago when you saw the dollar go on parody with the Canadian dollar and now the Canadian dollar is just worth slightly more.
And you saw how much less you got in Mexico when you brought American dollars down there.
You better believe people are going to stop taking that currency.
Listen, that's why it's important to get hard currency.
I'm a big gold and silver guy.
Personally, I can't afford gold, but silver I can afford.
Midas Resources, man, protect yourself.
We've been preaching that for years and years on this show.
I remember when I was just a listener to this show back in 2002 and 2003 and gold was still at $300 some odd dollars an ounce and it's more than doubled that in less than ten years and really less than six years.
It's amazing to me.
So it's always good to be protected.
I would not be keeping a whole lot of money in the bank right now.
I mean that's just the way it is.
Who knows?
What's going to be announced in the next couple of weeks?
Who knows how many bailouts will pass?
What banks will go under?
I mean, the Depression actually happened.
There were runs on banks.
It's happened in the past, and if there's anything I've learned is that we tend to like to repeat the past because we don't know about it.
And most people remain so ignorant about how the financial process currently works that I think that's what we're in store for.
Alright, let's jump to Michael in Massachusetts.
Michael, what's on your mind?
You with us?
Hey, I am.
How's it going, gentlemen?
Hi, Michael.
Hey, Ray.
I wanted to kind of ask you a question.
I listen to what you say, and you know, a lot of what you say is interesting.
I saw that Rumsfeld confrontation, and Mark went down for the good guys.
That was definitely embarrassing towards him and fired me up, but when I hear you talk about, you know, saying, oh, I just, you know, I want to see Obama get a group of wise men to really like
Go over the problems and see if we can figure something out.
It almost seems like you don't know about Bohemian Grove and all the totally ludicrous, banana morals that these people are working under.
Do you understand that
It's like a Machiavellian thing where, you know, they don't give a damn about people.
It's just, you know, ends justifies the means.
Alright, let me ask him that question.
I mean, obviously, you know, you do these radio shows.
You've heard about the secret societies.
You know, outside of Bohemian Grove, I'm sure that you wouldn't argue that, you know, when people go to these Bilderberg conferences or Davos or even, you know, trilateral meetings, these are meetings that aren't often made public or the results of which aren't often made public and decisions are made there.
Wouldn't you agree, Mr. McGovern?
Sure, I mean, you're absolutely right.
The question is whether Barack Obama would ever be invited to Bohemian Grove.
Now, I know the guys that went there because I used to brief them, and that includes relatively well-balanced people like George Shultz of all people.
Yes, George Shultz is a member, absolutely.
So they go up there and they cavort and the dude, and I don't know what else they do, and Bilderberg?
Yeah, that's exactly right.
The question is,
Whether Barack Obama is in that coterie of privileged, wealthy folks, I want to believe that he's not.
I think his whole past shows that he's not.
And I take great encouragement from that, to think that when he convenes a little wise men and women's circle, it won't include these guys, it will include people like us, people who know what agenda's up in Afghanistan, in Iraq, academics, people from the press,
Not from the fawning corporate press here in the States, but from the international press.
And get himself educated.
And so, you know, I take your point, Michael, but I had not the foggiest notion that any of those folks would resemble in any way, shape, or form the Bohemian Grove or Bill
Well, I know my listeners will yell at me if I don't make you aware, but this year it does appear that, you know, when Barack Obama ditched his press entourage right after he had got the nomination, that he and Hillary Clinton were meeting in a secret location in D.C.
First he said Hillary's house, then it wasn't Hillary's house, then later it was Dianne Feinstein's house.
You know, five miles away from where Bilderberg was held this year.
You know, you take it for what it's worth.
I don't trust them.
But then again, you know, I don't trust most of the establishment these days, and I don't think that, you know, especially people listening to this program, but I don't think most people do.
You want to be optimistic.
You want to hope that this is the great change that everybody's talking about.
But, you know, just like you, I try to take everything with a grain of salt, and we'll see when the proof is in the pudding.
Guys, we're six days away.
Like you said, Mr. McGovern, you'd like to hear him reach out to the rest of the world in this inaugural speech.
Do you think that's happened?
Do you think that there is a chance that we can reach out to the rest of the world and maybe solve some of the problems we've had over the last eight years?
Well, the world is waiting.
That's clear.
I mean, never before has there been such a one-sided acclamation of a newly elected president.
I mean, it's just mind-boggling.
We can't hope to understand what it means for people abroad.
And the question will be, really, whether he can break the shackles of the establishment here in a way that will not derail him, in a way that will not get him shot, in a way that will allow him to make political progress here.
And, you know, I think the jury is out.
It's very appropriate to be skeptical, and particularly of someone like Hillary Clinton, who has earned that kind of skepticism.
Obama, for me, is kind of tabula rasa so far.
He's got a lot of good stuff, a lot of questionable stuff, particularly with his appointments to the defense sector.
But let's see what he does.
It's reasonable to be hopeful as well as reserved and cynical.
Thank you so much for joining us this hour, Mr. McGovern.
Thank you so much.
We take the hard questions here.
We take the callers.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
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Alright, folks, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Look, I feel bad for cutting off that woman in Germany, because she's from Germany.
If you want to talk about Dracula's bloodlines, we'll talk about it.
You can call back in.
We're taking calls for the next hour here on the Alex Jones Show.
It appears that both Bush and Kerry, on some level, are descendants of, you know, basically the guy who...
Dracula is based on.
It's true.
All right.
That's not what I want to talk about when I have Ray McGovern on.
I want to talk about intelligence issues.
I want to talk about global politics.
You know, if we had Tex Marzahn, that's great.
You know, we can talk about that.
If we had someone like Fred Springmeyer, 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati, you can get that at InfoWars.com.
That's interesting info.
But come on, folks.
You know, I mean,
I feel like, you know, because I'm in for Alex Jones, the attack dogs are coming on.
I mean, I have people talking about race wars.
Let me tell you a little something about the race wars.
Not going to happen, genius.
If you're still caught up in race having anything to do with the world elite or the power elite and we need to kill the blacks or the Jews or anybody who's not white, this isn't the program to call into because I don't want to hear that nonsense.
It's total garbage.
And if you're a part of that organization, or one of those neo-Nazi organizations, or one of those anti-Semitic organizations, one of the hardcore ones that really does hate people based on their race, you know, it's time to look in the mirror and really see why you hate yourself, you retard.
I mean, how can you have hate for somebody not based on the content of their character, but the color of their skin?
I'm a Martin Luther King Jr.
I don't know about you, but I feel like you should get to know somebody before you automatically dislike them.
Call me nuts.
It's open phone lines for the next hour.
Let's go to DeWitt in Texas.
Or is that Dwight?
Okay, Dwight, what's on your mind?
I was calling to make a correction about something you said on the show yesterday.
In regard to the Mythbusters article.
Okay, yeah.
That article is actually a hoax printed on the web, so that's not happening.
If you go to the Mythbusters forum, it says that it's
I think so.
It was a really scathing article that you posted yourself.
Oh, really scathing?
Oh, hold on.
It was two paragraphs and you can bring it up and it wasn't scathing at all.
I said, I think my entitlement... You can delete it from your page the next day.
Well, I did.
I said it was like a, first of all, scathing article.
It was a two-paragraph blog line.
Basically defaming Tony Snow.
Tony Snow's not a good person, bro.
Tony Snow was a Fox News anchor, hold on, who then got appointed to Bush's press secretary, who spewed lie after lie, not only in the press on the podium, but when I would tune into, you know, Bill Maher on HBO, he'd spew lie after lie there.
Look, Tony Snow, not a good person.
I'm not crying over his death.
Apparently it was so inappropriate that you had to remove it from
I didn't pull it.
I didn't pull it.
Someone else pulled it.
Okay, so other people that do... Yeah, so it was so inappropriate that it wasn't able to stay on your blog.
Listen, no, no, no, not true at all.
I don't think it was inappropriate one bit.
I based my article by the content of that man's character, not the color of his skin.
Not in his position.
All I'm doing is posting what I felt about a person who lied to the American people and lied to the world and caused thousands and thousands of people overseas, and guess what, in this country too, yes, military forces, to die!
To die!
He is not a good man.
Although I do like calls that challenge my position.
Thanks for the call, Dwight.
We're going to keep taking your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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