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Name: 20081230_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 30, 2008
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Bring down the new world order.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hello friends, we are live at PrisonPlanet.tv simulcasting the fourth hour of my syndicated radio broadcast.
I'm Alex Jones, the news websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm taking some phone calls this hour to hear your predictions for 2008, what you're most concerned about with the economy, militarily, what's happening in Israel and Gaza, also the huge flare-up in tensions.
between the two nuclear-powered nations of India and Pakistan.
Why is it all happening now?
Why is everything intensifying, all the different crises across the planet?
We'll go over some of the latest news concerning what's happening in Gaza, a bunch of other important police state news that I have here in front of me today.
And we will be taking your phone calls again, as I said, at 1-800-259-9231.
Story here that is out of the Democrat Herald, and this story again is out of Oregon, and the governor of Oregon is in here saying that we have to have satellite tracker boxes in all of your cars to raise money for the roads.
And then he goes on in the article to deceptively put out the same line we've been hearing for a decade that gas receipts are down.
Well, if you simply go and you look at the fact that this country a decade, 12 years ago, was using 15 million barrels a day.
At its height, 23 million barrels.
It's dropped down to about 20.
So 20 million barrels a day, and the gross tax receipts for the states and the feds are way up.
So the claim that they've got to track you by the mile and turn your car into a taxi cab, this is to track and control you.
They're doing this in Europe, doing this in England.
They're trying to do it in Texas, New Jersey, California, but Oregon has got it introduced in the legislature.
The Feds are paying for tests all over the U.S.
where they advertise that you get paid.
In the case of a study they're doing in Austin, 700-something bucks a year to put a satellite tracker box in your car and tax you by the mile.
They're paying you to beta test this.
This is total big brother.
Tracking and tracing everywhere you go and taxing you by the mile.
Then you're going to hear that counties, cities, and states are bankrupt.
Counties, cities, and states, water districts, school districts, the tens of thousands of government entities, quasi-governmental entities, they, for more than 50 years, have set up a double set of books called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.
And with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, they've taken on average 65 percent, some places are more, some places less, and they invest that in offshore bank accounts.
And then these international consortiums later make payoffs to the former city managers, mayors, and others to be part of this.
It is open crime, open racketeering, and every city and county engages in it.
The state of Texas has tens of billions of dollars of surplus every year.
Trillions of dollars total in liquid assets.
The comprehensive annual financial report of the city of Manhattan showed several trillion dollars just in a decade.
That again is invested in offshore banks who then leverage the money with fractional reserve banking, loaning out ten times as much real reserves as they have.
Now you're saying, wait a minute, I know my city or county makes investments for our pension funds.
That's on budget.
They're budgetary investments.
This is separate.
This was set up in Chicago by the Mafia in the 30s and 40s and in 1951 it was adopted nationwide as what's known as the Chicago 1313 model.
And you can see my film, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed.
We have it available on DVD at Infowars.com.
It's an important film.
I hope you get it on DVD.
But it's free on YouTube and Google if you don't want to pay for it.
Just please spread the word about the material and the information.
So when you hear that they've got to have 88 new taxes in New York and 50-something new taxes in Texas and franchises, really income taxes on businesses in Texas and everywhere else, no, your money goes to offshore banks.
Who works for them?
The military and the police.
They're there to make sure the criminals are able to carry out their operation.
That's what martial law is all about.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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A day unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I think I'm going to get Joe Petro, who was partners with Kurt Vonnegut on his artwork, because I never got Kurt Vonnegut on the show.
But Kurt Vonnegut sent me a hand-drawn and hand-signed, before he died, about eight months before he died, he said, I'm just too old, I don't want to come on the show, I'm done.
But I just wanted you to know we appreciate your films and your work.
I'm pretty proud of that.
Kurt Vonnegut, an amazing literary mind.
But the lithograph he sent me,
is a birdcage with a bird flying out, the international symbol of liberty.
Or I guess the French symbol of liberty.
And I got a coffee cup similar to it.
I don't know why I'm telling that story now here on air.
By the way, if you are a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you just mosey over to PrisonPlanet.tv right now, and you can see the videos that we're playing on the radio, visually see them, you can hear the show.
And you can see all the documents and articles that we're talking about here just by logging in there at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You see banners all over the place at PrisonPlanet.tv for the live television show.
I want to go to Pat, Joshua, David, Debbie, James, and others, but I need to roll through some more of the news here.
Finishing up with transponders, satellite boxes in your car.
I remember 12 years ago a truck driver sending me big truck driving magazines where they were telling them this will be the future and everybody's going to pay.
Then I remember reading about governments doing it.
I remember seeing Toyota and others saying they were preparing to make the public basically do this.
And then I would go on air and tell people and get the standard stuff, you liar, they'll never do that!
And then now they're doing it and I mean we need to say no.
I mean this is just amazing.
But the bigger issue is they keep claiming they need money.
Folks, governments are erecting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of new taxes and squeezing the public.
And the majority of the money that the government squeezes out of us goes to offshore banks.
And as if that wasn't enough, they now publicly have made the Treasury Department above, through the Federal Reserve that's private, above Congress.
And Bloomberg Financial Reports were under War Powers Act, martial law.
And I have congressmen on to tell you martial law has basically been put in over Congress.
Congress is above the courts in the president.
You know, first they taught people 50 years ago that it was co-equal branches.
It's not.
I've read the Federalist Papers.
I've read the Anti-Federalist Papers.
One of the few things they were unanimous about was a Second Amendment, a First Amendment, and that the legislature is preeminent.
But now they say, no, the executive is above the legislative.
And the executive openly says that it commands the legislative.
Look at Korea, look at Vietnam, where the President just goes off to war and there's no declaration.
Congress has to declare war, name the enemy, and then they raise the money, and then they command the Commander-in-Chief.
Now they tell us, no, no, the President's above them.
Totally made up.
Total fraud.
Again, I go back to the 17th Amendment, same year we got the income tax from the private Federal Reserve to go over to 1913.
What did they say?
What did they do?
Before, you would elect your state reps, and then they would vote, and they would elect the U.S.
So the state controlled the Congress through the Senate.
Local control.
What does dictator mean?
It means the central government dictates.
It tells you.
Oh, you don't want a war?
It's still going to happen.
Oh, you don't want open borders?
It's still going to happen.
Oh, you don't want a carbon tax?
It's still going to happen.
This is a dictatorship of the corrupt elite.
And the President is just a front man in all this.
Now, meanwhile, with all these serious issues going on, I got black guys calling up the show in the first hour telling me I'm a white devil again today.
And this one brand of black Israeli-ism, Israelite, where it says the whites are all the devil and the Jews particularly are just absolute Satan seed.
And I'm like, look man, I'm not getting involved in this.
I don't think blacks are the devil, I don't think whites are the devil, I don't think Chinese are the devil.
We're all just human beings.
But meanwhile, can you blame all this racism when people like Limbaugh, this fake conservative, drug addict, oxy-cotton head involved in all this stuff,
Always flying out to third world countries with big bags of Viagra, whatever.
The point is he's a hypocrite.
He says if somebody's caught with cocaine, the type that blacks tend to use, give them 25 years in prison first time.
But if he's caught with synthetic heroin, nothing happens to him.
And I don't like bashing Limbaugh, even though he's bashed me quite a few times, because it almost gets on his level.
He's part of the false left-right paradigm.
That's why the media always gives him attention.
He's the guy that fooled Republicans to come out for Hillary so that McCain would lose, saying they were going to beat Obama and it was some secret plan and all the rest of it.
That was really a setup.
And Limbaugh,
On record says the Council on Foreign Relations doesn't exist, and now he admits it exists, but says it's just a think tank.
He says there's no new world order when hundreds of newspapers are announcing world government of, for, and by the private banks, openly admitting the private central banks are engaged in all these activities.
They engineered the crisis, now you're going to pay your carbon taxes to them.
Limbaugh won't tell you that, but what he will do
is play things that, I mean, really are incendiary racially.
Now, I believe in the First Amendment, and he's got a right to play stuff like this.
But some people think the First Amendment is not having a right to criticize it.
I have a right to criticize it, and it isn't that I'm walking on eggshells and can't handle stuff.
It's that it's pointless, and it actually helps Barack Obama, calling him the magical negro.
Will cause more racial tension, will cause bigger racial divides, and will empower white guilty yuppies to support Obama no matter what he does, because they're not going to be seen as being in a racist camp.
By making it racial, it diverts us off of his policies that are bad, gun control, open borders, carbon taxes, more wars, and then makes it left-right.
Makes it, you know, black-white.
Makes it... Balkanizes it.
So here is the... It's not even a racist song.
It's a manipulative brainwashing song.
It's a manipulative brainwashing song to make people who don't like Obama look bad.
It's not a legitimate attack on Obama.
You understand?
Go ahead and roll it.
We're good to go.
We're good.
Times, they called him that, cause he's black but not authentically.
Some say Barack's articulate, and bright, and new, and clean.
The media sure love this guy, oh I interlope his dream.
But when you vote for president, watch out and don't be fooled.
Alright, I can't listen to any more of it.
Okay, now, look, I mean, it's stupid.
Again, it makes everything about the fact that he's black, not that we don't want his policies.
It's petty.
It's skin deep.
And this was first being distributed by Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan, who's been distributing this and limbos playing and saying it's real funny.
Again, this is part of tearing America apart.
Play a little bit of Limbaugh saying he doesn't care.
He doesn't, you know, care.
Again, this is about a stunt.
This is about Limbaugh when he doesn't get the attention he needs coming out and saying black quarterbacks are no good or whatever.
I mean, again, it's all a big fat diversion.
Here it is.
Every one of you out there that think you've got something here on Barack the Magic Negro, I'm going to try to help you and save you.
Saltzman defends the CD, telling CNN, I think most people recognize political satire when they see it.
I think RNC members understand that.
But current RNC chairman Mike Duncan says he's appalled in a statement to CNN.
The 2008 election was a wake-up call for Republicans to reach out and bring more people into our party.
There's a crowd of conservatives that takes a special pride in being anti-PC.
What I don't think they fully appreciate is it comes across somewhere between being indifferent to hostile.
Alright, let's stop right there.
Again, and then the mainline social engineer liberals can grandstand like they've got the moral high ground and push through their agenda on global warming, which is admittedly targeted to shut down Africa, Latin America and Asia's industrialized development and will actually kill tens of millions of people that are dying every year of starvation.
So again, it's more just petty, mindless diversions and distractions, and more of a way for the establishment to put Limbaugh out there like he's a renegade, like he's cutting edge.
When the guy is a hypocrite, when the guy is not a real conservative, and when the guy is a tragedy.
He's a tragedy.
I feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh.
Because he's a smart guy, and he knows that he's just there to deceive and to neutralize conservatives.
To give them a false brand of conservatism, to make sure they're defeated, to make sure the new world order comes in.
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Alright folks, your calls are coming up in the next segment, but I want to continue with the news blitz here.
Let's look at InfoWars.com.
I covered a lot of the news from earlier today, but more has been posted up on InfoWars.com.
Look right here.
Let me hit refresh on the page.
You know, earlier I was talking about transponders in
All of the cars and satellite trackers to tax you by the mile.
Well we've got more stories up here about they want automatic satellite speed controls that automatically ticket us and track everywhere we go.
More than a decade ago they put black boxes on all the new cars that are monitoring where you go and what you do in case something happens they can then go use that against you.
Nobody tells you that this surveillance is being built into the society.
Again, there's no presumption of innocence.
Everything is guilty until proven innocent.
But cut back to this because I want to show folks over here what's going on on the screen.
73,000 retailers to close in the first half of 2009.
Here is that headline for folks.
73,000 retailers to close in the first half of 2009.
And then, again, we can just go right to these articles.
Almost 1 in 10 Floridians are now on food stamps.
I mean, this is the total breakdown of society.
But just what government wants is what the social engineers want.
And then we've got all the images of the carnage that is going on.
Over in Gaza.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement is going to be screened in Dublin.
That's always interesting.
Madoff attorneys explore insanity defense.
Ah, yes.
You know what happened with this Madoff character.
Madoff, Madoff, who made off with the money.
Now they're saying over a hundred billion dollars he stole from institutions, governments, big banks.
They knew what he was doing.
One guy wasn't running this whole scam.
He's taking the blame, the fall guy, because a larger Ponzi scheme being run by Israel got caught.
And there's a lot of other
Scams that are going on around the world as well.
He's not the only Ponzi scheme.
That's what Wall Street and the CIA is.
The CIA was founded out of the OSS by Wall Street, by the Ivy League.
They are a surly, arrogant, know-it-all group of Eddie Haskell criminals, a gang with a flag, who use fake patriotism to get you to go along with their tyranny.
They are the ones that want globalism.
They want to kill the United States.
They want to bring in their own form of government.
They want to bring in their own tyranny.
They own both parties.
And guess who got five times the Wall Street money that John McCain did?
His name was Barack H. Obama.
So he's not some black liberation guy like the left thinks.
The right attacks him for all of those diversions and distractions.
The real issue, this guy's a thoroughbred frontman meant to sell the left and betray the left just like George Bush was meant to betray the right.
So that's what these guys really are and that's what they're really all about.
Continuing looking at the screen here for folks, some of the other
Articles that we're going over here for folks is this one I mentioned.
Automatic speed limiting devices should be fitted to cars.
Half of middle class homeowners fear their properties could be repossessed in the near future.
See, it's a country of debtors, and the minute the bankers, in 2007, January 2007, we became a debtor nation.
We were the apple of the eye, had more than half the world's wealth, had the greatest savings rate, the greatest ownership rate, then we were taught in the 70s and 80s and 90s that being in debt was cool, and all the financial experts told you to do it on the news, and the cities invested their pension funds in these systems, and the bankers ran off with your money and bought real resources and real infrastructure, and now they're screwing you, now they're cheating you.
Oh look, NFL encourages fans to send text messages, security staff to report troublemakers.
And of course, humanity is breaking down, society is falling apart, the people are turning into animals.
A football game is not a family event.
Believe me, I've been to them in the last decade.
And so now the answer is put everybody in jail, arrest everybody, taser a woman if she doesn't get out of her seat fast enough.
And tattle on everybody.
No, that's not going to fix it.
Our society is unraveling.
That is the major issue.
That is the major problem that we face as a society.
Alright, when we come back, I'm going to take some calls and I'm going to blitzkrieg through some of the news that we haven't gotten to yet.
Obama's stimulus plan, $775 million.
That'll be a buy-off of the states.
That'll be given to all his political cronies and everybody.
Of course, the bankers will then get interest on all that.
Exclusive RNC draft rips Bush bailouts, says that it's socialism.
We'll get into that a little bit.
That is some of the news coming up today.
And I promise to get to this as if things weren't bad enough, Russian professor predicts, end of the U.S.
It's not just the Russians that are saying this.
It's the globalists.
They want the end of the United States.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
Don't forget the website.
It's PrisonPlanet.tv and Infowars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
...Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled Enemies.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Alright, here's the deal.
I'm going to your calls.
I'm giving you each a minute a piece.
I've got a bunch of news and I've got a video clip from Russian TV I want to play.
It's been picked up by the Wall Street Journal.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Pat in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I need more than a minute.
I know you haven't done it, but you need to do a show about this danger we have to the Constitutional Convention because Texas is guilty again
Roe v. Wade, and now it may be our fault if we lose the Constitution.
There was an aide, they don't say this on Wikipedia, but he was an aide to a former transportation czar who fell dead, Rick Williamson.
And the guy's name was Gregory Watson.
I was there.
I was trying to fight it.
He went back 200 years and got called for the Constitutional Convention on the Roots.
Well, at that time, I thought it was important.
That you could not write yourself a raise while you were in office.
You couldn't get it until you re-elected.
Well, it hasn't stopped them from doing it under COLA.
It's been to court and cost of living raises.
They're getting themselves raises.
But what this guy was really working on when he did that was an ERA amendment.
And what it amounts to, Alex, is this.
He wanted to prove.
He started doing that in 82.
And when we approached Rick Williamson, he acted like he really didn't know anything that Texas had a call for a constitutional amendment to a convention with a ruse to balance the budget.
It's a bait-and-switch thing.
No, I understand.
They're always trying to get a state income tax, too.
For those that don't know, a Constitutional Convention is where they can call all the states together.
There are only two states short of it right now, the closest we've been in decades to getting a Constitutional Convention.
They can rewrite the entire Bill of Rights, entire Constitution.
Uh, and they've got the ruse of gay marriage for the left to get behind it in some states.
In right-wing states, they claim it's for, you know, an illegal alien amendment.
Uh, but, but, but the group's pushing and admit it's really about gutting everything once they get it.
And, uh, hell, the, the, you know, the executive's already declared itself dictator above the legislative.
But that doesn't mean that's legitimate.
But they could legitimately, it would still be tyrannical, but more legitimately at least, ram through in a con con.
So we need to beat that.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Pat.
Joshua in Oregon.
You're on the air.
Yeah, hey Alex.
I want to talk to you about something that's really important to you.
Are you there?
Yes, I am.
I heard you're having some difficulty with your websites in Google.
Um, you know, SEO is my job.
All day long, I handle search engines and stuff.
And, you know, when I heard about that, I went and checked out InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.com, and your problem is not with Google.
It's with the design of your website.
Your website should be pulling a huge amount of traffic, but because there's some simple errors on your website, Google is completely ignoring them.
Well, sir, I mean, it's more than that.
It's my videos being delisted or erased off Google or YouTube.
It's a lot of other things that are going on that are happening.
But yes, we moved to the WordPress so people could comment.
And then we have problems with WordPress, not letting, like I can't comment from my house for some reason, we don't know why.
And then people accuse us of censorship because it's got such traffic.
And yes, I know a lot of people told us it's not listed right for the search engine, so do me a favor, email Aaron
at Infowars.com, and he'll pass that on to Kurt.
Email, because I've had a lot of people tell me that we don't have the tags done right on there.
And, you know, we're trying.
We're just normal folks.
You know, we're lucky if we can keep my websites up for a week straight.
And so, yes, I know there's a lot of ineffective things we're doing, and since we moved from HTML to the WordPress, we've lost a lot of our search engine rankings, and that's horrible because we're not reaching as many people randomly out there with our news and information, so that needs to be changed.
Please send me that info.
Why don't you tell me on, right now, the errors, and I'll tell you that's the same errors I've been told about.
Yeah, your title tags are missing on all your sites.
PrisonPlanet.com, it has a robot text file right there that is deliberately telling Google to ignore it, to ignore the entire website.
All of the links on PrisonPlanet.com have nofollow tags on them, which again tells Google to completely ignore it.
I mean, to me, you know, it would be hard to set up a WordPress site that is worse.
You know, then prisonplanet.com.
It's as bad as it possibly can be, you know.
It is.
I understand.
It's worse than anything.
We work hard around here, let me tell you.
Oh my God, the lost opportunities to get the word out.
Listen, that's what I've been told by other people.
And then it's basically show me the money.
Do me a favor.
Go there, contact Watson.
Tell him what he needs to change.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
We need to get it fixed immediately.
Because with friends like ourselves, who needs enemies?
Email Watson, do me a favor, email Aaron right now and I'll make sure Kurt gets that.
Have we set up Kurt's email in the last year he's been working here yet?
Is it Kurt at InfoWars.com?
Is that his email?
We think so, yeah.
Sir, I am aware of the problems and I tell my people and they're doing what they can.
We need more money.
We need people to support us so we can hire more web people and get it done.
Do you want to volunteer to help us?
Do you want to give me your name and number?
Yeah, I would like to do that, sure.
And then, John, don't let me forget at the end of the show to get this info from him so I can have some folks.
Look, I'm aware of it.
Other people tell me that we couldn't have our tags worse, is basically what I've been told.
And it's because my web guys know the New World Order.
They know how to analyze it, write stories, post.
And, I mean, Paul Watson's not even a web designer.
And you know, he writes articles, does customer service, stuff like that.
You know, he's a contracted, not even an employee, but he does a good job.
And then Kurt is an employee here, and you know, again, I don't want to knock my guys, but yes, I know we need to fix it.
Thank you.
Get his name and number, and I'll see that it all gets handled.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Georgia.
David, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
First off, I just have some comments.
A couple years ago, I did the TerrorStorm Remix video that's on YouTube.
I believe the old InfoWars site featured it, and I'd like people to check that out if they haven't seen it.
You can go to YouTube and type in TerrorStorm Remix, and it should be the first result.
Alex Jones Incision, Terror Storm Remix, and also I have a close family member who worked for the Air Force civilian DOD side and classified areas avionics for about 40 years and I was able to convince him about 9-11 truth and I had a discussion with him about how they might have remote control of the planes with Global Hawk
Oh, well, full grown adults still say there's no such thing as remote control when they can shoot cruise missiles through people's chimneys, down their chimneys, and Joe Kennedy Jr.
died remote controlling in a chase plane a B-17 loaded with explosives as a drone.
I mean, they've had it since World War II.
They've been having jumbo jets take off in LA and fly to Australia since the 70s, but the public just says it doesn't exist.
But then they say cell phones work at 20,000 feet, when they don't work at 5,000 feet!
They're making cell phone calls!
And then now, Barbara Olson's husband has been caught having to admit with the phone records that Barbara Olson never called him.
It wasn't real, it isn't true!
Yeah, but I had this conversation with him, and like I said, he worked in classified avionics, and I asked him about that, and he said that is exactly how that it was done, using Global Hawk.
And I also had a couple questions I wanted to ask you about false flag attacks, and if you had to hypothesize, what kind of black ops outfit do you think was behind it?
Like Delta?
Or was it the CIA special activities?
It's a nexus of CIA running the drills to make everybody stand down.
NORAD keep people standing down to screw up all the other groups that were tracking it at NORAD and the FAA.
And then they used, because they were loyal and would do it, I believe Mossad was involved on the ground, along with other Cold Warrior groups, Christian Zionists, who really believe that the Muslim threat is so great that the attacks had to be staged to get America's head screwed on right, to let us know we've got to deal with this threat.
And now they've written all these articles in the news saying 9-11 sure helped us, we need another one.
So, you know, and we've got all these Republican memos that have come out about, man, we sure need another attack.
That was sure great.
You know, PNAC explained, Dick Cheney explained that the terror attacks would help them get through with their agenda.
So I believe they used contractors, people who've been in special forces, people who, you know, are at that level above government.
And it would take about a hundred people to do the ground ops inside those buildings where they had complete access and control.
Jeb Bush, brother Marvin Bush, was running security.
And I mean it's this nexus of all these key people there.
I appreciate your call.
I want to get to this clip so I can come back and take more calls in the final segment.
Wall Street Journal reports, as if things weren't bad enough, Russian professor predicts end of U.S.
And the whole article says, you know, the evil corrupt Russians, they just want America to fall and they just hate America.
So now if you talk about the U.S.
breaking up, going bankrupt, you're an evil Ruski.
All the Russians are saying, he's been saying this for 10 years, is that through globalization and balkanization that the United States is falling apart.
And he actually goes on his real reports to say this is going to hurt Russia, Russia doesn't want this.
But if you look at the international banks, they've always, and they've bragged, the Club of Rome has bragged, that they want America to have a low standard of living.
They want to get rid of the middle class.
They want the U.S.
to fall apart, so they can buy it all up cheaper and control the population.
So, see, now they ignore Gerald Solente and Peter Schiff and myself and all these others and Ron Paul, who have been predicting this for years.
I'm predicting a lot longer than Schiff and others, but I don't care if I get credit, whatever.
The point is that they pretty much ignore us, but then they go, oh look, the Russkies are saying it.
The Russkies, they hate America.
No, the globalists are the ones that want this to happen, and they are breaking the U.S.
So let's go ahead and look at this clip from Russia Today a few weeks ago.
It is.
The financial crisis and its potential consequences have been occupying the minds of many experts across the globe recently.
Indeed, the turmoil originated in the U.S.
And a Russian professor of economics has put forward his own theory about the impact the credit crunch will have on America.
Joining the studio now by Igor Panarin, who says the U.S.
will split into six pieces because of the crisis.
Let's talk more about this.
Sir, good evening to you.
Thanks for joining us in the studio.
Quite controversial thoughts, these.
Explain your thought process, sir.
I believe that in 1998 I was right in my theory.
It has to do with the fact that, first of all, different states of the United States have different history, different culture, and different level of financial and economical significance in the life and activities of the United States.
Today I believe that the world
My immediate thought is, do you think this would have happened, may happen, according to your theory, if it weren't for the financial crisis, and if this scenario did happen, where would the power base be?
Well, the main power base, there will be actually three power bases on the territory of the United States.
New York and Washington, which will be under the influence of London, first of all.
It's California and Texas, which will be under the influence of three countries.
Russia, China and Mexico, from my point of view.
Now, German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the U.S.
got into this trouble in the first place by borrowing cheap money and using cheap money.
Do you agree with her?
I believe that she's right.
First of all, I can emphasize that Russia and Germany often have the same points of view as far as the financial crisis is concerned in particular.
But I also want to emphasize that the problem is that the dollar is not backed by gold, and there are too many dollars in this world.
Well, Mr. Pinara, what are your forecasts for the outcome here in Russia regarding the financial crisis?
I believe that the crisis in Russia can be finally prevented only with making the ruble the main reserve currency of Eurasia and turning Moscow into the main financial center of the Eurasian continent.
Just very briefly, I just want to also pick up on something you said in your report that you even speculated, this scenario, that Alaska might want to renew its ties with Russia.
Why is that then?
I believe that Alaska should return to Russia, and there is a very good manager, Roman Abramovich, who's been really successful in managing... Alright, that's enough.
Okay, that a bit fanciful there at the end.
But decadent, bankrupt, bully nations do fall apart and do get usurped.
But again, just like 150 years ago, 10 Western powers went in and divided up China into their own private business district.
And had paramilitary police on every street corner and different companies and nations had different armed mercenary groups that protected them.
That's what the United States is shifting to.
That's why the Navy is creating its own army now.
The criminals have taken over government and they have decided to loot the hell out of us.
I want to bring up Ted Anderson right now.
They've got a few final calls right at the end of the show.
Ted, I'm not going to belabor this long.
Gold is up over $180 in the last, it went up to $883 yesterday, and you bought gold last buy when it was at $770.
You have a little bit of gold left at those prices.
You are also one of our great sponsors here on the TV shows.
We'll put some of your phone numbers and graphics up on the screen at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Ted Anderson joining us from Minnesota.
Are you there?
Yeah, I'm right here with you.
Ted, correct, you're still offering gold that you bought at the $770 level?
Yeah, we sure are.
We still have those francs at $205, and we have the British Sovereigns at $254.
We were talking last time, what's the best buy in the house right now?
I'm still offering silver dollars at The Creature from Jekyll Island for $26.45, and people sure need to know about central banking.
We have the Walking Liberty Halves.
They're currently at $8.40.
I just can't say it enough.
I mean, there's just so much going on economically in this world.
That you simply have to take a serious look at your investments.
Well, Ted, let's be clear, that Creature from Jekyll Island deal, the book I know, you paid $14 for those, and then you're offering a silver dollar that they're selling everywhere for above $20.
And so, I mean, for $26, you are losing money on this?
Well, yeah, Alex, we lose money on it, but the point of it is that we need to carry this message not just to the listeners here of the Alex Jones Show,
But these people need to have the ammunition and the knowledge to carry to their friends and family.
And so, yeah, we lose a little bit of money on it, but well worth the cost.
You can see it on screen there at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Right now, if you're watching or later on the web, this is archived.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, Ted, briefly come back at the end, because I want to just again explain to people, this is gold, $100, under what it's currently selling for.
You understand that, folks?
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Alright, I want to jam in a call from Debbie James Russell, whoever I can here at the end.
Too much has gone by too fast with us today here.
Ted Anderson, without belaboring this, you buy gold when it's down, and then you pass those savings on to people when it's up.
They can buy it when it's down too, but it's way up over $100 in the last week, and you bought it when it was $100 lower.
You have the British Sovereigns, you have the American Eagles, you have the European Franks, the French and Swiss and other Franks.
Again, tell folks about those deals and give them the phone number.
Yeah, of course.
We have the British Sovereign, currently right now it's at $2.54.
We have the Frank, it's at $2.05.
We do put the silver dollars inside of the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
If you want something, I mean, get a silver dollar for nothing, basically, because you're paying for just the cost of the book.
You get a free silver dollar.
Otherwise, I do have the Buffalo.
Oh my God!
Wait, wait, wait.
You had 50 of those yesterday.
Do you still have them?
No, we sold that supply out, but I found more.
So I'll do another 50.
How many do you have?
Like I said, I'll do 50 at $1,036.
Again, impossible to find, and huge premiums everywhere.
You can find them.
There is no premium on that.
You cannot beat that deal.
And Ted, I want to thank you for your sponsorship of this show.
So much of what we're able to do here is because of you.
And I don't know how you support us like you do, because I happen to know your gold prices, and I happen to know on some of these deals, you're making no money.
Well, it's, I mean, a lot of it, I mean, you know where my heart is.
I would like to see, I'd like to see this movement move forward.
I would, you know, I'm going to be getting into some pretty mainstream shows, pitching the idea that this Federal Reserve is a bad idea.
And so just start listening.
You'll hear me all over the place.
And I just think it's so important to get people back to your show and listen, because given any bit of time, they're going to find out the truth and know that it's coming from you and what's coming from these mainstream people.
You know, it's just a bunch of hogwash and smoke and mirrors, so we'll just keep it running that way.
Ted, thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah, thanks for having me on.
Okay, folks, I took about 20 calls today.
That's shameful.
I mean, I could have taken 500.
Every caller wants to make points.
I want to make points.
I want to spend time with the callers.
I want to give them a chance to speak.
And I have all this other news and audio clips and video clips.
We're out of time.
I meant to go to Joshua, David, Debbie, James, Russell.
Call me back tomorrow, guys, in the first hour, and I promise you'll go to the head of the line.
But I'm going to leave my IM from Minnesota open, because we're in Texas, the main networks in Minnesota, and if you call in tomorrow, you'll be first in line.
I apologize to those viewers.
And there's all this other news I didn't get to here.
Let me cover that right here at the end.
Corporate media notices War College report on economic crisis, and Kurt Nimmo did a story about a whole bunch of mainstream newspapers, El Paso, Times, Phoenix Business Journal, a whole bunch of other ones in the last week coming out and saying the Army will be used against the American people.
Not terrorists, the American people.
But the articles sickeningly say it's good
See, when they're really finally to use this martial law apparatus that they've set up, they then have to introduce it to you and sell you that it's a good idea.
And again, I'm not against the military and the police individually, but...
They've been set up to carry out tyranny.
We're under martial law.
We're under the War Powers Act.
The Federal Reserve has announced to Congress they are in control of the country.
That is illegal.
But the hijacker is dressed up in a fancy uniform, so people are, cops are going, well, I guess they're the new boss.
Because of that image of authority.
There's that.
There's a bunch of other stories here.
A U.S.
Army document that proves the U.S.
is the world's number one sponsor of worldwide terrorism.
The Army admits it themselves.
It's just incredible.
I am out of time here.
Again, hundreds and hundreds of major chains and businesses going under.
Holiday sales the worst ever.
This is all New World Order engineered so they can blow out the economy and have a fire sale.
Rebroadcast starts on the web one place.
Infowars.com with all the key info right now.
We'll be back on the AM and FM later today and tomorrow.
God bless you all.
This is it for PrisonPlanet.tv.
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