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Name: 20081222_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2008
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, hello and thank you for joining us.
We're live at PrisonPlanet.tv for the next hour and 51 minutes.
We've got Peter Schiff coming up joining us, President and CEO of Europe Pacific Capital, to talk about what's happening with the economy here in the United States and around the world in about 20 minutes.
I also want to go to some of your phone calls right now.
For those of you that have been holding patiently, it is December 22nd,
and eight and we are a little more than two hours into the regularly scheduled radio show and then uh... every day of the last hour with some days even more uh... we go out live at prison planet dot tv we're also developing this studio another studio uh... to uh... put a once a week tv program on national cable slash dish network direct tv we've now moved into our new offices and set up one of the studios that's phase one
Now Phase 2 is getting it on television, but it's all live right now at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Now, before I go to Eric, Tracy, Don, Paul, and others that are patiently holding, I did briefly want to tell you about a couple of sponsors that make this broadcast possible.
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Okay, that said, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Eric in Connecticut.
Eric, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call, and greetings from the frigid Northeast.
I'm getting myself a Christmas present this year, a Berkey Light.
That's a great system.
You know, how are you doing with the horrible global warming up there?
Is it tropical in Connecticut right now, or are you experiencing the coldest temperatures in more than 20 years?
I was looking forward to being able to open my pool up in January but I can't do that because it's like 20 degrees outside.
Well listen, don't worry about all the GMO food killing everybody and don't worry about the bad drug interactions killing 300,000 a year and don't worry about all the toxic waste and all the real environmental problems.
You can just pay a bunch of taxes to private bankers, carbon indulgences, and then everything will be okay.
How's that sound?
You know Alex, that sounds great and I think if I can pay them the more
I'll be able to sleep a little better at night because they work so hard trying to get us under their thumb.
Well, even if you believe that man-made carbon dioxide and methane from cows' flatulence is destroying the ozone layer...
I was going to say, Alex, if you read their studies, I mean, people don't believe it when I tell them at work.
I say, all you need to do is go and research and read what these elites are saying they're going to do.
I mean, basically they come right out, but they're counting on the average American citizen to basically just sit down and watch TV and not even pay attention.
Well, that's because they knew people were lazy.
They told them in the fifties, you don't have to worry about government anymore.
You don't have to be involved anymore.
Trust the elites.
There's no such thing as corruption.
It doesn't exist.
It's like telling somebody there's no such thing as cancer.
Go ahead and smoke five packs of cigarettes a day.
And then now we've got cancer, and they're going, but there's no such thing!
And you're like, no there is, pal!
And they're like, no!
I heard Al Qaeda talks like that!
I heard Al Qaeda said, hold on!
Hold on!
You know, it's, shut up!
I mean, basically, if you think that there's any corruption in our government, you're with Al Qaeda!
I mean, imagine what the government's done!
Oh, and denial is their greatest ally.
And that's what people need to realize, that denial
is their best friend, because it prevents people from researching, it prevents people from taking action, it prevents people from waking up, and they can, the elites can just sit back and rub their hands together, and you even see it on TV.
I remember back in the 90s and earlier, you had shows that would portray the government as questionable, corrupt, dubious, evil.
Now you look at a lot of these programs, I saw a preview for this program where I see nothing but these
These heroes, quote-unquote, running around in their little ninja outfits, busting door downs.
It's a program called Homeland Security.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw that one.
Homeland Security USA!
Yeah, these shows are... It's with the USA!
You're not against the USA, are you?
Yeah, and I'm hearing, you know, um, uh, I like the way, um, Alan Stang puts it.
Shallow Sean Hannitwit.
They're talking about these concerts they go to where everybody has a tear in his eye because they're singing about
The war on terror and everything else with all these country stars, well, don't they realize that greed has replaced common sense in this country?
We've lost our way in large part.
Well, no, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
What's happened is, people have bought into the delusion.
They've bought into the Republican, the Democratic illusion.
They've bought into that we're the good guys, and we're going to kill some Arabs, and it's good, and we're going to take our liberties so Al Qaeda doesn't get them.
And they have no idea they've been completely set up.
Oh yeah, Hannity has these Pentagon worshipping events.
And then meanwhile the Pentagon is a foreign alien group destroying America.
It's like the main seat of the cancer for the Federal Reserve.
It's taking over the United States, overthrowing our nation like some third world country.
And then meanwhile there's country stars, everybody crying, playing, you know, proud to be an American.
At least I know I'm free.
Hello Alex.
Alex, the last time I spoke with you was about seven years ago.
I've been listening to you since you were on shortwave.
And one thing that has always remained the same with you, listening to you, talking about this, is you bring us wonderful information, information we couldn't get anywhere else unless we spent all our time doing it, which we can't.
But you've never told us
Where we can go, who we can talk to, what we can do to bring this to a halt.
Because everything you suggested so far doesn't work.
It's not gonna work.
It's not designed to work.
They've got us by the you-know-what.
And the only box left is the cartridge box.
I want to know if there's any groups anywhere that are preparing for this
Well, look.
As things get worse, more people are going to wake up and listen to what we have to say.
And it's during the greatest crisis that it's the time for talking.
I mean, that's why the establishment pays tens of billions of dollars a year alone, domestically, for fake newscasts, disinformation, fake bloggers.
So 90% of a war, according to the Pentagon, is info war.
They use deception and lies and deceit and fake patriotism.
We use the truth and true patriotism to counter them.
By number one, pointing out they're not American, they're anti-American, they work for offshore banks, who've stolen 8.5 trillion.
People say that now is not the time for talking.
Well, that's because you've been awake for decades, probably.
And unfortunately, so many people that know what's going on have decided to just pull their antenna in and not wake people up, not be involved anymore.
And so I see the establishment staging terror attacks all the time to try to say that we're violent so they have a pretext to crack down on the public.
So I don't think violence is the answer.
The people I hear on the radio talking about violence, they never seem to get in trouble for calling for that.
That's because they're feds.
If I called for that, I'd be arrested very, very quickly.
So no, we need to hear a lot more talk and a lot louder.
And we need to hear it right now.
Does that answer your question?
So, your answer to my question is you think I'm a fit?
No, that's not what I just said.
I said on the radio, sir.
Stay there.
I'll talk to you when we get back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look, what I said, Tracy from New Mexico, was the people on the air always calling for physical war to kill judges.
One of them is Hal Turner.
Turned out he is an FBI informant.
You know, they catch these white supremacists all the time, run by feds.
So what I said was, and this is what's not fair with the audience, is people don't take what I say, they take what they want to hear me say.
I didn't call you a fed.
What I said is, to communicate with me, you had to call in and say, I think the time for talking is over.
And don't worry, the time for talking may come soon enough, and then it'll be time for people that have done all this talking about how they're not going to talk, to actually get in a shooting war.
I'm not going to a FEMA camp, I'm not turning my firearms in, I'm not going along with the New World Order.
But, I mean, I'm a radio host, and it's not my job to charge off like George Washington and get into a shooting war with the Feds.
And I'm not saying you're doing this, I'm saying I'm criticized a lot by people for being all talk.
Well, our talk has defeated hundreds and hundreds of bad pieces of legislation.
Our talk has exposed a lot of bad things.
Talk, a few weeks ago, shot down, at least for now, a constitutional convention.
Is Tracy still there?
Yeah, we're still in the shape we're in.
We're still facing what we're facing.
Nothing's changed.
Okay, well you're the commander then.
I mean, Tracy, who are you going to shoot?
Stop, stop.
Okay, who is Tracy in New Mexico going to go out and blast?
I'm not exactly sure.
Well, don't look for me to tell you who to go shoot.
Waking up people isn't stopping this.
They don't care if we're awake.
They don't care if we're watching them as long as we don't try to stop them.
They'll continue to do what they're doing as long as all we do is talk about it, find out things.
Let me throw something out here to you.
The police arrested about 3,000 people, actually a little bit more than 3,000 people in New York.
In 2004, at the RNC, I was there.
Peaceful people.
AP reporters, radio reporters, spectator reporters, you know, even conservatives.
They put them in a FEMA camp, Pier 57.
I had the police come over and threaten to arrest me for just videotaping and across the street.
Now, nobody got in a shooting war with the police.
Lawsuits were filed.
They lost over a thousand lawsuits, hundreds of millions of dollars, and now the New York police don't claim you need a permit to march.
Now they don't claim there's free speech zones.
And all over the country, take Austin.
Austin police would arrest you back a decade ago if you protested anywhere without a permit.
Now they don't because they lost a bunch of lawsuits.
Well, I'm trying to understand it myself.
After you've done all this.
But you're saying nothing's better.
Sir, sir, they're being forced to admit there's world government now.
Congress has a 9% approval rating right now.
The lowest it's ever been.
And so in a way you're right, you're right.
The people are awake, but still they go forward.
But they go forward with less and less support.
More and more leaks.
When Dick Cheney wanted to blow up US ships and blame it on Iran, the Admiral resigned and then suddenly it was leaked.
Well, I guess all this talking and all this waking up is going to stop them from doing what they're doing.
They're going to be afraid that we've found them out.
No, sir.
When it comes to the... Listen, listen.
Violence is probably inevitable down the road, like you see in Greece and other places, but on a much wider scale.
But we need to have as many people awake as we can before it comes to that.
Well, I'll agree with you on that.
Yes, they're arrogant.
Yes, they're brutal.
Yes, they're stupid.
Yes, they want a physical fight.
And don't worry, man, they're gonna get one.
Let me ask you a question.
You ever killed anybody?
I mean, you ever... Look, my whole point is, sir, you don't want to get into this position.
You don't want to get into a hot war with these people.
And they don't want to get into a hot war with us either.
It's like that Appleseed fella said, mutually assured destruction.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Man thinks, cause he rules the earth.
He can do it as he please.
And if things don't change soon, he will.
Oh, man has invented his doom.
Alright, for the next thirty minutes we're joined by Peter Schiff, President and Chief Global Strategist for Euro-Pacific Capital.
We'll link up to that up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Especially lately, he's been on TV, national and international TV quite a bit over the years, but he really doesn't need any introduction these days.
He's on television and
Well, thanks for having me.
In the limited time we've got in this 30 minutes, let's get right into it.
I mean, what we've seen with the banker takeover bill, they're given almost omnipotent power, and then the San Francisco Chronicle reports two weeks ago $8.5 trillion is missing.
Bloomberg is told that the Federal Reserve won't tell them where several trillion, two trillion of that has gone, and now we have the AFP reporting
The head of the private Spanish central bank saying world economic meltdown, total meltdown, worse than the Great Depression.
We have the Prime Minister of Canada saying similar things.
What's really happening here and are these guys trying to cause a world depression?
Well, I don't think they're trying to.
I think it's going to happen, although not necessarily worldwide.
I certainly think there's going to be an inflationary depression in the United States.
Hopefully the rest of the world will have the good sense not to follow us down that path, because it certainly, you know, it doesn't have to be.
But, you know, I think it's interesting, too, you're talking about all the wars being ceded to the government, to the Federal Reserve, as if they didn't do enough damage with the powers that they already had.
The problem that we're facing right now is a result of government.
Government interference in the free market, government manipulation of interest rates, government attempts to artificially stimulate the economy by using monetary and fiscal policy, by interfering, by guaranteeing certain debts to encourage risk-taking in certain areas.
We have been micromanaging the economy into this gigantic bubble that has now burst.
And now what we're supposedly learned from all this is that we need even more government.
That we need government doing even more than it did before.
More decisions need to be turned over to government.
More resources need to be allocated.
More government.
Government should be picking the winners and losers and reallocating wealth.
And this is going to lead to a complete disaster, much greater than anything we're trying to deal with now.
So a completely controlled economy, and the mainstream media has really been involved in a huge hoax.
I'd like you to speak to that, Mr. Schiff.
Saying that the free market did this, when really this was crony capitalism.
This was groups of regulators and revolving doors between government and select brokerage firms and banks.
I mean, take the Madoff situation, where the SEC was told about what he was doing, but didn't enforce the rules they had.
Yeah, look, this is certainly not a creature of capitalism.
We would not be in this mess were we more of a capitalistic economy.
It's only because a government was allowed to permeate into so much of our economy, particularly the Federal Reserve being the cheap culprit there.
None of this would have happened.
The bubbles wouldn't have been inflated, and so there would be no deflation of a bubble had it never been inflated in the first place.
And remember, what's happening right now, at least what the public perceives as being a problem, which is falling home prices, people losing their jobs, credit no longer flowing, none of this is the problem.
This is all the consequence of the problem.
The problem is all the reckless borrowing and spending in the years that preceded the collapse.
And why did all that take place?
That all took place because of the Federal Reserve, because of the monetary policies it pursued that led to all this irresponsible borrowing, both on Wall Street to finance speculation, and on Main Street to speculate, to finance consumption and speculation.
And all these bad decisions are coming back to bite us.
You've got a great telephone.
It's overdriving.
Can you back off of it a bit?
Sure, sure.
We're hearing you loud and clear, which is over-driving.
Thank you.
Specifically though, we see hyperinflation in certain areas continuing and we see trillions of dollars being issued out into the world economy just by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury here alone.
And so there's talk of hyperinflation rearing its head in the next couple years.
So don't we really just have
A depression within the real Main Street economy, but then when it goes into the Wall Street economy, that it's actually generating a competing force of inflation, and how do you see those two things playing out?
Well, I mean, all these problems are a consequence of inflation.
The government has been too easy and has created too much money.
For a while, the inflation, the cheap money went into stocks and it went into real estate,
And distorted the economy and distorted our decision-making process, our consumption and savings decisions.
And the economy is way out of balance.
But right now, as the market is trying to correct the imbalances brought about by all the inflation government created, they're creating even more inflation.
And people don't understand how dangerous this inflation is going to be.
It is going to show up in consumer prices almost exclusively and in commodity prices.
Right now,
The effect of all that inflation on prices is being hidden based on some of the shorter-term effects, downward pressures being put on prices that are the result of de-leveraging and bankruptcies and things like that.
But these are short-term factors.
The factors that are pushing prices down are temporary and they will go away soon, whereas the factors that are going to be sending prices through the roof are simply gaining momentum as we speak.
How bad is this going to get?
Very, very bad.
It's unfortunate, because the worse it gets, the more the government is going to interfere to try to save us.
And so the more the government interferes, the more they try to stimulate the economy, the more they try to revive it, the more they're going to stifle it.
Basically, there's a fire, and the only way the government knows to put it out is with gasoline.
And the bigger the fire grows, the more gasoline they throw on it.
And they don't make the connection between the bigger fire and the gasoline, because the only thing they know about a fire is throw gas on it.
And so it's going to be a raging wildfire that's going to consume everything, because the government is going to keep feeding it.
Well, don't the government bureaucrats also like the power they get by selectively handing out trillions of dollars?
Of course!
There's a reason for this, too.
It's kind of a self-perpetuating loop.
Where the government likes the idea that they need more power, and the worse the economy gets, the more they can justify the power grab, and the more likely citizens are to give up their rights and to give more power to government because they're convinced that the government's going to use that power benevolently.
Peter Schiff.
out there.
Where do you see the United States in six months, a year, two years?
Give us a forecast of, you know, not where you'd like us to go or where different decisions of you or Ron Paul were running the Treasury, but where you think they're taking us.
Well, they're taking us in the wrong direction.
I mean, you know, what we need in this country is we need to address the root causes of these imbalances, our lack of savings
Why is it that we're not saving enough money?
Well, interest rates are too low.
They need to be much higher.
People need to be rewarded for saving, and we need to make it expensive to borrow.
We need to produce more.
We need to make more stuff, not consume more stuff.
And in order to do that, we need more capital.
And again, we need more savings to get more capital, but we also need capital to be efficient, which means we need less regulations.
We need fewer regulations, not more regulations.
We need a smaller government because we're going to get more capital if we have lower taxes, but we can't get lower taxes unless we get a smaller government.
But right now, everything we're doing, we're getting more regulation, bigger government, more expensive government, more onerous regulation.
We're trying to force-feed more credit into the American economy.
We're keeping interest rates much too low.
We're encouraging all of the wrong behavior and we're punishing all the right behavior.
We're bailing out companies that should be failing, that should be going bankrupt.
And we're taxing or taking money away from the companies that are successful and that we need to expand.
And we can't have a successful economy where you take all the free market forces
Thank you very much.
Well, let's take the case of Bernard Madoff.
I mean, we've got this guy where they're saying $50 to $100 billion.
No one seems to know.
Big banks involved with him.
Big brokerage firms involved investing with him.
And he's now claiming that he alone ran this whole scam, generated the spreadsheets, what was mailed out to investors, that no one, including his sons, didn't know.
Sounds like he's taken the fall for a bunch of other people.
Well, it sounds like he is.
I mean, he's 70 years old.
He probably figures, you know, how bad is a life sentence for him?
He's probably... I'm sure that other people knew.
I just can't believe that he could have orchestrated the whole thing and not a single other person in his organization knew that these trades weren't being made, that the returns were phony.
But, you know, the bigger issue here, and I think there's two issues, number one is, theoretically, all of this happened under the watchful eye of the SEC and, to a lesser extent, FINRA.
The companies that regulate broker-dealers and investment managers.
And if they couldn't catch that, I mean, that's kind of ridiculous that they couldn't catch it.
But I think that a lot of people, one of the reasons that so many people just kind of accepted that it was true was because they assumed that the government was regulating it all, and assumed that government regulators were on the job protecting the fraud.
And I think, in general,
Government regulation does more harm than good, for no other reason than it breeds complacency.
I think the public would have been a lot more skeptical of a MADOC had there been no SEC, had there been no FINRA, had people realized that there are dishonest people, they might have done a better job, the free market might have done a much better job of policing this than the government did.
But also, I think the bigger lesson here
Is that Ponzi schemes don't work.
And they don't work when a private citizen tries it, but they also don't work when the government does it.
Which means Social Security is going to meet the same fate as Madoff.
That was my next point.
But instead, the Ponzi scheme has gotten so big with thousands of quadrillions or whatever globally, that when does that Ponzi scheme come due?
Are we seeing the Ponzi scheme fall?
Yeah, I think we are.
I mean, first of all, remember, there's a lot of naturally occurring Ponzi schemes in the market.
The housing bubble was a Ponzi scheme.
The stock market bubble was a Ponzi scheme.
The whole idea was that you have a greater fool.
The investment returns not come from the investment, but from cashing out to a greater fool.
That's all Ponzi dynamic.
Think about the way the United States operates its budget.
We borrow money forever.
The national debt always gets bigger.
It never gets smaller.
The debt's mature.
We have to go borrow more money to pay it off.
But the final equation is... And whenever we have to make an interest payment, we have to go deeper into debt.
But in the final equation, that's what Dick Cheney says.
He says, we have the nukes, and we can nuke the whole planet.
You know, he said that Sunday on Fox News.
He did?
I mean, he said, the President is all-powerful.
You can't question the President's power.
After all, he's got the nuclear football.
So what does he mean by that?
That if people don't want to buy our bonds, we're going to nuke them?
I don't know what that means.
Every time he gives a speech now or talks, he just says the President's above the law, no one can question him.
I can play you the clip if you want to hear it.
The point is... I mean, that's just nonsense, and it's very frightening that somebody is even saying that, and we're just allowing it.
But I mean, I think that's the delusional megalomania.
And I mean, now Obama's coming in promising to give people millions of jobs and more taxes.
I know, I like the way he changed his mind.
He said, you know, he's changing.
He's not going to do 2 million jobs, but 3 million jobs.
So why not 5 million jobs?
Why not 10 million jobs?
I mean, like, he can just create jobs that however many he decides that's how many he's going to create.
Mr. Schiff, he's not stupid.
He may not be as smart as an economist or investor as you are, but they know that raising taxes is going to hurt the economy.
Well, they're not even planning on raising, except they might raise taxes on employers, you know.
But, you know, they're not talking about big tax hike increases.
They're just talking about printing money.
See, the problem is they think that printing money
And spending it is as good as actually earning it.
Or, you know, that wealth can come from a printing press.
And they don't understand how legitimate wealth is created.
So where is this going?
I mean, how bad?
I mean, you say it's going to get very bad.
What is very bad?
You know, 24 months from now, what's the United States look like?
Very bad is runaway inflation.
Very bad is shortages of basic goods, food and energy products that we now take for granted.
Becoming prohibitively expensive and hard to come by, because of government price controls, because of distribution problems.
What we're looking at is sky-high interest rates for everybody but the government.
The only people that are going to be able to borrow is going to be the government, and all they're going to be able to do is give us money that doesn't buy anything.
I mean, we're talking about a situation where instead of worrying about Mexicans coming across the border, we're going to be worrying about Americans going in the other direction.
Well, that's already happening with a lot of wealthy people that see the writing on the wall.
Yeah, but wait until it's not just wealthy people.
Wait until it's young people who are looking for opportunities and know they don't find any here, because the government has stifled them all.
Well, that's my next issue.
And when people have immigrated, you know, second-generation Americans start going back to their home country, you know, where their parents came from, because there's more opportunities outside the United States than within.
That's where we're headed.
Because the bureaucrats, like a horde of locusts, came to the United States
And basically ate it down to the bone.
Battle-hardened trips for homeland security for North America under NORTHCOM.
The Army War College now says they are preparing to engage militarily the American people, that the people try to remove the government in Washington in the spirit of 1776, that the military will engage us.
Where do you see that going?
Excuse me, what did you say again?
I thought I was going to a break.
No, no, I mean, we're going to go to a break and then we're going to come back.
But I was asking you briefly, you've heard about the plan, well they're already doing it, to put 20,000 U.S.
troops on the streets to engage the American people?
No, I hadn't heard about that.
Really, you haven't heard about that?
But I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if, I mean, ultimately, as I said, I've been forecasting
There would be civil unrest and rioting in response to government-created shortages and lack of opportunity.
A lot of people are going to be losing their jobs in the next several years, and because of government policy, they're not going to find new jobs.
And I think unemployed people who are hungry
I get very frustrated, and I thought maybe the government knows that this is going to happen.
They're trying to get the troops on the streets in advance.
But I mean, they've been quietly setting this up for decades, but now they announced NORTHCOM, Homeland Security is for the American people.
That's quite a totalitarian shift, isn't it?
Yeah, but it's a shift in the wrong direction, and we're headed there fast.
Okay, sir, there's several websites.
Which one should we plug here on air?
On my website, www.europaq.net.
Yep, europaq.net.
Peter Schift is our guest.
We'll put his website up on screen right now at prisonplanet.tv.
Final segment with him straight ahead with some solutions.
Stay with us.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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The Little Book of Bold Moves in Bear Markets is his latest bestseller.
Jim Rogers calls it a must-read book.
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Anyone wishing to know why the economy is in trouble should read this book.
So you can check those out simply by googling
Peter Schiff, or go to his website we have up on screen right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Don't forget my websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, in the four minutes we have left with you, if we could fix government, what would be the good moves there to fix this?
But obviously that's not going to happen.
Secondarily, what can we do individually from your educated opinion, sir?
Well, individually is about the only thing we can do.
I mean, we could try to influence the politicians, but it doesn't look like that's going to work.
I mean, they've got us on this course.
They're going to drive this bus right over the edge of a cliff.
And, you know, we can try to scream and get them to change course, but the bottom line is we're probably going to go over that cliff.
So the best thing that we can do is try to get off the bus ourselves.
And that's what I'm helping people do with their investments, with trying to understand that it's the dollar that's going to be the big casualty here, the value of our money.
And that if people want to protect their wealth, if they don't want to be stuck footing the bill for all the bailouts and all the stimulus packages, they need to get their money out of U.S.
They need to be out of dollars completely, out of U.S.
That means out of money markets, CDs, bonds.
If you can, out of U.S.
real estate, I think out of most U.S.
And move your money abroad.
I mean, be it foreign currencies, be it foreign government bonds, corporate bonds, foreign stocks around the world, owning assets that earn their revenues and pay their dividends.
What about gold and silver?
And certainly owning precious metals, owning gold, owning silver, having some physical gold in your possession, having more gold outside the United States where it might be even safer, investing in mining companies.
People have to understand and plan for what's going to happen.
As bad as it's going to be, we can at least plan for it.
We can at least try to minimize the impact on our own lives and our own finances, although in many respects
You know, the way it's going to play out in our personal lives may way overshadow any success we might have.
I was about to say, I mean, crime is already exploding.
How bad do you think it's going to get?
Look, I certainly think it's going to get worse as economic conditions worsen.
And I don't think we're a civilized society.
I mean, maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think we're as civil as our grandparents were during the 1930s.
I don't think that the type of hardship that we're going to have
It's going to be greeted the way it was.
I think we have an entire generation of dependency in this country of people who think they're entitled to something.
Well, sir, I think it's worse than that.
And I think a lot of people are going to react very differently than the way our grandparents did.
I think it's worse than that.
I mean, I agree with you.
If 90% of our forebears were agrarian, and now we're 90% urban, even if they were nice people socially, how are they going to feed themselves?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, as I said, it's going to be difficult.
And it's already amazing in a nation.
It's supposedly so abundant, right, when it comes to food.
You know, 90% of our seafood is imported.
You know, I mean, it's crazy.
We have all these oceans, two oceans, we have all these lakes, yet we import 90% of our fish.
Now when the dollar collapses and that fish isn't coming in, you know, it's not going to be there.
And it's not, you know, it's not like we've got a bunch of boats and fishermen ready to go, you know, to pick up the slack.
No, you're absolutely right.
Well, I mean, take global warming in closing.
Even if you believe that our breath, our breathing, and our cars and cow flatulence is killing the earth, moving everything to China and India, where they have no standards, is going to boost the level of those gases.
So it's the same thing.
Government is literally killing our economy.
Well, that's it.
I mean, what we've got to do is kill government before it kills us.
They're like a cancer.
And, you know, the cancer keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and we're feeding the cancer as opposed to trying to fight it off.
Alright, have a great Christmas and have a great New Year, and I look forward to talking to you coming up next year as this unfolds.
Thank you so much, Peter Schiff.
Fire out the website one more time.
It's www.europac.net.
All right, take care.
I'm Alex Jones.
My website's InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We have April Gallup's lawyer, Bill Veal, on the line with us.
Our listeners, five, six months ago, raised money with April Gallup here on the show to be able to file suit against George Bush and Dick Cheney for the 9-11 attacks.
In this lawsuit, they're going to get discovery, unless they declare national security, which should be very, very interesting.
That should be revealing in and of itself.
The ex-GI plaintiff alleges she has been denied government support since then because she raised painful questions about the inexplicable failure of military defense at the Pentagon that day.
The suit charges that Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Myers conducted a conspiracy to facilitate the attacks and alleges that other unnamed individuals had foreknowledge.
She was there smelling the explosives.
She was right in the zone when the supposed aircraft hit.
You know, cutting cleanly through the walls, no airplane wreckage found.
And then they showed up at the hospital telling her what she did see and basically threatening her.
That's when she started asking questions.
She brought her baby to work that day, which she'd been authorized to do.
They were then claiming that, you know, she shouldn't have done that, as if she could go into the building without them knowing she had her baby.
Just an amazing story with April Gallup.
And so I wanted to get her lawyer on to first recap what happened to her, and then why he's chosen to take this case, and where the case is going.
This is a landmark, obviously, landmark case in its importance, and if it goes anywhere, extremely important, historical.
So thank you.
Thanks for coming on, sir.
No, you bet.
Short segment now, just recap what happened to April, why she's suing, and then let's get into the details of the suit itself.
Well, you know, she was, it was her first day back from maternity leave, and she showed up at the Pentagon, and she was going to take her kid to daycare, and they said, no, we want you to go in there and finish up some job that had to be done.
At the computer and they say you can take a kid to daycare if you get finished at.
So she went in and basically sat down and turned the computer on and you know the place just blew up.
There were enormous explosions and she was knocked unconscious and you know came to after some period of time and she really doesn't know how long that was and managed to gather
Herself and her child, a two-month-old, up and she and other people who were in a similar position managed to struggle out through the dust and the smoke and what fire there was.
There wouldn't have been much fire at that point.
And, you know, stepping over all kinds of debris and probably people.
All that jet fuel and hardly any fire?
Yeah, well, I mean there were fires coming out of the computers that she remembers, but her primary focus and her memory of getting out of there was just through smoke and dust.
And then she saw light and people were kind of helping her and she struggled out onto the
On the lawn there, she stepped over the last barrier of the wall and basically collapsed out on the lawn there.
And next thing she knew, she was in the hospital.
I mean, it's just a horrendous moment of anybody's life.
But she is an inspiring character in so many ways.
And, you know, you just can't let her be courageous by herself.
She inspires you in that way.
The only people with the ability to find justice under these circumstances are lawyers.
And I happen to be one.
Well, Bill, that was the next thing I was going to say to Bill Veal here.
You are courageous.
You have a lot of courage.
They clearly, a lot of evidence shows they just whacked a guy, you know, involved with Karl Rove for exposing some things.
And we know they kill people every day.
You know, they kill 3,000 on 9-11, so they'll stoop to anything.
So we'll be praying for you here.
And when we come back, specifically why you decided to take the case,
What her standing is and what it's alleging, where this is going.
I mean, imagine folks, we have a plaintiff who clearly has the standing because she was a victim of the attack and they're going forward with a suit.
We'll tell you exactly why when we get back with our guest.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.net.
Please stay with us.
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I think so.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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I think so.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and our guest is attorney Bill Veal.
Bill, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I know you're involved with 9-11 Truth.
Now, White, you've decided to take this on.
And then let's get into the suit itself, because it is bringing out a lot of really powerful information.
Well, I did 30-some years as a public defender.
I retired as Chief Justice in Contra Costa County a couple of years ago.
And at that point, I was pretty much like normal, average Americans.
You know, unbelieving.
And I didn't have any particular suspicions about 9-11.
And, you know, a colleague of mine threw a book at me one day and I started reading.
And, you know, I was inspired by, you know, at the time I was inspired by the enormity of the atrocity that had taken place, no matter who did it.
But after you do the reading and you do the research and you learn about what went on,
Then you become inspired by the stunning, breathtaking, colossal sense of the nature of the crime itself and the overwhelming arrogance of the people who were engaged in it, the most powerful people in the world.
And they thought that they could get away, basically, with what they did.
Well, they think they can get away with stealing $8.5 trillion with the banker takeover.
I mean, arrogance.
Who would think they would write up memos saying, we can torture children in front of their parents, and then being questioned about it and saying, yes, the president has that power.
But I'm sorry, I interrupt.
Go ahead.
So, I'm inspired by the enormity of their crime, I'm inspired by their arrogance, and I'm inspired by the courage of April Galt.
And so, I decided that if nobody else was going to do it, I mean, you know, in a perfect world, for God's sake, there would have been some U.S.
attorney someplace who would have said, gee whiz, this smells a little funny to me, I think maybe we ought to look into it.
And they would have sent out some investigators.
You know, you don't have to look that hard to find something to latch on to that leads you to another place, that leads you to another place.
And then, you know, if you keep your eyes open and your ears open, you learn what's going on here.
This is not hard.
This is not really a closed case.
And so, you know, you would have thought there would have been somebody along those lines, some law enforcement person in this country, a lawyer who would have taken on the job.
Uh, that didn't happen, so it's left to the private citizens.
And, um, you know.
There I am, and I've got a friend who is a veteran civil rights lawyer, Dennis Cunningham.
The two of us decided that this was something that had to be done.
Yeah, well,
You know, April was, she was hurt.
It's as simple as that.
You know, if you assault somebody, they have a cause of action against you.
So that's, we're playing this on the simplest and most basic level.
She was hurt by these people.
And so she has standing to sue.
The Congress of the United States decided very shortly after 9-11, with very little thought, as far as I can see, that everything
Every claim that there would be made, that would be made throughout the country, that had anything to do with 9-11, the jurisdiction for that claim would be in the Southern District of New York, in the Federal Court.
So that's where we filed the lawsuit.
And we believe that it's going to be a hard fight here, because these guys have got power that's pretty hard to really conceive of.
So, we make the claim that there was a conspiracy.
It included the highest people in the government, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers, and lots of other people, too, that we did not name.
We named them as John Does, as you do in federal court.
And we believe that they got together and decided that this was a moment that was required by American history, that a sleeping nation basically needed to be awakened from its
Torper made to understand the dangers of the 21st century and how we needed to project our power around the world so that we could run things as were required by those who we know best, those who have the power in this country.
So they left enough evidence behind that we could see what they had done.
We don't know the precise
uh... mechanisms in many instances uh... but we don't have to and so uh... that's right we know the official story has been a a disproven fairy tale hoax of fraud a sham a giant uh... cockamamie uh... fraud and uh... this has to be done and now specifically did you guys file the suit right as uh...
Bush is leaving office, hoping that during the transition, someone in the establishment might not be able to block or slow the suit down as fast as they might have been able to.
No, it's taken us this long to get it together to the point where we thought we were comfortable to go ahead with it.
It's an enormous amount of work, and we had a lot of research to do.
There's an enormous amount of material that's been written.
And we had to get on top of it as much as we could in order to have the lawsuit make sense, and then make claims that we thought we could back up, and that's what we've done.
And so, you know, we filed it when we got it ready, and as soon as we could do it.
And there was no particular hope that... I don't think things are going to change that much, you know, with the new administration.
No, I agree with you.
I was just saying...
I mean, you know, people with different attitudes will be in positions where they could affect things, but those people have been in a position to...
To speak out so long before this, and nothing's been said, so I don't... No, no, I agree.
I mean, if there was any questions about Obama, all of his appointments should leave, and his announcements should leave.
No questions about where he is going.
Well, I would disagree with you there.
I've got great hope, as a matter of fact, for him in many respects, but I think that this is simply an issue that is too big for anybody with that kind of access to speak on at this point.
Maybe at some point or another, you know...
It'll be put in a position where they will have to say something.
That's kind of what we're doing.
Listen, you're a smart guy, Mr. Veal.
Look, you've got... I mean, seriously, you've got over... I mean, you can figure out 9-11, you can figure this out.
You've got Bush setting up the military to police the American people, and then Obama is cheerleading it, ready to get all this new power, and he's keeping Gates in.
I mean, they are passing the baton.
They are in unison like it's an Olympic relay team here.
Well, you know, I think, you know, your points are well taken and I'm a hopeful person.
I filed this lawsuit because I'm a hopeful person and I'm going to wait and let those people who have the pain power disappoint me.
How do you see them?
I'm going to maintain my hope.
How do you see them coming at you or trying to block it?
Oh, I don't think...
You know, they've got, you know, these people don't have lawyers, they have law firms.
It's going to be enormous.
I like how you go after them for covering up the attack.
That's one of the points in the suit.
This is a very detailed suit.
Please continue.
Well, you know, the important thing about this
Well, I don't know, it's not the most important thing, but one of the reasons why we're in a position where we are is the cover-up basically was conceived before the crime was conceived.
That's right.
Everything had to be done with the thought that, okay, there is going to be at some point or another somebody looking in this direction, so we need to misdirect you at that point.
And then they make you look over here, and they misdirect you at that point.
The cover-up is the evidence of the crime.
I mean, I would say, you know, admission A, or the piece of evidence being brought in A, is that two months before, they changed the shoot-down powers from the generals and admirals, or their designates, to only Dick Cheney or Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
I mean, that was the first time since 57 they'd done that, or then... I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, no, well, you know, if you look at some of the stuff that's come out, you know, and the investigations have been done by, you know, normal people, people who are not in the business of doing these kinds of investigations, have produced enormous effects.
The pilots who managed to get the NTFB flight simulation data, the black box data, and it conflicts on a very basic level with that produced by the 9-11 Commission.
So we have these two entities of the United States government disagreeing with each other about where the airplane went.
And the evidence that they gave us from the NTSB to the pilots, through the pilots for 9-11 Truth, shows that the airplane that was flying there was too high to hit the building.
That's right.
There are all kinds, in each place you look, there is... Yeah, the key here is there's many official stories.
There's many official fables, and by doing this suit you're going to get that, or hopefully get that discovery.
Well, that will be the point.
We're going to be telling the judge that we have said enough here to say, okay, now we begin the lawsuit.
Now we begin the fact-finding process.
And that gives us subpoena power.
We get to say, okay, let's have these people come in, sit down, and we'll take their depositions and see what they have to say.
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Hey, I was just talking to Ted Anderson during the break.
Did you know that Peter Schiff's father is Erwin Schiff?
Who I've interviewed many times.
He's one of the few people in U.S.
history to be imprisoned for writing a book.
That's what he's in jail for right now.
They told him like three or four years ago, they said, don't publish that anymore.
He did and they put him in jail for a long time.
Yeah, there's all sorts of dangerous things happening.
Our guest will be with us until about 45 after.
Then I'm going to hit some other news, recap it, and take some of your phone calls for those of you that have been holding.
I know a New Jersey cop who actually had
We've had Architects and Engineers founder, Gage, in the town has been holding for a while.
I apologize to those folks having to hold, but I have had all these guests on.
This is a short segment and we've got one more with our guest.
I want to finish up with Bill Veal.
Yeah, let's go through the key points, I mean the bullet points.
We wrote a story at PrisonPlanet.com.
Where do you go from there?
After you lost, you mean?
Well, yeah, no, I mean, we expect, frankly, to be in the appellate courts.
I mean, I'm sorry to have a kind of a negative view, but, you know, the history is that these people of power are able to manipulate things in such a way that, you know, they get to run out the spring for as long as anybody can imagine in the appellate courts.
And so I expect that they will find some argument that they can make.
That the judge will say, okay, well, I think that's right.
And then we will have to appeal that judgment.
And that's what we'll do.
We'll take it wherever we have to take it.
And each time a judge rules against us, it'll be an opportunity for the media in this country to see whether or not there's duplicity going on here, whether people are being honest about themselves.
And if the judge rules in a dishonest way, then that's a time for everybody to watch the unmasking that's going on.
I think that our facts are unassailable, and we've got the law.
I think that the judge is going to have a very hard time saying, oh no, this isn't a lawsuit.
I think they're going to have a very hard time doing that, but if they do, we'll pursue them.
in your suit that I may have missed, it may be in there but I didn't see it, is a predisposition or a history.
They admit the USS Liberty was staged now, they admit the Gulf of Tonkin was staged, they admit Operation Ajax with Iran was staged.
Over 200 declassified, admitted examples of the U.S.
government staging terror attacks against its own installations or against friends who they then want to basically sic on their enemies.
So with this long history of false flag terror, don't you think that's an important piece of evidence that, hey, the people who were charging with this have done this over and over again?
It's extremely important.
It's not the kind of thing that we needed to put in the complaint, because the history by itself is not going to be enough to get you over.
But when the time comes for the trial,
Boy, the history's going to be really important there, because what we have, one of the large problems we have in this situation is, you know, there's been this fortress of denial erected by each of us, each human being.
Fortress of denial!
I'm going to steal that term!
Well, and it's really, it's an enormous fortress, it's strong.
And you can't really get there.
You can't fight against it in a massive way.
You have to kind of chip around.
And one of the things that seems to me that's helpful trying to besiege that fortress is by alerting people to the fact of the false flag operation and its history and our history with it.
It's been their callous examples.
Not callous, but they are many examples.
Important examples of beginning wars with the false flag.
And the idea that the United States is somehow, you know, is above that or something or different from other nations and wouldn't use that sort of strategy is just preposterous.
And so the people of the United States need to think, okay, well, wait a minute.
What is about us?
What is it about our history in the last 70 years, just for example,
That means that we are incapable of these things.
And when you start to ask those questions, then the answer is there is nothing about us that makes us incapable.
And then you have motive, and then you have the people running things.
This is one of their favorite tools.
I bet you're going to try to bring Northwoods into the trial.
Well, I would think so.
I mean, it's right there in black and white.
Uh, North, you know, but if you ask me, you know, can you imagine, for example, the Soviet Union or Russia?
Hold on, stay there, stay there, final segment, stay there Bill, we'll be right back to you.
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And folks are very receptive right now.
That's how Bill Vieth woke up, was someone giving him a book about 9-11 being an inside job.
I was aware of the history, that's why I was warning about the attacks in the World Trade Center.
Because I know the Feds had bombed it unsuccessfully in 1993.
That's why I was on air saying, call the White House, tell Bush don't blow up the World Trade Center.
Two months before it happened, well really years before it happened, I was saying they were going to stage large terror attacks, but we could see the preparation for what was happening there.
Bill, before we finish up with you, and hopefully you and April back on in the near future as this unfolds.
Fire out your website or a P.O.
Box for anybody that wants to financially support with the suit against George Bush and Dick Cheney for carrying out or aiding in the crimes of 9-11.
Well, I can be contacted at the Center for 9-11 Justice at gmail.com and I'd be glad to contact, discuss it or talk to anybody about how they can support us.
But if anybody wanted to send some money, I mean, honest to God, this is going to be an enormous enterprise.
And it's going to be carried out thanks to, you know, just normal citizens.
Send in five bucks, fifty bucks, whatever they can do.
And the address is 2033 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, California.
That's the address and we'll take anything that anybody can give us because this is going to be a fight.
Give that address out one more time.
Yeah, 2033.
North Main Street, Walnut Creek, California, 94596.
All right.
In fact, guys, if I give you that address again, can my TV crew get that up on screen?
Give that address out one more time.
2033 North Main Street, Walnut Creek, California, 94596.
And address those checks to who?
Well, just to the Center for 9-11 Justice.
Say that again?
Center for 9-11 Justice.
Center for 9-11 Justice and the website's Center for 9-11 Justice at... Well, there is no... We're lawyers and we're not... We haven't gotten as far as the website yet.
I understand.
Give your email out again.
The email address is Center for 9-11 Justice.
All right, well, people ask me for solutions all day.
All I can do is have every courageous, good group on that's fighting tyranny on a hundred different subjects a week.
And this is one of the most important I can think of.
And I want to thank the listeners for previously supporting you guys and for them doing it now.
And I hope that they will.
We'll put that up on screen.
We've only got about six, seven minutes left with you, sir, and I appreciate your time.
Recapping and then getting into more key areas of the case, I also interrupted you when you were getting up to the part of people can't believe our government would do this, though it just came out that they killed General Patton, as we already knew, but now it's declassified, because he wanted to get our troops out of a Soviet gulag that they'd taken from the Germans.
So, oh, you want to get 12,000 U.S.
troops away from the Soviets?
Well, U.S.
troops will just kill you.
So, I mean, people need to come to grips with the military mind, the mind of the elite we have.
Please continue.
Well, I just think if you turn it around a little bit and say, alright, you talk to a normal citizen, do you think that the Soviet Union or Russia now is capable of, for example, bombing apartment buildings and claiming that it's Chechen rebels who are doing it?
Do you think that they're capable of that?
Most people would say, well, certainly.
Those sorts of people do that kind of thing all the time.
What about the Japanese in 1931 at the Mukden Bridge?
Were they capable of massacring their own troops and then claiming it was the Chinese who did it?
Well, I would say certainly.
I think that's quite possible.
Those kind of people.
Other people.
Not the United States.
Well, think about it.
What really does differentiate us from other countries?
Why are we incapable of that kind of
Look at the history, and it turns out we've been using that technique plenty of times to start various things, or if we didn't do it ourselves, we managed to implement a propaganda exercise which, in essence, claimed that somebody else had done it.
Yeah, one of their favorites is to hire a proxy group to do it.
And then how to frame Patsy's is also included in things like Northwood's.
What are some of the other areas you're going into in the suit?
And what is the suit seeking?
Well, the suit will seek damages for pain and suffering and all that sort of thing, but punitive damages.
This is going to be an opportunity, if we get to trial, which I hope we will, for the American people literally to say, okay, what is the penalty for something like this?
And then they can, you know, the only thing that you can do is put zeros up.
But that's basically where we are, since nobody in the justice system decided these people needed to be investigated on a criminal basis.
It's been left to the civil law.
And so we brought the suit and allege that they've committed these crimes through a conspiracy.
We're talking about Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers.
This is a common law conspiracy to cause death and great bodily harm and certainly hurt her and her child and a lot of other people killed some folks as well.
Well, it's all right, but it's also a civil rights action for, you know,
Denial of civil rights, and it's also a claim that they have retaliated against her for opening her mouth about what she saw and what she knew.
And so these are various causes of action under the common law, indeed, and under the Bivens case, which is the famous federal civil rights case.
We've said you have denied her her federal civil rights, and so therefore you deserve
Justice, she deserves justice and you have to pay for her denial of those rights.
Denial of her rights.
So, that's how you put it when the time comes.
But we will be, you know, making the arguments in court.
And the wonderful thing about this case, if there is anything wonderful about it, is the fact that there is, it's across this enormous panoply of evidence.
We have every single kind of evidence that exists.
It's incredible.
Well, people always say something this big, they would be caught doing it.
They do get caught.
It's just they've always controlled the mainstream media so they keep that information from getting out of the public.
Well, they control the media and that's extremely important.
Obviously, we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today if it weren't for the complicity, either knowing or unwitting complicity, of the media.
I think the most stunning example of that
Jim Dwyer of the New York Times was the person who, on behalf of the New York Times, sued the state of New York and the city of New York to get the firefighters' stories, you know, from that day, and wrote in an email to me when we were having correspondence, saying there's nothing from a personal, there's no human evidence, there's no human testimony,
Uh, that supports the idea of controlled demolition, for example, of the Twin Towers.
And then all over the tapes, it's there!
But, you know, what is the level of denial that can exist that allows a person who actually goes to the extent of filing a lawsuit, gets them the 500 stories of the firefighters and the EMTs, which include a hundred and some examples of people talking about the explosions that went off in those buildings.
How do you get to say that doesn't exist?
So, you know, I don't know, frankly.
It's a fascinating subject to plumb the depths of the denial that goes on here, and to ask people the question whether or not they're actually acting honestly.
Hey, listen, listen.
There are people in denial that the Federal Reserve is private.
There are people in denial that they've stolen $8.5 trillion, and that's what we know of.
The number's growing.
People are in denial.
Neocons on the radio still say that WMDs were found in Iraq.
So there is a religion of denial.
Sir, I want to get you back up in the near future as this develops and as this unfolds and to get more into this landmark case.
Bill, thank you so much for the time you've spent with us today.
And sir, thank you for your work.
I appreciate it.
You bet.
You know, in the new year or as this progresses... One last question.
Specifically, I mean, I have the filings here.
This is going into a court where?
Well, it's in the Southern District of New York.
The federal court in the Southern District of New York.
Okay, and how long until we get some answers on this?
Who knows?
It's going to be months anyway.
Alright, well we'll watch this as it develops.
Is April Gallup excited that you took her case and are doing this?
Well, nobody's excited about this.
She's a courageous woman and it's just an inspiration, frankly, to know her.
Oh, there's no doubt about that.
There's no doubt about that.
Well, we appreciate your commitment, Bill.
I can't imagine how much work and time and energy and also the courage it takes, Bill Veal, for you to do this and your colleague, the other lawyer that's involved.
But our prayers go out to you.
Dennis Cunningham, yes.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
So, Vaya con Dios.
Thank you, sir.
Take care.
Good to talk to you.
On a lighter note, I'm going to come back and take a few final calls in the last segment, but on a lighter note, we have some really serious world news.
The world faces total financial meltdown.
The bank head of the private bank in Spain has to say, and we have the Madoff guy stealing more than $100 billion and saying he did it all alone.
This is par for the course in Wall Street.
How do we protect ourselves from the bankers in uncertain times?
With our little leprechaun, Ted Anderson, and here is his theme song.
I want the gold.
I want the gold.
Give me the gold.
I want the gold.
I want the gold.
I want the gold.
Give me the gold.
I want the gold.
I want the gold.
Give me the gold.
I want the gold.
I want the gold.
Absolutely, ladies and gentlemen.
And now, the Swedish Leprechaun.
He's an exchange student from the Emerald Isle.
The Swedish Leprechaun, Ted Anderson, 30 years in the gold and silver business, joins us.
Ted, good to have you here popping in with us on the 22nd of December, 2008.
Hey, it's a great day to be here, too, Alex.
Of course, you know, the auto manufacturer... Oh, I can't even think of it.
Do you like your little intro song?
Yeah, I like that.
That's cute.
I was laughing.
That's why I can't think of...
Toyota, of course, posting billion-dollar losses, first time since they've been in business, that they've had to post losses on their auto sales.
I mean, the market is really turning... I bet they want to know where the gold at.
Yeah, well... You know, we just had Peter Schiff on, talking about how people need gold and silver, and he's not a gold or silver broker, and, you know, talking about total depression, total collapse.
I had Gerald Cilente on.
I mean, I've got bank heads, prime ministers saying this,
People have to get out of dollars, and they have to get out of them now.
And the reason we've got you here today, Ted, is so people can protect themselves from Wall Street run by a bunch of made-offs who will and have stolen your pension funds dry.
People need to convert a large portion into silver or gold.
They need to get a good place to physically hold it.
Who do you trust?
Trust yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, to physically hold it.
And Ted bought gold a week and a half ago.
When it was $7.70, it's $8.50 something today.
It's up today.
Move now.
Buy it at $7.70 because Ted bought it early.
He's almost sold out of that new position.
Remember when it was $700 and it was $820 and Ted was selling it from $700 levels?
Now it's $7.70 that he bought it at and it's $8.50.
Don't wait again while it goes up and up and up.
Use it as a buying opportunity.
Ted, tell people how they protect themselves from Madoff.
Well, here's the thing.
I mean, they do, they should take gold and they should get it in their own physical position, in their own physical possession.
I mean, when it comes down to the point where if you're hungry, you don't want a pitcher of a can of beans, you want the beans on the table.
And that's the same thing with the gold.
When the economy fails, everything falls apart, you don't want to have your gold stored at some brokerage firm in New York City or wherever.
You want it in your hands.
Does a leprechaun have it in his hand or in a foreign bank?
No, they don't have it in foreign banks, I'm sure.
But I can tell you right now... He got the gold in his hand!
Yeah, you better believe it.
But if you want to protect yourself from the kind of economy that we're facing right now, you do not want to have your gold stored at some place or buy some shares of some stock, anything like that.
You need to have it physically in your possession.
And so, in your possession.
Right now, like you said Alex, $2.03 for the francs, that's the same price
That's the same price that I was offering them when gold was down there at the price of $7.70.
So the gold prices have gone up.
They're up again today.
British sovereigns, like I said on those British sovereigns, I've been getting them out of Belgium and at first everything was circulated that I was getting.
Now I'm getting brand new coins.
They're obviously dipping into the reserves that are new.
They want to get rid of their junk first and now they're getting rid of their good stuff.
Not as if gold coins are junk.
That's a term in industry for circulated.
I've got up on PrisonPlanet.tv, MinusResources.com, with the number 800-686-2237.
Now Ted, at that $7.70 price, you've got what?
The British Sovereigns?
The Franks?
The European Franks?
Are those uncirculated as well?
Yeah, well, the European francs are coming in.
A lot of them are uncirculated, but the British Sovereign... Ok, so super deal there.
What else do you have at the $7.70 level?
Well, that British Sovereign at $2.52.
I also have silver right now.
Silver Walking Liberty halves at $8.40.
Now, mind you, silver is at $11 an ounce, and it was at $9.00.
That's a $2.00 increase.
Plus, there's a huge premium on all gold and silver out there.
Instead of paying a premium to get it because everybody's buying it up, you're paying below what the market is because Ted buys when it's low and is selling it right now while it's high and passing all those savings on to you.
Ted, how long can you hold this deal?
Well, for sure till midnight, and I'm watching the market too, and I gotta see how many people are gonna be ordering, but I do order supply when the prices dip.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to watch what's going on in this economy.
But you are running out of the 770 position?
You bet, that's starting to sell out.
We sold an awful lot of it last week.
Hold on, Ted, hold on, hold on.
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Now, from the makers of Loose Change, the most downloaded film in internet history, comes the long-awaited release of Loose Change Final Cut, an entirely new two-hour film that completely destroys the official fable forever.
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That's right.
I think so.
You know, there was a lot of stuff I meant to get to in the show, we ran out of time today.
One of them was, I knew in California they threw out most of the red light cameras, because there wasn't a police officer riding the ticket, which is a citation that he has to swear to.
Instead it was Lockheed Martin in the case of San Diego, so it was thrown out.
And in Texas, and most other states, you have to be registered as a private detective if you're gathering data for the state, and there's a bunch of special licenses for that.
In Texas, from Dallas to Austin, they've raised hundreds of millions of dollars with these illegal red light cameras, and when the Texas Supreme Court and others said, you can't do this anymore, this is illegal, Austin, of all the cities, said, we don't care if it breaks the law, we're keeping them all there.
I mean, the government is out of control, and I want to take one final call, who's been holding the longest here in just a moment, John in New Jersey, but before we do that, Ted Anderson, when everything's going to hell in a handbasket, and you can't trust the system, you need gold, you need silver, you need firearms, you need guts, you need God, and you need water filters, you need to be self-sufficient.
That's a great deal on gold and silver, people aren't going to find a better deal.
I can't explain to them that you buy gold at the $770 level, it's $850 plus right now, they'd be crazy!
To not take advantage of this deal.
Don't they understand there's huge premiums everywhere else?
Most places can't even get gold and silver, but you can?
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, the premiums are going up like crazy, and that's why I try to buy at the lower prices.
When the gold and silver shoots up, it gives the customers, the listeners a break, a chance to buy it at a better price.
You know, yeah, if I go back in the marketplace and just try to repurchase what I'm offering for you today, you know, it's going to be $20, $30 higher a coin.
That's how much it's gone up, and it'll happen like that anyways, because with Toyota melting down and all of Detroit being shut down... Yeah, bottom line, don't trust in the government.
They want you dependent.
Do the opposite and become independent.
People say, well, why gold or silver?
Because that's one of the few real currencies.
Gold and silver have been used for more than 6,000 years.
It is the basis of society.
It will always have intrinsic value, and it's portable.
It's portable.
They can put a property tax on your land and take it away from you.
They can kick you out of your house.
They can even confiscate gold, but it's hard to find.
And so, bottom line, 800-686-2237.
Ted, thanks for coming on with us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
And the brokers will hold this deal through tonight, correct?
Right through tonight, right up into midnight.
Okay, and they were there the other day.
You said at 2 a.m.
taking calls, right?
2 a.m.
They're still doing it at 2.
So if you're listening at 2 a.m., go ahead and try 800-686-2237, 800-686-237.
And I told you on other deals, folks, this will go away.
That's not some tactic I'm telling you.
It's the truth.
Okay, last two minutes of the show.
Nice guy, John, up in New Jersey, a New Jersey detective, a 9-11 first responder.
I know he's had Richard Gage in to speak to his group and others.
We appreciate him.
He's been holding for about an hour, so I'm going to let him have a little bit of time here at the end.
John, go ahead.
Sorry to keep you holding.
Absolutely, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
We're almost out of time.
Go ahead.
Yeah, what I'm asking of yourself and your audience, what I want to do is
Pretty much refused to go to work anymore.
My level was an inside job.
I've solicited my superiors, my supervisors I should say, and they refused to even address it.
The blind sheet that was in Journal Square up in Drury City, the storage, that's back in 93, Mallory Avenue, that's where they stored most of the explosives.
We have premise to it.
We have legal premise to further investigate this.
They simply won't address it.
I'm a 15-year-old guy.
I have all the bells and whistles.
I got all the awards.
You're approachable.
Hold on, let me do this.
Let me have you on the show as a proper guest tomorrow.
We don't screen calls, so I didn't know what you were calling in about.
I just recognized your name.
Let me set you up for the show tomorrow.
Can we do that right now?
Okay, give... I mean, I've got your full name, but give your number to John right now when the show ends, and then I'm gonna call you up right now, okay?
All right, Alex.
Okay, go ahead and get that, John.
Thank you.
Um... I've still got a cold here.
I'm about to cough.
Rebroadcast starts now, one place, InfoWars.com here in the InfoWar.
And we had Peter Schiff on, a bunch of other people today.
It all starts on the streams, InfoWars.com.
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