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Name: 20081218_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 18, 2008
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You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us.
We're live at PrisonPlanet.tv, streaming over the web at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Members going out, of course, on the free streams at Infowars.com, audio-wise, and simulcast on Global Shortwave, and over 70 AM and FM affiliates, as well as satellite.
And to answer a few questions, we're beta testing the studio right now.
We're also building a TV studio here in the building.
You know, it took us a couple months to find a building when I announced I was going to do this six months ago.
Then a few months to get moved in, build the studios.
We're almost done with that.
Then we are going to start editing it down to, I believe, two different TV shows a week.
One in here, radio style, with the highlights of the guests and information we cover here throughout the week.
And then another one in there in the main TV studio.
And that'll take us a few months to get that honed down and then start editing those and putting them together for air on Dish Network or DirecTV.
We're talking to both groups about the best channel to air it on.
And the least expensive price.
Obviously, we're going to have to be paying for that.
inexpensive compared to what some people might have thought so we're developing all of this and uh... that is what is unfolding right now this is our third uh... official transmission uh... out of the studios and three-and-a-half years ago and i moved into my old tiny uh... you know pocket studio office of about two thousand five hundred square feet with about ten people in it we're now on eight thousand square foot building the first guy who was our guest in studio was Tex Mars
And then we just now noticed, we hadn't put two and two together, that our first guest in the new studio, so he's kind of like the bottle of champagne we bash on the front of the ship, we have Tex by a rope swinging him into the new studio, and so for the next hour and fifty minutes we are joined in studio to talk about a host of issues, my good buddy Tex Mars.
Tex, good to see you here with us.
Hey Alex, it's great to be with you in the studio too.
You know, it's important,
You're the only one out there with the means, the brains, and the people, the listeners, the audience.
And I know that from all the emails I get every time I'm on with you.
And let me tell you something.
We're in big, big trouble.
And, you know, I decided to come today.
You were very kind to invite me.
And I want to tell people out there, what they're going to hear today is going to be unvarnished.
It's going to be truthful.
And we're not going to cut any corners, and we're not going to say, well, we better not say this.
We'll get somebody angry at us, or we'll get audited, or whatever is the case.
I am ready to pull out all the stops now.
And let me tell you, I'm known as a pretty nice guy, but I'm pretty angry, I'm frustrated, and I'm upset.
And I want to save America.
And I want to save our Constitution.
And we've got to do something, and if I sound like an angry man, well I am, but I'm angry because I'm indignant.
Well, seeing the destruction of your beloved republic, you know, you were an Air Force officer, patriot, and like everybody else, you love this country, and you've been telling people the systematic destruction, and now we see this group of scam artists run by people like MADF stealing tens of trillions of dollars, and they are saying, if we don't like it, they'll just sic the military on us.
Well, they are going to sic the military on us.
That is their plan.
That's why they've got U.S.
Army forces now stationed in America.
They're not just ready.
They're not using us as staging grounds and preparation like we've done for over 200 years.
But they're ready to take on the American people now.
And they believe
They believe there's going to be a significant number of American citizens angry enough to take up arms, just like is happening now in Greece and in some other areas of the world.
Now, I believe we have to be smart about what we do things and not fall into the ditch here.
But the first thing to do is to educate people.
They've got to know what is really going on.
And Alex, listen.
This is engineered chaos.
Engineered chaos.
This isn't something that just suddenly happened.
It wasn't just a few banks, Citibank, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers.
This is an engineered event.
They are reinventing the world.
They're regenerating a Leninist Marxist paradise and we're going to be the victims.
This is what happened during the French Revolution with the Illuminati.
It's what happened
In Russia with the Sovietization.
This is the Sovietization of America.
If you read 1984 by Orwell, if you read Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn, this is it.
We're in the midst of it.
And I believe we're only about nine months from a total collapse of the economy.
And listen, I did a program on my own shortwave frequency yesterday.
And I entitled it, I Smell War.
And there is a specter that looms now, Alex, of a savage 2009-2010.
So we're facing a great war.
We're facing bloodshed and death.
And we're facing the end of American sovereignty.
And all of these things are interrelated at once.
Well, I want to be nuanced about this.
People hear us talk about international communist conspiracies, Marxist-Leninist, Sovietization.
They think of Russia.
They don't understand that the big New York and London banks want to enslave the population and they call feudalism
Communism saying it's a worker's paradise when it's really giant death camps and GRU arresting people and they don't understand that it was in the New York Times in the thirties when they thought the public wanted it that they were going to merge Russia and the United States and bring in this big socialist system run by the central banks.
They socialize with medicine and your payment and your labor so they have full control over you so there's no private property in the general public's hands only in the hands
of the super elite.
So this isn't the classic communist conspiracy.
That's why people like McCarthy were useful until he found out, oh, the army's running communism.
Oh, the CFR.
And then they shut him down.
When it was just a communist conspiracy, they liked him because it was being used to destroy the First Amendment and go after Americans and go after the left.
But as soon as he found out, wait a minute, banks are funding this?
Which has now come out was totally true.
I mean, it's now mainstream news that Mao was put in in 1949 by the CIA.
Sure, and Warburg and the other Wall Street bankers sent Leon Bronstein, renamed him Trotsky, and sent him and Lenin into Moscow, into Russia in 1917 to lead a revolution.
What I want people to understand is this.
You know, Time Magazine just made Barack Obama Man of the Year, or Person of the Year, as they call it now.
But there was an interesting statement inside the magazine, in all of their hero worship, calling him almost the new messiah.
They basically said, there is no such thing now as a Republican
Party or a Democrat Party.
There's only Obama.
Now this is what happened back in Nazi Germany.
You see, they had political parties.
They had elections.
And suddenly, there were no political parties.
There was only Hitler.
The same thing goes for the Duma, the Parliament of Russia.
You know, they had political parties.
They had candidates for the Duma as well as the Tsar.
But suddenly, there was only Vladimir Lenin.
So we've got a situation here.
What I want people to know is this.
This is a very interesting thing.
There is the Hegelian dialectic process that has been going on now for a hundred years.
But it's been escalating in our generation.
And Alex, listen to this.
You said this is not classical communism.
You know, I was making some notes, and I looked at it, and let me explain something to people.
The Illuminati elite, the Wall Street bankers and their friends, they are very flexible, they are pragmatic, and they have experimented for decades, okay?
This entire century, on how they can bring this process to its final conclusion.
Ordo ob cao.
That's the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.
Look at the systems that they're using.
They use Masonism.
They use Zionism.
They use Nazism.
They use Capitalism, but it's an unbridled cartelism, basically.
They use Fascism.
They use Socialism, but they give it the euphemism of Democracy.
Anything that has vertical integration.
The isms are there.
But basically, they have put all of these systems together, even the classical communism of Lenin, Trotsky, and Marx.
They have put all these things in an entirely new form to create a global new world order.
I can only really best frame it and call it neo-fascism.
By the way, of course, even conservatism was perverted and turned into neo-conservatism.
The British Empire created all these fake political terms so they could give us false choices where they controlled like a sock puppet every one of the little apparatus or the little mechanisms
Before it was just liberty versus tyranny.
It was property rights and local control and elected councils and grand juries in our common law system.
And it wasn't liberal or conservative.
So they came in and created a whole false new vocabulary to confuse the whole issue.
Well, they did.
You know, Rockefeller, if you look back at Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil and really had a monopoly in the oil business back at the beginning of the 20th century, people called him a capitalist.
But he was not going to brook any opposition.
He didn't want any other oil companies to be formed.
He wanted a total monopoly.
Technological enslavement grid.
That's right.
There are two things that we have to understand they oppose.
That we must be for, because they're the only sane alternative for you and I and all our listeners.
Alright Tex, we've got a break.
Let's come back with those two key things that they oppose.
Right here on the GCN Radio Network, and your phone calls are coming up later in the hour at 1-800-259-9231.
This is PrisonPlanet.tv and the GCN Radio Network.
My website's InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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World government is upon us.
The enemy is sending up draw balloons and hundreds of the most prestigious papers from Japan to Germany to England, the United States, Australia.
They're saying world government is the answer to the world crisis when publicly the very central banks that are announcing they're going to be world government are the ones that engineered all of this.
Professor of space and aeronautics, former Air Force captain, best-selling author many times over, New York Times bestseller,
Tex, Mars is with us and we'll go over some of his books and websites as well and take your phone calls.
So Tex, this is not classical communism.
This is an integration and a mix of all of these systems.
Please continue with the two things they're attacking that we have to stand for.
It can be confusing.
People, you see, they want us to fight.
They want the left to fight the right wing and they want the Republicans versus the Democrats.
They want working people versus the more wealthy.
This is what they do.
They break us into these little groups, you see, and there is planned chaos.
There's planned dissension.
There's always friction in this Hegelian dialectic process.
And what it should be called, really, is the alchemical processing of humanity.
They're reinventing the United States and the world.
Now, the first thing to do, Alex,
This has literally been carefully engineered and planned meticulously.
First, you must destabilize and destructure the world.
In other words, you've got to push Humpty Dumpty off the wall.
You've got to crack the egg.
And after it's cracked, okay, and you've got chaos, then you can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Now, the two things that I wanted to mention to people that are the enemy of the Illuminati elite.
First is individualism.
The right for you to be you, an individual.
They hate that.
They're collectivists.
And this is true of National Socialism, which is what Nazis were.
It was true of Communism.
They hate individualism.
You to be you.
Now the second thing they hate is personal freedom to be an individual.
And our Constitution, you see, provided for these things originally.
For the individual to have personal freedom and for the state to be unable to strip it from us.
So it's necessary for these people to totally destabilize, destructure, destroy America, the entire American system and way of thinking.
And I want to go back to the key, giving us false choices.
Instead of a debate of liberty versus tyranny,
Freedom versus slavery, they make it well you can have the Republican fascism, you can have the Obama socialism, communism, but when you study the two, face scanning cameras, police in black ski masks, high levels of taxes, juries being abolished from Russia to England to Canada, they're trying to get rid of them, it's all the same system and even in Russia and in Japan or in Australia or the US, the social service programs all have even the same names.
We just have gone through a ridiculous two-year election process.
What did we end up with?
Obama, who was supposedly, according to the media, at loggerheads with Hillary Rodham Clinton, appointing her as Secretary of State.
What did we have?
A man who said, I'll get you out of the Iraq War, appointing George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense to be his Secretary of Defense.
The old guard is still the new guard.
There is no change whatsoever.
There will never be with the Illuminati elite that are now controlling America.
Now, Alex, what I want people to understand is, this is planned.
It's an engineered chaos.
You know, Gorbachev is one of these people.
Gorbachev, the guy that supposedly brought glasnost and freedom to Russia.
But wait.
You know, I've read Gorbachev's book.
Perestroika is a Russian word meaning a new way of thinking.
In fact, a revision.
It's the repair of the world.
But first you must break something before you can fix it.
That's alien to our way of thinking.
That's why we hear under the new environmental laws, they're saying the old way is going away, you're going to have to have austerity, you're going to have to have feudalism.
The change is we are going to lose our free market.
And Obama's right.
We are the change.
We are the change.
He expects us.
He is going to demand sacrifice from every American, everyone in the world, and we are going to make the changes, okay?
Under his Messiah leadership.
Now, Obama, of course, and Rahm the Cruel, that's what I call him, that's a good name for him, Rahm the Cruel Emanuel, are the two chosen saviors
Of the world!
And they are really the working engineers.
They are up in the engine room of the train driving this thing.
But they have others more powerful than them behind the scenes.
But I want people to understand.
In the Jewish Kabbalah, they have a term for this.
It's called Tikkun Olam.
Stay there, stay there Tex.
We've got a break.
We're going to come back and get into all of that with our guest Tex Marsden Studio.
And take your calls at 1-800-259-9031.
I also want to get into how he sees all this breaking down and unfolding.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
Thank you.
Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'.
We're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there.
I'm eastbound, just one more bandit run.
Keep your foot hard on the pedal, son, never mind them brakes.
Let it all hang out, cause we got a run to make.
Tex Mars is our guest in studio here in Austin, Texas.
We're going into very horrific times.
The New World Order crowd that gave you Nazism, Communism, publicly funded the Maoist, they are now looking to break down the United States, to re-engineer it, and break the back of the American people, the people of the West, to teach us to love world government.
It's just asinine to have
The mainstream, you know, mainline media telling us the bankers are going to save us when they're the ones that have engineered this and openly saying world government of and by the international banking cartels.
Now Tex, we got cut off by the break.
You were getting into a form of Kabbalah that speaks of this fusion and then let's get into what this is going to look like, how this is going to unfold and how we fight back against it because it's going to be as unpopular
Okay, it's going to be a process, this alchemical processing
of humanity, pressing them into this new world order.
Yes, the Jewish Kabbalah, of course, has its system called Tikkun Olam.
They're creating, reinventing the world and pressing it into a new Zionist paradise.
At the same time, though, the communists, the socialists, as Gorbachev expressed in his book Perestroika, they're also bringing forth this same thing.
Now, if you go back to the French Revolution,
They talked about change constantly.
Change was the catch word for the Illuminati who brought out the guillotine and actually intended to massacre, to have genocide of almost the mass population of France and the whole world.
And they said, they kept saying perpetually.
That was a false revolution.
They admitted it was an occult.
They wanted a ten-day work week.
They openly wanted to worship occult gods.
Going back to nature, they claim.
And they kept saying, we will reinvent the world, but first we must destroy the world.
You must destroy it first, destabilize, destructure, bring men back to a state of nature, and then you can build them.
Now, Alex, you have studied this for years.
What has happened in the CIA, the Mossad, the Canadian intelligence services, this MKUltra program, the Monarch program, okay?
What they attempted to do, with some moderate success, was to use a means, okay?
A processing.
Did they not torture people?
Did they not put them in sensory deprivation tanks?
They used shock treatment, literal electric shock treatment.
They used torture.
They used women.
They would rape them.
They would beat people.
They broke down their minds.
And what they said was, these, you know, Dr. Ewan Cameron and these other CIA psychiatrists, these monsters, these terror people who were doing this, and these secret psychological
Oh, the Associated Press admitted that Camp X-Ray wasn't even really one of the real camps.
The black sites, the ghost sites, are in Europe, in Eastern Europe, and the Middle East of all places.
They said that it was a laboratory for interrogation.
And they would have the women come in, menstruating, and rape the men.
They would do satanic ceremonies.
It was in the news.
But they said just to freak out the Muslims.
No, this is what they like.
Why would they rape children according to General Tagumbo's own US Army report?
They would rape people with large objects dripping with acid.
They would torture their children in front of them.
Again, this is about creating these wicked, murdering cadres.
That's why they wouldn't take real Al-Qaeda, Al-CIA to the camps.
They would take young people, innocent people from Iraq and Afghanistan and Europe and the U.S.
there, because it was really about testing and creating these cadres.
That's why they brought innocent people there to be tortured.
And this has been a process, especially since 1949.
You know, we can go back to Vietnam.
They had Operation Phoenix.
They put prisoners in tiger cages and tortured them and so forth.
Now here is the reason for this.
It was theorized by the CIA psychiatrist that they could create Manchurian candidates, they could create really mind-controlled slaves by first destroying a person's mind.
And after they destroyed the mine, then they could build it back piece by piece.
And this is all declassified.
What you're saying came out in congressional hearings with Jolly and West and Ewing Cameron, and they would grab foster children in the U.S.
and be able, with PCP and LSD and shock therapy, within a year to create a complete mine control slave.
That's right.
Now, what they did then was to first destroy the mine, now keep that in mind,
And then they would build the person back again.
A personality that they could control.
A mind-controlled slave of the Illuminati.
Well, the Germans 200 years ago, when Prussia first developed this in the modern sense, with the shaving the heads, sleep deprivation of the troops, the goose-stepping, which is very painful long distances, to literally break them down into automatons.
So that's another form of mind control.
Now, I want you to think of this.
They first did this to the individual.
Now we have the application to the entire world and to the United States.
Mass mind control.
The whole world is a prison.
It is a form of shock therapy.
How do you shock people into a new system?
That's what the IMF calls its economic reforms.
Shock Therapy!
Are we going to bring these three countries together?
Are we going to get rid of the U.S.
And Vicente Fox says, yes, that's a little bit later, but that's coming.
Now, Larry King, on CNN, said to President Fox, he says, well, do you think the American people will really stand for that?
What was Fox's response?
This was only a year ago or so, a year and a half ago.
Fox, who's part of this whole process, the Illuminati Network, Vicente Fox said this, oh well right now they wouldn't stand for it, but wait, in a few years, they'll be crying out for the MRO, from their economic misery!
They'll be crying out for it.
First, they must be broken down.
They must be destructured and destabilized.
Now, this is what they've done to Iraq.
They never meant to rebuild Iraq again.
They were tearing it down.
They were tearing it down.
To forced inoculations, CPS, only GMO food crops are allowed to be planted under law.
They're making it into the modern system.
Same thing with Serbia, bombing it.
Overthrowing it.
Same thing with Afghanistan.
And now America's the big target.
Now it's our turn.
Everything we've seen with the police state so far, and the breaking up of the families, was only preparatory to put the capstone on.
And the capstone is mass murder, FEMA camps, starvation.
That's why they're bringing in this mega-crisis.
Now I want to get into where this mega-crisis is going with you, Tex.
I totally agree with your excellent analysis that you're even expanding on here.
I want to go back, because
You know, I come on air and I criticize Israel for the horrible, corrupt things they do, and I also criticize Egypt and Germany and England and Russia, because all these countries are run by the same wicked mindset and system.
How do we explain to people that, you know, at the top, Prince Philip and Prince Bernhardt are Nazis, they hate black people in their writings, you know, they hate Jews, and then
We have Madoff, formerly running the Stock Exchange in New York, ripping off mainly Jewish charities, and he's a Jewish guy, and we always see the Zionists who actually helped put Hitler in power, that's now been declassified, and major university books written by Jews are out on it, it's a big deal.
We knew about that decades ago, but now it's mainstream news, and we're
Hitler wanted to let all the Jews out.
He was a bad guy, but we're saying he wanted to get them all out.
And the Zionists said, no, make them pay us a million dollars a piece and only send them to Palestine.
And so that's why they lobbied Roosevelt to not let Jews come into America.
But then Jews love Roosevelt.
We have the Zionists getting billions of dollars from the U.S.
from 53 to 63 for the ringworm children to radiate and kill the Sephardic Jewish children.
So again, it's this fusion.
When you get to the top of the New World Order, it's weird Kabbalah.
I remember you over a decade ago saying Madonna was doing rituals, it was Kabbalistic.
You wrote articles about it in your newsletter.
And then now she admits, oh I've been doing Kabbalah for decades on stage, and she now admits that's what it is.
You can see the ritual, but she's not Jewish.
So explain this, how do you, because my own research, when you get to the highest levels, it's the Teutonic Knights, it's this Holy Grail, Merovingian, Nazi idea.
So it's, that's what Jordan Maxwell calls it, is Nazi Zionist and then Jewish Zionist and you know our whole society, King Solomon, the Masons, you know they're mainly white guys but that's Kabbalic.
So explaining this is a system, not even so much as it is about the Jews, but why do we always see the top Jews actually working to kill and enslave Jews while posing that they're for Jews?
Many Jews, because of the nature of their culture and their society, have basically been trained in these methods.
Through their Jewish Talmud, through their Kabbalah, which is a system of Jewish magic.
Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand Commander of Freemasonry... Founder of the Klan was a follower.
Well, Pike actually was one of the founders of the Klan.
In his statue, by the way, honoring Albert Pike, founder of the Ku Klux Klan, stands in front of the U.S.
Justice Department building in Washington.
We videotaped it when we were in D.C.
a few months ago, and you notice, you don't hear Jesse Jackson saying, take that down.
Oh no, Jesse Jackson's not going to say that.
This guy founded the Ku Klux Klan, and his statue is in front of the U.S.
Justice Department building.
But he founds the Klan, but he's a Kabbalah follower.
That's right.
He was also involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and he fled to Canada and was pardoned by a Freemason President, Andrew Johnson, and that was the reason for his impeachment, by the way.
The first president to be impeached right after Lincoln was assassinated, Andrew Johnson, a 33rd degree Mason.
You ask about the Jews.
Now, what we have to understand is their system is disposed for this.
Not all the Jews, of course.
There are many secular Jews.
There are many who don't even know what we're talking about.
So our original foundation of everything is the Torah, the Christian basis, our laws.
That's good.
They go into Babylonian captivity.
So the modern system that the Nazis and everybody else adopt, whether it's Jewish or not, is that Babylonian mystery school taken
You know, I wrote this book, Mysterious Monuments.
I'm not trying to promote my book.
I hope you do.
I sell it at InfoWars.com.
We need funding, I hope.
Plus, it's a great book.
People need to get it.
Well, here's the thing about it.
By the way, it's over 600 pages, a huge format.
One of the sections in it is entitled Rothschild's Legacy or Unholy Legacy in the Holy Land.
Now, I want you to think about this, Alex.
You know, in the Old Testament, God told the Jews, come out of Egypt, right?
But what is Egypt?
What is the architecture that we see that, by the way, is very symbolic and points all the way back to the ancient mystery religion of Babylon?
It's pyramids.
It's obelisks.
Now, if you go to Israel today, you will see objects placed there by the Rothschilds, the richest Illuminati dynasty in the world.
Confounded Hitler.
You will see, for example, at Hebrew University,
Right in the courtyard, and I have a picture of it in this book, you will see a pyramid.
If you go to Eilat, Israel, which is, you know, when you're coming from Egypt into Israel, you enter in, they actually have a boulevard.
I have a picture of that boulevard.
And again, Hitler was into this too, so it doesn't matter.
Yeah, the ancient mystery of the pyramid.
You have the obelisk.
So what we're saying is the elites follow this.
No matter what color or surface religion they are.
They are going to use Zionism as a tool just like they will use Jesuitism of the Vatican.
That's what Pike said.
And they will misuse capitalism.
They will use all these systems, you see, and Zionism has created this system in which they are abusing, okay, any concepts of holiness that we find in the Old Testament, and they will use this, then, to grip hold of the head, you might say the hair, or the scalp, of the world.
So they will use all of these systems, and it is a, let's just say it is a, the Kabbalah and the Talmud are very convenient systems.
Here's why.
Here's why.
Because they teach that the Jews are the superior race.
That they should not marry these inferior goyim.
They cannot assimilate into the Gentile society.
Now why is it bad when black nationalists or black Israelites say blacks should only breed with blacks?
Why is that bad in the media?
Or why when whites say, white supremacists, you know, we should only marry other whites.
Or, you know, when there's some Asian extremists who say we should only marry other Asians.
Why is that all decried bad?
But then our media tells us and never talks about how proselytizing Christianity is illegal in Israel.
And they make foreign, it was in the Associated Press a few years ago, foreign Asian workers in Israel have to sign a pledge to not date Jewish women.
Oh, well, of course, because, for example, one of the so-called charitable education foundations, who gave all their money to Madoff, groups like Mortimer Zuckerman, who was editor-in-chief of the U.S.
News & World Report, he lost $30 million.
Look at these Jewish so-called charitable 501c3 education foundations.
What kind of education are they involved in?
They teach Jewish youth that they are superior race.
They are God's chosen.
Whatever they do to the Palestinians and the Arabs is okay with God.
In fact, they should destroy the Arabs off the face of the earth.
They teach them that it is wrong for them to associate with, for example, for their children to marry Gentiles.
And if they do, they will disown them.
Now, these are racist, bigoted organizations.
Now, I want to say something.
If we put this taint on all Jews, are we not falling into the trap of bigotry ourselves?
You see what I'm saying?
We have to be very careful here, because I'm personally a Christian, and what did Jesus say?
Whosoever will, may come.
Whosoever will.
That includes every race on earth!
So there's an opportunity here for a Jew or any other race to be a good person, to be a humanitarian, to be a Christian, to be honest with you.
But the same way for what they have done, just like Hitler perverted the German nation, just like Lenin, who by the way was Jewish,
And the Lenin Museum, you know, where his body lies in state, admits now both Lenin and Trotsky were Jews.
And Solzhenitsyn in his book, 200 Years Together, exposed the fact that most of the commandants of the Soviet gulag prison camps were Jews.
Now, why is this?
I believe they have been alienated from the nations, and they purposely alienated themselves because they said we're superior and we will not be involved.
For example, let's take Rahm the Cruel, Emmanuel.
The first Persian Gulf War came about.
He wanted to be patriotic.
He went and joined the IDF.
Well, yeah, he wanted to be patriotic.
He was, you know, given all these great things here in America, right?
He even finally became a congressman.
He was paid over $17 million for two years' work on Wall Street with the Wasserstein Group.
Now he's going to be the White House Chief of Staff under Barack Obama.
He wanted to be patriotic, all right, to Israel!
And he went over there and joined the Israeli Defense Forces, the Israeli military!
He wasn't patriotic to America.
He is a citizen of the nation of Israel.
What is he doing as White House Chief of Staff?
And by the way,
What we have in the United States, I want people to understand this, Obama and Rahm the Cruel Emanuel are two servants or stooges of a Jewish mafia.
That's what Chicago's all about.
That's what Blagojevich was about.
Listen, even Dick Morris, who is Jewish himself by the way, exposed the fact that it was Obama and Rahm Emanuel who recruited Blagojevich in Illinois and made him the governor.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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To destructure and to destabilize America.
The first one is economic.
Okay, we're going back live.
Here we go.
Texas so wound up, he's doing a broadcast during the breaks.
Alright Tex, I want to get into the military.
I want to get into what you see happening in the economy.
8.5 trillion stolen and the Federal Reserve won't say where it's going.
Why you think they're now announcing, yes it's a world government, yes tyranny is good, in the Financial Times of London.
I mean, actually saying that, this is amazing.
And where this whole neo-fascist system, as you were saying, is going.
Well, first of all, people have to understand again, that this is engineered chaos.
And the first thing that they're doing is to destabilize and to destructure the United States of America.
We're the linchpin for the whole world.
So what happens here is going to reverberate across this globe.
Now, the first thing they've started out with, and by the way, there's been years, decades of preparation for these six important things that we need to look for.
The first is economic destabilization.
Now, remember the Hegelian process.
You've got to have the opposites.
You first start off with a crash, a financial meltdown, okay?
Economic catastrophe.
We're in the midst of that.
We're about four to six months down the pike on that.
Here's what has been happening.
First of all, America's economy was broken when oil was shot up by the speculators at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs and such on Wall Street to $147 a barrel.
$4 plus a gallon at the pump.
They broke the back of the American economy, they drove up the price of real estate to unparalleled heights, gave money out to everybody, credit cards, loans, etc.
So there was this incredible inflation, and then suddenly they whipsawed us, and now we have a deleveraging of the economy.
Now we're having a spiral downward.
A deflationary process.
Now, this cannot last forever because it will drag the elite down with it.
Now, you and I may like it.
I like it.
I like gasoline being $1.59.
I like the fact they've had to take $10,000 or $15,000 off the price of a new car.
I like the fact that finally, after food went up, corn, oats, wheat, everything went up, you know, 100%, suddenly they're back down again.
Now, and that's going to be showing up at our food stores.
Everything is deflating very fast.
But the experts are saying it's going to go back up again.
Now we have the whipsaw, the Hegelian, the other side, okay?
And so they've done a great amount of damage.
They've created millions of foreclosures.
They've driven people out of their homes.
They've taken away people's pensions and retirements.
They've frightened us entirely.
And now we're willing to do almost anything to get this economy stable again.
The next thing they must do, and they will do, is to reverse the process.
And now we're going to begin a period of hyperinflation.
So the real economy is imploding.
It's imploding, it's shrinking, it's contracting.
Meanwhile, there'll be less actual liquidity out there.
All the liquidity is for the big central banks, so they can buy everything up when it's pennies on the dollar.
Yeah, you mentioned $8.4 trillion.
They certainly have spent that, but they've given it to the nine largest banks.
Bank of America, Citibank, and so forth.
Most of them are, and they're telling Congress
You have no authority.
You're basically under martial law.
And they had one of the Fed governors come out in Bloomberg and say that we are now under the War Powers Act.
Did you see that?
Well, I can understand that.
Obama has already said, his people have said, he's going to begin day one.
We're talking about January the 20th or January the 21st.
He's going to begin with a huge series of executive orders.
And they said it's going to be very unpopular.
Biden said it's going to be very unpopular.
People will not like this, but it's necessary to save America.
Now remember, we have this economic destabilization.
First, there's this incredible, scary process of price deflation.
Suddenly, oil drops, gold drops, everything.
And then begins the hyperinflation.
Now, how can you
How can you begin this process?
How can they stop this deflationary style of hours?
All right, stay there.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds to start the final hour, and we're going to be taking your phone calls coming up in about 10-15 minutes.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live into hour number two of Tex Marsh, final fourth hour of this transmission.
Getting into all the hard subjects, all the serious issues here.
Tex continuing with what you see happening in the economy, and then being a former military officer yourself, studying, teaching military science at the University of Texas.
They've militarized the police.
They've brainwashed the military.
They've trained them that, well, there's going to be riots.
You've got to shoot at the American people.
This is a long-term, secret, strategic plan to get ready for this that I've covered and you've covered.
The FEMA camps, which they denied, now are public.
The CFR is openly on TV admitting they basically run the country.
Well, what we have around the world is companies closing, folding.
Tens of thousands, millions of people around the world being laid off, alright?
And we see prices of everything going down.
The economies are shrinking, contracting.
We're having incredible storehouses, warehouses full of food, full of grains they can't find customers for.
We're having warehouses over in China.
Listen, they're afraid.
They're afraid in China.
They cannot lay off those tens of millions of workers, so they keep on working at those factories, building all these products to ship to Western Europe and the United States.
Because if they ever laid off all those people, there'll be revolution over there.
But that means that we're going to see that they have all these billions of items of products, okay, from iPods to whatever, to clothing, and etc.
from China.
They've got to do something with it.
If the whole world is imploding, there's only one way to stop the implosion.
To inflate.
They've got to start reinflating.
Now they began that with the money.
$8.4 trillion.
Unprecedented, okay?
The $700 billion was just to shock the American people and have a little charade.
You know, that's 8 plus trillion just in the first six weeks.
In the last two weeks, we haven't gotten any new numbers.
The entire gross product of the United States annually is about 13 trillion.
Well, how could we have gotten to the point where the private bankers tell Congress and the media, we're not going to show you what we're doing?
I mean, this is open dictatorship by the foreign banks.
Well, of course.
And remember, Rahm Emanuel, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, thanked him when that $700 billion bailout bill was approved.
She said, I want to thank Congressman Emanuel.
Pelosi said on international television, at that time, she said it was Emmanuel
And his knowledge of Wall Street that made this bailout possible.
So this is a literal financial coup d'etat by the Bank of England, by Wall Street, over the entire economy and now they're saying they may get rid of U.S.T.
bills and bonds and have the Federal Reserve issue them and you will buy your bonds, government bonds, from them and pay your carbon taxes to them.
And so they are going to pay for the issuance of bonds with oil taxes, with Tobin taxes, with green taxes.
This is unbelievable tax.
Well it is.
There's going to be many more taxes to come.
New York State.
Yeah, they call that the tax hell, New York City.
But it's coming to all of America, and they're going to do it for control over us.
Now, back to this economic situation.
We see the whipsaw, the spiraling downward, and the deflation, the deleveraging of this $800 trillion that they've squandered.
Suddenly, there will be the hyperinflation.
Now, how does that begin?
But they will be the only ones with the money as they rush in to buy everything up.
Oh yeah, well they've got all these toxic assets.
For one thing, they've got to start building up things again.
Now how do you do that?
What do they do during the Great Depression?
Forget about the New Deal and people working at the Works Project, the WPA, things building highways.
Forget about that.
Listen, let me tell you how FDR solved the Great Depression.
It's called World War II.
It's called 50 million dying and perishing in flames in World War II.
We've got to break.
We'll come back with this.
That's what the Rand Corporation two months ago sent shockwaves around the world saying, we don't need a little war like Iraq or Afghanistan or Serbia.
We need a big war on the scale of World War II.
And now they're with false flag trying to start that between India and Pakistan.
We'll talk to Professor of Space and Aeronautics and Military Affairs, Tex Mars.
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We're good to go!
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
Who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The last 40 minutes of the show we're going to be taking your phone calls with Tex-Mars 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be getting to all your calls coming up in the next segment.
We're going to get into the big master plan from Tex-Mars perspective.
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And lest we forget,
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That's my own websites.
That's how I fund my operation.
And I don't just carry my own 21 films, 20 that I've directed myself, another one that I've produced.
I don't just carry my own films.
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So when you're supporting us that way, you also support the other authors and filmmakers and researchers.
And here is a book everybody should get, Codex Magicka.
This is understanding the elite's real language, how they communicate, what all the esoteric symbolism and stuff means.
Available at InfoWars.com.
You get these two books together, discounted at InfoWars.com.
Mysterious Monuments and Codex Magicka.
And a text, before we get back into how they're planning World War III, openly with RAND Corporation and the Pentagon saying they need it to get us to rally around them while they bring us into this new world order.
Tell us a little bit about these books.
We carry a lot of your books and videos at InfoWars.com.
Folks can also get them at PowerOfPrivacy.com directly from you.
We have some combo deals up on InfoWars.com.
You can get some of my books and videos discounted when you get it with his books.
Briefly, tell me about both these books, Tex.
I think Codex Magicka really made an impact.
They're still making an impact.
Because what Codex Magicka does is explain the psychopathology of these people.
They're psychopaths!
And why are they doing what they do?
But there's more than that.
And you notice that grassroots psychopaths, like the Zodiac and others, or the Hillside Shringle, they're all into codes and numbers and symbols.
It always has an occult meaning, and the psychiatrists just say, well, that's because they're nuts, but why are they always into devilry?
Of course.
There's over a thousand photographs, illustrations in Codex Magicka, over 600 pages, and it shows you that the hand signs
The ritualistic hand signs and symbols used by everything from corporations, you're going to see television programs and commercials, you'll see them using hand signs on the covers of magazines.
They're actually communicating rituals, satanic rituals, in plain sight.
And we're talking about everybody from President George W. Bush
Well, there's Senator Clinton.
You say, what is the meaning of that hand sign that she's doing on the front cover of Time Magazine?
Pat Robertson.
It goes on and on.
Joseph Stalin.
We go all the way back in history.
But we bring it up to date.
And you will see that they are communicating a sign language.
A symbolic language.
Oh, Pat Robertson.
Yeah, Pat Robertson.
He's giving the Masonic sign there.
There are many Freemasonry.
We use the actual Masonic textbooks and we compare these hand signs and handshakes.
There's Karl Marx doing the same thing that the Union generals are doing.
And Stalin does the same one.
Lenin gives that same hand sign.
I call it the hidden sign of the men of Jabilon.
They worship a different god.
than we do, and we talk about the religion of the Illuminati in the book.
Mysterious Monuments is a very important book.
It tells the story of how they're using architecture to build this new world, this grand design, the perfect world that they have.
So we have Codex Magicka, and then we have the companion book, Mysterious Monuments.
But Mysterious Monuments is more than just, look at these incredible monuments and their true meaning, their occult meaning.
But it explains exactly the process of the Illuminati and this reinvention of the world by first destroying
The current world, and then building back from order, bringing order out of chaos.
Here's Anton LaVey doing the same thing that all the presidents and masonic leaders and communist leaders and Pat Robertson are doing.
Yeah, that's on the back cover of his satanic bible.
And what does this particular, what does the lion's paw mean?
Well, the lion's paw basically means that if I reveal the oath that I've taken, may my chest be torn open and my beating heart be made the prey of vultures.
So, again, there's another sign that indicates, you know, the neck.
May my throat be slit from ear to ear if I reveal the secrets of the Order of the Illuminati and of the Masonic Lodges.
So, all of these things we have to understand.
Barack Obama, by the way, is a Prince Hall Mason.
Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree Mason, and no doubt his son is.
So, all of these people are members of these secret societies.
By the way, the Order of Skull and Bones.
There's the James Gang.
Yeah, Jesse James, everybody thinks he was just a common robber.
Oh no, there they are giving the Masonic hand signs.
So, again, there's a lot of secret history, forbidden history, that is revealed in the book Codex Magic.
In other words, the magic codes of the Illuminati.
Alright, in the time we've got left, because I want to go to calls and time just flies with you Tex, so much information.
It's on record, they want to start World War III.
How are they going to get that done?
Well, there has to be, of course, just as 9-11 occurred, just as Oklahoma City bombing, there's got to be a false flag incident.
It could be a suitcase nuclear bomb.
And they will blame it, of course, on the chosen, the designated boogeyman enemy.
Now, right now we have the twin enemies of Pakistan and Iran.
And in fact, Pakistan is being built up very fast into the new boogeyman, the new enemy.
So we have these two Muslim nations.
We may have, for example, a United States naval vessel being sunk or damaged in the Persian Gulf.
Well it came out that Cheney was planning to stage that.
It even came out with New Yorker Magazine and Cy Hirsch that he wanted to paint up patrol boats to look like Iranian boats and have Navy SEALs attack ships.
So this would be a false flag incident.
And they will blame this on terrorists, okay?
Maybe from Iran, maybe from Pakistan.
And of course we've got to retaliate against these terrorists.
Now, the minute this occurs,
The minute that there's war in the Middle East, okay, what happens?
Well, first of all, the price of oil that has fallen from $147 a barrel down to $38 as of today will suddenly begin to go back up fast.
We're going to see $200, $300 a barrel oil.
But wait, that's not all.
The Illuminati, for a long time, many years, decades, have controlled the price of oil.
They wanted gold.
They wanted to keep the price of gold down.
I have never been one for saying, buy gold.
I just said, no, because the Illuminati controlled it.
But hold on.
Now they're changing course.
Remember, they're moving, they're going to be moving from this deleveraging, this deflationary spiral.
They want to hyperinflate things.
What better way to do it than oil?
Gold and food.
Agricultural commodities.
You're going to see an incredible explosion upward in the price of oil, gold and food.
These are the three levers that they will use.
Real estate takes too long.
The stock market, well, again, that takes too long.
But these three things can be
Ascent upward overnight.
So I see, once the whistle goes, war begins, panic.
People will panic toward gold.
They see it as a safe haven.
Well, it's already being reported that's happening.
Oh, yeah.
So I believe it's very possible.
Again, I'm a guy that I've had power of prophecy ministries for 23 years.
I have never said, buy gold.
But today, on your program, this is the first time I'm telling people, now might be the time.
The Illuminati did not want, okay, inflation before.
From the days of Paul Volcker, he gave us 22% interest rates.
To keep down inflation.
And now he's in charge of economic recovery, former head of the Fed, Paul Volcker.
He's the guy that gave America 22% interest rates.
But wait, now they want that again.
Now they want to bring up everything again.
But it all begins from war.
War will instantly bring the hyperinflation.
Look at Pakistan and India.
That was clearly staged and that's even come out in Indian papers that that was staged by Indian intelligence.
The day of the Mumbai killings.
Uh, there in India, supposedly by Pakistani terrorists.
The day that occurred, oil began to go, or, uh, gold that had fallen to $7.56 went up over $800 again.
You see, this is the kind of thing that will swing gold and drive the price up to unparalleled heights.
Once the war kicks off, then the Illuminati's process reverses.
The whipsaw of economic destabilization begins.
There are millions who are being destroyed by the spiral downward through deflation.
And millions more will be destroyed through the hyperinflation.
I've got a few other questions I want to get into before you leave us.
We're just running out of time here.
But we're going to come back and take phone calls.
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He had his hand over the radio while he was getting a countdown.
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Let's go to the phone calls.
Without further ado, your chance to bring up any topic to myself or our in-studio.
Our first in-studio guest in the new studio,
A pastor, a professor, former military officer, a best-selling author, filmmaker, renaissance man, Tex Mars, and his lovely sweet wife is out there with us as well.
Let's go ahead and take a phone call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Betty in Wisconsin.
We ought to get Wanda in here in studio with us.
I think we should, too.
She had a little beauty.
Beauty and the two beasts, right?
Speaking of beauty, Betty, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, I first discovered you around Thanksgiving this year, and I didn't know you were putting the word out there.
My parents have been doing this for some 50, 60 years.
You have the best conversation on the world.
I love this station.
I can't stop listening to it.
Well please, please spread the word.
That's how we reach more people.
That's what I want.
I want to spread your book, spread Texas Method, everything.
This is the most intelligent
Informative, truthful information we've got to spread to the people worldwide.
I'm glad you have worldwide listeners.
I've been listening.
But my question is, it kind of got off the message I was going to call up about this War Powers Act.
There was a freedom website that states that we're under
War powers since 1933!
That was the conclusion!
Roosevelt put us under war powers in 1933, but now they fully engage it.
It's kind of like you have a car that has fifth gear, but you're not always using fifth gear.
We've been put into fifth gear, and Congress was told eight weeks ago, you give us unlimited power, the bill said, can't be reviewed, can't be looked at above the law.
They said, you do this or we'll declare physical martial law, and that was in the Arizona Phoenix Business Journal.
I mean, that was in this article from yesterday, admitting, we are under War Powers Act.
Bloomberg reported that War Powers Act, that even the other Fed Governors aren't involved now.
It's all secret.
Trillions disappearing.
I mean, this is open Ponzi scheme scammers looting and raping us and threatening us with the military and police.
Tex, I wanted to ask you that, then we'll go back to Betty.
How do you see this unfolding, though, when they try to turn the police and military loose on the people?
I don't see that going too well.
Well, remember, they first have to have this incredible 9-11 type incident.
In fact, it's got to be a multiple of a hundred times as bad as 9-11.
So frighten people, and then you set up people as the boogeymen.
Patriots who own guns.
Patriots who demand their constitutional rights.
They're going to stage lots of little militia false flags and white supremacists.
Oh, absolutely.
And so we have the creation already of the national security state, and we will see this fulfillment of the Big Brother process brought to its culmination.
But remember, they must have enemies.
And I believe the everyday citizen out there, the people who still believe in the Constitution and individual rights, and it doesn't matter if you're left or right wing, believe me, you are the enemy if you believe in personal freedom and individualism.
We're going to be the enemy, and they're going to use the media to point the finger at us.
Exactly, and we already see it happening.
They're kind of going back to the old Clinton thing of militias, gun owners, Obama saying, we're clinging to our Bibles and our guns.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Betty.
Yes, and also along the line of the wars, the development of these chemical manufacturing plants all dotted across the United States, and the nuclear bombs.
I'm really scared for a World War III, the capacity.
Well, they're looking to start a global crisis in Central Asia and the Middle East.
I don't know about things happening here, but very serious.
Betty, thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Eric in Wisconsin.
Another call from Wisconsin.
Eric, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you guys doing?
Hey, I got your book, Tex.
I really enjoy it.
You know, I'm looking at everything that's going on in the world, and I've got a couple of things that I might want to bring to the table.
Some ideas of what I think might happen that I haven't heard anybody else talking about.
In World War II, Hitler used counterfeit as a means of weapon.
He was going to fly over Europe and drop off a bunch of British notes.
Do you think that there might be a possibility that along with the inflation deflation scam, that they might also
Uh, kick up some kind of a huge counterfeit scam that might scare people into bringing their money into the bank.
The Federal Reserve is counterfeit.
Again, when the money's first printed, and Tex, I want to get your take on this when we come back.
We're going to break.
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They're not even printing it.
They're issuing zeros and ones in computers.
They buy up real assets.
Then, once it deflates in hyperinflation, they give
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You know folks, I wish that
That reality wasn't this way.
But we have to work with the cards we're dealt, like I said in the last hour.
And we have very evil people in control of the world government.
We could debate all day who exactly they are or who has the most power.
Regardless, they've openly declared their world government against us.
They're openly coming after our liberties and freedoms.
We're going to go back to Eric, David, Ben, Pat, Francis and others in a moment.
But Tex, I wanted to ask you this question.
Again, why are they coming out and saying, well this is world government, it is tyrannical, but tyranny is good.
I'm sure you saw the Financial Times of London last week.
And the Wall Street Journal saying, new world order, yeah you'll pay your taxes to the bank.
I keep going over this because we've been called kooks and nuts and crazies because we would read the documents and the government documents and their own reports and the white papers.
Now it's all emerged, which we knew they'd always have to do when they finally try to put the capstone on.
Does this signal that we are really here at the big plunge?
We are really here at the culmination of all the plans?
You know, the zero hour, the D-Day for the New World Order conflagration?
I mean, does this signify the fact that they're uncloaking themselves?
Doesn't this signify that we're here?
We're seeing a crescendo now.
I mean, everything is coming to culmination.
But remember, that process, when Lenin and Trotsky
We're sent in, you know, to Moscow and began the great Soviet revolution.
And remember, more people died from communism.
And we're talking about over 100 million people who died in gulags, purges, and so forth.
So, it takes a while, though.
At first, Lenin said, we're going to bring freedom to people.
We're going to throw out the evil capitalism.
Workers' paradise!
We're going to reinvent things and help the workers.
And we are, listen to this, we're a dictatorship, but wait, we're the dictatorship of the people, of the proletariat.
We represent the people.
And they didn't ravage the rich people.
The rich people were running it.
They went and destroyed the middle class and even poor farmers.
Anybody that was somewhat self-sufficient.
And of course, these are public now, and the KGB files have been released.
As you've reported, they would have the NKVD out in the countryside, and they'd say, okay, we've killed half the town.
Do we come back?
No, no, continue killing.
Oh, they wanted more and more blood.
In fact, Lennon demanded more blood.
More mud.
So, we're going to have this in America too.
We're moving into a Leninist New World Order.
Now, how are they going to do this?
First of all, they couldn't use George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
Those guys are morons.
Everybody laughs at them.
They're hated.
But now they've got a man that the whole world loves.
The whole world admires.
And he has the oratory skills.
They're going to use him.
Now, this is a guy who, in the Washington Post they admit,
That when Bill Clinton had just won re-election, for like ten minutes, he listed people that had gone against him with a steak knife foaming at the mouth, screaming, Die!
Just in a, Ha!
Every time he'd list their name.
You're a dead man for going against Clinton.
Now, I want people to understand something.
Rahm the Cruel Emanuel was in the Clinton White House.
You're right.
He honchoed the gun confiscation.
And his new Attorney General honchoed the cover-up of OKC.
He was the guy that brought Monica Lewinsky in so that they could blackmail Bill Clinton.
He brought Monica Lewinsky in!
And that's why they love Obama, because he's got all this dirt on him.
I mean, look at him with Resco and Blagojevich and all of these guys, and it's admitted now that he was a numbers racket runner working for the mob.
Blagojevich, they had weekly meetings, Blagojevich with Obama and Rahm Emanuel, and they groomed and trained him
During his campaign for the governorship of Illinois.
So Blagojevich is part of that system.
Now, what we have to understand then is we have these two saviors, Obama and Rahm the Cruel Emanuel.
And the people of America are being now set up by Time Magazine, Newsweek, U.S.
News & World Report, all of the channels.
We're being set up to accept this new messiah.
And the crisis came from Bush, and all the horrible stuff to come.
Just do what Obama says, he'll save you.
The saviors are here.
And that's why they're saying he's like Lincoln.
He's like Lincoln and Roosevelt rolled into one.
He will unify during the crises.
He will be the strong man.
But instead of make-work brigades, like we had that were bad enough, socializing things under Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, nothing happens by accident in Washington.
It's all planned.
They're saying million-man youth brigade, million-person domestic spy force, as strong as the military.
And people said, oh, he didn't mean that, and now on his change.gov, they pulled it now, saying, yes, you will have to serve, including people up to 65 years of age.
All Americans will serve.
All collectivists.
And then Rahm Emanuel was being questioned by the Newark Daily News about it, and he said, what, you don't want to be put on the train?
He started laughing.
What does that mean?
Well, you don't want to be put on the trains.
In the Soviet Union they had Komsomol.
So he's laughing.
I mean, they plan to do this if they're able to.
They plan to do it, absolutely.
They plan to do a Red-style, Nazi-style purge here.
They have the Komsomol, the communist youth in the Soviet Union.
They have the Nazi youth, of course, as well.
So, no doubt, and by the way, these youth are going to be rooting out and tattling on their parents.
Oh no, stop!
Climate cops in the U.S.
and England, in the textbooks, in the ads, they wear red and black uniforms and armbands, and it says, turn your parents in, and the New York Times said about a month ago, these are good
And parents and good children, and the parents were saying, I'm so proud my child is reporting me and writing dossiers for the school.
No, no, I'm not kidding.
You saw it probably.
Yeah, it's right out of 1984.
I'm not kidding.
In the New York, and listen, now kids, they're talking about arresting kids if they have a cough drop at school.
That was in the news.
And the news says maybe they need to be arrested.
Maybe a cough drop, see, so if you're some banker criminal, you've still trillions, but if a child has an over-the-counter cough drop.
Well, it is a national security state.
They've already got the gulags, they've already spent billions of dollars to build these gulags, and now they're going to activate these things.
But now, remember this, they've got to have boogeymen.
They've got to have the Osama Bin Laden's, the Ahmadinejad's, and they've got to have the domestic terrorist.
So I believe there will be false incidents created, and they will blame it on the domestic terrorist.
So, you and I could be enemies.
Remember George Bush, right after 9-11, he went to the United Nations, and he said, we cannot tolerate these conspiracy theorists.
Concerning the attacks of 9-11.
Then he talked about a dark cult of evil that feeds off human suffering at this weird little look on his face.
Yeah, well, what an evil man that guy is.
But now we have Obama, much beloved.
Yeah, Bush looks like the portrait of Dorian Gray, and Obama looks like a nice guy.
And again, the psychological engineers knew what they were doing.
They gave us the evil corrupt idiot prince, now they give us the golden boy.
The golden boy.
Well, Abner Mikva, who was White House Counsel under Bill Clinton, he's the guy that covered up everything during the impeachment proceedings.
He was the White House Counsel.
Very wealthy, multi-millionaire, Jewish, former U.S.
In the Chicago Tribune, there's an article entitled
Barack Obama, the first Jewish president.
The first Jewish president.
Remember that they called Bill Clinton the first black president?
And he relished being called it.
He said, I've been called the first black president.
So what's being said is, if people didn't like the undue influence of Israeli nationals and intelligence in the Bush White House, it's now going to get worse.
But what is the system going to do as top professors and many Jewish leaders as well come out and say that what Israel's doing in the U.S., trying to control our foreign policy and domestic operations, is out of control?
Well, the media is going to be very firmly controlled.
That's why they're announcing they're going after the web.
Oh yeah, the internet's the big... They're already censoring YouTube.
Suddenly it's just started everywhere.
Because there's still all these websites like yours, like Infowars.com, or PowerProphecy.com, mine, that are telling the truth.
We're going to be the enemy next, and we're already being attacked by Yahoo, Google, and so forth.
No, no, suddenly YouTube, Google, everywhere we're being shut down.
You can't do bulletins, you can't share videos, they're banning sites for no reason, and they're announcing
Of all places, that the ADL literally is running YouTube now, and it says whatever the ADL says, YouTube... No, it's on their website!
Yeah, they have their own agents!
I believe... I believe my... No, no, no, no, I mean YouTube says on its rules page... We're using them.
...that the ADL sits there and decides.
They're going to censor us.
They're things that cannot be said.
What we've said on this program today, people better audio tape, or they better get a CD of your program, because these things are not going to be allowed to be said in, I think it's going to be just a few more years from now.
But the good news is, if everybody stands up and speaks against this fascist system, the New World Order,
I mean, they can't silence everybody.
The answer is we need to be bold.
We need to really say it like it is.
We need to go further than we've ever gone.
Let's go back to the calls.
Finishing up with Eric in Wisconsin.
Finish up with your point, Eric.
Well, you know, I agree with Tex that they're using certain tools as weapons, money and gas and food.
I think that what we need to do as people is realize that we do have things that they don't have, too, and we have numbers.
And we do have our own money, even though we're not stockpiling it the way they do, but every time we buy something, we choose whether we're going to shop at Walmart or the corner store.
Yeah, take GMO food!
That's why GMO food is going out of a lot of the stores, because people won't buy it.
Right, and they even passed a law saying that organic food can now be stamped organic, even if it's not 100% organic.
So they're trying to end-run, I agree.
So you're right, we can vote with our dollars, go ahead.
Anything else?
The chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and I think that we need to strengthen our local economies.
I think we need to wake people up, and you've been doing an awesome job, and I really applaud that, Alex.
All right, I appreciate you calling and saying that.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Michigan.
David, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
This is Gordy's brother.
Oh, I met Gordy a few times.
Nice guy.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
How are you doing?
He just kind of turned me on to your show by telephone.
I've been listening to you guys for a couple of weeks now.
That's right.
If people can't listen on shortwave internet, don't have an AM and FM satellite in their area, we have a number.
If you put it on screen I'll read it out.
We have a number where about 200 people can call and listen for free.
Yeah, while listening to you guys, I heard Tex talking about Albert Pike.
It's kind of funny because about six years ago I heard Jack Van Impey say that Albert Pike and Giuseppe Messina planned the three world wars.
Back in the 1800s.
Yeah, the British Naval Museum has his letters to the Masons over there, and he wrote some about it in his book.
And he explained the three wars.
Tex, why don't you briefly mention that?
The three wars.
You know, how they would engineer these three wars against humanity to bring in the Luciferian religion.
The final war would be precipitated by a great crisis in the Middle East.
Now remember, this plan for these three wars... 1878.
Yeah, we've had World War I, we've had World War II, and now we have this incredible Middle East juggernaut that's facing us.
And he wrote this in 1878.
Yeah, and he said that the third one would be the final climactic one, when all the religions would be destroyed, and basically the empire of Freemasonry and the Illuminati would be established.
And he also said, I feel the power of Lucifer seething in my hands.
And when Rob, the Grand Masonic Hall in D.C., you know, gave him a tour.
And it was Lincoln, huge statues.
It was huge statues of Albert Pike.
And I talked to local masons, who are porch masons, and they go, oh no, Albert Pike, we're not involved with him.
He was just the supreme commander of the whole world.
Oh yeah, well Fred Klinek, the 33rd degree Sovereign Grand Commander, up until just a few years ago, said that Pike's book, Morals and Dogma, is the crux of all of Freemasonry.
He said we should use it as a daily guide for living!
So I think their Sovereign Grand Commander knows a lot more than just some of the local masons.
Some of these guys are nice guys.
They've joined the jesters of the Shriners for whatever reasons, business reasons, friendships.
Actually, John, can you dig that clip up where the mason's going into the Shriner meeting?
And we have the video of this and he says, oh, sweet Lucifer.
Oh, yeah, I've seen that.
Hey, John, can you dig that up from a few months ago?
Thanks for the call, David.
Good to hear from you.
Say hi to Gordie.
Ben in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Ben.
Hey, guys.
Alex, I just want to thank you for everything that you do.
You've really inspired me to do everything that I can to just spread the info and get it out there.
We started an organization called Christian Action Against Apathy, because we believe that, like, I believe God's given you the knowledge that you have, because
He wants to prepare the church because when all this stuff collapses, man, if we are prepared, then we are in a place that we can really truly minister to people.
And really give them God's love, which is really the only hope that we have.
I agree.
Well, it was the churches that led the fight against King George III.
And that's why the establishment, the International Council of Churches and others, as the text is written about decades ago, came in and took the churches over.
And now we have 26,000 preachers secretly recruited by FEMA to teach their flocks to turn their guns in and go along with the New World Order.
And now it's admitted!
Everything we told people about when it was secret,
Yeah man, it's been going really well.
You talked about my video that made it on YouTube from the Nashville presidential debate.
Where we got a police escort because we were trying to educate people about the Federal Reserve and the bailout.
You are peacefully talking to people.
They were yelling and screaming and the police grabbed you, grabbed your camera and threw you off and said they're all allowed to be out yelling and screaming and doing what they want.
You can't because you're talking about the Federal Reserve.
The police are trained
Oh, you're talking about the Federal Reserve.
That doesn't exist.
Oh, the CFR doesn't exist.
Though, when I was in Dallas protesting them a few weeks ago, the cops were going, we know they're bad.
And the cops were, like, clapping.
So something's happening, Tex.
Hey, listen, I appreciate your call.
Maybe we'll have you on as a guest sometime.
Send Aaron an email.
I'm trying to jam in all these calls.
Here's the sweet Lucifer audio clip.
Lucifer, what is your problem?
Just that, sir.
I'm a Christian, sir.
I'm pure in virtues and wholesome and innocent.
How can you say anything about it about me?
Sir, you need to be born again.
I am born again.
Did you just say that you are Lucifer?
I am Lucifer.
Okay, define Lucifer for me.
Lucifer is a pure, virtuous, wholesome, innocent individual that's out to help people.
Lucifer is?
Say that again.
Lucifer is a pure, holy... Virtuous!
Now, see the Lucifer that God created?
That's the same one.
Oh man, this is great.
I'm going to put this on the internet.
Oh, God bless you, brother!
Because that's exactly what the Shriners and Masons teach, is that Lucifer... Lucifer is light.
What about those hospitals?
I know.
Listen, that's enough.
You see the guy on the video on YouTube, and by the way, I want to get that guy on the shot, he is seething with it.
And that's what you see.
And you tell low-level Masons this and they don't, oh, that's not true.
That's not true.
No, no, it's not Lucifer.
And most Masons don't know there's more than 33rd degrees.
On this panoptagon, there's all these goddesses and deities and you know, humans would only go up to about 160th degree, from the information I have.
And most Maces never even make it up to the first real degree, 33rd.
So it's incredible.
Final segment, more phone calls straight ahead with our special guest in studio, Tex Mars, PowerProphecy.com.
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By the way, if you want to be able to dial in and just listen over your phone that's non-internet, in case they shut that down, it's 512-646-5000.
And that is a regular phone line you can call into and listen.
Alright, let's go to some of the callers here.
Let's talk to... Oh, who's up next here?
Pat in Indiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, welcome.
I'd just like to say to Tex Mars that Proverb
24, 21, and 22 I believe is for Obama and his crew.
It says, My son, fear thou the Lord and the King, and meddle not with them that are given to change.
For their calamity shall rise suddenly, and who knoweth the ruins of them both?
So I believe, you know, he wants change, but we want to return to what we had.
But I think, you know, that scripture
It's changed, but it's like the change of Lenin and Hitler, all created by the New World Order crew.
I mean, they are just absolutely wicked.
Anything else, Pat?
Yeah, I heard you talk about the pastors.
I have a niece and her husband, they're pastors, and they joined FEMA and Billy Graham's organization two years ago.
So I just want to let them know that is true.
There's thousands of pastors getting ready to lead their people into gulag camps and talk them into giving up their guns and taking their shots and whatever else.
That's called being a Judas goat.
Well, I sent a big package of everything I could find to them about Billy Graham and Hitler and what happened to the Catholic priest, how they were
He was the defender of the faith and how they took off their robes and put on uniforms.
I sent everything that I could find, so I hope that they read it and I hope they pay attention.
You know, I apologize to Francis and Roger and everybody else because I want to be able to give Tex Mars a chance to have closing comments here at the end of the show in the last few minutes.
But call back next time Tex is in or call back and we'll put you ahead of the line.
Quite a transmission today, and rebroadcast starts with Gerald Cilente, Trends Forecaster, and then Tex Mars, and I covered a lot of key info in the first 30 minutes of the show, so that's going to restream at InfoWars.com in about T-minus 3 minutes.
And on the free podcast, over 115,000 people a day downloading the free podcast to their MP3 or iPods, not just listening to the live streams and millions listening on the MNF.
I'm thankful to all those sponsors, affiliates, and to the good Lord above for protecting and guiding and directing all of us, and just thank God for great people like Tex and
Just the amazing courage he's had.
Tex, you've got about two minutes to close it out, sir.
Any other key points you want to add about the times we're going into?
Well, we're going into some very chaotic times.
It's an engineered chaos.
But always keep this in mind, okay?
There is a God.
There is absolutely a God.
And it's interesting.
One of Jesus' greatest sayings was very simple.
Fear not.
Fear not.
So, I believe the wonderful thing about America is that we have a lot of brave, courageous people out there.
And you know what, Alex?
You and I don't have all the answers.
But I know this much.
We've got some people out there that care.
That won't change, but what they want is the change that will bring us back to the Constitution and this individual, personal freedom.
I think we can achieve that.
But we're going to have to fight very, very hard.
And by the way, I think there are innovative ways.
We need to study, you know, back in history, what happened with the Sovietization process.
And how people defeated it.
Oh, and how people have defeated that.
And I think we can do the same thing here in America.
There's a lot of us.
Listen, I believe
We are the dominant force in American society, and that's why they want to destroy us.
TechSmarts, great having you.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Thanks for being with us on our maiden voyage with a guest in studio.
The third show we've done officially.
We did one test Friday.
And I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.TV subscribers that watch us live, and then watch it when we upload it as well for your support.
You make so much of this
Show possible as we upgrade it and expand it.
We'll be adding a lot of new features.
Take care.
God bless you all.
Rebroadcast starts now.
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