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Name: 20081202_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 2, 2008
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It is...
It's the second day of December 2008.
Hard to believe this year is only about 20 something days away from being over and into 2009.
Hurdling towards the fabled date of 2012.
The Health Arranger, Mike Adams, joining us about GMO foods, the melamine, poison, and the milk.
The government's saying it's especially good for you now, and a lot more in this hour.
And I promise, open phones on any of the subjects, Mike can speak to them all.
We're the callers that are patiently holding.
We are live in this fourth hour at PrisonPlanet.tv, as we've been doing the last seven, eight months.
In the next few weeks I'll be doing my show out of the new studio and I'm going to probably be going live in the first or second hour.
We're going to change it to earlier in the show and have a more produced special hour for everybody with simulcast TV and of course radio, always expanding what we're doing.
I wanted to go over this story.
Lawyers call for international court for the environment.
A former chairman of the Bar Council is calling for an international court.
For the environment?
To punish states, that's countries, that fail to protect wildlife and prevent climate change.
Well, the climate's always changing.
Now that the Earth's cooling and the solar system's cooling because the sun's cooled down in its cycle, no longer is it global warming, now it's climate change.
Pretty soon I guess they'll say it's illegal to have winter or summer.
But that's the scam, and this covers up all the real environmental degradation, genetic engineering and things that are happening that are true environmental crises.
So that's what's going on with this.
It says, a former chairman of the bar calls for this.
Stephen Hockman, QC, we're going to try to get him on the show, is proposing a body similar to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be the supreme legal authority on issues regarding the environment.
And I have a clip, I don't know if we'll have time to play it today,
With Barroso, one of the heads of the EU, saying global governance and mainstream articles with banks, we've covered, saying you will pay your carbon taxes to the private banks.
See, they're going to bankrupt the world with fiat system and derivatives they set up.
When the derivatives still had value because of confidence still being in them in the Ponzi scheme, they bought real infrastructure.
Now they're imploding the derivatives and imploding all the real markets so they can consolidate those.
Then they're going to hit you with Enviro, Climate Cops, Brainwash, Google Climate Cops.
Kids in the US, England, being trained to tattle on their parents.
It's in the New York Times.
The first role the new body would be to enforce international agreements on cutting greenhouse gas emissions set to be agreed next year.
But the court would also find countries or companies that fail to protect endangered species, and they've caught all the fake environmentalists planting endangered species on people's property.
They've been caught hundreds of times in the U.S.
doing that.
Or degrade the natural environment and enforce the right to a healthy environment.
Now remember, they're not concerned about melamine in the milk, or poison in the food, or mercury in the shots, or genetic engineering spreading and killing the honey bees directly linked to the corn, this GMO.
They're not worried about anything real.
They co-opt all our concern, and as things get worse and worse in the environment, they'll bring in more and more control with red herrings.
Like greenhouse gas and a flatulence tax on all farm animals.
A fart tax.
And you can't make this stuff up.
But listen to this.
It says the court will be made up of people that believe it's real.
But the court will also find countries or companies that fail to protect the native species.
The innovative idea is being presented to an audience.
Oh, it's innovative.
It's new.
That's what they've been denouncing for decades.
of politicians, scientists, and public figures for the first time at a symposium in Britain's British Library.
Mr. Hockman, a Deputy High Court Judge, said the threat of climate change means it is more important than ever for the law to protect the environment.
They're also proposing making it illegal to deny climate change.
Oh yes, climate deniers.
Google that.
They want to arrest you.
The UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland this month is set to begin negotiations that will lead to a new agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol in Copenhagen next year.
Developed countries are expected to commit to cutting emissions drastically, while developed nations agree to halt deforestation.
See, where we have controls on this, if it was bad, they will move to the third world, where they have no controls and all the studies show will boost greenhouse gas.
So even if you believe all this,
It will only boost it.
And then it goes on to say here in the article that they're going to set up the court.
I'll read it when we get back.
They're going to set up the court with people that believe all this is real and environmental zealots.
So this is the new global religion being enforced.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war... Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and talk on air during the break to John for everybody.
Yes, I know I'm on air.
Hey, John.
Yes, sir?
You got Health Ranger?
Uh, yes, Mike.
He's all set.
How's his phone?
It sounds great.
And I have a backup line just in case, but it sounds great.
All right, let me talk to him right now.
Sure, one second.
Go ahead.
Hey Mike, just so you know, we're live on the internet right now, but we'll be on all the AM and FM and shortwave satellite in about two and a half minutes when we go live again.
But I wanted to do a little pre-interview here with the audience on presentplanet.tv with you.
I want to get into melamine obviously, I want to get into GMO, the real environmental threats versus the fake ones.
And then, I know you guys have disinformation campaigns going against you.
I saw that.
But I'm not saying you shouldn't respond, but I've got people editing me all over the web to say horrible things.
I've got them doing all that.
I've got them posing as me, calling people, threatening them.
And I'm just telling you, in my experience, and we're talking about it here on air right now, I don't even think it does any good.
I mean, people that are thinkers are going to find out that stuff's fake.
And then it kind of inoculates the public that we're under disinformation attack.
I know you guys are pretty upset about that.
And I know you're a cool customer.
Obviously, you're helping stop Codex Alimentarius.
You guys have got millions of visitors a month to your sites.
And so, I mean, you're going to go through this.
And I'm not trying to sit up here and be a Grand Poobah telling you how this works, but this is not my first rodeo.
And I think it's something that you might mention
Yeah, I agree with you Alex, and I think we both are hit by the same people in many cases, and probably funded by the same groups.
People get paid to post.
You know, paid the post-negative comment.
Well, yeah, exactly.
I mean, you can tell it's all lies.
Well, I mean, also, you know, the impersonating you, I saw that on the side, and the editing, what you say.
I mean, they'll do a lot of work, too.
They'll listen to hundreds of hours, because I know what shows it comes from, to edit us together, saying this.
And they'll even put music over it and try to disguise that it's edited.
I know.
Pretty crazy.
Well, hey man, that's great news.
It means we're really doing some good.
I know.
It absolutely does.
You said something in a show, in yesterday's show, that you know how sometimes, even when you take a break, you feel guilty about not sounding the alarm more?
I feel the same thing.
I mean, you and I are on a mission to spread the truth.
Well, it's once you get involved in the fight, you find out how much even more real it is.
I mean, when you're getting death threats and setups and harassment, and I mean, it's like, whoa!
This is real!
There was any doubt.
We're going live.
Here we go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
HealthRanger.org is his website.
They have a family of powerful websites with some of the most cutting-edge, accurate information out there.
Folks, I trust he, of course, is Mike Adams, and he is with us for the balance of the hour.
At the bottom of the hour, I will open the phones on any subject.
He can speak to them all.
With our guests, the Health Ranger.
Appreciate folks holding there.
I promise to finish up on this, so I'm going to do this now, this story out of the Telegraph.
I'm trying to find the part where it says that the court will be made up of people that believe global warming, climate change is real.
Now again, this covers up for all the real environmental problems.
Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, has agreed the concept of international court.
We'll be taking into account when considering how to make these international agreements on climate change binding.
The court is also backing a number of members of parliament, climate change experts, and public figures, including the actress Deitch, Judy Deitch.
This is Mr. Hockman, so the international court will be needed to enforce and regulate any agreements.
So through the WTO and others are going to do this, and they're going to force
Codex Alimentarius to restrict true health food, organic, all of it.
We're going to talk about that with the Health Ranger here in a moment.
The time is ripe to set this up and get it going, he said.
It's remit will be overall climate change and the need for better regulation of carbon emissions, but at the same time implementation and enforcement of international
environmental agreements and instruments as well as providing resolution between states the court will also be useful for multinational businesses ensuring environmental laws and kept in every country see private banks just announcing this is going to run this all we're just the authority we control the government's
The court will include a convention on the right to be healthy environment and provide a higher body of individuals or non-governmental organizations to protest against an environmental injustice.
So they're going to have little fake attack dogs paid for by them that they put up on the news as the people.
They just say it right here.
Mr. Hockman said the court will be able to find businesses or states, but its main role will be making declaratory rulings
They're God!
Hollywood and all this.
This is such unbelievable.
It will include a scientific body to consider evidence and provide access to any data on the environment.
That's it.
I want to go to the Health Ranger.
Just on this subject, I think I know your views.
I read a lot of your reportage.
Your whole view on climate change versus the genetic engineering, the toxic waste dumping, and do you agree this is being used as an overall cover by the very international organizations that are hurting the environment?
Yeah, absolutely, Alex.
And thanks for having me back on your show, by the way.
You're absolutely right about that.
I mean, we have real environmental issues.
Dead zones in the ocean, depleted soils, issues like that.
But always, always, big government tries to grab power.
And they would use whatever issue was on the minds of the people to do it.
And now it's climate change.
And like you said before the break, what are they going to do?
Make winter illegal now, or summer illegal?
It's insane!
And they openly say we'll pay our taxes to them.
So much is going on right now and I want to spend a few minutes on this, not too much, but just to give people a heads up that want to listen.
People are impersonating you, they're impersonating Stubblebine and Dr. Labo, they're impersonating myself, they're editing our radio shows and interviews together to make it sound like we're saying crazy things.
You guys put a story out yesterday about some of the things you're going through.
Just a heads up to the people, briefly, tell folks what's going on.
Well, I just want to say, you know, look, probably 99% of the people out there support what we do, Alex.
I mean, you and I are, we've been described by many as just champions for the people, and I don't say that with ego, I just mean that we stand for the people, we stand against
The overzealous empire or the corporations that want to exploit the people.
So we stand for giving power back to the American people.
Who would be against that?
No sane person would be against that.
It's only either insane individuals or hired individuals who are against us.
And, you know, they get paid to run around the internet and say lots of crazy things.
But forget that.
Let's stay focused on what we can do to empower the 99%
Let's get into melamine.
Tell folks, you've got all these doctors and scientists on your board and that write for you that you consult with, but it's not debated.
I mean, melamine's killed thousands in China, injured hundreds of thousands.
It's killed people all over the world.
Why are they adding it to food products and milk?
AP reported 90% of the formula in the U.S.
has it.
I mean, over and over again, and then suddenly, for decades they've said it's deadly, now they say we're not taking it out and it's not bad for you.
What is going on?
Yeah, this issue, Alex, really exemplifies the FDA's betrayal of the American people, and here's why.
And by the way, I've got breaking news to announce on your show about this issue here.
But it's a betrayal, because melamine is an industrial poison.
It mimics protein in a chemical test.
So they use it to stack their milk proteins in China with this cheap industrial chemical to make it look like milk protein, even though it's not.
They cut it with this agent, you know, because it's cheaper to do so.
So then it winds up in all kinds of milk products in the United States now.
And this is what the AP took a look at.
You see, the FDA took infant formula products off the shelf and tested them for melamine.
But it hid the result.
It refused to release them to the public.
I mean, what kind of FDA is that?
The AP had to file a Freedom of Information Act request with the FDA just to get them to release their results.
When the results were made public, it turned out
That up to 90% of the infant formula in the United States was contaminated with trace levels of melamine that could not be explained by normal manufacturing processes or plastic packaging.
They were way above that level.
That normal level might be .15 parts per million, but some of these products were testing as high as, as point, I'm sorry, were testing as high as 247 parts per billion instead of 15 parts per billion.
So it was like 16 times higher than what could be explained by the equipment.
Well, pretty big deal, right?
So the FDA immediately jumps out and says, let's declare it to be safe.
So they declared one part per million to be a safe level of melamine, even though their own website said in October that there was essentially no safe level of melamine, and they've never done any tests.
And they've given them a huge, huge ceiling now, one part per million.
That is just ultra-massive.
This reminds me of the 40s at the end of World War II.
Fluoride in Tennessee at the nuke plants and at the aluminum plants was leaking in, killing streams, injuring people.
And so they just said, we'll just say it's nutritious and put it in the water.
Maybe the next thing they'll do is just say, like they want to put statins in the water supply, CNBC reported, you know, to make everybody take them because they're so good for you, even though it attacks your liver.
Maybe they'll just say, hey, we're going to make you eat melamine.
It's good for you.
Well, it's like fluoride.
You know, fluoride being a byproduct of the fertilizer industry, or you can get synthetic fluoride by scraping off the smokestack scrubbers from coal plants.
And, you know, this fluoride would have to be disposed of as a toxic chemical if it wasn't dripped into the municipal water supply.
So what is the... I mean, the FDA is not worried about being totally discredited after 50 years of saying this stuff's deadly poison and attacks the organs and really... And I've seen the studies.
Babies, what, are five times more receptive to this, so it really hurts them.
Same thing with the chemicals in the plastics.
And now they're saying those are okay, but everybody else is banning it.
Let me be really blunt.
The FDA, in my opinion, Alex, is a criminal organization.
It is running a dangerous racket.
It's more dangerous than any terrorist group in the world.
And its decisions have killed, indirectly and directly, more Americans than any war in the history of our nation, including the Vietnam War.
There's no comparison.
The FDA is a deadly, dangerous, corrupt, out-of-control organization.
We need to be arresting those people.
We don't need to have task force investigations.
We need to march in there and arrest those top decision makers and throw them in prison.
Let's go back to 2002 ABC News.
We had Congressman Dan Burton on and others before this even came out.
You know, in the news, when he went and seized all their documents, and then he got shut down by the White House afterwards, and there was the minutes of the heads of the Food and Drug Administration, another group, saying, millions have been brain damaged by the mercury, I'm not going to give it to my grandchildren, is the quote, but we've got to keep this secret from the public, and then they kept it in there.
I mean, this is cold-blooded.
It absolutely is.
I mean, their own scientists are revolting against them.
I want to be very clear to distinguish between the FDA leadership versus the scientists.
The leadership, they're politicians.
They're selected and appointed to those positions, and they're the corrupt ones.
The scientists are the honest people.
What happened earlier last year?
Was it, what, 90-something percent?
It was thousands of EPA scientists wrote a letter and a petition with all their findings saying, take fluoride out of water.
So exactly.
It's incredible.
The bureaucrats just ignore the science.
They make this stuff up.
They just pull it out of a hat.
I mean, literally, they just make up, oh, one part per million is now suddenly safe with no new science.
But here's the breaking news, Alex.
We went out and started purchasing various products to send them to a lab to have them tested for melamine.
So we called about 10 different labs.
Guess what we found out?
After the FDA's decision of one part per million,
Almost every lab we called refused to test for melamine under one part per million.
So this is massive corruption?
The FDA is even controlling the labs.
And why?
Because most lab testing is done by the government and they can withhold those contracts.
That is called racketeering.
It is, Racketeer, absolutely.
We only found one lab that would take our money and test the products for levels under one part per million.
One lab.
And we are testing products right now.
God, no wonder you're being attacked.
You know you're under surveillance, Mike.
Oh, of course.
They do not want us to publicize the results that we're about to discover.
Because it's going to be big brand names.
You know, it's going to be more than just infant formula.
Well, absolutely.
Of 90% of the infant formula, FDA's own test has it, and they covered it up.
Well, I mean, I've been looking at the recall list.
There's a new one every few months, but they never add the old list.
It's basically everything already.
I mean, look at China.
They're dropping dead everywhere.
And here, they'll drop dead, and that's just the way it is.
Oh, it's good for you!
It's good!
Dying is good!
I'm going to skip this break.
Mike, I want to be congruent, but I don't want to waste this time we have on the internet and PrisonPlanet.tv, a sizable part of our audience.
So let's shift gears into another subject and then come back with the melamine and then also the chemicals and the plastics.
I know they focus in on one, but I've seen the studies and it's a lot of different chemicals and how they just so happens to be the one that sterilizes you and affects fertility in men and women.
I was talking to Dr.
Labo yesterday, who I know you work with, and she's saying the same thing.
There's no doubt this is eugenics.
Can you speak to how this is being directed?
Is that your belief that it is certainly coordinated and on purpose?
Well, one of the research areas I'm working on right now, Alex, is looking at what chemicals and pharmaceuticals cause infertility or reduce sperm function or egg viability.
And it's a fascinating area because what I'm seeing is a real
We're good to go.
of western civilization.
And we're not just saying, we're not just saying to the viewers out there and the listeners at PrisonPlanet.tv, we're not just saying that we know from studies these chemicals do this.
It's happening.
I mean, women, upwards of 80% infertility or semi-infertile, sperm counts down by close to 80% in every industrialized nation.
But then you go out and find the Amish or people that don't.
They aren't getting the autism.
Their sperm counts are normal.
Go ahead.
Well, for example, SSRI drugs, antidepressants.
Research just came out about 10 days ago.
We did a story on this.
It greatly reduces sperm viability and motility.
It's just one drug.
But as long as you're on the drug, you can't reproduce.
And guess who they tend to put on SSRIs?
Young boys.
Teenage and 20 year old boys.
And we have the Carnegie Endowment documents from 70 years ago saying target the males, dumb them down, use diet injections and injunctions to neutralize them.
We are under Pentagon precise attack.
But please continue with the eugenics.
Well, another thing you see on attacking the female side is that the pharmaceutical companies now claiming that menstruation is a disease
They have a pill now where you can stop all the normal female reproductive cycles.
They have never tested the long-term reproductive suppression of those pills, or maybe they have tested.
Oh hey John, Monday I sent you a video clip about sterilization, where the woman takes the pill and it burns out her uterus.
I can dig it up.
Yeah, yeah, dig it up.
I want to play that later.
Listen, in many areas, half the children are being born by cesarean.
They're saying vaginal birth is abnormal now.
They are industrializing and weaponizing all of our basic life actions.
Well, that's the thing.
The upshot of this, Alex, and maybe we should talk about this during the radio segment too, is that the future gene pool of human civilization will only belong to those people
Who resist these chemicals.
Oh my God.
So you've got to resist the vaccine, the food contaminants, the pharmaceuticals, or you do not have a genetic future.
As I like to say, the mainstream public is winning the Darwin Award.
And it's not just, it's not just, and we'll come back and talk about that, it's not just that we're not being able to breed because they're sterilizing us.
Mercury and other things generationally destroy DNA.
They know that.
And so we're being mutated.
God, this is so evil.
And it's being done by design.
And all these enforcers have no idea they're helping destroy themselves.
This is so diabolical.
Here we go.
We're going live.
I don't want the shackles.
No shackles on me.
We're talking to Mike Adams, the health ranger, healthranger.org.
Alright Mike, during the break we were talking on presentplanet.tv for the radio folks and uh... we were getting into they're saying menstruation is bad, you're not supposed to have women, that's unnatural so they give them pills that uh... destroy that and I've got new news reports about procedures that sterilize the women and I think it says three minutes uh... they are saying everything's abnormal around half the births now are cesarean they're saying it's abnormal to have a child the other way
They're encouraging women to be sterilized, they're advertising it in all the girls' magazines, and now they're telling us melamine's good for you.
Let's get into the chemicals in the plastic sterilizing the people.
I mean, this is happening.
Oh yeah, yeah.
It's a chemical attack, really, on Western civilization.
It's not just Americans, it's Canadians, it's everyone who eats Westernized food, who takes Western medicines, who is exposed to the toxic chemicals in personal care products.
Even dentistry is a highly, highly toxic industry.
I mean, they're still putting mercury in people's mouths and defending it.
It's unbelievable.
This is a chemical attack.
You know, a lot of people in this country, we talk about being worried about terrorism, and we should be, but what about domestic terrorism from the regulatory agencies who keep legalizing the poisons?
The FDA declared bisphenol A to be safe, too.
That's the chemical.
And the German government, the British government, the Dutch, the Japanese, decades ago were trying to remove it.
People knew to not give it to their babies.
Explain this to people.
Explain it to them.
Well, it's an endocrine disruptor.
So it's potent as a toxic element in very low concentrations.
We're talking parts per billion.
It doesn't even have to hit 50 parts per billion to be toxic.
It's found in infant baby bottles and Canada has announced that they're going to ban it in infant baby bottles.
Almost the very next day, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration said, we're not going to ban it.
In fact, we're going to declare it to be so safe that you can use it in baby products and you can consume essentially unlimited quantities of it.
I mean, there's, as I said on the website, there's almost no corporate sponsored chemical that the FDA doesn't like.
You know, melamine, bisphenol A, fluoride, you name it.
And I want to be clear, most cans are lined with it now.
When you go to a Chinese food restaurant, it's that cheap styrofoam that the stuff sinks into massive quantities.
The drinks, your children, the little packages they drink from are lined with it.
It's used in almost everything.
And it just so happens to sterilize people.
Oh, what a surprise!
Yeah, that's right.
It disrupts normal reproductive patterns, it creates infertility, which is a hugely profitable industry, and it's about to get even more profitable because infertility is on the rise.
I mean, we're talking a transgenerational effect of DNA mutation and chemical toxicity.
This is the big story that almost no one's talking about except you and me and Dr. Libo and a few others, is that the human race here, at least the Western civilization part of it, is facing a massive
Die off, or a massive inability to reproduce in one to two more generations.
Because this toxicity accumulates, and it's literally passed from one generation to the next.
We're looking at a genocide, that's what it is.
Well, the U.N.
says in all those documents, 80% population reduction, and we've got 80% infertility already.
And again, the Amish and others, right in the middle of us, they're having none of these problems.
No autistic.
Hardly any.
Go ahead.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
It's a good point.
That individuals who are empowered by listening to your show and visiting naturalnews.com, that's my main website,
Those individuals have the ability, Alex, to resist these chemicals.
Protect your children from vaccine.
Don't feed your children these toxic foods.
Don't expose yourself to these chemicals.
And you can be safe.
You can have a genetic future.
But you have to make a major change.
The mercury alone attacks your DNA per generation.
Just Google that.
Mainstream government documents admit it.
I'm on the verge of moving to the country and literally, you know, other than coming into the radio show, that will mean I have to cut back on a lot of work I'm doing.
But my kids come first.
It's a balancing act to literally almost go like Mennonite and only totally certified real organic because my kids are worth it.
My wife's worth it.
But I have to get out of the city and away from this evil culture to do it.
I mean, how do you get yourself totally out of it?
Because I'm trying, man, and I'm having trouble.
It's very difficult, especially now.
You can't trust the food.
The breaking news yesterday was that melamine was found in the soy meal.
That was being fed to organic chickens.
So 147 organic chicken farms in France were found to be feeding their chickens contaminated soy meal that was imported from China.
Well, the U.S.
imports the same soy meal.
So guess where it's all ending up?
In the food supply.
Well, they've got a deal.
They've got a deal with China.
They've moved most of the industry.
What, I forget, the majority of the drugs are now made there, both prescription and over-the-counter.
The mass ingredients for food preparation is made in China, then shipped over here.
The toys, it's all by design.
Stay there, ladies and gentlemen.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, let me go back to the Health Ranger right now.
I want to mention something about China, if that's okay.
Yeah, yeah, go ahead, but I just want to say, because it's a limited audience, probably 10% of our audience right now, when we come back I'm going to try to control myself.
You know, Mike, you're always hard to get a hold of, bro.
Your phone, I mean, I'm the same way, your phone's full.
I want to have you on all the time.
Hey, I'm happy to do it with you, man.
I mean, anytime you want me on, I can comment.
I want to get you on.
Let's look at your book right now.
Let me get you on for two hours, because with all my interjecting and backing you up and you backing me up, you know, it's helter-skelter, but it is really good radio, and we're saving a lot of folks.
Look at your book.
Let me just set you up for two hours sometime next week.
Just name a date, Alex.
I'll make it work for you.
Let's do it far out in the way, because I've got some guests set up.
Let's do next Thursday from 1 to 3 Central Standard Time.
Next Thursday, 1 to 3 Central Standard Time.
And Hip Hop Paul in there?
Everybody's got to have a nickname around here.
Will you go tell Trey before I forget?
Thank you.
Okay, when we come back, because I want the full audience to hear this.
It's too important.
Let's get into the GMO.
Every week, and I know you just focus on this more than I do about it, every week I see a new government or industry study where they admit that the GMO rice or the GMO corn or the GMO this or that is sterilizing the mice.
And you know, mice are studied because they're the closest to us with our whole metabolic system, as you know.
So let's hit them with a GMO and then take some phone calls, okay?
But go ahead and make your point about China now.
Well, I just want to mention that some people have emailed me and they say, well, why do you keep criticizing China?
You don't know anything about China.
I want to mention, you know, I've lived in Asia.
I speak Mandarin Chinese.
I lived there for two years and I've toured factories in China firsthand.
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
The Chinese factories, they will manufacture poison and sell it to their neighbors if it makes them a buck.
I mean, think about it.
There are 13,000 babies in the hospital in China right now, poisoned by their own countrymen.
And if they're going to poison their own people, what do you think they're going to do to us?
Well, see, this is the delusional nature.
It's admitted the toys, the food are filled with all sorts of poisons.
It's devastating.
There's lead poisoning all over the U.S.
Women particularly have problems with this.
Women all over are having their hair falling out.
They're going in and getting their blood tested.
They're finding out their thyroid's fried.
They're full of lead, mercury.
I mean, it's just everywhere.
And they just... it's total devastation.
And then these people, yeah, oh, what do you mean, you just don't like Chinese people?
It's always mental diversions.
The public won't face the crisis, because they're too cowardly to admit it's true, because then they have to get up off their jackasses and do something, Mike.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And most people really, Alex, they don't realize how hard you and I work.
We work our butts off.
To produce this content, to bring this information, to do our research.
I don't know about you, but, you know, it's a 16-hour day.
I got children, for God's sakes, I want to spend time with, and I'm doing this and not seeing them as much so I can save them.
I am mad, Mike.
They are poisoning my family, and the dumbass public needs to wake up.
Here we go.
Folks, we're not kidding.
Thousands of studies in the GMO corn, rice, all of it, all accidentally has been genetically modified where it sterilizes or reduces the birth rate.
In women, it attacks the sperm.
There was two studies this week.
Mike, let's get into that.
Alright, well, there's... Let me plug a book.
It's not written by me, but it's on the topic here.
Genetic Roulette.
by Jeffrey Smith.
Well, let me plug it.
I sell the sucker at Infowars.com.
Let me plug it.
And hopefully we'll get some money in and be able to expand what we're doing and reach more people.
I'm not ashamed.
We need money.
People need to go to your website and buy your products.
We need money to fight back against these people.
Go ahead.
Well, Genetic Relapse is the perfect title because it really describes what's going on here.
When you eat genetically modified organisms or plants or foods made from them,
Then you are playing roulette with your own health and with the health of your future children.
And by the way, the book is like a textbook full of all the government documents and studies, but with pictures and diagrams.
It's a masterpiece.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, it's one of the best.
And you know, there's a movie out there called Seeds of Deception.
We sell it as well.
Sorry, the GMO trilogy and Seeds of Deception, all that.
So those are great resources for being educated about.
The bottom line, though, is that, yeah, these have been engineered by scientists, they say, to produce greater yields.
There are all kinds of problems with that.
But, mostly it's resistance to these pesticides and herbicides.
And the way they resist these pesticides and herbicides is, in some molecular way, they internalize them so that they're not processed.
So, you actually, when you eat genetically modified food,
You end up ingesting unprocessed or non-broken down pesticides and herbicides that are being released in your digestive tract.
So you're poisoning yourself with the same chemicals that are designed to kill life in the farmer's field.
And that's what the German study shows with a particular type of corn.
When it's pollinating, the bees eat it.
Bye bye bee!
Oh yeah, we will talk about the bees.
We're looking at a devastating collapse of the honeybee population.
I know you've covered the topic before, but people tend to dismiss that issue, Alex.
They don't realize that one out of every three bites of the food on their plate comes from honeybee-pollinated crops.
You know, without the honeybees, you're in a massive starvation scenario in one season.
And the honeybees are being
Destroyed, many think, in part by genetically modified crops.
Well, notice where they're dying.
It's everywhere where GMO crops are being grown.
They even have maps, as you know, showing it's all around growth belts where GMO is being grown.
Yeah, you know, ultimately this comes down to just an amazing example of human arrogance and stupidity.
For these scientists to think that they're smarter than nature.
They're eugenicists.
They're just going to dominate nature.
It's so foolish and it's self-destructive.
Mike, Mike, Mike, I keep interrupting because everything you're saying is so true, but on this point, remember Dr. Eric Bianca that said he wants 90% of us to die, can't wait for Ebola to mutate and it's going to be great and you get standing ovations, the UT scientists, the biologists.
I tracked his graduate students.
I tracked them.
You know where most of them are working?
GMO food.
And they openly say they want all humans sterilized and dead.
So, Mike, this isn't an accident, Mike.
This is their religion is killing us.
They say we're a parasite that all of us need to be killed.
Well, that's a perfect example of the kind of insanity that we're both observing out there.
I mean, sometimes, even for me, sometimes it's hard to believe that a human being could be so evil.
But you're right.
When you look at the evidence, that's the only conclusion you can come to.
And the people who haven't reached that conclusion yet have not seen the evidence or refuse to embrace it.
Refuse to recognize it.
There's a lot of denial out there.
You know, on health and GMOs.
Yeah, I'm not going to live in denial anymore.
Myself included.
I was interrupting.
Keep getting into what's happening.
Go ahead.
Oh, well, I mean, that's the wrap-up right there.
We could go into lots of details, but the bottom line is that genetically modified organisms can be quite poisonous.
They're breeding infertility in people who consume them, and get this, the FDA, our old friends at the FDA,
They would prefer that consumers don't know which products have genetically modified organisms in them, and which ones don't.
That's right, they've passed laws to what, 75% of the food product can be GMO and they can still certify it as organic.
Oh yeah, yeah.
The FDA doesn't want the consumer to know anything.
They don't want foods to be labeled when they're irradiated, and that's a whole big issue that's going to come up next year.
What about these bacteria-eating viruses they're basting their lunch meats in?
Oh yeah, yeah, the virus treatments.
Well, just another kooky example of weird Frankenstein science being applied to the food supply.
I mean, what else are they going to come up with?
They treat the almonds with chemicals, they fumigate the almonds, and then they sell them as raw.
They pasteurize them, and they sell them as raw.
I mean, the labeling is completely out of control.
This is why I say, Alex, the FDA has literally become an enemy of the people.
It's out of control.
It's like the Fed applied to health care.
The Fed is out of control with the money supply.
The FDA is out of control with health care.
Well, that's what's wrong with socialized health care.
Not just that it would always be bankrupt and folks would always steal the money in government.
That always happens.
But they want global socialized health care so they can force all of their eugenics on us.
You know, that's the whole point, folks.
The government's evil.
We don't want what they have.
They're bad.
That's right.
And one of the proposals under the Obama health care plan is to force people to buy into the health insurance plans and criminalize those who refuse to buy it.
That's right.
For example, I don't buy health insurance.
Why would I want to go to a doctor?
I have no need to go to a doctor because of my lifestyle.
You know, unless I fall down or something and get injured somewhere, then I'll pay for that out of pocket.
But I don't need to buy health insurance, and healthy Americans are opting out of the system right now and saving a fortune.
Why should they be criminalized for taking care of their health and choosing not to waste money on unnecessary insurance?
Oh, it's total control.
They are really moving.
They've got cancer cures, folks.
They give them to people like Armstrong and others to be their little pets.
So sick what they're doing.
You're on for two hours next Thursday, my friend.
You've agreed to do that from 1 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
And I want to get into some calls from Steve, Jason, Tom, Jake, Matt.
They'll be all over the map, but that's fine.
But I wanted to play this clip.
I think this is the right clip.
That's right.
Play this clip.
This is not the right clip.
Oh, it's not the right clip?
No, Paul just sent me this contaminated baby formula clip.
Oh, it's a contaminated baby formula clip?
No, I sent you one... I bet Kirk can send it.
It was something like, get sterilized in...
In 30 seconds or something, I think is the name of it.
And it's a news program which is actually a PR paid for piece that was on the news going, It's so wonderful!
I'm sterilized!
Oh my God!
I love it!
It's so good!
What are some of the other things you're working on?
I mean, HPV.
We knew in the trials that it killed a bunch of people.
Now it's widespread.
People are dying.
They're having autoimmune problems.
And now they're saying they want to shoot boys up with it, and then they admit the vaccine doesn't even protect you from that type of virus.
Yeah, I sometimes think I have to give these experts a little remedial anatomy lesson, you know, because it's supposed to protect against cervical cancer, and boys don't have a cervix.
You've got to remind these folks what they're dealing with here.
You're with Al-Qaeda.
You got your soundbite up there?
No, I don't.
I was saying, you're with Al-Qaeda saying that boys don't have a cervix.
Oh, yeah.
Anybody have any questions?
Go ahead.
Steven Sundolf, he's the director of the Food and Drug Administration, Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Department.
Here's what he said about melamine on Friday.
He said, quote, I don't know the reason it's appearing in some products, not others.
I really don't want to speculate on why it is, because the real answer is that we don't know at this point.
That's the FDA's authority for you right there.
They don't know, but they say it's safe.
And now there's a widespread program, on record, fleshed out a bit more, because I want to do our own story on it and link whatever you guys put out.
Specifically, you're trying to go to all these labs.
How many labs did you contact to test other products, not just baby formula?
And specifically, what types of products are they?
And then you're saying all these labs are saying, no, no, no, we're not going to test that for you.
I don't want to reveal yet what types of products they are, because I don't want to be preempted by any of these companies.
I understand.
I understand.
We called ten different labs.
Only one agreed to test at levels below one part per million.
And they said they would test at levels as low as 20 parts per billion.
The other said they won't do the test, because the FDA standard is now one part per million.
But these are products
That are made by big companies and they contain milk protein.
So that's what we're searching for.
And we're going to tell the truth about what we find.
You know, we're going to post the lab results ourselves.
I'm not going to be timid about it.
The public deserves to know.
I mean, somebody's got to do actual journalism in this country, you know, Alex?
I mean, the AP did a good job.
You know, I congratulate them for filing the Freedom of Information Act request.
Good job on the AP's part.
They don't always do a good job, but they did it in that case.
But we gotta follow up on this and test more products.
I mean, the FDA... We're doing the FDA's job!
Well, you know, under the Patriot Act, they made it law that any private investigators trying to investigate chemical plants dumping poison, that that's national security and that's terrorism.
And they actually put out an arrest warrant for Greg Pallast of ABC News and the BBC for videotaping a FEMA camp in Mississippi.
Now it's terrorism if you talk about the poison in the food.
Well, the USDA has made it illegal for cattle farmers to test their own cows for mad cow disease.
Don't forget about that fact, too.
In fact, there was a big premium prime beef company, what, in Missouri, who got shut down because they were doing it.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, how insane has it become, really, when companies trying to test for problems, trying to increase food safety, are branded criminals and put out of business?
We now have tens of thousands a year in the U.S.
and other Western nations getting the early onset of Alzheimer's when they're 25, 30.
This is, in part, I believe, caused by vaccines.
And in fact, there was an excellent article written by Byron Richards, another health freedom champion.
We published it on naturalnews.com a couple of weeks ago.
He talked about the chemicals in vaccines having a purposeful inflammatory effect in order to incite an immune system response to the weakened genetic material in the vaccine.
And these inflammation chemicals
Maybe contributing very strongly to Alzheimer's.
Well they've conclusively proven that many brain disorders like Parkinson's is due to now environmental outside sources triggering chronic inflammation or chronic allergic response in the brain.
That's right, that's right.
We've got C-reactive proteins, another indicator of inflammation in the cardio system.
Basically, inflammation is bad for you and vaccines promote inflammation.
Well, here's an example.
GMO foods, as you know,
Yeah, that's right.
The hypersensitivity caused by these chemicals is very real.
A lot of people suffer from it.
They go to their doctor.
And unfortunately, they just get treated with medication rather than, you know, undergoing any honest assessment of the source of their problems.
Here's the sterilization clip.
This is a little PR piece that was put on news about how wonderful it is to get sterilized.
Elena Fix is 34 years old and she'll never have a period again.
The pregnancies are wonderful, our lives are wonderful, so we are complete.
Her family of four complete, Alana decided to stop her heavy periods.
My first three days were very heavy.
And then I would like spot for seven days, which would get really old.
Good morning!
Dr. Dennis Eisenberg, an OBGYN, recommended a newer method of endometrial ablation.
This is just a new technique that makes it much simple, much easier on the patient and the doctor.
This is for women who don't want any or any more children.
Performed in a doctor's office in 90 seconds, cells in the lining of the uterus are burned.
75% of patients never menstruate again.
The others have light spotting once a month.
They'll still maintain their same hormonal fluctuations, but they just won't bleed with their cycles.
Once I went to pick some medicine, went to bed, woke up in the morning, and if I had a job, I could have gone to work the next day.
That time of the month behind her, Alanna can now focus fully on her two little girls.
Meredith Land, NBC News.
Okay, now, I've seen studies showing that the menstrual cycle is the reason women on average live about six years longer in every culture than men, because it allows them to detoxify.
Also, I've seen studies years ago that women that have had similar procedures, then all the toxins build up.
It's still being delivered by the blood supply in there to be offloaded.
The woman hasn't been made pregnant, hasn't been impregnated.
I mean, this is insane!
Yeah, the procedure described in that audio clip, I mean, it's just sick, Alex.
It's sick, it's criminal, in my opinion, maiming women.
They're scarring them for life, internally, physically.
I mean, you're right.
Menstruation is a normal part of being a female human being.
It's a necessary part of being healthy.
The blood needs to flow for lots of different reasons.
Well, the studies out there show that women who have abortions have massive increases in cancer because it messes with hormones.
I've seen the studies on this, having all the spotting and problems because of all the hormones in the food she's eating.
But you know what's so disturbing about that clip is the willingness of that woman to go along with this procedure and to praise it.
It's just like the people who love to be microchipped.
You know, how stupid can you be, people, to let these mad scientists do this stuff to you?
And then be happy that you were just maimed for life?
That's the most disturbing part about it.
I agree.
Let's jam in a phone call or two, and then we'll continue taking phone calls.
Is Steven Chicago still there?
Go ahead, Steve.
Steven Chicago, thanks for holding her on the air.
I hate to change the subject, Alex, but you were talking about our governor as a gun grabber.
Keep in mind one thing.
Who's spurring this on and instigating this?
Alderwoman Sandy Jackson.
Well, I know that he's going to be the new senator, isn't he?
I mean, people have all got their loan issues.
Hey man, I just reported they're doing gun confiscation with the Army in Illinois.
And then it gets turned into I'm covering up the Jacksons.
I don't even know anything about that specifically.
Anytime you say something that's true, that is blunt, Alex, you're going to invoke a lot of different reactions.
And the only way to avoid doing that is to say nothing, and that's what the mainstream media does.
Yeah, they just milk-toast garbage.
It's incredible.
All right, we'll be right back in the final segment with the Health Ranger.
Be sure and check out his website, healthranger.org.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hey Alex!
How ya goin' man?
Take it off speakerphone, bro.
You're on the air.
Can't understand a word on speakerphone.
Yeah, I understand you, dude.
Hey, uh, just so, out to all the international callers out there, I've been waiting for you for one hour and twenty-three minutes, and I haven't paid a cent.
So that one hundred, one hundred, uh, eight hundred number actually works on Skype.
You don't pay a cent.
I'm sorry for not getting to you.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
You don't have to apologise for nothing, man.
If Neil Armstrong and you were in the same room and I only had one handshake, it would be you.
Right, what was the name of the lead organiser of the 9-11 victims' families?
You interviewed about six months ago and you asked him directly,
What is the consensus over there, man, with the 9-11 victims' families?
And he said around 50% believe 9-11 is an inside job.
Yeah, it's Bill Doyle.
Yeah, 50% or more believe it's an inside job.
And he believes it.
I'll try to Google it, you know, just using my Doyle.
Alright, cheers for that, dude.
Because I'm being attacked full-blown on YouTube.
Do you think it's even worth arguing in the comment sections in YouTube?
You were saying earlier on, these guys can't be this stupid.
You know, I find that hard to believe too, man.
And so these guys on YouTube attacking you, what I want to know is, what you imagine, like, using your gut visceral, what percentage of these guys are useful idiots?
Let me explain.
It's a snowball or a mockingbird.
The operative says it over and over again, then weak minds parrot it.
So I'd say 90% of them are just damaged goods.
They attack everybody.
They're just unhappy, mentally destroyed.
And about 10% are operatives, are paid bloggers.
We know that.
It's on record.
And only because 10% are Alex.
Now, man, I want to get on to this one.
This one, the Sean Fitzgerald tragedy.
Yeah, well just ignore it.
I mean, I could tell that person was, and I appreciate your call, I gotta jump here, I could tell that person was mentally ill when I was getting the phone calls.
And that's why I poo-pooed it on air and just said, you know, I think that guy's had some problems.
And so I'm not involved in it, and that's the way it is.
I have millions of listeners, we're gonna have schizophrenic listeners, and I feel sorry for them.
God bless that family.
Okay, let's go back to the full audience.
What COINTELPRO does, we read the army manuals, the FBI manuals, they try to get us into controversies to argue about things that don't matter or side issues instead of getting the word out and reaching out to people and effecting change.
That's what they want.
And that's why I don't spend time in these diversions and distractions.
You know, our guest is Mike Adams and I hope you'll check out healthranger.org and some of the other websites that he is affiliated with.
Just a great guy.
Books and videos and materials and audios, most of it free, up there on the site.
And some of the books and videos he mentioned that he hasn't produced and put out.
We sell at Infowars.com on the secure online video and bookstore shopping cart.
So I hope you get Genetic Roulette and Siege of Destruction, the books and videos, because your life depends on it.
It's very important information.
That's why we have them heavily discounted on the website.
You know what?
I'm not going to take any more calls because we're just out of time and I'll be back live tomorrow.
But in the three or four minutes we've got left, Mike, you've got the floor.
Tell us about what you guys are up to, how folks can get involved.
Millions of people visiting your sites, exponentially growing, and how people can protect themselves and their families.
Well, thanks for that opportunity, Alex.
Our main site is naturalnews.com.
If you go there, you can sign up for the free email newsletter.
We post breaking news several times a day, and we have a very people-powered or people-empowered point of view on this.
We stand for freedom.
We're against what the FDA is doing to America.
We're against the exploitation of people by big companies, by big pharma.
We're against genetically modified organisms.
You know, we stand for truth and honesty and healing in medicine.
And the big issue that's coming up next year, I think, is going to be what I call gunpoint medicine, Alex.
And that's where they're going to start criminalizing people who say no to vaccines.
They've already done it in some states.
Maryland, for example.
It's going to spread.
And we're going to see people being arrested and having their children taken away from them because they are attempting to protect their children from these dangerous vaccines.
And we've got to fight that, folks.
We've got to stand up and demand real health freedoms, Ron Paul style.
That's the only way we're going to get it.
Well, I mean, in Maryland I had the state attorney on and he laughed and said, I don't give my children shots.
And I said, it's not the law.
You kick them out for being truant and then trigger those criminal charges.
And he laughed at me on air.
The arrogance.
And they had police dogs out, 1,500 kids and their parents crying, saying, I don't want the shots being shot up and there's no law.
I mean, then we... Line them up like cattle.
It's literally a rounding up of human beings for the purposes of invading their bodies with dangerous chemicals that make money for Big Pharma and create future profits because of the way they harm these children.
You've got to realize they're not just making money on the shot.
They're making money on all the side effects and problems that are caused by the shots.
Absolutely, and the compartmentalized doctors, they're not research physicians, they don't know, and they're like, how dare you attack me!
But more and more they're finding out what's going on.
It's like the head dentist, government official, I forget his name, I've had him on in Canada, who 20 years ago got them fluoridated, then he found out it wasn't calcium fluoride, it was deadly sodium fluoride, and under that name, all these other chemicals from toxic waste, and he said, let's get it out!
I didn't know this!
It's all a deception game out there in conventional medicine.
Be informed, folks.
Empower yourself.
Save yourself.
Save your family.
It's all about to switch.
We'll talk to you next Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m.
Central, with Mike Adams, the health ranger.
Fire out some of the other sites, Mike.
That's the main site.
And we'll have articles there every day.
All right.
You're doing a super job.
Look forward to the whole melamine baby formula.
I know we're radical.
Mommies should just give their babies milk, not out of a factory.
Appreciate you, Mike.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thanks Alex.
God bless you all.
Get those videos at InfoWars.com.
Get the book at InfoWars.com.
Learn what's in your food.
Rebroadcast starts now with all the big important guests we had on today on Key Info.
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