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Name: 20081105_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 5, 2008
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Folks, I'm bummed out because they're openly announcing world government for and by the private banks.
Paying carbon taxes to them.
Ron Paul was on the first hour about that.
Regulations on all banking under them.
They're the people that engineered all this.
Obama's pledged to do that.
He's got some of the grassroots zombie support.
But not a huge mandate like Webster Tarpley said earlier.
So all I would ask Webster in the next hour and twenty-seven minutes where you're sitting today, and I appreciate you doing it, because I've got to go do International TV on Press TV.
All I would ask, and I hope folks will watch that live on the web and record it and put it on YouTube at PressTV.com,
All I would ask, and I'll be on there from two to three central, all I would ask is that you first give people the big picture about the Anglo-American establishment and how the international bankers are setting this up and what this neo-serfdom, feudalism, eugenics is so they understand what it means by sacrifice, you're not going to like what I do, and then break down the mobilization and how we deal with them.
We're live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be streaming that with some images of Obama and things in the background.
Webster Tarpley is in Maryland, right outside D.C., author of the George H.W.
Bush Unauthorized Biography and two books on Obama.
He's going to be sitting in for the next hour and a half.
And again, Webster, you've got the floor.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, and good luck in your work this afternoon.
Give them hell.
This is Webster Tarpley.
I'm here in Washington, D.C., or thereabouts.
And I hope people are to some degree familiar with me.
Let me just introduce myself briefly.
Alex made me promise that I wouldn't try to flog my books too much, but I am the author of Obama, the Postmodern Coup, which is available at the Infowars website.
I'm also the author of Barack H. Obama, the Unauthorized Biography, which I think you can only get at Amazon.com.
And let me just say, I'm very interested to look at the sales of my book in Germany.
The German translation of Obama the Postmodern Coup is now about the number 65 bestseller on Amazon of Germany, meaning that I'm in the top 60 or 70 books in Germany.
So that's interesting that they're going to be at least warned to some degree about what's approaching them.
We're obviously at a historical turning point, and it's unfortunate that it is the making of a world tragedy.
We have taken the leap into the abyss, but there are still lots and lots of things that we need to do about this.
And basically the clarion call that I would like to issue today is, we need to mobilize politically.
Political mobilization is what is needed.
Not other forms of self-defense activity, which, you know, survivalism or what have you.
That will not do it.
These, you know, you can do in your spare time.
But your principal concern ought to be how to mobilize politically, because what we need is something that will amount to a united front against fascism.
In other words, a united front against those economic policies, institutional policies, and foreign policies, too, that can be identified as in the fascist tradition.
And when I talk about fascism, let's use
The Italian fascism of Mussolini, as a good example of that.
It's one that allows us to study the thing a little bit more dispassionately, maybe, than some of the other examples, as people can readily understand.
I would urge people, in addition to reading my books, Obama, the Postmodern Coup, and Barack H. Obama, the Unauthorized Biography, just go to your public library and get any book about Mussolini, any book about fascism, about the history of Italy right after World War I,
The history of the 1920s and 30s.
There are also good books about fascism in general.
The problem that people have today is that the understanding of fascism has been reduced to a very, very low level.
People don't really understand that fascism is not a top-down dictatorship that becomes more and more oppressive.
It is rather a mass movement coming up out of the street.
It's sort of what you've been seeing in these stadiums around the country for the Obama
Stadium appearances, what you saw there in Denver, what you saw there in Oregon or in Philadelphia.
Last night we had a big crowd out there in Grant Park in Chicago.
The oceanic crowd, the orator in the middle, the Massey Mass, preferably at night.
All of these things are very, very disturbing, hearkening back to the political liturgy, the political symbolism of the 1920s.
And the 1930s.
So here's what I suggest we do.
In that hour and a half that I have with you today, I'd like to talk myself for about 30 or 40 minutes, and then we'll go over to phone calls.
I would suggest the following.
First of all, there should be no honeymoon for the fascist corporate state.
We don't need a hundred days honeymoon.
We don't need any honeymoon.
There should be no illusions about this.
People are caught up in the hysteria of Obama,
Don't be.
This is a very grim and very ominous situation we're now in.
We've come out of it, not with the worst of all possible outcomes, but with a bad one.
We've got a one-party state.
We've got the Repo clique, the Reid-Pelosi-Obama clique, now taking over the U.S.
Most of the really bad stuff under Bush, in terms of the wars at least, came under
One-party Republican rule.
That was bad.
Now we're going to have one-party Democratic rule.
I'm afraid that's going to be worse, if only because the world economic depression is going to make it worse.
So no honeymoon, no 100 days.
It's going to be a mockery to compare Obama's 100 days with Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This will be the 100 days in reverse.
This will be payments to bankers, not emergency relief to people that are starving and hurting.
So, no honeymoon.
Secondly, there must be no fascist censorship.
We don't want anybody tampering with the First Amendment.
It has served us very well.
We are, after all, traditionalists.
We have that saving touch of conservatism.
We want
The full freedom guaranteed in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
We don't want to hear about fairness doctrines.
We don't want government bureaucrats tampering with the media.
We don't want Chuck Schumer with his bankrupt argument that pornography is regulated and therefore
Free speech on talk radio ought to be also.
We don't need that.
We need more media diversity, not less.
The Fairness Doctrine is a way to muzzle and censor the mass media.
So we don't want any part of it.
We also don't want hate crime or hate speech legislation.
We don't want politically correct speech codes being rammed down the throat
of the American people.
Watch for Pelosi and her totalitarian liberal cohorts to try to impose things of that nature.
Another very important one, we don't want the institutionalization of governmental or para-governmental fascist militias.
We don't want a Homeland Security Corps of the type that Obama has talked about.
We don't want a Green Corps.
We don't want any of the four or five different kinds
Of quasi-fascist or fascistoid militias, which Obama has proposed to create using public funding.
ACORN is in some ways already a pilot project.
It's a kind of a militia using government money, and you can see what they do, right?
You don't have to expect them to come forward with black shirts or brown shirts, carrying billy clubs and dosing out castor oil to make their opponents sick to their stomach.
It's going to be in a modern form, but we don't want any of these militias.
Now, in terms of economic policy, there will be in the first hundred days the demand for more bailouts.
We've had Jim Cramer, who speaks for the trading desk at Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase.
Jim Cramer on CNBC has called for more bailouts, more money pumped into the edifice of one quadrillion dollars of derivatives.
That Wall Street and their international allies have built up.
We say no to bailouts.
No more bailouts.
And we don't want any part of the federal government to be cannibalized and looted in order to finance these bailouts.
That includes, Kramer, the idea we don't want Social Security looted.
We don't want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid tampered with in order to pay the bills
For George Soros, David Rockefeller, and the boys at Goldman Sachs who have put Barkey into office.
There's also the question of fascist austerity.
You've noticed that under the fascist regimes in Central Europe between the two World Wars, one of the main tasks of the entire government was to drive down the standard of living, to massively transfer
Economic resources out of the hands of the common people and into the hands of bankrupt bankers.
That is what Obama's proposing.
I had to laugh when people talked about Obama as a socialist.
Obama's not a socialist.
This is social fascism.
This is not about distributing wealth to poor people.
This is about gouging everybody and giving Soros and David Rockefeller and Goldman Sachs the proceeds.
It's very, very different.
The chosen method for doing this, of course, requires left cover.
We're now entering into a period of left-cover government, which is different from what we've had under the right-wing reactionary period of Bush, Cheney, and the neocons.
They're going to try to do this with a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system, most likely a cap-and-trade system, which will, in effect, be a huge, unnecessary, totally ideological tax on all forms of production.
This will drive down the standard of living
I don't know.
Uh, pseudo-scientists or quackademics to come forward with their crazy global warming theory.
We know that this is a matter of sunspot activity.
We know that the medieval warm period corresponded to a high level of sunspot activity, the medieval maximum.
We know that the Little Ice Age and the late 1500s and the beginning of the 1600s corresponded to minimums
of solar and sunspot activity.
So, this is just crazy.
This is pseudoscience.
This is as bad as it gets in terms of junk science, pseudoscience, and the sort of thing, again, that we saw in Central Europe between the two world wars.
Another no is no to free trade sellouts.
We don't need any expansion of NAFTA.
We don't want CAFTA.
We don't want the authority of the international
We're good to go.
And in many ways, the biggest warmonger of them all, although McCain's foolish bluster sometimes obscured that fact.
So, it is a question of no to a confrontation with Russia, no confrontation with China, no attack on Sudan, no escalation of the Afghan war, no attack on Pakistan, because that is the secret of that one.
Notice that the one head of state, head of government around the world, who has spoken up sharply against the Obama hysteria.
A clear, bright warning comes from Russian President Medvedev and his associate, Prime Minister Putin of Russia.
And they are simply saying, don't put your missiles into Poland.
Don't start the Polish missile crisis.
It is going to be similar to the Cuban
missile crisis.
It is a threat to peace and security in the world.
We don't need it.
We don't need the radar to go into the Czech Republic.
We don't need the missiles to go into Poland.
This is an incalculable folly.
If Obama wants to prove his goodwill, if he wants to show that he represents hope and change, I would recommend that he do the following.
He has expressed some
Caveats, maybe some skepticism about this Polish missile deployment and the Czech phased array early warning radar.
Why don't we just cancel those, Barkey?
Why don't we just say, we will not have missiles in Poland, we will not have this modern radar put into the Czech Republic.
Let's avoid a needless international confrontation.
Let us tell the Vice President-elect Biden, if that's really what he is,
To stop his insane, hysterical calls for an invasion of Sudan, the biggest country in Africa.
The country which, when the imperialist armies go there, they often don't come back.
You remember that movie about General Gordon of the British at Khartoum and all the trouble that he had never got out of there, as it turned out.
We don't want to extend war to an entirely new continent.
We don't need to have Africa in flames.
Now that the Middle East is in flames, let us turn away from the path of confrontation.
Naturally, Obama is committed to escalating the Afghan war.
Biden has been leading the charge for the attack on Sudan.
I don't believe there will be an attack on Iran.
I'll be surprised if that comes about.
I think that the Obama-Brezhinski strategy will be to try to turn Iran
Against Russia and against other countries to use them as a pawn rather than to make them into the target of confrontation.
Totally different approach.
The other question is Pakistan.
Obama during the campaign, in particular in Chicago in July of last year, was the first to demand a reckless and irresponsible unilateral policy of bombing the hell out of Northwest
That is now reality.
The goal of that, of course, is not any nonsense about Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, the War on Terror, or any of this foolish, discredited mythology.
It is for the purpose of breaking up Pakistan.
Instead of having one Pakistan, they'd like to have five or six.
Instead of dealing with a single government in Islamabad, armed with nuclear weapons, with medium-range nuclear missiles of some sort, to deliver them, they want to have
Four or five different micro-states or mini-states, that's the terminology that Big New Brzezinski likes to use in his books, would be dealing with Waziristan, Pushtunistan, Beluchistan, Sindh, and other micro-states or mini-states.
None of those would be big enough to stand up to ExxonMobil or JPMorgan Chase.
So this is now the task.
In terms of the time frame,
We've got two, I think, two kinds of time frames we can look at.
One is the time between, well actually three then, between now and the election.
We've got the assembling of the new regime, right, the transition.
We've already got one signed.
Obama has now named Rahm Emanuel, a corrupt
Political hack.
Congressman from Chicago.
Veteran of the Clinton White House.
Rahm Emanuel will be the new White House Chief of Staff.
This is about as bad as it could be.
Rahm Emanuel was on the dark side of the Clinton White House.
He is a member of the Illinois Bipartisan Combine.
That means the joint operation by Republicans and Democrats to loot the people of Chicago, to loot the state of Illinois.
This is what went on.
This is the thing that Barkey comes out of.
Obama is somebody who has swum and cavorted in the cesspool of filth, corruption, and graft of the Illinois bipartisan combine.
Rahm Emanuel is also somebody who spent the first Gulf War as a volunteer for the Israeli Defense Force.
This is not a good choice.
We'll be back in a minute.
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But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.s.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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I think so.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Program.
This is Webster Tarpley here in Washington, D.C.
sitting in as guest host this afternoon for Alex.
Again, what I'm proposing now is political mobilization.
During the time of the transition, during the first hundred days,
And essentially for the next two years, there will be a congressional election in two years, if the institutional arrangements remain as they have been.
That's been fairly reliable in American history.
We've had these congressional elections, the midterm elections, where you'll be able to register your opinions about this new regime.
Uh, so we've got the transition.
We've got, uh, the first very bad sign, Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff, a corrupt member of the Illinois Bipartisan Combine.
That is the area otherwise inhabited by such figures as Tony Rescoe, Nadkimi Ouchi, uh, Al Samari, and others, along with, uh, Janulius, and, uh, Tony George, Gorengo,
And all the rest of them.
The cesspool of corruption in which Obama has been bathing and cavorting and frolicking during his entire career.
Multi-ethnic corruption.
There's all kinds of ethnic groups in it, but it's the Illinois bipartisan combine.
Republicans and Democrats can join to loot
The people of Illinois, that seems to be the kind of bipartisanship that Obama likes best.
There will be a fight about other appointments, right?
The Plumb Book comes out.
For example, who's going to be Secretary of State?
Will it be the effete snob John Kerry, Senator Kerry of Massachusetts, with his wife,
Whose parents were servants of the Portuguese fascist dictatorship of Salazar, with his wife, Teresa Hines-Carrie, who comes from the heart of the foundation world, which is otherwise the world that has produced Obama, the product of the Ford Foundation, the Gamaliel Foundation, the Woods Fund, the Joyce Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, and his close friend Bernardine Dorn gets her money from the MacArthur Foundation, the
Evil social engineering, the manipulation, the fragmentation, the divide and conquer strategies of these foundations.
Anyway, will it be Kerry?
Or will it be Richard Holbrooke, the mad bomber of Serbia?
In 1999, the Russophobe, the Russia hater, who decided to make a terrible example of Serbia with 60 to 70 days of bombing in the spring of 1999 in order to show the Russians the true brutality of US and British imperialism.
It looks like a fight between Holbrooke and Kerry for Secretary of State.
Wesley Clark, the other mad bomber
Of course.
Wesley Clark may be in the running, but his chemistry with Barkey doesn't seem to be too good.
So you'll have all kinds of struggles about these appointments.
And perhaps during this time already, we'll begin to see the falling out among thieves.
In other words, the Obama corruption conveyance that they have all jumped onto.
People like David Wilhelm out there in
In Illinois, that this will prove to be not enough.
In other words, there's not enough goodies to go around for all of the various thugs and goons who have jumped on the barky bandwagon.
So we'll see some of that.
Then we'll get into the 100 days.
There will obviously be an attempt to try to stage unprecedented hysteria.
We've got to be ready for that, and then we've got to be ready to hold out for two years.
Until the next election.
Back in a minute.
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Waging War on Corruption!
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network!
Welcome back!
This is the Alex Jones Program, but I'm Webster Toffley here in Washington, D.C.
sitting in for Alex this afternoon.
As guest host, and we've obviously got a lot to cover, the new regime.
We've had the, uh, Obamageddon.
Obamageddon has occurred, and we're still standing, and we still intend to resist the attempt to transform the U.S.
economy and institutions in what can only be called a fascist, neo-fascist, fascistoid, social fascist
Direction, might as well call it a plain old fascist direction.
Notice that the American people are still majority anti-fascist.
48%, even according to the official statistics, 48% have rejected Obama.
This is not a landslide.
This is nothing like LBJ defeating Goldwater.
This is nothing like
Nixon defeating McGovern.
It's nothing like Reagan defeating Carter.
Nothing like Reagan defeating Mondale.
In those cases, the losers came out with two, three, four, five states.
This is nothing like that.
This is an evenly divided country.
Notice that there is no debate in the hysterical, controlled Wall Street media.
No debate at all about the mandate.
Well, there is no mandate.
There's no mandate for Obama to do anything.
First of all, because if we add in the acorn and related vote fraud, right?
Remembering that this time around, in sharp contrast to 2000 and 2004, the ruling class, the finance oligarchs, have decreed that the vote fraud machines will be
Geared up in favor of the Democrat.
This is, of course, the oligarchical consensus in favor of Obama.
Obama being the candidate of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger Group, the Rand Corporation, the Chicago School of Economics, the Skull and Bones people, and the foundations, above all, the foundations.
They have decreed that this time around, vote fraud is in favor of Obama, clearly.
There's also the media hysteria, the unprecedented corruption of the various Wall Street media whores, falling all over themselves with their fawning adulation, never daring to question the utopian and messianic rhetoric of the new Messiah.
But even in the face of all of this, almost half have rejected Obama, and I think if we had an honest vote count, which we're unlikely to ever get, we'd find that it's
If not 50-50, it might even be 51-49 against Obama.
Some of these states, of course, were very, very close.
Wherever it was that close, you'd have to look into acorn vote fraud.
But since McCain has cravenly capitulated, we're very, very unlikely to ever get accurate vote counts in those areas.
So, the first thing we have to remember is Obama is not a legitimate president.
There is no legitimacy here.
He is another tenant of the White House.
It's unfortunate.
For the past eight years, we've had a tenant of the White House.
We've got another tenant of the White House.
We do not have a constitutionally legitimized presidency.
One of the reasons for this is the questions about Obama's birth and citizenship have never been answered.
We should, obviously, keep raising the demand in order to underline his illegitimacy, if nothing else.
That Obama has to show the full, detailed, vault copy of his birth certificate.
We demand to see it.
It's not enough to assure us that he was born in this or that hospital in Hawaii.
There are very credible, detailed reports that he was born in Kenya, he is a citizen of Kenya, and after that he transferred his citizenship.
To Indonesia.
He apparently never became an American citizen.
So we've now got an illegal alien in the White House.
Historical models come to mind.
In France, it was a Corsican.
In Germany, it was an Austrian.
And now in the U.S., it seems to be a Kenyan.
So maybe we're following in those footsteps.
Let's hope not.
Let's mobilize to stop it.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Program.
I'm Webster Copley here in Washington, DC, sitting in for Alex this afternoon.
Just looking ahead now, we've got to mobilize what amounts to a united front
Against fascism.
We'll find a better name for that as time goes on.
It will grow out of the mobilization itself, I'm sure.
Obama's not legitimate.
He's a usurper.
He's a new tenant of the White House.
He has not produced his detailed birth certificate.
We don't know who he is.
We don't know what his name is.
We don't know where he's from.
McCain has let us down, obviously.
McCain needed to talk about
The citizenship issue.
McCain needed to call attention to the efforts of Philip J. Berg of Philadelphia at the Supreme Court.
I was there with him last Thursday afternoon when the paperwork went in to Justice Souter of the Supreme Court.
That was disallowed then on the late afternoon of the Monday of this week before the election.
This issue remains open as long as we have the colorable
The claim of a illegal alien in the White House, this issue remains open and it's a perfectly legitimate constitutional issue.
What's the big objection to Bush and Cheney?
They trampled on the Constitution.
Let's start respecting the Constitution.
And of course, if you want to get your hand on the thermonuclear button, which is what Obama is now approaching, we get to know everything about you.
We get to know every detail of your life.
There's no such thing as a private sphere.
The other question that McCain let us down on are the Larry Sinclair allegations.
The question of, well, what Larry Sinclair has talked about, encounters in November of 1999 with Obama indulging in crack cocaine.
Those are the charges that were made, and therefore, this also has got to be dealt with.
McCain has let us down.
Most of all, perhaps, McCain forfeited his moral claim to the presidency when he voted in favor
of the infamous 700 billion dollar bailout for Wall Street derivatives.
McCain needed to separate himself from Bush.
What better way to do it than to reject with a spectacular gesture
The bankrupt bailout policy.
He could have said no to that, and with Obama voting for it, McCain could then have pointed out that all of Obama's promises about middle class tax cuts and health care that will never be realized, because Obama has given away $700 billion with his vote in the Senate before he ever gets to the White House.
So this is simply not going to happen.
If we want to look ahead, though, let's look ahead through the transition period.
We may have, you know, economic crisis obviously coming back during the transition.
We're going to have possible confrontations starting quite soon.
But the 100 days will then be the big push.
They'll try to have the Fairness Doctrine, institutionalize these militias, have new bailouts imposed, cap and trade, new free trade systems, loot Social Security,
And at the same time the foreign policy establishment will move towards confrontation with Russia.
New false flag events are not ruled out simply because those are now possible once again once we have
The beatific personality of Obama to come forward and say the bomb went off, country X did it, therefore we are going to be at war with country X. Bush and Cheney had long since lost that capability.
There are a lot of people in the ruling elite who think that with Obama, they've got it back, they may try it.
Let's us be ready to undercut that kind of nonsense.
The question of a new 9-11 comes back on the table from the moment that they've got Obama in the White House.
To talk about this stuff.
Otherwise, we can go back to the Carter model.
I've written about this in Obama, The Postmodern Coup.
There's a good 30 or 40 page history of the Carter regime.
It was catastrophic.
It was made up of members of the Trilateral Commission.
Carter immediately got into trouble with Congress, and I think Obama will too, even though Carter, of course, had big Democratic majorities in the way that Obama does.
When you run as the Savior and the Anointed One, you're not asking for a mandate for any specific set of policies.
What is Obama's program?
Well, it's to be the Savior.
What is Obama's base?
It's personality cultists for Obama.
There's no issue really involved, hope and change.
The problem with that is that once you get into power and you actually have to make concrete decisions, every time you make one, you're turning off half or a third or a very large proportion of your base.
Obama has served as a screen for the projection of the fantasies and wishes of a whole bunch of left liberal lemmings and other people in the population.
That will rapidly come to an end once he gets into the White House, if he does, and has to make these
Uh, decisions.
So, that will be a problem.
There's also the megalomania inherent in Obama.
The guy is an egomaniac.
His habitual position is looking down his nose at the rest of the world.
He is an elitist.
He's an oligarch.
He's a typical product of the foundation funded overclass.
Uh, so that is not going to make for good relations with various people in the Congress.
So we can look at Carter.
Carter peaked
In terms of his popularity, at the end of his 100 days, and after that, Carter went down, down, down.
And within 12 months after the 100 days were over, Carter had lost 25 points in the polls.
He was an unpopular president by the spring of 19... let's see, it was 1978.
And he never regained his popularity except for a kind of rally around the flag when the hostages in Iran were taken, which was of course one of the operations of the Carter administration itself.
So the 100 days, we've got to get through the 100 days.
Try to block some of this legislation.
Look around for institutional
Support in that.
48-49% of the American people reject Obama.
There still is a Republican Party.
There's still a significant group of Republican Senators.
They can be forced to block some of this legislation.
You're basically dealing with two gangs.
One gang is now much stronger.
One gang is weaker.
You've obviously got to try to play the weaker gang against the stronger gang and try to avoid the worst at that point.
The goal is gridlock.
The goal is partisan paralysis.
The goal is a situation where nothing gets through the Congress.
If we could guarantee that, that's what we would like to have.
So, that's the 100 days.
After that, we'll have to get through two years.
Some people suggest that there might be a false flag attempt to try to refurbish Obama's image.
That's, of course, a clear possibility.
The other thing we need to look at, let's look back at Mussolini.
This is a distant mirror, but I think this is unfortunately one of the more accurate ones.
Mussolini, you'll remember, took power in October 1922 with the March on Rome.
It could have easily been dispersed, but the king demanded that Mussolini be allowed to form a government.
Now, Mussolini had to govern with a coalition.
He had fascists, nationalists, conservatives, liberals, Catholics.
And this was a problem for him.
Obama, look, if you look at it, it seems like they're all Democrats, but within the Democrats, there are different groups.
There are some conservative Democrats, there are blue dogs, the old boll weevils, whatever you want to call them.
There are also New Deal types, like Marcy Kaptur.
There are different factions inside the House Democrats, and even the House, the Senate Democrats.
Not all of them
Are part of the Obama Kool-Aid drinking personality cult.
There will be some resistance, some friction there, I would think, depending on what he does.
In the case of Mussolini, he concentrated during the first couple of years on changing the election laws.
That was one side of it.
I think with Obama we're going to see an attempt to use the Fairness Doctrine and various kinds of hate crime or hate speech regulations to try to suppress political dissent.
So that would be the modern analog to what Mussolini was doing then.
The other thing is the militias.
Mussolini created, in the first year that he was in power, the Voluntary National Security Militia.
It sounds exactly like the Homeland Security Corps and the Green Corps and these other things that Obama is talking about.
And I believe this is probably conscious, not on the part of Obama, but on the part of others.
There's also, with Mussolini, the fight to consolidate a dictatorship.
You don't immediately get a dictatorship.
in a parliamentary system or even more so in the u.s.
system therefore there's a fight to make the dictatorship stick right to put it together and try to suppress dissent in the parliament in the congress and in public opinion remember fascist invasion is a process by which
The various institutions of society, political parties, trade unions, sports clubs, regional associations, any kind of institution that allows people to act together is a means by which a regime can be resisted.
And therefore, fascism tends to go after those and try to weaken them.
And in this country, I think talk radio would be one of the prominent ones.
In Italy in 1924, in the midst of Mussolini tampering with the election laws, there emerged a single figure of resistance, a guy called Matteotti, who was then assassinated by people sympathetic to Mussolini.
So, look for various individuals in various institutions coming to personify the resistance against this new regime.
One of the mistakes that they made in Italy was that they did not understand the need to unite.
They had all kinds of people who didn't like the fascist regime, but they were always squabbling and quibbling about this or that ideological point.
You need to get over that relatively rapidly and form a coherent opposition front around mainly this list of no's.
That's the easiest thing, is to be able to agree on what you don't want.
No bailouts, no fairness doctrine, no militias,
Uh, and so forth.
No confrontation with Russia, China, and so on down the line.
The other thing that happened with Mussolini in the course of his consolidation of the dictatorship was a large part of the Italian Parliament just got up and left.
They left the Italian Parliament and they went to the Abintine Hill, right?
One of the seven hills of Rome, and they set up their own
Opposition counter-parliament.
This did not work well.
This is a topic we don't want to imitate.
But the bottom line is, it took Mussolini two to three years before he was able to consolidate a dictatorship.
So it means that all is not lost.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Webster Tarpley here in Washington, D.C.
I am Alex's guest host standing in for him.
Today, this afternoon, I'm the author of Obama, the Postmodern Coup and Obama, the Unauthorized Biography.
The Postmodern Coup, you can get it at Infowars.com.
The Unauthorized Biography, you've got to go to Amazon.com.
And I'm happy to say that the German edition of the Postmodern Coup is number 65 on Amazon.
of Germany, meaning that it's the best-seller, it's the number one book on the U.S.
election that people are turning to, and I hope they watch out, because it is a warning to people in Europe.
Don't be made into a kamikaze puppet for Zbigniew Brzezinski's apocalyptic confrontation and settling of accounts with Russia, because that's what he wants to do.
Wipe out Russia, wipe out China, and the Anglo-American empire can go on for another hundred years.
Just to sum up, the way to think about the current time, I think, is to go back to this Mussolini model.
October 1922, March on Rome.
It's a bunch of ragtag goons and hooligans.
It's sort of like the stuff we see with Obama, but it's a pretext to make Mussolini then the Prime Minister.
In the first year that he's in power, he creates the Voluntary National Security Militia.
So, learn something from that.
No militias, no volunteer groups under any circumstances.
And at the same time, he's tampering with the election law.
Today, it would be tampering with free speech under the Fairness Doctrine and other pretexts that these totalitarian liberals, politically correct fanatics, may come up with.
In 1924, we have the emergence of resistance around this Matteotti, who is then liquidated.
So, political assassinations coming forward.
Then we have the crushing of the opposition inside the Parliament.
This is the so-called Aventine succession.
And after that, by 1925, Italy is in effect a one-party state.
So it takes two years plus to get to that.
By December of 1925, Mussolini is head of government.
It means he doesn't have to turn to the Parliament to get a majority anymore.
And by 1928, all the other parties
Except the fascist party are banned.
So that's about a timetable.
That's a timetable of five to six years.
The crisis today, of course, is the stock market is reminding us, even as we speak, this is obviously a very acute crisis.
Maybe our institutions are a little bit stronger.
The concept of the Constitution is stronger, I think, in the American people than in the Italians of those days.
Let's hope so.
We're going to need every bit of help we can get.
So I urge people now to think about developing that kind of a perspective.
The transition, the hundred days, and then the two years.
Looking forward to essentially ending the one-party state by November of the year 2010, two years from now.
I urge people, don't look to any established political party or faction to do this for you.
You will have to do this yourself.
People should begin to look around for Congressional seats, and indeed Senate seats, that they can compete for in the coming years.
And that means having a two-year perspective towards November of 2010 to take back the government.
The goal of all of this is not to get government out of your lives, it's to get you into the government, that you take over the government and run it according to the needs of the American people, which are, of course, constitutional government, the continuation of freedom, and economic recovery, conducted under the all-important General Welfare Clause of the Preamble.
To the U.S.
Alex kids me.
He calls me a liberal.
I'm not a liberal.
I'm an American system traditionalist.
This is the main line of American history.
The Governor Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Benjamin Franklin, the founder of the Post Office, Alexander Hamilton, without whom the country would have collapsed within the first 10 to 15 years when the British had us on their death watch, Henry Clay of Kentucky, who coined the term the American System, meaning a protective tariff, internal improvements, a national bank, and the promotion of science.
That's the big influence, of course, on Lincoln, along with Matthew Carey,
And Henry Carey, we then have the prairie populists of the 1880s and 1890s, the Omaha Convention, which is the same idea.
Get you into the government.
You take over the government.
Mobilize politically.
Don't go into the wilderness and live in a hut, but go to Washington and take over the Congress.
Because if these people can do it, by God, anybody can.
If that guy can become president, then anybody can get into the Congress.
And then, of course, the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the attempted revival of that, the New Frontier of John F. Kennedy.
That's the American tradition.
That is what we have to work with.
And I urge you to mobilize, even if you don't agree with all of that, mobilize to take over the Congress in November of 2010.
And this means you.
We're on the march.
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As we've been trotting on the wine spread, much too long, street girls,
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Program.
This is Webster Tarpley in Washington, D.C.
filling in, or attempting to fill in, for Alex this afternoon.
Let me just sum it up.
You've got to look for means of institutional resistance.
You've got about half of the American people who don't like the new regime.
This is no landslide.
There is no mandate for any kind of radical change.
Nothing of that sort.
It's essentially another
Close to a draw.
50-50 situation.
This is not a permanent realignment to the party system in any way, shape, or form.
It all depends on the figure of Barkey Obama, who won't be there forever.
He can't be the center of a 40-year cycle.
Same thing would have been true with McCain.
It means that the party realignment remains open.
The question of the permanent majority, one way or the other, remains open.
Look around for possible institutional resistance.
Look for those Republicans in the Congress.
Look for conservative Democrats.
Look for some New Deal Democrats.
The kind of combination that came together in the House against the bailout the first time around is your guideline, I would say.
And of course, don't forget the Supreme Court.
Nobody's used to looking to the Supreme Court for anything.
Positive these days, what with Robert Toledo, Thomas, and Scalia running around there.
But, you know, lots of things have turned into their opposite this year.
And maybe some of these characters will too, right?
That is the genius of the founders, right?
That John Adams, dead for 200 years and more, is more powerful than some of these little schemers like Axelrod, Plouffe, and Favreau.
We now have time for some calls.
We have lines open at 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
So let's go right to your calls.
Let's go to William in Texas.
Welcome, William.
I'd love to listen to you, but the first hour is always the hardest.
After you've talked for about an hour, you get a little fatigued and tired, and you fall under the heading of easy listening, which I love.
But your work, man, your IQ is, I think, obviously higher than most of the audience, because you are a wealth of information, and you are firing with both barrels, certainly initially.
You've got a lot to say, and that's a good thing.
So look, did I convince you to do anything is the point.
You've got to bear with me.
I've been on the radio probably more hours in the past 48 than I care to mention.
So if I get a little bit hoarse, you've got to bear with me.
This is warfare, my friend.
This is war.
Tell me about your plans to run for Congress.
I'm sorry?
Tell me about your plans to run for Congress.
You're not going to sit there like a literary critic and say, well, the voice was a little bit hoarse in the upper registers.
What are you going to do?
Well, you know, I've really thought about this a lot, and I can tell you that how I feel and from what I see, I think there were more people that voted against the other opponent than voted for.
I think you're right.
I think you're right, but we've got acorn vote fraud and we've got the mass brainwashing.
This was a postmodern coup.
This was a CIA people power coup.
I wrote a book about it.
It's called Obama the Postmodern Coup.
It's the same thing they did in Kiev.
They did it in Tiflis.
They tried to do it in Beirut.
Interestingly in Beirut, they couldn't do it.
If you have an actual mass organization, which in that case was Hezbollah, there's no way around it.
Hezbollah stopped them cold.
If we had a mass organization, we could stop them cold, too.
Obviously, it wouldn't be Hezbollah, but you get the idea.
Well, I think, though, that in looking at the states that carried, that voted against, I don't want to say it the other way, that voted against Obama,
I've lived in a majority of those states in my years, and I know how those people are.
And if they think that there's going to be any kind of Obama honeymoon here, they are totally too far up in their ivory towers and out of touch.
It's not that Obama is so great.
It looks to me like it's just that George Bush is that bad.
Sure thing.
Thank you for your call, William.
We look forward to you coming forward politically.
Obviously, there were countercurrents, right?
One current was the hatred of Bush, Cheney, the neocons, the desire to punish the Republicans for their deregulation agenda, for letting the derivatives monsters run wild.
Then, of course, there was a countercurrent, which was the fear and loathing
Of the unknown Obama, with all of the very, very sordid and unsavory associations that he brought in.
So, I think yes, there is an anti-fascist majority in this country.
Anyway, that's the historical bet we've got to place.
Place a bet on the fact that the American people are still anti-fascist in spite of all of this brainwashing, 9-11, Iraq War, and so forth.
This is the anti-fascist country par excellence, and we don't want to forget it.
Let's remind people the lines are open at 1-800-259-9231, and let's go to Sean in California.
Hey, Webster, just a couple of quick comments and then a question.
Excellent intro into Obama, and specifically what to be aware of in terms of his policies and how to start to combat them.
But, um, just two quick comments.
You know, I find continued discussion of Obama's citizenship status and his passions and drugs really, really futile and mostly a diversion and waste of energy.
I mean, we've got bigger things to worry about, and I'm concerned that those are going to be used as divisive and diversionary tactics.
Look, just on that, I think any issue is legitimate, and again,
Some guy said to me, it sounds like you want to have the Napoleonic Code, where you're considered guilty until you're proven innocent.
For presidential candidates, we want the Napoleonic Code.
In other words, you've got to prove to us.
You want to get your hand on the thermonuclear button.
You want to get the launch code.
You've got to prove to us.
Therefore, the burden of proof is on Obama.
You want to be considered a U.S.
You want us, you want this to shut up and go away.
As Phil Berg said repeatedly, bring out the birth certificate.
Why is this so hard?
And I don't, I'm not in the business of declaring any issue off the table.
You've obviously, you've got a pretty heterogeneous, right, different, uh,
Groups that are coming together now in fear of Obama, want to resist him.
Every one of those will bring its own outlook.
In other words, for some people, the issue of the illegal alien is going to be the big one.
That's not the case for me, but fine.
All of this stuff is on the table, right?
It's a smorgasbord of reasons.
Any reason to oppose Obama is a good one.
Um, well, I would just say prioritize.
I mean, I think we're in a situation now where we really gotta stay focused, and so prioritization is really key, and focusing on that one issue I don't think is gonna... Now that you do that, I gave you about a dozen issues that I think are more important, but this obviously remains.
Look, the Constitution, think of it.
We had a terrible civil war.
I think we've gotta learn from that.
If you don't have the Constitution, you may have civil war.
I'll take the Constitution, and it says in there
Natural-born citizen, and I don't think he is.
So, if he wants to shut us up, bring forward the birth certificate.
And let's push on.
Okay, well let me go back to what I think is a bigger issue here, and that is... We've got a situation now where... What was the vote?
You've got 47% of the population voted for him across the country, something like that?
Well, those are the official figures.
We've got a factor in acorn vote fraud, right?
We've got the graveyard vote, we've got the Axelrod, Ploof, Daily, Machine...
So, factor that in too.
I think it's about 50-50.
Or maybe anti-fascist 51.
I think what concerns me the most is we've got now some 40-odd percent of the population who have really become just Obama bots.
Who are now looking at this man as some sort of deity.
Now, of course, the mass media has done a lot of work to present him as such.
So we've got a situation where the rest of us, or some subset of the rest of us, who are actually thinking clearly,
We now have an administration, an incredibly powerful administration in private industry.
We've got a battle.
But we've got some 40-odd percent left-wing fruitcakes who view this candidacy.
We also have to fight who will be the perfect candidates as brownshirts going forward.
How in the heck are we going to deal with that mess?
Yeah, look, I think you're much too pessimistic.
The Obama vote total is not composed
Exclusively or even primarily of the Kool-Aid drinking, fanatical, lemming, personality cultist.
It's not.
There's probably a group, I mean it seems to me that it's the left liberals who are the worst offenders in this regard, right?
Which is maybe 10 or 15 percent.
A lot of those people who voted for Obama did so in desperation
Because they're looking for a way out of this terrible economic situation.
Now, the Republicans didn't help.
The Republicans had ads.
I was, you know, listening to the ones for the battleground state of Virginia.
The Republicans were saying, if you vote for Obama, government-sponsored health care is on its way.
Well, a lot of people hear that and they'll say, hallelujah, I need health care, I don't care who's giving it to me, don't tell me about free enterprise and
You know, the Austrian school.
We need health care, not lectures about economic theory.
So the Republicans, by their primitive and stupid economic propaganda, have played into this.
A lot of people really think that Obama is going to redistribute the wealth.
A lot of those people are hurting.
Now, naturally, he's not going to do that.
The wealth will be redistributed into the pockets of Soros and Rockefeller and Rohattan and Rubin and Goldman Sachs.
That's going to be the reality.
But I would not, in a million years, say that there's half of the American people who are in the Lemming category of the Kool-Aid Obama drinkers.
I'd say it's more like 10 or 15 percent.
There is the special case of the black community where you can understand the mechanisms that were involved.
It's unfortunate, right?
There was a demagogic ploy aimed at them as well.
Some of them have succumbed.
Not all.
There are very important black voices.
Glenn Ford, who's talked about Obama as the war hoe.
There are authoritative, there's people like Kedi Awadu at the LIB Network in Los Angeles, who's been very, very critical, and a number of others.
But I would not be pessimistic.
In other words, the 50% that seem to support Obama are the ones who have projected their wishes onto this blank slate.
As soon as he gets into office, he's going to start losing large chunks, both on his left and on his right, because of the things that he's going to do.
I hope you're right.
I just looked back to Clinton and gave him quite a few years of free reign.
Listen, I don't know where you get this.
The only thing we can say about Clinton is that he was better than Bush the Elder, better than Dole, and better than Bush the Younger.
And the idea that Clinton was somehow the end of the world
Forget it, there's just no comparison between Clinton and Obama.
You can compare Obama to Carter, but then as soon as you've said Carter, you've got to say, yes, like Carter, but a hundred or a thousand times worse.
That's your real connection.
Obama, in some ways, is the most corrupt candidate since Aaron Burr.
You've got to go way back to get something comparable to Obama.
Last comment, if you like.
Um, I just, yeah, I'll disagree with you on that.
They came out of it.
These guys are all the same boat.
Um, you know, just because one's, one's ruling one war and one's ruling the other, it doesn't really matter.
Here's the difference.
Thank you for your call.
We got to push on, but let me just, this comment in transition.
The big difference is who has a fascist mass movement or who has something that looks like a fascist mass movement.
Clinton never had this.
Nor did Bush the Elder, nor did Bush the Younger.
McCain had no movement.
There was no group in the population that was fanatically, hysterically devoted to the personality cult of McCain.
That is what made McCain more attractive.
It made him a lesser evil because he was, quite frankly, weaker.
He didn't have the 200,000 German lemmings at the Brandenburg Gate.
He could not inflame Africa to kick out the Chinese.
He couldn't do any of that.
As an imperialist, as a strikebreaker, as an austerity enforcer,
McCain was just weaker up and down the line.
We would have been better off with McCain, no matter what, how evil his subjective intentions might have been.
And now you're gonna see what it's like when you get the power of the executive combined with this aspect of the fascist mass movement.
Now, let me stress, it's a theatrical movement.
It's not a real movement.
It's not, you know, like some, you know, worker-based left-wing party that can put, you know, real
People into the streets in a serious way.
It's the sort of, well, the stuff you saw on TV last night in Grant Park.
But that's enough to allow the media to go to work and use that for mass brainwashing purposes.
So that's the problem we face.
How about John in Ohio?
You still with us, John?
Yes, I am, Webster.
I think you say some wonderful things, but I do have some differences.
I do believe that we can't pander to some of these right-wing attitudes.
I think the best way of exposing and attacking Obama's false face is to link him with exactly the policies of the people
Who voted for him out of hatred for the Bush-Cheney team, showing on every issue, from the police state to the wars, that he's every bit as much a reactionary warmonger as these gangsters are, and he's going to be more slick.
And if we link him to the fact that the Project for a New American Century had not only those Middle East countries as their targets to dominate the world, but only as a first step
As a lever against China and Russia.
This was their plan of the PNEC neocons.
And this is now being carried out in its second phase by Obama.
And I think if we show that his warmongering, as you very eloquently do, is even more dangerous, because it's simply the extension of the Bush-Cheney operation.
And if we constantly link
To the people who voted for him because of hatred for Bush and Cheney, I think that's a good approach.
And I also resent this idea that, you know, pandering to some of these right-wing attitudes like Jerome Corsi, bottom feeders like that, because I think those people are exactly perpetrating the kinds of attitudes, the kind of hysteria against Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, and China.
We can't deal with these people because they are using their attacks of Obama in an exactly inverted way, calling him ridiculously a socialist.
Socialists detest Obama's policies.
WSWS.org and others have been pointing out constantly that he's just the new face and that he is the man of the financial elite.
They even quoted, for instance, the elite economist in Financial Times of London saying that
Everybody should vote for Obama because he will put a better face, a more effective face, on the policies of the elite.
So I think we've got to constantly link Obama with the hated Bush and Cheney policies, and I think this is the best way to go.
I just feel that any pandering to some of these right-wingers is actually playing into their hands.
No pandering here.
John, thank you for your call.
We've just got a breakdown.
We'll be back in a minute to wrap up, I believe.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is actually Webster Tarpley fielding in this afternoon for Alex from the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
In answer to the last caller, I have to defend Corsi.
Naturally, Corsi's stuff about Iran I wouldn't agree with.
But Corsi's book on Obama performed an important public service.
It has limits that I would regard as the ideology.
I would say the way to deal with Obama is to tell the truth.
It's unfortunately the case that his ideological matrix is that of neo-fascism, and this is true, and it's also better politics.
It would have served the Republicans better, but they obviously were just incapable
of doing this, but within the limits of what he did, of course he performed an important public service, and of course Obama is an exponent, not just of escalated wars in Afghanistan, Sudan, and vis-a-vis Russia, China, but by voting for the FISA law, he gave this retroactive immunity to the telecoms.
Look, we've got three callers left.
Let's give each caller 30 seconds.
You talk 30 seconds, I'll try to answer you in 30, and we'll get all three in.
Let's go to Daryl in Hawaii.
You've got half a minute.
Okay, let's go to Don in New York City.
I just wanted to ask a quick question.
How would, uh, how would Obama get, uh, how would he, what would he use to fight against our Second Amendment rights?
And how would he do this?
Like, what laws would he pass?
And stuff like that.
What are we talking about?
Gun control?
Yes, Obama's plan for gun control.
Okay, he comes out with a good thing called the Joyce Foundation.
And the Joyce Foundation is one of the ones that represents the ruling class commitment to gun control as a blanket federal regulation.
And you want to see what Obama's going to do, don't listen to the words coming out of Obama's mouth, but go to the website
of the Joyce Foundation and look at the kind of stuff that they've been doing.
Probably on the Joyce Foundation website, you can figure out who Obama's principal advisor is in areas of gun control.
It's always better to listen to the advisors.
If you listen to Obama, you get rhetoric.
If you listen to the advisors, they'll tell you what he's going to do, like Brzezinski, who says it's time to get tough with Russia.
So that, I think, would be the guide.
How about, we have a caller, I think, Ronnie in Texas.
I ran in 2000 to defeat your lab dog Lloyd Doggett, but you were challenging us to participate, and I'm proud to do so.
But anyway, Clinton, and I disagree with you, I think Clinton is still an evil, traitorous stooge for Zionism, and really only to be topped by the Cheney-Bush regime.
And look out for Vice President- What?
As one of our callers was saying, you cannot essentially start saying, I won't cooperate with Corsi because of his biography or this or that.
In the case of these politicians, you're playing one against another.
In other words, think of it as using an instrument.
The ambition and the hatred felt by Bill and Hillary against Obama might be an asset.
Don't rule it out.
That's all I'm saying.
Okay, I misunderstood you, but I was just also going to say that Joe Build-A-Burger Biden is really the one, the control agent.
He keeps Obama in line.
Obama doesn't, there's not a chance we're going to get anything good out of Obama because, like I said, Joe Biden's been a Build-A-Burger for literally decades.
Quite right.
And so if people would learn about that, then I'd Google Build-A-Burger and he'd be a
Okay, well that's what Obama is.
I'm afraid we've run out of time.
Thank you, Ronnie.
It's the Bilderberger Primateral Rand Corporation Regime.
Joe Biden, of course, from the PNA Credit Card Gouging.
Remember, Obama the Postmodern Coup here at Infowars.
And Obama the Unauthorized Biography at Amazon.com.
And I thank Alex for letting me sit in for him this afternoon.
And remember,
More than ever, get active or get radioactive!