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Name: 20081030_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 30, 2008
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I've been warned.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
We just went live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson has posted an extremely important article
Up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It needs to go out everywhere.
Exposure of this may have some bearing on stopping it.
It's all over European press, French, German.
It's all over the Chinese press.
Very, very important.
It's going up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Right now, Rand Corporation, highest level of Pentagon planning.
Wanting to start a war with China or Russia.
Rand Lomby's Pentagon start war to save U.S.
A huge war.
Bob Chapman, recap why the elite are doing this for this segment.
We'll come back and take calls.
Well, there's a number of reasons.
First of all, they've broken the world financial system.
And this isn't the first time they've done it.
They've done it through the centuries many times.
But this is probably one of the three most serious breakdowns in history.
And that leaves the Depression out, which was not that bad considering.
Of course, if you lived through it, it was.
And being in this position, they have to create the diversion.
The diversion would bring them more power, more wealth, and more control over the people.
And that diversion, again, is war.
In fact, back in the early part of this century,
And that's not so long ago.
We predicted the war and invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan and the event that would trigger it.
We didn't know what the event was, but we were pretty close in the timing.
We were within 33 days.
And so if you read history, you can see that they have done this over and over again.
So it's not anything special to be able to predict what these people are going to do.
All you have to do is find out what they did before.
And so, with that said, they have done Iraq and Afghanistan, and now, because their system is falling apart, they have to have a bigger and better war.
And that's what Paul Watson was talking about.
And one of the things I'm curious about is, how did the word leak out as to what Rand Corporation and the Illuminati was up to?
And I'd like to see if Paul has a comment on that.
Or if anybody knows.
But it had to have been leaked.
Well, we let Paul go so he can expand the article that's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Perhaps he can address that when he comes back later.
But I'm curious.
Well, I mean, why do we have Jeffrey Saut, the huge, you know, firm, Raymond James, on CNBC saying the Illuminati's behind all this?
I mean... That's incredible.
You know, that is such a milestone for us students
You know, I've read over 5,000 books on the subject in the last 50 years.
I mean, this is a major breakthrough when someone will get on a major media platform and say, well, it's the Illuminati.
And so everybody in America is going to start talking about it.
And this is going to expose what these people are doing.
Maybe it'll wake the public up.
Let's play that clip for those that didn't hear it.
The video's up on PrisonPlanet.com, but here it is.
At least you're getting back to the point where you can start to look at fundamentals, and that's good news.
What happened?
I think you're in a liquidation phase.
I think Kirsten had it exactly right.
I think there's a bunch of wrong-footed moves by Hank Paulson and the Illuminati of the country, if you will, and I think we're paying for it right now.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
You can watch the video.
The only thing he left out is, I listen to Alex Jones.
Well, it's true.
I mean, there's only a handful of us on these programs.
We've got the guts to come out and go head-to-head with these people.
Quick definition of the Illuminati, Bob.
A group of people who were put together a long, long time ago for their own interests of power.
And they took over the financial system in 1207, I think the date was.
And ever since then, they've dictated to us.
Then they went over to England, set up their system there.
Then they got control of the British Empire in 1815, the U.S.
in 1913, and they are a murderous lot.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
Back after this quick break, for your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls for Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Jeff, in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Good to talk to you.
I've been listening to you for three years, and thank you for getting me out of the Matrix, so to speak.
I've got two questions, if I can.
One, obviously I don't trust either of the candidates, but one thing troubles me, at least in terms of Obama.
Carolyn Kennedy.
Obviously she knows what happened to her father.
She stayed out of the limelight for years.
Why all of a sudden this support of Obama?
Well, I mean, she's a Democrat, but it doesn't matter.
I mean, the point is that McCain is out of his mind, open border, anti-gun, pro-New World Order.
It's just that Obama's gotten three times the globalist money and Wall Street money than McCain, so that tells me they want him.
And the dirt on Obama, they could destroy him any time they wanted the media.
The mainstream media always says, oh, it's no big deal, showing me the establishment is for him.
You want to comment on the election, Bob Chapman?
I think that from the Kennedy side, it's political.
I think that her sponsorship, if you may, is somewhat misguided.
But, you know, that's the mental framework.
I mean, you live in New England, you know what it's like.
You know what politics is a lot like.
I grew up in Boston.
James Michael Curley was elected the
The mayor of Boston, while he was in Danbury Federal Penitentiary.
I mean, this is the kind of thinking that goes on.
And of course, the Kennedys were deeply involved with him.
And I know that from first hand, incidentally.
And so, that would explain why she did what she did.
I think the important thing with Obama here is, is the birth certificate issue going to be an issue before the election or after?
And either way, it's not going to be nice.
My second question, if you will.
Obviously, you've been talking about the Illuminati starting back in 1207, old money, talking about the British Crown.
What exactly is the involvement of the Vatican?
I mean, obviously, if you're talking about somebody with old, old money, you're talking about the Vatican as well.
I don't know for certain, but I do know this.
If they survived all those years, they had to play ball with these people.
Certainly, absolutely.
I don't
I was brought up a Catholic, so... Well, we know this.
We know this.
The last two pubs have called for world government, New World Order, merger of all the religions, and that's, we know, caused masses of conservative Catholics, or Christian Catholics, to leave.
But at the same time, there's a whole Israeli branch, and the Israeli government, we know, funds people to go around and say it's a Catholic-only program, a Catholic-only conspiracy.
And that's a way that they've tried to basically balkanize the awakening of the New World Order.
Every major group, you know, a huge institution is New World Order, or the establishment goes and takes them down.
You know, Iraq, countries like that we're not even saying are run by good people.
The point is they're not in the New World Order, so they're taken down.
And so, you know, so much of our energies are wasted on who's at the top of the pyramid.
We know it's the New World Order system.
Clearly the Vatican's involved.
But then we also have folks who are Israeli-funded, and they've been exposed, who run around trying to stir up fights, demonizing good people in the anti-New World Order movement, way overestimating the power of the Vatican by claiming everybody but them are secret Vatican agents.
And it's just asinine.
And then now we've tracked it directly back to the Israeli government.
...publishing, and she said that, I mean, she's done pieces, I mean, obviously, of the Vatican they've had.
Very corrupt popes and very good popes.
As far as John Paul went, I mean, we don't have to go into this debate.
You tell that tree by its fruit, I think he did far more good than bad, and I wonder, actually, if there's a battle within the Vatican as well as a battle within our government.
Well, yeah, there's struggles, exactly, there's struggles on our streets, there's struggles, you know, in the cities, there's struggles between good and evil every day in everybody's life.
But, listen, I appreciate your call.
Listen, Carolyn Kennedy, I mean, who cares?
I'm not bashing her call, but who cares about these people?
They're all a bunch of establishment people.
Who cares about... I mean, all of this.
We know evil's in high places.
I expose and oppose the New World Order policies.
Whatever the New World Order's for, I'm against.
And that's why we're effective here, is about taking action, not breaking into a million different camps with every little weird strain of anti-New World Order.
Bob Chapman?
I think that's extremely important.
And that's bringing the left and the right together, like Tony at Hilder.
And I talked about 1964.
And to heck with this political jargon and the sides that people try to pick.
We're just after the enemy.
This is a common enemy.
Let's bring them down.
Let's take another call here.
Todd in Florida, you're on the air.
Yeah, I'm calling about the bailout, and I'm a small business owner.
Well, now we know.
It's the cash bonus out.
They're taking hundreds of billions of it with one division of Goldman Sachs.
They're giving $14 billion in bonuses.
Well, to tell you a little story that happened to me, we're a small business with under 15 employees.
We sell durable goods.
Our problem started mainly in May when, with good credit, we couldn't get any loans.
We were denied by all sources, which was shocking to me.
I couldn't understand why, but now I foresee where that came from.
We had to use all of our savings for our cash flow and expansion of the company.
When the economy just kept falling down, it just kind of ruined us almost.
We're living day to day now.
And we couldn't get a loan now if we wanted to.
I'm saying we're a small business bailout.
Well no, that's what, listen, they said it was a bailout for the people and then they, but you notice the fine print so they can just keep it all and not even discuss it.
And so now they're saying, you know what, we're keeping all the money personally.
I mean, you know, the execs are saying it's ours, shut up!
And if you don't like it, the Army's standing by.
Well I called my local bank just yesterday.
I've been dealing with them for, oh, seven, eight years.
I spent a lot of money in that bank.
And I talked to some of the tellers and stuff, and I threw up to them about this bailout that they're getting.
They're saying, oh, we're not getting no bailout.
I said, well, that's untrue, what I've read.
Well, the local banks aren't getting it.
In fact, the big banks, the only thing that isn't going to bonuses to CEOs and people is buying other banks.
And then the little banks don't have a choice.
Because the big boys, the big banks control the regulators, they come in and hand them over.
Just like Bob said a couple months ago with Bear Stearns, Bob called it, he said, or was it Lehman Brothers, I forget now, he said, this is a takeover.
A financial assassination.
That's what Bear Stearns was.
And Lehman Brothers was so far gone, they had messed that company up so much
They had to let it go down.
But in that process, if you notice, the settlement on the derivatives was not announced.
All that was said was it was done with expediency.
That meant the government came in and come up with the money and lent it to the people who went naked on the derivatives and got caught outside for goodness knows how much money.
And my guess is anywhere between $5 billion and $270 billion.
And then they've got AIG, where they're stealing all the money, where they were bankrupt.
I mean, it's just incredible, and this gentleman can't get a loan to expedite the performance of his business.
Well, I wouldn't say this would be a local bank.
I mean more a local branch of a big bank.
I don't know if I can say the name of the bank.
Just name it!
Name it!
And after speaking with tellers, they said, oh, we're not getting a bailout.
But what I've read, that they are getting a bailout.
And I had questioned some ridiculous fees that were on my account and said, hey, help us out here.
Well, as I started moving up the line talking to heads up in the bank, as they had mentioned this bit, they kind of giggled at me, almost like I had, like, who are you to have the audacity?
No, no, no, that's what this is all about.
It's about enjoying laughing at everybody.
Yeah, and then I'd finally talked to the head person at that branch, which I think was a VP or something, and I had asked about it.
I said, why don't you help the little guy out a little bit?
Give me one-tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent.
Well, I mean, let's go further.
They've cut interest rates again.
They're talking about cutting them down to the lowest ever, basically zero.
But the public's paying more in interest rates.
Bob Chapman?
That's the market.
That's the free market.
And the reason those rates are up is, particularly in U.S.
paper, like U.S.
treasuries and agencies.
In fact, the agencies are now guaranteed by the government
They're saying, hey, we don't want them, no matter whether you guarantee them or not.
So you've got to take that one step further.
If they're doing that, why are they doing that?
They're doing it because they think the United States is bankrupt.
That's it.
We're talking about foreigners buying U.S.
All right, Todd, thanks.
Ed in South Dakota.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
How are you guys doing today?
Hey, I wanted to talk about a little bit of Fabian Society.
You know anything about the Fabian Society?
Yeah, the Fabian Socialists set up in the 1850s in England to gradually bring in socialism and to consolidate the wealth of the middle class into the hands of the elites.
It was a eugenicist society.
And it was George Bernard Shaw and the Webbs and they were the moving force in the late 1800s.
Well, you've heard about that window that they've had that disappeared where it had the two guys beaten on the earth with the anvil?
You've heard of this window?
With the, uh, the saying of Omar Khayyam, uh, dear love, goodest.
Anyway, I think this is the key to the whole secret here of what's going on.
What they're going to do is shatter the world to bits, because as the Carnegie Foundation and the Ford Foundation said, war is the best way to remold society.
War, it will shatter society to bits, break it apart, and then they can remold it nearer to their heart's desire.
Which is a giant eugenics extermination camp, scientifically controlled, with men in black uniforms and psychiatrists, slaughtering and ripping human souls to pieces, in a giant charnel house of death and destruction.
Huge rotting piles of dead bodies, a new world or wonderland.
I'm skipping this break.
For the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, stay with us.
Continue Ed in South Dakota with the points you're making.
Yes, they want to order out of chaos.
They've said create a world banking crisis to then offer their world government, world banks running everything, setting world currencies, openly announcing new world order.
It looks like Ed dropped out.
Ed dropped.
What is it like, Bob Chapman, to see them now announcing everything we always said they would do?
It's normal to me.
It's just, you know, when you have been at this for so long, you expect certain things.
And I try not to allow that to deter my thinking.
I'm trying to, like you are, to inform people of who is the enemy, who wants to make their life difficult or miserable or to do away with them.
And so that message is far, far stronger than any of the things that I see, which are
A nasty and unbearable.
And so, you just keep on going forward, not taking no for an answer, until they permanently shut you up, or you win.
And Bob, they've certainly tried to persecute you over the last 40-something years of fighting.
Believe me, we could do hours of programming.
But that's okay, I'm a tough guy and I know how to handle it.
Well, I mean, you know, you're over the target when you're getting the flag.
It's okay.
I shoot back.
You know, it's one thing to be intellectually aware of this, but it's another thing to see it happening.
I keep making that point.
I mean, here we are kind of glazing over, oh yeah, major international news, Rand lobbies Pentagon to start World War to save U.S.
economy up on PrisonPlanet.com.
You've got to say to yourself, no matter what they do, it's my job to engage
And attack, and ultimately conquer what they're doing.
And never give up.
If everybody had that attitude in America, we would have already been winners.
I mean, so much of war, info war, physical war, is making the enemy decide they can't win and breaking their spirit.
If somebody won't give up, they're basically, you can't beat them, unless you were like the Romans and then just killed everybody, but that was hard too.
And I guess that's what the population reduction is about, is they understand that, and they want to go ahead and just wipe most of us out.
And a lot of them in the process.
But that slips into the back of their cranium, because they don't want to know that.
Yeah, I was interrupting you there when you were trying to make the point about, yeah, just committing fully and never stopping.
That's right.
And all you people out there, you've got to have the guts to do it.
You have to have the guts when you tell people what's going on, and you get rejected.
Just smile and say, that's okay, I'll be back.
And you go on to the next person.
All you have to do is convince one out of a hundred and we're winners.
You gotta look at it that way.
Yeah, I mean, I remember 15 years ago going around to city events and trying to just speak to people on the street when I first really woke up.
Then I figured out I better get on the air, that's the way you're supposed to do this.
But people would laugh at me and it would kind of hurt a little bit, but I was so desperate to warn them that I didn't mind it.
Now, it actually makes me work harder and doesn't, I mean, my ego, I don't want to say it's shrunk, but it's more like I just don't care.
It doesn't exist.
Yeah, I mean, I'm so mission-oriented that it doesn't matter if a whole group of people are booing at me.
I mean, I know I'm telling the truth and that's it.
That's right.
And that's the same attitude I have.
And that's why at 73 years old I'm still doing this.
And I will do it until I can't do it anymore.
They have defeated.
Let's go back to the full audience.
Here we go.
I hurt myself today.
To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it
All the way.
But I remember everything.
What have I become?
My sweetest friend.
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
AJ and Mayne, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Bob, with all your great insight there, Paul, all your hard work, I have a statement, a link, and a question.
With all this talk of the crisis, you know, especially nuclear aspect of things, I really want to know what prevents any public awareness and
Well, those were conditioning programs to make people think there was this big threat.
It really didn't do any good.
Kind of like anti-terror drills they have now is to create the illusion or SWAT teams freaking out on cardboard boxes to give us, or local police trained by the feds for IED removal.
It's all about creating fear, but they've gotten rid of the civil
Isn't that really important now?
I heard a lot of World War III talk today on the show.
Back then, isn't that really important to the American people nowadays to be informed?
More of those type of programs after the attack on 9-11, you know?
There's a really good layer... No, they don't want the people involved because it's a fake attack by the people running the government.
But let me explain.
You didn't hear World War III talk today.
It's in all over the major Chinese papers, all over European papers.
Rand Corporation saying they want to start World War III with Russia or China as a pretext for global domination, basically.
Yeah, and I'm scared, you know?
I'm scared.
I'm trying to tell people about this stuff, you know?
Well, I mean, listen!
Our criminal government, two months ago, ran a sneak attack through Georgia on Russian troops.
And Russia said, do it one more time, we're going to nuke all your forces in Europe, and then if you hit us, we're going to hit you.
Because, you know, we've got less nukes than you, we've got to go ahead and have a total release on you.
You think it has anything to do with the depopulation thing?
You know, they want... No, listen, it's like Moonraker.
They built their underground bases.
Bob, chime in on all this.
Well, I'm not as up to speed as you are on these underground bases, but the gentleman bringing up population control is important.
It's part of the reason why they do what they do, having wars to do away with people.
And to keep economies going and for people not to keep their eye on the financial and economic problems that exist not only now in the United States, but throughout the entire world.
There's a link on YouTube.
If you search We The Altar, there's a lot of links to, you know, fallout shelters and how to prepare yourself for all this, you know, and I think it's pretty informative if you just search for that.
So I just wanted to add that, you know, I just think it's crazy that we're not preparing for that, you know.
Well, Alex ties all this together in his broadcasts, and his staff does too in their releases, and we do the best we can in our limited way.
We're kind of a two-horse operation, and we just do what we can do.
Thank you for all you've done, and you get a lot of great insight, Bob, and you're pretty intelligent, so thanks.
I just wanted to
Thank you.
Well, thank you.
Thank you.
In the story up on PrisonPlanet.com about the Pentagon looking into starting World War III, there's a link here to the Air Force Times from January of this year talking about similar things.
So, we know they've been wargaming all of this out, but this isn't a hypothetical scenario.
They're saying, let's go ahead and start a war to maintain our power.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Bob, if you've got to go, I'll let you go, but I'm really enjoying taking these calls.
You want to stay one more segment?
Sure, I'll do it.
Alright, folks.
And then I've got another guest.
If you can still come on, I'm going to get this local guy on who's fighting the warrantless blood-sucking checkpoints where they take your blood.
So that's coming up, too.
This is a big story.
Rand lobbies Pentagon start war to save U.S.
Shocking proposal urges military leaders to attack major foreign power.
PrisonPlanet.com by Paul Watson and Yihan Dai.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
I'm gonna go ahead and skip this before I can talk to Bob real fast.
Still going, yeah?
Hey, Bob?
Yes, yes, Alex.
We're gonna come back and plug your newsletter and stuff, too.
That's okay.
I'll make sure you have that toll-free number for folks that want to get a free copy.
Yeah, I have it right in front of me.
And, you know, Ted's always anxious about that.
Yeah, Ted loves getting those... He gets a lot of leads from that.
Yeah, that's great.
That's fantastic.
Yeah, we do too, of course.
Yeah, well it's good to get the word out to the people.
I notice gold's back up.
We're still streaming over the web right now.
Maybe for a few minutes we could, just for folks out there, talk about what's happening, Bob, with gold.
That'd be a great idea because we really haven't touched any of that stuff today.
We could do it briefly, just take two or three minutes, where I think things are going.
And the fact that, you know, we got blindsided on this downside in gold and silver and commodities and didn't realize how bad or how extended the hedge funds were at 30 to 200 to 1.
God knows what's going to happen.
Yeah, and then we'll just talk to George, Fred, Ruth and Robert and let you go.
And then, John, did you talk to that John Bush guy about getting him to pop in for the last 10 minutes?
You want him on at the 50 after?
Yeah, and I have his bio here.
Oh, here it is.
Yeah, for folks to get out.
But this is nationwide, so people everywhere need to know.
They're federal funds that run these checkpoints to take your blood.
So we'll cover that too when we get back.
Again, Bob, what I'm doing with these breaks is we're not on the AM and FM, shortwave or satellite, but on my huge internet audience and PrisonPlanet.tv viewing audience, we skip a lot of these breaks here and just give the viewers kind of the behind the scenes as we have these discussions.
Incidentally, we pick up a lot of your stuff and put it as links in the Quarcaster.
I've seen that, and we appreciate that.
We appreciate that.
Yeah, well, listen, hey, that's the least I can do.
And, you know, I don't take them all, but the ones I really like, I put in there.
And, of course, that one that Paul's doing today will be in there.
It's already up, right?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, well, Judy, my wife will pick it up.
Randy Rand lobbies Pentagon.
Start war to save U.S.
I still like to know the source on that.
How they got the information.
You see, somebody on the inside tattled on them.
They don't want it to happen.
No, no, absolutely.
That's like three months ago when Cheney wanted to have Navy SEALs stage attacks on U.S.
ships in the Strait of Hormuz.
The White House leaked that, and that was confirmed to be, MSNBC reported on it, and so did, well, the first person to break it was Cy Hirsch, Seymour Hirsch.
White House sources, we wouldn't give the source out, but you know if Hirsch is reporting it, it's accurate.
And so what the guy said to another lady,
Was, look, these people are nuts.
I don't want this to happen.
Here's the story.
Break it, and they can't do it.
Yeah, well, it's in a bunch of European papers.
French dailies are reporting it.
And the Chinese national newspapers and stuff are all freaking out over it.
We'll go into the European stuff, because we do Spanish, Italian, French, and German.
All right, here we go.
Here we go.
Well, we had Jesse Ventura on again today, got into a bunch of issues like martial law and things we haven't covered yet with him.
That'll be re-airing on the internet only and on the MNFMs across the country as they re-air those, but on the web at InfoWars.com.
The show ends here in about 27 minutes.
I want to jam in George, Fred, Ruth, Robert, and Billy because Bob's got to go here soon.
I wanted to get his take on the bottom for golds.
It must have been hit because it's going back up in the last four days.
But real fast, George and PA, you're on the air.
Hello, Bob.
Thank you for your newsletter.
I was just trying to skim through the latest one.
And I just wondered, do you have one place where you have your current recommendations?
Yes, we have it in the newsletter once a month.
And anything that we see changes in, we'll include it in one of the issues or have a special.
And I haven't made many changes.
You know, we're long gold and silver related assets.
We're also low along Swiss franc government bonds, and we're short a host of companies.
In fact, I'm watching one of them right now called Goldman Sachs, and we recommended the short.
Now, this is betting it's going to go down at $190, and it's trading under $100 right now, and I love it!
You'd go short on that again at this point?
Once it goes through $86, $88 to the downside, it's gone.
And we just saw that to happen to others.
They're in serious trouble, like everybody else is.
They get greedy and did what they shouldn't have done.
And that's why they want to start World War III to cover it up, or failing forward.
Exactly, Alex.
It seems to me like the government's trying to inflate their way out by printing a bunch of money way out of their debt.
Are you going to go short on other fixed income things, like utility companies and such?
I haven't decided that as yet, but I do think that the market is going lower.
An election rally here, and also an opportunity to make a lot of money for the people who created this rally.
That's what you said two weeks ago.
You said it would run back up to 9,500, maybe even 10,000, and then it's going to race back down and maybe even bump again.
But when are you saying it's really going to tank?
After the election, early next year, it'll get out and test 7,268 on the Dow.
Would you get out of the market right now that it did rally up to $9,000?
Oh, absolutely.
General stocks, yes.
Not gold and silver stocks.
As a matter of fact, my favorite stock is Agnico Eagle, and I see this evening at 6 o'clock Eastern Time that Shawn Boyd from Agnico Eagle is going to be on the Mad Kramer Show.
That should be very informative for you people.
He's just a wonderful person.
I've got to jump.
George and P.A., thank you.
Fred and Philly, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Okay, I have a question, Bob.
The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, $639 billion bankruptcy that was declared.
People lost money that were debtors, and I don't understand how that was
A hundred times bigger than the world, than the Enron stated figure for their bankruptcy of $6 billion.
Okay, what they were doing was running a bookmaking operation.
And that's really what the stock market is all about.
I spent 28 years on Wall Street.
And so it's a high-level bookmaking operation.
And what they were doing is they were naked writing derivatives.
And I can't go into what derivatives are.
That means no money-backing and just made-up crap.
And they got caught with their pants down.
And it swept through not only Lehman Brothers, but a host of other firms and banks and financial institutions throughout the world.
And that's why, when they went to settle the derivatives, which was three or four weeks late, they wouldn't tell you what went on.
Because the U.S.
government stepped in and lent the money to whomever were the writers to settle the issues.
And they're doing all this stuff behind the scenes.
Yeah, that's why everything's blacked out.
They're just giving each other billions of dollars.
I mean, they're just stealing everything.
Alex, I just want to, and Bob, I just want to say that I have, I don't have it in front of me, but I have a reference book that talks about the establishment of hedge funds as early as 1948.
And now they're going to pay it all off through hyperinflating the currency.
That's right.
You have the real government, the real economy, guarded by men in black uniforms who do whatever the hell they want, and you've got all of us down here, the schmuck slaves.
That's got to change.
Alright, Ruth in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Ruth.
Yes, Alex.
I've got a big complaint.
For three weeks, I have not been able to hear your program, 12160 in the afternoon.
It's just horrible.
And then when it's repeated at night, I can occasionally hear part of it, but never all of it.
You need to check with WWCR.
Well, have you called them?
I mean, look, look, those are the best frequencies they're giving us.
I've called them a dozen times.
And anyway, the program before you on 5070 is perfectly great.
No, I know, I know.
I can't ever get anybody
On 1-2-1-6-0.
And they give me stupid answers.
Where are you again?
I'm in southeastern North Carolina.
Well, that's also because you're so close to Tennessee.
No, wait a minute.
Through the years, I've been hearing those frequencies wonderfully.
And now all of a sudden, in the past, about the past three weeks, it's just gone to pot.
No, I know, but a lot of it, it's atmospherics.
I don't know why.
And the sun is dead right now.
The sun, in the 300 years they've been recording it, over 100 with devices, is the coolest it's ever been.
And so those solar flares do weird things, where you might hear an AM from China sometimes over here, or you might be able to hear shortwave great somewhere and then not hear it great.
Now, there has been jamming.
You know, usually when our website goes down, everybody says, we've been hacked.
Most of the time, it's not that.
We have been hacked before.
But nine times out of ten, it's not.
We have.
People have recorded it, where one show is clear, and then my show comes on and it goes
Or they put a tone over it.
And we know that's been happening on the WWCR.
And I guess I could just quit being on there if that's what folks want.
I mean, I don't have the money to go lease other shortwave stations.
I just can't do it.
So, I'm sorry.
Have you ever thought about buying a computer?
I'm too old to bother with one.
I'm 81 years old.
You're a sweetheart to tune in.
You know, we need somebody in your area to get us an Amorath affiliate or somebody with the internet to hook it up to a micro, you know, 100 water and broadcast to the whole town.
I mean, stuff's so bad now, the lawless government.
I'm all for micro FM.
Well, I'm too old.
Oh, ma'am, ma'am, I have a way for you to listen every day.
Do you have long distance?
Oh yes.
Do you have unlimited long distance?
No, I just have a regular telephone.
Well listen, a lot of old folks don't know that long distance has gotten a lot cheaper.
I've seen exposes on this where you're still paying 1980s prices.
You can get long distance for like 4 cents a minute or unlimited long distance.
You know, Vonage is a good example.
Yeah, and ma'am, what happens is you just call Vonage or another company, they come put it in, and then you have unlimited, and it's like $50 for the phone, okay?
And that's just making a phone call.
Let me give you a number, okay?
And if you can pay to call, because we can't pay for toll-free, this cost me $2,000 a month just to do this with 180 lines.
We put in 188 lines, is it?
188 lines for people to listen free.
Now, I'm paying to put this out, but I can't pay for toll free.
I'm going to have to pay for your call, but I'm paying for you to be able to call it.
It cost me $2,000 a month.
Did you get that number?
No, 512-646-5000.
Well, I wish you would call them, see if you can do anything with them.
Yeah, there's nothing I can do.
There's nothing I can do but drop it.
I hear you.
Well, I just gave you a number to call.
Thank you, Ruth.
I'm sorry.
I mean, you know, they're shutting the web down, too.
Got big articles about that up there.
I mean, play the first 30 seconds of Australian TV.
Play it, John.
This is yesterday.
And Senator Xenophon, who has an anti-gambling agenda, has said that he wants the system used to block out...
But first, making news this morning, the federal government will make internet censorship compulsory for all Australians.
The Daily Telegraph says controversial websites on euthanasia and anorexia could be banned, and that would put our level of net censorship alongside places like China, Cuba, Iran and North Korea.
A poll on Sunrise this morning asked, should the government censor the internet?
Now, 20% said yes, a whopping 80% said no.
Dale Claperton is from Electronic Frontiers Australia.
Alright, that's enough.
Point is, the same hubs to censor the web, and put it in the US, put it in England, put it in Canada, put it in New Zealand, put it in Europe, and they're turning them on.
That's only one way they're censoring.
Already, if you're on Time Warner Cable, you go through their hub.
If you do a wrong URL, you'll be on their site, you'll notice.
It's all here.
I mean, Bob, they're not playing games.
If they start World War III, we're off the air.
Yeah, I mean, that's it.
You won't hear Alex anymore.
You want to explain that to them, Bob?
This is the real world?
They do what they want to do, and they don't care, and they're arrogant, and they're going for the whole thing.
And as far as I'm concerned, nothing's going to stop them.
And sooner or later, they will take us down off the internet.
Yeah, folks, you'd better appreciate it while it's here.
I don't know if we've got weeks, months, or years, but they are openly announcing 20, 30 different ways, but 10 main ways.
We've done articles on it, but a whole group of things.
They're attacking it right now.
Oh, I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Robert in California.
Robert, you're on the air.
Yes, Robert.
Yeah, actually, Alex, thanks for waking me up to all this.
I've been listening to you for about two years now.
And Robert David Chapman, I just wanted to get some... Well, I listen to G. Edward Griffin a lot, and he explains how when they print out more greenbacks and more Federal Reserve notes,
That it's a form of taxation, and I think a lot of people don't really understand how that works.
It's called the inflation tax.
Yeah, yeah.
And it's... So this whole bailout thing is kind of like, almost like a smoke screen in a sense, because they're doing that already anyway.
I mean, when they just... This is on a grand scale, is what you're saying.
And it is.
And it's a giant tax.
Because it's going to depreciate the value of anything that you already own, probably the only exception being gold.
Oh, well, I think they're actually getting to the point where the cost of printing paper is getting more expensive than the value of the dollar.
Well, we haven't got there yet, but that's ultra-hyperinflation.
Thanks for the call.
Don't forget G. Edward Griffin's book, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
You've got to read it.
These are all great callers.
I'm just having to go to you briefly because we've got to end this soon with Bob Chapman and have a little mini guest on real fast.
I just want to make it clear here that as bad as this stuff sounds, you know, we're just telling you the facts as we know it and meeting the threat and being honest about the threat is the best way to counter it.
But the reason I think Bob may be right just about how quickly things may degenerate is that
They're going for broke.
I mean, when it's in the Associated Press that they are taking the trillion plus bucks they put out first as bonuses and to buy up other banks as a consolidation and a vertical integration, and they admit that we were lied to about what it was for.
We told you that day one.
We could read the bill.
The fact that they just don't care shows they've made the decision to just go all the way.
I agree.
I agree, and that's where we're headed, and people have got to wake up, and they've got to wake up fast, and they've got to try to do something about it.
Billy Bob in Timbuktu, go ahead, go ahead.
Yes, Steve, I'm privileged to be on the air.
First of all, it's interesting to me that the caller just before me had a time limit.
Hold on, hold on, you just said your name's Steve?
No, isn't your name Steve?
No, my name is Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
And then you're talking to Bob Chapman.
And then you gave the fake name of Billy Bob.
Now go ahead.
Anyway, you said you're spending $2,000 for phone lines, and I've got a good suggestion for you.
If you go to freeconferencecall.com, you can get a, go to the Simple Events site, you can get 1,000 participant listeners, and it's absolutely free.
People can call into this free conferencing site.
And you can throw away, you know, quit spending that $2000.
Well, we'll certainly do that.
We just did that as they're shutting down the web as an emergency backup.
We're going to try to expand it.
This is our own phone cards, our own phone lines.
See, that's on the internet.
That could go down.
We're doing this on independent, real phone lines.
Okay, so we have something, you know, as we get people prepared for the idea of not having the internet.
But that's a great idea for us to do while we have the web.
Give me the name of it again.
Freeconferencecall.com or you can call 877-482-5838.
And then I've also got a question for Bob Chapman on the gas prices.
Why were the prices falling the same time there were shortages being reported?
Because we have a rigged market and because the speculators were all bailing out of the market, Bob.
That's it.
Now they're down to $215 to $230, and as soon as the election's over and the money starts to really hit the economy that they've injected into it, then the commodities will go back and retrace 50% of their losses, as will gold and silver.
And at the same time, the stock market will be under pressure and it will go down and plumb new
Recent lows, if you may.
You can go to
The site on the internet, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
You can email us at International underscore Forecaster at yahoo.com.
International underscore Forecaster at yahoo.com.
Or you can call 877-479-8178.
That's toll free, 877-479-8178.
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Alright, Bob, let's
I've got to plug a sponsor right now, but we're going to talk during the break for the internet audience, so stay right there, Bob.
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We'll be right back after this quick break.
To the full audience, we say bye to Bob Chapman.
More than.
Let me go to Bob now.
Did you get this Bush person on, John?
John Harmon.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead and get John Bush on.
Yep, I got him on the line.
Alright, alright.
I want to bring him up in a minute here behind the scenes, but I want to say bye to Bob Chapman.
Bob, appreciate you coming on, but here, just for the internet audience, gold's gone back up some this week.
I know, and it's a two-tiered market.
One is controlled by the powers behind government, which is the ComEx and the CBOT markets.
And then there's a real market, which is a physical market.
With virtually nothing available.
Yeah, gold's plunging in price, but you can't find it anywhere!
That's right, and so you can see the proof of the manipulations going on.
They've got gold down in the December month today, $20, but that's nothing.
You get an election coming up, and they'll want gold to sit still or be slightly weaker, and they'll want the market to go up, as I explained a couple of weeks ago.
And after the election's over, the things will change and Goal will take a run, along with Silver to the upside, and the market will start to filter back down again.
All right, Bob, I want to talk to you again next week.
Thanks for all the time.
All right, thank you.
All right, cut the feed.
I want to talk to somebody behind the scenes real fast.
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One more sponsor, and then four minutes with John Bush out there taking action.
I'm gonna get him to pop in longer tomorrow.
I apologize for moving him today, but we had this World War III news.
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And yeah, don't drink the water, and now I guess don't drink the milk in children's ice cream with all the fluoride in it.
Again, foodshortageusa.com.
Okay, I'm going to get you back up to 30 minutes tomorrow.
This is a big subject.
I had the police chief in here who I like overall, but he's wickedly taking money from the feds for warrantless blood sucking.
We've had lawyers on.
These are fake group warrants.
Tell us what's coming up in Austin and also under federal grants nationwide on the high holy day of Samhain tomorrow.
Well, on July 1st this year, KXAN published an article titled, Austin Police Chief Wants to Take Your Blood.
There's a quote from AltaVedo in which he states, My intent in the future is to make it so there is no such thing as a refusal.
You can refuse all you want, but we are going to aggressively seek search warrants.
So we caught wind of that.
We stormed a downtown area commander's forum with over 200 people, and we started questioning them.
They played dumb.
They said there's not going to be any major change in policy.
We got all the documents.
It turns out that Chief Acevedo has already applied for a federal grant from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, which would train the DWIA.
Yeah, yeah.
Let's be clear.
They've already been doing it on the streets in Austin hospitals and refuse to draw blood.
This is true.
This is true.
Now they're making it official and it's actually going to be the police officers that are
I've been talking to police officers.
They're against it.
They don't want to have to get that liability, but you know there's some of those jack-booted thugs that are
You know, they're fiending for that blood of the vampire police.
It's crazy.
Yeah, it's Halloween, you've got vampiric ringwraiths in black uniforms.
With the head ghoul, Arte Cervado.
I want to get him back in the studio, but go ahead.
We recently formed a political action committee called Texans for Accountable Government.
And basically what we're focusing on is fighting the New World Order here on the local level.
Regardless of the federal programs or the United Nations programs, they have to implement them on the local level.
So we can cut them off there before they can execute them, and it makes it meaningless for them on the national level.
We're sticking out for Austin here, Travis County, and the state of Texas.
We're looking out for our own backs, unfortunately.
As the bailout went through, it's evident that the federal government doesn't give a damn what we have to say.
Alright, well give us the website.
The website is stopvampirecops.wordpress.com.
The email address is StopVampireCops at yahoo.com.
And tomorrow night on Halloween, we're going to be out in mass.
It's 4th in Colorado at 9pm.
We're holding a press conference.
We invited the local press.
And we're just going to stand up and say we're not going to take it here in the city of Austin.
We're going to hold you accountable.
This is the will of the people.
We are above the local government, so we'd like everybody to come out, show up in force.
We're going to march down 6th Street.
Hey, hey, Josh, I mean John, I'm going to let you go, John Bush, but I'll have my producer call you.
Set you up for 30 minutes tomorrow, because I want to talk more about this.
Thanks for joining us.
I'm out of time.
Let me talk to him after the show's over.
I'm out of time right now.
Back tomorrow, a bunch of big guests and key info from 11 to 3 live.
But rebroadcast starts now, one place.
Big guest today, InfoWars.com.